Helium Futures

It’s about to happen, people.

Sorry – wrong future. Let’s try again.

First, go back just a bit:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 1e2b4e No.5402061 
Feb 26 2019 18:49:44 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 67117c No.5401939 
Feb 26 2019 18:41:14 (EST)
Feeling like Anons in US will be up late tonight following POTUS/Q in Vietnam.


It’s going to be HISTORIC!
Planned long ago.
Within the next 21 days BIG BIG BIG HAPPENINGS are going to take place.

Q Post 2903

See the -21? Now check out today’s post.

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 62c035 No.5449539 
Mar 1 2019 12:55:43 (EST)
“Oh’ I see! Now that the 2 year Russian Collusion case has fallen apart, there was no Collusion except [bye] Crooked Hillary and the Democrats, they say, “gee, I have an idea, let’s look at Trump’s finances and every deal he has ever done. Let’s follow discredited Michael Cohen…..”
“…and the fraudulent and dishonest statements he made on Wednesday. No way, it’s time to stop this corrupt and illegally brought Witch Hunt. [Time to start looking at the other side where real crimes were committed]. Republicans have been [abused long enough]. Must end now!”
Carpet bombs are ok.
Tactical nukes are better.

Q Post 2912

Do the math.


Who knew that going back in time would actually fix everything?
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Q on the loose again….
Hope for a few more today

Cuppa Covfefe

It’s gonna be a real gas!
I can just see the libtards (e.g. AOC) whining now, “HElium? That’s sexist”…
[And a snarky astrophysicist could reply, say, to AOC, “but SPACE is FULL of SHELIUM”… and AOC would go, “well, OK then”… Astro turns and giggles with his colleagues… about AOC’s *vacuous* understanding of space… and time… and dimensions…]


Wolf……. This HAS to be seen…..
In my opinion…… THIS is the KEY


There is MOAR!
It seems to be bubbling up again……
(Please comment on this)
One of the Booms? T Minuses?


Think everyone here is with the fact the O’s birth certificate is a forgery. As far as a boom, unless they need to shatter the earth to get to the truth, I’m betting it’s one not going to be necessary to go here yet or two it will be one of the last booms and may not even get pursued until after the next election unless significant progress is made which is what were all counting on.
Mean while I can’t see why PDJT hasn’t got this canon locked and loaded and ready to fire at his choosing. I would think that the two gentleman in the first vid have been back to the white house to present their evidence long ago and it’s just a matter of time if this canon is rolled out and fired. The only question being does it need to be fired given how many other canons are waiting to fire.
It would certainly make for a great double tap though (double tap being when you cross the objective and shoot everything in sight but your not allowed to recross the objective unless there is resistance. However you instead have another party cross the objective, this being their first time and being more composed, can make sure every thing is indeed dead or properly surrendered).


If used…… this could effectively replace ALL of Government/Media/IC

Deplorable Patriot

The one thing that bugs me about this is the exact date indicator. Yes, Q gave us a couple exact dates of events. One case was McCain’s expiration, and the other ended up being GHWB’s funeral. The implications of those two events against a countdown re Hillary Clinton….
Don’t really want to go there.

Deplorable Patriot

Q did say that there would be a change in public health status. Maybe there’s an announcement in the works or something.
Just the way it has gone with No Name, GHWB, David Rockefeller, Mika’s dad, etc., that can’t be completely forgotten.


Aren’t her and hubs due to start the next round of “An evening with the Clinton’s or whatever they called it? I seem to remember they started in Canada and did not get good turnout and then they were going to take the winter off and start again in March or April.


The tour restarts on April 11th.


Well if the hag does manage to skate free from justice on some sort of medical grounds there should still be some sort of inquiry or trial in her absence. Her crimes should be proved and put on record, and none of her co-conspirators should be able, with the connivance of slick lawyers, to download their crimes onto her free pass.

Deplorable Patriot

It might be via her co-conspirators that we learn the truth.

A Fortiori

This is how I see it playing out. These things need to be done without actually causing riots.
And I think Hussein is an even tougher case.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

They likely can’t actually STOP whatever the WHEAT is.

WheatieToo is unstoppable!!!


Yes, that “bye Crooked Hillary” is extraordinary as in not a coincidence. POTUS knew why he wrote “bye” and used his label “Crooked” – Anticipation…


Agreed. Not a mistake.


