Dear MAGA: 20190320 Open Topic

This PRAY FOR THE TRUTH WARRIORS WEDNESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.

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Keep it civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.

Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.

Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:


Our movement

Is about replacing

A failed


Political establishment

With a new government controlled

By you, the American People.

Candidate Donald J. Trump

Also consider Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Please continue to be vigilant….

Be Vigilant for a News Cycle Changing False Flag Attack in US, UK, France or Italy
Q!!mG7VJxZNCI14 Mar 2019 – 10:39:01 PM
Be vigilant at all times.
(US, UK, FR, IT)
See Something.
Say Something.
Narrative change needed.
FAKE NEWS attempting to REBRAND HARMFUL TESTIMONY and instead provide MISLEADING info to their readers. 

Q Post 3077

Be careful. See something – say something.

Though our Truth Warriors like Praying Medic may come under attack, we will support them, and included in that support is our NUCLEAR WEAPON of PRAYER.

You have your orders. PRAY for our Truth Warriors, led (among mortals) by the greatest one of all.




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Brazil + United States = We Own China.


We are the News NOW!
And now…. a special report on Sotbeans from our own…
Michaelh 🙂
Take it away Michael…..

Sylvia Avery

Does this pie chart represent world’s soybean production? Is that what I’m looking at? If so, you should see my big smile. PDJT has a good relationship with the Argentina leader, too. Heh, heh, heh.


Yes it does – and those are OLD 2013 numbers! U.S. has pulled ahead since then. Argentina and Brazil do not have enough soybeans to meet Chinese demand – IIRC most of that Argentinian export is actually imported soybeans from the U.S. that are reproecessed and reexported.

Sylvia Avery

Thanks. Really interesting!
As for me, I hereby bequeath my share of our country’s soybeans to anyone who wants them. If I never saw another one it would make me happy!


The People’s Liberation Army wants your soybeans, Sylvia!
And, best of all, if you bequeath them to the PLA, I’m sure the Central Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reforms might choose to go lightly on you, when they assign you your score in the Social Credit System! 😄😄😄
🤔Otoh, President Trump and President Bolsonaro would probably prefer you to bury them with your shovel, so as not to let Xi off the hook! Jus’ sayin’

Sylvia Avery

Ha, ha! I’d rather do that than let AOC and her ilk have them!


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2017 Soybean Production by County (United States)


Right now, yes. Compare with the 2010 map:comment image


Look at how explosive the growth of Soybeans is over the past century:comment image


Basically the richest U.S. cropland is being used for soybean production. Not exclusively mind you, but the numbers are staggering.

Gail Combs

Actually soybean are legumes — Nitrogen fixing plants, so they would be grown where you grow corn to put nutrients back into the soil. Rotating corn and soybeans is what a smart farmer would do.
In some places, white clover, another legume, is grown in the winter and tilled under as a ‘green manure’ However you can SELL soybeans.


I can sell manure if packaged right! Of course, not to China—they are knee deep in shit!


I would guess that selling manure puts you in direct competition with CNN and MSNBC, no?


I used to sell my aged horse manure in NOVA. Put it in feed bags, $3/bag – made a killing!

Sylvia Avery

Thanks Gail. I appreciate knowing that. Smart business, these soybeans. Until a few months ago I kept hearing soybeans mentioned and thought who cares about soybeans? Bleh….. But I’m learning!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Mississippi and Illinois Rivers, actually. The bottom and delta soil is very fertile, which is what ticks me off about this. When the family still had the farm, the rotation was corn, wheat, soybeans, and sometimes milo which was turned under. Too much cultivation like this is going to tap the soil worse than it already is.
It’s also close in to what used to be Monsanto and the other seed companies.

Gail Combs

Deplorable Patriot,
That is what ticks me off about Bio-fuel. Big $$$ moves in and literally ‘MINES’ the soil with no thought to conservation. They grow corn and take the entire plant tilling nothing under.
1/2 a century ago my farm had over two feet of some of the best loam in NC. Where is it now? At the bottom of the Atlantic. The place was RENTED tobacco fields for years until all that was left was 98% clay with hardly any organic matter at all. That is why I got it so cheap. It would barely grow weeds much less a crop.
I put animals on it and my soil is SLOWLY building back up. Since I am on a hill side and we have very heavy rain, even with grass a lot of the manure and soil still gets washed away.
Also out in the midwest, a lot of the Dust Bowl conservation measures are being abandonned like the hedge rows to stop the wind and errosion. With big equipment you want YUGE fields not small fields with tree lines so all the trees got cut down.


Hi Gail!
Any way you could terrace your land?

Gail Combs

Actually just putting large limbs or logs along the fence line to stop the soil does it fairly well.
I found out the hard way that you do NOT use a york rake to smooth out the ground when replanting a pasture. Disc it. Leave it VERY ROUGH and it will be smooth in a year or so. That is what clued this Northern city girl into just how damaging the downpours are here in the south. No wonder Georgia has red clay soil!

A Fortiori

Mining the soil — excellent way to put it.

Deplorable Patriot

I don’t know that the conservation measures being abandoned is completely true. A lot of times the tree lines are along small rivers or creeks. Given the way the water drains into the big rivers, that’s the cheapest way to maintain a storm drain, in effect. Especially out in parts of Illinois that are perfectly flat. Once you get past the bluffs along the Mississippi it is. North, I’m not sure what the situation is, exactly.

Gail Combs

They are not completely abandoned but when a big corporation buys up several farms to grow corn they will erase anything that gets in the way of their equipment including windbreaks. (And then there are the concentrated feed lots where cows, hogs… are put in a small space and stuffed with grain in stead of pastured…)
Planting Trees Helped End the Dust Bowl. Crop Subsidies Reward Farmers Who Rip Them Out. By Anne Schechinger, Senior Analyst, Economics

During the Dust Bowl of the 1930s, the federal government planted 220 million trees to stop the blowing soil that devastated the Great Plains. Now, just when drought and dust storms are on their way back, this “Great Wall of Trees” is crumbling – and federal farm policy is partly to blame.
A new investigation by the Food & Environment Reporting Network and the Weather Channel found that throughout Nebraska, farmers are tearing out trees to eke out a few more acres of land to plant to row crops like corn and soybeans, which receive federal subsidies. These so-called shelterbelts were critical to alleviating the conditions that created the Dust Bowl, and have helped stop them from coming back.
Tree shelterbelts help farmers adapt to drought conditions by reducing soil erosion and keeping moisture in the soil. But instead of planting more trees, or adapting to changing climate conditions through other conservation practices like planting cover crops, farmers are doing the exact opposite….

There were even reports of farmers plowing up the shoulder of the road right up to the asphalt to get in the last coupl of rows of corn!
This is Africa: Long-term tillage and maize monoculture effects on a tropical Alfisol in western Nigeria. I. Crop yield and soil physical properties
Not planting winter cover crops can be a problem too. White Clover seed is EXPENSIVE!😲 So if the fields are rented or owned by a corporation they are not going to bother like a family farmer would.

Deplorable Patriot

There’s a lot along the Missouri River as well.


Soybeans, I believe, are the 2nd biggest crop in Nebraska. If not 2nd, then close. As Gail said above, they rotate.

Deplorable Patriot

Like I said, the relative who did the planting, well, relatives, had the property split into 4 fields at least. Corn, wheat, soybeans and then clover or milo is what I remember. And the clover or milo was turned under and the field sat for a bit. Once the winter wheat was harvested, the grass part was turned under.
I can see where the dominant crop would change depending on what was planted in any one year.

Gail Combs

They were doing it in a way that saved the soil. Big AG corporate farms doesn’t care about anything but $$$$

Deplorable Patriot

The old family farm is currently a farm for something else, and not commercial. The real worry is it being paved over given the proximity to a major interstate.


Wolfmoon honey, there are sooooo many soybeans here, I used to spray paint the dried plants gold/silver, and use them to decorate Christmas packages.
Our farmers can win this war!


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World Soybean Consumption, Present and Projected. China versus All Other Countries.


comment image
U.S. Soybean Exports:
1) To China
2) To the Rest of the World
3) Percentage of U.S. Exports to China (see right axis)


Thank you, michaelh, for “bringin’ it”!

Rodney Short

Soybeans and bacon ooops I meant to say hogs.
Let the farmers grow and watch what happens, time to take the gloves off…


Monsanto has them by the short-hairs, unfortunately.

Gail Combs

When it comes to Monsanto, there is major unity among Conservatives and Liberals. Probably the #1 most hated corporation in the USA outside of the Banksters.


Now owned by Bayer.


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US Soybeans Yeild – Actual vs. Trendline
Updated 3/8/3019


What in the world do they do with soybeans?comment image

Plain Jane

I just wish we didn’t put soy into most of out foods.


100% Agree!

Plain Jane

I have to make everything from scratch and really analize what is in my restaurant food before I order.


Dear God, let this be a typo.

Plain Jane

I wish it was.


no pun intended? 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Probably has the same effect as Senekot (or whatever it was)…


Double entendre! ;8->


hahahaha thanks for the laugh cthulhu.

Plain Jane

I just saw your spelling correction. Yes, typo. However I am one of those persons who can read anything as long as most consonants are in a word even if not in correct order, missing a vowel or have a wrong vowel. I’m rather dumb like that.
Sorry if my errors offend you or anyone else.


I don’t eat in restaurants (for decades)!!!

Plain Jane

We enjoy a local Greek run greasy spoon here in town but there is only one dish I get. It’s clean and they make it to my specs. Plus there is a Mexican place in the next town over that has several clean dishes.


Jane, I agree. I don’t think soybean should be for human consumption generally. It affects hormones in the body. I think fermented is better, or organic. I read labels and try to avoid seed oils.

Plain Jane

I can actually “taste” the stuff. It’s almost musty tasting.
Another oil that is pushed on us is cannola oil – highly processed cheap crap. Funny that how corn oil and olive oil has been kicked out of favor since corn has been added to gasoline.
Lard from quality raised pigs and tallow got the boot. We have been manipulated.

Plain Jane

Studies are starting to indicate that some people who cannot eat eggs are not really allergic to them, but have gut problems with the soy fed to the chickens.
The soy is showing up in the yolks. Purchasing eggs from chickens not fed soy is nearly impossible and really expensive. One of my DILs has to strictly follow an AIP diet and finding such eggs is a real trick.

Deplorable Patriot

Without fermenting, soy is a poison with a lot of phytoestrogen, but nobody wants to hear that. Can’t eat the stuff.

Gail Combs

Yuppers, it is a POISON and the idiot vegans and vegatarians gobble it up.
The smarter ones stick with other beans for protein.


I don’t fancy being called an idiot vegetarian! Grew up on southern cooking (bacon grease, Crisco, all the meats, etc.), and quit eating meat, fish, or fowl at 17 (almost 48 years ago)! No soy! Do I push this lifestyle on others—absolutely not. Do I know from experience both sides of the coin? Yes! If you want meat, fucking eat meat—but let me drown in my ignorance without insult!!!

Gail Combs

I specifically said the smarter ones get their protein from source OTHER THAN SOY like OTHER BEANS! Please read the entire comment next time.
I am well aware there are vegans out there who do their research. The IDIOTS on the other hand just join a fad because of peer pressure and do themselves harm because THEY DO NOT RESEARCH!
Are we clear now?


You did indeed! [Not enough morning coffee!] I stand corrected, Gail!


((((PeteC)))) My mother used to say yuppers!!! I am way out in left field… there was a time I liked toasted soy beans… ate them like peanuts… and I will not even mention edame…

Deplorable Patriot

I know a number of vegetarians who will eat salmon. Otherwise, they look for protein where ever they can find it.

Plain Jane

Wild caught – good. Farm raised salmon is fed soy.


Oh, that’s what happened to their brains!

Gail Combs

Actually Yes, that is why I emphasised RESEARCH to PeteC and I used the word idiot to describe those who do not do research. (If you did research you would stay away from soy… And I LOVE Soy Sauce.☹️)
Nov 5, 2013 … A recent study on brain shrinkage was completed showing vegans and vegetarian suffered the most brain shrinkage,” says Nora Gedgaudas. On a meat free diet, vegan and vegetarian, were six times more likely to suffer brain shrinkage.
You can hurt a baby’s brain development:
Farming to blame for our shrinking size and brains

( — At Britain’s Royal Society, Dr. Marta Lahr from Cambridge University’s Leverhulme Centre for Human Evolutionary Studies presented her findings that the height and brain size of modern-day humans is shrinking.
Looking at human fossil evidence for the past 200,000 years, Lahr looked at the size and structure of the bones and skulls found across Europe, Africa and Asia. What they discovered was that the largest Homo sapiens lived 20,000 to 30,000 years ago with an average weight between 176 and 188 pounds and a brain size of 1,500 cubic centimeters.
They discovered that some 10,000 years ago however, size started getting smaller both in stature and in brain size. Within the last 10 years, the average human size has changed to a weight between 154 and 176 pounds and a brain size of 1,350 cubic centimeters.
While large size remained static for close to 200,000 years, researchers believe the reduction in stature can be connected to a change from the hunter-gatherer way of life to that of agriculture which began some 9,000 years ago…..


On Quackwatch there is a link to an article on the ACSH website by William T. Jarvis titled “Why I am not a Vegetarian”. Very good, and also thoroughly sourced. May need to seach the ACSH website for it but it’s still out there, I can’t post the link right now. If you dig it up please share the link here.


You’re right, DP. Very bad for people.

Plain Jane

DP, check out my egg yolk comment right above.


I was just sitting here reading all the soy comments and I thought,,,, gee what do we do with soybeans?..
Then I saw your graphic!!!


Soy oils (and by products) and animal feed, pretty much.


Micheal, with your permission, I’m going to steal your mini-presentation and send it to the Trump groups in NE, SD and Iowa. As well as our farmers.
Our farmers are going to kick some Chinese ARSE!


Steal my stuff? Sure – where do you think I got it in the first place 😉


Hehe, it’s good Michael, and I think it will help give the farmers hope.
They’ve suddenly found themselves on the front line of this war!


They aren’t called the Fightin’ Farmers for nuthin!




Prayers for our Praying Medic!


He’s good Michael!– At least according to Lisa Mei and Dilley…

Sylvia Avery

Michael, what happened to Praying Medic?


Heheh…someone did a ‘study’ to see what were the most stressful things for Millennials.
———— From the article:
Here are the top 20 stressful scenarios reported by millennials:
1. Losing wallet/credit card
2. Arguing with partner
3. Commute/traffic delays
4. Losing phone
5. Arriving late to work
6. Slow WiFi
7. Phone battery dying
8. Forgetting passwords
9. Credit card fraud
10. Forgetting phone charger
11. Losing/misplacing keys
12. Paying bills
13. Job interviews
14. Phone screen breaking
15. Credit card bills
16. Check engine light coming on
17. School loan payments
18. Job security
19. Choosing what to wear
20. Washing dishes
I would’ve thought that ‘Job security’ would have been Number One, but no…’Slow WiFi’ is way more stressful!
And ‘Losing phone’ is Number 4?


Registering to Vote
Mailing a Letter
Doing anything at the Post Office
Using a Rotary Telephone
Writing a Term Paper on a Typewriter
Library Research with Microfiche
Giving Correct Change
Using a paper map or road atlas
Navigating without GPS
Using a Phone book / Yellow Pages
Operating a Fax Machine


Is this a List of Things Millennials Have Never Done?
Well, they may have registered to vote.


Sewing a button.
Repairing a sock.
Thoroughly cleaning a bathroom.
The difference between a phillips and flathead.
I could go on.comment image


So, I went out to grab dinner a while ago and drove back. To get home, I have to make a left turn, from a left-turn lane on a major (3 lanes each direction), into a minor side street. I got stuck behind two other vehicles — a Mini-Cooper and some generic SUV.
There are a variety of major breaks in the oncoming traffic, and the Mini-Cooper doesn’t move. I’m thinking about blowing my horn to wake this person up, but figure that the SUV should probably make the call — maybe there’s something I don’t see. Then, finally, there’s absolutely nothing in oncoming traffic except a truck that’s 500 yards away in the slow lane, and the Mini-Cooper starts crawling into a U-turn. As she gets sideways to me, I see it is a young female with a cellphone pasted to her head. Initially, I figured she was moving so slow in order to let the truck go by…..but then she pinched it off and made it stop for her.
That was so totally stupid and irresponsible that it left me shaken.

A Fortiori

The most direct route to my office allows for no uncontrolled left hand turns once I leave my subdivision. A little over 17 miles, which takes just under an hour. I used to lament this, thinking I would be able to safely and efficiently make these turns much more quickly than awaiting a turn signal. Now, I look at the drivers around me and know they would never apply sufficient attention to the task of driving to be able to brave the turn, and I would be sitting even longer without the light.


Going back a lot farther, a stressor (i.e., torture 😬) for me would be having to stand and talk on one of those phones you see attached to the wall in old movies.


That’s the one! That was progress, then…


That vintage wall phone dates back to when phone service was Not Considered a Utility.
In the early days, phone service was considered a novelty…and a way for people to ‘socialize’ with each other.
Sound familiar?
There is enough precedent already, to warrant calling ‘social media’ a Public Utility.
Our VSG President uses it as a Public Address System, to communicate to his countrymen…and the world.
A Public Utility cannot engage in discrimination or persecution on the basis of political beliefs.

Mary Morse

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Cuppa Covfefe

We had friends (many years ago) who lived in Oregon who had one of those. Self-powered, as the little crank on the right was for a dynamo that generated enough juice to establish the connection to the Central Office and get things going. After the initial connection, it wasn’t needed (until the next call)…
Ahh, for the days when phones were also nice furniture 🙂
(Side note: over here in Germany, they call cellphones “handys”, I guess because they’re handy/handlich, With the crank on the side of that one, it wou REALLY be a handy…).


didn’t know that. Now I have a vocab work to ask my husband’s Swiss German work colleagues….I’m always curious about the traveling nature of vocabulary. My husband and I have been known to banter about word etymology some nights (it stems from his Latin classes back in the day, and my medical illustration training with latin anatomy terms)

Cuppa Covfefe

In Schwabisch they say it’s “Hän di koi Schnur” (Haben die keine Schnur) , roughly, “Don’t they have a cord?”…
More infos at–handy—3544468.html
And a joke about the notoriously tight-fisted Schwabisch, who were supposedly thrown out of Scotland for being too cheap:
Ein schwäbisches Ehepaar wandert durch die Alpen und fällt in eine Gletscherspalte.
Am nächsten Tag hören sie eine Stimme von oben rufen: “Hallo, hier ist das Rote Kreuz!”
Darauf ruft der Schwabe zurück: “Mir gäbet nix!”
(A Schwabisch (married) couple were hiking through the Alps and fell into a crevasse.
The next day, they heard a voice from above calling them, “Hello, this is the Red Cross!”
To which the Schwabisch replied, “we’re not donating”…).

Ein Schwabe kommt ins Pfandhaus und möchte einen Kredit über 100 Euro aufnehmen. Als Pfand bietet er seinen Mercedes. Dem Pfandleiher kommt die Sache zwar etwas seltsam vor, er sagt dem Schwaben aber, er solle sein Auto in die Lagerhalle fahren.
Einen Monat später möchte der Schwabe sein Pfand auslösen.
“Das macht 100 Euro und 5 Euro Zinsen,” sagt der Pfandleiher, “verraten Sie mir jetzt den Sinn der ganzen Aktion?”
Sagt der Schwabe: “Ich war in Urlaub, und wo kann ich sonst für 5 Euro einen Monat lang parken?”
(A “Schwob” walks into a pawn shop and wants to get a loan of 100 Euros. As a deposit he gives his Mercedes. The pawnshop proprietor thinks this is kind of odd, but says to the Schwob he can drive his car into the warehouse.
A month later the Schwob returns to reclaim his deposit.
“Thal’ll be 100 Euros, and 5 Euros interest,” says the pawnshop owner, “but could you tell me why you did this?”
Replied the Schwob, “I was on vacation, and where else could I park for a month for only 5 Euros?”)
[I’ve heard the same joke in English about President Trump, and other billionaires. Probably one reason why billionaires get that rich 🙂 ]




Cuppa, those crank phones sound so interesting.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep, they are. And kind of exciting to get working (or try, sometimes). Reminds me of really old movies where they had to make a call in a hurry, and the actor/actress would crank away furiously trying to make a connection (not needed, but they probably didn’t know that).
Better to have crank phones than phone cranks….
(OK…back to my corner 🙂 )…


Oh my I would so love to have one of those, wonder if they could be converted to be compatible with a modern system.

Gail Combs

Most of the box could be reused no problem. The internals could be swapped out to some degree – if you were connecting them to a traditional analog line. The hardest part would be the DTMF tone generation (“touch-tone dialing”) since many of the lines don’t support pulse dialing anymore. I had a friend who had a candle-stick phone that worked up until the day they disabled the pulse dial.

Cuppa Covfefe

My first thought was maybe Radio Shack has a converter box to convert from pulse to DTMF. Then I remembered that “the shack ain’t coming back” this time (it seems). But I imagine some hobby electronic places or somewhere on the internet there should be a kit, or a schematic,at the very least. Allied Radio? Edmund Scientific (it they still exist)? eBay?
A bigger problem would be going to a different country’s phone system (different voltages, ring signals, etc.). Then there’s the “joy” of IP telephony versus the good old days…
Over here they’ve pretty much killed off analog and ISDN. There are limited “last mile” lines available, but they get converted to IP at the CO. Folks with alarm systems and/or fax machines have been up in arms since the cutover started (and it’s been at least five years).
They’ve also sent AM radio packing, and FM is not far behind. Seems they want to force DAB (digital audio broadcasting) on us, at any cost. And don’t get me going about 5G 🙂 (or, really 🙁 )…


We have options stateside. The loss of Radio Shack is a minor sting but they’ve always been overpriced compared with alternatives like the old Heathkits, which you can still get online. Locally we have a HAM radio outlet; Fry’s and MicroCenter still carry some stuff, Tanner Electronics. LOTS of hobbyist/enthusiast groups in Texas, and of course makerspaces. I’m sure someone online has instructions for a pulse to DTMF converter but it might be just as easy to send pulses directly to an RPi and bridge to VoIP. I don’t miss ISDN much – I loved it when I had it but it was so overpriced. Germany is such a mess, STASI is no exaggeration. I’m hoping current developments result in economic/political destabilization, even if it does mean some pain.

