Welcome! The door is open, come on inside.
This Comfy Q Tree Saturday open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.
You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on. Keep it civil. Rules much like the Old Treehouse, except of course, Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged.
Imagine that! You can talk about Q here…and you won’t get banned.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines that our host has asked us to observe, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this haven that Wolf has created for us.
Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:
Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
This has been an epic week of Q-posts.
It’s been great!
Our President is a fighter. He is fighting for us every day.
I trust our President!
Yesterday’s National Pro Life Presidential Conference Call
Male Speaker: Hello and thank you for joining today’s National Pro-Life Conference Call. This call is not intended for press purposes and is not on the record. If you are a member of the press, please disconnect now. Please note at this time, all audience members are in listen-only mode to minimize background noise. I would like to formally begin today’s call and introduce the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.
Donald J. Trump: Thank you very much and I want to thank all of the thousands of pro-lifers and pro-life leaders, pastors, families and advocates for joining this call and for working with such love and devotion to build a culture that cherishes human life. In recent weeks, events have taken place that have shocked the conscience of our whole nation and this is whether you’re pro-life or anything else you happen to be because what’s happened is terrible. Democratic lawmakers in multiple states have been working to expand extreme late-term abortion. In New York State, legislators cheered with delight for a law that will allow babies to be ripped from the womb of their mother in the ninth month, right up until the moment of birth. Then to take it even a step further, in an incredible event and a horrible event, the Governor of Virginia even stated that he would allow a newborn baby… a baby that was actually outside and as he said, “Wrap the baby, warm the baby,” and then he has a discussion with the mother and the father as to what to do with the baby and we use the word, in the State of the Union, “executed” the baby. That is exactly what it was. It was an execution. This was shocking to everybody and frankly the pro-life leaders… I think your popularity and your cause is going to be actually benefitted by what happened because nobody can believe what he said and what he did.
In both cases, in New York and in Virginia, America must always be a nation that protects the most vulnerable and that defends the very first right in the Declaration of Independence, called the “Right to Life.” Since day one, I have kept my promise to protect unborn children. During my first week in office, I reinstated the Mexican City Policy, so the Mexico City Policy has been reinstated, which as you know other presidents… many presidents were not willing to do but I did it. Last month I signed a letter to Congress to make clear that if they send any legislation to my desk that weakens the protection of human life, I will issue a veto. I’ve taken historic action to protect the conscience rights and religious liberties of doctors and nurses, charities, and faith-based adoption agencies. During my State of the Union address, I asked Congress to pass legislation to prohibit late-term abortion of children who can feel the pain in the mother’s womb. We just have been very, very strong on that and I’m here with a lot of the great friends and the great leaders of the pro-life and I call it a movement, because I think now it’s become a movement more so in the last two weeks than it has been in a long time. It’s now a movement.
I know many of the leaders on this call are working to get this legislation passed, and I believe we’ll be successful. We’ll work very hard and I want to thank you for helping. I also hope that one day we can have a special signing ceremony right here in the Oval Office. If that gets done, we’ll all be together in the Oval Office, we’ll sign it. A few moments ago, I spoke with several families… beautiful stories serve as an inspiration to all of us. They’re actually in my office right now. One of the people who joins us in the Oval Office today is Micah, in name Micah Pickering right in front of me. Beautiful young man. Mika was born at 22 weeks. Today is a healthy… I can tell you that, I’m looking at him, a healthy six-year-old boy filled with energy and filled with life and he’s doing very well. I can say that. Micah, are you good, everything good? The whole world is talking about you right now, Micah. Micah is doing good, he said. We’re also proud to be joined today by Katy Shaw. Katy was born with Down Syndrome and she said, “I’ve made the world a better place.” Katy has actually made the world… she’s right in front of me. She looks fantastic. Katy, I really want to thank you for being here… very, very special. We have thousands of people on this call and they’re all sending their “hello” to Katy Shaw, very, very special. Our nation is uplifted by the incredible Americans like Katy who are powerful advocates for life. Every child born and unborn is made in the holy image of God. Together, we will continue to work for the day when all children have a chance to live and to love and to dream and to reach their full God-given potential.
I want to thank all of the people on the call today. I have a whole group of people in the Oval Office and we’ll be discussing this very important issue. But to all of the pro-life leaders, we respect you and we thank you very much. I think we’ve make a lot of progress in the last two weeks because of horrible things that have been done by the other side. Thank you all for being on the call and I look forward to seeing you and we’ll have signing celebrations and I look forward to having them in the White House. Thank you all very much. Goodbye.
Male Speaker: Thank you all in the audience for joining us today. Again, this call was not intended for press purposes and is not on the record. The call is concluded and you may disconnect.
Michael– So the State of KY voted to not allow abortions past the heartbeat–Here’s the part I didn’t HEAR…As a bill “anticipating the overturn of ROE!!!” Thus–NY and all states passing these abortion laws!! THey KNOW!! Legislators KNOW!!! Life –and GOD–Finally WINS!!!! It’s happening!!! IT TRULY IS HAPPENING!!!
HUGE: Mississippi Legislature Passed Heartbeat Bill
And in the article it mentions they are the second state to ban abortion after a heartbeat is detected, following Iowa. So counting KY that is 3!
thanks for the count Judy!!
We’re fighting back!
I know it! I’m a thinker not a feeler, but something different this time. I can feel it. It’s going to break through. We’ve gotta get that big mess in SCOTUS cleaned up Barr nothing!!!
get it!! I am obviously the feeler vs thinker–however–WE are GONNA WIN! WE ARE WINNING!! Fist bump darlin!!! You get to tell your kids–I was part of this war– and I fought for you!!!
In case you missed it…
Thanks, Michael. I’ve been wondering if there was a transcript of the call. God bless POTUS for doing this.
It came out today – and thank goodness because my notes were terrible!
He only spoke for about ten minutes but he crammed a lot in that time. Very disciplined speaker – anyone who thinks he isn’t doesn’t have public speaking experience. He is fabulous at extemporaneous speeches and keeps everyone’s attention. If it were easy, everyone would do it
Apppreciate it, tried to get on the call, but it was full.
Thank you;
Michael, was there any link with that?
I would like to post it on my own site.
Thanks in advance.
I think it would be great if you shared it on your own site!
The transcript was emailed as a Microsoft Word .doc attachment, which contained only the text above. I can forward the .doc to you if you like – I’ll need an email address. But I did do a good job copying so it would probably be easiest to just take what I posted here. I kept the formatting.
The image I pulled from another site (I think from Alveda King):
BTW you will notice that it has press disclaimers. You are not the press.
You are the news now.
Thank you, Michael — much appreciated.
I’ll lift the text from here.
Get comfy, boss…and have a brownie:
Mmmm delicious
Of course…everyone is welcome to brownie, too!

Can you say yummy?
Oh my…yes, yummy!
Those look wonderful!
I am just sipping my first cup of tea and have not had breakfast yet…
Perfect for George Washington’s Birthday on Monday!
And Abraham Lincoln:-)
Oh, I believe I’ll have to try one of these also. With a nice cup of coffee.
YES! Coffee!
I pretty much adore anything that marries cherry and chocolate. And then you add cheesecake! Wowza!
In heaven, the Cherry Mash candies are FREE!!!
Oh Wheatie, those look delicious! Thank you, I will have one!
Wheatie brings snacks on the weekends!
I got mine…. TY
This is the testimony of Melissa Ohden who was recently on the Hannity Radio Show and Fox & Friends.
She is the survivor of a saline abortion. On November 20th, 2013 Melissa came to the University of Minnesota to give her testimony. The event was sponsored by Students for Human Life at the University of Minnesota. There is a short Q & A session near the end of the video.
This was fascinating, Judy. She is a natural and gifted speaker. I am grateful she is educating people to her most precious beginnings. Truly a miracle.
Absolutely a miracle and I love that she is speaking to college students…she is lovely from the inside out!
She has quite a story to tell and she tells it well. I hope we see her EVERYWHERE. People need to see her and hear her story.
Really interestingstory. Most of the abortion survivors’ stories don’t go into the depths of the psychological aspects as this did. Thank you for posting Judy.
Wow I just watched the entire video. She is a great speaker. This was so sad and shocking and… wow.
I found her comment interesting about people saying no to adoption but yes to abortion.
Here is her website by the way: https://melissaohden.com/
Oh, thanks for the link to her website!
No problem.
With so many alternative media options out there, it can be easy to drown in a sea of articles, postings, comments, tweets, and likes – all of which are poisoned and corrupted by the ever-present and seemingly omnipotent FAKE NEWS…
But what others?
It can be easy to miss some great gems hidden in plain site.
Please take a moment and share your top picks by replying in a comment.
1. What are your favorite Websites for news, analysis, or op-eds?
Yes, we already know WQTH is #1
2. Which social media or sharing sites do you find the most useful?
Twitter, Gab, Facebook, Minds, or are we missing something important?
3. Which State and Local sites are overlooked that people need to pay attention to?
National news is great, but America is much bigger than just what is happening in the Beltway or in New York City. It’s also about what’s happening in Des Moines and Oklahoma City, and what is happening in rural Nebraska, in Appalachia, in the Ozarks. What important stories are being missed because the MSM doesn’t travel to “flyover states”?
4. What are the best sources for international news that you follow?
In particularly, which ones that are tracking with the global nationalist movement?
In the United States, we are particularly starved for on-the-ground reporting from other nations. How can we have solid international insight when our news agencies are bureaued in Washington, D.C.?
Obviously English language sites are preferred for our community where possible.
If you live outside the United States, please chime in with the sources of news, analysis, and opinion that you think represent the best of your nation.
News from every nation is welcome! However with current events we are particularly interested in any of the following:
South Africa
South Korea
… and many others.
Please take a moment and share your thoughts – Thanks in Advance!
1. What are your favorite Websites for news, analysis, or op-eds?
2. Which social media or sharing sites do you find the most useful?
3. Which State and Local sites are overlooked that people need to pay attention to?
4. What are the best sources for international news that you follow?
I’m trying to catch up and keep up here. So glad to see familiar treepers. What happened at CTH? I don’t feel the old fun there anymore.
Anyway, my major news gathering site is the cesspool known as Twitter. By following people I respect I can usually keep up with breaking news, as well as analysis.
Truthfully though, I’m expecting to leave sooner rather than later. I do have a Gab account and have you all heard of https://social.quodverum.com? They toot instead of tweet.
I also like https://www.amgreatness.com for good articles.
Anyway, I’ve been out of the Q loop for a bit. Hard for me to figure things out, but I do my best.
grandtexas!! Welcome!!!! I also go to twitter–so don’t feel bad!! This is THE BEST site for Positivity and Real News!! We are WAY ahead of the “News” here–More importantly–We are SUPER Supportive of VSGPDJT!– and we DO NOT Eeyore here!! It’s a great site!! Glad you found us!!
I’m glad too! Thank you.
Waving!!! Hello, GrandMainTexas!
We found a real refugee!
Glad you are here with us.
Welcome Gma, glad you found us. The best of us hang out here where the atmosphere is truly uplifting and informative. Good for the soul

Yes. I have a very sweet and godly friend who exudes love and joy. It’s so much fun to be around her. That’s what it feels like here.
Now THAT is a nice compliment for our site!
Welcome to the Q Tree! Glad you found us here. There is lots to read, and many cheerful and positive people. Smart ones, too.
I learn something every day.
Grandmaintexas! So glad you are here! Good to see you!
As for what happened Over There, none of us really knows. The tone and tenor changed. Many were banned. For no reason, no rule breaking, no notice. We just couldn’t comment or like comments anymore. Some were banned AFTER they started posting here, as if this place were being monitored and those who showed up here were immediately rooted out Over There.
We don’t know why. Everyone has a theory or two. But welcome to the Q Tree and enjoy!
It has been upsetting, but this place is positive and speech is free, so by now most of us feel quite at home here.
I watch twitter… via tweetdeck. I am surprised how many people do not use it…
Amwick, I used to have tweetdeck, but then it went into changes which were incompatible for me, so a friend recommended Hootsuite. It’s worked fine, very similar to Tweetdeck.
Twitter is my main source for news – following enough good folks that I catch the tidbits. I like American Thinker articles. Actually subscribe to Epoch Times now and get print version. Get WSJ too – though it’s only worth it to my hubby for financial news. The rest makes clear how Wall Street sold out to the globalists. Anything to do with politics is always slanted against not only POTUS, but negative toward traditional America values and traditions.
The MSM is the antithesis of reinforcing traditional culture, not only of the USA, but other nations as well – that’s the big takeaway in today’s world.
grandmaintexas welcome!!!!!!
Thank you!
Grandma in Texas!!!!!!! So good to see you!!!
Reddit the_donald. Need that crisp, current, political humor. Sometimes a little rough around the edges in the comments, but straight up truth.
I like Citizens Free Press, as a good news aggregate site.
Occasionally I check Whatfinger News.
I check Qresearch boards, too, over at 8chan.
Lou Dobbs.
Trish Regan.
Tucker Carlson.
Hannity and Laura Ingraham, on occasion.
Great questions! I’ll get back on answering this in a while!
In answer to your prior question (older thread), I have no problem with any number, size, or amounts of postings on the daily threads – NONE! If you’re happy with the current situation, great!
If you wanted to do those posts as articles as an AUTHOR, you would probably want to limit yourself to 1-3 per day, but I’m just guessing there, because if a style of 3-5 smaller articles daily with fewer responses worked, then that’s fine, too. I’m a believer in trying things and seeing what ACTUALLY happens.
I think that the daily threads, however, get LOTS of traffic, including by people who actually take notes and report back to places, including GOOD places. So frankly I would encourage you to maybe consider doing BOTH. Continue to do most of your posting that you want to be picked up by white hats and read by a lot of people in the daily thread, but do occasional articles or maybe one per day as an author.
What do you think?
I think you are you are Brilliant! #Beautiful mind!! Let Wolfie be Wolfie!
Sure, what do I have to lose?
WP invitation is in the mail!
V arrq n tno qbg nv vaivgr [personal data removed].
Uh Oh.
Great questions. I’m looking forward to seeing the answers.
1. What are your favorite Websites for news, analysis, or op-eds?
Won’t say, but one that is highly overlooked is thelibertydaily.com
2. Which social media or sharing sites do you find the most useful?
QTH, Twitter, Gab. Up and coming: social.quodverum.com, freetalk.app, spreely.com
3. Which State and Local sites are overlooked that people need to pay attention to?
Miami Herald is great, but has some very annoying libtards as well
4. What are the best sources for international news that you follow?
OAN has WAY more international news than most other broadcast networks
I really like the Daily Mail as well.
I check out citizen free press, whatfinger, and liberty daily after i see what’s what here
I’m actually a headline skimmer. I look at Citizen Free Press, Drudge, sometimes Free Republic. I like to see what others think is important, much of which isn’t.
I like Daily Wire for analysis.
Twitter is still the site for following even if a lot of people have been banned. I don’t post right now, just follow the big names.
I only have a couple place that I visit… for legal stuff I go to https://legalinsurrection.com/
They also do articles on current events,,,
One of the regular commenters there introduced me to twitter… via tweetdeck…
She got banned, long story.
I used to love LS, but they were so NeverTrumper, and Professor Jacobson, who I liked so much, was letting some of the longtime posters run with nasty remarks against those of us who supported DJT. In fact, I remember sending him an email about it – finally just left.
Occas. I catch their articles in RT. LS must have improved on their perspective?
LP I also used to love Legal Insurrection and had actually forgotten about the site. There have been so many that I loved until I didn’t and just moved on to others. It’s totally fascinating to me how our attention is guided from place to place and I have observed so many that proven themselves to be “Limited Hangouts” and that has helped me to not hang around just because I found value in the past but to feel free to stop in to test the energy when I’m inspired to.
Yes, It’s LI, not LS.
Right, LI was a great site, and William Jacobson an excellent mind. The never trumpers crossed a line, IMO, and once that was allowed, it drove me off. It’s one thing to have reasoned discourse, but they were allowed to be nasty towards others who didn’t agree with them.
I spend a lot of time on the 8 chan board ,but get a lot of news from twitter from others who post articles. Also American Thinker ,PJ media and Powerline are good. American greatness I like also. I receive the Trumpet news letter in my email which is good for international news. and you tube I like for a lot of Q decodes. I left social media like face book a long time ago after having articles I would post yanked.
I like Doug Ross – http://directorblue.blogspot.com – has a daily compilation of stories/news and a great Quote of the Day! Ross is a long-time seasoned truth warrior – and made these great lists:
List of Obama administration abuses of power and lawbreaking – http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2011/06/president-barack-obamas-complete-list.html
Timeline of Sedition and Treason: http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2017/12/a-timeline-of-treason-how-fbi.html
Weasel Zippers – https://www.weaselzippers.us They catch a lot of the nitty gritty. Great MAGA folks, social conservative and Christian fellowship – took me in when I was banned OT – but does get wild and raunchy in the late hours with cussing and cheesecake – not the eating kind, IYKWIM.
American Thinker is great – has some astute writers and commenters – and they are political, fiscal and social conservatives. I love Clarice’s Sunday column there.
http://www.americanthinker.com – *
Also love Front Page Magazine – you can’t beat their writers for major truth! Dan Greenfield is brilliant!
My twitter news comes mainly from these:
*https://twitter.com/GOPChairwoman/ – *
*https://twitter.com/BerelIndig – author of suspended Wired Sources
suspended *https://twitter.com/POTUS_Schedule – inactive *https://twitter.com/POTUS_Schedule2
First visit in the morning (and throughout the day), WQTH.
Then, skim through and cherry pick articles on American Thinker, Gateway Pundit, Liberty, Epoch, Whatfinger, Rantingly and BB.
Lurk at CTH mainly to see President Trump when he gaggles the press to make statements and Q&A. Straight unfiltered information from President Trump is great.
Enjoy Twitter stuff folks occasionally post.
What I don’t do is MSM, FB, Twitter, local stuff.
In our world here, as I view it anyway, thankful for the information, insights, cool stories, friendly atmosphere and decent folks here on WQTH. Thanks all.
I tend to catch headlines and stories at Zero Hedge. I come here for the analysis and research, this is my “home port”, so to speak. I no longer use social media, but follow a lot of twitter threads from here. As far as local stuff, I read Tennessee Star everyday. It has some original stuff and aggregate stuff from Daily Caller and other sites. I tend to read over at RT occasionally…they have some descent documentaries. I follow Survivalblog.com daily and tend to catch my radio news on WMAL out of D.C. as I’m from Maryland and worked in D.C. for many years…big fan of Chris Plante.
I watch the X22 Report on YouTube Daily….
Also follow on YouTube:
In Pursuit of Truth
Also follow:
Qmap.pub (Duh)
Lisa Mei Crowley Twitter Feed
Praying Medic Twitter Feed
MANY links supplied HERE by fellow Q Treepers.
Lol. We have a lot of these around! Theyd have to actually like America and maybe eat a cookie.
Everyone knows a grouch, and some of us may even be guilty of being one. February 16th is a call to kindness in the name of a grouch. On National Do a Grouch a Favor Day, you can do something to make their day much better.
For some, it’s in their nature to be grouches all of the time; while others may just be having a rough day or two. On National Do a Grouch a Favor Day, we have an opportunity to turn the grouches frown upside down.”
Stick this up your drought and climate change Newsom.
With ‘Most Snow in North America,’ Mammoth Announces Resort Will Stay Open Through July 4
About 140 miles (225 kilometers) southeast of Lake Tahoe, Mammoth Mountain was about to break a more than 30-year record for monthly snowfall, resort spokesman Justin Romano said. Skiers and snowboarders should be able to reach the slopes as long as they have chains or snow tires, he said.
The resort has already gotten 163 inches (414 centimeters) of snow this month, just 5 inches shy of its snowfall record for February, set in 1986.
The storms heavily damaged — and in some places destroyed — parts of roads leading to Idyllwild and other mountain communities about 100 miles (161 kilometers) east of Los Angeles, but access was not cut off.
Crews were starting repairs on State Routes 74 and 243. A route combining surviving portions of the two mountain highways and a county road kept the communities connected to the world, but authorities urged outsiders to leave the tenuous route to residents.
Hopefully THE STORM will sweep away ALL the globull warmanist detritus into the sewers of history, along with the swamp, the treasonous scum, the commie filth and the demonic baby murders infesting this beautiful garden of LIFE.
Massive storms. This is a winter like I used to have as a kid. Mr gil says the same. It would be a nice thing to wake up to a free CA!
It is hard to choose freedom. California chose it once, and can do so again.
If President Trump can do what I think he is capable of, he will open enough eyes into full WAKEFULNESS for freedom to be the only conscious choice to be made by functioning humans.
People in these parts are getting nostalgic for winters with lots of snow, too. My mother claims there have been many, yes, but every now and then there was a mild one with no snow. I remember quite a mixture.
“…Mammoth Mountain was about to break a more than 30-year record for monthly snowfall….”
Remember that glaciation is NOT started by cold weather but by increased snow fall that does not melt in the spring.
What causes increased snow fall?
Loopy or meridonal Jet stream allow warm moist tropical air to combine with cold polar air and cause major blizards that dump massive amounts of snow.
What causes the Jets to go from straight west to east to wandering up and down the continent and dumping lots of snow on us?
Changes in solar energy. That is changes in the wavelength distribution.
TSI (total Solar Irradiation) what Climate Disinfo Agents use, treats all energy the same. They like TSI because it changes very little (Δ = 0.1%) and therefore they can discard changes in the sun as being a major influence on climate. However different wavelenghs have different effects on the earth’s climate.
An example of JUST ONE aspect of our variable sun on climate.
ΔUV(1)(2) ===> ΔOzone (3) ===> ΔStratospheric Temperature(4) ===> Δtropopause height(4) + Δ wind strength of jets(5) and motion**(6) + Δstrength of the stratospheric vortex (7)(8) + ΔOzone hole (9)
(Δ = Changes in)
The footnotes (1) thru (9) I will put in next comment.
(1) NASA 2007 before the deep solar minimum.: ” In recent years, SIM has collected data that suggest the sun’s brightness may vary in entirely unexpected ways… “We have never had a reason until now to believe that parts of the spectrum may vary out of phase with the solar cycle, but now we have started to model that possibility because of the SIM results,” …
“Between 2004 and 2007, the Solar Irradiance Monitor (blue line) measured a decrease in ultraviolet radiation (less than 400 nanometers) that was a factor of four to six larger than expected.” (wwwDOT)nasa.gov/topics/solarsystem/features/solarcycle-sorce.html
(2)NASA 2009 “…A 12-year low in solar “irradiance”: Careful measurements by several NASA spacecraft show that the sun’s brightness has dropped by 0.02% at visible wavelengths and 6% at extreme UV wavelengths since the solar minimum of 1996….” science(DOT)nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2009/01apr_deepsolarminimum/
(3)Solar Spectral Irradiance Data
(4)Changes in Ozone and Stratospheric Temperature
(6)Top-Down Solar Modulation of Climate: evidence for centennial-scale change
(7a)The NAO Troposphere–Stratosphere Connection “Using monthly mean data, daily data, and theoretical arguments, relationships between surface pressure variations associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), tropopause height, and the strength of the stratospheric vortex are established.”
(8)Quasi-biennial oscillation and solar cycle influences on winter Arctic total ozone
(9)Climate System Response to Stratospheric Ozone Depletion and Recovery
I’ll have to take your word for it GC. But your word is one I have come to respect and trust over the years!
I LOVE hanging out with adults free thinkers, as opposed to grumpy TOT’s (Them Over There, The Other Tree) who revel in misery …
Another h/t AND Kudos to our host, the inestimable Wolfmoon, for having the foresight to create this place of camaraderie, free exchange of ideas and a calm port in a stormy world, especially now that THE STORM is clearly building into something to behold.
Thank you!!!
It has been my pleasure, and I must admit, that since others have stepped in to help me, this light burden has now become a true joy!!! <3
Is there anything more fun than a Q drop?!? I learn so much from you guys! Thanks again for the page Wolf
hey cmama!! THere is NOTHING better than a Q Drop!! Welcome!! and glad you are here!!
Thanks! After lurking at OT for so long, it is great to see all of these familiar names! A little scary actually posting, coz now I’m on a list! HA!
We gonna love you here!!! Wolfie has scary name– but He will NEVER BAN anybody!! Smile and post all ya want!! We ARE DEPLORABLES!! AND LOVE OUR POTUS!!!
LOL, welcome home!
Don’t be scurred, we won’t bite

