This TO-THE-PLACE-“HOLDERS” TUESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.
You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.
Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.
Keep it civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.
Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.
Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:

Our movement
Is about replacing
A failed
Political establishment
With a new government controlled
By you, the American People.
Candidate Donald J. Trump
Also consider Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
Please continue to be vigilant….

Be Vigilant for a News Cycle Changing False Flag Attack in US, UK, France or Italy
Q Post 3077
Q!!mG7VJxZNCI14 Mar 2019 – 10:39:01 PM
Be vigilant at all times.
(US, UK, FR, IT)
See Something.
Say Something.
Narrative change needed.
FAKE NEWS attempting to REBRAND HARMFUL TESTIMONY and instead provide MISLEADING info to their readers.
Be careful. See something – say something.
That said, we want answers about THIS…..
NOTE: Twitter is racing to take down ALL video analysis showing that the “crimes” in New Zealand were a HOAX. While we reserve the right to state the the Government of New Zealand murdered 50 innocent Muslims for politics, we are actively pursuing the idea that they may MERELY be guilty of conspiracy and fraud.
The following video tweets are gone, but we will be adding others in the comments below.
Here is what these tweets looked like AFTER the videos were removed, but before the TEXT was removed:

What these videos showed was that the “post-shooting” video shown by Sky News was actually part of “post-crisis-acting” video. The proof was unassailable. Twitter took it down.
We await further clarification on this matter.
Until then, we continue to believe that Hillary Clinton, John Podesta and the government of New Zealand are responsible for every one of these murders, and we will work to find the proof.

I’m looking at the backfield in motion and hoping wolf has a recent backup and at least an idea and/or placeholder for a backup site.
Twitter just deleted the videos that show Sky News was hoaxing.
Oh, man – this just got real. My cited Tweets above are GONE.
Here is an image from one of the videos – Twist-word left it up. But the videos are gone.
Sorry – I’m at war with Twitter, and going to inject every fucking proof of New Zealand’s and Podesta’s CRIMES right here.
Great video reply to another great video. The second is the clincher for me.
First, the curved, white-marked magazine you need to look for, illuminated on the floor. It is ALREADY THERE when he gets there.
They PRODUCED this video. They ARRANGED his entry. But they forgot a mag laying on the floor of the hallway for some reason. ONE MAG already there. He picks it up on the way out.
Here are the videos. Definitely worth watching.
That’s his entry into the mosque…so, if upon entry there’s already evidence of a staged incident before he ever got to the other room it’s all fake. You can’t have it both ways.
Exactly. He had already been in there WITH at least some of his equipment and arranged things.
The high quality of the video allows not only that we can see the mag on the floor, but also that what looks like pooled blood is actually something else – like a garment.
I’m fairly certain he was shooting blanks. All staged.
The videos that Twitter took down are DAMNING. Those are the ones that people need to see. They show that Sky News LIED.
I read somewhere that they’ve already put a kid in jail for having a copy of a video. If this thing is fake all the way through, that just really makes me mad!
We are starting to see the desperation of the cabal and their lackeys (ESPECIALLY their lackeys) who are being thrown under the Cankle Bus and the Scooby Van.
I was going to link a video but on second thought..if you can stand watching a real shooting massacre go to youtube Full video of Nairobi mall massacre reveals terror, gunmen shooting shoppers
A comparison video, it’s graphic. It shows at point shows a man already on the ground presumably shot getting shot again. His body moves involuntarily. Another man is trying to hide, prone on the floor..he’s shot probably dead right away but his leg moves.
In the video of the mosque shooting the dog pile of people supposedly being shot…nobody moves. It’s fake. It’s revolting that they’re getting away with this.
Very much agreed. I think I reacted at first like most people. I had my doubts, but I saw the full NZ video. At first it’s pretty shocking – but further examination just doesn’t sniff right.
I think I owe Sadie an apology. I think she was right – it’s FAKE. There are just things wrong with it that poke and squirm until they make their way into words of disbelief.
I think they counted on everyone being too stunned, horrified, and squeamish to closely examine the video. Once again, they underestimated Anons who have spent 10+ years looking at worse on the chans. The video was widely shared without problems for several hours after the shooting, then people started closely examining it once the initial shock wore off, and that’s when they went into super censorship “we’ll throw you in jail for possessing this” mode. I don’t know why they expected any other outcome. It’s obvious from the music and memes that they wanted this video to spread, and now they’re being forced to censor their own work.
Which is why they’re after the Chans most of all.
No mention of shutting down Facebook live stream.
It was the first time in the history of Facebook that someone was able to stream copyrighted music for 17 minutes.
Sadie, that should tell us all we need to know.
They added and subtracted things from the video. I bought it as real, too. I saw stuff that made me believe, even as I saw stuff that made me think it was fake. It was genius how they pulled us in.
Bastards. I HATE being manipulated.
So my first reaction and post about it being faked, which you posted a retractment on my behalf, is now (possibly) been discovered to be a hoax?
That’s what I thought, but didn’t want to say when I brought the video over a couple of days ago. My comment where I said, “didn’t want to debate the shooting…” – bodies getting pounded by bullets do all kinds of strange things – involuntarily. The guy shot the same bodies over and over again, and then returned to the same room. The room should have been covered in blood stains, blood splatter and as good a video has it was showing him shooting, and black clothed people lying in piles, why can’t we see a blood-drenched room?
I don’t have the answers, but it doesn’t fit what we’d normally see in a massacre of this type.
Is it actually being known now as a fake event? Where are the mourners, the memorials, the crying and public grief. Color me confused.
Give no quarter!
Take no prisoners!
Video on the Q board at the time I’m writing this shows the grid lines of the rifle (painted #) matching up perfectly with the painted parking lines on the street. Anon speculates it was used for whatever video editing/graphics production was needed.
Can’t open your link. Can’t open voat. Gab has lost wolf for me. Grrrrrrr
Hey OZZY, what are you hearing on the ground over there?
They always make a mistake, don’t they?
But who the hell feels sorry for them. They have been playing the victim whilst being the aggressors for so long
Can’t load voat but there was a pic of the gunmans weopon with the number 14 and a fish and Podesta with 14 drawn on one palm and a fish on the other
Full 16:55 minute video: [video src="" /]
Manifesto .pdf:
I figure that the Wayback Machine is safe to link to, but feel free to delete if you think it will attract unwanted attention.
In other news, Salem/TownHall/HotAir just absorbed PJ Media.
Yeah, this is not good.
The nevertrumpers are consolidating.
“The nevertrumpers are desperate and dying”
Fixed it for ya 😉
Thank you, Michael.
I like your statement much better!
He’s right. It means they’re weak and have lost much ground since the early days of the Obama era.
ARGH! Money talks every time.
I remember PJ from its inception, back when Charles Johnson was still on board. When they switched from the old format to the new one, the site lost something. It was far less poster/member-oriented after the switch to the magazine format, and the life went out of the site. There were many GREAT posters who just went away.
Roger Simon is OK, and it is nice to have his perspective. But it is one of those sites where you can easily skip a few days or even weeks, and not miss it. Hot Air is similar. At one point it was essential, then they made some fancy changes (and IIRC lost Malkin). Does it still exist? I will check out of curiosity.
Hot Air was my go to place during the SOTUs in Barry’s regime. The live commenting was smart and funny and helped make it a little more bearable. Then they changed their commenting format and eliminated a LOT of their regular visitors.
Haven’t been back there in about 3 years.
Guess PJ media is now gone for me. my web go to sites are reduced to The Q Tree, Gab, Voat, Qmap, the Chans and the various Christian sites I enjoy. I deleted Fox from my favorites yesterday . pretty soon if nothing is done to stop this we wont have much left to find the truth. The web has become the communists echo chamber. SAD
Just a heads up … I’m watching Kennedy on FoxBusiness and they’re talking about Slow Jeb Bush wanting a republican to run against President Trump to primary him so President Trump will lose the 2020 election … 🤬 .. like how creepy bill clinton won when pat Buchanan did that …. 😑
That loser is a serious numb-nuts … (I have better words but … 😌🤨) … looking forward to the *hit hitting the fan on that loser .. good Lord have mercy on all our wonderful patriots …
… and …
Holy SHIT!
And time to declare WAR on New Zealand unless they turn over the government officials who approved this HOAX!!!
with ya Wolfie!!! It.Is.time.
Hear Hear!
You mean like this person?
What’s with all the TRANNIES? Did planet Commie get a deal on GUYS and they have to run half of them as CHICKS now?
Oh, I mean….”Look at that FACE!!!” 😉
Seriously, that one has the worst case of GUY FACE I’ve seen in a long time.
hahaha IKR !?
Supposedly she’s had child but c’mon…I’m a real life female and never had that happen. None of my friends has ever had their clothes make it look like they had male parts.
Creeps me out
“Her” face clearly looks like a male face – not just in the surface appearance, but the underlying structure.
And she looks like an NPC…with ears!
I remember thinking to myself the other night when she was giving that first presser after the shooting…
‘She looks like a little boy’.
It was just one of those fleeting little thoughts at the moment.
But now that I see that video of her ‘package’ showing while she walks…I’m like, Yep! She’s another one.
LOL, you know there is a crazy fringe element out there that believes there are some sort of alien ppl or hybrids causing trouble..she kinda fits the profile!
I’ve got a much better aliens conspiracy theory than hybrids – I’ll share it some time when we get knocked hard by something that just doesn’t get explained any other way. Until then, I think we just have to assume that there is some reason for the trans agenda and pedo agenda that makes sense – and I think a corrupt cabal of satanic Luciferians will do just fine! 😀
Honestly, Molly, I’m starting to wonder. I watch Mark Zuckerburg and think the dude is either an alien, a pod person, some type of hybrid….there is something wrong there.
I have that sense more and more often these days. I’ll be watching someone and think wow, that person is just not right.
Argh. I haven’t watched the video. I may not. Just reading about it is sufficient for me for now. But I reacted the same way when I saw her. I thought what a homely gal, she looks like a guy.
Make it stop. I just want everyone to go back where they belong. I am tired of the trans thing. Just make it go away.
Need some eye bleach. The LGBT movement takes on a whole new meaning now.
Yep. I’m tired of their useless “package deals”…
Here are three verses that the libtards get wrong, each and EVERY time, and are effectively shaking their SJW fists at GOD in defiance of HIM:
Genesis 1:26-28:
I think Andrew would be loving this President…and the Q movement!
I still miss him.
We were robbed of a great warrior.
And I still think he was murdered.
I agree. His case is clearly very similar to Scalia. They’re all about the plausibility. That’s why you can’t give them any. CANNOT. They are just waiting for it.
Communist SLIME.
I am just unloading on this Podestoid!
“Memes are important.”
This New Zealand PM looks to me like Theresa May produced a love child with Tony Blair.
Ffs. Now I’ll never get that picture out of my head
This twitter feed has videos showing almost everybody is a tranny …even Ivanka and Donald Trump. Total BS
One of the comments on the video. Interesting angle….
“[They] seem obsessed with trying to trick us, confuse us and blur gender lines.”
And wouldn’t you know it her “partner” is a television personality who’s name is Clarke Gayford.
This twitter feed is CREEPY! With videos showing almost everybody is a tranny …even Ivanka and Donald Trump.
reading the comments under the tweet, someone claims it is the “bottom of her body armor” and “Michele Obama has the same problem.” Since I’ve never worn or seen “female body armor” I cannot make a judgement…anyone with any knowledge of this?
PAT!!!! We have missed you!!! so good to see ya again!! 😘😘😘
thank you…I’m always here–you hear a windchime somewhere?–that’s me giggling at something…lol
😉😎🍌🍌🍌 Found the banana emoji and needed to use it!!! 😉 Did you by chance see that video of Tucker hecklers dressed like bananas? Never could figure out why they picked bananas? But it totally made me think of you!!!
Hey, Pat, sharing a banana, but not from Walmart. Sorry. Lol.
I began boycotting the walmart in NY after the whole banana thing and only recently stopped in (because we were in the area). I went to the bananas and lo and behold, the unbanded bananas were back! some gentleman picked up a few and separated out what he wanted and, me being me, I said…you’re welcome…nodding to the bananas…LOL. I freed the bananas! I sang out…we CAN make a difference!!
yeah I’m not allowed back there for a while…
There you are — you’ve been greatly missed!
very sweet of you!
Big Mikes brother from another mother ??
Straight out of the Streets of San Francisco!
Upchuck sicko.
Mark Gilbert, U.S. Ambassador to New Zealand, May 12, 2015 – January 20, 2017
Matthew Barzun, U.S. Ambassador to United Kingdom, December 4, 2013 – January 18, 2017
John Berry, U.S. Ambassador to Australia, September 25, 2013 – September 2016
Any others?
Now THAT figures. And THAT is why they’re helping CANKLES now!
Ah, this makes SENSE!
Please do share!
One of the oddities to me, is the use of “Five Eyes” access to classified information in UK, Australia and New Zealand, but NOT Canada. Not that I have seen
Seems as though it would be easy to slip into Canada and return without detection.
Perhaps politicos with nefarious intentions have been slipping in / out of Canada to view classified information, scheme on U.S / President Trump. But not reported, again, as I have not seen anyway.
Odd to me.
Adding to list…
Bruce Alan Heyman, U.S. Ambassador to Canada, April 8, 2014 – January 20, 2017
… and …
The Constitution doesn’t say anything about ‘tax returns’ being a requirement for Presidential candidates!
The state of Washington cannot dictate the requirements for a Presidential election.
Not legally, that is.
Our President may have to send in the DHS to the state of Washington, to take over the operations of the Presidential election there.
Either that, or the state of Washington’s election Will Not Be Included in the national results.
I’m all for that 🤨👍‼️
I mean really .. the NERVE …
I’m eagerly peering out through the curtains hoping to see tanks rolling down the street. C’mon in boys! I’ll show you where to park!
Seriously, Washington is in the grip of a total Commie take over. And the AG is a horrible Commie salivating for Jay Inslee to leave so HE can get to the Governor’s Mansion. They are total resistance leaders, and idiots, and soy boys through and through.
“I’ll show you where to park…” LOL
Tanks park wherever they want to.
One could say that it’s not a tankless task that they do…
Tanks for the memories…
Or, to paraphrase Oliver, for what we are about to receive, may we be truly tankful…
You’d better tread lightly with those puns. Someone might think you have Turret’s syndrome only with puns.
I am ok with what the State of Washington did. I mean, the more the radical left feels that they need to do in order to win, the better. The more evidence that we can use to point out the hypocracy, the easier it gets to wake people up and the closer we get to actual real push back.
Let the Dems continue this slippery slope left and downward. They keep trying to out “do” each other. Just like abortion, which kept getting more and more radical all the way to today’s infanticide laws, this will follow the same path. First, lefty States went after the Electoral College, now Trump’s taxes, tomorrow it will be something even more crazy and stupid.
Look, Washington State is a lost cause anyhow. Folks there that will vote for Trump will still do so as a write in.
And exclude California with drive by / drop off ballots?
you guys should realize all the things that HR1 bill will do – illwgals votig 16 year old voting no provisional ballots everything goes in the main box no vettig info, tax returns mandatory, limits on judges and appointments…
the states are desperate now to get some of the items passed on state levels in case it does not get anywhere in washington. but what its real purpose was to get the states the idea what they needed to get passed in case it never went anywhere in dc. and it was passed by the house remember.
but in my mind if we even get to election we are all in serious trouble.
Whoa. USAmbassadors!!!!!!!!
I know, right? I never once thought of that angle. Should have. I think Chris Stevens was Hillary’s little henchman that should have been clue number one, but I just didn’t think about it.
The dots are connecting faster and faster!!
Heck, if McCain was in on it, so were Romney and McMullin (C_A) and a whole bunch of others.
Hope the NeverTrump Utahns have not gotten to Huber!!
You know, my jaw literally dropped when I heard that. I keep thinking I am beyond surprise, and then boom! something else comes up and I realize I still have the capacity to be surprised and repulsed by what our government has been doing.
I wonder if John Huntsman is one of them?
Bet he is.
“Meghan McCain’s fellow conservative co-host on The View is rallying to her side and attacking Donald Trump – even though her father is the president’s ambassador to Russia.”
“CONservative co-host?
“I keep thinking I am beyond surprise, and then boom! something else comes up and I realize I still have the capacity to be surprised and repulsed by what our government has been doing.”
I’m surprisingly slow that way.
Despite my parents warning me about Communist subversion of government/Hollywood/education/hierarchical churches, etc., when I was a kid 40, 50 years ago, and with me reading at least a couple of major books every decade since that each totally shocked and red-pilled on this or that, I STILL feel my jaw hit the ground by all the new revelations with this stuff.
Time for me to stand up, buckle on my big boy belt, and finally internalize Diana West’s lessons:
i.) The Communists had their hooks into this country in a major way in the 30s and 40s, under Roosevelt. In certain institutions, like the New York City teachers’ unions, even by the 20s.
ii.) Corruption that is not cleaned out thoroughly only spreads, like dark rot spreading in a neglected basket of fruit.
iii.) With their largely successful effort to gaslight the country with the “witchhunt” fake news, and to demonize the patriotic Sen. McCarthy with the anti-concept of “McCarthyism”, Communists held their ground, and shifted to a dominant position in the culture wars by the 50s. Key aspects of this process were that neither Truman nor Eisenhower would tell the American people the key learnings from the FBI wiretaps, Venona decrypts, etc., and that FBI investigations and Justice Dept prosecutions of Washington officials, high and low, were successfully scrubbed.
iv.) Since the 50s they have pressed their advantage, dismantling or corrupting institution after institution of the nation’s social immune system (HUAC, Sen. McCarthy’s subcommittee, James Angleton’s CIA counterintelligence department, FBI counterintelligence, anti-Communist Catholic priests, etc.) So, prior to November 2016, we have been mostly undefended.
v.) They have enormous manpower, and have dupes helping them all around the country and the world.
It worked so well for the Commies that now the Muslims are doing it! Michele Bachmann was the McCarthy several years ago and was laughed at and shamed for trying to get our attention. Now we have Omar and Tlaib.
Back in the 70s when “Palestinians” and other Middle Easterners were really cranking up the terrorism, a lot of them went to training camps in the Soviet Union, run either by the KGB or by the GRU (Soviet military foreign intelligence) to learn how to bomb, shoot, do secret communications, etc.
That not only gave the Sovs the opportunity to control the narrative, locations, and pace of the terror campaigns, but gave them a chance to coopt group members onto the Communist bandwagon, or even sneak their own Communist fake Muslims, from the Soviet Muslim lands in Central Asia or the Caucasus, into the terror groups.
The result is that, after all these decades, most of the “jihadist” organizations are believed to be fake, with their puppet strings pulled from Moscow, and I’ve seen claims that as much as 90% of “jihad” terrorism is controlled by Moscow.
(Not to in anyway imply that Islam does not mandate jihad, or that real jihad does not exist — it does, and it does, as anyone who has studied real Islamic scripture and history knows.)
A lot of young Muslim radical males, who expect to die and meet their 72 virgins, after killing or being killed in the course of waging jihad fi sabilillah (holy war in the path of Allah) are in for a big surprise as they approach those pearly gates, and find out their claim to jannat (heaven) is rejected because the organization they were working for was secretly run out of the Aquarium in Moscow by atheists on Putin’s team.
My private hunch is that the Communist infiltration campaign against jihadist organizations is the actual reason that dirty little weasel Panetta made Soebarkah leave his golf game and come into the WH sit room to oversee the SEAL operation against Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden himself was someone whose experience with jihad grew out of organizing the resistance against the Sovs in Afghanistan. So he was maybe the last domino standing among real Muslim terror leaders who wasn’t working directly for the Moscow-Peking Axis, or for one of its satellites (e.g. Tehran.)
With Bin Laden’s death, his lieutenant rose to head up the al-Queda organization, and he had gotten his start in the Soviet training camps, and is said to be a tool.
So politically Panetta and Rodham are pure Communists, and so were just following orders. ValJar, by contrast, is a Muslim as well as a Communist, so she had mixed feelings about participating in the killing of اخي (Arabic for “her brother”) Osama.
Her subordinate in the Oval Office, Soebarkah, is a Muslim, a Communist, as well as an amateur golfer, so he had mixed feelings, too.
Plus, his game is really lousy, and needs all the practice it can get. So that was working against his attendance in the sit room as well.
Thankfully Covadonga. I guess I knew about the Soviets and Muslims but had forgotten most of it. Thanks for the reminder.
UFB…U.S. Ambassadors!
When Mueller hoax finally over (report to Barr), the bad guys best get zero kid glove treatment.
Everyone of these @sshats needs the 4AM wake up call.
very coordinated. Take a dozen down at a wack.
9AM press conference laying out the details.
Total transparency.
Hello, Samantha Power.
Was there anyone not involved with trying to bring our POTUS down? just wondering.
I’m told there’s some billionaire dude named “Donald Trump” who isn’t trying to take the President down. Other than that–I don’t know of anyone.
