Welcome! The doors are open, come on inside.
This Comfy Q Tree Friday open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.
You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on. Keep it civil. Thanks to our host, Wolfmoon, Free Speech is practiced here.
Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.
Imagine that! You can talk about Q here…and unlike the Old Treehouse, you won’t get banned.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines that our host has asked us to observe, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this haven that Wolf has created for us.
Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:
Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
For your listening enjoyment, I offer the following music from the talents of TwoStepsFromHell:
Titled: Evergreen
For our beloved Zoe…a description of the visuals:
The Tree I chose this time is a magnificent one. It is massive…and growing up out of a deep canyon. The base of the Tree displays an intricate internal structure of several floors of large rooms with arched openings and long windows. A soft light is shining out from them. There are two suspended pathways, leading to the base of the Tree on opposite sides of the canyon.
There are streams of water falling magically off of the huge leafed-out branches of the Tree…cascading down into the canyon below. It’s as though the Tree itself, is the source of the water. The sides of the canyon are covered in lush, verdant tree growth…but none are as massive as the Tree growing up from the canyon.
In the background, the canyon ends and gives rise to a large green clearing that is covered with a stepped series of waterfalls, cascading down into the canyon. This is all surrounded by huge snow-capped mountains, reaching upward to the sun and clouds. The position of the massive Tree eclipses the sun, causing to it to be backlit…but the Tree’s branches are so densely covered in leaves, there is very little light showing through.
NICE TREE!!! Good job, Miss Wheatie🤗🤗
Thanks, Butterfly!
I am so glad you like it.
Wheatie!! I love you so much!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! Super Beautiful Tree!!! Super Beautiful Description for Zoe and NY GUY–Ed – and any other sight impaired peeps here!!
SO Blessed to be part of this Beautiful and enlightening site!!
Love you back, Marica!
And I am sooo glad you like it.
Hope the music is well-received, too.
I am a fan of TSFH’s inspirational music.
Perfect!!!! Your tree- a day early is definitely a salve for me!! 7 days in February –Details of being Mimi –ya’ll !! I Am exhausted!!
Oh, Marica had to laugh at the last sentence! I remember before having grandchildren in my life I was out doing things with a friend and she said, “I need to go home in a few minutes to take a nap.” Pretty unusual thing for her to say so I asked if she was not feeling well. She said, “No, I’m fine but my grandchildren are coming over later today.” I totally did not understand but questioned no further. Then you know when I understood! ❤
Marica, big hugs to you and Wheatie and all the other peeps here–love our treepers.
Wheatie dear, I don’t know how you find these trees but I love them so much. And the music is a delight. Restful, yet happy.
I am so glad you like it, Syl!
Thank you.
Honestly, they are just perfect in my eyes. And tonight’s tree, with the music, ah…. spectacular.
There’s something about this tree….this music….I’m one of those stoic types but this made it through. Thanks Wheatie for giving me a moment!
Aww…I am very glad you like it, Holley!
If you ever need to reset your handle, for whatever reason … you could use “wheatietree”.
Wheatie, wheatietoo, and wheatietree. Ha!
When I signed up I wanted just ‘wheatie’…but WP said:
“No, you can’t have that, it’s taken.”
So I thought to myself…’But I want to be wheatie too!’
I typed that in and WP accepted it.
Haaa. 😆
I remember the story!
If you have multiple devices, and more than one email, you could establish back-up handles.
You’ve already got “wheatietoo”.
I’ve suggested “wheatietree”.
Finally, you could use “wheatiewon”.
Git ’em while they’re hot! lol
That sounds like a lot of trouble, though.
There’s always BreakfastOfTrumpians 🙂 too… 🙂
(A lot to type, which I found out when I was Wavetheshales)…
If I might make just one small addition to your wonderful description? IMO, it looks like it is sunrise and the sun is just beginning to rise behind the canyon walls. I also see praying hands just underneath the play arrow. Perhaps some ethereal/ghostly benches, chairs and bird bath behind the tree?
F, thank you, too.
And the music! ❤❤❤
JUDY!! AND THE MUSIC!!! Takes it to a new Level!!! Wheatie is a Q tree treasure!! We are so stinking BLESSED!!!
Thanks for stepping up, Wheatie. Hopefully, Wolfie is doing okay and just getting some much needed rest.
We have 3 new Q drops. One is a very meaty drop about what the dems are attempting to do with new investigations. And one is about the conservative who was attacked on UC Berkeley. Looks like they know who the attacker is, so hopefully he will soon be behind bars.
Wow. Thanks, Linda!
Moar Q drops…cool…going to go look.
I’m sure it’s not just Wolf. It’s been a busy, hectic week here.
And it’s been a hard one. The piece on [A/chr.] was appreciated – but still represented a spiritual fight against powerful lies.
Wolf has been up late hours almost every night.
The issues with the SBC continue to weigh on my mind. churchmouse posted on that in more detail. But it’s been difficult knowledge and burden to carry for the last year knowing that the rabid leftists only care about abusing these people for the political points they can score to cement their control of the SBC. Abuse victims are now being violated a second time and weaponized against churches. There is even a move afoot to kick churches out of the SBC – which isn’t how the Baptist polity is supposed to work. It is a convention, not a denomination. The churches and their messengers should have the authority over the national organization, not the other way around.
There has been a lot of winning but our warriors have all been fighting a spiritual battle. We all need rest to remain engaged in the fight.
MIchaelh, wish I could offer you some kind of comfort regarding the sbc, you are right about what it is Supposed to be. The congregations are supped to be independent. I like totally independent congregations, and I am not in an SBC church, but I understand your frustration.
Thanks Zoe.
Isn’t it funny that all the people that were so up in arms about Paige Patterson last year and demanding resignations are suddenly quiet? Where is the outrage? Where are the calls for resignations? Where is the concern for the victims?
Yeah, exactly. A little too convenient. Selective outrage. Shows what their priorities are – power.
Michaelh, so right.
i might take some flack for saying this, but if you TRULY believe in GOD (and i mean really, truly, and think everything in the bible is and was and is going to be) and you go to a church without proper doctrine stance and that is governed and bows down to a certain “denomination” stance or is part of a group like these “conventions”, then you might want to reconsider whether or not your church is truly on the side of righteousness.
this is a heady statement that i am making here in very few words, and if you want to quickly reach out and denounce my statement, i encourage you to study and research exactly what i might be talking about.
the true church of christ will be persecuted and is not a huge multi-national, millions of dollars, involved in everything “trendy” church. those are false and are leading many many GOOD and HONEST people who love jesus down the wrong path.
again, this is just something to keep in mind, and certainly not a complete expose on what large churches are doing to their followers, but only a request to take a deep in-depth look at yourself and what your “church” believes in.
what should i do if i feel my church is not where i should be? you can start by just meeting with your own family or a few other families together to do some studying and introspection.
change is hard. traditions are hard to break. indoctrination of falsehoods (no matter how tiny they might seem – the tiny crack opens up a mountain to be broken down over time) are hard to spot, but honestly, if this whole avalanche of “truth” that everyone has at least been exposed to over the last 3 years is not enough to make you question EVERYTHING in your life, including your church (which is and has been way to convenient for people to ignore), then maybe you should take the time to look.
i am not saying everyone will find a treasure trove of evil in their church, but more often than not, you will find enough to make you question. are you following a man or organization, or are you following god…
Absolutely on target, andrew, which is why I left organized religion behind.
I sure wish I could find a church like the one I attended in Bealeton, VA. Can’t remember the name – I think it was a Church of Christ – but it was the most non-judgmental, open-minded and accepting congregation I have ever seen in my lifetime.
The pastor rode a Harley, wore t-shirts, jeans and sandals, and simply stood in front and read from the bible, while explaining how it fit into today’s world. They had a band, coffee and breakfast snacks, with tables and chairs set up at the back for those who chose to sit there, kids could stay for the service or go downstairs to Sunday School. People hung around and socialized outside after church was over.
One thing in particular I was very pleased about was that, after I convinced my daughter and son-in-law to try it out, they also loved it. My son-in-law chose to be baptized, as did my grandson, and they held a second ceremony to be married in the church. They initially had a civil ceremony in Watertown, NY.
I think I will take the time to tell this story. It can often seem to be miraculous how one comes to find such treasures.
I was in a pretty bad place in my life (again! LOL) and had taken my truck to a Midas shop to have my breaks done. I was siting in the waiting room watching the TV with a story about people wanting to remove “under God” from the pledge of allegiance. I muttered something derogatory about that and a guy also sitting there agreed with me. We started chatting. He was a “biker dude,” beard, pierced nose, tats, black leather vest, chain wallet, etc., etc. but neat and clean. I mentioned that I was looking for a church and he told me about the one in Bealeton.
FF a month or so – Sunday morning, I was at the shoe repair shop (where I was general manager). We had a bulk job re-packing a bunch of Rockport shoes and I would go in on the week-ends and make extra pay. As I said, I was in a bad way and, in mulling over my situation, I started crying and could ‘t seem to stop. I was dressed in sweats, dirty from the dusty boxes, sweating, etc., but I finally decided I HAD to do something or I was going to hang it up – permanently. Suddenly, the interlude at Midas popped into my mind – could I possibly go, even in the state in which I was in?
Well, I threw caution to the wind and off I went. From the very moment I walked through those doors, dirty and smelly, I was warmly welcomed and made to feel at home. I saw the guy from Midas there as well. By the end of the service, I was once again in tears but……this time it was gratitude.
thanks for the story and not just a story but again an honest outpouring of your heart and your personal journey to complete strangers NF… your honesty and ability to not be ashamed of your personal journey is something i really respect about you.
TY, Andrew. I am like that IRL, as well. I have no problem talking about these things to others. My problem? I hide the deep truth from MYSELF! And yes, technically, we are complete strangers. However, I feel I know all of you here more than most people I see on a weekly basis.
Andrew, no flak taken. Spot on. I’m not locked into the SBC. The other thing to keep in mind is that God has placed some of us where we for his purposes. It is bigger than a single organization – the left’s “march through the institutions” is out to corrupt the PCA as well and any other “conservative” church that remain. They’ve been remarkably effective at subverting Christianity in the U.S. during the 20th century.
absolutely – and i do not “judge” anyone either – i just want people to think about things on a larger scale and realize that you have to be critical in your thinking about everything – especially things we have become accustomed to be comfortable in. religion or our churches are some of the most comfortable places people hold dear even the point of not recognizing that just like anything else, something that comes “too easy” (hillary “voting should be easy!”) you may want to revisit and find out if it’s truly a righteous avenue.
as long as people constantly re-evaluate themselves and what they believe in and dig to find out why they believe such things, then i am good. it’s when the complacency of life begins to blur the view of truth that it is time to take stock of what you really believe.
i have a child going to a “religious” college and even though they try and keep claiming they are for christ i see more and more the decay of belief and honestly, these beliefs are hidden by most of them when they walk off campus. and it is happening to all of the so called christian colleges that are left in america.
LOL don’t get me started on the college$ – you’re dangling red meat out there! 😉
Thanks. I got pulled onto a research journey that made me lose track of time.
I was chasing two Russian spy chicks named Krylova and Bogacheva. George Webb had been tracking them. I followed his leads and others. I am now doubly sure of what they were up to. Same thing as the San Bernardino Russian chicks. Different assignments, but same unorthodox activities.
We are going to have to open our minds to the kind of plays that the other side makes. Fake News, Fake Entertainment, and Fake Science have all dulled our minds to what constitutes warfare, influence, espionage, and everything else.
