You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.
Keep it civil, but keep it free.
Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.
A couple of other important things to consider. This here link….
….contains some general guidelines for things that are really, really not kosher to post here.
Also consider Wheatie’s Rules (as amended by SteveInCO):
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
- No shooting at the nuclear warheads.
Remember – this is a free speech zone. Barring the few minor things that can get this site closed down, you ain’t gonna get banned.
And once the Gab commenting layer is here – BOOM.
– – · –
The current plan for Dear MAGA threads is to switch to a format where people have ONE NIGHT A WEEK that they take care of the thread. For example, Wheatie will put up the SATURDAY thread on FRIDAY NIGHT.
- Monday – Wolf
- Tuesday – Wolf
- Wednesday – Wolf
- Thursday – Wolf
- Friday – Wolf
- Saturday – Wheatie
- Sunday – ThinkThinkThink
If anybody else would be interested in being a Dear MAGA author one night a week, feel free to let me know.
Remember that our greatest gift to President Trump is PRAYER!
Two items of interest:
First, keep up those prayers for NYGuy54! They’re WORKING.
Second, we need to dig up the links between Kamala Harris and a certain hoaxer whose MOTHER is named Janet Harris. There are a lot of tips leading in that general direction, and there seems to be some objection to those tips being publicized.

Is this true Cory dating Smollett’s sister
The web gets more tangled everyday! Are Booked and Harris the new crime bosses? Taking over from Hill and Billary?
Well look at all the political connections Smollett has
omg Kin is here…wow…
Well theres a young gay guy who claims being sexually assaulted by booker in a bathroom. Booker is obsessed with all things gay every time he questions in hearings. If he is sating a woman, shes a beard, imo.
I was trying to understand what was with the reference to “Spartacus” – I knew the leftists loved the 1960 film with the politics of a slave revolt to provide inspiration for their Marxist imaginations, but it seemed a stretch of a reference, even with Pepsi’s commercial take on the film.
As it turned out, there was a TV series “Spartacus” produced by Starz that ran from 2010-2013 that seemed popular with a certain crowd, but which had garnered a lot of criticism for its very graphic adult scenes. Suddenly, Booker’s interest, or perhaps better, his vicarious positioning of himself as “Spartacus” made a lot more sense.
And then sitting there I realized how much of an intellectual nerd I am and how clueless I am about pop culture, that I have to look up details on a TV series on IMDb.
I can’t stand the idea of paying for mindless beta wave enhancers
Yeah, the description of that encounter sounded quite believable.
There’s also the coincidence that Smollett’s mother’s maiden name is Harris. Yes, it’s a common name but…are they related? Kamala and Janet Harris Smollett
Terrence Williams said earlier that Smollett is Kamala’s nephew…
Also, someone else tweeted that the sister is beard for Booker…
Red Diaper CREW!!!
And the Chicago DA Kitt recused, said she is friends with a potential witness (Harris?)
Sorry, DA Kim Foxx.
And am trying to find the source for this statement that the 2 nigerians are in a hotel with police protection. On Reddit, the pedes are all over these connections.
…”In her first year in office, Kim has already undertaken substantial reform. She has revamped the office’s Conviction Integrity Unit, resulting in overturned convictions in over 20 cases, including the first-ever mass exoneration in Cook County for 15 men whose convictions stemmed from misconduct by a Chicago Police Officer. “…
But she doesn’t want to touch this one.
Thank you, Mary.
That’s shocking.
Another cop hater with big ambitions.
Would this woman be a SOROS D.A.? Kinda thinking YUPPERS.
oh wow..I didn’t make the connection. He was in the Lyft wreck from Kalbren’s comment. Connect the dots.
I’m watching a show right now with Jim Marrs (died last yr) about connecting dots..the banks, the globalists, the media…
Exactly. And he was scheduled to go to the White House. When that happens, first people go after him for “assaulting” some kid – it’s total BS – he knocked some kids glasses accidentally in a photo when he raised his arms. Then he has the wreck.
I’m not buying it. This is BLEXIT SUPPRESSION.
They say Smollett is Harris’s nephew
Anybody around here good with geneology? (wink)
Let’s call Liz Warren?
I am working on it.
It gets harder with more recent people. Fewer public records available.
But I am trying hard.
If anybody can find the connections–It’s YOU Aubergine!!! Brilliant!!!
Thanks, Marica.
I am beginning to think that most of what there is out there about Janet Harris Smollett’s parentage is made up.
We need her to check her American Indian BLood!
23 and me needs to reach out!!
Smollett has been running around with all the Obama people and friends.
kamala is not an african american.
and was raised up in canada same as the new surgeon general of california.
just putting that out there. no reason
But Charlize Theron IS an “African-American” is there is such a thing……
Most “Blacks” have nothing to do with “Africa”
HYPHENATED “Americans” is Terminology that pisses me off.
Either you are American or not.
Yep, kinda like this:
“In the first place, we should insist that if the immigrant who comes here in good faith becomes an American and assimilates himself to us, he shall be treated on an exact equality with everyone else, for it is an outrage to discriminate against any such man because of creed, or birthplace, or origin.
But this is predicated upon the person’s becoming in every facet an American, and nothing but an American … There can be no divided allegiance here.
Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag … We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language … and we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.”
— Theodore Roosevelt, 1907
^^^ Common sense. ^^^
OAN plays a clip of this all the time, and I love it! It really indicts ISLAMIC SEPARATISM like “CA-IR”.
So just so we don’t assume everyone has read over the American Thinker piece above, it is saying what some on the internets, to include Q have been alluding to in the last week or so, in that Kami the Harris and or Spartacus Booker may of had a hand in Smollett’s false flag before it was a false flag in order to push their noose law and color MAGA patriots in a bad light in order to fuel their political ambitions.
I’m wondering if we had the drop on them after the Kavanaugh stuff where ChiFi looked like she was totally shell-shocked. If there was a WITNESS there who outed Feinstein, Kamala and Booker as conspiring to frame Kavanaugh, then it’s possible that they were ALL being watched. They fire up some hoax plot with Jussie, and BOOM – the White Hats are watching the whole time.
I believe Harris, and likely Booker, were in on setting up Smollett’s hoax letter and then the incident–> passage of lynching bill.
This should be an interesting tale to unravel, and we’ve been waiting for the reveals from the Kavanaugh hearings. The fact that POTUS, McConnell and Grassley stood so strong for Kavanaugh made it plausible that they knew how the whole story was concocted.
Loved teary-eyed ChiFi. Was a sight to behold.
Oh, LP I can’t resist posting this visual contrast of ChiFi’s power/retrenchment…

GREAT reminder Judy!!!
” If there was a WITNESS there who outed Feinstein, Kamala and Booker as conspiring to frame Kavanaugh, then it’s possible that they were ALL being watched.”
My guess is there’s been a FISA on Mrs. Feinstein since the discovery of the Chinese ‘driver’.
The FBI sure seemed to have the goods quickly on the Kavanaugh plot.
Lets do two hops starting at the Kavanaugh hearings.
Lots to scoop up.
WOW. That explains it. This is why FBI was “accidentally” in a position to solve Kavanaugh allegations so fast. Simple tasking – they have the data – they solve it – “Lookie here!” ChiFi looks at the report and realizes things are probably WORSE for the Dems than ANYBODY realizes. Train wreck coming.
If you remember how Spartcus first started to break into the main stream news it was while mayor of Newark N.J. and he was miraculously saving people in car crashes and fires, least we forget.
He has a history of manipulating events for self aggrandizement and one can easily assume fabricating them as well too.
Great call. Yeah, exactly what you said there.
“He has a history of manipulating events for self aggrandizement and one can easily assume fabricating them as well too.”
Don’t forget his fake friend TBone…
Do believe that Booker and Harris Anti-Lynching laws make all of this mess suspicious, especially when one adds in the noose aspect.
Didnt know where to put this one ,its a long way to bottom of page to reply, I found this on the Qvoat page thought it might of interest to others in the branches. It seems that denture clacker Nan was on her way to Brussells with 93 persons in tow to buy weapons. heres the link,
Fastest way to the bottom of any page is the keyboard – Ctrl + End
Fastest way to the top is Ctrl + Home
Thanks for the link, Sue.
Wouldn’t put it pass her…she was going to middle east after wards ouch.
I’ve heard it is not true as Booker is dating a different actress.
Terrance Williams’ Uber driver and connections between Chlamydia Harris needs to be delved into. This is too coinky dinky! Also, the Coast Guard Lt. terrorist!?! Boy howdy, FF’s abound, the CNN report on that set the B. S. Meter into the red zone. Suspicious
i have the radio on tonight for about 6 hours and i keep hearing the little news updates top of the hour, etc and this station uses “fox news” and i wish i had a recording of all of them compiled back to back…hilarious in a stomach turning way regarding almost every story.
but the coast guard guy – yeah, that’s been getting more and more dramatic over the night. last time they said he had plans on killing “nearly every single person on earth” and that’s a direct quote.
keep in mind, they might have to start demonizing the military also at some point and make them out to be weaponized for trump. they have laid seeds several times (white supremasist hand signal during a hurricane, maga hats at iraq base, q patch on a guy with pence, etc) now this – and trump also likes the coast guard, he brags on them actually quite often. i mean, the coast guard is like the forgotten service… so now this guy with 1000 rounds and 15 guns was going to kill all the people in the world.
watch out.
Story –
“Lt. Christopher Paul Hasson, 49, was arrested Friday on gun and drug charges, but prosecutors said in the filing that the charges were just the “proverbial tip of the iceberg.”
The filing argued that Lieutenant Hasson should be held until he is tried, describing him as a “domestic terrorist” who intended “to murder innocent civilians on a scale rarely seen in this country.”
Prosecutors quoted a letter that he drafted to friends in 2017 and that the authorities found on his computer. In it, Lieutenant Hasson, who works as an acquisitions officer at Coast Guard headquarters in Washington, wrote: “I am dreaming of a way to kill almost every last person on the earth. I think a plague would be most successful but how do I acquire the needed / Spanish flu, botulism, anthrax not sure yet but will find something.”
Reminds me of that incident with the guy who had all those brand spanking new Trump stickers all over his van.
Attempts to smear the military and President Trump will increase and escalate as the 2020 election nears.
Antifa/BLM etc have been way too quiet lately.
Same Ga!! DO we have ANOTHER HOAX playing out here? Here a Hoax -There a HOAX Everywhere A HOAX HOAX…
Gosh– I need a Grandma break! LOL!
Wait just one second here.
“Lt. Christopher Paul Hasson, 49,…”
In the Navy and Coast Guard, the rank of LT. is the same as a Captain (O-3) in the other services.
Unless this guy was prior enlisted, then I’m not buying a 49 year old O-3. Just not buying it. Unless he as exceptionally incompetent, but, if he was, he’d have been gone a long time ago.
There is the chance he was some type of weekend warrior (reservist) doing his yearly training, but for me, not knowing any more, seems unlikely. Need a suspicious cat right about now. Just sayin’ …
Thinking along your lines. Retired Navy here.
CG website has a few Direct Commissioning programs with age requirements that include up to 41 years old. Looks like specialists in Engineering, intelligence, etc. Sort of like Navy LDO – Limited Duty Office Program.
Time as LT O-3 to LCDR O-4 in Navy is five years as I recall.
Seems as though he may be knocking on the 30 years service. Typically a ceiling for Navy O-5 and below.
Would like to know more about his career.
Also wonder if he did what he is accused of, who knew? Fellow Coasties? Family?
It smells.
Looks like a normal LOW-END gun hobbyist collection to me. Not even a true collector. Not even a TRUE tactical fan.
View them like GOLF CLUBS and it’s a BAD BAG OF CLUBS.
Three shotguns (typical for a hunter – his entry gun and two game guns – w/ 2 slug barrels for deer)
Two .22 plinking guns – one scoped, one not
One target rifle, scoped
Small carry revolver
Old historical pistol
Four pistols, different calibers
Three modern carbines, different configurations (long scoped, shorter dot, intermediate)
AMMO for ALL the different guns.
The media and non-gun-owners like to make low-end hobbyists look scary, but the reality is that – using the guns to golf clubs method of gauging interest, this guy is a ONE-SET PLAYER.
Not a real collector. Just a regular jack-of-all-trades owner who never traded off much.
I’m thinking that they dug through ALL his emails and found some angry screed, and then tied that to his gun collection.
I’m calling BS on the evidence.
Yep! Agree, a “one set player”.
To seal the deal that this guy is a novice, ONLY 1,000 rounds?
Really? 1,000 rounds for all of those weapons of varying caliber?
Hell, when I go plinking with my sons and Grandsons we can burn through 1,000 rounds. (Life in the desert is gooood!)
He must live near a Wal-Mart or another convenient resupply point.
OR the Feds didn’t really find his stash.
Great point! The ammo tells the story.
To be specific, 10 boxes of 100 .22LR is 1000 rounds! And anybody who has lived through “low production / high demand” on any caliber (but particularly .22LR) knows that the old adage of “keep 1000 rounds MINIMUM for every gun” is damn good advice.
Lol. You know without going into detail, this cache of weapons is nothing. You are right and having 1000 rounds is nothing! People in CA had been stocking up for a couple years.
Local walmarts get ammo shipment in 1 day a week, and its sold within 3 hours but they dont sell anymore with the newest laws.
I meant lyft driver.
Likely an illegal. Napa county sheriff wont cooperate with ice. She didnt tell him to keep his hands on thr eheel the entire time, but she kept her cool.
Body cam footage released February 20, 2019, shows a suspect shoot at a Napa County Sheriff’s deputy only to be killed as a result.
The San Francisco Chronicle reports that the shooting occurred on February 17, 2019, as Napa County Sheriff’s deputy Riley Jarecki checked on a parked car. Forty-three-year-old Javier Hernandez Morales was sitting in the driver’s seat when Jarecki approached and asked if she could check the vehicle.
Jarecki said, “Wait right there, don’t move, okay?”
Morales motioned in compliance and remained in the driver’s seat.
Jarecki came around to the driver’s side of the vehicle and asked Morales to roll down the window. He rolled it down then allegedly pulled a gun with no warning and fired a shot at point-blank range.
Morales missed, and Jarecki opened fire.
Deputy Jarecki was not wounded in the exchange, but Morales was pronounced dead at the scene.
Police determined that Morales shot at Jarecki with a .22 revolver. A .22 rifle was also discovered in the car.
Morales “had at least five prior arrests for violations including possession of a concealed and loaded firearm, assault on a peace officer and driving under the influence.” There was no confirmation as to whether he was convicted on any of those counts.
Bodycams are the way cops get vindicated quickly and many people actually behave when they see they get recorded. Illegals , esp all the cartel connected dont care though.
That body cam footage is likely going to be show up in police training academies country wide or at least should.
“Deputy Jarecki was not wounded in the exchange, but Morales was pronounced dead at the scene.”
An excellent outcome.
Pretty sure she about emptied her mag in the car. Excellent training.
Yep. Pure survival instincts and adrenaline. Cadence between shots fired seemed even.
Thankful it worked out for the Deputy.
I just about pooped my pants when he took that first shot! That lady deputy showed great instinct and training with her quick and accurate reaction. Wow! So happy she wasn’t hurt.
What happened to the passenger?
Never mind. There was no passenger.
Or, Russkie Puppet …
Thats a spicy one.
hahahahaha omg…that’s hilarious
Gil, how do you get the reddit pic to post, and not just the link?
That one I’ve yet to figure out. Ive tried a few times different ways and neve r seem to just get the pic. Would be nice, I know!
I’m of the opinion that it’s not possible. I’ve downloaded and uploaded to other sites as a way of posting their images.
His dad is from russia. RUSSIA? CMON, really?
(Jussie) is one of six children born to Janet & Joel Smollett –who are also parents to Jojo, Jazz, Jurnee, Jake and Jocqui. All of their children are also in showbiz. The Smollet siblings often pay praise to their parents for their support
Janet Smollet was born Janet Harris, she is of African American descent. She keeps a relatively low profile and is known through their famous children. Her recipes were made famous on a cooking book published by her children: The Family Table Cook Book..
Joel Smollet was born October 8, 1956 –he worked as a cable splicer, he migrated from Russia and Poland to America. Sadly, he lost his battle to cancer at age 58 back in 2015. At the time of his death, Jussie shared on social media “I love and honor you. I will continue to work hard to make you proud and will always & forever be your son. You live on. Fly high Daddy.”
Following the death of her husband, Janet Smollett, is often pictured with her children on their social media.
BOOM – that’s IT – red diaper. Oh, this is all adding up!!! I will bet that Janet Harris is related to Douglas J. Harris, Jamaican father of Kamala.
They were raised in the orbit of the Black Panthers and, lately, have lent their voices to the Black Lives Matter movement. Their trajectory, from child stars to successful adults, is born of their family and its history of activism.
“My mom was in the movement with Bobby Seale and Huey Newton, and one of her first mentors was Julian Bond,” Mr. Smollett said of the Black Panther founders and the civil rights leader. “To this day, Angela Davis is one of her dearest friends. We’ve spent Mother’s Day with Angela.”
Holy freaking SHITE. That’s COMMUNIST PARTY.
Their pedigree is golden with all the bigs….which makes it all the more spectacular that Chicago PD didn’t squash this at the get-go . I think PTrump’s Chicago inserts are making progress? I question it but what else could it be?
Trump created a strike task force in Chicago and he created the spiritual leaders to combat gangs
Chicago Police have to be v. careful, as the overarching layer above them is populated by powerful (corrupt) Dems who could potentially destroy their careers by charging them with little policework violations.
Those technical violations would appear small to us but are actually big bureaucratic technicalities involving paperwork, hearings, suspensions, etc.
Spot. on. (Please see my post above.)
Chicago’s leadership is morally derelict.
The Machine was never clean, but it is getting worse by the year.
And the ChiComs have been moving into Hollywood, bailing out the film companies after their losses at the box office.
It is now CommieWood.
Also this:
Warner is important. Check the projects LB’s backed…Lee Daniel’s The Butler.
Now to Leah Daniels Butler (Lee’s sister):
…”She currently serves as Casting Director for television’s #1 show, “Empire” on Fox.”…
…” In 2013, Leah cast the award-winning film “The Butler” with another all-star line-up…”
…”In 1994, Leah landed a coveted casting position as the assistant to Leslie Litt, Senior VP of Casting at
Warner Brothers.”…
Now meet Leah’s husband, Henry Butler:
No wonder Ms. Foxx wants to steer clear.
PS. There is a Laphonsa Butler on Harriss staff. Any relation?
Mom and dad divorced in 2003 after separating in 1997. Thats why theyre so focused on just mom.
Gotta get more on the dad. He’s KEY. FUTURE PROVES PAST. Commie exports of some kind.
The KGB was brilliant. They exported FAKE DISSIDENTS. And that would have included FAKE REFUSENIKS (who I have called “excuseniks”).
Note how they refer to Smollett’s dad as “Jewish”, but he’s “Russian” elsewhere. Our lovely communist fake news media helped in the deception.
This is why we’re the news now. We can never go back to trusting those TRUDS.
Online memorial to dad. Family names.
Karen Kushin
January 28, 2015
Sincere condolences to all of Joel’s beloved children, his partner Rose, his mother Molly and my partner, his brother, Jeff Smollett. His was a life beautifully lived.
Bobby Seale, Huey Newton, Julian Bond, Angela Davis…
Memories for me as a newspaper boy (12 or 13 yo). Folding papers and reading about Black Panther trials.
Wolf, this here harris connection. Follow this. Woman is friend of kamala…now the surgeon general of ca. Her husband is a tech person , last name harris, works a lot in india.Her education was funded by soros. Part of the clinton foundation. This womans parents raised her in vancouver((hi kamala) and are from Jamaica.
“It is the first wedding for Burke, 35, whose parents, Basil Burke, a biochemist, and his wife, Hortense, hail from Jamaica, and the second for Harris, 41, who grew up in Petaluma, the son of Peter Harris and Judith Jackson Harris. He has two sons from a previous marriage.”
Maybe harris by martiage but these jamaica tech money harris name ties are notable. Not to forget soros and clinton.
yup big connections here… we talked about this a while back and i know you have not forgotten amd neither have i.
Yep. Bookmarking is necessary. Im not the best sleuth but when something bugs me like this it doesnt quit.
Sorry should of written something in with that. This is from the link posted yesterday I think. Was thinking we should cc this guy with these findings ? He may already have it, but then not all of it. Meanwhile he may also have wider distribution than we do. Were pretty closed in here. Sometimes I’m sure we have messages that require larger dissemination, like this.
Meanwhile, great work Gil!
kamala is involved too in this story because she was a big sponsor of her medical organization…huge ties all the way back to clinton foundation of course also.
This “standalone Obama in a skirt” is actually one tied-in radical POS with connections to every RED radical from Stalin on.
Thanks for the links.
I do not think the NYT wedding announcement fits, though. Father’s name Peter Harris. Arno is white.
Yeah, I think that’s a whole ‘nuther kettle of fish. Setting that stuff on shelf for now.
Speaking of red diaper babies, I posted this on the Trisha Anderson thread. Am wondering.
February 20, 2019 at 23:08
I noticed the name Matt Axelrod in the list of those mentioned in the second meeting. I remembered that David Axelrod was a Pol Consultant for bummer and tied to the klintons also. He is a red diaper baby.
Am wondering if Matt’s diaper is related.
I googled for a connection and found same question at a wordpress site called, I think, patriots4America or something like that.
I seem to recall looking into this and finding no connection a while back, but I cannot say I’m certain about that.
Thank you Wolfie.
Man, that’s a lot of J’s!
Let’s hope “Jailbird” is next in line.
he is jewish also – that was one of the other hate crimes they tagged on in the initial days after.
a black, gay, jewish actor assulted in maga country. a modern day lynching. bill passed.
theres obvious connections with him way back. look at all fhe big whigs politically that know him.
What’s the story on him coming to America? I’ll bet it was some kind of “Jewish refusenik” cover story. FAKE DISSIDENT?
wiki says about his father:
his family emigrated from Russia and Poland
i did not go looking yet, too many late night and i am out of gas tonight. east coast time for me.
anyway, it will be found out. you have to follow her family and they’ll go back and tell you, but it will be hidden now since the illegal oppression against her son.
Oh boy..this family…. The father of Joel …
Radicals from way back.. and contrary to the myth Joel was an immigrant if his fatherwas born in Brooklyn per the obit
Oh, this is a brilliant link. MEDIA RADICAL GRANDFATHER. New York film industry, a.k.a. PROPAGANDA. Almost certainly Communist Party. Son Joel is therefore just another Americommie red diaper, and I’ll bet he was also more than just a cable guy.
These people LIE like crazy about what they do.
Put that together with Janet Harris who won’t say who her relatives are, and this thing solves itself.
When this is over, send the bill to China as MOAR TARIFFS.
Yeah exactly. There is no personal info whatsoever on Joel’s obit. Nothing.
And why does the Smollet clan , specifically his ex wife maintain that they were a couple long after they broke up and he had another partner? PR purposes? There’s something schemey about Joel’s blank slate..cable slicer is the sum of his life..uh not buying it.
Just like what Aubergine found with the Suttons.
Joel’s obit
Once you realize that all of these people’s lives are made up, you’ve got them. They have a “past” but it’s been hidden. All of the stories are just cover.
Anybody here ever seen “The Americans” TV series? All about Russian spies living as Americans in plain sight?
That’s what all of these people remind me of.
From the obit:
…”In 1966, in New York, he married Eleanor Wenkart Smollett, a cultural anthropologist. They moved to Regina, Saskatchewan, where both went to work at the University of Regina.”…
Eleanor Wenkart turns up in the finding aid, pg 133, for Margaret Mead’s papers at the Library of Congress.
(I was looking for a connection to Anne Dunham.)
That would be choice!
Gil and Para – I found something very interesting. DOWNLOAD. Also pass on to Rex.
Two articles:
They both have scads of info on this red diaper clan, but the SECOND has key information – that Janet Harris HIDES her parentage:
Family And Relationship
Janet Smollett has tried to keep her parents away from the media limelight. However, in an interview, she mentioned that they are no more with her. She didn’t reveal how they passed away. She even didn’t reveal their identity and information about her siblings
Janet Smollett was married to Russian-Polish Joel Smollett. Joel Smollett was pursuing his carer in modeling. They together had six children, Jussie Smollett, Jake Smollett, Jocqui Smollett, Jojo Smollett, Jurnee Smollett, and Jazz Smollett. The Smollett family was starred in the TV series On Our Own.
She’s hiding something – if not a relationship to Kamala’s dad, then possibly a different red diaper lineage.
‘Joel Smollett was pursuing his care[e]r in modeling.’
Worth noting.
Janet Harris Smollett was born 25 November in Galveston, Texas. Her parents are John Harris and Grace Smith.
Janet Faye Harris
Texas Birth Index
Name Janet Faye Harris
Event Type Birth
Event Date 25 Nov 1952
Event Place Galveston, Texas
Gender Female
Father’s Name John Harris
Mother’s Name Grace Smith
Citing this Record
“Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997,” database, FamilySearch ( : 1 January 2015), Janet Faye Harris, 25 Nov 1952; from “Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997”
This is her. Her birth date is on a public record which lists her with Joel and Jussie.
I am looking hard for this man and woman, but John Harris is a VERY common name. This may be by design, and not a “real” name. Who knows?
Great work! Thanks for that!
Did you notice that odd quote from Janet Smollett about her parents?
“,,,she mentioned that they are no more with her.”
Does that mean deceased? Or are they gone somewhere?
Wondering if her parents were:
– quickly divorced
– not married
– father criminal (esp. if notorious)
– etc.
For a moment I was wondering of “Donald J. Harris” was John Harris, but he would be 13 and in the wrong place and time, so NO WAY.
Starting to think that Terrence was OFF BASE on the “nephew” thing, but that these people are very sensitive because of their constructed backgrounds, so ANY allusions made or aspersions cast about background are going to bother the heck out of them.
Also as to your point about “The Americans” series – WOW – Hollywood glorifying their own secrets – priceless propaganda.
Good stuff, nonetheless. Terrence sent us looking for quail, and we found pheasant.
Yes, I agree very likely they are not related. From what I was able to find, anyway.
Sometimes we have to disprove one thing to find something else. I am still looking, who knows what might pop up? I have researched for years before finding what I was looking for.
The Federalist has a good article up re: Harris/Foxx connection.
Sorry I keep leaving links instead of pics. The last on was a twitter ss. This is the Federalist link.
If she’s a WITNESS – interesting…..
Heheh…from the Anons:

Vintage Ben Garrison, from 2012:
Well done!!!
Yep! Had Romney figured out back then:
Don’t forget ‘Clean Coal – Dirty Coal’….
Romney was a Clinton-level liar too….I counted 8 lies in the Jacksonville Debate alone. The media was aghast. Even Newt was dumbfounded, speechless and flustered by Romney’s profuse non-stop lies.

Ok, gotta go to bed….going to get a few hours before ive got to do momma stuff.
Night yall!
Great job – thanks for all the awesome stuff.
one last Smollet connection who stepped down..Lisa Borders, the chief executive of Times Up, the Hollywood-led initiative to fight workplace sexual harassment, I used this tweet because of the picture, normally I wouldn’t use anything from Nasheed but he’s all over this thing . He hates that the LBQTB or whatever it is hijacks the Black movement
Interesting that the president of Times Up would suddenly resign in this timeframe.
Darkness to Light!
That is another sub-plot worth tracking.
Yes – gears are spinning on how that works. Makes me think that there may have been some fakery and hoaxing in the #MeToo and #TimesUp stuff.
Ok, one more. This is for any history buffs, really not relevant except it was about one of Kamala Harris’ great grandfather’s slave plantations in Jamaica. Harris Brown founded Brown Town, had slaves and fought very hard to be able to treat them in the customary way which was brutal.This is a 1st hand account of a witness Disavow Kamaltoe!
“For there is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.” – Luke 8:17
OK, this is WEIRD. Look at how they accidentally call Donald J. Harris “Donald J. Brown” in this link, in the text below. STRANGE.
Night night all. Thank God for PT and all of you.
Roseanne has a go at AOC:
“… she got the realtor eyes,” Barr rambles in the opening. “I can always tell by realtor eyes, she got ‘em…”
‘Addressing The Green New Deal she noted that it would cost “hundreds of people decent-paying jobs,” and continued, “that’s what socialism does, and I just gotta say it: socialism is a fake f***ing con. It’s just like capitalism but it comes from the bottom up, not the top down. It’s a f***ing Ponzi scheme and a con game.
‘“Here’s why they want the immigrants,” Barr continued. “First of all, because all their buddies are hiring up for less than minimum wage, that’s a big draw. And second because no Americans are going to vote for their asses anymore, ‘cause we woke up to the shit you’re doing. You’re decimating whole communities in inner cities while you live up there in a vineyard and a mansion.
‘“That’s what socialism gets us,” she declared. “We don’t want none of that shit, okay? We don’t want what you did in Venezuela.”’
“Realtor Eyes”
That’s a keeper!
NOOOOOOO!!!! I don’t have those eyes!!

A likely story!!!
You’ll see em one day!!!

I’m dyin’!!! Hilarious!!!
Speaking of Roseanne, here are more double standards:
exactly, they shrug, quietly delete supportive tweets and walk away…smh
Smollett case — v. interesting thread (111 comments) at Second City Cop:
‘Open Casting Call’
1/ There is an open casting call for anyone in Illinois to audition for Empire. They are looking for skaters, so the audition is at a skating rink.
2/ There is also a link in the post to a Page Six article from Feb. 19 in the New York Post (emph. mine):
‘Jussie Smollett’s ‘Empire’ scenes cut after attack controversy
‘Scenes featuring Jussie Smollett on the TV show “Empire” have been drastically cut amid the apparent unraveling of his tale about being the victim of a hate attack, according to reports Tuesday.
‘The actor, who plays singer-songwriter Jamal Lyon on the hit Fox show, was supposed to have nine scenes and a big musical performance in the second-to-last episode of Season 5, production sources told TMZ.
‘But five scenes and the musical number have been axed, the site reported.
‘Smollett’s character is also no longer the focus of his remaining four scenes, which will now feature an ensemble of characters, the report said.
‘The 36-year-old actor is spending far less time on set as a result, the report said …
‘“Empire” writers have been scrambling over the past days to revise this season’s scripts …
‘Filming for “Empire” resumed Tuesday, with the series set to return to TV on March 13, Deadline reported.’
3/ It’s worth reading the comments. This one shows how POLITICALLY CHARGED Chicago is (language alert, emph. mine):
‘Any other City, The Mayor and or the Police Chief(Supt) would have spoken up about the case and pretty much say how this asshole has disrupted this City’s time, money, police staff and overall making this City look bad (due to the crime) that was supposedly committed and NOT a fucking peep from anyone in charge..from the Mayor to the States Attorneys office. This City’s residents should be in a fucking up-roar and demand justice and tell this fucking POS hes not EVER welcomed in this City again!’
Casting director that cast Smollett on Empire is Leah Daniels Butler, sister of Lee Daniels (the Butler, etc.), wife of convicted coke dealer Henry Butler. She was also convicted on related charges. See links in post above.
“Crimesha”. WOW.
Smollett case — Second City Cop — Chicago Police Superintendent (‘Special Ed’) to take action against leakers:
Summary: Superintendent is unhappy that Smollett’s lawyer(s) are no longer working with the Chicago Police Department but are going through the Cook County State’s Attorney office. Smollett’s legal team say that the police have leaked too much information.
From the blog post:
‘… the “leaks” kept a couple reporters in the loop and a blog (CWB) who weren’t willing to let “business as usual” bury this bit of Hollywood slander because real people got hurt and real reputations got damaged and real resources got wasted instead of being spent on real victims.
‘Quite frankly, we’re happy that some people finally found a line they weren’t willing to cross for the political class and were willing to embarrass Rahm, Special Ed, Crimesha, and every other pandering asshole who bow down to the cult of victimhood.
‘Perhaps this can become a trend? …’
‘Crimesha’ is Second City Cop’s nickname for State’s Attorney Kim Foxx, who has recused herself from the case.
sing it James!
“Social Justice” right there. THAT is the problem with FAKE “social justice”. It does not actually fix justice.
yes Dianne…where is it?????
forgot…Feinstein’s hubby got a huge contract for that high speed train in CA
good morning!! hope you are feeling better…
all kinds of stuff is coming out about AOC and if IIRC, you were the one who alerted us that things would be coming out about her…you were right!!
Good one ED!!! hugs!!
revolting!! You Tube gets busted again
MORE (thread) :
This did not go unnoticed in the business world. Nestle, Disney and others have pulled/suspended youtube ads until youtube gets their act cleaned up.
Smart move on Disney’s part, as they always seem to be getting caught up in this kind of stuff. Makes me think there has been a management change or their tossing sand up to divert from their own troubles. One the other or both.
Yes – Disney had a nest of pedo-vipers in their midst! Multiple arrests.
Disney to pedos is like drugs to an addict. They let a LOT of them slip through.
The priesthood and schools, kids sports, scouts, etc. seem to draw them too.
Smollett case — Second City Cop — former State’s Attorney objects to current State’s Attorney Kim Foxx (‘Crimesha’) recusing from case:
Anita Alvarez, Kim Foxx’s predecessor, said:
‘I was under the impression that when the voters elected me and I took my oath of office it meant I had to do my job.’
Alvarez might not have been CPD’s favourite State’s Attorney, nonetheless, one commenter said that she makes a valid point.
Foxx said that she recused because she had spoken with a Smollett family member and had liaised with the CPD.
From the blog post:
‘Anita was, in many cases, a buffer for the Machine. Part of that means stepping into the line of fire when politically necessary. Crimesha can’t even do that …
‘Crimesha could have said she was actually doing her job and interviewing a potential witness.’
The comments are worth reading:
‘Kim Foxx has built a haven for criminals here in Chicago. There’s no punishment for criminal behavior here.’
‘First, I thought – what a cop-out on Crimesha’s part. What she did was hand over the case to an Assistant.
‘What She should have done is what they did for Van Dyke, bring in an outside, objective Prosecutor from another County.
‘Should have brought some redneck from downstate that “does not like Hollywood-types”. Let justice be served — TOTALLY — on Smollett. No probation or $100 fine.
‘And, figure out how many voted for Trump in Illinois and make that the number of counts of “filing a false report” on that whole group of people. Like they did with the bullets fired from Van Dyke’s gun. Each a separate count.
‘Definitely, this case SHOULD include it being a Hate Crime. Premeditated as well
‘Can you imagine if you picked up two white guys who had nothing to do with the crime and indicted them based on his description? What charges would be brought up against them – especially? if the SA’s Office was going to “stack the deck” on them and make examples out of them as far as applicable charges?
‘Attempted murder? Kidnapping? False imprisonment? Assault and Battery? Hate Crime?
‘Smollett should NOT just walk away with a Hollywood “slap on the wrist”.
‘Smollett’s mother should have taken the time to read to him more. She should have read him the story of “The Boy who Cried Wolf”.
‘Next case.’
(I don’t know anything about the Van Dyke case, BTW. The methodology used is a good one, though.)
he should be made an example of–play stupid games, win stupid prizes…and he should be put in a regular jail–no velvet lined cell with privileges cuz if they had falsely arrested 2 guys–they would not have been afforded any slack at all…
Absolutely agree.
He could have caused a period of riots and violent random attacks throughout the country.
Exactly what his handlers intended.
This x1000!
Yes – they tried to instigate. THIS is exactly why communists are dangerous.
This is why the whole RED NETWORK needs to be uprooted and exposed – not to harm them, but to destroy their credibility. Hoaxing commies are hoaxing commies. SUNLIGHT destroys their vampire abilities.
Ironic that Jussie won’t get work, and will then turn around and claim “blacklisting” and “McCarthyism”.
No, you dumb, family-trained communist. YOU are responsible for your HOAXING and LYING.
No Nancy…CONGRESS shares equal power with the President and you are only HALF of that…nice try though…she really is delusional…
Pelosi is sounding more like Ø every day. Likely, Ø and Jarrett are behind all these attempts to usurp power….the trip that Trump cancelled, etc.
right? imagine the hubris to go to other countries and act like you’re in charge…
Audacity, Chutzpah…. other names for USURP
Ø was profiled as a Narcissist/Dictator before he was elected. Certainly lived up to that diagnosis.
Wheatie…here’s one for you… made me gasp! definitely NOT cute or cuddly
Well, that video proves there are Dems in Australia, too!
big ugly ones!
interesting info her on Sandy form the hood…
FTA:When AOC won, she then hired Chakrabarti, her strategist/patron, as her Chief of Staff. Taking money from a rich guy, trying to hide it by passing it through a PAC, and then giving her benefactor a government job.
That’s definitely unethical and potentially illegal. Chakrabarti may have made an illegal campaign contribution in excess of federal limits. Regardless, it raises questions about Chakrabarti’s hiring as AOC’s Chief of Staff after her election. Maybe add that to your next lightning round, Congresswoman.
Thanks, Pat, for the article.
Highly recommended reading for everyone, especially the parts about Chakrabarti’s Brand New Congress which is a) an LLC and b) a PAC.
AOC’s boyfriend is also in this article.
I was on the chans yesterday. Someone posted the screenshot of her boyfriend’s email and phone number as a congressional staffer. They then posted a screenshot of the reverse phone number lookup results. The phone number belongs to Kevin Casey….William Casey’s son. you know, the one that used to run the CIA.
That is weird.
Coincidence or not?
Or disinfo. Interesting, but no time to get sidetracked. I see a lot of stuff like that – most of the time it’s carefully crafted disinformation to get people off track. They toss it out like chaff when citizen researchers are working a case.
Smollett case — Second City Cop — main thread on State’s Attorney Kim ‘Crimesha’ Foxx’s recusal:
Summary — A spokeswoman gave the following statement via email:
‘First Assistant State’s Attorney Joseph Magats will be the acting state’s attorney for the matter, a spokesperson said in an emailed statement Tuesday …
“Out of an abundance of caution, the decision to recuse herself was made to address potential questions of impartiality based upon familiarity with potential witnesses in the case.”
The many comments speculated on why she recused:
– Can’t handle the heat of the job.
– Toni Preckwinkle, Cook County Board President, and the rest of the Chicago Machine control her.
– George Soros contributed to her campaign (one commenter said $400,000).
– She’s friends with Kamala Harris.
Re Joseph Magats, one commenter had this to say:
‘He is the jagoff who was to stupid and lazy to retry a female who killed her baby son causing 8 detectives to end up in federal court. long story short the detectives prevailed at the trial. Came out the detectives did nothing wrong at the states attorneys office is incompetent. like I said he is useless and hates the police’
New York taxpayers are subsidizing Hollywood.
Smollett case — final selection from Second City Cop — about the evidence:
The blog posts notes that the magazine on top of the bird cage is the first item on the list. Probably used to create the letter the FBI is looking at.
The comments are scathing. Worth reading.
One commenter rightly feels sorry for the round-the-clock policework this hoax needed:
‘My hats off to the detectives whom are working this case. “Jussie” you’re not the victim. The real victims are whose ever desk this slid across and was told to solve this. Child care arrangements had to be made, plans with wives and family members cancelled, days without sleep….etc. this asshole should be criminally charged, and be ordered to formally apologize to the POTUS and the Chicago police department. Be willing to bet most of us have never heard of Jussie or the show empire. Apparently even the cast and crew of the show didn’t want this guy around. Hope the sup does the right thing, but you can hope in one hand and shit in the other, leaving a lot more questions than answers.’
Another commenter thinks Smollett is, at heart, an SJW. Lawyers are also featured:
‘I don’t think Smollett made up the story because his career was floundering or he was going to be written out of the script on this show Empire. I think he is really a SJW for the Democrats and thought he could do some damage to the Trump Adminstration by perpetuating the myth of racial & gender injustice. Listen to one of the comments he made on Good Morning America: “Smollett assumes he was targeted because of his vocal criticism of Donald Trump.” He said, “I come really hard against 45.”(Smollett must have been hanging with Congresswoman “Mad Maxine” Waters.).
‘He just didn’t happened to find Attorney Michael Monico (Monico & Spevack) in the phonebook. He is too dumb, his studio handlers realize where this is going. Monico is highly competent white collar & criminal attorney who has represented numerous high profile cases, he was also a AUSA for four years. The Osundairo brothers better get someone who measures up also, maybe Joe “The Shark” Lopez as there is going to be a lot of mud slinging. And the Dems need to get going on some legislation to ban rope from hardware stores. There is no reason for citizens to have rope!’
Someone else foresees national sympathy for him in the near term and a political career in the long term:
‘… prove this was a hoax then #justice4jussie will take on a life of its own. Kind of BLM a false narrative but one believed in all the communities in US. He will be running for public office very soon and will be elected. If Obama could make it so can Jucey. Oh yeah he will run as a progressive Democrat.’
Smollett case — Nigerian brothers owned a party store, now closed. Filed for bankruptcy:
‘Both brothers listed a party and decoration store, It’s Party Time, as a shared asset, but claimed the business was operating at a loss. The party store, located on Archer Ave in Chicago, is now reportedly closed.
‘Abel and Ola were able to work through their bankruptcy, and both brothers were discharged a couple months after filing.’
Smollett case — the letter (link has photo of envelope and letter):
‘ … Back-up officers’ body cameras were rolling as they arrived and met with the tactical sergeant at Empire’s executive offices. They met with Smollett and the show’s executive producer, Dennis Hammer.
Escorted to Hammer’s office, the officers saw the now-infamous envelope sitting on the corner of a wooden desk. It had been mailed four days earlier in the southwest suburbs.
‘Hammer told police that he wore gloves to open the envelope and peek inside. And Smollett said he, too, wore gloves to remove the letter from its envelope. He discovered “an unknown white powdery substance on the front of the letter,” officers said.
‘With that, the fire department was called, a HAZMAT hot zone was established, and CFD specialists began processing the letter. Before long, tests were complete: The white powder was determined to be acetaminophen, the generic name for Tylenol.
‘Forensic field testing found an “unknown protein substance” on the letter, which was placed into an evidence bag. Hammer’s and Smollett’s gloves were placed in a second bag.
‘Less than 90 minutes after the tactical sergeant was flagged down, federal law enforcement took over the case. The U.S. Postal Inspection Service had been notified, and an agent from the FBI’s Chicago Field Office had paid a visit to the Empire offices …’
HEH!!! The media is about to be taken down a few notches in the near future.
Thomas wants the malice component reconsidered as it is not in the Constitution. Remove that requirement and it’s open season on the liars.
exactly! they do it for personal gain–click bait–create sensation–smear someone else to further their own reputations…lie to Congress–get a no knock 5 am raid on your home…lie to the American public, get ratings
I actually spit out my coffee this morning–hubby had on local news for the weather and there was a commercial for NBC Nightly news…big bold letters…THE TRUTH…right here every evening…
good laugh…mess all over the floor tho
Thomas is absolutely right about this. This made up malice standard allows so-called journalists to defame people in order to advance their political and social agenda. Our Founders understood the need to protect a person’s reputation in order to preserve that person’s liberty. We seem to have forgotten this.
GA!!! read this last nite!! QWEL!!!
We got her number and it’s from Romney’s bank account!
Coulter is getting scoured in the replies to her column announcement.
Coulter is acting about as unstable and unreliable as Kanye right now.
Coulter’s reputation is sinking faster than the Titanic!
All that Coulter Romney flip-flopping is mighty fishy!
who deserves it MOAR?
Who was she recently reported to be dating again?
McMullin??? (snicker)
McMullin- spit!
Spit, spit, spit!!!
Soon even Faux News won’t have Ann.
Ann will become a regular on CNN and Morning Joe.
And sell more books.
…. which makes Romney’s attempt to buy her voice, worthless.
Smollett case — investigation of the letter, the brothers’ whereabouts and a witness:
The United States Postal Inspection Service is involved. Apparently, they are not afraid of hard work and will investigate to the end.
From CWB’s post:
‘A law firm partner who asked not to be identified by name spoke with us about the federal problems ahead for whoever mailed the letter: “If they have Smollett on the letter, he’ll be facing ’terroristic hoax’ charges, a felony. There may be federal obstruction charges as well.”
‘All in all, the federal legal options are numerous: “If they want to bury him, they can.”’
As for the brothers:
‘Meanwhile, the Osundairo brothers are reportedly holed up in a Chicago hotel with police protection.’
A woman believes she saw the street ‘attack’ and explains why she did not call the police:
‘On Saturday, a 30-year-old woman who lives in a high-rise that overlooks the purported crime scene told CWBChicago that she believes she saw the events that Smollett described to police as a violent hate crime.
‘The woman said she returned to her apartment early on Jan. 29th after helping a friend move from the Gold Coast to Lincoln Park. “It was cold and everyone bailed on him, so it took forever,” she said.
‘Upon returning home, the woman saw three men standing on the corner where Smollett would later report being attacked.
‘“All I saw was three guys talking,” she said. “They were standing right before the staircase” that leads to Upper East North Water Street.
‘“I don’t think there was any problem because it looked like they knew each other.”
‘And she said, as she looked down on the men through her open bedroom window, she did not hear any screaming or slurs. “I heard trucks (two blocks away) on Michigan Avenue, but I didn’t hear anything from them.”
‘If the woman is right, she estimates that the actual timeline for the crime as known to the public is off. “10, 15, maybe 20 minutes off,” she said.
‘So, why’d she have her window open so early on a frigid Tuesday morning?
‘“Because I was smoking pot,” she laughed. “That’s why I haven’t talked to the cops, too.”’
Smollett in custody, apparently:
Indeed he is in custody:
reading (and dismissing) reports that Smollet is on “suicide watch”…I believe they are trying to garner sympathy of which I have none.
unless they are floating these ideas so that when he dies in jail, (can’t have loose ends with a Presidential election coming up…) they can blame it on Trump supporters somehow…
I think perhaps his legal team told Smollett to shut up for now.
‘Suicide watch’, it seems, was a tongue-in-cheek remark from conservative Kevin Jackson of The Black Sphere. The context is that CNN tried to unsuccessfully contact Smollett and his lawyers. Here is the link to Kevin’s post from Sunday, February 17, and an excerpt:
‘Smollett must be on suicide watch, since he won’t respond for comment.
‘Because that’s the next step when Leftists get caught doing something devious. He’s avoiding the media in order to say he sought help.’
So, yes, you are right to ignore anyone building a story out of this.
That said, Second City Cop commenters think that Smollett might go into rehab soon in an effort to garner sympathy. However, they wrote that before his arrest.
rehab? oh right..still claiming victimhood–I can’t be held responsible for my actions, I’m an addict, an alcoholic, an abuser, etc etc etc…it’s not MY fault…sniff, sniff, sniff
not buying it cupcake…this was a thought out plan…granted a not well thought plan out–but nonetheless…
You’re rocking this story, Churchmouse. Thanks for your work.
I found that the casting director for Empire and her husband were busted related to major coke dealing. They link to someone that is suspected in the death of Tupac. I posted a link above, but I’ll post again as this is an important story.
Thank you, Mary.
You are entirely welcome.
Thanks for the link. All these people must link up somehow.
You’re right: this is an important story.
agree with Mary Churchmouse–you are keeping us all up to date on the Smollet HOAX…thanks!!
Thank you, Pat.
It was my pleasure to provide more information.
Trying to be helpful.

On suicide watch. Hmmm. Save tax payer dollars.
Well hand Smollett some rope. He knows how to tie a noose.
giggle snort…
Smollett attack — brothers talk to CBS (Feb. 18, emph. mine):
“On Monday, the brothers told CBS during a brief phone call: ‘We are not racist.
“‘We are not homophobic, and we are not anti-Trump. We were born and raised in Chicago and are American citizens.'”
Watching the Chicago Police press briefing on OAN – black chief is BLASTING Smollett – “I am offended and angry,” “this publicity stunt is something the Chicago police did not deserve.” “Choreographed by an actor.” Oh, my! “Dragging Chicago’s reputation through the mud.”
Thanks very much, NF! Please keep us updated!
This is GREAT!
Oh, he was pissed, and rightfully so.
Great stuff!
And took attention away from the victims of violent crime in Chicago. He was righteously angry
NOT Nigerians.
Just shamed a whole country for no reason. Will the media ever get it right?
They are owed an apology by many.
Part II of the GWP story about the Clinton Foundation:
In our first post we discussed how the Clintons helped build the family of companies known as AGT International. They promoted the company in return for ‘donations’ to their Foundation.
Today we’ve discussed the many actions that AGT International took to increase sales worldwide. It didn’t matter which country customers were located in or if it was legal to provide the customers in these countries sensitive defense and intelligence related technology. A sale was a sale and ethics were out the window.
In our next post we’ll discuss how the FBI/DOJ got involved but then suppressed and eventually terminated their investigation of AGT shortly before the 2016 Presidential election.
Story is by Joe Hoft, Jim’s brother over at GWP. Seems does the heavier work. As for AGT I find this stuff to be new information. Worth following this story as it rolls out.
Hey, everyone, I’ve been banned OT!
I have been testing the water over the past week or so, making minor posts with each one being a little closer to mentioning Q. In one post, someone else was asking where all his fav posters had gone and why they left. Not only did I mention why, but also I suggested he look for another “similar blog” where the specific letter can be discussed. Then, yesterday, I got involved in another exchange where some newbie was being berated for posting Q. That was it for me apparently.
So sad.
Is mentioning Q now a written rule OT or one of the unwritten rules?
It is not a written rule, unless it’s part of the rule against being off topic:
‘Do not disagree with either the author or the mods.’ is also not a written rule.
No soup for you!!!
Apparently it doesn’t take much to get banned from OT these days…unless of course you’re being disrespectful and rude to the right kind people (they refer to us as Qtards). Just as long as you stay in line and know your place…and bow at the altar.
Anyway…nice to see you Ken. It’s far better over here!
Oopsie. My posts just showed up OT. I’m not banned…
::sheepishly pulls blanket over my head::
you will be–They just toying with ya now…You should do what Flep did…Beg to be banned!!! Then come here and share!! LOL!!!
I begged to get banned last week too. It worked!
Need2!! Great name by the way!! Did you share your banned story and I missed IT? Sorry and Welcome!!!
It was one of his many articles over the weekend where he had to point out “in contradiction to the trust the plan faction…” I simply stated that I didn’t see the need to divide the MAGA crowd and how it’s mathematically impossible to debunk all the Q-incidences. I ended by saying, “I hope this gets me banned. WWG1WGA ;~)”
Welcome back, need24give!
Don’t try to get banned here, though … know what I’m sayin’?
Ok, this is Ken under a new guise. Got tired of that ol’ geodesic avatar and wanted to use my portrait. Yeah, I probably should have shaved first.
Now that I have a WordPress account (it was easy, free and only needed an email acct), I need to learn how to post images, tweets and stuff.
New email address, but same IP address. You have passed the first phase of Wolf’s Extreme Vetting!
I hope I didn’t break any rules. Just decided to use my long term backup email rather than a total throw away one. And change my profile name to something more unique.
Welcome to the good tree! Lots of very nice branches here.
Ken! Welcome to the BANNED! We are a very versatile group–Play all kinds of Music!! But ONLY the upbeat, intense, uplifting, funny or crazy good stuff! You will LOVE it here!!!
Welcome to the Banned!
We make beautiful “music” here
gosh i just love James!
I just SPIT Pat!!! thank you!!

thank James…he’s another national treasure!
Beware this Bill, We are being manipulated. Word is LGBT snuck in language that sets several precedents making them protected class. Senate passed, now in House. We need to fight.
Nah, she can’t — too busy doing some horizontal engineering with some unfunny TV host.
Trump clearly did not get Obama’s memo from a few years ago that the US is in decline and those jobs ain’t coming back.
…”even 6G”
When 4G was being rolled out I would occasionally hear some reference to “5G” and the telecom background in me would cause a painful cringe.
3G was a European standard that replaced U.S. developed standards. As far as it goes that is fine, 3G was a newer and technically superior standard, and having international standards for mobile phones does make sense.
But the public is so accustomed to “newer is better” and the constant +1 of the lastest iCrap model that they think that “5G” is the natural progression, evolution of the cell network. It is the sound of inevitability. Puke.
Either Trump is showcasing his typical ignorance (/s – not likely) or he’s dropping another dime with this “6G” reference.
“dropping another dime with this “6G” reference”
Maybe so.
I have read SO much about the dangers of “5G”, in relation to constant radiation, and related health malefits, that I take this “so obviously the future” comment as potentially reckless.
Without the ability to turn OFF the new tech (all the devices – computers, cell phones, keyboards, trackpads, WiFi routers – have BATTERIES. One turns them “off” … but they AREN’T OFF!!!), we will be continuously bombarded by EM waves (microwave, and other wavelengths).
When one adds the bi-directionality into the mix – i.e., the tech providers can, at any time, “Hi, Jack!” the capabilities – I find myself more leery than ever.
It’s a canard – the fallacy of over-simplification – that “faster is better”. Maybe in one way, sure. But in totality??? I think not.
Look at all the hints of futuristic – yet PRESENT, NOW – tech that we have. To me, a blind acceptance of tech which may be deleterious to humans’ health is dangerous.
This is one of the only times – EVER – in which I find myself at odds with the President’s wishes. WE – as HUMANS – a susceptible to the EM spectrum. It ain’t “free”. There’s a COST. I recall that MKU guy at the WH gates, shooting his D*** PHONE!
I hope, as you do, michaelh, that this tweet is only meant to highlight the dangers of tech so advanced that we haven’t had time to study its effect on life.
I suspect that THIS pair of tweets WON’T age very well – even if it accomplishes the goal of deeper dives into the harmful effects of 5G, 6G, etc. radiation, in order to PREVENT it.
I want “SAFE-G”, of whatever “number”.
I agree wholeheartedly with you on this one. Unfortunately, we, The People, will have no choice in the matter, except to turn EVERYTHING off and remove batteries and sim cards. Go fully old school…..if that’s truly even possible any more? How many of us (me included) no longer use land-lines and only cells? And I am behind the times as it is since I still use my old flip-phone and refuse to get a smart phone. Walkie-talkis, anyone? How about cans on a string? SMH
Nebraska – you can’t use land lines where I live; they no longer exist. The trunk lines have been converted to fiber optic, which is why the phones now go out when the power goes out.
And I hate the way they have changed the definition of off. I don’t want my stuff to pause and await instructions (which may or may not come from me). I want off to mean go completely inert until I personally change your state. I paid for you, I should control your every move.
It’s not the trunk lines that go out; they’ve been mostly fiber for years. It’s the local loop (“the last mile”) that has been converted to IP ( TCP/IP) or packet telephony, which is no longer analog, so the old 48v battery farms in the central offices (CO) no longer exist to back up the analog “last mile”. Phone signals now share lines (and bandwidth) with data lines, so when your electricity goes out, your phone does too.
Just more progress to help the deep state, and save THEM money. One place I worked over here had a phone with a red button on it, and IIRC it was labelled ERDE. I asked what happens when I push it, does it start a war or something? Nope, what happens is if the building power went out, the phone would establish a circuit using the earth itself as one half of the circuit! Took a while for it to set up (goodness knows what sort of handshaking went on), but it did work, the one time I tried it (my computers were, of course, down at the time, so I had nothing better to do…). With all digital, that wouldn’t work (for a number of reasons)…
And “off” not being off… I have everything on surge-arresting power strips (saved me from a fire when one of my PCs had a power-supply “event” (flashbang)). When I shut my stuff down, I shut the power strip(s) off. PITA, but it works. Cell phones are another thing entirely. With removable batteries, I just take out the battery. With smartphones (I’m looking at YOU, APPLE!!!) there’s never an OFF because the doggone battery is soldered in, to enable Apple to sell more and more phones…grrr. (My son is seeing the fading battery/slower phone bug right now on his barely one-year-old iPhoneSE- spit).
“Go fully old school”
In the military, the electronic systems add amazing capability – but also VULNERABILITY, to EMP’s and such. The electric system is used as a back-up, when electronics go down.
And when the electrics go down, the MANUAL system is the back-up, the final fail-safe to ensure functionality.
It’s layered, which is why it’s robust. And sole reliance on the top-tech layer just isn’t good enough.
Our cars rely on electronics – one cannot even roll down the effin’ WINDOW without relying wholly on the electronic system. And, we’ve all heard about how these electronic (“computer”) systems can be remotely over-ridden. IMO, ALL cars should have manual roll-down capability – just like they should have a DISENGAGE capability for other automated electronic – and electric – systems, like GEARS, like BRAKES, like ACCELERATION. I want the option of MANUAL control, always.
I’m looking to NEVER buy a “smartphone” again, and to add a flippin’ FLIP PHONE to my account. I may even reinstate my land-line capability! (Sacre bleu!)
I distrust tech companies, ’cause they’re ALL about the money, about mammon. More and more, we see that this priority increasingly leads to the abridgment of our freedom, and in some cases, of our very lives.
In re the new tech … I’m thinking of investing in LEAD. Like the sheets used by dentists and doctors, to block radiation during X-rays. It’s the BRUTE FORCE way of turning devices “off”. They can be “on”, but it won’t matter, when they’re blocked 3D-360 from sending / receiving transmissions.
“we, The People, will have no choice”
We’ll see about THAT …
Ha – I have also considering resurrecting the “landline” already in my house. I just dismantled the indoor outlet so it could be re-installed easily. I don’t want to because when I first moved here and checked into cable, I was REQUIRED to also have a landline, at a charge of $30+ per month, which ticked me off. But I will if it comes to that – jitbags!
Wrap your phone in aluminum foil
(or, Thank God It’s Faraday…
Funny how TPTB get so worried about 2.5µm particulates, but don’t worry about extremely short wavelengths that are effectively cooking all of us (cue Roberta Flack singing “Cooking Me Softly”, in the background)…
Also, these frequencies are basically line-of-sight propagation, so they need cell towers everywhere. Over here they’re talking about every 40m (130 feet or so), so Deutsche Telekom and other vendors are not thrilled about it.
OTOH, who needs gigabit or 10gigabit data transfer(s) to and from their cellphone (unless they’re tethering a laptop or something, but even then…). Could it be that big brother needs the monitoring bandwidth? And then mesh technology, combined with the IdiotNet of Things… Sorry, but this is just a solution in search of a problem. As far as the long distances go, fiber backbones can go along the major highways and railways. And there have been incredible advances in trenching equipment so that the tiny trench can be dug, prepped, cable (usually fiber) dropped, filled, covered, and done. Not like the old days and digging holes for poles with the truck-mounted augurs.
Somehow I think there’s something more involved here. I just don’t want AM or even FM radio to go away, as those carry over much longer distances, even with poor reception, and don’t cost an enormous amount of money to launch a station. Over here the big push is to DAB (digital audio broadcasting) and the “price of admission” for a station is in the high tens to hundreds of millions of Euros, effectively locking out the independent broadcasters. Hmmm. Now why would they want to do that?????
All your phones are belong to us?
“Thank God It’s Faraday”
Everyone should have a cage, in which to stow these monstrous “devices”.
Living-room, Kitchen, Dining-room, Bed-rooms, Bath-rooms … and FARADAY ROOMS!
lol (but I’m serious!)
Hope you’re well, Cuppa!
Thanks. ES, hope you’re doing fine, too. You could always do what Hari Seldon (Foundation Trilogy) did, have a transmitter outputting random sentences and music to confound “the watchers”…
Of course, nowadays they can bounce IR laser off of windows or walls to hear what’s going on inside one’s house. And, (no) thanks to smart meters, they can tell what appliances are running, and what’s on your TV if the profile resolution of your smart meter is detailed enough [note that I didn’t say GRANULAR or any variant thereof
I think the Farcebørk generation has been conditioned to reveal everything (or at least ignore privacy considerations). Pity, because the internet never forgets (unless it’s the DS perps, who “cleanse” it). Better to be a “Person Of No Fixed (IP) Address”…
Actually there are some folks that shield some or even most of their houses. Hate to have to pay for that, though. Maybe if there were a special on aluminum foil at Costco or Walmart or something… but the Seldon idea seems better, because it’s “hidden in plain sight”…
Finally, I think the entirety of the Deep State and globalists should be caged, say, in Gitmo, or otherwise dispatched, depending on their Treason/Sedition status…
My next phone will have a hardware “kill” switch for both the microphone and the camera. The circuit is physically interrupted, not just told to pretend it’s off.
That doesn’t solve the EM issues (if any), nor GPS location tracking, but at least the device won’t be able to hear what you say and see what you do any more, whether or not you think the microphone is on. (My current phone has tape over both cameras.)
Holy cow – I feel like I just walked into a family reunion! Not sure why it took so long to find y’all, but happy I have
Welcome, Regina. Make yourself at home. Plenty of friends here.
Nielsen is working hard!
“Irregular Migration” ???
How about “attempted illegal immigration” or, more accurately, “illegal entry” ???
Or even “attempted invasion” ?
Invasion is the word – illegal is a given and unnecessary – all invasions are illegal!!!
Nielsen has stepped up. Jury was out on her for multiple reasons, A. She was a female and most people would rather have a Marine General than a pretty blond as Sec of Homeland. B. She was a Bush holdover, never-trumper-ish.
Now, she’s mad. I like her when she’s mad.
Nothing like an angry woman, if the anger is aimed at the right target!
That Antifa mob did us a favor when they harassed Neilson at that Mexican restaurant.
Not that I think she deserved being brutalized like that.
But I think that was a wakeup call for her.
Reading through comments on another forum, I realized that at some point the left added “dignity” and “human dignity” to their pantheon of PC neologisms. What struck me is that for all the Christian and specifically Catholic thought on “human dignity” it was obvious that the left wasn’t using the term in the same way I was – it actually had a different meaning. Of course, there was no definition key handy to explain the meaning. In short, the left has co-opted the word “dignity” to further their own objectives.
What was obvious however was that “dignity” was being used specifically to counter the free discourse of the comment section. It was as if certain words could magically destroy another person’s dignity, and it was the duty of the leftist justice warrior to defend the dignity of a marginalized victim (imagined) by countering, shaming, and in whatever way possible denying the speech of offender.
It also struck me that the leaked Google doc referred to free speech in two different traditions – though no source or reference was provided for this theory. One was the American tradition which defended all speech, and this was contrasted against the other they proposed, the European tradition which was asserted to defend dignity over unrestricted free speech.
To me it was obvious that “dignity” was the trojan horse, quite literally. Whatever freight one could load into this concept of “dignity” would determine what speech was allowed or disallowed. It should be noted that this was precisely the outcome that the American 1st Amendment was created to protect against. But of course the left with their presumed superior continental sensibilities are snobbish about any values that stand over and above the deplorable vulgarian and brutish American values.
I’m trying to tease apart this distortion of dignity. I haven’t figured it out yet, but I feel like there are a number of things at play. First, the left’s notion of dignity is godless, and likely anti-theistic rather than merely a-theistic. Second, it is likely to elevate the individual and self in a manner that downplays the universality of human dignity as an intrinsic quality of all human life – ie, emphasis on human autonomy (“you shall be as God…” and “every man did what was right in his own eyes”). Third, it is likely to be distorted by or even rooted in identity politics with the traditional dishonest application of “all are equal” to privilege certain “marginalized and oppressed” identity groups against others, namely the “white”, “male” and “Christian” culture. Fourth, I expect that when the distortion is well understood, we’ll find the left’s concept of “dignity” is a complete inversion of any Judeo-Christian conception of dignity.
I can’t respond as to this specific subject but, overall, we know they manipulate the meanings of words to suit their purposes. As an example, Agenda 2030 is trading strongly on this word “sustainable” and “sustainability.” This is cover for eliminating large numbers of the population around the world – there are too many people destroying natural resources – and forcing people into high-density urban living. That way, we won’t need those nasty, dirty automobiles running on fossil fuels, don’tcha know?
They do the same thing with “justice.”
This is an excellent example. Islamists believe that justice is the ability to live in accordance with their religion. In the US, it is unjust to kill someone who insults your honor; Islam requires this in order to obtain justice.
Michael – it is vital that we reclaim the english language. This bastardization of the term dignity is designed to attack Judeo Christian values in that it is intended to diminish the notions of right and wrong. If we must respect any and all views strongly held by others as equally valid, it follows that no universal truths exist. It does not respect a person’s dignitity to allow them to persist in wrong thinking, and injecting the idea that it does into society is destructive.
This is NOT intended to be divisive, altho, sadly, it probably will come across that way. Just a couple of points: “….to allow them to persist in wrong thinking….” – um, really? I don’t think it is up to anyone as to what thinking is allowed….? Is that not what we fight so fiercely against – dictating what others are “allowed” to think? Also, the Judeo-Christian faith does not have a monopoly on morality, IMO.
I suppose I sounded pretty righteous there, but what I was trying to say is that if we agree that right and wrong mean something, then the fact that someone strongly believes something that is in fact wrong does not change what is right and what is wrong.
And as to your second point, I was using the term Judeo-Christian values to describe the views that form the moral, ethical and legal foundation of our society. (There are a multitude of faiths that fit within this framework.)
NP – I understand.
You’re conflating two points here.
I think (really, I should say “I hope”) we can both agree that at most one view is actually true, others cannot be to the extent they contradict the true one. So you are correct in that not all views are “valid.”
[Of course everyone out there thinks their own view is the correct one (or they’d change to the one they think is correct). But it would be unwise not to acknowledge the possibility that you’ll at some point change your mind, and decide that what you, today, believe is actually not true.]
However, we are, I think, required to respect the right of others to hold a view that’s not the same as ours–which we believe not to be valid.
So no, I don’t respect a differing view as simultaneously true, while thinking mine is true also–but I would respect that person’s right to their view.
Michael – I believe that individuals should be free to choose their course in life. In particular, people should be free to embrace a wide range of views, to act in accordance with their beliefs and to evaluate the effect those views have on their outcomes in life, on the lives of those around them and on society. However, there comes a point when people embrace views that are detrimental to others and/or to society as a whole. Beyond this point (and we can debate how to draw this line), I would define a view as “wrong” and would argue that this view need not be respected as valid in order to respect the dignity of the person who holds the view.
Excellent points. THIS is precisely what I saw with their push toward “civility”. BOGUS.
This is why we have free speech here. It TENDS toward civility and dignity by OUR OWN FORCES, but if people want to curse wildly and be held responsible for what they say, great.
WE as individuals are responsible for what we say here. Civility is chosen, not enforced. DIGNITY is what we define it as, what we make of it, NOT what leftist manipulators define it as, or want it to be.
Smollett has no dignity.
Aw, poor Jussie – the hits just keep on coming!
“Producers of the hit show Empire are now considering suspending Jussie Smollett after his felony indictment Wednesday for staging a hate crime, reports Variety.
“Sources close to the production told Variety that producers are weighing whether to suspend the actor after he was charged Wednesday in Chicago with filing a false police report,” Variety adds.
Most telling is the news that “20th Century Fox Television, which produces the series, declined to comment.”
“Nevertheless, Fox is in the business of attracting eyeballs, of keeping an aging hit show alive for as long as possible, and Smollett is their breakout star. This means the decision to fire him will have nothing to do with principle or right or wrong, and everything to do with gauging public opinion.
Of course, Fox would love to fire Smollett — be rid of him.
His presence in the series will forever be a distraction to viewers. Behind the scenes, the disruption to production must be brutal, including for his co-stars, who must be furious he has tainted what had been a career-defining show.
The sooner Fox can be rid of him, the better for everyone. But in this Woke world of ours, where identity trumps all, Fox has to tread carefully around its gay, black star, no matter what he may have done.”
Another report on Emipre’s links to trafficking
(Apparently the casting directors husband was the supplier.)
open borders anyone?
Mary! My head is swimming after reading that.
After Smollett’s escapade of trying to incite race tensions and smear PTrump and us….I doubt the director would be the least bit inclined to be part of firing him. Crimes are the $$ ticket for plot lines and with his own real life history tapping into the show…Smollett would more likely get that raise he wanted! /sarc
Roseanne could probably voice an opinion on that
AUSTIN, TEXAS — On Thursday, Feb. 21, the “Heartbeat” bill continues gaining momentum with a full 50 Texas lawmakers now listed as co-sponsors, according to reports.
The bill’s author, State Rep. Briscoe Cain ~ “There’s been a lot of debate lately about when a human being is a human being, and whether a the heartbeat stopped by the abortionist was that of a child’s, or whether it is more or less moral to have an abortion after 20 weeks gestation because the unborn child can or cannot feel pain,”
“This is rationalizing the indefensible, and playing gymnastics with the unconscionable,” Cain stated. “If it’s not a human being, then no defense is necessary. If it is a human being, then no defense is possible,” he concluded.
Very often, political figures on the right and the left sanitize, sterilize and ultimately obscure the essence of what abortion really is: the willful destruction of a human life for mostly non-medical reasons.
Don’t believe us, believe Faye Wattleton (the longest serving president of Planned Parenthood) who said in Ms. Magazine,
“Yes, it [abortion] kills a fetus. I think we have deluded ourselves into believing that people don’t know that abortion is killing.”
“Texas is one of eleven state legislatures working to stop a doctor from performing an abortion if a heartbeat is detected. The only exception is if the doctor believes there’s a medical emergency,”
I would be remiss if I didn’t thank wolfmoon and all of you for your kindness to me while I try to recover. Some of you have helped in such direct ways that I can never express my appreciation strong enough. There are others who post here that deserve far more attentiveness and concern than I do so I feel a bit humble about it.
Nice of you to focus on me during all these slow news days. Ummm…..yeah.
We appreciate YOU so much, NYGuy! I am not aware of the details of your situation, nor should I be, but I am impressed by your strength and your can-do attitude! Keep on truckin’! You got this!!!!
It’s boring stuff NF. Basically I need to have my head examined which all of you already knew.
Don’t forget to tip your waiters.
Ed!!– We ALL need to have our heads examined!! That’s probably why we are here!! LOL!
Hang in there!! and If posting and interacting helps –Keep at it!! We Love “seeing” you here!!!
PS!! I never forget the waiters!! “You ask them to bring you stuff–and they do!!” paraphase from the movie Arthur!!
Good heavens! With my background, if ANYONE needs their head examined, it would be me!!!! LOL
“Basically I need to have my head examined…”

So, you’re a Democrat????
LOL! Subtle! I think you may be feeling better!
Just get well soon, NYGuy54!!
When I did a round with that ugly “C” man about 13 years ago, the thing that carried me through it all was my mental attitude. I can truly say that your mental state of mind is EVERYTHING! Be positive every day; Never Give Up! Always pray … He hears all prayers …
It was hard for me to understand, but your family and friends want to help you … LET THEM! It will help you and will ease your burden … as well as helping them. They need it, too.
God Bless my friend … We’re all here for ya!
Great advice!!!
You are one of us Ed. We are all kin here! WWG1WGA! So yeah, we are all concerned about each other’s welfare. I know it’s awkward sometimes getting all this attention when you may not be used to it, but you are on our team and we care. Carry on!
I also reflect back to PDJT’s VERY understated comment when this initially came out! Very balanced and careful, IMO.

Isnt that COOL!! He talks TO us!! He Fights FOR us!! Every.Single.Day!!! #POTUSISMYHERO
and we twinned!!!
Oh, my – feminists in Sweden taking a stand against sex dolls in brothels!!! You just can’t make this shit up!!!!!
“Several prominent Swedish feminist groups have railed against the use of so-called “sex robots” and “sex dolls” and advocate tougher legislation against them, saying the objects normalise violent attitudes toward women.
The demand for action against sex bots came in the form of an opinion article in Swedish newspaper Expressen signed by several feminists representing the national organization for women’s shelters and girls’ homes in Sweden (Roks), the Swedish Women’s Lobby and the anti-female violence group Unizon.
In the article, the groups demand “that Swedish authorities make it difficult for brothels with robots and dolls to open in Sweden,” and that, “research that studies the connection between sexual contacts with robots and dolls and actual abuse should be initiated.”
These chicks are NUTS. They invite INTO THE COUNTRY Islamic mobs that set off bombs and set fires and rape women everywhere and IGNORE IT – make it illegal to report – pretend that it’s NOT violence – and then they call their beta Swede males having sex with dolls “violence”.
America will NEVER be a socialist country, because we can see the truth now, and the socialist Dems and their psychotic FAKE NEWS media have no hold over us.
No Coincidences!!!
In my Inbox – from the White House:
“Border Apprehensions Jump 84 Percent, 606,000 Expected This Year
“January saw a surprising surge of 22,000 more apprehensions of illegal immigrants at southwest border crossings over January 2018, prompting a key predictor to suggest that border officers will make over 600,000 apprehensions this year,” Paul Bedard reports for the Washington Examiner. “The year-over-year increase was 84 percent, from 25,975 in January 2018 to 47,893 last January, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection.”
Princeton Policy Advisors’ Steven Kopits believes the surge suggests that more illegal immigrants could be heading to the border than expected. “Buckle your seat belts: 2019 could be a wild ride at the southwest border,” he says.”
The Communist left loves their bad logic. One talking point from the left: Border is not an emergency because we had 1million illegals in 2000 and the numbers are down.
Using the same logic…..
I guess it would be okay if we only allowed 17 (not 19) highjackers into the country, and they only drove an airplane into a 70 story building (not trade towers), and only cost the USA 5 trillion in DOW loss (not 6 trillion), or a war that only lasted 15yrs (we’re entering our 18th year), and only had 4K American losses (American casualties exceed 4K), which cost the US taxpayer only 5 trillion dollars (we’re at 6 trillion now if we inlude cost of health care for vets going forward).
Not only that, it would be OK if there were 19 hijackers but one of them was underage.
Feb 21 2019 11:27:56 (EST)
What is the process to enter a SCIF?
What security level must exist in order to gain entry?
Can non-security-level person(s) be invited to participate?
Do logs exist for each designated meeting?
Do logs record time in/time out/who in/who out?
Ability to enter (arrange) w/o paper trail?
:RT Jan 29 2018 – IDEN [not for anons]
IDEN Jan 29 2018 & run back 1-2 [not for anons]
SCIF logs can be ‘very’ revealing.
Define ‘Renegade’.
1. a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.
synonyms: traitor, defector, deserter, turncoat, betrayer
DP!! Just came here to post this too!! Woohoo!!!
Looks like Renegade was hanging out in SCIFs.
He’s going DOWN!!! Crazy times!!!
and he wasn’t searching for the Colonel’s Secret Recipe either…
blackmail info perhaps???
Or maybe sending info to someone?
obtaining info to sell/ (China/Russia)
who knows?
Sounds like we have recording of a conversation in a SCIF that is going to cause some congress members, including Senators, and Obama officials a bit of a headache…
OnWingsLikeEagles @RedSwordOfLight
I read that as “On Eagles Wings” and as a choir member and funeral soloist cringed by reflex.
Headed out for errands. Looks like a big day ahead.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: d358db No.5304214
Feb 21 2019 11:55:45 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 74dd6b No.5303949
Feb 21 2019 11:42:28 (EST)
Elizabeth Koh from Tampa Bay Times here. Doing on a balanced story on Q for this Sunday’s paper. Wanted your input on the biggest thing that happened this week. Will be a fair article. Been following this board somewhat, so save the flaming comments and give honest input.
We are the news now (WW).
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6b73ac No.5304336
Feb 21 2019 12:02:07 (EST)
Be ready for the ‘Q’, Anon(s).
Eyes on increasing +each day.
You are the news now.
Handle w/ care.
Wolf, not sure if you saw that I did provide info on my post that referenced SD at OT. Your request yesterday did not have a “Reply” option on it (???), so I just replied to my post. In the case that you missed it (I mean, nothing else was going yesterday, so not sure how you missed it… /sarc), here it is again:
The posting that I mentioned yesterday, where SD posted that “Q got his start from CTH” is at this link:
Here is a cut-paste of the conversation:
Running Fast says:
February 19, 2019 at 9:38 pm
So are you on the Q train yet? Anons have known this for a year and a half… in fact the future proves the past.
Sandra-VA says:
February 19, 2019 at 10:01 pm
Treepers have been unravelling this conspiracy long before the Q hoax began. CTH articles have even been reposted by the Q entity, fyi.
sundance says:
February 19, 2019 at 10:06 pm
I originally wrote about this in November 2016 after Rogers visited Trump Tower.
I wrote about the WH bugging in April 2017.
Q began in 2017 by using CTH research.
Peoria Jones says:
February 19, 2019 at 10:24 pm
That’s the finest example of restraint I’ve seen in a long time, LOL!
“Q began in 2017 by using CTH research.”
You’re a liar, [ ]. Nice agenda, Mr. Megalo [ ].
Perhaps Mark Levin was right all along.
Is Levin the guy with whom [ ] got into a spat, a few years ago? The “dox” thing?
Levin’s got his own problems, too.
To me, it seems that when one gets “big” enough in the media scene, then one is susceptible to being comp’d. I suspect it happened to BOTH of them. Liar v. Liar, Spy v.Spy (MAD magazine!)
Also, I suspect that their EQ’s are FAR below their IQ’s. It’s a problem for many. Lack of balance, of grounding.
“SWS” – “Swelled Head Syndrome”.
He is now actually claiming to be the origin of Q?
If that is SD really stating this, ge is not the person he had always porteayed himself to be. That is ridonkulous.
Anons should address that.
SD is claiming that Q uses his stuff. This is true. Q uses a lot of people’s stuff. Ask WHY.
Things can be true in multiple ways. It takes understanding to find a new, correct way that explains something that was already explained, in a new way that explains OTHER things as well. That is the nature of science, and particularly finding FUNDAMENTAL NEW WAYS to explain things. One cannot grasp all of what is going on here unless one thinks in ways that PRESERVE KNOWN TRUTHS.
This statement was said by one of the sycophants:
“That’s the finest example of restraint I’ve seen in a long time, LOL!”
It’s actually and very ironically TRUE, if I’m right about what SD knows versus what SD says.
*I* do not say everything I know. I expect that SD does not say everything that SD knows.
Enjoy the show. What Q says here is CRITICAL:
Be ready for the ‘Q’, Anon(s).
Eyes on increasing +each day.
You are the news now.
Handle w/ care.
This shows me that they really know WTF is going on. This was a PLANNED take-down of the Marxist-controlled media. It’s BEAUTIFUL. Super cutting-edge stuff.
SD has good stuff. His site still is a treasure trove of insight and summaries written so that average Joes can understand. There remains a few great posters as well (most are here now).
Q would be silly not to pay attention there (and now here). Just as silly as anyone would be to not pay attention to Q.
I agree that q gleans from cth, as one q post explicitly referenced. And i believe in aggregation in 9rder to get the whole picture.Sd had a problem with bongino using his site research also.
Sd at many times said he doesn’t care how the info gets out there or who gets the credit as long as its the truth.
How I read into that is platitudes…bc he cares very much, as evidenced by the ban hammer and his bridge burning.
Well said. If one is truly happy that others carry forth a message, then one would just as soon say “Listen to that guy!” than “I thought of that first.”
Credit will eventually accrue, if deserved, if needed, and if it’s the will of God.
Christ, prophets, priests and rabbis are all excellent examples of dispensing with the need for credit.
Q’s primary need for OUR stuff is to highlight – to act as an editor. Q is the world’s biggest retweet except for POTUS.
We are GUESSING at what Trump, Q, and the insiders know. They can’t dump any old stuff out into public, but they CAN quote us being right, as a way to tell us what’s important.
On that note, i do wonder why, in the importance of politics, we get the chemical poisoning posts. Globalist playbook?
SD is starting to remind me of Ann Coulter, and not in a good way.
SD’s statement looks like a colossal misunderstanding or misrepresentation, or both, of what Q is. Q is not a blogger who reads someone’s material and reports on it.
If “Q began in 2017 by using CTH research,” then how has Q sustained his run? Where does Q get info that no one else has, in advance?
From a few things SD has said about Q that were completely erroneous, he appears to not know much about Q. The puffery of his statements reported here lead one to believe he wants credit and might feel threatened. If that is not the case, he needs to take responsibility for the way he reports and responds. It’s a pattern I’ve observed for a long time.
What a joke! After all that is uncovered, bragged about by him& family about being activists since birth..and now they want to put as much distance as possible from any political motive.
I can almost hear him telling the “2 thugs” NOT THE FACE man!!!
(thought it was odd 2 guys beat him up and while he’s holding a phone and a sandwich, he only gets 2 tiny cuts on his face…LOL
the moneyshot might be from the FEDS with the letter hoax…hopefully this dude’s going down!
It’s hard to imagine getting hit in the face twice, hard enough to break the skin without major swelling and bruising. His face looked the same except for the scratches..I don’t even believe there was a punch. Maybe used a pin to scratch? Whatever.. sheesh
His new official story is just like the jihad explanations after an attack…..”we just don’t know what the motive was” …………Bullshit. WE know what the motive was and it wasn’t was to advance the lynching bill and hurt MAGA .
So now he can return to the safe cocoon of poltical activists all winking and nodding that he pulled a fast one, duped the dummies, free to black power fist again..ugh I’m so mad
Album release March 2, IMO, with side bennie for Harris/Booker and slamming MAGA
Oh yeah, that too. Can a book be far behind?
JUSSIE CRAY-CRAY… Chicago Police: Smollett Wrote the two Brothers a Personal Check — SCRATCHES WERE SELF-INFLICTED!
All that effort for a pay raise…um huh.
Thank you Kea
How many people would love to get that paycheck but nope not him.
BOOM. But I want to say about this guy: “What a MOOB!” (moob = man boob)
Man boob. He’s a boob alright which is a bit of an insult to those of us who have, um, well, who have natural ones.
Parkland? Las Vegas? many more
Hey Shem Horne fans— This is pretty cool!! Brad Parscale noticed!!
This “alternate universe joke” makes me think that Parscale and Q had a couple of beers.
I think Parscale might have had a hand in Q.
Same with Keith Schiller Trump’s former head of security. My suspicion has always been he is working directly with the Q team.
Just for fun. I had a thought about possible connections between a couple of names, and this came up.
Made me laugh. Not sure of what it means but the Candidate Donald Trump interview starting on pg.46 is great:
…”Eventually, HBO will do a movie about this election. Who should play you?
Somebody really, really handsome. That’s the only thing that matters. I don’t care if he can act well. He’s got to be really, really good-looking. OK? “…
Joe makes such great Memes!!
Here is the thread all connected:
This is a most interesting piece of the puzzle. Three days before Trump is inaugurated as POTUS, Biden was in the Ukraine.
Lotsa dirty dealing.
Fascinating read (the twitter thread)
If this much is known on Twitter, then one of our fav qomments comes into play:
“We have it all.”
Jeff has another THREAD – click on tweet
Has anyone else seen this? It is bouncing off and on YouTube and only NBC! If it is so bad a deal why is Smollett still the big news? This guy was supposedly was going to commit mass deaths and had a list of all the Democrats in DC and the liberal media he was going to take out! Only Cnn and NBC is carrying it on their news site, and it is way down on the page!! Seems to me they are looking to see if they can tie Trump supporters to this, not unlike the postal bomber that targeted these very same democrats! I am trying to get this info verified but everything is Smollett… Geeeez! Thanks, fellow QTreepers!
“Be ready for the ‘Q’, Anon(s).
Eyes on increasing +each day.
You are the news now.
Handle w/ care.
This is total bullshit. I analyzed this photo elsewhere on this thread – it’s just a common “all-arounder” gun collection with ammo for everything. This is a media-constructed nothingburger. Psy-op bullshit to demonize a normal gun collection. If you count the guns and what they’re used for, it’s no biggie for a normal gun owner where shooting is a HOBBY (pro tip: he’s not a collector). As for the email stuff, it’s very likely just some screed that he wrote – very likely a sort of lamentation BS.
This is very poor work, and the profilers are probably sobbing in a back room that this went forward.
My comments are HERE:
Looks like a normal LOW-END gun hobbyist collection to me. Not even a true collector. Not even a TRUE tactical fan.
View them like GOLF CLUBS and it’s a BAD BAG OF CLUBS.
Three shotguns (typical for a hunter – his entry gun and two game guns – w/ 2 slug barrels for deer)
Two .22 plinking guns – one scoped, one not
One target rifle, scoped
Small carry revolver
Old historical pistol
Four pistols, different calibers
Three modern carbines, different configurations (long scoped, shorter dot, intermediate)
AMMO for ALL the different guns.
The media and non-gun-owners like to make low-end hobbyists look scary, but the reality is that – using the guns to golf clubs method of gauging interest, this guy is a ONE-SET PLAYER.
Not a real collector. Just a regular jack-of-all-trades owner who never traded off much.
I’m thinking that they dug through ALL his emails and found some angry screed, and then tied that to his gun collection.
I’m calling BS on the evidence.
TY, Wolf!
My hubby and I concur! Your analysis is probably why the story keeps bouncing in and out of the MSM! It has been weird, to say the least.
I just pray that when the Mueller investigation bottoms out that they don’t try to use it as a distraction, or a way to keep the hate going… And maybe they are just trying to “engage the public” with the idea of this report! Thanks again!
If anyone is interested, Amazon is running a ridiculous 32 inch Toshiba Smart TV sale for the next 12 hours. $99 plus free delivery
Could someone delete this? What a dumb idea to post it.
It’s OK – and what a bargain!
Ed!!! This is an OPEN THread!! It’s all good!! You have no idea how many times i posted and then–Oops! Perfect place to post!! Think of it as Holy Spirit moment! Maybe someone lurking really needs a new TV!! God send!!
Toshiba is quality merch. That sucker is staying up!
Well, maybe some people were glad to know. I passed it on to some who were very interested.
Actually, I need two tv’s for guest rooms. This was perfect for me. Thanks, NYGuy!
Toshiba stuff lasts forever!
Good deal if your looking for a large computer/lap top monitor with a dual use as a TV, just can’t figure out why anyone might want to watch TV though, but bigger monitor sure.
Anyone else find it funny that the ad for empire is listed?!?!
aka Jussie Smollett
I thought that was the point of the post.
Not “Victoria”? I take it all back! JUNK!
Kea!! that right there is Hilarious!!! Dying laughing right now!!!

A smart TV?
Aren’t those all suspected of surveilling you?
Steve I program mine to monitor you…sorry about that…lol
shhhhh we all do that! SteveTV is what we call it around here! lolol
Welcome back NYGUY54 !
I see you still got it !!!
Oh man! This is a fantastic buy for a Toshiba!! The ratings are through the roof and these make great Christmas gifts! And yes, I start buying the day after Christmas and this would make a great gift for my granddaughter!! She will use it as an added monitor for her laptop! TY
Darwin award nominee.
Police sources tell CBS Chicago that the rope wrapped around Smollett’s neck was traced back to a purchase made by Smollett himself.
You can’t fix stupid.
Thank you, kea — much appreciated.
Lucas says that it is clear a double standard exists. Smollett might get off with an apology and reimbursement of police resources wasted on this hoax. Anyone else would have been thrown in the slammer, therefore, Lucas says that nothing less than jail time will do for Smollett.
I do hope he gets jail time.
So do I.
I am still trying to figure out the logic of being a) unhappy at being paid $65k an episode for a television show no one has ever heard of and b) staging an anti-Trump, anti-MAGA hoax in order to protest one’s seemingly measly salary.
What am I missing here?
I’m thinking he started getting “expensive tastes”!!!
Oh, yes. Hadn’t thought of that.
RIP Logic!!!!! *Shrugs* TDS?!?!?!
You nailed it, kea!
Off the wall TDS.
All by design, of course!
“British government security orders that can be placed on known extremists are so expensive to enforce they are hardly ever used, leaving the majority of returning jihadists to “roam free”.
The arrangements made for Islamist extremists living in the United Kingdom has come under intense scrutiny in the wake of the rediscovery of a former London schoolgirl who defected to the Islamic State in 2015, who now wants to come to Britain to raise an ISIS fighter’s son.
‘Sisterhood in Jihad’: UK’s First All-Female Islamic State Cell Accused of London Plot
— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) May 12, 2018″
“UK authorities are facing the “headache” of an influx of returning ISIS fighters’ wives and children after the fall of the terror group’s caliphate in Syria, according to reports.
In the past week alone at least 12 women with UK citizenship have shown up at refugee camps in northern Syria as operations to drive ISIS out of its last pocket of territory in the Middle Eastern nation draw to a close.
On Tuesday, the UK Home Office announced it had revoked the citizenship of Shamima Begum after uproar over news that the 19-year-old ISIS bride, who says she doesn’t regret joining the terrorist group, sought to be flown back to Britain.”
Which is why I do not want any of them coming back to the UK or other European countries.
PDJT wants us to take them back (discussed here day before yesterday). NO!!!
CM, it would be so wrong-headed to let them return that it should not even be considered. because just considering it adds legitimacy to it in the eyes of some.
Thank you very much, Zoe — greatly appreciated.
However, PDJT wants Europe to take their defector citizens back.
Why would they have to release them, CM? Lawlessness, I suppose, or bad law, which is the same thing.
Well, the American ISIS sympathiser is not allowed to return to the US, so I do not see why we have to allow ours back, either.
Well, he backed up Pompeo on that nitwit that wanted to come back here but she didn’t have US citizenship. I am with you: a HUGE NO! They forfeited their citizenship when they threw in with our enemies, IMO.
Thank you, NF — greatly appreciated!!
Yes, they left voluntarily. They can pay the price.
Thank you for mentioning that the woman in question was not a US citizen. That I did not know.
A Fortiori says:
“Michael – it is vital that we reclaim the english language. This bastardization of the term dignity is designed to attack Judeo Christian values in that it is intended to diminish the notions of right and wrong. If we must respect any and all views strongly held by others as equally valid, it follows that no universal truths exist. It does not respect a person’s dignitity to allow them to persist in wrong thinking, and injecting the idea that it does into society is destructive….”
I agree with Michael, this is VERY VERY DANGEROUS thinking and here is the proof:
Again from some old notes:
Judicial Watch Obtained Department of Defense Teaching Documents calling Founding Fathers Extremists
It is VERY long but worth a skim.
Here are some of the more ALARMING points I found:
EXCERPTS with notes in [ ]
This lesson will focus on awareness and current issues requiring the attention of future Equal Opportunity Advisors. It will also provide information that describes sources of extremism information, definitions, recruitment of DoD personnel, common themes in extremist ideologies, common characteristics of extremist organizations, DoD policies, and command functions regarding extremist activities. ……
Seven Stage Hate Model, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin March
The following references are additional sources for current extremism information:
• Anti-Defamation League – * [The Anti-Defamation League was founded in 1913 “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people ]
• Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism – * [The Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino is a nonpartisan research and policy center ]
• Know Gangs – *
• Political Research Associates – *
• Southern Poverty Law Center – * [SEE attacks on Catholic Church and shooting target from their list also DHS employee behind website promoting race war on paid leave ]
• Teaching Tolerance – *
Todd’s American Dispatch: Feds forced churches to get baptism permits
[I am going to put this first because it is the most important.]
D. Extremist Ideologies
1. Introduction
• As noted, an ideology is a set of political beliefs about the nature of people and society. People who are committed to an ideology seek not only to persuade but to recruit others to their belief. In U.S. history, there are many examples of extremist ideologies and movements. The colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule and the Confederate states who sought to secede from the Northern states are just two examples.
• While not all ideologists are violent in nature, it is characteristic of ideology to be action-oriented and to regard action in terms of a military analogy. How often have you heard words such as struggle, resist, march, victory, and overcome when reading about or talking to ideologists about their beliefs?
2. Ideologies
a. Nationalism – The policy of asserting that the interests of one’s own nation are separate from the interests of other nations or the common interest of all nations. Many nationalist groups take it a step further and believe that their national culture and interests are superior to any other national group.
b. Supremacy – The belief that one’s race or ethnicity is superior to all others and should dominate society. Supremacy, as with racial supremacies in general, has frequently resulted in anti-Black and anti-Semitic violence….
e. Religion – Extremist ideology based on intolerance toward other religions. Anti- Semitism is a prime example of this ideology. [So it is ‘BAD’ to be Islamaphobic – Frightened of people who want to cut off your head and STATE that is their goal.]
C. Extremists Traits
1. What type of person belongs to an extremist group or follows an extremist ideology? The terms extremism or extremist are almost always applied by others to a group rather than by a group labeling itself. People within an extremist group will deny that they practice or advocate violence; instead they would more likely call themselves political radicals….
e. Tendency to view opponents and critics as essentially evil
Extremists feel that their opponents hold differing views because they are bad, immoral, dishonest, hateful, cruel, prejudiced, etc. and not merely because they simply disagree, see matters differently, or are mistaken.
f. Dualism worldview
Extremists tend to see the world in terms of absolute good and evil, for them or against them, with no middle ground or intermediate position. All issues are ultimately moral issues of right and wrong, good or bad, with the right and good positions coinciding with their interests. Their slogan is often “Those who are not with me are against me.” ….
i. Assumption of moral superiority over others
The most obvious assumptions are claims of racial or ethnic superiority—a master race. Less obvious are claims of ennoblement because of alleged victimhood, a special relationship with God, or membership in a special or elite class and a kind of aloof high-minded snobbishness that accrues because of the weightiness of their preoccupations, their altruism, and their willingness to sacrifice themselves (and others) to their cause.
j. Doomsday thinking
Extremists often predict dire or catastrophic consequences from a situation or from a failure to follow a specific course, and they tend to exhibit a kind of crisis- mindedness. It can be a Communist takeover, a Nazi revival, nuclear war, earthquakes, floods, or the wrath of God. Whatever it is, it is just around the corner unless we follow their program and listen to their special insight and wisdom, to which only the truly enlightened have access. For extremists, any setback or defeat is the beginning of the end…..
Gail–I realize this is seriously scary stuff. Propaganda to go after Trump supporters, Christian groups etc..
However; reading back through the list it literally sounds like the actual Dem. Party ” special or elite class and a kind of aloof high-minded snobbishness”…The world will end in 12 years or whatever if we dont address Climate change…The litany of racism, homophobe, bigotry, mysogeny etc… It would be hysterical if it wasnt diabolical!!
But the good news…This too will change during the Reign of Donald J. Trump!
I just wanted to point out just how far the targeting of US patriotism and Christianity had gone. It is really bad when our OWN ARMY is teaching that our Founding Fathers were extremists, patriotism is BAD and Western Civilization is meh and no better than Islam or China’s totalitarianism.
A Fortiori is correct,
” – it is vital that we reclaim the english language.”
As I mentioned earlier the Progressives/Commies use strawmen to change the argument so THEY always win. Changing the language is another way they try to beat us over the head.
Negro ===> Black then you got screamed at if you used black so
Black ===> African-American. What next?
What is Smolett?
An African American, or a RUSSIAN-American???
OHHhhh, Maybe we should start referring to Smollett as a RUSSIAN-American!!!
Someone on Reddit the Donald please toss that their way for meme generation! We can have SOOooo much fun with that one!
Gail, so much truth here. Horrid to think such wrong-headed thinking has infiltrated in to our military.
Small point here — the document is from 2013.
Yes it was and Obummer was not out until 2017. So that is 3 years or more of indoctrination. Who the heck knows, this ‘teaching’ may STILL be going on! It is just one of MILLIONS of documents within the Armed Forces.
Someone trustworthy at the highest level (e.g. WH) needs to comb through those documents.
‘this ‘teaching’ may STILL be going on!’ It’s got to be even worse now.
That’s disgusting. Corruption is barely acknowledged anymore. Slides right off like slime with a ho hum and shoulder shrug
AHHHhh but FRAUD cases mean $$$ to the US treasury ===> The Wall!
This is the list of this year’s fraud cases:
Fraud cases:
2019 (55)
Apply 2018 (665)
Apply 2017 (539)
It looks like there maybe some stuff on De Blasio
This one is interesting:
Statement by Attorney General Holder on Federal Investigation Into Death of Eric Garner
Washington, DC on Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Eric Garner was an extremely large, and out-of-shape individual who, despite having been arrested 31 times (IIRC) for selling loose cigarettes (“loosies”), chose not to follow officers instructions, resisted arrest, and was taken down by a police officer in a takedown maneuver, and not a choke-hold (which are illegal).
Although his death was ruled a homicide by the Medical Examiner’s Office,
Whoops ! (posted by accident)
“Garner’s death was found by the New York City Medical Examiner’s Office to be a result of “compression of neck (choke hold), compression of chest and prone positioning during physical restraint by police”.[51][52][53] Asthma, heart disease, and obesity were cited as contributing factors.[54] There was no damage to the windpipe or neckbones.[55] The medical examiner ruled Garner’s death a homicide. According to the medical examiner’s definition, a homicide is a death caused by the intentional actions of another person or persons, which is not necessarily an intentional death or a criminal death.[56]”
The usual suspects, never of letting a crisis go to waste, ran with the narrative “White cop murders Black man”.
It is widely believed that after NYPD discovered what was on Anthony Weiner’s laptop, and demanded federal action, that Loretto Lynch, formerly the US attorney for the Eastern District of New York (which covers Staten Island), and had since replaced Eric Holder as the US Atty. Gen. Under Obama, threatened further investigation into the Garner incident.
As a double-check, I read Major Garrett’s Twitter feed.
It had nothing on it about Mueller.
Q drop 2847
try this

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: ae0cd0 No.5305044
Feb 21 2019 12:35:01 (EST)
You have more than you know.
New Q thread up!
thank you!
question-I do not tweet but is there a way to search POTUS’s tweets (not responses) to see if he ever used the word renegade?
Ohhh, Pat, you’re my kind of analyst/researcher. Good call.
The Secret Service did. Renegade is Obama’s SS handle.
Vinyl = PVC ==> release of TOXIC fumes when it heats up too high or burns.
Some idiot engineer(from India) who didn’t now the difference between degree C and F tossed some PVC in the oven overnight at too high a temp. By the next morning ALL the metal in the lab was completely rusted. It destroyed balances and all the other equipment with metal parts.
Now think what the HCl acid fumes would do to your lungs.
Melissa has a THREAD on Terrance’s “accident” – click on tweet
Based on Aubergine’s research, I think it’s becoming much less likely that they are related by blood, but I think it’s increasingly likely that they are RELATED BY COMMUNISM.
That said, I strongly suspect that both the rapid accusations of ASSAULT and his accident were means to keep him from meeting POTUS. I am absolutely convinced of that.
Thanks, pR.
The tweet is now deleted.
This is what we need to be doing now… planting a seed to those who know NOTHING wrt what’s happening…
It’s coming … POTUS needs us NOW…
Phoenix! great point!! My question–What’s your FAVORITE RED PILL? Mine is Joe M video–The Plan to Save the World–Any other suggestions?
I like MEMES !!!!!
A picture is worth………
and memes pass through Twitter’s algorithms …
I like Joe M.’s video, but it depends on whether the receiver is “asleep” or waking up…
There are other videos I like, but even here I would hesitate to post them…
Q’s latest drop is among other things about memes
Even here?? Too dark? I posted the new revised version on the Q thread..It’s worth watching again!! HUG!!
I wasn’t clear… not talking about Joe M’s video – it’s not too dark, I have posted it here.
No, I’m talking about some subjects (red pills) I would not post about here and some not again.
There are still a lot of folks here that are not awake…
Actually–It was I who wasnt clear…I know what you are talking about–The REALLY REALLY Dark stuff…
so I’m wondering about the lynching bill now. First, since they knew they now would have the votes to pass it, did they sneak anything in there we should be aware of?
And second, was this just a resume padder for Harris? I mean if this was not discovered to be a hoax, she gets the credit for this “important legislation”–what else does she have to put on a Presidential resume anyway?
If you want to know anything about a passed or pending bill:
If you have the Bill # key it in with the year + US Congress and a “Congress dot gov” url will come up
If you don’t have the Bill # key in significant words…
In this case, I keyed in “2019 US Congress Bill lynching”
this came up ———-
click on this url and you will get a number of options, but most importantly you will get the STATUS of the Bill
Additionally you can get the text, option to choose .pdf
At the top you can pull up info on # of sponsors, etc.
Hope this helps
thank you, it does!
If he wasn’t who he is, he would be in there for at least a few days. And with the fake anthrax, no doubt about it.
Conservatives must be doing something right. The LeftistGroupThinkers fear us.
Thanks, LP. This is a good tip. I’m going to do an opinion piece on it shortly.
WM, hope you can use this young lady in your opinion piece about conservative effectiveness. I listened to her on John B. Wells YTC this afternoon as I was driving and was totally blown away…never heard of her but she is way beyond her 19 years…she is one to watch…that I’m sure of…she knows intricate details of people and their circles of influencers, what young people are thinking and how the Republican party is totally missing a great opportunity with young conservatives by not having effective organizing arms in place in schools and other places where you find young people…her credible opinions are breath taking!
Mahgdalen Rose is a nineteen year old social media vlogger, influencer and Author of “I can Hear You: the story of a not yet born human being”. She started writing the book a little over a year ago because she wanted her story to be told. She is an only child born to parents who were older at the time her mother found out she was pregnant and there was a lot of back and forth about how they were going forward. Her mother’s doctor advised that the baby could have Down’s Syndrome, friends advised abortion but in the end Mahgdalen was born
I CAN HEAR YOUIs the dialogue between the actions of the mother,father and others as they decide whether or not to bring their “not yet born” baby to full term. Abortion is discussed and a choice is made. This is a short emotionally charged story and a useful piece for a teachable moment. The “not yet born human being” can hear the discussions and is responding.
She is a life-long young conservative who is from NY, went to high school in Massachusetts during the 2016 presidential election, and defended Trump in her class rooms and debate tournaments. She then joined Twitter and became politically active after the Parkland shooting, as she was disappointed with how little young conservative leaders had done to fight back against young liberal leaders. Mahgdalen did not want the Young Liberals like David Hogg to gain ground and advance their agenda.
Politico is wrong.
‘In Warren’s case, a false narrative surfaced alleging that a blackface doll appeared on a kitchen cabinet in the background of the senator’s New Year’s Eve Instagram livestream.’
The doll was definitely there. I saw the video, as, no doubt, did many others here.
Here’s the full proffer in the Jussie Smollett case:
Thank you, Molly.
More here (sad):
I may be offbase, but it seems to me these people like Stone should not be deprived of their freedom of speech. If it truly endangered the country or was a true threat to anyone, that would be different, but it just looks vindictive to me.
‘I may be offbase …’ Not at all.
I agree with you 110%. They are taking his freedom of speech away, because they fear he will tell us the truth on social media and in interviews.
The ones and zeros along the sides spell “KEK!” in ASCII code.
I always knew you were a smart cookie !
Thanks for telling us that…
Trump is giving an AMAZING SPEECH to the African American History Month Reception!!!
Here it is, LIVE:
The Anons dug this up…and I think it is very interesting:

Some of the Anons noted the position of Montel Williams’ hand on the young daughter of Kamala.
It’s similar to the way creepy Joe Biden puts his hands on young girls.
One of the comments was…”He was probably banging them both.”
I dunno…but guys have better radar about guy-things than us girls do.
Tough call. Could be innocent. I kinda hate those moments. Not putting an arm around is awkward and embarrassing and makes many women think the photo is a flub. And it varies with the woman. Church Lady and Huggy Neighbor Lady have WAY different expectations.

If you want to see a TRULY bad comparison, check THIS out
Interesting since no reference exists that i can find of her having any children. Not even on her wiki. If this is her daughter this needs exploring, bc she supposedly hasnt been married before 3 orv4 years ago.
Here is video.
This is montels daughter.
Good find, Gil!
So it was Montel’s daughter…not Kamala’s.
The caption on that still shot was wrong.
Im glad there was video. Thats why we dig!
2nd try.
Its montels daughter.
Seen this?
It’s a video dedicated to Q and Pres Trump…and also to the Qanon Army.
I like it; it’s nicely done.
Upload date – September 30, 2018
I found it posted under the tweet that got Q’d today…the tweet about the ‘FBI episode 13’.
From Citizen Free Press…tweet from Charlie Kirk:
Here’s the video:
Even though it’s from Charlie Kirk/TurningPointUSA…it might be a good idea to let this gel for a day, to see if there are more details.
Follow up tweet…looks like Fox has picked up the story:
Its on hannity right now!
Yep…just saw that!
Communist MK making them angry, as hoped.
Yep…they’re panicking.
That Fox article had more details.
The attacker went to their TPUSA table and caused a scene, turned over their table…then went after that volunteer.
I think this may qualify as “targeted violence”.
Trying to make conservatives afraid.
Fox really ran with this video tonight.
It was featured on Hannity, then Laura Ingraham did a segment on it…then Shannon Bream featured it too.
The reportage was, that is was an ‘unprovoked attack’ on conservatives on the Berkley campus.
UPDATE from Terrance:
And this was posted earlier:
Dumb fool is doubling down
From TMZ:
Jussie Smollett is begging his “Empire” family to believe he’s innocent and continue supporting him — even as the drama of his arrest postponed a scene Thursday in Chicago.
Sources on the “Empire” set tell us the cast and crew were waiting at least 30 minutes for Jussie to begin the scheduled scene. When he eventually showed his face he was very emotional, and surrounded by his family.
We’re told he addressed everyone on set, saying …”I’m sorry I’ve put you all through this and not answered any calls. I wanted to say I’m sorry and, you know me, I would never do this to any of you, you are my family. I swear to God, I did not do this.”
After that, he left the set. We’re told it was obvious Jussie had been crying a lot, so producers said he would have to come back later. He did, and we’re told he is currently shooting the scene.
2:10 PM PT — Jussie told police, during his arrest, he has a drug problem … one for which he’s never been treated. That could become relevant later in the case because, as we reported, cops say Jussie bought ecstasy from Abel. IF he were convicted, a drug issue could be a mitigating factor that gets his sentenced reduced.
According to docs, Smollett also answered “no” to alcohol or mental health problems.
One of the conditions of his bail calls for him to have no contact with Ola and Abel Osundairo or their family members.
Tissue anyone? Step right up and git your tissues. Oh brother!
I’m a twitter snoop..randomly go here and there…Smollett’s hoax isn’t all well received in a some black circles. First off, they’re getting tired of having to accept the omnipresent gay agenda..uh I feel that way too.
The show he’s on is so fake glam and plastic black that they haven’t watched and won’t now…and most of all..where does he get off calling himself gay Tupac.
Unintended consequences because the Dems who still think that blacks in America 2019 will fall for anything. , almost like they stereotype…nah, surely Dems don’t do that.
BTW, remember when I said he had an album coming out March 2? Well, I was wrong – it was LAST YEAR! SMH – dang, I have GOT to pay closer attention to that! Sorry everyone.
That’s okay, NF.
We’ve all been there.
Earlier in this thread I mentioned that the commenters at Second City Cop think that Smollett will soon go into rehab in an attempt to garner sympathy. Looks as if the stage is being set for just that.
Of course. Rehab. Naturally. We must all feel very, very, very sorry for this poor fragile man. The cost of living in such a racist, homophobic country just was too much for him to bear and he snapped. /s
The Department of Foreign Affairs confirmed Mr Assange received his new Australian passport in September 2018. The passport has gone unreported until now.
It’s an important development for Mr Assange amid reports the Ecuadorian government, which has housed him in its London embassy since 2012 after Swedish authorities requested his extradition as a suspect in a rape case, may be preparing to end his political asylum.
The new passport makes it possible for Mr Assange to return to Australia. He has been without a passport after his previous one expired several years ago.
They need to drop the US charges and bring him in to testify, IMO. Rohrabacker was working on it but it went nowhere. SMH
That’s because Kelly wouldn’t let Rohrabacher meet with PDJT.
Another staged Hoax by the Left.
This one involved Antifa operatives.
They staged a fake ‘Anti-IlhanOmar-protest’…so that they could show up and do a counter-protest against it. (!!)
The Antifa operatives were apparently hoping to lure conservatives to their fake ‘Anti-Omar-protest’.
A conservative lady, Teresa Blair, went there to see what was up with it…and quickly figured out that it was Fake.
She videoed her whole recon mission.
She posted it on Facebook:
Not sure if that video will embed here…but you can watch it here:
At the end of her video, after she and her companion had gotten in their car…some Antifa operatives came over to her car.
One of them, a masked one, started yelling that they had “stolen his cellphone”…which was a Lie.
Then they started beating on their car!
They shattered the windshield.
But it looks like they were starting to drive away, when the video cuts off.
I hope Teresa Blair and her friend are okay!
omg. Violent SOBs.
I am confused as to why she was cussing Curry Kern, the guy with the flag who said he was in the Twin Towers on 9/11. Did she think he was a plant? He was holding a sign to impeach the Islamist…..
Something he said…or did…made her think he was a plant, yes.
Hm. No doubt she is MUCH more astute than I ever could be and she was there so … too bad, if so. That would really get my back up, someone using our flag for such a purpose!
I don’t know if I can click on that and listen/watch them saying it.
Just the description sounds horrific!
These people are ghouls!
I gave you a Like, though, for posting it, PhoenixR.
We need to know about the evil.
You did the right thing… not listening.
The caption on the tweet says it all…
It’s murder… heinous evil…
And we do need to know they are doing it…
I cannot wrap my mind around how the clinic employee talked about it… as though she were talking about an insect or such. What have some become?????????????????
She probably cries about endangered smelt in California and the butterflies the Wall might displace.
Looks like they all had a great time!
So cool.
It’s such a shame that Terrence Williams didn’t get to attend.
He was looking forward to it, so much.
Not sure if this was posted anywhere, hopefully it was. If not here goes.
Folsom Lake College reported a poster of a cartoon of the notorious Pepe the Frog to the local police department.
Pause and enjoy.
Beautiful. I love it.
Thanks, T3!
Our host seems to be detained elsewhere…
I am wondering if I should drop a new Open Thread, in his stead?
I have one in draft, ready to go for tomorrow night…but I could post it now.
What do you think?
We’ve got 3 new Q drops, too. I would say go for it, Wheatie. I don’t want to step on Wolfie’s toes, but he may appreciate your stepping up.
Thanks, Linda…that’s what I thought too.

I went ahead and dropped it.

Wolf can delete it if he wants to.
No way!
I think he may be working on a new Big Post.

Maybe lost track of time…deep in research.