Hey everyone, check out anonymous conservative. Great topics re three party negs about nork and Switzerland, saving face for Kim plus much more also Thomas wicktor on quod verrum has a great video showing President Trump answering Kim twice before interpreters even open their mouths. The Trumps are a very multilingual family. Also history of Pres Trump and Saudi R F.


Also pointmans re aoc Ernie and 2020


Sorry, endlessly advertising other sites but Brian cates draw and strike also with a read


I heard President Trump totally gets out of his own way and focuses on the other person.
That is very hard to do . To sit still and clear your mind and immerse oneself into every word the other person is saying. In doing so one can pick up what people are not saying.
President Trump is a unique person and his skill has to be learned and some people do it naturally. To me it reminds my of a group discernment practice.
I assume his mother was that kind of a person who truly could listen. This is just a hunch.


His mother was a judge, I bet she was very good in the courtroom.


His sister is the federal judge. His mom was a home maker and philanthropist.


Ok, thanks. Should have double checked. It’s his sister who is still alive too.


Alive and able to consult on judicial appointments! :8-)


Now that’s a good thing. Thanks.


It’s clear he comes from a very talented family, imbued with some serious values.

A Fortiori

I think too one of the things PDJT learned from the Apprentice is an understanding of the non-verbal clues he was communicating. Imagine the ability to pour over hours and hours of video tape on yourself, tracking through with body language experts what you are saying while at the same time comparing what you were really thinking about, what you were hoping your body language was communicating, and what you had hoped to keep secret.


Well, hopefully whatever is coming will be across the spectrum of criminal acts we’ve witness against president Trump and America for two plus years.
While most of what has been wrought against President Trump by criminal D-Rats, DOJ/FBI/IC and private companies, Republicans have been complicit in allowing the investigations to continue. Uniparty, elites and globalists needs to get massively slammed.
So, MOABs and tactical nukes used liberally are appropriate. (pun intended)
Absolutely nail the politicos of both parties, DOJ/FBI/IC, private companies…all of the traitorous b@stards.
hildabeast, couldn’t give a hoot about her health, so long as she is quite aware she’s being nailed for her corruption during the election process. AND Slick Willy, hildabeast, minnie horseface (Chelsea) and clinton crime family syndacate is under multiple indictments.
MSM where they broke the law under indictment. Where it wasn’t criminal, MSM complicity revealed.
Hollywood and elites nailed for trafficking women and children, satanic acts…
Yea, Military may have to carry much of the legal actions. Keep everything far from Ninth Circuit and any other lefty Circuit.
Oh yea husein and his band of clowns should be indicted for everything they have done against President Trump and America.
One more thing, RBG can resign or otherwise cease being a Justice. (Sorry, not wishing ill on anyone, but RBG playing Justice is simply, BS IMHO. It needs to stop.
In short, personally ready for all the MOABs and tactical nukes dropping in <three weeks… Spread over a week is OK.
Pop corn and coffee at the ready:-)


Kalbo—I’ll have cold, unsweetened tea (coffee is my morning drink!). Should I bring my own bowl and cup??? 😎


Plenty of all for everyone!
The show will be epic!!!


Diet Coke and popcorn. In honor of POTUS.


Good point, LP, although I haven’t drank soft drinks (cokes) in 25 years!!! Kalbo supplies the popcorn, and we bring our own drinks—compromise baby!!!


You’re likely healthier for not drinking soft drinks.

Deplorable Patriot

Mmm…can’t do the aspartame. How about sparkling water and cauliflower chips?


Sparkling water is good.


Tell me more about cauliflower chips!

Deplorable Patriot

Something I found at the grocery store yesterday. Will try them out and let you know. Otherwise, roasted cauliflower is a great snack.


I put so much garlic in my last batch of mashed cauliflower you could smell it before you got in the front door!


TTT, you and I would be friends–I just love garlic, especially in stews and pastas.


Dep and Wolfie are onto something. It has to be something to do with Hillary, because of the [BYE], right?
Wolfie, your idea about her health is a good guess.
Not sure she would ever be investigated because of how Trump reacted as a Pres after she was defeated. Her trial would bring down the whole gov’t.
But……. illness would also invoke sympathy and Hillary would not be above faking an illness. This time though, her condition might be real.
Can’t stand a countdown. Patience, patience…….


DW—but perhaps the whole government needs to come down!!! Cough—cough!
The Luciferian Witch has health issues for sure, so we’ll see what the future holds!


