This special GAB MOON A-RISIN’ MONDAY Open Thread is VERY OPEN.
As the battle to restore FREE SPEECH prepares to go on offense with Gab’s coming COMMENT BROWSER EXTENSION, we bring our readers one of the most interesting Q “decodes” yet.
I don’t necessarily agree with it, but it leads somewhere EXTREMELY INTERESTING.
(1) The Q decode is the idea that “the watch” is JUDICIAL WATCH.
Oh, yeah, that would be THIS WATCH. If somebody can SEE a solid link from this watch with a time of about 3:15 to JUDICIAL WATCH, then please SAY something.

(2) Is “Judicial Watch” “the Watch”? If so, then what have we here?
(3) WAIT A SECOND – so Cankles’ closest buddy PODESTA is connected to a PRO-RUSSIAN outfit in UKRAINE? Very interesting that Cankles helped set up an allegedly anti-Russian coup in Ukraine, but then snuggles up to the OTHER SIDE.
Remember when I theorized that Podesta ALLOWED / ASKED / GOT the Russians to hack his email account to help set up Trump?

Well, it sure would be convenient if there was a clear, NSA-free path to request that help, would it not?
(4) Was Ukraine going to be Hillary’s “intentional losing war” to scuttle the US military? German bases closing first? Hmmmm…..
Very interesting, given that we were WARNED that a UKRAINE/RUSSIA SPLIT was considered by Communists to be the CLASSIC Kremlin ploy to suck America into the perpetually warned-against LAND WAR IN ASIA.
HRC[8] WWIII [death & weapons real / WAR FAKE & CONTROLLED][population growth control/pocket billions]
Q Post 570
Eliminate final rogue_ops within Gov’t/MIL
KILL economy [starve/need/enslave]
Open borders
Revise Constitution
Ban sale of firearms (2nd amen removal)
Install ‘on team’ SC justices> legal win(s) across spectrum of challengers (AS 187)
Removal of electoral college [pop vote ^easier manipulation/illegal votes/Soros machines]
Limit/remove funding of MIL
Closure of US MIL installations WW [Germany 1st]
Destruction of opposing MSM/other news outlets (censoring), CLAS 1-59
Pure EVIL.
Narrative intercept [4am].
Sessions/Nunes Russian OPS.
Repub distortion of facts to remove Mueller.[POTUS free pass].
Shutdown Primary Reasons.
Weaken military assets.
Inc illegal votes.
Black voters abandoning.
“Keep them starved”
“Keep them blind”
“Keep them stupid”
HRC March 13, 2013 [intercept].
The Great Awakening.
Fight, Fight, Fight.
QJUDICIAL WATCHHRC[8] WWIII [death & weapons real / WAR FAKE & CONTROLLED][population growth control/pocket billions]
Eliminate final rogue_ops within Gov’t/MIL
KILL economy [starve/need/enslave]
Open borders
Revise Constitution
Ban sale of firearms (2nd amen removal)
Install ‘on team’ SC justices> legal win(s) across spectrum of challengers (AS 187)
Removal of electoral college [pop vote ^easier manipulation/illegal votes/Soros machines]
Limit/remove funding of MIL
Closure of US MIL installations WW [Germany 1st]
Destruction of opposing MSM/other news outlets (censoring), CLAS 1-59
Pure EVIL.
Narrative intercept [4am].
Sessions/Nunes Russian OPS.
Repub distortion of facts to remove Mueller.[POTUS free pass].
Shutdown Primary Reasons.
Weaken military assets.
Inc illegal votes.
Black voters abandoning.
“Keep them starved”
“Keep them blind”
“Keep them stupid”
HRC March 13, 2013 [intercept].
The Great Awakening.
Fight, Fight, Fight.
In particular:
HRC[8] WWIII [death & weapons real / WAR FAKE & CONTROLLED][population growth control/pocket billions]
Yeah, I’m starting to see just how much “reset with the Russians” Little Miss Alinsky was up to. $146 Million was just the DOWN PAYMENT for a job well done. But for the REST, she needed to WIN.
And they never thought she’d lose.
Back to the usual stuff.
You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on. Keep it civil. Rules much like the Old Treehouse, except of course Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged. A couple of other important things to consider. This link….
….contains some general guidelines for things that are really, really not kosher to post here.
Also consider Wheatie’s Rules (as amended by SteveInCO):
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
- No shooting at the nuclear warheads.
Remember – this is a free speech zone. Barring the few minor things that can get this site closed down, you ain’t gonna get banned.
And once the Gab commenting layer is here – BOOM.
– – · –
The current plan for Dear MAGA threads is to switch to a format where people have ONE NIGHT A WEEK that they take care of the thread. For example, Wheatie will put up the SATURDAY thread on FRIDAY NIGHT.
- Monday – Wolf
- Tuesday – Wolf
- Wednesday – Wolf
- Thursday – Wolf
- Friday – Wolf
- Saturday – Wheatie
- Sunday – ThinkThinkThink
If anybody else would be interested in being a Dear MAGA author one night a week, feel free to let me know.
Have a GREAT WEEK, people!

Great Dear MAGA, Wolf.
In the lead up for the SOTU address on Tuesday, by request of a fellow Q Treeper, there is now a new Prayers For Protection topic up here:
Good deal!!!
US Army To Give Soldiers New 1-Ounce Hidden Weapons That Will Change the Game
Little pocket recon drones?
Very cool!
Here’s the video about them, from the article:
Wow very cool. I like that its shaped like a helicopter vs a regular drone. Nothing worst then trying to fly a drone and you can’t control it.
This is the monitor screen that they will use to see what the drone is seeing:
That’s cool as crap!!
Total game changer.
One of my deepest, darkest desires = to have smart enough to work for DARPA!
By Ryan Leasure
The more I hear about Molech, and the more I hear Gosnell-type infanticide defended today, the more credence I put in allegations that the cult of Molech survived underground. I know it sounds far-fetched, but that exact same mentality seems very prevalent in the modern left.
It doesn’t sound so far-fetched to me anymore, Wolfie. I keep reading articles from whistle blowers or seeing videos claiming that the top elites sacrifice children. And don’t forget about that statue in Bohemian Grove.
There’s been a ton of efforts to resurrect many of the ancient mystery religions. They wouldn’t have to survive so much as have someone looking for an excuse to reinstitute pagan worship. It’s not far fetched at all when you consider how many pagan and new age cults have incubated and sprang forth in California since the late 1960s. Most likely that someone would be of the exact same mentality that seems very prevalent in the modern left. People looking for spiritual experiences and meaning in cults, paganism, new age thinking, drugs, everywhere but God. Berkeley’s gonna Berkeley.
Having Day of the Dead celebrations everywhere doesn’t help, either.
A few years ago, I saw a photo of an Episcopal church in the US that had a Day of the Dead shrine in it. It was heartbreaking to see.
I wouldn’t say it’s Day of the Dead so much as the pagan societal appropriation and re-appropriation of Christian Holy Days. Those words themselves became “holiday” and the connotations involved. It’s a day off from labor. Yes, but no longer practiced as a solemnity, necessarily, where the people go to Mass first thing in the morning. The major solemnities of Christmas and Easter have a tension, and Pentecost and Corpus Christi have been ignored, but All Hallows Eve and Mardi Gras, both days of preparation of sorts, are considered by the general population to just be big parties when it’s prep for All Saints Day, All Souls Day and Ash Wednesday.
It’s a matter of keeping the celebrations in context.
To have a shrine of skulls inside a church with all manner of gaudy decoration is not in keeping with Christianity.
The church was doing it to be relevant to its changing neighbourhood.
I appreciate your giving me a lesson on syncretic celebrations, DP, but really? I’ve been writing about stuff like this for nearly a decade.
Yep – several of the ‘religious’ extra-Biblical ‘holy days’ or holidays are pagan copycat and were created by the church to try to win the pagans and native populase and/or appease/refocus the membership.
This x1000! Thanks, GA/FL!
Sorry for the typos….I get excited and forget to review my comments sometimes.
I didn’t notice.
We all do it from time to time.
There are traditions and there are basic common denominators of the True Faith and Gospel of Jesus Christ – that St. Vincent of Lerins wanted the Church to hold fast….”What was believed always, everywhere and by all.”
Gnosticism, Heresy, Apostasy, Syncretism, Sin and Disobedience began almost as soon as Jesus was buried.
I beg your pardon on the skulls thing. Yes, there are skulls in Christian Churches. They are known as relics, as they are bones of the saints. The “decorations” are reliquaries and a reminder that we all turn to dust.
That’s why there are chapels in the Catacombs in Rome that did have bones in them
The reliquary at Trastevere, indicentally, has the bones, including a few skulls, of early martyrs that modern “scholars” who obviously have never been there tell us probably did not exist. People like Sts. Celicia, Valentine,
Here is St. Valentine.
Oh, and I’ve been studying my faith writing about this stuff for quite a while myself. I have a different viewpoint after visiting Rome, a lot of churches, and, as one person on the Pallium tour in 2009 put it, being surrounded by dead people.
I am able to distinguish between a relic and a pagan display.
I, too, have made quite a lot of visits to churches in Rome and other European destinations.
I don’t think you have the monopoly on this subject. Other people have also done travelling and research.
Thank you for the exchange.
Gnosticism, Heresy, Apostasy, Syncretism, Sin and Disobedience *AND FALSE TEACHERS, AMBITIOUS LEADERS* began almost as soon as Jesus was buried.
The display of which I speak was so ‘out there’ in trying to get new church members. It was desperately pandering to the local population, who were probably mostly Catholic, anyway.
My conclusion: There’s a difference between turning something pagan into something Christian (e.g. Christmas) and turning something Christian into something pagan.
Good WORD!