You’re welcome!
And NO – there is not much that is as immediately exciting as a Q drop!!!
Yeah, you have built something special here.
And all the volunteers are testimony to that …
So kudos to Wheatie, TTT, Steve, Daughn, Dep Pat, Aubergine and of course Flep (hope I have not forgotten anyone …) for sharing their time, energy and imagination to help out our awesome host.
…. and Jason D!
And Daughn….:-)
I’ve found most of the commenters and researchers from OT that I enjoyed following are all here now. I’ve noticed many others continuing to make their way here as well. I do miss FofBW, LP1, and Bull though…
I seem to remember a q post or anon discussion of the censorship. This would get worse.
Gil!! Awesome POST!! I cannot believe this!!! Censoring THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES–could have ramifications–? Ya think?
lulz what an incredibly STUPID thing to do… popcorn!
I want extra butter!! and snowcaps!!
Isn’t “These people are stupid” something we have heard once or twice?
Look what has been happening to Intellectual Froglegs. He’s been banned/chased all over the internet. This just fuels the storm!
Finally, the prohibitions contained in section 1201 are subject to a number of exceptions. One is an exception to the operation of the entire section, for law enforcement, intelligence and other governmental activities. (Section 1201(e)).
Does this mean the DMCA doesn’t apply to trump? if it does, then twitter has no ground to stand on. Let me go find the one about the President’s tweets belonging to the Archive.
This is illegal. https://www.pri.org/stories/2018-02-19/donald-trumps-tweets-are-now-presidential-records
Because they are presidential records, they are protected and belong to the library of congress, Twitter has no authority to delete them. Furthermore…the CEO said he would do no such thing because they are considered “newsworthy”
p.s. I totally copy/pasted this from reddit comments. Full disclosure
Thanks for sharing – very informative
When I left to go make dinner, the Carpe Donktum video had already been shared 2.2 MILLION times.
Gotta admit, it was a good one!
“They are attempting to Seize the Memes of Production.”
LOL Yes!
So my Mother in law, aka Honorable Mother, got ahold of my email today. She said that she just wanted to share quotes that her husband had collected. Here’s an example –
“If to please the people , we offer what we ourselves disbelieve, how can we afterwards defend our work? It is our task to raise a standard to which the wise and honest may repair, recognizing that the event is in the hands of God. ”
George Washington
Imagine my astonishment when her 2nd email to me was to ask my opinion on these sites,
and this story –
Never realized how woke she really is, I hadn’t heard of that tsionizm site but that is an amazing article.
1st two paragraphs:
As American media was reporting on a fake actor who faked his own assault and a fake border security bill that will not secure the border, something actually quite interesting was happening in Warsaw in the presence of such minor American functionaries as Secretary of State Pompeo and Vice President Pence. The Warsaw conference on peace and security in the Middle East dealt primarily with the Iranian threat to that region and its highlights were undoubtedly the unprecedented signs of continued thaw in relations between Israel, represented at the highest level by prime minister Netanyahu, and the states of the Arabian Peninsula, represented at the foreign minister level.
It was not very long ago that the foreign ministers of such countries as Bahrain, Oman, Yemen, United Arab Emirates, and Saudi Arabia went out of their way to not find themselves in the same room with an Israeli government official, let alone shake his hand. In the last few days, these same people had dinner with Netanyahu, the Omani foreign minister met him privately in his hotel room, and the Yemeni offered him his mic at a press conference when Netanyahu’s mic failed. If this is what these most calculating of men allowed to break the surface, we can only imagine what was taking place under wraps.
…it goes on, thank you God for a VSGPD
Wow! Of course, none of our Fake News breathed a word about this. Something I read somewhere today that PM Netanyahu’s plane had a minor crash but he was okay. Did anyone hear about that? It really made my spidey senses go off, considering Q mentioned the possibility of false flags.
Wow, did not hear that. TY for reporting, Linda.
I didn’t hear about that and had to look it up. Wapo has a piece, FTA:
The prime minister and his entire entourage were on-board a chartered El Al plane shortly after midnight, after a two-day visit to a high-profile security conference, when a vehicle towing the aircraft on the runway crashed into it. A photo circulated to traveling journalists showed large scrapes in the underbelly of the aircraft.
The article goes on to report about his ‘tumultuous’ visit,
Netanyahu had hoped to use the gathering to showcase his budding ties with the Gulf Arabs. But a verbal gaffe and a video leaked by his office threatened to overshadow the event.
On the eve of the meeting, Netanyahu appeared to call on other participants to prepare for “war with Iran.” His office later said he had been mistranslated and only called on other countries to “combat” Iranian influence in the region.
Late Thursday, his office briefly leaked a video showing Bahrain’s foreign minister, and representatives of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates playing down the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and harshly criticizing Iran.
Netanyahu’s office said the video’s release was a “technical error” and quickly deleted it.
I can’t figure out if this ‘technical error’ was meant to undermine Israel or or was a calculated move on their part. The media reports on them about as fairly as they do PDJT.
He’s going to have his own AF1 soon, hopefully that will increase his security
How cool is that!
Good news!
Awesome news Driller, thanks for that!!
Miss Wheatie!!!! OMG!!!
this is the MOST BEAUTIFULEST tree I have ever seen!!! You may not know, but I am truly a flower freak
. Love my flowers and gardening!!! You even put me in the picture, thank you 

You’re very welcome, Butterfly!

I’m so glad you like it.
It’s soooo Pretty, I Love it!!

It IS a wonderful choice! I’ve been living in a snowbank for about ten days so the sight of flowers and stuff kind of makes my heart sing.
Thanks, Syl…I’m so glad you like it!

Ugh, me, too! Snow and more snow.
I love to garden, and about this time of year, I REALLY start to get the itch. So hard not to jump the gun and start my veggies indoors too early.
I love the beautiful pictures Wheatie posts.
Sleeping with seed catalogs under my pillow!
I ooh’d and ah’d at your beautiful flower garden too, Wheatie. Spring is most definitely in the air at the QTree

I totally agree!!!
Beautiful springtime tree!!!
we got more snow here this past week so just white everywhere here…
Jill Stanek is an American anti abortion activist and nurse from Illinois best known for saying “live birth abortions” were being performed at Christ Hospital in the Chicago suburb of Oak Lawn.
Stanek gained initial prominence in 1999 when she testified that, while she worked as a nurse at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois, infants that survived induced labor abortions were abandoned to die in a utility room. These allegations led to a formal investigation by the Illinois Department of Public Health, which stated that the hospital violated no state laws. Shortly thereafter, Advocate Health Care changed its policy on induced labor abortions, barring its use against fetuses with non-lethal developmental issues.
At the signing ceremony for the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act of 2002, President George W. Bush named Stanek in his speech, publicly thanking her for being in attendance
Stanek also generated national news during the 2008 Presidential campaign when publicizing Barack Obama’s four votes against Illinois’ Born Alive Infants Protection Act while a state senator as well as his state senate floor testimony. She posted a vote tally on her blog showing that, during a March 12, 2003, meeting of the Illinois State Senate’s Health and Human Services Committee, Committee Chairman Barack Obama prevented the passage of an amendment to Bill 1082 that would have conveyed “the rights of personhood upon any fetus expelled or extracted from the womb if that fetus was capable of breathing or voluntary motion.”
Here Jill tells her story of exposing live births after abortions to the Right To Life Australia group….
NIGHT SHIFT with the Q ball
President Trump and his administration are “moving rapidly” .
Chatter – Bill & Hillary’s ‘public’ health will begin to rapidly deteriorate. Q
Is this what Q meant?
That picture is incredible!
So many times these kinds of pictures are obvious Photoshops b/c they have Bill and Hillary’s heads reversed! Like people can’t see the problem there…
Woah…these people are going waaay too fast for a snowy highway.
oh my goodness!!!!
i hope no one was seriously hurt!
Whoa, I didn’t realize so many Californians had moved to Kansas
Haaa…”I’m a banana.”
I’m not sure if anybody knows this, but is Cory a man or a woman? LOL. Just…. not…. sure.
I’m pretty sure she’s a woman…from looking at her twitter page.
OK – I will take your word for it!
I’m just not seein’ all the tells I usually look for, and it may be my imagination, but some things just look a bit wrong…..
*looks at own Adam’s apple in mirror*
If the pic with the pistol in the waistband is any indication, that’s gotta be a chick
I’m taking this as definite!
When Chuck Norris gives you the finger, he’s telling you how many seconds you have left to live.
thanks for the smiles this morning!!
If true…then this can’t be good.
If true. I’ll wait and see. I’m convinced by this time that Ryan is an utter snake and I’d believe almost anything about him.
Pence? Not so much. He has attracted his own special pool of haters who gun for him constantly. I haven’t seen anything convincing against him. So far. At all. So I’ll keep my powder dry, but keep an eye on him. If he’s involved, boy is he gonna be sorry.
See my post below about the FIB possibly leaning on Pence behind Trump’s back. If Sundance is right – if Trump WAS under investigation – if Comey WAS lying to him about that – then it is highly likely that the wicked commies in FIB forced Pence to listen to their toxic lying crap, and then FORCED him to keep it secret from POTUS.
It explains everything. Ratface Ryan probably got the same spiel from Cankle-Licker McCabe, got all jonesy for a shot at the White House, and THAT would explain his attitude toward Trump. This same kind of toxic lying bullshit was probably used on KASICH, too.
Doesn’t this explain everything so neatly?
It would explain a whole lot.
When things like this crop up, I always circle back to my Q:
“The people you trust the most…”
In this case: double meaning? Askin’ for a friend …
Supersonic BOOM.
Well, the doc is from the Senate website so we know that is accurate, no? So he was definitely “briefed,” right? As DP says below, I have also not been comfortable with Pence.
This is part of how they LEVERAGED the status of “under investigation” to SABOTAGE the Trump presidency. CUNNING. They used the LAW to force the HONEST GUY to LIE.
Wolfie, can you spell out what you are telling us here? Thanks.
There are two possibilities. Trump is under investigation. Trump is not under investigation. Comey and others stated publicly, or privately to Trump, that he was NOT under investigation. Trump made sure to make that public. Ask yourself WHY Trump did this. I suggest that it was because Trump KNEW or suspected that this was not true, and used ALINSKY back on the communists – making them LIVE WITH THEIR LIES.
If Trump is under investigation, it gives the FIB the right to bring people into confidence AGAINST TRUMP, about the “MUH RUSSIA” investigation, using what are called National Security Letters – a kind of ad hoc warrant which includes an automatic GAG ORDER. I have reason to believe that these have been used against ME, so I know a little bit about them due to research. There are posts here dealing with NSLs. THIS is the primary post:
NSLs were likely used NOT ONLY to “poison the well” in the White House – they were used to POISON THE WELL of social media. I have also posted about THAT.
When I wrote this, I did not realize that NSLs were the MECHANISM by which that post on my other blog comes true, but now I can see that this is true. The IC and federal LE *LIED* (or, as they will say, “mistaked*) that TRUMP was “involved” with Russia.
The REALITY is that this is the chain of command of what happened:
PODESTA (HUGE Russia ties, BTW) > HRC (HUGE Russia ties, BTW) > Comey/McCabe/FIB (HUGE Russia ties, BTW)
Podesta’s mailbox, from a “journ=O=list”:
“Best approach is to slaughter Donald for his bromance with Putin, but not go too far betting on Putin re Syria. Brent”
NOW – back to Pence.
Pence made a statement to the press that was used to go after Flynn. The question was VERY legalistic – very STRANGE for the press to ASK such a detailed, legalistic question – and Pence answered it EXACTLY as asked. Pence’s answer was then INTERPRETED BROADLY (in an almost non-legalistic manner) to indicate that Flynn was lying – NOT TRUE. This was a total set-up.
Why does Pence answer the question exactly like he did? Weaponized psychology. Pence is CONTROLLED and is being PLAYED by malevolent player in a malevolent system, who are looking for ANYTHING to “Fuck Flynn and then ….. Trump”.
I see. Thank you for walking me through it. I do remember when you wrote about the national security letters.
You’re welcome!
More in these two tweets pushing out the two links….
So……. Pence might be another #2 ?
*shrug* IDK but I’ve never trusted him. I have always felt when someone is so publicly pious in his faith, it hints of something hidden. I hope I am WAY off base but…..JMO
I trust him NOT also….
No doubt my feelings are colored by the hypocrisy I witnessed within my own church and oh-so-Christian family. It’s funny – people denigrate those from the “south side of the tracks,” when all along they are doing the same things – they just hide it better.
The difference between a Baptist and a Methodist?
The Methodist will say “Hi” to you in the Liquor store.
ROFL – oh, so true!
If PDJT kicks VP Pence to the curb, I’ll hold his jacket. Until then, as I said, I’ll wait and see.
I heard somewhere today on FOX or FOX Business that Pence was asked about this and he said no one talked to him about it.
They’ve been using gag-order social engineering. It’s ingenious, and it’s EVIL.
If an NSL is at play then Pence answered correctly.
Much like how Mr. Clean responded to Jim Jordan’s questions. Jordan asked the right questions and was righteously angry about it. But Whitaker’s hands were tied and he handled the questioned exactly the way I expected him to. The D’s would’ve loved to entrap the AAG right there.
To quote Silk (of Diamond and Silk fame)…..
Pence denying is confirmation. We have the text messages. Pence was briefed as confirmed by Page/Strvok.
One theory I have is that Pence followed the law completely, but UNDERSTOOD and HAD FAITH that Trump would figure everything out.
Here are those things that got truncated in the tweet:

