Abortion War Is Really Out Of This World: Argument For It Being A Battle In The Spiritual Realm

This appears in the February 11, 2019 Daily Thread comments, and is reposted here with a few edits at the request of the site host.
Something popped into my FB feed this morning that is, IMO, related to the anon’s post 2686:
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 994a42 No.5114108
Feb 10 2019 20:24:09 (EST)

Child Sex Trafficking Cover Up

Why do D’s push to fund [PP] using taxpayer dollars ($500m/year)?
Where does the money go?
Past political donations of [PP]?
What is the process of disposal re: aborted fetus?
What regulations (who monitors) are in place to ensure that process is being followed?
Why is there a new push by D’s to legalize late term abortions?
See past drops re: [PP] re: Congressional report (WARNING: GRAPHIC)
This has nothing to do w/ a woman’s right to choose (tactic they deploy when challenged to activate liberals/media hysteria).
The focus is on the organization itself.
Ask yourself a very simple question:
Given the amount of evidence demonstrating illegal & disturbing activities by [PP]- where is the FBI investigation?
What senior political officials are providing cover to [PP]?
Will action be taken by DOJ/FBI?
So, here we see the taxpayer money laundering that finances Dem election campaigns, and the sale of baby body parts as exposed a few years back.
What we don’t see, IMO, is the real battle: Good vs. Evil, and I am talking at a supernatural level and it has to do with this line from the post reprinted above:

“What is the process of disposal re: aborted fetus?
What regulations (who monitors) are in place to ensure that process is being followed?”

And that’s where today’s confluence of items coming together is a little spooky, truth be told.
What popped into my feed was my introduction to a former Satanist, now converted to Christ through Divine Mercy. His story is compelling and a description, disturbing is not strong enough of a word for it, can be found at Lifesite News.
But what popped into my FB feed was a different screed with this quote:

“There is a deeper reason for the increase of lateness of “legally” aborting babies in New York, ADVOCATED BY GOVERNOR CUOMO (and others) that does not normally “meet the eye”:
This is happening both for body part selling, but ALSO FOR ANOTHER INSIDIOUS REASON (even from within Planned Parenthood in some circles):
Satanic abortion/murder is NOT a LEGAL OFFENSE due to provisions of Roe vs Wade. Up to now children could be aborted only up to a certain time of pregnancy.”

The link goes on to describe how Satanists take advantage of the situation, even in Planned Parenthood clinics, and how fetal parts disposal follows its own path, not necessarily the one legislators choose and claim happens publicly. The Satanists lay in wait for the sacrificed child.
Reading the account was downright nauseating, so please, dive in at your own pace. Think the worst. It probably happened.
IMO, what makes this compelling is something that happened years ago outside an abortion clinic in Rockford, Illinois, and which has been repeated elsewhere. Four priests stood on the corners of the property and began to recite the Exorcism prayers. Not the new fangled ones that were written after Vat II, but the real ones that have been used for hundreds of years to great effect. While those prayers were being said, staff from inside the building came out and cursed at the priests. They were clearly agitated. Eventually, the clinic closed.
Here is an article that references the incident. I’ll have to dig a little deeper for the real reports of this miraculous action.

“Rockford pro-life leader Kevin Rilott told LifeSiteNews.com that when a local group of priests was granted permission by the Rockford diocese to regularly pray exorcism prayers outside the Northern Illinois Women’s Center (NIWC), the change was unmistakable.
“We saw a huge change at this clinic. The number of abortions went down, the number of saves went up,” said Rilott. “The moment they began saying these prayers was the beginning of the end of this clinic.”
By the time the Rockford clinic closed following the revelation of serious health violations, NIWC had become notorious for its anti-Christian signage, including a nun in a coffin, a crucified rubber chicken, and personalized slogans insulting pro-life witnesses outside. One sign suggested that NIWC had killed 50,000 children while “JC,” or Jesus Christ, had only saved 50.”

If what the former Satanist has to say is true, then the abortion fight is literally a Good vs. Evil battle well beyond the human realm.
It’s also very scary.
It may well be the anon is dancing around this issue because the truth here will put people in the hospital to know what is being done in abortion clinics is not for the life of the mother, or just convenience, but to serve Satan. Q is trying to get us there.
That’s just the way it seems to me this morning.

