News broke today about CEO’s and Hollywood starlets bribing coaches and admissions officials to get their kids into elite schools.
Over 50 people have been arrested in the scandal.
This is the tip of the iceberg. The problem is enormous.
We know many of you will have comments on this subject, so I thought it might be good to throw up a thread about it.
Post your comments here.
We keep coming back to this one, don’t we. Definitely, it was the tip of the iceberg.
As I said on the daily thread, usually donations to get kids into schools or out of trouble once they are in one are called major gifts and can result in buildings being named.
Yeppity yep, yep!
Kind of like the 20 million that went to Harvard for Obama………
The previous owner of the Blues, I think, had a daughter who got in trouble at Mizzou for something. Less than two weeks later there was a building named for somebody in that family at Tiger Town.
It happens all the time.
Gotta admit, I’ve been around fairly wealthy people most of my life. Yet, we did the tour at Princeton, when Gunner was being recruiting for crew, and we went through the fraternity houses.
Whoa…….. all I could see was dollar signs.
Boy, some people are stupid. I love that justice is coming for them. The 2-tiered justice system must be dismantled, and to me this seems to be a good sign of things to come.
Y’all – this has been going on since I was a girl and that’s a long way back. We all knew our leading citizens’ spoiled partying sons would get into good schools because of their daddies’ money. It was just a fact of life.
Heck, one guy went to city schools, got kicked out, came to our school and had his Corvette repainted from the old school colors (black/gold) to our school colors (blue/gold) over the weekend! He cruised in and caused quite a scene. Married one of the cheerleader captains right out of high school – I was a bridesmaid. It didn’t last and he remarried a buxom blonde, divorced again and decades later, died speeding in one of his fast cars.
It would be better for these spoiled kids to go to work with a construction crew or do farm labor. One wise dad I know, put his son to work roofing, landscaping, construction in the hot summertime – which made him glad to be back in school. He got a valuable education both in the summers and in school and has done well.
We make them paint the interiors of closets, all summer, no AC, in new houses.
It works.
IIRC that was also Fred Trump’s idea of raising children. Had to go out and get ground level education.
When I lived in Westchester County, I had my brand new horse at a stable where the daughter of Katherine DeMille (divorcing Anthony Quinn in 1965) had her new Arab. Because of the divorce her mother and she were ‘shunned’ so Mom talked to Katherine, while I rode with Valentina. Katherine told Mom she was boarding the horse only until a stable and paddocks could be built and Valentina would be responsible for the ENTIRE care of the horse.
NOW I realise why my parents refused to even hold the lead shank of my horse and I was responsible for the ENTIRE care of my horse when we moved to upstate New York a couple months later. Our Moms were PLOTTING!
Did a lot of real estate shopping in Westchester.
I was in Armonk.
“Operation Varsity Blues” Yep. That says it. Still stunned that the practice drew federal attention since it’s nothing new.
My guess is it’s a focus on corruption by those with wealth and power. That’s a good thing.
I actually think somebody got cheated out of being on one of the sports teams by the “admissions consultant’s” work and filed some sort of complaint that led to the whole investigation. At those particular schools, that would be a likely scenario. Given the story, USC crew would be my guess.
Stanford Sailing Team?
There’s a good gig….
I would have thought that was a club sport, but anything is possible.
Very well could be the cause of the investigation. Not sweeping it under the rug is the positive development to me
In April-May of his junior year (which is height of college recruiting for early admission, which has to be filed by August 1st of senior year), Gunner was ranked between #8-#10 for heavy weight crew on several websites. The flurry of activity, to recruit him, which ensued in our house was unbelievable. He was 6’2″, had the right wingspan, ERG score, weight, genuine academics, and a 1% ACT/SAT score. His high school was ranked top 10 in country… and he was a white kid from a southern state…. which was equal to being a lesbian eskimo on the diversity lottery.
At first, I didn’t think they were serious.
Then, I got a 45 minute call from the MIT head coach for heavy-weight crew, who was dead serious.
My kid at MIT? On the heavyweight crew team? Rowing on the Charles?
Are you kidding me?
My eyes glossed over and I was hooked on the idea.
My son was not impressed but agreed to talk to them all.
Suddenly….. I started getting the phone calls, from companies just like Singers scam. The hook for most of them was $50K…… to start. Total bill would depend on a “variety of factors”.
Gunner didn’t want to crew. He wanted to do ROTC and engineering.
Imagine my shock when I tried to raise and independent minded son and he became independent.
Did he go to MIT? I lived right on the river just across from the crew house and watched them row from my room all through undergrad. Am class of 1990. Great school and a great city.
No. Husband from Boston too, Holy Cross undergrad, BC Law, and taught at Harvard for a while. Our first date was a Harvard/Princeton hockey game. I miss Boston.
I’ve got a nephew and niece at MIT. They worked their tails off both academically and athletically to get there. My sister worked her tail off helping them. It was grueling.
Years (and years) ago I worked my tail off to get accepted at USC. But, as a single mom there were no programs to help me out and I didn’t receive any scholarships. I went to work instead. Too much on My plate.My sister went to Stanford, full ride, and she worked much harder than I ever did. We make our choices. No regrets. Can’t imagine having parents cheat for you. What must it do to one’s character…
What does it say about the kids?
Parents don’t think I’m good enough, so we have to create an elaborate ruse – so I can make my parents happy and be acceptable to them.
Will the kids ever be accepted?
By their own parents?
What a betrayal.
Best of them all, MsGil! You’re the best!
I think this is who they were really after. Now the question is who made the original complaint as the FBI wouldn’t just start looking into this.
“Parents charged in the alleged scheme are accused of paying an admissions consultant, William Singer, a total of $25 million between 2011 and February 2019 for the arrangement. Boston U.S. Attorney Andrew Lelling said at a press conference Tuesday that Singer used some of that money to bribe test administrators and college coaches.
“The FBI investigation into the alleged scheme was nicknamed “Operation Varsity Blues.”
There are soooooo many of these companies.
I’ll believe it. People who can afford it will try to give their kids every advantage.
Thing is, and I agree with Alan Dershowitz here, it would serve no purpose if the university was rigorous.
But they’re NOT anymore.
No one fails.
The standards have fallen too low.
Thanks, Obama. Everyone goes to college but I really need a plumber.
I take issue with people not failing. Yes, they do. However, universities are a business and it is in the school’s best interest to keep the kids whose parents have deep pockets around.
Just to be clear, the FBI doesn’t just start looking into anything without being told to be DoJ. Otherwise, they could be subject to a bias charge: having decided that something was dirty BEFORE any evidence was known. We will see as DJT takes down the thugs who tried to overthrow the govt.
It started in DoJ, not FBI, if history holds true.
That’s a pregnant point, PGroup.
Thank You Jeff Sessions…
Jef was going after ALL types of fraud if you bothered to look at the DOJ News site.
Now think of ALL those FINES, that are not Congressional allocated funds ====> BORDER WALL!
“Innovate funding mechanisms”
Put the FUN back in funding
It’s well past time that fraud was prosecuted. So often all this stuff is deemed to be a “victimless crime” and certain parties *cough,cough* prefer to look the other way. We know it’s way worse than we know b/c we’re just barely catching the tip of the iceberg. But when ordinary Americans get a whiff of what all’s been going on, they are going to be completely enraged!
I can not wait for Planned Parenthood to be handed a REALLY LARGE FINE (and jail time)
Planned Parenthood under investigation by Justice Department over sale of fetal tissue
Sure going to put a crimp in all the millions they toss to the Democrats.
HA! Great point.
What does make me mad about this, as someone with a documented learning disability, is that a consultant would tell a parent to have their child diagnosed with one specifically to have the extra time for the SAT. Without the diagnosis, one of my sibs got a 770 in the math.