Addendum: “Gnosticism, Heresy, Apostasy, Syncretism, False Teachers and Ambitious Leaders, OCCULT SPIRITUALISM, Sin and Disobedience began almost as soon as Jesus was buried.”
These kinds of errors and sins have continued through the ages and exist in many forms today.
LBGTQ is nothing new – it was outlined in Romans 1:18-32 – It is the result of the fall and the fruit of the unregenerate fleshly rebellious human mind/heart/soul.
That is quite funny. You should really learn your history. Every single Christian holiday was originally a Pagan holiday that was appropriated by the Church because the people wouldn’t give up their celebrations. That’s why Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t celebrate any holidays. They get it. They know the history.
Yes, I am quite well aware that some of the Holy Days were adopted. I know my history better than some others.
I also know that those claiming victory, whether that was really the case or not, have one side to tell and the other party has a different one that is generally ignored. In the case of Church Solemnities, many of them are not “celebrated” with a party because they DID originate in the Church.
And then there is the Triduum. That certainly didn’t come from pagan societies.
Not some. All. And yes, the Triduum did in fact originate in European pre-Christian religious practice. Easter being a prime example. Even the name is Pre-Christian. The entire holiday became Christianized because the people were flat out not going to give up their Goddess nor their celebration. So it was syncretized.
And you are the one who said that Pagans are co-opting Christian holy days. So I’m not quite sure how you can in one post say that and then say you’re quite well aware. The Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity is an excellent book. Consider reading it so you can understand just how very much of what you think of as Christianity is not in actual fact. It’s pre-Christian belief and practice adopted by the church because they couldn’t get rid of it.
Reco-opting is what I said, and I’ll stick to my own sources, thank you.
Hard to believe that pagans would have celebrated the Ascension, Corpus Christi, or the Annunciation let alone cleaned out their larders for a period of 40 days of fasting.
Not all of what is presented putting Christians as co-opters is done in good faith. More like to put us in a bad light.
Doesn’t matter. All the focus on God in the Trinity is a good thing.
You can believe whatever you want. But please don’t be so arrogant as to believe that our ancestors were barbarians who had no sense of the sacred or had no holidays. What Wiccans and universalist Pagans believe/do has not a whole lot to do with actual pre-Christian beliefs nor practice, and a whole lot to do with SJW secular religion infecting Paganism as well just like it has Christianity. I’m not an archaeologist nor an anthropologist by profession but I am dedicated student of the past. I wouldn’t have been able to survive in the Marxist environment. This is more than my hobby. It’s one of my passions.
If you feel that telling the truth about Christian holidays – which should actually be all the Jewish holidays based on the history and lineage of Christianity – puts Christians in a bad light then that’s your “cross” to bear. Truth has no bias.
Our ancestors had a strong tradition of fasting for religious purposes as well as necessity. In fact, most of the more extreme practices of Medieval European Christianity were carry overs from the pre-Christian traditions. You don’t see a lot of these practices in Coptic nor Orthodox Christianity, because they were a European thing.
Where I grew up after my family fled communism people went three times a day to church. One time before work and school.
People went to church at lunch before eating. Lunch hour was two hours.
Six pm was the evening service.
When I lived for a short time in the Monastery of Iona in Scotland I experienced church befor work that change the whole work exsperience.
No church in US wants to send members every day to work after prayer service. We will come alive children will enjoy school the country will turn.
The church needs to be proactive to turn away evil to heal souls.
Hi Wolf – this is simply the cult of the ego manifesting again. It has never left mankind. In its most virulent form it manifests as Molech – this is the worship of the self over Gd – death instead of Life.
The eternal battle, commenced in Eden – to be finished at Gd’s choosing …
Strangely enough, this may tie into the watch motif of Q – see below
Romans 1:18-32 – The Road to Perdition is outlined.
The rest of Romans outlines the Road to Repentance and Redemption!
Great article, Michael. Thanks for posting.
Here’s the link for those who are interested in reading it in full:
thank you, churchmouse
You’re most welcome.
Thanks! That’s my mistake, failed to include the link.
No worries.
I’ll write about this on my site either this week or next.
Update on Kristie Patton
(The wife of Michael Patton, head of Credo House Ministries, Making Theology Accessible –
The GoFundMe page established to help the Patton’s with medical expenses:
Kristie Patton Dog Attack Medical Bills
Looks like she came close to losing an eye!
What kind of dog?
Its a keeper.
Wow! Just Wow!
Do we live in a great country. Thank you, Lord, for our blessings and for raising Donald J. Trump to lead our country as President at a crucial time. Prayers Answered; Promises Kept.
Beautiful!! Thanks Gil!! Cold chills!!! We had a SB party tonite–Great friends and family–never watched a minute of the TV’s– but enjoyed bringing people together!! Mr. Marica is Actually 6 degrees guy– Like Kevin Bacon.. LOL!
powerful! thanks for sharing!
…….but it’s a Kia car – not a Ford.
ALERT: 9-Year-Old Drag Queen Has Been Dancing for Cash in Ohio Bars
February 1, 2019
This is terrible – fortunately the law does not look favorably upon this.
There was an article at bb today. 4 pedos , 2 f 2 m, plotting to kidnap and rape a young boy from a county fair then torture and murder him. All lived in different places. All had evidence of other pedo crimes. This is just 1 incident. Another article on a guy arrested for repeatedly raping/sodomizing an infant.
We have to eliminate these people once arrested.
Is society more sick or are we more aware? Either way without getting these people out and showing your behavior has consequences, including the sick exploitation within drag , Im in need of a fortified castle with turrets and a moat.
I am not a violent person but I would have killed if a man had Don this to my babies even if it had benn my husband.
I did not leave my babies with strangers . My husband never babysat because he did not know what to do if they were awake.
There is a reason to stay home at least until kids go to school.
More sick!!! Getting closer to the End…
That disgusting story reminds me of that Mike Cernovich Tweet (a week or so back) that people were kinda freaking out about, because it sounded like he was mocking Christianity (IMO I thought he was being sarcastic). He numbered 3 points, and the first one had all of us baffled, because it had to do with 11 year olds dancing, or something (if I’m remembering right).
“…this has all been organized by his mother.”
What kind of a mother would do such a thing!?!
I don’t know but for someone to do this to a child – it must be put to an end.
this is so reprehensible!
child exploitation at it’s worst…
Not acceptable. Not at all acceptable. The kid should be taken from his parents.
I call BS that the owner of the bar didn’t know – NO WAY! And the Mother works for Ohio CPS?
“After further research, events such as this one have been promoted over a year by the child’s mother (sources say that the child’s mother is an active Ohio child protective service employee) and “Miss Onyx Ohio” entertainment agency.”
We are now in uncharted territory.
Caveat: “several sources say.” But, yes, I was completely dumbfounded!
Ooops – just “sources say.”
Uh oh? #2 for Northam in a me too scandal?
Whos next in line?
I don’t know WHAT is going on out there – but something BIG is going down in Virginia…
Northam is reconsidering quitting? Hes looking for a payday first I think if he does.
According to this site, the next in line after the lieutenant governor is the attorney general.
The attorney general is Democrat Mark R. Herring. He has called for Northam’s resignation.
It would be quite a scandal if both the governor and lieutenant governor went down.
Ohhhhh the swamp is deep in Virginia.
This is going to be an interesting week.
And INFANTICIDE is now a BYGONE MEMORY, as planned……
While Vermont and RI introduce even more broad infanticide bills!
“Unlike New York’s new law and the Virginia legislation, there is nothing at all in the bill about distinguishing non-viability of the fetus from viability.
There is no pretense of limiting late-term abortion to circumstances in which the life or health of the mother might be impacted.
There is nothing mentioned about what to do with a born baby that survives abortion.
It establishes a “fundamental right to abortion,” meaning an absolute right that cannot be infringed or restrained in any way.
The bill has 91 co-sponsors. It could very well pass. If it does, I do believe it will become the most radical abortion legalization statute in the world.”
Fairfax’s statement was included in the thread – allegedly, this person approached WAPO a year or so ago – they claim to have investigated and declined. So…..take with a grain of salt, perhaps?
Going over my grocery list now…
Duly adding “popcorn”.
How Venezuela Took the Fastest Route to Poverty
Dr. Anne Bradley
February 1, 2019
I loved the “magic wand” reference
This time though it’s a reference to socialist economic policy, that the socialist thinks they have some kind of economic “magic wand” to fix everything. Sounds about right, doesn’t it?
In Anne Bradley’s case her reference to the socialist magic wand has some history – it isn’t a new rhetorical example.
I have a sneaking suspicion that in typical BHO fashion, he had been exposed to an economic critique of socialism at one of the many economic policy conferences, and the “magic wand” argument against socialism got under his skin, just like DJT did. So, true to form never creating anything new, he decided to invert the argument and weaponize it against Trump.
Salagadoola mechicka boola
Put them together and what have you got
Wow, look at those dwellings, how did they do that? I’m not well traveled but I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like that and am so glad I don’t have to live there.
We have our modern day Moloch—it is called Planned Parenthood. And just as the Canaanites killed their own children believing they would benefit themselves by currying Moloch’s favor, so do many believe they are benefiting themselves and even humanity by carving up the precious bodies of divine little souls for the sake of medical research. David Dalieden’s undercover Planned Parenthood videos and face-to-face interviews with people who used to be in charge of “harvesting” explain in agonizing detail how some aborted babies who made it out of the womb alive were KEPT alive for optimal harvesting of their hearts or brains. Meaning, it was the harvesting process that ultimately killed them.
Go to YouTube and check out videos of Jan 2018 testimony of Dr. Stanley Plotkin, the father of modern vaccines. Listen to him try to minimize and then eventually admit that he has used many, many aborted children to develop vaccines. He is an atheist who scoffs at the idea that the Catholic Church believes he is condemned to Hell. As I said in the prayer thread, people who do not believe in God, tend to think THEY are God. Or at least they are willing to play God, without so much as a flinch of their conscience.