That reminds me of something FBI Anon said before Q started posting – that the Clinton Foundation crimes if ever exposed would bring down the whole government because its tentacles were everywhere. And not just ours, but worldwide. I totally believe that. And I still say “Bring it on.”


Absolutely bring it on. Expose. Bring on the justice. I’ll live with the results of bottom blowing the criminals.
Let the chips fall where they may.


It always reminds me of the scripture in the Revelation about Babylon falling.


Very true about Cyrus, except some of us believe the particular scripture I mention refers to a future Babylon, which would not necessarily be called Babylon but is more figurative.


well, who knows—maybe Trump is the new Cyrus.

Plain Jane

I hoping for that. However, what countries besides the U.S. has a well trained civilian militia. Well, maybe Sicily!!!

Plain Jane

That’s about it though. Dumbarses all gave up their arms.
p.s. I was making dumb joke about Sicily…mafiosa. 🙂


She would fake a worsening of all those symptoms she never had…if it served her purpose to do so. She would play the pity card to try to dodge Karma.


Exactly and the Fake News are probably taking violin lessons right now as we type.


Well, personally hope hildabeast has been getting investigated (her personally, campaign, clinton crime family, while Secretary of State…), indictments are sealed and less than three weeks it is all unsealed with arrests.
Don’t care about her health. Yea, she’ll play that card mightily. Lefties will be outraged. All good by me. If legal schoes roll over because of the health issue it better be with full statements of criminal wrong doing, strip her of her wealth and lock her up.
There really must be accountability.
Anything short of that will only encourage more brazen lawlessness.
So, slam the law on all of them, including hildabeast!


Can she have it both ways? Just a couple of weeks ago there were more speculative articles about her “not ruling out” a 2020 run. So is she healthy enough to be president, according to her, or will she be overtaken by a sudden get-out-of-jail-free diagnosis that will probably affect both her and Bill? (We all know that she wasn’t healthy enough to be president during the 2016 campaign.)


Next Friday is March 8, the Internation Women’s day. Which is a big event over in Europe. And according to what I’ve seen in the Norwegian media, Hillary Clinton has been invited to hold a speech in Oslo.


Indeed. It isn’t every day a former First Lady comes visiting here. I expect there to be a lot of filtered news in the mainstream media, and some of the standard criticisms in the alternate media, but nothing really substantially new news will appear.


Hey, Slow Creek, are you in Norway? If so, my apologies for wishing Hillary upon your fellow citizens by “leaving her there”.
But if you are in Norway, you, Slow Creek, would be the PERFECT person to report back to us if Hillary looks odd, coughs, becomes ill, has to leave early, faints, etc.
Local press would carry it, there, in Norway, but the news would be filtered by the time it comes back to USA.
We would be most appreciative!


Slow Creek may I add to Daughn’s great post, “dies or is arrested.”? They might not tell us if she’s been arrested. Sorry, Daughn.


Can we leave Hillary in Oslo?


You spelled GITMO wrong 🙂


Rayzorback…….. oh gosh, head back, laughing!


Razorbak, that’s just too good for words, pretty much what I was thinking except you said it better than I would have.


Any time there’s a Q drop go searching for WTH is going to happen next. The tactical nuke is better had me pondering what the patriots had in mind because of my hope something BIG is coming for the leftist conspirators finally.
Well, I hit the neon revolt site since there was a new post and it expanded into the new gab dissenter format of which I’ve also been looking at. What kind of had me concerned was the reference this was a platform for the far right to comment on any site’s post.
The far right?
Is this and attempt by the destroyers of free speech to paint gab and all who subscribe to dissenter as extremisits?


completely clear and we all appreciate your clarity on this, Wolfie.

