This FISA FOOL’S DAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.
Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.
Keep it civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.
Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.
Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:
I think it’s also a good time to pray for our country – that there be some healing, but that there be some FIXING FIRST. Like our VSG says, this can never happen again. So let’s FIX IT RIGHT.

Our movement
Is about replacing
A failed
Political establishment
With a new government controlled
By you, the American People.
Candidate Donald J. Trump
Also consider Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
And though we’re going to be all serious about fixing things, let’s have some FUN today.

Who’s up for some BOWLING???!!! *wink*
No – “seriously” – if you have some good April Fool’s Day jokes, just LET ‘EM RIP!!!

Oh Lordy! What a day to be posting this, LOL. Apparently this is real, 😐. Follow the thread.
Looks like she just made it under the wire! 3/31! *wink*
I’m having a hard time believing that picture. Look at the disembodied hand to the right of RGB just below her shoulder. Where is the body it should be attached to. There is no one near enough to own that hand,.
I think it’s that woman, but it’s a bit in motion. I’ll post the full image below.
Weird indeed
My, what a big hand you have, blond lady.
Plain Jane ,
.. maybe she lays brick and block as a hobby ,
or maybe she’s not a she at all.. dunno..
LOL. Ya never know.
..”trembling shivers”.. LOL
Hee, hee.
Lots of Amy c. Barrett news out there. And then theres this: Sam Adams made a RBG special beer. Ugh. I like sams, but really?
OY VEY!!! 😉
oh well, i guess i had my LAST sam adams beer ever last night.
what the hell.
That’s OK, they’re managed by Miller now, have been for about a decade. The beer went down the toilet when Miller started producing the beer.
Heck, Sam Adams made a special brew for gays! Not joking. “Love Conquers Alex.
I quit SA when they pulled out of the St. Patrick’s Day parade because the organizers did not want to let the gays march in all their full drag and s&m regalia. A family oriented event. Puke!
Autocorrect strikes again! Ale not Alex.
I’d HEAP rather buy a KAVANAUGH BEER.
Would be much more appropriate.
Has anyone made a Kavanaugh beer?
General thoughts about RBG:
When we have an agenda, that is what we will seek to prove and it becomes very hard to see things as they are in an unbiased way. Truth is not found when we try to make circumstances fit our theories. I imagine detectives have to fight the tendency to make the facts fit their theories all the time. It is very likely that RBG is a) not dead, b) really at that event, and c) doing her work on SCOTUS. How healthy she is, or is not, we do not know.
Patrick Henry once said, “It is natural for man to indulge in the illusions of hope and pride. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. Is this the part of wise men, engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty? Are we disposed to be the number of those who, having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth; to know the worst, and to provide for it.”
It is better to face the truth that RBG is sitting on SCOTUS than to keep trying to make it otherwise.
I think the left, the CIA, the DNC and social media all create or promote the bogus theories precisely to KEEP us from becoming the “news now”. THAT is the real conspiracy.
In that case, many on the right are being sorely used by those agencies, and we need to wake up. We are falling into the pits they are digging.
I see a lot more bullshit from our side than I would like.
Yes, and it plays right into the enemy’s agenda and stereotypes about us.
Every time I’ve tried to point out some simple flaws with “RBG is actually dead” I simply get pushback from the pushers.
Same here, regarding pointing out flaws in theories and getting pushback.
I was reading the replies on that post (in yesterday’s thread). someone claims that the picture posted is from February 24, 2017 at a speech Ruth gave at George Washington University. do not know the veracity of either claim…
however, if you google the date and GWU, the picture shown for her speech that day at GWU is EXACTLY the same, down to the position of the scarf and pin she is wearing… This is a picture of her associated with that story. Blouse, glasses, scarf are exactly the same. Earring button thing is same size but appears to be a different color?
thank you for posting the picture! (I couldn’t figure out how to do it!)
I think the difference in the earring is because of the direct and bright spotlight being shown on her in this picture versus the one above that side of her face is not in direct light…
What I am wondering. Why this and other sightings of RBG are not accompanied with those nearby commenting on RBG, or multiple pics.
A comment, anything. No one at the Temple commented or another took a quick picture (aside from above pic)? Comments like Happy to see her, great spirits, attends weekly, motoring around well…. Pic from another well wisher or simply one who is happy to see RBG up and about. Dunno. Something.
Odd to me.
Yea, RBG is probably alive. Don’t wish otherwise. But I do wish she wasn’t a Justice.
Wrong hand i think that is a right hand
Exactly. And the arm is too long. And it’s at a weird angle for that particular woman. Plus, look at her closely. Her left arm is going down. She would have to have a super long forearm for it to be hers. I think they superimposed RBG’s picture over whoever owns that arm.
Load the photo into a browser window all by itself and click it to the largest display (which is BIG). It looks perfect to me. The black/white dots woman behind her has her right shoulder obscured by RBG, but if you imagine where it is, as she is turned sideways to us, it looks just right to me. Also compare her left hand under her coat, close to her body at left shoulder position. That shows her right hand is moved a bit further to the right to avoid the other woman’s bag. To me, the perspective is perfect.
Okay, you may be right. The first picture it looks like she almost has her back turned. It’s hard to tell with the outfit she is wearing until you look at the big photo.
The big photo really cleared it up for me. It has tiny details that allow you to position the things that you can’t see, and they make sense. For instance, RBG has her right hand behind Fania Oz-Salzberger’s back. Then you can see that the thing down low between them is an armrest, like the ones to the left from our POV. Front row, cushioned, individual “seats of honor”, it would appear – the leftmost one is folded up. Good for disability access, too.
The railing on the right is the end of the pew, I believe, where RBG was sitting, so the woman in B/W/dots would still be in the row behind RBG, reaching up to grab the end, or maybe to shake hands, but more likely to steady herself. Based on the width of a typical pew, the distance works out, IMO.
I really don’t want to “Like” that you are correct WM. I don’t think the photo is faked. Hope I’m wrong.
Yeah, I hear you.
Her health is looking slightly better, too, and the trajectory of the small changes is JUST RIGHT for reality.
Her nose is continuing to get just a bit more bulbous, but her color is better, she’s putting on a bit of weight, even. I think people got SERIOUS about keeping her alive, and they have been pulling out all the stops to get some weight on her.
Looks like my prayers for the enemy worked, damn it! 😉 LOL!
God’s will, God’s will. Guessing she might get more time on earth to set things right that she got bigly wrong.
Remember I speak from a Pollyanna perspective on most everything. Wonder if she will go see Unplanned.
Yup! Let God’s will be done!
“she’s putting on a bit of weight, even.”
She probably is. And if she’s had any kind of steroid treatment, that can also cause the appearance of swelling. There’s no telling what kind of things they are treating her with.
We are not going to change reality by wishing for something that is not so. (In my case, that would be her retirement. I do not wish death on anyone. I do not believe she is dead. I don’t believe that could/would be carried off for many reasons.) So yes, God’s will be done, and may we have the wisdom to accept it.
If Ruthie was taking a steroid she would be kept away from people because of the risk of infection. She would be very much at risk of pneumonia given her age, the broken ribs and lung operation.
Thats what I seen after I enlarged the pic, thats Wolf for clarification.
And look at the woman on her left. Look at where her left hand goes down. There is a white section there that makes no sense. What is that? And right above that is something that looks like a block of wood blocking RBG’s right arm. What in the world is that doing there? This photo is really off.
Okay, scratch that. With the big photo, you can see more detail. Looks like something white laying on a pew between them.
Here is another link to a copy on my IMGUR to retain a trusted source.
Can you check if the EXIF data is present? A quick look on my end it doesn’t appear to be there. It could just be the social media sites stripping the metadata, or it could’ve been stripped prior to posting.
Most metadata is GONE in my copy, straight off Twitter.
Go to her FLICKR – you can download the monster originals with all the EXIF – they’re even unrotated!
The woman in black with white dots? That looks cool.
It is April fools day ya know and what a spoof this could be.
Like the MAGA hat wearing guy in San Fran lol,these people are desperate right now
Is there any evidence in the image that it is dated in the last oh 72 hours?
Article about service, contains same picture. Lady who took gave permission for public use in her thread.
I’m tired and feeling lazy, but my gut reaction is that this is an old photo that someone took that has resurfaced for April 1st, paired with a news story.
I would love to hop up on that VSS and see what it has recorded. I see at least 2 cams w/ clear view. Someone who is better at intel could give us a report inside the building and look for discrepancies. Even a fresh coat of paint would be a tell. Also would be nice to identify the people in the photo, determine if they could plausibly have been present.
Suspiciously nothing in photo that can provide timestamp. Newspaper or something. The scrap of paper could provide a clue but is blurry and inconclusive. I can’t find anything in the photo that could plausibly be an artifact less than two years old – like a late model cell phone, tablet, or piece of fashionable clothing. Even a ticket stub for the rail system would be a tell if you could find one. The window outside gives a pretty good view of the weather, could check against Weather Underground and local weather stations.
Original metadata from the image would be nice.
I like your thinking Michaelh.
I checked the date in the originals – looks right – see comment above – originals are on Flickr.
iPhone 6sPlus at 4:38 PM on 3/31.
I’m withholding judgement for the time being. If RBG was actually in a public setting, even in at a memorial service, there should be at least dozens of pictures that were taken of her. Will we see them? Do they exist? Where are they?
Also…take a look at the picture that Wolf posted above ^^^…not one person in that picture, not one, is looking at RBG…they’re not even looking in her general direction…you would think that all eyes would be on her…you know, her being so famous and all.
Read the twitter thread, it’s a man’s funeral, not all about RBG this time. She’s posing with the deceased’s daughter for a picture being taken by the orange/brown hair lady in Wolfie’s big picture. So the thread author that took this picture is actually standing behind the orange/brown hair lady who actually has permission to take a picture. Sounds/ looks like the thread author did not have permission, she was horning in on someone else’s action.
I did read the twitter thread, bfly…it’s not a funeral…the man died in December…this was a memorial service months later…and I still think that people would at least be looking at her seeing how she hasn’t been seen in months and questions about her health are all over the news.
And if she’s healthy enough to attend a service (and in the photo she looks relatively healthy) why can’t she appear in public or give interviews for the past three months? Something fishy is all I’m saying’. Somebody is playing games with this whole RGB nonsense.
I think she has been in intensive therapy, while trying to hide the fact. I think people have prevailed on her to accept a multi-million dollar secret therapy regimen to strengthen her.
Her color, weight – it all looks better. I think the left just got serious about keeping her healthy. Soros may have donated big bucks – Steyer – one of those guys. I think THAT is the secret. That place in Nevada she was spotted at is probably where they started working on her.
What did POTUS say at the rally Thursday? It wasn’t “barely breathing” … I think he said “the Democrats are on artificial respiration” or something along those lines.
You may be right, Wolf. If so then we should be seeing more of the “healthier” RBG in the coming days. Sadly I’ve become very skeptical about everything I see on my screen nowadays.
Oh, I hear you. Interestingly, Danielle is much like us on all this stuff. Heck – go take a look at her twitter. She is extremely suspicious of the Deep State, and even says that she understands why people are skeptical of these pictures. She’s actually a big proponent of MK Ultra theories, so she’s fairly understanding of the whole “nobody believes this stuff” situation.
I just checked the metadata on her pictures. If they’re fake, they’re basically CIA or Mossad level. Just easier for me to believe that they had Ruthie on near-life-support and brought her back to health. I think THAT is the real scandal. “Life support.”
Wolfie, did you go to the Flickr photos? There’s another pic of RBG shaking Danielle’s husband’s hand.
OMG – that’s him! She must have used his phone!
People there seem to be a little overdressed for the weather in D.C. Saturday’s temp was 79 and Sunday’s 64 yet there is a man behind RBG in a down coat.
Memorial service, I stand corrected!
This could be her Temple. If you’re a regular at a church/temple then you’re like family, the novelty of everyone gawking at someone’s fame is diminished. Maybe they waited til she could attend?
I went to their website, they are Reform Jews with serious leftist, social justice ideology. Sounds like her kinda place.
I don’t know the answer to all your questions, BUT this is the most credible sighting I’ve seen of the woman in the past 3 months. Believe what you want. I’m not suggesting one way or the other, only presenting what I found.
Natalie Portman was one of the speakers! Nobody’s looking at Ruthie, even if she was a looker back in the day! 😉
Definitely sounds like Ruthie’s kinda place!
Natalie sent a video statement. She’s Jewish, yet hates Israel, wouldn’t go accept a prestigious award. These people are cray-cray.
The self-destructive socialist left destroys WHEREVER they are – America, Germany, England, Israel – just incredibly illogical.
I remember the beginning of leftism’s ascent in America. They started off with the softest critiques of “nationalism”, with the hard stuff reserved for historical bad guys like the Nazis. Yet little did we realize that they were ramping it up to include basic American love of country, eventually.
Tall guy in the background is the most suspicious thing or the bald guy @ the top right whos bald head blends with something to look like they are giving us the bird.
I studied art and human anatomy and it’s obvious the hand belongs to the gray haired polka dot sweater woman.
I agree it is her right hand. I never ‘saw’ it as anything different.
Be mindful what you read today!
No joke, no fooling, DH and I married over fifty years ago on April Fool’s Day. Didn’t realize when we made the wedding plans.
That sounds like the church doing a bit of salesmanship…
“Why, we have the first Saturday in April wide open!” 😀
It was to appease my mother. We wanted to marry the prior January. My mom put her foot down stating possibility of snow storms and people traviling from far away.
Well my mom was so correct. The blizzard of January 1967 is still remembered near Chicago. The actual date in January that I picked, Indiana was fighting the way out of 40” of the white stuff.
I was stranded at my sister’s home with her and my baby niece whose father was stranded down state on a business trip.
Mama Knows Best.
Plus we had to wait until after Lent and Easter to wed in the Catholic Church. Early Easter that year.
Plain Jane — Happy Anniversary!
The Blizzard of ’67 is the great snow storm I wrote about!
Amazing that it stopped your wedding.
I almost relayed that story on your blizzard thread. 🙂
Makes me love you even more, Plain Jane.
Just think, you were trying to get married at the same time I was sledding off the garage.
We live in a small world!
My best to you husband!
Thank you DNW. Small world indeed.
You were sledding and Sister Dearest and I were taking turns shoveling the drive and trying to shovel my Ford Falcon that was burried in the snow on the street.
I lost my favorite jacket to shrinkage from the wet snow. It was a white borgana that I could never replace. Ugh! I loved that jacket.
p.s. Love you back. 🙂 So many of our life experiences run similar veins, although most of mine aren’t quite as intense.
Happy Anniversary!!
Happy Anniversary Jane! My son and Dil got married in New Orleans 3 years ago today As well!!! For many of the same reasons you did…Hugs!!!
TY. Please extend my congrats to them. Tell them they are in an elite club. 🙂
I know of only one other couple who married on 4/1, our neighbors directly across the street from us. Welaugh about it often. They have about ten years on us though.
Well…they tried being white guys…so what’s next?
Perfect, LOL. All they have to do is identify as women’s track stars. Maybe they could get into an elite college, too.
RBG wore that exact same outfit right down to the same scarf back in 2017 on PBS with Charlie Rose (skip to about the :40 second mark)
The earrings may be different? Hard to tell….
Sorry…not PBS but CBS.
Wonder if he came out to greet her with his bathrobe unfastened or just plain naked.
“BOOM!” 😀
That would of been Vice President Biden wouldn’t it be?
Oh wait… no pool.
Okay, I guess you mean there’s more than one of these creeps still running loose.
Yep. Wasn’t he accused of stuff like that by a workplace underling. The pervs!
Yes something about skinny dipping according to a SSA I believe.
Oh just checked. Story here.
Thanks para.
Sleezos abound don’t they.
Here is the other one:
“He’s copping to most of it, and both CBS and PBS announced that he or his show are being suspended.
“The Washington Post reported late Monday that eight women told the paper that Rose, 75, made unwanted sexual advances toward them, including lewd phone calls, walking around naked in their presence, or groping their breasts, buttocks or genital areas, while they worked for him or aspired to work for him.”
I posted above–she wore this same outfit–down to the scarf and pin placement for her speech in Feb 2017 at George Washington University–there is a very clear photo of the jacket and scarf and pin there…and February would account for all the heavy jackets folks seem to be carrying or wearing.
And again here from the GWU speech event Feb 2017 mentioned way above by Pat GWU 2017 speech photo same cloths different ear ring?
Here the ear ring is the same.
Wardrobe selection and accessories put together by a personal shopper or a wardrobe consultant, and if it works once, it works twice? And having been very ill, she may be dressing on autopilot, not caring it’s been seen before. Just throwin it out for consideration. g
true, but that doesn’t explain the heavy coats some are carrying in what was reported as 79* weather in DC on that day…
a good conspiracy theory is both hard to prove and disprove…that’s why they linger…
I agree. I have never gotten the impression that RBG is a clothes horse, and people in their 80s generally don’t shop as much and don’t care as much if they are seen several times in the same outfit. This is especially true of someone who has been very ill. They are doing well to just be able to get dressed and fulfill their obligations.
Possible. She doesn’t seem choosy. She does the GWU speech and the interview in same clothes. So it is possible she still has the same clothes in the closet and as you say it worked once it likely will suffice again. Also the scarf likely shares the same hanger.
Night night all. Had a huge week AND weekend. God bless you all and yours, PT and family and our country.
MAGA on.
Ni Ni Miss Jane, sleep well. God Bles You! 😍
Ni Ni Everybody, 🦋🦋😴💤🛌🦋🦋
Me too – gotta blaze! Back later! 😎
For those that are interested QResearch on 8Chan has surpassed 6 million posts, that is since beginning of January last year.
— Life, Liberty, and Levin 03/31/19 with John Solomon and Sarah Carter —
Enjoy a very interesting conversation with your morning cup of coffee…
Topics…the media, the FISA judges, what did Obama know?, where is Huber?…among others…
What if everything is Fake??
RealClearPolitics is majority-owned by Forbes, which is majority-owned by the ChiComs.
So I give the side-eye to everything coming out of those two sites.
I read from varied sources – so that I don’t get bug-eyes like THEM …
It’s always good to consider the source.
Kinda goes without saying, especially in these times.
Question everything and make up your own mind – using rationality and logic. Do no be afraid to admit you do not know something, etc …
I enjoyed the article.
Thanks for posting the link.
I swore off RCP several years back…but all in all this wasn’t a bad article. It seemed that RCP would slip in about 20% Republican positive articles just to maintain the slightest semblance of non-partisanship…and even those would be mostly GOPe so I stopped going there.
Every once in a while a good article slips through…
wheatie that’s another spit coffee on the keyboard one!!
OMG, I am so stealing this meme.
Wayne Allen Root is calling for POTUS to be MOAR Relentless …
Others are rooting for a Ruthless SC …
Now THAT is some R&R that I can relate to at this time ….
If Wayne Allen had been reading Q, he would know that the hunters have been doing that already.
Just waiting for Ruthlessness – with all its connotations …
The Candace Owens Show
Guest Dave Rubins
Candace and Dave (former leftie who now considers himself to be a classical liberal) make observations on how hypocritical and intolerant the Left has become…both Candace and Dave have become targeted relentlessly by the Left.
Brandon ‘WalkAway’ Straka had a good event in Harlem:
This is the 36-minute film he showed (am watching now — it’s excellent):
Article here:
Several interviewees said that the more their faith in Christ deepened, the more they felt the need to walk away from the Dems. 🙂
Kyle Kashuv, perhaps giving thanks for his Harvard admission:
I believe he will be a force for GOOD there.
Kyle is a brave young man.
Harvard is like ‘enemy territory’…and they will be trying to make his life miserable.
I hope he finds a few fellow conservatives there so that he will have a few allies.
He’ll take it like a man and probably create a new conservative movement there.
My thought exactly, churchmouse! God sending him there… he’ll convert others and the Harvard professors will be in meltdown mode. Worth watching. 🙂
“Harvard is like ‘enemy territory’”
Yes it is! I lived down the street from HAAaaaavard (In the Combat Zone) about three decades ago and I think I was the ONLY conservative for miles around. The Commies were already out of the closet then and asked my soon to be Hubby,
Commie — “‘Where do you live”
Hubby — “Why?”
Commie — “So I know where to go to kill you”
And yes he was very serious. They were already calculating how many Americans they would have to ‘purge’
25 million people is over 10% of the US population at that time.
1960 Census 179,323,175
1970 Census 203,392,031
Next time your lefty friends whine about gun control remind them that AMERICAN COMMUNISTS were discussing ‘eliminating’ over 10% of the people in the USA Five Decades ago and they haven’t mellowed one bit!
The link: Obama’s Friend Ayers: Kill 25 Million Americans
“Harvard is like ‘enemy territory’”
Yes it is! I lived down the street from HAAaaaavard (In the Combat Zone) about three decades ago…
I lived in that area three decades ago, too. So, you weren’t the ONLY conservative there back then. But, for sure, there weren’t many of us.
“Combat Zone”. I had completely forgotten that’s what we called the Cambridge area between Harvard and MIT near the Central Square T stop. Too funny!
Talk about fake news! This takes the biscuit:
did he speak it with an Irish accent?
Yep. Just like that famous landscape and exterior designer.
Paddy O’Furniture…
I’ve seen his work at Target…lol
imo he’s just a garden variety designer..
Sadly, they’ve been, erm, trimming their staff, so he’s been placed on garden leaf (ve)… 🙂
good ones!
Wow, that “Trump curse” is getting serious.
Look out Tlaib.
Just what I was thinking.
Dick’s Sporting Goods CEO says ‘it was worth it’:
I’m sure, using that logic, that his filing for bankruptcy would be viewed as an unmitigated triumph …
LOL…unmitigated triumph…good one!
That store chain is named appropriately.
And of course Bloomberg loves this story, since he is so anti-2A.
‘That store chain is named appropriately.’ This x1000!
“Truth in Advertising”
you guys are in great form this morning!!
It’s a stand-up business, offering stiff opposition to 2A.
I know not everyone here likes Mike Cernovich, but …
Cherno has jumped off the Trump Train and turned on our President, instead of fighting for him, several times now.
Right now…I don’t know if he is ‘on’ or ‘off’, because I haven’t kept up with him.
It’s not really a matter of not “liking” him, I just find it hard to trust him anymore.
I know where he stands, hence the preface.
‘It’s not really a matter of not “liking” him.’ It’s not always possible to tailor prose to please everyone. ‘Like’, ‘trust’ — everyone will have their own opinions of the man.
I merely thought that Cerno’s point was worth noting — and very true.
Cernovich is somewhat more right than a stopped clock, but much more unpredictably.
I did not know that the elderly black lady who hugged PDJT was the mother of one of the NYPD officers who saw the contents of Weiner’s laptop.
I also did not know that she, like her colleague, was later killed in the line of duty (spidey senses rising):
Yes…that lady cop was killed execution-style, with two shots to the head.
She was the elderly black lady’s daughter.
The shooter has not been found, I don’t think.
The other slain officer died under suspicious circumstances too, iirc.
Thank you for the information, wheatie.
That didn’t get much media attention, did it?
More on the connected Comey family:
Family photo:
they all should be so lucky to have FLOTUS grace their covers…she is stunning!
OOOOPS…this should be under the NEXT post by churchmouse…need more coffee…
No covers here in Europe, either. There were many of Michelle.
I didn’t notice, either.
I replied from the ‘bell’ facility.
If only Melania were a Dem:
If she were a Dem she’d of been on the cover of at least two mags a week like big mike was for eight straight years.
Yes, indeed.
Anyone here from Wisconsin who can comment further?
the world is getting more and more bizarre in accepting what’s “normal”.
Emotional support falcons⁉️
Give me a break! There is nothing sweet and cuddely about a falcon. Besides here in the USA you need TRAINING (apprenticeship under a licensed falconer) and a SPECIAL LICENSE to own the birds.
Also the licensing is BY STATE or at least it was so these dudes would need licenses in both states.
Thdey were pulling crap so their birds could ride in the passanger compartment.
I told husband about the emotional support Falcons. He says they are Falcon trainers and thus, super–cool.
Details from Nellie Ohr testimony:
that’s the most troubling part for me…none “would stand up in court”…
how can anyone do “research” for a living and include unverifiable material?
to me (not a researcher) that would be like concocting untried home remedies and marketing them as possible cures…if you can’t prove the info, why include it? basically she could just make up stuff–anything she wanted–the more outrageous the better and just add that it’s unverifiable? some research…sounds more like FICTION
Oppo research – a euphemism for muckraking. Fiction has entertainment value
Yes. Or stated more succinctly — Ms. Ohr, do you know the definition of the word “fact”?
Carter Page is definitely a strange bird. I still wonder why Mueller’s team did not go after him like they did Flynn, Manafort, and PapaD, all of whom had FISA warrants?? Page has certainly presented enough material, especially in the early public interview days, that could be pretzeled into all kinds of Weissman perjury traps. Hmmm..🧐🧐
Helicopter crash in Yuma — two Marines died. May they rest in peace:
‘Two Marine pilots were killed as a result of an AH-1Z Viper helicopter crash in the vicinity of Yuma, Arizona, at approximately 8:45 p.m., March 30, 2019.
‘Both pilots were conducting a routine training mission as part of the Weapons and Tactics Instructor course 2-19.
‘The cause of the crash is currently under investigation …’
I haven’t watched the following videos, but the captions are cause for concern:
Captions did not show up — and, apologies, as these are from 2017 and 2016, respectively. But, I started, so I’ll finish (emph. mine):
1/ Tucker Carlson segment:
‘Former federal intel watchdog Charles McCullough says Hillary’s allies threatened retribution when he raised concerns about classified info on Clinton’s private email server’
2/ C-Span testimony:
Washington, August 4, 2016. This video marks an astonishing exchange between Charles McCullough, Director of U.S. National Intelligence and Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), concerning Hillary Clinton’s emails, released to Congress as a result of the James Comey Hearing back in July. In the clip, McCullough tells Chaffetz that his security clearance is not high enough to view the emails and that he (McCullough) is also prohibited to view them. This points to a plausible conclusion. Clinton’s emails are top secret … Apparently, Clinton’s attorneys found a loophole whereby she can actually claim that the public and Congress has “no right read her emails” nor U.S. Intelligence, for that matter. Chaffetz said in later interviews, those Congress members who are permitted to view the emails, must do so “inside a locked room under armed guard.”
“Apparently, Clinton’s attorneys found a loophole whereby she can actually claim that the public and Congress has “no right read her emails” nor U.S. Intelligence, for that matter. Chaffetz said in later interviews, those Congress members who are permitted to view the emails, must do so “inside a locked room under armed guard.”
and yet they were on her unsecured private server for all the world to hack!
AND Hitlery did NOTHING a prosecutor would try to take to court or even examine further… 🙄
However with NO EVIDENCE of wrong doing, Comey and Rosenstink decide that President Trump’s life has to be examined under a microscope.
It is SO mind-blowingly wrong.
I like your graphic of Lady Justice — perfect under the circumstances. I hope she stands tall once again soon.
Dems, the party of feminism? Yeah, right:
Jake always that glum? Or only since the collusion delusion got Bob(bitted)?
Flint water outrage. Was the federal money spent? If so, how?
good question!
Question for all you HTML tag posters…
What do you ad to a posted link so that it opens a new window as apposed to redirecting you from your existing window?
I don’t know if this will help:
h/t SteveinCO
So… good luck….
Right click the mouse, it should say open link in new window. Is that what you mean?
“I smell a Smollet” just one of the comments on this story that no one believes…
This makes me cross. And it is going to go on and on with nauseating regularity.
IKR? several weird aspects to the case–besides the carefully placed hat–first the police reported the hat was worn by the VICTIM–then changed their statement. they claim a witness saw the attacker walking around in his MAGA hat with the SWORD sticking out of the back of his jacket and he was yelling at the “witness” as well. (don’t know a lot of MAGA hat wearers who carry swords) and the attacker stabbed the man in the hand when the man tried to grab the MAGA hat. there’s a lot of blood at the scene for a superficial hand wound…and we all know that San Francisco is HUGE MAGA country…LOL
Yeah, just like Chicago. 🙄
I do not understand how people can get sucked into believing these stories.
I bet it’s all over the news headlines non-stop.
I often wondered about the settling of Somalis in northern states (or at least that’s what it seemed to me–Michigan, Minnesota, Maine) but now I think it was part of a 2 pronged strategy. Obama knew the southern border would be over run with illegals, and would change the southern part of the US, so he focused his settlements on the northern US. While we are obsessing over the illegals to the south the north is undergoing it’s own transformation…
It started long before Obama.
**This started with the Clinton administration.**
Emphases mine:
‘The Somalis are here as legal refugees, largely. The Somalis Minnesota story tracks to 1991, when civil war broke out in Somalia. Millions fled to refugee camps, many in Kenya.
Two years later, the first wave of Somali refugees were sent to Minnesota.
“In the beginning the U.S. federal government assigns people,” said Samatar.
To qualify as a refugee, there is a process. The U.S. State Department ultimately decides where refugees will live, but it has to do with the voluntary agencies, called VOLAGS, that contract with the State Department.
Minnesota has very active ones like Lutheran Social Services, Catholic Charities, and World Relief Minnesota. Those agencies agree to help the refugees get settled, to learn English, find housing, get health care, and begin a new life.
They “are known to be welcoming, and they invest a significant time of labor and resources, to help people find some comfort here and hope,” said Samatar.
It’s the same reason this is a population center for Hmong refugees. The VOLAGS make the initial wave happen. But just because people are relocated to a place like the Twin Cities, doesn’t mean they’ll stay.
“They have the opportunity to move,” said Samatar.
But the Somalis have largely stayed, somewhere around 30,000 of them, partially because of the strength of the non-governmental VOLAGS, and partially because of the strength of governmental programs to help refugees begin a new life, according to Samatar.
After the first wave is assigned here, the second wave of relatives and friends soon followed.
“As Somalis settle down, find a life, the good news spreads: ‘Hey this is a good place, you can find a life here,’” said Samatar.
thanks for the info churchmouse!
You’re welcome, Pat!
I really hope this Smollett case gets thoroughly investigated:
But, but, but Maxine Waters thinks that dropping the case was ok…
She would.
*jumps up and down
April Fools from my fav… I’ll just leave it here.
A single, work at home woman gets a call from her married with children sister; informing her that their mother has died.
The single sister volunteers to make the funeral arrangements.
At the post burial gathering in the deceased’s home, the single sister is smitten with a handsome, charming man; no one else seems to know.
The day ends with them locked in the throes of passion which lasts throughout the night.
She gives him her phone number the next morning.
He never calls.
Two months later she kills her sister.
The man was her sister after undergoing gender reassignment….
Plausible these days 😂
Funny, yes.
Correct, no.
To meet with the handsome charming man again, after this sister’s funeral.
And how would she know he would be there……..?
Because the single sister would again make the same funeral arrangements.
The unknown man was an ‘obituary reader’ guest.
We had one of those show up at my dad’s funeral. It was quite odd.
She “kills her sister”…in a video game they were playing?
But there’s good news in a wrong guess…………………*see below*
the unknown man was her father…
woman has an abortion, thereby killing her sister/daughter
That’s certainly thinking outside the box!
Good morning, pR
Good morning to you Patrick…
you certainly got everyone’s little grey cells firing this mornin’ !!!!
Comic’s tradition.
Be Serious on April 1……………………..
What a ‘story with holes’!! i’m still reading the thread…is the answer down thread?? or are people still guessing at this point????
Been fingered out
Conrad Black, shredding the Canadian media for its utter inability to comprehend, even after the Russian collusion canard evaporated, “the most disgraceful character assassination in American political history”:
Traveling down destiny’s road, you come to a ‘Y.’
Both forks are blocked by massive doors, each with a mantle above, upon which stands an identical
A sign beside the trail informs you that one of these doors will lead you to all that you seek.
The other will result in your ruin.
The entities are described as one who can only lie, and the other who can tell only the truth.
You are allowed to ask only ONE question to EITHER one of these entities to ascertain which door to enter.
What would you ask?
Which door will the other entity tell me contains my heart’s desire?
Chicken Dinner!!
I’m no good at the sex stuff, but can spot a naked lie …
hmmmm…maybe wanna reword that “not good at the sex stuff” statement…lol…
Then, of course, you open the OTHER door.
I would just skip the question and go through the door on the right…because the bible says the wise man’s heart leads him to the right…😀
Well, she prolly wanted another funeral, so that her MYSTERY lover would show up…
for the sister riddle.. oops
Correct, but how did she come to that conclusion…………………
The man worked for the funeral home..
He was a burglar by trade.
Read the obituaries.
Came to the post funeral ceremonies, after ‘work.’
well he did “steal” her heart…
Ohhhhh noes!!!!
I researched the answers online… that was not one of them… haruuumph!!!
The question has the highest rate of correct, immediate answers by LE, criminals, and crazy women;……………I’ve read.
Yes I read that too, but I was undaunted. 🤣🤣🤣😁😁😁😆😆😆😆😆
My kind of woman.
ahh… most correct answers by … and crazy women
whew… I dodged that bullet !!!!!!!!
The Grave Robber,
Junior Sisk and the Ramblers, bluegrass.
and closed the loop……HAHHA…..thanks for the April Fools laughs PHC!
The responses cracked ME up.
another piece to the puzzle clicks in place…
The photo shows a road leading in to the facility under a cylindrical EMP generator that can illuminate equipment and vehicles with EMP.
“This facility is used for researching methods of hardening Chinese military equipment and reverse effects on adversaries’ equipment using electronic components,” Bhat says.
Also in Xinjiang is a mobile pulse generator—an electronic warfare system used to create electromagnetic interference that can disable satellites.
Now show me the mini version used to zap brains of Diplomats.
I misread your comment at first and thought you said “brains of Democrats”…and I was gonna say pea shooters are available everywhere…lol
more Chinese trickery CCP=Chinese Communist Party
But the CCP claims it cares. This has a few facets to it. Part of the reason the CCP supports restricting greenhouse gas emissions is that international regulations cripple its competitors, and enable it to buy up resources going at fire sale prices.
Also, the CCP controls a strong portion of the “clean energy” tech movement, including through its monopoly on rare earth minerals used in solar panels and wind turbines, and its ability to under-price competitors in wind turbine technology, which its military hackers—”Unit 61398″— stole from U.S. company American Superconductor Corporation.
This brings us to the Paris Accord, which was an international agreement to cut greenhouse gas emissions. President Donald Trump pulled out of the agreement, criticizing it as a deal that would have placed heavy restrictions on U.S. companies while giving free rein to the major abusers including China.
Meanwhile, according to The Heartland Institute, “China’s carbon dioxide emissions rose at the fastest rate in seven years during the first quarter of 2018, according to Greenpeace. China is the world’s biggest greenhouse gas emitter and its government data show the country’s carbon dioxide emissions were 4 percent higher in the first quarter of 2018 than at the same time in 2017.”
The Paris Accord would have allowed the CCP to dominate the energy market, and the new findings on the CCP’s coal fire plants show that despite all its talk about clean energy, it was all just hot air.
Allow me to make it simple for the smartest of idiots in Washington and Brussels.
RCL is offering new luxury jet,,, here
That looks to be an Airbus 380…which is normally used to carry 5-800 people on trans-oceanic routes. In fact, the upper and lower decks are boarded separately through two jetways, sometimes.
So I wonder how many luxury suites are on this thing?
It was an April Fools joke. Brittish humor, ya gotta love it.
Well I COULD see it being subdivided into suites.
But in normal mode…it’s cattle class, no doubt, like American Airlines 777 300ERs.
That is what made it so funny… it had a toe dipped in reality..
A comment of mine is being flatly rejected on the Author Logistics post.
Let me check the bins!
Very interesting. I can find NOTHING in any bin. If it is being trashed, it is most likely the spam filter “100% sure” it’s spam, or the WordPress AI calling out something it really doesn’t like.
Does it have any special words? Can you “hint past” the problems? I might be able to figure it out.
It didn’t pretend to post, but not post it, rather, it simply said I couldn’t post that.
This is NOT intended to be Eeyore. I have believed Coulter went off the rails and became a wacko. It was Dobbs and Kobach which made me look again, and wonder.
As he frequently has, Dobbs recently was complaining bitterly about the DHS and specifically Sec. Nielsen. Dobbs’ pov is that Nielsen is worse than incompetent, that her behavior is more consistent with an open borders mentality.
Dobbs had Kobach on, and Kobach said there were 50 things which Trump could easily do himself which would adversely affect the foreign invasion of our country. One example Kobach gave was e-verify. Bush had an ongoing highly successful effort to raid work places, search for illegals, make arrests, and deport (per Kobach). BO stopped that practice, and it has NOT been re-started by Trump (per Kobach) although it could be done so immediately. This was KOBACH, who did not specify the 49 other things which could be easily done. (And BTW, why Nielsen and not Kobach?)
And Kobach also confirmed what Dobbs was saying generally by referring to Kobach’s first hand interviews with border agents. He said they were boiling over with frustration.
The numbers of invaders may have reached the point of no return, literally and figuratively. Truly, it is all over if this continues, and it may be all over anyway. Cutting off funding for the 3 countries is a meaningless gesture, as long as there is funding from SOMEWHERE to finance the invasion, and obviously there is.
Following are a column from Coulter from a couple weeks ago, a NY Times story, and an article about Stephen Miller’s response to the Times article, where Miller does not categorically agree with the Times’ article, but where (it seems) he agrees with the Times’ article (and thus Coulter) about 97%.
I understand all the obstacles which have been thrown in Trump’s way. The following stories, along with Dobbs and Kobach, suggest that those obstacles are beside the point.
Food for thought to be sure…and if you are right the implications are staggering.
The issue is something to consider. Kobach summed up his interviews with border agents, by quoting one agent who said: “We have become Uber drivers. An invader gets into our country and when we pick them up, we wind up asking them where they want to be dropped off.”
Dobbs also asked Kobach why Nielsen has not been replaced, and Kobach avoided answering.
I do NOT necessarily agree with Coulter’s conclusion that Trump’s inactivity (as opposed to his rhetoric) indicates he is insincere. It strikes me as being highly implausible.
But the massive ongoing invasion, coupled with the undisturbed status quo in every respect, presents an issue where rhetoric will not suffice.
I believe that Trump has a plan. But that plan may include the generation of OUTRAGE from one coast to the other.
I trust Trump, and have never lost faith in him. My default thinking is that Trump knows what he is doing.
And no doubt the Mueller fakery precluded doing a lot, even things which Trump could do more or less as President alone.
It is impossible to believe Trump is unaware of how this affects 2020, which is deeply and likely definitively.
The daily infiltration scares me for a variety of reasons. It is hard to see any of it getting undone. And my concern goes beyond the electoral impact.
But with respect to the electoral impact, Stephen Miller’s statement that he ANTICIPATES 200 miles of wall being built by the election (“the next appropriations period”) stuns me, as does Coulter’s apparently accurate statement that ZERO miles of new wall have been built.
She’s making a distinction between wall (big solid concrete slab) and bollard barrier.
As I understand it the Border Patrol doesn’t want wall.
But even so, there’s only 26 miles of bollard barrier.
Yes, the Times story makes that distinction, so Coulter is being slightly unfair. And Trump has gone back and forth on the right word to use.
And the wall is not there, the invasion is. The lack of a wall will hurt politically, and it is too late to help practically. At this point, every day is another day of defeat, of losing our country.
And what happens when some district court immediately enjoins Trump from closing the border militarily? Maybe that is the outrage Wolf suggested: Trump tells the court to jump in the Lake.
At this point, once the border stops leaking we’re going to need to do mass roundups-and-shipouts.
And I’m perfectly fine with whatever structure will work best, be it bollards, a fishnet, or a full-on concrete wall. (I doubt fishnet would work, but if someone can demonstrate it would, I’d go for it.)
Like and hate at the same time……
oops…shoulda been under Tonawanda’s post
Well now… Jody Hunt. That’s a brand new player. Jeff Sessions’ former Chief of Staff.
…”Attorney General Jeff Sessions welcomed the confirmation of Joseph H. (Jody) Hunt as the Assistant Attorney General of the Department of Justice’s Civil Division.
“I applaud the Senate for the confirmation of Jody Hunt,” said Attorney General Jeff Sessions. “His Department of Justice career extends for nearly 20 years. He has served as Director of the Federal Programs Branch for 15 years, a part of the Civil Division. This branch litigates some of the Justice Department’s most challenging cases at the trial level. I am deeply indebted to Jody for his outstanding service as my Chief of Staff. He is a man of great integrity, energy, and legal skill. He is uniquely qualified to lead the Department’s largest litigation division, where I am confident he will ably advocate this administration’s legal agenda.”
The Civil Division, which functions as the Government’s law firm, is the largest litigating component of the U.S. Department of Justice. Each year, the Civil Division represents the United States and its agencies, Members of Congress, Cabinet Officers, and other federal employees in tens of thousands of cases. In total, the Civil Division litigates matters on behalf of over 100 different federal agencies.”
Note from pR: POTUS’ nominee went to the Senate 12/11/17; Hunt was confirmed 8/28/2018. (BEFORE the election and change in Senate votes.) Why did Mitch delay so long? Never mind, a rhetorical question.
Just a slight dig to bashers, of course Jeff did nothing. /s
So, here’s hoping Carter Page is correct… this week brings great tings.
secular (adjective): of or relating to the worldly or temporal
From MW:
It’s fairly common for the term “secular” to be used as a synonym for “atheist”, but I don’t believe that is a particularly accurate usage. Within the definition there is a thrust of having a narrow time horizon, which could be by choice for the sake of analysis, but probably more often is the myopia that emphasizes recent events and near term future over the historical past or over big picture future thinking. We can call it “bread and circuses” – the trivialized secular hedonism where the visible time horizon shrinks to virtually nothing.
With this definition in mind, I was reading something that reminded me of the concern of “growing secularism” that certain quarters have been warning of for decades now, and I reconnected the dots a little differently this time.
The problem of the MCM isn’t new, but it has become so much more blatant, so much more exposed, and so much more of a byword. The news has tried to serve in the role of priest for a long time now, by which I mean a priest-class of people who alone have the unimpeachable right to speak the narratives that culturally we receive as true. The priest is the person or class that has the social responsibility to tell the big picture story for society.
In a real sense we’re seeing a massive fight over who has the right to tell the big stories. I think Warren Cole Smith said that in the coming years the fight will be for who has the right to tell and shape the narratives and stories we tell. I believe he is correct, but in the context of a top-down controlled, highly coordinated, consolidated and homogenized media apparatus (not just the news, but also entertainment “programming”) this fight takes on a sense of imperative, with the reality of extremely powerful organizational interests promoting a big picture narrative that is intentionally secular in character with a limited time horizon, to maintain better control, and to drive the “urgency” over “wisdom” in what is characterized as a rapidly fluid constant news cycle, where if you miss a single story, you lose your edge of being informed and risk falling behind. If the news cycle isn’t you thing though, it’s ok: There are plenty of sports and entertainment to act as a soma to take your mind off of thinking too hard about the past or the future.
There’s much more I could say about this, but my major concern is the influential power that a “mainstream” (get with what everyone is doing, lemming! You’re backward and out of step with the times!) “media” is still give too much respect, too much cultural authority, and frankly too much power to control what we do and do not see, and define the parameters and time horizons of what we can and cannot think, and to police what is and is not considered within the bounds of acceptable civil discourse or opinion. ->
-> For all the talk about “growing secularism” that has been part of Christian discourse at least since Peter Berger wrote The Sacred Canopy, I have rarely heard these concerns linked to the MCM and its intentional programming of information control into society, shaping opinions according to its pleasure and not for the benefit of the people or in the interest of truth, molding the culture closer to the heart’s desire one broadcast “program” at a time.
But too often I have heard references to Karl Barth’s comment on newspapers, on carrying the Bible to church while holding the newspaper in the other, where the Christian should be striving for “relevance” to speak to men’s hearts. This view presupposes that men are captured by “relevance” – but this itself is telling with frightening implications. The MCM defines for the masses what is “relevant”, and as the church we are trying to be “relevant” playing the game on the MCM world’s terms, and are befuddled that we can’t even get to first base much less be a contender in the game. We’re too busy “responding” to culture rather than setting our own agenda. The weakness of the secular MCM is precisely their myopic time horizon – yet we are constantly in a cycle of asking “how do we respond”? The MCM is in control of the narrative, they lob their “programming” over the fence, people consume the content, and the church has this pathetic position of being a back of the line interpreter of the narrative, but we’re just supposed to think this is acceptable? When Christ said “upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”? The early church was out flipping the world upside down and upending the narratives of a pagan culture – but today the pagan/secular MCM is back on the narrative throne, and the place of the church is to fight for a portion of the scraps?
BS. Our mindset is in desperate need of reforming.
michael, forgive my ignorance… what is the MCM? Are you referring to the Mainstream CORPORATE Media?
I think of the media period, as controlled by the C_A… through script and correspondents. The C_A being one of the major tools of the Cabal.
Not to quibble over labels, I suggest humanity has been undergoing brainwashing for eons… the narrative comes through avenues other than the news. Of late I have been more attuned to “entertainment” esp. film offerings. I watch a lot of Brit stuff because there is less blood and gore [or at least there used to be 🙂 ]. It’s becoming more difficult to find anything that doesn’t push the SJW agenda, even going back to the early 90s.
(Sorry, I lost my train of thought… beautiful male cardinal just perched outside my window.)
The church’s role with regard to the “narrative” … perhaps one of the greatest problems with the “church” has been concern for the narrative, rather than the “spirit?”
I have shared with some here my granddaughter’s journey through seminary. She finished, got her Masters in December. Nearly broke me, but who cares, right? She has been a minister (Children’s Ministry) for almost two years now. While she is structure-bound, she is spirit-filled. At four years of age, she reached up, grabbed my hand while we were walking in the woods, and said “Grandma, tell me about Jesus.” After she got her undergraduate degree, she announced to the family that she was moving to Texas, to go to seminary there… that the Lord was calling her to go there. She went… alone, no emotional support there… just her Lord.
Once a practicing Catholic, “walls, structure” no longer have meaning for me. My church is within, so I can’t really speak to the role of the church. Secular is a misused label, imho. My late father was a ‘seeker’ … labeled himself an agnostic, I think because he couldn’t find a ‘church’ where he fit in.
I am rambling… forgive me. Today is grandson’s birthday… I always forget it’s April Fools.
Michael, I admire you so much… enjoy your posts immensely. There is HOPE… the MCM is dying. Citizen journalists are rising… we are all more aware, refuse to be lied to by the Cabal and its minions any longer. I believe we will bring light to this darkness. God bless you.
Some people call it the “mind control media” and that might be what Michael means by MCM.
Thanks Steve… that makes sense.
What SteveInCO said – I meant mind control media 😉 Information control and psyops, narrative manipulation and control. Short term “news cycle” thinking w/ little or no memory. Like “Googling” for everything – people without a memory are stateless and easier to manipulate.
And I’d agree with that.
You’re correct, by the way about its older meanings; I was quite surprised many years ago to hear about a “secular” perturbation in orbital mechanics (one that continues to increase) as opposed to periodic ones; when combined you see a rising sawtooth function. That struck me as a really odd choice of word for that at the time.
Anyhow…over to politics. When it comes to church/state issues and the like, the people who argue for the maximum amount of separation state that they want a “secular” government–and by that, they usually mean “neutral” rather than “explicitly atheist.” (Of course, there are those who really DO want an explicitly atheist government, but they’re actually a minority of such groups.) In that view, the best thing for the government to do is neither encourage nor discourage religion, and it’s doing a lot of encouraging, which should stop, since the government is supposed to be neutral.
Some good news, and some bad news…………………………………….
The good news is that there is no bad news
The bad news is that the good news report is on April 1
H/T treehouseron
I had to look at the photo twice to see the “addition”…LOL
Go get ’em POTUS !
OH GREAT <<<Sarc!!!
One more resource gone. They suspended WiredSources and others.
It's getting really hard to find news from conservative pro-Trump point of view….as intended.
Yes. NOT happy about this. SWA and Delta today. Others were last week. It’s a software that’s giving them issues.
Uh, what date is today?
Oopsie. I fell for it.
Shewww, that was close, GA/FL!!! 😳😃
I scrolled through today and yesterday evening and did not see this posted. This is a bit fishy.
One of Russia’s richest women dies in plane crash in Germany
FRANKFURT, Germany — One of Russia’s richest women, S7 Group co-owner Natalia Fileva, died Sunday in a plane crash in Germany, the airline operator said.
Fileva, 55, was aboard a single-engine, six-seat Epic LT aircraft that crashed and burned in a field as it approached the small airport at Egelsbach, a town in southwestern Germany, at about 3:30 p.m. (1330 GMT), the airline said in an email.
German police said there appeared to be three people aboard the plane, including the pilot of the flight, which originated in France. They said the two passengers were believed to be Russian citizens but that positive identification of the occupants would require further investigation.
German aviation authorities were probing the cause of the crash. Egelsbach is about 10 kilometers (six miles) south of Frankfurt.
The business publication estimated Fileva’s fortune at $600 million.
“S7 Group team extends sincere and heartfelt condolences to Mrs. Fileva’s family and loved ones,” the company said in a statement. “The memory of her as an inspiring and sympathetic leader and a wonderful person will forever stay in the hearts of all S7 Group employees. It is an irreparable loss. ”
With a base at Moscow’s Domodedovo Airport, S7 is part of the Oneworld alliance and flies to 150 destinations in 35 countries, using 56 Airbus planes and 23 aircraft from Boeing. Fileva’s husband, Vladislav Filev, is listed as chair of the company’s board of directors, according to the company’s third-quarter 2018 financial statement on its website.
Yeah, when I saw the report of that crash, I said to myself “I wonder who was on that plane, who wanted them dead and why.”
“Some people think the mainstream media so bungled the Russian collusion story, they revealed themselves to be the dishonest and servile toadies of a single political party with a bias so extreme it amounted to the sort of corruption one usually only finds in the bowels of a prison populated by the lowest miscreants on the face of the earth, whose foul and twisted hearts conspire to create a criminal empire so soaked in evil it is tantamount to a living hell. Other people think other things.
But now journalists are speaking out in self-defense, figuring what the hell, people can’t hate them anymore than they already do.”
Andrew Klavan
Andrew is quite the wordsmith ! That’s some statement… truth revealed.
Still, he can’t turn a phrase as well as you Patrick.
He’s younger though, so I cut him some slack.
Charlie Kirk encounters some March and April fools….and sets them straight.
ASU has a real big Native American studies program that is heavy on antiwhite. I was told about it while in AZ over a decade ago. Even the kids who cant really do college(N.A.) are given everything free just to get their numbers up for graduating. She is likely one of those kids.
Well, she apparently regurgitates what she hears… without doin’ any diggin’
Charlie Kirk handles that question perfectly. Love it.
Someone get to Kirk on the year the Republican party was founded!
Voters Agree With Trump on Russia Probe
Voters aren’t as dumbed down as some think.
Michael Avenatti will be in court in Santa Ana(Orange County) today. First of many appearances in court around the country Im sure! With all 5he judgements he has against him already that he hasnt paid, maybe he will finally get jail time.
Attorney Michael Avenatti is scheduled to be in Santa Ana federal court Monday for an initial appearance in connection with the charges of bank and wire fraud that he faces.
Avenatti, 48, is accused by federal prosecutors of embezzling a client’s money to pay off his own expenses and debts, including his coffee business.
Avenatti is facing another federal case in New York for allegedly extorting Nike, the world’s largest supplier of athletic shoes and apparel. Avenatti had tweeted receipts and other information he alleges shows corruption on the part of Nike, which he charged following his arrest has been recruiting young athletes.
In the Orange County case, Avenatti is accused of misappropriating funds due to a client arising out of a $1.6 million settlement, prosecutors said. Avenatti allegedly used some of the money to pay expenses for Global Baristas US LLC, which had Tully’s Coffee stores in California and Washington state, prosecutors said.
Avenatti also is accused of defrauding a bank in Mississippi to get three loans for a total of $4.1 million for his law firm by submitting bogus income tax returns for 2011, 2012 and 2013, years in which he did not file tax returns, prosecutors allege.
Avenatti is expected to enter a plea at a future hearing.
Avenatti is best known for representing the adult film actress known as Stormy Daniels, who became embroiled in a legal battle with President Donald Trump over hush money in an alleged affair between the two.
`Knowing what I know now about Michael Avenatti, I am saddened but not shocked by news reports that he has been criminally charged Monday,” Daniels, whose legal name is Stephanie Clifford, tweeted last Monday.
“I made the decision more than a month ago to terminate Michael’s services after discovering that he had dealt with me extremely dishonestly.”