” If somebody can SEE a solid link from this watch with a time of about 3:15 to JUDICIAL WATCH, then please SAY something.”
Wolf…I don’t know about the connection to Judicial Watch, but ‘March 15th’ is also known as the “Ides of March”.
This year March 15th falls on a Friday.
There are several superstitions about the ‘fifth day’, Friday, both good and bad.
So the significance of the ‘Ides of March’ falling on a Friday, could go either way.
There’s got to be a reason why Q gave us that picture and said “Follow the watch”.
I don’t know what it is, though.
Thanks! I was thinking maybe Ides of March, too!
Wheatie–Beware the ides of March–Et tu Brute comes to mind!! Wait what?
Well, we don’t know that Q meant for us to connect that to ‘March 15th’…so hopefully he didn’t.
Wheatie- We are all coming to the same conclusion!! T3 Keeps us praying MOAR!! Yup!! Pray pray pray!!
Amen to that, Marica!
My guess is that the time is 3:14.
This is due to “parallax error”, and the correction thereof.
The picture of the face of the watch is at a slight angle to the lens (and therefore to the eye).
If one were to mentally “correct” the perspective (i.e. picture as looking at the watch-face straight on), one may determine that the time actually reads 3:14.
3+14=17 ?
Agreed, see below for another perspective.
Hi Jason!!! Are you home? Good to see ya!
Hi MARICA!! Yes, settling in to new digs in Sydney and getting used to being married again!!
Will probably not be commenting as much in the near term as I used to in my “bachelor” stage, but am starting to read most of the comments again.
Lots of new “faces” and missing some old friends. Where’s Steve (CO) and Andrew?
Congrats on the wedding!! Say Hi to your new bride from all of us at the Q tree!!! great to have you back! Steve is taking a break but we are begging for his return..Not sure about Andrew… SOTU tonight might bring them back? hope so!!
Hi Marica – Thanks for the congrats, but it seems like I confused my “situation”. Not newly married, just re-united with my wife after we elected to live in separate cities in order to “shepherd” our daughter into a career in ballet.
Our daughter has graduated to her final school in London and husband and wife have re-united in Sydney (where the “girls were), rather than back in our home in Tasmania, where I was working and keeping the home fires burning, so to speak.
Jason! thanks for clarifying!! Congrats on your daughter! You have a few interesting tales to tell I fee certain!!! And I bet you have an awesome accent!!
“There are several superstitions about the ‘fifth day’, Friday,”
Calendars in Europe are usually printed to show Friday as the fifth day of the week, but Jews, Seventh Day Adventists, and various Bible based, “Judaizing” Christian groups treat Saturday as the sabbath, making Sunday 1st and Friday 6th.
Calendars in the US are printed to show Friday 6th, following the traditions of the Puritans who settled in Massachusetts. Even though they did not go so far as to actually move the day of worship to Saturday, the Puritans in England did study the Bible, and knew that Saturday was the day Genesis claimed God rested on.
Wondering about your thoughts on this.
I think that the History of things gives us insight into the words we use everyday.

I mentioned ‘fifth day’ merely because that is how the word ‘Friday’ came to be, that’s all.
Actually, the standard etymology is that ‘Friday’ came from Freya, the Germanic goddess.
Perfect Timing: CEO of MyPillow Takes Bold Stand Against Abortion and Takes Fight to Hollywood
FEBRUARY 1, 2019 AT 11:50AM
That’s worth posting twice (on yesterdays thread). Looks good! Worth waiting for.
May have to pony up and buy his product.
This is NOT a commercial, but Mrs. RedLeg got me one and it works exactly like Mike says.
I’ve heard the man/name before on here before but what’s great about a pillow (if you don’t mind me asking…)
Pat, here goes. I’m actually just like his commercials. Forever I complained to my wife about my neck and how bad all our pillows were and how I could never find a good one. I tried them all including the foam ones that were really expensive. But I kept complaining since I couldn’t seem to find one that I liked. One night Mrs. RedLeg announced, “Enough Already!!! I’m ordering one of those MyPillow thingies and you can just drop it!!”
Well, Mike’s pillow arrived and it really, really worked. Now, keep in mind that they do come in different “settings” so know what you want. The offer that the wife got me was a two for one deal, so she ordered one with a black tag, and the other with a green tag.
The one with the green tag is the one that worked for me.
And, that’s the rest of the story!!
thank you! I will definitely have to check these out…I seem to suffer from what you do…not having a pillow I am comfortable with.
Pat, make sure to call them and chat first; they will describe the differences to you – that’s what the wife did to make sure we got the right one.
thanks I will!
Mike has quite a story:
Thanks for posting this as I only got to hear a part of his story on a Hannity radio program.
Great info!! thanks Michael!! hmmm gotta buy a My Pillow… Maybe I’ll sleep longer…
LOL I was not trying to post a commercial for My Pillow! But if it helps you sleep better, by all means give it a shot. I’m certain it’ll be better than anything Arianna Huffington would sell you.
God Bless, Lindell. He’s walking the walk.
Indeed. The pressure on successful businessmen to conform to certain cultural norms is overwhelming, and I’m certain he has overcome some incredible struggles to become such a fighter and do so with courage knowing how vicious the opposition is. Anyone having to deal with these jackals trying to force you to retract your advertising has suffered things they themselves and their families won’t speak openly about.
Absolutely, Michaelh!
Amen to that, Michael!
We had a CEO in town, funny guy, smart guy, gave me his pool table when he retired and moved to Florida.
He decided to viciously fight every frivolous lawsuit or workman’s comp claim against the company.
For the real claims, he settled generously and quickly.
His goal was to remove the lawyers from the equation. It worked.
No sure it would work in a time of an on-line mob, generating hate and press from a distance, who generally, are unaware of the circumstances in a particular case.
Yet, I keep waiting for ONE American CEO to stand up to the mob.
The pressure of knowing what successful business people (men & women) know is dangerous but the result of telling what you know can be deadly.
OAN played that promo – this is one I WILL go see in the theater! Looks like it will be very impactful – let’s all hope.
Thanks for posting the article about the funding participation of Lindell. I heard him on a Hannity Radio Program recently and he spoke about his addiction issues. He said he was on crack cocaine when he invented the “My Pillow”. I didn’t hear all of the interview because I was traveling but I was left thinking how awesome it would be to get his story told along with other similar success stories in a somewhat regular television production where more people would see the possibilities of recovery and success that can follow….
Don’t take this wrong but we only know of his addiction and recovery. We don’t know the details of what he did while he was hooked (and he may not even remember everything he did). We don’t want to incite some snoop from the enemy camp to go digging in his past. There may be things there that could wipe out all the good he has done and is doing.
Let’s just let him do what he does now.
pgroup, not sure I understand your comment well enough to take it right or wrong. Mike Lindell told his story to Sean Hannity who is now the most influential radio host in America according to a 2018 ranking from Talkers Magazine on his radio program and I only heard part of it and was very inspired to know about what little I was able to listen to and wished I didn’t have an appointment that I had to get out of my vehicle to get to. People like Mike speaking about his addiction can have a powerful affect on our country as a whole with so much focus on the opiod addiction crisis where people are looking for hope for a better life.
I have had close relationships with people addicted to drugs and alcohol and the world is one of general chaos. The Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of those addicted to drugs and/or alcohol who share their experience, strength and hope in order to solve their common problems and the first time I sat in a room of an Al Anon meeting, I knew I was “at home”. One of the first things I learned in the Al Anon program was that we are only as sick as our secrets and I had lived with so much I could not speak about for way too long and I didn’t even realize those things were secrets.
And I have absolutely no power over what Mike Lindell does now but I do have the utmost respect for his ability to stand his ground in the world of business that has already snooped everywhere he’s ever been. He is fearless in taking a bold stand on abortion with the movie production that could not come at a better time for our country.
Razorbak posted an article above that has this interview below in it that may help you better understand the value of him telling his story….
MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell talks with Laura Harris Smith from about Mike going from “crack addict to CEO”
I enjoyed this very much, Thank You!
Here’s a DJT clip I’ve never seen before:
so young…
SOTU Preview!
From the YouTube:
Donald Trump throws a football wins a million dollars , the don only wins can’t loose…
In 1992 at the Jim Kelly Stargaze Shootout Donald J. Trump makes a qualifying throw for the million dollar toss, one of a select few to throw the football through the target. Some of the stars competing included Dan Marino, John Elway, Don Makowski, Warren Moon, Randall Cunningham, Paul Maguire, Chris Collingsworth, Frank Reich, Don Beebe and Kirk Cameron.
Barron looks like he grew a little bit more over the weekend.
And I love that double-profile picture!
He could even be allergic than his dad or close. And with plenty of growing years left. Melanie must be constantly buying clothes and he’s gotta be growing out of stuff.
Taller. How the hell did auto correct get alllergic
LOL Auto-correct must die!
Hilarious! I usually don’t even notice spelling errors and read what was “meant” but have to admit this peaked my curiousity! I recently had a “serious talk” with my phone keyboard that seemed to produce weird auto corrections only when I was texting a particular person.
A maga hat and a covfefe cup!!
Don’t watch the game but congrats!!!
And just to laugh
What was that? …Halftime entertainment?
no, just Target’s super bowl ad…Adam was modeling the new James Comey line…lol
I guess…? I think the Meme’s turned out better.
There will never be another Tom Brady.
“In 2000, Tom Brady told Robert Kraft he would be “the best decision this organization has ever made.”
Great come back story on Edelman:
Edelman is hilarious.
With husband born and bred and Boston, of course, we cheer for the Pats.
Yet, my family had Saints seasons tickets since 1972.
It’s been a hard week for me.
Didn’t know until yesterday that both teams have Huskers – Suh and Burkhead (there may have been others) – I am sick of Brady but glad my fav, Burkhead, won. That is way cool! He is SUCH a wonderful guy, with all he has done for Team Jack!
BTW, I can guarantee that Suh would NOT be one to turn down a WH invite!
So the LA Rams proclaimed before the SB that if they were to win they would not go to the WH !
Well now, just another victim of the ‘Trump Curse’ !
You betcha !! heheheheheheh ! The world will never run out of fools.
(whining) but it’s Tom Brady…not everybody likes the same team, but everybody hates Tom Brady…lol
I’m so torn…I know he loves POTUS…(whining LOUDER)…but it’s Tom Brady…lol
didn’t watch the game…but I did skate back into the room to see the commercials–always the best part of it anyway…they mostly stunk so didn’t watch them either. I used to LOVE the Budweiser commercials with the horses!!
Pat– We had a big party… Didn’t watch Any of it–Except for the last 2 minutes.. Cheered on Patriots as Rams fell to the TRUMP CURSE!! HA!
I know…I’m sooooo conflicted! love that the Rams (smug, may not go to WH–WAIT TO BE INVITED Prom Queens) lost, but that means Tom Brady won AGAIN…at least he didn’t get MVP…
Oh nice.
kea– I ADORE this pic!!! Patriots Keep Winning! Trump Curse stays intact! Snowflakes Melt! GOD is In Control!!
This is sooo sweet:
Fake News Washington Post Blows $5.25 Million on Super Bowl Ad Highlighting Important Work of Junk Reporting
Yeah, that WaPo ad is some shamelessly self-aggrandizing bullsh-t.
Here it is, for those who haven’t seen the thing:
Uh…”Democracy dies in darkness”?
That’s more like their ‘mission statement’!
Because they’re the ones smothering it in the dark.
It sounded ridiculous when they put it up and it still sounds ridiculous today. It should’ve never passed review.
To me it sounds like “WaPo: Killing Democracy in Darkness” which based on their behavior sounds about right.
You nailed it Michael,
that’s how I see it.
Maybe they should have saved that $ for when the covington kids lawsuit happens….
…and they put a pic of Kellog-ksheggi in it!
…Funny, Kellog-ksheggi worked for the “Post” (I know really C_A/Iran)…theres the making of a good joke there.
Actually, I hope democracy dies. In the light or in the dark doesn’t matter – it just needs to die.
RE: Judicial Watch and (about) 3:15
The 3:15 watch setting might be a Biblical reference? Example: Revelation 3:15-16
Ezekiel 3:14-17 (NIV) has this concerning a watchman:
14 The Spirit then lifted me up and took me away, and I went in bitterness and in the anger of my spirit, with the strong hand of the Lord on me. 15 I came to the exiles who lived at Tel Aviv near the Kebar River. And there, where they were living, I sat among them for seven days—deeply distressed.
Ezekiel’s Task as Watchman
16 At the end of seven days the word of the Lord came to me: 17 “Son of man, I have made you a watchman for the people of Israel; so hear the word I speak and give them warning from me.
While we were sleeping…..
President Trump’s WMD Twitter feed hit58 MILLION FOLLOWERS!!!
58,002,443 – 4:28 am – 2/4/19
57,811,367 – 6:01 am – 1/28/19 – 1 week ago
56,887,816 – 8:22 am – 1/4/19 – 1 month ago
47,374,785 – 6:15 am – 2/4/18 – 1 year ago

Dude, that’s a Caucasian Ovcharka…he could pick you up!
Caucasian Ovcharka –
hummmm, that’s a ton of ‘white privilege’ going on right there !
thanks for posting! that first one is HUGE and i never heard of them before…
LOVE these videos!! Good Morning Wake up giggles!!
Me too, such a treat in the morning!
These are always fun to see 1st in am!
Russia: And my 4.5 BILLION dollars!!
Took them long enough….
VERY excited about Gab’s move to protect/facilitate free speech! Can’t wait to watch it unfold!
I love it when a plan comes together. Smirk!
I haven’t forgotten about getting on Gab, GA/FL. Been so busy…
but will when I can.
Gab will be much more amazing as a COMMENTING PLATFORM tied instantly to SITES than as a separate microblogging platform which can reference sites.
k, when I’m wrong, I admit it. There apparently was a commercial or two worth watching yesterday…if you like football, give this one a look…made me laugh…
Funny, but sad at the same time. All those old men.
Agree with Nor’easter – the indicated time appears to be 3:14
Have had many synchronicity’s relating to this number, a pertinent one being …
314 is the gematria for Metatron, one interpretation of which is “keeper of the watch” (Wikipaedia).
In any event, relating to following the watch, don’t forget that “Future proves past” and that the future is known only to Gd.
No one knows the times or the seasons …
Hey JasonD-Long time, no “see” !
Hope all is well with you.
Hi Nor’easter! Yes, all well, thanks.
Am settling in to a new life in Sydney, so will be easing into commenting as I figure out a new routine.
It’s good to be back amongst at Wolf’s
Is the watch Judicial Watch? Good question, and one that does need some sky high viewpoints.
For a number of years now, and this goes back to the Obama administration, JW has been one of the few entities, government, private or non-profit, to get answers to the questions the public has on unclassified, non-national security matters. By the use of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) laws, they are able to compel the wheels inside the various cabinet departments to cough up documentation that is damaging to the public image of those departments.
That alone makes them valuable. But, are they part of The Plan?
As a non-profit, the org was founded in 1994. That’s 25 years of suing for information, training lawyers to sue for information, and to learn where the secrets are lurking in the government. If JW is the watch, or part of the plan, it was a piece put together really early in the execution, or was recruited. If JW is on the team, I would go with the latter assessment, with the thought that they were probably spotted and fostered along for possible use later.
The thing is, as the plan had unfolded, JW has been getting information out that is otherwise buried. They’ve been busy giving black eyes to the Democrats and the MSM, among others. They are able to by-pass the roadblocks the embedded Senior Executive Service has put into place at the Cabinet level to keep all the bad publicity under wraps.
I think it’s a matter of perspective with JW. Yes, they are good guys in this fight. But are they the Watch?
Too soon to tell, IMO.
And don’t forget what happened on the Ides of March. “Et tu, Brute?” A group of Senators killed Julius Caesar. Whatever happens might not be that dramatic, but since this crowd seems to love their symbolism…..
And don’t forget what happened on the Ides of March.
What if the ‘watch’ signifies the need to watch out for assassination attempts (3/15… the Ides of March)… a message from Q to the enemy that they are ‘set to watch’ ??????????????
Wolfie! WHATTA WATCH THEME in your Daily Thread post today!
The word ‘Watch’ appears on this thread a whopping 50 – FIFTY – TIMES!!! (so far)
“We have the Watch”
For about a month, I’ve tried so hard to stay awake past midnight. You guys have such fun in the wee hours of the morning. Finally, last night, I made it. I saw Wolfie’s post. I was thrilled!
I fell asleep before I could type anything…
There’s always tomorrow!
I know…I read all of “yesterday’s” posts in the early morning when i get up and think, “man i missed a great party!”
I don’t even stay up to midnight on New Year’s Eve…man I’m getting old…LOL
LOL yes I understand having the daily thread “pop” at midnight ET, but I really wish it would pop early evening ET, I think it would have better interaction…
That happens to me too Daughn!!! I have a feeling Tuesday nite will be the MONEY nite!! we will be too excited to sleep!!!
THIS must gall all the Black Muslims, BLMs, and BAMN, etc. in the NFL, not to mention Ø, Jarrett, Holder, and what’s his name, that loser/kneeler!
Snort! Smirk!
Stupid is as stupid does…LOL
heard rumblings of adding an amendment to make it possible for AOC to run for President…LOL
All 27 Amendments have been ratified after two-thirds of the House and Senate approve of the proposal and send it to the states for a vote. Then, three-fourths of the states must affirm the proposed Amendment. … That Convention can propose as many amendments as it deems necessary.
Constitutional Amendments – How is the Constitution amended?
Passed by Congress June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18, 1920, the 19th amendment granted women the right to vote.
[Ratified: In the United States, any amendment to the Constitution requires ratification by at least three quarters of the states, even after Congress has approved it.]
My home state of South Carolina did not ratify until 1969. You can find list of ‘latecomers’ and dates of ratification.
My point is… an amendment to the Constitution for ANYTHING is about as likely to happen as pigs flying.
Good – then we can stop this insane idea of an Article V convention!
The Founders’ Solution to Out-of-Control Government: Article VI, Not V
America’s Founders fought a war for independence from out-of-control Big Government. Then they created a new government limited to its proper role of protecting the God-given rights of the people. The Constitution is a set of rules that governs the government, not the people. It allows We the People to rule our government. But it’s impossible to enforce the rules when we don’t know them.
Oh, yeah – nullification is the proper route as well as States using their 10th Amendment rights. Thanks, btw, for the link – didn’t realize there was an alternative out there.
Tuesday, 24 February 2015
The Solution Is the Constitution, Not Article V
Written by Larry Greenley
Video clip (approximately 4 minutes):
I love the NA! I had not heard of it until last year. Funny story: during the run-up to the election, I was working on Todd Watson’s campaign. An older veteran in Norfolk somehow heard or read one of my comments somewhere and wanted to get in touch w/me. He called 3 different places in my small town and finally called the newspaper office, who gave them my number. We joined up and went to an appearance by Fischer in Norfolk and he gave me some past copies. Great guy!