Plateau for Trump

1 hour ago
Does anyone know what Mary Jacoby (Glenn Simpson’s wife) posted on Facebook as referenced below
Two comments on a Kuntsler article at ZeroHedge.
I know you have to wade thru a lot of economic gloom and doom.
The commentators are new to me and are Q oriented.
Start quotes:
He is probably also waiting for the Mueller report before he starts dispatching folks to grand juries, perhaps even a former president, and certainly some of his foot-servants and handmaidens.
Indeed, the forth FISA Warrant is what they ALL are scared to death about being revealed. The ‘insurance policy’ is in it, the information that Commy, McCabbe, Brennen keep referring to as the ‘other’ which no reporter has yet to ask what it is. The information that is the bombshell that Rosenstein SIGNED. The Information that they were ALL had like fools, never vetted the information ‘given and sold’ to them, and passed on to well…you know who, and it is not Trump. The deep state at it’s finest, and the noose that will hang them. What did Kevin Noonan read at the White House records that so disturbed him that he was shaken? The United States of America would have been sold out had Trump not be elected.
Stay tuned, much will come soon……
Perhaps this is why the Muller ‘investigation’ has dragged on as if a dead horse is being pulled along? The river is deep and wide. Why did Simpson’s wife go on two-facedbook and name names, or did everyone miss that?
Trump needs to de-classify all of this, but then again he knows how to play the game quite well. Perhaps it is not to late for a new Democrat Party to form and leave this one far behind.
40 minutes ago
Well said, Patriot!
Sessions and Flynn are Patriots. They had to do what they did to distance themselves from Trump and get it on the record. How do you do this? Let them take your deposition. Now it is all on the record. Now it will come back to haunt them for what the democrats have done which is far more serious, so serious in fact, it has to come out slow in the way it is coming while they are being surrounded. Notice how Cohen just backed up Trump? You do the math.
Flynn is guilty on process crimes. Like calling an email a tweet. Therefore, he lied. He has never been sentenced. Why? Even the prosecutors said he was not lying. The MSM ran with it hook line and sinker. Repeat process. The MSM is there to be Hillary’s fire wall and the Deep State. Nothing more. Flynn took that fall for a reason. You do the math.
Mueller is stalling for time. The question is, for who. There is a small chance that he has flipped. Same with RR. Why did RR make that trip on AF-1 in a skiff? Why did Mueller meet with Trump to get the job that he was not qualified for at the FBI- because he already held it twice before? He knew he couldn’t get it, so why meet with Trump about it? Then Comey was put in. Why? Mueller was a Marine. Will he step up or go down? There have been zero leaks from his office. Since Trump is not guilty as per the House, the Senate investigations, who is he investigating?
Was Lynch recorded on the tarmac with Bill offering her the Supreme Court nomination? It was all a set up as his and her FBI agents have testified. It was not an accident, it was planned. The white hats knew it and prepared for it. They have the tapes.
26 people have been fired, including all of Hillary’s firewall, and the 12 that we all know about. They have been surrounded by Trump, et al. They are all under criminal indictment according to reports.
Hillary is about to go down hard when the OIG Report comes out. It will be massive!
March, 2019. It is T-19 days Patriots. You do the math.
The following will occur in March…and then proceed one right after another through the summer:
Mueller’s ‘report’ will come out. It will clear Trump of all collusion 100%.
Then…the FISA declass will take down the House. Pelosi, Feinstein, Waters, Schiff, House and Senate, dozens of others all the ones yelling the loudest are the ones that are panicking because they know what is coming. including the MSM.
Then the OIG Report comes out which will detail everything about Hillary and the DOJ, FBI firewall. 12 of them will go down hard. Lynch, RR, Mueller (Uranium-1 unless he cut a deal), Comey, and the minions that did the dirty work for them.
Then out comes the 81,000+ sealed indictments by Huber, many that overlap each other for various crimes. 3 large prison barges are going back and forth from NY to Gitmo. Why? Each one can carry 3,000 prisoners. Many of the indictments are already in court and many are already in jail. Politicians, CEO’s many others are involved. Mueller had 20 prosecutors. Huber has 570 prosecutors. You do the math.
The most recent Supreme Court vote a few days ago was 7-1. Where is RBG? You do the math.
Watch the health of ‘Billary’ from this point on. Think Bush, McCain.
After the FISA declass you will hear crickets from the left.
The first two years Trump ran Phase 1 and 2. Getting the Senate, where the real power is, was key. Installing the Judges was key. The House will devour itself for 2020 by going farther and farther toward socialism which nobody wants. They will attack each other from this point on. Trump is in phase 3 now…the House of P-A-I-N! The FISA declass will take down the House.
Remember it is T-19 days. Today is March 1, 2019. You do the math. Anything can happen from this point on. Stock up.
Get the popcorn ready folks and enjoy the show!

Plateau for Trump

1 hour ago at ZeroHedge by two new Q commenters and the words of Q are spreading!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of note has anyone seen or heard about the Mary Jacoby (Glenn Simpson’s wife) post on Facebook in text below.
” He is probably also waiting for the Mueller report before he starts dispatching folks to grand juries, perhaps even a former president, and certainly some of his foot-servants and handmaidens.
Indeed, the forth FISA Warrant is what they ALL are scared to death about being revealed. The ‘insurance policy’ is in it, the information that Commy, McCabbe, Brennen keep referring to as the ‘other’ which no reporter has yet to ask what it is. The information that is the bombshell that Rosenstein SIGNED. The Information that they were ALL had like fools, never vetted the information ‘given and sold’ to them, and passed on to well…you know who, and it is not Trump. The deep state at it’s finest, and the noose that will hang them. What did Kevin Noonan read at the White House records that so disturbed him that he was shaken? The United States of America would have been sold out had Trump not be elected.
Stay tuned, much will come soon……
Perhaps this is why the Muller ‘investigation’ has dragged on as if a dead horse is being pulled along? The river is deep and wide. Why did Simpson’s wife go on two-facedbook and name names, or did everyone miss that?
Trump needs to de-classify all of this, but then again he knows how to play the game quite well. Perhaps it is not to late for a new Democrat Party to form and leave this one far behind.
40 minutes ago
Well said, Patriot!
Sessions and Flynn are Patriots. They had to do what they did to distance themselves from Trump and get it on the record. How do you do this? Let them take your deposition. Now it is all on the record. Now it will come back to haunt them for what the democrats have done which is far more serious, so serious in fact, it has to come out slow in the way it is coming while they are being surrounded. Notice how Cohen just backed up Trump? You do the math.
Flynn is guilty on process crimes. Like calling an email a tweet. Therefore, he lied. He has never been sentenced. Why? Even the prosecutors said he was not lying. The MSM ran with it hook line and sinker. Repeat process. The MSM is there to be Hillary’s fire wall and the Deep State. Nothing more. Flynn took that fall for a reason. You do the math.
Mueller is stalling for time. The question is, for who. There is a small chance that he has flipped. Same with RR. Why did RR make that trip on AF-1 in a skiff? Why did Mueller meet with Trump to get the job that he was not qualified for at the FBI- because he already held it twice before? He knew he couldn’t get it, so why meet with Trump about it? Then Comey was put in. Why? Mueller was a Marine. Will he step up or go down? There have been zero leaks from his office. Since Trump is not guilty as per the House, the Senate investigations, who is he investigating?
Was Lynch recorded on the tarmac with Bill offering her the Supreme Court nomination? It was all a set up as his and her FBI agents have testified. It was not an accident, it was planned. The white hats knew it and prepared for it. They have the tapes.
26 people have been fired, including all of Hillary’s firewall, and the 12 that we all know about. They have been surrounded by Trump, et al. They are all under criminal indictment according to reports.
Hillary is about to go down hard when the OIG Report comes out. It will be massive!
March, 2019. It is T-19 days Patriots. You do the math.
The following will occur in March…and then proceed one right after another through the summer:
Mueller’s ‘report’ will come out. It will clear Trump of all collusion 100%.
Then…the FISA declass will take down the House. Pelosi, Feinstein, Waters, Schiff, House and Senate, dozens of others all the ones yelling the loudest are the ones that are panicking because they know what is coming. including the MSM.
Then the OIG Report comes out which will detail everything about Hillary and the DOJ, FBI firewall. 12 of them will go down hard. Lynch, RR, Mueller (Uranium-1 unless he cut a deal), Comey, and the minions that did the dirty work for them.
Then out comes the 81,000+ sealed indictments by Huber, many that overlap each other for various crimes. 3 large prison barges are going back and forth from NY to Gitmo. Why? Each one can carry 3,000 prisoners. Many of the indictments are already in court and many are already in jail. Politicians, CEO’s many others are involved. Mueller had 20 prosecutors. Huber has 570 prosecutors. You do the math.
The most recent Supreme Court vote a few days ago was 7-1. Where is RBG? You do the math.
Watch the health of ‘Billary’ from this point on. Think Bush, McCain.
After the FISA declass you will hear crickets from the left.
The first two years Trump ran Phase 1 and 2. Getting the Senate, where the real power is, was key. Installing the Judges was key. The House will devour itself for 2020 by going farther and farther toward socialism which nobody wants. They will attack each other from this point on. Trump is in phase 3 now…the House of P-A-I-N! The FISA declass will take down the House.
Remember it is T-19 days. Today is March 1, 2019. You do the math. Anything can happen from this point on. Stock up.
Get the popcorn ready folks and enjoy the show!