I would really like an explanation for all of this. Rule 9 is about what to do if the Republican Party nominee drops out of the race after being nominated at the convention. Were they planning what to do in case Trump dropped out because of that audio tape? Whatever the case, it doesn’t look good for Pence to be communicating behind Trump’s back about contingency plans, and especially regarding Paul Ryan. But we live in bizarro world where it’s hard to know what is real.
The FIB can use an NSL to tie Pence’s hands. If TRUMP is a target, they can FORCE people to either lie to him, not tell him the truth, or HIDE things from him.
Doesn’t that start to make sense now? The WICKED Comey-McCabe FIB was LYING to Trump, just like SD figured out, and they MADE Pence and others LIE to Trump, too.
Trump WAS under investigation, and they LIED to him. AND they made others lie.
Burn it to the ground. Give Wray the TORCH and have him BURN IT TO THE GROUND.
If that’s what it is, that Trump really was under investigation, and Comey lied all along, setting up Pence to be silent, then yes.
We have to close the FBI.
Just to clarify, do you mean to give Wray a “torch” as in a flaming stick, or the “Storch”?
And also, when you said “Give Wray the TORCH” did you mean to hand it to him so he can yield it, or did you mean to use it to light his tail on fire Judges 15:4 style?
I’m saving those answers for the GRAND JURY!
”By the Book”
Double Supersonic BOOM.
Holy $$$$$hit, Wolfie.
Trying to wrap my head around it.
Wait a minute.
Exactly who is allowed to issue a NSL?
“The nondisclosure provision must be authorized by the Director of the FBI, and only after he or she certifies “that otherwise there may result a danger to the national security of the United States; interference with a criminal, counterterrorism, or counterintelligence investigation; interference with diplomatic relations; or danger to the life or physical safety of any person.”[3] Moreover, a recipient of the NSL may still challenge the nondisclosure provision in federal court.[4]”
I’m figuring it was COMEY.
The name underneath the redaction has to be only three letters. That is a very small area.
“Jim” Baker, Bruce “Ohr,” “Jim” Rybicki, “Jim” Comey.
Who am I missing? I think James Comey is the best bet for the “briefing,” but who knows? “Outbox” is Lisa Page, right? So she would be more likely to be speaking to James Baker.
I did find this, from Feb. 2017:
“Baker tells Politico he has shared his advice on how to get things done in Washington directly with Trump, his new secretary of state (and Baker’s hunting buddy), Rex Tillerson, and Trump’s new chief of staff, Reince Priebus. It’s also likely Baker imparted some words of wisdom to Vice President Mike Pence, who was his seatmate at Sunday night’s Super Bowl in Houston.”
Pence’s wife got an envelope at the Bush funeral. Dr. Dave Janda thinks that Pence was the Bushes insurance policy, and that George W. let his wife and Jeb know that he had flipped to the other team at the funeral. Janda talks about it in this video:
It’s very interesting that the wives got the envelopes. Follow the wives…
Pence got a “Letter” at GHWB funeral along with others.
Speculation is…….. Subpoenas?
didn’t his wife get an envelope at the funeral like several others?
Remember, Karen Pence got an envelope at GHWB’s funeral.
Never did trust Pence.
Is that why Pence had the Flynn encounter costing Flynn the job?
The Pence interaction with Flynn and Trump was CONTROLLED. Pence was effectively ISOLATED from Trump and Flynn by the FBI (remember McCabe: “Fuck Flynn and then we Fuck Trump”). This explains why Pence gave exactly the answer that he did when the MEDIA was sent to Pence to EXTRACT the carefully worded statement that was NEEDED by the people who were controlling him. Pence was HESITANT to go into explanations – the MEDIA working for the FIB was given the careful, almost LEGAL question – Pence then gives the CONTROLLED ANSWER
Oh, these picayune Marxists and their spuds are so predictable.
Pence was set up.
Flynn was set up.
They set them up so that either Flynn or Pence would take the bullet.
Flynn took the bullet to keep Trump from being set up.
McCabe wanted Trump, but getting Flynn as plan B suited him just fine.
Yup. If Trump tries to defend Flynn (presumption of innocence), they USE IT against Trump politically, where innocent until proven guilty does not apply.
Thank you, Wolfie.
C’mon – no one knows what was in the envelopes.
Pence could not be a better, more effective and loyal VP.
According to Dave Janda, he is one of the Bush group. At least, I think it was Dave Janda. He has some pretty well placed sources.
I’m as loyal to Pence as to Sessions – and won’t budge until solid evidence is presented. Who’s to say that Pence didn’t bring everything the RINOs tried to do to our POTUS elect??
Trump is far more shrewd, prescient, with more sources than we can ever know.
I’ve never liked Pence. There’s something about him that does not sit right. Not sure what, but something is off.
He is very closed, professional in every public word and appearance. Not ever spontaneous. However, that means he doesn’t fall for the tricks of the media. He has a great ability to think on his feet.
I admire the Pences and Sessions greatly – their record is unblemished – despite being staunch conservatives and Christians.
Remember when Pence was to endorse Cruz but ended up endorsing Trump? Pence would never have agreed to be Trump’s VP unless he believed in the MAGA policies and wanted to save the USA from the black hats and the Socialist Islamists!
Let’s put it this way: I’m not going to convince you and you’re not going to convince me. I’ve always been creeped out by Mike Pence. I trust my gut when it comes to that whether people claim Christianity or not. Sessions didn’t set that off. You can put them in the same category, but I am not going to.
Until the anon says otherwise, Karen Pence got an envelope at the funeral. That’s what I know.
My point is – no one knows what the envelope meant. Why trust an Anon?
I trust the Pences and Sessions records in personal and public life more.
Actually, it was Dave Janda that described what was in the envelopes.
In my experience, public records do not always give the full story. I trust my gut.
Like I said, my gut says things about Pence that give me more than a little pause.
What did Dave Janda say was in the envelopes and who is he?
Dr. Dave Janda is an orthopedic surgeon who worked for the Surgeon General for years. He has no use for the swamp. Anyway, he has low friends in high places.
This is the video that opened a lot of eyes.
Thanks, DP. I don’t have time to listen to a long video right now. Tried to find out what he said about the envelopes – and how he knows – in text – but no luck.
Good back and forth. Time will tell, but we might not be around for it.
For what it’s worth…….
I do about the allegations. Not sure what is true and what is not, just that Pence is one of those people who just seems too good to be true on the surface.
ga/fl, I had wondered the same as you, and something Wolfie said made me stick by Pence, but it’s not looking so good to me now. My comfort has to be that whatever the truth, Trump has it. He knows it all.
Pence and Sessions are men of integrity – and both the Pences are GOD-fearing Christians. They are both intelligent and staunch patriots.
I am not willing for any of them to be smeared by rumors that have no basis in fact.
“Harumph. I want to see you”. Is Andy preoccupied for his customary 1 hr meeting? Maybe I can sneak over for a quickie? (EWWW!!)
IIRC, that’s the first time they’ve let a “lovebird” theme text slip out, no??
Here is a copy of the image so you can blow it up and read. It is very damning!
NOTE DATE!! 11/17/2016
To put it within the timeline:
The ELECTION WAS Tuesday, November 8, 2016
“On November 17th, 2016, NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers travels to see President-Elect Donald Trump in Trump Tower” https://themarketswork.com/2018/01/10/an-american-hero-the-death-of-a-fisa-narrative/
“Nov 19, 2016 – 19, 2016. WASHINGTON — President Obama is considering removing Adm. … President-elect Donald J. Trump is considering Admiral Rogers, who is … met with Admiral Rogers on Thursday at Trump Tower in New York….” — NPR
So yeah it looks like Pence is a real snake.
From Memory:
I heard he was forced on President Trump. He announced he was the VP pick NOT President Trump.
He sat in the Bush box for sporting events and at the Bush funneral he was chummy with the Bush’s and Hillary yet IIRC President Trump completely ignored him. Also PENCE GOT A NOTE!
He has stepped aside so not dirt tossed at President Trump splatters on him and was caught out of country bad mouthing Trump’s agenda.
Gunny66 says:
“OK….let’s go..
1. Put in charge of the transition team…almost all he recommended are gone.
2. Put in charge of pushing bills through Congress. How did that work out?
3. Put in charge of eliminating voter fraud. This was during the Georgia special election. How did that work out?
4. Pence was in South America waving happily behind Tom Donahue…Donahue gave a blistering speech against the President. Pence said Nothing.
5. During the taped Bush/pu88y gate tape scandal, Pence said nothing to defend the President .
6. Pence fired Gen Flynn for supposed lying to him. Now the article by Sundance explains this.
7. Now he is in charge of Space Exploration….has he said anything about that?
8. Pence was placed as Vice President by the RNC.. This is a tradition for decades, like the DNC picks the VP. Then Preibus is picked as Chief of Staff. How did that work out?
9. Pence’s personal physician ravaged the Presidents nominee, Jackson, forcing him to drop out. Pence said nothing about it.
10. Pence visited the Border during the Caravan arrival at the border. He spoke to the press saying: “Don’t worry, we will let them all in.”
North Korea hit out at US Vice President Mike Pence calling him “ignorant and stupid” as the reclusive state made a renewed threat to cancel an upcoming summit between the two countries.
Choe Son Hui, vice-minister of Foreign Affairs, released a statement via the state-run KCNA news agency lambasting a recent media interview Pence gave to Fox News.
“I cannot suppress my surprise at such ignorant and stupid remarks gushing out from the mouth of the US vice-president,” she said in the statement.
In his interview with Fox, Mr Pence warned North Korean leader Kim Jong-un that it would be a “great mistake” to try to play Washington ahead of a planned summit with President Donald Trump next month in Singapore.
He also said North Korea could end up like Libya, whose former leader Muammar Gaddafi was killed in an uprising years after giving up atomic weapons, “if Kim Jong-un doesn’t make a deal”.
Pence…I predict he will not be on the ticket with our President if he runs in 2020…
He’ll have Personal reasons…”
More from Gunny66
“…Before being put in charge of transition team,
The keys for the Transition Office went directly from Pence to McDonough not to Chris Christie, who was in actual charge of the transition team.
The “Kremlin Connection” email to Jeff Sessions’ office started the wiretaps on the Trump Campaign for President. The an e-mail was sent from the Transition Office stating the Russians were the connection sources of all of this….
Pences personal physician ravaged the Presidents nominee, Jackson, forcing him to drop out. Pence said nothing about it.
10. Pence visited the Border during the Caravan arrival at the border. He spoke to the press saying: “Don’t worry, we will let them all in.”
North Korea hit out at US Vice President Mike Pence calling him “ignorant and stupid” as the reclusive state made a renewed threat to cancel an upcoming summit between the two countries.
Choe Son Hui, vice-minister of Foreign Affairs, released a statement via the state-run KCNA news agency lambasting a recent media interview Pence gave to Fox News.
“I cannot suppress my surprise at such ignorant and stupid remarks gushing out from the mouth of the US vice-president,” she said in the statement….”
And people wonder why President Trump uses Jared as his envoy instead of Pence…
All right, Gail, that did it. I was on the fence about Pence, still kind of wanting to defend him, but I’ve come over to your side on this. It’s painful, but thank you. Can’t deny the overwhelming evidence.
Rumors are out there…….
For what It’s worth…
The two Nigerian guys were released…no charges.
I wonder if they rolled over on Jussie Smollett?
And now, Smollett has hired defense attorney that is also representing Michael Cohen.
This thing smells to high heaven, doesn’t it?
Yeah it does.
I hope Smollett gets arrested for filing a false police report.
Shame we can’t sue him for libeling Trump Supporters.
Shouldn’t there be/isn’t there some kind of crime about faking a hate crime? If not, there sure should be.
Yeah, it should be a crime.
New federal law about lynching…. hmmmmm I wonder if that includes lynching yourself..

I just heard that I missed today that PDJT said that Abe nominated him for the Nobel Peace Prize. Heh, heh. It will never happen, and after being defiled by BO it means nothing, but I think it is awesome, anyway. I hope it sticks in BO’s craw, sideways.
love when POTUS said, “Peace IS the prize.”
Wheatie, I love that pic of PDJT punching. Gosh, he was kinda cute.
I do too!
And yeah, he was a hunk back in the day…women were throwing themselves at him.
He is still very nice looking.
I remember. He honestly never appealed to me but I know many women were swooning over him. But looking back I can see he was pretty handsome, and yes he still is a nice looking man. I don’t think I could ever get beyond the New Yawk Big Mouth persona. SO not my thing. And yet, here I am happily ensconced on the Trump Train. You just never know!
“[T]he New Yawk Big Mouth persona” beats the heck out of the Blue Blood Snob ‘holier than thou’ attitude.
People are tweeting out that video that got censored when Pres Trump tweeted it.
I’ve retweeted.
It’s such a good video.
Proud of Carpe.
Carpe posted on the President’s tweet so the video can be viewed again. Also, Carpe has standing for Fair Use. Moar pipcorn, please!
Sorry, Popocorn!!
That’s awesome! Thanks Wheati, I’ve been wondering what it was that got censored. They’re such babies
Exposes the Socialist Democrats for the leftist socialist anti-Americans that they are!
Posted on FB with the request to share far and wide! Take THAT, Twitter Jack!
Carpedonktum posted his video on the President’s tweet, so it is there again. And Carpe has standing for Fair Use discussion
They are savages.
That’s why it’s a good thing that our Military will be involved and overseeing the wall construction.
The construction crews will need security!
National Emergency. All our VSG needs is a CARTEL DAY dog and pony show with pictures like that, and those Dems will be run out of town on a RAIL for opposing THE WALL.
The Roosevelt Reservation, Proclamation 758, signed in 1907, allows for a 60 foot easment along the US/Mexico border. Will try to get the image to post.https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/ar8a2f/its_called_the_roosevelt_reservation_proclamation/
Still catching up on yesterday’s news. William Weld, former Libertarian Veep candidate and former Gov of Massachusettes is going to primary PDJT? Oh good grief. We’re going to end up with PDJT and the Seven Dwarfs again. Kasich. Romney. This Weld fool. Well, good luck with that.
Weld was a notorious Governor in MA.
He was notable for being reliably drunk.
So with Romney……
That would be 2 from Dumb Mass achusetts
Three = Dukakis, the tank warrior.
He gonna try again?
Nah, too old. He’s a professor in Hawaii, I think.
And now the lefties want to tear down the existing fencing on the southern border? Give me strength. Has the world just collectively lost its mind while I was looking at knitting patterns, drinking chamomile tea, and training my dog?
I can hear the Dem’s campaign slogans now:

“Elect me and we’ll tear down the wall!”
Mmm…I don’t think that’s going to go over too well.
I actually think they’ll use the Reagan speech: “Mr. Gorbachev tear down this wall…”
It was moving, it was powerful and they want to bastardize it
here ya go:
Hi Amwick!

*waves furiously*
It’s good to see you here!
That is very kind. *looks around
Nice place, love the decor.
They should all three go to jail for smearing people with malicious intent!
Hear, Hear!!!
She’s talking about NSA data.
The FBI…as we know…gave private contractors access to NSA data.
Thanks, wheatie.
(Sidney Powell in the video.)
A Patriot Nurse goes off on the new ‘Repeal Act’ abortion bill that would allow the murder of full term infants at the time of birth. As a former labor and delivery nurse, Patriot Nurse sounds the alarm and reminds healthcare providers of their oaths.
The end has come.
VSG was VERY good at yesterday’s announcement/press conference, every bit as good as the SOTU and El Paso Rally.
I watched it after reading comments here, and so was looking for signs that he was tired or distracted. I DO NOT disagree with those assessments, but would add one more. He seemed to project angry resolution to me.
This is the very first time where I SAW anger coming from VSG. However he presents in private, he has always been calm and in control publicly (IMO).
VSG personally and justifiably has a lot to be angry about, but this anger was about the safety and security of Americans. Even the treacherous and slimy personal betrayal by Ryan is related to the failure to get funding for the wall, which if it had been done would have avoided so much wasted time and pointless political posturing, but more importantly delayed the SECURITY issues VSG has movingly/convincingly presented.
There were three somewhat different Donald Trumps at each of these events, but each one was brilliantly done. The message was always the same, but was presented in a different way each time.
Did I say it is impossible to love, respect and admire this man more?
And my reply to you Dear Tona is always….

Until the next time, For With God, nothing is Impossible!
Agreed Tonawonda,
President Trump expressed more anger in this press conference than any I have watched.
Looks like the gloves are off.
President Trump had to wait until the DemonRats were in control of the house. It was VERY BAD OPTICS for the President to fight with his own party, not that they saw it that way.

Now the gloves can come off. Notice the press whining that he was NOT BIPARTISIAN and ‘nasty’ to the DemonRats.
BIPARTISIAN = kissing Pelosi’s butt EWWwwww.
That’s IT Tona!! He was visibly ANGRY!!! Not distracted… Great analysis!!! SOTU–Presidential Trump. Rally-Funny Trump. Presser–Angry Trump. LOVE this!! and it appealed to every American in a different way!
Saturday Morning Funnies:
How Do Court Reporters Keep Straight Faces?
These are from a book called Disorder in the Courts and are things people actually said in court, word for word, taken down and published by court reporters that had the torment of staying calm while the exchanges were taking place.
ATTORNEY: What was the first thing your husband said to you that morning?
WITNESS: He said, ‘Where am I, Cathy?’
ATTORNEY: And why did that upset you?
WITNESS: My name is Susan!
ATTORNEY: What gear were you in at the moment of the impact?
WITNESS: Gucci sweats and Reeboks.
ATTORNEY: Are you sexually active?
WITNESS: No, I just lie there.
ATTORNEY: What is your date of birth?
WITNESS: July 18th.
ATTORNEY: What year?
WITNESS: Every year.
ATTORNEY: How old is your son, the one living with you?
WITNESS: Thirty-eight or thirty-five, I can’t remember which.
ATTORNEY: How long has he lived with you?
WITNESS: Forty-five years.
ATTORNEY: This myasthenia gravis, does it affect your memory at all?
ATTORNEY: And in what ways does it affect your memory?
WITNESS: I forget.
ATTORNEY: You forget? Can you give us an example of something you forgot?
ATTORNEY: Now doctor, isn’t it true that when a person dies in his sleep, he doesn’t know about it until the next morning?
WITNESS: Did you actually pass the bar exam?
ATTORNEY: The youngest son, the 20-year-old, how old is he?
WITNESS: He’s 20, much like your IQ.
ATTORNEY: Were you present when your picture was taken?
WITNESS: Are you shitting me?
ATTORNEY: So the date of conception (of the baby) was August 8th?
ATTORNEY: And what were you doing at that time?
WITNESS: Getting laid
ATTORNEY: She had three children, right?
ATTORNEY: How many were boys?
ATTORNEY: Were there any girls?
WITNESS: Your Honor, I think I need a different attorney. Can I get a new attorney?
ATTORNEY: How was your first marriage terminated?
WITNESS: By death.
ATTORNEY: And by whose death was it terminated?
WITNESS: Take a guess.
ATTORNEY: Can you describe the individual?
WITNESS: He was about medium height and had a beard
ATTORNEY: Was this a male or a female?
WITNESS: Unless the Circus was in town I’m going with male.
ATTORNEY: Is your appearance here this morning pursuant to a deposition notice which I sent to your attorney?
WITNESS: No, this is how I dress when I go to work.
ATTORNEY: Doctor, how many of your autopsies have you performed on dead people?
WITNESS: All of them. The live ones put up too much of a fight.
ATTORNEY: ALL your responses MUST be oral, OK? What school did you go to?
ATTORNEY: Do you recall the time that you examined the body?
WITNESS: The autopsy started around 8:30 PM
ATTORNEY: And Mr. Denton was dead at the time?
WITNESS: If not, he was by the time I finished.
ATTORNEY: Are you qualified to give a urine sample?
WITNESS: Are you qualified to ask that question?
And last:
ATTORNEY: Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a pulse?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for blood pressure?
ATTORNEY: Did you check for breathing?
ATTORNEY: So, then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?
ATTORNEY: How can you be so sure, Doctor?
WITNESS: Because his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar.
ATTORNEY: I see, but could the patient have still been alive, nevertheless?
WITNESS: Yes, it is possible that he could have been alive and practicing law.
these are hilarious!!! thanks for posting!
Great comebacks…I guess that’s what they mean when they say they’re practicing law…

And now, in that vein, some cooking tips from Occasional Cortex
Thanks for the chuckles, Miss D, Great way to start the day!!