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Elizabeth Carter

I agree. This is not about the life of the mother, it is about Child sacrifice to Moloch.
The cards are on the table for all to see. It is horrifying. I have known about what they are doing for a long time. When I tried to tell people, they just could not believe it. This is the saddest and most evil of all things.
I believe we are finally to the point, where the truth will be made clear to all and sides are being chosen.
This must be stopped. There is no compromise possible.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Satan has many deceptive faces used to carry out his dirty deeds. This is one of them. Likely, few people are aware of this, simply because they lost their connection to understanding Good vs Evil in the world.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This is really a strong part of Media Mind Control – the idea that satanism is “stupid, crazy, overstated, ‘just’ mental illness, etc.” A perfect example is the guy who shot Gabby Giffords and (very important target) Judge John Roll. He had a satanic altar – IGNORED by virtually everybody – DISMISSED.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Tucson_shootingcomment image
People fail to understand that satanism, mental illness, and mind control (both external and internal breakup of self-control, allowing “evil” subprocesses to effectively TAKE CONTROL) are all tied together.
AND LOGIC allows the problem of what is happening here to be solved.
Pulling religion totally out of science was a fascinating way to CONTROL THE OUTCOME. It’s partly or even largely needed, so insisting on the whole enchilada has amazing cover. That was the beginning of real understanding for me. Our thoughts are NOT allowed to go all the places they need to go to solve problems, thanks to limitations and constraints on human science. Artificial distances are created – a fascinating thing to control outcomes.
Control of science gave us what we have, what I now reject as “fake science”. Just as bad a fake news, only not as fake YET. We’ve only seen the beginning of fake science.
The world is far more interesting than fake news and fake science allowed us to discover.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It always comes back to Economics! Women having and raising kids come as a detriment for Corporations and Multinationals. Not having kids or aborting them allows the woman to continue to be part of the workforce.
The country of Hungary is proposing legislation that will celebrate the birth of life in their country because the last thing they want is for Radical Muslims to come in and destroy it.
From the article linked above:
– every woman under 40 years of age will be eligible to a preferential loan when they first get married.
– The preferential loan of the family home purchase scheme (csok) will be extended; families raising two or more children will now also be able to use it for purchasing resale homes.
– The government will repay 1 million forints of the mortgage loan of families with two or more children. This measure was first announced in August 2017 for families with three or more children, with the government paying off 1 million forints of families’ mortgages for every third and subsequent child from January 2018. The measures has now been extended to include families raising two children.
– Women who have had and raised at least four children will be exempt from personal income tax payment for the rest of their lives.
– The government will launch a car purchase subsidy programme for large families. Families raising at least three children will be eligible to a grant of 2.5 million forints to buy a new car seating at least seven people.
The government will create 21,000 creche places over three years.
– Grandparents will also be eligible to a child-care fee and look after young children instead of the parents, the prime minister added.
Here is the face of EVIL!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Economics is how limiting children by one way or another is sold, but there’s another aspect that every time God’s will is subverted, Satan laughs. That’s what needs to be recognizes, and yes more children to keep Islam out may well be part of it.


Never Forget…….Their name is Legion, for they are many.
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”
“Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭10:19‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
If only more people knew…..Jesus gave us the power to cast them out. We need to use it!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes there is EVIL in the world.


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Husband has been working on a piece, similar to this.
He was adopted via Catholic Charities. Abortion is personal issue for him.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m sure it is.


DP – there have been rumors of dark occult satanic ceremonies at these abortuaries.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, well, with an eyewitness report, it looks to be true and just adds to the list of horrors.


Ephesians 6:12 – “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”
This is a spiritual battle as well as a political, social and physical battle.

Jan Phillips

Amen, GA/FL!!!


