Dear MAGA: 20190321 Open Topic

This THERMO-NEW-Q-LAR THURSDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.

Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.

Keep it civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.

Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.

Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:



Our movement

Is about replacing

A failed


Political establishment

With a new government controlled

By you, the American People.

Candidate Donald J. Trump

Also consider Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Please continue to be vigilant.

Just because we got ONE of them doesn’t mean they won’t try again.

Be Vigilant for a News Cycle Changing False Flag Attack in US, UK, France or Italy
Q!!mG7VJxZNCI14 Mar 2019 – 10:39:01 PM
Be vigilant at all times.
(US, UK, FR, IT)
See Something.
Say Something.
Narrative change needed.
FAKE NEWS attempting to REBRAND HARMFUL TESTIMONY and instead provide MISLEADING info to their readers. 

Q Post 3077

Be careful. See something – say something.

Meanwhile, we have our assignment.

New: Title TBD
Q!!mG7VJxZNCI20 Mar 2019 – 11:27:03 PM
Ray Chandler = Allison Mack x 100

Q Post 3156

New: Title TBD
Q!!mG7VJxZNCI20 Mar 2019 – 11:15:06 PM
Anonymous20 Mar 2019 – 11:12:24 PM
4-6-2018-Rachel Chandler9.png
4-6-2018-Rachel Chandler5.png
4-6-2018-Rachel Chandler8.png
4-6-2018-Rachel Chandler14.png
4-6-2018-Rachel Chandler15.jpg


Keep digging, Anons.

Q Post 3155

I’m starting to understand the broader totality of what has been going on. When you look at pictures of Ray Chandler with people, try INVERTING who is IN CONTROL and who is CONTROLLED. It makes you see her in a whole different way.

The FAMILIES are the key, IMO. Think what you control if you control HOLLYWOOD.

Think who has PATIENCE. Thousands of years of PATIENCE.

A never-ending battle for CONTROL.

This VOAT thread is extremely useful.

Time to DIG.



Eternal vigilance.
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Wolf, can you either confirm or dis-confirm whether we are allowed to use the nuclear warheads for target practice tonight? Asking for a friend…

Mary Morse
…”Reports hold that Purple Magazine editor Olivier Zahm, widely known for being a skeezy dude who documents his love sex life obsessively online on Purple’s Diary, is just super into the ladies. Says Rachel Chandler, a Purple contributor, “A lot of people think he’s a sexist pig … What they don’t get is that he really loves women. Like, more than any man I’ve ever met.” …


*rolls eyes” Look, I tried……


Something about Olivier Zahm reminds me of Willoughby Sharp; maybe it’s his so-called avant-garde journal.
So I looked, and apparently he coauthored a book with Willoughby Sharp on Earth Art participant Dennis Oppenheim.
Willoughby Sharp curated and filmed the off-site Earth Art show just as artists boycotted the galleries due to the galleries’ discovered CIA entanglements. Sharp’s film of the Earth Art show with its footage of Robert Smithson’s work in a nearby salt mine, disappeared for decades. I believe the film recently surfaced.




Love love love the eagle 🦅 Q picture Wolfmoon it’s magnificent .. 🤨👍❤️🇺🇸


I posted this in Daughn’s great thread but wanted to share it here as well…
This is how to demonstrate the value of a child with autism and it is on full display here!


Amen. Simple and kind.

Harry Lime

Molly Pitcher posted this link at the very end of yesterday’s Open Thread…
If you click on that very, very disturbing middle image that says Purple Art it will bring you to this image of the snake on the right. Hmm, now doesn’t that look familiar…(it reminded me of the symbol on the left)…
…of course it could be just a coincidence.comment image

Harry Lime

“Interesting” is one word to describe them…





Sue Mcdonald

Thank you Ga/Fl those were the words running through my mind also. I can now understand why Q told us many people will not be able to handle this and would be put into mental hospitals . I thought I was prepared for what is to come. this is beyond comprehension and I felt ill in my heart and soul last night going through Q posts, but we must press on towards the truth so we can all begin healing.


I can’t handle all that evil either. The images in the Q posts, and the Podestas’ art collection are very disturbing and evil.




As much as I love unique and quirky art, the photos on that site disturbed me greatly. In a “shudder, Homer Simpson style” way.

Molly Pitcher

For a change of pace….Looks like NZ went full communist practically overnight. gun bans, book bans, social media bans, islam Friday wear the burka & call to prayer, arrests for sharing vids


It was fast, wasn’t it…like the current politicians in power were poised to do these things, just waiting for ‘something’ to happen that would give them an excuse to do them.

Molly Pitcher

We need to watch and see what the NZers do. Will they accept without a fight? For sure this was planned but wow…so fast


Question becomes, should they remain in Five Eyes?


Kind of reminds me of how the Patriot Act got passed here after 9/11.


Time to rethink the FiveEyes program.
Under it’s current leaders…NZ should not have access to our NSA data.


NONE of the members of that group are our friend. they are ALL compromised globalist cesspools overrun by muslims and content to bend over backward.
the united states is there now too so i cannot withhold bla,e from us, but the other 4 are dead to rights.


Apologies to Wheatie, should have read further


Could’ve been the real reason for JP’s visit, prepping for the show.



A Fortiori

I wonder if the video erasure was practice for what is coming re: Podestas, Clintons, Obamas, etc.?


Quick!… Disarm everyone in NZ…..
Before the Elitist Yanks get here to avoid prosecution?

Molly Pitcher

From these ‘models’ from the Midland Agency I think R Chandler was “introducing” some of them on her social media? Did anyone else see that or did I dream it up?


There was a white rabbit in the wedding photo slideshow…


I’ve done over a 100 weddings at the house. Never once, with a white rabbit.




Yeah I just got there, interestingcomment image


They say Shamanic Wedding. I say (and initially read) Satanic Wedding.
Yes, those “models” look lifeless and abused. I can’t look at those pictures too long without feeling some degree of sadness.

Plain Jane

I used to drool for the next issues of Vogue magazine decades ago. Then for a period of more decades I lost interest in the magazine…too much advertising and the designs turned caca.
I wish I could exact the year, but I’m guessing at least ten years ago I saw one. I was sickened by the dead look of the Vogue mag models and the blatent “use me, whip me” look of the designs and poses. Well beyond avant-garde. Just sick. Could never open the mags again.


They may have been tortured … 😣


To our Father, I offer a prayer of protection tonight for all of your followers you have placed on this earth tonight for your sovereign and unfathomable purposes. Defend and protect us against the spiritual darkness. Give us rest tonight. Strengthen us and our resolve. Give us victory over sin and freedom from temptation. In all things let us glorify you. Guard our hearts and our minds as we walk as light through the darkness of night, as the deeds of wickedness and evil are exposed around us. Your purposes are greater than we can comprehend, your work in our lives is to wonderful to understand. Protect us from terror and fear, but give us courage and boldness tomorrow and in all the days ahead. We know not what we should pray for, but to trust you to give us the wisdom and strength as you lead us on into victory. Fill us with the light of your truth, that our light may shine brightly and not be hidden. In your son’s name I pray, Amen.

When I lay me down to sleep at night
underneath the sacramental sky,
I count the stars; I count them if I can,
then rest my dreams inside my Maker’s hands.
Oh, I count the stars.
I count the stars for they are signs to me,
pictures of a future I can’t see.
And like a mother with no child to hold,
every star’s a child I call my own.
So I count the stars.
On my darkest night, a million beams of light ask me to believ
that your promises like a starlit sky are bigger than my dreams.
So in my doubting dark, I count the stars.
I count the stars when hope is hard to find,
when there’s no morning for my soul’s dark night.
And when my longing heart feels weak and thin,
I lift my head and count the stars again.
Oh, I count the stars.
On my darkest night, a million beams of light ask me to believe
that your promises like a starlit sky are bigger than my dreams.
So in my doubting dark, I count the stars.
Oh help me see your promises are bigger than my dreams.
On my darkest night, a million beams of light ask me to believe
that your promises like a starlit sky are bigger than my dreams.
In my doubting dark, I count the stars.
In my doubting dark, I count the stars.










Excellent prayer. Co-signing Wolf’s point- this provides a shield like no other for spiritual protection against this stuff.



Plain Jane

Amen. Beautiful michaelh.
Amen and amen.


Wow, go to sleep early and look how many Qdrops! SO much to wade through…..


For the record, I haven’t intentionally unfollowed anyone here or on Gab,
Though I have been posting here since early autumn, my WordPress account is brand new, as is my Gab account. And the two work systems work somewhat differently.
So if you received any notification I unfollowed you, it was from a mistake in using a new interface, and I’ll get you back in there eventually.


My goodness but I have some very unChristian thoughts re: the Poindexters calling the shots in the Co. scheduling dept. God bless the souless ghouls. Whew!comment image


There was also a ‘Paul and Rachael Chandler’, a British yachting couple who were held captive by Somali pirates…and set free in 2010.


And also ‘Rachael’ and ‘Chandler’ were two characters in that tv series, Friends.


Funny- that was my first thought to Friends….then Chandler Bing (which instantly makes me think of Microsquish )


She was also into EDM and was a DJ for a while.
EDM = Electronic Dance Music, or Trance Music.
That would’ve opened some doors for her, too…doing DJ work at elite parties.
Found a pic in this collage; looks like Rachael with JayZee.
comment image
I wasn’t sure it was okay to post the whole thing, there are some not-so-wholesome pics included in the collage…so I hope I disabled it.


just to clarify…The pic next to Eminem – that’s not JZ – that’s PDiddy …..


Ah…thanks, MA_kswiss.
I’m not a fan of either one, so I’m not real familiar with their faces,


I don’t particularly enjoy their music, but I have way too much knowledge of pop CULTure from when I used to be entertained by it, now I just observe all of the connections between the pawns/controllers.
Ever since I dug deeper knowing something was up since the invention of the iphone landing the internet into my hands and watching the literal demise of ‘entertainer’ Britney Spears and Whitney Houston on blog sites from those who were ‘inside the industry’ and commenting on it like a civics paper. This was in 2005/2006 timeframe, and I noticed a huge push to get the debauchery visuals out to the masses in their ‘rituals’ (ie at the Grammys, Oscars, etc)….Also, understanding the model here then helped me identify it in other areas…Science, Economics, etc.
It was intriguing to learn more, and truly understand what was going on, and form my reasons why I’ll never support this junk anymore.

Cuppa Covfefe

Have a look at . It has a lot of information on the entertainment industry, the rich and infoamous, MK, and the elites/globalists and the odd buildings and institutions they build/infest.
Some of their articles on K-Pop and children’s television were ahead of their time, and tie into what we’re seeing now…
They also have articles on the dedication ceremonies of the new Gotthard tunnel bore, and CERN’s LHR “rededication”. Dedication to whom, I wonder…


Nice post! Interestingly, I’ve been reading up on that site for almost 10 years, their original forums section used to have some amazing well researched commenters, and then the site was having major issues with posting and the forums were shut down for a long time, and that happened a few times and then the site that you see now is a really scrubbed down version (with some strong articles still, but the original commenters either moved onward, or became disinterested). I have no doubt that site was targeted.

Cuppa Covfefe

Wow. I’ve been following that site for a long time too, along with and
I wouldn’t be surprised if VC and the other two got attacked, though probably for slightly different reasons. Cuttingedge really is on the edge, but they’ve had a lot of great information far earlier than other outlets, and were on to the uniparty before anyone else noticed or cared.
I liked VCs old system/format better, but their traffic may have risen to the point that they had to change…
Good that there are alternate news sites. Here in Germany we have , and not much else thanks to AgitProp Merde-kel… grrrr…


And I like to joke that between Mr. MA_Kswiss and I , I can always help win the ‘Arts and Entertainment’ pie wedge in Trivial Pursuit…..HAHA (so many summer hours of playing that game in the 80s!!)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

You’d be good teammates; I did fairly well with four of the wedges (sucked at sports too).


Same here SteveinCO…..I could get some of the pink, yellow, brown, and green….and guess at the rest!
Geography (blue), Entertainment (pink), History (yellow), Arts & Literature (originally brown, later purple), Science & Nature (green), and Sports & Leisure (orange).

Deplorable Patriot

We’d usually fill the sports & leisure wedge first.
Actually, games in this house took about 30-45 minutes and Mom always won. Most of us kids would have 4-5 wedges filled.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’d power on through those other four then choke on sports–but MAYBE get a question I could answer. But entertainment was old moves from the 30s, way before my time.

Mary Morse

ya don’t say….

Harry Lime

It’s weird…I was just watching a 60 Minutes Australia segment on the Michael Jackson trial where his ex-maid and others claimed he was guilty and Jordan Chandler was interviewed and discussed. And then the new Q drops dropped and I was like “HEY!!!”…that’s weird. And, yeah, the Friends thing jumps out at you, too.


Wolf, check out this comment over at Qresearch, about Rachael Chandler…it’s comment no. 5802180.
It is apparently from someone who knew her in high school:
“She’s one of many descendants of the Chandler family, which owned the Los Angeles Times for decades.”

Deplorable Patriot

This is the one from VOAT that was taken down at some point last night. It’s now been copied and pasted various places, but does provide some great insight into where the connections are.
This is another tip of the iceberg thing, IMO.

Harry Lime

Who knows if any of these connections mean anything…but you have to admit the coincidences are unbelievable.
This from way back in 2012 before anyone had even heard of Comet Ping Pong…Susan Sarandon, self-described “ping pong propagandist” expands ping pong empire to L.A….specifically the entire second floor at the Standard Hotel…(I encourage everyone to read all of the articles and pay notice the language/terms being used).
One of Sarandon’s business partners is/was Franck Raharinosy who began dating Barbara Bush…
Raharinosy began his ping pong hobby by hosting “Naked Ping Pong” parties (they say no one was actually naked) but I’ll let you read about what Franck was known for here:
I tracked down several articles on these ping pong social clubs opening up around the USA and other countries and some of them seem to have a genuine love of the sport with tournaments and real ping pong players (apparently) but some of them are downright creepy…most serve alcohol, have private rooms, and some of the reasons for these clubs and the terminology used to describe them is just bizarre.

Mary Morse

Here’s an article from the Standard Hotel website:


makes total sense… nice finds.


RC definitely has those psychotic eyes. It’s quite odd in her younger photos.

Harry Lime

This is not new (from 2015) but I stumbled on it recently…
I wonder what Chrissy Teigen and John Legend are referring to here in regard to Obama? She looks like she really stepped in it…and her husband looks about as uncomfortable as can be…just look at the expression on his face…


Yeah, John Legend definitely looked uncomfortable about her mentioning that…whatever ‘that’ was.
“That was before he got elected”, said Legend.
So it would’ve been prior to 2008?
Were Legend and Chrissy Teigen even a couple back then?
Past digs have come up with some really weird stuff on those two.
Pedo type stuff…also the weird way they refer to their own toddler; creepy innuendos and such.
Then there was that time that the couple’s flight out of LAX was stopped on takeoff and made to return.
Plane was held there while Legend & Teigen were questioned…then were detained.
This was in 2017, iirc.
Chrissy live-tweeted about it as it was happening.
I’m not sure if they have ‘left the country’ since then.


Okay, they met in 2006 when she was hired as a model for a music video of one of his songs.
So they’ve been together since then.

Harry Lime

On May 8, 2018, Google chose John Legend as one of the six new Google Assistant voices.
That figures…


Yes I remember that whole whoopla – the story was that ‘they discovered that someone was on the flight that shouldn’t have been….LAX to Tokyo, and 4 hours in it was turned back to LAX….


Yeah, that story about “someone was on the wrong flight” didn’t make any sense.
And still doesn’t.


What does she say? “Probably the Obama _____________”?


It sounded like ‘Probably the Obama thing…” to me.


Yes, “thing”


It’s kinda weird though, because there was sort of an extra syllable in there…like she was saying “thinning”.


I aslo put the CC on and they listed it as ‘thing’….. grain of salt.
I think she trailed off and then started laughing a bit as she ran away…..She certainly stepped in it…as they are both pretty social and vocal, but his reaction with the eyes shifting down was that he was trying to think out to spin out of this and FAST….His body language is ‘help, I’m feeling uncomfortable!’


I thought two syllables – – picnic or clinic – – but I knew it could not be either of those. And it sounds like a weird version of “thing” when you listen to it with “thing” in mind.


the word is either betting, bidding or bedding


COULD be Obama Biden.


with those two, it could be anything!!! yuk yuk…..:)


wedding is what I heard


Oh wow, Harry, that was a weird one.

Uncle John’s Band

Red shoes are a creepy recurring sign. I put a post together last year breaking down the symbolism, and it was odd, because the historical sources for the image don’t match its prevalence. I’ll add a link, but the perverse art works don’t include the stuff included here. RC is new to me. I don’t like linking myself, but I make an exception for this topic.
One caution. They use images for a reason. They’re powerful. Be careful opening yourself to them, because they can look back. Armor yourself with prayer before looking too closely, and step away if it gets too intense.


Extremely wise words Uncle John… I have bookmarked your link, so I can read later…

Uncle John's Band

Close looking is a relationship and this stuff is so dark.


Good thread from Brian Cates (last few tweets follow):

Pat Frederick

Good Morning CM! Missed you yesterday!


Thank you, Pat — much appreciated!


It is a good thread, and Epoch Times sure is getting a lot of exclusives lately.


Epoch Times is brilliant.


I agree with Cates regarding the need to roll it out slowly for societal acceptance, but I also believe that the tentacles are so deep and far reaching it simply is taking a long time to uncover the entire network. Think of all the “circles” in society this is reaching into – not just the political (Congress) entwined with law enforcement – DOJ and FBI, but the other federal agencies, academic institutions, Hollywood, malignant media, even religious organizations. Likely every main societal entity is going to have someone who knows something or is part of the big picture.
Can’t say whether we’ll learn it all or not, but this is much bigger than a coup effort and the cabal at work – although they might try to minimize the extensiveness of it to that focus, simply to make it the big story go away. This has been decades in the making. Decades.
Legal cases take a Long time to put together – it’s a much different situation than the latest soundbite in the news or on the ‘net.


Fully agree and remember the many discussions on this from our days OT.
Even so, as Cates said, the public needs to be warmed up for this. Non-political scandals such as the university admissions one that broke last week are a good place to start. WRT its timing, even if that was by chance, most people can relate to it.


A slow but steady drip of news that difficult to ignore helps. A good example is Harvey W. which broke the ice that H’wood has major problems. Fake news – much the same, with so much evidence of phony reporting, though we haven’t even scratched the surface yet.


Yes — things people can talk about without getting ‘triggered’.


as much as i want to agree with you my feeling has always been this: the slow drip is not going to be effective in the end to clean up everything. to go along with that news will not report on this much like they do not report or barely memtion anything else that is true. there are still people out there that believe covington nick actually did harass and demean an old a,erican idnian vietnam vet and even if he didn’t just wearing the maga hat makes him guilty. there are people still defending jussie for goodness sake. and whwn faced with the truth the media never really made it a point to make sure people knew what was up.
lets revisit harvey weinstein. so what happened there? they freaking parlayed that into MeToo! i do not remember the big names apologizing and creating a way to stop this in hollywood. no they started a new social movement hash tag.
i am a pessimist when it comes to winnig this battle against the global evil group, but it is good that some dedicated pateiots are findimg stuff out finally even if all the sites will probably ceaae to exiat if any push comes against the elites further.
how we here feel or how anons at the chans feel is not indicative of many many parts of our society.
look they are creating new university courses on reporting on the far right! i mean it is a sad sac time we live in. and the tentacles so deep in everything – my goodness the sting and setup has to be the greatest in the history of mankind and the angels.

Deplorable Patriot

“I also believe that the tentacles are so deep and far reaching it simply is taking a long time to uncover the entire network.”
I think this is exactly correct. IMO, that’s why certain people were put in and allowed to do their thing in the early months of the administration, to find the network itself.
The other thing that’s been nagging at me for a few days is that there used to be a lot more leaking even on the chans. Not just FBI anon, MEGA, Senate and the other named anons who did the question/answer stuff, but people who claimed to be high up insiders that would dump dot connecting info. That seems to have stopped, or at least slowed down to the point that anons are chasing their tails more often. The leaks have been plugged.


Beginning to think if they actually did arrest all the criminals,
Congress would be almost empty, lobbyists would be gone… most former office holders would be in jail, tons of actors, directors/producers… most corporate CEOs…, career civil servants, most journalists, owners of media…tons of lawyers, accountants, PR people, I could go on, but you get the picture.
Just in this country, the numbers are staggering.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m not going to think in terms of “most” or “empty” but I do agree that when the arrests start, we will recognize the names.


Just think, Lady P, we used to wonder what could possibly be worse than a President who acts like he hates his own country (Obama), and then we get Q drops like last night.


I think the revelation of how deep and wide anti-Americanism is in this country did shock my husband and I. It’s one thing to have people demonstrating and making noise in the streets, it’s another to discover the betrayal of the country within the seat of government.
This isn’t the America we grew up in…

Gail Combs

Brian Cates “When this gets rolled out, Democrats, DNC Media, Never Trump, etc. are going to realize that it’s really being done, they’re serious about not just airing all this stuff out but also about prosecuting the people that did it, they are going to TRY to literally start a civil war. “
🗡️ 🗡️ 🗡️ 🗡️ CIVIL WAR 🗡️ 🗡️ 🗡️ 🗡️
Ground Prepping:
1. Soros/Hillary call for Purple Revolution and RESIST!
2. Media Propaganda whipping up HATE for Deplorables
3. MS 13 (Q refers to them as army/assassins for the deep state)
4. Jihadists
5. Illegals
6. ANTIFA activated
7. Schools and Colleges become irrational about censoring Deplorables
8. Stories enter ‘Conservative’ media about ‘Cold Civil War’.
9. False Flags about ‘Violent’ Deplorables, the latest being the Jewish cemetary
THIS is why Q stated the Wall is more important than you know. Those ‘Caravans’ are about bringing in MORE Mercenaries to fight in the Civil War. (NOTE: most are able bodied MALES.)
This is why President Trump has had ‘Open Border Activists’ under surveillance.
This is why Congress REFUSED to fund the Wall.
This is why that vote against the Emergency Declaration was so important.
Q’s mission was to help defuse the situation and to prepare Deplorables so they were not caught flatfooted if violence ensues.


Yes, indeed!
Thank you for the links — v. interesting.


there will be no popcorn eating.
they will not go quietly.
we are not prepared for what will be thrown at us.
that is just my opinion which is why i am preparing for some very dark times ahead.

Pat Frederick


When the President calls someone out as a dirty cop, I take that as a “tell.”


And John McCain.

Uncle John’s Band

Interesting that Comey’s sanctimonious blathering has dried up.

Pat Frederick

Rut ro…a stealth Q follower OT?
Joemama says:
March 21, 2019 at 12:50 am
So who is Rachael Chandler, why does she wear ruby red shoes & what connection does she have with Jeffrey Epstein and his pedophile Island, Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton, Eminem, Paris Hilton, Peter Beard, Britney Spears, Waris Ahluwalia, Marina Abramovic, Matt Rothschild, Richard Gere, Michal Chelbin, Adam Schiff, the Standard Hotel and a whole lot of missing children, many of who were child models.
What is worse than “spirit cooking”?
I do believe the “schiff” is about to hit the fan.
Protect the children first.


If Joemama isn’t already here, better reserve a place for him/her then.


University censors Jordan Peterson:

Gotta approve everything the alphabet agenda propounds and practices or else, no free speech for you.
England and NZ are now totalitarian Islamo-fascist regimes.


George Orwell:
“Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.”
‘If liberty means anything at all it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.’
‘Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four.’
“In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”
“In our time political speech and writing are largely the defense of the indefensible.”
‘Political language – and with variations this is true of all political parties, from Conservatives to Anarchists – is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.’
‘Who controls the past,’ ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.’
’You are free to be a drunkard, an idler, a coward, a backbiter, a fornicator; but you are not free to think for yourself.’
’Intellectual honesty is a crime in any totalitarian country; but even in England it is not exactly profitable to speak and write the truth.’


“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”
― George Orwell, 1984


Looks like I beat you with the Orwell mention with a Delta of 4 min’s – only cause you were doing actual quotations, whereas I just name – dropped. 🙂


Didn’t have the quotes handy – so I was researching, copying, pasting, etc.
Sadly, Orwell was prophetic. He must have been a student of human nature and politics.
As someone said, ‘1984 wasn’t meant to be a user manual.’ Sure seems like it has been used that way.


I just know he was a socialist. That is known.


Just a prescient author with an understanding of fallen, foolish, fallible human nature, not a Christian thinker or religious prophet.


What? They’ve banned his books? This is insane.


This “university” proclaims itself to be “inclusive” – and uses this as JUSTIFICATION for excluding JBP.
You cannot make this up, unless your name is George Orwell!!!


Apparently, it’s about using trans pronouns, and Peterson said he objected to them being codified in law.
Then, it seems he went further on the trans issue.
Here’s a comment from the Reason article which explains more:
‘He’s said that he would use the pronouns with students and has said the pronouns to individual students if they asked him; but refused to be *forced* to use the pronouns. Initially, Peterson’s argument centered on being forced to use the pronouns. Ultimately however, I think he really dropped the ball on that particular line of argument and added that he felt it [trans identity, intersex physiology, etc.] was made up nonsense, which I found disappointing. His first argument was interesting; his second, untenable. Peterson has some interesting ideas, but he’s dropped the ball like that a few times. Conservatives really have a hard time debating because they get vilified as ‘ists’ like ‘sexist’ or ‘racist’ even if it’s a wildly inaccurate label from the ‘outrage machine’ – but in debates, Peterson initially did very well staving off false accusations (typically by playing his trump card of ‘well the research says…’ and refusing to be paraphrased poorly). But now, Peterson is pretty much done because the left has managed to gather enough sentences from his various speaking events that the more subtle arguments are lost and the guy doesn’t come off as an intellectual as much as a bigot and sexist.’


I agree with Peterson. This trans business is masking pathological mental conditions which surgery and pretending will not solve or heal.

Pat Frederick

“Cosmetic surgery and cross-sex hormones can’t change us into the opposite sex,” Anderson, a Heritage Foundation senior fellow, further explains. “They can affect appearances. They can stunt or damage some outward expressions of our reproductive organization. But they can’t transform it. They can’t turn us from one sex into the other.” They merely amount to the donning of “counterfeit sexual garb,” as Johns Hopkins University (JHU) psychiatrist Dr. Paul McHugh put it.
Note that when a doctor diagnoses someone with “gender dysphoria” — the persistent sense that you’re a member of the opposite sex but are stuck in the wrong body — there’s no way for him to determine that at issue is a biological phenomenon as opposed to a psychological one. There is no brain-scan; genetic test; blood, urine or any other body-chemistry test for “biologically induced gender dysphoria.” The physician will make his diagnosis based only on feelings — strong feelings of “cross-gender identification” lasting for at least six months. On this basis alone he may ultimately recommend the patient undergo body-rending sex-mutilation surgery.
It’s as if you went to a cardiologist and said, “Doc, I’m certain I have heart disease! I can just feel it!” and he replied, without performing any diagnostic tests, “Oh, have the feelings been strong and persistent? Have they lasted for at least six months? Alright, then, I’ll cut open your chest and perform a bypass!”


Excellent quotes Pat. No doubt, Dr. McHugh and Anderson aren’t welcome on UK university campuses either. Mustn’t dissent from the Mandatory Myths™ of the modern age.


Thank you for the link.
Re Peterson, as that comment from Reason says, he’s now given the Left enough ammo.
It seems that if one is going to take controversial stances, one has to be v. careful in expressing them.
That said, these Orwell quotes of yours fit rather well:
‘Who controls the past,’ ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.’
’You are free to be a drunkard, an idler, a coward, a backbiter, a fornicator; but you are not free to think for yourself.’
’Intellectual honesty is a crime in any totalitarian country; but even in England it is not exactly profitable to speak and write the truth.’
By the way, the other day, I saw an article from The Atlantic about his daughter’s foray into eating only beef.
Not a good idea, because when she started incorporating other foods back in to her diet, she got very ill indeed:
‘If even a tiny amount of anything else finds its way into her mouth, she will be ill, she says. This happened when she tried to eat an organic olive, and again recently when she was at a restaurant that put pepper on her steak.
‘“I was like, whatever, it’s just pepper,” she told me. Then she had a reaction that lasted three weeks and included joint pain, acne, and anxiety.’


Fad diets and eating disorders can cause serious permanent harm. I’ve seen in in friends and family.


Lately we have seen how peer pressure can foment identity, group hysteria, eating and other mental disorders.


Also wondering about the long-term effects of the colon cleanse fad.


Me, too.
One assumes that all of one’s gut bacteria get flushed out, including the good ‘bugs’ that keep one healthy.
Re food, however, I’m pretty big on keto, but that only requires the omission or reduced consumption of carbs, including sugar. Carbs are useless, anyway.
I’ve been following a keto eating plan for nearly five years. My tastebuds changed after a month of going cold turkey on carbs. I now eat some, but not a lot, and certainly not as much as most Westerners do.


I love high gluten hard winter wheat yeast breads that pull and fight when you bite them! I love potatoes, oatmeal, whole wheat waffles, pizza….fried breaded meats and vegs – no way am I going to give those up. NO freaking way!!!


They can cause diabetes and obesity, though.


Only if eaten in excess. Balance – moderation in all the food groups is essential.


Dr. Phil’s diet is pretty good and so is Weight Watchers old Points Plus system.
Dr. Phil had folks divide their plates into 4 quadrants, half vegs, 1/4 starch/potato/grain and 1/4 protein/meat/beans, etc.
I like that because it’s easy at a buffet/potluck and it’s essentially making the sign of the Cross over our plate, though not what he intended, of course.


I feel fuller without carbs, which I did not expect. Fats make up the diff.
I’ve found my plan, so I’ll stick with it. 🙂


My default setting is Diet Cokes, Cheezits, Cape Cod Potato chips, Hershey nuggets, Heath bars, all kinds of Cookies. I love all that and have to force myself eat right. So I do….but I have relapses and have been fighting the same 10-20 lbs since I had babies….47 years ago.


As you’re maintaining your weight, your diet works for you!


Well – that extra weight has come and gone, but mostly sticks around. :8-(


After 47 years? That’s better than great!

Pat Frederick

GA/FL…you and I should do lunch!!!! sounds good to me!
I am diabetic and have learned to alter my eating habits–but when I want something, I eat it–no guilt–I just eat a small portion. But fruits? I love them…all of them!! I may pass on the chocolate cake 3 out of 4 times, but I can’t pass on fruits!
kudos to those who can do keto tho…not my thing…


Agree that small portions are the way to go, Pat. Such a strategy alleviates a binge later on.
Glad you like fruit. I’m more into vegetables. Also, we have an EU-wide thing of ‘eat your 5 a day’ and there is a constant push to eat more fruit. Forget it. I used to eat fruit pretty regularly until the government push. Now I rarely eat fruit unless I’m dining out.

Pat Frederick

CM, ever since I was little, I loved dessert—after lunch and dinner–I wanted something sweet. my mom was a great baker so we always had loads of treats–but we were also very active–bikes, basketball, a pool in our backyard. as I got older, the love of dessert never left–I just substituted some kind of fruit and had that…now it absolutely forms the foundation of my 5 or more a day rule.


Peer pressure can also cause multiple suicides…the ‘Young Werther’ effect.


Social media has a lot to answer for in that respect.
There’s a paediatrician, Dr Free N. Hess, who says that she has seen an alarming rise in young people attempting suicide. Her patients say they learn the techniques on YouTube.
I might have seen the source article here a few weeks ago.
For what it’s worth:


In my opinion, some of this might be imagination in overdrive, plus, it seems to me in any extreme diet, when other foods are reintroduced, one may become ill, and my experience is you may just have to push past it, and then the body adjusts.


Yes, but I wouldn’t fancy being sick for three weeks. That sounds pretty bad.

Gail Combs

You need to get the correct bacteria re-introduced into the gut. That was her problem. If you get put on powerful antibiotics you can have the same problem. It destroys or gut bacteria that helps you digest vegatable matter. RESULT? Stomach cramps, gas and the ‘runs’
I always eat yogurt and cheese when I have to take antibiotics. I also eat long grain Basmati brown rice. It is one of the very few starches that does not trigger a hypoglysemic reaction for me. AND it actually helps remove harmful bacteria from the gut. (I had the paper somewhere at one point)
Keto diets cut out the starches and sugars. (Usually 25 -30 grams are allowed with 5 grams per meal)
This puts you on meats, leafy, and green, and yellow veggies and berries with VERY moderate on other fruits or starchy veggies. In otherwords, it isn’t going to hurt you.
My doctor, back in the 1960s used to call bread an eatable napkin… If it is made of white flour it is pretty much empty calories and with Monsanto, I would not touch corn any more anyway. (I get a major allergy attack from the ‘new corn’) I do miss oatmeal on a cold winter’s day though.


Petersen’s main objection was refusal to accept “compelled speech”
His comments on the gender dysphoria was a small element (true, nevertheless), which was all the left needed to vilify him …


“Rapid onset gender dysphoria” has generated some excitement recently – a search yields lots of recent hits.
The person who coined it is interviewed here …


Thank you for the link.
I had to read it all the way through to see where she was coming from on the issue:
‘… we are a highly polarized society with a tendency to demonize people who don’t share our exact views. It is a perfect storm for heated conflict. I strongly believe that the conversation we should be having around these issues is: some people are helped by transition, some people are harmed by transition, and we need more research to better understand how to maximize benefit and minimize harm. That is exactly the goal of my work.’


I took a look at the paper they were discussing… I screen grabbed the abstractcomment image
It seems that rapid onset gender dysphoria may be a result of parental conflict, peer pressure and social media bs.. Why am I not surprised…. gender dysphoria is the new way for teens to rebel.
Not to disparage intersex persons, or those rare cases of IDK “actual” gender dysphoria. This is a real thing, I get it, but SMH…..Some teens used to sneak cigs or beer… the teenagers today are much more creative.


3:15 PM Participate in an executive order signing and remarks on improving free inquiry, transparency, and accountability on campus [Live Stream] – East Room
President Trump is determined the US will not be like the UK and NZ free speech-book banning, hate speech obsessed, oppressive, totalitarian Islamo-nazi-marxist-socialist-fascist-stalinist* regimes.
*(did I miss anything)?


Don’t count on it, Professor. Steer clear of the UK!!! In fact, you’d be better off in the USA at Hillsdale College, Regent or Liberty U.


ga/fl, exactly. Boiling frogs? I’m afraid most don’t even realize as have been successfully brainwashed.

Cuppa Covfefe

By not including Jordan Peterson, doesn’t that make the University of Cambridge themselves “NON-INCLUSIVE”???!!!

Pat Frederick

Ukraine is opening investigation into effort to interfere in US election…for Hillary…


Malkin lists more stains on the ghost of McCain:



October 08, 2008 – McCain will be accused of racism regardless
Short memories!

Please do NOT turn illegals loose in our country!
We need multiple Mile Per Day™ teams like this at work building the wall right away!
If one team can build one mile per day – 6 teams can build 6 miles per day!!!
Just think of the US STEEL and JOBS!!!
Just think of the Border Patrol lives and citizen lives and taxpayer dollars that will be saved!!!

Pat Frederick

this is exactly as intended–overload the system till they are allowed into country…
if this were a concert–would security allow people without tickets to rush the gates and get into the concert anyway? no, they wouldn’t.
so why can’t our border patrol push these herds back into Mexico? this is just nuts!


Return to Sender. Send the back to their own countries.
Apply legally or don’t come at all!

Pat Frederick

agreed…we have a process–why do any of these people get to forgo that process? I hate that they aren’t screened for diseases, prior convictions or deportations, and just taken somewhere and left to be someone else’s problem!




I’m hoping President Trump will engage 10 TEAMS to build one mile per day each!!!!
Under budget and ahead of schedule – THAT is the Trump Way!!!

Gail Combs

I would not be at ALL surprised to find he has SEVERAL companies bidding on different sections of the wall.


That tracked vehicle used by Fisher to lift the panels into place is the only one. They got Caterpillar to make it specifically for this job. American ingenuity at its finest and the side effect is that it is exactly the type of thinking that impresses our president.
Build build build!


WOW – I should have READ the article!
I’m VERY impressed with this company.
They had other good ideas for the wall:
They are very patriotic – and cover the WHOLE southern border:


STILL – with the size of that company – they could get MOAR of those Caterpillar models built!


Gotta love Caterpillar!


what. is. the. point.
immigrants and refugees have jumped the shark in my eyes. anyone here with immigrant and refugee roots – bless your souls you are grandfathered in, but i have zero respect for anyone now. none. i am at the point where i am not even concerned about their “harsh unlivable living conditions”. not my problem and will not be fixed by flooding our country. europe has already fallen. we are on our knees begging at his point.


I have been thinking that some time in the near future we (as in Q Treep’s) should pool our understanding of what it is about cities that make them so toxic to humanity.
They are mankind’s dens of iniquity – and thus not surprisingly, the stronghold of the Dem’s.
In Aus, the closer you get to the city centre, the higher percentage of “Green” voters. If not dominated by Greens, then Labor (our version of Dem) rules there, with a powerful Green influence – pushing Labor further cray-cray left than they are currently ready for.
This map (hope it pastes – h/t GA/FL) nicely depicts your problem – but is is the West’s problem ..
Any insights will be good. I have some loose ideas, which I will offer up later, once I have nailed them down a tad.


“…what it is about cities that make them so toxic to humanity.”
I think that down throughout history, cities have attracted predators, leeches and parasites, who prey on the achievements of others.
The larger the city…the more of these you are going to have.
The good people who live in cities, passed laws and hired lawmen to protect them from the predators.
This was the wise thing to do.
But Liberalism has eroded this wisdom and replaced it with ‘sympathy for the predators’.
The result of this is toxic to humanity.


Living in a matchbox makes people tense and angry. I remember when I first moved home. All I wanted was to be outside in the fresh air and green! First spring, I planted a garden. It was like my soul needed to stretch. Be free again.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s easy to hide with so much going on around you. Not everyone is a shooting star and not everyone is noticable.
That being said, there is also quite a bit of space to use for iniquity, especially in places that have been abandoned as the transportation routes changed. Warehouses along rail lines have been replaced with newer facilities along interstates. Hiding things in plain sight….


“They are mankind’s dens of iniquity – and thus not surprisingly, the stronghold of the Dem’s.”
In a nutshell, and generally speaking, I’d say at the core of the problem is an estrangement from Nature. God’s good earth. People who live in a rural setting reap the moral benefits of a strong connection to the land.
“I view great cities as pestilential to the morals, the health and the liberties of man. True, they nourish some of the elegant arts; but the useful ones can thrive elsewhere; and less perfection in the others, with more health, virtue and freedom, would be my choice.”
– Thomas Jefferson
“The mobs of the great cities add just so much to the support of pure government as sores do to the strength of the human body. It is the manners and spirit of a people which preserve a republic in vigor. A degeneracy in these is a canker which soon eats to the heart of its laws and constitution.”
– Thomas Jefferson

Gail Combs

I will expand on what Jefferson was getting at.
In the country we have roots not just to the soil but also to the community. Daughn’s Latest article on KIDS is the perfect example.
In a COMMUNITY it is much harder for someone to get away with nasty behavior. Jimmy’s Mom knows Johnny’s Mom and if she sees Johnny cutting up or shop lifting in town she WILL step in and reprimand on the spot. There are MOM EYES all over town! 👀
In my town when I was a kid, we KNEW the very poorest family. He was a drunkard so $$$ were NEVER given to his wife. Instead charity was food, clothing, furniture, books, the dentist looked after the kids teeth for free, the doctor gave the kids a physical and their shots for free. The men in church MADE SURE the drunkard was well aware that any bruises on his wife or kids would be returned ten fold. The kids were given jobs that included a good home cooked meal….
When the Committee on Economic Development DELIBERATELY broke up farming communitiesafter WWII and drove the people into the cities this community self-reliance was murdered.
In a city no one knows anyone. You see a criminal act or bullying you avert your eyes and cross to the other side of the street.
WORSE because there is no connect between actions and consequences, it is very very easy to foster propaganda.
It is interesting that a study done on American Farmers found that most thought Global warming was a real crock.


