Author Logistics Thread

This thread is for communication between and among AUTHORS about grunge stuff, scheduling, etc. Blog work. It is public to deter any kind of abuse. This is like the Wikipedia “talk” section. It replaces Gab chat and MOST (if not all) “private messages to Wolf”.

Non-author members of the site are welcome to observe, but please do not comment unless asked to provide information. I want to keep these proceedings very efficient.



Pull up a chair and let’s talk. Yes, there are spies in the cafe, but we’re in PARIS, friends! Enjoy the show!
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SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I find that extremely irritating, actually.
The web programming books I have read (all many years in the past) advised you to ALWAYS include in your code that brings in an image, the size of the image so the browser could immediately size it.
Twitter loads so effing slowly, though, that I often see a plain text version before the image of the tweet loads. And those worthless toads do not include, with the text version that they definitely had to write special code to generate, code to generate the size of the damn graphic!
Of course a decent browser would let you re-click on the link number after it’s done spazzing out, and go to where it actually is–or not scroll there until it’s DONE loading.
So there’s blame to go around.


You can turn off rendering of twits before clicking the link to get to the place you want in the page. I’m not sure on other browsers, but Firefox has a shield icon to the left of the URL address box that allows you to enable tracking protection. When tracking protection is on, twits show up as blockquotes.


AWESOME! … but how’d you get all our photos like that? 😉


As for logistics, I’ve noted this elsewhere, but will put it here for the record. My family schedule has changed such that I’m getting up much earlier and more IRL stuff to do. I am not one that can do well without good rest.
Mainly what this means for my regular Dear MAGA Open Thread for Sunday is I regretfully won’t be around to engage or help with hospitality until late Sunday.
My weekends have a little more free time and so for now my plan is to set aside time on Saturdays to set up the Sunday Open and try to catch up on some the week’s events. Then late Sunday I’ll try to read/reply on the Sunday Open.
This place is way too much fun to not peek in sometime during the week, but I really am busy now.
As always, great work protecting us Wolf!


I dd stick around last night long enough to verify it posted and like the first couple of comments. 🙂


Oh, and as I’m going about my day I keep thinking of new topics worthy of writing about. You have unleashed my inner author. How nobody gets hurt.


Hope, not How in that last sentence. 😉




Wolf…are you not checking in and reading Gab Chat anymore?


I hope you will go and read one last time before you abandon it.


“LP and Michael can’t get in.”
Trying to understand here…
So Gab won’t let them enroll in just a ‘regular’ account now, without giving IRL info?
If so, then that sucks.
It wasn’t like that two years ago, when I opened a Gab account.


Ah…so this is something new.
Because you were able to invite the rest of us, as a non-pro-account, right?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

All he did was invite us into the chat and he didn’t have to be a pro to do that.
We were able to sign up for Gab (the site itself) ourselves.
Apparently, now you can’t even get into Gab without an invite from a “pro.”


Yeah…and that sucks.
Especially since in order to have a Pro Acct, you have to pay money and give out personal information.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I thought the system was a good one, but it has been destroyed.


Thanks for this, Wolfie.
I had no idea what those ‘orange’ comments were…so I have always clicked on them, just to clear the ‘orange’ out of my notifications list.
They have usually been from regulars, people who have been posting here for a while.
But recently…I did click on one that was ‘new’.
Their comment was small and seemed friendly enough.
Haven’t seen any more comments from that one, but I may have missed one.
Rest assured, now that I know what those ‘orange’ comments are…I will never click on one again!


I will now avoid those ‘orange’ comments that appear in my notifications…like they are RADIOACTIVE!
I guess you didn’t know that we were getting those, huh?


As it should be…since this is Your Blog, after all.


Ah Ha! We do have more power than we know!


I’m still wondering How Daughn was able to delete some comments that time, in one of her threads.
She doesn’t remember how she did it.


No, I was referring to a comment that doxed her.
I doubt that it was in moderation…there was nothing about it that would kick it into moderation.
But it was a bone-headed thing for that commenter to do…and I was so glad that she was able to delete it.


Okay…I haven’t discovered that button yet.
Not even sure on Where To Look.


Yes, she said it at the time, she wildly whacked at the offending posts with Sylvia’s shovel until they went away. 😉


Does this mean that you are disabling your PRIVATE_MESSAGE_TO_WOLFie feature, that automatically kicks the private message into moderation?
It is still a good feature, I think.
But it should be known…that it should only be used in a ‘Wolfmoon Thread’.
Otherwise, it will be seen by whomever authored the thread.


Okay, good.
But when we get a ‘new one’ that appears in orange…should we notify you?
And how would we do that?
Use the PRIVATE MESSAGE trigger in one of your threads?
That would work, wouldn’t it?
We could copy-paste the ‘new poster’ comment into that PRIVATE MESSAGE post to you…so you could see it too.


Oh! Great!
Good to know.
The all-seeing Wolfie sees everything.
Haaaa…I love it.


That’s easy.


Wolf, I honestly cannot remember if I ever clicked on an orange link, but if I did, I’m sorry, and I will not click on one again!
Glad I checked in here and read, as I am planning to drop another one tomorrow.
I am also glad you are so careful about who is allowed to comment here. Keeps the riff-raff out. Thanks for all you do!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

We should set up a special system where your comments all show up in the notifier colored like an eggplant!


Lol! I love it!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I always imagined blue being your color, perhaps because of your avatar(s).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

When I did the Friday thread (Georgia joked that I was like a dog salivating at the thought of MOAR SHUTDOWN a couple of days earlier, so I just couldn’t resist) I wasn’t able to “curate” it during the day very reliably–which means I wasn’t responding much or even hitting like all that often. That’ll probably be true for any other thing I author in the future (though I promise not to disable comments again–boy was that a bad call on my part).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

…And I suppose if I need to send a private message to Wolf, I should do it here! At least it won’t *accidentally* be made public though Wolf might *deliberately* do so.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Good idea about the permalink…I had already bookmarked it.
I wonder if there’s a way to make that permalink visible only to authors?




I’m going to insert this pro-tip, in the hope that no-one here on the author team ends up like John Podesta with a hacked email account.
If you haven’t already done so, please ensure that your primary email address is configured to require 2FA.
2FA stands for “Two Factor Authentication”. What would happen if a bad actor got your email password? They could get all your email! Unless, of course, you have a second token that sits on a key fob, a USB key, or on your phone.
It’s easy to set up, and easy to use, and gives you extra assurance that your accounts are safe.
Here’s a great list of sites that support 2FA:
A lot of folks are using Gmail for email – fortunately Gmail is very easy to set up 2FA for:
Google 2-Step Verification
If you haven’t already done so, please take a moment to do so. It’s better safe than sorry – an easy way to protect yourself from identity theft.
(P.S. Obviously I have a lot more security PSA’s – in the future I’m planning to more fully developed them into posts.)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Of course, gmail is google.
My email password is long and complicated, unlikely to be cracked with any dictionary attack. I should remember to change it more often.
If nothing else, protect your e-mail password since it’s generally the key to getting all other passwords reset.


I set up 2FA for a couple of accounts and realized after a few days that some of the schemes are ripe for disaster. At least in my world. If the fob gets lost… If the phone gets reset… if the 2FA app gets hacked… if someone social engineers the kid at the AT&T store and moves your phone number to a different device.
Well, anyway, that last scenario is the really, really bad one. I’m practicing good password generation and rotation schemes. As time goes on I’m weeding out some of the older accounts and updating passwords for lesser used logins. It could be a full time job if I let it be. Anyway, those are my thoughts.


Ideally you’ll use one that can generate emergency access codes, which most of them support, so that helps keep the risk to a minimum.


Good point. 🙂

Gail Combs

Wolfie, Thank you for a great blog.
I want to warn you about a guy I have tangled with for years. Jim (Underline Jim)
My favorite UK Socialist, Richard Courtney, over at WUWT will give you a better discription than I link
He followed me from WUWT to Tony Heller’s Blog and then showed at CTH so you may see him here.
(Tony Heller booted him)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

A very good question. The current Q post is still only at 2833. I’d start a new one if I weren’t at work.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Apparently there’s a 2839 out and has been for a while now. Don’t know how you missed it.
I’m thinking we should start a new Q thread if he makes a post after about 10AM, then put everything from that day there (he seems to be a bit of a night owl or I’d say midnight).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, that’s a good point. And I think even position five means no one is looking at it any more (other than me).
My thoughts as of right now: As long as we’re in a Q blizzard, there’s no point in a separate thread. If he goes silent for days at a time (again) then pops up with a couple of closely related posts–THAT might be worth its own thread, especially if it’s a “breakthrough” sort of situation (something totally unexpected).


Could go either way.
If it stays in the Open, Wolf has less churn in his life.
If it gets into a new article we have a separate record to refer to if other sources go dark.
Not sure we need to worry about the second scenario.
So that leaves the question of does using the Open get messy?
I think we handle messy pretty good around here, so maybe that’s the way to go.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I guess there could be a pinned (like this one is) post that’s nothing but Q extracts for reference (Including pasting in tweets, etc, that only show as links in the original Q source), with replies disabled–the idea being to talk about them over on the daily but have the extracts for reference.
Of course that might be kind of superfluous. Consider this brainstorming where I put out silly thoughts in the hope that something I say will trigger a good thought.


