Dem/MSM Fake Outrage = Collusion for $$$

Folks, this is eerie weird. I was three hours into typing this mini-article and Don Jr.’s article with Politico was posted a few minutes ago. Same topic. Bizarre. Maybe we are onto something here. The Link to Don Jr.’s article and video is at the bottom of the article.
Here is my original post:
Manufactured outrage is good for business. Has American Mainstream Media helped to create or COLLUDE with Dems because it was good for business?
Are the Dems staying with the “Muh Russia” hoax because it is good for fundraising?
Stay with me for a minute. To establish mal-intent, we would need proof, right? Or maybe a circumstantial pattern of behavior?
Okay, let’s think back a few decades.
Desert Storm was credited for making CNN a competitive network. CNN’s wall to wall coverage of the war was an excellent service to the people, but it was also very good for CNN’s bottom line.
War is very good for the media business.
By the mid-90’s other cable news channels opened to compete with CNN.
Yet, the media model, of the coverage of Desert Storm, and the boost to business it brought to the network, was hard to duplicate. As media outlets were purchased and consolidated by companies who were more interested in stock price and return on investment, it would have been hard to resist the temptation to create a BUZZ for press coverage. We can imagine the zeal or search for the “golden” story that would drive coverage. Or……… How would a network get that kind of a boost in ratings, ad revenue, again, without another war?
Election coverage naturally adds to a network or media’s bottom line. Many experts blame the revenue machine as the reason we see candidates starting their election campaigns earlier and earlier.
Now, think about CNN’s relentless coverage of missing Flight 370. The network covered the air disaster 24/7 to the point of mindless speculation of black holes and aliens from some pundits.
A missing plane is only good for a little while, maybe a few days.
A story like “Hands Up; Don’t Shoot” was good for 18 months…. even if it was fake. It was a golden story and too good to pass up. And the media descended into hell…. never again to arise and sitteth on a throne of integrity. Yes, the media, as a group, was questionable long before Ferguson, but we can admit, after Ferguson, the media became much worse.
CNN knew the truth of Michael Brown quickly, but pushed “Hands Up; Don’t Shoot” for over a year AFTER they knew it was false. Why? What was it worth to CNN/MSNBC and other outrage outlets? How lucrative? Endless panels, spent thousands of hours covering the “problem” of racism in America, when most Americans thought electing a black President proved America was PAST the point of racism. Some outlets even had a 1-800 hotlines for those who felt persecuted by racism = “Tell us your story”.
The burning of Baltimore and the death of Freddie Gray fed into the same narrative. Six officers were arrested, creating incredible friction between police departments and District Attorneys nationwide. Of course, the police were all exonerated. The fake story was pushed and did not represent the facts on the ground. The narrative of “Police = Bad” was pushed by media and the Dems…… to raise money. These false truths stoked racism instead of bring America together. By this point, the media was definitely NOT serving the interests of the people as a free press should.
Oh yes, racism is good for business in the media and for Dem fundraising.
The Charlottesville “fine people” hoax was a Christmas present for the media’s false narrative of racism. We know the President’s words have been misrepresented by the media, even the Wall Street Journal has written about the hoax.
Charlottesville’s “fine people” is a media hoax designed to make President Trump look like a racist and feed the money machine for the Dems and the Media. It’s completely inaccurate and the media knows it’s not true…. but the truth does not matter…. because the falsehood is good for business. Ever notice how many black reporters are White House correspondents?
“Trump mocking the disabled reporter” was also a hoax and the media knew it. Yet, it was one of the first times we see the media using Trump celebrity with a false narrative to make money for the media. The hoax was so convincing, many people in the USA still believe President Trump was intentionally cruel and insensitive to a disabled reporter. The personal discovery of the “disabled reporter” hoax led Brandon Straka to start the #WalkAway campaign.
School shootings are a boon to the Media and to Dem fundraising. Any wonder we saw the CNN Town Hall panel for Parkland students? Do you see the repetition? Do you see the repeat of strategy by the same media outlets, over and over. It’s clear. Again, with Parkland, we see lack of background emphasis of the actual facts. We barely heard the personal story of Nikolas Cruz, his family, his troubled life, the death of his mother, and an almost odd suppression of the problems in the Broward Sheriff’s Office. We also saw the Media and Dems intentionally hiding problems with Robert Runcie, Broward County Superintendent of Education. Was it because Runcie could be traced back to the Obama Administration? And of course, we saw the malicious suppression of the problems with “The Promise Program”, created by Runcie, for the Obama Administration —- which was the source of the problem which led to the Parkland Shooting….. and the root cause of the death of Trayvon Martin.
The Dems/Media collusion problem is the same with illegal immigration. How many times did we see the false narrative of “Children in Cages”. Mainstream media offered no explanation of the Obama era policy or the problems with the 9th Circuit Judge’s 20 day detention rule. Even the pictures of detention centers and chain link fencing were falsely portrayed. Yet, the story was the subject of endless hours of media coverage and a BOON to fundraising for the Dems who pushed the false story. Notice, our bad immigration laws still exist. The Dems have done nothing to solve the problem, and refuse there is an “emergency” – but they ALL made money…… talking about it.
The #MeToo movement allegedly carried the Dems to a House win in 2018. Yet, the movement has unraveled with various false charges, revelations of Dem lawmakers in Virginia, and the candidacy of Joe Biden. Have you noticed how the #MeToo movement has faded from view? Why? Why didn’t the same women advocate for real victims of domestic violence?
Did you notice how many Dem lawmakers pushed #MeToo and how much money they raised? Did you also notice NONE of those same lawmakers led protests at Hollywood studios, Cosmo Magazine, or during Fashion Week? Nothing to solve the problem —- only a boon for the Media and the coffers of Dem lawmakers.
Again and again, we see evidence of a circumstantial pattern of behavior. A false narrative is pushed by Media, Dems raise money, outrage is manufactured, Media receives boost in viewership, and the country is further divided…… but the Dems and the Media make money on the hate.
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, has been as good for the Media as the “Muh Russia” hoax. Again, trading on President Trump’s natural celebrity, the Russian boogeyman narrative, potentially compromising an American Presidential Election has been a boon for network coverage and saved failing newspapers. THINK of the 500K+ articles written about the Russian hoax and thousands of hours of media time spent on this false conspiracy…….
And you know how we know it was a hoax? A false narrative intentionally pushed by the media? Follow the motive. Follow the money. If media outlets were pure in their intent, to inform the public and advocate for a free press, then it would be a natural course of business to examine, and YES, investigate of all aspects of Russian interference, right? But that is NOT what the media did. In fact, Zucker of CNN publicly claims it is not his duty to investigate, only report facts “as they know them”.
And, how is it possible for ALL Mainstream Media outlets to push the same false narrative? Why are ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, WaPost, NYTimes, AP, Reuters, all pushing the same false narrative…….., often using the same adjectives? Is it still “circumstantial” evidence?
Where were the interviews with “Russians” who wanted to influence our election? Are we to believe our intel agencies and all the news outlets could not produce a single bad Russian? If the Muh Russia story was real, if Russians really did try to influence our election in a serious way, why aren’t the media outlets relentless in their blame of the Obama Administration? No, instead, media outlets are hiring those responsible for the problem! Do we not see the hypocrisy here? CNN hiring Brennan or Clapper, would be akin to hiring a terrorist who might have taken down their Flight 370. Why hire the bad guy? The guys who were showed dereliction of duty.
No screaming? No real indignation? Where was the deep dive into CrowdStrike? Did anyone see Podesta on television, crying about the release and personal embarrassment of his emails being revealed? Where were the interviews of Facebook execs and their answers as to WHY they allowed Russians to influence Americans? Why aren’t the Dem Socialists protesting Facebook? Where were the interviews, and there should have been many, of Jack Dorsey? Why is no one protesting at Twitter corporate offices?
And most of all, why isn’t Hillary Clinton blaming Facebook, Twitter, and the former Obama Admin officials who allowed her election to be “stolen”……….!!!!!
Again, we see the same pattern of behavior and collusion between Dems and Media. In fact, the media intentionally suppressed Muh Russia opposing viewpoints and attacked those who were investigating. The perpetuation of the fake story was necessary. Actual investigations into “Muh Russia” from Nunes and Republicans were attacked. Pundits like Glenn Greenwald and Alan Dershowitz, who held an opposing viewpoints, were shunned from their regular spots on CNN and MSNBC.
Oh yes, Muh Russia was very good for business in the media AND for Dem politicians.
Think about the recent practice, invented by Dem politicians but lately adopted by Republicans as well, of manufactured outrage during their committee questioning. Congressmen take the video to publish for fundraising. Within minutes of a Congressman questioning a witness, the video clip is loaded up to Youtube, pushed by a little but of ad spending, and the emails go out for fundraising. Money in the bank!
There are few absolutes in our world. Yet, like “death” and “taxes”, we know that “follow the money” is another absolute truth. “Muh Russia” was a cash cow for the Media and for Dem fundraising.
Adam Schiff knows damn well there was no collusion with Russia on behalf of the Trump campaign. Yet, that’s not Adam’s job = to find the truth. Adjust your thinking. Finding the truth is no longer the media’s job, is it? Adam’s job is to keep the narrative alive so the golden goose of fundraising is allowed to live on…. until the next hoax is manufactured.
Which leads us to wonder…….?
Have you noticed those in the media have known, for about a month, the Mueller report would be a dud. Gee, that was about the same time as the retread of the “Green New Deal” came out, right? Coincidence? Pushed by the cookie-cutter, attractive female, AOC? The “plan” is old. There’s nothing new about it. Do you see the media push and the Dem fundraising based on the Green New Deal? Does it begin to look familiar to you? Suppression of opposition, denial of real facts. We know the coroner in Puerto Rico only legally registered 56 deaths for Hurricane Maria and AOC’s 3000 number is pure fabrication. No protesting going on at the Chinese or India Embassy for their pollution? Again, not solving the problem, just raising money. It’s the same strategy, over and over.
The Democrats and the Media have parallel interests… it’s money, pure and simple…., and the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming. Do we really believe these individuals “like” each other. Who would choose to spend Sunday brunch with Elizabeth Warren? Or watch Beto talk about baby turds he fed to his wife? What young female reporter wants to get close to Joe Biden? Does anyone want to go shopping with Kamala or would a REAL journalist rather expose international espionage….. like we see with China? And Bernie is old news…..
No, the Dems and the media don’t want to solve any problems in America and they actively resist solving problems……, because NOT solving the problem is lucrative.
Apparently, Donald Trump, Jr., agrees. Here’s his article and video from Real Clear Politics: Link

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Pat Frederick

great article Daughn!
maybe that’s another reason the left hates POTUS soooo much. He’s a problem solver–he would steal their fundraising abilities, by solving the problems and squelching their outrage…


Just starting? I don’t think so, daughn – we have known this for a very, very long time. All a part of the NWO and all about control and power, the true purpose of the $$$$. Sure wish there were more of the Blue Dog dems remaining – at least they can be reasonable, IMO.


Yep, NF— NWO stuff! Crisis = control.
Created crises is their method of controlling the masses—one right after another, and the MSM is complicit in keeping those fires stoked. Global warming was a created crisis by the Club of Rome (globalist think-tank) in an effort to unite the masses into saving the planet from the enemy— humans!!! Keep the sheeple in crisis mode to maintain control and power!

Gail Combs

‘Problem — Reaction — Solution’ = the Hegelian Dialectic.
Create the chaos, and then offer to solve the problem BUT never keep that promise.
Or as H. L. Mencken put it:
” The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary”
It is called a ‘conspiracy theory’ postulated by David Icke.


Exactly Gail — Hegelian dialectic all the way!


Power, control, $$$$ = the self licking ice cream cone of the MCM collusion with D-Rats.
Critical thinking and seeking facts sheds light on their complicit behavior with each other.


Yes, yes, and yes. Makes perfect sense. I’d add one more: Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman. I always believe that Obama had Holder’s DOJ go looking for a case they could use to gin up the race card. Martin’s death occurred in February, 2012 – but they blared it across the headlines in March of that year. Rode it all the way to the 2012 presidential election. Picked up Michael Brown and Baltimore along the way. There was also the case in NYC of the guy who died in a “chokehold” – black fellow, obese w/ medical conditions, who was selling single cigarettes. They used that too, to push the race card.
I could see it clearly as their modus operandi in 2012. Now it’s worse. Someone last week, Molly Hemingway, (?) suggested that the #RussiaHoax was the Dems ploy to take the 2018 election. It worked. Just enough doubt combined with midterm GOP fatigue, and they took seats not necessarily Dem ones – along with the stolen ones of course in California.
Haven’t read Don Jr’s post yet, but it makes sense that the media uses stories, however false to make money, stay in business. I’d add, it’s more insidious than that – it’s the media and the Left conspiring for the transformation (overthrow) of our country as we know it.
Can we get them on conspiracy to commit treason? RICO?


The malignant #MSM is the entire army/arsenal for the fascist/commie takeover.
More importantly, IMO, maybe not too long after we’re all gone, the final battle will be between the fascists/commies and Islam who, for now, they’re in bed with.


hussein drove division for eight years. D-Rats assumed the mantle with everything resist, racist, sexist, misogynist…and another dozen wierd@ss labels D-Rats toss out everyday. Nauseating.
MCM plays along trumpeting all the above without a critical thought, or research.
Of course, CNN admitted last week, they report. They don’t investigate. THAT alone should have sent off alarms, but did not alarm the lefties. UFB!


“No, the Dems and the media don’t want to solve any problems in America and they actively resist solving problems……, because NOT solving the problem is lucrative.”
Then move the cheese.
Isn’t that what DJT specializes in?
He doesn’t try to force his opponents to do something, instead, he changes the parameters of ‘the deal’ so that it’s in his opponents’ best interest to do it his way.
We need the same thing for journalism.
The PUNISHMENT for doing evil with the platform they are PRIVILEGED to have and use must be equal to the severity of the DAMAGE done to our country and our People, which means banishment from the profession (like a lawyer being disbarred) and entire companies having their licenses revoked.
An executive order could establish the framework (so the Congress-criminals don’t), and the president could then run on electing a MAGA GOP majority to enact it (and at least several other agenda items) into Law after the election is won.
But nearly EVERYTHING that is wrong with our country revolves around PUNISHMENT — specifically, dealing out PUNISHMENT — because PUNISHMENT for wrong-doing, at least for the rich/powerful and famous, has DISAPPEARED from our world.


^^^ This! ^^^


Great thoughts, Scott. The 1st Amendment was intended to allow “free speech” for newspapers so they could report on government corruption – keeping government honest for the people. It was never intended to become an enemy of the people in collusion with an enemy of America – today’s fascists/communists.
While there might be a few dupes in the #MSM, most of them are in on pushing all the lies they can against traditional America, having a moral compass, conservatism, and basic right and wrong. When the journalists target the Rule of Law, then we know everything is upside down.

Jan Phillips

Daughn, I thought your post was better than Don Jr.’s! It made me much more furious with the MSM!! 😡🤬😡🤬

Jan Phillips

Yes!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

JW in Germany

“Again, not solving the problem, just raising money. It’s the same strategy, over and over.”
Exactly. Their creations will only get more outrageous in an attempt to keep the audience attention while facing ever growing competition from the web.
While business may have been better during the Russian Collusion Delusion—I do not believe their numbers approach those of their heyday. With people having other options for information combined with overuse of the “same strategy, over and over”—at some point the law of diminishing returns becomes ever more evident.
How are CNN’s ratings these days?


CNN’s problem is they don’t have Obama or his equivalent socialist, commie true blue radical dem as president to fawn over.
If the socialists dems ever gain control of our nation I’m sure CNN would be the sister station of the TASS news.
But, of course the money is the prize. Great post daughn.


Uncanny that Daughn & Don Jr simultaneously broached this spot-on topic.
Sorta like when Q+ and Q post something at nearly the same time!
Hmmmmmmmmm 🤔🧐🤓


Ooops— forgot up above, DW36– another spot-on article hitting the nail on the head!!! Imagine 36 became 38… just sayin’.

Plain Jane

The media had to Schiff a brick when the Covington Kids story stopped in it’stracks so soon.
Excellent article DNW.

Plain Jane

Lol. Thanks.

Gail Combs

NEVER EVER FORGET the Banksters grabbed control of our money system in 1913 AND instituted the 16th Amendment allowing Congress the power to collect taxes on the incomes of the People to pay back with REAL WEALTH the WORTHLESS FIAT BANK SCRIPT they ‘borrowed’ from the international Banksters.
Then in 1915 the Banksters and ” the steel, ship building and [gun] powder interests” BOUGHT the media. link
Once the Banksters had control of the money sytem AND the media they used the wealth stolen from the American people AND the power of the press to instigate war after war after war. Wars are NOT ‘profitable’ UNLESS you can con the working class of BOTH COUNTRIES into paying the debts incurred.
Our TREASONOUS politicians have KNOWN and COLLUTED with the EVIL Banksters and corrupt media to strip us of our wealth, and the lives of our sons for a CENTURY!!!
“”These twelve private credit monopolies were deceitfully and disloyally foisted upon this Country by the bankers who came here from Europe and repaid us our hospitality by undermining our American institutions. Those bankers took money out of this Country to finance Japan in a war against Russia. They created a reign of terror in Russia with our money in order to help that war along. They instigated the separate peace between Germany and Russia, and thus drove a wedge between the allies in World War. They financed Trotsky’s passage from New York to Russia so that he might assist in the destruction of the Russian Empire. They fomented and instigated the Russian Revolution, and placed a large fund of American dollars at Trotsky’s disposal in one of their branch banks in Sweden so that through him Russian homes might be thoroughly broken up and Russian children flung far and wide from their natural protectors. They have since begun breaking up of American homes and the dispersal of American children.”Congressman McFadden’s Speech Before the Attempts on His Life