Dear MAGA: 20190322 Open Topic

This Q Function Friday open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.

See the tail end of yesterday’s discussion for FG&C’s posting of the Q FUNCTION.

March 21, 2019 at 22:58 E
We’re at point (4.2, 2) on this graph, where y axis = # of people who follow Q and the x axis = time.
A year from now the proverbial shoe-shine boy will be asking you if you’ve heard of Q.

ForGodandCountry, 03/21/2019

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.

Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.

Keep it civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.

Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.


Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:


Our movement

Is about replacing

A failed


Political establishment

With a new government controlled

By you, the American People.

Candidate Donald J. Trump

Also consider Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Please continue to be vigilant.

Just because we got ONE of them doesn’t mean they won’t try again.

Be Vigilant for a News Cycle Changing False Flag Attack in US, UK, France or Italy
Q!!mG7VJxZNCI14 Mar 2019 – 10:39:01 PM
Be vigilant at all times.
(US, UK, FR, IT)
See Something.
Say Something.
Narrative change needed.
FAKE NEWS attempting to REBRAND HARMFUL TESTIMONY and instead provide MISLEADING info to their readers. 

Q Post 3077

Be careful. See something – say something.

I want everybody here to imagine that there is a group of communists – that reaches all the way up to WASHINGTON – and even foreign capitals – that wants THIS SITE closed down.

These communists are in league with VARIOUS ELITES, and SATANISTS, and other secret organizations that HELP THEM.

They are ALL trying to BRING DOWN THIS COUNTRY into a socialist cesspool.

Then tell yourself that it is NOT your imagination.

TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS. And we are part of what stands in the way.


Demonstrate the non-violence of this movement with every post – and yet we will NEVER give up our guns. MAKE THEM EAT THAT TRUTH EVERY DAY.


Then we just let JUSTICE do its JOB.



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Whoot! Q are here!


We are on the winning side.comment image


GodWins Law
As opposed Godwin’s law


G’night, Wolfie 😘😘 You da man 🇺🇸🇺🇸


About the Golan Heights and our VSGPOTUS:
stats guy says:
March 22, 2019 at 1:12 am
JE Dyer has thoughts about this…and the impact on Iran, and its desire to have a land bridge so as to directly oversee Israel. Oh, and she throws in a little 3-D chess along the way about how Trump has played this.
We may always have to wonder if Trump made sure the final push in eastern Syria remained off the front pages by tweeting in December 2018 that he intended an abrupt, complete pullout from Syria. The tweet certainly diverted the public debate on Syrian topics away from the local battlefield, and toward Trump’s intemperate, irresponsible jumpiness.
Since December 2018, the public declarations of U.S. senators and experts in the punditry have seemed to back Trump into a modified position of keeping a force of some 1,000 troops in Syria, instead of pulling out altogether. The interesting thing is that this effect was produced by a lot of other people arguing for that policy, even without a new authorization from Congress for the use of military force (AUMF).
Trump would have had a lot of blowback trying to make his own argument for keeping troops in Syria without a new AUMF – the instrument putatively needed to justify a continuing presence after the defeat of ISIS. There was little chance, if he wrote the script, of his getting a new AUMF from a hostile, Democrat-led House of Representatives.
But now he has consensus buy-in – shaped by the demands of his critics – for 1,000 troops to support holding the center of Iran’s land bridge pathway.
He had that first. Then U.S. armed forces and the coalition delivered the ISIS territorial roll-up that culminated in blocking Iran’s land bridge. Now our coalition holds key terrain at the border crossing, at least to the extent that Iran is not in control of it.
Then Trump capped it all by announcing that the U.S. would recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights…..
With U.S. recognition of Israeli sovereignty in the Golan, the vector of geomilitary momentum will shift significantly. The consequences for the radical regime in Iran are likely to be bigger than we imagine today.


The story of Esther has always been one of my favorites.

Gail Combs

I was just about to say that LadyP. It really is a lovely story.
We sometimes provide the King’s horse for children to ride at Purim festivals.




Love the book of Esther, and it is all so interesting.


If Iran weren’t a bad actor, and could actually work in good faith with the other nations around, I’m confident that an overland intermodal route and pipelines to ports on the Mediterranean coast would be built, and built quickly. International investors would be lining up to get a piece of the pie. An overland route with access to central Asia nations makes a lot of sense and would be an enormous boon to commerce, especially provided a spur to link to the Gulf of Oman (and the Persian Gulf). Both Iran and Israel stand to benefit most from this arrangement on the basis of their geography – except, of course, that Iran can’t play nice with Israel.


WM, your placement of the photo of Barr is epic! Caught me like your “suspicious cat” photos! 🤣


It’s the dimples and the twinkling eyes. Plus the laugh wrinkles.
A side of Barr that was not visible during confirmation hearings.


All eyes on deck!comment image

Pat Frederick

I just finished reading yesterday’s thread and you mentioned a video where they are eating a “woman cake”…and it sparked a memory. Tom Petty used that visual in his “Don’t Come Around Here No More” video–he is the Mad Hatter I believe and the whole music video is Alice in Wonderland themed…and near the end, they are cutting into an Alice cake (Alice’s head is hers, the body is cake)…thought is was bizarre at the time, but maybe it was a “thing” at one time.


OMG…so much is done in broad daylight that just think in bizarre never in a million years consider where these ideas come from and what I mentioned was a current event at the time…maybe 2-3-4 years ago which was shocking to me then but now just fits into the current act being played out on the world stage….

Pat Frederick

yes! as andrew mentions below, the Petty music video was out over 30 years ago–(WOW! I’m old…lol) and “entertainers” always pushed the envelope…


Isn’t it jaw dropping when you realize what we’ve been conditioned to and for how long?

Pat Frederick

I’ve always considered the entertainment field for the most part–“out there”…(no offense to anyone here who performs!) but the barely there costumes for some, the makeup, the drugs, the lifestyles—I think it’s that desire to get NOTICED and talked about. there was definitely some weird crap going on and still does as far as I know…but I always thought of that stuff as limited to that group…


i always wondered about that video. and i was a big tom petty fan also…but the video was out in 1985 and i probably did not see it until close to 1990 or so – no cable.
anyway, check this:
someone was talking about this a few months back. lots of stuff in this one.
also, the song and video also involved one Dave Steward of the Eurythmics fame. throughout his career it looks like he latches onto a lot of symbolism and we know annie lennox does the same.
he collaborated with some real good ones including bono (bottom of the barrel right there for humanity) and was involved with writing and promoting some stuff for guess who’s presidential campaign in 2008 (hint it was not mccain’s campaign)
stuff that is right in front of us.

Pat Frederick

wow thanks andrew! I never paid any attention to the rest of the video–that cake part always stuck with me tho–


Thanks, Cmdr Wolf, for alerting people to the danger of using violent or threatening language in our comments.
The Left can do it all the time…and get away with it.
But they are poised and ready to pounce on anything we say, as proof that we are ‘crazed’ and ‘violent’.
And We are the ones who are *not* out in the streets, beating up people that we disagree with!
No no…that would be the ones who want to accuse Us of being violent.
It’s ironic, though, that the last Attorney General of the Hussein administration was named ‘Loretta Lynch’.
Her last name has now become a sort of forbidden word…but only to those of us who are the non-violent ones.
Hmm…maybe we should start using the word ‘Loretta’ whenever we want to use her last name.
As in:
“These traitors should all be loretta’d for their crimes.”
We can be creative…and still express our thoughts.
Defiance is in our DNA.
We will fight in the shade.


Are you saying that we should “Learn to code”? 🙂


Haaaa…yeah, sort of…after a fashion.
We could even go old school and speak in pig-latin.


If I may, we can Q people into the fact that we have just injected some”code” by including a tag at the end ..
If I may suggest …
/ gnome say N? 😉
Sort of a partial h/t to Dan064

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. That would really confuse the Oot-Fray-Oops-Lay 🙂


Agreed, Wolf. Violence does not interest me in the least, unless of course it is directed AT me.
I know that you are asking for a strategic withdrawal for a period, until POTUS has created the space in which free speech is re-established.


Options are always good. More options = more better.

A Fortiori

Precisely. We can call for just punishment for crimes, but we need to be clear that we are doing so within the context our system of justice and that law enforcement will be the ones using force.
Let the leftist be the ones to flaunt the law. Let the leftists riot. Let the leftists assault kids who come to DC wearing a hat they don’t like.
We are calling for society to mete out justice, not for individuals to “act” or “resist” (to pick just a couple of Hussein’s code words for violent disruption of society). This is the right thing to do and protects us against spurious attacks. This gives us the high ground.


Honestly, it’s not hard for me at all not to say the “wrong” word, because I have a different punishment in mind.
I want all the traitors to live a long, long time. In a cell somewhere, eating shitty food, nothing but water to drink (no more fancy wine, or 20 year old Macallan), and NO MORE POWER. The power is their ultimate drug, and I want them to suffer without it. I want them to watch the world move on without them, while they slowly rot away, eaten alive by the might-have-beens and the if-onlys.
I know many disagree with me. And I know their sins will be dealt with in the afterlife. But I want to watch them pay here in the temporal realm for awhile first.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It has more superficial appeal, actually.
I’d be worried that ten, twenty years down the road a Dem will get elected and pardon them all, and they’d end up in power again.

Rodney Short

Seems they’re talking talking bot code on Devin Nunes twitter acct.I just went to comment on his story and all the comments are emojis of cows? I just took it as Devin is dead over target and twitter sent the bots to silence comments.

Cuppa Covfefe

He is (was) a dairy farmer, isn’t he?
Probably the Bovine-bashing-brigade led by AOC the mistress of methane is going after him…
Ahhh, the DEMONcRAT “party”. Self-perpetuating toxic-waste dump.

Rodney Short

That would explain the insanity on his post, every post was like that.


IPOT refers to her as Aunt Loretta.


Good morning…..Central European Time (GMT+1) reporting in to begin the Qday! Waving hello and rolling up the sleeves.


Morning, MA_kswiss.
*waves back*


Hi Wheatietoo! I was getting lost in reading qresearch….I see so many things, but still am finding my way on vetting pertinent information to post (I always assume everyone has seen it already…


I wouldn’t necessary assume that, MA…
I lurked and read for a bit yesterday over at Qresearch, in the early morning hours…but haven’t been back now in over 24 hrs.
There is sooo much that is posted there, chances are we haven’t seen it all.


I should really stop my overthinking/self filtering perfectionism and dive in and share what I see then……. encouragement ENACTED! Thanks.

A Fortiori

Yes, the volume is overwhelming sometimes.


Yes and sometimes ‘The Volume goes to 11, man!’


I very much appreciate the work of those who read the Q posts, then give us a heads-up that the content may be “disturbing”. I choose not to let some images into my mind, as they cannot be unseen. This does not mean unawareness, this is not turning away. This is keeping my visual boundries intact in order to better function spiritually. I don’t need visual evidence in order to PRAY AGAINST THE EVIL!!! So, again, thank you for those who go deep into the weeds and bring us out cliff notes; a pictoral tome is not always needed to fight!

Sue Mcdonald

Good morning to all at the Qtree:)
After reading about the red shoes these demons wear and the speculation on what they are made from which made me ill, I got to thinking about the suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain among others whos name I cant remember right now, they were all found hanging from doorknobs with red scarves. I am certain there is a connection here, I saw pics of Kate Spades husband wearing a very creepy mouse or rabbit costume so what were these people involved in?
in fact what were Kate Spades purses really made of? leather or……?? I have never been one to follow fashion trends or follow the stars as they mostly seem to be a gaggle of narcissists, I do know this , I would never be comfortable buying shoes or purses from any high fashion line or any product endorsed by a popular movie star. We dont really know what were supporting buying those products do we? its something to think about.

Deplorable Patriot

A lot of Kate Spade purses were fabric on the outside, actually.


I know right??
Friday the ‘slow news day’ = curious news day. SPRING HAS SPRUNG…
With it being now into the religious holiday seasons, I am with you around the FF watch, heightened on what will be pulled on us.
Hi Wolf! (waves howdy!)

Cuppa Covfefe

Howdy Y’all from “Beautiful Downtown Deutschland” (to paraphrase Johnny Carson) (Hiiii-yoooooo)…


How long? I’ll bet Rex knows….comment image


One thing for sure, we will know….


Yeah, I agree.
I don’t see her as a confidential informant.
There is a good chance, though, that she was ‘collecting evidence’ as her own insurance policy, to ensure her own safety.
Thing is…as a millennial, she used electronic means and the internet, to store her evidence.
She probably never thought about someone else having access to her data.
Q has been saying repeatedly…”We have it all.”
And he started dropping crumbs about the high-level pedo stuff a year ago, over a year ago, actually.
I don’t think Q would’ve been doing that if they didn’t, indeed, ‘have it all’.


Plus, “our” DOJ could have made her an offer she could not refuse …
Show her some of the “all” that “we have” and tell her “We can do this hard, or we can do it easy …”


Absolutely……people still thinking “personal” phones/computer/devices = private.
Gotta live like everything is OUT THERE in the open……is my motto.




Plus, simply show the “perp targeted for flipping” the EO re Gitmo, the news reports re actual expenditure and increased personnel deployed to Gitmo + Lindsey’s question to Judge Kavanaugh re military tribunals ..
And ask him/her “What will it be – rot in Gitmo for the rest of your miserable life or cooperate for SOME leniency ….”


It’s been reported that Epstein is cooperating as an informant. (I think it’s in the court documents.) Why would they need her?


i will be honest – i have seen her “sites” several years back when i was doing some research on rothschild’s and also ties to the hilton’s. also how they were tied into these (at the time called) heroin chic models and their agencies and who was behind that. yesterday i posted a tid bit about that photo with p diddy and i said he had a party in st tropez in 2004 – and i got that from a celebrity photo site that i had bookmarked at the time…
all of this was out there in plain sight.
incidentally, some of those celebrity photo sites have some extremely interesting pictures on them of the wealthy and famous doing what they do… and all in certain parts of the world too. creepy pics abound.