Exactly. My kids couldn’t get away with anything and yes, we knew who was bad, had problems, etc. Those problems were taken care of ———- locally.
Cut the darn Medicare and force people BACK to the open countryside.


Cities are, in my opinion, anathema to human health and well-being.
1) Millennia of human development took place on the land. People raised or killed everything they ate. It has been discovered that there are bacteria within the soil which prevent depression. They can be absorbed through the skin or inhaled. People in cities rarely touch soil. Their food is pre-packaged and its original form mostly unrecognizable. Most of the vitamin content is lost, because once a vegetable is removed from the plant, it starts to lose it, unless it is flash-frozen. Most “fresh organic” produce in the grocery store is 2-3 weeks old.
2) Connection to other people is considered necessary for contentment and stability. In a large city, however, smiling at a stranger or connecting with a neighbor can be life threatening. People actively AVOID contact with others. This is very unhealthy.
3) Just being in a forest or near trees has been proven to improve physical and mental health. Our ancestors lived daily with forests. There are almost no trees in many cities.
4) What you have no experience with, you don’t understand. Those of us who live near or on “the land” understand that proper stewardship is beneficial to it. People who live in cities don’t understand the rhythms of the environment, and therefore don’t want to interact with it. This leads, IMO, to the “green” ideas of the “damage” humans cause to the Earth just by existing.
These are just a few thoughts on why cities are toxic, and should be avoided, in my opinion. The quality of life that we deserve as children of God is not really available there.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Please beware: This map has sometimes been retitled as “These are the 57 counties the voted for Hillary Clinton” (or something similar) by some really dishonest jackass. (Far more than 57 counties voted for Hillary Clinton, and the southernmost marked county in Colorado was NOT one of them–which is how I spotted that lie.)
If you see that meme floating around, it’s bogus. This one (about population, not voting) is, as far as I know, accurate.

Deplorable Patriot

In reading through the answers here from several posters, I will say that many of them are parroting information about cities. Truth be told, living in such places is nowhere near bleak, or non-connective. In fact, what effects the community and breaks up neighborhoods and life long friendships is all the moving around people do.
I’m serious. It happened to me. All of my childhood friends were gone to other states or other parts of the county by the time I was nine.
Turnover due to job chasing and displacement is the biggest culprit there. That and the bigger as better mentality for building new houses out in the ‘burbs where character and charm can be in short supply depending on where you go. (Plus, it’s SO FAR AWAY and necessitates a highway to get anywhere.) This was the farmland that used to feed us before the commercial operations bought up the river bottom flats.
As for the spread of disease, etc., now that we have water sanitation instituted, that is not nearly as much of an issue. Back before water treatment, water borne disease would wipe out significant percentages of the population. In my hometown, the city took steps to drain the pond that was the main problem which is why the buildings downtown have sump pumps to handle the springs that used to feed it. At this point, the spread of disease is usually thanks to air travel. Flu hot spots can be stopped with a few days away from the nexus and scrubbing everything down with Clorox. That actually happened not that long ago at a local grade school.
I would caution against being simplistic about the iniquities of city living. I still say it has to do with transportation. If you look at WHERE the cities are, most are on a waterway of some sort, at the mouth of a river confluence, or a river dumping into a bay, a gulf or an ocean. They began as trading centers. Business deals had to be made. It’s easy to hide when there are more people around whatever your vice. And then there is the abandonment issue when something better comes along.
I’m a city girl. I admit it. Give me sidewalks or give me death. It’s not for everyone. Neither is rural and suburban living.


I get ya’ Dep. Nothing like the pulse of a city. Lord, I do miss the food and the smells.

Deplorable Patriot

Some of the smells. 😉 One night, I drove past Forest Park and the air was full of Eau D’ Skunk. The park has more wildlife now than it did in the 1760s when the French settled here.


Hi DP, thanks for your considered input(s). Just a quick question – is your city R or D run?
Who did “they” support for pres?
I am working on the assumption that that most cities are Dem strongholds – would that be correct?

Deplorable Patriot

Dem run since the 40s, at least. The state, though, is not.

Deplorable Patriot

In thinking further about this….
One of the movements that did a lot of damage to my city in particular was the feel good ideas that led to rezoning certain neighborhoods of property. In certain pockets of the city where the wealthy had lived at one time, the houses were rezoned for boarding and multi family dwellings. That resulted in lower property values and high density living that invites the criminal element. Most of the people around at the time were blue collar workers looking for a paycheck. With a lot of them in a small area…..
This is the same thing that worked against the housing projects, particularly the high rises. Actual houses, even townhouses, saw less stress in living. Not so many people in a small space makes a difference. It’s also less convenient for criminals.
I know people who have bought and renovated those big, old houses in the city, and various neighborhoods have been brought back, especially once the crack houses were cleaned out in the last fifteen years or so. I mean, they are gone. They used to be on a block that at one time was stunning. It is in my old stomping grounds.
I may be a city girl, but high density living is another thing. I have clients who have a townhouse in a development from the 80s in the northern ‘burbs. Talk about claustrophobic.
Being a part of nature…really some people don’t connect well with it. I don’t know that that is the answer. I think it is more of a lack of respect for others, and you don’t have to be a city dweller to have that mentality.

Pat Frederick

Will it shoot stun grenades, smoke grenades, tear gas, and mace or my Dr. Fitz’s Triple Action Riot Spray
100% natural environmentally safe formula – made of Skunk Extract, Habanero Peppers and Gentian Violet.
Instant Triple action!
Guaranteed to Repel’em, Freeze’em and Mark’em for arrest and prosecution!
Formula comes in jet sprays similar to Hornet and Bear spray, but in certain conditions – we recommend use of water canons to spray large crowds and armed targets.

Pat Frederick

dunno…lol…but that spray sounds incredible! i definitely could use that on hikes thru our woods–bears, coyotes, raccoons with attitudes! where can I get some??


Note to self – need to get that factory built.

Gail Combs

I volunteer to be you QC manager! If I can put up with a company that used butyl Mercaptans this should not be a problem. 😁
Heck I am even in the South East!


Take a break for a sec.
You guys have to see this.
The Peach trees are in bloom, in Greece.
Spectacularly beautiful.

Pat Frederick

how lovely!! thanks for sharing!


Beautiful! And think of all the luscious peaches that will spring forth from those blooms.
Thanks, Daughn. 😀


Electoral college debate is silly and going nowhere. We understand.
We are a Republic. If we become a pure democracy, then we have ‘majority rule’.
The majority of the people in the USA are white.
Which means minority interests are not protected.
Republicans believe all people should be protected.
Why are Dems advocating majority rule – which would hurt minorities?
(I know – it’s because they want to blow up the 60 vote budget rule in the Senate)


All the Dems want is power- it has become their ONLY THING!!!
They will rationalise other “good motives”, but when you tot up their “policies”, it is only about power.
Open borders, reduced voting age and dismantling the EC offers nothing to the citizens- it is aimed solely at power for them.

Deplorable Patriot

Truthfully, the electoral college push is a sales campaign to get a critical mass of Americans lined up against it so that it can be deep sixed with an actual amendment eventually.
Kind of funny watching them try.




Yes not going to get passed, but is that today’s objective or is it encourage more voter fraud?


Toss the 16 yr old voting into that mix. It’s designed to make people feel like they are being disenfranchised and thus encouraging voter fraud which dems will happily facilitate.


Para59r, I think you might have solved the riddle.


Didn’t anyone tell you that Killary won the popular vote? /s THAT is why they are doing this as well as supporting open borders – mob rule! Same with Islamists and socialists the world over – overwhelm with numbers.


daughn – is your state in the interstate compact yet?
you see they dont have to get an amendment to do it.
and HR1 is the blueprint they are whowing the states to follow and hurry up and pass laws. it might not get anywhere in congress (although it already passed in the house) but it is what it says and who is for it that matters and what it is saying to their puppets in the individual states.
nebraska filly is right and it seems quite obvious to me.
i am of an age and a mindset of studying certain things to know that voting and all the political bluster is simply a game we are allowed to play. there have been some true elections i am sure but now that people afe waking up and THEY realize the same tricks are not going to keep working they are now forced to push further.


Arlington, VA’s signage law is plain stupid.
A pizzeria had to paint over its mural of a pizza because a business is not allowed to visually depict what product(s) it sells!
‘Had the pizzeria’s mural featured car parts, clothing, or something else that the restaurant doesn’t sell, the artwork would likely have escaped the enforcers’ notice. Instead, zoning officials promptly notified the business that it was out of compliance and that its exterior would likely have to be repainted. This past week, the mushrooms and olives gave way to a uniform lime green paint job.’


Is there ANY hope?
The idiocracy is already here !


Sheer madness.

Pat Frederick

call it MAGA Pizza and paint MAGA’s all over the place! that’ll drive the liberals crazy!


That’s hilarious! 🙂

Gail Combs

OH what fun! Get Jon McNaughton or Andy Thomas, to paint a Trumpian mural like the one shown. Or Branco to do a cartoon…
Even if they kept making them repaint the wall you could have a lot of fun causing head explosions. 😁


Yes, they should be careful what they wish for!


Should just paint JAIL BARS on it….. smh


Stumbled onto something very interesting this morning, an interview with Robert Steele regarding his perspective of the NZ “event”. Carve out a few minutes for this important read which really fills in the blanks.


So Muslim’s good, Jews bad?
Pushed by Tehran Times…
Need I say more?


Our search for answers and truth is a journey. The article was something to ponder. 8chan anons are digging into the perp and seem to think he’s a Mossad agent. I realize the whole thing could be disinformation and like Las Vegas we’ll never really know the truth.

Gail Combs

“…The individual received an “inheritance” when he lost his family, a common Mossad CIA technique for picking up promising orphaned males for mind-control projects, and spent years traveling including North Korea, China, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey, and Syria and in training…” Where is the evidence the guy went to Israel?
Take out Mossad and put in CIA and the essay makes a lot more sense.
NOTICE THE MUSLIM SWITCHING HORSES from the SJW DemonRats to Trumpian Deplorables….


Several days before I read the Steele interview I saw a post on 8chan that the guy trained in Israel as a soldier. However, that post could’ve be inserted in advance as deception (look there not here) for damage control. The clowns are known to go there and post; anons usually spot them.


Sure, check all sources, and weigh them accordingly – this one I would put in the “never mind” category unless something else pops up …


Yeah, the ending was a big SMH WTF. There’s so much shittery going on that it’s getting harder to separate the chaff from the wheat.

Gail Combs

Wasn’t George PapaD set-up in Isreal with that $10,000? WHY YES! George said he received $10,000 in cash during a meeting in Israel from Israeli businessman George Tawil, who is an Israeli cyber security exec.
Downer, or Thompson at Downer’s request, made contact with Papadopoulos through an Israeli contact in early May 2016.

Clinton/Obama/Alexander Downer all were involved in the rival pipeline project I was working on. They wanted Israel to be handcuffed by Turkey. When I advised Trump et all about the better alternative (Greece-Cyprus-Israel) that’s when the wolves came out and framed me. Politics.
— George Papadopoulos (@GeorgePapa19) December 21, 2018

So it looks like bad actors in Israel are mixed up in the mess too. GACK! 😣


Okay, I laughing.


Some of you may recall that I posted about Steele sometime in the last couple of years OT. I still lean towards him being really “out there” on some of this stuff – I mean, seriously? A colony on Mars for the last 15 years with around 10K people now? Suuuurrrre…..having said that…..every time something about Zionists comes up it causes my ears to perk up and wonder.
A lot of what Steele says and many of his ideas make a lot of sense but, of course, I believe he is WAY off base in his support for the Fakestinians.


Gillibrand says Social Security is a ‘right’ for illegals (emph. mine):
‘… First, we need comprehensive immigration reform. If you are in this country now, you must have the right to pay into social security, to pay your taxes, to pay into the local school system, and to have a pathway to citizenship. That must happen,” said Gillibrand to widespread applause.’


A long time ago,,, somebody described Social Security, not as a retirement savings plan, but as an insurance payment. You pay monthly premiums, and eventually you collect…It is supposed to be a supplement to your retirement plan, but for many people it is actually their only income. The thing is,,, people receive Social Security who never paid a dime into it. Those are the rules, and that would mean these illegal aliens would start receiving benefits they never paid in to… *sighs This is not just a slippery slope, this is a huge cliff, and we are falling…. 😡


Yes, ‘insurance policy’ is how it was described to me, too.
As you say, this is a huge cliff. The annoying thing is that those who haven’t paid in yet reap the benefits are committing government-approved theft. The saddest part is that there might not be enough left for those who have paid into the system. Hence, why the snakes in the government and think tanks are starting to refer to it now as an ‘entitlement’. No, not for those who have paid in.
Then there is the fact that SS contributions go into a big money pot to pay for a whole load of things other than SS.


Yup.. I am not counting on mine,,, and I could actually start receiving in two years… I am keeping my fingers crossed, since I paid the max every year for 25 years…
The other kick in the guts I am expecting is some kind of means testing… just wait for it. 🙁


Yes. That would be truly irksome. GRR.


This is one of the reasons I took early retirement 4 years ago – I don’t expect to live to a “ripe old age” – never have – so I wanted to make sure I got my $$$ back! LOL


WADR, Social Security truly IS an “entitlement,” i.e., meaning we, who paid into the system forcibly, are “entitled” to get our money back. Once again, the politicos brainwashing by changing the meaning of words. Welfare and MEDICAID are NOT “entitlements.” However, SS was set up as basically a pyramid scheme and Congress has robbed from the fund over and over again, as CM said, to fund other things, most of which are kept secret, I would guess.
Perhaps someone could refresh my memory, but didn’t the idea behind SS come about because of a program to benefit the widows and children of soldiers killed in the WW’s?


The U.S. Government is the nation’s largest insurance agency, one that happens to have a standing military. Of course, the military branch isn’t as large as the insurance bureaucracy…


Gillibrand = a person who has zero chance of doing anything successful.


Well said, Daughn.


Jeffrey Peterson on Nunes’s lawsuit and, although he’s glad Nunes is suing, why he thinks it will go nowhere:


Some smart people have commented that it isn’t so much about winning, but the discovery process that will be just as valuable. So, there’s that. hmmmmmmmm


I’m happy either way.


Yep, that’s what it is about. Seems JP is being a bit obtuse……..


WADR, Wolfie, I don’t believe it is “safe” ANYWHERE if you are connected to the net – period. The second I click on that “connect” button, I am being monitored – I have no doubt whatsoever, no matter WHAT site I choose to visit. Again, just the opinion of a simple-minded country girl….


Oh, I am not advocating giving up by any means. Just being realistic and pragmatic, that’s all. I do what I can, of course, to protect my data.


Even if your not “connected” to the internet……
You have a phone nearby?
They have it all.

Gail Combs

Here is the possible UK attack Note it is similar to the Christchurch since it is against islam and mosques
Terrorists — Birmingham mosques attacked with sledgehammers


Donna Brazile appears on Hannity. I guess they would smile, now that they are colleagues. However, Jeffrey Peterson is less sure:


Like Hillary and Stacy Abrams, Gillum is a sore loser.


I hope he’s still being investigated.


To Hell with Hannity…..
WE are the REAL news now.


We graduated from Hannity years ago.
However, others are entering his class. He serves his purpose for newbies — and there are millions of them.


Hi MA, I’ve also been a follower of pop culture while venturing into the rock scene myself in the late 80’s, 90’s and early 00’s. Eye opening stuff for a humble, idealistic, relatively innocent artist who thought she was liberal enough to make it in the industry. Ha! Couldn’t do the social debauchery and ‘selling of soul’ that was necessary to go the next level..had a great career , mediocre but still fun, exciting almost ‘famous’ type stuff- video, tv, radio….but knew I’d never make it. Had a partner and a mortgage, had values, wouldn’t leave my band to get a boob job and blonde know the story. I just watched ‘A Star Is Born’ again and really love how they captured the not so glamorous, noisy, chaotic part of the ride. The funny part is that everyone around me is like…do what you gotta do, your gonna make it, so what, this is your chance..
The night after night of promoting drinking/party culture is what eventually took the fun out of what I was doing. I saw stuff that shouldn’t happen and others let happen and when I questioned I was put in my place (I befriended some detectives who loved my band and they would step in if asked when I saw something particularly unsavoury such as men drugging younger men and luring them out..I see it all from stage).
Unfortunately you had to be in it to win it at all costs…not for me.
I am a local legend in a small community and that’s good enough for me. It’s an ugly world out there and these people who are worshipped have taken hold of their followers who know not what they follow.
These days I choose my songs wisely, enjoy the appreciation and every moment of the performance. Rock on!


Oops, I don’t think that landed where it was supposed to!


Maybe meant for me…… Fellow Rocker? 🙂


Proud of you!!! ❤️🌹 😎


Thank you, unfortunately that’s more than my mother and some ‘friends’ could say…they loved the ride and was disappointed when over but that’s another story…hence my move off grid! I am also proud of myself and very happy where I am. I know you lot understand.

Pat Frederick

do you still play? does it still make you happy to do so? cuz that’s how I measure success…


Oh yes. I do have health issues so not as often as I would like but when I can I’ll belt out a couple of songs when a band comes into town, drag my sax to jam session, play a set at the piano for a function, sing a hymn for ANZAC day and am writing songs with a couple of people.
I was just given a new flute from someone who doesn’t play anymore a couple of days ago, four times the price of anything I could afford. I am looking forward to playing some special pieces I haven’t looked at for a while (French composers, this flute has a beautiful sound…still have the technique but after 5 minutes the lip muscles go pretty quick (this as well as piano is what I trained classically on) and have always used music (sitting at the piano) to get me through stuff. (Have added gardening to that tool chest) So yes, successful and appreciated…puts the pain in perspective.


LOL….. I understand the “Health Issues”…….
I call it:…. A G E 🙂

Gail Combs

“I know you lot understand.”
Oh yes. Sell your soul or be honest AND poor. It is worse in Hollywierd and music but you get it in industry too. Shut up and keep you head down. Say nothing and if people in the factory are hurt or die SO WHAT (happened twice) Or say nothing who cares if customers die…
Unfortunately the lust for power and $$$ means the nastiest rise to the top no matter what the field.

Deplorable Patriot

Even in classical music, this sort of thing goes on. You have to have a monied patron or known family to really make it. There are those who sleep their way up. It happens. Drugs aren’t the big vice, though.
And, yeah, there’s a lot of sleeping around going on with a handful of people who think they can get away with it.


Yes, I saw that also. Before rock I was classical/orchestral. Silver medal representing Aus in concert band, orchestra etc That’s another culture altogether. Incestual and dark, more drug/drunken debauchery under the vise of intellectualism and righteousness. Was very young then and even with my father a navy musician trying to keep me away from what he saw (jazz for him)…he didn’t realised the culture extended throughout the classical music industry and certainly wasn’t happy went I went into pop/rock/blues. He was proud of me for giving it a go and understood that need for performing was more than the industry providing the path.
I must note that shortly after playing the trumpet onstage at 21 ..after Dizzy Gillespie and before Louie Armstrong he had a breakdown; (too much too young?) he saw too much and didn’t like it. Became a brilliant teacher and performed regularly (multi-instrumentalist) till his passing. A unique talent.


“understood that need for performing” – THIS is what I don’t get. I have posted about my best friend, who is a musician, repairs instruments, and does karaoke – he is trying to get a band together now and wants me to sing with him. We do some awesome duets together and I can do a mean Patsy Cline, let me tell you! I have a very good voice, in all honesty – took voice lessons from a Catholic nun and the highest note of the song I performed (French song) was F above high C, so I was a soprano – can’t get that high any more, of course.
And I simply LOVE to sing. But I cannot get over my absolute terror of performing in front of other people. I can belt it out in a group but up in front of people on stage? Not on your life!!!! I tried it after having a few drinks and, of course, it sounded TOTALLY different than when I sang at Michael’s house – I was sooooo embarrassed! We figured out he didn’t have it playing in the right key but that just kind of ended it for me.
Any suggestions on how I can get past that blockage? Just wondering…..

Gail Combs

Hypnosis?? And yes I am serious.
I am very shy and was more so as a kid. However a stage hypnotist actually got to get me up on stage and sing as part of his act. You should have seen his face when he realized I was singing the alto part of a church hymn… in Latin. 🤣


I am wary of hypnosis……Give your mind over to someones suggestions?
MK Ultra uses this type of thing.


The only way I know of to get over “stage fright” is:
Just get up and do it!
Experience will go a long way to help overcome it.
You have to start somewhere…..
Or just never realize your dreams


Yes, it’s funny that some people are born to get up in front of others..but have no talent…others have so much talent but will never take the step onto a stage!
It takes practice like anything. Keep trotting out there, some nerves are essential, you need that energy. Performance is about energy and honesty (and of course preparation, know your words etc), you are selling an idea and if your audience believes you they will direct that energy back again which feeds your own etc. The fear of failure or embarrassment will hold back the truth, let it go and live the moment. Don’t try to guess what they’re thinking and concentrate on yourself and the story you are telling (singing), the movements and gestures that go with your story.
You can also think of yourself entering a role or character, it’s this character that is exposing themselves, not you.
I admit I started very young, on my second instrument by 7, singing at the piano in front of school assembly by 8…didn’t go to any special schools or anything but my Dad just kept throwing instruments at me and I loved it. It’s funny..I’m not good at socialising in crowds, it’s overwhelming for me, I’d much rather get on a stage in front of thousands and do my stuff! I still get nervous just before stepping up but feel so at home once I’ve started!
Keep trying Nebraska, what have you got to lose? You know you can sing, own that song, own that stage! xx


Amazing talent in the Q tree. It never ends. Proud of you, SheByTheSea.


Hey She!! Did not know your story but super excited to realize we have another “Local legend” as part of our Q community! I love that you chose the moral life over the famous!! Thank you for chiming in and for your wise choices and words!!! HUGS! 😘😘


Hi Marica, I’m glad I’m up late enough to say hello! Heading off now…one local legend to another..😘😘


😘😘😘 (Legend in my own mind, I’m afraid 🤣)


Media is now a dirty word.


In the wake of the widely publicized “largest college admissions scam ever prosecuted” that broke last week, it has become clear that the SAT and ACT tests used to gauge student intellect for college admission (or at least their aptitude to take tests) are susceptible to being gamed.
“The case is about the widening corruption of elite college admissions through the steady application of wealth combined with fraud,” said Andrew Lelling, U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts.
These tests are part of what has been referred to as a “rigged system” to get children into colleges – a system that benefits the affluent and the wealthy. Children from families in the top 1% of income distribution are 77 times more likely to attend an Ivy-plus school, according to a new Bloomberg Businessweek article.
Now, one 27 year old Harvard dropout is planning to “fix” the system.
L.A.-based startup Imbellus says it has a test that accurately gauges critical thinking. The company is being run by 27-year-old Rebecca Kantar, a Harvard dropout. Kantar believes that a big part of the college admissions problem is the $10 billion standardized testing industry that, in addition to being “rigged”, only works for a small percentage of kids. The SAT and the ACT still sit atop of all standardized tests, as they help determine who gets entry to select colleges. Kantar believes that these tests “reveal little, if anything, about whether a student has the cognitive skills essential for success beyond college.”
Read More:


There’s a longer article (ZH’s source) at Bloomberg:
I’d enjoy taking this, and I’m not a gamer.


Weird story, slightly related, and come to think of it, maybe a harbinger.
When we did the college visits, instead of a normal visit and tour of a dorm and football stadium, I would make two days of appointments with professors to interview Gunner – see if it was a good fit.
Long story short, we were at Texas A&M, some kind of acceleration lab, where an old guy German professor was working with grad students to make a new “drill bit” for drilling on the ocean floor. Theory was, one drill bit was 5 million dollars and had to be changed once a year – with 400+ ocean platforms. If he could make a drillbit that would last 2 years or 5 years, the savings would be enormous.
Even I could follow that math.
At our appointed interview time, they were in the midst of testing a big, “thingy”. There were only 3 grad students, the prof, and Gunner and me, in the lab – summertime.
Well, the water pressure kept failing and water was spewing everywhere….
And the electrical, I’ve never seen that much conduit in once facility, ever….
Anyway, the professor was treating the Asian grad student like CRAP…… calling them names, disparaging them like crazy, cuz they couldn’t figure out what was wrong. He was borderline, mean. And calling them names was making them nervous. They were working frantically but not getting anywhere.
Well, the water spewed, test failed for third time, and we were getting wet.
My 15yr old, at the time, reached back, up the line, inside, and did ‘something’. I have no idea what it was. Somehow, the water was leaking, loose seal above main pressure. Who knows? Not my thing.
Anyway, professor decided my kid hung the moon. Put his arm around my kid. I could see the grad students faces fall to the floor.
Prof said, “That’s what we need. Students who can be calm and think.” They were only focused at the source of the problem in one place, not looking at the whole system. Apparently, it was an easy fix but they weren’t thinking, critically. Yet, they probably did better than my kid did on the SATs.


Social media engaging in Political PSY OPS? YEP!


Posted this in yesterdays thread not knowing it was yesterday’s thread. Anyway no eyes to be expected but doesn’t want it to be a wasted post. It was in response to no mag covers for FLOTUS. Fits the PSYOPS thing.
“Know’s everyone understands this, but says it anyway.
It’s been part of coordinated deepstate/cabal pys-op to keep Melania Trump off the cover of magazines (out of sight out of mind). To know her, is to love her and they can’t be letting the masses love her because it would rub off on him. Thus no mag covers. Can’t be sharing the love if you plan on Romanoving the first family.
You still only need two hands to count the number of mags she’s appeared on since the election. Compare that to last FLOTUS which had her easily on two mags a week for 8yrs showing up at check out stands where you shop.”
The fact that they are still doing this means they have not given up.


Following reports that a flood of New Zealand gun owners have been voluntarily surrending their firearms in the wake of last Friday’s Christchurch mosque attack that left 50 dead, the numbers are in on how many Kiwis actually handed over their weapons.
Out of an estimated 1.2 million registered guns, New Zealand police report that as of Tuesday night, 37 firearms have been surrendered nationwide, according to BuzzFeed.
No accounting was provided of how many people owned those guns, the types of firearms, or where they were surrendered.

Pat Frederick

ahhhh spring…
every fall hubby and I collect a dozen or so acorns and plant them in pots and keep them inside over the winter to see if we can grow any trees. One spring we grew 8 little shoots which we took out on our deck to bask in the sunshine for a while. The pots were promptly raided by squirrels and chipmunks who dug into the pots and stripped the little shoots of the acorns–all of them died. We now have 3 shoots basking in the sunshine STILL INSIDE the house…lol…
but spring brings to mind another seasonal tradition–fighting with the robins. We live in a log home and the log ends (at the corners) are excellent nesting spots for robins–the prefer to build against something flat. Normally I would not object to such nest, but they are very messy and stain the logs. We’ve tried streamers tied to the spotlights, setting pieces of wood up there (one persistent robin working diligently to nudge the wood to the side to build) and even filled plastic coffee containers with water–the bears managed to climb the logs to get to those and bite thru the plastic to enjoy the coffee…


Ohh, image of a log cabin, lovely. Yeah, it’s the little shitting critters that make life hard eh! Tried fishing lines strewn here and there up high? Also predator images such as an owl figure hanging on a line? I have mice, geckos, bats, wasps, cane toads all creating extra clean up work…and then I get on a warpath…they die…there’s plenty more out there in the bush 😉.

Pat Frederick

we have an owl hanging in the woodshed cuz it’s open to dry the wood–the swallows built a nest ON TOP of it…how’s that for a kiss-my-ass gesture from nature…LOL…
we have pictures of muddy bear prints on our logs from the first years we lived here–the cubs would leave prints and scratch their heights year to year…


Birds >> nests >> mites >> infestations >> bites >> infections >> nightmare!
The above is the only reason I fight to keep the nests off of my home. There is one particular spot that was a favorite. What finally worked was to place a large glass jar on the spot to take up the space. The glass would spook the birds enough that they didn’t persist.
(Now that I’m thinking about it, you could nail a jar lid to a spot and then screw the jar onto the lid to hold it in place.)


Woodpeckers, on my big white columns. Argh!!


Maybe a liberal coat of liquid fence? (pre-made nasty stuff used to deter creatures from eating trees/flowers).

Deplorable Patriot

I live within walking distance of the city. On any given day in our back yard, we have all manner of birds including hawks and screech owls, squirrels, rabbits, opposums, and, yes, I have seen raccoons. Not too far away, fox and coyotes are issues. You have to watch the dogs to be sure they don’t become some creature’s dinner.
Robins…yeah, they’ve been hanging around. I actually think sparrows are messier.

Deplorable Patriot

I know there are a lot of people here who are not into celebrity following (yours truly included), but when it comes to the Rachel Chandler world, one site that is worth following is Crazy Days and Nights.
The person who runs this site is a lawyer in Los Angeles. Celebrities are not the only people discussed. Politicians are as well, and there is a blind item on one of the Dems latest darlings that makes a lot of sense. Sparticus is not what he presents himself to be.
I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but sooner or later given the Q drops last night, all of it is going to come tumbling out whether we want to know about it or not.


Hey, I admit to reading the DM about the Royals to see the weddings, births of new little princes and princesses, what the Queen and others are wearing. :8-)
I miss the society pages of my youth! In the South, we could read enthralling poetic descriptions of the minute details of society showers, weddings, clothes, decor, even children’s birthday parties, etc. No more.


ga/fl, I miss those times, too.


I miss the real glam.


Brexit latest:


I don’t believe the chicken little’s who say that a hard Brexit is going to crash Britain.
The biggest pain I expect is the pain intentionally inflicted by E.U. and sore-loser U.K. bureaucrats.


This x1000!
Thank you, Michael!


Lisa Mei RT’d – a THREAD — click on tweet


Lisa has extended her THREAD on Q drops yesterday – click on tweet
She names individuals in photo with BC… she assumes Rachel C took the photos. “She procures underage girls for pedos.”


As Lisa states in #17 above, Qanons did this dig about a year ago… (iirc Standard Hotel and Liddle Adam was done about then). They were asking Q last night, why again?
Her THREAD goes on to about 35 and there are comments…


Cuppa Covfefe

REALLY interesting document in the comments: ‘Presentation submitted to the Senate Hearing on “The State of Civil and Human Rights in the United States” ‘ by Dr. Daniel Lebowitz
Cue “Twilight Zone” them in background. MK and other manipulation going on. Seems the swamp goes clear down to hell.


this is huge! i hope people take the time to read this.
back at CTH there was a poster that seemed to always bring up the ELF phenomenon. many jjat ignored him/her. i cannot remember their original screenname but they changed it to smurfette near the end of our time there.
i would occasionally reply and add bits of info because nobody else would and because i totally believe in this and i wanted the poster to feel thwy were beimg listened to.
this is not a game it is real. currently they have i believe used our wifi, our cell phomes and the cell infrastructure and other items like our technology infused automobiles, the smart meters and the coming 5g to absolutely create a web around us that we canmot gwt away from.
people should realize that science fiction and paranoia and conspiracy theory are in fact solid factual happenings amd we have given in and volunteered ourselves for this.
it is one of the big plays they have set up to maintain complete control.
there is so much out there but you have to look and since most is on “fringe” sites or sites you would not find mainstream hardly anyone is tuned into it.


Pat Frederick

bizarre, when i click on the tweet it tells me cannot connect to server at twitter…yet I can get anywhere else on the web…twitter down?


Sometimes it happens. Just try again later or clear cookies and try again.

Pat Frederick

aaackkkk…if I had known it was a photo of the Over-the-Hill Gang does the Tropics, I wouldn’t have bothered…LOL

Gail Combs

The trans business is getting everyone else in society to play along with some mentally ill person’s SICK DELUSION!
If someone declares himself to be the Emperor of Rome, do we install him as the totalitarian head of Europe and Africa? Or do we stick his butt into a Psychiatrist’s chair?

Pat Frederick

agreed…what if one of these people decided today they identified as a doctor? who would let him/her/whatever operate on them? or how about a flight attendant feeling like she’s a pilot today–who’s gonna ride in that plane?


Gail, I saw online somewhere last night, that one can now decide what AGE one is…
I decided I was 40… but then I looked in the mirror, and guess what? I’m still 80 !!! “Thinking don’t make it so !”


So called ‘Gender Theory’ is propaganda – pure agenda-concocted propaganda!!!
Gender spectrum explained:comment image


Another hmmmmm — also Sessions-related:


What evidence does Luke have for Sessions involvement ?
Bernie Sanders-supporting liberals joined forces with Freedom Caucus conservatives
Now that would be a cold day in H#11……. does Luke have proof for that?
And does even mention Debbie Wasserman-Schultz in this? After all, Awan was HER employee… he worked at her direction.
And the Awans didn’t just do used cars and “rice” in Pakistan… which I don’t know, but doubt Luke mentions… besides computer hacking …
This tweet from Galt bears some looking into…


Re Sessions, haven’t a clue, pR, but thought it was worth mentioning, anyway.
Re Awan, it could be a common name, so I’m not drawing any conclusions. Do you have any evidence to think they are related?


DWS is referenced, but not named, in the page shown: “…to guard the reputation of a member of Congress….”


But never mind guarding the reputation of Sessions, right?
There is reams of documentation on Awans on Geo Webb’s site… he’s researched his family and their ties. I know some here don’t like him Webb, but documentation is documentation. He’s doing a heck of a dig (actually has been for some time) on Bob Mueller’s family… father, grandfather… criminal is in the gene pool apparently. You have to scroll alot through his twitter TL, and his youtube videos.
Here’s a tweet George just posted.


remember the other day someone mentiomed that darkness to light child abuse company? and i said i had a brush with them years back? the brush was brought about by investors that worked with people i knew… george webb has a house 25 miles away from these people on a very exclusive island.


All 4 of them in the same room?


Right? Gotta be SOMETHING juicy in this meeting!


Jordan seldom does a THREAD – he’s on a tear today about Jack… not Dorsey, Posobiec !


As usual, Jordan also has some good news… esp. for those who think nothin’ is happening.




Dutch election surprise! The UK has set an example:


That’s wonderful news churchmouse !
Thanks for posting… things are happening in Europe that are awesome, we just don’t hear about them unless a ‘digger’ brings the news. We are the News Now !!!!!!!!!!


We are indeed, pR!!
I would like to request that everyone here who prays, please keep Europe, particularly the British and Dutch, in your prayers.
Not enough Europeans pray, so we need to outsource from overseas. 😉
Thank you in advance!!


Well, it is why I come. Best collection of what one needs to know is right here. And when it’s not… hold on it’ll show up soon. 🙂


My jaw dropped when I saw that.


I still don’t know (does anyone!) why the hey zero made such an off the wall portrait…


I said this when if first saw that awful portrait of the SchmO, “The only place that portrait should hand is in his prison cell.”


Ugh, spelling error with an update. – “The only place that portrait should hang is in his prison cell, until he is hung!” ;~)

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I do not care to know whether he (or his “wife”) are hung.
“hanged”–yes, I want to see that.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Fair enough.
Do with my punning reply as you wish.

Elizabeth Carter

Wolfmoon, Thank you for your protection.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Good attitude, I think.
As for the revival tent aspect, it comes and goes, some days it’s prevalent, and on others, it really isn’t.
But religion has been used as a tool of social control since at least the days of the pharaohs, and it doesn’t have to be a false religion (or a true one!) for it to be misused this way.


…”The Q thing is REALLY bothering them. NOW, I know why. Q is not stopping at politics. It is going way downstream, to CULTURE. The leftists have to be HORRIFIED.”…
I absolutely agree. The left has maintained a firm grip on culture since the days of Walter Rostow.

Deplorable Patriot

Other than the obvious ones, a list of topics to avoid would be helpful.

A Fortiori

So we have a user with a name that sounds gentle and Christian and appears to invite us to impute charitable motives to the user. I think this is the same person who made the Beyonce comment. Either way, I suggest you ban this person permanently. Even viewing their posts in the most charitable light possible, they lack the discernment to post here. This is not a game.
Stay vigilant Wolfie.


” I think this is the same person who made the Beyonce comment.”
First thing that jumped into my mind before scrolling further.
Watching the Commies project to the useful idiots the false narratives that malign Trump supporters in general, and especially those who follow Q (alleged to be a ‘conspiracy theorists’), they are clutching at straws for examples (i.e. NZ mosque shooters “anon” Post on 8chan; Gambino family mob boss killer “Hand-writing”; etc.).
Give them NOTHING.


I am honored !


Right now, Weasel Zippers, a longtime site I’ve read over the years is blocked in some fashion by the internet ghouls. For two days it appeared that there have been no new posts, but they actually have had several throughout the day.
In the Disqus comments people have asked what’s going on, and apparently, if one clicks on the number of comments above “share” in an article, one can see the new posts, but the internet is obviously interfering in WZ’s public presence.
It’s seems fairly easy for the ghoul fascists to shut our side down.


The left always focuses on certain phrases. Got it.
None of us would ever harm anyone. They sure are trying to stoke the narrative.


I do love your attorney.
Actually, it’ great advice.
As soon as I read your post, I went back to my groups and axed ANYTHING that remotely looked suspicious.
The communists are not getting anything out of us!


I trust in your judgment and agree that eyes are upon us.


does this kid look awfully young to you?


Yes, very much so.
Does anyone remember, I think it’s in Comey’s (FBI) notes that when Weiner’s laptop was picked up, they made several notes – one of the bullet points reference “crimes against children.” Looks like the political corruption is going to lead to the decadence and depravity of the players being exposed.

Pat Frederick

Page #294 contains notes an FBI agent wrote down in regards to what was found on Anthony Wiener’s laptop.
(1) Anthony Wiener [sic]
(2) [Unrelated]
(3) Wiener [sic] – texting 15 yo – Sexually Explicit
___9/26 – Federal SW – IPhone/IPAD/Laptop
___Initial analysis of laptop – thousands emails
___Hillary Clinton & Foundation
___Crime Against Children
article is from Investmentwatchblog…cannot link… but it’s from the IG report


Thanks, I knew it was something from the FBI notes.

Cuppa Covfefe

Field of Queens?


oH GOSH, do people shrinking into bushes have some weird occult meaning?
So much for taking a pic of your kids with their Easter suits on.


It’s a pagan thing, Daughn.
It has to do with Gaia, the ‘mother goddess’, or…earth.
The gesture of shrinking into bushes is a metaphor, to represent ‘Returning to the belly of the mother goddess’.
So the answer to your question is…Yes.
It does have a pagan/occult meaning, since pagans are often practitioners of the occult.



Cuppa Covfefe

It’s not without reason that his nickname (“Old Nick” ) is Randy Andy… Andrew was spoken of being on the Paedo Express a few times, then it was quashed…
And word is that (Dark) Prince Phillip has had a number of dalliances, as has Chuckles. Mountbattens were Mountbatty. Suspect there are a lot of skeletons in the house of Windsor, perhaps as a reaction to Victorianism…

Gail Combs

Remember the Princes in the Tower and Richard the III. That line is not exactly ‘Nice’ Also the WINNER writes the history so it was Richard that got the blackeye.


wolfie included the “red shoes” in his article for today’s THREAD…
Joe M. is not the only ‘source’ for this … there are other sources on Qresearch board…
click on Joe’s tweet for more


Exactly. Francis has never worn the red shoes, at least in public, but look up his good buddy Gustavo Vera and the just murdered actress Natache Jaitt…

Deplorable Patriot

Papal red shoes are worn in memory of the blood of martyrs. Today, there were references on various sites that the pope’s shoes are about walking in the Blood of Christ. That is incorrect. It’s the blood of martyrs.
That being said, Francis doesn’t wear them, and Pope Saint John Paul II did not, either. Most post-Vatican II popes have not. Benedict XVI is the exception. He’s the only one who made the attempt to restore papal tradition.

Deplorable Patriot

There’s so much symbolism, I’ll correct it as it comes up. The red shoes is one that gets mangled all the time.

Gail Combs

Thanks for the correction.

Steve in Lewes

I see from an earlier comment that Biden, if he runs, is considering Stacey Abrams as his VP.
Dems always play the long game; wouldn’t surprise me one bit that they would use Biden as an attempt to moderate their party for 2020. IF he would succeed, after a year of getting SA up to speed as VP abruptly resign due to ‘health’ issues and SA becomes President.
They will do anything to regain power !


SA isn’t qualified to run a lemonade stand – just – like – the Obomination.

Pat Frederick

heck I can’t picture any scenario I would put her and “run” in the same sentence…lol


Good observation.
Same could be said about ANY TWO presidential/ VP candidates, Plus, resignation is not the only way to accomplish this (Picture if Hussein picked HRC as his VP) 😉


Does anyone follow EyeTheSpy on Twitter?
Interesting tweet re Brexit.
Also, does anyone know what ‘5_Primary’ refers to?


Thank you very much, Wolf — greatly appreciated.


Biden may choose Big Bertha for a Running Mate…
….so folks won’t think of him as just another old white guy.


folks generally think of Biden as a pervert… a dirty ol’ man.
adding a marxist to the mix, one who failed in a run for gov of GA, and who holds no political office…
is simply hilarious… I can’t stop laughing. Politico reporter has requested Twitter remove/censor photos of Biden with children. Youtube has terminated videos… one of Sessions slapping Biden’s hand when he touches Sessions’ grandchildren.


Don’t worry… Q has memes… and photos have been archived… let the pervert run



REMINDER – LIST OF Epithets McCain, Hillary, Obama, Bill Kristol and their ilk called Trump supporters:
Enemy, paranoid, greedy, Bible-thumping, gun-toting, fear-mongering, racist, sexist, bigot, birther, redneck, homophobic, xenophobic, global-warming denialists, anti-science, Neanderthal, barbarian,terrorist, hobbits, member of the Flat Earth Society, Nazi, bully, Yosemite Sam hillbilly, beer-toting, pot belly, church going, small-minded, whack-job, Evangelical, gun nuts, wing nut, knuckle-dragger, clueless, Teabaggers, narrow-minded, evil, redneck freaks, judgmental, backwards, sick, anti-intellectualist, slut-shaming, slimebuckets, forced-birther, neocons, Zionist, neo-Confederate, wild nasty hard-right fringe, extremist, sewer rats, wacko birds, bitter clingers, misogynist, you suck, Obamaphobic, chirper, white nativist, crazies, creepy azz cracka, unpatriotic, white grievance, dumb, cracker, white devils, rabid, squealing political pigs, anarchist, fanatics, extortionists, lemmings, gangsters, murderers, banana republicans, fakers, ideological crusader, Cruzites, anti-government idealoges, fraud, Taliban, arsonist, suicide bombers, suicidal lemmings, spoiled children, hostage takers, overlords, Jihadist, blowhard, religious fanatic, freedom fiend, kidnappers, Jesus freaks, dangerous, troglodyte, from the Planet of the Apes, resurrection of the Confederacy, lemmings with suicide vests, anarchy gang, idiots, wife abusers, frightened white people, right-wing loonies, tea-hadist, tea-tards, segregationist, freaking retarded, morally disgusting, Confederate flag-waving, breeders, Robert E. Lee lovers, Southern white radicals, losers, violent rapist, blathering idiots, climate change deniers, way crazy, racist killers, rabid animals, Cro-magnon, cave dwellers, narrow-minded, toddler, headless chicken brigade, monkeys, morons, virus, teapub, Christofascists, healthcare repealers, gun-crazed, wide-eyed creatures, bed-wetting kidult, climate fool, Trotskyite radicalists, Dixiecrats, willfully ignorant fucksticks, anti-Obama, Huns, nutcases, pseudo-militia of gun-toting nutcases, lunatic, radical terrorist, people from slave-holding states, Uncle Toms, distrustful, Rumplestiltskins, somewhat strange, screw-loosers, bald-faced racists, carnival barker, boorish individuals, Tea Party maggots, mendacious, death-loving, frothing, lamprey-mouthed, inhuman, abominable, atrocious, verminous, rapacious, sadistic, invasive, grasping, psychopathic, twisted, warped, animalistic, belly-crawling, mouth-breathing, illiterate, innumerate, know-nothing, imbecilic, sheep-raping, horror movie extras masturbating into wads of money while fantasizing about war collateral damage, puppy-torturing, vacuous, mindless, nihilistic, diseased, soulless, morally bankrupt, greedy, insecure, envious, kleptomaniac charnel-house mascots stewing in universal hatred for all life, toxic, ugly, bestial, humorless, loveless, compassionless, demonic human-shaped ruins forever slouching toward Bethlehem in search of some fresh nightmare to wreak on the defenseless via other people’s money and heroism, Satanic monkey-shit-throwing, cowardly, chickenhawkish, parasitic, baby’s-candy-stealing, wife-beating, minority-purging, syphilitic Confederate poltergeists with erectile dysfunction, perverse, prurient, crocodile-eyed, necrophiliac mass-producers of human misery and gleeful destroyers of truth, justice, and the American way, sepulchre-hearted human deserts walking the Earth only to look for more victims, silly, stupid, ignorant bastards proud of every good thing they’ve never done, every person they’ve never been considerate toward, every fact they’ve never learned and will never acknowledge, and every virtue they will never possess or even attempt to comprehend, preternaturally drunken, bleary-eyed, zombie-like, empty vessels, unthinking, unquestioning, unfeeling,face-chewing, self-devouring, medieval barbarian, ominous, loathsome, Nosferatu-impersonating Gollum-acolytes feasting on the flesh of our society while complaining about its taste, tax-evading, sommelier-abusing, election-buying, vile, repulsive, maggot-ridden rot, vultures, not normal people, mean, selfish, haters, meatballs, dingus, scorched earth insurgents. Grumpy Cat, jingoistic, microaggressionist, ableist, transphobic,, poor, dumb, cousin-humping, ammosexuals, genderist, sexist, anti-semites, skinheads, crazy, angry, ignorant, morally tainted, irredeemable, deplorable, swamp of crazy, dark, devisive, white nationalist, alt-right, white devil, despicable people, white selfishness, scumbags, Kremlin Klan, slobs, residents of Podunk USA, intolerant, anti-American, Cheeto aliens, fatties, Tealiban, sufferers of white neurosis and white fragility, Y’all Qaeda, Trump-ite, cave dweller, troglodyte, luddite, scumbags, Bannonites, do not appear to be humans, angry loud-mouth Irishmen, Russian bots, ignorant hillbillys, monstrous arseholes, gunsplainers, lunatic fringe, white privilege Christians, vulgarians, Crusaders, toothless garbage people, assholes, couch potato anarchists, enemy of the republic, Trump’s noxious base, Trumptards, conspiracy theorists, bunch of randos, virulent people, dregs of society,


Dang GA!!! Great LIST!!! 😱😘


Sorry – forgot to H/T – It’s from Louisiana Mom over at Weasel Zippers!


She needs to add – White Nationalist. I think that’s their most recent name for reasonable folks.


Did “McCain Haters” make the list?


Not yet! 🙂


What a list GA/Fl !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Robin Williams at his prime could not have come up with such a list…
Missing one… Hill’s fav: Deplorables.. unless my ol’ eyes missed it.


It’s in there right next to irredeemable, I did a Control F search.


I think LA Mom started the list back in the Tea Party days. It’s right out of the printed, spoken media and comment threads.


Great list.
This is why insults don’t work on us.


You know we own them when their attempts to mock us only make us happier as we smile in agreement with most of what they said. They think they are calling us terrible things and we think they are calling us wonderful things.
It’s all in the photo INSIDE your head — what a word means, ya know.


I think what the world needs is more angry loud-mouthed Irishmen!


Fighting Irish – as Bill Bennett said in the Mark Levin video posted earlier this week – Irish love to brawl so much if they see a fight when they are walking down the street, they ask, “Is this a private fight or can anyone join in the fun?”



Pat Frederick

LOL…I “continued reading” and took Tucker’s Pompous Little Twit test…I failed 4 of 4–so according to the PLT, I’m a racist…lol
(btw: test based on having kids, eating hamburgers, are illegals better Americans, and factually vs morally right)


Did you read the comment section at TIME?
Every single one either trashes AOC or TIME….
Who reads TIME anyway? I still find it in the doc’s office, but would slash my wrists before opening it. this from the comment section. I think Koch Bros sold to Meredith?comment image

Pat Frederick

LOL saw that!
and actually there were several photos of her in the article–there is one where she is not wearing that dracula lipstick–she’s wearing a softer shade–and she looks almost human!

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s a ton of great Occasional Cortex memes at this site:
Sad to say, she’s terribly dangerous to us (and the USA) all, nonetheless…
She’s toast:comment image
Equal credit (cards) for all:comment image
AOC supports veterans:comment image
And she has a firm grip on history:comment image
But no clue about High-End Audio:comment image
Math- and biology-challenged:comment image
But equally impatient with the media:comment image


I just had “outnumbered”on tv …. it was going well .. they talked about the guy that was punched in the face by the punk in black … good .. good … and then …
.. they show a clip of President Trump being asked about the dead guy from AZ … and the numb-nuts were off and running. .. blech .. they all piled on and the McConnell quotes fell like acid rain, I took a tums and changed the channel .. 🤢👍
(after I typed President my device automatically put in clinton …. bwahahahahahah … nuts … it’s creepy)
.. a pox on fox news and the shills that own it .. 😖🤚


Yes … their the stuff💩 on top of the newspaper lining the bird 🦅 cage .. 😾
..since fox is creepy/crappy and going Disney tv news is running on empty .. I’ll be reading more thank goodness and thanks for you wolfmoon .. 🙂👍❤️


I looked up the roginski person, she looks like a stylish frau bluecha from young Frankenstein .. LOL


You should see the THOUSANDS of negative comments bashing Fox on Bongino’s FB page. The Huckster also getting hit bigly.


More Brexit:


good people of england… stay at your own risk.


The food is very good. Who could give up game birds and venison?


i guess you got me there… 🙂

Gail Combs

ERRrrr churchmouse I had EIGHT deer in the pasture in front of my house and wild turkey wandering up the drive to visit my tame gobbler.
We do have game here in the USA you know. I rent to a hunting club!


Uhh, only if you are fortunate to live in certain parts of the US.
I can get game at ANY of our UK supermarkets, including online.
Never got it in the US after I was four years old (early 1960s), as we were outside of hunting country from that point.
Count yourself among the blessed, Gail.
Go to a suburban supermarket in Flyover Country (countless times for me) and all you see in the meat aisle are chicken, beef and pork.
No veal. No duck. No game. Same old industrial stuff day after day, week after week. Worst of all, NO CHRISTMAS GOOSE.
Furthermore, there aren’t even any decent joints of meat for a Sunday roast, the staple UK meal, which is the highlight of the week.
And, yes, I can readily get veal and duck here, in addition to game — FROM THE SUPERMARKET!! They will even deliver to my house! 🙂
Can’t remember when we did not have a beautiful ROAST GOOSE for Christmas, fat carefully drained and conserved for the rest of the year for roast potatoes and Yorkshire puddings.
Roasting a goose really brought home the good Lord’s blessing of food, which, until then, I’d pretty much taken for granted. That was decades ago, and it was a real epiphany.


I spent the morning looking at last night’s Q-drops and the Chandler family.
First, I need a shower.
Second, the Chandlers, who founded the Los Angeles Times, are a very large family. There are several possible branches for Rachel Chandler to belong to. The VOAT post linked by Wolfmoon got me started, but I haven’t found which branch she is on yet.
All dates I can find re: Chandler point to her birth year being 1989. There is one Rachel Chandler listed as born in California in 1989. She was born 4 Apr 1989 in Los Angeles. The mother’s name is listed only as Denton, I assume a maiden name. Of course, this assumes that Rachel Chandler was born in California. If she is a descendant of the L.A. Times family, I think she probably was.
This young woman had dead eyes as young as 14 years old. She had to have been used and abused to turn her into what she is.
I am still looking.

Pat Frederick

if anyone can diagram that family tree, you can Aubergine!


I appreciate your confidence in me, Pat.
Far in the past, I can work wonders. Closer to now, it gets harder. Most records are hidden/sealed. It’s frustrating, although I understand the why of it.

Pat Frederick

that you even like to chase down the facts of these things amazes me–not something I could spend time on!

Cuppa Covfefe

There was a UNICEF illuminati fundraiser in Los Angeles October 25,2018 which had many of the glitterati, as well as a, shall I say, child-oriented them. Not sure if any of the Chandlers were there, but I wouldn’t be surprised.
Farther down in the article is a picture of John Paedosta with the “Hand of Mysteries” pose (14 and the non-fish). I think there are a TON of strings being tied up and dots connected. And certainly Hollyweird has a lot to do with it. Seamy doesn’t even come close. More of a Satanic bent are they…
The article is well worth reading. Disturbing, maddening, yes; but it’s a “do not look away” issue…

cuppa Covfefe

Wolf, I just looked at the “Hand of Mysteries” pic again, and the grey box beneath it decodes what it says.
Not sure if I should put it up, though. Explains a lot, I think. Especially about the fish, and 14.
Link is comment image


unicef is… well use your imagination. calling it a “front” is being generous.
look at all the BIG childrens orgs and tell me one that is above board.


Aubergine, you are resident pro on this issue.
You’re the boss.


Well, I do my best, but this is a different area for me. Not historical really, more contemporary.
I am relying on things like the VOAT link Wolf posted, written by someone who supposedly knew Chandler and her family. Ordinarily, I wouldn’t take someone’s writing as evidence, but in this case, it’s really all we have. Too many records are unavailable.
I am still racking my brain for resources which might give me more info.


I probably suck at this, but here goes:
High school yearbook?


That’s a good thought! Sometimes they can be hard to get at, but I will try it. Thanks!


I was thinking judge Moore and Kavanaugh.
Their yearbooks were front-and-center for a while.


They were probably public-school kids. Those yearbooks can be found in libraries, sometimes.


Ok, so I went searching. I can’t even find the yearbook in a library.
Dang it!


Well, I found a copy of the 2005 yearbook, finally, on Ebay. It’s $40 I can’t afford to spend right this moment.
This is the year she was supposed to have graduated.
Anybody know someone with deep(er) pockets than me who wants to prove or disprove it, here is the link:


Have faith in the Anons 😉


That’s why I published the link.
I hoped one of them might pick it up!


My first guess tracks with Wolf’s advice to mentally flip supposed handled with handler…
Try this theory on to see if it fits:
RC was inhabited by some upper level dark spirit very early and that is really “who” has been doing the handling of her “business” in traficking. Her own tormented soul has likely been banished to a dark corner of the universe for a very, very long time.


She might have had a childhood trauma, e.g. ‘interference’, as my parents’ and grandparents’ generations would have said.
Children who have been interfered with can and do (although not always) grow up to repeat the same behaviours. That’s what they know. It’s no different to a child who has suffered beatings then, as an adult, inflicts the same upon his/her own offspring.


am suspecting a much more deliberate dedication of sorts


Which could well come from interference.


There were dates on a few things that came together to give her approximate birth year. One was the hack of Paris Hilton’s phone (2005). Another was when she was in high school. There were two different sources for that one. Another was the dates Bill Clinton was on Epstein’s plane, and the age she was stated to be about then.
I agree, there could be any amount of dis-info out there about her. We have to proceed with that in mind.


pdiddy also has that political group called vote or die…


there was a “P. Diddy Party @ VIP Room Nightclub.St. Tropez, France.Tuesday, July, 27, 2004”
if she was born approx. 1989 this fits timeline…
there are many instances of sean comns being in the area though for many years. he often goes to cannes film festival, etc. so it could have been another year.
paris hilton also dj’d in st tropez a bumch back in her dj days.
speaking of which this is a verty interesting story – long but interesting. involves all theae people, film industry and obamarama:


PRESIDENT TRUMP’S EXECUTIVE ORDER protecting FREE SPEECH in federally funded schools INCLUDES all public elementary, middle and high schools – all schools under auspice of Dept. of Education!
““President Trump is expected to issue an executive order Thursday directing federal agencies to tie research and education grants made to colleges and universities to more aggressive enforcement of the First Amendment,” Michelle Hackman reports in The Wall Street Journal. “The order instructs agencies including the Departments of Education, Health and Human Services and Defense to ensure that public educational institutions comply with the First Amendment, and that private institutions live up to their own stated free-speech standards.”


ought to be on all pre k programs also.
you should get acquainted with all the money flowing in new york for this stuff.
nothing against ethmic schools and such but new york city is awash in indoctrination centers of all types prek thru 12.
i have even seen muslim enclave schools that went on field trips to fbi offices and were showm arma,ents (weapons and body armor) and helicopters, etc. pictures right on the “school” website.

Gail Combs

“…PRESIDENT TRUMP’S EXECUTIVE ORDER protecting FREE SPEECH in federally funded schools INCLUDES all public elementary, middle and high schools – all schools under auspice of Dept. of Education!…”
🙌 🎉 🎈 🎆 🎇 🎊 🍾 🎊 🎇 🎆 🎈 🎉 🙌


my comment above – cheeck this out – how many “schools” in new york city that are “ethnically” based are getting money and yet they are NONProfit 5013c fronts? many.


It’s a pity the RINOs lacked the cojones to do it via legislation.
It shouldn’t be needed because of the First Amendment.
Nevertheless, here’s one take:

Molly Pitcher
PHILADELPHIA — Police are now investigating whether child weddings are being conducted at a Philadelphia mosque after a sexual assault victim comes forward to Action News.
In a Facebook video posted two weeks ago, one of the alleged victims describes her ordeal. She’s 17 now but says she first became a child bride at 14.
“At the time I was a virgin. It was going to be my first marriage of course,” said the teen.
She says it didn’t last. And in 2016, she says she was married off to Rajmann Sanders, a man more than twice her age who then allegedly began sexually assaulting her and her 10-year-old sister.
“The 10-year-old was not handled correctly and everything was swept under the rug. Not only was it wrong, it was wrong to me because at the time I was still his wife,” she said.


You should read Ann Barnhardt’s description of Moslem sexual sexual traditions/cultural practices. Would make Hollywood blush.
Likely, that’s why Hollywood/leftists like Islam and illegal immigrant rapists so much.

Pat Frederick

how in the hell are you SUPPOSED to handle a 10 year old? every idea in that thought is twisted!


Watch and see – CAIR will step up to the podium and twist this with all their might!


Just had a thought…..perhaps the most likely path of success to solve this intransigent problem of the existence of Islam within a Constitutional Republic is going to have to be a decision by SCOTUS? It sure would help if PDJT could go ahead and name the Muslim Brotherhood and all of it’s hundreds of affiliated groups as the terrorists they are! But, foreign policy holds him back…..
Everyone is far too divided and, given the huge numbers of Muslims around the world who are so thoroughly brainwashed, maybe one of these cases is going to have to make it to SCOTUS? I don’t see any other way to eliminate political/legal Islam, TBH, and Islam as a whole is certainly not going away any time soon!

A Fortiori

In Clay v. US, the SCt overturned Mohammed Ali’s felony conviction for refusing to report for induction in the Army on the grounds that he was a conscientious objector. He was not. Ali did not follow a religious belief that renounced violence. Indeed, he stated publicly he would fight for Islam.
“War is against the teachings of the Holy Qur’an. I’m not trying to dodge the draft. We are not supposed to take part in no wars unless declared by Allah or The Messenger. We don’t take part in Christian wars or wars of any unbelievers.”
The SCt has already gotten this wrong.


they will of course defend this and hush it up. and then throw it back at us.
second the “supreme court” is completw bunk and wholely compromised and will not turn out to be on the side of truth or justice when all the cards are played. it is another entrenched corrupt division of the “swamp” but really we know the real leaders of the swamp are the secret global societies.
the “supreme court of the united states” is a clowm chamber.
if i am wrong i am wrong but i am not trusting them.
anything we see as a win in courts or whatever during trump’s presidency is to calm us a litt.e and play the long game for them to get to 2020 elections. i hope i am wrong but my gut says do not trust anybody.


From the article:
‘The alleged victim says she’s coming forward to warn others.
‘”This is not healthy for me or my kids. No one should want their kids around this, especially with the pedophilia, that should be enough to say no I don’t want my kids around this,” she said.
‘The victims are now in the protective custody of the Department [of] Human Services. Sanders remains behind bars. Attempts to reach his public defender have been unsuccessful. The investigation is ongoing.’


Interesting. Nicki Hilton, Paris’ sister, married James Rothschild. Paris is a long-time friend of Rachel Chandler.
Chelsea Clinton and her husband were attendees.
Even more weird, Wilbur Ross, our Wolverine, attended.


I am not at all surprised to hear – no doubt Ross is well-acquainted with the Rothschild family. They probably all belong to many of the same orgs and societies, I would guess.

Molly Pitcher

That’s what’s hard to filter out when snooping around…what is normal social contacts for any given class especially the wealthy , the elites, hollywood, royalty.
They all live and socialize amongst each other at times. Plus it’s easy to assume something nasty about random pix of stuff that might offend us personally but most likely have nothing to do with sex trafficking or anything.


Sometimes, tho, you do just have to wonder about someone – I mean, some things just can’t be missed…..surely they had to at least know it was happening…..and not to do something or say something makes them at least partially complicit. Then again, one cannot discount the ignorance of people in general so….

Molly Pitcher

Yes to all of that. lol


Wilbur is a ladies man and so is Mnuchin – they’ve both been married, divorced and got themselves younger blonde arm ornaments.


why are we still trusting anyone that is in washington? none of them are good.
sessions, mattis, kelly, etc etc… how many were going to be by the president helping him through?
sometimes i even wonder about others to be honest and maybe all of us are getting taken for a ride that ends just where so,eone else wants it to end.
will we all go quietly?


Andrew, I’m not saying you’ve got anything wrong, but you sure seem to be nutritionally deficient in the fruit of the Spirit. I’ve got a lot of history saying that none of the bad stuff can be dealt with adequately on the material level. Jesus told us that it required some clean-up and a change of title (ownership) after darkness is evicted. Otherwise, the poor creature will get a major reinfestation seven times worse.Please take some deep breaths out in nature and allow your mind to recreate a little. Your input here is valued. Take good care of yourself!


i appreciate and respect your advice… what i have most trouble with is the apparent roumd and round we go with this stuff over the years. again, i am only in my 40’s so possibly i have not had enough time to fully release all my gut feelings and just trust and obey as the hymm goes. while i appear no nonsense here with a cutting edge of impatience, it is an observational standpoint of watching over and over how the evidence piles up and overwhelms us and we begin looking at things we have known anout and then forgotten does have an effect on me ans i am sure many others.
maybe it is because i know deep down the power we fight against, or that is fighting against us is mostly mysterious and unknown to so many…
i will take your advice and get some fresh air!
thanks t3 🙂


Watchmen often are lonely and there’s the danger. Poor Jonah got up quite a head of steam and forgot to ask for more of God’s heart for those poor Ninivites that didn’t know left from right. My best views from the 3rd Heaven are given when I am sleeping, but somehow it translates into my waking life okay. 🙂


very good point. and lonley not that we are hermits but there aren’t many people we know in real life feeling the same way! thanks again…


“A new study into Europeans’ most popular Google searches might elevate the Brexit debate to an even more awkward level. It turns out that our continental neighbours have some rather uncouth questions about Britain – and they’ve been taking to Google to search for the answers.
“Why are the English crybabies?”, the Portuguese apparently want to know. The Dutch wonder, “Why are the English so ugly?”. And “Why are the British so stupid?”, Germans are asking.comment image
The common answer to all those questions? Here it is….comment image
“Now WAIT just a gall-dern, cotton-pickin’, politically incorrect minute there, FG&C!”, I hear you saying. Well ladies, unclench your fists, and you gents unwad your panties. I have proof. Irrefutable proof.
You see, once upon a time in a life long ago there was a British comedy group that called themselves “Monty Python”. As you may know, this comedy group became famous by poking fun at their own culture and making up ridiculous comedy sketches about it. And not just TV, but movies, too. Who can forget “ Monty Python and the Holy Grail”?
Well, The comedy troupe Monty python isn’t around anymore but their legacy lives on, now in real life.
How? Peep this….
Yeah, you read that right. I’ll let BRIETBART take over from here….
“The traditional British bobby used to be a great source of quiet national pride: a country so peaceable and safe that all it needed to keep law and order were a few policemen armed with nothing but a truncheon, an avuncular demeanour and helmets like elongated tits on their head.
Not any more though. Especially not after the quite outrageous, ludicrous and nationally shaming incident this week in which British police actually investigated a journalist for “misgendering” a transsexual.
Misgendering is a word that barely deserves to be in the vocabulary, let alone on a police list of potentially criminal offences. It means using the wrong pronoun to refer to someone who has had a sex change. So, for example, if I decide to get the chop and call myself Jane Delingpole in order to enjoy the myriad advantages conferred these days on anyone claiming to be a member of the sisterhood, you’ll have to refer to me using the pronoun “she” – or you’ll face the full force of the law.
The mind boggles at how incredibly petty minded you’d have to be to report someone to the police for using an incorrect pronoun.“
Well, no Mr. Delingpole, that’s not what people are asking. They’re asking why are the British so stupid and ugly? And the reason they’re asking such question is precisely because of insane crap like this.
Yep, the UK has become a parody of itself, and the Monte Python crew are no longer laughing about it. Seriously, brits are so stupid and inbred they make this guy look like a member of Mensa, and I stand on that comment by the fact that their own police are investigating crimes of the misuse of pronouns!comment image


“911 what is your emergency?”
“Hi, yeah, this bitch just called me a “he”, and I”m a woman!”
“Excuse me, sir?”
“Wait….WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!?”comment image?itemid=4967446


comment image


Coming soon !
New York City already has mandated “sensitivity training” for “Gender identity” for all public workers.


So does CALIFORNIA! That was featured here and OT months ago!
Do we even know how reliable SearchLaboratory is, especially as it relies on Google data?

Molly Pitcher

This is screwed up. And it’s only ONE border city.
EL PASO, Texas – Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) plans to release as many as 600 immigrants a day on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, said Ruben Garcia, the executive director of Annunciation House.
Annunciation House is a shelter in South El Paso that works with ICE to house migrants seeking asylum while they meet up with sponsors or relatives elsewhere in the U.S.
Garcia says there as many as 400 churches in El Paso which could provide shelter, and help alleviate the problem of sheltering immigrants, mostly from Central America.
that woulds allow us to receive 8,000 refugees per week,” said Garcia.


As Sundance has pointed out, correctly IMHO, this immigration problem has turned into a huge money-making business. And until,so,etching is done about THAT….where it is no longer PROFITABLE….then….
Time to put some churches out of business.

Molly Pitcher

LOL sometimes it’s hell to be ‘woke’. Every institution that I thought was good is turning out to more corrupt that the next.


STOP THE BIG $$$$$$ GOVERNMENT GRANTS for Resettlement – and this will STOP!!!

Molly Pitcher

Seems pretty simple. If WE can see that why isn’t it stopped? Is it UN $$ or our money?

Gail Combs

Is there a difference???
The USA provides 22 percent of the entire budget.,down from nearly 40 percent of the budget for the UN. Remember there are 193 countries in the world today that are part of the UN.


annunciation house? wtf.
so this traitor envisions sweet delicious whords of beautiful refugees in his head. housed at churches before they can be released.
8000 x 52 = 416,000 per year through el paso alone is this guys dream?
multiply that by all the other border towns.
meanwhile your Department of HOMELAND SECURITY and the esteemed ICE is just letting them through no big deal.
we are done in this country. we have no control on anything.
meanwhile more taxes and fees for Gil and other califormia people, meanwhile more loss of a,erican rights in all our states, meanwhile we keep paying and paying…
i seem to see a pattern here.


‘we are done in this country. we have no control on anything.’
You’ve got President Trump. (Rome wasn’t built in a day. He will get there.)


i hear you – had a bad day at the office 🙂


Fair enough.



One of the comments/replies. HMM:


Well, there’s the connection between Chelsea Clinton and Nicki Hilton. Chelsea was at her 2015 wedding, and I wondered why.
Paris Hilton and Rachel Chandler were “besties” for many years. Rachel Chandler descends from this family, that is even more likely with this information.
Great find!

Pat Frederick

our FBI–the best and brightest–screw up again!
Individuals on the terrorist watchlist were approved to work at ports across the country because FBI agents did not understand the vetting process, the Justice Department inspector general said Thursday.


How about – don’t let terrorists near airports


i am sure this was just a few at the tipy top that screwed up and not the good old rank and file agents that we are stilll supposed to worship right?


HAVE TO DISAGREE – those are only a few forms of Democrat-leftist-approved slavery currently being conducted in the USA and around the world.
There are MILLIONS of black slaves and Christian slaves in Muslim countries.
Then there is the human/child trafficking going on inside this country and around the world.
Øbastard would not acknowledge – because he played favorites and Islam was his preference.
When the @%$#! left wants to talk reparations – bring up modern Islamic slavery and human trafficking and they will shut up!!!


Reparations? Terrific! My family’s ancestors fought on the Union side, to free slaves.
Please send your thank you note and my check to “xyz……….”

Pat Frederick
“We continue to uncover the mishandling of classified information in Hillary Clinton emails that she tried to hide or destroy. This is further evidence of the urgency for the DOJ to finally undertake a complete and legitimate criminal investigation,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Attorney General Barr should immediately order a new investigation of the Hillary Clinton email scandal.”
these were in her “yoga and wedding emails” she deleted–or thought she did…

Pat Frederick

crap…how did this get here? LOL sorry!

Gail Combs

Senator Burr’s direct ancestor MURDERED my direct ancestor! So yeah I want $$$ from Senator Burr.


Oh yeah, we need to settle!


My ancesters weren’t even here then. Where does that put my responsibility?


“White European=Guilt by Association”

Molly Pitcher
Cuppa Covfefe

That tweet is disturbing, but well worth reading. The links to Chandler, Hilton, Klintoons, etc.
LOTS of rabbit holes for the anons to dig into…
Lots of fit to hit the shan…

Molly Pitcher

Don’t bother clicking these linked instagrams if all this makes you sick. There one on there I can’t even comprehend..looks like an emaciated male teen but I swear it’s pregnant .

Molly Pitcher
Molly Pitcher

WOLF !!!!
Oh my gosh !!! help…I didn’t mean for that to show…can anyone delete??

Molly Pitcher

Thank you so much. Apologies all the way around


Why would a Mosque decide to open in a town/city called ChristChurch in the first place.
Just a thought….


Renaming it. Erasing history. The same way the crusades are misrepresented

Deplorable Patriot

I actually think the commies have considered all of us to be colonials for a long time.


get this – the guy attacked two mosques SUPPOSEDLY and was headed for a third.
why are there at least three and maybe more mosques in the freaking city on a tiny island????
that should activate the brain right there.


Hmmmmmmmmm…..interesting idea.


“… he was presented with his chair from Cabinet meetings.”


comment image


Time for Trump supporters to pull the plug on cable, TV ??????????????


Sorry wolfie… what is BOR ????

Harry Lime

Bill O’Reilly


Thanks Harry…


the time was many years ago.


THOSE EYES. It’s always the eyes. Bizarre.

A Fortiori

Did that today. Fox is toast.



Actually, McCain IS Pres. Trump’s political enemy, and that legacy lives on even though McCain is gone. He influenced countless RINOs against MAGA, his daughter defends him, and people are reluctant to say anything negative about one who has passed and they use his passing as an excuse. Yes, McCain is Pres. Trump’s political enemy, which means he is an enemy of what we all want accomplished.


mccains military service? what service? people still believe this crap that a veteran is to be honored and thanked for their service without question. mccain was a traitor a piece of shit and i want to know what really happened to him supposedly in prison.
eye patch there should shut his mouth.


my sincere apologies to those true heros who do and have served our country including my grandfathers who both served in ww2 and taught me what patriotism and true service was all about.
i also have two uncles who served in vietnam and neither one liked john mccain and thwy expressed this many years ago and i never understood until i got older.
i am not a hater i just do not believe in blind reverence


CAIR Is Not FInished with Judge Jeanine – Radical Muslim Group Is Out to DESTROY Her – Harasses Hospital to Rescind Award — DON’T LET THEM WIN!


Malkin is not going to shut up about TRAITOR McCain… THREAD

Lots of info in the comment section about his crimes… Ukraine not included, but his participation in that will be exposed shortly. I thought him a traitor long before President announced.



This guy is awful. Yes, I know he is an anti-Trumper through and through:


This is hilarious!


That’s really good. It helps to watch the upper right corner to see which Dem they’re referring to.


Thank yew!!! I was completely lost.

Plain Jane

TY cj, it is.


That was HILARIOUS!!! Thanks cj!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Deplorable Patriot

Being on the Q train is a hurry up and wait sort of experience. So while we’re waiting for the next drops, and “WE GOT ONE!” a la Annie Potts in Ghostbusters, here’s some background music.


Im going to be awol a few days. Kiddo’s croup turned into a bad cold. We went ti drop off homework this am and on return, I found my beagle dead in the backyard. Thank goodness my son wasnt the one, or for that matter, Mr. Gil. She wasnt feeling good but xrays a couple weeks ago didnt reveal anything. Just there, a lemon beagle in the green grass, last of the morning sun on her. Now its been raining ever since. She was beagle 6 in just under 5 years plus a cat that has died.
Im a bit unable to compute right now.
See yall in a few.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m sorry. That’s awful.

Molly Pitcher

So sorry Gil. That’s a lot of pain and anxiety for you.
Take care . xo

Plain Jane

So sorry for you loss Gil.


So Sorry! Prayers for you and family Gil!😢


Oh honey, Ms.Gil, I am so sorry.


So sorry for your loss, Ms. Gil and the Gil clan.


I’m so sorry for you loss! Prayers for you & family.


Prayers for you!! Sorry about your loss💔🐾


Oh, I am so sorry.
Praying for you.


Pedophilia, or paedophilia, is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Although girls typically begin the process of puberty at age 10 or 11, and boys at age 11 or 12, criteria for pedophilia extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13.
~ Wikipedia
Urban Dictionary: Minor Attracted Person/persons
Search domain Attracted Person/persons Attracted Person/persons
Minor Attracted persons or, MAPs is an umbrella term that includes all minor attracted persons instead of just pedophiles, the full list is, infantophile (someone who is attracted to infants under 5yo), pedophile (someone who is attracted to prepubescent children), hebephile (someone who is attracted to pubescent children), ephebophile (someone who …
Urban Dictionary: Minor Attracted Person
Search domain Attracted Person Attracted Person
Top definition Minor Attracted Person unknown Otherwise known as a pedophile, but a nicer way of saying it, it’s been made so clean of any filth actually associated with the term that a good handful of Tumblr users are actually not disgusted by them, just because the term sounds so much nicer like this.
Emphasis added:
BELIEVE IT… just as they seek to make it permissible for women to instruct their doctor to NOT TREAT/GIVE AID TO their born alive child because they don’t want the child… so they seek to make it permissible for adults to sexually assault children/minors because they lust after the child.
I mean… it’s all about attraction, right? Some adults prefer red-haired adults, some prefer attractive adults. Well, some adults are attracted to children.
Watch what’s happening. See something, do something. Talking about children being sexually assaulted is NOT about politics. Unpleasant or not, it has to be talked about with family and friends. It’s our children that are being harmed… IT”S FOR THE CHILDREN. TALK ABOUT IT !!!
It’s happening 24/7… all over the globe.


Don’t think it’s happening??comment imagecomment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Notice all the Monarchs flying away… MK…



Plain Jane

Want to laugh at this, but I still can’t because the nitwits will sell this shite to nitwits.


comment image

Plain Jane

That’s really good. TY PR.

Gail Combs

THAT should hang in EVERY high school class room!


” Christchurch mosque attack: Kiwis lose jobs for sharing massacre video at work ”
” Kiwi workers have been fired for watching the Christchurch shooter’s livestream at work and sharing it with colleagues.
That’s according to Cyber Research, which monitors internal computer use for around 50 companies – which include some of our biggest corporates.
At least one person has been fired for watching the video while other employees were around – while others have been let go for sharing it with workmates.
Founder Steve Byrne says many companies had three to five employees who’d looked up the video at work “

Molly Pitcher

This is crazy. We’re watching a country diving headfirst into totalitarianism in real time.

Molly Pitcher

For this! Yes an entire country subjugated for this~~ get used to wearing that hijab


I think employers will be able to get away with this because the employees were “at work”; i.e. they were supposed to be performing work-related duties.


PROOF that late-term abortions happen routinely for no medical reason. I went undercover and scheduled a 32 week abortion, saying that my husband would leave me and I couldn’t afford a baby on my own. They put me on the calendar in 2 business days, for $13,500. The abortion clinic worker assured Forbes that she could receive aid from New Mexico Medicaid.
Read More:


Oct. 17, 2017
Kevin Spacey Flew On Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ With Bill Clinton
The revelation surfaced following claims by actor Anthony Rapp that Spacey sexually assaulted him when he was a 14-years old.
While there is no evidence to suggest Spacey engaged in criminal activity while on board Epstein’s jet, his admission that he sexually assaulted a 14-year-old boy is sure to provoke further questions.
Spacey was on board Epstein’s private jet with Bill Clinton when it flew from JFK Airport into the Azores before the former President and the actor enjoyed a tour of Africa.comment image
According to Fox News, Epstein, “Allegedly had a team of traffickers who procured girls as young as 12 to service his friends on “Orgy Island,” an estate on Epstein’s 72-acre island, called Little St. James, in the U.S. Virgin Islands.”
Bill Clinton took at least 26 trips on the Lolita Express, a luxury jet fitted out with beds where prominent elitists allegedly had sex with young girls, ditching his Secret Service detail for 5 of those trips.
Clinton chose to continue his association with Epstein even after, according to the Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking, “everyone within his inner circles knew he was a pedophile.”

comment image
Spacey subsequently apologized for the incident, but deflected by making the story about how he was now living as a gay man.
The media dutifully obliged and the gravity of the sexual assault claim has been obfuscated to large extent by the press focusing on the House of Cards actor’s coming out as gay.
In 2008, financier Jeffrey Epstein, whose friends included some of the most powerful people on the planet, was convicted of soliciting an under-age girl for prostitution.


Chris Tucker was on that flight, too.comment image


he is a very interesting one as are all others involved with the clintons.
cursory google searches bring up stuff about him that seem innocullus but look further and patterns emerge.
wikipedia says he became a born again christian in 1997/98 so he refused to star in the “friday” movies after that. he is a good friend of bill clinton amd has made several overseas trips with him.
also a good friend of michael jackson (who may or may not be what everyone thinks he is bit juat saying…)
made a trip to South africa in 2001 with a us congressional delegation.
charity support:
American Foundation for AIDS Research
BrittiCares International
Chris Tucker Foundation
Clinton Foundation
Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation
US Doctors for Africa


in autumn 2017 he performed in Nasai, Bahamas according to ticketmaster sites although i cannot find that area only Nassau, Bahamas. regardless he was within easy flight distance of the epstein island at the time.
epstein island seems to be loosely in the us virgin islands which are a US territory.
“Previously known as the Danish West Indies of the Kingdom of Denmark–Norway, they were sold to the United States by Denmark in the Treaty of the Danish West Indies of 1916. They are classified by the United Nations as a Non-Self-Governing Territory, and are currently an organized, unincorporated United States territory. The U.S. Virgin Islands are organized under the 1954 Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Islands and have since held five constitutional conventions.
The last and only proposed Constitution, adopted by the Fifth Constitutional Convention of the U.S. Virgin Islands in 2009, was rejected by the U.S. Congress in 2010, which urged the convention to reconvene to address the concerns Congress and the Obama Administration had with the proposed document. The Fifth Constitutional Convention of the U.S. Virgin Islands met in October 2012 to address these concerns, but was not able to produce a revised Constitution before its October 31 deadline.”


The U.S. Virgin Islands are an organized, unincorporated United States territory. Although they are US citizens, US Virgin Islanders residing in the territory are ineligible to vote for the President of the United States. They are, however, eligible to vote if they become residents of mainland US states.
The US Democratic and Republican parties allow U.S. Virgin Islands citizens to vote in their presidential primary elections for delegates to the respective national conventions.
People born in the U.S. Virgin Islands derive their US citizenship from Congressional statute.
they are allowed to elect a delegate to the US house of representatives who is currently the brave Stacey Plaskett as some of you know.


I feel the need to watch this movie all of a sudden.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

2021 is the 2500th anniversary of that battle. Sometime in August or early September.


A Catholic priest was arrested in Texas and accused of groping a woman while administering last rites, a Catholic ceremony for church members nearing the end of life.
“Austin Police arrested Rev. Gerold Langsch and charged him with assault by contact stemming from the October 5, 2018 encounter,” according to CBS11.
The woman was in hospice care when the alleged encounter occurred.
“The woman, who is still alive, reported….
Read More:

Deplorable Patriot

Confession and now last rights. What is WRONG with these guys.

Molly Pitcher

I find this hard to swallow. I don’t believe it at first blush. She’s getting last rites but is cognizant and aware and now she’s all back to life and probably hoping for a payday ??
If the last part hadn’t been added..maybe but FFS, he’s going to try and stick his hand in a diaper?
I’d check this lady for prior scams

Deplorable Patriot

Of course, there are false accusations. This is the first I’ve heard of this sacrament being so desecrated.


Good LORD!


The Los Angeles Police Department has opened a criminal and internal affairs investigation into allegations that the president of the Los Angeles School Police Management Association, P.J. Webb, molested an underage boy between 1994 and 1995. The LASPMA is a registered labor union for school police officers.
Read More:


Buh Bye Felecia!… I mean Kamala!!!


The Archdiocese of Omaha has invited a strong supporter of abortion and homosexuality to speak at a Catholic Church event in June, and many Catholics are not happy.
“Jesuit-educated comedian Jim Gaffigan leverages being Catholic in his comedy routines, leading some to hold him up as a model of faithful Catholicism. His having performed for Pope Francis at the 2015 World Meeting of Families in Philadelphia is used to plug him as Catholic as well…And while Gaffigan is largely regarded as a clean comic, Catholics are taking issue with the archdiocese booking for its June 8th ArchOmaha Unite event a celebrity who publicly identifies as Catholic while also diverging from Catholic teaching on homosexuality,” according to Life Site News.
So, why is the Catholic Church hosting someone (for the second time) who promotes the complete opposite of what it’s supposed to stand for?
The comedian not only supported the Women’s March, which avidly promotes abortion on demand with no limits, but he also indoctrinates his five young children that homosexuality is something to be praised. Two concepts that are far from okay with the Catholic Church – supposedly.

Deplorable Patriot

The apostates are really giving it their all. And here some of us thought the St. Gallen group was dying out. No, the fruits of their labors are trying to make a joke of the Faith and all She stands for.

” New Zealand mass shooting now being used to justify banning all chat boards, consolidating speech in the hands of the “authoritative” media giants ”
” Whatever the case may be, Tarrant’s actions are already spurring Leftist jackboots into a frenzy over online free speech, including in New Zealand where the 4chan message board is now completely blocked from view. Internet users who attempt to access the site from a New Zealand-based IP address are greeted with the message: ”
“The URL has been blocked for security reasons.”


He loves what he does.


This tweet has all kinds of funny in it! Tiger Trump McCain🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Cuppa Covfefe

NoName McShame probably got all those votes from his partners in flames, the Deadmocrats…

Molly Pitcher

Home Office refuses Christian convert asylum by quoting Bible passages that ‘prove Christianity is not peaceful’
I canNOT believe this is happening..but it is

Deplorable Patriot

What in the h-e-double hockey sticks is going on.


What the he$$ are they doing?


Following that line of reasoning all the ROP should be shown the door then.
However the convert from the ROP could possibly have been saying what he thought they wanted to hear just to help his case .


Executive decision.
The left is crazy, 18 months before an election, and we know they will only get worse.
I’m gonna LMAO when President Trump is re-elected and 11 blue states have to give their electoral votes to Trump!

Deplorable Patriot

That thought did cross my mind that the states doing the popular vote thing were cutting their noses off despite their face.


Abe Lincoln was elected by electoral college, didn’t win popular vote.
For the Dems — What if the Dem had won that election and we still had slaves?
Cuz it was the Repub Party who freed them!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That popular vote thing ONLY takes effect once states totaling over 270 EVs have passed it. At that point, the popular vote winner takes the presidency automatically


Hey STEVE!!!
Frankly, I think the whole idea is stupid and is going nowhere fast.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It is stupid.
That doesn’t mean it isn’t going somewhere, though.


The whole point of this drill is to find a way to ‘legalize” voter fraud/ election rigging, along with various other measures such as lowering the age to vote, allowing convicted felons to vote, etc., as it will get tougher to steal elections using the same illegal methods that they have gotten away with in the past.
They never thought she would lose.
They didn’t cheat good enough last time. They MUST find a way.

Disney Echo

From the Great Awakening group on Gab:
Cyndi Hollandbeck @MooseJive Great Awakening
a minute ago
“There are almost 500,000 users on right now! The truth is spreading!
#WWG1WGA #QAnon”

Disney Echo

BYW, here’s a link to that Great Awakening group:


Gorka has great article on No Name


Crenshaw has be educated by the comments.


Very Very TRUE!!!


“Information warfare is every bit as taxing as physical combat”
And Geddes knows this how, exactly?
A: Never having seen even 5 seconds of actual, physical combat, he doesn’t, and he is talking out of his ass the same way so many armchair warriors are prone to do. Indirectly, this jackass is attempting “stolen valor” from actual combat vets, attempting to elevate himself to their level, equating the fear and disappointment of “information warfare” with the death, dismemberment, and/or lifelong disabilities of REAL combat.
It’s stupid, pathetic, weak, and massively ignorant. Worst of all, it is incredibly insulting to real warriors.
Lemme know when this wimp Geddes risks losing an eye, or worse, like Ben Crenshaw did….to say nothing of both his legs, or a lung, or his very life, as so many others have.
God but I hate stupid, and this is liberal retard level stupid.


Oops!! Sorry to rile ya up FG&C.. You are right–It’s not the SAME–
I didn’t read that as trying to EQUATE with actual Military–
I read as What Wolfie and others have posited here–That the battle for Information and for our minds is REAL!
Please accept Mea Culpa…


I don’t know Wolfie!! My late nite blogging is a bit physically taxing ! 😜🤣🤣🤣


PS – Marica, none of this is directed at you, only the IT geek who thinks he knows what real combat is because he’s played 1,000 hrs of Xbox sitting on his sofa in his mom’s basement.comment image


Where did you get that old photo of me? I miss that green suit.


This is a thread by Sarah Ruth Ashcroft in response to Q’s posts last night. Sarah was trafficked and abused as a child.


It’s been going crazy all day, Marica. It’s now up to 585,308.


WOW!!! I wonder what the Magic # is? Or if there is one…

Deplorable Patriot

Naturally as a Missourian, I read that as “Ashcroft.” I’ve had my problems with the clan, but never anything criminal in nature.


Linda! Thanks for posting that thread…SO SO sad😢😢

Deplorable Patriot

That was a stunning read. Unbelievable.


Yeah, I’ve followed her for awhile. She knows a lot about these predators. I hope she is being very careful.


Just a guess, Linda that she is protected…


I am lost. I don’t have much of a clue on Standard Hotel and the Island, other than the obvious child sex trafficking angle. Is there is good summary out there for us new to the story?
Also, I don’t understand how the photo of the girl holding the solar eclipse box with the baby held high to her right is relevant? The photo isn’t in itself a problem, right? It’s just that the girl holding the box is one of the young females that was abused at the Standard Hotel, right?


Chimpy…Go up thread and read What Linda posted–the Thread from Laura Ashcraft…Explains the solar eclipse box …
Google The Standard Hotel… THey have quite frightening websites (3 different locations)
That’s a good start…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

He read the thread. And so did I. I too have no clue what the relevance of the solar eclipse box was.
In fact the whole thing was puzzling, as if I was supposed to just see meaning behind the words somehow. I had no context.


From the comments on twitter


My summary:
Last night, Q posted a series of photos found on Rachel Chandler’s Twitter page. They were disturbing, some of them are of children in awful, compromised situations.
Sarah Ruth Ashcraft was triggered by the photos, as one of them was of her. She had recollections of what had happened to her a year or so after this photo was taken, when she was taken by her uncle to San Diego. There, she was locked in a room, and sold for sex.
She knows the significance of the baby being held up to the solar eclipse. I don’t know what it is; I can’t find reference to it. But for these people, who knows? There was likely some ritual aspect to it.
This woman knows that these photos would likely be EXTREMELY triggering for anyone who was abused in the same way she was. She thinks they will feel confused, scared, and may even have physical symptoms. I, personally, can testify to the truth of that. I repressed ALL memory of my abuse, until it started coming back in flashbacks. This was triggered by my own daughter reaching the age when my abuse began. The flashbacks and nightmares were terrifying until I dealt with it.
The last Q-post of yesterday was the FBI tip line. Sarah has contacted them, and she is asking others to do the same. This woman is INCREDIBLY brave. Please pray for her.


Thanks Aubergine!! I can “understand” but not good at explaining!! You Explain Great!!! 😘


Thanks, Marica!


Yes to all.


Wow. Sorry to hear of your painful history, Aubergine. Thanks for explaining.
Your daughter is blessed to have you protecting her.


Thanks, Steve. You are correct. Read the thread and still confused.


That poor woman.
I can’t imagine. Abuse by a family member is bad enough, but to be sold?
Just sickening.


Thanks for posting this Linda…powerful statements from Sarah and it inspires hope that these who were abused as children will be given recognition for their part in speaking truth to power…assisting the shift where the hunters become the hunted! From others I have followed, it seems a whole big group of them are now a recognized power to pull back the curtain….

Deplorable Patriot

Fox News’ New Liberal Lineup: Megyn Kelly to Replace Judge Pirro
Anyone know if this is a satire site? If not, yeah, I’m just going to go out on Saturday night.


I don’t know if it’s a satire site, but it would be how to kill a cable news network in one fell swoop. On top of the outrage from viewers, FOX would be taking out a pro-Trump host and replacing her with one who tried to take him out of the first campaign debate. It might not be true, but it would not surprise me if it were.





Wolf’s comment about certain phrases was so important (IMHO) that I decided to take action on other threads and social media sites. Wolf is keenly aware of the situation behind the scenes and his advice is sound. It bares repeating. Here’s what I posted.
Heads up, Trumpers, this is important. Need your help, please.
We have been made aware of certain algorithms across social media which are targeting the words “! ynching” or “ki !! ing” of any kind.
Remember the Bill sponsored by Kamala and Corey Booker on ! ynching? And how it was timed for the Jussie Smollett hoax?
The left is trying to make our side appear violent. They roll out these plans and it fits their style, one action, on top of another, to make our side appear “as evil or wrong or violent”.
They’re trying to paint a narrative and we know how the left loves to focus on specific vocabulary.
Okay, we can play that game as well.
Please, don’t give them anything, at least not until this phase passes. Not even as a joke. Misspell the words if you have to. Of course, I understand, no one here would harm a fly. I get it.
Are we clear?
Do we all understand the game which is being played?
Let’s win the game.
Okay, good.
Now, PLEASE, spread the word.


Excellent pro-active move Miss D!


Hey, Wolf is the General, I’m following orders.
I’m a good soldier!


Yes you are!! Hugs Daughn!!


I think _anging was the specific word used that resulted in a ban.
They also have algorithms for Trump, ‘Merican, cross, bible, christian, God, Jesus etc.

Facebook blocked the White House Director of Social Media and Assistant to the President, Dan Scavino Jr., from commenting on Facebook … flagged him as a bot
I would never intentionally use any word or language or any kind to bring the hammer to this site… thought I was clear about what is verboten, but I’m not, which is why I will be bringing tweets here… not actually commenting.


You haven’t done anything wrong. Would be sad to miss out on your commentary. Wolf made it very clear in January 1 post why we have to avoid certain specific discussions (violence is big no no, even if others would understand it was venting). Please keep commenting!


I gain a lot from your posts. Please do not silence your own voice. We need you.


Thank you These Truths…
You too t3…
did any of us ever think the world would come to this?


Looks like it is time to arrange a virtual group hug. Not that I am into that but it is clearly needed.
As to the direction the world is headed. Down hill is the trend. But we have lost control of the avenues of communication. Both MSM and social media. Without that, we cannot counter the ignorance of the left.


yes – thank you, Phoenix.


Phoenix, my apologies if I have offended you.
Check Wolf’s post up thread for clarity.
Never intended to offend.


Are we seriously doing this??
A few rhetorical questions…..
1.When did we start playing the game by their rules?
2. What difference will it make, when they are going to make those accusations regardless of what we say or don’t say?
3. When did anyone win against communists by trying to play by their rules??
4. Wouldn’t people who deserve to ( ) love nothing better than to scare people into never using that word??
5. And, once they’ve been successful with one word, what stops them with that one word and prevent them from choosing others they don’t like?? Where does it stop??
That all asked, I will comply…..under protest for the aforementioned reasons. See #2 again.

Molly Pitcher

Whut? Next thing ya know “they’ll” be quoting our sites pointing out how dumb we are and can’t spell.
Is this a thing on blog sites or just twitter?


If we don’t play by the rules, we may find our sanctuary gone…
CANNOT HAPPEN… will make us all sad.


I shall comply, also, fgandc, but I wonder the same thing. If they are successful with one word,or two, or five, or ten, it will never end until we are totally supressed. It starts incrementally. Drip drip drip. People get used to it until little by little you are in a box. Makes me think of the Skinner box.


Please read Wolfie’s BLAZING post upthread.
It’s focused on a few key words, only, and easy to defeat.
It’s a new thing and probably a phase.


We all know “where this stops”. Unfortunately.

Gail Combs

Actually I think it is a bit late considering all the angry expessed OT and other places by Deplorables over the lack of Justice in the USA.
It does not matter that conservatives are much more polite. WE do not have ‘Free Speech’ Only THEY have free speech and more. Rap Sheet: ***639*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters


This one is new, though, and easy to defeat.
Specifically connected to Smollett working and the NZ stuff.
It’s a word game.
Overall, I completely agree with you.


You’re right about all if it, Daughn, To all here; had kind of a shock this evening. I sent an email through Yahoo to a friend regarding a post I saw which I forwarded about a dinner with Nellie and Bruce Ohr and the head prosecutor on the Queen’s privy council right before the Trump Tower episode, if I am remembering correctly. Anyway, in the body of my email, I described it as–wait for it–a “bombshell” and I got blocked by yahoo, and they said it broke yahoo policy–at first could not figure out why–and it was a 550 error or something like that, and it was, of course, totally innocent on my part, and it felt very chilling. I guess some would just laugh about it, but it was a feeling I had never experienced of being really censored, and not by Sundance, either, and the other chilling part was that it said “postmaster” on it. I would like to know how many others here have had messages actually blocked in this way, not a simple error as if something had been missent or a simple glitch.



The UK has gone crazy. What the heck?


Thank you for the good counsel, Wolfie. I prefer to remain encouraged by what you say here after having had a bit of a shock. Despite what some of his detractors say, Trump is smart about these things.


Sing – now that’s interesting and a confirmation. They’re channeling us. We can defeat that barrier by choice of words.
Very, very interesting.


Daughn, thank ou for your comments. You are appreciated.


I haven’t experienced this Zoe…However, I can Absolutely see how that would indeed be chilling for you! Scary stuff!!
I think Wolfie is being EXTRA cautious right now as BLACK HATS KNOW WE (TRUMP) KNOW!! And are desperate!! Could get worse BEFORE it gets better. Hugs Dear ZOE!!!


Thank you, sweet Marica. I keep thinking about war letters being censored during World War II, and that was truly necessary, but this is very different, and I’ve just never experienced it. Thank you for understanding. Hope Daughn is right, and it is a phase.


Zoe– Daughn is seriously almost ALWAYS right!! Take it to the bank!! And I mean this with absolute respect!! But stay alert!! I am glad you told us about this ! Stay safe Zoe!!–I plan on meeting you in person one day!!!


Love you, Marica. I, too, have a lot of confidence in Daughn. I’m going to be weighing my words, and it just doesn’t feel right in the land of the free and the home of the brave. I feel it’s the N.Z. thing, I mean, that’s an excuse, the pretext for what they are doing. They needed a pretext.


Yup! and the kids in the burning BUS!! That pissed off Q!!! Love you too darlin!!!


Oh, please on’t say I’m almost always right. High bar.


I said “Almost”!!! My dear Daughn!! You are super smart and really Interesting and definitely STREET SMART!! You Always give us the HOPE we need!! and the great stories to keep us calm and laughing and Based!! Rockin it girl! Zoe (And Me) need you to keep believing in your Genius!! 😘


We will be targeted for commenting on anything Q for that matter. I will honor the request because I am screwed anyway based on my choice of websites


I’m seeing it across FB too, lot of weird censoring going on after the NZ thing and Smollet. It has to be a phase.
There’s more than one way to skin a cat, however.
And we’re going to talk about Q.


Wolfie!! This is 1st time I have heard of this…Fake News?

Gail Combs

Q!!mG7VJxZNCI 2019-03-20T18:24:35.000Z
Did both of HUSSEIN’s parents learn ‘RUSSIAN’?
Is ‘RUSSIAN’ a common language to learn?
Think then.
Think now.
[Think Nellie Ohr]
The Cold War.


Gail!!! Oh yeah!! Hellooo Q Drops!! So many lately I cannot keep up!! Thank Q!!


Knew he was KGB when he made that “Tell Vlad” comment when he thought he was off mike. But wow, to see it verified by Q. Just wow.


Marica, I found original article on “Russian Official:” here says they have Fife’s vids but they’ve disappeared.
As Qanons say, I can’t find ‘sauce’ for it.


oohhh Thanks Phoenix!! Paging “real sauce”! Reading that original article is Quite Scary!! 😱😱 Thank GOD for President Trump!!

Sylvia Avery

Good heavens, I’ve been busy trying to meet a deadline for project so haven’t been able to take time to get online.
I groaned when I saw how many Q drops I have missed! It will take me forever to get caught up, and I won’t even get to start until tomorrow. Oh well, by then I can read the Cliff’s Notes version, I guess.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The “Too Long; Didn’t Read” on this one is, “Git yer shovel!!”


Seems the attempt to burn 51 children alive in Italy prompted a major Q dump (much already covered over a year ago) about elites and child abuse.

Gail Combs

I do not think the attack in Italy was the reason.
I think one reason for the dump is the photos trigger hidden memories such as those revealed by thread by Sarah Ruth Ashcroft in response to Q’s posts. She was trafficked and abused as a child.

Be aware of your surroundings.
See something.
Say something.

Gail Combs

Slacker. 🤓

Sylvia Avery

You say the sweetest things! <3

Molly Pitcher
SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Isn’t Cassandra assuming that Meghan would even manage to stay employed at Starbucks?

Molly Pitcher

lol that is assuming quite a bit. It would be a hard switch from sitting on yo azz and gossiping an hour a day to slinging coffee for 8hrs

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Oh, but I’m sure she works much harder than that, an hour in the green room being made up, and, what, a staggeringly burdensome 5 minutes of show prep.


Ohhh, you are good, Steve.

Molly Pitcher

On that See Something Say Something deal…We see terror training camps. OAN reported on the camps…

Gail Combs

It has been ‘known’ for over a decade by the Shrub abd FBI DID NOTHING! Even after 9/11
There were some good sites documenting Islamberg a while ago but I can no longer find any but this:


Gail, I remember when those compounds/communities were first exposed. I was shocked!
The property in Dover, TN seems to lie right along a power line easement. If you follow the easement for a little over 7 miles east, you’ll find yourself at the TVA’s Cumberland Fossil Plant, a plant that produces more power than any other plant in the TVA system.
Go 12 miles northeast from the encampment and you’ll run into Fort Campbell, home of the Army’s 101st Airborne Division as well as a couple of Special Forces units.
A leader of the Dover compound was a radio dispatcher for a local police department. (Martin Mawyer, Twilight in America) Several residents of the compound are employed as baggage handlers at the Nashville airport.
There are a number of trailers visible. The road they are on is not labeled, but all of the addresses were located on Dreamwood Lane which is the next road over, which just has one structure.
Here are a couple of articles and they have links inside the articles to other articles:
Two possibly three terrorist camps have been discovered in Dover, Paris and Shelbyville TN.
The three camps in TN are intertwined with a string of other camps, some say as many as 37, scattered throughout rural America, maybe more.
Muslims of America claim 107 business entities or charities in America according to the IRS, which leads one to think many more terrorist camps are on the way or are yet to be discovered.
The camps have a common theme. They are linked to one person, one terrorist group. They are a tight network tied to Sheikh Mubarrack Al Gilani, Muslims of America and Jamaat Al Fukra.
Gilani has know associations to Al-Qaeda. He has also trained jihadists to fight against the Soviets in Afghanistan during the 1980s. Gilani attended a 1993 jihadist conference in Sudan along with members of Hamas, Hezbollah and Osama bin Laden himself.
You may have heard of Gilani because of his close association to the murder of an American journalist Daniel Pearl. After investigating US terrorist camps Pearl was invited by Sheikh Gilani to interview him in Pakistan. On his way to the interview with Gilani in 2002 he was brutally murdered. The sheikh denies any involvement in Pearl’s killing. This is the person in charge of all the known terrorist training camps in the USA and up to 3 camps in Tennessee. This terrorist Sheikh has reportedly made many trips to TN to “break bread” with his camp leaders.
Gilani runs the group from Lahore, Pakistan. He is also a former member of the Pakistani military.His father was one of the founding fathers of Pakistan and he has great connections to Pakistani intelligence, the ISI.
Gilani is the founder of Muslims of America which serves as a cash cow for Gilani and Jamaat Al-Fuqra. Gilani runs all these camps in America and Canada. Individual “Captains” run each of the camps.
So what does all this mean and why should there be concern these compounds exist? Because, irregardless of their peaceful, coexist, public persona, they privately are following a leader who calls for jihad to the enemies of Islam. Residents of Islamville in Dover have also lived, or are living, at the headquarters address, which is Roods Creek Rd in Hancock NY.


Judy, this is so packed with info imo worthy of its own separate post. Incredible this has been allowed to happen in our country.


Yes, it really was a wake up call when I first saw it. The lady who owned the business next door to my office lives in Dover. Few people knew it was there until a newspaper article that I could not readily access and the Nashville CBS Affiliate TV station had a 2 part report that was “credited” for some destruction to a mosque near Nashville and that may be the reason they are not readily accessible.


More I don’t remember # links allowed in each comment so am separating info….
Regional Organized Crime Information Center
Muslims Taking Over a Small Town in Tennessee

Part 15: The Third Jihad – Islamberg
For the full film:
Published on Apr 28, 2009
The Demographics exhibited in this video are alarming.
There were 100,000 Muslims in America in 1970
There are 9,000,000 Muslims in American now.
Our Grandchildren will be overrun by Muslims, Sharia Law, Abuse of Women, etc.
In most continents on earth, it is already too late to turn the tide of the Muslim population explosion.
Short of Divine Intervention, and Christian believers sharing the gospel, our planet will be overrun in no time.


Nine links are the limit, Judy.
I usually stop at 8, to be on the safe side.


Thanks Wheatie! I’ll put that in my “Q Tree Cheat Notes” where I’ve put other things WM shared earlier. I failed to put this one in there.


You’re very welcome, Judy!
And thank you for all the great info you bring and share with us!


It is so amazing how much now is just a rerun of what we were shock about 10 years ago…


video was almost 10 years ago and here we are watching it just now and womdering whats happened to our country. they have 12 year headstart and full support of our government backed by the global cabal.


Chilling isn’t it…..but we’ve been busy with all the bread and circuses which is also by design…



oops, got so upset reading, forgot to say tweets part of a THREAD…


Fox News hires Donna Brazille as a political analyst, Paul Ryan to sit on it’s board of directors, and Joe Biden’s senior aide to be it’s DC lobbyist.
PDJT isn’t going to be getting any help from Fox News in 2020.
But then, this should’ve been anticipated, given who runs Fox News now (see video below).


Hannity and Tucker need to resign now. Then rejoin with the Judge on OAN.
Fox dies. Simple.

Harry Lime

Being a big film noir fan I hate the fact that this deviant is using that name considering Raymond Chandler is one of my favorite authors from that period of crime fiction (mostly the 1940’s). That being said , one of Chandler’s most successful novels that was adapted to film, The Big Sleep, is primarily about a secret pornography ring, blackmail, and of course, m*rder in various forms…comment image
…’tis unfortunate I guess…


So……OT SD is saying it’s gonna be Creepy Joe.
And I can’t disagree….unless Creepy Joe went to Epstein’s Island. Remember, SD thinks Q is a LARP.

Gail Combs

What is it’s gonna be Creepy Joe?


No. 1. the Uranium scandal is going to put Creepy Joe in gitmo.

Molly Pitcher

I hope so but his creepiness is going to also turn a lot off.


Wow, didn’t see that one coming.

Harry Lime

Biden tries to bring a little bit of Epstein Island to the Capitol building every chance he gets…I’m sure you’ve seen the videos.


A handful of leading Democrat donors recently told former Vice President Joe Biden that they would not raise early-stage campaign funds for him if he were to run for president in 2020, according to a report.
According to CNBC, several donors declined Biden’s request to bundle campaign contributions due to their skepticism regarding whether the 76-year-old establishmentarian could survive a bruising Democrat primary.

Molly Pitcher

just like the NZ ‘event’ this for sure without a doubt spontaneous letter is written
a) by a girl (females are the only ones to listen to now)
b) repeats the narrative…white supremacist , blah blah
c) muslims victims again cause nobody cares
d) Jacindo is a hero for plunging her country into mass repression
e)Start the groundswell for the nobel peace prize that will no doubt be amplified into the stratosphere soon
f) the FF continues

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I personally have been burned too often to believe any date coming out of Q (or people riding coincidences hard and putting them away wet) at this point.


I definitely Agree Steve– But I really like the D-day tie in!! 😉
ps– Here’s your mind grater back! So I took so long to return it🤣🤣 Too much Creepy lately!!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I got so tired of waiting (those doggone creeps!) I bought another one.


So Can I keep it? 😍 I promise to share!!😉

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’d be grate!


you haven’t lost it Steve !


HA! 😘


And one other thing to remember….
D-day wasn’t V-E day….it was only the beginning of the end….and there were a LOT of close calls and by-the-skin-of-our-teeth victories in between the two.
In fact, given this, I maintain that anyone with a true, REAL depth of knowledge, understanding, and contextual insight re: 1944-1945 cannot help BUT believe there is a God…
…beginning with the fact that the Allies had to overcome the stupidity and narcissistic ego of one Bernard Montgomery, to say nothing of the Nazis.


Agreed. This last countdown pissed me off.
I like reading Q. Gives me hope. But, if there’s one thing I wish that Q would stop doing… its countdowns to nothing.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA



The President would not invite you to a big July 4th party in his back yard without something to celebrate.


Spab!! YES!! And he wouldnt want All his Deplorable Supporters to come to a SWAMP!!!😉


Indeed! Nice notable, Spab, very nice.


Time for the tar and feathers ????????????
“…one of the most corrupt and vile things to have ever happened to the American political system.”

Molly Pitcher

welp, since it’s been scientifically determined thaat white people breathing is polluting minorities, can a caucasion breath tax be far behind?


Excellent. I can’t imagine most of the students not being aware of the scam, and they need to be held accountable.
Several articles have said how devastated Lori Loughlin is, and that her daughter Olivia Jade is going to “lay low” for a while. But there was not a word about contrition for what they did, or any apologies. I understand that they might not want to say anything until the legalities are completed, but it makes them look as if they’re sorry they got caught but not sorry for what they did.


Right These Truths…
It appears they’ll lose any credits they earned… which they should. They were ‘trespassing’, taking someone else’s rightful place, actually.


Yes, it’s honest services fraud.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If we are waiting for the general public to become aware of things…we’ve got a LONG wait ahead of us still.
I spoke to a lifelong conservative last night who had never heard of Q, never heard of Epstein. He largely watches Fox. If fox isn’t covering it, then no one else with an audience over a few hundred thousand is covering it either. (A few hundred thousand is very roughly 0.1 – 0.2 percent of the US population–i.e., effectively zero.)
It would appear that only a minuscule percentage of the US population has heard about any of this stuff; and we’re in an echo chamber and only THINK this is becoming well known because we hear people talking about it all the time.

Molly Pitcher

I can attest that. Another place I go is a nice MAGA crowd but no matter what crazy things me and a couple others share and with links…………….if Fox pundits don’t say it…lalalalalalalalalala. Don’t get me wrong they hear what we say but it just doesn’t necessarily register as the righteous MOAB it should.


Steve– Read this!! I think it will make you feel better about The Plan and PDJT going on Offense (McStain)

Gail Combs

“….A few hundred thousand…..”
There are more than a few hundred thousand. The Utubes I have watched are fairly high in #. Also if Q and such were so little known there would be little reason to CENSOR!
Just the fact they have been banning people and Censoring accounts means they think Q is a problem. And it is not just Q. They tried to supress the Tea Party and it came back and bit them in the Rump. Those Tea Party people are ‘Woke’ and paying attention.
As far as Fox is concerned Dan Bongino is now on Fox and has been doing guest spots every week for ages. So ‘Spygate’ has been geting out.


We’re at point (4.2, 2) on this graph, where y axis = # of people who follow Q and the x axis = time.
A year from now the proverbial shoe-shine boy will be asking you if you’ve heard of Q.comment image

Harry Lime

Johnny wouldn’t know anything about it…


No, they’re not waiting for edification of Americans wrt things we are discovering. Yesterday a poll was released indicating 51% of Americans believe SC is a witch hunt/support POTUS, believe he is clean. This is the percentage and higher they are seeking before the FISA documents are released. these documents will themselves indict the DIMs. Now comes the UK/EU requesting US wait until Brexit is resolved before releasing these documents as they will indicate the involvement of UK Gov’t and possibly May herself. So, I think they are asking for a stall until at least after March 29th…
This is what so many of us don’t grasp in our impatience. No. 1, Q would NEVER give a specific date to us … does one show their poker cards? Q gives dates to troll Cabal, to throw them off their game, to make them use their ammo, etc. No. 2 No plan is immune to outside events… Brexit for instance.
No, we have to remain vigilant and patient. Things are happening 24/7, we simply aren’t paying enough attention.


Totally Agree Phoenix!!! I used to get worried about this not playing out–But for at least 2-3 months, I’m good. In God’s time, in Trumps time, AT THE RIGHT TIME. JUSTICE WILL COME. PAIN IS COMING!


not sure if you heard but just tonight the EU agreed to postpone until Mid April…


51% against SC, Theresa May/Brexit, spend their ammo — makes perfect sense.


I thought I read earlier that there were over 500K on the QResearch board at the moment.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And that is less than 0.2 percent of America.


Yes and it is about 10X more than were watching a Trump rally in 2016. The result is Trump is President and that 50K audience turned into 63M votes.


i will dox myself here if i havent already – but this is possibly my greatest fear steve. i have also never met anyone in person that has heard of q or mentioned them and most people i know even ardent conservatives and hard core christians still think the system will right itself and laugh off or not take seriously the situation going on. i mean how many people here talk about false f’s to their criends and family and have the nerve to say sandy hook or parkland or vegas?
when i was just the wacky conspiracy guy for 30 years i could stomach it that people did not know better.
with the events since 2015 and especially the apparent awakenkmg in earnest i started to get some hope people would find out.
lets say 10 million people believe hard core about q… i mean thats a push for sure … but even then that is less than the amount of illegal aliens in the country right now.
if people say the thought has never crossed their mind then i would say they have way more faith than i. but i have a hard time thinking this stuff went on for so long and all of a sudden in 18 months an online poster on an obscure site has gathered an army that can defeat a centuries old foe.
i know this sounds blasphemous from me – and i certainly will never stop believing amd hoping bit it was something that i believed and hoped for way before there was a q involved so that is what scares me the most. that we are appearing to be so close but are we actually far away and THEY can compartment us and herd us up.
so theres my confession.


I think the hope is that events will happen — like declassification — to show people what is going on beyond any doubt. Irrefutable proof of crimes committed by the Clintons, Obama, other influential politicians, Hollywood, etc., will wake people up and change the way things are done. Maybe the more who believe Q the better, but it doesn’t require their believing Q first. Preparation for hearing about crimes against humanity would probably help, and I guess it’s our job to spread the word. Q has to be aware that he is preaching to the choir with his posts. I do see signs of more believers all over the world over time, though.


i agree about declass but we hace to get there. waiting for mueller or brexit etc is not goimg to stop them from reacting. and furher we are again saying “after you…no i insist after you” in a way. if they never walk through the door will we be holding it open for how long?
it is not the people in this country pulling the strings – it is global powers under the suface that even us seasoned conspiritory people only dream about understanding. the rabbit hole of all rabbit holes. this epstein stuff is only a tiny fraction.
while we so see and hear and know there are q people in other various counties it is the united states that steve was talkong about, as was i. there are 350+ million people here.
it is going to be the biggest takedown in history or its going to be a squabble in the streets or some of us will end up arrested or disappeared for our beliefs. i am not sure what is going to happen. but i am hoping for the best.


Oh, Andrew, I’ll take Door # 1 – The biggest takedown in history! Remember the Saudi purge in 2017?
Saudi Arabia has detained hundreds of people, including members of the royal family, in a landmark “anti-corruption” purge led by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. What is motivating this game of thrones in the House of Saud and what are its implications for the kingdom and the region? Those are just some of the questions addressed by Middle East veteran observer and expert Aaron David Miller in this edition of Wilson Center NOW.


trust me i am ready for the big bang here! 🙂


Thank you. Be easy and at rest. Remember…3%…that’s all it takes. I haven’t done the math and am so far behind, HERE, that I simply cannot crunch numbers.
But…3%. Let’s all remember that.
People I greatly respect are fighting back against Q, what we know, etc. These are people who find it very tough to be wrong. They are the classic folks that Dave Hayes, PM, told us about some time ago in his first dream about you know who…he (Dave) was being led into situations and retrained, so to speak, to see the truth about so much that he (Dave) thought he knew.
People like my friends, whom I respect, will rejig the narrative in their own minds, once they see they have been wrong, but they will come out on the right side, because ultimately they are patriots (and some of them have suffered greatly in the cause of liberty).
And we are not better than they, because we see more clearly now than they. No, because Where we go ONE, we go ALL, but we do not all arrive at the same time.


was that 3% number inspired by gideo vs middianites? judges 7


gideo = gideon
either way judges 7 holds a pretty cool story!


Thanks for the reminder. I do not really know…History sites record that only 3% fought the Revolutionary War. The Oathkeepers remind us of the 3%, in their emblems. But the biblical story provides a firm foundation for the principle of fielding the committed.
I wonder if the fighting anons, worldwide, might be roughly 3% of the WW population?


Thanks Roberta for the 3%…really important….there are pivotal moments in my “learning about things I never knew existed and really didn’t want to believe they did” where my eye rolls became closed eyes with tears running down my face. That inspires in me a sort of gentleness with measuring how much friends and family can “hear” before they tune me out. We are all at different levels of understanding about many subjects that turn out to be pure evil…and I believe we have a responsibility to share what we have learned with others to inspire in them a desire to learn more if that makes any sense…I realize I’m rambling now….❤❤❤


your ramblings are much appreciated judy!

Deplorable Patriot

I think the following has reached a critical mass, but the followers aren’t all out in the open. “Conspiracy theory” still packs a punch as a weaponized phrase. And like others have said, there would not be the attacks and the censorship if there weren’t enough people out there watching and looking at the various websites to make an impact.
Take this group. We’re, what, 25-30 dedicated posters, if that many. We’re spread out across the country. If we were walking down the mall in DC none of us would know the others on sight. It’s the same with a few million, I think. There would not be all the signage and such at the rallies if the Q family were so few in number.


It’s like an iceberg, DePat.
For every visible Q-peep that we see…there are thousands more who are ‘invisible’.


The wacko pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy theory has some friends in high places in South Carolina, where State Rep. Lin Bennett (R) has been posting on Facebook about her belief in QAnon since at least last year, even helping to “decode” the QAnon “clues” for her Facebook friends.
Bennett represents a Charleston-area district and last April posted a guide to QAnon, calling it “a gem.” In September, Bennett added a series of QAnon clues to her Facebook page.
“To say they are ‘interesting’ is an understatement,” Bennett wrote. “Wow! Just wow!”
Bennett isn’t the first public official to back QAnon. In December, a councilwoman in California praised the conspiracy theory during a public meeting. In January, a Montana justice of the peace fumed at a reporter who doubted QAnon’s validity.
Still, Bennett is arguably the highest ranking politician to promote QAnon so far. At one point, she liked a comment that asked “You follow Q???” Later in September, Bennett posted another QAnon tip that promised Democrats would soon face Trump’s wrath.
“I really think there is PANIC in DC!” Bennett wrote, referencing a QAnon slogan. She even helped her followers understand Q’s cryptic clues, posting Facebook comments that explained the posts. “RR,” Bennett explained, was Q’s way of referring to Rod Rosenstein.
But not everyone Bennett knew was on board with her QAnon fandom.


judy!! Great Post!! Interesting!! Good on Lin Bennett!!! We need MOAR!!!!


I bet there’s a lot more. They’re just afraid of being labelled as kooks.


Linda!! I am gonna bet Nunes and Jordan and Gomez and Goetz and Kennedy and so many more are right there !!

Plain Jane

Not sure if this means anything but posting anyway. Please disregard if non pertinent.
Ther is a video that is interesting within the text.
Two mystery parties try to restrict release of documents in Jeffrey Epstein civil suit
MARCH 20, 2019 06:27 PM,
UPDATED MARCH 20, 2019 09:05 PM
Play Video
Read more here:

Plain Jane

I knew he posted, but didn’t know if the article was anything to write home about. I didn’t see anything that stood out. Remember I’m really new to this.
Thanks Wolfie.


Thank you, sweet Marica. I know
letters had to be censored during WW. II, but that was different. I know they state they read our emails, but somehow, it just shocked me a lot. I have never had this feeling before. I pray Daughn is right, and it is a phase.

Fox is going DOWN!!! Patriots PISSED!!! Hell Yeah!!


I hope the momentum from it takes down the whole Disney Coruptoration.


fox news division was not in the sale to disney if i remember correctly.


Fair enough, but I still wish bad things on Disney. lol


i am with you there! and i wasn’t teying to soumd snarky about it either 😉


I’d never think you were snarky.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, the patriots are ticked off. Never think that we don’t know how to effect change the old fashioned way at the pocket book. Liberals aren’t the only ones who know how to boycott.


From Praying Medic… Where did this come from my dear friends?


does hashtag dreams mean something in his posts?


He does have dreams and shares!! Dave is a treasure!!! NATIONAL TREASURE!! He’s worth the follow!


Those baby shoes really creep me out.
I mean, why were the toes cut out…and then stuffed back into them?
It’s just disturbing to contemplate what that is about.


I was thinking the exact same thing! Of ALL those photos, that one bothered me the most. I don’t know why.


Toes cut out – so they can pitch on their knees more comfortably for longer periods of time.
Disgusting? It’s about as disgusting as it gets. Although, I have a feeling it might get more disgusting pretty quickly. Some of us need to look away to preserve sanity.


Thanks WM for the Voat link….connected a lotta dots! I remember seeing a you tube of a dinner party where they “ate the woman cake” and there were prominent guests there but don’t know if it was the same one mentioned in that post.


Cool…no pressure though, boss.

Plain Jane

We’re good Wolfmoon. We are patient unlike those OT who demand immediate perp walks. We have our pumpkin seeds and popcorn and PT and you.

Cuppa Covfefe

And Bacon. Gotta have Bacon 🙂 In the form of a BLT, maybe…
Comments on PM’s thread are interesting, as always. Snark at the end is not so sure about “Turtle”:
“the only thing Mitch McConnell is preparing for is dunking his entire head and torso in a vat of lettuce you charlatan”…
I think McConnell is worried about having 40-50 empty seats, perhaps even his own, once the $#!+ hits the fan… “Empty Chairs At Empty Tables” indeed… (great song from Les Mis)…


Nearly at 800 comments here


[…] ForGodandCountryMarch 21, 2019 at 22:58 ERelax.We’re at point (4.2, 2) on this graph, where y axis = # of people who follow Q and the x axis = time.A year from now the proverbial shoe-shine boy will be asking you if you’ve heard of Q. […]

Disney Echo

Boom! 💥

Disney Echo

Disney Echo