Youch!! Gogogogo, sibling.
Oh, yeah, the little $#@! walked in the front door and said, “I got one wrong on the math.” That drew flipped birds from the rest of us.
Husband was same way. Frustrating for the rest of us. We held our own, however.
I go into some of the rest of the US Education scandals including ‘Shadow Scholar’ paid for thesis written by ghost writers and submitted as Masters and Doc thesis…
I have a WHOLE passle of articles on our rotten education system, text books, teachers and CHEATING HERE
No use cluttering up thispage too.
Shadow Scholar is pretty bad, but did you catch Shadow Professor too? That was astounding – not only are the kids cheating in the classes, the professors are also cheating too and not actually teaching or grading work!
I happen to like Lori Loughlin…she does a lot of movies and shows on the Hallmark Channel.
So I am really disappointed in her for doing something like this.
The characters that she plays are often ‘mom characters’, who are very conservative and make their kids do things the right way, the hard way, no exceptions.
So this is totally ‘out of character’ for her. Literally.
I was about to write the same comment, Wheatie. Watch Hallmark Channel quite a bit, especially during the Holiday season. Somewhat shocked.
Goodie Goodie Two Shoes has lost her luster.
Prison photos will do that for a gal
That’s what Grace Curley, co-producer for the Howie Carr Show, said today.
Hollywood ‘stars’? Can’t trust ’em.
Well–She WAS acting!!
Didn’t think she was THAT GOOD! I am with ya on the disappointment. Hallmark movies were a real escape for me!
The sad thing, IMO, is that scores are not necessarily indicative of ability or desire to do college work. SATs are worse then the ACTs – which actually do a better job for screening.
As a foster child, (9 homes) I went through 10 schools before graduating from high school. Couldn’t complete half of the math on the SAT simply because transferring schools ruins the continuity – especially in math. But I could read, and while my ACT scores were average, they were top in Social Studies – reading comprehension is everything. Result: graduated 1st from my undergraduate college, and Summa Cum Laude from a top Nursing university program.
It was all about motivation. That’s the key to success, that and the ability to read. Of course, my children grew up realizing mom believed that education was everything – the key to a successful life.
Now you know a little bit about Lady P and why I might see the world as I do. Please do forgive my grammatical mistakes and those pesky commas.
My learning disability effects reading comprehension, and spelling. By the time I made it to the SAT, I knew how to compensate for one, but not the other. Diagnosed at 22, and took steps to get around it.
I ended up working for a local university with tuition benefits, and worked my way through undergrad. So, I now have a piece of paper that says I spent a lot of money and a lot of time in a classroom. Of all the classes I took, three, maybe four were the most beneficial: Latin and Greek In the English Language (phonics for adults), 300 level public relations, and freelance writing, which was also a 300 level if memory serves.
College/university at the undergrad level is a branding process anymore. Practical experience mixed in with it is the better way to go. And even then, what a person really ends up doing may well have nothing to do with the original degree.
Oh, I agree. I’m talking about college/universities of long ago. These days, I’d almost wish for knowing how to fix something than getting a degree. But, back then, degrees really did provide a real education. It opened the world for me. I have three grown children and I know what they went through to succeed. Daughter was disappointed that the Ivy League school didn’t take her, but the 2nd tier did, and she is doing just fine. Same for my sons. But they all degrees in useful subjects – math/science, not basketweaving.
The think about reading… I didn’t want anyone to think I wasn’t sensitive about learning disabilities or dyslexia – I’m quite sensitive to that – I was just trying to make the point of what helped me survived a broken childhood and multiple schools. It’s more about survival.
Ok, I need to not type answers in the little wordpress box! Can’t see the words as well. Anyway, edit:
Kids all got degrees in useful subjects.
The thing about reading…
Well, you did say “reading”, not “writing” !

I’m seriously impressed. The foster system can be brutal on children.
Is was and is. It’s a painful journey, wouldn’t wish it on an enemy. The best word to describe it? Survival.
Lots of scars, vulnerabilities, but I am so grateful for the life I eventually turned out to have…
I attribute it to the caring teachers I found in each school – they can make a difference in a child’s life, and the other reason? Someone once told me that I was “Somebody’s Child, God’s.”
Even in my darkest moments I felt Him – this isn’t about mysticism or church – it’s simply that I felt His Love which gave me hope. Still does to this day.
You probably should write a book. Seriously.
If I could write like Daughnworks247, I would! Now there is a great writer.
Thank you.
Your story would help so many.
Thank you, daughn. I try to live the good parts and share, as you see on the ‘net, through a positive worldview.
I think so, too.
Well, milady, I never would have guessed that you grew up in foster homes.
Your story would be helpful to many children and adolescents, especially girls who feel lost.
I have never seen a grammatical or spelling error in your comments or posts.
Delighted to read that your children took your love of education seriously.
Please do write your experiences down for them — and for those in foster care.
You could change many lives for those ‘in the system’ who think they are useless or without purpose.
I also think that your story should include how you came to decide on nursing as a profession. There must be a link between that and being in care. We don’t need to know what it is, but it is an interesting choice.
May God continue to bless you. We are blessed to have you here at the Q Tree.
Thank you, Churchmouse. Your words are kind. Perhaps I’ll explore the idea of a book, all I have to do is start writing notes. Been so busy with life, hadn’t had a chance to think about it.
I don’t usually share anything about my childhood with people, but the standardized test discussions brought back memories. I do try to live by example – trying to make a difference when I’m out in the world.
You, and all the Q-Treepers are certainly a blessing to know.
And you are a more than equal blessing to us, too.
I am delighted that you found us from our days at CTH.
May the Lord continue to shine upon you and your family.
You should probably write a book. Seriously.
I’ve seen boxes of commas and semicolons on sale at Dollar Tree. Just saying.
Write that book!!!
Those kids always say they got into school on their own…..phfffttt.
I was denied everywhere bc I was told I was the wrong color. Teased about school and having to go to community college and work, both part time. Missed out on the experience, couldnt get financial aid until I was older, and only a bog waiver. A middle class good student without money or connections. Wrong for every kid out there, but maybe this will scare the crud out of the elites.
You were actually better off because you had to work for an education.
Richard Cory
by Edwin Arlington Robinson
Gail, I remember that poem! Back when they taught such poems in school.
We had that in HS, too!
Yes, I understand this. My life has had me cross paths with many wealthy and elite types, but not on this exact level. Lots of damage one way or another. I was never willing to sell my soul and xalled people out on their behavior. I could have been silent and played it very well to my benefit. I never did, not once. And here I am.

And glad we are, Gil!

Gail, I went to a 3 year High School with a boy (man) who did not graduate until after 8 years. He had an IQ of 185, sang the lead in our Choir that won the state championship and was very attractive. The summer I graduated, I heard on the radio that Jackie picked up a gun and blew his brains out in front of several friends. It seems so sad to have so many possibilities and to be unable to function at any level.
I barely knew him but I have never forgotten him.
What a shame. We stand in awe of their intellects, but will never understand their personal demons.
Often those with the really high IQs can not relate to others very well. That is why this ‘Diversity’ Crud and not having graded classes is so very bad.
I was so happy when they tossed me into the ‘A’ class with all the ‘nerds’ — FRIENDS!, People who actually understand me!
I am no where near that high an IQ but my brother was over 200 and my parents had a really tough time with him. A really high IQ is no ‘blessing’ for a kid, especially if the schools and parents do not work hard at socialization and providing him with access to people he can be real friends with.
The kids at Gunner’s Math and Science School were the freak geniuses. Still, we were blessed he was accepted. For a long time, he felt like the stupid one. He was more of a “jack of all trades” kind of guy. He kept talking about the kids in his school and I thought, “He’s exaggerating, surely.”
First girlfriend he brought home had a true photographic memory, fluent in 4-5 languages, and skittish. Easily one of the top three smartest people I’ve ever met. She needed to be bubble-wrapped and sent to DARPA. I love that girl and am her “other mother”.
Gunner understood these types, quite well. His dad is one and his best buddy is an autistic savant.
Strange thing happened along the way.
Gunner protected them and spoke for them. They had a hard time communicating. So, when a presentation had to be made, Gunner drew the short straw. Gunner is scary-competent in a personal interview or for a presentation.
I kept telling him, “You only have to be smart enough to understand their concept and communicate it for them to normal people. Protect them, always, as they trust you…., but MANAGE the brilliance and you’ll make a fortune.”
Our kids today are being denied because of their color, especially white males. My sons were waitlisted at a state college! Excellent grades and sports. But not 4.0. No scholarships for them either. White girls do a little better – daughter actually got a tuition scholarship to a Boston University – I said it was likely they wanted to diversity of having a Southern girl there.
All my kids got a good education, but had to keep their conservative beliefs to themselves to save their grades…
I remember trying to convince Gunner to pretend he was gay…… for a Cornell Engineering program.
He wouldn’t do it.
But you sure understood what we’re up against as parents of white males.
Good man!
I wasn’t really serious but think about what it says for Cornell.
Really? Is there some new quota for gay engineers?
Who decides this crap?
‘I wasn’t really serious …’ Thank goodness.
It’s all about diversity. Straight white males are PNG.
Good grief…even their offspring’s educations are fake? Yeah…not very shocking after everything else we’ve learned over the last few years…but still pretty disgusting. Some of these kids would and could have gone on to become actors playing the role of college students…or doctors…or politicians….or decent human beings. And they probably still will…heck, some of them may aspire to joining a human sacrificing sex cult or maybe even becoming a Democrat. Their future is eyes wide open.
(sorry rodney)
Rodney was just describing how the system “works”. Academia is all about the money. Anyone who harbors idealistic notions about “teaching students” or “developing human knowledge” lacks exposure to what the system is really about.
A lot of the elite schools (e.g., Harvard) are very difficult to get into–but once in, there’s a very good chance you’ll graduate.
Others are easier to get into but do a LOT of weeding out. I bet these elite cheaters go for the first category of schools, which is why I don’t see them trying to get into MIT or Caltech (which are either weed-out schools, or become such for people who are severely out of place).
The school I went to flunked out 50% of the freshman class. (That was in 1968 in Chemistry)
There is one instance, though, where this is fundamentally unfair. Some schools have to get rid of half their freshmen or sophomores in order to take in a bunch of community college graduates for junior year. These people may (or may not) be as bright as the people who got kicked out, but the real issue is, it’s a politically directed directive, not one based on merit.
This could be part of it. Being in a 400+ seat 100 level class spells WEED OUT like nothing else.
It’s also very dehumanizing which may be why I did better at the second school which was a lot smaller.
INVESTIGATE High Schools too! There’s a scam waiting to burst open.
Pay to play.
Start with Boward County in Florida.
Parents pay the high schools to put their kids on various teams and to make them the star. Illinois is really big on this, especially the Chicago area (Oak Park and other affluent areas). Parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents make donations to HS and colleges to get their kids fake AP grades, change their SAT scores, pay off the college board, make donations to the colleges. These kids brag about. it. They do anything to make their spoiled entitled kids look good on paper. The ATLANTA teachers had to dearly pay for cheating, so why not these selfish rich parent, high schools, colleges, college board, etc. It’s about time that they are being held accountable for their actions.
From Phoenix:
Link for list of 50 charged
Thanks for this link, Daughn. Singer already plead (pled?) guilty to ALL counts ??? That seems Very unusual since he’s obviously the Big Cheese in this. This is going to be very interesting to watch play out.
No, he is the broker…..the big fish have to be the elites and the schools. They have much more power and money in sum than this guy.
OANN just announced warrant issued for Laughlin’s arrest.
Just now, Felicity Huffman in custody.
Just a thought.
If its h appening, this many people… Q indictments?
Is this the first wave?
More info on Singer
He is CEO of The Key Worldwide Foundation – no other officers known
He is also involved in a foundation called The Versatile Ph.D., Inc., along with a Pamela Chambers. The two are the only officers in this foundation.
RICO will pull in this 2nd foundation
Keying/searching for The Versatile … I found this
The Versatile PhD | Helping graduate students and PhDs …
Search domain versatilephd.com
Versatile PhD is the oldest, largest online community dedicated to non-academic and non-faculty careers for PhDs in humanities, social science and STEM.
When I search STEM … the top of the cache is Micro Medical Inc.
Microbot™, which was founded in 2010 and commenced operations in 2011, became a NASDAQ listed company on November 28, 2016. The Company specializes in transformational micro-robotic medical technologies leveraging the natural and artificial lumens within the human body. Microbot’s current technological platforms, ViRobTM, TipCATTM and CardioSertTM, are comprised of three highly advanced technologies, from which the Company is currently developing its first product candidate: The Self Cleaning Shunt, or SCSTM, for the treatment of hydrocephalus and Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus, or NPH. The Company also is focused on the development of a Multi Generation Pipeline Portfolio (MGPP) utilizing all technologies. Further information about Microbot Medical is available at
Question: Is Singer recruiting Ph Ds for Microbot or some other STEM oriented entity?
RICO will pull all of his activities in… which may be the objective.
[don’t mind me, the tin foil sometimes causes wild keystrokes]
I accidentally misspelled my name, but wonder if this is the first wave of the Q unsealed indictments?
Time will tell………. right?
more info on Paula Chambers
“Call me sometime when you have no class.”
– Rodney Dangerfield to his hottie college professor in “Back to School”
FYI there is a film called: my life in ruins.
This reminds me of Colossians 3:25 which says, “Certainly the one who does wrong will be repaid for the wrong he has done, and there is no partiality.” One way or another God ensures those that do wrong pay the consequences.
Well said! Jesus will be the final judge and no one will escape.
You mean I studied and worked hard for my college degree…??? Hmmmm could not happen to a nicer bunch of people.
This whole thing odd.
Reporter: “Authorities say the colleges and most of the students who benefited were not involved… ”
How is it that the students were not involved? Did they not know someone took their SATs for them?
Even the stupid rich kids are smart enough to realize their smarter friends didn’t make it into the same school as the stupid rich kid did. How does the stupid rich kid think that happened?
Prosecutor #1: “This is a case where they flaunted their wealth, sparing no expense…”
So what?
Flaunting one’s wealth may be tasteless, crass, self-revealing and embarrassing to everyone around them, but it’s not against the law.
Prosecutor #1 continues: “To cheat the system…”
Cheating is wrong.
But is it illegal? Are there actually laws against paying someone to take your SAT, or submitting the results to a private school? And why even go to all the trouble, when you could just make a direct donation to the school in a traditional quid pro quo?
Why is the federal government involved in ferreting out college admissions schemes… unless this is just the tip of a much bigger iceberg?
Prosecutor #2 (with great disdain): “These parents are a catalogue of wealth and privilege.”
Okay, granted these are probably not the most upstanding people but how is publicly painting them as a ‘catalogue of wealth and privilege’ possibly relevant — or even permissible prosecutor behavior? Are they TRYING to prejudice a jury?
Are they condemning wealth? Privilege comes with wealth… are they prosecuting wealth and privilege? Because if they’re not, then how is wealth and privilege relevant?
And why is the CBS narrative cherry-picking these questionable comments by the the prosecution’s clown-show that passes for some appendage of the DOJ?
“Scheme lasted nearly a decade… 33 wealthy parents… $25 million dollars”
Anything seem ‘off’ about those numbers to anyone else?
An entire business entity, plus a charity slush fund entity, operating over the course of a decade, and they only had 33 clients?
And if it’s supposedly 33 indvidual parents/clients, they’re paying (on average) $756,000 each?
Or if it’s supposedly 33 couples, this company + charity had more like 16 or 17 clients who each paid over $1.5 million to get their mouth-breathing progeny into one of these ivy league dumpster fires?
You could buy a wing of a university hospital or some similar legalized bribery for these amounts, without resorting to all the cloak and dagger (and, apparently, criminal exposure).
The numbers make no sense.
“To get their kids into some of the country’s most elite schools, including Georgetown, Stanford and Yale, through falsified test scores or pretending to be student athlete recruits”.
Wait… what?
Reporter: “Authorities say the colleges and most of the students who benefited were not involved… ”
Mom: Here little Timmy, put this football uniform on, and pretend like you’re an athlete for this nice man from Yale!
Little Timmy: But why, Mom?
Mom: Shut up and don’t ask any questions… you want plausible deniability, don’t you?
I agree. I can think of very few scenarios where a student might not have known what was going on. One is if they took their own tests and the scores were altered without their knowledge.
I found one article from 2011 about arrests of six students in New York who paid a guy to take their tests for them. The guy faced up to four years in prison, and the students, minors, were charged with misdemeanors. It’s not clear whether the law varies by state.
Some of the parents were charged with mail fraud and honest services mail fraud, which involves cheating someone else out of a position they might otherwise have earned.
“To get their kids into some of the country’s most elite schools, including Georgetown, Stanford and Yale, through falsified test scores or pretending to be student athlete recruits”.
Somehow Harvard, the most notorious suspect of all, is magically uninvolved?
Well… isn’t that convenient…
First thing I thought of.
We know about the 20 million donated to Harvard for Obama.
And no one really thinks Malia got into Harvard on her own. Do we?
Hussein’s entry was paid for by someone (Al-waleed, a.k.a. ‘dopey’?).
But if that’s illegal, the statute of limitations must have expired at least 20 years ago.
As for Malia, I suspect no exchange of money would be necessary. Harvard types worship Hussein, and making special arrangements, gratis, for a little Hussein is the least they could do for their idol.
In fact, Harvard would almost certainly have taken it as a personal affront if Hussein’s beard went anywhere else.
David Hogg supposed victim of the Parkland shooting and anti-gun activist, got the letter 42,749 applicants hope to receive from Harvard: an acceptance letter. In 2018, Harvard accepted only 4.59 percent of applicants, roughly 1,900 persons. Once Hogg’s tweet that announced the good news went viral, eyebrows across the United States were raised in befuddlement.
Hogg’s highest SAT score is 1270, and the average SAT score for admissions into Harvard is roughly 1480.*
These universities should also be investigated. They’re just as crooked!!! The college board is a scam and it needs to be dismantled. But as a Christian, we all have to stand before the Lord one day! So, they’re not getting away with anything! It’s sad that to many kids are missing out because of the privileged few.
Many of these kids whose parents are buying their way into colleges, don’t even need to go. They’re going to party, meet a potential rich spouse, to keep middle class kids who deserve to go out and bragging rights. Unfortunately, the schools are knee deep in this. The FBI needs to investigate the upcoming classes of 2020/21. These parents have already secured spots for their kids by making big donations already. What needs to happen is that a review of all the big donations, and which of their kids are related. This is so dirty that it’s going to be a part of our history forever. Investigating 50 people is just scratching the surface. There have been a lot of dumb rich kids who went to elite colleges and universities, all because of money! This is sad and once again the US looks foolish in the eyes of the rest of the world.