From the John Birch article linked below:
“Advocates of an Article V constitutional convention (Con-Con) complain about problems that can all be solved by constitutional enforcement (the Article VI solution). Yet they ignore enforcement and insist on a Con-Con that could rewrite our Constitution and destroy its protection of our rights, ending the American experiment in liberty…” [emphasis added]
Any logically-minded patriot would quite properly reject the Amendment V amendment process out of hand, as you do here, if it in fact it permitted a constitutional convention (“Con-Con”) that could, in today’s political and philosophical climate, rewrite the whole Constitution.
Fortunately, for those like us who would like Mr. Trump’s advances against the Deep State to be made permanent, that is not what the process actually is. Here is the start of Amendment V:
“The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments… [again, emphasis added]
The Convention of States process referred to here is not familiar to most Americans today, as it has seldom, if ever, been used under the federal system. And it has certainly never, until now, been used for proposing amendments to the Constitution.
But, at the time the Constitution was written, conventions of states were commonly used, and were very familiar to the Framers. Under British rule, colonies often sent delegates to conventions to hash out topics of common interest without having to involve the government in London. The conventions were not invoked to “rewrite our Constitution”, since a.) there was no Constitution then, and b.) the British wouldn’t have allowed one to be created.
After independence, conventions of states were commonly used under the Articles of Confederation. Each convention could involve some, or all, of the states.
As against the Birchers, a Convention of States is NOT a “Con-Con”.
In particular, it could only propose amendments to the existing Constitution, not a whole new constitution. And, each delegate could only take part in the discussions and voting that he was authorized to, by his state legislature.
Let’s make up an example. Let’s say Nebraska makes a law authorizing delegates to go to Philadelphia, or Denver, or Ft. Worth, or wherever, to propose an amendment creating congressional term limits. And the delegates could only vote yes on a version that does all of A, B, C, and D, and does not do X, or Y, or Z.
So you could go and debate the term limit issue, and propose versions of the amendment, and vote on the different versions. But if somebody proposed a version that only did A and B, or only A and C, or did A, B, and C, but also Y, then you would have to vote ‘no’, or abstain. If you voted ‘yes’, when you got back to Nebraska you would be arrested and sent to prison for exceeding your authority.
And if there were delegates there from Kansas and South Carolina who are also talking about amendments for spending and borrowing limits, or replacing the FISA court with something that could protect citizens’ rights from the CIA, then if you debated or voted on those, when you got back to Nebraska, you would be arrested and sent to prison. Because you were only sent there to talk about term limits for congressmen, not those other things.
And each Convention of States could only propose amendments. Each proposed amendment would only become part of the Constitution if it was ratified by 38 states
Please – I was fully on-board with this back in 2014 – no more – sorry, but, IMO, you are wrong! And, WADR, I do not need to be “instructed” or “educated” on the process.
There’s no way seasoned legislators are going to give up their influence and power to a 29yr old, flavor du jour, twit, who posts videos about her pajamas and making macaroni and cheese.
so Dems are planning on bringing at least one illegal immigrant to the SOTU to get up in POTUS’s face. How does the Secret Service clear a person like this to be in the House. She was using a stolen SS number and after admitting that publicly, HER LAWYER (illegals can afford attorneys?) recommended that she resign her position. SO she has no ID…does the Congressfilth that invited her have to vouch for her? is that enough to allow her in?
I am betting yes, the congress critter can vouch for her. Shouldn’t be that way but….
Hmmm. So if the “guest” is an illegal alien with a criminal record (which would naturally be the case with the “guest” having entered the USA illegally), wouldn’t that make the Congress-Critter an “accessory after the fact” to the crime (or, more usually, crimes) committed by the “guest”?????
(Accessory after the fact; sounds like an aftermarket Stereo, criminal sounds)…
One would think but it is a misdemeanor, from what I understand.
Bringing an illegal immigrant to the SOTU is a brazen move…
In Atlanta…
DIG IN, DHS. I’ll bet the guy is MORE than what he appears on the surface. Look for ties to British intelligence as well as the black hat side of our own.
“Straight out of Tavistock” would be my documentary!
Amen Wolfie…
Ohhh, and another happenin’ that should dissuade any illegal immigrant from attending the SOTUA…
t3 posted this last night… [these DIMs better wake up, we have a new Sheriff in town…]
Classic how the people in the background are chuckling… they can spot scammers, too…
I only saw Ds listed — no Republicans.
Typical CNN.
“This is the third straight year a former Husker has been on the active roster of a Super Bowl winner. Nebraska also has a streak dating to 1993 of at least one former player on the roster — including active, practice squad or injured reserve — of either team playing in the championship.
Burkhead recorded seven carries for 43 yards in the Super Bowl. His longest carry was for 26 yards. He also had 2 receptions that totaled 15 yards.”
Not sure how familiar y’all are with the story of Jack Hoffman, who has brain cancer – TBH, I am not sure of his status now – haven’t been following it. Burkhead stepped up and took the lead on supporting him and establishment of the Team Jack Foundation. Very cute video here of Jack running in a 69 yard TD @ Husker Stadium:
Team Jack Hoffman runs for a touchdown Nebraska Huskers
And Jack was at the game!
Yep – read up on his status and he recently when through some chemo regimes – still very sick, unfortunately.
RE: photo of watch, pen and folder
The folder in the photo is one such as would be used by President Trump when signing an executive order or proclamation. A pen is also in the photo like one that would be used to sign such an order.
In doing a bit of looking I found Executive Order 13781, which was signed, and took effect, on March 13, 2017. Not a precise match with the 3:14 / 3:15 watch setting, but of a nature that makes it an interesting possibility. It sets the stage for an RIF (reduction in force).
An excerpt from Wikipedia:
Executive Order 13781 of March 13, 2017
Comprehensive Plan for Reorganizing the Executive Branch
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Purpose. This order is intended to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability of the executive branch by directing the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (Director) to propose a plan to reorganize governmental functions and eliminate unnecessary agencies (as defined in section 551(1) of title 5, United States Code), components of agencies, and agency programs.
Section 2. Proposed Plan to Improve the Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Accountability of Federal Agencies, Including, as Appropriate, to Eliminate or Reorganize Unnecessary or Redundant Federal Agencies.
(a) Within 180 days of the date of this order, the head of each agency shall submit to the Director a proposed plan to reorganize the agency, if appropriate, in order to improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability of that agency.
If anyone would like to look through President Trumps other executive actions that might be related to the watch setting, look here:
Other thoughts:
There are two smaller dials on the watch face that would pinpoint the day and month the photo was taken? Can anyone make it out? Also, what would be the effect of changes in daylight savings time in spring and fall since the photo was taken?
The watch is made by IWC. I’ve also noticed a small square in the watch face that is partly hidden behind the hour and minute dials. I can’t make out the number. Day of month indicator?
One that is nearly identical (Left click to enlarge):
your watch photo seems to have the smaller upper “clock” and the overall clock at the same time: 10:08, but if you look at the photo in Wolf’s picture they are not–the overall clock seems to be a tick away from 3:15…but the smaller clock looks like straight up 12…
what does the smaller “bottom” clock measure, do you know?
I found the IWC user manual for the watch I have posted above. There is a huge variety of configurations of IWC watches. An image search will confirm that. Yes, it is slightly different than the one Q posted. Closest I could come without spending the good part of the day to find that exact same configuration.
The smaller bottom clock measure is what is called a “small seconds hand”. Doesn’t bear on what we are looking for.
Since the date display on the watch that Q posted is a single digit, and since Q posted on January 5, 2019 with a mention of the Camp David meeting being “tomorrow” and a “1 year delta”, the number in the date display could very well be the number “6”.
My best take is that President Trump signed something on January 6, 2018 that directly relates to a national security matter. Some orders/proclamations take effect on a different date than when they are signed.
Also, I got to thinking that the wikipedia entry I was looking for might have been edited out. I went to the website and did a fairly thorough search, but came up short of finding anything President trump signed around !/6/18.
Maybe I’m barking up the wrong tree. LOL!
i think you’re on the right track tho…
I forgot to mention that I stopped in at the Judicial Watch website to look for any of their legal actions for around 1/6/18. Nothing stood out to me as being relevant to Q’s post.
Good thinking!!!
I want to share something in this open thread.
1) I hope folks will read the Northam post. Why? 2) I’m in the Tidewater area, have walked the halls of EVMS. My babies were born across the street. I was stationed here as a Navy Nurse in the 1980’s.
What Northam did was not characteristic of the Tidewater area, it’s a huge military population and very diverse, even back then. They’re all running for cover, but the article points out that people had to have known. No way the Dems in the state didn’t know about the yearbook, and likely GOP too. Certainly the media did.
It proves once again that the Media is the Enemy of the People. The suppression of Northam’s story cost us several incumbent House seats in 2018. Bongino had the information and did nothing???
Yes, I’m outraged. That’s how serious this story is. While the Wash Post was helping steal a senate seat in Alabama, they were pretending that our candidates here in Virginia were paragons of virtues. Sick.
I am not defending Bongino–believe me I’m not–but I’m more concerned about Gillespie’s (sp?) staff—it’s their job to research his opponent…even more so than Bongino…wth??? did they even want to win?
Pat, no worries. You’re right on all points. Gillespie’s team failed him, or did they? One thing people may not realize is that political “consultants” sell themselves to both sides, and they get paid, win or lose. Consider that aspect.
do they have a copy of an actual yearbook? I read that one of his classmate’s tipped off the reporter who got the scoop on this–but did someone get an actual copy?
I wouldn’t put it past Dems to fabricate this to get the infanticide issue off the hot seat. You really can’t tell which one (if any) Northam is–not defending him either—but what if they included that picture on his page simply because of his “nickname”?
Knowing it would switch the conversation to racism instead of abortion–Northam stands steadfast because you rally can’t prove that’s him unless the other participant speaks up–so he rides out the storm, the fervor over his abortion stance fades…problem solved.
his biggest problem is (if that really is him), if the other person speaks out.
