Coal train. Celebrating our energy independence and making environmentalist heads explode. (Win/Win)
Today’s NOT THE STATE OF THE UNION TUESDAY Open Thread is devoted to your thoughts on the glorious chaos in US Politics.
As always, you can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on. BUT: Keep it civil. Rules much like the Old Treehouse, except of course Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged. A couple of other important things to consider: contains some general guidelines for things that are really, really not kosher to post here.
And Wheatie’s Rules (as amended by me):
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
- No shooting at the nuclear warheads.
– – · –
It looks to me like the Democrats are starting to realize that they’ve been pwned.
Meanwhile SunDirge of the Eeyore Tree continues to think Trump is a bumbling fool. And apparently he’s not alone.
I love watching people who are on the outside looking in, decide that they not only know more about the current situation than does President Donald J. Trump, but they can figure out what to do better than he can even in spite of their actual handicap of knowing quite a lot less than PDJT does.
I’m rarely accused of humility, but I know that I don’t know what to do better than PDJT! And I know I’d not know, even if I knew exactly what he knew about the current situation. Every time I try to guess what’s going to happen next–I’m wrong. I know and accept my limitations, and I won’t be constructing grand theories of what’s next like some do.
Some people don’t trust the President, while protesting that they do. I do trust him. No, not in the blind way of assuming he’ll never lie (for the benefit of enemy ears), but I trust that his goals and my goals mesh pretty well, and I trust he’s the one most able to achieve them. And that particularly means I do NOT think he’s bumbling around in the Oval Office. No bumbler could accomplish what he HAS accomplished already.
Part of his task is to make it clear to the people…the ordinary disengaged people, those who tossed a coin in the voting booth or voted for him simply because he wasn’t his opponent, that what he’s about to do is necessary. That’s important because it will be drastic, drastic enough to make one wonder if he’s going too far. We’ve never in living memory had to arrest the political opposition because they were SO corrupt and treasonous. When that happens, people will more than likely assume that Trump is simply harassing his opponents, like some banana republic dictator. The best way to shut that down is for him to show us how vile and criminal the opposition is. That takes time, but it must be done, well enough that a solid majority of Americans see it.
He has a lot more to do before he can bring his enemies–America’s enemies–to ruin. I think it’s important that we stand behind him, and not snipe at him or his associates because we’re unsatisfied with the pace or how he’s keeping us informed.
Stand behind Trump, or admit you don’t support him.
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Let’s remember WHY we need that WALL.
Alas, we could hear a new one of these stories every day…and it would make no difference, the opposition will never give in.
We have to go around them.
We WILL go around them.
February 15.
Near my home…no where close to the southern border.
It’s everywhere😔
MY most favorite post ! “Stand behind Trump, or admit you don’t support him.” Thank you.
Glad it makes you less likely to sink back into the pits of despair. 😀
lol!! Wolfie has built an Amazing site!!! and we get to be here!!! HUGS!!!
Hugs back…hey, who’s that scary lookin’ dude with the 12 gauge?
?? Mr Marica? He is my favorite Dude!! but he is not even in the least bit interested in what we all talk about! (daughn’s hubby calling in is so stinking cool!) God brought me you guys so I am able to talk and share and joke and discuss stuff that Mr Marica rolls his eyes about…
It will be interesting to see his reaction when Hitlary gets her comeuppance!
here’s the funny thing Steve– He is a Builder–Custom Homes- High end- he goes on FACEBOOK and drops Giant truth bombs — (asked me yesterday how to spell Pelosi -lol) then posts shit– and doesnt respond… But He does NOT talk to me about any of it…
Probably afraid of making you all depressed.
Ya think? LOL!!
Marica? Your husband is a grand “$hit-poster”, which is an honor!
And we LOVE the builders!
Terrific post Steve… just terrific.
I also really like your statement “Stand behind Trump, or admit you don’t support him.”
Reminds me a little of the military chain of command… you might not understand the plan, but you NEVER abandon the mission. POTUS is the CinC… I stand with him.
oops, forgot to say I love the train.
My late Dad was a railroad man…
Yep. Trains are cool!
My husband has a train-set and took over he basement…rolling eyes..:)
I became aware that coal is back when I kept hearing the train coming through town. All night long pulling its horn. Could not get angry for lack of sleep because the men in WV were back at work. I live 2 hours from Huntington VW. There are good people who struggled during Obama.
As long as President Trump is steadfast in his resolve how can I not be behind him..? Every President who has his voters behind him all the way is going to succeed…:) Or should I say behind every successful President stand 66 million voters..?
My dad has an O gauge. The original pieces date to 1941, AND they still work. We got a new transformer, but got the sucker running for Christmas a few years back. The problem here is space, otherwise, it would be out more often.
My family has a history with trains, so much so that my parents LOVE the noise. Wabash, New York Central, Chessie System are all part of the lore.
A lot of Atlas Shrugged centers around railways, and one of the main characters is Dagny Taggart, director of operations at the most important railroad in the US.
I remember.
If I may jump in here – funny, I just borrowed that book from a friend since I had never read it! BTW, OUTSTANDING submission today, Steve – simply out-f’ing-standing!!!
I have a 1953 Lionel set, still runs but I need a better (and lighter, as opposed to 10kg) 220-110v trafo to put in from of the Lionel. Real whistle, too. Mandy Patinkn is a HUGE Lionel fan, as is Neil Young. I hope the railroads can recover/improve, as they were the backbone of America, and they are more efficient than most, if not all, other modes of transportation. Sadly, they have lots of drug issues too, and cheap Chinese parts have made the signalling side of things ever more dodgy… (and don’t get me started on the single-track madness 🙂 or 🙁 )…
There’s always “z” gauge 🙂 (But dogs find them tasty 🙂 )…
Wow. My Dad (for a while) was a railroader too, and his Dad, and Grand-Dad’s way back. C&O, Huntington… Great railroad and glass (Owen-Illinois) town, although the C&O isn’t really there anymore to the extent they used to be. I have an RR watch from my Grandfather…still works.
What’s really thrilling is the sound of a steam whistle echoing through the mountains back there. The Shay locos were especailly powerful (and mournful).
I agree that President Trump will bring back (with GOD’S guidance and help, and our humble prayers) both the coal and energy industries, but the pride of being an American, and in the American way of life.
Being an American is a privilege and a blessing; the DEMONcRATs can’t seem to grasp that (they’re too busy grasping everything else, I expect)…
As the song goes, you’ve got to stand for something, or you’ll fall for anything…
Aaron Tippin:
I should have said “with,” not “behind.”
Great opening Steve. I wish the defuses at the other site, who have no patience for the necessary red pilling of the populace, would chance to read your truths.
I’ve seen others explain this to them directly. Makes no difference. Gripers gotta gripe.
Yea, you are probably very correct. Closed little minds.
And some gripers are just gripers and some are libtards while others are libtards in disguise!
Yep. Their theme song could be “Gloom, Despair, and Agony on Me”…
Great railroad pic in your heading, especially the Wolf in the cab 🙂 (OK, almost in the cab)…
Nothing like seeing a couple of Berkshires heading up a 100 or more coal hoppers…sigh…
(steam fan here)… having said that, I wonder what happened to “Mostly O Gauge”; I think there were a couple of other rail folks OT as well…
Just wanted to report on this action today in the Senate:
Mitch tried to get cloture on this on Jan.10th and again on Jan 14th – DIMs failed to support either time.
Perhaps because of the Shutdown? Not team players are they? That is the team supporting America.
Love that coal train!!! As Diamond & Silk would say, “Choo Choo, Baby!”
Good script tonight, Steve 👏👏
Feeling some storm coming …
Jonathan has a thought on Eric Trump’s tweet:
Its soooooooooo cold.
Fortunately, it’s only for one night here. Crossing my fingers my butterfly bush makes it. Some of the others I’m not as worried about.
oh…a butterfly bush! we tried to plant them here, but the deer found them quite tasty–frankly they find just about everything tasty–but tell me about the bush! lovely colors…does it really attract butterflies??
Just put it in last year at the end of the season. Can’t say just yet, but my peppermint certainly did. They were after the nectar.
hope it makes it!!
I thought about putting in some of those. I planted 3 Weigela bushes in the front yard coming up on 6 years ago and they are literally covered from spring to fall in gorgeous white and pink flowers that the Hummers love. Last fall, I planted 6 Rose of Sharon bushes – THOSE are what I am worried about. Not to mention my peach trees – they are a hardy variety but THIS kind of cold is another matter entirely – wind-chill warning only for one night here as well, thankfully.
It’s amazingly hard to kill a Rose of Sharon. One came up in the middle of the forsythia. It looks better than the other bush does.
They had all taken hold and sprouted new leaves before the first freeze so I am hopeful.
you surely have a talent for placing the right images with the scripture you post… the two together meld to create a beautiful motif for the thoughts you share. We are blessed to have you with us.
It’s amazing how many of the Psalms are also prophecies.
I found the image first, then searched for scriptures with “storm.” When I saw the Psalm, I remembered it well from my many readings of the Psalms, but had never had it’s prophetic facet leap out the way it did for me today.
On the 27th what was on my heart was the awareness of coming cold and snow. A quiet kind of event. Today it felt more like a gathering storm way out on the horizon. A more kinetic event coming.
T3– “He hushed the storm to silence..” God is so Great!!
Yes He is! I was just thinking while reading Steve’s post that I trust Trump, too, and manage to feel calm, no matter what is going on around him, and know that it’s going to be okay. I think part of the reason for that is I trust God and I believe He chose Trump for this time. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be constantly praying for Him. But all of this is in God’s hands. I just can’t be an Eeyore about anything right now. It’s all part of the roller coaster ride – and I do love roller coasters!
Linda!! I Love what you just posted!! Ya wanna meet up at daughns B&B? Totally needs to happen!!!
That would be really cool!
Three of you in one place at one time?
Would the fabric of reality be able to stand the strain?
Yes! Like minds think alike. Was wondering if it was possible for Wolfie to connect us in some way to Daughn’s B&B? sounds like a great place to take a vacation, and a town I’d want to stay in.
Such a wonderful idea. Would love to experience daughn’s brand of hospitality and meet you all.
Zoe!! girls trip to Daughns!!!
Linda, agree. Each day is a gift. President Trump is wiping away the tears of the past 8 years, and dismantling decades of corrosive policies. No small task, but one he’s up to.
Great post, Steve! My favorite part was: “SunDirge of the Eeyore Tree.” I’m still laughing.
LOL! I’m sorry, but I *have to* laugh at that one! 😀
I’m having this mental image of a tree loaded up with a lot of depressed cartoon donkeys, instead of eagles.
There are pics out there of trees loaded with goats.×600.jpg
That IS Our Sister Tree–
Well…. better goats then ‘Nuts’ I guess.
Oh my God how funny is that..! I have never seen Goats climb trees .
I was just over there and SunDirge is arguing with everyone, insisting President Trump cannot declassify key docs because he (Trump) is the target of the investigation. To declassify would be to obstruct justice. But the investigation itself is bogus! And Trump can’t prove that unless he declassifies. So it’s a catch 22, according to SunDirge.
I gotta believe that our Very Stable Genius has a plan…and I pray it unfolds flawlessly.
Great article, so well stated! “Stand behind Trump, or admit you don’t support him” is the perfect succinct retort that sums it all up. It’s frustrating that people think they could make better decisions when they have less info. We don’t know what we don’t know.
Rumsfeld’s “unknown unknowns.”
you mention coal in your post…
I wanted to check the industry’s status now that our POTUS has given it such a boost … well, the Cabal with google’s help would have me believe that was just a momentary aberration … (I’m shocked I tell you) It’s amazing, as red-pilled as I am, they still manage to amaze me as to what they will lie about. They really project the idea that POTUS deceives, lies. People who swallow the swill they print, who never dig for themselves believe POTUS lies.
DuckDuckgo turned up the following positive article:
Wow, this is both heartbreaking and disgusting:
Thanks for that, Linda.
Horrifying. Dystopic.
According to one of the replies, it’s the bikepath behind Angel Stadium in Anaheim!
They cleared it out and the angels are not going to use the stsfium much longer. It was bad. Nothing happens in Anaheim without Disney having a say. It got so much publicity that they had to do something. Orange County is no longer the all over beautiful place anymore. You have to be careful everywhere.
California seemed like an overpriced place even in the late 80s when I had entirely too much experience with the place. More expensive to live in a dump there than a good place here, and finding someone who wasn’t out to rip you off was tough.
Thanks, Gil, for the insider’s view.
It seems everything in OC changed so quickly.
Fifty years ago, a distant relative of mine and her husband (both long deceased) wrote my now-late grandmother to say how much they loved Anaheim, which, at the time, typified what Americans thought of as a California city-suburb: clean, safe, aspirational.
That bikepath video will stay with me for a long time.
‘You have to be careful everywhere.’ Tragic, if not ‘SAD’ (as PDJT so often says).
What the hell is going on with Global Waming?
You could probably light Hitlary’s breath that way after a binge!
Absolutely ( EtOH )
You have more intestinal fortitude than most Wolf.
That is hilarious. And isn’t our First Lady so beautiful?!
Too funny this late at night. Will giggle as I fall asleep.
Jane, you’re right and it’s still funny this morning. This is the one that made me giggle as I fell asleep earlier today!
Oh my gosh Judy, thanks. That IS giggle material also.
Collectively !
too creepy!!!!
Reminds me of Young Frankenstein and Marty Feldman (RIP).
But Marty Feldman was talented and funny. Occasional Cortex is neither. Young FrankFeinstein…
Actually, those fangs paired with the wild eyes are scary.
Oh, the above plus the spread snout, seems like it is smelling blood.
I don’t know about you but that cat looks shocked to be compared to HRC.
It looks like that one picture of Adam Schitt even more than it looks like Hitlary.
hard to be believe they are the same species…
Melania and Hillary? I know, right
Now this is a very interesting Papadopoulis tweet. Could it be that China was involved in SpyGate???
China and the Clintons are like THIS —><— CLOSE.
Oh yeah.
Why not? They have their hands in every other pot.
Fits well with my “China Confrontation is the BIG STORY” theory.
I agree with others here (michaelh, among others) who think that China is the whole enchilada.
Trade, China; Mexican border, China; North Korea, China; Clintons, China; DIFI and the corrupticons in the government, China; Russiagate, China; what am I missing?, China.
We are in another Cold War, but it is a “secret war” that only a few people talk about. Very different from the days of the Soviets, when all of America was in on it.
We’ve finally gotten a President who isn’t in bed with the Chinese, or easily blackmailed by them. Trump KNOWS and he won’t let us down.
Thanks for the nice new Open Thread, Steve!
Well done.
“Stand behind Trump, or admit you don’t support him.”
That’s it in a nutshell, isn’t it.
And I agree that the best way for our VSG President to bring down these enemies of our Republic, is to show how vile and criminal they are.
I think that some indictments and arrests on the pedo stuff would start that ball rolling.
One of the things that got me interested in Q was his talk about bringing down the big name pedos.
They know.
Q hinted that they “have it all”.
So I’m hoping that they light that firecracker soon.
Weiner’s (who is the world wouldn’t have done a legal name change???) laptop is still out there as POTUS recently reminded us.
i would love a little leak as to what’s lurking inside that laptop!
A Weiner leak?
eeeewwwwww…there’s probably been a lot of those all over that laptop!
Probably needs a few extra virus scanners…
Wonder if it was checked out by people wearing hazmat suits.
Lady— name change for realz!! Just cannot make this stuff up!!🤣 Took selfie’s to a whole new level!
Let us also NOT forget Geraldo’s attempt to jump on the selfie bandwagon!
Maybe this?
eye bleach please—Filly!! AUGH!!!
Looks like that “sailor” found a sunken chest…
Such a hypocrite, is Geraldo! And yeah, gross!
Put a bag over his head and no woman still would touch…well, maybe a few if there was money or drugs involved.
Have to add a sock in his mouth as well, even for money or drugs!
Or simply insisted that the “ei” be pronounced as it is in Germany, so it’d be Winer, not Weener.
I read his name several times before I heard it pronounced, then I thought the speaker was joking. “Of course it’s ‘winer,’ was my thought bubble.”
On the other hand, given his proclivities, he might have thought “weener” was a plus.
Even John Boehner had the sense to avoid “boner.” The “oe” represents a sound we don’t have in English, of course (it’s the way to write ö when it’s not on your keyboard), but he went with “eh” instead of “oh/”
Oh–That Boehner/Weiner ticket–how soon we forget…🤣
At the risk of a translingual pun, ei means “egg”, and the slang term involving them might be what interested Weiner… and his are likely not of steel (or of Steele, for that matter)…
It would actually be pronounced VIN-er. W in German is a v sound.
You’re right, but his name has been Americanized, so I didn’t bring that up.
Even Americanized, though, he has a choice how to pronounce “ei” and most Americans with German last names do ei/ie the German way even if they have a W they pronounce the English way, e.g., Weinbaum, Weinberger, Weiss.
Yeah, well, if I ever sang a German piece with Americanized pronunciation, I’d get reamed.
True that! Rules are different for musical lyrics than for families who have resettled here.
Not always. Wandern, Waschmaschine, Willi, Welt, Wetter, warm, wurm, Wein are a few with a “soft” w.
Weiner (more or less means crybaby – gonna have a lot to cry about before long)
Weiner is a “soft” w, so it wouldn’t be pronounced viner…
Just realized there’s a pun in there, but I’ll not voice it…
Huh, we were always taught it was a hard and fast rule. Of course, one of the violins in the symphony who was from somewhere north in Germany said the Chorus sounded like a bunch of Bavarians, so…..
Pronunciation, of course, varies between regions, but my German wife and I just discussed this. There are cases where the W is “soft” (fot lack of a better term) and others where it’s hard, like the English pronunciation of V…
North Germans tend to the softer, favoring “Isch” as opposed to “Eeek” (Ich). She spent some time on the border to Holland, where they spoke a mixture of German and Dutch (with a little Flemish sprinkled in as well). The Netherlands tend to the softer pronunciations as well.
One time my wife and I were up in Endhoven at a sales office, and the (Dutch) controller explained a funny story to us. A colleague of mine, from America, was lost, as he spoke only English. I asked the controller to repeat it, as our American colleague didn’t speak German. The controller repeated it again, in German (you can imagine the look on the guy’s face). So the controller repeated it yet again, this time in English. He spoke Dutch, German, English, and the various Belgian/Flemish dialects fluently, and sometimes switched effortlessly between them. Interesting that he was a numbers kind of guy (and a real geek at that). but had prodigious language skills as well. One of the funniest people I’ve ever known… (not all accountants are boring…).
I can see the expression on the guy’s face.
As is, IMO, Killary’s server, in some form or another.
For those who remember Monique – she’s still on Twitter!
As I recall she bugged out when Trump ordered the cruise missile strike on Syria.
Yep, I remember that.
Yup! The hardcore anti-neocons could not take that one at all.
I did understand how she Monique was so for POTUS and then clod turkey rejected him and his position on Syria.
One wonders how one can turnoff and off so quickly without giving a chance or tolerance..?
Some people are LITERALLY one issue voters. They’ll agree with everything one has to say…except that ONE issue, and they can’t support you. I’ve seen it on our side with both abortion and firearms, and I’ve seen it on their side with both abortion and firearms.
But Monique was the first and still only person to drop a candidate because he dropped a few bombs.
I would say to Monique, “You can’t be Syria’s…”.
Well, maybe she thought she was the star of the show. Siriusly.
Would that make her star of a dog?
Many of Trump’s supporters (on the “anti-war” issue and many other things) are unable to reckon with the reality that Trump’s enemies ARE able to box him in – that this is ACTUALLY chess, that there is ACTUALLY another side, that the other side ACTUALLY threatens to WIN, and that Trump is ACTUALLY forced to play by rules, or may even CHOOSE a longer play where he loses some early battles to WIN BIGGER LATER.
They don’t get the chess, and can’t follow the game. And it is a ROUGH GAME.
Especially on the Syria thing, it is EXTREMELY difficult to see how our own CIA is basically opposing Trump in Syria – that there are THREE or more sides – that the CIA is not on Trump’s side, that RUSSIA is not actually on Trump’s side while the CIA lies and says it is – that Russia would not at all mind (long term) if we got into another Vietnam there – that the CIA WANTS us to get into another Vietnam there – and all the while the CRAFTIER NEO-CONS finagle to get us involved, while the DUPIER NEOCONS dance around in fear of leaving – it is a MESS.
The best thing for the people of Syria is what Trump wants to do, but people cannot see it because there is so much deception, political blackmail and “political hostage-taking” going on. People don’t see the long-term benefits of (1) leaving, (2) making the focus where it should be – the powerful Russian/Chinese client state and trouble-maker IRAN, and (3) tripling down on defense of Israel per se.
