I just realized that we’re not just the news now – we are OFFICIALLY the fact-checkers. And DISSENTER by Gab is why.
Hat tips to Q, Andrew Torba, and our own thinkthinkthink.
Here is where it started.

February 28, 2019 at 21:04
Remember DWS’s computer tech guy?
Omar Awan toast?
Tesla that burned in fatal crash in Davie catches fire again at tow yard
Driver in fiery crash on Flamingo Road identified
Liked by you and 1 other person
Well, follow that link….

Just read this article and you can see why it raises eyebrows:
DAVIE, Fla. – A Tesla that crashed and caught fire Sunday afternoon in Davie caught fire again after it was towed away, police said.
The driver of the 2016 Tesla Model S, later identified as Omar Awan, overcorrected and lost control of the car, which traveled across three lanes on Flamingo Road, struck several trees in the median and caught fire, Davie police Sgt. Mark Leone said.
Awan, who was “burned beyond recognition,” was pronounced dead at the scene, Leone said.Witnesses said the Tesla was traveling anywhere from 75 to 90 mph when it crashed.
Early the next morning, the Tesla reignited and caught fire again at A Superior Towing from a ruptured battery, Leone said.
“We’ve been out here three times already,” Davie Fire Department Battalion Chief Robert DiFerdinando told Local 10 News.
Tesla released a statement about the crash Monday, saying the company would cooperate with investigators.
“We understand that speed is being investigated as a factor in this crash, and know that high speed collisions can result in a fire in any type of car, not just electric vehicles,” the statement read.
SO – we have one OMAR AWAN who dies in BROWARD COUNTY – home district of one DEBBIE WASSERMAN-SCHULTZ – of a strange ONE-CAR ACCIDENT in a SPEEDING VEHICLE that goes OUT OF CONTROL and then BURNS UP. And the guy is BURNED BEYOND ALL RECOGNITION.
Almost sounds like it can’t be real. And yet this is local news – normally trusted for stuff like accidents and whatnot.
There is another link to an earlier article with MORE details.

DAVIE, Fla. – A driver was killed Sunday after crashing his Tesla into a tree along Flamingo Road in Davie, authorities said.
https://wqth.wordpress.com/2019/02/28/dear-maga-20190228-open-topic/comment-page-2/#comment-86165The crash caused the Tesla to burst into flames.
Paramedics pronounced the driver dead at the scene. Witnesses at the scene said the Tesla was traveling at a high rate of speed before the crash.
“There was just no way anybody could have saved whoever was in there,” witness Mark Dodds, who lives nearby, said.
Police closed a portion of the southbound lanes of Flamingo Road near the crash.
In May, two teenagers were killed when their speeding Tesla crashed into a wall in Fort Lauderdale. The crash caused the car’s electric battery to catch fire.
The National Transportation Safety Board found that the Tesla’s lithium ion battery, which was the source of the fire, reignited twice — as police transported the car away from the crash scene and again when investigators tried to remove the battery from the burned-out remains of the vehicle.
Tesla has defended its electric-powered cars, saying high-speed collisions can cause fires in both gas and electric vehicles.
SO – the real question for me was whether this guy was THE Omar Awan, or just ANY Omar Awan.
A quick search of the name and the location led me to THIS article:

A DOCTOR you say?
Yes. Almost 50 years old. Definitely NOT “The” Omar Awan.
A physician and father of five was killed Sunday afternoon when he lost control of his 2016 Tesla Model S sedan and hit a tree about two miles from his home in Davie, police said. The Tesla was engulfed in flames and later, while in a tow yard, reignited and burned several times.
After speaking with the Davie police department’s traffic homicide investigators, the NTSB decided not to investigate the crash, Christopher O’Neil, chief of media relations, said Tuesday. The NTSB investigates all aviation crashes but not all automotive incidents.
At that point, I went back to The Q Tree with the happy news.

February 28, 2019 at 21:23https://wqth.wordpress.com/2019/02/28/dear-maga-20190228-open-topic/comment-page-2/#comment-86165
Different guy. Interesting coincidence, IMO, unless it’s some kind of REALLY FAKE news.
Liked by 1 person
And then I got to thinking more about things.
I could use my Dissenter browser extension to go BACK to the two articles above, where WHICH Omar Awan was not answered, and WARN people that this wasn’t “The” Omar Awan.
Which I did.

Then I decided to get fancy and say something at the article that I used to solve the problem:

Notice that NOBODY can remove these, except Gab, which is severely disinclined to do so.
That’s when it hit me – WE were now SNOPES, and nobody can stop us.
With those thoughts, I went back to The Q Tree and bragged some more!