Someone from our side went to the actual medical school, to the library, checked out the annual and photographed the page, as confirmation.
The photo is real.
“political “consultants” sell themselves to both sides, and they get paid, win or lose. Consider that aspect.”
Consultants and I think GOP too sell themselves to both sides, and they get paid, win or lose.
I don’t know enough about Gillepsie but I do’t trust him if ain’t MAGA.
Wow. Recorded last summer. Man was getting ready for a run and saw 4 mountain lions on his porch drinking from his water fountain. How amazing is that?
Video in article.
Im not sure but I think the state killed all of the family of cats a couple weeks ago. Colorado. Oh this is sad.
it is sad, but in a neighborhood that has young children and pets, it might be necessary–if the cats are seen hanging around. Not sure if they could be captured and relocated if they would find their way back…
I read the comments and it says they could not be relocated. But there were less than 250 in the entire state and they killed 5 healthy cats. A zoo or a sanctuary could have taken them. There are alternatives, esp since they were able to catch them. When we invade their territory, what do they do?
I agree perhaps a sanctuary would have been better.
when we first built our home, we had frequent visits from curious bears, deer, turkeys–even coyotes and foxes. most could be dissuaded from coming up on our deck with noise, but some are more determined.
Our fist summer here, porcupines were chewing on our temporary deck steps–they even took a bite out of our door! Knowing they are protected, we asked the game warden what we could do about them and the warden told me to “lead ball” them. I was surprised, but he said the damage they will do to wooden structures can be very costly.
If you would prefer something to put on the structures that should help, you might try what we in the equine world use for horses that crib. Mix up a concoction of hot chili pepper – anything that is SUPER spicy and hot – and liquid soap and slop it on there. Bet they stop the chewing!
we were told once we put on the permanent deck and stairs and stained and polyed everything, we’d be okay—that didn’t work either—i will definitely try this in the spring!! thanks!
Most of the time nature has its own deterrents.
chili pepper works for anything it seems.
Works beautifully with dogs as well.
I put Tabasco sauce in my Miracle Grow.
We need an Adrenochrome drug dog…

thanks so much for posting this Judy…
Some simply can’t wrap their mind around this…
it should be posted every day…
I do think it is so important to see this info more often – the repetition factor works on all of us and certainly inspires more people to research what has been hidden. I believe it is the core of the Border Issue and the abortion frenzy. Human trafficking paths were cut off some time ago according to Q and now “they” see their food/life source in danger….rabbit holes are deep!
Sing it Sister…
Adrenochrome properties/pricing
Not sure of the pricing level in this publication but have heard it to be $8,000 per liter which reminded me of the likely validity of Billions of $ of Adrenochrome found in trailer trucks caught crossing the Mexico border.
Was curious to see if this was a fake patent. Typed in the patent number and got this back.
US Patent 04501923
Process for preparing adrenochrome
Abstract: A process is described for preparing adrenochrome comprising oxidizing adrenaline or a salt thereof with a persulfate in an aqueous medium at a pH in the range 4 to 8 in the presence of one or more water-soluble salts of bismuth. [more]
Inventors: Deryck F. Boot
Assignees: Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company
Not fake.
Oh, great! Thanks for doing that. I copied it from a qanon tweet that is credible but didn’t think about checking the patent #….
And would have equally appreciated you posting if you found it to be fake. Coordinating efforts is nice!
seeing the patent, it seems innocuous–nothing more than my Pepto Bismol…wait…what the heck am I really taking???
I’m going to do a post about this stuff. It should be interesting.
I did a long comment about adrenochrome once, and I think Steve or Scott suggested I do a post. I think it’s time.
I certainly do love that sign off coin. Why that one in particular?
It’s personal, and that reflects my “it’s personal” on the assassination of JFK. That was the FIRST year of the JFK dollar, and the LAST YEAR of actual silver coinage. After that, the government LIED to me (a child beginning to collect coins) about silver not going away, or being subject to Gresham’s law.
It was the beginning of my slow, painful awakening to what COMMUNISM was doing to my country. I did not realize it at the time. It would take learning to DISTRUST the lying fake news media to understand everything.
I like my other, old, beaten, “In God We Trust” coin image, when I want to show the durability and dependability of the idea, but when I’m in a FIGHTING MOOD, JFK comes out!!!
I love the way Gov Huckabee thinks !!!
LOVE this one, thanks phoenix!
Me too phoenix!! His wit is genius!!
Wolfie turned me on to this fella… (and yes, I watched “Burn Notice” – highly recommend it)
This is a most thought provoking THREAD… be sure to watch the video included. The video was made BEFORE the last caravan ‘crisis’ – message still applicable…
Yes, great stuff. Worth looking at the idea of “egregore”. Wikipedia puts a Snopesian dismissal as “occult” at the beginning, so you won’t look more closely at Biblical origins below.
“It’s complicated.”
I second that Wolfie…
“From the Post: The tip came after Northam’s comments on Wednesday about late-term abortions, he said. Howley declined to give any further information about his source, citing a confidentiality agreement. But he said it took him just a few hours to confirm that the photo was authentic.
The source of the tip appears to have been a medical school classmate or classmates of Northam who acted as a direct result of the abortion controversy that erupted earlier in the week, according to two people at Big League Politics, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.
“The revelations about Ralph Northam’s racist past were absolutely driven by his medical school classmate’s anger over his recent very public support for infanticide,” one of the two said.”
BOOM! Now we’re getting somewhere!
But the question NOW is whether it’s REAL of FAKE. If the people who revealed it are DEMS or CONTROLLED GOP who were TRIGGERED by DEMS, that explains the TRUE motivation of the Dems here – to cover up the infanticide quagmire. If it was authentically outraged GOP acting on their own, then it shows that the Dems were simply caught by one scandal cascading into two more.
Yeah, I am really beginning to think the GOP was in on this – no way they didn’t know this. It strains all credulity, IMO. But why, is what I don’t get? From all appearances, Fairfax would be even worse on this issue, as well as standing against the new pipeline. SMH – there goes my simple mind again….
Hopefully more will come out soon!
so Farifax is being accused by a Stanford University grad–like Ford??
GREAT catch!
Drudge, (The phobia guy some of you don’t trust) had this posted yesterday/today.
The article was okay but not enough explanation IMO, but over all decent. But does have questions about this.
By the end of next year there will be the first 1200 satellites put into low earth orbit of the 20,000 satellites planned to support 5G everywhere on earth.
That alone is scary but I’m not asking about that aspect.
Question is this. By putting the satellites above the earth diminish the risks or increase the risks of 5G exposure?
I’m thinking in terms of a machine gun in relationship to the target. The worst possible way to employ a machine gun in relationship to the target is by plunging fire, which I’m assuming is what a satellite would do as the trajectory of the round, in this case a beam, will only pass through that target before hitting the ground, as opposed to flanking fire or enfilade fire (best) where the round will pass along the surface till it hits what ever is in its way and because its not a round but a beam of energy it will pass through that and hit the next thing in its path and the next and the next. An example of that would not be the satellite but the cell tower. And what we hear about the cell tower and 5G is that they will need many many more towers for 5G as opposed to 4G and 3G.
We already know or assume, towers are omni- directional (360 degrees) always on, and are going to hit everything in their path (or is that too much of an assumption?) .
So do the 5G satellites
1. do away for the need of cell towers?
2. Are they pin point, with no diffusion (spreading of the signal)? You send, they send back, but just hit you and your device only?
3. because they are so far away lessen the effects of 5G because of distance or must they be so ramped up with power to get you the signal that it increases the effect of 5G?
Anyway, those are some of the questions I still have about 5G and wonders if any one has any answers. I think this is past the time for stopping it, but asks anyway.
Yeah, this is really scary. I think something was posted here previously about that. IDK – this tech crap is just getting out of hand, IMO.
BTW, I have a couple of very interesting books on the subject. “Technology Rising, The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation,” by Patrick M. Wood and “Beast Tech” by Terry L. Cook and Thomas R. Horn. I highly recommend them.
Yes, t3 and some of us others had some conversations a month back or more but not lately. I put some links to some of it on t3’s page.
Meanwhile another question.
How does this change who owns the information collected nationally and world wide. You’ll know they will collect it and store it even if they say they aren’t. I’d think NSA is still in the loop, but now others too?
Seems like a game changer in many different ways.
Here are some links that appeared on wqth. I’d doubt you’d get to them but might want to save them for when you have time.
Dana Ashlie Effects of Wi Fi on human body.
5G Lisa Haven 100 times more powerful EFG’s than 4G. & China dominance in cell traffic.
Veteran MD Drops Bomb Shell about 5G Tech Danger.
One more a TED talk.
Jerome Johnson TEDxGuelphU
And this: Shows you cell towers in your neighborhood.
I know nothing about this stuff–I only know that we use old flip phones and where we are located, in order to talk to someone using said phone, you have to stand near one spot in our kitchen–that’s it. you can go out on the deck in nice weather but the signal dances in and out. I tell you this because, we were told when we bought these phones 13 yrs ago, that as soon as 4G hit, the signals would be able to go through the mountains (which apparently is our barrier) and the signal would come in clear as a bell. That did not happen.
We went back to Verizon and they said we needed new phones–we tried one–it did not receive a signal AT ALL at our house so we got our old phones back.
Now with 5G coming–all the same promises…
The most important questions are, What is the power threshold for biological effect?
And why are cell towers using millions of times more power than this?
Apparently all frequencies have biological effects. Even the very low submarine communications that cover all of the globe. Most current cell towers use the 1 GHz range because it has the best reception. The intention to use 5 GHz and higher is concerning we already know the effects of Radar on biology.
Who remembers that the first microwave ovens (same frequency as you phone, cordless home phone, baby monitor)? They were called a RADAR Range.
