Your 5 Minutes Are Over, Nadler.

Your five minute are overDiscussion thread for the Whitaker hearing.
Hat tip to Volgarian, here is the C-SPAN LINK for the hearing:
Chairman Jerry Nadler is the Head of Oversight for DOJ/FBI.
This will be the first of many hearings by the new Dem House and it looks like Jerry Nadler is trying to set the tone.
We understand many QTreepers will be following the testimony today, please feel free to make comments here.
Yes, we’re going to need BUCKETS of popcorn.

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hey Flep, remember the old saying about lawyers, “Never ask a question you don’t know the answer to”, so that an attorney is not embarrassed by an answer in open court?
Well, NADLER READING THE rebuttal is taking the idea to new heights.
It also means NADLER’s staff is prepared to go after Whitaker, personally.
It also indicates to me that Nadler is a little insecure, and wanted to get the statement on the record, precisely, but didn’t trust his own memory.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Whitaker isn’t going to take any crap but the Dems have a double standard.
Interesting though…
Whitaker was sworn in.
Which means the Dems goal could be to refer Whitaker to DOJ for lying to Congress —- just like Stone.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Confirmed in testimony and Katherine Herridge of FOX, the FISA application process is being investigated by OIG and a US ATTY in Utah. (Huber)


This is probably because the documents that PDJT wanted to Declass, pertained to FISA applications that were based on false information.
Namely…the dirty dossier.
He gave those docs to the OIG to determine if his Declassification of them would constitute a charge of “obstruction of justice”.
So it follows, that the OIG & Huber would be investigating the ‘process’ of applying for a FISA warrant.
One of the functions of the OIG, is to determine if DOJ/FBI personnel followed ‘sources and methods’.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Pat Frederick

Bruce Ohr is still employed by the DOJ?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I don’t see it as a negative. They want to keep the POS around because he will be needed down the road.

Pat Frederick

I was just surprised he was still there…why did I think he left?

Sylvia Avery

I thought I had heard he had announced his upcoming retirement, but TBH there have been so many of these sketchy DOJ people coming and going I can’t always keep it straight, even if Bruce DOES have his “beautiful wife Nellie” to remind us of who he is.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Exactly. The guy on the left is Collins, he’s the ranking minority member, our guy, Congressman from Georgia.

Pat Frederick

thanks for posting!

Jan Phillips

OMG!! I love Doug Collins! Thank you for posting that!
Of all days, I can’t watch it today because our daughter and her husband are coming in for the weekend, but I’ll be sneaking on here every chance I get! 😉

Plain Jane

I played that game nearly every other weekend since Christmas – either family coming in and/ or we were away being family house guests. Love it though.

Jan Phillips


Plain Jane

Great rant. Not funny, but I caught myself smiling broadly.


Watching Whitaker’s face during that rant was absolutely priceless. Thanks for posting!

Pat Frederick

really windy here today (satellite internet) so c-span link not starting for me…
I read he said he was informed of Mueller’s moves–did he say WHY they raided Stone like they did??

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Whitaker said the indictment was already ‘there’ when Whitaker arrived and merely unsealed.
Leads me to believe the Stone arrest was already in the works and he couldn’t really do anything about it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

CIANN? Oh, come on! 😉

Pat Frederick

thank you both!!


Satellite internet? Where do you live, Siberia? 🙂

Pat Frederick

no, just on a mountain…no mail delivery, no trash pick up, underground electrical lines because of all the trees, no landline, no cable, well water…

Sylvia Avery

Sounds like my kind of place!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bread and circuses.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

They are all spicy and feisty today.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That is so classic. One of the reasons I avoid watching the show hearings is all the grandstanding that goes on. There’s nothing efficient about them. Whitaker gives off the vibe of being an efficiency lover. I’m sure he’s sitting there because he has to, and is not giving into the temptation of impatience, but he’s got to be thinking through the to do list on his desk in his head.

Plain Jane

Life must be hard for her, going through life with perpetual PMS, being stupid and cocky all at the same time. I wonder how often she beats and kicks her dogand her husband.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I like that he followed with…”I’m here voluntarily.”
It took balls to say “You’re time is up”…to the Chairman of the committee.
Seemed to me like Whitaker was saying:
‘You’re not the boss of me.’
😆 😆 😆

Pat Frederick

LOL…love that…”you’re not the boss of me…”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m catching this as the videos come up. Here’s the moment:


I wasn’t aware that ‘the 5 minute rule’ applied to the witnesses’ testimony.
I thought it only applied to the committee members.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ve NEVER heard a rule that the witness was limited to 5 minutes for his introductory statement.


Thank you. Yes…me either.

Jan Phillips

Oh, that was rich!!! Thank you DP!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We’re back again.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

How can Whitaker possibly speculate on why he was hired?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

BING, BING, BING – Congressman Lofgren said to Chairman Nadler, “I understand we’re going to have a follow up deposition………..”, implying the committee would call Whitaker back to testify via subpoena.
Nadler hushed her up.
This is the problem with the legislature bankrupting exec employees because they have to hire expensive lawyers for the Dem’s fishing expedition.
Whitaker said he would not come voluntarily if he was going to be subpoenaed later.
It’s my understanding, Nadler backed down.

Pat Frederick

Maybe that’s why Collins specifically entered Nadler’s letter to Whitaker last night about no subpoenas into the record…


It’s my understanding if he came under subpoena he would be required to answer questions about ongoing investigations, which he CANNOT do. This is why he states he came voluntarily… it limits their scope of questioning

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sheila Jackson Lee – this will be a speech.


Ugh…the loathsome Sheila Jackson Lee.
She is not even letting him answer!
I cannot stand this woman!


I Love Matt Whitaker!! He is a ROCK!


And he’s smart too!
He didn’t play her little game of giving a “Yes or No” answer…which could be used against him later.


I truly loved that her shook her off like a little gnat…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

What a smug *itch.
Put any letter you want at the *.


I’ll take a “B” for 100 DP


SJL is a wicked witch!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sheila Jackson Lee got TRUMPED. She can’t even read the question her staff member put in front of her.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy
Plain Jane

I posted this upthread, but may be most appropriate here.
“Life must be hard for her, going through life with perpetual PMS, being stupid and cocky all at the same time. I wonder how often she beats and kicks her dogand her husband.”
Think I might also add “and perpetual hemorrhoids” since hearing her full inquisition..


She may not have “perpetual hemorrhoids”……
But she sure IS one!

Plain Jane

True, true Rayzorbak. That congress is infected.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Our guy Jordan is fishing for info about the August 2nd memo from Rosenstein, expanding the scope of the memo.
Are we investigating people?
Or are we investigating crimes?
Whitaker knows what is in the August 2nd memo and would not talk.

Pat Frederick

you have to respect his position.
even though I’d offer him $13 in unmarked bills to reveal that little secret right there…


ROFL – love your humor,, Pat!

Pat Frederick


Sylvia Avery

Me, too, NF!!!! She always gives me a laugh!


WOW! Jordan Is on fire!!! Super interesting exchange…Names in the redacted portion?
Crimes are supposed to be investigated–Not American citizens..

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Some speculate that President Trump is named specifically in the August 2nd memo.
…. which is why, SD speculated, that the President has not released the classified docs – because if he were the subject/target of the investigation, then releasing the FISA docs could be considered ‘obstruction’.


WOW!!! I Just Wrapped my head around that…I was just thinking of Manafort and popaD…thanks Daughn…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

If he answered that with the truth, could he not then be charged with exposing classified info about an “on-going” case and, therefore, obstruction? Just wondering….

Pat Frederick

i think they’re trying to lay that exact trap imo

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Congressman Cohen fishing for emoluments clause………. BS.
Cohen wants to know if “Trump owes vast amounts of money to Russian oligarchs” which may influence the President’s decisions.

Pat Frederick

yeah…doing my taxes now–what line is that entered on?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



It seems that 95% of CONgress, 5/9 of the SCOTUS and “Most” of the Exec Branch
(which includes the C_A, FBI, DOJ) are performing one big Circle Jerk of the US Citizens.
While the clapping Seals (Media) spread LIES and propaganda.


Gohmert–Suicide wish you had? What? Thanks for coming..


Thank y’all for giving us highlights. I cannot bear to watch (if only Whitaker had walked in wearing a red MAGA hat 😂).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The memes have started.

Pat Frederick



The memes your Hubs is creating? 😊 it didn’t come up from your link but I’ll get on twitter.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s someone else’s meme of Whitaker as superman, telling the chairman, his “5 minutes are up”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Soooooooooo, what I’m presuming, is, the President of the USA was named, and will not be charged?
What the living hell?

Pat Frederick

meaning they didn’t find anything?
or that he is specifically being investigated so they can find reasons to IMPEACH?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is important.
Here’s the premise.
Comey told Trump he was NOT the target of an investigation on several occasions.
IF the August 2 memo from Rosenstein expanded the scope of the investigation to include the investigation of the President of the United States – we would TRULY be on unprecedented ground.
Think about it .
That would mean the Special Counsel, Mueller and his Dem leaning team, would be privy to EVERYTHING the President ever does on a daily basis, under the idea he MIGHT make a decision which was favorable to Russia – thus Russian influence.
Every phone call, whether classified or not, would fall within the scope of the Special counsel investigation.
It would be unholy.
It would also explain where the leaks were coming from, perhaps.


Nevermind that the innocents being investigated but not charged have had their names & reputations run through the wringer without recourse. At the very least, attorney fees should be reimbursed when those they investigate are innocent!

Pat Frederick

so i know the idea was floated before, but what if…what if POTUS instructed Rosenstein to specifically name him in the redacted portion of the Special Counsel memo? He met with Rosey and Mueller before it all began. He already knew the Dem plot–he also KNEW he was clean–so he instructs Mueller to go ahead–investigate–pick all Dems for your team. He knows there’s nothing to find and when it’s all said and done, the Dems will HAVE to accept the result–it’s their “plot” but POTUS has been driving the bus all the way…


You’re right, Pat…that theory has been floated before.
The problem I have with it, are the people who are getting crucified for having been a part of the Trump Campaign.
How could That be a part of the plan?

Pat Frederick

you’re right on that aspect but I kinda expected POTUS to be the type of person who is extremely loyal, but to him wrong is wrong and if you did commit a crime (not a process crime mind you) then you should expect to answer for it. I expect everyone convicted of a process crime might be pardoned, while those who truly committed a crime, do their time.
But I’m wrong a lot, so there’s that…lol
Manafort might have been the draw for Mueller to do this–he gets to prosecute Manafort–and in return he lets POTUS call him a witch hunter etc…and Mueller has to let Weismman go batcrap crazy every once in a while for good theatrics…who knows…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Pres would never inflict that much harm on his own people, intentionally. Dozens of his staff members, almost bankrupted. Look what they did to Hope Hicks.
I’ll not convinced Mueller ever was a white hat.
We have a crisis in the country now, because no one has been indicted on the Dem side and all the President’s team have been indicted for process crimes after the election
a decades old vendetta between Manafort/Gates/Party of Regions in Ukraine as opposed to McCain/Mueller/McCabe/CIA/Orange Party in the Ukraine.

Pat Frederick

you’re probably right…


Q was asked about Manafort, Cohen. Q reply for one of them is “sometimes plants need watering.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Senator Hank (Guam is going to tip over) Johnson is being an ass.
Wants to know WHO, “Name Names” that Whitaker spoke to when he made his decision NOT to recuse from the Special Counsel.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sorry, Congressman not Senator.


I don’t understand how HE could be either!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

He JUST SAID IT – Jordan just said it.
An “investigation into the President of the United States”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The room STOPPED and Nadler shut down Jordan immediately.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

THAT was extraordinary.


At the 4 minute mark is when it gets interesting. 4:30 is when Jordan says it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I went back to the hour footage and looked again.
I think I’m wrong.
I think Jordan’s “investigation into the Pres of US”, is more of a general statement and not specific.


Whitaker is cool as a cucumber.
He’s not going to let these lightweights bully him into a ‘perjury trap’ with their loaded questions.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Are they voting on whether they are cheating the system now?


Hah! …It had to be done:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

THIS IS A WITCH HUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!


It’s even worse, actually…this is the Spanish Inquisition combined with a Firing Squad.
Whitaker is staying strong, though.
Hang in there, Matt…you’re doing great, buddy!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Unmasking Matt is unmasking.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nadler is allowing Congressmen to smear Whitaker and Whitaker is not allowed to defend himself to respond????????????


OMG! This woman from Seattle is a hysterical harpy!


And now here’s another one!
This woman from Orlando is just as bad!


She’s just the one on TV. We’ve got a whole lot more just like her scattered around the Puget Sound.

Sylvia Avery

Was it that crazy commie Jayapal? I missed it…

Sylvia Avery

*another discreet cough*
Which one? We have so many…


The CHILDREN!!! Matt Whitaker Is AG NOT DHS you moron!


Great Catch Daughn!!!


I can’t watch anymore for this same reason!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Sylvia Avery

Yes. The time of pretense is over. The flirting with socialism, the pretty words about progressivism, the coy glances at European Democratic socialism.
The mask is off. We see the ugly underneath. The simpering beauty is really a clapped out old hag called Communism. See it. Believe it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN. They can’t get closer to Stalinist thinking, without getting closer to STALIN.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Who is this infuriating blonde bitch? She must be a communist.


Yep…an Ivy League communist.

Pat Frederick

you left out Poison in your description


Poison Ivy League?
Haaaa. 😆
Works for me!

Pat Frederick

sounds like a nefarious organization that would take on Superman doesn’t it?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Congresswoman Scanlon of Philadelphia has also referred to a subsequent deposition of Whitaker.
Thought that was off the table, as of 7:00pm last night.


If you want a twit thread with commentary, here’s one:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


10,000 LIKES Wolf.

Sylvia Avery

Spot on, Sir Wolf!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Congresswoman Garcia, “we never had a zero tolerance policy before” which the Dems have renamed Child Separation policy. Garcia said, “why do we have a zero tolerance policy? We never had that before?”
Heyyyyyyyyy dumba$$, Obama is the one who BROKE the rules of immigration.
We followed the rules.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The commies are INFURIATING.

Plain Jane

They bank on votes with that because the lofo voters and malcontents eat it up.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Congressman Neguse of Colorado wants to know about cannabis.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Canorado” is now a thing, and much bigger than Kanorado!comment image


A Cannabis question? …Oh, come on!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

NO, you don’t get to “reclaim your time” when a witness is answering your question.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There is NO ranking for who should be promoted at DOJ, within a few specific qualifications.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Seems like we’ve had 6-7 Dems in a row, the Dems are stacking this committee.

Sylvia Avery

We’d best get used to it. Any and all dirty tricks will be in play, now, in San Fran Nan’s Playhouse.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Congressman Stanton, wants Whitaker to commit to cooperating with the OIG investigation requests/investigations into his behavior, which have been requested by DEM members of Congress.
In other words, people like Ohr/Page/Strvok were kept on the payrolls of DOJ/FBI so Horowitz could demand their cooperation – Congressman Stanton is asking Whitaker for his forced cooperation beyond employment.


Another Dem?!
How come the R’s aren’t getting to ask any questions!?
This is a farce.
Like Whitaker said…”political theater”.
What’s next, asking him about eating red meat? Boxers or briefs?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

With more Dems than Repubs in Congress, normally there would be more Dems on a committee.
THIS is absurd.
We’re on the 8-10th Dem in a row.
Nadler is stacking the committee.
Guarantee he will move these members after this meeting.

