This GLOW-BULL WARMING COAL WEATHER WEDNESDAY Open Thread is dedicated to the vision of those who realized that the globo-commie conspiracy was SCAMMING US on energy across the board, including their notorious WAR ON COAL – that DIAMOND IN THE ROUGH.
COAL – which will help get this planet back on track, as the globo-commie conspiracy answers for its crimes of politicizing every aspect of science to bring down America and advance GLOBO-SOCIALIST SLAVERY – along with their attempted creation of the BOGUS CARBON ECONOMY.
Eeeee-GADS! And they almost got away with it!

Enjoy your warmth tonight, largely delivered by COAL MINERS.
Repeating the image more clearly:

This is my first “Dear MAGA” after returning from my absence.
Remember – this is a free speech zone. You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on. Keep it civil. Rules much like the Old Treehouse, except of course Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged. A couple of other important things to consider:
…contains some general guidelines for things that are really, really not kosher to post here.
And Wheatie’s Rules (as amended by SteveInCO):
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
- No shooting at the nuclear warheads.
– – · –
Thank you all for being here. I appreciate everything that each of you brings to this place. This is not MY place – it should be abundantly clear by now that this is OUR place.
With TWO cats in the yard!

Sorry, folks – this was supposed to publish at 12:01 AM and I didn’t even bother to check. I had “scheduled” but didn’t “publish”, and it just SAT there in the drafts! UGH!
Sorry for making y’all wait.
It’s all good, Wolfie.

That ‘schedule’ thing has never worked for me either.
It worked for me before, but I think it may have been because I went back in every time to change something, and scheduled it a SECOND time. OH WELL!!!
Or…it was WP gremlins messing with you.
Gotta say, I can believe THAT. There are definitely some funky little bugs in the “block editor”!
Wolfie, when I post here, I simply click a button, say hmmm, why didn’t that work? click something else, and then, “ok, that worked.” I’m afraid if you find your dashboard messed up you’ll come looking for me.

That’s why you’re an author – not an editor! No worries!!!

Good thing! stumbling around the my edit page is a thing to behold.
When you edit, you’ve got to hit update twice. You’ll know it’s good when the little balloon pops up telling you it’s scheduled for blah blah blah time.
Cool – THANKS!!!
So it seems this tree likes to sleep in from time to time!! Its the cold!!!!!
It’s HARD to stop watching that train wreck!!!
“Enjoy your warmth tonight, largely delivered by COAL MINERS.”
Wow, I didn’t know that there was such a large percentage of the country that used Coal for heating their homes.
We’re in the Natural Gas category.
But then, here in OK there is lots of it.
No wonder HusseinO and his crew of globo-commies wanted to destroy our Coal industry!
They wanted us broke, on our knees…and freezing in the dark.
The take-down of America has been facilitated primarily by changing WHO can call themselves Americans and systematically HIDING their intentions.
I think my stuffs being caught in moderation again. Tried to post another funn
Let’s try this:
Ooops, sorry for the double post…I didn’t know this would be the same pic.
Thankyou wheatie
We live fairly close to the MS River but in a southern state.
My extended family lives along the banks of the MS River but in Illinois/Iowa, about 650 miles north.
Every year, when we make the trek to visit them, we can see the enormous clean coal plants. Very impressive!
They power America!
Don’t forget the necessity of coal for iron making.
And steel which is what the hulls of the barges that carry the coal up the Mississippi are made of.
We have natural gas with electronic ignitions, so there is a mix. Except for the hot water heater, which is all gas and that has been a blessing more than once in power outages during ice storms.
Wow. Creepy John Podesta put out a creepy tweet about Roger Stone:
This is ‘Frankie Five Angels’ Pentangeli:
And this is what happened to him:
ALL of the Øb4$tard and Hillrotten cabal are sickos.
When Podesta sticks his head out, consider it smoke to fire. Something is going on.
They don’t even try to hide this…From Podesta to Donna Brazil to Murdering Babies during Birth….THE EVIL IS out in the OPEN! I’m SMH–PANIC is Real!!!
I just knew that robotics were going to be used for something nefarious someday.
Yep. This business is going to get out of hand.
Looks more alive even without the eyeballs than the last time she was shown on TV.
She’s more machine now than man, oops, woman. Twisted and evil….
To borrow a quote from Obi Wan Kenobi regarding Darth Vader.
Trying another
I freed one comment from moderation! That’s all I found!
This whole thing stinks.
Hmm…”No Motive”, huh?
They couldn’t even find someone to say that Paddock ‘talked about voices in his head’?
Isn’t that the usual MO?
Wait…maybe he actually did have voices in his head.
I’m curious who the chain of command was on that determination.
Yep. The only one I’ve seen mentioned from the FBI, is that special agent Aaron Rouse.
And that guy was creepy from the start.
He was in charge of the Bundy ranch standoff too.
The Sheriff was also involved at the Bundy standoff.
I think NOT revealing a motive makes more sense. If they said he did it because of x or y, then people who are not involved with x or y would feel safer and they don’t want that. Safer people gather, people in fear do not. We feel more isolated if we are in fear…this leaves it very open–it could happen again at any time—better to avoid wide open gatherings…
the only time i think they reveal a motive is when they feel they can use that motive to create legislation to restrict our moments, our freedoms.
It’s hard to find the motive when you’re looking at the wrong perp.
Wolfie, with your permission, I’m stealing the coal graphics and plan to share the heck out of them over the next few days.
Thank you, coal miners!
Be my guest!!!
any discussion on Q’s dark to light? way behind reading all the open thread comments.
No discussion, but generally when the anon runs silent, something is going on.
My feeling, too. I suspect that there are huge moves in military intelligence right now. In particular, if there really are three (3) detention centers being prepped, that is a LOT of perps.
I suspect that Q is very busy. SOMETHING is up.
I guess it is common to see a lot of analysis from the Anons after a quiet period.
Just seemed like yesterday while looking at the news there was more links to Anons and you tube discussing the latest drops and it was hopeful Comey and Brennan will face some long overdue justice.
17 days since last Q post… fingers crossed
We live in the woods, so we burn wood mostly to heat with a heat pump (electric) backup. When I was growing up, the house across the street from my parents blew up one afternoon—scared me silly. Luckily the older woman who lived there alone was not home at the time. They determined there was a rupture in her gas line under the house that caused the explosion. When we built this home, so many contractors tried to talk us into gas heat but I just couldn’t get the image of that house exploding out of my mind.
Yep – with what recently happened in Boston, I’ve been thinking of getting the city to come turn off my gas line. It’s only for the gas logs and I have turned off the pilot light.
That would be traumatizing. I guess always having had gas, and being in city that’s used it well over 100 years, we’re lucky not to have had issues. I guess it’s two years ago now the original gas lines in my neighborhood were replaced. That was a mess but worth it. The water people are working on new mains now since those blow on a regular basis.
since we’ve moved here (12 yrs ago) there have been 2 other explosions in the area I used to live in–both in inner city areas –row homes with ancient systems. But when they blew, they took out entire blocks–devastating.
And I know they safeguard against it, but here in redneck territory where they hunt and/or poach year round it seems, there are many large exposed propane tanks and I just imagine someone idiot getting drunk and shooting at them…
Letter from Hse Homeland Security Cmte Chair Thompson to DHS Sec Nielsen: Your decision to refuse my invitation to testify before the Committee..regarding our Nation’s border security on February 6, 2019, is unreasonable and unacceptable. I strongly urge you to reconsider.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) January 29, 2019
DHS Sec. Nielsen’s response neutralizing Low Life Dem Thompson:
DHS: We are disappointed in Chairman Thompson’s misleading letter. To be clear, the Secretary did not ‘refuse’ the Chairman’s invitation to testify. In fact, she accepted the invitation and proposed alternative dates in February, as the proposed date of February 6 was unworkable
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) January 30, 2019
DHS on Homeland Sec Cmte chair Thompson: Instead of calling the Dept or reaching out to the Sec to identify a mutually workable alternative date, the Chairman chose to release a letter falsely claiming the Secretary was refusing to testify. Such missives are unproductive
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) January 30, 2019
profanity warning…but this guy is funny!
“Throw ’em over the f#&kin’ wall!”
This guy for President, 2024!
Thanks for the early morning laugh, Pat! That was great.
i totally agree with throwing Schumer over the f#%kin’ wall…LOL Pelosi too!
If Mexico is worse than jail…We need 2 F&%kin’ walls!!!
This needs to be done in Arizona, and he needs to be aimed at a saguaro.
a what?
one of those big organ pipe cacti.
OUCH! hehe
Love it. Total solution man.
Remember our favorite Russian billionaire, Oleg Deripaska?
Okay, we knew he married Boris Yeltsin’s granddaughter, right?
Well, our boy Oleg also had a mistress, Anastasia Vashukevich, who became an icon on youtube known as “Nastya”, a young babe who also recruited other young women.
Remember when Nastya was arrested in Thailand, for recruiting other women into the sex trade? She actually CHARGED the women and ran seminars on how they could become honey pots to wealthy men.
When she was arrested in Thailand, Nastya claimed she had proof of Trump’s ties to the Kremlin. She was released from Thai jail.
Well, today we have confirmation, Nastya lied about President Trump.
I wonder if Kamala took a similar class?
LOL…can’t wait to see what nicknamed she garners from the Boss…LOL…although whoever used “knee pad Harris” was pretty funny
Think it was James Woods
that’s right…thanks!
No way Khlamydia Harris needs those beginner knee pads – she’s a PROFESSIONAL!
Nah, genetic … just sayin’ …
Stormy did…
Rush did a whole segment on, “What’s the difference between Kamala and Stormy?”
Short answer–NOTHING.
it didn’t have pictures did it? cuz I’d have to run to the store for more eye bleach!
longer answer–Hair Color? One is a Horse Face and the other is a Horse A$$?
wait…which is which–I see them more as twins—one uses poles, one uses pols
VERY good Ms. Pat… yes, very good !
Horizontal Harris has no class… but she is a dunce…
wow…I’m shocked!
This is the young man who said MAGA people beat him up. Read the comments
it’s bizarre that this tweet of his is from 2011…what did President Trump do to him in that year?
but from stories I’ve been reading, he said their faces were covered–so how do we now “know” they were white guys? And he never said the MAGA line in his initial report. Officers READ that in media reports later and called him with follow up questions and he then “remembered” that he forgot that detail initially…hmmmmmm
Robbie Soave at Reason, who has also been closely following the Covington story, has an article about this, which has two different Chicago PD statements:
Unlikely these days that the accused demographic would be wandering around the Loop (which is, oddly, both normal and seedy) at 2 a.m. taunting someone. That’s a good recipe for trouble.
From a comment to Soave’s article:
‘Anyone who is familiar with Chicago’s downtown realizes that this is a very bizarre story that just doesn’t seem plausible. Ignoring the implausibility of some people in ski masks randomly assaulting a minor celebrity and knowing who he is, there is also the curious case of where this is alleged to have occurred (in the Loop or South Shore area). The only visitors who tend to stay in that area are business people because of its proximity to the financial district and City Hall. And then there is the curious question of why he would go to Northwestern for medical treatment rather than U of Chicago (which is much closer). Such a bizarre tale.’
Correct on the hospital destination, too.
Someone later commented saying they had read the incident took place near Water Tower Place, still downtown but nice and north of the Loop. If that’s true, then Northwestern makes sense as a hospital destination.
Here’s the comment. The last two lines are relevant here:
‘Now I know more about Chicago than I’ll ever need to use.
‘Chicago Loop community is nearest Near North Side and Near South Side communities.
Chicago Loop is on East Jackson Drive; go due east on Jackson you intersect South Lake Shore Drive.
Take South Lake Shore Drive south about 9 miles to South Shore community.
Then there’s South Loop 0.72 miles about a 6 minute drive southwest of Chicago Loop.
But the reports say approx. 2 a.m. Tue 29 Jan 2019, 300 block, E. North Water Street.
That’s about a mile north of Chicago Loop on the North Bank of the Chicago River.’
TEN HUTT, QTREEPERS!!! Your President is up and on the warpath!
President has ordered thousands more US troops to the border to greet them!
Stopping illegal invasion is not just a National Security, Crime, Health, Drug, Human Trafficking and Legal issue, it’s also an Economic issue!
2/3 voters in Democrat districts back President Trump on Border Security!
they are definitely in a catch 22…they could look like heroes if they decide to side with the American citizens and take a good stand for the wall and security…but it would definitely cause them financial backing and perhaps their lives when the cartels (or their masters) decide they are no longer useful.
The cartels are completely without conscience – utterly ruthless.
Almost as violent and evil as Ø and H>
Hmmm. Maybe
We’ll more than likely be watching the caravans from space and rapidly moving troops towards their crossing point, to make sure it doesn’t become a crossing point, if you get my drift.
“to greet them!”

“Hi! Hello! Nice to meet cha!”
“Bye, Felicia …”
I left a ton of news on the last page of the January 29 thread, if anyone’s interested.
Last item from me for now.
This might interest people here or their friends, especially younger MAGA members who seek broadcasting experience. I am unfamiliar with this network, by the way:
Representative broadcast:
i thought this thread looked a little light…
CM! Yes you did!! and you certainly caught me up this morning!!! THANK YOU!!!
You are MOST welcome, Marica!!
It was my pleasure.
This is coming to the US from borders and coasts, even through the territories.
PLEASE MR. PRESIDENT – Make the Coast Guard and Border Patrol fully funded, trained and equipped branches of our military defense department.
No more lack of funds/salaries for Coast Guard in shutdowns!
No more poorly equipped, vulnerable Border Patrol!
No more porous, flimsy barriers on our southern border.
No more lack of funding for the wall, defense and surveillance of ALL our borders and coasts!
President Trump has said several times that coal can be piled up and set out in the weather and it is still always usable for fuel. If we are in a war, coal is the best way to cook, keep us warm and keep the electricity on in dire circumstances. Trains and ships can run on coal. Steam plants can run on coal.
Coal looks like the industry of the future.
I had not thought of coal that way until he said it, but I do know that it is true. Wood fires are good but coal burns much hotter and much longer than wood. We used it for heat when I was young in Ohio.
We have a lot of coal. Mining coal, storing it above ground and keeping it readily available is one of the best preparations we can make for survival and convenience.
We have a VERY valuable coal seam that runs through several southern states, actually. I remember doing some writing on that and why was it being exported or some billionaire had his eyes on it or something.
Yes, coal burns hotter, etc., but you have to be careful with it. Soft coal is dirty, and has a notorious history in this country. Okay, my hometown. One week in November of 1939 the street lamps did not go off because the coal dust was so thick the sun could not penetrate it. In 1940, a smoke ordinance went into place to ban Illinois soft coal. In less than a week, the air, anyway, was a lot cleaner. The buildings…we’re still scraping coal dust off of them. When City Hall downtown (GORGEOUS building based on the Hotel de Ville in Paris) was sandblasted, the workers were shocked to find pink granite under all the black.
that sounds like a beautiful building!
oh wow!
And to think everyone took the dark color for granite…
Super interesting Story DP! And love the pic! thanks for sharing!
Worlds First Rotating Two Story Tree House
Had to quit watching when they decided to climb on the roof….. heights make me dizzy, anxious…!
Very creative guy but I’m with you none of that climbing on the roof.
my son would love this! and if he saw it, he would build one…
Kind of reminds me of the OLD TREEHOUSE (Wolfie’s words)–Spinning out of control! AUGH!!!
except this guy says you get a great view in ANY direction–the other treehouse gives you only ONE view and you’d better like it…lol
Excellent Point PAT!!!
And I’ll bet he doesn’t need an Antenna Rotator (remember them?)….
He can just rotate his house…
Ruth Bader Ginsburg watch nears the end of its second month
Continuing my rant from yesterday, thought you’d find this interesting/amusing:
“Failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams gets a SOTU response participation trophy”
FTA: “Stacey Abrams lost the governor’s election. Her loss was then laminated when she took to news outlets calling her opponent Brian Kemp’s win a sign of “systematic erosion of our democracy.” Instead of graciously conceding, she refused to acknowledge the governor’s victory as legitimate, and when she finally gave her speech ten days later to officially end her candidacy, she said, “This is not a concession.” This is who is rewarded by the Democratic Party to speak to the American people in contrast to the president.” [SNIP]
“Remember that when she gives her rebuttal if she spews the Democrat’s argument that the wall is “too expensive.” She was chosen not for her accolades or contributions to politics, for which there are just many better Democrats. Her purpose in the response will be to sling as much mud onto the president as she can in her allotted time, with emotional arguments that further divide the citizens of this country with identity politics.”
Shes all too happy to take the scraps they offer. Her character and its content are lacking.
Oh–But she will get Memed into oblivion……and it will backfire. Wiley Coyote style!!

I saw her “speech” the night of the election.
I couldn’t stand her pandering … and I noticed how insanely PLEASED she behaved, at the approval of the selected crowd in attendance.
Also, her sister is a Federal Judge in GA … and her legal Petition (for whatever – “unfairness”, etc.) was filed int THAT court.
No recusal, no nuthin’, from da “judge”.
Abrams is being groomed …
Have they ever let someone who lost do this response?
I see MSM is trying to hammer sarah palin for a tweet. Of course they are.
Here we go with the Republican Traitor Cabal…First RINO to cast aspersions on President Trump for re-election in 2020 – Senator Collins.
Romney will likely be next.
I expect that the people she represents are “not prepared” to endorse her in her next election. Just sayin’.
And Murkowski.
And Romney, as you say.
Uniparty operatives, no matter which nominal “party” they attend.
MaineSoc, AkSoc, MormSoc. THE WORST KINDS.
What’s wrong with Collins and those like her?
On a related note, it would not surprise me if Ann Coulter were urging Chris Christie to run. She has backed him before, and he just came out with a loathsome book about the administration.
Christie prosecuted Kushner’s father….long story.
Human trafficking alert! This is the stuff that needs to be reported on a regular basis, but is not.
Nearly 50 victims of human trafficking, including 14 minors, were rescued during a three-day sting operation across California last week, law enforcement officials announced Tuesday.
State and federal agencies arrested 339 people, including 156 men on suspicion of solicitation, during the coordinated effort, which involved cyber detectives posing as teenagers.
At a downtown Los Angeles news conference, Los Angeles County Assistant Sheriff Maria Gutierrez urged all parents to monitor their children’s internet use.
“Predators,” she said, “operate freely in cyberspace.”
Of course, the new far left Democrats are against stopping human and drug trafficking and want to abolish ICE.
They have no compassion for the victims – because they support the Islamists – even ISIS – who are criminals – engaged in atrocities – barbarian violence – even trafficking in organs taken from live victims.
I think it has more to do with profits since so many of the slush funds have been cut off.
90% of voters do not want to trade Amnesty for the WALL!
Majority of voters support President Trump’s Border Security policies!!!
30,000 IRS Workers Were Ordered Back to Work. Half Didn’t Show.
A report in the Washington Post, citing congressional aides, says as of Tuesday, IRS officials had been unable to reach 9,000 workers and another 5,000 claimed hardship exemptions. The recalled workers, many of whom work in the tax processing and call centers, were being brought in—without pay— as the IRS prepares for tax-filing season, which begins next week.
This was before the shutdown ended. Oops. Sorry about that.
But still, the security people all showed up and did their jobs. But the IRS goons didn’t.
Harris is now advocating for lawmakers to view autopsy photos of dead kids before deciding on gun control votes–
Senator @KamalaHarris on ending gun violence: “You can be in favor of the 2nd Amendment and also understand there is no reason in a civil society that we have assault weapons around communities that can kill babies and police officers.” #CNNTownHall
— Josh Campbell (@joshscampbell) January 29, 2019
the “killing babies” part is precious–guns kill babies and only their mothers should have that right apparently..smh
Published 4:00 am PDT, Friday, May 21, 2010
San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris’ office violated defendants’ rights by hiding damaging information about a police drug lab technician and was indifferent to demands that it account for its failings, a judge declared Thursday.
Read More:
Cool- If it’s compulsory viewing for legislators and women asking for abortion to watch a dismemberment abortion video.
Komrade Khlamydia – she’s so predictable!
Khlamydia Harris…
And a Commune-icable disease…
Or even Commie-un-icable disease…
this from OT but so interesting :
maiingankwe says:
January 30, 2019 at 8:46 am
Have you ever seen wolf tracks in the winter snow? They do the same thing. Their paws go in a straight line. It’s an easy way to differentiate from a big dog since dogs no longer have that ability.
When the snow is deep and the pack is traveling, they will walk in line and take turns being in front breaking the trail. It’s when they find their prey they will spread out.
I love watching animals and their behavior in their own habitat, we can learn so much from them.
Thanks for the video! I got a good ole belly laugh from that one.
Be well,
Pat–I always loved Ma’ OT.. Hidden messaging?
i thought it might be coded too…lol…SD tweeted a video about lions, but she took it in another direction…
“Their paws go in a straight line. It’s an easy way to differentiate from a big dog since dogs no longer have that ability.”
No longer have that ability.
But the Wolf(moon) does…
(I think SD has referred to himself as one of the “big dogs”…)
“this from OT but”
maiingankwe is a stellar poster. A great-heart, grounded in reality.
I hope she’s invited here – she’d be a wonderful addition.
Flep? Lady P?
Thanks Pat!
she had been absent from posting for a bit (at least i didn’t see any…) but then one yesterday and then this one…she is a gentle spirit…
I love Ma’OT. She has been battling cancer from what I read in the prayer threads. A lovely person indeed.
Yep Would love to see her over here… great poster, and a great person…
Well she’s obviously reading here, if posting so is welcome. No admittance fees or taking the knee here either
There’s a thread on VOAT/QRV about this. Note that Gold Standard is capitalized. Wanna bet that the Fed is the real reason for the panic in DC right now?
And I left a tweet in Flep’s economic thread today that the Fed doesn’t think they’re going to raise rates in the near term. Hmmmm. Anxious are they?
I love when POTUS sends tweet signals. Kind of like smoke signals.
From the Department of Just Desserts™
FL man stole laxatives thinking they were pain killers.
he was definitely a man on the run…
Thread winner!!!
only cuz Steve and Cuppa aren’t here yet…lol…
Hey. I resemble that remark.
Poor fellow was getting a little lax in his thievery…
Ohhhh, Pat!
Oh splat…
(sorry…ducks, and, erm, runs…)…
(suddenly, I feel eight years old again…. if only)…
I must take issue with Just Desserts™.
These incidents usually involve all courses, and possibly additional meals.
Just sayin’.
This too shall pass.
That’s a crappy way to go.
PRESIDENT TRUMP warns re: danger from Iran:
The (un)Intelligence folks saying Iran is not such a big deal are revealing themselves as supporters or minions of Øbozo. Maybe they got a chunk of those Beelions of dollars (in unmarked, multiple currency notes)…
This STINKS of Brennan. Who should be burnin’ in the lake of fire…
Iran, as Persia, was once a great country. But it is well worth noting that the Prince of Persia is not only a video game, but the DEVIL himself…
Don’t these folks EVER read the Bible? Or did they sleep through Sunday school, just like they did through Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Math, Logic, and History?
I want Dan Coats fired.
“We don’t think North Korea would ever give up their nuclear weapons”
Oh yeah?
Dan Coats can read minds, and predict the future, did you know?
Read as:
“We don’t think the USA will ever move their embassy to Jerusalem”
“We think ISIS is a generational war and our people will be fighting the Caliphate for a long time”
“It would be impossible to form an alliance with Egypt, Jordan, Saudi, Israel”
and finally…..
“Russia interfered in our elections”
He was/is a politician first….
He would have done well (and spoken the truth, for once) if he had stopped at “We don’t think”…
Fascinating story of actual detective work, tracking down a socialist/communist/ anarchist. These are the people dedicated to freeing DC of any “Nazi or White Supremacist”.
Yeah right (snark), they are the ones who attacked the home of Tucker Carlson.
He used three different identities, all with alternating political views.
How convenient?
What does he really think?
We’re obviously not getting an accurate opinion when he speaks.
Details on how their organizations work. Photos with Sherrod Brown and Maxine Waters, interviews on BBC and MSNBC, work for academia…., and surprise, his whole family is involved.
what a hypocrite! he wants his adversaries to not have anonymity but he has 2 or 3 aliases.
He can’t even own his positions–acting all big and bad hiding behind a tough false name–what a pussy.
It’s insane isn’t it?
Hey Pat, remember during 2016 election, when we realized certain pundits were PAID for their opinion…… and didn’t actually believe it?
It was like I was hit with a brick.
I mean, how can one lie, effectively, about their opinion? And be convincing?
And, once discovered, why would anyone ever believe that person —– ever again?
it IS insane–
if this much is known about this guy, why can’t he be arrested? terroristic threats? surely this crap has to go against Twitter’s little sensibilities…
Total subversive. His brother and mommy are in on it as well. Hiding in plain sight.
He was nicknamed “King Communist” during the Occupy Wall Street protests.
Are you getting the idea Occupy Wall Street was merely a recruiting effort? For potential actors?
I want to know who is funding this crap.
Shut it down.
yeah…that right there is telling–KING Communist—there are no kings in communism–it’s gone to his head…
That is the word that got me Banned OT……
I tried to explain that that “word” was not only a lady part…..
Banned my Ass anyway.
Land of the Brave, Home of the Free.
Looks more and more like:
Land of the GREED……
And the home of the DEPRAVED.
First off, the White Supremacists, aka the KKK (and Hill-the-BEAST’s mentor Byrd-brain) were DEMONcRATs, on the LEFT side of the political spectrum.
Second, the NAZIs (NAtionalsoZIalismus) were socialists, again on the LEFT side of the political spectrum.
These folks have no clue, or are consciously jerking the Overton Window FAR to the left. So that anyone to the right of Stalin is a right-wing radical…
Also worth noting, with regard to the left, Satanists follow the LEFT-HAND PATH.
Any wonder that libtards like the Klintoons and Øbozo are LEFTists? Sinister, no doubt…
[No offense intended to southpaws!!!]
Foxconn’s CEO Terry Gou just reneged on building a manufacturing facility in Wisconsin. He just intends on bringing in engineers and researchers instead. Apparently he has a reputation for making promises he does not keep. Major blow for the state.
Hey NYGuy!
Hope you’re making progress!
Apple F***ed up by betting on Shyna.
Aye-Phones are becoming passe – too expensive, too intrusive (spying).
Foxconn is a precipitous straw …
The camel is the investors who “hold”.
Just my speculation, no investment advice intended, I’m not a fiduciary, no one should pay attention to me or my words …
Enough caveats?
Hope you’re doing well …
I’m trying.
Good to see you!
WOW. Disgusting. My question is whether CHYNO RYNO knew it all along.
What a turd, Foxconn.
Bet they won’t get a Valentine’s Day card from the WH.
Oh, they will. It’ll be like one of those snarky anti-Valentine’s Day Cards…
Something about needing/wanting/loving them 25 percent MORE…
As in 25 percent MORE TARIFFS…
(Times were, back when I learned breadboards could also involve solder, that many of the connectors and supporting hardware came from companies like AMPhenol, Allied, and other AMERICAN companies.
Alas, no more. Foxconn is the connector king, and all the rest have all but disappeared. Same thing is true for the component manufacturers, like Sprague, for instance…).
P.S: These connectors, supporting hardware, components, etc., are STRATEGIC. Should we end up in a war with China, we wouldn’t be able to manufacture MANY electronic devices, subassemblies, etc. Not a good thing…
Important info, Cuppa
Don’t look now, but the GOP gossip machine just used Chris Christie to toss some gasoline on the 2020 campaign for president fire. He’s releasing a book titled “Let Me Finish” in which he trashes General Mike Flynn, among others, and claims that the campaign was really disorganized (translation: non-traditional), but it was this answer to a question from an NPR reporter that got my attention:
“Your official role was leading the transition, trying to convince the then-candidate that he might win the presidency — and he was going to need a plan from Day One. You assembled 30 binders full of names of people to be considered for the top jobs, full of drafts of executive orders — 30 binders that you say got thrown in a dumpster right after the election. Literally in a dumpster? How do you know that?
“I was told. I was told by the people that were there … they made a ceremonial tossing out of that information and, by they, I mean Rick Dearborn and Jared Kushner and Steve Bannon. Now, I think to let me go is one thing, to get rid of the work of the 140 people that I led for six months was monumentally stupid — take me out of it. The work was not done by me, exclusively. It was done by 140 really dedicated, smart, qualified people. And I think that the administration has paid a price for that. The country has paid a price for that act of arrogance and that act of selfishness because they wanted to now be in charge of what was going to happen.”
DP comment: What this confirms for me is that who was going into what position post election had been decided already, and the campaign needed some cover lest the plan be outed. My guess is at least one person, namely Tom Price and Reince Priebus, were put in place to eventually get rid of them. Others were moved into where they were meant to be after a certain amount of preparation (Mike Pompeo). We’ve already determined that certain people are brought in for specific tasks, that much is obvious.
And the establishment people are still trying to outflank the president with gossip and trash talk.
with all the duplicitous people surrounding the President, it’s amazing he’s managed to get as much done as he has!
Imagine getting a Congress who wanted to make America better—and a party that backed you—POTUS would be unstoppable.
Just a few thoughts
a) Christie obviously thinks he is better than the President and harbors some resentment over how things transpired. He is really quick to smear people;
b) Did Bannon do anything right? He must be the most overhyped guy ever affiliated with the President;
c) Seems like a logical assumption that the President made a series of bad hiring decisions and it is costing him now. Makes me wonder about Barr a bit.
NY Guy, Glad you are here today.
Christie, Bannon, Tillerson, Priebus, McMaster, Mattis and all of the others that are gone now, made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I asked my dog about that and she said that just means to stay on red alert. They are gone now and I don’t miss any of them.
They all thought/think they were/are better than VSP PDJT.
Even our dim darling AOC thinks she is smarter than President Trump and will probably run for President in 2024 if she can figure out what country she is running for and what economic platform might sound good to people dumber than herself. Hillary, Whoopie and Joyless Behar may even mentor her. Oprah might finance her. Michelle can be her wardrobe consultant. Pelosi can teach her to negotiate.
My boycott list just grows and grows.
Today, I have added the Koch Bros and all of their products to my boycott list. It even gets to the point that it is a political decision about what paper to use to wipe your butt. Who knew???!!
I know a lot of people who are doing the same. One person doesn’t make much of an impact, but apparently 63 million of us can turn the bottom line red for a lot of companies that believed they were untouchable and the “little people” are of no consequence.
I have whole countries on my boycott list. China is number one. I bought garlic about a month ago and a friend asked me if it was from China. I had no idea. I looked and sure enough it was. It went straight into the trash. I never buy Smithfield pork now because of China.
To make a long story a tiny bit shorter, I went to my grocery store the other day to see if I could get garlic from the USA. They now have 6 or so different packaged and loose garlic choices and all are from the USA, none were from China. I call that progress. If something is from China, I keep looking for something from USA. If I can’t stomach their ideology, I have decided it is not safe to eat what I can’t stomach.
When I look online for something, I filter with “Made in USA” as first choice.
One small step for MAGA; one great leap for world freedom.
I think what crosses a lot of people up is that VSGPDJT hires people like a high manager would do, not like a politician.
Have task, seek best person to do it (despite warts and bumps and baggage), get it done, send person on their way, as the project is done. I’ve seen projects with thousands of people hired, sometimes for a few years, only to be let go when the project it done.
Why should it be any different in geovernment?
For each one of those people listed, there was (at least) an exceptional qualification for a particular task. If they can do other things, great. If not, no problem. If I’m looking for a CPU designer, I don’t care if they can write printer/scanner drivers. Not relevant. Could actually be a distraction.
VSGPDJT is not afraid of saying “YOU’RE FIRED”.
But there are many, MANY managers, sad to say, who never learn that; and suffer the consequences.
I’d rather have a stream of one-task specialists (within reason) than a crew of generalists who churn and churn because they’re not completely up on what they need to do. Tillerson, for example, was key to getting together with KSA. Bannon did a lot of good, until he didn’t… Mattis was the Mad Dog we needed to build things up, and add bluff and bluster to what had become an impotent military.
Not every hire will be a good one. The genius of a great manager or leader is taking those “lemons” and making “lemonade” out of them, or casing them into the “BioTonne” for recycling. Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard were masters at that, with a VERY low failure rate. I think VSGPDJT has some of that in him, too…
From OT:
ristvan says:
January 30, 2019 at 11:28 am
Lurking Lawyer here. As explained previously on earlier threads, it is very unlikely that even the most biased 9th circuit judges would be able to block 10USC284(b)7. There are three lines of reasoning.
1. The law has been on the books since 1986, and was reaffirmed (via a renumbering amendment) in 2016 under Obama. It is very clear and very specific, so no possible questions about Congreasional intent.
2. No ‘human or constitutional rights’ are colorably involved, unlike the travel ban Where SCOtUS ultimately sided with PDJT.The law simply allows DoD, upon request from DHS, to build roads, fencing, and illumination to stop narcotics trafficing and transnational criminal organizations at our borders.
3. The only plaintiffs who conceivably would have standing to sue as ‘injured parties’ are drug traffickers like the Sinaloa Cartel and transnational criminal organizations like MS13.
thanks Nebraska! I do like to read ristvan’s take on some stuff.
I’m glad for Ristvan’s take – he is a “fallen” elite (or, “non-initiated”, though it seems he had the choice, and sided with US), and so, our ally … yet still, the theory of the law is often thwarted by the reality of the law.
IOW, people can do ALL SORTS of crap before they’re held accountable … and, by that time of accountability, there’s ALL SORTS of crap they can do to hopscotch to the next square.
The penalties / punishments don’t KEEP UP with the transgressions.
Lawfare …
Hey Ristvan … you’re ok in MY book. You did the right thing – and so, you get to live with yourself, and be content. Congrats! You avoided the trap …
Bain. Bibi. Baal.
Good job, avoiding such.
Are you taking clients? lol
I wish Ristvan would post over here, even if under another name and leadin (something other than lurking lawyer…for he’s more than just a lurker, and probably a darned good lawyer, too!)…
Uh, Steve in CO – you might want to do something about this….
“The bill was proposed to Colorado’s Senate Committee on State, Veterans and Military Affairs by its chair, Sen. Mike Foote, D-Lafayette. And the committee passed it, voting along party lines after hours of testimony.
It’s part of a nationwide movement. Already 11 other states and the District of Columbia have adopted identical legislation, said Joe Miklosi, founder and CEO of Denver-based bridge consulting, who lobbies on behalf of the issue. Those states amount to 172 electoral votes of the 270 minimum to elect a president.
Colorado is one of seven other states expected to adopt the legislation this year, Miklosi said. Enough states, totaling those 270 votes at a minimum, must also pass the legislation before the agreement is activated.”
The idea that states can choose to UNDERMINE the Electoral College – to UNDERMINE the Constitution – is WILD.
What this does, in effect, is OVERTURN the will of the voters in a smaller state.
Yep – they want true “democracy.” Mob rules!
Even that “Mob” could NOT win without Voter FRAUD….
And a COMPLICIT media.
This is why I will fight to my dying day the use of the word “democracy” to define our Constitutional Republic!
“On top of allowing Banderas to go full-snowflake, to declare free speech dangerous, to virtue signal at the expense of Trump’s God-given right to defend himself, Fox News is now an outlet that is embracing blacklists against its competition (Drudge, Breitbart, Judicial Watch), allowing bitter conspiracy theorist Judge Napolitano to spread his bitter anti-Trump conspiracy theories, that caved on Trump’s caravan ad, that backed CNN’s lawsuit in defense of Acosta’s right to heckle the president and manhandle female White House staffers, that gives open borders extremist Jorge Ramos a microphone, that smeared Breitbart over our accurate reporting on a Google bombshell, that attempted to derail Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court appointment with what could have only been a well-rehearsed talking point involving the fake news use of the word “credible.”
What the hell is the matter with Fox News?
Does Fox honestly believe it’s appropriate to have one of its anchors argue against the free speech rights of the only person in the country chosen through the democratic process to represent all of the American people?”
Not one dime of mine goes to that rabid controlled opposition junk-pile called FOX. Not one thin dime.
Particularly pleased that not one penny goes to screechy Julie Banderas or Red Diaper Julie Roginsky, Fox’s Soviet media Commisar brought to America by a pair of Moscow’s best “excuseniks”, just like Red Diaper Sergey Brin.
Took a few decades to figure out how we got scammed by Soviet Russia with the excuseniks and their red diaper spawn, but hey – better late than never.
I was disappointed to hear today that Dan Bongino has signed on with FOX. I don’t know details or what his role will be, but it is a mistake, in my opinion. I don’t think he is compromised, though, and hope he will bring them some conservative sanity.
Chris Hahn needs an “opponent”…..
and Dan seems to always get the nod….
No matter which show….
So, I don’t get to hear much of his commentary any more.
as my TV is on MUTE when I see Chris Hahn (among others)
I think he’ll be great, especially with 2020 right around the corner.
Agree – too bad he didn’t go with OAN but I’m sure they can’t afford to pay what Fox does.
I’d rather he stay on his own platform than be paid to have certain opinions. Even in the best of conditions this is exactly what happens.
Surprise surprise, police can’t find a single thing that corroborates Jussie Smollet’s assertions. But does he rise to the level of lies told by Nathan Phillips? Jury is out on that. Keep trying Jussie.
Hey NYYguy, missed you!
Did anyone ever prove he was at a Subway?
Thanks daughn…I do not know the answer to your question.
It’s been 24 hours. Chicago Police Dept (my hometown guys) have been through 100 hours of video.
NO video evidence, no one looking ‘menacing’.
His manager called the police from HIS apartment (at 2:00am)?
40 minutes later?
But he still had the thin rope around his neck?
(So now it’s a thin rope?)
And now it wasn’t bleach thrown on him, it was a container of liquid.
Yet the police see no video of anything thrown.
The ACTOR told the police in his recount: “This is MAGA country” was said to him.
Now, that is disputed. Did the actor recant?
Huff Post is the one who corrected.
And the actor is gay and a noted LGTBQ activist.
And we have Dem Congressmen taking to the microphone to demand civil rights investigation.
I have a whole lotta questions.
Yes to all that you wrote….my question is…in all that footage they never mention the alleged victim. Did it capture him walking with the string around his neck? His defenders contend he was in shock (from the scratch on his face) was he stumbling, using his phone…what did those cameras pick up regarding HIM?
The liquid was probably a 7-UP that was flat (CO² tank empty) and the supposed perps were throwing their cups at the counter-persons, not soy-boy…
Sort of like Phillips. Saying “Honest Injun” with their finders crossed behind their backs…
what i read was he never mentioned the MAGA phrase in his initial reporting to the police. The police then read MEDIA accounts where he stated this and so the police contacted him with further questions and he then REMEMBERED that phrase…things that make you go hmmmmmm
Nothing like “recovered memories”…
Just as unreliable as repainted cars (Hey, Earl Scheib, I’m looking at YOU!!!)…
“I’ll paint any car for $29.95.”
First, everyone knew on Monday (if not earlier) that Tuesday was going to be the start of the coldest weather in recorded history in Chicago and elsewhere in the Midwest.
There were weather warnings all over the place (e.g. don’t breathe with your mouth uncovered). Someone is going to go out mugging in historic cold at 2 a.m.?
So, now we know his flat is in Streeterville. It’s not in the Loop or in the South Shore community, as was reported or rumoured elsewhere (see older comments on this thread). Despite its name, Streeterville is in quite a $$$ neighbourhood near Water Tower Place. That is Chicago’s best shopping and dining district.
Like New York, Chicago is the last place anyone would ever wear a MAGA hat, especially at 2 a.m.
This is odd. Surveillance cameras turn up nothing, yet:
‘Smollett, 36, returned to his apartment and his manager called police from there about 40 minutes later, Guglielmi said. When officers arrived, the actor had cuts and scrapes on his face and the “thin rope” around his neck that he said had been put there by his assailant, he said. Smollett later went to Northwestern Memorial Hospital after police advised him to do so.’
Hmm … HMM …
Now we await news on the letter (from the article):
‘The FBI is investigating a threatening letter targeting Smollett that was sent last week to the Fox studio in Chicago where “Empire” is filmed, Guglielmi said. The FBI did not immediately return a call seeking comment Wednesday …’
He really doesn’t want to force this stuff thru–he will if he absolutely has to–but i think he wants the government to learn to work together–for OUR benefit.
Chuck actually tweeted this???????????? Now I know the Storm is Upon Us !!!!!!!!
forgot the link… it was some nonsense… forget it. Not important
Phoenix–We did it again!! LOL!!!
what can I say Marica, our minds run on the same vibe…
(Love your name… put an “a” in the front and it sounds like…
hope the Secret Service man is okay!!
Good stuff!
I’m an AMD fan, myself (GO RYZEN!!!),,,
Fed Chairman Powell is speaking and takes a question about the QE policy where the Fed printed 4.8 TRILLION dollars (with no collateral like one would have for a regular loan), and is now removing 50 BILLION dollars from the economy, per month.
Yes, you read that right, 50 Billion a month = 600 trillion a year
as opposed to
Obama Admin, where the Fed printed money and pushed 80 Billion a month = 960 BILLION a year into the economy.
Yes, that’s a 1.56 trillion dollar swing in available currency or equivalent to 7.5% of our GDP in hard cash.
And don’t forget, when the FED printed the money, the paper had NO value. When the funds are removed from the economy, the money DOES have value…. someone worked for it, earned it, sold something.
So the question to FED Chair Powell is something like: “If you’re not really worried about the impact in the economy by drawing down the balance sheet (sucking money out of the economy) then why do you keep talking about it?
Powell responds, after 6 colloquialisms in a row to stall for time, by basically saying, “It’s so secret I can’t tell you” and “it’s okay”.
No, it’s not okay.
If I go out to my back yard and cut grass clippings, and label them “currency”, shove them into the economy, only to return to me as 600 BILLION a year – I’m a thief and a con man.
And tell me, EXACTLY, if the USA is drawing down FED balance sheet debt, to the tune of 600 billion a year, then why in the hell do we have a 779 billion dollar annual deficit?
I really want to know.
I can’t answer your question… perhaps Felice can…
Only know that fed agencies almost always say opposite of POTUS’ cabinet members…
And I know that POTUS is not entirely happy with Powell, but then he would not be happy with anyone in that position as they are all shysters… if they’re involved with the economy, they’ve been lying to and stealing from us forever.
My hair is on FIRE now.
Question to Fed Chair Powell:
“Well, if other countries are slowing down, and the US economy is strong, and we’re seeing strong capital inflows into the USA — couldn’t that be beneficial to our economy?”
Powell response:
“Well, it could be helpful.”
We have MOAR MARBLES. We have MOAR capital. We have MOAR money. We have MOAR manufacturing.
“It could be helpful”
Ya’ think?
That boy has been conditioned BIGLY to toe the globo line now, it would appear.
Powell ACTUALLY tried to make the argument, “Well, we are a global economy and healthy global economies help our exports.”
Yet, the BIG DOPE, is sucking funds our of our economy, which causes the ‘worth’ of our dollar to rise precipitously, which is BAD for our exports.
He’s not fooling me.
They’re stealing 600 billion a year from the US taxpayer.
Momma’s mad.
They were non-performing bonds to begin with. They were supposed to be allowed to remain on the balance sheet and NEVER cashed in.
WHO changed their mind and decided to suck 60 billion a month out of the economy?
They looked up and saw money money money…
Thank you, pR!
Good grief.
Roscoe B Davis has a thread, excerpted:
So Nellie investigated Candidate Trump’s children for Fusion:
I am positive that Fusion was giving information to RUSSIA. So THIS really makes me sit up and take notice.
One thing is for certain.
President Trump kicked the living $hit out of the FED.
Well done, Mr. President.
MOAR news, I can’t keep up. Watch the propaganda flow.
Venezuelan Army just asked the USA for equipment — but it’s coming from RT (Russian Television), check this out.
So, to be clear, RT is publishing a CNN segment where Venezuelan soldiers are begging the USA for weapons.
Layers upon layers of propaganda.
That is a real YIKESER. Handle with rubber gloves and TEN FOOT TONGS.
Don’t forget the Cubans and Iranians, cherry on top.
Dawson has a THREAD – excellent for red-pilling… (PM has recommended Dawson several times, I have been reading him since the first recommendation… Dawson is awesome..
Be careful of the timeline there. 1649-1721 is a lot earlier than 1773. Jonathan Edwards graduated Yale in 1720.
Yale University is the Home to the “Skull and Bones” secret society .
Nutters gonna nut.
This is just the Muslim version of the Leftist’s PC banning of words, “microagressions”, and more recently facecrime. Everyone else is doing it and getting away with it, maybe it’s our turn now.
While it is understood that a Schultz run is likely to take from the dems more than the repubs there is a strong possibility that Schultz may take his win and give it to the Dems. A reason to worry?
On the entitled, big spender, big shots
Report: Nancy Pelosi to Attend Pre-Grammy Party with Hollywood Elites
Mafia Pelosi always enjoys hobnobbin’ with the OTHER CELEBS.
Busy , busy folks
Of course they did. Where are the RIF’s?
Unhinged Protester Leaps at Presidential Motorcade – Gets Taken Down by Secret Service, Arrested
This was VP’s from what I’ve read.
Perhaps the GO orders have been issued from the Kalaorama Kabal for #resist and #disrupt until the 2020 election. Any place, it
I feel like they are going to do something at the SOTU. These people are crazy.
Agreed. Mafia Pelosi sitting up there showing off her smug mug. They’ll be up to something.
Reason Why Democrats Don’t Want Border Wall? The DNC and Clinton Foundation Both Reportedly Paid Off by Mexican Cartels
Keep pounding THIS ONE. It’s starting to MAKE SENSE.
Mexican Cartels is ancient Chinese word for “tools”
What also makes sense is some of this most likely was happening on the Republican side and Deep state side too.
They probably have done more,its just what she admitted to doing.
Agreed. This sounds VERY UGLY.
I believe that FUSION GPS was a conduit for giving our information to RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE.
Do the math.
Any angle or edge they could get, eh?
Anyone who thinks Trump isn’t royally pissed off and is too incompetent to bring the atomic sledgehammer down on these people is willfully blind and has their head shoved firmly in the ground.
Trump is not at risk in a declass. Sorry, try again.
Had 2 major surgeries in the late fall so am finally catching up. Good to see everyone.
Hi, Elize. glad you are here and hope you are getting well.
I love it when your kid calls from college and asks for a recipe cuz they want to impress a girl with a nice dinner!
Hope for the future.
That’s nice, Daughn.
That’s great, but you’re just going to leave us hanging and not share the recipe??
Just dance:
I’m having a hard time here.
Explain to me, WHO in the USA, does NOT have ‘access’ to healthcare?
LOL very true.
I think its more of a ‘who will pay for it because I want free stuff’. But yes good point.
Exactly, but Kamala’s state GOAL is for everyone to have “access to healthcare”
It’s been the law for decades.
Even the poorest of the poor in the U.S., with no insurance, can get the latest in life-saving anti-biotics by just visiting an ER.
Even the richest of the rich in virtually any African nation cannot get anti-biotics without leaving the continent.
Why is it so many people want to come across the border? Oh yeah, that’s right, they said they wanted health care…
I did not know this about Ms Abrams…
Foxconn apparentl y pulled a con on wisconsin and POTUS. they are NOT going to manufacture there or anywhere in the U.S. saying its too expensive. All they want to do is manufacture in china, assemble in mexico, and sell to U.S. IOW, exactly what we dont want and the opposite of MAGA. Walker and POTUS supported the deal, plus they got tax breaks. Now they just say, eh, too expensive.
We shouldnt buy their products, period. What was the point of making a deal if they werent serious?
Wisconsin promised more than $3 billion in subsidies to Foxconn, a Taiwan-based manufacturer of smart phone parts, to lure the tech giant to suburban Milwaukee. Former Republican Gov. Scott Walker promised that “working families would reap the benefits” of the giveaway, and President Donald Trump flew to Wisconsin last June to participate in a ceremonial groundbreaking for the plant. The project was an example of “reclaiming our country’s proud manufacturing legacy,” Trump said.
Now? There may not be a Foxconn factory built in Wisconsin at all.
“In Wisconsin we’re not building a factory,” Louis Woo, a high ranking assistant to Terry Gou, Foxconn’s chairman, tellsReuters. Instead of a manufacturing facility that was supposed to create 13,000 blue collar jobs, Foxconn is reconsidering its plans and is likely to turn the Wisconsin facility into a “technology hub” that would include research facilities and the production of specialized tech products. The jobs created are likely to be “knowledge” positions—in other words, not blue collar jobs—Woo tells Reuters. That’s something Foxconn had already acknowledged was likely in November when The Wall Street Journal reported that the company was planning to import workers from Taiwan and China to meet its hiring goals in Wisconsin.
Foxconn is already lagging well behind its job-creation promises. While the company originally promised to create 5,200 jobs by the end of 2020, Foxconn said earlier this month that the actual number would be about 1,000.
Maybe just maybe since the people of Wisconsin voted out Gov. Walker (who made the deal with assistance from Trump) they did not feel welcome.
This will NOT go unnoticed.
No soup for you!
No subsidies for you!
Exclusive–Angel Mom: Kamala Harris’ Staff Threatened to Call Capitol Police When Angel Families Visited Her Office
Good grief:
‘Following a series of massive fires along its 125,000 miles of power lines over the last two years, Bloomberg reports that U.S. District Court Judge William Alsup – who is overseeing PG&E’s probation for safety violations that led to felony convictions for the 2010 explosion of one of its gas pipelines, which killed eight people – didn’t back down from his criticism of the utility despite being told he had overreached.
‘“Usually a criminal on probation is forthcoming and admits what they need to admit. You haven’t admitted much,” Alsup told lawyers for the company at a hearing Wednesday in federal court in San Francisco.
‘“There’s a clear-cut pattern here: that PG&E is starting these fires.”’
Yeah you know it’s bad when the Uniparty doesn’t like you.
Huge Sex Trafficking Bust in California Nets Hundreds of Arrests
“Fourteen minors were among the nearly 50 victims of human trafficking rescued during a sting across California that netted 339 arrests, law enforcement officials said Tuesday,” according to KTLA.
The report said that minors as young as six were rescued during the operation, which included 93 human trafficking task forces across a three day span.
Wonderful news.
It’s sad that this has gone on so long and become a major industry. Sometimes I just shake my head at how low humanity has gone.
That’s good news. I’d like to know where the minors came from. Were they kidnapped from this country, and on a list of missing people? Were they children from other countries who were caught up in the illegal immigrant activities of their families (or kidnapped from their home countries)? I’m wondering if some children will now be united with their families, or if these were orphans, etc.
Understand, a significant majority of human trafficking is Americans by Americans. A LOT of minors are from foster care who run away, dont want to follow rules, etc, who hook up with older men or women who put them into prostitution or theft rings.
” I’d like to know where the minors came from.”
Some of the babies are from the girls who are being held captive.
These babies are ‘off the grid’ and sometimes sold.
This is one of the more heinous aspects of Child Trafficking.
Most people are unaware of all the truly horrible activities that fall under the category of ‘Child Trafficking’ or ‘Human Trafficking’.
The people who engage in these crimes are so evil…that the word ‘evil’ seems inadequate to describe them. This happened at the start of last year? Seems like they made the laws into a salad so you can’t figure out what has happened.
May God’s wrath come upon them swiftly!
When I think of all the crap President Trump took, from all the harpies, about knocking the FED….. well, it worked.
Everyone who made money today should send POTUS a Valentine!
YES!!!!!! Now didn’t the OT claim it would drop so much?
Capital “D” and Capital “T” = Donald Trump
Missouri Police Plead for Criminals Not to Commit Crimes Because It’s Too Cold
But then we get the Darwin awards!!!
sorry, just saw zooNTexas post on this…
When I was little, we lived in Chicago burbs. We had a forecast for a flood, and it was unlike anything I had ever seen. It poured rain and the floodwater rose half-way up the driveway. My father, the Marine, was defiant, and decided to grill out that evening. Pork chops. I remember it like it was yesterday, but I couldn’t have been more than 7-8yrs old.
Today, husband home from errands, decided he will grill out this evening, in defiance of the weather gods.
The more things change, the more they stay the same!
Are we invited for dinner, daughnworks? I’ve still got some strawberry jam I put up last spring. It’d go fine on some biscuits.
Say the word!
Chicken tonight!
It’s a man thing
maybe we’ll get them before the SOTU?
“Women and children are the biggest victims, by far, of our broken system. This is the tragic reality of illegal immigration on our southern border. This is the cycle of human suffering that I am determined to end.”
— President Donald J. Trump
The WHEEL. There it is again.
Maybe because its fake. The dude needs to be outed for filing a false report and be fined for the police resources spent. Wish we could libel him for the “maga” claim.
I never believed it for one minute. It was too pat a story. The guy has a history of being a hated of people like us and POTUS.
They’ll find out he created the story to cover something else.
Maybe some sympathy to get more acting roles.
I think his buddy Obama put him up to it. Or Soros paid him.
Seems like the “noose” detail is to bolster the lynching narrative. Theater, publicity, sympathy, cover up..something.
Here’s the latest. I can’t wait to see this.
CASE UPDATE: Hours ago #ChicagoPolice detectives located a surveillance camera that shows potential persons of interest wanted for questioning in reference to the assault & battery of Empire actor. A community alert w/ photos is being constructed and will be disseminated shortly.
hmmm still waiting.. I guess CPD’s “shortly” and our shortly are 2 different things
Now THAT is an interesting angle. WHAT is he covering up? That’s the way to finish this off. That is always the FINAL unraveling.
Police: We’ve Found ‘No Obvious People that Could Be Assailants’ in Jussie Smollett Attack
can we charge him with making a false police report?
Saw on twitter (I don’t know how to post twitter here) that he left a very popular gay bar after hitting on someone’s boyfriend and that’s why he was attacked. Makes more sense than Chicago is MAGA country
AHA. Now THAT seems like reality.
Someone put a video up about this:
Oh, I bet it is many many more than that, but how delightful that this little tidbit got out!!!
I nearly spit my drink out when I read this. Very funny.
LOL oh man that is too funny. See don’t get tattoos you can’t read.
OMG! Hilarious! I dug into this and posted another link….
That’s a better version. Hope you like my new avatar. A pic I took at a Trump rally.
Love the photo. Do you know from which rally that was?
April 10, 2016 Rochester NY.
Beautiful! Check it out people!
The people there look just like us. No different. In Rochester, NY or behind enemy lines.
Looks like EVERY Trump rally. ALL the FORGOTTEN PEOPLE who are not allowed to be shown by the media. They look the SAME all across America.
Takes me back to another Translation error in 2009….
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton learned that lesson the hard way Friday when she presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with a gift bearing an incorrect translation — one that implied hostility, rather than peacemaking.
Too bad it doesn’t say Re Elect PDJT.
What we are seeing is the plan these monsters had all along. Except Hillary lost and they blew the House and Senate. So they get back the House and they figure might as well roll this stuff out anyways. Do you see how evil all this is? Imagine this with Hillary in the WH?
That is very scary had HRC won. the USA would have been RIP for sure.
The sixteen-year plan outlined by Q seems FAR more than plausible – I think they White Hats may have even been MISSING some of their evil plans!
It would have been 10 times worse and within 6 months of her winning. I also think we would be in a civil war by now, a hot one. Thank God, we have had this time.
That must be what this is all about.
Heads UP
This is what Mitch has been pushing instead of judicial nominations for Ninth Circuit !!!!
We need to call critters and oppose Amendment #65… cloture and vote
Uuuuuhhhhhhh How could they even push this!!! I thought syria was an illegal war!!!!
POTUS is drawing down mil in Syria…
Mitch (and apparently other GOP senators) opposes that…
amendment #65 is an effort to impede that drawing down.
text of amendment #65 can be found here(scroll down):
Which bill will it be wrapped up in? If it’s just by itself it gets a veto I’m sure. Looks like it is wrapped up with other efforts doing a quick read. Is whitehouses global warming junk in there too? Seems like it.
Can they really stop it? I mean isn’t it up to POTUS or the military? I’m very shocked and upset by this. How dare they!!! Money talks of course.
Yes, it’s frustrating. BUT it also takes away much of the responsibility. Trump will win in the long run, just like he did on Iraq.
True. But I agree in the end Trump will win!!!!!
I’m glad Sylvia is ok. Mr. Sobriquet says I worry too much…didn’t tell him I also worry about “missing Avatars”.
I second that emotion sobriquet3…
(Waving at Sylvia)
Nice knowing you Phoenix. See you around. I refuse babysit Steve’s ego.
This is disturbing on so many levels. Facial recognition, iris scans, and tracking you to “buy ice cream”? What about children? This is in real time. How easy would it be for pedophile networks to buy iff those who monitor and scan to then inform the pedos to come pick up a kid who seems alone?
Seriously, Ill never step foot in a store that does this.
Walgreens is piloting a new line of “smart coolers”, which are refrigerators equipped with cameras that scan shoppers’ faces and make inferences on their age and gender. On January 14, the company announced its first trial at a store in Chicago. The drugstore chain plans to put the coolers in stores in New York, Seattle, and San Francisco by the end of January.
Walgreens is getting paid to install smart coolers.
So far, 15 large advertisers have signed up to test the Cooler Screens platform, including Nestlé SA, MillerCoors LLC, and Conagra Brands Inc. While Cooler Screens is currently only in Walgreens stores, the company is looking to get their product in additional chains as well.
The technology embeds cameras, sensors, and digital screens in cooler doors, creating a network of “smart” displays that marketers intend to use to target ads to specific types of shoppers, explains The Wall Street Journal:
The refrigerator and freezer doors act as a digital merchandising platform that depicts the food and drinks inside in their best light, but also as an in-store billboard that can serve ads to consumers who approach, based on variables such as the approximate age the technology believes they are, their gender and the weather.
This new technology could provide brick-and-mortar stores with a marketplace similar to online advertising. Ice cream brands could duke it out to get the most prominent placement when it is 97 degrees outside; an older man could see ads for different products than a younger woman. (source)
Here’s what the screens look like:
But don’t worry. It’s not facial recognition.
