Note: You don’t have to read all the links, they are for reference if you want them.
After my post regarding Percy Sutton and his family’s communist connections, Wolfmoon wrote:
“I’m deeply interested in whether ‘George Covington, a New York State Supreme Court Justice’ is in any way related to James Harry Covington, the founder of the law firm of Covington and Burling – legal alma mater of both Eric Holder and Trisha Beth Anderson, and now home of Michael Chertoff, former DHS head with sketchy connections to Las Vegas incident and anti-Trump, as well as monetization of false flags.”
A George Covington was one of the original partners in Percy Sutton’s law firm, when it was formed in the early 1950s. So I started looking to see if I could connect the two men. James Harry Covington has some interesting, confusing, and somewhat murky origins, so we will look at him first.
I won’t bore you with all the details, but James Harry Covington was born, according to every source I found, on 3 May 1870. His supposed mother, Emma Robinson Covington, however, DIED on 19 Mar 1870, two months before he was born. This information is on her headstone, found at
Emma was married to James H. Covington, born about 1837.
On the 1870 census, baby James Harry is found in the household of Elizabeth Robinson, his grandmother, and Ella B. Robinson, his aunt. James Harry is the only Covington listed in Easton in that year. His father’s whereabouts are unknown, I couldn’t locate him anywhere in the U. S. On the 1880 census, James Harry is living with Elizabeth Robinson, and is called “grandson.” James Covington, Sr., his father, has remarried and lives with his new wife in the same town.
Ella Covington, listed on the census with James Harry Covington above, was born 19 Apr 1846 and died 11 Jun 1882. Ella was Emma B.’s sister. She was still unmarried as of the 1880 census.
The information I found leads me to a conclusion: James Harry Covington was most likely illegitimate. His mother is probably ELLA Covington, not James’ WIFE Emma. Emma was dead before James was born. It is possible that he was the child of another mother, but I have no way to determine that. Here again is a mysterious beginning for a well-known family.
This is speculative; it is possible that all of the sources (himself included) have James’ birth date wrong, and he was born before his mother died, it just seems very unlikely.
On the 1900 census, James Harry Covington, age 30, is listed as a boarder in a large household, along with his wife, Ethel. He is listed as a lawyer.”
James Covington, Sr. had a brother George B. Covington, who had a son George. I thought he might be the one who was associated with Percy Sutton, BUT…
From an obituary in the Princeton Alumni Weekly, this youngest George B. Covington attended law school for three years at Columbia, but never practiced law. His father is said in the obit to have been of the law firm of Covington and Moesel.
In 1922, 1924 and 1930, Covington & Moesel is listed as having offices at 60 Wall St., New York. In a survey of the area conducted after 1935, the firm has moved to 80 Broadway, New York. It does NOT appear connected to Covington & Burling.
So, all of this information actually EXCLUDES George B. Covington from being the man who founded the law firm with Percy Sutton. At this point, it appears that the Covington family of Covington and Burling, and the George Covington who partnered with Percy Sutton are NOT related.
That doesn’t mean there isn’t anything of interest to us in the law firm of Covington & Burling! This law firm, founded in 1919, which Wolfmoon accurately describes as the “legal alma mater of both Eric Holder and Trisha Beth Anderson, and now home of Michael Chertoff, former DHS head with sketchy connections to Las Vegas incident and anti-Trump, as well as monetization of false flags,” is (what a surprise) connected to Communists and Margaret Sanger, the infamous eugenicist founder of Planned Parenthood!
There was a lawyer named George Rublee in the firm almost from the very beginning, becoming a partner in 1921. Rublee was a Harvard graduate, and close to noted Progressives such as Learned Hand and Herbert Croly while there. Later, he was a strong proponent of “New Nationalism,” converting Woodrow Wilson to the program in 1914. New Nationalism called for social insurance for the elderly, unemployed, and disabled, worker’s compensation, and a Constitutional amendment allowing for a Federal Income Tax, among other things. Rublee was also the primary driver in the creation of the Federal Trade Commission, which he hoped would be a “promising experiment in the regulation of big business.”,+Burling+%26+Rublee+New+York&source=bl&ots=1y1PSNZZ4M&sig=ACfU3U1eoW_Kd5JzCiNDAnWzBWc8FCm19w&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjljqOlhKrgAhVk0FQKHRFhAZUQ6AEwCHoECAIQAQ#v=onepage&q=Covington%2C%20Burling%20%26%20Rublee%20New%20York&f=false
George Rublee married Juliet Barrett in 1899. He and Juliet went to Europe in 1902, returned to New York briefly, and then went back to Europe for medical treatments for her. They traveled to Sweden, where George became a regular tennis partner for the crown Prince of Sweden, later Gustav V.
Then, here it comes! Wolfmoon called it, there is always a “VISIT.”
Early in 1904 George and Juliet traveled to St. Petersburg and Moscow with the Russian sculptor Paul Troubetzkoy, the son of Russian diplomat Pyotr Petrovich Troubetzkoy. They traveled to the Riviera in the spring, and returned to the U.S in the summer of 1904. The book with this reference is Earnest Endeavors: The Life and Public Work of George Rublee, Marc Eric McClure, Praeger Publishers, Westport, Connecticut, 2003.
I found THIS fascinating little tidbit, about Rublee’s wife:
“It is interesting to note some important historical footnotes concerning the law firm of Covington & Burling. George Rublee married Juliet Barrett, who was very active in the modern birth control movement, along with Margaret Sanger. Ms. Barrett was a vocal pacifist at the beginning of World War I. She also produced a film on the Mexican War. A biographer of Margaret Sanger wrote that Barrett, (Mrs. Rublee), “more than any other woman in the country’s social establishment, would be responsible for subsequent changes in the orientation of the birth control movement.”
Juliet Rublee was Margaret Sanger’s most significant financial backer, and was on very close terms with her. One has to wonder if she was also a eugenicist like Ms. Sanger. Seems likely to me.
Juliet is an interesting character. In the 1920s, George Rublee went to Mexico as legal advisor to American ambassador Dwight Morrow, after the Mexican Revolution. Julia produced a film there called “Flame of Mexico,” a “romantic” tale which “incorporated the “oil problem” into the romantic narrative, creating what could be called a political melodrama.” Part of the “oil problem” was that in 1925, President Plutarco Elías Calles placed limits on oil concessions, creating tension between US oil companies and the Mexican government. In 1928, Calles’s oil laws were amended by US ambassador Dwight Morrow, who resolved the dispute by adding the word “confirmatory” to those concessions that were acquired before 1917, thus leaving the question of ownership open to negotiation.
The film Juliet produced was not appreciated by all:
“Flame of Mexico received, for the most part, positive reviews in Mexico, in El Nacional and El Universal Gráfico, as well as in the United States, yet there is some evidence that Rublee’s portrayal of Mexico’s struggle for economic sovereignty conflicted with the opinions of some US moviegoers. Writing in the New York Herald Tribune, one critic expressed his disapproval of the film’s “ambition to be propaganda” (n.p.).”
During the Revolution in Mexico, which lasted from roughly 1910 to 1920, Walter Lippman, a colleague and acquaintance of George Rublee, set out to convince American businessmen that an intervention in Mexico by the U.S. was a mistake:
“First, he had to discredit the idea that the Mexican Revolution was a part of a communist plot to bolshevize Latin America. This he did in a barrage of editorials stressing ‘the thing which the ignoramuses call bolshevism in these countries is in essence nationalism, and the whole world is in ferment with it.’ Second, he had to come up with a workable alternative.’ I feel I know pretty well how to carry on an agitation against the use of violent methods,’ he wrote lawyer George Rublee, ‘but this agitation will come to nothing in the end unless the people who are opposed to them can work out a program….our job, as I see it – by that I mean all the people who are opposed to a break in diplomatic relations – is to show haw a possible settlement could be made.”
Lippman himself was Soviet intelligence agent, working for the Soviets at least until 1944:
“Lippmann retained his socialist sympathies even in the midst of the Nazi-Soviet Pact, when “WJL” [Walter J. Lippmann] wrote to “ECC” [Edward C. Carter]—head of the Communist-front “American Russian Institute” and Institute of Pacific Relations (“a vehicle used by the Communists to orientate American far eastern policies toward Communist objectives,” according to a unanimous report of the bipartisan Senate Judiciary Committee)—urging ‘cooperation with the European revolutionaries and the Soviet Union in their attempt to build a socialist Europe as a nucleus for a world socialist order, with the obvious corollary of the establishment of socialism in this country.’
