You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.
Keep it civil, but keep it free.
Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.
A couple of other important things to consider. This here link….
….contains some general guidelines for things that are really, really not kosher to post here.
Also consider Wheatie’s Rules (as amended by SteveInCO):
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
- No shooting at the nuclear warheads.
Remember – this is a free speech zone. Barring the few minor things that can get this site closed down, you ain’t gonna get banned.
And once the Gab commenting layer is here – BOOM.
– – · –
The current plan for Dear MAGA threads is to switch to a format where people have ONE NIGHT A WEEK that they take care of the thread. For example, Wheatie will put up the SATURDAY thread on FRIDAY NIGHT.
- Monday – Wolf
- Tuesday – Wolf
- Wednesday – Wolf
- Thursday – Wolf
- Friday – Wolf
- Saturday – Wheatie
- Sunday – ThinkThinkThink
If anybody else would be interested in being a Dear MAGA author one night a week, feel free to let me know.
Remember that our greatest gift to President Trump is PRAYER!
If you have not checked out President Trump’s speech on Venezuela – AND Cuba – AND Nicaragua – AND SOCIALISM in general, which is about to be removed from this hemisphere……
Check it out.

Free North Korea Joins the World×800.jpg

I think one of the reasons why POTUS was successful in his meeting with Kim, he treated him with respect. This respect enabled Kim to be held in high regard by his own people.
awwwww…reminds me spring brings the little ones…thanks! I needed that today…we’re expecting snow, sleet, and freezing rain…ugh
Rosy the goat

We have three little black ewe lambs smaller than this one in the kitchen hall right now.
And one black and white spotted ram lamb in the center of the kitchen.
He will grow up to look like this:
My sheep are mutts crossed to a Jacob Ram:
The Jacob has FINALLY returned to it’s land of birth after 2,000 years!!!
My husband loves lamb….
My male sheep and goats generally end up in the freezer. However this little guy got neutered Monday so he will be kept as a pet. (Older bottle-fed rams are very dangerous.)
For male lambs an Aussie suggested keeping them until 18 mos to 2 years for the best meat. This is called hogget and is similar to ‘baby beef’ The animal is allowed to complete its rapid (most economical) growth before slaughter. It just doesn’t pay to keep the animal the next couple of years to finish growing, especially on a small farm.
We rescued a lost goat, it was about 9 months old, and ran away from home. It amazed me how smart Casper was… I could see, if neutered, that they would make a great pet…. We found his owners and managed to get Casper back home… but it was interesting to see him a couple days. He tried to keep our little dog away from my husband,,, so funny!!
Goats really do make GREAT pets especially for small kids. They only have one set of teeth and a hard pallet in the front of the mouth so a bite does little damage even if they do bite. The are really funny little charracters, and come in all sizes. One of our goats, Ayn was the size of our cat!
The only draw back is they are escape artists but mine always come home for dinner. Also they LOVE rose bushes, berry bushes and anything else a deer would go after. Sheep are the grass eaters.
We brought home a baby goat to hang out with the horses. He was not tame. A couple of months later we took the horses to stay on a friend’s 100 acres but we couldn’t catch the goat. He was heartbroken. Just cried and cried. After a week, he climbed up on the hay roll and was going to die of heartbreak. By then he was weak because he had not been eating. We were then able to catch him and took him to join his “herd” of horses. That was 11 years ago. He is still there. Even after our horses came home. He had plenty more to take care of.
Aww. They are social. The one we found started crying for his brother, that also ran off. The brother heard him and wandered back to the barn. Two little lost goats found!
Baby Goats!!! My Favorite!!! Thank you Linda!!!
Days after making it legal to kill babies to the moment of birth, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo proposed to legalize commercial surrogate motherhood.
So while it’s open season on children conceived the natural way, Cuomo supports the artificial conception of children in the laboratory to be gestated for money.
America’s widespread acceptance of surrogacy stands in sharp contrast to the rest of the world. Most European nations ban it. Even countries that had gained reputations as “reproductive tourism” hotspots have moved to limit it or outlaw it altogether, including Mexico, Cambodia, Thailand, and India.
The reason, given in a report by the Center for Social Research in New Delhi, is that “surrogacy degrades a pregnancy to a service and a baby to a product.”
Read More:
Memo to New York State Senators: Commercial Surrogacy Undermines the Child-Parent Relationship
by Jennifer Lahl, CBC President on FEBRUARY 13, 2019
Why Ben Shapiro Is Dead Wrong To Endorse Surrogacy
Through surrogacy, at the moment of birth, the child loses a relationship with the only parent he or she has ever known. It’s a deep and enduring wound.
By Katy Faust
JANUARY 21, 2019
Update from C-Fam:
C-Fam Having Major Impact at UN
See for details:
For whatever else has come out of the Catholic Church in the past decades (and most of it was very good – – look at Nicholas Sandman as an example), a much maligned and denounced example of genuine Christianity was Humane Vitae (Of Human Life).
When the transmission of life itself is held in reverence, all of fellow human life is held in proper reverence.
This seems impossibly idealistic/unrealistic for some, but look at the consequences of looking at life that way.
hrmmm… being a part time conspiracy theorist, makes me wonder if normal parents won’t play with their own genes maybe the state through private proxy and capitalist incentive might do it on their own? Or in laymen’s terms is this some start of a creating a super race? Has to ask only because it’s doable.
Yes, that is exactly what it is. See my comment down stream.
I doubt that the incentives would ever be close enough to reach replacement levels. Surrogacy is still boutique by comparison – but they do seem intent on expanding it.
The irony of “The Handmaid’s Tale” is that the idea of an entire class of women whose entire social function is to carry and birth children, when you consider our currently policy environment, is a social policy championed by the left. Define “projection”.
Surrogacy is only an option to the wealthy. Now, some will object that even middle class people can afford to hire a surrogate; to me this is case in point, an American couple who aren’t at a subsistence level can do this. This kind of disposable income is by definition wealth. The result is that the designer babies are for the wealthy.
Meanwhile, the policies are written broadly to try to discourage people from having children – the wrong kind of people, the deplorables. Social pressure is put on them and methods from economics/wages to easy birth control to abortion to social stigma around large families to minimize reproduction and family size. Of those, abortion is particularly vile, turning human life into a financial transaction, with perverse incentives to promote it.
A large reduction of the deplorable population will not be offset by a small increase in the wealthy elite population.
At the core of all this is the issue of the commodification of the human life. Depending on where the human soul emerges in the human life supply chain, the life has economic value in destroying it, or the life has economic value in essentially breeding it. The life itself is dehumanized in both cases.
Surrogate children are tragically separated from the only mother they ever knew. The epigenetic qualities of the womb are a powerful and poorly understood influence on the infant – the genetic instructions are what they are, but the baby is built from virtually nothing inside a warm familiar womb and as it grows the new life picks up on the characteristics of the human environment in which they are immersed. Just like adopted children who may never had known their birth parents, surrogate children know that there is something off in their world, their own biology tells them that their new parents are not the mother that carried and nurtured them. Their stories are coming out.
True, while I’d think the gene editors are still going to want to play and the wealthy are likely going to help them along. Meanwhile a super race won’t necessarily be an advocate of having many normal people about. We’re definitely going to be entering a new age. Bold and challenging for all. ‘Learn to code’ might mean more than we know.
H8 these leftist scum!!!!
I don’t support commercializing surrogacy but I cannot agree that it is bad all around. IMO, this is a good thing that has been corrupted and turned into something that has been abused for money. In fact, I thought at one time of being a surrogate. I LOVED BEING PREGNANT! EVERY SINGLE BIT OF IT! It is THE most rewarding, fulfilling experience a woman can ever have, IMO, and I truly feel sorry for women who choose not to have a child. It is a wholly unique experience only possible for women. Why on earth would we choose to ignore or walk away from that most basic privilege and blessing?
So many women have unpleasant pregnancies, with complications and difficulties, whereas my pregnancies were wonderful from beginning to end. Personally, I believe a woman’s mental attitude about pregnancy affects the intensity of those complications and difficulties, over and above any physical issues. Far to many women (and doctors, btw) treat pregnancy as if it were an illness.
I had just a bit of morning sickness with my first – I think I threw up maybe two or three times – for some reason, the one thing I could not eat was Cream of Wheat, which I loved, of course. I bowled on 2 league teams until I was 8 months along, and swam in my parent’s pool and rode horses until right before my son was born. I was back home in 3 days, wearing regular clothes.
My second, I had twinges of morning sickness, but never got sick once. That was the one where the army doctor I was seeing gave me a script for Bendectin, in case I needed it. I happened to read an article in The Enquirer (yes, I know….just listen) about birth defects – I took it in and showed it to the doctor, who, of course, pooh-poohed it. Lo and behold, a couple of years later, Bendectin is removed from the market because of…….wait for it…..birth defects.
Due to the excessive restrictions and the policies at Walter Reed, we chose to try to have my daughter at home, with the assistance of a mid-wife and a registered nurse. We also had a number of people who were going to witness the birth, including a Jesuit Priest. Unfortunately, the cord was around her neck and we had to go to a military hospital – we chose Andrews AFB because they had a mid-wifery program and more flexibility, and the Colonel who was in charge of it, and on-duty that night, happened to be a friend of my mid-wife. Heather was born on a Wednesday and when we went home on Friday, again, I was wearing my regular clothes.
Interesting times and wonderful memories.
Give no quarter
(The picture is off the reverse of a 1901 “Barber” Quarter; named such because the design was by Charles Barber. As was the fashion then (but not much longer), the half dollar was basically the same design, and the dime had the same obverse design, but a different design (a wreath of different common US agricultural crops) for the reverse.
The Barber design was instituted in 1892, and considered so bland it was replaced as soon as it was legal to do so, in late 1916. The coins actually look surprisingly good in uncirculated condition, and not much detail is lost as they wear–something that could not be said for the mercury dime, standing liberty quarter, and walking liberty half that replaced the Barber coins. Barber had intended the coins to wear well and he achieved his design goal.)
“Wolverinian Empire”

I like the sound of that, WolfMeister
What would we do without our Wolverines
Or our Wolves
Sending a special prayer out tonight to Ed (NYGuy54) that he feels our love and God’s presence. He received some terrific information & suggestions from Qpers that might make a positive difference in his challenge to adjust to the effects of his brain trauma. We love you, Ed.
Praying for NYGuy. Thanks!!!
Yall– F ink Twitter censored our President AGAIN!
I wonder which video that was?
it was the Carpe video with Lee Greenwood song!!
Well there was absolutely No Reason to censor that one!
I hope the evil Twitter Overlords get punched back for this!
What the heck?
The Lee Greenwood one?
That’s my understanding…
It was too overcast here to see the Super Snow Moon tonight.

Did anyone else see it?
Nope. It’s pouring down rain here. I’m missing all the cool moons.
Snow here. I could see it fuzzily through the clouds earlier.
We’re missing the super moon tonight, pouring rain.
I actually got to see it Monday night–it was so bright-it woke me around 2 am thinking it was daytime! it was beautiful!
We saw it when came over the horizon last night and again this morning when we got up!!
Awesome sight for sure.
No, we had another weather event. Nothing to write home about, but the clouds were thick.
I was in Phx yesterday. When I first went outside, the moon was setting over the desert to the West as the sun was coming up. Twas beautiful.
#WeThoughtSheWasAFloat <—
I doubt she could float even on the Great Salt Lake… What was that saying, again….
Float like a brick,
Sink like a rock…
In New Orleans, they take their parades seriously.
Some people simply should not wear knits.
You are much more polite and diplomatic than I will ever be!
3 things that do NOT lie!
Drunks… and…..
Can someone please tell me why these overweight women wear such tight clothes showing all their fat hanging out in all it’s glory? Seriously? They think that is attractive??!!?? Yuck! Please – some self-awareness would be nice.
Pres Trump re-tweeted this:
You know, even when he is nuts, there is something I always liked about Geraldo. I can’t explain it. He has this weird sort of integrity about him that I have to respect.
Not me….. Jerry Rivers is a GAS BAG!
And a Racist AssHole.
He comes on…..
Channel AutoMutes or switches.
Ah, no – sorry – not a wit of integrity about that nutjob! Nothing but a publicity hound. JMO tho.
And his selfie almost naked in the bathroom was definitely cringe-worthy!
Ben Garrison got Q’ed…and was visited by the Q Army.
That would be as good as inviting Lionel to the WH!
I know you all have seen the Q in the blue light.
Oh yes…it was noted in the Q thread.
Very cool!
Since that one graphic was truncated, here is the full thing:

Ben may be getting an invite to the White House.
Extraordinary article, “Autopsy of a Dead Coup” by Victor David Hanson.
Great article indeed, there’s been so many attack’s against PDJT one has to wonder how he keeps going at times.
“…one has to wonder how he keeps going at times.” I think OUR SUPPORT kept him going. He KNOWS we ACTIVELY support him and in greater numbers than ever!
Victor Davis Hanson says, “… prepping of the battlefield translated into a coordinated effort among the media, political progressives and celebrities to so demonize Trump that his imminent removal likely would appear a relief to the people. Anything was justified that led to that end….”
Instead the atacks on OUR President by the Media and Hollywood backfired. It led to the repudiation of the Media — 77% of Americans now think the media LIES — repudiation of Hollywood — Box Office Collapses By 23% over Last Year.
Excellent article! Hanson has a very distinctive and effective way of marshaling his facts (like a certain Q author).
Hanson is jaw-dropping. Whenever he appears on a panel the others turn into shrinky-dinks.
Thanks for posting this. It is truly excellent.
This is one of the things I LOVE about VDH! He is a master at “turn of phrase:”
“Waiting for the 2020 election was seen as too quaint.”
And a treasure trove for my vocabulary lexicon….
I also noticed something else – intentional or typo? “During the 2016 election, the Obama Department of Justice warped the Clinton email scandal investigation,…..”
listening to the “fox news” top and mid hour news updates while doing some cleaning and listening to the actual show that was on that channel – my goodness, sounding like the end of the world. no less that 4 possible new scandals by the president including two ways to show obstruction, the unconstitutional emergency, and the constitutional crisis resulting in the 16 city [states] that filed them… something has to get to some crescendo soon i would think. we should know one way or the other so to speak…
They have the volume cranked up and their fingers in their ears. Anything to keep the truth from getting out and yes, woke up this morning after the speech to see how the speech was covered and barely a peep. That’s okay though, the writing is now on the wall and they aren’t going to be able to stop it.
I dropped this on a different page, but thinks every one moved on from there, thus I’m dropping it again.
] <– note kill box 
You guys may of posted this in a different post (having a heck of time catching up to see) but this was Marudo’s mind set yesterday, (I’m sure before POTUS gave the speech).
Seems Maduro is setting up a counter concert to Branson’s concert at the Colombian border. Murado says he has so many artists from around the world coming to preform and that they will have to make it a two day event (funny how he can’t name one band or singer that will be coming to preform though).
However there is this: so lets see if Rojer Waters of Pink Floyd is actually going to go down there and support Marudo now that Marudo has said he’s setting up a counter concert at the border.
[Has visions of Waters showing up only to find out there’s no electricity, wouldn’t that be something
Anyway had to see who Branson is getting to show up and then there was this:
Truly epic battle of the bands taking shape on 22 Feb on the Venezuelan/Colombian border. Mark the date!
Retired Lt Colonel, Tony Shaffer is a familiar pundit to most of us. “He served as a Lieutenant Colonel in U.S. Army, where he was a senior intelligence officer. Today he’s also an advising producer for National Geographic and a member of the Trump 2020 advisory board.”
Here he sits down with Epoch Times for a WIDE ranging interview about the nuts and bolts of FBI counter-intel as well as the military’s parallel capability. how powerful our surveillance tools are, and the inescapable conclusion that a waiver would have been required by Susan Rice for such activity, as head of NSC.
Interesting! Thanks for the link, Daughn!
From the article:
‘… to have the Trump campaign collected on is extraordinarily hard because in most circumstances, a U.S. citizen, if you’re a U.S. citizen and you’re being targeted by the Russians you are obligated to be told; the FBI is obligated to tell you you’re a target. Because you’ve done nothing wrong, you’re a U.S. citizen. The only way you cannot have that done is by a waiver at the National Security Council. So everything starts, everything we’re talking about in some form, goes back to National Security Council because those waivers had to be granted. So let’s start with that. …’
drip, drip, drip…it’s hard waiting here for the waterfall to begin…but I know the rest of America is just getting to the riverbank…
Excellent read. Thanks for the link Daughn.
Usually don’t put a lot of credence in what talking heads yammer about.
Tony comes across as logical, based on integrity, with American values.
My belief that justice will prevail has increased.
I like Epoch Times. They are what reporting is SUPPOSED TO BE!
I have wanted this man in PDJT’s administration in some capacity or other for a very long time. I love this guy! How does he Tweet – Spooky or something like that?
Just finishing watching this amazing man! I think HE should be the new head of the FBI!
On a side note, I noticed that the article, dated this month, says this: “Today we sit down with Tony Shaffer, acting president of the London Center for Policy Research. He served as a Lieutenant Colonel in U.S. Army, where he was a senior intelligence officer. Today he’s also an advising producer for National Geographic and a member of the Trump 2020 advisory board.”
Yet, @ the 27:16 mark he talks about being asked in “November 2016, about a year ago” to be an advisor. Huh?
And notice ——********* Sidney Powell has joined Shaffer. Woohooo!
Oh, yeah – I was thrilled to hear that! Woolsey, meh…..ok, I guess.
Campaign contributions to Dems and Bernie — incredible:
I hope Warren drags around a suit case like Bernie did in the last election and hangs in on the trail just because it will be funny.
Meanwhile all that money going out the door for Bernie is going to be wasted. He’s not the anointed. They’ll burn him again and this time maybe many Bern fans will stay home.
Or so I’d like to think
Or, they’ll keep coming to our side.
The_Donald (Reddit) has attracted quite a lot of ex-Bernie Bros since 2016.
That is ~ $25 each. Just a token to show support for socialism. I imagine it was sort of COMMANDED errr Strongly Suggested by some of the Techie firms… Twitter, Google, Facebook….
We had that at one company I worked for. UNICEF wanted funds each year and we were essentially forced to ‘give’ Want a decent raise? You had better check the box allowing the monthly deduction. (It was in Boston MA) You at least were allowed to opt for a different charity but donate you must. I gave to the Cancer Society since both parents had died of cancer. That was considered ‘acceptable’ especially given the reasons.
I can believe it. Thanks for the story. As we well know, forced donations are ONLY so that the employer looks good. Good grief. They can donate a portion of their own company’s profits rather than milk their employees. So dishonest.
BUT — the $25 donation was one that Obama’s campaign team used with great success in 2008. A number of those came from overseas (illegal), too.
The forced $25 donation is a method for Transnational Corporations to get around campaign donation regulations and get even MORE $$$ to the candidate of their choice.
Thanks for the info, Gail — much appreciated.
I forgot the washing $$$ through Lawyer Inc. 15,000 => a ten lawer firm who then donate $1,400 and pocket $100 each.
I figured that out after looking at ALL the lawyer donations in the 2010 elections. Law firms were the biggest donors BY FAR!
I can not find my old notes on the subject, but I did find this:
Obama foreign campaign fund Laundering scheme
“…an investigation by Newsmax correspondent Kenneth R. Timmerman has uncovered numerous examples of questionable donations, including those originating from foreign sources in apparent violation of laws forbidding candidates from accepting foreign money.
On Sept. 29, Timmerman first disclosed that more than half of the $426.9 million Obama had raised at that point came from small donors whose names the Obama campaign would not disclose — making it impossible to verify that donors were not surpassing the $2,300 an individual can contribute to a candidate for the general election.
The Federal Election Commission cited a series of $25 donations from a contributor identified as “Will, Good” from Austin, Tex. A Newsmax analysis of the master file for the Obama campaign discovered 1,000 separate entries for Mr. Good Will, totaling $17,375.
Similarly, a donor identified as “Pro, Doodad” gave $19,500 in 786 separate donations. The donor listed his employer as “Loving” and his profession as “You.” Some of Doodad Pro’s donations were refunded by the campaign, but as of Sept. 20 more than $11,000 had not been returned.
Timmerman disclosed that the FEC compiled a database of potentially questionable overseas donations totaling $3.38 million. The funds came from such places as Abu Dhabi, Beijing, and Ethiopia.
In June, Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi gave a speech in which he claimed foreign nationals were contributing to Obama’s campaign.
Timmerman also reported that donors from the Gaza Strip had contributed $33,000 to the Obama campaign through the purchase of Obama T-shirts they had shipped to Gaza.
Timmerman published a new report on Oct. 8, disclosing that an investigation of Obama’s campaign finance reports turned up more than 2,000 cases in which individuals made donations far above the legal limit of $2,300 per election….”
Ms Begum left the UK when she was 15 with two of her girlfriends:
From the article:
‘In a letter sent to Ms. Begum’s mother and obtained by the broadcaster ITV News, the British Home Office said the decision had been made by Home Secretary Sajid Javid on Tuesday …
‘British law prevents the government from stripping someone’s citizenship if doing so would render the person stateless. But British news outlets reported that because Ms. Begum’s mother has a Bangladeshi passport, the Home Office decided that it could remove her British citizenship …
‘In 2015, Ms. Begum, who is from the Bethnal Green area of East London and was then 15, made headlines when she traveled to Syria with two classmates at the height of the Islamic State’s power in the region. The three young women flew to Turkey from Gatwick Airport and then boarded a bus to the Syrian border. They soon became the poster girls for young Westerners looking to join the group …
‘This week, Mr. Javid wrote an op-ed article for The Sunday Times in which he vowed to stop those who had joined the Islamic State from returning to Britain, saying the Home Office could bar non-British citizens from entry to the country, or strip “dangerous individuals” of their British citizenship. He said the office had used those so-called deprivation powers more than 100 times …
‘Ms. Begum has said she does not regret going to Syria. She told The Times of London that seeing a severed head there did not faze her because “it was from a captured fighter seized on the battlefield, an enemy of Islam.” But she also said that she had done little more in Syria than take care of her husband and children, and that she had never made propaganda for the Islamic State or recruited others.’
Amazing that Holder didn’t even think it was necessary to hide what they were doing.
I want to know who in the DOJ has spoken to Eric Holder – or anyone around Holder.
And then I want them frogmarched straight to Gitmo.
Bernie has always been an idiot.
But now…he is a dangerous idiot, because young people have been brainwashed to think that Socialism is a ‘good thing’.
He should go to Venezuela and tell people there that it’s a good idea to queue for (now non-existent) food.
I notice how Bernie always completely avoids the subject of Venezuela.
Yesterday, I posted two of Jussie Smollett’s tweets from 2010 asking when people would stop lying.
Now news from 2007 comes to light. Who was lying then?
lather, rinse, repeat
Twisted media:
I vote…No!
Let her stay over there.
She hates America and will raise her son to hate America.
She’s not “full of regret”…she is lying.
Ditto with Ms Begum (UK).
Wheatie, I am puzzled by PDJT’s recent request to European nations to take back their citizens who defected to ISIS.
Under that same principle, would the US take this American woman back? Or does his request apply exclusively to Europe?
I didn’t know he made that request.
Eww…that doesn’t sound like him.
I don’t know why he did that.
Here you go:
I was surprised, to say the least.
Oh…he’s asking them to take them back To Put Them On Trial.
That’s different!
Churchmouse, he’s not asking that they be ‘welcomed back with open arms’.
He’s asking that they be brought back and tried as terrorists.
I know, but is he going to do the same with this American woman, too?
If it’s such a good idea for Europe, I would hope the same would be done in the US.
Incidentally, we had the same thing with Guantanamo. Some who returned from the UK were held by the police, then released. One guy immediately wrote a book and got all sorts of airtime promoting it.
If this woman was caught on the battlefield, fighting for ISIS…then Yes, she should be put on trial as a terrorist.
What would you suggest we do, with Euro-citizens that we’ve taken prisoner because they were ISIS fighters?
All I hope is that the same policy applies in the United States.
I did explain what happened to one of the Gitmo guys who returned.
They should be left there. The Syrians and Russians won’t coddle and protect them as Turkey and unfortunately we have been doing in Idlib. They will get rid of them on the battlefield as soon as we complete our pull-out.
I agree. From one CM to another, thank you!
I see no reason why ***any*** nation has to do anything to or for them. If the next regime puts them in prison or worse, well, they knew the risks when they went.
They defected, knowingly.
She would just like to have a few “therapy lessons” and she’ll be all better. C’mon, Wheatie, pony up. Let’s pass the hat.
Actually, I have some shovel therapy that could be quite effective I’d be willing to volunteer to attempt with her.
And I have some pitchfork therapy to use once you finish your shovel therapy.
Should she be spade?
That would be my professional recommendation.
exactly…IF we let her back in, what’s to stop her from sponsoring her “family” that she acquired there? no thanks!
and that child…he is not an American or an anchor baby–why should we provide them both with welfare, schooling, etc…she wanted to kill us.
they try to use our faith against us–our need to forgive and be compassionate…
I was annoyed at Lou, during that interview with JJ. He missed the point about the GO8 completely. They are not allowed to discuss anything that happens during their meetings. Nothing, not a peep, or a tweet, nothing. Andy could claim anything, it could be the biggest lie in the world, and they are not allowed to fix the record so to speak… *sighs…
Me too, Lou jumped the shark.
IKR? I tweeted something to him,,, but whistling in the wind, he won’t read it.. *sighs
CNN throws new hire, Sarah Isgur Flores (Sessions spokeswoman), under the bus. Why did they hire her, then? Talk about a hit piece:
From the article — by Brian Stelter, no less:
‘The reaction has been strong. CNN employees are concerned, according to numerous people who reached out to me on Tuesday. They are asking what Isgur’s role will be and questioning whether her sudden leap from the Trump administration to the CNN newsroom is an ethical breach.
‘The Daily Beast’s Maxwell Tani is hearing the same questions. He reported that CNN staffers are “demoralized” by the news.
‘Isgur’s hiring is also being questioned by journalists at other news organizations. While there is a long history of political aides moving into the media and vice versa, this is an abnormally fast spin of the so-called “revolving door.” And it’s even more unusual because Isgur is moving directly into a managerial role.
‘Several Democratic strategists harshly criticized CNN for the move. And Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tweeted about it on Tuesday night, gaining thousands of likes and shares …
‘”Isgur has no experience in news,” Politico wrote, “but a long history as a political operative.” Many reporters know her and like her. But she was always on the other side of the fence. The DOJ, for example, engaged in aggressive leak hunts to ferret out reporters’ sources. Soon she’ll be working with those reporters and possibly talking with them about sourcing …’
But she did sleep with Ted Cruz………. which apparently, was a pre-req for the Amanda Carpenter hire.
Never mind that she was spox for Carly Fiorina and DOJ.
‘But she did sleep with Ted Cruz………. which apparently, was a pre-req for the Amanda Carpenter hire.’
New info for me — before my time. So, Flores actually slept with Cruz? Have no idea who Carpenter is.
5 Women slept with Cruz in a bombshell report from National Enquirer.
We had pics of Amanda Carpenter wearing Cruz’s suitcoat at 530am. Another was identified as Sarah Flores, who worked on his campaign before joining Carly Fiorina. Another was Katrina Pierson, who works for Trump.
Accusations never admitted but never really denied. We had the most conclusive info on Amanda Carpenter, who was a CNN pundit during 2016 and still is there.
Thank you VERY much, Daughn! Much appreciated.
churchmouse, you missed a VERY interesting aspect of the 2015-2016 campaign. For Trump supporters, the “Lyin'” Ted meme/theme was an entertaining one, and his alleged infidelities were a big part of that.
I wonder from time to time if some of the NeverTrump bitterness is related to Cruz supporters who resented the HIGHLY effective trashing of Cruz by Trump supporters, a trashing which was based on plenty of totally valid available material.
You are correct.
A lot of Cruzbots still do not support the President. They are still nursing their wounds over a guy who is unlikely to be a natural born US citizen. ‘He’s a constitutionalist,’ they say. Oh, the irony.
Yes, I did miss the debates. Thank you v. much for filling me in on the origins of ‘Lyin” Ted.
Teddy Bear Cruz and Foamin Rubio are BOTH “Anchor Babies”…
NOT elegible to be President in my opinion.
Eeeuuuuwwww….. Ted has never seemed appealing to me. And the pig has little kids and a wife. SMH.
His own daughter couldn’t even bear to be near him on the campaign trail.
Yes, his kids MUCH prefered Melania!
Yes! I remember that.
What a contrast!
I still like how it looked like one of his girls pushed Snarly FioRINO of the stage at an event they were both at…
I didn’t catch that at the time, but, looking at it again, see what you mean.
I’ll never forget that Tuesday, when he beat Cruz in Indiana.
Ohhh, that concession speech will be studied for decades. Cruz was bitter, snarly, and he knew Trump would win.
This was meant as a reply to my post, sorry!
That’s fine.
Thanks for the link to the video. Have duly bookmarked for posterity.
Oh man….
Cruz is a Teddy Bare, then…
Aren’t there ANY untainted people in Washington, D.C.?
(Note that has an article about DC being laid out like a Pentagram…). has a LOT of good stuff.
From Christianity, to Free Masonry, to Occult, to Catholicism and more.
My point of view is the ‘Church’ was co-opted by the Elite early on. Remember we depend on translations upon translations and copies of copies of copies… Who had the writing skills? WHY the elite or those who were beholden to the elite!
So you get: Divine Right of Kings
Romans 13 1 through 7 says:
“Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment. For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer. Therefore one must be in subjection, not only to avoid God’s wrath but also for the sake of conscience.”
That is a REALLY useful passage if you want the peons to put up with Tyranny they would otherwise revolt under. It is also why our very wise Forefathers separated church and state. (Note that Jesus overturned the money changers tables and used a whip to chase out those making a mockery of the temple. Not exactly bowing to the subjection of authorities… )
Think of how the Progressives have REWRITTEN the history of the USA. For example Thanksgiving was the last good meal of people condemned to starvation by a socialist government, yet we never see that taught in school.
The Great Thanksgiving Hoax
Ted (and so many politicians) are 10.10’s in my book…
I wouldn’t touch ’em with a 10 ft pole even if they were wearing 10 inches of rubber…
“They are asking what Isgur’s role will be and questioning whether her sudden leap from the Trump administration to the CNN newsroom is an ethical breach.”
That made me laugh so hard I have a stitch in my side. How delicious. CNN has discovered ethics! What’s next, I wonder?
giggle snort
Same here! Candidate for clueless statement of the year.
Hillary email went to a biz location in Manassas, Virginia, owned by the Chinese.
Then routed to Chicago.
Every email except 7 of them.
” So within this very deep metadata review the ODNI IG discovered that in every email, except for like seven, were being sent to a third party. That third party was apparently I’m told a business that was in Manassas, Virginia and that business was owned or is owned by the Chinese intelligence service. And there was a drop at this place then it was sent off to Chicago is what I was briefed. And what’s significant about this is not so much that I know; it’s the fact that according to the ODNI IG, Peter Strzok, the guy in charge of the Clinton email investigation within the FBI, was briefed on this three times. And each briefing, he was presented with this information and the question was what are you going to do about this? ”
This is that Chinese contractor, right? The one building the embassy? Doesn’t he own a port in China? Billionaire? I can’t remember his name. Help me here….
I don’t know, Daughn.
(I don’t have time to look it up right now, sorry.)
Maybe ask Di Chi Fienstein?
Bet she has a “Butler” that knows.
Or….. Mitch McConnell’s Wife…. Elaine Chow
Her dad owns a Chinese shipping company or something.
I want to know the name of the company in Manassas, given that I lived there for several years. I worked for a Temporary Agency in Manassas over a period of several years, taking long-term temp positions at many different companies, and have to wonder if I ever worked for them….? Wouldn’t THAT be a shock??!!??
In ’87, I found out I held the pension assets for Southern Air.
We just mind our own business. Not looking for trouble at all.
read about this last week…they didn’t name names in the article i read, but interesting that they KNEW about it and yet Comey still had the audacity to claim that she was just careless with classified info because foreign agents probably did not access her emails…or whatever word salad he spouted to exonerate her…
Ah! Great example of the sly lie!! Foriegn agents didn’t need to access her email…because she just sent all her email to them!!
Sick comments about Roger Stone:
At one time, many years ago, I actually thought David Gergen was sane if not an intellectual tiger. Now I realize he has been crazy all along and quit taking his meds or he’s just gone and broke cray cray. Seriously. Who can listen to that man?
these are disgusting comments…and we’re not even allowed to tell them to “learn to code” but they get away with this trash??
This x1000!
Thank you, Pat!
I really hope SCOTUS Thomas highlights and addresses this travesty—the media cannot be excused from libel or damage suits when they are blatantly printing and posting not only untruths, innuendos, and gossip, but are inciting unrest and destroying careers.
Perhaps the Nick Sandmann lawsuit will put a huge crack in the media’s skulduggery and lies.
I would prefer it if something like that began their downfall. A governmental/SCOTUS ruling could follow more comfortably.
That’s what I’m counting on CM! POTUS chimed in!
Go get em NICK!!!
What an incredibly $$$$hitty thing to say.
I know, right? What the heck …
Big lawsuit coming from Nick Sandmann’s lawyers:
And he says this is only the beginning….
I hope the entire media gets Gawkered by Lin Wood when the dust settles.
I still continue to wonder why, exactly, we even have the FCC, who does absolutely nothing about the MSM’s outright lies and, indeed, IMO, sedition. Surely they are violating the terms of their broadcasting license? If not, WHY not?
This x1000, NF!
On the other hand, Ajit Pai had a lot of protesters outside his house when the ‘net neutrality’ of 2015 died a death late in 2017 (the repeal came into effect when 2015 rules expired in June 2018). It was very bad for Pai — and his family, including his children — for around six months.
I don’t know if this happened in late 2017 or early 2018:
‘It kicked off when HBO funnyman John Oliver ranted one night and started his own pro-net-neutrality, anti-Ajit Pai campaign. He called it the “Go FCC Yourself,” and told those who agreed with him to hit the FCC’s website with comments in support net neutrality. And they did.
‘But things quickly spun out of control, as an internet stunt morphed into an internet mob, and then into a real mob.
‘Noah Rothman, writing in Commentary, describes what happened: “Those comments were peppered with claims that Pai was a pedophile, a ‘dirty, sneaky Indian’ who should self-deport and reminders that anonymous online hordes maintain the ‘power to murder Ajit Pai and his family.’ ”
‘Ah yes, the Democrats, the party of racial tolerance and understanding.
‘It got worse. Groups claiming to be part of the Democrats’ “Resistance” started demonstrating in front of Pai’s house in Arlington, Va. They put out mock Wanted posters with a photo of him. They demonstrated and held “vigils” in his driveway. Some even took pictures inside his house.
‘The house had its doorbell continually rung, and unwanted food ordered for delivery.
‘”My kids are 5 and 3,” Pai told the Wall Street Journal. “It’s not pleasant.”
‘But it didn’t end with just personal harassment. Pai heads one of the most important regulatory agencies in the digital age, the FCC. Last week he was scheduled to speak at the Consumer Electronics Show. Unfortunately, the organizers of the CES, the premier industry show of its kind, were intimidated by the leftist thugs by being “subject(ed) to vicious and direct attacks and threats.” Intimidated and no doubt worried about the seriousness of death threats they received, CES canceled Pai’s talk.’
A Californian also emailed death threats in 2017 and was subsequently arrested in 2018:
‘According to court documents, on or about Dec. 19 and 20, 2017, Markara Man, 33, of Norwalk, allegedly sent three emails to Chairman Pai’s email accounts. The first email accused Chairman Pai of being responsible for a child who allegedly had committed suicide because of the repeal of net neutrality regulations. The second email listed three locations in or around Arlington, and threatened to kill the Chairman’s family members. The third email had no message in its body, but included an image depicting Chairman Pai and, in the foreground and slightly out of focus, a framed photograph of Chairman Pai and his family. The FBI traced the emails to Man’s residence in Norwalk, California, and when initially confronted in May 2018, Man admitted to the FBI that he sent the email threatening Chairman Pai’s family because he was “angry” about the repeal of the net neutrality regulations and wanted to “scare” Chairman Pai …’
Here is the makeup of the FCC commissioners: 3 Republicans (including Pai) and 2 Democrats.
Great info post, Churchmouse!!
Thanks, Daughn.
The Pais went through hell.
I read somewhere that the amount of the lawsuit was what the Washed Poo was worth. Would be a great irony if Sandmann ended up owning it…
Not what it’s worth. What Besos paid for it. It’s not worth a plug nickel.
Thank you, Governor Abbott for supporting President Trump and the Border Patrol!!!
Am very leery/wary about this now that Steve Bannon has gotten involved.
I hope this group will give their donors an accounting for every penny and Bannon is not getting one penny!
Also hope he’s not grand-standing and trying to make Trump look bad.
And also hope the group won’t try to build it themselves and get in the way/interfere with the US Army Engineers and President Trump’s plans for the official wall.
Was it you who raised this concern last week?
At the time, I responded saying I thought they were only raising money for the government to use to build the wall.
Now I better understand your concerns about this.
I agree, GA/FL, that clarification is needed, especially about Bannon’s role and if he is collecting a salary for this. Also agree that this group should not be building the wall. Financing it, fine. Anything more, no.
Due to family and other experiences, I have great conditioned fear, distrust, negativity and cynicism.
I cannot blame you one iota, GA/FL.
Remember, PDJT trained his children to ‘trust no one’. ‘Do you trust me?’ ‘Yes, Dad, we trust you.’ ‘No! You haven’t learned the lesson.’ (That was somewhere on here a couple of months ago.)
I just wanted to make sure I was addressing it to the right person. Couldn’t remember if it was you or Pat.
I, too, have questions now. Are the border officials working with them doing so with the approval of the DHS? Has the Army Corps of Engineers been apprised of this?
Sounds as if this group is going rogue. The scope and tone have changed since Bannon’s come on board.
Please, LORD, intervene and expose any corruption!!! Too many people have given money – generously. I do not trust GoFundMe since the days of Trayvon and Mike Brown and they wouldn’t allow people to donate to the policemen’s funds.
GFM takes a big percentage of all donations, don’t they?
Their website says 2.9% + 30 cents per transaction:
Does the IRS also take a chunk?
I do not know.
That’s why they moved away from GoFundMe. Organization is 501C3, no expense taken, and yes, they are working with Corps of Engineers and Trump Admin.
Thanks, Daughworks! I am very relieved!
And are GFM donations deductible to donors?
I don’t know.
An online search would give you more details.
GodFundMe donations are NOT deductible unless the organization is set up as a 501C3.
This organization moved away from GoFundMe to save the fee charged by GoFundMe.
And yes, the President talks to Bannon all the time, as much as 3 times a week, when the Euro elections were going on.
If one would read the article and the links like ‘website FAQ’ some of your questions would be answered. The group cannot raise the money and give it to the government. It is not legal to do so. OK, no Bannon, no GoFundMe but why trash something when you haven’t taken the time to become informed about it?
One option for them is to BUY the 60ft wide easement along the border and donate THAT to the government, or sell it for a buck.
That is what I would suggest as a good and legal use of the money.
I do think this antipathy towards Bannon might be misplaced in this case. Kobach is involved (see the link saying he has PDJT’s approval) and they are working with ranchers who have already agreed to either donate the land or sign easements. GoFundMe, from what I understand, has closed out their account and those who donated were given the option of a refund. The remaining funds were given to Kolfage, I think.
Thanks for the link.
As PDJT approved it, fine.
I do believe they are also coordinating on the type of wall.
Works for me.
I don’t know you, but if you’ve been reading previous exchanges on this subject, when I have been commenting on it, I support the funding drive, not them personally building the wall.
No disrespect, I like both options. There are times when a private entity can get more done than a gov’t. Good to have options.
As long as they are working through proper channels and PDJT approves, it’s fine — in principle.
In the beginning, they were only collecting funds.
Now they are building part of the wall.
It is, as we say in the UK, moving the goalposts. Moving the goalposts here is not a good thing.
Then, Bannon got in there. Ugh. More moving of goalposts. (Glad people were offered their money back.)
I was unaware of the President’s approval.
It will end in tears (another great British expression).
Wait and see. Wait and see.
LOL…great! reading the comments that accompanied the story…Newsome is getting roasted…LOL
YAYYYYYY!!!! Throw more coals on the fire!!!
Betcha President Trump has ordered audits of a lot of leftist scheme programs/projects!
Trump reads 1000 page balance sheets like we read pulp fiction!!!
Obama weaponized the IRS–I would love to see just some normal audits of these projects!
“we stand with our Muslim brothers and sisters…” WTH? this man is crazy
Pat Frederick,
Yes, he is crazy.
He’s not crazy… he’s being blackmailed.
His wife embezzled funds, caused college to go bankrupt, close… HRC made it go away while he herded the young people into her camp.
Same thing happening now… except it’s DNC forcing his herding… into the Globalists agenda, socialism.
6 years
I love that our President just referred to the young man from Covington by first name. Love it.
Nothing else in Nick’s life is going to be as good as being mention by PDJT, telling him to “go get’em”.
I saw the video of Gowdy posted OT and he actually did very well…
one thing he clarified for me: McCabe saying he informed the Gang of 8 about the investigations on POTUS and they said nothing…is not necessarily true–they are precluded from discussing ANYTHING they are told about these matters and unless they break that rule, McCabe can pretty much claim whatever he wants…no one is ALLOWED to refute him…
AND since this was in 2017, it’s unclear whether or not he clearly delineated ALL the investigations against the President and his campaign at that time. there was the Russian collusion with the campaign which began in 20166 and everyone knew about, then there were the 2 new ones McCabe just started: counterintelligence into POTUS and a criminal obstruction one into POTUS.
The punchable Krassenstein brothers failed as first responders to President Trump’s Crazy Bernie tweet…the Bernie Bros. are gonna have a hissy sissy fit.
Good heavens!
We mentioned Krassenstein at the same time!
Those who read the comments below PDJT’s tweets will be familiar with Ed Krassenstein.
Last September, he readily admitted he gets paid for those tweets:
Duh. Sorry, that’s brother Brian!
My apologies.
judyw says: “Days after making it legal to kill babies to the moment of birth, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo proposed to legalize commercial surrogate motherhood.
So while it’s open season on children conceived the natural way, Cuomo supports the artificial conception of children in the laboratory to be gestated for money….”
That is straight up EUGENICS!
The message is: “We do not want your BLACK babies we want high value DESIGNER babies.”
Add in the UN’s Common Core, the DNA testing of every child born in USA and UK hospitals. The Progressive/Fabian love of Eugenics** and Obamacare and it is hard not to think the Elite might just be planning to ‘modify’ humanity to meet their requirements. After all the Elite consider us chattel (cattle) and humans have been modifying cattle to suit their purposes since they started domesticating aurochs, a type of large wild cattle that went extinct in 1627. “The analysis of bovine DNA has revealed that all the taurine cattle (Bos taurus) alive today descend from a population of only 80 aurochs.”
(OK, OK, it is a fantasy drawing….)
Concerns Associated with Expanding DNA Databases Hastings Sci. & Tech. Law Journal 267
‘Brave New World of Infant DNA Data-Basing’
Arrested in O.C.? A DNA sample could buy Freedom “Guilty or not, people arrested can avoid the hassle of court if they give their DNA sample to the district attorney.”
Cuomo’s DNA Databank: Adultery, Being Loud In Church and Fortune Telling Now Crimes That Give the State the Right To Your DNA in New York…. Now we know why the Blacks are throwing hissy fits over NYC cops going after turn style jumpers and want De Blaiso to order the police to not arrest minor law breakers. Get caught spray painting nasty words on a building and your DNA just might tie you to the murder you committed five years ago – OH NOES!
Now why else would anyone want to collect DNA samples of alleged petty criminals?
RRRRIIIIIGHT, like we would believe the BBC/ scientist would actually tell us the truth.
In the USA – Newborn DNA Banking
UK –DNA test for every baby
** Royal Society hosted a Pro-Eugenics Conference in 2004 so it is not dead.
hmmmm part 1 of the series. hope Barr reopens this investigation
I urge everyone to read this investigative report. See Pat’s link to GP .
“This story begins with the Clintons and their Clinton Foundation. It includes Russia and China, and ends with another FBI/DOJ cover-up of Clinton crimes. The FBI did such a good job covering this up, that it has not been reported – until today.”
Have read. Will look forward to the next two instalments!
Scott Adams dropped this in the twitterverse..
For a guy like Clapper, to ever infer PDJT is/was a Russian asset is insane.
annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd for those of you facing that cccccold white stuff(storm coming etc), here:
Seriously, stay safe if you are getting clobbered by this storm. We have rain here…
Just as I scrolled down to see this, Hubby was playing the Battle Hymn of the Republic by the Army Field Band…
Don’t have the exact numbers but at least 6-8 inches here – my neighbor plowed my driveway, bless his heart! It was sooooo cozy at my house last night – snow falling outside and me in front of the fireplace in my easy chair. My house is small enough that, within an hour after I get it going, it heats up the entire front half of the house. The heat didn’t even kick on until it started getting dark. A fireplace was one of my set-in-cement requirements in a home.
Our gas fireplaces were installed in 1948. We moved in – 1994, never used them and put in all new HVAC. We were renovating a bathroom and the guy asked me, “Hey, do you like your gas fireplace?” I told him it didn’t work. he flipped a few knobs and WHOOSH – it came on. Saves me $400/month in the winter. I love it. Yes, fireplace is a must.
Mine is wood, which I prefer, altho having the gas to get it going would be wonderful. My parents added on an addition to the house (we called it the Quiet Room) and included a gas-fed fireplace. We just used the gas to get it started. Any time I came home to visit, you would find me on the floor in front of the fireplace, often sleeping there.
We had a wonderful fireplace in PA,, Now we have gas fireplaces,,, not so nice, but still pretty.
Quote of the Day:
H/T – Favorite daily news compilation –
Just for the heck of it. Nathan For You is not everybody’s cup of tea. I think he is hilarious. Here he is coming up with a “legal” way to get around no smoking laws. In a bar, he puts on a play called “Smokers Allowed”.
It is so absurd it is funny. And the best part is the audience reaction at the very end:
It says uploader has not made this video available in your country? What country you from Tona?

Wonder why that happened. Maybe it is a NY State thing … lol.
Anyway, he is on YT under Nathan For You. His videos are sometimes vulgar, but his stone faced humor is very funny.
Thanks Tona!!If I ever get extra down time….
Would love to see something like that take place in the UK.
Yes, I would enjoy being in that ‘play’.
I am NOT a smoker, never have been. But the blanket banning of smoking everywhere has always rubbed me the wrong way.
THANK YOU, Tonawanda!!
“Some random lawyer believes there is “ample public evidence that Mr. Trump had the “corrupt intent to try to derail the Mueller investigation” so we should all just forget that President Trump has the legal authority to fire Mueller whenever he wants and also that he NEVER DID.”
The media and leftist lies continue unabated….
just wanted to give a shout out to all the WP warriors here who have been entering their email addresses and names with EVERY comment they make and who haven’t quit yet!! YAY! go us! LOL LOL LOL
Yes maam still having to do it. The til foil brugade can think perhaps wp wants us to slow down and quit out of frustration. I cant quit Q all!
I will reframe from typing it but I am flashing WordUnimpressed the Taxechusetts XXX fingered salute.
Now back to typing in my info… GRRRrrrr
I sure wish I could figure out why y’all have to do that when I never have to…..???
I literally sign in one time and never again unless I log out or close my browser……I feel y’all’s pain – I don’t think I could keep commenting if I had to do that!!!! SMH
You’re fully “registered” with WP. We aren’t.
The avatars are the “tell”: you’ve got your own personalized one, whereas we have generic, computer-generated “random” geometric avatars.
So far as I can tell, THAT’s the difference. Also, we (most; all?) cannot “like” a post.
So there ya go!
OK – why don’t you just register with WP? Just wondering…..
Another thing to keep track of. Annoying, cant just do it thevway we’ve always been.
Yeah – I know – it’s so danged complicated any more. I have a list – sorry, I know you’re not supposed to write this stuff down but seriously? I cannot remember 10-20 different PWs for pete’s sake. And they say to change them frequently? Yeah, right ….. not happening! SMH
If I register with WP then they can ‘SEE’ my IP address and Google will ban me. Right now on this computer with an old Firefox version, google can not ‘see’ me. On Hubby’s new computer, they can ‘see’ my IP address and I am not allowed to post comments to ANY blog.
Heck I could not even send email to hubby!
One of these eons whe we have the time and money I will get a newer computer, upgrade AND get VPN.
Gail – WP is giving me both your email address and your IP address. Just so you know. If registering is blocking you, it has to be something else.
I can help you debug this. Registration requires nothing more than your email address, really. There is something else that’s messing things up. I suspect it might be a setting on your husband’s machine to destroy cookies, which are pretty much necessary for automation of sign-in.
But the bottom line is that I see EVERYBODY’S email and IP address – and those are kept strictly confidential. I don’t even TOUCH the emails – all communication is WORDPRESS sending to your emails – not me.
Are you serious? So is this because you are banned by google for some reason? Sorry – I am way out of date on this stuff…..
Me, too. It’s easy enough to do.
This is one of my favorite photos of a red tail hawk – the look in its eye reminds me of President Trump.
that’s an incredible photo GA/FL!!! did you take it???
No – I found it on the web. Very fond of these birds. They are like sentinels in the tops of trees… when I’m on road trips I see them standing guard.
We have red shouldered hawks here in East TN. They guard my garden and keep it free of moles and voles!
I think I posted OT quite some time ago (Gail would probably remember) about the interaction between my Arab stallion and the hawk that swooped into his pasture after a mouse once. He was FURIOUS that the hawk was in his pasture! He screamed at it, ran back and forth from the fence post, where the hawk was eating the mouse, to the barn, and stomped his feet at it. It was too funny!
They do that in my cousin’s horse field too, but the horse could care less. They even land right next to him and perch on power wires above him sometimes.
I see red tail hawks every day when I walk my dog along the river here in East Texas. Absolutely stunning and beautiful birds. Love them.
I don’t get to see red tails often, but whenever the sharp shinned hawks living in the parkland behind my house show themselves, I stop and watch.
Crazy Bernie
Crazy like a fox ?
i said it before…it’s his retirement scheme—whatever candidates do not spend in campaigning, aren’t they allowed to keep?
so they fund raise, pretend to want to win, pocket the leftovers and continue to never have to get a real job…
great meme!!
Loving GOP Chairwoman more every day.
Q is now active – I wonder how many posts will there be today …

“Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 62a80d No.5283028
Feb 20 2019 10:30:02 (EST)
Anonymous ID: fddaa8 No.5282631
Feb 20 2019 09:51:46 (EST)
@shadygrooove @intheMatrixxx – Just now on NCIS NEW ORLEANS.mp4
When their attempts to silence through ‘print’ fail, they must now include in TV/video.
Why put so much attention into a so-called conspiracy?
Why is it critically important for them to change your opinion or prevent you from opening your mind?
And, the second one:

“Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 62a80d No.5283117
Feb 20 2019 10:35:49 (EST)
Do you think nobody is paying attention to the drops?
How ’bout a third! lol

“Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 62a80d No.5283155
Feb 20 2019 10:38:43 (EST)
“Stories are written that have absolutely no basis in fact.”
Tweet also deleted.
Interesting. Tweets deleted.
Q is on a roll. Was there a period prior with this many successive drops?
Q is trying to get to more normies… we have to help with that by emailing, tweeting friends, family…
they are starting to leak info to the public… pretty soon – I believe- big drop coming from DoJ
Probably after Summit w/ China wrt trade… iirc that’s end of February
love this quote!!
Unfortunately for me, all the normies in my life are over-educated news watchers who still don’t get that conspiracies are not theory. Have to wait for the MSM implosion before helping the red pills go down. It’s going to take more than sugar, that’s for sure.
There is nothing as knuckle headed as a PhD. They think their VERY NARROW field of expertize means they are now EXPERTS ON EVERYTHING.
I, with my lowly BS in Chemistry, had to go head to head with PhD idiots quite often.
I don’t bother. It’s not worth the headache. The hazing ritual they endure is not all that special.
And it’s not just the PhDs, but MDs, lawyers, masters students.
Since we were doing drug testing and I was writing up the protocal and I was something of an expert on Quality Control & FDA, I had to go head to head. If I did not we could have screwed up the entire project. I had to go to a partner in the firm and lay out my argument. He took me out from under the idiot PhD and put me directly under him.
The project was a sucess… And then they fired me.
Can’t like this one that they fired you.
Proud of you, Gail. Bummer, but proud.
At one point, I had 63 attorneys on my Rolodex (yes, Rolodex, when dinosaurs roamed the earth).
We used to refer to attorneys as “hors d’oeuvres”, because they weren’t quite worthy of “eating them for lunch”.
Go get’em, Dep!
“all the normies in my life […] still don’t get […].”
It’s amazingly difficult, yes?
Maybe pick ONE of your normies, who seems the most pliant, and construct some way to get them to look into things for themselves. One – and only one – at a time!
“You know that President Trump has called the news “Fake”, yes?
“Are you getting most of your direct info from the TV News?”
“Why not use the Internet to see WHY our President calls them Fake!”
It’s a bit lame, I understand, but just a few sentences, and just a bit of logic, may cajole them into digging for themselves.
I’ve had much more failure than success, btw. Their vanity is quite strong. But a SINGLE success may engender another, from THEM to someone else. All we need do is plant a viable SEED …
It’s frustrating as all get-out, to try to reverse successful propaganda.
I have a couple people who do have chinks in the armor, but wholesale red pilling they are not ready for.
I’m waiting for that opening.
Things will be much easier when CNN either surrenders or collapses. It’ll be harder and harder to ignore at that point.
Not that I remember, in terms of a string of consecutive days.
Of course, there are two more now …
I think Q is ramping up, and – as I posited a couple days ago – that this is the new normal.
Perhaps it’s the final push to go “main-stream”, and gather as many newbies as possible, prior to the avalanche of YUGE events to come (soon).
GMTA !!!
Agree with you Emeraldstar…
“GMTA !!!”
Funny – I thought the SAME THING !!!
I too have noticed the ramp up, along with the change in tone, and have concluded it is part of an effort to make Q more “normie friendly.”
Not that I can remember and I started following Christmas break, 2017.
I was there from the start, thanks to The_Donald, which quickly banned all mentions of Q.
Well if this isn’t special. I wondered over to the OT to see what was going on. SD always has some good articles but his ‘holier than most’ attitude is getting very annoying. He’s come up with a cute acronym for Q folks; the TTP crowd,,,ahh isn’t he special.
I happened to read his article from yesterday about FBI recordings in the WH. In the comments, there was one fellow who said that a twitter sleuth ‘Dawson’ something or another had analyzed the ‘WH recordings’ some time back. Well, SD wasn’t having any of it. He replied in his typical blue shaded comment, yea buy Dawson got it all wrong…well of course he did ’cause SD said so. Well someone replied to SD about his ‘gaslighting’ other twitter sleuths with thousands of followers and how they are different….SD’s response was something like, ‘$$$$$$$ through there patheon accounts..
Funny coming a guy who has a ‘Donate – Support the Treehouse’ button…oh well some donate buttons are better than other’s I guess !
Dawson Fields was recommended by Praying Medic… Dawson does EXTENSIVE research on everything.
Sd has mainly researched ‘the small group’ (FBI involvement in coup)
I have been following Dawson for quite some time… Dawson DOES NOT ASK FOR MONEY AT ALL
Here’s link to Dawson… Remember to remove * when clicking or cutting or pasting…
Dawson RT’d THREAD – click on tweet
Pure gold in that thread:
Thanks for taking the hit, SteveiL
TW –
No problem. My back pain meds were working quite well today so I could afford the hit.
I feel for you, my stomach is shot from all the pain killers I have taken for back pain.
Get well soon!
(And stay away from surgery if you can. The back will heal over time… a DARN long time – 7 years I was told and they were correct.)
Three more new Q-posts, after the first three I just posted. Here’s the first:

“Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 62a80d No.5283233
Feb 20 2019 10:42:46 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 8fcbe1 No.5283173
Feb 20 2019 10:40:02 (EST)
maggie haberman.jpg
Didn’t see Dan Coats in the MSM these last couple days, meaing there is no other logical reason for them to post outside of being hi to Q drops.
Did Haberman stay on the train?
And the second:

“Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: bca184 No.5283312
Feb 20 2019 10:49:13 (EST)
“When you can’t make them see the light, make them feel the heat.” – Ronald Reagan
And the third (there are two more) (Wolf – you’ll be busy again today!):

“Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: bca184 No.5283621
Feb 20 2019 11:04:59 (EST)
What a coincidence!
Another deleted tweet.
That’s four, so far.
Lisa has started a THREAD on latest Q Drop — click on tweet
Paul lives in Brazil… where Q is very popular… he now has a blog
I follow Paul on twitter and recommend him.
This should get more play.
Reminds me of the Soomo work (Too Late to Apologize).
thanks for posting!
PM is extending his previous THREAD
yesterday someone here posted that they had called the IRS for a client and was told a weird thing about IRS levies? well I found this on the 8ch board, waiting for confirm on it, if true WOW.
I saw that too, Sue – but there wasn’t any “sauce” at all.
Also, I haven’t any idea what “RV” stands for, nor “GCR” … and I’m always leery of misspellings and typos (“GESARA” v. “NESARA”) in such a supposedly important posting.
No sale for me, so far, on this. And when last I looked, no “sauce” from anons was given – or even TRIED.
The claims are WAY out there. The logic doesn’t make it, either …
Yeah, some, shall we say, hinky connections there?? I have seen discussions about this, in varying forms, for at least 4 years now. VERY suspicious, IMO.
“Since October 5, 2014 when the Paris Climate Accord Agreement was first signed, later to be put into force on November 4, 2015, this process has been unwinding before our very eyes. The reason is that another treaty was also secretly signed during the 2014 Paris Agreement, but hidden from the public view. It was called the Global Economic Stabilization and Reformation Act (aka GESARA).”
Thanks Filly!
NESARA and GESARA are two different acronyms…
I would be very leery of this. Yes, something is definitely going on in the finance sector, but without some announcement regarding currency, or a source coming forward, this one is a little too good to be true.
And I will fight to my dying day against this “all digital” currency!!!!
all this stuff has to do with the global currency reset idea i believe…
The notion that anyone would “close” the IRS at the peak of the filing season before millions and millions of wage earners had received their tax refunds is absurd.
Yes, I saw the information over the past couple of days about the IRS levy database being offline, but the levy function is only a small part of the IRS.
And the IRS is a completely separate animal from the federal reserve, with vastly different functions. One does not need to change the IRS to end the “Cabal’s global financial system” (although eliminating the income tax would go a long way to restoring our constitutional republic).
Thread reader for all PrayingMedic tweets
Hey Wolf, Q’s rolling today. Dan Coats, Maggie Haberman, and more Bruce Ohr.
Thread is now updated!
A fun meme …
LOL good one!
Mark Taylor with some thoughts after the El Chapo trial. He talks about the spiritual battle taking place.
He also talks about the darkness being displaced by light, and mentions a great awakening towards Christianity.
Always interesting to listen to what he has to say, this one is relatively short and worth the few minutes of time to hear.
As a memory refresher for what Andrew McCabe was saying and doing around March, 2018, here’s an article with his oft-repeated quote of, “If I go down, I’m taking everybody else with me.”
So, as I see it, McCabe’s current book tour, and related interviews, are a thinly veiled threat to his fellow co-conspirators to get busy helping him out, or else.
McCabe maybe in danger of Arkancide if he does not watch his mouth.
True – although the strategy may be to allow him to be a shiny object and localize blame.
Seems to me like McCabe is using the same strategy that Comey has been using:
Lie so much about everything…even inconsequential things…that he is destroying his value as a witness against higher ups.
That way, HusseinO or ValJar, and their media operatives, can say…
“Oh that guy lies about everything, he is just lying now to save himself!”
Good possibility. In a den of thieves no one is going to take one for the team.
so Lizzy wants the American taxpayers to be on the hook for $70 BILLION annually in FREE CHILD CARE for all? well, she’ll start with the richest folks first, but after all child care is a right? (oh really?)
RUT RO…lol
unconfirmed sources, but who cares? the story itself was unconfirmed…LOL (Smollet may be losing his spot on whatever that show is…)
Things that make you go, hmmm…..
wonderful news Marica… thanks so much !
Well–It IS CNN…But–with the uptick in Q drops and tweets from POTUS…Mueller report is 1st? Right, Phoenix?
Solid back up!
CNN reporting Mueller report could be out as early as next week.
two sources !
IT’s comin’ !!!!
Now on OAN.
Of course, it’s the Commie Nexus Network that gets the “scoop”.
For anyone who hasn’t yet “prepared” … NOW is the time!
Barr confirmed, Mueller done, Q ramping up, Nat’l Emergency declared, deadlines looming (Shyna being just one!), and so many other stage-setting events.
GEAR UP! (popcorn and libations, too!)
Q gave us the scoop way before CNN. Dan Coats news is just breaking, yet we all already knew. But, not those poor saps OT…
So he Mueller will be finishing his report and Barr will send a condensed version to Congress…?
Will that be when POTUS is meet Little Kim and is out of town..?
Mueller seems to do that when POTUS is out of town he drops something.
Let us pray that Barr is a fair guy all I want is fair.
SS Is POTUS going out of town next week? I’m understanding that early next week Barr directs Mueller to finish report and Barr does send condensed version to Congress–Then DECLASS!! then North Korea? but I get confused too!! and rest assured Barr Is FAIR!!
Marica I am confused maybe I am wrong.
This info is sudden and new. Lets hope POTUS is in DC wen all of this happens.
SS President Trump thrives in confusion!! So It’s a good sign we are all confused!!

i think it’s better if he’s not here when it drops–they can’t accuse him of directing Barr or intercepting the report…
SS–this might help…
OIG report in there too.
AND the Declass
Ruling means more transparency for Mueller….and the many angry Democrats on his team. May Weissman get his just desserts.
“Something BIG is coming.”???
Hope so. It’s hard to hope after all the build up to the first OIG report.
“…the first OIG report.”
Remember we saw the ‘For Public’ version. The referals for prosecution went to Huber and we would never see that until indictments are all unsealed and people are headed for trials.
Thanks for the explanation. I didn’t know there were two versions.
So far as I can tell, the “anti-lynching” bill was sponsored by Harris and Booker, et al., and then was briefly kept on the back-burner until the Smollett concoction hit.
Then, the bill was introduced immediately, and just as quickly passed.
As Q has said, this combination of (hoax) act, then (response) Act, defies all mathematical odds. It HAD to be coordinated; there MUST have been “collusion”.
It’s getting pretty transparent now, here in America, in re who the traitors are!
And Bernie raised $5.9M in 24 hours. Lotta work yet to do …
Parkland had PREPARATION of multiple kinds. Think about THAT. The grooming and set-up of David Hogg was SUBSTANTIAL.
Hmmm. Like mother, like son?
Maybe “Dad’s” WilliBrown™?
(OK, a little far-fetched, but the DEMONcRATs all seem to be one
big family tree that doesn’t branch…).
YUP!!! Stock up on Winnamins!!!
whoops–not what I thought I posted…
This one
The Q thread is updated to 2833.
Q drops up to 38 now
funny as in Funny Business–Not funny HA HA!!
That’s remarkable !
need tissues now GA/FL
Some would say miraculous!
smiling from ear to ear…very touching!
Hmmmm….found this link OT – this makes no sense to me vs. the announcement that RR is leaving:
“Barr has now asked Rod Rosenstein to stay on for a while, and he has said he would. How special.”
Anyone here know if this is true? Having said that, this article echoes my own concerns about Barr.
well originally RR said he would leave after the Muller report is released–then we heard middle of March–so that makes sense without knowing what transpired in the meantime (this is the missing info–Barr asked him to stay a coupe of weeks?)
Yeah, that thought crossed my mind after I posted.
RR will be in the Principal’s Office ’til mid March…
Barr wants answers
Also Rosenstink HAS TO ANSWER and can not take the 5th at Senate hearings if he is a government employee.
Saw that somewhere but I can not remember where. Info overload!!
what we all need to do is prepare also for the potential that even though we may appear to “win” or “keep winning” or our side is “gaining momentum” we may also be under the false illusion that we want this, and we might start accepting things and agreeing to things that “our side” puts forth in order to continue “down the path to truth”
i have known deep inside for a while that no matter what the data gathering, profiling, social score stuff – it is all going to happen regardless of “who wins” this battle.
if we are honestly, truly going to win we cannot let any political group that is there to remain. we cannot let any of these people stay in control of the power of us people.
if we don’t think we can manage to govern ourselves and know what’s best for us as a people and a nation, if we continue to feel we can shuttle that orff to the career politicians then i have to say we are not going to win.
we will for a while appear to win. we’ll be cracking down on some liberals or antifa’s using our tech spying and we will all cheer. and then the reality will hit you.
maybe some of us here are advanced on in life enough to just want to make it out “winning” and then move on. hopefully the next generation will keep up the fight, etc…then that’s a losing proposition.
too long people have just said “well gosh what will be left for my grandkids?” or “what will this country be like when my children are grown up” well i will tell you that’s no way to go about it. i would sacrifice my life to defend liberty, but i will not cower and will not be deluded with fake victory.
it’s all coming. all the stuff we “fear” has already happened. we just do not know it yet because, well, you know, because society isn’t ready to hear it. too many people will be shocked and thrown into a tizzy. TPTB will protect us until they can’t keep it secret anymore.
donald trump is simply a human. now whether or not he can time travel, that is up for debate – but he is a person who can be used and manipulated and with his best intentions that he will swear on a bible and if you could get in his mind you would know he is 100% for the american people – well, the people that are all around him, they will NEVER let this happen in the way i think most of us are expecting.
ok, that’s my black pilled moment for the day, but something to keep in mind and weigh some of the evidence.
this is and can never ever be a clean simple fight that’s about to wrap up.
Listen, I have said from the gitgo – at least 4+ years ago when I started researching this stuff – that it is, without a doubt, a multi-generational fight, and that even my grandkids will not see the end of it in their lifetimes.
I will end with this reminder from Ben Franklin: “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.’
A return to virtue and morality IS required – end of story.
absolutely – and i know you are one who sees many things in a skeptical protective way and i really appreciate that about you…
As I appreciate you – indeed, all of my fellow den dwellers!
Andrew is right!
I can’t disagree with this as much as I might want to.
Even if we manage to completely crush the power-grubbing sociopaths (PGSs) in our system, we will NOT have eradicated PGSs from our society, and even if we did THAT somehow, more will be born and attracted, like flies to sewage, by the power that government offers.
It’s a CONTINUOUS fight. We need to not just win this battle but to figure out how to train those who come after us to be vigilant and be able to stop the PGSs. Because they’re like the Terminator–they will not stop, ever, as long as they live, trying to gain power and then abuse it. It’s what they do; it’s how they think they MUST live.
We HAVE to seize the ‘free’ press back from the Commies, Islamis and Cartel-enablers.
That’s an important piece of it.
The education system is another.
Andrew, black pills like this are hard to swallow, but I think yours is a wise post, and we need to temper our optimism and remember the forces around President Trump. Still, when I think how much he has been able to do despite the odds, and when I remember how thankful I am we are not under the boot of Hillary or Obama, I feel light as a feather.
Oh look a red castle turned green!!! See I’m getting the hang of this Q stuff!!!
kea!! you and me are twin posting on different threads!!!
*High five!!!*
I don’t know where to post anymore!! Q covers just about every subject… Every day!!
Another 30 ft wall photo:
I’d like to know where–and if it’s Santa Theresa, I hope there are plans to keep moving on westward.
Where is the “like a lot!” button when you need it?
“Where is the “like a lot!” button….”

30 ft bollard wall design:
Whoa! Go Pompeo!!!!
“Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Wednesday that an Alabama woman who joined ISIS but now wants to return home with the 18-month-son she had with her ISIS husband will not be admitted back into the United States, saying she is not a U.S. citizen.
“Ms. Hoda Muthana is not a U.S. citizen and will not be admitted into the United States,” Pompeo said in a statement. “She does not have any legal basis, no valid U.S. passport, no right to a passport, nor any visa to travel to the United States. We continue to strongly advise all U.S. citizens not to travel to Syria.”
you can’t see me, but I’m Snoopy-dancing all over the dining room!!!!!!!! (better for you, safer for me…lol)
I literally jumped out of my chair and leaped for joy!!!! Yet, I am STILL not tired of this winning!
Funny how that seems to be the one campaign promise that Trump didn’t deliver on.
Well, there a number of items that the GOP continues to obstruct…..there is only so much one Lion can do against a whole cackle of hyenas!
We seem to have millions of people in our midst who fail to comprehend that actions have consequences. My theory is that their parents did not teach them what “no” means.
Situations like this are instructive in that they allow us to say to our fellow citizens “when you reject the responsibilities of US citizenship, you should expect to lose your citizenship.” It forces them to think about the notion that they too have responsibilities.
You can thank Dr. Spock (not the logical one from Star Trek) for having ruined at least two generations of children, and their parents (and probably their potential parenting, too)…
Hmmm. Does “In Loco Parentis” mean having crazy parents???
Thank the Rockefellers… The Hand that Rocked the Cradle: A Critical Analysis of Rockefeller Philanthropic Funding, 1920-1960
That is why I am glad David lived to see President Trump inaugurated. Why I am glad to see his estates sold off. (No Strong Man to inherit)
But… but… the baby!
Pompeo must be a racist sexist.
*sigh* – Here we go again!
“Norfolk is expected to get a short break from the wintry weather Thursday, but a significant winter storm is possible Friday through Sunday morning. The National Weather service says the upcoming system is expected to bring additional snow accumulations — possibly heavy — and may be accompanied by strong winds.
There is the potential for blizzard conditions with the incoming system this weekend. As of Wednesday morning, the Saturday afternoon and evening are the period of greatest concern. As a result, the weather service is advising everyone with weekend plans to monitor the weather closely.”
Aaah, Norfolk!
I’m glad the weather was nicer for the solar eclipse–rather than try to join the horde of people jamming up I-25 from Denver into Wyoming, I opted to go well into Nebraska and north of the path the night before figuring there wouldn’t be mobs of people; then taking time to find a cloud free spot somewhere along the path. I actually spent the night before the eclipse in Norfolk. I ended up seeing totality from two miles south of a dot on the map named Arnold. Before getting there, I actually saw people set up below a narrow strip of cloud, when a three mile drive would have got them out from under it. (dopes!)
Traffic only got bad trying to get to I-80 afterwards; it took quite a while to get from Stapleton to North Platte and figuring I-80 and I-76 would be crowded somewhere along the line, I just crossed over the interstate and dropped down into Kansas and took I-70 west from Colby.
I’m definitely going to try to catch the 2025 eclipse. I wonder who will be president then?
Ha – what a coincidence! Where did you stay in Norfolk?
I don’t quite remember which hotel it was. I just looked over at Travelocity, too, and nothing rang a bell.
Oh, well – I worked at one in Norfolk when I first came back from VA. Only for a little over a year before I went to work at the museum.
I drove about three miles south of my house to a grocery store parking lot.
Couldn’t make it out of town that day, and over my house it was not going to be completely total.
2045 (if I live that long) will pass right over me.
We had the total eclipse right over our house and a BEAUTIFUL crystal clear night, though a bit cold. It was an amazing sight.
You said “night,” which makes me think we’re not talking about the same thing–I was talking about the solar eclipse in 2017 (and future ones), not the recent lunar one–which I got some good pics of! And yes it was cold here too. Dash in with the camera card, upload to WQTH, dash out again, take more pictures….
Oh, how cool is this! A bit of history I had never heard of!!! The text below is interspersed with many great pictures.
“In the 1930s, many people living in isolated communities had very little access to jobs, let alone a good education for their children. In Kentucky, they had isolated mountain communities which could only get their books and reading material from one source… librarians on horseback.
President Franklin Roosevelt was trying to figure out a way to resolve the Great Depression of the 1930s. His Works Progress Administration created the Pack Horse Library Initiative to help Americans become more literate so that they’d have a better chance of finding employment.
These librarians would adventure through muddy creeks and snowy hills just to deliver books to the people of these isolated areas.
The horseback librarians were mostly made up of women. They were paid salaries by the Works Progress Administration. The rule was that libraries had to exist in the counties where books would be delivered. Many of the local schools contributed to this effort by donating literature, such as newspapers, magazines, and books.
These adventurous women on horseback would ride as much as 120 miles within a given week, regardless of the terrain or weather conditions. Sometimes, they would have to finish their travels on foot if their destination was in a place too remote and tough for horses to go.
In 1943, the horseback book delivery program had ended because employment skyrocketed during World War II.”
Very, interesting Nebraska,
I found out a while back that the Shetland pony was still doing work in coal mines up until the 1980s. They were used in both the UK and in West Virgina.
Since ‘coal’ gas is often associated with coal mines, the use of gasoline or electric engines could cause explosions and thus the ponies were used to haul the coal to the surface. (I would really love to get my hands on some of that pony stock!)
IKR? Tough little buggers!
But boy can they have nasty temperaments! I prefer the Connemara myself.
more Q…drops up to 2838…
one mentions Barr/ Mueller report coming, one mentions Schiff/Coates, and 2 reference POTUS tweet about the wall and red castle
There’s a lot of DS figures praising Dan Coats to the skies. 2837 gives us Adam Schiff.
Makes you wonder no more.
Dan Coates was always GOP-E/Swamp, and when they gave him DNI, didn’t have a good feeling about that.
I have a sneaking suspicion that one of the moves down the road is to consolidate or lessen the overlap in the American intelligence agencies. ODNI always did seem to be redundant.
This administration, though, has been using people to trace the web of the DS, so maybe they’ve gotten what they need from Coats in this regard.
POTUS also said this…
DAMN!!! hope this turns into some tweets!!! LOL
Sent earlier:
HA! Good ONE Lady P!!! Wonder if you are shadow Banned.. I usually see your tweets!!!
I just checked and I don’t appear to be shadow banned.
If McCabe has lost weight, then the executioner won’t need such a thick rope.
Trump saves money everywhere one looks!
Well, if they are not sleeping well, there is always the revolver on their night stand. Hollow points are inexpensive.
Perhaps not nice, but I’d feel better for them.
Pfftttt…..Bernie kicked out of commune when he was 30!
Yes. One of the classic stories that tells you all you need to know about Bernie.
NF: I recommended a short essay to Gail yesterday, and after reading this Bernie article also wanted to recommend it to you. It explains so much so succinctly. Do NOT let the title or the introductory part discourage you. It gets GREAT as it goes on:
TY – will bookmark it.
Thank you for the recommendation. Mises is always a good, thought provoking read.
One thought this article provokes is the change in hiring practices over my working life.
When Dad went to work and when I started my career, you expected to work at a couple jobs during your life time. The company looked, not for someone to do a ‘job’ but someone with potential that could grow within the company. The teen that swept the floors becoming the CEO is a classic tale of the mindset back then.
In the 1980s, along with the Leverage Buyouts/ Hostile Takeovers that synergistic relationship between employee and company died. Instead we now have HR departments,with people of little intelligence, trying to find a NPC to fit into a hole for a short time and then to be discarded as sone as that job is completed. No attempt is made to keep a good employee.
In return many people have ZERO loyalty to the company and no real incentive to do their best. As a result the entire society suffers.
This can be seen in the statistics on patents. (Small businesses are much more likely to generate loyalty between owners and employees)
Trump Takes Back $1 Billion from California; Gavin Newsom Complains: ‘Political Retribution’
Another in WIN column!!!!
Hey, Gavin try telling that to a bank when you take out a mortgage to build a house and fail to build it and want to keep the money anyway.
NO ONE is resigning in Virginia, because if you’re a DEM politician, you have no shame and no adherence to the laws of Virginia.
Last week, House Democrats pulled back from an early move to hold impeachment hearings.
Nancy Erika Smith, a lawyer for Ms. Watson, bristled at the Democrats’ latest statement.
“Apparently, the Virginia House Democratic Caucus believes that courageous victims of rape need to be heard — just not by them,” she said. “Ms. Watson is counting on the General Assembly to do the right thing and hold hearings now. These nonstop efforts to duck their role is pure cowardice. Sympathy is welcome, but action is needed.”
they all will get away with it because what they are proposing is actually NOT A PROBLEM with a ton of people. mostly because they aren’t “picturing” it. there’s a reason you can’t show pics or videos of abortions even though those should be mandatory viewing for everyone.
wow…so these illegal fugitives donated to Obama and the Dems and are also tied to fetal tissue sales and Planned Parenthood? thank goodness for ICE!
Unanimous decision from SCOTUS and RBG “wrote the opinion and read a summary of it from the bench”. Article dated 2/20/19. Still no pictures.
This is odd though from the article….Although the outcome was unanimous, Justice Clarence Thomas didn’t join Ginsburg’s opinion, writing separately to say his reasoning was different.
It’s not uncommon for a single justice or a handful of them to write a concurring opinion–“Yes, you’re right to overturn (or not overturn, as the case may be) but for the wrong reasons” is what it amounts to. In this case, it’s actually a good thing, it means the Constitution has redundant protections for our freedoms.
Thanks for the added clarification.
“In this case, it’s actually a good thing, it means the Constitution has redundant protections for our freedoms.”
While I am OK with Civil Asset Forfeiture, it needs to be aligned with convictions. And fair amounts or absolutely aligned with illegal behavior linked to the conviction. Such as drug sales.
Too often I read about folks losing their cash simply because LE says it must have been ill-gotten.
Had seen the unanimous decision with RBG writing for eight Justices. Simple mind here was puzzled. Thanks for posting Justice Thomas wrote his own decision.
I do wonder how engaged RBG was.
Another fascinating episode of Wictor On War! – This time about the war against domestic terrorist army – Antifa:
I think the good guy is a Navy SEAL or Army Special Forces….maybe even ex-IDF.
Wow! The Wictor article is wonderful, and the video he links to is AWESOME. Never heard of this woman before, but she is brilliant.
Woman? What woman?
Wictor linked to a BRILLIANT video with a woman named Fiamengo from the University of Ottawa. She ties into Wictor’s “Judas Goat” theory of Trump warfare.
OK – I was looking and looking through the article I linked. I’ve heard ‘No Joke’ Janice before and she has a lot to say on a number of topics!
I looked on YT and she is seen on the channel called StudioBrule. Her show is called Fiamengo File.
Wow! Worth checking out!
THIS is the kind of kid who would make ANY mom/dad proud.
He’s 18 yrs old and works as a landscaper in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. He has a snowplow.
Seattle received a 70 yr record snowfall.
His mom had surgery and a birthday. After b-day party he left for Washington, with a snow-plow add on CraigsList.
He made 35K in 4 days.
Plans to give 20% to his church, cuz he feels blessed.
Said he would buy a little landscaping equipment and save the rest for his first house!
LOVE this young man!
These are the sorts of people I would pay to do that work.
it’s unanimous!
Thank you President Trump

.. and I thank God for you … bless you sir.
another Q drop…it’s interesting
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 4f5aaa No.5289043
Feb 20 2019 16:15:39 (EST)
Mueller must deliver report to DOJ prior to OIG releasing next installment.
You will understand why in the coming weeks.
Methinks there needs to be a Q snack recipe thread. I mean, patriots can’t live on popcorn alone.
Barr-B-Q ?
Sure. Tough meat cooks low and slow.
Hogs on a spit. Yeah.
Head on a pike–but I won’t cook it and I won’t eat it.
SPI(ri)T cooking… (All gristle, fake meat?)…
From BeezleBubba and Hill-the-BEAST…
This conversation has taken a turn for the wurst.
Smoke or smoke not; there is no fry…
Here is a very interesting article by Dianna West in defense of Joseph McCarthy. Methinks we could use some McCarthyism right about now:
A Short, Communist History of ‘McCarthyism’
This woman is BRILLIANT, and she was mercilessly held down by the commies, and IN PARTICULAR Twitter.
I like both Jeff Carlson (Epoch times) and Actual_Chaos. Angst coming over the next several days. Looking forward to #CommieMaggieNYT’s total meltdown – in medicine, we call it a psychotic break. May happen to some folks.
Definitely will need to do a snack thread. There’s enough cooks here we could probably publish a book of healthy AND tasty ones in quick order.
Is “healthy” and “tasty” an oxymoron?
For some people.
I’ve been experimenting with Kalamata olives and avocado with sweet and bell peppers, scallions, and some protein like salmon or chicken breast. I think it’s doable as a spread, but some in my circle would prefer to take a packet of French onion soup mix, and mix it into a container of sour cream and call it dip.
It or them? (sorry)
The least they could do is take “The Preppy Handbook’s” advice and use vegetable soup for the dip…
Or maybe the 1000 variations on Chex Party Mix… with fresh ingredients, though, say, salsas and the various moles (not just guaco) there are tons of things to be made…
(Then there’s always the different fondues and raclettes in cold weather)…
You know how we learn to trust a certain cookbook? Okay. Anything I made from “Southern Living” was good. So, I bought their “Cooking LIght” cookbook. Made five things- all horrible.
Came home one day and husband was burning the pages of the book with a bunch of sticks, yard debris. He said, “I don’t ever want you to make anything again from that book. I would rather starve.”
“….we call it a psychotic break….”
I expect to see a lot of it. There are just too many tender snowflakes around who have NEVER EVER come up hard against reality. Hillary’s loss was jaring but they held out (irrational) hope that President Trump would be ousted and Hillary would be ‘crowned’ and the media kept the hope alive.
Jussie Smollett is officiall a suspect:
Ahhh. The first person to scam the Nigerians gets called on it…
Need to change that country code from 419, Jussie…
Oh wow…this is good:
H/T: Citizen Free Press.
Thing is…Jussie is not very smart.
I think he had ‘help’ in thinking up this hoax.
Did Kamala help him?
I’m now thinking Kamala + Brennan.
Whoever helped him was not smart, either. It was a disaster from start to finish.
This is like Dr. Fraud and Kavanaugh. This stuff is usually covered up. They’re LOSING COVER.
This is very suspicious. The guy is a narrative time-bomb for the left. He is calling in artillery on Jussie Smollett.
Which is a huge danger to Kamala, and he is calling them out….
He has an invitation to the White House…..
Then he gets hit with some kind of Cory Lewandowski-Michelle Fields bullshit….
Which fails to take him out from his White House visit, but THIS DOES….
Sorry – I’m not buying this bullshit. Is he on the Q train? Bet he is.
I’m with you, Wolfie.
This is Very Suspicious!
I don’t know if Terrence is a Q peep, but it wouldn’t surprise me.
Did you know hes from Oklahoma?
No…I didn’t know that.
Thanks, Gil!
Posting so frequently where, when, how hes moving around. He and others…cough…wolf…cough…must realize who watches us….
Things are getting very spicy. We are seeing OPEN MOVES. And I’m seeing how this works.
I’m also seeing a certain socialist signature on this. VERY professional.
There is no strong and specific individual motive – the motive is BIGGER and larger-scale. NOW i’m seeing it. This links MANY of their acts. It provides camouflage to itself – very cunning. By being STATISTICAL, the ERRORS provide COVER.
Same type of people who manipulated the Fields-Bot to insert Manafort. This is social engineering on an extremely powerful scale. In some cases, the acts lead to PART of a goal – PART of a curve. Maybe they get one segment – maybe they get all of them. But the point is, they get SOME NET CURVATURE to the goal on every individual act. Because the acts are not clearly connected to the larger goal of the program, it’s all highly deniable.
While something significantly different in spatial components but weirdly analogous in temporal components and final outcomes, including impressive operational timeframes approaching zero hour of intersection with VSGPOTUS and those around him, may or may not have happened to somebody I know *COUGH*, I am now seeing something extremely critical.
The same methodology being used on TWITTER to isolate VSGPOTUS from THE PEOPLE is being used IN REAL SPACE AND TIME to isolate VSGPOTUS (and other top R pols) from THE PEOPLE. And they are prioritizing their operational capabilities on KEY POTENTIAL INFLUENCERS.
It is bidirectional – limiting input to POTUS – limiting POTUS key influence on potential influencers.
The beauty of this approach is that it can operate outside of White Hat IC, except it might help to have a few insiders to provide the RULES to be MANIPULATED from outside.
Some restriction of intersection into POTUS-SPACE is normal, and is simply good security. But THAT is precisely where the anti-Trump forces, both leftist and controlled opposition right (NeverTrump) are able to intervene.
HOWEVER, they apparently could not do so here. TRANSLATION – there was not way to scratch this guy from a visit into POTUS-space for engineered security reasons. THAT means they had to go to “kinetic means”
This is really amazing. This is a STRONG influence program, because it is SO DIFFUSE. Very pro.
The commies have a program to farm history by INHIBITING influence in some cases, just like they have others to FERTILIZE influence.
The beauty of the approach is that it’s statistical. NO FINGERPRINTS. Just prevent or insure interactions between people. OVER TIME it gives THEIR HOUSE an edge.
Oh you can see their fingerprints.
Go after ANYONE who might want to work for POTUS.
ATTACK, both physically, through setups and through lawfare anyone who DOES work for POTUS.
Notice President Trump got NO FUNDING from billionaires while campaigning per SD.
Censor, intimidate and attack his supporters so they are afraid to even wear MAGA hats.
Do a complete media blackout of anything good POTUS has done.
ATTACK and get fired well known people who support POTUS: think Milo, and Roger Ayers
Refuse to allow conservatives on campus for talks: think Milo and Dinesh D’Souza.
YES!!! It’s really comprehensive. And the techniques are adapted to the person being inhibited. The billionaire donor, the political activist, the citizen investigator – they all get their own different inhibitor.
Laura Loomer. What is happening to HER is part of the SAME PROGRAM as what happened to Terrence, and Candace, and Sundance, and me, and Posobiec, and friends of mine, and all the others.
It’s remarkable that they can still do it with Trump in theoretical control of the government. And THAT is why they’re doing it – to shake our FAITH that Trump and the White Hats are in control.
Brilliant. This explains my own reaction earlier, and SD, too. LOSS OF FAITH is a GOAL.
The other side has an understanding of KEY EVENTS and how to PREVENT THEM. Meetings between influential individuals seem to be something they are particularly interested in preventing. It’s like particle deflection. There are certain kinds of PREDICTABLE and INCONSEQUENTIAL interactions they allow, but there are others which could have UNPREDICTABLE and SIGNIFICANT consequences that they don’t like.
Kanye redux. Blexit continues anyway….
Now they need some mexit power players….
Yup. The Demmunists and their KGB-CIA are on plantation perimeter patrol, but the escapes are still increasing.
The idea of Putin and Trump meeting absolutely freaks them out.
Five suspicious-cats!
Fortunately Terrance still has a sense of humor – Candace RT’d this
He’s a VERY smart player (precisely why they want him OUT of play). He dumped enough evidence of things into public that “those with awareness” can see what’s going on, but he says nothing that might discredit himself.
They nailed him this time. They won a small battle, keeping him out of the White House, and putting him in the hospital. But they gave up the program.
…. the toddler girl is my fave 

… love it 

Me too! I laughed my butt off the first time I saw that!!!
I wouldn’t mess with that sweet little bitty girl ..
… she’s so cute 
Looks like a Deep-State “lyft” to me…
Cannot wait until they face justice, either in this world or the next…
The nice part to me is realizing that this was NOT a “one-off”. This is part of a LARGE program to inhibit MAGA. Even if the technology is beyond detectability (Eckert’s Law), we know the signature of the cases. White Hat IC is going to be able to concentrate the cases and FIND THE TECH, but even ignoring that, they will be able to put the squeeze on the opposition. We know WHERE they strike – WHO they strike – WHEN they strike. Now they have to BACK OFF or GET MADE.
And if they get MADE, the best cure – IMO – DRAG IT OUT IN PUBLIC. Make it ugly – dribble it back up the chain in embarrassing ways. Like what is happening to Jussie Smollett and Kamala Harris right now.
This is terrible. And I agree suspicious. And it pisses me off. I hope he mends quickly and well and I will pray for that. AND I bet he ends up with a WH visit, anyway, when he is better.
Me too

now that’s funny….
“…cat got your tongue girl? Or does Willy Brown got your tongue?” (Something like that)
God bless and strengthen you Mr. Williams … and may He kept you safe from harm. Get better
Ah California. They want to invade our privacy and track us by making paper receipts illegal. Now, if course, sugar tax. Not only that, but not even allow us to buy drinks that they deem too bug or too much. Democrats are evil, despicably evil.
State lawmakers are trying again to discourage the consumption of sugary beverages, on Wednesday proposing a tax, warning labels, and a ban on soda displays near checkout lines among other measures.
The five bills address what the Democratic lawmakers call a public health crisis leading to an increase in obesity, diabetes, heart disease and other ills.
“The soda industry is the new tobacco industry,” said Assemblyman David Chiu of San Francisco as he promoted his measure that would bar restaurants from selling soda in cups larger than 16 ounces (.5 liters). “This is an industry that has used marketing and sales tactics to victimize low income communities, communities of color throughout our country.”
One of four California adults is now obese, he said, a 40 percent increase over two decades. More than half of Californians are overweight and more than half have either diabetes or pre-diabetes. The average American drinks nearly 50 gallons (190 liters) of sugary beverages a year, he said, consuming 39 pounds (17.5 kilograms) of extra sugar.
Another bill would ban soda discount coupons that Assemblyman Rob Bonta of Oakland said can result in “soda actually being cheaper than bottled water.” His bill would ban such coupons.
The proposals include a fee on sugary beverages that would take a two-thirds vote to approve. Health groups are also circulating petitions to put a tax of 2 cents per ounce on the 2020 ballot.
Several measures have failed repeatedly in previous years, including the tax proposed by Assemblyman Richard Bloom of Santa Monica. He said details of his proposal are still being worked out, but a 2 cents per ounce tax would raise a projected $2 billion annually for prevention efforts.
The beverage industry says such a tax would fall harder on those with lower incomes and would have uncertain health benefits.
California Hispanic Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Julian Canete criticized the package on behalf of the beverage industry, saying that soda makers have already done much to discourage over-consumption. He promoted better health education over a tax.
The American Beverage Association said it is engaged in an “unprecedented commitment to fight obesity” by offering more choices and smaller portion sizes with less sugar or no sugar.
Yeah, see…this is where ‘Govt provided healthcare’ leads to.
First they declare that “Healthcare is a Right!”
Then they declare “Everyone has the right to healthcare — so the Govt should pay for it!”
Next step is…the Govt has the ‘right’ to dictate what is ‘healthy’ and what is ‘not’.
The same logic led to helmet laws. On the one hand if a motorcyclist wants to not wear a helmet, let him—ooh but we have to pay for his medical care when he flies over the handlebars!
The final step is…
“You have been leading an Un-Healthy Lifestyle — No healthcare for you!”
I shudder to think of what they could do with legalized euthanasia.
I’d have no hesitation in supporting assisted suicide for terminally ill patients, etc…provided there are ways to guard against abuse and the prospect of relatives pressuring someone to end it early.
That’s a very big “provided.” I’ve heard good things about the Oregon law but that was from an admittedly biased source.
It should NEVER be the State’s decision!
Yeah unfortunately sudden death not due to infectious disease is really the only good source of organs.
Larry Niven wrote an interesting story or two about the effects that ubiquitous transplants (for life extension) would have on society. Imagine some state passing a law that executed prisoners’ organs would be put into the pool. Then imagine the death penalty passed for more and more crimes as people realized the more crooks executed the longer they would live–all the way down to traffic infractions.
This is why newsom crwated a job for a ca surgeon general. Going to investigate trauma to kids…like oh maybe guns ownership at home. Parents yelling at the tv watching the news, explaining mental illness that isnt pc, etc.
Always to control you!
Newsom’s new nickname is catching on…
“Governor gaslight”
Jussie Smollett Charged With Felony Disorderly Conduct/Filing False Police Report – Bond Hearing Set For Tomorrow
Hi t3 …
missed you… glad you’re back
This woman is causing HEARTBURN in all the right places, and I LOVE IT!!!
I do hope Candace can stay healthy and the bad guys don’t set her up for something odd in her past. No doubt they are looking. If they find nothing, they’ll create it and plant it to be found.
Candace is such a breath of fresh air, articulate, happy and beautiful!
Umm..Q sent me. Definitely not Sunsetdance.
Hi NYGuy !!!
So great to see you… Hope you’re doing well. We have missed you!
I heard there were some happy people in here
*waves to Ed*

Maybe we should call him ‘Raindance’.
Freaking fantastic day for our side. The tide has turned. Soon it will no longer be the last refuge but it will be Home.
Glad to see you here. Hope you are feeling better.
And yes the optimism is rising.
The caught her. AOC was caught siphoning money to her boyfriend.
The guy who brought it up on Twitter was banned by twitter, but he was right, and laid out the whole scheme.
Hey, only have a minute but, speaking of health, here’s a discussion by some engineers about why directed/focused beams of 5G do increase the power levels in a way that hasn’t been discussed much.
Just read an extensive article in Epoch times – there’s significant health concerns with 5G. Too much power in the radio waves, the low frequency carries further. The airwaves saturated.
They’ve not done adequate health studies on this.
There are significant health concerns with 5G.
I’m so glad I cancelled cable tv so many years ago…unfortunately it doesn’t prevent me from watching occasional pieces of it…gotta remind myself once in a while of how insidious and manipulative this medium has become (now I choose to be manipulated by insidious youtube…but for now I feel that I have at least the tiniest bit of control over what I click on…for how much longer who knows?).
I find this fascinating and instructive at the same time. Here’s Greg Gutfeld coming to the realization that the news (WAPO in this case but the MSM in general) purposefully pushes conflict in the news and pushes it specifically to attract clicks on-line…and that this is how huge amounts of money is made. There is a another question raised about who should profit from said conflict. Meanwhile, communist tool Juan Williams is there shamelessly defending the MSM for attacking high school children without so much as verifying the story. Why is Juan Williams on this show? What’s his purpose there? Specifically to create conflict!
It is instructive (obvious to us) in that it is a great example of what has gone wrong with the news (on top of the fact that most news organizations are controlled propaganda for communists trying to destroy America). Even though The Five is an opinion-based show and conflict is apart of these types of shows, the news has followed in their footsteps to attract as many viewers and clicks as possible. And it is so obvious in THIS show that the communist tool Juan Williams is their solely to provide a conflict, whether it makes sense or not does not matter! What’s important is that their is a conflict! Ninety percent of the time he fails to convince viewers that even he believes in what he is saying. The whole thing is absurd. And this is Fox News…it only gets more absurd when you change the channel.
It is fascinating in that this circular argument on display flies completely over the heads of the five people discussing it.
I hope so, phxR…some decent standards need to be re-implemented. I mean, the news industry has never been close to ideal, and I wouldn’t want to harm our 1A in any way, but things have really gotten out of hand in the last few decades. It’s not only wrong…but dangerous to our way of life…
In the past the free market could force (at least to some degree) the media to report with some degree of accuracy and honesty…but I don’t know if that really applies today when most, if not all, of the major news organizations are being funded by who knows what and where. And this “click for profit” model of business seems to twist the free market into something somewhat unrecognizable. Are people clicking for news and information or are they clicking to see a brawl or to see if their side won? It’s kind of like watching professional wrestling for a competitive sport aspect.
Pretty much all media, including TV, radio and newspapers are owned by around 6 corporations, from what I understand. That pretty makes for a monopoly, IMO.
Agreed…the US Justice Deptartment broke up the Ma Bell phone company back when many were still using rotary phones…and they just provided a vehicle…not content.
Here’s the full graphic:
H/T Citizen Free Press.
This was in the comments.
these are Hat crimes
like this
LMAO!!! Good to see you tonight, Ed!
Thanks man..was at the eye doc for 4 hrs today. Helped me understand what I have and how to manage it. Half of it was my own fear.
That is great to hear!
Stress can really add to health problems.
Ed, that is true progress. Facing fears when you have so many unanswered questions about your future issues. Just know many of us have experiend traumas & accidents, or have macular degeneration & hearing loss in our future.
In my case too many accidents – the worst a broken neck and displaced jaw with effects I deal with daily even though the accident was 6 years ago. In fact, during everyone’s suggestions the other day for you to look into, I wonder if anyone has assessed whether your jaw was thrown out of alignment because it does affect hearing, headaches etc.
Anyway, great to see you here in the Wolf Den
Excellent news!!! <3
Moar Q!

He’s going after Ann Coulter…haaaa.
Oh, my…implying Romney has paid her off!!
Well, I bet PUBLICLY she wishes it was easier to sue for libel…but privately, she’s glad she won’t have to explain why she won’t do it.
And did you read the comments down-thread? Holy crap! They are totally ripping her a new one!!!! “Q sent me. Jig is up!” is just one example.
Q going after Coulter…yes! She has supported Romney for president in the past, but has also criticized him. (So what’s new?)
Q didn’t come right out and say Romney is paying her off, and I would like to see evidence, but it does make sense because she’s so unreasonable in her criticism of Pres. Trump. Something seems off.
Does Coulter need more money, really? I wonder if Romney could have promised her something else, too. Whatever the case, I hope the juicy details will be revealed soon.
I never understood her appeal. Her being called out by Q made my day.
We are watching a slow motion takedown. A brilliantly designed, artfully crafted counterattack. Coming from all angles and every direction. Top down and bottom up. Players we know and many we don’t. Just when they thought they had won…..
I don’t need to post a long deeply sourced article for y’all to understand.
You’re right. I think we’re all seeing it. Their evil schemes are being thwarted, and they are being taken down both for the wrongs they are directly responsible for, and indirectly in other ways. It’s amazing to watch.
Hey! Dude! Welcome back! So very glad to “see” you!!!
Oops…I need to correct my spelling for Counsel! I typed that in without thinking!
That’s better!
And the nastiness OT continues…….
Sharon says:
February 20, 2019 at 8:53 pm
Behind there has been plenty of proof of that certain letter of the alphabet is real! People need to open their eyes for heaven sakes! How much more proof do they need?Even the video where Our President is talking to the media with the room full of generals and others about this the calm before the storm! And he makes the Q sign with his left hand as he is talking! Also the recent rally in El Paso when Donald Trump Jr. is giving his speech and talking with his hands and making the Q sign with his left hand! And many more signs! So Obvious. General Flynn signing things with WWG1WGA! Really sad that oh we aren’t allowed to discuss Q here! No freedom of speech?
Arty Shellrep says:
February 20, 2019 at 9:24 pm
-Sharon says: “No freedom of speech?”
This is Sundance’s private blog and he denounced Q’s trust the plan as disinformation.
There is NO expectation of free speech on a private blog.
Sadly , Qtards are consumed with confirmation bias which inhibits critical thinking.
SD is keeping the Q haters THERE. All I can say is HALLELUJAH!!!
Good point!
Kind of like a troll honeypot where you can examine their tactics at your leisure … if you are in the business of studying the current troll tactics … or something.
“This is Sundance’s private blog and he denounced Q’s trust the plan as disinformation.
There is NO expectation of free speech on a private blog.”
Then why have a comment section at all? Ridiculous comment by a zombified “SDtard” (to borrow and slightly change one of their favorite insults).
Sundance is known for being unforgiving of those who do not share his opinion. I was told that on another blog before I joined the conversation OT That is why I was rather cautious when making comments.
Well, I’m glad you made it to a home of the free…
Freedom of speech…freedom of thoughts and ideas…a free home (with limited rules within reason) is a healthy home!
Very happy Hubby found you for me. I was wondering where my favorite commenters OT had gone. Now I know!
I asked to get, then got banned the other day when I called out his bias. I’m finally part of the club. ;~)
Welcome to the banned wagon!
Many congrats!
Welcome aboard!
Welcome. We have an expectation of open thoughtful communication. But we all make mistakes too. Thats why we also forgive but keep talking.
Im sure others will finally try out the branch here too!
“Sharon” is right when she says, “There is NO expectation of free speech on a private blog.” (We are fortunate in what Wolf allows here.)
But then she loses all credibility by stooping to name-calling. She insinuates that she and other Q-deniers are able to think critically, but seems to rely on SD’s opinion that Q is disinformation. She presents no other evidence to support her theory.
Why do you bother with him? He was only able to run half the race. Champions finish.
Oh, I just drop in now and then to see what happens when someone new tries to bring up Q. Morbid curiosity… know, like when you just can’t NOT look at that accident on the beltway? LOL
he’s a trainwreck no question…flaming out in glorious fashion
TBH, I don’t read his writings at all – I just go to the comment section to watch…..
just teasing you……
Another Q – Ann flip-flopping, again w/the wire transfer
History of “flip-flopping”?
What *made* her flop this time?
Wire transfers are an effective way at swaying opinions.
Shills come in many different forms.
Race to build a base (followers) to build worth to draw funds.
Common these days?
OK – this may need a NEW Q thread!!!
Could be…….
But, you knew that already.
Hence why [AS][SDNY][MW] are attempting to keep the ‘insurance’ scheme ongoing post Mueller.
The fun begins directly after.
Will make the Super Bowl look like a puppy show.
Super Bowl? That’s for wimps you want blood go for RUGBY!
Hubby’s classmate finally had to give up playing a couple years ago after the second knee replacement. (Hubby is 76)
That’s so funny. A friend of mine from England says the same thing about football and rugby.
I hear ya’ – ouch! I have only seen snippets here and there but yeah, it is blood sport for sure.
I used to go watch when I was in college. Football was always a YAWN for me.
Well, football was/is our lifeblood in NE so…..GO HUSKERS!!!!
Yes, Coulter has a history of flip-flopping. I alluded to it above.
This is what I don’t understand: Q says “to build a base (followers) to build worth to draw funds.” Coulter already has a following, and she would have more of a following by supporting the President. Presumably, she has made good money. Why would she need to build more wealth for drawing funds? Is simple greed the answer?
I can’t stand the way she’s going against Pres. Trump, but I would like proof if she’s being paid to express the opinions she does. And who are the payERs? That would be very interesting.
Yes, but she has to KEEP that following – IMO, her popularity had started to take a slight hit lately anyway, with her constant harping. Many people were already getting tired of it. Q is alleging she is in cahoots w/Romney – the Tweet he links was from 2012, where she says she is sorry for Romney – not just financial is my guess.
Romney is the payER, IMO.
Yes, that is what Q seems to be saying. I just wondered when Q said this, in Post 2842…
History of “flip-flopping”?
What *made* her flop this time?
…if he is alleging she has been paid for opinions before. It made me wonder if there have been other payers.
Good question….
Remember one thing about Coulter: she’s from the NYC club. Her dad was a lawyer, and an anti-union and red FBI agent. She grew up in the system. Already monied. Legacy sort.
The only “conservatives” I can see from this group on the east coast that really are/were are the Buckley, Brent Bozell family, and even then I have my doubts.
Oh, holy crap! A whole SLEW of drops, Wolfie!!!!
Oh, hell…..never mind – something went TOTALLY haywire and all of a sudden I am looking at drops from last year….??????? Whew.- reset and that was the last one so far. Dang – sorry!
Oh, Annie, Annie, Annie – you know NOT what you do!!!! SPIT!
Is Ann in the same universe we are???
Tunnel vision/one issue + love for Romney and Christie + $$$$ = ?
Q said:
“Wire transfers are an effective way at swaying opinions.”
He wouldn’t have said that unless they already have noticed some ‘suspicious’ wire transfers going to Ann Coulter.
One of the oldest ways of doing a payoff…is doing a massive book-buy of someone’s book.
The Dems have been doing this one for decades.
So if there have been some bulk purchases of Ann’s book(s) recently, then that could reflect a payoff.
It’s just not normal for someone to be buying 100,000 copies of a book.
Or even 20K copies of all of her books.
And even if Romney used some elaborate off-shore methods to do it…Mnuchin’s investigators could sniff it out.
Ah! I had never heard of that deal with a book-buy. SMH – they are just so good at being sneaky!!!
Oh yeah…there was even a scandal about Sen George Mitchell with a massive book-buy of some of his books.
Happened back in the 90’s.
The media covered for him, though.
He was Majority Leader for the Dems.
Yep, SD was terrific at tracking the money to pundits. Remember? We just thought their opinion was their own.
Levin had books purchased, roughy $1 million.
Erik Erickson was bought by the TD Ameritrade guy.
Hugh Hewitt and all of Salem Media was co-opted.
Ann Coulter is just the latest.
ATM though he’s sniffed down that trail so far that’s the only thing he smells. Anyone who disagrees with him he thinks is writing a book.
I thought that was well known. We saw it all the time during the Climate Wars.
Rajendra Pachauri, former chair of the UN’s IPPC, smutty book “Return to Almora” is a classic example.
I missed this news about our ‘old friend’
Former IPCC chief Rajendra Pachauri to stand trial on sexual harassment charges
Couldn’t happen to a
nicernastier guy.Another Climate ‘Hero’ Mikey Mann wrote several books.
Another favorite is the private ‘Consulting firm’ Rosa DeLaura (D – CT) is wealthy thanks to shares in Hubby, Stan Goldburg’s ‘Consulting firm’
$cienos (Scientologists) do it, too. They buy thousands upon thousands of copies of “Dianetics” (or whatever), bring them back to “the org”, and the books “magically” end up getting sold again, and again. and again … and so L. Ron Flubbard becomes a best-selling author of a snake-oil, D-grade science fiction “religion”…
Even hear people there brag about how they conned the IRS… (long, long ago)… Sort of wonder if they’re somehow controlled, considering Hubbard’s connections with Jack Parsons (of JPL)…
Ah, yes – the $cienos – I have had my own run-in with them. The theory behind Dianetics is interesting, to be sure, but those people are REAL nutjobs!
Q thread up now!
How to change the subject from TDS and Jussie Smollett:
Feds: Coast Guard lieutenant compiled hit list of lawmakers
White supremacist
Loves Russia
Firearms collector
Targeted Dems and liberals
“Hasson appeared to be a chronic user of the opioid painkiller Tramadol”
“Court papers detail a June 2017 draft email in which Hasson wrote that he was “dreaming of a way to kill almost every last person on the earth,” and pondering how he might be able to acquire anthrax and toxins to create botulism or a deadly influenza.”
There had to be a righting of the balance …so…on deck a white supremacist that they’ve known about for years? Were they saving him for just this occasion?
SMELL the distraction in the air. This is done now so the media doesn’t have to talk about Smollett being in a bond hearing in the morning.
Ding Ding Ding!
I’ll bet you’re right, Daughn!
AOC has already used this in diverting attention . The articles also have the distinct smell of anti gun propaganda. They act like 15 firearms and 1000 ammo rounds is akin to a home armory.
Nothing that ever hits the press is covered equally. The man who actually did carry out a terror incident by shooting Steve Scalise and the others was barely a blip on the media radar.
It strikes me oddly that a man could have these extreme views for 30yrs and it never ooze into his professional life.
Hmmm. He’s been involved with an FF somewhere before. That name is odd, and oddly familiar…
He’s so clever.
But they gave us this investigation! Indian givers.
Honest Injun…
(sorry…ducks and runs from flaming arrows…)
It’s so much fun to be MAGA.
Next they’ll have one with RBG… (not on VSGPDJT’s 404 page, though)…
Could it be that Qanon thinks up these parody accounts?
What a hoot!