In Now Your Groceries See You, Too, Sidney Fussell writes of the technology:
Crucially, the “Cooler Screens” system does not use facial recognition. Shoppers aren’t identified when the fridge cameras scan their face. Instead, the cameras analyze faces to make inferences about shoppers’ age and gender. First, the camera takes their picture, which an AI system will measure and analyze, say, the width of someone’s eyes, the distance between their lips and nose, and other micro measurements. From there, the system can estimate if the person who opened the door is, say, a woman in her early 20s or a male in his late 50s. It’s analysis, not recognition. (source)
So, wait a second here – the camera takes photos of people and analyses them, but because this isn’t actual “facial recognition” there isn’t anything to worry about?
I’m not buying it.
Here are the minute details that smart coolers record.
Cooler Screens also has “iris tracking” capabilities, meaning the company can collect data on which displayed items are the most looked at.
Most the reporting on this technology is downplaying another detail that should be raising eyebrows: The Cooler Screens website states “We believe brands should be able to measure the performance of media buys in real-time.”
It sounds like what they really mean is “brands should be able to spy on shoppers.” Advertisers think nothing of invading our privacy if it means they’ll make more money. Remember when we showed you how your smart device was tracking every move you made in real time?
I HATE this kind of thing. Aside from the invasion of privacy, it’s like phone menus that never have the option I need, or surveys with multiple choice questions that do not have the answer that applies to my situation. I might pass a cooler in a store and look at a product with no intention of buying it, ever. They don’t know why I looked at it. They will get no usable information in cases like that. All this does is spy on us.
I’d like a list of stores that go this route. I hope some don’t, and advertise that fact. Despite claims of anonymity, I have no doubt that some in law enforcement can’t wait to get their hands on it.
It’s the same with smart appliances and smart homes, for me. Big Brother can go…well, you know.
I was just told that courts in CA are starting to get facial recognition. I agree on stores.
Did you notice Walgreens is being paid to install them? I sent a email saying i wont shop there, period. Totally tracking you…and your kids.
Facial req for everything but voter ID? Oh yeah the tech will be/is ubiquitous but for that.
Holy crap. Recently got a new fridge and there was the option of a smart fridge that would keep track of what we used, what was close to/past use by etc. I looked at the salesman like he was a cockroach that had crawled out of my cornflakes and said, politely, fuck off- do I look like an idiot?
Venezuela is exploding right now folks. Looks like families of Maduro and company have fled the country. Yesterday they swiped an amazing amount of Venezuela’s gold using a Russian plane.
Here it is. The biggest geopolitical challenge of the year for POTUS.
I’m guessing that POTUS made this happen by recognizing Gualdo. Maduro remains but family and gold are gone.
Where did they go? I heard about the gold. Any country that harbors them should be cut off from US and allies.
Guaido..can’t spell. Don’t know but watch Hannity tonight. Pompeo is on.
MOAR winning. January jobs boom:
Border situation in Arizona:
Isn’t that the truth?!
Shocking. Pathetic. Unconscionable.
Thank you, Gil. What a sad end to the day. May God bless this man and bring him shelter, food and medical attention.
Here’s the tweet (lots of empathetic replies):
Tim Tebow and his brother Robby Tebow have produced a movie:
I was always surprised this chap never got more exposure at CTH. He writes for Big League Politics and was on a lot of Fox News shows in 2016, especially near the end of the campaign. According to his Twitter profile, he’s on the 2020 advisory board for PDJT’s re-election campaign:
She needs a padded cell…
Sarah Sanders: God Wanted Donald Trump to Become President
Fully agree Sarah!!!!!!!
Yes. It is true. Sarah is a warrior for telling this truth knowing she will be ridiculed in some quarters. But many of us know she is right.
Here’s the story:
BREAKING: Laura Loomer Storms CA Governor’s Mansion Wall in Sombrero and Poncho – Is Quickly Arrested (VIDEO)
Loves that she finally got there. Good costume choice too.
If the neighbour was a cranky,difficult to get along with bastard before imagine how much this is going to sweeten him up
Texas Democrats Seek To Ban Christianity Using So-Called Anti-Discrimination Laws
If the Texas legislature passes these bills, Christians near and far should be concerned about how their freedoms will be curtailed in the coming years.
You want Christianity banned in Texas? Come and take it.
2019 State of the Union address
We know Nancy Pelosi will be toothless
But will the SOTU be Ruthless ?
What a hoot ! I haven’t laughed all day.
Thanks CHI->AZ
Drum roll……the pictures from Chicago PD…what a joke!
The comments are priceless!!!
This is a FOX news report.
10 kids kidnapped in Tasmania, ages 2-9, for their body parts.
Blaming a form of witchcraft….?
You know what I’m thinking? I’m thinking Hillary is the witch.
I know, rationally, there’s a 99.999% chance I’m wrong, of course.
Don’t we have a poster, here, from Tasmania?
I wish we could get his take.
Tanzania! Big difference! We do have a Tasmanian, however. No Tanzanian, but a couple of South Africans, I believe.
what the heck was I thinking – huge oops – apologies
Devils no doubt.
They’re so cute in a nasty way!
They is the down under version of honey badgers
Saw this post(no video) and thought it was fake– This video is HILARIOUS!!! Apologies…
That’s hilarious!
right? That guys laugh made me LOL too.. Barry and the Chicago Bath Houses–IT”S TRUE!
It’s true. I just …ahem..checked it out myself. The blue checked Obama does indeed follow this gay sex toy site. Unbelievable
I discovered that I was following Obama. I have NO IDEA how that happened. Maybe when I signed up or something. Very weird.
Go check out the site and you will see what I saw. But don’t let your wife see you do it. If she does, you don’t know me.
ED!! Wicked sense of humor back?–CHECK!
Sure you’re not following the gay toy website also? Just checking.
AYE-YI-YI!!! Not THIS cowboy!!!
Oh My Wolfie!! That tickles me—EEK!
I feel like Rubio’s going to show up next and start a FOAM PARTY or something!

Could happen!! Lil Marco=FOAM Parties! Barry=Bath Houses! DAMN !! these guys are YUCK!
LOL! Yup – that foam party stuff just made me CRINGE – only redeeming thing was I heard he met his wife at one! LOL. Probably the only guy in the place that was willing to talk to her! EEEEEEK!!!
It’s very clear that Rubio was “agenda-OK”.
Wolfie– This can’t go past here (LOL) When Romney(PUKE) was running–I referred to Rubio as my Boyfriend!! I AM an IDIOT! for that!
OMG – I’m biting my tongue!
My guess is twitter made you like him. But this is just too funny.
Twitter – “jack” the hipster – yeah, this is making sense!
Ed!! “ahem” INDEED!! I really cannot stop laughing

So…Joan Rivers was right!

I mean, no surprise here.
After all the other stuff that has surfaced over the years, plus the way that HusseinO acts…and then there was Reggie Love…I am one of those who figured that he was gay.
But it’s good to get this confirmation.
So if Joan Rivers was right about him, then she was probably right about Michelle being a tranny.
wheatie–So exactly true!! SO much Fakery in the previous in the Obama reign of terror… SMH!
I only show you this because Robert Herring owns OANN just in case you want to follow him.
Hi Ed!! Great to see you today!!! Keeping you in my prayers!! We are all behind you!!
Second that…
Artificial intelligence powered facial recognition enabled with machine learning will catch these two – they can’t escape!
Dang right!
Especially when Tay 3.0 says “DAMN, bro – looks like a hoodie to me.” And then Watson says “Never seen a MAGA hat on anybody with that build. Forget these jokers.”
what’s Lindsey doing there??????
No IDEA? Phoenix!! Funny!!!
He’s the BARTENDER!!!

POTUS thinks this is SOOO funny!!

I didnt even see that Trump laughing was on the other side!!
Recently released FBI documents from decades ago have found the family of Nancy Pelosi might have had deep ties to organized crime. One America’s Kristian Rouz examines the reports.
And this interesting thread reader of Jeffrey Petersonus whose former boss and friend is past DHS Sec. Janet Napolitano tells more….
So people have been asking me, Jeff, is Janet Napolitano friendly with Pelosi? Um, what do you think. Napolitano QUIT as DHS secretary under mysterious circumstances, and MOVED to the San Francisco bay area, a few years ago. So, draw your own conclusions.
Thanks for this Judyw…. great find…
Sarah Sanders—#SUPERHERO!!!
Yep, yep yep yep yep yep yep yep… we know where that went now don’t we.
No wonder Trump is playing hardball. He’s done playing footsie.
A Handy Guide To Facial Expressions
How do you tell if someone is hatefully sneering at you or just smiling? It’s a difficult task. We consulted with over 500 facial expression experts, showing them various images and asking them to identify which ones were a normal human emotion and which ones were literally Hitler. If a video ever comes out of someone making one of these expressions and you need a quick hot take to tweet out, consult this handy chart:
Babylon Bee is absolutely hilarious!!!
Love Babylon Bee.
Well said, Senator Blackburn!
Found this on Dawson’s TL
I thought I was on today’s open thread when I posted this in yesterday’s open thread. You may skip by as it is two parts and a bit long but I think it’s notable for some strange reason.
I watched that Joe DiGenova vid Churchmouse left us further up the thread (yesterday’s thread). At the end of vid the youtube panel gave four more suggestions to watch and that’s when I spotted Barron’s face. Figured why not and got this:
Okay, that’s interesting, posted on 18 Jan 2019 and new news to me but I’m sure some of you have run across this information before. But would wonder if anyone jumped down this rabbit hole. Seems quite interesting.
Meanwhile did a Wikipedia check on Ingersoll Woodward and found that page started on 8 Oct 2017 just weeks before Q’s first post. (Interesting to me because it fits my Q theory. My confrontational bias noted, and it well can fit the normal theories also because of the same. Certainly wouldn’t hurt it, I’m sure. Meanwhile making no serious comments on the vid. Take from it what you wish, I am
Next stop because I saw it in the links was Snopes.
Snopes tries to knock the connection of current events to past events and is barely able to scratch those connections in the fact check. In fact quite the opposite, but hey, they tried. Interesting they had an interest. They are obviously aware of Q and working hard at all things anti-trump and even anti Q.
Anyway, had to dig some more and went to the Library of Congress where the books exist and you can read and or listen to them.,%20Ingersoll 1900 or The Last Presdient is 48 pages and audio available.
Baron Trump’s marvellous underground journey 1841 published 1893 is 240 pages and audio is available.
What about a hard copy?
Book search. Amazonbooks is null, natta, nothing.
Steve’s suggestion for rare books was so I tried that. Here’s the result.
Hey! Under $4 to $7.00 for The Last President and under $9.00 for the Baron Trump’s Marvellous Underground Journey.
Anyway that’s that. Thought I should bring it up. And thank Steve for mentioning
Oh, if you get inclined to buy something at Abe’s and are stuck on a choice recommends Andre Servier’s Islam and the Psychology of Musselman
Which again, you can likely find free on the internet.
Didn’t copy from yesterday’s post. All of what I was talking about when I said. Figured why not and got this:
(I responded to you on the previous thread, but meant to write here.)
This is fascinating. I had heard of the book but not all the other elements mentioned in the video. The similarities to the present day are eerie.
Yeah, sorry about the other thread thing.
I leave my page open and its there when I start up again.
Meanwhile same here, especially when he wrote about the SOTU at the end. Too eerie that.
Have heard of Tesla but not checked into.
If any credence is to be given this, is wondering if it’s more about remote viewing as opposed to an actual machine.
Thinks I’m going to spend some time on this if I can find it.
The tip-off was when Wray snapped last week and attacked President Trump, saying he was tired of “Trump and his bullshit.” Wray lost his cool after his agents threw tantrums about missing one paycheck during the government shutdown. Instead of telling them to buck up and hit their credit union for a bridge loan, Wray went the other way — telling his agents that Trump was playing political football with their careers.
“It was embarrassing. I was embarrassed for the Bureau, for what it should represent,” the insider said. “For what it used to represent.”
No one told Wray that complaints only run up a flag pole when you lead an Intel agency. You never bitch and moan with the rank-and-file unless you’re drinking at a wake.
Wray is not presenting himself as being Director material or on the up and up.
I never liked his condescending attitude during testimony. So, do you think he is a place holder?
Based on what we’ve seen *publicly* from Wray, I wouldn’t be surprised if he got hit by the Barr. But “one way or the other” (Trump’s problem solving) unless something surprising happens I think he’ll be gone.
Personally, I think Wray is a good guy, but he’s at the limit of what he can do. I think one man who grew up IN that culture cannot CHANGE that culture beyond certain limits, and I think he’s hitting those limits.
It will be a big CHALLENGE for Wray to regroup for a SECOND OFFENSIVE in reforming the place, because that’s what he needs.
I personally forgive Wray’s bitching and moaning about Trump – it’s his Dixie Chicks moment, but in reality, it’s not even that. He KNOWS that the Trump-vs-Pelosi stuff IS inherently political relative to the apolitical standard that he’s desperately TRYING to get back into the FBI. But this is a tough nut to crack A VERY tough nut. The “Democrat bias” of the FBI is INSIDIOUS and PERVASIVE. It was snuck in VERY long, slow and careful. Wray is up against a TOUGH problem. He simply HAS to call Trump’s politics what it is. It may be necessary, but it IS politics.
AND top that off with massive infiltration of FBI by the KGB-CIA and the Democrats – MASSIVE secret involvement in stuff that only a few people know about – secret projects that make the X Files look like kiddie shows – massive LYING to Wray by the people around him – yeah, I get him bitching. Even if I was in his shoes, I would bitch about Trump’s politics just to maintain cover. And Wray – if he is the good guy I suspect he is – HAS to maintain cover.
I think Paine and his source are right. The FBI has been CULTURALLY turned to a Democrat organization – people just genuflect and virtue signal to it BECAUSE that is how virtue is defined.
They are STILL highly politicized, and Wray knows it. It has to be VERY frustrating.
So – I do NOT blame the crap that I get from my locals on Wray AT ALL. I’m just seeing the OTHER END of the same problem Wray is seeing – the MASSIVE mess that 16 years of stealthy Stalinists and 8 years of Mueller under Bush left in FBI.
Wray understands the China threat. For THAT ALONE I think he’s almost irreplaceable. I would rather have Wray there, and have my local spuds harassing me, than have some IDIOT in there, undoing all the progress that Wray has made.
I am definitely giving him the benefit of the doubt at the moment, part of the reason for my careful phrasing. Instead of “His actions show he’s bad” I’m aiming for “His actions don’t bode well for him being good.”
But we have to be careful too… Too many times the stories turned out to be nothing more than insiders engaging in character assassination.
I think we are still waiting for some sort of response to Wray’s unwelcome and untimely comment? Does anyone know or has it been mentioned anything about a response from the administration on this? I’ve missed a good chunk of yesterday and all of today and then ran down a rabbit hole.
Sorry about bracketing you like that judyw.
Okay, went down the rabbit hole and read “1900 or the last president” since it is quite short. Then dug around a bit more and found this.
From the Federalist Papers a so so summary I’ll use to skip over much of the book and get to the ending which I want to do.
“This book’s sequel came three years later, titled “1900, Or The Last President.”
What is happening in this book? A new President was just elected, one who ran as an outsider with an enormous opposition. Right before the election results were announced, all seemed well with a certain crowd, a crowd who were rather sure of which candidate would win the election (sound familiar?).
The people were gathered, light-hearted and confident, at the evening meal, when the news burst upon them. It was like a thunder bolt out of an azure sky : “ Altgeld holds Illinois hard and fast in the Democratic line. This elects Bryan President of the United States !”
(It is quite possible that he was referring to William Jennings Bryan, who ran his first Presidential campaign in 1896; this is only speculation on my part, though).
In New York City, when the results were announced, swaths of the city were placed on lockdown due to masses of violent protesters storming the area.
Strange to say, the people in the upper portion of the city made no movement to rush out of their houses and collect in the public squares, although the night was clear and beautiful. They sat as if paralyzed with a nameless dread, and when they con- versed it was with bated breath and throbbing hearts.
In less than half an hour, mounted policemen dashed through the streets calling out : “ Keep
within your houses ; close your doors and barricade them. The entire East side is in a state of uproar. Mobs of vast size are organizing under the lead of Anarchists and Socialists, and threaten to plunder and despoil the houses of the rich who have wronged and oppressed them for so many years. Keep within doors. Extinguish all lights.”
And their rallying cry?
“Our day has come at last. Down with our oppressors ! Death to the rich man ! Death to the gold bugs ! Death to the capitalists ! Give us back the money you have ground out of us. Give us back the marrow of our bones which you have used to grease the wheels of your chariots.”
That kind of sentiment certainly sounds rather familiar, does it not?
Another strange reference is the “Fifth Avenue Hotel.” As Newsweek notes, the address in the original book is now where Trump Tower stands on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.
The Fifth Avenue Hotel will be the first to feel the fury of the mob. Would the troops be in time to save it?
Buried deep in the novel is yet another eerie detail: this newly elected President has a cabinet member whose last name is Pence. Lafe Pence is the Secretary of Agriculture in the story.
Talk about freaky, some of these descriptions sound more like stories that we have reported over the past year rather than historical fiction!”
While there is more in this short book that seems uncanny than just those passages above and what’s seen in the vid, the very last part of the book is most strange as it has the speaker of the house denying the president from giving the SOTU address after which the House goes into chaos and then the speaker relents. Book ends with the dome of the capitol bldg being blown up with dynamite, but everyone is okay and the vote to what seems to be dissolve the union into three separate states takes place.
Important note. The first time the SOTU was given was by Wilson, is in 1913. The book was written 1841 and published in 1893. Neat trick.
Lessor notes. In first post above I called Lockwood, Woodward. Mistake.
And the video is actually three separate vids shown as one. Suggests you stop with the first part though the second part deals with time travel & Nikola Teslais however gets a bit derogatory towards President Trump. While the last part has nothing to do with anything on this subject and is some sort of propaganda piece attacking the shut down. That said, I doubt mystic circle who published the vid has any idea about the last part being stitched onto the back of their piece but who knows.
Thank goodness that McKinley defeated Bryan!
Yes, but notice another piece in the book in that this Bryan was elected not by the popular vote but by the electoral collage.
That and the speaker of the house deny’s him to give the SOTU until their is an uproar in the house at which time the speaker relents. Mind you the book was written in 1841, published in 1896 and Wilson was the first to give speech in front of Congress in 1913
Then there is much to about the economy as this Brayn raises up small business in his first years and has a strong economy until it is sunk by the forces he ran against.
This little book should have a revisit as it seems more prophetic than first thought.
I don’t trust that this is a real book. I believe that fake history is a thing now. I believe that the IC (and particularly KGB-CIA) has been engaged in quite a bit of forged history.
The Hitler diaries had to set off lightbulbs EVERYWHERE.
There are ways to prove the reality or forgery of this guy and his story. I’m not yet convinced. We need some “forensic historians” on it, and those people need to be aware of “reactive disinformation”, which in my experience is extremely advanced.
Understood but it’s in the Library of Congress. Not fake. Has been there over a century. Posted link to that, but posts again.,%20Ingersoll
There are the other elements of this coming into vogue just before Q’s first post and the Wikipedia pages starting up after the president was elected but this book has always been there.
My guess it’s Q that brought this back into the light. You and others have a different opinion of who Q is. I’m good with that. This doesn’t harm your theory nor mine. Though mine is a bit more dangerous.
Glad were posting where no one is reading. But maybe you should delete this if you understand where I’m coming from.
Besides Wolf, how did the KGB-CIA get the house speaker refusing the president to give the SOTU? Last three pages in the book.
From cradle, if they make it there, to grave. And “emergency status” what kind of trouble are they having over there on the west coast? Ackkk!
Yeah, knock this BULLSHIT back into the SOVIET UNION.
Wolfie!! Are we the only ones Awake?
Everybody is on the other thread! There’s a few!
thanks!! LOL!!