Creating ANOTHER open sore in the Middle East – another Afghanistan or Iraq – was NEVER the answer. Trump knows this. Firing some cruise missiles to take out the politically useful chemical weapons – and later to take out Obama and McCain’s hoaxing White Helmets – were both SMART CHESS for the anti-war position. So was killing a bunch of Russians who tried to take out Trump or trigger a war by attacking our troops. THAT was a sneaky play, and Vlad paid for it.
Don’t mess with Trump – he is a MEAN chess-player. Conversely, trust that you are not following the game if he does something you didn’t expect.
Hear, hear!!
Great post, Wolf!
“it is a MESS.”
One could also describe it as CHAOS.
Part of the Cabal’s overarching, and evil, dictum.
Yes – into the CHAOS much evil can be done!
I really liked Monique but was stunned at her precipitous reaction to Trump’s Syria bombing. It was as if all the insight she had expressed previously just evaporated in a poof of smoke.
One thing I noticed though, was she started simply accusing ANY deep stater of pedophilia. Which I thought was a bit over the top. I’ve little doubt some of them engage in it, but every. single. last. one? Really?
This is how the left’s disinformation on Pizzagate worked. It is a beautiful example of how they “push truth to excess and failure”. Push it to OTT status to discredit, then insist that the topic be discredited. It IMMEDIATELY began with the Weiner laptop being outed. Very smart counter-attack.
like reductio ad absurdum?
reduce an argument to it’s extreme to negate it?
Yes! Reduce, enhance, embellish. Over-simplify, over-elaborate. Do ANYTHING which pushes the truth OFF-CENTER, and preferably in the direction of SHINY OBJECTS. Shiny objects include famous people, OTT evils, oversimplified stories without context that negates them.
Interestingly, it doesn’t even need to be absurd – just WRONG – for the disinformation to work.
This is why it’s far easier to get people to pay attention to “Famous Person rapes kids” than “Creepy Anonymous Dentist fondles and takes pictures of women’s breasts when they’re knocked out, and shared them with Creepy Local Politician, who didn’t realize what they were.”
Pedos and satanists are real, but all one has to do is throw some SIMILAR FALSE CHAFF into the mix, show that it is WRONG, and people will discredit the ENTIRETY, which is actually a brilliant defense
Disinformation is extremely powerful. We need to be skilled in digging past it – in persisting.
It actually means something a bit different in mathematics (though perhaps not elsewhere). The idea is, you want to prove some statement X. So you start out with the opposite of X, “X is untrue.” You follow the implications of X not being true until you find a contradiction. Since assuming X wasn’t true results in a contradiction, then it follows that X is actually true.
In other parlance, yes, it’s just demonstrating that your opponent’s position reduces to something absurd if followed consistently.
In my guestimation, I would think the vast majority simply have some level of suspicion or knowledge and the actual participants are few. At least, I like to think that…..but the Bush and Clinton families and hangers-on, IMO, take it to an entirely new level of evil.
As discussed before in our cozy Q Tree, SerialBrain2 goes places with his decoding that no one else can even imagine. However, this final sum-up of his decode of a recent tweet by our VSG PDJT reads nicely…
The tweet.
SerialBrain2: Trump’s Secret Message to Nancy.
I watched one of his videos that was posted here before…the mental gymnastics wore me out! Not saying he’s wrong or right for that matter, but wow totally creative, I give him that.
He might be mentally ill, or he is mocking Q followers based on false premises.
The fact that he thinks (or claims) Trump is sending messages to him personally suggests mental illness. So does the absurd but “logical” Rube Goldberg train of his thinking.
The fact that he has made people think he is too smart for them to understand his nonsense, and the ridiculous solemn pronouncements he makes, suggests he is a charlatan who is simply mocking people by getting them to accept and admire “thinking” which imitates mental illness.
And even if he is sincere and not mentally ill, he offers nothing to objectively advance our search for the truth.
I used to read him for the harmless amusement, but it became too tedious and pointless, at best.
I knew nothing of him till i watched the posted video…knew none of what you posted above. I tried to keep an open mind, because a lot of Q and the interpretations seems beyond my comprehension until someone points me in the right direction. I just thought there must be a lot I am behind on…
There is SOME numerological messaging in Q stuff, but mostly it is simple, it is not deep, and what IS deep is missed by many (I think Q is frustrated that we don’t have his “clock” stuff fully figured out).
Serial Brain’s interpretations are too ad hoc, illogical, exceed any kind of honest design, and I simply don’t buy most of it. I tire of reading it very quickly.
It is a beautiful example of “try increasingly dubious things until a numeric match happens”, rather than “explore possibilities to find what works generally and makes EVERYTHING fit better, within truly functional Occam’s Razor, allowing for deception or bias.”
One can see Q’s frustration sometimes in trying to point people back to the “clock” idea to get it right, which I suspect most people have not.
“One can see Q’s frustration sometimes”
The “clock”, as the Anons have conceived it (a wheel), isn’t on the mark. Lotta mis-decodes have resulted.
The “Clock” seems to me to be a timeLINE, not a circle, and it’s inextricably connected to significant news events. Which ones are “significant”, and which aren’t – along with which Q-post they apply to – isn’t something that the Anons have figured out, beyond a few obvious guesses.
The “markers” are key … and THEY haven’t been addressed well enough, at all.
I regret not having tried to decode earlier; in the process of time, unless one is attentive AT the time, the “clues” fade away. To retrace, one would have to expend a TON of effort … and, keep going to take it to its conclusion.
If the Anons are reading, I would say connect the MARKERS, and the NEWS (may be subtle), with the time-stamps (the “deltas”, or “differences”, which appear to be intentional, mostly). It’s for sure sophisticated, yet, I believe we have all the info / intel to decipher it.
Long ago, I subscribed to “The Cryptogram”. I remember a poster from OT who had MOAR experience than I, but within a month or two, he was ignored / shouted down.
Yes – I wish I had time to dig into the clock stuff. I may actually try that, now that I’m a bit more free, with more authors here.
Tonawanda, SB2’s posts were my first introduction to the Gemetria language/code and I find the science of cryptology fascinating though I have absolutely no brain space available to learn it…prefer to get the “end result” of someone else’s work. Here’s a bit about it:
I would add that SB2 could very well be a disinfo / discred operation. I suspect it’s CIA. Most liberals who would begin to follow Q in the event of a Q / MSM scorched-earth propaganda war are going to find SB2’s methodology immediately discrediting. He finishes on a pro-Q note, so he cannot be discredited to less logical followers, but his methods will inevitably be used to indict the movement as a combination of what you say: (1) mental illness, (2) wishful thinking, and (3) illogical. If he is ultimately judged as “mentally ill”, that is highly desired by the cabal.
Likewise, his stuff smacks of “Bible codes”, which again are a weakness on the Q side. People “want to believe” them, but frankly they are mostly an “I want to believe” money-maker. Since SB2 really doesn’t come across as a “paytriot”, he evades any possible clean-up on that front. All of this seems too slick, and thus very “agency” to me. He is pointing STRAIGHT AT a weak point in Q’s armor.
SB2 could be “designed” and knowledgeable of his own role (meaning not actually mentally ill), but he could also be a bubbled and influenced creation – basically a person who IS mentally ill who is pushed forward and propped up by the other side as exemplary discreditation.
Compare to Neon Revolt – a very logical and deep-digging researcher who frequents the edgy places, but has found both pay dirt and real gold over and over.
If SB2 is NOT knowingly mocking or dissembling – if he really believes in what he is doing – then he needs to start turning the logic guns on his own stuff to only push forward the truly “once you see it, it’s very obvious that Trump and Q did this” stuff. Anything that gets into weird timestamp numerology that is not EASILY and OBVIOUSLY controlled (like when Trump ended his canned speech at 9:11) needs to be REJECTED.
The Q team does have control of Trump’s Twitter account – we KNOW that. They DO play with it to send messages and keep the fans happy. There is much MI psychology here. But anything they do needs to be as obvious as setting down two water bottles at the same time. Trump and Q love these games, and they HAVE a purpose, but we have to make sure the things we “spot” are NOT imagination.
The comparison between Neon Revolt and Serial is a good one. It is NOT the “wild” or startling conclusions which are important, it is the means of getting there.
“Trump spoke in Hammond Indiana and said the word ‘brain’ in a significant way at 12:26 and if you play a serial note on the Hammond Organ is attains a frequency of 12.26, and he said this the day after I mentioned the day after Christmas, so he was talking to me, and here is the message he is conveying to you through me”
I made that up, but you get the point.
I know Q and Trump are communicating on a very high “autist” level, but I highly doubt they are communicating on a Rain Man level, which is not really a level but a very peculiar brain dysfunction.
“Ideas of reference” is a very amazing phenomenon, and it is real. The “logic” and thought process can be fascinating and realistic, although most people might say surrealistic.
People who are driven by ideas of reference can be very convincing precisely because they truly believe, and what they believe makes sense in a bizarre way, or at least are not impossible to be true.
IMO the concept of ideas of reference is a psychological/psychiatric phenomenon which can be exploited by clever people.
Totally getting you here.
FBIanon said – and I go back to his stuff all the time – that Trump was a MASTER of exploiting confirmation bias. A significant part of that, IMO, is not just allowing ideas of reference to persist, but FEEDING them – of encouraging them in a (some may argue with this) healthy way – so that people start to LOOK FOR and “get clues” about things. Communicate with references, and people LOOK for them.
It is a SKILL, and it can be a survival skill, too.
Many of the best things in life as well as the strongest forms of communication are subtle and referential. Poetry – art – I mean – HELL – there is a reason that the CIA recruits art history majors. I often feel that if I’m not communicating on three levels, I’m phoning it in. And as somebody who actually DOES engage in leaving “numerological Easter eggs”, I know this stuff is real. But I’ve also dealt with schizophrenics, psychopaths, and the desperately attracted (psychotic infatuation) who see stuff that just isn’t there.
ALTHOUGH – and this speaks precisely to what you say about the REALITY of ideas of reference – and I do find this a bit discomforting – a long and deep examination of myself years later often tells me that my SUBCONSCIOUS and my CONSCIENCE were not always acting in unison. We may not construct entire thoughts consciously, but we may construct the parts both consciously and subconsciously, and other people read the whole with more reality than we planned. This is particularly true in the highly asymmetric world of interpersonal relationships.
I’ll say this much. Trump is one of the most interesting presidents EVER simply based on his ways of communicating with the people!!!
I LOVE numbers broadly speaking. Irrational numbers, the Golden Mean, Pi, Fibonacci, all the stuff inept people (like me) can grasp at least on the surface. They are a sort of sublime poetry themselves.
“We may not construct entire thoughts consciously, but we may construct the parts both consciously and subconsciously, and other people read the whole with more reality than we planned.”
Is there a contemporary status report on “know yourself” ? I am going to guess that it is in a dismal state, along with examination of conscience as a daily practice.
Being out of sync with oneself is hard to realize. The next thing I am going to say is NOT meant in the gnostic sense whatsoever.
IMO Jesus as an historic fact is what keeps us in sync with ourselves.
IMO Jesus as an historic fact is what keeps us in sync with ourselves.
Frankly, I blame much of the world’s problems on our simple DENIAL of the fact that the ENTIRE WORLD since roughly 1 AD has existed in a “post-Christian universe”, and always WILL live in that universe.
(One could even count the “messiah expectation years” as part of that time, but I’m not going to be picky! 😉 )
All attempts to deny or downplay the historic reality of Christ – whether on an individual or group basis – lead to a kind of dysfunctional “truth without history” at best, and “falsehood with fake history” at worst.
Sadly, I think humanity has gotten into trouble by not being extremely lenient and tolerant on how one INDIVIDUALLY relates to Christ. One of the wisest pastors I know (who I always thought has a great understanding of Judaism) says that the most important thing is to have a PERSONAL relationship with Christ. I think that is some of the best advice EVER. Absolutely EVERYBODY can benefit from this.
But I think your POINT is absolutely true on both personal and social levels – one cannot look at REALITY correctly without looking at Christ as an historic FACT – even from a Jewish perspective – even from a Buddhist perspective, quite frankly. Christ changed EVERYTHING. Denial is not a profitable path forward from ANY perspective.
The problem for the part of humanity that wants to “remove Christ” (and down deeper, IMO, wants to remove the core thoughts of Judaism even more, and very likely religion as a whole) is that even if this were possible – even if it were wise – it is historically impossible and socio-psychologically dangerous.
As for knowing myself, I could not have attained the levels of introspection I have – nor the levels of external understanding – without deep and constant contemplation of Christ and Christ’s teachings.
The problem for me is that my personal relationship with Christ is SO personal and SO personally evolved (including what most would regard as reversion into Judaism / proto-Christianity and syncretism into deep metaphysical aspects of other faiths via science and philosophy) that I have difficulty calling myself “just” a Christian. Sometimes I tell people I’m a “generalized monotheist”, but that is soft and mushy. My love of God is as brilliant and hard compared to diamonds, as diamonds are to water.
As I told one of our fellow Treepers, I’m whoever the hijackers on the plane are singling out to be killed.
I don’t encourage anybody to follow my beautiful errors which bring me closer to God, whatever I am. I just pass on the advice of that pastor. Have a personal relationship with Christ. it will bring you closer to God. I guarantee this.
Beautiful post.
Your experience and thoughts are very much appreciated in ways you might not know.
Thank you Wolf for your comments.
Your pattern recognition database has some things in it that I’m going to have to try on the puzzles out there right now! My pattern recognition system senses a sincerity in SerialBrain2 that I don’t generally get with the various types of bots and droids.
However, as with all (well informed) intuitive processes, one much proceed cautiously and be willing to toss out everything you thought was true at certain points.
There is great power in simply choosing not to make one’s mind up until the right data hits. And then spitting THAT out if BETTER data hits, or merely because one WANTS better data! 😀
Let uncertainty be a FRIEND! 😎
I suspect he’s on the “spectrum”, as it’s been called.
I haven’t followed him, but I’ve heard a decent enough about him.
One must take only what truth one can, from such a source. He’s “intense”, to use a term.
I have come to really appreciate SB2 posts even though I am not fluent in the language/code of gemetria. It makes sense to me though that POTUS uses code language to speak to different people/entities and my favorite you tube channel for listening those SB2 posts being read is “And We Know”. Like a lot of things, I take what I like and leave the rest. I totally skip over the explanation of how SB2 does the number/letter decodes and just get the message which is always interesting.
I also am not fluent in Military Code or NATO Code where 26 code words in the NATO phonetic alphabet are assigned to the 26 letters of the English alphabet in alphabetical order as follows: Alfa, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliett, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebec, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, X-ray, Yankee, Zulu but they are used in circles where they are understood.
In English, the words cryptology and cryptography are often interchangeable — both refer to the science of secret writing. Some people prefer to differentiate the words, using cryptology to refer to the science and cryptography to refer to the practice of secret writing.
The Military Code was something I learned before I entered the Army because I worked at a FBO facility at the airport in Pueblo, CO. I was a line hostess and had to interact with the pilots over the radio. Gave me a big jump on my military training, knowing that ahead of time. Also got to meet a bunch of celebrities – THAT was fun!
Look up steganogrphy, too. Hiding a message in another message, usually a file within another file. Increasingly common method of transporting virii and trojans in the computer world.
(Years ago, by fiddling some pointers, I was able to fit the entire source code of a HUGE COBOL program in the object (compiled) file. Program loaded and ran just fine. I think the IT purists felt ill at the thought 🙂 ).
Another method, quite common, is to reduce your message to binary, then adjust (say) the red values of each pixel in the picture. Make it end in a one or zero as appropriate. The result is not visible to the unaided eye (red value 213 is indistinguishable from red value 212, for instance, especially when mixed with some blue and/or green), but your message is there.
Of course that’s a simple example, that “they” can find, but it’s a good illustration of the general idea.
Just realized that’s why the DEMONcRATs, et. al. are so clueless about technology: they’re aggressively non-binary…
There are 10 kinds of people in the world. Those who understand binary, and those who don’t!
Ask me a question, and octal you no lies 🙂
The DemonCRats might cast a Hex on you. But you can cancel it out with a hex inverter.
T3– I haven’t read SB–however, Comparing SB to SD…SB draws right conclusions without 2+2…SD has 2+2 but draws wrong conclusion….
Funny, that.
I take SB2 with a pound of salt. Kosher or pink Himilayan, of course. No additives since that’s what he seems to do.
SB2 makes some good connections and then trainwrecks a couple paragraphs down, IMO.
It sounds the person is very right brain. I know when I do Lecio Divina on what I read it speaks more and deeper to me truths than truths for others.
Interesting I need to use Lectio on POTUS Tweets and see what happens.
Specially being right brain one needs to be careful and learn and practice discernment..
Personally I would be careful but it might be fun reading.:) Little truths could be woven in his interpretation.
I learned that when I was taught Spiritual Formation in Presbyterian Seminary in Decatur Georgia
I am remiss if I didn’t say this. Steve, your commentary today knocks it out of the park.
Good catch on the “and not snipe at him or his associates.” Goes with what I don’t know, I don’t know.
Suppositions are reasonable to dissect, but not the suspension of willful disbelief.
Heheh…CarpeDonktum has done a video about the creepy Dems:
What would be nice is if we had a Saturday Night Live style spoof of all the dem candidates in one room huffing and puffing to some shadowy figures (Soros standing on the staircase listening in) about why kammy is getting to be president and not one of them.
Wow! So good! Sometimes it is easy to overlook the sheer CREEPINESS of Demokkkrats.
OMG yes – SOOOOO creeeeeepy!!!
lol…when “they” try to be normal…LOL…they don’t have a sense of humor. I think to have a sense of humor you have to have a grasp on reality first–so you know what to mock and how far to go–these people live in a whole other dimension…so they just come off as weird and disconnected to reality,
Oh how funny..ha ha ha:)
Thanks for sharing made my day.
Here guys – this will even cheer up Morose Marica!
Whoever made that one – it’s AWESOME! It’s so good I’m gonna break down and like my own post!
thank you GA/FL for posting! so uplifting!!!
Why is that the Dems have such unattractive looks? No joyous spirit shining forth?
Not filled with joy, peace and good will toward others.
you’re seeing their hateful, rotting souls imo…
I love pictures/video of our President with the military, but my absolute favorites are with children. They love him, and children know.
Remember the photo of Melania with the Cruz children? Same with her – she loves, respects and cherishes children and they love her.
Kids and dogs, they always know. I’ve been told cats are the same, especially when one jumps in my lap or rubs itself against my legs. I’m not a cat person, so, I have to take other people’s word for it.
Oh, no, sorry – cats do that BECAUSE they know you aren’t a cat person! They target you – believe me! Cats are a special kind of sneaky!!!! And I have been a cat person since I was a youngster, finding kittens, dressing them up in doll clothes, and putting them in my doll buggy. And do you know? Not ONE of those kittens ever ran away from me! Oh, yes, I understand cats! Hee, hee!!!
Oh, cats know. They are more suspicious than dogs by far.
“Children know”! Exactly right Aubergine!!!
If I’m not mistaken, someone has done a “job” here on his “dark” inauguration speech, similar to “Trump The Establishment” (Q posts that under the title “This video will get Trump Elected”) was a job done on one of his Florida rallies.
That inauguration speech was so “dark” it clearly explains Morose Marica!
It was so dark, I was jumping up and down like a Corgi after a bone!
In all seriousness, he began by describing the terrible mess we were (and still largely are) in. That’s plenty dark. Rip it out of context and end the speech there, and the label would be justified. So they did exactly that.
We stuck around for the bright light of hope he provided.
…oh and to add to that, any darkness in the speech described a darkness of their own making.
Steve–I was there–Remember? 😉 The “dark” seeped in — can’t shake it!!! LOL!!!
I truly do love and thank God for this man. Hope one day to be able to tell him that in person.
GA!!! Thank YOU!!! That video Certainly Lifts my spirits–It is OUR POTUS!! Patriots united under this awesome President!! LOVE!! and HUGS!
Love and hugs to you too!
GA/FL what a wonderful video . Thank you for posting..:)
Great post, Steve!
Is Sidney Powell on the up and up? Here’s her view of Wray.
Our current political climate is certainly exciting.
President Trump is the most courageous man of our lifetime.
Then there’s this….. who is Jonathan Winer and is Stranahan on the up and up himself?
Help, Wolfie and Flep!
GA/FL – Thank you for mentioning something that has been nagging me. Now, I’m not saying it in those words, but let’s just say, sometimes even people we think highly of – get things wrong. Stranahan has been known to be wrong btw, but then I think the same thing about Bongino.
Sometimes, wanting screen time gets in the way of being right. This may be something that happens to lots of people once they get famous.
“Sometimes, wanting screen time gets in the way of being right. ”
We have sure seen that with the likes of Beck and Cernovich, haven’t we.
“We have sure seen that with the likes of Beck and Cernovich, haven’t we.” and that may be true of another writer/blogger that we know quite well. ‘The truth has no agenda’ doesn’t seem to be operant there any more, if it ever was.
“‘The truth has no agenda’”
Just like the arrogant and immature (no matter what age!) lefties, [ ] engages in massive, DAILY virtue-signaling.
