Dear MAGA: 20190211 Open Topic


You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on. Keep it civil. Rules much like the Old Treehouse, except of course Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged. A couple of other important things to consider. This here link….

….contains some general guidelines for things that are really, really not kosher to post here.

Also consider Wheatie’s Rules (as amended by SteveInCO):

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
  4. No shooting at the nuclear warheads.

Remember – this is a free speech zone. Barring the few minor things that can get this site closed down, you ain’t gonna get banned.

And once the Gab commenting layer is here – BOOM.

– – · –

The current plan for Dear MAGA threads is to switch to a format where people have ONE NIGHT A WEEK that they take care of the thread. For example, Wheatie will put up the SATURDAY thread on FRIDAY NIGHT.

  • Monday – Wolf
  • Tuesday – Wolf
  • Wednesday – Wolf
  • Thursday – Wolf
  • Friday – Wolf
  • Saturday – Wheatie
  • Sunday – ThinkThinkThink

If anybody else would be interested in being a Dear MAGA author one night a week, feel free to let me know.

Remember that our greatest gift to President Trump is PRAYER!


And let us pray YET AGAIN for an end to the slaughter of the unborn, particularly when they have almost made it safe and sound into this world, and are being cruelly cut down just before birth by those who profit on their deaths.

Let us further pray that INFANTICIDE never again appears on this planet as an acceptable practice!

Finally, a word about the FEATURED IMAGE (the USS Ronald Reagan) and the name of the day (DISTRUST AND VERIFY BY SECRET METHODS MONDAY).

I had an EPIPHANY here:

…. related to Q’s post here:

And further related to a Twitter post here:

…. and two earlier posts of mine HERE:

…. and HERE:

My key conclusions in the comment are these:

Here is an interesting fact of disinformation which again comes back to the entire PRINCIPLE of chaff – that chaff FEEDS the Occam’s razor of military machinery (the brains of the missile), by touching logic OUTSIDE ITS PROGRAMMING (the coolness of Occam intersecting with Turing in the region of Eckert’s Law is NOT TO BE DENIED, folks…)


This is simply how “magic” works. But now I want you to ask you WHO tells you this:


I will tell you who tells you that. A magician who is so skilled in what they are doing, that they know exactly how you will verify, and have prepared for it.

I offer a new solution.


-Wolf Moon, The Q Tree

The implications for history – that we did not do this – or at least publicly went along with the opposite – are ASTOUNDING. To me, this is MASSIVE validation of my theory of Stefan Halper, and how he intersects two critical points in our nation’s history – the NIXON and REAGAN administrations. The fact that he and the forces behind him TOOK OUT NIXON but NOT REAGAN is one of the most fascinating chapters in geopolitics EVER. I do not have the complete set of answers about WHY things happened the way they did, but I can see that WHAT HAPPENED vis-a-vis the forces of the left and the countering strategies of both Nixon and Reagan opens up that entire portion of the game to a FRESH analysis.

Stay tuned for more.



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Reagan Quotes: As Government Expands, Liberty Contracts

The Ronald Reagan Collection

Ours was the first revolution in the history of mankind that truly reversed the course of government, and with three little words: ‘We the People.’ ‘We the People’ tell the government what to do; it doesn’t tell us. ‘We the People’ are the driver; the government is the car. And we decide where it should go, and by what route, and how fast. Almost all the world’s constitutions are documents in which governments tell the people what their privileges are. Our Constitution is a document in which ‘We the People’ tell the government what it is allowed to do. ‘We the People’ are free. This belief has been the underlying basis for everything I’ve tried to do these past 8 years.
But back in the 1960’s, when I began, it seemed to me that we’d begun reversing the order of things — that through more and more rules and regulations and confiscatory taxes, the government was taking more of our money, more of our options, and more of our freedom. I went into politics in part to put up my hand and say, ‘Stop.’ I was a citizen politician, and it seemed the right thing for a citizen to do.
I think we have stopped a lot of what needed stopping. And I hope we have once again reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts.


This is a very profound statement that says it all: “Almost all the world’s constitutions are documents in which governments tell the people what their privileges are. Our Constitution is a document in which ‘We the People’ tell the government what it is allowed to do.”


They leaked another 4 days of POTUS’ schedule today.. Mulvaney better find and terminate the treasonous culprit!!


Trying to stop something on the schedule or get him killed. Bastards.


It was from last week, Mon-Thurs. But still, Enough! Mulvaney said at least 400 people get this schedule, so the haystack is rather large. POTUS actually has a more specific schedule, only shared with a select few, Thank God.


They have ways of flagging the schedule if they need to. Not a long term concern.


Easier to burn the haystack than find the needle


We err if we assume the “leak” was nefarious…against POTUS…if we assume it was BHs…
Perhaps it was an intentional, apparent “leak,” by WHs…
“Disinformation is necessary, disinformation is real… ” “Q
Observe..take in…consider … wait …reflect…observe … wait…future will prove past
Or as our mothers instructed us…”Don’t jump to conclusions.”


Or as Q said recently in the NASA countdown clock, T-something, and Hold. Meaning: observe. Just sayin’… 😉

Jan Phillips

Great article! Thank you, JesusGirl!!

Plain Jane

Is this what I think it means?


Holee fudge if it does.
But ive got to go to bed, gotta get up at o dark 30.
Bug day tomorrow.
Night y’all!

Plain Jane

No, I don’t.

In the post before that one, #726 , an anon had posted a list of passengers from a Russian plane crash and had highlighted the name of Vyacheslav, who was connected to Rosatom, and asked if Vyacheslav could have been the target of the crash. Q responds, “Over the target.”
Then post #727 names RBG.
Post #728 and several following are about Snowden:
@Snowden “Truth To Power”
Drop “Truth To Power”


It was sandwiched between Post 726 about the Russian plan crash involving Deputy Director General of ROSATOM Vyacheslav Pershukov – possibly a Clinton Arckencide target:
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: ec346b No.339791
Feb 11 2018 15:38:19 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 41e7af No.339722
Feb 11 2018 15:33:24 (EST)
Russian Plane crash list.jpgcomment image
Vyacheslav Pershukov has been appointed ROSATOM’s special representative for international scientific and technical projects
“Former Deputy Director General of ROSATOM Vyacheslav Pershukov has been appointed ROSATOM’s special representative for international scientific and technical projects.
His responsibilities will include: Russia’s representation at the international thermonuclear experimental reactor ITER; the creation of a centre for the study of ions and antiprotons in Europe; and the organisation of an international research centre for Russia’s multipurpose sodium-cooled fast neutron research reactor, or MBIR by its Russian acronym.
He will also head the Rosatom Technology Development Centre, which is being created at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (MEPhI).”
Over the TARGET.
and Post 728 – Snowden ‘Truth to Power”
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 4c88a3 No.340398
Feb 11 2018 16:16:29 (EST)
@Snowden “Truth To Power”
Drop “Truth To Power”


the guy described is the not guy on the list – and is still alive afaik.
although, rosatom = u1… and his appointment to ITER…
ITER = “the way” = free energy.
related to deuterium-tritium … helium3 …great abundance on the moon.
moon mining search yields india wants to launch probe. china already there. US reconissiance probe now has photo of chinese lander on dark side of moon.
also see:
megaton to megawatt program. lots of free flowing enriched stuff floating around for 25 years now.


Do you think it is a Mandela Effect?
The post seems familiar, but it would, wouldn’t it?


Wouldn’t it be something if it’s announced tomorrow that she is stepping down!
Or…is no longer with us.
Which I am not wishing for.
I just don’t think she has a right to stay in her position, since she is not healthy enough to show up for work.
Anybody could be phoning in her decisions right now!

Plain Jane

When employees of a certain classification in management plan to retire, generally the company was notified a year or so prior to retirement. Perhaps this is the case with her ans the Q post.

Plain Jane

Peeps high up in management with speciality degrees aren’t that easy to replace, so HR and above is generally told, or when such an employee reaches a certain age, they are often asked when.

Plain Jane

Yep. DH did.


If this means it’s today, then what I said a while ago is correct; they were holding her until they could use her for a February 15 wall-negotiation distraction.
We’ll see.


This woman has go to go. Even Nikki Haley doesn’t want to hear her crap.


There is no group with as much hatred of others as Muslims. They will kill you for your religion,or lack of it, your sexual orientations, if you get raped ( women), and questioning or mockery of their religion. Truely Mohammed was one of the most evil people to walk the face of the earth and his followers have killed more than any other ideology inc communism.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You’re far too kind.


They are equal opportunity haters. Jews are up there but so is every other religion and the “wron” sect of theirs. See 6 yr old shiaboy beheaded in front of his mother by Sunni in Medina today


i was just wondering to myself about the count of muslims killed in america by US citizens in a racially motivated islamophobic attack? and also extend that then to worldwide in a provoking manner? must be a lot considering how racist and bigoted we are.


I saw a graphic on the anons – to source it well would take a really deep dive into the statistics, and even then who knows.
Over 1400 years, the death toll was reported to be 270MM. Far greater than any other group in the history of the world.
“Religion” of WAR.


Yep – “Islam’s borders are bloody and so are its innards.” Samuel P. Huntington p. 258, The Clash of Civilizations.

Molly Pitcher

They’re very special. From the CPS (Congressional Progressive Caucus) All of the anti American ppl are in this Caucus
H. Res. 569 Condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States


“H. Res. 569 Condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States
It is the same as saying they condemn violence, bigotry and hateful rhetoric towards rapists, murderers and pedophiles. islam teaches all three, their Authoritative books TEACH it, and the inventor of their subversive ideology of genocide is the highest example of all three.
The devilrats can condemn the proper identification and truthful acknowledgment of these attributes of islam, but islam merits every last one as a matter of identification and self-defense.
If a murdering pedophile rapist moves into your neighborhood, you don’t condemn the people of the neighborhood who rightfully seek to protect their families from the monster.
You condemn the monster and drive it out.
The monster is islam, and every individual who practices this Satanic belief system.
Does this mean all Muzzies are bad people?
Not at all. Many are peaceful, many don’t believe or practice the evil taught by Mohamad. But they don’t stop it, either. They know better than anyone that opposing the inherent violence of islam will get them killed.
Mohamad appeals to the basest instincts, desires and lusts of man, it is a filthy religion of sin and depravity.
Men easily fall into temptation when their religion is righteous.
How many more fall into temptation when the founder of their religion teaches that sin is good, that it is right to satisfy their bloodlust and rape fantasies?
That’s what islam is.
And for even the good people who practice it, islam is always whispering to them, tempting them, encouraging their lusts, validating their anger and blaming anyone who isn’t a Muzzie.
islam is a lie that appeals to the worst in Man, while claiming to exemplify the best in Man, and by intent and design, islam clashes with every population it comes into contact with.
By force if they have the numbers, or by subversion and infiltration until they have the numbers to use force.
That is the blood-soaked history of islam across the ages, for anyone to see.
islam is utterly repulsive and repugnant, to a degree for which words fail.
So if these treasonous dirtbags in the Congressional Clown Caucus want to condemn me for speaking the truth about the heinous genocide cult of islam, I say to them what the archangel Michael said to Satan:
The Lord rebuke thee.
Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.” (Jude 1:9, KJV)
I will not back down.


Islam is a racist misogynist slaving hate cult by any honest evaluation.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I wonder why you chose to only call out its better features.




….aggressive, supremacist, barbaric, murderous, lying….


Still just scratching the surface.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I really wish you’d stop being wishy washy and take a stand.

Uncle John’s Band

American Jews are heavy Dem supporters. There’s a wedge issue here for savvy patriots to take advantage of.


That will not happen. They invented communism for Pete’s sake. And that’s an uncomfortable FACT.


