The Anything But Popcorn WQTH Snack Recipe Thread

Happy Friday my fellow Q-Treepers!
It is that time of the week when many of us head to “the store” to stock up on provisions, and this is the perfect time to augment the shopping list with ingredients for snacks that will sustain us during the epic days ahead as the show goes on in the Swamp Theater of Lies, Deception, And Reveal.
We joke about having lots of popcorn to observe the events coming soon, but patriots cannot subsist on popcorn alone.
Plus, with all the cooks here, and with popcorn not being paleo or keto friendly, we need some alternatives. Things like bite sizes quiche muffins, bacon and avocado salad for SteveinCo, and old standards like hot spinach artichoke dip that does not call for commercial mayo.
So, what sorts of snacks are we after:

  • Munchies other than Chex Mix
  • NO deep fried Oreos, Twinkies or pickles, please
  • Spreads with plenty of veggies in them
  • As little seed oils as possible.

And, just a little caution, recipes that begin with “you start with a brick of cream cheese” will be met with narrowed eyes shot over the rim of the reading glasses.
Recipes like this:
1 brick of cream cheese
1 package (pound) of thinly sliced hard salami (Volpi Genovese if you can get it in your area)
1 Jar of ground horseradish

  1. Let the cream cheese soften for a couple hours.
  2. Using a fork, mix in three or four heaping tablespoons of horseradish, not too fresh or your guests may not recover.
  3. Spread thinly on salami slices and roll up.
  4. VIOLA! Serve as is or with toothpicks for a little extra class.

So, ladies and gentlemen of the WQTH, are we ready to watch the rumble as the swamp gets drained? We’re going to need sustenance for this!

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Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

DP’s Spicy Guacamole
3 just ripe avocados
2-3 cloves of fresh garlic, minced
3-4 diced slices of red onion
2 jalapeno peppers, diced
1/2 cup chopped fresh cilantro
1/2 fresh lime juice
Kosher salt
Fresh ground pepper
Note: all ingredients can be adjusted for taste preference
Combine all ingredients in a large mixing bowl. (I use a potato masher to mix together.) Salt and pepper to taste. Transfer to bowl for chilling leaving no air space in the mixture. Cover top of dip with plastic wrap flush to the flesh to keep the avocados from turning. Chill for two hours.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m stealing this one!

Pat Frederick

I have nothing to offer…we are fruit, cheese, cracker snackers here…but I will be following closely for any recipes!! thanks DP for this thread!!
reminds me…i asked my son-in-law if he wanted some of my “famous” banana walnut grape salad. He said sounds good what’s in it? I said sliced bananas, grapes and a sprinkle of walnuts…LOL…the look on his face was hilarious…we are simple folk


Pat!! Of course you had Walmart Bananas on hand!!😉 I hope you brought Thin Mints too!!!🤣🤣

Pat Frederick

I did!
smh…still not seeing results tho…maybe I have to eat MOAR boxes?


I’m not a snacker, I’m an eater! So I’ll have a rib eye, medium, a baked potato, loaded, and a salad, bleu cheese, please!
Oh, and homemade apple pie, for dessert!


“I’m not a snacker, I’m an eater!”
Me too, Aubergine!
I’d start your menu with a shrimp cocktail, with fresh lemon and tangy cocktail sauce, and alongside this a French onion soup (with gruyere (sp?), as it should be).
I may even upgrade the ribeye to a T-bone, for the filet. Mushroom gravy, of course, and a veggie-side of asparagus, with hollandaise. The loaded baked potato is a given!
And if one goes for apple pie, I’d like a scoop of French vanilla ice cream to go with it. I may opt for key-lime pie, instead, with a bit of raspberry compote.
But if I had to cook / prepare all this … I’d probably go OUT to eat instead!




As my mother used to say,
lol …


ES–St. Elmos Cocktail sauce with the shrimp!! It will Light you UP!!!!


That makes my eyes water just thinking about it!!!! Glad I was warned BEFORE trying it the first time!


Thanks Marica!
My fave is Crosse & Blackwell.
Don’t want to overload my taste-buds before the entree!
(But I’ll make a note of your suggestion!)
Happy happy!


ES! Are we having fun yet? 😉🤣😎


Indeed YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Count ’em … ha!


What you said, but medium rare, and Bread pudding from the Bon Ton restaurant in New Orleans!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LOVE the BonTon – you’re welcome at my house. I make it for Thanksgiving, son’s favorite.


daughnworks247, Mrs. RedLeg is from NOLA and I lived there for +10 years (we’re in ATL now). Her family owned several restaurants there over the years. I absolutely love the Bon Ton. It’s not well known to the tourist class, but locals know it well. For all my Q-treepers who might find themselves in NOLA, please go to the Bon Ton – if for lunch, get there by 11:30a or you’ll be waiting; if for dinner, go early to insure everything is available. Ask for Ms. Marie as your server. Oh, I have so many more stories … 🙂
Sometime we’re all going to have to meet up! Oh, and I do know the *best* Mint Julep recipe from NOLA – EVAH!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Nothing better than the food in New Orleans.
Dad transferred to NOLA in March, mom and I followed when I got out of school.
He was staying at the La Pavillion on Poydras. We met him at the hotel and I didn’t recognize my own dad. He gained 35lbs eating in NOLA on an expense account.
His office was right around the corner from Mother’s, black ham and grits for breakfast.
Thought I died and went to heaven.


Redleg–Mint Julep from NOLA?!!! No SIR! KENTUCKY MINT JULEPS!! Ask me!!! KENTUCKY DERBY GIRL HERE! My son went to TULANE and has lived in NOLA for 10 years…WE MAY HAVE TO fight over this one!!😜😘


I always use Straight Kentucky Bourbon, does that count? Makers Mark? No Sour Mash for this recipe. Oh, and yea, I know the Derby ones. They’re very good as well. 🙂


Daughter works for Maker’s Mark!! So yeah that’s what we drink too!! Funny that you posted this today. Just went to Whiskey Row in downtown Louisville and did 2 distillery tours with family!! Fun stuff!!