Who woulda guessed that a porn star MIGHT have a thimble full more integrity than a porn star’s lawyer.
FOOLS, everyday
CNN: Conservatives Attack Ocasio-Cortez Because She’s “Incredibly Eloquent,” “Latina”…
Is that like a clean articulate black man?
LOL who didn’t know what the 3 branches of government were 3 months ago, who claimed the Repubs amended the Constitution so a dead President couldn’t be elected to another term and who uses the words “like” and “you know” more times than a Valley girl…she’s only eloquent when she reads speeches someone else wrote for her. spit.
She’s the new farce of the dimwitted party.
Makes Mumbles Pelosi seem articulate.
My enamorment of Mumbles is not diminished, however
Something in the way she drools
Attracts me like no other loather.
That certainly helped get me out of my too, too serious mood this a.m.
You’re a hoot Patrick. Bet you keep the grandchildren chuckling…
Love to see them smile………………….
The best part of waking up
Is PHC revved up!!!
Morning Patrick, ☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩🥛🥛🥛🥛🥛🥛
Mornin,’ bflyjesusgrl
LOL … good one 😁👍
IMHO, both Pelosi and AOC look like their party’s mascot, the donkey.
AOC for her large teeth and how they protrude towards the camera when she grins.
And Pelosi because she just looks like a donkey. All of it.
Not trying to be rude here. Just an observation.
Not rude IMO
Lots of pets look like their owners.
PHC, Absolutely appreciate your posts…consistently cracking me up big time! Thank you!!!
smooth talker, you are…lol
I decided to, you know, like this comment.
that’s, like, so totally, like, awesome, dude
Hilarious.. 🤣👍❤️ … and scary .. these lightweights espouse occasional’s magnificence when she’s a hired shill pushing a fantasy narrative .. she’ll never match the Magic’s and wonder of ms. Minnie Mouse 🤨😛
I keep clicking my heels three time and …. she’s …. still … there … 😑🤚😞
That only works with ruby slippers. You should already know that.
Awwww shucks … I thought they just needed to be plugged into the charger .. nurtz … ☹️
A friend of mine informed me that St. Louis is a place so racist that black people there are in great fear for their lives.
Having some familiarity with the place I asked her where she got that idea, Answer: NPR
Attempting to quell my rage I told her that there are places in St. Louis and near St. Louis (North St. Louis, Florrisant, East St. Louis) that, on the contrary, are very dangerous to white people.
In fact, my black relatives would not let me visit those places stating that they would be ok but I would not be safe.
Unfortunately, these places are mostly dangerous to black people from black on black crime. Even the government and most of the LE are black, and for good reasons.
The purposeful misinformation coming at the American people is something that does great harm. It must be countered with the truth at every opportunity we are given. We are the news.
I just wish I could do more.
STL is racially polarized, but not racist as a whole. At least not anymore. The polarization situation is the result of racist, policies, however. Over 100 years of them starting after the Civil War, and until the mid-1970s.
Now, all of us see the races as being similar in that we all have our trash, our winners, those who struggle but are basically good, our diamonds in the rough, etc. Middle class black who worked for what they have and are proud of that are moving into neighborhoods they can afford and no one thinks twice about it.
Now, even the polarization is starting to wane.
Yesterday, I sat/stood next to a black woman for a concert. Before yesterday we did not know each other, but this woman was perfectly pleasant and we had a lovely conversation. That’s where the inroads are being made.
The whole country is being polarized by false stories such as the one I mentioned and the Michael Brown story coming from the left.
This is what they want.
They divide us without regard for the pain and horrible siffering that these lies have cost so many on both sides of this.
Exactly like statd in my article from today. Wow, examples are everywhere. Thanks, LM.
Sing it Sister !!!
Have lived in the south all my life… black and white strangers converse all the time. Most white families here who go back before the Civil war have AA ancestors in their family tree. I have AA ancestors through 5 collateral lines. Both sides of family been in Carolina since 1600s (we don’t move around much… it’s just fine here, thank you very much)
If this country is so racist, how the heck did zero get elected????????
Racism was ratcheted (yes, I know what a ‘ratchet’ is… it’s also ‘slang’… hiphop) up during zero’s 8 years. The Cabal wants us divided on every level… race, religion, politics, gender, economics. Pay no attention to the man/woman behind the curtain.
I’ll tell you what, when it came to the Michael Brown thing, even liberals I know called him what he was, a thug. That whole scenario was imported after the first night of looting. The problem is that those steeped in the aura of a racist town won’t see the truth.
I once loudly stated in a gun shop that I’m not anti-Black, I’m anti-thug.
That was before I realized that “thug” is forbidden as an (alleged) synonym for Black, under PC rules (which can go copulate with themselves).
“A friend of mine informed me that St. Louis is a place so racist that black people there are in great fear for their lives.”
I lived in St Louise for 26 years. I purposely moved into an integrated neighborhood. People were middle class and most wee not native to MO. I had not problems with black people or white people. I had wonderful neighbors who wanted for their children what I wanted.
Now natives in ST Louse are a different group of people. I do not know how they feel about black people but I know how they felt about immigrants or people from NYC. We moved out of our first house because of the nasty people around me how they treaded my children my husband and me.’
That is when I moved into a integrated neighborhood that confirmed to me that it was not us.
Many ST Louis people are biggest against anyone who is different.
When my kids went to St Louis University their best friends were from other places .
Sorry just sharing my experience.
My husband had bad experiences from his workers who did not like the fact that he was from NYC and the son of German immigrants.
that would be cuteness factor overload!
Sundance has an extremely good and important article up “Mark Levine interviews John Solomon and Sara Carter”.
Worth the time to read and do all it asks of us.
Speaking of Sara Carter – I watched another old show on the Science Channel last night that she was in. Searching for some lost civilization. She put in her time in the trenches, for sure.
She is frequently on “What on Earth” as is Mike Baker, former C_A and really great writer. He’s very funny like Kurt Schlichter. And pretty easy on the eyes. I guess he has given up politics. I never see his work anymore.
Fools We Much
H/T Guffman
I am rolling on the floor here Patrick!! tears rolling down my cheeks…can’t breathe…laughing toooo hard…I think that’s the Pompous Little Twits’ actual voice!
Please everyone, watch this clip! Very funny!
Many of you may remember I posted this pic OT one year ago today, which is my sweet angel’s birthday. Last year, it fell on Easter Sunday and THAT was the day I finally cried. Things are better this year, thanks in large part to all of you. My heartfelt thanks for all of your support, prayers and love sent my way! This was a trip we took to the Gulf of Mexico, when I shocked my 14 year old by suggesting we go skinny dipping!
Oh, crap! WHEN will I get this right??!!??
peace, hugs, thoughts and prayers sent your way today!
Beautiful NF….
Thanks for sharing… my heart goes out to you. I hope that you move gently through this day.
God bless you and your family.
My sister was the only one who remembered. She is a gem! Texted me @ 6:06 am right before she went out to start up the old school bus. The entire town of Diller owes her BIGLY! She raised the majority of the kids in the town, as well as helping them with their bucket calves, goats, chickens, rabbits for 4H. All with over 5 feet of steel in her back!
the day’s not over Sweetie…
how blessed you are to have such a wonderful sister…
the first year is the hardest… some family members may be hesitant to “upset” you. As a society, we don’t talk about death…
Reach out and call someone to be with you, so that you can ‘talk about’ the loss… most of all talk about the wonderful memories… she’ll always be with you.
People are frequently hesitant to talk with others about a loved one who has passed. They are uncomfortable, and they don’t want to reopen the other person’s grief.
The thing is, the grief can’t be reopened because it never actually leaves. And people who have lost loved ones are often just starving for the opportunity to talk about their loved one because when you are talking about them they are so alive in your memory.
The anniversaries can be really hard. Thanks for sharing a bit of your girl with us today. It’s a lovely photo and obviously a warm memory.
I am so glad now that I took her on many trips where we had so much fun together – it was always just the two of us: sleeping all night on the beach at Va. Beach, VA; skinny-dipping in the Gulf; white-water rafting in WVA; trip down Gator Alley in FL. We did have some grand times and now I get to do the same with my grand-daughter. Already took her on a round of beds-and-baths, museums, trail riding, etc.
It pays to enjoy every minute of the ride and cherish all the time you can spend with those you love. Those memories will warm your heart for the rest of your life.
You are so right Sylvia, the grief never leaves! You learn with time how to deal with it because grief has no particular time as to when it affects you, it sometimes comes out of the blue. I call them moments, when they come on, you learn with time to throw them thoughts off to keep you from emotionally falling apart. You’re not always successful but as time goes on you get better at it.
Yes people are uncomfortable talking about the loss of a loved one for fear of bringing up the wounds especially when someone has lost a child. When I lost my son no one would talk about him or even mention his name and that hurt because you want people to talk about them and to never forget them.
Most people are uncomfortable because they don’t know what to say. My advise, don’t worry about what to say, just talk about the lost loved one and share the memories with the person who’s had the loss. Yes the tears might flow but not always, and you’d be surprised how much it helps the healing process for the one who has lost.
Sylvia you are right, grief never leaves it’s always there but with time you learn to go forward with your life and to deal with the grief. Grief comes out of the blue even years later. I call them moments. With time you learn to throw them thoughts off to keep yourself from going there emotionally, you’re not always successful and that’s when you have to let the emotions flow. But you get better at it with time. It doesn’t take the hurt away, that is always there. The hurt is the same down the road as it was the day of your loss.
People are uncomfortable because they don’t know what to say and they fear opening hurtful wounds especially when someone has lost a child. When I lost my son no one would talk about him or even mention his name. What they didn’t realize, is it was hurting me. My advise to anyone, talk about the lost loved one to the one who has had the loss share your memories with them. Yes there may be tears but it helps with the healing process for the one who’s had the loss and it becomes more comfortable for you when talking about the lost loved one.
Beautifully said. I agree with every word. Often the greatest gift you can give someone who has lost a loved one is to sit and talk with them about their loved one. And yes, sometimes there are tears but often there is so much joy in reliving memories!
I am so sorry for the anguish that you have experienced and the gravity of your loss.
You are a courageous and beautiful person and cherished by so many of us.
I send love and prayers your way and thank you for all you do.
TY so much. Meanwhile, I am over replying to an old comment and yes, causing trouble. Ooops! LOL
you don’t cause trouble…
it bubbles up on its own girlfriend…
Ever read Tess Gerritson’s Rizzoli & Isle’s series? Well, I am Rizzoli!
Have not read…
If you do, no doubt you will recognize some of the same traits she and I share: bull-headed, blunt, outspoken, with an IDGaD attitude.
Ahh, NF…
A very wise soul once said to me that our weaknesses are not the problem…
What is needed is ‘awareness’ … if one is able to look at one’s own self, one can work on changing what one desires to change.
Some would describe bull-headed as persistent…
blunt as candid, outspoken as opinionated …
as for attitude… self-approval is more important than outside approval almost any day.
You keep on keeping on … we love you as you are.
btw, saw pictures you posted… you’re a tiny thing. You have to advocate for yourself !
NF, so sorry to hear of your loss, I pray that God will carry you in his arms as you walk this journey. God Bless You and God Bless Your Angel🙏
In this case…He’s Right!
No matter how outrageous the parody, there’s always the risk someone will take it seriously–and unfortunately, sometimes it really is. That’s how bad TDS sometimes is.
Brian has a THREAD
Planned Human Baby Parts.
You’re absolutely spot-on Wolfie…
I struggle to keep hate at bay… not productive and harmful for the insides. But PP and the idea of abortion triggers my buttons. It’s a spiritual test to not emote ‘hate’ …
Many of today’s supporters are ignorant about the development of the fetus. I truly believe this. It would be so effective to include videos of the miraculous development of a human being in sex education in schools. Not only would young people be better informed, they could share info with their parents, most of whom are definitely out of the loop.
Can’t find it now but last year I watched documentary called something like “Nine Months” … of course when I key that in I get anything but what I am searching for. There are other videos out there of course, but this one was extremely powerful. Focus on the positive… that is what will convert mindsets. Then they will be open to the horror of what is happening every day.
Rambling again… have to check where the moon is now 😉
Looked for the moon, here in south hemisphere,
said it’s the right side of history,
I do believe those words right there
college students–all for socialism until asked if they would like GPA’s “socialized”…LOL
close it!
Nielsen has also directed CBP to expand the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), a DHS plan to return migrants to Mexico while they wait for their day in immigration court.
Under Nielsen’s directive, CBP will return hundreds more migrants per day to Mexico, including those caught at or between points of entry, according to DHS.
Nielsen further ordered the agency to plan to expand the MPP plan beyond California and Texas, the locations where it currently operates.
In late March, the El Paso Border Patrol sector temporarily shuttered checkpoints on the U.S. side of the border, telling The Hill that “to process and ensure appropriate care for those in custody, resources including personnel have been diverted from other border security priorities.”
“The crisis at our border is worsening, and DHS will do everything in its power to end it,” Nielsen said in a statement. “We will not stand idly by while Congress fails to act yet again, so all options are on the table. We will immediately redeploy hundreds of CBP personnel to the border to respond to this emergency. We will urgently pursue additional reinforcements from within DHS and the interagency. And we will require those seeking to enter the United States to wait in Mexico until an immigration court has reviewed their claims.”
And Nielsen also just approved an additional 30K H2B visas…….hmmmmm…….this is NOT why we elected PDJT!!!!
“DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen will allow the importation of 30,000 extra foreign laborers for landscapers, resorts, and other businesses despite President Donald Trump’s “Hire American” promise that has helped raise blue-collar wages by four percent in 2018.
The decision will allow companies to import 96,000 H-2B laborers in 2019, up from the 66,000 allowed by the law.”
Her “massive increase” is an unspecified number amounting to “hundreds of personnel.”
The Washington Times says “up to” 2000, which could mean anywhere from 1 to 1999.
I’m still puzzling over WHAT brought this to SCOTUS?
I understand the person’s argument: however, arguing over the manner used in a death penalty case doesn’t negate the death penalty. All this does is delay the inevitable yet again. In the end (no pun intended), does it matter a whole hell of a lot if this convict feels pain for a brief minute or two? Have we gone that insane? He’s going to be put to DEATH…why are we wasting valuable time and money over the last few minutes of his life? Does he expect a miracle pardon or something? smh
they give no such consideration to babies when they rip their limbs from their bodies in abortions…
I have always believed if a person gets the death penalty, they should die in the same manner as their victim.
I struggle with the death penalty and have for a long, long time. And I shudder every time DNA finds someone innocent that has been in prison for a crime they didn’t commit. But I also realize that our compassion can be used against us. It makes no sense to me to have people on death row for years at a time either…gees…I’m a waffler on this issue, unless a child is involved…then I am a big bad Mama Bear you shouldn’t oughta messed with…
I support the death penalty in general but agree that the possibility of putting someone to death unjustifiably is frightening. Having said that, I guess I would say I support it ONLY when it can be proven, truly beyond a shadow of a doubt, or the defendant has confessed in such a manner that it is 100% clear that he/she had to have been present and directly involved.
Case in point on the side against the death penalty: the pay-out Gage County here in NE is going to have to come up with (taxpayer funds, of course) to pay the settlement to the “Beatrice Six.”
On a side note: their lawyer is my step-brother. This is the family that was po’ed when my Mom did not include her husband (their father) in her will. They will now be millionaires!
in the instances you mentioned–where there is overwhelming proof, they confess, etc, I cannot see the endless appeals and time wasted on additional court proceedings. We house them for years–and the taxpayers mostly, I believe, pay for their endless defense lawyers. the only ones benefiting from the current system is the lawyers—same for divorces.
Agreed – IMO, they should get one appeal and one only, then get it done the fastest and cheapest way possible. One bullet would do using the right ammo from a weapon in the right hands.
Compassion crap apparently didnT’ work on SCOTUS.
Today is April 1
And Fun We Much
scrollin’ through the comments, lots of folks got ‘fooled’ …
Johnstone is an excellent writer… one may not agree with everything she writes, still… she does her homework.
H/T citizen817
Game OVAH !!!
Just a couple more pics – couldn’t find the one I was looking for but ran across these two: this is the group of Egyptian Naval Officers I worked with shortly after 9/11:
And this is when my Mom and I went to NC to visit my brother and watch the Rose Bowl:
nice looking group!
As you look at the pic, the guy at the end on the left is Aziz, with whom I am still friends on FB – next to him is Magdi, who considered me to be his American Mom. Kneeling in front of me is Troublemaker Aymon! We had so much fun with these guys!
Lol. And its not an April 1 joke!
IQ average for TV folks must be in the single digit area………….. no wonder they love AOC
Nuggets from Levin interview of Carter and Solomon.
Flynn had a YUGE target🎯 on his back. Not only did he know everything about all the agencies, past events(Benghazi, etc.,), he was also planning a big restructure to the Intelligence community organizations. IC likes themselves just fine and could not let that happen.
What’s going on with DOJ investigations of 27 leaks? Where is Huber? Consensus is Huber doing nothing, was a headfake to get public off of Sessions’ a$$. (Don’t hurt me!)
Obama Admin (Carlin) fessed up to FISA Court 5-6yrs of violations right before Election Day. Then after loss, O started expanding powers and purposely spreading FISA info to more agencies in effort to give more people plausible deniability, insulate in case of leaks. Picture of Intelligence Apparatus knowingly being abused and no one ever raised their hand.
Judge Rosemary has more than enough info both public and definitely private, to be holding hearings and at a minimum censuring the folks who lied to the court. Court hasn’t even tried to protect 4th Amendment laws. Why?? Big changes coming.
There are multiple calls daily for Barr to do something. Everyone believes he will, Government has to do something, problem is who to do it? Where can they find a non-partisan??
In addition to Miss Lindsey, look for Ron Johnson to be holding Ukraine investigation. They actually colluded w/Hillary to win election. Ukraine now trying to get info to Barr. This summer’s gonna be HOT!!🥵
“What’s going on with DOJ investigations of 27 leaks? Where is Huber? Consensus is Huber doing nothing, was a headfake to get public off of Sessions’ a$$. (Don’t hurt me!”
I’m guessing this was part of the reason SD posted about Levin’s interview (guess it over road his jealousy issue with them).
Both Solomon and Carter were never fans of Sessions (and the Huber apptmnt), so this doesn’t surprise me much….
….guess we’ll see when Horwitz’s report is released
Today at 5:30 pm — Mitch brings it to the floor
Wonder if he will be bringing this one today??????
Here’s a summary… oops, can’t give you a summary, there isn’t one available. See link
Damn Dems ought not be playing politics with Disaster Relief funds for farmers!! 😡😡😡
Butterfly, can you believe this nonsense ! Puerto Rico deserves NOTHING after the wasted aid (Hurricane relief)
Chad’s incorrect above. 60 votes are not required if Mitch gets cloture. If it fails, if will be because of some RINO votes. We’ll be watching.
PR is nothing but corrupt!! Big money pit. We’ve rebuilt their entire crumbling/non existent electrical infrastructure in addition to Billions of relief dollars and they hate us, yet want more of our money💰💰 Remember that one lady on an oversight committee making $400k salary?? Governor wants to punch POTUS?? Ungrateful, arrogant, leeches, Grrr!! 😡😡😡
We need to cut the cord…
every dollar in aid we send to any country, province, whatever… gets laundered, with part going to pols there and part coming back to pols here.
and don’t forget money wasted on a machine or gadget that printed all those anti-trump t shirts the mayor (of San Juan) had made INSTANTLY…where she’d get those done so quickly?
I agree on PR…remember all those water bottles sitting in the sun that went no where? all the supplies they stored in containers that sat on docks and pallets? they’ve gotten enough from us…
Hitting below the belt is acceptable when your adversary’s chin is tucked in his rectum.
Keep your friends close
And your enemies………………confused.
I think POTUS knows this one well.
He’s VERY proficient in this.
Bigly, you might say.
More re: Border:
well, POTUS sent a shot across the bow of Congress this a.m.
I think the “all caps” means sumpin’ … does it?
Then there’s the morning messages to the new Mexican President (can’t recall the socialist’s name… don’t want to know actually)
I expect by afternoon Shanahan (whose Irish ancestors I am sure all arrived here legally) will get the call to lock down the border. No EO necessary… he has already issued a ‘State of Emergency’ at the southern border.
No crystal ball… just observing body language and tweets of POTUS (did I say he’s pissed?)
Do it! And when they all start bitching about the money they’re losing, tell them to contact their Congresspeople. Dems and RINOs must be forced to feel the money/constituent pain and fix the laws. POTUS has the leverage here
I suppose he could target all those remittance payments to Mexico by a surtax or outright ban. That would put additional pressure on the federales.
Thereby fulfilling yet another campaign promise. Suggested this a few days ago, as well as cutting off the aid to those 3 countries, which PDJT promptly did! Whoo-hoo! Maybe he’ll do this as well? One can always hope, I say!
that would be EPIC!
okay, just remembered… Mitch is supposed to bring two nominations to 9th Circuit this week.
Perhaps today? If he can get his behind in gear !!!
Confirmation of those two may be needed before POTUS closes border… JUST to remove any obstacles coming from the 9th…
It ain’t easy being POTUS… still GOPe and dang DIMs to deal with. Pray y’all……….
Patrick posted ICE Gov Tom Harmon down thread… he says go for those already here who have failed to show up at Court. Gets my vote big time.
Fox – POTUS going to Calexico CA on Friday….probable new wall dedication ceremony.
Hope it’s to sign Executive Order:
A. to close the border and
B. to remove all illegals from USA!!!
More CBP Officers, sending 100’s/day asylum seekers back to Mexico to wait
See if this works….
Here in s africa, we have possibly the most corrupt governnent on the planet.
Am open to contenders for this dubious title.
However, what we do have is uncontested elections.
Every voter has to have a Valid ID document, issued by Home Affairs, and subsequently verified by The Independent Electoral Commision (a non government body ~ i think?)
The best is, on election day ~ 8 May this year, at the voting point, our thumb nail is marked with a non~removable, 4 day indelible mark, meaning no individual can vote twice, zombies would be placed back in the graveyards (we respect our dead), illegals, we too have many, are simply unable to vote (driver’s licence doesn’t count)
We certainly have our .problems.
A fair vote accepted by all is not one of them
Strange for a 2nd/3rd world. April 8 will tell
Thanks so much for sharing golsono… I didn’t know the details you posted.
Things would be better here in US if we had Voter ID documented and verified as you state… I like the indelible mark also.
Hope and pray things get better for both our parts of the world. We can’t simply drain the swamp here at home… the Cabal covers the globe. Like cleaning up a river, both sides need to do so.
Yep Pr. Politicians don’t stick to there promises, certain issues will not win (save the farmer) but at least we have free speech and apparent integrity in the election process.
Every party is free to run on their own issues.
As an aside, I don’t know yet what direction the land occupation without compensation will take.
Neither do the politicians.
The vote in May will shape this discourse
So long as identifiable fingerprints do not end up on the ballots, something indelible would be a boon.
This is a great idea for the US.
TALKING POINT – SOUTH AFRICA has better voter ID than America – why can’t we have THEIR system?
DEMOCRATS CANNOT OPPOSE “Mandela Homeland Voting Justice”!!! 😉
We do, however, have a few pre-election problems to work on.
Such as violent intimidation, and even murder, of opposition.
But post election, no one cries ‘fowl!’
Funny how that seems to work?
so what you are saying is that you have 100% voter suppression, oppression, and intimidation in your country?
we could never get that kind of illegality and just downright undemocratic and unconstitutional rules to govern our beautiful system here…you will never know true democracy until you can vote multiple times without showing ID. sorry for your loss.
sincerely –
US Democrat and SubDemocrat LawMakers
Intimidation, even murder, is ever present pre-election, but thus far nimby
NIMBY alert…typical leftists…
Mayor London Breed has sponsored legislation to fast track a homeless shelter that would house 200 people. However, wealthy liberals living in the affected area have set up a GoFundMe to stop the project which has already hit $80,000 of its $100,000 target.
The GoFundMe page cites concerns over “public safety, drug use, and other problems that a large shelter may bring to the community,” as well as the fact that “a third of the homeless are drug users and some are sex offenders”.
Records show that Mission Bay, one of the areas most heavily targeted by organizers of the GoFundMe, was the most pro-Hillary neighborhood in the entire city of San Francisco, laying down 1,680 Clinton/Kaine votes out of 1,893 ballots cast.
So, is Dick’s 100% privately owned or do they have stockholders? Well, lookie there – went public in 2002 – one might think those stockholders aren’t real happy right now????
“Dick’s banned the sale of “assault rifles” and “high capacity” magazines two weeks after the February 14, 2018, attack on Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. They also raised their minimum purchase age for long guns from 18 to 21. The company lost approximately $150 million because of the corporate gun control but Stack continues to stand his ground.”
“Stack was one of four CEOs to sign a letter in support of Congressional Democrats’ push to criminalize private gun sales via universal background checks. The legislation he supported, H.R. 8, would not have stopped a single mass shooting that occurred in the past decade, including the Parkland high school shooting that spurred Dick’s corporate gun control push in the first place.”
Dick’s Sucks.
haven’t stepped foot inside since that day. it’s a hipster soccer mom overpriced caricature of a sporting goods store anyway. but honestly, none of the stores are up front and they only want your money anyway.
Shutting ports of entry allow CBP personnel to deal with flood of illegals in other places.
I say we send the postal workers down to help the border patrol…they should take their “return to sender” stamps and stamp that across each one’s forehead and tell them to take a hike…
66,000 were apprehended in February. How many were not?
And yet I am not allowed to drink my ice tea from a straw when I dine out because, you know, the oceans. And apparently I will be picking up after my dog with my bare hands because, you know, the earth.
Vein in temple is bulging.
Our tax dollars would be paying for that had we not exited the Paris Climate Accord, over and above the restrictions under which we already suffer.
switch to Long Island Iced Teas…you won’t miss the straws so much…
Pat, Suck it up Buttercup. The Straw will certainly not be missed by the second one. LOL
LOL, plus the alcohol would disinfect the rim of the glass!
I hate picking up a glass to drink and discovering the faint remains of someone else’s lipstick on the rim. For some reason, that puts me off my feed.
Gotta love our “green” dishwashing detergent, though! It doesn’t work, but gosh I feel so good about saving the planet it makes my toes tingle!
Forgive me if Flep has already posted these positive numbers but this is worth seeing again, IMO:
“U.S. manufacturing activity mounted an unexpected comeback in March.
The Institute for Supply Management (ISM) said its index of national factory activity climbed to 55.3 in March compared with the prior month’s reading of 54.2. Economists had been expected the index to remain flat after seriously declining in December and slowing again in February.
The improvement was broad. The new orders index, an important indicator of future activity, jumped to 57.4 from 55.5 in February. Production rose to 55.8 from 54.8. The prices paid index rose as well, indicating that manufacturers are paying more for materials–a positive sign given how many indicators of very low inflation and deflation have appeared in recent data.
The employment index soared to 57.5 from 52.3 in February. This positive development likely indicates that the March jobs numbers, which will be released Friday, will be significantly stronger than the very weak 20,000 payrolls number for February.
Any reading above 50 in the ISM index indicates expansion in the manufacturing sector.”
Can we throw her out? Or better yet you don’t like it leave?
Freshman Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar Says Living in Trump’s America “It’s an Everyday Assault” …(Ilhan Came here from Somalia)
Oh no. No, she is on a mission to turn the US into a sh!thole like Somalia. THEN she’ll be happy.
she’s free to speak out, and free to LEAVE whenever it gets to be too much for the delicate blossom…
And yet they always say they will leave but sadly never do.
Amazing nature! Close to my old stomping grounds.
oohh how beautiful he/she is!
Uh…..only 11M illegals here???? Pffftttt…..not even CLOSE!!!!! More like 30M!!!! AND IT NEEDS TO STOP NOW!!!!
“That 44.5 million includes roughly 22 million naturalized citizens, 11 million other residents — including more than 1.5 million foreign temporary visa-workers — plus about 11 million illegal aliens.
The last time the U.S. foreign-born population was this high was in 1910 when immigrants made up 14.7 percent of the total country’s population.”
NF, I think you will find this interesting. I did.
Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States
March 14, 2019
Spotlight By Jie Zong, Jeanne Batalova, and Micayla Burrows
There are so many women suddenly coming out against Joe Biden that you’d think Trump had just nominated him to the Supreme Court.
— Tim Young (@TimRunsHisMouth) April 1, 2019
H/T blognificentbee
🙂 🙂 🙂
Made #MeToo
Now, that is funny!! True but funny. LOL
Heh! WTH could Joe Biden have been thinking? That this wouldn’t all come out? People luuuvvvv him so much he’d never have to answer for this?
I suppose he was thinking the rest of the gang are such a bunch of silly little gnats the nomination is his for the taking what with the globalists behind him and all. Watching the Dims run in circles with their hair on fire is an interesting spectacle, that’s for sure.
April Fools 😜😜🤣
Truck, ……………………..Meet Stupid.
Patrick!! You totally hit my “giggle Button”!! I cannot stop laughing to type!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Comey is having a ‘Sudden Armadillo Syndrome’ moment.
Like this?
If only.
Comey’s definition of “middle” is Democrat. No thanks. “Working together,” “consensus,” “reaching across the aisle,” “nonpartisan” — been there, done that. This is war now.
I’d like to see him in the middle…of a prison yard!
thinking about the discussion earlier about the current Where’s Waldo of the Supreme Court and I wondered if I could start a Go Fund Me for proof of life? Hear me out, we set up the fund so the bulk of the cash goes to whoever provides the proof of life video–but it has to be incontrovertible proof, so some cash will be needed for the video de-bunker (not getting too technical am I?) If Ruth herself provides the proof, she can donate the fund to her favorite charity…I’d start off the fund with a Benjamin…
Opinions wanted.
Just Do It!
“It’s True!’!!! (in my best President Trump voice…)
so taxpayer dollars are securing housing loans for illegal aliens…
Ellie Mae’s millennial tracker estimated that the average size of an FHA loan to millennials is $186,454. Potential exposure to illegal alien mortgages could then climb as improbably high as $150 billion.
It’s unknown how many illegal aliens have taken out FHA loans, but some media stories have cited loan officers for whom illegal alien FHA loans represent a significant percentage of their business.
The Trump administration has applied the brakes to this avalanche of taxpayer-insured mortgages to illegal aliens. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) had begun notifying lenders that the FHA was no longer in the illegal alien mortgage business. The reasons were common sense. DACA illegal aliens, or in media spin, DREAMERs, were not legal residents and weren’t being legalized.
Under Obama, FHA rules had been bent so far backward that people who were not only non-citizens, not only non-permanent residents, but weren’t even legally here, were having taxpayers guarantee their mortgages. Not only hadn’t the Democrats learned anything from the Great Recession, they were determined to make the irresponsible behavior of the FHA a decade ago seem sober and sensible.
Bet majority of those are Islamists….setting up sleeper cells.
Has anyone ever asked him what his own wall is for?
And btw, Hitler was a tyrannical, antisemetic, socialist who strove to silence anyone who disagreed with him and who was a globalist….with the idea being that he would run the globe of course.
Perhaps even the Pope should take a closer look at who and what he is endorising or spraking out against.
I believe that even he will have to give an accounting for his words and allegiances at the end of things.
” Who kneecapped Biden?
Five years after the fact, Nevada Democrat Lucy Flores came forward with a story that Joe Biden gave her an unwanted kiss…
Somebody wants Biden out of the race. Hence, Flores told her tale and Matt Drudge linked it.
I am guessing this is the work of the Obamas. They saw Plugs up close for eight years. They know him. They know he is too impulsive to be president, which would stain Obama’s legacy. That was why the Obamas supported their arch-enemies, the Clintons, last time.
Michelle has made it plain that she wants a Woman of Color as the nominee. And John Boehner made it clear that Barack does what she wants him to do. (“He’s scared to death of his wife. Scared. To. Death.”)…”
Read article here:
It does look as if Biden is being purposefully forced out. Besides all his liabilities, I think the last thing the Dems want is an old white man running for president. An old white woman (Pocahontas) is tolerated just a little more. Because of political correctness, they can’t say very much to her.
I’m alarmed at the Beto-worship. People lose their minds and don’t think at all. He has so many negatives that he should be dropping out at this point, but he will be pushed forward. I also expect Kamala to be one of the top contenders. I know Pres. Trump could mop the floor with any of them, but I don’t relish the fight. I just want it over with so we can move on. We have to keep educating people.
not an April Fool’s joke…where’s the beef???
If you are what you eat………………………
What does that say about Vegans?
lol too easy…
oh wait…maybe that’s just female vegans…lol
Comment protected by wheatietoo ‘No Food Fight Rule’
I watched the BK video where they detail what’s in their impossible burger and I really can’t generate even an iota of desire to taste it…the woman in charge of “flavor” has a vial of deep red liquid and she discusses heme something (sounded like hemaglobin) which made me think of blood–which lead me to soylent green…so yuck all the way around…
I love women.
Have no interest in vegetables.
my kinda man!
PH Vegans = Fruits and Nuts.
TY, Elizabeth Carter
You’ve cleared up my wondering, quite nicely.
Oh boy…..
Not so sure another bureaucrat will help.
not a CZAR! no, that’ll trigger the dems all over again…although I could totally see POTUS using that term and rubbing their faces in it and making jokes…
Just imagine what he could do if he insisted on pronouncing it “Tsar.” (Which is much, much closer to the Russian pronunciation than “zar” is. The C being silent, like in “rap”.)
I found this You Tub on OT and it is very interesting and we all know about it. The liberals have no clue and therfore Democrats can hoodwink them..
Great video!
There are still some sane people in California.
Nunes, for example.
Not that anybody cares but I need to vent.
I’m still cleaning out dad’s house and also got the disturbing but somehow NOT surprising news today that my bf who has been trying for over 2 yrs to get his social security benefits hasn’t been able because…wait for it..somebobody is using his SSN.
He’s gone to SS offices in Memphis and San Diego numerous times. They always had been “working” on it. Today I guess he came unglued and demanded to know what the hold up was.
In memphis most of the people he’s dealt with are practically imbecils, lazy and rude. In San Diego they were better but still had to “work” on it. Poor guy’s been bustin his ass while waiting.
Now he’s got to get his birth cert and go back again next week.
Round and round he goes wonder who’s using his # ????????
He’s depressed and I’m about ready to blow a gasket
that’s awful!!
I do not envy you having to clean out your father’s home. When my mother-in-law passed we enlisted our kids to help us clean our her home. My in laws were forever hiding money/savings bonds in the house-they believed in banks, sure, but you had to check every piece of clothing–every book–every nook and cranny! and they had drop ceilings in the basement–goodness the stuff we found up there…
so I wish you well in your endeavor!
I bet the person who is using his SSN is some poor soul who came here illegally in search of honest work. We must be compassionate. (For maximum effect you must look at my mournful virtue-signalling facial expression as I say this.)
Okay, in all seriousness that is horrible. Can he contact his Congress critters office and demand they look into it? Can he file a police report?
I’m so sorry. Identity theft is a horror show to deal with and it sounds like you guys have enough on your plate right now.
You’ve also got tho get the earnest SJW head tilt right
That’s terrible. It seems there should be a way to trace and find out who is using the number.
I am so sorry to hear about that. I hope he can get it fixed. SS offices suck!!!!
Yes yes yes to everything you all said. Seriously we need to contact somebody. Who’s using it? How long? If it’s an freakin illegal ….smdh! The possibilities are endless…an illegal, his thieving psycho daughter or one of our outstanding (hah!) previous employees.
I feel like I’m drowning in old stuff here and darn it not a single treasure to be found but I am checking pockets and books juuuust in case.
Your BF needs to sue every CA official that stand behind Sanctuary laws for aiding and abetting illegals and emotional stress due to someone (ie an illegal using his SS number). The LEGAL people of CA need to start a class action lawsuit against officials not upholding the Constitution and aiding and abetting foreigner nationals.
Just so happens that my 91 yo Father-in-law called me this morning to help him change his SSA check that is direct deposit to a different bank. He called SSA and they told him to go online; yea right my 91yo FIL doesn’t have a computer. I told him I would check on what to do and do it for him.
Well it just so happens that a law was passed in 2013 that most, if not all Fed payments, including SSA , needed to be done that way or to a pre-paid credit card; essentially stopping all paper checks.
So it should be easy to find out where these checks are being deposited and find the person getting his
checks. Also in order to do this go to the link Kalbo provided and see if your bf can create his account if someone else hasn’t. If your bf can do that it should be no problem going in getting the bank information the check is going to. Then a case of Bank Fraud could be instigated.
Or he could change the bank info to his bank then let the fool who stole his SS# deal with the SSA.
This is a wild approach, but worth looking into. Exhausting legal means is encouraged.
molly – thinking about you both, and all my best as everyone else here has stated…
the sad fact of the matter here is this: we live in a country where it is actually HARDER to get through if you are going by the legal way, the “correct” ways, through the right channels of procedure. to be a citizen and attempt to navigate through the system is HARDER and filled with more obstacles than if you were undocumented.
this is a fact. it is happening now. it is not new. but when you find out the direct way it affects someone (like the bf here in this case) and the HOOPS he has to jump through because someone is using his SSN. he did nothing wrong here. he is a citizen who is trying to go through the proper channels.
and now, guess what, they want his BIRTH CERTIFICATE!?!?
it is far easier to pass into the white house with less documents than for a citizen to be given their justly deserved SS benefits.
this is never, ever, going to change while people still think they are “below” or “in subjection to” the ruling class and our “government”. they work for us.
Odds are, everyone here cares. Though, in my case nothing tangible I can offer.
If BF hasn’t written and called both of his Senators, House Rep and White House. Ask for their assistance. All of them have staff detailed to help with Government problems.
^^^ May or may not help. Can’t hurt and is easy to do. ^^^
If BF has a US passport, even expired, it may be good to bring to SS office.
Just a few thoughts.
Understand the pain. My son lost was a “shoe in” for a nice job. That is until the employer ran his SSN, and discovered someone else was also using his SSN.
– Employer told him the problem. And my son’s potential for employment with them, was gone because of the SSN discrepancy.
– He offered to bring in his birth certificate and US Passport as “proof” he was who he claimed to be.
– Employer would not respond beyond the employment opportunity was not available to him.
All of that aside, I would suggest everyone who contributes or contributed to SS, check their SS earnings every year. Updated statements are available annually. Latest statement can be viewed online.
H/T duchess01
Oh my, that is a good one!!!!!
Imagine for a moment if that were Donald Trump instead of Joe Biden.
In the recent past, when Q posted stuff about the Denver Airport, we had a discussion about Lockheed and Martin Marietta and the stars on their logos, and the strange connections to all sorts of stuff.
Well, today I came across a thread by @40_head that ties some of it together, and makes a case for what or who *might* be behind Boeing’s troubles that is leading to bad publicity. It’s worth a read as are the articles linked to it. The truth is out there, the question is how does this contribute to finding it.
There’s a lot of aerospace companies and defense contractors out there.
11. But, there’s only one that’s truly in competition with Boeing at a billion dollar level. Lockheed Martin (LM).
Is it possible LM would do something so terrible as to purposefully crash Boeing aircraft in order to discourage future business and investments in Boeing?
12. LM would have to be a pretty nefarious group to do so. Maybe we should learn more about them?
Lockheed was founded in 1926. It went through a varied amount of success and failures and was at the heart of numerous scandals that included bribery, money laundering, contract…
13. …deadline failures, cost overruns and even potential cases of treason and espionage by violating sanctions with nations the US considered to be enemies. Several times Lockheed has provided plans or aircraft to nations the US has forbidden to receive such technology.
14. From 1950 – 1970 Lockheed was involved in a massive black market money laundering scheme and they shared intel with numerous nations the US had prohibited aerospace business dealings with. They’ve been fined repeatedly by US courts for illegal and underhanded dealings.
15. “Lockheed, which had to be bailed out by the federal government in the 1970s, has been involved in numerous controversies involving questionable foreign payments, cost-overruns, over billing of the federal government, race and age discrimination, and environmental racism.
16. The Project On Government Oversight’s Federal Contractor Misconduct Database has 58 entries for Lockheed involving more than $600 million in fines, damages and other payments.”
They’ve been reprimanded and/or fined 58 times for violations!
17. A man by the name of Bruce Aitken, aka Mr Clean, is one of the world’s most notorious money launderers. For decades he moved cash, defrauded customers, sold things he didn’t own, and moved illegally earned money around the world for dozens and dozens of nefarious groups.
18. The CIA and Lockheed were two of his main contacts.
“According to Aitken, these payments were responsible for the Lockheed bribery scandals, which included a string of illicit payments between the late 1950s and 1970s, and involved the US firm Lockheed and the sale of an…
19. …aircraft to Japan. He said the US consulate in Hong Kong was giving the orders…It was from the CIA. We made the payment to the Lockheed vice-president and somehow the money ended up in the Japanese prime minister’s hands,” he said.”
I’ve wondered about these crashes. In my mind, I’d already blamed the Chinese. But this may be the real story.
DP Here are a couple of links you might find interesting. Marilyn Hewson and James Comey both make the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
Lockheed Martin executives break silence over Khashoggi killing and their business with Saudi Arabia
By Aaron Gregg
Lockheed Whistleblower — When I faced James Comey
Michael DeKortFollow
Nov 20, 2017
DP, I just found this a few minutes ago. Somehow it all fits together nicely.
April 1, 2019 / 2:32 PM / Updated 2 hours ago
U.S. halts F-35 equipment to Turkey, protests its plans to buy from Russia
Mike Stone, Humeyra Pamuk
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The United States has halted delivery of equipment related to the stealthy F-35 fighter aircraft to Turkey, marking the first concrete U.S. step to block delivery of the jet to the NATO ally in light of Ankara’s planned purchase of a Russian missile defense system.
Q-Alpha males….here’s the tool for you!
Whyyyyyy am I in moderation? (Still)
I posted a comment with a link to a Breitbart article?
I am bad?
I can see you now! 🙂
It is reassuring to know that it was probably not me, but just my association with Breitbart.
Thought maybe I had broken a rule.
It’s WP – not QTH.
I’ve had trouble with WP when they don’t want a particular issue posted.
Try disabling the link with an asterisk on the front end.
Thank you GA/FL.
That is good to Know!!
I just released it – I think that WP may have a “Godwin’s Law” entry for “Hitler”!!! It’s not me – it’s definitely WordPress or their spam vendor.
Thank you Wolf!!!
I never would have thought of that being the problem…especially (understandable since WordPress is AI) since the Pope said it.
They also don’t like really rude words
Hey LM, I saw you earlier!
WELCOME!!!!! Glad you are here!
Muslim Doctor Fired From Ohio Clinic For Threatening to Purposely Give Jewish Patients Wrong Medication Given Residency in California
Of course….
Great THread by Clandestine Rosenstein–AKA Sneaky Rod
Summary of border situation from GOP Chairwoman:
Don’t press your luck, Mexico!
Interstate 75 – Bridge collapse – Chattanooga, TN
OMG, no.
Oh, crap.
I thought Obama fixed all the interstate bridges with his shovel ready jobs and 831 billion stimulus money with the American Recovery and Relief Act of 2009 that had 27.5 billion earmarked for highways and bridges. Guess not. Go figure.
Democrats never use funds for actual projects and they don’t adhere to specifications ever. They cheat, steal, lie, bribe, cut quality and never build bridges, roads, levees to true specs.
It’s not Armageddon, it’s an Armacado!
Fox Biz and the Chamber of Commerce are having a MELTDOWN because President Trump threatened to close the border.
Guess how serious the problem is…?
They always lead with the big bombshell first.
Are you ready?
In THREE WEEKS we could run out of Avocados.
Perish the thought.
This is almost as traumatizing as my conversation with a fishmonger earlier today.
In answer to my concerns about parasites in fish, he said not to worry about this. “They are just nematodes” he said patronizingly. “Just soak the fish in water and the worms will swim out”. 🤢
That’s a good reason to avoid sushi and rare tuna.
I had looked this up after a previous incident wherein I was thinking that I might have undercooked cod (bought at Whole Foods) and been horrified to find mine had not been previously frozen and that cod are among the worst offenders. (Pictures helpfully illustrated the findings on the net)
This sparked today’s conversation with the fishmonger.
Because of recent health problems, we have been eating more plant based meals accompanied by more fish, chicken and lesser amounts of red meat.
Since the cod incident, I have been consistently over cooking the fish.
Think I will just keep on doing this.
Ffs. Never going eat fish again
That sent me to the bathroom to heave into the basin. Whew.
Que’ loco!
Seriously, i love my avocados, but they used to all come from CA, until mexico undercut our industry. Perhaps the growers shouldvthen pressure their socialist presidente to do his job. Or is he?
Actually, and this is not an April fools thing, avocados are one of the foods that is keeping me in balance. I’m kind of anxious actually since I eat 3-4 a week.
I love them, but not worth 4 million illegals a year and 120 billion in expenses.
What do you suppose….
……. given three weeks. I could find s’more avocados.
Start growing more here again. Geez. It will take some years and have a limited supply but Mr Gil said in times of war you make sacrifices. we are in a huge invasion!
Grocery stores sell bags of frozen cubed avocados. You can stock up now in preparation for the worst case scenario, and if it doesn’t come to pass, you still have avocados on hand.
Better to do without avocados than have hordes of illegals.
But…but…millennials and their avocado toast! got that right
Welcome mat
That may be the funniest one yet, PHC. Those voices!
And did I see Mittens taking the pledge, too? Priceless!
Well…That was Hilarious!!!!! Thank you, Patrick!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 (I loved when they threw the beer cans a Obummer!!)
She was obviously affirmative action, just passed up every year Jr. High on and never learned anything after that.
mad_liberals are ….. terrific
I love when they all cried out and recoiled in horror when AOC’s “I’m going to eat you my pretty” picture flashed on the screen.
America speaks up for LIFE!
Movie was expected to do 3 million on opening weekend, but did over 6 million!
And people were really unhappy about Twitter messing with them following the movie.
The left does tend to overreach.
Isn’t that amazing? Wow!
Abby Johnson is a GREAT speaker. Funny, charming, not afraid. I’m glad her story is being told like this.
“After completing the film’s production, Bratcher discovered that her mother was moments away from aborting her as an unborn child.
“As I started explaining to [my mother] what the movie was about, my mom just completely broke down, and she was sobbing through the film,” recalled Bratcher. “She told me, ‘Ashley, I need to tell you something I’ve never told you before. What you don’t know is that when I was 19, I was in the clinic for the second time, I had my name called. I was on the table being examined by a very pregnant nurse. I got very sick to my stomach, and I knew I couldn’t go through with it. I got up, and I walked out, and I chose to have you.’ It just completely rocked my world, because I had no idea.”
Bratcher described the importance of Unplanned.
“For the first time, America has to come face-to-face with the victim, here,” declared Bratcher. “You have to look that baby in the face as it’s being aborted. And the only other thing that’s ever done anything like this was a movie a long time ago called Silent Screen, and it was when ultrasound came about, and it showed an ultrasound-guided abortion, which is what Abby saw, and people are terrified to look at that, but we need to face it as a society. And if we don’t — if we turn a blind eye — that’s regression. … To move forward, we have to come face-to-face with this.”
This will make you smile:
Best April Fools joke yet – is by DEMOCRATS….. 😉
You got ME with this one Wolfie!!!🤣🤣🤣
LOL!!! 😉
Made me cry, in a sweet way.
Five kids in Nebraska, standing in a field, jumping up and down, cheering, as semi after semi rolls in to deliver hay and feed for our nation’s livestock.
It is soooooo shameful that this whole story isn’t more widely reported. But we did people of the heartland got this …….
Another day…another Twitter account censored by Jack Dorsey and his little gang of Communists…
What else is new?
I was just listening to the segment of EWTN’s “Journey Home” in 2014 when Abby Johnson talked about her conversion story, and she said something interesting. When people are praying on the sidewalks, especially clergy, there is a 75% no show rate for women who have abortion appointments.
It really works.
The main stream media would consider that kind of praying as extreme right wing violence…
…while they simultaneously ignore what’s taking place inside the building.
LMAO. The Canadians have a $.04/gallon CARBON TAX which went into effect today and the Canadians are PI$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ED.
The comments have been hilarious all day long.
This meme is my favorite.
Talking about Canada’s “UNEMPLOYED” trees.
All 500+ BILLION of them.
Typical low life Democrat.
I bet those poor gals are still buying eye bleach by the gallon.
Dirty old Democrat.
I read long ago that female SS agents refused assignment to him… he would grope them, slap them on the bottom. A real nice guy, doncha know.
It’s time for radical change on the First of April
— The American Spectator (@amspectator) April 1, 2019
I started reading that and immediately got creeped out. You couldn’t pay me enough to do the deed with Comrade Bill or the rest of those icky guys. Shudder.
Although honestly the point being made by Jeffrey Lord hits kind of close to home. Seriously, any more you have to wonder if that is next??? If Beto proposed it they’d all be rushing out and chirping in chorus that it was the most importantest thing ever and we must do this now.
Right up there with cow farts.
Ok. Its cute.
Link to text of Bill
Link to Shelby’s amendment #201 to above
Want to get strong?
Put lifting peoples’ spirits in your exercise routine,
Ladies, if your DH’s were feeling vulnerable and in need of a cuddle, wouldn’t you rather give it to them than have them seek it out from some group of men? I just don’t get it. I just wasn’t made for these times.
“Members of the “Men’s Therapeutic Cuddle Group” in Pennsylvania are fighting “toxic masculinity” by cozying up with one another.
According to a report from the Philly Inquirer, a group of men in Pennsylvania is getting together twice a month to cuddle. The group was formed to combat “toxic” expressions of masculinity and heal past trauma.
The cuddle group was established to allow men to be more vulnerable. According to some on the left, men have been indoctrinated to believe that showing their emotions is a sign of weakness….”
Woke Back, Mount On
giggle *snort* giggle
“I just wasn’t made for these times.”
No one was made for times like that. It’s not normal and it’s not healthy. Sickness is being pumped into our society and is seeping in wherever an opening is given. We have to call it out.
Six guys… soy boys… getting news coverage ?
Here’s a VERY short list of MASCULINE men… can you imagine even ONE of them opting to form a “cuddle group” ???????????
Didn’t think so…
Paul Newman
Clint Eastwood
Denzel Washington
James Coburn (added this one for you Sylvia)
Tommy Lee Jones
Steve McQueen
Brad Pitt
Will Smith
Jeff Bridges
Sylvester Stallone
I fear they will be less than useless in a crisis. I cannot imagine what woman would be attracted to such weakness.
I’m out, I’m keeping my “toxic masculinity” If that means avoiding bumping uglies with other guys.
It’s interesting to me that socialism tries to recreate all the aspects of the RELIGION that it undermines (in this case, the gentler aspects of masculinity which are promoted by peaceful religions), but it just does it so BADLY.
Remember this woman and this story? Well, here’s the sequel.
“A Honduran mother who was dubbed ‘Lady Frijoles’ after she blasted a migrant shelter in Mexico for feeding her ‘pig food’, has been arrested in Texas for allegedly assaulting a woman with a gun…”
There is something bad wrong with Biden:
There certainly is. No wonder Jeff Sessions swatted him away from his grandkids.
Yeah, a grown woman can defend herself in public. Swat him off.
My problem with Biden is the kids.
He is creepy.
There is also the fact that Ø and H> and the Democrat handlers didn’t straighten him out. It seemed harmless, normal to those who were or were ok with child abusers/exploiters.
OMG – they really are that bad.
Then maybe she should be locked up for a few years to think about what she did to this woman. Grrrrr! This stuff really makes me mad.
I believe this Nxivm thing is even bigger than what we imagine it to be…I hope those sickos they already have incarcerated are spilling the beans on the big money and names behind the scenes.
I wonder what kind of deal she made? People are gonna fry.
She gave up the names of others… very big names are involved.
Children are involved in this mess… MSM doesn’t mention that.
Goodnight Friends
Thank you for being
God Bless
G’ night Patrick… we love you.
Sleep well.
Sleep well.
Thanks for being you. You make me laugh ten times a day now.
I hope you are sleeping well my friend. See you in the morning.
I predict one of the biggest obstacles moving forward will be efforts by some (even Barr) to protect the institution of the FIB… it’s rotten to the floor, BUT we must protect an ‘ideal’ … don’t want the ‘people’ traumatized. BS !!!
The camel is waay under the tent~
As Q says these people are sick!! After reading linked articles, watching linked videos, and being nauseated I am going to go PRAY! Boy howdy those demon people are truly living as “in the days of Noah” and they owe Sodom and Gomorrah an apology!