Cuppa Covfefe

I meant to say that the EU is doing this. But no-one’s buying the stupid DAB radios (at 100 Euros a pop, who would, when an AM/FM or all-band radio only costs 15-20 Euro for a pretty decent version.
My “Fritz!Box” modem/router/WAN/etc, box has an ISDN S0 port on it, so I can hang my ISDN mini-exchange off of it. Gets kind of irritating all of the geeky devices I’ve bought over the years that work just fine, but have been made obsolete by TPTB (aka the derp state)…
Merde-kel’s on her proverbial last legs, but she’s been that way for about five years now….sigh…


And who makes money selling chipsets for DAB radios? That’s totally ridiculous. AM is pretty old but it can’t be beat for emergency broadcast. A single tower set high enough and powerful enough could transmit and be heard through almost all of Europe. We have a few stations in the U.S. that are used for that purpose (though almost noone knows about it anymore). You’ll never get that range on their jacked digital standards. The idea that an emergency broadcast requires a special decoding chipset is simply assinine.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. What really grinds my grits is each new “improvement” brings a much steeper reception rolloff with it. With AM, the signal gradually fades out, and you could drive (or walk) for miles with the remnants of the signal. With FM, the signal would fade suddenly, then out. With DAB (I’m told; I’ll NEVER buy that trash) the rolloff is almost vertical. I’ve heard of people moving DAB radios across the room and the signal disappears… Ahhh, “progress”…
Speaking of AM, I used to drive up the Kalifornistan coast from LA to the Bay Area and DX stations in Hawaii and other points far away (at night). We also had KFI, KFAX, and other “clear channel” broadcasters that would really crank up the power at night. Those were the days…
I have a Philips EE8/A20 (=EE20) Electronic Experimenter kit (from back when they made kits where you could actually touch the components) that I want to show my son. Trouble is, they only have AM (which we don’t really have here), and don’t have FM (which would have needed shielded I/F stages and more complex (read: expensive) circuitry). I could try to cobble up a VERY low power AM transmitter, but then I’d probably get a visit from “Angie’s boys” in their white vans… So I guess I’ll wind a trawler-band antenna and see it that works… sigh…


I think that this was the model RBG used when she was in law school.

Cuppa Covfefe

Word is, she visited the Dead Sea when it was only sick…


TheseTruths, some of us remember doing that.


Wonderful! These days, it’s hard for many to sit still while on the phone, let alone stand in one place.


Driving a manual transmission vehicle


How about mowing a lawn or trimming? Thats a big one too!

Deplorable Patriot

Actually, I’m Gen X and I don’t do that. But, it sends me into an asthma attack, so I have an excuse.


Really? That’s the only kind I like to drive.


my one true release every day!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In some places a manual transmission makes an excellent theft prevention device.

Cuppa Covfefe

Especially where shiftless people abound…
(Shift happens [to quote Dogbert])…


Michael!! Typewriter and Library Microfiche–
Daughter was in 1st year in college–Freaking out about a paper (yeah I was on facebook in 2007 but she wouldnt friend me–All Her friends DID!) I got on “THE INTERNET” and gave her so much info !! and called her out for not being able to do this!!
FYI she is a great Trump supporter– NOW


Marica and Michaelh, I love old typewriters and remember most of these things, including phones on a wall connected by a cord. I like all these things but only if they are operational, in working order, but I don’t care for the reproductions that have modern electronics.


Zoe, I’m such a throw-back I grind my coffee every day with a 100-year-old hand grinder. Make the best coffee ever.
I’m with you on the old stuff, it just works better.

Cuppa Covfefe

And when the researchers finished in the library, on the way out they would say, “So long, and thanks for all the fiche”… 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ll have to throw in the towel.

Cuppa Covfefe

Ahhh, a hoopy frood 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Moving at R17, yes.


Reading cursive.


My son called his father cuz his car wouldn’t start. Son was at college.
Dad said, “Who’s with you?”
He could hear voices in the background.
Son said, various names which Dad knew.
He listed 2 Chem engineers, 3 Mech engineers, and 1 elect engineer – all students.
Dad said, “You mean to tell me X, Y, Z, are with you?”
Son – “yes, sir”
Dad – “Call me when you get it figured out.”

Cuppa Covfefe

Reminds me of this 🙂
A marketing manager, an engineer, and a software developer are returning from a convention in Switzerland. As they are driving down from the peak of a mountain the brakes fail and the car goes careening down the road, bouncing off several guard rails before stopping at the bottom.
All three get out of the car, amazingly unhurt. The manager says “I think we should convene a focus group to discuss the possible solutions to our problem.”
The engineer says, “I think we should disassemble the car and do a structural analysis on each part to determine the cause.”
The software developer says, “Why don’t we push it back up to the top and see if it happens again.”


Good one! Love it.


That was my favorite joke of all time!
But when I tell it, the software guy says, “no, no, no, no! Let’s push it back up the mountain and see if it does it again!”

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. There’s other versions with Porsche mechanics, physicists, and other professions, depending on who you want to wind up 🙂 I forgot to note that the car was a BMW, but Fiat would (not) work too.
Reminds me of the one about how picky they can (or used to) be at the borders here:
Five Swiss in an Audi Quattro arrive at the Italian border.
A customs agent stops them and says, “I’m sorry, but it’s illegal to put five people in a Quattro.
One of you will have to get out.”
“What do you mean, illegal?” asks the driver.
“Quattro means four,” replies the Italian official. “Not five.”
“But Quattro is the name of the car,” the stunned driver replies, “not its seating capacity.
Have a look at the papers. It IS designed to carry five persons.”
“You can’t pull that one on me,” replies the customs agent. “Quattro means four. You have five in your car, and you are therefore breaking the law. Either one person gets out or I’ll have to arrest you.”
The driver begins losing his temper. “You idiot! Call your supervisor;
we want to speak to someone with more intelligence!”
“I’m sorry,” responds the Italian, “he can’t come. He’s busy with two guys in a Fiat Uno.”

Gail Combs

Well at least none were physicists.
BIOLOGY — Green or it wiggles
CHEMISTRY — It stinks
PHYSICS — It doesn’t work. 😋
Hubby as a physics major had to repair all the equipment for each ‘experiment’ seems the rest of the students were just doing ‘theoretical’ and not doing the actual experiments.
Oh and he was an Atheist at a Religious College and it looks like the only honest one in his class. Some of the equipment had actually been installed wrong so the cheating had been going on for YEARS!


That is simply awesome. He’s right on so many levels. I assume they did get it started?


Oh yeah, group effort, much ‘consultation’, and a good guy from Autozone.


Millennial job interview 🙂
“8 like in the morning 8? That kinda doesn’t work for me.”

Deplorable Patriot

Washing dishes is stressful?

Gail Combs

Yes, Washing dishes is stressful.
Because they do not WANT to do it and they are FORCED to if they want clean dishes to eat off of and they can not con Mommy or a friend to do the washing for them.
If you have had every wish fulfilled and if you didn’t you toss a tandy until you got your way, it is a real SHOCK to FINALLY run into reality. THIS is what is stressful…. They are two year olds in adult bodies.

Deplorable Patriot

I did meet people in college who had never done laundry. Talk about a shock.
But, dishes? When they were excused from the table, they didn’t have to scrape their plates before putting them in the dishwasher at least?


DP – my Millennial son lives in an apartment without a dishwasher. It’s a BIG problem for him.

Deplorable Patriot

The farm didn’t have a dishwasher, but my parents always have had one. I guess I never considered doing dishes to be stressful. It’s just part of life.


I enjoy doing dishes. I live in a cold climate so the warm water is relaxing, I can look out the window. It’s a simple, solitary activity.

Gail Combs

Actually I never considered it. Since I generally rented OLD (like 1800s) houses NONE of them had dishwashers. Heck I was happy if they had heat in the bedroom! Air Conditioning??? Whats that. I was in my late thirties before I had a place with a dish washer.


Yup, they call it “adulting” are are none too pleased about all that entails.


Here’s the problem, we have to make washing dishes, FUN.
We took a family trip to Mexico when I was in high school and I bought a leather whip (needed it for a Halloween costume), so I practiced the “snap” motion. Made me good at fly-fishing too.
But I was deadly with a damp dish towel.
The dish towel fights were the BEST part of washing dishes.
Once made a girlfriend bleed with a dish towel when we were horsing around in the kitchen.
Gotta have fun!


I like washing dishes… the hot water feels good.

Sue Mcdonald

In other words ,”everything” stresses silly millennials. My stepson stresses me out over most of the stresses mentioned here. he goes from job to job with explanations like my boss is a jerk or I didnt want to work graveyard uggg .and his nonsense about the wifi drives me to drink, his dad told him if he didnt like the wifi speed go get your own setup.
on the other hand he hasn’t a care in the world what he leaves the house looking like lol. and his car! omg I cant believe he hasn’t been pulled over yet, mirror is duct taped on ,windshield is cracked from the hood flying off while driving its now strapped down with tie downs,sunroof wont close so interior is always wet and his check engine light? well thats just a minor annoyance you know. he lives in a mother in law house on the property and as long as he pays his rent hes good to go but yeah the freak outs over his phone being lost when its right in front of him is funny
. job security? no worries to him he will just get another job. what bothers me about this generation of kids is there sense of entitlement, there taught this in school and its hard to make them understand they are not entitled to a damn thing.working is what your entitled to your paycheck is your reward. ok done with my rant on kids these days.


Something is going on.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Hmmm… extradite the Klintons to Haiti?
I wonder what prison is like in Haiti?


Police want to question Catholic U.K. journalist Carline Farrow for allegedly “misgendering” a transgender activist’s daughter on Twitter. If she doesn’t show up for a taped interview, she has been told she will be arrested.
Since receiving a message from Guildford police Monday night, Farrow has been doxxed, her children and husband have been sexually and violently threatened and she has been called names like “p*ssy” and “c*nt.” Enemies siding with the activist, Susie Green, have also signed up her and her husband for porn accounts. Farrow published the offending tweets in September after appearing on Good Morning Britain, co-hosted by Piers Morgan, who has gotten himself in various pickles with the transgender community for not being sensitive enough back during interviews when he worked at CNN.
Piers Morgan Weighs in on Girl Guides Transgender Row on Good Morning Britain
A new policy in Girl Guides will see guide leaders not being able to tell parents or girls whether a member used to identify as male. This has seen 2 leaders being expelled as they questioned the transgender policy.


Wow. Remind me to never go there for any reason. I’d be jail in 5 minutes. I refuse to comply with someone’s mental health problems.


A number of years back, I was doing an internal audit project at UK subsidiary of a US corporation. I had with me a Filipina staffer who was maybe 90 pounds soaking wet and looked like a kid. The UK group was initially jocular and dismissive. Three days in, we did a progress report where they got ripped upside-down and sideways…..I wasn’t there to screw around, I had brought my best. She looked like she might be in Junior High School, she wasn’t up on international politics, she could get giggly….but she’d rip through accounting documentation like nobody’s business — she’d churn through ledgers taller than she was at an astounding rate and had an eye for error that was keen.
Anyway, the general manager of the facility was kind enough to take us both to dinner near the end of phase I of this project, and we had a far-ranging social discussion, during which we touched on British political correctness and antipathy to self-defense……at which point my staffer blurted, “you have got to be f***ing kidding me!”
Mind you, I agreed with her; the GM agreed with her; anyone in the US might agree with her; common sense agrees with her; 4,000 years of Western Civilization agrees with her……but, just ask Tommy Robinson, such utterances could land her in jail. Instinctively blurting out the truth can be a crime in the UK.
It’s such a lovely place, otherwise.

Deplorable Patriot

I do want to go back to Dover. Went to the cliffs rather than the castle. Mistake.


I agree, Linda.

Deplorable Patriot

“Since receiving a message from Guildford police Monday night, Farrow has been doxxed, her children and husband have been sexually and violently threatened and she has been called names like “p*ssy” and “c*nt.” Enemies siding with the activist, Susie Green, have also signed up her and her husband for porn accounts. ”
Are these people still in high school? That is so immature. If the argument has merit, make it. Threats are for those who have nothing in their hand.


Exactly, they have nothing!


Bullies! They are truly bullies:

Gail Combs

That is EXACTLY what they are the playground bullies never grew up (or got their face ground in the dirt) so they are now using it when theirTwo year Old type Temper Tantrums don’t get results NOW!
I am SOOOoooo glad we FINALLY have an adult in Washington DC


Barf!!!!!!! He realky collected poop and tried to get his wife to eat it. What mature adult not on jack ass does that?
Democratic presidential contender Beto O’Rourke is quite the prankster, so much so that he once placed a piece of their child’s poop in a bowl and told his wife that it was an avocado.
The snippet comes from a profile on O’Rourke’s marriage released by the Washington Post Tuesday. The anecdote was told by a friend of the couple, and although neither O’Rourke nor his wife Amy confirmed the veracity of the story to the reporter, O’Rourke acknowledged that it sounded like something he would do.
“One time, according to a friend, Beto collected an especially verdant turd from one of their kids’ diapers and put it in a bowl, telling Amy it was avocado,” the story reads.


comment image


I told mr gil who said he is a man child. See..obama in vanilla, but more stoner.


Oh hell, Wolfmoon, I just spit coffee through my nose!
LOL. You are very descriptive!


I’ve seen enough to think he is a very strange individual. Meme-makers should have a field da.


That is just all sorts if NO.comment image

Sylvia Avery

If I were his wife the payback for that stunt would have been memorable.
This Beto, he’s not right.


President Trump recently withdrew the nomination of State Department official, Kathleen Ann Kavalec, as US Ambassador to Albania.
As Cristina Laila reported earlier Kvalec previously communicated with dossier author Christopher Steele and supplied information to top DOJ official Bruce Ohr before and after the 2016 presidential election.
Kavalec also met with Christopher Steele in person to exchange information on the bogus Trump-Russia connection.
And Kavalec donated $250 to Barack Obama in 2012 and donated $250 to Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Rep. Mark Meadows dropped a bomb on the Deep State Monday night and revealed sitting ambassadors were involved in the coup to get Trump.
We now know that Kavalec was one of the names.
Who else is out there?
And how does a far left anti-Trump Obama and Hillary Deep State donor get nominated to ambassadorship in a Trump administration? Especially after she was passing on illicit information to remove President Trump from office!
Who is responsible for this? Is EVERYONE in the Swamp anti-Trump?


Yeah, that’s what I’ve been wondering, too…Who slipped her name into the list of ambassador nominees?


But Kavalec was a nominee, not a sitting Ambassador.
I am fairly certain that Geoffrey Pyatt, now Ambassador to Greece, formerly Ambassador to Ukraine, is one of them.
Who knows who else it might be. There is a long list; how many of them are Clinton/Democrat partisans?


Aubergine, It will be interesting to find who submitted the nomination of Kavalec and also who the others are…it’s nice to know we will know!


Katrina Pierson takes care of Nancy and Robert Francis in one sweet tweet!
Nancy Pelosi – “I myself have always been for lowering the voting age to 16.”
Beto O’Rourke at 16:
“Wax my ass,
Scrub my balls.
The Cow has risen,
Provide Milk.”
*Apologizes for immature state of mind*#ThinkAboutThat
1:25 PM – Mar 19, 2019


So succinct and perfect. 🙂


Dave Hayes (PM), according to him, voluntarily deactivated his Twitter account for the time being. I listened to the broadcast and it appears to be Dave speaking. T cannot, apparently, delete his account if he has deactivated it. He tells us to relax. I am so inclined.

Molly Pitcher
Molly Pitcher

I just saw a tweet the yesterday, a short vid of a ton of supposedly Cubans overtaking a intake place for the caravan “refugees” in Mx. I thought is was strange but who knows maybe they’re emptying their prisons or something.
I’m going to see if I can find it.

Molly Pitcher

I looked through about a million tweets..couldn’t find it. This acct always has a lot of vids on the illegals. It’s really depressing. I know what PTrump says and he usually sort of implies that thousands are being held and all that but these vids..omg hundreds and hundreds are pouring through everyday.
Hey but all was not lost I did find this one that I was looking for yesterday.
Drag queen storytime isn’t always some freak reading… sick sick weirdos and what parents would allow their kids to go to this!!


We have had THOUSANDS of Cubans entering the US via the southern border – every year for decades.


Molly Pitcher, I saw an article yesterday, maybe the day before, which mentioned CUBANS, specifically, unloaded and pressing at our southern border to get in.
Mariel Boatlift – Version 2.0


Pres Bolsonaro seemed to really enjoy spending time with our President.
But I think that he shares Pres Trump’s disdain for the media weasels.comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image
I noticed him giving the press the stinkeye several times.


the #10 on the brazil football shirt is cool because traditionally in soccer the #10 jersey has some prestige as the playmaker or field general for the offense…


Yes, it was a high honor bestowed on our President, to give him that #10 jersey.


TY… never knew about that….


A large part of the problem with China is that our own policy w/r/t Intellectual Property is hypocritical and insanely corrupt — and a lot of this is that it was originally designed as a deal and has morphed into a license.
Let’s take patents as an example. It used to be pretty fast and easy to get a patent — and, in some cases, there were actual races to get to the patent office to file. The deal being made was that you had to disclose how to do your invention. Specifically, “The specification must include a written description of the invention and of the manner and process of making and using it, and is required to be in such full, clear, concise, and exact terms as to enable any person skilled in the technological area to which the invention pertains, or with which it is most nearly connected, to make and use the same.”
In return for this, the US Government will throw its considerable weight in assisting you to monopolize economic gain from your invention for a period of 17 years, which could be extended for another 17. If you came up with this invention when you were 30, you had the US Patent Office in your corner until you were 64…..provided that you disclosed everything necessary to do it. That’s the bargain — add to the general knowledge of mankind in a particular way, and the Government will help you profit for a limited time (roughly correlated to your lifetime).
This deal has been perverted in numerous ways. To start with, the actual issuance of patents has been made more complicated, bureaucratic, legalistic, and time-consuming. During this period, the patent application is secret — which means that the disclosure is delayed. In many circumstances (here’s looking at you, Pharma!), the synthesis of a base form of an invention is initially patented, then additional useful variations are also patented. [As a mythical example, imagine someone getting a patent on a bolt-on replaceable wheel for an automobile. “Well, that sucks,” complains the competition, who decide to wait for the patent to expire. Fifteen years later, the same inventor gets a patent on 4-bolt replaceable wheels, 5-bolt replaceable wheels, 6-bolt replaceable wheels….. As a less mythical example, ACE inhibitors — — include captopril (patented 1976), enalipril (1978), ramapril (1981), imidapril (1982), and others.] Most obviously, the initial term of a patent has been extended to 20 years.
The latter abuse is most obvious with copyrights — . When I was born, works produced in the same year were granted copyright for 55 years under the 1909 act. In large effect of lobbying by Disney, who seem hell-bent on never having Mickey Mouse fall into public domain, that has now been almost doubled.
And this stands to highlight the essential distinction between a deal and a license — a deal is a fair trade done at a single point in time where both parties derive benefits. A license is a recurring payment to obtain an economic advantage for a time. Disney’s lobbying for copyright extension are a clear example of license payments.


I have this feeling that the U.S. Ambassador story is going to be YUGE…
Yesterday’s Recap…

March 19, 2019 at 00:32

Mark Meadows: US ambassadors conspired with DOJ to take down Trump
by Diana Stancy Correll | March 18, 2019 09:49 PM

Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., hinted Monday the coming release of documents that will “show” U.S. ambassadors conspired with the FBI and the Justice Department to harm President Trump.
“It’s additional information that is coming out that will show not only was there no collusion, but there was a coordinated effort to take this president down,” Meadows told Fox News’ Sean Hannity. “We talk about the ‘Deep State.’ There are players now, even ambassadors, that are sitting ambassadors that were involved in part of this with the FBI-DOJ.”
Meadows did not name any ambassadors.
“As we look at this, it’s time to show that we show the American people what’s out there, declassify some of those documents,” added Meadows, a member of the House Oversight Committee. “I think when the American people see what I’ve seen, they will judge for themselves and know that this has all been a hoax.”

March 19, 2019 at 00:58
Mark Gilbert, U.S. Ambassador to New Zealand, May 12, 2015 – January 20, 2017
Matthew Barzun, U.S. Ambassador to United Kingdom, December 4, 2013 – January 18, 2017
John Berry, U.S. Ambassador to Australia, September 25, 2013 – September 2016
Any others?comment image

March 19, 2019 at 01:10
Now THAT figures. And THAT is why they’re helping CANKLES now!
Ah, this makes SENSE!

March 19, 2019 at 08:58
Adding to list…
Bruce Alan Heyman, U.S. Ambassador to Canada, April 8, 2014 – January 20, 2017

Sylvia Avery
March 19, 2019 at 06:07
You know, my jaw literally dropped when I heard that. I keep thinking I am beyond surprise, and then boom! something else comes up and I realize I still have the capacity to be surprised and repulsed by what our government has been doing.
I wonder if John Huntsman is one of them?

March 19, 2019 at 07:29
Bet he is.
“Meghan McCain’s fellow conservative co-host on The View is rallying to her side and attacking Donald Trump – even though her father is the president’s ambassador to Russia.”

March 19, 2019 at 06:17
Knowing what we know, now, the playing field of geopolitics has changed dramatically since the election of Donald Trump.
“In 2016, intelligence services of many countries worked against Trump — the United States, Britain, Russia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Australia, Italy, and Ukraine (unfortunately, this list only grows over time). ”
It never made sense, to me anyway, that Putin would want a strong President like Trump to lead the USA.
Putin would have loved Hillary as POTUS, she could be bought. It makes sense.
Here, we see how Christopher Steele was connected to the Skripal poisoning in the UK, and how it’s all related to the election of 2016. The allegation? Skripal was poisoned to cover GRU involvement in the creation of the dossier for Clinton.
Did you know the head of the GRU died at 63…. suddenly?
Read further. The connections are “spooky”.

March 19, 2019 at 09:23
I don’t have time to look these up right now…
U.S. Ambassador to _X_ in 2015-2016
Czech Republic
Besides getting the list, we’re also looking for one that is still in their position.

March 19, 2019 at 10:34
Jon Huntsman, Jr. is still Ambassador to Russia. Has been since Sept. 2017. Before him, from Nov. 2014 was Anthony Godfrey Chargé d’Affaires ad interim.
holley100 linked this article above about Huntsman daughter slamming the President:
Czech Republic – Andrew H. Schapiro 2014-2017
Estonia – James D. Melville 2015 until he resigned in 2018, over “frustration at remarks made by President Donald Trump about America’s European allies:”
Australia – John Berry 2013-Oct 2016; vacant until Mar 2019
Italy – John R. Phillips 2013-Jan 2017
Ukraine – Geoffrey R. Pyant 2013-Aug 2016

March 19, 2019 at 10:35
Forgot to add;
Guessing James Melville is a likely suspect.

March 19, 2019 at 10:39
Oh, and should have added:
Great Britain – Matthew Barzun 2013-Jan 2017
U.N. – Samantha Power 2013-Jan 2017

Harry Lime
March 19, 2019 at 05:34
I also liked this segment; Indictments Are Coming!

March 19, 2019 at 16:28
Is this one of the reasons POTUS’ nominees for ambassadorships is being stonewalled?