Until 1943, Lippmann’s secretary was Mary Price, a Soviet agent. Lippmann himself was a Soviet intelligence source as late as 1944. According to Eric Alterman, a columnist and blogger for The Nation, Lippmann “offered much more useful information to the Soviets than [I.F.] Stone ever did.”
By 1927, the U.S. Government openly declared the Mexican government a Bolshevik regime:
“… in 1927, another military coup was attempted, this time receiving support from land owners. Calles quickly crushed the rebellion with help from the newly mobilized peasant battalions, who later on were used to fight against the Church. In the midst of the mobilized worker’s militias, land reform, and anti-church actions, the American government began to openly declare Mexico a Bolshevik regime. To recover from the backlash, Calles began to tone down the radical rhetoric and slowed land reform policies in 1928. A year later, a brokered ceasefire was issued to end hostilities.”
Emma Tenayuca, the Communist activist associated with the Sutton family, was born in 1916, right in the middle of the Mexican Revolution. She came of age in the era of President Obregon:
“Despite pressures from the U.S., Obregón flirted with the newly formed USSR. To appeal to intellectuals and left-leaning peasants, official Mexican propaganda began having a very Marxist spin. Murals with Lenin and Trotsky began to appear in government buildings. Despite the sympathy towards socialism, the government began to ferment nationalism amongst the peasantry. This was accomplished by memorializing revolutionary figures and creating anti-Western murals. Among the artists employed was Diego Rivera, who had a Mexican nationalist and Marxist tinge to his government murals. Despite these moves towards an anti-Western and pro-socialist regime, Obregón did not separate the Mexican economy from foreign capitalists, allowing free trade with some restrictions.”
All of this information about Communist activity in Mexico in the early 1900s makes it easy to understand the Communist activity in San Antonio, Texas, the hometown of Percy Sutton, only 150 miles from the Mexican border.
Eventually, George Rublee, a personal friend of President Roosevelt, was appointed to handle the refugees coming out of Germany prior to WWII:
“His public work climaxed in 1938 when Franklin Roosevelt requested Rublee become director of the London-based Intergovernmental Committee on Political Refugees Coming from Germany, which attempted to arrange for the resettlement of German and Austrian Jews prior to the outbreak of World War II. He was unsuccessful in that effort other than being able secure visas for about 600 Jewish refugees to Argentina.”
It doesn’t appear he did a very good job helping the Jewish people.
An article at American Thinker, Trump Should Just Let the Democrats Self-Destruct, written by Gary Gindler on 16 Feb 2019, stated that:
“It was the Democratic Administration of President Roosevelt that turned away a ship with Jewish refugees in 1939. A vital role in the refusal of Jewish refugees to go ashore in America was played by Secretary of State Cordell Hull (by the way, it was with him that the shameful history of the undeserved Nobel Peace Prizes began).”
This sent me looking for a connection between this man and George Rublee. And, of course, they were connected. This is the man to whom Rublee reported as the director of the ICPR. Given the statement in the American Thinker, one has to wonder if either of these men was trying very hard to help the Jews! Reading about this time period before WWII, it is clear that while there was a lot of lip-service to the idea of helping German Jews escape persecution, very few countries, including ours, wanted to actually DO much about it. Even Rublee himself later expressed the opinion that Roosevelt’s primary incentive was to express “some sort of gesture” that could “assuage the [moral] indignation” that resulted from the German persecution of Jews. The conference (at Evian in 1938) had minimal “hope of success” and primarily served as an “impressive protest.”
I found a source which stated that “although Cordell Hull was himself married to a Jew, within the habitus of the foreign service, anti-Semitism was respectable and perhaps even mandatory.”
Why Jews in America continue to vote Democrat is beyond me.
Then, just when I think I’m done with this thing, there’s MORE!
Wolfmoon referred to and pasted in a series of images from tweets in the “It’s Time to Return Publicly” post by SteveinCO. The tweets were by J. Arthur Bloom, and concerned American economic policy being manipulated by Communists during the latter years of WWII. The images were pages from a book, The Web of Subversion, by James Burnham, published in 1965. As I read, one name I had already seen in association with George Rublee, Dean Acheson, jumped out at me. Acheson was another early partner in Covington & Burling. The book stated Acheson was a “good friend” of Harold Glasser, who was a member of the Perlo group of Soviet spies during WWII! He is the subject of quite a bit of the book pages tweeted by J. Arthur BIoom. I highly recommend reading through the images, they are pretty illuminating. Here is the link:
Dean Acheson served as Assistant Secretary of State under Cordell Hull. These people have been enmeshed in our government for a century!
