Yesterday, FLEP wrote a home run of an article about small biz versus multinationals and the American economy, but the article got lost in all the Q posts and news of the day.
I didn’t see Flep’s article until late, last night. The news was so good, so overwhelming, I was blown away. AND, the statistics FLEP included served to prove our President was correct about the economy. In fact, he was correct about all economies, even those of the snide silly nations like Canada and Germany, whose citizens are our friends and buddies, but whose leaders we despise.
As Treepers, we forget we’re at the mid-stage of having our eyes opened to the manipulations of our politicians. The very vast majority of our friends and relatives are new to the game. Things we already know and take for granted (The US Chamber of Commerce agenda) are completely foreign and perplexing to our Dem friends and new-to-the-game patriots.
So, I stole Flep’s post. Yes, I made a comment indicating I was stealing and beg Flep’s forgiveness but FLEP’s news was too good not to share. I carved it up into bite-sized chunks, sometimes a sentence or two and a source, about 10 different posts, and spread it across social media to different groups where I admin. And guess what happened?
As of this morning, it’s been about 12 hours since my thievery, and we’re approaching 10K notifications and over 1800 shares of the different posts. See there, we really are the news….., and the people are starving for real news. By cutting up FLEP’s big article, we were able to hammer home the idea of economy (over all) and the winning strategy of our POTUS. FLEP, I could hug you, bigly, along with 10K other people!
From the comments I received in replies, it occurred to me, everything we’ve learned over the past 4-5 years was unknown to many. Thus, I composed this final long post (below), to explain to many, what and who we are really fighting.
Here it is:
Fundamentally important we all understand the difference between a multinational and a company which does business primarily in the USA.
The difference between the two, and their power struggle for control over our economy, is the reason President Trump has a hard time getting his agenda passed by Dems and GOPe.
Multinationals do majority of biz outside the USA. They like to export our American jobs, overseas, for greater profit and shareholder value. The US Chamber of Commerce represents 151 such companies. The Koch Brothers, one of the biggest Repub donors for the past 25yrs, are also a multinational.
Their agenda is based on their own interests.
1. Amnesty and more H1B visas = cheaper workers and lower wages for American workers
2. Bad trade deals and more of them = cheap manufacture overseas and easy access to the USA market
3. Obamacare/Universal Health Care = less operating costs for American employees
4. Common Core = no idea why they are so focused and push Common Core.
These companies lobby our politicians and contribute to campaigns who support their efforts —- until one day, we woke up and found America was gutted of our manufacturing base. Presidents like Reagan and Trump were/are not “globalists”, which is one of the reasons they both met/meet with such opposition in Congress.
Understand, there is no difference between Dem and Repub – except in the way they propose to fix the problem. Both sides are lobbied by the same people and accept money from the same donors. Dems voters who are sick of “the Swamp” believe the answer is socialism or a variant therein. Recall their heroes like Warren or Bernie railing against the mega-corps or “Occupy Wall Street”. They believe it will take government to punish the companies for the benefit of the workers — with Warren and Bernie + friends, in charge.
Repubs who are sick of the Swamp, and Libertarians, elect people like Reagan and Trump. They want less government, REAL free trade, and companies and policies which place American interests first. And Repubs or Libertarians would never trust a bureaucrat to be in charge of anything.
This is why our immigration policy has never been fixed. It’s why Repubs voted to remove Obamacare dozens of times — but McCain, the globalist, voted to keep it. It’s WHY Wall Street and the pundits have railed against President Trump trying to redo our trade deals, and yes, it’s the reason our schools are in such a mess. GOPe interests align with the goals of Dems for more voters and more power to the teacher unions and greater control over our children, our jobs, and our lives.
To resist President Trump’s agenda, a multinational company cannot be honest. They cannot come out and advertise to the American people, “Hey, we want to continue our lucrative business which depends on bad policy – screwing over America” = not a good PR look.
Thus, the same companies adopt social issues of the left to attack the President and weaken his poll numbers and popularity.
For instance, Levi Strauss has not manufactured in the USA since 2004-2005. They are now a globalist company and have the mindset which is not particularly loyal to the USA. The CEO of Levi has donated a million dollars of Levi money to an anti-gun campaign. Why? The CEO is obviously well protected and it’s safe to assume gun rights are not the MOST important interest of Levi Strauss. Yet, attacking a Repub President on a social issue is easier than a commercial for Levi which begs for no tariffs for their Chinese and Brazilian factories.
See what I mean?
Same with Nike. Does anyone really think Nike corporate heads lay awake at night worried that Kaepernick is not playing in the NFL? They don’t give a damn about Kapernick. Yet, Kaepernick is useful to attack the President and push his poll numbers down. It would be difficult for Nike Executives to admit – we really want to do all our manufacturing in China and still import at zero cost — and we’re really sorry we moved manufacturing out of Memphis, at a cost of about 8K jobs.
Same with Disney. Disney gives millions of dollars to open border/amnesty groups, at the same time Disney retrains foreign workers to replace Americans.
Can you see it now?
Because once you see it, you cannot unsee it.
Could it be possible this was the reason for the Trump Tax cuts? Yes, the majority of the tax cuts went to individual Americans, but corps got a major tax break as well. Was it part of the grand bargain = lower corp taxes and bring the jobs back to the USA?
But the corps want to keep the lower taxes AND continue policy which hurts workers…..
…… reminds me of the Ryan/McConnell promise to fund the border wall after the midterms.
And yes, our President has to do a delicate dance with the Dems and GOPe. In order to get anything passed, the President still needs the required votes from politicians who are loyal to their donors first. It’s why President Trump has had to go to an Emergency declaration on the Border Wall – and why some GOPe Repubs are resisting him. Does Ann Coulter really believe President Trump doesn’t want a border wall? After TWO government shutdowns on the issue + an Emergency Declaration? Really?
But something funny happened along the way during the war for competing interests. Small business began hiring. Small business does not usually hire H1B visa foreigners. Because of the paperwork involved, they don’t have access to these workers. Small business primarily employs Americans…….. first!
And small business hiring is the best it’s been in 45 years of recorded history according to the report from NFIB:…/small-business-job-creation-breaks-…/
Companies with an American focus, are winning, bigly, while the globalist based nations with unicorn mascots are on the brink of recession and stagnation. Multinationals are taking a dive but America is the workhorse, and America is winning.
Just look at these numbers, President Trump is refocusing the economy…. of the world, for the benefit of America. President Trump is trying to stop the bleeding of our wealth, create better policies, which, if adopted by other countries, would help THEIR economies as well.
—-Companies with big global exposure could face a double-digit Q1 earnings decline
—-Companies with more than half of their sales generated overseas are expected to see an earnings decline of 11.2 percent in the first quarter of 2019, according to FactSet.
—-“The U.S. economy seems stable, but an international slowdown eventually could spill over to the U.S.,” says Scott Wren, Wells Fargo’s senior global equity strategist.
—-Wall Street is projecting a 3.4 percent earnings loss for the S&P 500, while seeing 1 percent growth for companies with more than half of their sales coming from the U.S.
!!!!!!!!!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ !!!!!!!!!! THiS!
Here’s the report from CNBC which PROVES our President is winning and slowly turning our economy around to be USA focused. We’re getting our money and jobs back, and payback is hell. We’re also proving to the citizens of the world that our policies, President Trump’s policies, are better.…/companies-with-big-global-exposure-c…
Read this paragraph from the report and now, with your eyes open, LOOK at who is talking. It’s the best.
“Things are worrisome across the globe. The Bank of Canada said Wednesday there was “increased uncertainty ” around future rate hikes, while Australia’s fourth-quarter GDP expanded at a pace of just 0.2 percent. Amid the ongoing trade negotiations, China set its economic growth target for 2019 between 6 percent and 6.5 percent, its slowest pace since 1990.”
Do you have any idea how BAD the Canadian economy is right now? It stinks. Thank you, to Trudeau, and your stupid over regulation and green utopian policies.
Australia, same thing.
Germany and France are in the gutter along with their GDP rate. Ask the people in the yellow vests, THEY KNOW.
….and lookie here, China’s economy is slowing amid trade negotiations with the USA.
From the Chinese foreign minister yesterday when asked about US/China Trade Talks = “We’re trying to get to zero tariffs.”
Zero tariffs between the two countries?
You mean, REAL free trade, as opposed to the farce of the NeoCon/Globalists/CATO Institute definition of free trade?
You mean……, exactly what President Trump has been saying for about 30 years?
Color me shocked.
Imagine that. Their policies have failed and President Trump was right……………….. again.
You feel better now?
And here’s a word to the wise. If you believe in President Trump and that he will be successful, take a look at the Russell 2000 = Majority American Companies.
MAGA on!!!!!!!! We’re two years into a major turn-around and it’s working!
Love it! Yes – VOLUNTARY RE-EDUCATION – people can get online, get past the FAKE NEWS, and find out what is REALLY going on!
We (and especially YOU!) really are the news now!
My economic RANT for today…..
We really need a spotlight on the SABOTAGING FED, too. I’ve been thinking about that. “Audit the Fed” doesn’t have the RING IN THE EARS that we need to shine a HARSH, GLARING SPOTLIGHT on a group (globalist financial controllers) who are actively SABOTAGING NATIONS.
In the same way these CREEPS sabotage JAPAN sociologically, trying desperately to get Japan to import Muslims against their better judgment, they likewise sabotage the United States. We need to look close in a variety of areas, and FIND THE SABOTAGE, then TRUMPET LOUDLY until we get the will to:
What’s this “audit” stuff? LIGHTWEIGHT! Their damage is much deeper and sneakier than a mere audit is going to find. Don’t look for money under the carpet. Look for COMMIES and SOROS under the BED!!! BLACKMAIL, CONTROL, DIRTY DEALS, DEAD KIDS.
auditINVESTIGATE THE FEDDoesn’t have the same ring as…
Just sayin’
Are you listening, Dr. Paul????????
Totally agree. Powell and the FED went NUTS after President Trump was elected.
Reminder = Under Obama, we had QE of 80billion/month = 960billion a year being pumped into the economy for YEARS + .25 interest rates.
Under President Trump, we got .25 interest rate increases EVERY quarter + the FED decided to not only STOP QE but they WITHDREW 50billion/month or 600 billion a year from the economy….
….. and somehow, it does not reduce our debt?
How about Kill The FED
Subject the FED to comprehensive legal, financial and compliance audits across all institutional components and third party relationships without exception and hold individuals accountable!
That’ll make a great bumper sticker!
DEAD the Fed, or SHRED the Fed…
They do not exist for the interests and the people of the USA.
They exist for the banksters, the illuminati, the globalists, and the Devil himself.
Who do you think it was that wanted a child sacrifice at meetings like Ronald Bernard went to…
Wolfie — While many of us know the importance of the FED, most people cannot be roused to care about it. Moreover, what we really want when we talk about getting rid of the FED is SOUND MONEY. This is a topic people can understand. Hell, many of us can recall our grandparents talking about this. This should be our rallying cry. SOUND MONEY.
It will also be useful to define UNSOUND MONEY and why people need to be uncomfortable about it. Is our money UNSOUND now? WHY? People need to feel UNSAFE about our money now.
More like Fake Money.
Money with nothing to back it up…
Time for people to learn that FIAT is not just a dodgy Italian car…
If the average snoozing prole loses faith in our currency, the economic boom will be gut shot. Better to start showing the winning via the unsealed indictments Q says are soon to come. Then when even the ignorant peeps see that Trump speaks and it happens, we will be positioned to deal with the Fed.
The peeps must be able to trust while the turmoil of the Fed cleansing is going on so that the economy does not suffer too much.
“What if I told you that Monopoly money is worth more that Bolivars?”
Always took this position. Audit, schmadit. Piffle. END THE FED. Nice ring. But what we mean is “obliterate the FED!”
What a great partnership is emerging here! Wolfie, Flep and Daughn – 3 Trumpeteers!!!
Of course this here blog has more than these VSGs!
We got Wheatie, Steve in CO, ThinkThinkThink, Deplorable Patriot, Gail Combs, Churchmouse, Marica to be our cheerleader and much much more!
Yes, yes, yes, GA/FL!!!!!
Lady P’s stuff on abortion is second to none.
And Aubergine, deep dives are a treat.
True that, Daughn!
DID NOT mean to leave them out. I need to make a Master List of our QTH Maestros!
Why thanks Ga girl!! This awesome Q tree is a tapestry of personalities and brilliance and wit! And Every Single poster (and even lurker) Is an important “thread” that makes this site so special!! I am missing me some Pat Frederick and Sylvia lately –Hope you are well!!
Daughn certainly embraced the job of “START SPREADING THE NEWS”!!!
I’m really missing Sylvia and Pat.
Hope all is well.
daughn–I am praying its a Lent thing…? I thought about it–but NO! 40 days without you guys?!! Not that tough.
Marica, you will laugh.
I’m Presbyterian, but in an alliance with my Catholic friends, I gave up ping-pong and take a big fat humility pill once a day.
Sylvia can’t leave us for 40 days without telling us???!!!???
I LOVE YOU!!!! I gave up nothing as I am going thru life hell! So I told God I would not complain!!!
I do love you, Marica!
It’s hard to be humble when your perfect in every way!
And I mean that!!!
Great summary in a nutshell, Daughn247. appreciate it. Didn’t get to delve into Flep’s post last night, but this is a big help. It’s wonderful that you and Flep, and QTH are able to educate so many. Lots of knowledge here.
Daughn!! This is SO great!! You have written this so that EVERYONE (not just here) can appreciate Flep’s wonderful, tireless research. I agree with what all the others have said about this!
Reblogged this on RedLegLeader Blog and commented:
Pay close attention: “Companies with an American focus, are winning, bigly, while the globalist based nations with unicorn mascots are on the brink of recession and stagnation. Multinationals are taking a dive but America is the workhorse, and America is winning.”
Hey thanks, RedLeg!!
At your service, m’am … now, where’s my apple pie? …
TWO (!) apple pies for you!
Remember Thursday is 3.14
I already have peaches frozen and mixed for the occasion! I’m ready. I will post pics.
“…until one day, we woke up and found America was gutted of our manufacturing base. Presidents like Reagan and Trump were/are not “globalists”, which is one of the reasons they both met/meet with such opposition in Congress….”
President Reagan was NOT A HERO when it comes to American business!!
He fell for the ‘free market’ laissez faire bull feces. Our founding fathers disliked Corporations and severely limited them in scope (single product) and duration (20 years)
Where the heck was CONGRESS. Where the heck were the COURTS when this was going on???
So what did the US government do about this highly unethical practices???
A US Secretary of the Treasury started the sellout of our economy. Reagan through his laissez faire attitude did nothing to stop it.
Without intervention greed took over.
This is the result of the 1980’s leveraged buyout feeding frenzy.
America has been quietly sold off piece by piece. This is a sampling of the industries with over 50% foreign ownership, according to Source Watch several years ago
A real eye opener isn’t it. But it gets worse. The Department of Homeland Security says 80% of our ports are operated by Foreigners and they are buying and running US bridges and toll roads. *
Statistics (courtesy of Bridgewater) showed in 1990, before WTO was ratified, Foreign ownership of U.S. assets amounted to 33% of U.S. GDP. By 2002 this had increased to over 70% of U.S. GDP. *
Disagree completely.
We rocked the hell out of the 80’s.
We rocked the hell out of the 80’s.
Yes we did AND the factories were being SOLD, DISMANTLED and SHIPPED OUT OF THE COUNTRY! I used to go dancing with one of the guys who was packing up those factories and shipping them in the 1980s.
So yes the 1980s looked good, until you realize it was thanks to the SALE of AMERICAN ASSETS!
I worked for a couple of American companies that were targets during that time period. They went from 100% debt free to being dismantled and pieces sold off. That is why I went looking for what happened.
Reagan got fed BAD ADVICE when he allowed the leverage buyouts to happen. He was not evil, it was the people he listened to who were evil. And yes he genuinely tried to help the American people. But we can not let our love for Reagan, blind us to what the Elite did under his nose!
LOOK at his Presidential term: January 20, 1981 – January 20, 1989
Of mergers and acquisitions, 1/3 HOSTILE each costing $1 million or more,
in 1970 there were 10;
in 1980, there were 94;
in 1986, there were 346.
This is where the transformation from mid-size AMERICAN companies to Trans-nationals started.
This is when companies who used to consider people as long term employees started looking at people as interchangable cogs.
I lived through it and between 1985 and 1994, the three companies I worked for ALL had shut down the plants. For Hubby it was four companies. That is why we moved south. We were both out of work.
That was BEFORE NAFTA and WTO were ratified.
Was Iran/Contra a GHWB scheme?
The M&A guys were so sexy.
Companies were womb to tomb and FAT – perfect example, AT&T.
Needed to be shaken.
Divestiture started it all.
I’m not sure foreign ownership of US assets is something we should automatically fear. If you look at the worldwide economy, there are massive amounts of debt (something on the order of $22T) paying negative interest rates. This means people are paying the issuers of this debt to hold on to their money. And in many places — Germany, France, Canada, Australia, China — the economies are not getting better.
If these folks buy a US toll road, we get investment capital and they get a better return on their money (with equal or better security).
I raise this because I think we are going to want to draw investment capital from all over the world to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure.
The problem is Corporations essentially run our country and we no longer have AMERICAN corpoations. Think GE and GM for example.
GE was corrupt as hell. Immelt killed it.
It was an icon under Welch, one of the most respected CEO’s of all time.
GM, should not have received a bailout and annihilated bondholders. Blame the gov’t.
Bad examples.
There won’t be rebuilding of our “crumbling infrastructure” UNLESS there is serious oversight. Otherwise, the result will be the same as the tobacco lawsuit settlement. AGs of several states signed off on that agreement saying, among other things, that the payments provided by the settlement would pay for ALL the health needs of smokers as long as they were related to smoking.
What happened is that instead of setting up a trust fund to deal with smokers’ health needs, they put the money into general fund (state treasury) and dumped the smokers onto medicaid and medicare.
I have no complaint about the medical care I am receiving but medicaid/medicare will NOT pay for all possible treatments for lung disease. Yet that settlement says that all treatments for my COPD (50 year smoker) will be covered by the tobacco companies. Yet medicare and medicaid are paying – that’s fed govt (taxpayers). IOW, they signed that document in bad faith and never intended to honor its terms. They just wanted the huge flow of cash.
They will just take the cash for rebuilding and do a few pothole filling projects (sort of like a token black at the front desk shows your company is integrated). Unless somebody with power is breathing down their necks.
I was one of the marketing guys for a company that went through a LBO (the very biggest one). Hollywood made a movie out of us. Interesting to see how the producers and writers characterized people I worked with and knew. Hint: they were completely wrong. In fact, the whole LBO story they told was pretty off. I viewed it as fiction.
Financial institutions aka International Banksters are behind this as they have been since the founding of the USA and the rise of the middle class.
Here is The Network of Global Corporate Control which shows the Multi-national Corporations are actually controlled by the ‘Banksters’ As G. Edward Griffin said, the banksters took the river of wealth they stole from us and went on a buy spree — Buying politicans, corporations and even churches and the Girl Scouts!
To hear more about how the study was conducted:
Here is the listing of the Top Officers based on that study. The Financial Core of the Transnational Capitalist Class
Notice they call these people CAPITALISTS when what they are really third way socialists (aka Fascists) who HATE capitalism. see E.M. Smith’s “Evil Socialism” vs “Evil Capitalism” and link
“Those few who can understand the system (check book money and credit) will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on it favors, that there will be little opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantage that capital derives from the system, will bear it burdens without complaint, and perhaps without even suspecting that the system is inimical to their interests.” — ROTHSCHILDS BROS. OF LONDON
I highly recommend:
A Talk by G. Edward Griffin, Author of The Creature from Jekyll Island
Fractional Banking — History
WRIGHT PATMAN Chairman 1964
Mises on Money by Gary North
A large collection of articles on money “… provides a overview of central banking, the Federal Reserve and the specific steps that the Globalists have used to thawart the United States Constitution for the purpose of redistributing the wealth of our country.”
(I hope all these are still on the net. If not try the Wayback Machine)
Reagan did some great things for the country that really pulled the U.S. from the brink. There was much more that could have been done – I’m not going to Monday morning quarterback Reagan on that. There are a lot of economists of the Austrian school (the good guys) who saw that and wrote about it. But today Trump is showing us how to GET IT DONE!
“.. economists of the Austrian school (the good guys) …”
That is why I listed Mises on Money by Gary North. North does a good job of making Mises understandable for the ‘casual’ reader.