A tough prosecutor had the misfortune of appearing before a very liberal (but amiable) judge who liked to take shots at prosecutors whenever he saw the chance.
One day in court the prosecutor asked for an adjournment, explaining that he was going to have heart surgery.
The judge immediately asked if such surgery was possible. Puzzled, the prosecutor said he didn’t understand the question.
“Because,” the judge explained, “with a prosecutor the surgeons must have an extremely difficult time finding a heart.”
“Oh yes,” the prosecutor responded, “it’s the same problem when a surgeon performs brain surgery on a judge.”
NB: this is a TRUE story.
Perusing the headlines and came across a Breitbart article with this headline:
Spending Bill Allows Mexican Cartel-Connected Texas Counties to Stop Border Wall
Since the bill only lasts six months, and any local people opposing the wall, or saying tear it down, WILL be exposed and trumpeted to the world, what are the odds that this is a trap to further expose the local law enforcement on the take. Mexican cartels could provide one heck of a widows and orphans fund.
If the Army Corps of Engineers is building the wall, and they are military, and the military answers to the president, then it’s going to happen despite the spending bill.
That bill was agreed to, whether we like it or not, by design, IMO. We’re still in exposure mode. The payoffs from the cartels to local officials on the border needs to come out. I get a feeling this is part of it.
In all of the big expansive Texas Border, there’s bound to be a measly 55 miles of Republican counties, Patriot land owners, that do Not object to the Wall, where the restrictions won’t be challenged and the $1.375 Billion can be used. I love that all the money our VSG found under the other USC codes have NO restrictions. That’s what the demons are most mad about, POTUS always outsmarts them! Wall Construction, FULL SPEED AHEAD!!

President Trump isn’t messing around with sanctuary-minded, drug cartel-owned civic leaders.
Trump is bold, courageous and committed to ending the PLAGUE OF DEADLY DRUGS killing and addicting millions of Americans!!!
anybody know offhand when McCabe is due back home after his book tour? I hope the FBI remembers to alert CNN so they can film the predawn raid on his home…after all his statements are now contradicting his Congressional testimony and that’s the trigger for the FBI, right?
Would be great if McCabe was arrested at a book signing, with press invited.
My bad. Should have read Pat F post closer.
Just a quick contrast for fun. Gotta love the second one’s style.
Good Boy!! Bulldogs are smart and quite talented. Growing up we had a white one named Butch, My Dad’s pride and joy. He would get a running start and climb up to the top of the huge 7ft tall metal slide in the backyard. Even the little jealous fox terrier nipping at his back heels couldn’t stop him. They are a very determined breed. Supposedly if they bite you, they do not let go. Fortunately, I never encountered the opportunity to prove that!
I just liked the Bichon, Oh, Look! There’s crowds!
That’s something our Havanese female would do.
As a quick answer:
I like Epoch Times, Daily Caller, and The Duran
vids by
PrayingMedic, IPOT, Dr Janda, “We The People Insider”
For real Techie stuff mostly Climate change:
E.M. Smith’s — https://chiefio.wordpress.com
Tony Heller’s — https://realclimatescience.com
In Australia Jo Nova’s — this is worth the read:
Used to spend a lot of time at TO but boy has it changed!
30,000 illeg@ls entering Panama now. They have reached the border between Panama & Colombia according to JBT International TV
The Caravan composed of Haitians, Venezuelans, Africans & Cubans. Coming to USA through Central America & Mexico#BuildTheWall pic.twitter.com/eNuaXXPOpm
— Cindyseestruth (@cs00582scs) February 16, 2019
We were warned. I’m sensing a full scale military deployment in our future. We’ll need a 2,000 mile human Wall in place until the physical one can be constructed. MOAR Wall Crews Now!!!
Hitler finds out Adam Sciff met with Glenn Simpson….A classic meme vehicle/canvas, but hits on all the points dead on – originally posted on https://conservativehardliner.com/
Found this quite interesting from OT. Subtitle way of introducing facts!
cali says:
February 16, 2019 at 4:35 am
@oldumb: Yes – it needs and will rap up. The fake media already pivoting from their 2-yrs harassment of the president admitting to their viewers that Mueller’s report will NOT show any collusion which SpyGate was all about.
McCabe here peddles more lies although being indicted he continues with his lies.
What these coup plotters actually also meant when claiming the 25th amendment is to assassinate the president.
For the first time it was openly stated and shown in pics that they attempted to take down AF1 and with it the president and his team as they were on their way to Singapore meeting with the NK leader.
A missile was flying towards AF1 that was intercepted by our military.
This missiles was fired from within and out of California!!! This info was posted by one of our military member that works and guards the president.
Now you also understand why it is so important to close the border. When we have threats like that from within and out of California firing off missiles to take down AF1.
“This info was posted by one of our military member that works and guards the president.”
For anyone else from NE – the rotten Kleebs are at it again!!!!
“Chairwoman Jane Kleeb tells KLIN News she worked closely with the staff of New York Congresswoman Orcasio-Cortez to ensure the needs of rural communities were properly addressed in the resolution.
“We worked hard to make sure some of our language was in the resolution around family farmers (and) sustainable agriculture, as well as eminent domain abuse, which is a big problem happening in rural communities right now.”
Nebraska – ‘the rotten Kleebs’
Is that some kind of parasite unique to NE ?
Oh, no – transplants.
The Kleebs were/are deeply involved with the corrupt environmentalists – she is the one responsible for all the protests here in NE against the Keystone pipeline.
“Kleeb was born in Turkey at a military hospital to parents who taught in military schools abroad. He was raised in Italy and speaks Italian fluently. He attended college at the University of Colorado Boulder, where he graduated summa cum laude; he then earned a Master’s degree in international relations and a Ph.D in history from Yale University.[2] He was also a Yale World Fellow.[3]”
(Jane) “Kleeb began her career as Executive Director of AmeriCorps Tallahassee in 1996. She was Executive Director of Renfrew Center Foundation for Eating Disorders where she helped to develop a program that stresses activism as a tool for recovery, later she became the lead consultant on the 2006 documentary film Thin[4]. Afterward she became the executive director of Young Democrats of America[5] where she met her husband Scott Kleeb while he was campaigning for a congressional seat. She then worked as an MTV Street Teamer[6] during her husband’s 2008 campaign for U.S. Senate. In 2008 she worked as the Nebraska State Director for Change That Works, an effort to influence Senator Ben Nelson’s vote on healthcare reform .[7] In 2010 she was elected to the Hastings School Board.[8]”
Not sure exactly where she was born but she came from the East coast – lived in Silver Spring, MD
“activism as a cure for eating disorders”. This is like a chemical equation for social rust. These people just create more of themselves.
heh…..blessing is disguise NF, the Nebraska Dem party just pulled down their pants and exposed themselves all for a pie in the sky proposal that cant possibly happen anytime soon.
….the Reps should be able to stumble to a majority or super majority…(don’t know Nebraska’s congressional breakdown)
NE has been republican for many, many years. But they are RINOs: Senate: Lyin’ Sasse and Fischer (who screwed over some elderly neighbors who had allowed her to graze her cows on their pasture for years – she took it from them in court); House: Fortenberry (RINO extraordinaire), Smith (my rep – do nothing who goes along to get along – his goal? to retire from Congress!), and Bacon (don’t know much about him – looks to be not as bad as the others but that’s not saying much).
When I get down thinking nothing is happening, I remember this little phrase. ‘Digital Prison’.
When we see hrc and billy travelling around the country, or thinking of Comey and Strzok and McCabe running around free, remember, FISA works both ways. Remember, Q has it all.
These evil people are in a DIGITAL PRISON! For the last two years, everything they do…and say… is recorded. Everywhere they go, they are followed and watched. Every person they contact, becomes ‘masked individual xxx’. Every penny they spend gets recorded and investigated. Every asset uncovered.
If hillary goes to a dinner party, and phones are present all conversations are recorded with possible video accompaniment. All people become part of the data base of ‘hrc’. How many invites do you think she gets these days?
When Comey calls an old buddy, how fast do you think the ‘buddy’ hangs up? How many times have these people heard, “I’m sorry, but don’t contact me again”.
All these co-conspirators have been persona non grata for 2 years and running. Pariahs of their own making. Every day a living hell. They may welcome the ‘end’, in whatever form that takes, when it comes. And that gives me solace.
Another Promise Kept
***Amended repost from the F-15 thread (last comment)***:
About the Aurora, IL shooting on February 15.
Not surprisingly, many online commenters thought it was Aurora, CO again, which makes one think about Q’s ‘symbolism will be their downfall’.
On to the shooting, which some on the F-15 thread found amusing, for whatever reason. FF or not, people died.
From the FB link in the tweet (emph. mine):
‘At 1:24 pm, 2/15/19, Aurora Police Department received multiple calls of an active shooter at the Henry Pratt Manufacturing and Warehouse building, located at 641 Archer Ave.
‘Approximately four minutes later, the first officers arrived on scene and were immediately confronted by Gary Martin, a 45-year-old Aurora man armed with a handgun. The male fired upon the officers as they arrived, striking two of the four first responders.
‘Additional Aurora police officers responded to assist in an attempt to rescue the wounded officers and render aid. As additional law enforcement arrived at the scene, they continued to report gunfire heard within the building.
‘A regional law enforcement response was coordinated, and several teams of officers went inside the 29,000 square foot facility in an attempt to locate and stop the shooter. Aurora officers, along with officers from the Naperville Police Department ultimately confronted the offender inside the building at which time he fired at them. The officers returned fire, killing the offender.
‘In total, five Aurora police officers were shot by the gunman before this incident ended. All of the officers have been transported to area hospitals for treatment for apparent non-life-threatening injuries.
‘No injuries to first responders from other agencies have been reported.
‘Thus far in the investigation, we have confirmed five employees were located deceased inside the building. We have also confirmed that one employee is being treated at an area hospital for non-life-threatening gunshot wounds.’
ABC7 of Chicago has a photo of the shooter and more information about him:
‘… Martin was a veteran assemblyman at the century-old valve plant. Law enforcement sources told the ABC7 I-Team he was summoned to a meeting room where he was told he was being fired. He responded with a pistol, opening fire on the executives in the room, and then took his anger to the plant floor where dozens of his coworkers were still on the lines.
‘”Next thing you know, he went walking back in front and we heard more shots and that’s when we just left the building, and he started opening up on the room and he was just shooting everybody,” said John Probst, witness and survivor, who has worked at the plant for 40 years …
‘… Martin has a criminal background, and that he was convicted in 1995 for aggravated assault, a felony, in Mississippi and served two and a half years in the Mississippi Department of Corrections. It was not immediately known if he had a criminal record in Illinois.’
Law enforcement went to his home. ABC7 spoke with his neighbours:
‘There was a large law enforcement presence at Martin’s apartment as investigators try to determine his motive and whether any part of this attack may have been planned. SWAT teams and a bomb squad swarmed the parking lot of the otherwise nondescript apartment complex.
‘”You never know who you’re living with,” said Patrick, a neighbor.
‘Technicians worked with a robot, sending it into the gunman’s apartment to look for anything, perhaps hazardous, that might give them a clue as to what led up to the shooting.
‘Investigators are trying to piece together a clearer picture of who Martin is.
‘”He didn’t seem odd,” Patrick said. “He kind of kept to himself. Never really saw him with anybody. Just kind of strange.”
‘”People are saying like he’s weird. He wasn’t weird. He’s a good person,” said Sherry Spears.
‘With tears running down her face, Spears described Martin – who she called Ted – as a kind, old friend.
‘”Just in school, we hung out in school. Knowing him, he left town and came back, but he ain’t no bad person,” she said.
‘While investigators search his belonging and electronics for clues, Spears offered a little insight.
‘”People are tired, depressed, so much going on. I wish the city of Aurora had something for people with mental health,” she said …’
As so often happens in these incidents, the reports appear before the shooting starts. If the following image is legit, ABC posted about the shooting on February 14:
I wonder if the shooter was on psycotrophic meds…
There are (MK-type) theories that they can be programmed and triggered to do something, in this case, a shooting. Almost as if hypnotized, waiting for the trigger word or situation…
The timing is particularly odd… Gun control freaks are going to have a field day…
All sorts of theories — many just simply plausible ones (nothing strange) — have gone through my mind today.
Psychotropic meds was one of them.
Agree the timing was odd. If that ABC graphic from the 14th is real, that’s also odd, as is the FBI stepping in right away to take over.
Also agree on the gun control freaks.
Thanks. It was good to have someone to converse with about this.
Wolf — if you have any thoughts you can share, we’d be glad to read them. Thanks in advance!
Oh Wheatie I LOVE that picture of a young President Trump in the boxing stance
PDJT receives wall briefing:

She’s tall enough to pull that off.
[no, no, my eyes really are naturally that green]
Love this! PDJT is so confident and happy, our first family is the best!
Drillerelite, That confidence is so genuine and it is contagious. I remember the national attitude shift that occurred when Reagan became President. Now there’s scientific proof! A study, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, found that a particular region in the brain monitors how positive other people seem about their choices. Their confidence level, in short, influences our own.
“We’re biologically equipped with the potential to allow more-confident people to have greater sway over our own beliefs,” says Daniel Campbell-Meiklejohn, the psychologist who led the study.
Participants in the experiment guessed whether the next marble drawn from an urn would be red or green. They were more prone to pick red when they learned that other people had confidently chosen that color. Brain scans showed that the prefrontal cortex responded differently, depending on whether the participants relied on their own experience or other people’s decisiveness.
Interesting judyw. I was in high school when RR got elected and distinctly remembered the change after just living through the 70’s as a child and coming out of the Watergate era and the Carter years. It was palpable and things seemed so much brighter. I totally didn’t get the opposition to him at the time, hopefully young ppl are experiencing something similar now.
I didn’t take Donald Trump too seriously until he came down the escalator and made his announcement to run. I was so excited, I knew he was going to win and address so many issues I’ve seen undermining our Republic since before my time. I haven’t seen anything shake him yet, it’s amazing.
I always wonder how she manages to walk across all that grass without the heels sticking in the ground!
IKR?? Or how she can spend so much time in those 5” heels?? Although Beautiful on her, It’s painful for me to even think about!!
Years ago, I used to wear 5″ heels but always had that problem on grass.
As patriots intent on saving the Republic—our military must remain our most valuable asset! If the armed forces of this country are against our salvation plight—then we are screwed no matter how many defense weapons we have in the US population!
If the military was not our ally, then PDJT would be dead by now! The Lord is watching over us and protecting all concerned. We are seeing the spiritual war in high places manifesting itself in the physical realm!
How many billionaires do you know who would put their ass (life) on the line for us little people??? ….ONE!
Stu Cvrk warns about 2020. The US is a socio-political war that will be won or lost via votes, fraudulent or otherwise:
Stu Cvrk puts 2020 into perspective (from another thread):
The rabid left assumes it’s their right and responsibility to just take our Republic away and they can replace it with utopia. This is a sickness in their souls that it seems only God can fix, I’m not sure what to do with so many traitors should we ever be able to claim victory in this war.
We’ve got to keep praying.
Roger Stone latest:
A reminder……
Boy did we learn a lot from the Parkland horror and the leftist propaganda that followed.
Special Interest Aliens (i.e. possible terrorists) are pouring in:
From the article:
‘According to a January, 2019 Homeland Security Report, “DHS Border Patrol Agents routinely encounter SIAs at the border. It was recently reported that, as of September 2018, 630 Bangladeshi nationals have been arrested in Fiscal Year 2018 trying to enter the U.S. illegally in Laredo, Texas alone—a 300 percent increase from FY2017.”’
“POTUS Sings the Future”.

PS…Apologies for using CNN video….However, Still love the song and the man!
hmmm…did ya post the wrong link?
repost ’cause I posted in da wrong place
hmmm…did ya post the wrong link?
disregard,,,nothing to see here, move along……
Has anybody noticed that the donkey party’s view of the president’s EO is essentially a theory that the USA is run by a democracy committee (congress)?
Trumpster’s view of the situation is that the constitution demands executive action to protect the country.
And how is the CA lawsuit going to deal with Holder’s mafia AZ case where he said states have zero authority to deal with immigration issues? Supremes said Holder was right. Sounds like the CA suit is frivolous on its face, due to the AZ case.
Interesting point about CA vs. AZ!!!
There are serious problems with the (not)Supreme Court.
The first problem is ‘precedent’.
The concept of ‘precedent’ only makes sense in Common Law for starters, and for reasons that are not entirely clear and never EVER discussed, we left Common Law and drifted into all the civil statute, code and legislation garbage we have today.
The only reason ‘precedent’ ever made sense in Common Law is because ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ were not debatable issues, dependent on the whim or corruption of an individual judge.
When the (not)Supreme Court became wholly politicized, two things happened:
1) all kinds of BAD LAW was legislated from the bench, and then used as ‘precedent’ for future BAD LAW legislated from the bench
2) the (not)Supreme Court essentially and practically became a pure democracy, i.e., ‘mob rule’
Mob rule (pure democracy) means if 51% agree to take your stuff and/or kill you, THAT is the law. That’s why ‘democracy’ is the law of Pirates — ‘democracy’ is and was a ‘Pirate’ ideology. Mob rule.
But we have a Republic, where the Rights of the Individual outweigh the ‘wants’ of the entire population, if need be.
So how can a “mob”, i.e., the (not)Supreme Court possibly adjudicate the Law or defend the Constitution of a Republic?
It can’t.
That’s why you can’t have a politicized Supreme Court, because it automatically devolves into mob rule, where the Law doesn’t matter — the only thing that matters is if you have a majority, and the Law is whatever a majority of Pirates say it is.
The entire purpose of the government (in addition to protecting and defending the Union) is to protect the Rights of the Individual. That’s the ‘tree’, the ‘core’, the ‘fundamental’ purpose — all the other ‘stuff’ added by politicians ever since are just garbage ‘ornaments’ hanging on the ‘tree’, not the ‘tree’ itself.
Paul Manafort latest:
From the article:
‘The special counsel Robert Mueller’s office recommended a sentence of 19.58 to 24.41 years in prison for Paul Manafort, the former chairman of President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, in a sentencing memo unsealed Friday.
‘”In the end, Manafort acted for more than a decade as if he were above the law, and deprived the federal government and various financial institutions of millions of dollars,” the sentencing memo reads. “The sentence here should reflect the seriousness of these crimes, and serve to both deter Manafort and others from engaging in such conduct.”
‘The filing came after US District Judge Amy Berman Jackson ruled Wednesday that Manafort lied to prosecutors in three out of five instances outlined by Mueller’s office.
‘Jackson ruled that Manafort lied after striking a plea deal with Mueller’s team last year, following his conviction on several counts of tax and bank fraud.
‘The judge voided Manafort’s plea deal as a result, and the court released Mueller’s office from any obligations it had under the original cooperation agreement.
‘The Wednesday ruling did not make a determination on whether Manafort “will receive credit for his acceptance of responsibility” in connection to federal sentencing guidelines, adding that the court would decide that when Manafort went to his final sentencing hearing.’
As for the fines and other monetary penalties, this is madness. Words escape me (emph. mine):
‘”As an initial matter, the government agrees with the guidelines analysis in the Presentence Investigation Report (PSR) and its calculation of the defendant’s Total Offense Level as 38 with a corresponding range of imprisonment of 235 to 293 months, a fine range of $50,000 to $24,371,497.74, a term of supervised release of up to five years, restitution in the amount of $24,815,108.74, and forfeiture in the amount of $4,412,500,” prosecutors wrote in their sentencing memo Friday.
‘The government “does not take a position as to the specific sentence to be imposed here,” the memo also says.’
Such overreach and abuse, Mueller trying to save face and pull a win out of the hoax, instead of fessing up that he was used, like Dowd said. Especially considering the Obama DOJ had already investigated him for 2yrs and declined to prosecute. They are trying to kill him. I so hope POTUS can find a way to help him.
CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin said that Paul Manafort was “almost unrecognizable” in a recent court appearance, adding that the former Trump campaign chairman “is really, really in danger of losing his life” in prison.
“I saw Paul Manafort in court the other day,” Toobin told CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Wednesday night. “This is a man who looks like he’s dying. He is walking with a cane. He looks disoriented. He has declined so precipitously in prison that when you realize he has now lost his cooperation agreement and the chance for a lower sentence and he’s facing an entirely separate prison sentence in the Virginia case, a 70-year-old man is looking like he may die in prison, and it is just a profound thing to think about.”
Toobin later added. “Prison is rough for anybody. Yes, he did wrong and he did wrong over and over again. But, I mean, this man is really, really in danger of losing his life.”
Solitary Confinement is a death sentence. How many lawsuits through the years have proven it to be torturous and inhumane? Right here, in America in 2019? Why is Manafort still in SC? The trial is over, danger of witness tampering is long gone. People should be raising hell about his treatment!!
You know what commie Mueller is doing? He’s KILLING the primary witness against the Podestas.
Oh, I didn’t think about that
I tweeted this at Bill O’Reilly, Sharyl Attkisson, and Sidney Powell.
Damn that Mueller M’r F’r!!
Wolfie, you are so right and soooo SMART!!
Matthew 7
……For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
What will become of Mueller? McCabe? Comey? Brennan? and the rest?
Time….. is not enough…… PAIN is what they DESERVE.
No deals!
“Such overreach and abuse, Mueller trying to save face and pull a win out of the hoax, instead of fessing up that he was used, like Dowd said. Especially considering the Obama DOJ had already investigated him for 2yrs and declined to prosecute. They are trying to kill him. I so hope POTUS can find a way to help him.”
How can this happen in the uS one would think we turned into a Banana republic or Gestapo is running the show.
This needs to be corrected and those responsible need to be punished. If this is allowed to stand then it all happen over and over. I do not like death penalty but in their care and the cue on POTUS the death penalty is warranted to discourage these Stasi tactics .
Me, too.
This sets a dangerous precedent if ignored.
I feel really sorry for Paul Manafort and his family, who must be worried sick (and I mean that literally). May the Lord give them strength in the weeks and months ahead. May He thwart the Mueller probe, particularly the Manafort and Stone cases.
Amen, Churchmouse!!
Found over at
Curious fox is great and should probably meet suspicious cat someday
, the photoshops are funny too.
Looks more terrified to me. See the big mean man reflected in his
Love this thread this morning…
Oh, that’s a good one! Shared.
Now we need to add to that list the spring 2017 meeting at the DOJ to see if they could get the Pence/Condoleezza Rice picked Cabinet [Rex Tillerson, HR McMaster, Nikki Haley and James Mattis] to agree to oust President Trump using the 25th Amendment (Mentally Unfit)
Whoa! Did NOT know about that one!
Another great one that references the McCabe thread:
OK – I see – this is the threadreaderapp thread!!!
Yes, and StuinSD thanked me for my tweet about his thread. Wish he’d follow me.
Penguin hurries off to find the tweet.
He covered it. Yes.
wheatie !
went off line last night before your thread came up…
wanted to say how beautiful, warm and comfy your HEADER is …. BEST TREE EVAH…
thank you…………..
Thanks, PhoenixR!

I’m so glad you like it!
Lieutenant General Todd T. Semonite assumed his position as Chief of Engineers and Commanding General of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) on May 19, 2016. As the Chief of Engineers, an Army Staff Principal, he advises the Army on engineering matters and serves as the Army’s topographer and the proponent for real estate and other related engineering programs. As the USACE Commanding General, he is responsible for more than 32,000 Civilian employees and 700 Military personnel who provide project management, construction support and engineering expertise in more than 110 countries around the world.
Questions about finishing the WALL ? Read more at the link…
And in case you missed it Nebraska Filly posted this late last night… POTUS’ statement on “the” Bill (you know, that nasty piece of business)
Suggest you read it (it’s short and addresses all your concerns about “the Bill”)
My 2 cents on the bill? It’s a barrel of hissy fits attempting to thwart the Executive’s Powers… thrown together in a hurry without any legal review… 90% of which is UNCONSTITUtIONAL and will be ignored as such… the remaining 10% can be worked around by our VSG POTUS. The best part… POTUS got more $$ than he asked for. “The Art of the Deal” isn’t just a book !!!!!!!!!!!
Again, it pays to WAIT at least 24 hours before declaring “the sky is falling” …
NEVER….. “Rush to Judgement”…..
Let the FACTS come out before asserting oneself a FOOL
Delicious. I think the President told the Congress to go jump in a lake.
Synopsis of POTUS’ responses to the weasels attempts to control the President. They thought they could dictate to him…
I will treat these, and similar provisions, consistent with the President’s constitutional authority as Commander in Chief.
My Administration will treat each of these provisions consistent with the President’s constitutional authorities with respect to foreign relations.
The President has well-established authority to supervise and oversee the executive branch and to rely on subordinates, including aides within the Executive Office of the President, to assist in supervising the executive branch. Legislation that significantly impedes the President’s ability to supervise the executive branch or obtain the assistance of aides in this function violates the separation of powers by undermining the President’s ability to fulfill his constitutional responsibilities, including the responsibility to faithfully execute the laws of the United States.
I will treat these provisions in a manner consistent with the President’s constitutional authority to withhold information that could impair foreign relations, national security, the deliberative processes of the executive branch, or the performance of the President’s constitutional duties.
consistent with my authority to control the dissemination of information protected by executive privilege.
Because the Constitution gives the President the authority to recommend “such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient”,
but it will not treat spending decisions as dependent on the approval of congressional committees.
More GOOD Info……. Thanks
It’s a great read. I did the pull quotes, but could imagine POTUS and Stephen Miller having fun with the response.
I love his conclusion – These are impermissible forms of congressional aggrandizement. That’s telling them!
Yesss, Speak POTUS POWER to me Lady!!! LOL
The Executive is allowed to add Presidential notes to everything he signs, outlining his objections/rejections, basically telling Congress to pound sand when they try to limit/revoke his power.
Shooting in Aurora was in a gun-free zone, shooter bought his weapon from a gun dealer BEFORE his authorization card was revoked, I believe. A previous conviction that “would not have necessarily shown up on a background investigation” came up when he applied for a concealed carry permit. Yet HIS weapons were never confiscated? With a bunch of previous arrests? But so many want these Red Flag laws that confiscate weapons w/o due process? Riiiiiight….
“The February 15, 2019, shooting at Henry Pratt Company (HPC) occurred even though HPC is a gun-free zone.
Crime Prevention Research Center reported, “This attempted mass public shooting occurred in yet another gun-free zone. 98% of mass public shootings since 1950 have taken place in areas where people can’t defend themselves.”
Georgia Carry also posted a photo of a sign indicating no guns allowed on HPC’s front door to its Instagram account.”
“The shootings at Lone Star Bar & Grill (November 7, 2018), the Parkland high school (February 14, 2018), Orlando Pulse nightclub (June 12, 2016), San Bernardino (December 2, 2015), Umpqua Community College (October 1, 2015), Lafayette movie theater (July 23, 2015), Sandy Hook Elementary School (December 14, 2012), Fort Hood (April 2, 2014), D.C. Navy Yard (September 16, 2013), Aurora movie theater (July 20, 2012), the Fort Hood (November 5, 2009), and Virginia Tech (April 16, 2007) all occurred in gun-free zones as well.”
Stealing this one, Nebraska, thank you!
Repeat after me,
Bingo!!! Ding, ding, ding!
SIGNS….. have Never stopped a CRIMINAL….
And Never will.
Hell…. Even LAWS don’t stop CRIMINALS!
Why there is not a security officer or a legal concealed carrier present at all contentious terminations is baffling to me. Gun free zones are idiocy.
Gun free zones are invitations.
“In all of the big expansive Texas Border, there’s bound to be a measly 55 miles of Republican counties, Patriot land owners, that do Not object to the Wall, where the restrictions won’t be challenged….”
The towns DO NOT OWN the border. They do not OWN the COUNTIES AND they do not have juristiction over the Roosevelt Reservation.
“The Roosevelt Reservation is a 60-foot (18 m) strip of land on the United States side of the United States-Mexico Border under the jurisdiction of the United States Federal Government. It was established in a 1907 Presidential Proclamation (35 Stat. 2136) by Theodore Roosevelt in order to keep the land “free from obstruction as a protection against the smuggling of goods between the United States and Mexico”.” — WIKI
This may have a map: https://latitude.to/articles-by-country/mx/mexico/231921/roosevelt-reservation
I get: “Your browser needs to be updated to use Google Maps” but I am not about to update!
I imagine that President Trump will let the towns have their way … for now. It just makes it that much easier to figure out who is on the take.
Current Clinton National Emergency: ” October 21, 1995[4] Blocking Assets and Prohibiting Transactions with Significant Narcotics Traffickers (Executive Order 12978)[30] “ —
I just went on Hubby’s computer. The Roosevelt Reservation does not exist in Texas where most of the fence needs to be built. Unfortunately that means land takings.
This is the story (I can’t see on this computer)
From what I understand, there are a bunch of ranchers willing to donate or give their permission.
How do freeways get built?
From bio on Lieutenant General Todd T. Semonite linked above:
…”assumed his position as Chief of Engineers and Commanding General of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) on May 19, 2016. As the Chief of Engineers, an Army Staff Principal, he advises the Army on engineering matters and serves as the Army’s topographer and the proponent for real estate and other related engineering programs.
I think Semonite’s got THIS.
If you read the two articles I linked to, yes you can do land takings via eminent domain and then they will fight you in court and cost lots of money and TIME.
This is what it is all about, STALL FOR TIME and then get Trump out in two years.
I address a possible think outside the box method below.
Each Construction project ties back to a PO, which ties to a Congressional Bill (USC#) for funding which may or may not have rules on how the money can be spent. Yesterday’s bill contained a provision giving local mayors VETO power. I’m saying use yesterday’s bill money to build in friendly counties where they want the Wall and won’t challenge the restrictions. In hostile counties, use one of the other Bill’s money that has no restrictions, which eliminates their authority and legal standing to block construction. The government owns most of the land, but there’s some they still need to buy either from friendlies or hostiles. They’re working all that out. I’m keeping my eye on Kolfage and his Build the Wall Plan. Supposedly they have landowners eager to participate with WH agreement. Will be interesting to see how that incorporates.
I believe provision giving local mayors VETO power is UNCONSTITUTIONAL as stated in POTUS’ statement yesterday…
MOST of yesterday’s bill is UNCONSTITUTIONAL…
Agree and POTUS’ announcement at WH.gov states as much. But I’m for work smarter, not harder. Plan A – Take the expedient, efficient, path of least resistance to build as much Wall as possible first. While simultaneously prepping for the battles (Plan B) to be fought (and won) when Plan A is complete ALL the While working on Plans C, D, and E….
Won my very 1st ever chess and backgammon games..No one will play Risk with me anymore

I’m a Serious Strategic Planning Planner!! LOL
Yes. Build all the sections of wall where landowners are willing and open. Then any remaining smuggler traffic will be channeled across the property and by the homes of those who pushed back against it. Sounds good to me.
Butterfly Nods head grinning ferociously.
See how long it takes resisters to scream for HELP!!!
By that time the cartels will have a death throttle on those people. They would probably be paid very well for resisting but with them I don’t think they react well to anybody that later chooses to want out of the partnership.
Every single property owner needs to receive a color booklet on how cartels operate and what they do to anyone that doesn’t do exactly as they say. Choose the wall..be smart
Open borders lead to death of both illegals and American citizens.
Another thing that isn’t addressed enough is what agencies are funding the churches that assist them once they’re let in.
The family groups and singles hop on buses to various cities where church groups supply them with necessities and send them on their way other places. A dirt poor family isn’t going to trek up here with nothing, no job waiting, no home waiting, without absolute confidence that someone will take care of them.
“We are here seven days a week. We’re still meeting between five and seven buses a day. Everybody I think at first assumed that numbers would taper off. Numbers have picked up. We’ve been averaging between 150 and 175 a people day. We’ve probably helped closer to 7,000 people since October and purely through donations and the generosity of community members and volunteers stepping up and getting out of their comfort zone and deciding that they want to help people in need. It’s that simple.”
“It’s going to be all against one, one against all. All of Central America against one, and one against Central America. … All against Trump, and Trump against all,” he said.
The Rev. Miguel Angel Soto, director of the Casa de Migrante in the Sinaloa capital of Culiacan, said about 2,000 migrants had arrived in that area. He said the state government, the Roman Catholic Church and city officials in Escuinapa, Sinaloa, were helping the migrants.
I suppose when we donate to our churches we think the money is used for administration or charity for congregation members or whatever but are we contributing to the hordes coming? It gets all murky..help the poor and help tear down our country’s sovereignty?
OT has done graphics on this subject. Our Government is giving them millions of $$$ in grant money. That’s one of the reasons some of the religious and charity groups are for and not against illegal immigration. Our tax dollars are their bread and butter. Reminds me of PP. Dems spending our money to Finance themselves. It’s rampant and needs to stop!
Exactly. Stop the $ and there’s no incentive to come for most of them
AND with them comes the violence. How much is kept from us? The heinous torture & murders are equal or worse than old mafioso paybacks. On our soil..not in Mx
Las Vegas Sheriff Lombardo Tells LVMPD Deputies To Cover-Up Numerous MS13 Gang Murders
Yes – the so-called “Religious Right”. Really just parasites like the others.
The leftists in the churches have been calling for “compassion” for “refugees” for the last few years. They keep playing on verses taken out of context to “help the foreigner in their midst” as a wedge to open a huge channel to twist churches into supporting illegal activity, providing quarter to illegal aliens, into not cooperating with law enforcement, and pouring money into “assistance” and leftist causes.
All the while the people are sold a delusion that they are being compassionate and somehow being faithful to Biblical teaching – without recognizing how miserable poor wretched and naked they are.
To the left the churches are TOOLS, nothing more. Easy to corrupt and manipulate to their own ends. They’re asleep to the danger because they want to avoid any “appearance” of being “political”. Leftists just laugh – they know how to manipulate those levers of power. They can steer churches to do their bidding at will. Even more so if the church is a member of a denomination with any kind of authority hierarchy that they can corrupt, bribe, and control.
“They’re wearing carpet shoes…so we can’t track them.”
And it looked like camo clothing too.
That’s a great video!
Man! This is awful.
REM was behind Twitter taking down President Trump’s retweet of Carpe Donktum’s great video….so CD put it back up!
I looked at this video from the State of the Union again and studied Schumer. I came to the conclusion he liked what he heard and I believe looking at his eyes he likes POTUS.
To often Schumer is an SOB but that is all politics but as a person he likes and understands POTUS.
Or….he could be smirking, knowing what they intend to do to President Trump for the next two years, at least.
“The Vatican announced Saturday that former-cardinal Theodore McCarrick will be laicized after finding him guilty of serial homosexual abuse.
According to a Vatican statement, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) issued a “decree finding Theodore Edgar McCarrick, archbishop emeritus of Washington, D.C., guilty of the following delicts while a cleric: solicitation in the Sacrament of Confession, and sins against the Sixth Commandment with minors and with adults, with the aggravating factor of the abuse of power.”
The decree was issued on January 11 at the conclusion of a penal process, the Vatican said, imposing on him “the penalty of dismissal from the clerical state.”
Believe me, Catholics of all stripes are happy with this.
No doubt! I just wonder why it took so long….
That particular former bishop is part of a small group that are Francis’s groupies. My guess is that the publicity had to reach a place where he couldn’t sweep it under the rug anymore. Believe me, if there were allegations against any number of conservative cardinals, they would be gone in a heartbeat.
Thanks, LI!
At this point I think president Trump should build parts of the wall on land owned by the gov’t and on land where there are government easments for the wall.
If a land owner refuses and goes the court route… (Many are very wealthy) Then you can go the presidential FISA warrant route. Actually I think that was already done by POTUS & AG Sessions who was fierce on border security. WHO to watch would already be known because of the Bush push for the Wall ending in 2011 and the refusal by some landowners.
Do not forget the hissyfits some tossed OT about Sessions and Asset Forfeiture (lots of stories in the News)
“Aug 15, 2017 – Jeff Sessions and the Resurgence of Civil-Asset Forfeiture. … In theory, civil forfeiture allows law enforcement to seize cash, cars, and other goods with provable ties to crime. But it has also deprived thousands of citizens of their property without due process.” — The New Yorker
HMMmmm “… provable ties to crime.” If you refuse to allow a wall AND your land is a drug/sex trafficking corridor then you have the ties between the LAND and the Crime!
There have been plenty of stories of the drug cartels harrassing ranchers, ranchers finding Rape Trees, korans, prayer rugs…
So I think this is one big BAD ASS TRAP.
REM is being memed into oblivion.
The Streisand Effect strikes again!!
Oh my goodness – I laughed out loud at this, I scared the cat!
Too funny!
I feel fine – hell, I feel FANTASTIC!! Woo hee, what a ride!!
Stealing this
Did we NOT all love Johnny Carson? A little bit of trivia from his hometown, Norfolk – my aunt went to school with him. The financial support he has provided to Norfolk over the years is incredible: Elkhorn Valley Museum, Johnny Carson Theater at the HS, Senior Center, Art Center, new cancer wing at the hospital – it goes on and on and on. That is not including all the money he gave to our University.
“If Johnny Carson walked into his former home on South 13th Street, he’d probably feel happy — and maybe a little sad.
Much has changed since Carson lived in the modest dwelling at 306 S. 13th St., in the 1930s and ’40s, but there’s still something magical about the house where the late entertainer spent most of his formative years.
It’s easy to imagine him and his siblings lying on the living room floor, in front of the fireplace, listening to programs on the old Philco radio.
The fireplace still puts out a welcoming glow on winter days. The new mantle above it is actually old, having come from a cedar support beam made from a cedar log that had to be replaced in the basement. The wood floor Carson walked on has been sanded and polished and now shines like new.
Upstairs, the porch where Johnny and his brother, Dick, slept and the room next to it where they did their homework are pretty much unchanged. Visitors can easily visualize the young Carson sprawled out on his bed while practicing the magic tricks that spawned his career in the entertainment industry.”
Thank you, Nebraska, that was a fun read. His comedy was so wonderful.
Totally miss Johnny. There was no reason to watch any late night shows after he retired. It was never the same after that.
I have a set of VHS tapes of his shows – still pull them out and watch them occasionally when I need a good laugh.
From Diane Mullette on The Constitution FB page:
Mitch McConnell has stabbed President Trump in the back as often as Paul Ryan did. And most Senate Republicans are no different. We cannot change the behavior of the Democrats but if we do not change that of the Republicans our Republic will be destroyed.
1) McConnell assured President Trump there were no landmines in the just signed spending bill which was a LIE.
2) For 2 years hundreds of Trump administration appointments have not been confirmed. This is unprecedented. 300 are still waiting and McConnell is just now acting to change the rules to get them confirmed.
3) The Senate has “stayed in session” the entire Trump presidency, despite the fact they are not even in DC, as a tactic to prevent President Trump from making recess appointments.
4) McConnell, Burr, Murkowski, Rubio, Sasse, Collins and many others have publicly encouraged the continuation of the Mueller investigation despite knowing from the outset that it was a fraud. McConnell and Burr are part of the Gang of 8 who are read in on our most sensitive secrets. Collins and Rubio are on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and they saw the unredacted FISA warrant almost 2 years ago so they have known that long that this is a fraudulent investigation.
5) The Senate failed to repeal Obamacare or come up with a replacement.
6) The Senate has interfered with the President’s foreign policy and his efforts to renegotiate our trade agreements. Yet they sat on their hands while Obama was President.
7) None of the Republicans on the spending bill negotiation committee were experts on Immigration and the House members never saw the “deal” they supposedly had agreed to until just hours before it came up for a vote. So WHO made the deal? McConnell and McCarthy chose the Republican members of the committee.
These are just a few of the examples of the Republican betrayal. And I have not cited the worst of what is in this last spending bill.
SD is correct — THE UNIPARTY!

