Here we go!!!

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b3258f No.5362124
Q Post 2885
Feb 24 2019 13:12:51 (EST)
They NEVER thought Crooked Hillary would lose.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b3258f No.5362299
Q Post 2886
Feb 24 2019 13:19:31 (EST)
Those who are the loudest…..

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 4b8fd7 No.5363071
Q Post 2887
Feb 24 2019 13:57:24 (EST)
Ask yourself a simple question, should a woman who travels to Syria to support and encourage ‘JIHAD’ against the ‘West’ deserve to live……………….?
Ask yourself a simpler question, if brainwashed by ISIS terrorists (her husband and other close-proximity fighters), could this same woman be ‘tasked’ & ‘trained’ to carry out a TERRORIST ACT upon return?
Why did ISIS launch a social media campaign designed to ‘attract’ US/UK (and other foreign nationals) to join their cause?
Logical thinking.
Message is simple! JIHADISTS RAUS!!!
Stay tuned…..

Elizabeth Carter February 24, 2019 at 14:04
Wolfmoon, It seems that Q heard you and took the challenge. No sleep for you tonight.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 4b8fd7 No.5363071
Feb 24 2019 13:57:24 (EST)
Ask yourself a simple question, should a woman who travels to Syria to support and encourage ‘JIHAD’ against the ‘West’ deserve to live……………….?
Ask yourself a simpler question, if brainwashed by ISIS terrorists (her husband and other close-proximity fighters), could this same woman be ‘tasked’ & ‘trained’ to carry out a TERRORIST ACT upon return?
Why did ISIS launch a social media campaign designed to ‘attract’ US/UK (and other foreign nationals) to join their cause?
Logical thinking.
Love the way we start off with a Q+ post!!! Fun times!!!

Sleep? LATER!!!
Have we found out yet what Q+ means? Is that PDJT himself?
Btw, Wolf…thanks for the list of smileys which lead me to the emoticon page. Now I am a pro! LOL! I brought you a snack for the tip.
I’m almost certain (99.99%) Q+ is PDJT.
Same opinion here!
#2885 sounds just like a TrumpTweet™
I posted this in the wrong article so I will repost it here.
ISIS Recruited Westerners to Carry Out Terrorists Acts in Their Home Countries
24 Feb 2019 – 10:57:24 AM
Ask yourself a simple question, should a woman who travels to Syria to support and encourage ‘JIHAD’ against the ‘West’ deserve to live……………….?
Ask yourself a simpler question, if brainwashed by ISIS terrorists (her husband and other close-proximity fighters), could this same woman be ‘tasked’ & ‘trained’ to carry out a TERRORIST ACT upon return?
Why did ISIS launch a social media campaign designed to ‘attract’ US/UK (and other foreign nationals) to join their cause?
Logical thinking.
2Timothy 6 For among them are those who enter into households and captivate weak women weighed down with sins, led on by various impulses.
liberal women fit this description to a tee, wearing hijabs, pussy hats running around spouting complete nonsense and howling at the moon while shaking there fists and raging at God almighty.
Don’t knock howling at the moon. Our esteemed host does that most every night.
And I’ve got a real howler daily thread tonight!
Do we have a team name yet? Wolf-Pack? Full Moon Howlers? Howlers?
Heck, she’d probably use her kid as a suicide bomber. Wonder how the other 2 kids died?
Thank you for posting this, Wolfmoon.
I was lucky to be online and ready to go when Q posted!!!
Almost as if you were Qed up.
“I was lucky” may be true but “synced” totally true!
Meme an anon put up
I am listening to Patriot’s Soapbox going over them right now. I agree that what is going on is at least sedition…if not treason…and I do not use those terms lightly.
I can only imagine that so many people working in coordination to remove at all costs one person from office…there must be motivations that go beyond just political power. I truly believe that many of these people are caught up in some very morbid crimes that would cause many of us to go vigilante if we knew the sickening details.
At what point does circumstantial evidence become overwhelming proof of guilt? I want to know what is on Wiener’s laptop.
#2886 …… I hope Bill Mahr goes down with the rest of the Pedos
@2887…… She made her bed…. Lie in it!
We don’t need anymore TERRORISTS here!
Look how uncomfortable Rollins gets—his face and body language say everything.
Bill Maher is a pseudo-intellectual perverse freak—always highbrowing looking down his nose believing he is the smartest person in the room. Another words—a typical liberal.
Fake Entertainment. Goes well with Fake News and Fake Science.
Exactly – the man is sick. Sin-sick soul.
Notice that Twit-ter didn’t put up a “sensitive content” banner on that…
So, Jack Dorkey, what do you have to say about that? Or are you busy chowing down chicken, dogs, and pizza right now?
Pedophilia, pedophilia, pedophilia—human child sacrifice—pedophilia, pedophilia, pedophilia—killing of humans for organ harvesting—pedophilia, pedophilia, pedophilia—human child sacrifice!!!
[Weiner laptop will offer some interesting disclosures!]
This is what Lucifer desires and requires of his human minions! To slaughter and abuse the innocent before they have had a chance to experience the goodness of living! Human life is expendable and meaningless … until you meet your Creator at the great white throne, and realize your god on earth has been thrown into the eternal lake of fire, and you are next!!!
Disclaimer—just my worldview, and not meant to insult others here on QTH.
Pedophilia is the ultimate “caring for a child for the self” versus the parent, caring for the child for its own sake. Once pedophilia is OK, a Pandora’s box of evil is unleashed.
The pervs already have a term for it… and they are posting it as okay… just as they push Heinz 57 genders. It’s called m.a.p. minor attracted person
You could hear permission coming out of Maher’s mouth in the video I posted above…
Part of Cabal effort to not only destroy nations, remove borders, reduce population… but also destroy our humanity, our values… (destroying Christianity is part of that agenda)
Wolf, this is too true for words. I have none to add except so sad.
“caring for a child for the self” versus the parent, caring for the child for its own sake” really pulls the curtain back, WM! Never thought that far but it totally speaks to the core truth…
FYI (I think you know)….
We have very similar “Worldviews”
When all is said and done……
will you be smoking? or non-smoking?