Self-praise, self-absorption … and self-deceit.
Jonathan Winer is in this deep. In his own words:
He connects to Victoria Nuland, who approved of the FBI sending an agent to London to visit Steele in the first week of July 2016. He also connects to the Clinton Foundation/Uranium One through APCO Worldwide, something about an in kind donation, IIR.
Welcome, mary morse.
Good to see you here.
Treat Stranahan with care. Seek first to understand, which is ROUGH.
Because Stranahan works for Sputnik, and has for a while, he has a RUSSIA-CENTRIC view of things. That is both good and bad. One has to factor it into everything he does, everything he sees, and everything he emphasizes.
He SEES Russian TRUTH. But he does NOT see their “Information as Disinformation”, which Russia is exceptionally good at.
Stranahan tends to argue a perspective that is both TRUE and USEFUL TO PUTIN. I find it helpful to ADD IN Stranahan’s POV to my multi-focal perspective on things. I always try to use AND LOGIC and then SEEK PROPER WEIGHTING. Stranahan has some truth. Bongino has some truth. I use BOTH PERSPECTIVES to see what is going on, or at least to get closer. Calling the “other one” misdirection or disinformation gets in my way, so I always IGNORE calls to “not listen to the other guy” like Stranahan is doing here.
Russia is very complex. The communists/socialists still operate freely there, and they still think they are “in charge” and directing history. Putin is not their enemy by any means. The communists in Russia basically accepted “back seat driver status” as part of a deal that either let them engage in a massive deception, or let them believe that they were engaging in a massive deception – TAKE YOUR PICK.
Complicated? You’d better believe it!
So take all that into consideration when Putin basically does exactly what Brezhnev would have done, and realize that Stranahan is working for Russian media that is SMARTER than the old commies, but still has many of the same geopolitical goals.
My attitude on Magnitsky is that it is a TARBABY of deception, used by both Russia and the Dems to funnel money around under the cover of “anti-purpose”. The DEMS give Russia what it wants for MONEY and use fake objection as cover. Trump would give Russia what it wants as part of tough negotiations to get what HE wants for America. Corrupt or Honest, Russia will take either, but frankly I think they like the Democrat way better, and preferred Hillary, because she’s a proven useful idiot. Uranium One was a STEAL because the CANKLES pay-out was CHEAPER than honest negotiations.
Obama: “You can’t do what I just let you do! Have some SANCTIONS.”
Putin: “Damn you for taking this MONEY and giving it to your HOLDER/LYNCH Soviet radicals in DOJ.”
PFFFFFT! A pox on all these slimy people!
Now that Russia is “not communist”, the “old communists” like Browder and company make excellent foils for disinformation.
Russia is NOT SIMPLE. That is why these bloody Obama Soviet leftist Democrat retreads can sell us this SHIT – their pretend “anti-Russian” crap – while they accuse Trump of doing what they actually DID – pushing pro-Russian disarmament on America as ALL LEVELS, including the Second Amendment, which is Gun-Grabbing Vlad’s personal enemy (don’t believe Butina was “real” for one second!)
And then they tried to use Magnitsky to bring down Trump through his son. Which was brilliantly exposed when Don Jr. took that meeting.
And now the Mueller “true friends of Russia” try to cover it up by going after Veselnitskaya! Hilarious. Mueller covers up for the Russians at every turn, chasing them back to Russia under false indictments for COVER CHARGES and not their real purpose. What they are going after Veselnitskaya for is CHAFF – it’s bullshit. What she was REALLY doing is being the Russian part of the DEMOCRAT conspiracy against Trump. She will never see justice for THAT as long as commie TRAITORS fill DOJ.
If you want to see how cunning Rosey is, look at what they did on V-skaya.
That was what I figured out with the women who lived near Nikolas Cruz. Mueller went after them for their “Muh Russia” cover bullshit and not for their involvement in Gun-Grabbin’ Vlad’s assistance to the Democrat-Russian propaganda event in Parkland.
All these jokers in the FBI (like Papa Hogg and whoever else helped NICS fail) actually HELPING the Soviet Obama-Holder-Jarrett-Lynch-Putin propaganda event, along with whatever commie Brennan did to assist. Massive deception.
Now – back to Winer. YES – the State Department stuff is important. But Stranahan’s emphasis is designed by his Russian influencers to direct focus away from the Russian-Democrat winkie-winkie on Muh Russia. Stranahan’s POV will always mix in plenty of UKRAINE, which is ALWAYS used for obfuscation by the Kremlin. Ukraine is another disinformation tarbaby just like Magnitsky. Channel anything through Ukraine and NOBODY knows what the hell is going on.
The Kremlin folks are positioning things to make PARTICULAR Russians take heat in ways that are useful to the Kremlin. The information coming through Stranahan will NOT leave any blame close to Putin.
Complicated. Take a serving of both Bongino AND Stranahan to see the larger truth.
There were a couple of Russia-philes, always promoting Russia on CTH. I forgot their names. One operated on the Presidential thread and the other on the Daily thread. SD called one of them out for it. Bull Durham was one, wasn’t he? Was OldIADguy the other one?
Bull was definitely the primary Russia POV guy, and SD did call him out (though gently) for it. There were several others who were (IMO) pushing the Russian narrative. They would frequently jump in in very typical Russian online fashions that become painfully obvious after a while. LOL!
The fact is, Bull’s viewpoint was almost always useful, because a lot of people don’t see that side of the coin, and if you don’t see it, you can’t see the big picture. However, there is no way that any inkling of Russian-Democrat collusion was ever going to get past Bull. He was pretty nice about not challenging me openly, and I tended to return the favor, by actually backing him up when he made many valid points.
Having actually dealt with real-life manipulations by Russians, Chinese, British, ALL kinds of Americans, and assorted other nationalities (the science world is a freaking ZOO of intrigue for anybody with a modicum of awareness), I simply had to keep my guard up on the guy at all times. I think we had a bit of detente, so to speak.
OldIADguy is something else, IMO. He and I also had a respect thing going, even when we disagreed. Much light, not heat, came from our conversations. I miss him. Heck, I miss Bull, too! 😀 LOL
I figured Putin must pay Bull very well.
LOL! He would certainly be worth it!
I always had the impression that Bull was just a pro-Putin non-commie Russian immigrant to America (or grown kid thereof) who hoped to merge his loyalties in Trump’s vision of an above-board, non-corrupt relationship with Russia. That actually is a powerful motivator, much in the same way that most of MAGA are patriotic Americans who want to merge their loyalties to the Constitution and the “actual” US government by having a POTUS like Trump.
Perfect post, Wolfie. Pedaling right along side of you.
Christopher Wray was Weissman’s supervisor…
Rosenstein gave up in an interview that he has had some professional experience with the story of “Who Moved My Cheese”. So I say that he is of the Who Moved My Cheese School of Leadership Development (and change management). “Who Moved My Cheese” is a grandchild of the ideas of Kurt Lewin, IMO; (while the ideas of Lewin inspired the founding of Tavistock).
Remember when Wray sent everyone to bias training after the IG report release? (Bias training is also a tool of Starbuck’s former CEO.) When I hear organizational development and change management, I think Lewin.
Who’s Kurt Lewin?
His work at the big red nursery school (see pg.3):
Good grief! All this mod/junk/psych stuff is political agenda based?!?!!!
EVERYTHING is political agenda based now, IMO. Truly frightening how well Cloward & Piven is working, as is the completion of the goals in the Communist Playbook.
Gack! Every time I hear about “Who Moved My Cheese”, I think about the answer to it, the booklet, “Who Cut The Cheese”… Hegelian Hash, as it were…
Thank you.
I never wanted to read Who Moved My Cheese?, nor (happily) was it assigned reading where I worked. So, I’ve not read it.
My prayers for discernment worked.
FEEL GOOD STORY – nightly tradition @ Weasel Zippers – Thousands attend Texas AF Veteran’s funeral:
This is America!
The America that the leftist have tried their damnedest to destroy!
Venezuela has a large Islamist population and it shows in the barbarism of Maduro’s actions. Bloody leftist/Marxist/Islamist Øb4$+4rd just loved Chavez, Maduro, Castro, etc. and this sort of tyrannical behavior, of course. Ø would have loved to enact such atrocities in the USA, but just didn’t dare go that far. He still did as much bloodshed and authoritarian oppression as he dared.
This thread is very enlightening about the Venezuela situation – the wealth of that country has drawn corrupt regimes (Cuba, Russia, even Iran) to try to grab hold and squeeze the people to death.
Likewise, the same corrupt countries and ideologues have raped the rich natural resources and kept the people of Africa poor, uneducated and oppressed!
I know our President would love to help them!
And so would Daughn!!!
Wheels up! Let’s go!
This is a hoot!
Bolton’s remarks at the Press Briefing were very impressive and cogent, making it not very likely he accidentlly showed that page of his notepad. More likely, he was signalling the Russians/Islamists/Marxists/Maduro that the US was extremely serious about helping the people of Venezuela out from under the corrupt evil sicko dictator and the influence of leftist ideologues.
Bolton is supposedly a neocon. My guess is that he’s more of a do what the boss wants sort of employee. He’s very smart, and can get a job done.
As for Columbia, Venezuela and the rest of northern South America, it is in our interests to straighten the place out all the way around and undo the damage done in the last century and more.
I don’t like the caterwauling that will commence if we send these troops but, TBH, we most likely already have troops there anyway. I don’t like it but recognize that it may be required. Hopefully, the mental toying will work.
Great post Steve!!
your train brought back memories of my father and his father too. Every Christmas they put up putzes with many train sets and handmade houses and street cars, and a thousand other little details that made them perfect! Every year one of us kids would be chosen to run the trains on Christmas morning…so many smiles!!! thank you!
and I love that you call out the doubters:
Stand behind Trump, or admit you don’t support him.
I am puzzled. What are ‘putzes’ in that context, Pat?
lol my grandfather (Dad’s side) was from Austria—they are trains displays around the Christmas tree–and can be very elaborate, My grandfather handmade homes, churches, constructed mountains for the trains to drive thru…there were matchbox sized cars and street signs…a whole little village–lights–one of his engines even puffed smoke–they were works of art. He built an extensive electrical control box that ran all the trains–all different sized trains all over this miniature countryside he created on this wooden platform-it was magical at Christmas—and my father took over when his father passed—those trains were passed to my brother now who does not enjoy them.
Thank you very much for the explanation — greatly appreciated.
I had not heard the word used as such until now.
Sorry that your brother does not enjoy those displays. Perhaps he might give the trains and accessories to you.
Both my grandfather and father played the accordian and I was not privileged to receive that either when he passed. My brother and I no longer speak and the trains are likely in storage somewhere.
But the things I did get from my father no one can take from me: his sense of humor, his love of music, and he taught me to draw…
What a talented man your father must have been — and a blessing to you.
thank you, I miss him!
That is awesome Pat! My Grandson would ADORE this! LOVES TRAINS!!!
There used to be a gigantic model train attraction in PA many years ago–our kids loved it…sigh it’s gone now…
This might be a good tweet to leave here today, considering that the Dems have been acting like they’re in charge…
Uh Oh ! I anticipate a rebuttal from SD from OT to JC at MW in their ongoing twitter feud.
“…in an investigation in which he has shown a clear bias…”
Oh, this whole comment is so rich! I’ve not heard ol’ Shifty Shiff express one word of concern about the bias and conflict of interest that infests the entirety of the SC itself. Hypocrisy and projection reign supreme.
lawyers who represented (personally I believe in Jeannie Rhee’s case) Hillary Clinton.
Schiff is another person where I cannot fathom why he didn’t change his name. I’m Greek, and was so happy when I got married, because that Greek name was a tough one for folks! 🙂
Schiff is reasonably innocuous, actually.
Ok, Steve, there was a time when my delicate mind wouldn’t have thought twice about that name. The world of politics… not so much anymore.
Even Weiner is not a bad name as long as you stick with Wy-ner. I can’t fathom why he (or his parents) went with Wee-ner, unless he really did think the double meaning was a feature. Which, given his proclivities, maybe he did.
Schiff seems to be a shifty guy. Funny how names can give away a person or maybe name formed this person.
The arrogance is mind boggling.
His name gives away a lot, especially if you flip those Fs over.
Something’s been niggling at the back of my brain…silly question I guess…but here it is:
Asylum seekers come here to escape whomever or whatever they fear “there”, but without a wall, what’s to prevent what’s THERE from coming HERE to get them? If the asylum seeker can get in, so can what they fear.
“Asylum seekers”
This is another example of (mis-)branding.
Like “undocumented workers” for ILLEGAL ALIENS.
These terms / phrases are designed to tug at our heart-strings – but the “truth” of them falls very, very short of the mark. The caravans are organized, financed, and intentionally driven by the enemies of America (both foreign and domestic).
They are invaders, soldiers, and pawns of the scheming cabal. Even former AG Sessions pointed out that “fear of gang-violence” (paraphrase) does NOT qualify for asylum. While a few may have valid claims, the vast majority don’t. Of course, the legacy media only highlights the former.
IMO, the humanitarian solution is to build the WALL, so that the incentive to try to illegally cross the border is removed. Using women and children as a shield (and, be it noted, as a PROFIT generator!) is a tactic of terrorists, of ISIS et al.
We’ve been more generous than is wise, IMO. Time to say “No more!” …
We must now take care of ourselves, FIRST, as Americans.
Charity starts at home.
I’ve seen leftists absolutely hop up and down in fury and try to “correct” people who say “illegal alien” instead of “undocumented worker.” It’s gone from just a term they use to cover up and hope no one calls them on it loudly enough to be seen, to being the term they insist on.
Yeah! I’ve seen it too.
Their “Muh feelz” syndrome.
Absolutely WHACKED.
First they tried to just suck us into using their term. That having failed, they’re trying to intimidate us into doing so…trying to get us to say “OK if it makes the screeching monkey shut up I’ll say ‘undocumented worker’ just so we can move on to a substantive point.”
We need to NOT give them what they want here.
“We need to NOT give them what they want here.”
All we need do – and it’s really simple and direct – when they whinge about the terms, is to follow Nancy Reagan’s advice:
“Just say ‘No.'”
A single syllable, in reply to as many points as they bring up.
They’re spoiled brats, and IMO they NEED to hear a definitive “NO!”.
The less explanation for the “No”, the better. Just let the word STAND! lol
In this particular case it’s even simpler than that. Ignore them, and continue to say “Illegal Alien.” It’s actually got fewer syllables than “Undocumented Worker” so it’s less effort.
(to Steve)
“it’s even simpler”
hehehe …
But seriously, how is ignoring them and carrying on not simpler than giving them enough attention to say “no”?
(to Steve)
It’s a rhetorical technique, and it’s a winner, IMO.
“ignoring them”
This allows them to dismiss you out-of-hand, as the bad guy, dissing them to the point of demonstrating that they don’t count, even as humans. They’ll believe they’ve won, and never listen to you again. Lose.
“giving them enough attention”
When one gets into a “to-MAY-to, to-MAH-to” situation, it’s a Mexican stand-off. Neither side is better, neither side is worse. By re-asserting ones term, one falls prey to this no-win scenario, and again – one doesn’t “win”. It’s a tie.
The simplest way, with these spoiled, self-entitled types, isn’t to ignore them (unless as last resort), nor is it to play their game. By saying the simplest “No”, one forces them to plead their case – it puts them on the defensive. A FLAT “No”, while looking them in the eye, neither ignores them, nor allows them equal ground.
Believe me, it works. They’ll get into a MASSIVE lather, and exit the scene feeling not like a winner, not as a “tie-er”, but as the LOSERS they demonstrate themselves to be.
The “No” redirects the argument, toward its very source – their emotions. They’ve never been told “No”, and it is THIS which is the problem. Not the “intellectual” content of the verbal set-to.
I hope this makes some sense to you …
It does, thanks. I’d pick one or the other depending on the specific circumstances. The “no” could cause a divert from the main topic that you want to avoid–or not.
“Something’s been niggling at the back of my brain…silly question I guess…but here it is:
Asylum seekers come here to escape whomever or whatever they fear “there”, but without a wall, what’s to prevent what’s THERE from coming HERE to get them? If the asylum seeker can get in, so can what they fear.”
How profound . I ever thought of that and it’s a good question. Specially if you think of the gangs if one wants to escape gangs and it’s violence one travels with gangs for 1000 miles..?
Well, when it’s a crappy foreign government, it could work.
That government might have bigger fish to fry than sending people after you into a foreign country.
What really happens, especially here in Europe with our refauxgees, is that THEY bring THERE with them, which will eventually destroy US, HERE…
We’ve had cases of TRUE refugees, who fled to Germany to avoid the persecution (and rapes, robberies, and murders) at the hands of the Moslems, only to be victims of persecution, rape, robbery, and violence from the Moslems here. Their nemesis not only followed them; it preceeded them.
And, worse, it’s been very hard to get them the protection they deserve from the problems they (thought they) left behind…
and you wondered why Hillary was wearing tents–gotta cover this…
Hmmm. Maybe that’s what they’ve got planned for RBG…
Covington boys’ lawyer:
I agree and I hope he goes after all of them!
Journos, if you can’t take it, don’t dish it out:
Great riposte:
Language alert:
And the irony is that @Jack is himself the product of an all boys, private Catholic HS taught by the Marinists.
I’m wondering at this point just how much control Jack really has. Is he a leader or a figurehead. Same with Zuckerberg. Who is pulling their strings? I mean, Tw$#@er was financed out of Silicon Valley, not Jack’s native home town. Who REALLY has their hands on the purse strings.
CHINA owns Hollywood as well.
Satan $oro$ and the Quintillionaires in France and Europe (richer than the Rothschilds, but far more hidden)…
I think dark C_A money is more likely.
“P-a-y-s-e-u-r-s” is a name I’ve come across.
Company G-A-A-L-T, for one.
TY, 8chan.
My first reply disappeared!
One name I’ve come across is *pee*, then “ay”.
After that, why?, then ess.
Then EU.
“Are” is last.
And one of their companies mimics the name of a prominent “Atlas Shrugged” character, but with a doubled “A”. JG, modified once.
Will THIS post pass through dabotz?
‘Who REALLY has their hands on the purse strings?’ I think both of them do.
They knew they needed a public face, which, as is so often the case with other captains of industry (!) and politicians, very different from the private one.
**I knew PLENTY of ‘sons of baskets’ (to borrow a term from my late grandmother) who went to Catholic HS and university.**
these delicate snowflakes are not true journalists…
Urinalists for the Yellow Stream Media.
I could not agree more:
From January 21. Not sure if this was posted previously, but it shows Twitter’s hypocrisy:
‘Twitter Responds To Complaints About Reza Aslan’s ‘Punchable Face’ Tweet’
‘Twitter said Monday that former CNN contributor Reza Aslan did not violate the platform’s policies when he posted a tweet Saturday suggesting one of the boys involved in a dust-up during the March for Life rally had a “punchable face.”
‘“We have investigated the reported content and could not identify any violations of the Twitter Rules or applicable law,” Twitter wrote in a letter Aslan included in a tweet. “Accordingly,” the letter adds, “we have not taken any action at this time.”
‘… Aslan was fired from CNN after he called President Donald Trump a “piece of shit” in a tweet in 2017.’
Oh, goodie. I think Dorkey and Aslan will soon be receiving some legal attitude adjustment by Barnes and his team.
It’s high time to push back, and HARD!!!
(and couldn’t that idiot have picked a different name? Aslan? C.S. Lewis must be rolling in his grave)…
From the earlier posted thread by Heshmat Alavi….Besides the Cubans, Russians and Iran – THIS is how bad the cartel situation is in Venezuela.
Good grief – Let us pray for the people of Venezuela to be freed from all this evil!!!! Just think – Øbominable was all down with this – from the Russias to the Cubans to the cartels. Eye H8 Ø more every day.
#10 is what I was highlighting: “In #Venezuela, a drug cartel has its own army, navy, air force, their own satellites, and a letter of immunity called “national sovereignty, while almost 30 million people are held hostage.”
I weonder if bolsonaro is working on dealing with this angle?
PDJT knows how to make great allies!
It would be nice to see those satellites have some, erm, electrical issues…
Orrrrr, the cartels rent army/navy/satellites when necessary, from various nation states. Easier. Don’t have to pay for maintenance and upgrades.
After decades of leftist thought, Western Europe doubts self-worth. Sad, but not surprising:
I am so honored that General Flynn decided to follow me on Twitter. I thought it was a parody account and when I went to it, it had a blue check mark.
If i tweeted, twittered, or whatever it’s called, I would follow you too!
Flep – you are one of the sharpest, most loving, caring, and aware/awake people on the web!
Same with Wolfie!
Oh, wow! Congratulations!
I wonder if he reads here? That would be awesome!
General Flynn doesn’t appear to be tweeting these days, but the fact he just followed Flep suggests strongly that Flep’s work, Q-Tree site has crossed his path in recent days. 🙂
That’s what I’m hoping, too, LP.