I’m thinking… yes!
Meadows Bombshell: “Sitting Ambassadors” Involved in DOJ Takedown of Trump
by Team Bongino
March 19, 2019

March 19, 2019 at 18:49
Can you say Susan Rice and Samantha Powell? Both were ambassadors to the UN.

Good catch!

March 19, 2019 at 18:54
Oh my gosh!!!!
I just stumbled across something. Earlier today, on this thread, michaelh wrote:
“I don’t have time to look these up right now…
U.S. Ambassador to _X_ in 2015-2016
Czech Republic
Besides getting the list, we’re also looking for one that is still in their position.”
I responded:
Jon Huntsman, Jr. is still Ambassador to Russia. Has been since Sept. 2017. Before him, from Nov. 2014 was Anthony Godfrey Chargé d’Affaires ad interim.
holley100 linked this article above about Huntsman daughter slamming the President:
Czech Republic – Andrew H. Schapiro 2014-2017
Estonia – James D. Melville 2015 until he resigned in 2018, over “frustration at remarks made by President Donald Trump about America’s European allies:”
Australia – John Berry 2013-Oct 2016; vacant until Mar 2019
Italy – John R. Phillips 2013-Jan 2017
Ukraine – Geoffrey R. Pyant 2013-Aug 2016
Just now, I went to the list of CURRENT U.S. Ambassadors to scan the names to see if one jumped out. Guess who the CURRENT Ambassador to GREECE is?
Geoffrey R. Pyant, FORMER Ambassador to Ukraine!!!!

March 19, 2019 at 19:05
BOOM. Oh, yeah.

JW in Germany
March 19, 2019 at 19:30
Now we find out that even sitting US ambassadors were part of the attempted coup. I bet you this goes back to at least the end of 2015.

March 19, 2019 at 21:00

Trump Pulls Ambassador Nomination of State Department Official Who Communicated with Dossier Author Christopher Steele and Bruce Ohr
Cristina Laila by Cristina Laila March 19, 2019

A State Department official named Kathleen Ann Kavalec, who was awaiting confirmation to be a US Ambassador to Albania previously communicated with dossier author Christopher Steele and supplied information to top DOJ official Bruce Ohr before and after the 2016 presidential election.
Ms. Kavalec’s nomination was withdrawn recently by President Trump after emails surfaced showing she personally met with and communicated with the coup plotters, according to a senior White House official who spoke with investigative reporter Sara Carter.


>>>Geoffrey R. Pyant, FORMER Ambassador to Ukraine!!!!
Did this guy ever get sideways to Manafort? How much of Manafort’s persecution can be traced to this?


I have never met Veselnitskaya. I would like to know which Republican gave her that seat.— Michael McFaul (@McFaul) August 3, 2018


Ambassador to Albania? Really? This is a full time job? One would think that we could save some money and lump a bunch of smaller countries together for one ambassador position?


Be aware:
This is the 2nd imposter Joe M has found. Both with very similar usernames.


Yep. Looks like people are getting confused about which ones are fake, too:


They’re all fake. He just disabled his account. He didn’t delete it. Why start another account when he already has one and he told everyone in his video what he was doing?


I just added those two tweets as further examples of the confusion that’s going on.

Sylvia Avery

Wheatie, what is up with PM? What video did he tell everyone what he was doing? Is it on You Tube, or….?


He disabled his twitter acct last night because twitter was messing with it.
Then, shills started creating fake ‘Praying Medic’ twitter accts.
I posted two tweets and one of them is gone now.
The one that’s gone, listed 3 fake PM accts…but pointed to one of them as a ‘real’ acct…which was not true.
I dunno if PM has made a video about this, I haven’t checked.

Sylvia Avery

Oh, thanks Wheatie! Good to know! I’m glad we have alternate comms set up. The stuff is hitting the fan with regards to Big Tech, isn’t it?


It’s like they are ‘testing the waters’ or something.
And yeah…it’s good that we have Gab as a go-to place.

Harry Lime

One of the true Americans still fighting this madness…if they succeed in taking this show off the air…it’s time to storm the castle…


Dads to the rescue…just in the nick of time:
God Bless our intrepid dads out there!

Pat Frederick

WOW! these guys are AWESOME!!
thanks for sharing!!


I love this! God Bless the dads!

Harry Lime

You tell ’em, Liz Wheeler! It’s never enough for the Left! 2020 in a landslide!


Sin is a malignant cancer that won’t stop unless it’s excised.


I agree with Don Jr. here…this is insane to allow this to be done to our kids!

In case that video doesn’t play in that embed, here is the original:


President Trump also retweeted this.


Yes…yes he did.


This is Bullshitt!
Lift the shirt up!
These people are SICK!


The abuse of children and teens is one area that must be addressed with severe consequences.
More and more school teachers are being caught abusing children and teens.
Even little ones:


There is an evil occult tendency on the left regarding children and infants….


Vigilant Citizen is a great source for info about this kind of stuff. It’s full of reports on the creepy and perverted things these people are doing. Even Celine Dion is involved with a weird clothing line.


It’s horrible.
The abuse of an autistic child is how I met one of my best girlfriends. It was her son. I went ballistic and took down the whole church congregation. Great story. I tell it, one day. Too long for a comment.
Point is, when it happens, call it out.


TSA, one of the many reason I never fly domestic.
TSA. Airlines lack of timeliness, inconsiderate employees, “cattle car” seating… Too many of flying public self centered / inconsiderate. Time to/from airport. Parking. Rental cars.
When I was working, I unfortunately flew two or more trips per month. Saw too many old, frail and handicapped felt up, humiliated…while folks with rag wraps on their heads given apparent preferential treatment.
Annual direct flight to Philippines in Business is the only flying I’ve done since retiring six years ago.
Fundamentally, in the States, if time does not allow me to drive, I don’t need to go.

Gail Combs

I have not flown since 9/11 and I do not plan to.


The decision to not fly is based on the obscene inconvenience to do so.
No concern with “danger”.


So is Steve from that great conservative bastion, Colorado, going to #walkaway from Q due the lack of a KA_F’N_BOOM on the nominated day? 🙂


McNoName hated the Tea Party.
Turns out…he pressured the IRS to engage in persecuting the Tea Party groups!
Have you seen this video from Tom Fitton?
A lot of people missed it last summer, so he has tweeted it out again.
It is well worth the time:

Fitton also mentions ‘Henry Kerner’ who was involved in that abuse of power by the IRS.
And this Henry Kerner is now “a top official in the Trump Administration”!
I don’t blame our VSG Potus for this…I blame the people who are allowing this to happen.
This guy Kerner should be fired!


is he the one in charge of the whistleblowers or something like that? seem to remember a tod bit alluding to thay back when this all originally came out.


Do you mean Henry Kerner?
I don’t know…but I kind of doubt it, from what Tom Fitton said about him.


yeah it was him… office of special council is in charge of protecting whistleblowers and that is why there have been so many not darig to come forward in certain cases especially the irs vs tea party stuff…
this is from last year when the mccain tie in came out:


Good catch, Andrew!
Yeah, I had forgotten about that.
Okay, this is bad…this is very bad.


heard on the radio earlier a new hate crime…
jewish cemetary in massachusetts vandalized. many stones overturned.
white supremacist and nazi symbols used.
“oy vey this is maga country” spray painted on the stones.


Sounds like another false flag, faked event.


The most anti-semetic force in America needs to be suspect number 1. Islamic invaders.


fall river massachusetts…
incidentally i had heard this on a fox news top of the hour propaganda they do on the radio station. so i went to their site to look and my god donna brazile already wtf. and several stories and polls about he electoral college…
if people dont see the setup with these hate crimes and poisoning all media and social justice – if you think its turning around and is going to backfire – i do not know. the fight is going to be real. we will not know until it is too late.
i am not an eternal optimist and sometimes i just really see and have instinctual reactions that tell me we are not in a good place.
it is not going back to what america was founded on i can guarantee you that. there is no way they will let it.

Gail Combs

Fall River Massachusetts?
Give me a break, I doubt if you could FIND a single Trump supporter in that area. At least one who would admit it.
Boston, Springfield, Cambridge, Somerville, Brookline, Fall River, New Bedford, and Amherst are the Democrat strongholds in MA. HECK our Communist friend had to register as a Republican to work the polls because there WERE no Republicans to be found and you couldn’t vote without Republican poll workers.
The DemonRats flubbed it by supporting Ilhan Omar’s attacks on Jews LINK
Now, Jewish voters are furious at Dems’ defense of Ilhan Omar

Jewish voters furious at Democrats’ defense of Rep. Ilhan Omar say they’re done with the party that has held their support for generations.
“We felt we had a home there,” said Mark Schwartz, the Democratic deputy mayor of solidly blue Teaneck, NJ. “And now we feel like we have to check our passports.”….

Judge Jeanine calls out the anti-Semitism and CAIR responds by calling for the “Firing of Islamophobic Hosts Tucker Carlson, Jeanine Pirro”
😲 OH MY GOSH‼️ 😲
😱 What to do⁉️ What to Do⁉️ 😱
I KNOW‼️ …. BLAME anti-Semitism on the White Nationalists‼️ That will keep the Jews on the Democrat plantation.
So the idiots stage a false flag in a DemonRat stronghold. 🙄
As Q says. “These People are STUPID!”


Tearing up Jewish and Christian cemeteries and memorials is a moslem modus operandi.

Gail Combs

As well as ANTIFA.
However I agree it STINKS of Islam.


Antifa is probably a mix of Islamists and Marxists.


Too many lawyers in Boston. I’m convinced I found the only Repub trial lawyer in the state – married him.
In the 70’s-80’s, tort law was taught as a way to “redistribute income”. Husband recalls seeing it then, for the first time, and thinking it was odd.
But things are changing.
This morning, from John Morgan, of Morgan and Morgan…., one of the worst ambulance chasing sharks.
On Twitter: “I didn’t leave the Dem party, the Dem party left me”.
He represents the donor class.

Gail Combs

Sounds like the DemonRat party is FINALLY starting to have problems.
I noticed when I was looking at MA that there are a LOT of voters now ====> Independents.
10/17/2016 Boston Globe:comment image


Above all, Bostonians don’t like being told what to do or what to think.
It won’t end well.


Eight law schools in or around Boston, nearly all of them long established. I don’t think even NYC has that many!


Texas had tort reform… just sayin’ 😉


I lived in Portsmouth, RI for about 9 months with my mother-in-law at the time who also lived in Fall River, MA at one point. She led me to believe there is a large population of Puerto Ricans in Fall River as well.


That was back in ’80-’81, before the latest influx of PR migrants.

Gail Combs

MA had a large PR population at that time. Many worked in the textile mills along the Merrimack River. A large Irish and Italian population too. At least along the eastern seaboard.


I’m wondering if there has ever been a real event where a Trump supporter said, “This is MAGA country.” I highly doubt it. It’s the Left’s idea of what we would say. They think we’re too dumb to realize that saying or writing such a thing would only make our side look bad.

Gail Combs

Heck most Trump supporters are AFRAID to wear a MAGA hat or have a Trump-Pence 2020 bumper sticker on their car for fear of getting beaten by a liberal!
The fact the person(s) have not been found tells you they were NOT Republicans. (Think surveillance cameras all over the place)


couple weeks back there were those playground incidents where someone was spray painting “hail hitler” and “swastikas” also and it turned out to be some 12 year old kids they blamed it on after the whole news media was up in arms and making everyone scared to send their kids to playgrounds.
“oy vey this is maga country”
i mean, come on. seriously.
but they will not stop they will not bend either. they will continue to fight to destroy, they will make america hate again. they will make america poor again. they will make america violent again…


Yep…this was definitely a warning shot.
“We have to do something.”


Pure speculation …
Last time we were given a “deadline / date” by Q as to “something will happen” – we ended up with a bunch of envelopes being given to various people …
What if those envelopes were a symbolic harbinger of a different group of envelopes?
What if this date (yesterday) also involved envelopes – the unsealing of indictments?
We will only become aware of this being so once the indictments are acted upon – so the next couple of days?.
Hopefully, Future proves past …
As I said, udder (ugh, Beto) speculation – but one can dream …


man i hope so.
i am not a fan of the long game play – i respect it and those that believe that way – but there is something very very powerful we are facing here and short of a rapture and end of times where it would be an auto pilot situation – if not that then we all are going to be needed to help in the cause.
i can imagine many outcomes clearly and we just have to be prepared to face what may come.
in the end though i am just as in the dark as all of us are at the moment. it is the perverbial hurry up and await moment!


Yup, hurry up and speculate while we wait!!
We are at the mercy of Q’s watch – have no choice but to waaaaaiiit!
In the mean time, some good “conversations” are happening between good people here, and that is awesome.


Yep, it’s all speculation. Has to be. IMHO, everything hinges on Mueller report handed to Barr.
nothing can or should happen until the report is finalized.
Barr will get it done. Soon. Wish I could define soon in this case.


Looks like the release of Mueller report has been delayed for some reason. I suspect that’s the delay. Rosenstein is staying on a little while longer. Everything points to it.
We’ll see, sooner or later.

Pat Frederick

I think I read somewhere, the Rosey can be compelled to answer questions about “his involvement” if he is still a government employee…after that he can refuse. just a theory tho…

Gail Combs

I think I read somewhere…
That would have been OT because I remember reading it too.


Good point Pat.


Patience is a virtue.
It is complicated.



VERY BUSY day for our Lion VSG POTUS!
This is Barron Trump’s 13th Birthday!
59,156,564 @realDonaldTrump followers 5:29 am 3/20/19

Pat Frederick

sent my birthday greetings this morning (via email) thanks to your notice yesterday (I think it was you?)


Another deadly storm and flood….and a huge death toll.


Democrat Plot:

Pat Frederick

damn…the Gary one made me spit coffee everywhere…LOL…thanks for sharing Wheatie!!


You’re welcome, Pat!
Heheh…you should see the one that he has pinned to the top of his twitter feed.
It was a little too, um…R-rated, to post here.

Pat Frederick

really? cuz I just finished yesterday’s thread which included the ball-scrubbing poem by Beto and the circumcision post by Daughn…lol


Yeah, my apologies for that one. I won’t do that again. Rush Limbaugh had a field day with it.


LOL Loved that one too! Hilarious! Really enjoy Bronks’ commentary. Thanks to Wheatie as well for posting them.


Democrats are the ones who decided that grown ‘children’ should get to stay on their parents’ Healthcare Insurance until they are 26 yrs old. (!!)
So I agree with Catturd here:

Pat Frederick

IKR? lower the voting age to 16, but stay on parents’ health insurance till you’re 26?


Right, and “can’t buy a gun until age 21, but can enlist and die with a gun at age 17”

Deplorable Patriot

I’m all for repealing the 26th amendment and putting the voting age back to what it was before. The reality is that was probably a stepping stone move to the current push to 16 when most teenage boys, anyway, still need a parent to buy them ties.


our new saviour of a governor here in maine, the illustrious and brilliant janet mills just signed with her mighty pen the new health care laws in maine yesterday…26 years old being one of the parts of the package.
red flag gun laws are next!


The Dem-controlled schools don’t teach kids the truth about Socialism.
The Dems have engineered a crop of young people who don’t even know what Socialism is:

Pat Frederick

like, I guess, you know, anything is great if, like, you put social, like, in it, right?


Candace Owens vs Socialism:

Gail Combs

“tell us we need to pity the poor”
This plus FREE STUFF are the cheese in the Socialist trap.
pity the poor ====> We get to STEAL from you to buy FREE STUFF ===> BUY votes for SOCIALISTS with the added benny of sKimming $$$ off the top for us socialists.
AOC skimming campaign funds or what ever the heck they were doing is a perfect example.


Pat Frederick

Pat Frederick

Pat Frederick

sickening isn’t it? our founding fathers were geniuses…and California wasn’t even dreamed of then…


They were better educated than many if not most of US students today! And far wiser!


They were better educated than many if not most of our CONgressmen ans SINators.


You can see why they want a blue Texas. All their plans, their evil plans…


And this image shows where HALF of the US population lives – this small area would have ALL the say-so and power over the rest of the country!!! Our founders had wisdom in creating the electoral college – great wisdom and foresight!


GA/FL, Great graphic!
Lunacy of “popular vote” for President could not be clearer.

Pat Frederick

the truth hurts….


I guess you could say that he gave Acosta a Schlapp-down! 🙂

Pat Frederick

good one!


Special moment at Special Olympics!


Pat Frederick

looked like nothing but net…amazing shot!

Pat Frederick

interesting to see if this leads anywhere…lots of maybes in here…
Former Obama White House Counsel and Clinton-linked attorney Greg Craig may soon be charged by the Justice Department for engaging in illegal unregistered overseas lobbying, in a case initially probed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller — a development that would make him the first Democrat to face prosecution amid the long-running Russia investigation.

Pat Frederick

tit for tat?
Rep. Mark Green (R-Tenn.) on Tuesday announced he will introduce a constitutional amendment this week to limit the number of Supreme Court justices to nine after several Democratic presidential candidates have floated the idea of expanding the high court’s bench.


comment image

Pat Frederick



Fly them over their own countries and make them jump with parachutes after taking Iris/ear whorl scans, DNA.
If they EVER come back – same flight – this time without parachutes.

Pat Frederick

you need to be in Washington!!

Gail Combs

Sounds good to me but I would skip the first part. Self deport or you get that FREE airplane ride and hard landing.


You just cut the deportation budget in half!


Just been through an intense attack of “NoScriptXSS Warning” screens popping up. It happened at least 3 dozen times while trying to scroll to the bottom of this thread, especially as I got near the “Leave a Reply” box. Maybe a dozen warnings in 12 seconds.


The blizzard of popup warning screens and scrolling issues I was having have stopped for now. Found a setting that I changed to “always block” from the default one.
Prior to this morning I was only getting a few of them per visit.

Pat Frederick
This young woman filed a civil rights complaint, saying she felt violated by having to change in front of a guy (wearing womens’ panties but obviously male underneath). She is being brave (but the comments on the piece call her a homophobe.) I am amazed that those making the comments only seem to believe one person in this case has rights and not EVERYONE has rights.


This is NOT right.

Pat Frederick

Speaking to the Tusmo Times, Omar said, according to the translation, that she met with Erdogan for about an hour and that the two discussed issues involving Omar’s native Somalia and issues for Somalis in Minnesota. She thanked Erdogan for Turkey’s support for the Rohingya people in Myanmar. The two also discussed investment and trade between Turkey and Somalia. The meeting ended with Erdogan asking Omar to voice her support for Turkey. The report concludes by adding that Omar not only met with Erdogan, but also with the Turkish prime minister and other senior Turkish officials.
While it’s not particularly shocking that Omar remains invested in the success of her native country, the Minnesota representative has been consistently sowing doubt about whether U.S. Jews as a whole can fairly represent American interests. She has taken to using anti-Semitic tropes in maintaining that support for Israel in the Jewish community is an example of having dual loyalties.
Of course, support for Israel, the only liberal democratic country in the Middle East, is not remotely comparable to her continuing support for the rogue dictatorships in Turkey and Somalia.
let’s talk about “dual loyalties” again Omar, shall we?


this is truly amazing.
absolutely amazing.
beyond all belief.
when she was a state rep in minnesota in 2017 she flew to NYC for a closed door meeting with the turkish president…
so just local state reps can go and meet with international leaders anytime, closed door, no big deal?
people need to wake up. this was 2017. this is how the evil globalist cabal does it. while we were all working and paying bills and worried about mueller their plots were in high gear.


Her brother-in-law is the #2 in Somalia, I believe. It might be her brother, not sure.


Handily handing Romney his 4ss!


Piling on:

Go away, Mitt. And shut up your nasty little yap dog McMullin while you’re at it.


Oh please, Mitt. Your “friend”, No-Name, was a warmongering, traitorous bastard and EVERYONE knows that. POTUS just expressed how most people feel but won’t say publicly.


Perfect Mittens description…”Animated Corpse of Republican Past”.



Ouch, talk about handing George his 4ss!!!


He (being George Conway) asked for it. It does seem to me that he feels inferior to his wife. Question is, why is Kellyanne still with this loser?

Gail Combs

She is Catholic and has kids.
However if he was my Husband he would be sleeping in the Dog house LITERALLY. I would be getting the locks changed and tell him if he wants back IN the house he better shut his trap about MY BOSS.
Brother do I ever hate small men with inferiority complexes.

Deplorable Patriot

Why is this gossipy crap getting the time of day. There has to be some other shiny red ball that can be lobbed out for a frenzy.


they are trying to set up the president again with the not fit for office claim…


RCP may be ChiComm owned, but they are failing to control their “underlings” ..
Paul Sperry with a good report, outlining the fact that Swamp will fight to the end – like swamp rats, biting when cornered …
The “muh Russia” horse is still being mercilessly flogged …


Good article, Jason! TY!!!


I spotted a familiar face in the comments section of
Our very own Sadie Slays
First time I have spotted a fellow Q-Treeper outside the Kingdom of the 2 Trees ….
Other that Ristvan at WUWUT 🙂


I’ve read a couple of Jonathan’s books. He is sincere and has some interesting insights to draw based on his background and his relationship with God. The headline is a slam on what I suspect is a very strong patriot. “Doomsday Prophet.” Jesus wore that title after his comments on Jerusalem. And his prophecies came true. I believe God is giving us warnings, and guidance. God’s heart is that we listen and turn towards Him. As all good fathers do.


Poisonous dog food, toxic baby food, glass bakeware that explodes in the oven, sub-standard steel, and…
“The most spectacular 21st-century commercial crime may be Chinese drywall. The US imported enough phony drywall for 60,000 homes. It looked like ordinary drywall but deadly problems appeared months after the new owners moved in. Sulfurous fumes from bad drywall rot electric wires, turning copper to powder. Air conditioner coils and silver jewelry are affected. Emissions, which smell like rotten eggs, worsen as temperature and humidity rise. Homeowners report a great variety of horrific health problems including difficult breathing, headaches, and sinus issues. It is a long drawn-out nightmare for the victims. Often, the homes can not be saved. At the least, you have rebuilding expenses and probably legal expenses.”
Why should we import ANYTHING from China???
We have even worse standards in our education system – and our students have suffered for it:
“Arguably, almost everything in K-12 is the equivalent of milk laced with “flour, starch, chalk, plaster Paris, or anything else they could get away with to make the milk looked healthy.” Kids can’t teach themselves. And most parents are apparently too distracted to find out what’s going on. Bottom line, we need to get the parents up to speed. Hello, Mr. and Mrs. America, your kids are being abused right in front of you.
During the last hundred years, Progressive education systematically tried to eliminate traditional ideas which were by and large wholesome, like milk itself. Progressive educators don’t seem to care about wholesome. They want their intellectual junk food if that can help their social engineering schemes.
Arguably, New Math, Reform Math, and Common Core Math are fake math programs. They create a lot of of cognitive confusion. It’s very hard for the parents and the community to understand what’s actually happening in the classroom. We see a lot of negative coverage of these pretenders—kids are crying, parents are unhappy—yet the Education Establishment is so arrogant, they go right on dumbing down their own country.”
We also have teachers with low intellect, lower competence and even lower morality.