A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Keep up the brainstorming!
Is that what they mean when they say a Storm is Coming?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

On the other hand one should make sure not to confuse a brain fart with a brain storm.


The former is a short burst of incoherence, the later a wild but strangely coherent series of events.


Wolf…could you please delete this comment:
It showed up Orange, but I thought that Singingsoul had opened up a WP account and was posting that way for the first time…so I clicked on it to release it.
She has posted below this comment, that she used her Email account to post that comment.
And she is asking for it to be deleted.
I didn’t realize that was her email account!
Like I said…I just thought she had opened up a new WP account, and that’s why her comment was Orange.


PS: I clicked that comment again…to remove the ‘Like’ and Disapprove of it, like you instructed.
But that didn’t work.
Comment is still displayed.


Oh good…that’s a much better solution!
Thank you!



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Can I do the daily for Tuesday the 5th?
(And no, it’s not just because the “No shooting at the nuclear warheads” has been lounging around too much.)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m going to figure the deafening silence is my answer. I should NOT do the daily on Tuesday.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I had to have an answer one way or the other just so I’d know we wouldn’t both do it!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Got a post sitting in draft mode…waiting for a slow day.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If you can read it let me know what you think.


Hey, I’m up for doing and ASH Wednesday Open if desired.
Let me know!


Crafted and in the Queue.
Another “effortless effort” post.comment image


8- ]


Thank you!
Are you feeling any better?
Hope so!


If you’re having any congestion…take stuff to dry that up.
I don’t like to take drugs, but my doc fusses at me…says “you have to keep that shit dried up or you’ll get an infection!”


Unsolicited tips from your friend Think*3… If it’s sinus crud, Arm & Hammer has a saline spray that may help. I have a friend that swears by putting his face over a steaming bowl of water with apple cider vinegar added.


If it’s a head thing, I can sympathize. I’ve developed many tricks to try and help restore a normal state. Something as simple as pulling air briskly in through my nose to stimulate a nerve that can reset the vagal system to chicken broth with salt added. Menthol or essential oils. Epsom salt baths. Vanilla ice cream. 🙂


Sometimes, it works. And sometimes I’m just more comfortable while I wait for something else to work. 😉


Looks like I will need to be scarce for a couple of days. Will try to check back in when I can. And should be good to go for a Sunday Open as usual.Wishing everyone here well in my absence.


I was going to repost the new Super Amended version of ‘Wheaties Rules’…
But in light of recent events, boss…I thought it might be a good idea to ixnay any mention of “nukes”, “shooting at nukes”, or any such things that the Loserfarians might try to use against this site.
I know it is all in good fun.
But these people have no sense of humor.
However…if you think I am being to cautious, Wolfie, I will add those other 4 things to the list.
No problem.


Thanks, boss.
Sorry you went through all that.
They underestimated your intelligence level, bigtime.
The rat bastards.
They say what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.
But this is little consolation while you’re going through all that ‘strengthening’.
I cried for days in 1996 after Clinton was reelected.
I knew they were evil.
The must be brought to Justice for all their crimes!


Sunday OPEN queued up … nearly just in time. Some outdoor projects kept me from getting to it until just now. Lots of balls in the air at the homestead.
Not planning to update my consistent open banter as I happen to really like it the way you crafted it to begin with Wolf and now is the not the time for me to get creative beyond me original commitment.


As a teacher, Rick has been consistent quality. As a mystic dreamer and visionary, Rick’s brought some of the deepest impact on my own walk with the Lord. The book detailing some of his early visions, The Final Quest, rocked my world in the best possible way. The revelations therein delivered me from long standing bondage and set me on a course to become extremely dangerous for Jesus.


Tomorrow’s Open is queued up for midnight-o-one!
I do mention the ultimate MALWARE. 😉


Something like this happened to some of our regulars a few weeks ago. Someone “not like us” hit “Like” on older posts by us back OT. That WP account was Postcards from Russia and their website did claim to be from Russia.
Today it’s likes on 9 posts from the 3/17/19 Open by WP account triarianiindah, with a website at which appears to be only one month old and seems to be incomplete, but definitely painting pretty picture of young female “menjani” (young virgin dancer). Not sure what it’s about, so, reporting here for your Wolf review.
A post with a like from this account:


BoW gives a thread today to expose derp shade entrapment scheming online…


Still got technology wrangling going on. Can another brave soul take on the Sunday Open tomorrow? Wheatie?


It’s not the sketchiness, it’s the time crunch. Now that all is settling in, I’ve got the time. And with Holy Week upon us, I am shoving some other things to the side in order to contribute here.
As you well know, keeping up with the comments can snow one under when life is pulling you in 20 directions. 🙂


Ok, I figured out why some posts that seemed fine were flagged. The person wasn’t logged in correctly and so their posts were in moderation due to not being an approved user.


Yes, I would like to be an author.
I have normally been using an iPad to access the site. But I have a desktop computer with wired internet ready to go, if necessary.


Wolf…I made that ‘Poetry Tree’ thread that we talked about, and have had it in Draft.
Could you take a look at it and let me know if you think it’s okay?
I kept it simple.
And took care not to put our Bakocarl on the spot.
My thinking on doing it…was simply to have a place to collect the wonderful poetry that Bakocarl has gifted us with.
It is not meant to ‘replace’ the posting of his work in our ongoing threads.
It’s merely a place to chronicle them…and have a place where we can revisit them…and also for people who may not have seen them when they were posted.
I also threw it open to any Other poetry that people would like to add.
So anyway, please take a look at it and see whatcha think.
If you think it’s not a good idea…that’s cool…and I will trash it.


Okay, cool!
I just read through it again and cleaned up some wording where I had dropped out some words that I’d intended to be in there.
I am bad about doing that sometimes.
I think I might work on the Tree pic in the header just a bit…try to center it better and see if I can get the trunk to appear in the Thread View.
Then will post it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I am very, very good at completely forgetting to do categories and tags.


I don’t think it’s cool…at all…when one Author steals another Author’s pictures out of the media file and uses them before their thread is posted.
This is an abuse of Author privileges.
Consider this a formal complaint.


Okay, I see what happened now…
I loaded some images into the media file and used them in the Memorial Day Open Thread, which I then scheduled to drop at the end of the day on Sunday.
FG&C came along and uploaded some of the same images, then used them in his own Memorial Day thread.
I guess he didn’t check to see what had recently been uploaded into the media file.
It would’ve been nice if he had.
I apologize for accusing him of “stealing” them…but that’s what it looked like, when I saw the same pics used that I had just loaded in.
Sorry, FG&C.
Don’t go away, you do a lot of great work on your Friday threads…and I would hate to be the cause of your leaving.


No…it wasn’t You, boss.
And I doubt that you would ever use images that someone has already scheduled in to post.
You have the superpowers to look and see what is in scheduling.
And besides…you’re the Board Owner, so you can use whatever you like!


I know that sometimes when I’m loading a particularly delicious photo I am grinning thinking of you swiping it for one of your posts Wolf. Makes me happy to imagine my pick is going to be used more than once. 🙂
Oh! and I’ll try to remember to resize big photos to take up less space and remove photos I don’t end up using.


comment image


It was a couple of pics…
He used the Eagle-sitting-on-gravestones as the Featured Image in the Header.
Then used the Eagle with it’s head bowed, in the main post.
I was faced with either re-doing my scheduled thread…or leaving it and letting it look like I was the one using his pics.
Sorry, I overreacted.
But it was like I had been hit in the forehead.
It’s been a rough week.
I try not to whine about my own health problems, but I’ve been struggling with some.


No objections from me, boss.
He posted this in TTT’s Sunday thread, in case you haven’t seen it yet:
Rather than reply to him there and further trash TTT’s thread…I tried to keep it here in Logistics.


Removing duplicates is going to be tricky because you won’t know if all of them are in use in links. Unless you crawl under the hood and check each one. Not going to happen.


Hang in there Wheatie. Big weekends have their own stresses even if we don’t realize it at the time. Have some chicken soup and romaine salad if you can. Always works for me.


Thanks, TTT.
Stress I can handle…but throbbing pain is another thing entirely.
I don’t always make the best decisions when my brain is preoccupied with ignoring pain.


Believe it or not, dehydration makes pain worse. Celery, lettuce, cucumbers, chia seeds are all good hydrating foods… along with chicken soup.


What we need isn’t a rule as much as an awareness.
And one important step.
We need to NOT use drag-n-drop, but always use [Add New] button so that we SEE what is most RECENTLY added.
Any new photos are likely in the draft posts of other authors.
This one awareness will likely be all we need.


Agree…that’s a good step, T3.
I usually scroll down and take a peek at what’s been added.
But that’s just me…and my curious-cat nature.
Encouraging this step going forward, would cut down on the possibility of duplicates and misunderstandings.


Wolf’s comment about there being a drag-and-drop method of adding photos explains how someone could be using a similar photo and not even know it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If you are an author here…you can upload pics to your own (dormant?) site’s media page, instead of to here, and then put in a link to that instead. That will save Wolfie some storage.


Have a question for you on Gab, when you get a minute.