How were the tasting rooms at the end of [each] tour? 🙂


We went to Old Forester Of the Owlsley Brown family namesake. Found out it is one year shy of the longest continuous running bourbon distillery – 150 years next year! –(Medicinal purposes during Prohibition)–Not a big fan of the bourbon but a few tastes at the end were fine… 😆


Actually, I really do like Old Forester. And, there are a couple of lower priced, shall we say “raw” ones that I also like: Rebel Yell!, and Virginia Gentlemen are smooth 80-proof over ice nice ones. If you want to be adventurous, I’ll post the NOLA recipe here for ya, but only if you promise to try it!! 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

At some point, a family member and I planning to do the Bourbon trail. My travel backpack needs some new pins.


Daughter does a Bourbon trail run with a team–It goes through the nite. Pretty cool! When you come to Ky you gotta look me up!!! Ill go with!! it’s fun!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Baked, or twice baked potato?
Crumb topping okay on the apple pie?

Gail Combs

Syracuse, New York Salt Potatoes… so small you can just about pop them in your mouth. I really miss them.×427.jpg


I will eat the potato and the pie either way!


Aubergine, I’m onboard with ya. Nice slab of butter on that steak, chives on my baked potato.


Oh my that sounds amazing. Thank you, next week I go back on Keto and I’m always looking for snack recipes!

CHI->AZ : Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

I like to spike my insulin a couple of times a week.
A plate of chocolate chip cookies with peanut butter spread on top.
Blue Bunny ice cream 23 fl oz …yes, I eat half the container per sitting.
Glass of 1% milkcomment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

That’s why I bought one box, just one box, of Girl Scout Tagalongs.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I met those “Red Devils” with AOC EYES!!!comment image

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

My brothers can clear those in no time.

Sylvia Avery

Terrifying. Women’s wing of the psych ward. Shudder.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Leave AOC out there too long, and she’s going to single-handedly get the women’s vote REPEALED! 😉

Sylvia Avery

Between AOC and her Muslim hand maidens, it wouldn’t surprise me. Good grief.
They are so appalling. My brother thinks AOC is mildly attractive, physically, but when I see those big bulging eyes and all of those teeth bared like an old nag reaching for an apple I want to jump behind the fence or grab my shovel or something. She looks demented to me.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

LMAO!!!comment image
I think there is a part of guys that is fundamentally masochistic – a desire to strut and perform to impress the gals, but to ultimately “give in” to the attractions of the “weaker” (COUGH, COUGH) sex for no particularly good reason. In that sense, I think that an attractive but highly defective woman scratches that itch in a perverse way.
Stated more crudely, guys will often rave about the up-side of getting involved with “the crazy ones” – the “bunny boilers” – and the less logical, moral, and discerning the guy, the more they will keep going back to bunny-boilers.
But even if a guy knows WAY better, there is still some part of him that just wants to screw up in glorious sexual downfall.
The time for the Bible is BEFORE one meets the bunny-boiler!
A good cook who likes healthy food and insists on “owning” family nutrition. Now THAT is DISCERNMENT.

Sylvia Avery

I suppose in some way it equates to the “women love a bad boy” theme or something.
They seem all edgy and dangerous in their black leather jackets and Elvis pouts (not to mention sexy as heck) and we’re just SURE they can take us to glory and back. As soon as we change them into a hush puppy wearing Hugh Beaumont type (because of course THAT’s likely to happen).

Sylvia Avery

And more important than looking demented, she SOUNDS demented. I know I’m getting older but it does leave me wondering if there are people who actually find her interesting or worth listening to? There must be. But to me she is repellent. And that mish mash of quasi intellectual vapidity that she spews from her bright red lips sounds like the worst kind of high school classroom BS ever. I keep looking around thinking, “is everyone else getting a load of this broad???” but people seem captivated or something.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

She’s a train wreck coming – a riderless bicycle – a ladder on a ledge. People cannot help but be mesmerized!


DP! I would share my crab Dip recipe–The one I ate all by myself the nite I found this lovely tree–But to be perfectly honest–It was disgusting!!!🤣🤣🤣 It tasted fishy or something…but I will come up with a good one to share in a bit…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I have a quick task to take care of and then I’ll start pounding some more out.

Gail Combs

…tasted fishy….??
I am sitting here FINALLY eating breakfast… of sardines.
Actually, a bit later I will put together a Beef Stroganoff with rice, & a side of fresh spinach.


I actually Love sardines!!! Seems like a cat face needs to go here!😉😊

Plain Jane

I just ate my can of sardines….I’m a mackeral snapper, so I still try to do no meat Fridays even though it’s not yet Lent.
Wild caught Costco salmon is thawing in the pan. It’s already oiled amd spiced…waiting to go into the oven for dinner. Asperagus in frige waiting to be snapped.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Any savings going to Costco from here would be eaten up in gas. Whole Foods actually has a frozen sockeye that’s pretty good.
I try to stick to no meat on Fridays, but the rest of my family does not, so…..

Plain Jane

I use Costco as my weekly opportunity to walk with the support of a shopping cart rather than a cane. It is only a half hour away for me. Whole foods is really only a half hour away also, but not as much walking so no real exercise.


I go to Cosco about every two to three weeks and is 2 hours from me so is Whole foods.
Desert I like assorted cheese figs and dates and grapes.
Dinner , Roasted organic chicken stiffed with lemon rubber with salt park and herbs.
After 35 minutes roasting add 2 red peppers onion potato and Italian sausage .
A fennel apple arugula salat. and a glass of white wine..


Correction: stuffed with lemon to stiffed.

Plain Jane

Oooh yum. I love chicken. Your recipe sounds like a feast.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I actually had to look up where Costco is around here. Yeah, Whole Foods is A LOT closer, although it’s a small one. We also have local chains that have good selections.

Plain Jane

Our chain stores pretty much suck. Ourlocal meat market and one very small chain store carries Indiana Kitchen pork which is really good, and they also carry Miller chickens. Amish. We get half steers from a young man who grass feeds (no antibiotics) his own steers. Great bone broth….whoo hooo!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Bone broth…that reminds me I need to pack the chicken broth in the fridge for the freezer.