We are now a mere “two-hops” away from the dedicated Patriot, Lt. General Flynn, with Flep being only “one-hop” away, of course.
We have big news coming up in the next month or two, with the Mueller report concluding (which IMO will free VSGPDJT), the Declas on deck, the Wall being approved (with OR without Congress), the Shyna tariff deadline of Mar 1, and other events along the way.
One such event, of course, is the EXONERATION of Gen. Flynn. I hope he knows HOW MANY of us American patriots are behind him, 100%!
Congrats, Flep!
Well, maybe we have increased step up, Gen Flynn follows me too, so we must be crossing his path. 🙂
good for you LadyP!
That is awesome Ladypenguin! He absolutely knows about this site.
🙂 He must!
Wow. Now that is great!
That is AWESOME!!! But not at all Surprised!! SO many SuperHeroes here at the Q Tree!! I stand in awe!! Huge Congrats Flep!!!
Exclamation POINT!!!
Flep that is great..:)
Ahhhhhhhhh, can I touch you?
What an honor!
You produce the goods, though.
He’s got a keen eye.
Before I even read the comments section, I want to say thank you very much Steve, for your words this morning!
I am on the Trump train. I trust him, too. Not blindly, but I trust his intellect, instincts, and unique experience to guide him to guide US out of the mess that has been created in our country.
I am so saddened by what has happened to “certain people” and the way they have lost faith. Must suck to wake up feeling that way every day. Might as well move to Venezuela!
It’s a great day for some more winning!
All along, my plan has been to trust the Plan – and that is POTUS!
Great post Steve, I trust PDJT has the country’s best interest in mind. Slowly the people are awakening to that fact. Yes it’s going to take time for the vast majority to see it. But what’s the alternative? All the pieces of the puzzle have to be in place then hopefully everyone can see the big picture better.
I am sure he’s working diligently towards that but how hard that has to be! Evertime he puts a piece in place someone is moving another out of place. PDJT is a fighter though and he will fight till the end and am glad PDJT is on our team!
It’s a lot like whack-a-mole.
Fortunately, we have someone here with a nice shovel.
Uh Oh – wouldn’t want to be Cliff Sims.
“A low level staffer that I hardly knew named Cliff Sims wrote yet another boring book based on made up stories and fiction. He pretended to be an insider when in fact he was nothing more than a gofer. He signed a non-disclosure agreement. He is a mess!”
Non-disclosure agreement means Sims is legally liable and a lawsuit will likely wipe out the big book advance check and royalties!
@realDonaldTrump followers:
57,843,339 – 9:00 am
57,571,198 – 5:40 am – 1/22/19 – 1 week ago
56,654,854 – 6:04 am – 12/29/18 – 1 month ago
47,238,793 – 7 am – 1/29/18 – 1 year ago
these “book deals” ? aren’t they just a cover for payments for leaks? I mean how else would this guy explain a huge deposit in his bank account?
“a cover for payments for leaks”
Yep – just like the GoPayMe (sp?) accounts set up for people like li’l frail “Dr.” Ford this September past.
Play, THEN get Pay. It’s sickening …
Good – I was waiting to comment until our VSG had weighed in but I had misgivings about this guy, TBH. Just who the heck does he think he is anyway? A nobody, that’s who, IMO.
This is the stuff that makes me crazy.
Sims had a NDA.
Where are the lawyers? Where’s the contract law?
From one Steve to another Steve…..Great intro to today’s Open Thread.
Wife and me have been steadfast PDJT supporters since the escalator ride in 2015. There ain’t nothing that will EVER change that !
It took me quite a bit longer…like until September 2016 or perhaps later than that…before I fully came on board.
But I am ON BOARD.
Personally, I didn’t take The Donald seriously at first. I was leaning towards Carson until I realized he was just too mild-mannered to take it on. The more I heard from DJT, the more I liked – as simple as that for me. He was the bull in the china shop that was desperately needed.
I went through the same transition, NF!
Many thanks.
I do like learning about coins! Ive got a coin from cuba in the 1930s, but it feels like aluminum. Funny the way some things are minted.
Aluminum is a favorite when the coin becomes more worthless than the metal that’s in it due to inflation (don’t get me started on the subject of fiat money).
We actually thought about making cents out of aluminum; a few trial pieces were made in 1974, I’ve even seen one. We did eventually switch from copper (technically bronze) to zinc, with a copper coating, midway through 1982. Now zinc feels like crap, I sometimes joke it’s the only plastic to appear in the periodic table. But even a relative of mine who is a cashier noticed the change; he was on a tear about how everything is made of crap today and incredulously reported that even pennies felt like crap for some reason–he had no idea the change had occurred, and thought he was imagining things. I confirmed it.
Even the “zinky” is worth more in metal than a cent, now; honestly the only thing to be done is to get rid of the denomination OR knock some zeros off the dollar. The US dollar today is worth maybe 1/50th of its value in 1913. I don’t say “when a dollar was a dollar” I say “when a dollar was still a dime” since I’m not old enough to remember.
It’s funny, I noticed the difference in Euro coins vs US and the old German Mark, Dutch, French, and Italian coins. Not sure what metals they used, but it was lighter.
The euro coins and paper money are things only a bureaucrat could love.
The coins are relieved by at least letting the issuing country control one side. I liked the Athenian owl on the Greek one Euro, for instance–it’s a reminder that they almost invented coinage (it came out of Lydia a couple of centuries earlier), their tetradrachm, with that owl on it, was all over the Eastern Med for centuries.
The 20 eurocent is a mainstay, just about equivalent to our quarter both in value and in general use…and it’s a butt-ugly coin, with an ugly funky edge and a gold-ish color that turns ugly with age.
Yep. All of the Euro coins are buttugly, except when they’re brand new. They’ve also come out with a 5-Euro coin which they’re preparing to foist on us, that has a plastic ring in the middle dividing/joining the innner and outer pieces of the coin. I think the French used to have a coin very similar to what became the Euro coin – I think it was 2 Franc, IIRC. I seem to run into the 50-cent pieces and two-euro pieces the most. Maybe my wallet has a hole in it 🙂
And the notes are even worse. The old German notes were both beautiful and durable, with pictures of PEOPLE as opposed to THINGS on them. Also they’re trying to get rid of all the high-denomination notes in their quest for eliminating cash entirely. Sweden’s already pretty much there…grrr…
Oh, for the days that a “Change Agent” was someone you’d meet at the border, instad of in the board room…
That was something that struck me about Europe when I visited–the general availability of larger notes. We don’t make anything bigger than the hundred dollar bill, and haven’t since the 1930s. People there were much more into cash.
I agree about the old individual country notes; they invariably featured people famous in that country. (I enjoyed the Polish 1000 zloty note with Copernicus on it…even though it was worth less than a dime at the time I was there.) Switzerland had Friedrich Gauss on there AND the distribution that bears his name–geeky as heck! Sometimes I as a tourist would have no idea who those people were. Dutch notes were extremely colorful and abstract (so were their coins). Fun stuff; I kept a bunch of it, knowing it would eventually be worthless.
I used to travel all through Europe on business in the 1980s, 90s and early 2000s, and I’d keep a few example of all the coinage and the notes that I could afford. I always thought the Danish Kronor with the holes in them were funny, as well as the Austrian pfennigs that felt like they were made out of plastic.

I sold a car once, for cash, and was paid around 10k DM for it; I got to see (for once and only) 500 DM and 1000 DM notes. Just funny money to me (except when I got to the bank, of course, sweating all the way, in-between). One time I went to Italy, and had over a million Lira. Boy did I feel rich. Until they told me it wasn’t that much money, after all….sigh… Ironically, Italy was very picky at the border about how much money you could take in or out (I forget the limits; it’s been a Loooooong time).
Gosh, almost a millionaire, except for the wrong currency…
My favorite “note” is the 100 DM note, with Clara Schumann on it:
Those were probably the notes in most comman usage before the Euro (aka Teuro) hit…
I dropped one of those on the counter in Warsaw and they counted out 950,000 zlotys. ALMOST a millionaire.
I visited Turkey far too late to get 1.4 million Turkish lira for a dollar. They dropped six zeros off of everything at some point.
Oh, in case you’re wondering why I called it Seated Liberty, here’s the other side:
Ive got old coins from my grandmother, different ones and some paper money. Mostly just bc its neat. My kiddo is obsessed with getting a metal detector for his birthday. Wants to find more treasure faster. Lol.
National Geographic used to sell a metal detector. The illustration on the front of the box showed a bunch of Canadian coins (for some reason) on the left and Russian Imperial platinum (for some reason) on the right. The coins on the left were basically worth nothing more than their face value–the coins on the right were worth thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars and VERY unlikely to be found in the dirt anywhere in Russia, much less in North America. Huh.
Just a quick piece of advice when it comes to coal trains: don’t lean on them. They’re REALLY dirty. The UP tracks carry them daily, eastbound loaded, westbound empty to be reloaded.
Especially if they’re moving 🙂
(albeit VERY slowly if it’s a long coal drag)…
They’re also pretty doggone slow going over the Palmer Divide in Colorado, a long, relentless climb to 7500 or so feet, separating the Platte River basin from the Arkansas. But Colorado Springs, I am told, consumes an entire 110 car train of coal every day for its power plants.
I’ve read they’re restoring BigBoy 2014 in the shops at Cheyenne.Would love to see it back in action.
We used to drive back east every year in the 1960s and early 70s, and IIRC in 1960 we were driving along in Wyoming when my Dad yelled “BIG BOY!!!!!!!” and almost ran off the road (probably wanted to turn around and follow it, which just about had my Mom yelling too 🙂 ). My sister and I, in the back seat, were impressed by the loco (which was probably on the way to the scrapyard, having already been mustered out)(sniff), but had no idea of its significance.
And they could haul HUGE amounts of coal (and burn them, too). I think the restored one will be converted to oil burning, which will probably light up more than a few greens and tree-huggers….
Spreading the word on a memo from the Conservative Action Project on H.R. 1 introduced by Bella Pelosi. If passed (won’t clear the Senate or president’s desk, IMO), the Dems would have the upper hand in elections for now and always.
From the article:
Pelosi’s legislation is a massive federal power grab away from the states. The Constitution gives primary authority to the sovereign states to conduct elections. This bill empowers the federal government to micromanage elections by requiring states to get “preclearance” from Washington, D.C., before changing their election procedures.
H.R. 1 also mandates countless millions of taxpayer dollars be given to candidates for their campaigns, requiring citizens to fund candidates who those citizens actually oppose for office.
The Memo highlights several other features of the bill, including:
Forces all states to allow all convicted felons to vote.
Requires all states to allow same-day voter registration, which leads to voter fraud.
Makes it difficult for a state to discover if a voter is also voting in another state.
Prevents states from limiting early voting.
Prevents states from limiting voting by mail.
Requires all states to provide free mail-in absentee ballots.
Criminalizes political speech that the government deems “discouraging” to voters who are statistically more likely to vote Democrat.
Takes redistricting away from elected leaders to give to left-leaning commissions.
Great catch. That bill has a lot of what Piglosi’s com(un)patriots did to Kalifornistan in it. They have descended into Uniparty Marxist madness, and would love to do the same to the whole country…
These moves reek of desperation…
“Bella Pelosi” is perfect!!!!!!!
True this regarding China!!!
The Cabal takes care of their own… unemployment doesn’t exist. Continuous Revolving Door…
He’s eminently qualified to contribute BS to See BS.
“Still Got it” Steve… !
“Flake to join “the last refuge”😉🤣🤣
He’d fit in over there. Oh, you mean See BS.
#BREAKING on @OANN: The Senate Judiciary Committee postpones its procedural vote for President Trump’s Attorney General nominee William Barr, with Democrats citing their concerns regarding how he’d handle oversight of the special counsel investigation. #OANN
— Alex Salvi (@alexsalvinews) January 29, 2019
Whee is the chair of the committee Graham..? Has he turned into a wuss..?
They need to get this man trough because POTUS needs a real AG the country needs a real AG.
Maybe we need to flood Senator Graham’s email and heat up the phone lines..?
No news from him on Twitter re that subject.
However, he is now championing SOTU:
He has also weighed in against AOC:
Am now waiting for a L Graham tweet that is critical of PDJT. He gives out pro-Trump/GOP signals, then negative ones.
AAG Whitaker said yesterday he believes Mueller Report coming soon.
All unraveling ?
I find it tough believe Mueller will EVER stop. Like the Terminator.
(The line I wanted is at 1:25.)
Recently said to my daughter: “it’s not the President who caved. It is a bunch of his supposed supporters who caved.”
We are not among them.
Found this article released 13 hours ago (from the time of my comment now) by Catherine Herridge. Found it way at the bottom of my mobile Fox News site.
New details of 2016 meeting with Trump dossier author conflict with Dems’ timeline
Catherine Herridge is an excellent hard-news reporter.
One of the only saving graces of Fox right now.
I agree. Sad, though, that Fox appears to have placed this news into the last page, farthest bottom corner, so to speak, of the newspaper. I haven’t seen or heard any mention of this news elsewhere.
I’m pretty much done with Fox. They are on par with the rest of the MSM.
I love Sarah Sanders!
“When will the FBI surround the homes of Hillary, Clinton, James Comey, James Clapper?”
More to the point – when will they raid Obama’s leftist Islamist HQ in Kalorama?
If Sarah Sanders is saying it…then she no doubt has approval to say it.
Which I think is significant.
🙂 Yes, little messaging in there.
Yeppity, Yep, YEP!!!
And yep lol
If the Democrats refuse to make a deal that includes the wall:
If the 9th Circuit tries to stop the funding of the wall via State of Emergency Powers, then SCOTUS will stop that in its tracks and scold the 9th circuit.
SCOTUS will definitely affirm the President’s constitutional powers to build a wall through the national defense funds and military.
The Democrats are in a LOSE/LOSE EVEN WORSE situation.
Looking forward to 9th Circuit being scolded…
However, I don’t think the 9th will challenge as they are NOT so stupid as to not know their limits.
Even risking appearing really stupid will gain them NOTHING. Not even time, as POTUS does not have to pause, but can move straight ahead. National Emergency ‘trumps’ (pardon the pun) the 9th…………
Any challenge will need to go directly to the SCOTUS.
Keep their feet to the fire, Rep. Jordan!
and this….
These leftist women are darkness itself, ideologically, morally, mentally.
No telling what kind of dark occult activities they are involved in.
Need to add that Arizona hooker lady with the boots to that picture…
Oh yeah!
Dead eyes, all of them.
Heshmat Alavi’s tweet (note the Congresswoman’s nested within):
President Trump is a/the master negotiator. I am assuming he has clearances that give him more information than I have. Based on open source information, China, Venezuela, Cuba and Mexico are heavily involved in drug and human trafficking.
If I was doing the negotiating, I would want to create a sense of urgency on the other side to settle this.
The sanctions President Trump just put on Venezuela and China, create a situation where their deliveries to our country have to just sit out in the ocean bobbing up and down like corks. That is no problem if their contents really are oil or dry goods.
However, if the contents are human beings in containers that never get checked when they come into port and are just trucked all over our country from there, we have the question of just how long these people can be accommodated inside containers.
We do not have any responsibility for ships that are not allowed to come into our ports.
We have paid for the contents and have a manifest of the contents. Any contraband belongs to the shipper at this point.
We have the special added attraction that most of our military ships are currently in our home ports protecting us.
If President Trump adds a special bonus round of “all containers will be inspected before leaving the port” we will need more popcorn.
I like your thinking here, Elizabeth!
And I’ve liked your thinking elsewhere, as well …
I want to say it was spring 2016, when we had a longshoreman strike which shut down west coast ports. Cost to USA economy was about 40-50 billion.
Weirdly, we knew and I shipped via Vancouver for clients in MN/WI and Houston for others to the center of the country.
Inspections take 4 days to 2 weeks and cost about $245 per container for pre-lim exam. The receiver pays for the inspection, not the Chinese. Thus, the cost burden would go to me.
daughn, When our ports were being leased to China in the 1990s, it was my understanding that the Chinese containers were handled by the Chinese and not by our longshoremen. They were also leasing inland airports and the Chinese had free trading zones all over the country that they could ship to without inspection.
I have not kept up with it, but I would assume that drug and human trafficking would be a violation of their lease agreements and we could get our ports back.
If the Chinese and Venezuelans are using them for smuggling, I would think the inspections could be handled by our military and if the contents are as expected, there would be no problem.
I have no idea what the cost of the drug and human smuggling would be to our country, but I would think it is very high.
Don’t get me started on the USA leasing Laguna to the Chinese.
Actually, our people do inspect, not Chinese nationals…… unless they are legally American (hehe) or here, legally.
Average wage for a longshoreman is about $145K a year and their unions are quite particular.
Inland ports are much better. Widely American speaking and competent guys. And because the containers are sealed and under insurance, no one touches contents if necessary, until it gets to inland port.
Saves me a ton of time.
Sidenote: Port Canaveral was leased to the Qataris around same time as U1. Shady deal. We should keep that in mind.
Keep singing George…
Hey, all. I recently found this site and have just decided that this will be my primary daily stopping point for learning the latest news. No longer will I be perusing the comments at Sundance’s Treehouse. Too bad.
I just responded to a post that Sundance made today where he was rude and made personal attacks on a poster who wasn’t trolling and whose original post was stating his opinion. But, Sundance called him out as an idiot in a very rude manner. No way am I going to give that asshole clicks on his website any more.
Someone called Sundance the Soup Nazi of bloggers. That’s quite accurate.
I was banned (twice) by the moderators for posting my views and research links on the LBGT lifestyle/agenda and don’t want to go back, because, for me, it was getting more and more like walking on eggshells. Too much like my childhood/family, my long marriage now ended and dealing with a grown daughter with a neurodegenerative disease. There are too many other great blogs that haven’t compromised on the social/moral/spiritual issues – so I don’t need that site and its rigidness, irritability and intolerance of dissent.
So … their alternative lifestyle is your perverted lifestyle? I agree with that, which is why I self-banned Gateway Pundit. I’ve had a life stuffed too full of queers telling me that I’m a bigot because I know biology and don’t appreciate preying on children.
They are so full of Schitt demanding that we stay out of their bedrooms yet they constantly tell us what is going on in their bedrooms. No longer will I interact with those blabbermouths.
Did you say “queers”, PG???😳😳😳
Having been banned by SD myself, welcome! I believe SD has been overcome by an extreme case of MDS (Mueller Derangement Syndrome).
welcome Ken…
Welcome, Ken. I remember you from over there. Glad you like us.
Welcome Ken!! I had to go look for your response—Very much a gentleman! Glad you came here!!! And here’s a fun fact—our host–Wolfie–likes and comments just like a regular–No special brackets/coloring –he’s one of us!! Much like our POTUS!!
Welcome, Ken. The Q tree is healthy and growing every day while that other tree has turned out be be overgrown poison ivy…oh, well…
I still find it strange because anyone who was there several years ago will remember that SD or whoever was commenting there was very easygoing with a great sense of humor. At some point all of that stopped. It is unfortunate.
Grab a nice comfy branch!
As one who got banned quite some time ago, Welcome!
Stopped counting, huh? 🙂
I never counted. I can’t figure out why people ever seemed to think I did.
oh Steve you always counted!!! we think you count!!! don’t we Marica!
wait, before i offer you a binkie and a cookie, is this a self esteem issue or math?
Math. Enumeration. LOL!!
k…give me back the cookie!
As long as you’re not alliterate 🙂
Aren’t you known as Count Steve?
The COUNT of Montematics 🙂
Someone named me that, but they suffer from the same delusion as the others so it’s not really independent evidence.
Lol, Steve.
Q-Tree, growing by leaps and bounds. Welcome.
Welcome Ken. You will find we are more eclectic and tolerant.
We may not have the name recognition but we have good people, good posts, extra chairs, and cookies. We also believe q and pro Trump go hand in hand. Unlike OT, posts are routinely by different people, not just on holidays.
This is a great place. Btw, if you arent on gab, please sign up and follow some of us here.
Have fun!
Getting on gab for sure. Will do. Someone needs to tell the President to dump Twitter for Gab, too!
Ken, welcome. You most likely recognize many others from ‘OT’. I now only go there if someone here has a link to an article that they have already read. I went there this am to read the one about Nunes from yesterday and SD had numerous comments where he did just that under similar circumstances. The general tone of the discussion revolved around the President’s power to declass. SD actually was more of a troll than the other person commenting.
Yes, I see many of my favorite posters over here. I was wondering where they all went!
Glad you found us, Ken. Welcome!
Oh gosh, the knee-pad princess… That’s gonna leave a mark…
Does that mean I can start shitting in the streets now instead of my pants???
Just be sure your dog doesn’t do the same (at least in SF).
You’ll be rewarded with a HUGE ticket…
Thanks, Steve for great commentary to start this thread off! As a general personal rule, if POTUS does or says something that “ruffles my feathers”, I stop and remember that was for someone else’s benefit not mine and move on without trying to figure out who/what group it was directed toward. I believe beyond the shadow of a doubt he is focused on the end result and will do/say whatever it takes to get us all there safely!
