On President’s Day, our President will address a largely Venezuelan community in Miami. Whereas Miami used to be dominated by Cuban nationals or those with Cuban ancestry, the problems with Maduro have created an enormous influx of Venezuelans.
Get ready for the speech of a lifetime. Several factors have set the stage for high drama.
Here, President Trump has a legitimately evil foe, Maduro. The USA is on the side of Guido. With the Democrat Party pushing socialism, and the failure of socialism in Venezuela, President Trump has positioned himself to issue a rally cry for American Freedom.
Plus, if the Venezuelans remain in Miami, their vote could swing Dade County, many Congressional seats, and firmly place Florida in the Republican camp.
Here’s another link, hat tip to GA/FL: https://trumptube.tv/donald-trump-rally-speech-video/video/live-video-president-trump-speech-from-miami-2-18-19/
Golden State Times Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m1I2CuH5ocU&w=640&h=360
PBS Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yz3se4F7Zk
WH Live Feed:
Thank you for the link, daughnworks247. Anybody on this site know what Guaido’s politics are?
From what I’ve heard, he is more of a classical liberal, along the lines of a Dershowitz.
Now, considered libertarian.
Guido, is the one who is duly elected and represents their Senate.
Thanks much.
Trump is loved and appreciated!
Earlier today, the First Lady went to Nicklaus Children’s Hospital!
Something big coming? THIS could be what Q is talking about.
Just a possibility.
I don’t know, Wolfie.
Remember how Q and PDJT keep talking about setting the stage? Preparing.
Well, he’s bee working on Venezuela for a while. Mnuchin, whole team has been focused on Venezuela.
With a holiday, and their gov’t ready to topple, PDT is in a perfect position to rally support.
This speech could be epic.
I can’t find anything on it from RSBN for a live feed.
Can you dig me out of the bin when you get a minute ?
Thanks !
Thanks GA/FL, I’m going to steal this link as well and put it the guts of the article.
Again, thank you!
PBS will also carry the speech live:
and Golden State Times!
Got it! Luv ya’!
You know the DIMs are not happy about all this Latino love POTUS is feeling…
First Lady Melania will introduce President Trump before his speech!
YEAHHhhhhhhhhhh, she is loved in Miami!
Do you remember that rally he had in Miami during the campaign? It started with that great video, playing “Do you hear the people sing…”in the background and the crowd was on fire!!! That was the beginning of what was to become known as the Trump Theme!
Thanks Daughn!!! Another crazy day in Paradise!!!
Amazing, Marine One landing at Tamiami. Never thought I would see it. What a guy!
I love how the crowd is waving at the Secret Service guys.
That’s Senator Scott, I think!
I just saw Ron DeSantis moving through the crowd.
I think I see Rubio too!
Casey DeSantis is there too – sitting in the VIP section on the left.
Melania gave me chills
She was awesome – kicked communism and socialism in the balls!
Rally TIME~~~ USA USA USA!!!
Our President looks fantastic!
His little smoooch!!! Love it!!
MAN – O – MAN!!!
PRESIDENT TRUMP is declaring communism and socialism DEAD!!!
LOVE this MAN!!!
This is Sun Tzu X 1000. The man is BRILLIANT. He is weaving a masterpiece.
OMG, this is an effing throw down!!!!!!!!!!!
Venezuela, CUBA, Nicaragua ———-
this is it!
they will fall like dominoes.
He’s gonna do what the SOVIET DEMS stopped Reagan from doing.
Condi best kick old False Flag Brennan, defender of socialism, to the CURB. TRUMP is the new REAGAN.
“Socialism is about power for the ruling class”
Maduro is a puppet of Cuba
This is SUPER-SUN-TZU. Trump is connecting their dots before he takes down the dominos.
Wolfie – I NEVER expected him to go after Cuba but he LEVELED Cuba.
Did you see that coming?
No – I had a suspicion he would go big here, but I expected something less ambitious – not something REALLY BIG. Nor did I expect him to do it in the ingenious way he’s doing it. He’s going to DESTROY THE DIMMS with this, as just ONE of about a half dozen woven-in strategic couplings.
VSGPOTUS is bringing the whole thing down. He’s going to make socialism the new Nazi. It’s amazing.
I mean……… who came up with that one?
It’s like seeing a car for the first time.
We all KNOW DAMN WELL this speech was beamed all over South America.
Q team had a hand in this. Nobody can convince me this is not partly a military strategy.
Agreed. Had to.
Also, Q stopped posting just before VSGPDJT and FLOTUS were introduced.
His final time-stamp was 16:34:26, and the event began almost immediately after.
I figured Q wouldn’t talk “over” our President!
Good catch Emerald Star
Bet the Pope wet his long johns.
Bet there was a lot of that in DC, esp. Kal0rama.
OMG – goosebumps on top of goosebumps
There it is:
“The first free hemisphere in history!!!”
The TRUMP doctrine AND the MONROE doctrine. BOOM X 2 !!
A FREE hemisphere – holy crap – message sent straight to CUBA
Crud – Fox 10 Phoenix switched to Chlamydia Harris.
Dump your Fox stocks now!
fox is absolute garbage!!!!
sometimes on the ride home i catch a channel on the radio where fox news is the format, and usually it’s this totally never trump / completely hate america show called Benson and Harf… oh my. this Harf girl is i guess the “balance” to Benson’s never trump persona. she is 100% evil – and i see why now that i just looked up her statistics… seems to be a plant and probably if there is any insider info going around she’s giving it right to John Kerry and some others of her buddies.
Marie was the State Department spokes-chick I used to love to write about. She and one other one would go round and round with Matt Lee from the AP. It was always priceless.
Marie Barf and Jen Pesky!.
“Spokes-chick” is quite generous! I always regarded them both as minor plagues!
Yep. She’s really just a Harf-wit.
Would do better here, her true calling (‘cos she’s always hot-dogging it):
Shaking. I left Miami in 1989. I never thought I would see something like that.
Forceful President of the USA defending the people of these dictatorships.
They understand completely.
Thank GOD for this man.
AMEN – May the LORD GOD watch over and defend President Trump and all his administration and family!!!
He played his hand very subtly and then laid ’em down. MASTER POKER PLAYER.
Ya’ know, that’s my kind of red line.
We’ve been dining around in South America/Central America/Caribbean for our entire lives.
He threw down the gauntlet.
OMG —-
He talked about the exiles being able to return to a free country. I was crying. That’s all they’ve ever dreamt of doing.
DIMM socialists had best be quaking in their earth shoes.
Cleaning up past presidents’ messes, but at the same time not going to war half a world away, but in our own back yard.
The thing about our VSG is that he’s clearly bringing down these little communist zombie states that Obama propped up, but yet I think he would prefer to do it without firing a single shot. It’s like a challenge to him – to LET socialism fall of its own accord.
Very curious what he’s planning.
I don’t know who here is a fan of P.J. O’Rourke, but he wrote a book about governments causing all the trouble in the world. VSG, in that speech, said essentially the same thing.
I agree. POTUS would rather give the tools to the people to be successful and let them have the soul felt satisfaction of prospering than making the state succor for absolutely everything. Socialism seeks to be government, charitable faith and family all rolled into one, and simply human nature will not bend to that system.
Dinking not dining
Too many of them WERE dining, not dinking.
Can’t wait for the encore post
I’ll get the transcript.
Thought it might be good but never expected a USPresident to say what needed to be said for 60 years, since Batista was overthrown.
Yes – we will be returning to this transcript over and over during the next 6 years.
He had to get the wall first before he could lay down the law on these rogue actors. Trumpian timing.
This speech was the antidote to the Øbomination’s exhaltation of Chavez and Castro and other tyrannical dictatorships such as the Iranian mullahs, Muslim Brotherhood and the Palestinians.
To the Venez military —– The world is watching you…. there will be nowhere to hide….. and you will lose everything.
The Thunderer……seems appropriate.
The Liberty Bell march
Socialism Never!!!
My favorite. My dad used to whistle this one often. He played the trombone in a band in Italy before he migrated to the U.S.A.
Thanks for posting.
PRESIDENT TRUMP is tweeting up A STORM!!!
THIS will be the theme of the 2020 ELECTION: FREEDOM VS SOCIALISM
He is almost making this look TOO EASY!!!
John Bolton also tweeting up a STORM!
More at Bolton’s twitter feed!
WOW, what a meme that would make!
IPOT said in the last vid I watched that MEMES are very important for getting out messages. Not only are they often funny and catchy, by making the images multi-layered they get around the computer al-gore-rthymns used for censoring information.
IPOT = In Pursuit of Truth
GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniels praises Trump’s Venezuela speech:
President Trump describes what socialism really is….
[…] https://wqth.wordpress.com/2019/02/18/president-trump-speech-on-venezuela-in-miami/ […]
[…] https://wqth.wordpress.com/2019/02/18/president-trump-speech-on-venezuela-in-miami/ […]