Ethics? My Selling Price is 600 Million Dollars!

McCabe’s reasoning behind his mandate to investigate President Trump were startling. The President’s disappointment in Paul Ryan/McConnell to not fund the border wall, after President Trump signed the original Omnibus Bill, leads us to be suspicious of the motives of the GOPe. When we learned McCain sent the Exec Director of The McCain Institute, to London, to pick up a copy of the dirty dossier, our hearts sank. We realize the power of the forces arrayed against our President and we support him, but he is fighting everyone in DC.
The lying, dirty-dealing, false promises of politicians, lobbyists who write legislation, perks and pork slipped in at the last minute, vacations for politicians, rubber stamp of nepotism, exponential increase in wealth for politicians, and groups like the US Chamber of Commerce, are the enemies of the people……, and that’s before we get to our problems with the press. Everyone wants a ticket to Easy Street. Everyone is in search of fame. As #MeToo has confirmed, in Hollywood, young men and women disregard their personal ethics for a mere opportunity in a movie. At what price?
At what point are we tempted? At what point do we cross a line? How much would it take for YOU to go bad?
Today, the ‘price’ is pretty cheap. We have a bigger problem in our DOJ and no consequences for half of America. Most of us are disgruntled with the double standard in our justice system. Wealthy people can ‘get away with murder’, or go to a country club jail if they don’t dodge the charge, or make a deal with a prosecutor. Those in the middle, and increasingly, those who are Republican, suffer brutally at the hands of Mueller or the DOJ. Unless we return fairness to our judiciary, the unscrupulous will continue to cheat, lie, steal, and cross the line. The reliability of our legal system is in danger. Our trust has been shattered.
We’re also concerned about the sensational headlines of politicians, CEO’s, cutting corners, selling out, but we don’t often see the reports of their downfall, indictments, and subsequent jail time. The Golden Rule, “Do unto others…” is but a distant memory in the workplace. Corporate loyalty is at an all time low as H1B visas for foreign nationals are on the rise. Some of us are tempted to ‘take’ a ‘fair share’ and somehow, justify the unethical behavior.
We need a return to the ethics of our parents and a clear set of penalties for bad behavior. Sure, we understand. It is tempting to rationalize illegal behavior when it seems like everyone around us is doing the same thing. We all have a price, right? Well, my price was 600 million dollars.
Here’s my story, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s put politics aside for a moment.
I was 24 years old, working for a brokerage firm in Miami. It was the year before I made partner and I was working 12-16 hours a day. That year, I made more money than my father and grandfather put together. I moved into a penthouse, drove a sweet little Alpha convertible, dated a guy in NYC, and we bought a ski house in Vermont. I was single, tall, auburn-haired/green eyed. A woman like me, in Miami, could ALMOST get away with murder. I spent most of my time in little planes scattered about the Caribbean and South America. I was very good at what I did, but far too arrogant and impatient. Life was good and I was winning.
Miami’s underbelly was wild, but drugs never appealed to me – too expensive, and let’s just say, the police didn’t come to my parent’s house. Nonetheless, consistently, I found myself in odd situations, bordering on illegal. Meet a client for dinner at a cock fight? That was a surprise. Meet for drinks, get up to use the restroom, pile of cocaine was available. I had one sales manager who tried to sell me into white slavery to a Panamanian Diplomat. That was interesting (but another story). We did a lot of work in embassies, and the diplomats stretched the rules. After all, it was Miami in the mid-80’s. The best part? From time to time, people would come into our office, to sell things, which just fell off a truck – Italian shoes, VCRs, binoculars, and Colombian emeralds. I was a long way from the suburbs and innocence.
I preferred the right side of the law and had many friends in the legal community. There were so many guys in Miami, from Alphabet agencies, who hit on me, my friends teased me, “someone put your number on a bathroom wall”. Bottom line, I was still my father’s daughter. He was the good guy, the Presbyterian and the Marine. For me, the money had to balance and it had to be legal. I was never tempted… until one day…..
