The Bruce Ohr Transcript

Georgia Congressman Doug Collins released the Ohr Transcript. The Doc is 268 pages long. Here is the link: Bruce Ohr Testimony
Many of you (and great researchers on the twit) are rummaging through the testimony, looking for nuggets. Thought it might be a good idea to centralize our comments in one location. In this way, we can come back and compare Ohr’s testimony to new information in the weeks/months to come.
If you have ANYTHING which is Bruce Ohr related, please drop it here.
Here are a few more valuable links for comparison:
Epoch Times January 14, 2019
Daily Caller March 8, 2019

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Jan Phillips

Thanks so much, Daughn!

Gail Combs

Daughn, my Hubby, the tech writter is editing the Bruce Ohr testimony into something readable.
He is willing to post it to comments using:
So it can be retrieved and posted as an article if You and Wolfie wish.
He will get to my article after he finishes the Bruce Ohr testimony. (I just finished the second draft of my article.)

Jan Phillips

Gail, this came to me. Did you mean it for Daughn?
Good to hear from you, anyway!!

Jan Phillips


Gail Combs

It was for Daughn.


That is one amazing thread. Thank you, Daughn.



Pat Frederick

do you want butterfly and me to copy our posts from yesterday’s open thread? or do you just want new ones…I read the weasel’s testimony yesterday…won’t go into it again…but I will be excited to read other posts about it…


You read the whole thing already? They have words for that – fanatic; hi-function autistic; etc. – none of which necessarily apply to you. But it is an awesome feat.
A tip of the hat to you.


I was replying to Pat F, who stated that she had read it.

Pat Frederick

i dove in…but to be honest, I skip the Dems questioning…they are usually sickening and not much of substance comes out of their mouths…

A Fortiori

I haven’t yet had time to read this, and won’t until next week, but the Ohrs are a key component of this entire mess. Recall that Fusion GPS had government contracts, that Nellie Ohr worked for Fusion GPS, that Adm Rogers of NSA shut down Section 702 queries of US persons in the NSA databases by “contractors” before he shut them all down (which, in turn led to the Carter Page FISA warrant to enable continued access to NSA data and to retroactively legalize the info previously collected on the Trump campaign). Recall too that about the time Rogers shut down the 702 queries, Nellie applied for a HAM radio license to enable long distance communications outside the web/telephone infrastructure. I have a theory that the dossier includes data from our own NSA databases that was laundered through Steele. Recall too that Russia is an area of Nellie’s expertise and that she speaks Russian. I think Bruce is a pawn, and I intend to read his testimony with this in mind.


Re: Nellie Ohr, If you read Diana West’s articles on Nellie it is pretty clear that Nellie was a red diaper baby who became an apologist for the USSR through her “scholarship.” IMO there is no way that Nellie is not a communist agent, and if she is, he is.


I’ll just point out Wolf Moon’s hypothesis that Bruce might be a victim of the special, individual MK, because he genuinely seemed confused about how he could do certain things.
But I don’t think that gets him off the hook. AND logic. He could be a Communist traitor, and still run afoul of his co-conspirators and wind up with a dose of their special medicine.


Don’t leave Brennan, hiding behind the curtain, out of this. Nellie baby is/was likely a CIA operator/contractor. The Cohen in Prague story probably came through illegal 702 queries—except they failed to verify it was Trump’s Cohen! Ooops—then they include it in the dossier and FISA warrants. Wrong Cohen in Prague—but she wasn’t supposed to lose the election…damn it!!!


Interesting. Ohr’s lawyer seems to work for the same outfit that Nadler’s son does.


I like the idea of keeping all things Ohr (testimony) in one place.
This makes looking back for things easier


This is my attempt at page 34 only one word I couldn’t get, seems like ohr scribbling down a phone call from glenn.
Person likely to be ID’d by other side and will need protection,
They can’t reach him glenn doesn’t know ..?..
Articles will make it clear to R’s who this is
Chris has info that can get us to him
glenn Jan 20 (assume that is to remind himself who the call was from)

Pat Frederick

March 8, 2019 at 12:20
Sen Doug Collins, tired of waiting on DOJ, releases Ohr’s House transcript from the floor. What a Patriot!! We need MOAR like him! Let’s see who uncovers the gold first!!

Pat Frederick

Pat Frederick
March 8, 2019 at 13:52
about halfway thru (skipping the dems questioning)…
on pg 107-108 Ohr states Steele was asking him questions about whether or not a Special Prosecutor could question him in the UK…2 MONTHS BEFORE Mueller was appointed. When called out for that, and after conferring with his atty, he said well he didn’t know how our system works…
pg 116 2 folks at the DOJ in August 2016 who knew of Ohr’s involvement in the whole passing info to FBI? Weissman and Ahmad (both on Mueller’s team now)
other basic stuff they keep hammering him with–he thought it was his “job” to pass the info to the FBI and never tried to convince Steele to go directly to FBI with info–even after he knew the FBI fired him. he claims he never looked at the memory stick Nellie gave him to give to FBI; he also claims, he didn’t consider it a conflict that Nellie got paid for this because HE didn’t get paid–she could work for whomever she wanted. In all his career, he never put himself in a custody chain of evidence before.
other people at DOJ knew what he was doing, but he never felt the need to tell his boss Yates…

Pat Frederick

March 8, 2019 at 14:41
I got things to do, but Here’s my scoop so far….
Dec 2017 demotion – Ohr didn’t inform superiors of Steele contact in timely manner and DOJ Reorg. Effective Immediately
Dec2018 demotion – Sessions and RR didn’t want him in position that would require WH contact. Ohr asked for and was granted 2 weeks to say goodbye to his network of peeps
Page 126 – Meadows confirms that Huber is investigating FISA abuse
Page 147 – OIG contacted Ohr in July 2018

Pat Frederick

Pat Frederick
March 8, 2019 at 14:53
pg 176: Jordan gets Ohr to admit he knew Steele was a paid informant and yet never questions why he is going thru Ohr to get info to FBI.
pg 180-181: Issa gets Ohr to dance when Ohr mentions the “dossier”…How did you know (at this point) there WAS a dossier on the memory stick you got from Simpson?
pg 196: there are questions about Nellie’s compensation and Ohr claims (even tho they file joint returns) he has no idea how much money she made. So he’s asked if there was a contract and did Nellie have standard contracts she used? Nope it was Fusion’s. So usually whatever is produced is a “work product” and cannot be shared–it’s Fusions property. Did Nellie “go rouge” giving it to you to give to the FBI or was that a clever workaround to get the info from Fusion to the FBI?
quite a few I don’t recall or have no recollection of that here too…

Pat Frederick

March 8, 2019 at 14:58
They had joint accounts, he doesn’t know/see his wife’s paycheck deposits??? Come on!!
Liked by 5 people
Pat Frederick
March 8, 2019 at 15:05
they asked when he found out she was working for Fusion…”when she began working for Fusion…” LOL apparently they don’t talk
Liked by 5 people
March 8, 2019 at 19:57
tax returns?
March 8, 2019 at 20:16
He said he couldn’t remember about those either!
March 8, 2019 at 20:19
I call BS
Liked by 1 person
March 8, 2019 at 20:52
Yep! I wonder how long he rehearsed. Every answer was so pat. He refused to characterize his involvement as being a part/facilitating the investigation, which he truly was, more as a concerned citizen reporting to the FBI, yet he was at top of DOJ?? Nothing wrong with what he was doing? Come on!! There was a lot if I don’t recalls. So in 1st 6mos he he met/contacted Simpson and Steele and reported to FBI, there’s 12 302’s to prove. For last 6mos, when there are no 302’s he only will agree to one contact, for a total of 13times. I hope they find the missing 302’s and nail him.

Pat Frederick

March 8, 2019 at 14:50
Meadows- Ohr didn’t directly tell Yates, but she had to have known from other DOJ/FBI sources because she signed off on 2 FISAs
Dems questioned intently about his demotions, Ohr’s Attorney tried to Shutdown, too close to HR (lawsuit) matters… Basically Ohr has not appealed demotions, but won’t commit to any future action/inaction

Pat Frederick

Pat Frederick
March 8, 2019 at 14:58
one of the things that stands out so frequently in the questioning is that everyone is trying to figure out why they needed Ohr…(i mean it gave credibility to the whole nonsense) but realistically there was no need for him to be involved–Steele was a paid informant–he didn’t need Ohr to get info to the FBI.
He claims Nellie’s info wasn’t used in the dossier–but simultaneously claims he never looked at her research either…
Liked by 4 people
March 8, 2019 at 15:03
Ohr has perfectly Explainable answers for everything, doesn’t he??….He’s desperately trying to keep his job.
Liked by 2 people
Pat Frederick
March 8, 2019 at 15:36
well he makes between $212,000 and $220,000…
Liked by 2 people
March 8, 2019 at 15:42
That we know of. Wonder if they subpoenaed his and Nellie’s financials. Surely his multi year extracurricular activities merits bonuses.


” everyone is trying to figure out why they needed Ohr ”
When the FBI fired Steel because he talked to the media, I wondered if Ohr was their way of unofficially keeping in touch with him.

Pat Frederick

March 8, 2019 at 15:32
Ohr was their back channel to Hillary.
Liked by 2 people
March 9, 2019 at 02:50
My money is on Mary Jacoby, Glenn Simpson’s wife, and long-time Cankles operative. That would allow information from Obama to converge via Shailagh Murray and hubs Neil King.
The whole Fusion nexus is a debacle. Journalists who are also partican political operatives getting access to NSA data? What the heck could go wrong with THAT!!!???


Page 35
chris Jan 21
.. ? .. .. ? ..
.. ? .. .. ? .. next week avoided media
Serious potential issue said person alive and well posted facebook
Don’t ..? .. his .. ? .. to speak to me .. ? .. gets into a real pickle
His default is to keep his head down
.. ? .. .. ? .. .. ? .. if we just stand up
.. ? .. .. ? .. (name?) is problem for us


Last bit of page 35
He may need help quickly
.. ? .. .. ? .. (name?)
Another (guy?) is the .. ? .. first to ..? .. reached out to him


Some of my ruminations on the transcript.
The Freedom Caucus really led the way with the questioning. There are a lot questions from Meadows, Jordan and Ratcliffe, along with Gowdy starting things off and some Issa near the close. Gaetz was identified as attending in the beginning of the transcript but I didn’t see a question from him to Ohr. Also Goodlatte was not present or at least never offer a question.
Dem members were not in attendance but represented by staff lawyers. Seems strange since they have to have some lawyers by training but maybe it’s an optics thing similar to the Senate Judiciary Republicans handing off to the female attorney during the Kavanaugh hearing.
Republicans while questioning Ohr kept coming back to why did Steele even need Ohr to get info to FBI when he was formerly a source for them. During minority questioning it was revealed that there have been times when FBI breaks ties with a source only to later return to using the same source in some circumstances. So Bruce Ohr, a Justice Dept official not at FBI, wasn’t needed neccessarily for Steele to reconnect to FBI as a source. So why did it happen?
Bruce Ohr explained that he has been in the Organized Crime divisions of law enforcement for a long time and had developed relations with people like Steele (and others) from other countries’ security apparatus and had a long standing practice that if he would receive information (verbal usually) from them regarding law enforcement matters he would pass it along to the FBI at the agent level to look at it and decide if it merited attention. He seemed to stick to this habit in a strange kind of without-question manner even when it involved Steele after his formal break as a source for the FBI (although he was sketchy about when he learned of this), or when his wife(!) handed him a USB stick to pass along to the FBI (?!!), or even after Steele had been more explicit with him about being desperate to keep Trump out of the White House, or even during the episode where Glenn Simpson meets with him and hands him a USB stick and Ohr assumed it was some form of the Dossier (??!?!?!!?!!!!).


Just some ruminations on ruminations.
I think a possible scenario because of the timeline and who Ohr was put in contact to (McCabe, Page and slighlty later Strzok and later still Joe Pientka) it may be that these actions were taken behind Comey’s back. Since Comey would have been the one who decided Steele be cut as a source due to blabbing to the media. Not saying Comey is clean by any means but maybe this funneling of Steele info to FBI after formally dropping was behind his back or at least with massive deniability.


Daughn — and Wolf — is there any way this post could be made a ‘sticky’ of sorts, possibly by putting a new category into the right hand column around ‘Fresh fruit on the Q Tree’?
If so, then we would be able to go back to it and update it easily.


Further to Daughn’s thread by Shannon above, there’s another interesting thread from Shannon dated February 20.
This, too, is Ohr-related. Since he has been relieved of his duties, big drug and trafficking busts have been going on around the world. Are they somehow related to Ohr?
Long thread, brief excerpt below.
Thread reader link:


Ohr demotions:
Schools left in July 2018.
The other person involved was Jim Crowell:


Back to Scott Schools and the timing of his resignation:


There were text messages between March and November 2017 — Steele was eager to ‘re-engage’ with the FBI:


Re-engagement May 2017:


More on Steele and Gaeta:


From the article (his testimony has not been released):
‘A number of questions remain about Gaeta’s involvement with the dossier and the Russia investigation: What exactly did he do with the initial information from Steele in June 2016? How often was he in contact with Steele? Did he know Mifsud? The House Intelligence Committee interviewed Gaeta on Dec. 20, 2017. Around the same time, Mifsud disappeared and hasn’t been heard from since. One of his associates said that Link’s Scotti told Mifsud to lay low.
‘Now that Gaeta’s interview is slated for release, the public may finally get a clearer picture. The transcripts are still subject to redactions, though, presenting a danger that instead of Gaeta’s testimony, Americans will be treated to pages of impenetrable black ink.
‘Gaeta didn’t respond to a request for comment.’


On the dirty dossier:


Just for the record — interesting:


Also useful as a reminder about Steele’s hoped-for re-engagement:


Good Undercover Huber thread (excerpted).
Thread reader link:


Tracy Beanz has some very interesting findings in the Ohr transcript…


When Bruce Ohr informed the FBI about Steele’s deep distaste of DJT:


More here — see transcript rather than tweet text:


Nellie Ohr arrives for a closed-door interview with investigators from the House Judiciary and Oversight committees on Capitol Hill on Oct. 19, 2018 where she confirms her work the CIA.
Prior to investigating the Trump campaign for Fusion GPS, Nellie Ohr worked as a contractor for the CIA for up to six years
March 13, 2019 Updated: March 13, 2019


Excellent! Thank you v. much for the informative link!


The following is from what Judicial Watch obtained via FOIA:


Bruce Ohr & Nellie Ohr: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know


Here’s an article By Sara Carter – March 8, 2019
Bruce Ohr’s Testimony Contradicts Testimony Provided By Rosenstein And Simpson


Ohr’s Oak Ridge roots
Ohr is a second generation immigrant, born to ORNL scientist Sekyu Michael Ohr, who moved to the United States from Korea, with his wife, Sangho Yoo Ohr, about a decade after the country divided.
Sekyu worked as a scientist in Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s solid state division for 22 years.
Ohr and his sister, Martha, attended the local schools. In high school, Ohr was active in music and was a student council officer. He was also in Oak Ridge High School’s International Relations Club.


comment image
Nellie Hauke Ohr
Ohr was the third contributor to the dossier. She earned a degree in history and Russian literature from Harvard-Radcliff 1982–1983 and MA and PhD in history from Stanford 1986-1990.
She spent some time in Russia during the 1990s and according to at least one source, had powerful political connections there. In her book Adventures in Russian Historical Research, Cathy Frierson writes: “Nellie encouraged me to call the Smolensk archive [the home of Russia’s historical state secrets] director, assuring me that he would welcome me.”
My initial impression reading the dossier was that the writing was sloppy and that it did not resemble an intelligence report. It exhibited multiple writing styles and writers, both English and non-English speakers, and it was assembled in haste. I also thought that in many ways, it paralleled the plot line of the Dreyfus Affair. As in the case of the “dossier” and the Bordereau from the Dreyfus case, the Trump dossier was presented as undeniable proof of collusion. Yet, it’s uncertain who composed it, how it was collected, or even if the document is genuine.
Just like its nineteen century French predecessor, the Trump dossier too had a powerful social and political impact in the US. Its content has dominated the news and has raised substantial questions about the rule of law, the political impartiality of senior federal career bureaucrats, and the true extent of the separation of powers in government.
Considering all of the dossier’s unusual aspects, I decided to take a little time and do a deeper dive into its structure and content. In this post, I’ll demonstrate how by using readily available OSINT tools and techniques, video analytics, and writing style analysis, we can pinpoint the likely sources, methods, and the individuals involved in the creation and distribution of this document.
I would like to apologize for the lengthy and somewhat overwhelming amount of detail in this write-up. Contrary to common belief, the truth is rarely concise, pure, and never simple. As Proverbs 1:2-7 implies, the acquisition of knowledge and understanding does require an investment of time and effort. in the spirit of full disclosure, I was not paid to produce this research and I am not affiliated with democratic or republican circles. My objective in writing this posting was to provide the layman reader not otherwise versed in intelligence gathering and analysis techniques with basic facts and insight so that they can form their own educated opinions on the matter.
Wow just click the link below for a deeeeepppp dive into Nellie Ohr The Mechanics of Deception Face Recognition, Intelligence, OSINT
Posted on March 17, 2018 By Yaacov Apelbaum


The transcripts expose what exactly the FBI knew, what they claim they didn’t know, and what they intentionally kept hidden from the public. These new revelations reveal much about CIA agent (and Fusion GPS employee) Nellie Ohr and her husband, Bruce Ohr, the FBI agent contracted by Glenn Simpson of Fusion GPS.
It turns out that Nellie was more than just an extra hand here, another point-of-contact for Fusion.
In fact, it seems that she may have had a heavy hand in the creation of the dossier.
In a memo released by the House Intelligence Committee, Nellie Ohr was notably “employed by Fusion GPS to assist in the cultivation of opposition research on Trump.”
The memo continues to detail how Bruce Ohr “later provided the FBI with all of his wife’s opposition research.”
So, what exactly was Nellie’s role?
Is she no longer this peripheral figure as we previously assumed?
Is she at the very heart of the hunt for Red November?
Could Nellie have been right in the middle, the one actually completing the research for Christopher Steele?
How was she connected to John Brennan and was he the real point man on this whole deception?
A larger question looms: when and how did the FBI learn that Nellie worked for Fusion GPS? And why did they stall in releasing this information?
More curiously, new information has now been leaked regarding Bruce Ohr, as well.
As we know, he met with Glenn Simpson before the election, but now it seems he also met with Simpson many times after the election.
Read More: