Dear MAGA: 20190405 Open Topic

This FIGHT THE FALSE-FLAGGING FABIANS FRIDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.

Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.



Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.

Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.

Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:


Our movement

Is about replacing

A failed


Political establishment

With a new government controlled

By you, the American People.

Candidate Donald J. Trump

Also consider Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

OK. *NOW* I’m pissed.

Australia’s little assault on free speech has pretty much convinced me that….


Matthew 18:9

And if your eye offend you, pluck it out, and cast it from you: it is better for you to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell fire.

It’s fairly easy to see, at this point, how this internationally coordinated strike worked. They tried the Khashoggi operation and THAT didn’t work, so now they try false flags OVERSEAS and then shut down the only channels that can debunk them.

And these people are ALLIES? To HELL with that. They’re becoming anglophone NAZIS with a penchant for RUSSIAN DISINFO OPERATIONS followed by CHINESE CRACKDOWNS.

Screw ’em. RAUS!

I am now publicly changing my tune on the idea of Q going away quietly.


No. They no longer get off the “easy way”.


In the end, I want these bastards admitting in CHAINS that they LIED about Q. I want to see Q’s FACE above the fold of the MILITARILY OCCUPIED NEW YORK TIMES.




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I wonder if WP is on the list of ‘offensive content’ sites…?


Nicholas Kristof is the guy who interviewed HusseinO in March 2007, where Barry recited the Shahada in perfect Arabic.
And Kristof swooned over him.
It was also in that interview that HusseinO proclaimed that the Islamic call to prayer was “the prettiest sound” he had ever heard.
These things that Australia has banned…terrorist attacks, murders, rapes and kidnappings…are all things that the islamists excel at.
So it’s like their new law is designed to protect the very people who commit these crimes the most.

Rodney Short

Brings to mind the song “Down with the sickness” by Disturbed…
Night y’all

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ll repeat this since I suspect most didn’t see it.
Where we’re going, we don’t NEED Rhodes!


It would be interesting to know when the Rhodes Scholarship program was taken over or if it always secretly had in mind nefarious political goals. Apparently three former Australian prime ministers were Rhodes Scholars: Tony Abbott, Bob Hawke and Malcolm Turnbull.


But abbot is VERY trumpian.. The abc and msm set out to destroy him even though he had won a landslide election. He was betrayed by Julie, the stock insect, Bishop – his deputy pm and Malcom (turdball). Turnbull. Turdball was a Goldman sacks executive and made millions. It was abbot who stopped the “refugee” boats. Whilst labor was in power we got 30,000/year unvetted refugees who would ring aust emergency services for rescue as soon as they left Indonesian waters. The msm was in full rabid attack mode from the moment the election was called and went completely hysterical when he won.


Hate to be a bit skeptical, but we always have to wonder if those people will turn at an opportune time. Also, are they conservative in all areas of government? Not so sure.


List of Rhodes scholars…Maddow, Booker, Kristofferson, Souter, Wolsey, Sabato, Feingold, Stephanopoulos, Susan Rice among others you’ll recognize. They’re listed in date order so scroll down to the 1950’s to start seeing familiar names.

Deplorable Patriot

Hubble, as in the astronomer was early on.
There’s actually a lot of interesting names before 1950.


Rhodes and Fulbright Scholars.
I was checking on a Fulbright for Gunner, and every single one, no matter what the discipline, had something to do with pushing climate change.


They can’t stop pushing their wealth redistribution scam.


Well, that IS why you get paid the big bucks. (I snorted when I typed that)


If you want to know, research Cecil Rhodes and his beliefs and connections.


Aye, aye cap’n!

Cuppa Covfefe

And two more Rs – Round Table and Rhodesia… lots of dirt (both the mines and the people) there…
Almost sounds like the evil deeds the Klintoons are up to (or down to)…

Plain Jane

Were there ever any conservative Rhodes Scholars?

Plain Jane

Wow, thanks Wolfie.

Plain Jane

Sorry Wolfie. I don’t know how I missed your initial comment on the people before I asked my question. The only excuse I could have is sleep deprevation.

Plain Jane

Time. The other dimension. Loved the movies.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

The first of those movies, I am given to understand, is used to demonstrate a perfectly constructed movie in classes about such things.

Plain Jane

Didn’t know that. Ty Steve.
DH is an EE, emerged in the the sciences, and has theories on dimensions. I brought up several faith questions about God and time, and he simply explained answers with his thoughts on dimensions.
Interesting.stuff. Love our discussions. Only thing I will never wrap my head around is FlatLand. LOL.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Kansas? Oh that’s easy, it’s the state between Missouri, Oklahoma, Nebraska and Colorado.
(Seriously–there are other places far flatter, though the presence of trees there makes it less obvious.)
More seriously, Flatland was an attempt to show, by analogy, what we’d see if some four-dimensional object got into our three (spatial) dimensional world.

Plain Jane

I know, LOL, but sometimes I buttress my butt against the wall and refuse to concede to even an inch of admitting understanding some things that amuses or interests him.
It’s game I, this lower IQ spouse played for decades on some subjects. I’m onery like that. Hee, hee.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Not-So-Plain-Jane…with the scary guy with the shotgun.
I can’t win on this site.

Plain Jane

Tried to answer you above or below, wherever the answer landed. Buy I said…Love you…

Plain Jane

Steve, love you. I want to sayyou are a winner, but then that would sound really just wrong.

Plain Jane

Just caught my error…should have said “immersed” in the sciences. Duh!


They have had to force their hand, it seems. The coordination is quite obvious and….stoopid as in, “These people are stupid.”
I think their own constituents will keep them busy when all is uncovered. They thought they would take us all down in one fell swoop.
What an ambitious plan. The election of PDJT ruined it all for them. Long live Q!

Plain Jane

Here is a repost from yesterday. It is Dr Levitino’s testimony to congress. It’s entitled Dr. Levitino destroys Abortion in 2 minutes. Excellent.


The reactions of the people behind him show how effective he was. Rather shocking.

Deplorable Patriot

Since Bernard Nathanson’s passing, Dr. Levatino is by far the most effective speaker of the physicians. He pulls ZERO punches. And his story is so sad in so many ways. Planned Parenthood calls him and Abby Johnson and the survivors who testify a “circus,” but the truth is that they are effective so they need to be maligned and denigrated so the MSM has something to use to strike at their integrity.

Plain Jane

Yes. I think para59ris correct. We need to spread these videos often.


Dr. Levatino plays the abortionist at PP in the movie, Unplanned. He does a great job because you despise him in the movie.

Plain Jane

Their hero who is kind of like St. Paul after being knocked off his horse.

Plain Jane

Another repost. Abby Johnson destroys abortion during hearing.


Short, concise and again, very effective. Both of these should be shared often.

Plain Jane

I agree. Thiryt-two years ago daughter was in HS, her really great biology teacher displayed the developing fetus photos as a bullitin board in the classroom.


She’s amazing. Much of what she states in her testimony is included in the movie, The Unplanned.
I don’t know how she stays so composed.

Plain Jane

The Holy Spirit. 🙂


Assange has always been an enigma to me. The comments are all over the place:


You mean this one?
Have just started watching…but she’s delving into the money given to Puerto Rico.
Didn’t the Dems hold a big get-together there, not long ago?


She hits it out of the park. People who can connect the dots are golden.


“Mark Dreyfus, a Labor party lawmaker from the state of Victoria, adding: “An attack on any religion is an attack on all religion’.”
That is a lie from the pit of Hell, and it came right out of his mouth.
Is an attack on the Manson Family Cult ‘an attack on all religion’, you dip&^%$?
Is an attack on the Jonestown Cult ‘an attack on all religion’, shat-for-brains?
Guess which religious cult has murdered more people than Manson and Jones, combined, times at least a MILLION?
That’s right, you puss-filled troglodyte.
islam murders more people EVER DAY OF THE YEAR than the Manson Family and Jim Jones COMBINED.
An ‘attack’ on the blood-soaked murder-fest called ‘islam’ is an Act of Self Defense, you freakin’ mo-ron.


So you feel strongly about this Scott?


Tell it like it is, Scott!
I always love your comments.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I despise fence-sitters. Take a stand, dammit!


It’s insanity.
The Australian government is insane.
History has taught them nothing. The wild misuse of government power is an aphrodisiac, and the only cure is a hangman’s rope.
Australia’s government motto should be “Shoot — Ready — Aim”. No different than our own subversive and seditious government. There is a complete and total disconnect between the PEOPLE of the world’s countries and the criminal POLITICAL-CLASS of those same countries. The two groups are not even members of the same SPECIES anymore.
A) Australia can’t fine people in other countries who are not subject to Australian laws
B) no matter how much I would love to see Jack and Suckerberg and the rest prosecuted, Australia can’t arrest or prosecute people in other countries who are not subject to Australian law
C) Australia cannot control what FREE PEOPLE in other countries choose to do
If Australia doesn’t want their delicate sensibilities ruffled by scary Internet stuff, then let the political-class SHUT DOWN the INTERNET to your country. Go ahead, politicians. I dare you.
But what you DON’T get to do is bend all of humanity to your infantile will, as if it was some kind of contest to see who could be the the MOST LACKING in self-awareness in the history of mankind.
I would cut them off.
Let all of Australia go ‘dark’ from the Internet.
All they get is a blue screen of death on all of their devices.
Zero access.
If you want to see a hostile population losing its collective mind, that would do it. In that scenario, I give the politicians less than 72 hours to live, before Australians kill them ALL.


I would call their bluff, immediately.
I despise the people who run these companies, but if I was Google, Amazon, Twitter, Scumbook, etc., and all of their associated support companies, I’d schedule a conference call among the executives tomorrow morning.
Tomorrow afternoon I would announce that until further notice, Australian access to those platforms and a growing list of others is CUT OFF.
And it will remain cut off until the Australian People regain control over their insane political-class.
It’s bad enough that the fascists want to censor information in their own countries.
But when they attempt to censor the entire PLANET, it’s time to choke ’em out.


The irony of this is…that Goog, Amazon, Twatter and Farcebook, are all fascists too!
They have all tried to shut down the voices of Conservatives.
And they have succeeded in doing it, too.
And even though these globalist-loving tyrants have no great love for our country and would sell us out to the ChiComs for the right price…they will go running to hide behind our Constitution, namely the 1st Amendment…to protect them from the Aussie fascists.


Love it, Scott. Go get ’em, tiger.


Well, it might make it difficult to monetize the purging via pay-per-view. I mean, if the net is cut off, it would be a waste of good voyeur material.


I’m no fan of the Aussie gubmint, but people in glass houses should not throw rocks …. 🙂
After all, our bunch are pikers compared to what you have produced, and still have working their magic in BOTH houses …
Never forget – the USA reelected Hussein – how “sein” was that?


Me? You’d dump me? And I though we was besties.


“I am now publicly changing my tune on the idea of Q going away quietly.
No. They no longer get off the “easy way”.
NOW you’re cookin’ with guzzeline 👍 😁

Molly Pitcher

I couldn’t sleep . Maybe I know why..a disturbance in the force!
They won’t quit and now they want commie islamofascism pseudo sharia ruling the planet?
Screw them.

Deplorable Patriot

“They” have only been trying to destroy the rest of us with all of that for the last 1400 years or so. Too bad for them Europe actually fought back centuries ago.


Yeah, what’s up with Q? No Qdrops for dayz. Three possibilities: 1) it’s part of the plan; 2) Q is in ICU for something; 3) Q is on the other side of the lawn.
I do not like 3, at all. 2 is just what happens sometimes. I’m holding out for 1.


Q has been quiet for a week now, after wearing us out with the rapid fire of an epic amount of drops.
But Q has gone quiet before…so this is not something new.
He/they do this.


Because I got on the Q train late, I didn’t know that. So #1 is it, then. Whew!

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe he/they’re, erm, Queueing something up? 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

4) Real work is going on in the background.
When Q starts dropping again (keep your eyes peeled this weekend) look for a barrage of headlines.


Here is Amazing Polly’s video from a few days ago.
Bronfman – the Clintons – Al D’Amato – Swiss Banks.
Polly uncovers some gems.



Q be like John Galt – striking fear in the harts of the living dead (my term for the atheist commies)
Who is Q??? “They” don’t like any talk of the mysterious one …
DJT be like a composite of Dagny Taggart / Ragnar Danneskjold / …? … – the Trump Train is a bit like a Taggart transcontinental and DJT drives them crazy with fear and loathing – perhaps best fits with Ragnar?

Gail Combs

Not ALL atheists are commies. Ayn Rand, Stefan Molyneux, my Hubby for example, so please do not put those two words together. You also have a LOT of ‘good Christians’ who are Socialists. As one told me, Commies don’t belive in God… That was his ONLY criteria for the difference between socialism and communism. This was a college Prof BTW, a father of a friend.
Socialism, like Progressive, are just words the Commies hide behind. The ulitimate goal is a world totalitarian dictatorship by what ever means necessary. Communism did not work so they trashed the Soviet Union and went with the European Union model.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I find that reflexive conjoining of the two terms MOST tiresome, and have to resist the urge, sometimes, to put my fist through the monitor.
Crap like this goes on around here, and people wonder why I sometimes feel unwelcome.

Gail Combs

Everyone is an individual and we of all people should realise that. It is anti-productive to EXCLUDE would-be allies!


Hi Steve – see my reply to Gail. I believe I used the first term as a qualifier of the second. Atheist-communist is conjoining of terms.


Jeez Louise, how exactly am I to describe people who are atheists AND communists?
If I had said atheists OR communists you would have a point ….
I used to be an atheist many years ago, but I have never been a communist and I at no time felt that I had condemned my previous self. I used the term as a qualifier of communist.
At worst you could accuse me of a tautology, in which case my defence would be …
In my understanding there have been extreme religious cults who operate on communist principles – they have historically been “small” aberrations in that they are so virulent that they burn themselves out relatively quickly and only infect small numbers. That is why I conjoined the terms – to separate them out because it is precisely the atheist communists who threaten us existentially.
I was trying to be precise, which is supposedly something to value.
And this is how the language police come into being. Life sure is messy.
In the interest of harmony I will refrain from conjoining the terms. I am doing so due to an expressed sensitivity – something over which I have no control.
By the way – I loved Ayn Rands books and never judged her for her atheism. One can understand atheism as a natural reaction to the presence of EVIL in the world, with the 20’th century being exhibit one – as well as a rational conclusion if one is a materialist. These two things led to my atheism, together with hypocrisy in the church. I thoroughly enjoy debating atheists precisely because they tend to have well thought out ideas. I just think they are missing some things, hence the enjoyment of debates.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yes, but reading your comment…there was simply no reason for the word “atheist” there. You weren’t describing atheistic tendencies, you were describing communistic ones.
It was entirely gratuitous.
As Gail pointed out the Communists (with a capital C) i.e., not just people with communal living practices but full blown Marx-Engels style “commies,” are invariably atheist, so calling them atheist adds nothing. It would be like me referring to “white Caucasians” (and never mind the description of someone recently as a “white Hispanic”).
One could plead that one is using “atheist” as a distinguishing characteristic here, and it certainly can be, but it’s not the defining characteristic. It’s not the atheism that makes these communists odious. It’s again focusing on a non-essential.
It would be like me describing Goebbels as a German Nazi. Well of course he’s a German–the Nazis were Germans. Why am I going out of my way to emphasize he was German, unless I have something against Germans?
To my mind, actually, the word “communist” has a very specific meaning, and it gets thrown around here too much, used in cases where the person is a sort of Leftist, but not necessarily *precisely* a communist–at least not as far as we know. You might have noticed I use “leftist” a lot, instead of “liberal” or “progressive” (both are words they have corrupted). That’s because they’re not all Marxists, and certainly not all Marxist-Leninist (the Sovie- style Commie–what someone like McCarthy meant by the word).