It is now time to send FAXES (they used to be required to be archived) e-mails and snail mails and make phone calls:
It is time to send our Congress and Senate offals letters stating:
We voters will assume ANY person NOT willing to fully fund a border wall and upgrade security are in the pay of the foreign drug cartels!
After all what other reason would an American refuse to defend our borders? Because they are the unscrupulous beneficiaries of cross border Sex Trafficking?
But it gets WORSE!
This is a HOSTILE INVASION with the goal is ANNEXING USA TERRITORYand that secret is completely out in the open so YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE!!!
At a conference on March 15 – 18, 2001, the official “MEChA Philosophy” was ratified.
And from http://humanevents.com/2006/04/07/emexclusive-emthe-truth-about-la-raza/
For La Raza todo. Fuera de La Raza nada means
“For The Race everything. Outside The Race, nothing.”
And yet YOU in Congress, YOU Republicans who held a majority for the last years, gave La Raza/MEChA federal funding including 30 million in CA alone to TEACH this NAZI PROPAGANDA, written by Jose Vasconcelos, to Hispanics!
(Feel free to use)
I find this tweet, which tells people what the cartels do to people who talk about them on the internet in Mexico, very CONVINCING.
Ah, crap! Snow emergency starting at 6 pm today and I have to go to work at 2, which means I will be out shoveling and cleaning off the gas pumps! Grrrr…..3-6 inches. ‘Course, that is in Norfolk so maybe it will stay south of us. Hope they are as wrong on this one as the one for yesterday.
That is why I am in central NC… Very little snow.
Stay Safe out there Filly, these ‘southern drivers’ and WORSE northern drivers not used to southern road clearing are really bad news.
Glad I am semi-retired and can stay home most of the time when the weather is bad.
(A couple years ago I bought a very nice buckskin quarter pony mare from the Norfolk VA area)
My brother lives in NC, closer to the coast tho. People out here are used to the snow – so used to it that they get out and play in it! But I know all about the terrible drivers, having lived and worked in NOVA for almost 30 years.
Great article from Byron York (found link OT):
Ah, Byron York, a guy hard to get much serious support for POTUS from – sees what we see. Starting with a quarter glass, for Byron, that’s immediately half a glass for the rest of us. Then he notes that POTUS can gain more… “if he moves thoughtfully.” POTUS is going to be moving in ways no one expected, and the pundits will be catching up.
Interesting that all YouTube Channels I am aware of who share this info on their channels have either taken the video of this post down or their whole channel has been removed. Is this telling us something or is this just a big coincidence! Please post if you find one still available….
Trump’s Secret Message from El Paso: The Pieces of the Puzzle.
Let’s talk about the Maestro’s trip to El Paso. Amazing stuff.
Before we proceed, I will issue a warning: the type of information the Maestro is now unveiling is not for everyone. It seems he has now decided to open the door to the big picture. The real one. The one Q describes in the following drops:
Q167 POTUS opened the door of all doors. Expand your thinking. What is the keystone? Q
Q269 Key – unlocks the door of all doors (info) Stone – the force/strength capable of yielding power to act on info Key+Stone=. Q
Q749 Deeper we go, the more unrealistic it all becomes. The end won’t be for everyone. That choice, to know, will be yours. Q
Did you understand the second drop? Q is talking about those who know the full range of the conversation and who have the intellectual and spiritual means to become active on the battlefield…
It’s probably a good time to go back and take a deep dive into my Q Occult/Spiritual Series in the Archive.
Since the road is going to be a little bumpy, I thought it would be a good idea to start by listing all the confirmations we have received from the Maestro about the previous decodes.
The Coded Dates Confirmed.
I told you in this post the date 01/29/2019=ACTS was referring to the show, the theater act and the trap leading to the Government shutdown that were needed to politically expose the Dems. Well, read very carefully what the Maestro said in El Paso here: Img1 Confirmation 1.
I told you in the [same post] that the date 02/05/2019=BETS was referring to the SOTU and to the fire building up around Schiff. 3 days later, the Maestro posted a tweet with capital letters adding up to SPORTS BETTING=184 and pointing to a Q drop about Adam Schiff. Imga Since then, the heat around Schiff has not stopped growing. Confirmation 2.
Img2 I conjectured the date 02/09/2019=BITS, which is a Saturday, was referring to some kind of data being released. Since Saturday was closing the week, this data had to become public at least a day prior. On Friday morning, the Maestro tweeted about Adam’s meeting with Glenn Simpson and the related article stated photos of the meeting were taken. Confirmation 3.
I told you the date 02/15/2019=BOTS was referring to the MK Ultra army created to perform false flags and that the southern border was the entry point for the importation of human bots and the maintenance of groups like ANTIFA or MS-13. The Dems confirmed this decode in a spectacular way by asking the reduction of the number of beds maintained by ICE and the release of criminal aliens link. The Maestro tweeted about it with capital letters adding up to OBEY and pointing at Q818 which is explicitly referring to an MK ULTRA false flag, MSM’s implication and the coming corrective measures through libel laws. Confirmation 4.
The fifth confirmation is the most amazing one. Img3 In this post, I introduced the controversial subject of extra dimensional entities and that the word ALIEN should primarily be understood with its original meaning when talking about immigration. I made the “outlandish” claim (not outlandish for anons) this is what the wall is really about and that we are in Exopolitics territory with extra dimensional entities trying to invade our planet through the control of human minds and biology. 6 days later the Maestro tweeted: “Human Trafficking, Drugs and Criminals of all dimensions – KEEP OUT!”. Coincidence? This tweet was first posted at 4:59 PM with an extra N. It was corrected and reposted 4 minutes later. Peruvian coffee for those who saw the letter N refers to the Greek letter NU used in physics to represent the frequency of a wave. For the time delta, since D=4, we deduce the hidden message is D-WAVE. What is D-WAVE?
Read More:
Excellent find Judy… lots of info and confirmation at link
Recall our exchange last night on F-15 thread, wrt FFs ?????
This from Judy’s link above:
…”I told you the date 02/15/2019=BOTS was referring to the MK Ultra army created to perform false flags and that the southern border was the entry point for the importation of human bots and the maintenance of groups like ANTIFA or MS-13. The Dems confirmed this decode in a spectacular way by asking the reduction of the number of beds maintained by ICE and the release of criminal aliens link. The Maestro tweeted about it with capital letters adding up to OBEY and pointing at Q818 which is explicitly referring to an MK ULTRA false flag, MSM’s implication and the coming corrective measures through libel laws. “
OooKay… I’m going to draw your attention to Judy’s post above, specifically the last paragraph in her post.
How many read the post???????????? Hands up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How many are really redpilled?
POTUS is not just whistling Dixie in this last paragraph. Dig ! [When Jordan Sather and others speak of “disclosure” this is part of what they are talking about. Why do you think POTUS created a ‘Space Force’?]
Again… dig, dig, dig!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ubyl grffrenpgf, Ongzna!
V nz ABG tbvat gb pbzzrag ba GUNG bar choyvpyl! Gnyx nobhg n ubg cbgngb!
Sbeprq zr gb tb qvt bhg zl pbcl bs Uhtu Ebff’ “Yvtugf va gur Fxl & Yvggyr Terra Zra” choyvfurq 2002. Ernq vg naq Ebff’ “Orlbaq gur Pbfzbf” onpx va 2003.
Puncgre 9: Angher naq Fhcreangher, Uhtu Ebff (c99)
Puncgre 10: Gur Vagreqvzrafvbany Ulcbgurfvf, Uhtu Ebff (c107)
Puncgre 11: N Pybfre Ybbx ng EHSB’f, Uhtu Ebff (c115)
Zbfg abezny crbcyr, naq V zrna yvxr avargl-avar creprag naq nobir, pnaabg pbzceruraq zhygv-qvzrafvbany zngurzngvpf. Guvf xvaq bs zngrevny UNF gb or uvqqra haqre pbire be abezvrf jvyy yvgrenyyl tb ong-fuvg vafnar. Yvxr n “Pybpxjbex Benatr” naq “2001” YFQ vafcverq Fgnayrl Xhoevpx gevc.
Ohg gung yrnqf gb gur bgure crefcrpgvir, jub vf rkcbfvat crbcyr gb guvf fghss? Vs lbh fubj guvf fghss gb crbcyr yvgrenyyl, gur srne naq cnavp jvyy fraq gurve arhebpurzvfgel vagb sernxva beovg. Oevat gur fhowrpg gb gur fngnavp cevrfg be funzna, qeht gurz hc jvgu lbhe cersreerq pbpxgnvy, qb lbhe bpphyg ibbqbb, yrg gurz frr gur synful yvtugf, gurl sernx bhg naq obbz gurl’er zx’q. Xhoevpx jnfa’g perngvat arj, ur jnf qrfpevovat byq. Guvf penc unf orra tbvat ba gubhfnaqf bs lrnef, jr’er abg fb yhpxl be fcrpvny nf jr guvax jr ner gb or arj gb vg. EHSB’f unir orra nebhaq naq ner qrfpevorq nyy gur jnl onpx va Rtlcgvna naq Puvarfr uvfgbel. Gurfr yrsgvfg sernxvat penml rlrf znxr n ybg zber frafr.
Nyy gur pbbxf naq penaxf ner qenja gb Ebfjryy, uhtr Zrppn (yhym, ncg cha!) sbe bpphygvfgf. Pbhyq or whfg nvepensg grfgvat pbirerq hc sbe gur hfhny ANG FRP ernfbaf, yrtvg. Pbhyq nyfb or gung gur synful yvtugf tbg n yvggyr gbb pybfr gb gur uhznaf. “Rkbcbyvgvpf” nf V ernq vf qrzbavpyl qevira cbyvgvpny vagresrerapr. Lbh gubhtu Pbzzhavfz jnf gur qbpgevar bs qrzbaf orsber? Lbh unir zber guna lbh xabj.
Gur bpphygvfgf ybir vagen- naq ulcre-qvzrafvbany penc. Vg gvrf va jryy jvgu xnonyyvfz naq nyy gur pehq. Gurl yvxr gb guvax gurl ner fb fzneg gung gurl’ir svtherq bhg gur uvqqra vafvtugf vagb pbfzvp shapgvba bs gur havirefr. Fbeel sevraqf, VA GUR ORTVAAVAT TBQ. RK AVUVYB. Nalguvat ryfr vf n gbgny yvr sebz gur qrivy jub gbyq lbhe cneragf va Rqra “Lbh jvyy or nf Tbq…”
V qba’g oryvrir va gur cbjre bs pbafcvenpvrf. V hfrq gb fnl gung vs lbh unir gb rkcynva n tbireazrag cybg nf n znffvir pbafcvenpl, V jba’g oryvrir vg. Ohg vs lbh rkcynva n tbireazrag cebtenz va grezf bs jvqrfcernq vapbzcrgrapr – GURA V ORYVRIR VG. D vf evtug jura ur fnlf “Gurfr crbcyr ner fghcvq.”
Jr boivbhfyl arrq n fcnpr sbepr gb pbzong gur ceboyrz bs vyyrtny nyvraf
Ohpxyr hc, cenl hc, fughss’f trggva ERNY naq SNFG.
I was asked to take this down, but (1) there is no private information here, (2) there is no information in this which could not have been stated publicly, (3) it’s actually pretty interesting and should be shared (Thanks, Michael!
), (4) it’s a good exercise for people to decode it, and most importantly of all (5) …..
Now – this is critical.
I did not approve these messages to my knowledge. Up until this happened, I have been able to rigorously keep these messages unpublished. So this is very strange.
HOWEVER, I do have NATION STATE ACTORS on my devices – mostly White Hats lately – and BOTH SIDES have this really neat and highly deniable method of slipping in some clicks while the machine locks up. It’s actually an ingenious idea. But nevertheless, people need to understand that if you send me a “private message”, it’s not just ME who may decide to publish it.
OK. More business.
I do not give out my email. I do not give out my phone number. BY ANY METHOD, including passively. I have reasons for this, which are probably not exactly what you think. Some will figure it out.
Gab chat for our authors is now problematic. We need to stop using it., because not all of us can get there, and I have to doxx myself in ways I don’t want, in order to get Gab Pro to invite people. SO – I will create a terrible “scratch pad thread” for ONLY AUTHORS to communicated on, regarding logistics of posting, etc. I ask ONLY authors to post there. Other posts will be removed. But EVERYBODY will be able to see us talk.
I want everybody who posts here, and particularly the authors, to know that you are at risk of being USED by forces much bigger than yourselves for our mutual enemies to FUCK WITH ME. The only way for me to stop that and PROTECT YOU is to make it impossible.
Please avoid private messages. If we ever get to the point where private communication is required, I will deal with it then. At that point, we will have bigger worries.
Our best guess is that an author of a post can hit “LIKE” on a comment to that post and it pulls the comment out of moderation.
Thanks Wolf. Good points. Probably would be worth posting a few fun cipher exercises – get people thinking outside the box.
As for anyone else, just remember that sometimes when you decode things and read them, you’d rather not have read them in the first place
Gab is problematic at present. Will discuss alternatives on another thread.
Good – I have the new author thread ready to go now!
Donald J Trump – Very Stable Genius Tactician, Politician and Deal Maker!!!
You forgot Emeperor LEVEL TROLL!!!!

I’ve decided to be a PEST toward the STALINISTS today, because of attacks on Mike Pence.
Sorry, but I have always had ‘bad vibes’ about Mike Pence, since he first came to my notice during the campaign. He just make my ‘insincere’ antenna stand straight up.
My point of view is he is a politician and he would not be where he was WITHOUT the help of the GOPe BORG.
Let’s face it just how many national politicians aren’t bought and paid for? The vote for that funding bill tells us.
Thanks for the above link though I need to look at it furter on a computer that is not ‘crippled.’
We haven’t seen any evidence of wrongdoing against Pence. He has been a hard working loyal partner for Trump.
GA/FL, I am unsure of what you consider evidence of wrongdoing or loyal partner but what I found during the 2016 campaign was cause for concern that his alliance was not with Trump but more with his own ambitions….
I just do not see it that way, JW.
But, as a child of dysfunctional family – I am not a good judge of people. As a rule, we can look to past behavior as predictor of future behavior. There, Sessions and Pence come up with straight A report cards. Trump IS a damn good judge of people. He is also experienced enough as an employer to realize they may fail him. “You’re fired” is his signature statement. So far, he’s pleased with Pence.
GA/FL, I totally understand looking to past behavior as a predictor of future behavior. And to expand on my personal experience, our knowledge of all of it depends on our sources and frankly how interested we are in a subject/person.
My “need to know” beyond MSM came from the strong early support SD had for DJT to be POTUS and my respect for SD’s opinion which had proven to that point to be well researched and usually resonated with my general values. I just could not override my view of the man because SD was strongly supportive but knew I needed to see if I could find what SD knew that obviously I did not know.
My whole view of DJT changed totally through many hours of deep diving into everything I could find about him. Shocked that what I thought to be true from mostly distant past memories of MSM reports that were of little interest but were “newsworthy” in a sense and The Apprentice series I never watched as the energy around the commercials was not appealing even if I watched TV shows….pleased that what I found to be true from personal stories of business associates/employees/politicians who liked him and those who opposed him/professors and other academic professionals who knew him in the early days/peers along his personal and professional path/people he helped because he saw a need even though he did not know them personally/and lots of other evidence of genuine caring for people and their circumstances in a time span of his entire life including his youth was the real DJT under the “media personality”.
That same “need to know” about Pence came when it was being discussed that he was one of the people being considered for Trump’s running mate. It wasn’t another person’s support for him that sent me deep diving into Pence but my own “spidey senses” that were strong beyond something I could just ignore. I agree that Trump is a good judge of people and even if reports are true that Pence was not his first choice but rather was the choice of the RNC and the condition they imposed to allow his nomination to be in play which may be the standard as we have read was the case in previous administrations, he has survived and thrived in worse situations on the world stage of international real estate development where skills are developed that help one navigate even the deep swamp waters he is successfully draining daily…..and we’ve all learned that no one knows what Trump is thinking which is likely his strongest survival skill.
WM, first I need to confess I’ve only randomly read today’s postings so have no idea who is attacking Pence. Personally I would think just based on early research I did and my gut instinct that he was hiding something under that controlled demeanor with a big smile which exuded way too much “smoothness”, that anything disclosed now about Pence may be the beginning of the slow drip of truth which follows the Q Pattern. We know they have it all and they know everything.
There seems to be lots of deep darkness in IN and we know the Bush/Pence connection is long and deep….
Days before Vice President Mike Pence was sworn into office, he got some advice about the job from a predecessor: George H.W. Bush. Pence didn’t divulge what the 43rd vice president said to the incoming 48th.
But he told USA TODAY in an interview that they were words that “I’ll cherish in my heart.”
Bush, Pence said, was the vice president he most expected to emulate. Pence named Bush as a role model despite being close friends with Bush’s own vice president, fellow Hoosier Dan Quayle, and despite saying during the campaign that he hoped to take after Dick Cheney by being “a very active vice president.”
Displayed on the piano in the vice president’s residence is a photo of Barbara Bush with Karen Pence, taken when Karen visited the house in 1988 along with other spouses from that year’s crop of congressional candidates.
Here’s one article and I’ll dig around to find more that I filed “somewhere”…

Special Council sequence.
It was me or rather Gunny66 who had collected a string of incidents involving Pence.
For me the Pence lied OR General Flynn lied ====> Firing of General Flynn followed by Mueller targeting of Flynn STUNK. I do not know if Pence was trapped by the Urinalist or not. But it certainly was a setup targeting General Flynn, a very important person in President Trump’s new admin.
Remember also the sequence of events.
15 January 2017 Pence interview on TV:
CBS Pence: I knew Flynn lied to me about Russian contacts when he was fired “….”What I can tell you is I knew that he lied to me,” Pence replied, “and I know the president made the right decision with regard to him.”….”
On Jan. 24, 2017, Peter Strzok intervews Flynn
Jan. 26, 2017 Acting Attorney General Sally Yates was waiting to jump on the issue. Two days later, then-acting Attorney General Sally Yates told White House officials that Flynn had lied to the FBI and Vice President Mike Pence.
Febuary 13 2017 Flynn resigned as President Trump’s national security adviser
February 2017 Comey’s conversation with President Trump supposedly asking to not go after Flynn
May 9, 2017 James Comey is fired
May (5?) 16, 2017 James Comey memo makes it to NYT
May 17, 2017, Mueller appointed Special Council
You can not ignore the fact that Pence started the ‘Flynn Lied’
Thanks, Gail for posting this. I had not seen it and the timeline certainly confirms the setup.
The research I have is before the election as I started looking into his background when it began circulating that Pence was being considered as Trump’s running mate. I had to deep dive into Trump to even come to grips with him being a Presidential candidate and because SD thought he was our last chance, I wanted to learn more about him to see if I could come close to that conclusion. All I knew about him was from the MSM. I don’t watch much TV and commercials for The Apprentice told me most of what I thought about him which did not resonate with me but I found in that research the real person behind the media personality which was totally different and a genuinely tough but at the same time caring person whose ups and downs were acknowledged and well recorded throughout his life. I barely remembered any details of the early drama of wives and girlfriends and business risks, successes and failures because I did not keep up with it. His general awareness that people are people regardless of social or political or business status and his connection with the carpenters and bricklayers in his business being much stronger than with the financiers and government officials he worked with was a strong point for me. His world view was well established early in his life.
But what I found about Pence confirmed my gut instinct which was like the “insincere” antenna you described going straight up. It is dark and heavy and I found some of the same information in different source material, some documented, some just verbal but people in IN, especially in political circles know who Pence is even if they do not speak about it. I don’t know where to start but here goes:
The Satanic child abuse whistleblower, Tory Smith, 52, in Columbia City, IN died on July 20th, 2016, in the same way as Satanic child abuse whistleblower, Max Spiers, 39, in Poland died on 16th July 2016 from black magic, unseen forces (directed energy attack) Was Tory Smith murdered for exposing then Indiana Governor Mike Pence and his wife Karen for their involvement in child trafficking, rape and murder?
On June 2nd, 2016 Tory uploaded a video titled “Mike Pence has raped 186 children.” He was then struck down with poison and for several weeks no one heard from him.
On July 13 he uploaded his last video, “Will this be my last video.”
He died on July 20th, 2016.
Tory Smith did what no one has ever done, he pulled back the veil of child trafficking naming names, agencies, politicians, military officials, bases, Milabs, everything and everyone he knew to be involved in child trafficking. The White House, Congress, Pentagon, Military, Air Force, SOCOM, AFRICOM, NORTHCOM, FBI, CIA, NSA, DARPA, Obama’s, Bush’s, Clinton’s, Pence’s…
Was he killed because he was revealing too much or was it because then Indiana Governor Mike Pence had his eyes on being tapped to become the Vice President of the United States?
As a resident of Indiana, he spent a lot of time exposing the corruption there.
I will post more later…too much to take in…smaller bits allow thoughtful processing and none of it is my speculation … just things I found posted as I was researching so anyone can take what they like and leave the rest…one thing we do know is that Q has it all and truth will not be hidden….and every time I think “it’s time” I come across new information that I just have a really hard time believing so we all need time to “breathe”, appreciate and pray for the ones doing the heavy lifting for all of us….
WOW! Deb Fischer?? Holy shit!!!! My head is spinning right now – wonder what “she’s back on TT” means…..
??? Not sure what this is responding to so may need to read again what I posted! LOL
I am not even positive it was you who posted it. I bounce around from place to place and sometimes get lost along the way. This is the link that was posted somewhere here:
Thanks for the link and it was me who posted that link in a comment to WM…me who also bounces around and gets lost…I even found later that it seemed my post of the Page/Strozk texts may have initiated some follow up comments that irritated our wise host, WM who I deeply respect.
I just found way too much from many different sources to ignore but will take some time to consider if it would be a wise move to post more personal info I found. It’s out there … just do a search on Bing and DuckDickGo – Pence+pedophile
Here is an interesting post I found in my research about his political career……
On partnering with Trump
John Krull, “Donald and Mike, strange bedfellows”:
“Pence is locked in the electoral fight of his life. If Democrat John Gregg defeats him in this fall’s gubernatorial election, Pence’s political career will be over. Losing the governor’s seat in a reliably red state only four years after Pence’s predecessor as governor, fellow Republican Mitch Daniels, made the Indiana GOP a national model of innovation and efficiency is something other Republicans will find hard to forgive or forget.
“The way he’s campaigning indicates how panicked Pence and his people are that he might take that hard fall. Pence once famously vowed that he was done with negative campaigning, but now he and his team are accusing Gregg of everything but assassinating Abraham Lincoln. It’s a strategy that smacks of desperation.”
Nothing I’ve posted is personal speculation or opinion and I totally Trust The Plan that is working with the exact precision the ones who put it into place expected.
“I just found way too much from many different sources to ignore but will take some time to consider if it would be a wise move to post more personal info I found.” I disagree, judy (I am another judy) – IMO, the more info, the better. This way it is out there for people to vet and, debunk, if needed, and spur further research. When I find anything posted, such as on FB, that I research and discover is fake, I ALWAYS make the effort to point that out. If I make a mistake, I try to remember everywhere I posted and go back and correct it.
Very interesting. Thanks. Bye bye fellas. Go home and face the music
So Ecuador brings to mind Julian Assange…what is the current status of the legal move described below and could these be related? Probably a stretch but who knows…..
Owen Bowcott Legal affairs correspondent
Wed 23 Jan 2019 09.00 EST Last modified on Wed 23 Jan 2019 14.45 EST
Julian Assange, the fugitive WikiLeaks founder whose diplomatic sanctuary in the Ecuadorian embassy appears increasingly precarious, is launching a legal challenge against the Trump administration.
Lawyers for the Australian activist have filed an urgent application to the Washington-based Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR) aimed at forcing the hand of US prosecutors, requiring them to “unseal” any secret charges against him.
The legal move is an attempt to prevent Assange’s extradition to the US at a time that a new Ecuadorian government has been making his stay in the central London apartment increasingly inhospitable.
I LOVE THIS!!!! It’s better than the 1st one!!!
Yes! Just caught Robert Barnes tweet of it. This version is even better – makes it clear this is America, and all those glum faces are anti-American.
POTUS does know how to troll.
and when POTUS does that conductor thing!! ROFLMAO!!

Chase Bank abruptly closed the personal account of US Army combat veteran Joe “Rambo” Biggs.
Joe Biggs told The Gateway Pundit that he was in financial good standing with Chase Bank and had an account with them for almost 20 years.
Tyranny from big tech and big banks in the US is reminiscent of the ‘social credit score’ in China which is used to silence and control the population.
Last week, Big League Politics reported that Chase Bank shut down the personal bank account of Proud Boys leader, Enrique Tarrio.
Political activist and reporter Laura Loomer was recently banned from Twitter, PayPal, Uber, Uber Eats, and Lyft because she tells the truth about Sharia law and Islam.
How is the US any different from a Communist nation if Americans live in fear that if they dare express their political views they will be unable to use various financial services that are essential to living in a modern society?
Where the hell is Congress??
ACLU is about to get their comeuppance handed to them by the courts – all the way to the SCOTUS if need be.
We’re going to have to read that one!
Tee Hee! It’s Back and Pinned!!

He’s the BEST Butterfly!!! I’m doing cartwheels!!! They thought the censored him–It boomerrangs!!!!
“and just like that, he hands our enemies a box of chocolates”

I’m so glad we don’t have to put up with Hillrotten and BillyJeff in the WH….or McCain or Romney!!!
New Q posts, #2738 and #2739 :

16 Feb 2019 – 2:00:44 PM
DZDsPa1U0AEa8sy.jpg <<<<<< my note: graphic, not able to post here on QTH
Army Chief of Engineers?
How long have Anons known?
FAKE NEWS attacking us daily?
D's are predictable (stupid).
Nothing to See Here.
16 Feb 2019 – 2:55:53 PM
On the daily.
too bad Carpe doesnt like Q…Maybe he will change his mind…
I’ve got GOAT pics!!!

Scott!!! YES!!! you made my day!!!!

did you just follow me on twitter? LOL!!!
No, I was banned from Twitter after a couple months ago, for ‘hate speech’. I did nothing of the sort (I don’t even think such a thing exists). I just replied to someone else’s Tweet about the blood-soaked genocide cult of islam.

No ‘hate speech’ there, just truth.
Then I saw some crazy Leftist politician from VA (IIRC) tweeting about limiting the amount of ammo an American can have in his house.
So I signed up for a new twitter account, so I could read her the Riot Act (it was my patriotic duty to do so), and Twitter then banned be again, immediately, claiming ‘suspicious activity on my account’, lol!
There was nothing ‘suspicious’ about any of it, they just don’t recognize what truth or freedom of expression looks like, so they’re scared, and they ban whatever scares them, like the little babies that they are.
Maybe I was just ‘suspended’, because they did send me something to get back on after my ‘sentence’ was served, but I needed to give them my cell phone number so they could text me some verification code.
I wouldn’t give the Commies at Twitters my cell phone number even if I had one!
So long story short, I didn’t see you Twitter.
I just remembered your post to Gail last night where you said “I need Goat pics!!!”, which begs the question, really, who doesn’t need Goat pics?!?
Right?!!!! It was just funny that I commented on your pics and toggled over to twitter and “Scott” followed me? Did you see below “in the Matrixxx has started a social media site for Q peeps?
I put these that look like my goats on the F-15 thread:
The blonde goat looks SO much like my oldest Buck it’s uncanny. The white goat looks like several of my girls.
These are adorable GAIL!! thanks!!!!
Maybe this was to prevent congress-criminals from smuggling contraband without the possibility of ever being caught.
Whenever a security loophole like this exists, the people who want to defeat the security gravitate to the loophole in order to find a way to exploit it.
And the criminals in our corrupt Congress are eminently exploitable.
I meantioned up thread eminent domain challenges in court as a problem with the wall in Texas.
Does anyone know what a National Emergency does to the ability to make such a challenge in court?
This anti-Trump lawyer suggests that a land owner against having his land taken by eminent domain would provide STANDING to challenge President Trump’s entire National Emergency.
Gail, I’m so confused now I should not even post. I have read that the US has what I guess I would call an easement (I forget the precise legal term for it) that allows absolute access to a strip along the border.
But then I think I read a comment here that said while that’s true, it doesn’t apply in Texas! And I have been reading that this particular part of the border wall in Texas is what this bill was limited to funding.
Obviously, I know almost nothing of any real use but there you go.
I feel like everyone is confused except Trump!!!! LOL
All I can tell you is when the Government does eminent domain there is no way the government does not win eminent domain.
This is true! Eminent Domain is like the ultimate “you can’t fight City Hall” type of issue, isn’t it?
“I meantioned up thread eminent domain challenges in court as a problem with the wall in Texas.
Does anyone know what a National Emergency does to the ability to make such a challenge in court?”
Gail, I have seen something referenced as the “Roosevelt Easement”, which reserves to the government the first 60 feet from the border going inland.
That should eliminate any concerns or even claims regarding eminent domain, shouldn’t it?
The government has a Constitutional obligation to protect and defend the United States. Need to guard to border to do that, and you need control or possession of the land where the border is located in order to station troops, access roads, guard houses, etc.
A quick search took me to this link:
This site has a link to government GAO report:
A word search of the report takes you to page 25, where it says:
27 The land where this fencing was built has been publicly owned since 1907 when President Theodore Roosevelt reserved a 60-foot strip along the international boundary with Mexico for the United States to maintain the area free from obstructions as a protection against the smuggling of goods between the United States and Mexico. In effect, the Roosevelt easement provided the federal government with a 60-foot border right-of-way on which it could build the fence.
Unfortunately the Roosevelt Reservation is for the western part of the border and NOT texas from what I could find out.
Comment with links is somewhere on here.
New Q, #2740
[my note: graphic #1, can’t post]
[my note: graphic #2, can’t post]
16 Feb 2019 – 3:13:30 PM
16 Feb 2019 – 2:58:13 PM
You have more than you know.
Why did [LL] [ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES] grant ‘special entry’ to Natalia Veselnitskaya (Don Jr. ‘set up’ meeting)?
Why was [NV] barred from entering prior to?
If you have no real evidence of ‘Russian Collusion’ you must attempt to manufacture.
Lisa has THREAD on latest drop — click on tweet
Actually slamming Q all the time is going to make people with a 1/2 alive brain curious. There are plenty of vids, PrayingMedic being the easiest to understand, that explain Q
Streisand effect…
(Or maybe Gore effect
Speaking of entry and exit, one overlooked part of the heavily-frowned-upon bill is shown in this tweet (H/T Larry Ledwick over on Chiefio). Looks like congress-critters will get a taste of how we peons live (ya know, Piglosi, the people YOU WORK FOR!!!) (sorry about the preposition at the end)…
Larry Ledwick is my adopted brother. We traded. We just didn’t tell our sibs that we gave them away.
Good on you both
Did your folks know or figure it out
? It’s fun to read him on chiefio (and the other folks there, too), as well as looking at NoTricksZone, and WUWT. I’m glad that you found us here, because your reaseach, perspective, and comments and humor are great…
The “La Raza” thing has been going on a long time, and as a “native” Californian (weren’t many of them back when I was born), along with my son, it scares me to see what is happening. At ‘SC there were always “happenings” at “El Centro Chicano”, and at SJSU, I had friends telling me of the, erm, atmosphere there. San Jose (at least then) had the largest Mexican population of any city north of Mexico City itself. The Reconquista kind of ties in with the left’s idea of “reparations”. Just think of what would happen if every group and race went for reparations in some kind of sick Fibonacci series going back to, say, the great flood, or even the Garden of Eden…..
(Then agiain, if I could go back in a time machine and deposti a penny, way back then…..) (Draghi would snitch it, I know)…
There’s a couple of meme threads over at Chiefio, and I’ve nicked a few of them and posted them here (winter memes, especially, as well as AOC).
Dr. Antony Levatino testifies at a House Judiciary Committee hearing about Planned Parenthood’s medical procedures. Planned Parenthood has been under fire after videos were released showing how the mega abortion provider sold fetal tissue to researchers. Dr. Levatino gave this expert testimony in 2015.
We have 2 choices after listening to his testimony and letting his words sink in.
Red Pill – Embrace the sometimes painful truth of reality
Blue Pill – Remain in the blissful ignorance of illusion
Dr. Levatino is one of my favorite speakers on the topic. His story is heartbreaking in a lot of ways.
Heartbreaking yes. But also, an incredible role model for “seeing throsugh new eyes” that sometime only personal experience permits.
Thank you Judy!!!
We must continue, with all our hearts and soul, to eliminate this despicable scourge of abortion (infanticide) from our society!
Remember the fate of Sodom and Gomorrah? (Gen. 18:16–19:29). Abraham pleaded with the Lord to spare the community if a few righteous souls could be found there! The number went from 50, then 45, 40, 30, 20, down to 10. The Lord said—“I will not destroy it for the sake of ten.” Clearly, according to Scripture, none were found.
May that same fate not happen to America. We must continue to fight against the evils corrupting our society no matter the cost!!!
Pete, I heard that exact same scripture compared this morning as you did. If evil serves any purpose in society, I believe it is to shock enough of us to our core, that we are inspired to understand nothing is new including the obvious – the battle is way beyond any human abilities to fully understand and our need for God in our lives becomes our primary focus.
Wow, Judy, not aware of your “morning reference”! Just know we must stand up against the unrighteousness acts of depraved men in the name of the Lord—we do not serve ourselves, but Him!
Pete, I should have mentioned it was not on this site and honestly don’t recall where but it was a youtube I was listening to while driving…..it’s always reassuring to know different people in different places are focusing in on the same reference.
Hee, Hee
Sorry, phoenix, didn’t see your post (saw the tweet over at chiefio and was looking where to post it here)…
Now the Congress-Critters can have a taste of what we endure… of course they’ll purchase the “exclusive” run-through plan, but the first few times they’ll have to get the old pat-down or microwave routine…
(Pity the poor screeners having to put up with that filth…).
But people like Piglosi will go on those military planes, and don’t think they have to be subjected to anywhing but royal treatment.
American conservatives definitely can get creative when we want to be.
‘Build the Wall’ Campaign Ships Nearly 22,000 Bricks to Nancy Pelosi’s Offices
‘If you really, really love Americans (as much as President Trump does), then you will listen to the majority of us’
By Wayne Dupree | February 16, 2019
Jack Murphy, the creator of this viral campaign, said, “We wanted a fun and creative way to tell the Democrats that we’re serious about the wall, and what better way to send Pelosi a message than with thousands of bricks at her front door?
This is such a perfect move.
Beats the daylights out of TP or shipping “popcorn”…
Hope they shipped a bunch of mortar with it..and used it… Tell her it’s a “Thanksgiving Present for a real Turkey”…
Bill Cosby Releases First Public Statement from Prison, Claims He’s a ‘Political Prisoner’
By Jack Davis
Published February 16, 2019 at 6:49am
Disgusting, drugging and taking advantage of women, deluded, won’t take responsibility for his own actions. Especially Evil dude pretending to be a trusted “Dad”.
Hope he stays super strong, that way he can live many many more years in that Steel Box!!
I have always believed this was political.
Wheatie!! I was so busy laughing about the video last nite I don’t think I told you how much I LOVED your tree!!! The colors and flowers!!! Love everything about it!!! Thanks for putting in all that work!! Going the extra mile for US!!! You are a Q Tree Treasure!!! HUGS!!!!
Thank you, Marica!

