Dear MAGA: 20190301 Open Topic

This IN LIKE A LION FRIDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.

Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.

Keep it civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.

Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.

Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:


Also consider The Non-Amended Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

We will neither confirm nor deny whether we have nukes. This is part of our new “old school” policy.

Today’s message is simple. MARCH IS HERE. Act accordingly.

Have a great weekend!


Stolen from a blog and I have no idea where they stole it from.
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Driller…great picture! It took me a minute to take it in, and then I instinctively cringed waiting for the reaction!!!



Pat Frederick

LOVE this one!!!


I miss him too!
I think Andrew would be a bigtime Trump Supporter, if he were still with us.
His death was very suspicious.
I don’t buy the ‘natural causes’ story, at all.


I don’t buy the “natural causes’ story either. I’m sure Andrew would have been one of the most vocal Trump supporters too


Especially when we know the CIA has had heart attack guns for decades.


Yep…and then the Coroner who did his autopsy died mysteriously too.


nothing to see here–move along. Guess they thought we wouldn’t notice.


I suppose the death of the coroner was a warner to all future ones who might dare to report truthfully. They want them to say “died of natural causes” or suicide or something.


Quite the gig. Do fishy stuff, hide and cover it up, and anyone who questions the official narrative gets the weaponized conspiracy theorist label. But when THEY dug into Nixon, of course, they were heroic seekers of the truth.
It’s ok. If they didn’t have double standards they wouldn’t have any standards at all.


Very suspicious, indeed, Wheatie. I do think his death alerted many to how ruthless these people are and caused many of us to question other narratives we had sort of accepted. I remember how shocked and disbelieving I was.


AB understood how to deal with the left, which cam be summed up by the words: “Do not be afraid”
Part of what makes “conservatives” conservative is a reluctance (disinclination) to be confrontational. It is a question of temperament, prudence and wisdom.
Breitbart and now VSG understood that irrationality cannot be reasoned with, just confronted.


That’s right.
Decency and civility FAIL against indecency and incivility.
It ain’t time, NOW, to try to “make nice”. We’ve tried that, and in the extremity of the state of affairs today, this method just ain’t makin’ it.
“irrationality cannot be reasoned with”
To borrow from math:
Unnaturalness cannot be made to be natural.
Irrationality cannot be made to be rational.
The imaginary (ideals) cannot be made to be real.
Time for a change in tactics!
Hope you’re well, Tona!


I was going through some older Q posts and noticed the following from last March. It’s interesting because it references N. Korea and the social media giants. I’m wondering if that +12 at the end means 12 months. If so, we’re in for some interesting times.
Why did Kim travel to China?
Why was travel impossible in the past?
What changed?
What constitutes the need for a F2F meeting v. secured call?
What US publicly traded co. previously entered N. Korea to establish comms?
Think logically.
Who is Sergey Brin?
Where was Sergey born?
Think KGB.
US, China, N Korea [3].
FACEBOOK data dump?
Who made it public?
Who sold shares -30 days from announcement?
You can’t imagine the magnitude of this.
Constitutional CRISIS.
Twitter coming soon.
GOOG coming soon.
AMAZON coming soon.
MICROSOFT coming soon.


Socialist Media will be Humbled.
Hoping to make a post about this soon but I keep wearing myself out 😉

Sylvia Avery

I live for the day when Big Tech has to pay for their sins. Data stolen, sold, people manipulated through their dumbass products, being constantly spied upon, I hate the whole mess. I want them to pay. I want them broken up. I want them humbled. I want them stopped from controlling us.

Gail Combs

Sylvia, get your shovels, and I will get my pitchforks (Plenty to go around Ladies) and lets go GET’EM!
I do not use Twatter or Farcebook or credit cards to keep my exposure minimal. My banks are small local banks too. I use a simple flip phone, only when Hubby insists I carry the darn thing and my vehicles are antiques. Our appliances are old and I told the local energy company where they could shove their Smart Meter and pay $30 a month more NOT to have the damn thing.
Oh, and I LOVE MAPS, no GPS for me!
I am a narapoid, I KNOW they are out to get me!

Sylvia Avery

Gail, I’m right there with you.
I gave up the smart phone years ago when it began to dawn on me what a little spy I carried with me. It amazes me still that I live just fine without it and it absolutely CONFOUNDS almost everyone I know that I can live quite comfortably without it.
I dread having to get a new car and will put that off as long as possible.

Deplorable Patriot

I keep telling myself this is why I haven’t published my books on Amazon.

Elena Maza

Linda, I found a very interesting tweet regarding North Korea on this twitter thread:
Apparently there was a raid on the North Korean Embassy in Spain that took place on Feb 22:
On Feb 25 Q posts “Good find Anons” with the photo of RGB and a Vietnamese official captioned “I hear Hanoi is educational”. Do you suppose White Hats raided the NK Embassy in Spain to obtain cyber evidence? Did Trump let Kim Jung-un know we have it during his meeting? Was this the real reason the talks were called off?It’s one Anon’s theory that I’m looking into. Wouldn’t we love to know?


A powerful story….
Viola Davis Gives a Haunting Speech About Her Personal Experience With Sexual Assault


Reminds me of another, her name was Willie Dillie. Strange name, much older but same story except for the fact these people have weaponized the act.
Least we forget.


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Plain Jane

Love that video compilation Michaelh. Thank you.


I never get tired of watching that. I still don’t believe he lost the popular vote.

Gail Combs

In North Carolina, Chuck Kitchen (ran for Court of Appeals) told me 22 out of the 100 counties HAD MORE VOTES than alive adult bodies — Now think of ALL the ILLEGAL VOTES in Californicate, Florida, NJ, MD, VA and NY states to name just a few…


Better throw Texas in there too, it’s worse than most people think.


In like a Lion…
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I can’t believe it’s March already!
Wow, this year is flying by.
We will neither confirm nor deny whether we have nukes.
Ahem. Yes…we have no nukes.
That’s my story and I am sticking to it!


This stupid Gun Bill that the Dems are pushing is just a way to outlaw Gun Shows.
The Left has been trying to do this forever.
They hate it that people are able to swap, trade and sell guns on their own.
I hope Pres Trump vetoes this nasty bill!

Deplorable Patriot

The communists are not going stop with this one. They’re sort of getting away with stepping on the first amendment, but it’s the second amendment that defends the first, and that’s the one that is a direct threat to their takeover. It is real, not imagined. And they’ve been at this, destroying the old system to take control directly, since at least the French Revolution, my guess is longer, but in such a way it would not be noticed.

Sylvia Avery

I’m praying it doesn’t pass the Senate.

Deplorable Patriot

I take it there is no way for multiple people in a household to be partial owners in a single firearm.


Good luck using that law to argue before a probate court.

A Fortiori

This may be possible; a good friend of mine told me that he and his siblings jointly own all the firearms that had belonged to their father. Perhaps the firearms were placed in trust, with the children as beneficiaries?


What part of “shall not be infringed” do these rat bastards not understand?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The “not,” of course.
I suspect that there’s a continuation of the sentence that reads [replace period with comma] “, except when we feel like it.”
It’s written in invisible ink (including the tail on the comma that looks like a period to people who can’t see the ink), and democrats and other gun grabbers are issued special goggles that can see the invisible ink. Curiously, the one conservative who got to look through the goggles one time couldn’t see it either.
Funny, that.


Lol! You are a card!


I cannot find this James Woods tweet anywhere on his twitter feed.
So if the Q-tweet is real…then he must have deleted it.
A lot of people figure that James Woods is ‘HollywoodAnon’ who posts on the Qresearch board.
From the posts I have read from HollywoodAnon…it sounds like James Woods.

Deplorable Patriot

Huh. That’s an interesting thought that James Woods would be HollywoodAnon. He’s certainly a big enough name to know some of the things that come out. There’s a few other possibilities.
And these guys WOULD be missed if they expired in mysterious circumstances.


A few months back, on the 8chan board, there was a generic “anon” who posted more than once … and many other anons thought that it was James Woods. I agreed with them (though we all could be wrong)..
Within the past week or two, though, there have been TWO iterations of HWood Anon, numbered “1” and “2”, and some of the posts were “signed” by BOTH.
I think these two recent anon posters AREN’T Mr. Woods; they spoke with haughtiness and slander against other anons who challenged him / them (and anons challenge EVERYONE! lol).
While their vocabulary was excellent, their “psychological profile”, IMO, wasn’t similar to Mr. Woods. Also, I believe that he wouldn’t “pair” with another – it defeats the anonymity, and poses an unnecessary risk.
I think HWood Anon 1&2 are untrusty, FWIW. The Clowns and Shills are ALL OVER the 8chans.
Caveat Emptor.


Any chance that was just a photo shopped tweet?…. It wouldn’t be hard to do… sorry…


Ah! So it *was* a real tweet from James Woods!
Thanks, Linda!


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Global Warming is brutal.
The NatureIsScary tweet didn’t say where this was…but I noticed that someone posted this in the replies:



Deplorable Patriot

Winter this year has been brutal in general. Wondering if the weather tampering devices have been Office Spaced. We’re due for another round of the white stuff on Sunday, and the predictions just keep changing…like normal.


Meanwhile, so far in N FL, we have an early Spring. A week ago, it got into the 80s. So, the Dogwoods, Jasmine, Azaleas, Red Bud, Plum trees are all opening up along with the early flowers – violets and Japanese Magnolias. Our spring flowers will be long gone before Easter.
However, we know freezes can and likely will still occur – if March comes in like a lamb, it will go out with a lion.


We have Dogwoods on my street/neighborhood (pink and white petals) – – just gorgeous. They bloom in late April or early May, depending on the harshness of the winter.
The blooming always lifts my spirits. The petals drop after a couple weeks and the streets are then lined with bright white or pink blossoms along the curbs until the rain washes them away.
The Dogwoods are a nice sized tree for a residential area, not too big, and they are sturdy neighbors during the summer and fall.


In our area, dogwoods are the lower canopy – pines forming the top layer.


We didn’t have enough winter to kill all the grass here.


That’s about 5 miles from my home.
In late winter/early spring the Niagara River is (usually) filled bank to bank with “icebergs” (floes) like you see in the video, different sizes but many quite large.
They come from warming weather and the breakup of the solid ice on Lake Erie.
An “ice boom” (a series of pontoons) is put at the mouth of the Niagara River to hold the ice and prevent it from destroying shoreline property, and is lifted when it is safe to do so. But this year the high winds broke the boom early and parts of the boom floated down the river along with the ice.
The annual question of when the boom will be lifted is a regional subject, as it symbolizes the end of winter hereabouts.
The ice all goes over Niagara Falls about ten miles up river.
Some days in spring will be warm and sunny, shorts and t-shirt weather, and you can drive along the river watching the ice floes speed along to the Falls, always a delightful phenomenon.


James O’Keefe on the Facebook whistleblower (featured here yesterday):


So wrong. But this is not the first time the UN has honoured the oppressive and bloodthirsty Che Guevara, M.D.:
The photos below show the reality:
In the end, Dr Guevara was fatally shot in Bolivia in 1967.


Here’s the first tweet (Feb. 2019) — thought this would show above:


In my copious free time I want to do a series on leftist icons exposed. Che, Rachel Carson, Kinsey, Marcuse, Cesar Chavez, “Chief Seattle”, Harvey Milk, Eric Hoffer, you know, the usual suspects.


Will look forward to reading the articles when you get around to it.


Hoffer? !!!!
I never read his books but he is always quoted saying sensible stuff.


He does have his uses but he smoozed in all the liberal academic elite circles, and they loved him. The “true believers” were the depolorables, not those people they saw in the mirror. But I need to dig up my stuff on this – again, time and effort…


Interesting! I just assumed from his quotes that the true believers were leftist fanatics, because his descriptions always applied so well to them.


Had a super-hip and equally ignorant step daughter come flouncing down the stairs wearing a “Che” shirt.
I just about lost my mind. I’ve been to Bolivia.
Made her take it off and took the kitchen shears to that shirt.
THEN, we burned it in the fire pit.


Does she ‘get’ Che now (i.e. from the proper perspective)?


Oh yes. Good life lesson to not follow the crowd.




Good for you, Daughn. Now That was a dramatic lesson she will never forget.


We used to burn things a lot.
Dad had a shirt he loved, thought he looked good. The girls hated it. He defended the shirt. I spoke up, ” I hate it too, we should burn it.”
The girls gasped, because in the city, you can’t burn something.
We made a ceremony out of it. Picked up all the sticks in the yard (good), and we all burned something. Had a heck of a BBQ and marshmallows. Good day!!


I hope Mr. Daughnworks put out the fire appropriately, just for good measure!

Cuppa Covfefe

Jackie Speier (along with Swallowwell and the other SF and East Bay critters) is an execrable puddle of malevolent, demonic evil.
How that part of CA got to be that bad, I have no clue. It used to be beautiful, peach and other orchards, and beautiful farm land, with a few towns here and there. Livermore used to be just a “cow town” back in the day.
May end up that way again… All that they have there now is the, erm, waste from the cows… Sad…


‘How that part of CA got to be that bad, I have no clue. It used to be beautiful …’ Agree. I used to enjoy visiting there decades ago as a youngster.


I think if Cohen lied about any of those things he would face a lawsuit (which he would lose) in a New York minute, and he knows it.


It’s great that PDJT honours the military at AF1 pit stops. From Alaska, yesterday:
‘Trump Brought Bronze Star Hero On Stage At Air Force Base Pit Stop. He Sent The Crowd Cheering With Two Words
‘President Donald Trump took a moment to honor a real hero during a pit stop at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson (JBER) Thursday …
‘After speaking briefly about planned advancements for the military, Trump turned his attention to Sgt. Sean Rogers, who was recently awarded a Bronze Star …
‘The president greeted Sgt. Rogers as he stepped onto the stage, and asked whether he’d like to say anything. “No, sir. Just thank you, I guess,” was all Rogers replied.
‘Trump went on to describe in harrowing detail how exactly Rogers had earned his Bronze Star. “Brave guy,” he said. “He rushed into the enemy fire to rescue a member of his team.”’


Stupid keyboard dust bunnies…


Remember the woman who threw the brick at the 81-y-o man? Sentenced to 15 years:
‘LOS ANGELES — A woman charged in the brutal attack on a 92-year-old grandfather out walking in Willowbrook, Calif., was sentenced to 15 years in prison Thursday.
‘Laquisha Jones, 30, of Los Angeles was charged with felony elder abuse in December.
‘Witnesses said Jones pummeled Rodolfo Rodriguez with a brick. He suffered a shattered jaw and broken ribs.’


He has been banned from You Tube, but Tommy Sotomayor was very interesting on his analysis of the Laquishas of the world.
I will not try to summarize his opinions (a lot of which was very funny) but suffice it to say he focused on anger, disrespect, ignorance, entitlement and egos far, far out of proportion to reality.


Millions saw the Trudeau corruption story on social media:
Meanwhile, Canadian media aren’t reporting the story, only the AG’s position within the Liberal Party:


Plot thickens, thread details Justin’s connection to #NXIVM Cult. There’s also a thread reader inside the thread that offers details on Ghadaffi’s son and Mexican Government/Elite cult members
They’re ALL connected…..


Holy moly guacamole!
Thanks for the thread. RealJeffreyP is great at giving us the full story.
He is the ex-Dem from Arizona — no longer living there — who knows all sorts of connections and stories. He started exposing AZ Dems a month or so ago. (Those threads were posted on here when they appeared at the time.)


AZ Dems? You mean McShame, and Flake?


No, registered Dems. See this thread:


In portraying himself as a neo-con Steve Bannon, Jonah Goldberg leaves National Review and partners with Steve Hayes of the now-defunct Weekly Standard to create a new media outlet, free of ‘boosterism’ (i.e. promoting PDJT):
‘Hayes tells me about the startup, which doesn’t have a name now: “We believe there’s a great appetite on the center-right for an independent conservative media company that resists partisan boosterism and combines a focus on old-school reporting with interesting and provocative commentary and analysis.”
‘Hayes and Goldberg are seeking investors.’

Sylvia Avery

Sigh. I used to hang on their every word. I thought they were so smart, so thoughtful. But once again, it was the Trump Effect in action. All I had to do was watch them react to Donald Trump and it was like their masks were snatched from their faces.
Well. I wish I had a bucket of water to throw on the pair of them and they would melt and nothing would be left but the striped socks and the shoes. Just go away, Steve and Jonah. JUST GO AWAY.


This x1000! Thanks, Sylvia!

Harry Lime

“…and they would melt and nothing would be left but the striped socks and the shoes.”
You’re in luck, Sylvia…your wish has been granted!…this is pretty much exactly what has happened to these frauds!
(“‘Hayes and Goldberg are seeking investors.’”) BwahahahQahahaahahah!!! These two clowns had prime gigs at respected conservative news/opinion outlets and completely destroyed themselves and the outlets forever. Seeking new investors? Good luck! They may get some rich sucker to fork over the dough but they can’t get those readers back! They poured the water over their own heads. Good riddance! And thank you President Trump!

Harry Lime

And btw, I had long time subscriptions to both of those magazines. And what have they done? I’ll never subscribe to a political magazine ever again (unless President Trump publishes one). That’s what they have done. They have no idea of the damage they caused themselves. But, they have saved me money and time. I won’t be wasting either on any fancy high-brow political mags even if I think they’re on the right track. Just can’t trust ’em!


Harry look into Epoch Times. We started getting their print version in December. Weekly paper, $50.00 q 6mo. Absolutely love it. Covers many important topics, including politics. Amazing source of info. They’re online too, but we prefer reading print articles. 🙂

Harry Lime

I prefer print, too. I guess we’re old-fashioned. I have been checking in on Epoch on-line and didn’t know that they had a print version so thanks for the heads-up LadyP. Maybe I’ll take a look…but at the same time…there was a time when I worshipped these other pubs, too. I guess I’ll always be wary now.


Yes, it’s difficult to let go of old favorites, but they’re definitely not what they were years ago. We abandoned our local commie rag the day after Obama’s election – realized we had been paying to be abused and mistreated. Once you think of it that way, it’s easy to let go. We picked up the WSJ as an alternative, and I’m not happy with them either – Never Trumper throughout and barely disguised TDS on the editorial page.
Epoch Times has been an awesome breath of fresh air. We’d gotten a mailer on it and decided to try it as I’ve read some of their articles online. It’s been great!


Not sure what you think of the John Birch Society, with whom this magazine is affiliated, but The New American appears to be a good one. I don’t have a subscription but someone gave me a bunch of back issues and I liked everything I read. They often have long, historical articles that are very educational.

Harry Lime

This is another one that I was unaware of…I’ll have to give them a look-see. Thanks, NF.




“appetite on the center-right for an independent conservative media company…”
“center-right” shows right there they’re clueless about genuine American conservatism. They’re not willing to support traditional conservative American values, which they’ve proved by being #NeverTrump. POTUS has been the most “conservative” POTUS we’ve had since Reagan, and even more effective.


Also, a publication “that resists partisan boosterism…interesting and provocative commentary and analysis.”
Translation: not standing for MAGA, and bashing Pres. Trump, wrapped in pseudo-intellectual rhetoric. They underestimate our intelligence, BIGLY. I hope investors do not.


These elitist have no idea how smart POTUS’ base is. No idea. We not only have intellectual smarts, we have common sense – actually worth more for survival.


“I wish I had a bucket of water to throw on the pair of them and they would melt and nothing would be left but the striped socks and the shoes.”
BUT!!! But!!!
Can you hit them with the shovel first, please??


Bannon isn’t involved, is he?
Bannon and PDJT talk on the phone all the time.
Article doesn’t mention Bannon. Did I miss something? Help!


No, I just meant that Goldberg looks a LOT like Bannon these days: could use a proper steam towel shave and a soak in the bath for a week.


Heheee, Bannon is a scruffy guy, true.


Interesting how Goldberg’s mom steers clear of Jonah. Why doesn’t she just wash his mouth out with soap?


I didn’t know about the foul language, but, then, I ignore him because he isn’t MAGA.


They better look for “reporters” as EVERYONE knows that these 2 “has beens” will never get “conservative” readers…… Unless they are SEVERE conservatives I guess 🙂


I rather hope it doesn’t get off the ground.

Pat Frederick

Five anonymous parents tell their stories. I did not know that PP had this kind of clinic, but it’s not surprising:
Incredible stories here from the devastated parents (excerpts follow, emph mine):
A lesbian mother of a junior-school-aged daughter says:
‘We are in no way out of the woods. Some parents dealing with this issue view us as lucky because she is so young, giving us and her more time to work through her discomfort. Maybe we will be, but we are facing this ever-growing storm of a social contagion without any help from the mainstream media or the negligent FDA, not to mention the pathetic capitulation of our physicians and mental health professionals.’
Another mother with has a daughter who has been under psychiatric care for many years says:
‘Because her psychiatrist did not consider her to be transgender, I assumed she would be unable to get a referral for the testosterone she was determined to start.
‘I was wrong. In only one visit, and with just a little bit of blood work, Planned Parenthood will cheerfully enable young women and men to pursue their “authentic” selves through cross-sex hormones. All that’s needed is a few bucks and signing a form that the risks have been disclosed and understood.
‘That is the route my daughter took at the tender age of twenty, bypassing her psychiatrist altogether.
‘My husband wrote to Planned Parenthood, explaining her mental-health history and providing her doctor’s name and telephone number. Planned Parenthood’s lawyer wrote back curtly that they presume anyone over eighteen is capable of giving informed consent
‘No matter what anyone thinks of Planned Parenthood’s other services, the fact that they will instantly prescribe powerful hormones with many unknown long-term effects—especially to people with underlying mental-health issues—should shock one’s conscience. People need to know that this is Planned Parenthood’s new line of business.’

Sylvia Avery

Wow. Is there no evil too low for PP? No crazy train too extreme for them to leap onboard enthusiastically? I had no idea. Their time has passed and their doors need to be shuttered.


I look forward to that day.

Pat Frederick

that’s like going into one of those jiffy lube places and asking them to rebuild your engine.
I do not agree with the whole trans movement–I believe it is a mental disorder –even John Hopkins labels it as such–and there needs to be a LENGTHY evaluation process and frequent therapy sessions before anything–ANYTHING is begun.
PP acts like they are a medical cafeteria and you can get whatever you want there.


‘Medical cafeteria’: a surefire money-spinner for PP.
I’m waiting for first-hand accounts and lawsuits in a few years’ time from people who have undergone this treatment then found it wasn’t right for them.
This is another thing that can be hung on the door of a faithless society. In the old days, very few would question why they were made male or female. That was merely how the good Lord ordained them.
Nowadays, so many people think they can take the place of the Creator. Wrong!

Pat Frederick

agreed…learning to accept and value who you are is the greatest gift a parent can give their child imo…God created YOU–therefore the world needed someone just like you!


Fully agree, Pat — a beautiful and succinct explanation!


Oh, my! That describes perfectly a book I purchased for my granddaughter for Christmas 2014, right before her Mother/my daughter died. “God Made Just One” by Bonnie Rickner Jensen, illustrated by Ellen Matkowski, published by Blessings Unlimited.
That book helped sustain her – and me, for that matter – during the darkest time in our lives. It became her favorite book and she still pulls it out every time she comes to my home. She was so very proud of herself when she was finally able to read it to me. When her class in school had a bring-your-favorite-book day, that was the one she took.
“To every one-of-a-kind child God created – you are a gift to the world. And to Morgan Porter, whose spirit and courage reflect the true beauty of God’s heart.” – BJ

Pat Frederick

sounds like a lovely book!
so sorry about your daughter!


This goes along with the fact a child can’t take an aspirin in school without written permission, but the school will allow the child to go off for an abortion without parental notification.
Sick society.


Excellent point, well made.
Fully agree with your conclusion.


More Like the Frankenstein-Mengele Cafeteria


I smell a money trail in this story.


Please explain. Would be most interested.


Just guessing, Churchmouse, but it would make sense. PP makes money for referrals for breast exams, etc. Opening up a new stream of revenue would benefit PP financially. Hormone treatment is expensive and these kids are young and gullible.


Oh, yes, of course.
I misunderstood. I thought you meant there was a money trail from the parents, which I couldn’t figure out.


Sorry Churchmouse, I was not clear enough. My fault.


No worries! We all do it.


This process has to be an “experiment” – The Bourne Effect.
Using unwittingly insecure children to take drugs they know nothing about to change into something
they “think” they want while changing their lives forever.
This is not coherent! Who is behind this evil?


PP is the face of the atrocity but who is pulling the strings?


‘Follow the money’. A story for us to track.
Who would have imagined whoever and whatever is behind it would go to such means to achieve family breakdown? No doubt this is demographically targeted.


Communist Playbook, my dear – ALL of it!


Yebbut, specifically. Okay, we have Gates. There must be other groups and persons, too.


Oh, my, yes – Ford Foundation, Rockfellers and their foundations, Rothschilds and their foundations, Buffet and his foundation(s), Big Pharma, Big Ag, CoC, and on and on and on and on….Soros alone controls over 200 organizations.
And then there is SERCO: “It is only by correctly understanding the true role that the SERCOs of the world have in the running of the planet that anyone can even begin to apprehend the enormity and complexity, pervasiveness and profundity of the Government-Corporate Complex. Truly, the warnings of George Orwell’s 1984 have found their full manifestation in the real 800 pound gorilla that currently rules the realm — the entire planetary civilization. As follows: The Government-Corporate Complex Takes Complete Control Of The USA”


Interesting — a UK company involved in the most secure and sensitive reaches of the US government.


As our VSG says: “It’s a complicated business, folks!” The connections inside connections are very long and vast/worldwide in scope.


Indeed they are.


Satan 👿

Elizabeth Carter

Who is behind Planned Parenthood:
William H. Gates Sr., former head of eugenics group Planned Parenthood. Bill Gates’ father, William H. Gates Sr., has long been involved with the eugenics group Planned Parenthood, a rebranded organization birthed out of the American Eugenics Society.
Bill Gates, Monsanto, and Eugenics – How One of The World’s


True story, but you forgot Warren Buffet 😛
In my copious free time, I’d like to post some topics on the trans epidemic…


That would certainly be welcome information….


‘… the eugenics group Planned Parenthood, a rebranded organization birthed out of the American Eugenics Society.’ Holy moly!
Thanks for the link. Have bookmarked.


I am too close to this experience.
My son was dating this sweet young woman, who had a friend who was transitioning into a woman. She “supportingly” went with “it” to Planned Parenthood appointments, and wouldn’t you know it, withing months she was “trans” too, and on hormone therapy.
My son is devastated. The now-trans woman, and “it” are currently engaged to be “married.”
I think the deep, dark secret of PP is Agenda 21, now Agenda 2030. To reduce the human population by whatever means necessary. Aborted babies, young people no longer able to reproduce, anything goes.
These people are sick.


I am very sorry about your son and his ex-girlfriend. How can people be so susceptible?
Think of it this way: it’s a good thing their relationship didn’t go any further. Imagine how problematic it would have been later on. Good grief.
Yep, agree that this is all about population control. This particular part of the plan, it would seem, is aimed at those of European extraction. It does not resonate with anyone else.


I know, right? It seems to be young Anglo-Saxon kids this is happening to.
And I am extremely grateful it ended before it was REALLY a problem. My son wanted to marry the girl eventually! Can you imagine if there were kids!?


What if she didn’t show up on their wedding day or everything was planned and she pulled out at the 11th hour? Either scenario is heartbreaking.
Your son might be devastated now, but he is a lucky man.
The right girl will come along, believe me.


CM, I went to PP Website to find how long these services have been provided. Did not find that answer but it is an interesting plethora of information including the Global arm which I had forgotten existed. Seems Reagan imposed the gag rule that limited funding, Clinton removed those restrictions and Trump reimposed the restrictions to funding as one of his first executive orders..
Found this particularly deceptive statement …
Our Services
Planned Parenthood is one of the nation’s leading providers of high-quality, affordable health care, and the nation’s largest provider of sex education. We offer compassionate care, backed by medical experts and more than 100 years of research in reproductive health.
…that contradicts the horrifying experience an unnamed patient shared in a video interview with Pro-Life Action Ministries. She was 22 weeks pregnant when she went to a Planned Parenthood clinic in St. Paul, Minnesota for an abortion in 2017, but she said she chose life after hearing what the abortionists would do to her son if he came out alive.
The woman said she asked the two abortionists, “If you guys were to take him out right now while he’s still, his heart rate is still, you know, going, what would you guys do?”
She said one of the abortionists looked at the other one, then looked back at her, “and she told me that we don’t tell women this, and a lot of women don’t even ask this question, but if we was to proceed with the abortion and the baby was to come out still alive and active, most likely we would break the baby’s neck.”


Thank you very much for the link, Judy.
Good grief. There is a special circle in Hell for those people.
Who could break a newborn’s neck? I cannot fathom it.


Brings tears!

Cuppa Covfefe

They have a subsidiary here in Europe called Pro Familia (pro family!!!!!), which, in typical DEMONcRAT/libtard fashion, means the exact opposite of what it says… and they are VERY active in promoting abortion. Here’s in Germany, they’re trying to amend our Constitution to allow doctors to advertise Abortion services… We Christians are fighting it tooth and claw…
All one has to do is look at Satan’s 10 commandments, the GEORGIA GUIDESTONES, to see what the elite have planned for us peons…
They intend to reduct the world’s population to 500 Million. From what, 7.5 Billion? Hmmm. I don’t think the 7 Billion (erm, that would be us) will be too thrilled about that…
Funny how no one among the monument-destroyers does anything about taking down Satan’s guidestones…

Cuppa Covfefe

REDUCE, not “reduct”… geesh. Sausage-squisher attempts to spell-check with poor results…


churchmouse thanks for sharing. I’m afraid I’ve been slacking off a bit.
My wife mentioned this story last night and how terrible it is. She also had read other news stories about p/rings busted asking what I knew about that. Another piece she read went into detail on the left’s plan to legitimize p like just they did trans. I told her there’s a lot of bad news I don’t want to burden her with, but the fact it’s coming out means the snowball of justice is picking up speed. The main thing is the left is desperate and rushing to get this done – they’ve stopped being careful and are opening up the throttle hoping they can force it to happen in a way that it can’t be stopped.
But “too much too crazy too fast” works both ways!


You should tell her, anyway. She is an adult.
As she found the news stories herself, she is no longer ‘burdened’, as it were.


Right you are! Thing is she also knows what her limits are. Keeping informed on PP is emotionally difficult when your time is dedicated to caring for an infant with all the emotional ups and downs that come with it. And there really is a need for spiritual detox after you read some of these.


Leftists seriously upset that Van Jones (no matter what one thinks of him) appeared at CPAC 2019:
From the article, which has a ton of tweets:
‘While the vocally liberal Jones seemed to get a warm welcome among the conservative CPAC attendees, his attendance and willingness to give credit to conservatives and work with them on key issues apparently didn’t sit well with members of his own ideology. Many critics either responded to [Vox’s Aaron] Rupar or posted their own negative analysis.’

Sylvia Avery

That’s right. Stay on the plantation, Van.


The comic irony here is delicious.
Still – I don’t trust Van Jones.


One can NEVER trust Van Jones – JMO. He is VERY dangerous!

Sylvia Avery

I don’t either. Original Commie.

Pat Frederick
Pat Frederick

wow this new bill would MANDATE taxpayer $$ for abortion, and cost an estimated 40 BILLION in 10 years, AND they still don’t know where THAT money would come from–taxes on the rich for sure but that’s not enough, so guess who else would be taxed for this monstrosity?

Pat Frederick

Sorry sanctuary states–you would not be eligible to apply for the grants in this bill…
FTA:The proposed legislation, according to information from Sen. Cotton’s office sent to Blaze Media ahead of the bill’s introduction, would declare ties to a criminal gang combined with any criminal conviction “to be grounds for inadmissibility to the United States and grounds for removal,” would bar known gang members (with a prior conviction) from qualifying from asylum, and would empower the secretary of Homeland Security to designate gangs under the Immigration and Nationality Act.
The bill would also create the “Ronil Singh Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program,” which would provide local law enforcement with grants totaling $200 million. In order to qualify for these funds, however, law enforcement agencies would have

Pat Frederick

ooops..let’s try that last paragraph again…
The bill would also create the “Ronil Singh Memorial Justice Assistance Grant Program,” which would provide local law enforcement with grants totaling $200 million. In order to qualify for these funds, however, law enforcement agencies would have to fully cooperate with federal immigration authorities, meaning that sanctuary jurisdictions would not be eligible.


Because March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb, random pic. Happy Friday peeps!comment image

Pat Frederick

such a sweetie!!


Coming in like a lamb here, so will be going out like a lion. Hopefully, that will be in the form of rain – WITHOUT a tornado – and not snow.


It’s March 1st. We all need to go fly a kite!
These Octopus kites are the bomb.

Pat Frederick

that is cool and creepy at the same time!

Pat Frederick

Kendra Arnold, the executive director of the Foundation for Accountability and Civic Trust, a government watchdog group, said that the payment was “problematic” given that candidates are required to disclose the source of their income.
“Identify the source by naming the organization, corporation, or other entity making the payment. It is not necessary that individual clients of a business be named, only the business itself,” the manual states. Tlaib did not report that it came from Soros’s Open Society Foundation.
Tlaib ultimately collected $225,180 from Soros’s organization throughout 2016 and 2017, according to the group’s tax forms.
so playing somewhat loose with reporting income requirements and paying herself generously from campaign funds even though she got over $200K from Soros in 2 yrs…wonder where all that money went…

Deplorable Patriot

Any thoughts on this?
Senate investigators warn of Chinese state-run centers at more than 100 U.S. colleges
China’s government “controls nearly every aspect” of the Confucius Institutes, according to a new, bipartisan report.
Senate investigators are warning that China has opened government-run centers at more than 100 American college campuses, pouring over $158 million into Confucius Institutes that spread Chinese influence while going largely unmonitored by the U.S. government.
China’s government “controls nearly every aspect” of the institutes, including the funding, staffing and programming, according to a new, bipartisan report from the Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations. Their proliferation has also prompted espionage concerns and attracted significant interest from the FBI, including from its Counterintelligence Division….
The Confucius Institutes, which bill themselves as language and cultural centers, started popping up in the United States in 2006. The roughly 110 institutes that now exist in 44 states are among more than 500 worldwide, all controlled by Beijing through its Ministry of Education. China typically invests $100,000 to $200,000 to build a center and then another $100,000 or so per year to operate it, Senate investigators say.
The institutes are so controversial that at least 10 U.S. schools have announced plans in recent months to shut them down. In Canada, the province of New Brunswick shuttered its only institute, and British lawmakers have called for halting any new ones in the U.K.


The Confucius Institutes are a real problem.
When Gunner was in 2nd grade, I started doing a lot of biz in China. I converted a bedroom upstairs into my office, across from his bedroom. He would wander into my office to use a computer and helped me check spreadsheets and floorplans…… even at a young age. He was raised in the business.
My main emp employee in China was a Civil and CS engineer, who had a son, same age as mine. He was training his son to speak English and I was training my son to speak a little Mandarin. The boys became lifelong friends. One time, I even piped in the Chinese boy’s classroom to my son’s classroom, via Skype. THAT was cool.
Years late, Gunner is in HS and we know he is going to college, thus, has to have foreign language credits.
He took a couple of years of HS Spanish, and at his super-school, another year of Univ German.
BUT, to get the foreign lang credits out of the way, he won a scholarship from the NSA to study either Russian at Univ of Wash (Gunner had a Ukrainian nanny and I insisted she teach him Russian – long story) or Mandarin. He settled on Mandarin.
Here’s what they did:
It was a 9 hour day (3 hour class + 3 hour class + 3 hour culture class), total immersion, at only a few US Univ which offer it. 6 weeks total, and it got him through what would be considered Mandarin 101+102. Gunner said it was pretty easy, but he was slightly familiar with the language.
The next summer, they did the second year, and only one Univ offered it. They only accepted 16 kids in the country, and only 5 were actual Americans. He got in (surprise). It was BRUTAL. Thought I might have to pick him up in a body bag!! 12 hour days, breakfast, lunch, dinner, nothing but Mandarin.
He walked away with 12 hours of univ credit or the mandarin – 4.0GPA, good for him.
Here’s the deal.
Throughout Gunner doing all of this, I became close with the Univ Dean of Modern Lang, very close, helped out his daughter who was in China at the time. Now, understand, this is the guy who is running what is considered the preeminent Chinese program in the country and his Univ offers ‘more’ than any other univ in the country – surpassing the government go-to for foreign language at College Park, MD.
They run a “Flagship” Program and outright refused the Confucius Institutes. The Conf Inst donate a ‘little bit’ of money but want to run the curriculum and provide the teachers. Heck no. To hear this Dean talk about the HORRORS of the Confucius Institutes, would scare you to death! In fact, he was so adamantly against about Confucius Institutes, he called me and refused to write letters of REC for Gunner to ANY college which had a Confucius Institute. The Dean was invested in my kid and Gunner made it through the gauntlet. The Dean KNEW Gunner would be a “TARGET” (and he used the word target) because of his resume. He said, “I’ll be damned if they’re (China) going to get him (Gunner).
All of THAT was 4-5 years ago. The Dean and I are still close. He’s constantly consulted by our federal agencies. The problem is critical at Texas Universities and it’s only become worse. Privately, the Dean contends our real problem is Chinese students AND these particular professors.