Original link *https://twitter.com/DavidJHarrisJr/status/1094105119098982401


From 2015:
“Dr. David Prentice:
The science is pretty conclusive at this point. And there are always going to be people, especially those in favor of abortion, who will say, “Oh that really doesn’t happen, and they’ll throw up a smokescreen. And what they usually do is they refer to an old study back in 2005 that was published actually by people who had associations with Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers.
But the real science – and there’s some new things in fact, that have come out in the last few months – but the science pretty conclusively demonstrates: Young babies still in the womb at 20 weeks after conception, and probably even earlier, do indeed feel pain, and in fact, may feel more intense pain than a newborn or an adult.”
“Dr. Prentice:
Exactly, they have a higher density of nerve receptors. Like you said, your skin is not very thick at that point, but there is another aspect.
There are certain pathways that sort of tone down pain. If I hit my thumb with a hammer, I’m going to feel it because the pain sensation goes up to my brain, but there is also a return path to try and tone that down. That doesn’t even start to develop until about the time that you’re born, so you don’t get this dampening of the pain.
In fact, there was a study done, reported just a couple weeks ago, where they were looking at pain experience of newborns – just between one and six or seven days old and adults, and the headlines were, “Babies feel pain like adults and they feel it more intensely.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My first born was a male and I was there for the delivery of a beautiful baby boy. After all the procedures to make sure he was fine the circumcision was performed and that was the first time I witnessed a silent scream.
Yes infants feel pain and the first sensation of real pain is overwhelming!


I did not witness my son’s circumcision but I heard him. It is a complicated subject as to the benefits/drawbacks (I had a relationship with a man who had not been cut and he was quite literally miserable – had the surgery in his late 30’s with my encouragement and support and was very happy) but I do believe they MUST be given something first to deaden the pain. IDK if they do that these days or not but they certainly should.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

IIRC, there was a study done on the topic of anesthesia for circumcision for infants, and the evidence was so overwhelming, the physicians stopped the study and just declared numb them up.
My friends who are Jewish and do the bris ceremony tell me they take a cloth diaper, soak a corner in wine and put it in the baby’s mouth before the ceremony. Apparently, the kids feel no pain.


It is a very personal for me, as many deplorables here know I was born in USSR, and after the WWII Stalin made abortions illegal, because of the huge human loss during the war…Before that abortions were on and off legal status. My grandmother had lots of them because of her unwillingness to have more then one child – my mother…it was no birth control, so kill of unborn was acceptable in my grandmother eyes. I remember how angry she was that after having my first son, I told her, that I want to have 2 children eventually… We, my now ex and 2 year-old Maxim, were allowed to leave (kicked out) of the country few days before she passed…We were able to see her off on her last way…It was 1978. Then a few years after my mother passed…After that nobody ever visited my grandmother grave, my sister, who still lives in Russia never did… After my mother gave birth to me (my grandmother loved and adored me), almost immediately my mother got pregnant and I guess when grandmother found out about it it was late-turn and no abortions were allowed at any turn…so my granny forced my mom to get abortion from some woman in the small village outside of Moscow…my mother told me, that she always regretted this particular abortion because it was a boy. After that my mother started to have all kind of problems with her ovaries and she died too early from ovarian cancer. 6 years after having me my mother had my sister against her mother wishes, only because our dad wanted to have another child, the rest of the fetuses after my sister were aborted, it was legal at that time. In USSR and now Russia family can hardly afford more then 1 child.
During my life in USSR I tried to talk out of aborting several women, but unsuccessfully. I am, during my life, had 4 pregnancies, as a result gave birth to 2 wonderful sons, who are loves of my life, 2 miscarriages (I miscarried my younger’s son twin and didn’t let my doctor know, because he would insisting on “cleaning” what ever left there and I had one tubal pregnancy, where I didn’t have any choice and it had to be taken out. During my married life my ex and I always agree, that there will be no abortions. To much personal information? But sometimes person needs to talk it out.


TY for your personal story.


Thanks for sharing. I’m glad you were able to live to your principals in this matter even having lived in the USSR for a time.


Yes, I did. I would not kill my child.
I firmly belive, that women, who have abortions done pay for it somewhere somehow. I saw examples of it.

Jan Phillips

Thank you so much for sharing your story, Elena, and for your valiant efforts to educate others.


I need to write down my stories for my sons, actually I did write a lot of my family history in 2006 and then stopped…Yesterday my younger son in our phone conversation asked me to continue to write my story, so I will have to do it.

Jan Phillips

Yes!! Please do! I have learned so much from you already!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Your son wants your legacy to be passed down in your testimony.
Words written will mean so much to your family just as it has here. Thank you for sharing.


I had written book about history of my family, but I stopped in 2007 when I came up to my story…It is very hard to write about yourself


elena thank you for sharing your story.


You are very welcome…

Elizabeth Carter

I am pro-life. To me that is a litmus test for a candidate. If any politician is for killing babies, there is no evil they would not do. When my choices were Clinton, Obama, McCain Romney and Bush, I voted US Constitution party for President. I wanted them to know that I voted but the candidates the Republicans and Democrats were allowing us to choose between were not worth voting for at all.
I have never been a Democrat but I have found that most Republicans were just as evil. When a politician is willing to sell out their country for money, they are the scum of the earth IMO. I voted for Bush the first time. Then I found out Barbara was for killing babies. Sad. Hillary has always been for killing whoever gets in her way. Bush, Sr. referred to Bill Clinton as his son and couldn’t keep his hands off of Michelle. They are all into human trafficking, gun trafficking and drug trafficking.
I am so grateful that President Trump loves America.
God Bless President Trump
God Bless America


Oh, it’s real alright… 🙁
(CBN): The Satanic Temple says a pregnant woman in Missouri, “Mary Doe,” wasn’t able to carry out a “religiously motivated” abortion because of these laws. The group argues in court that the state laws violate her right to religious practice under the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act.


Abortion is Stage II of the problem.
Here is Stage I:

‘Woman’s right to choose’ Abortion is really about the Right to F— without consequence, cost or commitment.


I am SO slow on the uptake. But I finally got it while reading this post (maybe).
PP has committed many crimes all across America, crimes related to the handling and disposal of murdered babies. I believe many states have laws and regulations related to this circumstance.
But the lack of interest or the obstacle of ideology/politics has prevented their enforcement. So it was never a problem. This is why Gosnell needed to be squashed, and O’Keefe was such a threat.
Now PP understands their RICO level criminal liability threatens their very existence.
So leftists have instructed those who can (NY, VA) to pass laws which retrospectively erase PP’s criminal liability, and in order to do so, the laws must de-criminalize any and all abortion related statutes, as well confirm/extend the non-person-hood of each murdered baby.
The laws are being sold as insurance against the reversal of Roe v. Wade, but this is an absurd falsehood. At least in NY, Roe is totally irrelevant to abortion and will be for the foreseeable future regardless of what happens.
This is just speculation on my part, but it makes more sense to me that the politically risky national acts of promoting “infanticide” are explained as a defensive maneuver intended to save PP from legal immolation.
And IMO this is at least one implication of what Q is suggesting.


Wonderful thread!




From the thread — Brian Cates was anti-Trump:


That was a fantastic Thread CM! thank you!!


You’re welcome, Marica!
I never cared much for Brian Cates. I still don’t. Now I know why — factually, instead of instinctively.


I like Brian cuz he battles well against the Eeyores..proven right so far…

Jan Phillips

Thank you, DP. Great thread!!


