Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:
open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody
to post whatever they feel they would like
to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.
“The strategy for defeating an enemy force can take the shape of many varied objectives. Disrupting our enemy’s supply line has been an effective U.S. military strategy to weaken those opponents. Without meals, medicines, and munitions, a military force is incapable of sustaining operations.”
— Dr. Cliff Welborn, Supply Line Warfare
Today I’m using an outline from the Five Offensive Strategies of Physical or Spiritual Warfare by George Hill to guide our discussion as it relates to this moment in world history where the struggle to cast off the chains of global oppression is coming to a zenith before our very eyes.
1. Preemptive Attacks.
“By being passionately visionary, rather than reactionary – we can gain the upper hand in the battle and render the enemy unable to recover!”
- How do you see Qanon encouraging us to be passionately visionary?
Are you focused on the crisis de jour as spun by “friendlies” that are still milking the power of Mind Control techniques in order to keep your eyes on their media sites? Ask yourself, in what ways has the Mind Control Media worked to distort your thinking such that your life has become reactionary instead of visionary.
- How can I cut off the Mind Control supply lines that are delivering distorted thinking into my life and the lives of other Americans?
Ask yourself, how can I elevate my thinking to a level above this field of play and gain the advantage? What can I do to expand my thinking, my expectations to a level that honors the magnificent design intended by the Creator for my intellect, emotions and spirit?
- What am I doing to protect and increase the supply lines providing my soul with courage, wisdom, hope, wholesomeness, refreshment, and ever-increasing vision?
2. Hit the Enemy Where it Hurts.
“Identify ruling spirits over your area, come against them through prayer, and [speak truth] that contradict that climate. Then act in the opposite spirit: a positive, faith filled, generous spirit, and watch the spiritual climate change!”
- How do you see Qanon coming against a negative, defeating climate?
When was the last time you thought about what kind of an atmosphere is around your town? State? Home? Ask yourself, how am I being influenced by the cultural, spiritual, physical climate in which I am living?
- What am I doing to push back in the opposite spirit?
How is the day-in-and-day-out character of my life breaking down the supply lines feeding negative influences around me?
Who do you know that inspires you to live more positively, more generously, with more faith? How can you protect and increase those who are providing some of the supply lines between you and Heaven’s heart?
3. Concentration of Force.
“You must know your objectives, establish your priorities, and make bold, strategic decisions. Then you have to throw all your effort into that initiative.”
- What do you see Qanon doing to guide us to concentrate our effort together in alignment with current Patriot priorities?
Do you have a regular practice of reflecting on what really matters? Ask yourself, how can I contribute to the things that truly matter for not just me, but also for generations to come?
- Do you have enough clarity that you know where to put all your effort?
Strategic concentration of force must be applied effectively to successfully cut off the supply lines of the enemy army. Do you know what supply lines for the enemy are active and where to apply force to disrupt them?
4. The Principle of Perseverance.
“Paul told Timothy to endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. (2 Tim 2:3) Neither jail, stoning, shipwreck, or rejection could stop the Apostle Paul. Why? Because he had a God-given purpose that was bigger than himself.”
- How do you see Qanon giving us a purpose that helps us to endure hardship?
What does it mean to endure hardship? How does having a purpose bigger than ourselves help us to become unstoppable?
- Ask yourself, how do I cut off small thinking that minimizes my potential and impact in the world?
How do I strengthen my supply lines to great vision and purpose?
5. Songs of Victory in Times of War.
“King David was a warrior, not a wimp. He gave us a book of war songs – the Book of Psalms: read Ps 18:29-36. Martin Luther wrote the song, ‘A Mighty Fortress is Our God’. William Booth told his song writers, ‘I want you to write songs that will stir the hearts of our soldiers and focus us on our vision’.”
- How do you see Qanon utilizing songs, videos, etc. to impart courage?
Surrounding ourselves with songs of victory is an age-old practice–because it works.
- Ask yourself, what are the songs of victory that give me strength?
I’m looking forward to reading your thoughts about this.
p.s., don’t worry if I’m a bit scarce after midnight it’s just that a new family schedule requires an earlier time to bed.
In Christ we have already won the battle! We just have to inform our people and demonstrate Satan’s defeat on earth by casting out devils, healing the sick, and winning souls for Christ! — Dr. George Hill, Five Offensive Strategies of Warfare
Say what you want, comment on what other people said,
comment on people’s comments.
Keep it civil. Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.
See the January 1st daily thread for the rules of the road,
which are few but important.
Think^3 Your timing couldn’t be better.
Providential, I would suggest.
Spiritual warfare is more serious than we know.
A lot of the battle will be overcoming the Yellow Stream Media. Until recently I just thought they were so wrapped up in a leftist worldview they simply couldn’t break out of the mindset enough to be remotely objective; now I realize they are consciously and deliberately working against the United States.
I believe that PDJT realizes this and has prioritized the destruction of the media.
Easier to see now. When it started out, the fog of war was pretty thick.
Right from the beginning his goal has been to neutralize them. Sitting in the Oval Office, he more than anyone knows how FAKE it is. The lies have to be broken.
MIsinformation and control over information won WWI for the British and French, as much any other factor, since it largely led to our entry into that war on their side.
Today I know perfectly rational people who would undoubtedly be on Trump’s side if they only knew–but one of them (to take an example) gets his news from the PBS Newshour. And he simply doesn’t believe any other source (including anything me and my siblings try to relay to him). He was a conservative before he found the Newshour.
Yes Steve….
I see our Biggest problems yet to overcome are:
LYING Media…..
and Voter FRAUD.
Stupidity (Lack of education) is right there with them
Even the voter fraud would become easier if the media weren’t covering it up.
so true…..
if only EVERYONE understood….
IMO, losing a truly free media that seeks and reports facts is the single biggest root problem we have in our country today.
Our country will not survive this much longer. We need a non-politicized media ASAP. This includes FOX.
And YOU Ken…. would be CORRECT!
So far, OAN is doing great – they provide news from all over the world, not just politics, and aren’t afraid to do the stories the rest of the media – including Fox – won’t touch, like Seth Rich. They had a great special about the White Helmets and their fakery as well.
OAN is awesome, and gives me hope!!!
OAN, however, is also partisan, it’s partisan FOR Trump.
They are a good counterweight to an anti-Trump media but I can’t consider them unbiased (or at least making an honest effort at it) either.
IMO, it is partisan towards our Constitution rather than one person, especially the Daily Ledger.
The test will come when it’s time to report bad news about Trump.
Whatshername, that blond, jumped on the Charlottesville bandwagon and yes, they have aired criticism of PDJT. I can’t give you any other specifics right now.
Good, then!
Their focus on the Constitution is what I like the best, as well as the broader coverage vs. all politics. I really hope they get more viewers and stay on the air – as far as I know, Dish still won’t carry their programming, which is one thing I like about DirecTV. Altho, now that AT&T has bought them out, they are screwing with my contracted monthly payment! They keep raising the prices so I have to keep downgrading levels to keep it affordable. They are corporate scum!
I have my doubts that we ever really had a free media. Certainly not since the wire services came into being.
President Trump and the Deplorable MAGA truth warriors are all exposing the lying media and spreading the truth! .
Light drives out darkness!
Symbolic photo of President Trump in Oval Office the first year.
Another symbolic Trump Photo taken at Arlington Cemetery on President Trump’s first Memorial Day in office by General Mattis’ Department of Defense military photographer U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Brigitte N. Brantley.
The composition, detail, expression, light and dark, light on the weather strip….everything is wonderful – a work of art!
Yet another symbolic photo – Could be titled ‘Trump is stealing the Democrat base’
THAT is one of my all-time favorites, TBH! Our President has a heart as big as the great outdoors and he understands what we feel and need, no matter race or gender.
So true. His humanity is intact, and his compassion is big as Texas.
Oh, I LOVE that one!
On a number of different levels; that’s the morning sun.
Without the “Light”…
ALL….. is darkness.
Pro Tip about Colors:
Colors are visible only because of light.
Black is NOT a “color”….
It is the ABSENCE of “Light”.
The Yellow Stream Media CAME FIRST!
They were instrumental in moving the overton window to the left over time.
If you read the book SPIES you find journalists were the #2 target of the KGB, just after government scientists.
Read up on Willi Muenzenberg….
Willing Accomplices: How KGB Covert Influence Agents Created Political Correctness and Destroyed America by Kent Clizbe
My thesis is that the KGB, beginning soon after the Communist takeover of Russia in 1917, implemented massive covert influence operations. Their goal was to destroy the core moral fabric of American society. Taking advantage of the intellectual and philosophical climate of the early 1900s, the Soviet intelligence apparatus began what would now be called in intelligence circles, “a preparation of the battle space” to move the world towards the inevitable dictatorship of the proletariat. Covert operatives realized that America’s greatest strengths were its proud exceptionalism and belief that freedom and liberty were part of man’s divine destiny. Our free society also made us vulnerable to covert operations. KGB case officers and their agents had easy access to a wide range of American society. …
The goal of the operations was to make Americans feel that their country was bad. The KGB utilized Willing Accomplices to spread the message that America was an evil, racist, imperialist war- monger and that Communism was a benign, noble experiment designed to rid the world of corruption, oppression and injustice.
Covert Influence Payload
Babette Gross, wife of KGB agent Willi Muenzenberg, explained the content of the Soviet payload to Stephen Koch:
* You claim to be an independent-minded idealist.
* You don’t really understand politics, but you think the little guy is getting a lousy break.
* You believe in open-mindedness.
* You are shocked, frightened by what is going on right here in our own country.
* You’re frightened by the racism, by the oppression of the workingman.
* You think the Russians are trying a great human experiment, and you hope it works.
* You believe in peace.
* You yearn for international understanding.
* You hate fascism.
* You think the capitalist system is corrupt.
This payload exactly matches today’s PC-Progressive message. The message that Soviet covert operators propagated through American Willing Accomplices. The Willing Accomplices, wittingly or unwittingly, spread the anti-American message. And this message bloomed and grew into the pernicious set of taboos and strictures that we call PC today. It is important to note that Soviet espionage simply planted the seeds of PC. The seedlings did not need continued communist cultivation. The Soviets’ American Willing Accomplices nurtured the anti-American message in universities, newsrooms, and in Hollywood.
After the payloads were planted, the vast majority of the communist intelligence operatives met the fate of most stooges of totalitarian thugs—violent death at the hands of their comrades. ….
In 2008, PC blossomed into full flower. In a spasm of PC-induced guilt, America elected our first anti-American president, who did not hide his disgust for normal Americans. Obama is the first president to apologize repeatedly for America’s sins against foreign countries, and to speak disparagingly against the country that elected him. Obama’s cool, detached Elite attitude, loathing the “bitter clingers” of the heartland, is a living testament to the power and success of Muenzenberg’s covert influence operations….
…Willi likely honed his clandestine tradecraft training during this period. He was closely tied to a variety of Comintern and KGB officers, visiting Moscow often, establishing front companies and cementing bonds with his Comintern mentors, Radek and Zinoviev, and of course Lenin. It’s likely that he met with the KGB head, Dzerzhinsky. The KGB chief would have given him broad guidelines for his influence operations.
The KGB had been quite successful in influencing the Americans already. Alex Gumberg was still working in America, continuing to run the operation that he had begun during the heady days of the Revolution in St. Petersburg. Now Dzerzhinsky, and his staff under OMS cover would have directed the German master of influence [Willi Muenzenberg] to concentrate on the American “market.” Gumberg had made heady inroads with the diplomatic, corporate, and legislative targets in the States: he was running Raymond Robins, and was working his contacts to wriggle deeper and deeper into corporate America. [Think Al Gore’s Senior’s buddy Armand Hammer of Occidental Petroleum]
Lenin’s vision to bring America to its knees required penetration of the wellsprings of its civil identity, the “transmission belts” of American culture….
In 1923 with Lenin slowly fading after a series of strokes, the Comintern began deploying the anti-fascist front strategy. The dying Commissar’s dream of destroying the capitalists from within was ready for deployment. Zinoviev, Radek, and Lenin likely had pegged Willi Muenzenberg as the perfect engine to run this operation for several years. It’s likely that his preparation including running commercial cover ventures, fund-raising, and Comintern work—all provided a nearly perfect cover and network to begin on of the most powerful covert action operations of all time.
On 18 May, 1923, Muenzenberg took control of a new front organization. His overt cover for covert influence operations was the Action Committee in the Struggle Against Fascism and War. Willi launched his ops quickly. A campaign to spin the Soviet Union as under imminent threat from capitalist countries, “Hand off Soviet Russia,” brought the first wave of western Willing Accomplices under Willi’s control: Albert Einstein, Henri Barbusse, and American author Upton Sinclair all lent their names to the op. They and more Accomplices were all charter members of the “Society of Friends of the New Russia.”… “
Forgot this important passage.
page 98 (PRF page 116)
” While most Active Measure operations require human agents to initiate and run, once the operation is moving, it becomes a virtual perpetual motion intelligence machine. The most striking example of the perpetual effects of an Active Measure operation is PC today. PC is a direct result of the communist covert influence operations, which planted their payloads in American academia, education, media, and Hollywood. PC’s accepted anti-American dogma is nearly directly quoted from the messages implanted by Willi Muenzenberg,….”
OH, and Kent was a Red Diaper baby who ended up in the CIA. He has a very good handle on the KGB influence operations. He would at times comment over at Tony Heller’s The Deplorable Climate Science Blog
Kent is the one who pointed out George S. Counts, an extremely productive covert influence agent in the field of education.
Thanks. And welcome to the authorship team!
(in reply to michaelh’s first post, hit by the dreaded last comment reply glitch.)
Michael is a new “Author” here?
Geat! Awesome!
Look forward to his articles
Rayzorbak, you gt my vote for timeless snark, clever and searing replies, that make me SPIT!
Awwww (Blush)
I am so happy you are back, Think3
Your messages of God’s love and protection are invaluable during these turbulent times.
You are truly a treasure. You fill my heart with joy.
Tonight’s pointers on spiritual warfare are really awesome. Gears are already turning in response…..
Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Thank you T3 for this direction in the “Open Topic” article….
As Michael said …. “Providential”.
Latest Q Drop:
16 Feb 2019 – 8:46:28 PM
“But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one.” – 2 Thessalonians 3:3
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” – Psalm 46:1
“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” – Matthew 6:13
I will try to get a new Q thread up momentarily!
TufF Job Folks……
Thank you wolf…..
You are doing a GREAT Job keeping up!
(Your appointed Authors are good too)
Thanks Wolfie, we know it is late!
WOW!! Timely indeed!
T3!! Have so Missed you!!! What a beautiful and thoughtful post!!
My initial response is the SONGS!! Battle Cry of the Republic!! God Bless the USA–from the infamous twitter war of Carpe Donktum–and my all time fave–Do You Hear the People Sing!!! Cannot wait to hear our Musicians/singers weigh in!!! God is in control!! and you are BACK!!! all is well in the Q tree world!!! HUGS!!!
I love those songs…..
But being the Realist” that I am……
“Welcome to the Grand Illusion” by Styx is one song that seems appropriate in these very interesting times that we live in.
or the Eagles–Hotel California? you can check in ..but you can never check out…
Triple T, in the Howse!! Welcome home. Love the picture of Jesus laying hands on POTUS, transmitting His Father’s Will through him to us and the world
Thank You for that Beautiful Image.
Yes…… very appropriate image at this time…..
God Please watch and care over him and his family.
Keep us ALL in your care.
Lead us NOT into Temptation….
But DELIVER “us” from EVIL….
For You alone are GOD.
T3, It is good to see you posting again.
There has been a lot happening. I looked through the last couple of days postings here and did not see this posted. I think it is important so I am posting it now. I am thinking of it as a mission statement from the President to tell us how to represent his signing the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2019.