Plain Jane

I need to make some chicken broth. Been out of it for a while now. Got any extra. 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Sure 😉

mary morse

this Uncle Bill’s Famous Chocolate Cake. This is given exactly as Uncle Bill wrote it for me:
2 cups Flower
1 1/2 Sugar
2 tsp Backen Powder
1 tsp soda
1 stick Butter melted
2 Eggs
1 tsp Venilla
3/4 cup coco
1 cup milk plus 1 tbs vinegar
1 cup hot water
That’s it. you figure it out.
Actually it’s delicious and foolproof. It can be mixed in the pan if you wish. I make this cake when I have milk that has turned instead of the milk and vinegar. It’s 1 1/2 cups sugar. I use my own homemade vanilla (Vanilla bean, brown sugar, water and bourbon in a mason jar), and I bake it in either layer cake, or a rectangular pan at 350 for about 25 min. depending on the pan. I frost it with a simple cocoa butter crème or fluffy egg white frosting. Really moist, and fudgy.

Pat Frederick

this sounds like my mama’s recipe only instead of hot water, substitute hot coffee…tastes awesome!

mary morse


Sylvia Avery

OMG. I may just read and reread this recipe whenever I want a slice of chocolate cake. Yum~

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Roasted Cauliflower with Homemade Hollanaise sauce for dipping
Roasted Cauliflower (can be used as a side dish with dinner)
Heat oven to 425F.
Chop cauliflower into spear sized chunks
Mince two cloves garlic, dump on cauliflower
Toss extra virgin olive oil, a dash of thyme, Kosher salt and fresh ground pepper with cauliflower.
Spread mixture evenly on a non-glass cooking dish.
Roast in hot oven 35-40 minutes, stirring once to even out the carmelizing.
Another member of the family makes the Hollandaise sauce, so here is a recipe borrowed from online that is pretty close, although a larger amount.
How to Make Easy Hollandaise Sauce
You’ll Need:
3 egg yolks
3 tablespoons water
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/8 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon white pepper
3/4 cup butter, melted
Immersion blender (Yep—the trusty immersion blender strikes again! Learn its many uses, here.)
Step One: Combine Ingredients
Combine together the eggs, water, lemon juice, salt and pepper in a small glass jar. A mason jar works perfectly.
Step Two: Heat the Butter
Pop the butter into a small sauce pan and heat it on the stovetop until it simmers. Once hot, transfer to a large, easy-to-pour measuring cup.
Step Three: Blend, Blend, Blend!
Insert your immersion blender into the glass jar and begin mixing. While the blender works its magic, gradually add the hot butter into the mix.
Pro tip: Be careful to not add the butter too quick, as this could cause the sauce to break.

Plain Jane

Thanks. I need a new blender, and never thought of using my immersion blender for this.
Love roasted cauliflower, roasted green beans with clipped fresh basil, even roasted asperagus, and then the king – roasted brussel sprouts although they don’t sit well with the old tummy.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I actually like roasted carrots and sweet potatoes.

Plain Jane

I’m a raw carrot eater, and a cold baked sweet potato eater. 🙂 I get teased all the time about popping a bite of that cold sweet potato with a pecan and dash of cinnamon. Over the years I’ve tricked myself to think of it as quick pumpkin pie.


I like Butternut mash. ( can be made with a small pumpkin also)
One Butternut peel and cut into 1″ chunks
Cook unit tender
After it’s cooked drain and mash
Peal and crush garlic
3 Tsp cream, garlic and salt add to the Butternut mash
One also can add a little butter.
Like that with lamb and roasted Broccolini

Plain Jane

When did you say I’m invited for dinner? 🙂

Sylvia Avery

Oh, cold sweet potato with pecan and cinnamon! That’s as good as pumpkin pie any day of the week! I may have to buy some. Sooooo gooooood~

Plain Jane

Oh yes.


Jane I love carrot salad on a leave of lettuce.


I made bone broth from the bones of the roasted chicken.
I add leek,
dried mushrooms
5 peper corns
no salt I try not to use salt in my cooking or very little.
I cooked it about 5 hours in my Wolf slow cooker.
I take off left over chicken for the furies and take carrots out and celery for the furies
Put the broth through a strainer and then fridge for tomorrow.
I use the broth for my chicken soup and for my furries.
I also freeze some broth
I also make vegetable broth or beef broth.
Sometimes I roast the bones before cooking them adds more flavor.
Bone broth is also great just to bring when it’s cold outside.

Plain Jane

Lettuce and raw baby kale and I are at odds in this past year. Can eat raw baby spinach. I never had carrot salad. Will have to look up a recipe.sounds interesting.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Stuffed Mushroom Caps
Note: A local restaurant used to serve these. I’ve been trying to get it right.
Turn on the broiler.
Wash/clean button mushrooms and remove stem.
Put on a baking rack with opening down, and under broiler for five minutes.
Pull out of the oven, turn them over and stuff cavity with bleu cheese or Gruyere and top with a dash of tobasco.
Put back under broiler for 3-5 minutes until nicely brown.
There’s a prize for anyone to get this right.


My wife has a great recipe for stuffed mushrooms too! You start with a brick of cream cheese…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Ha ha

Gail Combs

Or stuff with cooked crumbled sausage and cover with cheese. Stick back in the oven until cheese melts.


Or bacon !

Sylvia Avery

I volunteer to test eat all of these to ensure they are done just right.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m going to experiment with mini quiches and some kabob ideas. I used to do a chicken kabob with honey and ginger, and the recipe card is not in the box. I guess you could do fajita meat.
Fajita chicken
Chicken breast tenders, as many as needed
Chili powder
Ground Cumin
2-3 cloves of garlic
1/2 lime to juice
Olive oil
Kosher salt and fresh ground pepper
After rinsing off chicken, mince garlic and put in glass mixing bowl with it. Squeeze the lime over the meat. Add generous amounts of both chili powder and cumin. Drizzle olive oil so that it will coat the meat. Turn over meat until all of it is covered with spices and garlic.
Saute in a cast iron skillet over medium heat, about five minutes a side, until the meat is just done. Remove from pan, and cover with foil to let it rest for 5010 minutes.
Serve with sauted peppers and onions, avocado, sour cream, and salsa if desired.
Will have to try putting them on a kabob skewer.