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

There is a hazard–this may or may not come to pass but I believe you should be alert to the possibility–that “commie,” “communist,” and the like will come to be perceived as “I just use it on anyone I don’t like” and the word will be weakened–RATHER THAN it working to pull the opposition down, as you intend.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’m going to take a wild stab: One word that Objectivists (followers of Ayn Rand) like to use is “collectivism” (and forms thereof like “collectivist”) as a more generic form–any sort of ideology which expects people to live as one unit. Communism, strictly understood, is but one species of it, as are fascism and Nazism. And certainly leftism as practiced today falls under that umbrella, too.
My wild guess is you’re trying to get “Communist” to apply to that basic “umbrella” concept.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

…Oh, and another thing. It occurs to me that you are (perhaps unintentionally) making my point for me in regards to my current discussion with JasonD.
He seems to think it’s useful to distinguish between Marxists Communists and small communities of religious folks living in communes, and he’s chosen the word “atheist” to do so.
I’m arguing that it’s utterly unnecessary in the first case (and a poor choice even if necessary); I think the fact that you can even THINK of using the unadorned word “communist” to tar the entire left means that to the vast majority of people, the word precisely means the tyrannical, genocidal variety that Jason seems to think is unclear without a qualifier. But even if so, you’ll note I managed to modify “communist” in various other ways to make clear what I meant, and never had to call them “atheist” to try to distinguish them from the religious communalists (who I’ve never heard anyone call “communist”)–and the terms I’ve used focus directly on WHY Communism is bad.


Steve, this is a debate that I’m not quite ready for right now, so I’m stepping back. But I suspect we will be getting back to within the next couple of months. So I look forward to the testing of ideas – the outcome of which is not certain to me … 🙂

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Fair enough.
We’ve both had food for thought.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

…sort of like the person I ran into who insisted on calling his brand of socialism “libertarianism” and I angrily demanded he quit misusing the word, as (to me) the LAST thing a libertarian is is a socialist. He went on to explain that there’s some whole tradition I was utterly unaware of, of leftist libertarianism.
I thought about it and after due consideration, no longer think he’s full of shit; rather, I think he’s absolutely full of shit. 😀 :D.
It doesn’t always work out that way but I hope I at least got a laugh with that story.


You are correct, Wolf, about fullbown marxism, and I will add, communism, and it is proved by the fact that if you look at their goals for emplementation, they always involve destroying the church and the family and undermining Christianity and Christian values. Some atheists do have judeo-christian values, even though they claim to be atheists. These truths about communism cannot be ignored.


Look Steve, I don’t believe I have denigrated the virtual entity posting as SteveInCo here in the past? If I have, I apologise. I respect “your” intellect as it has been displayed here and I enjoy the back and forth …
I put “your” in ” “, cause “we” are all assuming that everyone posting here are actually people.
You see how this thing can very quickly devolve into debating the meaning of “is”.
You are making a claim to the understanding of a word that is YOUR understanding. I, no doubt have a different understanding, and Jo Blo round the corner another one still.
My understanding of “SteveInCo” excluded any communist tendencies – it never entered my head that I would be upsetting anyone here with those two words ordered in the way they were. I REFUSE to take responsibility for your FEELINGS when no ill will was intended on my part – especially when I have not made a habit of taking digs at you in the past.
Nietzche’s “death of God” presaged the horrors of the 20’th century – and yes, I know that many have been killed in the name of religion. These are open questions, far from settled. Being sensitive about labels begs the question – can the debate happen? Because, if not, we end up where the leftists are …

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I have to admit, you were the last person I expected to see doing that.
But, rather than assume I was interpreting it in a peculiar fashion, please recognize I wasn’t the only one doing so.
Putting the word “atheist” in front of “communist” to differentiate comintern types from, basically, kibbutzim or analogous religious folks seems to have confused more than just me.
Perhaps it’s your usage that is idiosyncratic and not mine.


As I implied- words are slippery things. We all learn our ideas in different environments and must learn to adjust for that. Hence debate – trimming the fuzzy edges, so to speak.
Meant no offence and hold no ill will towards you. Thoroughly enjoy the exchanges, especially when Q is taking a break from “dropping”.
Not sure if it is to early to call, but we all seem to get a bit antsy when Q goes quiet for a bit – very natural when the survival of freedom is on the line.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I realize no offense was meant.
I do urge you to consider that your choice of words might be idiosyncratic and potentially misleading, at least in this context (perhaps it’s perfectly normal in South Africa or Oz).
I said more about this in my reply to Wolf, nearby.
As far as the lack of Q drops goes, I’m gonna get to work on that. 😀

Elizabeth Carter

America had a Revolution against Britain and won the war in 1776.
Americans formed a unique type of Government for our New Country.
We are the only country in the world that has a Bill of God Given Rights.
We are the only country “Of the People, By the People and For the People”.
The people that we often equate ourselves with are not in any important way the same as Americans.
None of the British Colonies have ever been free since they can remember.
America allows all of our people to think, speak freely and change things by mutual agreement..
The British Colonies are subjects of the Queen or King of England.
The British Colonies have no rights that the inbred British Royalty does not give them.
The British Colonies current rights can be and are often changed at the whim of their Royalty.
The Royalty has no love or respect for their “Common” people in any way.
The Royalty are always finding ways to dispose of their “Common” people.
The Royalty NEVER allows “Common” people to think, speak freely and change things by mutual agreement that are not working.
Brexit was a failed attempt by the British “Common” people to become more like America.
We the people are now involved in the Second American Revolution.
President Trump is leading.
We are winning.
God Bless America

Gail Combs

And I would add that Britian has ALWAYS been at WAR with the USA ever since 1776. They NEVER GAVE UP the thought of re-annexing the USA and its wealth. In 1913 they pretty much suceeded and have been PROGRESSIVELY strengthing their gip on the US government and the American people ever since.
WHY do you think the USA was not ALLOWED to expoit its mineral wealth??? Because it ‘BELONGED’ to the Engilish Royalty!
Start HERE for my comment on the whole mess and the Royals/Rothschild/Rockefeller control of Shell Oil and the World Wildlife Fund and the links to GoreBull Warming.


Good words this morning:



Of course, the odious Ann Coulter is high-fiving herself over the situation.


Ann’s inner ugliness is starting to show through on her face.
Uh oh…*slaps self*
Shame on you, wheatie, that was not a nice thing to say!
I chastise myself in advance, to save others the trouble.
But I tried real hard to think of something nice to say about Ann…but failed.


Remember she’s good buds with Drudge and dated Bill Maher. Says a lot.

Pat Frederick

if you can’t say anything nice about someone, come sit by me!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

That’s the lighting.
A skilled photographer can enhance, or degrade, anyone’s appearance by the lighting.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s not just ugliness. Too many cigarettes, and too much Diet Coke doesn’t help.


Mexico is cooperating in stopping the endless invasion.
Putting tariffs on Mexican cars is a powerful idea. As someone famous once said, hanging concentrates the mind wonderfully.
The tariffs precede closing the border and ought to get their attention!

Deplorable Patriot

So, this pretty openly socialist study is published and reported:
And the comments are the best part.
On a related note, somehow… since the US took nutritional value information in the 60s, most vegetables and fruits have reduced nutritional value by half. Which may be causing people to eat more elsewhere as a fix. Farming techniques… modified seed, not sure the source. Just something I think people should be aware of.
From Russia with Love
From Russia with Love14 hours ago
This is just a prelude to the government telling you what to eat.
ReplyReplies (2)5
Ron12 hours ago
Why don’t we start by taking all the subsidies away from grains and apply them to healthy perishable foods like fruits and vegetables? Poor people often feed their families boxed processed foods like macaroni and cheese because the grain is partly paid for by taxpayers, so it’s cheap. Make healthy food cheap with subsidies, people will eat healthier.
ReplyReplies (2)21
Don10 hours ago
We need to have background checks on everyone who wants to order at McDonald’s or any other fast food chain.
ReplyReplies (1)3
true12 hours ago
Without a doubt one of the biggest pieces of socialist special-interest propaganda I’ve seen.. Everything in this article is a complete distortion of the facts of reality The only partially truthful statement in this finding at all are the references to the salt and sugar.which is totally created by government regulators to begin with.
Jim Prufrock
Jim Prufrock15 hours ago
If it tastes good, spit it out! Now we are being told that salt, sugar and meat in our food or diet is causing climate change. Next someone will claim that GMO foods have less nutrition, even though they are healthier plants and grow with less disease. Lets go backwards, all must eat Paleo, until the next fad comes along.
BenVincent14 hours ago
Every week they make a new claim as to what is responsible for deaths. We should all be dead by now if they were right.
Kevin Davis
Kevin Davis10 hours ago
Here comes the Food Police.
Mako40412 hours ago
No Wheat, no sugar, No corn, no rice. no potatoes, no problems! you will regain your health.
ReplyReplies (1)11
TCortez2 hours ago
I disagree with the conclusion “…that poor diet is responsible for more deaths than any other risk factor in the world…”.
Time. Time is the single factor most responsible for death in the world. For every single day that passes, you are more likely to die than the day before.
Stop the true root cause.
What is truly stunning is that over the past 30 years the world has gone from having millions starve to death (think of the Live Aid concert) to silly organizations more concerned with people not eating the “correct” foods. Telling people who have known famine or austerity will choose to feed themselves in the most economic manner possible. This has always been the case, and will continue to be so.

Pat Frederick

Over the years, I’ve raised over a million dollars for our local domestic violence shelter. One of the few places in the world that brings me to tears, every time I am invited in. The experience is like nothing else in the world – to see the kids, it’s … well, I’m starting to tear up just thinking about it.
To allow a man, who thinks they are a woman, with obvious emotional problems, into the mix is a bad idea.


I mean, it does help their children. Daughn, you are right. Wonderful you are giving so much to help these poor women and children.

Pat Frederick

there were numerous times in my first marriage, where a police officer offered to take me and my son to Turning Point (which back then was a “protected” shelter for battered women and children). Protected as in the location was not known to the public. I told the officers again and again that I wasn’t going to hide from him–that would make things worse.
What if one of the abusers dressed as a woman to gain access to the facility to murder the spouse and children…it’s unthinkable. They go to these shelters as a last resort–to feel safe and now they want to strip them of even that? smh…


The slots will be taken by trans people, who are often outcasts in society. Resources will be chewed up for medications, and trans constant need for mental health professionals.
It willl hurt the women, who need help the most, and their children.


Here in WA state, those shelters do two things well:
They operate as political action lobbyists / candidate donors; and
Lesbian recruitment centers.
Whatever good work being done (as you describe) is overwhelmed by those two reasons. Also, the ones here do NOT like straight Christian women.


s/b straight white Christian women. Sorry – my old brain trying to look competent.


That’s a shame.

Gail Combs

grandmaintexas says: “It would be interesting to know when the Rhodes Scholarship program was taken over or if it always secretly had in mind nefarious political goals.”
ALWAYS had nefarious political goals in mind.
It is named after Cecil Rhodes. Rhodes (African Diamonds) was one of the wealthest men in the world. His will was adminstered by NATHAN ROTHSCHILD. The goal was a BRITISH RULED WORLD.
The Council on Foreign Relations and the Comittee on Economic Develobment (that DELIBERATELY set out to destroy US Farmers and drive them into the cities to be wage slaves for corporations) are Milner Rond Tables.
Cecil Rhodes’ Round Table Groups

The Round Table is a secret society that was started around the turn of the 20th century by Freemason and Rothschild agent, Lord Alfred Milner, who was entrusted the mission by Cecil Rhodes. When statesman/businessman Cecil Rhodes died in 1902 he was one of the wealthiest men in the world. In his will Rhodes devoted his entire fortune to the creation of the Round Table groups, the purpose of which would ultimately be to form a world government, or as he said in the will, “To and for the establishment, promotion and development of a Secret Society, the true aim and object whereof shall be for the extension of British rule throughout the world.” Cecil Rhodes strong desire for world government was epitomized in his statement, “I would annex the planets if I could.”
“In the middle 1890’s Rhodes had a personal income of at least a million pounds sterling a year which he spent so freely for mysterious purposes that he was usually overdrawn on his account … Cecil Rhodes’ commitment to a conspiracy to establish World Government was set down in a series of wills described by Frank Aydelotte in his book American Rhodes Scholarships.” -Dr. Carroll Quigley, “Tragedy and Hope”…..


I’ve just been starting to read about his total craziness. Queen Victoria didn’t like him because he didn’t like women, until he sucked up to her by saying of course he loved the sex that included her.
He also had ideas about taking back the Colonies in the USA for Britain.

Pat Frederick

“To date, Mr. Cohen has located several documents that we believe have significant value to the various congressional oversight and investigation committees,” his attorneys wrote.
In exchange, Cohen is seeking for congressional help to persuade the Southern District of New York to allow him more time before reporting to jail so he can review the files. He is also asking for a reduced prison sentence while he “is fully cooperating with prosecutors and Congress.”
Cohen is also asking top Democrats on the panels to write letters to prosecutors with the Southern District of New York outlining his cooperation. Cohen’s attorneys say he only recently discovered the hard drive.
so newly discovered? or leaked from Weissman that he wants to make sure Dems have access to?


Um, the FBI guys who did executed the search warrants for Cohen, should be fired.

Pat Frederick

right? they raid his business and gather up all his “records and files” but somehow MISS this hard drive–which he only recently discovered (GASP!) and now he only has 30 days before he has to report to jail, so hey (wink, wink) can you cut me some slack here–get me a new deal??? and i can examine this more closely cuz I’m POSITIVE there’s some stuff on here that we can use…errr….I mean could prove something or other…

Pat Frederick

ewwww…I just had an awful thought where he might have been hiding that hard drive…


That would be the rational conclusion. Like an anonymous safe deposit box for future blackmail …

Pat Frederick
Cuppa Covfefe

Interesting sentence here:

A source close to the investigation also told RTL that the chief suspect in the plot has “very strong psychiatric instability,” as well as signs of depression, narcissism, and suicidal tendencies.

So, after he blows up or kills people, he’ll be put away in a psychiatric faicility, from which he can easily escape (as they don’t expect hardened terrorists amongs the fruits and nuts), only to lather, rinse, and repeat.
Same as they do to them here in Germany. The only thing nutty about them, in truth, is their faux “religion”…
More troubling, is the painting of people with strong or sincerely-held beliefs as extremists, and therefore psychologically-impaired. Not able to be molded to the PC-police’s agenda/checklist. And we all know where that leads (if not, have a look at the movie “Frances” or read about Frances Farmer). I’d rather have a bottle in front of me, thanks…
And, of course, we Christians (and probably everyone else to the right of Stalin) are lumped into the same steaming pile as the Moslems, destined for the re-education camps…
Look at New Zealand, and now Australia, who have basically just ended free speech. Pith on their Kiwis…

Gail Combs

wheatietoo says
“…Have just started watching…but she’s [Amazing Polly] delving into the money given to Puerto Rico.
Didn’t the Dems hold a big get-together there, not long ago?…”

Yes, they all went to Puerto Rico for fun and games during the government shutdown at the begining of the year. Now they are REPAYING the BRIBES they got by getting more money sent to the CORRUPT Puerto Rican government.
“Democrats flew to Puerto Rico on a chartered jet along with lobbyists to see Hamilton, as the government shutdown drags on…” FOX
“…some 30 Democrats are under fire for traveling to Puerto Rico this weekend to meet with lobbyists…” FOX NEWS FIRST: Dems hit the beach in Puerto Rico while shutdown shows no end, new caravan forms
DAILY CALLER: Congressional Democrats Vacationed In Puerto Rico During Government Shutdown

A host of congressional Democrats spent the weekend on the beaches of Puerto Rico with more than 100 lobbyists, corporate executives and union leaders despite the ongoing government shutdown.
The fundraising arm of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, BOLD PAC, chartered a private jet for more than 30 lawmakers, as well as their families and chiefs of staff, to attend a winter retreat in San Juan,……
Other lobbyists that accompanied Democrats on the trip included Facebook, Comcast, Amazon, Verizon, PhRMA, and unions such as the National Education Association, reported The Examiner…
Lin-Manuel Miranda, Hamilton’s creator and star, invited lawmakers to the show with the hopes of securing more federal money for Puerto Rico’s cleanup, according to CBS News. Hurricane Maria ravaged the island in 2017 and even with aid from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the local government has still had trouble repairing the massive amount of destruction sustained by the island’s infrastructure.….


Thanks, Gail!
All that disaster aid money was like ringing the dinner bell for those vultures.