Instead of being an accident, let’s consider that all these negative effects were intended. What is the end goal? Annihilating the intelligence of the American populace.
The result is a people who are unable to self-educate. An uneducated people voting. A people who don’t know right from wrong. A people who can’t do basic math and therefore cannot get jobs. A need to import foreign workers at lower wages. A people with so many psychological, educational, and moral problems that they can’t help themselves and are easily controlled. Within a generation, a population of Americans that don’t resemble their forefathers and can become an enslaved population.



Gail Combs

1894 — John Dewey the Father of Modern Progressive Education and the Dumbing Down [of] America was deliberate and goes straight back to John D. Rockefeller.
1920 — The Hand that Rocked the Cradle: A Critical Analysis of Rockefeller Philanthropic Funding, 1920-1960 The ‘New Progressive’ Child rearing practices taught mothers by doctors. (DON’T SPANK!)
Feminism was a creation of the Rockefellers.
How The Rockefellers Re-Engineered Women
The Rockefeller Foundation Funded ‘Womens Lib’ For The Same Reason The CIA Funded ‘MS Magazine’

Deplorable Patriot

“The most spectacular 21st-century commercial crime may be Chinese drywall. The US imported enough phony drywall for 60,000 homes.”
And my sibling who thinks he is an expert on home remodeling, etc., thinks I’m nuts for insisting on real plaster.


Just make sure the plaster isn’t also from China.

Cuppa Covfefe

“You build ’em, we gypsum”…
Another example of Chinese “quality” that I fear is the replaced span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. Made of Chinese steel, concrete, and other materials, built by Chinese workers with Chinese equipment (because we don’t have large enough cranes anymore!), the foundations and the project itself has been fraught with errors, misrepresentations, faulty testing and measurement, and substandard construction methods, parts, and materials.
When the Loma Prieta quake hit, one end of one segment of the upper deck of the East span fell to the lower deck, which DID NOT COLLAPSE. I do not feel comfortable at all with the new span. I will never drive over that, should the occasion arise. I’ll go across the Golden Gate bridge and take the “land route” over to the east bay, or drive down to the San Mateo or Dumbarton bridges, or, heck, take 237 or 280/680 even though those are tens of miles farther.
I used to drive that bridge every day, as well as the Cypress structure (and the Embarcadero from time to time). Driving the Cypress was like old highway 4, or highway 99 through the Central Valley, up and down and up and down, like driving on a washboard. The new span gives me th willies – I don’t think it could survive a quake like Loma Prieta. And being a modified self-suspending design, there is no similar bridge anywhere in an earthquake-prone area.
But, at least the WilliBrown™ (“mister” of heels-up Harris) has his monument… (I was pondering another word, but I’ll leave it at that)…


So much corruption and graft endangering the public! Especially in Democrat strongholds! Fed. dollars taken then not used, except for politicians pocket lining.


Yep, I’ve seen it. I saw my classmates go to Uni and get brainwashed…I was so angry for so many years that I couldn’t afford to go (poor family could only finish high school with scholarships and parents didn’t support tertiary education anyway let alone college scholarships as girl will meet boy and have babies so why invest money get a job now and you better start paying rent). Decades later see most school friends are unhappy liberals poo pooing those who do an honest living in the trenches. Complaining about their entitled children. Totally no idea of anything as too busy watching and discussing reality TV.
I ended up down the rock’n’roll path of life (literally) paying dues with performance/shit jobs/good jobs/hours of rehearsal/some street living//lots of special moments and living life to the full..ending up in the rain forest taking care of basics and laughing all the way in my modest almost paid for sanctuary. Most of them are In huge debt to look good in the right suburbs.
Then I see a local primary school teacher down the pub, acting like a 17yr old spouting SJW blurbs and judging everybody loudly putting us realist, practical locals in our place in the world of politics.
They don’t know shit about shit. These are the people teaching our children? Soft, delusional,, socialist, selfish, judgemental, narcissist, nihilistic and generally ugly. Going from student to teacher with no life in between. The kids in my community are depressed and confused I dont know how to help them. The world has gone crazy and the youth are fighting for survival;sanity and have no idea what they are fighting.
I applied for an adult apprenticeship (was told being female will get in no worries as need to fulfill quotas) 10 years ago and got 98% on the test, they accused me of cheating. I knew then that I don’t belong in that world and get through any way I can. I do wish that I was better educated, at this later point in life just so I can communicate and better understand the complications in society life. I struggle. Slightly Aspergers as well..explains a bit I suppose.
I think the world is gone mad and I worry for the children. I guess that makes me human and aware?
Didn’t have children but pray for my 17 nephews and nieces and 4 grand n/n.
(Sitting here past midnight in the dark, glass of Port with cyclone looming, reflecting. Morning time for you lot…that’s just too sobering to think about now!)


Rock on!
Fellow Q Treeper…..
Rock on!


The only reason I was able to attend the colleges I attended was because my father died when I was 12, and we were poor. That’s the gist of it… We were poor, and I was a nerd, good grades, so I was able to get by with financial aide and work study, and loans… I worked part time every semester of every year.
I have nine nieces and nephews and about 4 grands nieces and nephews… I am looking back and I didn’t mind having to make my way. I think it just made me appreciate simple things.. I just wish I would have known my father, as an adult.


you know, your experience was better than all of their’s combined.
one thing people don’t really get all the time is how absolutely pathetic our educational systems are in “western” countries.
in america (and i deal with teachers all the time for work and i know some personally and have relatives that are in the system and i have had a child go through the system) it is very sad to see where it’s gone in the 26 years since i left high school. and it wasn’t good then. but it is downright pathetic now.


What a terrific post, SheByTheSea.


This is puzzling:


An 8% budget cut is puzzling – BUT, considering the source this is coming from is Politico, we have strong reason to infer that disinformation is at work here…


One of two things.
1. A good accountant could cut 8% and no one would notice.
2. If the e-verify has no teeth, no real penalty, and no one is using it, then scrub the whole damn thing.


You are so right. If no one is enforcing penalties, it’s not going to mean a thing.


Okay, SOMETHING is going on.
Taken independently, it might be nothing, but put them together and we see SOMETHING.
1. Somewhere in this daily thread, we see a tweet from Dilley with a heads up warning about activity in the Caribbean between Cuba and Venezuela. Dilley also claims our guys are heading to Gitmo as a response.
2. Senator Rubia is IN HAITI THIS WEEK – allegedly it’s about special elections taking place. What is Rubio doing? Yes, Rubio was one of the 12 Senators who voted against the Emergency declaration.
3. We have Caribbean leaders at Mar-A-Lago this weekend from Haiti, St Lucia, Dominica, Jamaica, Dominican Republic – on top of Barron’s 13th birthday celebration.
4. Pence in Columbia last week (?), week before (?).
5. President Bolsonaro in USA with President Trump yesterday.
Did you notice the ‘casual’ mention of hosting a rocket launch site in Brazil as a reaction to China/Argentina agreement for rocket launch site. What the heck is China doing in Argentina launching rockets????
6. President Bolsonaro at CIA headquarters the day before yesterday. Hmmmmmm!!!!!
7. Last night on Fox Biz, Trish Regan did a huge and highly detailed segment on oil shipments from Venezuela to Russia – 400K barrels. She had the ship manifests.
8. Another article crossed my desk about oil shipments from Venezuela to CUBA, were down to 55K barrels. Why that report? Who is tracking oil shipments from Venez to Cuba?
9. Soybeans, soybeans, soybeans – take a look at soybean production in Nebraska – which is now flooded.
10. Reports of China backtracking on trade deal. Mnuchin/Lighthizer and company are heading to China next week to resume talks.
11. Reports of Lil’ Kim making some kind of announcement today – he’s not happy with “gansta” US policy. We know Kim is merely the proxy for China.
12. The “weird as heck” demonstration in the USA last weekend which was PRO-MADURO. Who paid for it? Weird timing? Let’s back the dictator who is ruining Venezuela? Why?
13. Finally, weird but connected announcement from Germany, Merkel will abandon commitment to NATO spending this year. Will not meet 1.5 of GDP spending on defense until 2024. Read as “Russia pulled a card on LNG deal”
ALL of it focuses on Venezuela and control of those oil fields.
Take a look at a map.
I worked on a project for St Lucia this past weekend. Coincidence? It’s an independent nation (1979) with big airports. And it’s REALLY close to Venezuela. Dominica is also close by.
Some of my best clients are in Trinidad. Word from them is “impatience”. They want resolution. Their economy is taking a hit and people are trying to leave Venezuela.


Daughn the way you put this together is epic – all of this points to a common thread of sources, bad actors making moves, and counter-moved. A lot of chess pieces out in play!
Daughn is the news now!

Pat Frederick

bet you’re great at that game Risk, aren’t you?


Funny you should mention the game, Risk…..
It was my “go-to”
Loved Monopoly and dad was my chess partner.
They wiped the floor with me on Scrabble, however. Frustrating.

Pat Frederick

you’re very good at recognizing and deploying strategies—that obvious not only from your posts here, but from your parenting style…
I hated Risk–but killed it in scrabble…lol…


Pat, then I would have definitely made a friend of YOU. Always liked people close to me who had mad skills where I was weak.

Pat Frederick

you can be DJT and I will be Stephen Miller…LOL


Honey, none of us can be DJT, he’s a scary big picture kind of guy. He befuddles me, and at the last minute, with the last piece moving into place. Miraculous.
I sit back in amazement and watch him.
But yes, you and me, one heckuva team!


Chess, Risk, Texas Hold’em and Stratego were my fav’s


12 news bombshells in one week – so much overloads and overwhelms the public and divides the effect.
1. NXIVM Sex Cult Superseding Indictment & Nancy Salzman Plea Deal
2. 2 Facebook Under Criminal Investigation
3. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: A Hired Actress with Socialist Handlers
4. Ex-FBI Lisa Page’s Revealing Transcripts Released
5. Late Senator McCain’s Role in Spygate Scandal
6. Federal Court Moves to Unseal Documents in Jeffrey Epstein Alleged Sex Trafficking Operation
7. “Pitbull” Andrew Weissmann is Leaving Special Counsel
8. 50 Big Names Charged or Indicted in College Admission Pay-Off Scheme
9. Paul Ryan Blocked Subpoenas of Democrats
10. New Mexico Terrorist Camp Superseding Indictment – FINALLY
11. Jim Jordan Grills Adam Schiff in Classic Social Media Style
12. Democrats & 12 Republicans Voted to Block Border Emergency – Trump Vetoed
13. Former Defense Intelligence Officer Pleads Guilty to Spying for China


They’re dropping like flies!


Faces Of Voter Fraud #1:
Project Veritas has released undercover footage which shows how a New York resident voted twice in the 2018 general elections in two different states. The undercover report includes an admission of double-voting from the New York man, as well as confirmed of voter registrations and electoral histories from Board of Election offices in New York and Florida. Voter data from both the New York and Florida Departments of State also confirm the man’s voter history. Federal law and various states prohibit double-voting.
Be Brave. Do Something:


Darn, I was hoping it would be the Face of Democrat Voter Fraud! Maybe he saved the best for video #2.


and 3 and 4 and 5 and on and on…there will be many if he is true to form….


Instead of being an accident, let’s consider that all these negative effects were intended. What is the end goal? Why was this social contagion created, incubated, and released on the American juvenile population?
This is explosive:
Explosive Ivy League Study Repressed For Finding Transgender Kids May Be A Social Contagion
‘Rapid-onset gender dysphoria’ may be a social contagion linked with having friends who identify as LGBT, an identity politics culture, and an increase in internet use, finds a Brown University study.×749.jpg

“Rapid-onset gender dysphoria” among teens and young adults may be a social contagion linked with having friends who identify as LGBT, an identity politics peer culture, and an increase in internet use, finds a study out this month from a Brown University professor. The study was quickly yanked from Brown’s news releases after a transgender activist feeding frenzy, and the journal it was published in is reconsidering the publication. There is a parent and researcher-driven petition to stand behind the publication of the first study to look in detail at rapid-onset gender dysphoria.
The petition includes the following graph about gender referrals in the United Kingdom. Anecdotal and news reports, as well as the rapid recent growth in transgender treatment centers, indicates a similar phenomenon inside the United States.×347.png

“[T]he parental reports in this study offer important and much-needed preliminary information about a cohort of adolescents, mostly girls, who with no prior history of dysphoria, are requesting irreversible medical interventions, including the potential to impair fertility and future sexual function,” says the petition. “In any other group of children, these grave consequences would be seen as human rights violations unless there was significant and overwhelming evidence these procedures would be beneficial long-term.”
Despite these facts on the ground, Brown issued a statement Tuesday effectively apologizing for publicizing their own professor’s research because, “Brown community members express[ed] concerns that the conclusions of the study could be used to discredit efforts to support transgender youth and invalidate the perspectives of members of the transgender community.” …

The study is authored by Lisa Littman, a behavior and social sciences professor at Brown, and an OB-GYN whose publications are mainly in reproductive health and abortion. Here’s the phenomenon that caused her to conduct the study to learn more:

Parents have described clusters of gender dysphoria outbreaks occurring in pre-existing friend groups with multiple or even all members of a friend group becoming gender dysphoric and transgender-identified in a pattern that seems statistically unlikely based on previous research. Parents describe a process of immersion in social media, such as ‘binge-watching’ Youtube transition videos and excessive use of Tumblr, immediately preceding their child becoming gender dysphoric. These descriptions are atypical for the presentation of gender dysphoria described in the research literature…

…Littman found a number of things that make transgender narratives look terrible. For example, she explored the horrifyingly irresponsible lies anonymous internet users frequently offer to confused kids who were apparently free to browse for this information online. The below graph from the study quotes common “advice” transgender activists gave children over these kinds of forums.×571.jpg



IMO, the roller-coaster of puberty and normal human development has been weaponized to convince vulnerable and uneducated youth that their confusion about their body (AGAIN: Normal hormonal swings associated with puberty and human development into adulthood) is sufficient reason to question their core human identity (READ: Social engineering) and convince them to undergo transitional treatment (READ: Covert Sterilization to eliminate the human populace of deplorables – encouraging transition WITHOUT full disclosure) without genuine concern for the well-being of the individual (In effect, creating massive psychological trauma and destabilization that can be further manipulated for votes, Cloward-Piven, Alinsky-style recruitment, and on and on).


I gully am on board with this being a social contagion. They also get a lot of attention without the ability to think ahead of the damage to themselves, which is why suicides peak in these people. Its mental illness in adults run amok.


But they start them early. The disparity between boys and girls statistically is striking!

Plain Jane

Divorce can be a social contagion also. I’ve seen it happen. Women going through a divorce of their own manipulation are rallied around, soon the ralliers fantasize the “horrendous” faults of their own husband or the “joys” of being single again, and amplify.
Some “religious” or non-religious cults increase their numbers this way. Abortion advocates do this also.
Sympathy is a very strong mind number.


Divorce is such a lie. It’s propped up by sob stories about how bad things are in the marriage. Yes, in many cases it is. But the costs of divorce are very high and women almost always end up taking the brunt of it! Men pay a massive price in the loss of their reputation, alimony, child care, psychological harm, but men are almost always in a better position to rebound economically than women are. Yet the lie is that we need divorce to help the women! And it is sold on a pile of emotional manipulation. The biggest losers are the children, and that’s the part that really makes me angry.

Plain Jane

So very true. Do you know when no- fault divorce came into existence? Somehow Iremember it as a mistake by Reagan when he was Gov. I could be very wrong though.


Yes! This is all about the children, (children’s children’s children) that will be moulded to be a meek accepting part of the new order.
Take back control of the education of the youth.
Resist (eradicate) their indoctrination.
This is the hope for the future generations imho


It’s amazing to me how hard the NWO’s types have had to work to try to rig the system. I mean, America must be pretty doggon resilient when they have to literally pull out all the stops to push it over the edge. They probably cried many tears when the Depression ended and everyone said “Enough!” with their nutty economic policies after the war.


Yep. I live far away (darkest southern africa) the tentacles stretch globally, many are easily manipulated

Deplorable Patriot

IOW, peer pressure. Had a cousin who went through this. He’s normal. Another cousin I called was same sex attracted years before she came out.

Gail Combs

It is like the ‘Clubs’ in high school where you have to be pregnant to join so lots of high school girls think it is ‘Cool’ to get pregnant.
Peer Pressure is THE major pressure on teenagers. It takes a really strong kid not to succumb.


it also requires parents who are paying CLOSE attention!


I read “I Am Charlotte Simmons” on your recommendation, and the novel beautifully (and painfully) depicts peer pressure at the college level. When peer pressure transmits the malignant message of leftist social destruction it is a powerful weapon.

Plain Jane

DP, is there any indication she was abused when young? Or in sympathy with someone who was?

Deplorable Patriot

That particular cousin, no. She was a tomboy, and not one to be messed with. Her sisters are anything but tomboys. Another cousin who is same sex, possibly. That particular cousin also lost her father in adolescence. I’ve wondered when it comes to that.

Plain Jane

It was true a while back before contagion set in, but most homosexuals have been abused. Abusers doa mind manipulation.
However NOT all who have been abused become homosexual. Not even close.


Not a hard conclusion to come up with. Teens are notorious for linking into ‘fad’ causes and groups. With their rapid sexual hormones causing havoc at that age, anything could draw them in, especially if they have friends who are also drawn to this kind of thing imo. They look for acceptance and for things that get them noticed and a place to belong.


When did you get here? Fellow NYer?


Yep, western NYS. Followed some friends over to see what is being hashed out over here. Long time branch holder at CTH. Missed some of the regulars’ informed posts and I have followed your past comments there too. Just mostly lurking here.


Thought I recognized your handle as a fellow WNY-er!


Maybe I mentioned this here, maybe OT (my poor memory) but this guy was on the Ingraham Angle. He was some kind of YUGE trans celebrity. @NotableDesister on twitter, basically said he was really mixed up mentally and he is now a guy… As he was born. He is also a writer for the Federalist.. if you are interested


I don’t read the Federalist as much as I probably need to. I don’t like the way they do article summaries in their emails.


Ben Domenech is married to Megan NoName now.
Domenech was a rabid nevertrumper and could still be, for all I know.
So I am very wary of The Federalist.


Corey’s Digs has a photo of an ‘altarpiece’ that would serve as a metaphor for the state of the Catholic church.comment image
Christ is distorted and the mess below is an apt visual for the chaos and evil abounding in the Church and its clergy.


If this is a church, it’s a wonder any child attending this church doesn’t have nightmares and mental scars just from the weekly sight of that thing.

Deplorable Patriot

That’s not a church. That’s the audience hall. Been there. Done that. The acoustics are alright.
That sculpture was made out of driftwood, IIRC, and in person it’s not as creepy as it looks in pictures. There’s one that’s over a door in St. Peters that’s actually bronze, I think, that’s creepier than that.
But, then, go into any important continental Catholic Church, and you’re surrounded by dead people. You get used to it.


This pic of the audience hall definitely is a little creepy.comment image

Deplorable Patriot

That’s the back of it, and the way the camera lens is set gives that effect. In person, it doesn’t look anything like that. The room itself is a rectangle, and those stained glass windows face each other. The seating is on a grade of about five degrees.

Deplorable Patriot

Sorry, that’s not the rear. That is facing the front. But, still it is a rectangle.

Deplorable Patriot

And the skylight ceiling is arched.
FOr the record, I don’t really like the room, but the pictures are not quite honest about what being in there really looks like.


Thank you so much for your voice of experience in this matter. “Symbolism will be their downfall,” is true, but sometimes we get carried away, especially when we have only the camera’s view.

Deplorable Patriot

Exactly. On Reddit once I had to explain that the bovine on the pope’s mitre is not a bull, but a dumb ox signifying the Gospel of St. Luke.


Shakes head at ignorance, not of Catholicism, but Christian history!!!!!

Deplorable Patriot

This is actually in a church.comment image&exph=646&expw=643&q=st+peter%27s+skeleton&selectedindex=0&ajaxhist=0&vt=0&eim=1,2,6


Sure would keep the fear of GOD in ya’


The first thing that popped into my mind was the sickening wall in the movie “The Devil’s Advocate”comment image
There is no question that the Church in Rome is deeply corrupt and evil, and this long ago.

Plain Jane

This looks like a depiction of the misinterpreted phrase “He decended into hell” from the Apostles Creed.

Sue Mcdonald

I signed up at wg1wga the other day and I must say its a true breath of fresh freedom loving,free speech air! I do not recall who posted about it but THANK YOU!!!!


I’m on there, too.
Search for frznpch.
What is your handle there, so I can follow you?



This can’t be emphasized enough… we do NOT have ONE ELECTION for president, we have 50. We don’t have a Federal Ballot that comes from D.C. with the candidates names on it, do we? H#!! no… we have individual ballots from 50 states with the candidates for president at the very top, and state candidates below.
The folks promoting popular vote are CON ARTISTS. Plain and simple. Same with those promoting increase of SCOTUS justices. CON ARTISTS.
Going by the popular vote would negate the fact that our Republic is the UNITED STATES, individual states, not a nation with no individual boundaries within.
How many Americans realize that? Heck, far too many don’t know how many branches of gov’t we have and which they are… even some of our elected Congress critters don’t know ! AOC, for one.
Cabal has done excellent job of dumbing down Americans… through our schools and above all, through the C_A controlled msm.


I urge everyone to relax on this particular topic.
Because states cannot allocate their votes as they see fit in a federal election. Duh. They know it, and we know it. And the electoral college isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, either.
Take this for what it is…..desperate democrats who realize that PDJT is going to win re-election in 2020, and they are quite literally desperate to do anything to prevent it. Short of that, they want to do whatever they can to give both POTUS….and the rest of us…..the middle finger.
This is like Khan spitting venom at Capt. Kirk just before he blows up, or soy-boy shooting all his weapons at Luke Skywalker in pure impotent rage. The only response necessary is…comment image
PS – No, this isn’t something we need to worry about. America is not going to become a Popular Vote for POTUS country, for all the reasons we shouldn’t….including a 5-4 majority on the SCOTUS.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Because states cannot allocate their votes as they see fit in a federal election.

Do you have a cite for this statement? Because there’s NOTHING in the Constitution.
States appoint electors for the presidency according to a process set by their legislatures, and the only restriction in the constitution is that the electors cannot be officeholders. There is NO requirement that there even be a vote within the state to pick the electors. (Many states did not do this in the early days of the Republic.)
The legislature of the state has sole discretion over how this is done. It so happens that most of them have a winner-take-all system set up, where they hold an election and award all the electors to the winner of the election, but two states don’t, and the legislature can change their procedure–whatever it may be–at whim. Your state could decree that it would pick electors at random out of the phone book (assuming such a thing still exists!), and it would be constitutional.

Deplorable Patriot

Voter fraud narrative is being set up.


“Voter fraud narrative is being set up.”
Wow. Really??
4 things.
1. You sound just like a liberal saying that. And I do mean, IDENTICAL.
2. It’s not a narrative if it’s true. If it’s true, then it is a fact, not a narrative. A narrative is an explanation that revolves around facts. Narratives can be true or false in spite of the truth of the underlying facts.
I am as surprised I have to point that out as I am that sentence came from a conservative’s keyboard.
3. Tx Gov Abbott and his AG have been PROVING massive vote fraud in TX for years now.
4. Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch are UNPARALLELED fact-finders and truth revealers.

Deplorable Patriot

The narrative for OUR SIDE is being set up. Using the enemy’s tactics against them in a slow, but sure dribble of information.
I’m surprised anyone would take issue with the terminology.
And I’ve been blogging on voter fraud since 2014. I know darn well and good that voter fraud has been proven in Ohio and called a one off. And that the voter integrity project doesn’t get the attention it deserves.
I also know that the states refused to work with the president in getting voter rolls cleaned up, and that the courts have blocked similar efforts.
I know that a George Soros owned company makes the touch screen voter machines that change votes depending on the programming.
I’ve seen the videos on percentage magic.
All of that has to be brought to the public, and to do it, a narrative of truth needs to be set up. We are seeing it in real time.


Personally, I equate the word “narrative” with the word “fiction”….as in “=“
So, when you say “Voter fraud narrative is being set up”, that comes across to me as “Voter fraud fiction is being set up”, and I would have written something like…
“The true saga of voter fraud in the US is starting to come out”


but you would miss 1/2 the story…
Cabal is building a “narrative” to say THERE IS NO VOTER FRAUD


On the contrary, their narrative is not only old and senile, it is being dismantled by the successful prosecution of voter fraud in states like Texas.


Our side is getting better at presenting the truth in narrative form! It’s about time!


Interesting thing…
Each time I hit the “post comment” button… Praying Medic’ banner flashes for a nano second across my screen.
I’ve had a number of ‘serendipity moments’ in my life… but this…


Okay, this is one of those times I really wish there was an edit feature, delete post feature…
I failed to note the banner wolfie has for this THREAD……………..
Will now draw up in a fetal position and drink LOTS more coffee!


PR, save the coffee! I knew exactly what you meant and I’ll bet I’m not alone….thanks for sharing the serendipity moment as they just build on each other as we share them until we begin to see them as rather normal but still such fun to notice!


Oh that made me laugh! I can’t count the number of “never mind” moments I have had!


I heard this article referred to on RedPill78 video published yesterday and it describes perfectly how this previously undisclosed $ flow works and what happens when one discloses such secrets….
As Leonard Bacani and I are working hard in setting up an International News and Education Network that involves the direct participation of We the People, the outpouring of support has been enormous! The fact that we are also directly watching and reporting on the KSM et al Military Tribunals that are being LIVE Streamed via CCTV from Fort Meade Military Base in Maryland, has also brought massive amounts of Patriots our way. (See all our detailed reports, transcripts from the Tribunals and Education pieces on this link of the C-VINE website:
We must be getting under the skin of the Deep State, because an on-going Saga of attacks has been in full effect attempting to censor or silence us. Nope… not gonna happen. There are now an army of Patriots volunteering, reporting and helping us to get the word out. Silent no more!
That is why I am doing this special report you may find of interest. The latest Saga has been with our C-VINE International Foundation (Charitable Trust Account) that is blatantly being messed with. For the purpose of transparency… we are giving you a full visual of what has been happening….
On 3/16/18, I went to a Chase Bank ATM to pull out $140.00 from the C-VINE Foundation PayPal debit credit card At that time we were aware that there was around $907.00 of donations in Pay Pal. I received my ATM Receipt and just about had a seizure when it showed the account balance to be $16,907.00.
I thought, “Oh wow! We just received a $16,000 donation! So I took a picture of both to send over to Leonard. He checked the Pay Pal account on-line and it did not show. So I thought maybe it hadn’t applied yet expecting it to show the next day. Still nothing. Okay… maybe it was just a computer glitch.
This “No Show” of the funds in Pay Pal continued for another couple days so I went to a DIFFERENT Chase Bank across town to check on the balance expecting to see the error corrected. Nope. In fact what I saw was even more mind boggling. $56,000.00!
I checked the Pay Pal account on-line and there wasn’t any change from days ago. So, I went trotting in to speak with the bank manager, explained the entire story and she said it was probably just an ATM malfunction. I reminded her the first incident happened across town at a different Chase. She then went on to tell me that it must be a problem on Pay Pal’s end.
I took her outside with me to a different ATM machine and used the Pay Pal card with her watching. Whelp… I seemed to have lost $11,000.00 in the 10 minutes of conversation, the balance now showing $47,115.00.
She reiterated to contact Pay Pal again because it obviously wasn’t a problem with their bank.
Leonard spoke with a Pay Pal manager explaining everything and the manager said it wasn’t Pay Pal because our account showed a normal balance on their end. He thought it was a system wide problem with Chase. Oh brother!
Okay… now I was on a mission and went to a number of banks other than Chase to check the balance and print out receipts with the following results: 1) $47,805.00 – Navy Federal Credit Union, 2) $47,805.00 – US Bank 3) $47,805.00 – Bank of America and 4) $47,805.00 Wells Fargo… Note: Wells Fargo would not allow you to print out a receipt from Pay Pal account so I took a picture of the screen.
I was on my way to check out other bank ATMs when my car mysteriously just died. Boom. Dead. There was no hint or warning and was running like a dream 5 minutes before. Coincidence? Maybe. Bottom line is I had to then take the time to have the car towed to a mechanic. By the time I was done, it was late evening.
I reached out to a high level federal government official friend of mine and explained the last couple days and he said this is obviously on a federal level with sophisticated Internet Technology able to manipulate so many bank ATMs and change the amounts randomly but not show any unusual activity in Pay Pal. He felt this was targeted specifically and was concerned some major money laundering was going on. If that were the case… to what end was the objective? Discredit C-VINE? Accuse one of us of fraud or Lord only knows what else? I explained I never once touched that balance and he asserted that the changed amounts looked like some type of activity was happening somewhere.
Leonard then took the proverbial bull by the horns and contacted Pay Pal management, armed with all the receipts and a report of what happened at each bank, plus what the official said. The result? “Pay Pal is not responsible because they can’t control what bank ATMs can or can’t do”. But they did close that account and opened another one, plus will be sending out a new card.
Alrighty then! Sounds like the perfect set-up where no one is at fault. No one’s responsibility. Hmmmm….
WRONG! We the People have a voice. “We Are the News Now” and C-VINE is bringing this to the International Court of Public Opinion.
What do YOU think is happening? Do you think we are the only one this is happening too? Are they targeting just us or are there MANY trust accounts that are being used as a platform for some nefarious purposes?
Also, because we basically have hit a “dead end” of options to actually have the underlying problem taken care of, what are the chances most people would give up at this point? How long has this type of thing been going on elsewhere?
Addendum by Leonard Bacani:
As on 3/19/19, at the end of Linda’s writing, and just prior to publishing this article, Linda’s internet access on her her phone, her access to FaceBook, or the back end of our servers was cut completely off when everyone else in her house had perfect internet connectivity. This was also prior to RedPill78 live broadcast with Linda for her to tell her story.
RP78 advised he was having the same type of issues.
Deep state is working overtime to suppress the conservative voice!
Patriots can weigh in with their thoughts, where C-VINE has platforms built for you to give voice.
Here is more:


Scary stuff


people still trust banks too…they are complicit in all of it. of course their low level branch people “know nothing”…
and yes, they can shut down your car and disable it remotely. although i didn’t see in the text where the car was fixed and what was wrong, but they can do many many things.


Andrew, I would see those details as being omitted on purpose. What they did disclose is positive on so many levels of people involved in the teams who are working on our behalf. They know they are being watched and likely who is watching!


yes i agree absolutely! my comment was more a comment of in general people still trust banks, and the financial system in general, when in reality it is one of the biggest scams ever run.
and they do know who is watching. that’s why i think they shut the guys car down 🙂


and I agree with your sense of banking and the compartmentalization….stunning I was in banking 16 years and have a friend who reached a much higher level and was in charge of investing bank fund at a large bank. When I asked her to review the Ronald Bernard videos to get a sense of her awareness, she had not a clue and was shocked!

Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko told Hill.TV’s John Solomon in an interview that aired Wednesday that the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch gave him a do not prosecute list during their first meeting.
“Unfortunately, from the first meeting, with the U.S. Ambassador in Kiev, [Yovanovitch] gave me a list of people whom we should not prosecute,” Lutsenko, who took his post in 2016, told Hill.TV last week.
“My response of that is that it is inadmissible, nobody in this country, neither our president nor our parliament nor our ambassador, will stop me from prosecuting whether there is a crime,” he continued.
SNIP..Lutsenko also revealed that he has not received funds amounting to nearly $4 million that the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine was supposed to allocate to his office, saying that “the situation was actually rather strange” and pointing to the fact that the funds were designated, but “never received.”
“At that time we had a case for the embezzlement of the U.S. government technical assistance worth 4 million U.S. dollars, and in that regard, we had this dialogue,” he said. “At that time, [Yovanovitch] thought that our interviews of the Ukrainian citizens of the Ukrainian civil servants who were frequent visitors in the U.S. embassy put a shadow on that anti-corruption policy.”
“Actually, we got the letter from the U.S. Embassy, from the ambassador, that the money that we are speaking about [was] under full control of the U.S. Embassy, and that the U.S. embassy did not require our legal assessment of these facts,” he said. “The situation was actually rather strange because the funds we are talking about were designated for the Prosecutor General’s office also and we were told we have never seen those, and the U.S. Embassy replied there was no problem.”
SNIP… Former House Rules Committee Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas) voiced concerns about Yovanovitch in a letter to the State Department last year in which he said he had proof the ambassador had spoken of her “disdain” for the Trump administration.


The deposition of UK’s former MI6 Spy Christopher Steele was recently released. Steele was in a court case in the UK for slander related to his famous fake Trump – Russia dossier. In his deposition Steele confirms that he was able to view and read sealed and classified US information that the average US citizen is not able to see.comment image
Read More:


Watcher of the Dead has extended his THREAD of yesterday… Antarctica comes up.
Don’t know if many of you are familiar with “Antarctica” …. Qresearch has tons on it. You may consider it conspiracy… that’s certainly your choice. I’ve done a lot of diggin’ on it, and in my opinion it’s as real as anything.
Note: I’m DEFINITELY NOT talking about the ‘Flat Earth Theory’… the earth is definitely ROUND, or spherical 😉
No, I’m talking about what exists there… dig. Meanwhile, here’s part of extension to Watcher’s THREAD… click and you can read all that he has added…


In particular, New Zealand has come to be seen as a bolthole of choice for Silicon Valley’s tech elite.
In the immediate aftermath of Trump’s election, the theme of American plutocrats preparing for the apocalypse was impossible to avoid. The week after the inauguration, the New Yorker ran another piece about the super-rich who were making preparations for a grand civilisational crackup; speaking of New Zealand as a “favored refuge in the event of a cataclysm”.
Why NZ, specifically? Because the super rich aren’t dumb.
The article doesn’t say so, but if there is a “grand civilisational crackup”, the super-rich “elite” will have a date with the guillotine…..just as the French aristocracy did….and they think they can hide in NZ and can’t/won’t be reached there.
In short, NZ is the bolt-hole from the mess they themselves helped foster and create in order to enrich themselves, and it’s where they plan on running to if/when Rome starts to burn.


Matt Lauer Will Not Lose His $9.2-Million New Zealand Farm…..


yeah i posted some links to antarctica maps in the daily thread a couple days ago (might have been a thread that wasn’t daily though) and i have been interested in antarctica for a long time myself.
there is something there no doubt about it.
new zealand has a very large CLAIM on it. check out those maps i linked to some are divided into the political regions of claim…
here’s some zealand ones:
here is the polar stuff:
there are many higher qualitty ones at another site i linked to but i do not have the link now and these get you some good info…
check out new zealand’s claim area.


Because I like actual _chaos… and Lou Dobbs, while I like him, I don’t agree with his pounding the table every night. Tom Fitton? I think he likes the TV facetime. I am not discounting what good they might do, but sometimes their own egos get in the way of seeing the big picture. I’m with chaos on his perspective, it fits my we don’t know what we don’t know. 🙂

Gail Combs

Larry Elliot Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch, thinks Tom Fitton is an also ran. When Klayman left Judicial Watch he said he had some very good cases set-up ready to go to court and Fitton didn’t even run with them. Instead he sticks with FOIA. (From a vid on the Jerome Corsi case.)


I’m just not trusting of someone who is constantly tooting their own horn… Jay Sekulow is more my style.


anyone i see on tv or that becomes an internet “celeb” immediately goes down in my trust of what they are working on.
for example, they will take something and stretch it out for days and weeks when it could have been a concise 1 hour presentation.
they do it for money, ratings, fame, more money, more fame, and to really keep us in the dark.


A doomed Ethiopian Airlines 737 Max 8 that crashed shortly after takeoff on March 10 had “clear similarities” to an October 2018 crash of the same type of airplane, according to Ethiopia’s transport minister. Today, Reuters sheds light on exactly what happened that fateful day last year off the coast of Indonesia.
Read More:
“We don’t like that we weren’t notified,” said Southwest Airlines Pilots Association president Jon Weaks in November. “It makes us question, ‘Is that everything, guys?’ I would hope there are no more surprises out there.”
In the Lion Air crash, a malfunctioning sensor is believed to have tricked the plane’s computers to force the nose of the plane down to avoid a stall. Following the March 10 crash less than six months later – which followed a “very similar” track to the Lion Air flight, All Boeing 737 Max 8s were grounded by US regulators following dozens of countries and airlines doing so first.
“After this horrific Lion Air accident, you’d think that everyone flying this airplane would know that’s how you turn this off,” said former FAA accident investigation division director Steve Wallace.
Meanwhile, investigators are now looking into how the new 737 model was approved. The Transportation Department’s inspector general has begun an inquiry into the plane’s certification, while a grand jury under the US DOJ is also seeking records in a possible criminal investigation of the plane’s certification.
“We will fully cooperate in the review in the Department of Transportation’s audit,” said Boeing spokesman Charles Bickers.


Are we naive to the point that we should all rush out and buy a self driving car?

Gail Combs

I refuse to get rid of my three 25 year old Trucks that DO NOT HAVE COMPUTERS! We also have a much newer Ford Ranger that is a POS. We use it around the farm but it will have to go on a flat bed to get it to my mechanic.


since it was certified in march 2017 i am sure we all know who’s fault it was right?


Oh, wow – people are so very giving and helpful! Just watched a FB video of truck after truck after truck after truck bringing food and fuel to the people in Freemont, who are still, for the most part, cut off. Such wonderful fellow citizens! Rickets has also filed an expedited request for Federal disaster relief.
Pic of the bridge collapse in tiny Hadar – main avenue for people to get from western Pierce county to Madison county/Norfolk. The “old Hadar road,” which was the original Hiway 81, is now getting far too much traffic and is partially shut down as well.comment image

Pat Frederick



Seeing a story on OANN that 2 people were radicalized in one of the NZ mosques where the shooting/FF occurred.

Liberals seek to disenfranchise anyone who does not vote for them.
Looks like if you do not support their (often illegal) aquisition of power you become a “hater” and therefore underserving of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
The President disagrees and speaks his mind without regard for their rules of correctness so apparently he must be declared mentally unfit to hold office.
However findings of mental health professionals regarding mental maturity for adult decisions should be dismissed in order to allow (more easily indoctrinated) children to vote.


Happy First Day of Spring and International Day of Happiness!


“President Trump asked me to be here in Nebraska and here in the region today with a very simple message,” Pence said upon arriving in Omaha. “To all the families that have seen their homes flooded, seen livestock lost, who have had their lives, their communities, upset by these extraordinary floods and severe weather, our message is this: ‘We’re with you’”:
.@VP has arrived in Omaha, where he’ll survey flood damage, thank volunteers & First Responders. He’s joined by NE @GovRicketts, @IAGovernor, @SenJoniErnst, @BenSasse, & @RepDonBacon.
— Alyssa Farah (@VPPressSec) March 19, 2019
“We mourn for the families of those who lost their lives,” Pence said from the ground in Nebraska. “We are truly grateful for the extraordinary response by public safety officials, first responders, the National Guard.”
The vice president’s press secretary, Alyssa Farah, shared a view of the flooding from the air:
.@VP has arrived in Omaha, where he’ll survey flood damage, thank volunteers & First Responders. He’s joined by NE @GovRicketts, @IAGovernor, @SenJoniErnst, @BenSasse, & @RepDonBacon.
— Alyssa Farah (@VPPressSec) March 19, 2019″

Deplorable Patriot

And now for something completely different:
Top Dem’s Trump probe targets miss deadline in sweeping document request
Though the powerful Democratic committee chairman touted the responses he’s gotten in a press release and cable news interview this week, GOP committee sources told Fox News that just eight of the 81 agencies, entities and individuals that were sent requests actually met the Monday deadline. The requests came as part of Nadler’s probe into “alleged obstruction of justice, public corruption, and other abuses of power by President Trump” announced earlier this month….
But a Republican committee aide told Fox News that only the following individuals and groups have responded: Former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos, who submitted 47 pages; former Trump national security adviser J.D. Gordan, who provided 51 pages; the National Rifle Association, which submitted 1,466 pages; Russian lobbyist Rinat Akhmetshin, who attended the infamous 2016 Trump Tower meeting and provided 467 pages; former Trump political adviser Sam Nunberg, who sent 23 pages; former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, who sent 2,688 pages; Trump inaugural committee chair Tom Barrack, who sent 3,349 pages; and the 58th Presidential Inaugural Committee, which provided 104 pages.
The aide also told Fox News that Brittany Kaiser, the former director of Cambridge Analytica, a data company that worked for the Trump campaign, has told the committee she has sent 178 pages by mail in response to her request, but the committee has not yet received those documents.
While Nadler touted receiving tens of thousands of documents, the aide disputed that count.
“Either Democrats are deliberately concealing committee records—which confirms they’re invested in partisan inquisitions more than credible oversight—or they are deliberately misrepresenting the facts to the press and American public. Which is it?” the aide said in an email.


Burn Notice has a THREAD on J Podesta


When I read something like this I want to do something about it.
Not being an attorney, not sure what! But I am sharing this in hopes that others have ideas of what might be best and how the rest of us can help.


this is HUGE – and i have been complaining on here about HR1 since way back when we first heard of it.
people are not read into all that it will do. not only that some people believe that mcconnell will not let it get a vote on the senate floor…regardless – the fact that it is OUT THERE, they WROTE IT – are pushing it AND it fits into a lot of what they have done for years and that is: it lays out a blueprint for the states to follow on their own so that no matter the fate of the bill in congress, everyone knows what they should do and they start making parallel laws in their own states.
same with this electoral college thing – it will happen. and people that dismiss it out of hand and say it’s unconstitutional or something like that…well good luck.

Pat Frederick
The deposition of UK’s former MI6 Spy Christopher Steele was recently released. Steele was in a court case in the UK for slander related to his famous fake Trump – Russia dossier. In his deposition Steele confirms that he was able to view and read sealed and classified US information that the average US citizen is not able to see.
gotta get those stories straight I guess…

Pat Frederick

wait…POTUS is on Ohio tonight? RALLY TIME?????


say again?

Pat Frederick

sorry…in my excitement, the spaz comes out…
is tonight a POTUS rally in Ohio?


I don’t think so – business meetings, I believe.

Pat Frederick

k…thanks! wasn’t sure…doesn’t he have a rally coming u tho?


Not sure about that. I am not big on watching the rallies anyway so I don’t pay that much attention. I watch the highlights after-the-fact.

Pat Frederick

me too!
but reading the responses here makes me feel like I’m almost there anyway…you know, without the crowds and traffic…lol


Same reason why I prefer watching football and NASCAR on TV (ff’ing through the commercials) vs. attending in person. It’s fun a time or two but after that? Nah….


what area of ohio r u in Pat?

Pat Frederick

not in Ohio actually–I hide out in upper central PA…close enough to spit into NY (and I frequently do…shhhhhh)

Deplorable Patriot

Crap. The one night of the week I have plans.


Not a rally – a roundtable and fundraiser.
President’s schedule can be found here every day:


Yesterday, March 19, was the deadline given for lawyers and others to show cause why the records from the Jeffrey Epstein case should not be unsealed.
I can find NOTHING on whether cause was presented.
I am betting there are some juicy details within those records. The MCM is ignoring the story for the most part.

Pat Frederick

speaking of deadlines…we didn’t hear anything about the deadline Jordan and Meadows (I think) gave to Barr about Weissman and Ahmad documents did we? well, other than both of them have left or are leaving SC…LOL

However, in the order released Monday, the appeals court said the third judge on the panel — Rosemary Pooler — partially dissented and does not favor quick unsealing of materials attached to the summary judgment pleadings. Those attachments reportedly include derogatory information about some of the witnesses in the case.


appointed to the court by bill clinton… figures.


And now, to add to the mystery, we have this.
“Two mystery litigants citing privacy concerns are making a last-ditch bid to keep secret some details in a lawsuit stemming from wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein’s history of paying underage girls for sex.
Just prior to a court-imposed deadline Tuesday, two anonymous individuals surfaced to object to the unsealing of a key lower-court ruling in the case, as well as various submissions by the parties.”
There is something big in here. I just know it.

Molly Pitcher

This is sort of funny. Hundreds of illegals being set loose everyday and the activists (who work tirelessly for this to happen) are complaining. The Leftists can never be satisfied.
Normally, the Border Patrol would transfer the migrants to Immigration and Customs Enforcement to be “processed” and in many cases placed in detention facilities. But officials said that both agencies have run out of space due to a recent influx of Central American families.
Immigrant advocates suggested the release was intended to create chaos at the border and further President Trump’s argument that there is a national emergency there.
“Why do this now? It doesn’t make sense,” said Zenen Jaimes Perez, advocacy director for the Texas Civil Rights Project, which sent lawyers to the McAllen bus station to assist the migrants. “This is not something they’ve done before.”


“In Plainview, Seth Harder, general manager of Husker Ag, said a disruption in rail service could result in the ethanol plant experiencing a temporary shutdown if the BNSF short line that moves the facility’s product is not repaired by the middle of next week.
A service advisory sent out by BNSF said the recent floods are causing major disruptions to its service and operations in the region. Several subdivisions — including a line in Northeast Nebraska and lines in the Omaha and Lincoln areas — remain out of service.
Andy Williams, a spokesperson for BNSF, said the railroad is waiting for the flood waters to recede so an accurate assessment can be performed on the condition of its lines.
“We can’t speculate (on repair time) until we’ve had a chance to assess their condition,” Williams said.
In the meantime, Harder said Husker Ag is putting several plans into place. Those include the possibility of transporting product by truck to a working rail station or going into a “hot idle” or temporary shutdown.
Harder said he became aware late last week that the Sioux City-to-O’Neill short line railroad utilized by Husker Ag was compromised by floodwaters that moved through Pierce County. As a result, the ethanol facility immediately backed off production rates to conserve space in its storage tanks.
Harder said Husker Ag should be able to operate through the weekend with the capacity it has in its storage. He also expressed confidence in the speed the railroad works: “If I can say one thing about BNSF, they do mobilize pretty fast to get stuff fixed up,” Harder said.
Farther up the line in Brunswick, John Meuret with J.E. Meuret Grain Co. said he expected to see a delay in its shipment of grains to satisfy the livestock and feed demands between Texas and California.
“It’s not critical today, but with an extended delay, it becomes extremely critical,” he said.
Meuret said few people probably realize the importance of rail service to Northeast Nebraska: “Without rail service, you will cripple most of the ethanol and grain industry in Nebraska, and that’s what we’re going to experience later this week. Nothing comes in or goes out. … It’s a big-time disruption in the nation — not just Nebraska.”


Bringing judgment on themselves and our nation.


“New Mexico killed a bill that would have legalized infanticide and given abortionists the right to destroy babies up to the moment of birth.”
SORRY – I misunderstood the headline!
Good for these Democrats and Republicans!


I’m in NM – I have to tell you so many of us were ecstatic and shocked that 8 Democrats voted agains the Late-Term Abortion Bill. I’m convinced this State will never be red again. The mayor of ABQ and the Governor are awful.


Heard part of the questions as PDJT was boarding to leave for, I think, Ohio. Of course it was all Mueller, Mueller, Mueller🙄
I did hear him say something, again, about a past bad business deal with Mueller. Are there any details on that? I have heard it mentioned before, but don’t recall any details.


“Trump slams Mueller for conflicts of interest, claiming special counsel holds a grudge over bad business relationship and not being appointed FBI director
President Trump went on a multiple tweet rant against Mueller on Sunday
He claimed the special counsel has conflicts of interest: a bad business relationship and anger over not being named the new FBI director
Reports claim Mueller argued with a Trump golf club over fees and that Trump interviewed him for FBI director the day before Mueller became special counsel
Trump also used some of his favorite digs at the investigation in his tweets”


My spidey sense says there is something else….just not sure what🤷
Golf fees and the FBI interview don’t ring as the true source of a bad business deal.


OK – let me know when you find out.

Pat Frederick

agreed…POTUS would just call him cheap (if it was about greens fees)…this sounds bigger…


“Trump, the Times said, cited three conflicts of interest Mueller had that disqualified him from the high-profile probe.
The alleged conflicts included: a dispute over fees at Trump National Golf Club; work for a law firm that once represented the president’s son-in-law Jared Kushner; and an interview for FBI director a day before being named special counsel.”


Yes…This crumb has been dropped before, hopefully a baker *somewhere* can find the rest of the loaf😉


Wow, Kellyanne just slapped her husband down:


Kellyanne needs to divorce that idiot.
Someone on BB said she has ‘6’ kids….

Gail Combs

I would imagine that Kellyanne has had it with Dear Hubby by now. He may find himself booted even if she is a Catholic. Unfortunately she has 4 kids 8 to 13 and he is a lawyer which may explain his mouthyness and her reluctance to deal.


Then again, it could all be a show to distract the easily distracted….which pretty much means 90%+ of all liberals.


Brian has a THREAD for all the eeyores …


Makes me wonder if Q team saw your post phoenix? 😉


I was thinking the same realsauce… 🙂
Qanon gave a shoutout to Praying Medic on Qresearch board yesterday… twice, actually, they gave huge kudos to him… NOW a shoutout to Brian… WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!

Gail Combs

Brian always made sense. Never could understand why he was Verbotten OT
Also I very much think President Trump has the duck in a row for a MASSIVE take down.
I keep thinking about what Rex said about President Trump’s Shadow Warriors/spy network. Hotels, restaurants, golf courses and casinos… President Trump must have VAULTS filled with informatiom!


IIRC, at one point, SD, Rex, Wictor, and a few others were on a Twitter feed (not sure if that’s the right terminology?).
I believe that came to a grinding halt over “Trust Sessions” and “The Plan”.


Some great Q Sent Me memes in the replies…

Deplorable Patriot

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 7e2ece No.5791208 📁
Mar 20 2019 12:39:48 (EST)
Number(s) do not always equate to days.
The face of a watch/clock has multiple versions.
Incorrect interpretations pushed as statements of fact often lead to pitfalls [stranglehold ‘choke’ tactic used by attackers].
Increase in attacks (de-platform, shill infiltration, MSM/Fake MAGA direct, link(s) to terrorism/acts of violence) only demonstrates validity and close proximity to JUSTICE [PAIN].


from Fox link in Q’s drop…………..
Former Obama White House Counsel and Clinton-linked attorney Greg Craig may soon be charged by the Justice Department for engaging in illegal unregistered overseas lobbying, in a case initially probed by Special Counsel Robert Mueller — a development that would make him the first Democrat to face prosecution amid the long-running Russia investigation.
The case centers on lobbying work that Craig performed in 2012 for the Russian-backed president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, while Craig was a partner at the law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom. Craig allegedly never registered as a foreign agent under a U.S. law known as the Foreign Agents Registration Act, or FARA, which requires lobbyists to declare publicly if they represent foreign leaders, governments or their political parties.
FARA violations were only rarely prosecuted until Mueller took aim at Paul Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign chairman, for his lobbying work in Ukraine. Manafort, who connected Craig with Yanukovych, has been convicted on numerous bank and tax fraud charges, and was separately accused of FARA violations as well. He was sentenced earlier this month to approximately seven years in prison.
Craig left Skadden last year as his work with Manafort became public. In January, Skadden agreed to cooperate with the DOJ’s registration requirements and paid $4.6 million in a settlement to avoid a criminal prosecution. “We have learned much from this incident and are taking steps to prevent anything similar from happening again,” the firm said in a statement at the time.
much more at link


Craig… make him the first Democrat to face prosecution amid the long-running Russia investigation.”


My comment went in bin?

Deplorable Patriot

I did read that story this morning and considered it for a blog piece. The team certainly is spooning it out slowly.


Attention Deplorable Patriot… Q has posted

Deplorable Patriot

🙂 Thanks. I was walking the dogs. It’s always an adventure.

Gail Combs

Try walking four ram-bunctious lambs who haven’t figured out that a herd of sheep is SUPPOSED to stay together. 😁 And yes they are STILL cluttering up my kitchen and screaming bloody murder every time they see me demanding to be fed. AHHhhh the joys of weaning.

Pat Frederick

it sounds like you have a fun life!
my granddaughter begged for a goat last spring to raise and care for–Dad, the farmer, said ok–but he’ll be yours to care for–no pawning him off on me. Good to her word, she got up with Dad to bottle feed this little one every morning at 5 am…and she cared for him just like she was supposed to. They kept him in the garage when it was cold (son-in-law farms his family’s farm). well the little guy would make this noise that sounded like a woman screaming when he was hungry–so loudly that the police showed up at their house and surrounded the garage…

Gail Combs

Lambs are just as bad!
Similar story:
A friend was transporting one of my pygmy goats that she was going to use in a parade (Bo Peep)
The pygmy was in a medium sized dog crate in a little trailer hauled behind her car. She stopped at a stop light near Fort Brag NC with the goat screaming her head off. At the next light she got pulled over and was going to be taken in for child abuse for having her ‘kid’ in a dog crate…. until they found out it WAS a kid and not a child.

Deplorable Patriot

We have an alpha female and her younger brother who is blind. Yes, the young can be a challenge, but so are the old.

Gail Combs

…. but so are the old.
That is for sure. We have a couple of ponies with no grinding teeth (late 30s/early 40s). We also had a Cashgora doe who was in her late teens. She had three front teeth left and could not walk without help for the past two months. She passed about a week ago. She had been bright and interested and eating well up until the end so we did not put her down.
Thank goodness they now have hay pellets and alfalfa/timothy cubes! It makes it so much easier to get the old guys through the winter. I make a terrible farmer because I keep a lot of my animals way past when I should sell them.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 0ad5ef No.5791828
Mar 20 2019 13:11:41 (EST)

The attempted ‘COUP’ [TREASON] opens the ‘public’ door to more serious……
The PILL must be easy to swallow.
The ‘LEAD-IN’.
The PUBLIC must be prepared for what is about to come.
“THE CLINTON FOUNDATION” +++++++++++++++++++++++++


heh….wonder when Brian will hop on the Qtrain 😉


he may be in the closet wrt Q… after all, he supported Jeff Sessions from the time he took office, still supports him. He has over 117K followers. Would probably lose some, or lose his twitter account?


Yeah, he’s been pretty negative about Q.


Sounds to me like he is basically already on it, w/o actually saying so. JMO

Deplorable Patriot

Why did 3125 bring this to mind?


And now I’m going to be humming that song all day long! 😉

Deplorable Patriot

Believe me, there’s worse things you could be humming all day long. Ever get the theme to The Magnificent Seven in your head? That one just won’t go away.


LOL True. The last few weeks its shifting between ‘the greatest showman’ vs ‘frozen’. Don’t ask.


absolutely love that movie even though i just realized this year how racist it was with all the blackface from those chimney sweeps…
mary poppins.
sound of music.
the music man.
all great in my book.

Deplorable Patriot

So, treason is just the tip of the iceberg. Start with that, and move on to the crimes against humanity as it were.


When treason is the “easy” pill … what a world we find ourselves in!


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No.5792112
Mar 20 2019 13:24:35 (EST)
Did both of HUSSEIN’s parents learn ‘RUSSIAN’?
Is ‘RUSSIAN’ a common language to learn?
Think then.
Think now.
[Think Nellie Ohr]
The Cold War.


Both were C_A… so is empty suit zero…
doesn’t take brains to be C_A…
ex. AOC

Deplorable Patriot

I do know people who learned Russian in high school. Why…. All of those people ended up in the military.


comment image


“No one would be executed if you were president of the United States, for any crime?” Harris replied, “Correct, correct.” Even for treason? he asked. “Not in the United States, no,” the senator said.
Kamela, waving frantically: “Hill, I’ve got your back… tell your people I’m the one to back…

Plain Jane

Pollyanna here, and I’ve been thinking probably too much, without enough coffee in me.
What if the censuring of our beloved Judge Jeannine is a lure for dims?
What if the lying devious brazil nut had a come to Jesus offer/ moment?
Would it be possible to reach more dims with red pills?
Don’t get me wrong, I hate Fox News. I watched it as a freebie offer years ago. Couldn’t deal with their talking over each other, and thought most of it was lib BS. Just wondering out loud.


The only problem I have with that is that most libs won’t watch Fox for any reason.

Plain Jane


Deplorable Patriot

The Blessed Mother herself could try to redpill some of the most closed minds with a miracle a la Fatima, and they’d swear it was a figment of imagination, just like so many already do.


Hammer meet nail.

Plain Jane

Yes, probably.


I honestly think this is part of the Murdoch brothers’ plan to swing much further left but that is JMO.


that’s exactly it. already she’s been in the position of being the liberal voice when she’s been on so far (from what i have heard – the parent’s still watch the fox)
can’t believe people still actually watch fox and think it’s legit – even more incredulous is that people think democrats watch it and will get credibility from donna b.
i honestly wouldn’t mind a future with no tv. no video games. no phones.


Well, I can’t say I would want to go back to those old days, myself. I like having options, TBH.


i have a very romantic notion in my head of going back so that was just me for sure… 🙂
i have worked with tech for so long and have seen people get so addicted and lose critical thinking and i really don’t want any part of it anymore. it is what it is though because here i am writing this on a computer.

Gail Combs

“….i honestly wouldn’t mind a future with no tv. no video games. no phones…..”
FUTURE??? Of that bunch all I have is a flip phone andit sits on the file cabinet for days on end. I have it because Hubby insisted I have the phone for when I am traveling alone to gigs. The first one I ran over with the Dually and the second one I ran over with the tractor… Did I mention I HATE PHONES? 😋
Tossed the boob tube in 1976 and never played a video game in my life.


i guess you are living the life i wish i could have! people do not often get me when i talk like that 🙂

Plain Jane

I really wonder what is their gain, unless they too think they can escape sentencing for something, or is it their part of the trillions of dollars…


Well, they are progressives through-and-through and yes, $$$$ is always a factor.

Plain Jane

Oh yeah.


Brennan promised zero he would devise and carry out a plan to get rid of Donald J. Trump, before or after the
inauguration… I can actually see them talking (in my head… you’d be surprised what goes on there 😉


Is it weird that I can see inside your head, Phoenix?


gallows, firing squads, guillotines – all to merciful for what he should get in my opinion.


Just noticed that they pulled: MilSpec Ops Monkey aka MilspecP twitter account as well

is gone.
He (?) was writing about the boeing crash in ethiopia.

Deplorable Patriot

Don’t like.


apparently the account got jammed up by the censors. he did make an announcement on a “new” account or maybe it was on an account that was a friend spreading a message. he stated that he’s off social media scene for a while and also something about his wife needed his time (*)…
* = probably some of these people actually are married to people they like instead of all the MSM and politicians who just get married for convenience or power and don’t give a crap


The real Praying Medic is back. I guess he heard about the drama over his account:


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b16726 No.5792657
Mar 20 2019 13:45:07 (EST)
Ask yourself a very simple Q.
Would the FAKE NEWS media (& other controlled assets) expend this amount of time and resource attacking [attempt to discredit – cast as conspiracy – LARP] this movement IF IT DID NOT POSE A SIGNIFICANT THREAT [DANGER]?
Logical thinking.

Deplorable Patriot

Yep. Think infiltration of the enemy. Bring down entities and institutions from the inside.


We are the News !!!!!!!!!!comment image




from Qanon on research board:
Yes.. and the ukrainian election is just days away.
Petro Poroschenko will lose unless they commit massive fraud or do false flag.
When new President gets in office, you will see documentation from top of Ukrainian (not Russian) involvement to get HRC elected. Soros controls Poroschenko..
Obama and McCain armed and funded Azov Brigade to increase conflict early on.. and mercs were used to commit horrible acts against Ukrainian citizens .. including those in the Donbas.
Mike Chertoff.. Podesta bros… Lanny Davis.. Gates.. Manafort… all guilty

Neocon Nuland should definitely be on that list…


PDJT on OANN speaking at Lima Army Tank Plant


Immigrant in Italy hijacks school bus tries to burn up children inside the bus….

Plain Jane

Those poor kids. Nightmares will abound.


Wow – I didn’t know Q had highlighted this and the video today!


he needs to be turned over, asap, to the people. Hung in the city square.


New: Title TBD
20 Mar 2019 – 2:09:57 PM
(51) children burned alive enough to change narrative for day(s)?
This is NOT a game.
These people are sick.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: bac094 No.5793286 
Mar 20 2019 14:11:45 (EST)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: bac094 No.5793235 
Mar 20 2019 14:09:57 (EST)D1q2eoGWoAUcG1W.jpg
(51) children burned alive enough to change narrative for day(s)?
This is NOT a game.
These people are sick.


many of us didn’t care when they killed all those kids at waco and passed the buck… it is time for these beings to go down hard.


“Now, I’m certainly not saying that Mr. Kreuger did not commit suicide. I’m just all too wary of those close to the Clintons or the Obamas who out of nowhere take their own lives.”


has a book scheduled for release in June …
what ya wanna bet it NEVAH comes out ?


Oh, really?
But I thought the works of artists became even more valuable after their deaths. /sarc


anyone interested in the “phenomenon”:
get around the ads on the page – there’s also a download of the list, a giant infographic.
the webpage is most updated though – not with this new one of course.


A new short poll from CA….people are really hating Newsim, and its getting traction across the board. 2020 could FINALLY end the D stranglehold on CA. Obe can hope anyway.
Gavin Newsom is on a leftist rampage and even CA Voters Disapprove of it
 Gavin Newsom Add comments
Blogger’s Note: I am an opponent of Carl DiMaio, I think he is nothing more than a PAC Chairman trying to make a name for himself to boost his campaign for Congress. That said, even he deserves credit for doing this poll as it confirms a lot of what we all knew intuitively.
New poll results released today show that even in liberal California, Gov. Gavin Newsom and his early policies are out of step with a large swath of California’s voters.
“Gov. Gavin Newsom is getting national media attention for his moves, but what the media is missing is how Newsom is actually out-of-step with California voters – and in several instances out of step with Democrat voters as well,” said Carl DeMaio, chairman of Reform California, the group sponsoring the scientific poll conducted by Remington Research. “This poll reveals that Gov. Gavin Newsom’s early policy proposals are big turn-offs for voters – and without some sort of moderation soon, his extreme agenda may end up costing Democrats in the 2020 elections,” DeMaio noted.
Among the results of the poll on policy proposals:
Q1. In 2016, Californians voted to keep the death penalty. Despite this, Governor Gavin Newsom recently announced he will permanently suspend the death penalty because he considers it immoral. Do you support or oppose Newsom’s decision?
Support: 39%
Oppose: 52%
Not sure: 9% 
Of interest, the poll reveals a super-majority of white voters and even a plurality of Latino and African American voters opposed to Newsom’s position on this issue. 
“In 2016 voters voted to keep and strengthen the death penalty, but by overruling the will of the voters with this arbitrary order to permanently suspend the death penalty, Newsom shows he’s not only weak on public safety issues, but willing to arrogantly overrule the judgment of the voters,” DeMaio said. 
Q2. Governor Newsom’s first budget proposal included a tax on drinking water. Do you support or oppose California enacting a tax on drinking water?
Support: 13%
Oppose: 78%
Not sure: 9% 
Newsom has managed to unite California voters of all political parties – just not in a good way for him. The poll reveals even a 67% supermajority of Democrats oppose Newsom’s Water Tax – along with 94% of Republicans and 78% of Independents. 
“With California’s cost-of-living reaching a crisis point, the Water Tax may shape up to be the biggest liability for Newsom and Democrats in the Legislature – and could rightfully cost them seats in 2020 if they dare vote to impose it on working families,” DeMaio said.
Q3. In 2018, Californians were told that the gas tax would be guaranteed to go to transportation projects and fairly distributed to all regions of the state. Despite that, Governor Newsom wants to take away gas tax funding from any city that does not comply with his affordable housing mandates. Do you support or oppose this decision by the Governor?
Support: 32%
Oppose: 53%
Not sure: 14% 
A solid majority of voters oppose Newsom on this diversion of gas taxes, and Democrats risk alienating Latinos who oppose this move by a sizable 14% margin. “By raiding Gas Tax funds yet again, Newsom shows California’s voters that he’s untrustworthy and demonstrates complete contempt for taxpayer money,” DeMaio added. 
Q4. Governor Gavin Newsom recently admitted that the High Speed Rail Project is billions over budget and behind schedule. Despite this, Governor Newsom wants to proceed with a scaled back segment of the project in the least traveled route. Do you support or oppose his decision to proceed?
Support: 31%
Oppose: 54%
Not sure: 15% 
“Californians see through Newsom’s phony cancellation of the project and realize that he is still throwing good money after bad by completing a partial route in violation of voter protections that were promised when the project was proposed,” DeMaio said.  
COMING TOMORROW: Do you think Governor Newsom should be recalled from office?
Recall questions and results will be released at 3pm PT on Thursday, March 21.
BLOGGER’S NOTE: Is DiMaio preparing to hijack the Recall Gavin Newsom mantra from Travis Allen? He attacked Travis Allen for suggesting this, during his tirade at the CAGOP Convention.
About the poll
Survey conducted by Remington Research Group on March 17 through March 18, 2019. 1,303 likely 2020 General Election voters participated in the survey. Survey weighted to match expected turnout demographics for the 2020 General Election. Margin of Error is +/-2.71% with a 95% level of confidence. Totals do not always equal 100% due to rounding.


Holy smokes, this is good news for California and all of us. California can be saved.

Gail Combs

I love this poll! It shows that people in CA actually have some sense. It also makes you wonder JUST HOW MUCH voter fraud is taking place in CA. It might not be quite so liberal as we are lead to believe.


Exactly. More prisoners to the fraudsters. Devin Nunes understands this.May God watch over the good guys!


To leftists, none of this makes a difference.
“Californians” (people who physically are in California) do not care about absurdity. They may acknowledge absurdity, but they do not care about it.
Andrew Cuomo has been an irrational leftist and destructive presence in New York, and a repulsive human being, corrupt and really a piece of excrement, which everyone knows/understands.
But he is a Party Member.
Believe me, NOBODY likes Cuomo. EVERYBODY understands he is corrupt. That he is a nitwit and incompetent, bad for the state, is not doubted.
It just does not matter for leftists, and is actually a good thing as far as they are concerned.
Leftists think they have nothing to lose with Cuomo, and a lot to lose with truth and honesty.


Clandestine has a THREAD on George Conway etc



Would be sweet irony if they release that report a week from Monday….
April FOOL’S Day🤣


OMG – that would be rich!

Gail Combs

I would not put it pass our Great Lion either.


I think it will be late May or early June, because mueller’s still trying to keep some of his plates spinning.


Yep, I’ve had my eye on him all along. Biggest sting ever…Sessions in on it, maybe even Mueller. I think there were many who wanted things to change but were blackmailed/force to along with the criminals, now they get a pass, act the role, sting ‘em hard!

Deplorable Patriot

Yep. I thought more people would be receptive to the idea after Rex’s piece from the 16th.


My water district and many others are deeply opposed to this. It is a money and power grab, plain and simple. Newsom is an arrogant bastard.
California is known for a lot of things: Ronald Reagan, Hollywood, beaches, hippies, student protests — and some of the most relentlessly progressive politicians in the entire country.
Simply put, the government of California is out of control. In total, the state added 1,016 new laws to the books in 2019, including a silly “straw ban,” intrusive requirements for children’s menus and yet another minimum wage increase. At virtually every level of Californians’ lives, state policymakers are ready to step in and interfere. From the cradle to the grave.
Now it seems the new governor, Gavin Newsom, is anxious to make his own contribution to the ever-expanding role of government in our lives by taxing some of our most basic necessities in an unprecedented power grab.
In his ineffable wisdom, the newly elected governor has proposed a statewide tax on, of all things, California’s drinking water. Newsom plans to dedicate the new tax revenues to programs to help communities clean up contaminated water sites. Improving the quality of drinking water may be a worthy goal, but the water tax proposal is a case study in the failures of progressive policymaking.


i don’t really know how people live out there… i mean, obviously the homeless and low income people cannot afford this kind of oppressive taxation on everything?
how’s that new surgeon general working out for you guys? i hear she’s down to defeat TOXIC STRESS in children.


Not a peep, so I imagine she is wirking on evil on the dl.

Rodney Short

Where I live in Northern Humboldt county a gallon of milk is $5,cheap bread is over $4 a loaf,gas is $3.94 a gallon and a 12 pack of cheap bush beer is almost $14,I sure do miss Florida very bad.
I live on the Yurok reservation and I can tell you Newsom is a rookie compared to tribal gov.
I live deep in the wilderness and almost every car you see up and down the road has a Gov license plate and the Driver has a gas card they use at the tribal owned gas station.
Oh how I despise the California politicians.


iirc, Newsom is Nasty Nan’s nephew… a member of one of the 8 (or is it 4) families that run CA.
Mafia is a better term for who he is.
The only thing worse than taxing water, is taxing the air we breathe.
I don’t know but if I remember correctly, California gets its drinking water from other states…
…”drinking water from the Colorado River, which originates in the mountains of Wyoming and Colorado, and then passes through and drains portions of Utah, New Mexico, Arizona, and Nevada until it reaches Lake Havasu, on the border between Arizona and California.”
and the arrangements they made in the past, have been and probably are presently abused (that is, they take more than agreed upon).
Newsom’s water tax criticized by Californians with bad wells …
Californians with unhealthy drinking water pleaded for help from lawmakers this week but opposition quickly developed to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s proposal to pay for system improvements with a new fee.
“We just upped our water rates, and to turn around and give them a tax on their meter is just not feasible,” said Maxine Israel, director at the Cabazon Water District, which serves about 2,500 customers near Palm Springs.
She was among dozens of water experts and advocates who crowded a hearing on Wednesday to discuss how the state can deliver system improvements that would help nearly 1 million Californians who lack access to safe drinking water.
Newsom last month released a state budget that called for a new fee on drinking water to fund drinking water projects. He did not release many details, but the proposal was characterized as similar to a 2017 bill by Sen. Bill Monning, D-Carmel, that would have generated $140 million a year for water projects.

PoliSci courses teach that taxes on things like gasoline, food, water… are REGRESSIVE taxes. That is, they punish the poor and low income. You can add fishing licenses, etc. to that list.
George Orwell would say that in addition to up being down etc., regressives would be progressives.
“Progressives” have screwed up California to the point that it may never recover.
I realize you live in CA, but I’ve wondered for some time if we shouldn’t be building the wall on CA’s eastern border. In addition to all their problems, there is the matter of Silicon Valley and Hollywood… two viruses,
neither of which does the rest of the country need.
My apologizes to all those from CA here at the Qtree…

Gail Combs

California HAD three nuclear power plants. Two on the coast near the dry area.
If the idiots had NOT closed all three plants they could use the nuclear power plants plus Israeli technology and built De-salinization plants. They already built one with the Israeli technology.
Israeli technology:
Nuclear Desalination:
Good Article:


Eagles song “Hotel California” was indeed prophetic.



Oopsie! Busted!


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: d721bc No.5794717
Mar 20 2019 15:22:39 (EST)
“It is with tremendous sadness we share that Professor Alan B. Krueger, beloved husband, father, son, brother, and Princeton professor of economics took his own life over the weekend,’ a statement from his family reads.”
Start a list.
Is this Qs first mention of Krueger?


think he might be saying start a list of all the people that you start hearing about taking their own lives that were involved with the clintons.
posted a link up thread to an already existing “body count” page that’s been around a while – but i am sure it will get added to greatly from here on out!


yea, I get that, just wondered if it is the first he has mentioned it – what took so long?


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: d721bc No.5794717 
Mar 20 2019 15:22:39 (EST)
“It is with tremendous sadness we share that Professor Alan B. Krueger, beloved husband, father, son, brother, and Princeton professor of economics took his own life over the weekend,’ a statement from his family reads.”
Start a list.


Viktor Orban’s Fidesz party in Hungary has now been “temporarily” suspended from membership in the European People’s Party, the EU coalition party of what Europeans are pleased to call the “conservative”, or “center right” national parties.
This coalition is the biggest in the European “Parliament” rubber stamp board, and especially in the European PolitboroXXXXXXXXX, err Commission. It is the coalition that includes the European President Jean-Claude Juncker’s party.
Fidesz’s crime? The Hungarian nationalist populist party used a campaign poster featuring a picture of EU President Juncker next to despised Hungary native George Soros, with the caption “You also have the right to know what Brussels is planning for you.” I guess that makes them haters, to say the people have that right.
So to get back in the good graces of the EPP coalition, Fidesz has to i.) stop its anti-EU campaign, ii.) stop criticizing other EPP parties, and allow George Soros’ University of Central Europe to remain in Budapest. President Orban has promised to kick it out of Hungary.
Funny how Marxists always talk about controlling the Means of Production, but, when push comes to shove, all they really want to control are the Education System and the Narrative.


They want to control everyone and everything. It’s long past time for Hungary and all the other Eastern European countries to get up and walk out.


Too true.
I meant to say “when push comes to shove, all they seem to want to control are the Education System and the Narrative”
Because, they are never happy, and once they get those two things, they leverage them to get control of YOU and EVERYTHING ELSE.
But WP doesn’t have an edit button.


That’s actually awesome, because it proves that the EU snowflakes are very sensitive about their satanic leader George Soros. The poster ties Soros directly with Brussels, and they threw a fit.
If I were Fidesz, I’d double down on both the message and my personal bodyguard. My next message would be…
“See how they react when I tell you the truth? Corruption HATES exposure.”


i hope they do not give in…


THREAD — bbbuutt. nuttin’s habbenin’ !!!!!!!!!!!!


An amazing story. This thing was treated and feted like a goddess by the denizens of the Silicon Valley “elite”….
Theranos, Elizabeth Holmes, and the Cult of Silicon Valley
The psychology of deception: How Elizabeth Holmes fooled everyone about Theranos for so long
“Ariely points to a study he and his colleagues performed, where they looked at people’s brains as they told lies over and over again. “We saw that over time, their brains reacted less and less and less to lies, they were less sensitized,” he says.
“We start believing our own lies,” Ariely tells CNBC Make.
“It’s a lot easier to do bad things when you think that you’re doing it for a really good cause,” says Deeter.
Indeed, according to a study Ariely details in “The Inventor,” people actually lie more when (they believe) it’s for something (a good cause they support), like charity. And they don’t feel emotionally conflicted about the lie. That’s because they can lie and still think of themselves as a good person, Ariely says in the documentary.”
^^^^^ In case you’ve ever wondered why liberals have no conscious or shame.
It’s so often in the eyes….isnt it?comment image


That bug-eye look is like a red flag the size of Everest.
Anybody with eyes like that gets anywhere near me, and my eyes look like this.comment image


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 20edf2 No.5795457
Mar 20 2019 15:55:42 (EST)
Drop #3050
[Will the rich & powerful influence the court to prevent the unsealing?]
Follow the ATTORNEY.
Who took the pic?
Who was located behind the camera?


…and the piccomment image


You’re true to your handle… realsauce !!!


hardly, just quick with the cut and paste when Im at my station 😉


Is that Bernie with his back turned? Sure looks like his bald head.

Sylvia Avery

I cannot hit the like button underneath that photo.
I also cannot unsee Bill Clinton with his shirt off. How I wish I could.


“Oh, hey ladies!”comment image


AHHHHHHHHH My eyes my eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!! Quick get me angle merkel’s snake dance!!!!!!!!!!

Elizabeth Carter

Sexy is in the eye of the beholder???


LOL never said it was Sexy. Just thought two wrongs might save my eyes!!! 😀




Damn it FG&C!! Jussies eye Bleach please!! Gross!!!

Sylvia Avery

Oh dear, I remember that. THAT was an unfortunate picture. And they slam PDJT for being “unpresidential.”
I’ve seen more of Bubba’s body, and heard more about his sex life, than I ever wanted to that’s for sure. Shudder. Creepy dude.


Just unreal that any grown man would go outside dressed like that.
Apparently both of those queens shave their legs too?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

comment image


Can I borrow this Cheese Grater Steve!! Too much WJC thigh visual. THx.😱😱🤣

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Go for it.
Be grate-ful you didn’t see him stark naked.


Ha! More than grate-ful!!! just the thought…😳😱😱😱😱

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ugh, I just saw those pics again…please give me the grater when you are done with it.


It might be a while!!! There are creepy pics EVERYWHERE!!!😱😱👊🙃

Deplorable Patriot

Fortunately, I used to work at a pool. Still, some people are better off wearing rash guards.


I was glad when Q started posting again so I could stop seeing McCabe’s photo every time I checked in. Now it’s even worse, a topless Bill C. and company. 😱

Gail Combs

This is better ladies:comment imagecomment image

Molly Pitcher

My eyes thank you!!!! 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Doesn’t help us guys out much….
Maybe Melania pics.


Gail!!! you ROCK!! Zinke and Hot GUY on horse!! 😍😍😘😘😘


From Q’s drop above…
Follow the ATTORNEY
The atty is Nick Lewin out of New York, of course… law firm of Krieger Kim & Lewin, LLP
And who is Nick Lewin you may ask?
Nick Lewin represents individuals and institutions in criminal and regulatory enforcement actions, congressional investigations, and complex civil litigation. Nick co-founded the firm after serving for more than a decade as a federal prosecutor and senior FBI official — including as the Special Counsel to former FBI Directors Robert S. Mueller III and James B. Comey, and as Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York.
U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York… there’s Preet Bharara AGAIN.
Now, who could the TWO mystery clients be? Actually they could be any ONE of at least 100+ that went there… but considering WHO would have the most to lose, who might that be? Well, Bill was there numerous times… but so was Hill (not with Bill, though)…
America’s sweetheart Katie Couric has been there… yes, I kid you not.

Molly Pitcher

“Prior to joining the U.S. Attorney’s Office, Nick practiced at Lankler Siffert & Wohl LLP”
The current Chief US Attorney of the SDNY is Lisa Zornberg, the same district that has been harassing @realDonaldTrump. She came over from LS&W LLP in NOVEMBER 2016.
LS&W LLP also was one of the firms that were hired to represent members of the de Blasio administration when they were investigated for fund-raising practices. Paid for by the taxpayer.


32 mins ago, this was tweeted





“America’s sweetheart Katie Couric has been there… yes, I kid you not.”
She may be the Commie Treason-class’ sweetheart, but she’s not America’s sweetheart.


I read the filing with the court, and the first names I thought of as the mysterious “Amicus” are Bill and Hillary Clinton.
But you are correct, there are MANY possibilities.



“The Democracy Integrity Project,” another of those Lefty names that is a joke. Here is proof that the media is getting talking points from Dem operatives. This needs to go viral.


A word, if you please, to Andrew1979 and SteveinCO….
Gents- To be brief, after a little research, I think you are both better informed than I re: the dangers of H.S. 1 and dem efforts to manipulate the electoral college vote at the state level. I am now alarmed at these efforts.
That said, I found vvv this vvv in my searching, which you might find supremely ironic, considering the source….
Why National Popular Vote Is a Bad Idea
01/06/2012 03:27 pm ET Updated Mar 07, 2012 image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Believe me FG&C, I wish I was wrong about this, especially since my own state has now signed on to the effort.
HR 1, I believe, could be constitutionally challenged more readily than the state-level Electoral College effort.


FG&C – you are a true gentleman and much respected.
trust me – i was not believing this to be an issue either for a long time – until i actually started reading about the Interstate Compact they are getting going. the other thing that made me wonder was that in my state (maine) we do (or can) split our electoral votes already – so i knew there was a little leeway in the system to begin with.
they are doing it smart and that is always the way they do it. and the over the top, foolish things they say and do distracts for so long that we don’t know what’s really going on under the covers with their billions of dollars and hordes of lawyers…
the HR1 stuff – which is separate but even more appalling in some ways – is what i believe is their blueprint to get the states to pass similar laws because that will probably never get through a full veto procedure.
they are really setting things up for the coming election and so many states are falling into complete liberal swamps it is crazy.
once we all get the idea that this isn’t a joke we will at least be serious about it – the dismissing it out of hand is never a good thing. they try and make us think they are so stupid, but i happen to know the most stupid ones are the ones to fear.


I am concerned abou this as well, and I don’t know what to do. I tend to think people in the Trump administration will be on it, but I’d like to hear from them and from conservative pundits and people in Congress. This needs to be stopped.


See how easily that crime rolls off his tongue… marker for description of a sociopath.

Bharara says he considered taping call with Trump shortly after inauguration
btw… it is common practice for US Attorneys to submit their resignations when a new president is seated. This dude refused. Of course, if they don’t resign, the newly appointed AG fires them. Of course Bharara would claim that President Trump “fired” him.
Just last year this from Tom Cotton:

Molly Pitcher

Little hero !


They should give him a medal for valor and service to his fellow students!


Wait what happened? This was on no ‘news’ site I saw.


The (insert epithets) media needs to be made irrelevant and bankrupt.

Molly Pitcher

John McCain’s Mob Connections ( Megan McVain really should STHU , the more she talks the more dirt is thrown back in the air)

Harry Lime

Everything she’s ever accomplished in life is due to her father’s crooked name…she hasn’t done one thing that stemmed from her own brain cells or abilities…she’s gonna defend that ship until it disappears under the surface and floats to the bottom…

Molly Pitcher

Yup. She’s floating in her own deluded bubble.
I could almost feel sorry for her but she’s such a mean vindictive bitch that..uh no


I love this citizen journalist… she has been suspended several times and I finally found her again.
She has a THREAD… a long one, filled with names you may not have heard of

This is shorter THREAD, with threads (2) w/in… of particular interest to those wishing to know orgs behind invasions of illegals (wrongly labeled “caravans”)

Luke from NJ

Chillum is excellent, and has been chasing down Gulen and other shady characters for months if not years now!


Did you happen to archive any of her THREADS on Gulen… I’ve read at least one, maybe more, but I didn’t bookmark them!!!!
We could use the info here… I don’t think many know about him and how “untouchable” he seems to be…

Luke from NJ

No unfortunately.


>>>>>>>>> WOLF <<<<<<<<<
“The driver had worked for the bus company for 15 years without any employment-related issues, Sky TV24 reported.”
So this guy is fine for 15 years then all of a sudden goes berserk?
Is this a FF to get attention off of the NZ FF and the shutdown of the Chans??

Molly Pitcher

And wasn’t the critical issue regarding the Mediterranean refugee crossings last year? He just now went off the rails about it?


(Major fail for them)
On a sidenote, watching controlled opposition trying to take down Q:
Zoom in on hand:comment image


This is diabolical.
The cabalists have been trying to tar Q and Q-peeps ever since they noticed how many people were paying attention to Q’s drops.
Remember how the Secret Service foiled their plot to do a false flag attack at Trump rallies last fall.
That is why the SecServ started telling Q-peeps to turn their t-shirts inside out…and leave their Q-posters/signs outside.
Now…the cabalists are staging crimes with fake ‘Q followers’ to try to sully the Q movement.
It is diabolical. And they will fail!




New Zealand to Broadcast Muslim Call to Prayer Friday as #HeadScarfforHarmony Campaign Urges Non-Muslim Women to Wear Hijab

Gail Combs

🤢 BARF 🤮

Molly Pitcher

$%&#$%% I called the other day…the freakin hijab is the wedge. They start there and keep right on going.
What other religion ever calls for women to wear their garb? We never wore nun habits in solidarity.



Molly Pitcher

So weird..there wasn’t a call for people to pray and wear cowboy hats after 58 people were murdered .
What about the NZ menfolk ? Calling on them to stop shaving and grow beards?

Sylvia Avery

Here is where it begins.
I’m not wearing a damn hijab. Ever.


600comment image


601 😉

Molly Pitcher

NYU Journalism School Hires Ex-New Yorker Fact Checker Who Falsely Said ICE Agent Had Nazi Tattoo
Talia Lavin’s undergraduate course “Reporting on the Far Right” will kick off in the fall semester of 2019


Molly Pitcher

Deus Vult


Is the Prime Minister of NZ a trannie ?????????


With today’s video editing tools, I’d be careful about believing what you are seeing…


Thanks t3…
When I was growing up in the 1940s my gr/grandmother told me not to believe anything I heard and only one-half of what I see…
I guess now with all the tricks I can believe nothing ?


A wise teacher told us to train our conscience (with God’s word) so that our discernment would be maximized. Only the Holy Spirit can guide us to live in the mind of the Christ. Jesus, our Way, our Life, our Truth. May we walk in His Truth at all times.




The site that posted that ‘video’ has stuff that says Ivanka and others are trannies too. I think it’s a spoof site.

Sylvia Avery

One wonders. I’VE wondered.



I.LOVE.Sarah.Sanders. Full Stop!!!😍😍😍😍💕💕💕💕💕


meant to put a smiley face after that comment t3 😉


comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

…And owning a TEC-9 and trying to shoot it is its own punishment.


comment imagecomment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I call bullshit on the graphic (though I agree with its message).
LA County estimated population about 10.2 million as of 2017.
Colorado ALONE has a population of 5.7 million.
Arizona has a population of 7.2 million.
Michigan is even larger (it has 16 EVs to Colorado’ 9 and Arizona’s 11).
Please, go find the person who published this graphic and slap them silly.


Here’s the one I believe has the right explanation.comment image


As I posted to Andrew and Steve above, in 2012 the editors at HuffPo agreed….
Why National Popular Vote Is a Bad Idea
01/06/2012 03:27 pm ET Updated Mar 07, 2012

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Each, not all together. Yes, that makes sense.
Some asshole retitled a valid meme, and it’s not the first time.
Remember the one GA/FL posted a couple of days ago about half of the US population living in these counties? It got retitled as “these are the 57 counties that voted for Hitlary” (or something like that) and people OT were posting it endlessly.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I knew it was wrong because my county is one of the 57 and DID go for Trump.


Your passion for accuracy must have been a life-long double edged sword for you!

Weather Watcher

And in that red dot 1out 4 are foreigner born ……and over 50% are illegal….let that sink in!!!!!!


The Hunger Games.
Without the Electoral College…we would be like the fictional country depicted in The Hunger Games.
All of us out here in flyover country would become serfs, serving our ‘betters’ in The Capital.
No Electoral College = The Hunger Games!


No electoral college = Civil War
Which is precisely why they are trying to take away law-abiding citizens right to own guns.
It’s a key part of any socialist/communist plan that there ever was, or will be.
Maduro, in Venezuela, would already be OUT if the citizenry there owned there own guns.
The socialists/communists know it, and so do we.


Dang it!


Exactly Wheatie and ForGodandCountry.
My wife woke up this morning fighting mad after watching a video of Muslems in New York stomping the American Flag. She asked what are we going to do? Answer: buy you some more 00 Buckshot and beans and rice. But they will never leave the city when SHTF because Harlem and MS13 will take care of that situation. She will have to deal with the EBT card holders and druggies first.


Maybe people will finally have their fill when they want to take the electoral college away.
Maybe we see good citizens with yellow vests fighting for this country before nothing is left to fight for?
Our people fought for freedom in many countries and our men and women lost their lives on foreign soil but we are no able to fight to keep our freedom and our country..?
We have to relearn to stand up for what is our way of life or parish. Who will save us..?
Maybe in the overreach trying to eliminate the electoral college will finally unite us all and tell the socialists enough is enough.!


Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith.
Remember that your family of believers all over the world is going through the same kind of suffering you are.
1 Peter 5:8-9

comment image


Dang it!!


This is interesting…..
Justice Clarence Thomas Breaks Three-year Silence at Supreme Court
Justice Clarence Thomas on Wednesday broke his three-year silence at the Supreme Court by asking (two) questions during arguments in a racial discrimination case involving a black man who has faced six trials for a quadruple homicide in the 1990s.
It was the first time that Thomas, the court’s only black justice, asked a question since 2016. Before that, Thomas, who was confirmed in 1991, had gone a decade without asking a question.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9ba2be No.5800988
Mar 20 2019 21:30:24 (EST)
Anonymous ID: dad469 No.5800566
Mar 20 2019 21:02:59 (EST)
Started digging on the pic Q posted, trying to figure out who took the pic.
Doing a search of it on Tineye, the first article that pops up is from True Pundit, last March.
One thing that popped out, going to dig further in a bit, was the location the pic was taken:
“Clinton is seen here kicking back at a beach day in Jan. 2017 in Palmilla, Bayahibe, an exclusive haven of warm waters and refuge, near the so-called Paso de Catuano, very close to Isla Saona. This resort is only in accessible by private boat.”
No idea who took the pic yet, still digging, but thought I’d share the location in case it helps one of you.
Anybody know anything about this “resort” ?? Is it a “Last Resort” ?
How many ‘girls’ were waiting for their return to the boat?
Who owned the boat?
What does a ‘handler’ procure?
Is the ‘handler’ [one of many] connected to Epstein?
Flight logs reveal many hidden artifacts.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9ba2be No.5801012
Mar 20 2019 21:31:52 (EST)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9ba2be No.5800988
Mar 20 2019 21:30:24 (EST)
How many ‘girls’ were waiting for their return to the boat?
Who owned the boat?
What does a ‘handler’ procure?
Is the ‘handler’ [one of many] connected to Epstein?
Flight logs reveal many hidden artifacts.


You are fast!
I was just telling mr gil about chandler the other day, generally. I told him to at least look up the standard hotel and schiff.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9ba2be No.5801092
Mar 20 2019 21:35:20 (EST)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9ba2be No.5801012
Mar 20 2019 21:31:52 (EST)


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9ba2be No.5801158
Mar 20 2019 21:38:07 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 6fdec1 No.5801100
Mar 20 2019 21:35:50 (EST)
Chandler =
these people are sick!
If the records become unsealed much will be revealed.
Watch the news for Rachel Chandler.


pic…comment image


Q says, “If the records become unsealed much will be revealed.”
IF. Is this referring to the Epstein case records that are now in dispute? I’m wondering what happens if they aren’t unsealed.
I am totally creeped out. It’s beyond the thought of what’s wrong with these people. It’s the realization that they’re nothing like us and that we’re getting a glimpse of pure evil.

Deplorable Patriot

For a variety of reasons, I didn’t make it back here until this morning. This was way too much to wake up to.


>>>>> WOLF <<<<<
Someone posted on Gab.
See something, Say something. PRAY PRAY PRAY!comment image


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9ba2be No.5801230
Mar 20 2019 21:40:46 (EST)
Anonymous ID: fcf434 No.5801159
Mar 20 2019 21:38:08 (EST)
This one case has the ability to bring down the (many) rich & powerful people.
Those who scream the loudest….


piccomment image

Deplorable Patriot

If that’s Kiera Knightly, it explains a lot. She’s a terrible actress, and Hollywood has been enshrining her as the Jane Austen girl for years. Jennifer Ehle did a much better job.


For years I have been baffled why so many people idolize Hollywood and it’s actresses.
One could see the sickness of fake and theatrics in these people.
I have not got to movies for years because the good films are the old and the true actors are no longer.
Why does our society make heroes out of people who are not admirable..? We do the same wit sports figurers..?
No wonder young people are confused fallowing cult figurers we helped create by supporting their movies and their sports and their music. Long people want to imitate their heroes but we have not provided them what a true hero is in each persons life.
For me my grandmothers were my heroes and some ordinary people who had positive influence on me at a time when I need it.
We need to refocus young people what and who a hero is in life and tell their stories to them.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9ba2be No.5801280
Mar 20 2019 21:42:44 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 0c5d78 No.5801165
Mar 20 2019 21:38:17 (EST)


anothercomment image


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 9ba2be No.5801306
Mar 20 2019 21:43:24 (EST)
Anonymous ID: ccf5ca No.5801142
Mar 20 2019 21:37:35 (EST)


picomment image


737s have a history… it’s a sensor problem… and pilot training can avoid the problem crashing the plane.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f36d89 No.5801380
Mar 20 2019 21:48:08 (EST)
Epstein island dungeon (beneath the temple).
Sex & torture rooms.
Openly flaunt across social media?


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f36d89 No.5801421
Mar 20 2019 21:49:32 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 6c629a No.5801384
Mar 20 2019 21:48:16 (EST)
Q inb4 POTUS
Thank you, Anon.


piccomment image


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f36d89 No.5801455
Mar 20 2019 21:50:37 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 59cfcf No.5801432
Mar 20 2019 21:49:56 (EST)


comment image

Molly Pitcher

Those are models? They look like zombie apocalypse survivors


They probably are horrible sexual abuse survivors. Q is getting into the really sick, upsetting stuff now. These people really, REALLY need to be locked up for a very long time.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f36d89 No.5801505
Mar 20 2019 21:52:09 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 75e818 No.5801399
Mar 20 2019 21:48:46 (EST)


piccomment image


Wow…thanks, Sauce!
I noticed a little while ago that Q is dropping a flood of new posts!
Thanks for posting them!
It’s hard to keep up.


Yes, thanks Sauce! Wow! This is a freight train coming and I’m not sure I’m prepared for this even though I knew it was coming. How are ‘normal peeps going to deal with it?
…and Q keeps dropping…here we go!

Molly Pitcher

Found this. Sounds credible about Rachel Chandler


That does seem credible, and it provides lots of links.


Good God!


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f36d89 No.5801537
Mar 20 2019 21:53:04 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 8ea084 No.5801385
Mar 20 2019 21:48:19 (EST)
Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at 9.45.55 PM.png
Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at 9.47.21 PM.png
Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at 9.47.08 PM.png
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Rachel Chandler’s Tumblr is just on the edge of gross…


picomment image


I do believe these are all the same biy. Younger then older…being dressed as a female.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f36d89 No.5801599
Mar 20 2019 21:55:12 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 4d4659 No.5801371
Mar 20 2019 21:47:40 (EST)
The royals are in there somewhere as well


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Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f36d89 No.5801608
Mar 20 2019 21:55:30 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 7d8ad2 No.5801368
Mar 20 2019 21:47:32 (EST)
w Peter Beard.


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Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f36d89 No.5801630
Mar 20 2019 21:56:25 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 97e0cb No.5801355
Mar 20 2019 21:46:42 (EST)
Rachel Chandler had the possible Epstein Island security cam pic on her instagram


Let’s see if this works:comment image


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f36d89 No.5801639
Mar 20 2019 21:56:46 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 75e818 No.5801344
Mar 20 2019 21:46:16 (EST)


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Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f36d89 No.5801813
Mar 20 2019 22:02:59 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 2cde94 No.5801561
Mar 20 2019 21:53:50 (EST)


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Wow…is that Chelsea Handler?
The one on the right?
This is Chelsea Handler, she has a show on Netflix:comment image
She’s been a bigtime Trump-hater and Trump-basher.


I dont think so. Shes about 10 to 14 years older than the other 2.


It looks just like her, though.


Especially with a screen name like ‘Chelsea Handler’.
Younger picture:


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f36d89 No.5801837
Mar 20 2019 22:03:27 (EST)
Anonymous ID: c1bcc3 No.5801566
Mar 20 2019 21:53:57 (EST)
Screen Shot 2019-03-20 at 10.50.26 PM.png


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Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f36d89 No.5801868
Mar 20 2019 22:04:25 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 69d95e No.5801615
Mar 20 2019 21:55:45 (EST)


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A child’s shoes with bloodstains on them?


“A child’s shoes with bloodstains on them?”
Not sure. Could just be dirt.
Strange about the sole (soul?) being cut off / out.


To me it looks like a smaller pair of kid shoes crammed into a slightly bigger pair with the toes cut out to allow the fit. No idea why, although with two stacked sets of souls under them the wearer would seem a tiny bit taller.
Also the faded brand name on the visible tongue of the one shoe says “Addiction”?!


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▶Anonymous  03/20/19 (Wed) 22:40:03bd4f35 (7) No.5801208>>5801218
Rachel graduated in June 2005 from Brentwood School, a pretty elite prep school on the Westside of LA. I attended the school with her. There were/are a lot of kids from prominent Hollywood/media families in attendance there. Jordan McGraw, Dr. Phil’s son, was also Class of ’05. Jimmy Iovine’s son was Class of ’06 (Jimmy is the founder of Interscope Records, hebrought Eminem and 50 Cent to prominence and is the brains behind the Beats headphones empire that Dr. Dre is the public face of). Arnold Schwarzenegger’s kids were there too (can’t remember which year, they were several years younger than Rachel). Andrew Breitbart, the now-deceased founder of the Breitbart news site, was a graduate (not sure when … 80s? 90s? way before my time).
Rachel herself comes from a very prominent, elite family. She’s one of many descendants of the Chandler family, which owned the Los Angeles Times for decades. Look up Otis Chandler on Wikipedia. The family is divested of the paper today and not as powerful/prominent in LA high society today as they used to be, but up through the 80s they were super powerful.
So, Rachel is definitely a part of the LA-based Hollywood/media elite. She’s not some runaway or kidnapped kid or anything like that like some have theorized. She’s probably the most powerful scion of one of the most powerful families in Southern California.
Let me start off by saying that I know absolutely nothing about the photo with Bill Clinton. It seems like Gawker posted that photo way back in 2006 ( but I saw it for the first time yesterday.
However, some of you have found photos of her with P. Diddy and Paris Hilton. I know more about those. Rachel has been a friend of Paris Hilton for a LONG time. I think they’ve been friends since Rachel was about 13 or 14. When we were all high-school aged, Rachel was known for frequently going clubbing with Paris, hitting up movie/TV “industry parties”, going to fashion events, and presented herself as an aspiring model. I have no idea what was going on during those events, but people alternatively admired/resented her for frequently partying with famous celebrities and rolling everywhere with Paris and Nicky Hilton. She was rumored to be a big drinker/drug user and struggled academically. During high school (2001-2005), there was an incident where Paris Hilton’s phone was hacked and her contacts were posted online. It was one of the first major “celebrity hackings” that I remember ever becoming a big news story. Rachel was, I dunno, 15 or 16 at the time (?), and her phone number was one of the ones that was leaked because she was in Paris’s contacts list. I have no idea if all the crazy stuff you guys are pegging her (being a “child handler”) with has any validity, but I can tell you that during her teenage years she knew A LOT of celebrities, media industry insiders, and was going to a lot of parties that most kids at her school and in our social circles (who were pretty well-connected and very wealthy themselves) could never gain access to. She’s definitely someone who “matured quickly”, if you will. I know that at age 18 she had a boyfriend who was considerably older than her (late 20s or early 30s, I believe) but, to be fair, she was 18 by then.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f36d89 No.5801902
Mar 20 2019 22:05:27 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 8f2ae5 No.5801617
Mar 20 2019 21:55:49 (EST)
Prince Andrew is deeply connected.


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OMG…have you seen No. 3155?!
Red shoes!


Brothers from another mother? Separated at birth? You decide.comment imagecomment image


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: f36d89 No.5802012
Mar 20 2019 22:09:15 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 651616 No.5801778
Mar 20 2019 22:01:40 (EST)


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Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: cffc9e No.5802122
Mar 20 2019 22:13:40 (EST)
>>5801797 (/pb)


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: cffc9e No.5802177
Mar 20 2019 22:15:06 (EST)
Anonymous ID: f6cc9f No.5802087
Mar 20 2019 22:12:24 (EST)
4-6-2018-Rachel Chandler9.png
4-6-2018-Rachel Chandler5.png
4-6-2018-Rachel Chandler8.png
4-6-2018-Rachel Chandler14.png
4-6-2018-Rachel Chandler15.jpg
Keep digging, Anons.


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^^^^^ THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS!!!!!!!! ^^^^^^


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hmmm….child abuse (at the very least) poured into a canvas?


This artwork is like the stuff in PizzaGate…from the Comet Pizza place.


“Not sure what I’m seeing here….”
That’s probably by design.
Like all their symbolism, they confidently flaunt it, because only members of their sick group are supposed to recognize or understand the symbols.
But as Q says, the symbols will be their downfall.
Once the meanings of those symbols are public knowledge, the celebrities and others in photos wearing or using these symbols won’t be able to deny their participation / involvement.


heh…….I need to actually read the Q drops Ive been posting 😉
…then go to bed. Gnight all!!


Also, some pics I missed, Q team was rapid fire tonight !


I defy any of you Q-pers to figure out the thread between all these latest Q drops. I really don’t see anything associated with child trafficking (except the one with the “where are they now” caption).
Anyhow, the two pics I posted are Jon Lovitz and George Conway. Amazing doppelgangers for each other.


Jon Lovitz is not a bad guy, though…he dared to criticize the Dems’ love of high taxes, and has not gotten any work since.


The thread is that they are all related to Rachel Chandler. The pics were apparently found by anons and Q is reposting them, which gives them Q validity.
3155 – Q says Rachel Chandler is KEY.
3156 – Q says Rachel Chandler is Allison Mack X 100. From that we know there is some kind of human trafficking involved.


A few days ago — and, I apologize, I don’t remember where — I tripped over a thing about the Guccifer 2.0 DNC files having two time zones, one being (obviously) Eastern Time (where the DNC is and where DC is) [ e.g. ]. Being that the adjacent time zone is either Central Time, or very humid, that would lead me to wonder if there were any connection between the usual suspects and Central Time…, I dunno, Seth Rich being from Omaha ['s_early_life_and_career ].
Seems to me that it wouldn’t be too crazy to imagine that someone from Omaha doing work in DC might not have a laptop or two that was still on Central Time.
Anyway, that detail had been nagging at me for a couple of days and it now looks perfectly obvious, and if it saves other Treepers from having it hang over them for a couple of days……there ya go!

Molly Pitcher

An observation after going through a fraction of these freaks sm….I think i understand why there’s been the onslaught of trannie mania. These people are so weird that forcing people to look at trannies is like training wheels. It also goes for all these scarred up thugs that they favor…normalizing gangs?
No wonder they all hate the Trumps, they’re the polar opposite of this filth


The Trumps are examples of normal sexuality, people who care about how they present themselves, and feminine women and masculine men engaged in normal family relationships.
I think it was just before the 2016 campaign that the Left tried to foist “morbid obesity is beautiful” on us — anything to pervert normalcy. Then along came Melania, the epitome of feminine beauty, and I didn’t see anything else from the fat-loving crowd. They don’t celebrate Melania, of course. She should have been on the covers of tons of magazines by now, with multiple articles about being an immigrant and what this country means to her.


Know’s everyone understands this, but says it anyway. It’s been part of coordinated deepstate/cabal pys-op to keep her off the covers of magazines. To know her, is to love her and they can’t be letting the masses love her because it would rub off on him. Thus no mag covers. Can’t be sharing the love if you plan on Romanoving the first family. You still only need two hands to count the number of mags she’s appeared on since the election. Compare that to last FLOTUS which was easily two mags a week for 8yrs showing up at check out stands where you shop.


Wow…..I go away to compose a comment…..and return to Pizzagate.


Maybe call up Rachel Chandler and ask?


No problem, boss!


Sensory overload!! There’s a few pictures in these drops that are viscerally disturbing….and I don’t mean the shirtless ex-pres🤤
…The baby on the laps of the zombie people
….The baby held in the air
….The 2 little girls on the floor
….The worn, dirty baby shoes
God help us and give us the strength and wisdom to discern, protect us from the EVIL around us!


Ive seen other things on 8 chan.
Careful what you post here everyone. Victim or no, if its graphic and underage you can get in trouble.


What is it with the ‘chains’ around the neck?
Victim:comment image
Bubba’s buddy, Nader:comment image?w=556&ssl=1


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Models(i say it w air quotes) also had them in that collage. Chains=possession. Also could be more than 1 chain denotes “extras” or years. Dunno, but that kid and its other photo is sad and haunting.


These people are sick!
And evil.
An Anon posted this one…and apparently it is still up on Instagram, because someone has added “#qanon” to the comments:comment image

Molly Pitcher

This is a descent into insanity imo but the elites love it.


Did you notice that Rachael Chandler is in one of the pics in that article?

Molly Pitcher

Yeah I think she collaborates with Abromovic (sp) as photographer and as a guest too telling who she has pix of doing who knows what!


Yes, with some Vukovichova (sp?) woman, which for a moment I thought might be the former ‘girlfriend’ of the Russian billionaire involved in Spygate, but it’s a different woman.


From the article at the link: “Wielding lethal-looking knives, Abramović joined (Debbie) Harry to cut out the hearts of each of their cakes to a shouting, astonished crowd.
Chaos followed, as guests fought over pieces cut by the bare-chested pallbearers. “I want the breast! Give me the vagina!” they screamed,”
A) it sounds like the kind of thing juvenile boys would say or behave, not grown adults
B) guests included people like Gov. Moonbeam, so again we see the political-class indulging the same freakshow desires as the media celebrities.
In a society without limits (e.g., Hollyweird), pushing the envelope is drama, and drama is apparently a goal or objective in and of itself for the idle rich. The envelope is constantly pushed further and further, because you always have to ‘top’ the last event or spectacle.
That always means doing what is ‘outrageous’, and ‘outrageous’ always ends up meaning whatever is counter-cultural or taboo or illegal or of prurient interest. Tthere is no new thing under the sun.
But they do these things within the ‘bubble’ of their own social circles. After a while, it becomes normal to them, but they know it would be shocking to ‘the world’, which is why they hide it, or mask it with symbols and ‘artwork’.
It has been a long time since I’ve seen it (and even longer since I read it), so I may get the concept wrong, but these people remind me of the evil group of kids in Lord of the Flies.
No ‘adult’ supervision, and no restraint.
Just cruelty and meanness.
And they appear to be the kind of people who would smile and be glad I recognized that about them.


The whole thing with the cakes and cutting them was to dehumanize process.?
How is this not dehumanizing women? Funny liberal women and men cheering this depravity on?
I often wondered how German people with a history of poetry and music ever were able to do the horrible things they did to people in concentration camps..? One wonders when a society dehumanizes humanity where it can lead..?
We now see with infanticide how our politicians not blink an eye. The women who give birth or feel the baby kicking in the womb cannot feel love for life or for themselves. The doctors who perform the horrible tasks still live with themselves.
We are being prepared our decency is being challenged by evil people. I feel as if we are all pons in a sick game played by psychopaths.


Rachel Chandler was Epstein’s “handler” and Prince Andrew is deeply involved – that’s what I get out of it. Way, way, way worse than that Mack person.


‘Red Shoes’ are apparently a thing with pedos.comment image


It makes them look more like Satan’s minions in a group like that.
WHY is there a MAGA lion symbol in that mess?!


Whichever Anon put that collage together, put the MAGA lion in there…maybe as a way of saying ‘Justice is Coming’?
That’s my guess.


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Hollywood just got nuked…..and I do mean the entire F’n LA basin….and beyond.


“Find the loudest voices.
I’ll start….
Jim Carrey
Lena Dunham
>>>>>>Chelsea Handler<<<<<<<
Ben Stiller
Jennifer Lawrence
Richard Gere


Robert De Niro


Go over to BB on a celeb thread, youll see a number of continuous voices. Most are well known. Others arent regularly posted, but hollywood are 99% all in.


Tom Hanks
George Clooney
Johnny Depp
Ashley Judd
Robert DiNiro


This explains so much….why they were able to take control of the entire industry, and make them all sing the same song. Why one was either part of the club, or outside of it.
And somewhere….somehow…..Harvey Weinstein is gonna be wrapped up in this shit sandwich.
Im netting THAT is going to be one of the many secondary blasts that is set off by this nuke.


“We’ll get right on that.”
— the MSM


ain’t gonna happen — MCM… mind control media…


Right about now, Hollywood is beginning to completely freak out and lose it’s collective shit…all of them asking the same question….
…..”How is this gonna hit me and my career??”….

Molly Pitcher


Q 3158
Does anyone know about this?

Molly Pitcher

During the immediate aftermath of the Ed Buck fetish/murders that got swept under the rug…almostjingo had a lot of posts on Schiff that led to pics of the Standard ..I’ve already forgotten half of what I thought I knew


Only that there are connections between The Standard Hotel and Allison Mack.
Allison Mack was a member of that sex bondage/pedo cult, NXIVM.
Apparently Adam Schiff has been a frequent visitor to The Standard Hotel.
And there are also connections between NXIVM and HRC’s circle of friends.


From a much older Q post, there was a connection between Adam Schiff and that plane crashing with the manager of the Standard Hotel in it.


See below

Deplorable Patriot

Out in the conspiracy world there’s a whole lot of stuff. The connection is with Adam Schiff. IIRC, barrels of acid were a thing. There was a helicopter incident. I try not to remember the really awful crap, but the Standard Hotel has been a part of the human trafficking angle for decades.


Is that Marina Abramović at Chelsea’s wedding?comment image


Nose and chin are different.

Harry Lime

Maybe we should be asking…Is that Bill Clinton at Web Hubbell’s daughters wedding?


Obviously, there are visual records of the low level of morality when the elites party. Or when some photogs create portfolios. But I still do not see how low morals and child sex abuse are guaranteed to be on the same table. I can see correlation but not causation.
I’ve been burned too many times in my life by jumping to conclusions so I’m going to have to wait until I see some direct connecting evidence. And I’d sure like to know who started that red shoes idea. I used to live in Hollywood and went to a lot of wild parties but never saw anybody wearing red shoes (except clowns on stage).


I don’t think the pics are meant to show causation. Q mentioned Rachel Chandler, and anons researched her. Q reposted the pics they found. They show connections to questionable writings, pics, and people. It is a glimpse into RC’s lifestyle, which is probably the tip of a very large iceberg.


You do what you want.
It’s Hollywood. The LA basin.
Modern day Sodom’s Ground Zero. And they’ve fought hard for the distinction, too, for decades now.
I’ll believe anything about them until it’s proven false.
And BTW, don’t blame me. They’ve earned it, many times over. In fact, exponentially so.
A good name is to be more desired than great wealth, Favor is better than silver and gold.
Proverbs 22:1


One of the reveals in the WikiLeaks email dumps, was a reference to “$65,000 for pizza and hotdogs from Chicago” for a White House event.
In pedo world, ‘pizza’ is a code word for little girls and ‘hot dogs’ a code word for little boys.
Who pays $65K for pizza and hot dogs?comment image



That picture with Obama and that little girl is disgusting. If a man even a President had done this to my daughter I would have slapped him silly and I am not a violent woman.
How can any parent allow this..? I would sue the crap out of him.


Red shoes appear as a recurrent theme in artwork that depicts children in submissive situations.
On the right, Tony Podesta’s birthday party.
On the left, two paintings from Podesta’s art collection.comment image


Q did say Ray Chandler = Allison Mack x 100. That should tell you right there that Chandler is involved in trafficking, since Allison Mack and NXIVM were. I also seem to remember hearing that she procured underage girls for Epstein. This whole subject is making me really, really sick. I hope they take down every single one of them and they do long, hard time.

Molly Pitcher

I have no idea who that is with RC.


comment imagecomment image
Liddle Adam and Hollywood Standard Hotel have been covered on Qresearch board before…


a Qanon posted this:


another posted this:
To the people complaining about how we already did this research before, consider that while, yeah, that may be true, Q throwing a spotlight on it now means that he wants more people to be aware of it now, and that something related to it might drop soon.


March 21, 2019 at 01:10
Q did say Ray Chandler = Allison Mack x 100. That should tell you right there that Chandler is involved in trafficking, since Allison Mack and NXIVM were. I also seem to remember hearing that she procured underage girls for Epstein


“To the people complaining about how we already did this research before…”\
Please excuse me while I vent a little…
I went to see what NeonRevolt’s site was saying, and all he did was complain about how old this info is and how it’s a rehash from three years ago and how tired he is of it. He sometimes has good insight, but I get tired of his moodiness and whining. There are LOTS of people who haven’t seen all this info or who don’t remember all of it, or both. It’s time for him to put on his big-boy pants, stop vrtue signalling about how much he knows, have some empathy, and grow up.




OK, in a half-hearted attempt to change the subject to one more pleasant that the sexual trafficking of children…..
Sulfa drugs were among the first antibiotics. Derived synthetically from coal tar, they showed that substances could be reasonably safe for humans but extremely toxic to harmful bacteria. A commercial synthesis for sulfa drugs was developed in 1933. In 1928, Alexander Fleming published a paper in which he described penicillin — a substance produced by green mold that had strong antibiotic properties…..but the first purified sample wasn’t available until 1942. [ ]
It wasn’t particularly surprising that Mother Nature had developed a “nuke your neighbors” strategy that was more lethal and efficient than what mankind could come up with. After all, we’d been playing with biochemistry for a couple of dozen years, while she’d been doing it since there were cells. And there were a bunch of smart people around in the 40’s — particularly after they stopped shooting each other — and they started reasoning in the following way…..
“We all know several places where there are large amounts of disease-causing harmful bacteria — mass burials of plague victims, sewer outfalls, and the like — but we don’t generally hear of these areas being sources of outbreaks. There must be something near these areas that produces an antibiotic to neutralize these horrific bacteria.”
Which, of course, lead to the inevitable next thought, “let’s get a government grant and send some disposable grad students out to collect materials from these locations.” Mind you — and let’s be very clear about this — this was intentionally sending less-than-expert people into biohazard areas.
And this idea was proven to have value by, among other things, the development of .


Picture 4 is VERY disturbing.


If you hit Rachel Chandler’s (photography) website, it shows a slideshow……which doesn’t seem to repeat. And it doesn’t look like it sets cookies.
I’d really rather be talking about antibacterial sewage outflows…..


If it’s showing things once, regardless of whether you reload the page……it’s probably either a cookie or logging IP addresses. A quick review doesn’t show a cookie.