New Q post …. “official” pictures of the bad guys …
SOME…. of the “bad guys”
MOAR to come!
Yes! Darn shame there’s so many of the bum! 😠🤨‼️❤️❤️❤️🇺🇸❤️❤️❤️❤️
…. bums … 😑
Good night/morning … and God bless y’all ❤️
Snoopy is the best!
I LURVE Snoopy‼️❤️
The fight is upon us!
GLOUCESTER: Where is the king?
BEDFORD: The king himself is rode to view their battle.
WESTMORELAND: Of fighting men they have full three score thousand.
EXETER: There’s five to one; besides, they all are fresh.
SALISBURY: ’tis a fearful odds.
WESTMORELAND: O that we now had here
But one ten thousand of those men in England
That do no work to-day!
KING HENRY V: What’s he that wishes so?
My cousin Westmoreland? No, my fair cousin:
If we are mark’d to die, we are enow
To do our country loss; and if to live,
The fewer men, the greater share of honour.
God’s will! I pray thee, wish not one man more.
By Jove, I am not covetous for gold,
Nor care I who doth feed upon my cost;
It yearns me not if men my garments wear;
Such outward things dwell not in my desires.
But if it be a sin to covet honour,
I am the most offending soul alive.
No, faith, my coz, wish not a man from England.
God’s peace! I would not lose so great an honour
As one man more methinks would share from me
For the best hope I have. O, do not wish one more!
Rather proclaim it, Westmoreland, through my host,
That he which hath no stomach to this fight,
Let him depart; his passport shall be made,
And crowns for convoy put into his purse;
We would not die in that man’s company
That fears his fellowship to die with us.
This day is call’d the feast of Crispian.
He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
Will stand a tip-toe when this day is nam’d,
And rouse him at the name of Crispian.
He that shall live this day, and see old age,
Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
And say ‘To-morrow is Saint Crispian.’
Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars,
And say ‘These wounds I had on Crispian’s day.’
Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot,
But he’ll remember, with advantages,
What feats he did that day. Then shall our names,
Familiar in his mouth as household words-
Harry the King, Bedford and Exeter,
Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester-
Be in their flowing cups freshly rememb’red.
This story shall the good man teach his son;
And Crispin Crispian shall ne’er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in England now-a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs’d they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.
We few, we happy few…we Banned Q-Treepers!
Awesome .. 🤨👍❤️‼️‼️‼️‼️🇺🇸❤️
*like* * a lot*
Thank you for that Michael .
Western civilization I bow to thee. All honor to the men and women who built thee. May I ever stand in defense of thy glories!
Thank you, MichaelH.
It feels like we’ve been waiting forever for Zero [0].
…. 😳 … must sleep 😴💤💤💤 … but
Ni Ni Miss Nikki, Sweet Dreams.😍 Butterfly 🦋 right behind you😴💤
Sweet dreams to you also sweetie ❤️
I love it! Thank you! And sleep tight, knowing there will be NO DEALS!!! 😉
Interesting angle. I thought that Conway was SPOOKED out of staying in the process, and that FITS with the idea that he was worried about scrutiny of some kind. But I think that was NeverTrump sabotage, that they SNOOKERED HIM. They worked on some ALINSKY FEAR to keep him out.
This is how NT tried to keep talented people from joining the Trump administration. Obviously they largely failed, but I think that in some cases, like Hubs of Kellyanne, they succeeded.
Known as the “Elves” that worked with Matt Drudge to expose stuff back in the day……
George Conway (Hubs), Ann Coulter, Laura Ingraham were all part of a GOPe cabal during Paula Jones/Clinton scandal……
BTW…. Ann Coulter introduced the Conways.
laura ingraham is another you can trust about as far as you can throw her.
George Conway has been going around saying President Trump is a narcissist and getting worse. He is very disrespectful of his wife and his President.
George is an ass. If he were my husband, he would be sleeping outside, on a hard rock.
No pie either!
Calling Sylvia. Bring your shovel.
Maybe Mr Kelly Ann is a Distraction Plant–YOU ARE WATCHING A MOVIE!
Some details given here, about Nunes’ lawsuit against Twatter.
I know…it’s Martha McCallum. Sorry.
But the info is good.
Video uploaded by TrumpFanNetwork on Mar 18, 2019.
Asset seizures from PDJT’s December executive order are now up to 1269 pages:
I’m wondering if the Deep State is running out of dirty funds to do their false flags, which is why they are planned so poorly.
Yup! That’s my read, too. NZ is falling apart as we speak!
That’s a good possibility seems like. Now with this latest one they’ve almost solely relied on their propaganda arm to pump up the volume and to censor proof.
One day I wish local media outlets would just say no and not go along.
Baier and Shemp trying to take the Judge down 😤 😠 😡
They’re a couple of bums … 🤬
Catching up where I am able. I missed that video about the mosque set up. No wonder nz is trying to censor and arrest everyone. Zerohedge is banned and they still are after gab n 8chan. If mr gil had seen any of the videos he couldve given a helpful opinion. Ill have him see the latest.
My ER trip was better than expected. Kiddo has a long history of upper respiratory infections that shouldve cleared by now(he had an urgent surgery last spring) but started wheezing this am. Long story short, he was checked for severe illness but has really bad croup. Long night staying partially awake tonight to watch for airway emergency but so far he is ok. Its otter pops, legos, and cartoons tomorrow. ☺
Good to hear it’s OK, but croup is hard and scary! Sorry for you, but glad it’s getting better.
Hes really too old for it but here it is. They gave him a steroid which helps for a day. He gets some sleep which is a good thing. Couldve been strep or rsv so croup is not the worst!
Gil, I am sorry to hear your kiddo is going through this…and you too.
I know how we moms tend to suffer along with our kiddos.
You may already know this…but having had bronchitis as a kid myself, and still bothered with bouts of it…I’ve learned that you have to keep the mucous attacks dried up.
If that glup is allowed to build up, then it can lead to an infection.
They make Mucinex for little ones.
It works pretty good…in case you may not have tried it already.
I don’t like taking drugs, but my doc has told me:
“You got to keep that shit dried up or you will get an infection!”
Generic guaifenesin works too, which is the active ingredient in Mucinex.
But Mucinex is the one that has the flavored tabs for kids.
Great information wheatie .. (❤️) …. God bless you
Guaifenesin actually thins secretions, loosens phlem and allows you to cough it out. It is the Dextromethorphan HBr that is the anti-hystamine/cough suppressant that dries you up.
I had the dubious pleasure of making pilot plant batches of the generic guaifenesin with codiene for FDA testing. GACK! Try tasting that stuff for 10 hrs because it is airborne and get under/through your mask. It is not dangerous so we did not have to go full hazmat.
Yep, build-up of mucous is nasty, and causes all kinds of problems.
In my case, it is ear infections.
If you have any allergies, it is important to treat them aggressively. And to use all natural means to mitigate them, too.
Local honey used daily helps a lot. Apple cider vinegar helps with over-production of mucous, too. Hepa filters on vacuums and any heat/ac source, too.
Oooohhh! I am gonna make your day. As someone who used to battle with frequent sinus infections and several bouts of bronchitis, I finally discovered the BEST way to win the battle. It’s cheap, it’s easy to do, and you can do it at home.
Here’s an example of what one looks like:
Thank you so very much for this info. One of my boys suffers so much with allergies and sinus infections that when he was in his twenties, EMTs called into the hospital and gave them a heads up on bringing 23 year old male possible stroke victim. DIL was riding in front with driver and heard this. Thank God, it was not a stroke, but a very severe sinus infection.
He’s had sinus surgery, allergy tests indicate he is allergic to nearly everything. So allergy shots. I’m going to purchase this for him. DIL has him on very clean eating regime and meds.
Jane – that is indeed scary and hopefully this can provide some relief. I first learned about it when visiting a Salt Cave in Denver. You sit in a calming room and actually inhale the tiny salt particles. I left feeling great and by the time I got home, started coughing all the garbage out of my lungs. It was amazing.
Another product you can get for your son is Alkalol. It’s a nasal wash, all natural, and helps clear nasal passages better than anything. I should get a big commission for all the business I’ve sent their way. The stuff works!
Thanks bunches Katie.
We were all down in MO visiting our other kids, and our then future DIL and he drove down. They got rear ended after exiting the interstate, so son thought how he felt had something to do with that. He went to sleep, his 13 years older sister went up to check on him, came down and called an ambulence. His dad and I followed in another car, while his fiance rode in the front of the ambulence. I don’t think I ever prayed so hard in mylife except when he got stuck during delivery.
I’ve always believed that the salt air at the ocean beach was better for you than anywhere else. If correct, that’s why so many people want to live next to the ocean.
I believe that also. There is even a positive difference in the air here in the midwest on the rare occasions when the Gulf Stream brings in moisture. I can actually smell it and comment on it to my weather buff DH.
Normally his comment is about the Gulf Stream air.
Lol. Okay thx. They never want them to take anything anymore, but he is one that has to. He made it through the night ok. Weather is sunny and warm today so it helps. Plus flu season is basically done. He should be ok in a few days. Sucks when primary dr wont see them, but er had everything done in a few hours.
It might be standard proceedure now, but I don’t know if your doctors told you. No milk until it all clears up. It increases the flem. Our old school pediatrition was emphatic on that. God bless.
Gil – see my reply to wheatietoo below if you are looking for natural treatments.
Sending my best wishes for your son’s recovery.
Happy to hear at least it’s on the upswing……hopefully you are able to get some more rest to counter the lost sleep.
God bless and heal him
In Jesus name amen
I bind all illness and cast it out right now. I loose the miraculous healing power of the Lord. I thank and praise you Lord for healing Miss Gil’s child completely and immediately. Wrap your loving arms around them both, give them rest, comfort, and peace, in Jesus’ Name, Amen!
Aw Gil, thinking of you both and dad too. Hope he sleeps through the night and is feeling better tomorrow.
Prayers for you and your whole family Gil.
Hope he’s ok. Look after yourself too. Caring is stressful
Gil, thanks for checking in and letting us know how your son is doing. Poor kid. And the ER is horrible so I was sending you sympathetic vibes along with a prayer.
hope your kiddo gets better and hope you can get some much needed rest as well!
You take care Gil, we are with you 100% .. always
God bless you and your loved ones …
Numbers 6:24-26 New King James Version (NKJV)
24 “The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
26 The Lord [a]lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.” ’
Poor kid! I’m sorry he is sick.
Does he have allergies? My youngest had un-diagnosed allergies to molds. We live in such a dry climate that it is only a problem on rare occasions, which is why it was missed.
I hope you have a better day today!
I LOVE the fact that we have one sick child and 20+ moms, grandmas, dads, and grandpas, rush to the comment section for the safety and security of “OUR” one precious babe.
America as it should be.
God Bless!
It is pretty great, isn’t it?
Aubergine, it is!
I have this visual in my head. One child coughs, and all of a sudden 20+ people are examining the child with a magnifying glass. We have every home remedy and prescription possible, and 20 sets of arms to rock thee child to sleep…. or, if we need to “walk the floor” with the child, we can do that too.
It’s a beautiful thing.
Seriously. Advice and input is just a click away! Thanks everyone. 😚☺☺
Is it ok to post from the 8chan link?
Yes, but WordPress sends a LOT of them into spam on purpose! It’s their PC spam filter!
I get them out of spam whenever I go into there.
Uh-oh 😮
Well this post ..
Anonymous 03/18/19 (Mon) 19:51:35 9de6a4 (2) No.5761298
File (hide): faf469344ef2f66⋯.jpg (3.87 MB, 3501×2917, 3501:2917, 031819_T_4854e.jpg) (h) (u)
Has a big picture ..
The Day of Reckoning is Here
In The Coming Days We Will be Fighting for Our Country
Justice is Coming – Justice Will be Served
POTUS Made A Promise – MAGA – He Intends to Keep It
POTUS Tweet (T-4854), with Q-Drops(1104,348,520,314,72,37,44,352,1175,2516, etc)
💤💤💤💤💤 …❤️
You’re awesome wolf 🐺🤨❤️
wow. great find Nikkichico7
This is from the 8chan link in, lots of information/posts and scrolling past stuff … 😐
you are more daring than I…….I want to click into there because I’m curious, but I’m afraid of the knowledge of what I won’t be able to ‘unsee’…..
I scroll … a … lot … 😑👍
“The day of reckoning is here.”
Reading and watching unsealed indictments, arrests, declas / release docs, texts can’t come too soon.
We need accountability / justice…
Has anyone seen any updates on the plane deal? My friend has been stuck for days trying to get back home to Tx. She and her child flew out here on stand-by using employee perk. After 4 days they finally got to AZ but will have to stay overnight there for a supposedly sure flght tomorrow.
I’m supposed to fly to Tn Sunday. Hoping it will go according to plans.
I’ve heard nothing so I can assume the Max 8/9 are still grounded, with investigation ongoing.
Twitter HAS been busy.
They remove the tweets, but leave a ghosted tweet on the user’s feed so they don’t know its gone unless they actively watch. Sneaky.
[hope this embeds the feed]
Looks like any Twitter users need to make sure to number their tweets.
Good point.
they can do this with any site you are on, especially if you are “logged in”.
they can show you different items by geolocating your IP address…
etc, etc… you can fill in the blanks. but the amount of manipulation is endless.
Found this over at Qresearch; file this under ‘small world’:
Sally Yates’ son moved to Christchurch, NZ last year…in March 2018.
Her son, Quill Yates graduated from Colby college in 2017.
He went to NZ to play on a semi-pro rugby team.
Article from the Colby College paper, ‘The Colby Echo’:
————- From the article:
“…Rugby is a club sport at Colby, and a vast majority of the team’s members come into college with little to no experience with the sport, including Yates, who had never touched a rugby ball until coming to Colby. Soon after joining the club during his freshman year, however, Yates realized that he had found his calling.”
[ … ]
“Yates was put in touch with the manager of the Linwood Rugby Club and, after talking with him on the phone, was offered a spot on the Division 1 team in Christchurch. …”
Hmm…I can’t help but wonder if Sally Yates arranged this, as a way of getting her son out of the country before things started hitting the fan here.
Yup, OR she is planning on using him as her anchor to get into NZ herself.
NZ has a similar migration system to Aus – direct family members being citizens/resident accrue “mucho” points to the applicant family member.
As I said previously, NZ was in the news as a very desirable bolt hole for progressives wishing to flee post the election of PDJT. Many silicon valley types were mouthing off about their plans to go to NZ, and apparently much property was purchased.
Yes, and all the rich Americans were buying real estate and building bunkes there. And didn’t RBG say if PDJT was elected she was “going to New Zealand?” or am I just tired and misremembering????
Your memory serves you well – the Hill reported this.
So maybe you are not really tired, just tired of waiting for JUSTICE??? 🙂
Well, that too! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Hmmm. And then we have them all in one place…. what was that old lawyer joke…
Dr. Christine Blasely Ford was also going to move there.
One of the NZ news sites has such a wonderful lovely story on her back when she first courageously came out.
she said in that story she remembered Kanenaugh the moment Trump was announced as the winner…
Rats scurrying off the ship … but this ship is titanium and brass 🤨👍❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️
She probably also “arranged” his admi$$ion to Colby. And for some bizarre reason she “arranged” for his name to be Quill. Quill? Okey dokey.
Man, oh man…the New Zealand connections just keep on coming don’t they? What on earth is going on on that island nation? I’ll bet that there’s a lot more to come…
They turned toxic when they decided that they wouldn’t allow US nuclear powered warshipss into their waters. wtf. Have they not heard of anzus? They went really lefty and green and sjw . They accept the fake reffos that Australia rejects. Those fools don’t even have an airforce anymore. I think they think they are too far from anything to be coveted. Fools are importing their own doom with endless muslims and islanders. The islanders adopt at any age and get entry under family reunion. OTOH islanders are big,(think Jason Mamoa), and don’t take a lot of shit from anyone. Not the brightest crayons in the box though. Prime recruits for Islam as it attracts the bears of very little brain
“Fools are importing their own doom”
Sure sounds like it. And importing extremely wealthy globalists and leftists will only hasten the process.
NZ also banned US Navy ships unless we declared the ship was nuke weapons free.
Which of course we never “confirmed or denied” presence of nuke weapons on our ships.
Quillian is her maiden name.
This was once a noble Georgia family – spawning over 50 preachers over several generations in the Methodist church. I am related by marriage and one of my children carries the Q name.
My apologies GA/FL … I’m sorry and regret my dumb post … very much
Hey – no problem. They used to tease and make fun of names that started with Q. Now it’s cool – thanks to Q!
SQ Yates has disgraced the family name for sure.
Well thank you for your gracious response, I appreciate it ❤️
It’s a shame when that happened but sometimes there’s a clinker in families, but you’re a keeper 😉👍❤️
It used to be a very common thing for a son in a family to bear the maiden name of the mother.
I have seen WAY more unusual names than Quill in genealogical research!
Takes a smart person to untangle and understand geneaology. I’ve known several experts, but I’m not one. Get confused with 2nd cousins twice removed, etc.
We are so glad you are willing and able to keep us informed about genealogy! Love your posts!
Thank you!
Even though I enjoy reading about people’s family history and kinships, I don’t have your great genealogy brain. As a portrait artist, I enjoy seeing striking family resemblances over the generations. Sometimes, they are almost doubles.
BTW, we are sisters in other ways… CSA childhood trauma.
I am sorry about the abuse. But, it makes us who we are. We can have a special empathy for others because of it.
Funny story about the family resemblance. I research and write with a partner. We met through a family genealogy board. We are distant cousins, our common ancestor is our 6th great-grandfather. That is a long way back.
I went to actually meet her in person a couple of years ago. We spent a few days together. One day, as I am typing away on my computer, she exclaimed “oh my gosh, you have my grand-dad’s hands! That many generations down, and she could see it.
Even funnier, my youngest son has my hands exactly. We can even wear the same rings!
Genetics can be a very strong thing.
II Corinthians 1:3-4!!!
Harry, you crack me up.
Quill. SMH.
This is what Q said we should listen to carefully.
First thing Nunes said, “This is the first of many lawsuits that are coming.”
Oh boy
I also liked this segment; Indictments Are Coming!
5 buckets that they were trying to cover up for, else they’d all hang from nooses 🍿🍿🍿🍿
Be nice to see a “class action” lawsuit against TW, FB and others for shadow banning…
Was just visiting the Rantingly news site. Some major strangeness going on there with how the twitter posts are showing up. Have never seen it like this.
Rantingly is back to normal in how the Tweets are displayed. Things like check marks and the twitter logo, and other standard features on each twitter post, were super-sized and made the whole tweet expanded.
Could have been the Rantingly website itself.
How do you mean? if it’s stylistic, it appears that the site’s css is determining the font choice?
I had not seen these two yet…apologies if they’ve already been posted:

Those are both just AWESOME!
He’s a pasture pie … 💩👍
AND …. love the cartoon, they’re perfect 😉❤️
The “Mad Cow” is a hoot – “shiny enough???” 🙂
We know this, and we know VSG knows this, but it is nice to see the public acknowledgment:
Knowing what we know, now, the playing field of geopolitics has changed dramatically since the election of Donald Trump.
“In 2016, intelligence services of many countries worked against Trump — the United States, Britain, Russia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Australia, Italy, and Ukraine (unfortunately, this list only grows over time). ”
It never made sense, to me anyway, that Putin would want a strong President like Trump to lead the USA.
Putin would have loved Hillary as POTUS, she could be bought. It makes sense.
Here, we see how Christopher Steele was connected to the Skripal poisoning in the UK, and how it’s all related to the election of 2016. The allegation? Skripal was poisoned to cover GRU involvement in the creation of the dossier for Clinton.
Did you know the head of the GRU died at 63…. suddenly?
Read further. The connections are “spooky”.
Wow … the evil is just disgusting ..
I don’t have time to look these up right now…
U.S. Ambassador to _X_ in 2015-2016
Czech Republic
Besides getting the list, we’re also looking for one that is still in their position.
I’m calling dibs on Michael. He’s on my team!!
Jon Huntsman, Jr. is still Ambassador to Russia. Has been since Sept. 2017. Before him, from Nov. 2014 was Anthony Godfrey Chargé d’Affaires ad interim.
holley100 linked this article above about Huntsman daughter slamming the President:
Czech Republic – Andrew H. Schapiro 2014-2017
Estonia – James D. Melville 2015 until he resigned in 2018, over “frustration at remarks made by President Donald Trump about America’s European allies:”
Australia – John Berry 2013-Oct 2016; vacant until Mar 2019
Italy – John R. Phillips 2013-Jan 2017
Ukraine – Geoffrey R. Pyant 2013-Aug 2016
Forgot to add;
Guessing James Melville is a likely suspect.
Oh, and should have added:
Great Britain – Matthew Barzun 2013-Jan 2017
U.N. – Samantha Power 2013-Jan 2017
heard this guy speak in person at a “christian college” because he’s you know, a christian.
i got a pretty negative vibe from him and how he regards and respects the president.
I think I got an answer for you. It appears later on in this thread, as an answer to Phoenix Rising. Like on page 3 of comments.