Plain Jane

For anyone on keto, pulverized pork rinds make a decent replacement for bread crumbs if wanting to oven fry fish or to use as “bread crumbs” in dishes such as stuffed mushwooms, or the stuffing between the leaves and centers of artichokes along with the egg, Italian cheese, bacon stuffing mix, before putting them in your instant pot with a very thin tomato sauce streamed over the artichokes.
Also, consider subbing ground flaxseeds for breadcrumbs in meatloaf.


Plain Jane
When I grew up in Germany after WWII there was little meat. My mother used Pork rind in barley soup , lintel soup and root vegetable soup to give it some flavor and add little fat. I used to love the rind if I could get some.

Plain Jane

We were fairly poor when I was young. My mom made a chicken feed 3-4 meals to four of us. My favorite part of the chicken was the feet. I still love the collegen in the feet, but they are near impossible to find. Soup from the feet is wonderfully gelatinous.
So I understand your love for that pork rind. My dad used to make great spaghetti sauce with concentrated broth of pork neck bones and the meat put back into the sauce.

Gail Combs

My favorite standby is Turkish Moussaka. It is a very forgiving recipe so exact amounts do not have to be followed. It can be eaten hot or cold so it is easy to pop in a container to take on the road. It can even be frozen.
I make it so much I have an old spice container with a sprinkle top filled with the mixed spices ready to use.
2 Eggplants:
You can slice them into circles or into strips, it does not matter. Slices should be ~1/4 inch thick
Place the slices in a large bowl cover them with water and a tablespoon or so of salt. I use Potassium Chloride (No Salt, sodium free salt alternative)
Let the slices soak for at LEAST an hour, I usually allow them to soak for 1/2 a day. This removes the bitterness and the slices do not soak up as much oil. (The longer they soak, even overnight in the frig, the less oil they will need.)
Pour out the water and let the eggplant drain completely.
In a frying pan on medium heat, add ¼ inch of olive oil, fry the eggplant slices in batches, adding olive oil regularly. Place the fried eggplant on paper towels to drain. Make sure to place a couple paper towels between each layer and several on the bottom of the plate.
Since eggplant acts like a sponge, a good alternative is to brush the eggplant, top and bottom with olive oil and place on baking sheets coated with oil. Even with ‘no stick’ baking sheets you need that oil if you plan on removing the slices after baking. 😁
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. cook ~15 to 20 minutes. DON’T cook the eggplant too long or it will fall apart.
Once fried, the sliced eggplant can be placed on sheets of waxed paper, slipped into gallon freezer bags and frozen BTW
♦️ 1/3 Cinnamon (ground)
♦️ 1/3 Alspice (ground)
♦️ 1/3 Cummin (ground)
(Use ½ teaspoon of each and mix in a small bowl)
MEAT: (2 lbs)
Traditionally it is ground lamb or 1/2 and 1/2 lamb and hamburger. I have used venison (YUMMM!) goat, lamb, or straight hamburger. It is all yummy.
Sautee the meat in a frying pan coated with olive oil until golden brown. Place in a large bowl or pot.
(1) ONION & (1) TOMATO:
Dice the onion into ~ 1/4 X 1/4 inch cubes or what ever your preference.
Sauté the diced onion until translucent in either the fat from the meat or in olive oil. Add a sliced skinned tomato. If you do not care about tomato skin in your food, just chop a fresh tomato and toss it in. ( I blanch, skin and freeze the tomatoes from my garden for this purpose. I place each in a separate sandwichbag and then several baggies into a gallon freezerbag. )
Once cooked add to the cooked meat.
Add a can of chick peas. If you feel industrious you can use ~1 cup of fresh chick peas. ( Bring a pot of salted water to a boil, add the chickpeas, and cook until tender, 3 to 5 minutes)
Combine the meat, onion, tomato and chickpeas. At this point you can place the ingredents in the frig and assemble and cook the Moussaka the next day. This is nice if you want to cook it for company. (add Hummus, Stuffed grape leaves and a greek salad and you have a Mediterranean themed meal. You can even serve everything cold for those hot summer days.)
Preheat oven to 350 F
Cover the bottom of a backing pan completely with a layer of eggplant slices.
Spoon out a little more than half of the meat mixture and spread to cover the bottom layers evenly.
Cover meat layer with another layer of eggplant slices, overlapping as necessary to ensure complete coverage.
Spread remaining meat mixture out evenly to cover the eggplant layer.
SPRINKLE FINAL MEAT LAYER with spices. you want a thin covering of spices. The spices MUST go UNDER the final layer of eggplant to lock the flavor in.
Cover the final meat layer with another layer of eggplant slices.
Place baking pan into the oven preheated to 350 F and bake for 40 minutes
(I generally use three pyrex baking dishes)
Eat the left over eggplant while anxiously waiting for the Moussaka too finish cooking.
For the vegetarians you can just leave out the meat and use cubed eggplant and up the amount of tomato to 2.

Plain Jane

Sounds wonderful.
I make a knockoff of my mom’s poor man’s turkey using eggplant. If anyone is interested, will pound out the forgiving, unwritten recipe later. Holler if interested.


Yes, I would love to have your recipe for poor mans turkey using eggplant.

Plain Jane

Coming up.

Plain Jane

I do not have quantities… just ingredients.
Lay your washed eggplant on it’s flattest side. Cut off some of the top side of the eggplant, kind of like a pumpkin, but not the stem part. Your cut has to be big enough to put a good size spoon inside to scoup out the pulp from inside the eggplant. Do same with the severed top. Leave a shell and “lid” of about an inch thick. Cut the pulp in about 1 inch cubes and put that in a bowl. Salt well. Salt the inside of the shell and lid well.
The salt will draw the juices out of the pulp and shell. Let it rest for an hour or more, even up to overnight. Juices will collect. Drain and rinse well. Squeeze out As much moisture as you can.
Rince out shell and “turkey” lid. Pat dry as well as possible.
Brown 1-2 lbs hamburger. Set aside. Add olive oil to hamburger grease if needed, brown up the pulp a bit. Mix pulp, hamburger, Italian cheese, spices of choice, a raw scrambled egg (optional) a bit of tomato sauce (optional) and stuff the shell. You could even add small amount of cooked rice or some breadcrumbs if you want. I sometimes add a small amount of cream. Cover with the lid and use toothpicks to secure if need be. I put left over stuffing in a greased bowl and bake along with the eggplant. About 350 degrees until the stuffing reaches near 170 degrees. I would use an oiled, foil lined pan with sides to bake the eggplant turkey on, or a disposable pan.

Plain Jane

Oops, garlic and onion….can’t believe I forgot that. For this, I prefer to use it in powder or granual form…especially the onion…


Thanks so much P Jane — this sounds delish! Also, thanks to Wolfe for allowing my first post here to go through!

Plain Jane

You’re welcome AND Welcome Ddanna. Glad to meet you. Hope to see you often. This is a great group of people here.
Hope you saw my post about forgetting the garlic and onion.


My daughter has been begging for Moussaka!!! I’m gonna make this for her!
We have a Greek Orthodox Church here that has a homemade bake/cook sale every Fall at their festival and sometimes extra occasions – but I’ve missed it every time.
I love Gyros and live off of pita bread! Stuff it with tuna salad, chicken, fish filets, spinach and egg to make a quick quiche, even make apple, blueberry pies out of pitas. I have pita chips toasted with cheese, oil and herbs to go with soups.
Thanks again, oh Great Gail, Queen of Facts and Evidence. :8-)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I used to do tuna salad in pita. Then the intolerances started stacking up.

Gail Combs

I sometimes use pita bread sliced in half, to make a quick pizza. It keeps the wheat and carbs down to a tolerable limit since it is more or less a very thin edible napkin.
You have to be very careful slicing it not to tear holes in it though.


Tomorrow I make pizza. The daughter I make with Einkorn flower it’s an old gran and spelt flower.
I normally make a thin crust.
My husband is diabetic and the crust does not spike his insulin. Actually the doctor took him off meds and he controls it through diet.
I also use the mix for waffles that I make with yogurt . Funny he can eat noodles from Italy from
Trader Jo’s but not US made noodles. I have not make home made noodles. We eat otherwise very little carbs .


Its dough not daughter.
The spell checker is horrible.

Plain Jane

I wonder if those Italian noodles are made from semolina. Am thinking that MAYBE since semolina is a course grain, the glycemic index might not be lower than American made highly processed wheat noodles.


Just adore Greek food. Wish we still had a good Greek restaurant. It might be my favourite cuisine. Except for French.


Gail, that sounds really delicious. Never heard of the chickpeas in it, but bet they are good.


The spices and meat like my gyro meat recipe. So, I am trying this with the left over gyro meat I had in freezer. Looks and sounds good. Family hasn’t been much on eggplant, so hopefully with the spices and other vegetable it will pass muster.


Chocolate…that is all! 🙂

Plain Jane

I detest artificial sweeteners, so I either buy 83% chocolat bars or go with naked 100%, melted with some manna which is ground coconut meat, poured on non-stick foil lined pan, sprinkled with favored crushed nuts or roasted pine nuts.


Plain Jane
“I detest artificial sweeteners, so I either buy 83% chocolat bars or go with naked 100%, melted with some manna which is ground coconut meat, poured on non-stick foil lined pan, sprinkled with favored crushed nuts or roasted pine nuts.”
I have to try that because it sounds so good..:)

Plain Jane

The manna cuts some of the bitterness of the 100% chocolate. To about 9 oz of chocolate, I add about 2 1/2 – 3 oz of the manna. It has to be refrigerated because it melts very fast.

Gail Combs

Speaking of Chocolate…
I am trying to avoid salt and was dismayed to find the commercial hot cocoa mixes have salt in them.😞
So I now use a rather weird homemade recipe.
My 2 cup mug
2 level tablespoons cocoa powder
1 level tablespoon extra dark cocoa
2 packets sweetner (4 teaspoons of sugar equiv)
Fill mug with boiling water 3/4 full.
add a chip of ice to cool slightly so milk does not scald
add heavy cream to within ~ 2 inches of the top stir.
add powdered dry milk (to make 1 cup)
You can add a bit of cinnamon or mint for a slightly different flavor.

Gail Combs

I use this because I do not have to heat the mik in a double boiler and make sure the milk does not scald.

Plain Jane

Have you tried switching to pink Himalayan salt.

Gail Combs

Yes, it still spikes my blood pressure.
KCl makes it drop to normal. So I avoid salt AND avoid blood pressure medicine.

Plain Jane

That’s interesting. Never would have thought that the pink salt would do that. On keto I have to use a lot of salt sometimes. I dehydrate fast.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

A quick easy prep meal is a Little Rock Cornish Game Hen, baked at 350 degrees, 65 min. Can stuff with wild rice, or prepare on stove. Green beans for the green stuff. Salad too.
Dessert: When there’s no time to bake… a Moonpie and glass of milk. 🙂

Gail Combs

With the game hen, toss some spices, (poultry spice will do) and a bit of wine in the body cavity. it only takes a few minutes and really improves the flavor.


Well….. my standby is
1 jar of corn relish
1 carton of sour cream
Serve with cheese corn chips.
If feeling exceptionally lazy mix dip in serving bowl


I’ve been trying Keto for a while, and my favorite snack food: chicken wings. I dip them in beaten egg, then roll in almond flour (Costco has a great one at low price) that has been seasoned with some bbq spice. Then I drizzzle a whole bunch of olive oil over them (melted butter works,too) and bake at 425 degrees for about 20-30 minutes. Crispy and delicious.