*Hugs back*
I’m so glad you like it!
I loved the spring tree! Great choice. Thank you, Wheatie!
Thank you, Daughn!

I am so glad to know you like it.
I am wondering now…if I should adopt this one for a while and repeat it?
You got my vote!!

I’ve stopped and stared many times, taking in the beauty, identifying the flowers by name, checking to see if my wings are in order, etc,,,
Thanks, Butterfly!

I do love this one, and it’s perfect, through the season, but I like the surprise.
You always find great trees.
I agree. As much as I like this tree, I’ve enjoyed the new ones as they appear.
But, Wheatie, if you are running out of good ones, by all means, go ahead and recycle trees to your heart’s content!
Thanks, T*3…yeah, I have found other ones…Big Trees with doors, but they are dark and kind of gloomy.
I try to stay away from ‘dark and gloomy’.
Will keep searching, though.
If I find some more good ones, I’ll use them.
Otherwise, I may recycle the ones I’ve used.
This damn hoax just keeps going further and further….
Get this………..Don Asshat Lemon was speaking to him..not the day after, not while he was “healing”…he was on the phone WHILE Smollett was at the doctor…at like 3 AM…….Lemon had to get on record since CPD had the phone info.
“I talked to Jussie for a minute and he stated, ‘I gotta go, the medical doctors right here’ and it simply made me unhappy,” he continued. “Everyone talks about, ‘Well, this occurred and that occurred.’ My concern is for him.”
checking on this….
nasty Nan needs to up her meds..
After the signing, Pelosi addressed the crowd of reporters and politicians on Capitol Hill.
“Happy Valentine’s Day. We saluted our victory – or the victory for the American people – earlier with chocolate. Chocolate from California, I call it the champagne of chocolate. So again, I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. You should go home now to your loved ones,” she said.
Those standing behind the speaker immediately reacted to Pelosi’s comment, including California Rep. Pete Aguilar who laughed and said “Thanksgiving?”
Well, she IS a Turkey…
(Sorry, no insult meant to well-meaning gobblers)…
Nigerian Bros Purchased the Rope Found Around Jussie Smollett’s Neck From Ace Hardware – Smollett May Have Paid Them to Perform Scheme
If they don’t charge this guy with something substantial I’m going to scream.
It wasn’t a happenstance event that he thought hey, I can use this and get some publicity…it was thought out.
And the ‘white powder’ hate letters , in any other instance that would be a federal crime, right?
I know what you mean. But I feel the sudden need to buy ear plugs….. Hmmmmm
lol..I know what you mean. at this moment the brightest writers and lawyers money can buy are crafting the wet hanky sob story.
Will it be years of feeling marginalized as a black queer man or the great humanitarian gesture to counter orange man bad? It’s coming. The jussie confession..the message that will reverberate..let’s unite.
ACE is the place with the helpful hardware man…
(OK, there’s a lot of good ACE Hardware Stores out there – shout out to DALE Hardware in Fremont, CA)…
Q posted this video…
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KKvvOFIHs4k&w=789&h=325%5D
Wouldn’t it be great if Q did something like this? ….Took control of all media/tv networks to broadcast a message?
That would be amazing!
and the face is of the Italian GEOTUS !! fills the screen!!!

Wheatie!! We just created a mental MEME!!! I bet someone does it …

With the way that the Q-Team is monitoring all Coms…everywhere…plus that new ‘Emergency Potus’ communication thing that they tested last Fall…
I’ll bet they could do it!
EPIC! Wheatie!!!!
“V for Vendetta” is a good movie, gets an 8.0 (out of 10) rating at blu-ray.com.
“Set against the futuristic landscape of totalitarian Britain, V For Vendetta tells the story of a mild-mannered young woman named Evey who is rescued from a life-and-death situation by a masked vigilante known only as “V.”
Incomparably charismatic and ferociously skilled in the art of combat and deception, V ignites a revolution when he detonates two London landmarks and takes over the government-controlled airwaves, urging his fellow citizens to rise up against tyranny and oppression.
As Evey uncovers the truth about V’s mysterious background, she also discovers the truth about herself – and emerges as his unlikely ally in the culmination of his plot to bring freedom and justice back to a society fraught with cruelty and corruption.”
I haven’t seen it in years, but I’ll watch it again now
Yep. Sort of like the sound system Douglas Adams describes in Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy (I’ll be that Nikolai Tesla could have done it, maybe even had plans for it…): The middle paragraph describes the sound system… rather better than Bose, Klipsch, B&W, or Acoustic Research…
I love this so much.
Looks professionally done…big Kudos to whoever did this!
I love this new meme from the Anons:
WOW!!! Thanks for sharing!!!!
We the people Insider latest Youtube mentioned the Peter Strock – Iran Connection has been verified.
I want to see John Brennan perp-walked in an orange jumpsuit, sooo bad.
This is cool too…from Q-post no. 2742:
You lnow, at this point I do not care if Q is a LARP, the fact he is driving the Elite NUTZ is enough to be happy he exists.
Now if someone would do that to pelosi’s office door. Oh well we can always send her cards…
Yep. Piglosi needs a bunch of Q, er, cue cards, as she doesn’t know or remember what to say most of the time, and she is terrible at speaking (and thinking) extemporaneously…
Even TMZ is reporting on it:
As far as I’m concerned, he should be charged for staging this attack. It takes a person with no conscience to go out there publicly and lie about a hate crime. Thank goodness most people were suspicious from the getgo. What if enough people bought into his story and reacted accordingly?
Good TDS video:
Heather Nauert withdraws from UN Ambassador consideration. Suspected something was wrong because it’s been taking too long
That’s a shame…I like Heather.
——-From the article below:
Nauert, a former Fox News host who joined the Trump administration in April 2017 as State Department spokeswoman, was chosen to replace Nikki Haley in the UN ambassador’s role. But her nomination had not been formally sent to the Senate. Nauert in a State Department statement Saturday cited family reasons for the reversal.
“The past two months have been grueling for my family and therefore it is in the best interest of my family that I withdraw my name from consideration,” she said.
—————– [emphasis mine]
This raises a couple of questions, doesn’t it.
1) Why was her nomination not sent to the Senate?
2) Why has it been “grueling” for her family?
Did she need a higher security clearance causing FIB to harass her friends and family?? Maybe she couldn’t pass? The other issue I see is that she hasn’t had a paycheck in a while. Nominees have to quit their jobs while they wait for confirmation. Hope she didn’t run out of money. It’s definitely a loss for us as she was MAGA and an excellent Spokesperson for the SD, didn’t tolerate any BS.
Her husband is an investment banker with Morgan Stanley.
They have two sons…ages 8 and 9.
I hope they haven’t been getting harassed by the Dem dark ops goons.
Heard she had a Nanny issue.
As in…she had an illegal working as her Nanny?
If so, that would be a problem.
Heard she was in country legally but did not have a work permit. Personally don’t care. If the government does not care who is here legally then why hang it around the head of an average citizen.
If the government wants to deport all illegals. Great. But they currently have the attitude of we don’t care. Uniparty. I am a legal immigrant and earned my citizenship. I have no problem with deporting all illegals. But the fact the government condones illegals it is hard to blame average citizens when they interact with them.
Kea, your book reviews are terrific!
Ok now I’m blushing….
Thank you.
hmmmm… second link is about Nicole Kidman’s father
Fiona Barnett is a warrior and I love her for all she does to expose all the abuse.
Love our POTUS!!
He’s like the Energizer Bunny. Still going and going and going….
We still have an hour and a half–keep #600 ready.
Oh, and send him to yesterday’s thread, where, despite my absentee stewardship, the Q-treeps pushed it over that line.
I have been surpized at how active this blog is.
I’ve known daily threads to continue to get dozens of comments well into the next day.
Yes, I commented on the thread for yesterday…. Sort of by mistake.
The only bad thing about that is it’s possible only the author of that thread will ever notice (it shows up in their notifier).
I do that a lot too….
Q mentioned that Hillary did not concede the election but dissapeared right after the election. Did she ever actually concede?
If not she maybe still hoping the election is declared invalid due to ‘Russian Collusion’ (I really think she is that mentally deranged)
Yeah…Hillary conceded. Sort of.
She and Bill did that weird appearance, dressed in matching purple clothing items:
Declaring the Purple Revolution had begun…
as I said mentally deranged.
She is scary.
guess I was wrong..he’s going full tilt………….
Certainly sounds like Smollett and his lawyer are COUNTING on the CORRUPT Chicago politicians to bail him out and toss the cops under the bus.
Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s Chief of staff was/is mayor of Chicago. An election for Mayor of Chicago is scheduled to be held on February 26, 2019 and the Daley machine is still very strong. Emanuel is not looking for a third term.
Q mentions seven people held a secret meeting right after the election. I wonder who the are or who they represent.
1. Hillary? That would explain why she never showed that night.
2. ValJar? I would not expect Hussian because he is too darn lazy.
3. Lynch or Yates or Rosenstink or someone from the DOJ like Ohr?
4. Comey, McCabe, or Strzok representing the FBI?
5. Glen Simpson from Fussion GPS?
6. Someone from Perkins Coie?
7. Someone from George Soros or Soros himself, someone representing the $$$ behind Hillary?
I’m dying over the speculation.
Good list , Gail!
So am I, so am I

I have seen ZERO speculation so I thought it would be a good midnight topic to keep us awake.
I speculated about it on the F-15 thread yesterday.
And I like your list, Gail.
Definitely think ValJar was there…she was first on my list!
Interesting puzzle isn’t it?
So we have
1. Hillary
2. ValJar
I think Q hinted that McCabe and Rosenstink were there. So that is four…. We KNOW the FBI was represented and so was the DOJ because that was the core of the ‘insurance policy’
David Rockefeller??? Perhaps at his estate in Pocantico Hills, New York.? Rockefeller died in his sleep from congestive heart failure on March 20, 2017 so he was still very much alive at the time and in close proximity. His estate was where the Banksters met so the security would be top of the line.
Q didn’t really say that RR was there, though.
Q just used the RR convo about the 25th Am as a similar ‘conspirator meeting’…similar to the earlier one he was revealing…the one that happened a few hours after the election.
RR wasn’t even in a position of power back on election day 2016.
So why would he be at that high-level meeting?
McCabe, though, is a different story…I definitely think he could be one of the Seven.
The Soros son, Alex. He pops up everywhere.
Hey, how about Brennan?
He’s been particularly loathsome to PDJT.
There has to be a Repu in there — how about the Chief of Staff for Ryan? He knew about the Dossier. And wasn’t there a story about him being the link to release the pu$$$y tape, transporting it from NBC to WaPost.
Yes, a Rebublican has to be in there somewhere.
My question is would these be second string — aka representatives — or would this be the Top Dogs?
And yes, Brennan may have been in there but since he handed stuff over to Comey & the FBI he may have been out of the loop.
I also think he is really not that smart.
Would there be someone from the state department?
Q has said at least once and maybe more that Hussein is directly involved. Most recently Q said:
“The orders came from the highest office in the land. Q” (excerpt, post #2732 )
I would guess:
Valerie Jarrett (Hussein’s handler)
Clinton, Sick Hillary
Clinton, Slick Willie
John Brennan (C_A)
Lo-retta Lynch (AG/DOJ)
James Comey (FIB)
However, since none of these buffoons appear to have anything approaching above average IQ, and since all are corrupt and just puppets of someone higher, it would make sense that the Gang Who Couldn’t Shoot Straight was convened by someone who actually has a clue.
Or someone who by virtue of his deep pockets thinks he has a clue.
If you think about it, these people are all idiots.
Ruthless, conscienceless, soulless idiots — but still idiots.
Could be the dead Senator who has no name was there, too.
I don’t think that Hussein or the Clintons would’ve been there.
Hussein — too visible, too notable.
The Clintons were still at their pity party, in shock.
I think the main possibles were:
Sally Yates
Loretta Lynch was just a figurehead…Sally Yates was the main one calling the shots.
So I doubt that Lynch was there.
As I said above, I am now thinking David Rockefeller convened the meeting at his Pocono Estate.
Remember Hillary disappeared right after the election was called and did not appear until the next day.
The White House could easily = Valjar since she ran Oh!Bummer.
We know Podesta was in NYC, by 2am.
“(CNSNews.com) – shortly after 2 am Wednesday, John Podesta, Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, walked onto the stage at Clinton’s election night headquarters and told her supporters to “head home” and “get some sleep.” ”
“Guests at Hillary Clinton’s election night rally in New York City went home without hearing from their candidate. Campaign Manager John Podesta spoke for Clinton, telling the crowd to go home and wait for tomorrow, when all the votes are counted.”
We know that Pennsylvania, crooked as always, was holding back on certifying their vote, so in the meantime, some other state (Wisconsin I think, but I can’t read the article because I won’t sign up for WaPo >>> https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2017/06/03/wisconsin-republicans-put-trump-over-the-top-now-theyre-trying-to-prove-it-wasnt-a-fluke/ ) certified their vote putting Trump over the top, so Pennsylvania didn’t matter anymore.
I think that was around midnight, but I can’t find the info for sure about the time. I remember we knew he won, but Sick Hillary wouldn’t concede, and it kept dragging on. I stayed up to watch, and I remember when Podesta gave his little non-concession speech on behalf of the monster.
Supposing it was around midnight when Wisconsin certified and everyone knew Trump won, and Podesta was on stage in NYC at 2am, that’s a short 2 hour window for a meeting.
Private jet could get him easily from D.C. to NYC in that amount of time though.
“Charter Jet from DC to New York – Need a last minute charter flight from DC to New York? Look no further! evoJets can have you in the Big Apple less than 2hrs after your first phone call.”
Still, it’s tight. Even with a jet waiting and flight plan already filed, it has to be 20 minutes to any airport and 20 minutes from the airport in NYC to the Clinton election rally headquarters for Podesta to walk on stage. If flight time (wheels up to wheels down) is an hour, that only leaves 20 minutes for this big meeting.
And the meeting is a mixture of panic and shock. 20 minutes isn’t much time for tiny intellects with enormous egos to piece together a coherent plan on the fly.
So that would seem to rule out either Podesta and Sick Hillary or Hussein… not enough time to have the big pow-wow in D.C. and then have Podesta fly to NYC for the non-concession speech… unless all three were in NYC for the victory celebration, in which case the meeting could have taken place in NYC at the election night HQ.
We don’t know if Hussein was already at Clinton election HQ on election night, or if he was at the WH.
We should be able to rule out various suspects based on their locations between midnight and 2am on election night, but we don’t have access to any reliable data about the whereabouts of the main players.
But Q does.
Benjamin Wittes
The Nulands ( Vicky + Bob)
Larry Summers
Chuck Schemer
Rupert Murdoch
It occurs to me that if that meeting was not known, unlike the Repubican meeting on Sea Island, then Q just put the wind up some Deep Staters!
New Q posts… #2743 & 2744
16 Feb 2019 – 8:04:57 PM
How do you know when the media is biased and pushing a knowingly false (fake) narrative?
Disinformation campaign designed to buy ‘them’ more time by attempting to ‘con’ enough people in order to remove the duly elected POTUS in order to ‘save’ themselves from prosecution.
Enemy of the People.
16 Feb 2019 – 9:46:28 PM
“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” – 2 Thessalonians 3:3
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” – Psalm 46:1
“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” – Matthew 6:13
Good Night folks and enjoy the puzzle.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 62a42e No.5217608

Feb 17 2019 00:39:30 (EST)
Information waterfall.
Buckle up!
Fox News has testimony from House Oversight and Judiciary.
2 Cabinet Sec’s were ready to support action on 25th Amendment.
Oh crap…I wonder who it was?
My money is on Tillerson…… and someone else
Yeah, I agree about Tillerson.
Trying to think…who could the Other One have been.
“My money is on Tillerson…… and someone else”
Pence has obvious motive.
Elaine Chao (a.k.a. Mrs. Cocaine Mitch) has obvious motive.
Nikki Haley is crazy enough and ambitious enough to do it.
There are several less well known names who I don’t know enough about.
Elaine Chao – that’s it. As McConnell’s wife, she has not been touched or mentioned.
Daughn, I’ve worried about her for a long time, being married to the turtle and having been in Bush circle. Also wonder about any China connections, but I think her family were from Taiwan,.
It sure seems strange.
We never hear anything about her.
Imagine being the CEO of large company.
Would you let one of the VP’s disappear into the woodwork, like she has?
I read one report that speculation was Sessions and Kelly.
“Fox News has testimony from House Oversight and Judiciary.
2 Cabinet Sec’s were ready to support action on 25th Amendment.”
That’s absolutely insane…
In order to support action on the 25th amendment, they would have to rationally conclude that DJT was not just mentally unfit, but so crazy out of his mind mentally unfit that it warranted what under any other circumstances (besides foaming at the mouth mental breakdown) would be rightly seen as a coup d’etat.
If it is true that two cabinet secretarys were ready to support this, they should stand trial for Treason.
Another late-night Q drop!
Thanks, Daughn.
McCabe and Page, together with Rosenstein, went to Baker, to consult with him on 25th Amendment.
Baker was led to believe 2 Cab Sec’s were on board.
Sally Mpyer describes Page’s reaction to ‘joking’ about wearing a wire — as they were lying.
So this is coming from leaks of Lisa Page’s closed-door testimony?
Sounds like it might be.
Baker testimony. Sally Moyer testimony
[…] follows is the transcript of the National Pro-life Presidential Conference Call. As the president was speaking from the Oval Office, he had with him invited guests — […]