So, there you have it. George Covington of the firm of Sutton & Covington is NOT related to James Harry Covington of Covington & Burling. But he DOES have those Communist connections, just like George Covington did. Who knows how much of that influence has carried down through in the law firm into the present day.
“Special appearance by Margaret Sanger!” – LOOOOOOL!!!
Before I even begin reading this, Aubergine, I want to thank you for this title!!!
OMG!! REAL history is too much fun!!!
It is, isn’t it?
PS – if I haven’t annoyed the Deep State enough already, let’s just repeat this part:
“I’m deeply interested in whether ‘George Covington, a New York State Supreme Court Justice’ is in any way related to James Harry Covington, the founder of the law firm of Covington and Burling – legal alma mater of both Eric Holder and Trisha Beth Anderson, and now home of Michael Chertoff, former DHS head with sketchy connections to Las Vegas incident and anti-Trump, as well as monetization of false flags.”
More detail on this. One of the very FIRST really detailed (and moderately credible) explanations of MOTIVE behind the Las Vegas shooting – basically coming out at the very same time people were still streaming into the hospital – was something that SOUNDED very much like it had originated with a “casino world insider”.
This “theory” had to do with new, powerful, passive, hidden scanners that were waiting to be sold to the casinos. Millions, if not BILLIONS, were on the line. These things were allegedly being pushed / bankrolled / invested in / shepherded / etc. by a variety of “security state” insiders, including former DHS officials, including three BIG names – the only one I remember off-hand being MICHAEL CHERTOFF.
Well, almost a year later I went looking for something like this, due to a PERSONAL encounter with such a scanner (which was used in a very cunning anti-Trump PLOT), and sure enough, I found it. The story behind the alleged motive is NOT a conspiracy theory – it’s now (in my humble opinion) a CREDIBLE ALLEGATION OF MOTIVE.
Given that the plot where this was used was put together rather quickly and required NSA data, and included similar follow-up actions which almost certainly required the use of National Security Letters, I am increasingly convinced that VEGAS was a complex plot by the Deep State, and likely the same folks who came after me.
Fuck You, Deep State. I read EVERY ONE of the Las Vegas autopsies. EVERY. ONE.
Fits with some of the theories I have read about 911, too.
I know exactly what you are saying.
Have never bought into Paddock lone gunman theory.
Yes he had money, legally purchased the weapons, and one person could have physically done it. No indication he was going to trip off the line in the days, hours leading up to shooting. No notes, texts, email, verbal, etc. No erratic behavior. Odd. Too many loose ends. Too many contradictions in official statements.
Why would he wear gloves, latex I think. Computer with missing hard drive. Why even bring the computer? Adjoining suites with door between suites locked from other side from where he was found. Shots from both suites. Yet lone shooter. Very little video released by Mandalay / MGM (owners). Yea, legal exposure. Feds cut locals out of investigation. Lombardo local Sheriff a politician. Sheriffs in Vegas go on to head security for big Casinos. Discussion of Saudi’s involved as four or five floors above floor 32 (where shooting occurred) owned by Saudi’s. A separate hotel / company for them. There was also discussion of illegal gun sales gone bad. Paddock set-up to appear to be the lone gunman / bad guy.
Have read about the scanners and were already built and ready to be sold / used. needed an impetus to get them in play in vegas and then elsewhere. huge money, profits to be made. Some scanners have been installed and being used in the bigger casinos. As I live in Northern Nevada desert so I don’t visit Vegas often don’t know details. Even then, I never stay on the Strip. New security I have noticed is leading to elevators to access to hotel rooms / suites.
In any case, Vegas cannot have anything but a “lone gunman” as they have a tourist industry to protect. And protect tourism they have.
Blog I frequent (2A Rights and gun enthusiasts), bantered all the above. Total frustration. Few believe the official story. Those that do believe the lone gunman theory, probably also believe the Russia collusion hoax.
A great read! Appreciate all of the research Aubergine.
Every day I learn so much here. Thanks to ALL!
Thank you!
Sanger played both sides of the field – with appearances at KKK rallies as well.
Here is Sanger’s account of her trip to talk to the Ku Klux Klan from pages 366-367 of Margaret Sanger An Autobiography (1971 reprint by Dover Publications, Inc. of the 1938 original published by W.W. Norton & Company).
“All the world over, in Penang and Skagway, in El Paso and Helsingfors, I have found women’s psychology in the matter of childbearing essentially the same, no matter what the class, religion, or economic status. Always to me any aroused group was a good group, and therefore I accepted an invitation to talk to the women’s branch of the Ku Klux Klan at Silver Lake, New Jersey, one of the weirdest experiences I had in lecturing.”
Fascinating. Margaret Sanger was TOTALLY committed to the HUMAN POPULATION CONTROL AGENDA. It didn’t matter WHO she worked with – she found a reason to sell it to them. If it’s not “control your own population”, it’s “control the other people’s population”.
I’m convinced that the GAY AGENDA (increase percentage of gays above the natural value) and the TRANS AGENDA (get people to neuter themselves) are both part of this POPULATION CONTROL AGENDA.
The MUSLIM IMPORTATION AGENDA seems contrary to these agendas. HOWEVER, it may have connection as an inciter of ACCEPTANCE of population control policies. The communists / Fabians would then be FORCING Muslims into other societies in order to get those societies to accept radical population controls. Thus, it is PSYCHOLOGICAL.
Isn’t it amazing that people continue to support Planned Parenthood, with origins like that?
Planned Parenthood is definitely not what it appears on the surface.
“Planned Parenthood” is an oxymoron…
How can you have PERENThood (Planned or not)…
with ABORTED Children?
Yes – it is rather Orwellian, isn’t it?
Planned Unparenthood is more like it.
I know, right?
Hilarious how I get to this sentence….
“Rublee was a Harvard graduate…..”
….and I just KNOW there’s trouble afterwards!
Ha! My very 1st thought when reading that
And Walter Lippmann surfaces again. He along with Edward Bernays are pretty much responsible for a lot of the brainwashing that goes on. Here’s Lippmann’s classic work that is one of the three books responsible for the tactics used in propaganda.
Thanks for posting it. I will check it out!
You are welcome. Bernays was Sigmund Freud’s nephew and also a birth control advocate, but I am not sure how involved in the movement he was.
There’s other people involved in the propaganda/public relations fields that have not appeared in your work, Ivy Lee, specifically. He was the Rockefellers’ publicist. He was also married to Mary Burroughs who was a relative (aunt, I think) of William S. Burroughs the beatnik poet. The original William S. Burroughs invented the adding machine.
The connections never seem to end.
I am very interested in the Burroughs clan for multiple reasons, including a modern potential red diaper connection, as well as WSB, of course – he’s a VERY important figure in cultural Marxism.
You are quite right about the connection between the Lees and the Burroughs.
It looks like (according to this record) that Ivy Lee’s sister LAURA LEE married Mortimer P. Burroughs, and they fathered William S. Burroughs of author fame.
Not sure if Mary was an adopted name, or if the record is wrong, or if MARY is a relative of one of these players.
The Burroughs connections to New York and St. Louis are fascinating. I seem to recall having used an old Burroughs adding machine at some point.
IF I am not mistaken, Mary was Mortimer’s sister. But that may not be right.
There is another Burroughs family with connections to both STL and NY. The most prominent person in the clan is John Burroughs who apparently went to school with Jay Gould. Burroughs founded one of the private schools in the county which is not of any affiliation other than itself.
It looks like I may have something else to research
Eugene (Debs) Rostow, Walter’s brother, worked for Dean Acheson.
Aubergine, I really enjoy the kind of history that you research and share with us. Mad skills!
Thanks! I love doing it. It’s a passion for me.
Aubergine, I checked the D.C. Madam book, and found no reference to the name Sutton. Now, I am trying to remember what else I may have been reading near/during that time so that I got confused on that surname. My apologies for offering a rabbit hole.
There is was a funeral home in D.C. in Bizapedia, but that’s all.
File Number: 760392
Filing State: District of Columbia (DC)
Filing Status: Revoked
Filing Date: February 12, 1976
Registered Agent:
Legacy Data With
Washington, District Of Columbia 00000-0000
Business Category: Funeral Services & Cemeteries
I wonder….
I wasn’t going to post that, but it haunted me for a few minutes so I went back anf found it again. Probably nothing, but???
I plan to look into it first thing this morning.
No worries!
If it comes to you, let me know. This happens to me all the time. It’ll circle back around when it needs to.
Thank you Aubergine.