Wolf…Patrick/PHC could use a little help with something.
Remember back in the beginning, when we would post videos here…and they would show up HUGE and overlapping out into the margins?
It was right after you set up this blog.
Then…you adjusted something…and the videos posted normally after that.
Would you mind going over to Patrick’s site and imparting your blog-knowledge to him on that?
People are posting videos and they are dominating the page.
I mentioned it to him…and he said he would appreciate it.
Here’s a link to his current thread:


I understand, boss.
Sorry…I didn’t mean to add to your load.
Let me know if there is something I can do to help.


I set up my WP account several years ago…2013, I think.
It was back when I was hanging out over at AoSHQ…and their blog would go down sometimes, so they set up a Alternate Site here on WP.
I didn’t use it much at all until I stopped lurking at CTH and started posting there in 2016.
Does this help any?


I’ve seen where some people get the idea that they have to “set up a blog” in order to have a WP account.
It was not a requirement when I signed up.
But I’m wondering if something has changed since then.
Do you know if it is a WP ‘requirement’ now…to set up a blog in order to have a WP account?


Well, it’s the reason that quite a few people give…for not signing up for a WP account.
So I wondered.


Will do, boss.


Wheatie, Wolf,
I’ve got Sunday’s post written and queued up for 12:01 am ET Sunday.
But I’ve got a packed weekend and may not be around to keep an eye on things.
 Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy could you check that my Sunday open posts okay?
 wheatietoo could you keep an eye on things if I don’t make an appearance?
I really enjoyed putting together this one.
Shavuot and downstream celebrations all in one place. 🙂


Will do, T*3.
If it doesn’t drop on time…I’ll do a tap dance until it does.
And I’ll keep an eye on your thread, for as long as I can.


Much appreciated!comment image


When was the last time you checked the Gab chat?


Wolf, FG&C may need a little tutorial about reloading photos filling up the database. Take a look at the media library for duplicates. Not sure how to fix this after the fact. If duplicates are deleted, they will no longer appear in the comments/posts where they are linked. The links could be edited after the fact, but that is a burden on Wolf. So I think he just needs to know going forward so we don’ burn through this platform too fast. p.s., pls check Gab chat at your leisure. Non-urgent info for you.


It’s all good.comment image


Did I get this right?
When the media/content in the database gets to the free wordpress limit then we toss the sight into deep freeze and will need to start over on a new one, right?

Sylvia Avery

Wheatie had asked me some time ago to provide some things for a memorial thread to PHC that she wanted to put up when the time came. She suggested I post it here for her. Patrick had a health crisis in the night and is closing his blog at midnight tonight so the time is drawing close. I should have posted this sooner, but I have found it difficult.
So Wheatie, this is what I’ve got. I hope it helps. I’d also like to suggest you might post a song that had a lot of meaning for him, Kris Kristoffersen’s Why Me, Lord.
Wheatie, you may use all of it or none of it or pieces of it…whatever you think best and however you choose.
PatrickHenryCensored started out OT as PatrickHenryRevisited and ultimately became PHC.
Some basic biographical facts:
Patrick lived in Central Texas for most of his life. He received a college scholarship but rejected his father’s plans for him to be a doctor and enlisted in the US Marine Corps, instead. He served during the Viet Nam war. When he returned, he lived in New Orleans for some time.
Both grandfathers were in the construction business, and that’s what Patrick wanted to do with his life, so he became a builder of custom homes as his main business. Along the way he also owned a couple of bars and was a partner in a limosine service.
Patrick played guitar, sang, and he drew and painted, and we all know he could write. He drank Crown Royal and he smoked Pall Malls. He owned and thoroughly loved a Harley Davidson Softail motorcyle that he put more than 100k miles on. He was a car enthusiast and owned various collector vehicles including a Bentley. He loved birds, owning and training several along the way including at least one African grey parrot. He also loved the wild birds around his home. The cardinals and the wrens were the most tame. He went out every morning to fill up the feeders with cracked corn. If he was slow with the feeding, the male cardinal would come into his shop and let him know he’d like his corn.
Patrick was preceded in death by a son. He was married for 45 years to his wife whom he adored and called his Angel. He is survived by his daughter and another son, and grandchildren including a new one born recently.
He was a Christian man of deep faith which helped him make the transition from this life to the next.
Patrick was a complex man, and he was so much more than these simple facts can reveal. He was funny, and his humor was intelligent, and often ribald. He was kind, unfailingly courteous, patient, generous of his time and helpful. He was strong and compassionate and brilliant and cared not one bit what others thought of him or how he chose to live his life.
Some sides of him may seem paradoxical. He loved his Angel faithfully for 45 years, but he loved all women, so women were naturally drawn to him. He said many times some variation of this comment he made recently:
“God made me to love women.
Can’t argue with The Man
Fine work, if you can get it.
Love the job.”
Patrick’s Angel knew her husband well. When she came to visit him she would read the blog and enjoyed laughing at his flirtations.
Reading Patrick’s cryptic comments and seeing his likes pop up in our side bars brought a lot of joy. We’ll miss him even while we look forward to what he called, “The Reunion.”


Thank you, Syl…this is very nice.
If you don’t mind, I will add this and quote you.
I am still unable to post a comment on his blog.
It’s weird…it’s like I am ‘banned’ from there…WP doesn’t allow me to comment.

Sylvia Avery

Wheatie, you may use this however you choose. You can quote me or not, I leave it all in your capable hands. If it helps, I’m glad. Smiley provided a nice eagle picture…the eagle is flying into the light…he changed his avatar to that this morning. I don’t have the pic but Smiley could provide it. I don’t imagine it will be long now…

Sylvia Avery

wheatie, one small correction…I said he liked to drink Crown Royal but it is Crown Royal Black Label. An important distinction, apparently! TY for being patient with me. This has about crushed me.


I’ll make that correction, Syl.
I know what you mean about being crushed…this is so very sad.

Sylvia Avery

Thank you, Wheatie.
I feel like I let you down not getting it to you sooner, but I guess part of me was having a hard time facing reality. Is STILL having a hard time facing it. Thank you for doing this Wheatie. Hugs, Sylvia


You didn’t let me down, Syl…not at all!
I added your bio of PHC to the thread post.
It’s perfect.


Reporting in, boss…what’s up?


I hadn’t noticed that you put up a new thread…so I just clicked on it and it looks it’s been taken down.


I saw it, but only b/c I had the all seeing eye turned on.


I am looking at FG&C’s post on my WP Reader tab…which was open when he posted it.
So as luck will have it, it’s still there since I haven’t refreshed that tab yet.
There is no mention at the top of the post, that it is entirely a ‘reprint’ of another article…from WSJ or anywhere.
So it ‘looks’ like it is written by FG&C.
Which is a no-no.
Granted, he puts a link to the article at the very bottom…
But he still did not make it clear that the entire post was a complete reprint of the WSJ article.
You’re right, Wolf…it’s a great article!
And I am enjoying reading it, since I cannot see it behind the paywall at WSJ.
But that is what crosses over into copyright violation territory.
So yeah, it could’ve gotten us in Big Trouble.


Are those images still in the media file?
I haven’t checked…
But those were from the paywalled article, so…maybe they should be deleted.


I get the near disaster you just averted Wolf, but people (including me) post images, text, sometimes substantial text of small freely available articles (with attribution) all the time. I get why it is an especially big problem for WSJ and similar, but I’m going to have to review copyright policies again as this gets me wondering…


Psalm 3
God! Look! Enemies past counting!
Enemies sprouting like mushrooms,
Mobs of them all around me, roaring their mockery:
“Hah! No help for him from God!”
But you, God, shield me on all sides;
You ground my feet, you lift my head high;
With all my might I shout up to God,
His answers thunder from the holy mountain.
I stretch myself out. I sleep.
Then I’m up again—rested, tall and steady,
Fearless before the enemy mobs
Coming at me from all sides.
Up, God! My God, help me!
Slap their faces,
First this cheek, then the other,
Your fist hard in their teeth!
Real help comes from God.
Your blessing clothes your people!
The Message (MSG)


Verse 7b. King David sure was a violent warrior!


If I may be so bold.
You all may need to implement strict rules similar to the ones I stumbled upon on Hot Air, following Flep’s link to their story on the Border Wall:


Wise Wolf. I LOVED that beautiful masterfully written article – read it all and had written a comment praising the author Wotz. It was a masterwork. Made me wish I subscribed to WSJ. No wonder FG&C was super excited and forgot all the rules.
I appreciate/admire your fierce wolflike protectiveness of WQTH. You made a wise decision. Thank you for holding the fiery sword, watching and keeping all of us in line.


I’ve spent a lot of time in Isaiah and need to spend a lot more. It parallels what is going on today, our fallen Western nations, our hearts, the rise of Assyria/Islam, etc. Shows us the road back to GOD, peace and joy….Just like Romans, Isaiah shows us our sin and how to be redeemed. So do many other books…in The Holy Bible, thankfully.


Isaiah 10:5 – Assyria (Islam) is a rod of discipline in GOD’s hand.
Isaiah 26:3, 30:15…then comes 31:8-9 – which says the sword of man cannot defeat the spirit of Assyria – only the Sword of the Lord – which is the Word of GOD – a confirmation of II Chronicles 7:14 re: the salvation of a nation.


Hey boss, Smiley has a comment that’s landed in the Spam Bin.
I noticed it when I was checking for Duchess’s Blessing graphic, which often ends up there.
Smiley’s comment is posted in Fle’s News Roundup thread…so I cannot release it.
I don’t think that Fle knows how to check in the Spam Bin yet, so you’ll have to be the one.
The comment looks fine to me.


Wolf, I’ve queued up Sunday Open posts for the next three weeks in anticipation of travel and lack of access to regular time on my computer. These posts are “recycled” from some of my favorites.
I am hopeful that I’ve managed to schedule them for the correct time (12:01am) for the next three Sundays. WP was giving me trouble with scheduling. Perhaps you could take a look and see if the times look right.
As a side note, while I was reviewing former posts to choose the which ones might be appropriate to re-feature, I decided to create mirror copies on my own WP site (comments disabled, I have no interest in moderating an active commenter community).
These mirror copies, sadly, lack the most important part, the comments, but at least the images, text and so on would preserved if/when this platform becomes unavailable. I believe Flep is doing the same for the economic news posts.
My intention, when I’m back in the saddle will be to create new posts first on my own site so that my uploaded images don’t add to the media content limit here at your WQTH site. I can then use a single cut/paste to create the post here for our community to read and comment.
Any ideas or input about this plan would be greatly appreciated.
Link… image


It’s great to have a place in The Q Tree.


Boss, there are a couple of ‘orange’ comments in the bin, for the 20190824 Open Thread, that look like new commenters.
They look okay to me…but it’s your call.


Okay, yeah…they’re not orange now.
Thanks, boss.
I just didn’t want to click on them without checking with you first.


Message for Daughn ~
If you are going to be putting up a Rally Thread today, you are most welcome to use this rally pic that is already loaded into the media file:comment image
I only mention this in the interest of conserving space on our media file, which is filling up pretty fast.
If you want to use it…simply use the Search line at the top of the media file:
Type in: “trump-rally-e15”
And it should pop right up for you to click on.
It’s already cropped with the Trump image to the side, so it won’t have the logo across his face…for use as a Header picture.
If you don’t want to use it, then that’s cool; I’ll understand.
No problem.


I’ve started doing that too…with some pics and with gifs.
But not with a ‘Featured Image’ in the Header.
Wolf said that the trouble with using hot links, is that they may disappear at some point in the future.
😕 Which would be a bummer.
So I’ve only been using them down in the thread post.
It’s totally up to you, though.
Just trying to help. 😀


Hi Daughn, I’m just dropping by the Author’s thread and noticed your conversation. I’m going to post some tips about saving image space and other posting tips.


The steps I take might look like this…
1. Go to the WordPress editor page here:
2. Right click on the “” icon to the right of the last post I published and
Select “Copy” from the drop down menu
3. When the new post appears in the editor I make the initial changes
a. Update title to correct date: “Dear MAGA: 20191006 Open Topic”
b. Update topic in top intro line
c. Click Edit button (pencil in lower right corner) on Featured Image to change header photo
d. Click Gear Icon at top (just left of the white Preview Button) to see Post Settings
e. Click Status drop down, then Publish dropdown
f. Use the Choose a date to schedule to:
+ select date you are publishing for
+ set time to 00:01 (a minute past midnight because exact zero has problems)
(this should work, no matter what time zone you are in)
4. Click on the “Save” link at the top of the post
5. Click on the orange Schedule button
6. Click on the orange Schedule button (with exclamation point) to confirm
After this you can still edit your post (even after publishing) and follow steps 4, 5, and 6 to Update.


Really NEW NEW NEW author help here:


Some thoughts about MEDIA | IMAGES | FREE BLOG SPACE
Wolf has “promised” that he will never go with a paid space due to unmasking during payment process.
THEREFORE Wolf has also promised that when we run out of space in the MEDIA folder, a NEW blog will be spawned and this one will sit in suspended animation from then on out.
Which leads to a question:
How can we slow the speed at which our MEDIA space is filling up?
My original answer, upload to Gab and use links here failed since Gab migrated to a new platform and all the older photos disappeared! Similar problems have occurred when Twister links went to accounts that were de-platformed.
An easy alternative is to post images to as they use and so far that platform has survived the tumultuous we find ourselves in.
Another ALTERNATIVE is that you can hope your WordPress platform survives the run up to the 2020 elections and host the media for your posts on your own WP blog (which is what I am doing now). Doing this simplifies the process for creating new posts as follows:
1. Create a new draft post on your site, adding all images, gifs, etc. to your own MEDIA storage.
2. Use white PREVIEW button in the editor to check out the results, before copying to WQTH site.
3. In the WP editor (not preview) SELECT ALL from your WP blog draft post and COPY the contents of the post
4. Create a new draft post here are WQTH and PASTE the post you copied in step 3 into the new draft.
5. Add featured image (can’t copy that) and schedule the post using the tips listed above.
If you do this, you will want to learn how to make a back up of your WP site using their export feature.


On another topic, have you checked out BitBox?
Basically it’s a browser locked inside a virtual machine (sandboxed) to isolate it from the rest of your computer.


Not sure, but may only be available for windoze OS.


Hi boss…could you check out the link in this comment:
I think the link was a mistake.
Do you think it should be disabled?
I thought about doing it, when it was posted…but then thought I was being a worry-wort, and didn’t.
After reading your comment No.269373 about the recent hacking you’re experiencing…I flashed on that comment with the link to editor functions…and thought I should make you aware of it.


I’m kicking myself for not fixing it earlier.
But like I said, I figured I was just being a worrier.
Then after seeing what’s been happening to you, I thought I should make you aware of that one.
Been having a little bit of ‘activity’ like that too…but it is quickly dispatched by the zappers the hubby has installed on this ‘puter.


Back up plans are getting put in place. Am preparing a new back channel account. Will contact you there as soon as it’s up. God speed.


And thank you as well, T*3.


My finger was twitching. Being the thread author it was pretty tough to hold back and not vote someone off the island. 😉


Wow. 😳🤨
I don’t have a Youtube account.
And I don’t see any ads there, because of ad blockers.
But they do put up “Recommended to you” videos in the sidebar, based on what I’ve watched…or what mr. wheatie has watched.
Which really messes with them.
The ‘recommends’ range from my music choices…to Fox news clips…to Car Maintenance and Home Improvement videos.
I’m sorry that’s happened to Mrs. Wolfie!
But at least it’s served to increase her awareness of what is going on.


I completely get what you are describing. Amazing audacity on the part of the players.


Another media tomfoolery I’ve been pondering…
What if your playlist (Spotify, youtube, etc.) has songs in it that have been, erm, “enhanced” to deliver a specific payload. Subliminal messages, brainwave state entrainment, etc.? How would you detect it?
I’ve noticed yootoob serving me copies of my favorite worship band music videos, but from channels I don’t recognize. What if these videos have been doctored? How would I know?


We all have our moments with date confusion. Is all well now?


I’m beginning to think we will need to be running our WP activities sandboxed in virtual machines.
The least resource demanding would probably be
A more intensive option would be VirtualBox or VMware.
It’s less demanding resource wise than “burner computer” option, but would take a learning curve investment to implement.
For a lightweight initial option, maybe using a separate locked down browser just for WP work.
Any other ideas?


Interesting… vocabulary word for this article: “neoliberalism” … Sen Harris, Doh-CA is sinking.


Okay, for a refresher…
UNDERSTANDABLY — IT WAS A BIG BIG BIG DAY YESTERDAY — one of our authors fell asleep at the keyboard and the MAGA Open was delayed. Happily Wolf was on the case, so I hit the sack knowing something would be posted, but it reminded me that I don’t remember our guidelines for this kind of event.
If we don’t see an Open posted before ????, then any author can throw together a backup for that day.
Thanks for taking it on this time Wolf.
If we didn’t have such early hours at our house, I would have tried harder to remember the plan.


Next time! 🙂


Nothing to apologize for. Everyone gets to fall asleep at the keyboard once in a while. 🙂


I LOVE LOVE LOVE this place!
Beautiful to see it all running like a well-oiled machine (and it is well-oiled with prayer) while our host, the great and terrible Wolfmoon is off on a secret mission to contribute his part to saving the world.


Have you ever heard of a kind hearted couple that took in foster kids that needed a lot of help healing and learning to be part of a family but they allowed one of the foster kids to abuse the other children because, well they were kind hearted? This is starting to look a little too much like that scenario. Check yourself. This is too important a place to get this wrong. Thanks.


But if troll boy keeps picking on Duchess…then it’s probably time for the Wolf to growl at him, boss.


I get what you’re saying boss, I do.
But the toxic effect that the disruption trolling has on this place will result in people just leaving.
It already has.
Attention-seeking behavior is one thing…but bullying people is another.
Bullies love it when people turn the other cheek because it gives them power.
They use it to their advantage, thinking that they can get away with anything…and if anyone stops turning the other cheek, then they can accuse them of hypocrisy and thus act ‘superior’.
This has a demoralizing effect on the community as a whole…because people don’t like to see unmoderated bullying.
So they just leave.
It’s up to you, boss, of course.
But in this case…I think a stern warning could have a positive effect, without resorting to the banhammer.