China gives the University incentive$ and the foolish University administration take$ them.
Universities are money machines. They are financial institutions disguised as centers of higher education. This is not a metaphor – this is reality.
They’ll take grants from anyone – they don’t care b/c it’s all about the money.
I remember clearly one university president describing students as “$5000 dollar bills” and “bags of money” when speaking with staff and Faculty. (Granted, most of the faculty had a lot of contempt for students which were a huge distraction and annoyance from their research work.)
How do you think the left got control of the Universities?
It used to be that all the Ivy League schools were denominational institutions. Carnegie started giving away huge amounts of grant money to schools but attached a stipulation that the grants couldn’t be given to “sectarian” institutions. All the Ivy League schools were happy to fall in line.
Nothing has changes. Today the Universities are still up for sale to the highest bidder.

Deplorable Patriot

We need an actual, real Crusade.

Deplorable Patriot

It was 1976 when the program was really in full swing and it was noticed by the people in the west, specifically the women swimmers, but, yeah.

Pat Frederick

disgusting! they are making a mockery of the sexes…going against God’s plan…ever wonder why there are men’s races and women’s races versus a free for all both sexes allowing everyone to compete for one prize? to try to ensure a fair competition. they have made themselves a joke.

Deplorable Patriot

No, I’ve never wondered why the sexes do not compete against each other past fourth grade soccer. The reasons why are pretty obvious.
But then, at my grade school, we had two playgrounds – one for the girls and one for the boys.

Pat Frederick

wow we never had 2 playgrounds. was it a bigger school district? ahhh I am quite a bit older than you–I still remember monkey bars and jungle gyms at my playground

Deplorable Patriot

Catholic grade school. The boys’ playground is in front of the school. The girls’ behind the church. At some point during lunch, one of the teachers would take us girls back there to let the boys be boys.


Oh…. this is too funny…. My mother would tell me as a kid, again and again..
“amwick, you have to let the boys win sometimes” 😮☺😁 😥


“Oh…. this is too funny…. My mother would tell me as a kid, again and again..
“amwick, you have to let the boys win sometimes”
My daughter a middle child between two boys often was ask by her brothers to be the fill in when playing sports in the backyard. She was a gymnast , dancer and runner who loved sports. Some boys did not realize she was a girl when she played with them a team sport and had a cap on her hat.
Once in a while I used to hear one boy say “she is a girl.”.
When she began dating she dated this boy who thought he was hot and cool in sports. They both were 17.
I watched how he tried to teach my daughter how to play baseball and to pitch.
He threw the ball slow so she could hit it.
She blasted it out the backyard. Then he threw harder again she blasted it way over his head.
I saw him get irritated but no matter how hard he grew the ball my daughter hit the ball.
Needless to say the dating did not last long. My daughter was not raised to take second place to her brothers. She always was their equal did not matter if it was physics or math chemestry and even in sports. My boys adore their sister..:)

Deplorable Patriot

There’s a reason I have no interest in men who are musicians. I passed most of them up at a certain point. It doesn’t sit well.

Cuppa Covfefe

There are plenty of excellent male musicians… that remark was beyond the pale.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, there are. But the ones in my current circle are not of that caliber or are not available.
And it does not sit well with a lot of guy musicians when a woman passes them up musicianship wise regardless of instrument.

Deplorable Patriot

And I have had it happen that men in my circle who fancy themselves far more accomplished musicians than they are resent me when they were no longer the headliners of sorts. So, I moved on.

Deplorable Patriot

Exactly. Even at a professional level with nothing personal on the table, it gets in the way. Especially when a kid grows up and the “adults” are not aware of their limitations.
Of course, telling them what they are is not a good idea either.

Deplorable Patriot

Deplorable Patriot

Is this the signal to DoJ to pull the plug on the Mueller hamster wheel to nowhere?

Pat Frederick

GO GET ‘EM, SIR!!! release the Kraken!!!!
(switching to decaf now…)

Pat Frederick


Did you noticed how he spelled ‘by’ – … ‘bye Crooked Hillary’
Is Crooked Hillary a ‘Bye, Bye’ now?
Going to GITMO?

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, I did notice that. Not going to speculate on its meaning as there were Q posts indicating that in public, anyway, both Bill and Hill were going to take health turns for the worse.
Working on omelette muffin snack recipe to add to my guacamole and other snacks for the paleo eater. I think this spring is going to be entertaining.


Yes, but in a followup tweet he had “by” – so much want to get hopes up! 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

These two are doing more for race relations, which are nowhere as bad as the MSM wants them to be, than anyone else in the country right now. MHO, of course.

Pat Frederick

these ladies are another national treasure!


I love them so much. Such joy they express.


A day to kick back a bit….


A couple quick sets, doubles with Jared? *sighs


VSG is probably hitting hard on his newly upgraded golf thingy in the basement.


Hope so… He may be a gamer… ya never know!! That would be amazing.. although I don’t think he has the time… he sure has the smarts..


Maybe PDJT has some particular faces projected onto the green screens behind the golf swing simulator….maybe it doubles as a batting cage at times.


Maybe PDJT even has a ‘Lucille’….comment image


I hope he gets some rest. That 12hr time zone jumping coupled with POTUS work ethic wears me out!!


So I am on a date with a MAGA lady last night (the only one left in my city – lol) and she said..”what if POTUS intended to cut short the talks with North Korea all along. You know, art of the deal-type stuff”
I have to admit, that’s not a bad thought. Pres Trump loves to own the downside before he drops the MAGA bomb. That would fit in this case as well.

Pat Frederick

good for you!
interesting theory!


I LIKE HER!!!!!!!!!
You need to ask her out again!


Yeah it was a good thought so I posted it. Not mine. Hers. And for Daughn..we are back together on Saturday. She wants to know all about Q. She got roses for the start of our first date, I don’t know what to do for the 2nd one.

Pat Frederick

your mama raised you right! lol


Does she have POTUS’ books?



A Fortiori

Her theory is a good one. Not only does this help POTUS look like a tough negotiator, it also props up Kim in that it makes him look like he stood firm with PDJT. A win all around.


Yeah, something doesn’t pass the smell test. Everything is generally negotiated well in advance by both sides with documents drawn up. There’s a lot of time and money invested into a meeting. The eventual meetings are thus ceremonial and for social optics. Either POTUS or Kim (or even both for Xi’s detriment?) planned to go off script.


This is a good read about PDJT
” It’s Alway Great to be Underestimated.” by Thomas Wictor


Hmmm. That’s a very interesting article. And Wictor is right – I did see POTUS laugh at something Kim said before it was translated. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if he could understand Korean.


Remember – the leftist broadcast, print and social media are all for violence against conservatives!
4 Massive Media Hoaxes in 1st three weeks of 2019 –
Oh yeah – and Twitter Jackboot suspended the Blue Check Watch twitter feeds, so there’s that too!

Deplorable Patriot

Ha. Never knew diamonds were a cause for a national emergency.

Pat Frederick

uncut diamonds at that…wth? Did Congress make a big deal out of that? um no…

Deplorable Patriot

Seriously. IKR. Diamond cutting.


WP not playing nice


To make the tweets appear, take out the mobile dot part.

Pat Frederick

good catch!

Deplorable Patriot

No, that is no spelling mistake.



I’m back to my “Trust the Plan” – POTUS has a great sense of humor… acting as if nothing is being done, and then all of a sudden – won’t everyone be shocked? 🙂


President Trump is on the twitter warpath with a series of tweets about Cohen, culminating in this:

Look out – lying Cohen and scheming Mueller – this President is after the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!!!


I found this in the twitterverse.. HT somebody..comment image
STay safe all..


Does any have a good description or dissection of what the left refers to as “hate speech”? There are no clear unambiguous guidelines anywhere that I’ve found. It seems that the best definition of “hate speech” is any speech a leftist hates. Useful leads appreciated.

Deplorable Patriot

“Hate speech” is whatever the left wants it to be from one minute to the next.
That being said, I don’t think they have defined it in a hard sentence due to the statement made above.

A Fortiori

Michael – I believe the Southern Poverty Law Center has an amorphous definition that is deployed by malevolent bureaucrats and various and sundry media useful idiots to smear both conservatives and Christians. Big tech quietly uses them as well.

Pat Frederick

Poor possum! 🙁


VP Pence speaking at CPAC on CSPAN2 if anyone’s interested.
We need a 24/7 CPAC Channel!!


OAN is covering a lot of it.

Pat Frederick

Gail Combs

Deplorable Patriot says:
” Winter this year has been brutal in general. Wondering if the weather tampering devices have been Office Spaced. “
Some of us have been expecting it. And no it is not humans tampering with the weather.
The Holocene interglacial is now 11,700 years old. That’s two centuries or so beyond half the present precession cycle (or 23,000/2=11,500). So the little Ice Age was about the right time for glacial inception. The Modern Warm Period, less warm then the the Medieval Warm Period, marks the second thermal pulse. There were two thermal pulses in the closest Holocene analog, MIS-11 just before glaciation.
A possible reason for our current warm climate is the unique Grand maximum of solar activity, which has occurred only once in the past 3,000 years” It just ended and we are headed into a solar minimum. SEE: A History of Solar Activity over Millennia
Even if the Holocene does not end in glaciation and is a double precession cycle like MIS-11 we are still in for ‘mad weather’. As geologists Neuman and Hearty put it. ” between the greenhouse and the icehouse lies a climatic “madhouse”!”
Why? because at this point the earth’s climate is bimodal and the transition between those two modes is going to cause the weather to oscillate wildly as it flips from warm to cold to warm modes.

There had been a very intense debate regarding which of the most recent interglacials is the best analogue for the present Holocene. Lisiecki and Raymo, (2005) essentially quashed the Berger and Loutre’s 2002 mathematical modeling, used by NASA, and no one has come forward with anything supporting an extended Holocene since then.
Lisiecki and Raymo (Paleooceanography, 2005) produced an exhaustive analysis of 57 globally distributed deep ocean cores reaching back about 5 million years. (REAL FACTS!)
Lisiecki and Raymo’s conclusion?

…the June 21 insolation minimum at 65N during MIS 11 is only 489 W/m2, much less pronounced than the present minimum of 474 W/m2. In addition, current insolation values are not predicted to return to the high values of late MIS 11 for another 65 kyr. We propose that this effectively precludes a ‘double precession-cycle’ interglacial [e.g., Raymo, 1997] in the Holocene without human influence….

So, we had better hope and pray CO2 can delay the next glacial inception because Dr. Alley has shown the climate transitions abruptly within years to decades. For example the Wisconsin Glaciation to Holocene transition was less than three years!
And just a bit more…
A newer paper from the fall of 2012 Can we predict the duration of an interglacial? agrees and gives the calculated solar insolation values @ 65N on June 22 for several glacial inceptions:
Current value – insolation = 479W m−2 (from that paper)
MIS 7e – insolation = 463 W m−2,
MIS 11c – insolation = 466 W m−2,
MIS 13a – insolation = 500 W m−2,
MIS 15a – insolation = 480 W m−2,
MIS 17 – insolation = 477 W m−2
(Changes near the north polar area, about 65 degrees North, are considered important due to the great amount of land. Land masses respond to temperature change more quickly than oceans.)
You can see why there is an argument. Solar insolation isn’t a cut and dried measure for glacial inception.
Looking at it the other way round using NOAA’s numbers (Berger) @ 60N not 65N
Holocene peak insolation: 523 Wm-2
……………………………………………..decreased = 47 Wm-2
NOW (modern Warm Period) 476 Wm-2
…………………………………………….. decreased = 12 Wm-2
Depth of the last ice age – around 464 Wm−2
11,000 years ago…………… 523.16 Wm-2 peak insolation
Wisconsin Ice age- Holocene transition
12,000 years ago…………… 522.50 Wm-2
It takes about 5 Watts per square meter to raise the worlds temperature from 15°C to 16°C.
Once the Earth flips into the Ice Box mode there is no going back.
William McClenney, who sent me 300 papers on the subject has an article up: The End Holocene?


Oh, my – would a 2-3 sentence summary be possible for those simple-minded among us, like myself? WAAAAYYYY above my pay-grade and mental acuity.

Deplorable Patriot

Gail, do you all have trivia nights in your neck of the woods? You’d kill at it. I mean, if you lived around here, I’d recruit you for a team.


Isn’t Gail an engineer? 🙂

Gail Combs

No a chemist who likes to read… a LOT… and like biology and geology papers as reading material. 😂
In a nutshell, Lisiecki and Raymo trashed Obummer’s sitting on their rump’s theoretical scientists. Global warming at this time in the sun-earth cycle AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN no way no how. The jury is still out on if the weather will be cool then hot and very stormy or full blown ice age.
And that will lead into the REST of the information dump.
The Elite have KNOWN since 1968 that there was a very stong possibility of a coming Ice Age. That is why they went from just sucking up wealth to REAL MANIPULATION of the entire world.



thanks for bringing these vids…


“With that, we were ushered out. My wife cried all the way home. When we got there, we found that someone had firebombed our rented townhouse and wrote “Bigotry Doesn’t Belong Here!” and “Love Wins!” in spray paint on the sidewalk. I guess some fetuses are more equal than others, but I can’t understand it. I just followed all the arguments I’ve heard from our society to their logical conclusions.”


Just want to note here that the article is satire, as indicated at the top…
Additionally, the notion that there is a “gay gene” is quite controversial:
The gay gene was first identified in 1993 as a correlation between the genetic marker Xq28 and gay male sexuality. The results of this original study were never replicated, and the biological reality of such an entity remains hypothetical. However, despite such tenuous provenance, the gay gene has persisted as a reference in science news, popular science writings, and in press releases and editorials about biomedical research. An examination of the life of the gay gene in U.K. news media demonstrates that the gay gene has become an assumed back-story to genetic sexuality research over time, and that the critique of its very existence has been diminished. Latterly, the gay gene has entered into the online biomedical databases of the 21st century with the same pattern of persistence and diminishing critique. This article draws on an analysis of the U.K. press and online databases to represent the process through which the address of the gay gene has shifted and become an index of biomedicalization. The consequent unmooring of the gay gene from accountability and accuracy demonstrates that the organization of biomedical databases could benefit from greater cross-disciplinary attention.

I do get the point of the satire… that if one believes one has a valid reason for abortion, aborting a gay son is just as valid a reason as any other.


Sorry – I should have pointed that out, I guess. I just figured that last sentence would convey that sufficiently.


No apology needed…
Your excerpt seemed clear to me…
I just wanted to be sure someone didn’t read it too quickly… and jump to conclusions…


Good idea!


I jumped!


IMO, more than that – this points out their own hypocrisy on the issue – one mental illness is to be avoided, i.e., Down’s Syndrome, while another mental illness, gender dysphoria, is to be celebrated. Sick twits! I would prefer someone with Down’s any day of the week!


There is NO suchova thing as a ‘gay gene’. Period.

Cuppa Covfefe

Actually that 1993 “study” was withdrawn, due to “fudged” data (“agenda-driven” data points and gathering) but that fact was conveniently ignored by the YSM (or perhaps, GSM). Sad to say, just like the DEMONcRATs and their accusations, the impression remains, even though it’s false…
See Climategate 1 and 2 (still waiting on 3 to be deciphered; it has been released)…


Same with the scurrilous ‘studies’ the alphabet activists presented when they raided the APA conventions in 1973.
No science, statistics nor Scripture supports their agenda talking points/propaganda.


Look at that picture for the PP event: Creepy dude doing that half-eye sign and the title text for the event “EAT YOUR (HRT) OUT!”
What is it with these people and their constant signaling?


That was meant to be a reply to churchmouse post above from “The Public Discourse”.

Molly Pitcher

Signaling you say? This is …I can’t even come up with the right word. Take a look .

Deplorable Patriot

Uhh…if I were a parent, no. Not even.

Molly Pitcher


Cuppa Covfefe

VC has TONs or great articles about globalist, the elites (illuminati), MK, the “entertainment” industry, and what they’re doing to our society. Also many articles on the media, and television, as well as Hollyweird.
When you see how the elite view children, based on these clothes and the designers involved, is it any wonder that they want to kill our babies and children too???
Brussels is kind of a “secret Sodom” here in Europe. Also a home to terrorists en route to their “next gig”.
Not to mention the Tower of Babel HQ of the EU (joined by its twin in Strasbourg, itself an interesting story; see for more infos.


I did not know that about Brussels but I am totally not surprised either.

Deplorable Patriot

Nothing’s happening?
It looks like all the progress remains news at the local level and does not rise above it.
Ex-Las Vegas headliner sentenced to 20-years in federal child porn case
A former Las Vegas headliner was sentenced Thursday in a child porn case. Illusionist Jan Rouven Fuechtener was sentenced to 240 months in federal prison and ordered to pay a $500,000 fine for possession, receipt, and distribution of more than 9,000 images and videos of child pornography.
Due to this conviction, Fuechtener will be deported from the United States after serving his sentence and will be barred from returning for any purpose.
“Today’s sentencing is another example of law enforcement’s steadfast commitment to this office’s Project Safe Childhood initiative,” said U.S. Attorney Trutanich. “Federal law enforcement, along with the U.S. Attorney’s Office, will aggressively investigate and prosecute those that exploit children. The lengthy prison sentence imposed vindicates the victims of this defendant’s crimes and sends the message that justice was done.”


It’s Women’s Month..time to celebrate our awesome MAGA women here. You ladies are the best.

Pat Frederick

can someone please explain this to me simply?
by declaring a National Emergency, the President can pull unobligated funds from other sources and apply them towards his emergency…so where did that “power” come from?
If it’s a constitutional one, Congress has no case–it if came ( as I think) from a law Congress made–why are they only NOW trying to take that away from him? or will they take it from all future (Dem included) presidents?


Congress gave it to the President some years ago – the National Emergencies Act of 1976.

Pat Frederick

thanks NF!
so they are trying to change a law that they made now that someone they hate is going by that very law? gotcha…they’re freakin’ nuts!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m not sure, but I think Congress reserved the right to overrule the president when he declares a national emergency.
How much of a vote that requires (majority? 2/3rds? Does it need his signature?) is another question entirely.


Yes, but it requires a veto-proof majority, which they did not get, from what I understand. PDJT will veto it, no doubt.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That doesn’t make much sense to me. (Not that it means it isn’t true.)
1. Congress has delegated the power of the purse to the President to deal with emergencies.
2. Constitutionally I should think they retain some sort of ultimate control, since the power of the purse is ultimately theirs.
3. Thus, they should be able to yank it back without the President’s consent. Otherwise they’ve given him conditional power over the purse unless they can assemble a 2/3rds majority in both houses–NOT the way power ought to be delegated; delegation implies one can take it back from the delegatee without that person’s consent.
Supporting my thought that perhaps this is the way it actually is:
This yankback attempt is being called a “resolution” if I’m not mistaken, and a resolution doesn’t require the President’s signature.


Yes but a resolution cannot overide a law.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It can if the law actually allows for the resolution to do so.
In other words, if the law says a mere resolution of congress will cancel a state of emergency…then it would.

Plain Jane

Thanks for that comment rf121.


Congress could try to get a two thirds vote in both houses to take the National Emergency away. Because they can’t means he wins and they loose and its all constitutional.
But we know this. The SC should not even get involved unless its to tell a lower court to take a hike because the remedy is already there. Elections have consequences.

Cuppa Covfefe

I think, in terms of national security, the President is the final arbiter. And in that case, the DEMONcRATs lose no matter what.
I think it’s about time to rein in the “rotation of the branches of government”, creating legislation from the bench, and adjudicating actions of the executive branch by the legislative branch. Overreach.
The libtard DEMONcRATs, and their globalist owners need to be reined in, once and for all…
As “Owl Jolson” says in “I Wanna Singa”, Enough is Too Much!!!


Oh, my – now they are predicting a HIGH of 2 degrees this coming Sunday! And snow through my ENTIRE shift on Saturday! Have I said yet that I am sick of winter??!!??


Yep – you done said it a heap of times – but we’re here for you, NF – You go ahead say it any time and every time you want!!! :8-)

Pat Frederick

I’m with you!
shoveling all this global warming off my deck constantly is a pita!

Deplorable Patriot

Preach it, sister. Spring cannot come soon enough.


I’ll be there is a couple of weeks so you better get it warmed up.

Elizabeth Carter

There is a new Q Post 2912

Pat Frederick

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 62c035 No.5449539 📁
Mar 1 2019 12:55:43 (EST)📁
“Oh’ I see! Now that the 2 year Russian Collusion case has fallen apart, there was no Collusion except [bye] Crooked Hillary and the Democrats, they say, “gee, I have an idea, let’s look at Trump’s finances and every deal he has ever done. Let’s follow discredited Michael Cohen…..”📁
“…and the fraudulent and dishonest statements he made on Wednesday. No way, it’s time to stop this corrupt and illegally brought Witch Hunt. [Time to start looking at the other side where real crimes were committed]. Republicans have been [abused long enough]. Must end now!”
Carpet bombs are ok.
Tactical nukes are better.


18 days… to go????????????
or, multiple events in next 18 days?

Deplorable Patriot

Found a reference to OT on another site and it looks like SD found the connection for all the House of Representatives drama re Michael Cohen this week on Lynne Patton’s FB page:

3) Many of you may already know that I considered Michael Cohen to be one of my very best friends. Countless people can confirm that we were virtually inseparable during my employment at Trump – and that he is, single-handedly – responsible for introducing me to the Trump family and effectively changing my entire life. I would be lying if I didn’t admit that my heart still breaks for him and for his family, with whom I had grown extremely close.
4) What many of you may not be aware of is the fact that I can personally confirm that the ONLY reason Michael Cohen “turned on” the President of the United States is because Mueller threatened to throw his wife in jail for up to 30 years. Period. She is the co-guarantor of a $20M personal loan that Mueller discovered Michael secured back in 2015 by falsely inflating the value of his taxi medallions – effectively making her part & parcel to the federal charge of “Making False Statements to a Financial Institution,” to which Cohen ultimately plead guilty. This is also the reason why Cohen’s longtime taxi medallion partner, Evgeny “Gene” Freidman, was granted immunity.
5) Michael Cohen also told me (after they raided his apartment) that the reason why he elected to pay Stormy Daniels $130,000 by using his home equity loan – effectively committing bank fraud – instead of easily using the over $5M+ cash he has sitting in various stateside bank accounts is because his wife controls their finances and he simply did not want her to notice the missing money, as many husbands wouldn’t considering to whom it went. Period. Moreover, he confessed to me that he never imagined in a million years that Donald Trump would actually win the Presidency and that the misappropriation of his home equity loan would ever be exposed, since thousands of Americans misuse this type line of credit to pay for colleges, boats, cars and vacations every single day.

Pat Frederick

i would love to see her proof (personally can confirm…)
that might shut down the clown show that is Mueller

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, her word verses his is very hard to prove. Been there. Done that.


“I can personally confirm that the ONLY reason […]”
“he simply did not want […]”
“he confessed to me that he never imagined […]”
NO ONE can confirm another’s reasons, wants, or imaginings … for doing ANYTHING.
Also, Patton seems big on rationalization, while at the same time using the terms
“falsely inflating”,
“committing bank fraud”,
“misappropriation of his home equity loan”, and
“misuse of this type [of] line of credit”.
Is she trying to help him, or sink him? Same question in re Cohen’s wife, who seemingly didn’t “control” the finances well enough.
“Michael secured”
If true that his wife was “co-guarantor of a $20M personal loan”, then SHE secured it as well.
The entire statement is about “muh feelz”, IMO.
And it seems that Cohen lied to his WIFE as well. What a guy! /s

Deplorable Patriot

This is out there and there are people taking it as true.
Something is up with all of this, though.


“there are people taking it as true”
I believe that, and I also don’t disbelieve her words.
Yet, it’s all HER beliefs that she’s relaying. Let’s say that she IS being truthful, to the best of her knowledge, information, and belief (I learned that legal phraseology recently!).
It helps demonstrate that Cohen is a serial liar, a fraud, and has criminally – and morally – bad judgment. AND, that Mueller is exactly the type of person we’ve come to believe he is.
So what changes? IMO, very, VERY little.
But you’re right – something IS up with all of this!
And I like Q’s “tick tock” MUCH better than Hannity’s! lol


Yeah, something fishy, Dep. I agree with you.
Cohen’s father-in-law was the one known to PDJT originally. He was a Ukraine immigrant.
The taxi medallions are in Chicago, and NOT NYC, as most people thought.
Lots of questions about the father-in-law.

Deplorable Patriot

Just about everybody caught that “misspelling” in the Q-verse.
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 62c035 No.5449539 📁
Mar 1 2019 12:55:43 (EST)📁
“Oh’ I see! Now that the 2 year Russian Collusion case has fallen apart, there was no Collusion except [bye] Crooked Hillary and the Democrats, they say, “gee, I have an idea, let’s look at Trump’s finances and every deal he has ever done. Let’s follow discredited Michael Cohen…..”📁
“…and the fraudulent and dishonest statements he made on Wednesday. No way, it’s time to stop this corrupt and illegally brought Witch Hunt. [Time to start looking at the other side where real crimes were committed]. Republicans have been [abused long enough]. Must end now!”
Carpet bombs are ok.
Tactical nukes are better.

Deplorable Patriot

Tweets that were posted up thread:


My Man!! You do know how to turn a phrase … 😉


International Man of Blistery!
Yeah, Baby!


My first thought upon seeing this bye vs by was OMG Q! 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

An impertinent question:
Why is it “Pardon my French” instead of “Pardon my Hungarian”?


The expression seems to have started between the late 19th and early 20th century.
I heard years ago that it was because of the French word for seal (the animal): phoque, which sounds an awful lot like f—.
There are better answers, though:
Mental Floss says that people who could speak French often apologised for slipping in a normal phrase here or there in their conversation (e.g. je ne sais quoi).
On the other hand, the article says that less wholesome things were attributed to the French, e.g. French letter (condom) and French kiss.
The French got their own back on the English, however:
‘plenty of similar French phrases became popular, such as the equivalent ‘flee English-style’ [without saying goodbye]. A nickname for a condom in England, ‘French letter’, became an ‘English cap’ in French.’


Is Q saying Hillary’s ‘Bye, Bye’ count down started?


Saying maybe Trump’s misspelling was intentional….or Freudian?


Intentional – as they ALL are …

Deplorable Patriot

Could be.


Is anyone watching CPAC ???
I check Geo Webb’s twitter TL once in a while… take him with a grain of salt. well, maybe sometimes two grains.
Today though he has two tweets that concern me… one to do with Van Jones. I have seen others online that are concerned that VJ is there… here’s the tweet.
The other one is regarding VP, whom I have never trusted… but don’t want to get paranoid about.
Would appreciate feedback from others on these two tweets…………


CPAC may be borderline neo-con. One year they would not allow any criticism or negativity about Islam…due to Grover Norquist. They may have one foot in the Ryan/Romney/McCain camp.


ga/fl, last sentence is what I think. I don’t trust them at all.

Deplorable Patriot

This is the only tape I know of from yesterday.


Purple tie signal – “Trust me bro, I’m at CPAC, but I’m still on the D’s side”


I have Webb in the box with Cernovich and Thomas Paine/True Pundit and a bunch of others.
Grains or whole boxes of salt required.


In re #2, I haven’t heard anything about VP wearing a wire until just now.
And as far as I can tell, neither have the 8-chan anons. Most find Pence inscrutable, half-and-half.
As they would ask – “Sauce?” (source(s))
In re #1, I tend not to follow Loomer – what “tape” is this? Who’s on it? Why is it even remotely “dangerous” to play at CPAC? (Also, I read that Van Jones got BOOED for lying about the relative criminality of illegal aliens v. Americans.)


Webb was referring to a tape Loomer made… which he says is very anti-Muslim. I can’t find a tape…
in fact, I can’t find vid of her speaking yesterday.
Thanks for the feedback.


Very welcome!
You need but ask …


Today at CPAC, Pence gave an excellent speech fully supportive of POTUS.
Libs are bashing Jones for appearing and supporting criminal justice reform.
Wolfie is correct. Eeyores gotta troll.


Today is a great day. Ben Shapiro has reminded us, once again, why he should never be in charge of U.S. foreign policy. His response to Trump on NK was “f-ing pathetic.”

Pat Frederick

opened yahoo by mistake and caught a headline–some hollyweird madam says we can stop human trafficking if we made the sex trade legal.
Clearly this woman has not thought this through–to make it legal, it will require permits, inspections and audits and since there is the possibly of transmitting diseases, there needs to be frequent health inspections. As a business owner, these madams would need to provide health insurance perhaps, and pay taxes and maintain records. And let’s face it anytime the government gets involved, there will be graft, bribery, corruption.
She’d lose 3/4 of her profit paying off the fools who would all have their hands out for a piece of the pie.

Molly Pitcher

She’s forgetting that a huge percentage of clients aren’t interested in adult women. They want young and younger CHILDREN so making sex work legal won’t do anything for that problem.
I wish they’d interview some slimy street pimp to get his/her view on this

Pat Frederick

Schiff is in meetings all day…maybe after he’d be happy to talk to you…

Molly Pitcher

hahaha…maybe he would be kind enough to bring his good pal Ed Buck to give his perspective on the fetish of male black prostitutes……who end up dead


Germany has legal prostitution and has a big problem with human trafficking specially from Eastern European countries. The lady of the night from DC is wrong.
The only thing that can change human trafficking are men if they begin not to focus on one thing .


“But in her Tuesday interview with The Root, she said she supports decriminalizing prostitution and explicitly said it was because it is often victimless.
“When you’re talking about consensual adults, I think that, yes, we should really consider that we can’t criminalize consensual behavior as long as no one is being harmed,” Harris said.
The reversal from Harris, like her complete reversal on marijuana legalization, came after criticism from activists.
A month ago, just after she announced her campaign, it was reported that sex workers were rejecting Harris. She lost their trust last year when she backed legislation designed to fight online sex trafficking, but that sex workers said would “literally kill them.” They said they used the outlawed websites to find customers, allowing them to move off the streets and away from pimps. The bill passed, was praised by Harris, and signed by President Trump.”


“The New Mexico cowboys who recently rode through downtown Washington, DC, to show their support for President Donald Trump and his plan for a border wall did not get to meet the commander-in-chief. However, Couy Griffin subsequently got a phone call from the White House and shared the conversation with Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily.”



Wow that was amazing.

Molly Pitcher

The grooming factory for the “new” Democrats


Of course she did…
Who’s the Boss? Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Upstages Pelosi, Warns Moderate Dems: Vote Left or Be Put on List for Defeat in 2020

Pat Frederick

Pelosi is parading around and trying to act like she’s the President–this is HER moment–she isn’t take much more of Sandy from the hood…


wonder why Nasty Nan ever put AOC on any committee, much less House Financial Services
Committee assignments
Committee on Financial Services[125]
Subcommittee on Investor Protection, Entrepreneurship and Capital Markets
Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Financial Institutions
Committee on Oversight and Government Reform[126]
Subcommittee on Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
Subcommittee on Environment
ohh, wiki says her past experience is:
Political organizer, Senate staffer, bartender
Senate Staffer ???? Which lifetime? On what planet?????????

Pat Frederick
Gail Combs

I mention to Wolfmoon I had a wild conspiracy theory. It is based on looking at the DATES when various things happened in science and in politics. Because of that it is rather a mess.
Up until ~1970 the elite were happy to forment wars and reap the $$$ from the ‘Military-Industrial Complex’
“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes it’s laws” — allegedly Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild
If you follow events, a major change occurred ~1970 in the thinking of the elite. It was like a switch got turned. I propose that switch was the knowledge of the Milankovitch cycles and the possible end of the Holocene. At that point they ACTIVELY started to ‘re-arrange’ the world.
In my comment on the previous page, I go into the more current information indicating the ending of the Holocene, possibly within decades. Information that shows the IPCC is lying through their teeth and the one thing that is NOT going to happen is ‘Global Warming’
I go over the ownership of Shell Oil HERE The major owners are The Dutch royal family, the Queen of England, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. They are also ALL entangled with the World Wildlife Fund.
Shell Oil, the Rockefeller Foundation and BP Oil (Queen of England) funded The Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia.


“knowledge of the Milankovitch cycles and the possible end of the Holocene”
This knowledge I do not have!
A few definitions would help very much (TY!).
Everything’s connected, btw – even Nixon’s removal of the gold standard. Oil is prominent in the mix, as well.
I’ve come to believe that almost EVERYTHING connected to “environmental” preservation has been as ruse – these psychopaths always seem to characterize what they are ACTUALLY doing as the diametric OPPOSITE of their real goal.
“Queen of England”
One of our primary enemies. I was VERY pleased to get Q’s take on her (evil incarnate). It puts the proper perspective on things – thing that have been happening for years, decades, and even centuries.
Sovereign state of the Vatican; sovereign state of the City of London; sovereign state of the “District of Columbia”. The Power, Money, and Might of our indenture.
Thanks Gail!


Disney-Marvel Millionaire ACTORvists Caught In Embarrassing Pay Flap


Who knew they had “butt doubles,” LOL. But the story highlights the pay being offered in Georgia vs. California.

Pat Frederick

I did!!!
Joey (from Friends) once got hired to play Al Pacino’s butt in a movie. In the “scenes” Joey’s butt goes for angry and then quiet desperation and then Joey gets fired…LOL
butt (pun intended) they use body doubles all the time…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

So Joey is the butt of your jokes, now!


Joey was gone butt not forgotten.

Gail Combs

Please note the DATES are 1969, 1970, 1972 and 1973. I do not think that is coincidence as I will explain later. After all why the heck does Shell Oil need to hire a guy in 1970 for scenario planning, strategy??? ESPECIALLY “Sustainable Development’s Global Scenarios”
We start the trail with a Climategate e-mail on Global Governance & Sustainable Development (B1)
Here is more on the (B1) scenario IPCC Emissions Scenarios
IPCC Emissions Scenarios
Here is who Ged Davis is (Shell Oil executive with IPCC connection)

InterAcademy Council
Annex A. Study Panel Biographies
Ged DAVIS has a background in economics and engineering from London and Stanford universities. He joined the Royal Dutch/Shell in 1972 and stayed with that company for 30 years. During his time at Shell, he held positions predominantly in scenario planning, strategy and finance, including Head of Planning (Europe), Head of Energy (Group Planning), Head of Group Investor Relations, Head of Scenario Processes and Applications, Head of the Socio-Politics and Technology Team (Group Planning), and lastly as the company’s Vice-President for Global Business Environment and Head of the Scenarios Team. For the last three years, he has been Managing Director of the World Economic Forum, responsible for global research, scenario projects, and the design of the annual Forum meeting at Davos. During the late 1990s, he served as Director of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development’s Global Scenarios and as Facilitator and Lead Author of the IPCC’s Emission Scenarios. Currently, he is Co-President of the Global Energy Assessment with the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA); a Director of Low Carbon Accelerator Limited; a Governor of the International Development Research Centre in Ottawa; and a Member of the INDEX Design Awards Jury.

Sustainable Development => Agenda 21 Noted this is talking about Scenario B1

* Sustainable Development ==============================
13th session of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development
(Source: Earth Negotiations Bulletin, Vol. 5 No. 218, 11 Apr 05)
The thirteenth session of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD-13) takes place from 11-22 April 2005, at UN headquarters in New York. CSD-13 is the second session to be held since the new multi-year programme of work was adopted at CSD-11 in 2003. The new work programme restructured CSD’s work on the basis of two-year “Implementation Cycles.” Each Implementation Cycle is comprised of a Review Year and a Policy Year, and focuses on a thematic cluster of issues. Building on the outcomes of CSD-12 (which was the Review Year of the first cycle), CSD-13 will focus on policies and options to expedite implementation of commitments in the areas of water, sanitation and human settlements, as contained in Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21, the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation and the Millennium Declaration. Various cross-cutting issues will also be addressed. ”

Here is the context and history:
Agenda 21 started in 1969:

In 1969, Rockefeller Official Said US Would Be De-industrialized
On March 20, 1969, Dr. Richard Day, the National Medical Director of the Rockefeller-sponsored “Planned Parenthood” told a meeting that American industry will be sabotaged and shown to be unreliable and uncompetitive.
In view of the recent bankruptcy of General Motors, his remarks are especially pertinent.
“The stated plan was that different parts of the world would be assigned different roles of industry and commerce in a unified global system. The continued preeminence of the United States and the relative independence and self-sufficiency of the United States would have to be changed… in order to create a new structure, you first have to tear down the old, and American industry was one example of that.”
“Each part of the world will have a specialty and thus become inter-dependent, he said. The US will remain a center for agriculture, high tech, communications, and education but heavy industry would be “transported out.”
These remarks to the Pittsburgh Pediatric Society were reported by Dr. Lawrence Dunegan, a Pittsburgh pediatrician who died in Jan. 2004. The speech described “A New World System” already in place which would permanently transform the world. Dr. Day, who died in 1989 (see obit below), wanted the 80 or so physicians present to be prepared.
Dunegan recalls: “The idea was, you could get a little bit disgusted with your Ford, GM, or Chrysler product -or whatever- because little things like window handles would fall off more, and plastic parts would break which, had they been made of metal, would hold up. Your patriotism about buying American would soon give way to practicality that if you bought Japanese, German, or imported that it would last longer and you would be better off. Patriotism would go down the drain then.”…



Gail might need a thread here, Wolfie?? Maybe? Good stuff.



Molly Pitcher

Gail! Thank’s like seeing for the 1st time…all of these plans wow


If China doesn’t agree to this, then we walk away!! Tariffs rise after Mar-A-Lago, tick tick tick….
We need the ability to take unilateral action that punishes them, whether it is tariffs or quotas,” Ross said.
We have to have an automatic ability to do something about it,” Ross said, speaking of China “cheating” on trade rules. “You’d be amazed at how having a unilateral ability to mete out punishment modifies behavior.”


What a lovely person:
BRAZEN! Bernie “Hires Illegal Immigrant” To Be His Potty-Mouthed Press Secretary

Pat Frederick

yeah she was arrested twice…lol…best of the best

Gail Combs

More random info on the changes on the ‘political front’
Rockefeller protégée, Maurice Strong in 1970 lead the UN Conference on the Human Environment and became Executive director environment program of the United Nations from 1971 to 1975, and he chaired the 1972 Montreal Protocols reducing Chlorofluorocarbons. He sought to blame increased UV radiation on “holes in the ozone” due to CFCs, not due to increased sun spot activity.
Maurice Strong’s 1972 First Earth Summit speech, Strong warned urgently about global warming
Obama’s Chief Science Adviser is John Holden.’In their 1973 book “Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions,” Holdren and co-authors Paul and Anne Ehrlich wrote:

“A massive campaign [read global warming] must be launched to restore a high-quality environment in North America and to de-develop the United States. De-devolopment means bringing our economic system (especially patterns of consumption) into line with the realities of ecology and the global resource situation. Resources and energy must be diverted from frivolous and wasteful uses in overdeveloped countries to filling the genuine needs of underdeveloped countries.”
“The need for de-development presents our economists with a major challenge,” they wrote. “They must design a stable, low-consumption economy in which there is a much more equitable distribution of wealth than the present one. Redistribution of wealth both within and among nations is absolutely essential, if a decent life is to be provided for every human being.””

The de-development plan is UN Division for Sustainable Development – full text of Agenda 21
Or as Ted Turner, founder of CNN and the UN Foundation bluntly put it during an interview with Audubon magazine.
“A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal.” – Source: The book You Don’t Say, by Fred Gielow, 1999, page 189.

Note the USA has gone from 24% of the labor force engaged in manufacturing in 1970 to less than 9% during the Obama era and the top employers are now the US Federal Government (17%) Kelly office temps, Wallmart and McDonalds. *
UN REFORM – Restructuring for Global Governance
Our Global Neighborhood – Report of the Commission on Global Governance: a summary analysis
Getting back to the Rockefeller henchman, Maurice Strong, Hanne, Strong’s wife, likes to tell the story of how in 1978, a mystic informed the Strong that “the Baca [ranch] would become the center for a new planetary order which would evolve from the economic collapse and environmental catastrophes that would sweep the globe in the years to come.”
Could the “ environmental catastrophes” be an “Ice Age” instead of “global Warming”? Bacca is sitting in “San Luis Valley in southern Colorado, known as one of the most productive agricultural areas in the West.” It is also sitting on the largest Aquifer in the USA.
Map of the last Ice Age
This is a description of the Baca area during the last Ice Age “Colder and often drier than present conditions predominated across most of the USA. The eastern deciduous and conifer forests were replaced by more open conifer woodlands with cooler-climate species of pines and a large component of spruce. The open spruce woodland and parkland extended somewhat further west than present, into what is now the prairie zone. As a result of aridity and lowering of sea level (which lowered inland water tables), much of Florida was covered by drifting sand dunes. Notably moister than present conditions occurred across much of the south-west, with open conifer woodlands and scrub common in areas that are now semi-desert. — J. Adams’ reconstruction of North America during last the glacial period – 18,000-15,000 14C ya
Since 1968 we have had OSHA, EPA,the anti Nuclear hysteria, Animal Rights, the loss of the US industrial base and the locking up of US natural resources in the name of environmentalism. Note the Sierra Club and Greenpeace are UN sanctioned NGOs for the “Convention on Biodiversity”. They are also heavily financed by the Rockefellers. The Omnibus bill locked up more US resources including hydro-power from “wild and scenic rivers” We have several anti farming bills with fines of up to a million dollars a day such as HR 875 now law.
I think this says it all “Barton Briggs, one of Wall Street’s most legendary investment strategists, is advising the rich and powerful to buy up farms and stock them with “seed, fertilizer, canned food. wine, medicine. clothes etc.” (and the “etc” would seem to mean guns to keep away the rest of us” *
And to thin out the population before the climate cools live avian flu virus was placed in vaccines sent to 18 different countries.
Then we have Obama’s importing Ebola and allowing Illegals with nasty diseases into the USA, abortion, wars….
“The federal government and a private laboratory say they have no duty under Florida law to protect the public from anthrax or other lethal materials.”
“Doctors know some patients needing care won’t get [it during] pandemic or other disaster. dilemma will be deciding who to let die….group of physicians has drafted a .. list of .. which patients wouldn’t be treated…list was compiled by a task force whose members come from prestigious universities, medical groups, the military and government agencies. They include the Department of Homeland Security, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Department of Health and Human Services.”


That CDC doctor’s mysterious death comes to mind….


Hi Gail
I was immersed in all this stuff during the recent (around 2006-2009) peak oil “boom”, catalogued in countless hours “wasted” on the now defunct “The Oil Drum” (TOD). I was alerted to the CRU “Climate Gate” scandal by TOD, and wended my way over to Anthony Watts’ WUWT.
This led to my support of candidate DJT as soon as I became aware of his stance re the climate hoax. I have since deserted WUWT for CTH (initially) and moved here – a very interesting ride in the blogosphere it has been!!
A strong Malthusian current runs through the commie NWO types – underpinned by misanthropy writ large, which I believe is simply the embodiment of the oldest battle that humans have been engaged in Cain vs Abel.
Do not forget to give Marion King Hubbert his ‘due’ for inspiring these NWO types …




Deplorable Patriot

This is a good thing. Promotions not going through under the previous administration resulted in a lot of officers retiring.


I’m psyched that you’re posting MOAR, rather than less, Phoenix!
FUN is a wonderful salve (Reader’s Digest, “Laughter Is the Best Medicine”)!


Thanks Emeraldstar…
Decided I’d rather ‘use it while I’ve got it’ ….
And (in my humble opinion) things are heating up… want to be here for that…
favor please: I wanted to check out Patriots Soapbox… just read. How might I go about that?


YT, in the “search” bar, type in this (without the quotation marks):
“wethepeople patriots soapbox live stream” I would advise adding a BOOKMARK!
As I’ve mentioned before, the 7pm- 9/10pm show is one of the best, with one of the proprietors (a married couple) hosting (her handle is “Radix Verum”), along with co-host “Good Dog”.
They’re both VERY knowledgeable, and nice, and you’ll find a prayer right at the top of the hour, before they get into whatever subjects they address. Sometimes it’s news recap, other times it’s deep dives. Usually, it’s a combination.
Many times her husband (handle “Pamphlet Anon”) joins in, especially when there are Q-posts.
I usually keep it on in the background, because the audio continues when I open a separate tab (like to read here), and I can instantly switch to their show when I hear some topic that I’m keen to learn about.
MANY of the other hosts are great as well, and often (usually weekend am’s) they have either / both a host from the UK (“Daddy Dragon”), or Ireland (“Gran Torino”). These guys give updates, usually, on the yellow-vests, and Tommy R., among other European events.
And no, I’m not associated with them! Over the past year or so, I’ve found absolute GEMS of info / intel from them! It takes time, though (hence, the “background audio” tactic!)


Thank you so much… I will give them a listen.
Quiet, somber weekend here. Family dog is passing… cancer. Two youngsters are in meltdown… binge watching movies and lying next to precious one… who will be ‘resting’ Monday a.m. So ol’ lady here is looking for something to ‘listen to’ while she consumes copious amounts of chocolate and other things that are bad for one.
Again, thanks for the guidance.


“Two youngsters are in meltdown”
I like the Irish way. Upon a death, one should celebrate their LIFE! Maybe, ask them to remember all the FUN they had together, and how the cherished pet BRIGHTENED everyone’s lives. There must be YEARS of happy togetherness!
The sadness cannot be avoided … but it may be softened by all the GOOD memories you all had together.
In re chocolate? BE bad! Now is the time for indulgences!

Deplorable Patriot

Um, the Irish way is to soften the sadness with a whole lot of whiskey while you tell stories on the deceased. One family friend’s kids smoked cigars in his honor, too.

Deplorable Patriot

And I heard the bar bill the day of funeral, not with the wake, just the funeral. was five figures.
We did have a good time through the tears.


So sorry, Phoenix.


❤️🙁😔❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ phoenix …. 😔❤️

Chimps rule

Sorry to hear, Phoenix.
Dogs are a member of the family. Hurts to lose them.


Patriots Soapbox =
Best from about 4pm-9pm

Gail Combs

On the scientific front, you had the discoveries in geology and discoveries about the sun.
In 1971 Gleissberg published “The Probable Behaviour of Sunspot Cycle 21” and “Revision of the probability laws of sunspot variations” in 1973.
This is critical because Gleissberg ID the 88 year cycle of the sun that causes the earth to warm and cool. This means in 1972 it was KNOWN the earth was probably going to enter a forty four year WARMING TREND!
Remember, Strong was talking about GLOBAL WARMING in 1972 when we were in the low point of the cooling cycle.
In 1968 Mikhail Budyko came up with two mathematical models, one predicted an Ice Age, the other Global warming from the Greenhouse Effect. In 1970, Broecker using new radioactive decay dating methods (oxygen isotopes) identified and dated five full ice age cycles in 1970. He stated his work was in agreement with Milankovitch.
Nigel Calder a physicist turned TV personality talked of the beginning of the awareness of possible Glaciation:

….Kukla found too many layers of loess. Until then, almost everyone thought that there were just four recent glacial ages, with long interglacials between them. An exception was Cesare Emiliani, who in Chicago in 1955 had traced major variations in heavy oxygen in seabed fossils, and counted seven ice ages. Very few experts believed him until Kukla reported at least nine loess layers in the brickyards of Czechoslovakia….
Those who rewrite the history of climate science to suit the man-made global warming hypothesis hate to be reminded that global cooling and the threat of a new ice age rang alarm bells in the 1960s and 1970s….
No, we didn’t make it up. I was present in Rome in 1961 when global cooling was already the main concern at a conference of the World Meteorological Organization and Unesco (see the Unesco reference). The discussions were led by Hubert Lamb of the UK Met Office, who went on to found the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia.
A persistent concern of Lamb and others was that the world might return to a Little Ice Age like that of 300 years ago. But the improving knowledge of glacial history, and especially the apparent brevity of warm interglacials, prompted anxiety about a full-blown ice age. George Kukla, together with Robert Matthews of Brown University, convened a conference in 1972 entitled “The Present Interglacial: How and When will it End?”…
Kukla and Matthews alerted President Richard Nixon, and as a result the US Administration set up a Panel on the Present Interglacial involving the State Department and other agencies….

The article Ice Ages Confirmed goes through the history of the scientific discoveries starting in 1911 with the Yugoslavian professor of mathematics, Milutin Milankovitch, to the discovers of the 60s and 70s slowly confirming his theory.
The definitive confirmation was the Hays, Imbrie, and Shackleton work, appearing on December 10, 1976 in Science titled: “Variations in the Earth’s Orbit: Pacemaker of the Ice Ages.” this gave concrete confirmation of Milankovitch’s mathematical theory, first published about 1920.
This was two years after the the 1974 CIA report commissoned by Nixon:
“A Study of Climatological Research as it Pertains to Intelligence Problems”
This is a really interesting document:
(Do not forget that Maurice Strong was yelling about ‘Global Warming’ in 1972.)

Pg 7
In 1972 the Intelligence Community was faced with two issues concerning climatology:
* No methodologies available to alert policymakers of adverse climatic change
* No tools to assess the economic and political impact of such a change.
“… Since 1972 the grain crisis has intensified…. Since 1969 the storage of grain has decreased from 600 million metric tons to less than 100 million metric tons – a 30 day supply… many governments have gone to great lengths to hide their agricultural predicaments from other countries as well as from their own people…
pg 9
The archaeologists and climatotologists document a rather grim history… There is considerable evidence that these empires may not have been undone by barbarian invaders but by climatic change…. has tied several of these declines to specific global cool periods, major and minor, that affected global atmospheric circulation and brought wave upon wave of drought to formerly rich agricultural lands.
Refugees from these collapsing civilizations were often able to migrate to better lands… This would be of little comfort however,… The world is too densely populated and politically divided to accommodate mass migration.
Page 18 talks of coming glaciation.
Scientists are confident that unless man is able to effectively modify the climate, the northern regions… will again be covered with 100 to 200 feet of ice and snow. That this will occur within the nexy 2,500 years they are quite positive; that it may occur sooner is open to speculation.
page 22 states:
The climate of the 1800s was far less favorable for agriculture in most areas of the world. In the United States during that century, the midwest grain-producing areas were cooler and wetter and snow lines of the Russian steppes lasted for longer periods of time. More extended periods of drought were noted in the areas of the Soviet Union now known as the new lands. More extensive monsoon failures were common around the world, affecting in particular China, the Philippines and the Indian Subcontinent.
The Wisconsin analysis questions whether a return to these climate conditions could support a population that has grown from 1.1 billion in 1850 to 3.75 billion in 1970. The Wisconsin group predicted that the climate could not support the world’s population since technology offers no immediate solution. Further world grain reserves currently amount to less than one month; thus any delay in supplies implies mass starvation. They also contended that new crop strains could not be developed over night… Moreover they observed that agriculture would become even more energy dependent in a world of declining resources.

Holdren and the other Malthusians from Stanford University are not alone. The US government has been behind them since BEFORE the book Human Ecology: Problems and Solutions (1973) was published. The book just echoed the real thoughts of the US government of that time.
I hope that is not TOO confusing. But it sure looks to me like the Elite got a scare in 1968-70 and decided to reorganize the world and takeout a lot of humans in preparation for a coming Ice Age.

A Fortiori

Gail – I view this climate change idea as yet another attempt by various and sundry megalomaniacs to find a mechanism they could employ as a lever to create (and of course lead) a totalitarian paradise on earth.
These people — disciples of Marx and Engels — were massively disappointed their efforts in the early 20th century to create a workers paradise did not yield a unification of workers throughout the world, a reordering of various societies (particularly those in Europe) into a worker’s paradise, the destruction of people they viewed as unworthy and a state that consumed all of the worker’s affections and addressed all the worker’s needs (which they would then control). And so they considered whether the cause of a worker’s paradise was insufficient, while making note of the fact that in both World Wars, national and cultural identities unified huge groups of people, enabled them to sacrifice on behalf of the causes they believe in and concurrently caused them to yield great power to their leaders.
If climate change can be made out to be a massive threat to the very survival of humanity, it will require a comprehensive worldwide response, which (they hope) in order to be effective, must be derived from and controlled by their small, tight knit and particularly gifted group. If not, we will be invited to enlist in some other cause.

Gail Combs

Oh, A world wide Totalitarian State in the Communist Model was the goal, but it is the TIMING, the first 1/2 of the 1970s that I found ‘Interesting’
IF, you assume there is an Ice Age on the way, then Agenda 21 and population reduction makes a heck of a lot of sense.


Michelle called out RINOS over immigration. She also slammed CPAC for only scheduling one session on the topic 👏 👏


Thanks so much for posting this Butterfly…
Kudos to Michelle…
What the heck is up with only 20 min panel for immigration??????????????


rhetorical question! Right?
When is the Republican Party going to wake up to the movement – MAGA is where it is…
If they don’t support ‘America First’ – they won’t get re-elected… POTUS has changed the GOP.


IKR??? It’s our biggest issue!!


hmmm…… same day Judge Orders Release Of Christopher Steele Deposition


Again, Felix is the FBI informant. Wasn’t he the one swimming with Bill Clinton in the Dominican Rep?
Here’s the funny part = The land the hotel was supposed to sit on —, yeah, the first thing needed for project development, Felix could never prove it belonged to who heeeeeee said it belonged to. They couldn’t even get a clear title to the land.
This project went nowhere.

Pat Frederick

probably already posted but…she violated sharia law in 2015 and twitter is notifying her now? even tho she lives in the US? OH HELL NO!


“she violated sharia law in 2015”
I prefer to phrase it as:
“Sharia anti-law violated HER in 2015”
I’m kinda picky like that! Gotta get the ORDER, and proper TERMS, right!
I hope you’re enjoying your Friday, Pat – snow and all!


Spit on Sharia law – or worse…. IYKWIM.


Hey Sandy — ya might want to put some ice on that …

Harry Lime

comment image


Whoever came up with this meme is RIGHT ON IT. Thanks for finding / posting it!

Harry Lime

Thanks! I came up with it and I posted it. I have used it several times for different people…Blasey-Ford, John Brennan, Maxine Waters…I just replace the head with a different Commie/Progressive/Democrat and bingo…they’re ALL freakin’ nuts!

Molly Pitcher

Because I’m easily perturbed by the new “POC” women…I swear they’re using darker make up these days than before. #Frauds !!

Harry Lime

I wouldn’t doubt it for a second. It worked for Joy Behar, too.


Hmmmmmmm …. acts (?) dumb, mercurial temper … if her handler trains her well she’ll be a dictator, an evil, stupid, horrific dictator … maybe she’s got someone in the shadows, evil someone as her benefactor
Nuts ..


I need to get out more .. 😑🤚


Shadows….. by the name of Valerie?


Yes, one of the snake 🐍 heads … would love to see her deported to the icy cold 🥶 Siberia … it’d be real nice I tell ya 😃👍

Sylvia Avery

She is scary. If the Dims were smart they would purge her rather than lionize her.

Harry Lime

Wow, having your hotel used to mow down country music concert-goers at one of your own venues resulting in the worst mass shooting in American history won’t get you fired but supplying some coke and hookers to gamblers, has-been actors, and basketball thugs certainly will. Go figure. Whatever it takes, I guess.


There’s a post in here somewhere. A report on a Las Vegas arrest, getting attention at local level but not national media attention. Related?
250 people and Presidents fired, whoa!


Yeah…union thuggery figures into this, bigtime.
SEIU has ties to MS-13.
SEIU is big in both Vegas and in Hollywood.
MS-13 is involved in sex-trafficking of minors, as well as drugs.
This house-cleaning could mean that sex-trafficking of minors is about to blow up, and implicate people at the top.


Let’s hope so!


7 out, line away, pay the don’ts. ;~)
Couldn’t happen to a better group of filth.


You may or may not like this video…

Molly Pitcher

This is a little cheezy for this cerebral site but it’s Friday…lol
I read that SJW and latest Royal Pain in the Ass…Markle has told the world that their baby will be raised “fluid”, “genderless”…. that’s so very special! Centuries of welcoming a new prince or princess…down the drain with PC-ness ?
Harry was an idiot to marry her but he seems to be going along with it so…..


Harry is a Globalist… trained from the get-go

Molly Pitcher

My hope is that Harry & his bride’s globalist ideals with have the opposite effect on William…make him go more Right cause let’s face it, Briton is in a bad head space. Here’s to hoping..cheers!


Yup saw the same thing.

Cuppa Covfefe

To be honest, you could have stopped at “Harry was an idiot”… He’s inherited all the cray-cray from Prince Chuckles… sad. But the crazy goes back through the “Mountbatty” side, just as much as through the House of Windsor, although not as pronounced. Seems that the royal family trees of Europe don’t branch that much, as they say. And almost all of them are related through Queen Victoria.
Meghan Marxist should never have been accepted into the royal family. Can’t figure out why the Queen approved, unless the illumis leaned on her. Then again, Prince Phillip is head of that “order”… Cecil Rhodes’s “Roundtable” lives on, in infamy…
Looking at England, I think the illumis use them as a testbed or pilot plant to check out their evil demonic schemes before foisting them on the rest of the world…


I’m with you Cuppa….

Sylvia Avery

Oh good grief. If I were the Queen I’d stick her in the Tower of London until she gets over it.
I heard recently that Kate Hudson, Goldie Hawn’s daughter, is having another baby and they are going to raise it genderless also.
And here I thought it was kind of dumb to give girls trucks as toys and boys Barbies back in the day, but it seems it was just a prelude to true nuttiness. This gender BS drives me crazy.


All Hail Queen Sylvia. Long live the Queen!


Kate hudson had the girl but walked a lot of it back. Shes git isdues. 3 kids, 3 dads.


The poor child. And the royal couple provides a de facto role model for the country. What a shame.


Thanks for the update!


Hope you got to see this …
“An Air Force veteran was scheduled to be buried with full military honors Friday at Missouri’s Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery — but he was going to be buried alone, if the community did not do something.”

Molly Pitcher

Thanks Redleg… maybe these acts of compassion happened before and they didn’t get spread around but since MAGA/ seems like we’re kinder and more charitable.
I’m so proud that these strangers showed up for the veteran.

Deplorable Patriot

In south county, all they have to do is ask. Those guys will show up.

Gail Combs

What is the Milankovitch Cycle and why is it important?
The Cycle is important because Global Warming is rearing it’s ugly head again.
The Milankovitch Cycle has to do with the earth’s distance from the sun, the shape of the orbit and the tilt of the earth’s axis’ All of these vary over thousand years and change the amount of summer sunshine (ENERGY) at high north latitudes. (60◦ 0r 65◦ N) The solar energy (Insolation) is quantified as Watts per meter squared (Wm−2) As the solar energy at high northern latitudes varies the earth warms and cools going in and out of glaciation.
The Lowest value for the last glaciation – around 463 Wm−2
NOW (modern Warm Period) — 476 Wm-2 (13 Wm-2 more than that low point)
Holocene peak insolation — 522.5 Wm-2 (46.5 Wm-2 higher than present)
Values from:
The last five interglacials (warm periods) ended when the solar energy was anywhere from 463 W m−2 to 500 W m−2. Three ended with higher values and two with lower values than present. One theory is volcanism, possibly linked to grand solar minimums, kicks off glaciation.
Those values are why CO2 caused global warming is laughable.
Lets put this another way. For glacial inception, the summer solstice insulation during MIS-11 at 65N was 489 Watt/m2 and in 2005 the current measurement was 474 Watt/m2 (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005). (MIS-11 is the closest Analog to the Holocene.)
This means the earth need an ADDITIONAL 15 Watt/m2 to get UP to the glacial inception insolation of MIS-11. I am not familiar with any CO2 estimates which correlate with a 15 Watt/m2 rise in atmospheric forcing.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Schimel, 1996] estimated that the change in solar forcing between 1850 and 1990 was only 0.3 W/m 2 at the top of the atmosphere vs. 1.5 W/m 2 for forcing anthropogenic CO2 forcing [cf., Reid, 1997]. Therefore to prevent possible glacial inception using anthropogenic CO2 forcing, we are still off by a factor of ten.

Back to the Milankovitch Cycles:
Here is a good explanation with animation:
If that link is dead:
This is also a decent explanation:
What is interesting is the ClimAstrologists screwed-up completely by doing the math wrong and said the Milankovitch Cycles didn’t work. (Of course they had to so CO2 could take center stage.)
Gerald Roe wrote a paper, explaining where the screw-up was. Physicist Lubos Motl has a layman’s explanation.

…the basic correct observation is the following: If you suddenly get more sunshine near the Arctic circle, you don’t immediately change the ice volume. Instead, you increase the rate with which the ice volume is decreasing (ice is melting). Isn’t this comment trivial?
….So the right quantity that should be compared with the insolation – i.e. the sunshine near the Arctic circle – is not the ice volume itself but its time derivative….
And you clearly get a spectacular agreement between the theoretically calculated insolation curve (cyan) and the derivatives of the reconstructed ice volumes (white). Moreover, this model requires no lag to be adjusted and no significant CO2 forcing to be added if you want to reproduce the data very well….

The graph:comment image
White line = Rate of change of ice volume
Blue line = June Insolation (Solar Energy) @ 65◦ N

Nigel Calder then chimes in and states this was well known in the 1974!

Why am I chuckling? After he’d had misgivings about the Milankovitch theory of the comings and goings of the ice sheets, Luboš Motl now says in The Reference Frame:
“… the Milankovitch orbital cycles do describe the glaciation cycles in the recent 1 million years very well and nothing else – CO2 or random internal variations – is needed to account for the bulk of the data.”
…The reason for my chuckles is that the “change in perspective” that Roe adopts was available more than 30 years earlier in the first formal verification of Milankovitch, which I published in Nature in 1974. Using a pocket calculator, I simply assumed that the rate of change in global ice volume per thousand years was proportional to the difference between the summer sunshine at a high-ish northerly latitude and a level of sunshine at which the ice neither advances or retreats.
I’ve formatted my paper to go on this blog. Some comments in passing. The paper was cited for a few years, but then forgotten because I wasn’t in the climate physicists’ club.….

Hope that helps.


So, you’re calling Al Gore a liar? /sarc

Gail Combs

I call it Gore-Bull Warbling…
Al wouldn’t know a derivative if it bit him in the rump! I think he flunked multiplication…

Deplorable Patriot

So, essentially, for those of us living in mid-continental locales, have a week’s worth of clothing for every temperature variation at our fingertips because weather happens.

Deplorable Patriot

That needed a 😉


Heheh… “socialist media” <— so true.
I am now wondering if HusseinO gave away control of the Internet in the hopes that it would keep it from being classified as a 'Utility'.