Four guys walked into the office and asked to see me. I had done work for prominent car dealers in the area, after hiring a former F&I manager who knew everyone in the car biz in Miami. One of them recommended me. The front receptionist showed them to my office. These guys were straight out of central casting for the movie, “Scarface”, but they weren’t that unusual for Miami. Two were carrying stainless steel briefcases (stereotype much?) and one had a duffle bag. Two remained by my office door, like they were guarding my door. I wonder to this day if they brought weapons. The other two sat down opposite me, in the club chairs. As they crossed the room, I recall my dad’s voice ringing in my ear, “Never do business with a guy who wears more jewelry than your wife.” They were dripping in gold, but again, not uncommon for Miami.
They had interrupted my day and I was miffed. They had no appointment. No one like surprises and clients make appointments. Guy A was in charge. I asked why they did not make an appointment and it rattled him a little bit. He halfway apologized, but he quickly referred to the car dealer. He mentioned financial details of the plan I put together for the car dealer, which made it clear the two were close enough to share intimate details of their personal finances. I calmed down and settled into my chair to listen.
Now, please understand, many of the people in Miami previously lived in dictatorships, where the banking and legal systems are not stable. They hid their assets and never trusted anyone. My “sales pitch”, if we can call it that, was that I could do things for them, LEGALLY, and find a way to give them the same benefit. In this way, they would not run afoul of US authorities, and their children would grow up to be upstanding American citizens.
My “Scarface” friends had a similar problem, Guy A explained. They wanted to be legal but had a problem with cash and property. I started to giggle, “cash”? How stupid did they think I was? “Oh, no”, they said, “the cash is already in a US institution.” Which means, it had been ‘laundered’. I was physically backing away from the men and my desk. “Which bank?”, I asked, and they replied it was a bank well known for sleaze. He explained the problems he was having with the bank, bank officers, and his desire to move his business. He wanted to “be in the stock market” and “be an investor”. Oh, he talked a big game but then, his voice changed and his story was compelling. He told me stories of the bank managers denying movement of his funds and he felt like a prisoner at that bank. He was convincing and sincere – hard to fake. I was curious and smelled a double-cross by the bank. Why would the bank need to keep roughly 20 million on deposit? Theoretically, Guy A was correct. Once deposited, the funds are his and should be clear to move or do whatever he wants. OBVIOUSLY, there was some other reason the bank officers were not allowing the transfers. Legally, I COULD help them.
Guy A wanted to move about $20 million dollars. Again, not that unusual for a client in Miami, but it smelled skeevy. I was trying to trip him up in a lie but couldn’t. Guy A explained he had recently sold his parents Dominican sugar holdings and THAT was the reason for his windfall inheritance. My demeanor changed completely. I knew Dominican Sugar owners. Here was my chance to talk about competing wealthy families in the Dominican.  “OH! Well then, do you know Mr. ABC”, I asked, expecting him to instantly know the whole family. It’s a small circle of friends. Yet, Guy A didn’t know them and wanted to change the subject. Suspicious.
It would have been almost impossible for Guy A to NOT know the family. It indicated he was lying. Guy A was quick to imply he had other ‘friends’ who would like to do similar business with me…. on a regular basis…….. probably quarterly. Gee, 20 million, quarterly. Now, we were back to drug money again, total set-up, but I wanted more info about the bank. Guy A provided me with a large amount of info about the bank.
“What’s in the briefcase?”, I said. A briefcase similar in size could carry about $220K in $100 bills. Like Olympic synchronized swimmers, both men raised their briefcases and simultaneously opened them to reveal a pile full of $100 bills — just like a movie script. I was not impressed. Drama? Really? I did touch one of the bills to feel the paper. My fee, if I could solve his problems, would be $750K in cash, for the 20 million (never mind that I had a regular commission schedule). I pointed at the briefcases and said, “But that’s not even a half million”, and Guy A pointed to another man at the door with a duffle. He approached my desk, unzipped the duffle, to reveal more cash. At that point, age 24, I had never seen that much cash in one place. It was all too surreal and I wasn’t falling for it. Not tempted. Nope. Not me. Not one damn bit tempted.