Messy. Don’t really want to invest much time in your lab experiments at this point.
“Keep it civil” assumes some self policing. While I admire your commitment to the guy in the gutter, I’d rather not be thread author while this goes on because I don’t see it at hospitality when the town drunk is vomiting on the other guests. I’m not threatening to quit, I’m telling you how I feel about this. I’ve been on the line for months considering to take a break or maybe even retire from authoring on your site simply because I have taken on more commitments in the local arena. The only thing that has kept me from stepping away has been my love and appreciation for you and the other authors and commenters here.
What you choose to do is solely up to you. You are the boss. I’m profoundly grateful for what you have created here and I am in no way second-guessing your approach. Thank you.


Here you go.
A little something to post in replies to “naughty” posts.


Thanks, boss.
I’ll keep an eye out.


OT question: did you see my second reply about dreaming about the homeless being weaponized? Same principle could apply to other communities as well. Carelessness can be weaponized.


Catch him throwing the first pie.
Got it boss.
Much appreciated.




Big Mama Tea did fuss at OT for the bannings a few months back. I think that might have kicked some of us out of the dog house. We still don’t know who was/is monitoring our activity on this site and initiating the bans. At the time it seemed all so strange and life was too busy to invest in the crazy. Love my people here and so here I stay. Thanks for all you do Daughn.


In reply to above discussion about civility and uncivility…
In her usual succinct manner, DP has summed up an observed behavior pattern.

And the big issue, IMO, was a combination of personal attacks, ridicule of belief systems, and baiting participants.
After thinking it over, I highly doubt that this behavior will change on this site based on the m.o. as observed up to this point. An enlightening self-description came when he described what he considered fun for the trick or treat guests to their home. A sign on the tent he sat in said, “don’t look” and when they violate the injunction, the consequence dealt out is a full blast of cold water to soak the offender. Asymmetrical attacks that apparently soothe the person’s missing sense of feeling powerful in their life. Adults shouldn’t need to assault others, especially children, to meet some need in their world. Especially when the payload carries not just intensity but apparent malice as well.
In regards to needing to step down for now…
I do appreciate having a good enemy from time to time to strengthen me and develop a greater love for the One who died for me when I was still His enemy as well. And therefore I’ve been doing a lot of processing and listening since yesterday’s new developments.
I came up with strategies for how I would fully lean into remaining engaged. And then I finally just asked the question, “What am I to do?” and the answer was very clear, “Let it go.” This has probably been the answer since about July, but as usual I’ve been fighting my inner knowing that I need to step away from a current commitment to engage with other new commitments.
The timing of this is going to cause some people to assume I’m unhappy with the site or Wolf or others. Not true and I don’t really want to have a long discussion about it. Some people are just going to get it wrong and nothing I say will likely help.
I love this site and I love how it have challenged me, stretched me, made me a better person. But I must follow my heart and step away from the commitment to post the Sunday open, perhaps remaining active in comments when I have the time or fading away if that is what is needed for the other work I’m engaged with now.
You have my respect, my appreciation, and my affection, all.


I’m sorry Daughn.
I thought it might hit you harder than most because you are a community builder like me. Just know you will always be in my heart with great admiration.


Thanks for understanding!
And yes, if an open door isn’t too much of a temptation,
leaving it open seems perfectly reasonable.
Blessings and grace to you along with all who dwell here.comment image


Thanks. Just admitting I needed a break rolled a huge weight off me and I was 2x as productive at the office today.


And yet. Nothing I love more than launching a new product. It’s been a good run.


Oh no…this is sad news, Think*3.
I will miss your Sunday threads and miss having you here on a regular basis.
But I understand, because I know how the weight of that commitment can weigh heavy at times.
I hope you’ll continue to check in with us here, though.
I will miss your valuable contributions.


Don’t be sad! We –every one of us– will always have the Q Tree in our hearts. What we let go of today opens up room to embrace what is coming tomorrow. The BEST is yet to BE.


I am very sorry D.P.
Your own steadiness have been a support for me in my own times of trial. Thank you for that. If break can help you retain your steadiness, it’s worthy of asking our source of Wisdom for the wisdom to know how to proceed.
I can recall the very moment I discovered that nearly all of my family had been “making nice” for all my life but once the restraining influence (elder) in the family passed away, all the ugliness manifested. It was a horrible shock which took a very long time to resolve. Turns out the circle of people that were truly mature was far smaller than I thought.
Here’s what I am seeing…
The ability to truly SPEAK FREELY is “heap big medicine.” Many people living in adult bodies have no concept of the level of maturity it takes to PROTECT OTHERS FROM YOUR POWERFULNESS.
But, eventually those without the maturity to protect others from their powerfulness will discover that they become ruled by tyrants (surrogate parents) until such time as they can develop their own ability to exercise restraint.
Wolf will either let it become Lord of the Flies or he will develop benign tyranny for those that need it.


Nikki’s post from today may be apropos.

Michael Youssef, Ph.D.
Nov 8, 2019
beatitudes sermon on the mount countercultural culture
Jesus closes His beatitudes with a double blessing: “Blessed . . . blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness” (see Matthew 5:10-11). The world loves people who are easygoing, flexible, not too caught up on Truth or conviction. Society says, “Happy are those who live and let live, who mimic the culture and its values.” Yet, Jesus ascribes happiness to those who are persecuted for His name.
Jesus was persecuted because He spoke the Truth, lived the Truth, and was willing to die for the Truth. And as we claim Jesus as the way, the Truth, and the life, we can expect the same (see John 15:18-21). Now, there are some who want to claim persecution for being offensive and unkind; Jesus does not promise them blessing. Rather, living righteously like Jesus is naturally offensive. Why? Because it reminds people of their wickedness.
When you suffer because you are distinguished from the world, be glad! When you are attacked for the sake of Christ or targeted because of His righteousness in you, rejoice! Be glad because they are treating you as they treated our Savior. Rejoice because your inheritance in heaven is great—greater than you could ever hope for or imagine.
Prayer: Jesus, thank You that You are always with me—that in any circumstance I can rejoice because You are faithful. I rest in Your promises, in the hope of glory I have by Your blood. May I bring You honor as I persevere in faith, hope, and love by the power of Your Spirit at work in me. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
“Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:10).


In a way, Wolf drew them out.


BTW DP, I think I need to tell you, I’m sorry for being an ass.
Though at least I hope I’m a loveable ass! 😉


DP, I’m sorry anyone made you feel that way today. It shouldn’t be that way.
You do a great job of standing your ground and I admire your faith and commitment. If I was picking people to fight alongside with against the black hats, you’re on that list. 👍
Teasing is one thing, and spirited debate is one thing, but being mean-spirited to the point where someone is genuinely upset just isn’t right, especially among MAGA patriots, and even more so among Christians.
I spent a couple years fighting in the comments section at places like Breitbart, back when 1,000 comments was a big deal (I just checked, there is a thread over there with over 17,000 now), so it was small enough that you could have extended debates with Lefties.
It was great training or practice, but it makes no sense to treat people on our own team (the people here) like this is a ‘live fire’ exercise. It’s one thing to spar and build each other up, and minor injuries are par for the course sometimes — but it’s a whole different thing to hurt somebody on purpose.
There are lots of effective strategies to deal with online opponents, and I wrote a whole long post before I realized that’s probably not what you want to talk about right now. I saved it, so I can post it later, if you’re interested.
What I really wanted to say is that there are lots of people here (including me) who value your contributions and look forward to your comments, so I hope you’re not upset to the point of thinking about leaving.
This is a great group of people here, the best that I’ve ever been around. There is so much happening right now, and this election year is going to be a crazy fun ride. There’s no better place to enjoy it!
Here’s your good morning song, and I hope you have a great day today 😎
And if that one doesn’t make you smile, this one has too 😁


So decent since the civility hammer came down, but a few teeth might be showing again. What is your take? Ends with HAHAHA to try and smooth it out?


P.R. opened the gate and in he went. Cuppa rose to the bait as expected.