And to top it off, she’s deaf. Disorienting as well as humiliating.
This falls under “no big deal,” honestly.
It’s not in the presidential oath prescribed in the Constitution. (People add it on.)
The trouble is, THEY are making it a big deal. Over here, Gerhard Schröder (our Øbozo) took his oath of office, but did not say “mit Gottes Hilfe” (with GOD’s help). That cause quite a stir, because he was the first to delete that phrase, and his futher actions showed he was (and is) on the side of Satan.
The fact that he and Joschka Fischer could field a football side with all their ex-wives wasn’t lost on a lot of people either.
Add to that, the DEMONcRATs taking GOD out of their platform, as it were, rejecting HIM specifically. And when they pushed GOD out, that left room for Satan to come in. That’s why I call them the DEMONcRATs…
I heartily disagree, Steve.
Wait, aren’t you the one with the Bible citations?
I don’t understand.
‘It’s not in the presidential oath prescribed in the Constitution. (People add it on.)’ They do. The Fox article says so.
Nevertheless, it’s a … slippery slope there.
Currency next?
Hmm. previous reply disappeared.
Currency? Well why not? Our coinage had zero, zip nada reference to a deity before 1864, and our nickel was missing such reference as late as 1938 (the “Indian Head/Buffalo” nickel didn’t have IGWT on it).
This apparently didn’t bother our Founding Fathers in the slightest.
“In God We Trust” wasn’t added to our paper money until 1957. Apparently we just had to have it to fight against communism, or something like that. Well we defeated the Soviets, but ended up infested with commies anyway.
I don’t think it’s government’s job to promote a religion, or even religion or faith in general. I also don’t think it’s government’s job to deprecate it either. Staying silent on the matter is the appropriate course.
Thanks for the currency history, SteveInCo. You have mentioned it in discussing some of the coins you show. My mistake.
‘Staying silent on the matter is the appropriate course.’ God has been mentioned many times by US presidents in various proclamations throughout the nation’s history (e.g. Thanksgiving Day proclamations).
The real problem I have with this is that Marxism is a supremacist religion. Their atheism is not the polite variety born of the rational and empirical traditions of the enlightenment, but the radical revolutionary variety that seeks to overthrow institutions merely to burn them to the ground and seize power. That’s part of the reason they hate Ayn Rand so much – she calls them out and they hate it 😉
Obviously as a Christian, invoking God’s name has a much greater value to me than it does to many others. At the same time, I’m not under any delusion that most of our public references to God are little more than reverence to a civic and ceremonial diety agnostic enough to appeal to diverse religious traditions – not the least of which included the diests of the late 18th century.
This said, there is value in the practice of civic reverence of tradition. It helps us appreciate the worth of what we’ve inherited at great cost, while instituting a respect and humility to pass it along to those who come behind us.
And if nothing else, reverence for our Constitution, our flag, and for God contorts leftists into pretzels 🙂 Such notions are an affront to their “progressive vision,” which gives no quarter to preserving the best of our past.
And the traditions I cite go back to the Founding Fathers.
Probably because they know God will not help them to lie.
Good one, Zoe.
Good Grief… this man is being investigated for corruption.
CNN hires the dregs and then expects to NOT BE LABELED
Didn’t someone here or OT predict this?
Roger Stone has his finger on the pulse.
regarding General Flynn-the Worlds most Awesome TOP SPY following our own Flep/Baba..Fleps pinned tweet would be the 1st thing the good-Great General would see…Check this out…
Talk about minding your P’s and Q’s!!!😉😎
This is why the Left tries to paint Trump as anti-Hispanic or anti-immigrant, as opposed to anti-illegal-alien. Many Hispanics indeed immigrated here. If they can be made to believe that, they won’t favor him. So the enemedia will talk about Trump going after “immigrants” while leaving out “illegal” which is an important detail (and I’ll leave aside for the moment the equally real fact that the correct term is “illegal alien” not “illegal immigrant.”)
Thanks for leaving that fact “aside” !!! 😉
(hints of: “Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me ‘old,’ when I would NEVER call him ‘short and fat?’”)
Yeah that stupid campaign “I am not an ‘illegal'”.
Hun, I never said you were. I said you were an “illegal _alien_” not an “illegal”. I cans English, yo.
Well, this is some good news – hopefully she is able to get out of Pakistan safely to join her daughters in Canada.
“Bibi remains in hiding to protect her from violent mobs and the government has deployed police throughout the country’s major cities to minimize violence and property destruction. Despite her initial release, death threats made it impossible for Bibi to leave government custody, though the government did allow her to leave prison.
Prior to the decision Tuesday, two of Bibi’s daughters fled the country to Canada. The U.K. Telegraph reported last week that Bibi herself “is expected to join her daughters in Canada” assuming the Supreme Court set her free. Following her initial acquittal in October, campaigns surfaced around the free world urging governments to grant asylum to Bibi and her family, arguing that remaining in Pakistan would guarantee her death at the hands of a Muslim mob. Lynchings of Christians and Hindus accused of blasphemy or desecrating the Quran are not uncommon in Pakistan, which has never officially executed someone for blasphemy despite the penal code requiring it in cases where an individual is found guilty of insulting Muhammad.
The British Pakistani Christian Association (BCPA), an advocacy group that has been involved in the effort to get Bibi and her family out of the country, celebrated the dismissal of the appeal against Bibi on Tuesday.”
So, this was posted today over on Rantingly…
No big deal…just a few sentences, really…everybody just move along…this was last years show…we’ve moved on…
Who says the FBI are corrupt and incompetent and, well…basically a secret police force? Well…I do…that’s who.
From the AP:
FBI Concludes Investigation Without Finding Motive Behind Las Vegas Mass Shooting
Posted 9:32 AM, January 29, 2019, by Associated Press
The FBI has concluded its investigation into the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history without determining a motive.
The FBI makes the conclusion in a report given to The Associated Press on Tuesday. After nearly 16 months, the agency says it can’t determine why gunman Stephen Paddock killed 58 people and injured nearly 900 others in October 2017.
Aaron Rouse is the special agent in charge of the FBI’s Las Vegas office. He says Paddock acted alone when he planned and carried out the attack. The 64-year-old fatally shot himself after opening fire from his hotel suite.
Rouse says the reason for Paddock’s rampage remains a mystery after months of study by agents and behavioral specialists.
Las Vegas police closed their investigation in August — also without a motive.
welp, to be fair..this is the same agency that can’t find motive even when the perpetrator is full blown extremist with historically known ties to radical imams and groups… they’re not even a secret State police force anymore. Jackboot thugs are the foot soldiers of corrupt Lawfare masters. ” just following orders”…we’ve heard that one before
Well said Molly…’tis a sad state of affairs.
sure is Harry Lime….all that “hope and change” has destroyed so much
…or the same FBI that sees no bias in the Strzok/Page emails.
Here’s the link to the AP article:
After welcoming Ken (above) to the Q Tree my curiosity took me OT to see why he jumped ship and all I have to say is Whoa!!!
In the last page or so of the “Stunning Importance of What Devin Nunes Said…” , SD is in full on battle mode with commenters on his own site…belittling people left and right for bringing up legitimate questions…probably people who have donated to his diseased tree in the past…so, so sad…
It is sad…We need to pray for him–for no other reason than he is still Wolfie’s buddy!
“It is sad…We need to pray for him–for no other reason than he is still Wolfie’s buddy!”
I agree with you Marica.
Maybe Sd needs a break the stress can be much specially now because non of us know what will happen and we put our faith into Hope.
There were time I had to step back when the roller coaster got to much. Oh how I like rollercoasters and I avoid them.
Correction: dislike rollercoaster not like.
In the past, SD never really felt the need to defend himself in comments. Clarify, call someone out, perhaps. To me this behavior is that of someone lacking confidence who needs assurance he is right – not someone who has the confidence knowing the facts are on his side.
I donated once shortly before I was banned, and then again AFTER I was banned for hurricane relief. Never again!
I would never donate to a blogger asking for money.
I’ve had my own site for just under a decade and, during that time, never even thought of asking for a donation.
is “Ken” – “Kent” over there, looking to see his comment. If it’s Kent, I found it, and it’s quite logical and backed up by him. All of us here would agree with Kent’s words. The author of that post OT does not.
I did see a “Ken” telling Sundance he’s gotten very rude over the last month—so maybe it is just Ken…
No, there was a single post by a Ken complaining about SD’s rudeness, I agree with you about Kent; but I don’t think he’s the same as Ken here.
Ok, caught it. I’ll limit my thoughts, but that is one tough comment thread. SD feels strongly he is right on his perspective, and what Ken said is correct. Someone named Kent made gave some logical input – including that POTUS would still have greater power than sabotaging DOJ/FBI characters.
He feels the need to bludgeon those he has failed to persuade.
Not a good sign for his side of the argument.
Eventually, we’ll learn which way the argument shakes out.
This is the comment by Kent that I found:
The author still fails to comprehend that the elected President has Constitutional authority to declassify anything. He is the Executive. And to state that a counter intelligence investigation, created with false information in a secret court (FISA) somehow overpowers the Presidential constitutional power is ludicrous. By this measure all future DOJ and other law enforcement people would wisely start investigations into every single Republican President since no standards are required and since a President according to this logic is powerless.
This would be funny if it was not so sad.
(I totally agree and for some odd reason was able to like his comment. I’ve been banned and unbanned twice now. Very strange).
Me, too. I quit. Banned, unbanned, rebanned, welcomed back into the fold, whatever. I just don’t care. I have nothing to say over there.
Life is such a funny thing, isn’t it? I’ve always been a bit of a pessimist although I prefer to think of it as being a realist. But that bunch of hard bitten cynics who write over there are more than I care to have cluttering up my thoughts and feelings.
I still read about half of SDs articles, I suppose. But even when I feel doubt and despair, AND I DO, when I retreat a bit and pray about it I am reminded every time that just because I can’t see around corners or read ahead in the book or game out what is coming down the pike doesn’t mean I should go run and hide under the covers.
It always comes back to I know in the depths of my soul that God anointed His most unlikely servant, Donald Trump, for this war at this time and place. I cannot explain it, I had a really hard time believing it, but I finally accepted it. Maybe God chose Donald Trump to lose and preside over the end of the world as we know it. But I highly doubt that.
That belief is at the core of my hope, and a whole bunch of logical and reasoned arguments and some random wisps of intuition keep me from descending into that black hole of gloom.
That other tree seems perpetually on the dank and sunless side of the mountain these days.
I went over there–it’s now the second to last page–and no kidding! It’s pretty foul over there.
and Sundance left them with this (paraphrasing) President Trump has a move that could nullify all of this…then never says what that is….LOL
Yep. It’s hopeless, HOPELESS, except for…(TO BE CONTINUED…)
I read some of SD’s article–immediately hit with the word speculation—red flag #1…but then when he’s arguing with a poster–he tells (I think) Kent that Kent is only GUESSING what’s in Rosenstein’s memo to Mueller and he (meaning Kent) has no idea what Weissman will put in the report. Fair enough, but Sundance doesn’t either so what’s his beef?
I love watching those serial programs from the 1930s and 1940s…always with the cliffhanger at the end of each episode…just to keep you coming back!
there were plenty of posters asking–well what’s the move? in fact, they brought that question in to the daily presidential thread as well…no answer as far as I can see…lol
i wanna say same bat time, same bat channel…but Wolf is Batman! lol
Yep. OT has become “As The World Burns”…
Or, “The EDGE…of FRIGHT”…
Then if SD knows there is a move which POTUS can do that nullifies the bad stuff, then likely POTUS knows it too – and POTUS will do what he needs to. Which is what we all believe will happen.
Thus POTUS wins!!!
PS, it occurred to me yesterday, that POTUS has leverage, lots of it, and the reason why he isn’t using it right now would be because he is trying to nudge everything back under the rightful rule of law vs using leverage as a means of political extortion. He might win get some of what he wants, but then he can’t expose and reveal the corrupt and the criminal. It’s better to do it step by step…
I really think POTUS is planning for years from now. He wants us to win bigly now–but he wants our children and our grandchildren to win bigly too—restoring the rule of law–restoring trust in government again–I think THAT’S his long game…
I’ve had that same thought. I’d like it quick and dirty with sharp elbows flying and to be able to look up and see the winning score on the board for once.
But the future of our country, and frankly the whole world is at stake. PDJT loves to win, but he knows he is playing for all the marbles and it has to be done right.
so I went and surveyed the battlefield. Have to say I was seriously surprised that to support his own opinion, SD referenced and quoted HIS OWN WORK…lol
Yeah…as stated above, he needs a break (if it is indeed one person). I think the stress is getting to him…and I mean this sincerely. Most of us have reached our breaking point at one point or another…
that’s why I think it’s someone else writing the new stuff…SD would never reference his own work as proof, would he? that’s a little high handed imo
I think so too…it doesn’t even seem like the same person who enlightened me on the Jessica Chambers murder, Trayvon Travesty, UniParty…etc.
Exactly, Pat Frederick.
I keep wondering if it’s a faux SD, or they’re trying to kill off that tree…
Everything really seemed to change around the elections, as if SD took an unexpected or forced vacation…
One of the conservative analysts was in a DM with me – states the change appeared last summer.
I thought the change happened when SD proclaimed paraphrased “he dumpster dived into the swamp and that POTUS has no chess strategy.”
I only came their short before the 2016 election
Yes, I arrived shortly before the election too.
Yes. I agree. It was late last spring or early summer, I thought, when I first noticed the change. To me it was a huge and sudden change and it was like a punch in the gut. But then it seemed to even out at bit and I thought, ah, we’ve passed through the turbulence. Silly me.
Yes, in recent weeks, it’s clear it’s a greater shift than previously thought. I know it’s not possible, but truly it doesn’t seem like the same person.
I have gone through all these personal stages of grief over being 86’d from OT but I think I have put the anger behind me for the most part. What’s left is confusion about what happened and frankly concern.
I think it’s because we’re such caring people, Sylvia, it’s difficult to take in the fact that someone we admired and supported would not be glad we were there.
But we’re here, and most of my favorite people are here, so that makes me happy.
Oh I know, me too. I stumbled in here just bewildered and angry and feeling like what the heck just happened? It was awful.
And now, this is such a great place and I am just over the moon at seeing so many of my favorite people here that it really helped heal my wounded little heart.
I just cannot wrap my head around what has happened over there. It still shocks me because it felt like a pretty abrupt and dramatic change.
It was out of the blue. And I guess it left me thinking “where is SD, and what have they done with him?”
But it’s been so wonderful to find this place. Really, for a couple of months I had been fretting, feeling down reading the posts OT, so now this is good.
Having a good community makes for a successful site.
I’m so glad you found us. You add a lot to the tenor of this site and we’re lucky you’re here.
It’s also good to have specialists on certain issues.
It sure is!
The best part about it is, we let you bring your shovel.
I shudder to think I might have arrived here only to find a Shovel Free Zone sign, or be told I had to check my shovel at the door…
This is certainly not a gun free zone, either.
Well, thank heavens! A shovel can only get a girl so far. Sometimes heavier ordnance is required.
And even (if I dare say so in this peculiar age in which we live) a man to help wield it.
I ogle only after making sure that mean looking guy with the 12 gauge isn’t around.
Ha, your mama didn’t raise no dummies!
Well Pat, he has been Pat(ting) himself on the back for predictions he claims he made previously…sooo !
“…to support his own opinion, SD referenced and quoted HIS OWN WORK.”
Now where have I heard this strategy before ?
Ah, yes !
I am going to be fair to SD.
I took this as him trying to say to someone disputing one of his supporting points, that he had adequately argued that point elsewhere and he wasn’t going to repeat himself. That’s a bit different from citing himself as an authority.
Oh, my goodness. Someone please restrain me from going back “over there” to comment on the latest articles: Part I & II, no less. (My moderated comment was “allowed.”)
Here is what I want to suggest (it is safe to present a rough draft, here):
If you know so much, why aren’t you in the cabinet, the Q-team, or a special advisor to POTUS?!?!?!
See my commentary at the top…
And he just kept repeating himself, over and over again!
I think he is playing by the Demoncrat playbook. “Repeat it often enough and it becomes the truth.”
Sheesh, reading that was a tough slog. It is a mess over there.
He has also dropped the answer to “what Trump can do.”
Reads just like declas to me.
It still doesn’t make sense to me.
Something else is wrong, we just don’t know what it is.
I finally had it and left this reply to that article:
“As soon as I saw “speculate,” I went elsewhere. Speculation abounds. Opinions are rampant. Patience appears virtually nonexistent amongst many who claim to be supporters of our POTUS. Informed opinions based on verifiable data are of value to me. Speculations are not. Lack of patience is not.”
And I stopped when I felt energy draining ire welling up.
very reasonable and measured response Roberta!
Thank you. I will let y’all know if I get banned. I will pop in and out over there just to see…
You can look even if you’re banned.
Try “liking” someone else’s comment. If it doesn’t take, you’re most likely banned. You also won’t be able to leave your own comments.
Yup, thank you, I learned this from you and others at “our” tree some months ago. I just left another comment Regarding Mueller (my, they are fixated on him over there):
Re Mueller: An informed, reliable, opinion. Valuable.
Joe M
15h15 hours ago
After recent events, I don’t think it’s a secret anymore that Mueller has long since moved off Trump/Russia and is going after the Deep State. Rex said it 2 years ago. It was always supposed to be ambiguous to confuse [them], but we’re far enough along for it to no longer matter.Re Mueller: An informed, reliable, opinion. Valuable.
Joe M
15h15 hours ago
After recent events, I don’t think it’s a secret anymore that Mueller has long since moved off Trump/Russia and is going after the Deep State. Rex said it 2 years ago. It was always supposed to be ambiguous to confuse [them], but we’re far enough along for it to no longer matter.
Good Lord in Heaven, Mary and all the Saints!
Look at the response! Amazing.
John says:
January 29, 2019 at 4:17 pm
You are a communist sympathizer prattling in conservative venues to obfuscate facts. Like: We don’t need the FBI. MUeller is a ratfink commie rat political animal who sold out to the communists a long time ago. Rosenstein should be in prison for so many felonies it’s mind boggling. Except Bill Clinton liquidated the real Federal prosecutors when he was President and replaced them with Democrat (read: communists, as the democrats have finally unmasked) stooges. The country is so corrupt (that includes most Republicans) at this point all hope of a nonvoilent future is impossible. Sic Semper Tyrannis.
And now, for my response to “John” of
“You know my sympathies from what I wrote? amazing!”
I am being moderated.
Test complete.
Sounds like “John” needs to be flushed.
Perhaps the should-be-flushed John is named Brennan…
We need the ents to put that tree back into shape!!!!!
I quite like your allusion, with all of its implications.
Yep, that’s the one I read this morning and couldn’t believe what I was reading….I had never seen SD post so many comments in one article like that before.
IMHO, SD still hasn’t posted that many comments…
SD isn’t SD…
It is definitely a different feel in those branches🤤. I have been fascinated for a while by posters competing for longevity, ie accuracy or Trump trust, and the “trolls”
I have been a frequent reader, occasional poster since the Jessica Chambers days and there are MANY I don’t recognize.
I was so happy to crash into this tree and see so many familiar, friendly names! 😁
I haven’t tried to leave a comment in weeks because they always went to moderation. I gave an attaboy to someone for a positive comment and it went to moderation. This time I checked back and someone let it post. I didn’t bother reading much and glad I didn’t.
Don’t confuse indictments with collusion. Yes, if someone lies under oath, they should be held accountable. But bottom line: it’s been 20+ months, and we have seen ZERO evidence of any Russian collusion. These Mueller moves have nothing to do with POTUS.
There was no collusion.
— Mark Meadows (@RepMarkMeadows) January 29, 2019
That might have taken place at the Blexit conference in LA a couple of weeks ago.
It attracted a lot of Hispanics/Latinos.
Good to see that more military helps out at the border.
The only question I have what can they do when illegals storm the border ..? How can military ward off the many young men?? They cannot soot them and only teargas seems a big hoopla with media and democrats..
Sherriffs/police departments will go on a special alert for continuous deployment. They can assist in major events, at least in CA.
If they storm the border people will begin taking control without waiting on the government unless PITUS does call an immediate emergency.
i’d vote for water cannons, delousing spray and immediate quarantine…why put our hospitals and medical staff at risk?
The thing is, it IS an ILLEGAL INVASION.
In short, an ACT OF WAR.
It doesn’t matter by whom, or from whom.
Our borders MUST be defended. Any any attempts to penetrate them MUST be met with DEADLY FORCE.
Otherwise, our borders aren’t borders…
And most every other country in the world would do the same (Merde-kel notwithstanding)…
Cuppa, I agree.
Y’all remember Stacy Abrams? The Socialist crook who ran for Gov of GA and all the fraud she attempted?
Motto for Democrat Party: Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.
Or maybe this?