Pat Frederick

this “study” is based on the semen of fruit flies, but the “scientists” are sure the results would be the same for humans…cuz we’s all on the same the planet or some other nonsense…

Cuppa Covfefe

I rather expect that report has a lot of bugs… cf the new Australian thought controls…

Pat Frederick

Cuppa Covfefe

There should be a TV series about the DEMONcRATs and their RINO and Presstitute collusionists…
Lost In Fake…

Gail Combs

JasonD says, “…Never forget – the USA reelected Hussein – how “sein” was that?…”
No, voter fraud, George Soros vote counting machines and Mittens taking a DIVE elected Hussein.
If Herman Cain had the money to FIGHT the usual sex smear campaign and become the candidate INSTEAD of Mittens he would have won. Same goes for Ron Paul. If the ReBOOBlicans had not LITERALLY stolen the nomination from Ron Paul, there is a good chance Hussein would never been elected the first time.
Many of us HATED McTraitor’s Guts for good reason and refused to vote for that INSANE CORRUPT POS.
In 2016 we were SUPPOSED to have the choice of the low-energy twig [Jeb Bush] vs Hitlery. Again with the ReBOOBlicans taking a dive, we would have had a rabid traitor in the white house who would place TWO far left justices in the Supreme Court and then proceed to remove the first and second amendments AND US sovereignty via The Sovereignty-Busting Trans-Pacific Partnership.
We really dodged a bullet when President Trump was elected DESPITE all the Voter Fraud.

Gail Combs

I should add that one of the Communists greatest WEAPONS is convincing people THEY ARE THE MAJORITY!
WIKI: “Bolsheviks, originally known as Bolshevists or Bolsheviki (Russian: большевики, большевик (singular), IPA: [bəlʲʂɨˈvʲik]; derived from bol’shinstvo (большинство), “majority”, literally meaning “one of the majority”), “ HOWEVER the Bolsheviks were NOT the MAJORITY!!! They just NAMED themselves the Bolsheviks.
They did just what they are doing here in the USA. LOUDLY PROCLAIM they are the MAJORITY. Bully anyone who does not agree with them into silence. If needed use deformation, violence and even KILL those who will not shut up. Think journalists Andrew Breitbart and Michael Hastings. When we were fighting the Food Safety Modernization Act, we learned that journalists had their articles pulled by those WELL ABOVE their editors and in the case of three journalists, they were even fired. The actual majority were completely silenced. Realize both the right and the left were united in their fight against the Food Safety Modernization Act. NO! NAIS (National Animal Identification System) even made it on the top ten list of concerns given to Obama when he was first elected. So during the lameduck session Senator Burr got it through Congress. 😡
The fight to shut down the Chans, Q and Conservatives is because WE ARE THE MAJORITY and the Elites/Communists can not allow ordinary people to discover the Commies/SJWs/Smowflakes are really just a LOUD MOUTHED MINORITY.
—-The elites really thought the ‘Great Unwashed’ would fall for the Freebies offered by Marxism and not see the SLAVE TRAP hidden underneath all the goodies.—-
NEVER EVER forget that the Bolshevik Revolution was a product of the Rothschild/International Banksters linkcomment image
The above cartoon showing Marx being greeted with great delight by famous Wall Street financiers.

Who financed Lenin and Trotsky?
….In 1911 the St. Louis Dispatch published a cartoon by a Bolshevik named Robert Minor. Minor was later to be arrested in Tsarist Russia for revolutionary activities and in fact was himself bankrolled by famous Wall Street financiers. Since we may safely assume, that he knew his topic well, his cartoon is of great historical importance. It portrays Karl Marx with a book entitled Socialism under his arm, standing amid a cheering crowd on Wall Street. Gathered around and greeting him with enthusiastic handshakes are characters in silk hats identified as John D. Rockefeller, J.P. Morgan, John D. Ryan of National City Bank, Morgan partner George W. Perkins and Teddy Roosevelt, leader of the Progressive Party….

And from the mouths of the Commie Revolutionary Workers Org

…Lenin called for the building of a new International (an organization of socialist parties from around the world), one that was not compromised by alliances with the capitalists during their bloody competition for domination through World War I. The Bolsheviks recognized that a working-class revolution in Russia or any country could not survive on its own. Socialism would be built in an advanced industrial economy, using the world’s resources under the control of the international working class. But they also believed that a Russian workers’ revolution could be the spark to ignite revolutions in Germany, England, and other more industrially advanced countries….
most importantly, the Russian working class offered the rest of the world’s workers aid and partnership, forming the Communist International, a network of revolutionary workers’ parties, to spread the revolution. This body called together the revolutionary tendencies from socialist organizations and militant unions all over the world. Together they would coordinate their activities, forming revolutionary Communist organizations in their respective countries….


Gail, I would suggest that THE reason for dodging the bullet was the Dems corruption leading them to believe their own propaganda (the Hag did not bother to go to Wisconsin). This lead to a “failure” to cheat on the levels required, when they were uniquely placed to do so with Hussein in office. PLUS of course ….
Donald Trump is a unique candidate / person (duh), by which I really mean that he is SO FAR REMOVED from anyone else. That it took such a candidate to win makes my point. The USA was toast BUT for the exceptional DJT.
It took a country of over 300 million to produce one candidate with the attributes required to win. What hope does Australia have – hence my fierce interest in PDJT succeeding – because that is the only way to stem the globalist tide.
You may wish to quibble with my order above 🙂

Pat Frederick

Capitol One told Cummings, et al to get a subpoena…

A Fortiori

This is a common practice by businesses in this type of situation. They are not showing particular courage and/or standing up for PDJT. It is likely that the records in question are subject to a non-disclosure agreement, so that PDJT could compel them not to disclose them. And, if they gave up the records for a client without being legally compelled to do so, they would have no more clients.

Pat Frederick

yes, they told Cummings they were holding the documents in question but would not release them without subpoena. they need to show a reason for the subpoena — a crime, for example, first–so let’s see what they come with for that…
I agree Capital One would lose a LOT of business if they succumb to an informal request…


“[What, what would have become of me] had I not believed that I would see the Lord’s goodness in the land of the living! Wait and hope for and expect the Lord; be brave and of good courage and let your heart be stout and enduring. Yes, wait for and hope for and expect the Lord.”
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭27:13-14‬ ‭AMPC‬‬




Sorry GA/FL, we twinsed as Marica calls it😃


You had better information. I didn’t know about the union or the tweets.


I took one for the team and waded through a lot of Fake News sites. I need a shower now. 🚿 🧽 🥴


The NYT is really spewing and smearing the excrement today.

Cuppa Covfefe

Maybe they’ll cross the streams and it will all fall back on them… and the Slimes will disappear in its own slime…


Also interesting….
Anna Giaritelli is the main source of news re: wall and border policies. She is covering the border full time for the Examiner.
Brandon Darby is also doing so for Breitbart, but his twitter feed is more about arguing with opponents and horrific conditions caused by cartels, than reporting actual news.
Byron York also covers border situation among his other stories.


You can tell how effective the assault against evil has been by the increased furor of Satan’s demons in the press.


Indeed. They have lost their collective hive mind.

Cuppa Covfefe

And it always gets worse leading up to Easter and Christmas.
And “their” high holidays, Halloween (Samhain) and Mayday (Walpurgisnacht). In the more liberal areas of Germany (most of the north, e.g. NRW), all hell breaks loose on Walpurgisnacht. All trick, no treat…
But they’ve already lost, at the Cross…


Of course…


According to BJ Clintoon’s definition of “having sex” – they didn’t. His view was that only intercourse was having sexual relations. Everything and anything else was NOT sexual relations.
I never did find out what he called those activities but I assume they are at least filed under entertainment.



Pray for POTUS… for his safety and his well-being


He’s doing an RON in Las Vegas.
Hmm…I wonder if he will be staying at the Trump Hotel there.
That would make sense.
They could lock that place down like Ft. Knox.


Looks like he’s leaving here (Vegas) FOR the RON, or am I reading that wrong?


Never mind. He’s leaving the airport for a 15 minute drive to the RON. Duh me.

Elizabeth Carter

We need to be praying all day today. We are at a critical point. I know we will win. I also know that we must not waiver.
Watch this 5min 48 sec video again about President Trump and hold the words close in your heart today.

I have read things that say that President Trump is wavering. Jesus cried tears of blood before His crucifixion. His tears were not tears of fear or doubt. They were tears of commitment and love.
I do not see doubt or fear in President Trump at all. I have been in situations where the groundwork was finally done, the time was now and there was nothing left to do but stand firm and let God handle the situation.
President Trump is doing a great job. We are praying for him and doing our part. This war is a war with Powers and Principalities that require God’s Power to overcome. Our prayers are the most important thing we can be doing today.
God did not bring us this far to let Satan win. The victory is ours. Have faith and stand firm.
“Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). God’s people are commanded to “be still” in this verse. The imperative gives a solemn duty to those in a covenant relationship with God—Israel in the Old Testament, but today, it is given to Christians
Galatians 3:26-29 (AKJV)
26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 And if ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.


AMEN Elizabeth… AMEN.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Ah, yes…that video (Q likes to post it under a different title).
It turned me from voting for Trump because he wasn’t Hillary, to voting for Trump because he was Trump.
(I’ve said this often enough that maybe some here are sick of seeing it, but I’m going to say it again, no doubt.)

Sylvia Avery

“Our prayers are the most important thing we can be doing today.
God did not bring us this far to let Satan win. The victory is ours. Have faith and stand firm.”
Couldn’t agree with you more! Another wonderful post, Elizabeth.


It seems the Union was against him and he has also sent prior bad tweets, including portraying POTUS as Dennis The Menace in 2016.


Ah. Well that would do it.
We don’t need an Anti-Trump guy as the head of ICE.
And if his own union was against him then that says a lot.

Pat Frederick

who recommended this guy?


Neilsen andother DHS peeps🙄

Cuppa Covfefe

Probably could drop the “H” in the middle and mean the same thing…
[Now I can hear Rex Harrison singing “there they are in Soho square, droping “H”s everywhere”…].


I don’t know…maybe Gen Kelly?comment image


BRING THE PAIN.comment image

Pat Frederick

thanks for the smiles!
I need them today…sigh…it’ snowing again here this morning…

Gail Combs

We had snow earlier this week in Charlotte NC (Southern Piedmont NOT the mountains) and yesterday around here (mid state) it was 74F. Now it is raining and in the 50s but for the weekend it will be back to the 70s.

Sylvia Avery

Yikes. And I was just grumbling because the rain and gray skies were back. Shame on me.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Be happy that you don’t have to be outside, erm, shoveling 🙂


Yesterday Chicago PD issued a “No Confidence” vote against FOXX…
Today CPD is suing Jussie


“Donald Trump is Trying to Kill Us”:
FTA: “Even if he’s a one-term president, Trump will have caused, directly or indirectly, the premature deaths of a large number of Americans.
Some of those deaths will come at the hands of right-wing, white nationalist extremists, who are a rapidly growing threat, partly because they feel empowered by a president who calls them “very fine people.”


Deaths? …What are they talking about!?
The lying NYSlimes are lying, again.


This just goes beyond insane. Who in their right mind would write this stuff?


NYT lies, as do politicians, MCM talking heads every time they say a policy will kill thousands, miliions….
Yet, ZERO question the statement with a simple, WTF? Please do explain how folks will enmass die ?
Every time one of these one of these statements is made, I look for someone to question it? Validate it?
Zero inquiries. And I dismiss the statement, totally.


Krugman is a vile worm. If he was squiggling around my neck of the woods my hens would have a snack. 🐥

Gail Combs

Maybe we should lure him into your neck of the woods grandmaintexas.
I would LOVE to see the RNC SUE THE PANTS OF HIM AND THE NYT for this very false story.
I really think it is time these LIARS were held to account!


Me too! I’ve about had it with the slandering and libeling of our President and regular Americans who love their country.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Worm Krugman would last about 0.1 seconds in front of my bearded dragon. And that’s only because the lizard can’t move at supersonic velocity.
Of course, he would probably die from dysentery after eating such a foul morsel, so it’s just as well.




That would be Wonderful!!🤗🤗🤗🦋🦋🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🦋🦋


I hope you realize that you’ve just started the latest lefty conspiracy accusation.
“Those insane alt-right wingers are going to have a coup so Drumpf doesn’t have to leave the WH in January 2025. OMG what is to become of us?”
— leftist/MSM talking point, courtesy of wolfmoon


You’re optimistic, me thinks. I believe that this disease of the west runs far deeper than we think.


I believe that the NYT can no longer be called a newspaper because it covers the news as a side project, mostly used for filler. It is now committed to a viewpoint consistent with its philosophy. It should now be called a viewspaper to properly profile its media category. The same could be said for most major papers.


Viewspaper is a viable name. Tongue in cheek, I would call them a spewspaper.


That label would be consistent with the known facts.

Gail Combs

I would call them CAGE LINER!
Useful for keeping the neighborhood clean.



SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I suspect the New York Slimes would actually repel poop (because the poop would say “No way am I getting near that!” and refuse to fall) and said material would end up all over the bird (or whatever) and the ceiling of the cage.


That’s perfect, Grandmaintexas!
Because that is exactly what those propaganda nozzles do…spew!
I am definitely stealing that.


Please do. One of my fondest hopes is to coin a viral term! 😁

Deplorable Patriot

Actually, most Trump followers use the tactics of the leftist heroes to perfection. It’s called peaceful non-violence. Silent protests. No violence, no insulting rhetoric, just the facts presented in a respectful manner.
Drives the opposition crazy.


Deplorable Patriot

He lost me here:
“Q has claimed that less than 10 people can verify him and of those less than 10 people, only 3 are non-military.
3) Regardless of what you think of Q personally, those people are the only ones who can conclusively affirm or deny the validity & identity of Q.”
That’s NOT what Q said.
Anonymous ID: WBXFv1gI No.147679416 📁
Nov 2 2017 18:03:36 (EST)
You can count the people who have the full picture on two hands.
Of those (less than 10 people) only three are non-military.
Why is this relevant?
Game theory.
Outside of a potential operator who has been dialed-in w/ orders (specific to his/her mission) nobody else has this information.
Operators never divulge.
Alice & Wonderland.
DP: accuracy in communications is vital to defeat the left. They will pounce on the discrepency even if it really doesn’t matter.
Less than ten people KNOW THE PLAN. Not all of them are Q. Q doesn’t even indicate how many are on the chan broadcast team.

A Fortiori

Cain will be outstanding. I cannot think of a better man for the job.


Got into a twitter tussle with an alleged MIT economist today on the Cain appointment.
You guys would have been proud of me.
His logic was flawed and I felt the need to point out the error.


Something not right with schedule. 3:25-3:35 LAX to Santa Monica. 6:35-9:10 Santa Monica to LAX???


Tarmac meeting? /sarc


This was meant for PR’s POTUS schedule post.


Onebof these days I hope its safe and wekcoming enoughvthat he has a rally and visits where most of his CA supporters are, not along the coast.


Hey there ol’ eagle eye !!!
You’re spot on… almost 3 hrs. unaccounted for ? or some other mistakes?


Surely a Schedule typo?!?


Yeah, probably.
Because it would take longer than 10 min to go from LAX to Santa Monica.
Not a lot longer…but more than 10 min.
So that part is a typo.
And even if Potus had a meeting of some sort that they didn’t want to broadcast…then they should’ve done a better job of camouflaging it in the schedule.


The distance between locations is calculated as 7-12 miles depending on which of the 8 routes taken. POTUS will have direct route (roads shutdown), so 10 minutes is about right.


wolfie, please cast your eye over POTUS’ schedule today and esp. butterfly’s point that there’s a problem
3:25-3:35 LAX to Santa Monica. 6:35-9:10 Santa Monica to LAX???

Gail Combs

This is a list of CA military bases:
I no longer have access to maps so someone please see if there is a military base near Santa Monica.


There is a Naval Base up the coast from Santa Monica.
There is also an Air Force Base in Los Angeles…El Segundo…which is the base for the Space & Missile Systems Center.
Maybe he’s having a meeting about Space Force!


Nothing anymore. Golden heyday would have had plenty of aerospace there and military friendly. Have to go north, south or east, way east.

Pat Frederick

hmmm there was an article this past week about Russia doing flyovers again and one place they were doing them was over area51…strange you mention it.


Hey all you GOP candidates for re-election… or election. Take notice.
THIS is how you win…
Terrific ad… a picture is worth 1,000 words, right. LEADERSHIP… personified.
(Did I mention I LUV his overcoat… ?)


And the music is from…Batman.
How cool is that.

Pat Frederick

Bat ma’am did you say Bat ma’am????
I’m right here….