‘She also produced a film on the Mexican War.’
‘one critic expressed his disapproval of the film’s “ambition to be propaganda”’
Due to the oil connection, I suspect the film refers to the Mexican Revolution of 1910-1920, in progress during many of the events you mention here, rather than to the Mexican-American of 1848.
Venustiano Carranza, who reached the presidency of Mexico in the former war, shortly before Russia fell to the Bolshevik coup d’etat, is considered the first Communist to become a head of state.
Dean Acheson, Yale class of 1915, was a member there of Scroll and Key Society, believed by some to be a sister chapter to Yale’s notorious Skull and Bones.
Dean’s son David Campion Acheson, Yale class of 1942, was a member of Skull and Bones. Like his father, David graduated from Harvard Law School, and work in high government positions before joining Covington & Burling, eventually making partner.
from David’s entry in the WickedPedia:
“From 1948 until 1950, worked as an attorney for the United States Atomic Energy Commission.
“From 1961 until 1965, he was the United States Attorney for the District of Columbia.
“In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson announced that Acheson was resigning from the U.S. Attorneys office to become a special assistant in the United States Secretary of the Treasury, under Henry H. Fowler.
“From 1965, until he left the Treasury in 1967, Acheson was responsible for coordinating the Treasury’s law enforcement activity. The job included overseeing the Secret Service and the Bureau of Narcotics as well as providing technical guidance for enforcement activities of the Bureau of Customs, Coast Guard and Internal Revenue Service.”
——–[paragraph divisions added]
Dean’s daughter, and David’s little sister, Mary Eleanor Acheson Bundy, was the wife of William Bundy, Yale class of 1939, Skull and Bones, and Harvard Law School, who also later also worked at Covington & Burling, and was prominent in the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderbergers.
from William Bundy’s WickedPedia entry:
‘William Putnam “Bill” Bundy (September 24, 1917 – October 6, 2000) was an American attorney and intelligence expert, an analyst with the CIA. Bundy served as a foreign affairs advisor to both presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson. He had key roles in planning the Vietnam War, serving as deputy to Paul Nitze under Kennedy and as Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific affairs under Johnson.’
‘Bill Bundy was somewhat to the left of his brother politically, and was a spirited opponent of Joseph McCarthy. He was also considered one of the administration’s more dovish members on Vietnam, and was an advisor to three presidents. In 1989 he acknowledged the complexity of the presidents’ decisionmaking, saying, “In a nutshell, my present feeling is that it was a tragedy waiting to happen, but one made much worse by countless errors along the way, in many of which I had a part.”‘
William Bundy’s little brother, McGeorge Bundy, mentioned in the last WickedPedia paragraph above, was Yale class of 1940, also Skull and Bones, also studied at Harvard (where he became a professor of government,) also involved in intelligence work, also involved in foreign and defense policy, also implicated in getting us into Vietnam, and also joined the Council on Foreign Relations.
I have studied the above for many years, but just writing this short summary now has left me gobsmacked at how influential these 2 families, the Achesons and Bundys, were in American nuclear policy during the Cold War era.
from McGeorge Bundy’s WickedPedia entry, the “more conservative” brother, from the family long active in “Republican” politics:
‘Bundy was involved in the Bay of Pigs Invasion, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the Vietnam War. From 1964 to 1966, he was also chair of the 303 Committee, responsible for coordinating government covert operations.
‘He supported escalating United States involvement, including commitment of hundreds of thousands of ground troops and the sustained bombing of North Vietnam in 1965. According to Kai Bird, Bundy and other advisors well understood the risk but proceeded with these actions largely because of domestic politics, rather than believing that the US had a realistic chance of victory in this war’
‘Beginning in 1979, Bundy returned to academia as a professor of history at New York University…. During this period, he helped found the group known as the “Gang of Four,” whose other members were Kennan, Robert McNamara and Herbert Scoville; together they spoke and wrote about American nuclear policies. They published an influential 1983 Foreign Affairs article that proposed ending the US policy of “first use of nuclear weapons to stop a Soviet invasion of Europe”.
This all ties in with the theory that our endless wars in the Third World, with neither plan nor hope for victory in sight, are designed to accustom our military to punching below its weight, so that it will be severely out of sorts when it finds itself on the battlefield against Russian/Chinese Communists in the next big hot war.
The (Communist) plan is for our guys to wind up much like the British and French armies did in WWI, who were discombobulated fighting technologically superior German forces, after 100 years of colonial wars against tribal savages in many of the same garden spots where post-WWII America has been spending its energies.
The last war we were allowed to win was WWII.
Think about that a minute…
Because they’ve had their hooks into us at least since the 1930s New Deal era, and WWII was the last war where the Communists needed us to fight their enemies…
I’m sure the Acheson/Bundy/Skull and Bones thing also ties in with the time period in history after that concerning my theory about FDR’s administration, and particularly about his Communist aide, Harry Hopkins.
The way things happened in 1945 is not how they were supposed to happen..,
…just like the way that things happened in November of 2016 is not how they were supposed to happen..,.
Aubergine, thank you, thank you again for this research!! I have just now been able to read it, but it is unbelievable! To think of the plots that have been against our country, and they had ALMOST WON!!!
Yep! God bless PDJT!
Aubergine, I was so excited when you split the posts and then I got sidetracked after the first one and plan to start over this weekend….I just came across this site and wanted to pass it along to you in case you don’t already have it…not vouching in any way for the credibility but I know your spidey senses are well trained…again thanks for the series!
Well, it would be helpful if I posted the link!
“memorializing revolutionary figures and creating anti-Western murals. Among the artists employed was Diego Rivera, who had a Mexican nationalist and Marxist tinge to his government murals”

This made me think about the Detroit Institute of Arts that has a huge Diego Rivera mural along four sides of a courtyard. The DIA was funded/stocked by some very wealthy & prominent Detroit families in the early 20th century, I believe, so I wonder if there was a deliberate effort to elevate a Marxist-style artist in Detroit. I also wonder if any of them were connected with some of the players you’ve already exposed in your “recent” (I’m still reading in February) posts?
The Museum of African American History is next door to the DIA & when touring it with my kids years back (well before I was reading at CTH or the Q Tree) I was struck by how much they focused on hardcore left leaning “leaders” in Black America & Detroit in particular. There seemed to be a real connection between labor/unions & some of the black rise to power in Detroit, as least as told in the MAAH…
I wonder how much of the Destruction of Detroit can be directly attributed to labor/union activity, in addition to corrupt Democrat dominance. Isn’t labor/union activity often affiliated with communist activity?
Henry Ford was a very prominent wealthy community benefactor. He, I believe, was an admirer of Hitler for “keeping the trains running on time” in Germany, at least before the War (as was Charles Lindbergh). I once read a book that featured some interesting facts about Ford in that he helped re-structure quite a few Michigan rural communities (smacks of central-planning mindset) in order to take advantage of “farm labor” for industrial purposes during the winter seasons, I believe. Ford Motor Co however resisted unionization longer than the other car companies.
The Ford Foundation is extremely hard-core Left (I believe). If memory serves “Obama’s” (Soetoro, etc) “mother” Stanley Anne Dunham Obama Soetoro was working for the Ford Foundation when she was living in Indonesia with BHO’s step-father Lolo Soetoro. Barry was enrolled in school as a muslim & being raised by a tranny nanny there–yikes! I believe it was one of Anne Dunham’s passports that had BHO’s name of “Soebarkah” crossed off….
I started falling into a BHO hole for a minute there. But I believe that I’ve read previously about his “grandparents”, the Stanley Dunhams, being from Kansas & being connected with transferring certain military plane specs to enemies of the US. (Wouldn’t it be amazing if you could turn your genealogical skills on BHO, or at least his various “parents” like Dunham, Obama, Soetoro, Frank Marshall Davis, Malcolm X, Bill Ayers, & that Subud cult figure connected somehow to the late Loretta Fuddy of Hawaii, etc.)…
One of the commenters mentioned Robert McNamara:
‘Beginning in 1979, Bundy returned to academia as a professor of history at New York University…. During this period, he helped found the group known as the “Gang of Four,” whose other members were Kennan, Robert McNamara and Herbert Scoville; together they spoke and wrote about American nuclear policies. They published an influential 1983 Foreign Affairs article that proposed ending the US policy of “first use of nuclear weapons to stop a Soviet invasion of Europe”.
& there is a McNamara terminal at Detroit Metro Airport, possibly named after him.
John Conyers & his equally corrupt wife, Monica, have been political figures “representing” the Detroit area for decades. In the 2016 election there were Huge Voting Irregularities in the City of Detroit, though not to the level of Broward County. That 3rd party candidate had been pressing for a presidential vote re-count but it was suddenly called off because the Dems/Lefties were apparently being too exposed for their fraudulent actions…
Anyway there are a lot of strange tentacles of people associated with darkness & I very much appreciate the work that you are doing to share these connections with us all!!!
Thanks Valerie!
Wow, there is a lot to digest in your comment! I believe the labor unions are DEFINITELY a target/source/breeding ground for Communist/Socialist activity. Going back to what I wrote about the Suttons, the labor movement out of Mexico that they fell in with was filled with Communists. Detroit was destroyed by the unions in my opinion. The Democrats are just an extension of the Socialist/Communist party as far as I am concerned.
I have yet to turn the genealogical headlights on to Obama. I don’t know if there would be anything left to find; his past has been scrubbed by experts. But you have inspired me to take a look, anyway. Who knows?
If you do decide to investigate “the usurper” please bathe that process in prayer. I found my mom’s birth family 60 years after a private adoption as a completely amateur genealogist & I believe covering that search in prayer was at least part of the reason for that success.
If you do dive deeply into Detroit or Ford or whatever direction you focus your talents I expect you’ll turn up some major gems for all the rest of us to digest long after pushing back from the table!
I am assisted by God all the time as I search for information. My ancestors help me, too. I have found information in ways I consider miraculous. I would consider your find miraculous as well.
Well we were fortunate in that she was born in a state & at a time when one was allowed access to the original records as long as the mother didn’t deny access (default is permitted!). We were also fortunate in that her birth father was named & Signed the original birth certificate. His signature was one of the main things that convinced some of Mom’s paternal birth family that she really was the child of her father…
On her birth-mother’s side, I put my contact info with a cemetery sexton where the main family burial plot was located (found via a county-level online active genealogical community). I was later contacted by a relative because of leaving that contact info. She had been in contact w/ the cemetery in making arrangements for burial of Mom’s birth-mother. That cousin was convinced that her aunt was working from beyond the grave to help “Avis’ baby” get re-united with the family…it was pretty amazing & unreal that it’s been nearly 2 decades since those connections were initially made!
“…all of us here at the policy-making level have had experience with directives…from the White House…. The substance of them is that we shall use our grant-making power so as to alter our life in the United States that we can be comfortably merged with the Soviet Union.” —H. Rowan Gaither, Jr., President – Ford Foundation (told to Norman Dodd, Congressional Reese Commission 1954)
Here’s a link between the Ford Foundation & Communism found here:
In case you decide to look into some of that stuff I shared above…Blessings!
Thank you!
Genealogy is extremely difficult among certain populations/demographics/ethnic communities – that’s where DNA comes in. For better and for worse, access to DNA records is limited to law enforcement/government authorities….and maybe some resourceful domestic PI agencies and sneaky foreign intelligence agencies.
I have long believed the Mossad and DJT know who Ø’s bio-babydaddy is. Both have darned good reasons for knowing.
I heard some type of operative out of the UK, I believe, on a radio show some years back claiming that they & many other nations knew exactly about “BHO”‘s background & had his DNA etc. No doubt your analysis is correct. (so was Eastwood’s empty chair bit!!!)
DNA is a VERY controversial thing for me, as far as genealogy goes. I think the technology is not good enough, especially as it is available to the public.
Example: I recently completed extensive research on a family. The PAPER documents are perfect. The family line is completely documented. A descendant had a DNA test, and came back UNRELATED. He, of course, now has many questions. The problem is, the only DNA that supposedly comes down through a bloodline unchanged is MALE. Well, sadly, we all know that rape and infidelity can happen, adding who-knows what male DNA to the line.
I believe until DNA can be traced MOTHER TO CHILD it is essentially useless for genealogical purposes.
I also believe that the whole DNA industry is a scam to get our information. It is being bought and sold by Big Pharma already.
I would believe that President Trump knows who Hussein’s bio-Dad is, too. But DNA testing in THAT instance would be one generation apart. That is accurate, because the DNA can be directly compared.
VERY good points re: DNA. Labs also make mistakes. We had one very fine lab, Emory University School of Medicine(!!!) tell us our daughter’s disease was not mitochondrial disease. Turns out, we learned it certainly was – a decade later. However in Emory’s defense, the science wasn’t adequately developed (settled) yet. Time and advances will give a more complete picture from DNA.