This is off topic, but I want to bring this to your attention on the off-hand chance you don’t already know. I just found out about it a week or so ago.
I was trying to identify a Grateful Dead song I heard on Sirius radio last summer during a road trip. The song is Sugaree.
It turns out that it is a bonus track on 2-CD reissue of the 1981 double live album “Dead Set” (reissued by Rhino Records in 2006). I found it here:
But in the words of Arlo Guthrie in Alice’s Restaurant, “that’s not what I came to tell you about.”
I came to talk about Uncle John’s Band.
It turns out there was a reissue of several Grateful Dead albums in the early to mid 2000s, including the album “Workingmans’ Dead”, the 1970 Grateful Dead album on which the song “Uncle John’s Band” first appeared (as I am positive you know, but others here may not).
On the 2003 Rhino Records reissue (UPC code: 081227439620, also here at Discogs: ), there are multiple bonus tracks, mostly live versions of the studio album tracks, including a live version of “Uncle John’s Band”, which I stumbled across while searching youtube for “Sugaree”, mentioned at the beginning.
This live version of “Uncle John’s Band” is one that I really like. I recognize Jerry’s voice, but I’m not sure who the second voice belongs to (Bob Weir or Phil Lesh?). Whoever it is, he’s singing his HEART out on this version, especially as it gets to the end.
It’s not the smoothest vocal, his voice cracks and distorts some, but that might even be what makes it better. I was smiling from ear to ear, hearing this great old song sung with such enthusiasm 😁
Without further ado, the Grateful Dead, live at Winterland, San Francisco, December 23rd, 1970, singing Uncle John’s Band.
I hope you like this:


“The problem is importing Muslim antisemites. It’s THAT simple. It’s STUPID AS HELL. Stop doing it.”
Not only bringing them in, but allowing the ones already here to remain is a problem of the exact same magnitude, or worse.
It’s like having a Leper colony inside the city gates, only worse. Because Lepers weren’t secretly trying to spread their leprosy to every man, woman and child in the city. Like someone with AIDS trying to spread it to as many people as possible.
“If you bring in Muslims, you bring in antisemitism.”
Worse, you bring in a Trojan Horse which will subvert the entire nation — Semites (whoever they are, I wouldn’t recognize one unless he told me), whites, blacks, Asians, Hispanics, American Indians, Indian Indians, it doesn’t matter.
islam’s mission is to assimilate or murder them all.
No different than the Borg.


‘Muddy Boots’ rates a ROTFLMAO.

Sylvia Avery

Those dumbasses in the House should censure her or sic the the Ethics Committee on her for a lengthy investigation. But of course they will not.
Maybe, maybe, MAYBE some of the knee jerk progressive Jews will wake up and smell the coffee and have their own version of Blexit. These people are NOT their friends.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

But many Jews are very, very leftist and the Dem party is the only place they can go.


This Omar woman is such beautiful woman and so rotten from the insight and what comes out of her. Really a shame.
“We are what we think”


When he was made, Lucifer was beautiful too.



I could’ve written a better Green New Deal in my sleep.
While there are many things about the “Green New Deal” as described in the media that are absurd, spidey sense tells me that behind the embarrassing presentation, there is a much more ugly reality.
If you have ever visited an Environmental Education Center, you’ll learn REAL FAST that what you think is absurd, they are DEAD SERIOUS about.
It is worth the trip just to open your eyes to their propaganda, and what they expose schoolchildren to.
Let me translate a few key points:
“Rebuilding every building in the U.S.”
Require LEED and LEED+ certification for all U.S. construction moving forward.
Require inspections of “legacy” structures for environmental compliance
Impose a ramp schedule for “legacy” structures to ensure they are either retrofitted for compliance or condemned
Increase the environmental and safety requirements for single-family dwellings so that they become prohibitively expensive to built new or maintain existing.
Push people increasingly into “environmentally sustainable” high-density housing.
Eliminate automobiles:
Yes, they mean eliminate automobiles.
See above: Rebuilding every building in the U.S.
Every building moving forward will be built in high-density “environmental impact” zones optimized for energy and travel efficiency, not for human persons.
Reduce the “need” for automobiles through high density spaces and mass transity
Increase CAFE regulations until traditional automotive technologies are no longer feasible
Increase subsidies of electric cars (limited range)
Discourage options for travel
Discourage private operation of vehicles by limiting parking areas or garaging options, increasing policing for minor violations, reducing lanes on roads, engaging in heavy traffic control, congestion tolling (See de Blasio’s NYC for a shining example of the Brave New World)
Discourage all private ownership of vehicles through taxation, tolling, high operational costs (high fuel prices, sky high insurance, tolls). Make alternatives like mass transit and ride-share seem easy and affordable. They won’t even notice when their freedom is gone.
“Eliminate airplanes”
Eliminate air travel – especially international air travel – except on a “need” basis. (It’s the Soviet way, comrade! Why should you impose a burden on the State’s transit system for your joyriding trip?)
This includes Domestic air travel
Return to train based inter-city travel – no automobiles. And by train, don’t think you’ll be riding in any Pullman cars either.
“Eliminate cow farts”
They’ve confronted Al Gore on his duplicity about eating steaks – if their patron saint isn’t above scrutiny, then precisely who is safe?
The short version: Elimination of livestock and meat as a staple of the American diet.
This will be a phased approach because most people will reject it if done too quickly.
A lot of “diet” noise will help in this regard – leaving behind “red meat” as key to a healthy diet.
Fat shame people who do not abide by standards.
Require the printing of calorie counts on menus to enforce guilt mechanisms.
Promote veganism and vegetarianism as new, trendy, healthy eating alternatives.
Drive up the cost of livestock through special subsidies, herd culling, and herd disease. (Swine flu, foot and mouth disease, etc.)
“Protect nature”
More land grabs.
Land not turned into parks – but into “preserves” or “forests” where ordinary Americans are prohibited from stepping foot or engaging in agricultural activities.
Effectively force rural peoples to urbanize.
Reduce the “suburban sprawl” with “small footprint” overcrowded cities. (People in small spaces are easy to control.)
I could go on…

Harry Lime

(Elimination of Livestock)
They’re already pushing hard on these “impossible meats”…I posted a couple of videos about this a few weeks back from Amazing Polly on youtube…
Basically fake meat but with special “secret” ingredients to give it that realistic flavor and texture. Yeah, I trust them completely with their “secret” ingredients…
They’re steering us rapidly into Logan’s Run and Solent Green territory and they seem mighty anxious to get it done sooner rather than later.

Harry Lime

Heh…that would be Soylent Green (spell check is an evil spider monkey filled with hatred).


In short, Agenda 2030 from the UN.


Seems like they like it because of the title ‘green’ and they can’t read.


Wow, check out these Patriots fighting back!! We need MOAR of this!!


It IS appalling, and moreso because while we are being lined up like cattle in holding erns, then groped after being forced to straddle the xray machine, any foreigner can walk virtually unmolested across our Northern or Southern border.
Going through an airport puts me into a rage I have trouble controlling. Nearly two decades of this crap while we still import Muslims.
Wolfie, you were right about Kevin McCarthy and his ilk. THEY are to blame for much of this loss of liberty and bodily groping at airports.




The Democrats talk about defunding DHS entirely. This sounds like a terrible idea to me until they mention the TSA.
TSA has NEVER served a genuine purpose. 100% pure security theater. Never needed to be nationalized when it could’ve been privatized. And never needed to be Unionized!


In some airports TSA does not even speak english or very little. Many of them are muslims from Africa.
Some seem South America and not many born citizens. They are very rude.
The last 4 years I noticed I get a special something on my husband’s and my ticked and we do not have to take shoes off or take jackets off and just walk though to collect our bags. They loosened a little the restrictions I believe?


I refused to “fly” a long time ago. Before the X-ray machines and groping, I read rights, loudly, to TSA staff regarding touching my property. I was bullied for refusing to take off shoes. I last “flew” more expensively, by crossing the land border and departing from and returning to Canada, then coming home across the land border (and a tiny border post, at that).
If more had refused to submit, TSA would never have developed into what it is today. Economics would have had an impact.
Not trying to don a halo…just telling my story. It was a simply a point at which I decided I would not comply.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I rarely fly commercial–only when I simply haven’t the time to drive, which means yes, I take double-digit-hour each way roadtrips sometimes.
It’s part TSA and part the airlines doing everything they can to make air travel painful. The least miserable part of it is in the plane, though rarely any more is it in the slightest bit enjoyable.


The four years prior to retirement, traveled a couple times each month. If I could make the drive in fourteen hours or less, I drove. Domestic air is nothing short of grossly inconvenient with insults common. The latter, TSA, airlines really have no sense of “service”, lines, rude folks…
In retirement, annual flight to Philippines, Philippine Airlines Business Class. Direct flight minimizes inconvenience. Expensive, but not nearly as much as Delta or all other choices. Great service and comfortable, as much as it reasonably can be.


Thanks for the clarification missing from my comment. If I could, I would certainly travel by private plane. 🙂
And, like you, I am old enough to recall what seems like the glory days of air travel…physical space in “economy” class, more than decent meals (although Ward Air of Canada was the best, I hear), real metal cutlery, cloth serviettes, and enough stewardesses to visit with passengers. That of course, was in the days before stewards/stewardesses became airborne retail agents, hurry passengers through their meals so they could get to the real job of selling.
Once upon a time air travel was truly enjoyable.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If you’re flying privately…you can bring a gun, but of course, you won’t need it to fight hijackers.
I heard once that some airlines in Alaska that fly solely within the state are profoundly unconcerned with your personal firearms, too.


My uncle flew in commercial prop jets back and forth between Alaska, Europe, Hawaii, as a top area rep for Gestetner…I don’t know if he carried a sidearm…but he grew up in Wyoming and was a WWII vet. And back then no one asked if you were packing.
I love the photos of he and my aunt aboard one of those wonderful planes. Style & class, Manners, and yes, glamour! The little girl niece thought they were wealthy. When my aunt was in her 80s she told me how long they saved to purchase one piece at a time of the walnut inlaid dining room set I thought so fabulous. And other special items…including a silver fox full length coat. I thought they were wealthy. They were hard working Americans in the era when America was rich and people delayed gratification (my aunt & uncle saved for years for some things) and chose quality to last a life time.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

As far as conditions on our airliners? It’s intolerable that my knees actually touch the seat in front of me, and of course if the person in that seat decides to recline….Well, I can certainly understand the people who invented that “prevent seats from reclinging” gadget that the airlines banned.


Personally, I never, ever fly domestic. Either I drive, or I don’t need to be there. (A luxury of retirement.)


Anyone can turn down a scan and ask for a pat-down. However, here are the instructions from CAIR to Muslim women, with a poster’s comment first:
“I don’t believe they can opt out. I think they’re just being told how they should go about handling the situation according to their religious beliefs. Either way, everyone should be subject to the same rules. Comply or don’t fly. These pat downs and scans are an invasion of our privacy of the most personal nature.
[Special recommendations for Muslim women who wear hijab:
If you are selected for secondary screening after you go through the metal detector and it does not go off, and “sss” is not written on your boarding pass, ask the TSA officer if the reason you are being selected is because of your head scarf.
In this situation, you may be asked to submit to a pat-down or to go through a full body scanner. If you are selected for the scanner, you may ask to go through a pat-down instead.
Before you are patted down, you should remind the TSA officer that they are only supposed to pat down the area in question, in this scenario, your head and neck. They SHOULD NOT subject you to a full-body or partial-body pat-down.
You may ask to be taken to a private room for the pat-down procedure.
Instead of the pat-down, you can always request to pat down your own scarf, including head and neck area, and have the officers perform a chemical swipe of your hands.
If you encounter any issues, ask to speak to a supervisor immediately. They are there to assist you.]


have tsa “because of muslim threat and attacks”…
muslims get special instructions on getting through easier.
seems pretty reasonable…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

TWO MORE Q DROPS (2687 and 2688)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m mildly astounded I was first to notice. I clicked on my tab with a “aaah, what the heck let’s see if there’s something new there) and…there they were.
Topic appears to be why the media disses Q.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It looks like you already had 2687.


It would be good to know where this was…but it doesn’t bode well for Domino’s!
Domino’s Pizza — Now with extra droppings!

Plain Jane

Well fed rats are happy rats.
Dang, that’s disgusting. And yes, I’d also like to know where that pic was taken.


Israel (see other tweet I posted in response to wheatie):


I am glad I make my own Pizza. Rats are disgusting but very smart.


I make my own, too, for various reasons including endless toppings and better hygiene.
I once knew a guy who worked at a sandwich shop for a year or so. He said that people do not know what bad things are going in their food.
The owner of the place told them to keep tuna mayo and egg mayo from day to day until the container was empty. Errgh.
His colleagues never washed their hands, either.

Plain Jane

TY churchmouse.

