Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:
open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody
to post whatever they feel they would like
to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.
I’ve got to thinking about why Socialism fails to deliver to the poor, the sick, the downtrodden of the world. As Wolf has mentioned before it fails by design.
So if it fails by design, what does a winning design look like?
I know the winning formula involves giving dignity, building a relational foundation before supporting decisions to improve upon life choices, that kind of thing.
Sort of the opposite of Bernie Sanders cast in the role of a Hallmark Santa Claus. We know that government assistance has been a big fail. And the socialists would like us to think that individual assistance is rare and inadequate.
From my own experience I learned that people want you to understand what matters to them, they may want you to meet one need that seems like a wrong priority, but the willingness to allow them to share their priorities may open a door to a conversation that would not happen otherwise.
I’ve also learned that I truly have no idea how to really help others. My helplessness has opened my heart to more of God in my own life as I partner with the person that I would like to help.
Maybe you would like to share a story about your own experiences with helping others. A task not for the faint of heart.
I’m looking forward to reading your thoughts about this.

Selection from the chapters On Charity by Saint Maximus the confessor, abbot
Charity [caritas or agape in Greek] is a right attitude of mind which prefers nothing to the knowledge of God. If a man possesses any strong attachment to the things of this earth, he cannot possess true charity. For anyone who really loves God prefers to know and experience God rather than his creatures. The whole set and longing of his mind is ever directed toward him.
For God is far superior to all his creation, since everything which exists has been made by God and for him. And so, in deserting God, who is beyond compare, for the inferior works of creation, a man shows that he values God, the author of creation, less than creation itself.
The Lord himself reminds us: Whoever loves me will keep my commandments. And this is my commandment: that you love one another. So the man who does not love his neighbor does not obey God’s command. But one who does not obey his command cannot love God. A man is blessed if he can love all men equally. Moreover, if he truly loves God, he must love his neighbor absolutely. Such a man cannot hoard his wealth. Rather, like God himself, he generously gives from his own resources to each man according to his needs.
Since he imitates God’s generosity, the only distinction he draws is the person’s need. He does not distinguish between a good man and a bad one, a just man and one who is unjust. Yet his own goodness of will makes him prefer the man who strives after virtue to the one who is depraved.
A charitable mind is not displayed simply in giving money; it is manifested still more by personal service as well as by the communication of God’s word to others: In fact, if a man’s service toward his brothers is genuine and if he really renounces worldly concerns, he is freed from selfish desires. For he now shares in God’s own knowledge and love. Since he does possess God’s love, he does not experience weariness as he follows the Lord his God. Rather, following the prophet Jeremiah, he withstands every type of reproach and hardship without even harboring an evil thought toward any man.
For Jeremiah warns us: Do not say: “We are the Lord’s temple”. Neither should you say: “Faith alone in our Lord Jesus Christ can save me.” By itself faith accomplishes nothing. For even the devils believe and shudder.
No, faith must be joined to an active love of God which is expressed in good works. The charitable man is distinguished by sincere and long-suffering service to his fellow man: it also means using things aright.
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this:
to look after orphans and widows in their distress and
to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.“
Say what you want, comment on what other people said,
comment on people’s comments.
Keep it civil. Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.
See the January 1st daily thread for the rules of the road,
which are few but important.

Ot again
LOL Oops.
“Socialism Sucks”…is actually a very catchy slogan.
I hope that it catches on.
There are a lot of possibilities on ways to run with it, too.
Good meme-making possibilities.
For example:
Socialism Sucks so much, that ________. (Fill in the blank.)
I’ll do one:
Socialism Sucks so much, that socialists have to lie about it.
The Turning Point post with the photo of the young adults holding those signs is what got me thinking.
I don’t remember Who it was who did those signs…but those are great!
We heard it 1st here ! It’s perfect Wheatie
Socialism sucks so much that Cuba is sick and tired of it!!!

I’ll leave this here,,, HT getfitnow form OT for the article.
Socialism sucks so much that people by the millions are trying to escape from rigid socialist regimes with their cruelty, corruption and economic ruin!
It’s so very true, Wheatie.
Like a black hole in outer space,Socialism sucks the light and life out of everything and everyone
that nears it. Dark, hopeless, and (almost) no possibility to escape…
Lol! I should have read ahead before posting!
Social Sucks…the life out of everything it touches.
Socialism Sucks so much, that ________. (Fill in the blank.)
gravity takes time off
PGroup, lol.
“Actress Jamie Lee Curtis said embattled Empire star Jussie Smollett “needs mental health help,” after police in Chicago determined that he orchestrated a fake violent hate crime against himself.”
“It’s so disturbing, that to focus on the negative seems silly,” Jamie Lee Curtis said in an interview with Access. “He needs some mental health help … and I’m going to let courts and some other people decide what will happen.”
That is some typical Leftist gobbledy-gook, isn’t it.
“Poor Jussie, he must be excused for what he did…because he needs mental help.”
He committed multiple crimes!
He was in full possession of his mental capacities when he plotted, planned and carried out those crimes.
He seemed perfectly sane when he cried (and lied) on nationwide TV!
But now that he got caught, they’re trying to pull out the old ‘insanity’ ploy.
But, of course! Isn’t that what they all try to fall back on? Think David Duchovny and going to counseling for sex addiction. Some even tried to raise that with Weinstein.
Yeah…and in the meantime let’s bl*w up some catholic high schools while these people get the necessary therapy. Good grief. The bubble is small…but it is oh so thick.
Jussie Smollett “needs mental health help,” because he just found out Socialism SUCKS!
Jussie Smollett “needs mental health help,” because Socialists are Crazy.
Gail Combs
“Jussie Smollett “needs mental health help,” because he just found out Socialism SUCKS!
Jussie Smollett “needs mental health help,” because Socialists are Crazy.”
I believe Smollett has to have some mental problems that he concocted the crime that he blamed on Maga.
Would a person of sane mind do that…???
Maybe drugs screwed his thinking and that is possible..?????
I do think he should have mental treatment in prison.
We are lucky and Thanks Be to God that there was not a full blown riot in Chicago.
He has mental problems alright. His moral compass got installed upside down.
They’re trying to get ahead of a story that leads to this guy, not his cousin. Noone wants to talk about the MDMA found in the Empire casting directors home, when she and her husband were busted.
A while back I mentioned him going to rehab… seriously…
A few of us did here, anticipating a planned sympathy ploy.
Yup… wait for it…
Here is an example of socialism sucking. No way will I move to California until it’s liberated from socialism.
Strong vid. Ty! Thanked Olabear too.
Yes – great, isn’t it? If THAT isn’t incentive to GTFO of People’s Democrat Republic of Californiastan, I don’t know what is!
I recently and unexpectedly started a new chapter of my career. Almost immediately, I was offered a job in San Diego, CA. I could name my salary and they would pay to move me from east to west coast. It was in a field that I wanted to pursue. I turned it down. In the late 90s, I moved myself from the midwest to SD because it was a place I wanted to live. Why the change? Democrats have destroyed the entire state. Where else have people needed to create poop maps and homeless populate roadways in tents? I wonder what it will take to clean voter rolls there and bring back sanity. Will that happen in my lifetime? I cannot say. I only know I will not willingly walk into the decimated and deranged state of California until things change. Such a pity. I once loved California.
Cali is overrun by demons. I lived in southern cali late 70’s and 80’s. I couldn’t wait to get out of there.
I visited California one time and was not impressed. This was about 35 years ago and I never understood the fuss why people liked living there.
My husband went often to the California dessert when he worked for Aero Space and he loved it.
Take it right up the west coast, from SanDiego to Seattle (even Vancouver, B.C. And beyond)!!! It all SUCKS! Grew up in Seattle and got the hell out of there in 1979, and have never been back even though my immediate family lives there! My mother died in Bellevue (across the lake from Seattle) two years ago, but she understood I would not come back. The whole west coast is a shithole, and that includes Hawaii!!!
This is my story also. Grew up in Tacoma. 1964-1990. Moved to No. Alabama. Went back only when forced to, like when my mom passed. I love this part of the country (but I do miss Rainer in my back yard!)
The countryside of the PNW is fabulous, I agree Sally!
^ True story, rinse and repeat multiple times! Recruiters constantly reaching out to me for west coast jobs
SD, IMO, is the best city to live in/around on the entire west coast. But things are NOT what they used to be. I’ve noticed lots of transplants from SD now in my metro area – no beach anywhere in sight, but the population reminds them of how SD used to be.
Sigh I miss Coronado beach.
God’s purposes are yet to be revealed for the Golden State. I was just reviewing the history of the 1849 gold rush and realized that the immigrants from northern Europe ruined Mr. Sutter’s lumber business and property when gold was found. They were basically homeless tent city squatters. Notice a prototype pattern there?
I’ll be honest, I did like Tahoe, Monterrey and Pacific Grove. San Francisco, not so much. The south I’ve yet to visit.
Thanks for the nice new Open Thread, T3!
Great job.
Love the little MAGA gnomes!
Something I have learned about “helping people’…is that what we might think is ‘help’ is sometimes not help.
Personal example:
After my father passed on, my mother’s health started to suffer.
This often happens with a couple that has been together for a long time…and in my parents’ case, they had been married for 50 years.
My brothers each had ‘their ideas’ of what they wanted to do, to “help” Mom.
But they didn’t bother to ask her about it.
My Mom wanted to continue to be independent…and live in her own house.
One brother wanted her to move cross-country and move in with him.
Another brother wanted to put her in an assisted living home.
My brothers each had their own idea of what constituted ‘helping Mom’.
And they became furious with me, for supporting my Mom’s wishes…instead of their own.
I pretty much had to put my own life on hold for a couple of years, in order to help my Mom continue to live in her own home.
I was pretty much taking care of two houses and an invalid, who even refused to go to the doctor, towards the end.
But I did it gladly…because she was my Mom, and I love her.
Mom was able to live out her last years in dignity and privacy, which she put a high value on.
The idea of “helping others” is a tricky one, indeed.
Often people don’t realize that what they demand as ‘help’…has consequences that are even more harmful to them, than what they are demanding help from.
There are also Predators, who swoop in to ‘help’ people…but are really only using it as an opportunity to profit from the situation in some way.
Charities have become big business.
I think that the best ‘help’ that we can give to people, is to help them to help themselves…whenever that is possible.
All good observations Wheatie!
You said it well Wheatietoo.
My perspective on helping someone is to let them talk, and just listen or ask pertinent questions until they come to their own conclusions. In other words, just be there for them.
Of course that only works with lucid people mostly. Funny, but not really meant to be funny.
Thanks, Jane.