Mueller knows. He and the others know the truth. The troll indictments, before Mueller is GONE, are the END of
When Mueller is gone, the FALL of FAKE JUSTICE begins.
Suddenly, I looked at the clock. OMG!
Thanks for bailing me out, Wheatie! I truly appreciate it. My mind is a blur. I’m having to adapt to the new reality of what has been happening in drugged, sleeping, paralyzed America.
You are most welcome, boss!
I am happy to help out.
I figured you were down the rabbit hole and lost track of time.
Either that…or you had nodded off, face down at your computer, with 20 open tabs up in your browser.
LOL! It was almost that bad. I was zombified pretty badly – suddenly realized that I hadn’t typed a word into my new post in HOURS.
Anyway, time for a new Q post to go up. Hang on!!!
Haaa…no worries, Wolfie.
And while it’s great that Q is posting up a storm lately, I know it’s been grueling on you, keeping up with it.
I screwed up and posted tomorrow’s date when I originally pub’d this thread.
(I’d had this one in draft for tomorrow.)
Fixed the Title…but it looks like the orig date imprinted in the URL for this thread.
And I don’t know how to fix that.
It’s not a huge deal…just get to it whenever you get around to it.
meant to be Wheatie!!
I just fixed the date! Hope you can all get back into the new thread!
Yes you did!
Thank you so much.
Sorry about the screwup.
I didn’t mean to make more work for you.
No problem – it’s no biggie at all – 5 seconds. I can edit URLs at any time. Thank YOU for doing the post! Oh, I was in no shape to do one – I had nothing prepared, and I’m worn out. Cruising on an empty tank right now! 😉
Get some rest, boss.
Things are on auto for now.
Get some sleeps.
Go for it.
Thanks!!! 😀
Wolfie, sending you a hug and keeping you in my prayers. Q has me about worn to a frazzle and I’m doing nothing other than seeking to understand.
Thanks! Gonna go CRASH. Two last Q posts are DONE!!! 😀
TY Wolfie. Rest well.
Wheatie, don’t laugh, that has happened to me a couple of times over the last month or so. When I woke up I discovered I had been in the middle of a post here and I had fallen asleep pressing the “k” key and had the LONGEST post all of k’s. I managed to delete it, shut things down, and fell back to sleep almost at once.
Twice in a month! That’s never happened to me before. At least I didn’t drool on the keyboard…. (I don’t think….)
I start dropping words when I’m tired.
Usually little ones…a, an, of, at, for…and the like.
It’s irksome.
To my tired eyes, I read them into the comment as though they’re there, then hit ‘post’.
I’ve noticed I do that too when I’m tired. It annoys me when I find them later. Grr. Oh well.
My sentences get garbled. If my asthma is really kicking up my brain really goes wonky and I tyoe gibberish. It is actual words but not sentences.
My experience with that, makes me fear just how impaired RBG is with hunched back, missing part of a lung, cracked ribs (at least twice) plus her age. I can not believe her bain is functioning at peak.
I sure agree. It simply does not compute that RBG in her condition could be doing that job. Nope. Not credible at all.
Hey Wolf I found them for ya:
YUP! 😉 They’re starring in my new post! 😀
Ooops, I gotta figure out how to change the date in the Title.
I had this one cued up in draft, to post tomorrow night…and forgot to change the date.
Okay…I think that worked. Maybe.
Wolf will figure it out later, no worries.
Yeah, even though I fixed the title…it’s still showing 20190223 in the URL for this thread.
And I don’t know how to fix that.
I got it!!!
It’s showing 2/22 for me.
Got the title fixed…but the URL for this post is still showing 20190223.
At least that’s what it’s showing…to me.
Wheatie, URL has both dates. I think it’s fine. No worries 😉
What does it show in the URL for the thread…up in your browser’s window that displays where you’re at?
Mine still shows the 20190223, like it’s imprinted there or something.
I’m on iPad. Thread title is correct 20190222.
I’m thinking I should maybe leave and come back…that maybe it’s just stuck in my browser.
Will try that.
Nope. That didn’t work.
It’s still there in the URL.
IOS People won’t see it. PC browsers will. The first date is correct and that’s the one that’s indexed/searched so you’re ok. Consider The other as just a “description”. It would actually be accurate if you posted tomorrow’s blog tonight at 11:55 😃 LOL
Only when I selected to copy did both dates appear, so 0223 Isn’t showing
Hey Wheatie! Quick question … in the rules in the header … is it now OK to shoot at the Nuclear Missiles? 🙂
Only with Nerf Guns, Red-leader.
Naah, but you can shoot at the warheads, apparently.
Some well deserved rest…
Do wolf’s snore?
That looks more like a coyote, but yes, they do, when they’re sleeping deeply. So do cats It’s cute.
Leigh Corfman, who accused Judge Roy Moore of sexual misconduct during the 2017 U.S. Senate election in Alabama, expressed disdain for Christian supporters of Judge Moore calling them “bible thumpers” in text messages exclusively obtained by Big League Politics.
The text messages were revealed as a result of the discovery process in the defamation suit that Corfman brought against Moore for denying her claims of sexual misconduct.
The text messages include conversations between Corfman and her friends, attorneys, and reporters as many as 40 days before the Washington Post story in which the Judge was accused of sexual misconduct.
“[Corfman] began talking to people ‘months’ before the Washington Post article was published,” the motion said.
This revelation that Corfman was talking with people for months before November 9th 2017 has led some to question her role in the development of the Post story.
Corfman, it turns out, had a lot to say in the immediate aftermath of her public accusation that derailed Moore’s U.S. Senate campaign. Texts revealed in the motion suggest that Corfman’s accusations were part of premeditated political operation to disrupt Moore’s campaign, planned for quite some time before she went public with her story, leading some to question whether the claims were organic, or part of a plot to sabotage the Judge.
Interestingly, Corfman still refuses to sit for a deposition in a suit she brought against Judge Moore in which she claimed defamation against Moore for the simple act of disputing her claim.
The document includes thousands of text message exhibits between Corfman and confidantes, many of which are questionably redacted.
Can’t wait for the details to come out on this one.
She’s suing him??? Wow, just wow. These fake accusers, especially Blasey-Ford, need to pay the price.
Yes, and …
Corfman is still refusing to be deposed under oath. The only full account of her accusations was published in The Washington Post.
Refusing to be deposed sends up red flags, flairs, and maybe a plane with a banner trailing.
Something is most definitely not right about her story.
Discovery could be very interesting…
I always knew it……just gotta say this. Almost everyone OT jumped on the bandwagon against Moore but I knew they were lies; partially because I was in contact with his niece on FB. I believe to this day he is a very, very good man and he is a Constitutionalist. It was beyond shameful what was done to him, by the media and the pols, as well as everyone who piled on. Even worse is that, with the busing in of voters and signing up felons to vote, it worked.
NF, thanks so much for sharing about being in contact w/his niece on FB. I was surprised that Hannity jumped on the “dump Moore train” so quickly. When he demanded some explanation from Moore in a finite time frame, I was so outraged that I sent him an email (which of course did nothing more than assauge my anger at the time) telling Hannity that Moore “owed him nothing, nothing at all”. Now when I hear Hannity pat himself on the back for never “jumping to conclusions” and citing the 1996 Summer Olympics/Richard Jewell case where Jewell was found innocent, I just want to scream, “Remember Roy Moore?”
In retrospect, I began to wonder though if it might not have been part of the voter fraud exposure that is beginning to come out now in other states.
Oh, yes, I have no doubt there was voter fraud – it was a comprehensive plan, IMO.
Dispatches from the Front…
Handle w/ care patriot.
Very busy right now. A lot of contracts to get moving. Going to be a busy few months. Long and arduous bureaucratic process.
Leftist bureaucrats infest ACE. Seems that many are resistance. Tying up contracts with every piece of red tape they can find.
Forcing contracts to “small business” contracts process. Not about helping the little guy. About driving costs up 50% or more. About awarding contracts to small outfits that lack capabilities to deliver. About stalling and buying time. About making the work awarded have to be inspected and be redone – not up to spec or shoddy from the start.
Weaponizing EEOC complaints against contractors. Resistors looking for opportunities to trip up, file complaints, get fired anyone in ACE who is effective or support POTUS. Dirty politics around every corner. Listening ears everywhere – looking for anything to file HR complaints. Anything they can weaponize.
Heads up.
Be Perfect. Make no mistakes. Speak no evil, EVER. They will try to draw a foul.
This is spiritual warfare.
Pray for our great USACE.
Pray for POTUS.
Thanks, Michael!
I wonder what ‘ACE’ is?
Army Corps of Engineers??
No… I think ACOE is Army Corps of Engineers.
Sorry Phoenix, contracts and red tape was a dead giveaway for me. 😉
The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)[5] is a U.S. federal agency under the Department of Defense and a major Army command made up of some 37,000 civilian and military personnel,[1] making it one of the world’s largest public engineering, design, and construction management agencies. Although generally associated with dams, canals and flood protection in the United States, USACE is involved in a wide range of public works throughout the world. The Corps of Engineers provides outdoor recreation opportunities to the public, and provides 24% of U.S. hydropower capacity.
So, this is another government agency that needs to be cleaned out?
Definitely. Dead weight holier-than-thou bureaucrats are like crabgrass. They grow anywhere in government, and nearly impossible to get rid of, and unless you keep on top of the problem they spread everywhere and take everything over.
Love those guys!!
Then when the bureaucrats award expensive gov contracts for shoddy work, they’ll expose it and blame Trump. I see how that works.
Plus all the time and money they waste having to rebuild wall sections. And they can shout about how the contractors weren’t sufficiently vetted. Yeah no kidding, a bunch of holdovers that don’t want to their jobs? Go figure.
A measure by 26 Iowa state Senate Republicans would strip businesses who knowingly hire illegal aliens of their business licenses and would mandate that employers use the E-Verify system — which weeds out illegal aliens from taking American jobs — before receiving any Iowa tax dollars in the form of economic development incentives.
Already, the crackdown on illegal hiring has passed a subcommittee, according to the Des Moines Register.
The Iowa Chamber Alliance, the state chapter of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, is opposing the legislation claiming the E-Verify system is not precise enough.
Such a bill already has widespread support among Iowans. As Breitbart News reported last year, a Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll found about 63 percent of Iowans blame employers for hiring illegal aliens, rather than the illegal aliens, themselves. Only about 16 percent of Iowans said they blame the illegal aliens.
The poll came after it was revealed that Tibbetts’ alleged killer, 24-year-old illegal alien Cristhian Bahena-Rivera from Mexico, had been illegally working at Yarrabee Farms, a dairy farm in Brooklyn, Iowa.
In August 2018, Bahena-Rivera was charged with Tibbetts’ murder after police said he admitted to confronting and chasing down the young woman. The illegal alien lived in a region of Iowa that was surrounded by sanctuary cities, as Breitbart News noted, and worked on the dairy farm using a stolen ID and Social Security card after allegedly crossing the U.S.-Mexico border as a child.
The illegal alien even lived in a trailer on property owned by Yarrabee Farms. The trailer, according to locals, was frequented by Mexican nationals who worked at the dairy farm.
Despite initial claims, the owners of Yarrabee Farms admitted that they did not use the E-Verify system to check if Bahena-Rivera’s stolen ID and Social Security card were real.
The high-profile Tibbetts murder trial against Bahena-Rivera will begin in September.
if it was up to that girl’s parents i think they might have dropped the charges against that person that killed their own daughter… if people don’t remember the girl’s father a san francisco liberal and her mother who recently took in undocumented people to live with her to show her virtue…
Same deal with Kate Steinle’s parents.
There were so many undertones in that whole case and I hope it comes out in the trial…
Another Q drop:
Our reach is a direct threat to their control.
Would the largest news co’s in the world attack us (daily) if we weren’t a threat to their narrative/control?
You attack those who threaten you the most.
We are now up to 115 drops since Sunday. That’s the most ever in a week.
Wow. I had stopped counting at 80.
This is Epic!
No wonder my eyes are so tired. But this is NOT me complaining! I’ve spent far too much time over the last few months checking, and checking, and checking again to see if there were any new drops and sighing wistfully when there was no communication.
This outpouring is remarkable. D5 indeed.
The Clover Chronicle
4 чПреди 4 часа
NEW UPDATES: Another source close to the case reveals the “Smollett plot originated within a government agency” – Timeline infograph shows even more alleged connections between Jussie and other big players… #jussiesmolletthoax #jussiesmoletthoax #qanon
https://cloverchronicle.com/2019/02/15/huge-kamala-harris-is-allegedly-involved-in-jussie-smolletts-maga-country-hoax …
The Charles Barkley clip is hilarious! Watch it to the end. When he gets going on how Jussie shouldn’t have paid via check, I busted out laughing until tears. Literally was ROFLMAO!
Finally, this is the one I meant to post above….
Thanks, judy. Excellent graphic — have bookmarked.
Inside a government agency, huh.
Yes, I need to get the snack recipe thread up.
This ‘plan’ carried out by Jussie and thought to be part of a larger Dem smear was FUBAR.
If the Dems PTB were behind this…..they really are stupid.
Hmmm! Jussie Smollett’s Sisters Worked for Barack Obama
Incestuous world they all live in!
I would add to that:
LARP = Live Action Role Playing
LARPing got started when people would dress up as characters in games, stories and movies, then role-play as those characters.
‘QAnon’ is also used to refer to Q…since Q posts as an Anon on the 8chan Qresearch board.
for those that may want to look at 4ch and like me have gotten a little older and much more suspicious at every single website i ever go to, there is an archive site that i pretty much only go to now that is significantly “safer” than the actual 4ch board. not to say it’s completely safe but it’s a lot better and i use it for keeping up with certain things and doing searches on past posts:
i realize q folks have no need to go there anymore (since the move to 8ch) but i’ve been reading 4ch for many years, so i still continue to go there – and there is still a lot of good stuff there – and a lot of good things being exposed or talked about. they get shill slammed like every other site, but those who know this can spot the junk
again, if you are easily offended by anything then stay away. if you have a realistic view of humanity, then you might just chuckle at the “offensive” stuff or at least recognize the irony in most of it… 🙂
just to clarify – i only linked to the “/pol/” channel which is where q started out and where i would and do spend most time there…
the actual archive can be reached by dropping the /pol off the end of that address i listed of course.
4Chan is hilarious
And very classy…no jewelry, no contrasting colors or embellishments on the dress.
Just basic little black dress with matching black shoes.
Judy, thanks for posting! I always always always enjoy seeing our FLOTUS and what she is wearing.
Milania is much prettier and more elegant than Jackie. The Fashon and Women’s mags really shot themselves in the foot for NOT featuring her.
agree! some enterprising young photojournalist could compile a coffee table book with nothing but photos of FLOTUS and it would knock Becoming Mike right off the shelves!
(and i bet she would donate every penny raised to a charity to boot!)
Personally, I have never agreed with the claims she was “beautiful.” I didn’t even particularly like her clothes. JMO
You talking about flotus or the fmotus
I think it’s her style not to “be the event” if that makes sense…she doesn’t want to detract from whatever the event is–given that’s she’s so beautiful and elegant that nearly impossible to do…
Now THIS is class. Timeless, simple sheath that does not intentionally draw attention from the matter at hand (Melania will distract even if she’s wearing sack cloth). The color that very much infuses the meaning of the event.
Wonderful wardrobe choice.
Jussie Smollett suspended from ‘Empire’ after prosecutors said he faked attack to boost salary
Say goodbye to those pretty teeth. Surplus to requirements for giving head in a federal pen.
Dearest Wheatie, you’ve outdone yourself with a magnificent tree.
Thank you so much Daughn.
I am really glad you like it.
I found it several weeks ago, and stored it for future use.
Then last week, when I found the music which had the same Tree…I thought I would include it as well.
639 Actual Crimes against Trump Supporters
Genius – sheer genius.
That IS the most epic troll ever conceived! Brilliant!
I really love our President’s sense of humor. It drives the Left UP THE WALL!
So, I’m curious…has there actually been a legit sighting of the RBG recently…with photographic proof…or is she still wandering around in public wearing her magic cloak of invisibility? Are they transporting her into the Supreme Court Building via underground tunnels? There’s just no way someone so high profile can exist in public without being captured on video. No. Freaking. Way.
Still no photos that I have been able to find and I’ve been looking! So far just a description of what she was wearing when she was reported to have returned to the bench and an undated artist’s rendering.
Interesting that in a time when everything is caught on camera, video, etc. there is nothing of RBG except old images and words to herald her return.
totally agree! people must be camped out by the entrances, no? or are they bringing her in thru a tunnel? my opinion is there are no photos because they could be scanned or compared to actual pictures and disparities noted–like the videos they tried to pass off of her lately–those were disproven rather quickly.
it’s just too suspicious for me.
It was reported she read part of her opinion from the bench yesterday.
Audiotapes of arguments are made in the SC courtroom, and IIRC audio is also made of justices reading opinions (but I am NOT sure).
I am so skeptical of Fake News and their DS collaborators that I will not believe it until I verify it for myself.
I know what you mean. Honestly, sometimes I can’t even believe it when I hear myself think that but it’s true. I believe nothing.
There was a time, not really even that long ago, that the reports of her being in court and reading at the bench would have quelled my suspicions. Not any more. Those days are long gone.
If I don’t see it or hear it from someone really rock solid, I don’t believe it. I don’t even believe all of PDJT’s tweets because there are times when I’m pretty sure he is either trolling OR he is spreading disinfo for strategic purposes so I have to be as discerning as possible even there. (Sort of like trying to decode a Q drop!)
Sylvia, being discerning these days rivals workouts with personal trainers…seems we’re consistently being moved to a new level of building more….
Ain’t THAT the truth! It is frankly exhausting.
i think they have a body double…which is why they don’t want photos.
let’s be honest–RBG does NOT like POTUS…if she survived another surgery and was alive, wouldn’t the left be parading her everywhere—to be a thorn in his side?
That is why I think RBG is either deathly ill or dead. With all the suspicion, she would have been photographed with Justice Roberts or what ever…. BUT NOTHING!
Don’t tell me there aren’t Papparazzi (Free lance photographers) camped out at her home and near the Supreme court, wanting to get that FIRST picture that is worth $$$$.
In Hospice, semi-comatose under an oxygen tent is where she is most likely to be. It is now just a matter if time.
And we know it will be “the perfect time”!
This video is said to be her first outing since leaving the hospital post surgery. Watch how quickly the person in the wheelchair stands before she gets in the car. Suspicious cat.
Good grief…that could be anybody. That’s like one of the ubiquitous Bigfoot sightings taken from 100 feet away through thick trees using grainy film while the camera man has the shakes…
Yes, Pat they would be parading her everywhere! Remember “Ruth Bader Ginsburg: If Trump wins, time to move to New Zealand”
I think you’re right…
Article at SCOTUSblog mentioned Ginsberg seated next to Roberts… and later commented that her head was up…
well her head has not been UP for twenty years!
Clerks wrote opinion I am sure… and questions during oral argument… which a robot could have delivered and queried…
Article that Roberts greeted guests at the bar but made no mention of RBG being there…
I’m very skeptical… very.
The ruling yesterday was very good:
Supreme Court’s 9-0 Ruling Protects Americans Against Excessive Fines
Going back to RBG, if she was not actually there for this, then we have eight Supreme Court justices that are actively covering for her. Or, they were fooled, which begs the question why they are on the court in the first place.
I’m considering what is the Minimally Viable Product right now to assure people that RBG is not only alive but able to perform her duties.
Pushing this ruling to the front of the docket makes total sense. It isn’t controversial and is one that RBG can put her stamp on easily. Heck, she even comes out as the hero.
There will be people who say she didn’t write the ruling, it was shadow written by her staff. I don’t want to minimize these concerns – but don’t overplay the hand on this. Justices leaning on their staffs to help do heavy lifting isn’t that unusual. These opinions carry a lot of weight and cannot be simply be casually written. The question in RBG’s case is how much of the opinion originates with her and how much comes from staff or contributions from other justices. This still does not provide cause to vacate the opinion – provided an RBG lucid enough to properly own the work.
In terms of speculation, going with the Minimally Viable Ginsburg (MVG) theory, it seems that RBG could be wheeled out – no cameras – and sufficiently lucid to read what she needed to in order to perform her duties. It may have been painful to watch in person. Once she completed the necessary functions, she would again return back to her care state for rest, as undoubtedly this would have been a major strain on her strength. But she would’ve hit the checkboxes, they would have seen to that. Once the kabuki theater has finished the other eight justices are able to continue their work.
If at some point MVG becomes no longer possible, and an effort is made to further disguise the situation, any justices that play along will be at risk of opening up one of the worst corruption scandals ever in the Supreme Court’s history. It may even rise to the level of impeachment.
The corruption of this RUTHLESS court must be stopped Barr nothing!
Plausible theory michaelh. It’s also possible that “back on the bench” really only meant phoning in her opinion and it was all handled via her staff. Perhaps the other Justices are being bamboozled as well. Whatever the truth is the whole thing is very strange.
My opinion: Don’t think the other justices don’t know what’s going on. Watch Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh closely. With a different eye, watch the Chief Justice and his behavior closely.
Yep! Exactly….
i am HEAVILY suspect of the “supreme court” as a whole. and i frankly do not trust any of them, as i believe none of us should.
from a young person after i had gotten “taken” by someone who i “trusted” i have made it a point to always be a skeptic first, zero trust up front, until i have been convinced by actual facts which are very hard to come by – therefore i hardly ever trust anyone with full assurance and everyone is constantly in prove it mode to me.
and this has served me well in life. i don’t want around making accusations or start campaigns against people, but i just follow my gut. this extends to everyone i deal with not just “political” or “famous” people…
as to why the other “justices” are playing this game, there better be a really good reason. and if it’s on orders from someone – and i don’t care if it is trump – then we all need to know that they can and will be weaponized.
“The audio recordings of all oral arguments heard by the Supreme Court of the United States are available to the public at the end of each argument week. The audio recordings are posted on Fridays after Conference.
The public may either download the audio files or listen to the recordings on the Court’s website. The audio recordings are listed by case name, docket number, and the date of oral argument.
The Court began audio recording oral arguments in 1955. The recordings are maintained at The National Archives and Records Administration. Prior to the 2010 Term, the recordings from one Term of Court were not available until the beginning of the next Term. The Archives will continue to serve as the official repository for the Court’s audio recordings.”
This is going to be an interesting disclosure…
IIRC, wasn’t there supposed to be oral arguments the 19th? If so, were there reports by someone we could trust reporting RBG there? Did she ask questions? Did she video in?
Not sure what to make of this. Weeks ago, President Trump tweeted about RBG, get well… Since then nothing from President Trump. Or I missed it.
Hmmmm. Wondering why President Trump has gone silent regarding RBG.
Surely President Trump relishes the thought of a third SC nomination.
Yet, President Trump is silent on RBG.
Nebraska Filly, a few days ago commented to the effect, what does all of this silence say for the other Justices?
As usual, this slooow guy is missing something.
Kalbo, nothing in your post indicates “slooow guy” to me but rather that you are paying attention. FWIW Mark Taylor, author of The Trump Prophecies” says that three members of the Supreme Court will be indicted and removed from office.
“When I prophesied that three would be caught in a scandal,” Taylor said, “it didn’t even dawn on me and then, like two weeks ago, I was waking up and I heard the Lord say, ‘Mark, what if these three Supreme Court justices are part of these indictments?’ And I went, ‘Oh my goodness, I didn’t even think of that.’ It didn’t even dawn on me. There is corruption on that court and God is going to expose that corruption and sooner or later, these guys are going to be dealt with.”
Years ago, I (naively) believed Justices were “clean”. Commonly shook my head at rulings the Court made.
Totally went off the rails when Roberts reinvented the wheel to validate hussein’s obummercare. For me, no rationale logically supported what Roberts did.
obummercare is a travesty on America, Americans, on so many levels. At least the manadate to have health insurance was tossed.
Possibility of three Justices under indictment? Good by me. No reason Justices would be immune from traitorous acts. Same as Congress critters, DOJ/FBI/IC scvhmucks.
After all RBG, maybe others spoke ill of Candidate Trump. Showing her hand. Sotmeyer, Kagan and Breyer may have joined in the back room bashing.
Fundamentally, the more nominations President Trump gets for the Supreme Court, the better.
And, President Trump should push Supreme Court nominations throughout his Presidency. The total BS Biden rule of no nominations in the last year of a Presidency was political theater. All they gotta do is follow the law.
President Trump will push every Supreme Court nomination he can. It is his nature…
In President Trump’s own words. “Never give in. Never give up. Never Quit. Win. Win. Win!”
i saw a car with three RGB stickers on it this morning on the way to work… that may constitute a sighting in their minds. yes, for those wondering, the car was a subaru, the official car of those folks.
beautiful tree Wheatie!
confused the hell out of hubby this morning when I said, “damn, I slept right thru Friday, didn’t I? Why you going to work?”
going to get coffee now.
great job on the tree!! (and I love that you describe it for others…you have a beautiful soul Wheatie!)
Thank you, Pat!
Sorry it confused you for a bit…Wolf was working on something, so I filled in for him.
And you did describe it BEAUTIFULLY Wheatie. It was as nice to read your description as it was to look at it. Love you to bits, Wheatietoo.
Love you back, Syl!
Yes, she does!
It snowed in Malibu for the first time in 57 years. It even snowed in Vegas!
Same night, Hollywood turned out for a swank event called “Hollywood for Science”, pushing environmental activism/climate change. The honoree was Barbara Streisand.
So funny!
And their “science” is about as scientific as scientific socialism.
Pretty funny!!!
it’s like the universe is telling them something…LOL
Proving yet again that He does, in fact, have a fine sense of humor!!
The weather changes have come up in conversation with friends. They bring up how it seems more “normal,” and I replied, “Uh huh, almost like the good guys have taken control of whatever was making the weather so wacked up.”
Minnesotans for global warming (M4GW) had a funny video (to the tune of “draggin’ the line”) called “Hide The Decline”, all about the hockey stick, Briffa, UEA, and the whole cast of data-destroying characters…
The vid is here,and is really funny:
Was AlGoreTheClimateWhore there?
It seems to snow everywhere he goes – it’s called “The Gore Effect” on WUWT and other sites…
“An Inconvenient Storm” no doubt…
But wow, Malibu… I’ve been over the grapevine a bunch of times in winter when there was a dusting, and sometimes real snow, but at sea level… And in an ice age, the sea level DROPS, so their nice little private beaches become little glacier parks…. They can burn all their Marxist literature to keep warm 🙂
“burn all their Marxist literature to keep warm” – Ohhh, Cuppa, you made me SPIT!
if I can’t WIN votes, maybe i can BUY them…LOL
But the article fails to mention if this would apply to ALL children born in the US meaning anchor babies—he just goes by income levels–well if illegals don’t report their incomes, do they qualify? what an incentive to break the law!
Today is the 39th anniversary of the Miracle On Ice. I was in grad school and watching the game on a double date at a Georgetown bar on Wisconsin Avenue in Washington DC. The bar went nuts. Absolute pandamonium that spilled out onto the streets.
I remember this! And they made a great movie out of it, too.
Hope you are doing well, NY. I continue to think of you, and send a prayer.
God bless.
The IOC, in their infinite self importance, has blocked the video.
I was a kid, but even I remember how important this game was to the nation. Sort of like Donald Trump’s election as president. We needed that.
I remember that game, too. I was 13 years old and watching with my friends.
The last two minutes, where the Russians were taking shot after shot on our goalie, Jim Craig, and defenders who were just throwing their bodies on front of the puck were the longest two minutes of my life. It was a turkey shoot, but we made it. When we finally won, I and my friends all collapsed on the ground exhausted. It was amazing.
Then, one of my friends said out loud, “we still have to win the gold medal game…”
Three little known or often forgotten facts:
1. This game wasn’t the gold medal game. The winner advanced to the finals. The US beat Finland 4-2 in the Finals.
2. The US-Russia game that was televised, the one that the nation watched, wasn’t live. The match had already taken place midday and was taped. This was due to the belief that the US men’s team would not even get to the playoffs, so the network and the Olympic committee arranged the schedule “knowing” that the media would rather focus on other sports in the evening prime time. Once it was known otherwise, NBC requested a time change so that they could air the game live, but the Russians complained. So, it was taped and everyone kept quiet on the results. This was way before the internet…
3. Mike Eruzione, the guy who scored the winning goal against the Russians, never played for another team after the Olympics.
Do you believe in miracles? Yeah I do. Just look at who is our President.
I have ZERO sympathy for red diaper baby Smollett, but the statement from Supervisor Johnson about Smollett was disgraceful.
Not disgraceful because of the substance of what he said, but disgraceful because he said it.
Rush lauded Johnson, and there was a very great video posted on this site inter-cutting Smollett and Johnson. And it is easy to assume that millions of people were cheering Johnson, totally understandably.
But this is an instance where some might be cheer-leading for their own demise. Many have come to expect that criminal cases will be treated as a form of entertainment for the masses, with prosecutors and law enforcement taking the dramatic role as Hero and Protector.
Will Johnson’s statement have any effect on how the case actually turns out? No one can possibly know.
What we do know is how unfair it is for law enforcement publicly to characterize a defendant or advocate for his guilt before a case is tried.
The lure of fame and glory is overwhelming. Both the perception of unfairness and the (unknowable) effects of the unfairness are overwhelming, too.
I agree…they want to prohibit POTUS from saying anything about a case–it might influence the outcome…but they ask that guy what he would like to see as “justice”?
He should have said that’s up to a jury to decide his fate…not me. I collect the evidence and the facts.
I was waiting for him to say the Deplorables / MAGA crowd are also due an apology. Yeah, I knew not to hold my breath on that one!
I imagine Supervisor Johnson was so P.O.ed about Smollett’s hoaxes he did not rein in his temper.
But you are correct that it could have bad repercussions on the case.
Bad repercussions for all of us.
Normal, everyday Americans sometimes find themselves the object of very deliberate publicity campaigns by law enforcement to turn that person into a monster in the eyes of the public.
ONE aspect of the public shaming/demonization is to get the person motivated to make it all stop. How does that happen? By pleading guilty.
And what happens when someone pleads guilty? Among many other things, the actions and behavior of law enforcement never gets examined.
Well, the Judge had some pretty direct comments, altho he did add the obligatory “….if it is true…” BTW, I first read this on BB and was going to post that link…..but they had a link upon which they were basing their story, so I followed that link. Conveniently, BB left out the “…if it is true….” part. SMH
“The Chicago judge who set Jussie Smollett’s bond at $100,000 told the “Empire” actor he’s presumed innocent of charges alleging he staged a bigoted attack against himself but that if the allegations are true, they are “utterly outrageous.”
Cook County Judge John Fitzgerald Lyke Jr. on Thursday characterized what Smollett is accused of as a “violent, despicable act.” Lyke, who like Smollett is black, was particularly upset with the alleged use of a noose during the incident.”
agree – there will be some kind of issue from this arising and i am sure many loopholes and not to mention the background of the poilce and prosecutors.
i have a feeling this guy is about to get off. i hope not, but just a feeling.
Oh, come on, Andrew! Of course he is going to get off! Didn’t you know he is one of the “special” ones? No doubt in my mind, particularly with all the talk now swinging to “counseling,” “getting mental health treatment,” “he has had a long-standing drug problem,” etc., etc., etc. – GAG ME WITH A SPOON!!!
gag me with a spoon! that one is taking me back to the good old days.
but yes, my sarcasm was nof dripping enough there – you got me 😉
Didn’t that come from the “valley girl” era?
boy those Democrats are always “working”…
A Beyonce concert? [big sigh] Their tastes have sunk.
There was a time when “long haired music” was all the Democrat rage and eschewed by conservatives because of it.
people should take this opportunity to go back and re look at all the jayZ background info that was starting to come out during the kayne MAGA controversy. beyonce being jayZ’s “wife” is part of all this also and another groupie of the cabal.
Venezuela Live Aid Concert is supposed to be today? Thinks it is.
Rival pop concerts set to take place at either end of a blockaded border bridge today as tensions mount
Battle of the Bands will be 300m’s apart.
Comes from this. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6732927/Guaidos-trucks-RAM-roadblocks-Venezuelan-border.html
From WSJ:https://www.wsj.com/articles/venezuela-opposition-to-face-off-with-maduro-at-colombian-border-11550836800
Adding a dash of show-business flair to the aid drama, Mr. Branson has organized a Live-Aid-style concert with the goal of raising $100 million for Venezuelan relief. Many of Latin America’s most popular musicians such as Juan Luis Guerra, Luis Fonsi, Carlos Vives and Juanes have signed up. Some 250,000 people are expected to attend.
Not to be outdone, Mr. Maduro has scheduled a competing two-day concert —dubbed “Hands Off Venezuela”—starting on the same day as Mr. Branson’s concert. So far, Mr. Maduro’s production hasn’t signed up any marquee performers.
the other day in a post titled “Happy Hunting!” on this site some people were asking about branson and a few other things, and i made this post:
worth checking out if you have some time on your hands to read. but the ties he has to this stuff go way back…the articles i link are nice concise wraps on a few items that can start longer research, but to know what and how he is involved in this area and who his partners on is important.
Familiar with Branson partnering with CF from the 10 Island Challenge from Corydiggs. So yes agrees Branson likely has his hands dirtied up here and there, not making light of it. Also I think he might be involved in littering space with all these thousands of 5G satillites. If not him who else, no time to look.
Meanwhile when there are so many cards in the deck to get things done, he’s one of them. Thinking NK Kim and POTUS relationship rubick (sic) thing when talking about the concert. We all know Kim has done monstrous things, but he’s the one you have to go to to unwind it. Same here with Branson and Venezuela Live Aid. Who else can do it so quickly. If the bad guys or shady guys want to do good deeds, then I’m okay with it. But yes, has no allusions about Branson.