Cuppa Covfefe

Cue Robin Leach and “Debaucheries of the Rich and Infamous”…
Soon to be “Desuetude of the Rich and Infamous”…


I was thinking about it…and just when the eyes of the world were turned towards Q, because of the engineered ff attack in NZ…
Q decides to go on a posting spree and dump a bunch of stuff about the ‘pedo rings of the rich and famous’.
Coincidence? …I don’t think so.
It was sort of like, “Now that we have your attention, Look at This!”


I’m at a complete loss as to what NR stands for. I’ve made diligent effort in scrolling far up into the previous comments, but can find nothing.


Me too, Itswoot. Glad you asked. NR?


neon revolt?


Name Redacted? 🙂
I remember when a person (can’t remember the name) was in the news a year or two ago who’s initials were SC. It got confusing with the abbreviation being the same as in other uses.
SC = Supreme Court
SC = Special Council
SC = Secretary of Commerce


“I remember when a person…who’s initials were SC”
I’m fairly sure it was someone besides Sara Carter.


Bringing some of the normies into the education process, by leaving breadcrumbs…….. it worked for me back in early/mid 2000s when I knew SOMETHING was up, but I only had my own eyes and hairs on the back of my neck to back it up.
a strong united community is a very powerful thing.


You could take that further with the Faux situation, if bringing in more Dems/BHO people onto the channel means that many more will watch and be exposed to what’s about to drop..not a bad thing? A red pilling opportunity?


Absolutely! Exactly on point Shebythesea! It’s pulling more and more into the dialogue and revealing things at a slower space…..its a lot to take in all at once….for instance, at the end of the day after being in this space and sharing with Mr. MA_Kswiss ( who is an intelligent person and no slouch) all of my findings and connections and stories (not to mention trying to relay everyone’s names “and then weatie said, and then shebtesea pointed out…..etc)….his eye glaze over after a bit, because it’s A TON to take in.

Calculating Russell Crowe GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Mr. MA_kswiss:

Saturday Night Live Ok GIF by HULU - Find & Share on GIPHY


apparently I need another coffee
Me:comment image
Mr. MA_kswiss:comment image


Hehe, that’s so funny!
MA, I’m glad I’ve caught you…I sent a reply to your post yesterday that landed elsewhere re pop culture…seems we are on the same page now!


So glad we caught up! :0) Bonjour!

Weather Watcher

LOL!! That will last with me all day – Thank you! Happy Friday everyone!


I disagree…….. Normies and Idiots will not watch Faux no matter who is on it.
Now, thanks to their “new” additions…..
I will not watch it (along with many others)…
If I want to watch CNN….. (and I don’t)
I’d just tune in there.
I’m down to Fox Business and OAN
And You Tube like IPOT and X22 Report


Ha! I’ve been leaving crumbs for a relative who is all out too busy with life but a big Trump supporter. She is mystified about Q and the chans, but is able to connect dots when I “Q” her in on things like Chandler. 😁


I love it! It’s good to give the top level executive summaries to friends too. This way they can be informed, and then inquire for more details when they get the inclination. 😉


Ray Chandler as the informant –>>> Whosh, what a plot twist. Love the way the anons consider every possible angle.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m going to need a scorecard sooner or later.


We really need a war room with push pins, different colors of yarn, and then overlay it all with MA_Kswiss “128G” (as opposed to China’s 5G) tech skills!
We need Aubergine at one desk, doing background. FLEP to check daily inflow feed. Churchmouse, Cuppa, Ozzy, SheByTheSea, to check foreign desks.
Treepers fill in data points.
I’ll make breakfast……!

Pat Frederick

I’ll stand on the sidelines and nod ferociously as if I understand all the information being disseminated.


I’m with you, Pat, we’ll hold hands.

Pat Frederick

*nodding ferociously* sounds good!
I’m already practicing!

A Fortiori

If your cooking, I am in. I’ll set up the space, procure supplies, and take out trash.


We have so many angles to consider and it’s nice to know that we will know….

Weather Watcher

Back up the truck….is Ray short for Rachel?


Weather Watcher ,
Yes , Ray , aka Rachel . That’s what I’m seeing this morn anyway .YMMV

Weather Watcher

THank you!!






From Rush….comment image


It’s like ‘they’ want to turn this country into The Hunger Games.
No Electoral College = The Hunger Games!
All of us out here in flyover country would become serfs for our ‘betters’ living in The Capital.


Yes, absolutely…and they have already met the criteria:

Pat Frederick

this is a reference I do not understand–I see it everywhere–but can someone briefly tell me what the Hunger Games are?


Yeah me either 😉 I’m aware of it as a pop culture thing but that’s it.
If anything, being pop culture (or Fake Popular due to propagandistic promotion!) is by itself usually sufficient reason for me to avoid diverting entertainments…


See my reply below.


Search the net for a trailer of the movie, “The Hunger Games”. Good flick. I recommend it and the sequels. Good books, too.
In short: it tells the story of a young girl in a dystopian future that is loosely based on a Stephen King short entitle, “The Long Walk” where the government runs an annual competition between teens randomly selected where only one survives.

Pat Frederick

thanks for explanation–doesn’t sound like my thing anymore…when i was younger I loved to be frightened by Stephen King’s books…then I grew up and so much of his style, works, and life disgusted me…
These days there’s enough frightening things in the world.
make me laugh–that’s what I look for these days…
but thanks! and enjoy!


Yeah, steer clear of the Hunger Games, then. Nothing funny about it.


Sorry Chimpy, but no…The Hunger Games was written by Suzanne Collins, not Stephen King.


I didn’t say it was written by Stephen King. Suzanne Collins no doubt got the basis for her story from the King short story, “The Long Walk”. Also, “Running Man” has elements that she apparently borrowed. They are both from “The Bachmann Books”, which was a compilation of shorts written by King.
I was just pointing out the connection.


Young adult book series, made into movies.
The country of the book is divided into 12 Districts. Each year, each District has to send two “tributes,” chosen from among their teenaged children, to the Capital of Panem, to fight to the death in the “Hunger Games.” One survives, and is given “everything” for the rest of their lives.
The Districts are in thrall to the Capital, where everyone is rich, well-fed, and happy. The Districts are hell-holes, where people starve and work themselves to death. They are “fed” from the Capital Panem (bread) with “circuses” (the Hunger Games).
The main character is Katniss Everdeen, who survives the Games in the first movie. She is eventually the leader of the resistance which destroys the Capital’s hold over the Districts.


Ooops…I didn’t see your comment, Aubergine, before I replied to Pat.


I think I missed somebody else’s response just before mine!
It’s all good!


Pat…The Hunger Games is a story about a fictional country called Panem, based on the books by an American novelist named Suzanne Collins.
Panem is divided into 12 districts and ruled by a wealthy Capital.
The districts are in varying degrees of poverty, because everything they work to produce, is for the benefit of the Capital.
The people in the Capital live in luxury while the people in the districts barely have enough to eat.
Each year the districts are forced to send two of their children to the Capital, to participate in The Hunger Games, which is a televised battle to the death.
Children between the ages of 12 and 18, are chosen by lottery in each district.
The children chosen for the ‘games’ are called Tributes.
The one that makes it through the games alive, wins food and supplies for their home district.


Sure sounds like the leftist’s workers paradise.


the other interesting part about the hunger games is how the country is divided into districts as you say – and the boundary of each district has a “barrier” or “wall” that they cannot pass without being detected and hunted down.
divergent, another film series with a different twist on the dystopia where people are separated by their “skills”, again, there are “no go” zones and many restricted areas.
maze runner – another one where the restricted areas occur.
in all these movies there is a central or shadow “government” that is running the show and controlling everyone.
the restricted areas very much remind me of the maps i have seen – most would laugh it off prior to a couple years ago – but the maps that depict what could happen in the US. these were under the Agenda 21 idea, and the maps looked like this:comment image
now, i am not supporting the site i got that from – i am just using the image here.
agenda 21 is a whole other topic, but starts leading to the “plan” to make a long story short.
btw, all these movies are interesting in their own way. i appreciated them all because they expressed a similar situation in unique ways. divergent was probably the one that was most interesting to me because of the idea these people were looking for hidden knowledge that was imparted in the human brain i guess you could say.
none of them are that horrible or graphic that anyone would be disgusted by them. on the contrary, i tend to find the dystopian movies very enlightening even if you only get a couple clues out of each one.
by far and away 1984 = most scary accurate to where we are now. farehheit 451 always a classic. logans run, 5th element, v for vendetta, bladerunner, etc… all pretty good.
we know they present things to us as foreshadowing, i have believed that for decades even before i realized it.
wag the dog was THE movie that solidified it for me and that came way after i was already convinced we were in a giant game here on earth 🙂


An interesting observation from The Hunger Games:
Panem, the Capital city, seems to be in Colorado. (I know that the country is fictitious, but applying the imagery to our real country, I’d guess it to be CO).
Meanwhile, the protagonist, Katniss Everdeen, comes from the coal mining district. I figure that to be West Virginia. Maybe rural Pennsylvania. Both, flyover states.
So, the vision is CO, home to more and more Californians each day, is brutally running the country. And teen aged serfs in flyover country are sacrificed each year for sport.
But then, the flyover states find a leader. An unexpected leader. And things change.
Just sayin’…

Pat Frederick

thanks everyone for your replies…I appreciate it…but I will pass.


I knew it had something to do with bad things happening to some people, as in “The Most Dangerous Game” mentality. “The Hunger Games” and its popularity is a perfect example of the Left’s subversion of our culture – good, innocent people have to compete for survival in a dystopia.
This is how the Left has been inserting the concept of accepting murder and mayhem into the culture so that people become desensitized to bad things happening to them.

Cuppa Covfefe

(Not so) vaguely reminiscent of throwing the Christians to the lions…
All of this, going back to those hideous “Furbies” and similar toys, monster high, zombie high, the “Twilight” series, Harry Potter, Ninjago and the various other Lego monsters; all are conditioning our youth, and by extension, us, to the demonic world the globalists wish to create (or, rather, transfer here, as it already exists).
Sad to say, our churches are silent, or, worse, they seek to either rationalize the problem, or even endorse something like “the gospel according to Harry Potter”.
And to those who might construe this as a “tentin’ tonight” camptown meeting, nope, I called this blood-guts-and-gore-death-cult stuff BS long before I became a Born Again Christian.
Crap is crap, no matter from which perspective one views it. COTDC was sent up in 2600 mag (yes THAT hackermag) a long, long time ago. Now they’re only online, and BBs and RBs are thin on the ground (and don’t work on IPT anyway)…
May we realize and learn that Pergamon is not just a color and a bathroon counter tile…..


Second Amendment negates serfdom in our future.
Gumby’s live on the coasts…not fly over country.

Cuppa Covfefe

And what about Pokie? (just kidding)
Kalifornistan just breaks my heart. When I was growing up there (geesh, more than half a century ago), most of the folks in California were from “somewhere else”. So being a “native Californian” was a bit of a rarity; “Native Sons of the Golden West” actually meant something. Ironic that now my son and I, both native Californians, are no longer there… Some say “CA is beautiful, if it weren’t for the people”…
Perhaps it’s because not so much effort is required; there is a great bounty due to the clement weather and rich soils of California, not to mention the long growing season. Often the things that require the most effort, the hardest work, the greatest risks, are those which are valued the most. “Easy winnings” are usually taken for granted, if not outright ignored…
Here’s hoping and praying that the left coast, and the Eastern left coast, turn from their evil ways…




Yea. Toddler through teen years in CA.
Great memories of California…Santa Cruz, Yosemite, Frisco, so many more.
Terrible what has happened there. Zero desire to return for any reason.
Such a waste CA has become.


judyw- this is great. (i’m still in the middle of watching it though…haha)
Question for all- I’ve been noticing in the last decade a ton of motivational speakers and though leaders coming out of Australia….(weather it be christian/Catholic/non denominational)…..I don’t mind it, but I’m always curious about the WHY.
Purely from a cause and effect point of view. Thoughts? I can begin a new search, because looks like I found an new question for myself.


Thoughts? Yes, I am always interested at how people “notice” different anomalies and where they all lead. I had not paid attention to that so now we both have new questions. Thanks! Please post your findings….


I liken the curiosity to not being able to leave a loose thread be…. I always have to do something about it. 🙂
I got sidetracked with house chores (laundry day) but i will return to this and share what I find ….. 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Like this ? 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Auuuugggghhhhh.comment image


OMG— now THAT is hilarious Cuppa…..and YES to your questions….. to that bad boy. Still chuckling…..


Australia is the home of Hillsong, the megachurch started by Brian Houston. They have many International locations. Music is a big draw, they now have 3 distinct Praise and Worship groups targeting various age ranges which dominate the Christian music industry worldwide. You can watch the 24/7 Hillsong channel on cable.


Ok – did not know that. Thanks for sharing – in the past five or six years Matthew Kelly authored books/CDs have been appearing in the vestibules of all of the Roman Catholic Churches we and my family attend (can only vouch for New England) – and Matthew Kelly is from australia ….
Just a data point – still want to do a deeper dive on this myself, but I’m out running errands and am typing on the iPhone Safari comment area on WordPress (horrible UI/UX btw) but i wanted to take you all on ‘the go’ with me. Lol! How do you all like my errand running in Switzerland??? Haha

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, Matthew Kelly came to mind when you first commented on the people coming out of Australia. Could just be a coincidence.