i know i a have at times mentioned stuff like this, and probably i am sure some are dismissive of it – but the idea that truth being exposed will put people into mental spirals, or into mental wards (hospitals) is actually not in my book a concern and is actually a detriment.
if you are not able to look into evil and stare it down and realize what it is and what it is doing and what it has been doing, then you cannot defeat it in the long term.
looking away, to use an old phrase, is the worst thing that can be done.
the shock and awe needed to save the world from the evil that we are talking about is so massive. if you are a christian and you believe in heaven – imagine when christ comes back? imagine being caught up in the clouds with jesus and taken to heaven… guess what – you can’t. human brains have not been made to be able to imagine such a thing.
those not believing the same way, imagine when the aliens come. same, you cannot because your human brain is not really able to picture that.
regardless stuff might happen and what are you going to do, close your eyes and pretend it is not there because it might cause you or your friends or people you know a nervous breakdown?
and there will not be a win until all the truth is exposed. and if this goes all the way back to satan vs. jesus or to alien brother vs. alien brother from another planet, or whatever, then how can any covering up of this be excused or “held back because we cannot handle it”.
sad to say, sure, there might be some that cannot handle it – and i think those same types will not be able to survive what is to come either.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“i know i a have at times mentioned stuff like this, and probably i am sure some are dismissive of it – but the idea that truth being exposed will put people into mental spirals, or into mental wards (hospitals) is actually not in my book a concern and is actually a detriment.”
As I’ve thought about it, it’s not you and me it’s going to put in the hospital and not most people of faith. It’s the ones without faith who consider themselves to be “good” and who reject the idea that Satanism and all its evils exist. People like the liberal aging hippie couple who live around the corner from us. To my knowledge, they have never been religious, but would not hurt a fly, are unassuming, and treasure their family. I mean treasure. She was a La Leche League leader and all that. They are simple people in many ways. THAT is who is going to be sick about it all when/if it comes out.


gotcha – and i know this has sort of been a theme since q has been around too, with things like (or people getting the idea) that only 60% of stuff could become open, etc…
now people getting SICK or DISGUSTED is one thing – nervous breakdowns are another…but again, i really cannot honestly think if stuff is suppressed (this is part of how we get to this point anyway) that it can be good for the long term outcome.
but i know what you mean – heck, just yesterday i was talking to some friends and they are very open to our way of thinking on many things – and i asked them about what they thought of the caravans coming up and they were like “we haven’t even heard of them” and it’s because they do not do the news AT ALL. not a bit. i know several people who only watch Ellen or soaps or comedy because they get “anxious” if they watch the news… but i really do not feel like their feelings are worth more than full disclosure 🙂

Molly Pitcher

That’s the reason hollywood has been enlisted in the propaganda war. A lot of people never watch news, don’t read print but they do keep up with “stars” and sports. A steady diet of orangeman bad, Trump is racist…they have no facts but assume that these icons surely know what they’re talking about.


Just going to leave this redpill here…


Thank you for this post, Deplorable Patriot!
I’ve said it before…that Satanists must love abortions, because it is a child sacrifice.
It can’t be said enough!
So it’s not hard for me to believe that Satanists infiltrate and get involved in abortion clinics.
And I refuse to call them “Luciferians”…because they like that name.
Satan is not ‘the light bringer’.
He is the prince of darkness.
It is the part of the ongoing psy-ops that the Enemedia and Hollywood has been engaging in, this normalizing of Satan worshiping.
They have been trying to normalize evil and desensitize people to it’s visage.
It is so wonderful that this Great Awakening includes waking people up to the horrors that have been going on around us!


Excellent news.
Thanks, pR!

Gail Combs

Please note, I am an agnostic and abortion, esp late term horrifies me as a CIVILIZED human being.
I am starting to put together some information to leave at churches for the democrats to think about. (We do children’s entertainment at churches.)

This breaks AT LEAST two laws as shown in the film.
Where does that fetal material go?
This has clips from some old Alex Jones interviews. the one of interest is a good interview with a former Planned Parenthood worker @ ~ 5:00 Senomyx does not actually put fetal material in the food. Instead they use cultures of HEK293 for testing the chemicals they market.
I really wish Alex Jones would get this stuff correct however the interview is worth listenning too.
HEK = Human Embryonic Kidney cells
293 = the 293rd experiment.
(This is from Mercola, LifesiteNews, Westonaprice.org)

Gail Combs

So lets follow the trail.
We now have videos where the person avocating the NY state law point blank admitted an abortion can be done WHILE the woman is dilating (in the process of giving birth)
The Virgina Governor, as Dr Janda pointed out, said ‘keep the baby comfortable’ — OUTSIDE THE WOMB AND ALIVE — ‘while Mom & Doc decide’ its fate. That is infanticide pure and simple.
Infant who survived abortion screamed for an hour while left alone to die

The most notorious example of an abortionist killing abortion-surviving babies, of course, is Kermit Gosnell. Now serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole in a Pennsylvania state prison, Gosnell was convicted of murdering aborted-alive babies — https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/will-members-of-congress-really-vote-against-a-bill-to-protect-born-alive-abortion-survivors

However people miss something else that Dr Janda brings up. CLINICS with NON-DOCTORS can legally perfore abortions ===> PLANNED PARENTHOOD.
Dr. Janda on Adoption, Abortion & our country’s future. (Note the Alex Jones guest said adoption as an option was neve brought up to the targets.)

Gail Combs

Now, let’s hop over the Atlantic to the UK where the Fabiens have a death grip on the government. (Ex-Prime Minister and good buddy of Bill Clinton, Tony Blair was chair of the Fabian Society.)
This is what we find under ‘Socialized Medicine’
The news stories started out like this:

Nearly 1,200 people have starved to death in NHS hospitals because ‘nurses are too busy to feed patients’
For every patient who dies from malnutrition, four more have dehydration mentioned on their death certificate
… (wwwDOT)dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2287332/Nearly-1-200-people-starved-death-NHS-hospitals-nurses-busy-feed-patients.html

And this

Four patients die thirsty or starving EVERY DAY on our hospital wards show damning new statistics
Data shows 1,316 deaths were linked to or directly caused by dehydration and malnutrition in 2010
Figures are far higher than in 2000, when 862 deaths were recorded
One hospital forced to prescribe drinking water for its patients

The telegraph reports:

the NHS comes first in Europe when it comes to the percentage of hospital patients suffering malnutrition: a whopping 58%, compared to 24% in the Netherlands and just over 30% in Denmark.

The comments in the last article give life to the horrific conditions in the UK hospitals.
Note how the nurses are blamed and doctors are “forced to prescribe drinking water” — Yeah, right.
Then one doctor lets the cat out of the bag. The cause of death is deliberate withholding of food and water (The Liverpool Care Pathway) and not ‘neglect’ by the nurses… OOPS
Top doctor’s chilling claim: The NHS kills off 130,000 elderly patients every year: Professor says doctors use ‘death pathway’ to euthenasia the elderly
Around 29 per cent of patients that die in hospital are on controversial ‘care pathway’

Then as investigative journalists dig deeper it is found that it is not the Doctors but the GOVERNMENT that is the cause of the deliberate starvation and dehydration of there citizens. NHS millions for controversial care pathway
The majority of NHS hospitals in England are being given financial rewards for placing terminally-ill patients on a controversial “pathway” to death,

TheGovernment PAYS hospitals to starve the patients to death. They also use the Liverpool Care Pathway on infants and children they deem ‘useless’ Doctors now have Saturday and Sunday off so if you are admitted on a weekend chances are you will be stuck on the Liverpool Care Pathway. Also the UK Govenment is suggesting they need to ‘Check-up” on older folk… so they can toss them in the hospital and starve them to death no doubt.
h ttps://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/health/news/9710426/Children-placed-on-controversial-death-pathway.html
There was another article, since scrubbed, where a nurse describes a 14 year old with cancer dying with his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth from lack of water.

Gail Combs

Think that is bad? It gets worse.
Now they are calling for After birth Abortions

Ethicists call for killing of newborns to be made legal
by Madeleine Teahan
posted Wednesday, 29 Feb 2012
Professors from Milan and Oxford argue that ‘foetuses and newborns do not have the same moral status as actual persons’
A leading British medical journal has published an article calling for the introduction of infanticide for social and medical reasons.
The article in the Journal of Medical Ethics, entitled “After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?” states in its abstract: “After-birth abortion (killing a newborn) should be permissible in all cases where abortion is, including cases where the newborn is not disabled.”

Here in the USA some college kids think “After-birth abortion” up to the age of FOUR should be OK!
And the people in the USA were told this was the healthcare system that was so much better that what we had!?!?!
Speaking of Gruber, Obamacare is all about removing medical care FROM the elderly and giving it TO the illegals.
If You Like Your Medicare, You Can Keep Your Medicare By Jane M. Orient, M.D.

…You can drop Medicare Part B, though there is a penalty for getting back in. But to drop Medicare Part A, you have to give back all the Social Security payments you ever received, as well as forgoing future payments. [MAJOR STICK to beat you into submission.]
Medicare rules are forcing many independent physicians to give up their practice, and either retire early or become employees. Physicians who do remain in practice may not accept Medicare patients, or limit the number they see. If you are a Medicare patient, the entire Medicare regime is in the examining room or hospital room with you, like it or not. You are not allowed to be free for a day. Neither is the doctor….
Medicare is also making it increasingly difficult for Medicare patients to get tests, consultations, oxygen or other home-health items, or medications prescribed by a non-Medicare doctor, sometimes even if the patient is willing to pay privately.

Why should this be?
Keep in mind that Medicare is not yours. The money you paid in all your working life is long gone. Your benefits are coming out of the wages of people like Larry, John, and Jesus, who toil at Arnold’s gas station, and all of them are having a hard time these days. Now that payroll tax receipts are less than payouts, benefits are coming out of general tax revenues, which redeem the IOUs in the “Trust Fund.” And the ever-increasing Part B premiums pay only 25 percent of benefits. If you are on Medicare, you are a liability—to your doctor and to society.
Medicare does offer some fine new “benefits”—such as paying for “end-of-life” counseling.
Medicare counseling, however, is not about life insurance, wills, or funeral arrangements—or about making peace with your family or God. It’s about reducing the cost of your care. The most expedient way to do that is to use “end” as a verb.
These days you can no longer assume that a hospital will seek to prolong your life and restore you to the health you enjoyed before you fell ill. It is much easier for the hospital if you give them permission ahead of time not to try. The purpose of the “advance directive” is to decline “life-sustaining treatments”—such as food and water.

Plain Jane

You are so right. Right now a woman is being starved and dehydrated after a stroke. TheDrs. told her husband she would be dead in 3 days. Her 90 yyear old husband signed the papers. Her kids cannot do anything about it. She is dying in a hospital in Winston-Salem. She is my sister’s SIL. The woman is probably no more than 75. She is responsive as of two days ago. Prayers for her please.

Gail Combs

All of this is in line with Fabian Socialist thinking and their method of implementing their vision of the world gradually. The idea is to make government murder of the noncompliant acceptable to the rest of the public.

“The moment we face it frankly we are driven to the conclusion that the community has a right to put a price on the right to live in it … If people are fit to live, let them live under decent human conditions. If they are not fit to live, kill them in a decent human way. Is it any wonder that some of us are driven to prescribe the lethal chamber as the solution for the hard cases which are at present made the excuse for dragging all the other cases down to their level, and the only solution that will create a sense of full social responsibility in modern populations?”
Source: George Bernard Shaw, Prefaces (London: Constable
and Co., 1934), p. 296.

So the ultimate goal is to get society to accept the killing off of those unwilling to be the slaves of the Elite government.
So what about After Birth Abortion? Where does that fit into the ultimate goals of the Fabian Elite? In the USA they are going even further.

TRENDING: More college students support post-birth abortion
Anecdotal evidence by leaders of prolife groups such as Created Equal and Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust said in interviews that not only do they see more college students willing to say they support post-birth abortion, but some students even suggest children up to 4 or 5-years-old can also be killed, because they are not yet “self aware.”
“We encounter people who think it is morally acceptable to kill babies after birth on a regular basis at almost every campus we visit,” said Mark Harrington, director of Created Equal. “While this viewpoint is still seen as shocking by most people, it is becoming increasingly popular.”
Campuses where the high school, college students, local activists and staff members of Created Equal have encountered this opinion include Purdue, University of Minnesota, and University of Central Florida. And at Ohio State earlier this year, the group captured a debate on video between one of its members and an older woman on campus who defended infanticide.
“This is the whole problem with devaluing human life at any stage—it will naturally grow to include other groups of humans…
….Garza said. “There is this notion that is common on campus, that it’s OK to kill babies because somehow we don’t become human until we are self aware.”
“A common number that is going around is 4 years old,” she adds….

“This is the whole problem with devaluing human life at any stage—it will naturally grow to include other groups of humans… That of course is the whole idea. It leads straight back to Shaw, the Fabians and OBAMA’s science czar Holdren. Holdern and the Ehrlichs also say a newborn child “will ultimately develop into a human being” if properly fed and socialized.

“The fetus, given the opportunity to develop properly before birth, and given the essential early socializing experiences and sufficient nourishing food during the crucial early years after birth, will ultimately develop into a human being,” page 235, chapter 8 of the book titled “Population Limitation.”

This is the SAME nut case that said TREES should have standing in court to sue!

Giving “natural objects” — like trees — standing to sue in a court of law would have a “most salubrious” effect on the environment, Holdren wrote the 1970s. “One change in (legal) notions that would have a most salubrious effect on the quality of the environment has been proposed by law professor Christopher D. Stone in his celebrated monograph, ‘Should Trees Have Standing?’” Holdren said in a 1977 book that he co-wrote with Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich. “In that tightly reasoned essay, Stone points out the obvious advantages of giving natural objects standing, just as such inanimate objects as corporations, trusts, and ships are now held to have legal rights and duties,” Holdren added.

So Holdren thinks trees are more valuable than human infants… OK, right, thanks for letting us know that.
I guess Cows don’t make it as valuable though…

Gail Combs

OK guys,
How do we condense that information into something LO-INFO types can understand.
That it is a slippery slope from killing and embryo to killing off the non-working in da ‘hood. That the Fabien Socialists are greasing that slope with the tax dollars taken from the working class and used as bribes to the non-working until they are in full control. At that point they will kill MILLIONS. They have done so repeatedly.
DEMOCIDE: Death by Government
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1911 Turkey Gun control — from 1915 to 1917 – 1.5 million Arminans killed
1935 China gun control — from 1948 to 1952 – 20 million killed
1938 Germany Gun control — from 1935 to 1945 – 20,946,000 murdered.
1956 Cambodia gun control — from 1975 to 1977 – 1 to 2 million educated people murdered.
1964 Guatamala Gun Control — from 1964 to 1981 – 100,000 Mayan Indians killed.
1970 Uganda gun control in — from 1971 to 1979 – 300,000 Christians killed, a total of 2 to 3 million murdered.
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The Second Amendment is about preventing a totalitarian government and NOT about self defense or hunting. We need to quit ALLOWING the Fabiens and Commies to change the subject.

Plain Jane

Excellent thread DP. I wish I would have had the opportunity to read and comment the day you posted it. I have attended exorcisms at 5 abortion sites. They weren’t the pre-Vatican II exorcisms though.

Plain Jane

DP is there any way to get to a link that is behind the words “different screed” in the sentence “But what popped into my FB feed was a different screed with this quote:”
I am not on FB and cannot access the story.

Plain Jane

DP, Safari wouldn’t let me get into the link at the bottom of the LS article so I went to the All Saints Ministry website another way. I saw the St. Benedict article and the the St Benedict medal. When I did the post abortion healing retreats, we used little hand made stuffed dolls for the menand women to hold and keep with them during the later part of the retreats. Fortunately the brilliant Psychiatriast who trained me and was my mentor told me to have the team who made the “babies” for our retreats put blessed St Benedict medals inside of the dolls.
We also always had the rooms blessed with holy water and blessed salt before each retreat.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’ve given some thought to developing a crochet pattern to counter the pussy hat, like a scarf or sash or something. Not sure that it would catch on, though.

Plain Jane

I like the idea, but youmight be right about it not catching on. Real women don’t have media on our side.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s not just that, but the idea really took hold while I was at Adoration on Monday. The flower sprays on either side of the Tabernacle were red and white roses with baby’s breath. The red rose is a pro-life symbol, but it’s a little close to hot pink. And then I looked at the statue of the Blessed Mother, and her sash is a robin’s egg blue.
IDK, just something I was kicking around.

Plain Jane

Perhaps ready made ones would sell well, but I don’t know about a pattern. Sounds beautiful.

Plain Jane

I also see that Fr. Pavone endorses All Saints Ministry. I’ve hheard him speak many times, and even introduced him for the local P-L banquet right as my team and I were working on bringing RV Retreats to our diocese.