VSGPOTUS delivering one of his BEST EVER!!!
(This is a still of the video.)

POTUS is firing in all directions!!!

Here is the RSBN video! Get out of the “LIVE” mode and you can click into the beginning of the speech.
Here is the Golden State News version. Same thing – get out of “live” mode.
Thanks to sunnydaysall for providing this great version!
Here is the RT video, which you can actually HEAR. The WaPo video SUCKS and is UNLISTENABLE.
I will add more versions as I can.
BOOM!!! One of his best speeches EVER!!!
Something strange happened when President Trump came out and hugged Old Glory and Lee Greenwood singing—I do not know what it was—but I got something in my eyes. My vision was blurry for about 5 minutes—and kept wanting to come back during the speech.
Funny, now it is gone.
VSGPOTUS is a keeper!
Wolf…I am watching for the second time. This speech is EPIC! I know that word gets over used…but, WOW!
President Trump made it clear—WE ARE WINNING!!!
I just watched and I took notes!! (I am a Trump Nerd) DUH!

“This is how I got elected! By being off Script!”
My first note!!
You too?

Although it is frowned upon, I talk Trump at work—people are either coming to me to talk about the latest Trump—or people see me coming from down the long hallway and duck away. LOL!
I did learn something from the President last night. Perhaps, I forget due to info-overload—I did not know that he was in a “nasty business transaction with Robert Muller a number of years ago.”
Talk about conflict of information!
On a side note, excuse me if I am using going crazy with emoticons. Wolf showed me how to use them the other day. I cannot stop! Ha!
I got something in my eye too!!! funny that? and that hug! It was REAL James!!! not even a question!! Dang!
Sonny Perdue, he was a Trumper before Trump was a Trumper

“Darlin, Is the wind blowing today? I want to watch TV” OH MY GOSH!!!
That was a giggle snort!!
He was definitely on a roll today
When people defend me, I defend them.
“We kicked their ass!”
“These people are SICK! and they dirtier than has ever been played before.” PDJT (and Q+)
“He went from 3 to 60!” (Ron DeSantis)
“We love you, Mike!” (Mike DeWine)
Sadists in the VA, YOU’RE FIRED!!!
I just realized that the VA slowness was likely being used to help funnel PTSD into MK programs. WOW.
Break open the system with VA Choice, and KGB-CIA is SOL.
I’m in a horrible position. Otto, I love him and his parents. But I have to negotiate.
NK, I’m getting other countries to help. I took that to mean investments.
Very smart talk on Otto Warmbier. Trump hinted at what is going on. Only libs can PRETEND and not listen to what he said.
July 4th tribute to country, Salute to America

Yes – he really pushed that! He wants the Deplorables to show up!!!
He’ll get his parade for free, screw those backstabbing price gauging anti-Trump Generals!!

“General Raisin Kane” No Kidding.. That’s his name!!!” And he said we could end this in a WEEK!”
Very good props to CPAC!!! WOW.
I’m watching those doors and not one person’s left
. It’s been over 3hrs!
Not 3, he was late. 2:15. Boy he was really really great!!!
What a closer!!!
I missed it! I can’t wait to go back (later tonight) and watch it in its entirety! Sounds like it was epic!
I pulled up Drudge just to test my internet connectivity (it’s very good for that) and BOOM – there’s the headline!
What was the headline on Drudge?
Drudge blew that headline again!
Should read:
Trump Rocks the WORLD
It was a warm fireside chat between Pres. Trump and his friends (us). He went off script a lot, was uninhibited, and made quite a few hilarious statements. One memorable line was when he said something like, “It’s true. You can check the White House call logs. Everyone ELSE does.” LOL.
Over 2 hours!!! WOW.
2 Hrs……. He will get the word out!
(Along with US) WE… are the news now.
CNN didn’t cover it (Imagine that)
I don’t watch CNN…. just checked.
I love the way he spawned an argument on “leaving” vs “bathroom breaks” to make CPAC an issue for the Fake News. Only way they will cover it.
Over 200K viewers on RSBN!!!
So, is this happening this week? Is Mueller releasing his fake science experiment? Did he sufficiently take the heat off of all of the real criminals and cover up their corruption and criminal behavior?
“Witch Hunt Has Morphed!…They are SICK”–PDJT and Q+
Our VSG President Trump is off the charts as presidents go…
off the charts as far as human beings go…
President Donald John Trump speaks to the truth, tells America what is going on… holds back NOTHING.
Wonder why his base is expanding? Wonder why Americans of all colors, creeds and whatever LOVE him? They see he is genuine, sincere.
God Bless our flag-huggin’ POTUS.
“They are trying to take me out with BULLSHIT!”–PDJT

Lisa is at CPAC
He needs to be VERY careful! Stanford specializes in turning people into communists by deception.
An invitation from socialist hell-hole STANFORD? BAH!!!
I am NOT KIDDING. IMO the commies are TARGETING this kid to put him in the grasp of KGB-CIA.
Ivy League and elite CA schools are dangerous places. If he goes there, he needs to have a CREW of conservatives going there with him, and put in place some serious situational awareness / personal security.
He’ll be dodging CIA honeypots like a storm of Stormys!
Speaking of deception, Stanford, communists…Dr Fraud comes to mind…
Exactly. Based on Dr. Fraud and other evidence, I believe there is a “coven” of nasty KGB-CIA-affiliated psychologists centered at Stanford. Very close to Mountain View – much red diaper badness.
There are other universities that have well-hidden early intersections of psychologists specializing in MK-ish principles and modern badness. Their names are not as closely associated with KGB-CIA commie treachery as Harvard and Yale, but they are equally dangerous to the unwary. Stanford is one of them.
My advice: GTFO.
By Dr. Fraud……. I assume that you mean: 2 door Ford?
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! LMAO! Never heard that one!
Glad you like it……. feel free to use it.
It seems fitting with her handlers quarters on her house addition
Yeah, that was ALL very weird. That woman is a mess, and I’m sure she got help.
Great name!
Very funny, and concisely recaps the extreme weirdness of the entire anti-Kavanaugh operation.
I call her Christine Blarney Ford.
Thanks for posting the video!!!
I had forgotten all about this, but a few seconds listening, and I knew this was a great one.
TY for a decent link. was trying to watch live on youtube and the sound was so bad had to turn the boobtube all the way up. So I gave up – Just like they wanted me to!
BOOM!!! This is MASSIVE!!!
Free Speech!!
Great speech!!
I have to giggle that the people who make wars, commit genocide, murder babies, traffic organs, drugs, adults and children for sex, blood, body parts and labor, medical and psychological experiments and slavery are offended that President Trump said words like ass and bullshit. They are so delicate and easily offended that their heads must be exploding.
I missed the first part of his speech but I will go watch it from the beginning now.
Wolfmoon, Thanks for carrying his speech.
Just in case you missed the president’s live speech at CPAC, you can watch it here! We watch on the Golden State News link because for some reason RSB is always unstable on AT&T!
It was an amazing speech and POTUS45 was at his “straight talk” best (so much fun and so informative)!! Golden State is uploading it to this site and it will be ready to watch in a short while! This is a 2 hr speech, so get out your popcorn and a drink of choice & Enjoy! We loved all 2 hrs of our POTUS Trump’s speech!! <3
Darn it!
Thanks! I’ll put this up at the top, too!
Don’t forget DAMMIT!!

If that BITCH in CONgress can call him a MotherF****r…
(With ZERO issues by the FAKE news)
He can surely call out their BULLSHIT!
Delicate Al Sharpton said, “I knew he had a potty mouth.”
Yea, that guy owes us taxpayers some money.
And then the Rev started talking about PDJT’s taxes!
Felt like we were sitting at a table with a friend overlooking the golf course laughing, musing about politics not wanting the day to end. As we left the restaurant with a smile thinking how much fun that was.
Pretty darn close to that analogy, Charlie but my hubby stated we were all sitting around the log fire in the back yard with our POTUS45 having a brewski or two! But of course, POTUS45 was having a bottle of Lipton’s fine southern “Peach Tea” being as he doesn’t drink!!

Me? I felt like we (POTUS45 and our family) were all sitting around the kitchen table having coffee, laughing and talking from the heart with family!
Isn’t it amazing how he can speak to all of us as if he knows us like family! I have never experienced anything like this before with politicians or presidents (sorry, but not even Reagan)! POTUS45 is truly one of us and surely the hand of God is at work here!
Advice from his father, in relation to why he talks to troops instead of just generals, and workers instead of just contractors.
“What you learn from being on the site. My father was a builder. He always used to say, ‘Nobody ever got rich by sitting behind their desk. True.'”
Hilarious! Trump got them to cover CPAC!!!
‘Maggie’s going to jail’
‘Maggie’s going to jail’
‘No Deal, no bail’
‘Maggie’s going to jail’
Is that what group was chanting? Lolol
POTUS paused, you could tell it was funny. He told someone thank you.
no, that’s my little ditty…
Maggie is part of the conspiracy to bring about the coup…
Yup. She would have to lie on the witness stand about Cankles’ role in things, if she got grand-juried. Either that or give up Cankles.
It’s a good one! I still wanna know what the CPAC crowd was chanting
They went to the bathroom!!! The MSM has been demoted to “Attendance Police”

I love it!
“AMERICA’S HALL MONITORS – the Fake News Media”!
anyone see all the “mueller report” books out on amazon right now for pre-order. like 5 or 6 of them all “scheduled to be available March 26th”
things that make you go hmmmm….
you CANNOT fight the logic!
Get yourself an OPEN MARRIAGE, BRO.
(Edit – want to make sure people understand I’m talking back to Erick Erickson)
Erick Erickson is the EPITOME of “battered conservative syndrome”. His first instinct is to rationalize defeat by the left on “principles”. Just like McCain was conditioned to welcome the Obama victory.
It’s OUR FUCKING MONEY. That is what guys like Erickson cannot see. They accept McCain Hanoi Hilton prisoner logic.
Sure, let leftist universities ban free speech – WITHOUT OUR MONEY.
The way we are WINNING is by UNDOING MIND CONTROL. The battle is PSYCHOLOGY. This is a perfect example. Americans need to FIGHT for the right to control what our TAXES PAY FOR.
The banning of InfoWars from social media was highly intentional, for precisely that reason. The LEFT is in danger of being exposed as having inflicted its viewpoint on us through PSY-OPS OF DECEPTION – not MERIT OF IDEAS.
Info Wars was trending worldwide the other day……… #!
Alex will make them eat their deeds….
fact is… almost all of Alex’s so-called conspiracies are TRUE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
oops, that ! is supposed to be a 1 as in ONE
Free Healthcare for all………….
Free housing….
Free Food….
Free Phones…..
and on and on….
or FREEdom!
Nuke ’em ALL!
Reveal the CONgressional collusion
Reveal the C_A and IC
Reveal the MSM collusion….
Reveal the FAKE Birth Certificate!
I really believe that revealing the LIE of the fake BC will shore things up and prevent backsliding into accepting their deceptions. It will brand the Obamacommies as ARROGANT LIARS for good.
The exposure of the FAKE BC will bring it ALL down. C_A, FBI, IC, Five Eyes, Media, CORRUPT Politicians,,,,,,,, ALL of them at once.
We have to STOP BEING NICE!!!
Who cares one damn for manners, civility, or compromise in the middle of a war? NOBODY.
These “battered conservatives” are the dross that would be first to die on any battlefield. They would throw down their weapons, put up their hands, wave their tighty-whiteys over their heads and surrender.
In war, these people are USELESS. And we are at WAR. You don’t “ask” the enemy to follow the rules, you defeat them, and force them to follow. Free speech is GUARANTEED to us by our Creator, and by our magnificent Constitution. All public institutions MUST support it.
And Wolf is 100% correct, it is OUR MONEY!
Go get ’em Aubergine!
Love it! <3
Yes – I remember as a KID that no business would want to be known for having inhibited an employee's FREE SPEECH "off the job". People even defended communists and some very unsavory people for any kind of LEGAL SPEECH off the job. Even free speech ON THE JOB was where the debate was centered.
The left, owning the media, DEFINES where the "center" of the fight is. They could MOVE THE BALL when we weren't looking. THAT is something we now recognize.
The LEFT has CHEATED for almost a CENTURY on this. Particularly since they KILLED KENNEDY. As a child I noticed that the SLIDE began after Kennedy was killed and prayer in school was banned. The MEDIA did this. The FAKE NEWS began to IGNORE US and LORD OVER US.
Sneaky how they did it, too. Very sneaky.
Like VSGPDJT did at CPAC! He took the gloves off and opened both barrels! Let’s let them have it!
Wolf, I know EE personally. With him, it isn’t battered conservative syndrome. He and his frat boys wanted to be kingmakers – was there all along from the Tea Party era. RedState was instrumental in Rubio, Cruz, etc. elections. They lost ground though as it turned out they really weren’t about true conservatism, as much as GOP-E – the power was more attractive than the values people like Palin were pushing.
They ran off people who spoke out on their site. I left of my own accord. What’s ironic is that as a professed Christian, he doesn’t get what most evangelical Christians got when they pulled the lever for DJT in 2016, and will again in 2020.
I’m trying to remember but I ‘think’ he voted for Hillary, or at least several of the NeverTrumpers did – anyone who could vote for Hillary, as knowledgeable and active as they were in the political pundit world, are not conservatives., IMO.
Erick Erickson is no conservative…
Well maybe a SEVERE conservative
Asshole describes him better.
I don’t get what his problem is. His synapses just don’t seem to be connected right.
This is so easy. The EO basically will deny any grant money to schools that are not upholding Constitutional principles. Period.
BOOM done. Overnight every Uni taking Title blah blah blah funds will fall in line.
Don’t believe me? How do you think that Obama got all the Uni’s to support trans overnight?
Obungler had it all, Just like Trump and Q have it ALL.
DEATH threats (Arkancide)
I don’t think it’s even that. I have suspicions he’s owned by the Kochs.
Definitely OWNED by someone(s)
So… banning free speech IS free speech?
I’m confused.
The left is very cunning in preventing the acceptance of ANY kind of “rules of restraint on rules”. They understand how liberty defends itself, and they GO AFTER THAT DEFENSE, or those who defend.
wtf – i was just about to head out and get an open marriage!
LMAO!!! Trust me – I did you a favor!
Stay out of Gitmo!!!
“Forced insistence on free speech makes it not free” is one of the dumbest statements I’ve seen in ages. Stopping the abridgement of free speech makes the speech no longer free? What is he smoking? By that “logic,” protecting any of our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms makes them no longer viable.
Just when I think I’ve seen it all, progressives come up with something that is so against nature and common sense that it’s hard to believe a funcitoning human has such thoughts.
Air Q! plus immediately afterwards, pointing out someone (both stage left).
I thought there might be one! I saw it but didn’t want to rewind.
Here you go:
Here’s an even better view, and one can see the slight pause as he is deliberately making the circle. Fascinating to watch.
Candace Owens’ speech was excellent. This should be played in every black church and school across the country!! The Left needs God. 18million black babies aborted, more aborted than born in NYC!! Family destroyed, from 24% to over 70% single black mothers. The statistics are horrendous!!! Heroes should be Condi Rice and Ben Carson, not LeBron!!!
Yes, that was a great moment in her great speech. She was also SO RIGHT about the need to NOT bail on culture, and give it up to the left.
The Left has no culture…
their goal is to destroy our culture… to destroy America…
one huge global plantation with us as serfs and them as overseers
I’m listening after the fact, but without even hearing anything further, IMO, this comment is probably the most insightful and true statement of anything that we could say about Donald J Trump.
“I was more of a conservative than a Republican, and it’s driving the other side crazy.”
I’d say it’s driving the Establishment GOP crazy as well. He FOOLED them all – a conservative ran for President and won!!! Conservatism wins when it’s genuine and the message is out there. Milquetoast cowards in our party don’t get it – but messaging about our country, traditions, freedom, unity, opportunity, etc. etc. – it wins elections!
Well said.
In other words, when Trump got elected – FREED of the “he’s crazy” baggage….
It’s as if the Establishment created two false fronts.
Progressives who were really regressive.
Conservatives who conserved nothing.
They created the Neocons who helped DEFINE conservatism as warmongering, interventionist, etc., but they did so on behalf of the communist radicals who needed us to do it FOR THEM.
It really took TRUMP GENIUS to break up their mind-frack monopoly to let us SEE PAST THE MIRAGE.
“Conservatives who conserved nothing.”
I really wish we would deep six the term “conservative”
and replace it with “PATRIOT”
rayzorbak wins POST OF THE DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you
Thank you very much
Early on in the speech referring to the election….
“There were [17] republicans, [+] me………”
Q+ proof?
Miller knows exactly who Q and Q+ are – I’m sure of it.
Hair stood up on the back of my neck with that one.
[“these people are sick”] referencing the media
used it again referring to the “Collusion Allusion”
…great line
[“these people are sick”]
New Q drop
The clock is ticking.
If we are merely a so-called conspiracy (FAKE NEWS NARRATIVE), why the daily attacks by the biggest media co’s in the world (attempt to control)?
You are the news now.
Just popped in to say Hi and thanks Wolfie for this thread!! Don’t have time to watch this yet but seriously can’t WAIT!!! My sister was watching live and texting me! Was at Grandson’s b-day party!!!

Yesterday had some sad family news–life event–which we will get through….Today’s party with a dozen littles pouncing on Mimi was like playing on the floor with puppies! Just what the Doctor ordered! My favorite Quote of the day was when my 4 year old grandson Charlie’s best friend Gage said ” Hey Charlie! Your Mimi is CRAZY!”
I took it as a complement!
Blessings on you and yours Marica…
whatever you are dealing with, I hope (no, I know) you are moving gently through it…
and yes, little ones are the best cheerer-uppers…
lots of hugs… you know we all love you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry for the sad news, but happy for the fun with the littles! They are the best.
I am a crazy grandma, too.
Why of course you did! We’re all Deplorable, doncha know?
God Bless you, Marica!!!
Got in from some work,watched 1/2 way through. Have to fire up the Big Green Egg for Mrs. RedLeg (she wants some hamburgers!) Will watch the 2d half later.
I will say this: VSGPOTUS delivering one of his BEST EVER!!! Oh, wait! Somebody already said that. Seriously, PDJT is on fire here. I’d say put together stitches from the SOU speech with this one and we’re pretty well on our way!!
And I’ve only seen 1/2! (Cocktail time in ATL. Oh Dr. Bombay … are you ready?
Would Mrs. Red Leg mind if I happened to drop by for hamburgers? I sure do love me some BBQ burgers!
Come on down! Got Some Dr. Bombay and Italian Red for the Mrs. Your choice. ‘Course we could talk till dawn (what, who’s name is that?)
That legendary southern hospitality!
Oh no I missed out on the hamberders!
Well, I did take the fam to Culver’s tonight
Fell in love with Culver’s when I lived in Milwaukee for 2 years. Absolutely great hamburgers/fries. Frozen custard is an acquired taste, but I really like it now!
The kids love the frozen custard! Well, the 3 yr old loves the cookie dough bits and eats those first
So, I waited for the rest of the family to watch this speech and we’re 30 minutes in, …

… we started it 2 hrs ago
It’s great so far though, “based on Bullshit!”
Heheh…yeah, and it said “bullshit” not once, but twice!

Got a standing ovation, too. The crowd loved it!
Ack…not ‘it’…He!
He said it twice.
We had to rewind that a couple times
I noticed this Logo on the backdrop:
‘Dragging Canoe’ was a famous Cherokee war chief and military strategist.
Not sure what this org is, but it is one of the big sponsors of this 2019 CPAC convention.
I noticed that too – on the proscenium.
Apparently it’s a future “second-amendment themed entertainment venue and restaurant in Pigeon Forge” without a website.
Very sketchy…
This year, CPAC has two “platinum sponsors” spending $250,000. One is Liberty HealthShare, a health care cost-sharing company. The other is Dragging Canoe – Pigeon Forge.
Dragging Canoe is the only sponsor without a hyperlink to its website on CPAC’s sponsors page. It is an upcoming “a second-amendment themed entertainment venue and restaurant in Pigeon Forge” slated to open in 2020, according to Walters. CPAC was approached by Dragging Canoe’s owners last year for a potential sponsorship.
Google searches provide no information about the company. A Dragging Canoe, LLC was registered as a business with the Tennessee Secretary of State last November and lists a for-sale empty building in Maryville, Tennessee as its address. Despite being an up-and-coming business, Dragging Canoe is sponsoring CPAC’s $250 a ticket “Ronald Reagan Dinner and Reception” on Friday night.
We’ve finally solved the mystery of one of the biggest and most elusive sponsors of this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference, and it all comes back to a reclusive Republican donor who’s used his companies to funnel millions of dollars to conservative groups in the past under circumstances that some federal regulators described as blatant end-runs around campaign-finance laws.
Last week’s PAY DIRT noted the scant public information about Dragging Canoe, described to us by a CPAC spokesperson as a conservative-friendly resort in rural Tennessee. But the resort didn’t appear to have a website. As CPAC kicked off this morning, a Dragging Canoe ad greeted conference goers with a website that is currently just a GoDaddy placeholder landing page and boasted social media accounts that do not seem to be set up.
[Pay Wall]
Thanks, Curry!
Nice work!
Hmm…I wonder who this “mystery millionaire” is?
“The business of Specialty Group is my family secret, a secret that will be kept — as allowed by applicable law — for at least another 50 years,” Rose said in his statement.
So my theory below could be right.
Rose is fronting for a millionaire…or a group of millionaires.
See below.
Thanks, Curry!
Good digging!
The REAL mystery millionaire?
The Washington Post later reported that the contributions originated with Richard J. Stephenson — founder of the for-profit Cancer Treatment Centers of America — and his family, attributing that information to three current and former FreedomWorks employees with knowledge of the donations.
Stephenson slipped Dick Armey an $8M tip.
FreedomWorks is among the most prominent organizations supporting the conservative Tea Party and was headed for years by former GOP House Majority Leader Dick Armey. Armey recently left the group in exchange for $8 million in payouts over 20 years from an outside benefactor, Richard J. Stephenson, according to a confidential agreement obtained by the AP. Stephenson is a prominent fundraiser and founder and chairman of the Cancer Treatment Centers of America.
If this ‘William Rose’ is a lawyer, then it’s possible he could be fronting for a millionaire client who wants to remain anonymous.
William Rose may not be the “mysterious millionaire”, only his attorney.
Rose could even be fronting for more than one millionaire.
The source of the money linked to Rose is unclear. Rose identified himself as Specialty Group’s chief executive, president and general counsel, but there was no evidence that the company or Rose could afford to give away $12 million. >>>>Rose owes $3,700 in property taxes on his Knoxville home.<<<<
Yes. The money could be coming from … anywhere.
His group provided nearly all of the funding for FreedomWorks in 2012!
“The money went to the Tea Party’s most prominent “super” political committee, FreedomWorks for America, which spent it on high-profile congressional races. The $12 million accounted for nearly all of the group’s money. Executives at FreedomWorks also did not immediately respond to requests for an explanation.”
That’s a very smart way to do it…especially since the Left tries every way they can, to terrorize conservative donors.
Good point.
Hopefully, these are good guys using the Swamp’s laws to their advantage.
From the above article:
Rose last week renamed the company Specialty Investments Group Inc. That firm and Kingston Pike Development Corp. — which Rose also registered and owns — were used to steer the latest $6.8 million in contributions to FreedomWorks.
This is probably his son. SIG is an odd jobs company? Spending millions on PACS???
On Site Manager
Specialty Investments Group
April 2013 – Present 6 years
Knoxville, Tennessee Area
For Specialty Investment Group (SIG), I’ve managed the summer work crew each summer since 2013. As the on site manager, I am responsible for making sure we have the right supplies for the day. In addition, I’m responsible for making sure everyone knows what they’re supposed to be doing. Some of the things we do include mowing lawns, cutting down trees, and other outdoor jobs. In addition, I have done home remodeling and antique moving for SIG.
This was such an Amazing Speech!
How many people can stand up and talk to a crowd for over 2 hours.
Very few, I would say!
We are so blessed to have this man fighting for us!
After Flying in from North Korea brokering a Deal to save the world, stopping in Hawaii (was it a train stop
) to talk to our troops! AND HE’s Got FRIENDSHIPS OLDER THAN ME!!! WTF!!! God Send. without a doubt!!
Yes, my friend…without a doubt!
New Q. Will put on open thread for now.
Thanks! Just got back on!
You want me to hold off?
Either way OK – will be about 5 minutes for me to get it up.
I went ahead and put them there. Will be up late tonight for an airport run. Blech.
BWahahahahahah….. words matter
Felt like we were sitting at a table with a friend overlooking the golf course laughing, musing about politics not wanting the day to end. As we left the restaurant with a smile thinking how much fun that was.
While waiting to depart for the airport, watching this. He gives a lecture on tariffs that a lot of “conservatives” need to hear. One online “friend” says VSG doesn’t understand tariffs. I’d say he understands them better than the free traders on Capitol Hill.