Pat Frederick

hold on there…
let’s explore that last question for a moment longer…hmmmmmm

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WTF? is with the constant demand for yes/no questions?
Or no answers to the questions?


Perjury Trap.
They ask a long complex, wordy question…that could be interpreted differently, later…and then try to get him to say a simple ‘Yes or No’ in answer to it.
They’re trying to Trap him.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Grandstanding, trying to get him to agree to something he shouldn’t, entrapment.
Or, they’ve got a lot they want to say to the public and figure this is the way to do it.


Oh great…this woman from El Paso is spewing her grievances against our Immigration Laws.
Legal council in Mexico?
She thinks we should be providing that!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

We’re done.


It’s over…for now.
Nadler sounded like he’s going to haul Whitaker back in there, though.
Whitaker did great!
Cool as ice…and the Dems looked like hysterical partisan loons.

Pat Frederick

thanks for the running commentary everyone!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen. Thanks, guys!


Sorry for all the repeats.


There’s no way to avoid it, when they connect them like that.
Thanks for posting them, T*3!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you, Triple T, and Shem had a great thread.


This guy needs to be AG.
Who else can stand this kind of insanity?

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed. I think THIS GUY is the guy we want!


Yep, absolutely.
Maybe in second term?
I figure the reason P45 didn’t nominate Whitaker for AG right now…is because of the close association to Sessions.
Let that air out for a couple of years, then maybe we see our man Matt get promoted.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The anon said he was appointed for a specific purpose. Scaramucci move. My guess is that there were people who needed to go and they used him to get rid of them.


Even so…I’d like to see Whitaker stay at the DOJ.
RR has announced he’s leaving, so I’m hoping Whitaker takes over as DAG.


If Barr does not get confirmed, would MW stay in the acting position for another 200+ days?
Things that make you say hmmmm

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Isn’t it hilarious how both Barr and Whitaker STOOD UP to questioning by the communists?
Don’t like Barr? Have some MOAR WHITAKER!


Yes! I want Whitaker for AG!


Wolfe, I hope you don’t mind me linking to other writers ie pointman, Brian cates, Thomas wictor, anonymous conservative. Say the word and I’ll stfu.


Ozzy, the rules at the top of every Dear MAGA Open give us all permission to post links, discuss what ever. Free speech rules. (Of course other people are free to complain if your posts are too long or to hard to read.) My personal preference is that you make at least a short comment about any link, to help readers decide if it’s worth the time to check it out.
Good to have you contributing. 🙂


Thankyou ttt. As it’s Wolfe’s site and I’m linking a bit lately I felt respect was called for. Will definitely say a little about links to help with selecting. Tbh, previously I have discounted some of ac, wolfs stuff as a little paranoid but I’ve crossed the rubicon now. I also think the threshold of evidence has been reached re Q, DS, MK and surveillance. So happy to see The cabal being countered by such a well planned strategy. The link I posted from a showed that Pres Trump and team are defunding cabal so severely that “security and research” firms have lost 75% income. They Are also unable to fund their msm mouthpieces who are laying off staff. Learn to code arseholes. Supplies and funds win wars

Cuppa Covfefe

Gack… to paraphrase chiefio, we have too many people coding right now (with all the H1Bs), we don’t need another bunch of bad coders…
I’d be interested in what Pointy has to say about today’s travesty… and Farage’s return (wakey, wakey 🙂 )…

Sylvia Avery

Dearest Daughn, thanks for putting this thread up.
I didn’t know about the hearing. Caught part of it earlier. Shut it off almost at once because it was making my blood boil.
I should have known to come here and find a thread. I could have probably watched it if I was doing it with you all.
As it was, I liked reading the commentary after the fact. Bless you.


here’s a great thread of the day