I was thinking, “What the hell?” and “Why did I come into the office today?” or “Things like this don’t happen”, “is this a dream/nightmare”, “Am I on Candid Camera” or “maybe an FBI camera?”. The whole thing was ridiculous. Absurd. No one ever offered to pay my fees in cash. Who would do such a thing if they were legal? Guy A sensed my apprehension and nervousness. He insisted he wanted to be legal, all the funds would come from a US Institution, and wanted to do business. Then why all the CASH! Why not just write me a pretty, sweet, legal, check? We went back and forth. He was emphatic. Guy B, who had been quiet until then, gave me a disapproving look and said, “We insist.”, which I took as a direct threat. The room changed. He mentioned the building where I lived…… The two guys at the door nodded — which meant they were not FBI — which meant they were crooks. I don’t like to be threatened.
I was more mad than threatened. I was indignant, bothered, but trapped in a room with a bunch of criminals who seemed rather amateur. I got up and walked over to the window, my mind was running. They wanted ‘me’, so, I had to make them NOT want me, and NOT view me as a threat. I needed them to go away and leave me alone. Forever. I had an idea.
“You can’t afford me.”, I blurted out as I swung around. They almost laughed. I walked over to Guy A, stood over him and repeated, “You simply cannot afford me. It’s not enough money.” I slid into my chair and whipped my hair back. I was time to be the $itch. He was confused, “Why not? Do you want 1/20?” and “Do you insist on 5%? (which would be a million/20)”, he countered. I shook my head, “You don’t understand.” I patted his hand like he was a child, but I was mom, and there would be cookies if he kept still.
I reached into my desk for paper and a pencil, which made the guys at the door jumpy. I started to explain and talked numbers while I wrote on a legal pad. I concocted a formula on paper. If I was 24yrs old, and made ‘x’ dollars, and was expected to make ‘x’ dollars per year, for several years, I could make as much as 60 million dollars in my career (which was a BS number but sounded fairly legit). “After all”, I said, “I was so good at what I did, our car dealer friend referred you to me, right?” He nodded. Guy B was looking and listening intently. I was slow and convincing. My formula was intentionally over-complicated, and I added time value of money, etc. Then, I added, if I were to go ‘bad’, and join with them, to HELP them, quarterly, as they implied, I would have to exponentially add to the 60 million. They didn’t know what that meant, so I kept going.
Of course, there would be a risk to whomever I would marry, and the danger to my children- who were not born, YET, and I ‘wanted many bambinos’. Plus, I had to worry about the potential to ruin my family name and shame my father – which they very much understood. “Yes, I would have to have 60 million x 10 or 600 million dollars.”, I drew a circle around the number and finished. Their eyes went wide; their jaws fell. Here’s the weird part, they were OKAY with the 60 million, but not 600 million. GOOD.
Thus, my price, to go bad, was 600 million dollars.
“You’re crazy!”, said Guy A, in Spanish, with a lot of other curse words, as he looked to Guy B for help. “No”, I said, “You’re the one who came to me.” Things had changed. Now, instead of pulling away from him, I was leaning in. He was moving back (which was good). I piled on with specific terms, “My price of 600 million should be payable in terms of 60 million/yr, deposited offshore, for a period of 10 years, and then, I would quit – having trained someone they trusted to replace me”, so I could have a life. They were dumbfounded. I was serious and straight-faced. “It’s too much!”, they said. Both Guy A and Guy B were objecting and I swear — trying to negotiate with me.
100 million would have been fine with them, for 10 years. I opened my arms, palms up, and shrugged, “I was afraid you might not be able to afford me. I’m so very sorry. What would you like to do?” Silence hung in the room. I bit my tongue, knowing the first person who spoke would lose. Guy B, who was apparently the real person in charge said, “We will think about your offer and make an appointment to come back. Thank you for your time.” He called me a ‘gentle lady’, which I thought was odd but genteel for a drug lord. Was I wrong about them and had I just missed the sale of my career?
I never saw them again. They never called back. I gave the details of the bank to a buddy who worked for the FBI and forgot it. About 3 years later, the bank went through a scandal. No surprise.
Moral of the story:
When you’re propositioned, think about your selling price in terms of selling out your entire family. If you go bad, they will fall with you. What’s your price? One million? Two million? Ten million? It’s not nearly enough. Oh, no. Remember, your kids would grow up to be like Chelsea Clinton….
Make your price far too high to appeal to a criminal and you will never have to look over your shoulder. AND, pray the criminals don’t take you up on your outlandish offer.