They want the most corrupted people they can get. All the media are hiring the dregs of never Trump and tds. Id say its a race to the bottom but it seems we’re already there.
They are mocking our political system as they try to take down the President.
What does that mean ‘give a Democratic response to the SOTU ” ? Is that what’s always been done? Does he mean in a pundit manner or she will follow him at the podium?
yeah you probably shut it off after POTUS speaks–i always do–but yes the opposing party delivers a rebuttal.
ahhhh ok. Truly I have always hated politics so…I never really cared what was said, never watched. NOW, I understand how we got in this mess. Because of apathetic people like me.
don’t be so hard on yourself–neither side offered anything new or exciting till Donald Trump showed up. He is real, honest and a hell of a lot of fun!
hah! True and the anti American Obamination jerked a lot of us out of sleep..what a nightmare he and the cabal are. They’re like the monster in a horror movie that won’t die no matter what’s done to it
To be honest, I was involved. But once Obola was elected, I figured the US had fallen.
You and me both.
You now see it: You may not be interested in politics, but politics is interested in you….
That crap started under Reagan.
I guess they figured out having Pelosi and Schumer as spokesghouls was a bad idea.
Steve—After that MEME battle was won by OUR SIDE–I think the had to go deep into their bench ie. Stacy Abrams–The rest just started saying–“NOT IT!”🤣🤣
May this be a faceplant as good as their last one!
Response is common. Different room. Always awkward.
Rubio gave one where he stopped, in the middle of his response, to grab a bottle of water.
Bobby Jindal, former Gov of LA, gave a response to Obama, which was horrible.
Didn’t they have a drooling kennedy last time?
that’s right!!! forgot about him…LOL
“The Drooling Kennedys”…wasn’t that a punk rock band from the 70’s and 80’s? Ah…I might be mistaken…
Yep. They were a bunch of drips….
Oh yeah, that was awesome! How could we forget that!!!!
LOL yup. He was standing in front of a car which just made it even more odd.
Yes it was like a car repair teaching place at a vocational school or something. I remember at the time people commenting who thought it was a good idea to pose the drooling Kennedy in front of a wrecked car…. Hello, Chappaquiddick?????????????
One thing, I don’t think he’s been heard from since.
I was thinking the same thing. Look how the kennedy’s have fallen.
I think he blamed the drool on chapstick.
And I think that’s the last we heard from him. Chapstick. And boom, just like that, another rising star is gone. Probably just quietly stirring the pot and dreaming up new Commie plots to bedevil us all.
Not at the odium unless Nancy changes the rules/protocol. I believe it is given via lamestream lyin’ media networks. If Paul Serran is correct and this SOTU address will be lightyears beyond last year’s, she/they is/are going to have a tough time crafting a response, even if they get the speech ahead of time.
Thanks for mentioning Paul Serran Roberta…
I posted his recent THREAD recently… now I discover, thanks to you, that he has extended it.
Here’s link if y’all are interested… Paul is Brazilian, has supported POTUS since the beginning.
Talk about informed opinion! This man has it in spades. And therefore, his opinions are valuable to me and I have the patience to wait for them. 🙂
Aaah, congratulations on the “perfect” typo. Odium fits as well as podium!
LOL! I thought so, too, when I saw it. Mac keyboards
Hey Chuck you need another shovel to keep digging? /s
Seriously folks, being here in the ATL, I can assure you that this moro… oops! I meant ‘person’ is straight outta the John Lewis’ Plantation’s School for Rase Hustlin’, al la the Rev Jackson. She WAS hugely in debt over consumer credit cards and once said she didn’t know she had to repay the bill.
So, think of a “female,” very heavy version of that Tallahassee Mayor recently up for ethics charges with extremely bad hair and you’ll know what you’ll get. Rampant voter fraud in the “urban” areas of GA. She was very upset that the “rural folks” just couldn’t see how smart she was.
Can’t wait for PDJT’s tweet about her. Oh, and, yea, let’s NOT provide a copy of the speech before it’s delivered.
Did I mention I can’t stand her? Just sayin’ … 😉
I was hoping for Auntie Maxine🙄
Democrat crooks stick together.
I had to look up a picture of her to remember–she looks all kinds of crazy!
Click on pic…1st Meme shot across the bow…🤣🤣
I would be EXITED too, if I was a Democrat. LOL
Looks right, looks left. OK someone is going to have to say it:
They are going to a bigger podium
I have no idea way this posted twice. LOL sorry about that.
Looks right, looks left. OK someone is going to have to say it:
They are going to need a bigger podium
Great get, Kea 😊 Pathetic but charming how excited Lindsey is to be a meme ‘item’.
I love Bennie.
iirc, Benny’s photo of Graham went viral… bit more than just an “item”
I had to read past Benny’s tweet to comprehend, then was duly reminded of these gems:
However, Lindsey G is still unpredictable. It depends on the topic.
Just as we expected….
Reply to this thread:
I wonder what this is about:
“The OIG found that as a result of conduct by two current senior FBI officials, and one retired FBI
official, the FBI contractor engaged in certain inherent governmental activities in contravention
of Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR).
Additionally, the OIG found that these three FBI officials did not adhere to Office of Management and Budget policy while managing the contractor. Further, the OIG found that the FBI contractor failed to adhere to personal conflict of interest rules under the FAR.”
“contractor” can mean entire firm
one citizen reporter suggests Crowdstrike, another suggests Fusion GPS
2 Sr FBI officials…
Suggestions: David Bowdich, presently Dep. Director; or Bill Priestap; or
One Retired FBI official:
Andrew McCabe apparently was allowed to retire… so, he might be the one referred to here.
Guesses of course
Nunes knows who they are…
Thanks for the analysis.
I was getting ready to leave home, and didn’t have any time to ponder! I am going out of town tomorrow, and in a hotel tonight.
It seemed important enough to post without explanation or explication. I knew someone here would get it.
Israeli scientists say they’ll have complete cure for cancer within a year
A lead scientist from Accelerated Evolution Biotechnologies Ltd. (AEBi) told The Jerusalem Post they’d have a complete cure for cancer very soon.
“Our cancer cure will be effective from day one, will last a duration of a few weeks and will have no or minimal side-effects at a much lower cost than most other treatments on the market,” Dan Aridor said . “Our solution will be both generic and personal.”
“We believe we will offer in a year’s time a complete cure for cancer.”
Aridor said the treatment is essentially on the scale of a cancer antibiotic. The Post reports the drug is based on SoAP technology, which involves the introduction of DNA coding for a protein.
A team of scientists won the Nobel Prize in 2018 for their work on SoAP technology.
Aridor says the drug won’t be affected by mutations.
That sounds fantastic! Praying that it works or maybe I should be praying that it is allowed to …cancer is big business for Pharma
I sure hope so.
My popular-science understanding, though is that cancer is a number of different things and has a number of different causes, so this would have to be ingenious indeed to get them all. (And even if it doesn’t–it’s still great news!) It’d be interesting to see a better explanation of this.
And cancer thrives on sugar of all kinds.
And decades ago medical scientists proved the efficacy of the ketogenic diet and hyperbaric therapy for childhood leukemia. It took decades longer for some cancer therapy docs who work with breast cancer to “learn” that it would work on their patients.
Ah…but there is so little munee in assisting the body to heal itself. Grrrrrr.
I believe RBG was Patient X in a clinical trial.
PAT!! HA! Yes!!!!
My one son who is a researcher in medical science told me if people would know what goes on they would be shocked.
He found himself another job within the University. He now can look himself in the mirror. I guess I did something right,,:)
I wonder when I read about the cancer cure if Pharma will allow for cancer cure..?. They have to much invested there is not much money in a cure. Come to think of it we have not cured much of anything but are great in drugging people silly.
‘Come to think of it we have not cured much of anything but are great in drugging people silly.’
Thank you, singingsoul!
I agree, but there is a widespread belief that albino children or their body parts can rid people in Africa of curses or attract good fortune.
My heart goes out to those children.
From the article:
‘Authorities are said to suspect that witchcraft motivated the horrors that were inflicted upon the children. Some witch doctors in the area where the children were killed claim that by obtaining some body parts, people can attract money and good fortune.
‘”This is all about superstitious beliefs and many believe they will get help from witchcraft,” Njombe District Commissioner Ruth Msafiri said.
‘”These murders are linked to witchcraft practices because that is the trend for such crimes, where herbalists ask people to get these human parts for money rituals,” he said.’
Those albino children should be refugees . I would take some in my home. My heat bleeds for them.
My heart bleeds for them, too.
Agree about refugee status, but there is probably a deeper story there. Perhaps their families use them as sources of income and would not allow them to be released from the country.
Who else thinks reason for withholding criminal records of two shooters is they were (they were killed) illegal immigrants… ??? and all H will break loose when info is revealed???????????
Be sure to read the THREAD…
Suspicion that suspects are/were MS-13… info being suppressed …
Other members suspected to be in neighborhood…
I’m not clear on the idea here. They (shooters) were identified, white couple, owned the home, lived at the home.
Is the idea that they were buying their drugs for sale from MS-13?
Who stated they were white couple, owned the home?
Nevermind Molly I found it…
I kind of wondered if Houston PD thought they would arrest this couple and squeeze them for their suppliers never thinking that the couple would go kamakazi on them. The time of the warrant serving seemed odd. Don’t they usually serve warrants to dangerous people at dawn when they’re less likely to be ready for a fire fight?.
I’m confused by reports coming out…
Names of injured officers are being withheld because (it is reported) some (maybe all) were undercover.
There supposedly was a “tip” wrt stash.
Read here are numerous illegal immigrants in neighborhood.
Police Chief is calling for gun control… pushing back on the wall, saying he uses illegals for ‘gaining info’ –
does not want that ‘disturbed’…
I don’t know… the water is apparently being muddied…
pray for the officers, most of whom are in their 50s… one guy critical 36 y/o
Rex has article up at quodverum
Thanks. Reading it now. So that’s where Rex went!!!!
He comments OT, by the way, as Rex (w/o a link to his pseud).
I thought he had left? Well this is better.
are you sure they (Rex OT & Rex Imp.) are the same.?
I ask because Sd & Rex had a falling out… over black/white hats…
Perhaps not, pR.
I did not know SD and Rex had a falling out.
Thanks Phoenix!! Great read!!
“As we have observed many times, once you see Trump’s genius, you can’t not see it.”
EXACTLY!! I love REX! Very straight forward! I think he and SD had a falling out as well?–
Rex is/was a reluctant Q believer too….
it’s absolutely scary how you often read my mind… do you work for the C_A???? 😉
Phoenix!! Not me–Not that exciting 😉 But we are on the same wave length for sure!!! Mind Control? hmmmm
Phoenix, just don’t catch Marica’s down-in-the-dumps moods.
Steve! Where all you guys been tonite? The ladies are holding down the fort…doing our best to keep ya’ll informed!!😉🤣 Are our “Toxic Masculine ” men having a beer summit somewhere that we don’t know about?
Actually I had to actually debug something at work, Right Now!!!
Dontcha hate that we gotta actually WORK!! No wonder the other side wins too many Word Wars– They dont work!!! LOL!!
Yeah, I have two full time jobs, trying to keep you off suicide watch…and my day job.
Sorry to be such a burden!! Just spit on my computer keys again!!
Wow he does an incredible job putting into words what the rest of us are seeing.
PJW crams a ton of media madness into 12 minutes. I obviously don’t follow this Pewdie Pie fella but apparently he has a target on his back just for being an extremely popular and successful youtuber. Watch to the end…a lot of good commentary on current media events and the recent lay-offs at Buzzfeed and Huffpo…hahahahahaahahahah (with the occasional F-Bomb)…
According to son’s friends, RE: Pewdiepie.
He was a Youtube phenom. Millions of followers and edgy, funny.
He did a video where he mocked Nazis who were wearing said uniforms and was removed from youtube, via Google, for being a nazi.
In a nutshell….
Paul dancing at the 7:15 mark LOL
Pelosi still hasn’t entered negotiations on border security.
Gosh, Hilly’s going to be jealous. All of her Hollywood bff’s courting Fancy Nancy now…
I’m hoping the Dems won’t deal and Pres. Trump will declare an emergency. That way he won’t get blamed for any DACA concessions, and the Dems will look even worse than they do now.
This question makes the whole point.
UPDATE: CNN Hid Images and Video of Roger Stone’s 72-Year-Old Wife Being Dragged Out of Home Barefoot and In Nightgown
I am shocked said no one ever.
Hate Hoax? Lefty Actor Claims Trump-Supporting Homophobic Bigots Carrying Bleach and Rope Beat His Ass at 2 AM in Chicago
Yeah. And like how did they know he was there?
LOL Or who he even was.
” Brutally” beaten? Unless there’s more under the blanket, brutally doesn’t come close
Thanks for the link. Yeah its clear his story is BS. The comments on GWP is just too funny.
Once I read the story, my BS meter overloaded. This just screams “Fake Crime”.
If I’m wrong, then I’ll woman up and admit it; however, something is just not adding up with me.
Nope its clear this is a fake crime.
MAGA forbidden on Frontier Airlines….
RBG spotted at a gym…with a trainer?
She was seen or her body double was seen? Like hey, maybe her gym workouts will cure that hump-thing so the body double won’t have to sit all wonky
Good pic, Holly. His source seems solid.
Forgive me… solid, as in not moving?
Yeah I’m going to need video and DNA and prints ec proof.
LOL If she was spotted doing rehab with a physical therapist maybe.
I fee like they would be doing rehab in private. Not like this. Its clear they want to show her up an about.
Better cancel the funeral that was arranged for the 5th Feb.
In historically freezing cold weather? Really?
Katherine Herridge from Fox Biz highlighting the exchange today between Ben Sasse and Dan Coats about “Deep Fakes” attacks from foreign agencies producing a video, which in effect, creates an event that never happened, or puts words into the mouths of politicians. Could be very dangerous.
I believe Q warned us about this problem.
indeed Q did warn us daughn
I LOVE that POTUS tweeted this!! Head exploding!!!!
Interesting convo with a long term and well connected client in Trinidad this afternoon. Since they are right off the coast of Venez, they have a different take.
He said, watch the Indian nationals.
Who else is going to the party in Venezuela?
Note: Supreme Court of Venezuela just froze Guido’s bank accounts and have forbidden him from leaving the country. Also, they have launched an investigation into Guido.
Rocky road ahead.
‘Furious’ Democrats Plot to Make Ocasio-Cortez a ‘One-Term Congressperson’
What I find of note to point out is the fact that Dems never talked or tried to talk bad about each other in the media in the old days. Times are changing.
Yeah. And like how did they know he was there?
OxyCodin was first developed in Germany before coming here to the US.
The Oxy was supposed to replace Heroin. Oxy also was at first peddled not to be as dangerous as Heroin and not as addictive.
Yes they all should be suit for a crime against humanity. People should not allow to enrich themselves and unleash such destructive menus on society.
The people who were most susceptible at first, or should I say their victims, were Coal Miners who had back pain . They distributed the Oxy in OH, VW and TX. Maybe also other places for free at first just like drug dealers.
Some people who had knee surgery and were suddenly taken off died. Doctors did not understand the drug.
No one who was given the drug understood what was happening to them until it was to late.
Also teenager like football players who wee injured were given the drug.
Thanks to the greed of Pharma and doctors who got kick backs we have an epidemic.
Where was the FDA in all of that..?
Okay, something seriously wrong is going on. This is the 3rd state trying to kill babies right up to delivery, or even during delivery. This sounds like a full court press by the satanic democrats.
Satanic is the right word Linda.
I can see a few sickos wanting such a thing so it floors me to know that many many people actually want this.
Oh, Linda, this is so hard to take. and it’s going to get worse if possible.
because the baby is in trauma during labor, the baby’s blood will be MORE beneficial to the adult drinking it. Trauma produces more adrenaline
Sorry to be so crass, but that’s the truth of it…
Sick is not the work… EVIL is the word.
This is disgusting.
notice these evil entities are speaking of “the MENTAL health” of the mother, not life at risk.
What kind of mental health problem?
Why not have the baby and give up for adoption?
Linda–This–as state after ugly state discusses and votes to kill our Babies in the womb up and including the moment they are born- THIS IS WHY RBG is so key…
I am not worried…PDJT will NEVER allow this to stand! NOT ON HIS WATCH… But we still need to Pray Harder!! Calling T3!!
Wait they are going two of them?
I noticed they started doing this a couple years ago. Wtf is that? Is there a tagalog, chinese, italian, arabic response? It completely separates the response by race and or country of origin. Not appropriate.
Yes it ticks me off. I know drooling kennedy did some parts in Spanish. So sick of it.
So the illegals can listen?????????????????????????????????????????
The SOTUA is not delivered by POTUS in Spanish….
So anyone who couldn’t understand the President will be helped out to understand him of course.
Now they wouldn’t LIE in their Spanish response would they? Would they?
Just yell ICE is coming!!! 😀
Someone here said you gotta read something from the OT about Rod, Mulehead etc…
This is from the comment section, this is what we have avoided here. Much love fellow deplorables.
As soon as I saw “speculate,” I went elsewhere. Speculation abounds. Opinions are rampant. Patience appears virtually nonexistent amongst many who claim to be supporters of our POTUS. Informed opinions based on verifiable data are of value to me. Speculations are not. Lack of patience is not.
John says:
January 29, 2019 at 4:17 pm
You are a communist sympathizer prattling in conservative venues to obfuscate facts. Like: We don’t need the FBI. MUeller is a ratfink commie rat political animal who sold out to the communists a long time ago. Rosenstein should be in prison for so many felonies it’s mind boggling. Except Bill Clinton liquidated the real Federal prosecutors when he was President and replaced them with Democrat (read: communists, as the democrats have finally unmasked) stooges. The country is so corrupt (that includes most Republicans) at this point all hope of a nonvoilent future is impossible. Sic Semper Tyrannis.
Roberta says:
January 29, 2019 at 6:03 pm
You decided my “sympathies” based on what I wrote? Amazing.
Trish Regan, gets off the phone with the President of the USA and then talks to Juan Guiado, in Portuguese.
HOLY CRAP, goooooo Trish.
Amazing interview so far! Wow.
Wheatie, what do you suppose is going on here? First, Trish gets the interview with VP Pence on Venez. Now, she is all over the story and landing the BEST interviews.
She’s been covering Venezuela for the past few years…one of the Few who have.
Most of the US media has had it on ‘ignore’.
I didn’t know she could speak Portuguese.
I’m sure that has come in handy.
Trish has been very fair in her coverage of Pres Trump.
I think the message is clear:
Reporters who are ‘fair’ get rewarded with plum interviews and access.
She’s doing a heckuva a job. Thank you for the background on her.
Or is it Spanish, I can’t tell.
Spanish maybe…like you, I can’t tell.
Brazil is the one that has Portuguese as their national language.
It is very similar to Spanish…but also to French, in some ways.
Portuguese is like a blend of the two.
Portuguese is one of the hardest languages to learn. And I have trouble understanding spanish the further south you go.
Wouldn’t it have been in Spanish?
Ok this is too funny.
Add another one to the list:
Hollywood Spiritual Guru Marianne Williamson Running for President as Democrat
They are going to need a really big stage. LOL
Will they be lined up on stage with the craziest or the most vile ones in the middle with the least noxious ones on the ends for the debates? Or put the ones who were given the questions ahead of time in the middle.
That’s at least a 2 hour event for 1 question. And the stage will break before then.
LOL. I’m planning to watch. However, it won’t be live. It will have to be an edited version of those kooks.
One MP has been killed.
26 Sergeants arrested in the military because they voiced discontent.
50% of population has left
300 political prisoners in jail (gotta be more than that)
Cooking with woodfire – in a country with the largest oil reserves.
5000 hectares of land, stolen
80% of food is imported, because they destroyed the farming industry
17 people in the hospital died because the hospital lost power
Venezuela has 12yr olds in jail, for protesting.
Destroyed farming, dissidents in jail, took away the guns, no food…etc etc. Kamala, aoc, and the others will only say , “Its because I wasnt in charge. They did it wrong. WE ARE THE ONES WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR.” Power, corruption, delusion, and death. The Democratic platform for 2020.
Truest campaign slogan ever. We need to remember that Gil.
“Power, corruption, delusion, and death.”
So she couldnt do this speaking engagement, but she could go to a gym workout?
Cross country flight. That would be a bit much vs physical therapy near home. Under ordinary care this would be appropriate. With her, i think they’re afraid she’d thaw all over the seat.
Ha Gil!! Just not buying the gym workout. NOBODY this old and ill would do this!!!
Nope. Pt would be bedside stretching, walking down the hall and back, and youd be winded. I doubt she could dobthe senior center chair gym workout.
right!! I am almost 1/2 her age–But at 50 I had
sorry–At 50 I had Ovarian Cancer–Could not do a gym for at least a year–This is Freaking BULLSHIT!
Marica, so grateful to God that you are here with us. That is a tough thing to beat.
God Is SO GOOD!! He must need me here -No idea why I beat the odds…That’s why I need to get on that plane with Daughn!! LOL!!!
Yes He is, and I’m grateful you did beat the odds. Your joy is contagious.
Hugs Jane!!
If i take my kiddo to the zoo i am tempted to rent a scooter…i need a knee… but i make myself walk.
Glad you kicked cancer in the patootie.
thanks Gil! I really NEVER talk about it..GOD gave me a challenge–and Helped me conquer it!! That is All…RBG cancer is either bullshit– or she is dead–Chemo almost killed me…NOT even gonna go there.. It truly PISSES ME OFF!!!
Wasn’t it Posobi who got this “scoop”?
There is video alteration tech out there, and there are body doubles (the person in PR recently with Bubba certainly WASN’T the Broompilot!).
Also, I distrust Posobi. Was part of the AJ crew, which Q outed as controlled opposition. And, Cerno twitted a day or so ago that Christianity is the problem, with Isssslam being the solution. Cerno was AJ crew, too …
With ya Emerald!! Posobi is a true JERK!
Jack claims his source is at SCOTUS… same source who told him that Justice Kennedy would be retiring.
HRC had several body doubles…
I daresay some law clerk at SCOTUS would not be able to tell a body double from RBG…
It was reported she had pneumonia… she’s 85
I contracted acute bronchitis New Year’s Eve and am not recovered from it yet – I’m 80 y/o
have been focused on preventing it moving into pneumonia for weeks. And I didn’t recently have lung surgery after breaking a couple of ribs from a fall. There is NO way I could work out at a gym.
If I did any P.T., it would be at a facility for P.T., NOT at a gym.
Ain’t buying it… none of it. Stinks…
I’m not buying it either, Phoenix.
I’d lay odds that we’ll never see her seated again on SCOTUS.
Please take care of yourself! I understand recovery is slow, but do what you can!
Thanks Emeraldstar…
Grandson makes sure I pace myself… do what I can, and a little more each day.
Deep breathing and coughing..and repeat…and repeat…
I hope youre moving more every day.
Thank you Gil… am better every day.
CERTIFIED 600+ !!!
BTW – will be on Gab tonight to discuss future Dear MAGA posting. Sorry I missed this earlier! I will do tonight’s unless we decide otherwise.
GAB owner Torba sent out a message today, that GAB had deleted an army of 50,000 bot accounts.
The speculation over at Patriots Soapbox was that the re-opening of the Gov’t ENABLED this!
Our tax dollars at work …
I Spy …Sylvia!!!! Girl!! I miss you and your Shovel!! Taking a break from posting? I get it for sure…But It’s nice to know you are still here!!! “LURKING”! Hope all is well!!! HUGS!!!
This should be interesting – coming up at 10pm on Fox (I may just livestream it!):
“Just tried to FaceTime Pelosi on my iPhone and ended up hearing all she was telling her minions about her plans to prank @realDonaldTrump SOTU speech next Tues; I’ll tell ALL I heard 2nite on @IngrahamAngle on @FoxNews at 10pmET. Don’t miss!”
I missed it…darnit.
Did anyone see it?
What is Nasty Nan’s evil plan to prank Pres Trump?
Lol I missed it too!
Right now, YT fox only has one clip of Ingraham’s show tonight, not the one with Huckabee – I’ll check back and post it IF Fox actually puts it up …
Thanks, Em-star. 🙂
Wheatie!! I could be wrong.. But Gov Huckabee was joking!!! I think he is so much my DAD!! THe Huckabee family –Sarah and GOV–Might be my 2nd favorite behind the TRUMP family!!!
Ah, okay…I had the show on, but then left the room for a few minutes.
When I came back, Huckabee was already on and talking about something else.
So I figured that I missed it.
“But Gov Huckabee was joking!!!”
So I got punk’d!
S’ok, my average is good …
Ah – it WAS a joke!
Apple reported earlier that a security flaw compromised their “FaceTime” video-conferencing software, which allowed others to hack into others’ sessions.
Huckabee does have him some wit!
Truth be told I would not be shocked if they tried something.
thats Hilarious!!! Thank you Phoenix! Now I have to clean off my keyboard!!
They look really heavy, but they’re only 5grams each.
That’s why they call her, GRAMBO…
Black painted Styrofoam. Of course she could probably afford aerogel instead of Styrofoam.
It’s pretty obvious why they picked Stacey Abrams…
Any meme-ing or mockery of her will be immediately declared “raycist!”
Stacey Abrams is a loser who lost her attempt to steal the governors race in Georgia.
Couldn’t they get anyone else?
Like maybe…someone who won their election?
Chuck and Nasty Nan must have been getting a lot of “Nope, not me!” in their search for someone to do their ‘response’ speech.
Agree wheatie…
Also, she’s to give a “Response” immediately after POTUS’ speech…
Abrams is not the sharpest tool in the box… she will not be able to respond. What they will have her do is deliver a prepared speech. Her signature line in Georgia was “illegals should be allowed to vote.” Guess DIMs think that will push back POTUS’ comments about the Wall.
They’ll be sorry… she’ll be a disaster.
That Chuckie and Nasty Meme battle was for the WIN!! You are so very RIght Wheatie!!! (in more ways than 1) Had to go to the 3rd or fourth string to bring in a failed GOV candidate!! Damn!
Not if they can get Diamond and Silk to poke some holes in Cracey Stacey’s sewage…
This is a great visual – it really illustrates the need for full info (whenever possible) before drawing conclusions:
Explanation of how abortion is to be carried out in NY now…
Warning! It will make you sick…
3rd trimester babies can usually survive outside the uterus…
why kill them? why not deliver them and allow them to be adopted?
That is just ghoulish…and so evil.
That is out and out murder!
Phoenix– As Moms–As Patriots–AS HUMANS–We gotta FIGHT THIS!!! This does make me Morose–But in a FIGHTING WAY!!! WORD WAR!
That is sicking
I’m wondering if this will ignite more of a push to repeal Roe v. Wade. It should. The Left is never satifsfied with any win; they always have to go farther. It’s tragic for the babies, and scary when you think about our health care, our economic well being, and all our God-given rights. They just took the right to life from more babies, even thought our Declaration of Independence says, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
Not kidding I’m going to puke.
I have to say, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if GOD steps in…
Eventually Satan’s hubris gets slapped down… and has been repeatedly…
So is she.
They truly are the DREAM TEAM!!! Phoenix!! love your pics!! forever!! HUGS!!
Hugs backatcha Marica…
I just found out about this tidbit…we NEVER saw 1 word about this shooting on the news. The guy had a backpack full of ammo and loaded magazines. Membership in antifa, a nonbinary gender queer, and other strange groups.
Charlie Landeros, aged old enough to know better, loved his far-left activism. He belonged to an armed Antifa group we’ve covered, training “oppressed peoples” in armed self-defense. And now he’s no longer with us after drawing down on two Eugene, Oregon police officers who attempted to arrest him at a Eugene middle school there.
Police believe the radical Antifa activist showed up at his daughter’s school on January 11 intending to pick her up. Cascade Middle School administrators, however, knew that he had recently lost custody of his child and called police to remove him from school property. What they didn’t know was Charlie had a gun on his hip along with a backpack full of loaded magazines and more 9mm ammunition.
When police arrived, Landeros claimed they had no jurisdiction at the school. The Eugene officers had a different take. And when Landeros failed to peacefully leave, things went south quickly for Mr. Antifa firearms instructor.
The Eugene Police Department has released video of the shooting:
Landeros belonged to the Civil Liberties Defense Center, a group that, according to its website:
…supports movements that seek to dismantle the political and economic structures at the root of social inequality and environmental destruction. We provide litigation, education, legal and strategic resources to strengthen and embolden their success.”
According to the Daily Emerald, Landeros also belonged to Community Armed Self-Defense (web site not active, Facebook page unavailable). They describe themselves as a “new liberatory and inclusive space for all oppressed peoples to learn about armed self-defense.”
Apparently their training in armed self-defense fell way short. After all, when Landeros accepted the room temperature challenge and drew down on the police, they dealt with his threat exactly as you’d expect. Landeros died at the scene.
No one knows why, in addition to the gun on his hip, that Landeros brought a backpack full of ammunition and loaded magazines to the school that day. Maybe Eugene police stopped a school massacre by an unhinged loser.
Either way, we have no doubt that Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Control and Gabby Giffords’ eponymous group will, of course, count Landeros’ death as another “school shooting” and yet another reason we should surrender our right to keep and bear arms. They’ll have to forgive us if we draw a different lesson from the incident and the inherent danger of “gun-free” zones.
Thanks, pR, for the article.
I never knew how many powers sheriffs had. Wow.
From the article:
‘Long thought to be the last line of defense between authoritarianism and freedom, sheriffs are in a unique position. As elected officials, basically nobody has authority over them – not the judges, not the Feds – no one except the people who may or may not choose to re-elect them.’
‘As elected officials, sheriffs have an obligation to their constituents and to the Constitution of the United States of America.
‘In 2013, El Dorado County Sheriff John D’Agostini kicked the US Forestry Service out of his county.’
In Colorado the county coroner is also an elected position. I always thought that was very odd, until someone running for that office pointed out that (here at least) the coroner is the ONLY official who can arrest the Sheriff, if need be.
Another thing I did not know.
I wish they’d have told us these things in school.
Thanks, Steve, for doing so now.
It could be very different in other states.
In the states I lived in, County Coroner was/is an elected position.
The more interesting matter is, did he have authority to arrest the sheriff in those states, too?
I don’t really have time to do a lot of research on this, but here are a few interesting links.
Historically, coroners had oversights of sheriffs from the 12th century in England. They represented the crown, hence ‘coroner’ (see p. 3_:
‘The king hoped to check the growing
power of the sheriffs by the watchfulness of his coroners. The present traditional power of the coroner to arrest the sheriff originated in the Twelfth Century.’
The Wikipedia entry mentions powers of arrests in various states. Not an exhaustive state-by-state resume, but worthwhile:
And, finally, see the first answer here:
‘In the State of Alabama the only person who can legally arrest a county sheriff is the coroner for that county. No police officer, deputy sheriff, state trooper, or any other sworn peace officer has the authority to arrest a sheriff …
‘Even if a warrant of arrest is issued for the sheriff, the coroner has to execute it.’
If it goes clear back to Merrie Olde Englande, then it’s likely true in most of our states. I really didn’t mean to cause you to go to that much work, though!
Oh and good catch on the derivation of the word “coroner.”
Interesting, isn’t it?
Now that I have the links bookmarked, I might do a piece on it chez moi.
The Indiana PDF looks very good indeed.
both our sheriff and our coroner are elected offices.
Thanks, Zoe!
Talk about the expression, “dead to rights”,,, and stopping overreach dead in its tracks…
Looks like another set of checks and balances put into place by our prescient fore (and founding) fathers…
WILD. Yeah, heard nothing about this. VERY interesting.
More information here:
How this guy got an Oregon CHL and then thought he should pull out his gun and fire two shots AT the second cop while being arrested – it’s just beyond me.
Very worthwhile to watch the video of the incident.
“Heh heh, Beavis, he said ‘Gold Standard’ heh heh”
I will always Love James WOODS!! Patriot in spades!!!
They’ll have to change the “Blue Room” to the “Blue Dress Room”…
(obvious pun, the blew room)…
That joke sucked.
A room with a blew…
This looks like some expected disclosure?…..
Finally Admitted! “New” Tech Can Beam Voices Directly into Your Head
Don’t worry, though. According to MIT, this technology will only be used to help humanity. Yep.
They believe further research will allow them to scale up the transmission distance, which could make the technique useful in dangerous situations, such during a mass shooting — authorities could beam instructions directly to individuals without anyone else hearing them.
“We hope that this will eventually become a commercial technology,” researcher Ryan M. Sullenberger said. “There are a lot of exciting possibilities, and we want to develop the communication technology in ways that are useful.” (source)
This is so creepy.
And it’s also outrageous, if you think about it.
I mean…talk about an Invasion of Privacy! They can now invade our brains against our will.
I think they’ve already been using it. It may be one of the ways they get crazy people to shoot up schools, and all the other things that have been happening lately.
Definitely in use in the late 1980s. 😉
I suspect that the primary route of administration has been while people are sleeping – particularly during REM sleep – as a method of “inception”. People who are awake or are light sleepers can quickly perform certain physical tests to ascertain that they are being hit with this kind of tech, so it is far less useful on people in an awake state, which also risks exposure of the tech. I believe it is very similar but not identical to endogenous dream vocalizations, and most people would not be able to distinguish the voices from “narrations” in dreams. However, some people might find the voices sketchy and clearly exogenous.
I believe that one use of this technology is to get people to self-discredit as psychotic due to “hearing voices”, which is a richer and more useful discreditation than simply anxious or depressed. A diagnosis of psychosis limits one’s testimony – that can be highly useful to certain people.
People who hear voices and don’t investigate fully ( 😉 ) might think they could be psychotic, whereas somebody with some advance warning, some skepticism, good powers of observation, and the patience of long investigation, might not just gain awareness of the tech, but be in a position to see who was supporting the desired narrative in other ways. It would be most ironic and surprising if one of those other people were – well – multiply connected to CA3 aftermath (as in trying to dig up information), including involvement in a similar incident at a different university, or even British-ish. Possibly previously hinted to the White Hats, but different from the last Brit. Just freaking cool.
OMG, this Great Awakening stuff REALLY is great. 😎
To make things a tad more confusing, there is a type of tinnitus called “Musical Ear Syndrome”, where one hears conversations, or what seem to be radio broadcasts, but the exact source (person or station) is not readily identifiable.
I’ve encountered this myself, as did my late mother (RIP) who was loath to admit it, thinking that folks would think she was a few fries short of a happy meal.
The brain seeks to “fill out the blanks” for people with hearing loss, and sometimes the results are less than accurate.
Not to say the TLAs aren’t doing their bit, as well. Also, it would more likely be MASERs as opposed to LASERs… lower power, less noticable, and no burn spots left behind…
(now, off to finish my Faraday Cage… as they say, Thank God It’s Faraday…).
But be sure to keep up to date on current events, they have the potential to be in a lot of flux…especially where it involves the Democrat resistance.
There are those who display reluctance, for they lack the capacity to “c” the truth…
Ah – this is a form of endogenous pattern-finding – basically “listening to the noise” – or at least that’s what it is in my experience. I can to this both in audio and visually. I used to enjoy doing that as a child. I liked to generate a sort of barely perceptible human singing. It tended to be “female”, although I could make it low-pitched and “male” if I wanted.
Interesting, but not what I experienced in this particular case, which was both unique in my lifetime and provably external. The latter is the important part.
The scientific method is simply a part of me. An ANNOYING PART, for the other side. However, the most important trick is to HIDE that you’re doing science when under surveillance. Looking stupid, confused and unaware is a gift. Also LEAVING UNCERTAINTY IN PLACE for however long it takes for the answers to appear.
I don’t speculate at all on what technology was used. The “data” did not reveal that, other than that it had certain physical limitations.
There are important details I’m leaving out on purpose. However, I’ve given the White Hats a true bombshell if they are smart enough to see it and use it, rather than covering it up. They can MULTIPLY the CA3 scandal many-fold if they choose to follow it. If they choose to hide it, my posts here will provide the necessary data to honest people in the future.
The salient point is that the black hats used information as BAIT that I did not take, attempting to find out what I knew about the core mechanics of MY instance of CA3. I sat around with the BAIT for roughly 30 years, not realizing that it’s the KEY to MULTIPLE INSTANCES – that it’s a PATTERN of money, leverage, and abused intelligence. That key is identified because the individual who set out the bait, who was (allegedly) part of a “similar instance”, also attempted to push the narrative that the failed voice op was striving for, and was known to be central to the whole CA3 intelligence GATHERING operation after the fact.
All fitting together very nicely. The White Hats will know exactly who I’m talking about. I’m also thinking this guy was involved in numerous aspects of the intelligence-gathering case now, including recruitment of key individuals. Likely the local coordinator.
Oh, this is all making sense now. HALPER is a PATTERN. Just like the “average chi-spy” doing all the little drudge-work tasks for China is a known thing, there are these “average Brits” doing little Five-Eyes work for somebody – possibly “ours truly” who can’t operate here, or the DNC. Or some creepy global syndicate. Whoever.
Beautiful stuff. JUST FREAKING COOL. 😎
Well…Dims don’t have to worry. They have nothing to invade.
Bear in mind that any tech like this which “goes public” was almost certainly available to certain agencies or the military 20 years earlier in various working prototype forms.
Thank you. I’ve long thought that to be true.
I did NOT watch the video, but the pic makes this look like something different from what I’ve been hearing about here. Instead of somehow using microwaves, they’re using a laser to actually make your eardrum vibrate–which would require line of sight to your eardrum.
Still, spooky and I can’t imagine it won’t be abused.
People are going to have to get used to hearing voices inside their head AND realize they could have a perfectly mundane external cause. The problem for people who hear voices inside their head today, due to mental illness, is many assume it’s God talking to them or demons or something and they eventually act out on that basis. Ironically if this sort of tech becomes well-known-about, people who are genuinely mentally ill might just start assuming the voices inside their head are caused by some asshat with one of these devices, and be able to ignore them.
OK no idea how this works, but if it’s laser would assume it’s by light or more probably heat. Just wear some ear muffs or listen to some music with your headphones on.
I don’t think listening to music with headphones or covering one’s ears would defeat this as it goes directly into the skull, and I think it does not come through the ears. An ad was sent through a woman’s skull while she was riding a train in Germany, and she said it seemed to come through the window glass. I read about that some time ago.
I think it’s two different things. The headline displayed on the video “cover” graphic specifically says a laser on the eardrum. In order to work through headphones it’d have to be a laser that could work through bone but then be stopped by the eardrum.
The thing in the grocery store urging you to buy bananas was a different tech entirely, and it sounds like headphones wouldn’t defeat it.
Thank you for the correction and clarification, Steve. I never got over hearing about that woman on the train in Germany and how she said the sound came through the widow glass, think she was resting her head against the window and heard an ad.
If her head was resting against the glass, there’s a very mundane explanation for what she experienced–though if she didn’t realize that, then I can see her being freaked out by the experience.
Steve, the story was on international news, and the woman was the only one who heard the voice, and I am pretty sure they said it was an experimental new technology.
Just a bit of sideways thinking. I wonder if the idea could be developed to help people who were severly deaf.
Military did a study over 60 years ago to try and understand why some people could “hear” microwaves when most people cannot. Seems the brain was translating the higher frequencies down to use the sound processing mechanisms of the body to hear them. If the deafness is in those neural pathways, they might not be able to hear them either. I have heard second hand reports of demonstrations of the microwave “voices in head” projection. Seems some could hear it and others could not.
There are folks who pick up AM radio via fillings in their teeth, the process being “detection” through the amalgam, akin to the old cat-whiskers of the (now ancient) crystal radios.
The problem with hearing, and this laser transmission process helping, is that most hearing loss is in the Cochlea, inner ear, and not via the middle ear (hammer, anvil, stirrup) or bone conduction. There is a lot of research going on right now (I’m following closely, as my son is, sadly, SEVERLY hearing-impaired, both middle and inner ear)) and some progress is being made on hair cell regeneration in the Cochlea, but it’s slow… have to wonder if there are more “polically rewarding” projects in the way…
Anything that attempts to aim at the ear drum directly will have issues, as there are many people for whom the ear canal is anything but straight, and often the eardrum is behind a twisty passage (another problem for hearing-aid wearers)…
You can defeat nearly all waves with a tin foil hat. I kid you not. 98%+ reflection. But don’t use tin foil. It would be quite uncomfortable. You can buy electrosmog shielding fabrics and make a hoodie. One site that seems popular is lessemf dot com.
Yes. The EM wave hits the metal and since the metal conducts electricity, it’s opaque. Since light is an EM wave, metals are opaque to it.
TTT, great info. Wonder if you might have a link of a source. Thanks. There are also emf blocking bags to shield electronics.
This has not been confirmed or denied…..
And some speculation on what President Trump’s “Global Waming” Tweet REALLY Means…
YIKES!!! Cover your eyes.
Oh, dear Lord.
LOL I know right.
It’s an abomination. They pervert the created order of things, and they’re in our faces with it, daring us to object. It’s not just a political battle; it’s a fight against evil.
John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
Get any younger and they’ll have to call it tots-ic masculinity… gag….barf…
What a relief. Three days ago this thread didn’t even bust 500.
But who’s counting, eh? 🙂
WordPress counts. I report.
He left off “Stick of Dynamite.”
The sketch, “Mr. Creosote”, with “One thin waffer” comes to mind…
Rush Limbaugh’s take on why democrats were cheering for the NY abortion law. I think he may be right:
“Then he got down to the heart of the matter, in his view, of why Democrats stood and cheered the passage of the atrocious abortion law. He said all of the celebration boiled down to one thing, “and that is they are beating us and rubbing our nose in it, and that is what makes them happy. They hate us to the point that anything that gives them the feeling of victory, the feeling of having trounced us, that’s worth the standing ovation. ‘Us’ being religion, God, the Catholic Church, Christianity at large, conservatives, the conservative movement.””
Something is definitely going on, and it has to be coordinated when 2 more states are considering the same monstrous law. It’s almost like they are daring us to do anything about it.
I’m sure he’s right! It’s not enough to win, they have to rub our faces in it. Nothing less than the total humiliation of conservatives, Christianity, religion, etc etc will do. And after that, you will be made to care and worship their idols.
True, and they worship at the shrine of self, and “I can do whatever I want.”
Thousands of Muslims Rage Over Nike Shoe with Logo That Resembles Allah – Demand Recall
They should F*cking get a LIFE.
They’re learning, evolving into world class crybullies..
M&S insists the design shows an aloe vera leaf — but more than 2,000 have signed a petition accusing the chain of “deliberately insulting our religion”.
Popular Toy manufacturer LEGO has been accused of racism by the Turkish community over a Star Wars toy allegedly depicting a mosque. The critics claim that the Jabba’s Palace model, part of Lego’s Star Wars range, offends Muslims as it resembles the Hagia Sophia mosque in Istanbul – one of the world’s most renowned mosques.
Except that the Hagia Sophia started out as a Christian cathedral, and is now a decommissioned mosque; now a museum.
That’s interesting. As long as they can have Western people & companies dancing on the head of a pin to appease them they’re happy .
Built by the (Eastern) Roman Emperor Justinian in the 500s. The Western Roman Empire had fallen in the previous century. Justinian was able to reconquer about half of it (he recovered Italy and Northern Africa but couldn’t get Gaul, Iberia and England).
‘Hagia Sophia’ is Greek for ‘Holy Wisdom’, and it was the premiere basilica of the Roman Empire from the time it was built by Emperor Justinian in the 6th century AD, (right before the bubonic plague destroyed civilization,) until 1452, when Turkish Mohammedans conquered Constantinople.
Whoops, you beat me to it!
LOL well that’s a good way of putting it.
Certain residents who live around nancy’s place will be more careful what they step on if they’re wearing that footwear.
Aw… lol
10 weeks severance isn’t enough.
Kevin McCarthy stymies Schiff. From Rush (emph. mine):
‘This Is Great! McCarthy Ticks Off Schiff’
‘RUSH: The thing that Kevin McCarthy is doing here, the Republican leader in the House, he has not seated any Republicans on Little Schiff’s committee! … McCarthy has not assigned any Republicans to the committee yet so Schiff can’t start!
‘Schiff’s anti-Trump investigations and hearings have been brought to a screeching halt because he can’t do anything if there aren’t any Republicans seated on his committee …’
That’s brilliant.
Who knew…that McCarthy was capable of thinking like this!
Commenters at CTH said he was awful.
So far, he’s miles better than Paul Rino.
LOL! Wow, simple stymie. So maybe McCarthy isn’t completely on the Bad Side after all!
Oh my, now that’s clever. Who would have known that? No GOP, no functioning committee. It might be the answer we’ve needed to stop some of the Dem nonsense.
I didn’t know that was possible, either. He’s certainly delved into the rule book.
Recent tweet from FBI whistleblower whose house was raided late last year:
Nate’s Go Fund Me page:
Barr vote scheduled for next week:
Roger Stone has a new Twitter account (delete * when copying and pasting):
Roger Stone news.
Tuesday morning:
Next hearing will be on Feb. 1:
‘Former Trump political adviser Roger Stone on Tuesday pleaded not guilty to obstruction of justice, witness tampering and making false statements to Congress after being indicted last week as part of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe.
‘Stone appeared in federal court for the District of Columbia before Magistrate Judge Deborah Robinson. He entered a not guilty plea through his attorney Robert Buschel. A status hearing was scheduled for Feb. 1.
‘Robinson on Tuesday ordered Stone not to travel anywhere other than Washington, the Eastern District of New York, and the Southern District of Florida while the case is pending. Robinson also said Stone is not permitted to have a passport in his possession or apply for any new passport. Stone was also ordered to return to court “whenever required.”‘
Matt Gaetz on Nancy:
Someone replied with this:
She looks like she’s practicing the Theremin (as played on “The Outer Limits” and “The Twilight Zone” back in the early 1960s, and featured in “Popular Mechanics”)…
Sort of like this:
This is from what appears to be Matt Gaetz’s personal Twitter account:
LOl 🙂 He was quite pointed, wasn’t he?
Yes! 🙂
Thanks, Dems. Nice group of freshman you’ve got there:
This has to do with a 2016 news story. She wrote a letter to the presiding judge in the case:
‘Omar advocated for “a system of compassion” as a response to “fanaticism.”
‘… Omar’s letter concluded by stating, “The restorative approach provides a long-term solution – though the self-declared Islamic State may soon suffer defeat, their radical approach to change-making will continue as it has throughout history – by criminalizing the undergirding construct rather than its predisposed victims.”
‘According to a 2017 New York Magazine report, only one of the men, Abdullahi Yusuf, was given the opportunity to participate in a jihadi rehabilitation program. The rest received “lengthy” sentences.
‘Omar’s office did not respond to the Journal’s request for comment as of publication time.’
” though the self-declared Islamic State may soon suffer defeat, their radical approach to change-making will continue as it has throughout history ”
That choice of wording should get her under the closest of terrorist scrutiny.
Just what I was thinking, wondering if I had read too much into it.
Thank you for your comment — greatly appreciated.
May have been a deliberate choice, “coming out” to all the latent barbarians who will be listening.
Best jihadi rehabilitation program I’ve heard of is called MOAB…
Lead at high velocity works too.
More Venezuela news. From Monday:
Further to the Eugene story, incendiary devices were found outside the city’s police HQ. Retaliation?
‘They were rendered safe, police said.
‘The investigation is ongoing.
‘”I don’t know what kind of damage they could have done,” Lt. David Natt said. “This is not a hoax device. These are very serious matters.”‘
Good for this man. It’s alarming how much tax NY will take from his winnings:
‘”I’m not going to work, I’m quitting right away!” David Johnson, 56, told CNN affiliate WABC.
‘Johnson played the lottery on December 26, 2018, with the numbers 5-25-38-52-67, and Powerball 24. He decided to take the cash option, so his net total will be over $114 million after required withholdings, according to statement from the New York Lottery …
‘Johnson, who lives in Brooklyn, came to the US from Jamaica when he was 16, according to the statement. His was the third consecutive New Yorker to win a 2018 lottery drawing.
‘Johnson works across the street from the gas station where he bought his ticket. A friend told him that someone who bought a ticket at the gas station won the massive Powerball prize, but Johnson told CNN affiliate WABC that he did not check his ticket right away. It was not until a few days later that he took his ticket to the gas station and found out he had won.’
But don’t you think, at some point, that you’ve won enough money?
Personally, no, because, since university, I’ve always wanted to be a philanthropist. I’ll never achieve that dream, but it’s the thought that counts.
In this man’s case, it’s the principle of the thing. Why should any state take so much out of winnings? NY State has to be among the most corrupt and profligate, anyway.
States generally get to keep half or more of the money spent on lotteries as it is. (Nevada will probably never bother with a lottery because the people there get much better payouts from the casinos, and they’re savvy enough to know this.)
Yes, I remember.
Still too doggone much.
No such tax in the UK, fortunately. 🙂
Oh yes, given the ridiculous payout, it’s injury added to injury to impose confiscatory taxation on the rest. (I was trying to agree with you, I guess I didn’t finish my thought off adequately.)
That’s fine, Steve.
Well stated position!
Ahhh. But you should win the West Virginia Hillbilly Ridge-Runners Lottery…
(fine print: Three dollars per year for the next million years)… 🙂
See there you go arguing “principle”! 😉 Maybe I should’ve said “He didn’t build that”…
But seriously, if I had my way, there wouldn’t be any of these predatory state lotto systems.
I respectfully disagree.
If gambling were legalized, no one would want to play them.
I agree. In order for someone to win a million dollars, a number of people have to collectively LOSE a million dollars (or, more likely two or more million dollars, to cover “overhead”).
And we are forbidden to gamble… that’s enough reason right there…
Chad Pergram explains what will be happening today (Wednesday) in Congress.
These tweets are individual ones and not part of a thread, BTW.
(cont’d in reply)
(more to follow in the next reply)
The End
Dem vs DHS:
Regardless of what one thinks of Roger Stone personally, I think he will come out as a hero in the eyes of many Trump supporters.
In the first four minutes of this Daily Caller interview, he explains what happened last Friday morning in the initial part of the FBI raid. At 5:00 in, he starts describing what happened while he was taken to the FBI office in Miami for questioning. At his home, the FBI did a Manafort on him (my words, not Stone’s), removing his and his wife’s possessions and going through them in two tents in front of the house. He says that they tried to put things back, but obviously did a pretty poor job of it. While they were doing that, his wife was not allowed to meditate indoors.
Stone says that he now gets around ten death threats a day. He used to get a few per month.
Infowars viewers know that he does a show with Owen Shroyer (sitting on the right). Shroyer has been accompanying Stone on this journey and says that what has happened to ‘his friend’ is just unbelievable.
Here are two more interviews about Roger Stone that were interesting.
Dan Bongino says that Stone did nothing illegal, that this is all process crime related. He is appalled that the Mueller investigation has been running the way it has, essentially, Mueller and his team going after people they don’t like and trying to find something they can charge him with. He doesn’t mention Beria, but he is describing the same tactic:
Joe diGenova says that Wray, Rosenstein and Whitaker should be ashamed of themselves for allowing the FBI to be used in such a political way. He’s got no time for any of the three:
VERY Strong words from DiGenova!
That 17 car, 29 member swat team raid, throwing the 72 year old wife outside in her nightgown barefooted was typical Weissman tactics. Weissman has been an smear/intimidation tactician, and legal hit man for the leftists.
Thanks for stopping by, GA/FL — much appreciated.
I am rather surprised that Whitaker allowed this raid to take place — assuming he knew about it.
I waver in and out of patience in light of the big picture, but Bongino said that PDJT has to stop this now (forgot to add that in my summary). He said that too many people are getting hurt, no doubt referring to the adverse effects a raid can have on health, not to mention prolonged legal battles, custody, imprisonment [Manafort] and damaged reputations.
The FBI/DOJ/Mueller Investigation have become the 4th branch of government.
And how!
Except no checks or balances on their power.
They get a lot of checks from the deep state, and their balances keep going higher and higher…
He is worried about the safty of his wife, who is deaf. He cannot afford to fight the charges—no one can–I mean unless you are a Hillary Clinton. I feel sorry for him. A raid like this on a man who doesn’t even own a gun, doesn’t have a current passport, it’s shocking and ridiculous and very like the old Soviet Union.
Just so.
I, too, feel for his wife. The FBI marched her out into the **street** at 6 a.m., even though they did not charge her with anything!
This is domestic terrorism from law enforcement officials at the highest level.
‘ … very like the old Soviet Union’. Indeed it is. Beria would have been so proud. Disgusting.
I don’t understand that the FBI could get away with doing this, and I sure would like to know what POTUS plans to do about it.
The FBI seem to be a law unto themselves now, empowered by Mueller and Rosenstein.
Sadly, Whitaker, about whom I was optimistic, seems to be taking up space at the DoJ.
‘… I sure would like to know what POTUS plans to do about it.’ So would I, ladyp.
Surprising editorial from USA Today:
‘Stone was hauled in to federal court Friday morning after a theatrical, televised arrest that should be the subject of a Justice Department investigation or congressional inquiry. Why the excessive threat of force? Though CNN denies it, many still wonder whether the network was tipped off. The extreme intimidation tactic might have been intended to send a message, but it only tended to confirm the biases of those who see special counsel Robert Mueller’s entire effort as a rogue operation.
‘The “process crimes” Stone is charged with, such as lying and witness tampering, are potentially serious. But he was not charged with facilitating Trump campaign collusion with Russian hackers, and the indictment itself gives little reason to believe there ever were any.
‘It was certainly not a crime for the Trump campaign to be interested in what WikiLeaks had on Hillary Clinton or other Democrats. WikiLeaks had established itself as a reliable — though notorious — source for purloined information. Weeks before WikiLeaks published the emails, Democrats had made public that their computer systems had been hacked, allegedly by Russian operatives, though WikiLeaks has denied that Moscow was its source.’
“Free Stone!…..”
“……Stone Hillary!!”
Peach! (Pelosi)….
Thanks CM for the early morning reporting!!! You helped me catch up quite quickly!!! Hugs and coffee!!
From the Military “branch” of the tree.
At the rate people are STILL commenting here, it might end up at 900.
I watched that Joe DiGenova vid Churchmouse left us further up the thread. At the end of vid the youtube panel gave four more suggestions to watch and that’s when I spotted Barron’s face. Figured why not and got this:
Okay, that’s interesting, posted on 18 Jan 2019 and new news to me but I’m sure some of you have run across this information before. But would wonder if anyone jumped down this rabbit hole. Seems quite interesting.
Meanwhile did a Wikipedia check on Ingersoll Woodward and found that page started on 8 Oct 2017 just weeks before Q’s first post. (Interesting to me because it fits my Q theory. My confrontational bias noted, and it well can fit the normal theories also because of the same. Certainly wouldn’t hurt it, I’m sure. Meanwhile making no serious comments on the vid. Take from it what you wish, I am 🙂 )
Next stop because I saw it in the links was Snopes.
Snopes tries to knock the connection of current events to past events and is barely able to scratch those connections in the fact check. In fact quite the opposite, but hey, they tried. Interesting they had an interest. They are obviously aware of Q and working hard at all things anti-trump and even anti Q.
Anyway, had to dig some more and went to the Library of Congress where the books exist and you can read and or listen to them.,%20Ingersoll 1900 or The Last Presdient is 48 pages and audio available.
Baron Trump’s marvellous underground journey 1841 published 1893 is 240 pages and audio is available.
What about a hard copy?
Book search. Amazonbooks is null, natta, nothing.
Steve’s suggestion for rare books was so I tried that. Here’s the result.
Hey! Under $4 to $7.00 for The Last President and under $9.00 for the Baron Trump’s Marvellous Underground Journey.
Anyway that’s that. Thought I should bring it up. And thank Steve for mentioning 🙂
Oh, if you get inclined to buy something at Abe’s and are stuck on a choice recommends Andre Servier’s Islam and the Psychology of Musselman
Which again, you can likely find free on the internet.
Changing subject, jump over if you wish.
Okay, went down the rabbit hole and read “1900 or the last president” since it is quite short. Then dug around a bit more and found this.
From the Federalist Papers a so so summary I’ll use to skip over much of the book and get to the ending which I want to do.
“This book’s sequel came three years later, titled “1900, Or The Last President.”
What is happening in this book? A new President was just elected, one who ran as an outsider with an enormous opposition. Right before the election results were announced, all seemed well with a certain crowd, a crowd who were rather sure of which candidate would win the election (sound familiar?).
The people were gathered, light-hearted and confident, at the evening meal, when the news burst upon them. It was like a thunder bolt out of an azure sky : “ Altgeld holds Illinois hard and fast in the Democratic line. This elects Bryan President of the United States !”
(It is quite possible that he was referring to William Jennings Bryan, who ran his first Presidential campaign in 1896; this is only speculation on my part, though).
In New York City, when the results were announced, swaths of the city were placed on lockdown due to masses of violent protesters storming the area.
Strange to say, the people in the upper portion of the city made no movement to rush out of their houses and collect in the public squares, although the night was clear and beautiful. They sat as if paralyzed with a nameless dread, and when they con- versed it was with bated breath and throbbing hearts.
In less than half an hour, mounted policemen dashed through the streets calling out : “ Keep
within your houses ; close your doors and barricade them. The entire East side is in a state of uproar. Mobs of vast size are organizing under the lead of Anarchists and Socialists, and threaten to plunder and despoil the houses of the rich who have wronged and oppressed them for so many years. Keep within doors. Extinguish all lights.”
And their rallying cry?
“Our day has come at last. Down with our oppressors ! Death to the rich man ! Death to the gold bugs ! Death to the capitalists ! Give us back the money you have ground out of us. Give us back the marrow of our bones which you have used to grease the wheels of your chariots.”
That kind of sentiment certainly sounds rather familiar, does it not?
Another strange reference is the “Fifth Avenue Hotel.” As Newsweek notes, the address in the original book is now where Trump Tower stands on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.
The Fifth Avenue Hotel will be the first to feel the fury of the mob. Would the troops be in time to save it?
Buried deep in the novel is yet another eerie detail: this newly elected President has a cabinet member whose last name is Pence. Lafe Pence is the Secretary of Agriculture in the story.
Talk about freaky, some of these descriptions sound more like stories that we have reported over the past year rather than historical fiction!”
While there is more in this short book that seems uncanny than just those passages above and what’s seen in the vid, the very last part of the book is most strange as it has the speaker of the house denying the president from giving the SOTU address after which the House goes into chaos and then the speaker relents. Book ends with the dome of the capitol bldg being blown up with dynamite, but everyone is okay and the vote to what seems to be dissolve the union into three separate states takes place.
Important note. The first time the SOTU was given was by Wilson, is in 1913. The book was written 1841 and published in 1893. Neat trick.
Lessor notes. In first post above I called Lockwood, Woodward. Mistake.
And the video is actually three separate vids shown as one. Suggests you stop with the first part though the second part deals with time travel & Nikola Teslais however gets a bit derogatory towards President Trump. While the last part has nothing to do with anything on this subject and is some sort of propaganda piece attacking the shut down. That said, I doubt mystic circle who published the vid has any idea about the last part being stitched onto the back of their piece but who knows.
This is fascinating. (I don’t understand what your reference to the Federalist Papers means, though.) I had heard of the book but not all the other elements mentioned in the video. The similarities to the present day are eerie.
Sorry, I get ahead of my self too often then don’t check everything. re was from the that I took the long qoute from.
They and others that have written about this subject should do a rewrite given the dates of their initial writings. More things are coming into play from that short story. SOTU being but one. Economy being another, and the Fed Reserve stuff (gold) being a third off the top of my head.
Steve, I’m trying to catch up and obviously I’m a day late to this party. But having just read your opening post I wanted to let you know I thought it was great! I appreciate how you look at PDJT and what he is doing. It makes sense to me. What you wrote makes sense to me. Right now, just finding someone or some thing that makes sense in this mixed up world this shook up world is frankly a relief.
SteveInCO! Oh wow! Your comments always “wowed” me and if I have ever said anything to make you feel pushed away or unwanted I am so sorry! I do hope you change your mind! 🙁
I do enjoy your comments because they are challenging and as my hubby would say, “straight up”! I too have a degree in Electronics Engineering and I specialized in computers and software! Although my dream was to work at NASA, and I got very close… but just one week before my orientation a hiring freeze was issued. Needless to say, I was devastated.
I worked for the largest telco company in Anchorage, Alaska, GCI and I developed and staffed their very first technical operation center! I loved the work because I loved working with everyday people! Some of the engineers were snobs, especially a German engineer I had to work with but for the most part, I hired and trained everyday techs to support and assist our techs in the field! That is also when I fell in love with the works of Nikola Tesla!
But that was years ago, and with life passing like a speeding train I haven’t really cared about keeping up with technology today. I hate cell phones! I was with the first group of techs at AT&T that processed the first home cell phones and I can say with a truthful heart that we were all warned about the dangers of keeping the phones to our head. At that time they were having us envision a VSAT dish to our head! That was the extent of the danger and the damage it could create! I warned people, I warned people I knew and loved but no one listened, except my hubby.
A long story short, I am so sorry you are leaving and I feel it will be a great loss for all of us… And I do not care if your atheist! I have many friends who are atheist and that does not make them any less a person or a friend! Enough said… I for one will miss you StevInCo.
SunnyDaysAll, I feel the same—very sad, and I also loved to read steve’s scientific information, and I guess I was kind of naïve and thought of him as a friend. I am not aware I ever expressed disrespect towards him or was unkind, at least I hope not, as that wouldn’t be a good witness to my Christian faith or my respect for steve as a fellow human being. I will miss you here, Steve, and I guess I missed most of this ill-treatment, which is possible as I don’t have time to read everything. I just thought you needed to catch up on work or rest or something. I must say it seems to me you are carring around a heavy weight of bitterness still, and I wish that were not the case. That is a hard thing for you. Well, I’ll just say respectfully, farewell, and thank you for some entertaining and informative posts, Steve. I wish you all the best, and my heart is pained right now. I have a remedy, though, for which I am thankful.
As it so happens I had to come back briefly today because someone found an article on my blog that I (now) am quite embarrassed by–I no longer stand by it.
I saw this.
Put your mind at ease, you have been flawless.
Well, I certainly can’t claim That, but thank you just the same.
As it so happens I had to come back briefly today because someone found an article on my blog that I (now) am quite embarrassed by–I no longer stand by it. I saw this.
Put your mind at ease, you have nothing to do with this.