Anybody else seen this? Alan Dershowitz is trying to keep the Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking case from 2008 under seal, and behind closed doors:
“A court hearing on whether to unseal sensitive documents involving the alleged sex trafficking of underage girls by Palm Beach multimillionaire Jeffrey Epstein — and the possible involvement of his influential friends — will play out in a New York City courtroom next week.
But it may happen behind closed doors, with the news media and public barred — at least in part.
An attorney for lawyer Alan Dershowitz wrote a letter to the U.S. District Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit on Tuesday, asking whether the media should be excluded from the proceeding because his oral arguments on behalf of his client could contain sensitive information that has been under seal.”
Hillary may be in some MAJOR trouble within this Epstein case. And Bill along with her. Dershowitz is also screwed, along with God knows who else. The whole ball of wax might come together right here.


Hope Derschowitz wasn’t involved with Epstein and the Clintons.


Wasn’t Dersch Epstein’s lawyer for a while?


He’s tried to explain that away.
Trying to remember…it was either:
“I was on the plane to discuss legal matters & left with the plane.”
“I was there as his attorney. I was not aware of any sexual activity with minors.”
Either way, Dersch has got big problems if all of this blows wide open.


Yes. And OJ’s too.


that was the word a couple months back when this epstein stuff resurfaced (tie to mueller, etc, stuff we’ve known about for literally years, but in any case)…
people were hoping he wasn’t involved at that time also – not sure why other than he seems to be “well liked” by folks even on the more conservative side at this point in time.
avenatti tweeted at him around december 10th, and then he was chased by a few others on twitter up to the end of december…
here i believe is one of the tweets where he responded to one of the people:


Dersch is a liberal, but the old timey kind. Not the hard core IslamoNaziMarxist kind.


Some have speculated that his new-found friendliness to the right, and frequent appearances on Fox News, began about the time his proximity to Epstein’s plane and island became publicly known.
So is he trying to curry favor with folks who would otherwise be calling for his blood for the island activities thing?


Good point/insight!


Well, according to this article, he was one of the men accused by the young women.
“Dershowitz, a professor emeritus at Harvard, constitutional law expert and criminal defense attorney, represented Epstein, who in 2008 received what many consider an unusually light sentence for sexually abusing dozens of girls at his Palm Beach mansion. Two women — one of whom was underage — have said Epstein and his partner, British socialite and environmentalist Ghislaine Maxwell, directed them to have sex with Dershowitz, 80, and other wealthy, powerful men. Dershowitz and Maxwell have denied the claims.”


Hope not, too, but this has always made me suspicious of Derschowitz’s defense of Trump–why was he really doing it? Was it to make Trump more friendly or compliant or just lay a defense for Hillary? I don’t trust D.


I’m not sure that Dershowitz has done anything wrong re: Epstein or that he would be in trouble personally if certain things were unsealed. Yes, he’s on the Left, but he is the most fair-minded of any of them. All of his denials have seemed very credible to me. I think he knows a great deal about others and a) might be shielding them or b) he knows the effect of releasing certain information would have a far-reaching, devastating effect.
Of course I could be wrong about him, but that’s my impression.


This could be one of the big things happening in the next 18 days:


I hope something happens soon to clear Gen Flynn.
His court date is in a couple of weeks!


About the math:
On Feb. 26, Q said that within 21 days there will be big happenings.
On March 1st, Q does what looks like a countdown:
If the 21-day countdown started on Feb. 26:
Feb. 26 = -21
Feb. 27 = -20
Feb. 28 = -19
Mar. 1 = -18 (This corresponds with Q having counted down to -18 in his March 1st post.)
Mar. 2 = -17
Mar. 3 = -16
Mar. 4 = -15
Mar. 5 = -14
Mar. 6 = -13
Mar. 7 = -12
Mar. 8 = -11
Mar. 9 = -10
Mar. 10 = -9
Mar. 11 = -8
Mar. 12 = -7
Mar. 13 = -6
Mar. 14 = -5
Mar. 15 = -4
Mar. 16 = -3
Mar. 17 = -2
Mar. 18 = -1
Mar. 19 = 0
Some people say that March 19th will be a big day; others say the 18th. There is also a theory that there could be pauses in the countdown. I never expect pronouncements to be literal, and if they turn out to be, that’s a bonus. But Q doesn’t say that something will happen on the 21st day, just that big things will happen within 21 days. So before March 18th or 19th we should see some very interesting developments, unless there is a pause in the countdown, which would not surprise me at all.