Yeah, it’s tricky isn’t it.
I took care of my husbands mother and she had to move in with us. There was a choice leaving her in NY and in a nursing home or she could live with us. Her health was not the best . She hated leaving NY and we gave her a choice. She really wanted to stay in the home she lived in for 50 years and that was impossible.
She lived us for 1 1/2 years before she past in her sleep. I had hirer a person to spend twice a week with her and clean her room and take her out in a wheelchair. This made our situation more enjoyable all around because she had someone other than me to speak with. She also did not feel that she was a burden that I cleaned her room.
When the person was with her I took myself to the gym and had some me time.
When I was a deacon there was much to help almost a full time task.
Today helping people for me is situational and one on one. Sometimes is as little as a kind word. Sometimes is sharing what I have for someone who needs what I have more than I.
I remember a funny situation where I had company of two church churchworkers for in-depth Bible study in my home and they loved the coffee I served. Before leaving I gave one LB of coffee I had brought back from NY.
The person said “you are generous” and I responded “no I am not because I still have one LB in the freezer if I had given you all my coffee I would have been.”
I always remind myself how I still have to work on my generosity to give more freely of time and things to share . I could do so much more of what I have.
wheatie! From someone who is experiencing a very similar situation this is a Perfect Post. I’m saving it. It has clarified so many thoughts and feelings that are jumbling around my head and heart.
Very wise words!
After that 140 post outpouring this week, I’m missing Q today.
Not me!

Seriously – I’m getting to post some other stuff. It’s a relief for me to THINK and not just REACT to new Q posts!!!
I’ll start missing Q soon, however! <3
Ha ha! I can understand that from your perspective. That was an awful lot of work for you to keep up. So it’s nice you got a breather.
LOL wolf! I spent my time bouncing between 8chan Qmap and here .there was no time for my normal reading. I always await Q drops and spend some time trying to decode in my head but over 100 drops has had me pooped out! yet here I am waiting for more. cant wait for your next posting Wolf, I have learned much from you and everyone here! thanks so much for all the insights and great conversation.
You are most welcome, and I’m glad you’re here and listening!!! <3
The greatest constitutional crisis since the Civil War
“The most immense and dangerous public scandal in American history is finally cracking open like a ripe pomegranate. The broad swath of the Trump-hating media that has participated in what has amounted to an unconstitutional attempt to overthrow the government are reduced to reporting the events and revelations of the scandal in which they have been complicit, in a po-faced ho-hum manner to impart to the misinformed public that this is as routine as stock market fluctuations or the burning of an American flag in Tehran.”
Good grief, that is well-said!!!
It is and Daily Mail hits a wide audience! I can hardly believe it.
LOL< I kept reading, each paragraph mentally thinking..ok, the next one will be the inevitable Trash Trump segment.but it didn't happen. A little stunned
I wrote another comment agreeing..but it got lost in space I think. YES! Daily Mail has a huge audience
lol….I hate word press
Here here!
Linda, so great, thanks for posting.
“….as routine as stock market fluctuations or the burning of an American flag in
Tehranthe streets of New York City.” THANKS COMMIE MEDIA!Another Glorious Day of WINNING!!!
And another Glorious post courtesy Wolfmoon:
Boris and Natasha Discover The Internet
This 200 drop – how did the good guys get it?
Tracybeanz video on “The 200”:
“You can find the entire thread below if you would like to circulate it.” – fleporeblog
“Finally finished following First List… At least 1 has changed name to THE 200 HA!!! FIghter there!!!” “Doing my little part…” – Marica
How dumb of an idea is it to make a list of “Pro-Trump accounts to block” b/c ppl interpret that immediately to mean “Pro-Trump accounts to follow and promote”

Remember to Follow The 200 Most Dangerous Pro-Trump Warriors on the Interwebz!
Love it!!! <3
I commented on the Tracy Beanz video:
Calling it what it is: “Lysenkoism”

“They’re faking science, too.”
Oh yeah they are…like declaring that there are dozens of Genders now, within the human species.
Are there any ‘scientists’ who back them up in that ridiculous claim?
And a degree in political science doesn’t count!
Dropping this threadreader compilation of my Twitter thread on Trisha B. Anderson, James Comey, and the socialist “microaggression” known as “inappropriate inaction”, whereby the system itself becomes passive-aggressive to accrue greater power to itself.
Otherwise known as the ARROGANT INEPTITUDE OF OBAMA.
That’s a great thread, Wolf…nice work!
Nailed it!
I especially liked this bit:
“Perpetuation of problems MUST happen under socialism, because solving problems is not in the state’s survival interest.”
So true!
Seeing that picture of Comey doing his ‘jump’ pose, reminded me of something I read recently…
Brad Parscale, who is in charge of the Trump Campaign…is 6’8″.
Which is the same height as Comey.
I did not know that!
Brad is AWESOME!!!
Oh yeah he is!

Hmm…WP didn’t like that first photo.

Here’s a different link of the same one:
WOW. POTUS is already not exactly a short guy!
Yup…I think he’s 6’2″ or 6’3″.
He must be a giant.. seriously… wowza..
Hi T3!! “What does a winning design look like” It looks Like HERE! Every Single day! Every single time I come HERE–I find I can rest my head and KNOW– without a doubt–there are TRUE PATRIOTS –who WILL fight the Good Fight! Stand up for our GOD Our Family and OUR COUNTRY!!
We could be a “bubble” However..If you and I see the Yellow Vests in France and the posts by Flep regarding the true WW Great Awakening!!
And then….
Before I posted this .. I reread your what you just said…
I’ve also learned that I truly have no idea how to really help others. My helplessness has opened my heart to more of God in my own life as I partner with the person that I would like to help.
T3! Just being one of God’s creatures–at this time–at this place–HELPS US ALL!!! You are here –We are all HERE By God’s design!!! You are a God Send!! Never doubt that!!! You have helped me!! So there’s!
Great point, Marica. I think all of us being here at this place at this time, and sharing our thoughts and support, is enormously helpful. I’ve really learned a lot from the different points of view and life experiences that each of us contribute. Just think what it would be like if all of this stuff were happening and we had nowhere to go to talk about it and make sense of it and no Q to enlighten us about what is REALLY going on. I think it would be pretty disturbing. That is undoubtedly what is happening to a lot of “normies” right now. Trump is unmasking everyone and that is causing a lot of cognitive dissonance, the democratic party is imploding, plus all the things that are coming out about Russiagate are completely contrary to what the media has been selling.
This kind of gets back to what Q has recently started saying: We are the news now. I just read a great post by an anon on Voat about what that means and what Q is asking of us. For those who want to check it out:
Linda! YEP!! We ARE the News NOW!!
The Democrats are like a bunch of import cars. The old Democrats are out of gas, and all the hot new electric models their brains are short-circuited!
That is an excellent, easy to read but nicely detailed overview of the citizen’s role in the Q scheme. You are the News as a “you are here” statement to help us see where we are in the unfolding battlespace for the mind of America.
Linda! We GET THIS!!! hugs girl!
T3, Those cute gnomes cracked me up. Thank you.
Was going to say something too but didn’t know what to call them. Now hits head. Of course, gnomes! I even saw the movie with the gnome that went around the world. Should of known. Ackkk!
LOL. My brain does that often. Sometimes I have to look up descriptives to find my words. Glad I took my SATs 56 years ago.

I meant to explain the choice of photo. I was looking for something with Santa, as in FAKE Saint Socialism. But these gnomes were good. I was seeing them as creatures that you would not really be in charge of all the resources and deciding who gets what.
You didn’t know what to call gnomes?
Now this is a true case of having an issue with gnomenclature!
THERE you ARE Steve! We’ve been missing you!
Really, REALLY busy yesterday!
Work’s been a bit busier too, and frankly I welcome that.
Good for you !!!
Before I jump off to bed, I saw this earlier today and was quite pleased. This could be a repost though I haven’t seen it yet. If it is it’s definitely repeatable. Deals with pending legislation that the administration hopes to push involving the limiting of status for H-1B’s. And though it doesn’t mention it specifically, I’m hoping this might help limit the big socials in allowing how close H-1B’s get to the public square.
Also comments on this were great. Everyone loves the idea and slammed back against the bush center and others for crying foul.
Swallowwell being Swallowwell. Called out by Brit Hume for lying.
Dan Crenshaw called him out too:
There is something really wrong with Swallowwell. He really seems to ENJOY LYING. Brian Stelter is very close, in his persistence in pushing a deceptive point of view. Even after being called out on the most basic of facts – Stelter refuses to look at the contrary evidence and ADDRESS IT.
Swalwell, on the other hand, actually seems to enjoy being caught in his lies. He evokes a kind of smarmy satisfaction when caught, and then just moves on to a new lie.
If being called out on a lie doesn’t cause one any consternation, that’s a special kind of psychopathy. That’s a person that can lie w/ impunity he never feels negative consequences for it, only the positive benefits of framing reality to suit himself. Until he feels real pain – some libel suits for example – the behavior will NOT be checked.
Lucifer (aka—Satan, the devil, the serpent)— the father of lies. “You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He [Lucifer] was a murderer from the beginning [meaning he was complicit in and influenced Cain to murder Abel—cf. Gen. 4:6-15], and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.” (John 8:44).
Liz Wheeler and her segment “What wasn’t reported in the news this week.”
Oh, Commie-La Harris steps in it again! This woman is just as dopey as Beta and AOC…the meme engine is purring.
So stealing this! Thanks!
LOL!!! I didn’t catch that. SUBTLE. I always say Ka-MA-la. But KA-muh-la is wonderful!!! HAHAHAHAHA.
As VSG said of Carly: “That face!”
Like Carly, nastiness written all over it.
This had to be said – and needs to be said a thousand ways.
This is cringeworthy…and embarrassing.
Nasty Nan seems to be jumping on any opportunity to act like she ‘represents’ the US.
The replies are funny, though.
Exchanging flags was a bit creepy – reeks of giving away sovereignty and $$$.
Yeah it was probably a signal. If not it was symbolic.
I know it’s exhausting, Wolf, but you have to admit it was a great Q week!
I skipped down to here because I wanted to drop a funny… I found this on Quod Verum social, which is not a happy place, but Thomas Wictor lives there, with Rex… so I visit now and then (long story) anyway, here ya go..