Pretty good for mobile! 😃
Wiki page provides info on Hillsong


Hey all:
So, as part of my marketing world and digital design background, one of my career initiatives was to learn how to build data visualizations. This has always interested me as having a medical illustration background and always trying to visually story tell a message….data visualization brings in the data backend and creates an interactive front end to allow the end user to explore. And its pretty dang cool.
I thought I’d share with the group the broader topic of data visualizations as, much like the decoding of Qposts, it involves pure math to figure out the algorithms (and aren’t we all doing this on all sensory levels too? Seeing/Hearing something helps trigger deeply seeded connections that the brain tries to reconcile and catch up.) Which is why the use of visuals in marketing is so important. It triggers that connection, and ‘seemingly’ comes from a pure source. Data.
Backing out of the theoretical, one of the models I found early on was this migration pathway from around the world (granted it only uses data up until 2010 – grrr), but I wanted to provide it for those wishing to see data presented in a unique way, and for those who can likely provide more context around the WHY. Also, from a marketing standpoint, who benefits from displaying the data (and you can always skew the data to frame different messages)
NOTE: I realize NOW, that the data is from the UN and Euro stat, and while now it colors it (for me as to the WHY) but still wanted to display it as a snapshot into how information is presented at the front end.
Migration Data visualization:
The bilateral flows between 196 countries are estimated from sequential stock tables. They are comparable across countries and capture the number of people who changed their country of residence over five-year periods. The estimates reflect migration transitions and thus cannot be compared to annual movements flow data published by United Nations and Eurostat.
paper published here:
(disclaimer, I haven’t read this science publication other than this article)
other migration visualizations from the data migration portal:


K Swiss – Your graphic is wonderful and very artistic and readable at the same time!
The US sure has had a large number of ‘Asians’ aka muslims entering our country in the last several decades. This definitely could create problems for national security and stability in the coming years.
Migration Data Portal org site is pushing the same old Climate Change™ propaganda as an inducement for migration, and doesn’t consider political agenda as a motivation.


“doesn’t consider political agenda as a motivation.” ‘Political agenda’ as in increase, overwhelm and subsume the native population, subjugate, conquer.


Oh this is not mine, I can’t take credit for creating this…but it is stupendous!


Whoever came up with the idea to display the data in such a way, wins the innovative thinker award. Super clever.


Super smart programers who work with designers…’s a magical combo.
For those who are curious or want to ‘look under the hood’ this chart is inspired by Martin Krzywinski’s Circos and Mike Bostock’s D3.js library.
D3 javascript library:
(note: when I discovered this link, it was like waking up on my wedding day, the world is fresh and happy and brand new and MaGiCaL…..haha Poke around, it’s a great resource for coders.comment image


Sorry – I misunderstood (not unusual for me) – but thanks for posting it!


Totally fine…..I just didn’t want to pull a ‘socialism’… know TAKE something that isn’t mine – in this case credit. 🙂

Gail Combs

This classic of “Napoleon’s March Probably the best statistical graphic ever drawn, this map by Charles Joseph Minard portrays the losses suffered by Napoleon’s army in the Russian campaign of 1812.” Is a poster I had up in my office at work.


Yaaas! That map by Charles Joseph Minard and is certainly lofted as the classic example in the design world. So much information!

Gail Combs

We Quality Engineers absolutely LOVE IT!
Remember we have to present data to the VP and CEOs and we have to do it FAST and in a way they can understand. So this chart is our ‘Model’ to aspire to.


I have some Edward Tufte books – great insight in how to do things well, also in how people do things poorly and learning common mistakes and pitfalls.

A Fortiori

MA_kswiss — This particular skill could make you hugely valuable in the fight in which we are presently engaged. There is a massive need to find efficient ways to communicate the data supporting our struggle. I find people who post here to be more analytical and to be more willing to push through their initial emotional reaction to a topic and gather facts before arriving at a conclusion. But I realize a large portion of my fellow men stick with their initial emotional reaction to something and cease fact gathering once a strong emotion grabs hold of them.
Lengthy logical arguments based on solid facts therefore have limited utility. They are like preaching to the choir. But a picture grounded in the same facts and supporting the same logical conclusion is very valuable for the simple reason that our brains can process a complex picture extremely quickly. A picture therefore is more likely to be fully comprehended and reach a broader audience.
If you follow the Q stuff, they are constantly call for memes, but memes usually support a limited data set. A mechanism to visualize a large data set would fill a void.
I’m not sure precisely what I am suggesting, but if you see an opportunity to apply your skills to help us, I want to encourage you to do so.


Thank you for all of this. Since moving abroad here I’ve been doing some personal instrospection on what my next step might be. It has been divine providence that we were given this opportunity to move, me leaving my corporate job and MR. MA_kswiss prospering with his new team.
I’m in a quiet mode at the moment, sharpening my tools and planning with God’s grace, so I can be prepared when called.
Reading your comment – I dunno, almost sounds like the phone is ringing for me. 😉

Weather Watcher

Praying for you …Love to hear that you are planning with God’s help…HE will bless that. He loves when HIS people seek him for Wisdom and Knowledge. You will do Great things MA kswiss!!


Many thanks for the encouragement and including me in your prayers Weather Watcher. Prayer has great power… when Mr. MA_kswiss goes to work in the morning I like to part with…’Always remember, if you should get frustrated, just put it in God’s court and ask for His help. He’ll guide you.’


Although this quote comes from a British author, James Meek, it could apply equally to other Western countries. Interesting perspective:


Paul Sperry had a story that got the attention of Rush Limbaugh.

More on Sperry’s twitter thread.
(h/t – *


Then there’s this:

Øbama’s FBI only did raids and seizures against conservatives and opponents. Øbama politicized and weaponized every agency of government to target his enemies and protect his political allies, donors, agendas and interests.
List of Obama administration abuses of power and lawbreaking –
Timeline of Sedition and Treason:


just mind boggling the audacity and arrogance………..grrr


Hell, the FBI still only does raids and seizures on conservatives and Trump supporters! Guess we should have known we were in deep do-do regarding the FBI when Hoover asked—“Have you seen my dress and panties?”


Payback is looming for all the criminals conspiring against President Trump and America.
Soon. Very soon MCM, D-Rats, FBI, DOJ (current and former) will get a massive wakeup call…perp walk and more.
The long wait has been frustrating, but will be sooo gratifying to witness!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

And, thinking of Esther and Purim, I think (and hope and pray) that there will be lots of “Haman moments” in the near future…


AOC takes issue with Kushner’s use of WhatsApp. Hillary empathises:


Reading the comments in that particular twitter feed is just….comment image




Just imagine how much fun Marica et al will have once someone invents gif-moji’s (animated emoji’s, to clarify my meaning)


That would be great. 🙂

Gail Combs

Actually they already have them and have for years.


Oh, cool!
Thanks for that, Gail!

Gail Combs

You are very welcome Churchmouse. Have fun with them! 😁


Will do!


Jason!! you read my MIND!! I always wish there was a Gif box on WP that I could add! I don’t type as fast as I think and talk -so the only way I can express everything I want to say and feel is with emojis and Gifs!!!😍😍😎🥂 Cheers!


Too bad I can’t take in information on a screen with moving pictures.
Probably vestiges of past brain injury. If I really have to read on a page with motion I have to move the window so moving parts are off screen. And it still hurts my brain to try and do that. It’s almost like the internals are stuttering. Hope I never have to go to just having the screen read to me.


Sorry to hear that.
By the way, if your posts are anything to go by, it doesn’t seem to impair you (looking from the other side of the web) 🙂


Her profile pic is soooo, soooo 18th century painted portrait. 😂

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Lots of splinters and termites in that woodcut…


so these clowns are twitter buddies?
burn it down.


61 Women, 19 children, dead.
25 still missing.
It was Mother’s Day, in Iraq.
Incredibly sad scene.


Some here would say “that’s a good start.” SMH


Nolte’s article is excellent – he’s a real hero – a truth warrior.
More of Nolte’s good work:




It’s funny, but creepy at the same time.


Daddy issues.
On another note, John McCain had a what we call a “Service Reputation” – he was a mean SOB at the Naval Academy, a mean SOB during his military career and a mean SOB as a politician.
Long before he became an enemy of POTUS he became an enemy of the People. He betrayed us in 2008, (don’t forget to look back at his bitterness and meanness during GW Bush admin) – “Barack Obama will make a fine president” and throwing the debate, suspending his campaign, and then his lies for 8 years re: repealing Obamacare and building the wall – he lied to Candidate Trump during the 2016 campaign to get his support for his reelection, and then, and I pray to God that the truth will come out, it looks not only like he tried to sabotage President Trump’s presidency, but he sold out America for decades.
For whatever reason the political critters are playing the sympathy, don’t speak ill of the dead card, it’s a lot of nonsense.


This is the truth about John McCain. Don’t forget his womanizing and dirty treatment of first wife.


Ronald Reagan gave McCain’s first wife a job after he left her high and dry.


Yes, that too.
Hubby, Naval Academy grad, so he knows stuff… anyway, yesterday I had to, politely, of course, respond to Rep. Crenshaw about his rebuking POTUS for criticizing the dead John McCain. Hated to see the good guys getting on that bandwagon.


no offense, but that crenshaw guy – totally on my radar now as a sneaky double agent. double agents are treasonous. we might have to do a little more background checking on this fellow.
military service does not a hero make.


I’m not offended. I sent him a reply to his tweet indicating disagreement. Not sure why he joined the swamp creatures on this, but everyone told him what for in their responses.


Irony, n’est-ce pas?


He just wanted to be sure he had company.


Ah, yes – posted by Conniption Fitz in the comments on the article.


Now who could that be?


Hmmmm….might you “resemble that remark?”


shrugs, rolls eyes ….


LOL – I thought that might be the case…..


Well, NB – Inspired by you, I’m cleaning out my books.
Off to take them to the trade-in used book store and Good Will – my two favorite places to find used books.
Need to take a whole lot more…have way too many taking up space. :8-[


Good for you!


Good to know – see ya’ there!

Gail Combs

That is a very good essay by John Nolte to send to moderate Democrats since it squarely places the blame on the BIG BAD FASCIST Corporations. 😉
Do so without the Breitbart URL that would cause prejudice. SnailMail maybe or a long e-mail.


Hi Daughn. You might want to trim off the ends of like like this. They aren’t needed and are used to track which email they were sent to originally. You can figure out where to trim by testing in a new window’s address box. Usually you are safe taking everything from the first “?” in the link.

Pat Frederick

Spoiler alert: sources say…lol…
“Sources close to the investigation say there are no more indictments coming from the special counsel.”

Pat Frederick

I hope she won’t end up like Judge Nap after his suspension/absence.

Pat Frederick

me either and although i don’t watch regular tv anymore I”ll anxiously await the report from those that do!


I don’t think she will, she’s not a weakling like Nap.


I hope you are right.
We need Judge Jeanine as she is: feisty.


I wish her show was broadcast live to air and she got on her Fox show just long enough to tell them to pound sand in, she’s going to work for OANN


It could happen someday, provided OANN continues to become more successful.
Even if she couldn’t get her ‘pound sand’ announcement on her show, she would find another outlet to do so — e.g. a Daily Caller exclusive, although that might get Tucker Carlson into trouble. Okay then, maybe Gateway Pundit.


Yep, I was thinking the same. It would be epic!


Wonder if she will have been “reeducated.”


I will never again watch her show if she caves. One of the few on Fox I still record.

Pat Frederick

I don’t watch her per se, but I do like her “opens” when I can find them on news sites

Pat Frederick

wow! the 3 Faces of Eve has nothing on Comey…here’s another side to lying snake…
“Even though I believe Mr. Trump is morally unfit to be president of the United States, I’m not rooting for Mr. Mueller to demonstrate that he is a criminal,” Comey wrote in his op-ed.
“I’m also not rooting for Mr. Mueller to ‘clear’ the president. I’m not rooting for anything at all, except that the special counsel be permitted to finish his work, charge whatever cases warrant charging and report on his work.”
Comey, who oversaw the FBI’s collusion investigation for more than nine months until his firing, said that he has “no idea” whether Mueller will conclude that Trump knowing colluded with Russia.
“I also don’t care,” he said.
“I care only that the work be done, well and completely. If it is, justice will have prevailed and core American values been protected at a time when so much of our national leadership has abandoned its commitment to truth and the rule of law.”


Core American values, hey? You pernicious, pompous prat!!!
So lying to a FISA court about the veracity of your “dossier”, which you freely admitted 3 months later was “unverified and salacious” – this is your “justice will have prevailed”??
You poor empty gasbag – Lady Justice has only just awoken from her long nightmare and has set her sights on you, bemused that such an EMPTY vessel has created so much discord. Lady Justice will have prevailed when she has found you guilty of TREASON!!


Comey = I was right —>>> Before I was wrong —>>> I now I’m right again.
Ugh! We can’t be the only ones who see the snake for what he is.

Deplorable Patriot

This again? Playing a number of Shakespearian women all at once, I see.
The gentleman protesteth too much to be believed. Remember Rex connected the dots last week. Consider this a show until proven otherwise.


Cautionary words indeed – we all think we have our favourite characters pinned down – but the final act is yet to be played. If Sessions, RR, Mueller, et al could be playing roles – why not James, the Maypole of this Come(d)y?

Deplorable Patriot
Mueller, Rosenstein, Barr and Giuliani were the group that took down the Gambino crime family. Comey was one of the group that prosecuted. It is believed, but not proven, that VSG may well have been a confidential witness against the mob and so met all of these gentlemen in the 80s.


Obviously awesome, if this turns out to be true. Just imagine the WTF’s etc OT if it plays out like this – pretty almost all their favourite villains being on the side of MAGA!
It would be hilarious to witness. Then Reagan’s missing trillions just need to be “found” – cognitive dissonance extraordinaire!!!

Gail Combs

Reagan’s missing trillions just need to be “found” ===> Asset Forfeiture from the crooks who stole it!!
I can remember some going completely balistic OT when AG Session brought in much stonger Asset Forfeiture. I think we now know WHY.
July 19, 2017 Dept of Justice News: Attorney General Sessions Issues Policy and Guidelines on Federal Adoptions of Assets Seized by State or Local Law Enforcement: The Department’s new policy strengthens the civil asset forfeiture…
AG Sessions also got rid of the Obama era policy that diverted fines FROM the treasury TO Commie NGOs.

A Fortiori

Isn’t it stunning how little fanfare surrounded the revelation that Hussein was extorting fines that were then paid to his friends? To this day, you hear very little about this, and it was outrageous.

Gail Combs

Please excuse the mis-spellings I can not spell worth a darn thanks to the See n’ Say reading method. (I can easily read over 1000 wpm though 😁) Unfortunately WordUnimpressed no longer highlights my misspelling for me.

Deplorable Patriot

“Reagan’s missing trillions just need to be “found” ===> Asset Forfeiture from the crooks who stole it!!”
IIRC, it was deposited in 39 banks world wide. I have a suspicion special forces was sent into the locations where it was for repatriation.


just to keep this straight – if this is the case (IF) then mueller, throughout his whole entire career, filled with impropriety after impropriety, after bulger, epstein related stuff, after 9/11 coverup, after anthrax coverup, after U1 involvement…
what you’re saying is it’s possible this guy has been undercover for decades committing blatantly obvious favors and coverups and he was doing it all as a double agent and so he knows all the details and he will uncover the whitey bulger stuff, the epstein stuff, the 9/11 stuff, the U1 stuff?
maybe that’s all part of that post you linked from which i admittedly have not read yet, but people have been talking about it for days so i am guessing that’s the gist of the whole thing…

Deplorable Patriot

Look up the 2004 renewal of the FISA court and who was forced to flip on their opinions. Undercover started later as part of revenge. Then read Q from the beginning.
There’s more going on than anyone knows.
Q post 10
Clinton Foundation Investigation
29 Oct 2017 – 10:57:27 PM
Remember, the FBI, and MI, have an open investigation into the CF. Why did Comey drop this? Who was the FBI director during the Haiti crisis? How many kids disappeared? How much money sent to CF under disguise of H relief went to H? What countries donated big money to CF and why? How much was owed by accepting? When she lost how would this be repaid? What did Obama do with cash just prior to leaving office? Repayment to those who donated for favors/access? Dig!!!!!
Again, good people were forced into bed with this evil under personal and family threats. Could you live with yourself helping to cover up such evil despicable acts if given a safe way out? These people worship Satan _ some openly show it.


i cannot find right off the 2004 situation that you are referring to but i am assuming mueller was the one forced to flip? i know there was a 2008 renewal of fisa stuff… 2004 i could only find an amendment that was made.
i do remember he was brought before committees several time in order to give reasoning about alleged abuses of fisa under his watch while at the agency.
i remember all of the early q posts – i was there live watching them unfold on 4chan at the time. and i honestly for a while held onto the scenario that mueller was an agent for trump back then.
then it started to get murky – and i felt well, maybe he’s on america’s side but he’s doing it to absolve or get leniency for past indiscretions such as i mentioned.
i will read that post above and find out what all the fuss is about.


Good, we hope you, Mr. Comey, are one of those “charge whatever cases warrant charging” – which, btw, is done by the DOJ, not Mueller himself.


if we let ourselves get dragged into this…well, fill in the rest.


Talk about low-down nasty despicable leftist hatefulness….
Leftist shill intentionally taunts and lies about Eric Bolling’s son’s death in Trump hotel.
Here’s Eric’s response:


What happened in Bolling’s life was horrible. For anyone to use it in such a despicable way is unforgivable. Does it make them proud? Do they feel like they’ve won… something?

Pat Frederick

i keep thinking back to what everyone’s been saying lately…the left are deliberately provoking us–trying to spark a violent response–so they can, of course, film it, use it, file suit or whatever to discredit, silence and disarm our side…
I am not one to be calm in the face of an asshole attack–I wish i could be more Nick Sandmann instead of George Foreman

Gail Combs

Just make sure THEY LAY HANDS ON YOU FIRST. (And hopefully have others video tape it.) This is the defence. Otherwise just stick to words or say nothing. like Nick Sandmann did.
As Nolte showed they WILL resort to violence.
Rap Sheet: ***639*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters
If we had an HONEST media this would be making headlines instead of bein buried.

Molly Pitcher

I do think that’s true about hoping to provoke a response and I also believe that the mind control of hate that the Dems have cultivated has resulted in truly hateful people who ENJOY hurting others physically or emotionally.
These random hecklers just don’t happen to be in restaurants every time a conservative gets attacked. There has to be some tip line or something that an employee or patron can call that goes to some Zero activist org with people ready in any given area. Get that call & out the door they go. They already know what hot button to focus on with their target. This is Demofascism 2019

Gail Combs

I agree.
Organizing for Action is a nonprofit 5014 organization and community organizing project that advocates for the agenda of former U.S. President Barack Obama. The organization is officially non-partisan, but its agenda and policies are strongly allied with the Democratic Party.
Founded: January 18, 2013
Affiliation: Barack Obama
Abbreviation: OFA
Chairperson: Jim Messina
Founders: Michelle Obama, Jim Messina “
This is from their website. Just read between the lines. This is WHY Obunner was a COMMUNITY ORGANIZER!

Change requires more than righteous anger. It requires a program, and it requires organizing.
Build Community
Millions of people across America are coming together to fight for real, lasting change in their communities. Step up, add your voice, and start organizing.
Channeling passion into fighting for lasting change
We are proud community organizers building this movement from the ground up, community by community, one conversation at a time—whether that’s on a front porch or on Facebook. We’re committed to finding and training the next generation of leaders, because at the end of the day, we aren’t the first to fight for progressive change, and we won’t be the last.
We believe in providing anyone who is passionate about a cause the space and opportunity to walk in the door and take action. We believe in empowering people with the tools, training, and support to be more engaged citizens. We are here to help you unleash your power.….

From the book Willing Accomplices: How KGB Covert Influence Agents Created Political Correctness and Destroyed America by Kent Clizbe
Willi Muenzenberg
“…..Willi likely honed his clandestine tradecraft training during this period. He was closely tied to a variety of Comintern and KGB officers, visiting Moscow often, establishing front companies and cementing bonds with his Comintern mentors, Radek and Zinoviev, and of course Lenin. It’s likely that he met with the KGB head, Dzerzhinsky. The KGB chief would have given him broad guidelines for his influence operations.
The KGB had been quite successful in influencing the Americans already. Alex Gumberg was still working in America, continuing to run the operation that he had begun during the heady days of the
Revolution in St. Petersburg. Now Dzerzhinsky, and his staff under OMS cover would have directed the German master of influence to concentrate on the American “market.”….
Lenin’s vision to bring America to its knees required penetration of the wellsprings of its civil identity, the “transmission belts” of American culture.
The goal of the operations was to make Americans feel that their country was bad. The KGB utilized Willing Accomplices to spread the message that America was an evil, racist, imperialist war- monger and that Communism was a benign, noble experiment designed to rid the world of corruption, oppression and injustice.
Covert Influence Payload
Babette Gross, wife of KGB agent Willi Muenzenberg, explained the content of the Soviet payload to Stephen Koch:

* You claim to be an independent-minded idealist.
* You don’t really understand politics, but you think the little guy is getting a lousy break.
* You believe in open-mindedness.
* You are shocked, frightened by what is going on right here in our own country.
* You’re frightened by the racism, by the oppression of the workingman.
* You think the Russians are trying a great human experiment, and you hope it works.
* You believe in peace.
* You yearn for international understanding.
* You hate fascism.
* You think the capitalist system is corrupt.

This payload exactly matches today’s PC-Progressive message. The message that Soviet covert operators propagated through American Willing Accomplices. The Willing Accomplices, wittingly or unwittingly, spread the anti-American message. And this message bloomed and grew into the pernicious set of taboos and strictures that we call PC today. It is important to note that Soviet espionage simply planted the seeds of PC. The seedlings did not need continued communist cultivation. The Soviets’ American Willing Accomplices nurtured the anti-American message in universities, newsrooms, and in Hollywood.
After the payloads were planted, the vast majority of the communist intelligence operatives met the fate of most stooges of totalitarian thugs—violent death at the hands of their comrades. ….”

Now that the Communist Payload has been delivered Obama is ORGANIZING the ‘Useful Innocents’ in the same way the original Communists did as a prelude to a government takeover.

Molly Pitcher

Excellent info Gail.
What a difference between Q and other MAGA people who have as much enthusiasm as these NWO activists but for a completely different goal.

Deplorable Patriot

Jim Messina. Now there’s one ugly dude.


look how freaking awesome they are at it too.
and on the side of truth there are a couple small orgs doing a few things.
even most young republican or conservative groups on college campuses have been banned so there isn’t even that anymore (which was just a tool anyway to convince people of the efficacy of the “political system”)
they have billions upon billions of dollars and millions of ardent supporters willing to do anything.
look at that woman that verbally accosted chelsea clinton the other day. tshirt says Jobs For All, Medicare For All, College for All, Justice for All…
and by “All” i think you know who they mean.


That same question could easily be asked of others, such as someone who would slap me down by questioning whether I would try to stop someone from committing suicide when my own daughter committed suicide. Why, one has to ask?


Nebraska, I’m not sure how to respond without hurting you more. All I want to do is hug you.


TY – please know I feel the love flowing my way and it is MUCH appreciated.


B/c they don’t care about people. They don’t love people. The only care about themselves – the people they luv are only tools to them. They only love themselves. People are tools to power, and setting policy to govern how those people are used for power is all that matters. Saving lives doesn’t matter in their calculus of power. You interfered with that plan. Plain and simple. There is no why b/c they are not righteous people. They don’t have a moral compass guiding their hearts. That’s what makes you amazing. They are hollow shells walking compared to the glory you bring in this world around you. You make the world a better place filled with life – they have NOTHING that can compare. For all their grasping at power they CANNOT create and cannot give the power of LIFE.


I gotta get to work but wanted to share real quick, I think drillerwife is coming around to wanting to be more involved here. She wrote a post on her page but the last line makes me believe she wanted to post it here but hasn’t figured it out quite yet 😆. I could ask her but she’s not up this early. I have a feeling she’s going to get up and be like, ‘well, guess nobody liked what I posted’ lol. Anyways, thought I’d link it in case

Pat Frederick

she posted in Daughn’s thread about the $100 story…quite a wife you have there driller–she sounds lovely! (and Daughn responded). but tell her not everyone that’s here can “like”…gotta have a WP account i think…???


Thanks Pat, that’s sweet. Daughn just mentioned that too, I’m glad she’s starting to try and participate


I commented back to her this morning on the $100 story. She’s so cute.


Oh good that’s a great story, I’m glad she read it. She is pretty cute if I say so myself 🥰


Liked 🙂


I can’t dig into it right now – remind us again later on a newer thread and I’ll take another look

Pat Frederick
The complaint points to the employment of three individuals, including Maria Belén Sisa, an illegal immigrant from Argentina who is in the United States under the protections of DACA and has been named deputy national press secretary for Bernie 2020. Sisa, who collected a salary from the Bernie 2016 campaign and also made financial contributions to it, recently made headlines when she questioned whether American Jews, including her own boss Sanders, were loyal to the United States.
Both the work for the campaign and contributions are “direct and serious violations” of federal election law, the complaint argues.
Foreign nationals are prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in the decision-making process of any person with regard to election-related activities, according to the FEC. Included in this group of foreign nationals are all immigrants not lawfully admitted as permanent residents.


I think we need to clamour for a SC to be appointed to investigate the prima facie of collusion with Argentina.
Its legitimacy would be unimpeachable in light of the Mueller fandango


prima facie CASE – duh


You guys are going to laugh.
Husband called me this morning, howling laughter.
He had to tell me the Dems new mantra in an article he read.
“Mueller didn’t find any Russian collusion……. because the Russians have gotten to Mueller, corrupted him.”


Well, at least it is consistent …
Cognitive dissonance is never pretty, unless “pretty funny” counts! 🙂


Anticipointment, according to Drudge – new “word” for me, but pretty clever.


Bwwhwhaa. Talk about a “brutal pill to swallow”.




i think this new revelation by them was predicted no matter what.
they are going to keep on keeping on with their investigations right?????
and i suppose they’ll start to even begin having conspiracy theories and maybe even get an insider to post anonymously on dailyKos or something 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

Reuters thinks this is news. Ha. In a former life, I visited the National Geospacial facility here in town, and this is exactly how we had to enter. Leave the smart phone in the car or a locker, no electronic devices, etc. The building is non-descript and in a place no one would think to look for it.
And the leaks were kept to a minimum.
Turn in your smartphones! How Mueller kept a lid on Trump-Russia probe
WASHINGTON, March 22 (Reuters) – When members of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team investigating Russia’s role in the 2016 U.S. election arrived for work each day, they placed their mobile phones in a locker outside of their office suite before entering.
Operating in secrecy in a nondescript glass-and-concrete office, the team of prosecutors and investigators since May 2017 has unearthed secrets that have led to bombshell charges against several of President Donald Trump’s aides, including his former national security adviser, campaign chairman and personal lawyer, who have pleaded guilty or been convicted by a jury.
To protect those secrets from prying ears, the whole of the office suite in southwest Washington was designated a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF), U.S. spy speak for an area that has restrictions to ensure secret information stays secure.
One common restriction in SCIFs is to keep out smartphones and other electronic devices, which can be turned into covert listening devices or spy cameras. Visitors were also required to turn these over before entering.
The restrictions, while not surprising given the team was investigating whether a hostile foreign power tried to help Trump win the 2016 election and whether his campaign conspired in the effort, have not been previously reported.
Accounts of witnesses interviewed by the special counsel’s team, their lawyers and others familiar with the investigation reveal the lengths to which Mueller, a former FBI director, went to ensure his high-profile probe safeguarded its secrets.
In a city known for its leaks, Mueller pulled off a rare feat. He kept a tight lid on both his office and the evidence he was amassing in his highly sensitive investigation that has cast a cloud over Trump’s presidency. And he did it even as Trump relentlessly criticized him, calling the probe a “witch hunt” and the special counsel’s team “thugs.”

Gail Combs

Actually the Special Counsel leaked like a sieve. Gotta provide all those 4AM talking point [Orange Man BAD] to the media. Must have hired some people with perfect recall to do the dirty. 😎
Compare to the ‘leaks’ from Huber.

Deplorable Patriot

Not much that was really substantial leaked. Reuters is admitting here that the evidence collected by Mueller’s team is not known. They could be sitting on a mountain of colluding evidence of Russia with the Democrats, and the media is completely in the dark about it. Yes, there have been indictments and convictions, but those may prove to be helpful elsewhere. Plus, they kept the cats of the swamp occupied with laser precision, which I believe was the point of the exercise.


“Plus, they kept the cats of the swamp occupied with laser >pointer< precision, which I believe was the point of the exercise."
Helps me with the visual of a cat chasing a laser pointer dot, which was probably your intention, just wanted to belabor the point for my own LOOK! Squirrel! amusement 😉

Deplorable Patriot

Actually, I deliberately left that word out.


“bombshell charges against several of President Donald Trump’s aides, including his former national security adviser, campaign chairman and personal lawyer, who have pleaded guilty or been convicted by a jury.”
Typical sleazy innuendo and bias inserted by Reuters.


The whole office was a SCIF?


No surprise. Hubby turns his in every day or leaves it in the car. No phones, no USB thingies, etc. etc.


but this sounds really impressive to regular people who walk around with ipads, iphones and iwatches all day and cannot even go take a poop without taking at least two of those devices with them…

Molly Pitcher

It’s sad really. There’s probably a study on it but I think people are losing the ability to puzzle out things. They never have to rely on their wits..why should they, they have a phone. The mighty phone Oz will tell them the answer to anything.
Real live humans are boring and intimidating..wanting to look you in the eye and t a l k ..ohmygosh
So many idle pleasures are diluted with..the device. A walk on the beach and about half I see are there but fiddling with a phone while it’s funny but weird to me.
I’m on here a lot, my laptop, but I swear the minute I feel like we can let off of backing POTUS by sharing the news that mind control media won’t..I could throw this under a pillow and hardly get on unless I was doing business.


Never forget CAIR = Hamas/Muslim Brotherhood/Al Queda/Taliban/ISIS


OANN is running a couple minutes of an interview with Frank Gaffney about CAIR = HAMAS and the MB being one of the most dangerous groups in the world. Won’t find Fox doing THAT!!!!


Also doing a “Special Report” on Judge Jeanine and slamming Fox. CAIR was the one who pushed for her suspension. “Fox News caved into pressure from an extreme left organization that is nothing more than a front for exporting Islamic terrorists.”


Islam is a dangerous human rights abusive ideology – for its entire history and its core texts/doctrines/traditions.


Yes, Islamism is very dangerous and should be banned in the US.


Researcher Ole Dammegard and former Black Ops Agent turned whistleblower (OK Murrah building) Cody Snodgrass join SGT Report to discuss the “event” in Christchurch New Zealand. I tried to think of important parts to give segments to watch but it is ALL important so even watching (I rarely watch YouTube but listen while driving or doing other stuff) in whatever time increments are available to you will put you way ahead in understanding the broader scope from the perspective of Mine Cntrl — masses 👀


I forgot to mention the wealth of information in the comments….


Interesting about the color purple…and the shoes.


..and purple ties found allover..


No more indictments from Mueller. The left is doing a tapdancecomment image


The perfect image of “reality”…those eyes!

Pat Frederick

every time i scroll by this photo, I think the dog has just heard the word “vet”…
hope you are well NYGuy!


Thanks Pat…just doing my thing with NYGal…spending less time online. Best wishes to you and your family!

Pat Frederick

and to you! and extend warm greetings to your Gal as well!


One day she will comment here


Some gutsy reporters looking to make their mark should establish their mission to do exactly this and carry it out locally in every state as well as Federal Senate and House Office Buildings…


Hypocrites. Same responses would be heard hear in the USA. I’d love to see this type of video done in NYC, Boston, SF, or LA. It would be exactly the same result for sure.


These idiots will NEVER learn!!!
“Sweden needs more migrants to keep its vast welfare state afloat despite the high unemployment rate for foreigners, according to the country’s Public Employment Service Director General Mikael Sjöberg.
Mr Sjöberg, along with labour market analyst Torbjörn Israelsson, argues that the increase in the country’s elder population in coming decades could lead to a collapse of the welfare state without added migration, Nyheter Idag reports.
The pair, do, however, acknowledge the huge disparity between the employment rate of native-born Swedes and foreign-born residents which was highlighted in a report last year that showed natives to have a low 3.6 per cent unemployment rate while the rate for foreigners was 19.9 per cent.
The unemployment difference is also clearly seen in the heavily migrant-populated city of Malmö where the unemployment rate is double the national average.”


funny thing is then they start to use it as an example of discrimination against the poor refugees… 🙂 they can’t help it they cannot find work!
who needs work when you get free paperwork, free house, free car, free health, free school. the more i think of it, the whole socialism thing already exists in the united states even but it’s only the illegals and refugees who are benefiting from it right now while we fund it!


This should also be attempted in Hollywood, since virtue signaling is so rampant there.


Oh, yeah….didn’t think of that!


put your money where your mouth is, right???


Mary Barra, CEO of GM, announced 300 million investment in an electric vehicle plant for Orion, MI, 400 jobs.
Oh, and, Mary Barra went to the Jessica Tarlov school of diction.


Yes – I went to a talk Tufte gave at a conference…. smart guy, he teaches at Yale(?)-and the presentation was extremely academic and dry for my pallete …. (egotistical pompous people rub me the absolute WRONG way) they ‘gave’ us the set of books that was built into the ticket cost ( there are 500 in attendance) and that’s the moment I learned how book sales lists were generated….. haha
This was in 2010 or so.


Something is up with these 2 Boeing crashes – just sayin’: Indonesia cancels huge order from Boeing.

Deplorable Patriot

That was probably the goal.

Elizabeth Carter

President Trump has been cracking down on Human Trafficking with Asset Forfeiture EO’s such as the one on 12-21-2017.
Maybe Indonesia can’t afford the planes anymore and are looking for a way out of their purchase contracts. Indonesia has GDP under 1 Trillion dollar per year.
Indonesia’s Child Trafficking Crisis May 7, 2017
* Remove * to link


I don’t think that is what this was about, TBH, but thanks for the link.


I know Laura has a job to do but when I see anyone speaking about/to POTUS about his communication skills, It reminds me to smile and be glad they do not likely even have an appointment in the Oval Office much less have the information that is known there …. and Ronald Reagan was the man for his time…but time has not stood still….
There should be another video layered on top of this one in the article linked below, pointing out to Laura that she might consider there are levels of communication POTUS uses skillfully:
1) Verbal Level
2) Physical Level
3) Auditory Level
4) Emotional Level
5) Energetic Level
Read More:
On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Ingraham Angle,” host Laura Ingraham told President Trump that he has undercut his own message and “given needless fodder” to his enemies by talking about George Conway and the late Senator John McCain.


Perfect Chaff and countermeasures. Plus, more people find out what a turd McCain was, and every woman I know thinks George Conway really is the husband from he$$.
It does look like something BIG was supposed to happen this week. Strange things being delayed. Rosy staying at the DOJ and Brexit delayed – Phoenix put these two together last night – makes sense.
Then something weird is going on in Venezuela. Big meeting for POTUS at Mar-A-Lago this weekend.
China trade delayed, again.
Sale of 60 jets to Taiwan was a big stick in their eye – probably for making POTUS go all the way to Vietnam on a lark.
And the Wall Street globalists are screaming, Germany/France tanking, but heartland of America is rockin’.
Then, we have the NZ shooter, Italian Bus, 12 churches sacked and burned in France, and a big chem fire in China, dozens dead.
Capitulation from the FED, yes, they really did screw up and POTUS was right, again.
Finally, we have Q drops on child trafficking and a litany of headlines for sexual misconduct.
Oh, and did I mention, we defeated ISIS this week…………….!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Another great week in America.
Sad MCM missed it, again.


comment image


I hate it when she feels the need to counsel POTUS. She’s so smart, why isn’t she President??


Laura is one of those clueless “he should do this” “he shouldn’t do that” people who know nothing about what the purpose of his words are or the information he has. Laura needs to sit down, shut up, and watch the master at work.


Yeah, ironic she wrote that book about ‘shut up and sing’


Personally, I think President Trump communicates incredibly well.
– Supporters with him.
– Detractors cannot state one policy failing.
What is there to not like?

Deplorable Patriot

Thieves Arrested For Stealing Razor Wire From U.S.-Mexico Border To Protect Their Own Homes
Reynaldo Gonzalez Mora, Tijuana’s border liaison unit director, told the San Diego Union-Tribune that many people were arrested and “most were people who have been deported from the United States, and people who have problems with drug addiction and live mostly on the street.”
Tijuana’s public safety secretary, Marco Antonio Sotomayor Amezcua, said U.S. authorities reached out for help.
“We have detected that the barbed wire that was installed in the border area is no longer there. We know about the stealing of the concertina [wire] from United States authorities who have asked us for help through the liaison staff,” Sotomayor said, adding that the wire is unlike materials sold in Tijuanian stores, being more sharp and strong.
There have reportedly been 15 to 20 arrests, according to city officials.
The San Diego Union-Tribune also reported that on Monday, contractors replaced some of the wire on the U.S side of the border.

Pat Frederick

whatever they can steal and take from us, they will do it!

Pat Frederick

LOL that certainly explains the current crop of malcontents running…


Anyone interested: has 543,394 Online followers over the last 24hrs.
The Q-Movement growth is accelerating.

Molly Pitcher


Molly Pitcher
Molly Pitcher

The following is a detailed presentation of why the next few weeks, between March 19th and May 1st, is known as the Dark Occult season of sacrifice. The bulk of this research was compiled by Mark Passio and presented herein in summary format by myself, Justin Deschamps.
The fact is, every year since this article was originally published, in 2016, false flag attacks have taken place within days of March 19th, and throughout the 40 day period thereafter.

Molly Pitcher


” [T]he ease with which companies can make your bits and bytes inaccessible should still give pause.
It was that last sentence that jolted me to my senses.
Look at the extent to which these monolithic digital corporations have already gone to erase people from social media as a means to erase their ideas (you know, wild-eyed stuff like men are men and women are women). So of course entertainment deemed subversive and inappropriate by the fascist Wokesters is next on the ever-growing blacklist. It only makes sense.
You might argue this can’t happen in a country with a First Amendment — please, get your head out of the sand.
Look around, my friend, and you will see that our government has farmed out the removal of our rights to mega-corporations that have seized our means of communication and can legally silence us, legally blacklist us, legally blacklist their own art as James L. Brooks has now done.
Disney blacklisted its own Song of the South decades ago. Gone with the Wind has been under fire for years. And now you will no longer be able to purchase Michael Jackson’s Simpsons episode for the worst reason imaginable — like one of Stalin’s filmmakers, the show’s own creator has been brainwashed into believing censorship is the right thing to do.
Bunch argues against this censorship this way: “Hiding the omnipresence of Jackson in our cultural milieu does nothing to help us understand how the singer, who was often surrounded by a coterie of young children, could operate with impunity right under all of our noses,” which is fine, but my reasons are nowhere near as lofty.
Goddammit, this is America. We don’t disappear art in America. We don’t judge art by the artist — good grief, who in their right mind wants to go down that slippery slope of purity?”


I am certain Robert E Lee would like your post were he able to do so.


Robert E Lee was an excellent man.


i may or may not have gone to school for two years at the college that holds lee’s name and his burial tomb with his wife (and a few other family members) and his trusty steed traveller.
matter of fact, it’s just up the road from the infamous “red hen” restaurant of sara sanders fame…
stonewall jackson’s home just down the way in the opposite direction.
since i was a child i have studied history. i had made the connection long ago that lee was a conflicted soldier in all he had to face, but he made a decision and that was that. he fought for his state. he was a gifted general, a gentleman. he also did all he could after the war to reunite and heal.
general lee served 29 years for the united states army before being called to lead the confederate forces for the approx. 4 years during the civil war.
general lee’s father was a patriot and revolutionary war officer. he was decorated and server with distinction, he later became governor of virginia. he also gave the eulogy at George Washington’s funeral.
robert e lee was married to mary custis who was the daughter of george washington’s step grandson (whom he adopted as his son). she would inherit the family home Arlington House. the home would be taken over by the union army and used as a cemetery at first to make sure that lee would never return to the home. that is now the location of arlington national cemetery.
lee took a job as president of Washington College in lexington va and server there until his death.


A regal, genteel, good hearted man.


So drillerwife is a descendant of Robert E Lee, she’ll appreciate this comment. Thanks Andrew


that is awesome, and i was glad to put that comment here! coming from “north of the mason dixon line” i might not be the best to recount to grand old south as i am not from Dixie – but boy did i appreciate after being there the lessons i learned that i had only heard about anecdotally prior. bonus was being such a lover of history seeing these places first hand was awesome.
unfortunately W&L has completely lost it’s way in the last few years and the whole town is a shell of itself after trying to distance and disavow it’s history and heritage. and it did it only to bow down to the political correctness epidemic…


So sad. Personally, I have no ties to the south but when bans on the rebel flag started up I, of course had to procure a bars and stars banner to run up my flagpole immediately. Political correctness is national suicide


If we can be identified as hate, then all of our speech and rights must be curbed if not eliminated. It is already happening.


excellent synopsis, and eyeopening commentary Nebraska…..just had a thought pop into my head, that the next step is to BAN ALL PRINTED materials under the guise of ‘well its all digital now’……eeks,


MA_kswiss – i feel that has already been in the works for a while now.
it’s fahrenheit 451 combined with 1984.
i am not the “author” of such a theory, but it was one that seems logical, and i remember discussing it with a friend of mine in the early 2000’s.
at the time people still kind of bought newspapers, they still read magazines, not everyone was on the web, book stores still existed. but we could see where it was going.
i thought (again, not original thought i am taking credit for, but some things are just common sense) at the time that once all went digital it would be much easier for them to change or modify texts, and without the original hard copy how were the future people to know if that is what the books/news actually said originally…
as time went on and stores started disappearing, more people started getting their news directly online, and books went digital (kindle and whatever that barnes and noble tablet device was called) i have become convinced that is exactly what will be the future. it will be controlled by those in control and they will determine what is and what is not allowed to be read.


Not at all far fetched

Molly Pitcher

Anger as France sees 10 Catholic churches attacked in ONE week – ‘God will forgive, NOT ME
A SEVEN day spree of vandalism has seen Catholic churches targeted across France sparking fears of a fresh wave of anti-Christian sentiment in the country, including one church being defiled with human EXCREMENT.


Jeff (Something for last name) Fox Biz reporter was interviewing Mary Barra, of GM, who announced the 300 million dollar expansion, 400 workers, for a plant in Orion, MI.
He asked her, “Bloomberg says you are throwing the President a bone. What is your response?” Of course, she avoids answering directly. Reporter pushes her further, “Is it because the auto industry is so complicated and he just doesn’t understand the auto industry?”
Like the auto industry is MORE complicated than running the Free WORLD?
Are you kidding me?
Where do they get these idiots?


Why couldn’t they ask these VERY questions when EmptySuit was in office??? Mr. “those jobs aren’t coming back. What does he have a magic wand?” guy…..yea, ask him …….
Makes my blood boil…..


I was listening to that on the radio and Mary Barra completely dodged the question. It was actually rather disgusting and disingenuous


This is hopeful.


“A new website has been unveiled to help connect more Nebraskans with opportunities to request and provide relief. The website can be viewed at
“Nebraska’s response to the flooding has been incredible as neighbors have been stepping up to help one another,” said Gov. Pete Ricketts. “We are working to bring new resources online on a daily basis as we start the long road to recovery. Together, we will rebuild and keep our communities strong and growing.”
On the website, Nebraskans who need relief can log requests for items ranging from housing to tools. Requests will then be reviewed by the Nebraska Preparedness Partnership before being posted. After they are reviewed, they will then be available for fulfillment by members of the public.
Members of the public who want to help provide relief are encouraged to monitor the website for new requests. The website was created by Nebraska Interactive at no cost to the state.
The website is one of numerous resources available for Nebraskans seeking help. Among others, Nebraskans are encouraged to utilize these resources:”

Molly Pitcher

It probably already has it’s tunnel in operation


“President Donald Trump declared a major disaster in Nebraska and ordered federal aid to supplement ongoing state, tribal and local recovery efforts in the areas affected by a severe winter storm, straight-line winds and flooding.
“Thank you to President Trump for his quick approval of Nebraska’s request,” said Gov. Pete Ricketts. “Nebraskans have already been stepping up to begin the journey to recovering from the most widespread natural disaster in our state’s history. As we rebuild together, federal assistance is a key part of ensuring that we keep Nebraska strong and growing.”
The president’s action makes federal funding available to affected individuals in the counties of Butler, Cass, Colfax, Dodge, Douglas, Nemaha, Sarpy, Saunders and Washington.
Assistance may include grants for temporary housing and home repairs, low-cost loans to cover uninsured property losses, and other programs to help individuals and business owners recover from the effects of the disaster.
Federal funding is also available to state, tribal and eligible local governments and certain private nonprofit organizations on a cost-sharing basis for emergency work in these Northeast and North Central Nebraska counties: Antelope, Boone, Boyd, Brown, Burt, Cedar, Cherry, Colfax, Cuming, Dakota, Dixon, Dodge, Holt, Keya Paha, Knox, Madison, Pierce, Platte, Rock, Stanton, Thurston, Wayne and Wheeler counties, in addition to the Santee Sioux Nation, Ponca Tribe of Nebraska, Omaha Tribe of Nebraska, Sac and Fox, and Winnebago Tribe.
Furthermore, federal funding is available on a cost-sharing basis for hazard mitigation measures statewide.
Damage assessments are continuing in other areas, and additional areas may be designated for assistance after the assessments are fully completed.”

Deplorable Patriot

We in the state of Missouri, where the high water is working its way across the state, feel for you. Losing so much to flood SUCKS. It just does.
And the worst of it, which never gets reported, is that after the water is gone, all the levees and walls have to be replaced and/or repaired. Yes, in 1993, we spent MILLIONS.
Here’s to a few weeks of dry weather before the spring storms start to line up.


Over $1M in dead calves alone…..

Deplorable Patriot





THIS is America at our best.
Nebraska lost over 400K head of livestock. Can’t plant for at least a month. Operation HayLIFT is coming to the rescue.
So proud of these fine men, I could cry.

Pat Frederick

YES!! thanks for sharing…I love these stories!!



Molly Pitcher

Sometimes I literally go past the good, the kind and compassionate stories in such a rush to document the evil and commit it to memory so we’ll never forget how we got here.
The heart and spirit of what made America great is wonderful


i had a conversation with my neighbors a couple years back and they thought i was nuts, but the basics were that i wouldn’t mind being in a disaster situation because i know that the people in this country will come together to help each other, to make things right, and things like the aftermaths of natural disasters, etc, really bring the community together and people of all walks and socioeconomic classes work together in mud and debris to help each other out…and it’s a beautiful thing.
it’s our ease of life that sometimes i feel makes us lose touch with our fellow man and we also lose real compassion and understanding. most people now want to signal their “compassion and understanding” and how much they “donate” so as to get likes and thumbs up from people instead of doing it from the heart. and many times it takes an unbelievable tragedy or disaster to make people realize that we are just humans living together and that brings us back to the basics of genuine human kindness.


Alrighty wqTreepers –since I’m in Central European Time, It’s time for me to go cook some dinner for when Mr. MA_Swiss arrives home….we’re having fish! (observing Lenten Fridays). Will be watching the space for Qdrops later tonight… revoir at bon soirée!


Bon Apetit! We are enjoying your company and contributions.


Thanks GA/FL, much appreciated- I just think so highly of all of you, that I was so shy to *consider* posting, so I’m happy to be finding my way….I’ve always believed that with any new group, as long as I keep smiling and show a willingness to learn and share, God will provide the purpose of being there for that moment with the people….so I don’t worry so much anymore 🙂 … it turns out, Mr. MA_kswiss is delayed, so I got to sneak in here while I managed the timing of the food coming out of the oven (it’s an art, timing dinner! I swear….but it smells good in here!)
Waves hello!


Okay, I know I’m just the chic who makes the muffins, but hang with me for a second.
What if……..
Along the flooded rivers, which flood every single spring, why don’t we have gates?
To fill up large lakes/reservoirs?
Drawing down the water at flood stage – or 5′ below flood stage?
To use for irrigation of farms during the summer?
We’re wasting an awful lot of fresh water….. which is… a natural resource.
And the leftists always scream about aquifers, and try to regulate how much water is used.
Am I crazy?

Deplorable Patriot

In two words, I would say barge traffic. You need a sixteen foot channel for that, at least on the Mississippi. Up river, the Mississippi has locks by the hydroelectric dams to get the traffic through. The Missouri isn’t deep enough for that. In fact, in drought years, the state of Missouri has to beg North Dakota to open the dam at some lake.
The Missouri does have commercial traffic after the channel was deepened. Along with the Ohio and the Illinois, this is the backbone of the river transportation. Believe me the Army Corps of Engineers has thought this through.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Someone could certainly dredge these lakes and make sure they remain empty until a flood comes along with the sort of gates one puts on locks (they won’t do much good if they are ordinarily full). But I don’t see it happening; it would involve taking tens of thousands of square miles of prime farmland out of production permanently…and I don’t have any idea if even that would be enough to do the job. It would cost trillions, for sure.
Plus I simply don’t know how to assess what the impact of those reservoirs (usually empty) would be–a job for a hydrologist. I do remember (as an unrelated aside) that they do not want to build any more dams along the Colorado river, because losses due to evaporation would overwhelm the benefit from the reservoir.

Deplorable Patriot

Thank you. I wasn’t sure how to say it when it comes to damming back bone rivers. As shallow as the Missouri is, any lakes or reservoirs would be opened often enough for navigable channel depth that it wouldn’t be worth the money. Better to take the loss every so many years. Downstream we are in better shape to take the brunt of it. The channels are wider, plus there is NOTHING up at the confluence, which was by design.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

If I understood Daughn correctly, her idea is in regard to making what are essentially big, empty catch basins along the Mississippi and Missouri rivers; that shouldn’t affect the existing channel at all. In the event of a flood, gates to the basins would open and collect the flood surge.
Given the sheer volume of water involved in floods, I doubt we could economically construct such basins, and the land condemned for them would be huge amounts of the best farmland we have. But the size of the basins would be a question for someone who knows just how much extra water is involved in the flooding. (I’d be stunned if it weren’t absolutely massive.)


Further down river, close to me, we have ‘spillways’ and 2 ‘sets’ of levees for big spring rain/snowmelt. We don’t have floods. We have a crap ton of water for certain years, but no flood.

Plain Jane

Just yesterday someone gave me some understanding about the fllooding problems in NW Missouri near the town of Watson. The reservoirs, I believe, up in Nebraska, used to be a controlled relief of the excess water but in recent years the Army Corps of Engineers no longer does so because some small fish would be impacted according to the environmentalist bureaucracy.
Apparently sacrificing homes, farms, cattle and grains is less of a priority than the danged fish. When this water hits towns further south it will be even more catastrophic.


It’s mine boggling in it’s stupidity. I have friends that have lost everything and ranchers and farmers friends who’ve lost their entire life’s work and livelyhood!

Plain Jane

The person who told me that said while she was growing up, and all through college they have never flooded like this. She was adament that this first started with the environmental schlubs.


they don’t really think things through. they make moves based on one premise (say, “saving the minnows”) and then after the fact – whoops now the minnows are fine but 10 unexpected things happened.
none of us want to crap on the earth. none of us want to make things bad for our children. none of us are going around indiscriminately ravaging the planet…but what they want to do is more often than not causing more problems because of the knee jerk reactionary steps they take because it makes them feel good.

Plain Jane

Exactly. It is beyond stupid. The results are evil.

Plain Jane

I’m sorry for your friends huskerheart. It’s terrible.


Seconded, with passion


‘just the chic who makes the muffins’,… omg 😆😂🤣

Cuppa Covfefe

To paraphrase an old commercial,
Nothin’ says lovin’ like a (hundred thousand) muffin(s) from the oven,
And daughnworks247 says it best 🙂




She does. We just love our Daughn.


Paul our Qanon in Brazil, has a terrific piece up, not on twitter but on his new platform
It’s long and intense, with some past Q drops analysis. I have a suggestion.
I think it would make a good separate thread for this site..
REASONS for thinking so: It could possibly be done 2 or even 3 parts… giving Qtreepers opportunity to comment on particulars and time to absorb and process info…
One of the strong points of the piece is that USA has become a “Surveillance State”… TOO FEW realize this.
Those of us who do realize this definitely need to redpill others in that regard.
Just a thought… one of our group of writers might want to give it a whirl?


oops, forgot end tag for bold… should have placed after “Wolfie” !!!
Ohhh the trials of old age… <sign


I understand…
Good idea to cite. Thanks for cleaning up my comment 😉


we’ve been under surveillance for so long – but once they foisted 9/11/2001 on us it began in earnest.
that people still do not realize this is well beyond my mental capacity to understand. it cannot be more obvious.
people DO NOT want to see it, and honestly, i think many do but they do not care. i know people that absolutely cannot stop facebook, they cannot stop using SIRI or cortana or alexa. they cannot stop using everything. they just can’t it’s like a disease.
i would rather be addicted to heroin and die all alone shooting up under a bridge than live happy addicted to the spying apps and DNA submissions and know all the time what’s going on but can’t make myself stop.


Having been a bridge dweller in a past life, I can point out a few choice locations. If you decide to get a heroin habit.

Pat Frederick

you sir are in luck…I just happen to have a bridge I can sell you quickly and cheaply–it’s in NY…do you like NY? cuz if not, I can move it…

Sylvia Avery

People are just beginning to look at the effects of the screens on us, on the developing brains of our kids, how the techno wizards designed social media addict us to dopamine thrills. It is a grim picture, indeed.
Add in every spying RING doorbell or snoopy Alexa and it is pretty darned creepy and disturbing.
I thought a RING doorbell would be great, for about the first two days after I had heard of it. And then it occurred to me what good does it do to have a nice happy video of someone stealing a package off my porch? It doesn’t actually protect or deter the action. But it does a fine job of documenting who visits and my own comings and goings.
To each his own, I suppose, but I am reacting more and more as thought tech was a wonderful pet I invited into the house and now it has me backed into a corner growling every time I make a move.


couple years back school district in our town decided to show this “documentary” called ScreenAgers. check it out if you can… kind of mocking in a way to what it’s trying to say but you can’t get a legit statement on the issue from the sjw’s themselves. in other words it is one of those stories where they show the absolute horrible effects of something and then go “well, i guess it’s going to happen anyway, here’s your new iphone honey” which is exactly what happens (sorry for the spoiler)
at one point in the movie there’s a mother. her teenage daughter had been “coerced” to take a topless photo and send to a boy she “liked”. he then promptly shared it to all the kids at school and thus began the endless struggle for the girl.
so the mom, what was she most worried and sad about? well, she was most disturbed by the fact that her daughter is missing out on so much fun and great stuff on the phones because she was scared off using them because of the photo incident. and she hopes her daughter can recover and start using the devices again.

Sylvia Avery



i sat there with tears in my eyes watching this video (during a parents only showing – they already showed the kids at school and none of them wanted us to see it) because my own daughter had experienced some of the pain of being let down by this technology. and after there was a q & a and i swear to god, nobody really cared at all… it was amazing.
so i started asking some questions and making a few comments about what i “felt” (they like that feelings thing) but when they started hearing what i was saying people started to get mad at me saying i was a paranoid troglodyte and i didn’t understand how hard it was for the kids to go without their phones.
so i said my piece and that was that. nobody else even offered up a question or a though they all just wanted to leave and get back to their devices.


I want to look that one up and watch it now. Will have to do it later.


Well said, Sylvia!

Cuppa Covfefe

Speaking of surveillance, was talking about this quite a while ago, and it seems to have gotten substantially under (surprise) BeezleBubba…
Øblowhole’s HUGE database was actually started by an EO from BeezleBubba Klintoon:

Pat Frederick


Matt Gaetz is a hoot !!!

Deplorable Patriot

And this was after they started email chain hoaxes.


OMG he set off a Twit FIRESTORM of triggered snowflakes with that one! HA HA!comment image


comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

In re: the graphic, a more appropriate line would have been an exponential function (unless you want to imply a lot of people who knew about Q back in the past, have forgotten him as of today).
Nonetheless, point made (and it was originally in response to something I had posted).


It was the best representation of a parabolic curve I could find with the LEAST amount of effort, and it did it’s job. Obviously, Wolf picked up on it immediately, and it had the desired effect. Anyone who was concerned about the left side of the curve was/is being far too literal and anal retentive, and no one was trying to be “appropriate” or prove how smaht they are, unless it’s you.


FGAC – honey, I loved your graph.


the day i showed up to 8am freshman calculus after a hard night doing what college kids do, and people looked at me weird. looked down. whoops – came to class in just my boxer shorts. turned around, went back to bed.
so the graph looked good to me i must admit 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I understood what you meant–but a parabola was the wrong curve for the job–technically. But, like I said, I “got” it.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. The derp state are always there making asymptotes out of themselves…

Molly Pitcher

It makes me so mad. Wrong way on a highway..why? Can’t read English? In his native country people rarely drive on highways or it’s a accepted free-for-all if you oops are going the wrong way? Was he high? No need for a State issued license here or did the kind charity people help him get a drivers license ? His car?
MOBILE COUNTY, Ala. (WKRG) – The Mobile County District Attorney’s office says an illegal immigrant who is days away from his 17th birthday is responsible for a crash that killed a woman on US 98 Monday.
Prosecutors say Domingo Francisco Marcos hit Sonya Jones head-on, killing her then tried to run off. He was injured too badly to run and collapsed. He was then taken to USA Women’s and Children’s Hospital for surgery.
Marcos was released in 2017 when he claimed asylum. That was in Arizona where officials were trying to deport him back to Guatemala. He never showed up in court on the asylum claim so it was denied. But, he disappeared and was never deported.
Lower Alabama Congressman and Senate candidate Bradley Byrne issued the following statement in response to the arrest:
“Yet again we have someone who is in our country illegally taking the life of an American citizen. How many more Americans have to die before we take action to crack down on illegal immigration, secure the border, and keep the American people safe? Enough is enough!”

Deplorable Patriot

Humans choosing to not eat meat or food from animals is one thing, but depriving pets of their natural food for which they evolved? Oh, come on people. One of our dogs is on a grain free diet and the diabetic one is a meat hound. No plants only diets here. (This dog person admits to not knowing much about cats other than they love tuna.)
Vegan dogs and cats? Study finds some pet owners are feeding their animals plant-based diets
Some pet owners who are vegan are feeding their dogs and cats plant-based diets as well, while other pet owners have expressed interest in doing so, a recent study found.
Researchers from the University of Guelph in Canada, as well as Massey University in New Zealand, surveyed more than 3,600 pet owners. Questions included what type of pet they owned, information about their pet’s diet and concerns regarding pet foods, among other inquiries.
Of the pet owners surveyed, 229 out of the 3,673 were vegetarian, while 212 were vegan, meaning they do not eat meat, dairy or fish products.
By the end, researchers found that while only 27 percent of the vegans studied said they currently fed their pets a plant-based diet, 78 percent of vegan pet owners “indicted they would feed a plant-based diet to their pet if one were available which met the pet owners’ required criteria.” At least one vegetarian surveyed also said they fed their pet a plant-based diet.
“That percentage, 27 percent, might sound like a small number, but when you think of the actual numbers of pets involved, that’s huge and much higher than we expected,” Sarah Dodd, the study’s lead author, said in a statement.
Overall, 35 percent of owners surveyed expressed interest in switching their pet from a conventional diet to a plant-based one.
Dogs are considered to be omnivorous; meaning they eat both plants and meat. Cats, on the other hand, are carnivorous animals.

Sylvia Avery

Obey. You must obey. You must think like I think, feel like I feel, eat like I eat. Or else. Any questions? Good. Now shut up and eat your kale.

Deplorable Patriot

Eat my kale? It’s Friday. The drive thru at one of the local parish fish frys will have to do.

Sylvia Avery

Right on, DP! Enjoy your fish, my friend.

Cuppa Covfefe

The Apostle Paul wrote about this long ago, whilte he was counseling Timothy about the nutcakes who would eventually appear:
I Timothy 4:1-5:

4:1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;
2 Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
3 Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.
4 For every creature of God is good, and nothing to be refused, if it be received with thanksgiving:
5 For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.

Sylvia Avery

Wow. I need to go reread Timothy. Thanks, that was interesting.

Cuppa Covfefe

Funny how they say people resemble their pets (or vice-versa). Have a look at AOC and the “Poor Democrat Donkey”…


You might this.
A letter sent to president Trump supports Dr. Will Happer, has dozens of supporters.
Dear President Trump,………………….


Edit ……You might enjoy this

Plain Jane

Very giggle worthy. TY rac.


That’s awesome! Look at the list of signers too, schnikes

Gail Combs

Dr. Will Happer is a real sweetie. I had the honor of attending a guest lecture for physics grad students at UNC. There were a couple of CAGW types who tried to trip him up. On one of their I gottcha questions that was out of his area of expertise, I was able to step in and give a good rebutal.
DarrylB at Tony Heller’s blog had asked any of us in the NC area to please come to the lecture because Dr Happer was worried about his safety. Hubby and I showed and were very glad we did.
Contains audio and slides of lecture to physics grad students plus a video of the John Locke Foundation lecture for non-physicists:
Video: (toned down for non physics grad students)
[video src="" /]



Pat Frederick

woohoopatty was my name in high school…LOL


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I know you are kidding–However, 🤔…I can see that for real!!😎

Pat Frederick

sigh, it was much, much, much worse…they called me “circus”


As in “Not my circus, not my monkeys? 🐵🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♀️ That is simply…I am literally laughing and shaking and have tears rolling down my face!!🤣🤣🤣

Pat Frederick

worse…think juvenile high school boys–circuses have “big tops”


High school boys are simply mean! My daughter is 6’1″ and played soccer and basketball–Rival team boys would line the court or field and scream “Ogre” at her!😢 High School–SMH–Not for the faint of heart..😘 If you get out without a nickname–You weren’t trying hard enough🤣 Funny thing–I was painfully if I had a nickname, I didn’t even know about it…😱🤣🤣🤣

Pat Frederick

I’m so sorry!!
we had a shy girl in our class too–tall, willowly, red hair–sweet gal. For our 10th reunion, a guy from our class was providing the music, so I offered to keep his date company in between sets etc. well I introduced his girlfriend to everyone as the shy girl (since I knew “MaryLou” wasn’t coming.) His date was short (not tall or willowly)–had black hair (not red)–and was so outgoing. The two of us had a blast watching people’s puzzled looks as they tried to equate “this” MaryLou with the one from years ago…I almost peed myself when they wanted to name her Reunion Queen…

Pat Frederick

the black wolf is MAGNIFICENT!!!!!


I know Pat! He’s a Keeper!!🐺🐺🐺 Wolfie In War Mode–Word War of course😊

Pat Frederick

that’s how I picture him–with a little bit of gray around the muzzle–I don’t know why…


🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♀️🕵️‍♀️ Agree!!!

Rodney Short

I have a picture of a rare black lion but have no clue as to how and share on here

Pat Frederick

I bet it’s gorgeous!

Rodney Short

It is amazing


If you get a Gab account, you can upload it into a Gab and then link to it here. See some tips about that here:

Rodney Short

Thank you very much, I have gab so now all I have to do is figure out how to use it.


I do this all the time. It’s easier that it looks from the following…
1. Click on the green Gab button to start writing.
2. Put some text in the box.
3. Click on lower leftish Photo button to upload your picture. Wait for it to finish uploading.
4. Click on green Publish button.
5. Reload page to see your post. THEN click on the picture.
6. Right-click on picture and choose “Copy Image Location” to get the link.
7. Come back here to a Post box.
8. Right-click and choose “Paste” to share the photo link.
Give it a try! 🙂

Plain Jane

Marica, wow! That music spoke more to me than 5k word sermon on a personal relationship with God. Powerful. Thanks.


Jane!! I got lucky! Very moving music! Little like Wheaties and T3’s..

Plain Jane

🙂 Glad you did.
Am thinking preachers need to shut up and just play this song.


😘😊😊 Shut up and sing already!😉

Plain Jane




Pat Frederick

WOW! so now Barr reviews and decides what to put in, what to leave out right?


Or just puts it out there? He decides!! Witch HUNT is OVER!! DING DONG!!!🧹🔔🔔

Pat Frederick

too early to celebrate? I made chocolate cake this morning…


If I made chocolate cake–I’d Celebrate!! 2 year of tuh Mueller–No Bombshells Against PDJT!! WOOHOO!!!!!

Plain Jane

I may even put some of my homemade ganache style Chocolate sauce on my keto pudding and then do 40 pushups. Smile.

Pat Frederick

you’re my new idol! I can’t do pushups!

Plain Jane

Neither can I. The only kind I can do are against a high clothes dryer, standing 36 inches away. 🙂

Plain Jane

p.s. My knees would break up with regular push-ups when I come crashing down on the floor. Now a plank is is doable as long as it isn’t over 30seconds because my shoulder, elbow and wrist would give out and I’d pummel that bad side again.
Can I still be your new idol? Lolol.

Pat Frederick

you sure can!



Breaking news:
Mueller report has been given th AG Barr…..
Today at 5pm EST


We have it all 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

EDT, you mean?


Eastern time…. 🙂
It’s out now… Given to Barr


Never realized… Q was putting the screws to the Cabal… !!!!!!!!!!



Wolfie, did you know something when you posted the photo of Barr this morning?


Did Matt Gaetz know?
his tweet above?


Evil isn’t dark. It hates the light, it hates exposure. When the light comes, the truth is so bright that it is nearly blinding. The repulsion comes swiftly – we don’t want to face the evil when it can be seen so clearly…


Meeting has already been called Senate and House Judiciary meeting at DOJ, asap.
That’s Jerry Nadler and Lindsey Graham, +


Per POTUS’ hold on the additional tariffs on China. Ristvan:
ristvan says:
March 22, 2019 at 5:20 pm
This is a brilliant gambit. Treasury acts, Trump stays. IMO says several additional useful secondary things to the other side in addition to what Sundance has explained:
1. China, we got rules and bureaucrats who follow them. But for the grace of PDJT, you break them you are autohosed. So change.
2. NoKo, deal or things get worse, but PDJT won’t tighten screws unless you act in bad faith.
3. Both, pay close attention to what PDJT says and does. Act accordingly. He can allow things to get worse, or he can prevent worsening and eventually make things better. Ball is in your court.


So glad to see this. Thank you!


This whole thread is mucho cuteness:


Phoenix – that’s dated March 16. What do you know about this source?


GA/FL … it’s a Qanon… recall RT’d by someone,
I’ve looked can’t find who RT’d… I went away for an hour or so and twitter TL of most of those I follow are filled… people are joyous…


Go to his twitter TL – it’s fantastic !!!!!!!!!!!!
youTube subject lines (titles) whatever, are almost always clickbait
I listened to entire vid, never heard senator say anything about unsealing indictments.




That’s OUR PRESIDENT – spreading FREEDOM and REAL Democracy throughout this HEMISPHERE AND AROUND THE WORLD!
MANY people around the world are VERY JEALOUS of the USA because we have DONALD J. TRUMP FOR OUR PRESIDENT!!!


Haiti. Very interesting.


Greg Cox

The article cites this Twitter account, which also analyses the Q breadcrumbs:


Anyone else having difficulty breathing??? I’m beyond joyful !
Did you listen to Lindsey above ? He’s loaded for BEAR… gonna hit the ground running !!!!
DIMs are not ready for their world to come tumbling down, all around them.


Sounds right to me….
Weissmann is a __________ (fill in the blank!!)



MODERATor oops, that’s supposed to be phoenixRising !  singularzoe:15

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Could it be? Finally?
The “Big Ugly” comes out and…looks ugly?


after all this time there better be NO CONCESSIONS, COMPROMISES, or COVER UPS.
full daylight. let it all come out. direct feed right into the global conspiracy, we deserve it, we can handle it, we all need it.
without it we cannot keep moving forward against those that would hurt us.
also – EXTREME CAUTION with the president. these FF operations have a way of setting up something else. we don’t need any action against him then banning of all footage only to have him appear again being all nice to the enemy if you know what i mean. they already tried to say melania was a body double to get that out into the public…
be cautious and careful, dare i say vigilant at all times my friends.


WNN – WALL NEWS NETWORK Friday Border Update:

and this is SCARY!!! Scary to consider the state of our country if drug use is higher elsewhere.
Alabama legislature has passed a Bill that would allow tax refunds to be donated to the Border Wall!


Yeah…..ummmmmm….., Imma call BS on the whole “Cities with least drug use” thing.
San Francisco (for starters)
“San Francisco hands out more free syringes to drug addicts — 400,000 a month and growing — than New York City, which has 10 times the population.
The San Francisco Department of Public Health oversaw the distribution of an estimated 4.5 million syringes last year, through various programs aimed at reducing HIV transmission and other health risks for injection drug users. Many of the needles wind up discarded on city streets, in parks and at homeless encampments. And they cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to retrieve.
This year, the city is on track to hand out upward of 6 million syringes — which, with a city population of 884,363, works out to nearly seven syringes for every man, woman and child living here.”


As we say in the South…
Them numbers and faincy map jus means sumbody’s pushin’ sumpum.
That’s jes whut thuh pahrs that be wawntsus tuh bleeve.


Btw, who is Anna Giaritelli such that you are citing her tweets?


She’s the Washington Examiner reporter covering the border and got an exclusive on the Fisher Industries group that claims they can build a mile of wall per day including a concrete roadway for a heap less than other countries. They really WANT to build the Wall and got Caterpillar to build this special model of Caterpillar machine just for this job!


Cool. Thanks.
But I gots ta say, I have issues with the Examiner.


It’s not on my links list either.


But she’s the only one covering the wall building process. It’s not like I have a vast choice of reporters. Maybe the media don’t want to cover the wall progress or something.


“This year, the city is on track to hand out upward of 6 million syringes”
meanwhile, plastic drinking straws are banned in california.


Ha ha! Right??
Gotta ban those plastic straws….but pass out those plastic syringes.
Liberal Logic 101
.comment image


oh man… kinda feel bad for that guy right there.
first his back gets raw to the bone then the sled falls on him for good measure… my guess is he never tried that again… for at least a couple weeks at least 😉


The map is bogus. It has Atlanta in Alabama.


Public School Education – CNN has committed similar errors.


Well they do both start with A. I can see the problem .

Pat Frederick

gotta run for tonight…hoping to see a DECLASS Thread in the morning…LOL
night all!


I AM humbled by having a post of mine selected as your lead in to today’s OT, Wolf. I do believe that Q is going to explode into popular culture, much like the character V in the movie “V for Vendetta” (on whom I suspect the Q movement is loosely based). So many social and themactic similarities!
But dawg…. I am a little disappointed at the same time.
When you said “GIVE THEM NOTHING.”….
…. I can’t believe you left out…
“But take from them….EVERYTHING!” 😉😁


fg&c – i thought your comment last night was awesome and a very visual reminder – especially to me who is an admitted guilty party of champing at the bit after years and years of trying to hold my tongue 🙂


friendly reminder:
GPS devices will probably have some issues on April 6th! no telling yet how much trouble, but fear not.
April 4th a “simulated emergency plan” goes into effect for a near earth object that sneaks up on us and we only have about 17 months to prepare… no worries though, it’s just a simulation.
Also, if you ever fancied having a… uh… “fire stick” as they used to be known, by all means stock up now. they make great hand eye coordination strengthening devices, and those so inclined can have lots of fun with the mechanics of them (people like me who like taking things apart to see how they work! just be careful) they are fun to modify (legally of course) and they also have this ability to protect you and provide for food in case the going gets tough – or if you like near by Gail she might let you on her land for some responsible hunting! but do not wait too long you do not want to regret it later because they are coming.
that school in CT is still being used as a means to an end – they just last week that the “parents and other victims” will be allowed to sue remington arms for their “losses”.


Hi. I woke from a long nap just now to discover “WOLF LEVEL” wisdom at the inbox. Hope you like it!comment image
“A dozen clues to “critical being” during an information war”
by Martin Geddes
“Here is a brief guide to the epistemological weapons that any memetic warrior needs in order to participate in the battle for truth — if you want to come away without getting butchered by semantic subversion. I have framed it as a guide to “critical being”, since you need to integrate critical thinking with “critical feeling”. Success is also a heart outcome, not just a head one.
1. The “feeling of knowing” is totally useless. It is an emotional response that is easily manipulated and has nothing to do with “actual knowing”. You must work with facts and logic only, not your gut—which will churn if you’ve been deceived. This seems obvious, but few people understand the difference.
2. Love thyself as a divine being. This may seem like an odd thing to say, but if you do not see yourself as being divine (i.e. of innate infinite value), then your worth will be attached to your ego and the need to be right about things. The desire to be right is very hazardous, as it will make us recoil from investigating truths that contradict present cherished beliefs.
3. Truth is what’s left after removing the untruths. Just because something is “crazy” doesn’t mean it is false. The scientific method, despite its flaws, allows us to form hypotheses about the world, and if we cannot disprove them after vigorous effort, then they form a tentative truth. We have to be open to all possibilities, no matter how outrageous they may initially seem— else we are back at the “acceptable feeling of knowing” policy limitation to gaining knowledge.
4. Anomalies are precious. Our real task is to treat any apparent contradiction as being golden and worthy of investigation. This is the chink of light coming through the ventilation shaft of the prison of the mind, through which we can escape from any form of brainwashing or mind control. The uncomfortable dissonance you feel is in fact your friend: know it, embrace it, follow it.
5. Be aware of your “universe of discourse”. The limiting nature of our conceptual universe is the famous “Plato’s Cave” effect. For instance, geopolitical analysis that excludes the occult and secret societies results in different outcomes to those that include these as considerations. This matters because you need to…
6. Know your assumptions. The size of our universe of discourse is critical in drawing a boundary around our assumptions. When we ignore possibilities of a “bigger box” and wider explanations, we also discount additional bodies of fact, and make unconscious assumptions that these can be explained away. For example, I have seen many analysis of Brexit that are painfully ignorant of the origins of the EU prior to WW2, which then result in unsupportable conclusions.
7. Beware misuse of Occam’s Razor. The answer with the fewer assumptions can be a result of ignorance, not simplicity. This is especially so if your “universe of discourse” is unhelpfully small. It is very easy for Occam’s Razor to then be used as a means of legitimising confirmation bias, not for philosophical rigour. You have to include all competing explanations and their supporting data in order to identify which is the simpler. Even then, this is a heuristic short cut, not a law of the universe.
8. Understand if you are a foundationalist or a fallibilist. We have different inherent attitudes towards new information. Some people like to discard misfitting information quickly, holding a single model of the world (i.e. foundationalists). Others are more open to holding multiple competing ideas in their field of possibility (i.e. fallibilists). These have different costs and benefits, and neither is right or wrong. They do, however, colour how we engage with paradigm change.
9. It’s OK to “try before you buy”. It is safe to explore new ideas, and immerse yourself in them “in the store”. You can always leave them on the rack, and only walk out wearing what fits you. Refusing to even consider trying something novel on greatly narrows the field of possibility, and means you might be left stuck wearing beliefs in public that are well past their philosophical use-by date.
10. Know that the world is truly random. Nassim Taleb has written about how people are easily fooled by randomness, and see patterns where there are none. History is dominated by outlier variability – “black swans” — and arguably we are presently seeing even more extreme “purple platypuses” of unprecedented happenings. Those in the advanced probability class will also know the difference between Bayesian and frequentist inference modes.
11. Distinguish your episteme from your doxa. The ancient Greeks had conceptually separated out conjectural knowledge (doxa) versus that which is fully justified (episteme). This is a common theme in media criticism: are we looking at editorial opinions or hard facts? For instance, the Clinton Foundation has received glowing endorsements from (corrupt) charity review bodies — but these are cheap opinions (doxa). The forensic accounting work of Charles Ortel shows us it is the largest unprosecuted charity fraud in history (episteme).
12. The “critical being” goal is “safe uncertainty”. We get very anxious when we feel both unsafe and uncertain. Our ideal is “safe certainty”, but that’s delusional in this universe. Anyone offering it is a charlatan. What we have to avoid is “certain unsafety”, and swap it for “safe uncertainty”. This is the true integration of our intellectual and emotional intelligence: “critical being”.
This is far from a complete list. We could go on to discuss the differences between operational, denotational, and intentional semantics; ponerology and the study of evil; how Freud and Bernays discovered the way to manipulate emotions to override logic; the nature of confirmation bias and other cognitive biases; ethos, pathos, logos, topos and kairos; science vs theology; metaphysics and physics; hidden agendas; cults and culture; projection and narcissism; semiotics and linguistics; gaslighting as a form of abuse; psychopathy and pathocracy; education as a propaganda tool; self-discrepancy and how we integrate information; and much more.
Making sense of the world at war is hard, and if there is one thing I have discovered it is self-compassion is the basis of progress. Other people might judge you for upgrading your intuition, with inevitable dead ends that demand changing your mind from time to time. None of that matters. Your own conscience will tell you to forgive yourself for missteps, as the quest for gnosis is fundamentally a righteous one.
If you like Geddes’ writing, I encourage you to subscribe to his newsletter, “The Internet is a Prototype.”


TTTTTT! This is great. Stealing!


4. Anomalies are precious. Our real task is to treat any apparent contradiction as being golden and worthy of investigation. This is the chink of light coming through the ventilation shaft of the prison of the mind, through which we can escape from any form of brainwashing or mind control. The uncomfortable dissonance you feel is in fact your friend: know it, embrace it, follow it.

I read #4 and briefly thought OMG, Wolfmoon is Martin Geddes! 🙂


Oh for the days when men were men
and scientists were good at SEEING STUFF.


I saw another Q today! This was different – not painted on pavement like the one I saw last Wednesday and certainly how it gained my attention was different. I was driving back to my office and stopped at a traffic light and as traffic began to move when the light changed, there was space between my vehicle and the one in front and a vehicle coming from the other direction “whipped” quickly across traffic directly in front of me. I am usually amazed at such daring moves (when there is no metal to metal sound!) so as it parked in front of a business, I turned to get a better look at it! Looked like a Q on the rear window so to confirm I was not delusional, I drove around to come back to the business where it parked and took a pic:comment image
I proved to myself I was not delusional so I did a search on the internet when I got back to the office and found Q Realty is a locally owned real estate firm….wonder how the name originated? They open at 10AM tomorrow so a quick phone call should provide that answer! 👍


Marica –
Your Bards of War post was F$@#ING EPIC!!!!!
“The children.
Tonight we grieve.
Tomorrow we hunt.”
Nothing….and I do mean NO-THING…..stirs my wrath as much as harming children.
It upsets me so much that I have to consciously remind myself of severals truths, in this order…
If God would not spare his wrath upon his one and only Son, blameless yet given up for the sins of man (and he most certainly did not)…
…WOE unto those who would bring harm to innocent children for their pleasure and profit!!
As Christ himself said… image


comment image




Dear liberal idiots and CNN viewers….



I hear the accusation re: Biden, but what’s the proof? I don’t doubt it, but I want the evidence. I want the evidence, because I want to destroy the dims best chance against PDJT in 2020.

Sylvia Avery

Yes, yes!!!! Concur!


Peter Schweitzer laid it out very clearly on Ingraham’s show tonight.


I LOVE Peter!


Someone’s trying to get rid of Biden. That’s 3 damning stories against him in 2 days, Ukraine, no big donor money, now this. 🤔 Wave bye bye 2020 (and forever!) 👋


That dipshit was slamming Q all over twitter today. That forced Q to respond.


missed that – so biden was slamming q?



Sadie Slays

Riots are about to happen in Pittsburgh. A white police officer was found Not Guilty of shooting a black teenager. Here comes the distraction the Deep State needed to slide Mueller out of the news.


wow… and i imagine the other protests will start up soon coming direct from the top with commands to their minions.
the scales on the eyes of the populace are thick and hard to come off…


New Q just now???


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 3c4f19 No.5836091 📁
Mar 22 2019 21:00:50 (EST)


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 3c4f19 No.5836164 📁
Mar 22 2019 21:03:56 (EST)
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 3c4f19 No.5836091 📁
Mar 22 2019 21:00:50 (EST)
Sanctions lift?
Anons know?


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 3c4f19 No.5836480 📁
Mar 22 2019 21:14:42 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 70f5f3 No.5836393 📁
Mar 22 2019 21:11:30 (EST)
At what point is it mathematically impossible?
Power is being returned to the PEOPLE.
The RULE OF LAW is being returned to our GREAT LAND.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 3c4f19 No.5836740 📁
Mar 22 2019 21:22:16 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 4f84e1 No.5836660 📁
Mar 22 2019 21:19:52 (EST)
DECLAS is a comin’!

Sylvia Avery

yes, Q drops are falling like rain
I need a nap. Or more iced tea. Wow, kinda exciting!


if you’re bored try doing a little reading on:
Council on Foreign Relations
Trilateral Coalition
Bildeberg Group
that will keep you awake for a while…


22 Mar 2019 – 7:42:48 PM
[They] thought it was coming last Friday.
Ammunition spent.


imagine being a citizen of new zealand right now? wow…embarrassing doesn’t even cover it.


Always wanted to go there – the old rivalry between The South African Springboks and the NZ All Blacks have led to many legendary/epic rugby games. The two cultures had a strong mutual respect …
After this fiasco, I’ll take a pass on going over …


22 Mar 2019 – 8:18:16 PM📁


Devin certainly looks very sombre / serious. This is the correct tone to convey to the citizenry …
They are about to discover just how rotten was the state of “Denmark”


Wallflower Sheet Jurinal just reported a huge number of federal disaster victims just had their personal data accidentally released by the Feds — leaving these poor victims open to identity theft.
Anyway, that’s the sheet as their headline had it. Details behind a paywall I haven’t looked past.
Anyone think this could actually have been an accident? I mean, versus a way to hurt Mr. Trump’s reputation, with the 2nd bird being distraction from Herr Müller’s Machts Nichts Festschrift, if the release was recent?
Just thinking it through.
My heart goes out to those poor Americans, doubly hit, and right when they might be without resources to protect themselves and their credit.


FEMA released personal details on a reported 2.3 million people.


not surprising. not surprising at all…
they let the credit agencies do it to us with no pushback.
they let the tech firms do it with no pushback.
they let the department stores do it with no pushback.
they let the IRS do it with no pushback.
heck, they even released info on those with classified access with no pushback – friend of mine who has low level clearance got his details released while he was still in the military!
they care not.
the digital world we live in was not constructed to protect us it was constructed to profile, track, and expose us at their whim – and then try and scare us into more subjection.

Sylvia Avery

Wolfie, you continue to kill it! Applauding wildly!


Things that make you go hmmmm.comment image


Joe DiGenova confirmed on Ingraham that POTUS has removed Ukrainian Ambassador Yavonovich from her position. 🤗🤗🤗


NoName Two Boots is right now desperately trying to get 12 feet under.


That would be an upward trajectory for him – Not happening!!


comment image
Thank you for your support & best wishes. My left leg was doing extra work to compensate for the boot, so I’m giving it a break. I still hate wearing this boot, but it won’t slow us down from frying 7 turkeys today!
— John McCain (@SenJohnMcCain) November 23, 2017


i had to work late tonight so i missed (“fox news radio”) the benson and harff show on the way home… oh god how i wanted to hear marie harf tonight.
she LOVES biden too.