Statement by the President
Issued on: February 15, 2019
Today, I have signed into law H.J. Res. 31, the “Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2019” (the “Act”), which authorizes appropriations to fund the operation of a number of agencies in the Federal Government through September 30, 2019.
Certain provisions of the Act (such as Division F, under the heading “Contribution for International Peacekeeping Activities”) would require advance notice to the Congress before the President may direct certain military actions or provide certain forms of military assistance. In signing the Act, I reiterate the well-established understanding of the executive branch that these types of provisions encompass only military actions for which providing advance notice is feasible and consistent with the President’s constitutional authority and duty as Commander in Chief to ensure national security. In addition, Division C, section 527, and Division A, section 516, both restrict the transfer of Guantanamo detainees to the United States. I will treat these, and similar provisions, consistent with the President’s constitutional authority as Commander in Chief.
Numerous provisions could, in certain circumstances, interfere with the exercise of the President’s constitutional authorities to negotiate international agreements (such as Division C, sections 509, 518, and 530; and Division F, sections 7010(c) and 7013(a)), to articulate the position of the United States in international fora (such as Division F, sections 7025(c), 7029(a), (b)(1), 7031(d)(2), 7042(h)(1), 7043(g)(1), 7047(b)(3), 7054(b), and 7060(c)(2)(D), (3)), to receive ambassadors (such as Division F, section 7031(c)), and to recognize foreign governments (such as Division F, section 7047(b)(2)(A)). My Administration will treat each of these provisions consistent with the President’s constitutional authorities with respect to foreign relations.
Division C, section 537, provides that the Department of Justice may not use any funds to prevent implementation of medical marijuana laws by various States and territories. I will treat this provision consistent with the President’s constitutional responsibility to faithfully execute the laws of the United States.
Certain provisions within Division D, title II, under the heading “Office of Management and Budget — Salaries and Expenses” impose restrictions on supervision by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) of work performed by executive departments and agencies, including provisos that no funds made available to OMB “may be expended for the altering of the annual work plan developed by the Corps of Engineers for submission to the Committees on Appropriations”; that “none of the funds provided in this or prior Acts shall be used, directly or indirectly, by the Office of Management and Budget, for evaluating or determining if water resource project or study reports submitted by the Chief of Engineers acting through the Secretary of the Army are in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and requirements relevant to the Civil Works water resource planning process”; and that “none of the funds appropriated in this Act for the Office of Management and Budget may be used for the purpose of reviewing any agricultural marketing orders or any activities or regulations under the provisions of the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937 (7 U.S.C. 601 et seq.).” The President has well-established authority to supervise and oversee the executive branch and to rely on subordinates, including aides within the Executive Office of the President, to assist in supervising the executive branch. Legislation that significantly impedes the President’s ability to supervise the executive branch or obtain the assistance of aides in this function violates the separation of powers by undermining the President’s ability to fulfill his constitutional responsibilities, including the responsibility to faithfully execute the laws of the United States. My Administration will, therefore, construe these restrictions in Division C, title II consistent with these Presidential duties.
Several provisions (such as Division F, section 7041(b)(3)) mandate or regulate the submission of certain executive branch information to the Congress. I will treat these provisions in a manner consistent with the President’s constitutional authority to withhold information that could impair foreign relations, national security, the deliberative processes of the executive branch, or the performance of the President’s constitutional duties. In particular, Division D, section 713, prohibits the use of appropriations to pay the salary of any Federal officer or employee who interferes with or prohibits certain official communications between Federal employees and Members of Congress or of any Federal officer or employee who takes adverse action against an officer or employee because of such communications. I will construe these provisions not to apply to circumstances that would detract from my authority to supervise, control, and correct communications by Federal officers and employees with the Congress related to their official duties, including in cases where such communications would be unlawful or could reveal confidential information protected by executive privilege.
Certain provisions (such as Division F, section 7064; and Division G, section 418) prohibit the use of funds to deny an Inspector General access to agency records or documents. I will construe these, and similar provisions, consistent with my authority to control the dissemination of information protected by executive privilege.
Certain provisions prohibit the use of funds to recommend certain legislation to the Congress (Division B, section 715), or require recommendations of certain legislation to the Congress (Division A, section 537). Because the Constitution gives the President the authority to recommend “such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient”, my Administration will continue the practice of treating provisions like these as advisory and non-binding.
Numerous provisions purport, in certain circumstances, to condition the authority of officers to spend or reallocate funds on the approval of congressional committees (Division B, sections 702, 706, and 716(a), (b); Division E, sections 403 and 409; Division G, sections 188, 405, and 406). These are impermissible forms of congressional aggrandizement in the execution of the laws other than by the enactment of statutes. My Administration will make appropriate efforts to notify the relevant committees before taking the specified actions and will accord the recommendations of such committees all appropriate and serious consideration, but it will not treat spending decisions as dependent on the approval of congressional committees.
“but it will not treat spending decisions as dependent on the approval of congressional committees.”
THANK YOU! Elizabeth
I can no longer read .gov sites on this old dinosaur and I can not comment on Hubby’s uptodate computer thanks to google banning me.
Therefore it is so nice to see stuff quoted.
Gail, you were banned by google? I’m impressed. Well, I use Startpage so I feel kind of immune to that, but maybe I shouldn’t.
What am I doing to protect and increase the supply lines providing my soul with courage, wisdom, hope, wholesomeness, refreshment, and ever-increasing vision?
TTT, Music is my best refreshment….here’s one I love that generally clears the clogs of resisting expanded awareness…
There is ANOTHER Q Drop….
16 Feb 2019 – 11:39:30 PM
Information waterfall.
Buckle up!
Qnaon seems ALMOST as busy as Wolf
LOL! Some strange relationship there….!
This one is a BIGGIE folks.
Q is saying that Baker is telling the truth as quoted in the article and that there were indeed two cabinet members willing to dump Trump. No names given.
But …
But when the New York Times broke the story in September, it reported that Rosenstein told McCabe he might be able to persuade then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions and then-Secretary of Homeland Security and later White House chief of staff John Kelly to invoke the 25th Amendment.
Sessions and Kelly?
I just don’t believe that about Sessions – he was on the Trump Train VERY early and in fact, wasn’t he the first Senator who endorsed him?
When it comes to all of this, the NYT should be considered false gospel. Read it, and then remember the source. It is unreliable. Sessions and Kelly were pincushions for the MSM. They were constantly picked on for every little thing. This is probably projection, and wishful thinking.
Yet this Q (are there many?) calls them traitors?!
But no specifics/names from Q – of course they were traitors but it wasn’t Sessions, I am positive of that. As for Kelly…….I really can’t see that either, personally. Same with Mad Dog Mattis. Regardless of their personal beliefs, they swore an oath and I just can’t believe they would violate that. Not to say, of course, that all military officers will honor their oath but I can’t see it in these two. JMO as a veteran.
NYT is always fake news to me until I verify with multiple other sources.
As I recall, there were (as always and of necessity), holdovers from the previous administration, even if for a very short time. Wasn’t LL one of them? Isn’t AG a cabinet position?
Anyone recall others?
I am not speculating, just taking seriously that Q has neither named names nor provided heavy hints at this point (1100 PST).
That’s true…but I think LL was shown the door immediately on Trump being inaugurated. There was some underling who took over and Trump fired them too, within days.
Thank, you.
I click and got a 404, 4 times.
Don’t look at me…
I just copied and pasted Q’s Drop
Try this one:
RUSSIA INVESTIGATIONPublished 1 hour ago
Former top FBI lawyer: 2 Trump cabinet officials were ‘ready to support’ 25th Amendment effort
Catherine Herridge By Catherine Herridge | Fox News
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Important!
Thank you Michaelh.
The more I think about it, if we’re looking at the actual people in the cabinet, I see four possibilities:
Tom Price
H.R. McMaster
Rex Tillerson
Reince Priebus
Two of those people were pretty much known to be deep state. Price has all but disappeared. Haven’t followed what has going on with Tillerson, but he and McMaster were gone very close together and that coincided with the FBI firings, etc.