All cell phone communications use digital modulation (fast transitions).
This is perceived by the human body as chaotic and therefore creating a stress response.
1G-5G are names for the protocol used to send the data.
The G stands for Generation (of messaging protocol).
4G uses two modulations. 5G uses 4 modulations.
The number of modulations may or may not increase toxicity to biology.
At work dont know how to post link. Drudge article on millenial cancer rate sharp up tic with obeast. Those under fifty. Linked???
Goodness, she’s still beautiful at 74 …
Whoever ARRANGED that piece did an excellent job!
Yes… she knocked it out of the park… I love her comments to Don Lemon
Me, too. Thanks, pR, for the link.
What Gladys Knight told Don Lemon. Thank you, Ms Knight (emph. mine):
“People are going to have their opinions. You know, about whatever. And all I can deal with, all I can deal with right now is what my heart says. Okay? I believe in fairness,” Knight explained. “I believe in truth. I believe in all of those things, and as far as this is concerned, I grew up with the national anthem. We used to sing it in school before school started. We used to say prayers in school before school started, and we just don’t have that anymore and I’m just — I’m just hoping that it will be about our country and how we treat each other and being the great country that we are.”
“You know what? Nothing good comes easy. And I would hope that they will understand as I do that we have a better way to do this than to be angry and why is he doing this or why ain’t she doing that, you know? For me, it’s just for me about respect. If we start denying the anthem, there are so many people that have died for our country and there are so many people in my family that are still part of, you know, just standing for the country, they are in the services and that kind of thing and just to not say that if you really listen to the lyrics of the beginning, you’ll understand that. We have fought hard for a long time and not just in wars.”
comment section is interesting… here’s one:
…”Because this has no chance of passing for at least two years, by doing this, they are signaling corporate executives to INCREASE their buybacks, lest the spigot be shut off in two years. And trust me, they know this will be the effect.”
Maybe these corporations will get the message and stop supporting all this Social Justice junk. Ya think? Nahh.. me neither.
This is the short road to Venezuela. Ackkk!
The NFL Suffers Worst Super Bowl Ratings in a Decade
LOL what is it get woke go broke!!!
Figures. Ocasio-Cortez Invites Soros-Funded Illegal Alien Activist Who Confronted Dumb Jeff Flake in Elevator
Thanks to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, we discovered Ana Maria Archila is an illegal alien.
Mike Cernovich discovered that illegal alien elevator activist Ana Maria Archila made $176,071 in 2016 as a far left activist.
On Monday Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez announced she was bringing Ana Maria Archila to the State of the Union Address by President Trump on Tuesday.
Archila will no doubt be one of several illegal aliens in attendance.
Democrats don’t care about Americans when there are illegal aliens to take care of.
hmmm so wonder what the deal is? are these illegals protected while in the House? (aiding and abetting?) or are they fair game to ICE?
If Ana Maria made as much as a Congressperson, she certainly can afford the fees to become a naturalized citizen and bail. I wanna see HER tax return!!!
I say round them up!!! And yes fully agree.
Hmmmm our VSG has not put up one tweet yet. Not even a congrats to the patriots. A quiet POTUS is planning something MAGA you know it.
No congrats yet to the Patriots, but since your comment, PDJT has said (in order):
And, there is a new Secretary of the Interior:
Ahhhh thanks.See one can’t even go for a walk without something happening.
Duh. Sorry. Those were from yesterday.
Hey any Trump tweet is a good tweet!!!
I agree, kea.
They’re always better the second or third time around!
Like a fine wine!!! Gets better with age!!!
You bet!
Wow what a thread. His last tweet is wow.
This tweet right here is a PERFECT example of Russia / China / Cuba leveraging their Obama anti-American BOT asset. The MK program on Obama (from Frank Marshall Davis biding his time, through academics into his adulthood) was extensive and complete – he was REFLEXIVELY anti-American, and could be fed ANY information if it was wrapped in Jeanne Kirkpatrick’s wonderful taunt phrase “Blame America First”.
Chavez KNOWS exactly what to feed Obama. How? Cuban psychological advice.
Cuban shrinks did NOT visit McCain for no reason.
Thanks very much, Wolfmoon.
Hmm … interesting.
Delving further:
Thanks, kea. Have bookmarked for future reference.
Good grief.
Nooo, no suicide. That excuse is getting old.
Wow, Northam has been caught in another lie:
among his other character defects, Northam is a pathological liar
Are you the same “PhoenixRising” on American Thinker?
No… I’m not rayzorbak
the ‘p’ is lowercase in my username
maybe this is why I can’t get wordpress to allow me to “like” !!!
Glad to hear it……. That one at AT is anti-American
glad you asked me… would be terrible if you thought it was me…
anti-American???? not on my life rayzorbak… NEVER!
FYI…. Like your comments……
Oh, that is fantastic!!! <3
YouTube version – can watch here….
Tom Hanks is narrating, right? Front Page Mag (never heard of it before…but they have an article showing other celebrities in blackface over the years…Hanks is one…
Frontpage is David Horowitz’s site. He was raised socialist and came to his senses as an adult, converting to the light. His book “Radical Son” is very interesting.
That was a great read!
I put it up as a thread, so I can find it again!
So glad you made it’s own thread for this so I watch this over and over again!!! Interesting that Tom Hanks agreed to narrate? Maybe he didn’t see what he was narrating?!! He’s definitely not a Trump fan…
Carpe Donktum STOLE the Hanks narration and gave it new images – GENIUS!!!
Sorry! Now I get it!!!
What a perfect video!
Thank you, pR, for this sad news.
May Agent Doss rest in eternal peace with her Lord. Her appreciate her 16 years of service will be remembered.
Deepest sympathies to her family and friends.
May our eternal Father grant them divine grace, strength and comfort in the months ahead, through Christ our Lord, our only Mediator and Advocate. Amen.
you’re welcome churchmouse.
Reentry is a felony, right?
After an alien has been legally “removed” from the United States, federal criminal law makes it a felony for that alien to reenter (or be found in) the country without approval of the government.
First listed, has re-entered SIX times… the others only once..
Illegal re-entry also means they can never become citizens.
Punishment is max 2 yrs in prison (we feed and clothe and take care of health issues of course) and there is a fine, though I doubt it is ever collected.
Pathetic system… absolutely pathetic.
Let’s look at the other side of the coin… illegal entry into Mexico. From an article written in 2010
…”‐ Illegal entry into the country is equivalent to a felony punishable by two years’ imprisonment. Document fraud is subject to fine and imprisonment; so is alien marriage fraud. Evading deportation is a serious crime; illegal re-entry after deportation is punishable by ten years’ imprisonment. Foreigners may be kicked out of the country without due process and the endless bites at the litigation apple that illegal aliens are afforded in our country.”
Lots of interesting info in the article
However, 2011 the law was changed, liberalized. (Resembles what zero did to our laws. hmmm)
I was rather surprised to see how OLD they were.
Okay, there were two in their 20s.
However, there were eight in their 30s, four in their 40s, a woman aged 51 and a man aged 60.
Good grief.
Today is day 5 or 11 or 17 days–(Not good at counting) since I’ve seen SteveInCo… It’s been tough staying upbeat here even though Pat posts some funny stuff!! Phoenix always makes me LOL cuz we post the same stuff. T3 PRAYS all the time that Steve will come back!! Wheatie makes me comfy in her Giant Tree!!! ES is doing his best to keep me from losing my exclamation points!!!!!!!!!! And of course–Wolfie, Flep, Lady Penguin and Daughn–The Brilliant Wordsmiths on this QTree keep us hopping from branch to branch…
right about here Steve would make a funny comment about Accosta and a dear diary moment…
Amen ! Count Steve… wherefore art thou??????????????
I think it is time to send in the Marines…
I was just MISSING STEVE myself!
It’s just not right without Count Steve of Colorado around here.
I miss his knowledge of Coins and other MAGA topics!
Ga! I was hoping he’d be back here for the SOTU!!!! Won’t be same without him…
I may have to pull the “Morose” card… Surely he knows that your daily health is his responsibility?
Gonna give it ’til tomorrow Noon and then have to take measures… You won’t be able to get through the SOTU w/out being even moar remorse if he’s not here.
Right Phoenix!!! Bullhorns? Bad Puns? Maybe we can post pics of coins and label them wrong…???!!!
This lady is AWESOME. She reminds me of the old black leadership who realized that communists were USING THEM.
Yes, I agree… she’s outstanding, she’s going places…
like your tweet
Spooky quote from Candace,
It’s wonderful to think the planet will be happier and freer. What about the people on the planet??!!!??
Tatonka, like what you said a whole lot.
OMG – he’s TROLLING them!!!
Halliburton no less = the devil to a greenie.
Really, I want Zincke back. He was completely cleared. I’m sick about losing our top notch crew.
I’m sorry about Zinke, too, Daughn.
But, consider: Bernhardt might have useful info.
As Wolf says, PDJT is trolling them.
Imagine the troll of Zincke coming back somewhere!
okay, I’m having one of my ‘unfocused’ days…
please explain what you mean in this instance… the comment section is blowing up… they think this is another in a long line of neo-cons, Elliott Abrams being the ‘last straw’ … (that was Pompeo’s call actually)…
Right now, as much as I loathe neo-cons, I’m going to wait and see with these PDJT choices.
Consider that they have a lot of historical information.
If it’s any consolation, they might only last several months — a year, max.
Everyone is a Bush rehash. It’s making me sick.
I know.
It’s skanky.
And I cannot stand the Bush family, ever since their alleged involvement in the assassination of JFK and attempted assassination of Reagan.
However, perhaps PDJT is attempting to unlock something. If so, I’m all for it.
I would also add… this is his only tweet all day.
No tweet of congratulations to Patriots…
Nothing to anyone, except this nomination.
Something is seriously up.
Joe has RT’d a most informative THREAD… click on Jack Feller’s tweet
Thank you very much for Jack Feller’s thread.
I hope everyone reads it.
These two tweets stood out for me:
Gheez, no limit to the corruption, no place their sticky fingers are not found.
It’s freaking disgusting.
I found the thread to be most interesting…
Didn’t know before Joe M’s comment on Red Cross, just how involved they are in Cabal activities.
No, nor did I.
I hope this is exposed sooner rather than later.
And what about Doctors without Borders? Either way, I’d like to know.
Love this man…

Roger Stone Attorneys Provide Evidence of FBI Leak Ahead Of Conservative Author and Activist’s ArrestJust over a week after his televised arrest was carried exclusively by CNN, attorneys for the longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone have sent a letter to the House and Senate Judiciary Committees detailing how some reporters may have received an early draft copy of the indictment.
Documents obtained exclusively by The Gateway Pundit show a copy of the draft indictment without the PACER filing number or official stamps of the court, with metadata on the document identifying it as being authored by “AAW”, who is suspected to be lead Special Counsel prosecutor Andrew Weissmann.
CNN’s camera crew allegedly arrived at Stone’s residence a whole hour before the raid and CNN’s Sara Murray provided Stone’s attorney with a draft copy of the indictment in an early morning communique to confirm the FBI raid and arrest.
CNN was the only camera crew on the scene of the FBI raid on Roger Stone’s home.
While CNN has spent an entire week claiming their presence at the FBI raid on Stone’s South Florida home was a combination of luck and hard work, this evidence proves that their “source” was indeed the Office of the Special Counsel, who colluded with the notoriously anti-Trump news network to produce a propaganda broadcast of the arrest that is reminiscent of the Nazi era tactics of the Gestapo and propaganda ministry lead by Joseph Goebbels.
Stone’s attorneys are asking both the House and Senate Judiciary Committees to investigate these leaks and provide answers to the American people on how someone could have obtained sealed grand jury indictments.
HUGE bombshell. Proof of Stone collusion. Draft and actual were different. Also a canary trap?
In the article theres a copy of the metadata trail also. Too much coincidence, esp when its cnn and weisman. Just…whoa.
Hey Gil, it’s looks like they caught Weissman, cold. What do you think?
Yes and yes. I think the pitbull just got his b***s kicked into his throat.
CAUGHT ON VIDEO: MS-13 Murders Man on 7 Train in New York City In Ocasio-Cortez’s District — She’s Bringing Illegal to SOTU
This just made me laugh
Maroon 5 Super Bowl Halftime Show Scorched: ‘Boring. Basic. Unfulfilling. Unnecessary.’
Matt ‘The Mountain’ Whtaker’s Mom musta fed him Miracle Gro!
hmmm – it’s not the Ides of March, is it?
I’m still not really sure what this means or if the Senate has any influence in foreign policy besides voting on treaties, war resolution
what it means is that Mitch and enough Republicans in the Senate are criticizing POTUS wrt Syria and Afghanistan… they don’t want him pulling troops out.
They can’t impede him of course, but the optics are awful.
phoenix thanks. So they can’t impede him they just are doing this because the rino’s got to do what they do. Ugh reps need a spine.
they don’t want him pulling troops out.—— and yet people are sick of the endless wars.
Will anyone notice?
well, C_A Media is beating the drum that GOP senators are not supporting the President…
low-info Americans will hear that…
but then, they hear propaganda 24/7, right?
You raise an important point, pR.
We will see. The SOTU, should they watch it, might be a game changer. (We can but hope.)
Tom Brady was trolling the left – calling a play “Reagan” – meaning run to the right…..
ANOTHER White House staff leaker.
Correct me if I’m wrong.
John Boehner’s Chief of Staff was put in charge of hiring for the Trump Admin and ‘lost’/deleted 800 applications from Trump loyalists who worked on the campaign.
Until we have loyalists in the White House, this is going to keep happening.
Ha ha ha! “President Trump is as popular a presidential candidate AMONG DEMOCRATS as is Bernie Sanders and is within single digits of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden.”
Pssst …Wanna See The Poll That Has The DNC Pulling Its Hair Extensions/Plugs Out?
HINTS about the SOTU speech:
First Lady Melania’s guests:
Thank you for that. Some very great choices. Notice also Alice Johnson.
This one shocked me:
Joshua Trump
Joshua Trump is a 6th grade student in Wilmington, Delaware. He appreciates science, art, and history. He also loves animals and hopes to pursue a related career in the future. His hero and best friend is his Uncle Cody, who serves in the United States Air Force. Unfortunately, Joshua has been bullied in school due to his last name. He is thankful to the First Lady and the Trump family for their support.
How sad for that little boy and his family.
Bet he goes home with a boatload of “Trump” swag!!!

Thank you very much for the link, GA/FL.
What a marvellous group of SOTU guests.
Graham vs the Romney cabal in the Senate….
Pretty clear how much the Republican Party hates American families.
Very true.
I really do hope that Lindsey Graham (GA/FL’s post immediately above) — and others — straighten out the RINOs.
It takes one to know one, so, perhaps with J McC’s demise, there is hope ahead.
Is GM doing this for political spite reasons?
I heard on fox this am, its very bad management and wanting to move to tech /computer robot building. The inference was h1b visas instead of retraining because its cheaper.
Bad company or bad leadership or both.
Øbama bail out didn’t make them loyal to USA – I think it’s a Democrat run company.
A bit of good news.
Last week, Howie Carr, his wife (known as ‘the mail room manager’) and co-producer Grace Curley were stranded by the weather in the Palm Beach area.
Incidentally, if you are wondering, Grace is a descendent of the famous Boston mayor (later congressman, then Massachusetts governor), James Michael Curley:
Despite James Michael Curley having been a D, Grace, who lives in South Boston (v. D), could not be more MAGA. (I think the former mayor would have been proud of her. He seemed rather old school.)
This past weekend, PDJT hosted a few events, and Grace Curley, along with the Carrs, attended a dinner which the Trumps hosted.
Grace describes the event in this podcast, starting at 24 minutes in:
Here is a selfie that she had taken with the President. I’m posting her tweet along with the selfie:
Howie has a better photo:
Grace was really enthusiastic about the whole event.
Grace’s tweet didn’t seem to come out that well in my viewing, although it did here.
Wow. The Curley Effect is named after her famous ancestor.
I thought this was super funny!! I LOVE ILLINOIS Guy!
Lol. Pretty great. Notice levine has all seeing eye on his shoulder? The more ive seen the symbols on celebs, etal the more creepy they are to me. Whats he owe them?
No kidding.
An art exhibition with an Ivanka look-alike, where people are invited to throw crumbs on the carpeting, while the “ivanka” vacuums the baby pink carpeting for two hours every night.
Who in the heck sponsored this artwork?
Never mind she was instrumental in tripling the child tax credit.
Never mind she raised 400 million dollars for women owned biz all over the world.
Never mind she currently working on human trafficking – which hurts women, young and old.
Never mind the Communist left demands ‘equality’.
THIS is how Dems treat Repub women.
It’s not art.
It’s not performance.
It’s a woman in dressy clothing running a vacuum cleaner.
And she doesn’t look like Ivanka.
The public has no “complicity” in anything Ivanka does.
What a colossal waste of time and resources.
All we have to do is allow their degradation to degrade THEM and not us. SHUNNING the communist media does that.
Well, it looks like she’s alive:
“She Looked Quite Glam”: Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Makes First Public Appearance Since Cancer Surgery: Attends Concert Celebrating Herself
Hmmm. Didn’t know this report came from WaPo. So it could be suspect.
And the plot thickens:
On BB as well.
This is so sickening…
This is how the Left is trying to normalize Pedophilia:
We can’t let them get away with this!
How very sick. She says that by blaming and mocking pedophiles — who have no control over their “sexual orientation” and for whom pedophilia is merely a thought, not an act — we increase the chances of child sexual abuse, which she says is different from pedophilia.
This is the numbskull equivalent of those who said we only need to show ISIS love and everything would be okay. It is the ramblings of someone who has no concept of a created order and who makes herself and her colleagues gods. Foolish in the extreme, and dangerous. Who is speaking for the children?
Yeah, I caught that too.
What she did there…was put Blame on people who don’t give Pedos “respect”, for what the Pedos do to children.
That’s outrageous!
Sex with children is *always* rape…and always child abuse, at the very least.
What do you want to bet that “scholar” is a pedophile?
Hey guys, I hate to bomb in but drillerwife and I have been busy today so I have yet to catch up with the comments and be involved as we’d like to be. I had to leave drillerdog home today and go up to Granby with a helper (other than him), he thought he did something wrong and drillerwife had her hands full all day.
, I thought I’d try to use it a little. Of course I have a question, can you post pics on there the same way you do here?
Anyways, I’m home late but since wolf followed me back on the Twitter,
I did manage to read the blog posts today and they were great, wonderful writers here.
Hi Driller,
Sorry, I don’t know the answer to that, since I don’t tweet.
Hopefully one of our twitter experts will share their knowledge on this subject.
But Obi-wan-Wheatie, after benefiting from your expertise on posting pics here I thought, surely you would have the answers for what I seek? Well, hopefully Darth-wolfmoon isn’t my only hope, he’ll probably take me to the dark side (I know, dont call you shirley)
With Twitter, you can just upload photos DIRECTLY – you don’t have to use the URL. so just download the picture to your device, and upload it to your tweet. Likewise, you can attach photos you take with your camera on your phone to your tweets.
For videos and web pages, just use the URLs on Twitter – Twitter takes care of the rest!
Hope that helps!
This is one of those things that sounds good…in ‘theory’.

But what happens if this gets wrapped around someone’s neck?
Some of the replies to this are pretty funny.