Truth / Fear / Gravity – The Fall of the Mind Control Media

Here it comes. The FALL of the MIND CONTROL MEDIA.


New Q – coming right up.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 2d7d7c No.5239609 
Feb 18 2019 04:19:58 (EST)
[Example CA]
What ‘family’ runs CA?
They are all connected.
The More You Know….

Q Post 2782

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9bc3ee No.5242227 
Feb 18 2019 11:01:17 (EST)
It takes courage to speak the TRUTH these days.

Q Post 2783

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 700827 No.5242432 
Feb 18 2019 11:13:31 (EST)
What does FEAR look like?
30m use ‘Qanon’ across ‘censored’ platforms?
Incorrect, much more.
The Great Awakening.

Q Post 2784

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 700827 No.5242534 
Feb 18 2019 11:19:28 (EST)
Anonymous ID: ab2261 No.5242466 
Feb 18 2019 11:16:09 (EST)
1 BB re Logan Media Bias 2-18-19.PNG
2 BB re Logan Media Bias 2-18-19.PNG
3 BB re Logan Media Bias 2-18-19.PNG
4 BB re Logan Media Bias 2-18-19.PNG
Repost [lb]
Bread 6698

>It takes courage to speak the TRUTH these days.
CBS’s Lara Logan on Media Bias: ‘Unless You Seek out Breitbart,’ You Won’t See the ‘Other Side’


Read between the lines re: MSM ‘LEFT’….
Research for yourself.
Trust yourself.
No one ‘news’ location will provide unbiased content.
You are the news now.

Q Post 2785

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 700827 No.5242957 
Feb 18 2019 11:42:29 (EST)EmbedEmbed
The President of the United States, the Commander in Chief, AGREED that an illegal coup was attempted against him.
Stop and understand the GRAVITY of acknowledgement.
Do you believe nothing will happen?
Do you believe no one will be prosecuted?
POTUS making statements for no reason?
How do you introduce the TRUTH to those still asleep?
DECLAS coming?
The message must be direct (bypass the non reporting of the TRUTH (facts) by FAKE ‘spin the narrative’ NEWS).

Q Post 2786

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 38e3f1 No.5244213 
Feb 18 2019 13:06:26 (EST)
Anonymous ID: ef30da No.5244054 
Feb 18 2019 12:53:06 (EST)

James Woods @RealJamesWoods

If these actions were directed against a sitting Democrat president, this would be a Watergate level story in the national media by now. Was there an attempt by an acting DAG to weaponize the DOJ in a presidential coup d’etàt?


Attempt to isolate @ FBI/DOJ?
Do you believe the FBI/DOJ acted alone?
If HRC directed & financed the ‘dossier’ in order to obtain the ‘bulk’ so-called evidence in order to generate circular news articles (think Yahoo!) and obtain a FISC sign-off, is it reasonable to think that members of the INTEL APPARATUS, STATE DEPT, WH, FOREIGN ALLIES, ETC. were also involved?
Why does HUSSEIN continue to ‘proudly’ state his administration was ‘scandal free’?
Define ‘Projection’.

Q Post 2787

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: d73264 No.5245228 
Feb 18 2019 13:57:32 (EST)
How can an entity known only as ‘Q’ (face-less, name-less, fame-less, etc.) begin to ask questions on 4ch (now 8ch) and build something of this magnitude?
How can this same ‘Q’ entity garner such a massive amount of WW MSM [FAKE NEWS] attention [attacks]?
How is it possible this ‘Q’ entity can ‘forecast’ future events or ‘know’ when the POTUS is about to Tweet?
How is it possible ‘FUTURE PROVES PAST’ re: information provided?
How is it possible this ‘Q’ entity, an entity who began by merely asking questions on 4ch/8ch, was able to ………(fill in the blank).
Think logically.
People are craving TRUTH.
People are craving TRANSPARENCY.
People are craving GOOD.
People are craving RIGHT.
People are craving TRUE FREEDOM.
People are craving SAFETY & SECURITY.
People are craving ………..(fill in the blank).
Those who attack have an agenda or remain plugged into the biggest disinformation campaign to be ever witnessed.
Ask yourself, why are ‘Liberals’ always angry?
Why do they curse?
Why do they slander (push fake labels > racist, sexist, …ist etc.)?
Why do they create ’emotional outbursts’ when challenged?
Why are they violent?
Why do they form mobs (packs)?
Why are they incapable of listening to the other side (fascist)?
When you don’t have facts to support your arguments (present logical reasoning), you must resort to the above tactics.
The NARRATIVE is designed to keep people in a constant state of ‘FEAR’ thereby forcing ‘ANGER’, ‘RAGE’, ‘VIOLENCE’.
Emotionally unstable people are easier to CONTROL.
They want you DIVIDED.

Q Post 2788

Oh, WOW. This is the “THROW OFF YOUR SHACKLES” post!

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: d73264 No.5245457 
Feb 18 2019 14:07:39 (EST)
Fellow Patriots:
What you are about to learn (learning) should not only scare you, but intensify your resolve to take back control [Freedom]. The information that will become public will further demonstrate the criminal & corrupt [pure evil] abuse of power that the Hussein administration undertook in joint efforts w/ domestic and foreign dignitaries.

Q Post 2789

“in joint efforts w/ domestic and foreign dignitaries”

Oh wow. I’m seeing LURCH here. BIG TIME. And more. The Clinton and Kerry State Departments were likely up to some BAD STUFF.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 425b17 No.5245522 
Feb 18 2019 14:10:50 (EST)

Q Post 2790

Notice the message of the image. ***** PREPARE *****

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 425b17 No.5245688 
Feb 18 2019 14:15:21 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 409722 No.5245512 
Feb 18 2019 14:10:18 (EST)
DAN COATS OUT [FORCED] (SOON) – Source = Trump friend Chris Ruddy.


Interesting this leaked already.

Q Post 2791

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 425b17 No.5246177 
Feb 18 2019 14:31:59 (EST)
Something BIG is coming.

Q Post 2792

It’s worth following the linked story, to the LOCAL SOURCE. Pocahontas says some even more radical stuff. She thinks we need “structural change” to the United States government. Good grief – they really ARE communists.

The part that just irks the hell out of me is that Warren is pushing an “anti-corruption” bill, after she tolerated the OBSCENE corruption of the Obama communists without a WORD. This woman is more hypocritical than ANY of the others – even Horizontal Chlamydia Harris.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f40549 No.5247821 
Feb 18 2019 15:50:20 (EST)
Chatter uptick re: how to effectively prevent cross-talk re: anti-narrative across all social media/online platforms.
Ability to prevent cross-talk narrows comms only to FAKE NEWS which provides for more control over what is released to inform the public.
A series of scenarios is currently being conducted [‘game the sys’] to test response, risk, and calc results.
‘Censorship’ [added] layers of inserted code ‘through keyword targeting’ in bio, history, and comments + indiv platform mods has failed to curtail the problem.
‘China-Russia-Iran’ ‘fake’ take-down hacks of select platforms (for maintenance) is one scenario being game-played.
Countermeasures in place.
Think Emergency Alert System.
Think WH controlled *new* RT ‘news’ website
Think WH controlled *new* video stream platform
Think Here.
Should this occur, immediate steps will be taken to classify each as ‘Public Utility’ (essential public services) to gain appropriate gov regulation (control).
Why do we make things public?

Q Post 2793

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f40549 No.5247957 
Feb 18 2019 15:56:17 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 6d899e No.5247847 
Feb 18 2019 15:51:49 (EST)

This was a great proof.
Anons are MONTHS ahead of the news!


The Corinthia Hotel.

Q Post 2794

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f40549 No.5248313 
Feb 18 2019 16:10:02 (EST)
Anonymous ID: f2434d No.5247912 
Feb 18 2019 15:54:53 (EST)

They are getting super desperate.

Yes, they are.

Q Post 2795

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f40549 No.5248432 
Feb 18 2019 16:14:36 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 01091e No.5248019 
Feb 18 2019 15:58:33 (EST)

Right next to where the traffic cam pics were taken.


Q Post 2796

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: c4e591 No.5248631 
Feb 18 2019 16:23:29 (EST)


Q Post 2797

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: c4e591 No.5248728 
Feb 18 2019 16:26:46 (EST)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: c4e591 No.5248631 
Feb 18 2019 16:23:29 (EST)



Q Post 2798

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: c4e591 No.5248890 
Feb 18 2019 16:32:54 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 0c6c15 No.5248785 
Feb 18 2019 16:28:53 (EST)
Screenshot_2019-02-18 0 results – TinEye.png


Always 0 results.
What does that tell you?

Q Post 2799

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: c4e591 No.5248952 
Feb 18 2019 16:34:26 (EST)
Anonymous ID: f50c7d No.5248831 
Feb 18 2019 16:30:37 (EST)



Found the camera


Q Post 2800

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: c8ae0b No.5253402 
Feb 18 2019 20:22:45 (EST)
Pick a Network – Any Network.
Search ‘Qanon’ (search: Qanon);query=qanon✓&p=qanon&fr=huffpost

Q Post 2801

It’s somewhat ironic, but the “secret of Trump victory” is basically in this post right here – 2801. Trump’s enemies are AWARE of it. And yet they allow it to defeat them. It’s UNREAL. And yet it’s happening. Right in front of our eyes, as we RUN for more popcorn.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 74ff84 No.5256768 
Feb 18 2019 23:10:28 (EST)
Timeline attached.
What has since occurred?
Future proves past (track & update).
Think calendar.

Q Post 2802

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 809f7f No.5257078 
Feb 18 2019 23:25:17 (EST)
Look for ‘Placeholder’ updates @ /PatriotsFight
Indictments, arrests, and DECLAS will force WW coverage.
Leaks, bribery, collusion re: media will force resignations w/ follow up criminal prosecution.

Q Post 2803

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 809f7f No.5257446 
Feb 18 2019 23:39:48 (EST)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 809f7f No.5257078 
Feb 18 2019 23:25:17 (EST)
Look for ‘Placeholder’ updates @ /PatriotsFight
Indictments, arrests, and DECLAS will force WW coverage.
Leaks, bribery, collusion re: media will force resignations w/ follow up criminal prosecution.


[First Placeholders]
OIG report, DECLAS, other released facts re: 18 U.S. Code Chapter 115 – TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES.

Q Post 2804

WOW. Check this out. Trump did it. The BLOCKADE is being removed. The LOGJAM on JUSTICE is going to BREAK FREE and FLOAT AWAY.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 94e3be No.5258118 
Feb 19 2019 00:08:53 (EST)
Drop put you on notice?
Direction to bunker down, stop talking, or risk being assaulted?
A woven ‘elaborate’ nest will not save or protect you nor will the C_A further provide you with actionable intelligence.
Cold on the outside?
Traitor’s Justice.

Q Post 2805

Wolf’s thoughts:

Weaving is good. Healing is good. But removing a terrible and deadly cancer BEFORE sewing up the patient is necessary for healing to be real.

Tell the truth, even if you THINK nobody will believe it. You never know who will believe you. But pick the right time and the right place.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 665c2d No.5258565 
Feb 19 2019 00:27:45 (EST)

Q Post 2806

Get ready, people. POPCORN!!! Stock up. And maybe some other things.

Memesters – get ready. And prepare to use WIRED COMMUNICATIONS if need be. (Today’s tip.)


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You are a very wise man.


I love how Q said “the biggest scandal in our KNOWN history.” I hope that means that all sorts of stuff we already know or suspect is going to be released.

Gail Combs

Nah, just more teams of draft horses. Traditional punishment for High Treason


I think Lara Logan would be a good candidate to ask the historical question to POTUSVSG
“Mr. President, Is ‘Q’ real?”


Only in the short-term. If treason is given its proper due justice then trials are imminent, swift(weeks vs years), and next step is THE END. opposite that we would need siberia or all of cuba to hold them. Large areas difficult to access and worse to leave. Too bad alcatraz cant be used.


Maybe they could build a new facility in Anwar. That would be a good place to put most of these scum.

Gail Combs

Bikini Island where nuclear testing was done.
Just parachute them in and drop off food packages once a month.

Pat Frederick

I believe Q is referring to the UNKNOWN history that TPTB have hidden from us “FOR OUR OWN GOOD” type of thing…who really orchestrated the assassination of JFK? who is Barrack Obama REALLY? what or who is held captive in Area 51? was Scalia assassinated? and so much more.
so this is the biggest scandal that we are allowed to know about…


Go all the way back to the formation of the Federal Reserve and the income tax. Or the treasonous things FDR did during WW2. Or Operation Paperclip. And on and on and on.

Gail Combs

Yes, it goes all the way back to 1913. Only a handful of Congress Critters have dared to say anything about the UNCONSTITUTION NON-FEDERAL NO RESERVE BANK.


Q Post 2787

Yes this scandal is this big.
Hopefully enough people wake up, so that this never happens again.

Greg Cox

Notice the date on that original drop, on today’s drop 2789. 2/21/18. Are we still two days ahead of schedule?


Greg–2/21/18—So not sure of 2/21/19 is target or not–

Greg Cox

Maybe we’re now 3 days ahead. Has the President used the word “Treason” before?


Not to my Knowledge… Right?

Sue Mcdonald

The President used the word “treason in one of his tweets awhile back, I believe he was asking when certain people were going to be held for there acts of treason.

Greg Cox

Notice the date on that original drop, on today’s drop 2789. 2/21/18. Are we still two days ahead of schedule?


I love it!

Elizabeth Carter

Pat, I think TPTB hid the truth from us “FOR THEIR OWN GOOD” because they were evil.
Full disclosure is very hard but in the long run it is the only thing that works.
Anything less than Full Disclosure at this point in our history is simply cowardly covering up for the criminals and minimizing the damage they have done.
If we hide their evil and minimize it, they will say that they never really did that and once more pretend to be innocent and future generations will be subjected to them again.
Let them have full credit for the things they have done to millions of people all over the world. Give them full credit. We should have Open Trials with hideous pictures, sounds and graphic detail on C Span etc. We will find it horrible but the strange thing about this whole situation is that they will delight in what they have done and are currently doing and really want credit for what they have done.
Why do you think they write their horror stories, their TV shows, movies and computer games? They get satisfaction from doing these things to you, but they also get satisfaction when they see your absolute shock and horror with what they have done. They feed off of it.
They can have award shows for most evil person being executed in 2019, 2020. etc. and show graphic films of what they have done. To us what they do is horrible. To them what they do is the highlight of their existence here. They will be proud of the damage they have done.
I really think it is time to face the truth and move forward.
I pray that no one who can stop them ever forgets who these people are and what they have done. I pray that they will never have this kind of power over us again.
Most people will see the trials and the evidence but never actually be able to take it in. To them it will be just another video or book. It is probably best for them to ignore it. You really don’t need to protect them from this because they will simply not process the truth. The executions should also be public, horrible and graphic so that the low information people can at least take in the part that they never want to do something that brings that sort of punishment on themselves.
I really think it is time that we grow up, look evil in the face and say, “No more! Never again! Not here, not now, not ever!”


Great post, Elizabeth. Totally agree.

Pat Frederick

oh I wholeheartedly agree, but they push the for OUR own good because they fear what would happen if we were to find out so many truths. But they pushed their luck a little too far this time…we are finding out and 35 million people are pissed off (pardon my French) and more are getting disillusioned and waking up and getting mad…their arrogance is their downfall…

Gail Combs

All we have to do is look at the push/reality of ‘Post Birth Abortion’ aka Infanticide (Some college students think 4 years old is OK)
The use of fetal material in vacines and testing of food additives — OH THE HORROR of using ANIMALS but it is A-OK to use babies!
The gruesome methods used to abort…
Daily Mail Online Peter Thiel believes blood transfusions from the young could be key to living forever
If they do not care if that s uncovered, WHAT ELSE do they do?
Heck the DENIAL that we do not have Sex traffickers, Drugs, Criminals and TERRORISTS coming across our southern border is beyond belief!


Divine Awakening13
Published on Jan 24, 2019
A very disturbing video on my research and discovery about Walnut Sauce. It was far worse than Eye could ever have imagined. We truly are living in hell.
Please Note: This video was made specifically to address and bring awareness to the world & black people in particular in regards to the targeting of Black babies and children by the global elite, Planned Parenthood and other nefarious individuals and agencies. Black babies are targeted more because of their calcified Adrenochrome known as WALNUT SAUCE among the sick elite. I did not make that differentiation in blacks…THE ELITE did so take your argument up with them. I am very aware that all children are targeted BUT THIS VIDEO IS ABOUT BLACK CHILDREN because this has been going on right up under our noses in our communities and neighborhoods and we had no idea.
Make no mistake that I care about and love all children and I shouldn’t even have to say that. People with good hearts heard that and recognized it! So I would like to say thank you for all the love and encouragement from all the different races of people that had nothing but positive things to say. I WILL FIGHT BESIDE YOU FOR OUR BABIES!
But to you few BUTT HURT white folks and any others that get offended because I say “MY PEOPLE” and attempt to accuse me of some weird racism OR “playing the race card” when it comes to our little ones..GET OVER IT..and go work on your EGO! How awful and demonic can you be? Taking something so sad and hard for me to address in the first place and turning it into criticism and false accusations! My heart is for all the children but I don’t have to explain anything to you. I LOVE MY PEOPLE and I make no apologies for expressing that…but know this..PRO BLACK DOES NOT MEAN ANTI-WHITE..OR ANTI ANY OTHER RACE! Just because I love my people does not mean I hate others.
This video was Titled BLACK ADRENOCHROME for a reason…to get my peoples attention in hopes that they would listen long enough to hear the message and begin to work together with Trump and stop hating him.
It was not meant to attract any narrow minded individuals wishing to stand on their soap box and preach unity to me. Before you do that..take that same energy and go preach it to some of YOUR PEOPLE who are still practicing BLATANT RACISM. You can start with the police. Any perceived racism you saw in this video came only from your twisted self absorbed mindset. NOT FROM ME! With that being said Peace Love & Blessings! Stay out of my comments if you intend to bring anything other than love, positivity & encouragement.
Credit to Ella Cruz for the article on Black Adrenochrome:
See links under the video for these:
They are stealing your organs YouTube video
Obama Bush Cheney all eat baby pineal glands
Divine Awakening13 facebook group
Website: Divine

Molly Pitcher

We can’t look away. Sometimes when I think of the massive dark secrets that have been exposed since DJT began his campaign…things that have been happening in castles and forests and dungeons for centuries and then moved into spacious mansions of the modern elite and their beholden political sycophants…it blows me away.
Then the dark filth of political corruption in unholy alliance with demon worship practices..doesn’t matter if they believe in the demon..the acts themselves are wicked.
I hate the bad things that the explosion of internet has thrust in our lives but the truth is..without it knowledge about all these things and the people that participate would never had spread beyond tiny social circles.


Well said!

Plain Jane

She lost me when she said Mickey Ds are made with human meat.

Gail Combs

Yes, Wolfie there is some really wild crap that is making the rounds that is FALSE.
I think this is done AS COVER for the really nasty stuff that IS DONE. I did a bit of debunking on
I think I posted this OT and not here. (Go ahead and add this if you wish)

This breaks AT LEAST two laws as shown in the film.
Where does that fetal material go?
Senomyx does not actually put fetal material in the food. Instead they use cultures of HEK293 for testing the chemicals they market.
HEK = Human Embryonic Kidney cells
293 = the 293rd experiment.
(This is from Mercola, LifesiteNews,
So Senomyx does not actually put fetal material in the food. Instead they use cultures of HEK293 for testing the chemicals they market. (Alex Jones gets that incorrect)
This has clips from some old Alex Jones interviews. the one of interest is a good interview with a former Planned Parenthood worker @ ~ 5:00

Plain Jane

So you will be posting it right before I should be bedding down for the night, and won’t get any sleep again, huh! Just teasing Wolfie.
That looks like a fifth of spirits. Yes, that could be a double entendre.


Thank you very much, Judy, for the article and the video.
That is horrifying, to say the least. I’m lost for words.


100% I want to see and know EVERYTHING.


Tonawanda, I agree with you and also know there are some things I already know that are so horrific I was unable to even read/listen to it all the first few times I tried. Seems like a hundred years ago that my world was secure and happy but of course, not perfect and I had some friends and business associates with views not similar to mine that I thought didn’t affect my life until I found out some of it did. That was when I started my own research and discovery path and I would not go back to “not knowing” even if I could.
It does help me though to see that people for the most part are inspired to dive deeper and learn more when “slapped in the face” in some way that they pay attention to things that were previously not on their radar. With all that is now happening with the MSM/MCM more and more people are looking at different views and talking with people about things … and simple as it may seem our individual prayers are SO important.


Brilliantly said, Judy — and very true. Thank you.


People are seeing things and understanding things on a big scale, and the more we see the more we understand how needed our prayers are.


“Attempt to isolate @ FBI/DOJ?
Do you believe the FBI/DOJ acted alone?”
NOPE – See Eye Aye, agents and lawyers in other agencies, elected officials, such as Ø and H>, McCain and more, as well as the print, broadcast and social media, plus foreign governments and intelligence agencies were ALL involved in the effort to stop, spy and remove an elected sitting President.
They are still trying, still smearing, still lying about President Trump!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And not just mysteriously dead, but dead after a very public trial. And very publicly made dead, too.
As I recall, they broadcast Saddam Hussein’s hanging.


Bodies yes, please. And some “life” sentences for prominent politicos, DOJ/FBI/IC in Super Max in Colorado.
Only the worst for these traitors!
No white collar prisons. No parole. No community service.
Strip all wealth, in addition to above bodies or life at Super Max.


” And some “life” sentences for prominent politicos, DOJ/FBI/IC in Super Max in Colorado.”
How can ‘life sentences’ work?
Even a sentence of ‘life without possibility of parole’ can be pardoned by the next devilrat governor and/or president (God forbid).
We the People deserve better.
We the People can’t trust our government to get the smallest things right, much less to keep these psychopaths locked away forever.
We the People deserve the peace of mind to not live in fear that these monsters will ever get loose again.
Execution accomplishes that objective.
Dead men (and wymyn) don’t come back.


“We need a few LOT of VERY important dead bodies to make sure that American elections are never again interfered with – by Americans OR foreigners.”
I like that much better.


i still think there’s some secrets about the alphabet agencies to be uncovered in North Korea too…
as for punishment – if people can’t bring themselves to punish these people with what they deserve (which would actually be too easy of an out if you ask me) then we need to bring back the old Scarlet Letter treatment.

Gail Combs

DEATH for the ringleaders at an absolute minimum. Life for a few of those lower down the chain, the enablers and LONG sentenses and LABOR for the dupes.
AND I am INCLUDING those in the MSM!


Death for all, it’s the only way.
Swiftly, not protracted over decades of appeals.
Anything less, and whatever severity of punishment they would otherwise receive would quickly be ameliorated by supporters and benefactors, and eventually they would be pardoned.
You know it.
I know it.
Everybody knows.


I know it, scott, or the next Pres. Hillary or her followers will pardon them all.


IMO, anyone who can be proven to have committed treason or sedition deserves the death penalty – period.


I am still not clear on which is worse, communism or totalitarianism? If socialism is to communism as liberalism is to progressivism, then is communism the direct precursor to what apparentlynis the end goal, totalitarianism?
Im seeing the dimms skipping over hisyorical socialism and communism toward a techno/fascist/totalitarian ideal, which seems like it would be mass world wide bloodshed with those deemed worthy being protected?
If the something big coming means prepare….to what serious extent? Will the riots ensue or ff activities increase? Race riot? Terror attack? Mass police shooting?
Im probably just thinking out loud again…


One might add prepare EMOTIONALLY. I think this is a big reason people just don’t want to know – they then would have to acknowledge their fear and, secondarily, their own failed responsibility as a citizen. JMO


“In that sense, prepare for screaming libs.”
I love the sound of libs screaming in the morning.
Sounds like… Victory.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I am still not clear on which is worse, communism or totalitarianism?

It’s a bit like asking what’s worse, smallpox or infectious disease?
Totalitarianism isn’t a specific thing; it’s any system where the government has total control over the people. Communism is a specific form of totalitarianism; it’s not worse than totalitarianism because it IS totalitarianism.
Now one could ask if communism is one of the worst kinds of totalitarianism, and I’d have to say I don’t know; they’re all pretty doggone awful and it’s hard to point to one worse than the others.


This makes sense. They all seem to end with blooidy conflict bc their type of total control never works.
Its the too cute aoc types or here with fauxcahontas where its better to dismiss all the types for the core plan, total control. Knowledge of the methods is needed but id rather just speak plainly. But if most people wont believe muh russia was fake news its a big hurdle to cross.

Gail Combs

E.M. Smith of the Cheifio blog explains the economics of capitalism ===> Communism (He is an economist by training.)
Other articles of interest:
Monopoly, Monopsony, Oligopoly, Collusion
Is Every Global Organization Corrupt?
Human Animal Hybrids Made
Larry, Ledwick hang out at Chiefio’s as well as a whole bunch of scientist and engineering types. Fun stuff but I can no longer access his site. 😡 So you have to put up with me here. 😱 😁


Horizontal Chlamydia Harris! I LOVE IT! And I am stealing it! ROFL

Cuppa Covfefe

Someone called her “Heels up Harris” a week or two ago (same fellow who called her “Horizontal”…
She’s a #metoo of the lowest order. Homewrecking virago…



Gail Combs

I am going to drop this here also:
I am still trying to figure out WHO the seven people would be who got together at a secret, secure location just as the election was called per Q. All the people involved need to be is COMPROMISED and in a position to communicate with the various inbeds within each department.
#1 — DAVID ROCKEFELLER (Representative of the Elite)
I suggested the location was David Rockefeller’s estate in Pocantico Hills, New York.
“…in a 1965 profile in The New Yorker. Referring to the annual meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, the magazine said: “At their conclusion Rockefeller usually has the whole crowd, plus wives, up to Pocantico Hills for lunch.” …”
If you think that annual meeting of the IMF and World Bank with David Rockeffer was ‘just social’ I have a bridge to sell you….
So David Rockefeller, then 100, would certainly expect the meeting at HIS HOME. He would not be traveling and the estate was well prepped for such meetings.
Hillary disappeared and did not give a consession speech or comfort her supporters. Her home in Chappequa is less than 10 miles (5 minutes) from the Rockefeller estate. That David Rockefeller, as the spokesman of the Elite, would call her on the carpet after the crappy campaign she led, seems likely. She would then be given her marching orders going forward. (Think Purple Revolution and purple clothes the next day.)
#3 — ANDY McCabe (FBI representative)
McCabe owns a house in the same neighborhood as the Clintons 0.7 miles away (H/T) GeorgiaFl who points to a George Webb vid December 2nd 2017 Andy McCabe’s house in Chappequa…” Map @ 5:48
#4 — John Brennan (CIA representative)
A John Brennan (82), living in North Bergen NJ, died in April 12, 2016. There is no mention of a CIA director in the Obit. Home goes to Brennan’s co-hab.
HOWEVER “BBC News says, ” North Bergen native and current CIA Director John Brennan gives…”
So Brennan most likely has family there and a place to crash. He would be in NYC area to kiss Hillary, the new President for Life’s, ring.
#5 — Preet Bharara (DOJ representative)
Preet Bharara was the former United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York one of the most powerful districts. Bharara would have been instrumental in squashing the Wiener Laptop fiasco. “…On March 11, 2017, Bharara was fired after he refused to follow Attorney General Jeff Sessions’s request for all remaining 46 U.S. Attorneys appointed during Barack Obama’s presidency to resign….” — WIKI
So it looks like he had plans to stay in place. He would also have inbeds he is STILL in contact with in that office.
Also on facebook: “… Harvard Book Store welcomes former U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York PREET BHARARA for a discussion of his debut book, Doing Justice: A Prosecutor’s Thoughts on Crime, Punishment, and the Rule of Law.…” (Pay-off time???)
#6 — Eric Schneiderman ( NY state DOJ representative)
Eric Schneiderman has an apartment in NYC. He may have a home outside of NYC in Westchester County too, but I could not find anything. I picked Schneiderman for several reasons.
Schneiderman was shielding NIXVM in upstate New York from investigation.
He served as the State Attorney General of New York from 2011 until his forced resignation in May 2018. This is just after he re-openned a dead indictment against President Trump. An indictment he had used earlier to coerce political campaign contributions out of President Trump.
I think Schneiderman was to be the reserve attack if Mueller’s special council failed.
#6 — ???? ( George Soros representative???) (MSM representative???)
The meeting would not have to be very long, Just long enough to hand out MARCHING ORDERS. That Purple Revolution crap did not come up out of no where the day after the election.
#7 Valerie Jarrett


The bigger question for me is: why did they have this meeting planned? Didn’t their polls say HRC was going to win? Did they have REAL polls at that time that showed otherwise and that’s why they arranged to have everyone available and in town for this meeting?


“Did they have REAL polls at that time”
Yes they did (as did candidate Trump), and these “internal” polls spelled disaster for HRC.
Remember the Hikdebeast’s cancellation of the celebratory fireworks, just a few days prior to Election Day?
They KNEW.


They may have known what the ‘real’ polls said, but as we’re all going to find out (soon, I hope!), the devilrats NEVER ‘win’ actual elections, not without massive fraud and cheating.
So what the ‘polls’ said must have been expected, i.e., SOP.
The plan, as always for devilrats everywhere, was to rig the election, making the actual vote of the American People irrelevant.
Devilrats disenfranchise EVERYBODY.
It’s party policy.


“The bigger question for me is: why did they have this meeting planned? Didn’t their polls say HRC was going to win?”
The meeting must have been planned regardless, i.e., it must have been planned as a ‘celebration’, and certainly dark lord Rockefeller would want his boots licked by the new ‘president’.
Instead of a celebration, it was diaper-changing seminar (Rockefeller: fresh diapers for all my puppets!).
All except for Sick Hillary. She wore her brown pants that night, and as we know from Podesta’s email, she doesn’t shower regularly or care if she smells like boiled cabbage and urine, so she certainly wouldn’t care if she dropped a load in her pants.
The ‘real’ polls may have showed Sick Hillary losing, but the ‘real’ polls ALWAYS show devilrats losing. They don’t care about that, except as a gauge to determine how much election fraud and cheating they need to do in order to win.
The miracle is that, for some reason, they couldn’t cheat enough.
And whatever that reason was, it wasn’t by accident.
That will be one of the biggest stories of election night, how SOMEONE undermined the Clinton campaign’s national fraud machine.


Quick note: OAN just reported the sailor in the iconic image of him kissing the woman after WWII has died at the age of 95.


Sixth one–Preibus? Seems like 1 needed to be a mole in Trump Admin?


I was chatting with Todd Watson on FB chat earlier (I worked on his campaign against Fischer). He said Rinse Penis was a mole.


Hoe bout that? hmmm They only problem I have…Wouldn’t he have been at POTUS-elect Party?


IDK – since he and RINO Ryan are butt-buddies, probably. BTW, anyone know if there is a way to turn off auto-correct in WP?

Gail Combs

More likely his Chief of Staff or Senator Burr’s…. (present Chief of Staff: Natasha Hickman)
We do know no-names chief of staff was doing dirty work on the Dossier and that DiFi’s chief of staff, Jones, acted as the gofer to collect $50 Million for Fusion GPS AFTER the election.
Daniel J. Jones
The Chief of Staff is often the POWER BEHIND THE THRONE! They NEVER LEAVE, they just move from Congress critter to congress critter as those faces change. THEY do the scheduling (Think Russian Ambassador showing up at Jeff Sessions’ office, much to the befuddlement of Sessions) THEY interact with the lobbyist who write the legislation. The Congress critters are just their puppets in many ways.


They truly often ARE the power behind the throne.

Gail Combs

It only makes sense.
After all do you REALLY think Maxine Waters, Di FI, Nancy Pelosi and some of the rest of the Bizzaro crowd are WRITING LAWS????
I really doubt they could find their way to the restroom without the help of their handlers!


I prefer Rancid Penis.


Ah, much more accurate!


IIRC, it seems as though during the campaign, Candidate Trump had to twist Preibus’ arm to get even minimal acknowledgement of candidate Trump soaring candidacy, nomination…
Doubt very much President Trump ever accepted Preibus as a true supporter.
IMHO, Preibus always came across as a disingenuous political worm.
More likely President Trump ultimately used Prebius as a “useful idiot”. Then bottom blew Preibus at the right time.


good take…


Hey Wolf….do you have extra keyboards in stock?
All these q drops are firing fast enough ypure gonna burn through one every week!


Q’s on a tear. Again!
I wonder whether this is a “new normal” for a period of time …


Just have to pass this on – a pic of a baby on a phone saying, “So, today in church, a guy in a dress tried to drown me. And, I kid you not, my family just stood there taking pictures!” Soooooo cute!


Needs a split-screen with another baby with a yarmulke saying, “THAT’S NUTHIN’…” !!!


Oh, I love that one….thanks for the laugh so I’ll post it for you!comment image


Ah! Thank you so much. I had seen others but this is the first time I saw this baby.


Rather sure Mainland China knows everything about the Taiwanese Military. Moles, spies, Chinese satellites, etc.


Yes. Have heard much the same. ChiComs interwoven into Taiwan Military and business.


I’m outta here – saving my spaghetti sauce since my friend doesn’t like mushrooms. Going out for Mexican food. See y’all later.


OMG. I go get some lunch, come back, and 8 more Q drops. He’s going to beat the record he set yesterday.

Gail Combs

On who was part of the Seven just after the Election…

𝐃𝐫. 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐲 🇺🇲
Feb 17
Replying to @CarrollQuigley1
Guess who attended the July 16 Atlantic Council meeting to make their election “Integrity” recommendations? US: Rubio & Warner UK: Damian Collins…

And before that the Ivey to Podesta email…

From:bi@globalculturalstrategies… [Bill Ivey]
To: john.podesta@….
Date: 2016-03-13 17:06
Subject: From Bill Ivey
Well, we all thought the big problem for our US democracy was Citizens United/Koch Brothers big money in politics.
….I’m certain the poll-directed insiders are sure things will default to policy as soon as the conventions are over, but I think not. And as I’ve mentioned, we’ve all been quite content to demean government, drop civics and in general conspire to produce an unaware and compliant citizenry. The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly. This problem demands some serious, serious thinking – and not just poll driven, demographically-inspired messaging.
Rubio’s press conference yesterday AM was good and should be repeated in its entirety, not just in nibbles. I will attend the Clinton fundraiser here next week but as I can only afford the low level of participation may just get to wave without a “hello.”
I fear we are all now trying to navigate a set of forces that cannot be simply explained or fully understood, so it is and will reamin interesting!
Sent with a handshake, Bill

I was wondering about that inclusion of Rubio in that email.
From my old notes during the 2016 election:
Gang of 8 immigration bill Law officers left out and scorned.
h ttp:// (Remove space after h)

As an ICE officer, how do you feel that this provision was left in the bill?
CRANE: It disgusts me. Violent street gangs were literally able to lobby Sen. Rubio and the Gang of Eight more effectively than law enforcement, they had more influence on the bill than we did. Gangs were able to get provisions in the law to protect themselves. It’s absolutely insane. What on earth are our lawmakers thinking? I think it’s this type of utterly stupid lawmaking that has caused most Americans to lose faith in Congress.
CRANE: Law enforcement was treated like absolute trash. Republicans and Democrats in the Gang of Eight saw law enforcement as the enemy.
We were the only ones really positioned to tell America that their bill was one big lie that wouldn’t fix our immigration problems but make them worse.
They did everything they could to keep us out of the picture and silent. Special interests on the other hand were treated like kings. It was all about money.
If we had the money, like the Chamber of Commerce and Mark Zuckerberg, we could buy America an immigration law that put the safety of both the American public and immigrants first, but we don’t. So it looks like America will have to settle for the open borders and cheap labor plan the Chamber of Commerce is buying.

“Gang-Of-Eight” Rubio was for illegal alien amnesty, voting with Democrats to block amendments that would have forced border security first. link

… Gang of 8 immigration bill or DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) that he pledged to not change right away (read never) if elected. Rubio’s lobbying for his own legislation last year, the Immigration Innovation Act featured tripling of the H-1B Visas at a time when we have over 11 million people with technical degrees who are out of work or underemployed….

There is a 555 page report on Rubio dirty dealings –

So many are dirty, it is easier to name the 1/2 way clean ones.

Gail Combs

On totalitarianism.
There are actually only two forms of government.
One form, ours, the government is formed to PROTECT the God given rights of the Citizens.
In the second form, all others, the government is formed to CONTROL and EXPLOIT the Subjects to extract as much wealth as possible and transfer it to the ruling class without provoking rebellion.


aaaaaaannnnnddddd…. of course the blame appears to be being cast at the republican here and just as the NYT (msn of course only uses the best) says in this story this could take down the republicans assertuons that it is the dems that cheat. and since this will be the only case (my guess) that will ever have an investigation and an outcome it will be the only voter fraud perpetrated and it will be by a repub… sad as the dems go off into the sunset once again!


I think it is significant and notable that Q mentioned ‘NewsGuard’ in that Q Post 2795.
NewsGuard is that Big-Tech-funded outfit that was created a few months ago…created to prop up the credibility of the Enemedia and condemn any truthful sources of the facts.
NewsGuard is instrumental in the Left’s tactic of the ‘Wrap Up Smear’.
It provides a way to give false credibility to the lies that the Enemedia is pushing.
Remember, some time back, Q posted this video of Pelosi blabbing about the ‘Wrap Up Smear’:

This video was posted Oct 6th, 2018.

Molly Pitcher

It seems redundant to institute this site. Who really checks to see if a known propaganda news outlet is lying? Of course their lying. What Leftie would bother..if their favorite pundits and panels are smearing all things Trump..why would they bother either?


bias confirmation is a hell of a drug…


Anon: “They are getting super desperate.”
Q: “Yes they are.”
It’s the Enemedia who will use this new ‘NewsGuard’ outfit…to point to, as a ‘verification’ that their lies are ‘true’.
And people like Pelosi will also point to NewsGuard, as validation that their lies are true.
Watch the video, were Pelosi spells it out.
She even uses the word “validation” for how they create their falsehoods and then the media writes about it.
I doubt that the Dems were happy about Pelosi blabbing about their Wrap Up Smear tactic.

Molly Pitcher

Oh brutha…these people are stupid!
Use a lie to confirm the


Its like dealing with a school bully. You are minding your business and the bully pushes you making you fall. A teacher says what happened? The bully says he fell after he pushed me and his friend verifies what the bully says. Resulting in you getting detention.
How is this any different?


Yep, very similar.


actually a good friend of mine and i were talking about something last week and he said “no, you are wrong. look it up on snopes and you will see…” i wanted to laugh but then i just realized this person probably will not be on the battle lines with me when shtf sadly…


Andrew, I hear that less frequently now than in the past but when I do, I just pause and ask, “Do you know who runs Snopes?” Then after they answer no, shift it back to them with “look it up” knowing they likely will not….LOL


Wheatietoo, I was shocked at the time when this first came out….couldn’t believe she was actually saying that “out loud to any group of people” knowing it was video recorded so when I watched it again, I couldn’t remember who she was speaking so freely to and did a google search (and I think I also remember a reprimand in the past from someone on this site for “still using google”🤣). It was a Weekly Press Briefing which explains that “school teacher” attitude of just explaining a tactic so the “children” could understand not “how” she knew the details so well..
The rest of what I found was hilarious and we can see word play big time when they couldn’t say she didn’t say it…
From Snopes:
In a C-SPAN video, U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi revealed that Democrats use a political smear tactic she called the “wrap-up smear.”
Rating – Miscaptioned
The clips are authentic in the respect that they were extracted from an actual C-SPAN video of Pelosi’s weekly press briefing on 22 June 2017, but seriously misleading in the respect that they were trimmed in such a way as to omit their original context.
As a longer clip and transcript clearly show, Pelosi was calling out Republicans for conducting wrap-up smear campaigns, not touting the phenomenon as a go-to strategy for Democrats.
From Fact
Q: Did Nancy Pelosi describe how the Democrats use a tactic called the “wrap-up smear” to attack political opponents?
A: No. Pelosi was describing a tactic that she anticipated Republicans would use against her in 2018. Her remarks were taken out of context in a viral video.
From C-Span:
This clip, title, and description were not created by C-SPAN.
Nancy Pelosi The ‘Wrap Up’ Smear
OCTOBER 7, 2018 House Minority Leader Weekly Briefing House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) spoke to reporters and took their questions at her weekly press briefing.


Well yeah…sure…what else could they say, to try to do damage control.
Their usual leftist sources of validation for their lies, all came out and tried to negate what Pelosi said.

Elizabeth Carter

New Q 2801


So, I’m wondering…
Is the re-posting by Q of the street photos in London of Lisa Page and Peter Strock, plus photos of the Corinthina Hotel, meant to the stage for the revelation of an assassination plot against President Trump and/or members of his family?


i was thinking it had to do with them meeting with uk intel, probably the guy from australia, maybe steele and halper or misfud also… but thats just a shot in the dark.


New Q, #2802


Oh wow!
That last one is certainly great to see, isn’t it!
Very cool!
“Indictments, arrests, and DECLAS will force WW coverage.”
~ from Q
It’s great to see “DECLAS” in there…finally.


Its good to see it mixed in w the treason. We had to wait for supreme court, election, new AG while dealing with the wall, budget etc, not to mention china talks! Public needs to take the red pills like it or not pretty soon!
Wheres mr cranky lately? He seems to have quieted dramatically.comment image


Quick Comment– 4YO grand shows up at 7:30 this morning ( I am still sleeping.. and get–“Hi Mimi!! Daycare’s closed!! Wanna Play? ” –Best wake up ever! But I was up with you guys last nite!) because mom is out of town (Buffalo) and dad is, is, well Dad! President’s day–and Day Care closed!!! I needed to work and …It’s all good.. Blessed to have it ALL! Honestly CANNOT KEEP UP!!
What is telling…Q Tree!! This site is “Seeking deep knowledge of the prime number 17”! Only 100 something posts here.. What?
It’s BECAUSE WE ARE WAY ABOVE THE CURVE!! Yes!! Many Awesome Articles up! But Q is not Surprising US!! WE ALREADY KNOW!!!
Thanks to POTQT and FLOTQT– Wolfie and Mrs. Wolfie!!!
WE are ahead of the curve GUYS!!! Stay UNITED!!! WWG1WGA!!! Hugs!!!




Hi Marica.
I think another reason why there aren’t more comments on this Q thread, is the fact that people have been posting the Q-drops on other threads, too.
It’s totally understandable when that happens.
People are excited about a new Q-drop and just post it in the Open Thread or whatever thread is the top one.
Then others read it there and comment on it there.
And yeah…also, as you said, “Q is not surprising Us!”


True Wheatie!!! WHAT Is so special HERE…We actually TALK to each other.. Yeah–We/ me😉 post funny memes and serious threads! BUT HERE!! We unite as PATRIOTS!!


Oh, and…cool story about your 4YO Grandbaby!
No rest for Grammie.
Hugs back!

Molly Pitcher

oh my..


I hope it shuts him up for awhile.comment image


Anons were pondering Comey’s choice of the word “weavers” in his tweet that Q posted.
comment imagecomment image
“Weaving spiders come not here”…is the motto for the Bohemian Club.
It is taken from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
Meaning…scheming, plotting and making deals, is not to be conducted here.
So when Comey says “we all need to be weavers”…is he saying we have to get together and weave a way out of this?

Gail Combs

“…when Comey says “we all need to be weavers”…is he saying we have to get together and weave a way out of this?…”
To me it sounds like desperation. None of the plots against POTUS have worked. In the mean time POTUS is systematically dismantling the world they had built. So I think Comey is saying ‘ HELP! We all need to get to work figuring out how to get out of this mess.’
As I have said over at OT, I think the major puppet Masters have died off or gone senile. David Rockefeller is dead and his estate is being sold off, Maurice Strong is dead and Bush Sr is dead, two of the Rockefeller team. Let’s face it Jeb! has an IQ of about 90 – 100 and his brothers are not much better. Soros is old and his kids spoiled brats…
Queen Betrix has retired and Queen Elizabeth is very old. Her son and grandsons are idiots. The Rothschilds?? Rothschild to pull out of gold market after 200 years and I heard they are selling off some of their estates. The Clintons are old and diseased.
I just do not see Comey’s team having much in the way of brains left at the top. are they still dangerous? — VERY! But for once they are no longer having it all their own way and I think that is shaking them.


Great Post Gail!! Very much full of HOPE!! Thank you!!!