In what is being billed as the world’s first on-camera interview with a human trafficker, Lauren Southern has seemingly pulled off the impossible. What’s more, she had to do the interview under cover of darkness in Morocca, as filming there is so restrictive that you could be jailed for it.
The video starts off with her friend in Morocco, who tips her off to the source they have found who’s willing to talk on camera. Southern grabs her cameraman and they are on a plane to Africa within a couple of days. When they arrive on location, they get some candid B roll of the area, and Southern starts to get concerned because their source hasn’t shown up to the agreed meeting spot. But as the clock strikes 11:15, an ominous car appears, and the source emerges from it. His name is censored out and his face is blurred.
The source explains that sometimes they traffic 500 people a day from Africa to Spain. He explains that people pay anywhere from €250-€2500 for a spot on one of the rafts. The more someone pays, the higher the likelihood they’ll make it across in one piece. Some rafts can hold up to 50 people. The ringleaders of the operation make hundreds of thousands of Euros a day, from which the source gets a cut.
The interview ends abruptly when another car starts heading toward the secluded spot, as the source is afraid Southern is working for the police. He runs away, making off with Southern’s lavalier microphone.


What happens to Progressive Dems when they learn information, on which they’ve based their opinions, is not true?
Hands Up, Don’t Shoot = False, hoax pushed by media.
Freddie Gray was killed by Baltimore Police = Wrong, fake.
Trump and disabled reporter = false, hoax pushed by media
Trump called Mexicans rapists = false, completely fake
Market will crash if Trump elected= false.
Moved the MLK statue = False
Hillary will win = WRONG.
Russians changed outcome of election = False
Russians changed ballots/voting machines = False
Russia influenced election via Facebook ads = If Russians bought $164K in Facebook ads, and we know Facebook had $9billion+ ad revenue for first quarter of 2017, then, .00001822 of all Facebook ads were purchased by someone, whom Facebook alleges, lived in Russia.
Trump talking to Kim Jung Un will lead to war = False.
Charlottesville “fine people” = false, media misled public, look at transcript, completely debunked but still pushed by media and Dems to foment hate and push “racist” narrative.
Children in cages = false, misleading photos pushed by media, never happened.
Children separated at border from parents = Only until identified as their REAL parents – turns out HUNDREDS of kids crossing border were trafficked with people who were NOT their parents. Is it more important to actually protect children or is it more important to Dems to push a false narrative?
The Dossier is credible and true = Wrong, fake, smear job.
Trump will fire Mueller= Wrong, never considered
Trump Tower meeting was illegal = Wrong
Trump told Cohen to lie to Congress = False
Muh Russia=false, hoax pushed by media in concert with bad bureaucrats
Trump is racist = Not one piece of actual evidence exists to support this wild and incendiary claim.
Trump statement “grab them by the pu$$y” was offensive = Yes, but true. The entire #MeToo movement proves some women will compromise themselves for fame, money, a job, access to power, or a role in a movie….., and then feel guilty or persecuted by their actions, decades later.
Trump says media is “Enemy of the People” = Wrong, President calls the portion of the media, who perpetuate the above lies and falsehoods, the enemy of the people. These media outlets seek to intentionally divide Americans and perpetuate hatred among us… and they do it for profit.
Bottom line, if the media told me my neighbor was a murderer, and fed me information for years, to infer my neighbor was a murderer, a bad person, reprehensible, almost Hitler, how would I act when I learned my neighbor was innocent?
And the media lied to me, betrayed my trust?
So the media could make money, based on my level of hatred for my own neighbor?

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

All those examples. I dunno, I’m not as good at catching things and connecting the dots as some around here, but I think I’m starting to see a pattern.
Russians KNEW the Soviet media was lying to them. They never caught on, however, to how deep the lies ran, it was just about day to day stuff, it was everything, the entire worldview.
They were furious when the USSR collapsed and they found out.
Lesson from history the media probably knows about, which is why they keep doubling down. They already have no other option.


Steve in Co says, “I’m not as good at catching things…”
I say: Pfffttttt!

Deplorable Patriot

This why the legacy media needs to be discredited before being taken down, so that the people will come to understand how they have been duped.


I suspect most progressive dems will just continue ignore reality …
However, swinging voters in the burbs MAY wake up and realise that they have been snowed. I say “MAY”, because the stupidity of people these days never ceases to amaze.
You can lead a horse to water, but if he BELIEVES it is poison, he wont drink – no matter what you do. I no longer know what the average horse “believes” …


So, the Mormons are jumping on the gay train!
“SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Thursday repealed rules that banned baptisms for children of gay parents and that labeled same-sex couples as sinners eligible for expulsion — marking a reversal of policies condemned as jarring detours from a push by the faith to be more compassionate about LGBTQ issues.
LGBTQ church members and groups that support them expressed relief about what they called an important step forward for the faith. However, they also said they were angry about the harm the 2015 policies had caused and the lack of an apology by church leaders.
In a statement posted online, church leaders described the changes as “very positive policies” that should help “affected families.” The faith’s highest leadership group, known as the First Presidency, made the decision after “fervent, united prayer to understand the will of the Lord on these matters,” the statement said.
The faith widely known as the Mormon church said it is not changing its doctrinal opposition to gay marriage and still considers same-sex relationships to be a “serious transgression.”
“We want to reduce the hate and contention so common today,” the statement said.”


The seductive power of money and social pressure truly amazes me.


Here is your answer – they need butts in the pews to keep the $$$ flowing:
“Membership growth in the religion has stagnated in recent years, and young members opposed the policies at much higher rates than older members, said Jana Riess, who surveyed members of the religion for her book, “The Next Mormons: How Millennials Are Changing the LDS Church.”


I have a gay grandson… the older of two. He attends a Unitarian Church.
One nephew is gay.
Most families have at least one gay relative.
excerpt from post above:
The faith widely known as the Mormon church said it is not changing its doctrinal opposition to gay marriage and still considers same-sex relationships to be a “serious transgression.”
“We want to reduce the hate and contention so common today,” the statement said.”

Sounds like a Christian compromise to me.
Mormons like other faiths, are struggling with the reality.
Ric Grenell, currently US Ambassador to Germany, is openly gay, married to a man. Attends church.
Many gays support Trump. The founder of “Walk-Away” is gay.
Gays may even been on this board.

Gail Combs

I am sure there at least readers who are gay. I could care less.
I just do not want them RECRUITING KIDS. I do not want men in the womens room or womens locker room. I do not want them calling themselves women so they can compete in a sport where they, in a man’s body, have a major advantage over all the women they are competing against.
If a person of deep religious conviction refuses to bake a wedding cake or take wedding pictures or marry them, I do not want those people sued. Heck if you do not want to serve someone that is YOUR right. We certainly are seeing large corporations flipping the middle finger at conservatives. FINE, we get to boycott them. It SHOULD be a free country.

Deplorable Patriot

In Christianity, love the sinner, hate the sin is the way to be, but there should be no compromise on the Faith.


“FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — A Kentucky law requiring doctors to perform ultrasounds and show fetal images to patients prior to abortions is constitutional, a divided federal appeals court declared Thursday.
The ruling by a panel of the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals was a victory for Kentucky’s Republican Gov. Matt Bevin, a staunch abortion opponent. The 2017 law was enacted soon after the GOP took complete control of Kentucky’s legislature. The statute drew an immediate challenge from the state’s last remaining abortion clinic, and a lower court judge struck it down.
The 2-1 ruling Thursday reversed the lower court. The appeals court panel’s majority opinion said the law doesn’t violate a doctor’s First Amendment rights.”


NF, I tweeted a response yesterday regarding the dissenting judge’s opinion:


Thanks – she is a real doosy!


You are welcome. I was quite proud of my tweet. 🙂
Being in medicine, it’s clear that the abortion industry has basically been exempt from all health and wellness protections which are heavily regulated onto every other aspect of our care. “Free Speech” violations, per Casey Decision, that’s ludicrous.
Protecting abortion providers’ free speech “rights” violates the right to knowledge to make an informed decision on the part of the mother.


“I like positive things, k..” Rally instead of boring WH correspondence dinner!🤣🤣🤣😎


Wrong, Wray.

Open borders, Islamist/socialist/leftist violence, sedition, human trafficking and drugs are the greatest NatSec threat.

A Fortiori

What has happened to our language? Violent extremism is a meaningless term. Moreover, it was invented to avoid saying “Islamists.” Why should we trade a word that captures what we are seeking to convey pretty well for jibberish.
If I were PDJT, I would prohibit anyone in my administration from publicly using politically correct euphemisms, unless they are doing so in order to ridicule them.


Violent extremism? – Antifa, BLM, BAMN, the Media and the DNC come to mind – especially during election years.


Wray may have been using leftist language for budgetary allotment purposes, or he may have been using his Atlanta elite lawyer language. He’s married to one of the prominent Howell family whose father once owned the Atlanta Journal/Constitution and lives in the Howell family home. He made over a million a year as a lawyer.


Saw a brief bit about that earlier on OAN. This is arising due to all of the changes done to ALL training manuals under the MIC, at the instigation of John Brennan! Wray needs to get his head out of his ass – pronto!


They all go to such PC lengths to avoid offending Islamist/CAIR for the actions/words of their despicable violent, racist, misogynist ideology.


Wrong isn’t even the word for it.
What is needed, and soon, is a WAR for REALITY.
Because the GASLIGHTERS — whether on purpose or because they are literally insane — are only growing in number.
And I hate it. With every fiber of my being and spirit I hate it.


“FBI Director Wray: Violent extremism, white supremacy pervasive threat to national security -”
Does this freaking idiot even know what the word ‘pervasive’ means?!?
I have never even SEEN the reclusive and rumored to exist ‘white supremacist’ — except in ‘documentaries’ produced by MSM and the occasional FALSE FLAG event.
This is pure psychological ABUSE toward ALL white people by the so-called ‘Director’ of the FIB.


It is categorical ‘hate speech’ toward white people, by every definition of the completely bogus term ‘hate speech’.
When is the last time this traitorous bastard used the term ‘black supremecist’, or ‘islamic supremicist’, BOTH of which are DEMONSTRABLY more ‘pervasive’ than the Chupacabra of all bogeymen, the illusory ‘white supremecist’.
Most white people in this country are so cucked they make eunuchs look masculine by comparison.
And this #$%hole thinks WHITE people are the problem?


Where do you even sign up to BE a ‘white supremacist’?
If I am going to be accused of being one anyway, I might as well get some benefit out of it.
Hey ‘Director’ Wray, where do I sign up, you jackwagon?


You sure never say Lo-retta Lynch taking about ‘black supremacists’.
Only self-flagellating, PC-groveling, Ivy-League indoctrinated white cucks.


edit / correction: “You sure never SAW Lo-retta Lynch talking about ‘black supremacists’.”


“FBI Director Wray: Violent extremism, white supremacy pervasive threat to national security -”
Wait… what?
“Supremacy” issues OR not, it’s overwhelmingly the WHITE PEOPLE who are the PATRIOTS (also Conservatives) in this country.
There isn’t another tree in the WHOLE FOREST that is more WRONG for you to be barking up.
Overwhelmingly, ‘white people’ are the only ‘group’ that has RESISTED being indoctrinated to HATE our country.
It’s NOT the ‘white people’ who represent a NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT you bumbling, slack-jawed idiot.


“Honestly, I think Wray is concerned about the easily manipulable white supremacists like that Bowers guy.”
Unfortunately, we can’t know what’s going on inside Disco Chrissy’s head (if anything is going on, at all).
What we DO know is that he, as a GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL, is targeting a specific group of people based on their RACE.
And there is only ONE race that it is EVER permissible to ATTACK with impunity, without any fear of nuclear political blowback.
Just like there’s only ONE religion that it is ever permissible to ATTACK with impunity.
Just like there’s only ONE ‘sex’ that it is ever permissible to ATTACK with impunity.
Just like there’s only ONE ‘sexual orientation” that it is ever permissible to ATTACK with impunity.
Just like there’s only ONE political ideology that it is ever permissible to ATTACK with impunity.
And God help anyone who finds himself in ALL FIVE categories.


Staunch Trump supporter Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has told GOP colleagues he is considering moving across the state line to run for the Senate in Alabama in 2020.
The Hill reported:
The rumor had been bouncing around the Capitol for weeks but took a more serious turn in recent days when Gaetz began privately discussing the idea with fellow lawmakers.
“He’s talking about running for Senate in Alabama. They have a one-day residency requirement there,” said a GOP lawmaker who knows Gaetz well. “POTUS [President of the United States] would probably endorse him.”
Sources close to Gaetz, 36, said that “people in Trump’s orbit” are personally encouraging the sophomore congressman to run for the Senate seat now held by freshman Sen. Doug Jones (D-Ala.). Those Trump allies are pointing to Alabama’s liberal requirement that people can run for the Senate so long as they are 30 years old and have been a resident for a minimum of one day.


Has Gaetz asked Bannon’s permission? /sarc

A Fortiori

I, for one, would love to see Gaetz in the Senate.


Fine, then let him run in Florida, where he lives!


…and grew up and went to school.
I’m against this – smacks of ‘carpetbagging’.
As a Southerner, I’m all for being loyal to your State and States Rights.


As Husker, I stand for the same.


Alabamans will likely resent a young green whippersnapper outsider coming over there to run for their senate seat after the last senate race debacle with so much outside interference.


No doubt – and rightfully so!


I do not see a person of statue like Goetz in Alabama. All I have seen is debacle in the last election.
I like Goetz he could come to OH anytime and replace Portman..:)
Goetz is a good egg but state identity politics seem not to recognize a good egg 🙂
I heard this on Rush yesterday, we are the United States of America not united people of America. Something to ponder over.


Nope, sorry – not falling for it. 90% of what the Federal government does, according to our Constitution, should be done by the States and ONLY the States! As GA/FL (I think) said, this is carpetbagging, pure and simple. And, on a side note, I do NOT trust Gaetz – but that’s just my opinion that I have voiced here before. Something that looks too good to be true generally isn’t, I have found.


I agree A Fortiori …
Senate needs MORE Trump supporters…
I’m sure there are Trump Supporters in FL who could run and win a seat in the House…
No comparison between Gaetz’ consideration to move across the line to Alabama and Hildebeast’s decision to run from NY
Gaetz is serving his 2nd term in Congress, before that, he was in FL State House. Hildebeast had NO political experience prior to her run for the Senate, she ran on her husband’s coattails… and may be involved in eliminating her main competition for the seat.
Gaetz is a Trump supporter… we need more of those in the Senate. AND Gaetz would make a wonderful candidate for POTUS in 2024. Senate seat would give him more prestige and more coverage.


I do NOT like this crap! This moving to another state because you think you can win there politically is BS!


Smacks of hildabeast moving to NY…to pick up a Senate seat.


Let us not forget the Mormon scammer….


Yep. No free pass for scumbag Mittens.


“I do NOT like this crap! This moving to another state because you think you can win there politically is BS!”
Goetz is a great American born in US and supporter of POTUS that is good enough for me.
To get the best people and sometimes they are not grown in our neighborhood or State.
No wonder politics is such a mess.
The people of Alabama will vote for Goetz or not they make their choice I am sure.


We do NOT “know” Gaetz is a great American – we “know” what he has chosen to show us. Far too many people are STILL too gullible, IMO.


Moe Brooks needs the seat.
Could Gaetz defeat Rubio?


That is an excellent idea – Rubio MUST go! Get after him, Gaetz!


Good thinking!

Plain Jane

My first thought… bye, bye Ruby.

GB Bari

That’s a good question considering Rubio gets a lot of Hispanic vote – which is heavy in south Florida.
I would be ok with Gaetz runnng in AL but only if we can be assured (a) he would wijn, and (b) he can find a genuine Trump-supporting relacement who can and will be elected to Gaetz’s vacated seat in FL. I sure don’t want to give the DemonRATs any path at all towards their capturing FL.


More questions are being raised about Julian Assange and WikiLeaks regarding their role in the 2016 elections. This all comes after the release of the summary of Mueller’s report, which found no proof of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.


This is BS and ALL because Julian exposed the Ecuadorean President’s involvement in the Panama Papers debacle!


That and the billions of $$$ the US has promised them. Announced on OAN that Julian has been ORDERED to leave the UK.


Okay, that sounds good, but I’ve not seen one indication that Assange will come to the U.S. and be allowed to testify. All I ever see is that U.S. officials want to get their hands on him, and not in a good way.


We are allowed to see what the DS WANTS us to see. And there are a number of people who WANT his testimony. I just have to believe that PDJT will handle this situation correctly.


I have complete confidence in Pres. Trump as well.


I long for the day Assange exposes the deep state, corrupt politicos, corporations…
IF Assange ends up in US custody, IMHO, it will be the most miserable of solitary confinement conditions.
Then, hopefully whatever Wikileaks has will be blasted out on the Internet for all to see.