I worked for two companies, great companies, that were decimated by KKR, and eventually parted out to the highest bidders. Lots of people lost their livelihoods, if not their houses, and, in some cases, their marriages (and a couple of folks “offed” themselves).
And KKR laughed all the way to the bank. There’s a special place in HELL for them.
They also destroyed Owens-Illinois (glass producer), shutting down US plants to open ones in Mexico and South America…
Many people think, gee, it’s great to get foreign investors to rebuild our infrastructure. Problem is, the “furriners” effectively OWN IT. And what happens in the case of a war, or other issues?
We’re seeing that here in Germany: a small community needs some improvements that are beyond its means (because MERDE-KEL is busy helping incipient terrorists), so they get outside help. Then, a few years later, they realize the physical plant isn’t theirs anymore. Problems, maintenance, rates, etc., sorry, talk to the foreign investors/owners…
Bring it ALL BACK.
American Made, American Owned.
P.S. Another example. SEARS, ROEBUCK. An American Institution, part of the fabric of our history.
RUINED by Fast Eddie Lampert… (and he took OSH (Orchard Supply Hardware) down with it…..
Cuppa Covfefe,
Thank you for putting into words what my instinct was telling me.
We need Patriot owned companies with Patriots working in those companies esp. when you are talking CRITICAL materials.
Reagan was fabulous.
Turned around interest rates. Biz took off again like a rocket.
25 million jobs.
401K’s instead of pensions at 4%
(The plan was also to make healthcare individually controlled as well – but private, of course, and transportable from job to job).
Reregulation – probiz attitude.
Done with Carter.
Win after win in foreign policy – except those pesky Nicaraguans.
And an end to the cold war.
Copy and paste all you want. Put guys like Abramoff and Milken in jail, sure – but also jail the idiots who thought bonds could deliver 4 points over market and took the risk.
The 80’s were terrific.
WOW- Gail – what a post!
RE:: “Here is the listing of the Top Officers based on that study. The Financial Core of the Transnational Capitalist Class”
I used to work in the marketing department for one of these companies……the corporate structure was so convoluted to the parent company.
Certainly was in the minority there as a Trump supporter (and always on mute by choice. Additionally with restrictions placed by the company on any contributions/volunteering and digital/social media rules, so I’m wading back into vocalizing my support publicly again- please bear with me, it’s amazing to be free again. I could order a MAGA hat without having to get pre-clearance first.)
It was always interesting to listen to how they positioned themselves post 2016 election – always led with the ‘OMG markets are going to be volatile!!’ scare messaging even though the economy continued to grow (which always surprised them, and always coupled with an ‘in spite of Trump in office’ snark. When they started to announce the new hires headcount was all allocated in Europe (where the parent company is based) with relatively few in the US I could sense a shift.
The research that many of you have posted (on CTH and now here) made it super interesting to observe the events unfold at work and read between the lines. And so accurate that “Trillions of dollars are at stake”.
Left on great terms, to embark on a new path with Mr. MA_kswiss out side of the US, so I no longer observe the snowflakes anymore.
I may seem new, but I have been reading daily and am always super impressed with the ‘think tank’ here.
‘Flep’ Felice LePore is an extraordinary analyst and researcher – and – a super nice encouraging human being and friend.
Flep was the one who kept in touch, sought out and invited Steve and me to Wolfie’s blog after we were cast into the outer darkness OT. Bet he did the same for quite a few others!
Flep’s Blog:
Flep on Twitter: @Baba9773
Today’s post:
Well worth reading and following!
We love our FLEP.
He and Wolfie were the ones I missed first OT.
When Felice came over I did too. I think Sylvia told us.
4. Common Core = no idea why they are so focused and push Common Core.——- To keep them stupid? I mean I see kids who have no idea how to calculate %’s or other things for that matter.
You answered your own question, kea: ‘I mean I see kids who have no idea how to calculate %’s or other things for that matter.’
To bring in foreign workers who are educated.
Good grief. Wonder how long he’ll last.
LOL I know. I was just so shocked at the ‘new math’. It was a she… so who knows.
That’s it! Figured it out!
Dang, now I’m mad
Oh I almost forgot thanks for all this info Flep!!!!!
I think it’s funny that two days after I post a comment, T^3 likes it