Quick and easy – Martha Stewart’s Lemon Pudding Cake Cups!
We had this for Christmas with fish, vegetables. Baked it completely ahead and refrigerated. Worked fine and was delicious. Could be rewarmed if you want it warm…but we didn’t. Just topped it with Whipped cream, and ate it all up, of course!
Recipe – video:
Note – It would be nice to have one of those square ladles to pour batters, etc.
2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted, plus more, cooled to room temperature, for ramekins
1/3 cup all-purpose flour (spooned and leveled)
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon fine salt
3 large eggs, separated
3/4 cup granulated sugar
2 teaspoons finely grated lemon zest, plus 1/3 cup lemon juice (from 2 lemons)
1-1/4 cups whole milk
Confectioner’s sugar or Whipped Cream for stopping
1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Butter eight 6-ounce ramekins or a 2-quart baking dish. Set in a shallow baking pan. In a medium bowl, combine flour, baking powder, and salt.
2. In a large bowl, whisk together egg yolks with 1/2 cup granulated sugar until pale and smooth. Whisk in butter, lemon zest and juice, milk, and flour mixture. (Refrigerate mixture, up to 3 hours.)
3. In a large bowl, using an electric mixer, beat egg whites with 1/4 cup granulated sugar until stiff peaks form, 5 minutes; fold into batter. With a ladle, divide batter among ramekins, keeping sides clean. Pour enough hot water into baking pan to come halfway up sides of ramekins.
Bake until cakes are puffed and slightly golden on top, 30 minutes.
Dust with confectioners’ sugar and serve immediately.
Take It Easy: Stir up a citrusy batter in advance, then fold in stiff egg whites and refrigerate and bake when it’s time for dessert. Or Bake ahead, warm before serving – top with whipped cream
Kitchen Tip: Baking the cakes in a hot water bath creates an even, gentle cooking environment, resulting in a moist, silky texture.

Plain Jane

I am dying for Lemon Curd from Herrod’s Department Store. My flight attendent friend retired,so no more Herrod’s lemon curd.


Ladies used to make ‘Lemon Cheese’ cakes with a kind of lemon curd filling and frosting. Loved those cakes. All ‘made from scratch’ – no such thing as cake mixes when I was a child.

Plain Jane

Never used a mix for anything other than box cake mix. They were pretty good. But my sctatch cakes were better. Loved poppy seed cake.


Classic Deep South Lemon Cheese Cake recipe:


In Honor of Aubergine – our Genealogist-in-Residence!!!
Cajun Eggplant Shrimp Boats
“The French call eggplants “Aubergines”, but Cajuns call them “Brahams”
1 large eggplant
2 tbsp butter or oil
1/2 cup diced celery
1/4 cup chopped green pepper
1/4 cup parsley chopped fine
1/2 cup diced tomato, tomato sauce, crushed tomatoes or salsa.
1 cups cooked rice (or 1/2 cup fine dry bread crumbs or other thickening agent).
1 pound shrimp cleaned and chopped
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1/2 cup chopped green onions scallions
1/2 tsp. Poultry Seasoning or 1/4 tsp. Thyme and Basil or equivalent Italian or Provencal Seasoning
1/2 cup chopped or crushed tomatoes or a few tablespoons prepared taco sauce or salsa.
Cut eggplants in half, scoop center of eggplants with a round spoon or scoop, leaving 1/2 inch shell, and dice. Salt eggplant shells – set aside for 20 minutes, rinse and drain. Chop eggplant meat, soak in salt water for 20 minutes, weighing down eggplant with a saucer. Rinse and drain.
Melt butter or oil in frying pan. If not using rice, add flour and make a roux.
Add celery, green onions, green pepper, parsley, eggplant to roux. Sauté until tender. Add rice, shrimp and seasonings. Cook 5 minutes, stirring constantly.
Fill eggplant halves. Top with cheddar or your favorite cheese and/or seasoned fine bread crumbs.
OPTIONAL – if you want to make this spectacular, dip the eggplant shells in egg and breading mix and deep fry before filling like the Athens GA restaurant did.
Bake in a 375 degree oven approximately 20 to 30 minutes.
TIP – to make your shrimp extra delicious – and lessen ammonia taste and any allergic reactions (according to sister-in-law who is allergic to shrimp and will only eat shrimp she has carefully prepped) remove both veins, back and stomach vein, then rinse carefully and drain before cooking. It works!

Gail Combs

“…weighing down eggplant with a saucer…..”
I forgot that tip. I place a saucer over the eggplant and top it with a measuring cup full of water to weigh it down.
That recipe looks scrumptious. I love eggplant.
Also eggplant is easy to grow in the garden just do not plant in the same area your tomatoes were last year.


Oooohhh, now I GOTTA make this!


Almond Roca Cookie Bars
Love at first bite!
1 c. butter
1/2 c. brown sugar
1/2 c. white sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1 beaten egg
1/2 tsp. vanilla
1/2 tsp. almond extract
2 c. minus 2 tbsp. flour
Cream together butter and sugars. Add rest of ingredients. Mix thoroughly and spread on large cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 to 12 minutes.
Melt 10 oz. Hershey bar or sweet baking chocolate over double boiler or in microwave.
Spread over warm cookie and then add (sprinkle) with finely chopped almonds.
Cut into bars when cooled.
Makes 3 to 4 dozen.


Amazingly good!
GRAHAM CHEWIES – makes about 16 – 2” bars
From the Nantucket Open House Cookbook by Sarah Lee Chase
1 1/3 cups graham cracker crumbs
1 tablespoon sugar
1 or 3/4 stick butter, at room temperature
2 tablespoons all purpose flour
1 1/2 cups packed dk brown sugar
1/2 cup chopped pecans*
1/3 cup graham cracker crumbs
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 large eggs beaten
*(Optional – add coconut or chocolate chips)
1. Place the crackers in a food processor and pulse to make fine crumbs.
2. Mix the crumbs, sugar, butter and flour in a mixing bowl til moist and crumbly.
3. Press the mixture evenly and firmly into the bottom of a 9″ square pan.
4. Bake til lightly browned, about 20 minutes.
To make topping:
1. Stir all the ingredients together til blended.
2. Spread the topping over the baked crust and bake for 20 minutes or til just slightly jiggly still.
3. Let it cool completely, then cut into the size pieces you’d like. ( Refrigerating helps make cutting the bars easier.)


After School Snack of my Childhood! ‘Aunt Martha’ the elderly black lady who babysat us after school until Mama got home from work, made them with dried fruit, apples, peaches, apricots, even prunes.
Recipe by Petdrwife –
This is a recipe from my Great Grandmother. I can remember going to her house and sitting down to a lunch of Fried chicken, mash potatoes, green beans, fried corn, biscuits and fried peach pies for dessert. It is a wonder we didn’t all die from heart disease but that is country living. These directions were written for me real countryfied so I explained best I could but you will get the jist. Make dough, fill it and fry it!
For dough
• 2 cups all-purpose flour
• 3 teaspoons baking powder
• 1 teaspoon salt
• 1⁄4 cup Crisco, margarine or butter
• milk
For filling
• 6 ounces dried peaches (or dried apples, apricots, pears, cherries, mashed sweet potatoes)
• water
• 1 1⁄2cups sugar
• oil (for frying)
• Place flour, baking powder and salt in a bowl.
• Cut in crisco with pastry cutter or fork.
• Add enough milk to make dough, do not mix too much.
• Let biscuit dough sit for 1 hour.
• Meanwhile take dried peaches and put in sauce pan with enough water to cover and cook until soft.
• Add 1 1/2 cups of sugar and cook 15 minuts more.
• Remove from stove and mash with potato masher; set aside.
• Preheat electric skillet to 300 degrees.
• Take biscuit dough and pull enough off for one pie, roll it out thin on floured board. Take a saucer, place on rolled out dough and trim around it with a sharp knife.
• Place two big spoons of peaches on one side of dough and lap the other side over in half moon shape. Seal the edges with a fork.
• Fry pies in skillet until brown, then turn and brown other side.
• Drain on paper towels.
• These pies can be eaten warm or stored in a container and eaten the next day room temperature they are awesome either way.

Gail Combs

MUCH better still warm.
The gas station around the corner from me used to sell them up until a few years ago. They were homemade by a lady in the neighborhood and they sold out FAST!


My Nanny made these, and they were the best thing in the world!
Of course, she made the dough with lard, and fried them in it, too. Country living, indeed.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

This sounds heavenly.


Have been on a carnivore diet (Dr’s orders) for the last few weeks so haven’t been able to have popcorn! I must admit eating two steaks a day with a chunk of cheese for a snack I haven’t been that hungry. I am a veg eater so miss them a lot and I rarely do sweets apart from a small piece of 90% dark chocolate. Adding avocado today and also walnuts and macadamia nuts…if tummy behaves I get to go further (yay).
So it’s rib eye, lamb chops when hungry…snack on cheese and nuts 😊


She!! I got an easy low carb snack:
Baby bib or butter lettuce
Hot sauce (Louisana Hot sauce)
blue Cheese crumbles
Cook bacon and chop–Then mix with hot sauce
Place in lettuce leaves
Sprinkle with blue cheese crumbles
POP in Mouth!! Yummy and easy!!


Yum, that does sound yummy, thanks Marica. I’m gonna hold onto that one. Love bacon but gut doesn’t and I’m not happy about it! Still a bit far from introducing lettuce but when I do that will become my ‘sandwich’ material to hold other goodies. This diet is harsh but is the best I’ve felt after years of suffering..eating mainly veg, supposedly doing the right thing!!


Addictive Family Favorite Snack that we make only at Christmas!
Old Bay Party Mix
1 cup or so of Corn Oil – or melted butter or margarine melted – in cup measure,
Stir in a dash of Lea & Perrins worcestershire,
Old Bay seasoning and salt to taste
Boxes of:
– Cheerios
– Chex of all kinds, rice, wheat, corn, or the two-sided octagonal kind (even the off-brands)
– Bag of Pecan halves
– Jar of peanuts, unsalted
– Bag of Almonds
– any other kind of nuts you want.
– Pretzels, even unsalted
Mix all cereals in several baking pans (I use those cheap disposable/reusable aluminum roasting pans available at the grocery store)
Pour the oil or melted butter/worcestershire mixture over cereals, sprinkle to taste with salt and Old Bay, stir thoroughly and sprinkle again.
Bake at 275-300 – stirring every 15 minutes with spatula from the bottom to be sure it cooks evenly – until nuts are done.
Store in air tight containers. When it’s gone, they will beg you for more. Resist!


OOPS – I didn’t catch DP’s instructions about no chex mix – and Paleo/Keto friendly (what the heck are those???) I just read SNACKS.
As you can probably tell, I would get my comments removed for not following Menagerie’s instructions all the time OT!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

It’s all good. 😉


Which leads me to another question–what in the world are seed oils? If they include olive, I’m out of here. (Joking).

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

NO, seed oils do not include olive. Olive, coconut, walnut are fine. It’s canola, rapseed, cottonseed, etc. Those are the ones with trans fats.


Oh, DP, I agree those are terribl but love coconut oil. Thank you for educating me on this.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

With all this good eating don’t we need some entertainment?


I came here to share a funny thread too!!!


be sure to click on tweet!!!


oops–It didn’t work–Nevermind…😆😱

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Actually, for entertainment, when I need a laugh, this is what I watch. (Short break from the political drama.)

The second one, I understand, was what aired with the expletive bleeped. (Tim Conway had it coming.)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I’m cryin’ — oh gosh, that was funny!


Omg I was laughing so hard the tears were clouding my vision! I loved watching the Carol Burnett show and I loved Tim Conway.


Lady P! This Peshwa Warrior IS HILARIOUS!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Funny tidbit, Marica. Guess it was a popular tweet. Glad that I brought it here ~ 5;00 PM yesterday. Guess where it appeared later in the evening? 🙂


OT I feel certain!!😁😘

Sylvia Avery

This was really well done. A very nice bit of work, and amusing and made me feel proud of PDJT all at the same time.


My favorite snack..
Peanut butter annnnnnddd wait for it…. grapes.
Dunk a sweet grape in a bit of peanut butter, (I use home made, salt free) ENJOY!
Easy peasy delish….
My other favorite recipe.

Unsalted dry roast peanuts
Swirl in ninja blender until it is peanut butter.. Normally I throw in a small handful of almonds.
Re peanut butter…. it is easy to do if you have the right blender thingie… I used a Ninja Master Chef, it was $49 at Sams, and has lasted now about 5 years. Best $49 I have ever spent. Happily, the ninja makes some of the best crushed ice ever for a, well, a daiquiri or a pina colada. Cheers.

Sylvia Avery

I have developed a taste for a product called Coconutty organic coconut chips with chia seeds sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. Very tasty, but it does contain cane sugar as the second ingredient so you have to keep that in mind.
Also, MOON Cheese for those who can’t eat gluten or grain.
All it is is cheese and it is crunchy.

Plain Jane

We always have Whisps and moon cheese on hand. Good snack for car traveling also.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Okay, here is the recipe for Daughn’s Dip. It made the Christmas mortgage payment for years. I invented it in 1989 but it’s simple and no one can figure out what you’ve done to make it so good. This is the recipe for one batch, but 2x’s, 10x’s is easy.
Daughn’s Dip
16 Oz. of Sour Cream (not reduced fat, and pour the liquid off the top)
2 shakes of the bottle or about 10-12 drops of a good hot sauce.
1/2 teaspoon of black pepper
2/3-3/4 (Eyeball it) of a packet of Hidden Valley Ranch Dip Mix.
Hand full of fresh grated parmesan, about 1 packed cup.
Mix and let it sit, overnight. Mix again before serving.
Note: The expiration date on your sour cream is the expiration date for the dip. We would make 100lbs at at time and sell it out of a fridge by the back door.


Copied and saved – Can’t wait to try it!


Mr. Marica gonna love this!!!!


Any particular kind of Parmesan cheese?
Fancy cheese shop Reggiano or a chunk of Kraft, Cabot, etc. from the grocery store?
I’m so excited that you would share your secret super good recipe!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Anything but the green Kraft shake can. We buy big hunks of reggiano at about $15/lb, and about 1/2lb will fill up a gallon glad bag. Little hunks of parm, cheaper, in 3 ounce size are fine, but has to be grated.
KitchenAid food processor has the cheese grater attachment. I haven’t purchased grated cheese in 30yrs. Saves me a small fortune.


I have the same Kitchen Aid processor, but it’s getting old, no longer pulses, but is great for grating cheeses. I also use it for making bread crumbs. Home grated cheese does taste better than bags of grated cheese.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“getting old” – call Kitchen Aid. Guaranteed for life. The will replace. Bought mine 29yrs ago, used heavily, rarely a day off. Could not live without it. The one thing the kids really needed when they moved out to set up their own kitchens.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

As long as I have a lot of ice, and a lot of cheese, I feel rich!


OK guys!! I am Bringing President Trumps Chef to this party!!!! You’re Welcome😍

Sylvia Avery

I LOVE this! Ha, ha!!!!


IS this amazing Sylvia??? Love this so MUCH!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

The Chef knows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Isn’t this awesome?!!


Next Party I am going to make Cheese ball in the shape of a Q! See what happens with my normie friends and fam!!


Sorry to be the Debbie downer here with the food. Modern food is killing you. For most of us meat, eggs and water is all we need to survive and stay strong. Anything processed or manufactured is killing you. Think of food as fuel, not a pleasure center. And for those who go with the “we all die any way attitude”. Go visit a retirement home or assisted living center. See if that is how you want to live.
Big Ag is poisoning you. The doc then prescribes meds to fix your symptoms. Symptoms create side effects which needs more meds. Rinse, wash, repeat. Don’t get on the pll mill.
Eat meat, eggs and drink water. Lift weight three times a week.


Bison meat from pastured animals is a miracle food for me. Lamb from New Zealand (no pesticides) is the runner up. Salted romaine lettuce gives a nice flavor/crunch combination. However, traditional diets always, always had certain elements, fermentation being one.

Sylvia Avery

If AOC sees this, she is gonna be so pissed. No meat. Pass the tofu.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Hence why I said keto and paleo friendly in the beginning.


Our thread would not be complete without this recipe:
Mary McLeod Trump’s Meatloaf
2 lbs fresh ground beef
1 Spanish onion (fine dice)
1 Red bell pepper (fine dice)
1 Green bell pepper (fine dice)
2 cloves garlic (minced)
1 large beefsteak tomato diced fine (remove seeds)
2 extra large fresh eggs
2/3 cup of seasoned breadcrumbs
¼ cup chopped parsley
2/3 cup of tomato puree
1/2 tablespoon of salt and pepper
1). In a large sauce pan slowly cook peppers, onion, garlic and tomato until the onions turn translucent and let cool.
2). In a large mixing bowl add ground beef, cooked cool vegetables, eggs, breadcrumbs, parsley, salt and pepper and mix well.
3). Remove the mixture from bowl and place in a 14”x 9” x 2” ceramic baking dish and form into a loaf.
4). Top loaf with tomato puree and bake in a 350 degree oven for 45-55 minutes or until brown and firm.
5). Let the loaf rest for 10 minutes before slicing. Serve with mushroom gravy and mashed potatoes.


Good for you cookies
Preheat oven to 350                                                                                                                                             Mash 2 ripe bananas                                                                                                                                       
1 and 1/2 cups oats, ruffly ground them in food processor                                                                       
1/2 tsp salt                                                                                                                                                          Mix it                                                                                                                                                                     Mix in 1 tbsp maple syrup, walnuts or pecans, dried cherries or raisins and dark chocolate chunks                                                                                                                                     
Make balls, flatten them, place them on greased cookie  sheet and bake them for 15-16 minutes                                                                                                                                     
Enjoy because they are good for you and delicious     


Good for you cookies Preheat oven to 350 Mash 2 ripe bananas 1 and 1/2 cups oats, ruffly ground them in food processor 1/2 tsp salt Mix it Mix in 1 tbsp maple syrup, walnuts or pecans, dried cherries or raisins and dark chocolate chunks Make balls, flatten them, place them on greased cookie sheet and bake them for 15-16 minutes Enjoy because they are good for you and delicious


I think I gained weight just reading this thread… And now I am starving !!!
Going to have to try some these recipes !


Snack idea that is not Popcorn!
White Trash
1 block white melting chocolate. Break into chunks and melt.
Into a large paper bag dump:
Bag of corn chips, Frito type
Bag of pretzel sticks
Bag of chocolate covered candiy, M & M type
Small box Chex cereal, your favorite flavor
Pour melted chocolate over items in bag. Shake and stir around to coat snack items. Rip open wide of bag and open flat. Spread coated items out flat, cool to let chocolate set. Store in covered container. Enjoy the Q show!!