One tidbit, might be of value.
The National Bolshevik Party, in NZ has a logo that looks like a bicycle wheel with broken spokes. Same logo is on page one of the Manifesto —- when the manifesto is downloaded from the dark web.
Dark web version is 74 pages and includes this first page.
Version we saw, directly after incident, did not include page one and the manifesto only contained 73 pages.
Because the Bolshevik logo is easy to identify in NZ and he would have been deemed a radical nut – instead of a conservative, “white nationalist”, asap.
I heard a joke yesterday after getting more bad news that the boss was riding a bike around in circles in the office and running over people people repeatedly.
He’s running people over on a bike??
Yes, it’s a vicious cycle.
He had me…. for a minute there, he had me.
Is it the Black Sun logo? I saw the version which has it:
“The black sun (German: Schwarze Sonne) is a symbol employed in a post-Third Reich context by neo-Nazis and some occult subcultures, such as Satanism. The symbol first occurs as a design element in a castle remodeled and expanded under Heinrich Himmler during the Nazi era.”
YES, that’s it!
yeah, i had posted that on the thread the night it happened… “it was one of those posts where i said this is the black sun you can look it up if you want to know more” to the consternation of a few 🙂
there are many associations.
the SS castle has always been interesting to me, and it’s been “featured” in several movies and such. in several of the movies they obviously conjur up “spirits” and open “portals” etc… which is rumored to be one of the many many things the Nazis were attempting to do during that time.
not to offend anyone, but the nazi regime was into and GOOD AT quite a bit. they were from the south pole to the north pole. human testing, conjuring portals, anti gravity…
another reason these things interest me is because i’m pretty sure we will all find out that anti gravity, alients, extraterrestrials, whatever you want to call them – we will find out they are real at some point here.
we already know they are but we some (a lot) of us do not want to even admit it.
many christians will not admit it but the basic story of the creator, the heavenly host, the fallen angels with lucifer, the chariots of fire, the giants on earth, the technology the angels bring, and finally the return of christ – all of that can be interpreted the same way.
so it is coming.
andrew, I think you are the reason why I knew what it was. I looked it up when you posted it, I just didn’t remember it was you. So thank you for the new knowledge!
Time to catch some Zzzz’s. Busy day tomorrow.
This was good….
Thanks – Yes, calm, measured and therefore VERY RARE.
Bennett admits he WAS a DC swamp creature since 1981– but he saw the Trump light and changed!!! Bill Bennett is a smart guy and gets it. Apparently his kids get it too!!!
Yes, GA/FL it was good. Thanks for posting it.
Yes, thanks, GA/FL…that was good.
But they both tiptoed around the *real truth*, which is that the media is owned by Globalists who want to destroy Pres Trump.
The Globalists are so desperate to destroy our President, they don’t care if their media puppets lose all credibility in carrying out their directive.
You are so right! As usual. :8-)
Barron Trump will be a teenager tomorrow!
Democrats plan to pack the Supreme Court with more than 12 justices adding more leftist activists, of course.
Leftist propagandists like CNN do not want folks to know that President Trump is greatly loved and respected world-wide.
Trump could pack stadiums world-wide if he wanted to do so!
another one bites the dust…coincidence she was named in the recently released transcripts?
Jumped all the way down here to post this before reading all previous comments. Sorry if this is already noted!!
Took a quick trip OT for recon and found this (Bwahahaha):
farrier105 says:
March 19, 2019 at 5:37 am
Dorsey uses another stunt of accusing people of being bots if they post URLs (links) to support a particular tweet. They pulled this one on me, most likely because of a leftist or Q person accusing me of either being a “Russian bot” (leftist) or “Soros bot” (Q follower). I sent Dorsey a DM as a warning. They were doing this to an individual using his given name to post, not a screen name. The burden of proof that I am a machine and not a human being is on the accuser and Twitter. Dorsey removed the block.
Part of the reason is because I created a run on copies of NATIONAL SUICIDE: MILITARY AID TO THE SOVIET UNION by using it as a source to support Tweets. Amazon had to order a new shipment of the books to keep up with demand. Just one little way this bunch can get a “monkey in the wrench” from a “little person.”
–> you simply cannot make this s#!t up: “…most likely because of a leftist or Q person accusing me of either being a “Russian bot” (leftist) or “Soros bot” (Q follower).”
so he DM’d twitter owner and he immediately got on top of it for him…
damn. farrier105 is a boss!
I jumped down there to mention something about twitter warrior prayingmedic, something has happened to his account that I don’t understand… he is in a kind of timeout??
wow… those links didn’t work… ha… see? twitter is hurting him…..
here is a screen grab instead:
Nothing on his, which seems to be a place holder.
My blood is boiling over the corrupt censorship.
Go to home on the menu or select blog and scroll down the page to find the article links (they are dated). Everything seems to work just fine.
Alternate PM sites: (scroll to bottom for contact info)
Oh…. TY for the links….
I have him bookmarked, and was able to access the account just now:
Whoops, should have broken the link. 🙂
Yes, I was reading PM early (my timezone) this morning, and they mentioned being in some sort of 3 day time out?? I didn’t quite understand myself because I could still ‘read’ it….
He said he can’t follow anyone or like any tweets for 3 days. I’ve never heard of that kind of time out. He can still post his own tweets, though. Very strange.
Maybe TW knows that things are about to come down and a 3 day “pause” would stifle the spread of news through key Q accounts? Timing matches the countdown.
Yeah, it was weird. Still not sure what happened…
PRESIDENT TRUMP’S first tweet of the day!
With all the capitalized words makes me wonder if there isn’t a reckoning on the way against the MSM.
It feels like it’s late innings and our guy is pitching a perfect game.
Yes, Tonawanda! I get that sense, too! 😉
Nunes sues Twinkie and the MSM, as usual, NADA. Nothing. Anything and everything else is a headline including Lie-A-Watha wanting to ditch the Electoral College. Yeah, good luck with that.
“Twinkie” = SPIT!
OMG – they will never be referred to as the Twit again.
Twinkie – I love it!
FB blocks Dan Scavino – President Trump’s social media chief.
Here’s the article from Wa Examiner to back it up. Scavino really was blocked by FB. Excuse from Facebook was “spam”.
President has already tweeted about it.
“I’ll be looking into this. #StopTheBias”
12.8 billion and a Congressman with a 20 page spreadsheet.
Amazing what can happen when we try to solve a problem.
So in another part of my world, I follow the keto lifestyle of eating and one of the people I get direct information from on Instagram is doing a live story right now on how ‘Amazon Arbitrarily Removing Books with Health ‘Misinformation’ ‘ based on an article from the AP (I know I know)
My point for bringing it to THIS group is the Amazon angle…..has anyone else read up on this or have links/info that I can read. The 50ppl on the live feed are all super angry (understandably) and there are parallel comments there that I see here: “we live in strange times’ , ‘something is happening’, ‘this is censorship’…… So I’m witnessing a total cross connection here (not sure these are Qanons or not) but people are WAKING UP and SPEAKING UP and ASKING what do we do? Just thought I’d share this. I feel like it’s like fight club where looking around everywhere you ‘see’ it ALL connected, and others are too. So wild.
Was able to point out the suppression tactics Social/Amazon globalist companies are doing (based off of what I’ve read here) and it helped. So thank you.
Background context: the Instagrumble account is run by one of the first people to ever enter into the Keto publishing space and has many books published and recently had his entire Instagram account WIPED out las year. So he’s aware of the tactics and that nefarious people targeted him, but doesn’t have the background that some of you have to understand the take down that is happening in all aspects of American self sufficiency. (not that I do, I only learn by reading here)
I wouldn’t be surprised if Big Pharma (and the vertically/horizontally [whoreizontally?] -integrated) chemical companies are behind it (looking at YOU Unilever, BASF, Monsanto,etc.).
Gotta keep selling those statins… and the lies that go with them… just a new version of the old medicine shows of the 1800s…
same reason why they are getting rid of “anti vaccine” sites and information, etc.
they are pushing out any kind of outside or independent thinking.
now – do i think the anti vaccine thing is “real” or whatever? not sure.
do i think it COULD be possible? hell yes. absolutely. and if you don’t then you should rethink your opinion because THEY are the ones telling us what to believe.
it’s thought police, it’s anti free speech.
seriously – if you do not like a site get the heck off it. if you don’t want to search for stuff, don’t search. if you just want to go play farmville, go play. don’t bother the rest of us who use the web for whatever and are extremely happy that it has so far been one of the places to exchange info.
i know that time has come, but it’s all these examples. there is NOT ONE LIBERAL PROGRESSIVE GLOBALIST position website, personality or supporter that has been removed. think about that.
Right- great points – it’s the high manipulation behind the scenes blocking that exchange of information that is the point of contention. The very fact that it goes against what the USA was founded on is repulsive.
And your last statement, is the biggest slap in the face, after many have already turned the other cheek.
It boils my blood.
Thank you for your thoughtful statements andrew1979…. 🙂
This is one of the reasons why I hesitate to publish on Amazon. Not that Keto is my subject, but that they have just entirely too much control.
Completely understood…..
MA_kswiss, you are connecting the dots.
Big picture thinkers here at the Q tree.
Good spot. No. EXCELLENT spot!
When the instinct kicks in, it really kicks in….and this was one of those times!
(and thanks for the feedback…!)
interesting video–not on any evidence of the attack, but on the politics of it…
Had this bubbling in my head this morning.
Christian should’ve stuck in a cycle of “responding”. I see this often from many of the Christian bloggers and from Christian news sites – “How should Christians respond to _X_?” Some news story is grabbing headlines, and the Christian news site or blogger dutifully gets to writing their by-line “How should Christians respond to the tragedy of blah blah blah…” a major media news story that’s being promoted.
These Christian bloggers are always in the trap of merely “responding” to some story that some news outlet has curated as important! News Media = Input. Output = hot take. Garbage in, garbage out.
It seems very backward that an external entity controls the narrative that Christians engage with. A narrative control that also take control of the Christian mind and dictates what is important to talk about, defines the bounds of discourse, allows Christians to talk and say something “wise”, so long as they are lulled back to sleep into passivity in inaction. Say whatever you want as long as nothing comes of it. The next day there is another input delivered into the Christian passivity machine for journalists and bloggers to “respond” to.
Never mind the critical role of the church to be salt and light – the prophetic calling, the mission that is on the move, on the offense not the defense, active and working in the hearts of people in this world, proclaiming truth to the captives of mindless narrative control. The opposite of the passive and responsive role.
In effect, for many Christians the role of God has been replaced by News and media in worship. Instead of responding to God and what he has done, we instead turn our attention to the novella as our source for true insight into our world (puke), and respond to it instead of responding to God in worship, and we make the events of the day the idol of our concern rather than God and his work.
Far too much weight and importance is given to the cult of news media. Christians have been led in the false belief that News media approval or attention is credibility and they strive for it. After all, the news media has de facto authority to Define for all culture what is and is not considered “main stream” or “acceptable”. Chasing after worldly approval from media is a blatant idolatry of the heart.
And very telling to me. Great newspapers of the past were started by Christians. It is hard to believe now that the New York Times was started by a Presbyterian with a Christian mission in mind. The left marched through the institutions and took control of the media – the same newspapers that Christians started to speak out about the injustices of slavery have been hijacked and used as bludgeons AGAINST Christians. And yet we seek the approval of these cultural elite gatekeepers? What do you do with salt when it is no longer salty?
These Christians need to stop allowing the neo-marxist elite from defining their narrative of the day and framing the contours of public discourse, and reclaim the prophetic voice speaking out in the face of evil and injustice. I doubt it will happen – too many are chasing the wrong idols. Those that choose to pursue other passions than God deserve to lose our attention and respect, and have their influence and following dwindle away into irrelevance.
MichaelH, so agree with you on this. Thank you.
great post man – and i will say i had a Very similar thought on the way to work this morning about one thing:
WE are ALWAYS reacting.
we never set the tone, the agenda, we just let it happen, most times we have no idea what’s going on and then we react.
that is very bad practice. we let them control, manipulate, generate their “attacks”, spin the narrative, and then we react, we have to search and dig and look for facts, and it’s all a reaction.
Been asking for wisdom from Heaven re: appropriate amnmo for dealing with those trapped in the lies of various non-Christian ideologies. Word of God, as in actual Bible distribution, is getting some juice on it for me.
Praying Medic Twitter is back up!
Senator Roy Blunt Banned From Missouri GOP Dinner After Backstabbing Trump With Anti-Wall Vote
“I absolutely felt betrayed,” said one former Blunt supporter. Other Missouri Republicans cited similar disgust with Blunt over his decision to side with Democrats over the president when it comes to border security.
The Star reported that Ed Martin, president of the Eagle Forum Education & Legal Defense fund, believes that “Anybody thanking Roy for doing that is probably against Trump,” and another man was quoted as saying “I used to support Blunt. I just can’t do it anymore,” adding, “I’m sorry. He’s not supporting my president in the way that I anticipated.”
Remembering back….
Sens. Claire McCaskill and Roy Blunt — usually on opposite political sides — offered nearly identical reactions to the sexual assault allegations against federal Judge Brett Kavanaugh, a sign of the high political stakes for both GOP leaders and red state Democrats as the Senate weighs the judge’s nomination to the Supreme Court.
I’ll have to keep my ear to the ground on this one.
Sounds like the senator is under indictment from the Deep State, otherwise known as blackmail. The fact that he was one of 59 votes tells me he could have voted with the President and been politically safe back in Missouri. Otherwise logic would suggest he is the Senator from the Chamber of Commerce.
I’m laughing – similar story in our area.
Husband handles out county campaign for our Congressman and our Senator, both Repubs.
After our Senator’s surprise vote on Trump Emergency Declaration, I fired up the phone calls. He sent emails.
Husband was sending email to the #2 Chief of Staff of the Congressman (who supported the President) instead of the #2 Chief of Staff of the Senator (who betrayed us all). Husband sent email to the wrong guy.
They figured it out this morning.
Chief of Staff of Repub Congressman is laughing his ARSE off because the Senator’s phone lines have “Melted”.
Laughs all around. Husband apologized, of course.
I’ll leave this right here- I chuckled at this… many levels of true!
image so you don’t have to click through to Twitttcher: ;P
That’s great!
Great meme!
OK, now I’ve got “Piano Man” in my head, and I can’t get it out 🙂
There’s at least two YouTubes of Billy Joel performing this, the first the official (seems contrived) one, with him younger and his voice in top form, and the second, with a more mature, funny as heck performance (sends up Bob Dylan), but his voice shows the years. Fine wine…
(and the one with him younger is here
Somehow it seems that all the waitresses in that bar must be named “Dot”…
Fox News has bolstered its lineup with the hiring of Donna Brazile, the temporary Democratic National Committee chairwoman who ran point on the party’s cover-up of the Seth Rich murder case.
Fox’s Sean Hannity was covering the Seth Rich case for a while — sharing Big League Politics’ work — but then word came down from the wife of one of the Murdoch sons to stop talking about Seth Rich, and he did. (READ: Murdochs Muzzle Hannity).
Seth Rich is widely believed to be the source of the DNC email leak, which was an inside job — according to mountains of evidence — and not actually a hack. Seth Rich was murdered in Washington, D.C. in the summer of 2016 in between the time he leaked the emails and when Julian Assange published them right before the Democratic National Convention.
Read More:
saw in the headlines that Paul Ryan was heading to Fox too…didn’t catch in what capacity tho
Here’s one article of many…don’t know which headline you caught but thanks for the timely info…
Rupert Murdoch’s 21st Century Fox has spun off various television assets — including the Fox News Channel and Fox broadcast network — to form a new company that will be known simply as Fox Corp.
The spinoff completed early Tuesday is part of a multi-pronged process that will culminate with the $71.3-billion sale of the rest of Murdoch’s entertainment company to Walt Disney Co. The company announced that it had finished the process of issuing shares in the new Fox Corp. to investors of 21st Century Fox.
Fox announced its board members, including former U.S. House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.). Other board members include Rupert Murdoch, Lachlan Murdoch, Anne Dias, Chase Carey, Roland A. Hernandez and Jacques Nasser.
The new Fox is now “a standalone, publicly traded company,” the company said. Its shares are listed on the Nasdaq market; Tuesday marks the first day of trading.
The 88-year-old mogul from Australia and his family decided in late 2017 to break up their entertainment empire, and Disney was Murdoch’s preferred suitor. The Disney portion of the deal is expected to be complete late Tuesday night when the Burbank entertainment giant swallows the bulk of the Fox assets.
The new incarnation of Fox is a slimmer version of the old Fox.
FULL COVERAGE: Everything you need to know about the Disney-Fox deal:
On the board of the part that Murdoch is not selling to Disney. Put a link in a post below.
Ha, ha, my dream is a full time pinata for Lou Dobbs to whack with a baseball bat….
What a Bolster
Can’t Wait.
To explain to the dems that watch fox and hold their hands right?
Dems that watch fox…
is anyone here really honestly on board with this? you trust anyone that has been around in public office and doing all the crap she’s been into? you honestly will listen and trust these pieces of garbage? donna brazille?
get off the tv before it’s too late.
Absolutely LOVE this!!!!
he needs a blankie and a safe space…
Here is another video of the whole incident. If you watch the whole thing (about a minute and a half) you can see a guy down on the floor lecturing this stupid kid about how he was doing this to “all of us.”
I remember one time at CTH, some troll dissed Flep – and one of the good guys jumped on him and said, you attack Flep, you attack all of us!
really like Mike!
A source with intimate knowledge of the situation is claiming two Fox News hosts secretly maneuvered to get Judge Jeanine Pirro suspended over her controversial remarks about Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN)
The source asked The Gateway Pundit for anonymity to speak freely about the behinds the scenes maneuvers:
The original complaint came from Bret Baier’s team. Bret saw an opportunity to make Fox News acceptable enough to the left, so he could get himself a job of hosting the Democratic Debates. Bret supported one of his producers, Hufsa Kamal, in tweeting out a condemnation of Judge Jeanine to put pressure on Fox News to suspend her show. Hufsa Kamal, a producer of Special Report with Bret Baier, has a history of anti-conservative tweets.
Shepard Smith, known as a “never-Trumper”, also played a major role in the Judge’s suspension. “He lobbied 24/7 to suspend her.”
Fox News placed Jerry Andrews, a far-left, anti-conservative as Executive Producer of Justice with Judge Jeanine to “muzzle Judge Jeanine from speaking the truth.” Andrews has a long history of anti-conservative, anti-Trump social media activity.
Her daddy got a ton of money for his medical clinic in Tennessee. She is very into herself as evidenced by her instagram. Im not surprised vaier and smith did it, if its true. Fox is in the gutter. If Jeanine and hannity can make it through the election, they should leave for oann.
Why dont these people help oann get bigger? They have millions, its almost philanthropic to do it!
Btw, she has made her accounts private. I posted a few things about her last weekend.
This explains Pres. Trump’s tweet about Shepard Smith the other day.
Great observation!
didn’t BRET’s son fall victim to the Arkancide phenomenon?
Is Twitter down? Nothing but circles circling ⭕️ ⭕️⭕️
It’s fine for me on old macbook. Maybe you need to clean out cookies/files.
Blain’s Morning Porridge, submitted by Bill Blain
“I have not failed, I’ve just found another way that doesn’t work…”
For Non-British readers who are perhaps unfamiliar with the complexities of British Parliamentary procedure and don’t understand the latest confubbelings of the Brexit Debate – let me try to explain in a concise and clear manner the latest moves in this complex and fascinating game of going absolutely nowhere. We do hope you are enjoying the show, and that it doesn’t put you off visiting sometime soon.
Last night the Speaker of the House of Commons launched his Quaffle – which is allowed under parliamentary rules laid down in 1604 – effectively telling Premier Theresa May: “you can’t keep voting on the same motion you already lost.” May’s lawyer will stutter something about that being a Pre-Guy Fawkes rule and therefore out of play till after Easter, and she can still play her Community Chest card and collect £200 as she passes go.
Now some people might be slightly confused by the use of the Quaffle, but it’s designed to overcome any thoughts that politics can be reduced to a game of brinksmanship – therefore it rules out anyone voting against something impossible last week then voting for the same thing as possible this week because nothing has changed. Clear?
Later today, the minister for the 17th Centure, Jacob Rees-Mogg, will set free his Bludger, explaining that following the extraordinary precedent established in 1649 and the beheading of Charles the First, then its constitutionally requited for The Speaker to declare Britain will now leave with a No Deal vote. We don’t actually have a constitution, but Mr Mogg will explain that if we did, it would probably say something like that..
Read More:
We do speak the same language, right?
Are from Harry Potter
A Quaffle is a ball used in the wizarding game of Quidditch. It is approximately the size of a football. Twelve inches in diameter. It is a red, leather-covered ball used as the main object of play, and is the only one out of the three ball-types that is practically immobile.
Bludger (Quidditch), a type of ball used in the game Quidditch in the fictional Harry Potter universe.