Just feeling out what we actually do know, since what we don’t know is who is on the hot seat for sedition.
Priebus wasn’t in charge of any executive department, and unless I’m forgetting something in all the personnel changes, McMaster never was either.
Only a subset of the cabinet can do this, and that’s taken to mean the 15 people who are heads of departments. The 25th amendment says “principal officers of the executive departments” not “cabinet.” Furthermore, at least some sources say the chief of staff, and a few others, have cabinet rank and sit in on cabinet meetings but aren’t really part of the cabinet.
Steve, did you see the link I posted from the WH site that lists the Cabinet members?
I just looked for that post and couldn’t find it–though I didn’t check all posts, just this one.
The point is the constitution does not specify “cabinet” it specifies “principal officers of the executive departments” which would describe SOME people in the cabinet. (I’ve found differing lists of what is and isn’t really the cabinet, too–but the common core (er…so to speak) of all of the lists is the department heads, plus the Vice President.)
These are the people I suspect cannot sign onto a 25th amendment effort to remove the president, since they don’t seem to meet the constitutional description.
Tillerson was the FIRST name that came to my mind.
I think Reince is the most likely number two. Never did trust that guy.
Herridge has proved herself in journalism and likely to be nobody’s fool or tool.
Herridge is one of the very few that I pay attention to.
Actually don’t have cable, DirectTv / Dish….
Did you notice, GA, when she started holding a paper in her hand and holding it up as a prop? I felt sorry for her and felt Fox forced her to engage in such optics. It just looks so contrived.
It’s that little pink icon thingy at the end of the link that screws it up. If you copy and paste then delete the thingy before pressing enter it works.
Oops should have read further down first.
Thank you RAC.
Big Fur Hat over at posted this today, and I believe it’s very worth seeing with his very brief commentary.
The first video is the video BFH posted. The second video is where Farrakan basically admits he ordered the killing of Malcom X and it was posted by a commenter.
Likely ordered killing of MLK – who wanted to win through peace and Christian love, not hate and Islam.
I’m not the smartest here and it’s getting pretty late but am I reading that PTrump is saying “Thanks for the money Congress now go pound sand, I’ll allocate it as I see fit by the authority granted the office of the Presidency” …or something like that?
Yup – pretty much!
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 3c93e1 No.5219265

Feb 17 2019 02:40:47 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 003cde No.5219185
Feb 17 2019 02:35:43 (EST)
Trumps statement is brilliant Deep State loaded the bill with multiple facets to block it and his white house statement just released systemically points out section by section where they tried to block him and he’s countering that by citing presidential and constitutional authority.
Shall we play a game?
#WWG1WGA #Qanon #PATRIOTS #TheGreatAwakening
…I would say there’s my answer
Cabinet Officials? THIS fox news seems to suggest Sessions (not buying it) AND John Kelly(not buying either)–I KNOW it’s Q!! Disinformation? .Interesting….
I’m thinking Tillerson may be one.
and McMaster
IDK about Kelly but definitely NOT Sessions. I agree w/Linda and Marica below – Tillerson and McMaster are prime possibilities, IMO.
Ooops – above….
Just a quick post before I go back to catching up on my reading….so proud right now of our Plainview Pirates wrestling team – the team took #1 in the state today!!!! The owner of the local paper let everyone know when they would arrive back from Omaha and they got 5 fire engines together from the surrounding towns and had a HUGE caravan through town, with lights and sirens and a LONG trail of cars following along. It was fantastic! Then they shot off fireworks at the school. I was working but one of the Moms pulled in and told me it was on the way. We went out in the snow and stood next to the street clapping and cheering for them. Great day!
The best of days! Congrats to the Wrestling Team!
Perhaps this was posted on the last Daily Thread but will post here. As we all suspected – FAKE, FAKE, FAKE!!!
“Chicago Police believe Jussie Smollett paid two men to orchestrate the assault. The sources tell CNN that the two men are now cooperating fully with law enforcement,” tweeted CNN crime and justice reporter Shimon Prokupecz Saturday evening.
Earlier Saturday, Fox 32 Chicago’s Rafer Weigel, citing several police sources, reported Abimbola “Abel” and Olabinjo “Ola” Osundairo — the two Nigerian brothers arrested and later questioned by police about the alleged incident — purchased the rope found around the actor’s neck the night of the alleged attack at an ACE hardware store.
CBS Chicago’s Charlie De Mar reports at least one of the brothers bought the rope at Craft Beaver hardware store the weekend of January 25th. The rope was purchased at the direction of Smollett, De Mar, citing sources, added.”
One could not make this up (hardware store name):
Ha! That is TOO funny!
Oh, my! Pat Caddell died.
He was an old-time moderate dem who hated the direction the party was going.
“In March 2016, Caddell told Breitbart News, “You’ve got 70-some percent of the American people who believe flat out that both political parties have failed economically and that we need a different approach. We have had this pantomime – this kabuki theater of politics for too long, and now people are worried.”
He predicted that the American public was at a “tipping point” where they wanted to “overthrow their leadership through the democratic process.” The election outcome proved him correct.
He would later declare that “Make America Great Again was the greatest slogan of my lifetime.”
He truly was a brilliant man, IMO.
“Over the years, Caddell reserved his greatest praise for ordinary Americans and his greatest opprobrium for the elites who seek “to manage the nation’s decline.”
He liked to remind people that America “will not go gently into that good night of decline.” He saw the 2016 election as a testament to the American people’s affirmation of exceptionalism and their desire to reclaim greatness.
In a Breitbart radio interview in 2017, Caddell explained that politics today is not about being on the right or the left; it’s about the fight for the future of America.
“This country is exceptional,” he said. “We dream and do the impossible, and we have survived. And it would be an abomination before God for this country to go into the dark night. The whole world would suffer.”
That’s a loss, one of the few Democrats I truly admired and enjoyed his commentary. He told the truth, that’s probably what made him stand out to me, rare among dems.
Sorry to hear this.
Caddell? Truly shocked. Great loss, in my opinion.
Heard this morning he died from a stroke.
Whenever President Trump confronts the dishonest fakestream media, there is a quote by Mohammad Ali that I think fits in with how he deals with them.×480.png
H/T wheatietoo
Keeping with the Ali theme…..I also believe he employs the “Rope-a-Dope” strategy as well.
…its unfortunate his conversion to Islam and connection to Louis Farrakhan
I have never liked Cassius Clay since he was a draft dodger. And don’t EVEN ask my opinion of that lunatic Mike Tyson!
President Trump floated the idea in June of last year of pardoning Ali/Clay for his past conviction in 1967 of draft evasion. Also, I think they were friends. There are a fair number of photos of them together over the years.
Fly like a butterfly….
Sting like a Bee……
Don’t mess with our Trump….
Better just let him be.
welcome back T*3!
got several wonderful gifts yesterday–among them–a Choose Greatness t-shirt and a new Q t-shirt!!
i am blessed…
well this explains an awful lot…
FTA: “One of two newly elected Muslim congresswomen, both of them known antisemites, reportedly grew up in what has been dubbed the terrorist recruitment capital of the United States.”
The left – “well terrorist need representation too, especially if they are a majority in their districts, that’s democracy! reeeeeee!”
A similar Fox article says they’ve set up a little Somalian community where they never see Americans. All they ever see is Somali grocers, realtors, bankers, dry cleaners,etc., so there’s no assimilation done or required. Article further states youth feel isolated and shunned by America, therefore they seek to join terrorists. Anyone see the problem??? Our forefathers were prescient when they determined that immigrants must learn American history, the English language, pass a test, and assimilate to become citizens. They foresaw what would happen if pockets of little foreign countries formed in the USA without those requirements. We must insist on assimilation of all immigrants, We know it works!!
DML did a video several years ago showing the same in areas of Detroit.
On the plus side……
They are all tightly grouped together in one geographic location.
Not a good situation for THEM If…
And then there are all of those enclaves of Islamists scattered throughout our country. Again, they are using our laws against us! Sheriffs are prevented from entering their “private property.”
sauce for the goose…McCarthy calls for Schiff to recuse
Something is in the wind.
Wonder what it took to flip McCarthy. Other than a politician’s instinct to be on the winning side.
Oh, he has NOT flipped! JMO, of course, but I am very sure about that. I despise him almost as much as RINO Ryan! He is ALL politician, through-and-through. Just his fake manner of speech puts me off bigly. He is also a scumbag personally – don’t forget the affair he was having with, I believe, a married woman.
OK – never proven but…..
“McCarthy said Thursday during a press conference that his decision to pull out of the race for speaker was unrelated to a fellow Republican’s written warning a day earlier that potential speakers should disclose any skeletons in their closets before a vote was taken.
‘I am asking that any candidate for Speaker of the House … withdraw himself from the leadership election if there are any misdeeds he has committed since joining Congress that will embarrass himself, the Republican Conference and the House of Representatives if they become public,’ North Carolina Republican Rep. Walter Jones wrote in a letter to Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, who chairs the House Republican Conference.
The speaker of the House is a constitutional office and serves as the second in the presidential line of succession, after the vice president.
Charles Johnson, a renegade right-wing writer who in January was the first to put his name on a story alleging the two legislators were romantically involved, told that he received inside information late last year from someone close to then-House majority leader Eric Cantor.
The alleged relationship ‘was well known among lobbyists,’ Johnson charged on Thursday.”
Wasn’t it the pro infanticide RINO Renee Elmers that was his alleged trist?
YUCK! She was my Congress Offal.
“Given Chairman Schiff’s previous underlying rationale when calling for others to recuse themselves from Russia-related investigations, in order to avoid charges of hypocrisy or perceived bias, should Chairman Schiff recuse himself from his intended investigations after meeting with a witness of an ongoing investigation?” McCarthy asked.
The problem I see is McCarthy “asked”. Dimms never “ask” they scream and demand!
true…we try to remain civil, give the other side a chance to do the right thing…then the left just shrugs, says no biggie and proceeds to do whatever the heck they want…we need to start demanding…
give the other side a chance to do the right thing,,,,,,
Problem here is:
The “Left” doesn’t know right from wrong!
NO “Moral” compass….
KILL babies?
Save the Criminals..
Recusal is different.
I want him removed from the playing field for a year+
He did it to Nunes. Sauce for goose.
Recusal is an individual option.
The Dems NEVER recuse. The GOPe constantly buckles.
With Schiff, as we all know, between the fake Don jr. email leak with wrong date + meeting Glen Simpson in Aspen, we have more than enough. Ethics investigation!
Good Morning Sir!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 17, 2019
Nothing funny about tired Saturday Night Live on Fake News NBC! Question is, how do the Networks get away with these total Republican hit jobs without retribution? Likewise for many other shows? Very unfair and should be looked into. This is the real Collusion!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 17, 2019
52% Approval Rating, 93% in Republican Party ( a record )! Pretty amazing considering that 93% (also) of my press is REALLY BAD. The “people” are SMART!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 17, 2019
Democrats in the Senate are still slow walking hundreds of highly qualified people wanting to come into government. Never been such an abuse in our country’s history. Mitch should not let Senate go home until all are approved. We need our Ambassadors and all others NOW!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 17, 2019
Important meetings and calls on China Trade Deal, and more, today with my staff. Big progress being made on soooo many different fronts! Our Country has such fantastic potential for future growth and greatness on an even higher level!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 17, 2019
Our VSG President has been up and on the warpath for a good while this morning!
@realDonaldTrump followers:
58,335,677 – 8:15 am – 2/17/19
58,336,694 – 9:05 am – 2/17/19
so they know the company receiving the courtesy copy of every Hill email was in VA and they know it was owned by Chinese Intelligence????!!!????
Antifa at Yellow Vest rally in France. IMO – they (and their Communist/Islamist thugs) have been present all along, burning, looting destroying.
Gotta hand it to the French. They sure know how to protest!
Antifa is evil.
They have infiltrated and the Yellow Vests need to kick them to the curb, IMO.
Q is a symbolic letter – a strike through an O.
Some Os need striking through.
Obama, Occasio, Omar, O’Rourke.
None of these Os should ever have had any authority or hold any office.
None of these have any good will toward the USA and US citizens.
They have an agenda to tear down, not build up the USA.
They want to replace Constitutional government and Law and Order with chaos, to weaken national security, solvency, sovereignty, to weaken public sanity by gas-lighting, and eroding confidence in logic, reason and common sense. Their policies and ideology have no basis in fact/proof/practicality. Contradictions and cognitive dissonance abound.
It’s all about power and conquest to them.
And money, of course!
Strike through these Os and their cabal – invalidate – Ø and/or Q them.
I like this and soooo true!
This is a worthwhile read via Barnes_Law, (who is a good follow on twitter) click through Jesse Singals’ tweet for the nugget article.
Another one:
It’s worse than that.
Killing of the Tea Parties = lie
Michelle Fields = lie
George Zimmerman as the aggressor = lie
Hands Up, Don’t shoot = lie
Lois Lerner IRS Scandal = lie
Benghazi as a youtube video = lie
Fast and Furious = lie
Freddie Grey in Baltimore = lie
Flint Michigan water = lie, and confirmed as a lie, by the actual scientists who analyzed the water, as detailed in NYTimes
Russian Hoax = lie
Don Jr., email date incorrect, leaking = lie
Vermont power grid hack by Russians = lie
Enron Weissman prosecution = lie
Covington Boys = lie
Smollett = lie
Churches burned by their own members in my state, who happened to be black, blaming Trump supporters = lie
Dozens and dozens of instances of faked hate crimes in colleges = lies
The entire Obama FBI/DOJ = lie, lie, lie, lie, lie
Oh, I know! Just picked a couple of familiar ones everyone would recognize right off the bat. This really took off in earnest in the Reagan years, and subliminal during Clinton era, always pushing negativity about conservatives, GOP. Attacks were stronger during Bush terms, but became unleashed once Obama stepped into office. It was their final move to kill all things GOP – and they never thought “they would lose” because the election was rigged for Hillary.
Saved by the Grace of God, they miscalculated how many votes to steal in blue states – they were too busy trying to steal red ones.
I think the serious narrative push which occurred during Reagan’s terms was in reaction to the Moral Majority’s work to get him elected. Christians finally started fighting back, and the Left saw the threat so they had to get to work.
Constant battle with the media. NOT representing the people very well at all.
Clinton email investigation = lie!
Øbama illegal spying = lies
LBGTXYZ gender propaganda = lies
Mortgage scandal/crash/bailouts = lies
List of Obama administration abuses of power and lawbreaking –
Timeline of Sedition and Treason:
Much, much more!
!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have my pitchfork ready!
And those things are the things that we KNOW about……
You know there is much, much moar!
Yesterday, the US Military, airlifted emergency rations in 3 C-17’s to Venezuela and dropped them off in a border town. The planes came out of Homestead AFB! Love my guys out of Homestead!
Guaido has now called for the people to protest in the streets about blocking the aid.
Here we go. We need a quick resolution to Venezuela.
I do think this situation is going to come to a head VERY quickly!
Good grief! Not only the Muslims, but the Romanians!!!! SMH
“Three Romanian migrants have been imprisoned for beating a man to death with shears and pick-axe handles in the street in Ilford, London.
Fellow Romanian Sandel Serbu, 36, was ambushed by brothers Razvan Vladescu, 27, and Araman-Nardi Stoica, 25, and their relative Ionut Vasile, 28, according to an official statement from London’s Metropolitan Police Force.
The three men had tracked Serbu on a night out on November 12th 2017, apparently seeking revenge for an incident in which he had punched Vladescu at the Global night club on Ilford High Road.”
