Don't Look Away

We will need RESOLVE as they SCREAM about their trials and tribunals.

Don’t. Look. Away.

It will give you RESOLVE.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 285daf No.5377668 
Feb 25 2019 13:19:36 (EST)
Who will be next to fall post Weinstein?
Big name coming?
Nobody is safe.
Dark to LIGHT.
These people are sick!

Q Post 2888

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 2ea8ac No.5379494 
Feb 25 2019 15:05:17 (EST)

Q Post 2889

Now – watch this one carefully. Notice what is circled, and what Q says. This shows the NUANCE of swordplay with the deceitful leftists, and PEDOS in particular. This example is a MODEL for what was done with Pizzagate, to protect the core crimes by using:

  • too much too fast
  • too shocking too fast
  • too crazy too fast

The point is to make you walk away and not believe ANYTHING.

People often say that there is NOBODY more manipulative than pedophiles, and I tend to think that is right. They can weaponize EVEN THEIR OWN CRIMES to protect them from THEIR OWN CRIMES. That is a SATANIC level of evil.

Watch what Q is doing. Q is TAKING THE BAIT – but not swallowing.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 2ea8ac No.5379626 
Feb 25 2019 15:12:36 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 3cf552 No.5379582 
Feb 25 2019 15:09:47 (EST)


You are on the right track.

Q Post 2890

This will come back, a few Q posts later. Wait for it.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 2ea8ac No.5379762 
Feb 25 2019 15:19:06 (EST)
Anonymous ID: d1fb2b No.5379729 
Feb 25 2019 15:17:35 (EST)


Just another day at the office.

Q Post 2891

Hilarious! It almost seems like Q is getting bored with the “delta” proofs. What is next? It is definitely NOT serialbrain2 – that level is CHAFF. But what really IS the next level of Q games? That is what I’m curious about.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 2ea8ac No.5380099 
Feb 25 2019 15:33:33 (EST)
Arrival team reporting light rain.

Q Post 2892

Here we go again. An anon jumps Q for being “wrong”.

Very subtle.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: c85792 No.5380595 
Feb 25 2019 15:57:33 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 8a5609 No.5380232 
Feb 25 2019 15:39:30 (EST)

Once again we are about to look like liars. That tweet Q posted is fake and people are going to start spreading it all over the place. When something real does drop, nobody is going to believe it because we’ve already spread fake shit several times. How do we get word out to people who don’t lurk here on the board to not start sending out fake shit? We can’t unless Q corrects it.


“You are on the right track.”
Ex: video clip re: paid to shill re: K bros.
Think context.
Think bigger picture.
Think connections.
Define ‘Map’.
The truth can always be found.

Q Post 2893

In my opinion, Q is saying here:

  • Notice what I (Q) said about “being on the right track”. I knew this.
  • The HOAX video about “paid to shill” BY the Krassenstein brothers was a similar fake [I did not know this, but it explains why the K bro didn’t react to the camera at all, and it seemed a bit fakey! WOW!]
  • Context? These people are FAKING to cover their crimes.
  • Bigger picture? The “fake” “I’m just pretending” PEDO tweets themselves are a form of this – a kind of “inoculation” by pretending something is true to muddy the waters. And the bigger picture includes the Smollett hoax as well.
  • M.A.P. = “minor attracted person”. That is the bigger picture, and it still fits the guy.
  • Dig deep enough and you will find the truth. DIG past their protective hoaxes and self-inflicted protective fakery. The TRUTH will be found. Don’t be afraid – don’t let ALINSKY FEAR manipulate you.

Yes! We are being exposed to “reactive disinformation” by the left.

Hoaxing, self-hoaxing, and FLAILS of various kinds to muddy the water.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 0d7671 No.5384495 
Feb 25 2019 20:08:29 (EST)
Many more to come?
Dark to LIGHT.

Q Post 2894

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 0d7671 No.5384552 
Feb 25 2019 20:10:55 (EST)
Good find, Anons.

Q Post 2895

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: d36b82 No.5385001 
Feb 25 2019 20:33:08 (EST)
These people are SICK & EVIL.

Q Post 2896

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 43c548 No.5386040 
Feb 25 2019 21:26:19 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 7856fc No.5385640 
Feb 25 2019 21:03:26 (EST)

If a baby is born alive, doesn’t he/she have AUTOMATIC entitlement as a human being to life saving measures?

If a baby is born alive, isn’t it MURDER to kill him/her?

Why was this bill ever needed? Don’t drs take the Hippocratic oath to save lives?


POTUS is currently evaluating legal options re: EO.
Watch the news.
How can anyone support such EVIL?

Q Post 2897

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8414bf No.5387042 
Feb 25 2019 22:09:53 (EST)
Test 3

Q Post 2898

Interesting times.


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Pat Frederick

asked this on open thread–are we supposed to believe he meant to tweet DOG in that one tweet–super friendly—-discetc–because of the hashtag OR is that hashtag a way to cover up what he really meant?
doesn’t explain the other ones tho
one more Q 2892–talking about rain upon arrival

Sylvia Avery

I gather that is what we are supposed to think. Oh how funny, ha ha.
I don’t think it is funny at all. I’m sick to my stomach and pissed as hell. What a toad like creature he is.

Curry Worsham

The latter.
The real question is why talk about pedophilia at all?
Who does that? [Pedophiles.] As part of a word game?
That would be like playing charades with the phrase “man boy love”.
I think some of these pedos get a thrill out of saying pedophelic things in public – like a couple having sex in a public place.
In one tweet, Oswalt even figured out a (very!) clever way to say “I am a pedophile!”
When he tweeted about leaving his iPad on a plane, he mentioned he was reading a book on it in flight.
It was an autobiographical childhood book with scenes involving child nakedness and sex.
In other words, soft child porn.
He was sending a message to his buddies.

Elizabeth Carter

Thanks Wolfman. Good job!!


They need to do it faster and in legion then. No forgiving pedo whatsoever. Having sex to get a job as an adult can be forgiven but abuse cannot.


Gil, very much agree.


I thought tribunals were supposed to be done quietly, sort of secretly–I mean not like normal court trials.


Ww2 did not, but we are a different era and its specific to our country, as far as we know. I suppose the answer is likely, “It depends.”


Well, we’ll just have to see. I’d prefer they were done fast and quietly.


Sounds to me like many actually did have to make a deal with the devil to be successful in Hollywood… At least those who were desperate to make “it’ or those who had little to no talent…

Harry Lime

“or those who had little to no talent.”
That describes a heck of a lot of people in Hollywood.


Is that his daughter? That is the new wife in the background. Yeah, his writer wife ocerdoses and within a year he remarries a very washed up teen actress who is more than happy to marry the money. And he has done more than 1 kids movie.


Don’t know how we overcome such manipulation and fakery.

Curry Worsham

Exactly! And Q knows that he really is a pedophile.

A Fortiori

One of the more important things I have learned here is how to decipher the various and sundry hoaxes that are regularly perpetrated on us. As I learn about these patterns, I go from “this just doesn’t smell right” to “I see what they are doing” to “Ah, the old Alinsky self-hoax trick.”
While this is very enlightening, it is also very uncomfortable to see how much of this we confront.


HOLY SMOKES Phoenix!!!!


Winning!!! (I know this is a Q thread…) But considering the scary stuff Q put out, I thought this would be a bright spot)😳😊


It’s a great statement by McConnell. Don’t read the replies – they’re vile.


Thanks Lady P! The EVIL is really coming to PEAK HATE it seems…


I try to get others involved, but we need to start protecting our POTUS and his tweets..
I do believe that the part of the reason there are so many out there that won’t speak up because they see the overwhelming numbers of negative posts against Trump. Take a look at those posters guys, they are posters with very few followers, many under 500, majority under a 100 and 50 which is the biggest sign of a Liberal troll with multiple accounts.
I’m not saying to make multiple, accounts, I’m say to start sticking up for good conservatives with all your friends replying.


They (Jack) use Bots for a lot of the negative tweets.. and they jam them at the top, so that it appears no one supports him.


Very true and it is so frustrating for those on the fence..


nothing you can do about it… they are the ones with the bots and the owners of the site and social media and whatever in general is controlling all that.
i mean, i had a discussion with a guy the other day that said we need to protect america from russian interference (he said trump probably did ask them for help) i said hold up – so not only have i been punished for almost 20 years because of a fake attack by radical muslims and the only people to lose civil rights were true honest americans who were the victims, but now i’m going to be punished again because of some idiots with zero critical thinking skills who are swayed by god damn tweets and facebook? honestly i wish those people nothing but the best and i suggest they all walk into the middle of a busy intersection as soon as the no walking sign comes on… let nature sort it out.
the main point here is if anyone is swayed by a twitter or fakebook then those aren’t the people i want anywhere near me when shtf.


Well I joined twitter just so I could respond positively to the President’s tweets. I only have 161 followers presently.


I have around 5 thousand with my new one…
but mostly stay within a small group


Unseen1 suggested that everyone go into a POTUS timeline and ban every single one of those accounts from your timeline. If everyone did that, eventually they would be ineffective because no one would see their vile tweets. It will also be easier on us.


wish it was as easy as that–like I said most of them have multiple accounts


Another post. That comet pingpong one is faked.


Fake news twit post…real news actor pedo?

Cuppa Covfefe

See what Wolf wrote above about “powering through”.
Q wasn’t fooled for a nanosecond…

Gail Combs

More on Pedeo-Patton Oswalt
“There are shocking revelations surrounding the Twitter account of known anti-Trump propagandist Patton Oswalt, which his Twitter feed was recently uncovered to have tweeted admissions to being a “PROUD pedophile,” and offering praise of Adolf Hitler for the genocide of six million Jews, only to later discuss masturbating in relation to children….”
Nice guy. 🤢 🤮


In the chan replies.comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. Damage control. Anons should be able to check that out really quickly…

Plain Jane

I had to look up the creep. Thought I recognized him somewhat, but wasn’t sure. If he’s serious, then Gitmo and throw away the key.


If guilty, death at gitmo. It would be an insult to the country to have to support him in life.

Plain Jane


Plain Jane

So is that a real tweet from him or what. I don’t understand. If he utting out false stuff to undermine Q?

Plain Jane

I semi suspected that, but didn’t think Q would put forth something so vile on someone “innocent” of such a vile nature, even though the man is vile in his hatred for Jews and PT.
Thank you for clarifying Wolfie.


he’s not innocent… the first two tweets from 2013 are REAL…………
the 3rd, with his photo, and the ‘ping pong pizza’ circled in red is FAKE..
Oswalt is a pedo…

Plain Jane

TY PhoenixRising.

Plain Jane

Mea culpa. I somehow probably made half the point of this exercise. I was drawn to the next tweet, and did miss your commentary at the crucial place. So sorry.

Plain Jane

Thank you for telling me that Wolfmoon. I nearly lost confidence in my quick reading.


Wolf, I didn’t see the commentary at first, either, and then later, after you pointed it out, I was upset with myself,too. Thank you for explaining.

Plain Jane

The two og us must have been beating ourselves over our heads. LOL.


Glad you’re on the case, wolfie.


The Patton stuff was false, and Q knew it. As Wolf says, Q took the bait but did not swallow it, instead said: you are on the right track. And subsequently said the tweet was fake like the fake Krassenstein video, where one of them “admits” to accepting money to divide the country.
The communists truly are brilliant deceivers. The “right track” (if I am getting this correctly) involves discovering the games communists play, 1) which involves “flooding the zone” with garbage intended to confuse and discourage anyone interested in the truth, AND 2) also discovering the actual truth, which is the pedophilia.
In a really rough analogy, it is like shooting down an entire planeload of people to murder one on board, except the plane trick is prospective and “flood the zone” is retrospective.
Q used this technique a couple months ago, and I totally forget the specifics, but Wolf pointed this out at the time. By knowingly posting the false material first, with an “indirect comment,” Q is bringing huge attention to the leftists propaganda technique. Then Q follows up to show what was done. IOW making us aware of the tricks, inoculating us against their phony inoculations.
I just might add a rule of thumb which works 90% of the time: if something seems too good to be true (if you REALLY want to believe something because it DEFINITIVELY proves you are right), then it is probably not true. It is probably a joke, a trick, or communist propaganda. Or just boob bait.

Plain Jane

Thank you Tona.


YW. And I missed the major point olf was making: the leftists are SELF HOAXING to flood the zone. IOW, putting the truth (their pedophilia, for example) in a false context (“hey, I scored some kid sex at Comet tonight), so they can make the truth in a truthful context just one more piece of information in a flood of information.
It IS Satanic!


Culture Jammers but as chaff/countermeasures real crimes. Stage a robbery to hide a mdr kind of mess. These ppl are sick in many ways.


Was it when he said “boom.”?
I am pretty sure you pointed it out, but maybe not.

JW in Germany

I LOVE comments that get the synapses firing!
I have chills running up my spine because of confirmation of my own theories.
I also believe that we not only have chaff and flooding of the zone—my theory is that there is not just one level of controlled opposition when it comes to media.
I believe there are several levels of controlled opposition. I admit that I do not have solid evidence—but I do have my suspicions about several well-known media characters—some I am on the fence about.
I think it is fair to say that many of us have had our doubts about Fox News and the influence of the Murdoch boys. However, I believe it goes further than that—I believe controlled opposition is layered. Designed to pull the Deep State opponents—WE THE PEOPLE—in various directions. The good ol’ divide and conquer.
I have read several of her books and enjoyed them—but, I would be lying if I said that I did not have strong suspicions about her, as well. Just a hunch. I hope it is not true.

JW in Germany

It would help to say who “her” name is. LOL!
Ann Coulter.

Gail Combs

No One becomes sucessful in entertainment or even in publishing UNLESS the Deep State has a leash on them!

JW in Germany

Gail, great to see you over here!

JW in Germany

Shapiro? The guy is brilliant—which is why I am suspicious of his Never-Trumpiness—it is not genuine. Ben is controlled.
You cannot be as smart and articulate as he is about things like abortion—yet, be so stupid and ignorant when it comes to things like the incident between Corey Lewandowski and Michelle Fields (the pushing incident). The video evidence was undeniable—Shapiro was denying the undeniable.