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There is a story I heard, dunno if it’s true, of Francis Schaeffer in the late 70s with several college students in the heart of a city in Europe. He separated from the group and walked over to a prostitute and asked “How much?” to the shock of the students. She gave him a price, and he said “That’s not enough” and walked away. Surprised, she shouted back a higher price, and he said “That’s still not enough”. Finally exasperated she asked “How much do you think I’m worth?” And he shared the gospel with her.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy



Yes, it is beautiful. Daughn, your story is also one of the most amazing and telling stories I’ve ever heard and has valuable life lessons for us all. Wish I could show it to my own dad, who is no longer with us. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Our dad’s and their wisdom are what get us through those tenuous moments.
I was lucky and had a good one.
Funny, I shared him with others, too.
Miss him.


You are blessed.


I know, I miss mine, too, so much, even after over 20 years.


Gotta say, I don’t miss ANY of my Fathers – birth, step OR adopted! They were all POS’s.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m sorry, Nebraska. Time to let it out. We’re right here to catch you.


Bless all of you and your wonderful patience with my ups and downs. Being a part of two entirely dysfunctional families is very debilitating, I must say. Honestly, I can’t believe I made it this far with being either an alcoholic or addicted to drugs. Somehow, I had enough strength within me not to do that and I have no doubt, in spite of my feelings now, that it was my Christian upbringing that provided that. Altho, the women in my birth family have ALL been very strong-willed. Probably because I HATE not being in control since I spent so very many years having none whatsoever.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I love you, Nebraska. And that will never change. It’s okay. We’re right here.


I’ve been to a couple of counselors – the first, a man, sat there, nodded his head and just said “go on.” The other, a woman, is the one who gave me the courage to confront my adopted Father about his abuse of me. She told me that as I talked, she heard a strong-willed, confident woman until I started talking about him – then the hurt little girl came out. I was worried about confronting him because he had heart problems and I didn’t want to hurt my Mom. She convinced me that I was NOT responsible for their happiness – that was on them, not me. When I did confront him, my Mom tried to act like it never happened, in spite of the fact that she discovered it at the time. During that same trip to NE, my birth sister’s trailer was burned down by an old boyfriend and she and my birth Mom lost everything. Now THAT was the trip from hell!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I can’t imagine the pain you must feel. It will never go completely away but we can make one helluva pretty scar.
It did make you strong, of course, but we ALL need a shoulder, a firm base, to rely upon.
I know we are distant, but please know, we’re here and we understand. Talk whenever you want.
It HAS to come out. Don’t let it hurt you anymore.


Yep – YOU all are my counselors now! It was the same OT before OT went to shit! Believe me – when my daughter died, y’all over there kept me going.


Nebraska I don’t miss mine either and by you posting what you said in your other comments made me realize I could say it. Thanks for your help.


Wonderful! My fellow Treepers (are we still Treepers?) have done it for me and I am pleased to help you in some way. TBH, I didn’t even admit to myself how badly I had been damaged by what happened to me until 2013. 50+ years ago now…..


Daugh what a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing.
One more thing my grandmother taught me “that the best gift we can leave our children is a good family name and a family name should be protected like gold.”
I taught that to my children and they never got in trouble.
You are vey gifted and a great story teller that is lost these days.
I hope you share your stories with your children and grandchildren.
Eve better write a book with stories everyone can benefit from them.


Nebraska know that you are in my thought and I feel your pain. I am glad you trusted us enough to share .
Many hugs to you.

Jan Phillips

Michaelh, I’m so glad you mentioned Francis Schaeffer, especially on Daughn’s post. Didn’t her B&B remind you of the Schaeffer’s L’Abri? Did you read that? And also Edith Schaeffer’s book, Hidden Art? That was a book showing how you can make every-day occasions of life amazing memories for the whole family. You and Daughn may have been too young to enjoy their books, but they were incredible. Especially Francis Schaeffer’s “He is There, and He is not Silent.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Great suggestion, Jan!


Hi, Jan. I was also glad MichaelH mentioned Francis Schaeffer, and I do need to get some of their books, and I also remember that prostitute story from somewhere long ago. I think he was a very wise man.


A few years back my brother gave me The Complete Works of Francis Schaeffer for Christmas – very much a blessing! They are paperback rather than hardbound but that’s fine.
Some of the books are dated now, and people who he discipled have dramatically improved upon what Schaeffer wrote:
* “Pollution and the Death of Man” was one of Schaeffer’s least helpful books. He had good insights but had not had enough time to mature his thinking on the subject. E. Calvin Beisner took the mantle well and has made invaluable contributions to the theology on this subject. “Where Garden Meets Wilderness: Evangelical Entry Into the Environmental Debate” was a huge improvement and modernization of Schaeffer’s thought. I follow the work of the Cornwall Alliance
* Jerram Barrs contributed to “Being Human: The Nature of Spiritual Experience” which I found to be a very helpful update to “True Spirituality”. Among other things it did a good job of explaining false spirituality as modeled by the Platonists and Gnostics. “Shepherds and Sheep” was an important corrected to some of the extremes of the discipleship movements, and of course “The Heart of Evangelism” was a great corrective to loving others by reaching out with the gospel rather than evangelizing for self-seeking reasons.
* Os Guiness – Pretty much everything by Os Guiness is a must read. If you ever, ever have an opportunity to hear him speak it is totally worth it. I’m fortunate I’ve heard him speak about a dozen times. He packs so much into everything he says, the depth of insight is like drinking the ocean.
* Nancy Pearcey has contributed so much it’s virtually impossible to know where to begin.
There are many others too, barely scratching the surface.
Of course, I won’t touch anything by Franky Schaeffer unless I’m wearing gloves and a dust mask. Most people already know why so I won’t go into it.

Jan Phillips

Michael, thank you so much for giving me a heads up on the other great books!!


For those wounded by false shepherds, I like The Tale of Three Kings by Gene Edwards.Another fine allegorical series is The Singer, The Song, and The Finale. Sometimes stories can soothe the heart in ways that talking things out cannot.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Triple T is in the HOUSE!


Sunday post coming up 12:01am! 🙂

Plain Jane

Daughternworks, great story.
The story goes that someone in my ancestry on my mom’s side said that you don’t do anything wrong unless you can live like a king, with a clear conscience, for the rest of your life. Unattainable in the era in which he said it.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love it!! This is a great general strategy for dealing with criminals. Without getting into the specifics, I’ve used it, and as soon as I read the part where you were thinking how you were going to blow off these guys, I wanted to cheer!!!
Yes – it helps to have a FINITE option, because SOME people only understand that!!!

CHI->AZ : Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

You apparently have a high IQ and a high Emotional intelligence (EI) as well. Your EI enabled you to read the criminals emotions and manage your emotions for the outcome you desired.
President Trump’s gift is his genius combination of IQ + EI.
Many of President Trump’s opponents have high IQ’s too and think they are on a level playing field…NOT !
His opponents are incapable of acknowledging their low EI and the President takes full advantage.
I grew up on the South Side of Chicago in a blue collar neighborhood where physicality and having street smarts took precedent over high SAT scores. Most of my peers never took the SAT ; they were more concerned which trade union to apply to.
I returned to Chicago after I was honorably discharged from the USMC. I subsequently , met my future wife who lived on the North Side of Chicago in a neighborhood full of PhD leftists.
The PhD leftists had high IQ brain matter in their craniums which were attached to awkward bodies. I used to watch in amazement when these leftists would get played by the brothers from the South Side. The brothers were high school drop outs with below average IQ.
How did the brothers play the high IQ leftists ?
The brother’s used their high EI to punk out the PhD’s high IQ ..24/7.
When I see the twitter leftists compare their genius IQ’s to President Trumps IQ…
I smile and remember how the South Side Brothers used to beat out the lefty PhD’s almost down to their pink underwear .
President Trump’s gift is his genius combination of IQ + EI. 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I just didn’t want to end up eaten by an alligator.

Gail Combs

Yes, the Drug Cartels make the Mafia look like saints! (We lifed in NYC for a time and a good buddy is nephew to the head of an upstate city Mafia Don.)
It is amazing you got out of that situation alive and uncompromized!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ya’ never really know, do you, Gail?
I was safe in the office, at least I assumed I was. I was worried about later on, since he knew where I lived. They needed to go away and forget about me.

CHI->AZ : Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

When I see the twitter leftists compare their genius IQ’s to President Trumps IQ…
When I see the twitter leftists compare their “genius IQ’s” to President Trumps IQ…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hey Chi Ariz —- Hello from Glen Ellyn!!!

CHI->AZ : Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

I did a residential roofing job years ago in Glen Ellyn during a high school summer break.
I guarantee the roof still doesn’t leak like the FBI / DOJ et al.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Then we were right around the corner from each other! I miss the food!

CHI->AZ : Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

I miss the food too !
Lou Malnatis , Ginos Pizza, Al’s Beef, Portillios and Mortons steak house opened in AZ to cater to the Chicago transplants… they better vote conservative !
Unique to Chicago: The Italian Beef Sandwich with Giardiniera…I like mine dipped.comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG, this photo is making me H-ANGRY!


“I guarantee the roof still doesn’t leak like the FBI / DOJ et al.”
OH NO – If you are comparing the roof against the FBI/DOJ standard it needs to be inspected right away!!!
LOL I kid! I kid! I’m sure it’s doing WAY better than they are!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good one, Michael. Made me giggle!


Hey, Daughn, also Chi, hi from Champaign, Il. Thought we might not live that far apart.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ohhhh, college days!

Tired Mom

Amazing story! You are quick on your feet!

Pat Frederick

you know, I’d rather read your stories, Wolf’s stories, Mr +’s stories, than Comey’s, McCabe’s and Hill’s…you guys should publish!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Can you imagine what we would get out of Wolfie? OMG.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Funny how this comment, more than any other, made me stop and think. What you said about scars is so true. We really CAN make them beautiful, if we let them bring us closer to God.

Gail Combs

Wolfie, NebraskaFilly, daughn,
There was a great article about adversity making us strong written by a Special Forces guy. He points out that the current ‘every one gets a participation reward’ crap really messes people up and it is life’s challenges that build us into great humans.
Dang I wish I had bookmarked that article…


Proving once again that blood is thicker than wine. The values instilled in childhood can be priceless when they come from a good source. They help make up your core and provide solace in good times and bad. Parables work when a true understanding of those parables become found. Because they are simple don’t give them short thrift. With a bit of contemplation, they are the things your most apt to remember when faced with decision and like instinct they will kick in first. Gut instinct.
Must be why I like “Be Best” so much.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

You’re so wise Para. Thinking back, it was dad’s comment about excessive jewelry that triggered my radar. Thank God, the apple didn’t fall too far from the tree.


Good Morning, Daughn!
What a great story.
You did *THE BEST THING* possible – you met them on their own terms, and won.
I believe the result would have been FAR different, if you hadn’t thought WELL on your feet.
So many traps / pitfalls to avoid! A flat “No” wouldn’t have worked. A flimsy “reason” wouldn’t have worked either. Remaining on the defensive ALSO wouldn’t have worked.
Your response covered all bases – keeping your job, avoiding involvement with them, avoiding FUTURE involvement with them, keeping your boss’s job (did he/she THANK you?), and keeping you and your firm clear of big legal trouble down the road. The only reason they had to leave was $$$ – and it was the only type of “No!” they’d understand / accept.
It was a great play on your part – very clean! Cheers!


“thinking on your feet” is a valuable tool to have. I admire Daughn’s quick thinking in that situation. Great tale, Daughn 👏👏

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I was too young and green to be scared. I really was angry at them. Probably not what they expected.
So important that we spend time with our kids and teach them well!


Well, Daughn, if that is what it’s like when you are green I can’t imagine what you would have done if you were Not green. Maybe you just had excellent survival instincts, but I think you had brains as well.


What a life – what a woman – what a father you were so blessed to have!!!! Love your stories DW!
Please tell us soon – how you got from Miami to the B&B!?!?
Please write a book!


Yes, yes, and yes. Do write a book and also want to hear about getting to ehe B. and B.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s actually a good story.
Bizarre and complicated, but a good one. Coming soon….


OMG – How many weeks did you look under the hood, checking wheel wells and having someone else pick up mail??? Geeezzzzzzzzz! Love great stories! You make it easy to want to read more!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Come to find out, we had a lot of guys in the office who were former Alphabet agency…. but that’s another story.

Curry Worsham

Great title for the book …but that’s another story.


Girl!! You are definitely “The Most INTERESTING Woman” on the WWW!!! Dos Equis guy does NOT hold a candle to you!! I MUST get a reservation at your B&B so I can meet you in person!!! Fantastic story!!


Me, too. Meeting Daughn would just be the best.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Everyone is interesting, we just need to give them a chance to tell their story.


Amazing story! Thank you. Not only are you clearly a very intelligent person, but your story telling is excellent. I am left wanting to know more about your career and life decisions. Please, we need sequels! 🙂


I’ve been so looking forward to this story and wow, you do not disappoint Daughn! Thank you for sharing with us and GA/FL is right about writing a book (if you haven’t already). ‘I wonder to this day if they brought weapons’, with that much cash I would say most definitely.


Thank goodness you had the wisdom and experience to see what was going on. This is the problem with so many people here in NE – we may have a reasonable IQ (mine is around 130) but we have no experience with such corruption – we are straight-forward, blunt-speaking and honest but so very, very naive. This is why I had such a hard time acclimating when I got out of the Army and went to work for the Beltway Bandits. A VP I worked for had to educate me on those “gray areas.” In my mind, there WERE no “gray areas.” Something was either right or wrong…..not so in that world.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Oh Nebraska, I was so naive and sheltered when I moved away.
Smart? Sure, but so is everyone in this forum!
Miami was a rude awakening and I had to learn street smarts.


I envy all of you for the relationships with your Fathers. Is that a sin? Probably so but I do.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Big hug your way.
I learned, early on, I was lucky to have my dad. I shared him generously, with friends. It was unspoken between us. He understood and loved everyone I brought home.


Nebraska, I can understand that, and my heart goes out to you, and I do want you to know that even though my life was different in many ways, I know what it feels like to be betrayed, and one may forgive, but one never really gets over it in this life, and it can make trusting hard. I look forward to my new life with the Lord when I believe it will all be forgotten and all will be made new. As several have already said, we all care about you here.


Thank you so much. I do have to say that once I confronted my Father, he did have the decency to say he was sorry but couldn’t explain why – or just didn’t want to, probably.


glad you at least got acknowledgement and apology, which I think is rather unusual.


(I’m BLOWN away)
Daugn…. Awesome story……
I don’t know if I could have handled it with as much GRACE as YOU did.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Those were wild days.

Jan Phillips

Another amazing post, Daughn!!!


Daughn…. damn!!!!! Get to know your treehouse!!! Great story. Wow!!!! Bravo!!!!
“Never do business with a guy who wears more jewelry than your wife.”— So true!!
I had one sales manager who tried to sell me into white slavery to a Panamanian Diplomat. That was interesting (but another story).——- I’m waiting!!! 🙂


Another EXCELLENT story, Daughn. Thank you!
Please compile these posts into a book.