This makes me think about the parade scheduled for 11/11/18, called off for reasons of cost.
VSG could very simply intend to celebrate America. But it is hard not to think there may be other significant reasons.
Targeted Messaging
Another gem from the twitterverse,,,, via QVF read the tweet storm.. aggressively stupid people..
Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you also be like him.
Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit.
~ Proverbs 26:4-5
Terrence K Williams update
And this one:
Excellent news… just terrific
So beautiful!
Yes, it is. So nice to see.
The man is not black. He is patriot.
lots of laughs here…sigh… I miss the Sunday funny pages
I bought the kids some Peanuts comic books. They just keep reading them and laugh and laugh!
As a possible President (should anyhting happen to POTUS and VPOTUS) she should ALSO be required to release her returns. She won’t release hers unless she RUNS…
Odd ball here. And surely believe politicians are crooked as can be. That said,have no interest in any of there tax returns.
CPAs craft the returns and they are legally defensible. Worst that can happen is a fine of sorts.
American people don’t have the focus to get into details required to grasp tax returns.
More likely, there is some “low hanging fruit” we could nail politicians on if the complicit MSM would do their jobs.
love the gnomes T*3!!!
I have thinking about making some of these for craft fairs and such…these guys are soooo cute!!
Michael Savage at home — must watch. He makes paella, pours himself a spritzer, talks Jaguars and ends with a sermonette:
I enjoyed a different side of Michael Savage. Good for him..!!!!
Thanks for watching, singingsoul.
Jussie attempts to cover his tracks:
is that the new subway and bleach diet I’ve heard so much about?
and I guess you practice chin ups by tying your neck to the chin up bar to avoid arm fatigue?
gees these new methods are fabulous aren’t they?
Here’s the story about the Trump Organization’s pastry chef who likes Q:
And this is a tongue-in-cheek commentary on the above from a lawyer:
Couldn’t agree more:
Another excellent point:
agreed…time for the 4th estate to learn a lesson. they can libel and slander famous people and unknown people; they can spout out opinion as if it were fact without consequence and they can inflame the public at will. All without responsibility–they HIDE behind FREE SPEECH. that was not it’s intention. Free Speech should protect ALL of us–not just them!
I am tired of tiered justice.
So am I.
I hope this woman stays safe.
Definitely time for a pro-bono libel suit!
A lawyer will step in.
I utterly loathe and despise the enemedia with every fiber of my being. I will not be silent,i will not bow to there god of PC, I will not sit in my hut shivering with fear of having impure thoughts of blowing them all off the face of the earth, I will not give them sheckels by tuning in to the evil they spread far and wide. I will enjoy to the fullest there demise and will cheer as the lot of them are marched off to GITMO where they all belong. rant off.
You know you don’t have to be so guarded with us. Come on, tell us how you really feel.
I have to agree With Michael.
If you keep your feelings bottled up like this, it could be harmful to you.
Pat and Sue, love both of your feisty comments. You ladies are the best.
CNN on Manafort:
Scott Adams says:
Quigley has a THREAD
Thanks for this, pR. Much appreciated. Hope everyone will read it.
This tweet is particularly interesting. Read the box about combining AI with near-term science fiction’, then the next box, about accounts ‘dramatically surging around voter fraud, QAnon, CaravanCrisis’:
The tweet referenced above is the Brett Horvath one.
Hi churchmouse,
I added a few more tweets made in reply to Quigley’s thread… you will probably find those of interest also. We have some really good researchers online… I love how they share info and connect the dots so beautifully. TEAMWORK! Greatest thing evah !!!
Thank you v. much, pR. Have read and digested.
There’s nothing better than teamwork!
The War Economy posted a THREAD from June of last year – click on tweet
Is Kamala the Deep State’s ‘dark horse’??????????????
We didn’t listen!
Thanks, Michael.
This is so ridiculous.
How condescending. I hope there is some divine intervention, or, for those who prefer, karma:
‘Bill Maher mocks Middle Americans as less ‘affluent and educated,’ saying ‘they want to be us’
‘“We have orchestras and theaters districts and world-class shopping. We have Chef Wolfgang Puck, they have Chef Boyardee.”
‘He continued: “The blue parts of America are having a big prosperity party while the big sea of red feels like their invitation got lost in the mail — and they still use the mail.”
‘The comedian went on to explain why he thinks red-state voters are so “pissed off.”
‘“The fly-over states have become the passed-over states, that’s why red state voters are so pissed off. They don’t hate us, they want to be us.”’
Lots of negative reactions here:
He is one ugly jackass.
in regards to wolfgang puck–I have always believed that those who add sauces and gravies to every thing they cook, can’t cook. (and yes I know that’s a matter of opinion) but I love meat and I eat mine unashamedly PLAIN…because I know how to cook it.
as for orchestras and theaters, I can enjoy music and cinema in my own home and do not need to be with thousands of other people to have a good time–one handsome hubby and a handful of friends will do just fine.
world class shopping? you mean higher prices and simpering salespeople to stroke your ego and lure you into buying overpriced clothes and accessories…no thanks.
Agree with you on two out of three.
Sauce is another thing entirely. The only things I don’t serve sauce with are steak (except steack au poivre) and stuffed baked pork chops.
Everything else has sauce. Then, again, Better Half and I are very much influenced by classic French cuisine.
A good saucier gets top billing in a professional kitchen. Sauce is very hard to do correctly and consistently.
I’m sure that’s true and to each his own!
I’m just responding to his narcissistic attitude–oh you all wish you were ME! like “Hollyweird” views itself as something we little people strive to attain and they think they are our role models…what utter nonsense…
we all have different influences and tastes…
I would not wish for sauce to be tied in with Hollywood at all.
Sauce just happens to be served there.
Hollyweird needs a big helping of CROW…what sauce would you serve with that?
I don’t eat crow.
But, with little birds, take the meat off the bones and cook the breasts separately.
Meanwhile, sauté the bones with fat or butter in a pot to get flavour. Then, add water and/or wine to cover, bring to a boil, then simmer until reduced. Add salt and pepper to season. Strain.
Make a roux or a red wine reduction, then add the stock from the bones to make a medium-textured sauce. (No thick gravies.) Salt the final product adequately and stir a teaspoon of butter through to finish.
Pat, I think most of Hollyweird is hopeless and are bullies. They get off from feeling superior by smack talking the little people….ya know those stupid little people that bought their crap and made them famous.
Forget the crow..they need a big plate of Whoop Ass.
I’m sure you could make even crow taste delicious churchmouse!
(and I choose Molly for my dodge ball team! let’s open that can!)
The dodgeball game should be with cannonballs.
churmouse, love good French cooking and French homemade sauces, but hardly ever have them. Would have them much more often if I could. Your husband is blessed.
Careful. You can never be sure who is who.
Cooking is not a female’s domain professionally. Men approach it with much more rigour.
That said, everyone can make good French food at home. This is how we avoid going out to eat too often.
Well, true. Apologies. Very true about good food.
FU Bill, I wouldn’t want to ever be like you any of your Elite ilk.I am content with where I am in my life ,Paul tells us to be content with our lives no matter our station. I have no desire to live a soulless ,putrid ,evil life,even if its filled with wolfgang puck or fancy operas. Money will not give you happiness I found that out when I was much younger, it brought me misery and simple life is filled with love of family, love of God and I wouldn’t want it any other way Bill,so kiss my a**.
That man needs an encounter of the Fear of God kind.
TTT, so agree. He does, indeed.
You bet.
I thought comedians were supposed to be funny. He’s not funny, he’s not witty, he’s just disgusting.
I never knew he was a comedian.
I just thought he was a whiny sod presenting a skewed version of the news.
And I’ll add–losers with no grace are whiners.
Great tweet:
PDJT latest:
If I were a leftist, the thought of peaceful relations with North Korea would drive me nuts, especially if there is a personal friendship between VSG and Kim.
‘If I were a leftist, the thought of peaceful relations with North Korea would drive me nuts …’
That’s the part I do not understand. Aren’t leftoids the ones for world peace?
“That’s the part I do not understand. Aren’t leftoids the ones for world peace?”
They are as much for world peace as they are for any of their stated causes; for example, EQUALITY.
You beat me to it, Nor’easter!
The left aren’t “for” anything at all; they are wholly against.
They are control-freaks, who – because they haven’t any *inner* control – mistakenly try to satisfy their need for control *externally*. That is, to control others.
They are self-destructive – and would destroy everything around them before eventually destroying themselves. Their “causes” are merely “strawmen”, and even succeeding in their cause-du-jour won’t stop their need – they’ll just go on to the next “cause”, and then the next, and so on forever.
They’re as addicts are – always seeking the next (temporary) fix.
If we had world peace, leftists couldn’t virtue signal about it.
Take a minute and think about the fact that we are not slaves to OPEC and the Middle East. We do not have to fight fake wars to protect the supply of OIL which is the lifeblood for freedom and our economy.
Our currency will not be backed by gold. Oil production is our security to offset the 22 trillion in National Debt.
Just think about how much of that 22 trillion is linked to OIL. The cash out flow since 1973 is tremendous and the cause of deficit spending and I have not mentioned CHINA.
Now the real value of overthrowing Maduro…………Venezuela can replace the void of oil production from the Middle East and fill those 12 empty tankers. Let the desert winds bury those MF’ers.
North and South America can control the OIL and FOOD supply. VIVA the Americas.
DISCLAIMER:: In 1972 I received a C in the only Economics Class taken during my college days!
“C” is for competent, right???
wheatietoo says:
(ANOTHER Socialist name change)
““They’re faking science, too.”
Oh yeah they are…like declaring that there are dozens of Genders now, within the human species….”
You only have THREE posible genders.
Hermaphrodite (A genetic abnormality — this is where they get the ‘dozens of Genders’ since the genes can ‘break’ in multiple ways.)
Hermaphrodite now called intersexual
According to a SOCIALIST website
Notice the subtle method they use to increase the numbers.

True hermaphrodites, those with PHYSICALLY ambiguous genitalia, are “1 in 4,500.” THEY DO NOT GIVE PERCENTAGE. WHY?? Because it is only 0.022%
Well that will not grab attention so they up it to ” percentage of the population that is affected in some way by ambiguous genitalia” Now what the heck does that mean? Are you counting Mom, Dad, siblings??? a slight change in the X or Y chromozone?
But even that isn’t enough, so they increase it to “As much as 4% of the human population may be intersex in some way” — Weasel WORDS and MOAR Weasel WORDS!
So the only SCIENCE is 0.022% of humans are hermaphrodites/intersex.
Many of the rest have mental problems, probably due to SOCIAL influences. My Aunt constantly berated my Uncle, My male cousin grew up effeminate and my female cousin grew up mannish. This shown to be the case in the stats.
So even if you include those who are ‘genetically’ inclined to be gay, you are STILL less than 2%.
So why isn’t there a big push for making Red hair ‘Special’? after all they sunburn very easily, a physical problem.
WIKI- “Red hair (or ginger hair) occurs naturally in one to two percent of the human population, appearing with greater frequency (two to six percent) among people of northern or western European ancestry”
See they are about the same percentage or MORE in the population of the intersex or whatever.
Being intersex is very real, a person, a real human told me about it OT. Ironically, if you study early development, we are all intersexual in a sense, until fully formed. So this person preferred the term intersex, I certainly respect that.
I am not saying they do not exist. My Mom went to school with one. ‘He’ was drafted during WWII. When he went to the initial medical exam, ‘he’ was having his female monthlies. ‘He’ was tossed out.
What I am saying is they are RARE in the population. MUCH LESS THAN 1%!!! The rest need their heads examined.
OK – quick joke before I jump off and make breakfast for my granddaughter:
Bottle of Merlot
A Texan with a big cowboy hat asked a waiter to take a bottle of Merlot to an unusually attractive woman sitting alone at a table in a cozy little restaurant.
So, the waiter took the Merlot to the woman and said, ‘This is from the gentleman who is seated over there’…. and indicated the sender with a nod of his head.
She stared at the wine coolly for a few seconds, not looking at the man, then decided to send a reply to him by a note. The waiter, who was lingering nearby for a response, took the note from her and conveyed it to the gentleman.
The note read: ‘For me to accept this bottle, you need to have a Mercedes in your garage, a million dollars in the bank and 7 inches in your pants’.
After reading the note, the Texan decided to compose one of his own in return. He folded the note, handed it to the waiter, and instructed him to deliver it to the lady.
It read: ‘Just to let you know things aren’t always what they appear to be. I have a Ferrari Maranello, BMW Z8, Mercedes CL600, and a Porsche Turbo in my several garages; I have beautiful homes in Aspen and Miami, and a 10,000-acre ranch in Texas. There is over twenty million dollars in my bank account and portfolio.
But, not even for a woman as beautiful as you, would I cut off three inches. Just send the wine back.’
i love this!!
I knew you would! My friend from TX sent it to me.
hubby told me this one:
what’s the difference between a porcupine and a BMW?
a porcupine has its pricks on the outside…
ROFL – good one!
The Taxechusetts version is:
what’s the difference between a horse and a BMW?
The horse has the asshole on the outside (From Hubby who owned a BMW… )
New York State hates humanity:
This story didn’t allow for comments so tried to find one that did and couldn’t. Go figure.
Gab comments can’t get here soon enough!
Great post, T3! An important thing to think about, how to help.
I have a story along those lines.
A few years ago, a casual friend of mine’s daughter had leukemia. She was three years old. The nearest children’s hospital for treatment was a 250 mile drive away. My friend had to keep her previously full-time job to at least 20 hours a week to maintain insurance coverage. Her mother spent most weekdays at the hospital with her granddaughter, Dad went back and forth as much as he could, and my friend arranged her work schedule to be with her daughter as much as possible. They had another younger child, too. The three managed to be home together as a family a couple of days a week.
I had to do something for these people. I had no idea what. Another person had started a “meal train” for the family. There is actually a website which facilitates this. People sign up to make a meal for the family, and there is a schedule.
THAT was something I could do. My friend and I usually met in the parking lot after her workday, and had a chat before she went home with the meal. I watched the “train,” and noted that after a month or two, participation dropped dramatically. Long-term commitment became my vow, I was in it til the end, I swore. For about six months, once a week, I made dinner and delivered it to them.
It has now been several years since that ordeal. Her daughter is beautiful and healthy. Every so often, I get a text message that something has reminded her of my bringing her dinners for all those months. So much gratitude for what was such a small thing. It makes me cry every time. The last text was how she now had a friend in a similar situation, and how she was “paying it forward” by cooking for them!
The lesson in this for me was; when in doubt, feed them! Nourish the soul through the body. I’m sure my grandmothers would approve.
Aubergine thank you for sharing that sweet story. You are a special woman..:)
True many people are great short term but with longterm one sees true commitment.
I am happy the girl grew into a healthy young woman.
Me, too! She is such a cutie.
You go, Ronna!
Ronna needs to actually CONFRONT Schiff with the FACT that he is ‘all hat and no cattle’ …
House can’t even do real investigations, it’s all a political theater.
And when they issue phony subpoenas to Trump/team on false grounds with self-granted powers, the Executive should tell them to pound sand
Brian has a new article up at epoch news —
and a thread (click on tweet)
Personal Note:
I left OT… I was not banned.
Left the day after article on Q followers not welcome (November last year), which followed months of Sessions bashing (and subtle Q bashing). Only now… almost 4 months later, do I realize how much OT was conditioning me to expect “The Big Ugly” any day now. Q was saying patience Grasshopper. And Wolfie was inviting us here. (Thank you Lord!!!)
Brian Cates has defended Sessions from the beginning. Sessions isn’t the only one or thing Brian has had to defend. Read his article and his thread… and you’ll find one constant… “That’s not how the DoJ works.” In other words, the ‘investigations’ won’t be televised. The Cabal/Deep State is global. It’s a dang sight more than a corrupt FBI and DoJ. There will be NO “Big Ugly”… wrt FBI and DoJ.
Brian Cates’ twitter numbers are slightly higher than OT’s… and he frequently writes for the Epoch Times. He survived the Sessions is a rat period… perhaps because he took a wait and see position.
SC Mueller and his team have found no crime committed by Donald J. Trump. It may be months before any official report is written and submitted to AG Barr. Meanwhile the puppets will play their part in the theatre of the House and the media. Shiny balls 24/7 while they seek shelter from the storm.
ps Jussie is a ‘shiny ball’
Where should the narrative be? Trade Talks with China through the week-end, to be con’t next month…
Summit with Kim this week… and tons more POTUS is doing.
and Jussie sure took the attention OFF the Virginia fiasco…Governor is sure sighing a breath of relief there…and the Lt Governor and so on…
Timing is EVERYTHING in these scams, no?
Yes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Narrative changed completely… nothing in Virginia gov’t has changed.
And focus is on Jussie and AOC
If only they had sidewalks, I might consider moving out there.
Found additional info on why the Cook County Attorney recused herself re: Jussie – one of his own family members thought something was off, perhaps?
“Her office explained that Foxx made the decision “out of an abundance of caution” because of conversations she had with one of Smollett’s family members just after the report. When the relative expressed concerns about the case, Foxx “facilitated a connection” between the family member and detectives, according to a statement.”
Thank you! I agree.
This could mean a LOT of things, but all of those things could mean loss of office, if those facts came out later, during or after a proceeding, once things get started. Bet she realized those FACTS would come out.
At one extreme, they could mean she helped the relative “find detectives to figure out if Jussie is lying”. But at the other extreme, it could be “find detectives to go after Jussie’s critics and shut them up”. Or it could mean “find detectives to find those MAGA criminals that the police can’t find”.
Popcorn no matter which way.
I did note that the case will be handed off to her FIRST ASSISTANT. That way she can still influence it. TSK, TSK!!!
Daugn…… Please tell your Hubby….
Regretfully, I will have to decline his gracious offer for a trip there for the Arkansas/Ole Miss Ballgame this year.
My decision was made when the Ole Miss team decided to take a knee (ala Kraperdick) during our NATIONAL ANTHEM…. in their against Georgia…. Then your “coach” had their backs!
If I were your “coach”…. I would have benched every last one of the Kneelers.
Then I would probably have kicked them off the team!
A Basketball GAME (or season) is not worth disrespecting OUR Military, LE, CITIZENS or COUNTRY!
browsing citizen free press and whatfinger this morning and BOTH sites had links to Sundance & TCH story on Reconciling Spygate with the soft coup…interesting…
Wonder if it’s worth reading…..
I gave it a cursory glance or two…
It’s mainly a regurgitation of previous articles.
OK, that makes sense. SD usually makes SOME NEW POINT, surrounded by a bunch of quoting of prior research. THAT is actually a very good method, and was clearly a learned behavior to keep from having to “educate noobs to the topic”.
But if it’s not a big enough new insight to make the title in a clear way, I’ll wait for one that is!
i actually skimmed it more closely and I will say it’s a nice narrative version of what’s been going on…for us, it’s old news, but putting it out there more and more will allow more people to piece together and understand it hopefully.
Dan Bongino wrote a book on the subject, called it Spygate…
The War Economy has a THREAD (2/21) with Brennan focus – maybe some new stuff for you there…
Brian Cates has said repeatedly they (Comey on down) are all under investigation.
I don’t think McCabe is taking the fall… I think he has flipped big time. Why else would he be revealing so much on media? He’s a crook and he’s been hildebeast’s go to guy for over twenty years… but he’s not stupid. He got too used to being protected, that’s for sure. Geo Webb has produced a lot of documentation of his numerous crimes for HER.
Jeff at the market works has tons on the subject of ‘Spygate’ as does Dawson Fields… they have all worked together (more ‘teamwork’) to connect the dots…
‘you know who’ has tangled with each of them… and others … on this topic
The War Economy has written 7 pieces on ‘Spygate’ – here’s link to #7 (2/21/2019) (other parts are in his twitter TL). Some citizen journalists believe his compilation to be most thorough…
i got Bongino’s book for Christmas and so far do not like it…
I am an avid reader, but this is disjointed and dry given the subject matter. I have picked it up and put it down at least a dozen times…
Not of the same opinion.
do you recommend skipping the first section? the names, dates and references seem like an encyclopedia…and trying to keep them all straight is burdensome.
better if i skip that and read the second section?
Very useful!!!
i can take the bullet if you’d like…lol
I scanned, but saw a lot of rehash
weird things right now with WP…I replied to Wolf…comment didn’t post…usually takes a little bit…clicked on newer comments…it says 182 comments, clicked on older comments…it says 180 comments…
and still my other one isn’t appearing…lol…it’s in the twilight zone I guess…
Comment went into spam bucket! I just liberated it! Thanks for the tip.
I”M FREE!!!!!!!
I didn’t read the whole thing. It is mostly stuff he has covered before but overlaid with a couple of new things–you know how he does that. It isn’t a bad thing especially when dealing with so much detail and complexity. It helps remember what was said and done and by whom.
I thought it was a pretty good, detailed piece on what went on to get us to this point. Where SD and I diverge is I have hope for a good outcome and he doesn’t seem to, although this article wasn’t excessively gloomy.
Once upon a time I learned the term battered conservative from him (where we always jump to the worst conclusions because that is all we have known and how we have been treated in the past). Comes to mind often, now, when reading SD.
I refuse to abandon hope. I believe Q is lighting the way forward. I believe PDJT will win.
this deserves more scrutiny in my opinion…
It won’t get it – there are sitting Congress critters who do not live in their districts. Pffffttt……a simple technicality in their minds.
Related note: There is actually no US constitutional requirement that states divide themselves into districts.
At one point the Supreme Court decided that states could not impose additional requirements on congresspukes (e.g., term limits) but I have no idea if anyone has ever brought up “having to live in a district” as a possible violation of this. It may be that many states don’t require it in any case.
Could be – thanks.
BULLSHIT on “conspiracy theorist”.
He did this for CANKLES.
What the Dems are doing now is SMART.
– They are covering up their socialist history with Russia.
– They are CONTAINING THE DAMAGE in the FBI by cutting it off at McCabe.
– They are SAVING the core of the infection in KGB-CIA.
– THIS is part of the turning point in the narrative that Q was talking about.
– THIS is cover-up of the VLWC (vast left-wing conspiracy)
– They are saving Halper so it doesn’t overturn Watergate history
– They are desperate to preserve the “Q = conspiracy theory” narrative
Sorry, wicked Dems. Your entire schtick needs to be UPROOTED and THROWN ON THE BURN PILE.
Q is right. We HAVE TO get rid of this stuff. Half-measures will not do.
Wow! WM, if you ever even had any cobwebs in your thought processes, they have been sent to the winds here…clear thinking one can share so others can “feel” it is more important than we may know. Appreciate ALL you do!
Thanks! I had an amazing night last night. There are certain problems that I can’t solve in a waking mental state – I have to be in a dream state (I love having “too much” introspection on my own brain – very useful). I can sometimes bring some kind of lower-D projection of the dreamish realization back as a thought-image which can be assessed in a waking state and THOSE ASSESSMENTS then put into words.
That’s the background.
What I realized last night is a larger statement about religion, science, “The Plan”, THE PLAN, and reality in a larger sense. I was able to achieve a state in which I could check almost arbitrarily for logical consistency between problems, solutions, relationships among these things, and I was FINDING IT.
Within these thoughts, “Trust The Plan” is simply a subset, but I was finding consistency both within it, across it, and into or out of it, in relationship to the larger framework of things which are not yet revealed and may not be revealed.
All of this was really good. An aspect of it that I could in some ways describe as a “safety margin” was surprisingly good.
Furthermore – based on the “knowability” of what I was experiencing – I’m very certain that the Q folks know exactly what I’m talking about. This is WHY they say “Trust The Plan”. They get that safety margin, and likely got it a long time ago.
Wolf, I’m a pretty smart guy, but I don’t pretend that I get *everything* that you say.
In the main, for me, it matters not.
“problems that I can’t solve in a waking mental state”
Our mind are bifurcated. In the waking state, critical thinking rules (analytic; destructive from the get-go); but in the sleeping state, what I call “optical thinking” (positive; creative from the start) rules.
In short, the “yes” mind rules sleep, and the “no” mind rules wakefulness.
We need BOTH. Furthermore, the waking “no” mind is PREDICATED on the “yes” mind of sleep. Negation is predicative; it MUST have a “something” to negate. This is why the optical mind rules FIRST.
IMO, of course! Yet I’ve found it to be true, and the advice to “sleep on it” make good sense, in this context. When one wakes from sleep, one has a better perspective – one which likely couldn’t have been gained while staying awake. We need both halves of our mind, to better understand.
Sleep is time for PROCESSING, both physically, and mentally. For body AND mind …
Thanks for that! <3

The periodic nature of such things is indeed a real and fortunate gift of the universe. The "physical" construction / representation which provides the needed periodicity gives me pause to wonder about just how hardware hardware really is. Beautiful thoughts – almost like I'm still dreaming!
Life is too good. I refuse to be restrained by destructive logic, and will Praise God profusely right here and now!!!
“Thanks for that!”
You’re very welcome! It pleases me that I can add, in whatever way, to your (and others, I hope!) understanding.
“destructive logic”
Has it been proven that the “logic” we’re familiar with is the ONLY TYPE of logic? I put the same question, in re mathematics.
Here’s a wonderful clue: NO! we haven’t “finished” logic. And NO! we haven’t “finished” math. There is a greater logic; there is a greater math. Thank God!
This is a substantial claim of the book I’m writing (will it ever see completion? lol).
You’re on the true path, Wolf!
ES, thanks for expanding on this…I recently took responsibility for what was becoming an increasingly emotional conflict in a group of women…imagine that..anyway it was an evening that I hosted the group and let the issue slide without addressing it when it came up and I could have addressed it but I wrongly thought it was not a big deal to anyone because if the issue had directly affected me it would not have been a big deal..still learning what seems really trivial to me is NOT trivial to everyone.
Listening to discussions between a few after most had left though I knew I needed to figure out how to smooth out the ruffles. Then after everyone left, I began sorting through facts and played around with ways to best address my desire to correct the result my inaction that at the core caused the conflict…the next morning when I woke up, the answer was incredibly clear and it worked and everyone is happy including me who now knows that particular issue is NOT trivial to a few in the group!
Your statement, “Sleep is time for PROCESSING” is so true but I haven’t learned to consciously use the dream state WM uses so effectively.
Thanks, Judy.
“I haven’t learned to consciously use the dream state”
You don’t need to – and in fact, one cannot “consciously” use the unconscious mind. It happens all on its own! Sleep IS the “dream state” – no effort required! One needn’t “use” it … it presents automatically.
Stress begone! Hahhhhhhh …
WM, so interesting how the dream state benefits you so intensely with such clarity. It shows your connection is strong AND that you are paying attention which brings to mind another frequent Q statement. “You have more than you know.”
The “safety margin” you speak of has to do with what/when disclosures happen?
The “safety margin” you speak of has to do with what/when disclosures happen?
That’s one really big aspect of it. It also includes societal choices and historical development.
Everybody sees this stuff from their own perspective, wherein different things loom large in terms of importance and priority. What I was seeing was a lot of “event room”, where there was a lot of tolerance for differences in orders of understanding, choices, etc. I could see this from different perspectives.
The system seemed less fragile than I’ve worried it might be. That implied good design at some deep level, which is consistent with one of the ideas juggling within this – the idea that the periodic table (basically an output of the functions of the parameters of quantum mechanics) is not as DANGEROUS of a wheat-chaff sorter as I suddenly thought it might be, when I realized that it probably WAS a wheat-chaff sorter. The question of WHY the periodic table has certain output properties is a fascinating idea, but ignoring that, and just saying “how do we deal with those (both known and hypothetical)?”, I realized that the very fact that we can SEE that it’s a wheat-chaff sorter speaks to a kind of design safety which is biased toward the “God end” of intelligence and away from the satanic. This is true even if one frames the “Goddish” stuff atheistically – that the property is an evolutionary bias property of the multiverse, toward greater intelligence.
All of this is deeply tied to the idea that humanity has to have spiritual development commensurate with technological development. And there are other reasons why I was seeing more safety than previously in THAT STUFF, too, but I want to think about those ideas more before discussing them.
Very interesting, WM…and reassuring that you found the existence of “a kind of design safety which is biased toward the “God end” of intelligence and away from the satanic. This is true even if one frames the “Goddish” stuff atheistically – that the property is an evolutionary bias property of the multiverse, toward greater intelligence.”
I think we will all be interested to hear more about “the idea that humanity has to have spiritual development commensurate with technological development”. Sounds way above my pay grade but I am curious and teachable….
When the time is right!
Hey! I remember that dude!
Acts 2:17
And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams
Very cool.
Ii believe anyone with a strong enough motive, such as you, can increase their skill at sending messages from the sleep world to the waking world. (My trust is in the One who guides that skill development, not in our own talents though.)
Here’s another question to play with. In the Law as given by G-d to the Israelites through Moses, the temple sacrifices include a morning and evening sacrifice. Presumably to sanctify time.
As the time of sunset and sunrise are always moving throughout the year, this requires forethought to plan and track with a moving time target. And as many spiritual people have noted the human spirit opens to awe more readily during that period when the sun rises or sets.
I’ve been mulling this over for a while. Is G-d setting up a framework where He leads in the dance to deepen relationship? Or is there more to this?
Your question leads to some interesting thoughts. I’ll get back to the gang when they’re more fully considered!!!
has to be done and without any regard for people’s reputations or the good of our “democracy”.
is this is covered and smothered again like always everything that anyone here has thought or felt will be just tossed in orxer to cover up. conspiracy theorists will just stay conspiracy theorists and THEY will continue to derride and honestly spit in the face of america.
we canmot go back and we cannot accept a retuen to normal. if you accept that yoj are co,plicot amd aiding the enemy.
It is, quite simply, a live-or-die decision and I do not believe I am overstating the case. If THIS movement fails, then the US will not exist as it’s own entity within 10 years, IMO. We will be wrapped up into the globalist government and The People of the US will finally be forced to face the realization that we are ALL nothing but collateral and 100% owned by the Cabal. And I mean that literally!
If we do not stop this treachery now—we will have CWII. The 65 million and growing Trump supporters will not simply disappear. I believe that President Trump is the last chance that we have to solve this peacefully.
Too many are awake, with more experiencing the Great Awakening each and every day. The radical left does not win this in the long run—they are heavily out-gunned and out-MANned .
we will not be fighting against our snowflake neighbors and the local liberals you think of (although they might push them out front first to sacrifice them for their own purposes)- we wil ne fighting against a massive power that the evil global cabal will be able to bring to bear against us. if we think it wil be a non contest we must remember who the enemy is. and they do not play by the same rules of law that freedom and liberty patriots live by instinctually.
Well, it sure will not be from the German military…it is in shambles. The Chinese do not have the capability to move large amounts of forces half-way around the globe. Several European countries have their own Great Awakening going on.

Add to that the fact that the United States has the most heavily armed citizenry on the planet and the vast majority of the US Military are patriots—I know where I am placing my bet.>>>
So true – this, along with the apathy still far too prevalent in society, is why I think a hot civil war will fail. Good heavens! They have helicopters that can hover over a neighborhood and completely cut off all power, as well as put everyone into a somnambulent, almost zombie-like state. Then they simply walk into, or break into, the houses and round people up.
Sorry, but I can see no way we, as citizens, could possibly prevail without the military on our side. THAT is another subject that would need to be addressed. How many would stand with the American people? TBH, IDK.
“Danger, Will Robinson.” Andrew, this warning needs to be taken to heart. The enemy fights by a different set of rules, just as they live by a very different set of rules.
I LOVE this JW!!! so glad to see you posting here!!! I always loved your posts OT. !!! Agree x 1000%!
Thank you, Marica! Thank you for bringing my attention—with almost the entire old gang right here! I enjoyed posting at CTH because of all of you and YOU!
There are so many new commenters at CTH. I still post but this rabid anti-Q bit without having all of the evidence has become a step too far. I love Sundances posts and have tons of respect—but something has changed. The out-of-the-blue attack on Bill Mitchell was also a red-flag for me. I enjoy many sources with many different angles—it seemed CTH started to censor some. Jeff Sessions? Apparently NOT Swamp according to McCabe.
I want to write up an opinion on the open thread about the things I think MAY be happening—I have a couple of theories. I have to find time for it first—I took a week off for time with family and my birthday on Wednesday. I will be back soon!
Take care of yourself, Marica! Bark at the Moon! AAAWWWOOOOOOOOO!!!
Wolf, please don’t beat around the bush. Tell us what you really think!

McCabe is a crook. He’s not worthy to scrub Jeff Sessions chamberpot.
“Back in 2011, the indomitable Peter Schweizer published Throw Them All Out, a detailed examination of political corruption as it is actually practiced in the halls of Congress.
In his investigation, Schweizer found one single member of Congress against whom no allegations could be held – who had never taken a dime that was not his, had never cut any backroom deals, had never, simply put, played the game.
That individual was Jeff Sessions.”
Jeff Sessions Accomplishments 1st Six Months:
*Ended “catch and release” policy
*ICE arrests up 40% as of May
*ICE arrests are 75% criminal illegals as of May
*Ice Arrests for non criminal illegals up 150% as of May due to sanctuary cities polices making Ice go to the home instead of the court houses
*70%+ decrease in border crossings of illegal aliens in JAN,FEB,MAR,APR) 64% down in MAY
*This year the U.S. has already deported 398 MS-13 gang members back to El Salvador – compared to only 534 for all of 2016
*Pursuing the shutting down of sanctuary cities
*Foods stamp requests by ILLEGALS D O W N
*The Trump administration has moved to reopen the cases of hundreds of illegal immigrants who had been given a reprieve from deportation by Obama
*Travel ban EO cut refugees to 50,000. Has been blocked by courts so far.
*Pres Trump Sec of DHS ended DAPA (06/16/17)
*Refugees dropped by half entering the USA in first three months of Pres Trump’s admin over Obama’s admin. (6/24/17 per Washington Times)
*6,000 MS-13 gang members arrested in first 5 months
*66,000 mostly criminal illegals arrested by ICE in first 5 months
*Authorities have arrested an unprecedented number of sexual predators involved in child sex trafficking rings in the United States and around the world
*DOJ issues new sentencing guideline to enforce tougher laws on drug dealers
*DOJ stops Obama’s slush funds
*Massive raids on gangs going on across the nation
*More arrests for voter fraud in 2017 then anytime in recent history.
*DOJ and DHS ordered to take on transnational criminal gangs
*No tolerance for violence against LEO with a signed EO
*Nominated 21 conservative judges to the federal court
*AG Sessions dismantling the Obama legal doctrine brick by brick at the DOJ per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Operation Broken Heart led by the DOJ arrested over 1,012 sexual child predators across the nation bringing 69,000 cases against them. (06/28/17)
*AG Sessions has asked for an extra $26 million to hire 300 prosecutors devoted to gang violence and deportation cases per Bloomberg (06/29/17)
*Reviewing the Obama land grabs
*Reviewing and repealing Obama’s regulations
*Returned power to make decisions on “transgender bathrooms” to states
*Formed Commission on voter fraud led by VP Pence
*Installing aspects of extreme vetting at points of entry to the USA
*22 federal agency task force formed to help the rural America fight regulations and lack of prosperity led by Sec Perdue
*Sec Kelly dropped many “Pro-Obama Islamic groups from funding” Groups that pushed for sharia law and closed muslim communities within the USA. (06/23/17 per breitbart)
*TRAVEL BAN upheld by SCOTUS by 9-0 ruling. Extreme vetting will now become law of the land.
*ScottPruitt signed #WOTUS proposed rule, supporting @POTUS order to restore the rule of law.
*Travel BAN now in full effect across the world. (06/29/17)
*On May 4th, 2017 Pres Trump signed the Religious Freedom EO ordering his admin among other things to not enforce the Johnson amendment.
*U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) has almost doubled the amount of cocaine seized this fiscal year compared to the year before.
*The Trump Administration has essentially “abolished” the practice of deferring deportations for illegal aliens in immigration court, a new report claims.
*U.S. immigration agents planning nationwide raids to arrest teenagers who are suspected gang members – Reuters
*ICE Busts 36 Sex Offender Criminal Aliens in Sanctuary City
*Attorney General Jeff Sessions has asked dozens of U.S. attorneys appointed by former President Obama to submit their resignations
Restoring Law and Order – Greenfield –
Sessions progress –
Freezes Funds to Orgs that Aid Illegals –
Sanctuary Cities announcement – 3/7/18
…and I’ve got a whole LOT MOAR!!!!
STILL a fan and defender of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions.
Anyone with the good sense to hire Stephen Miller, stand against open borders, illegal immigration and human trafficking and be the first person endorse Donald J Trump is a gutsy warrior!!!
“STILL a fan and defender of Jefferson Beauregard Sessions.”
As am I, GA/FL!
For the reasons you’ve stated, and others.
Me three!!!
I think history will show Jeff Sessions as one of the greatest and most honest patriots in US History…
Me Four!
I had caught that innuendo by McCabe, and wasn’t surprised. Sessions had to be careful even with his recusal. Any moves on other items involving crooked Democrats could have been treated as retaliation and/or obstruction.
I hope the good guys get to see Justice done on their behalf someday.
GA/Fl, so right on Sessions.
Thanks for this info GA!!! I Will stand by Sessions unless and until someone (Q or Q+) tells me otherwise!
Many of you might recall that I posted this info from Schweizer OT more than once. Still, they dumped on this fine man. Until I see it for myself, I will not give any credence whatsoever to any of their lies about Jeff Sessions. No doubt in my mind this was set up between DJT and Jeff, who was just the happiest little elf when he left DOJ. No, someone is NOT that joyful in such a situation unless things are not what they appear.
The Sessions Bashing drove me NUTZ!
No matter how you would correct the lies, they would show up the next day. If you got a bit snarky they woupd pile on. NEVER with anything like facts, just bullying. It made me dig in my heels since I HATE bullies especially cowards who bash a person behind their back.
GA/FL, thank you. Sissions great man, was great attorney-general
fl/ga, love the exclamation marks. Tried just typping them as the symbol, but the computer wouldn’t let me, I guess without a word in front of them. Weird.
Just copy and save into an email. That’s how I store emojis
Great list. Wish the blind at the OT reads it.
It seems it is never enough for far too many OT.
They are nuts.
Speaking of PAID Cankle bots…..
LOL, yes.
loads of theories on this one…lol…but my favorite is that mega millions never intended to award the prize: drive up ticket sales, create a ‘false winner”, when no one claims, money gets divided among the participating states…so win fall for them…
A very interesting theory I must admit.
(PS – the Krassenstein brothers are disgusting paid trolls)
Let us also not forget the 82% of Independents who agreed with President Trump’s State of the Union Address.
The only way the Dems win is by cheating.
For everyone with kids, grandkids, or who just likes a very good movie, please go see How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World.
The series is as it should be; apolitical, beautiful animation, and an extremely engaging story. One of the most underrated animated series out there.
This is one time hollywierd has done it right. When they do, they should know, and change their culture. There were previews for likely bombs dt sjw(ugly dolls, pets 2) but The Hidden World is a gem.
My 2 cent movie review.
The basis of this series is that if we just try to understand our enemies we can all live in peace and harmony together.
We can’t tame dragons. In classical Christian symbology, and the Bible, dragons symbolize evil. More specifically, they symbolize the devil.
The recent trend of using traditional symbols of evil and making them into hero’s and symbols of good is as subversive as it gets.
Traditional fairy tales were meant to educate children about the nature of good and evil. The modern “updates” have eliminated this in favor of moral relativism.
Most people don’t see this for what it is, and they just enjoy the entertainment. But don’t forget that a lot of people who run our corporate media conglomerates hate Christianity. The use of traditional morals in children’s entertainment is under attack.
That said, my own kids have seen these movies. But they watch them with the knowledge that they come from a different cultural persoective than our own, and we compare and contrast the films we watch to what a traditional Christian worldview would be.
Thats not what this series is about. The heroes discover that they cannot reason or understand the enemies and must fight to win. Not everything is satanic. Dragons have always been a historic Viking creature revered for strength, far before Christianity.
I respect your view, but I do not agree, in this instance, with the story.
Most of hollywierd is in a truly bad place. Once in a while, those who are in positions to do better storytelling will.
Deb, I have to agree with you on this, and it’s good you sounded an alarm. I wish I could post links or other helpful resources to help parents regarding these issues.
Deb and Zoe, I agree with you both.
Satan does his dirtiest deeds when he can either convince people that he doesn’t exist, or that he convinces them to compromise “oh, it’s not THAT bad” or “it’s only a white lie”, or, Hollywood’s favorite, “white magic isn’t bad, only black magic is”… Except that both black and white are MAGICK, and from Satan himself.
We have to “test the spirits” and discern whether or not we are being conned or misled. Halloween, for instance, is actually the highest satanic witchcraft holiday (Samhain) of them all. Carneval / Mardigras / Fasching (where they put on the masks of the Allemannen [the ones who used to burn people alive]) is a derivative of that. As is Burning Man. has much more information on these, including articles by a former Satanic Black Magick Illuminised Witch (the most evil and powerful of all; the same order as Hill-the-BEAST and BeezleBubba). He turned from his evil ways, repented, and is now a Born-Again Christian (thank GOD). He has to remain anonymous due to threats on his life (and soul) made by his former coven. I know the latter can happen, as we have an acquaintance here who was involved with Satanism, and was threatened so terribly that she had to move far away and change her identity. She had stories of what they did or tried to do (in revenge) that are horrifying.
Many people think it’s just a game, or somehow “cute”. It isn’t, and can result in an eternity in hell. goes into the issues much more deeply (also talks about “The Clinton Christmas Tree”). It’s ultra-conservative, but he’s pretty much “seen it all” from his background and colleagues.
Also there is a great Christian research site who have many articles, booklets and books.
Finally, here are some links from (Berrit Kjos, who wrote “Brave New Schools”, an investigation of the creeping New-Age and other perversions entering our school systems).
The Nature and Tactics of Satan:
Role-Playing Games & Popular Occultism:
The Mainstream Media:
The Rising Darkness in Children’s Games:
How Mysticism and the Occult are Changing the Church:
Purging the Memory of our Christian Roots:
Cuppa, just excellent as usual. Also want to point out that God our creator existed before He sent His Son to earth to die for our sins and be raised again. Berrit and are wonderful, as are the other resources. Also lots of info from various ministries on a wide range of topics at WorldViewWeekend with Brannon Howse.
Had we not had a mini-blizzard this week-end (full on blizzard down by Omaha and Lincoln – my son-in-law is in Omaha, returning this morning – keeping him and his safety in my thoughts). In any case, I would have taken my granddaughter to this one yesterday if not for the weather.
Instead, it has been all board games…..she brought a great new one that is incredibly educational – called “Beat The Parents.” Cards had questions for parents and kids and tokens move with correct answers. I was amazed at how much I learned!!! I am going to get one to keep here for us. She won the Trouble AND Mancala championships and I won the Beat the Parents championship.
That sounds like a fun game. I will have to check that out. At the moment I am trying to clean the house (while blaring the music from ‘the greatest showman’) its helping… at least I think it is…
Thanks. I’ll put it on my library to watch list.
Skipping captain marvel for sure. But I must admit I am looking forward to Frozen 2 (don’t judge!!!)
Thanks Gil!! My Charlie LOVES this show and the series!!! I watched about a dozen with him and was captivated myself!!! Cheers!
The FBI said that the Chicago Police were overstating things when they claimed that Jussie Smollett definitely sent a hateful, ransom-note style letter to himself. Law enforcement sources who spoke to TMZ said that the matter of who sent the letter is still under investigation.
Just wondering out loud….could the person(s) who put this letter together be associated in any way to the person(s) who created the Christine Blasey Ford letter to Feinstein? Hmmm…
he will get off by one means or another guaranteed.
he will be protected and coddled long after the covington kids are forgotten and their suits dismissed.
he will still be active and in play when virginia gets another shot at full on 9 month abortion that northup or whatever his name is will sign.
he will still be tweeting when all rational folks have been bamned from twitter.
he will still get awards from human rights groups after the new dns laws for ths internet are passed so every site you ever go to is catalogued and retained for evidence.
and i still have not forgotten the post i was supposed to reply to with the tesla info relating to low frequency radio beams and harrp! i will get to it as soon as i can. it will mostly be watching some videos on tesla and then the harrp tech and the concept of how these technologies ARE able to mind control people or thag is the goal at least. we know it works on he weak or weakened by mental drugs (depression, anxiety, etc) already… after the concept is understood it becomes pretty clear in my mind anyway.
You are probably right wrt Smollett and no worries on the other info….if you could post it in response to anything I post even if not relevant so that I see it…I rarely read through all of the posts on any given day and skip whole days often but you may be speaking of doing a whole post, anyway sounds interesting but not urgent! LOL
Helping others who are extremely ungrateful can be an interesting experience, where *I* learn a lot. However, that is not the only potential benefit. Often we have no knowledge of whether our actions will affect the other person positively and receive gratitude or do good down the line, long after our world-lines part ways. Moreover, we do nothing in a vacuum, and STILL OTHERS observe what we do.
All of this speaks in favor of helping the ungrateful.
Nevertheless, I think there is room for us to be discerning in whether we are actually doing God’s work when we ATTEMPT to help others. It is a TRICKY subject, and I believe it is one where Satan has a deep understanding of how to trick us into fulfilling his plans, blunting our own efforts, etc.
Satan gets us to see things too simplistically, or with too great complexity, so that we “miss the mark”. If our actions are funding Chinese concentration camps, or encouraging the spread of socialist error, then we are likely missing the mark.
Satan’s smart play here has WEAKENED both Christianity and Judaism while propping up socialism and satanism. We need to PLAY SMART. Sometimes that looks mean to some people.
The liturgy today had a treatise on Charity by one of the early church fathers. I’m going to try and find a copy online to post today.
“Helping others who are extremely ungrateful”
I prefer to spend much, much MOAR time helping FIRST those who are likely to be grateful.
Too many people rely simply on their own intentions to “help” – and disregard the negative feedback when what they WANTED to be so (that the person was, in fact, helped), turns out NOT to be so.
“Well, I tried!” doesn’t cut it, for me.
I see an opportunity to quote Tolkien, once again (so FUN!):
[conversation between Frodo and Gildor, Elf-lord, upon a “chance” meeting at the Quest’s beginning]:
[Gildor] “‘[…] The choice is yours: to go or to wait.'”
[Frodo] “‘And it is also said,’ answered Frodo: ‘Go not to the Elves for counsel, for they will say both no and yes.'”
[Gildor] “‘Is it indeed?’ laughed Gildor. ‘Elves seldom give unguarded advice, for advice is a dangerous gift, even from the wise to the wise, and all courses may run ill.’ […]”
(As an aside, if you liked the movies – you’ll REALLY like the books. Fakewood did their usual number on Tolkien, too … they took out the ETHICS.)
I follow Q …
Would be funny if someone changed the sign to say “HQLYWQQD”…
Back when I lived near there, you could get up to the sign if you were a good (and stealthy) climber. I don’t think it’s accessible anymore, though… Darn… Or, better yet, FAKEWOOD.
There is a new Q Post
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b3258f No.5362124
Feb 24 2019 13:12:51 (EST)
They NEVER thought Crooked Hillary would lose.
And another, 2886. But it’s mainly a visual and I haven’t worked out how to bring it over without a lot of gymnastics.
BTW thank you for including the number.
New: Title TBD
24 Feb 2019 – 12:19:31 PM
Those who are the loudest…..
Oh, well – Bill Maher
I did this once but can’t remember how. I will try this and then quit bothering y’all:
What is disturbing, and Q has it circled, is what appears to be the name of the site(?): “Kid Love Productions (us)”
I have this insane preference for adult females, myself.
Exclusivity will NOT be allowed in their brave new world!
Their brave, new, CIS-PHOBIC world…
(Old is new, cf. Sodom and Gomorrah)…
it’s okay Steve this is a judgement free zone…we won’t criticize you cuz you’re heterosexual…my husband is one too. stay strong!
Pat!!! LOL Stay Strong and eat MAOR Thin Mints!!!
I’m weird like that too, prefer an adult female. Shocking I know but feels good to come out
You weirdo!
My slim, sultry 36 year old self slinks past seductively in a 1930’s ballgown, with a wisp of quality eau de cologne….
Yeah, and I’m sure there’s a mean looking dude with a 12 gauge nearby!
Oh thank heavens. I wasn’t sure there were any men like that left.
yeah…it doesn’t say KIDS love productions… as in kids love what we do…it says ‘Kid Love’ productions…as in describing the type of love being shown in their productions–gives the name a creepy porn feel
Pat you spelled it wrong…
what you meant to say “… is a pedophile
disgusting doesn’t cover it…
He has, he wears ‘red shoes’ ……………………….
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b3258f No.5362299

Feb 24 2019 13:19:31 (EST)
Those who are the loudest…..
and another Q 2886
For those wondering what those little guys in the hats are, they’re gnomes.
And I can’t resist adding, gnomenclature is important.
OK – you win the thread, Steve! Too perfect!
And, from “I Love A Lassie” by the great Harry Lauder (with a few changes):
Gnomin’ in the gloamin’ on the bonnie banks o’ Clyde.
Gnomin’ in the gloamin’ wae my lassie by my side.
When the sun has gone to rest,
That’s the time we love the best.
O, it’s lovely gnomin’ in the gloamin…
Gnome are very popular. They’re the new phe-gnome.
Gnoman can deny it.
Especially in Gnoman’s Land (or a Gnogo Zone
I gnu you’d respond.
Reminds me of my favorite football coach (even though I went to ‘SC), gnu-te Rock-Knee (probably from the Flintstones)
He won so many games, he never had to gravel in front of his colleagues…
Groan. Lol.
Gnomes are fun. Named my previous home “Gnome Hollow”. Had a game for kids (and grownups) who visited to count the gnomes about the place. i started to realize the world was in trouble when I had to answer questions like “what is a gnome? “Is a Santa Claus a gnome?’ It was a popular game nonetheless, lol
take two…
OK – how did you do that? Drives me NUTS that I can’t figure it out! Ah, it is a burden being so simple-minded!
click on the pic on Qpub and it loads as a fullsize image..
Right – did that (on QMAP). Then what?
Once you’ve clicked on the pic (“full-size image”), then click your cursor on the URL address bar.
It’ll change, to a direct URL for the picture.
Once you’ve done that, THEN copy – what will be copied is the changed URL, the code for the picture itself.
Then, when you paste to a comment here, make sure that there’s a blank line beforehand, and a blank line afterward … and, what I do, is add an extra single space at the end of the URL string. That last “/”, and anything after it, is superfluous – ok to delete.
Does this help?
Definitely helps – but I did that – clicked on the URL, copied, then moved and pasted, with the extra line. I did not delete from the “/” on, however. I’ll try to remember that next time. Thanks.
I guess you didn’t horse around with it the right way?
Har, har…..
realsauce, Remember this when you think of Bill Maher and DC Friends Kellyanne Conway, Ann Coulter and Laura Ingraham. They are a swamp team. No exceptions.
George T. Conway
He is married to Kellyanne Conway, counselor to President Trump. Introduced by Ann Coulter,[6] they have four children and live in Washington, D.C.[20] Conway previously dated conservative pundit Laura Ingraham.[21] Conway is half Filipino on his mother’s side.[22]
Conway’s stated political positions are often contrary to those taken by his wife on behalf of the Trump administration.[23][24] His legal interpretations of the actions of Trump differ at times.[25] He is known to be critical of Trump on a personal level as well.[26]
While Kellyanne has publicly been a staunch advocate of VSGPDJT’s policies, It is my belief that in PRIVATE … she despises them. As does her husband.
She has served well … but I prefer those who actually – in public and in private – support our President.
She’s professional, yes. But in times like these, it isn’t quite enough. I suspect the political “rift” between her and her husband isn’t, in truth, a rift at all … but rather, a consonance of perspective.
I suspect she won’t last much longer, even though she IS doing her job.
But her heart isn’t “into” it. Her loyalty is professional, rather than personal ALSO.
That being said, she’s done great. But, IMO, it’s time (soon) she step aside.
So glad I only watched a part of his show, and only once, when he first came on stage. Pig. My apologies to Flep’s pet pig.
OMG, that is a SCREAM!!!
Or is it a HOWL?!
Funny – NOT! – to see just a few of the same leftist jackwads completely dominating the thread! Eugene Gu MD, Forever Logical, Krassenstein. I can’t possible see how ANYONE who reads these threads can ignore the blatant suppression by Twitter of anything positive about PDJT.
I look at it like this—they have been doing it since the beginning putting $millions into trolling. Yet, President Trump’s following continues to grow.
But thanks anyway!
Oh, we’re having too much fun today! Gotta get a Q thread up!
Wolfmoon, It seems that Q heard you and took the challenge. No sleep for you tonight.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 4b8fd7 No.5363071
Feb 24 2019 13:57:24 (EST)
Ask yourself a simple question, should a woman who travels to Syria to support and encourage ‘JIHAD’ against the ‘West’ deserve to live……………….?
Ask yourself a simpler question, if brainwashed by ISIS terrorists (her husband and other close-proximity fighters), could this same woman be ‘tasked’ & ‘trained’ to carry out a TERRORIST ACT upon return?
Why did ISIS launch a social media campaign designed to ‘attract’ US/UK (and other foreign nationals) to join their cause?
Logical thinking.
Thread is UP!!!
POTUS does not bring anything up without a reason…
Socialism sucks so much you get to save money on vacuum cleaners.
Of course, under Socialism, there probably aren’t any available anyway.
Funny meme on reddit
Wow. TOO true!!!
Q thread up!
Very powerful video by Louisiana State Senator @ElbertGuillory is off the Dem Plantation
[video src="" /]
[video src="" /]
And there was I thinking the gnomes were a reference to mr sessions. Hell they shot themselves in the foot with that one. Thought they were locking him out with recusal? Crap. They locked the Fox in the henhouse where he executed a well thought out plan to reform immigration and border law. He was working as hard as our lion and copping as many slings and arrows as President Trump. No way he didn’t have his agenda long thought don’t get to do all the stuff he did just by happenstance. And now the lion and his pride have the enemy on his knees old Jeff just strolls out of the chook house in time for the next course.
ISIS Recruited Westerners to Carry Out Terrorists Acts in Their Home Countries
24 Feb 2019 – 10:57:24 AM
Ask yourself a simple question, should a woman who travels to Syria to support and encourage ‘JIHAD’ against the ‘West’ deserve to live……………….?
Ask yourself a simpler question, if brainwashed by ISIS terrorists (her husband and other close-proximity fighters), could this same woman be ‘tasked’ & ‘trained’ to carry out a TERRORIST ACT upon return?
Why did ISIS launch a social media campaign designed to ‘attract’ US/UK (and other foreign nationals) to join their cause?
Logical thinking.
Timothy 2-6 For among them are those who enter into households and captivate weak women weighed down with sins, led on by various impulses.
liberal women fit this description to a tee, wearing hijabs, pussy hats running around spouting complete nonsense and howling at the moon while shaking there fists and raging at God almighty.
Support and encourage? The bitch is on James woods twitter cutting throats. Proud of herself she is
Now that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has settled in to her new job as a U.S. Representative, I get the impression that she is thinking her new-found power is like being set loose in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory. It’s all there within range of her finger tips to have and to hold.
Like Veruca, I think she’ll be blindsided by the “bad egg” rejection that is coming her way.
Shanahan said he was not volunteering the Pentagon to take over any part of border control, which is the responsibility of the Department of Homeland Security. But he said his visit led him to question whether there should be a “wholesale redesign” of the way border control is done by the federal government.
Shanahan said the Pentagon is willing to continue supporting the DHS but wants to see a longer-term solution.
“I don’t want to just add resources and not fix the problem,” he said.
You go Shanahan… get things REDESIGNED…
Excellent. What we have been doing has been demonstrably ineffective throughout the years. I would welcome a new look at the problem and the solutions.
Just keep construction going on my wall at the same time.
I found these lovely shovels on the research board…
Thought you might want them in your collection…
They look spade-tacular!
Aren’t those beautiful? They would look magnificent hanging above the mantel!
Five Members of Corrupt Congressional Black Caucus Take $60,000 Trip to South Africa for Beyonce Concert
My theory is that they met with Chinese and ANC communists.
Ohhhhh now that would make sense.
The CBC are *FAR* more communist than most people realize. China has dispatched extra communist advisers to SA, and it ramped up before the pogroms against whites (ChiComs are racist AF, BTW).
Perfect place to do some drops and hand-offs with “racial cover”, which is all the rage with China and Russian commies (who still operate freely).
I hope Maduro gets the justice he has coming but does this Rubio tweet disturb anyone else?
Very pointed!
And who can forget this classic,
KGB-CIA probably walked away with all his cash, too. Plowed it back into propaganda ops against US.
I would not be the least bit surprised, you’re probably dead-on. (no pun intended
Interesting tweet by Wikileaks, wonder what Rubio’s cut might’ve been if wolf’s theory about the see eye aye and $$$ turns out to be true.
driller! ME!!! What the HECK? Who is that bloody guy on the right?
You mean Gaddafi? Same as the one on the left, not a good guy but I never thought that he deserved that type of “justice”. Of course Hillary seemed just fine with the manner of his demise, perhaps she would like to receive the same
I cant believe Rubio went there?!!
I found it odd, to say the least.
Nasty guy, no doubt, but the US stabbed him in the back. He was working WITH the US to keep the migrants under control, and had rolled over in 2003 on eliminating WMD and nukes. Problem was, from what I understand, I think he planned to revert to gold instead of US dollars. He had to be stopped for that,reason, as well as the continuation of the plan for taking out the leaders in something like 5 or 7 countries within so many years? Wesley Clarke talked about that. I forget the details at the moment.
One thing’s for sure, imho I should say, the powers that be at the time did not want him testifying in a court. They didn’t want Saddam to talk either it seemed.
Good ole socialism, it’s all rage these days I hear. 4 trucks carrying aid to Venezuela burnt up, so stupid
So stupid. Such a waste. There has to be a way.
Notice he said “tribunals.”
WOW!!! Someone other than Q, Lyndsey Graham and Kavenaugh saying “tribunals”!! YUGE!!!!
Mark Taylor prophesied them also
That just about blew me out of my chair.
I think it is really significant.
PapaD statements continue to amaze me.
This looks like all kinds of good news. I heard that China agreed to buy a bunch of crops from American farmers the other day too, cue (Q) flep in 3… 2.. 1
$1.1 trillion, altho timeframe unknown; buying the soybeans announced weeks ago as well as rice. Can you believe that? China buying rice from the US!
Love it!
PDJT could sell ice to the Eskimos as my mom used to say.
Evening all. Missed you today. Weather related technical “difficulties.” Please, anyone having trees near power lines, spend the $$ and have them trimmed.
Your neighbors will thank you.
I said earlier I would try and get this up today.
It’s from the Office of Readings in the Liturgy of the Hours for February 24, 2019.
Selection from the chapters On Charity by Saint Maximus the confessor, abbot
Charity, caritas, agape.
I always found the difference in the 1 Corinthians 13 love litany translation in the older English versions to be telling. This is the Douay Rheims in the late 16th century.
[4] Charity is patient, is kind: charity envieth not, dealeth not perversely; is not puffed up; [5] Is not ambitious, seeketh not her own, is not provoked to anger, thinketh no evil;
[6] Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth with the truth; [7] Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. [8] Charity never falleth away: whether prophecies shall be made void, or tongues shall cease, or knowledge shall be destroyed. [9] For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. [10] But when that which is perfect is come, that which is in part shall be done away.
Oh my, James Woods don’t care
OMG! James!
EXACTLY what I said! Holy cow!!!
OK – some GREAT memes down that thread! One huge red/green flashing: “Oh no he didn’t!”
“Survey said……You win the internet!” “That’s it! That’s the big one. Twitter should be done for the day.” “Odd – I only see one and he’s wearing a dress!”
Socialism kills.
So true!!!!
Haven’t been able to follow any news today, so just dropping this here, despite it being old news to y’all. Trey Gowdy mentions “tribunals” at 33:20ish.
Daily Beast reporters dox person for believing in Q…
It’s getting nasty out there.
This is ridiculous.
It’s open season.
Watched “Killing Kennedy” tonight and yes, the media are communists, crazy, out of their damn mind, communists.
It was eerie watching it, living in the world we’re in today.
Not a lot of difference in temperment between Lee Harvey Oswald, as his ideology was portrayed for the movie, and Jussie Smollett.
They used the same lines and excuses.
Oh, yeah, they’ve been working from the same rule book for decades and decades. It’s pathetic that they get new converts year after year. We all have the media, hollyweird, and academia to thank for that.
I think that was a big part of the message when PDJT did one of the first acts of his presidency, declass of the JFK files. It was a shot across the bow for all of them
Sure wish we could have read all of it.
Loves the idea that the pastry chef at mar-a-lago supports Q. Not the only pastry chef in Q’s circle I’m sure (thinking back to the elevator).
Hates that these two reporters caused her to take down her twitter account depriving her of something special and nice. The left is filled with dullards and bullies. Yet can take comfort she’s well taken care of knowing she’s well taken care of.
Met someone who worked in Las Vegas at some sort of boutique thing that Melania owned (cosmetics?) at Trump International Hotel . She’s met Mr. Trump and Mrs Trump before he ran for election and though she’s clueless about politics she adamant that FLOTUS and POTUS are both great people and can’t at all understand why people don’t like them.
I’m sure the pastry chef has similar feelings for the First Family.
This just pisses me off no end – it took them 2 years, at least, to rescue this poor child!!!
“Investigators arrested Teresa Lynne Roth, 34, on Thursday after she spent nearly two years forcing her son to take 28 medications and medical treatments for nonexistent medical conditions, the Associated Press reported.
The five-year-old took multiple medications, had been confined to a wheelchair, and used a feeding tube even though he was not ill, deputies said.”
“The case began in 2016, when doctors at Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta were treating the child, who was three years old at the time, for several medical conditions which investigators say were fabricated.
Health care workers then alerted the Department of Family and Children’s Services (DFCS) and local authorities. DFCS removed the child from Roth’s home in October 2018, and authorities investigated Roth.
Authorities arrested Roth, who faces charges of first-degree child cruelty.”
I don’t need to say anything about this video. Just watch it and remember. And then bring every Trump supporter you know to the voting booth on election day. THIS…is why Trump won!…and will win again and again! This may be the greatest pro-Trump ad ever created.
Can’t bring myself to watch. Tried just listening but just couldn’t. Lord, this man needs a close encounter of the Fear of God kind. Please Lord, show up at his house and visit him in a way that changes him forever.
I think we all know where his house is…and it ain’t above ground.
Just when I thought I couldn’t loathe BillMar any more than I already do…after watching that, I have reached a new level of loathing for him.
He basically gave the ‘elitists credo’ there.
This is why we loathe them all!
Could he be more tone deaf? Juxtapose this clip with that short clip of (equally repulsive) Michael Moore explaining why Donald Trump was going to win the election. It’s fascinating…VSGPDJT has them spinning in every conceivable direction. The guests on his show were actually laughing at what he was saying…although if you listen carefully you might detect some uncomfortable, nervous laughter…not quite sure…
I could never stand him but did not realize how really evil he was. I knew Coulter was friendly with him long ago but didn’t know how friendly. Yuck. I used to be amused by her, but now I see her snarky comments in a whole different light. Disgusting. Did not know she held us all in contempt, but she must agree with him, and how could others mentioned be friends of these people unless they are just as evil? Makes me really wonder about Conway, who I used to like.
Hey Think””””, the trolls in the forest are hilarious!!!!!!!!
LOVE it!
Too funny.
Result of internet search for “two feet of snow.”
Socialism is government theft of the fruit of men’s labor.
From PM thread today:
Oh really?
Kamala’s family were slave owners?
I hope this story gets traction.
Several years ago, I read a statistic at the Census Bureau site that showed there is a larger percentage of black citizens here…who are here from Immigration, than from decendents of slaves.
But that was before 8 years of Hussein.
I recently tried to find that statistic again, on the Census Bureau site…and couldn’t find it.
It has either been scrubbed or hidden very well.
Not shocking. Saddening.
I saw that too, T3…and yeah, saddening.
But also maddening.
It is probably due to the Islamification of the UK.
By contrast, muslims are allowed to openly proselytize on the streets…and hold pro-islam marches.
But Christians are arrested for doing the same!
I think I know a VSG that has a deep understanding of leverage and motivational moves that might be already in place for even the UK.
Breadline Bernie!
This is cool: