Remember this guy? The crying Indian? His name was Iron Eyes Cody. He died in 1999 and has a star in front of Grauman’s Chinese Theater. He was part of the Keep America Beautiful Campaign, and he influenced an entire generation.
The Crying Indian campaign to stop littering was enormously successful and changed our society. These were PSA’s or Public Service Announcements, done by the Ad Council. They were not political. It was common sense, “don’t be trashy”, pick up after yourself, be responsible, we’re ALL Americans, and we’re all individually culpable for the environment. We can all pitch in to make the country “prettier” and someone who DID litter was fined and shamed. The culture shifted, and yes, it was a positive change.
Recently, I watched an old episode of “Mad Men”, which is a series based in the 60’s. The main characters took their children to the park for a picnic and left their trash. The father threw a can at a tree. My eyes went wide. No American, raised in the 70’s-80’s-90’s would do such a thing. Right? Well, while we successfully altered our behavior, the rest of the world didn’t get the message.
Dad traveled to South America and Europe during the 70’s and remarked about the trash, everywhere. I remember it and even though I was a kid, I thought, “Why would they not care?”. A generation later, when I traveled on business to South America, I was astonished by the level of unorganized garbage collection. Asia is even worse. It’s true, China alone, is responsible for 30% of the plastic found in our oceans. Don’t even think about going to a public beach in China. Here is Sanya Beach, where the city employees remove 28 metric tons of garbage from the beaches EVERY DAY.
Currently, the USA has about 25% of our population who are foreign born AND it’s been 40 years since the Crying Indian ads. Might be time for more Crying Indian ads, eh? Have you been to a beach lately in the USA? I have. People leave diapers and Wal-Mart sacks. It’s disgusting. It’s laziness. Sloth. Inexcusable.
We don’t need a Green New Deal, which is estimated to cost 93 trillion dollars, if we can’t get our own citizens to get up, and walk their trash to the garbage can. AND if environmentalists want to make the world a more beautiful place, they should probably start by protesting the Chinese Embassy. Better yet, rather than protesting and complaining, talk the Chinese into running their own version of the Crying Indian ads. It might work. It might accomplish the stated goal of environmentalists.
Look deeper. If I can easily figure out how to solve half of China’s ocean pollution, thus 15% of the ocean’s plastic, from my desktop, why hasn’t it been done already? Perhaps the goal is not a clean planet. Perhaps the goal is really more about control of the people who would be potential polluters…… which brings us to the Green New Deal.
David Harsanyi from The Federalist has an interesting article about the 10 Most Insane Requirements of the Green New Deal. It is, by no measure, a cumulative list – just the highlights of the proposal and includes such items as:
Ban Affordable Energy, even though the USA is now the #1 producer in the world.
Ban Nuclear Energy, but nuclear is the cleanest of all energy sources
Eliminate 99% of cars, more control, to force us into cities.
Gut and Rebuild everything in the USA, mandate to make us move, shift locale
Ban Air Travel, except for those making the decisions? Will Bernie keep his plane?
A Gov’t Guaranteed Job, how does THAT save the environment???? Or is it really about control???
Free Education for life, again, more control, which has nothing to do with environmentalism and everything to do with socialism
A Salubrious Diet, control what we eat? But her Chief of Staff, the guy who wrote the plan, still eats his burgers?
A “Safe and Affordable” House, control where we live = Communism to Marxism
Free Money, for those unwilling to work. Again, STOP with the SLOTH and laziness.
Ban Meat, because……., cow farts. Vegans are militants, ya’ know.
Yeah, it’s fairly clear. The Green New Deal has little to do with a prettier and cleaner world and far more to do with a zealous need for control over the citizens by the chosen few via Socialism/Communism/Marxism. No thank you.
How about we do more PSA’s? Shame people more for littering? Make individuals responsible for their little corner of the world. Very small investment would be required and frankly, a pleasant break from pharmaceutical ads. How about our own families and kids? I almost crashed my car, one time, when a friend of my son’s threw a coke can out of my car window. I went to the exit ramp, made the trip around again, and made him pick it up. It took us 20 minutes to find it. Bet that kid will never litter again!
Wait……. I have a better story. You’re going to love this one.
We live about 45 minutes from a major metro and we were in town, shopping, for a big event. We were coming home with a minivan full of supplies. I was 7-8 months pregnant and driving. With me were my stepson, about age 11-12, and a staff guy, about 16yrs old. We were almost home and singing to the radio.
Less than a mile from my exit, I merged in behind an old Chevette with Missouri plates, $hit brown in color, with three young black men in the car. All of a sudden, the guy in the back seat rolled down the window and threw out a big Burger King bag! Not the small individual bags from Burger King, the BIG bag, that you get when you order burgers for an entire classroom, like, a 30-40 burger bag. Then, he did it AGAIN! And tissue paper wrappers! He was littering!
I lost it. I came undone. Must have been the hormones or at least that’s my excuse in retrospect. I started honking at him and pulled closer to his car. I was flashing my lights. The driver was oblivious. Finally, the guy in the back — shot me the bird. Ohhhh, it was Game ON.
The “dumb as it comes” driver decided to peel off the interstate at MY exit. I blared my horn at him the whole way down the ramp. He wasn’t stopping! He made the first right into a local truck stop, and hopped out to gas up. I pulled right in behind him, looked at the boys and told them to, “STAY HERE!” My staff guy rolled down the window immediately, he wouldn’t miss this for the world. My stepson was hanging over the seat, I heard, “Get ’em, Miss Daughn”, but I was already out the car door.
I was temporarily insane. I was railing at the men for littering. “From Missouri, no less! You want to litter, go home to your own damn state and litter!”, I was screaming, “Don’t come to my state and spread your nasty trash.”, “Less than a damn mile from an exit with a trash can right here!” and “Ohhh but no, you just HAD to throw it out on MY HIGHWAY!”, and “lazy, rotten, no good, POS…..”, I was just getting started….
About that time, a bunch of work trucks pulled up to the other side of the gas pumps. In the side of my eye, I saw people get out, but I was WAY to busy screaming and yelling at these three young black men. They were little, too. Biggest one probably only weighed 130lbs. I could have taken them, and I was thinking about it. I was spitting fire.
Someone tapped me on the shoulder and I almost took their arm off. It was Leroy, the 6’8″ block layer. Leroy is an enormous black man, whom I love all the way down to my toenails. In his deep baritone voice, he said, “Is there a problem, Miss D?” Well, then I had to explain the problem to Leroy…., which made me MOAR angry. I was yelling and pointing wildly. One by one, his men, all black men, all men I knew well, all HUGE men, got out of their trucks and moved to stand around Leroy. He looked at the little men and said, “Did you REALLY litter on Miss D’s highway?” I almost laughed, but I was too mad, “Yes they did”, I looked at Leroy and said, “Make them pick it up!!!!” The men behind Leroy were all nodding in agreement. Leroy moved towards the men and they got scared.
The driver was a jerk and believe it or not, seemed to want to fight. He poked Leroy in the chest and said, “Well aren’t you just Johnny Q. Citizen – the good boy, doing what you’re told by the white lady.” Oh dear, he just insulted Leroy and Leroy was mad.
Now, the truck stop has an extraordinary diner, with world class comfort food served daily. The tables and chairs for patrons are lined up against large plate glass windows, which overlook the gas pumps and a small park between the truckstop and the exit ramp. You know, where your dog goes to do his business. Inside the diner, Steve’s men, all farm hands, had finished their dinner and were watching the scene unfold outside. Steve was my husband’s best friend and sort of, my “other” husband. There I was, the lily white lady, in the midst of a dozen black men, and I was wild and gesticulating. Out the door came all the farm hands, 12-15 of them. I heard Steve’s voice, “Is there a problem here, gentlemen?”
Steve’s men did not really know Leroy’s men, and vice versa. I knew everyone except the three scrawny guys from Missouri. I had to stop and re-explain why I was so furious to Steve’s men, which I did, only louder this time! There were 20+ guys on my side and 3 guys from Missouri on their side. I was mad and ready to pull them limb from limb!
Two State Highway Patrol Cars rolled in. It was Eddie “X” and his buddies. Our sons were in school/played soccer together. I was happy to see him because he could FINE THEM! Better yet, he could MAKE THEM PICK UP their trash on OUR highway! Eddie started to question the men, “What did you throw out of you car? License, registration…..” but I wouldn’t let the men answer, “All kinds of Burger King wrappers, bags, littering the whole way!” I pointed north, “It’s all there, take them back and make them clean it up!”
City police showed up, SIX police cars, including the Chief! There’s not much that happens in our town. “Arrest them”, I railed! Understand, Al, the Police Chief, used to toilet-paper my house for Halloween…. as retribution for the time the girls and I toilet-papered the police station. He had never seen me mad, ever. I don’t usually get mad. The three little men had a bad attitude and were mouthing off. I would NOT keep still. I wanted them to pick up their garbage from the highway and then I wanted them arrested AND fined! For added measure, I said, “And don’t EVER come back to our state again!”
The Chief knew Steve’s farmhands and Leroy’s men extremely well. With the Chief’s back to the Missouri pissants (and me), he addressed my defenders. The Chief was very calm, slow, and deliberate. With a wink, he said, “Wellllllll…., we could take them out to “XYZ” field and you guys could bury them there.” All the men on my side nodded, folded arms, shifted weight, set their jaws. “Yeah”, said one reaching into his truck, “We’ve got the shovels.” Another one piped up and said, “Hell no, we’ll dig with a backhoe, it’s too hot to be digging graves……” The Missouri twerps, for a moment, thought they might be serious and so did I. “Well, you can’t kill them”, I said. “Nononoonno,”I said. “Well”, said the Chief turning towards me, “short of killing them, Miss D, what do you want me to do them?” I reiterated my demands, STERNLY!
Steve and Leroy’s men made friends. The police sorted out the charges and I was satisfied. It was about 3:00pm. I drove home, unloaded groceries, staff guy went home, stepson played in his room, one last vacuum, checked in some guests, I was making dinner, waiting on more guests to arrive.
About 5:30pm, husband breezed through the back door. It was a hot summer day and he had been to the beer store, the next town south (about 10 miles, we were a dry county at the time). He kissed me on the cheek, “Have a good day, dear?” A slight lilt in his voice but I didn’t catch the inference. I told him what we were having for dinner and who was checking in. I gave him messages, and we began a conversation about specific projects. “Anything else happen today?”, he inquired. I was puzzled, at first, and had completely moved on from the incident at the truckstop. He reminded me.
I told you, not much happens here. Apparently, by the time he arrived at the beer store, talk of my trukstop scene was all the rage. My own husband had the gall to chastise me for being involved because, “You don’t know what they would have done to you” and “besides that, you’re pregnant” In a flash, I was angry again, and spewing crime statistics at him, defending my actions and the cleanliness of my town and highways. “Besides”, I said, “the were little, stupid, scrawny, puny, men, (every adj. I could think of) and I could have taken them.” Fire was coming out of my eyes. “Babe”, he said placing his hand carefully on my shoulder, “I believe you might have hurt those poor young men……” I growled, low, in my throat. I actually growled.
Don’t mess with my town. The incident made me a mini-legend for a couple of months, especially with the guy-guys. When anything had to be settled, they threatened to “send” me. I love those guys. They had my back, literally, when it counted. And the poor police, I apologized profusely for bothering them, but the mouthy little men were charged and fined. Message went out, as you can imagine, whatever you do, don’t pull over the crazy lady. It was embarrassing, sure, but I was effective.
I’ve lived a boring life compared to you daughn! Who needs Hollywood when real life truly does provide the best entertainment.
Actually, I think you and I have similar personalities. My hubby has wished he was anyway else but where I was – speaking up about foul deeds being done by uncaring citizens in the world.
“anywhere” not anyway.
We would be a hazard together, Lady P!
Until recently, I thought I had lived a very vivid life. Rather tame compared to DNW. I blame some of that tameness on DH. Whenever I started a bandwagon, DH made me promise I would not again be on the front page of the local Times. I didn’t always keep my promises when the outcome would be better if I broke the promise. Hee, hee.
PJ, that’s funny. I know what you mean. I often tell hubby I brightened up his life.
Gotta remember your line.
I always fall back on “In our wedding vows, I never promised to be boring.” Then I grin and keep grinning until he laughs.
WARNING: Do not EVER make Daughn mad!!!
Michael, hardly ever. Maybe once every 5-10 yrs. Guess that’s what being triggered means, eh?
NOW I know where the expression comes from…
It finally DAUGHNED on them that they had done something wrong…
Good on you, Daughn. You really are a brilliant writer, and a formidable (in a GOOD way) person. Would that more people stood up for what was/is right. It used to be that way… Times were, when I was young, if we cut up, any adult (in our town at least) would tell us to stop, and eventually our parents found out.
At which point we caught it TWICE. First, for having done wrong, and second, for troubling someone else who ended up telling our parents. Lessons got learned rather quickly back then. Fear of the belt and the “board of education”. As scouts, we always were taught to leave a place better than how we found it. Pack it in, burn and/or crush it, and pack it out. Simple as that.
Over here in Germany (and probably the rest of Europe), they’re going crazy reducing plastic packaging, ironically returning us to the days of individual, open sales bins/windows/etc. With any luck, the next time I need an electronic component or faucet washer, etc., I can buy JUST ONE, instead of 10 or 20 (or 100).
Finally, as Gail noted the other day, a lot of the plastic packaging, being based on oil, can be burned for energy, with very little waste residue. Part of our energy supply here comes from that. There are also bacteria that eat (!) plastics, helping out, probably relatives of the ones that lurk around hydrocarbon-spewing volcanic vents on the ocean floor.
In the end, it all boils down to laziness, I guess. “Convenience foods” have just gotten too convenient over the years. Vance Packard, years ago, wrote a book called “The Wastemakers”. Some things never change….
Great post, Cuppa!
Our backyard neighbor lady was a tyrant. She disciplined me more than mom.
Need a pile of plastic eating bacteria! H/t to Gail!
Lol, MichaelH, I agree. My only quibble with Daughn is, “Please, enough PSA’s. Tired of them lecturing adults as if we’re children, except those three creeps. They should be made to listen to the same PSA all the time they’re cleaning up their litter. Lol. Besides, the PSA’s are so tasteless and loud. I get so annoyed I turn off the radio or tune them out deliberately.
IKR? I swear every PSA and virtue signalling twerp is really about educating liberals and leftists on things they should’ve learned from time in the Boy Scouts! But maybe that’s the problem – not enough virtuous male influence? Thinking so!
I’m not sure I’d want to learn what they’re probably teaching in “fill-in-the-blank” Scouts now… they’re probably teaching crocheting and needlepoint now (which are useful, but probably not in the woods) rather than pioneering, forestry, or survival skills. But back in the day we learned pretty much everything we needed to grow into responsible adults, and to be good men of good character, and creative and resourceful as well…
I pity the snowflakes of today. They’ll be lost without the nanny-state to guide and protect them. Then again, isn’t that what the deep state wants…
Al Mohler and James Dobson have both written extensively on what could be termed “missing manhood” or “failing fathers” in today’s society. I have “Bringing Up Boys” from Dr. Dobson, and I understand he has a companion volume, “Bringing Up Girls”, which is also good. There’s an alternative, Christian Scouting movement (the name excapes me at the moment) which sounds pretty good. Thank GOD there is something like that now. It really bugs me that Tillerson knuckled under like that, but it wasn’t just him, it was the whole BSA leadership group (read: we need the money, or we heed the money)…
Yes there are alternatives like Trail Life for the boys, and also American Heritage Girls, so there’s good news. Al likes to sell books and self-promote.
Tillerson killed it. We had the oldest troop in the state – gone.
Do we have PSA’s now? Goes to show how effective they are. I only remember the Indian, Smokey the Bear, and Brain on drugs (the frying egg).
You know at ever conservative event I’ve been to the grounds are always immaculate afterward. But the leftist events, they come and they leave a huge mess behind with trash everywhere. Many of them actually think that leaving trash behind gives people jobs to do – broken window fallacy at work there.
michaelh, agree with all your comments on this, and true about conservative events.
Reminds me of all those years I attended the Bull Run Country Jamboree in Bull Run Park, Manassas, VA. I think I have described it here before. Get there about 3 in the morning w/lawn chairs, sleep til gates open at 6; find a good spot in the huge lawn seating, spread out our stuff and walk away to visit the crafts and rides; come back an hour later, not one thing has been touched; trash bags distributed toward the end of the concert and all trash picked up when people departed. Bring what you want to drink, only rule being no glass bottles. I attended from 1982 until 1995 with the exception of ’89 & ’90 – very few police were ever needed.
By the end, they had moved it to the cold, ugly Nissan stadium in Centreville that was a muddy mess, with a cop stationed about every 10 feet and it flat-out sucked, with less than half of the usual attendees. Never went again and it petered out completely within a few years.
How hard is it?!!! Seriously…why, why, why? Why can’t they put their carts back in the designated areas? I know they could if they wanted to…because I see them sprinting and jumping hurdles while carrying infants and shoving grandma out of the way to get that last flat screen television on Black (no racism intended) Friday! So I know they have the required energy involved. I just don’t get it. Maybe they’re trying to keep that employee who collects all of those carts in a job? It beats me.
I know that this doesn’t really effect the environment like leaving trash all over the place but it drives me absolutely nuts! It’s such a simple thing, really (insert diabolical Howard Dean scream here).
YEAH!!!!!!!!!! That’s another one!
This one drives my mother insane.
A lot of times the carts get stolen, too. And they cost well over €100.00 each. Enough carts stolen, up go the prices… Over here, you need to put a deposit in a little holder, which, when you push it in (with the coin), releases the key on a chain holding it to the next cart. I have a couple of little coins the same size which I use for this purpose, but, for the most part, people take the “deposit” seriously. The fact that it’s a crime to swipe a shopping basket might have something to do with that, but somehow the €1 deposit seems to work.
Having said that, our “Kulturelle Bereicherung” (refauxgees) don’t appear to have gotten the message. They use baskets to take the groceries all the way home, and use the basket as a sort of baby stroller/toy/etc. So the stores have folks going around with pickup trucks and vans, hunting for baskets. Sort of basket-bounty hunters… (Real basket cases, them)…
I just wish they would put cart corrals out where they are really needed. In the far corners of the parking lot.
Since I drive a big pick-up I usually park well away from other cars. I HATE having to walk 3/4 of the way back to the store to park my shoping cart.
(I usually grab a cart that is in the far corners of the parking lot to take back to the store on my way in BTW.)
Iron eyes cody wasnt even an indian or native american. An italian actor.
Wow…not even 1/1024? Good enough to teach at Harvard.
Great tidbit, Gil!
Ohhh, lookie here.
The earth is ‘greener’ today than 20 years ago because of human activity. (tree planting)
Give a hoot. Don’t pollute.
Only YOU can prevent Forest Fires.
I swear these were the mottos at the local Girl Scout camps in the late 70s. We were always taught, and not just there, but our parents and teachers, to leave the area as clean as we found it. Fireworks under the Arch we were instructed to bring trash bags, fill them and leave them back in the day. So long as it didn’t rain, it saved the Parks Service a lot of work.
Now, if only winter would hurry up and take a hike. My terra cotta pots are spalling and the shards need to be picked up.
Leave only footprints. Take only pictures.
Daughn — you are a hoot!
As to the Green Deal, I have a question:
How will our military operate the machines they use to defend our country after we dismantle the nationwide infrastructure we employ to ensure a massive and widely dispersed supply of aviation fuel, gasoline and diesel fuel?
We won’t need military, oh foolish one. After the New Green Deal, we’ll be one big happy Earth family!
Ya’ know, I vaguely remember a report about a company in Louisiana who was making biofuel. The Obama admin tried to spread “Green” scams through every agency and somehow, forced the DOD to use this biofuel. BY the time it got to Afghanistan the price of the fuel was equivalent to about $6K a gallon.
Who runs a company or a gov’t in such a stupid way?
What the HECK were they doing?
Somebody tell Mnuchin, Ross and Lighthizer – ANY trade deal with China MUST include the creation of a Deputy Assistant Secretary of Chinese Trash, and DAUGHN is gonna be IT!
Daughn – the next Wolverine!
Order is learned and parents are the one teaching this. One begins small until it becomes like breathing air.
I take shopping cards in the store when I see it just left in the parking lot. I see lazy people old and young just leave the cards in the parking lot and not bring them in the proper places.
W always grab one at the return and take them back in to shop. Feel sorry fo those guys when it’s bad weather, either hot/cold.
First employee should be AOC, give her gloves and turn her loose on the beach.
Wolfie, as long as you’re my wing man, “we got no problem”!
Thinking…. while visualizing all the above, pregnancy must be a form of tourette’s. Daughter had it during her pregnancy – laughing, she had it bad! Never piss off a pregnant lady, pick up your trash!
Even expectant grandmothers can be hard to deal with – we are thinking about the future for our great-great-great grand kids …centuries ahead!
I started serious total obsessive recycling when I heard our first little grand baby was on the way!
I mean – this was before the city/county was recycling – I was hauling huge containers of cans, bottles, plastic and cardboard to the cents-a-pound folks in the back of our truck.
You won’t mess with pregnant women or grandmothers if you know what’s good for you!
Now years later, I’m approaching great-grandmotherhood. I’m the proud owner of a 60 inch long reacher that I use to pick up trash thrown out on the street, down in the ditches and under bushes at the entrance to our neighborhood. I’m the first house off the busy street, with a wooded buffer zone, and folks throw out cans, bottles, lunch bags, etc.
Litter and garbage makes our neighborhood look trashy, and lowers the property values – so I pick it up, recycling what I can. A little trash attracts more trash.
Over the years, I’ve been known to haul a giant TV, computer hard drive, huge cable spool, garbage bags full of trash, mattresses, landscape plant pots, hundreds of feet of pipe, etc. that people have thrown down in the woods, using ropes and dollies, etc. A mad woman is a force to be reckoned with!
There ya’ go.
Aunties and great-aunties can be pretty tough, too. .
Oh gosh, I have an aunt that would have made the Hessians blush.
Charlie, you’re right.
About the same time, my mother-in-law flounced in the back door one day. She smoked those long brown cigarettes, “More”, I think.
I was complaining/sputtering about the size of my kitchen, not having enough room to do what I wanted and she looked at me, deadpan, and said, “Just take a sledgehammer to the back wall and knock it out.” She dragged hard and deep on her cigarette and watched the smoke rise.
Silence, I was studying her for clues.
I was shocked,”Huh?????”
“Dear child”, she said, “how do you think I got my master bedroom?”
OMG – she was serious.
Then, she added the punchline.
“You’re married to a contractor. He can’t HIT you!! You’re pregnant!”
My mother-in-law was one devious woman……
My mama smoked those ‘Mores’ too – man did they smell nasty. I called them her cigarillos. She was that kind of feisty too!
Love knowing I have fellow-countrymen and women like Daughn and all of you, but I despise the nanny state.
You have to write books. I used to love reading Erma Bombeck. Your stories and your character far surpasse any of her writings, in humor and all other classifications.
Speaking of highway litter, in 1995 we vacationed in the Baja and did a bit of town hopping off Highway 1. We were disgusted with the litter, especially the water or milk gallons obviously thrown out of the cars.
Plain Jane, milk cartons are not as bad as diapers…eeeg…!
The other beef is not cleaning after the dog while walking.
For sure.
Erma Bombeck was a treasure, wasn’t she? She made America laugh.
Did you read the one about the women’s golf team? The ladies kept getting pregnant and because of it, the coach never could field a team, so she decided he should go into fertility work instead.
Hehe… smart move.
The problem started when he would show them how to grip his niblck.
It was their lawfully wedded husbands that got them in the family way, not the coach. This was a national newspaper column, and that sort of thing wasn’t even hinted about back then.
Erma Bombeck:
My favorite Bombeck saying was when she tried on the lycra exercise outfit back during the early aerobics craze…. she said she looked like she was ‘smuggling puppies’….indeed, I knew exactly what she meant when I tried on one of those garments.
Ohh, me, you have me laughing now.
Yes, but so do you. At the very least, you have the unbelievable ability to bring us deplorable babes into your kitchen, car and life with your writing. We are right there with you while reading…dukes up when yours are, bringing Christmas decorations from the attic, freaking out drug dealers, telling the mayor you are pregnant, etc. Heck, we’d even put our heads in a flour sack scouping the last 3 cups of flour out, if that would be part of your short story.
Come on DNG, at least start a compilation of your short stories for a book down the line . I want the second signed copy. wolfie should get the first.
Okay, I will save them. Let’s see what happens. I am a little timid about the idea.
Thank you DNW. That is the first step. Step #2 – ASAP – Always Say A Prayer. In this case, for guidance on how to proceed.
Don’t forget that even if you decide not to officially publish, your posterity will be enthralled to read your writings. Trust me they will.
DH’s father was in WWII. EVERY DAY he and DH’s mother wrote to each other. He sent her letters back to her with each of his new letters. There are hundreds of letters. The grandkids are into them as much as are their children.
Done, thank you.
Once I listened to the story of how the book “The Shack” was written.
It was going to be a Christmas present from the author to his six kids.
Somehow the manuscript ended up getting around and some guys managed to get it self-published with boxes of the books in their garage. Sold out fast and a big publisher picked it up. Was at the top of best seller lists for a good while. Now it’s a really great movie too.
All started when his wife said, “You should write something for your kids. You think different than other people.”
“… Heck, we’d even put our heads in a flour sack scouping the last 3 cups of flour out,….”
ERRR, I was just scooping out the last 6 cups of powder formula to make another batch of milk for the lamb…. Got sticky milk powder all over my arms YUCK!
I really wish it would QUIT RAINING. We ended up chasing wet lambs all over the *lawn when the skies opened two hours before forecast.
* Lawn = large mud puddle…
Oh my gosh, I know what you mean by sticky milk powder. Been there, done that, but not for lambs. I used to use powder milk for making broccoli soup. Plus, when I was a kid, we drank it because it cost less than regular milk. I made it many times.
I’m in line!!
An effort is well underway to clean up the oceans of floating plastic debris. There are other YouTube vids available that go into much more detail regarding this system of cleanup.
A little over 3 minutes in length.
I have a thing for wildlife rescue videos. Specifically sea turtles barnacles needing to be removed. There’s more videos dealing with plastic, frankly, and the plastic fishing line that gets cut. Most of the time, the waters are not around the US, but there still are plenty that are. I don’t fish, but several relatives do, and they lose line and lures all the time.
Yeah, know what you mean, Dep. 5 years in Miami and spending weekends on a sailboat made me far more aware. Love my little sea turtles and dolphins.
It’s common sense stuff though which is the most important. Doesn’t need massive legislation.
Regarding litterbugs:
Doesn’t it basically come down to a matter of respect vs disrespect, nuturing behavior vs destructive behavior?
In a nutshell, content of character.
It is. It’s pure laziness and lack of consideration for others.
I used to live in a highrise in FLA, on the beach. In the summer, it was so hot, back when we wore pantyhose. I would break into the front door and start stripping. Threw on a bathing suit and swam every day.
When people left crap on the beach, I would speak up. Follow them. Shame them.
It was rare back then. Too common now.
Yeah, I’m the litter Nazi now.
My sister and I are picnic princesses. I ALWAYS have a garbage bag with me when we go sit in the park or head to a parade. Always. Even on float trips where the canoe company provides bags. Then you stop on a beach along the river where it is obvious there was a campfire and find souffle cups. I assume for jello shots. Drives me nuts.
Yes. Just getting dog owners to pick up after their pets is a problem.
Daughn, great article. Enjoyed it very much, as always.
Tucker Carlson had some lefty on his show a day or two back and I didn’t catch his name. He had written an article for The Quillette and it was about energy. Now, this guy is a lefty from way back and was fully invested in the whole climate change thing, right?
But he hadn’t yet totally chucked the Scientific Method out the window, apparently. He had diligently researched and discovered that wind and solar power and fairly useless to try to support a modern civilization. It would take so much land, like the size of the state of Texas, full of solar panels to try to keep stuff going and even then it won’t power our energy grid. There was also some point about ecologically speaking we are better off using traditional energy because we get so much more density of useable energy from that then we could ever achieve with solar and wind. Better for Mother Earth, anyway. Also, he said as much as he had heard scary stories all his life about nuclear energy, it was a very good, safe, clean option.
Needless to say, he is probably being drummed out of the Left even as we speak. AOC has probably recorded his name on some list….
Bwwhahahaa, I was watching him, too!
Solor panels rely on nuclear energy.
…another example of disgusting litter left behind by a lazy person…
SPIT! OMG, Harry, I lost my Diet Coke!
I am sneakier than Daughn… But I too HATE TRASH.
I had just come home and was walking from my parking spot towards the door of my apartment building. A snazy new sports car was idling in front of the door. As I approached from the back of the car, the guy tossed out a Burger King bag — 1/2 eaten burger with lots of ketchup, greasey fries and a 1/2 finished drink.
I pick up the bag and toss it in his open back window… the drink splashed all over his carpet.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh, yes, yes, yes!!!!!! You are a champ, Gail!
Litter Road Rage.
Honey Daughn don’t care.
I did snap. I admit it.
Their behavior spoke volumes about everything that was WRONG, and they needed a course correction.
Bad attitude, don’t give a damn about anyone else, needed a backhand across the cheek.
Sure was happy the guys were there to back me up.
The Chief of Police was brilliant in handling me and diffusing the situation.
Best possible outcome!
Curry, I’m confused by this link. Asean Conference? Help me out.
Try refreshing the page.
Its supposed to be Hank Jr. singing the very apropos “Attitude Adjustment”.
I remember all the signs in California warning about $1000 fines for littering. Then there is the “Don’t mess with Texas” slogan which seem to almost have turned into a State slogan.
And it all makes sense. As long as environmentalism is on this level, there is nothing there to argue against. It is when the good cause has turned past being a business and into a racket, one gets to see these weird demands of this “Green New Deal” about how bad it is to eat meat, driving and all that.
I can’t see how imported soy or other exotic fruits and vegetables, can be any better in any way compared to head of cattle which has been eating grass and silaged hay, then being butchered and its meat transported a few kilometers. More energy, more CO2 emitted, for no good reason other than some kind of virtue-signaling….
If the idea was to reduce CO2 and/or energy use, this is just about the wrong way to go about it. Instead, do as in the old days, store the local vegetables harvested during the summer and fall, slaugther animals in the early winter when the cold helps preserve the meat. Essentially, work with nature, not against it.
Exactly, Slow Creek, great to see you commenting here, btw.
Common sense could go a long way.
No one has mentioned Lady Bird Johnson’s ‘Keep America Beautiful’ campaign (I remember it clearly).
Interestingly, Keep America Beautiful started in the 1950s, but the then-First Lady really brought it to the forefront. She often talked about it in interviews, and, if I’m not mistaken, there were also TV adverts in the mid-1960s:
‘1965: First Lady of the United States of America, Lady Bird Johnson, joins Keep America Beautiful in promoting highway beautification, stating “Ours is a blessed and beautiful land. But much of it has been tarnished. What can you do? Look around you: at the littered roadside; at the polluted stream; the decayed city center. We need urgently to restore the beauty of our land.”’
I remember when the campaign started (lots of litter along highway verges) and when it ended a few years later (very little): IT WORKED!
N.B.: I did not mention LBJ’s wife to start a discussion about his or her family history.
L Johnson started the wildflower program on interstates. Our garden club is statewide and spring and summer are spectacular drives through our state. So pretty.
Thanks for the reminder, Daughn! Beautiful.
Our region has enormous waste during the fall and spring because of so many trees/leaves/limbs. In our little city, we sweep things to the curb and a city vehicle comes along and sweeps it all up into a dump truck.
When I was working with Mayor for other stuff, I realized ever dump truck load cost the city $80.
Then, I was in the large metro and noticed all the nice homes, BAGGED their leaves and refuse. WTheck? Buy the right equipment. I would pass a lovely home in the fall and see 40-60 contractor garbage bags full of leaves. It’s dumb because the leaves would degrade naturally…….., and FASTER if they were outside of a plastic bag, forming beautiful compost.
I got an idea.
I asked the Mayor to purchase a chipper shredder attachment to the city vacuum vehicle for yard waste. This created dump truck after dump truck of new compost material for people’s gardens.
I would “order” a dump truck full, drop it where I wanted a new garden, about 2′ thick. Over the winter, the compost would ‘heat’. By spring, I had another 6-8″ of wonderful topsoil. One garden took 18 dump truck loads. The nurseries where I bought plants got wind of the idea. They ordered HUNDREDs of dump truck loads and would sell the compost in the spring, by the bucket full, thus turning something FREE into $$$$’s for their biz.
Other people figured out what I was doing and the city promoted it. I told all my garden clubs and the farmer’s co-op. One farmer “ordered” 147 dump trucks full for a specific space. Thousands and thousands of dump trucks ‘loads’ of compost were “ordered” by locals, for FREE, by our citizens.
Gee whiz, seems like a good way to make a government work FOR the people instead of against the people.
The city saved a fortune and we had more room in our landfill for other things. In fact, I did a precursory analysis. First full year of the program saved our landfill an estimated 8 years of longevity. Not a full blown scientific study, but I was fairly close. Weird, huh?
COMMON SENSE eco-planning! Making lemonade out of lemons, and literally, turning one person’s TRASH into treasure.
Honestly, the lawn and tree waste rules are metro specific, and in my metro, municipality specific. Where I live, we get 3-4 leaf pick ups a year. Two in November and at least one in March/April just to get the straglers that came down during the winter. Those go into a city compost heap in one of the city parks. Anybody can come and get the compost. All you need is something to carry it and a car that you don’t mind getting messed up. Tree limbs can be cut up for wood burning fire pits and fireplaces. If they are tied with string, the city will take them for compost. Everything else goes in PAPER lawn refuse bags for the compost heap.
Yes, we pay a bit more for the service, but it all stays out of the landfill.
THAT is a good process!
We also have curb side recycling, and have had it for a very long time. At this point, just about everyone does, but this muni has been VERY proactive about it.
It makes sense to me. We started, gosh, I’m guessing, 1995.