Islam in Romania:
“After Northern Dobruja became part of Romania following the Russo-Turkish War of 1877–1878, the community preserved its self-determining status. This changed during the communist regime, when Romanian Muslims were subject to a measure of repressive supervision by the state, but the group again emancipated itself after the Romanian Revolution of 1989. Its interests are represented by the Muftiyat (Muftiyatul Cultului Musulman din România), which was created as the reunion of two separate such institutions.”
Are the three from the first article Muslims?
IDK – like the UK police are going to say one way or the other? Not gonna happen.
True that!
Itd be awfully nice if more of Hollywoid would exit the plantation.
Meme Master strikes again!
Stephen miller on fox news.
Great video.
Miller refutes several spurious statistics that attempt to make PDJT look like a loser. Worth watching.
Thanks, Gil!
Reading from the top, I was initially shocked when I got to this at the end of the article – upon reflection? Not so much!!!
“So what accounts for this absurdly lenient sentence? Could it be that the perpetrator, who goes by the name Katie Dolatowski, identifies as a woman?”
Pedophilia crime, 2nd offense and no jail? Why the hell not 1st offense = hard time!
Because HE identifies as a SHE – as I have always said – they are trading on the fact that it is a mental illness, while also supporting them in their mental illness. Cognitive dissonance or what??!!??
These people are sick
If I were writing the laws, first pedo crime would mean death, same for rape.
“Writing” the “Laws”…. is easy…..
Even a Caveman (Muzzie) can do it…..
ENFORCING them is the real problem.
Well, they do have to be enforced, but disagree that even a cave man can write laws properly. The law has been utterly degraded, life devalued, held cheap, women and children not protected, Etc. Our legal system is a shambles.
Properly? when have they EVER done ANYTHING “Properly” over the last few decades.
you are just closed minded. you see pedo is simply a sexual orientation andcthese poor folks cannot help it. they are oppressed and can never even act on their own feelings and for that they should be applauded and not demonized!
if you think this is sarcasm you might want to find out about how they are and have been framing this issue for more than a few years now…
From the article (SMH):
‘… the perp, who has been “in the system” and treated for mental health since the age of three, has been banned from contact with children(!), given community service, and electronically tagged. Said Sheriff James Williamson of the sentence, “I have come to the conclusion that the public will be better protected by the imposition of a stringent community payback order.”
‘The outraged mother of the young victim sees thing differently. She told reporters, “I don’t have any confidence whatsoever that he will not go out and do something equally as bad or worse,” adding that her daughter continues to suffer horrifying flashbacks. “This is something that will remain with her for the rest of her life,” she said.’
It’s outrageous
Agree 110%.
I feel very sorry for that little girl and her mother.
Well, it’s Scotland. It’s changed a lot since its devolution, and not for the better.
Methinks we might be overdue.
Sylvia the Shovel Wielding Avenger!!!
Moar shovel-wielders!!
I’ll be getting out my snow shovel shortly to clear my driveway – does that count?
I’d say it counts!
Yep – listening to Miller now, then I have to go shovel.
We’re supposed to get some snow throughout the day tomorrow. Time to fire up the 4WD truck!
Light Rain.
More things you would like to say at work but can’t:
I don’t work here – I’m a consultant.
It’s a thankless job, but I’ve got a lot of Karma to burn off.
Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.
And your crybaby whiney-butt opinion would be….?
This isn’t an office. It is Hell with fluorescent lighting.
I started out with nothing and still have most of it left.
Sarcasm is just one more service we offer.
Errors have been made……others will be blamed.
A cubicle is just a padded cell without a door.
Can I trade this job for what’s behind door #1?
Too many freaks, not enough circuses.
Chaos, panic, and disorder – my work here is done.
I thought I wanted a career – turns out I just wanted paychecks.
Of course I don’t look busy…I did it right the first time!
Good one!
I have vivid memories of an individual who, when having to write code to simulate three very similar things, simply copy-pasted-edited the code for the first one into the other two places and just changed the names of the variables to reference the other things. I asked her why she didn’t simply write a module and pass those things in, and her response was she didn’t have time to do that. It would have taken MAYBE a half an hour or an hour of extra time to do it that way.
Apparently she did have three days or so to spare, debugging the problems caused because she didn’t change everything she should have in her two copies of the original code.
gotta print these out for hubby! thanks!!
I’ve actually said things like that.
I’ve thought things like that so loudly I’m sure they heard it.
TBH, so have I!!! In fact, I have said much worse.
A bit of connecting of dots in real time so excuse me if it is a bit muddled:
It just occurred to me WHY Manafort was tossed into solitary confinement and then the judge just threatenned 20 years or more in jail because he broke plea deal and LIED to Mueller…
They desparately NEED Manafort to say that Natalia Veselnitskaya OFFERED Don Trump JR the Clinton emails and they made the deal to have Wiki-Leaks publish them.
June 9th 2016: Meeting of Natalia Veselnitskaya with Don Trump JR, Manafort,Jared Kushner
It ALSO included Rob Goldstone and three other Russians.
Donald Jr and Jared Kushner are the targets
Natalia Veselnitskaya has been neutralized via an indictment.
The three other Russians are tied to Fusion GPS, Clintons or Obama.
Rob Goldstone is in England and is described as “representing a father-son pair of Russian real estate developers called the Agalarovs who had done business with Trump senior in the past.” (He represents the son, a Russian singer per Breitbart article.) The plotters want to, via Cohen, tie him to the Trump Tower in Moscow deal.
So it is VERY IMPORTANT to the Plotters to get both Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen to ‘Flip’ and ‘rat’ on Don Jr.
Cohen has more or less flipped, but it doesn’t mean much except to put Rob Goldstone in Mueller’s cross hairs for another ‘Process Crime’ and get HIM to flip.
Manafort telling Porkies is what they really really really want and it looks like they did not get it. It also looks like they applied too much pressure and have broken their ‘Toy’ so he is no longer a credible wittness.
2/13/2019 “… A federal judge ruled on Wednesday that Paul Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign chairman, had breached his plea agreement by lying multiple times to prosecutors…” — NYT
Remember Natalia Veselnitskaya has recently been indicted too!
01/08/2019 “….Natalia V. Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who in 2016 met with Trump campaign officials in Trump Tower, was charged on Tuesday in a separate case that showed her close ties to the Kremlin….” — NYT
“…Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Kremlin-connected lawyer at the center of a June 2016 Trump Tower meeting, was charged Tuesday with obstruction of justice….” —
So Natalia Veselnitskaya will not come back to the USA to testify as to what was said.
Rob Goldstone is in England. It is said in the Fake News Goldstone represented a father-son pair of Russian real estate developers called the Agalarovs who had done business with Trump senior in the past. It was the beauty pageant in Moscow, but they want you to think Cohen and Trump Tower in Moscow.
Trump Tower ‘Collusion’ Collapses With Key Witness Bombshell
“…Rob Goldstone delivered an exclusive interview this weekend. Goldstone, the English publicist who sent Donald Trump Jr. an email about Russian dirt on Hillary Clinton was inside the conference room and witnessed the entire June meeting….
Goldstone said that he told Trump Jr. he was “embarrassed” for setting up the nearly 25-minute confab in the first place.During the interview on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio,” Goldstone did say he wrote about “some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary” as “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump” to Trump Jr.”
From :
“Three Russian participants at the meeting have ties to the controversial Fusion GPS outfit, and two have confirmed ties to Hillary Clinton…
At least one Russian participant admitted to personally knowing Hillary Clinton since the late 1990s, and that he “knew” some people on Hillary’s campaign.
“Another Russian attendee, a translator, testified that he was previously an interpreter for Hillary herself as well as for John Kerry and Barack Obama.”
I hope that is not too confusing.
Meat and potatoes for the Manafort indictment latest twist.
I caught The Fake News during the Vietnam Protests airing film footage of a ‘Protest’ at my university that NEVER HAPPENED.
It was right after the ‘Kent State Riots’ where the National Guard shot and killed unarmed students. The government needed to cover it up so they created this ‘protest’ that never happened and aired it on all stations… Except in the state where the university was located. My roomies called their instate parents and found they never saw this 6:00 news report.
WORSE they LIED about the Kent State Riots.
In my late twenties I had a friend at work who was AT that riot. He was a ‘Nam Vet, married at the time with a wife and child. Because he was a full time student on the GI bill the town DENIED HIM THE RIGHT TO VOTE!!! His wife, could vote but he could not! This was the real reason for the protest. REMOVAL of the RIGHT to VOTE from ‘Nam Vets attending the school on the GI bill AND NOT A PROTEST AGAINST THE WAR.
Remember at that time you had to be 21 to vote.
So the Kent State Riots were really about dis-enfranchising military veterans who had risked their lives in an idiot war…. NOT A GOOD LOOK of the governmnet.
<FAKE NEWS cont.
In 1915 the Banksters and military supply companies bought up the news papers:
Congressional Record, February 9, 1917 — J.P. Morgan interests buy 25 of America’s leading newspapers and insert their own editors
Your Country At War and What Happens To You After A War by Charles A. Lindbergh Sr.
“On a spring day in 1918 several government agents entered a printshop at Washington, D. C., where the original edition of this book was being printed.” They not only destroyed the plates of this book but also another book written by Congressman Lindbergh Sr about the Federal Reserve. Congressman Lindbergh’s son was Lucky Lindy. He was thinking of running for president. SURPRIZE!!! His sone was kidnapped and kill and that was the end of that.
SCRIB again:
Lindbergh Sr was smeared with the ‘anti-semite label’ no doubt because most of the Banksters WERE Jewish…
Last old comments of mine on the Bankster-Fake News connections still seen today.
Lots of links and quotes as usual. No need to repeat here.
Junior was also very vocal about the US NOT entering WWII until Pearl Harbor happened.
Nauert withdraws from UN Ambassador Nomination:
Omar’s district is terrorist recruitment capital of US.
For all the talk about the 25th Amendment and the two backstabber cabinet members, no one has posted the Amendment itself.
I’ve bolded what I believe to be the relevant portion.
The amendment does not specify “cabinet”, it specifies “principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide.” To the best of my knowledge, Congress never did so, so it’s department heads, plus the Vice President. (In fact the way it’s phrased, I don’t think Congress could remove the veep from the list.)
Many people in the cabinet, like the White House Chief of Staff, are not in charge of a department. I suppose some lawyers could argue over that, but the straightforward definition would be the heads of the 15 federal departments (about ten too many–just precisely what does the Department of Labor actually do that’s authorized by the Constitution?–but that’s another issue).
Thus I simply can’t see Priebus being one of the two because he wasn’t eligible at the time. Not that he wouldn’t have cheered this effort on.
I don’t know if anyone else follows this…..
but since the NFL and the NBA are full of Primadonna A$$HOLES….
NASCAR fires up today with the Daytona 500!
In the deep freezer.
Yes. I believe she’s dead, and they’ve been artfully faking.
Add me to the list Wolfie.
Grandma was 85, same age as Ruthie, when she had a breast removed. She never recovered from the shock of the operation and died within a couple of months. The Doctor said if she had not lied about her age they would never have operated. Her tissue literally fell apart under his hands.
Ruthie had much more invasive surgery and already had broken ribs and two other bouts with cancer. Actually I am very surprised they actually did surgery on the woman.
Just like Cankles. They LIE about their health, just like they LIE about everything!
Just received a “Presidential Alert” – test of the national emergency broadcast system on my phone.
Did anyone else here?
Mr. TW has not. At least yet.
Mine’s been silent.
Nothing here!
so Rosey offered to wear a wire twice? Gohmert says yes
This morning in the choir loft, as usual, there was a political discussion behind me before Mass. Kept my mouth shut, trying to follow why the young one who thinks he is informed, but isn’t (and is too young to be lecturing the rest of us) was so intent on going the constitutional route to stop a president, any president, from declaring a national emergency. The reason for it was immaterial, if I heard him correctly. Congress should be able to stop it, as well as any appropriations of funds that were laid out in spending bills, etc., and that there were checks and balances, yada yada yada.
It was all I could do not to turn around and say, this is all smoke and mirrors. The funding was in the Defense bill, and the Army Corps of Engineers is actually doing the building. That would not have been taken well. This guy is entrenched in his fantasy land, and so is the dirty old man lawyer who did try to explain some facts of life to him, but it wasn’t sinking in.
This sort of thing is a regular occurrence. From what I can tell, some of the men of the choir, and a few of the women, are simply ignorant of the facts.
This is the challenge for those of us who get our information from sources other than the mainstream media. Not popping off at the know it alls who have been trained to doubt anything and everything the president says and does. They aren’t going to take it well when they find out the reporting was essentially wrong, and that the conspiracy is not theory at all, but ridiculed fact.
Mentally, I’m trying to prepare to have to explain someday. Not liking where my mind is going. It’s not going to be pretty.
Fake news media will begin to crumble, when Q releases important information on factual matters, and people will make fun of the MSM dancing around in denial. That’s my prediction. Look to the Soviet Russian news, to see what will happen to the Soviet American news.
Weiner on the loose again…..
I told my sister that Weiner was out, and she came back with, CNN has a new commentator.
Usually when a weiner gets out in public, there are charges…
Howie Carr (Boston) said last year that Weiner would be released in March 2019.
Apparently, Weiner is in a halfway house in NY state at the moment — for a few weeks’ time. So, March 2019 makes sense.
I love when they double up on maga memes!
Came across a Dr. Quigley thread that is stunning in the amount of information offered, and connections made.
One name to keep in mind as all the sedition talk is happening is Rep. Mike Rogers who was removed from the Trump transition team. The case is made pretty clearly by @CarrollQuigley1.
In addition, of all publications, Smithsonian Magazine is featured with a piece written a couple of years ago that explains how Woodrow Wilson destroyed the free press.
unlimited hollywood budget
A treat – POTUS & FLOTUS video……
Perfect music background…we are soooo fortunate!
I. Just. Love. FLOTUS’ Clothes. What incredible fashion sense. Lots of similarities between Jackie O and Melania – always appearing calm, composed and with class. They’re both naturals.
Can’t recall seeing Michelle Obama being warm and fuzzy with children…
Thoughts on wall funding….
Where DID Ø get the money to bribe Iran?!!!
WHY didn’t Congress – even the wussy Repugnant-cons and the media – ask that question?!!!
Pentagon Chief Patrick Shanahan likely to approve wall funds from Defense budget.
Seems to me that this little detail was kinda agreed to in advance… just a wild guess.

Well, POTUS is Commander in Chief after all…
Does have its advantages. Yes!
Defense Department.
Walls defend.
Hey I get it, I really do!
Gail posted a very interesting video on a previous thread. Here’s a link to Gail’s video and additional information that I found:
Here is some additional information about the Harvard Institute for International Development/USAID?Russia privatization scandal:
This is a long and detailed account of this important scandal. It introduces new names, and explains a lot. Those involved include Soros, the Harvard endowment, Renovos Investments(Blavatnik/Vekselberg, and even a documentary made by one of the principal’s girlfriends about Russia’s first IPO….The RED OCTOBER Candy Company.
And yet another account with some juicy info
…”Three veteran Moscow bureau chiefs published accounts of the roaring ’90s in Russia without mentioning the Harvard embarrassment – David Hoffman, formerly of The Washington Post (now writing for Foreign Policy), Chrystia Freeland, formerly of the Financial Times (now writing for Reuters), and Strobe Talbott, formerly of Time magazine. All three wrote before the trial firmly established the facts of the matter, but none bothered to keep readers up to date. Talbott, who served seven years as deputy secretary of state in the ’90s, published The Russia Hand: A Memoir of Presidential Diplomacy (with Michael Beschloss) after becoming president of the Brookings Institution.”…
Red October
One more for y”all. Viktor Vekselberg’s wiki
Vekselbergs and Blavatnik link to Deripaska. Vekselberg is linked to Skolkovo. Vekselberg is a Ukranian born Russian. Blavatnik is described as a Russian born American/Brit living in he UK, I believe.