Harry Lime

Egads! What are those Democrats doing at Dominos Pizza?


Israel. Shop has since closed:

Plain Jane

Just thought of what that RBG drop might mean. Perhaps she told the her handlers that she would stay until the 11th of this month, just over two years, to get rid of PT so the dims could appoint her replacement, figuring he’d be taken down by then. Planned retirement.


I’d prefer scuduled execution


Wow. Great dig from that Anon!
Why am I not surprised.
But this was sloppy.
A sign of their desperation and panic?


It was offered up as a ‘proof of life’ sort of thing.
But the complete lack of any pictures made it suspect from the get-go.

Pat Frederick

exactly–proof of life–when did the abortion ruling occur? After this correct? they needed to “validate” her being alive to vote…


She’s voting by ouja board


Well. There you have it. My inner bitch is off the leash tonight

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

does one clean a ouija board with a squeegee? or would it be a sqouija?


You know what I really like? The last 2 years have been hell for rgb and the dems and they are looking into the abyss as far as their legacy goes. President Trump is rolling up all their 100year march through the institutions and turning everything they’ve strived for into ,not just shit but laughed at shit. I’m glad she lived to see that.
Well up till fairly recently.
But dying ,knowing everything is being shredded. Priceless

Harry Lime

Oohhh….Captain Howdy…
I’m speaking to the person inside of Ruthie now…if you are there you too are hypnotised….
Somebody should call Max von Sydow.

Plain Jane

On his radio program the next day, Chris Plante made references to there being no photos and no reports of anyone actually seeing her for the event without actually calling B.S. on it happening.


I love it when people post stuff retroactively. I’ve caught more than one website/threat actor pulling these kinds of stunts. Most people don’t have any idea how easy it is to uncover what they did. You can change timestamps in WordPress or on a filesystem to your heart’s content but you can’t change history itself. G’luck w/ covering up them ctimes and web crawler time stamps.


BTW Wolf I meant to tell you but forgot, you are dead on right about fax machines. At the Uni, the Nortel PBX was all digital but telecomm had to keep an analog line card installed strictly to serve fax machines. Don’t know if it was bad cards or something else but they seemed to pop every couple years or so, so telcomm had to keep them in stock. Mind you this was years after the Nortel crash. The digital lines required special setup but any old headset could connect to an analog port. All the faxes had cheap handsets on them anyway though – super-easy to schedule a call to a fax machine and answer it, even easier for outgoing calls. They also all had LD subscriptions – after all if you needed to fax something, odds were it was LD. They were ripe for abuse. If you couldn’t make a LD call from your digital line, or if you weren’t allowed to dial out, just find a fax machine. No one wanted to change the numbers on them – once a number was assigned to a fax machine they didn’t want to reassign it b/c whoever the unlucky guy was to get the line would get harassed by robo-faxes. So even if there were a reassignment of an area code or an exchange the old line number would still work – multiple phone numbers for a single fax. This kind of routing is easy to do – and easy to justify.


As nuts as they were with Dictographs back in the day I can believe a lot. Stories I heard that at some facilities in the 40s and 50s they joked that they bred like roaches.
Keep in mind too that the left coast radicals were often the ones trying to abuse Ma Bell. They had all kinds of time on their hands with their Capn Crunch whistles and blue boxes. Telco’s were wise to all this and released SS7 with state-of-the-art 1970s grade OOB signalling and security. It didn’t stop the crazy but it did slow them down. By the late 80s and early 90s they’d mostly moved on to compromising corporate PBXs due to their notoriously poor security and easy access to voicemail and WATS lines. Think: What could you do with “free”, “unlimited” international calling, paid on the capitalist sucker’s dime? Many big companies never recognized the abuse, they assumed b/c only “internal” lines could route to the WATS that any calls were legit. Many didn’t even get itemized statements to audit their tolling charges.
This all seems quaint today. But SS7 is no longer the latest and greatest – what was bullet-proof security in the 1970s is dangerously weak today. In the 1970s you couldn’t exactly carry around a 5ESS switch in your pocket. Now? Any high-school kid with a RaspPi has everything they need. The saving grace on this is most of those same kids today are too locked into a TCP/IP mindset, or attacking wifi 802.1* bands w/ a pineapple they bought at Christmas. Maybe they’re into 4G/LTE signalling if they are exceptional. But I’ve met exactly zero millennials with any awareness of SS7.


I didn’t know that they even had her Robe hanging there.

Harry Lime

I have to admit…I giggled a lot while making this image…comment image


Haaaa…that’s twisted, Harry.
I like it.


Its just so ‘odd’ (and that’s not even the right word)
Why not have items on a desk. That ‘box’ I’m side eyeing.
I find it shocking that her kids seem ok with all this.


If I were out in the woods…and saw this happening…I think I would run!


Plain Jane

Camera tricks? Lava? Old underground mine? Water table having hiccups?
I’d run also Wheatietoo.


The ‘official explanations’ are…which are merely theories:
— Water running under the surface.
— Wind moving the trees, causing their roots to move the ground.
I don’t think they really know what is causing this.

Plain Jane

Thanks Wheatietoo. That is the most unusual event I’ve seen in a long time, except for RBG’s non party. LOL.


You wouldn’t see me for the dust


Why run? Nothing to fear. Everything is alive around us just open up and see .

Plain Jane

I’d still be afraid of getting swallowed up alive by a possible fissure in the earth under my feet.

Harry Lime

comment image


That’s right, Harry!
There are Graboids and all kinds of monsters that could be under there.comment image

Pat Frederick

oh wow! I hadn’t thought about that movie in ages…gotta find it…LOL
thanks Harry!

Pat Frederick



Concerning “the earth looks like breathing.”
Call me strange but I am not surprised. I always thought the earth is alive trees and everything on it.
I could tell you experiences but will reframe otherwise you think I escaped from the loony bin..:):):)
I find this fascinating.

Elizabeth Carter

singing, God is life. No matter how great a painter, photographer, videographer is, they can never capture the actual life of God’s creation. Even in the time it takes to photograph an image, the creation has moved on, that living moment has passed and everything is new. We live in the NOW and we must move with it, leaving behind those things which are past and moving into the future.


Elizabeth Carter so true


Large mole? Yikes!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Logically, you’d want to dress the sharks in pig costumes to keep Muslims out of the water.


But…the muzzies would have to cross the beach to get to the water.
And they’re not supposed to go anywhere that has been sullied by pigs.
They have a thing about pigs.
I’ve read that they like to hang out on beaches, leering at the women in bikinis and yelling obscenities at them for not being covered up.
Which would be, you know…rather irksome.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Agreed on irksome. But why put the piggies in shark costumes at all? Just let them run around naked on the beach.


I dunno…camouflage?
So they could say the piglets were there as pets or comfort animals?
I think this was over in Great Britain somewhere, and the Brits do funny things.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh. The Brits.
Never mind. Half of them are daft. No logical explanation.


I think they are swim vests for pigs so they do not drown when they get into the water. They can be seen better have fins on them.
I noticed they have like a round something in the back of their necks to keep them afloat..?


No Steve . Dress the sharks as little girls.


I gotta go to bed. I’m getting out of hand

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah but that would lure them…


Forgive me…the devil made me post this:
Gives new meaning to the term…”ballroom dancing”.

Pat Frederick

I’m convinced…this guy has waaaaaay too much time on his hands…lol


Those are great wheatie! I always appreciate those animal posts. Thanks!

Pat Frederick

thanks Wheatie! this Bronks guy has some good stuff!

Pat Frederick

this is a good place for this (hope you don’t mind a tag along Wheatie)
what do you call a zoo with no dogs?
a shitzu…lol


Sure, Hillary…whatever you say.

Wait…didn’t she also tell us that Benghazi was caused by a Youtube video?

Harry Lime

Some kind of bizarre Schiff Plague…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Eye have no eyedea what you mean beye that.

Pat Frederick


Pat Frederick

they said she’d be president too…how’d that work out for them?


Ben Shapiro (regardless of what one thinks of him) makes a good point about the media:

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

When he’s not actually talking about Trump he makes a lot of good points, about how to argue with the left.
This is why he is such a disappointment. One would think he’d appreciate the very aspects of Trump that he rails against.


Agree, Steve.
At this point, I don’t understand why Ben hasn’t boarded the Trump Train. What’s not to like?
Maybe he’s like someone else we know who cannot admit when he’s wrong. 😉


A DJT (as was) blast from the past — 2016?


Q + YellowVest…worldwide movement against globalists.


True story from a journalist, Brett Kelman, who writes for the Tennessean but was working for My Desert in Palm Springs, CA, when this happened (long thread, excerpted). Has to do with veterans and a clinic defrauding the US government:

An eccentric PI he knew — Bill Schneid — rang him with ‘something big’.

Brett interviewed Bill, who mentioned a doctor named Susy. Brett then went on holiday and forgot all about it.

This is Kelman’s really weird story (excerpts from the article follow):
‘It was March 2015. A few weeks before, Schneid, 72, a curmudgeonly private investigator, had been snooping around Southern California military bases when a Marine he knew mentioned he had a strange source of side income.
‘The Marine was being paid to get medicine he didn’t need. A Tennessee doctor he had never met wrote him a medicinal cream prescription, which was being filled by a pharmacy in Utah. The military covered the bill and the Marine got a cash kickback from somebody. When the creams arrived in the mail, the Marine didn’t actually use them.
‘He was in it for the money, not the medicine, after all.
‘Suspicious, Schneid launched a ruse to investigate, persuading the Marine to reroute the shipments to his house. Soon, Schneid received a shoebox-sized parcel that held several tubes of cream about the same size and consistency as sunscreen that was supposedly used to treat pain and scars.
‘This medicine had been prescribed, supplied and delivered seemingly for no reason at all. Nobody needed it. Nobody wanted it. So what was the point?
‘“After the second delivery, I realized this was some kind of fraud,” Schneid said in an interview. “I believed there were about a dozen Marines involved, and they were being actively recruited to be prescribed this cream.
‘“It was a conspiracy, and it was growing, but I just didn’t know how huge.”
‘Today, court records make clear the enormity of the conspiracy. The scheme that Schneid stumbled upon in 2015 stretched from California to Tennessee, involving people and companies from at least four states. In Tennessee, two doctors and a nurse practitioner have pleaded guilty to defrauding a military insurance program, called Tricare, out of $65 million. At least two more suspects are still facing charges. Federal prosecutors also are attempting to seize swaths of East Tennessee farmland, a strip mall, and a large estate they argue was purchased with health care fraud profits.
‘Outside Tennessee, an ex-Marine in San Diego has confessed to recruiting Marines for the scheme and a Utah pharmacy company is under indictment. That company is also linked to an even larger scheme in Mississippi, where seven people have pleaded guilty to using similar medicinal creams to defraud the federal government out of an additional $400 million …
‘In Tennessee, the crux of the cream conspiracy was Choice MD, a small, now-shuttered clinic in Cleveland, a manufacturing town near the Georgia border.
‘A Choice MD nurse practitioner, Candace Michelle Craven, has admitted she conducted fake telemedicine evaluations with Marines in California so that two Choice MD doctors, Susan Vergot and Carl Lindblad, could write nearly 4,500 cream prescriptions to Marines they had never met or diagnosed.
‘Each prescription cost about $14,500. American taxpayers covered the cost …’
The owners of Choice MD, Jimmy and Ashley Collins, of Birchwood, Tennessee, have been indicted. Federal prosecutors could seize four of their properties, one of which is a large, gated estate.
More at the link about how the Marines were recruited.


Fraud is one of the side-industries of Medicare, Medicaid, EBT, Section 8, convenience stores – any government program and any group that does business with government beneficiaries, including veterans!
I bet Trump can and will lay fist and boots on this kind of fraud!


I hope so.
Given the areas you mention, imagine how many other undiscovered cases there must be.


Makes me mad as all get out! So proud of your husband for taking on the case – takes major GUTS!


In case that image is cut off, here it the full thing:comment image



Annie Oakley was one of my heroines as a child! (also loved Nyoka of the Jungle)


In 1999, Anthony Bourdain wrote an article for The New Yorker on dining out.
He’s talking about top-end bistros and restaurants, so, imagine what the lower end is like.
I saw the article thanks to this tweet about steak (click on image to see the full text):

I nearly always have fish when eating out. Here’s the truth behind that (emph. mine):
The fish specialty is reasonably priced, and the place got two stars in the Times. Why not go for it? If you like four-day-old fish, be my guest. Here’s how things usually work. The chef orders his seafood for the weekend on Thursday night. It arrives on Friday morning. He’s hoping to sell the bulk of it on Friday and Saturday nights, when he knows that the restaurant will be busy, and he’d like to run out of the last few orders by Sunday evening. Many fish purveyors don’t deliver on Saturday, so the chances are that the Monday-night tuna you want has been kicking around in the kitchen since Friday morning, under God knows what conditions. When a kitchen is in full swing, proper refrigeration is almost nonexistent, what with the many openings of the refrigerator door as the cooks rummage frantically during the rush, mingling your tuna with the chicken, the lamb, or the beef. Even if the chef has ordered just the right amount of tuna for the weekend, and has had to reorder it for a Monday delivery, the only safeguard against the seafood supplier’s off-loading junk is the presence of a vigilant chef who can make sure that the delivery is fresh from Sunday night’s market.
‘Generally speaking, the good stuff comes in on Tuesday …’
I cannot emphasise this bit about well done steaks enough (for those who missed the tweet above):
In many kitchens, there’s a time-honored practice called “save for well-done.” When one of the cooks finds a particularly unlovely piece of steak—tough, riddled with nerve and connective tissue, off the hip end of the loin, and maybe a little stinky from age—he’ll dangle it in the air and say, “Hey, Chef, whaddya want me to do with this?” … What he’s going to do is repeat the mantra of cost-conscious chefs everywhere: “Save for well-done.” The way he figures it, the philistine who orders his food well-done is not likely to notice the difference between food and flotsam.’
Apologies to vegetarians here, but this is what cooks and chefs think:
‘Even more despised than the Brunch People are the vegetarians. Serious cooks regard these members of the dining public—and their Hezbollah-like splinter faction, the vegans—as enemies of everything that’s good and decent in the human spirit. To live life without veal or chicken stock, fish cheeks, sausages, cheese, or organ meats is treasonous.’
Whether we realise it or not, a good restaurant will use butter — and lots of it:
‘In a good restaurant, what this all adds up to is that you could be putting away almost a stick of butter with every meal.’
Speaking of butter — and bread — you might wonder (as I did) what happens to whatever is left over on your table. It gets re-used:
‘Recently, there was a news report about the practice of recycling bread. By means of a hidden camera in a restaurant, the reporter was horrified to see returned bread being sent right back out to the floor. This, to me, wasn’t news: the reuse of bread has been an open secret—and a fairly standard practice—in the industry for years. It makes more sense to worry about what happens to the leftover table butter—many restaurants recycle it for hollandaise.’
Finally, if you’re wondering (as I did) if line cooks and chefs wear gloves in the kitchen, the short answer is ‘rarely’:
‘As the author and former chef Nicolas Freeling notes in his definitive book “The Kitchen,” the better the restaurant, the more your food has been prodded, poked, handled, and tasted. By the time a three-star crew has finished carving and arranging your saddle of monkfish with dried cherries and wild-herb-infused nage into a Parthenon or a Space Needle, it’s had dozens of sweaty fingers all over it. Gloves? You’ll find a box of surgical gloves—in my kitchen we call them “anal-research gloves”—over every station on the line, for the benefit of the health inspectors, but does anyone actually use them? Yes, a cook will slip a pair on every now and then, especially when he’s handling something with a lingering odor, like salmon. But during the hours of service gloves are clumsy and dangerous. When you’re using your hands constantly, latex will make you drop things, which is the last thing you want to do.’


Here’s how Americans like their steaks cooked. I am unfamiliar with Longhorn Steakhouses, but those replying say they are not the best example of steak restaurants:

Understandably, some diners have to order well done for health reasons:

I’ve never heard of oesophageal webs. Does anyone here have anecdotal info? (Please don’t look anything up, just wondering.)


Never heard of it.
“Esophageal webs”…?
Nope, never heard of it.
And after reading all that, I don’t know if I will ever eat out again.


I’m going to further minimise my own eating out. Ugh.


We need a new stove anyway…been putting it off, but after reading that, it’s time.


You bet!
I prepare plates in the kitchen, as it saves on dishes. I was thinking about how many times I touch food when plating. Almost never on an everyday basis.
When guests come, I’m v. careful to have the right utensils to hand and experiment with my own plate first, in case I need different ones.
That said, I can appreciate that restaurant kitchens are busy. I can take my time. Restaurant staff cannot.


Fact is – our Churchmouse is a real GOURMET!


Thanks, friend — I am! 🙂


I have now looked up oesophageal webs.
They are protrusions or obstructions in the oesophagus that can make it hard to swallow solid food.
Photo at Wikipedia:
Easy to understand explanation here:
They are treatable and result from anaemia caused by iron deficiency. White women (as per Wiki) get them the most.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Do they make it hard to swallow pills, too? My mom had difficulty with pills no matter how much water she took with them.


Quite possibly.
That was not on the sites that I read, but it makes perfect sense.
‘My mom had difficulty with pills no matter how much water she took with them.’ How inconvenient — and frustrating. In France, when people can’t swallow a pill (young or old), caregivers grind tablets up and mix the particles with food. Not the done thing elsewhere, but it seems to work for them.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A lot of pills here are put in capsules to deliberately slow down their ingestion, so I doubt they’d want to do that in many cases.


They do it all the time.
Capsules are pulled apart and their contents mixed with fruit juice.
I’ve never read or heard of any doctor there saying that was wrong — regardless of the intended slow absorption when swallowed whole.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Thank you for the correction!


You’re no doubt right, but they probably figure that some dosage is better than none.
Maybe that is why they were so fond of using suppositories instead of tablets or capsules. I don’t think they do that any more, though.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’d also be concerned (at least until someone explains why I shouldn’t be) that getting the whole dose at once could spike it into overdose territory. That’s the flip side of the “but three or six hours from now they’re not getting the drug trickling into their system” coin.


Maybe the patients get smaller capsules (less dosage) administered more often.
I’ll side with the French on this one. I think we worry too much about dosage — in some cases. Cut a tablet in half, use a smaller capsule, take the other half of the dose within three hours instead of six (just as an example). There are loads of workarounds.
Disclosure: That said, I am not a medical professional. Everyone reading this should check with their doctor.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Maybe the patients get smaller capsules (less dosage) administered more often.

A thought that occurred to me about 30 nanoseconds after I hit “send”.
I know dose is not much of an issue for some OTC medicines; I had a doctor tell me to go ahead and quadruple OTC allergy medicine doses (instead of one every day, two in the morning and two at night). But prescription drugs are probably a whole different thing!


I’ve dosed up on non-drowsy antihistamine now and then — with the advice of a medical professional.
Smaller dosages of prescription drugs are available, but one has to ask one’s doctor before he writes out the Rx.
A doctor will always prescribe the biggest dosage to be taken the fewest times a day.
Then, of course, the pharmacy has to have the smaller dosages on hand, so it’s worthwhile going to a decent one.


Thanks, Churchmouse.
Note to self: Eat more iron-rich foods.


You’re welcome, wheatie. Enjoyed the *gulp*! 🙂
A delicious way to get more iron is to buy chicken livers. They are, as we say in the UK, ‘cheap as chips’ (French fries).
Sauté one chopped onion in a frying pan with half a stick (maybe 2/3rds) of butter (why not?). Add herbs (2 tbs finely cut sage and/or thyme) to the butter and cook until the onions are translucent (5 – 10 mins.).
After that, there are two choices.
One way is to add the chicken livers from a one-pound pack (plastic container, found in the frozen foods aisle) and sauté with salt and pepper (1-3 cloves crushed garlic optional) over medium heat until brown on the outside — and PINK in the middle. Serve livers, onions and butter ‘sauce’ over seasoned rice. Check salt content. This should taste yummy, not disgusting.
The other way is to make pate. Pate is the longer, yet longer lasting, option.
To the sautéed livers in the pan, add finely chopped/crushed garlic (two or three cloves’ worth) and parsley (1-2 teaspoons). Add a splash (jigger or two) of Port (a good sherry will do) and decent brandy. Stir in and allow to simmer for two to three minutes so the liquid reduces and the alcohol cooks down while it adds flavour to the livers.
Take pan off the heat and allow to cool for 15 minutes.
Put contents of the pan into a blender and mix for around 30 seconds. No exaggeration. This is a quick operation.
Pour evenly into six squeaky clean ramekins, leaving 3/4″ around the top rim. Make the top surface even.
To properly seal the pate, let the ramekins cool on your kitchen countertop for an hour or two. There is more — we’re not finished yet. The proper pate seal is clarified butter.
After the ramekins have cooled, take three sticks of **good** supermarket own brand quality butter (i.e. not the most expensive, ‘LoL’, which doesn’t have enough fat content).
Place the three sticks in a small saucepan and gently melt over medium-low heat. When melted, remove from heat and let cool.
I know one is supposed to strain the creamy portion of the clarified butter before doing anything with it.
However, I just pour a 1/2″ layer of butter on top of the liver pate in each ramekin. Make sure the butter covers all of the pate, so that there is a proper seal.
Place in the refrigerator to set overnight. Yes, overnight.
The next day, take a ramekin or two of pate out of the refrigerator and allow to come up to room temp for 15 minutes or so.
Toast some crusty bread and serve one ramekin per adult. Children can probably get by on less, because this is a rich recipe.
Pate should still be pink in the middle. Do not remove the clarified butter.
This will be an unforgettable liver experience — in the best of all possible ways.


Wow. Thank you so much, Churchmouse!
I am going to print this out.
Much appreciated!


Re clarified butter, when you reach the ‘creamy’ part, please stop pouring. This is one of the reasons for melting three instead of two sticks of butter.
The booze helps the flavour a lot, BTW.
I will try to post this on my own site this week.
If you have any questions in the meantime, please let me know.


Good judgement on the part of your health department inspector.
I, too, am more concerned about fast food joints rather than operator-owned establishments such as yours.
‘And I never received less than a 98 on a health dept inspection.’ I can well believe it.
Thanks, daughn. Another fascinating story. You really should write a book.


It seems that some Jewish Americans understand what is going on with the Dems:

A huge thing blew up this weekend with Ms Omar and her anti-Semitism:

Ryan Saavedra has a load of tweets on the subject.


More on Ilhan Omar from Ryan Saavedra (a sampling of tweets):

She says she is a victim of the GOP …

… but one fellow Dem is on her case …

… as are her fellow Muslims:

She has received a bipartisan condemnation:

She’s also made remarks about Christianity:

This is so sad, but it’s good that it’s being revealed now.


Talk about Toxic Femininity – Omar and O-C have it in spades!


It’s unimaginable — and yet so real.


One of the many benefits of free speech – it exposes the speaker …


Yes, it does.
She’s on to a losing wicket if she thinks she can blame this on Republicans.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

She simply doesn’t comprehend how wicket her religion is.



Pat Frederick

that’s a good one!

Pat Frederick

seems the freshman class are into blaming heavily…AOC blames the Repubs for the mess on her webpage concerning the NGD…they must have hacked her account and rewrote the info–or somehow pushed it out there without her knowledge…but it’s not her fault…


This woman is discrediting herself massively.
However, given her media coverage, right now, Trump supporters are the only ones who know it.
All being well, the word will spread to MSM-watching ‘normies’, just not quickly enough.
To borrow a lefty saying, ‘More must be done!’


The audacity of it all — from the guy who is gathering data on how many millions of people around the world?
Truly, the mind doth boggle.

A Fortiori

The tweet about Zuhdi Jasser is misleading. Dr Jasser is an American cardiologist, a patriot who served with honor in the Navy, and a reformer who is working to change Islam from within to make it compatible with Judeo/Christian civilizations. His views represent a very minute proportion of the Muslims. (I wish we had millions of him). There is no widespread Muslim condemnation of Ilhan Omar’s remarks.


It is much more widespread, IMO, than you realize – however, most are too afraid to speak out. Their heads are literally on the line. In any case, until we boot out EVERY SINGLE member of the Muslim Brotherhood from all of our government agencies and, indeed, our entire country – we are screwed!


Good video analyzing the numbers:

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The first guest shown on the Bill Maher clips at 2:03 or so is Richard Dawkins. The one shown on the rest of the clips is Sam Harris. They are two of the “New Atheists” and along with Christopher Hitchens (another one of them), they are/were nearly alone among the left trying to condemn the radicals in Islam and to say there is something wrong with Islam.
Many here might loathe those New Atheists, but they seem to be unique on their side of the political spectrum in understanding the issue, for some reason. And they have paid the price with others on the Left.


I often wonder if SOME Christians hesitate to condemn Islam because some of Islam’s beliefs are a bit too close to home, eh? Such as many Christians’ attitudes towards gays. Awfully convenient to ignore the savagery in the Old Testament. Oh, crap – PLEASE don’t let this start another firestorm!!!! I can’t take another one. No, I do not want to argue w/anyone over this.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

in some cases I suspect you are right, though I haven’t (yet) seen anyone make statements like “well at least they’re killing faggots.” But in many cases this isn’t what’s happening at all. GA/FL has a very anti-gay attitude (she was banned from the Eeyore tree for it) but she’s also quite outspoken about Islam.
I suspect many people (of every religious bent) have a blind spot with respect to religion generically, they’re reluctant to condemn others for their “faith” lest they appear too intolerant.
And I suspect this is why many on our side are trying so hard to rebrand Islam as a political system–that would make many people less reluctant to condemn Islam as it deserves to be.
There’s truth to that relabeling, but the FULL truth is that it is BOTH a faith and a political system, and therefore is far, far worse than either one would be alone. In the distant past, Christianity was practiced with a theocratic element, but it was never specified in detail in scripture and could therefore be abandoned. But Sharia law is built into the Muslim religion (you won’t see it in the Quran, but it’s part of the other writings they are expected to follow).


Yes, the Surra and the Hadith. Islam is a political theocracy. Mo started out peaceful and Islam was formed with bits and pieces from both Judaism and Christianity. Forget now if he started in Mecca or Medina – it was when he was forced out of one or the other that it turned actively violent, if I recall correctly. Then, when he died, there was a split within Islam over who inherited. I am often dismayed by some Christians who seem to want a Christian political theocracy here in the US. Beyond basic universal morality (which I acknowledge is loosely based on the 10 Commandments), religion should be kept far away from civil governance. JMO

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Basic morality is described in four or five of the ten commandments, actually, and it was hardly original with them. Even fewer of them are enacted into law. The first five would, if enacted into law, mandate a specific religion’s practices and thereby violate the first amendment.
As for Islam, he started in Mecca, and fled to Medina. I suspect that what happened then was he ran into the Jewish communities there and they told him his retellings of events from Jewish scripture were simply incorrect. He decided then that the Jews were deliberately corrupting scripture since the original didn’t agree with his gloss (supposedly dictated by Allah), and that turned him anti-semitic since they were the worst sort of apostate to him. A person who really knows their hadith/sirah (not surra; but it’s easy to confuse; the hadith and sirah together make up the sunnah, another similar word) inside and out might be able to confirm that. (A sura is one of the chapters in the Koran, just to bring another similar word into the mix.)


Ah, thanks – yeah, I get confused with all the different words and their meanings. All I really know is that, in it’s current state, Islam should not be allowed within a Constitutional Republic. It is entirely antithetical to our Constitution.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s the important bit.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I might still be crossed up on that terminology, so kindly disregard my attempted correction.


It’s all good – it is very confusing, particularly when you bring in Sunni vs. Sufi, etc., etc. I am sure I am not spelling those correctly but you get my drift, no doubt.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I just remember hearing there are three actual written masses of stuff the Muslims are expected to follow, the Koran, the Hadith, and X, and the Hadith and X together are known as the Sunnah–I think. I can’t keep the terms straight because they are so similar, and I can’t figure it out now from Wiki so I’d have to dig through stuff I don’t have on this computer.


“Islam’s Sharia law is cast from the words of Muhammad, called “hadith,” his actions, called “sunnah,” and the Quran, which he dictated. The Sharia law itself cannot be altered but its interpretation, called “fiqh,” by muftis (Islamic jurists) is given some latitude.
As a legal system, the Sharia law is exceptionally broad. While other legal codes regulate public behavior, Sharia regulates public behavior, private behavior, and even private beliefs. Compared to other legal codes, the Sharia law also prioritizes punishment over rehabilitation and favors corporal and capital punishments over incarceration. Of all legal systems in the world today, the Sharia law is the most intrusive and restrictive, especially against women. According to the Sharia law (see the links for details):”

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK, so I even got “sunnah” wrong. Not surprised, TBH.
Now I wonder what the combination of sunnah and hadith is called.


“As the number of court cases in which civil law and Sharia law clash rose across America, many American states introduced bills banning their state courts from accommodating Sharia law.
Many of those bills have been stalled by the Muslim Brotherhood, which accuses the bills’ sponsors and supporters of Islamophobia, campaigns against their re-election, and sues in court. States that have managed to pass Sharia law-blocking legislation, known as “ALAC” (American Laws for American Courts), are listed on Islamization of America.
While fighting to a draw in many state legislatures, Sharia law has been advancing faster, in many cases unopposed, in other American institutions, as follows:”


And here we go – SOME Christians!


Not only you – just those who want to fight about this. I am tired of fighting but I am also tired of not speaking my mind. You chose to ignore the fact that I said “SOME Christians.” Enough of this already!


I apologize if I made the mistake of not inserting “some” in front of every “Christian” I posted.


Since when is one’s faith NOT obviously personal? I am apparently not a “good enough” Christian for not believing the same as all the other “Christians” here. If someone made that insinuation about you, wouldn’t YOU be up in arms?


@NebraskaFilly:”I often wonder if SOME Christians hesitate to condemn Islam because some of Islam’s beliefs are a bit too close to home, eh? Such as many Christians’ attitudes towards gays.”
In my experience:
a) I have not encountered Christians who are living the true faith who hesitate to condemn Islam.
b) Every Christian I know does condemn Islam for its anti-Christian dogma, its murderous ways, its treatment of women and endorsement of child brides, its treatment of gays, its anti-American philosophy, its advocacy for lying and infiltrating and taking over a society and country, etc.


not sure why i need to post this, but i hear you loud and clear NebraskaFilly…
Some != All
Some Christians != Every Christian
i think people sometimes forget or just don’t realize the huge divide between the belief stances of many religions and the various sub cultures in each individual one also.
for example, baptist. i great up fundamental, independent baptist. my parents and some family are still in that camp and are even more strident now than when i was young (seems hard to believe to me, but i know it’s true)…
guess what? my church as a kid and certainly the churches my family goes to now do not believe that gays are going to heaven. they do not believe that women can be teachers let alone preachers. and i could go on and on of course but let me just drop this here: they think CATHOLICS are going to hell.
yup you heard that. catholics are going to hell.
yet they are on board with everyone here politically and would give you the shirt off their back.
so i think less offense should be taken and more thought should be given to the circumstances that people find themselves in individually.
the fact is some chirstians (for example michael h yesterday linked to that story of the fairness for all baloney all the colleges signed on to). those people are scared out of their minds to criticize anything and they are willing to sell themselves out going forward so they can keep their “freedom” (or as i see it, stay solvent financially)
the fact of the matter is, if we all believed the same crap there would only be one religion, no need for all this diverse choice out there. but there isn’t a one size fits all. and that is the number one reason i started questioning things as a kid. i was told people that seemed good to me would be burning in hell for eternity because they did not follow the exact path.
steve – you are lucky coming out of the closet early on as an atheist! honestly that to me makes the most sense all in all, because i’ll never consider some alien being from another galaxy a “god” anyway even if they did plant us here or whatever 🙂
i think everyone should be able to believe and worship as they feel fit. and that right is like all the others, until it infringes on the rights of others then i see no problem. and “rights of others” is NOT “feelings of others”. feelings are meant to be hurt so we all should realize that before we grow up and find out names will never hurt us!


I just have to say – OUTSTANDING, andrew! You put everything I wanted to say into the proper words! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! WELS churches to this day will not even allow women to vote!!!! I waited until my adopted Mom died in 2012, out of respect for her, to withdraw my membership. They are teachers, organists, secretaries, collection counters, janitors and kitchen workers w/in the church – that’s it. Some women, such as my grandmother, make it to Principal level in the schools.
In any case, I am sick of the drama and the fighting – I DESPISE fighting! I just want to let it be now. Gracias again, my friend!

A Fortiori

Steve — I am one of those who seeks to “rebrand” Islam as both a religion and as a set of political beliefs. I’ve only read a dozen books on this subject and so am not as well versed as many others, but Jed Babbin’s “In the Words of Our Enemies”, Andy McCarthy’s “The Grand Jihad”, Steve Emerson’s “American Jihad” had a big effect on me, as did the stories of both Gert Wilders and Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
I freely admit this “rebranding” is simplistic, but on the other hand, I believe this mechanism is effective at beginning the types of conversations we need to have if we are going to counter the “religion of peace” claptrap America was fed after September 11, and the more general ignorance of Islam’s tenants.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, don’t get me wrong…I’m not criticizing the rebranding, except those who insist that Islam is Not A Religion But Is A Political System (which you’re not doing). Many others trying to rebrand try to deny it is a religion, and that’s simply untrue; it is a religion–a very toxic one IMHO–and that’s what my comment was aimed at.


Some have secular considerations, not religious ones.


One wonders how many are aware of them, though. Is this a subject running in the US MSM at the moment?


Good one, Wolfmoon.
Have bookmarked for future use.


Ooops, that got cut off…comment image


“Secretary of Defiance” …was suggested in one of the replies.
Hah. I like that.


No reason he couldn’t replace RR, is there?
BTW, Lindsey Graham said (interview above) that Barr could be in place sometime next week. Senate debates about his nomination take place this week.


This ‘Catturd’ twitter account is a bit of an acquired taste.


I ‘liked’ it for the final tweet.

Pat Frederick

these are funny…
I have to say, I’m waiting for Michele Obama to start reading to little kids in libraries..then we’ll know for sure…wink wink


Wearing her sparkly thigh boots.

Pat Frederick

right? LOL


Just another DemocRAT.


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

…And so will the rest of us.
One of the problems with a representative republic is even if your representative is sterling, other people’s representatives aren’t, and of course an actual good representative for yourself is rare (they are adept at pulling the wool over voters’ eyes once in office).
A change that would never happen but is fun to think about: Every congressional district, two weeks before the election, is randomly assigned someone else’s representative, and they can vote to can that representative on election day, and a vote to “can” overrides the vote in the congresspuke’s district. Imagine being in the district that gets to kick out Adam Schitt or Mad Maxine! In the first case, it’s a vote to schittcan him.


Our own Poet Laureate Wolfmoon!


Good 22-minute interview from Sunday — Lindsey Graham with Maria Bartiromo:
Most of it is about the wall, as LG summarises here:

He says the Dems agree to fund $5.7bn for the wall in exchange for fewer detention beds for violent criminals. Those beds are ICE beds.
He is v. measured, as usual, but said the Dems ‘are nuts’ and that they have gone so far left, they’re ‘off the world’.
MB asked him to explain why they are taking this approach, and he said it is because people like AOC — yes, he referred to her by her initials — think that the wall is immoral and that ICE are ‘the bad guys’.
He says that PDJT will absolutely not sign any bill like this.
He says PDJT should accept $2bn in a deal, leave ICE beds as is (or increase) and get the rest of the funding from other departments.
Tim Ryan (D-Ohio) is her next guest, but I did not watch that portion of the interview.


Yeah, I watched that – jeez, if he would just stop with the canned response about it being incentive for more to come, saying the same thing over and over and over again. I tried to listen to Ryan – couldn’t do it.


In a way, I did not mind.
I think he did it for the ‘normie’ fence sitters, not us.
There’s a name for that kind of repetition. It’s a literary device. John used it in his Gospel and Epistles.
Not saying LG is literary, just that repetition has its purpose with the uninformed or unconvinced.


Just because…
Now, can you imagine…any of the other candidates for President accomplishing what our President and First Lady have done in 2 years?


No, not at all. The US is blessed. 🙂

Pat Frederick

all this “concern” over POTUS’s “executive time” is such utter crap…with ALL he’s accomplished, he could spend every day playing golf and out-accomplish the last 4-5 Presidents easily!
it’s about RESULTS not hours put in!

A Fortiori

At the Christmas party, PDJT made a comment about the beautiful walls which many of us took to be a reminder to the guests that the walls may have ears. Perhaps there remains a concern that not all the electronic goodies installed at the end of the prior administration have been removed from the Oval Office, and certain types of communications only occur in the residence during “executive time.”

Pat Frederick

absolutely true! difficult to tell if all the bugs are out of the walls…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

One of the laws of software development might also apply here: There’s always one more bug.


The Dems would consider that a ‘feature’. 😉


On OAN a few minutes ago the claim Mulvaney says they are close to tracking the leaker down but it may be someone who is difficult to fire, such as a high-level Federal employee, not an appointee.

Pat Frederick

maybe that employee would be of more service at the illegal alien detention centers giving prostate exams to the illegals with small pox…


Excellent idea! I love the way you think, Pat!

Pat Frederick

no need to fire them…relocate them…LOL


that leper colony in the original ben hur comes to mind…




Do we get a separate thread? 🙂


Stephen Miller is a national treasure!


Socialism sucks….always, anytime, anywhere.

Pat Frederick

so how’s this for bending the truth…lol…she can’t do math properly for one, and secondly she’s using a “median” worker at McDonalds–but not here in the US–but in POLAND for comparison…but no where does SHE mention that.



Pat Frederick

would she even be allowed to touch the sausage mcmuffins?

Pat Frederick
Pat Frederick

I saw her speech on the news morning claiming that “the rich and powerful” were getting away with wrong doing without consequence–and that has to stop! Oh the hypocrisy!!!!!!


Here’s her justification 🙄 :

Pat Frederick

ahhh…so if you’re consistently stealing from Native Americans, you’re good to go…good to know…
I think she should forfeit her positions, repay her salary and resign. She should also be disbarred (committing fraud) and should be investigated and prosecuted for fraud.


Agree 110%, Pat.
If she were a Republican, that is exactly what would happen.

Pat Frederick

yup–the dems would be screaming it nonstop–there would be protests at every rally she attended–there would be OUTRAGE…


They’d also be outside her home, badgering her at restaurants and more.
Isn’t Fauxcohontas guilty of cultural appropriation?
Funny how the Left never accuses her of that.

Pat Frederick

more than that I would think. she took the place of an actual Native American for a scholarship and a teaching position, and who knows how many other perks she received due to her ethnic claim? that’s far worse than just cultural appropriation…where’s good ole Nathan Phillips when he’s really needed?



Sylvia Avery

There we go! Absolutely!

Sylvia Avery

And she would be drummed out of the corps of humanity for the egregious sin of cultural appropriation.
I mean if kids who aren’t Mexican are forbidden to wear somberos at Halloween and Gordon Ramsey’s Asian restaurant has to have an Asian chef, well, I mean, how can she show herself now that we know she is a fake Native American????


She is shameless.
Any one of us would feel embarrassed. She doesn’t, not at all.

Pat Frederick

she may not be yet…but let’s see how she feels after meeting up with POTUS on the campaign “TRAIL”…he trolled her good with that line…LOL


He did indeed.


Not to mention being a racist beyotch – oh, that Aunt Jemima cookie jar!

Pat Frederick

that was just who she was then…so it’s okay…


This x1000!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Which I would actually be fine with, if I could believe they had actually changed.
I just don’t believe it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ah, yes, she needs to be punished for her past action, as well. At that point, if I thought she wouldn’t do it again, she’d be fit to rejoin the human race. (She’d not get my vote though given what she espouses.)
But I don’t think for an instant she wouldn’t do it again if she thought she could get away with it.
As such I can’t forgive her.




Scott Presler latest.
This year’s elections:

Anyone here in the Northeast who wants to meet him can — in March:

He wants to devote his energies to re-electing PDJT in 2020:

Parscale should hire him:


This woman obviously doesn’t think before opening her mouth:

Pat Frederick

if she wasn’t so morally repulsive, she’d be funny


with running the chance of being called a racist, you all should know that the somali people are pretty dang dangerous and have been given extra special privilege in this country… and someone mentioned that she was beautiful or something – don’t fall for this crap. same with a guy i know – his wife was scared of all people not white for years, suddenly she’s a lover of refugees and said to her grandson at christmas time “honey, isn’t there some nice muslim girl around your town you could try and date? they are so beautiful and hard working and courageous”..
i am from the “sister state” (maine) of minnesota who got rammed full of somalis at the same time and i have seen what it’s done here.
trust me, this woman is not beautiful.


‘trust me, this woman is not beautiful.’
Are you sure you meant to reply to me?
In any event, I have been reading about the US socio-political scene at length since June 2008.
I am fully aware of the Venn diagram between Minnesota and Maine.


sorry – i didn’t mean you were the one that posted that – someone posted it earlier saying she was beautiful and it was too bad she was so vile (you can search beautiful on this page and find it)… i have no beef with you whatsoever churchmouse!
i just wanted to point out that it’s not just a simple matter of us allowing more diversity – the evil plot to destroy us all runs very very deep.
think of it – we could never even be able to EVER get elected to washington (example) and she waltzes in and like ocasio and others is just bam somehow elected? fake. dangerous. and definitely not beautiful.


‘sorry – i didn’t mean you were the one that posted that’.
Thank you, Andrew. Much appreciated.


TEN HUTT, QTreepers!!!
Your VSG P45 is up and on the warpath!!!

BANG!comment image


Gold Rush era Colt 45comment image
Great symbol for P45 – our golden policy VSG in DC – except Trump is WMD caliber…. :8-)

Pat Frederick

boggles the mind how many groups of people come before the American citizenry’s safety.
what does ANY criminal alien contribute TO society?

Steve in Lewes

A pic from your personal collection ? NICE !!

Pat Frederick

so today is rally day!!!!
and of course, there’s Robert’s little meeting somewhere in the same vicinity…they’re meeting at a taco bell aren’t they?

Pat Frederick

The Democrats are so self righteous and ANGRY! Loosen up and have some fun. The Country is doing well!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 11, 2019


I love Miss Ronna, our GOP Chairwoman!!! She’s a MAGA woman warrior like Sarah Sanders!

Pat Frederick

wonder if Pelosi specifically put her there to get this kind of exposure so the Repubs would work to get rid of her and Pelosi comes out smelling like a rose (instead of eating one of her own?)


Interesting theory. Pelosi is more politically adept and canny than her mannerisms and speech would attest.


Double Feature Campaign Kick-Off!
9 PM – MAGA Keep America Great RALLY!!!
10 PM – Laura Ingraham interviews President Trump!



Pat Frederick

this i don’t get (Okay I really do get it…) but Congress has had years to fix immigration, more recently they’ve had at least a year since POTUS signed the last Omnibus…and they’re only meeting at 3:30 pm today? they can’t make this their priority?
I get the stalling, they really don’t want to come to an arrangement, but they’re not even making it look like they’re trying imo

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Could it be?
Could it be?


Bet you’re salivating like Pavlov’s dog!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’d try to respond to that but I’m drowning in my own saliva.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

On that note: Wolf, I’d like to do this Friday’s open topic if I am still welcome to.


How about some pleasant news this morning?
“Dozens of residents in a Massachusetts town lined up with signs on a bridge Saturday to welcome back an Army soldier returning home from a nine-month tour in Afghanistan.
Beau Schlichting arrived in his hometown of Winthrop from Logan International Airport, flanked by a police escort and surrounded by members of his hometown welcoming him with American flags and signs in support of his return home.
Sun setting over #Boston as one community comes out for a heartwarming surprise – welcoming a soldier back home from Afghanistan! 🌇🇺🇸 Watch it tonight at 10PM on @boston25! #Winthrop #WelcomeHome
— Litsa Pappas (@LitsaPappas) February 10, 2019”


Angry Amy…I like it! Trump-worthy nickname!

Pat Frederick

you could probably (stay here) write some pretty persuasive (stay here) jingles there Wolf…ever think about (stay here) going into advertising?
I suck at subliminal messaging…LOL

Pat Frederick



The Democrats are so self righteous and ANGRY! Loosen up and have some fun. The Country is doing well!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 11, 2019
If you say so…😘😍

Molly Pitcher

Think on this for a minute…

Pat Frederick

so what’s going on with WP today?
fine earlier, now every comment I make I have to re enter my email and name?
anybody else having issues?

Pat Frederick

not a registered user…but never have been–even OT…
and nothing I did is different than this morning…just after one comment…my email and user name did not show up when i tried to post something else.
mostly I only have to enter that stuff in, the first post of the day, then it auto fills for the rest (unless of course I leave the site and return later)…
I think i was outed with my BRILLIANT subliminal post…now I’m being targeted…LOL…LOL

Pat Frederick

I looked OT before I logged off computer just now, ran my cleaner and rebooted…WP is acting up for some users OT as well…


I do believe OUR VSG PRESIDENT is just as excited as we are about the MAGA Keep America Great RALLY tonight!!!


Twitter is pushing Beto speech and shadow banning news about the Trump rally!


Is this real? or just a really cool Meme?

Pat Frederick

it’d be cool if it was!!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I sure hope it’s real!


I’m going with REAL then!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Your perennially cheerful attitude is justified, then!



Pat Frederick

so it was the mistress’s brother that leaked the texts? LOL that was faster than the FBI ever could figure it out…

Molly Pitcher

It’s strange that nobody inquires about how the brother would have them. Did sis give them to him for just-in-case when they break up? Who leaves their phone or computer open to nosy family ?

Molly Pitcher

it’s strange that nobody asks how the brother got these. Did sis give them to him for safekeeping just-in-case they break up? Who leaves their phone unlocked or computer open for nosy family ?


they probably have family sharing icloud on their iphones…

Pat Frederick

lovely! we are bracing for another 4-8 inches of snow and ice in the next 2 days. 🙁

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Mentioning daffodils and Klobuchar in the same post made me think you had written “daffy.”
By the way, she was one of the senators who was formally tallying the electoral vote back in 2017 (the last chance they had to pull election shenanigans [I suspected, and still do, a plot to throw the election to Colin Powell], so I watched it), and she played it straight then. Today? Who knows what she’d do?

Molly Pitcher
A U.S. border patrol boat rescues migrants crossing the Rio Bravo
How is it that we get all excited about LEOs parked across the river to deter illegals when it really does nothing more than ensure people are there to save them drowning? They get a rescue, a ride to warm shelter, med services if needed, food….

Pat Frederick

i wonder why they can’t pick them up and drop them back off on the side they came from…every time they have to pick them up—drop them off on their side again…they will tire of it and go home

Molly Pitcher

That’s a common sense idea . With thousands coming I hope something can change the current method.


So the Brits at the Daily Mail got this from Spanish-language media.
Tip off is that they call the river the “Rio Bravo”. In México it’s officially called “Rio Bravo del Norte” (literally “Fierce River of the North”.)
In the States it’s called the Rio Grande.


Thank you.
I was wondering about that.


Hey! Apparently Dearest Amy supports POTUS Trump. Just heard her say “…we need someone in the White House who has people’s backs.”.
And THAT, my friends is President Donald Trump…like no other!!!.


I didn’t see it mentioned yet, but we have new Q posts!


Post 2689 and 2690:

Pat Frederick

thanks Scott!


“We must prepare for multiple contingencies.” 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
The Guantánamo Bay prison is shopping for a new three-cell, handicapped accessible compound — complete with a 115-foot dog run and guard house that can tap into the Pentagon’s secret internet network. Why?
“We must prepare for multiple contingencies, and modular buildings can be adapted and configured to provide us the flexibility needed to adapt to numerous circumstances,” prison spokesman Navy Cmdr. Adam Bashaw said Friday. He declined to answer specifically whether the proposed new compound was meant for the war court; the prison’s most clandestine lock-up for former CIA prisoners, Camp 7; or for a site called Camp Echo where captives meet their lawyers.
Echo has what Pentagon officials describe as “legacy issues,” meaning they have in the past been wired with listening devices and cameras that, defense attorneys say, allows for eavesdropping that violates attorney-client confidentiality.
The prison posted the solicitation for the three 20-foot prefabricated cell units — each with an American Disabilities Act accessible shower plus TV, bunk and toilet, wall mounted desk and stool — on Wednesday with a short turnaround response date of Feb. 21.
In the same week, a Pentagon spokeswoman told McClatchy that the Trump administration still considers Guantánamo as a possible holding site for Islamic State prisoners detained by a U.S.-allied predominantly Kurdish militia in Syria. A State Department spokesman urged nations with citizens to take home and prosecute their nationals held as Foreign Terrorist Fighters by the Syrian Democratic Forces.. Four Republican senators who want some of the prisoners brought to Guantánamo say the SDF holds some 750 captives.


I don’t have time to read through all of the comments to find out whether this has been discussed or not. SD over at CTH just posted his newest article outlining how the dems, eager to be rid of ICE (and destroy America), is inserting provisions in the bill that would force the release of 30,000 criminal illegals. Post and Fox News video here:


VSG is on it:


Ok lets try that again


Excellent, he’s on top of it!



This poor kid

Cuppa Covfefe

Is that a kid in a full-body Burka?
Or a small adult in a full-body Burka?
Appears that Fauxahontas Liarwatha has an IQ of 1/1024,
and a DANGER, DANGER WILL ROBINSON quotient of 1023/1024!!!
Note the NAZI raised fist in the foreground… thie cr@p has to stop… NOW!


She yanked him ungently, like a prop. And she’s a blonde now?


Need some real basic help please. How (on Mac) do I post a picture/jpeg from my desktop? It’s important as there’s a rally tonight. And a question, has POTUS still been using the Stones’ song at the conclusion, as he always did?


Oh, and thanks in advance! 😄


I ‘think’ you can upload a photo to and then post that link….
And a question, has POTUS still been using the Stones’ song at the conclusion, as he always did?—- No clue. I mean he is going KAG so maybe something new?


Thanks I’ll try. Not tech savvy. 😂


Not at all. 🙂 I just hope I told you right. LOL


Thanks for the deletes. 💕 That song’s supposed to be a fav of someone important. Will wait and see if it still gets played.


And the brains of the group

A Fortiori

Wow. I am pretty sure there are lots of congressmen and women who not even as smart as AOC, and I do understand that following all the machinations in Congress can be complicated, but unless you are trying to look like a twit, you hire a staff to follow things for you. Has nobody told her was a staff is and what you might use a staff for?


She’s the stuff she spews is gold!!! 😉


Should be shhhh not she. Spell check sucks!!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Sounds like she has a staff, and she’s tweaked herself on the head with it a few too many times…


HR1 – and i’ve mentioned this 5 times now since january 4 – an extremely dangerous bill. it doesn’t have anything to do with money. it has to do with less power for the executive branch, more restrictions on who can be made a judge (in other words you can have no morals) and completely makes voting the biggest joke ever.
how this even got out of the house is a travesty and everyone that voted or signed onto it should be immediately removed from office.

Pat Frederick

Good luck with that Nancy.


Pat Frederick

I agree, let’s see some discipline to accompany that stern statement…not holding my breath tho

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’d settle for the House of Representatives expelling her.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yeah, right. How about a censure or, as suggested by SteveInCo, expulsion SanFranCannedTanNan?
From “the Memo”:

“We are and will always be strong supporters of Israel in Congress because we understand that our support is based on shared values and strategic interests.”

Correcting for “Congress-speak”, she meant the following:
“We DEMONcRATs are and will always appear to be strong supporters of Israel in Congress because we understand that our desperately needed financial and other support (read: VOTES) is based on the cobbled-together appearance of shared values and strategic interests which result in our gaining and retaining power, however corrupt.”

Molly Pitcher

Pelosi said ~ ” Congresswoman Omar and I agreed that we must use this moment to move forward ”
The Dems have a constant stream of “moments” that are handled with kid gloves. Another laughable one they use is “teachable moment” with their blackface men. Read some books, tear down some statues and it’s all good.
Pelosi deliberately elevated these new members and ignores or promotes their disruptive antics.
The rot is oozing out of their party.
PS! has anyone figured out yet why we have to log in every single time? I don’t see the ‘remember me’ button


“has anyone figured out yet why we have to log in every single time? I don’t see the ‘remember me’ button”
Every time I post I have to log on and that is new..????
To log on the site I saved my history and gets me right in .


From the link that Pat posted:


Thanks, Kea.
I have been waiting for this for months.
Finally, that day is here. Anyone who supports this needs his/her head examined.


Virginia Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax has been placed on leave by his law firm as it investigates the sexual assault allegations against him.
Washington, D.C.-based Morrison Foerster “has retained outside counsel to conduct an investigation. During the investigation, Justin Fairfax has taken a leave of absence from Morrison & Foerster. Justin has agreed to cooperate with the firm’s investigation,” Larren M. Nashelsky, chairman of the firm, said in a statement.
A number of prominent Democrats, including former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, Virginia Sen. Mark Warner, and several members of Congress have called on Fairfax to resign but it could be that financial pressure is what forces him out. 
The law firm’s decision is a major blow for Fairfax, depriving him of his main source of income.
Outside employment is common for Virginia lieutenant governors. Other than serving as presiding office — and potential tiebreaking vote — in the state Senate, the lieutenant governor has only a smattering of other official duties. The job pays $36,321 annually.
“We take the allegations against Justin very seriously,” Nashelsky added. “As a firm, we believe that it is important to seriously listen to any allegation of sexual assault or harassment, and to treat all persons making such allegations with respect and sensitivity.”
[Related: Virginia delegate walks back impeachment threat against Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax]
Bill Bolling, a former Republican lieutenant governor who served 2006-2014, worked in insurance on the side. And now-Gov. Ralph Northam practiced medicine during his 2014-2018 tenure as lieutenant governor.
On Feb. 4, it emerged that Fairfax, 39, a rising Democratic star, had been accused by college professor Vanessa Tyson of sexual assault at a hotel during the 2004 Democratic National Convention in Boston. On Feb. 8, a second woman, Meredith Watson, came forward with sexual assault allegations against Fairfax, alleging that he raped her while both were undergraduates at Duke University.
Fairfax has denied both charges, saying his encounters with the women were consensual. Fairfax has said repeatedly he won’t resign from his state office, and has called for the FBI to probe the accusations.
He has also tied the allegations to controversies facing two other top Democratic elected officials in Virginia. For 10 days, Gov. Ralph Northam has faced calls for resignation after revelations of his 1984 medical school year book, showing images on his page of individuals dressed in blackface and a KKK outfit. Attorney General Mark Herring then admitted he had dressed in blackface for a party as a University of Virginia student in 1980.
Fairfax, joined Morrison Foerster in September 2018, seven months after becoming Virginia’s lieutenant governor. The Columbia Law School graduate and former federal prosecutor “advises clients on a variety of white collar and commercial litigation matters,” according to his page on the firm’s website still active as of Monday morning.
“He has extensive experience counseling and representing clients on a broad range of litigation matters, including internal, securities, and Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) investigations,” it states.
Fairfax’s LinkedIn page also showed him with the firm, as of Monday morning.

Cuppa Covfefe

[On another note, the name Jord Fara is echoing through my head]


His history with the firm should be remembered esp if anything else pops up.


Joy villa has some maga company at the grammys. An artist named Ricky Rebel.comment image


And the Grammys ratings tanked again!!!! 🙂


comment image


RSBN will show the rally.
Monday, February 11, 2019: RSBN’s Liz Willis, Bailee Byers, Jordan Parker and Gage Fuller will be on hand as President Donald J. Trump holds a MAGA rally at the El Paso County Coliseum in El Paso, TX. President Trump is expected to speak at 7:00 PM MST.


home computer link deleted -Wolf


Well that didn’t work. And I can’t delete it — so Wolfie would you please delete it? I just can’t get the hang of posting a photo and it annoys me because it’s important! 🙄

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The address you gave is for something residing on your computer. (“/Users/”)
You need to upload it to the internet, or find it on the internet somewhere and point to that.
Wolf probably ought to delete the post anyway to try to hide your potential self-dox.


It’s from my desktop, from imgur. I just don’t know how to do this. 🙄


Ok try this video. Shows you how to do it. She uploads it at the 1 min mark and she copies the direct link as well. You will get this!!! 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I don’t know how Imgur uses the term, but “desktop” usually means “on your computer.” Kea’s video looks promising.
A quick way to check if your image won’t work: if it doesn’t start with “http://” or “https://” or does start with “/User/”…it probably won’t work.


I put the images on imager and then uploaded them to my desktop.


At this point I just want to delete my comment. Any suggestions? Only Wolf can delete?


It’s taking up too much space on the site already! 😂


Thanks again!


I just pulled your instructions onto the desktop for future reference. 😄

Cuppa Covfefe

“It’s going to be lit!”
Yep, Boiled Ham, Heels-Up Harris, Mafiosi Piglosi, and the other oxidation-pest radicals will be burned by the Bonfire Of Their Vanities…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I can *almost* imagine him giving a five minute slide show of these clowns. His verbal commentary would be priceless.


President Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer Michael Cohen has scored a hat trick when it comes to postponing congressional testimony.
For the third time this month, Cohen’s scheduled congressional testimony has been delayed, as his attorney said Monday that Cohen’s Senate Intelligence Committee appearance this week had been pushed back.
“The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence has accepted Mr. Cohen’s request for postponement of tomorrow’s hearing due to post surgery medical needs. A future date will be announced by the committee,” Davis said in a statement.
Cohen has been subpoenaed to appear before the committee on February 12. A spokeswoman for committee declined to comment on Cohen’s testimony.
Cohen’s shifting congressional testimony comes before he is scheduled to report to jail on March 6. Cohen was sentenced to three years in prison after pleading guilty to tax crimes, campaign finance violations and lying to Congress in his 2017 Senate Intelligence Committee testimony.
Three committees are now seeking for Cohen to testify, two behind closed doors and one publicly.
Cohen was initially scheduled to appear before the House Oversight Committee for a public hearing on February 7, but that was scrapped and a new date has not been offered. Cohen was supposed to testify behind closed doors before the House Intelligence Committee the following day, February 8, and that interview has now been rescheduled for February 28.
Last week, House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff, a California Democrat, said that Cohen is still being “fully cooperative” with the committee despite the postponement.
Both Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr, a North Carolina Republican, and Schiff have said they need Cohen to testify before he goes to jail. So far, the Senate Intelligence Committee is the only one who has issued a subpoena for Cohen to appear.


Never too late. But needs to earn the trust.


Hmm…I don’t think ole Erick would be that much of a ‘help’.
It’s good that he won’t be carping from the sidelines though.


Agree, Gil.
Many thanks for the tweet.


This is the bill the House voted on and passed Januaary 3, 2019 … can be found here.


phoenixRising your back!!! Missed you yesterday!!!!


missed y’all kea…


*Hugs* Back for the MAGA rally!!! 🙂


I, too, missed your vim and vinegar! See you “at” the rally!


Thanks Tatonka Woman…
be there with bells on !

Molly Pitcher

It’s infuriating but it’s also profoundly sad to see what’s happening. These people are real. They’re consumed with hatred and what’s equally sad is that it’s not condemned on every platform


Wolf did you see gingersmom2009 request to delete the link in her post? just FYI! 🙂


No prob. Just wanted to make sure that got taken care of. 🙂


no school is safe my friend… from preK all the way to graduate school.
forget anything you ever knew about “that’s a great school!” or anything about prestige or name recognition. you can bet anyplace like that is so fully compromised there is no going back.
school is what you make of it and your work ethic and character are #1.
no ivy league school has been safe since the late 80’s at least, but certainly the 90’s ate up any that had an shred of credibility left.
even the “christian” school for those so inclined are so far gone they look over their shoulder every time them mention the word God.
i know one in the northeast that just sent a van load of kids to a homeless march/protest thing yesterday in order to help massively corrupt non profits raise money. granted, they would have had to make 5 clicks through a website to properly find out this info, so you can understand why they were “tricked”


Yale outdid itself spying on white boys. That sounds something the Stasi used to do and they were good at it.
This is so typical communist why would someone pay to get their kid into Yale to be set up..?


Can you share the story in one of your posts?


He gives a great explanation of the ‘God Emperor Trump’ thing.
Spot on.
Thanks, Kea, for posting this!



Molly Pitcher

It’s infuriating but it’s also profoundly sad to see what’s happening. These people are real. They’re consumed with hatred and what’s equally sad is that it’s not condemned on every platform

Molly Pitcher

sheesh..I’m about to give up posting today…won’t print, makes em log in every time & then slams a repeat way down here! Wish I could delete


President Trump Signs an Executive Order on “Maintaining American Leadership in Artificial Intelligence”


Apparently shes always been that way. Shes yhete on a scholkarship but only has time to project her own bigotry and racism.


That was for daughns yale pist…having issues today dang it.



THOUSANDS OF SUPPORTERS Line Up to See Trump in El Paso – Hundreds Arrive 24 Hrs Early – 75,000 Request Tickets For 8,000 Seat Arena


kea, where are all the protesters ??????????? There are supposed to be (hundreds) thousands…
where is Francis?????????? you know, the guy who wore dresses when he was a teen-ager? calls himself Betos nows, clalims to be Latino (ha ha)


I know right!!!! 😉 How much was beto boy paying?


HERE WE GO… Women’s March Leader Linda Sarsour Jumps in to Defend Fellow Anti-Semite Democrat Ilhan Omar


Ugly shoe!!!!!!
Katy Perry-Designed Shoes Pulled from Market over ‘Blackface’ Concerns


Who would buy this shoe? Its so ugly.


It’s ugly because it is racist.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I think Morgan Freeman was right when he told 60 Minutes that if we wanted to get rid of racism in the US the best thing to do would be to stop talking about it.
Now, given who actually talks about it, we can take a WILD STAB at guessing who wants it to continue to exist…


absolutely right man… this is 100% the ticket.
if you constantly bring up a “problem” it will never be solved.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Especially if it’s an attitudinal one.
But the real hazard here is not that the racists will continue to be racist because we continue to talk about it but because the targets of the racism are primed to expect it, and will see it even when it doesn’t exist. In this case, maybe a white guy is a bit short with a black employee at a store one day. The black is encouraged to assume it’s racism, while it could in fact be a number of things, everything from the white guy not getting any the night before, to having a stomachache, to just being a rude individual overall. But the black will perceive racism because it’s being talked about and in many cases his negative reaction to it will show in his demeanor, and people will pick up on that. The inter-racial hostility level goes up, not because of actual racism, but because some people won’t shut up about it.


early 90’s i graduated high school. if you asked me then if 25+ years later racism would be WORSE to the point of tearing the fabric of the country apart (or so we are told) i would have said no way…UNLESS people like (at the time) jessie jackson and reverend sharpton were allowed to continue to beat the drum. back then those guys were like ambulance chasing lawyers to coin a phrase. and all they ever did was say they wanted to end racism while only doing more and more to keep it front and center and stir it up.
we never as a society put a common sense control on special interests and now there are so many special interests they threaten to destroy us.
honeslty there are many times when i think we need a full reset on humanity – like back to living off the land and only the strong survive because we’ve jumped the shark as humans. now would i be killed or die? maybe (probably) so, but i’d rather live that way then live in the technological mindfuck dystopia we are in right now by far!


Is the sky blue! 😉 Yup. But Flep already posted one


More from MilSpec Ops Monkey on helios in L. A. – THREAD – click on tweet


I have to log in after every post… I know I talk too much, so if you changed the locks please give me a new key?
[my icon may not be working ?]


I forgot 😉
you know I’m kidding about changing the locks right? (weak attempt at humor)


I just want to mention this issue. When I try and read the site on a ipad in the mornings it just keeps crashing and freezing no matter what.


I’ll have to look. 🙂


here is a link i saved from way back when the nxvim or whatever thing was going on. one day there was an announcement about the school in new york city closing, so i searched and found this site:
apparently this person and some others had been onto the ranieri guy for a while but nobody would listen.
and look what parents do in order to give their kids the PRIVILEGE of this special learning.
it started all tying together some other pizza gate type stuff i had been looking at for quite a while tying in locations around the world (i was very interested in oprah’s school a few years back before any of the last 3 years happened and i had found some interesting stuff there years back) so i started going through this person’s site and then cross referencing with others and let me tell you – it’s not fake i am almost certain.
and it affects all the big players, clinton foundation, gates foundation, branson, epstein, the illegal sex trade of “foreign” workers / nannies…
check it out. search around especially when you see some mention of related people/orgs/places and see where it leads…
full disclosure needs to come out. it has to happen.

gail combs

Now I found out where all the Treepers went! I was wondering why all the old names disappeared.
Actually Hubby found you.
What the heck happened to the TreeHouse? It seems to sow nothing but dispair these days. I have to go and watch some Q decoding to get out of the depression that sets in after reading at the TreeHouse.

Gail Combs

With luck I will not get banned.
I have been trying not to. Sundance needs people who will counter all the gloom and doom the Brock ‘flock’ of ‘Correct the record types are spreading. It is really getting thick over their.

Harry Lime

Hi Gail! Pick a branch…you’ll like it here!


Oh good! Always enjoyed your posts. Glad you made it here!


Hi there…
good to see you here…


Welcome Gail!! Your ears must have been burning!! We all were hoping you would find us!! Always Upbeat here!!! No worries!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Welcome to our latest refugee from Sundirge’s Eeyore house!
We’ve been getting the banned back together.
If and when you get banned over there at Can’t Tolerate Heterodoxy, you can jump on the banned wagon! I’ve been on it for 644 days! (Not that I’m counting, mind you.)
It’s a cheerful place here…as you can see, it’s Marica-endorsed!


Hi, Gail!
It’s great to see you here!
Glad you found us.

Harry Lime

Correct me if I’m wrong…Didn’t Flep say that Cohen would never give his testimony to Congress?
WASHINGTON – Michael Cohen has postponed his third scheduled congressional testimony, his lawyer said Monday, casting further doubt on the prospect of the former fixer for President Trump returning to Capitol Hill before reporting to prison next month.
Skimming a post OT even SD sounded slightly optimistic at the end of his article.


on twitter also Felice ? !

Gail Combs

Boy, no wonder the TreeHouse has so few old names left. I can not believe Sundance Banned all of you guys!
I know he banned Blade, who I have read and liked for years on ‘Climate Denier’ blogs, because I saw the arguement happen in real time, but I did not know what had happened to the rest of you.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

To be sure not everyone is banned, but many came out here for the same reasons you did–disgust with the Eeyore tree.





SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Congratulations!!! You deserve a good Trump rally!

Gail Combs

I used to show horses and the prep work and NERVES made me give up and just ride for pleasure so I know how great it is to have a big WIN! AND how much work went into getting there.


Kudos to you DP…

Gail Combs

I have a couple of comments about the No livestock, Cow farts crapola.
First it is NOT cow farts it is belches (They can not even get that correct.)
Reuters Fighting global warming, one cow belch at a time
Livestock are responsible for about 14.5 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, according to the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO).
According to calculations by some experts, this puts the livestock sector on par with transport. The U.N.’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says transport is responsible for 14 percent of emissions.
Ruminants such as cattle, buffalo, sheep and goats produce nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide and methane, which is the most emitted gas and is released through belching.
Scientists are working on ways to reduce those emissions, including by breeding animals that burp less, adjusting their diets so they produce less methane and planting trees in pastures…..”

Harry Lime

adjusting their diets…
I had just read somewhere that some farmers were adding a type of seaweed into their diets which seemed to help…
But, I don’t believe anything coming from United Nation scientists to begin with…so consider me sceptical when it comes to Cow Burps…the U.N. can’t be trusted in any capacity.

Gail Combs

The report WAS open for public comment for 45 days:
I tried to alert people so they would go tell these would be tyrants what you think of their intrusion into your life!
“The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) came up with the recommendation that America Should Adopt a ‘Plant-Based’ Diet. It recommends taxes on dessert, trained obesity “interventionists” at schools and worksites, and electronic monitoring of how long Americans sit in front of the television or computer. The new Food Safety Modernization Act and Obamacare will be used as the weapons to transform American dietary habits to a more sustainable pattern of eating.”
The rest of a long comment @
Two key points:
Hospitals to begin monitoring your credit card purchases to flag ‘unhealthy’ habits
” What you buy at the grocery store, where you live, and even your membership status at the local gym are all subject to a new data collection scheme by the American medical system. Reports indicate that hospitals and doctors’ offices all across the country are now collecting this and other personal information in order to target individuals deemed to have “unhealthy” lifestyle habits that put them at high risk of disease.
Bloomberg reports that hospital systems in both North and South Carolina as well as Pennsylvania have already begun tracking people’s food-purchasing habits by spying on them through public records and credit card transactions. Carolinas HealthCare System (CHS), which operates some 900 care centers throughout the Carolinas, has teamed up with a data-mining company to compile and track this information for the later purpose of calling “high-risk” folks and urging them to make a change
“What we are looking to find are people before they end up in trouble,” stated Michael Dulin, chief clinical officer for analytics and outcomes at CHS, to Bloomberg. “The idea is to use big data and predictive models to think about population health and drill down to the individual levels to find someone running into trouble that we can reach out to and try tohelp out.”….”

I switched to ALL cash purchases after reading that and got rid of any ‘bonus’ cards that would also help track you.

Gail Combs

And just to give you the warm fuzzies…
Why Is the USDA Buying Submachine Guns with 30-Round Magazines?
Are those bullets for our livestock or for us farmers???


BREAKING: SEAN HANNITY Trashes “Garbage” Congressional Border Deal — Only $1.3 Billion for Border ‘Barrier’ (VIDEO)
RINOs got to RINO




I didnt know this. Thx.

Gail Combs

Yes, Epoch Times is one of the very few in the media that actually reports real news. Daiily Caller is not too bad either.


Q has suggested that Whitaker is the Scaramucci type placeholder… anons (some anyway believe Whitaker will close down Mueller so that Barr comes in with a ‘clean slate’ …)
Mitch has confirmation vote for Barr planned for this week, beginning tomorrow with vote for cloture… I believe Barr will be sworn in as soon as he is confirmed.
So, does that mean Whitaker shuts down Mueller by week-end, same time (15th frame) as Congressional Committee working on bill for CR AND Wall reach their deadline?
Oh, and speaking of the 15th, on Friday, the justices meet for their February 15 conference.
“The calendar for the February sitting, which will begin on Tuesday, February 19, is available on the Supreme Court’s website.”
Will RBG be on the bench on the 19th, the next sitting of SCOTUS?
Not much ‘wiggle room’ for all these things… logistically appears to be a nightmare.
Speaking of SCOTUS – two articles at their blog you may find interesting…
“… The Supreme Court has released its calendar for the April sitting, which begins on April 15. Unlike the February and March sittings, which will feature only six and nine hours of argument, respectively, the April sitting is scheduled to have a full slate of 12 oral arguments – two on each of the six days of the sitting.”
more here
Ques: Why is the Feb Sitting so light? as well as the March Sitting? Are they attempting to drag the business w/ RBG out until April ?
2nd article here
wrt Ruthie…


I finally went over to look at [AS] twitter since he was Q’d, pretty good stuff.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Life Lesson – [AS]
The next time you ‘leak’ classified information, don’t have your phone (or allow phones of the ‘unknown’ go-between ‘students’) present.
FISA works both ways.

Wow, Adam Schitt, it looks like you screwed the pooch, while you were taking a leak to make a leak.
I hope for your sake it wasn’t a German shepherd

G. Combs

Looks like Shiffty maybe in real trouble.
A must watch before they take it down. (I counted at least two if not three ‘removals’ BTW so watch very carefully.)
Confidential Tip on LA MIL SPEC OPS – Youtube by RedPill78 news
Note the headlines:
Rats, typhus outbreak in Los Angeles: Flea-borne disease in city hall USA Today
Typhus epidemic spreads across LA, health officials say – CNN
Typhus Epidemic Worsens in Los Angeles – NBC Southern California
I have had the shots for typhus via the Army and was sick as a dog.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I did some poking around. Apparently “typhus” and “typhoid fever” are two different things (actually typhus is several similar diseases)–something I had never realized before. There’s a vaccine for typhoid fever but nothing “commercially available” for typhus.
Are you sure your shots were for typhus rather than typhoid fever?
Typhus coming to the US is, of course really bad news because there’s no vaccine.