(To no one in particular, but to everyone)
Folks—what would this planet and universe be without Light … complete and utter darkness devoid of light. Darkness, without life—just dense dark nothingness, emptiness! “In the beginning [expressed in human terms for our benefit], God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness on the face of the deep.” No light—no life (without form and void). “Then God said, ‘Let there be light;’ and there was light.” Such a simple explanation for an exceedingly complex creation! The simple message meant to communicate to the hearts of men (women).
“I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” (John 8:12).
The globalists, corrupt politicians and power brokers represent the darkness of humankind—and light exposes their darkness.
LIGHT—thank God for Light!!!
and as an aside that I have stated before…..
without “light”…. there is no COLOR
Black is NOT a color….
but it is the ABSENCE of Light.
Amen, Rayzor, so true!!!
well, Pete, it’s my world view, too, and it was well said.
What people don’t realize (and many DON’T want to realize) is the horrifying scope of the paedophilia problem.
The loosening of morals the last half-century (heck, the whole last century), combined with the pill, abortion, and the “day-after pill” have made these transgressions even easier, and harder to detect.
The royal families, ultra-rich (e.g. Rothschilds, Soros, Bezos, Klintoons, et. al.) eventually run out of things to do in their spare time and with their spare money, so they turn to ever-increasing perversity. This is as true as it ever was (documented, and FORBIDDEN in the Bible, for instance), but easier, and easier to conceal now.
Look at the video of Dutch Financier Ronald Bernard, and how he finally could take no more when he was invited to a meeting where there would be a child sacrifice!
When all this starts getting prosecuted (and needs air-tight cases), no (or few) other investigations or prosecutions will be needed, as most of D.C., royalty, many government and top power figures, as well as probably all of Hollywood will be taken down. “Randy Andy” of the British Royal family is known for his escapades: how many more are there?
Here is a description of the “power” behind the “power” of the elites. It also explains the DEMONcRATS support of abortion and other murder. The Cult of Moloch/Baal still exists, and is practiced at the highest levels of government (e.g. the Klintoons) and business (cf the video contained in this link).
[I can’t get away from the fact that this fellow looks like Tim Allen. He seems to have gone through hell and back. GOD forgive and help us all. Ephesians 6:10-18 explains quite clearly what we’re up against.]
The whole video (very informative and well worth watching) is at v=nEpcY5JU120 . It’s in Dutch, but the English subtitles are excellent, and accurate. The part which clearly describes what the elite are up to, and what power they worship, is here:
Thank you, CC in Germany!!! Right there with you, brother!!
For SIngular Zoe, here’s a transcript of the excerpt of which I was speaking. It describes, I think, a lot about politics and deep state that is being revealed or going to be revealed. Ephesians 6:10-18 (and a lot of Old Testament sins/forbidden acts as well).
[Ronald Bernard]: However, all those horrible things started to eat at me.
Interviewer: Can you give an example, because I can sense a lot of terrible things happened to you.
Bernard: Yes, it is a difficult part for me to talk about.
Interviewer: I can feel that, but only whatever you wish to share is all right.
Bernard: Yes, I only talk about things I want to tell. But it does evoke lots of emotions and with my conscience not being in the freezer it touches me deeply.
Interviewer: Can you tell me the worst thing that has happened that caused the tipping point in your situation?
Bernard: Well, that was the beginning of the end. You get so deep into these circles, and you sign a lifetime contract. Not with blood or anything. To never disclose names of companies, organizations or people. I think that is why I am still alive. You have to stick to it. If we are talking about the worst things that I have experienced… I just told you about things that made the freezer glitch, my conscience started to show itself. Let’s put it this way, I was training to become a psychopath, and I failed. I did not complete the training, and didn’t become a psychopath. My conscience came back and the most difficult part for me was, because I had such a great status there, I was a success, I was trusted with the people playing at this level. To put it carefully, most of these people followed a not very mainstream religion. So you have Catholics, Protestants, all sorts of religions. These people, most of them, were Luciferians. And you can say “religion is a fairy tale, God doesn’t exist, none of that is real.” Well, for these people, it is truth and reality, and they served something immaterial, what they called Lucifer. And I was also in contact with those circles, only I laughed at it because to me they were just clients. So I went to places called Churches of Satan.
Interviewer: So now we are talking about Satanism?
Bernard: Yes, so I visited these churches, just as a visitor, dropped by, and they were doing their Holy Mass with naked women and liquor and stuff. And it just amused me. I didn’t believe in any of this stuff, and was far from convinced if any of this was real.
Interviewer: It was just a spectacle to you.
Bernard: Yes, in my opinion the darkness and evil is within the people themselves. I didn’t make the connection yet. So I was a guest in those circles and it amused me greatly to see all those naked women and the other things. It was the good life. But then at some point, which is why I’m telling you all this, I was invited to participate in sacrifices… abroad. That was the breaking point. Children.
Interviewer: You were asked to do that?
Bernard: Yes, and I couldn’t do that.
Interviewer: Would you like to stop for a moment by the way?
Bernard: No. And then I started to slowly break down. I lived through quite a lot as a child myself and this really touched me deeply. Everything changed. But that is the world I found myself in. And then I started to refuse assignments within my job. I could no longer do it. Which made me a threat.
Interviewer: For them, of course.
Bernard: I was no longer capable of functioning optimally. My performance started to shake and I had refused tasks. I had not participated. The purpose of the whole thing, eventually, in that world, is that they have everybody in their pocket. You need to be susceptible to blackmail. And blackmailing me proved to be very hard if I look back on it. They wanted to do that through those children. And that broke me.
Interviewer: Is that – you are not telling me something new – what they also do in politics?
Bernard: If you google this, you’ll find enough worldwide witness accounts to know this isn’t a Walt Disney fairy tale. Unfortunately the truth is that worldwide they have been doing this for thousands of years. I once studied theology and even in the Bible you find references to these practices with Israelites. The reason the first 10 tribes were banished to Babylonia was because of these rituals with children. Including the sacrificing of children. So this is pertinent, all this made me believe, because I realized there was more to life than meets the eye. There is a whole invisible world. It is real. You really do talk about a dark force and a manifestation of light. So I resorted to studying theology to make sense of it all.
Interviewer: And psychology as well if I remember correctly?
Bernard: Yes, but I did that in my first life. Because through commercial psychology, mass psychology, I was able to manipulate situations for my own benefit.
Interviewer: That is scary, because if you dig into that you find Tavistock Institute and mind control, MK Ultra, Monarch and the like…
Bernard: Yes, that is correct, but that was all part of the job. Through training at the job I got into that more deeply, because when you are making deals you also need to manipulate the media. You have to manipulate lots of things because nothing can be seen as it is. Everything has to appear to be something different. You see the people as a flock of sheep. You put a couple Border Collies and drive them in a direction. And to be honest with you, I still see that happening around me. People are still, through the systems and methods that we ourselves used to use, being treated in that same way. And it still works.
People still don’t understand how it really works and are still on the level of “as long as I have my beer” and whatever, completely self absorbed, also a survival mechanism. I mean it is the program after all, but you still see how stupidly easy it is to put people in a certain direction. When you are the one pulling the strings, that is.
(End excerpt – sorry for the length, but I think this reveals a lot. The article and the full video are well worth reading/watching).
This really reads differently, now that I realize the CA3 scandal (the one I’m familiar with from the inside) was likely facilitated at the highest levels by such financial, political, legal, media, and espionage machinations. “It was not what it seemed.” Everything we thought we were seeing was a lie.
This fits in with a recent hypothesis of mine – that certain forms of MK were discovered thousands of years ago – technically crude, perhaps, by today’s standards – possibly using alcohol, opiates, and various herbal secrets – and that SCIENCE after the enlightenment served to provide the very same people with ways to update their arsenals of manipulation.
I think that a lot of the “skulduggery” in the Bible was actually part of this stuff. Monarchs and palaces throughout the world, as well as others, keeping their secret manipulations alive for thousands of years. Easy for me to believe now.
The perversion, DNA manipulation, or inter -species breeding, and call for Moloch or ba’al worship is why God wanted some civilizations totally destroyed. He knew it was the enemy method of destroying humanity’s relationship with HIM!
It’s been decades since a colleague of mine, at a IEEE meeting, experienced a demonstration of wireless microwave generating sounds in his head! No need for co-location.
this is similar to the same type of thing i was getting at the other day and i was going to post about it – but i haven’t yet and i am sorry. but the mind control is real and it’s an actual science.
Thanks for the transcript, too. It adds another level of understanding….
Thanks, judyw. The whole interview is about 30 minutes longer (before this section), and it describes how Ronald Bernard became involved in the world of ultra-high finance (one might also say, international money-laundering and deal-making), and the various decisions he took along the way. Just looking at his facial expressions and body language shows how, in the end, how terrible that world was, and how he turned away from it. The article at this link has the whole transcript:
The rest of the interview, at that link, is well worth reading. They mention “The Protocols of Zion”, but in that context they are really speaking of The Synagogue of Satan, as described by Jesus in Revelation 2:9ff and 3:9ff…
There’s another article linked on FOTM that gets a 404 – probably been buried/forcibly taken down, so I’m off to hunt for it. Looks like the article over on FOTM struck a nerve (or a few)…
will look forward to reading that other missing article if possible. thank you..
Cuppa, yes. It’s been so hard to have to learn about all this, but when one reads through the Bible, there really Is nothing new under the sun.
Oh, SZ that is so true!
Yes, Judy, did not realize he and his family were in hiding 11 years.
CC, thanks for posting this. I can describe the day/time/place where I was when I saw the first Ronald Bernard interview and that blew away any shred of a doubt I ever had about the actual truth of what I had read about and listened to other interviews about for years. I don’t know how to describe the change I felt but watching him hold back tears and decline the interviewer’s offer to pause as he was describing his path was palpable.
I encourage people to tag the “watch later” if you don’t have time to watch this now. I think there are 5 total interviews now in this series and some other interviews as well as the Friends of Ronald Bernard YouTube Channel which can all be found with a simple search of his name. In some of the later interviews he describes his difficult path out where they tried to break him and he did spend a couple of years in hospitals and a total of 11 years in hiding while his family was in hiding in separate locations from him to protect them.
You want to know why POTUS calls Schiff “Liddle” Adam ?
Whoa. Strange stuff there.
“Liddle” sounds like a name of interest. Like a shot across the bow.
OMG, Michael! What a troll our VSG POTUS is! Seems like ages ago POTUS assigned that name to him. Can anyone doubt they have it all?
Way to Go Phoenix!! Dang!!
oops… didn’t post correctly – that’ Maher on Left, his head is missing (no I won’t go ‘there’ )
The Twitter plugin for WordPress is very unpredictable!!!
That comment mahar made last night. New low for him. Woody harrelsons dad is supposedly in fed pen for life…murder. the other guy I think is a comedian but i cant remember his name. How could ann coulter date that guy then keep going on his show? Ick. Real nasty piece of work he is.
Gil, I am back to my original opinion of Ann…her original support of Trump caused me to pause and watch for her to come full circle….
Harrelson was convicted of killing a judge who ruled against him in another case IIRC. I think I heard he died in prison last year but I am not sure.
Excellent thread on the “Open Topic” article today……
Should maybe be an Article of it’s own?
Can you link to the first post you’re thinking of? There’s a lot of great stuff on there today!!!
Wow…. I have some catching up to do
I was referring to your twitter thread.
Yes – I’ve got to get that going!
I found that thread to be very enlightening.
Between the snow and being sick, sleeping has been my favorite past time for a few weeks. After that, working up the energy to watch TV (or sleep through it…).
Anyway, I’ve watched more TV in the last few weeks than probably in the year preceding. I watch a lot of true crime stuff on the ID channel. And I stumbled upon this creepy new series special called Children of the Snow. I just started to watch it, but it has made me really uncomfortable. It is about a series of child kidnappings and murders in the Detroit area in the mid ’70s and how they interface with an island in Lake Michigan owned by a rich guy that they refer to as a porn mill.
This guy escaped an attempted abduction by this killer and when he grew up and got the internet, he started researching these murders. He’s been at it pretty intensively since about 2005.
The point of all this is, he and those who have been helping him, believe they uncovered a ring of pedophiles who had wealth and power and they grabbed kids, assaulted them, and made kiddie porn. They spent quite a bit of time talking about pedo rings and how fanatically well organized they are. My stomach is still churning.
I haven’t wanted to look at this. I haven’t wanted to believe it. I still don’t. Hence my stomach churning. I’m terribly afraid that what Q has been saying about this is real and I’m not sure I’m tough enough to handle the truth. It is almost inconceivable to me that there are apparently so many sick people out there getting off on this stuff. And women, too? HILLARY?
In the words of Jack Nicholson’s character in A Few Good Men: I can’t handle the truth. Not yet, anyway. Maybe tomorrow.
Take it easy on yourself, Sylvia. There is some really horrific stuff out there that I’m pretty sure is true. It can keep you from sleeping at night for a long time. Don’t jump into it head first. It can destroy your peace of mind.
Amen. It takes time to process this stuff – even for those who have dedicated themselves to the task to confront evil.
I know someone who was leo, dedicated to this and wouldnt have kids bc of it all. Wouldve been a great dad too.
I remember that blurb about the contents of Weiner’s Lap Top…
It said that the NYPD guys who viewed it, cried or became nauseous…or both.
What was that thing in Comey’s summary?
“Crimes against children”…?
I hope Q is right, when he has said “We have it all.”
These people are evil!
I thought I was aware and redpilled since the 80’s ,I was so wrong. this pedo and all the other horrific things that are coming out is making me very upset deep in my think that rbg herself sits on the sc of our land and is involved with this makes me ill. Q is right just what I know keeps me awake at night, and we dont know the half of it. I pray for our country and people to repent and turn away from evil,flee it, turn back to the Lord. I cant even say more its that upsetting.
Mr gil is constantly watching that channel, lol. Its more true than all the alien crap on the supposed history channel.
hahah.. I love the Ancient Alien shows…
Its like every show leads into commercials with “Could it be……”. Lol!
Yes, I used to watch the Ancient Aliens in order to know what was being pushed upon the people. The “what if it was true” never ceased to amaze me. However, I also was critically watching this show in case it was setting the public perception up for something in the future!
“The coming of the lawless one [the son of perdition, the false messiah, the antichrist] is according to the working of Satan [Lucifer], with all power, signs, and lying wonders [provided by Lucifer], and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish [non-believers], because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them a strong delusion [God’s providence, as the guiding power of the universe, will allow the deception of Lucifer to unfold], that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” (2Thes. 2:9-12; NKJV).
Through the Ancient Aliens concept, are the globalists preparing the public mindset for the arrival of their world leader (the false messiah or savior) via a spacecraft of some sort? The false messiah comes to earth from outer space to bring peace on earth and usher in the One World Order? The ancient alien returns to earth to save the planet from human destruction–“with all power, signs, and lying wonders”? An “unrighteous deception”, “a strong delusion, that they should believe the lie”.
Are they setting mankind up for the extraterrestrial visitation and arrival of the antichrist from outside the confines of the earth? The globalists love to telegraph their intentions through media sources (movies, TV shows, etc.). The Alien show always asks — “Will they return?” “And if so, when?”
So what’s my point here? No, I am not a kook! However, I have made it a point to be aware of all things the corrupt Luciferian globalists might do to achieve their goals for mankind. And as a disclaimer due to my worldview, I must interpret all the world does through the Word of God (66 Books, OT and NT), using the historical-grammatical hermeneutical approach (which means I interpret the Bible in the literal sense of its meaning taking into account the historical context when it was written and applying all the normal grammatical tools we use in the everyday reading of the newspaper, magazines, etc.). If the passage is speaking figuratively, that is taken into account. If symbols are used, then the symbols are usually interpreted within the passages they are written into a literal sense meaning (in other words, the meaning of the symbols are interpreted for us within the passage).
Finally, as a believer in Jesus Christ, I must be cognizant of all the tools Satan might use to deceive even the elect (if that were possible), and that includes using an extraterrestrial visitation!!! The spiritual forces of Lucifer includes fallen angelic beings, possessing powers beyond that of human beings (yet restrained by the providence of God Almighty!). Again, my opinion here is not meant to insult any of the great people on the QTH!!!!
i do not want to pick any theological / philosophical squabbles – take what you know/think/believe about religion out of this completely for the moment – and then consider this:
there are all kinds of religions on the earth. they almost all have a story that when traced back has several parallels.
so imagine all the “gods” in these religions are describing just what you think – ancient aliens or astronauts or whatever you want to call them.
whatever way you want to look at it, the possibility that what cultures through time have described as the creator is in essence a travelling life form that came here. and they created life. and they had a base of “watchers” here, and there was a division of the ranks, and a rogue leader emerged and the creator’s work because undermined and was now being used as the tool of the rogue cabal.
they know the creator and his loyal army is coming back at some time. maybe it takes a while to get back here from wherever they are (you know, planet X type stuff) and the rogue cabal needs to be able to defeat the creator and they only have so much time to do that…
and these rogue beings have been here on earth, and if you use christianity’s statement, you know the rogue leader is lucifer (“the devil”) you know the fallen angels that stayed loyal to him, you know about the angels the creator set aside to “watch” over the creation and what happened with them (genesis six, the giants, etc)
so whatever it all turns out to be – it is not a bad idea to think about it in a practical way. every religion is going to differ, and even non-religious of course – but the fact is everyone wants the same thing right? to go to heaven or paradise – to meet and be with the creator forever and ever…
my whole point is – this is going to happen one way or another and it doesn’t matter who is right or wrong – what is key is that people start to realize that there’s nothing different than believing in aliens and believing in jesus. when some presence comes appearing in the sky it’s all the same at that time.
it’s going to get real my friend
The way I look at things, “it always was real” – we are just now waking up out of centuries of deception and spiritual minimization.
The enemy has done a great job of DIVIDING the material from the spiritual, and then of making the spiritual seem mythical.
The great awakening reverses this trend – it fights back against the blinders imposed on humanity. Where that goes, we shall see.
Andrew — clearly I don’t agree with you, but that is OK! I believe what I believe, and you believe what you believe. I’m not here to proselytize posters.
However, it is clear the top globalists and their minions of the world believe in and have a relationship with Lucifer, enough so that they are willing to sacrifice live children to him for their benefit. We are confronted with evil, which must be opposed if we are moral beings. If we have evolved from animal kind and cling to an amoral position, then nothing really matters. My actions are righteous because I declare them righteous regardless what anybody else thinks! Right?
Pete – trust me, i am not demeaning anyone’s beliefs whatsoever. i grew up in what some people that i talk about it to call a cult :), but was actually simply an independent fundamental (adopted the baptist term but was really you know what i mean). i respect it very much.
what i was really trying to do was form a sort of comparison in a way. because as i grew up and knew what i knew from studying the bible and unfortunately also the way my mind worked i dwelt on this almost constantly (at times repressed of course, but always at the surface). there were things that i had a question about – that were clear to me as something you would raise your hand about in sunday school or in children’s church… i have admitted here in the past that my sin is that of questioning things and deep down i have a desire to know the explanations for the questions i had because those answers i am sure would certainly clear up so much. i am those of “little faith” so to speak.
here is a little more to clarify i think: so i grew up with this, from an early age i was expressing my curiosity, and i would hear things about the second coming and of course the end times. i could picture angels. i could picture different types of angels ordered by their purpose and rank. i could picture jesus and a cross and an empty tomb and an ascension back to heaven.
i knew there were watchers who defiled those they were set to look over, i knew they had giants, i knew there were meetings of god in heaven especially by two very unique individuals who were no because god took them.
but the pictures and the words and the hymns that conveyed these pictures to me also made me wonder. why were there things we could not know, or how do these people all around me know for 100% that jesus will come again in the clouds but they almost wanted to deny the possibility of aliens or any possibility of anything – i mean, in the late 70’s and early 80’s the furor over dinosaurs and the age of the earth and what was “out there” was very intense.
what i am saying man is this – something is going to happen and everyone is preparing like you say and we are all possibly on the precipice of that second coming that many do believe will happen, the tribulation, etc, therefore vigilance and preparation is very critical.
the evil that we are fighting against, is therefore following the biblical scriptures (i only have kjv bibles just for reference) then it is the devil. it is satan, and if we lose sight of that and the masses keep eating their television meals, and dulling their senses with their phones and allowing their minds to be controlled and we go back to thinking of the importance of voting or anything worldly as meaningless as that, then we have taken our mind off the enemy… and i know you are ready man and we are all allies at this moment in time…
I heard a great sermon on those who were in the presence of God, and there was always a sense of *dread*.
I loved one quote cited in the teaching – “I fear God so much that I fear no man.”
I think that should apply to all lesser beings. If they are with God, then they are not to be feared. If they are not with God, then neither feared nor respected.
Logical thinking.
In God We Trust. All others give the password.
I highly recommend “Lights in the Sky and Little Green Men” by Hugh Ross, Ken Samples, and Mark Clark.
-> Don’t let the title put you off. It’s actually very good.
-> Don’t let the authors put you off from reading the book either.
-> It’ll give you a clear-headed way of thinking about this topic that is both scientifically informed and within a Christian worldview.
The fact is, the flashy lights have been reported by humans for thousands of years. In old England they were called faires (various spellings). The word was a loan word from French which referred to women skilled in magic (as in occultism). How the terrifying fairies of old became the basis of children’s stories and marketing of laundry detergent is a story for another day. In more “modern” times with scientific reason, they’ve taken on another interpretation: UFOs and extraterrestrials.
I’m not going to do a deep dive into the specifics here, but it is sufficient to say that spiritual warfare is real and has been happening in many dimensions throughout human history, ancient up to present.
Wolf, I also wanted to point out that Russia has been a hotbed for RUFO’s. It would be worth your time to consider the connection. What is the relationship with Soviet Communism (particularly the ideology) with RUFO occultism? It is not coincidental – any more than it is that 1930s Germany was an occult hotbed.
A lot of this crud has been in the U.S. for a long time. Not only is the U.S. not immune, often the U.S. has served as a safe haven for all kinds of kooks and quack to pursue their dark arts – they slide in under 1st Amendment protections. You don’t have to scratch far under the surface of the early 20th century abortionist and eugenics movements to find spiritists there, for instance.
Point is where-ever there are human power structures, you can expect massive and real spiritual warfare. Consider FDR / Eleanor Roosevelt. There’s a reason why 90 years later the U.S. still hasn’t been able to untangle itself from the New Deal.
Fear is always a component of these stories – be aware if you are feeling fear. God does not give us a spirit of fear. How many times in scripture are we told “Be not afraid”? Too many for me to count. Make sure you come up for spiritual air: personal devotions, attention to scripture, prayer, songs of spiritual victory. Like “A Mighty Fortress”.
Yup. Fear literally is the mind-killer – the Alinsky enabler – the satanic gateway. Kick it to the curb!
Michaelh, I might take a look at that book, but I’m convinced there is going to be a great deception, and it may be that most people are going to be led to believe aliens have come to save us ((antichrist) and they will be able to make it seem so incredibly rule that if possible even the elect would be deceived. With holograms, people like the pope and Prince Charles have seemingly spoken at events when they were actually somewhere else 9(everyone knew in those cases). I am sure there are technologies that could make that seem like child’s play. there are scientific explanations for Some of the lights people have seen, and explanations for other things. Not saying there are not unexplained phenomina, not even saying there have never been beings from another dimension, Etc. Just saying we have to be so careful.
I don’t disagree with you. They disguise as angels of light. Hence the flashy lights.
I dived a little bit and read on hunter thompson and other things,vand stuff on 8chan. I can only go so far. Anything you can imagine, its actually worse…much worse.
I watched that, too Sylvia. It came on last week after a “documentary” on Jessica Chambers, which only skimmed the surface, but I digress.
It is extremely disturbing to think this kind of evil has existed right in our midst. Children of the Snow made me think of a northern Epstein Island…nothing new under the sun, or as Q has said, future proves past
I missed the Jessica Chambers doc. I’ll have to see if I can find it.
This Children of the Snow kind of made the hairs on the back of my neck stick up. Fox Island…Epstein Island. Similar. And then the talk about, “well, you know this was before the internet and computers and cell phones so they had these incredibly tight organizations in each town” and it included powerful people, politicians, very wealthy people, attorneys, etc. so if you got caught or jammed up, there was this organized web to support you.
And I couldn’t help but think sure, we have internet and cell phones but that is all monitored SO how useful it would be to have these tightly formed rings supporting each other.
It absolutely creeps me out and I think one of the worst things for me is that this mirrors pretty faithfully the info that Q has provided. It makes me think there is a lot of truth to this and that it must be more wide spread than I could ever have imagined and that is what gives me the chills and sickens me.
” Children of the Snow made me think of a northern Epstein Island…nothing new under the sun, or as Q has said, future proves past.”
Yes, exactly. You put your finger on it. I just can’t even imagine. But oh boy do I hope Q has it all and it can be rooted out and destroyed.
And speaking of Q, that drop with Bill Maher was creepy as heck. I had read somewhere an account of him going to a “private sex club” where he was a member and they all wore some kind of dorky medallion so they would all recognize each other. This had to be before I was following Q, because as I type this I’m thinking about Q drops about how they love their symbols and whatever. Anyway, I don’t recall anything about kids in that article but it struck me at the time as being excessively weird and I was kind of shocked that he apparently felt just perfectly comfortable letting the world know he was a perv.
I can’t even bear to look at him.
If you followed the Jessica Chambers story OT, this documentary is very MEH.
I will never, nor do I want to, understand the mind of a pedo/psycho. I have always said there is an especially hot corner in hell for anyone who mistreats children, animals, and elderly people. They are the innocents, and should be protected at.all.cost.
Bill Maher has always turned my stomach, never really understood what anyone saw in his “humor” now I can see why. Give me Jeff Foxworthy, Southern Mama, or the guy with the puppets…Achmed, Walter, and Peanut, any day. Humor should make me laugh, not cringe.
“This Children of the Snow kind of made the hairs on the back of my neck stick up. Fox Island…Epstein Island. Similar.”
Fox Island in Lake Michigan isn’t far from where I have lived most of my life, and I’m familiar with at least part of the story. The guys name was Francis Sheldon. When he learned that he was facing arrest over his pedo activities, he fled to a Caribbean island where he couldn’t be extradited. I don’t know if justice ever caught up with him. And it wouldn’t surprise me if he and Epstein had became acquainted with each other.
I was not aware of any murders connected to Sheldon. I do know of at least one local guy who committed suicide (he had been molested on North Fox) when the pedo news broke out. There were likely others. Bringing in Boy Scouts to the island was part of his operation.
I haven’t finished watching, I’m only about halfway through so I only really know that Sheldon took off in his private plane and escaped any inquiries or further attempts at justice. But how interesting that he ended up on a Caribbean island…Epstein again. These guys all know each other and have a secret handshake or something. It is beyond sick.
They think there is a connection between Fox Island and the Oakland County Child Killer.
I should add that since 2000 North Fox Island has been entirely owned by the State of Michigan. The buildings where it all took place were razed shortly afterwards and hauled away.
“well, you know this was before the internet and computers and cell phones so they had these incredibly tight organizations in each town”
That was an aspect I hadn’t considered: how they communicated before the days of computers. It makes me wonder who I know and who I’m doing business with that is connected to such rings.
I once worked for a white-collar professional who had a wife and daughters and was active in his church and community. He was the nicest guy you would ever meet, the kind who would give you the shirt off his back. He got caught abusing children and videoing it, sometimes in his home while his family was away. He said at the end that he wanted to get caught so he would stop. I didn’t socialize with him, but I never saw one red flag about him. You just never know. The amount of perversion and evil that is all around us is stunning.
The sophistication of these pedo rings is astonishing. So tight knit, like the Mafia or something.
And doesn’t it make sense, now, to go back to those “old ways” of running their rings? What better way to escape detection than to go old school.
They sell this filth and make big bucks off of it. And they aren’t by any means at the margins of society. People of means, influence, even religious leaders.
I can speak from personal knowledge–having found out about several men I thought I knew well who were caught up in serious pornography, and these addictions escalate. I really wish I didn’t know what I do, that I could go back to being innocent about what goes on. Kind of sad.
Fret not, dear Sylvia, we’re all in this together. I too have been overwhelmed with all this sick truth. The light of God will continue to guide us through this filth. WWG1WGA!
God bless you dear Sylvia! Understand & agree. Try to shield yourself going forward. We have the gist. It is all awful beyond words. Prayers and tears.
There is a story of a young woman that had a hard childhood but encountered Jesus in a deep way. In her journey she began to have dreams/visions/encounters with God. It was in them that she gained the strength to begin to work in Africa with the throw away children. I will look for the story.
Sylvia, I think most people feel the same way you describe and we are drawn back to more when we’ve rested a bit. So first take care of yourself and know God’s got this and He’s chosen some very capable people to carry it out!
I do think that’s true. We’re all different and all of our tolerance levels are different. I didn’t think I had much “shockability” left but ha, ha, once again I have been proven wrong. Many times over the last few years.
I imagine for the most part it is sensible to parcel out information in bits, otherwise it is so ugly and overwhelming that people will look away or permit themselves to be distracted by the next scandal.
But this time, we have to clean it all up. We may never get another chance.
There is one guy who maybe can verify or debunk this account – Thayrone X. Yep that’s his name for his talkshow on WAAM 1600 am. His email address is at the website –
sound familiar?
Divide and conquer is their truth. Humanity is a manifestation of light. That is the true creation. As long as you divide them based on political parties, skin color, you name it… then you – from a Luciferian point of view that is – suppress the full capacities of your enemy, their full power. They can’t stand up for themselves, because if that would happen, the Luciferians would lose. Then this monster, the greedy monster would disappear.
And this…sounds like NXVIM method~
This was in order to make sure I would never break the contract of secrecy. So I was taken for a certain amount of time. I was “treated.” All those factors together, just increased the stress I was experiencing, literally running full speed towards my own end.
Interviewer: Do you mean abductions, as we call it, or programming?
Bernard: No, they exposed me to certain types of torture that makes sure you’ll never damage anyone in that world.
Sorry this ^^^^ reply supposed to go under the Ronald Bernard comment up above. From that article
Yep. Horrifying. For people who have “everything”, they need something more. And just like a drug addict who always searches for a better or “higher” high, they have to find edgier and more perverse entertainment.
Not all of them though. But many, if not most (as Ronald Bernard said).
The whole video (or the transcript thereof, in the article I linked) is really, really worth watching, because it opens a window onto a world rarely seen, yet it manipulates and controls just about everything. And, yes, this is the world that Soros and the Rothschilds, etc. live in. Now those pictures of Lady Rothschild in that Moose Antler outfit probably make more sense (in a way). has more info on these REALLY odd, evil, and dark people, as well as their Hollweird branch.
Ronald Bernard now has a Christian Charity. The look on his face, when he described what he was asked to do (participate in a child sacrifice), speaks volumes, both about that evil world, and about his turning and repentance.
I posted most of that comment last year, and before that, and on other blogs as well. Maybe I’m a chatterbox about it, but I think this subject deserves our attention, and our prosecution of the criminals (Paedosta Brothers, I’m looking at YOU) WORLDWIDE (and there’s a ton of them). It will probably bring down a few royal families, and probably some well-known “leaders”, but that’s the only way to clean up this mess, including swift and appropriate punishment.
Matthew 18:1-10:
Cuppa, I’ve gone down a lot of dark rabbit holes on the net and there are times I feel that to merely take them down is too it almost needs a blast of fire & brimstone to stamp it out forever
That’s why we have to put on the Armour of GOD (Ephesians 6:10-18) and pray without ceasing (and fast, but not as a “fad”). We need to be persistent, and to shine a light on this darkness to expose it. For as Matthew 10:26-28 says:
Cuppa, I keep thinking about the “Babylon is fallen” passage. Thank you for the transcripts you posted, really helpful.
Thanks, SingularZoe. I think Revelation 14:8 describes what the deep state, the DEMONcRATs and the RINOs are trying to do to the rest of us:
And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
They’ve forced the rest of us to pay for THEIR SIN, and, implicitly, join in it.
I also think of the verses in Revelation that talk about Pergamons, and I think of the San Francisco Bay Area, where I was born, raised, and worked for a while in the Silly Cone Valley before I moved here. It breaks my heart to see what has become of the Golden State, and the beautiful Bay Area. Revelation 2:12-17 says:
Yes, Cuppa, I lived for a while in the Bay area, too, and I was so naïve for most of that time about what was going on. Glad I left there when I did.
Just fyi, its the oscars tonight. Hollywood hedonists, moloch worshipers and general shills, hacks, and subversives all in one place. I wouldnt be surprised if there are Q related posts or at least noteworthy comments tonight.
Poor Smollett…bet a million dollars he had high high hopes of being toasted and slobbered on by these fools tonight buuuut his stupid hoax was an spectacular failure.
I hope Deplorables do not give this shitshow one click…the pics will be out soon. Already saw the dude in a long dress. brave….they’re so rancid
Were there “guys” there with Dork Knots?
(Funny thing, there’s a chain here called ALDI, kind of like Trader Joe’s, but with a wider inventory, that had non-food ads [tools, etc.] with a guy with a “man bun” and a table saw and other tools. OK, with that long hair, having his hair up made sense. But a man bun? Good thing they didn’t have all that kit plugged in… He could have been hurt)…
Did not know about the ad, but we have Aldi’s over here, now, though of course that isn’t really your point. Just saying …
It’s funny, one time we were back over to CA on vacation, and Trader Joe’s (owned by Aldi) had Warsteiner Beer on sale for less that it was over here! Good stuff, if they or Aldi still carry it…
I kind of miss TJ’s, though, they had stuff we can’t get here (I liked their Mexican Quiche, but don’t tell anyone – Real Programmers Don’t Eat Quiche…). Or write Pascal:
Gosh, I feel old. I can remember when Pascal was a NEW programming language…sigh…
(for what it’s Wirth)…
Cuppa, afraid I know less than nothing about programming languages. Lol. Do wish we had a Trader Joe’s where I live, though.
And not being a programmer, I had quiche for lunch–bacon, egg and leek. It was So Good.
Yep, programmers shouldn’t quiche and tell
Cuppa, lol.
Thanks for the laugh about “real programmers”! And I didn’t know TJ is owned by Aldi so thanks for that little tid bit…
Here’s another gem about the good old days (some of which I endured as a systems programmer) (but managed, barely, to escape drum memory) This one was written as a sort of rebuttal to “Real Programmers Don’t Write Pascal”, in the sense that Real Programmers Program On The Bare Metal (plugboards, anyone?)…
The Story of Mel
In this pic, Mel is the last one standing in the back, on the right (takes a while to load)
Explanation for non-programmers is here:
And some thoughts from “the young’uns”:!topic/alt.folklore.computers/cVa3Z_VwtWk
I love that essay
I try to share it with people today and it’s totally lost on them. Despite the many numerous problems with the disaster that has become “computer science” I still have a warm happy feeling every time I think of how irrelevant Pascal is in 2019.
I also love my ALDI.
Aldi and Trader Joe’s are owned by the same people. We have them both. Did a taste comparison of actual food and will be sticking to the local chains that carry local producers, and Whole Foods.
I don’t mind the man buns. It’ identifies the “I’m too stuck on myself” sorts without actually having to talk to them. After this weekend, and with memories of other such incidents, I’ll stick to electricity linemen.
Aldi over here favors local producers, when possible, however the EU mandates that a certain percentage of veggies, etc., must come from certain countries, some of which, oddly enough, are supposedly so dangerous people have to flee, yet the ones staying behind can actually farm and ship vegetables. Fancy that!
Aldi was founded by brothers Theo and Karl Albrecht, who divided their sales regions in Aldi-Nord (Theo) and Aldi-Sued (Karl). Aldi-Nord owns Trader Joe’s, Aldi-Sued (Karl) is building out the “regular” Aldi stores in the USA. Over here, Aldi (and LIDL, their biggest competitor) have very good, and fresh, produce and Bio products, in part because the turnover is so high – they’re constantly refilling their bins and shelves.
From the few comments I’ve read, I don’t know if the same is true over there. I know I liked TJs when we visited family in CA. Nothing like a TJ’s Mexican Quiche, some “Two Buck Chuck”, and some fresh fruit and veggies (to go with my Chex-Mix)(just kidding). As with everything else in the retail space, the competition is brutal, and stores like Food-4-Less, Costco, Wal-Mart, and a raft of imitators don’t make it any easier. At that time there weren’t any regular Aldi’s in the SFBA.
Aldi’s here carries some organic, and I hear nothing but good about Trader Joe’s. However, have heard about problems with organic at Whole Foods and don’t think I’d shop there.
I like Trader Joes also, the one trip to Whole Foods was a complete turn-off. VERY expensive and a poor selection. Also open bins ====> easily poisoned.
Can we talk about THIS?
I have been gone all day… So Sorry if I missed…
BUT Q TREE!! We gotta go to this!!! Meet up!! Ya’ll in?
Well, that would be amazing, Marica.
I definitely am going to try! Sounds great
We secured hotel rooms today! MAGA
Safest place in USA, Washington with the military.
Oh yeah Charlie!! Lets Do THIS!!!
Get rooms! Supporting Trump family staying at the International. Considering expense as “Gofundme” for lawyers : )
Charlie!! i JUST TRIED TO BOOK A ROOM! No rooms!! Damn it!! Can me and my sis bunk with you guys? LOL!!

Go direct to Trump International reservations
And me, too. Lol. Ha Ha
Lets find a hotel close Zoe!!! I wanna do this !! Tomorrow– I gonna find a DC hotel close– and Book a block of rooms!!!
Well, I want it, too, so we can try, Marica.
Charlie, what hotel do you recommend?
None of them are going to be inexpensive – convenience, walking distance and front row seats to the parade is the ticket! Get close to the mall.

I just SPIT!!!
Which one’s the half?
Decisions, decisions….
Two half, and half not….
that’s why I am DYING laughing!!

This is good!
Very Funny T3!!!!
Comments on that are hilarious, too… e.g.
“I feel a meme coming on”
“And possibly a gif, too”…
I feel sorry (OK, a little) for the losers on the left. Not only are they losing, but they have no sense of humor, are always miserable, and blame everyone else for their problems. And, since THEY are the reason for their problems, by blaming others, they will never get solved… No wonder they can’t do math…
So true and may I add so dumb. My smallest grand took karate from a man bun guy..all was well until he decided to go off script and mention how ‘backward’ ppl from the South were…My inner Scarlet was insulted and had I some velvet gloves would’ve slapped his smarmy uber Liberal face…………however i thought it best to hit where it hurts worst, his wallet.
Little karate grand going to a different dojo now…many sensai in the hood!
My inner Scarlett!!! YES!!! I got her too!!! Great story!!!
lol..being from the South I can laugh at the stereotypes a) because a lot are true and b) they’re funny but when it’s some Leftie feeling smug and superior…uh uh……………..
So glad you’ve got the inner Scarlet gene too!
Yep Molly!! My inner Rhett is actually stronger..Frankly Scarlett…I don’t Give a Damn!
Yep. It’s just curtains for the SJWs with man buns (aka dork knots)…
Speaking of curtains (“thank you – I saw it in a window and I just couldn’t resist”):
Word is they had to tell Harvey Korman ahead of time or he would lose it on set. Everyone else…yep, that and Tim Conway’s Elephant Story are two of the funniest moments in television.
Ouch – kinda small. Click on “view on YouTube” to get the real picture (window) of things
hahahaha classic!
Inner Scarlet. Hilarious.
Some have better senses of humor than others.
What they really do is take themselves too seriously.
There’s another one on that site, probably from their Karneval parade that will send SJW snowflakes splodey-heading everywhere – HUGE (I mean, YUGE) float with VSGPDJT… what a hoot. I think Italy is WOKE, along with most of Eastern Europe (who know all about the globalist Marxist yoke).
I can post pictures and videos all day long…but articles I’m a little fuzzy on, so you may have to copy and paste.
Daily Beast reporters dox person for believing in Q…
It’s getting nasty out there.
she needs to sue. Hitting back in courts might help. They’ve libeled her as well as put a target on her back for some anifia or media matters goon squad
Yup…she needs to hire Nicholas Sandmann”s lawyer…pronto!
I agree, but she needs to WAIT until they have committed EVERYTHING.

She should just bide her time, and position for maximum take.
QAnon will eventually be revealed for what it is, and she will be vindicated.
When you know you have a winning hand, get the opponent to put EVERYTHING on the line.
She should get the Evil Daily Breast to “bare it all” – get them to engage in maximum ridicule – make them go “all in” and describe WHY Q is a conspiracy theory.
Make them swear up and down that the Emperor’s new clothes are RADIANT!
Maybe even make them TRY to get her fired.
Then wait to COLLECT.
And finally, after she does get done suing them, they’ll be “The Daily Least”…
(In many senses, they already are)…
Might be my favorite MEME eveh!!!
Me too!
I showed that picture to one of the more open minded people in my circle. It struck the individual pretty speechless.
A true Kodak moment worth a few thousand words.
In Praying Medic’s Feb 21st Q thread he posts something from the chans that is really striking.
Wise words.
I like that!
JW in Germany
“…crimes that would cause many of us to go vigilante if we knew the sickening details….”
The new lynching law… Why go to the trouble of staging a ‘hate crime’ when lynching is already illegal. Perhaps because locals would not find the people guilty so the court case has to be moved???
48 States have Mandatory Reporting Laws. I wonder how many people know that applies to individuals as well as professionals. And to think that failure to comply with the mandatory reporting requirements can not only result in criminal penalties, but they can also subject a child to continued abuse or neglect.
Find The Laws In Your State
From the legal definition of rape to the statute of limitation for a particular sex crime, where you live makes a difference. Here’s a guide to the laws in your state.
Type your state in the space and click on “Find Your State” to the left of the map
On the page this generates scroll down to Mandatory Reporting on the right
Then click on Abuse of Children or Abuse of Elderly/Disabled
Below is information for Tennessee
Last Updated: December 2017
These are the questions answered…
**Who is required to report?
When is a report required and where does it go?
What definitions are important to know?
What timing and procedural requirements apply to reports?
What information must a report include?
Anything else I should know? (The answers below were my personal “Come To Jesus” moment when I became aware that “knowing” and “NOT REPORTING” had serious consequences because people knew that I knew and that can be turned on you in less than a heartbeat when survival of the fittest is in play.
I believe careful consideration of options of where to report is critical to getting proper response to your reporting as well as follow up for status reports. Never assume anything is being done without verifying. Your identity is formally assured to remain confidential in the reporting and investigation but if you are concerned that your safety could be at risk even with that, find a local police officer you trust to guide you through. There are good ones who understand concerns of the risk you may be putting yourself in.
**Knowing failure to make a required report is a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by not greater than 11 months, 29 days imprisonment or a fine not to exceed $2,500, or both. Everyone in Tennessee is a mandated reporter. Tennessee Code Annotated 37-1-403(i) (1) requires all persons to report suspected cases of child abuse or neglect.
**The duty to report continues as long as the alleged victim of abuse is a child under the age of 18. Tenn. Op. Atty. Gen. No. 88-142.
I believe that mandatory reporting as a condition of state residence is unconstitutional. JMHO.