That is an interesting view! I know it will all be timed perfectly. He has personally given sooo much. Few people could match his ability and strength to withstand all that has been thrown at him!

GB Bari

I do not fully understand PDJT’s apparent reticence in getting Assange out of danger and such vile treatment, and allowing him to speak publicly. The UK are not our friends. Appears that the Ecuadorians aren’t our friends either. This situation has gone on far too long to give anyone – including the current U.S. Administration – a total pass on their behavior.


Nice to see you GB.
Always appreciated your perspective OT.

GB Bari

Thanks Kalbo. I really wondered what happened over at CTH – realized a lot of “regulars” were missing a couple minths back and didn’t know where y’all went. Finally found fleporeblog and we PM’d and I found my way over here and found y’all.


Hi, GB. Nice to have you among us. You were one of the people I missed reading.

GB Bari

You are very kind, thanks!




A 2012 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court motion contained a little-noticed provision expanding the FBI’s ability to share information with foreign officials, which could have laid the groundwork for abuses against U.S. citizens, Rep. Louie Gohmert said.
“This motion and order would allow the FBI to collude with foreign governments about U.S. citizens,” Gohmert, a Texas Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, told The Daily Caller News Foundation.
The potential for the U.S. government to spy on citizens — including for potentially political purposes — by partnering with foreign governments has come under renewed scrutiny following a pattern of Trump campaign associates being seemingly targeted abroad or by using their contacts with foreigners.
In a 70-page motion to the court dated April 23, 2012, the Obama administration asked to modify “Section IV.C (Dissemination of Foreign Intelligence Information Concerning United States Persons To Foreign Governments).”
“The following underlined text will be inserted into the first sentence: ‘The FBI may disseminate FISA-acquired information concerning United States persons, which reasonably appears to be foreign intelligence information, is necessary to understand foreign intelligence information or assess its importance, or is evidence of a crime being disseminated for a law enforcement purpose, to foreign governments as follows,’” it says (emphasis theirs).
Gohmert told TheDCNF: “‘Reasonably necessary to understand foreign intelligence or assess its importance?’ That’s pretty vague.”
“We thought it was bad that they were unmasking so many American citizens to additional American officials, but now we find out they got authority to even share it with foreign governments without our approval,” Gohmert told TheDCNF.
“Why did they do this in 2012?” he said. “It seems like they were setting the stage for the FBI to become more politically operative. In what other places might it have been helpful?”
Read More:


“On Wednesday, thousands of pro-life Virginians gathered in front of the capitol in Richmond. Virginia’s first-ever March for Life was inspired in part by the extreme pro-abortion bill proposed in Virginia earlier this year. April 3 was the Veto Session of the Virginia Legislature, meaning that all state lawmakers were present at the Capitol during the peaceful pro-life rally.
According to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, Capitol Police estimate that 6,500 marchers attended. Many were holding life-affirming signs, including a homemade sign advertising a pro-life pregnancy resource center and a mother and daughter holding signs that read: “I thought abortion was the only way…but I walked out”; and “In 1998…I survived my mom’s abortion appointment.”
❤️ Choosing life is not always easy, but it’s always worth it. #vamarchforlife
— March for Life (@March_for_Life) April 3, 2019”


Thanks for that info NF,
there’s hope for Virginia after all


Is this Pam from OT?


I have no idea. Sorry!


People in the know can correct me if I’m wrong, but I thought EyeTheSpy had been discredited as a source. Maybe he is legit, but I have ZERO patience with people who put out garbage just to stir people up, when they know it is false the whole time.
What exactly is he saying here? that some team is going to extract Assange? Exactly how is that going to be accomplished with the world watching?
I’d like nothing more than to see Assange get out of his current situation and be used as the source of info that he is, so I hope good guys can extract him; but I have no reason to believe EyeTheSpy. If someone has more info, please share it.


I don’t know anything about EyeTheSpy but the UK has now ordered Julian to leave the country. We shall see and, I am guessing, soon.


I don’t know if ETS has been discredited…


Neon Revolt thinks he is a LARP. See my post below.




A good reminder….comment image


Painful, listening to hussein.
An empty head, same as Pompous Little Twit.
And, they got elected. SMH.

Cuppa Covfefe

He’s here in Germany now, making nice to Merde-cow.
Two steaming piles of merde… pics all over the news. Makes me retch…

Gail Combs

Dannielle Blumenthal PhD has a thread from two months ago that is worth looking at in light of the Aussie shutdown of their sort of free speech. (They ALREADY had laws against free speech years ago.)


Have a pill… red one…
I hope most here know that Anderson is C_A agent… but do you know this?


I have visited the Vanderbilt estate. The place is beautiful simple and much collections from around the world. I do not remember seeing the pool maybe just not remember.
The painting that Podesta is strange but some people like strange. Maybe the painter has a strange imagination and that is just it.
The robes could be just to hold on too but who knows.


Oh, my…..someone is very naive, methinks. This pool is at the Biltmore, not the estate, from what I understand. And if you think Podesta’s paintings are only “strange” and not deviant, well, I’ve got some ocean-front property here in NE for sale.

Cuppa Covfefe

Thanks. BEYOND disgusting, IMO, and thoroughly depraved! This video has been removed from YT more than once – do NOT watch if you don’t want to know details – BAD details. SGT Report talks about Frank Guistra (of U-1 fame) who owns Lionsgate Productions. The Podestas are featured as well as the Clintons.

Cuppa Covfefe

That painting is beyond strange, and, taken in context with the other “art” works and “artists” (cf. that “Spirit Cooking” demoness Abramowitz) with which he is associated, it’s no surprise that Paedosta is one of his monkers.
Add to that the picture with the “Hand of the Mysteries” which they attempted to explain away with some sort of UN fisheries plan. Look up the definition of it. It has nothng to do with a hand, but a lot to do with a fish and a “missing member”, so to speak…
Here’s the pic:comment image
And a link to the definition (grey box at the bottom explains it all):
comment image


oops, I meant to pick up 2 for one tweets !!! here’s the 2nd tweet…
Thanks NF for posting the pool art… So much of Podesta’s art is difficult for me to see that I just didn’t go there.
Appreciate you going there 😉


The artwork over Gloria’s head got clipped at the top… it’s luciferian . Qresearch has a number of photos of other art in her home when Anderson was young. And there’re photos of Cooper’s home that are interesting to say the least. These people are ……..


just plain evil. There, I finished it for you.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yuck… is that “Storytime with Pee-Wee” on the left?


Yes, I learned about that, and those photos, at Neon Revolt’s website sometime last year.
There appears to be a point of diminishing returns to this kind of knowledge.
Q warns that the truth might not be for everyone. That never makes sense to me.
The much bigger problem is knowing, and not being able to do anything about it, to just be subjected to the insanity in perpetuity, without recourse.
Trump can do something about it.
All he has to do is pull the curtain back, because only he has a platform big enough to pull that curtain back, and the TRUTH, the EXPOSURE would destroy the Deep State cabal instantly.
Instead of a secret war between white hats and black hats, selfishly fighting each other behind the scenes, telling themselves that somehow they’re doing us a ‘favor’ by keeping us in the dark, they could unite roughly 7 billion people against the 0.000000000000001% of the world population that is causing 99.99999999999% of all the hell on this planet.
Telling us everything that is wrong, and everyone who is responsible, while SIMULTANEOUSLY telling us to DO NOTHING ABOUT IT, is beyond cruel.


I don’t care about Pres Trump’s tax returns…he was a private citizen up until he took office!


Love it… California mafia queen asking for POTUS’ records.
Be like Al Capone asking US Atty George Johnson for IRS documents…



When even the Hill finds your actions wrong….

GB Bari

It’s from John Solomon. As far as I can tell, John is the lone pro-Trump contributor to The SHill.


Who is EyeTheSpy? I read some of his posts months ago, and then I thought he had been discredited. I’m sorry, but I’m all out of patience with people who imitate Q. Is there something I’m not aware of that gives EyeTheSpy credibility?
The first two tweets, any “woke” person could have written. The last one, that Assange will testify, is HUGE. Why should we believe ETS? What credibility does he have?
Q says to be careful whom you follow.


Some people think it is Q’s back channel account.
I have no idea if that is true.
It’s just interesting stuff.


You might want to chill out, eh? Take it in, keep it in the back of your mind, and move on. All ANYONE is doing is trying to understand Q and the drops, not necessarily “imitating” Q. No doubt this person is the same.


Nope, no need to chill out. I found what I was remembering about EyeTheSpy. It is from Neon Revolt, who seems credible (although I don’t blindly follow anyone). These are excerpts from this post:
People keep asking what I think of @EyetheSpy (on twitter).
So… what do I think of him?
100% Fake.
As a general rule of thumb, anyone claiming to be intel, and who still communicates on twitter (complete with their tracking and censorship algorithms), out in the open, is a total LARP.
They also endorsed BC17, who Q called fake. (And no, Q was not talking about “the image” or a single post. The context was very clear and no amount of grasping at straws is going to change that. Q said BC17 was FAKE).
See, what these accounts do is prey upon folks who don’t want to spend the time, energy, or thought to navigate the actual boards, where all the real action is taking place. The chans are difficult, cryptic, and s-s-s-scary to outsiders (and intentionally so). There’s no shame in saying that. It’s partially why I write all the stuff I write – so that the masses can understand, without having to go through all the trouble. In that way, I’m like a navigator, or a curator, on top of offering my own decodes and such.
Twitter, on the other hand, is easy! Pretty much everyone can navigate twitter. So hopefuls latch on to these kinds of accounts when they pop up, in an effort to feel like an insider, like they’re contributing, or that they are now in-the-know.
They’re not, but the temptation is so strong, these accounts always inevitably end up reeling people in.
Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if EyeTheSpy actually is BC17 attempting to rebrand after shutting down the BC17 channel late last week. This way, he can clear any baggage and start over with his task of deceiving people.
Don’t fall for these clowns. They’re distractions.

Pat Frederick

i think i figured out the “typo” on POTUS’s schedule…California is a sanctuary state–so a SEAL team raids the Ecuadoran Embassy and extracts Assange who is then whisked to meet with POTUS in a sanctuary city–they get a 3 hour pow-wow…Assange won’t be reported, you know, cuz he’s just like any other illegal looking for a better life…
he gets protective custody while he testifies in front of a Grand Jury…


I do like the way you think Pat..
Excellent ! Makes sense to me…

Pat Frederick

LOL…it’s still snowing and I am staring out the window sighing…
gotta make up stories to make myself laugh…

Cuppa Covfefe

What was that famous musical tune?
There’s no business like snow business like no business I know…
Everything about it is just freezing, everything that shov’ling makes you do,
Nothing else could give that chilling feeling, when you are squealing and black and blue…


Pat Frederick
“i think i figured out the “typo” on POTUS’s schedule…California is a sanctuary state–so a SEAL team raids the Ecuadoran Embassy and extracts Assange who is then whisked to meet with POTUS in a sanctuary city–they get a 3 hour pow-wow…Assange won’t be reported, you know, cuz he’s just like any other illegal looking for a better life…
he gets protective custody while he testifies in front of a Grand Jury…”
Pat this is the best explanation I have read 🙂
I read someplace that the DOJ airplane had been seen flying to UK but has not returned. As much as I know it is still in the UK. Lets see if Anons report that the plane left from UK to US..? speculation.


“i think i figured out the “typo” on POTUS’s schedule…California is a sanctuary state–so a SEAL team raids the Ecuadoran Embassy and extracts Assange who is then whisked to meet with POTUS in a sanctuary city–they get a 3 hour pow-wow…Assange won’t be reported, you know, cuz he’s just like any other illegal looking for a better life…”
Because without lies and hypocrisy, the Left would have no substance at all.
It’s what they are. Pathological liars and hypocrites.
But even if it was possible, and we sent people to get Assange and smuggle him out of the Ecuadoran embassy, and flew him to California — because that’s the place you oughta be… why would the Goon Squad™ (politicians & their cronies) NOT report or attempt to detain Assange?
The only way that could happen is if the criminal political-class were true believers, people of principle and conviction who actually believed their own BS, instead of corrupt backstabbing opportunistic hypocrites, liars and traitors.
The only illegal aliens the Left protects and enables are those who serve their own selfish interests.
Assange is not in the category; if anything, Assange is a threat to the Left and their selfish interests.
Ergo, not only would Assange not be protected, his head would be served on a platter. Marina Abramović and all her favorite ghouls would then feast on Assange’s remains at a party only attended by the very best politicos and other waste products of the California celebrity-mill.
Let Them Eat Cake
November 16, 2011 • Los Angeles

Pat Frederick

not if POTUS pulls a Lynch…and Assange is escorted aboard AF1 for 3 hours…LOL to talk about golf and grand kids.
just teasing…I was not serious in my ramblings. unless it turns out to be true, in which case I totally was.




Trump Admin. tag-teaming today:


Tucker is fast getting to the point where I will not watch him anymore. WTH is he thinking by defending Joe Biden??!!??



Lefties are not the brightest bulbs in the box… which is why I label them DIMs.


I see a clarification on my part is necessary.
When I said Q was eventually going to go dark, I did not intend to suggest that would happen right away. I did use the word “soon”, however, and I can see how my meaning was misconstrued by some, especially when I also said “enjoy it while it lasts”.
To be clear, I don’t know when Q will go dark. What I intended was simply to state my belief that this would eventually happen and we would never know who Q is. I should have been more careful in my choice of words.
Moreover, I felt that with the victory of Herr Mueller’s report concluding his investigation was a giant nothingburger it was an appropriate time to congratulate Q, as this was and is….I feel….an important inflection point in the war (and this is a war, make no mistake).
Why? Because…IMHO…..Q made it impossible for Mueller to conclude anything else. Thanks to Q and the Q movement, too many people knew too much. Moreover, look to NZ and Australia to see how the enemy is responding to this important inflection point (see Wolf’s post above). They want to shut the Chans down and silence Q, BUT they can never admit Q is real….which is why the MSM will not ask POTUS if Q is real (see: PrayingMedic’s post on this).
That all said, and turning to the graph example I have used…and the idea that “soon” everyone would be talking about Q….I thought it obvious that Q would not go dark PRIOR to this taking place. What I mean is that most people would BOTH know about Q and believe Q….and the info Q shares….is real.
We know Q is real, and so does the enemy. They need to silence Q, which is precisely why Q won’t go dark right away.
In sum, what I really meant to convey is the idea that, at some point, Q would go dark AND we would never know who Q is. It was a mistake on my part to include any mention of when that would happen.
Mea culpa.


“We know Q is real, and so does the enemy. They need to silence Q, which is precisely why Q won’t go dark right away.”
We (i.e., everyone) know Q is ‘real’, it’s SOMEBODY.
What we don’t know — for absolute certainty — is who Q is.
Some claim Q is a LARP. Others claim Q is a hostile psy-op. Others claim Q is part of the Trump administration, and that Q+ is President Trum himself.
Most of us here have concluded that Q must be a part of the Trump administration, but until there is PROOF POSITIVE, Q remains a Unicorn that can (and will continue to be) be disputed by anyone.
Until there is PROOF, it’s all a giant exercise in “belief” vs. “disbelief”, which it was always going to be, until or unless DJT confirms or denies it.
Until there is proof, those with a vested interest in denial are just as enabled in their ability to live in denial as we are in our ‘belief’.
It is a ‘dividing line’.
But without proof, there can be no resolution, no end to the dispute, no end to the division.
And there must be an end.
That end can only be achieved by revealing the truth.
It is the only way to stop the mouths of the liars and deniers.
“In sum, what I really meant to convey is the idea that, at some point, Q would go dark AND we would never know who Q is.”
If that happens, I would consider it a betrayal. Not only of Q’s own word, but of everything Q claimed to be about. So, you could be right, but I hope you are wrong.
Q Post #920 :
Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5b7643 No.614093 📁
Mar 10 2018 14:05:58 (EST)
You are learning.
How many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?
Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here.
Why won’t ‘they’ ask the question?
Q post #1643
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: f240d5 No.1952583 📁
Jun 28 2018 23:18:21 (EST)
We are waiting for a reporter to ask the ultimate question.
What are they waiting for?
They can end this at any time simply by asking POTUS, right?
We may have to ‘force’ this one.
Anon says (boldface emphasis mine):
Anonymous ID: ffd993 No.1952748 📁
Jun 28 2018 23:25:43 (EST)
I almost hope they don’t ask. It would be fun to watch them try to manage the spin when 90% of the country is aware of you and all that you’ve been shining a light on, while the MSM still can acknowledge it.
I can see them squirming now..
Q replies, post #1644 (boldface emphasis mine):
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 03ac69 No.1953310 📁
Jun 28 2018 23:59:18 (EST)
It must happen.
Conspiracy no more.
Think of every post made.
It would force us to prove everything stated to avoid looking crazy, correct?
What do they fear the most?
Public awakening.
If they ask.
They self destruct.

They know this is real.
See attacks.
The build is near complete.
Growing exponentially.
You are the frame.
You are the support.
People will be lost.
People will be terrified.
People will reject.
People will need to be guided.
Do not be afraid.
We will succeed.
Timing is everything.
Think Huber.
Think DOJ/FBI reorg.
Think sex/child arrests / news.
Think resignations (loss of control).
How do you remove evil in power unless you reveal the ultimate truth?
It must be compelling to avoid a divide (political attack/optics)
We are the majority (growing).
Sheep no more.


Well I doubt that Stephen Miller would be talking to the WaMiner…so that leaves Kirstjen Nielson, or someone in her camp.
That is, if there really are any “sources”.
I’m sorry, but ever since the Examiner hired nevertrumper Fred Barnes, I’ve been giving them the side-eye.

Pat Frederick

I’m no legal expert and I didn’t sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night either, so forgive me for being confused by this. Nadler is threatening to go to court if Barr doesn’t turn over the full Mueller report and all the underlying documents. So who represents Nadler on this? (someone Barr appoints? or do they have their lawyers?) couldn’t the AG essentially keep appealing if Nadler won, thereby keeping the report from him indefinitely?


According to OT, Pelosi changed House rules and created/staffed mini DOJ under the House Dems to battle POTUS/DOJ to further impeachment efforts.


quote please…
House of Representatives is a legislative body… they can’t even enforce ISSUED subpoenas, much less battle the DoJ, which falls under the Executive branch.
Only rules’ change Nasty Nan made or can make is to rules of procedure, or procedures…

He’s been recycling this for months. Pelosi has stacked the deck for Dems. We saw yesterday where they subpoenaed Capital One bank records and didn’t (have to)tell Repubs. It’s gonna make you mad once you see what she did. 🤬🤬
♦ Also on page #5, House Speaker Pelosi also removes the rule requiring a 3/5th majority vote to raise middle-class income taxes. This paves the way for Democrats to raise income taxes by a simple majority vote.
♦ Following with the investigative plans for impeachment; and in conjunction with all new powers granted to a massively expanded group of House lawyers with new and expanded power; page #7 has specific rules to benefit HPSCI Chairman Adam Schiff:
HPSCI Chairman Adam Schiff can now, autonomously, demand and instruct depositions from anyone, at any time, for any reason; and the House Intelligence Committee does not need to consider any possible scheduling conflicts for any of the targets, or have any republican members present therein. [Schiff granted far more power than Nunes.]
♦ Page #9 is the beginning of a very interesting new power being granted to an expanded office of House Legal Counsel:


Just because Nancy stacked the deck in the House does not necessarily guarantee their success because we still have the Senate. They will be able to get away with shady “investigative” and committee practices, but not actual legislation, as long as Yertle and Co stay awake.


This is also why Jordan and Collins have been fussing the past few weeks at Nadler and Schiff. Besides hypocrisy and lack of decorum, procedures and rules are now FUBAR.
We just gotta endure, keep fighting back, and retake House in 2020.

Pat Frederick

thank goodness…I thought maybe the taxpayers would be paying for this farce…
(do i even need a sarc tag?)


Jim Jordan reminded us a couple of days ago (he’s on Nadler’s committee) that Nadler called for Subpoenas but he HAS NOT ISSUED them… and probably won’t.
Nadler is the loud mouth… ignore his words, they have no force behind them. Nadler ain’t gonna win nuttin’
Whatever Barr releases will destroy the DIMs, including Nadler.

Pat Frederick

thanks phoenix–I was just wondering how it all works–I mean wouldn’t they need a REASON to subpoena records? the law can’t permit fishing expeditions, can it?


well, the SC investigation was just that, right? A fishing expedition.
Which is why POTUS continues to ask “How did this hoax get started?”

Pat Frederick

true, yes, but I mean with legally protected documents–tax records, banking records, even health records. all people have 4th Amendment rights…
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.


Pat Frederick
“I’m no legal expert and I didn’t sleep at a Holiday Inn Express last night either, so forgive me for being confused by this. Nadler is threatening to go to court if Barr doesn’t turn over the full Mueller report and all the underlying documents. So who represents Nadler on this? (someone Barr appoints? or do they have their lawyers?) couldn’t the AG essentially keep appealing if Nadler won, thereby keeping the report from him indefinitely?”
I believe I read couple of months ago that the Congress hired lawyers who worked before in the DOJ.
This was said when democrats gained the House and Nadler espoused going after POTUS they also hirert investigators. They are out to get President Trump and they pull out all they got.
This is abuse in Congress toward a legally elected President.
We can Ryan and those Republican Congress men who were anti Trump and snubbed their noses at the American people.



Ronna goes there…..

Pat Frederick

My goodness! Talk about jumping off the deep end…..this beyotch is nuts!!!!
“This is the international lawyer filmed ranting at Air India staff on a Mumbai to London flight after she was refused alcohol – leaving other business class passengers holding hands in terror.
Simone O’Broin, 50, was arrested after she was caught on camera shouting abuse at male and female cabin crew and demanding another glass of wine.
At one point in the footage, she is seen yelling: ‘I work for all you f***ing people… The f***ing Rohingyas, the f***ing people of all Asia, for you, I’m an international criminal lawyer.
‘Don’t get any money for it by the way. But you won’t give me a f***ing glass of wine, is that correct?’.
The shocking incident took place on an Air India flight from Mumbai to London Heathrow last Saturday.”


“Robert Mueller Did Interview President Trump Regarding Obstruction Case” – this is at CTH, 4/42019.
I simply would like some opinions, because the view taken, indicates with a certainty, that Mueller, Rosenstein and Sessions were all bad guys. That said, 1) Why are Mueller and Rosenstein going through the Mueller report together? 2) Someone in the comments (among many) attach the word “treason” to Sessions, but then, it would have to be attached to all of them – and frankly, I don’t see POTUS keeping around anyone guilty of treason… 4) I still don’t believe that POTUS was interviewing Mueller for the FBI job – it been made clear he couldn’t serve in that position again. At least, not without special legislation. Right?
Furthermore, last night it occurred to me, had anyone given any thought to the referencing to “grand juries” in the Muller Report? That was kind of a lightbulb moment for me. I mean they’re going through the report to redact, for protection, grand jury testimony – this would be not only for names, but whatever they’re investigating. Right?
I think the article is worth reading, because it’s important to know the data points out there, and we can analyze them objectively.


I trust POTUS. POTUS has said that Sessions picked RR and that’s why he nominated, he wanted his Sec’s to be able to choose their own staff. POTUS has said he didn’t know Session’s was going to recuse, if he had, he’d of picked someone else. That was a huge letdown, put unknown RR in charge of his 6, with an SC shot to the back. I also agree Sessions did the honorable, ethical thing by recusing, which none of the other scoundrels would ever do. Sessions was also great on crime, immigration, and everything else he did, btw. Sessions is not a traitor. The coupe plotters trapped Sessions, which trapped POTUS.
The small group planned the SC and picked Mueller (Comey/McCabe plan). The lovers texted about RM. I think RR is a weasel and bought McCabe’s POTUS is a Russian agent, we need to investigate story. He also had no backbone and relented to SC because of Dems screaming. Mueller did interview for FBI as far as POTUS knew (and has stated), but RR and McCabe had something different in mind. If POTUS had hired RM as FBI Dir, he would’ve carried out McCabe’s obstruct investigation and might’ve got got.
I think RR finally realized he got everyone into a big mess, tried to protect it for a while(Russian indictments), realized he couldn’t, then tried to resign his way out of it in October(AF1). POTUS refused to let him leave without cleaning it up, threats of declass helped to persuade. Same with Barr, RR needs to help clean it up, then he can leave. RR’s supervision of Mueller provides continuity of investigation, thereby claims of someone shutting Mueller down fall flat.
Mueller was insurance policy to impeach Trump, cover up spying, crooked Hillary, and Obama crimes so they don’t all hang. They got busted. Time for punishment.


Regarding Sessions, during his confirmation hearings he was asked if he would recuse on Russia-election investigations, and he indicated he would. That’s why I’ve never quite understood POTUS’ surprise when Sessions recused. The other reason for Sessions recusing, was he was under investigation as well?


Maybe POTUS didn’t watch, I dunno. He said he didn’t know, several times now. They were really tough on Sessions during that hearing, he was rattled by the Russian stuff, and pissed about the accusations. I think Sessions is honorable and by the book. Since he worked on campaign, he could not ethically be part of an investigation into it. He’s one of few with those ethics. I get it. I think the other side counted on his ethics. They would’ve drug him through the mud until he recused. Just like our side tried to do with RR and RM, and the 13 angry Democrats. Every last one of them had conflicts. DC is a swamp!!!


Right. I always believed that Sessions had to recuse since he was part of the campaign.


Sorry for jumping in the middle of your discussion – just got home from work – but I have always believed the stuff PDJT says about Sessions is part of the “plan,” IOW, disinformation, for that very reason – he said it during the confirmation hearing.


From the article above:
Flynn’s Defense Intelligence Agency produced a now-notorious 2012 report warning that CIA backing for Sunni rebels fighting Assad would lead to the rise of a new Caliphate movement, namely ISIS. The Obama administration threw its support behind the “Arab Spring” rebellion in Syria, ignoring the fact that Islamist terrorists led the opposition to Assad. This was reported exhaustively in specialist media, for example, Brad Hoff’s July 2016 essay in Foreign Policy Journal: Flynn humiliated the bungling CIA and exposed the incompetence and deception of the Obama administration, and got fired for it.


Not smarter, but smart enough to agree. :8->


THIS article reveals the CIA as the potential KEY to it all.
Makes PERFECT sense that Brennan would take lead on setting up the President and have the most to be worried about.
Oh yeah, Brennan was covering his hind end.
That’s it.
It was the failure of the Arab Spring, which Flynn warned about, Obama pursued, moving all the weapons to Syria, and causing the NIGHTMARE which became the migrant crisis in Europe.
It’s ALL Brennan’s fault, along with the Obama admin.


Daughn you forgot McCain. He was in the thicks their also.

JW in Germany

Exactly, Daughn! Fits perfectly that Obama would stick his own pencil-neck out to ‘warn’ President Trump about the ‘sketchy character’ Gen Flynn.
I could not find a pencil-neck emoji—BUT…….😎comment image


American Thinker reads HERE! not the other way around…😜😜


Arrest warrants for 16 Border Patrol museum vandals…

Sylvia Avery

Thanks for posting this GA/FL. Sickening.


Take note of their names…..
“Three California women are accused of running a $6 million food stamp fraud scheme where they illegally exchanged Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits for cash, prosecutors said.
Authorities arrested Maria Teresa Ramirez, 37, Maria Magdalena Salgado, 54, and Yessica Raquel Garay, 37, and charged them in connection with the scheme with food stamp fraud, NBC Los Angeles reported.
Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney Michael Fern said that Ramirez, Salgado, and Garay are all accused of trading SNAP benefits for cash and collecting money from the fraudulent SNAP transactions.
All three are accused of pocketing $500,000 through illegal means.”


Pat thank you for posting the picturers 🙂

Pat Frederick

you’re welcome…
I have an awesome collection of photos myself…mostly my thumb and other people’s torsos…but totally cool…wonder if I could sell them to Biden if I add a “scratch and sniff” feature…??


The 2020 Democrat Presidential Contender Field
Little Schlock Of Whore-ers

Pat Frederick

well Biden is certainly screaming “SEE MORE”…lol or maybe that should be smell more

Pat Frederick
Gail Combs

….Julian Assange….
Didn’t the Anons who track planes just se a DOJ plane in London UK??comment image
I hope this shows:comment image
It has a WikiLeaks tag on it!

Gail Combs

This is the URL comment image
Just in case the second picture doesn’t show. (I do not see it on my computer)

JW in Germany

I think it will be a HUGE political blow-back—or WORSE—if the Brits try to go hard on JA. They have their hands full with Tommy Robinson. Are they so stupid to add pressure to that rumbling volcano?

Pat Frederick

so now Sandy from the “hood” (aka Pompous Little Twit) thinks she’s Martin Luther King Jr?



My question is why did he start building the wall in California instead of Trump-friendly Texas?

Pat Frederick

i think cuz it would take the Dems a little while to try to stop him–so start where the resistance is the worse and power thru, knowing if you get stopped, you’ll be close to Texas and Texas will do it on their own…lol
I think they started with refurbishing existing wall to be honest…


Dunno. Perhaps partially as indicated above, get the all going, including renovation before D-Rats can mobilize efforts to impede.
– High visibility areas. California, El Paso, Yuma (?) and a few others I can’t recall. Publicity. In the news, maybe bad guys go elsewhere or ideally not at all.
– Terrain. Relatively flat (I think), no river…
– There are also wall building efforts ongoing in Arizona and Texas.
– Fed contracting is charitably cumbersome, so spread the contracts geographically, differing offices process.
– Contractor capacity to take on work, on schedule…

JW in Germany

That just ticks me off!!! Even on Duck Duck Go you can see how thoroughly the Deep State Media has smeared Patriot Congressman Jim Jordan’s fantastic wrestling career! If you type in ‘jim jordan wrestling’—the page is nothing but links to the Fake wrestling scandal.
So if unwitting wrestling fans want to know something about Jim Jordan’s stellar wrestling career………🤬🤬🤬

JW in Germany

Although the results were predominately negative—DDG did at least lead the list with an article from that was a great rebuttal.

Deplorable Patriot

I agree. I really wish he would wear his suit jackets and not be so hyper in his speech, but Jim Jordan’s wrestling career was fantastic.

Deplorable Patriot

comment image?_nc_cat=1&_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-2.xx&oh=4911ee84577557f5e051da2cf298a1c3&oe=5D3C0965

Deplorable Patriot

Wolf can you delete this comment? Meme based on convoluted information.


I kinda love this post! Click on and click thru…Falling.In.Place.

Deplorable Patriot

The two drops involved are 1008 which is part of 1009 posted below.
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 8071a4 No.894110 📁
Apr 4 2018 15:05:21 (EST)
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 8071a4 No.893904 📁
Apr 4 2018 14:52:00 (EST)
It was not supposed to be revealed POTUS is not under criminal investigation _ NOT YET.
Massive intel sweep.
Manafort was a plant.
Trace background.
Open source.
Who was arrested?
Non US.
Trace background.
Open source.
Carter Page was a plant.
Trace background.
Open source.
Why is Mueller going after ‘inside plants’?
Flynn is safe.
Define ‘witness’.
Can a ‘witness’ hold a position of power/influence while ongoing?
Russia Russia Russia?
Real or fake?
Seth Rich?
MS_13 187 [2] -24 -Distance?
MS[13][13=M]MSM – The ‘Wheel’
No investigation into WL receipt of information?
No pull down of NSA metadata trace/C to WL?
No pull down of NSA metadata period?
Nothing transferred across web?
Direct-to-Direct bypass dump?
No ‘direct’ investigation into DNC computer/software?
No ‘direct’ investigation into CS?
FBI/SC/DOJ/FED G simply TRUST CS’s report on data breach?
HUSSEIN block?
HUSSEIN control?
Awan attached?
Cheatin’ Obama.
Trust the plan.
Troops to Border.
Clown Black Ops.
Private funds.
Raised how?
Troops @ Border does what?
To who?
D’s involved.
MS_13/Illegals road block.
Sex traffic road block.
Children road block.
Drugs road block.
Guns road block.
China/Russia pass-through-intel-pull road block.
Name we don’t say AZ road block.
Jeff Flake AZ road block.
Big money TERMINATE.
The WALL means more than you know.
The FIGHT for the WALL is for so much more.

Deplorable Patriot

Okay, so as I’m reading these drops a year later, roadblocks McNoName and Flake have been removed, the plants have been convicted for a greater cause most likely to be pardoned later, and the Julian Assange rumors du jour may well be just that. Rumors.
May you live in interesting times….


(Waving Hi to Patrick)


SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Next week, Congress will be saying “nya nya nya nya nya” with their fingers in their ears.



I now CANNOT see a picture or video of Biden without seeing him Creeping on himself…🤣🤣🤣🤣

Pat Frederick

too funny!!!


Pat–Simply not possible…and he’s NOT Sorry “for anything he has ever done.”


Deplorable Patriot

One of the things I really like about VSGPDJT is that he is the sort of leader who takes his team along for the ride and gives them all the credit they deserve, and doesn’t take all of it for himself.
Before this year, I would have never stood up for Kevin McCarthy, but since he is still there, and President Trump is working with him, there’s something out there we don’t know.


WOW! Can’t make this stuff up!

Deplorable Patriot

Enjoy the show indeed.


Biden gives touching defense of his proclivity.
Fondles child with permission.


EEK!!! Patrick! I’ll take “lack of self-awareness for $1000, Alex.😜🤣🤣

Sylvia Avery

That was disturbing.
When BO made Joe Biden his VP, I thought to myself, “Oh. That is BO’s insurance policy. ‘If you get rid of me, you get this buffoon folks, so think about that.'”
With time and distance, my distaste and complete disregard for Joe Biden has faded a bit, but it’s all coming back to me now.


Like most VP choices, Biden was the pick because of his influence in the Senate.
That, and preserving the centrist democrat votes for future campaigns.




We Love Trump!



A tragic consequence from the promotion of normalizing mental illness.




Hadn’t thought of it in that light, PHC, but you’re right. Hubby and I have had interesting discussions regarding homosexuality. I can understand it more in men, and not able to picture it for women, and he thinks the opposite. Understands it more for women, and rejects it for men.
Regardless, perhaps the old rule of not letting homosexual couples adopt, especially 6 children, may be society understood instinctively, that it wasn’t a healthy start for a family. Heterosexual families certainly have problems, but they’re not starting out with the internal issues of what’s going on in a homosexual relationship.


It’s fucking sick child abuse,…………sans eloquence.


That is because neither of you can imagine yourselves in that position – indeed, it is deeply uncomfortable to even try to. JMO

Deplorable Patriot

Heartbreakingly awful on a number of levels.


President’s motorcade in California.


Foreign Agent


Election Meddling

Sylvia Avery





Merkel will soon be gone… according to my tea leaves.


Not soon enuff. Those two sure know how to leave a wake!!!🤯🤯🤯

Pat Frederick

“leave a wake…”
more like a ring (like in a toilet bowl)

Cuppa Covfefe

Probably discussing where to move to in New Zealand…
PIcs of Merde-cow and Øblowhole are all over the Yellow-Stream Media over here…
Turds of a feather float together…
(sorry, but I REALLY can’t stand either one of them)…


RSBN covering President Trump CA visit:


Golden State is also live:
Stream is glitchy on both.


OANN -POTUS live roundtable NOW


Hold on…😳😳


‘Embrace’ maybe.
Joe’s probably drunk, and slurring his words


Yes, he said “embrace.”


“….make sure that if you rape someone…if you touch someone…it’s with their consent”


I heard him say those words G&C
Jan 2021 Joe Biden will be 79 years old… TOO OLD TO BE PRESIDENT !!!
He’s had a problem all his political career of putting his foot in his mouth…
Perhaps he has had a minor stroke ? or, has a touch of dimentia ?
His wife Jill should tell him it’s time to “spend time with the family” – leave politics alone.
But then, considering they are tools of the Deep State, Biden’s not free to make that choice…???
How do human beings get their lives so screwed up?

Steve in Lewes

IF, he puts Stacey Abrahams on the ticket as VP, and……
IF they would win (hahahaha),……
woudn’t surprise me that their long term plan would be for Joey to resign within a year
of inauguration and make her president…
btw, that gives me the shakes just typing that !


that’s what I heard too FG&C…He’s TOAST.

Curry Worsham

He said ” ‘brace someone”. He just swallowed the “em”.
Better sound:


LOL..Thanks Curry…I thought for sure drunk or mini stroke or something…


A wall with holes for hydraulic doors to be inserted, but NEVER were… so a wall built by 2 ex-presidents with open holes……….
Du’h !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


start about 2:20 … he takes a while to tune guitar, he’s a drummer 😉


.. few yrs back the wife and I visited Nawlins, in the plan all along was a visit to Houma for a day or two of red fishing.
It just didn’t seem right not to visit Tab Benoits place for some live music after dinner while there.
As the ‘regulars ‘ filled in we began recognizing a mix of musical greats from the area, Neville bro’s etc..
Once Tab had things warmed up and gettin funky in true swamp’ian style, in walks Jimmy Thackery formerly of the DC based Nighthawks , and his blues- infused rockin Stratocaster ..
At this point the wife and I were beginning to understand we had the best seat in the house ,
.. a small group of tables in what now was the dance floor, as Tab and Jimmy jamming LIT the place up .
Tables began disappearing all around us and stacked out back and the dancing started!
..apparently we were the last to know the plan. An absolutely unforgettable evening .
The Red-fishing is pretty outstanding too !


That’s my kind of day.
Blacken’ Redfish( maybe with some craw daddy’s on top) with all the trimmin’s. Yum!
And then a little of blues for desert.
Lucky you 🙂

Sylvia Avery

What a fabulous memory! Thanks for sharing it with us.


For President Trump to withdraw Vitiello’s nomination due to paperwork, must mean something dishonest has occurred.


Word is, Miller went to Trump and said Vitiello was not fully in favor of closing the southern border.


I wish Miller would suss out more of these folks…


A full time occupation itself.
Given the swamp pool of candidates.


I read here (I think) yesterday that he sent out some derogatory Tweets about PDJT and called him a loser or something like that.


POTUS: We are FULL. Everything is FULL. Turn around and go home


Sounds like the President has given Border Patrol permission to hang a NO VACANCY sign and close the door to any more asylum seekers!
This will work.
Also stop catch and release – this will stop the caravans if they know they can’t get in.


POTUS can’t change the law.. he can’t change catch and release, just as he can’t change lottery, etc. Congress has to…
wrt Catch and Release … Congressman introduced a bill (doa) to change DIMs version
In 2015 another Republican Congressman introduced a bill to change (doa)
DIMs put Catch and Release in Immigration and Nationality Act – in 1965 –


President Trump can’t change the law, but he can suspend new immigration. Period. NO VACANCY.


El Centro made a plaque from a piece of the wall (steel), inscribed and presented to POTUS. All their numbers have decreased dramatically since their 30ft Wall was built.


A really thoughtful gesture…


Subversion/Perversion R Us
2020 Democrats


Very descriptive Patrick…
make a great meme


Hi phc
Did you see your poem, OT? a certain dutchess wrote it for you…. yesterday.
I have been in and out, nursing a stupid head cold the last couple days….


Saw her reference.
A little behind in my reading.


Ok… Me too.

“President Trump on Tuesday announced his intention to nominate Jeffrey Rosen, currently serving as deputy Transportation secretary, to be the No. 2 official at the Justice Department.”
“Jeffrey A. Rosen is the 21st Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation. In this role, he acts as the Department’s Chief Operating Officer and advises and assists the Secretary in leading the Department’s Operating Administrations and more than 50,000 employees.”


AOC gets her jive on…………….


Pander We Much

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. AOCD is obviously a graduate of Hill-the-BEAST’s “grad-u-ate” skool of eBonics…
Kind of fits. The eBonic plague…
Her pander bears watching – watching it go back to her coffee shop, or the klink, after she’s nailed for election and other violations…

Sylvia Avery

I just never get used to her. I watch open-mouthed every time and think WOW. Wow.
She repulses me in every possible way. From her prominent teeth to her bug eyes to her voice to her word choices and speech pattern to the dumb things she says to her communist ideology, you name it and I recoil in revulsion.
And it amazes me that while I view her with such distaste there are those who think she is just as cute as a bug’s ear and bright and passionate and I don’t know what all.
She’s a phenom all right.


Hem lock

Sylvia Avery



She’s the shallow man’s dream.
And pours the drinks.

Sylvia Avery

Reminds me of an old, old joke. Something about if only the top of her head was flat so you could set your drink on it.


Or some velcro on her bottom when discoursing from behind……………………………

Sylvia Avery



One side for the ashtray…………………
Old multitasker

Sylvia Avery

Terrible man!



Sylvia Avery

Just one of your many lovely qualities, PHC!


Every good man has a little pig in his DNA

Sylvia Avery

Ha, ha, true that. It is part of the charm!


A good roll in the mud is very therapeutic, for all participants…………………

Sylvia Avery

I’ve painted myself into a corner.
As a woman of impeccable refinement, I have to self censor every time I try to reply to this comment.
And so, I will bow to the master and salute you, sir!


You’re like a great mystery, Sylvia…………..
Never solved.

Sylvia Avery

Ah, that’s lovely! So much better than being told I remind you of Hercule Poirot.


Were I not happily committed , I would watch paint dry with you anytime!

Sylvia Avery

Right back at you, PHC!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

And the boobs aren’t all that big…for Pete’s sake Pelosi’s were better back in the Pleistocene.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Back when she and RBG were visiting the “not-dead-yet” sea…

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

More like “Not Yet Even Born” Sea


But she’s the new cankles. Just check out the dancing video, or any photo in a skirt. 😂


She’s a tramp.
But one who caught on to the highest paid way to screw people…………………………….
Get elected to congress.


Yeah, I don’t get it, either.
She looks like the child of Mr. Ed and some kind of bug-eyed frog to me. And her way of speaking is just STUPID. She is about as bright as a 7-watt light bulb.
I think mostly men think she is cute, and that is partly social programming, and partly biology. And sadly, I think some men just like their women dumb as a bag of hammers.

Sylvia Avery

She could be cute, except she has the crazy eyes and she looks like she bites. And she speaks like a not very bright kid who is trying oh so hard to be a grown up.
Men are, well, men God bless them. But what is wrong with grown ass women who purport to admire her???? SMH.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I’ve seen pictures of her where she looks presentable; tolerable body, face looks good.
Invariably, she’s not talking when the picture is taken.
Mind you, she’s unpresentable while talking even without knowing what she’s saying because the horse teeth and eyes come out.

Sylvia Avery

Maybe that’s what it is. When she is in repose she is attractive, but when animated by speaking all I can see are bulging eyes and teeth that make me think of the zombies on The Walking Dead.


LOL! Hilarious!


She made an aside to a “Reverend” …
The black ministers have kept black people in chains for far too long… (ask Candace)
AOC is saying “I have a college education and the best I could do was bartend.”
AOC is saying “It’s okay to do menial work… don’t aspire to have more. Be satisfied with the crumbs we give you.”
Candace has challenged AOC to a debate… AOC refuses.


When does she ever have time to be a congresswoman? LIke legislate?? She makes me sick.

Molly Pitcher

welp, that was disgusting. Do blacks never tire of white pols taking on fake accents and pretending to be one of them? It’s insulting.
That girl has become a bona fide charlatan. Shape shifter. I’m so sick of her condescending bullshit, endless exposure.


There’s no turning back now, the bullshit can’t hide itself anymore.

Gail Combs

The Matrixxx Grooove Hour With Praying Medic (2 hour Youtube)
It had a couple of interesting points.
@ ~ 12 minutes Praying Medic talks of a Q proof that blows me away.
Q on about the same day AG Sessions appointed Huber poses a question of how can you have indictments in the DC swamp? That melts into a segment at 26 minutes of WHY the attack on Q, although they do not phrase it that way. The problem is as Q said — “You are the News”
Praying Medic explains that it is up to us to educate the public at large as the Mueller report comes out and then the Clinton Foundation and the ‘even worse’ that Q suggests and THAT is why they want to shut us down so bad.


this was retweeted by someone,,, but I thought it was a very good summary op ed by a patriot!!


Congressman Nunes wrote this,,, if I was not clear… his own op piece…. If you ask me this is not really opinion, it is really news… hmmmmmmmmmmm

Sylvia Avery

“Nancy Pelosi is really proud of her brand-new tool, a recently rediscovered section of a 1924 law, to get access to the last six years of Donald Trump’s tax returns…
While there no doubt will be legal action by President Trump’s lawyers explaining that this is an abuse of the oversight function of Congress since it is aimed purely at him, there is a danger of a rogue, Trump-hating judge going along with it and refusing a temporary stay during appeal.
While the legal avenue ought to be pursued, I have another suggestion.
Senator Orrin Hatch, chair of the senate Finance Committee, should announce that if the House Ways and Means Committee pursues Trump’s tax returns, it will go after Nancy Pelosi’s tax returns, and for good measure George Soros’s, Tom Steyer’s, Dianne Feinstein’s, and those of the top 20 donors to Democrat super-PACs.
That, more than anything else, should persuade the Dems that this would be a dangerous precedent.”


Orrin Hatch has retired. Mittens is now in that seat.

Sylvia Avery

You know, as I was reading the article I thought to myself didn’t Hatch retire? I just checked and Grassley is now the chair of the committee.
I don’t anticipate the Senate demanding tax returns, but by gosh they should.


Sylvia Avery

I hope the judicial system works for PDJT and some judge tells Nancy to go pack sand. That would be very satisfying.

Gail Combs

Oh, yes turn about is fair play. Want 6 years of tax returns??? (And you know that is about a million pages.) Well we want YOUR tax returns, Pigloosi, Schumer, Feinstein, Book, Waters….
We want to know HOW you made your millions, we already know how President Trump made his billions.

Sylvia Avery

Boomerang, baby.
PDJT has more courage in his pinky than most of us have all over.

Gail Combs

The man is incredible! I can not believe the progress he has made DESPITE all the obstacles tossed in his way.



y’all see what’s going on in the world ?


I’m so proud of Bella’s parents… they are advocating for her.
Sup’t tried covering up for teacher… said it never happened.
Bella’s father told him publicly that he was wrong to do that… to in effect call his daughter a liar.
Not enough parents are standing up for their kids. If they were, this would not be happening.
I once took my daughter’s 3rd grade teacher to the woodshed for correcting her poem. The assignment was to write a poem about summer activities, etc. Teacher used a red pen to change words. I took my daughter out of the class. Similar thing happened when daughter was in pre-kindergarten… teacher told her not to color outside the lines. I put daughter in another facility. She was there a few hours a week for time with peers (an only child)… who needs to have their creativity squashed, right?
in my humble opinion, ‘teachers’ should be psychologically evaluated before being allowed to influence our children.


She shares the same reasoning skills as AOC.

Molly Pitcher

Children of the Corn coming to a town near us….sheesh


BTW, I am not putting that child down… no.. AOC is the one that needs to grow up.,

Plain Jane

Perhaps you all remember this horrific situation. Remember the pic of the young black boy who hugged a white LEO and clung to him…..
“Jury: Hart mothers drugged, killed all six children by driving SUV over California cliff into Pacific Ocean
USA TODAY Elizabeth Weise,USA TODAY 17 minutes ago
“Jennifer and Sarah Hart gave their six children as many as 19 doses each of Benadryl before driving their SUV over a steep cliff and into the Pacific Ocean in the middle of the night last year, a jury determined on Thursday.
“The children and their mothers all died in the crash in California’s Mendocino County. The verdict was the first confirmation that the married couple had planned the crash that killed their entire family.
“The case has generated much interest, in part because the two white mothers and their six adopted children had been portrayed on social media as a happy, multi-racial family. Devonte Hart, 15, who was black, gained national attention when he was photographed in tears while hugging a white police officer during a 2014 protest in Portland, Oregon.

Sylvia Avery

This is a horrible story. Defrauding various states of public assistance funds, accusations of starving and neglecting the kids, and they moved from state to state to evade authorities and accusations. And this is how it ends up.

Plain Jane

It is. Insanity and larceny combined. Wonder if the authorities ever looked into their business when that young black boy clung to the LEO. It looked obvious that something was amiss when that pic was taken.


I remember hearing about that terrible murder suicide…. ohhh.. I believe this is that famous pic from Portland.
.I remember this too.comment image



Plain Jane

Yes. That poor boy was clinging on for help at that time already. I’m pretty tough, but that pic made me tear up back then. He has help me allover his face.

Sylvia Avery

I know what you mean. I keep gulping back tears whenever I look at his face.

Plain Jane

His life must have been a living hell.

Sylvia Avery

I know. It makes my heart ache.


OANN reporting that in addition to Stephen Miller, ICE Union Prez Chris Crane was against Vitello. Crane sent February letter to Homeland Security Committee saying he wasn’t fit to lead, lacked judgement and professionalism. He also had bad policies, stopped criminal surveillance, and was responsible for ICE agents dumping criminals into US interior. Was critical of POTUS prior to election, open borders guy.
No wonder POTUS wants to go in a tougher direction!!

Sylvia Avery

Well, time to put on the mac and boots and go forth into the wind and rain. My impatient pooch has progressed from licking my ankle relentlessly to making even more annoying soft woofs at me, so here I go. If I don’t reappear, you will know I have been washed down river.


If you’re not back soon, I’m sending a marine to look for you Sylvia…


And a shovel!!! 🙂 Good luck!!!

Sylvia Avery

Thanks pR, I was beginning to think I might need it. The wind really kicked up fuss. We cut the walk a little short as my fair weather friend doesn’t really enjoy the rain and cold either, even though she was wearing her parka that matches mine. 🙂


Oh no you didn’t! Matching parkas?

Sylvia Avery

🙂 🙂 🙂 I really did. I can’t believe I did that, but I did. What can I say? It makes me laugh.


Too funny! Love it!


Short story… We recently got a new neighbor… a lovely single woman,,, maybe my age… but we were somewhat dismayed when we saw her dog… a large boxer.. named Chloe. As it turns out, Chloe is wonderful,,, and, woot woot… very quiet… I believe that Chloe has been trained to go to the door and bark, when she needs to take a walk…

Sylvia Avery

Boxers are beautiful dogs. But I’d be nervous, too. I used to be utterly fearless around dogs, but working with reactive dogs the last ten years or so I’m extremely cautious now. It sounds like Chloe is well trained and that makes such a difference.


My niece has always had Boxers, she has two now. They are family dogs, want to be loved on, sooo good with kids. Shh, don’t tell anyone, they look fierce and bark is loud, but they’re big old lovable lugs!!! Another breed with same qualities and scary rep are Dobermans, they will babysit fiercely. Good protectors.


ALL breeds can make outstanding pets – it is the OWNER who is the problem!


Rasmussen new high, 51% approves of our POTUS 👏👏💥💥 🚀 🚀💥💥


Sylvia Avery

Wow, that was great info!


My eyes my poor eyes!!!
Gillette Venus Celebrates Morbid Obesity in New SJW Ad Promoting ‘Beautiful Women of All Shapes and Sizes’
How much more $$$$$ do they want to dump?

Cuppa Covfefe

Ann Coulter in a few years…


So they’re back on that now? It was all the rage a few years ago. It is anti-woman (or man) to tell people that an abnormally high or low weight is okay. They are doing a disservice to the women they are supposed to be championing (Leftists, that is; not sure about Gillette).

Sylvia Avery

Also to tell men who wish they were women that yes, yes, they really are women. Not good. Not healthy.


Over at the article, someone mentioned eating fruit loops out of a satellite dish. 🙄 It’s too pathetic to even make fun of. But really, there’s no way she’s shaving that mess. Sorry to be so blunt.

Gail Combs

King Gillette must be whirling in his grave to see what Procter & Gamble has done to his name. Colman Mockler, CEO from 1975 to 1991 is probably joining him. Mockler fought off three takeover attempts and died in his office. He was a very very good CEO and ran a very good company to work for. Gillette BTW was strongly Catholic back in the 70s and 80s. I am sure there are a lot of former employees cringing right now.



A very good point!


A former IT aide to New Hampshire Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan mounted an “extraordinarily extensive data-theft scheme” against the office, the culprit’s plea agreement states.
The plot included the installation of “keylogging” devices that picked up every keystroke. The former staffer worked with an unnamed accomplice, a then-current Hassan employee, who gave him a key that he used to enter the office at night and who allegedly tried to destroy evidence for him.
Jackson Cosko accepted responsibility for the events revealed by federal prosecutors in court Friday.
Cosko, fired from Hassan’s office in May 2018 for undisclosed reasons, gathered dozens of gigabytes of data, including entire network drives, and sorted it into folders including one called “high value.”
He was then hired by Democratic Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, giving him access to the House computer network.
Read More:

Cuppa Covfefe

Convenient “victim”?
Could be a FF?

Sylvia Avery

This is the aide that doxxed the Republican senators during the Kavanaugh hearing.

Sylvia Avery

Oh, yes, I remember THAT! It seemed pretty significant at the time, didn’t it? Hmm….this could be the link.

Sylvia Avery

I would take real, honest pleasure in watching DiFi do the perp walk, or maybe having a SWAT team descend on her home in the middle of the night for a no-knock raid and watching her be led to the back of a cruiser in her bathrobe and slippers.

Sylvia Avery

I wonder if there is any connection between this story about the data theft/doxxer dude and the story someone posted here yesterday about the “Superintendants” of the House and the Senate being placed on Administrative Leave? Like they were careless with keys or access control or security maybe? Of course we don’t know because they didn’t tell us why.
The things that have come out about the House and the Senate and their staffers over the last two years have been really mindblowing. That Wolfe guy leaking info from the Senate Intel Committee to his side piece, the Awan Bros., and now this. What kind of a slip shod outfit are they running?

Sylvia Avery

I wonder who his unnamed accomplice is? Not the big fish, obviously.
This is some big time stuff. Blows the top of my head off, truly.


Germany was the worst, don’t want to help us if we need assistance. Eff them!!! I say we need to move the base to Poland. I believe someone mentioned Fort Trump? Has a nice ring to it😃



Sylvia Avery

I read an article on this story in the Daily Caller a few days ago, in fact I think I posted it here. This is one of those stories that makes my head explode, like the Awan brothers. And the more I learn, the worse it gets.


Shadow Government: Barack Obama Arrives in Berlin to Meet With Angela Merkel in Private


Can’t resist adding this pic!comment image


Thanks to the cyber fairy for the “fix”!

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s in every YSM rag over here!!!
Which one’s the stronger “man”…
Satan’s servants, indeed…


comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Possible caps…
The closer she gets, the badder he looks…
Marxism takes the worry out of being close…
You’ll wonder where the yellow went,
When you meet a crook ex-president…
What’s up, puddin’ ?
The Ø and the OH, NO!
(the comments sections over here are just SHREDDING them)…


You have one creative mind! My best laughs so far today…


Ah to be a fly on the wall…. I’m sure they’re crying on each others shoulder

Cuppa Covfefe

Flies are probably busy on their faces…
Lord of the flies, and lord(ess) of the lies…
Or, Shelob meets Gollum…




Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch was scheduled to take the deposition of John Hackett, a State Department records official “immediately responsible for responding to requests for records under the Freedom of Information Act” on Friday, April 5th.
“Turns out we had to delay today’s Clinton email deposition because the State and Justice Departments failed to comply with the court-ordered deadline for needed documents,” JW president Tom Fitton said in a tweet Friday evening.


How nice. My DMV didn’t have a flag hanging up or a photo of our POTUS. Of course not. Such ‘nice’ people.


Dear Mr. President, A Warning…
I write to you because I’m seeing something unfold that concerns you, and I have no way of knowing if you’re aware of it, nor have I seen anyone else mention it. That is, sir, you are being set up, a trap is being set for you, and unless you are aware of it, you may well walk into that trap eyes wide open.
It may not be in your briefing this morning, but the WikiLeaks organization has reported that high-ranking Ecuadorean state officials have told them Julian Assange will be expelled from their London embassy in a matter of “hours to days”. Now, I don’t know what your personal opinion is of Mr. Assange, maybe you think he deserves punishment for leaking secret files to the public.
Your personal opinion of Mr. Assange, however, is not the most important issue here, no offense. What’s most important to your own situation, as well as that of Mr. Assange, is that the people who are after him are the very same people who have been after you for 3 years, and who will double their efforts after suffering a huge loss due to Robert Mueller’s No Collusion report.
Read More:


Q has posted numerous times about JA, so I’m assuming that POTUS knows all about it and probably has something up his sleeve. We shall see.

Molly Pitcher

What’s that old saying…import the 3rd world and become the 3rd world?? A mere scramble through the fence into San Diego…
Fourteen violent deaths was the balance in less than 24 hours in Tijuana between Wednesday afternoon and yesterday morning in different parts of the city.


The class, which is officially titled, “Angry White Male Studies,” is being offered during the fall 2019 semester, is scheduled to be taught by Christopher Forth, the Dean’s Professor of Humanities and Professor of History. According to the course description, the class will explore “the deeper sources of this emotional state while evaluating recent manifestations of male anger” in Europe and the U.S. since the 1950s.
The University of Kansas did not return a request for comment from Campus Reform but one Kansas congressman offered his take on Twitter.
“Instead of a course to unite people and empower women, KU has decided to offer a class that divides the student population and could pose a Title IX violation by creating a hostile campus environment based on gender,” Rep. Ron Estes (R-KS) tweeted.
The University of Kansas Title IX office did not respond in time for publication when asked about the congressman’s tweet.
In 2017, the University of Kansas received $148,178,000 in federal research funding, according to a Campus Reformreport.


Poisoning minds and neutering, all in one setting.

Cuppa Covfefe

Knock knock…
Who’s there?
Neuter who?
Everyone I can…
(in his mind)
(or, neuter these parts, aren’t you…) (oops, that was worse)

Cuppa Covfefe

Wonder if they’ve given any thought to the REAL threat posed by angry Moslem “minds”…
Nah, didn’t think so…
I guess the SJW snowflake prof will Forth them to “think” like Marxists… stupid soy toy…


He does not discriminate!comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Bubble and squeak…
(folks from old Blighty might understand 🙂 )…
(I actually have this book – was looking for the one where Bubble had a flat tyre…)comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Or Bubba had tyre problems…


On April 8, 1994, Kurt Cobain, the lead singer and guitarist of the grunge band Nirvana, was found dead at his home in Seattle, Washington. Forensic analysis at the time, determined he had died by suicide three days earlier.comment image

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. Konwing the Klintoons…maybe he was one of the first Arkancides?


There were a lot of stories around his death. He was a messed up guy, not a good guy, but he had his moments.


Love seeing this kind of story about our GREAT PRESIDENT!comment image:large


comment image


Learning to be a cyber fairy…fixed it!


This is a very interesting thread by Greg Rubini.
Just to be clear:
there have been 5 (FIVE) Spy Operations on Trump, not just one.


The most vetted and maligned President in history.
And yet, he prevails.


Can’t touch this.

Molly Pitcher

Yup, what DJT has/is going through should scare the pants off any non-entrenched politician to run for POTUS. The fear and loathing from the swamp will go down in history as the most spectacular hoax ever ( *IF* we manage to succeed and history is still taught in the future ! )

Sylvia Avery

“How bad has Trump derangement syndrome gotten in Washington? Consider this: On Tuesday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was set to receive the 2019 Foley American Hostage Freedom Award, in recognition of the Trump administration’s work in releasing Americans held hostage abroad. The award is named for James Foley, the American journalist who was kidnapped and beheaded by the Islamic State. But at the last minute, the award was mysteriously rescinded and Pompeo disinvited from the gala that he had agreed to attend…”

Molly Pitcher

Ok..that’s childish, mean spirited and a thousand other f*cked things. They’re not “media” they’re activists, propagandists. This really chaps me and there’s not a thing that we can do about it. It just goes on and on and on.

Gail Combs

Just remember that President Trump and his ‘Wolverines’ KNOW we love and appreciate them. That is worth a heck of a lot more than some idiotic award from the Yellow Stream Urinalists!
I really doubt there has been an administration in the last hundred years where so many in the administration are KNOWN and appreciated by so many every day Americans. We can sit here and reel off the names of several of President Trump’s cabinet picks and tell you about them. Could you do the same for any other admin?

Molly Pitcher

Dropping this only because I love the name he gives her! Chiquita Krushchev hahahah

Sylvia Avery

Oh, I hope so! It is really, really good!

Molly Pitcher

lolol It’s a good one for her!

Sylvia Avery

Oh dear. I absolutely love it. That is fall down flat on the floor funny!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Well, I guess “Occasional Cortex” goes into retirement–unless she says something stupid even for her.

Molly Pitcher

The stupid runs very very deep so I think that she can and will say something massively dumb in the near future. 3…2..1
Remember when she was Jewish too?

Cuppa Covfefe

She deserves an address in Cuba, or perhaps Venezuela…
Then she’d be the (vapid) Vuvuzela from Venezuela…

Cuppa Covfefe

Well, since the leftards and SJW snowflakes SOOOO love hyphenated names, how about
Occasional-Cortex Chiquita-Khrushchev…


Chiquita Khrushchev
We have a winner.


America Intelligence Media has a great yt video called ultimate inspirational tribute to POTUS Trump by mateyproductions.
check it out


WOW! THis Bards of War THread!!

Sylvia Avery

Is it just me, or do you all get a little antsy and keyed up when we are in a Q drought? I keep checking for drops…


me too


Hi Syvia!! It’s been a very slow news week for what we are used to…I think that’s why POTUS tweeted Carpe’s funny meme! (that and it was just plain funny AND trolls all the right people).. Verrry “antsy” right now!🐜🐜🐜🐜🤣

Sylvia Avery

I know what you mean–when Q is on a roll it just exhausts me and I don’t even have to try to keep up with posting his stuff here like you have been doing!!! But reading it, reading interpretations, comparing it to other stuff. Whoo. It is draining.
And then after we’ve had a chance to rest up I’m impatiently waiting.

Molly Pitcher

Wow….and gulp. That thread. Please let Zero shatter into a million pieces

Gail Combs

I wonder if that is why Obummer is in the EU right now?

Molly Pitcher

It’s not for a leisure visit to catch up with dear old Angie.
He should be hangin fro the gallows

Molly Pitcher

The core of the corruption, the evil must be immense, well beyond the coup . That in itself is saying a lot since the coup was unprecedented
They’re black souled and not going to give it up. It’s going to have to wrenched away from them. PTrump has been dropping the word…treason. What we already know is treason but there must be much much more.

Sylvia Avery

I gasp every day, already. Much more of this gasping stuff and I’m going to need oxygen. Or tranquilizers. Or both.
Or take up drinking.


This Thread tells me O is NOT getting out of the TREASON charge! BY any stretch.. FIGHT ON!!!!!

Sylvia Avery

I never dared to dream that O would be held to account. It just seemed like pie in the sky. And now I believe it will happen, eventually.


Well here’s how Trump can lock in re-election tomorrow.
“When one tries to “reason” with a lefty democrat, remember you are dealing with a person that believes that a man can be a woman and a woman can be a man and that such a delusion should be encouraged, not discouraged. Discouragement of the delusion is considered immoral and bigoted.
Thus, our society has unnecessary dilemmas concerning bathrooms, athletic competition at all levels, and “pronoun” controversies subjecting ourselves to all manner of laws, rules, regulation and more needless government control.
Here is a suggestion to break the left’s ridiculous gender ideology and denial of biological reality.
President Trump should make a declaration that he is identifying as a woman.
The left will have to admit the absurdity of their gender ideology or accept and celebrate “Donna Trump” as the first woman President, thus beating Hillary, Liz Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Kamala Harris and Kirsten Gillibrand to the glorious goal of one of their “female firsts”.
Furthermore, if he remains married to Melania he will also be the first gay president and the first lesbian president. He will also be the first lesbian president married to an immigrant! What a most glorious event for the democrats to celebrate.



Molly Pitcher

Sorry but this is too good to miss. hahahaha (this is exactly how normal ppl see her little chats)


This the best they got?


It just kept getting better and better…comment image


It just kept getting better and better…comment image


LOL, that was great. And I love how, when she rips open the bag of popcorn, one piece pops up and sticks to her lip.

Harry Lime

We know who we are…and we know where we’re going…right to the ballot box!


G’ night to all…
here’s a little something to leave you with … one of our many Carolina treasures.

Gail Combs

One wonders why Obummer and MOOooochelle aren’t off at some tropical resort being waited on hand and foot.
Both of them struck me as straight up LAZY, so WHO stuck a firecracker up their rears? Obummer has done more work since President Trump became president than he EVER did in the eight years in the White House.

Harry Lime

Fear is a great motivator.



Wolfie– You must be shadowbanned heavily–Not seeing any posts from you!!!


Seriously!! I cannot find your tweets at all!!


I just have fun with my fake kids (Shem and K_ofeve)–They are in tune with Brian Cates and Epoch news ..young TRUMP LOVERS!!! They make me laugh every day!!! and so glad I found them!!!


I hope Jeff Sessions does take his Senate seat back: