Infanticide in New York State

America continues its march toward its own destruction.
On January 22, 2019, Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed into law the “Reproductive Health Act” – upon signing the bill, he stated:
“With the signing of this bill, we are sending a clear message that whatever happens in Washington, women in New York will always have the fundamental right to control their own body.”
No, Governor Cuomo, the only clear message you’re sending is that New York legislators, and you, are completely bankrupt of morality. You’ve now joined the infamous club of people who commit crimes against humanity.
Only a few days previous to the 46th Anniversary of Roe v Wade, I had written this article, “Silent Scream, Genocide of the Unborn” – not realizing how prophetic it was. Indeed, we’ve known this country has been moving forward in its zealousness to kill the unborn at will, without restraint, without examination of conscience, without a second thought – to cut up, suck out, or as now in New York State, to terminate by lethal injection. Logic and irony fail to make headway in rabid pro-abortionists’ thinking – New York state does not allow the death penalty, but have now set in motion the means for which babies up to and including the moment of birth can be killed under the guise of a “woman’s right to control their own body.”
Lethal injection is the injection of toxic, poisonous chemicals into the human body, with the intent to cause death, cessation of life. In capital punishment cases where lethal injection is used, the person is sedated, and basically put to sleep, and they don’t wake up. Perhaps a few minutes of struggle for breath, then they’re gone.
In the new law in New York State, they’re going to use a lethal injection poison that kills the baby over 24, even as long as 48 hours, and then the woman will deliver a dead baby. A baby who was tortured in a barbaric manner before it could even draw its first breath of life. It lasts longer than the partial-birth abortion or the born alive abortions.
How cruel and unusual a punishment is that? How barbaric, that an innocent life, who has never once had the opportunity for “life, liberty and pursuit of happiness” is tortured, all because it is inconvenient.
In 1983, on the Tenth Anniversary of Roe v Wade, President Ronald Reagan wrote an essay, “Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation.” Read it, it’s an extraordinary and profound statement about what 10 years of Roe v Wade had caused since that infamous ruling. Reagan makes several important points, including the most important one, not only about “when does life begin” but “what value does a human life” have.
At the time of Reagan’s essay, in the 10 year period since the Supreme Court allowed abortion, (by then it had been expanded into the 3rd trimester) the country had already killed 15 million of its babies. In the 46 years since Roe v Wade, America has killed 61 million of her unborn. President Reagan would be shocked that we had not undone Roe v Wade.
What drives modern man, who has advanced medical science at its fingertips to save lives, to cure diseases, to promote health, to develop medicines that improve billions of human beings’ lives, to turn around and deliberately murder the most vulnerable, the most innocent of all of God’s creatures, an unborn child?
What value is a human life?
The 20th century saw two world wars, numerous undeclared armed conflicts, and the death of millions ordered by dictators, communist and fascist. The very idea of deliberately killing the unwanted child or inconvenient child tracks into the same mindset that drove Nazi Germany to wantonly kill any undesirables in their society. By the time the Third Reich fell, 6 million Jews and 5 million “others” had been intentionally murdered in concentration camps, in ghettos, and in any ditch that would take a few more bodies. Wanton murder.
Adolph Hitler and his Nazi death machine deliberately killed 11 million souls – we’ve studied the stories of the horror and atrocities of WWII in school. Yet, the result of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Roe v Wade, America alone has killed 61 million human beings. Where is the outrage? Where is our humanity?
Gov. Cuomo and the rabid abortion supporters cheered when he signed the bill. He ordered the World Trade Center tower to be lit up pink. Pink for womens’ right to kill their unborn. How about red for the blood being shed by the innocent victims?
Ronald Reagan said the question of conscience for the Nation was what value was a human life? In his essay, he references a tragic story, one that probably few of our time know about. It was the starvation death of a Down’s Syndrome baby, the judge ruled that a reasonable life saving procedure, opening up the esophagus, was not to be allowed as the child’s life had no meaning. Indiana’s State Supreme Court agreed. People are likely horrified reading about this today, because no longer would that ever be allowed, but in the not that distant past, 1982, this country allowed a Down’s Syndrome Baby to starve to death – all because his life was not considered worthwhile.
The value of life. The slippery slope people feared would come the day the Supreme Court ruled a woman could kill her unborn child has indeed come to pass. A slope that went from “safe, legal, and rare” to abortion on demand, up to and including the day of delivery. In, “Silent Scream, the Genocide of the Unborn” – The movie, “Gosnell” is discussed. The full title of that movie: “Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer” – but now with new York’s open-ended abortion law, Gosnell wouldn’t even be found guilty of the deaths he caused when he killed babies born alive.
The slippery slope from Roe v Wade’s ruling has taken us from aborting a “clump of cells” to dismembering a fully intact, alive human body. Dismembering or now injecting poisons which are toxic to the nervous system. Both methods causing horrific pain-filled deaths. Dr. Joseph Mengele would be applauding. Yes, the Nazi physician who carried out inhuman experiments on infants and children during WWII.
America, or at least parts of country, has come to accept full-blown infanticide. Killing perfectly viable children. We’ve actually entered the next phase where killing a child after birth is going to happen. It’s already talked about. In 2012, “ethicists” Alberto and Francesca Giubilini and Minerva introduced the idea of after-birth abortion. It’s real, there are people who advocate that a child should be killed if it has no value to society or if the parents do not want it. If you think this couldn’t happen, it is happening: a Democrat Delegate in Virginia, Kathy Tran introduced legislation that not only would repeal all abortion restrictions in that state, but allow a last minute abortion during delivery.
America is no longer at a precipice. It has fallen over the cliff. We are engaged in willful infanticide. Rabid abortionists hide behind fancy phrases like what Governor Cuomo used, …”having the right to control their own body.” “Pro-choice” sounds much more acceptable than Pro-abortion. Daughn24/7 wrote about the “War of Words. The denial of committing murder by the pro-abortionists is their taking command of the language regarding their dirty deeds. They talk about women’s health, not dead babies. That’s called massaging language and message. The majority of the public, who doesn’t pay that much attention, are fooled.
There are some statistics people should be aware of:
1% rape or incest
6% health issue for mom/baby
93% of all abortions occur for social reasons (unwanted/inconvenient)
Then there is this:

New York State has declared war on the unborn; New Mexico and Vermont are about to follow in New York’s footsteps.
For years, I have called abortion the genocide of the unborn, a Holocaust of the Innocents. A society that has open disregard for the sanctity of life, loses its humanity. A society which has no problem killing viable, innocent babies moves closer to demanding that it be allowed to kill other undesirables or other individuals who are perceived to not have value, or less value. The disabled and the elderly are two more vulnerable groups. It’s called euthanasia.
The gleeful abortion ghouls of New York state, who applauded and cheered upon taking the life of a child, demonstrates how easy it is to slide into a state of moral bankruptcy, a life without a moral compass. In this, we have lost our humanity, and our right to claim any kind of moral superiority. Pro-abortionists of the 21st century are not any different than the genocidal perpetrators found in the annals of history.
Perhaps this radical move by New York state will shock the conscience of this nation to reassess its values and move to protect Life.
The Supreme Court should revisit Roe v Wade. After all, we now have proof “safe, legal, and rare” was a misnomer. America has already murdered 61 million of its children, that’s evidence of a wrongly, and badly decided ruling. I’m certain that nowhere in the Constitution was infanticide written as a “right.”
Edit update: I wanted to include this:
January 28, 2019 at 20:59
For every child who lives in the womb:
that God might send an angel to guard and protect
the innocent and defenseless;
We pray to the Lord:
For the children who have died from abortion in our nation,
and for their mothers and fathers:
for mercy, peace and the loving embrace of Christ;
We pray to the Lord:
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Cold blooded murderers serving as my state nonetheless.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My daughter lives in NYC, she was sickened by this. Difficult to be a conservative in that state, and certainly almost impossible in the city.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s like Cuomo is trying to turn it into the “Evil Empire State”.


Take a good look at Cuomo’s face. Is this extreme politics, or is this man Possessed? I am in earnest.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great point. His face is especially interesting when he “over-emotes” for the other side. Watch the moment when he says America was never “great”, and then tries to wriggle out of it. Also, when he was ranting about gun magazines one time, playing to the camera. He gets this weird “sneery” look that absolutely makes the viewer CRINGE.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Possessed? yes and what God fearing priest would exorcise the foul demon?
Cuomo will face his victims at his demise and will answer for this affront to mankind.


First we DIE…..
Then….. THE Judgement.


There are several flawed and false operant beliefs at work among the leftists today:
Leftists believe in a right-to-sex – any and all kinds of sexual acts – without responsibility or negative consequence, such as pregnancy.
They also believe in the right to have taxpayers cover the cost of any of the consequences such as contraception, STDs, pregnancy/abortion, mental health issues, etc. Remember the Sandra Fluke brouhaha?
They also believe in the right to be any ‘gender’ they want; they demand we believe they are whatever ‘gender’ they want to be, and want the taxpayer to pay for any treatment and surgery to try to achieve the appearance of that ‘gender’.
There are no such rights under the constitution and the costs are prohibitive – when you consider the incurable STDs – HIV, HPV, Herpes and the new mutations of gonorrhea for which there is no effective treatment. Treating one HIV patient is around 600K per lifetime. CDC stats show young black males are the fastest growing HIV population.


Just imagine the cost of ‘sex change’ surgery and lifetime hormones, plus mental health counseling.
Besides an enormous increase of STDs, injuries, violence, there are many mental health issues among the sexually disoriented populations, including suicide and murder.
The cultural costs are tremendous. Encouraging this madness affects everyone, even the very young, the atmosphere in schools, churches, sports, and every part of our national life.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

GA/FL – “the cultural costs are tremendous” – that’s the entire issue in a nutshell. 1960’s moved us to Roe v Wade, and once all responsibility and accountability was removed for the choices we made, it brought us to this moment in time – where’ the country has almost lost it’s moral compass completely.
This is a cultural war. Hedonism and acceptance of Evil vs restraint and morality.


Abortion has taken a toll on our humanity as a country.
One of the most striking things about our VSG President is his Humanity – and compassion and love for children.
Did you know that whenever his children called him – he would always leave top executives in meetings to talk with them?
Despite his wealth, enormous responsibility, pressures, the President’s love for his fellow humans shows in everything he does.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He’s my hope, along with Melania, to get the Supreme Court to act. People may not realize it, but the Court can reach down anytime and pull a case up, or revisit a previous ruling – including Roe v Wade from 1973.


Reflecting on genocide of babies it seems that we move closer to Paganism the more we adopt also the rituals sacrificing babies to our pagan god.
Leaving religion as moral compass they are people in the boat without a rudder.
Religion is not always perfect but we humans are even more imperfect when we are left without a guiding light.
The mystic river flows though the mother to the baby in the womb until if takes its fist breath where it can tap into it on its own. The mystic breath is universal and understood by all humanity and gives us life and sustains us.
Mystic River
There is a river flowing weaving in and out
It floes endless through light and dark
The river flows quietly through the sky
Above the moon flying high
The river touches every star
The vast sky it flows through the open heart
The river of time binds all in its way
Deliberately flows toward destiny
The river bends never standing still
It moves through valley and on top of the hill
There is a river that touches our life
The river flows slow from beginning to end of time


I refer to these pagans as the cult of Molech. I mean that quite literally. I’ve been saying that for years about them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Religion is not always perfect but we humans are even more imperfect when we are left without a guiding light.”
I like your take on religion.


Yesterday night I was watching “I am Jazz” on TV…He/she is build like football player, now is 17 and attracted to the girl…When he was a child his parents put him on puberty blocker medication and which is resulted in undeveloped male part…So now doctors are not sure that they have enough material to make a female part out of it…As I understood all this started when the child wanted to wear girl’s clothing…So he is cross-dresser, but he is still a male child, but his parents decided since he liked to wear girl clothes to make a girl out of him medicating him from an early age. And he is a straight boy, that is why he is attracted to girls. I think that in many so called transgender cases is a parents fault.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It should be considered child abuse for parents to be messing with their kids hormones.


60’s brought us Roes vs Wade…….
WORSE than that….
This country KICKED out GOD from our schools…..
Been downhill since……
DEMONICraps are doing their Damndest to kick Him out of Government too.


Be of good cheer…….
I’ve read the book 🙂
We win in the end.


How do these extreme, abortion-worshiping “feminists” get pregnant in the first place? They detest males and consider all (hetero) sex to be rape? Maybe it’s true that a girl can get pregnant by touching doorknobs. I’ll have to look into this.


Gotta love those “women” with Beards…….
Or those dudes with a DORK KNOT on their head…..
It’s almost a MUST, to do the “Crocodile Dundee” test before dating….
You know….. Grab the crotch just to test?


It’s not just America – it’s all Western nations that have lost their humanity over abortion as well as their fear of GOD.
Western nations now exist in a state of moral compromise and spiritual confusion/blindness – having forged laws that enable us to break all of GOD’s Commandments and Prohibitions….and made some laws that would force us to do so. We are in conflict with the Creator of the Universe and all beings.
You can’t break, alter, change, bend GOD’s Commandments – they are eternal, unchanging, written in stone. We only break and harm ourselves and others when we attempt to do so.
All this has allowed the rise of Islam and invited its invasion/infestation of the West.
Same thing happened throughout the old Testament when the children of Israel sinned and disobeyed GOD – they were attacked and taken captive by pagan nations like Persia, the precursor to Islam.
We cannot conquer Islam except by repentance and return to GOD and HIS WORD/LAW and return our laws to agree with GOD.
See Isaiah 10:5, 26:3, 30:15, 31:8-9, Nehemiah chapters 8-9, II Chronicles 7:14

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Everything you say is correct. Without a moral compass and retention of our Judaic-Christian values, we’re lost, and so is Western Civilization. America is our last, best hope for mankind.


Oh contraire….
We COULD …. DESTROY Islam…..
If our “CONgress” was not in bed with THEM.


Absolutely we could destroy islam.
It would be easier now than at any point in human history.
The last time islam invaded Europe, the fighting was hand to hand. It was one-on-one, and it required a large investment of time and resources to learn to fight and afford a quality weapon. Any battle was subject (at least in part) to whichever side had the most numbers.
Today, the tiniest country in Europe could eliminate islam from the entire continent.
The islamic invaders have only small arms and IEDs, while even the smallest countries have a professional military, planes, helicopters, tanks, armored vehicles, artillery and heavy machine guns.
It’s not even a contest.
All Europe has to do is:
A) declare islam for what it is, a subversive ideology of conquest by oppression and violence
B) restore the rights of non-islamic citizens to bear arms
C) outlaw islam
D) give islamic people in Europe 10 days to evacuate peacefully
E) place a bounty or reward to encourage non-islamic citizens to call the Police and report any islamic person who has not evacuated
F) on the 11th day start making examples of those who remain and make sure it’s broadcast on TV everywhere
Either the islamics will leave in a mass exodus rush for the border, or the military rounds them up and overwhelms anyone who resists with infinitely superior firepower.
Like most things, the solutions to even the most “complicated” problems are usually quite simple.
That’s because the problems aren’t really complicated in the first place.
All that is required is the will to DO IT.
Founding Father Samuel Adams opposed islam.
This is a discussion I had on the subject over at DailyCaller in September 2017:
NotMyOwnAnymore wrote: “You cannot be a true American citizen and not support religious freedom for all. You may not like the religion in question, but you must support its right to exist. Our Founders understood that to maintain religious freedom for some, you have to maintain religious freedom for all – and that the matter of which religion is valid is best settled in the open arena of competing ideas, not in a closed society that denies the freedom and rights of certain people.
My reply:
NMOA wrote: “Our Founders understood that to maintain religious freedom for some, you have to maintain religious freedom for all – and that the matter of which religion is valid is best settled in the open arena of competing ideas, not in a closed society that denies the freedom and rights of certain people.”
Wrong again.
You’re just flat out WRONG.
We are not obligated to ‘maintain’ ANYTHING which threatens harm or a violation of our God-given UNALIENABLE rights.
islam is ALL kinds of wrong, and as Abraham Lincoln observed, “There is no right to do wrong“, certainly not when that ‘wrong’ violates the Rights of others.
Are you brainwashed, or just a typical Leftist subversive?
Here is Samuel Adams, an actual Founding Father, stating the grounds for his opposition to something many would argue is even less dangerous than islam.
Founding Father Samuel Adams would not only oppose a Muslim for president, but he would oppose the very presence of islam as antithetical to a free people.
I’m with Founding Father Samuel Adams. It is insane to be playing around with an ideology as dangerous as islam.
Here is an excerpt from a Breitbart article in September 2015, link at bottom:
Would Founding Father Samuel Adams Agree with Ben Carson on a Muslim President?
AWR Hawkins
“It is interesting to note that in 1772 Sam Adams wrote “The Rights of the Colonists,” through which he set forth a litmus test for religions that could be tolerated under the new government colonists would form. Adams’ litmus test rules out theocracies like Islam.
Hanover College published “The Rights of the Colonists,” in which Adams wrote:

“In regard to religion, mutual toleration in the different professions thereof is what all good and candid minds in all ages have ever practised, and, both by precept and example, inculcated on mankind.
And it is now generally agreed among Christians that this spirit of toleration, in the fullest extent consistent with the being of civil society, is the chief characteristical mark of the Church. Insomuch that Mr. Locke has asserted and proved, beyond the possibility of contradiction on any solid ground, that such toleration ought to be extended to all whose doctrines are not subversive of society.
The only sects which he thinks ought to be, and which by all wise laws are excluded from such toleration, are those who teach doctrines subversive of the civil government under which they live.”

So Adams sets forth a test for ascertaining which religions should be tolerated and that test is whether the “doctrines” – or teachings – of a given religion are “subversive of society.” Adams contended that religions “are excluded from… toleration” when they “teach doctrines subversive of the civil government.”
One would think of the Muslim tendency to seek sharia law and sharia-compliant courts instead of laws and courts affiliated with constitutionally recognized jurisprudence. It would follow that one would presume the theocratic nature of Islam, whereby every facet of life – including matters of civil governance – are co-opted as part of the religion.
Theocracies can tend toward fascism, and although Adams did not employ such a term in opposing toleration for religions “subversive of the civil government,” he certainly made the same point.
At the time of Adams’ writing, he called the Roman Catholic religion by name, suggesting practitioners of that faith forfeited toleration due to “such doctrines as these, that princes excommunicated may be deposed, and those that they call heretics may be destroyed without mercy; besides their recognizing the Pope in so absolute a manner, in subversion of government.”
We do not see the Roman Catholic church destroying those “they call heretics… without mercy” in our day. But it is common to find examples of Muslims demanding that infidels convert to Islam or face death.
And they do so with an allegiance to Muhammad that both supersedes and defines their allegiance to civil government.
While Ben Carson opposes the idea of having a Muslim for president, Samuel Adams would have opposed toleration for the Muslim faith in general.”


WOW!…… Agree 100% Your Honor…..
Like I said 🙂
Glad that YOU typed it all out 🙂
Because I am the Hardest working lazy man I know:)


I believe it was Jefferson (?) who everyone touts as supporting Islam because he owned a Koran. Problem is, the Koran he owned was a translation by a man who recognized the inherent dangers of Islam and stated flat-out they needed to be abolished. Bottom line for me? Islam is NOT a “religion” in the general sense of the word, nor the strict sense of the word – it is a political theocracy (as referenced above), which is 100% antithetical to a Constitutional Republic. It simply cannot be allowed to function within our Republic unless they accept the supremacy of, and cede their allegiance to, our Constitution over Sharia Law – ALL aspects of Sharia Law. With Islam as is, that is impossible, hence, there are many millions of Muslims around the world who are apostates and often live under a death sentence if discovered.


From former Ambassador Haley:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Horribly ironic that this woman’s parents RAN from communism, only for their daughter to get sucked back into it here in America.
Important facts from Wikipedia:
Tran is a Duke University graduate with a Masters in Social Work degree from the University of Michigan.
That social work undergraduate degree (most likely) and particularly the MSW is where the leftists got her.
Excellent article here:
Archived here:
From the article – an INTERVIEW. MASSIVE TDS.
Q & A
Getting to know more about Candidate Tran in a Q & A format.
When did you make the decision to run? And please describe that day and that moment.
My husband Matt and I were due with our youngest child on Inauguration Day of this year. After the November 2016 election, we were concerned about sharing our due date with the start of the Trump presidency.
So we decided to give our daughter a name that reflected our family’s values. Our daughter’s full name is “Elise Minh Khanh.” “Elise” was inspired by Ellis Island. Matt has family that escaped anti-Semitism in Eastern Europe at the turn of the century, and passed through Ellis Island as they were seeking hope and opportunity in America. “Minh Khanh” is Vietnamese for “bright bell,” and that’s inspired by the Liberty Bell. To us, her name means “to ring the bells of liberty, and champion opportunity for all.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

it’s pathetic for Tran, she is either ignorant or disingenuous, most Vietnamese immigrants to this country are actually Republican – they know why they fled communism. Her husband’s relatives coming via Ellis Island, well, unfortunately many Jews who fled anti-Semitism and came to the U.S. tend to be on the socialist side. And many have lost their adherence to their faith – except for Orthodox Jews, who are against abortion.
Ms. Tran is a virtue signalling SJW. She won a special election because almost double the number showed up in that VA district. Virginia has been taken over by the people like her. Sick.


ladypenquin I could not agree more.
We are in a horrible place it is women who hate their womb the birth center for humanity.
Democrats must have an agenda to kill babies..?
Organ harvesting, tissue harvesting..? Their must be money in it for someone otherwise this would not happen.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s another whole side to what’s going to happen in New York state and elsewhere. The organ harvesting ghouls standing by, demanding that viable organs be “donated” for research. It’s going to be a problem where lethal injection is being used, the toxic poison will damage the nerves throughout the body.
Watch out for the demand to use “other means” than the lethal injections…
There was so much to cover, and perhaps in the future as we see what happens next, I’ll be able to do some follow up posts.
I know reading about abortion isn’t pleasant or a “go to” topic, but when we talk about saving the country – we’re talking about winning the culture war, which includes what Daughn24/7 talked about – “War of Words” – if we don’t win the culture war, we don’t achieve #MAGA.
Abortion is the epitome of what’s wrong in this country – the loss of a moral compass – this is the yoke to hang on the Democrats neck.
Nancy Pelosi just removed, “so help me God” from the oaths taken in the House. Democrats removed God from their platform in 2012… the push to remove God completely from the public square is an all out assault.
I am not saying one has to be religious, but if we abandon the Judaic-Christian tenets which the Founding Fathers constructed America upon – then we cannot survive.


We WILL survive, LP.
We ARE surviving.
Also, we will WIN!!!
Thank you for such a tremendous post.
And kudos for the Gen. Flynn follow – TWO “two-hops” is certainly better than ONE! Haha!
It’s testimony to your ethical grounding, to your well-based perspective.
Has it even been a month yet here, for you? lol
Happy Wednesday to you …

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

🙂 I love being here. At least people are reasonable, and positive. I worried about writing this post, but it’s one we can’t ignore, IMO. New York States, and everyone is saying it, has caused a disruption in the complacency of this woman’s right to choose. Maybe it will be what wakes up the Supreme Court.


(To LP)
“I worried about writing this post”
I hope your qualms have been allayed.
EVERYONE gets to say what they wish to, subject to cognizance of obvious legal restrictions.
You’re FREE!
Reeeeeee! (as the Anons exult!)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, my heart usually wins over my brain anyway. But the folks here are smart and thoughtful, so it’s wonderful to have these discussions.


I am still going through my own religious transition but, no matter what, I know deep in my heart that you are correct. Without that basis in morality and decency, we cannot survive, at least as a free People. We are fallible as human beings and must have some sense of a “Higher Power” (in AA speak) to guide our actions. But when there is no responsibility assigned to such actions, people will do whatever they can get by with and they have no fear of a future judgment. No repercussions = no change in behavior.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Right, and somewhere in this thread, so many comments I’m trying to respond to, I emphasized that people don’t have to be religious to understand and adhere to the tenets this country was founded on. If we didn’t have the Founding Fathers – who absolutely believed all rights came from the Creator, we wouldn’t have America and the freedoms as we’ve known them.
It’s simply America’s fundamental moral compass that, IMO, separates us from the horrific atrocities of Nazi Germany and other genocidal losses in history.


Demonicraps for Lethal Injection?
Show me ONE.
(At least as it pertains to CRIMINALS)


“Elise,” a variant on Elizabeth, comes from the Latin meaning “God’s promise”. A divine promise from heaven, as in MAGA.


“Heartbreaking… This isn’t New York, this isn’t in California, this happened just this week right here in Virginia.”
It’s not ‘heartbreaking’, STOP with the worthless EMOTION which substitutes as an excuse to do NOTHING.
It’s not ‘heartbreaking’, it’s MURDER.
And I don’t mean ‘murder’ in some general anti-abortion sense, I mean it’s M U R D E R.
SD has an article about it just now:
Horror – Virginia Governor Endorses Post Birth Abortion…
Posted on January 30, 2019 by sundance
It’s not ‘horror’ either. We CHEAPEN what is happening by one-upping ourselves to find the next most awful thing to describe it, rather than demanding prosecution of these monsters.
There is no possible ‘debate’ about POST-BIRTH homicide, much less vote to murder a living human being that is viable outside the womb.
It’s insanity, and when it comes to public policy, insanity must be repudiated and PUNISHED in the strongest way possible.
It’s not even something the legislature can VOTE on, because they can’t VOTE to violate the CONSTITUTION and the BILL of RIGHTS.
You can’t VOTE to make MURDER a lawful act.
But what you CAN do is PROSECUTE these serial-killers for MASS MURDER.
WHY are they not being prosecuted for MURDER under the current laws of New York, or Virginia, or anywhere else in these United States?!?
Why isn’t the State AG being hounded EVERY freakin’ DAY to prosecute these MURDERERS?!?
It’s not even an OPTION.
If someone commits MURDER, the State is obligated to press charges.
PROSECUTE, you worthless filthy dirt-bag!


If it is lawful to kill a baby, an American citizen, outside the womb, then by definition, it is also lawful to kill the person who kills the baby, and every politician who is an accomplice.
Simple as that.
In other words, if it is lawful to kill a baby OUTSIDE THE WOMB, then it is likewise to lawful to kill ANYONE.
A N Y O N E.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Well, that’s what the Left is about. I’ve been saying for years these people who are pro-abortion, rabid abortionists are the same ones who will demand euthanasia. It’s happening already.
The Left is intent on controlling who lives, who dies. That’s what Obamacare was all about.


Ding Ding! ….
We have a WINNER!…
Ocare WAS for this very reason
(To decide who lives and dies)
Women DO have a “right to choose”… for HERSELF!
NOT for the BABY she wants to KILL!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s all about control of our lives. Taking over our healthcare was the big one, once they had that the rest is just a matter of time – until and unless POTUS is able to continue his #MAGA agenda.


Where is the Attorney General of the United States?
AWOL, as usual.
All we have had is an AGINO.
For more than two years now.
And for at least the 8 years before that, we had outright criminals in the AG office.
Whether Sessions was a ‘white hat’ or not, he did absolutely nothing to protect the rights of Trump supporters across this nation. He allowed Trump supporters to have their rights to free speech violated, he allowed our votes to be disenfranchised, and he allowed physical violence to be perpetrated against us repeatedly.
And Whitaker hasn’t lifted a finger to do one solitary thing about it either.
I know, we’re supposed to ‘trust the plan’, but whoever came up with a ‘plan’ that left the Law abiding citizens without the Rule of Law, or due process, or lawful recourse to the wanton disregard of our BASIC Constitutionally guaranteed RIGHTS wasn’t thinking very clearly, or gave far too much consideration to the snowflakes. i.e., afraid they couldn’t handle Martial Law and the United States Marine Corps arresting every last criminal and Communist in public service.


It’s not just murder, it’s depraved murder.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes. I just finished reading Bill O’Reilly’s book, “Killing the SS” – only book of his I’ve read. The stories about the killing of babies by the worst of their people, simply make room for our modern-day abortionists to fit right in.


…pagan, barbaric, depraved murder.


Hey Nikki Bitch!
YOU helped…….. Banning the Confederate flag?
Go F Yourself!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A great point. Once one realizes what virtue-signaling actually IS, one really needs to nip it in the bud at all times. Nicki Haley STILL does not understand this.
Dead confederates are easy to abandon, but those who give in to leftist murder of HISTORY – and moreover the history of American HEALING after the Civil War – well, they simply sow the seeds of their own destruction by the FANATICAL left.


Thank you, lady! Sadly, you have hit the proverbial nail on it’s head.

CHI->AZ : Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

Horrific !
Half of the country already supports the murder of infants on a genocidal scale.
Now blue states are proactively nudging and legislating for expansive scope to commit legalized murder.
The inhumanity !!!
How can we survive as a nation ?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

CHI- I don’t know! While abortion numbers have actually been decreasing, the expansion of when babies are aborted has increased exponentially. Democrats virtue signal about being against capital punishment, but they insist on the right to snuff out an innocent baby’s life. In an unspeakable manner – a baby can feel pain at 10 weeks!


Heartbeat at 6 – 8 weeks – my daughter and son-in-law lost their son at 8 weeks after having listened to his heartbeat for over a week. They discovered during a check-up on a Wednesday that his heart had stopped and she was scheduled for a D&C on Friday. Friday morning, she started into labor and they went to the hospital. Since they already had her scheduled for surgery for later that day, they just let her sit and wait, only offering a small regular sanitary napkin while she waited with their poor baby hanging half-way out of the birth canal. Good thing I wasn’t there – I would have been raising holy hell!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m sorry, Nebraska for your daughter and son-in-laws loss. My daughter had 4 miscarriages before finally having the twins. It was a hellish two years. I pray for your daughter’s recovery and that her health permits a successful pregnancy.


She died 4 years ago. And yes, they had a daughter the following year, in 2009. It was a complicated pregnancy due to her gastric bypass in 2007, as well as high blood pressure. They had to induce her a month early when her son was born in 1997 due to the blood pressure.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m sorry, Nebraska, I remember now, this daughter is the one who died from drug problems. You’ve been through so much, and it’s people like you who make me realize how some problems we think we have – are nothing compared to others’ pain.
You’re among some very special, loving people here though. ❤


Oh, no doubt – if it weren’t for all the wonderful people here (and OT at the time), I would not have survived. Also, the need to protect my granddaughter – I focused all my energies on her and ensuring that she survived it intact. She has been in counseling since shortly after her Mom died and is doing quite well, thankfully.


Ohh Nebraska Filly,
my heart aches for you. what loss you have experienced, and so recently…
glad to hear your granddaughter is doing well…
God bless you and your family…


Thank you for your kind words. I know there are others here who have lost as much or more than I as well and it’s really nice to be among people who can understand the unique kind of pain that comes with losing one’s child.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

No parent expects to bury their child. I am so sorry for your grief. I’m also so glad you’re here. ❤


How can we survive as a nation ?
Either Trump (and GOD)
Turns us around…. and QUICK….
First….. lets try a DIVORCE from the “Blue states”….
Next is another Civil War…..
I see not much else in the way of options.


A great revival, like the first Great Awakening.


But GOD.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I have a friend who believes that America is set for or already in another revival, Great Awakening. Maybe that’s what the election of Donald Trump was about.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

NebraskaFilly, first it took me a few days to get over the shock of what New York had done. It felt like there was a “disturbance in the force” – Star Wars movie, where Alderaan was destroyed by the Death Star. Then I began to gather my thoughts on how best to approach it. I’d had Pres. Reagan’s essay for a few years in a booklet form, had not read it. He was prophetic, and I realized he, back in 1983, was speaking and using words that we’re using today – “infanticide” “Holocaust” etc.
President Reagan would weep to see what Roe v Wade has wrought.

CHI->AZ : Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

“It felt like there was a “disturbance in the force”
I haven’t felt this way towards humanity since the middle of my second combat tour.
This NY law has sparked many emotions everyday since it passed.
Anger, Hate, Loss, Sadness , REVENGE …
I mourn for the murdered infants which then segways into memories of my deployments…
Let Go and Let GOD
Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be thrown into the sea.
Mark 9:42

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I am hoping that the line New York crossed is so egregious that it will make the courts, somewhere, sit up and take notice.
No one can debate anymore when life begins, but we certainly know when it ends. Abortion takes an innocent life.
Basically, the people are aborting themselves out of existence. They’re ignorant of the fact that even Darwin would be shocked.


Pres Trump triggered the endgame faster than they were prepared for. Now it’s out there.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, Cuomo said as much. He’s worried about rulings from the Supreme Court. Of course, that assumes that the conscience of the Court is awakened. The SC can revisit any previous ruling made, or pull a case up to be heard. They are not without the ability, but the will hasn’t been there for 46 years.


Well I was referring to the bigger endgame. Moving the needle even further left to force the population to accept even more anti-societal values.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, they’re trying, and it’s been an insidious process. Surely POTUS took note of what’s happened.


It’s not working. They rolled it out too fast,


If we know about the Communist playbook, you can make bank on the fact that PDJT knows about it. He knows…..he has watched this for decades. Oh, yes, he knows! I truly believe this is one reason he decided he had to run this time – he saw this coming.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Then that gives me hope, NF.


I felt that way all through 2015 and 2016… like there was a great cloud of spiritual darkness over our nation. All the shootings, the transgender push, the court decisions, the race riots, the Dallas shootings of police officers… I knew something had to be done


Organization with the biggest microphone sits silent. Fire in the belly to take on this abomination is directed toward climate change. Sigh.


Been thinking… maybe “start asking the right f—ing question” is more appropriate. Perception church cares but actions are “only” words, why? With millions sentenced to death before they have the chance to breath, why?
So upset.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I know Charlie! The bishops and cardinals are hiding behind the reality that either their cowards or they don’t even believe in the morality that they professed before God and man.
If the Church (Catholic and Protestant) will not take a stand, how can the people?


Brings me to tears watching the church being relegated to “nothing”. Has the church lost it’s soul?
Tears of frustration and sadness.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Charlie, I struggled going to Mass this past weekend, I’m angry at the Bishops, Cardinals, the Pope. But then I thought to remember who is in Charge, really in Charge, and He hears our cries. Jesus wept, Mary wept for her children.
Perhaps, this is the time SCOTUS will act. If not, then it will eventually be the end of America, and I hope POTUS knows that! We’ve lost all sense of humanity and without a moral compass we cannot survive.



Anger and fear cause pain and despair

When in sorrow and in doubt 

Christ reveals what He is about

He heals the soul

His gentle touch

Tears flow, flow, and flow
Anger and fear he takes away
In him is peace, from fear we are freed

He removes the seed, the cause of despair

Divine Spirit’s touch

Darkness He lifts like a torn veil


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, and by going to Church, I did feel restored, and prayed that aid would come for the unborn.


I assume that you are talking about “churches”….
The “churches” have all been taken over and are hostile to GOD
They are really just “Religious Social Clubs” anymore…..
The REAL “Church” is the body of “BELIEVERS”….
and Yes….. some do still go to church and just shake their heads.
The KEY is….
Your/Our PERSONAL relationship with Jesus the Christ.


Explains many struggling questions.
The “Key” is true, thank you.


“They are really just “Religious Social Clubs” anymore…..”
Sad, but true story.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m going to take crap for this…but so be it.
I’ve checked a number of dictionaries, and they all state that “infant” is in the first stages of life, and some very specifically state “newborn” or “first year after being born.” NONE specifically state that the term can be applied to the unborn.
I will agree that the term is appropriate for an “after birth abortion” (in fact, an after birth abortion is a contradiction in terms, and “infanticide” is the correct term for these proposals). As I understand it, and your article seems to confirm, none of them have passed yet; and Roe v. Wade doesn’t permit them since it is about abortion.
As appalling as the New York procedures are, I don’t believe that “infanticide” is the correct term for them.
The structure of your argument is that there is a slippery slope to infanticide (and it’s a good argument, don’t get me wrong), not that New York has already legalized it. I found nothing indicating that New York has done so, and several statements to the contrary (specifying up to [but not after] the moment of birth). And yet the title implies that New York already has.
So I find your title misleading. Perhaps “New York: Is Infanticide Next?” would be more accurate. You certainly lay out a good case that many radical elements are working towards precisely that.
We get on the case of the Left for misusing language. I don’t think we should pick up the same practice, especially when the correct language is appalling enough.
By using “infanticide” where it’s not merited, we risk being ignored when some of those “after birth abortion” laws are proposed and we use the word “infanticide” where it is merited, in fighting those proposals. I can hear it now, “Yeah those anti-abortion nutters always call it ‘infanticide.’ Blow them off, they’re hysterics.”
If we devalue the word “infanticide” we risk making it useless when we’ll need it the most.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I understand what you’re saying. But dictionary definitions change with the times, and who is writing the definitions. President Reagan himself, in 1983, in that extraordinary essay used the words “infanticide” and Holocaust. Infants are viable at 23-24 wks, I and many other pro-life people consider abortion actually “homocide” – the taking of a human life.
Homicide: “Homicide is the act of one human killing another. A homicide requires only a volitional act by another person that results in death,”
The Courts uphold actions because of legal definitions, which is where your analysis comes from – the end result is still the deliberate taking of a human being’s life. We’ve already moved into the realm of “after-birth abortion” – note that Gosnell would not have been able to be tried in New York under their new law.
Basically, I’m willing to use the term. What’s happening to these small defenseless human beings is no different from what happened in the Holocaust of WWII.
You’re technically correct, but I can’t let go of the fact that a viable child, including the day of delivery, is a life being killed. America is killing its unborn, it’s children. The Left changes the meaning of words, but IMO, abortion is murder, and that’s not in the legal system either.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What I find remarkable is that the baby is basically KILLED AND DELIVERED.
The DEATH makes no sense. At the point of viable, independent, external life, if simply delivered WITHOUT lethal action, a healthy child can be killed FIRST, then delivered.
It is highly illogical.
What is even more bizarre is that the Democrat politicians act as if their defense of this is “heroic” in some way.
Because I’ve been off the media grid for a couple of years now, the bizarre nature of these “virtue signals” is very clear to me.
This weird form of heroism demonstrates the power of the “virtue signal reception array” that the Democrats have set up through their control of the media. The INVERSION of communist values is made virtuous and individuals receive their “MK attaboys and attagirls” for kowtowing to the bizarre inverted values.
“I stood up for criminals having rights the police don’t have, based on skin color or politics.”
“I stood up for killing infants just before delivery, if the mother wants this.”

The “heroism” of such things is LAUGHABLE – once FAKE NEWS is removed.
The TRAINING and CONDITIONING for this must be very subtle, I’m thinking. It must be PERVASIVE.
If one looks at the full context, these are truly strange, inverted values – hardly worthy of virtue. Yet Democrats virtue signal to these things in an almost RELIGIOUS way.
Getting people OFF Democrat Fake News is how to enable them to SEE THIS.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf, I firmly believe that it is the massaging and deceitful messaging which has allowed this to happen. Your analysis about perception, conditioning, and training all fall into desensitizing society. It’s also the reason why the Left keeps everything hidden about abortion – as much as they can. If the people were able to know the truth they would storm City Hall.
The young women are being pushed to have these abortions. The question to ask, is why? Why is the Left doing this?


We know why, LP, now don’t we?


Because they love sin and hate God.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Long rant plus some ideas to fight this.
I see many reasons WHY – which vary, each reason appealing to different classes of participants in the “coalition” to protect abortion.
At the STALINIST (Obama, Schumer, Pelosi) end, the State’s rights over all humans is paramount. Thus the STATE *grants* the mother’s “rights” over the child, so that the STATE becomes the source of the rights. That is THEIR motivation. They want to empower government over human life.
Mothers want control over their own pregnancy – the degree of control desired varying with how much their own ethics RESTRAIN that desire for control. Many want MORE CONTROL than they would likely need, and that is why there is so much illogical push-back now in terms of allowing third trimester abortions.
Roe v. Wade, even if one accepted it as a valid solution, no longer seems to serve its own purposes, since the Democrats / Communists have now BROKEN IT. The original intent was to use the arbitrary but convenient “trimester” concept to provide some kind of weighting to the Child’s rights versus the Mother’s rights. The Democrats / Communists now want to go “full Stalin” on things – 9 months of easy abortion – because conservatives have successfully USED Roe v. Wade as intended (most ironic, actually) to heavily restrict abortion in the third trimester, again, AS INTENDED.
WE – who respect laws – have actually HONORED Roe v. Wade. THEY have not.
There are financial reasons for the Dems to push legislation MORE LIBERAL than Roe v. Wade. The Democrats NEED that Planned Parenthood money – it is a HUGE way for them to pay themselves with taxpayer dollars. They also get money from people and organizations that NEED human tissues, and THOSE people depend on abortions throughout the 9 months, for access to tissues from all stages of gestation.
Although I don’t think this concept has any more RELIGIOUS or scientific validity than the idea of “quickening” which was used by people of the Founders’ era in terms of defining the beginnings of “life”, I tend to think that the idea of VIABILITY needs to have LEGAL VALIDITY in terms of protecting both the unborn and maternal rights.
If mothers retained their “right” to “child abandonment” but not their right to “child termination”, after the child became viable, it would – in my opinion – provide a better framework than Roe versus Wade, or could even be marketed as Roe v. Wade 2.0 to get both normal liberals and conservatives to agree on such a solution. The STALINISTS will never agree, IMO – but we can work around them. Normal liberals are mostly concerned with 9 months of “total right to child abandonment”. By addressing that directly and honestly, we can gain mindshare with a legislative or amending majority, IMO.
In essence, we say that the woman has a right to abandon the pregnancy at any time – but once VIABLE, the child is automatically protected BY THE STATE on the issue of LIFE upon abandonment.
This is a different and more “fluid” idea than the “two cuts by Solomon” of Roe v. Wade, but I think it provides a STRONGER deterrent to third trimester abortion, because it creates a state duty to protect the child’s life IF IT CAN. Yet it also enshrines a woman’s “right” to abandon the child at any time – something not now made in an explicit fashion. This points directly at what liberal women find “comforting” – freedom from the “tyranny” of being “forced” to bear a child. Of course, if they wait long enough, well, bearing the child PHYSICALLY is simply an inescapable reality. But they will also bear no RESPONSIBILITY. That is key. That is the psychological WINNING argument.
The key is to retain or even enhance the hard restrictions against abortion in the third trimester. I see TWO ways to do that. ONE is to introduce viability as a standard to PROTECT life, both culturally and legally. TWO is to introduce the idea that LIBERALS are VIOLATING the spirit and letter of the ROE V. WADE they SAY they cherish but are in fact LYING ABOUT. Make their hypocrisy CLEAR. They are NOT abiding by their own stated holy grail of Roe v. Wade, which restricts third trimester abortion heavily.
WE have been following the LAW of Roe v. Wade. WE respect Roe v. Wade. THEY have not and are not respecting it. They keep trying to introduce in utero infanticide of one form or another into the PROTECTED third trimester.
We have to CALL THEM OUT!!! STOP undermining Roe v. Wade, liberals! Or GO WITH SOMETHING BETTER (which we can offer).
I think there are many ways to fight this, but we cannot shame the Stalinists. We can, however, STEAL more sensible liberals away from them.


I need to digest this..This is ALL about Roe v Wade and RBG…that’s why states are trying to put it in State Constitutions–Going for States rights over Supreme Court “Law of the Land” Ruling- ROE V WADE-Which will be overturned in short order (relatively) soon. PDJT will not want this EVIL STAIN on his Presidency. Overturning Roe v Wade and giving it to the States to determine was/is his plan–But third trimester Murder/Infanticide/Invitro-Infanticide is so horrific! and Honestly–as a Pro-life fighter–I did NOT see this coming–
4 D sonograms and the actual viability of very preemie babies -24 weeks- has grown in leaps in bounds.
SO a Viable Life Law? Not a bad idea…
My question—How many Doctors would actually do what these politicians are “allowing”. Gosnells are NOT a dime a dozen..Or am I just too trusting and Naive?
My Prayer is that THIS OVER THE TOP law will WAKE UP THE NORMIES! speaking of “Normies” –Mr. Marica did NOT believe me When I told/ranted about this…😆
Final Note…As our country is getting blasted with subZero weather…IS HELL ACTUALLY FREEZING OVER? 😉

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



You know it’s really telling – all those marriage amendments in the state constitutions, and then the Supreme Court in a radical act of judicial overreach nullified them overnight.
But then they left thinks they can keep radical abortion legal with the same tactic and somehow the Supreme Court can touch them!
At least we know what their tactics will be in the coming years: Create a wedge on the right to try to force people into a false dichotomy between traditional marriage/legal abortion or same-sex “marriage”/eliminate abortion.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The nomenclature for the legalization of killing children in the womb was put together in the 1960s. It was meant to be softer than the words “kill” and “terminate”. Pro-choice, etc.
Truthfully, this is the fruit of another anti-life movement that is part of our culture. Unfortunately, that part of it has not been recognized as such, but is practiced regularly even by those who oppose killing children in the womb.
But, we’re not supposed to recognize that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s right, “Reproductive Health” a woman’s “right to control her own body” – well that choice should have been made before she became pregnant. Now there is another life involved, and society DOES have a vested interest in that second life.
To deny such an interest is to commit suicide as a society and as a country.


“Getting people OFF Democrat Fake News is how to enable them to SEE THIS.”
I can barely stand to be around people who get their news from TV and local propaganda ‘news’ papers anymore.
The ignorance and/or disconnect is so vast that it’s difficult to even identify a common ground from which a discussion could progress toward better understanding.
It’s like trying to reason with a crazy person.


Propaganda makes you crazy. You either agree with it 100% or you suffer cognitive dissonance.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We may approach a critical point where most of the “hip” culture in this country REQUIRES turning away from Fake News, just like it did in the Soviet Union – where people who had any sense at all rejected it.


Infanticide will not stop until women and sociey embrace again their womanhood and fertility and as nurturers.
My intuition tells me that devaluing man’s masculinity that includes being also a provider and protector of the family goes hand in hand with women discarding part of themselves , the unborn.
Embracing the reality that we are our mothers and fathers . The baby is part of the mother -father and sadly killing it will leave scars. How can it not..?
There is always the pull and the further we get away from our creation the more perverted we become.
Embrace how God created us woman and man and embrace the special place we hold as women and mothers . We devalued everything that is good and it was slow.
My daughter in law cannot have a baby but still she is a mother to my daughter’s child. We need to become nurturers again and put children first before oneself and material things.
I might be all wet and wrong .

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is real data out there where multiple studies have shown that women who’ve had abortion suffer far greater numbers of PTSD, than those who lost children through miscarriage or a stillbirth.
I am also hoping that fathers will begin to assert their rights for their unborn children.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Um, there are a lot of fathers who see killing the unborn baby as a way out. That’s part of the whole problem as well. I’ve heard enough stories to know that it’s not just women making these decisions.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

True, but I’m holding out hope for those, and there have been cases where a man has sued to prevent the woman from having an abortion.


I think we have to do a better job as parent to instill responsibility in our young people and that start when they are of age of understanding.
It used to be families lived close together not spread as they do now into nuclear families. Some mothers and grandmothers for sure were home to help raise a child.
I am not excusing what is happening with abortion but women feel that they have no way out. I say feel because their alway is a way .
I know when my daughter had her unplanned child at 34 because she and he husband had decided not to have any children. She never thought of abortion it put stress on their marriage but things changed once the baby was there. She knew my husband and I were 100% with her. Family support is essential even today where everyone is spread out.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, and there is hope – having heard that the young generation coming up is more conservative.


“I might be all wet and wrong .”
Ohhh, I think not. You’re right on target.
“until women and society embrace again their womanhood”
So many see the efforts of the legacy media, as a tool of the WW cabal, as devaluing MEN, and our trait of masculinity. What’s been overlooked, in great part, is the concomitant war on WOMEN.
Manhood is good. Womanhood is good. By attacking BOTH – the former, directly, and the latter, indirectly – the Cabal seeks to destroy humanity itself.
The “right” to abortion is an attack on womanhood; the “toxicity” of maleness is an attack on men.
Put the two together … and it’s an attack on humanity itself.
The GOOD news is that they are panicking, and exposing their nihilistic agenda before they’d planned to.
So – we SEE them now. Without their preparatory mind-numbing agenda being completed. It’s a fatal flaw … at least (and at BEST!), here in AMERICA.
Pardon my French, but F*** ’em! We’ll win!


Amen EM!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We also need to quit denying our femininity, and enjoy it instead. It’s hard to do right now, because the messages are distinctly unfeminine to women. We’ve quit teaching girls how to dress, how to do basic functions that result in a happy home life, how to demure when necessary, how to engage creativity for good.
I could go on and on.


I think “when we’ll need it most” is already upon us. It’s infantcide.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Is it? Are already born individuals being killed today, sanctioned under these laws? If the answer to this is yes, than I’ll agree, but everything in the article indicates that the law, as bad as it is, still doesn’t cross that line.
An infant isn’t a viable but unborn child, it’s a born child.


Sorry to have to say this but….shame on you, Steve!!!! IT IS AN INFANT, WHETHER BORN OR NOT!!!!


“Sorry to have to say this but….shame on you, Steve!!!! IT IS AN INFANT, WHETHER BORN OR NOT!!!!”
Do not blame Steve men do not seem the connection to an infant in the womb as women do. At least my husband was that way. It took him longer to connect than I did who was elated each time I was pregnant.
My three children were born premature his excuse was holding them that they were so small and looked they could break and he could not hold them that small..
We love our children different and personally I saw myself as the protector of my children. Do not get me wrong my husband is a wonderful father but I carried these kids in my womb he did not.
I have a fertility belt from Africa that is strong out of Myrrh ( hope is the right spelling) beads.
The African culture seems to have a different connection to their fertility and babies.


PS I am sorry and appologize to men because I generalized. I am sure many men connect earlier with their children.


With this, I cannot agree. Even a man should be able to recognize the child is alive and aware and IS an “infant.” The African culture, it seems to me, doesn’t truly care about their children or they would stop having them when they can’t afford to feed them. Same applies to Islamists and far too many Hispanics. Children are pawns to these people, IMO.


“The African culture, it seems to me, doesn’t truly care about their children or they would stop having them when they can’t afford to feed them.”
If by “African culture” you mean ‘black culture’ in America, I don’t think it can honestly be said that any distinct ‘black culture’ exists in any real sense.
There is ‘American culture’, and many blacks (especially older blacks) are firmly rooted in American culture.
Then there is what might be called ‘gangsta’ or ‘hoodlum’, but that’s not a ‘culture’, that’s just pretending that ignorance and unrestrained self-indulgence are unique to a particular group, and encouraging it to perpetuate by various means.
Blacks in America certainly don’t have anything resembling ‘African’ culture. The large majority have never been to Africa, and wouldn’t recognize ‘African culture’ if it smacked them in the face (i.e., any more than I would).
To the extent that so many younger blacks reject American culture, in effect they are opting for no culture at all. ‘African culture’ isn’t possible, since they are not from Africa and have never been there, so they can’t even imitate ‘African culture’, much less be authentic about it.
1. the quality in a person or society that arises from a concern for what is regarded as excellent in arts, letters, manners, scholarly pursuits, etc.
2. that which is excellent in the arts, manners, etc.
3. a particular form or stage of civilization, as that of a certain nation or period: Greek culture.
4. development or improvement of the mind by education or training.
None of those definitions apply to anything even remotely associated with the euphemism of ‘African culture’ in America.
So-called ‘African culture’ in America has nothing to do with ‘excellence’, but rather the opposite, a concerted rejection of excellence of any kind.
So-called ‘African culture’ in America, if it is anything, is a degradation of the mind.
In practical terms, it is simply a rejection of the dominant culture. If the dominant culture is derived from Christian beliefs and Western civilization generally, then ‘African culture’ in America is simply a rejection of both.
Replaced by nothing.
Because what could anyone replace it with?
You can’t ‘invent’ a culture in the midst of another culture and compel others to adopt it, it doesn’t work like that.
Not without subversion, as the Marxists are doing.
But subversion requires education, the development of skills and a commitment to something bigger than oneself. How does one develop any of those traits while rejecting the very culture which instills them?


Actually, I was thinking specifically of the African countries – Nigeria, Somalia, Yemen, etc., etc., not America. From what I have been told, real “Africans” feel a great deal of disdain towards most American blacks.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They do.


Granted….. You Women DO Carry the Baby until it is BORN……
But we “Men” have the RESPONSIBILITY for their (and YOUR) care.
That means WORKING (2 0r 3 jobs if need be) Not seeking Gimmees.
People can do a lot of crap to me……
Mess with MY FAMILY…..
And you’d hate to see the result.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Uh…infant MEANS born. So no.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Steve, just so you know, Virginia just defeated, but the Dems will bring it back when they take the State House in Nov, a bill that would allow the baby to be “born, and comforted, and then aborted.” The Virginia governor himself said those words on the radio this morning. James Woods has called him out for advocating murder.
Infanticide is exactly where we’ve gone. Whether it’s a moment before or after. We all know we’re killing a living human being. A baby.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

No denying there’s a slippery slope in play, LP. And there’s no doubt they’re going to try to misuse the word “abortion” to describe acts done after birth to try to “ease” us into actual infanticide.
Fortunately someone in VA had enough sense to defeat it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Steve, the Dems are likely to take the State House in Nov. We barely hold it now, and voter fraud is stealing the rest. That bill will come back up.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It will come back up like vomit.
Similar issues here. I don’t know that abortion has come up here but gun control certainly will.


“Steve, just so you know, Virginia just defeated, but the Dems will bring it back when they take the State House in Nov, a bill that would allow the baby to be “born, and comforted, and then aborted.” The Virginia governor himself said those words on the radio this morning. ”
It’s the definition of murder.
Not even a lunatic could argue that killing a baby outside the womb is not murder.
I certainly don’t want the depraved lunatic masquerading as the Governor of Virginia to take my word for it. He should try to murder a baby himself, and see what happens.
Arrange it so that someone is there to stop him, and then provide him with an opportunity to try. Call his bluff. I certainly would.
Either he will be shown to be a fraud and a hypocrite who runs away from his own professed beliefs, or he gets wrestled to the ground, cuffed, and put on trial for attempted murder in the 1st degree and goes away for life without parole.
Your move, Governor.


This reply is to Scott below (no reply button): The Governor is a pediatric neurologist!


Semantics Steve……. My children were “INFANTS” …..
Once they were CONCEIVED……
Pre “Born” or Post “Born”…..
I will NOT let the “language” be my guide.


WORDS…. change.
GAY used to mean Happy.
Now it means:
Rectal Infected!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They were your children, or your babies. Not your infants. “Infant” has a more specific meaning.
Would you call your children “teenagers” immediately on conception?


My stance remains the same……..
“Language” is for LAWYERS….
The definition of “is”?
My wife still refers to my ADULT kids as…..


Bought it hook line and sinker, “infant isn’t a viable” WTF?
Hope this is not your opinion but interpretation of article “law”.
It’s a wonder pedophilia is accepted, humans has no value.
So when does a human have value, paycheck? social statice?
politician they hob knob with?


TAX PAYER! That’s when we ate Human……
INSURANCE PREMIUM PAYER…… is another definition……
Get sick and “They” will TREAT your condition (NOT CURE you)….
Insurance runs out?
Follow the $$$$$$


lol…… ARE,,,,, Not “ate”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Steve, if infant is a problem word for you, you might try the Latin word for baby: FETUS. They are all humans who depend on adults for survival.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Fetus, as borrowed into modern English, is the general term for pre-born so it’s actually both specific and correct.
“Child” does apply to the unborn as well as the born (to my slight surprise), so it’s less specific but still correct.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Always open to information, Steve. Yes, that’s what I thought about the word “baby” in your comment, “child” inside or out, it’s a child.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The pro-life movement has done an excellent job using the word “child” to make the case.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m so glad you could see what I saw in New York’s new law. BTW, called the Reproductive Health Act. I’d like to know where is the law protecting innocent babies. Social inconvenience should not be a reason for murder.


“I’m going to take crap for this”
As well you should.
Your point is minor, and truly ancillary, in the context of the big picture of devaluing human life.
“we risk being ignored”
This is the same fallacious perspective that seems to permeate the political discourse. WE risk? No no no. I don’t seek the approval of the PC, sophistic “word-smithing” LIES of those who wish to degrade ALL humanity.
I’ve found that many times, you miss the forest for the trees, and get caught up in minutia of language or precision, without putting the MAIN point first.
“If we”
No, Steve.
“Because THEY”
Language matters, yes – but it isn’t the NUMBER ONE thing. That’s what THEY want. WE want the truth, however imperfectly expressed.
You are APPEASING. Wrong strategy to win. They use language, and talk, because they don’t GIVE A SHIT about language and talk! Just that their agenda moves forward.
I’ve probably made a few mistakes of language myself, here in this post. Is THAT what really matters? Perfection?
I say no. You seem to say yes.
Dictionary consultations won’t stop evil. It’s a distraction. Arguing with words … is a distraction.
While your intellectual approach has some merit – and words DO matter – still, they are just words. ACTIONS matter more than words.
I know you’re a patriot; I know you contribute value here – so the number-one thing is you’re good. I’m glad you’re here.
But you often get stuck in the weeds! In a word, you’re too abstract.
IMO. And, I actually AM trying to help!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

IMO. And, I actually AM trying to help!

As am I.
The TEXT of this article lays out a good argument, I said so twice.
I don’t want us to devalue the word “infanticide” by using it inappropriately; it will lose its punch if we do so.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Steve, I get what you’ve said, and I see Wolf has given me some additional terms down below, but if we reflect on the title, it does, in its own way, imply that “infanticide” is a potential outcome of that new law – and that’s where the lawsuits will start.


“As am I.”
Yes, Steve. You are.
I DO perceive that …
Relax, dude! You’re ok! You just judge too much by intellectualism – it’s a natural bias, given your strength.
The “punch” is the word “DEATH”.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You make a great point about LANGUAGE. We CAN and should FIGHT BACK there.
How can we MODIFY the term “infanticide” or otherwise use LANGUAGE to make ANTI-VIRTUOUS the idea of sneaking infanticide into the delivery room? To make Cuomo and his ilk ASHAMED of what they are doing, despite ALL THE WORK that the media has done to create their “virtue signal receptor array”?
“Delivery room infanticide”.
“Sneaky needle infanticide.”
“Democrat infanticide.”
“Birth of horrors.”
“Murder delivery.”
“Stillborn on demand.”
“Capital delivery.”
“Bride of Satan delivery.”
They ABUSED psychology IN THE DARK against us. We can OPENLY use psychology BACK AGAINST THEM.
They ESCAPE logical justice on technicalities. Thus, we EMBRACE THE DIFFERENCE. It’s not infanticide – it’s something SNEAKIER and even UGLIER.
“Partial birth abortion” was a term that brought the FULL HORROR into view. They keep trying to SNEAK AROUND things – to HIDE what they are doing in this way or that.
Proper terminology EXPOSES.


“Proper terminology EXPOSES.”
All thirteen of your expressions fall under the rubric of “DEATH”. It’s the SINGLE common factor, yes?
Death of humans, death of humanity. Agenda 21 (or 30 – who cares?) merely begins the moral descent.
The Cabal LOVES them some babies – the innocents.
Let’s call it what it is.
The DEATH of US.
(I’m pretty stoked today, yes? lol)


The demonic cult of Molech, worshipers of DEATH.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good terms to use in further discussions.


Any of the ‘cide’ suffixes makes it almost clinical, removing it one more step from common language.
Murder is personal.
“Delivery room infanticide” becomes “Delivery room baby murder”.
“Pre-infanticide” becomes “Pre-birth baby murder.”
“INfanticide” becomes “Baby murder”.
“in-fanticide” becomes “Baby murder”.
“Withinfanticide” becomes “Baby murder in the womb”.
“Sneaky needle infanticide” becomes “Sneaky needle baby murder”.
“Democrat infanticide” becomes “Democrat baby murder”.
“Birthicide” becomes “baby murder at birth”.
“Birth of horrors” becomes “Horrific baby murder”.
“Murder delivery” becomes… that one’s just right.
“Stillborn on demand” becomes “Baby murder on demand”.
“Capital delivery” becomes “Baby murder on delivery”.
“Bride of Satan delivery” becomes “Satanic baby murder sacrifice”.
Murder is the specific word they try to avoid at all costs, by substituting ANY euphemism they can get away with. They know the power of that word, which is why they must distance themselves from it.
So follow them around with it, make them own it. Every time they ‘drop’ it, pick it up and hand back to them, saying “here you go, here’s your ‘baby murder’, I saw that you dropped this”.
Or to use Trumpian tactics, assign them accountability and then make them own it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks, EmeraldStar. The purpose of my article was to discuss the big picture of what just happened in New York State, soon to be followed by New Mexico, Vermont, and likely Virginia next year.
Its obvious New York crossed a line. They had been trying for 10 years to get that law on the books. When they finally did it, they lit up the World Trade Tower in pink. A travesty to the 2,700 people who died in 9/11.
Dem. Gov celebrating killing completely viable infants – that’s infanticide. It’s also why abortion was considered illegal until Roe v Wade. Killing is killing.


“Thanks, EmeraldStar.”
YW, but it is I who thank YOU.
Your post was / is tremendous. It was my pleasure to read it, to find truth. The subject. of course, wasn’t pleasureful.
IIRC, already Delaware (or Maryland, whichever) enacted the SAME “policy” in re abortions as NY. It’s already BEEN followed.
The way I look at it, is that it is THEY who are PANICKING. They’re trying to advance their nihilistic agenda TOO SOON. They wanted to minimize the feared backlash … but VSGPDJT monkey-wrenched their time-table. They’re getting more backlash than they’d anticipated, by far.
They are EXPOSED.
It shall not last …
We shall overcome, and WIN!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Remember that the left uses language to move their agenda forward. In a perverted way, Steve is right. Precision is necessary to win a war of words or the other side will beat you over the head with it.


Yes….. Precise “Language” is good AGAINST “THEM”…..
Amongst “us”…… Not so much.


Em……. My point also about the “language…..
Like the spelling police…..
Not too useful to me.


Not useful to our VSG either, I have noticed, eh?

CHI->AZ : Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

Your argument is logical and valid.
However, the rules have changed.
President Trump is the first conservative to use the Rules for Radicals against the left.
I don’t care what the left thinks…we will never change their evil ways.
We are past the point of catering to the leftists.
I used “murdered infants” in my post above knowing the term infants was technically incorrect.
If “murdered infants” motivates our base of 63 million…mission accomplished.
Time is of the essence.


Yes it’s time for new rules. We win, they lose.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I used “murdered infants” in my post above knowing the term infants was technically incorrect.
If “murdered infants” motivates our base of 63 million…mission accomplished

So…you’re willing to misrepresent this situation (i.e., LIE) in order to motivate the base? You don’t think they would be motivated by an ACCURATE description of what is going on here: That NY State has legalized abortion up to the moment of birth and bills have been filed to legalize infanticide, i.e., killing babies after they are born?
I hope the base never finds out how little respect you have for them.


WADR, Steve, you are getting caught up in the “word war.” WHO changes these meanings in the dictionary? THE LEFT!!!! And with directed purpose! See? It worked on YOU!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good point. the fact that until Roe v Wade it was illegal to kill the unborn child means that historically, this country, and societies in general had considered it a crime. The woman had always been thought to have a BABY inside her, not a fetus. That’s why we was against the law to kill it.
Fetus is a medical term, convenient for use by the modern-day Leftist. It doesn’t “sound” human.


As I said – they do this with a directed purpose in mind – and they are succeeding, sadly. As I think you said elsewhere – hopefully, this travesty in NY will wake up more people.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Fetus is actually Latin for baby.
And socially, abortion was not accepted, but it was legal even here in the US in many places until autopsy was a regular part of medical school in the 19th century, when it was illegal to dissect.
I know, it’s all whacked, but these are the things I learned while in an archives decades ago.
And never forget this:comment image
Da Vinci exposed a lot with his anatomical drawings…which were illegal when he did them.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Right, and the left uses fetus because it doesn’t bring the same connotations that “baby” does.

Elizabeth Carter

If you took a hammer to a fertilized Eagle egg, the left would call it murder and you would go to jail.
I went looking at Scripture today after I read Steve’s comment this morning. Scripture calls it a child in the womb, a woman with child and says the child is the fruit of the man. The object of abortion was to remove responsibility for the child from the man and make it clear the man was of no value in the process.
Christians pray to Our Father, which art in Heaven. God is the Creator and knew us from the beginning before we were in the womb.
Our men must take their God given responsibility and lead us through this.
Christians do not worship Gaia, Sophia or any other female goddess or transvestite god like Baal who has male and female sexual organs.
The godless communists did two things: they changed the word child to fetus and said it is part of the woman’s body. The child is not the same sex as the woman at least half of the time, it does not have the same blood type. The child is an entirely separate person and the woman is the carrier. After the child is viable, it can survive even if the Mother dies before it would have been born. The Mother’s body dies but the child can be removed from her and does not need to die with her. The child is the fruit of the man. but does not die if the Father dies.
A woman should never be allowed to get rid of a man’s fruit without his written permission. If she does not want it, she should have to carry the child to full term, nurse it and turn it over to its father. If the father does not want it either, then it should be adopted to people who do want it or the parents should pay someone to raise the child to adulthood. Honorable men used to do this. They claimed their children and their bastards and provided for them.
The child is not to be abandoned, murdered or sacrificed to Moloch.
I was also thinking about the Muslims and their honor killing. They believe the whole family is the property of the man and he has the responsibility to kill any member of his family at any age if he deems it a matter of honor to the family. He can kill his wife, children at any age and their children if he thinks he should and no one can punish him or stop him. Sharia Law.
Men will have so much more self respect and fulfillment if they claim their children and take care of them. Women will have so much more self respect and fulfillment if they claim their children and raise them.
Children will have so much more sense of value and belonging if their parents love them and care for them.


Elizabeth (Love that name…. Mother of John the Baptist)….
You are also WISE……..
Thanks for that EXCELLENT comment!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK. I’ll go back to some old print dictionaries from the 50s, then–when I get home.


Very good points, Steve. I may have gotten here eventually, were it not that I have held my own stillborn daughter. This has always cut way too close to home and so I can’t spend too much time reading of the horrors.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I hope that phoenixRising doesn’t mind, but I just edited an update to include a prayer she posted the other day:
January 28, 2019 at 20:59
For every child who lives in the womb:
that God might send an angel to guard and protect
the innocent and defenseless;
We pray to the Lord:
For the children who have died from abortion in our nation,
and for their mothers and fathers:
for mercy, peace and the loving embrace of Christ;
We pray to the Lord:


I don’t mind at all, Lady P., I am honored.
sleepless night, so just tuned in…
So very thankful for your article Lady P., it is powerful, should be shouted to the rooftops.
As all of you I am horrified by the legislation the State of New York has passed. I don’t care which ‘cide’ one picks… ‘infanticide’ or homicide… FACT IS a fetus is viable in the third trimester. Statistics indicate that most will survive outside the uterus.
“Words” are simply “LABELS” one uses to communicate…
A brief reading of the comments awards the prize for succinctness to
I think “when we’ll need it most” is already upon us. It’s infantcide.
Will write more when I am more ‘alert’ …
Thank you Lady P. for this article, for touching on this subject.
We must pray, and we must take actions…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you phoenixRising. Good morning. I worked many hours on this, including at 0300 last night. My twins were born at 30 weeks, big boys, 4lb 2oz, 4lb 6 oz, in the 1980’s! Yes, they need a little support, but only for a few days, and then it was feed and grow. They’re big strapping young men today, successful, and now starting their own families.
I’m fairly certain the word infanticide is rampant across the ‘net these days – all leading back to what New York State just did. I pray that it’s a step too far and we’ll see them in Court.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My twin brothers were born not even three weeks after Roe v Wade was handed down. There’s a whole story that goes with it, but when my mom got to the hospital, and the nurse was listening to the heartbeats, she said, you’ve got two boys. They were over fourteen and half pounds between them. And by this law….. Not that my parents would ever have considered it.


LP, thanks for the important post. This has weighed heavily on most of our minds. I love that you added your twins story. 3rd trimester abortion should be considered murder and criminally prosecuted.
My DIL went into labor at 31-1/2 weeks and delivered a perfect, healthy boy who only had to stay in the NICU for observation and some oxygen for a week. I was blessed to watch his delivery. Couldn’t believe the docs allowed me to be there but they were totally unconcerned because of his GESTATIONAL AGE and her lack of other complications. He was a viable BABY then….and he is a healthy, happy 4 year old now.
Totally agree with your words “Perhaps this radical move by New York state will shock the conscience of this nation to reassess its values and move to protect Life.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

TBOR, we struggled to get pregnant, and then both my pregnancies, ( I have a daughter too) had catastrophic deliveries. My 3 are considered miracle babies. I know the value of human life. But I knew that before ever having children, simply because of loving people and believing in them.


There are so many loving families that desperately want but either can’t get pregnant or suffer multiple miscarriages. I’m so glad that God blessed you with 3 miracles. I have 4 and simply cannot fathom destroying a precious baby’s life. These infanticide celebrating people are sick, evil, twisted, immoral, Godless…..


Thank you Phoenix.


For all the abortions and the low birth rate for replacements in our country, giving illegals and their unborn children priority is even more of an affront, especially when given a chance, these babies couldve been the people who strive to grow and support the U.S..


Last time I read, child abuse has risen 1000% since Roe v Wade.
So have child predators, sexual addictions and STDs, and many other related negative statistics.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m glad you did this post, Lady P.
Thank you.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you. I hope folks will read Reagan’s essay, “Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation” – it shocked me. He was using the same words then as we are now. The story of the Down’s Syndrome baby being forced to starve to death because he was abnormal brought tears to my eyes. I had no idea!
It’s worse today. The Left has made huge inroads with their propaganda – but the indifference to human life, as Gov. Cuomo smiling when signing the bill, death warrants for thousands of babies – that’s something we can’t let stand.



Cardinal Dolan’s response is abhorrent! Dolan’s closet “must be” filled with secrets allowing the death of babies to go unpunished. He is not the Cardinal of Catholics. This man is bought and paid like the politician, Cuomo.




perversion and radical leftist politics have infested the catholic priesthood.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My opinion of the Cardinal is in the basement. If abortion isn’t a reason for ex-communication, then what is? The Cardinal just wants to make sure he gets invited to cocktail parties.
I’m Catholic, so this isn’t an anti-Catholic comment. But it’s because too many church leaders won’t speak out…


LP it’s all the churches, not just Catholic. Too many don’t want to rock the boat. The early Christian martyrs would’ve been ashamed and dumbfounded at what the church has become.


Oh yes they do……..
The Baptists are all about: ROCKing the boat anymore……
“Reverence” has been pushed out!

Plain Jane

Non of this makes me angry, just extremely sad.
Four of our pre-born grandchildren died in the womb. One of our DILs had three miscarriages in the first trimester after their first son was born. The third miscarriage happened a week before Christmas two years ago. Thyroid situation. She is currently just over the first trimester mark with her fifth pregnancy, and THANK GOD, so far, so good. Prayers appreciated.
Another grandson died in the womb of another DIL at six months gestation. A heartbreaking thing was seeing our oldest son carry the tiny casket with his remains to the grave. I wouldn’t leave the cemetary until I saw his casket lowered into the grave. The funeral director realized I was a grandma, and offered me to hold his casket for a bit. I did. That was a week before Christmas twelve years ago.
I knew back when abortion was legalized that we would eventually be using baby “parts” and rationalizing that for medical reasons Medicine was, at that time, experimenting with transplants. That is when God lit the light bulb in my head.
In fact, back then, I started writing “Another Modest Proposal.” I didn’t know what I would do with it…perhaps send to christian publications to alert others. DH was adament that I stop writing it because he felt people weren’t smart enough to realize it was satire and someone might just shoot me. I stopped when I wrote how mothers should be paid to carry their babies to term and warehouse the children for medical use.
I always felt that God let me “see” the future of abortion so I would get involved in pro-life work, which I did, heart and soul for over two decades. My entire family was involved in trying to help me, and their help was indispensable especially when I was doing post abortion healing retreats. Their patience when I got phone calls from despondent men and women was beyond what Ithought they were capable of displaying. The guys moved my props, several vans full, from my basement to the retreat site and back again.
Post script to my attempt to write the satire: My prayer partner, when our group prayed by PP, gave me an article by a doctor, written about the same time I was writing, that predicted exactly what I was trying to convey in my “Another Modest Proposal.” I know I never saw it nor heard of his article until she gave it to me. Maybe God was just trying to nudge many of us to get involved.
Sorry for the wordiness, I do go on sometimes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Plain Jane, no, you have a story to share. I’m so grateful to hear how so many others have soldiered through some of the most difficult times. Perhaps some of us who have truly been true either one is pregnant or not, or deliver a viable baby or not, really comprehend the travesty that abortion is.
There are two contexts in what these articles are about, the written word of individual stories and the secondary one of what happens to a society when they’ve reached the point of death by indifference.
I was young and ignorant when Roe v Wade passed. In fact, most previous generations had little knowledge about the birds and the bees. But when I married, and struggled to have children, then I realized that those few cells are either life or they’re not.
As the good doctor who I quoted in the article, there is “no reason for abortion for viable infants, delivery yes, but abortion no. “

Plain Jane

God bless you LP. Thank you.
We know what we know because God set it in our hearts from the beginning, before the world could corrupt.


Thank you Plain Jane, for sharing with us… I find no wordiness, testimony yes.
We are blessed for all that you have done…

Plain Jane

Thank you PR. The frustration comes when the pro-aborts don’t share our love for life. Pray for conversion and healing of heart for all who have been touched by abortion and all in the abortion industry. Please convert them Lord, or stop them in the quest for death of babies.


Lady Penquin, I hope you will continue spreading your message here and other places. What just occurred in New York, coupled with the video of that monstrous woman testifying for her murderous law in Virginia, is just one of many incredulous current attempts to destroy any semblance of societal morality.
Children are being used as weapons to destroy our norm of intact families – abortion, transgenderism, non-binary designations on birth certificates, drug/gang/sex trafficking is ALL being targeted towards the destruction of our children, which ultimately destroys our families. It is the ULTIMATE divisivness target of the Left.
When no one belongs to a family, we all belong to the State.
I am at the point where I wonder if I should be praying for God to destroy us all because saving & redemption seems beyond possibility. This doomed feeling, however, is what I try to avoid bringing to the Treehouse because despair gets us nowhere.
We have to continue to expose the darkness, and your posts are doing just that.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is the result of God giving Free Will to man. Evil never sleeps. We won’t either.
I had to view lots of pictures, videos to do this article, not just read Reagan’s essay. One of the videos, which I did not link, it was too much for me, was of a doctor sorting through to make sure all the baby’s parts were there. He is talking, saying the woman could now “get on with her life, she wants to go to school” – the doc holds up the baby’s head. and when the video clip ends, there is a little hand left lying in the sink, frozen in the frame and time. I cried.


Bless you Lady P.,
I appreciate your going through the pictures and videos… I could not have done it. Too many films in my head without seeing actual ones.
I have shared this in recent day, here at Wolfie’s sanctuary…
our only child, adopted daughter, was born on 22nd of Jan, 1973, at 10:15 a.m., exact time Roe v. Wade was written into law by SCOTUS.
Over the decades I have observed women who profess to be pro-life, pillars of their community. When a teenage daughter becomes pregnant though, they suddenly change their minds… even their Christian friends have sided with them to seek an abortion for the teen. It’s all about ‘appearances’ … nothing to do with mental or physical risk (at least for those I have known).
Again, deepest regards for your action… your article, the fruit of your late night digging. Such an emotional experience, may you move gently through the day. God bless you Lady P.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you for your kind words. I didn’t realize how draining it is, but I realized that to take a stand means to be public, not quiet about it. These seem to be dark days. Just listened to Virginia’s Governor, who is a physician btw, parse words about what they’d do if they pass the bill of allowing an abortion AFTER labor. That is outright infanticide.

Plain Jane

I just heard it on Rush. He’s really doing a large segment on it.

Plain Jane

That appearances thing is pride, a “fruit” of the devil.
So glad crisis pregnancy centers are so numerous now.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The most passionate people who speak against abortion are the physicians who used to perform them. Bernard Nathanson said he gave it up when a tiny heart came out and it was still beating. He’s not the only one, either.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh my Dear God. To think one lives with such memories. Yes, many have turned away, but still too many are willing to do this evil deed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He converted. This also was after a dream where St. Thomas Aquinas came to him and asked him to stop. Nathanson said there were children in the dream, and Aquinas told him they were the ones he had killed.
Conversion is necessary for healing.


And….. Treading on thin ice here……
“Conversion”….. is of and by GOD himself……
Ephesians 2:9:
Not of works, lest any man should boast.
Check out the “Conversion” of the Apostle Paul….
He was KILLING “Christians” until…..
GOD got a hold of him.
(Not Paul’s “choice” or “free will”)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Is Virginia this far gone! Satan is truly trying everything he can with these POS. May they all live the rest of eternity in the fires of HELL. There will NEVER be forgiveness for this.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It is Flep. This year, our elections, they’re going to get pot on the ballot, it will bring out all the people who wouldn’t normally vote, the Lefties will take the statehouse. Then you’ll see what they do to our abortions laws.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Plain Jane

Jill Stanek was a nurse at Christ Hospital in Illinois who discovered that the aborted babies who were born alive would be put in a closet ot a room until they died from neglect. She made it her business to hold and comfort the babies. I think it was O’Riley who had her on his program. She got the Born Alive Act passed.
She is now connected to Susan B. Anthony List.
A quote at her website.
“Some wish to stay within the sound of church or chapel bell. I’d rather run a rescue shop within a yard of hell.” ~C.T. Studd


Thanks for the Twitter link, Jane.
I’m still wrapping my head around the notion of abortions being performed in a place called Christ Hospital.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Likely no longer a Catholic or Christian hospital. Many of them have closed or were bought up by secular organizations, but the name not changed.


How awful.

Plain Jane

Wikipedia says miscarried babies, but I recall it as born alive aborted babies. I’ve heard Jill speak many times.
She grew up in our township and graduated from our small HS.


What a small world. If you and she are from there, it must be a good place to live.
How wonderful to have heard her speak in person. What shocking anecdotes she must have had to share.
I read some of her testimony online several years ago. What torture those babies must have suffered. She changed my mind, for sure. No more ‘lump of cells’ or ‘medical procedure’. Incidentally, I found out about her through ex-Democrats in 2008.
She is one of the people who brings home what a bloody, murderous horrorshow abortion is.
I, too, recall her experiences of ‘born alive aborted babies’.

Plain Jane

She went to the same HS where our oldest kids went also. Back in the day when abortion was gaining a foothold, the biology teacher didn’t preach, she just hung large pics of babies in all developmental stages in her classroom. All those kids got a dose of visual reality in that classroom. God bless that teacher.
I don’t know if Jill was in HS at the time or not, but yes, it has been a great place to live.


‘Back in the day when abortion was gaining a foothold, the biology teacher didn’t preach, she just hung large pics of babies in all developmental stages in her classroom’. I wish we had had that in (Catholic) high school at that time.

Plain Jane

I hear you. Yep. And that was public school.
Our youngest son went to Catholic HS though, and he had some really great priests teaching and a awesome nun.


‘And that was public school.’ Yes, I got that, wishing that had been true in Catholic/Protestant schools at the time.
I know of Lutherans who viewed abortion as benign by virtue of how it was presented at a Lutheran four-year college. They were taught that it was ‘a medical procedure’.
Your town’s public high school teacher did brilliantly in not saying anything and simply presenting the illustrations.
Illustrations tell the whole story. I know some Christians object to stained glass windows depicting biblical scenes, but our civilisation in ancient times knew more about the Bible thanks to such windows than we do today with all the mindless abstractions.
Apologies. I digress.
Glad your youngest son had good teachers in Catholic HS.
I did, too.
In hindsight, though (my experience), I think they could have done better on the subject of abortion. Perhaps the faculty knew there were pro-choice parents paying tuition for their children, the students. I don’t know. I’d have to think about this some more. Even then, I couldn’t come up with a factual conclusion.

Plain Jane

Yes, the windows taught the bible because people could not read, plus before the printing press, Catholic monks hand scribed the scriptures, taking immeasurable time, therefore the bible had to be chained down so all people who could read had access to the scriptures – not just a thief. 🙂
Their was never a question about the horrors of abortion with our oldest kids. Neither with our youngest son who arrived ten years later than his next sibling.
When our youngest was in K or first grade, he would help me make up Christian Sidewalk Counselors’ packets that each contained several pamphlets with pics of aborted babies, with full blood and gore. He saw that understood, and was immediately pro-life.
I never pulled any punches with my kids.


God blessed you as a mother, Jane, and He blessed your children via your discerning guidance.
Your summary of the Dark Ages — no longer called that, but that is what they were — is excellent.

Plain Jane

Thank you Churchmouse. We are very blessed. The kids seem to love to travel here every opportunity, and it doesn’t seem to be just for my cooking any more 🙂 because everyone is always on a diet. LOL.

Plain Jane

p.s. I’m sure my mom and the nuns who taught me…all terrific…prayed for me like crazy. I was a handful for my mom after my dad died when I was ten. 🙂


Not surprising, given the circumstances, especially if you were Daddy’s Little Girl.
His death must have hurt you a lot and caused you a great amount of grief at such a tender age.
Yet, through the Lord’s will and those praying for you at that traumatic time, He was with you and all turned out well.

Plain Jane

🙂 yes.
Now we have new generation of people who have been sheltered from the real pictures of what abortion looks like. They need to see them.


Absolutely agree.


Thank you so very much for this much needed article and even the Word War we have going on in the comments.
I’m just going to add how I am discussing this Satanic new “law” in New York.—We are Murdering Babies! Period.
61 million and counting…GOD have mercy on us all.. Beautiful and thoughtful Post!


…….. And among these things……..LIFE!…. Liberty…. and the pursuit of HAPPINESS!
(I read that somewhere) 🙂


The Agressive, Pro-Death Culture Must be Stopped.
There–fixed it for ya…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What’s really sad about it all is that with all the cries for clergy FROM OTHER CLERGY to make the formal move of excommunication, I believe a blogger I read this morning on this topic is correct: the governors would wear such a badge with pride that they were sanctioned by the Church and didn’t cave. Dolan is not going to give Cuomo the satisfaction of excommunication when Cuomo is taunting him to do just that.
What a friggin’ mess.
Legislative approval signals social approval whether it is there or not. Even bench law does this. That is the tragedy of Roe v. Wade. It gave killing children in the womb the veneer of acceptability to those who do not think too deeply.
And yes, that move was the fruit of other pro-death messaging on the self, families, not having to make sacrifices in life and not following God’s law. It just is.
There will be arguments that this is not the right place for this, but I think it feeds into the issue perfectly. I read an article by Dennis Prager this morning about pressure on the NFL to drop cheerleaders and/or have male cheerleaders. He claimed no one would want to see skimpily clothed men other than gay men. (Not true. See all the calendars out there featuring shirtless firemen. Women love them. Better yet, put the guys in kilts. 😉 There’s nothing hotter than a man in a kilt.) But bring on the women! Prager claims, as so many others do, that liberal women don’t like NFL cheerleaders because they can’t compete in the looks department. Well, a lot conservative women can’t either, nor are we as flexible as professional dancers, which most women are not. The sideline eye candy gives men an image of women that is strictly objective: the cheerleaders then become pretty to look at objects. We know that isn’t true. Many of those women are wonderful people, but if all they do on television is show skin and high kick…..
All of these parts of pulling and pushing women feeds into denial of womanhood and femininity as God meant it to be. Killing children in the womb, and pushing women to do so, asks women to deny our core purpose: providing the next generation. In that denial, women become objects, things.
Yes, it’s harsh to think of it that way, but there it is. And I don’t know about the rest of the ladies here, but I’m not a thing. I dated someone one time who made me feel that way. Not happening again.
I’m not going to quit wearing pink as it is one of my best colors, but the war on women is very much being fought by women themselves. This New York law and the push in several other states are proof that women are blinded in many ways. They are legislating their own destruction, physically, mentally and spiritually, and they have no clue.
I pray that they wake up.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Truly feminine women are not the feminazis we are surrounded by. Feminine women embrace their femininity. And you’re so right about men. Real women want real men. 🙂


I’ll second that Lady P.


While I agree with what you express in your post DP,
I feel strongly that all of us, women included of course, are being used in the Cabal’s manipulation to not only bring about huge cultural changes, but to get us to destroy each other. Their goal is for 3/4 of earth’s population to be destroyed. They truly do worship ‘Lucifer’ (they don’t call ‘it’ Satan) and they believe Lucifer to be the ‘true’ god. They engage in horrific rituals… which involve highly traumatized infants and children up to the age of puberty (after which they deem them of no value to their offerings).
We are truly engaged in a ‘spiritual’ war… of light v dark.
The Cabal is driving this insanity. We must fight it with everything we have.
P.S. I think it was cuppa who posted a wonderful video by a very feminine young lady on “Toxic Femininity”
can’t locate it at the moment… will look, I’m sure you will find it affirms your views as well as expressing some you may not be aware of… God bless

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

While I very much agree that the cabal has egged women on, there are writings for a few centuries that indicate these sentiments are nothing new. They are being exploited with a lot of persuasion thrown in.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What a day, a firestorm. It must have been meant to be that this post would get written. I’m shaking though, the thought of outright killing our newborns… No words.


With ya Lady P. It was certainly meant to be that you wrote this today!!! I’m watching Twitter carefully –it’s trying to go viral…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We’ll soldier on. My heart was heavy, but I listened to VA Gov. say the very words that Steve (no offense) indicated we might be premature in using – but we aren’t! It is infanticide, and has always been that way all along – until the Leftists got control of the language in order to change the concept of a natural event – having a baby – to an unnatural, unwanted inconvenience. Nazi Germany has nothing on what we’re doing now. Literally destroying our future generations.


YOU are right about Infanticide–We arent killing PUPPIES! We are killing BABIES in the womb. From Conception to Natural Death. Life begins at Conception. I just as ANGRY! But let us hope This is where the Abortion Industry has jumped the Shark… Hugs!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks, Marica.

Plain Jane

My thoughts also.
We really should change the terms for fetus to PRE-BORN CHILDREN. The left is always coining words for their propaganda. We need to set the language for truth.


I would say the Spirit moved you Lady P.,
again, God bless you.


I have to ask but what kind of sick doctor would do this?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Apparently they’ve been doing it for decades, and Gov. Northam, a Democrat, fit right in with their ideology.
Nurses and Physicians take an oath to do no harm, but maybe that’s gone by the wayside too.



Thanks sobriquet3,
I signed the petition… encourage others to do the same.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Plain Jane

Just signed it.
The ACLJ helped our prayer group back when Clinton’s anti-life hound from h£ll was AG. The local LEOs were always being called by PP to say we did something we didn’t do. So the LEOs harassed the crap out of us.
(Once a LEO who was screaming at me like a banche to the point I couldn’t understand him, so I walked closer to him, put his hand right on his firearm until another LEO calmed him down, and walked up to me to tell me what the banche was trying to say.)
I wrote a letter to the chief with a cc to Jay Seculow who helped my friend in Phoenix fight the bubble law.
No more harassment. ACLJ carry weight, at least back then.



Appears Mr Dunleavy is quite passionate about life…
He provides her email etc in the THREAD
Normally, I would not reveal that… however, in this case…
This WOMAN is the mother of FOUR…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Virginia Governor, who is a physician, explained the bill on the radio today. “Let the baby be born, comforted” and then killed. That’s infanticide/homicide. James Woods has already tweeted about it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This day is getting depressing by the minute.


The night is darkest before the dawn. The works of evil will be exposed. This WILL end!

Pat Frederick

it would make sense that they need to ramp up these kinds of bills if POTUS is indeed cutting down their human trafficking…they need a new supply…we need to cut off another head of the Hydra

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I didn’t even get into the next step – where organizations like PP will want to change the lethal abortion method so they can harvest the organs – for the “good of science” – remember daughn247’s command and control of the language. The NY bill was all about “reproductive health” – killing your baby isn’t reproductive health, in fact, abortions cause more health problems, including cancers post-abortion.


I don’t understand how they can consider any of this as “health”. A lethal injection to an in utero baby would cross the placenta and enter the mother’s bloodstream. Maybe after some of the “mothers” suffer from this idiotic and evil plan, they will realize what an atrocity it is.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Excellent point. And yes, those drugs certainly can cross (even if they say otherwise) there can be leakage. So when the mother has suffers seizures post-abortion, who is she going to sue? Neurotoxins coming into her body…


I wish no harm on anyone, but that would certainly be a good “hard lesson”


I’ve been really upset about this New York bill and even more upset as other states seem to be ready to do the same thing. So I was really relieved to see this just now on Twitter:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, but I’ve also tweeted her to make note that VA has elections in Nov. and we are likely to lose the State House to the Dems. It will be back. Virginia is in trouble.


We’re all in trouble, LadyPenguin. They’re going to be pushing for this in every state before long. They’ll start in the blue states and move on from there. Rhode Island and New Mexico are also considering this.

Plain Jane

They are trying to out devil each other.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Vermont too. There was a time, decades ago, that what went on in NY didn’t go like a flood into other states, not so true anymore.


They pull this crap in the Texas Legislature they’ll rue the day. Texans won’t stand for this.

Pat Frederick

the whole “my body, my choice” is wildly misleading. The life inside a woman is not just her DNA–it is a combination of hers and the father’s. So it is not her body. If you were to cut off her arm–and take a DNA sample it would be close to the baby’s DNA–but would NOT match exactly–you couldn’t convict for a crime without matching DNA–you could only say they were in the same family–so how can she say it’s my body, my choice.
She is merely the caretaker for another human at that point. So if it’s legal for a caretaker to kill the unborn–how long before they make laws allowing the caretaker to kill a disabled child she is caring for? an elderly parent?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Euthanasia is already practiced in The Netherlands. Oregon has assisted suicide laws, it’s all part of the same plan.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ben Sasse deserves credit for saying this!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, whatever Sasse’s faults, and being a Never Trumper, is a conservative when it comes to pro-life.


About the ONLY thing good one can say about the jackass!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



This is just sick. I have no words.
Put them up for adoption if you don’t want them.
TGP put it best. Dems are the party of Death.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s the message We need to get out there – that indeed not only have they abandoned God, okay, to each his own, but they longer even pretend to have any sense of morality. The Founders themselves said the Nation could not survive unless it kept a Godly and moral compass. The entire Constitution was written with that as the underlining premise.


Side note: ladypenquin well done!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you. I always hope that something like this post eventually gets into the right hands. Not because I wrote it, but because another citizen, a lay person, stating in a reasonably concise way the true threat we face as a nation, as a people. The New York bill looks to be the tip of the iceberg, and I’m desperate for POTUS to wake up the courts.


I feel like this is the wake up call truth be told.


I respectfully request that you leave this THREAD up beyond the usual expry date… not in archives, but in the sidebar…
There will be more to talk about and do…


Thanks LP – the best thing I think is to continue publishing the contributions.
There were so many good comments here … so many were publish-worthy … instead of languishing in the comments they need to be brought up to the top… early and often


Plain Jane made mention of Born-Alive Infants Protection Act… I’m fairly certain she was referring to the Act of 2002… however, in my quick glances into the topic, I find that there was an attempt to expand on this Act as recently as the previous Congress. I don’t know the particulars (whether an effort to remove the Act or enhance it), but it failed.
Today is not one of my best days… wonder if someone would look into this and bring back any findings.
Plain Jane’s comment about the nurse who knew that babies were put into a closet, neglected ’til death… makes me livid. Ancient Greeks put unwanted infants out in the cold to freeze to death… and we think we have evolved !!!!
“Progressives” they call themselves… well, perhaps we should change that to “Regressives” …
with regard to discussion of the ‘word’ infanticide… here is text from wiki on legislation I referenced above:
Interpretation of the Bill
Defines a “Born alive infant” as “Person, human being, Child, Individual”
Acknowledges human rights of any child born within the United States.[5]
“Born Alive” is defined as the complete expulsion of an infant at any stage of development that has a heartbeat, pulsation of the umbilical cord, breath, or voluntary muscle movement, no matter if the umbilical cord has been cut or if the expulsion of the infant was natural, induced labor, cesarean section, or induced abortion.
Decisions may continue to be made by medical professionals as to whether to resuscitate an infant based on medical efficacy, but not in regard to the legal standing of the patient.[4]

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I know the “Fetal Pain” bill failed to pass. No abortions after 20 wks – it failed. How barbaric a people we are to let such suffering happen.


Some good news…
Idaho Bill Would Make Abortion “Murder,” Restore Human Rights for Unborn Babies

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank God. 6-7 weeks is when the heartbeat is first detected.


Abortion stops a beating heart. Abortion ends that person’s life. Abortion is just a softer word for murder.


And he was only sworn in a couple of weeks ago! Off to a good start for TN

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Another, thank you, dear God. Maybe this will be the impetus for change in the right direction.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s not nice to say, but she is a terrible human being. The Lefties, Soros money are finding these candidates and supporting their elections. No more pretense of moderate Democrats.


BUT, the governor is stating what he believes proposed law says…
And thank the Lord the Bill was defeated.



Gov failed to recognize this also:


PM IS 100% CORRECT. Dems are in 100% Panic. They’re all the old people; Gen Z does NOT want this!


PM has a THREAD… lots of comments, all pro-life


Some may not have time to read all the comments… I pulled a couple didn’t want y’all to miss…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If Roe v Wade is overturned, and it goes “back to the states” – eventually any bill they have which takes the life of a viable human being, would return to be dealt with by SCOTUS – because they ultimately have to address the right to life, and as well as “cruel and unusual…”


PM IS 100% CORRECT. Dems are in 100% Panic. They’re all the old people; Gen Z does NOT want this!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Peter Singer is just like the two Australian “ethicists” I linked to in the post, calling for after birth abortions, and yes, for a period beyond the delivery room. They were saying this in 2012.
These people are basically nothing but fascist – Nazis. They’re people who have no souls and demand power to control others’ lives.


All I can say those performing abortion are Butchers.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They are, and the Virginia Governor, who stated the baby would be “born” and “comforted”? He’s a pediatrician.

Sylvia Avery

This was hard to read, but it must have been horribly hard to write and so I read it and I honor your efforts to get the word out.
The outrageous evil of the NY law followed by that Tran woman’s testimony are surely, surely overreaches that will awaken hearts and minds? I pray that it may be so. Romans 8:28.
I am bewildered and shaken. It has seemed like slowly, surely, we were winning the cultural war on abortion and then out of nowhere comes this barbaric infamy. If I were Cuomo I’d be concerned for my soul. But perhaps if he ever had one he sold it long ago.
I’m also always perplexed that it is WOMEN who are at the forefront of pushing this hideous practice, and particularly women whose wombs have long since withered and it couldn’t possibly concern them personally. What is wrong with these people?
In the 70s it was possible to believe it was a simple medical procedure to dispose of a few random cells. We know a whole lot more now than we did then. It is inconceivable to me that anyone could support this.
Our country needs to collectively repent of this monstrous sin.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. In the 70’s most of us knew little about these things, and a few cells was my entire understanding of what abortion would affect. it wasn’t long before I learned the facts of life, and that abortion was actually killing babies. Fast forward to the present, and like you, I thought we were making headway. Then Cuomo signs that bill and New York rejoices. They’d been trying for 10 years. Evil never sleeps. In Virginia, we dodged a bullet today, but I expect the State House to turn over to the Dems in Nov. and they’ll bring it back. That’s why we need intervention by the higher courts. And POTUS to address this.


“I’m also always perplexed that it is WOMEN who are at the forefront of pushing this hideous practice, …”
It’s not just Women who are pushing this, though.
There are millions of Men who support abortion, too.
These are men who don’t want to be held responsible for the children that they sire.
They want to be able to have sex with no consequences.
I think there are just as many men out there who are pro-abortion as there are women.
These guys are content to let Women be blamed for abortions…while they hide behind the ‘women’s rights’ banner.
This enables them to say: “Well yeah, I am against abortion but it’s the woman’s right to choose.”
Well, it takes two to make a pregnancy.
Even in the case of artificial insemination…it still takes sperm.
So I don’t think we should be letting all these ‘pro-choice’ Men off the hook.
They benefit from that ‘choice’ as well.
In many cases, it is the man who is the one who is insisting on the abortion.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ever since the 60’s where societal constraints against sex outside of marriage were practically eliminated, and the birth control pill contributed to that too, the idea of any restraint on any self desiring behavior has been lessening. It’s why our country appears so morally bankrupt now.
IMO, a society cannot survive without morality. Some standards, some values.


Hugh Hefner played a part in that.
When he put out his Playboy magazine…he put forth and normalized the notion that “sex is for fun, not just for procreation”.
There had been brown-wrapper ‘girly magazines’ for some time…but Hefner brought it out of the shadows and into the mainstream.
This, along with the advent of the birth control pill, is what led to the sex-without-responsibility attitude.
I’m not a prude…and yes, sex can be fun and enjoyable.
The good Lord made it so, by design.
It is one of His many gifts to us.
But it comes with responsibilities and consequences that should be shared by both partners.

Sylvia Avery

Good points, Wheatie. In a way, it may be like those gallant invaders on our southern border who shove the women and children to the front. Cannon fodder. Useful idiots.
Watching that Tran woman getting questioned today was just awful. Just awful. I wanted to turn away. How can she live with herself?
I can only hope they have finally pushed too far. Let’s pray that is so.




or a nurse or a PA…


May it be an albatross around their necks.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

God Bless you ladypenguin for having compassion for the innocents being murdered. I saw your post earlier today and was reluctant to read it because it breaks my heart knowing what suffering and regret we see from abortion.
Praying for our Lord to forgive our nation.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Trumpismine, for a few days after Cuomo signed that bill, I felt shell-shocked. I’m a RN, I know so things I wish I didn’t. and when does some research, the heart just breaks. I had never heard of the Baby Doe Down’ Syndrome story until I read about it in President’s Reagan’s essay. Shocked.
But we eventually were able to protect the disabled, so maybe this will be a wakeup call to protecting life. ”
BTW, I’d gladly trade the death penalty for ending abortion.


“Reproductive Health Act”
The Left always comes up with names for things that cloak the sinister nature of what they are doing.
It is truly Orwellian!
Calling it the “Baby Killing Bill” would be too truthful.
Can’t have that!
This one is right up there with the ‘Affordable Healthcare Act’…which made health insurance unaffordable.
Calling taxes a “contribution” is another one.
Do they have a handbook that they turn to when they’re coming up with these Orwellian names and phrases?
Thank you for this article, LadyP!
And yes, most definitely…this is Infanticide.
The Left has no problem in calling bacteria…’life’…but they still insist that an unborn baby is ‘not life’.
These people are evil.


I’m sure it’s some ad agency that makes up these Orwellian names and phrases…
Here’s POTUS:


How can they refer to it as “reproductive” when they are not reproducing…they are killing the babies in the womb so as to NOT reproduce.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Must be because they’re dealing with body parts, but you’re right there isn’t any reproduction going on. Just murder.


Totally agree, Wheatie. I’ve come to expect just the opposite of what they name their bills. Someone I follow on Twitter calls this bill the Moloch Child Sacrifice Bill. That’s so much more accurate.


testing, testing, testing

[blockquote] testing, testing, testing [/blockquote]


“Populations that we don’t want to have too many of.” Now which would populations would those be, Ruth? You sound like Margaret Sangor.


A Saaad Day in NY


Thank you, Doctor!!!!!


“… The three most common reasons—each cited by three-fourths of patients—were concern for or responsibility to other individuals; the inability to afford raising a child; and the belief that having a baby would interfere with work, school or the ability to care for dependents. Half said they did not want to be a single parent or were having problems with their husband or partner.”


Those aren’t real reasons. There are far too many families who would love to adopt a child but can’t find one to adopt. They would pay the mother’s medical bills, drive her to her doctor’s appointments, and do everything they could to help her.


Creative lying with a sciency gloss, poison with a candy coating.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

From my article:
1% rape or incest
6% health issue for mom/baby
93% of all abortions occur for social reasons (unwanted/inconvenient)
There are also 2-3 million parents desperate to adopt a child. So the idea that children are “unwanted” in our society is a lie. The Nazi monsters want to control the population and who lives and dies. They set up shop in the poor neighborhoods. Minorities abort 3 times greater than whites. New York state aborted more babies in 3 years than were born in one year.
Abortion and euthanasia are their goals.


World’s Smallest and Youngest Preemies
Daughter was a premie. 27 weeks. So tiny but a perfect little human life. She’s grown up and beautiful now.
Can’t fool me. Abortion is murder.


This is part-and-parcel of the UN’s plans.


Lady, I thank you for your passion in this matter and for presenting FACTS. As I mentioned in an earlier reply, this hits too close to home. If one has buried small white boxes in the ground, after having held one’s tiny offspring, there is no question here. As many will attest, there might be a wee bit of almost bitterness at having lost little ones at 21 weeks who some few years later would have been able to be brought to viability.
And please, let us NOT forget the scourge of controlling our fertility and denying God’s gift…that is part of this horror, although far too many have deemed it a “Catholic” thing…it, too, is part of the slippery slope.
First “birth (really conception) control,” then abortion at one month, two months, etc., then euthanasia (Hello, the ravished Netherlands).
St. John Paul II, pray for us.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Roberta, I’m sorry for your loss, and the sorrow is always there.
My children are “miracle babies” in that the OB doc saved their lives and mine. I value children and family.
You are so right about the track we’re on. That’s the underlying message in the articles I’ve been trying to convey. It’s all about controlling who lives and who dies – and who determines that. Instead of end of life decisions by the patient, family and doctor, the STATE is desperate to take over. Obamacare just about did it. “Medicare (which would really be substandard Medicaid) for all” is the same track.
Yes, the Netherlands have open euthanasia, including where they’ll let a 8 year old girl choose death.
St. John Paul II – I miss him.
Jesus wept. Mary wept for her children.




My favorite Niece –Bridget– IS Downs Syndrome.. She gives us more stories and life and love than anyone ELSE! Downs Syndrome People are GOD’s voice to the world! THEY ARE LOVE ! Unconditional…


So true Marica…
my cousin has a daughter, grown now… she is the same. Joyful, Don’t know what our family would be without her.
and I love John Stephens and what he has done to raise the consciousness of others as to what he and others bring to the world.


there’s a youtube I posted at the bottom of the other page…
A OB-GYN in FL speaks about NY’s new law…
He is powerful… and has so much new information to offer on what can be done to fix problems en utero


phoenix— My sweet niece acted out FROZEN Song–I cried!! She is EVERYONE’S FAVORITE! and 80% of Downs Syndrome babies–extra chromosome–are MURDERED in the womb. God Cries….


Some of you may have read my post about the gal who is developmentally disabled who loves to sing at Karaoke, and cleaned at the museum – Callie? She has Downs Syndrome. One of my closet friends growing up, the oldest of 12 in a good Catholic family, had a sister who had Downs. I have never, ever seen or known a person with Downs who was anything but sweet, friendly, and giving. The fact that such a child was simply allowed to starve to death in 1982, and what will happen to them with this travesty (now in VA too) is just too horrible to even consider.
I posted this on FB: “This is simply unconscionable!!! If the American people do NOT rise up against this obscenity, then they DESERVE to lose their country and they deserve an eternity in Hell!!!! There is NO shame worse than this!!!!” (I apologize if this article has already been posted – haven’t had time to read all the comments yet)
“Dr. Jane Orient, executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), told Breitbart News such legislation is “undeniably infanticide.”
“It is much safer for the mother to deliver an intact baby than to be instrumented to tear the baby apart or otherwise kill it,” Orient explained, adding:
As for mental health, what case can be made, either by logic or long-term follow-up studies, that a mother that has condemned her helpless son or daughter to gruesome death is happier than one who gave a child a chance to live? Has anyone checked with old people dying alone who might have had a son or daughter or grandchildren to love them?
“There are health reasons for early delivery, but there are NO health reasons to deliver the baby dead rather than alive,” she said. “Late-term abortions involve dilating the cervix and inducing labor. Once a viable baby emerges, it can immediately be placed in the arms of adoptive parents, who may have been waiting for years.”


Filly– With you 1000% Your post is important, TY!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great comment, NF. Somewhere in the threads I noted that studies have proved women who’ve had abortions are more likely to suffer PTSD than those who’ve had miscarriages, and stillbirths. Let me repeat this from the post: This doc has been on FOX & Friends. Probably one of the greatest, succinct messages regarding stopping abortions.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Democrats are America’s 21st century Nazis, and that hyperbole to say it. Apparently Rush has been making that comparison for years, but he’s right. when one studies the Third Reich, the similarities between the Nazi “character” and our Leftists are significant.


Senator Blackburn nails it!


The thought just occurred to me…
Since they have made it legal to inject an unborn baby with a lethal poison…isn’t this an Admission that they are Taking A Life?
Seems to me like an ‘acknowledgement’ that there is a Life there.
We should be asking:
“Why are you using a Poison?”
What would be their answer to that…hmm?
Using a poison is a *conscious act* to make something die, something that is Alive.
Using a poison is not a medical procedure in any practice of obstetrics…at least not any that I have heard of.
Using a poison is something that is done to Cause a Death.
So…why have they made it legal to use a poison on the unborn?


Wheatie– So exactly TRUE!
Using a poison is something that is done to Cause a Death.
So…why have they made it legal to use a poison on the unborn?
You have shined a HUGE light on this subject!! We need to keep the Word War going.. Poisoning-Infanticide-Murder-Killing


We need to be asking:
“If it’s not a ‘life’…then why are you using a poison?”


I LOVE that reply!!!


I will be asking this for sure, now! Wheatietoo, you may have just set a trap for these evil bas*ards, and opened a door for the unborn with that question!


Exactly wheatie…
and if the poor being does not die from the injection
they put it on the counter (wrapped comfortably in a blanket of course)
while they discuss if they should give another injection.
If Agatha Christie were alive, she would say the mother and the physician conspired to kill a human being.


Perhaps this is a way to fight this?
I hope so!
And yeah…it’s ‘premeditated’ murder to use a poison to kill a human being.


I think it is a way to fight it…
I also believe as several OB/GYNs have stated… there should be NO trimester abortions.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’d like to know what drug company is going to supply the poison/lethal drugs. Then maybe we’ll shut them down like they’ve done for capital punishment – drug companies don’t want to provide the drugs, because the activists get after them.
We should do the same for the abortion lethal injection.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, capital punishment, as I noted in the post, the person is sedated, and is gone within a few minutes, “put to sleep” – in abortion they literally causing pain and torture for 24-48 hrs.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What value a human life? Man’s inhumanity to man. These people are the same as the Nazis of the Third Reich.


This is a must watch, from previous page…


LOVE this Phoenix!!!! I firmly stand behind Docs like this!! I will be reaching out to my Doc DIL FROM NY! and report back… THanks for this! Good tears…


You did an excellent job on this topic. Heartbreaking to think about this unspeakable evil that is trying to consume us, I can’t imagine how hard this one was to write. God bless you!


Hi, Volgarian!
I’m glad to see you here.


Glad to be here!! So glad I found all the good treepers again!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you, Volgarian. Good to see you.
Yes, it was difficult. Researching and seeing things I can’t unsee. Tears. Sadness. There were links I would not put in, too disturbing. But I tried to convey the atrocities that are occurring right in the midst of our lives in this country which is supposed to represent the best in the world.
We’re in a infamous group of 7 countries that allow late-term abortions. This includes China and North Korea. What a travesty!


Some years ago when the LIFE tape movement began on the steps of the Supreme Court, a young couple were given what they felt was a call from God to create an adoption agency that supported both the birth mother and the adopting family without creating a huge financial burden, with dignity for all involved. Today that agency is a reality. Run as a non-profit, they are doing the work of the Kingdom with both grace and love. Zoe’s House.

Life is beautiful
We provide confidential and personlized support as you make an informed and loving choice to give your child the gift of life.

comment image


Thank you, ladypenquin, for another powerful pro-life post.
Thanks to all the commenters for their equally powerful contributions to this thread.
Re Virginia, I find the following hard to believe. This woman must have known what this proposed legislation was about:

I also find it rather rich that Ms Tran is the mother of four. Good for her, but does she hope to deny other women that same joy and fulfilment? It would seem so.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you! Churchmouse and everyone else. I was hesitant to write it since I had just done one for the anniversary of Roe V Wade. But I think God wouldn’t let me NOT write it. Do you know what I mean? It was heavy on my heart.
Steve talks about using the correct terminology – and he’s right. But there is a difference between a legal term, and words in our everyday language. Informal and formal language. The vernacular language counts too. We can take control of the WORDS, as daughn247 noted, and make the Left own the words. That’s how they’ve been doing it.
By the way, I’ve used the phrase, “genocide of the unborn”
( for a long, long time.
There is born, and unborn, so when someone on twitter argued with me about my using genocide, simply giving them the definition of genocide helped them understand – a targeted group. Rabid pro-abortionists have created a genocide.
Perhaps New York’s and other states moves on abortion will be the breaking point for people to get their legislators to act or the courts. It’s a message we should keep sending to POTUS, and even Don Jr. yesterday called out Virginia’s governor. Someone, somewhere must hear the cries of the children.


It looks like genocide to me, milady.
I would be very happy to read more of your posts on abortion and infanticide. There are many angles to explore here.
Something’s up besides Rowe v Wade and RBG’s possible demise.
It makes NO sense at all for a woman to carry a baby to term then decide to kill it with medical assistance. I cannot wrap my head around that. Logically, it’s a non-starter.
One could be mistaken for thinking that this is a way to eradicate the American people.
Meanwhile, decent people are correct in fighting such perverse legislation and continuing to bring it to the public’s attention.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m glad that we’re using the right vocabulary to tell the truth. The Left has successfully hidden what they’ve been doing – technology and alternative news’ sources are now letting us get information out there that most people never would have heard previously. The Virginia Governor’s comments yesterday went vival within a couple of hours. James Woods even tweeted about it. The Delegate who had been caught talking about the legislation (the day before) had to delete her twitter account. But this is only the beginning of the fight.
The SC needs to wake up!


‘The SC needs to wake up!’ Absolutely.
Meanwhile, as this legislation is being mooted, and, in the case of New York state, passed, we must press on with opposition.
Thanks to you and the commenters here, I have ample material to write more posts on my site.
As for the Left, yes, let’s criticise their misuse of the English language when discussing murder before we start criticising ourselves.
People need to know the truth behind ‘reproductive rights’, ‘a lump of cells’ and ‘a medical procedure’, phrases I once swallowed hook, line and sinker.
I borrowed from your first essay for one of my own posts and am likely to borrow from this one for a future post, again, with full credit to you.
For now, it is unclear what the actual end game is here. I don’t mean a reaction against Roe v Wade, I mean in terms of the futures of American families who have lived in the US for generations.
Something is afoot, and the more we dig into these machinations, the more likely we are to find out what it is.
May God continue to bless you in defending the unborn.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Chruchmouse, please share the link to your site. I’ll bookmark it. I’m not on FB though. Just twitter. There is an endgame. Similar to the Third Reich, control of who lives, who dies. Special group, who rule over serfs, slaves, whatever, it will be two classes. Do away with the middle-class, which is one of freedom.
Evil never sleeps means that what happened in the 20th century is present in the 21 st.


I’m not on FB, either. 🙂
A few days before I wrote this post, I left a comment on your ‘silent scream’ thread asking if it was okay if I borrowed some of your content with credit to you.
I never got a reply, but hope this was all right. I should correct the spelling of your pen name, which is one word instead of two?
You can get to my site anytime by just clicking on ‘churchmouse’ on my comments. The link there will take you to the home page (and latest post) of my WordPress site.
I think your analysis about the endgame is correct, sadly.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I must have missed the comment. You can use anything anytime. I’ll get a chance to read your link later. 🙂


Many thanks — greatly appreciated.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The thread is running out. Here are two other links to posts I’ve written regarding infanticide/euthanasia – children killed by the NHS in England.
At the UP site, my pen name is, Lady Penguin. When I post on a wordpress blog, here and CTH, it shows as LadyPenquin with a “q” – When I signed up for Twitter, kind of late compared to many, Lady Penguin was taken (though never used) and I had to be creative, so used the same when signing up for WP. Have no idea how to change that. LOL.
Lady Penguin is fine. The links will work correctly from the URLs.
I’ll catch up on your posts as soon as I can. Thanks for sharing.


You’re most welcome.
Thank you for the clarification and for the links.

Karen Y Mathewes

I am a longtime reader formerly of CTH and now exclusively of this Q Tree House. The subject of abortion is more than just a passion of mine. It became very personal to me 2 years ago on February 2nd, 2017. This is the day my precious grandson was born to my daughter. She is not married and does not have a relationship with his father. For 9 months, she had no idea that she was pregnant. This morning I realized that God hid this pregnancy from her by placing the placenta in such a way that she felt no movement. She did not look pregnant. The family saw her at Christmas and no one suspected, as she did not look any bigger than normal. Had she known there is a good possibility due to fear that she would have made a visit to Planned Parenthood and my grandson and her son would have been aborted, or as I like to say, killed. I fell on my knees this morning and thanked my Father God that he hid this pregnancy from her. Ryan has saved my daughter’s life and has been an unbelievable blessing to my aged parents and the rest of my family. Ryan has mended my relationship with my daughter. They live with me and my empty nest (that I was enjoying by the way), is wild and loud and full of laughter and tears and play and cuddles. I would not change one thing that has happened. My daughter’s biggest fear was that we would judge her as we are a Christian family. She was especially worried about what my parents would think of her and of her son. There was not one ounce of judgment from any of us. The last 2 years have taught me the following: Abortion takes away the opportunity for families to do the right thing and love. Abortion takes away the opportunity for a child to become a part of an adoptive family. And this verse now just screams to me and brings tears to my eyes: “I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live.” Deuteronomy 30:19.


God bless you and your beautiful family…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

God bless you, what faith and joy. So happy you shared it.
My daughter, in NYC, who just had twins, shared with me that a single mother is living in a shelter with her 4 mo. old twins. She comes to their church group. I asked her for the sizes of those twins.. why? I go thrifting all the time for baby clothes for my grandbabies, and send care packages to daughter.
I’m delighted to know that I can do a little extra shopping for another woman’s precious little ones.
God Bless you and your family.


comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Dr. Carson, one of my favorite people.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I replied to a POTUS tweet today where he mentioned late-term abortion and the Democrat Party. It’s clear he caught the news yesterday.


Thank you for tweeting ladyp…
thank you for ALL that you do…
God bless you.





Elizabeth Carter

These links are from C-Span 10-19-2016 Presidential Debate with Hillary Clinton
Abortion debate
5:23 video Reno, NV 10-19-2016
Russian Interference
1.38 video


Thanks Elizabeth…

Harry Lime

Don’t worry…they’ve thought this through…as is clearly evidenced in this well-reasoned response to a simple question…
…and the morons on the left think that a smiling teen-aged boy has a punch-worthy face? Seriously? Take a look at this smug demon from Hell…


Abortion is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. “I can’t go to college” “My life is over” My family will judge me” ” I don’t know the father as this was a one night stand” ” I can’t afford to take care of a baby” “I am not ready for a baby, not now” “My lover is paying for me to do this” “My boyfriend does not want the baby” “How can I raise a baby when I still feel like a kid myself” “I was raped” “My family will be shunned by the Church and/or the community because of what I have done” Maybe you can add to the list, but all these reasons to visit Planned Parenthood and get rid of your problem, the Baby, can be solved by adoption and and by giving your family a chance to show real love. Feeling judged by people in your town, the church, your family will pass. All feelings are temporary. The love of a child is permanent and priceless. I know all of this personally, as my grandson will be 2 years old tomorrow. And had my daughter known she was pregnant before she went into labor, he may not have been a part of our family. He has changed all of our lives in ways we could never have imagined. He saved my daughter’s life. He has brought unbelievable joy to me and my fiance. And for my parents who are in their 80’s, he has given them new life. All of my family have been blessed by his birth and life. Life is always, always, the best choice. I hope I live to see the choice of abortion made to be a difficult one or not at all,without having to travel to another state. “I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live” Deuteronomy 30:19.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re right about all the social excuses for why women/men want/get an abortion.
1% rape or incest
6% health issue for mom/baby
93% of all abortions occur for social reasons (unwanted/inconvenient)
IMO, our society has gotten so affluent – it’s the reason why we’ve lost the value of what really matters. Our “poor” aren’t really like the poverty-stricken of so many places in the world. In fact, our “poor” – due to significant government benefits have higher income than many of our working class “poor.”
That said, it appears that as America (and Western Civilization) gained an easier life, and affluent lifestyle, they’ve become poorer in spirit, poorer in what it means to be a human being; they’ve lost their sense of humanity, and too many have moved away from morality – which is actually the framework which holds a society together.


Heads Up
A well-known researcher has done an extensive dig on abortion… You may be aware of her from other projects.
One prominent feature of her digs into abortion is the name CLINTON
Her recent article is LIT with Clinton fingerprints…
Please, save and archive this article off-line… I’m sure it will be scrubbed soon. Here are a few excerpts.
Their Plan Began in 1993
Clinton Foundation: Clinton Health Access Initiative, Clinton Global Initiative, and Clinton Climate Initiative
Planned Parenthood
Partners In Health
Ivy League Schoolscomment image
There are lawsuits pending in at least nine states, challenging who can perform abortions, so as to expand it to nurses and midwives. Planned Parenthood has a suit going in Idaho, Maine, Missouri, and Wisconsin.
In 1993, Planned Parenthood launched the Clinical Training and Research Initiative to expand the number of clinicians trained to provide abortions. They did this in partnership with family medicine and obstetrics/gynecology resident training programs in New York City. They train nurses, certified nurse-midwives, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and physicians through Planned Parenthood affiliates and contracted residency programs. For over two decades, they have been staffing up nurses and midwives, for this very day. Think about that.
This training does not stop at New York City. Their reach is global, and they have been working with international alliances for 45 years, providing clinical training to increase access to abortion services in other countries. Guess where else they have been focusing their efforts, more recently? The Caribbean region. The Clinton Climate Initiative and Branson’s Carbon War Room have been working on a Ten Island Challenge in the Caribbean since 2012, which has long since increased beyond just ten islands. There is extensive information on it in this 3-part article. Coincidentally, 10 of the islands the Clintons and Branson are setting up solar farms on, Planned Parenthood has setup the Caribbean Family Planning Affiliation (CFPA) on those islands as well.
Clintons, Branson, and gang are operating on these islands below (boxed in red), as well as Comoros, Seychelles, Mauritius, Puerto Rico, and likely more at this juncture in time:


In fact, that same year in 2012, the Clinton Global Initiative announced that Planned Parenthood Federation of America was committing to combat the vulnerability of youth to unintended pregnancy, unsafe abortion, HIV/AIDS and other STDs, as well as cultural taboos around age and sexuality. They planned on training youth leaders in the U.S., Africa, and Latin America.
The same year they launched their training initiative in 1993, Planned Parenthood touted this on their website: “President Bill Clinton worked to make abortion “safe, legal and rare.” He ended the “Gag Rule,” instituted by the Bush Administration, which prevented women using federally funded health centers — primarily poor women — from getting the information they needed to make informed choices about unintended or health-threatening pregnancies. President Clinton reversed the “Gag Rule” in his first week in office.”
In 2017, President Trump signed an executive order bringing back the “Gag Rule.” This rule prevents federal funding to clinics that provide abortions or refer patients to places that do, as well as cuts foreign aid from going to groups that provide abortion services. This is a direct hit to Planned Parenthood and their affiliates.
Just how much does Planned Parenthood align with Hillary Clinton’s agendas? For the first time in its 100-year existence, Planned Parenthood endorsed a presidential primary – Hillary Rodham Clinton.
more at link

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

These “Ghouls of Death” (my new label) prey upon the young and scared. I would have been scared at that age!


If one browses through the Clinton Health Access Initiative website, they will see the many nursing and midwifery programs they have been working on in multiple locations, from Zambia as far back as 2007, Malawi, Haiti, to scaling up midwifery in Mexico and Central America back in 2007, and even Pakistan in 2009. They paint their website with words of care and concern for the mothers, beefed up with numbers that are difficult to validate from afar, and portray themselves to be saviors – all while operating illegally.
It is also important to note that Chelsea Clinton is on the board of Partners in Health, and Dr. Paul Farmer of Partners in Health, is on the board of Clinton Health Access Initiative.
Key statistics for Planned Parenthood:comment image
Why are the Clintons, Paul Farmer, Jim Yong Kim, Ivy League schools, Planned Parenthood, and countless others, so interested in “women’s rights?” Are they after the money, the babies, or both? Why are they infiltrating numerous countries to teach them midwifery? They state they are training them to deliver babies safely, while at the same time expanding their availability to have abortions. It’s a bit of an oxymoron, isn’t it? Millions of taxpayer dollars are being pumped out to ALL of these organizations. What is their fascination with the islands along the Caribbean, which coincidentally run along the largest drug and child trafficking transits?
Don’t be fooled by their labels, “women’s rights”, “reproductive health”, “reduce deaths”, “live long productive lives,” “fill gaps in family planning.” How do any of these sayings fit into expanding abortion access, or fighting for full-term abortions that would allow a baby to suffer and die outside the womb, if the abortion procedure failed? They don’t.
Virginia Pushing for Abortions While Mother is in Labor
Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, who endorsed the Repeal Act, received $1.996 million in campaign contributions, over the course of five years, from Planned Parenthood.
On January 29, 2019, Virginia Delegate Kathy Tran (D-Springfield) testified in support of her bill, the Repeal Act (HB2491), to make late-term abortions legal in Virginia. Video of her testimony made its way into social media, and it brought a whole new level of shock and awe to the already disturbing news. So much so, that Tran removed her twitter account.
Under the added “mental health” condition, even if the baby is viable, a physician WITHOUT training in mental health, can certify an abortion if he/she deems the woman’s mental health is somehow at risk, though they do not specify any reasons in the bill itself. When the chairman asked specific questions about what conditions might constitute the health of the mother being in danger, no one could answer these questions, and stated that the physicians couldn’t be there today. In other words, they drafted this bill, are behind this bill, and don’t comprehend the specifics of this bill? No, they are fully aware, which is why Tran didn’t want to answer the questions.
LISTEN to the repeals in this 6-minute video. Their late-term abortion runs through the end of the third trimester, up to 40 weeks, and while a woman is dilated and in labor, she can request an abortion.

The current status of this bill, as of January 28, 2019:
House: Subcommittee recommends laying on the table (5-Y 3-N)


Still more from Corey’s Digs’ article
Clinics to Offer ‘Young Blood’ Transfusions
Five Ambrosia clinics have recently popped up, offering “young blood” transfusions for older people, for purposes of increasing their focus, sleep, and maintaining a more youthful appearance. The blood used in the initial clinical trials came from donors age 16 to 25, but it doesn’t state where the blood will be coming from in these operational clinics. Those paying for this fountain of youth, will be charged $8,000 for one liter of blood to fill their veins, and the procedure can be paid for via Paypal.
Their hope was to setup shop in New York City first, but one can currently get the procedure done in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Tampa, FL, Omaha, NE, and Houston, TX. Despite the fact that the results of their trials have not been made public, and there is no scientific evidence to suggest these treatments will help anyone, since the Food and Drug Administration approve blood transfusions, Ambrosia is operating as an off-label treatment.
The question is, where are these blood banks? Who are the donors, and what age are they? Is any agency overseeing this?
All of this raises more questions around adrenochrome, which is the chemical compound produced by the oxidation of adrenaline. There is a known, common theory, based on a lot of what might be considered as “circumstantial evidence,” that points to elites utilizing adrenochrome to maintain energy and youth, due to their adrenals, endocrine system, and organs being compromised. In order to achieve this, they must draw the blood from an infant or child, when it is in a state of fear, so that the adrenaline is coursing through at the time of the transfusion. Now this may sound far-fetched, yet based on what they have done with baby body parts, organ harvesting, and now youth blood clinics, it would almost seem, they are attempting to normalize something that parallels what they may have been consuming for quite some time.
The movie Clockwork Orange refers to adrenochrome as “drencrom”, in the new Netflix show ‘Santa Clarita Diet,’ the mom has to eat human beings in order to survive, and in ‘Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas’, he spoke of ingesting massive booze, fatback, and forty cc’s of adrenochrome.
You think this is all for entertainment? Think again. Narratives, secrets, and disclosures have been filtering out of Hollywood since its inception. Technology is a perfect example of this.
more at link

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

pR, will be back to read. These people are insane, but it is happening.


I know I have posted too much here… want to be sure it is on record, archived…
Lots to digest and new names to add to list of ‘evil’