T3, is this a private thread, or can anybody click in here if they see one of our posts in the “Recent Comments” column along the right hand side of the screen? Pretty sure it’s open to everyone, right?
Is there a way to ‘follow’ certain posters?
It seems like there must be, but if so, I don’t know how. The reason it seems that way is because sometimes when I post, even if it is to an old Article like this one, people see my post and reply or ‘like’ it, and I don’t know how they would be able to do that unless you can ‘follow’ people’s posts here, or they just check the “Recent Comments” column regularly.
By civility hammer, do you mean Wolf’s threat to remove someone from posting on WQTH and move them exclusively to Utree?
I miss so much drama that’s going on around here, and there’s so much happening, that instead of spending a couple hours getting caught up, I have to just skip to what’s current or I end up 5 or 6 threads behind and never catch up.
As for my take, I will wait to hear back from you here first. 👍


Not private. Only restriction is that this is only to be used for author’s discussion. (In my mind it’s ok that you joined to speak a kind word to one of our authors, D.P.)
Don’t think you can follow a specific person. Some get notifications when a reply is made to their posts. They will see those even if it’s older. Anyone using a reader will see all comments (ordered newest to oldest). And yes, recent comments are seen by all.
Correct on civility hammer. You haven’t missed much really. However the back story to the creation of our new wild west playground probably starts here:


“Not private. Only restriction is that this is only to be used for author’s discussion. (In my mind it’s ok that you joined to speak a kind word to one of our authors, D.P.) ”
Hmm… I wonder how I ever stumbled onto this thread then? I don’t remember now, and I’m not in the habit of checking the ‘recent comments’ listing on the right hand side of the screen, but that must have been how I found it.
Thank you for the explanation on the ‘following’, I wondered about that, and wasn’t sure if I was missing something.
My take so far is that the Utree seems to be going well (I haven’t really checked it today yet), it’s just hard to keep up with everything. Before Utree, there was regularly at least one thread here on WQTH that I didn’t really get to or if I did (I do try to read all the articles), I didn’t have time to read 400 or 500 comments, between breaking news and scouring other websites for news and updates that people here would be interested in.
Now with Utree, it’s even harder to keep up with all the threads and comments!
And I WANT to keep up with them, because there’s so much going on here… which is great 👍
So that’s a good problem to have.
Utree has a different ‘feel’ for me than here. Here is more like casual, shoot from the hip and that’s usually close enough, so it’s relaxed or laid back. And I like that. It’s not tense like CTH always was.
Utree reminds me of Breitbart when it had less volume of commenters, so it has an instant familiarity to it, which I also like, for completely different reasons. On BB, there were lots of enemies, so there was a ‘thrill of the hunt’ aspect while looking for someone to fight with that is missing at Utree (because we’re all on the same side of the political fight here), but just knowing that it’s ‘law of the jungle’ changes the atmosphere, and forces you to think a little more carefully before you post, and to take better aim instead of shooting from the hip, because that helps keeps you avoid unnecessary trouble.
People are naturally more careful when everybody has a gun and nobody is afraid to use it 😁
So it’s a little like the Wild West, in the sense that in a town with no law, it’s every man for himself. People either practice their quick-draw skills in order to stay alive, or they’re careful not to provoke anybody. Or some do both.
You can always shoot your way out of trouble, and that’s fun too, but you have to have the time available to commit to it, because if a confrontation starts, you’re kind of obligated to see it through, and that can take a while… when you might rather be reading the latest series of Q posts or some other breaking news, for example.
It’s also very interesting to watch how people process the new environment and adapt.
With regard to the current primary agitator, I think I understand what he’s doing, and I don’t think he’s really trying to ‘hurt’ anyone’s feelings at all. When I didn’t respond in a way that he was looking for a couple or three weeks ago (when he began getting in flame wars with numerous people), he just moved on to find someone who would respond in the way he was looking for.
Like he’s testing, but it’s not pointless, it’s not just provocation for the sake of provocation.
But I see how many people don’t know how to respond to what he’s doing, and they get frustrated, and then confront him angrily — which escalates and then feelings get hurt — but I don’t think that’s his objective, or what he’s trying to do.
If I explain it further, I might spoil it. If I don’t explain it further, he might eventually be kicked off the forum before people figure it out, which would be unfortunate.


Link to discussion about media files on the site, using URLs for non-header images and ways to get the header image sized 14:5 ratio best per Wolf…


[…] November 8, 2019 at 11:35 […]


For Wolf.comment image


Another.comment image


Link, for the record…
Some are asking where the offending comment can be found. Most likely to help understand your internal gauge for what “over the line” looks like.


The funny thing is I haven’t had time to keep up this week, but I noticed that the trawler was investing time in provoking NF. My exact thought was, ah, he found a new target.


Ah, I see the problem. It’s obvious who is the one doing the provoking and the one who is reacting. Sad for N.F. you have to do what you have to do.


Bin Checking
Bakocarl asked and Wheatie answered questions on this topic.
Answers copied from here…
To access the ‘bin’…you go to “Comments”.
You’ll find that in the menu on the Left Hand side of your editor screen.
Click on ‘Comments’ and you will see the different categories.
Click on “Spam” to see the comments that have landed there.
Click on “Approve”…if it is someone that you recognize and the comment looks okay.
Beware of comments that appear with an orange icon in your notifications.
Those end up in the “Pending” category…and be careful about approving those.
If it is someone you do not recognize, leave it for Wolf to deal with.
When you ‘approve’ of an orange comment, you are giving them access to making comments on the blog.


Very important!


First, you cursor over the link to it…which can be found in most all of the Open Thread posts.
Then do a right click.
Select “Copy Link”.
Then go to your post that you are creating and highlight the words “Jan 1st open thread”.
Then select the Link Icon up in your tools dashboard.
It looks like this:×460.png
Click on that.
A little box will pop up, with a space at the top of it.
Do a right click on that space and paste the link into it.
I hope I explained this so it made sense!


I would love to see someone make this into the basis for a post at the U Tree (with Scott’s permission, of course)…
Scott, Troll Hammer says:

The thing that gets me is that name-calling other posters isn’t even 1-D checkers. Five year olds do that. And what’s with the excitement of feeling free to use profanity?
I mean, if people are going to do it, they’re going to do it, but it’s kind of weird for people in the age group that seems to be a majority on this board to make such a big deal out of it.
Name-calling and profanity for the sake of profanity isn’t even a matter of whether it is ‘appropriate’ or ‘uncivil’ or not — it’s just bad strategy.
It makes the person doing it look bad.
It can never lead to one person causing the other person to withdraw in defeat. It might cause them to withdraw in disgust, but how can that be considered a victory for the other person?
You can’t ‘win’ the audience to your side with personal insults, the best you can ever do is a Mexican standoff while the other person just does the same thing. It’s bad strategy.
This ‘game’ can be (and is) so much more fun if we don’t make the obvious kiddie pool mistakes, and swim over to the deep end (or at least deeper end) instead.
If someone is calling us names on a message board, that shouldn’t make anyone angry, it’s an opportunity. Somebody has just invited us to play, and if that’s their opening shot, you should be smiling, because you’ve already won. All you have to do is let it play out, and when they expose themselves particularly well, drop the hammer. That doesn’t mean swearing at them or calling them names, it means waiting for the right moment and making a post so devastating and effective (or humorous… ridicule is man’s most potent weapon — Alinsky) that any reply your opponent could make only makes them look worse.
They withdraw because you left them no other option. Because you set up a ‘check mate’ scenario.
Calling each other names just cheapens the whole experience! 😁
Anybody can call names. So do something different. Do something they don’t expect. That’s when the game is afoot… and that’s no time to be trading insults, lol!

I have a lot to learn from everybody. Some days I do better than others 😁
The whole ‘dealing with trolls’ or other Internet opponents is just something I learned or adapted to out of necessity. I wanted to get in the discussions, but nasty Leftists were always derailing interesting exchanges.
So to stop that from happening, I just did what I would do in person, I cracked jokes on them until they stopped or went away. When you do that, others see it and often join in (safety in numbers), which is also fun.
Pretty soon it became like a sport, and it was as much fun as (or more fun than) the discussions I had wanted to participate in, in the first place.
The first time I really went after someone who was just causing trouble, the moderator called me a ‘Troll Hammer’. I didn’t know what that was, I didn’t know it was a compliment, I thought he was attacking me, so I attacked him next for calling me a ‘Troll Hammer’, until it occurred to me what he meant. 😁
The best training ground in my experience is forums where there are plenty of Leftists. They’re nasty, they play dirty, and there is always someone to fight with, day or night. From watching what other people (good guys) do that works, and trial and error on your own part, you begin to see patterns and basic personality types, and various techniques or strategies that work best with certain types of people. Nothing extensive is needed, more like a basic tool set of 4 or 5 different ways to deal with the several basic types of opponents you would regularly face. It’s not very complicated in practice, once you get used to it.
The arguments over on Breitbart didn’t usually involve a lot of profanity. The opponent might, but he usually figured out pretty quick that strategy wasn’t going to help him. It usually involved factual corrections with lots of mockery and ridicule thrown in, because that’s what the Left understands and hates.
Their peers are always watching or participating, so ridicule them in front of their peers. If they don’t withdraw immediately to go look for an easier target, just keep ridiculing them. Most Leftists make it pretty easy to do. Eventually they get angry or frustrated and blurt out some Leftist ideological idiocy. Anybody here at WQTH could easily destroy their talking points, then end with a large dose of ridicule. They hate that, and most of them can’t do it well enough themselves to try to do it back, they just run away. They look for someone easier to pick on, someone who won’t make them look bad.
One of the most effective tactics was to just tread water for a while in the give-and-take. Even after you have developed a few ‘go to’ plays or techniques, you can’t always tell which one would be most effective until you study your opponent for a little while. You can even let them get the better of you for a while. It boosts their confidence and makes them careless. It’s sort of like ‘rope a dope’. They keep attacking, but you’re not tempted to react emotionally to their attacks and lashing out back at them. You’re studying them, seeing what they ‘give away’ in their comments that you can use against them. That takes you out of ‘reaction mode’ and puts you in more of what might be called a ‘hunter’ mode. You’re not taking anything he says personally, you’re testing or prodding or just keeping the conversation going long enough until you spot an opening that you can exploit.
Instead of getting angry (which makes it much harder to get the better of your opponent), you’re smiling. You’re giving them rope to hang themselves with. Keep the back-and-forth going long enough to learn a little about your opponent. Whatever he gives you, whatever he reveals about himself, there will usually be things that can be used to ridicule him later. Let him do it, and wait for him to make a serious mistake, something you can nail him with.
They always do make a serious mistake, some just take longer than others. If they are taking too long, you will have observed them long enough (by that point) to set a few rhetorical traps to speed the process along.
When they do make a mistake, when they expose their neck (i.e., some weakness), that’s the moment to strike. Most of the time they never see it coming. They don’t ‘know’ you, you’re just a random Internet person. But they remember your screen name afterwards. You will know they do, because they almost never test you twice. They’ll avoid you. They’re looking to demoralize or just take their anger out on conservatives, and getting ridiculed or humiliated by a conservative accomplishes the exact opposite of what they’re trying to do. The new guys won’t avoid you (and there’s always new guys), because they haven’t learned yet, but the regulars learn.
If you are using humor to mock them, once you see other conservatives chiming in with ‘laughing’ emojis or other encouragement, so you know even their own people must be laughing at them, then you laugh at them too. Don’t let them off the hook, rub it in. By then they usually have lost all composure, which only makes it easier to mock them. It’s like chasing somebody downhill at that point, and they leave rather than continue to be mocked.
In all the time I was playing that game, very rarely did someone came at me a second time after an experience like that. It’s like a hustle, and they know when they’ve been had, and they don’t want that experience again.
Another effective technique is arguing in the form of asking questions instead of declarative statements. Especially if you can include jabs or ridicule in the process. You don’t want to go full speed on them right at the start, you want to draw them in, let them get comfortable and overconfident, and they’ll get sloppy.
It’s easy to convert a declarative approach to an interrogative approach. For most people, debate by declaration or decree is human nature. You see it all the time. I do it myself (and try to catch it and fix it before I hit ‘post’). All you have to do is take your declarative statement and put a question mark at the end of it, and then change the first couple words to make the statement into a question. It is much harder for your opponent to attack a question than a statement, and it interrupts their entire thought pattern. It puts them on defense instead of offense. They can ignore your questions, but after they do that a couple times, you can use that fact against them too. Mock them for their obvious inability to answer simple questions.
Every opponent is different (which is good, otherwise it would get boring), that’s why you have to tread water for a while, let the argument or debate develop long enough to figure out the best angle of attack. After a while you develop a general outline response to the 3 or 4 most common opponent types, so you’re not starting from scratch each time, and then tweak it or personalize it to your specific opponent, based on what your opponent reveals about himself during the fight. You have an idea what direction you’re going to take the discussion more quickly after you do it for a while, so you don’t have to spend so much time analyzing the opponent. You learn to recognize what kind of opponent you’re dealing with quicker.
One of the best strategies is to make yourself less vulnerable to counterattack. Get in the habit of arguing against your own points as you type. When you instantly/habitually argue against your own points as you write your replies, you see how the enemy will probably attack your points too. Recognize the openings your opponent is likely to exploit, and then either reword your reply to remove that vulnerability, or take the opening away by answering that ‘objection’ yourself pre-emptively as part of your reply. And if you can’t re-word it or make it less vulnerable to counterattack, delete it. It’s better to just not say it, if you can’t say it without leaving yourself open to counterattack.
Attack your own replies to see where the weak points are, and shore them up or fix them if necessary, before you click ‘post’. It is very frustrating for an opponent to not see any obvious angle of attack. If you combine that approach with asking questions, then he’s on defense. Add humor or subtle (or not subtle) mocking, and he’s getting hit with multiple tactics in combination, with no easy way to counter.
It becomes second nature after awhile. It doesn’t take long before it becomes habit. You begin formulating your replies without leaving chinks in the armor, making it hard for the opponent to score a point. The less time you spend on defense (because you purposely didn’t leave any easy openings for your opponent), the more time you can spend on offense, and offense is a lot more fun, once you have sized up your opponent and baited him into making a mistake.
Most of all, it’s a challenge that is also fun. Almost like a sport. And people almost always get better at things they enjoy doing, so don’t forget to have fun with it.
When someone attacks you, and your involuntary response is to grin because the game is on, you’re on the right track 😁


BTW, a thought just crossed my mind today. Predators do not just groom the target of their abuse. They are careful to also build trust and good will with THOSE WHO WOULD OTHERWISE PROTECT their target.
Child molesters groom the parents or caregivers of their target so no one will suspect or believe if told of the abuse to come.
Online stalkers groom the strongest voices on the forum by presenting a false front to recruit their good will, hopefully allowing them a “pass” when they attack their chosen target(s). It seems to me that both Scott and Steve were recruited in this manner. I was watching and made note of the behavior at the time.


Shatter a holographic community and you just get MOAR holographic communities!!!


Throwing this out there to the terrific rotation of authors here at the Q tree…
Ozzy (if he’d be interested and needed) would be a terrific bullpen addition to your crew, he such a prolific poster in the early AM aggregating a lot of news from a different angle.
I’m probably stating the obvious or the oblivious…just popped in my head reading through his torrent of posts this AM.
Thanks all


Itswoot, Wheatie and I all have lodged our reservations about allowing in someone who we remember as souring the sauce OT.


Heads up, boss!
Having trouble with my internet connection…it keeps going out.
Been unable to finish my Open Topic thread post for tonight.
But will keep trying!
Wanted to alert you to the problem…and possibility that you may have to step in.
So sorry.


Cool. Thx, boss.


Managed to get it done, boss…it’s scheduled for 12:02 posting.


It’s in and out…mostly out.
Very frustrating.
Not sure what’s causing it yet.


No, not really.
I think it could be a physical problem…due to construction in the area.
Got an upgrade earlier today on the firewall installed.
It may be too gonzo and is deciding that No Internet Connection Is Secure Enough To Be Allowed.
Will keep troubleshooting.


trying to be discreet in a post I posted but obviously my cleverness has limits and my memory is even more limited as I don’t remember the exacts from what I used last spring. Oh well. This morning’s experience was more of a shock, surprise and frustration v. feelings hurt and sad/angered. Frustrating as it is a venue for MAGA …. but somewhat intriguing.
Will figure it out and will continue to be a force for MAGA in many ways.


Got it…I think
Never thought of it as asking you to help with something nefarious. Just goes to show that once again you have a bigger picture view than I. I was just curious. Had actually been curious as to why others who were banned didn’t simply start over with a new screen name, email and, if needed, via VPN. I will ask husband for advice as not something I know much about at all.
Yes, I agree with investing here. In my opinion, the comments section there Needed positive people as I appreciate the articles but hate sending people there these days due to the comments section – some of which is still valuable but much of which is pure discouragement. If even a MAGA site has that much discouragement then it must be true….is what I don’t want people to think!
Plus, it is already a larger platform so comments are amplified. However, I have already switched my more detailed posts to here…in part because they were never asked for over there. You are kind about my input whether helpful or not and that has encouraged me.
I was just asking in what was intended to be an open post with out using my current name in case I was just in a time out over there as it was a surprise to say the least. I was trying to post publicly but with an older wqtree name so as to be discrete but was not trying sort post a private message. It went to the bin because I have forgotten my original, peacemaker motivated name. It was faulty memory v. an attempt to be private or put you in an awkward position, etc. I apologize I came across that way.
Now, to see how long my time out lasts or if just banned. and to decide about screen names. A surprise so don’t really have a plan.
Shake the dust off of my sandals, move on and, yes, I will still read and appreciate the articles of SD at TCH. As to what he would like and what he wouldn’t …. I am the last person to ask as I obviously was wrong since I am now banned!
Appreciate your time.


I’m working very hard at migrating all my computing to a completely different and much more sand-boxed set of platforms.
I came back over here to quickly register the info that you might not see much of me until after Christmas and BOOM, the tyranny of the mini-skirt post by DP was just to fun to not burn some of today’s clock while reading.
Wolf, you’ve created the ultimate intellectual patriot’s “cheers” bar times two.
Kudos and BRB in some weeks my friends.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I just saw this (I should look on this thread more often, it seems!) and I’ve been doing the same thing.
I’m now running a virtual Linux machine on a Linux machine, right now, and so (in theory) the internet should find itself corralled in a very tiny sandbox here.
The downside is I don’t get two monitors worth of screen “real estate” I don’t even get one, because to make the virtual screen the size of one of my monitors means the borders would need to be accommodated too, and I only have a fixed number of sizes to pick from.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

(No, it’s not private, but I wanted to be sure you’d see it as I’m asking you a question.)
OK, now for what I came here to post.
I did this: as a comment over at Marica’s. I’m not sure why, it just sort of “growed.” Their theme today is about wishing on a star.
I hate to see it get buried. I could turn it into one of my “sciency” full-blown posts over here, and normally, I think no one would mind, BUT I know sometimes people get upset with non-original content, even when posted by its originator.
So I thought I would ask.
OK to post this here as a break from politics?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well I hope so…I did it back in December! (A tale of two stars)
Come to think of it, I think you did make some positive comments on it.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Nope, I went and checked. You didn’t comment on that one though maybe you did see the one I did a few days later on Sirius.
I’ve got another topic bouncing around inside my head, but first I’ve got to do a blowout on Uranium on the U tree tomorrow (it’s Uranium day there).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Nope, you didn’t comment on Sirius either. In case you never saw it:


Found this thread per you directions . . . thank you. And made the changes per Sylvia’s advice . . . all fixed.
Thank you.


I’m here . . . with a question.
Would it be OK with you if I did a “Midweek Message” thread analagous to the midweek church services that I grew up with? It would just be a simple devotional or a message pulled from the internet, without any intro.
I’ve got one ready to go, planning to drop it 2/19 at 00:04, unless you’d like me to hold off.


Thank you.


I understand the free speech aspect, but I want to be sure that I’m contributing to the success of your blog, and not bending it, even slightly, in a direction that you might not want to go at that time.


Wolf, I just tried to post at the U Tree and got this message:

Server Maintenance
Your server is going through a few minutes of routine maintenance. Please don’t touch your browser for a few minutes.
What do I do?
If you were posting a comment or making a post on your blog then do not press BACK on your browser. Wait 5 minutes and press the refresh icon on your browser. Your comment or post will be sent as normal.
If you are browsing a blog here just wait a few moments and hit refresh. The page you were expecting will appear.


Been searching on the add author issue. Does this help?

You can invite author by adding them into wp-admin >> Users >> Add New. Assign Role as “Author” and keep the “Send User Notification” checked on so the added author can get the notification.




Just checked. Nothing. Plan B, will create a NEW worstpress account and send you the handle via Gab Chat… three decades of working with tech has taught me that sometimes a fresh slate is the best state. 😉


I’m in using the new account!!!






All systems are go, captain!


I’m logged in using a different browser to avoid conflicting WP cookies.
Can you think of any reason for me to keep using the previous account since it’s “broken” in some way I’m unable to figure out? I have no strong attachment. Can keep for archival (photos) use.


seems so


Changed it back. Hopefully didn’t break anything!


But, I do like the new name, so maybe okay to change back…


And all the images used in those posts that are on my other site.
It’s like dual citizenship!


That “thot” crossed my mind last night!

Gail Combs

I have a suggestion. How about the Covid stuff on this Tree and the Declass stuff on the U-Tree?
That would allow keeping the information ‘tighter’ and not spread over several threads.


I think DePat’s DECLASS Thread needs to be added to the Key Posts in the sidebar, boss.
It’s getting pushed down new threads, more and more each day.
So it would be nice to have easy access to it.


Thanks, boss!
I will let her know that it’s now in the sidebar.
She was going to make a new thread…but now that’s not necessary.
Thanks for doing that!


On another note…
Steve posted this today on the Daily Open thread:
“A lot of people have been posting COVID stuff in both places, or non-COVID stuff on the COVID thread.
I think it needs to go away, it’s simply taking the place of this thread.”
Other folks agreed and have said as much too.
I tend to agree.
Lately I’ve been thinking of taking a sabbatical from doing the open threads, boss.
I mean…why bother?
The Daily COVID thread has been serving as the Daily Open thread too, which is fine by me.
So why have two?
PhoenixR and TheseTruths commented about too:
“Thanks for info on the Declass Thread… it should be at the top of the threads everyday, imho… and while on the subject, the Daily thread is dying, has been for weeks due to the COVID thread …
I have just about quit posting, and probably will due to the fact that Duchess and I appear to be only ones posting on the Daily… wonder if that is why Pat Frederick hasn’t been around for almost a month now. No reply necessary.”
“When COVID was new and raging, those threads were great sources of information about protection and facts about the virus. Now we know a lot more, and much of the COVID news falls under politics (tyranny of governors, states wanting money, etc.). I agree that that info could go in the daily thread, as much of it already does.”
Like TheseTruths said…when the COVID thing was new, it was great to have a thread for information about it.
But now…everything has become intertwined and related to the ongoing COVID disaster.
And it is confusing for people to have two daily threads.


Uh oh…now I feel bad for bringing it up!


Check your Gab.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Trying to produce the Saturday thread, but my throughput is so low it took 5-10 minutes just to load the block editor.
It’s probably going to suck this first time around.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

OK, got something passable I think.
Could you check to make sure the scheduled time is right? I recall there’s something funny about that when operating from a different time zone. I can’t remember whether I should schedule it for “midnight” or “10 PM” and if I recall, it’s not necessarily showing you what it’s thinking.
The desired result is one minute after midnight, Eastern Time.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well it seems to have worked out tolerably well.
BTW I grabbed the eagle image, pulled it onto my computer, cropped it to the minimum size for a banner, and stuck the word JUSTICE onto it. It should, at least, take up as little room as possible that way.


Nice work on that header pic, btw…
I was wondering if you had worked on it to center it, since it looks so perfect.
Or if it was just serendipitous luck.
Nice job of getting the wqth logo and motto in the best position on the eagle!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I did a slightly off center crop, just to make sure the eagle’s head wouldn’t be right under the Wolf Spot. I could have shown the fish he was carrying, or more of the wings; I opted for the wings.


Yep, I noticed that.
Very nice!
I do the same thing on header pics…especially the photos of PTrump.
It’s a shame the you had to sacrifice the fish, though…nice imagery in that.
As in “catching the prey”.
But I like how you did it.
Sometimes I include a full version of a header pic, at the top of a post…so people can see the whole thing, uncropped.
There’s no ‘rule’ that says we can’t do that, right?
So that’s something to keep in mind, when you’ve had to do some cropping.


Ack…*shame ‘that’ you had to


I support YOU, Wolfmoon.
I know you are at the center of the whirlwind, and I am sorry for it. People are just so damned irrational. I get so friggin’ tired of their drama.
And I agree with Butterfly, about the saboteur. But it may not be about the site, so much as about the shit-stirrer personality type. I’ve know women like that all my life.


My Dad used to do that!


In one month she did some damage, took out one Author and repeatedly maligned another one.


It was, now says can’t find page. Is it down?


I figured it out. Does not work with MS Edge. Gotta use Brave.


Re-verify our range to target… one ping only.


What theme are you using here? I thought it was twentyseventeen but I’m not sure.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

BakoCarl–there are three eagle images now–we only need one of them and Wolf is concerned about space.
Can you delete image and image3?


Wolf, I would be happy to put up a thread for the Trump Rally…especially since it is happening in my home state.
But I think you know, that I would be accused by the Karens of “taking over Daughn’s job”.
Which would make people uncomfortable.
So I am going to step back from doing one.
If you are going to do the honor, and don’t have a header pic in mind…then this one might work, since it is from a Trump Rally:comment image


Miss Wheatie, what browser do you use? Gab Chat does not work on Microsoft Edge, but it does on Brave.


Ah…then that is probably why Gab Chat doesn’t work for me.
Thanks, Butterfly.
I will ask mr. wheatie about switching to Brave…since I am an idiot about such things.


i use edge, but pull up brave for chats. Don’t switch, just have it handy. Brave got flaky and wouldn’t display tweets, unless you use the version that needs to be updated daily. Got tired of that as you have to do it yourself and rebuuild favorites every time. Edge is stable. Have hubby install for standby.


Ah…thanks, Butterfly!


We gotta keep each other in the loop!!! On your 6!🥰🤗


This post in your Monday thread needs an edit to undox the auth.


Okay…it will take me awhile to scroll through all the comments to find it, though.
Michael has sort of doxed himself before, T3.


Link should take you straight to his post… ?
Second to last page.
Has word “LifeWay” in the post.


Yes, that takes me to the comment in the thread.
But to edit it…I have to find it in the Main Comment Bin.
Am working on it — nearly there.


Oh man, now I remember… the joys of a tool like WP.


It’s done now.
Thanks, T3.



Okay, I just remembered seeing this author logistics thread. I’m have trouble finding where I need to go to start a new topic, and then post it to the main Q Tree page. What about working on it piecemeal and editing to add additional content? Is there a tutorial for a newbie author to look at for guidance?


Also, I’m not showing up as being an author next to my online/offline indicator. Maybe a reason why I’m having trouble getting started on my topic post.


What is going on here with this new post on 11/4/21? Note that the comment is posted on the 5/22/21 daily thread. Troublemaker?

saç ekimi fiyatları
Saç ekimi fiyatları saç teli bölgesinin yapısına, saç adedine, lokasyon, kampanya, referans hasta ya da teknolojik cihaz sisteminin gelişmişlik seviyesine göre değişmektedir. Saç ekimi fiyatları 2021 yüksek olarak piyasada gösterilen klinik ve hastanelerin hepsinin başarılı sonuçlar elde etiği düşünmemelidir. Araştırma yaparken özellikle kliniklerin tecrübesine, ilgili alandaki gösterdikleri profesyonel uzman kadro bilincine ve diğer hasta yorumları dikkate alınmalıdır.2021 saç ekimi fiyatlarının maalesef belirli bir standardı bulunmamaktadır. xxx
2021·05·22 Joe Biden Didn’t Win Daily Thread
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2021/11/04 at 6:31

Last edited 3 years ago by Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thank you for the explanation. Delete any of the links in the spam post that I copy and pasted.

I also figured out why “author” isn’t showing up next to my online/offline indicator.

Standing by.

bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎
bflyjesusgrl 🍊 😎MEGA MAGA GAME ON😎