IIRC the Bludger was small fast and would come out of nowhere to knock you off your flying ‘steed’
I suspect given the context that HP got those words from elsewhere…but in any case, I never could get into those books.
There are other definitions for bludger.
“In the 19th century, bludgeoner was shortened to bludger and used as a slang word for “pimp.” That bludger was certainly a kind of bully, one apparently willing to wield a bludgeon now and then to insure his livelihood…”
But I found none for Quaffle.
Given BOTH are used ===> Harry Potter.
this is not a joke:
“More than a sports league
We’re empowering future leaders and advancing gender inclusivity in sports.”
these are mostly at major colleges…
there is a United States Nationl Quidditch Team
not making this up.
that right there tells you those books were a mind f.
And now it begins to make sense. Murdoch is selling out to Disney:
Murdoch family launches a new Fox; former House Speaker Paul Ryan joins company’s board
Rupert Murdoch’s 21st Century Fox has spun off various television assets — including the Fox News Channel and Fox broadcast network — to form a new company that will be known simply as Fox Corp.
The spinoff completed early Tuesday is part of a multi-pronged process that will culminate with the $71.3-billion sale of the rest of Murdoch’s entertainment company to Walt Disney Co. The company announced that it had finished the process of issuing shares in the new Fox Corp. to investors of 21st Century Fox.
If I were Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity, I would get the heck out of there.
No – it’s going to get good soon because Donna is coming!!!!
Did you forget the /s?
why yes i did… 🙂
Interesting development:
The Deep State isn’t done yet.
Isn’t that the truth!
I thought he would head to the COC but to fox? Only political hire to take down conservatives. As soon as gane of thrones is dine for mr gil, we are getting rid of most cable channels. Stick a fork in!
Gheez, why can’t the snake just go away……?
I guess we have to put them in prison, eh?
You have to cut off the head of the snake and have a bull African elephant stomp the crap out of the body …. however in due time defeat/destruction will happen 🤨
Flep’s article is terrific.
thanks for reminding me there are other threads!!
I always forget…
I read about this and wondered it might not help some of us.
shhhhhhhh…don’t tell anyone…she’s not a board member anymore…nothing to see here
Don’t skip the WH twitter feed – there’s always something great there.
We have some fine, independent cows here in Indiana. They appreciate Chick Fil A too.
Videos are funny.
wow…too cute! and free advertisement for Chick-fil-a!
So, why’d the cow cross the street?
Answer: To get to the Chik-Fil-A.
Hilarious article! Thanks for posting.
Pssssssssst … 🤫 … don’t tell the chickens 🐓 … 🤭
YW. It cracked me up. 🙂
Will has an interesting THREAD
Cough .. cough …. the indoctrination centers ..😃👍
Oh, wow! Omaha World Herald story (behind paywall so I won’t post link): AG losses in Nebraska due to the flooding could top $1Billion! From Ricketts: “He estimated that there will be $400 million to $500 million in livestock losses and about $400 million in crop losses because spring planting will be delayed or canceled.”
that’s heart breaking!
I continue to be oh-so-thankful that I was not directly impacted at all. My heart breaks for our poor farmers….
son-in-law is a farmer (but in PA) but know the routine…wet weather in the fall–he couldn’t get into the fields to harvest the beans properly–couldn’t plant the winter wheat…and then his eye injury–he feels so far behind already…
thank goodness you’re safe!
Farming is a heck of a lot harder and more risky than people think and takes a LOT OF BRAINS!
I sure hope your son-in-law recovers fast and he gets perfect weather to catch up. (It has been very wet here in NC too)
I really feel for those NE farmers. We have lost so many independent farmers in the last few decades.
Here is some data on farms and farming from my old note. Most people have ZERO idea of just how bad off farmers AND this country is Thanks to the sister organization of the Council on Foreign Relations. The ultimate goal is to drive everyone into cities and make ALL of us Wage Slaves. History, HACCP and the Food Safety Con Job | Farm Wars
The election map of 2016 really drives home that lesson!
☀️ ☘️ ☀️ ☘️ ☀️ ☘️ ☀️ ☘️ ☀️ ☘️ ☀️ ☘️ ☀️ ☘️ ☀️ ☘️
What most people do not understand is how OLD our farmers are! The average age of the American farmer is in their late 50’s IIRC and getting older. That was from a decade ago ( 2002 Ag Census) Second most kids can not wait to get off the farm so when dad dies or heads to the nursing home the farm gets sold.
I went to college at Midwest Ag school. At that time farmers made up 4.6% of the labor force down from 6.4% a decade before. The Secretary of Agriculture, Earl Butz had announced to farmers “Get BIG or Get OUT!”
By 1990 farmers were down to 2.6% of labor force and that was before the 1996 Freedom to Fail Act bankrupted farmers as noted in the Congressional testimony.
The 2002 Ag Census showed 2.2 million farms.
Remember the sales are the GROSS take and not the PROFIT. If you gross $50,000 you MIGHT clear $5 to 10 thousand IF youare lucky.
Farms by value of sales……: Number
Less than $2,500 ……:……:826,558
$2,500 to $4,999 ……:……:213,326
$5,000 to $9,999 ……:……:223,168
$10,000 to $24,999 ……:…256,157
$25,000 to $49,999 ……:…157,906
MIGHT actually make a living for ONE.
$50,000 to $99,999……:….140,479
$100,000 to $499,999……:240,746
$500,000 or more……:…..70,642
Plus, the Estate tax destroyed many family farms, as the heirs simply could not afford to keep the farms, even if they had wanted to. Happens more then people realize.
son-in-law is 35yr–and I have so much respect for him.
He impressed me early on—I asked him once about knowing what to plant one year to the next and he pulled out his phone and showed me websites on international commerce and agriculture. he was discussing what the Chinese (for example) were having shortfalls on in that year and how that would affect what they would be buying next year…and he told me about locking in contracts at a given price and how he computed the optimum price and so on…I was speechless…
Pence is here in NE today.
I also heard at work Sunday (no proof, mind you) the coffee-drinkers were saying PDJT was in Omaha. However, I can find absolutely nothing to corroborate that claim.
Losing the livestock makes me so sad.
It takes a long time to recover.
Kamala is goin’ down…soon !
“Kamala is goin’ down…”
On who? Which politician is it this time?
LOL !!!
It would take something this big to take her down. Marijuana use, affairs, socialist policies, and Medicare for all won’t do it.
I was all excited to go online today because it is supposed to be the big day…March 19th…and nothing is happening?? Looked at several sources including Twitter and nothing…and also no Q drops. There was so much excitement and the big countdown. So disappointing!
Who said today was going to be a big day?
Q seemed to strongly indicate with the countdown. Today is T-0.
Ah…..”seemed to.” A matter of interpretation. Thanks.
And how do you know that nothing is happening?
A plan without flexibility is doomed to failure……
All sorts of things are happening. Read through today’s daily thread.
Plus, it’s early.
Is he moving to New Zealand???
I hear it’s all the rage…take the cannoli, leave the guns…
Whew. I thought they’d said “take the granola, leave the puns”… 🙂
News today is like drinking through a firehose.
Shannon has a THREAD – click on 2nd tweet
NO Q Drops ????????????
There were 15 … on the 19th…. which is date to which you are referring.
(Your post was 4 mins after midnight last night…
oops… having a senile day… on the 19th should read on THE 18th
Nope: 12:04 means twelve minutes after noon, Eastern Time. This site uses a 24 hour clock. Four minutes after midnight would be 00:04 and it would also probably be the one of the first comments on the first page.
Thank you. I posted at 9:04 AM Pacific Time. Yes lots of posts yesterday, but silence today so far. The countdown was related to indictments happening, among other things.
Q 3115
This Q post might not be about the countdown to today, but it (and some other Q posts) makes me think Q uses disinformation to get the other side to show its hand. This enables our side to gain further evidence about them and possibly entrap them.
Pres. Trump does not telegraph his moves, so I doubt Q would either, in most cases. And, as others have said, there are things going on that we don’t know about yet. We could find out in the next few days that something big happened today…or not.
Seems like we are delayed, again.
Bummer, but worth waiting for.
Downstream thinking in abstract obviously is not one of their talents. To quote Q, these people are stupid. Read the article and repeat after me, NO $#!+, Sherlock. The citizenship question on the census will change the face of the Electoral College, which is the real target, not just the House majority.
Rep. Jody Hice (R-GA) told Breitbart News Sunday that Democrats continue to fight the Donald Trump administration’s citizenship question on the 2020 census because it might endanger their House majority by losing seats in Democrat-leaning states.
Congressman Jody Hice spoke with Breitbart News Sunday host Amanda House and co-host Sean Moran over the Democrats’ move to strike a citizenship question on the 2020 census, which would have deep consequences for the Democrat party’s congressional districts in states such as California and New York.
this case may have ramifications for sanctuary cities in the future…
certainly hope so Pat…
MOAR Dot connecting
#1. People complained bitterly for the last 2 – 3 years of twitter/facebook/youtube/google/DISQUS censoring Conservatives.
#2. President Trump gets NINETY Judicial Confirmations including the critical ones to the Ninth Circus. link
#3. Nunes SUES TWITTER and says on TV, “This is the first of many lawsuits that are coming.”
#4. President Trump then tweets:
⚖️ ⚔️ ⚖️ ⚔️ ⚖️ ⚔️ ⚖️ ⚔️ ⚖️ ⚔️ ⚖️ ⚔️ ⚖️ ⚔️ ⚖️ ⚔️
What does a Congressman have that most people do not??
How do you get a MASSIVE class action suit started against Tech giants who CONTROL your e-mail/facebook/twitter accounts?
Do you think Congressman Nunes and his staff are now being innundated by people WITH EVIDENCE???
It really doesn’t take many and you can be SURE the Autists on the CHANs have PLENTY of Evidence.
ENJOY THE SHOW‼️ 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
“T” as in “Twitter”. Hmmm…
I put the [T] in because Q left it out and then corrected BUT it could also be the message you just read.
[…] is a normal way of correcting…. HMMMmmm
Yep. I was thinking killbox for Twitter… as in [Twitter]…
Hit the road, Jack…
Back when everyone dressed classy. There is a connection is how we take pride in our dressing and how we behavior in society.
Now that was REAL MUSIC TOO!
Do you think they did it deliberately to call attention to the missing “T”?
Brilliant ….. cheers ..🍻 .. 😉👍‼️❤️❤️❤️
Comments disapearing again. Need to check SPAM and TRASH.
try refreshing the page Gail… I have to do so frequently. Sometimes I have to exit site and re-enter. It’s a wp thang!!!
wrt to your comments… excellent.
I am reading online that Jack is claiming to not have control… that powerful politicians do. Actually, he means C_A I’m sure, but won’t say so of course.
I did twice. WordUnimpressed has been a bit wonky today.
Hoping this will brighten someone’s day.
‘Breakthrough’ Recounts Missouri Boy’s Inexplicable Recovery From Drowning
Although doctors could not revive the teen, he regained a pulse after his mother prayed. Now a movie version of their story from producer DeVon Franklin will open in theaters this Easter
The kind of movies which inspire us. Good!
“His immigration status was not taken into account, but the crimes themselves were enough for prosecutors to seek the death penalty.”
I should hope so–he murdered 4 people!
I KNEW IT…. question probably came from Acosta. Rules state no domestic questions during photo 0p with foreign dignitary. Did Acosta major in journalism… ? or, did he simply fall back on it because he was told he has a pretty face???????????
We don’t have to pretend to like someone who is dead. Hitler comes to mind.
I was kind of hoping for a 17 on that Jersey, but that might have been too much…
I saw 17 [+2] … didn’t you? 😉
Propagandist headline… unless it’s a unanimous decision, it’s a divided decision.
Derps… Derp state shills…
Kentucky workers accused of illegally removing children from homes
you know that as a citizen you have absolutely zero rights and nobody will fight for you right?
if these were freaking illegal aliens the whole state would be up in arms.
What really upsets me is the targeting of people who feel they are powerless. I can state unequivocally there was never a time in my life that anyone would have taken my daughter from me even as a single mother and not from any strength of my own but by the power of God guiding me. Depending on others can be helpful if they are people worthy of your trust but secondary.
Can’t thank you enough for this one, Judy!
Despicable and they choose their targets purposefully.
A bit of interesting Nebraska history – August Raasch is my adopted great-grandfather; my birth great-great-grandfather was on the same wagon train with August that settled Norfolk in 1866. I also personally remember this flood – we almost lost our cabin at Andy’s Lake in this one: “The next major flood came in March 1962 when spring rains and warm weather caused ice jams in the rivers. Ninety city blocks, including 50 percent of the business district, was flooded. In some places, the water was 3 feet deep.
That’s when Norfolk officials decided enough was enough.”
“Legend has it that the Native American Indians warned the German settlers who settled in what is now Norfolk not to build their town in the area between the Elkhorn and North Fork River because it flooded so often.
And they were right.
In his diary, August Raasch, who was Norfolk’s first postmaster, mentioned several such episodes. One entry from June 3, 1868, simply said: “Rainy. The creek is swollen and has in places overflowed.”
Two years later, in the spring of 1870, high water washed out bridges and made travel difficult. In 1880 and 1881, the east end of Main Street was completely covered.
A Daily News article from 1897 stated that “the railroad embankment gave way at 4:30 this morning and water came pouring into town. Citizens alarmed by fire whistle and bell. People go about by boats through the water. The business district of the city … is a vast sea of rushing waters.”
I have a thousand foot of frontage on a river. My house, unlike some of my neighbors homes, is over 100 feet above the 100 year flood mark. Those who built on the flood plain got flooded out a couple times since last summer. And it is not as if they weren’t WARNED either. 🙄
Unfortunately it is MY insurance rates going up that pays for THEIR pig-headedness!
flood plains make great farm fields but ROTTEN house lots. Unfortunately you can not tell people that.
Yep – Miss Candace is going there!
This woman’s got guts!
Isn’t defection from the Muslim religion punishable by death? If so, that person going on Candace’s show is quite courageous.
Raheel Raza went on Bill Maher’s show – that woman has courage as well!
From Dr. Zuhdi Jasser article linked below: “Apostasy laws are a prime example of what happens when Islamists have control of society’s legal venues.”
“From Dr. Zuhdi Jasser article linked below: “Apostasy laws are a prime example of what happens when Islamists have control of society’s legal venues.””
And the corralary to that is this:
islamists are a prime example of what happens when islam has control of a society.
Wherever islam is, islamism is right behind.
How is it that Dr. Jasser — or any OTHER intellectually honest person — doesn’t see that?!?
It’s like claiming that it gets bright out at dawn, without acknowledging the existence of the SUN.
edit / correction: corollary
(wow, I brutally murdered the spelling of that word… 😁 )
And why doesn’t Jasser or others acknowledge that wherever islam is, islamism follows?
Because if they DO, if they turn that card over, if they open that book and read what’s inside, if they open their eyes, then they can’t live in denial anymore, and they would actually have to DO something about eradicating islam.
And since their ‘mental set’ cannot conceive of that possibility, they can’t even “see” it. It’s like they’re groping all around something, measuring it, establishing its shape, its weight, it’s height, but never being able to actually see it, because if they did, they would have to name it.
So long as it stays abstract, they can talk endlessly about all the symptoms.
But if they ever opened their eyes and realized it was a rabid dog, then they would have to figure out how to put it down.
And they won’t go there.
It’s not politically correct.
And the only possible conclusion is that they are such COWARDS, that they would rather see islam continue to brutalize, rape, subject and murder MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of people into the future, than to confront the reality of this bestial ideology of blood and death called ‘islam’.
God bless you abundantly Candace Owens 🤨👍‼️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸‼️‼️‼️‼️
Candace is one gutsy lady! I hope, like Pam Geller she has EXCELLENT protection! We need a whole heck of a lot more like her. I certainly would trade her for a 100 Ann Coulters.
Absolutely right on!
What I like about Candace is that is includes the twitter handle of the people she is talking about so they SEE her tweets. Many of our folks avoid that, for understandable reasons. Candace is fearless.
Candace knows that Twitter is caught by their own rules, so she makes Alinsky work against THEM.
This is one reason why the Clintons are working so hard to SLANDER her, first with the BuzzFeed slander, then with the New Cankles Shooter.
Been my thought for eons…
The lawsuits against BigTech can’t come soon enough!
I am by no means a supporter of Ben Shapiro…in fact, I despise the little Never Trumper NeoCon…but these people are openly discussing banning anyone they disagree with…Shapiro….then it’ll be Jordan Peterson…and Candace Owens…or perhaps PewdiPie…maybe Steven Crowder…Judge Pirro…then Tucker and Hannity…where does it end?
It ends with civil war.
I hope it ends in a court of law, but yes if it is not stopped NOW then we are looking at this civil war going HOT.
The left have had it all their own way all my life. Now it is time to stomp them into the ground.
ABSOLUTELY … dadgum scum … 😠👍‼️❤️🇺🇸❤️
Kirk’s tweets are awesome!
PM has a ‘must see’ THREAD… I mentioned Jack and powerful politicians upthread…
having a senile day so couldn’t not find the source… now PM has pulled it together…
RoseyMemos has a thread which is award winning, professional-level, old-school, investigative journalism.
She looked at Twitter’s “blog” which includes their policy statement on ‘safety’ and mentions 4 entities they use for guidance on what to let through and what to censor.
1st company = owned by James Steyer – brother to Tom Steyer. Photographed with Hillary, etc.
2nd company = worse
3rd company worse, etc.
Read this thread.
It needs to be turned into an article for distribution.
It ends with civil war.
Ignore ^^^^ that post. It was meant as a response up thread.
“The world is just beginning to finally peel the onion of political Islam (Islamism). The central question is what lies at the core? Devotional anti-Islamist Muslims generally believe that at the core of Islamism, is neither a religion nor a faith. It is a global political movement and ideology falsely cloaked in a religion of the God of Abraham. How does a reform-minded Muslim go about proving such a supposition? Do we even need to? Whose interpretation of the Koran is more valid? Do we believe the peaceful Muslim interpretation or the Wahhabi-Jihadist one? More importantly, as we seek the preservation of our homeland security against radical Islamists, we finally realize a growing need for pious Muslims to articulate a clear alternative narrative to the intolerant anti-liberty Islamist political construct.
Only dedicated Muslims can answer these questions with credibility. Most Muslims just want to live and enjoy their daily lives, raise their children, go to work, and contribute to their local communities. The faith they actually practice in the belly of the liberty and freedom of America is most often quite reformed and liberalized in the daily constructs of their acceptance and internalization of pluralism. This has been generally by virtue of assimilation into the culture of Western enlightenment to which they have accommodated their own personal theological underpinnings. While a faith without a clergy lends itself to this accommodation of personal theological ideas, the established academic theology of Islamic jurisprudence is far behind and in desperate need of a renewed ijtihad (modern interpretation).”
AND that is why AL-Waleed was paying to have Mosques built in the USA under the stipulation that a Saudi Wahhabi-Jihadist Imman was at it’s head.
Islam is unreformable. The Qumran is believed to be literally the word of god. However Muslims live in western societies is based on their %of the population. There are many studies on this showing the stages of Islamic conquest. Tafiq ( lying) to infedels is approved. The “ peaceful” muslims are just the sheep running with and disguising the wolves in sheep’s clothing amongst them. Islam is comprised of t2 houses. The house of peace.-the Islamic world and the house of war – all others
And speech like this is guaranteed to alienate the moderate Muslims. What, you don’t think there aren’t conservative Muslims who probably read here? SMH – why not cut off your nose to spite your face? This kind of thinking is self-defeating. And the Bible is believed to be literally the word of God. Never forget: Islam originated as an amalgam of fundamental Judaism, fundamental Christianity and the ravings of the lunatic mad man in a cave somewhere in the mountains. Have you read the OT lately? Christians used to stone people and owned slaves – remember? What about kosher slaughter? What is the difference between kosher and halal slaughter? One is Jewish (ok), one is Muslim (not ok).
Islamism or political Islam is what must be eliminated or indeed, it cannot be allowed to continue to exist in a Constitutional Republic.
“And speech like this is guaranteed to alienate the moderate Muslims.”
Truth always alienates those who refuse to hear it, doesn’t it?
“What, you don’t think there aren’t conservative Muslims who probably read here?”
If so, why then does no Muslim every provide a defense for their belief system?
Either they can, or they can’t.
If they can’t, then why are they Muslim?
Again, basic questions.
Never any answers.
“SMH – why not cut off your nose to spite your face?”
Don’t worry about that, they’ll cut it off for you. Seriously, what is to be gained by censoring or ‘dhimmifying’ yourself before Muslims — real or imagined?
How anyone can watch nearly a DECADE of Muslims SAWING THE HEADS OFF of POLITICAL PRISONERS, with hardly a PEEP out of the 1+ billion Muslims of the world, and then pretend like that belief system is anything other than Satanic, is something I would really like to know and understand.
I won’t be holding my breath though.
Any intellectually honest person would distance himself as far from islam as humanly possible, they would not be a MEMBER of that abomination.