February 28, 2019 at 21:31
Holy moly! Could it be him? Burned beyond recognition? Hmmm.
Liked by you
February 28, 2019 at 22:18
Thanks for this – I’m going to do a big story. We are the fact checkers now.
This is where I started getting downright giddy with the idea of replacing the EVIL Snopes!!!

Now THAT was when I began thinking of my favorite misleading news site, Cloverfield – whoops – I mean THE CLOVER CHRONICLE.

Surely they would have this story – right? OH HELL YEAH!!!

Notice the frigging link at the bottom! Fox News!
But is it a link to an actual story? NO! Of course not. It’s a link to the Fox News homepage – just BULLSHIT to give an “official-looking” link.
Still, there’s value because of a graphic video of the burning wreck.
So what do I do? I am FINALLY able to TALK BACK TO CLICKBAIT!

“Browardstan”! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Hey – you ought to hear my made-up names for redneck and hillbilly towns and regions – I’m an equal opportunity joker! And it’s JUST A FRIGGIN’ JOKE.
Ya Democrat MAROONS!
So where was I?
Yes. We are NOW the news – and MOAR.
Oh, how I love that.
And we can leave TIPS for each other, DEBUNKS for each other, and all kinds of USEFUL stuff, too.
We may not LOOK like Snopes…..

……but frankly, I think we look more respectable…..

…..although, I just had to entertain the idea of having fun with our future.

Enjoy the future, people. We appear to be the early adopters.
Just ask Q.
Geez, I gotta play with this more. It will definitely cure me of Twitter addiction.
It’s very cool that if you simply want to say something about ANY content on the internet, you can leave your thoughts – with FREE SPEECH – for like-minded folks.
Hmmm. You could even do that at Snopes, couldn’t you?
Yes you can fact check Snopes!
Can you imagine anyone more deserving?
Hilarious!!! Such an amazing idea! OMG!

Here you go. We don’t have those Sundance Breitbart Deputy badges.
We have KNIGHTHOOD with the SPARTAN SPEAR! (I just made that up – what the heck!)
Drop your shoulder and accept your knighthood!
Curtsy. Thank you. I’m in!!
I don’t know if we have 300 highly active daily contributors here yet, but we’re already causing the Persians a LOT of trouble.
Woohoo! I’m famous! I’ve been Wolfinized. Next I want to be Q’d.
“Stick with me, kiddo, and you’ll be Q’d for sure!” -The Wolf
Very Qewl, Wolfie!
Question about Dissenter:
How do people that are not on Dissenter get to see the comments we make with Dissenter?
I’m not sure if they can see them on dissenter.com, but I don’t think so.
Theoretically, Torba could open it up like Twitter and Gab, where anybody can see the posts, and I do believe that the “copy to Gab” feature is already working now, so I’m copying a lot of my “disses” to Gab. But in terms of having easy access when you’re on a page, the browser extension is the way to go. And for that, you have to be on Gab. Which is free and open now.
Good thinking, though – people may want others to be able to see their comments through Dissenter itself, without being a member of Gab.
Yeah, Dissenter would become dynamite if the general public were able to see the Dissenter comments.
People would flock to GAB to open accounts…just so they could use Dissenter.
I wonder if there is a way for Zorba and his wizards to ‘tag’ articles with their Dissenter Logo…like an icon to click on?
That would be way cool.
And also…allow the public to see the Dissenter comments, if they click on the Dissenter-icon.
Interesting idea! Yeah, that’s pretty cool.
I’ll tell you – I will bet they’ve got 1000 ideas right now, and I’ll bet Zorba’s phone is ringing off the hook, too.
Amazing how fast they went from ver 0.3 to the release ver 1.
Last updated 3/1/2019, Hold on tight we are now on the technology ride into the future.
Very cool!!!
FACT CHECK: Snopes is wrong.
I can’t truly express how happy this makes me feel.
Isn’t it cool how stuff just BLOSSOMS? That is a very cool pattern that is really helping me. Instead of just saying “that’s wrong”, I’m digging deeper to find the WHOLE STORY. And then actually DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. We can DO SOMETHING about disinformation.
And what’s even more “meta” about that, is that THIS VERY META TOOL – Dissenter – allows me to repeat the pattern everywhere. I can dig deeper and leave clues for others about ANYTHING. The whole internet has a Wikipedia talk page for everybody.
Now that THE PEOPLE are back in control, we can actually begin to fulfill the promises of the internet.
Q saw this stuff. They are very smart folks. We just have to listen.
There was a reddit post about dissenter. Generally excited but the word is getting out there first before people really understand what is hapnin. You are going to have a lot of fun with this. The one psting mechanism to rule them all.
“The one posting mechanism to rule them all.”
That’s a good way to put it!
When we yelled back at our televisions we weren’t crazy. We were seeing the future!
Something I’ve noticed on Dissenter…is a box to check that says “Share on GAB”.
What does that do if you check the box?
Does your comment get posted as a GAB-tweet?
Has anyone tried checking that box?
Yeah – they’re showing up in Gab with the article shared, too VERY COOL.
Yeah, I went and looked at your Gab feed…and there they were!