I didnt realize you made it here! Great to have you!

JW in Germany

Gil, the CTH comment section is not the same anymore. There are still some good people there…but the overall atmosphere (if you can say that about the digital world 😀 ) is not the same. People get beat down immediately for even hinting at Q.
I think that Q is a world wide phenomena—pretending it does not exist and does not play a big part in history being made seems silly to me. At least debate the issue and agree to disagree.

Gail Combs

Tonawanda says:
“….discovering the games communists play, 1) which involves “flooding the zone” with garbage intended to confuse and discourage anyone interested in the truth….”
That sounds EXACTLY like the ‘game’ we saw OT.
No matter what was said in defense of AG Sessions (or later Huber) or about the ?85? thousand sealed indictments, some one would jump down your throat and then a bunch would pile on. NO ONE OFFERED ACTUAL FACTS! The closest to facts was SD saying Huber didn’t listen to the guys investigating the Clinton Foundation (It was NOT Huber’s assignment SMH)
This is a classic example of the PsyOps now allowed OT by someone who consistently bashed AG Sessions. It helps to look at a selection of comments over time because the really good Disinfo operators are careful to blend.
oldschool says: on September 16, 2018 at 9:15 am

IDK dan. I mistakenly believed POTUS would give the order to secure our border immediately after he took his hand off the bible. Other than a few bucks, a few miles, virtually nothing has been done in 2 years. 5 prototypes were ordered, delivered and inspected by our POTUS. Was it all show? Unless there is some real bids, contracts, comprehensive plan and action, this is not THE WALL and POTUS touting it that way just doesn’t sit right with me. just me. I have no reason to believe POTUS will behave any differently even after elections.

CNS says:
October 26, 2018 at 11:04 am

I concur fully with E.jay Miller. We will find out if DJT is all rhetoric or brings the full force of his presidency to stop this invasion. These caravans are acts of war by Mexico and other central American countries and have to be treated as such. There should be full resort to force by the Armed Forces of the U.S. However I am fearful that the government and the bureaucracy is not up to the task, and I am afraid neither is Trump!

oldschool says:
October 26, 2018 at 3:28 pm

agree CNS

Oldschool says:
February 28, 2018 at 1:26 pm

Don’t kid yourself. Any mueller indictments will be met with cheers, massive voter turnout and utter defeat of POTUS and MAGA.

Unfortunately he is typical and NOT the exception now.


It would not be surprising to find it turn into an anti-Trump site soon, if the comments are any indication.

CM in TN

The npc shills already have free reign. One of the reasons I left and came here…


We are all grateful for each other’s presence here.
‘Last Refuge’? It isn’t OT.
Thanks again to our host, Wolfmoon. May the Lord continue to bless him and his family.


Oldschool was particularly poisonous. There was a guy (not CNS) whose name I forgot who would always come in to agree with and elaborate on what Oldschool said.
They started out very subtly, but early on I would occasionally comment that they were headed for explicit rejection of and hatred for Trump. Where they are now is exactly where they were going.
Paul Raven was a brilliant writer, but he also was a steady anti-Trump contributer. There were others.
And as you say, the negativity was always fact free and repetitive.
I am going to disagree with a lot of people here and say I did not find’s Howie’s humor to be very funny, but his mindless repetition was just malignantly absurd, and I occasionally made fun of his content free repetition, hoping he would “get” the message. But at some point I realized his mindless repetition WAS the message.
I voluntarily left in disgust, well before the purging began. It happened when Sundance specifically and personally attacked me for disagreeing with the proposition that Sessions was a deep state traitor. I took the position that no one had enough knowledge to make that statement.


I remember when you did that. IIRC the caca started flying over that. I remember thinking “over-reaction” and “drama” in excess doses.

JW in Germany

I LOVE the way you think, Wolf! Very interesting analysis! They are using their own fake productions spoofing their very own REAL crimes as CHAFF! You have nailed it!


That is some freaky tweets.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. Champion Reception, or Champagne Reception???
Canaries, anyone?


I just gagged seeing comet pizza, pedoesta, and hillary together. Kamalas sister and rahms brother too. Egads.


OK Here’s the stupid part. Jussie stages a FF – besides being a complete friggin moron (doesn’t the DNC have better criminals to stage stuff?) it seems like EVERYONE and their DOG connected with this network knows everything about it!
Had it not occurred to these idiots that they may be being surveilled? No concept of OPSEC?
Call it a hunch, but I have this very strong feeling that somebody has all the goods on this fiasco collected. I can only hope that whoever it is has a large stockpile of popcorn. Can you imagine sitting in that seat, watching this trainwreck happening from the beginning in slow-motion and real-time?

Harry Lime

I think that this evil commie tactic is the primary reason for Bill Maher being on television. Maher does it a little differently and on a regular basis…Muddy the waters with outrageous comments and do it in the guise of humor. He drops serious bombs all the time and then can always fall back on “calm down people, it was a joke.”
Along with this Patton Oswalt tactic, they’ve also realized (after years and years of promoting the gay lifestyle) that the more you put something front and center, over and over and over, in movies and on the news and in our culture, no matter how distasteful to the general public, eventually more and more people will come to accept that this is now a norm of society.
The “gay” example is only the most obvious and the one that was highly successful…but they do this with abortion, transgender, they did it with stem cell science…now pedo…what’s next?

Cuppa Covfefe

Next up: polyamory and bestiality. They’ve already detailed that in a manifesto (don’t have the link to hand).
They want to break down ALL NORMS, and all institutions, and have a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah. They’ve come pretty close with Kalifornistan and “Sodom by the Bay”…


already ok in canada to have sexual type relations with an animal as long as there isn’t ambiuously defined “penetration” involved… they call it a loop hole (no pun intended)
oh no! even huffinton was against it (at the time in his case the decision anniversary):
a gurgle search with the words: canada animal penetration
all the details you want with the obligatory snopes verdict telling you what to believe of course 😉
the pedo hing has been on the move to normalizqtion for a while now. that video from the tedX presentation brought the words in no uncertain terms right out into the obvious. the girl will put you in a trance though – seems innocent enough but if it was by accident it was a stroke of genius dumb luck.

Harry Lime

“Next up: polyamory and bestiality.”
And then on to human sacrifice…I guess…

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s already here cf. Planned (un)Parenthood…

Sylvia Avery

“The HOAX video about “paid to shill” BY the Krassenstein brothers was a similar fake [I did not know this, but it explains why the K bro didn’t react to the camera at all, and it seemed a bit fakey! WOW!]”
Can someone help me catch up? I’ve seen references to these Krassenstein brothers recently but had never heard of them before. I am absolutely blank. I have missed something. Who are they, what did they do, and why do I need to know? Thanks in advance.


The Krass-bros have been spamming PDJT’s tweets with negative bullsh-t…for years.
They are notorious for it.
Months ago, someone tweeted out an ‘undercover video’ of them crowing about it.
But now, I guess we are learning that that video is fake?
I’m a little foggy on this part myself.


no proof was needed for anyone in their right mind to know about these guys. thus the need for the fake video to distract.
we have to be vigilant. the evil is a manipulator at levels we will never be able to comprehend. we cannot stay ahead without undiminishing fervent analysis. we cannot believe anything and i am not saying that lightly. one thing is for certain we are not dealing with a bunch of bumbling idiots. that is probably the number one trap that honest people can fall into. each over the top blumder they make is almost guaranteed to be an actual planned occurrence.


‘They’ actually have made some *real* blunders.
They control the media…so they get sloppy, thinking that the media will cover for them.
But now they are engaging in fake blunders, to cast doubt on which are real ones and which are the fake ones.
“Reactive disinformation”…as Wolf calls it.
As he says, they are doing this to ‘muddy the waters’.


This tells me that the elitist pedos are scared.
They are scared sh-tless that their depraved crimes are going to be exposed.
I think this is the Main Reason why the entire MindControlMedia has been obsessed with slandering Q as a “conspiracy theory”.
I’ve been hoping that the good guys would start taking down the elitist pedos…as the first volleys of The Storm.
When normies see that level of evil, then they will believe that these elitist-class people are capable of doing all the other crimes that these elitists have committed.


Spot on, wheatie!

Gail Combs

“….I’ve been hoping that the good guys would start taking down the elitist pedos.
wheatietoo, I think they have been. It just is not making into the national news.
Clare Bronfman, Seagram’s heiress, among 6 arrested in NXIVM case
Putin Blasts Euro-Western Culture of Pedophilia and Satanism
“In an explosive speech given by Vladimir Putin at the final plenary meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club. On September 19, 2013, addressing a number of challenges faced by contemporary Russia. In doing so, he also took aim at the moral degradation creeping through Europe and the West, in a rare – by normal political standards – display of candour.
He alluded to Satanism which Putin knows full well has, for a long time, been quietly rotting the fabric of America at the core….”

Texas Democrat Mark Benavides Guilty of Six-Counts of Continuous Trafficking of Persons
For those curious, Mark Benavides most recently ran (and lost) the 186th District Court in Texas.
This is the second Democrat in TEXAS alone to face felony charges this year, the 9th total Democrat to face charges.
Also in January, a Georgia Democrat, Kent Igleheart, who’s ALSO a Hollywood Filmmaker who directed the LGBT Film “Unconditional” was arrested for Child Pornography / Sex with a 13 Year Old
In October, Pennsylvania Democrat Philip Ahr was arrested for Having Child Pornography that was So Graphic, It Depicted INFANT BABIES being RAPED BY ANIMALS (Bestiality and Tortured Child Porn)
“Supreme Court judges ruled 6-1 in favor of a man from British Columbia in western Canada convicted for sexual assault and bestiality after he involved the family dog in the abuse of his two stepdaughters.”
I have 24 pages of this type of stuff.


You do such great research, Gail!
Thank you so much for compiling all this info!

Gail Combs

Most is from the commenters at the Treehouse. I just archived it.


Information needs to be reshared, no doubt.

Plain Jane

Most pedos are cocky and don’t believe they will get caught, or they are in it for the thrill of seeing how far they can go without a scratch of being caught. If, when they do get caught, they brag about their conquests, and go into detailed details. Almost as if reliving. Nauseating for therapists I am told.
This is for your average pedo, not sure how big wig pedos act. BTW, most average pedos don’t get caught until they have molested a hundred or more children. They then get sloppy in their crime and get caught.


Speaking of Pedophilias, here’s a really good read on how rampant it is!

Molly Pitcher

omg. I read every one of those articles. None of it surprises me except the scope and that was just one person’s research.
Has this been as widespread as it is for centuries or is this new to the last 100 yrs or so? I get that in the elite circles both lay and churches since beginning of time but average Joe & Jane???? How can that many people get aroused by this ?


“… is this new to the last 100 yrs or so?”
Molly, I think that the advent of photography and then films, enabled the proliferation of pedophilia.
Before that, it was not as widespread.
The sexualization of children has been accomplished through the use of films and photography.
Things like ‘beauty pageants’ for little girls, helped to proliferate pedophilia…even though a lot of those parents were unaware of it.
The final step was to ‘normalize’ it.
And look at Who has been trying to do this…the entertainment industry.

Molly Pitcher

Very good observations Wheatie. When I was young the neighborhood perverts were like panty thieves or peeping toms….it makes me nauseated that so many people can look at a child’s picture and get horny.
Waaa I want the old days…lol olden days from the 60’s or 70’s

Gail Combs

Make that the 1950s when people did not swear in front of women and children and girls were not allowed to date until they were 16 (Think coming out parties)
Now kids as young as 13 (the boy across the street) are dating at THIRTEEN and people wonder why we have so many teens pregnant.

Plain Jane

Alfred Kinsey. The man who “gave permission” to pedos.


That man’s name should be treated as a profane word.

Plain Jane

and a movie was made about his life a few years ago. A Tribute movie cover-up.


And an excellent refutation film was made by Chris Pinto, called The Kinsey Syndrome.

Plain Jane

The first part of my reply dropped. I said that his “research” is housed at Indiana University Campus in Bloomington, Indiana.
Also somehow his “ research” influenced the penal code.
There is a prominent frmale doctor who has done great work to uncover his deviency, but her name and website escapes me right now.


Yes, Jane, a scandalously perverted liar and deceiver.

Plain Jane

Singular Zoe, I didn’t know about The Kinsey Syndrome. TY.

Plain Jane

Here it is.
The Kinsey Syndrome. Thanks again.
BTW, Dr. Judith Reisman is involved with the film.

Cuppa Covfefe

Meanwhile, back at Big Brother’s Bar And Grill (and Genealogy Sites), the link between DARPA, Google, and the Ancestry sites is pictured. MilSpec Ops Monkey has an interesting twitter thread on it.comment image
(Hope I don’t goof this up – apologies in advance):


“Has this been as widespread as it is for centuries or is this new to the last 100 yrs or so?”
I suspect it has always been.
Certainly there is much written about ancient Greece and their ‘use’ of young boys, which apparently is hardly different from islam’s ‘use’ of young boys, e.g, in Afghanistan. Except to my knowledge the Greeks weren’t known for hyper-violence, the way anything associated with islam is.
And if it was part of ancient Greek culture, then it was certainly going on long before then. And if I understand Neon Revolt’s articles and other sources, it all goes much farther back, to Molech (or Moloch) and Baal worship, i.e., the same Satanic sickness it appears the globalist ‘elites’ are doing today and have been since the Rothschilds took over world banking four or five centuries ago.
“The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun. [10] Is there any thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? it hath been already of old time, which was before us.” (Ecclesiastes 1:9-10, KJV)
There is no new thing under the sun.
As Wheatie points out, photography and then film certainly helped to commercialize it, but I’m sure there was lots of pedo artwork before photography.
The nature and character of Man has not changed since Adam.
It amazes me sometimes to think what the world would be like without Christ and the New Testament. Because whether anyone is a believer or not, more than any other things (or even all other things combined), the New Testament sets the baseline for what is right and wrong, what is good and evil, what is moral and immoral.
Somewhat similar ‘philosophies’ can be traced to other sources, but nothing has or continues to have the worldwide ever-present influence of the New Testament. Even (and especially) for people who have never read a single word of it, it is absolutely woven throughout the law (and therefore commerce), culture, art, and society of Western Civilization.
I can barely imagine how depraved the world was before Christ. The Scriptures certainly talk about it often, Sodom and Gomorrah probably being the most well known passages, but there are many others.
The pagans and gentiles did whatever seemed best to them, and long-term, that always ends up appealing to the basest instincts, lusts and desires. Add money and power, and it always goes to the same place of depravity, where it festers until whole empires collapse under the weight of it. Ancient Greece, the Roman Empire, islam (since Mohamad), it all ends up in the same depraved place, without Christ.
I can barely imagine how much more depraved the world would be today without Christ and the Old and New Testaments.
It may be that many people don’t think about about that, about Christ or the Scriptures, but it’s always ‘there’, it’s always in the background, it’s the foundation which undergirds everything, and it’s always the eventual destination, whenever anyone examines an issue or subject of ‘right and wrong’, and drills down to the essence of the matter.


And I suspect this is why the globalists want to destroy Western Civilization (generally) and Christianity (particularly).
Because it is Western Civilization, more than any other, which judges and condemns their abhorrent conduct and behaviors.
They seek a return to the times when all the peoples of the world (except the 12 tribes of Israel… periodically) were entirely given over to idolatry of every kind.
No judgement. No standards. No moral code.
Whatever you want is whatever you want, and those with means (power and wealth) are like gods.
That ‘philosophy’ is generally well summarized by the expression ‘Do What Thou Wilt’.
And that is exactly what the ‘New World Order’ is about, and where these animals were quite confident they were taking us, by every means and deception possible.
Until Trump.


That’s true about the ancient Greeks.
They even turned their pedophilia into a sort of ceremony…where ‘elders’ would bugger young boys as a way of “imparting their knowledge to the youths”. (!!)
So in this way, they were not only able to ‘justify’ their depravity…they were able to demand compliance from the child’s parents.
Even though the ancient Romans conquered the Greeks, they revered the intellectual levels of science, medicine and engineering, that the Greeks had reached.
So the Romans adopted a lot things from the Greeks…and having a Greek slave as tutor for your children was considered a status symbol.
The ancient Romans considered all forms of ‘pleasure’ okay, though.
As long as you paid for it, appropriately.


True, but He (Jesus Christ) Is Truth, not a philosophy.


“True, but He (Jesus Christ) Is Truth, not a philosophy.”
Yes, I did not mean to suggest otherwise, but I see how it might be interpreted that way.
Here is the sentence: “Somewhat similar ‘philosophies’ can be traced to other sources, but nothing has or continues to have the worldwide ever-present influence of the New Testament.”
By putting ‘philosophies’ in quotes I was trying to distinguish it from Scripture. I was alluding to other belief systems (e.g., Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, etc.) or systems of Law (e.g., Code of Hammurabi, the older Code of Ur-Nammu, circa 2050 BC) to which some moral codes and principles of Law might be traced.


Scott, I think I know enough by now about your beliefs–said it more for the benefit of anyone else who might not know.

Plain Jane

Good article. Thank you for posting.

Harry Lime

Normal behavior is under assault from every direction. Aerosmith got it wrong… Dude Does NOT Look Like A Lady!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Somehow I can’t help thinking that Title IX and the “equality” movement led to this…
Libtards, be careful what you wish for; it might just come back and bite you…
TItle X hasn’t been much better…

Harry Lime

I think the hard-core Libtards knew exactly where Title IX was heading…but to your point I believe, yes, the next-door-neighbor Libtard on the street was just being led to the slaughter of ‘good intentions’ and had no idea…although at that point they should have. They should know today, too, but somehow they never seem to learn.

Elizabeth Carter

2 New Q Posts
2894 2895


Archbishop Favalora of FL had a young priest harem and a s3x-enhancement drug business. A group of parishioners got the goods on him and had him retired. Two FL bishops were caught in wrong-doings and retired. The evils of their clergy are horrible, pervasive and global.


That CNN video link starts out: “It’s news that will send shockwaves throughout the Roman Catholic Church.”
Who could possibly be shocked?
If there is any organization or institution on the PLANET more closely associated with pedophilia than the Roman Catholic Church at this time, WHAT would it be?
Even NAMBLA gets left in the dust by the RCC.
It’s so IN YOUR FACE that it has become a caricature of a caricature.
And for another ‘shockwave’, apparently Bergoglio (Pope Frank) is up to his eyeballs in the same stuff. Here is a link to Steve Pieczenik’s recent video. He comments on the new book on the Vatican, which states EIGHTY PERCENT are serious sexual predators:

It’s not a ‘church’, it’s a GAY SEX FARM with a pedo side dish, dressed up like a religious institution.

Elizabeth Carter

Another new Q
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: d36b82 No.5385001
Feb 25 2019 20:33:08 (EST)
These people are SICK & EVIL.

Harry Lime

Nickelodeon was a virtual Pedo-Factory back in the day…not sure what it’s like now. I wonder what past child stars like Kirk Cameron and Leonardo DiCaprio know…and what kind of threats and/or blackmail they are put under to keep quiet?
(This guy says he swears a lot but there are only two “F” bombs – one in the beginning and one at the end)


Hollywood truly is…Pedo-wood.
There have been lots of former child stars who have said “It is more widespread than you know.”

Cuppa Covfefe

Here’s a documentary about Hollyweird and the dirty doings there:
“An Open Secret”: An Important Documentary About Hollywood Child Abuse
I’m waiting to see what VC has to say about the Oscars, but I haven’t watched the Oscars in almost 50 years. It’s always been political, and now it’s DEEP(STATE)LY PERVERTED as well…


Dim Tammy Duckworth also voted against…
Democratic Sens. Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, and Doug Jones of Alabama voted in favor of the bill.
Republican Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski didn’t vote. Republican South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott was reportedly on his way to vote in favor of the measure. “He would’ve absolutely voted for it,” a National Review writer tweeted.
“Those senators who voted against this bill that obviously protects human beings will have a lot to answer for when they face the voters,” Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins said, according to a press release. “Senators who could not bring themselves to vote to pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act should reconsider whether or not they have what it takes to serve,” March For Life President Jeanne Mancini also said in a statement.


So shes fled the country.Talk about obvious.comment image

Molly Pitcher

A nice estate in the countryside for spirit cooking. buhbye witch, take your bad juju over there

Sylvia Avery

Good. Glad she’s gone. Sorry London, but she sounds like your kind of gal anyway.
“Strange vibration” indeed. The heat is on.


Maybe she’s afraid she’s going to get arrested for putting something live in one of her satanic recipes.

Q is Happening in More real time than ever before!!!


Wolfie? Can this sweet baby be our new Winnamin Baby? Q Tree original….😊😍

Pat Frederick

when i first saw this baby I thought the baby was cute…
but the more I see it, the more something feels off about it…it creeps me out. not being funny…it seriously creeps me out…wonder why that is?????


It’s obvious (to me) that it is partially posed. They set up the baby with his (?) hands folded like that and then just did something that they knew would make the kid smile. The type of smile seems (to me) to be one of those fortunate accidents that cannot be scripted.
Your discomfort IMO is due to the overall impression of the pic seems older (to you) than the actual age of the model. This is a disgusting thread as far as subject matter goes – don’t allow that to taint everything you see.


Something interesting an anon posted earlier today, which may have significance since dates are significant to the cabal:
“Tomorrow is 911 weeks from 9/11, and it is 26th of February, the date of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing (2/26/93) … and Trump is out of the country. It is a well known operation to pull shit off when the President is abroad…”


Pray… for POTUS, for good resolution at the Summit, for his safety… for our well being
But DON’T draw negativity to you…
that’s way too much negativity…


Linda!!! PRAY!!!


So this is some sick shit going down, I’m with you Marica, we should PRAY!!!


I think the lack of votes to gain cloture on the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act showed us where senators stand… all six of those running for president in 2020 voted against invoking cloture. It will prove to be a huge mistake for them, as well as for the GOPe that voted Nay. The bill passed by NY allowing abortion up to full term has many Americans rethinking their position on abortion PERIOD. That is contrary to what the radical left wanted. Today’s vote will work against pro-abortionists.
What if a senator or congressman were to have a heart attack or a stroke while in session? What if no one did anything, no one called for a doctor or an ambulance, or gave any medication? Would there be an outcry? Of course there would be. This is exactly what some are advocating though, isn’t it, with regard to newborns.
Q’s focus on pedophilia has me thinking that some earth-shattering news is about to drop. A lot of normies will be unable to handle it. We must share info on pedophiles in Hollyweird and entertainment in general, with friends and family so that they will be able to handle what’s to come… so that justice can be served.


This is a fair point – but the reality of p is no one wants to talk about it. The stuff that haunts dreams. Besides which, most people I know have families and have to be careful what the little ones hear. Even talking about it w/ LEOs I know – honestly they’ll talk about it too if they think they can help educate, but they need a rest too, how much it weighs down the mind and the soul.


Cuppa Covfefe

The Oath that abortionist “Doctors” take is the Hypocritic Oath…


In post No. 2894, Q mentions pedophile priests.
It’s really horrifying to think of our pastors and priests, being capable of doing such things.
But it is a good thing that people are now aware of it…so that they can temper their trust with the knowledge that this sort of thing actually *does happen*.
This video illustrates how trusting people are with their priest.
The parents of this infant are stunned, initially, by what they are seeing:
If that had been my baby…I’m afraid I would have punched that priest.
Just a reflex action.


An Anon made this interesting graphic:
comment image