On separate note in that second link from a couple of days ago, I’d hate to be someone like Auburgrine and half to do a genealogy thing on someone named Kim from Korea!
Branson lent us his helo pilot for a quick trip to Anegada.
I offered to tip the helo pilot several hundred dollars for the trouble. He kind of laughed at me.
….. that’s another story.
i gotcha – was not trying to say you were overlooking him at all.
i am not sure that i personally see his efforts as a good deed, but a move toward ridding of some corruption is a good thing.
what i do feel is that any meddling which allows an even worse influence to gain a foothold there is disconcerting. where branson’s footsteps go there is often following behind a group of orgs that proclaim to be peaceful humanitarians that embed and accomplish their own agenda.
humanitarian and cultural support is what has been inveated in heavily it seems by these groups and i am sure they waste no opportunity!
Kinda agrees and removing the tyranny will of course come first, while there’s worry about the corny capitalism sliding into the vacuum and rooting it self into the power structures from the outset be it from outside influence or internal which both likely had a hand in Venezuela sliding into socialism in the first place. In that though I’d trust there’d be some over watch by the Trump administration to ensure it doesn’t get out of hand. While situations like this are ripe for exploitation I’d trust this administration, being as open and investigated as much as it is will be wise enough not to get entangled in any serious malfeasance and will thwart what they can while knowing too the oil companies and bankers will be back.
ikes.. wasn’t finishing editing that but it slipped away! Oh well.. thinks you get the gist of what I meant.
tweet didn’t post correctly… here is text
This reminds me of a meme that I haven’t seen for a while. It went:
The Deep State doesn’t hate Trump. They hate YOU.
Trump is just standing in their way.
Yes, I remember that one… Has a photo of POTUS with that text…
very telling…”defend the world order” and “…chosen to keep your misgivings and alarm private.”
“At last week’s Munich Security Conference, the prevailing sentiment among our closest allies is that the United States can no longer be counted on to champion liberal democracy or defend the world order we built.”
“You have deplored his fundamental inability to tell the truth. But for reasons that are all too easy to comprehend, you have chosen to keep your misgivings and your rising alarm private.”
HA…just noticed Schiff’s use of the phrase LIBERAL DEMOCRACY…could they be any more obvious??
I hit the paywall, but I can imagine he’s not sleeping.
So screw the American people, right, Schiffless? Who cares what Trump’s supporters and voters think, huh? The “ruling class” has to put a stop to this “vulgarian.”
Well, F_CK YOU, Adam! We the People put him there, and if you try to subvert him, look out! We still have the 1776 model for what to do about tyrannical government, and we could still use it. God help you and your ilk if THAT day comes. You think the American military will defend YOU or the common man?
Dammit, these people make me mad.
This house has a number of old down pillows and comforters we would give for the cause. Just add tar.
sad part is he’s probably only talking to about 5 to 10 people that actually still care about what the people care about and truth. everyone else in the republican corral is bought and paid for… that includes you susan collins you sick traitor who can’t wait to get a new payday and lose her spot in the senate to some new up and coming democrat or else just do what she wants to do and switch her “party” allegiance.
Don’t write a check 😂😂
IKR? what a marooooon!
But… but nothin’ happenin’………..Right?
Four years of not enforcing the law has left a big mess to clean up. But someone has rolled up their sleeves!
FOUR years? I’m sure it went on a lot longer than that.
Yeah that’s just what there is solid data for – drop off in indictments from 2013-2016. No doubt that’s the tip of the iceberg.
Wheatie, thank you. What a beautiful tree and description. Just wondrous.
You are very welcome, Zoe.
*big grin*
Wanted to put my thank you to Wheatie under her post but didn’t know how to do it. Hope she sees it.
I saw it Zoe.
It might be comfy T, casual Friday, but I’m still wearing earrings and lipstick.
lipstick is one of those things I love on other women but can never figure out a good shade for me…color me jealous!
Lipstick advice that I found very helpful:
Pull down your bottom lip and match the lipstick color to the color inside there. Always looks pretty and natural, not fake.
thanks! you’ve got the experience I need to ask this question: does the lipstick look the same in the tube that it will on my lips?
Pretty much. I prefer colored lip balms to lip sticks, as they seem to look more natural and be more comfortable. But the color should go on as it looks in the tube. Balms are more sheer, lipsticks more opaque.
hmmm then a balm is probably what i would want.
thanks Aubergine for all your help!
I guess I am lucky. Hubby HATES make-up so I very very very rarely wear it.
Lip balm and sunscreen is about it. On the other hand I am dark haired and really do not need much make-up.
i don’t wear any either…but i am blonde and pale…so i always think a little lipstick would be nice–then I put it on and think wow Bozo dial it down a notch…sigh
Pat, sounds like the colored lip balm would be about right for you then.
Building a little excitement regarding what’s going to happen, and finding our who were the good guys… RR did essentially a farewell speech the other day. It was well received.
Reading through his remarks, looks like the jury really is out on him.
Have to keep “disinformation is necessary” in mind at all times.
Yes. I’m enjoying thinking about the possible outcomes, and ever optimistic penguin finds this most interesting.
To reiterate: IMO, POTUS wouldn’t have kept people on staff if they were dangerous to him or betraying the country.
Only as a plant.
Wharton… That’s POTUS’ Alma Mater
“Highly respected Senator Richard Burr”…. 🤢 🤮
We did try to primary the POS.
…Being cut is a death sentence for his career.
couldn’t happen to a nooser…er…I mean nicer guy!
New episodes are supposed to start…hbo doesnt want people to continue to remember.
We’ve been saying it for years: Fake Noose!
Saw this on 8chan (I scroll past the .. women pics … 😳)
Bwahahahahaha …. bwahahahahaha … 😜 …. bwahahahahaha
new Q i believe #2862
crap…didn’t post right…there’s more
gees that’s big…LOL
and there’s #2863 too…not even going to try…messing up Wheatie’s thread…sorry!
#2864 as well
This is interesting.
Kraft Heinz plunges to a record low on slew of bad news
“Shares of Kraft Heinz plunged by 28 percent Friday after the food company posted a quarterly loss, disclosed an SEC investigation and wrote down the value of its iconic Kraft and Oscar Mayer brands as it highlighted the tough environment for the packaged food industry.
The gloomy results and forecast from the company, which is one of billionaire Warren Buffett’s largest investments, reflect changes in consumer trends away from processed foods to healthier alternatives.”
Mrs. John Kerry, wife of the seditious former Sec. of State, John Kerry, lost a bundle. Warren Buffet lost 4 billion in a day.
Couldn’t happen to nicer people.
False accusations are powerful. Even the best people are hesitant to defend someone until the facts come in, and they don’t want to be attacked by the mob. Meanwhile the accusations spread and take on a life of their own through the internet mob. They perfected the template against cos and then recycled it against Moore with a few tweaks but poorer execution. Then they tried it again with Kavanaugh – but people are getting wise to these tricks, and Kavanaugh’s appointment wasn’t being tried in the court of public opinion, a big part of the reason it failed. The radical feminists and their chanting “believe the women” to get normal people to reject all appearance of due process and join the voices of the mob are a useful tool to the power brokers who are happy to crush and destroy the lives of anything that is a threat or stands in their way.
That was in reply to NebraskaFilly above. Curse of the comment box strikes again!
My comment about Moore, presumably?
Yep that’s the one.
Patriots owner Robert Kraft busted in Florida prostitution sting
“JUPITER, Fla. – Robert Kraft, billionaire businessman and owner of the Super Bowl champion New England Patriots. was arrested in a prostitution bust in Martin County.
Jupiter Police Chief Daniel Kerr confirmed Kraft is one of 25 men being charged with soliciting another to commit prostitution. Chief Kerr said there is video evidence of all of the men being charged.
A friend of President Trump and frequent visitor to Mar-a-Lago, Kraft was in the area as recently as this past weekend, when he attended a fundraiser at The Breakers for the Everglades Foundation. Entertainment at the event included John Bon Jovi and Jimmy Buffet.”
i should have refreshed!
No biggie. It’s a shocker.
Wait until the Epstein crap starts spilling out!
trump curse strikes again…
sounds cheap..$59-$79 an hour??
Overseas ‘girls’ probably worked at one or more of the massage parlours (day spas) under investigation:
‘Officials say Kraft is accused of soliciting a prostitute on at least 2 separate occasions at a massage parlor in Florida roughly “a month ago.”
‘Cops say they have obtained evidence from body cam video and surveillance that has been conducted over the last several months.
‘Officials say Kraft was driven to the spa by a chauffeur.’
Might make for a good meme generator for current events. Leave out “South Dakota” and fill in with appropriate substitute, such as “U.C. Berkeley”, for example.
Hopefully this link will post as an image:
Hmmmm….interesting – was Trayvon Martin the beginning?
“In 2013, all was still good. More than two-thirds of blacks and whites were optimistic about race relations, and then it all collapsed. We went into a five-year dive we have still not recovered from. In the latest polling, only 55 percent of whites and 49 percent of blacks view race relations in a positive light.
So what happened in 2013?
What suddenly killed everything?
The answer, sadly, is an organized media hoax: the death of Trayvon Martin.
In February 2012, George Zimmerman, a Hispanic man, shot and killed Trayvon Martin in self-defense.
But if you recall, in February 2012, President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign was just starting to gear up, and after three years of failure, he needed a cause to turn out his base. And so the media came running to his aid and turned the Hispanic Zimmerman into a white man, turned an act of self-defense into a white man hunting down a black teenager, and went so far as to try and frame Zimmerman by fabricating evidence against him.”
DeRay McKesson met with Obama officials in the Eisenhower Exec office building in Feb of 2011 and hatched the idea for BLM.
Remember all the SD background on it?
Correct me if I’m wrong, please.
He lived in a house owned by a Doc who was Board Member for MD Open Society Foundation. Heck we even googled the house. Nice neighborhood, about $600K. DeRay also received a job from Baltimore schools, recruiting other teachers for Balt School District at $168K/yr.
Previously McKesson was a 6th grade math teacher in Missouri. One of the Americorps programs allowed people without teacher cert’s to teach classes, not in their specialty, up to 6th grade. DeRay wass on the upper limit.
The guy DeRay met with in the Ike Bld, was an Obama campaign staffer. He ended up as a VP for Goldman Sachs, resigned, and then took a plum job in San Fran.
What was that Q said about the Superbowl and puppy shows? 🤔
Found it, hopefully I did this right….
!!mG7VJxZNCI ID: e7ef6b No.5295136
Feb 20 2019 21:57:03 (EST)
>>5294864 (/pb)
But, you knew that already.
Hence why [AS][SDNY][MW] are attempting to keep the ‘insurance’ scheme ongoing post Mueller.
The fun begins directly after.
Will make the Super Bowl look like a puppy show.
Venezuela Live Aid Concert “Live”
Ristvan’s opinion (OT) on the NJ proposed law to keep Donald Trump off the NJ presidential ballot unless he releases his tax returns:
ristvan says:
February 22, 2019 at 12:38 pm
New Jersey Senate passed a bill saying PDJT cannot be on NJ 2020 presidential ballot unless releases tax returns. NJ House expcted to pass it next week. Dem NJ governor might sign. Is patently unconstitutional for at least three reasons:
1. Qualifications to be eligible for president are stated in A2§1.5. NJ cannot arbitrarily amend those by state legislation.
2. A2§1.2 and 1.3. NY may specify how electors are chosen, but not how they vote.
3. 14A§2 provides the ‘right to vote’ shall not be ‘in any way abridged’. This requirement. Learly abridges PDJT voter rights.
TDS is strong, but this symbolic blue state move is just plain ridiculous.
SCOTUS might disagree!
i would expect more states to jump on this type of thing soon to be quite honest.
they already have the “give our electoral votes to the popular vote winner regardless of our state vote” thing going in many states, and my state Maine is raring to get this shoved through the “legislature” this session.
we are at a point where only a few more states are needed to get on the electoral vote thing and they will have enough votes designated to secure a candidate the election… people here in maine aren’t even talking about it except the “right wing conservatives”…
maine is going down hard. the slow down to disaster that was somehow ebbed by the last governor is now in full throttle toward the abyss.
LOL – from BB comments:
“Tuesday: “We are NOT cutting any of jussie’s scenes. Don’t believe the rumors.”
Friday: “Umm, ….”
I saw this yesterday:
jussie 2016: Trump will be indicted!
jussie 2017: Trump will be indicted!
jussie 2018: Trump will be indicted!
jussie 2019: I just got indicted.”

People didn’t know what that ‘white stuff’ was that was falling from the sky.
*shoots hand in the air* PICK ME! PICK ME! I KNOW!!!
it had to be changed to GLOBAL CHANGE in order to cash in on all possible temperature variations…
here’s their new slogan:
Global Change…it’s as vague as our solutions!
People were freaking out. We were really hoping it would snow, but we got sleet. It wasnt even piling up in pasadena. Our lower mountains got decent sniw at 2500 feet. Ice everywhere today. Thick. The ice was creating that thick fog/steam as it melted this am. Its pretty cold here. Remember we are a Mediterranean climate but this is a fantastic winter!
I hope you all are staying warm at casa Gil!
Nothing like the midwest. But the gas company sends us shaming letters telling us how we “compare” to our neighbors and our use. So sick of that. We pay for it, dont shame us and tell us we cant keep the house warm! The so cal edison does it too.
Oh no…I feel for you guys out there.
I hope you all have some warm clothes that you can layer-up to stay warm, till the weather gets better.
I think those letters are ridiculous but don’t they have to offer an option to OPT-OUT?
Have these people never watched the movie ‘Frozen’????????
You know ‘the cold never bothered me anyway’?????????
so what I’m seeing in the “news” headlines are Maxine Waters won’t accept the Jussie Smollet police investigation results…Schiff won’t accept Mueller’s results (if he finds nothing) but ALL these people came after Donald Trump when he refused to say he’d accept the election results…hmmm…remember the melt down the Dens had over not accepting results? it would be laughable if it wasn’t so darned predictable and pathetic.
Sometimes I feel like we’re in an alternate reality. The things you mentioned and then this morning I was reading about a UCBerkeley staff member cheering the assault because it made him feel better emotionally. It’s not computing for me. People clamoring for infanticide. People praising assaults because of different views or beliefs, but only if those are conservative views. Someone asked it yesterday…what has happened to us? There’s a horrible rip in the social fabric of humanity and the Demoncrats are fostering it…BUT..free choice people are choosing to use violence.
the true evil that is driving this is going to be hard for people to understand and see.
it’s not a United States thing. it’s not a Democrat vs. Republican thing. it’s not a liberal vs conservative thing.
it’s a good vs. evil thing going back to the beginning of what we call “time”
Ephesians 6:10-18 says what’s really happening, and what we should do, for there are indeed dark forces at work:
@ Doug Ross – Directorblue – http://directorblue.blogspot.com
QOTD: “What Mr. Comey and Mr. McCabe and the others were doing was undermining the United States of America from within the government. From within the FBI. From within the Department of Justice. Nothing like this has ever happened before in the United States of America, ever. Ever! We have never had an FBI trying to take out a duly elected president of the United States. Never! And they talk about the 25th Amendment. I’ll go through that again, how absurd that was, but it didn’t matter. They were looking for a means, any means possible.
It is the FBI, working with the Democrat party in the Obama administration, that put out the lies about Russian collusion. Where is it? Counterintelligence investigation, criminal investigation, congressional investigation — where the hell is it? It doesn’t exist. It never did exist. The only party that’s ever colluded with the Russians and the old Soviets is the Democrat party.” –Mark Levin
Bonus QOTD:
Mark Hemingway (Mollie’s hubby) links to a John Solomon article for The Hill:
‘… What Baker’s still-secret testimony makes clear is that, incredibly, we still don’t know the full story on how the Clinton email investigation ended and if anyone else disagreed with the outcome — even after congressional hearings and an inspector general’s review.
‘If there is still the stomach to resolve the lingering questions, then there are two likely candidates to take the lead: the new attorney general, William Barr, and the new chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.).’
Excellent! With Matt the Mountain assisting, it can and hopefully will be done!
Multiple drops coming in guys..
view drops here https://qntmpkts.keybase.pub/
there are many…
“The Muslim college student who lied to cops about getting attacked on the subway by drunken Trump supporters took a plea deal on Friday.
Yasmin Seweid, 19, copped to falsely reporting an incident and disorderly conduct for the bogus claim.
Seweid, of New Hyde Park, L.I., said hate-filled white men harassed her and tried to snatch the hijab off her head during an encounter on the No. 6 train on Dec. 1.
Seweid previously admitted she wasted police resources to cover up for her missed curfew.
She must go through six months of counseling and complete three days of community service.”
That’s it?
That’s all she gets?
I look for much of the same with JS, TBH. You know that is going to happen. SMH
I dunno…hope not!
People are really pissed off right now.
I hope his ‘poor me’ act doesn’t work!
It will – this is why so many are talking up “treatment” for him. And “even if he doesn’t fall within the parameters of a recognized mental disorder……he should get counseling.” Watch and see – already happening.
judge in NY right? Disorderly conduct now covers a lot more than it used to…
Jussie was charged with “disorderly conduct” also… BUT the Feds are looking into letter Jussie sent, contained white powder… using Postal Service for crime carries a stiffer penalty I think…
We’ll see – believe me – I would LOVE for you to be right but I just don’t see it happening. This is in Chicago, domain of Rahm Emmanuel. He will find some way to rein this in – bet money. TBH, I also wouldn’t set my hopes on the FIB either at this point. Not cleaned out yet…..
imagine what the MAGA “attackers” would have gotten if her concocted story had been true?
Pfffttt…..they would STILL be in solitary!
Q posted this tweet:
And then posted this:
“How do you fill your admin if majority of those ‘in politics’ are corrupt?
Oh, hell, yeah! THE STORM IS COMING!!!! BIGLY!!!
He had tonominate people who would pass the senate right? So with the obstruction still by certain people, how can we get good people to pass nomination?
Yep, exactly.
except for a good house cleaning?
you are right hard to trust ANYONE that passes a senate appointment confirmation.
Here’s a sample :
this entire twitter is filled with RED PILLS… MEMES ARE GREAT
(Anticipating the question) Memes are important b/c filters work primarily on TEXT. Post text, it gets ignored, triggers a filter, BLOCK. Post a meme, even with OCR it will likely slip through the filters. They are a great way to stego a message in plain site so that the auto-censors don’t see it. Plus they’re just plain funny 😉 Which is good, it makes them convincing and memorable – critical for co-prop work. The interwebz are depending on you! Gentlemen, to your memes!
One of the Anons said the Memes can be layered and this will defeat the more sophisticated software.
Don’t ask me what he means by layered. I am more or less computer illiterate.
Do you remember the old WorldBook encyclopedias? They used clear plastic pages in layers to show, for example, the interior of the human body. Each page showed a system (like nervous system) and you turned that page and the next plastic page showed blood vessels. And so on.
You could see all the systems from the first page but to get a close up look, you just turned the pages.
That’s what digital layers are like, IMO. Cascading sheets also.
And this link was included in one of these drops:
“Sex Puppy
A very sexy person who does nothing all day but follow around his/her master in a sexual manner, always happy for intercourse (“doggie”)
“heel, sex puppy”
sorry for the double post (posted on previous page) just thought it was hilarious
If the accusations about Kraft are true, he hasn’t exactly been leading the Porpoise-driven life…
they like to call it “the patriot way” up here in new england. if he gets thrown under the bus up here i will know stuff is going down!
I was just thinking, are the folks prosecuting conservatives (true Rs) or DEMONcRATs? I’m worring their might be some sort of FF or “gilt by association” going on. I also saw the name of that bottom-feeder, Avenatti somewhere as well…
And from an imagery standpoint, taking out patriots is what the left LOVES to do… Is Kraft a DEMONcRAT, a RINO, or (until now) OK?
(FORMER Raiders and Niners fan/faithful here, so I have no clue about Kraft) (except the food one, which has its own problems…).
kraft actually seemed like a decent guy for years. plus bringing 6 championships to town mace him a regional hero… he was also a friend of president trump. then his wife died, he started acting like a kid and backed off his support of trump when the backlash was out there for any trump supporter.
honestly in new england it is extremely unpopular to show any support for the president. i might see 50 cars a day with democrat stickers and lgbt stickers and even RGB stickers but i might see one car with a trump sticker once a week if lucky and this is no joke as i tend to notice car stickers for some reason.
Um, this could describe ever husband on the planet.
I prefer to call him, Sugar Bear.
As rich a person as Kraft must be, he has to visit a brothel? #Sad.
Q posted this tweet a few minutes ago…and now it’s getting visited by the Q Army.
Hah. 😆
Q posted this with it:
“One step closer.”
Oooo…nice meme here in this reply:
Great pic ‘Qanon sent me’
Someone should send to OT…similar theme, i.e. Patriot with AR-15 !
Ha! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this one:
Are we having fun yet?
The best is yet to come.
Pic won’t post:
>>5325789 (/pb)
Impossible to defend.
Vietnam trip coming.
Enjoy the show!
Hopefully this will work:
Nope – sorry.
Pic dated 7 Dec 2018
strange how that isn’t working unless images from that site are being blocked somehow…
It has to be on a picture site, like Imgur and such.
Let’s see if this works:
somehow we all got punk’d on the pic not working… very strange.
you can only copy from 8 chan
several “republicans” are now publicly throwing their hats into a “potential run” against the president in 2020.
just yesterday the governor of maryland said he was pretty much going to do that, and he criticised the RNC for “going to extraordinary lengths to shield the president from a potentially draining primary”
to me, this is a perfect time for the truth about these political “parties” to be uncovered and let everyone in on the little secret that they are just the same party!
(side note – appears African American Reparations is again becoming a hot topic and campaign agenda for the democrats again)
the gov of md is an idiot. He’ll go as far as Pataki, Walker, and Jindal did.
Reparations = So, if we’re all 1/1024th black?????????????
Wonder what Liz Warren will do?
Never-Trumper tho he is, Lyin’ Sasse is doing the right thing here – surprised McTurtle is bringing it to the floor, atho it has happened yet so……
“Sasse announced the Senate roll call vote in a press release last week.
“I want to thank the Majority Leader for scheduling this vote so that every American can know where their Senator stands on the issue of infanticide,” Sasse, a Republican, said in a statement. “A lot of Senators spend a lot of time telling people how they fight for the little guy. Well, here’s the chance for them to prove it.”
Mitch put it on the calendar on the 14th for this comin Monday
Here’s Text of Sasse’s bill introduced on Jan 31st
Problem with the Bill, as I see it…
How will it be enforced ? If born-alive infant/child is murdered and then disposed of, who is to know, other than the attendants, who are desirous of termination? See below:
Something needs to be done, but I’m not convinced this Bill will do anything.
Akin to saying husbands who beat their wives must immediately take them to hospital, or wives who abuse their husbands….
It can force the legislators to take a position, although many will wink, wink to their benefactors such as PP and vote for it. It is a baby step. No pun intended with such a subject.
IPOT (In pursuit of Truth) has under his youtube a URL that has a TON of MEMES: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmxHy8Yn4vY
Thanks Gail…
Thanks. Followed on Gab.com
“The Greatest Constitutional Crisis Since the Civil War” is a very succinct and well written summation of the coup attempt against PDJT. I recommend it to folks here, and plan to use it in the hopes of red pilling others.
FYI — the author of this article — Conrad Black — is a huge supporter of PDJT, has written extensively about the takedown of Nixon, and was himself wrongly prosecuted and jailed by none other than Robert Mueller.
hopefully nobody reads the comments on that page that you’re trying to redpill 🙂
comment sections are pathetic and lost their usefullness about 15 years ago it seems.
I follow several columnists who have proven themselves to be both informative and insightful. And I have to admit, Black gets extra points for me because I frequently have to consult the dictionary when reading his work.
I rarely look at the comments section on most web sites because the ratio of thoughtful to ignorant, ill informed, emotional, and/or malevolent comments is too low. This place is an exception to my general practice; the quality of the discourse here is extraordinary.
yes – i was not disagreeing with the article itself by any means, i just happened to click the comments just to see what was going on there (since i had not been to that site in quite a while and just wanted to get a feel for the scene)…
if you are unfortunate enough to have a large growth in your belly and you want it removed, vermont is the place for you!
i expect maine to get our’s passed any time now so we can compete with the virtue signalling and attract more “good people” to our state.
Looks like disinfo/discernment time.
Our VSG PDJT tweets:
Praying Medic says:
MEMEsters say:
What do you think?
Disinfo? Directed at what target? Fascinating.
5G is a splitter, just like Sessions, silent Huber, Bannon, etc. The other side is weaponizing.
Interesting. The issue is being weaponized?
I trust POTUS. That’s why I’m asking about disinfo.
PM seems to be saying POTUS knows the health impacts.
Anyone that is MAGA is not going to let this issue split us. As you know, I’m not a dogmatic person. I’m a scientifically trained person with some years of research into this field. The data is there.
Who benefits from directed beam energy every two houses on every street? Who benefits from sterility from cellphones in pockets? Who wants to depopulate our nation?
I’m just asking.
Cui Bono?
Cui bono? Mostly the totalitarians, IMO.
Convenience is selling constant monitoring which is selling control.
Health effects are not significant enough to stop it.
This is like traffic deaths. They were part of the package with automobiles. They will FIX rather than STOP, and they will do it AFTER IMPLEMENTING.
5G health effects will be considered minimal and ignored so that the mass of data can be collected. Even if 5G killed people at a rate like TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS (no way on that) it would be ignored as far as stopping implementation.
Understood. The early data presumably given to politicians said 3% would not survive.
When the real numbers of 30% to 60% having impairment at some level are realized, those early decisions will be far upstream. And the money slipped to those politicians will have been long spent.
More Coward-Pliven as the increasing health problems swamp our healthcare infrastructure. Remember 60% of Americans are taking medication for a chronic illness already.
i am right with you on that. how about 75% or more of the kids in my kid’s high school class being on medication or diagnosed with something and in therapy? something is not right and nobody (hyperbole admitted) is doing a thing or caring about it other than to clai, this new victim group that is not accountable for anything it seems.
5g is scary but is sadly a continuation of the grinding wheel.
5G does not scare me any more than 4G or even 3G. What is much more alarming is how the COMBINED impacts of ALL the assaults on our human frames are reaching that tipping point as you are seeing in this generation of children.
What encourages me is the power of the human spirit to prevail. When I think of the woman that survived a saline abortion against all odds and now lives to spread her message. Wow. As a premature and poisoned newborn infant her spirit was strong and with the hand of God upon her she choose to fight to live. Amazing.
Faraday homes are probably the next moneymaker!
It’s tough to do. My research group has been exploring options for some years. People have no idea what they bring into their homes with them or what it is doing to their environment. ZigBee appliances in the kitchen that broadcast status to the smart meter on the wall outside. Cable modem that is not only putting out high powered wifi, but also offering a free public network to anyone nearby. Solar panel DC-to-AC converters driving low/high frequency noise into the mains and impacting all the neighbors homes as well. It’s a mess.
Just look at all the WiFi channels from the neighborhood. Stunning!
Yah. People in apartment buildings are getting it from all sides. Ever watched the TedTalk by the engineer that got very sick after all the electric meters IN THE GARAGE below his bedroom were converted to wireless? How do smart meters in a garage talk to the mesh network anyhow? And were the “safe” power levels for a BANK of meters studied beforehand. No. It’s nuts.
Jeromy Johnson | TEDxBerkeley Published on Feb 18, 2016
Any recommendations of reputable sites where those of us who are concerned can get info and advice and help with these issues?
Because most solutions are based on some assumptions the researchers I follow do not accept, they will all be half measures. However, half measures is better than nothing and it builds confidence that reducing EMF toxic burden has value.
The work by Bise in the 1970’s showed that brainwaves are altered by levels so low that many meters can’t measure. A recent experiment showed that just covering the head with a silver fabric hat reduced EMF to the brain enough to cause a notable “change” in test subjects. Demonstrating that in a cohort of chronically ill (the test subjects) nearly 85% were EHS. That is the sensed subtle changes in the EMF levels around them.
Before buying a meter, just try and become informed on the subject enough to IDENTIFY the sources you have control over. I like the TedX talk I posted yesterday. I think Jeromy has a website that is likely to be a good start.
Just keep in mind that most sites are NOT understanding how very sensitive living things are to man made, chaotic radiation at any frequency. They are trying to help you reduce your exposure to better level which is a good start. But anyone with health issues is going to get maximum benefit from sleeping in an extremely quiet environment. Sleep is the key as Jeromy states in the video.
Here’s his site: https://www.emfanalysis.com/about/
3t’s, thank you so much for the good info.
I don’t want to beat the horse, but…
Mental state of parents has much to do with emotional state and therefore physical state of their offspring during gestation and during formative years and beyond.
Mental state of the adult has much to do with their physical health.
Nearly 50% of the adult women and therefore men in the U.S. are now post abortive, weather they, themselves had abortions, helped another procure one, encouraged one, profited from one, or via being raised by parents who are post abortive.
Psychological well being or illness has an incredible impact on physical well being. The conscience is a powerful thing, especially when it is even subtly troubled.
Drug, alcohol, debt use and lack of common sense, you name it, has been affected, from nearly 3 generations of abortion on demand.
If this does not epitomize Hollywierd, I don’t know what does!!!! From Nolte:
“Roman Polanski proved you can rape a 13-year-old girl without hurting your show business career. Smollett, however, embarrassed Hollywood and the media. He also damaged the left-wing cause, and that is something Hollywood and the media view as much worse than sodomizing a child.”
Very nicely stated, as shocking (yet true) as it sounds.
Can’t say I like it, but that’does describe the mentality all right.
It is sick, sick, sick – but, then, that word is far too benign to describe such acts!
‘Depraved’ is a good word for it.
“Yes, Madam”?
“As CBS Austin reports, young Benton Stevens was inspired to begin selling hot chocolate to help pay for the wall on the United States’ southern border after watching the State of the Union and attending the inauguration of President Donald Trump.
Benton’s parents, Shane and Jennifer Stevens, credit their son’s conservative activism to dinner table talks.
The hot cocoa stand idea evolved from these talks, and before long Benton had one set up at a local strip mall. He’s already raised over $1,000.”
“It didn’t take long for the liberal hate to roll in. Benton’s dad understands the reality of discussing politics today, and thinks his son can learn a lesson from others’ anger.
Instead of turning to the court system or law enforcement, Shane Stevens instead says his son “needs to learn that there’s going to be a little backlash.”
A conservative teaching his children that people have different opinions — and may not be nice about sharing them sometimes — isn’t something you’ll see on CNN.
“Some people were mad and calling me a ‘little Hitler’ and stuff,” Benton said. “And some people were really happy.”
Dawson has a THREAD – click on tweet
ahhh… but.. nothing’s happenin’ !!!!!!!!!!!!
Wolfie, have you seen this?
For those whose Italian isn’t perfect…. 😉
There’s 2 new Q drops
Cool! Back on duty! 😉
I copied one of them to the Q thread, but yours look soooo much better.
The screen captures are nice, but darn – that Q site I get them from is SLOOOOOW any more. I have to wait forever for the site to repaint after I do almost anything.
There are MOAR!
Make that four.
Doggone it. It’s after five on a Friday. The seal on the green bottle has been broken.
Watch for it – he will go into drug and mental health treatment – this from BB: “[T]ext messages between Defendant Smollett and Abel revealed that Abel was a source of designer drugs for Defendant Smollett,” reads the bond proffer by Cook County State Attorney office prosecutors. “Specifically, since the spring of 2018, on several occasions, Defendant Smollett requested Abel to provide him with ‘Molly,’ which is a street name for the narcotic Ecstasy.”
Yup! Good call!!!
See my posted link below. Here it is again
Ha, I see Empire has suspended him for the rest of the season. There were only two episodes remaining, but still.
I wondered. I couldn’t imagine they’d let this idiot distract from their show.
I would seriously laugh until I hurt if Molly was some cute little Thai ladyboy.
Aaaaaaand here it is – UN Agenda 2030:
“Top globalists are coming out of the closet. Thousands of leading globalists, communists, Islamists and others from around the world converged on the Arabian Peninsula this month for the World Government Summit. Their goal: promote technocratic globalism and plot the future of what they often call their “New World Order.” Senior officials from the United Nations, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, the European Union, Communist China, central banks, and even the Trump administration showed up to mingle with heads of state and advocates of Islamic Sharia law from across the region. Even Pope Francis delivered a message. As usual, despite top U.S. media outlets partnering with the summit, the establishment press in the United States largely failed to inform Americans about it.
News releases promoting the World Government Summit — yes, it is really called the World Government Summit — boasted that the event “is setting the agenda for the next generation of governments.” And one of the key goals of the summit was advancing the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), often referred to as UN Agenda 2030. UN Deputy-Secretary General Amina Mohammed opened the summit by demanding that the radical UN scheme be implemented to avoid “life-threatening consequences for billions of people.” UN “High Commissioner for the 2030 Agenda” Cristina Gallach echoed the hysteria. And throughout the summit, more than a few speakers touted the controversial UN agenda as if it were the key to saving humanity from every problem under the sun.”
“Among the more than 4,000 participants from 140 countries were a number of high-profile Americans. Among those who spoke on stage was U.S. Energy Secretary Rick Perry, a Bilderberg attendee, who announced a robotics competition from the stage. Daniel Kaniewski, the deputy administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), was also there. Disgraced EPA boss Lisa Jackson from the Obama administration, who still serves on the disgraced Clinton Foundation board, was at the globalist summit as well. And former Trump Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s chief of staff Margaret Peterlin spoke, too.”
wow. again i have mentioned this before – when i was in high school i heard of gwbush givimg that NWO remark, and researching that (microphiche days) led me to the UN’s population control and climate control meetings of the early 90’s.
if people do not want to wake up to this stuff then we are doomed. perfext example about how the fight we are in is much broader and powerful than any special council or any d3moxrat socialist movement.
global and interstellar and spiritual is the fight we face.
MOON NAZIS – because they’re LUNATICS.
Ecstasy problem? (Empire casting director)
Ecstasy. Now there’s a blast from the past. Not me, but some people in my circle.
The Trump administration just announced a large amount of money will be taken away from the abortion giant Planned Parenthood, as promised.
The Department of Health and Human Services announced its final ruling to cut Title X funding from any organization that provides or refers patients for abortions.
Title X is the federal program that provides birth control and other “reproductive services.” This proposal significantly changes that.
So long to $60,000,000 of American tax dollars annually sent to Planned Parenthood.
“Under the previous rules, Title X services and abortions could “co-locate” in the same center, as long as the abortions were privately funded. Now, the money will be redirected to Women’s Qualified Health Centers that are not involved in abortions, which dramatically outnumber Planned Parenthood locations across the United States,” Live Action reports.
The official press release from (HHS) states:
“The final rule ensures compliance with statutory program integrity provisions governing the program and, in particular, the statutory prohibition on funding programs where abortion is a method of family planning. The final rule amends the Title X regulation, which had not been substantially updated in nearly two decades, and makes notable improvements designed to increase the number of patients served and improve the quality of their care.”
The pro-life community thanks President Trump and his administration for keeping their promise to defund Planned Parenthood:
“This is the kind of policy change that Millennials, the nation’s largest voting bloc, support. Healthcare dollars should fund real, full-service medical care, not abortion vendors.” – Kristan Hawkins, President of Students for Life of America
“We thank President Trump for taking decisive action to disentangle taxpayers from the big abortion industry led by Planned Parenthood.” – Susan B. Anthony List President Marjorie Dannenfelser
This is a major win for the Trump administration, but more importantly innocent babies.
Great news indeed Judy…
Thanks so much for bringing it !!!
This may be one of his most important things.
Although that is hard to decide because he has done so many, many important and amazing things.
Thanks for the post!
I agree and besides the babies saved, the Dems’ donations just took a huge hit.
Talk about inversion and projection.
Planned (un)Parenthood hates women (and children), and MINORITY WOMEN MOST OF ALL…
Sanger even said it herself (about minority women being “the worst”)…
Oddly enough, Coudenhove-Kalergi (here in Europe) and Cloward-Piven seek to do the opposite; eliminate the white race… Although the Carter Administration did, by terming us “non-hispanic”… what a tortured term that is…
I always thought “reproductive services” should be about reproduction – not eliminating reproduction as in killing babies.
And your thinking was correct!❤
Yep. In that context, it’s false advertising (and MURDER), so they should be calling it “Deproductive Services”…
(yeah, DS, like Deep State)…
So, Acosta was the Head US Attorney during the Epstein trial. Deal with Epstein was approved according to procedure. We can only imagine Clinton leaning on him.
Hundreds of people in the US Attorney office.
We KNOW Mueller wanted Epstein to roll over on Bear Stearns for the 2008 crash. The Feds screwed up that case.
NO ONE is mentioning the Mueller connection.
No ONE is mentioning Bear Stearns.
I would be truly stand up if Acosta spoke up about those who put the pressure on him to make the plea deal with Epstein. If he’s going to go down, which he should, take as many of the filth down with him that he can.
It leads straight to Mueller.
Then those wiser than US already know and it’s part of the plan. ;~)
YUP. Inappropriate influence. BAD DEALS that conceal their REAL MOTIVATION.
Note: The Fed Judge is not demanding a retrial, or removing the deal for Epstein. Epstein….. I don’t know how he could be forced into another trial, because of double jeopardy.
It only looks like a way to go after Acosta, another of Trump’s appointees.
And the women, the victims of Epstein, will never see another trial. Epstein can’t get more time. It’s over.
Miami Herald has been pushing this story, cuz they want the scalp of Acosta. The women are incidental.
I am reminded of what Q said about Manafort. “Plants need water.” In this case, I would say “Mueller’s dirty laundry needs airing, even if it’s after the main witness is fired by Trump.”
Note that Acosta will not be prosecuted by Mueller. If he watches his six and stays away from the wrong aircraft and beaches, he may enjoy a long life.
If the Miami Herald wants to help drain the swamp, I say let them, no matter if they think it will hurt Trump. Which it will NOT!!!
Thomas Wictor has a new piece…
“This is what I’ve noticed about the people—whoever they are—who stepped up after Trump became president. They fearlessly wade right into the middle of the fight and carry out their mission. And there are STILL idiots who think Jeff Sessions was “the worst attorney general in American history.”
It was Sessions and his unknown warriors who destroyed Antifa. How many of you know how to instantly disarm someone who has a knife? Police are taught to use their pistols in that situation. The bearded man in the video used his bare hands.
THAT is what happened to Antfia. They met people who simply took away their weapons. All Antifa has left is profanity and tears.
Just like Alec Baldwin and Jussie Smollett.”
you can read all at link https://quodverum.com/2019/02/51/the-unbearable-lameness-of-antifa-.html
From Pompeo:
‘I am very pleased that President Trump has announced his intent to nominate Ambassador Kelly Craft to be our next U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. Ambassador Craft has been an outstanding advocate for America’s national security and economic interests in Canada and she is extremely well-qualified to do the same at the United Nations. I look forward to her confirmation and continuing to work with her at the United Nations.’
So much flak, we must be over the target !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Revisiting why Paradise was focal point of CA fires, Nikola Tesla backstory and who funded his work, Clinton Foundation and it’s dark agenda with Dr. Michael Salla, an Assistant Professor in the School of International Service, American University. Previously he was a lecturer at the Australian National University. He has been involved in non-offical peacemaking efforts for ethnic conflicts in East Timor and Kosovo since 1995.
regardless of the exterrestrials in paradise – which i am not denying for sure – there is a big commection between tesla, his free energy, his theory of wireless distribution of that energy, and a direct correlation to not only these harrp technologies, mind control based on low frequency radio waves, the frequency our natural bodies resonate at (including the pineal gland aka third eye), and the tech of today and tommorrow (wifi/bluetooth/smart meters/cellular +5g) playing a part in this mind control.
i can post on it tomorrw if you like me to respond (4am my time right now and i am burned out!) but this is something even any rational non alien believing person can understand. if it opens them up to something more so be it that is an added benefit of course.
Yes, Andrew that would be great and I am in the “not denying for sure” camp also. It’s just all so incredibly interesting so look forward to your post. The Edge of Wonder YTC also has some interviews w/David Wilcock. Your thoughts on his information?
give me a bit and i will post some info… gosh darn house work!
Definitely thinking that Trisha B. Anderson was part of the scheme to exonerate Hillary.
Wasn’t “Trish” mentioned in those text messages between Strzok & Page?
Something about ‘clearing it’ with Trish?
…Going off to read your thread.
Thanks! I got interrupted by another YouTube lock-up. I’m going to stop watching YouTubes for a while. Too much weirdness.
The reason I remember that…is because when those text messages came out, we were all wondering “Trish, who is Trish?”
Remember that?
I could be miss remembering it…but that’s what I flashed on when I read your comment.
It’s her, for sure. Read that article and the quote from Comey’s book. It’s very clear that he’s very carefully blame-shifting onto her.
The truth is, Cankles had MULTIPLE IRONS IN THE FIRE.
COMEY THE FIXER (Rose Law, etc.)
Cankles covered all the bases. There was NO WAY she was going down. She had multiple points of influence, and after the tarmac meeting, it was a done deal for sure.
I’ve been getting that a LOT lately. To be fair this desktop is under-powered, was just enough to get by until I bought a new machine.
“YouTube lock-up”…?
Sorry, I don’t understand what that is.
However, I’ve been having trouble with the video in the header reverting back to just a URL displayed…instead of being embeded.
BTW, I’m still on track for dropping tonight’s open thread, right?
Got one cued up, as per schedule.
Excellent! Absolutely fine with you doing tonight!
I use the BLOCK editor for many reasons – one of them is that it handles videos very nicely. Never have problems with YouTube embeds, and can even embed a lot of other players.
YouTube lock-ups are when the player seizes the entire desktop and freezes it. Full screen problems.
Haven’t yet figured out the Block Editor mode.
It was when I tried using it last night, that I started having the problem of the video not staying embeded.
Wow, that sucks about Youtube causing freezes…haven’t experienced that problem yet.
*knock on wood*
Just put the URL (not the embed code – no parameters – just a BARE URL) into either a normal paragraph OR into a YouTube block, and the block method works GREAT. I have not tried it with a TIME PARAMETER, but that is worth trying, and I’ll do that next time in the block editor.
Someone else mentioned NewEgg has good quality refurbished computers. The older IBM thinkpads are solid and you can have a couple of laptops all doing their thing. One for Q drop loading, one for youtubes, one for authoring. Just a thought.
Thanks! I do agree that it pays to have a separate, hardened system for politics.
I tend to keep the windows task manager running with the performance/memory use graphs tab open to see when there’s a spike in either. Seems that some sites trigger “memory leaks” in the browser causing more and more memory usage. Sometimes I just restart browser, sometimes I try and track down the culprit. I believe twitter is the main one, possibly youtube as well. The more tabs from them the slower the entire machine runs.
Time to wade back in, there’s a storm on the horizon
It’s obviously been a long day…see if this works!
Federal Housing and Urban Development (HUD) executive and Trump appointee Lynne Patton has completed her second week of living in residences sponsored and managed by the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA). She hopes to see firsthand the challenges residents face.
The HUD official has committed to a total of one month and is staying with a new family each week, but she’s technically not ‘sofa-surfing’, as has been crashing on her own blow-up mattress in each home.
Patton invited The Daily Caller into one of the family’s homes at the Patterson Houses in the Bronx so we could see for ourselves what NYCHA housing is like. NYCHA has been under fire for lead-based paint poisonings, heat outages, leaks, mold and long waits for repairs and maintenance, among other things.
The issues, however, don’t appear to be new, as residents have been complaining about their living conditions for years.
Patton says this isn’t a funding issue, as the NYCHA is given $30 million per week by the federal government to take care of the needs of its 400,000 tenants. She believes the money could be spent better and that people need to be held accountable. So, the $30 million question is: Where is all the money going?
It’s probably going into yet another democrat slush fund, just like most of the budget goes to. Can you imagine how much less it would cost to run the government without all the many slush funds?
Linda, you are so right and likely if/when all the slush funds are confiscated and used wisely there would be excess $. I did not listen to the whole video but the part I heard that caught my attention was the lady telling about calling for maintenance and the process of people coming out to look but they couldn’t do the repair because they had to report back to get permission and then it finally just got lost. So besides the slush fund, if they just streamlined their maintenance program, they could probably lay off 50% of the workers there. People living under those circumstances have a lot to overcome but some things like mold are health hazards.
Love me some Lynn Patton. Good for her. Maintenance of property/plant/equip is something in which the Trump org people are professionals.
While the big news of the day was that New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft was been named as one of those involved in a prostitution sting in Florida, NBC News reported that he’s far from the only one named in the Orchids of Asia Spa bust, and may in fact “not be the most famous person involved.”
Read For More Big Names:
I said earlier I would try and get this up today.
It’s from the Office of Readings in the Liturgy of the Hours for February 24, 2019.
Selection from the chapters On Charity by Saint Maximus the confessor, abbot
Uh oh, wrong date!
*waves to wheatie*