I’ve been giving you upvotes.
Ha! Thanks!
I’ve got to go back and studythe your first Dissenter thread from early this week. I was sick and nothing stuck in my brain. I got hugely frustrated last week when I tried to sign up for Gab and and my online persona email addy wouldn’t let me access it. I still can’t get in.
Same for me, Jane.
I wasn’t able to get in either – but I went out yesterday to the Gab website and I was able to set up an account without an invite. You might try it again now.
Yes – they dropped the invitation model! Now is definitely the time to sign up.
I found it strange they had my email addy, but wouldn’t accept my online name w/ the addy. I’ll have to think about joining.
The blue-check arm-bands are perfect!!!
The meme on Reddit (Lib Swarm) is GREAT and Oh So TRUE!
Better read before the Lib Swam gets it taken off Reddit.
I did find a good use for Snopes once. I was arguing with someone who actually believed that Sarah Palin said she could see Russia from her front porch (that was actually a line by Tina Fey impersonating her on Saturday Night Live).
Because Snopes actually does say this is false, and this person trusted Snopes, I was able to shut her down.
Snopes often has good links, from which I can draw my own conclusions!
Just Dissed this post on D. And shared to Gab. How’s it workin’?
I found it on Gab, working great!
Working great!

Here are the MAIN PAGE Dissenter comments:
The problem is, after I make a comment on WordPress, I’m not actually AT the main page any more – I’m at a COMMENT PAGE. So when I click on the “g” and fire up Dissenter, I don’t see people’s comments – I see this:
Nothing there. My comments at a “comment page” are separated from the main page.
Just a heads-up.
Earlier, there was some odd “mixing” of comment-page data with main-page data – that seems to be fixed already.
Dissenter will have to iron out the problem of comment consolidation later. BIG issue, but not impossible.
Good morning, Mr. President! Welcome home!
58,734,835 followers – 8:02 am – 3/1/19
Tinfoil hat on here. How likely is it that DWS and the Dems arranged this crash with this appropriately-named guy to get the click-bait crowd to believe it was the REAL Omar Awan?
Generally, if some “nobody” person dies in a car accident, their NAME is sort of incidental to the story, and is treated such. “Florida man dies” would be the most likely headline. His actual name might appear in the story, but it would be almost an aside. The crash is the news, not the man.
But in this case, the name was in the news, early. If the mainstream idiots believe the real guy is dead, what does that do for the bad guys?
Just my conspiracy theory of the day. There are so many in my silver-covered little head.
Tesla’s seem like death traps to me.
Me, too!
there you go… using your grey cells.
Aubergine raises a very valid premise.
In response to which I would say that of course it was used as suggested. Doesn’t matter to Cabal whether something is true or not… only matters if it is believed.
I love Dissenter… grandson downloaded and I am on Gab. BUT I have not yet learned how to use. (lo-tech here
Wolfie, thank you so much for making Dissenter available to us here, esp. thanks for your tutorial (cite your thread on the sidebar maybe?)
Good idea!!!
And DONE! Link is labeled “Get Dissenter”!
One of the thing that I don’t like about Tesla’s is how much computer and software exists in the car. Essentially the entire vehicle’s operation is run by software, there are not mechanical relays for the system. Telsa also retains remote connectivity to vehicles, including the ability to track them, push software updates, perform roadside assistance, etc etc. This begs the question from a cyber perspective since it’s been demonstrated on other vehicles (namely Jeep) that design flaws in the system security allowed an external actor to take control of the vehicle. However for Tesla remote control could easily be a built in feature – their designs are proprietary intellectual property that are Tesla property, not available for external review. This said, what is to stop a dedicated threat actor from reverse engineering the systems and software, and from finding vulnerabilities in the system? This kind of work does not require high level threat actors IMO, it could be performed now by anyone with resources and time. Many people have taken it on themselves to reverse engineer their own Tesla’s to avoid paying Tesla’s ridiculous repair fees for work they can perform themselves. A little engineering knowhow, plus resources, plus an actual Tesla, there ya go. Cyber specialists have been talking at conferences about their concerns with these electronic drive systems for years, it shouldn’t be hard to understand their concerns.
Aubergine – I am SO GLAD that you bring this up, because I was actually THINKING ABOUT THIS PROBLEM last night! I kid you not! And based on this, I think you’re RIGHT.
I believe they have used PROGRAMS that scour for news WHEAT to also identify the CHAFF and then INFLICT IT ON US AS DISINFORMATION.
I was bothered by the stuff that “Amazing Polly” was saying – as well as my own revelation that DS had been trying to get “help” out of me on some of this stuff without tipping their hand – YEARS AGO.
Here is “Amazing Polly”. Just “stay loose” on what she says – what I’m thinking fits into this beautifully.
We have discovered an interesting idea – that RED HERRINGS ARE FINDABLE, USABLE, AND MONETIZABLE.
And guess what – the CIA (and particularly the rogue KGB faction) is *ALWAYS* looking for “self-propelled” operations (which is why the black hats got into drugs, sex trafficking, etc.)
I believe that part of the answer here is EXACTLY what “Amazing Polly” was talking about! “News Software” – also known as “A.I.” FINDING and USING “misses” is EASY. And who do they use them on? US!!!
AI is a bit of a continuum. There is a lot of automation that “approaches” whatever level of automation one chooses to call something “AI”.
THIS ties in to what Sharyl Attkisson found – that Eric Schmidt was behind the early deployment of the ORIGINAL “fake news” meme that was to be used AGAINST US. And VSG turned it AROUND on them.
This is huge. This means that Trump is even more right about fake news than he thought. This means that Sharyl Attkisson is more right about fake news than she thought. And this also means that AI is being used against us – just like we thought.
Beg to differ slightly. Trump clearly knows a lot more about fake news than he lets on
True. “We have it all.” clearly includes POTUS!
Wow. This is a crazy-lot to absorb!
So, the AI just continually scans the net, with keywords in “mind.” Then, if say “another” Wolfmoon (truly, there can be only one!) dies or something, they jump on it, and generate click-bait to make all those who surface-skim the news, never looking further, believe that it was YOU, the famous one.
Or if say Michael Cohen goes to Prague…
OK – here is where my practical programming and user knowledge comes into play.
I believe that what happened is that the “scanners” for real news picked up a lot of of “fake news” – stuff that was close but MISSED THE MARK – stuff that was WRONG but almost true. The programs – CREATED BY PEOPLE – make the SAME MISTAKES AS PEOPLE. This includes both “rule-based” AI and “self-built” AI, where the programs do “whatever” to discover their own algorithms for solving stuff.
The RESULTS include “false positives”. But the EVIL GENIUS is the human realization that the MONEY IS THE SAME. One can make money on the clickbait. However, there is a downside. And that is when somebody had MORE EVIL GENIUS, to realize that it’s possible for the person who DEPLOYS fake news to make money on it, but the BLAME can be assigned to your political opponent.
See how that works? FAKE NEWS is therefore a kind of SELF-PROPELLED political attack, as long as there is a REAP – and that REAP has to be BLAME ON THE RIGHT. And because it’s “big” and the victim is an entire class of people (“everybody”) but primarily “conservatives”, yet it LOOKS like the victims are liberals, then there is nobody to blame. And one can even tailor the news to showcase AUTHENTIC foreigners (“Macedonian content farms”) and other small CIA creations and blame it on the right. And all of it serves to justify censorship – THAT being the biggest goal.
Basically LET THE TRASH NEWS OUT as justification for more control of the news.
Evil genius.
Note that letting the trash news out to justify tighter control of news is TYPICALLY liberal / Democrat / communist behavior, just like not enforcing gun laws in order to demand more gun laws.
Dems love this trick. Let social controls screw up to demand more social controls.
Otherwise known as INAPPROPRIATE INACTION, the path to more control.
Ok, now I understand better I think. They can say “see, all this fake news is confusing people, we need to do ____ ‘help’ people not see it.”
Scariest words in the English language? “We’re from the government and we’re here to help!”
So, Aubergine, if companies are auto-generating articles from bots that read sources on the Internet — can we screw it all up royally by using GAB Dissenter to provide alternate lines of reasoning?
Sounds like it could be fun.
Setting a canary trap via multiple methods could be especially rewarding…
Using multiple methods to set a canary trap could be especially rewarding…
I think Gab Dissenter is going to be a game-changer.
Once people catch on to the idea that, almost no matter what you say, you won’t be censored, it’s gonna get nuts! True freedom of speech? Hell, Gen Z has never even SEEN it. Social media platforms sheltering the masses from opinions is all they’ve ever known.
It’s going to be great! And EVERYONE here is smarter than a bot, so we can do real damage
Woah. I hope anyone interested in the distortion of the news will watch this.