Blavatnik and Vekselberg as Renovos Investments are in the middle of the Harvard Institute for International Development / USAIDi/ Russia privatization scandal of 1996
Remind me again how Deripaska links to Steele, Waldman and Warner?
Check out Blavaniks political donations noted in his wiki.
They’re hiding how their shock economics raped and pillaged Russia under Yeltzin, while they made themselves billionaires, IMO.
The President tweets Rush quote:
Maybe I shouldn’t be shocked to find this on Amazon but I am..LOL
I like those!
There are more even a gold lapel pin. Bezo wants in on it, doesn’t he?
that starts with D
and that stands for don’t give a Damn….
about National Security, Sovereignty, Solvency, Sanity, Safety!
As the worm squirms……
This is just logistics. I am STRONGLY discouraging “private messages” to me. See this link, where one SLIPPED THROUGH into public (and I’m leaving it up as a deterrent). It’s nothing super-secret, IMO, which is why it’s going up. I don’t recall approving this comment, which makes this a bit of a mystery. Likely a WordPress bug or my “secret super-admins” as I like to call them.
I will be creating a thread for ONLY authors to communicate on – it will be public, but won’t get in the way of normal conversation. That will replace the Gab chatroom, which I can no longer invite people to. It may also take up some of the burden of private messages that really don’t need to be private – more like “sidebar” conversations.
Thanks for your attention to this matter!
Oh! and totally understand about issues with PRO account requiring IRL info.
Yeah, Gab made a bad move there, IMO. They are almost GIVING people to now.
There are ways to enroll in a paid Pro account that somewhat beat the system, but I don’t want to waste time working it all out. Easier to eliminate the threat completely by moving back toward 100% public.
Maybe multiple options will allow for the marketplace of ideas to evolve the best practices for Patriot comms?
Here’s what rolled out yesterday:
T3 I signed up yesterday–but havent posted..It could prove interesting!!
I don’t think I have a ‘Gab Pro’ account…because I didn’t give any IRL info when I signed up back in 2017.
But that was during Gab’s big special-enrollment time period that they did.
You had alerted us that it was going on, in a comment over at the CTh…so I went and opened an account then.
A lot has gone on with Gab since then.
Maybe they converted some of the old original accounts to ‘Gab Pro’ when they started offering it?
Well, they got rid of their “open” membership model – you have to be invited in by a PRO member now. That means I would need to go pro. Not worth it to me, really.
Ah…well if you’re not a ‘Gab Pro’ member, then I am probably not either.
I’ve never paid them anything and never given any IRL info — only an email address.
Wow, that must be a recent change. I was able to sign up just a few weeks ago without giving up anything other than my email address.
Yes. Torba asked the base what they thought of the idea, before he did it.
I guess he conceives it as a way to fight against false flag racist bots or something.
If you remember, may as well repost at beginning of tomorrow’s open thread. Niteowls might miss this.
Apparently the author of that post, not realizing it was something that had gone into moderation, hit “like” and that caused it to be approved. Lesson learned by all of us in the Gab chat.
The stories of sexually abusive nuns are coming out. The church has a truly severe problem.
It’s the line from scripture that stayed with Cait Finnegan for nearly half a century as she tried to suppress the painful memories of the sexual abuse she says she suffered at the hands of her Catholic clergy educator.
“God is Love,” Sister Mary Juanita Barto told Finnegan as she repeatedly raped her in classrooms at Mater Christi High School in Queens in the late 1960s.
The abuse began when Finnegan was 15 and continued throughout her high school years — on school buses to out-of-town sporting events, at religious retreats in upstate New York, at Finnegan’s childhood home in Woodside and at a Long Island convent.
“She was obsessed with me 24 hours a day,” Finnegan, now 67, told The Post. “The woman owned me.”
After graduating high school in 1969, Finnegan struggled to deal with the abuse and tell her story, but her efforts fell on deaf ears.
“Nobody wanted to hear about the Vestal Virgins back then,” she said.
But after Pope Francis recently made the bombshell admission that some nuns were abused by priests and even used as sex slaves, dozens of Catholics have come forward to report a tangential, and just as evil, phenomenon — sexual abuse by nuns.
“This is the next big thing for the church — the biggest untold secret,” Mary Dispenza, a director at Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP), a St. Louis-based advocacy group.
“In the past, victims were very much ashamed and afraid to tell their stories, but they are starting to come forward and we are expecting that this may be as big as the priest abuse scandal.”
The group has heard from 35 people in the last several days who claim they were physically and sexually abused by nuns, said Dispenza, a former nun who claims she was abused as a young girl by both a priest and a nun. Finnegan told The Post she approached SNAP for support a few years earlier.
Dispenza, 78, has fought for more than two decades for justice for victims of clergy abuse and plans to take her fight to the Vatican on Monday. She and her group are demanding the Pope help victims of nun abuse and fire anyone who has covered up crimes by Catholic clergy.
“We want them gone immediately,” she said.
She also wants the Vatican to require Catholic leaders to contact police right away if they are confronted with abuse, rather than alerting local bishops or other church hierarchy first.
The report is great — and something that 50-70-somethings should look into if that’s what’s happened to them.
However, not many Catholic schools and universities have nuns now. This partly explains the high tuition fees.
A friend who grew up in St. Louis said the witches infiltrated the churches there in the 1960’s with nuns and priests both involved in all manner of evil.
DP no doubt knows more as it would seem to be closer to her in terms of location.
BUT … all I will say is that was ALSO the time when nuns and priests began to massively LEAVE their respective religious orders ELSEWHERE in the US.
I personally knew some nuns from two of my primary schools who left at that time.
More anecdotal evidence appeared in magazines and newspapers of the period.
At the time, it was disheartening, especially for parents.
Now that I’ve read your comment, perhaps the nuns and priests were purged.
Did you see this Q Army Social network?
..Short Thread is a great read!!
This may have already posted. prolly my twin Phoenix
Excellent thread.
Thanks for posting, Marica!
your Welcome CM!
Another example of cutting off the supply lines Marica!
I LOVE being in this Brigade of the Patriot Army!!
I speculated a version of this OT back in the day. The Stormy and Omarosa “scandals” were just too pat, and looked like massive distraction’s that would not touch “The Donald” whilst keeping the TDS going full bore.
Jason!–It’s like once you see it…It’s the only thing that makes sense!
Yup, lots of attacks on RR by the cabal. Must at least question it!!
Whoops—you’re right. I should pay this no mind until Phoenix confirms it.
Lol!!! I Worked all day and couldnt catch up–but I Loved his thread!!!
All kidding aside, it’s a very interesting speculation. Rather than try to feed the media good stuff (which would make them realize the disinformation channel is compromised) feed them outrageously bad stuff (which they won’t, because the bad stuff confirms their own biases). Stuff so outrageously bad any reasonably neutral observer will see they are making asses of themselves and won’t do their actual jobs.
And DOWN goes the MEDIA!! 1 by 1 ..Like the 10 little Indians!!
Splattered by the pile they just dropped and jumped around in!!
All part of the Great Awakening!! We get to watch them suicide themselves by jumping in piles of Poop !! Great time to be alive!!!
Just wear a biohazard suit if you get too close to watch.
I recommend it anyway because many of the exploding heads will be full of…
GOODNESS! this too close to home!
The guy has those strange eyes…
He DOES!! SS good catch!!
He’s got the ‘crazy eyes’…just like Schiffty, Farkas and all those MK-spree-shooters!
And that dude is 2 hours away from me!!!
Makes me ANGRY — But guess what– It’s changing!! IT really IS!!
Back from work – it may have been mentioned already but did y’all happen to watch Full Measure today? Sharyl had Sidney Powell on and a long discussion about this whole debacle, specifically about the Mueller probe, Collyer’s report, FISA issues, the number of Americans spied on via the DB ( to which O.B.A.M.A. gave access to 3 contractors), etc. Great show! I recorded it and am watching it now.
Nebraska, thanks for the reminder. S. Attkisson is a gem, and I need to watch that program this morning.