That’s a simple fact.
You don’t appease that. You don’t make excuses for it. You don’t ignore it.
You demand for them to justify or defend it — and if they cannot or will not, then the only intellectually honest choice is for them to LEAVE it.
This is pretty straightforward stuff.
Not rocket science.
“This kind of thinking is self-defeating.”
So truth and honesty is self-defeating, but coddling and enabling people who practice a religion of genocide is winning?
Is that your final answer?
“And the Bible is believed to be literally the word of God.”
Not without evidence.
Have you broken the Scriptures yet?
Have you even tried?
Get back to me when you do. 😉
“Never forget: Islam originated as an amalgam of fundamental Judaism, fundamental Christianity and the ravings of the lunatic mad man in a cave somewhere in the mountains.”
What is ‘fundamental Christianity’?
If there was any other kind of Christianity besides ‘fundamental’, wouldn’t it be called something other than Christianity?
If you hire an accountant, don’t you want him or her well versed in the fundamentals of accounting? If you get on a plane, don’t you want a pilot well experienced in the fundamentals of flight? If you go to the dentist, don’t you want someone schooled in the fundamentals of dentistry? If you hire someone to design your house, don’t you want someone grounded in the fundamentals of architecture?
Why is it that ‘fundamental’ is only a bad word (to some) when it comes to Christianity?
You’re either practicing and believing Christianity as defined by God in His Word — or you’re not, you’re practicing and doing something else, right? I’m not aware of any Scripturally Authorized ‘flavors’ or ‘degrees’ or shades of gray… is anyone else?
(it’s a pretty basic question, right?)
And how does someone who is concerned about offending the religion of homicidal maniacs do a 180 degree reversal and call their belief system an amalgamation of other belief systems with the addition of the ‘ravings of the lunatic mad man in a cave somewhere in the mountains’ ? Not that I disagree, it’s just a curious swing from one extreme to the other in the space of 2 or 3 sentences!
“Have you read the OT lately? Christians used to stone people and owned slaves – remember?”
Wait… what?
Where are the Christians in the Old Testament?
And where is the verse about Christians stoning anyone?
As for ‘slaves’, that is a fascinating subject, but difficult to discuss because of all the PC baggage associated with the topic. You can’t just watch “Roots” and then understand the various types of servitude (voluntary and forced) of the first century. Which I’m sure you realize.
For example, in the Old Testament:
“Now these are the judgments which thou shalt set before them. [2] If thou buy an Hebrew servant, six years he shall serve: and in the seventh he shall go out free for nothing. [3] If he came in by himself, he shall go out by himself: if he were married, then his wife shall go out with him. [4] If his master have given him a wife, and she have born him sons or daughters; the wife and her children shall be her master’s, and he shall go out by himself. [5] And if the servant shall plainly say, I love my master, my wife, and my children; I will not go out free: [6] Then his master shall bring him unto the judges; he shall also bring him to the door, or unto the door post; and his master shall bore his ear through with an aul; and he shall serve him for ever.” (Exodus 21:1-6, KJV)
It was contractual.
There were rules about treatment, and responsibilities for the Master. The time period was fixed, and at the end of that time period, the servant (or slave, if you prefer) had the CHOICE to be free or remain.
In the New Testament, the only example that immediately comes to mind is the book of Philemon, where the young man Onesimus ran away from his Master (Philemon). He (Onesimus) became a helper to Paul, converted to Christianity, and then Paul sent Onesimus back to Philemon as a brother in Christ.
There is a great deal more of course, the point is, when you hear the word ‘slavery’ in reference to the Scriptures and the 1st century, you have to take some time to understand what it meant in the context of the world, and in the context of God’s Word, at that time in history.
Which Bible, Scott? They are ALL different and yes, the translations and updating to modern “context of the time” verbiage changed the meaning! Which one, Scott? KJV, NKJV, ESV, NIV, NLT, NASB, CSB, HCSB, NirV, NRSV – which version is the CORRECT version????
“What about kosher slaughter? What is the difference between kosher and halal slaughter? One is Jewish (ok), one is Muslim (not ok). ”
I have no idea what you are referring to.
If you mean parts of the Bible where the Jews were commanded by God to slaughter some specific group of people, is that not God’s prerogative?
He makes the clay, He shapes the clay, and he can end the clay, can’t He? The point being, the Jews did not just take it upon themselves to go slaughter anyone, they were specifically Authorized, by God, to slaughter certain and specific people.
People whom God had judged. Whether for the practices of Baal and Molech, or for harm done to His chosen People, or other reasons only known to God.
The command was given by God, the act carried out (usually… not always) by His chosen People, and it was over. Unlike islam, it was not an OPEN ENDED COMMAND to slaughter anyone who doesn’t submit to islam, from the 7th century until the end of time.
“Islamism or political Islam is what must be eliminated or indeed, it cannot be allowed to continue to exist in a Constitutional Republic.”
Agreed, very much.
Now here’s the 64 gazillion dollar question:
How do you separate the inseparable?
How do you take the islamism out of islam, and who decides, and who enforces?
See the problem?
It’s a fantasy.
Like taking the evil out of Satanism.
The only people we would be fooling is ourselves.
edit / correction: “He makes the clay, He shapes the clay, and He can end the clay, can’t He?”
Gee, Scott…..triggered much?
Oh and the kosher-halal issue. Kosher was the most humane wastokill an animal available at the time. Halal is the most cruel. The animal must suffer as long as possible to have the meat adrenaline charged. I would argue that kosher would now encompass prestunning as the original concept was mercy. This is not a component one finds in Islam
“It is a global political movement and ideology falsely cloaked in a religion of the God of Abraham.”
Like everything else deceitful about islam, the idea that islam is ‘Abrahamic’ is also a fraud, just another lie islam tells about itself.
islam is called an “Abrahamic” religion by many (certainly including Muslims), along with Judaism and Christianity.
I don’t believe that claim can withstand scrutiny, and I think it can be proven.
How can islam possibly be an “Abrahamic” religion, when not only do Muslims not believe God as revealed in Scripture, they don’t even believe Abraham?
Plainly stated, islam does not believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
The God of Abraham plainly says that Jesus is His Son:
“And the LORD appeared unto him the same night, and said, I am the God of Abraham thy father: fear not, for I am with thee, and will bless thee, and multiply thy seed for my servant Abraham’s sake.” (Genesis 26:24, KJV, cf. Gen 28:13, Gen 31:42, Gen 31:53, Exodus 3:6, Exo 3:15, Exo 3:16, Exo 4:5, 1 Kings 18:36, 1 Chron 29:18, 2 Chron 30:6, Psalm 47:9, Matthew 22:32, Mark 12:26, Luke 20:37, Acts 3:13, Acts 7:32)
“While he yet spake, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them: and behold a voice out of the cloud, which said, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased; hear ye him.” (Matthew 17:5, cf. Matthew 3:17, Mark 1:11, Mark 9:7, Luke 3:22, Luke 9:25, 2 Peter 1:17)
Nearly 600 years after the New Testament was completed in the 1st century, a man called Mohamad — a mass-murderer — invented a ‘religion’ which flatly contradicts the inspired Word of God, and directly denies that Jesus is the Christ.
Here is a sample of the islamic teaching:
“The religion of Islam has as one of its foundational beliefs, a direct denial of Jesus as God’s Son. This denial is found several times throughout the Quran:
In blasphemy indeed are those that say that God is Christ the son of Mary. -Surah 5:17 (Yusuf Ali)
They say: “God hath begotten a son!” – Glory be to Him! He is self-sufficient!
His are all things in the heavens and on earth! No warrant have ye for this! Say ye about Allah what ye know not? -Surah 10:68 (Yusuf Ali)
They said, “The Most Gracious has begotten a son”! You have uttered a gross blasphemy. The heavens are about to shatter, the earth is about to tear asunder, and the mountains are about to crumble. Because they claim that the Most Gracious has begotten a son. It is not befitting the Most Gracious that He should beget a son. –Surah 19:88-92 (Rashad Khalifa)
…the Christians call Christ the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouth; (in this) they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah’s curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth! -Surah 9:30 (Yusuf Ali)”
So islam plainly teaches that Jesus is NOT the Son of God, and in doing so, islam calls the God of Abraham a liar:
“He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God hath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son.” (1 John 5:10, emphasis mine)
Plainly, logically, rationally, how can islam be an “Abrahamic” religion, how can God as He is revealed in the Bible be the same as ‘Allah’ in the Koran, when islam calls the God of Abraham a liar?
Abraham certainly believed God:
“For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.” (Romans 4:3)
“And the scripture was fulfilled which saith, Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God.” (James 2:23)
Mohamad (and his creation, islam) does NOT believe the God of Abraham when the God of Abraham says plainly that Jesus is His Son.
“Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.” (1 John 2:22, boldface emphasis mine)
How can a man (or a religion) logically, rationally claim to be “Abrahamic”, how can he claim to believe in the same God as revealed in the Bible, if that man (or religion) openly disbelieves both the God of Abraham and Abraham himself?
Is it not true then, that not only is islam NOT “Abrahamic”, but considering the islamic texts quoted above — does the inspired Word of God not plainly say that the beliefs taught by islam are the spirit of anti-Christ?
If God’s Word is true, then islam is false — by definition.
Worse, islam expressly defines itself as anti-Christ.
Considering that islam condones and teaches misogyny, oppression, violence, torture, mutilation, pedophilia, rape, slavery, murder and genocide (and that is certainly not an exhaustive list), it begs a simple and direct question:
If Satan was creating a religion, what would he add, that islam does not already do?
How is that not a fair question?
And yet tomorrow, like any other day, the ‘world’ will continue on, pretending like islam is a legitimate belief system.
It’s like the ‘world’ is a ‘house’ with four people living in it. One of the four is a homicidal maniac, a depraved, degenerate, genocidal lunatic. And the other 3 people living in the ‘house’ are in complete denial of that reality, because if they acknowledged, it, then they would actually have to DO something about it.
Makes me sick with frustration.
Like jumping up and down telling someone their house is on fire, and they just sit there and look at you, as the ceiling the caves in on their heads.
They can’t see it, because they WON’T see it.
Not until it’s too late.
I am not going to address that entire lengthy tome. I have one question: YOU consider the Bible to be the “inspired word of God.” THEY (as well as other religions) consider THEIR religious books to be the “inspired word of God.”
Who gives YOU the right to tell THEM that yours is right while theirs is wrong?
Here’s the deal with me and Islam – indeed, ANY religion: I could give a rat’s ass WHAT they believe as long as their religious law is subservient to our Constitutional law – period.
“I am not going to address that entire lengthy tome.”
Your hyperbole is a gift 😁
“I have one question:”
Then let ‘er rip!
“YOU consider the Bible to be the “inspired word of God.”
It doesn’t matter what I think about it, you’re already falling into the trap, you want to debate ME instead of the subject.
“THEY (as well as other religions) consider THEIR religious books to be the “inspired word of God.”
They might, but the difference is this.
The Scriptures have been subjected to the harshest, most intensive and thorough scrutiny, by the best and brightest minds of every generation (most of whom were seeking to find fault), and the Scriptures have withstood that test.
The Scriptures remain unbroken.
Put ISLAM under that microscope!
Put ISLAM to the same TEST and harsh scrutiny as the Scriptures!
And do the same for the religious texts of any OTHER belief system.
Let’s stop playing this BS game of ‘everybody’s right’ or ‘everybody’s religion is true to them, if it’s their truth’ nonsense.
Call a spade a spade already.
“Who gives YOU the right to tell THEM that yours is right while theirs is wrong?”
Not ‘who’, WHAT.
Reality. Facts. Logic. Reason.
THAT’S what.
And until their beliefs (and texts) are exposed in the harsh light of scrutiny — just as the Scriptures have been, REPEATEDLY and DAILY — they’re just fakers seeking a form of legitimacy without having the courage of their convictions to subject their beliefs (and texts) to critical scrutiny.
“Here’s the deal with me and Islam – indeed, ANY religion: I could give a rat’s ass WHAT they believe as long as their religious law is subservient to our Constitutional law – period.”
But that’s a cop-out.
Anybody can do anything in the NAME of a religion. That’s why all Christians get blamed for the Inquisition and other deeds of the RCC (as one example). When I talk about islamic atrocities on some other forums, they throw the atrocities of the RCC back at me.
Then I have to explain that the RCC wasn’t following God’s Word, they were following THEMSELVES.
You can’t hold God responsible for what people do, even if they claim to do it in His name, if they’re NOT doing what His Word actually SAYS.
And HERE is the difference.
God’s Word does not teach ANY Christian to oppress, subject, rape or murder ANYBODY, for ANY reason.
But the word of Mohamad DOES.
So you can lie, cheat, steal, enslave, rape and murder with the complete and full approval of Mohamad and his false god, if you follow the Koran and associated Authoritative texts.
You CANNOT do those things if you follow the Word of God as recorded in the Bible.
So you BETTER give a rat’s ass WHAT they believe.
Because WHAT they believe MATTERS.
WHAT people believe (and why) makes ALL the difference.
Jumping into the middle of an old argument here. Mohammed is the perfect man, according to islam and muslims should follow his example as a religious rule. Mo lied, cheated, and murdered. He killed men, women and kids. He is holy work, the Qumran took the bits and pieces of Judaism and Christianity that he liked and overlaid it with a belief system where earthly rewards are justified. Where in the New Testament/ gospels do you hear Jesus preach about killing non believers. Have you ever read of Jesus, personally murdering others, did he take very young girls and marry them. The Koran has hundreds of references to killing non believers,making war on them, betraying peace treaty’s, apartheid in law re muslin vs non Muslims. No Muslim can speak out against atrocities committed by Muslims because then they would be contradicting mo and the Koran. The Koran has two options for outsiders. First conquer them. Then either kill them or enslave them. Any Muslim critisicing Islamic terrorism is guilty of apostasy and subject to execution. Yes some live in western societies and adapt well but don’t expect them to deny Islam and come to your rescue is Islam takes over. Self preservation keeps them silent. And a quiet satisfaction. They are taught from infancy that infedels must be killed, they might not want to bloody their own hands or face the consequences in a western society but progress towards the subjugation, mentally and physically, of infedels pleases them. After all, when they win they are the ruling class and can satisfy their earthly desires.
Yes, I know all of that quite well. Your point?
The point being that their holy texts condone appalling behaviour. Not just by our, current day, standards. No ideology in the history of the world has claimed as many lives as Islam. The violence and hatred are baked into the Koran. The Koran cannot be questioned. Anecdotally we live next door to a Muslim family. Lovely people. Both husb and wife had compensation claims for back injuries shortly after arriving and since then he has worked for cash – heavy labour in construction mainly, whilst she has been the homemaker. As well as a large payout they are entitled to disability pensions for life. But friendly and social. Their 4 year old grandson was telling my husband how they were going on holiday to the Gold Coast and all the theme parks etc. my husband joked with him can I come too. Quick as a flash the kid retorted no. Christian’s don’t deserve holidays they are dogs. His family shushed him but from the mouth of babes.
The point being: the dogma (violent tho it is – gee, have you read the OT lately?) is irrelevant. What IS relevant is that Islam is the ONLY worldwide religion that does not subjugate itself to civil law. THAT is what is relevant!
Personally, I agree – it SHOULDN’T even BE a “religion.” It is sick and twisted and solely designed for conquest. But that is not our decision to make. The fact of the matter is, there are 1.7 billion Muslims in the world. So what is your solution? Kill them all? SMH “Muslims constitute the world’s second largest religious group, and have 1.6 billion adherents around the world.”
As for slackers, abusing our welfare and medical systems, that occurs in ALL races, creeds and cultures! I can point to at least 5 people here in my neck of the woods – white people – who do the same.
Anyone here willing to answer my question I posted previously? How about the Catholic Bible, which is different? How about the Mormon Bible, which is different? WHY WILL NO ONE ANSWER THIS QUESTION???? Because there IS no hard and fast answer and it makes people “uncomfortable” to be faced with truths, perhaps?
“Which Bible, Scott? They are ALL different and yes, the translations and updating to modern “context of the time” verbiage changed the meaning! Which one, Scott? KJV, NKJV, ESV, NIV, NLT, NASB, CSB, HCSB, NirV, NRSV – which version is the CORRECT version????”
Jews also do not believe that Jesus is the son of God so then I guess their faith is not an Abrahamic faith either? All of these arguments use one book written by men (and yes, the Bible was written by men and translated umpteen times with umpteen different versions) against another book written by other men. Hmm….a bit of a conundrum there.
Personally, I choose to be a Christian but I do not believe the Bible was “inspired.” However, I do not choose to force my personal choice on others.
I will stand against POLITICAL Islam to my dying day, however, while openly supporting those honestly trying to reform their faith.
“Jews also do not believe that Jesus is the son of God so then I guess their faith is not an Abrahamic faith either?”
Let’s untwist that pretzel.
People who claim to be Jews can (and do) believe all sorts of things. Some people who self-identify as Jews convert to Christianity, and they do believe that Jesus is the Son of God. Of course the large majority who self identify as Jews do not. Whether someone calling himself a Jew believes what the Scriptures say doesn’t change what the Scriptures say. The Scriptures say what they say, regardless of what people may believe about them, right?
You are conflating Jews (which you have not defined) and Judaism.
What do I mean by that?
The Scriptures of the Old Testament (in which ‘Judaism’ is revealed) teach the coming of Christ, the Messiah.
“And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself.” (Luke 24:27, lots more shown below).
And even the enemies of Christ and His apostles could not deny the miracles they witnessed:
“Saying, What shall we do to these men? for that indeed a notable miracle hath been done by them is manifest to all them that dwell in Jerusalem; and we cannot deny it.” (Acts 4:16)
What people who call themselves Jews choose to believe is entirely up to them. They can believe it or disbelieve it, but God’s Word remains unchanged. True faith of the Old Testament can certainly be said to be ‘Abrahamic’. But if some who call themselves Jews choose not to believe the Old Testament, that doesn’t change what the Old Testament says. It just means that some people don’t believe it.
In other words, the actions and practices of people (e.g., some Jews) do not define the Scriptures — the Scriptures define (reveal, witness, show) who believes and obeys God, by who obeys Him and His Word — and who does not.
So Judaism, the ‘belief system’ or ‘religion’ (though I don’t particularly like that word) can be said to be ‘Abrahamic’, and teaches the coming of Christ, even if some (or many) calling themselves Jews today choose not to believe Abraham (or God) (or Jesus) (or the prophets).
By contrast, *islam* itself (the belief system, or ‘religion’) teaches that Christ is not the Son of God. It is the words of the Koran and associated authoritative texts which teach against Christ (and by extension, against Abraham), regardless of what the ‘people’ choose to believe. And of course, faithful muslims believe that teaching of *islam*.
Do you see the distinction?
Judaism (and Christianity) can be called ‘Abrahamic’ because the Authoritative texts for both (OT and NT) teach (and do not deny) what the Scriptures say about Abraham (and Christ) — whether or not any particular individual calling himself a Jew or a Christian agrees.
By contrast, *islam itself* (the Koran and associated Authoritative texts) teaches against Christ, which is against Abraham (and against Moses, and the prophets, and God).
So if islam teaches against Abraham and against Abraham’s God, how can islam rightly (legitimately) be called ‘Abrahamic’?
Just because they say so?
Does that make it so?
Can you be a Christian and reject the teaching of Christ?
In like manner, can you be a muslim and reject the teaching of Mohamad? Mohamad (and the Authoritative texts of islam) teaches that Abraham and God are both liars, denying Christ — so is it reasonable to call Mohamad’s creation (islam) ‘Abrahamic’, in light of that fact?
The Scriptures of the Old Testament teach Christ. It has often been said that the New Testament is the Old Testament fulfilled. Is it not what the prophets and the Law taught?
“And he said unto them, These are the words which I spake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things must be fulfilled, which were written in the law of Moses, and in the prophets, and in the psalms, concerning me.” (Luke 24:44, boldface emphasis mine)
“Philip findeth Nathanael, and saith unto him, We have found him, of whom Moses in the law, and the prophets, did write, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph.” (John 1:45)
“But this I confess unto thee, that after the way which they call heresy, so worship I the God of my fathers, believing all things which are written in the law and in the prophets:” (Acts 24:14)
“And when they had appointed him a day, there came many to him into his lodging; to whom he expounded and testified the kingdom of God, persuading them concerning Jesus, both out of the law of Moses, and out of the prophets, from morning till evening.” (Acts 28:23)
“For he mightily convinced the Jews, and that publickly, shewing by the scriptures that Jesus was Christ.” (Acts 18:28)
“All of these arguments use one book written by men (and yes, the Bible was written by men and translated umpteen times with umpteen different versions) against another book written by other men. Hmm….a bit of a conundrum there. ”
But it’s a conundrum which you created, you didn’t always believe that.
Technically yes, the only writing directly by God of which I am aware are when God wrote the Commandments given to Moses on Mt. Sinai, and the only direct writing by Jesus I am aware of is when He wrote in the dust of the ground, when the woman caught in adultery was brought to Him.
So yes, the Scriptures were written down by men, but they were not their own thoughts and words, they wrote “in the Spirit”, by ‘inspiration of God’, which in 2 Timothy 3:16 is translated as “God-breathed”.
We have been over this before. It doesn’t matter what I believe (except to me, of course), but it does matter what God’s Word actually says. If you don’t believe God, that’s between you and Him, but you should be aware of what His Word says, so you can know and be sure of what you are saying and denying:
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:” (2 Timothy 3:16, KJV)
Not some, not most, but all.
The Scriptures are clear that it is not the words or wisdom of men, but the Word of God.
“Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. [13] Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. ” (1 Corinthians 2:12-13, boldface emphasis mine)
And here:
“But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” (John 14:26, boldface emphasis mine)
“And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: [5] That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.” (1 Cor 2:4-5, boldface emphasis mine)
And again:
“But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. [12] For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.” (Galatians 1:11-12, boldface emphasis mine)
And here:
“For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.” (1 Thessalonians 2:13, boldface emphasis mine)
“For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.” (1 Cor 1:17, boldface emphasis mine)
And again here:
“Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. [21] For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” (2 Peter 1:20-21, boldface emphasis mine)
So you can believe and claim what you choose to believe and proclaim, but your argument is with God and with His Word, not with me, or anyone else.
No, my argument is with people who want to FORCE other people to believe as they do. Please – do not quote scripture to me – I have studied it all already. And I am not required to believe the Bible is the “inspired word of God” in order to claim Christianity.
Here is the issue: there are BILLIONS of Muslims in the world and they ain’t going anywhere anytime soon!!!! So y’all better wake the heck up and recognize that we can either insist, come hell or high water, that Islam is not a legitimate religion and should not be allowed in Western countries, with not a chance in hell of being successful. Or support those moderate Muslims who want their faith brought into the modern world and reformed to ELIMINATE Sharia Law!!!!
“Personally, I choose to be a Christian but I do not believe the Bible was “inspired.”
How do you reconcile those two things?
How can you know the first thing about God or Christ, without the revelation provided in His Word, which you deny?
It’s a simple and direct question, does it not deserve a simple and direct answer?
If Jesus asked you to give an account of that statement at the Judgment, how would you defend it?
It will be an immensely powerful and revealing exercise, if you will try it, and do it honestly, recognizing that there will be no duplicity at the Judgment, standing before Christ. No red-herrings, no misdirection, no deception, no omission. There will be no fooling or deceiving — not of Christ, and not of ourselves.
There will only be Truth.
So if you play it straight, if you truly test the strength of your position as if you were standing before Christ in Judgment, will you not see for yourself whether your position is tenable?
Nope. That is what YOU choose to believe. I do not.
“However, I do not choose to force my personal choice on others.”
Who does?
It doesn’t matter one bit what I think about any of it.
Your argument isn’t with me, not really.
Your argument is with God and His Word.
So far, you only want to argue with the one pointing to God’s Word.
The real fun begins when you stop picking on the messengers (though I don’t mind too much, it comes with the territory) and start challenging God’s Word.
That is Who your argument is really with.
Not with me. 🙂
“I will stand against POLITICAL Islam to my dying day, however, while openly supporting those honestly trying to reform their faith.”
How do you ‘reform’ what is corrupt at its core?
Is it even hypothetically possible to ‘reform’ an ideology invented by a mass-murderer?
How would you do that, without violating the dictates of the very same mass-murderer who invented the belief system?
Often people don’t seem to understand what ‘reform’ even means. If something requires ‘reform’, is it not a given that the current state of affairs has deviated from the ‘true’, the original pattern or design or intent or purpose, and must be ‘reformed’ or ‘restored’ or brought back in line with the original or ‘true’, back into fidelity?
The PROBLEM with islam *IS* the ‘true’, the original itself.
Think about it!
It’s hopeless and contradictory GIBBERISH to talk about ‘reforming’ islam. What people really MEAN by that is they want to CHANGE the fundamental teachings of islam, because they are corrupt (violent) from the foundation itself. So-called ‘reformers’ just don’t have the courage to say it.
And indulging this vain fantasy a little further, how it is, exactly, that anyone is going to change the foundational teachings of islam itself?
Mohamad knew people would attempt to ‘reform’ or change the belief system he invented, so, almost certainly copying an idea from a verse from the New Testament (Galatians 1:8-9), Mohamad cleverly declared himself the ‘last prophet’.
You know what that means, right?
Anybody who comes AFTER Mohamad, and teaches anything different than Mohamad taught, is (according to the inventor of the ‘religion’), a FALSE PROPHET.
And you know what they do to false prophets in islam?
Why, they MURDER him, of course!
Murder is (clearly) one of the most intensely enjoyable parts of islam!
It’s Pythonesque! (as in Monty Python!)
A) there is no one ‘honestly’ trying to reform islam; to even attempt to do so is deceiving oneself. Some people want to buy what people like Rudi Jasser are selling. I don’t know if he’s lying to himself, or to me, or both — but I’m not deceived (as he either is or pretends to be) about the inherent violence of his religion.
B) anyone even claiming to WANT to reform islam is automatically suspect, because islam teaches lying and deception in order to further the objectives of islam.
As I said, it is corrupt to the very core — which is hardly surprising to any halfway objective observer, seeing as how it was invented by a MASS-MURDERER, and routinely murder people according to islamic teaching all over the world, every single day.
You have to WANT to not see it, in order to deny what an abomination islam is.
“Whose interpretation of the Koran is more valid? Do we believe the peaceful Muslim interpretation or the Wahhabi-Jihadist one?”
Don’t fall for the trap!
If you’re asking the question, you’ve already conceded.
It’s like asking whose interpretation of the Constitution is more valid, the Uniparty Democrats’ interpretation, or the Uniparty RINOs interpretation. It’s a false dilemma. They’re working together.
And the moment you start to waste resources supporting either side, you’re playing right into their hands.
You can’t be of adult age and be islamic and be ‘innocent’, unless you are being compelled against your will.
Everybody else is “in” on the game, to greater or lesser degrees.
Once you comprehend that, you don’t get fooled by them anymore.
In order to be a faithful Muslim, you must accept and embrace that the founder of your belief system was a mass-murderer.
And that is not — cannot be — the foundation of a coherent belief system that is compatible with humanity. In the same way that the Charles Manson Family, or the Jim Jones cult, was not compatible with humanity. Except Charles Manson and Jim Jones are responsible for only a tiny fraction of horrific acts, compared to the volume of atrocities and crimes against humanity that islam is responsible for, every day, around the world.
Here is a simple, logical proposition, by way of comparison, which plainly shows there can be no such thing as a “moderate” Muslim, because there can be no such thing as “moderate” Islam.
1) Jesus is the best and highest example of Christianity. Jesus taught no sin and committed no sin, and no one credibly claims otherwise based on any Scripture or historical fact.
2) No one can reject Jesus or His teachings or His deeds and be a Christian.
These points are not credibly disputed by anyone.
By the EXACT same token:
3) Mohamad is the best and highest example of Islam. Mohamad not only taught sin and committed sin — based both on the books of Islam and historical fact — but Mohamad, the founder of Islam, was a *mass-murderer*.
4) Even so, no one can reject Mohamad OR his teachings OR his deeds and be a Muslim.
These points also are not credibly disputed, by anyone.
Considering the *indisputable* statements above, how is it *possible* for a faithful Muslim — one who embraces, believes and follows the teaching of the Koran and the deeds of the *mass-murderer* Mohamad — to *reject* any of those same teachings and deeds?
Who will make that argument, and on what grounds?
Just as one cannot reject Christ or His teachings or His deeds and still be a Christian, HOW is it possible for any self-described Muslim to *reject* Mohamad, or ANY of his teachings, or *any* of his deeds, and still be a “Muslim” at all?
It’s not a trick question.
But it is a Catch-22.
Because you cannot be a faithful Muslim and reject the violence inherent to the founder of islam and islam itself.
And if you reject the violence inherent to Islam, then you cannot be a faithful Muslim… or a Muslim at all.
And if anyone claims otherwise, I look forward to testing your argument.
…. ohhhh I hope this works … 🤞🤞🤞😑 ….
Jay Sekulow Live! – 3/19/2019 12:00:00 AM
Jordan and Thann are joined by Harry Hutchison and Wes Smith to discuss the radical ideas of 2020 presidential hopefuls on the Democratic side.
Play Now (00:29:30) | More from Jay Sekulow Live!
Jay Sekulow talks about 11 states against the electoral college
Elizabeth dum-dum feather gave a speech in Mississippi promoting this seditious horse 💩💩💩💩
… 🧐 … nurtz .. ☹️ …
Maybe this …
HA‼️‼️ … 🤨👍
Ahhh. Fauxcahontas Liarwatha…
White Faux speak with faked tongue…
Oh my, why yes, yes she does 😃😜
This is a good thread by Clandestine Rosenstein about why transcripts are being dropped by Doug Collins:
The plan is unfolding right before our eyes
from THREAD above
7) Folks, it’s happening. The plan is happening right now. Now that even the MSM has accepted Mueller didn’t find anything and they have been beaten, Trump and co are ready to prep the world for the coming onslaught of Deep State actors who plagued this nation and the world.
THIS is why patriots MUST not get discouraged or disappointed…
“Slow-walked” — this is the phrase Bill Mitchell has used for over 1 1/2 years…
He also has an absolutely brilliant, must read thread about the Second Amendment.
We need to step up to protect our faith, our families, and our future.
The DEMONcRATs want to take ALL of that away…
AMEN. It’s time to tell these HOAXING COMMUNISTS that they will BURN IN HELL before we give up our guns. They want to start killing us to take our guns? GO RIGHT AHEAD, COMMIES. You’ve already tried. Your SCAMS and HOAXES will send you to PRISON. Your BLOOD HOAXES will send you to THE NEEDLE.
“AMEN. It’s time to tell these HOAXING COMMUNISTS that they will BURN IN HELL before we give up our guns. ”
How about the time for ‘telling’ be past, over, done… and like the Navy SEALS say, we can arrange the meeting (for their burning to begin?)
I think John McCain is going to go down in history as a worse traitor than Benedict Arnold.
Pres Trump – gotta love a man who makes up his mind and sticks to his convictions.
Yes, the dribbles are happening for gradual digestion. It would be nice if the actual mainstream media other than Fox would report on it, though.
They’re not going to change, IMO. They will just DIE OUT as they are replaced by OAN and the like. I am convinced that FAKE NEWS cannot be reformed – only replaced.
That’s what Pope John Paul II tried to do with the apostate bishops, let attrition take care of the problem.
We’ll see. The trick here is to starve the MSM and their entourage of audience and thus $$$.
Exactly. This is why I cut the cable. A lot of good channels suffer, but they will HAVE to suffer for the message to be heard that people do NOT want to support Fake News.
I also want Fake Entertainment to suffer, too. No money for shows that use nonchalant discussion of “teenage orgies” for cheap laughs. The CULTURAL MARXISM must suffer the WALLET-WITHHOLDING WRATH OF WOLF.
It would happen a lot faster if they would stop allowing cable companies to bundle junk together. Let the people choose only the channels they want and stop paying for all the fake news. That would kill them real quick.
Exactly. And they need PRESSURE to do it, because DEMS and other BAD GUYS have the system RIGGED so their bogus MK products can be foisted on America.
“They’re not going to change, IMO. They will just DIE OUT as they are replaced by OAN and the like.”
They may not DIE out, but they CAN be prosecuted and sued out of business.
All of them, including Faux News, the Judas Network.
OK – hopefully pic will show:
OK, once more – geez, next time I have to write down how this works….SMH
This piece of ice was in the middle of the cornfield about 2 blocks from where the niobrara River used to run south of Ray Nemec’s at Spencer NE. This is 5 miles west (upriver )from the now totally destroyed Spencer Dam just off 281
Watching a video on FB now of aerial views of much of the state – wish I knew how to extract the video from FB.
The video shows our flooded HS football stadium at the end, Bloomfield (which is about 5 miles to my west) and Osmond (about 2 miles to the east).
With enough momentum, that thing could kill somebody.
Geez, NF, that thing is like a barge!
Terrifying to think what it could do running down a river.
Makes me think of that lyric, “My car it’s as big as a whale”…
I could see that thing carving up a channel of its own…
BGEA and Franklin Graham’s Samaritan’s Purse will be right there!
They already ARE there:
Oh Lord help our troubled fellow citizens in Nebraska and Iowa ..
Prayer in a Time of Distress
Almighty and everlasting God, You are strength to those who suffer and comfort to those who grieve. Let the prayers of your children who are in trouble rise to you.
We claim your promises of wholeness as we pray for those who are ill or are suffering loss and long for your healing touch.
Make the weak strong, the sick healthy, the broken whole, and confirm those who serve them as agents of your love.
To everyone in distress, grant mercy, grant relief, grant refreshment.
As they begin to rebuild, we commend their neighborhoods to your care. Give them strength of purpose and concern for others, that they may create a community where your will may be done.
God of compassion, you watch our ways, and weave out of terrible happenings wonders of goodness and grace.
Surround and strengthen those who have been shaken by tragedy with a sense of your present love,
and hold them in faith. Though they are lost in grief, may they find you and be comforted;
Through Jesus Christ who was dead, but lives and rules this world with you. In Jesus name Amen. 🙏🏼✝️
❤️‼️❤️‼️❤️‼️ … 🤨👍 … ❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
God bless them everyone 😉❤️
The media doesn’t care about it solely because they haven’t figured out how to blame it on Trump.
Indeed – they are secretly gleeful because this is MAGA country!
Maybe more so Steve is that you don’t see us looting or bitching on tv about why the President isn’t there and begging the Govt for help! As a resident of Nebraska this is like nothing that I have ever seen before. And the devastation to the farmers and ranchers is unimaginable…..
LOL about the first part…the second part, however isn’t funny at all.
I do hope for a speedy recovery.
Either 76 or 79 counties out of 92, I believe, have declared emergencies. It will literally take our state years to recover!!!!
NF, your governor on Hannity’s radio program this afternoon told about a lady whose mobile home was totally swept away in the water and she signed up as a volunteer to help other people and to teach her children that even in the worst of times you can still help others….
A great window into the lives of the resilient, strong people who live there!
Someday friends of this website I will tell you the first hand stories that I now…… I’m incredibly proud to be a Nebraskan and I’m incredibly proud of the citizens of this State! There IS NO place like Nebraska!❤️🎈
Oh, that sounds like a guest post in the making!
Prob unwilling to spend the money.
I am waiting for a call back from a cal fire PIO to inquire about this. Course he wanted to know if I was a reporter first!
I just got confirmation directly from cal fire.
YES there IS CURRENTLY a multi agency task force #6 in Nebraska assisting.
The agency includes leo, fire, paramedics.
That no one from CA is assisting is FALSE.
just like “republican” voters need to realize it’s a lost cause and start a new way, we need to do the same with NATO.
either take it the hell over and boot people out that suck, or just get out and start over and let these idiots fend for themselves. it’s only contrived fake wars that they start anyway, so it should not really be an issue.
NATO. Nations of the Atlantic Treaty Organization. That allows BRAZIL and ARGENTINA into the mix, so that it becomes a Trump/Monroe Doctrine organization so secure the Hemisphere from sneaky ChiCom designs.
Merkel is moving Germany into the Russosphere, AS INTENDED.
People in Germany need to WAKE THE FRACK UP.
i’m all for that – describes taking it over and the hanger ons can go their own way with the enemy.
And the idiots in the FDP (termed the “Freimaurer Partei”, Masonic Party) have asked that Germany send Grenell back. Seems like Merde-kel can’t stand the truth…
Can’t wait to see her go. Only thing is, AKK (Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer – I call her “cramped wheelbarrow”, because Krampf means cramp, and Karrenbauer sounds like Schubkarren, which means wheelbarrow(s)) probably is almost as bad.
Please, PLEASE, help us find a “Trumpian”. Maybe his forebears have some descendant(s) here who could do the job?
What they never mention is that there was a HUGE surplus this year which would cover the shortfall in spending for the NATO limit. Although, if truth be told, the crap equipment that we have isn’t worth buying any more of – none of it works! Choppers don’t chop, transports don’t stay up, subs are all damaged, tanks are easily pierced, fighters have no fight, and winterized clothing doesn’t insulate….
But we DO have clothing for pregnant soldiers… someone in procurement has a VERY SICK sense of humor…
Fortunately helicopters fly by being so ugly the ground repels them.
They had a 16+billion dollar surplus this year. I remember when they were trying to figure out what to do with it.
I’d be happy to help them figure out what to do with a few measly Billion or two 🙂
Cuppa, you need to run Germany.
You get my vote!
And just like that, we’re back to a stalemate.
President Trump was RIGHT again!!
I had a friend like Germany, once. Girlfriend who used to come to my house, eat my food, drink my liquor, and never returned the invite.
Who needs friends like that?
Russian puppet Merkel is completely unmasked by Trump. FINALLY.
Just think, three years ago, Putin and Merkel were the most powerful leaders in the world.
My, how times have changed.
Trump is the most disruptive thing that could have possibly happened to the….
hehe, yeah.
Forget the idea of a pebble in a pond.
President Trump is an asteroid, slamming into an ocean, which caused a “new age”.
Then maybe it’s time to move our soldiers to Poland.
The Soviets were genius to leap-frog Poland – THAT is cunning. We need to have similar cunning. We need better chess than to fall into their trap. I sense a trap.
Or Hungary…
MIL Spec OP Monkey has been suspended, his TL deleted…
These people need to be on GAB is they want their thoughts archived.
If ALL THE BIGS went to Gab, we would beat this.
A little humanity break!
So heartwarming… was cute how he hesitated the first time his Dad spoke, then hesitated even longer the 2nd time…
i’m crying like an idiot, but I LOVE these videos! thanks for sharing GA/FL!
Makes it all worth it … 😉
A country boy named Devin is gonna liberate Twitmo.
And own them! Good on you Sir!
Putin makes it a crime to criticize the state and insult him online…
Hmmm, I think we can break Russian law here, right?
Crypto-Soviet Union now unmasked by Trump.
Schweikart, who has been waiting, and waiting, and waiting… has this to say around 2 PM EST.
Then someone in his thread noted:
The premeditated deception of the 2008 election will be part of the reveal, I think.
But there may also be information about the larger context of American Communists (Democrats) promoting the idea that “All POWs were heroes” so that IN PARTICULAR one Soviet Russian-brainwashed “hero” could take office.
Pretty sure that’s EXACTLY what President Trump is doing. He just slowly drops the turds in the punchbowl, the lefties run around screaming what an awful person he is, and then suddenly POTUS drops the information bomb validating what he’s been saying all along.
It’s so fun to watch, and even better is watching the lefties twist themselves in knots trying to outsmart him. They never do.
Imagine the Megan McCain meltdown. Will he heard from sea to shining sea… ugh …
SABO takes down Beto with a priceless billboard!!!
oohhh my… that is brilliant, absolutely brilliant.
Robert Francis did “RUN” from the scene of his crime.
Closer look:
Another graduate of the “Chappaquiddick Ted” driving school…
Looking at that closeup, I’d wondered whatever happened to “Juan Valdez” 🙂
Meghan should leave “The View” … she will never in a million years be able to defend her father’s crimes when the info starts pouring out. Much better she be out of the limelight.
But then, she already knows that… all that theatrical display of grief was for herself, not for her father, whom she learned shortly before he passed… what a crook he was.
jes’ sayin’ …………
i try and not have a lot of pent up “anger” or “hate” or “whatever” against people, but over the last few years i have really had a hard time trying to be the better person with all these people…
oops… failed to mention, above tweet from Gr, Quigley is part of a THREAD – click on tweet
but nothing’s happening, right ?
Here’s another THREAD from Dr. Quigley… this time on Bill Kristol
Remember, those who shout the loudest have an indictment out there with thie name on it.
Copy of Nunes’ Complaint at link
Young Latino Leadership conference was a big success!
Thanks GA/FL
TPUSA is becoming a powerful tool for Trump Supporters……….
How dissent and disagreement became ‘hate’
gamer gate was a joke that they parlayed into another MeToo type thing.
they always do that. they always force people to agree and then make it so you cannot change your mind or you’re a bigoted, misogynist.
i love how they brought the words “biggoted” and “misogynist” into the mainstream a few years back and they keep using them up to this day, including old John Podesta just last week in that island that will not be named.
interesting to note also the “new zealand claim” on antarctica.
Is this one of the reasons POTUS’ nominees for ambassadorships is being stonewalled?
Can you say Susan Rice and Samantha Powell? Both were ambassadors to the UN.
Oh my gosh!!!!
I just stumbled across something. Earlier today, on this thread, michaelh wrote:
“I don’t have time to look these up right now…
U.S. Ambassador to _X_ in 2015-2016
Czech Republic
Besides getting the list, we’re also looking for one that is still in their position.”
I responded:
Jon Huntsman, Jr. is still Ambassador to Russia. Has been since Sept. 2017. Before him, from Nov. 2014 was Anthony Godfrey Chargé d’Affaires ad interim.
holley100 linked this article above about Huntsman daughter slamming the President:
Czech Republic – Andrew H. Schapiro 2014-2017
Estonia – James D. Melville 2015 until he resigned in 2018, over “frustration at remarks made by President Donald Trump about America’s European allies:”
Australia – John Berry 2013-Oct 2016; vacant until Mar 2019
Italy – John R. Phillips 2013-Jan 2017
Ukraine – Geoffrey R. Pyant 2013-Aug 2016
Just now, I went to the list of CURRENT U.S. Ambassadors to scan the names to see if one jumped out. Guess who the CURRENT Ambassador to GREECE is?
Geoffrey R. Pyant, FORMER Ambassador to Ukraine!!!!
BOOM. Oh, yeah.
Watcher has a THREAD… click his tweet
At the risk of a, erm, questionable pun,
Erections have consequences…
Same lot involved with the Denver Airport and other odd buildings…
Phoenix – THIS was a gold mine. Adam Lanza’s psychiatrist fled the country. Guess where he went?
PS – I’m already seeing the value of DISSENTER comments over the ones that can be culled by the moderators at these sites. Beautiful stuff. I KNOW that nothing has been removed on Dissenter.
Is Dissenter still being blocked in NZ?
I saw where this started happening on Saturday…along with blocking ZeroHedge.
Probably. NZ is circling the CHINAZI DRAIN.
I worry sometimes about posting so much…
afraid you’ll will ask me to leave for hogging the board !!!!!!!!!
You know I have lots of time to surf… some days I seem to simply run into one nugget after another…
Don’t let anyone say “nothing’s happening”… stuff is coming out everywhere, and we have some really wonderful citizen reporters !
God is good… delivers so much. As Q says, we have more than we need. Just must get it out to the
low-info folks…
Wolfie, you don’t know what a God-send this site is… Thank you soooo much !!!!!!!!!!!
No problem. You want to publish an infinite number of posts on here? I will raise the limit to TWO INFINITY.
Still trying to work out how I’ll do that, but you’re welcome to post slightly more than infinity until then. 😉
thank you wolfie…
This ^^^^^1,000,000 🤨👍❤️
If you don’t post 1000 comments on the thread, well, WHO DO YOU THINK WILL?!?!
And these two. Big confirmations!
Parkland students tour movie studio?
Police did nothing about warnings on shooter?
Remember – Q called the Parkland activist kids “actors”. I did a deep dive on “Chinster” David Hogg, and there are real problems with that kid’s alleged background. Ultra-Fake News if you ask me.
I am pretty much of the opinion that what made the idea of the “Spirit of Truth” radical back around 1 AD is going to make Q thinking radical now – the idea that fakery is NOT OK. It really makes me wonder if we have been supremely BLESSED by the idea that Truth matters – and are now seeing exactly what happens when it DOESN’T MATTER.
Just a note here, but more often now anytime I watch twitter vid that has some sort of reveal, it only plays sound for about five seconds and then the sound cuts out. This is about the fifth time. Opening it separate doesn’t help, nor refreshing the page or the like.
Said such on the tweet feed as para59r. Since it has so few replies wonders if my tweet shows up on someones feed. Says there is only 6 replies but I see about 12 or so. Anyone care to check?
You’re gonna want to see ^^^^this^^^^ one, Wolf.
Inside it is….
Oops… already did.
Yes, – this is big. I feel like we’re really closing in on this stuff.
What we really need is a public squealer on MK from somebody who actually delivered the process – somebody trained in the questioning / inception process. THAT will crack things open in an irreversible way.
Now this is an interesting tweet in that thread:
Oops. Should have refreshed.
No problem – people need to see this.
I believe the focus on DRUGS is both good and bad. Drugs are integral to the MK process, but the ones we need to find out more about are almost certainly drugs OTHER than what the patients are publicly being prescribed, like SSRIs and the like. THOSE PUBLIC DRUGS are half of the story. It is the OTHER drugs – the ones which fully induce the MK state and suppress memory of the MK process – THOSE are the rest of the story.
The SSRIs most likely assist in the MK process by helping to suppress memories, which is a useful function in treating depression. They provide an MK *baseline*. Most of their actions are pharmacological, in terms of correcting basic neurotransmission caused by depression or analogous neurotoxic damage, but there is very likely an ability in these drugs to submerge memories which works both to “fix” basic mental problems, AND to assist MK, wherein OTHER drugs such as diazepams (known strongly memory-suppressing drugs) and super-opiates (steep induction of unconsciousness prior to a rise into an MK state) are used to run the entire process. This is based on my own experiences, plus acquired knowledge from the pharmaceutical industry. Note that one of the older brand names of an antidepressant was “Sinequan” – useful for “relieving guilt”. How does that work on a larger-scale mental process basis? Very likely a kind of memory suppression.
The mom saying the girl he was treating (who was sexually abused) was turning into a ZOMBIE – this is a big deal. Although mom was publicly insinuating that this was due to the publicly prescribed drugs, I will bet money that she SUSPECTED the dirty shrink was using OTHER drugs on her daughter. And THAT would explain why she was exhibiting symptoms other than the ones that her public drugs would normally create. She was very likely exhibiting excessive symptoms because the shrink was doubling or tripling the amount of MK inductions in order to have relations with her in an MK state.
The publicly used drugs are what people glom onto, and assume is causing the behavior that’s leaking out into the public. In reality, I think there needs to be focus on other drugs, too. This will also help move the MK conundrum away from the generated “conspiracy theory” realm, into knowledge that is likely, in part, already open source but disconnected from the question.
I get (from google)
“A former psychiatrist who treated Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza has been charged with sexual assault for carrying on an illicit relationship with a former patient, authorities said Friday. Paul Fox, 63, was arrested in Maine Wednesday and returned to Connecticut Friday….”…/adam-lanza-ex-psychiatrist-charged-sexual- assault-article-1.2611499
So did he leave the country and then move back and settle in Maine?
” Dr. Fox was de- registered [Disbarred] by the New Zealand Medical Council in February 2014….”
Paul Fox worked for the Waikato District Health Board (DHB) Fox was living in New Zealand when the 20-year-old Lanza murdered 20 children and six school staffers.
Wonder wnat he was up to between 2014 and 2019.
Can you re-post that link? Looks like it has … in the middle…
Wolfie here is the link:
Man – this is stellar research. Lots of coincidences….too many.
Because Ristvan never lets us down. I found his take on the SCOTUS ruling for POTUS today, re: illegal alien detention and deportation:
ristvan says:
March 19, 2019 at 4:29 pm
I read only the slip opinion, not the full. Alito crucified the 9th two ways: use of English, and prior settled SCOTUS precedent on when an official acts—the ‘better late than never’ rule. Ouch.
More interesting is the separate concurrance by Thomas and Gorsuch. They said the case was more properly decided by the statutary fact that the law expressly precluded an ICE detainer ‘due process’ bond hearing, so that the District Court (which 9th upheld and this opinion reversed) NEVER had jurisdiction over same in the first place. Now that is interesting, because these two Justices concurrance basicly held illegal aliens nave NO Constitutional due process rights not granted by Congressional statute under A1§8.4 Clause one. The concurrance foreshadows DACA ruling in June, and more broadly a constitutionally permissable rewrite of the much abused ‘credible grounds mandates a hearing’ asylum law. If Congress says so in the future by changing the law, credible grounds DOES NOT mandate a hearing, and out you immediately go. Removes a lawfare line of attack on a hoped for future revision after 2020.
thanks for finding and posting that LP!
Excellent, thanks for finding and sharing it! I appreciate ristvan’s comments, always.
He usually weighs in on SCOTUS opinions so the post on the illegal alien detention was a good bet.
I’m still wondering who is voting for RBG………. must be a body double.
Unfortunately, I believe she must be there – no way would Thomas, Alito or Kavanaugh hide this from the people. Now that doesn’t mean she isn’t bedridden in a room somewhere, but she must be present enough to get away with it. Don’t they have artists who sketch when SCOTUS is hearing arguments?
Ouija board
There is a reason I pray daily for deliverance from Francis. The man is a menace. I’m not a fan, necessarily, of the super traditional publications like The Remnant, but the editor was in Rome and he got several earfuls from priests in the Vatican about how they all really do not like Francis and fear for their lives if they speak out against him.
Now this for which there is absolutely zero excuse. Seriously, this is unheard of in the current Scandal for an offered resignation to not be accepted. At least Barbarin is honest enough to take a leave. Washington can’t get rid of Wuerl even if his resignation was accepted.
Please, Heavenly Father, deliver us from Francis.
Pope Refuses Resignation of Cardinal Convicted of Covering Up Sex Abuse
Pontiff advises Philippe Barbarin to make the best decision for Lyon archdiocese; alleged victims bemoan decision
By Francis X. Rocca and Noemie Bisserbe
Updated March 19, 2019 4:41 p.m. ET
ROME—Pope Francis declined to accept the resignation of a French cardinal convicted of covering up sexual abuse, the Vatican said on Tuesday, a decision that drew fire from victims and their advocates in France and abroad.
Cardinal Philippe Barbarin of Lyon had offered to step down in a private meeting with the pontiff on Monday.
The cardinal issued a statement similar to the Vatican’s on Tuesday, adding that the pope had cited the “presumption of [the cardinal’s] innocence” in declining to accept his resignation.
This month, Cardinal Barbarin became the highest-ranking Catholic Church official ever to be convicted of covering up sexual abuse, in the latest chapter of the church’s long-running abuse scandal.
The Vatican said the pope had left the cardinal “free to make the best decision” for the Lyon archdiocese, which has about 1.2 million Catholics. It said the cardinal had decided to take leave of his duties “for a period of time,” and entrust the leadership of the archdiocese to his vicar general, the Rev. Yves Baumgarten.
My gut has had a bad feeling since Benedict stepped down, being the first Pope to do so in 500 years. Francis has done nothing to ease that feeling.
Just remember this happened the night Benedict resigned.!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/gallery_1200/lighting-strikes-st-peter-basilica.jpg
Whoa! I never knew about this, but am not the least bit surprised. I’d also like to amend my prior comment to:
“being the first Pope to do so in 500 years and it happening in the era of Hussein.”
Yep, I remember it happening.
An Irish saint’s eerie prophecy that Pope Francis will be the last Pontiff
There have been others who disagree, mostly mystics. Malachy was not always accurate.
And yet, he often was, necessitating your last sentence.
Actually, of all the people making prophecies, he is the only one who said that there will be a last pope. And I don’t believe he named him.
There’s supposed to be an old tradition that when the last “slot” for a papal portrait is used up in the Basilica of St. Paul’s Beyond the Walls in Rome (built in late Roman style, rebuilt in the 1800s after a fire), the world will end. Seven spots left to go.
Thanks for that bit Steve. I’ve never been keen on prophesies. I got scared by two of them about 15 years ago. They were not something to look forward to.
One was about three days af darkness, and another was about 500 m. Christians being slaughtered before Islam converted. Guess what, I’ll just wait to be surprised by my God when the time comes.
I give them zero credence, of course, myself…but I thought some here might find it interesting as a bit of trivia.
That type of trivia is interesting. Not trying to really be predictive but just of interest. Thanks.
If they are like today’s architects or construction workers, I could just hear them say, “ah, when they are filled, let the young ones worry about it.” 🙂
St. Paul’s Outside The Walls really is a pretty cool thing to see. It was put into its current form under Theodosius (emperor in the late 300s) and is supposedly built over the tomb of Paul (that Paul). It did burn down in the 1820s but was rebuilt as before, so if your interest is architecture–this is Roman architecture as much as the Pantheon, the Colosseum and Hadrian’s market are.
I’m literally half Roman, first generation. Always thought we’d get to Italy, Greece and Israel once DH retired. Couldn’t happen, because by that time, my body was too broken by arthritis to withstand extended trips and all the required walking. I have been provided many other blessings though.
Thanks for the heads up on St. Pauls. Will see if there are any documentaries on it.
I looked this up..amazing.. He announced his resignation Feb 11, 2013, but he actually officially resigned Feb 28th..That pic is from the night of the 11th!!! Wowza.
I vaguely remember it happening.
Wow 😮
The Papacy is a raging dumpster fire.

Did you know…..?
A new book claims “A total of about 80 percent of the most revered clerics in the Roman Catholic Church are homosexual despite the church’s opposition to gay rights, according to the extensively researched book by French journalist Frédéric Martel, entitled, “In the Closet of the Vatican.”
This particular papacy, yes.
The homosexual issue was first brought to light by Bella Dodd in the 1950s. Seeding the seminaries with them started in the 1920s, actually. And yes it was a communist plot.
this is a serious statement – but i never really “got” why this was a thing.
so they did this on purpose it seems for some end game – but how did they find all the gay guys that were willing to go into the priesthood? i mean, no offense, but it’s not exactly a regular life – and not one that you would expect a homosexual to drift toward…
or was the appeal that they would be protected somehow by the system whereas “regular” gay guys were persecuted in society?
It was all for the cause of destroying the Church from within.
They’ve been wildly successful, too.
The Catholic Church had been one of the last hills for the commies to conquer. It always posed a threat to communism.
Think more subversively about this. It was EASY for me to do after reading AA-1025
Here is my would-be communist program. All it takes is an initiation step
10 Locate homosexual volunteers who are willing to be placed undercover (the “founders”)
20 Get the gays INTO the church.
30 They receive confessions.
40 They console, entice, invite, sell the church as a “safe place” for habitual gay sex confessors.
50 Those new gays decide to join the church.
60 Some of those are further recruited as communists, the others are influenced to the left.
70 GO TO 20
CONFESSION is the key.
Confession, like in Scientology, is a useful tool to build loyalty to an organization, but it can also be abused by parasitic organizations.
From my notes:
Father Theodore Hesburgh, former President of Notre Dame (35 years) was chairman of the Clinton Defense Fund.
Soros started ‘Catholics for Choice’.
Podesta’s plans for a Catholic Spring
As I was told by a college professo who was a ‘good christian’ He said was a socialist NOT a communist because Communists were atheists. 🙄
Curious what you think of The Wanderer.
I used to love it, but got so busy about 5 years ago, I didn’t have time to read it any more. I subscribed for about 20 years. They still send me the pdf. Version of it to this day, but never get to read it.
They were possibly the first to expose the purple mafia in the Church. I respect that. Their political writing was excellent.
I subscribed for a long time many years ago, and a friend of mine wrote for them.
Funny, I can’t remember why I stopped reading them, but I know it had to do with disputes which seemed beyond me.
They were very good and interesting in general.
I should start checking out their pdf.s since they are sitting in my in box.
Quick, stress relieving cuteness break with a kid that has some serious talent.
Thanks DP… he’s precious
Hilarious. Too freaking funny. Thanks, DP
That was great DP. TY.
Our four year old grandson started breakdancing to Proud Mary at his cousin’s wedding when he got really wound up. Amazing how many times he could spin on his belly. Hee hee.
OMG! How awesome! I love his style and obvious intent to entertain! Thanks!
Outstanding, and … precious 🙂❤️
That was a direct link on my timeline! Maybe they took the shadowban off @realDonaldTrump
I don’t think so. He’s still not coming through mine 😩
That was the very 1st time I caught POTUS TWEET STRAIGHT FROM HIM!
Something has changed with twitter and facebook. All of a sudden, I am getting a burst of new followers on twitter and a comment I posted on FB was liked and shared from outside my ‘friends’.
I wonder if Nunes’ $250million lawsuit has anything to do with all of this.
Or Q….. 🤣
I noticed this too! I was stuck at 1475-1480 followers for over 2 months–Today I got over 1500 and people with large followings. I think twitter let of the throttle–could be Nunes and also POTUS!!! Scared???🕵️♀️🕵️♀️🕵️♀️😱👀
PM RT’d These tweets
From OT….
“Angela Merkel is betting her entire economy on the principle that President Donald Trump cannot win the 2020 election.”
Stupid gonna stupid.
Fair warning:
This is a little bit, ah,, well, you know… kinda ,,, well, it isn’t very nice.. but I think it is funny.. HT QVF wassr1956
Yea, I had seen that on the last Froglegs video. It’s really funny …
Was it?…. I love Joe Dan’s videos.. I really do!!
You had to watch fast, but it was in there; don’t know at what point …
that is a perfect meme right there.
Jordan RT’d Joe’s tweet
You read my meme!
Nor-easter had learned to {de}code!
does all the patience and wait stuff that seem to hinge on mueller releasing his report – does this all seem to take into account that mueller is good? because i keep hearing the OIG report will come out after mueller, the mueller report will cue declass, the mueller report will show nothing on the president, etc, etc…
that’s a lot of MAYBE if you ask me.
what if mueller never releases his report? because the president can’t shut him down we know that. the president cannot force him to do anything we know that…so what’s the deal.
can he wait until lets say late summer? maybe fall? by thanksgiving? what happens if there’s still limbo by primary season?
the risk of looking like a heavy handed dictator has been growing greater and greater with each passing day since the election of 2016.
most of us knew about so much historically that pointed us all to obvious stuff now – and together all of us have been finding out massive amounts non stop.
i always speculated that the longer this went on the worse it was going to be for everyone – and what i mean is this – if we go much further here the reaction by the globalists is not going to lessen because they now know truth.
MAYBE a few of your “democrat” relatives or friends might come around – but it’s not them we are fighting. the ones we are fighting are NOT going to come around frankly.
so the countdown is a disinfo to throw them off, i get that. but then everyone saying “oh the countdown was just disinfo!” are kind of confirming that it’s just disinfo and even WE have absolutely no clue what the hell is going on.
just seems like a situation that will be powder keg volatile and i am looking for the reasoning here.
seriously – late 2017 people were like why isn’t this just brought forth and the old “well, just give them more rope!” was always stated. here we are. how much rope is left?
this is not a battle here on the soil of america – this is worldwide, and up to the firmament, and none of us are even being prepared to know what we need to do…
i am patient as everyone else, and sometimes i spout off, but there’s one thing i do in all aspects of my life is not have expectations and plan for all scenarios and outcomes – or at least try to.
and if i need to be far away from the city, i want to get away from the city. just one thing i think about…
AG Barr is in charge of releasing the report…
Mueller has probably already turned it in…
Barr will release when he gets the word from da Boss.
Navy Seals stick together. Ten seconds of fun and cuteness.
thanks for mentioning that it was flooding in Iowa as well as NE. My Friend’s brother and daughters and son live in Iowa and she has not heard from them in more than a week. I called her and she was completely unaware of the flooding problems.
you’re welcome… hope and pray your friends family is safe…
Now we find out that even sitting US ambassadors were part of the attempted coup. I bet you this goes back to at least the end of 2015.
Things are moving ever more rapidly!
2015 is when Donald Trump started asking for zero’s Birth Certificate…
Zero started this… Zero spied on everyone who spoke against him, and MOAR !!!!
That was actually back in 2011, PhoenixR, when our VSG started asking about HusseinO’s birth certificate.
And personally, I think that HusseinO started spying on PDJT back then.
Totally agree. And I bet it comes out. What fun that will be! 🙂
“The Defense Department has identified $12.8 billion in possible funding that it could use to fulfill President Trump’s call for a border wall.
Sen. Jack Reed, D-R.I., released the 20-page spreadsheet on Twitter Monday night.
Trump last month declared a national emergency at the border, and said he wants to use $3.6 billion for border wall projects. The Pentagon’s list said it has found possible funding sources that are “in excess of the amount needed.””
Lou Dobbs is absent from his show tonight…David Asman is filling in for him.
Lou’s head probably exploded when he learned that Fox had put Rat Ryan on their board!
Or maybe Lou has known about it for a while, and that’s why he hasn’t been looking very well lately?
I dunno.
But it has to be hitting Lou hard.
Lou has been beating the drum about Rat Ryan for years.
He has rarely gone through an entire show without voicing his disgust for the Rat Boy.
Murdoch and his evil spawn are destroying the only semi-conservative media outlet that we have.
We desperately need a better outlet for conservative voices.
We are the new now!
Ugh – “news” ;~)
I believe this to be an important point Q has been making, as important as forgiveness.
I wish he and others would help oann. They are rich. A nominal salary to really outfox them ALL and build up oann would be philanthropic. Some wont ever give up visual news.
Dear Lord, this man is an idiot.
After losing to Ted Cruz, Beto visited New Mexico and ate dirt for “restorative powers”.
He also brought home dirt for his family to eat.
Yo’ Beto,
I have some dirt for you to eat………..!
With luck that dirt has some nice parasite eggs.
B. procyonis or Baylisascaris procyonis is a common round worm in raccoons.
If that is the indicator, BetaBoop has apparently eaten dirt before and is already infected🙄
That would explain it …
Lot of nutrition laying around in the cow 🐮 pastures too … YUM 😋
Inside Story US Mercenaries Arrested in Haiti: Tasneem Interviews Èzili Dantò.
This is the inside story you won’t get from the corporate or alternative media.
Read our full Èzili report about the corrupt Haiti government Snipers-For-Hire, caught during violent protest suppression – at American Mercenaries Arrested in Haiti Go Free –
Nz and australua banning multiple sites, now asking tech to step in for them to do blanket bans “to keep people safe”. A vpn does work. I was warned by emerakdstar not to pist in the chans without one, abd even rumploe agreed, but I dont realky understand them or their differences.
Maybe a tech post would help?
In the wake of last week’s terror attacks at two New Zealand mosques which left 50 dead, several websites which either reported on the incident, hosted footage of the attacks, or have simply allowed people to engage in uncensored discussion such as Dissenter or Zero Hedge, have been partially or completely blocked in both New Zealand and Australia for the sake of “protecting consumers,” according to the CEOs of three New Zealand telcos.
In the immediate aftermath of the shooting – which was broadcast over Facebook Live by accused gunman Brenton Tarrant to an initial audience of just 200 viewers (none of whom reported it) and had 4,000 overall views before it was taken down – Facebook deleted 1.5 million videos of the attack, of which 1.2 million were blocked at the time of upload.
In the first 24 hours we removed 1.5 million videos of the attack globally, of which over 1.2 million were blocked at upload…
A video of the attacks is still freely available to anyone who wishes to download it from bittorrent.
Twitter has also been aggressively censoring content related to the Christchurch shooting – perhaps most egregiously forcing journalist Nick Monroe to delete a large number of tweets as he covered the incident in real time, just one of which had links to footage of the shooting. Document hosting website Scribd, meanwhile, has been deleting copies of Tarrant’s 74-page manifesto.
In addition to documenting the incident, Monroe has been noting the mass censorship surrounding the shootings – as well as things such as the New Zealand herald stealth editing a March 15 article to remove mention of a “well known Muslim local” who “chased the shooters and fired two shots at them as they sped off.”
Seriously. When was the last time that nations acted like that?
I suspect that RUSSIA – with this latest vague Putin stuff about Fake News – is about to drop the facade and drop “crypto” from its variety of socialism.
Sorry about the continuing misspellings! I think my old phone is on its last legs…
Commies and fascists…Are they going to start asking people to volunteer to die to save the planet too?
If they do Gil, just tell them YOU first!
Amazing how it is always US who has to make the sacrificies.
The almost funny thing is that they’ve got tons of people thrilled about the censorship, deleting history, rewriting history. What is wrong with people??????
They are ignorant … it’s been cultivated into them it’s a result of all the indoctrination within our schools .. 😞
Oh, now THAT is Hilarious! 😀
Love it!!!!
Talked to a family member of mine who lives in Sweden. Their biggest worry…. that valamir putin will take over sweden… and the USA will not help because of Trump.
Yes this is what the MSM in sweden pushes.
Funny how people across the EU love to crap all over America 99% of the time, but reflexively depend on America to protect them and their sovereignty when/if SHTF.
Right?! They won’t stand up and fight their own govt tyranny and talk shit about Trump but not only would act surprised if USA didn’t hop to attention and come their aid and then I guarantee at some would be DJT’s fault that it happened in the fisrt place.
The Disney and FOX studios merger is complete tomorrow night but excludes fox news(with their track record the past 2 years they might as well have thrown it in) and they will be the biggest streaming and production studio in Hollywood. That much more likely more mergers will happen.
Bear in mind that Albania was one of THE most hard-core communist East Bloc countries.
J U S T _ S A Y I N ‘
One more slithery swamp rat down the drain. BuhBye
Praying Medic has been wiped from Twitter.
Sorry – can’t do Dropbox – they are always a component in ways to doxx me. Can you give me a description or a copy/paste of the contents?
I have a book mark to Praying Medics twitter feed. I just clicked on it and got a “Sorry, that page doesn’t exist.”
Good Lord!!!
It’s true. They’ve completely erased PM’s account.
MOTHERF$#&@ @#&$ &$#$ &$#@#$&
Yes, I had a tab open to Praying Medic and went to look at it and copy it and POOF!
it went to
I am not surprized. I imagine Twitter will now become very agresssive about taking conservatives of all stripes down.
I sure hope Dave (Praying Medic) contacts Devin Nunes. and his Utubes are still up.
Looks like the site is just over capacity with people looking for news on his Twitter status.
Can’t get on his website either. Praying
I have his web site open right now, but it’s definitely being attacked. I’m getting database errors when trying to refresh his blog page while hoping he might post.
I just did but it took FOREVER to load. I imagine a lot of people are checking up on him.
GONE. So they deplatformed him? Incredible! What the hell!
Maybe he will become more active on Gab and draw others there
Praying Medic has a broadcast on Realpersonpltcs on twitter right now. He proactively deactivated his account.
Yes, here is a Periscope he did explaining it:
He’s Ok everybody!!
I think Dave pushed ⚡️’john’⚡️ too far with his thread An interpretation of ⚡️ ‘John’s’⚡️ thread on censorship that someone linked to earlier. I have an off line copy and it was not a smart thing to post on the subjects platform.
SD would most certainly have given Dave the boot as would most other hosts.
Wolfie, I am NOT posting anything beyond what I just did on the subject, like direct quotes, without your permission. Or if you wish I can use the code to direct it to moderation.
Hang on – I’m trying to figure out what is going on. Let me look in my bins….
Yup. I think you are entirely right. Jack was not a happy boy.
CAIR influencing Congress & now media..funny before the islamofascists were elected they were considered a hate group
They are sure moving FAST! Usually they do not make this type of move until their population is up arround 10%. That means the Commies and Jihadists have very much joined forces.
I think the Commies decided they ‘needed’ a religion and islam fits like a glove.
Remember China and some Muslims have a five year plan to ‘socialize’ Islam — SHUDDER!
You’re probably right . The only saving grace is that their front faces Tlaib and Omar are sneering wholly unlikable people. I’m 100% that to the average American, regardless of being D or R still has a healthy fear and distrust of muslims.
That doesn’t seem to be fazing the DNC though so I’m not sure how to figure that in.
It is pretty easy to figure. I posted the stats.earlier. Muslims now out number Jews in the USA and are growing by one million ever ten years. Therefore the decision was made to toss the Jews under the bus by the DNC. Actually it was done when they installed Obummer and a ton of Muslims in the US government but they didn’t bother to get around to letting the Jews know until now.
2.2% (5.3 million) jewish by background
1.8% (4.2 million) by Religion
less than 0.01% until 1900
0.13% in 1951,
0.49% in 1971
1.3% in 1981
1.57% in 1991,(five million)
1.74% in 2001 (six million)
2.20% in 2009 (seven million)
i know that down deep you know that what actual americans think is completely irrelevant at this time. we are in the back seat with the windows rolled up and the doors locked and they have the accellerator pressed to the floor.
They don’t call themselves yahoos for nothing.
Something is afoot.
Spidey sense tells me it might have something to do with HOW the media is torn, confused, despondent, depressed, about their Russia Hoax, and they’re trying to figure out how to explain the ‘error’ to America.
Across media, we see people within media, question the media.
And all of it happened today.
Weird timing? No such thing as coincidences……
Earlier today, I read the story about Ted Koppel, disparaging the NYTimes and WaPost for their lack of integrity in reporting. “Trump is not mistaken about media bias.”
As I finished reading Peter Boyer’s piece in Esquire, about Trump and the media, Sean Hannity did a whole segment on media deterioration in the Trump era.
From Hannity’s panel, Joe Concha sited a study done By Axios, last year, of INDEPENDENTS, who polled 79%, that were convinced media outlets push “fake news” and stories they know as false.
That’s independents.
The Boyer piece is long and fascinating, especially when viewed as the opinion of one from the upper west side or Carnegie Hill. President Trump gave Boyer a 40 minute phone interview.
Here are a couple of gems:
“””Washington Post executive editor Martin Baron lamented that the news media seemed to be losing the power to influence events. “Journalism may not work as it did in the past,” Baron said. “Our work’s anticipated impact may not materialize.”
It’s almost as if the effort to undo Trump has had an unexpected effect—that Trump has somehow broken the news media. “”””
And here, Trump refers to the moment of truth, the great dividing line for the media.
“Yep, very famous story,” he remarked to me in a recent interview. “It was a very important story…” Trump was referring to a front-page New York Times article published on August 8, 2016, under the headline “The Challenge Trump Poses to Objectivity.” The opening paragraph posed a provocative question:
“If you’re a working journalist and you believe that Donald J. Trump is a demagogue playing to the nation’s worst racist and nationalistic tendencies, that he cozies up to anti-American dictators and that he would be dangerous with control of the United States nuclear codes, how the heck are you supposed to cover him?
From that moment on, the media threw away their neutrality and became a pack of hyenas looking for a fresh kill. Along the way, they lost their reputation.
I also learned, In Boyer’s piece, the NYTimes fired their copy editors and the copy editors were the ones tasked to uphold “The Style” manual of journalistic ethics.
It’s the Trump curse.
One more nugget from the final paragraph:
“””…..Abramson mentions the epitaph above the grave of the Times editor Abe Rosenthal, who helped shepherd the paper through some of the biggest social and political tumults of the last half of the last century, including Vietnam, Watergate, and the rise of Reagan conservatism. Rosenthal’s grave marker reads: “He kept the paper straight.”
Those words will not likely be affixed to those who directed the paper through the challenging tenure of the forty-fifth president. More fitting final words for them might well be: “Trump made us do it.” “””””
Yep, “Liz Spayd, the public editor, if the Times’s new business model was to become a sort of high-end Huffington Post.”
The Gray Lady, the Paper of Record, is gone, and the WaPost and legacy media is dead.
We are the news now!!
And as if someone from above tapped me on the shoulder, I found this thread from Rosie Memos, done in January, on the four entities who ‘help’ Twitter train for content = what to censor. Rosie’s piece is a fine example of stellar investigative reporting… the way it used to be. I posted her thread earlier today. A friend just messaged me to compliment her, and he said, “That’s the kind of reporting we want to see” and “I would go out of my way to read her”.
And two months ahead of the curve???? Wow.
Here’s Rosie’s thread:
She is amazing. No matter the subject she dives in and finds gems.
Great article. Yeah, conservatives have no chance there. Just ridiculous. We are fools to keep using Twitter, IMO.
Thanks for the info. (Good Thread — I archived it.)
Oh yeah. I gasped in shock when I saw that piece. It came out 2 month before the election. I bookmarked it because of how “off the reservation” it was.
the NY Slimes article POTUS (and you) refers to was entitled
The 2nd para. in this vile piece of cow dung reads….
“Because if you believe all of those things, you have to throw out the textbook American journalism has been using for the better part of the past half-century, if not longer, and approach it in a way you’ve never approached anything in your career. If you view a Trump presidency as something that’s potentially dangerous, then your reporting is going to reflect that. You would move closer than you’ve ever been to being oppositional.
that’s just what reporters are doing. And it’s unavoidable. Because Mr. Trump is conducting his campaign in ways we’ve not normally seen.“
See how they do that, kids? Because Bad Orange Man is conducting his campaign in ways they’ve not normally seen (read: they don’t like), then it’s ok for them to throw away their own rule book and pretend they are the normals, not the enemy.
With this piece, the “elite” inside the presstitute that is the “old gray hag” signaled to all their ideological fellow journOlisters that it was OK to throw away objectivity and fairness…..Bad Orange Man must be defeated at any cost.
What they didn’t expect was that he was going to win. What they didn’t expect was that they were going to have to keep doubling down in doubling down and doubling down. What they didn’t expect was that they were going to completely trash whatever credibility they had, and now they’re so deep in there is no way out for them.
So now their only hope is to censor and mute conservative voices, to silence the right so that they are the only voices being heard. They have become EXACTLY what they claimed to hate, and become parodies of themselves.
Great post DW247…
The fascinating thing is that it’s more than just the media that’s “torn, confused, despondent, depressed”…
President Donald Trump has effected almost every aspect of culture and life in America…and the world… from military, geopolitical, sports, music , hollywood, both American political parties, science, religion…the list goes on and on. The world will never be the same…thank Trump
Fake News
Fake Entertainment
Fake Science
Fake United Nations
Fake Globalism
Fake Democrat Party
Fake Republican Party
Fake EU
Fake China Trade
Fake Chamber of [Chinese] Commerce
Fake Oscars
Fake College Admissions
Fake Promise Programs
Fake Elections
Fake Border
The list goes on. ALL the fakery – EXPOSED.
Harry, I had a feeling electing Trump would be a great thing for America. Hell, I sent him a certified letter in July of 2011, begging him to run. Yet, none of us ever thought it would be this good! Wow!
That letter I’m sure was one of many, but I’ll bet it impressed him more than most!!!
Excellent post daughn … great information .. thank you! 🙂👍❤️‼️🇺🇸‼️
AWESOME 😎👍❤️❤️‼️🇺🇸‼️
Here’s another tweet about Praying Medic temporarily deactivating his Twitter account:
Some people are waking up and this local station is reporting.
All the big bastions of liberal policies are failing.
Seattle. Oh my goodness…
“City Councilmen says ‘if you see something call 911’
Citizen stands up and says ‘You said two words. Call 911, The police told us if we want to see a change vote you out! ‘ ”
This is a strong vid. Oh my!
The only redeeming thing in this vid is “You can watch the special on KOMO 4 when it re-airs Saturday March 23 at 10 p.m. (20/20 will air at 1:05 a.m. instead) and Sunday, March 31 at 3 p.m.” They are self reporting.
I took 39 mins of this and had to close it down. Democrats are clearly demons and the picture we all look at with half the tree in fall and the offer half in desolation…this is the desolation part.
82,324 Sealed Indictments 10/30/2017-2/28/2019
Should we move to Wyoming? The honest folks seem to be there!
Hmmm. No Dick Cheney?
1. OHH Please be true Please be true Please be true Please be true Please be true Please be true!!!
2. What’s up with WY?
If Ark had 1 more it would be Felonia Von Pantsuit’s lucky number
I hope those 168 in Oregon include Kate Brown and all her henchmen.
The number in Arkansas looks awfully low given the level of activity that goes on there.
I was at President Trump’s twitter page and this was posted ..
.. no blue twitter bird 🐦 ..
Pinned Tweet
John F. Kennedy Jr.
Don Imus interviews JFK Jr. in 1997 and an interesting discussion popped up related to current 2018 events, China and technology.
There is this WORD on the TIP of my TONGUE…. what IS that WORD…?
Ah, yes.
M O T I V E ! ! !
The Question is…Who?
Some think so; could be…she wouldn’t have won that Senate seat in a run against him.
The Hussein branch of the DNC?
They wouldn’t have been able to catapult him into power so quickly, with JFK Jr around.
So that’s a possible, too.
The Clowns?
They couldn’t risk another honest Kennedy like his father, taking power?
Maybe it was All of the Above.
Ding.ding.ding … 😉👍❤️🇺🇸‼️❤️
My question on that, though, remains: why would a master troller with a brain make EXACTLY the same mistake his father did and tell the enemy what he was going to do to them?
POLITICO has Qanon all figured out!
Verified account
#QAnon conspiracists claim Robert Mueller’s probe is a cover, and that Donald Trump — to save the republic at the expense of his own reputation — hand picked him to investigate and thwart a coup d’état by the “Deep State,” which believers allege is run by child molesting elites
What is QAnon?
QAnon conspiracists believe Donald Trump hired Mueller to secretly investigate members of the “Deep State,” which they claim is led by child molesting elites and Democrats such as Hillary Clinton.
9:27 AM – 19 Mar 2019
Hiding the truth in plain sight again, I see.
Is this the proof Trump is a Dictator?
The bigger picture?
Text is missing from the Beto meme. It should say…
“My name is Robert Francis…. but everybody calls me Beto. Any of you calls me Francis, and I’ll kill you.”
Stop the presses!
I was thinking about going to bed but this is FAR too important of an issue to “jerk around”.
We have to talk about the power of weenies.
Yep, it’s penis power!!!!!
Apparently, it’s a “sizeable” issue for the 2020 election. I’m not lying.
Forget the stories about radical Dems pushing to abolish the Electoral college, ICE, allowing 16yr olds to vote, free college, reparations, universal income, or their love of the new religion of GREEN energy…… this Dem candidate has found a perfect issue to “galvanize” the electorate.
Andrew Yang, Dem Candidate for President…………., wants to end circumcision.
I’m dying to know if a pollster actually poll-tested this issue and how much he charged Yang. I’m thinking we should probably give out awards for best comment on this story.
Have at it!
I’m trying to figure out where this fits in with social credits. This is the guy that wants to bring social credits here to the USA. My guess is if you get circumcised then you can’t attend collage or travel or some such junk. Actually I have no idea how he’d do this, but he is a fan of the social credit system China deploys and I’m sure anything he doesn’t like he’d ding you for it.
Who would check?
School nurse? Doctor’s reporting? Insurance companies. Self reporting and if you don’t! Oh my don’t ask. You might get extra credit for checking and reporting with the systems they’d set up.
Yeah, over the top today. Tomorrow though ????
Oh, Daughn, he evidently failed to check in with Cher! 🤣
Cher Calls for Laws to Control Men’s Bodies: ‘Must Be Circumcised, & Show Papers or Penis’
This is just not right….
Does it have to get this crazy for people to realize what crazy is?
Naw, it’s testicular density….and PDJT wins an uncontested challenge.😉
That’s why the Beast has reinforced suspension…it’s necessary to carry “them” 😎
Why the fight against “the wall”?
Maybe a truer meaning of the tree?
Looks like somebody ADDED the verse to the image of the painting. It would be interesting to look at ALL similar images out there and see which verses are associated with it.
Yes it would!
My alphabet isn’t complete tonight…my Q is missing 😕
The little boy who reported this was very brave AND his parents are to be commended for instilling courage and understanding of respect ….
Two Head Start teachers are on paid administrative leave for their alleged involvement in punishing preschoolers by making them stand naked in a closet.
Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville (SIUE) runs The Head Start program, which serves 4- and 5-year-old kids, KMOV4 reported Tuesday.
A 26-year-old teacher was accused of making the students strip, KMOV4 reported. A 41-year-old teacher was also put on leave after allegedly watching the incident and not telling officials.
“Children would misbehave in class and the teacher would have them disrobe and stand them, make them stand inside a closet for five or 10 minutes as their discipline,” SIUE Police Chief Kevin Schmoll said, according to KMOV4. “Then they would redress and join the class.”
Four out of 20 students allegedly went through this punishment, according to KMOV4.
The alleged punishment began as early as February, but police were notified Thursday by one of the victim’s parents, The Southern Illinoisan reported.
“The little boy who first reported it was very brave for coming forward,” Schmoll said, according to The Illinoisan. “That is how we were able to discover this in the first place.”
SIUE did not immediately respond to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.
Nice to see such a young one stand up for other children…
Paid administrative leave? Fire them! Making a child strip naked is grounds for firing. It is abusive.
Um like it’s not bad enough to stand in a dark closet but to have the added humiliation of being naked??
Paid leave.. I’m with you. Fire them
WTH!!!…Fire them and charge them with child abuse!!!
Thank heaven he told his parents.
Yes, and even though it did not affect him directly, he knew it was wrong. Remember when the “right/wrong blur” was not present?
I remember when my daughter was in college and called to tell me that her friend she had grown up with, gone to church together and his mother was my hairdresser was doing drugs. She was devastated and I told her I would talk to his mom which I did and the conversation was just something I knew needed to happen given the thought that if she had that information about my daughter, I would not be happy if she hesitated to share it with me. She appreciated the call and the parents handled it well as I recall…long time ago so details are not in my memory but he is a responsible father now and I am sure he has not involvement in any drug scene….
We’re in an odd situation because we are next door to the school. The kids know me. Many of them have been here for Christmas or Easter Egg parties, etc.
In the past 25yrs, about 10 times I would estimate, I’ve had a kid show up at our house in the middle of the night…. scared and afraid.
It’s traumatic for them. Sometimes it’s a simple fight with a parent, which is easy to resolve.
Other times it is severe.
And I defend them like they are my own.
I used to think — gosh, I need better training in this area – but no, some things are pure instinct, like protecting a child.
And it is no accident you are where you are! I know you know that….
Wow…. that hit me hard.
Tearing up.
Oh Daughn, didn’t mean to bring tears but after thinking about it I remembered a song composed by a life coach I worked with several years ago … don’t know how or even if it is possible to post mp3 here but here’s the jpg…I think the tears were you remembering who you are so that makes me happy!
What is WRONG with these people???????
For you Q professionals. Looks interesting
That was pretty much determined some time ago, [P] being the root of all issues, and it isn’t the pope. A lot of digging was done I want to say about a year ago.
heard on the radio earlier a new hate crime…
jewish cemetary in massachisetts vandalized. many stones overturned.
white supremacist and nazi symbols used.
“oy vey this is maga country” spray painted on the stones.
That happened here in a Jewish cemetery not too far away from where I live. Out of the blue, too. BUT, what the national media FAILED to report is that that particular cemetery is right on the road that is the great racial divide in this part of the county.
It’s starting to feel fabricated.