Dear MAGA: 20190412 Open Topic

This FARKAS FAILURE FRIDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.

Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.

Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.

Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.

Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:


Our movement

Is about replacing

A failed


Political establishment

With a new government controlled

By you, the American People.

Candidate Donald J. Trump

Also consider Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


SOMEBODY has a BIRTHDAY coming up…..


Until then, check out the GREAT FLOTUS slideshow in THIS article:

And as a special treat, if you follow the link to Melania’s CHILDHOOD picture, there is another link to her SISTER’S picture!

Check it out!!!



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“On Thursday, several men in black suits, surrounded by a dozen cops, raided the Ecuadorian embassy in London and kidnapped Julian Assange. Moments later, the Department of Justice released a statement charging Assange with computer hacking “conspiracy” for allegedly working with US Army soldier at the time, Chelsea Manning. Assange was in handcuffs when he was brought out and as he was being dragged from the embassy, he managed to grab the book, Gore Vidal: History of the National Security State. As he was shoved into the van, Assange held the book facing forward so that it could be seen by the camera.”


Do I understand this correctly – Whoever removed Assange from the Ecuador UK Embassy, carried him so his feet would not touch British soil and thus be subject to arrest there?
Who has Assange?


Wowza,,,, I never thought of that…. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


and, since I am speculating… isn’t the statute of limitations on some federal crimes 7 years… funny, he has been in the embassy since 2012… June 19 to be exact…. hmmmmmmmmmm


Did his feet not touch British soil and is he on his way to the US of A right now?


It is mysterious… absolutely. Something about a jet over there,,, but that may be more “talk”.


Very good. I thought he seemed oddly stooped. Though, he doesnt look healthy. He needs fresh air, freedom, a shave and a haircut.


Yes… he does not look well at all. I am on the fence about some of this stuff… but,, Tucker had an interesting segment last night…
Here is the video… if it opens with a funny error… just wait a couple seconds…


Where did you read that? Regardless, he already appeared before a Judge in the UK so presumably he is in UK custody.


…. possibly working towards Seth Rich’s in formation … ?


The whole thing did appear staged for the cameras.
If the authorities had wanted to, they could have removed Assange and the media would never even know.
Somebody wanted everybody to know.

Harry Lime

When have you ever seen someone get arrested and be allowed to carry ANYTHING with them as they are cuffed and thrown into a vehicle? Even if arrested for the most minor of crimes in some small rural country town the local LEO’s wouldn’t allow that. At least that’s the case in the USA. And this man has supposedly broken major laws? That is just bizarre.


No onebin the U.S. is arrested with handcuffs IN FRONT. Hand are in back for safety reasons. In court you will see them in front.

Elizabeth Carter

How much computer information could Assange store in a book that size? Who received the book? Where is it now? Just asking.

Deplorable Patriot

“How much computer information could Assange store in a book that size?”
Glue the pages together and hollow out the inside, and you could get a couple hard drives and quite a number of memory sticks in there.

Gail Combs

VERY VERY good point Elizabeth. It would explain why he was allowed to have the book in his hands. (and the thumbs up signal)

Deplorable Patriot

The carrying was totally for show. He was technically front down and feet behind him. That was either planned or he really resisted before being picked up.


Logic asks annoying questions.
Annoying to the commie bullshit artists, that is.


Well said pgroup.


I don’t know what to believe about anything having to do with Assange. I appreciate the Wikileks release of the Hillary emails because they provided vital information we would not otherwise have had at that time, and that makes me want Assange’s nightmare to end.
Is the U.S. going to treat him well in exchange for information? Did authorities in the U.K. let him keep his book because they are involved in some kind of a deal, maybe with the U.S., regarding him? Is Pres. Trump and the U.S. holding something over the U.K. that will cause them to cooperate with us? Does it have anything to do with Brexit, or is it a distraction from Brexit? I read that Assange is fighting extradition to the U.S. If this is all part of a plan, is fighting extradition just for show because that’s the logical thing his lawyers would advise him to do?
I’d love some clarification from Q, but that might give things away to the wrong people.

Steve in Lewes

“Is Pres. Trump and the U.S. holding something over the U.K….”
UK was one of the foreign countries squealing about not declassifying documents on the attempted coup,


Yes, and of course they were heavily involved in the dossier and probably a lot we don’t know about. I’m curious about our relations with them and whether Pres. Trump has leverage that he is using. We’ll probably never know all the specifics.

Cuppa Covfefe

Did anyone catch the title of the book? Maybe there’s a message there. And as DP noted, were it a hollowed-out book, a lot of storage would fit. With profi-grade devices, that could be in the Petabyte range (although far from cheap).
Another thing that makes me wonder is in “Spookland”, nothing really is as it seems. Maybe there are multiple layers of deception and alliance here? 1024K shades of grey?
(Would be funny if it WAS a hollowed-out book, with “The Collected Works of Willliam F. Buckley” in it 🙂 )…


That is the game to keep us feeling exactly the way you feel, because how can you prove crap is buried in just more crap.comment image


Assange was secured. The question is — by whom?

Sylvia Avery

This just infuriates me, and it breaks my heart.
“Herman Cain is expected to withdraw his name from consideration for the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors after four Republican senators came out against his potential appointment, according to media reports Thursday night.
ABC News reported that Sens. Mitt Romney of Utah, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, Cory Gardner of Colorado and Kevin Cramer of North Dakota have all said they would not support Cain, sinking any chance he would be confirmed by the Senate.
Media reports said the senators were concerned about Cain’s position on interest rates and the possibility of scrutiny over past sexual misconduct allegations…”


Remember, EVIL on display serves a purpose for the good …
Romney be digging a hole down to the hot place.

Steve in Lewes

How about Sen.NoName2 ?


In other words, Cain is the man for the job! Guess we’ll see what happens.


Axelrod planted the sexual misconduct allegations. We KNOW that. We read Axelrod’s book.

A Fortiori

Cain has a unique skill set, solid business background and (despite the Smear), a solid reputation. And PDJT too knows about the Smear. I suspect this will not be where the Cain story ends.

Gail Combs

I certainly hope so. I very much want Herman Cain cleared of that smear and on the Feral Reserve board.


You said Feral!
It sounds like you ain’t taking prisoners any more.


I don’t think Herman Cain is going to withdraw, Syl…not this time.
They said the same think about Kavanaugh.
But he continued to fight…and he won.
That article was premature and probably written as psyops.

Sylvia Avery

I hope so.

Sylvia Avery

” Beto O’Rourke sold an apartment complex he valued between $1 million and $5 million to a campaign donor shortly before running for Senate.
The building needed significant interior improvements and the basement resembled a horror movie scene when Beto sold it, the current property manager told TheDCNF.
The new owners plan to “cash in” by making the complex “Beto-themed,” the property manager said.
Beto and his campaign donor have offered different explanations for how the sale came to be.
The month before he launched his Senate campaign against Republican Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke offloaded an El Paso, Texas, apartment complex that he valued in financial disclosures at between one and five million dollars.
The buyers were Patricia “Isha” Rogers and her husband, Steve Santamaria, public records show. Rogers is an old family friend and campaign donor for both Beto’s and his father’s political campaigns.
O’Rourke and his mother became co-owners of the building following the death of his father, former El Paso County Judge Pat O’Rourke, in 2001…”

Sylvia Avery

“The new director of the state ethics commission plans to subpoena bank records from the campaign of 2018 Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams and groups that raised money to help her in last year’s nationally watched race.
Former Douglas County prosecutor David Emadi, who started his new job Monday, also said his office will soon decide whether to prosecute the campaigns of Atlanta mayoral candidates…”–regional-govt–politics/new-georgia-ethics-chief-says-will-subpoena-abrams-campaign-records/MNo5bjAdixTbI4Xmpr6wfI/


Yesterday’s open thread, last page, top post….
Subject: 9/11
Let’s clear up some unmitigated BS right now.
First, given my profession, which the people who matter most on this board know, lemme just say this is total loony tunes bull caca:
“they have had the encryption keys to access the Boeing Uninterruptible Auto Pilot on all these planes because the encryption keys were sold out a long time ago.
the actual flights (#AA11, #UA175 and #AA77) were remotely commandeered using #BUAP autopilot and flown to W386A airspace 60 miles out over the Atlantic and vaporized using weaponized #SMACSONIC insulation.“
Now, I have neither the expertise or experience to talk about “controlled demolition” or other aspects of 9/11 conspiracy theory, but I can speak professionally and EXPERTLY to this part of it.
Here’s the thing: yep, the technology exists. Hell, Boeing even got a patent for it back in 2006.
Yeah yeah….I can hear you now….
“B-b-b-b-but FG&C, 9/11 happened in 2001.”
Um, yeah. Funny, that.
Wanna know something?
This technology was never and has never been deployed (installed) in any commercial aircraft, for any number of different safety issues, including the concern mentioned in the quote above (ie. being “remotely commandeered”).
Now, I can cite a number of different reasons why this is total and complete nutso bull caca. Take radio transmittions, for instance. You don’t think professional aircrew wouldn’t be talking to ATC if they couldn’t control their aircraft?? BS. Matter of fact, it is an FAA regulation (federal law) that if we have any flight control issue of any kind, we are to notify ATC immediately. Nothing is more serious to an aircraft in flight.
Wanna know something else?
Commercial airline radio transmissions are not encoded or encrypted. If you have the right kind of radio, you can listen in to any frequency we use. Not only that, but there are tens of thousands of aviation enthusiasts worldwide who do just that, and they record them, too. Heck, there are now websites that do it 24/7 on all known ATC frequencies.
So you wanna try to sell the idea that the affected flight crews WEREN’T making frantic radio calls, and that all the East coast AT controllers were somehow silenced after watching these planes fly 60 miles off the coast on their radar screens, and that no one would have recorded those radio transmissions?? AND even if they did, the conspirators would have known who they were and got to them before those folks got their recordings to a major news outlet? Or that the major news outlets were a part of the conspiracy and wouldn’t report mega-bombshell news like that??
This is already getting long so I’ll end with this. Does anyone here honestly believe that professional airline pilots wouldn’t know if the “Uninterruptable Auto Pilot” was installed on the aircraft they are flying? Here’s another question….what do you think we’d do….as a group….if we discovered that? Do you think we’d say “meh” and go ahead and put our butts in those seats anyway??
This is true tin foil hat ridiculousness. ALMOST as funny as the “chem-trail” pablum.
No…those planes WERE flown into the WTC buildings. No way they’d be able to keep all those ATC controllers quiet on something like that, nor the other airlines crews who heard the radio transimissions from the stricken aircraft, nor all the hobbyists who listen in and record them.
In point of fact, the whole 9/11 conspiracy theory fails simply because of the number of people who would both have to know about it AND keep quiet about it, to say nothing of those who would witness key aspects of it and have to be silenced or “read in” to the conspiracy.
Just because a very REAL conspiracy to effect a “coup” against PDJT actually happened doesn’t mean we need to (or should) revisit every crackpot theory out there. And this is one of them.
Lastly, I’m not going to debate or argue with anyone about this. Anyone wants to believe 9/11 conspiracy theory stuff, be my guest, but this piece of it…..”Uninterruptable Auto Pilot”… pure horse schiff. Total crap.
.comment image


I stand corrected.
Reflecting on your post I admit I can struggle with separating an idea from the person…..for instance, socialism or communism from the person who believes in it. How do I know that person can or should know better (ex: someone from NoKo)? Like everyone here, I can be challenged in separating a sin from the sinner, and often am. And when I fail I wind up condemning the sinner instead of limiting my condemnation to the sin (or idea) itself.
With your remonstration and the above in mind, I offer this edited copy of my post above, along with my sincere apologies to one and all.
Just a comment re: 9/11 theory and a comment I saw regarding same….
“they have had the encryption keys to access the Boeing Uninterruptible Auto Pilot on all these planes because the encryption keys were sold out a long time ago.
the actual flights (#AA11, #UA175 and #AA77) were remotely commandeered using #BUAP autopilot and flown to W386A airspace 60 miles out over the Atlantic and vaporized using weaponized #SMACSONIC insulation.“
I have neither the expertise or experience to talk about “controlled demolition” or other aspects of 9/11 conspiracy theory, but I can speak professionally to this part of it.
Here’s the thing: yes, the technology exists. Boeing even got a patent for it back in 2006.
That said, note that 9/11 happened in 2001.
I can also state with professional knowledge that this technology was never and has never been deployed (installed) in any commercial aircraft, for any number of different safety issues, including the concern mentioned in the quote above (ie. being “remotely commandeered”). I could spend an hour and bore you with a bunch of technical discussion about why I know this as fact, but I’m not inclined to write it all out so you’ll just have to take my word for it (or not).
Moreover, there are a few other reasons to question THIS PARTICULAR PIECE of 9/11 conspiracy theory.
Take radio transmittions, for instance. Professional aircrew would most definitely be talking to ATC if they couldn’t control their aircraft. Matter of fact, it is an FAA regulation (federal law) that if we have any flight control issue of any kind, we are to notify ATC immediately. Nothing is more serious to an aircraft in flight.
Also, Commercial airline radio transmissions are not encoded or encrypted. If you have the right kind of radio, you can listen in to any frequency we use. Not only that, but there are tens of thousands of aviation enthusiasts worldwide who do just that, and they record them, too. Heck, there are now websites that do it 24/7 on all known ATC frequencies.
In order to believe this piece of the theory, one would have to also believe the affected flight crews WEREN’T making frantic radio calls, and that all the East coast AT controllers were somehow silenced after watching these planes fly 60 miles off the coast on their radar screens, and that no one would have recorded those radio transmissions. And/or, if they did, the conspirators would have known who all of them were and got to them before those folks got their recordings to a major news outlet. And that the major news outlets were a part of the conspiracy and wouldn’t report mega-bombshell news like that.
What if their radios were disabled? Same problem. AT controllers would still see those planes on their radars, and hundreds of them would have to be silenced somehow. How plausible is that?
This is already getting long so I’ll end with this. Referring to a previous para. above, it is impossible that professional airline pilots wouldn’t know if the “Uninterruptable Auto Pilot” was installed on the aircraft they are flying. (See: boring you with technical details) That said, it also begs a question….what do you think we’d do….as a group….if we discovered that? Do you think we’d say “meh” and go ahead and put ourselves in those seats anyway?? No. Way.
Absent a more plausible theory that passes a professional airline pilot’s scrutiny, I have to believe those planes were flown into the WTC buildings. There is simply way the bad guys would be able to keep all those ATC controllers quiet on something like that (watching on radar screens, much less the radio comms), nor the other airlines crews who heard the radio transimssions from the stricken aircraft, nor all the hobbyists who listen in and record them.
In point of fact, the whole 9/11 conspiracy theory itself is very fragile simply because of the number of people who would both have to know about it AND keep quiet about it… say nothing of those who would witness key aspects of it and have to be silenced or “read in” to the conspiracy.
I’d also like to suggest that just because a very REAL conspiracy to effect a “coup” against PDJT actually happened should not necessarily mean we need to (or should) revisit every other conspiracy theory out there.
Again, I cannot speak to all the other aspects of 9/11 conspiracy theory, only this piece of what I saw written about it.

Gail Combs

Given how err..em ‘Dedicated’ to their religion islam Jihadists are. I have ZERO problem thinking that there were Jihadists trained and willing who flew those planes and killed the American crews.
That the 9-11 attrocity was a set-up to get the Patriot Act enacted is something I am fairly sure of.
The Patriot Act is a more than 300-page document passed 43 days later:
Passed House10/24/2001
Passed Senate 10/25/2001
Signed Oct 26, 2001
That means around ten pages a day were written, AND Edited (MAX of 31 working days)
Per Hubby typical technical writting (from scratch) is ~3 pages a day. IF the ‘Project was already planned.discussed and in the back of the head’ You can turn out 20 pages a day.
How many people were doing the writting? How prepared were they to write this law? WAS IT ALREADY WAITING for the proper Crisis?comment image


Of course it was waiting for the proper crisis. Just like ACA was sitting in a drawer somewhere, waiting, and it was a hell of a lot bigger than the Patriot Act.


I feel like I’ve been stirring up a real mess lately W
Sorry again.


Please keep bringing your offerings, whether I and others agree with them or not. If we don’t, it is up to us to respectfully and kindly explain why, IMO. The more people exposed means that many more minds are applying themselves towards solving these conundrums.
Lord knows, I am a natural-born troublemaker myself and I am far from perfect about that myself. But I have found that sincere and honest apologies are always accepted here in our den – we can all get better in some way.


Some of my best friends and family members are trouble makers, heck my better half is a trouble maker.
I can even get away with telling her that.


“The road back to free speech will be messy, painful, and rough. We have to be able to talk about things that we have not thought about for DECADES to see the truth again.”
Everyone is waking up to the fact that lies are all they have, we become victims when we stop questioning. But we are all waking up at different times, awake people are to help the ones that are just waking up. It’s just part of the deal of being blessed enough to be one of the early ones awake.
This blog has the best posters and best comments of any place I’ve ever been, even the discourse is enlightening. Only you know what pushed you to create this but I’m thankful it happened.


Makes sense to me and I’m way beyond things sounding weird or being wrong about something.


I never heard about any theory that the planes flew out over the ocean, as opposed to actually hitting the buildings, and your reasons why flying out over the ocean make sense.
Though not the part about the flight crew radioing ATC, because I have to assume that if an Uninterruptible Auto Pilot (UAP) exists, was installed, and then activated, then certainly it would include the capability of the UAP operator to shut off radio communications.
That (shutting down communications) would also explain why there are no distress calls from any number of mysterious crashes or disappearances (e.g., Malaysia Airlines Flight #370).
But there would be no way to prevent ATC from seeing the planes fly out over the ocean.
“Does anyone here honestly believe that professional airline pilots wouldn’t know if the “Uninterruptible Auto Pilot” was installed on the aircraft they are flying?”
How could we (non-pilots) know what a professional pilot would or wouldn’t know?
What is the size of a BUAP? Is it a microchip? How would a pilot know if it had been installed? Wasn’t it recently revealed that some Chinese microchip was discovered in the circuit boards of some widely used government-issued device (I don’t remember now, maybe cell phones, maybe something else)?
Depending on the size of the hardware required for a UAP, how would a pilot (or even a mechanic) know?
“Here’s another question….what do you think we’d do….as a group….if we discovered that? Do you think we’d say “meh” and go ahead and put our butts in those seats anyway??”
I don’t know. I know the natural response would be exactly as yours seems to be, you wouldn’t go near it.
I don’t doubt that commercial and military are working on perfecting pilot-less flying. It would save money (no pilots!) and the initial application would be non-human cargo delivery (UPS, Fed-Ex, et al.).
Considering the speed of technological development, and how ‘they’ routinely keep ‘us’ in the dark about as much as possible, who knows what they’re able to do, or how refined the BUAP technology has become since 2006? I certainly don’t.
“This is true tin foil hat ridiculousness. ALMOST as funny as the “chem-trail” pablum.”
That is an excellent example of another subject about which most people simply don’t have the expertise to determine what is true and what isn’t — which is WHY it makes for such a compelling ‘conspiracy theory’.
I don’t know much about chem-trail theories beyond knowing that it is a widely discussed theory. I haven’t taken a deep dive into it precisely because I cannot KNOW or independently DISCOVER what the truth is.
How would I even go about it?
There appear to be credible people who are absolutely convinced of some chem-trail theory or another, and there are credible people who say it’s tin-foil hat stuff.
I have no direct access to any of the evidence, I don’t have the training or background to do any useful analysis, and even if I did, I don’t have (or have access to) the kind of equipment that would be necessary (let alone access to military planes and commercial aircraft and whatever other aircraft are supposedly being used).
There is no way to PROVE one way or the other, in much the same way there is no way to PROVE one way or the other about Q. We have lots of evidence that Q is who he/they claim to be, but until or unless DJT confirms or denies, we cannot be 100% certain. And even if DJT acknowledges, we still can’t be certain, depending on what he says.
If DJT denies Q, that will only deepen the mystery, and raise all kinds of questions (one of the first being, if Q is not part of the DJT administration, then why have you let a rogue outside party represent itself as part of your administration for the last 16 months?
If DJT confirms Q, that will be easier to swallow, but the difference is that if DJT confirms Q, he will also be able to prove Q.
I’m a skeptic on chem-trails, but I also know that there is nothing people in power won’t do. Absolutely nothing. Whatever the mind can conceive of, people in positions of power have either done it routinely, or they are feverishly working on making it possible so they CAN do it.
Man is by far the most dangerous animal on this planet, so much so that there isn’t even a remote runner-up.
If the claims of chem-trail theory proponents are possible, then the likelihood that it is actually happening increases, simply because if something CAN be done, then it almost certainly WILL be done, as soon as someone figures out a way to either weaponize it or make money from it (or both).
And the longer it can be kept a secret, obviously the better.
How would John Q. Public confirm or deny chem-trail ‘theories’?
That’s the problem.
We all think we ‘know’ things, we all think we understand how the world works, right up until the point we don’t. Because most of us have had the experience of finding out that we were wrong about something we were absolutely sure we were right about, at some point.
Well, I think most of us have… I can’t prove it, I can only speak for myself 😁


edit / correction: “I never heard about any theory that the planes flew out over the ocean, as opposed to actually hitting the buildings, and your reasons why flying out over the ocean couldn’t have happened make sense.”

Deplorable Patriot

The people who tracked the planes on that day supposedly found that they were intercepted/crossed by military aircraft over land. Whether or not this was roughly when the transponders were turned off, I don’t know, but raw footage that was available before the scrubbing of cell phone videos shows “pods” on the bottom of the aircraft.
And…based on a number of factors from a physics perspective, I do question an aluminum plane having enough thrust to cut through steel.
Then there’s the cell phone calls. That’s a completely different kettle of fish and I have first hand experience that several carriers didn’t work at the top of the Empire State Building in March 2006. We were too high. So, there’s no way people could have phoned home from the planes.


Sorry but that’s wrong about unable to call from planes. AT&T (in the 90s) had phones in the back of the seats that were basically a sort of wifi that piggybacked on other frequencies. They were charging $5 per minute which was a fantastic amount back then.
The cell phones used by the passengers that called were govt issued and most likely had piggyback tech built in, since only national security peeps would need such expensive items.
Cell phone towers of the day were not involved in completing the calls because (as you say) they could not do so.

Deplorable Patriot

Yes, I remember those phones. BUT, the reports disagree that they were those sorts of phones. People from inside the industry have done whole videos on how the phones story was just that.
Just points on the matrix, but you get enough of them and the official government line starts to fall apart pretty fast.


Falling apart usually indicates an after-the-fact history rewrite that was insufficiently quality checked. BTW, all I was doing was challenging the “impossibility” aspects of your comment. And I’ve never seen any article that tried to dismantle the set-back phone theory. If you have a link, I’d love to see it.
Email add: pgroup at blarg dot net

Deplorable Patriot

Addendum: Ted Olsen’s wife, Barbara, was the only phone call I have ever read about. She called her husband to let him know what was happening. I have never heard of any other call made by an identified person which leads me to believe that hers was the only one.
And the thing about height rattled my memory. The terrorists dropped altitude to about the height of the WTC towers and turned off the transponders. I remember reading that this was to try to hide in the radar weeds while traversing the distance to the target. Sort of like a low level strafing. Makes sense to me since the fighters that were scrambled to chase the missing planes were using visual search techniques (implying that radar was not going to cut it).
Luv ya!


IMO, the most famous phone call was from the heroes on the flight that went down in PA.
“Several of the passengers made phone calls to loved ones, who informed them about the two planes that had crashed into the World Trade Center.[14][15]”
“Bingham, along with Todd Beamer, Tom Burnett and Jeremy Glick, formed a plan to take the plane back from the hijackers.[1] They related this to their loved ones and the authorities via telephone. Bingham got through to his aunt’s home in California.[16] Bingham stated, “This is Mark. I want to let you guys know that I love you, in case I don’t see you again…I’m on United Airlines, Flight 93. It’s being hijacked.”[17][18][19] according to The Week, Hoagland formed the impression that her son was talking “confidentially” with a fellow passenger, to form a plan to retake the plane.[16] According to ABC News, the call was cut off after about three minutes. Hoagland, after seeing news reports of the plane’s hijacking, called him back and left two messages for him, calmly saying, “Mark, this is your mom. The news is that it’s been hijacked by terrorists. They are planning to probably use the plane as a target to hit some site on the ground. I would say go ahead and do everything you can to overpower them, because they are hellbent. Try to call me back if you can.”[20]


Very wise post. We see through a glass darkly, and there are many issues we do not (or cannot possibly) know all the significant details.


You might want to watch this presentation – I am 100% convinced chem trails are factual and our government is, in fact, manipulating our weather, among other dastardly things. The following video is linked in this article (


No doubt Julian applauds the trans community – he is, IMO, a full-on libertarian with a dash of socialism. However, I do not believe he is part-and-parcel of the trans “plot” – more like unknowingly useful to the plotters. How many other people around the world have found themselves in that position? Thousands and thousands, at least. I really don’t think the trans “issue” is high on his radar screen.
As for this lack of trust in our military, the same principle applies as to the many good agents within the FBI. It was the LEADERSHIP, not the men and women who take the orders. Again, JMO.


“Notice my thinking on this stuff – it’s backwards from most of my fellow “conspiracy theorists”. That is because I understand what the other side has done here. Getting a population to distrust its own military is a TOOL of the other side, and they’ve been particularly effective with it. It’s a kind of brainwashing – a STRONG kind.”
Our military certainly hasn’t helped itself in that regard (the trust department), because like the DOJ and the FIB and every other government agency, they’re as transparent as a brick (e.g., transparent as any dictatorship).
Of course the REASON (excuse, justification, etc.) they always use for lack of transparency is ‘national security’. From the serious to the banal, it’s a blanket excuse. Late for dinner? Sorry honey, you know how it is, ‘national security’ and all that jazz.
They abuse ‘transparency’ the way (too many) people use ‘white lies’. It becomes a habit, and the reason it becomes a habit is because it’s easier or quicker than telling the truth, or because it avoids raising other issues that you don’t want to talk about, or because it helps you get on with whatever you’re trying to do (or all of the above). But none of that makes it right.
I don’t know the number (percentage), but a significant percentage of ALL ‘classified’ information is ‘classified’ for UNLAWFUL reasons, i.e., all the reasons that were outlined in Law when DJT threatened to declassify FISA. You can’t classify information because it’s embarrassing, or to cover up illegal activity, etc., etc. And yet TPTB ‘classify’ EVERYTHING as a matter of HABIT, most often for those very (illegal) reasons.
And We the People have NO credible RECOURSE short of revolution, because the criminals have all the power, and the criminals, over many DECADES, have constructed the bureaucracy to counter every effort that could be made to expose them or hold them accountable.
When it comes to ‘government secrets’, from WHO is it really ‘secret’?
Most of the time, it’s not ‘secret’ from the government intelligence agencies of other sovereign nations, which means our enemies KNOW, or find out, sooner or later.
So more or less, the ONLY people who our government keeps ‘secrets’ from, is US.
The bad guys know what our government is up to, it’s their business to know, and they have the tools and resources to find out.
The enemies of America know what our government is doing, but WE the People don’t know.
That leads to a ‘two-tiered’ world, a ‘political-class’ and ‘everybody else’, and ironically, makes it so our government / political-class and the governments / political-class of our enemies have more in common with each other (and therefore motive to deceive their own populations) than they have in common with their OWN people.
That is NOT how our Republic was designed to be.
All in the name of ‘secrecy’.
Which, most of the time, is just a convenient euphemism for ‘self interest’.
And then they wonder why People don’t trust them…


“You will notice what Q is saying. There is going to be greater transparency. It’s the only way.”
I believe that will be the case (already somewhat, and much more so after DJT drops the hammer on the Treason Cabal), but what happens when DJT has completed his second term?
How do we stop everything from IMMEDIATELY going back to the way it was before DJT?
DJT has six years to figure that out.


Govt is most definitely learning to control weather. But that does not have to be connected to “chemtrails” theory. I would point out that there is no consensus among the chem adherents on the purpose of them. Are they all for one purpose or can they be used for multiple purposes?
I don’t subscribe to any of the theories because there is no video of the mechanisms needed to implement such a thing. Tanks, piping, valves, nozzles, etc take up space and add weight. Plus they have to be maintained regardless of their purpose.
For example, being in a 737 filled to capacity pretty much eliminates any possibility of adding 1000 lbs to the gross weight of the aircraft. So it would have to be jets that routinely fly without a full payload (whether passenger or freight). I don’t know any airline that flies partially empty aircraft.
The 8chan and reddit anons found that idiot’s flag that he put up in secret locations (and live-streamed) in less than 2 days by analyzing flight logs versus vapor trails, background noises, sunrise and sunset, etc. If chemtrails were as real as some say they are, put the anons on it. If the flights are legit they’ll be in the flight logs. If they are covert, they’ll be marked classified. There are separate logs for military flights. Nothing is up there that cannot be found.
Luv ya. This is the best blog on the net.


I watched a video that shows the tanks and tubing inside a gutted 737 or something similar. Will see if I can find it. Here it is – go to the 1:20 mark to see the tanks/tubing/etc.


“Govt is most definitely learning to control weather.”
If that is true — then as a matter of practical reality, it blows up any and all bogus concerns about Globull Warming and the entire ‘industry’ built upon that fraud.
Because if we are PURPOSELY screwing around with the weather, then even IF Globull Warming (as defined by the lunatics) was true, how could we ever separate the natural from the industrial from the INTENTIONAL MANIPULATION BY THE GOVERNMENT?
And then there’s the Law of Unintended Consequences.
What could possibly go wrong?
Makes you want to laugh and cry at the same time.
If WE are controlling the weather, that doesn’t affect just ‘us’, it affects the whole planet. Whatever we’re ‘doing’, that weather doesn’t STOP at our borders.
And if ‘we’ are doing it, then so are other nations. And if that is happening, then each nation is using this ability to benefit itself (or more likely, their globalist Puppet Masters) AND as a weapon to cause havoc to others.
So if this is true, that our government is learning (or has learned) how to affect or control weather, then everyone else is learning and doing the same thing.
The way to STOP the ‘weather control arms race’ is NOT to keep it a closely guarded triple-X ACME classified secret from the SHEEP.
[which, by the way, the SHEEP wouldn’t BE sheep if the privileged and corrupt didn’t keep the SHEEP in the DARK about everything]
The way to control it is to go public with it, and use the resulting public opinion / backlash as leverage to obtain treaties to stop the practice, to include monitoring and enforcement measures.
But, invariably, THAT is not in the selfish interest of the people and the governments who would be DOING such things as controlling weather.
Because accumulation of power and control (the natural inclination and objective of any ‘government’) is in diametric opposition to altruism or benefit to the very People (us) they are supposed to be helping and protecting and promoting.


This site has a lot of excellent information.
I think this is also part of what’s going on.
I watch the spraying day after day where I live. I don’t say much about it to anyone because I don’t have the ability to explain and defend my views. Nor do I care to. But I do watch and keep track of what I’m seeing.

Pat Frederick

I confess I have no knowledge of flying or aircraft, but I did listen to a video broadcast of an interview with Rebekah Roth, a stewardess with over 30 yrs of experience. She and her long time friend, a pilot, researched the 9/11 events and wrote Methodical Illusion.
Their theory centers around new technology that had just been implemented at the time regarding anti-hijacking, and she theorizes that these pilots thought they were participating in drills. (Also that same week, the military was conducting war games–simulations in which false flight plans were shown on radar–giving the fighter pilots something to “chase” ).
She believes these planes were flown to a base in Massachusetts and from there the phone calls were made. She also believes the people on board were probably gassed and the planes repurposed. (She gives many facts and people connected to this–but I won’t list them here.)
She thinks that planes flying into the towers were military ones–given some descriptions from on lookers below on the streets.
Anyway, her research is well documented and while I’m not saying I believe it all, it has certainly opened my mind into more possibilities.


Interesting! I’m at the point of believing anything’s possible. There’s just so much we don’t know.


Dr. Judy Wood. Concerning the buildings and how they were demolished.


I haven’t heard one PLAUSIBLE theory about how WTC bldg #7 fell at free fall speed into it’s own footprint WITHOUT being hit by a plane. Or… How the BBC reported it falling while standing in front of a window with the bldg still standing in the background on live TV.
ANYTHING is possible and WE KNOW that the “news” and Gov’t LIES and have been LYING to us for DECADES.


“For months now, the Free Thought Project has been reporting on the hype and utter hysteria being pushed by the government and the media alike in regards to the 2019 measles situation. It started in January as mainstream media and social media giants began begging for the government to silence those who advocate for vaccine safety and it came to a head on Tuesday as New York began force vaccinating citizens and charging those who resisted it with a crime.
Highlighting the nonsensical reaction by the mainstream to the non-epidemic of measles in the United States, a CBS affiliate out of Texas ran a story with an image of child—claiming that child had the measles. In reality, however, the child featured in their image was injured from the vaccines meant to prevent measles.
Dawn Neufeld caught the media company using the image of her son and was furious.
“So @cbsdfw decided to use my kid as the poster child for the measles outbreak. We did not grant permission of any kind for its use. But the irony… Will doesn’t have measles in this picture; this is the reaction he had to taking the ‘safe’ MMR shot. We’re not happy about this… at all,” she wrote on Facebook Tuesday.”


” …and it came to a head on Tuesday as New York began force vaccinating citizens and charging those who resisted it with a crime.”
What are they going to do, ‘force vaccinate’ all 20 million New York residents?
You can’t ‘force vaccinate’, and you can’t charge people who resist with a crime either, unless the legislature has actually passed a law in advance.
And even if they had, any such law would be appealed all the way to the Supreme Court, because…
You can’t ‘FORCE VACCINATE’ anybody!
Unless the Constitution has been VACATED, the only way ANYBODY receives a vaccination is by CONSENT!
If they are actually ‘force vaccinating’ ANYBODY, the entire RIGHTS division of the DOJ should descend on them like a swarm of locusts.

Cuppa Covfefe

We’re seeing it over here in Beautiful Downtown Deutschland. In particular, in the liberal north, where our “Kulturelle Bereicherung” tend to gather. They do bring non-local, tropical diseases (and parasites, yuck) with them, but the sudden breakouts of “measles” is odd… never let an improvised crisis go to waste… or perhaps TPTB needed “something shiny” on short notice
Perhaps there’s a new, erm, compound which must be distributed, and quickly? (OK, free tin-hat Friday for all 🙂 ).
WRT Vaccinations, it ends up as a human risk analysis: is the damage done by bad reactions worth the “cure”? I know of people who are now deaf, or close to it, because of the shingles (and even Chicken Pox) vaccines. Not sure the relative incidence versus successful immunizations. Perhaps there’s cost-cutting being done in the non-active ingredients in these preparations. Or maybe they’re using a live virus when a weakened one would do…


Daycare centers and private schools can require proof of vaccination before a child is admitted.
“Consent” and “rights” – yes, but…
A locus for the NY epidemic was within a subset of ultra-orthodox Williamsburg. Parents vulnerable to information spread by eccentric “elders”. This is not the independent citizenry making decisions: it’s an influential rebbe, his disciples, and rumors ricocheting within a closed community.
Israel National News has been covering it. Vaccinations made the news, but there are many other incidents that need to be investigated. And treated with “sensitivity”.
Can you imagine what will happen when such closed societies proliferate on ISLAMIC scale?!
Mothers who do not read news (maybe can’t read at all), do exactly as they’re told by imams (or as their husbands relay the imans’ instructions). Rumors and fear of outsiders as devils’ agents?


A major lawsuit is needed. That would publicize that the boy was injured by the vaccine.

Sylvia Avery

Wolfie, thank you for the beautiful Melania pics! I always love to look at her in her beautiful clothing, and it was fun to see her as a little girl.


VP Pence to UN –
“Revoke the credentials of Maduro’s representative to the UN. Recognize Interim President Juan Guaido. Seat the representative of a free Venezuela without delay.”


US is being invaded daily by many nations. 2 Iranian nationals apprehended at southern border.
This must end.


Revised and reposted:
Jessica Vaughan, Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) made 7 Recommendations:
I would add another: (revision in bold)

Sylvia Avery

I cannot like this enough times.


And certainly do so if they fail to show up for their hearing. No excuse not to.


Likely more than 10K over the decades. We have allowed Middle Easterners who came here for military training, for college, etc. to go AWOL and disappear into the US.


This is ridiculous.
Find the people who are organizing the caravans and stop THEM.
Go to the source of the problem.


The Swamp ain’t done yet – this is seemingly their main overt “war” effort …

Sylvia Avery

Yes. If Glenn Beck can dig into it and find out who is organizing the caravans and paying for them, our government should be able to do so.
Or maybe the citizenry needs to organize and meet up in Chicago to take care of the situation. We can reason with them, as the Don used to say in The Godfather.


“Make ’em off-uhs day cannot refuse.”


GA/FLA: TY for your many posts on this issue, they are very informative!


I’m hunting sources to try see what’s really going on and who is going to fix this mess – and how.


And that is much appreciated! I truly freaked out last week watching the Nielsen interview by Carlson. Subsequent news (much provided by you) has been reassuring.


Pence: “Revoke the credentials of Maduro’s representative to the UN. Recognize Interim President Juan Guaido. Seat the representative of a free Venezuela without delay.”
Is he just making a wish?
Why do people do this?
I only see people in positions of power talk this way, making DEMANDS as if they’re an Emperor.
Everyone else in the real world goes by the ‘either / or’ approach, i.e., EITHER you do what ask, OR this will be the consequence.
But Pence just issues a decree from on high, with no CONSEQUENCE to accompany the demand.
It’s like Congress repeatedly demanding documents… or WHAT?!?
There has to be a “OR WHAT”, there has to be a clear and credible consequence for refusing a demand, or else it’s NOT really a ‘demand’ at all, it’s just begging, lol!


The US is giving notice – stating clear expectations. That’s an important step.


Pretty clear. 😃


There is no need to articulate the threat – they know.


“There is no need to articulate the threat – they know.”
Except the world doesn’t work like that, REALITY doesn’t work like that.
If it DID, force wouldn’t be necessary.
If force wasn’t necessary, governments wouldn’t be necessary.
If governments weren’t necessary, police and military wouldn’t be necessary.
And yet, all those things ARE necessary, because People, generally speaking, do NOT comply or do things without some credible threat of FORCE or CONSEQUENCE.
Our entire daily REALITY is based on this concept!
Would you pay your bills if there was no reason not to?
Would you put gas in your car, if there was no consequence for not doing so?
Would you pay taxes, if there was no penalty for ‘opting out’?
Would you go to the dentist, if there was no such thing as tooth decay?
The U.N. is almost certainly the most corrupt political body on the planet, almost as if it was conceived and intended to be just that.
More than half of the members are probably deriving some benefit from Maduro staying in power.
To expect them to take any sort of action, much less against their own interests, without any credible threat of consequence, just seems irrational.
And what benefit is there to We the People, for our leaders to make such decrees, talking and acting in a way that nobody else in our Republic can or does?
Is it to distinguish himself from the serfs and peasants?
This is one of the many things DJT gets right, he ‘talks’ like We do, he explains things, he says publicly the kinds of things We say every day, that’s why We can relate to him.
Pence talks like a bureaucratic automaton, like a card-carrying member of the Political-Class.
That is NOT going to win him votes, if he is still vice-president in 2024 and wants to run for president.


I agree.
The VP makes such statements repeatedly. Comes across weak to me.


Revoke the UN.


AND raze it to the ground! 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


So my driller husband says to post to the latest open topic! Let’s see if I get it right 😬 even though my brain says I’m replying to wolfman but my heart is telling me I should maybe finally listen!😂 This is what I wanna say:
Sooo…. in all this f’d up ness I’ve been askin’ people what keeps them from God while at the same time reflecting…🧐 I can confidently say it’s guilt and shame! 😢 So then I’m left with if we would have known better would we have done better? Well what keeps me loving myself and others is believing the majority would (and we will show we do!)!❤️ 🦋
And what about some confidence in who we are?!?!😁 Being confident is so much sexier then being a victim!😎 Or at least that’s what I’m about to discover let me tell you what!😎🦋😎🦋
Check back with me in 2020 because this will be my resolution for this year!🥳❤️🥳


Much love to you Drillerwife and to Driller!


We love you for sure!❤️


A friend and I are the same age and going through the same experience, which we have discussed at length.
Being older and retired, we find our “minds” frequently bringing up the sins of our past for examination. This is not an anguished experience, although it is certainly not pleasant. We both have had sins come to mind which we have literally not thought of in decades.
There are several reasons we have come up with for this distinctive phenomenon (besides the fact that our minds are unfettered to the daily obligatory routine).
1) God in his mercy is giving us an opportunity to examine our sins, and to feel remorse and repentance for the harm we have done to others AND to ourselves. Surely this will affect how we will be judged, and so is a beautiful gift allowing us every opportunity to attain the everlasting Love we seek.
2) If we fully understood the implications of our sins when we committed them, life would be impossible to bear, if not one by one then cumulatively. Our youthful ignorance, thoughtlessness, and pride in a strange sense allowed us to keep going on.
3) The weight of just one person’s sins is so heavy, only the strongest “shoulders” can bear them. Those are the sins we each person himself bears. What a thought … Jesus bore the sins of all mankind. The Crucifixion is both the reality and the emblem of what he suffered as a result.
4) Understanding what harm we have done others makes forgiveness of others more necessary than desirable.
5) Asking Jesus for help, trusting His help will come, is the most effective thing we can do, far better than feeling guilt, shame and alienation (as inevitable as those things may be). It may take a long time, but timing seems to be the critical factor known to God.
6) Oddly enough, almost bizarre, contemplation of our past sins can be a beautiful gift which comes with old age, and cannot come before.


Eloquently put …
With age should come understanding – a vital element for forgiveness.
Life is like a tempering process – if lived right, you emerge like a well tempered steel and are thus able to bear the load of your life without fracturing.
I find it a bit sad that Western Civ has not put more “effort” into employing their elders more productively – ALL that wisdom just put out to pasture …


This is a lovely thought.. tempered steel… another old saying is that whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger… same general idea.. yup.. but the young people of today are avoiding any of life challenges. They complain and whine, and many times they are abetted by their parents, and certainly their school/colleges. What will happen when these people reach the autumn of their lives? They will not be strong, and they will have nothing stowed away to face the winter. sad…. hmmmmmmmmmmmm

Gail Combs

I knew a CEO who boasted he never hired anyone OVER 35. I on the other hand, after nasty experiences, never hired anyone UNDER 35! 😁
In the first half of the 20th century, corporations would look at young people as an investment in the future and would hire and train and promote them. People would stay with a company until retirement and the corporation would thus be repayed for their investment. Then the Leverage/Hostile Buyouts of the 80s transferred the wealth built up in our AMERICAN companies to the banks (aka the leverage) and a few individuals. The companies were left nearly bankrupt and CEOs and HR looked for ways to reduce wages by firing older people and hiring cheap H-1B visas holders in their place.
The census shows in 1970 the labor force in Manufacturing was 24.0%
The census shows in 1996 the labor force in Manufacturing was 10.1%
This drop of 14% was BEFORE NAFTA, the WTO and the China deal of Clinton’s!


Wow Tonawanda thank you!❤️


Can I share this with others? That is profound!❤️


TY! Share away!




Welcome Drillerwife,so glad you posted!!! Also love your home decorations (previously shared by drillerhubbie)😍😍 🦋🦋🦋🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🦋🦋🦋


So sweet!❤️

Harry Lime

I’m glad the folks here tuned me into IPOT because he cracks me up. There is a lot of good stuff in this one but I wanted to draw attention to something pointed out in the video. Take another look at the Julian Assange arrest video. Is Assange handcuffed or not? Does he have two hands or three? Does he have two left hands? Take a look at the hands gripping the Vidal book compared to the other hand that seems to be Julians. I can’t attribute that raised hand to any other person surrounding Assange. That’s just weird.
Maybe it’s late and my eyes are deceiving me but something doesn’t look right. Are those actually hands on the book or is that something else entirely? There must be a logical explanation but I’ve looked at it several times now and can’t figure out what I’m looking at.
I recommend the whole video cuz IPOT has such an entertaining delivery…but if you want to skip ahead to the arrest portion it starts around the 9 minute mark.


17:24 – So, Gore Vidal is one of the creepy dark, decadent, deviant crowd.
Re: the video – Why did Assange hold up that book? Or did he?
Was the video edited, altered to add the book? The video was shot from several angles. Did the photographer move or were several videos spliced together?
Videos can be altered, even facial expressions and speech, using special effects, editing software.


For example: Are these real or altered???


Concerning the book.

You can buy it for $2.00 at Amazon. Reviews are lets say not spectacular.
In Gore Vidal: History of the National Security State & Vidal on America, TRNN Senior Editor Paul Jay and the acclaimed essayist, screenwriter and novelist Gore Vidal discuss the historical events that led to the establishment of the massive military-industrial-security complex and the political culture that gave us the “Imperial Presidency.”


Those are both his hands/arms. His left hand is up by his chest. Closed but not in a fist. His right arm is the one clutching the book rather precariously. The reason it looks like there are 3 hands because he has handcuffs on. The left hand/arm is split in 2 because of the handcuffs.


Thanks, I can see that now. His wrist is bent.


It looks totally fake to me. JA is fuzzy while the surrounding dudes are not, and the three hand thingy is too much.
Fake. Sick of being faked out.


There aren’t three hands – I can see clearly his right hand holding the book (shows wrist and hand at the top corner of the book), with his left hand held higher in a fist. IMO, we need to stop hyperventilating and assuming that every single video we see has been manipulated. I mean, come on already! Do TPTB not also win by pushing us into distrusting literally EVERYTHING we see???? OK, THIS guy is the one talking about him not putting a foot down on UK soil. I call BS on that one! Yet, they took him into a UK courtroom – is that NOT UK soil??!!??
Personally? I think this guy is full of crap.


In the pics where you see his two hands, they are in what I would think is the correct position for someone who is handcuffed in the front. His hands can only go a certain distance apart. The “third hand” or fist looks different, as if it has a glove on or is just whiter. So it looks as if his two hands are holding the book, and the whiter, maybe gloved, hand is not his. But I could be wrong. I’d love to hear him explain what happened.


Good points!


About the book, this tweet from this zerohedge article says Assange was reading that book while waiting in court. (I’m reluctant to post a link to the Twitter page lest it post all the tweets on that page.)
“Julian Assange sitting in the dock, waiting for proceedings to get underway in court, reading Gore Vidal book.. first time I’ve seen any accused reading any form of book in the dock, other than their legal documents”


Such a strange video. It took a group of men to walk him out of the building and then load him into the vehicle? The set of hands clutching the book while his left hand is gesturing. Kabuki? Haven’t watched the whole thing yet but will because this is really quite interesting.


Regarding the group of men, a theory posted above is that Assange’s feet might not have touched British soil for various reasons.


Is Julian Assange the 4.2 Billion Dollar Man?

Deplorable Patriot

Now there’s a data point for the matrix. Ecuador gets bailed out and then coughs up the world’s most wanted man. Not even curious. That’s downright fishy.


I posted links that explained that the US backed Ecuador’s IMF loan on the condition that they would turn over Julian and stop an oil lawsuit.


Oh and btw that’s why I love this place! You all saw it ALL along and are confident! 🥳 it’s just my son posted something on fb about it being “our” time and I totally agree! but then the Bible says to love our neighbors and I didn’t get it until this moment!😬 And I must say I’m not having as much fun as they did when gloating when they thought they “won”.
I didn’t find God until I found grace and although we need to be victorious it must be done in love because not until now did I realize I would have given up long ago if God’s Grace wouldn’t have pushed us all to this place… and now we have the responsibility to handle it with justice and grace.❤️


A VERY important thought …
Winning with grace is being the example to the next generation. This is how I was raised, and I suspect all of the posters here.
Thanks for that, and great to see you joining in. 🙂


I’m trying real hard ask drillerman! And I know I don’t even have his name right! But he says I’m a genius so let’s see how long this takes me!😂 Facebook took me 2 years before I learned and 10 years before I really learned so I’m thinking a “slow learner” is more my speed!😁😂


Being slow is just another way of being thorough!!! Nothing wrong with that.


Love amwick!❤️


Politics has trumped law and order for way too long.

Pat Frederick

so does this mean he is turning down the Queen’s invitation to go to Normandy instead?

Deplorable Patriot

Given the circumstances, I’d pass on any of the Queen’s invitations too.


The Obama tenure will be known in history as the ‘I Spy Presidency’.
Obama spied on everyone without a warrant – and he roped all the tech and social media moguls into his spying scheme.
Apple is planning to monitor and rate iPhone users:
Google also spying on folks:

Facebook got in big trouble for recording/tracking people’s cell phones calls and other invasions.
Now this – Amazon employs people to listen to you through your Alexa device.


Social Media and Electronic Spying was just the tip of the Obama spying iceberg.
There was the political spying on Congress, Foreign leaders, and of course, Candidate, President-Elect and President Trump as well as the Trump family.

85% of Obama’s warrantless surveillance was ILLEGAL.
P 82 –
Was it a sickness with Obama?

OR, was OBAMA himself actually a SPY/FOREIGN AGENT?

Pat Frederick

maybe, but I see Obama more as a “pretty face” so to speak…a puppet who can speak a certain way–but not clever enough on his own…i think he was an actor–Michele too–people paid to play a part–the face of a movement

A Fortiori

Pat — You make an important point here. The Hussein persona that was elected President is a construct. As fantastic as it sounds, someone created that construct, and did so to undermine the USA.

Pat Frederick

his “on” persona speaking before cameras with a teleprompter is very different from the no teleprompter stumbling fool who couldn’t pair enough words together to order drive thru food…


True. The body language, normal perception, of Obama is almost impossible to read. It’s NOT who he is naturally. Always a mask.


I never laughed this hard in my life!
True ROFLMAO moment.

Deplorable Patriot

This concept has been floating around the conspiracy world for years. There was an anon, a retired Wall Street banker supposedly, who talked to the guy who did D.C. Whispers, and this was YEARS ago. He talked about the men who created Obama. There were other things that anon had to say that rang really true. I don’t remember concisely enough to repeat all of it, but at one point, the anon was one of the five or so old world banker types who cornered George Soros at one point, and told him to knock off his shenanigins. This was LONG before the migration push, too.
But, yes, this old man was adamant that Obama was a complete creation.

Bon Bon

I have a friend whose son dated Tom Daschle’s daughter years ago. The son and Tom’s daughter Lindsay were in my home for dinner and a couple of games of pool. My friend who likes to stir the pot so to speak asked Lindsay what she thought of Obama. She said her Dad and some of his colleagues were laughing at how they tricked the American people. They purposely waited to spring Obama on us so no one would have time to figure out who he was before the election. She stated it was all pre planned by him and his cronies. I have been ticked off ever since.
She did not know my politics and I said nothing as she was a guest in my house. Spit!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Never was much of a fan of Tom Daschle’s.


Good point…like AOC.


Like those 3 new outrageous ‘Congresswomen’ aka Islamist Socialist Propagandists.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. I have to say, having seen what they’re doing over here, that those three “sistas of Sharia” are far more dangerous than anyone would believe or even imagine…
The proverbial camel’s nose in the tent, but more like halfway in…
Those who don’t learn from history (Crusades, etc.), are doomed to repeat it. And I hope and pray that we don’t repeat Europe’s mistakes…


That “nose” has been under the tent for a very long time. IMO, these three are just the next iteration being put out in front of the American people.

A Fortiori

Yet another very important point here. The history before the Crusades is even more enlightening. I highly recommend Raymond Ibrahim’s The Sword and The Scimitar on this topic. It is difficult for us to imagine the horrors of the wars that occurred between Islam and Christendom (and yes, in thinking about this particular slice of history, it is useful to characterize the West as Christendom).
The John Lennon “Imagine No Religion” types cannot fathom the fact that people who wish to kill or enslave us live with us today. Their willful blindness makes defending ourselves very difficult.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. And the first two times Mohammedanism reared its Calaphistic head, most of the civilized world WAS Christendom, with strong defenders of the faith, and the culture.
Now, not so much; indeed, if at all.
But even the atheist Richard Dawkins admits that the only true, effective defense against the societal and cultural destruction afforded by the Moslems is Christendom.
The DEMONcRATs would probably pretzeltize themselves (to coin a term) if muhRussia were to be a driving force against Mohammedanism (I refuse to call it I s l a m, because I won’t. My soul belongs to GOD, saved by Jesus, and no other).
The religion of pieces has already raped and stabbed two women in NRW this week, and there are others every day. Their “honor” killings are not such thing. Between the Greens on one side, and the Moslems on the other, Europe is headed to the sixth century, e-vehicles or not…

A Fortiori

I have seen the document that Greg Rubini posted before, but I do not see that it supports the conclusion that Hussein requested the spying “IN PERSON.” I continue to wonder if the Brits initiated this, and if they did, this might be a “cover your ass” type memo. Indeed, I could see where the Brits may have enticed Hussein to make this request as a form of insurance policy. In any event, if Rubini has information supporting the fact that Hussein personally made this request, it would be a huge smoking gun.


I agree – we need to see more proof from Rubini.

Gail Combs

Obummer could easily be a Brit Puppet. The UK has always been the home of the Globalists. Think Cecil Rhodes, Milner, (of the Milner Round Tables like the CFR) Nathan Rothschild, the Fabians and the London School of Economics not to mention our Trojan Horse Feral Reserve central bank.
The Colony and Protectorate of Kenya was part of the British Empire in Africa from 1920 until 1963.
Obummer was Born: August 4, 1961.
Obummer Sr. was a BRIT!!
There is also the possibility that Obummer was Indonesian at the time of the election having been adopted by Lolo Soetoro. He certainly was educated in Indonesia at an early age.
“The Dutch, initially backed by the British, tried to re-establish their rule, and a bitter armed and diplomatic struggle ended in December 1949, when in the face of international pressure, the Dutch formally recognised Indonesian independence.”
Remember The Dutch and British Royals, along with the Rothschilds and Rockefellers** Own a LARGE part of the Shell Oil Co that pushes Gore Bull Warming and whose employee Shell Oil VP Ged Davis who WROTE Sustainablity B1 scenario aka Agenda 21 for the IPCC. Another Shell Oil exec Doug McKay was at the IPCC scenario meetings. McKay was also Senior Financial Analyst with the World Bank. Robert Watson worked for the World Bank while Chair of the IPCC.
Oh and they** pretty much ‘Own’ the World Wildlife Fund too.
(I have all the References to back this up if anyone wants them.)


My view is that it is all moot now. The time to challenge him was before the election, or failing that, via impeachment proceedings.
All the constitutional legitimacy needed was acquired when CJ Roberts administered the oath of office after the states certified the election results and the electoral college certified its votes. Three important steps and all were fulfilled. Which means that on 1/20/09 at 12:01pm, he was the legitimate president of the United States of America.
What we have to do is what we should have been doing since 1789 – vet candidates and keep up on political news. Never relax, which is what we did since at least 1945 and this is the destination.

Gail Combs

If Obummer was NOT a Natural Born citizen but an Indonesian or a Brit, then those who HELD that secret had a major grip on Obummer and that would be THE BRITS if he was actually born in Kenya.
Remember the BRITS would have his TRUE birth certificate.
Also if Obummer was NOT a Natural Born citizen, then he WAS NOT President and the Democrat Party DELIBERATELY perpetrated a fraud upon the American people.
Depending on the type, Fraud goes up to 30 years in prison.
So no IT IS NOT water under the bridge.


Did someone say spy?comment image




The near future.comment image


Priceless Spab!!!


That’s government issue non-alcoholic Ripple, of course.

Cuppa Covfefe

And their outfits will match the curtain in the back… the orange one, with Comey probably wrapped in it…

Pat Frederick

You guys absolutely HAVE to see this political ad out of Israel.


Sounds like a parallel to what’s going on in the USA.
Melania or Ivanka need to do something similar…just call the perfume, Nationalist – Red/White and Blue Nationalist, that is.


The lefty splody heads would be great entertainment.


Ayelet Shaked is hyper-intelligent, courageous, and G-d-fearing.
She took on the elitist, wannabe-Euro-left Supreme Court. It has outrageous power in Israel: there’s no formal Constitution to constrain it, so it trumps all institutions. And they nominate their successors – what a racket!
The party she and Nafali Bennett formed just this year didn’t make the threshold in this round of elections. Both from Bibi’s last Cabinet, they are the next generation.


Interesting news from interesting source.


Kamala, the gun owner, and Bernie the millionaire.
The “do as I say not as I do” Democrats.

Pat Frederick

IKR? especially Bernie–who claims he got rich writing a best selling book–so how did he gain that cash? CAPITALISM! LOL


He sure as heck didn’t DONATE the money!

Pat Frederick

well he really needed that second and then third house…cuz with the 2 of them and their growing family needs…smh


If the VSG plays things really well, maybe Bernie’s several homes will be the last known addresses of the remaining Commies in the US of A …


The Anons are tracking planes again.
Not my specialty, but they are all over this plane!


It’s a thread with maps, etc.

Pat Frederick

i didn’t know OTW meant over the water…
reminds me when i was first learning to text…lol


Tracy Beanz linked to this article, I still have to finish reading it but pretty interesting, err, disturbing


drillers are tag teaming today – cool!!! 🙂


Lol, drillerwife still trying to figure out wordpress but wanting to be more involved since she knows I love this place and she’s figuring out there’s great ppl here. I’m not even making her let me proofread before she posts 😬. No more tag team today though, I gotta get to work 🙁


Looking forward to the new dynamic duo!!!


Annoying thing for the day:
Women’s dresses and shirts with cutouts.
The washing machine REJECTS these items, eats them, causing women to spend more on fashion.
I wanna lead a protest!


Being a man still has SOME advantages 😉


You guys are so cute. We love you.


Much appreciated – it appears being male AND white is leading to “fan base shrinkage” 🙂
At least there is a base of smart, conservative women out there that can sustain us in these dark times …

Steve in Lewes

..except when my wife’s dryer eats only one sock of a pair !
She then proceeds to ask me why am I wearing one black sock and one white !
..or when my wife cleans out closets 2x a year; I see bags of clothes (all hers btw) that end up being donated. Then magically 2 -4 weeks later, generally while out for dinner she just says out of the blue, that she needs more clothes…Huh !


Nothing wrong with MOAR clothes 👗👚, shoes 👡👢, accessories 👒👜, and Jewelry 💍👑!!!🛍💕😍


My wife ain’t the only one??? Damn but we’re in big doodoo, boys.

Deplorable Patriot

Count me in! Not a fan of the cutout trend.


Me either, DePat…I think it has gotten out of hand and is now tacky-looking.
It was okay initially as a novelty in a few outfits.
But they have run it into the ground by putting cutouts in everything.

Deplorable Patriot

Cutouts are like Battenberg lace on steroids. No telling what’s going to be missing next.


Biggest problem is that they don’t put the cutouts where guys REALLY want them to be. 🙂
They would be constantly back-ordered if they did.

Sue Mcdonald

Ok call me a square, a oldie or one of those ..not in with the latest in fad. but what is a cutout? I admit I only wear dresses and in winter wear dresses with leggings.

Deplorable Patriot

YEA! Another dress wearer!
Cutouts are garments with patches of fabric cut out of strategic places. Sort of like this:
Better for a bathing suit than clothes.

Deplorable Patriot

It’s a fad that will pass sooner or later. Hopefully. The goal seems to be exposing skin without making it look obvious.

Deplorable Patriot

Tacky…slutty…on the prowl…putting oneself on display…”come to Mama, babe”….
You get where I’m going with this.

Deplorable Patriot

This is one of the more attractive cutout garments I’ve seen, but still….


Agitator machines do snag and pill garments.
Have Speed Queen now, very reliable, but does not treat clothes as gently as a front loader does.
Man, I really miss my 14 year old Maytag Neptune machines that wore out and couldn’t be repaired.

Pat Frederick

we have a heavy duty Maytag washer that hubby had before his daughter was born–she’ll be 36 this year and it still works great. We’ve been thru too many dryers to count…


Get a gas dryer and convert it to propane. Cleanest burning fuel going and heat (BTUs) out the wazoo.

Pat Frederick

no thanks…no propane–saw the neighbor’s house across the street from us blow up because of gas–thankfully the older woman wasn’t home at the time, but I cannot have gas appliances. {{{shudder}}}


Look up Staber washers and dryers. Made in America. We have a front loader which they designed to be opened from the top. Water conservative. Love it. Designed so that one could do any repairs themselves without having to call a repairman. Hubby replaced the belt one time.

So, this is dumb… sorry.. fools and their money, etc…
If you want to get into spending,,, think about the billions spent on.. wait for it…. COSMETICS!
For the most part, it is women… but the money,SMH…
I am a firm believer of to each their own,, but,, the cost of this stuff always amazes me.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. I could never understand the trend, which started out with fading and tie-dyed, and descended to ripping and cutouts.
And then, these “modified” outfits cost tons of money, because they’re so “special”. RIght. Reminds me of a concert I played on a “prepared” piano which had what appeared to be thumbtacks on every hammer. Made it sound like a broken harpsichord, but it was “edgy and modern”. Piano tuner/repairman wasn’t too impressed – repairing the preparing wasn’t cheap, even back then (1970s).
WHY do people pay so much more, to get so much less? And look like a tramp or a derelict to boot? Maybe it’s related to virtue-signalling somehow? Slumming, living like “the other half” lives?
Or maybe they should sell the cutouts at 50 percent off. Because they have 50 perent off 🙂 (I can see it now, one-legged jeans…).

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. And wait: that solves the clothing problem of the questioning folks; they can be BOTH, at the same time. Why circle the drain trying to figure out if you’re A versus B, when you can be both at the same time?
And maybe play the Mounds/Almond Joy commercial tune behnd it: “Sometimes you feel like a nut; sometimes you don’t”…


I have never liked the ‘cutout’ trend in fashions.
Oh it was okay for a few outfits, initially…but it has been driven into the ground.
It has grown to ridiculous levels with cutouts trending in all types of outfits.
And yeah, it will ultimately lead to women spending more on ‘new’ fashions, when the cutout trend is abandoned and considered passé.
Which is what the clothing industry loves to do…
Create a ‘trend’ that will date the clothing so that it will become a fashion no-no when the trend is discarded.


It shocks me when I see people wearing high-priced “rag” looking jeans – ones I put in the rag bag, because they’re too far gone to donate. People pay silly money for this stuff.


Oh yeah, it’s ridiculous.
Rag jeans, ‘distressed’ jeans…it started there and spread to other clothing too.
Selling worn-looking ‘distressed’ clothing has become big business.
There are even worn-out looking ball caps!
And the fashion slaves dutifully buy that stuff, like sheep.

Pat Frederick

I gotta tell you one of hubby’s secrets….keep it under your hat…lol…
he has 2 pair of jeans from when he was in HIGH SCHOOL—one pair is typical blue jean color–just bell bottoms and well worn–but not holey. the second is faded maroon with white pockets…
hubby will turn 65 this year and when i asked why he was holding on to them he firmly told me he believes one day they will be back in style…(ROFLMAO)

Pat Frederick

sadly he could–up until last year. he quit smoking (YAY!!!!!!!) but gained 10 pounds, so those jeans are just a smile on his face I don’t understand (and don’t think I want to…lol)


Will there ever come a day when for the novelty of it skunk skin britches will become all the rage in fashion?
A slice of comedic Americana from the mid-1950s:

Alton Elliott also did a fine version of this song without the comedy angle. Great guitar pickin’.

Cuppa Covfefe

Hah! They’re the ones who did “I’m My Own Grand Pa”… Funny songs…

Gail Combs

I will stick to plain old Tee shirts, cowboy shirts and jeans. I like the snaps and pockets on the cowboy shirts. If my flip phone doesn’t fit in the snapped pocket I don’t buy the shirt. $$$ and Drivers licence goes in the other pocket. Keys in the jeans pocket.
(I HATE purses too.)


My washer ties them in knots, my dryer only eats my wife’s favorite shirts.

Pat Frederick

wow…a gorgeous wood duck just landed (with his mate) in a tree outside my window…I didn’t know ducks would land in trees…
sorry, we now return to our regularly scheduled programming…


Especially not “wood” ducks – they SO belong somewhere else!! LOL 🙂

Pat Frederick



Duh. What’s a tree made of???….wood!!! 😄

Gail Combs

“…they SO belong somewhere else!!”
Like in my oven with a raspberry glaze…


Gail takes no prisoners 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

How much wood would a wood duck duck if a wood duck could duck wood??? 🙂
[Erm, ducks and runs 🙂 ]…

Pat Frederick

okay, okay…show of hands…how many of YOU have seen a duck in a tree? LOL
(i will admit when i saw a turkey in a tree I nearly peed my pants…)


*raises hand*
I have, Pat.
I’ve seen ducks in trees, wild geese in trees and even a couple of wild turkeys in trees.
But each time it happened…it was around the time that earthquakes were happening.
Are you having any tremors in your area?

Pat Frederick

why didn’t you warn me??? lol
LOL…no, we have a small pond and they found their way there but I’m guessing they were scoping it out first…??


comment image?quality=75&auto=webp&disable=upscale


I’ve seen that before…and am pretty sure it’s been photo-shopped.
😉 😆


That particular picture looks like it might be photoshopped, but in Morocco there really are goats that climb trees like that.
And, no, the reason is not that Moroccan men can’t climb trees! 😁
The reason is that argan trees have argan nuts, which goats love to eat the outer husk of. Then people pick the nuts and crush them to produce argan oil. This is then sold to cosmetic companies, because it is supposed to be good for ladies’ skin.
Goats make the process more economical, by getting rid of unwanted husk.


I did a double take when you said wood ducks 🦆 …. my mind saw a duck made out of wood …. 🤫😑🤚

Pat Frederick

i had to check my birding books to see what kind they were–males are gorgeous–definitely not mallards…these have a distinctive diagonal stripe on the head…


Wolfie, this one is for you.
Deep dive into C_A’s global sex slave trade. Written by an MD who has been working on the research for years.

Deplorable Patriot

Interesting read. Worth considering as points on the Matrix.
The part about most Navy admirals being straight laced was interesting. We know one of the litany of skippers from the Enterprise. Test pilot, etc. DEVOUT Catholic man. I mean devout. I’d love to get him alone sometime and ask. He did say once that half the men on his ship were criminals, so the man is not allergic to the truth.

Elizabeth Carter

Daughn, That is a great link. Thanks

A Fortiori

What, no love for Evelyn? Cast your memory back to March, 2017. Mark Levin made headlines when he put together a series of news reports and went on the radio to state unequivocally what many of us had suspected, but were not saying in polite company: that Hussein was spying on PDJT. Breitbart led with this story the next day, and after being briefed on the Breitbart story PDJT tweeted his infamous wiretapping statement. The MSM and Hussein’s supporters were attempting to paint this story as the crackpot ramblings of a know conspiracy theorist.
In the hopes of further obscuring the facts, MSNBC put Evelyn on the air. Alas, with the change in administrations, and facing the potential that she was about to fade into obscurity, she instead treated us to a cloying display intended to let us all know that she was a player. This confirmed, rather than obscured, the fact that spying took place:
I was urging my former colleagues, and, and frankly speaking the people on the Hill [Democrat politicians], it was more actually aimed at telling the Hill people, get as much information as you can – get as much intelligence as you can – before President Obama leaves the administration.
Because I had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior [Obama] people who left; so it would be hidden away in the bureaucracy, um, that the Trump folks – if they found out HOW we knew what we knew about their, the Trump staff, dealing with Russians – that they would try to compromise those sources and methods; meaning we no longer have access to that intelligence.
So I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more. We have very good intelligence on Russia; so then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew that they were also trying to help get information to [Democrat politicians].


She has unfortunate initials – EF
I am going to try out telling a commie to “Evelyn Farkas’ off 😉
If asked to explain, I will politely tell them that it means that commies should “EF” off to obscurity, just like dear Evelyn. I wouldn’t dare to mean anything rude 😉

Deplorable Patriot

I had forgotten about dear Evelyn. Wonder if her name is going to surface on any official documents.

Pat Frederick

i know many many others have noticed and commented…but what the hell IS IT with leftist women and those eyes????


Truth labels. How else could we know for sure?


She looks like she was trying to get a head start on a Grand Jury, lol.


Gail Combs

Sylvia Avery quoted
“The new director of the state ethics commission plans to subpoena bank records from the campaign of 2018 Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams and groups that raised money to help her in last year’s nationally watched race….”
A bit of a refesher on this [B&W]itch. Remember she gave the DemonRat response after President Trump’s State of the Union. More important she tried to RE-INSTATE The Consent Decree of 1982, by alleging “voter suppression tactics and election mismanagement”
Washington Examiner — Stacey Abrams is a sore loser without any evidence to support claims
Macon GA Telegraph– Stacey Abrams doesn’t want to follow election rules
UK Guardian ‘Textbook voter suppression’: Georgia’s bitter election a battle Years in the Making
Rolling Stone —
(This one is really over the top)
NPR — Stacey Abrams Says She Was Almost Blocked From Voting In Georgia Election
“Democrat Stacey Abrams isn’t backing down from her fight against what she calls voter suppression tactics and election mismanagement after losing the Georgia governor’s race. In fact, Abrams said she experienced the problems in her state firsthand — after nearly being denied a ballot during early voting…
…a poll worker initially told her that she had requested an absentee ballot and couldn’t cast an in-person vote. Abrams replied that she never filed for an absentee ballot, and after a conversation with the site’s manager, the matter was quickly resolved.”

What is really really interesting is if you try to find out how many people named “Stacey Abrams” are in the USA or in Georgia, Google just tosses Ms [B&W]itch in your face repeatedly while other search engines have ZERO problem understanding the request.
I have a very unusual maiden name. (Teachers could not pronounce it) and I was very surprised to find there are several other people with the name who are NOT relatives. The name ‘Abrams’ is going to be in the tens of thousands or higher. So Ms [B&W]itch would very likely get blocked QUESTIONED and could have made DARN SURE it happened by having someone (possibly a relative) with a very similar name requested an absentee ballot.
Since the Democrats HAVE the voter rolls they were very much in the position of setting this up. They DESPERATELY want that Consent Decree of 1982 back that BLOCKED Republicans from doing ANYTHING about Democrat Voter Fraud.


Thanks for great info Gail, as usual.
I would only add that yesterday Chuckles responded to Chad Pergram’s question about Abrams running for the Senate:
” From colleague Jared Halpern. Schumer on if Stacey Abrams would run for the Georgia Senate seat in 2020: “It’s certainly not too late. I think she’d be a great, great Senator. And I’ve told her I think she could play a major role in the Senate the minute she got here“
They plan to continue to promote Abrams.
As for voter fraud… being a cock-eyed optimist, it’s my belief that the Trump Administration documented a ton of voter fraud in 2018, that they are attempting to shut it down, and that 2020 WILL NOT be the same. Kemp is Governor of Georgia, not Abrams.

Sylvia Avery

So THAT is what the game is/was. I should have known.

Pat Frederick


A Fortiori

I think this, along with the murder of Seth Rich to cover this up, are going to be the big revelations to arise from Assange’s trial. The whole RussiaGate thing looks bad now, but if you prove that the Russians were not behind the DNC hack, the whole house of cards comes crashing down.


There will be no Assange trial, at least on the indictment that is active right now.
There is no possible way for the govt to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Assange and Manning did things as described in the complaint. Those acts could be proved but there is no way they could be attached to Assange. Don’t forget those C_A spyware programs released to the world. Allegedly one could spoof Russian (or country of your choice) fingerprints to disguise actual source.
If it can be done BY the C_A, then it can be done TO the C_A. That’s reasonable doubt. Thus, the prosecutor would never bring the charges to trial because it would NEVER make it to a jury. (judge would dismiss it long before then)


On a few occasions, we at the Q Tree, have live blogged various events.
Because WE did it, together, we know what Atty General Barr meant by “because spying on a Presidential campaign is a big deal”, and of course, HALF of America wants to know if the warrant was proper and the investigation was legal.
What’s the predicate? Why/how/when did it start?
If our neighbor is a gun runner, with probable cause, legal surveillance is fine. Yet, don’t put our neighbor through the FBI/C_A ringer because you don’t like her politics, think she’s a threat to your power base, OR because she shops at WalMart. If the FBI/C_A can target a billionaire running for President, we believe we have no chance against such an overt police state.
Instinctively, we don’t like it, and we KNOW it’s illegal.
To add insult to injury, the media spun the Barr comments for the last 48 hours. To CNN, Atty Gen Barr has become the second Hitler. Because we heard Barr’s comments, we understand the context, but again, the media is CREATING a narrative which is misleading to their audience.
It’s “Surveillance” not “spying”, said Comey in an NBC interview. Again, arguing the word salad, semantics, a technical term rather than general.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ this comment is an absolute fail with the American public and most young people. Frankly, if foreign intel agencies were involved, feeding info to Brennan, who fed it to FBI, then YEAH, we have real foreign interference and actual spies. And yes, if the FBi wasn’t able to obtain a questionable FISA warrant, all of the “surveillance” was actually illegal and “spying on Americans”.

Pat Frederick

i agree, the spying/surveillance thing is disingenuous…but I wonder about the “young people” you believe think this is wrong. they allow Siri and Alexa or whatever to listen in to everything they do–they constantly “check in” where ever they go with their phones, they u tube everything and post all kinds of fb and other social media that have me shaking my head…
beto had his teeth cleaned on u tube–what’s her name had a colonoscopy on air–and the kardashians don’t burp without posting it…
so do they even have a concept of privacy anymore–and perhaps if they were dealing with a potential money making opportunity that they wouldn’t want to have stolen by someone else, they might turn off alexa while they confab about it, but they don’t get she’s listening anyway…
maybe I’m just old and modest, but if hubby and i wanna get crazy and play candyland in our undies…no one needs to know that…you know what i mean…

Cuppa Covfefe

Sometimes I think that’s why the TLA’s created/fomented social media (not Candyland, ha).
Get the young’uns used to being watched, 24×7, and foster the feeling of needing to be accessible 24×7, and building the perceived need to be seen, and available, etc., etc. So the most important aspect of one’s personality/presence is the Farcebørk profile, and the associated status, preferable “online”…
Then, it’s a short jump to rating people by social profile (China’s already doing it, and it appears Apple and other tech giants are setting up rating software/procedures).
Oddly enough, YouTube is pretty much offline over here in Germany. I can access it via Tor (OK, michaelh, I know I shouldn’t but I was just testing…), but not by ANY browser, and not by diddling with my DNS. Next step is to do some surgery on my router, but I don’t think that will help, either. Someone noted on a tech site here that YouTube went AWOL about the same time that Assange got picked up. Hmmm. Another wag noted that the freshly-approved article 13 puts the folks like Google/YouTube directly in the crosshairs of the “data privacy tsars”, who are more concerned with CONTROL than privacy… Big Bother…


I still think that the Spying started back in Hussein’s first term.
When the Hussein-team got in, I think they were like kids in a candy store.
They had access to NSA data and state-of-the-art spycraft technology.
You think they are *not* going to start using that for their own political benefit?
Are you kidding me?
But when it looked like HRC might not win…they had to come up with a ‘plausible’ cover story for all that spying.
So they manufactured the Russia Hoax.
SpyGate came first.
RussiaGate is the coverup…and was used to try to take down PDJT.

Pat Frederick

i think it was all a part of his cocky I’m smarter than you are attitude–if I listened in and spied on everyone, I might appear smarter too…


I think it’s worse than that, Pat.
I think that cocky attitude came from him believing that he could get away with *anything*…and not ever be prosecuted for it.
But I think the Spying was done for…Control.
SoComs are control freaks.
They wanted to know what their political opponents were doing, planning and if there were any skeletons in their closets.
All of that info could be used.
They were also probably even spying on their own people.

Sylvia Avery

“The Boston Globe found itself in hot water on Wednesday after publishing an opinion piece from a man who said he regretted “not pissing” on a Neo-conservative pundit’s food and encouraging waiters to “tamper” with the food of outgoing Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen…”


Should have never been published in Boston Globe.
The idiots don’t need any air time and only adds to the hatred.
Shame on Boston Globe.


I think that’s a crime – encouraging mayhem.


Deplorable Patriot

Food for thought from VOAT:
Q’s Tatic…Rounding Up All the Corrupt Illuminati Lawyers First (QRV)
submitted 7.4 hours ago by 3153952?
That’s what stopped the countdown. All the Heavey hitting, corrupt, bought and paid for, Luciferian Lawyers.
Think logically, Craig, Avenatti, Garagos, The Epstein trail Lawyers, all of them. The corrupt Judges.
Q is cleaning up their heavy hitters so they have no defense. How logically smart is that patriots.
Making sure they can’t find sympathetic Judges to vindicate their crimes. Love this Movie.
Caramel Popcorn right in front of me, two pounds of it. God I love my new job.


Yeah…the corrupt Judges.
We only get One Chance to take down a bad guy, because you cannot prosecute someone again for the same crime.
Our Judicial System was so corrupted with bad leftist judges, that there was little hope of getting the convictions we want, when PDJT took office.
Whether it was by-design or what…the whole Sessions-recusal thing bought us time to get some good judges on the bench, so that we now have a better chance of getting convictions.

Deplorable Patriot

It does shed light, though, on all the appointments held open when BO was in the Oval Office.

Pat Frederick

i love this! don’t mess with Texas!


God blessed Texas with his own hand,
brought down angels from the promised land.
He gave ’em a place where they could dance!
If you wanna see Heaven, brother, here’s your chance
I’ve been sent to spread the message
‘God blessed Texas’

woot woot…

Pat Frederick

okay, I admit it, dancing in my seat reading those words…love that song!


Luv our Gov, and his crew too!! 🤗🤗😍😍


To help explain Mitt R. I offer the following from January, 2018…
Along with this small excerpt from Wickipedia about his father…
(BTW I remember HW Bush pairing a reference to the coming New World Order with1000 points of light when answering a question from a reporter,)
President George H. W. Bush’s Points of Light Foundation was created in 1990, also to encourage volunteerism.[242] Romney received the Points of Light Foundation’s inaugural Lifetime Achievement Award from President Bush in April 1991.[245] The Bush administration wanted to tap Romney to chair the new foundation, but he reportedly refused to head two organizations doing the same thing and suggested they merge.[244] They did so in September 1991, and Romney became one of the founding directors of the Points of Light Foundation & Volunteer Center National Network.[250] In the early 1990s, Romney was also involved in helping to set up the Commission on National and Community Service,[249][251] one of the predecessors to the later Corporation for National and Community Service. He gave speeches emphasizing the vital role of people helping people,[251] and in 1993 inspired the first national meeting of volunteer centers.[242]
Mitt’s unsavory relationships with (including Russian and Saudi) globalists can be unearthed by tracing his financial dealings as well as his family’s connection to the Bushes going back to his father.


The Romney family also has ties to Mexico.
There is a Mormon colony down there…where Mitt’s father was born.
That Mormon colony was formed when the polygamists fled there so that they could continue their practice of having multiple wives.

Pat Frederick

really? Mormons in Mexico? i never knew that.


Oh yeah…been there for over 100 years.
There are actually several Mormon colonies in Mexico.


I learned about that recently by watching a Big Valley episode from the 60’s! Town shunned, harassed, demanded the man with 2 wives leave. Jared tried to protect, then facilitate his escape to Mexico. Poor folks, they just need some love, help, and understanding after all. 🤨 Really interesting now to watch old shows, I can pick out the liberal POV in an instant. They really were on a mission (still are) to brainwash the masses through entertainment.
There’s a movie with the beautiful Raquel Welch as the heroine of the bad guy group who beds (long long focus on the love scenes) the big strong, muscular, handsome, BLACK leader of the bad guy group and they live happily ever after made in the early 60’s!!! Think about what was going on in our country at that time – civil rights, segregation, discrimination – and how outrageous and in your face this progressive movie would of been to majority. Ward/June, Rob/Laura, Lucy/Ricky we’re married and sleeping in separate twin beds after all!!


“Democrats have been in a panic hunting for White Nationalists and they’ve finally found their insidious leader—Candace Owens. Yes, cleverly disguised as a black woman who, behind the mask, is, okay, actually a black woman, the lovely and outspoken and lovely and did I mention highly attractive Owens crashed a recent congressional committee hearing on the flimsy pretext of having been invited and turned the very serious inquiry into a farce or vice versa by listing the ways in which Democrat policies have hurt black people more than all seventeen White Nationalists put together.
Furious committee chairman Jerrold Nadler heroically interrupted Owens by pounding his gavel in her face and shouting, “Silence, black woman! This is a very serious investigation into the overblown panic about White Nationalism we’re trying to spread so we can demonize President Trump and silence his supporters on social media. If we had wanted to hear from a black woman, we wouldn’t have put the word white in the title of the hearing.”
Andrew Klavan


That was good.


Klavan is a consistently good read.


His grip on reality is a choke hold on democrat propaganda.


comment image


There’s the laugh of the day! Good job!


I kind of agree!! Clandestine Rosenstein AKA Sneaky Rod is right about of stuff…


Need help and advice from group members.
As I’ve mentioned, I admin for several large Facebook Trump groups.
One group in particular, is large 50K plus, extremely active, and a closed group, clean of trolls. The info is good. I’m relentless about clickbait journalists and out of context youtube videos which are often years old.
They LOVE Flep’s news roundup, which I give them in bite-size pieces.
Prior to 2016 and up until today, we forbid foreigners from joining the group.
Didn’t feel like arguing with Brits and Canadians on gun control during OUR election cycle. Never mind the Macedonian trolls.
But things have changed.
People all over the world look to our POTUS for leadership.
I’m rethinking the foreign membership thing. Can’t decide what to do. Wondering if I’m being selfish with our PDJT.
For instance, after PDJT started negotiating with Lil’ Kim of DPRK, I had hundreds, if not a thousand requests from those in South Korea, fascinated by our President.
After G7 meeting in Canada, I had a boatload of requests from concerned Germans.
Same with the crisis in South Africa.
And now, after the NZ shooting, hundreds of requests from nervous Aussies and NZer’s.
Yes, we’ve thought about creating a group for foreign nationals who support our POTUS, but it is a great deal of work to run a group and run it cleanly. If we don’t have the time, it would only turn into another crappy Trump group where no one responds. Another group, doesn’t seem to be an option…. because people want to belong to a good group.
Of course, everything about membership depends on the person, not the location. In this group of Q treepers, we have wonderful members from countries outside of USA, who add greatly to the conversation.


America First, Daughn.
While it is great that there are Trump supporters all over the world…you don’t have the time to deal with the added headaches of letting them into your controlled group of US Trump Supporters.
This of course, is just my two cents.
We’ve got a brutal election cycle coming up.
Those foreign supporters…are not Voters.
Why not just use that as your ‘reason’ for not throwing open your FB group?
Just tell them that you need to keep it for US Voters.


Basically, let the foreign supporters form their own groups.
That’s how the Qresearch board did it…with the Q-supporters in other countries.


If you can get away with it, select a few voices from the groups you’d like to let in. This will give theirs some recognition and if you’ve vetted them properly they should not be a distraction to the sight and may enhance it.


Maybe another idea, or where you can vet them from, is to tell them about Dissenter and new voices may be added from there on a test basis?
Just suggestions. You would know better than any of us.

Molly Pitcher

Daughn, I’m the least SM savvy person around here. Avoid it all costs but my first thought about this that the foreign power in tech overreach appears to be hand in hand with govt control. If any content is deemed racist or xxx-ist they might start banning and the negative focus might start infecting the US sites/pages ?


With Nigel Farage announcement of a new Brexit Party in the UK, I’m thinking we might need to step up and help spread the message a little wider.

Pat Frederick

one question–definitely off topic–how in creation do you find time to do all you do?
you must be the FLASH or something!
you make me feel like a slug…lol


My husband does not like me online,,, it is a constant source of “discomfort” at our cabin. hmmmm

Pat Frederick

I have a similar dislike of my hubby watching the “news”…and I admit I am not charitable in my loud rebuttals of their so-called news. this leads to hubby sighing and muting the tv till the weather comes on…

Pat Frederick

i watch it on fb sometimes…
we can’t get cable here…so we have an antenna ($20 from walmart) and don’t have to pay monthly…we get the major channels–abc, nbc, cbs, and fox…but rarely watch it…nothing’s good these days anyway

A Fortiori

I’m thinking you would not have asked this question if you did not think expanding was worthwhile. So, it seems to me the key question is span of control. Yes, it is better to expand your reach, to cast the message further and reach a broader audience. The key question is can you keep up the quality. This is not something we can evaluate for you, it comes down to you and your team. But as you evaluate this, recall the wisdom of Inspector Harry Callahan (aka Dirty Harry): A Man’s Got to Know His Limitations.


Quality is what concerns me the most. Otherwise, it’s just a bunch of trash.
Every country (almost) already has a Trump group on Facebook.
What I MIGHT do, is slowly bring in their admins only. So they have the content needed for their own groups.
Their content often sucks.
The one thing WE do, is almost like a rapid response team, with what could be compared to talking points — for our side. When something big breaks, we caution people to stop, think, and put forth a coherent response to push back against MSM. It’s so weird to see my words posted on someone else’s feed. BUT it is valuable, stops people from being demoralized, and gives them confidence.

Gail Combs

The idea of letting in the leaders/admins only is a very good idea. They can ‘Steal’ you content with your blessing and add local flavor [censorship] as required.
They can also relay questions they can not answer.


from the Article…
President Donald Trump’s administration is planning to dismantle OPM, beginning in fall 2019, and divide its functions among three separate departments: Department of Defense (DOD), General Services Administration (GSA) and Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
The OPM is responsible for managing the majority of government security clearances. The restructuring would have the DOD oversee the massive background investigation operation. And GSA could soon take over OPM’s current human resources obligations, according to The Washington Post.


This is Great!
And it is also sheer genius…because it is a way to kill several birds with one stone.
OPM = Office of Personnel Management
This is who has had control of Security Clearances.
The DOD can handle that much, much better!
I suspect that the OPM is full of Hussein hold-overs.
Can’t fire them…but you can eliminate their jobs!


I wonder what happens to the contracts that OPM was overseeing – the government employees’ union contracts……hope PDJT can somehow eliminate that union completely! It is these contracts that make it almost literally impossible to fire a government employee.


It looks like some of Mick Mulvaney’s early work at OMB is beginning to bear fruit. It is a good sign.


Just going to say that Spab…
Mick did a reorganization of agencies PLAN over a year ago… I strongly believe they are beginning to bring it out – in small steps…
While the DIMs are screaming the next couple of months about the Mueller Report and other disclosures and the indictments against mostly DIMs… POTUS will be getting on with BUSINESS of running the country’s government…
DIMs are really STUPID… constantly chasing the shiny ball…

Pat Frederick

good…apparently the Chinese are using OPM records…
“Have we seen evidence that they’ve done that? Absolutely,” said Stewart, a former Air Force B-1 bomber pilot who is currently a member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.
He declined to provide further details.
The OPM hack was considered one of the most damaging breaches of personnel security for the U.S. government ever. The operation by China took place in 2014 and was discovered in June 2015. China’s role was kept secret during the Barack Obama administration.

Pat Frederick

now what’s he up to?
He said, “I worry sometimes when, as we think about how to deal with the immigration issue, we think that any moves towards assimilation of the existing newcomers to the existing culture is somehow a betrayal. It’s not racist to say if you’re going to be here then you should learn the language of the country you just arrived at. We need to have some sort of common language in which all of us can work and learn and understand each other. Should we want to encourage newcomers to learn the language of the country they’re moving to? Of course.”


“…We need to have some sort of common language in which all of us can work and learn and understand each other. Should we want to encourage newcomers to learn the language of the country they’re moving to? Of course.”
Breaking News: Elite universities across America have agreed to offer Pig Latin as new language choice. Obama the Great is pleased. When asked for a comment, he said, “The communication gap just got smaller.”

Pat Frederick


Pat Frederick

congrats to Last Man Standing…coming up on 150th episode! (link includes a short 3 min video of funniest moments–some are a riot!)


Love the show … it’s actually funny … well written … good characters … not mean … 😉👍❤️❤️❤️

Pat Frederick

i love it too!
tho i am not fond of the “blonde” Mandy–I thought the original Mandy was perfect.


I didn’t see the shows with the original Mandy … looked it up .. they changed actresses for story(?) purposes … I’ve only seen the shows with the blond actress .. I’ll have to look older seasons up .. thanks for the info Pat 🙂❤️

Pat Frederick

the dark haired Mandy was on the show at ABC but during the move to FOX, the actress was changed–maybe she found other work?
That’s the second Kristen too–lol–the first one was more petite and dark haired and lasted only for the first season.
Let’s see, the original Ryan was Nick Jonas and he was replaced at the end of the first season too i think…
so you’ve never seen Tim Allen do his POTUS imitation on a Halloween episode? hilarious!


Oh now I have to search out the Halloween episode .. 😃

Pat Frederick

he’s awesome!


comment image

Sylvia Avery

I’m not much of a sit com fan. I had never even HEARD of this show until it was cancelled and there were stories about it being popular, a slightly conservative POV, and it had Tim Allen. No, I don’t live under a rock but I tend to watch crime dramas or stuff like Navy SEALS.
Anyway, when it was announced they were bringing it back I was curious and I started to binge watch it. I’m finally up to Season 6.
While I’m still not a sit com fan, the show IS amusing and will sometimes make me laugh out loud. It helps that I like Tim Allen. I think it is well done and good for fun, mindless entertainment. I’ve enjoyed it. And the cherry on top is I get to feel like I am sticking it in the eye of the liberal media complex.
I recommend it to anyone who hasn’t watched it before.


Sylvia, Pat and Nikki..
Hubby and I watch everynite–If you want to know what Marica’s marriage is like–Hubby is Tim Allen and I am a more conservative and not as ditsy (lil bit) wife! It’s REALLY eerie how Tim Allen sounds just like him!! I always LOL even if I’ve seen it over and over again!!


Pat Frederick

I love this man!!


Caused Mumbles Pelosi to chew through three spit masks.

Pat Frederick

accurate, but still eeeeewwwwww


Indelicate Me Much


As if California needed any more misery.comment image


Yes, Tom Fitton…you have been pointing to the SpyGate scandal for years now.
And Thank You for doing it!

Of course, the Dems and their media nozzles have gone out of their way to ignore it!


Just put up my News Roundup thread if you are interested.

Pat Frederick

thanks! I will check it out!

Sylvia Avery

ALWAYS interested. Thanks Felice.


This right here…
I hope this idea gets expanded and repeated, over and over.


That’s true.
We still don’t know where Sarah Carter and John Solomon have been getting some of the stuff that they have revealed.
Here’s the thing…
Assange will defend himself by saying that he is a ‘Publisher’ of the info…and that he didn’t “steal it” as others have claimed.
So then, he will have to *prove* that he was merely the ‘recipient’ of the info.
I would imagine that he will HAVE TO reveal that he received info from Seth Rich.

Sylvia Avery

I keep wondering if somehow the JA arrest is a foreshadowing of things to come for the media leakers who have been getting away with murder.
I don’t know. I remain confused and off balance and frustrated knowing I don’t see the whole picture vis a vis Julian Assange.


Praying Medic posted this last night…I am in process of watching it and thought I would share:


This was a good video from PM.
He mentions the fact that the Indictment against Assange was dated March 6, 2018…which was over a year ago.
So much for all those naysayers who’ve been ridiculing the idea of “sealed indictments”.
He also mentions that 8chan and the Qresearch board now has a New Board Owner/BO…and that all is well there.

Sylvia Avery

Thanks Wheatie, that was interesting. The stuff about Assange gave me more to consider.

Oh the connections in the web: Dole, Manafort, Deripaska, Barbour, Russians, Ukrainians, Rino’s, and authored by
Glenn Simpson and Mary Jacoby
Piss on it!


The Censors have tried to scrub this video…but patriots are still posting it.
“Can’t stop the signal, Mal.”
If you’re a fan of Firefly, you’ll get that reference.
If you need an explanation, just ask and I will explain it.


Firefly was my favorite Joss Whedon creation. It died way too soon. The movie was good too. I hated to see the Shepherd die.


And also Wash!
Why did they have to kill off Wash!


You are right. I didn’t like that either. It wasn’t a very noble death.

Sylvia Avery

I love this video. I watch it whenever I see it posted!
Never watched Firefly. Have been curious about it. Do you recommend?


Yeah, it’s a good series…not very many episodes, it was only on for one season I think.
I was pissed off when it was cancelled.
So were millions of other fans.
There was a fan uprising…which resulted in a Movie being made — ‘Serenity’.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

It’s worse than that.
It was only on for half a season.
Conspiracy theories abound as to why it was cancelled, but I tend to disregard them as they all involve some variation of “because this showed off my politics and They didn’t want that on the air” and it’s popular with people from all over the political spectrum.

Sylvia Avery

I thought this was pretty significant. I saw Ken Starr say that and he is such an understated middle of the road type guy, and when he said that hearing Bill Barr say what he said sort of brought him up short and made the sirens go off in his head I thought, “Oh my! Panic in DC indeed! Yay!”


Someone like Bill Barr would NEVER say anything that he didn’t already have a large command of the facts – PROOF – about. Perhaps even better than POTUS at this point, if POTUS hasn’t seen all the documents, but Barr spoke those words, I said, “there it is” –
Funny how the lefties are trying to change the meaning of the word “spy” – daughtn talks about this – but it’s only a matter of days for the volcanic lava to start flowing. Barr simply sent up the first geyser of hot ash.

Sylvia Avery

Barr is far too serious of a person to just be casually talking through his hat, especially in front of Congress.
The Dims can throw all their weight at Barr’s statement ridiculing it, demeaning it, questioning it, challenging it, but….they can run but they can’t hide. Barr is coming and he is bringing Justice with him.


I know! It’s a delicious feeling. Good description of Barr, very serious, competent and believes in the Law – those folks are running scared. I only hope we some of them in handcuffs – Greg Craig didn’t get rousted at 0600 in the morning by an FBI SWAT team – but Stone and Manifort did!

Gail Combs

“…Barr is coming and he is bringing THE SWORD OF Justice with him.”
There fixed it. 😁

Sylvia Avery

Wolfie that is a really good red pill meme. It is so true.
I didn’t want to believe that we had traitors in control. Really, really did not. Heck, I STILL don’t want to believe it, but I know it is true.

Cuppa Covfefe

Traitors for sale or rent,
Goons to let, 50 cents
I’m a man who’s so mean
And I do mean, King of the Swamp…
(Apologies to Roger Miller, and the rest of the known and unknown universe)


Don’t forget the Bush’s – the one in the ground goes back a ways and is responsible for achieving many of the milestones.
The Klintoons are “friends” of the Bushes, after all.
Bush – Clinton – Bush – Obozo : Bet they could not believe how well things were panning out. When seen in this context, coupled with the C_A’s increasingly blatant criminality – no wonder they FREAKED OUT at the VSG’s win.
9-11 coming out – I can SMELL their fear ….


Here ya go…comment image
my fav!!!


Corey has a THREAD… very interesting, click on either tweet, and zoom in on attachment


Pres Trump is making a Major Announcement…right now…about 5G and new cellphone technology.


Says he’s been streamlining the permitting process, to facilitate the progress.
Says it’s all going to happen very quickly.
“American companies will be investing $300 Billion…creating over 5 million new jobs.”
(I think he said ‘over $300 Billion’ but cannot remember exact amount.)
Says…”No matter where you are, you will soon have access to 5G.”
Said rural America will be getting access along with the cities.


I have read that the President is very concerned about falling behind China in communications technology.


Haaa…”Lot of people say they have ‘open arms’ for the illegals. We’ll see. Let’s see if they still have open arms.”
He was asked about the Santuary Cities thing that he tweeted about this morning.
And he is talking like he’s going to do it!
Also said…”We will be sending more troops to the Border.”


He “needsta” propose a tax break for any homeowner that voluntarily removes the wall around their property …
Call it the “Walls Divide Democrats From The People Bill” …
Then troll them on that every day until they cry “Uncle”


I found this humorous…read the headline then skim the content. Guess any registered Repub is a “Diehard Conservative”….in my dreams 😉
….maybe phocca is the next DIM candidate they are trying to dirty up….


About 1/1024 CONservative.

Molly Pitcher


Yeah, the guy tried to light himself on fire!
The SecServ guys tackled him and put the fire out, though.

Sylvia Avery

Please tell me his name is Adam Schiff…


I dunno, but I doubt that we could be that lucky.
Seriously though…I’ll bet this is another MK victim that was programmed to do this.
At least they’ve got the guy; he’s alive…so they will be able to check him out.

Molly Pitcher

Thanks for the added info. Lighting self on fire is so…………..derp
Although, my cynical nature always makes me wonder..a distraction for some other sneaky incident? I shoulda been a secret service lady!


Something to consider. Self-immolation has been a form of political protest in some parts of the world for quite sometime. And yes, some people run when they set their self alight until they eventually collapse.


It’s big in Muslim world – that’s what’s supposed to have triggered the “Arab Spring”.
Tunesia: [rough quote] The protests were sparked by the self-immolation of Mohamed Bouazizi on 17 December 2010 and led to the ousting of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali 28 days later on 14 January 2011, when he officially resigned after fleeing to Saudi Arabia, ending his 23 years in power.


I remember vividly in the late sixties when I was classified 1-A for the draft a monk in S. Vietnam set himself alight in protest of the persecution of Buddhists by the government of S. Vietnam. Horrified.
And it was photographed and the MSM showed it on the news. That photo had a great impact around the world.

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Yeah, the guy tried to light himself on fire!

And me without my marshmallows….
(One of my best posts Over There, and now I get to repeat it.)

Cuppa Covfefe

And what was that song,
“My Old Flame,
Don’t even remember his name”…

Molly Pitcher

Barr takes to his bed.comment image



Cabal is going to be throwing everything at Patriots/POTUS

POTUS going to be giving back ……… image

Molly Pitcher

that picture cracks me up. The crowd looks like the Village People in YMCA

Elizabeth Carter

The YMCA crowd was all gay. These guys are probably straight. But the similarity in costume is the same. LOL.


I say park em right smack dab in the middle of LA and SanFran. Roll out the welcome mat of Tents, needles, and feces…maybe they’ll self deport!! If they object, bus em on over to Nan’s, DiFi’s, Kammy’s or Mad Maxie’s place, tell em there’s gold and prizes on the other side of their Walls. Watch em Climb!!

Molly Pitcher

AGREE ! Strategic placement. They want them and they can boost their voting base, add that lovely diversity and be such a good lesson for the rest of the country. Newsome better hurry back from El Salvador and git to being host to all of the parasites (literally & figuratively )

Molly Pitcher

hahahahah that’s the one!

Harry Lime

Village Idiot top center.comment image

Elizabeth Carter

PR What if we send all of the illegals coming in and all of the ones waiting to be deported to the Sanctuary Cities? Because they are so Progressive, we will give them a head start and deploy all 5 G technology startups to the Sanctuary Cities first. All Sanctuary Cities existing Police forces can be moved to the border as baby sitters so the Border Patrol can get some relief. All of the liberal judges can be sent to the border to release even more illegal immigrants to the SC. The Sanctuary Cities and States can impose taxes
The rest of the country can spend their money on infrastructure improvements. All Sanctuary cities can require mandatory vaccinations and Single Payer healthcare also. We can move President Trump and the conservatives to Mar a Lago until we get this settled down.


No red dot near me in Taxachussetts!


Reach Out And Touch Everyone still leading in the democrat polls, with Feel The Burn second; and Buttplug stuck in third.

Sylvia Avery

Racist, Sexist, Misogynistic, and White Nationalists.
I can’t believe Buttplug has rocketed into third place. Has Beto’s moment in the sun passed?


Beta boy has lost his ‘freak’ appeal, now that Buttplug has been inserted into race.


Inserted, LOLOL


Haaa…I see what you did there, Patrick.
Good one!

Sylvia Avery

Lordy! When I first read this, I thought you said “now that Buttplug has been inserted into face.”
I’m awfully glad I was wrong.



Sylvia Avery

I know, right? It’s like my brain has it’s own version of autofill and I will start to read something and it fills in with some other similar looking word.
I was very glad I read in haste and error.


And I read that as; ‘has it’s own version of landfill”……………………..
We may be related

Sylvia Avery

“We may be related”
I would be honored.
Landfill. Snicker.


Toxic dumpings by Slyvia and her cousin, phc

Sylvia Avery

See, now I read that as “toxic dumplings” and I thought, “Whaaa?????????” and had to go back and reread.
Maybe I have toxic dyslexia.


Could be hoe moans.
Let’s ask Marcia

Sylvia Avery

I did go clean my glasses. Sometimes the simplest solutions are best.
But if you want to ask about hoe moans, I’ll stand back and watch!!!!


Bid you see her response yesterday to our tete a tete?

Sylvia Avery

No, I didn’t! I’ll have to go look.
Sometimes I forget everyone else is reading us.


I asked about the hoe (knew about the shovel)
She interjected; “I’m fine patrick. Thanks for asking”

Sylvia Avery

Marica cracks me up.


It did metoo


Did, not bid

Sylvia Avery

See, I read right over Bid and saw Did. My brain worked correctly, for once.


Hoe Moans! Ha!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!! You two are killing it..and Here is me on a new SurfacePro and cannot find my emojis!! What?!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

They’re probably on the
surface… 🙂
The Shovel and Hoe – sounds like a friendly Pub… 🙂
There’s a “Shovel Inn” in West Midlands:
that’s a start…


We are definitely fans of the BARR! 🙂


speaking of butts… what is an innuendo?
an Italian suppository.
*ducks and runs..




Buttplug, rocketed to stuck!!! Both you guys have me howling!!😂😂🤣🤣😂😂

Sylvia Avery

<3 <3 <3


Reach out and touch someone……..


Good Point!
Bill Mitchell makes an excellent point here…which is why I still add 10+ points to every ‘approval poll’ for our Potus.


Ding, Ding… we have a winner!


I prolly shouldn’t have laughed at this…but I did:comment image




“God, let it be john brennan.”

Sylvia Avery

My first thought was Adam Schiff, but oh yeah John Brennan! How AWESOME would that have been?

Cuppa Covfefe

His name (almost) fits the part: Brennen means burning, or consumed by flames, in German…
(Duden has the entire conjugation, auf Deutsch)…


Well, eventually THAT’s gonna happen.


As the Anons would say…interdasting:

Nice choice of playing card!

Sylvia Avery

Wow, no kidding!


Black In The New Orange

Sylvia Avery

You are so sly! I love it.


We R Fam-B-Ly

Sylvia Avery

🙂 <3 🙂


Ben is really brave for going there…
Kudos to him…

Sylvia Avery

I thought so, too.


Sylvia Avery

Oh Candace. You are amazing.


Courageous as H!ll is what she is !!!
She is standing up to:
DIM Plantation Party
Black Ministers and the Black Church
Black People who choose to remain on the Plantation
Wretched Media who smear her 24/7
The Cabal
And EVIL personified…
Pray for her safety…

Sylvia Avery

Watching her standing up so fearlessly to that horrible Ted Lieu and that even worse old windbag Nadler was quite the sight. She has so much strength and composure, especially for one so young.
And you are quite right we should all be praying for her safety. Look what happened to Andrew Breitbart. Effective truth tellers are a big, big risk to the status quo.



Muh-raycysm is the new muh-Russia.


A video report of what happened…still preliminary.
And sorry it’s Shep Smith.



12:00 PM 04/12/2019 | OPINION
Candace Owens | Turning Point USA
When the Democrats’ ridiculous, fear-mongering “Rise of White Nationalism” hearing blew up in their faces, liberals went looking for a scapegoat: me.
My mere presence at the hearing turned a “serious inquiry” into a “farce,” according to Dana Milbank, the arch-liberal columnist at the Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Post.
“Serious inquiry?” What a joke.
That hearing was a farce from the very beginning; all I did was expose it for what it was. The entire exercise was nothing but the opening salvo of the Democrats’ 2020 election strategy, which involves getting minority voters to the polls with a combination of fear and bribery — using the specter of “white nationalism” to smear Republicans while Democrats call for “reparations” in the form of government handouts.
It was a cynical, condescending attempt to mislead black voters, and while the Democrats had a whole panel of left-wing identity politics activists and social media executives to help them, only Zionist Organization of America leader Mort Klein and I were on hand to counter their deceptions.
We had our work cut out for us, even with the very conspicuous absence of representatives from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). The SPLC scammed its way to a half-billion dollar fortune by stoking racial fears among minorities, making a business out of willfully smearing conservative Christians and immigration restrictionists as “hate groups” on par with the Ku Klux Klan.
Even though recent controversies have made the SPLC too toxic for even the Democrats to risk inviting, much of the liberal media still cited SPLC propaganda in their coverage of the hearing.
The Democrats’ chosen activists, meanwhile, dragged out juiced statistics suggesting America is suffering through a wave of white nationalist violence and “hate crimes.” In reality, though, only a tiny sliver of violent crime in this country is committed by “white nationalists,” even under the absurdly broad definitions these groups use to inflate their statistics and further their fear mongering.
The activists went so far as to cite a “report” about the rise of “cyberhate” that actually defined the words “white” and “black” as racial slurs.
Representatives from Google and Facebook were on hand to concur with their Democrat patrons about the need for more censorship on their platforms to combat “white nationalism,” though they struggled to come up with a plausible justification. One of them even cited Facebook’s failure to ban every page that says “it’s okay to be white” as evidence that the government needs to step in to help Facebook suppress such sentiments.
Democrat Congressman David Cicilline was furious that Facebook did not “preemptively remove” former Toronto mayoral candidate Faith Goldy and take “proactive steps” to “identify” and ban others like her — even though the company did ban Goldy’s account shortly after announcing its new policy prohibiting “white supremacist” content.
As usual, it made no difference to liberals that Goldy has never claimed to be a “white nationalist” or called for any form of violence, because the Democrats’ only goal is to convince the public that the threat of white nationalism is so great that we must forfeit our cherished right to free speech.
One Republican committee member, Rep. Tom McClintock (R-Calif.), had the guts to point this out, and when he did, a liberal activist had the nerve to complain that “this is a hearing about hate crimes and violence, not hate speech.”
Of course, the Democrats were only interested in talking about a very specific category of hate crimes and violence.
When Klein tried to widen the conversation to include the BDS movement, Islamism, and other manifestations of anti-Semitic hate that are increasingly finding acceptance on the left, Democrat Rep. Mary Scanlon dismissed his concerns and responded with a conspiracy theory about how the perception of Muslim anti-Semitism is actually part of an elaborate plot by racist whites to pit different minority groups against each other.
When I pointed out how absurd it was to claim that America is somehow more “racist” or “white nationalist” now than it was when my grandfather was a sharecropper in the segregated South, Rep. Ted Lieu put on a serious face and tried to smear me — a black woman who works for an orthodox Jew — as a Hitler-loving anti-Semite. Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) then flat-out lied, banging his gavel and falsely claiming I had called Lieu “stupid” when I tried to defend myself.
Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) was even more outrageously out of line, accusing me of “inspiring” the mass murderer who attacked a mosque in New Zealand last month.
I’m going to give these Democrats the benefit of the doubt and assume they didn’t mean for their hearing to go so far off the rails. That would at least explain why they needed to blame me, the one who exposed their spectacular failure on live TV.
It’s rather ironic that after a whole room of Democrats devoted an entire hearing to pretending that black Americans like me need to be terrified of the white nationalists “rising” behind President Trump, it was the president and his family who came to my defense in response to their race-baiting smears. Given the Democratic Party’s long history of both explicit and implicit racism, though, it’s hardly surprising.
Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) is communications director for Turning Point USA.
[Note: I think Candace has done enough for our Country to date to deserve to have her words posted here for all to see. Few of us can really understand what it is like to make an unpopular stand and have evil focused against you. I will not describe the circumstances because doing so would automatically dox me… but in my 30s, after being elected to local office, I found myself in the crosshairs of evil people… because I made an unpopular stand, because I advocated for women unable to do so for themselves. My brother was living in Texas at the time and while shaving/listening to TV heard my voice on the CBS morning news… called me in Carolina and said, “Sis, what have you stirred up now.” Days prior to that call, the KKK burnt a cross in my front yard… people were visiting the courthouse attempting to learn anything about our recently adopted daughter. Candace is experiencing 1,000 times what I did, and probably will be doing so for years. She deserves our prayers and support.

Sylvia Avery

Thanks for posting, it was worth reading.
I admire Candace Owens so much.

Gail Combs

I hope she has plenty of portection.
It is really sad that in a country with Constitutionally guaranteed ‘Free Speech’ You need an armed guard 24-7 for life if you actually EXERCISE THAT RIGHT!


Haven’t seen this posted.
Short vid is the violence. Longer vid is the scheduled speech after the violence. Quite insightful. Subject Gender Confusion.


Deplorable Patriot



Not Alan Greenspan !!!!
He and his idiot economic policies are what got us into such a mess to begin with…
Might as well ask Hildebeast how to fix cyber crime…

Sylvia Avery

I didn’t know he was still alive.
Good heavens. He needs to crawl back to the retirement home. He is definitely NOT relevant.


You o know who hi wife is, don’t you?
Andrea Mitchellcomment image


Looks like his daughter 🙂


Is she a “fiat money” digger? 😉

Deplorable Patriot

GAG ME!comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Sylvia Avery

An interesting break down of Bill Priestap’s testimony and his involvement with our UK “spy partners” and it is done in a very readable fashion.
Here’s a piece FTA:
“…More important, his testimony contains extensive indications of wrongdoing, including that the FBI and DoJ targeted Trump and did so with information it made no effort to verify. It paints a portrait of the Obama-era bureau as one that was unconcerned with political interference in investigations and was willing to enlist the help of close foreign allies to bring down its target. And, perhaps presaging a defense to Barr’s claim that American officials had spied on the Trump campaign, it showcases the euphemisms that can be used to disguise “spying…”

Sylvia Avery

And this was pretty good, too:
“…So there we have it with all the decisive logic of a Socratic dialogue: The FBI could not possibly have spied on the Trump campaign because bureau lingo includes neither the noun “spy” nor the verb “to spy.” Whatever informants may have been employed, whatever tools of surveillance may have been utilized, the FBI did not spy on the Trump campaign – didn’t spy by definition, as the bureau doesn’t use the term (except, of course, to describe the very same activities when undertaken by foreigners).
What’s telling about this line of questioning is that it inadvertently confirms Republican suspicions — and Attorney General Barr’s assertion. If House Democrats believed there had been no spying on the Trump campaign, they could have asked Priestap whether the FBI ever spies on Americans, given the common meaning of the verb “to spy.” They could have flat-out asked whether the FBI had spied on Trump World. Instead, Democratic counsel asked whether, given the FBI’s definition of spying, the bureau would “internally ever describe themselves as spying on American citizens.” It would seem that Democrats were every bit as convinced as Republicans that the FBI spied on Trump’s people…”


Lawyers/politicians baffling the public with bullshit (legalese).

Sylvia Avery

I don’t think it is working that well. I could give them an A for effort, though.


It used to.
The public is slowly catching on.

Sylvia Avery

I think so, too. Sometimes I feel like screaming because it seems so slow and it is taking so long, but when I take a moment and look at how far we have come it is sort of breathtaking.
From PDJT tweeting about having his wires tapped until now is remarkable.
I think everyone except the most ardent Rachel Madcow viewer has at least a glimmer that something has gone wrong, that there was “spying” on Donald Trump, and that our government was trying to keep him from getting elected and throwing him out once he was elected.


Eight years of zero and being kept in the dark takes awhile for some to recover from.


But it is good if you like mushrooms.. just sayin’


Great Twitter Warrior – added to my links list. Thanks!


I’m posting this from Q8chancomment image


It’s astounding the level of criminality going on with our Law and Justice and who knows for how long … I thank God for our patriots .. and this means you wolfmoon … you’re a blessing .. 🤨👍❤️❤️‼️😉❤️



This young man from Georgia is going places…
He’s blazing a trail now, and he’s only 17 !
C.J. keeps his eye on Abrams too…




Ms Maggie must be really scared her number is coming up –
This report is an outright LIE.

Sylvia Avery

Sigh. I’m sorry I read the NYT article. It is so slanted I could hardly bear to read it. I feel like I need a shower now.


Feel better, Miss Sylvia! 🚿🚿 🧼 🧼 🚿🚿


I have soap……………………..and pepsi

Gail Combs

We just bought several 1# bars of DARK chocolate….


Turning Sylvia’s bath time into a block party.
What a plan!

Sylvia Avery

???? I go out to walk the dog and come back and discover I’m showering with several hundred of my closest friends, eating chocolate and drinking Pepsi with mentos????
Well, it did cheer me right up!


We’re your chuckleberries

Sylvia Avery

It worked–I chuckled.
Actually, it was the dreaded giggle *snort* which is just so inelegant, and sometimes painful if Pepsi is involved.
I bet Melania never does that. Her laughter probably tinkles like wind chimes. Sigh.


A VERY long time ago I went out with a NY born Italian/Greek lady who bore (then) a striking resemblance to Melania (now).
Her laughter was most pronounced when people tripped themselves while walking.

Sylvia Avery

She sounds charming!


She is.
And still a friend, more than 45 years later.

Sylvia Avery

I bet she is! You’re a keeper, PHC!


An angel married me.
It’s been a very good life.

Sylvia Avery

I’m so glad. There is nothing sweeter or more steadying than marriage to someone who is right for you. It always feels like coming home when you’re together.


180 degree opposites.
A perfect fit.

Sylvia Avery

It sounds like it! I bet things are never dull around there!


She moans at my jokes.
And laughs during sex.
Gotta love her.

Sylvia Avery

Hey, whatever works! I’m open minded. Pat Frederick was recommending Candyland with her DH in the buff, so there’s always that to consider!


Off to bed.
She’s feeling funny.

Sylvia Avery

LOL, sleep well!

Cuppa Covfefe

Film at 11 🙂

Sylvia Avery

Ha! These days, I assume I’m always under surveillance. Pass me the shampoo, will ya?

Cuppa Covfefe

Whoa, my reply fell wayyyy down the thread…sorry Sylvia and PHC …

Sylvia Avery

🙂 🙂 🙂 That’s what makes life so interesting!

Cuppa Covfefe

How about Diet Coke and Mentos?
(Lotta fun, but a lotta suds, too) 🙂

Sylvia Avery

You DO know how to roll!!!


Wolf Moon,
This is in reply to a comment of yours from yesterday’s [i.e. 2019-04-11’s] open thread, pertaining to the 9/11 conspirators using the Blind Sheikh for his earlier attack on the WTC.
You were responding to NebraskaFilly. She’s asking if you think the Blind Sheikh was a Deep State plant:
[Wolf Moon:]
‘Not knowingly.
‘There is a reason I’ve often referred to things as possibly being “allowed events”, as opposed to false flags, conspiracies, etc.’
Viktor Suvorov, ex-Soviet military intelligence officer, spelled out in one of his books the exact method used for manipulating events this way, exploiting jihadists and other such scum.
GRU [military intel unit of Red Army’s General Staff – Suvorov’s old org] and KGB each sponsored dozens of terrorist gangs: Bader Meinhof, Red Army Faction, Symbionese Liberation Army, Weathermen, Irish “Republicans”, Basque separatists, various Lebanese, various Fakestinians [no letter ‘P’ in the Arabic alphabet, btw,] etc.
Both orgs would bring its mutts to their respective camps in the Soviet Union, and train them in all the usual things, bombings, shootings, knifings, Marxist theory, spying, clandestine communications, clandestine travel, etc.
Then they would put the ringleaders of each gang in a room and tell them to do blue-sky brainstorming to come up with a plan to attack the capitalists, unbelievers, colonialists, whatever the line of patter was for the gang in question.
The Sov liaison officer assigned to each gang would then sit behind his desk all day long and listen to 1,000s of well-crafted plans and cockamamie schemes, none of which would advance Moscow’s current agenda, if executed. He would just nod grimly, and tell the ringleaders he would forward each plan to his superiors to see if they would approve. Each of these plans then hits the secure shredder, and winds up in a burn bag.
But for every 1,000 or so pieces of useless BS, there would come one golden nugget of pure evil that by coincidence, almost exactly matched a scenario his org’s own tactical and strategic planning teams had already invented and gamed out, and that his leadership had already signed off on, as something that would advance a current mission directive of the org .
Then the liaison would beam at the ringleaders sitting before him, and tell them yes, yes, that is a brilliant idea they have come up with. He will take it to his superiors immediately, to ask if they would be willing to sponsor the operation.
And the superiors would sponsor the operation.
This play has something for everyone.
-The ringleaders of each terror gang get to talk amongst themselves, and have the satisfaction of seeing their own evil plans made real by the thugs they have recruited and trained.
-The liaison officer gets to take credit for keeping his particular flock of ugly ducks waddling along on the correct path.
-The org gets an honest try at pulling off a spectacular event, made by a highly-trained (and plausibly-deniable) team of fanatics carrying out out the plans of their own leaders.
-And Moscow gets to advance its exact agenda, at low cost, whenever a mission succeeds.
-The individual gangs, and their leaders, are none the wiser that they have been played.
Since Suvorov was kind enough to tell us* the final answer for how his Commie ex-buddies do it, and I’m guessing both China and the rogue CIA conspirators learned the same method from them, I thought this important enough to the point you were making in the wee hours today on yesterday’s thread to spill the discussion onto today’s thread.
*IIRC, in his book Inside Soviet Military Intelligence. But it may be in Inside the Aquarium, or in a different title.

Elizabeth Carter

Covadonga, Was that at Harvard, Yale, Princeton or Columbia?


Um, no?
I’m sorry, Elizabeth. Somehow I’m missing the context of your question.

Elizabeth Carter

Covadonga, I thought that is what they are teaching in our progressive American Universities now. They don’t seem to be teaching the USA Constitution anymore. I get so tired of what they are doing to our young people. It just hurts to watch them go to our top Universities to be taught how to hate God and to hate America.
No offense toward you was meant. Sorry if I offended you in any way. I just get so frustrated with it sometimes.
Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and William & Mary used to spend the first year studying Scripture. They did not believe an American who did not know Scripture was educated. Then we let the Communists gradually take over and now we are not allowed to mention God or the Scripture except in a disparaging way.
I like your comments and I understood your point. I guess I should have put the /s after it to make what I meant clear.


Oh! Certainly no offense taken. I was just blanking out for some reason on the question of if you were being serious or not.
Now that you explain it, I should have sensed the ‘ /s’, even if you didn’t write it.
Analogous opinion to yours about “elite” universities on my branch of the tree.
And, unfortunately, the problem historically is objectively a case of the fish rotting from the head. The original conspirators, (and the conspiracy can be traced back at least as far as the 19th century,) knew which American schools were most influential, and went to work corrupting them first.
A group of young Yalies, I think of them as the original counter-revolutionaries to the American Revolution, went to Germany back then, and were very impressed with the new German philosophy they found there.
This philosophy (Kant, Hegel, etc,,) had been funded and promoted by the (still semi-feudal) German landowners, who were terrified of American-style ideas and popular institutions spreading around the world, and thus costing them their elevated social status.
So the intrepid Yalies joined a German secret society devoted to spreading this anti-American, counter-revolutionary philosophy, then came back home and founded a chapter of this European society on the Yale campus. This chapter is the notorious Skull and Bones, very prominent in the history of corruption in the American academy, the corruption of the American intelligence community, and in the growth and transcendence of the American money-center banking cartel and Fed.
In other words, the Bonesmen deliberately started a bunch of the problems Mr. Trump and Q are now asking us to clean up.
Once a society has swallowed the poison of this anti-Enlightenment, German philosophy, whether it then falls to Communism, Fascism, Nazism, the Occult, Fabian Socialism, Islam, etc. is a mere detail, like the question of which particular symptom finally finishes off a patient with a brain tumor.
So I wondered if, by Yale and the others on your list, you were referring to this history, which I’ve written about before on this site.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. And the Thule Society is still doing their Demonic dirty deeds here, behind the scenes, driving Merde-cow and her cadaverous coven to destroy Europe, its culture, and its people. 322 skiddoo…

Elizabeth Carter

Covadonga, I had not seen your previous writings about Skull and Bones. I knew of the Bonesmen but I had not realized that they travelled to Germany and brought these ideas back with them. I will watch for your comments in particular about their history.
We have to clean up these problems or we will lose America entirely.
Thanks for understanding.

Cuppa Covfefe

Here are two articles on Cuttingedge that explore the history of George Bush and his family in relation to Skull and Bones, as well as more detail on their ceremonies and outright evil doings. There is more info on that site, and probably on as well. The Bushes were NOT the Christians they made themselves out to be, as their actions (“fruits”) show.
“All “bonesman” — including george w. Bush — drink Jesus’ ceremonial blood during initiation into Skull & Bones”
“Texas governor george w. Bush is also a member of the illuminist satanic secret society, Skull & Bones! (Updated september 16, 2001.)”
Years ago, people tended to think this was “tinfoil hat” stuff. Now that the black cat, as it were, is out of the bag, it’s obvious that the Uniparty, and the secret societies, etc., really DO exist, and hold and seek to gain enormous power…


Elizabeth, what you said here connects to a comment I made down-thread regarding abortion. Removing God and knowledge of Scripture from the Public Square (renown academic institutions, and all public – government entities) enabled them to force not only the loosening of morality in our culture, but abolition of the Judaic-Christian based Moral Compass.
Our J-C foundation had to be removed and replaced with the amorality of Leftism – which is how fascism, communism, etc. etc. take over. It’s also how they managed this, from my comment below:
It’s interesting to note that as a culture loosens the moral restraints – it had to find a way to eliminate the consequences of such loosening: Replace the nuclear family with the State, and abort the babies which are the result of loosened morals. It also allows for the decadent, depraved and mentally ill to take over the Public Square.


comment image

Sylvia Avery

THAT is a devastating meme. It should be everywhere.


You can see the rotted soul and mindset in Leftist thinking with that mieme; it’s how fascist dictators, communists justify getting rid of mass numbers of people. People have no value except as tools of the State. With abortion, they desensitized the populace into accepting what would be unacceptable in a moral society. It’s why the Left pushed God out of the Public Square – have to take away the Moral Compass to enact their agenda.
It’s interesting to note that as a culture loosens the moral restraints – it had to find a way to eliminate the consequences of such loosening: Replace the nuclear family with the State, and abort the babies which are the result of loosened morals. It also allows for the decadent, depraved and mentally ill to take over the Public Square.


This T shirt is on the OFFICIAL Donald Trump swag site!

Sylvia Avery

That is HILARIOUS!!!!! Whoever is running their swag site and coming up with this stuff is amazing!


With ya Sylvia!! Someone active on twitter that keeps up with the Memes!!



I haven’t seen any leftist media in a few days…..didn’t realize they were so ‘splody headed over AG Barr’s comments re: “unauthorized surveillance” and “spying”. My goodness! Like kicking an ant’s nest.
…..this 2 min video is amazing….


Oops…sorry….it’s 5 min….apologies…..


The odd thing is just how determined clapper and brennan are at talking themselves into a set of leg irons on national TV.


Is it arrogance?
Honestly perplexed on that score.


They, until recently; believed they were untouchable.


but they had to know they were expendable links in a chain, when the towing got tough.


The Left has been winning for decades, it’s not even in their distant past to comprehend another set of rules, and law and order. Once they got the Courts to move things their way, they felt free and clear. To some extent it’s what is driving them now. They think the courts will save them… That’s another reality which is going to shock them.


I’m sorely disappointed… thought Barr might have dropped the Mueller Report late this afternoon.
Guess I’ll have to settle for this
click on either tweet for THREAD
DoJ Press Release can be found here



Let’s put it this way, this isn’t going to be about rogue agents doing stuff on their own. No way would any of this have happened without Obama’s directive. It’s what he and his minions intended all along – no matter who the GOP nominee turned out to be.
There wasn’t only spying during campaign season, they’ve been spying on people from our side – blatantly -since Obama took office in 2008.

Gail Combs

wheatietoo posted this from our very smart President. And it has been discussed a bit up thread while I was off to town and trying not to drown in the thunderstorm.

Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only….
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 12, 2019
….The Radical Left always seems to have an Open Borders, Open Arms policy – so this should make them very happy!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 12, 2019

Here are some things to consider:
1. Dump ALL illegals caught in Deeply DemonRat state Sanctuary cities.
3. Direct ICE to concentrate on cities in ‘Purple States’ and to a lesser extent sanctuary cities in blue states. (Work to DRIVE illegals to Deeply DemonRat states.)
4. “The precedent for the federal government holding its highway funding hostage goes back to a 1987 Supreme Court case. … The Court found that, under the spending clause of the Constitution, the federal government could withhold highway funds, thereby exerting its control over the states.”link (This is with the blessing of Congress)
5. Impoundment of Appropriated Funds by the president — a discussion of the history. This may be revisited since ‘Sanctuary Cities’ are essentially defying the law so witholding funds until they are in compliance with Federal Laws maybe seen as a tool that can be used by the President as Administrator of the Law.
6. The Budget. Given #5, Expect President Trump to VETO and shut down the US government. Make those Sanctuary cities/states HURT! The longer he can shutdown the Government the better so be prepared!
7. Go after Money that is Wire Transferred by illegals to foreign countries. If the *&%^ Banks can REFUSE to do business with Conservatives, then they can DARN WELL REQUIRE PROOF before transfering funds. That goes for Walmart, PigglyWiggly and all the rest of the companies that do wire transfers.
I am not sure how much power President Trump has in connection to #7 but I hope he can do it.
8. Grab ALL the National Guards fron the DemonRat states and station them on the border. (They can escort the illegals to their home states. 😋)

I have thought for days now that Barr would release it today, rather than next week, which is Holy Week and he is Catholic.. thought he would rather be with his family. But Herridge is probably thinking she’ll get a scoop… IF IT DOES COME TODAY…

Deplorable Patriot

Holy Week is not an occasion to miss work or school for Catholics until Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday. Earlier in the day, there will be a Chrism Mass in all dioceses for the new oils to be blessed and distributed, but the laity generally work through Thursday. It’s the Triduum that will have us all at Church: Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Thursday, Tenebrae (Thurs night to Friday morning) in some places, Good Friday service which is SUPPOSED to be at 3 pm, and the Easter Vigil on Saturday night. If the report was dropped on Good Friday, THAT would be a shocker.


It’s just my twisted mind at work…
I USED to be a practicing Catholic… Holy Week was just that for me, personally. Still is. Except for this year, when Easter is so late, it often occurred same time as Masters, and Spring Break. I spent many a year during that time with visiting grandchildren.
POTUS brought Bill Barr out of retirement… Barr is Catholic, has a very young grandson, I thought Barr might simply want to get the Report out of the way.
Again, just my own thinking…
Barr did say within a week… so even if its a week total, it won’t be delivered on Good Friday, which would make it longer than a week…
It will come… when it comes. I would simply like to see the end of all the continued denial that the SC found in POTUS’ favor.

Deplorable Patriot

It used to be like pulling teeth to get Holy Thursday and Good Friday off from work when I was in the Cathedral Choir, and even before I sang with them just to be able to get to Confession before Good Friday. I know people who still go back to work after the service.
Monday-Wednesday is just like any other week, although a little more harried. They may not be quite ready yet. I’d rather the thing be airtight and redacted with precision than rushed to publication.


you’re right about wanting it airtight etc.
And there’s that little bonus of letting the DIMs squirm, look over their shoulder, etc. 😉 just a bit longer.
We wait with excitement, they wait with dread, fear.


While you’re thinking about the SC report exonerating the President, add to your anticipation… Downthread I mentioned a lightbulb going off for me – everyone (MSM, Dems, Obama’s FBI/DOJ admin. etc. etc) ran for the red herring regarding why spying couldn’t be “real” spying – which took folks off a bigger prize coming along for us – POTUS’ and his use of the word “Treason” this past week.
Spying isn’t treason – the best is yet to come. 🙂

Deplorable Patriot

Quick story from this evening’s fish fry in the part of town known as Carondolet….
So, one of the parishes that used to be part of the Spanish colony here back in the day is now very much the place Mexican immigrants (legal, speaking English) have settled. They do six weeks of fish fry every Lent to benefit the parish school which is thriving and producing quite a few scholar type students every year. We went tonight. The place was mobbed, but we managed to find a table with a couple of nuns/sisters who were happy for us to sit with them.
It turns out they are Franciscan Sisters of Charity, and they are with the group that runs the chapel and hospitality center right next to the city’s Planned Parenthood “clinic” which I believe is the only one left in the state. (We drove past there on the way home as it was a slight detour when the driver – not me – got off the highway at the wrong exit, and literally their chapel and center is the house next to the PP parking lot.) The place was set up about a year and a half ago to host the prayer warriors and protesters who need somewhere to go to warm up, cool down, needing a rest room, etc.
What the sisters said was that since they opened the chapel there, the number of abortions performed at that facility has dropped precipitously. And we know from Abby Johnson that people praying is a key factor in no shows for appointments. So, it looks like prayer is a HUGE factor in the war against unborn child killing. Not just protesting and making films and writing about it, but going to the clinics and being a sidewalk warrior for God.
Passing this on for the good ladies. They are very dedicated to the cause.


Such wonderful news DP,
We will continue to pray…





” some people did something?”
check her little smile after saying that.


comment image


You know it really is a live it if you preach it moment. When obummer was shipping these people around, he put them in conservative cities, many incapable of dealingvwith them, but mostly no one wanted illegal immigrants. But when these “charity” organizations get millions to house them and those charities pay into city reelection campaigns who allow everything, this is just giving their bs back to them on a silver platter.





The liberal/progressives are only about 20% of actual voting democrats.
And yet they run the show.


Well, perhaps because they have the Deep State/Cabal behind them?
They’re pushy, arrogant, violent..
Here she is again, with ANOTHER inappropriate remark… I usually avoid posting her or her comments, along with the other two domestic terrorists… but this business with 9/11 is over the top… imho of course


Associated Press just broke news!
9th Circuit Appellate level just “blocked” Fed District Judge who refused to allow DHS to return asylum seekers to Mexico.
Victory for Trump Admin!




That was fast. The judge who did that is treasonous(but it doesnt stop them). So immediately they will turn them back again I hope.


SUPER NEWS Daughn…. !!!!!!!!!!!!


Time to Dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks for posting this Daughn…
Brings nice memories….

Sylvia Avery

That is such terrific news!!!


Wheatie, GOT starts on Sunday. 👍👍👍
Mr Gil and I have been watching a few eoisodes for reminders. I saw these today and got them for Mr Gil, but I thought of you too. Theres a dang oreo for everything!comment imagecomment image

Cuppa Covfefe

There’s Johnny Walker White Label (GOT Edition) if you need something to wash them down with 🙂


Ha! I got mr gil one of the beers once. Pricey but you’re paying for the gimmick. Ill have to look for the jw.


It occurred to me… as I was chatting with Hubby, everyone’s attention – MSM, Dems, Obama’s DOJ/FBI people are all in a twitter about AG Barr’s “spying” comment. Gowdy mentioned 2015 regarding the Trump Campaign – I think Obama’s spying started the day he took office in 2009. Anyway, that’s not what dawned on me tonight. This is:
While we’re caught up about the spying, FISA, etc. etc, and yes, it will come out;
Don’t Forget the word “TREASON” POTUS used this week. I think spying is only a part of what is going to be exposed – that was surveillance on candidate-Trump and then President Trump. but spying isn’t treason, and POTUS’ use of the word reminds us that much bigger things are to be revealed. I
We should have bought popcorn futures… 🙂


Ya’ know, Lady P, you have a point.
If we assume Obama was the puppet and Valjar was running the show, as paranoid as she is, WITH Eric Holder in her back pocket, there’s no way in the world they would have allowed the Tea Party to walk free.
Of course, they surveilled the Tea Party.
I had the first audit in my entire life – went on for 18 months.
Makes perfect sense.

Sylvia Avery

“VSG never tweets something that is not going to be PROVEN.
Treason. Get used to it.”
Yes. For all that PDJT’s speech is sometimes rambling and seems undisciplined, his use of the word TREASON which is a hefty word was quite deliberate and he has repeated it a half dozen times in the last week. When I heard him use it, I got a chill. I know he means it. It’s not hyperbole or exaggerating to make a point, he means it.
And they think SPYING is a big deal? Holy heck wait till we unwrap TREASON. That is some serious stuff.




Yes, I was proud of myself for that lightbulb moment. Most of the people are caught up in the spying comments, FISA and quite a bit of the same stuff we’ve been hearing about over the past two years – it was as if there were these little red herrings running around – that’s just the warm-up to the Big Act to follow.


Wolfie, I propose new theme music for QTree.
Here we go:
Satisfaction.. came in a chain reaction.
I couldn’t get enough!!
It’s kind of like Winnamins.


This song reminds me of roller skating as a kid!

Sylvia Avery

Pina Coladas and the dance floor for me!


I am a bit younger and this muse song has stuck with me a while. This is a good pro Yrump video with it.


No kidding, love it.


Muse is a good band. This song is a fave.

Sylvia Avery

Okay, I’ll admit it. I enjoyed that

Sylvia Avery

Yes. I heard Anthony Scaramucci this morning discussing Devin Nunes’ criminal referrals.
The Mooch was all sad about the weaponizing of political differences and how we need to rise above and work together. He got questioned, rather sharply, about what the importance of stopping this and revealing it and ending it so it never happens again. He didn’t have much to say. I had to turn him off.
We must have this sickness removed from our government and body politic. I don’t care if this all began more than a century ago. Immaterial. We went wrong, we got off the tracks, and we need to fix it and fix it right. No quick bondo and spray paint, we need it done correctly because any fixes we make are going to have to endure a long, long time.
And the human heart cries out for justice. Always. It is an important part of righting the wrongs.


Beautifully said Sylvia…
I totally agree.


sorry wolfie, going to bed !!! making mistakes.


Scaramucci is thinking in terms of feelings and “politics” – and that’s where the Lefties will try to push the entire debacle, but the reality is all of this was criminality, and “rising above” means prosecutions and punishment.
Not going to let them sweep this under the rug – and I suspect that’s what POTUS had planned all along…


Burn Baby Burn, 🔥 🔥
Obama Admin,
Burn Baby Burn, 🔥🔥
Burn the Treasonous Mo Fo’s Down!!


Regarding the photo of Evelyn Farkas at the top of this thread:
Anyone ever notice how liberal lefties often have eyes that are really “wide”. That is, one can typically see the whites all around their pupils? I serious.
Think AOC. Or, Shift. Or Peter Strzok. Etc. Etc.

Sylvia Avery

It is very noticeable, and very, very strange.
They all have The Crazy Eyes.


As does AOC.


I never saw THAT in The Art of War. 🙂

Sylvia Avery

So pretty. I liked the South Korean First Lady’s outfit, too.


I love the First Lady’s hemlines. Both she and the South Korean Lady’s were in agreement. Sad that the MSM won’t give Melania her due, she’s a breath of fresh air and demonstrates true feminism.


That explains the androgynous, anorexic, cachexic look which took over magazines in the 1970’s. Getting rid of gender aids suppression and greater control.



comment image



I don’t trust ANY of Jugears thugs. This jackass especially. He sounds to me like a guy who is building an alibi for the criminal charges he sees coming.
He can go do his repentance in the big yard.


He deleted that one………………..


Liberals be like…comment image
And I’m like…comment image


Now why in the world would this happen? Could it be images of criminal aliens rampaging through their neighborhoods were dancing in their heads?
Just like the movie “A Few Good Men” (paraphrased):
“Who is going to tell?
“Are you nuts? He’ll never admit that.”
“He’s dying to admit it. He’s proud of it. Gitmo is his base and nobody disobeys his orders. He wants to tell the world how he does it. Well, I’m going to give him exactly what he wants.”



Now THERE’S a sentence we could use almost endlessly!
“The same people that are telling us men can get pregnant are telling us….
.comment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment imagecomment image image


Trump is giving Jack Dorsey nightmares tonight

Sylvia Avery

Oh I hope so!!!


He’s burnin’ the lot of them


Wait ’til twitter becomes a public utility… Jack will be wearing orange, and there will be no censoring…
Coming soon.


Looks like he may have lots of like-minded company, too.


Agree Patrick…

Barbara Austin

Long time OT reader here, (never commented), but SOOOOOO happy to find this site and some of my favorite posters from the OT! I won’t dismiss the OT for I’ve learned so much, but I follow Q and want the discussion to include the Q information. Thank you so much Wolfie, Flep, Nebraska Filly, Sylvia and so many others I’ve missed!


Nice to see you, and hope to see you more!

Sylvia Avery

I’m glad you found us! Welcome!
I wasn’t a big league Q follower, but I have learned a lot and enjoy following Q now and trying to understand the drops.
Enjoy the QTree. I sure have.


Great to see you, Barbara! Don’t be shy! Jump right in!


Welcome Barbara,
Grab a branch and get comfy. ..
We’re a friendly group here.


Barbara– Welcome!! FYI.. It’s easier to comment here for many reasons–
1. Wolfie doesn’t Ban or Judge–free speech is welcome and always encouraged
2. No Trolls here (thank God and please God may it continue)
3. No Judging–All Upbeat and Positive stuff here!
4. We are smaller group.. So we can have more convos and laugh and debate on little and big stuff!!
SO JUMP RIGHT IN! And have some fun!!! MAGA RULES!!!


The laughter was something I missed without realizing!
The other thing that’s been interesting is that this particular group is/was very adept at outing the trolls. Battling trolls is going to cause some discord, which I think was upsetting to some people. (My father did not like discord, and when I married it took me awhile to learn that it’s okay to have disagreements, that it can lead the way to clearing misunderstandings.) As a result, there appears, at least to me, to be more trolls over there.
Going back to lurking now!!


I’ll never be able to wrap my mind around the fact that these fashion nazis have been so cruel to a First Lady.
Well, we don’t need them. We get wonderful photos of FLOTUS without them. They’re a dying breed anyway.


Never modeled, gets Vogue cover….
International super-model, gets blacklisted by Vogue….comment image


FLOTUS looked more queenly in that gown than the Queen. I LOL. ❤


Today’s fashion Nazis don’t project any fashion I care for anyway. They’re degenerate and decadent and don’t help real women live in reality.
Decades ago I once had subscriptions to Redbook and Cosmospolitan, and was shocked when I learned what they had turned into. Soft porn, sexualizing our children – seriously, I consider these mags as contributing to the sickness in our society.


Re the recent uptick in the VSG’s references to “TREASON”, don’t forget that this is playing out behind closed doors …
This secret grand jury is in play and has clear evidence that the 3 buildings were brought down as per demolition protocols …
This will shake the world a second time – and be MOAR consequential than the first …


A majority of Americans do not believe the ‘official story’ … I have never believed it.


The official report identified some of the key evidence ..
Molten steel micro spheres in the dust
Traces of the thermite that did the melting ..
But the WAY the buildings came down screams DEMOLITION – especially bldg 7


Oh My GOSH! I am watching Shannon Bream (she’s decent)…Leslie the Lib (such a huge BIOTCH) calling out POTUS forcalling for sending Illegals into cities (sanctuary) that are already heavily crime ridden!! Such a freaking Hypocrite!!!! My mouth literally dropped open!!! I just Cant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I really liked Shannon when she was their SCOTUS reporter. She deserved her own slot, IMO.


Now don’t take this the wrong way – I am offering up this perspective in the search for honest self assessment.
Preamble – there is NOTHING about the moslem “religion” that I find remotely decent. This may be prejudicial – it may speak to my ignorance, but I find “it” to be wholly antithetical to my value system.
That said – there appears to be some agreement here and with radical jihadis that 911 was a con perpetrated by elements of the US state (my take is that the C_A was in cahoots with Bin Laden) – let us call it the current agreed term, the Deep State.
In the movie Patriots Day during the scene in the hijacked Asian dude’s car, the Tsarnaev brothers (via Hollywood scriptwriters) offer up this view. It is pretty widespread, from what I have heard.
Ilhan Omar has certainly heard it. This will explain her “Some people did some stuff” and her face as she said it ..
Now, how would you feel if you believe that 911 was a hoax pretext to launch a never ending war on peoples of your “faith”? …
Remember that many here think that Bush / Clinton et al, in concert with the C_A MAY WELL HAVE DONE THIS.
Put yourself in their shoes and imagine the injustice being felt … They are human, and feel injustice just like the rest of us.
If Lawyers and Architects for 911 Truth is correct – the world is going to SHAKE. And the Middle East is gonna ????


I can see that point of view EXCEPT that so many people in the moslem world were cheering when the towers came down, before islamic terrorism was ever mentioned as the cause.


Oh, I am not pretending that they are virtuous, or something … Remember my comments re Islam above?
Humans are experts at misrepresenting things – the Moslem world will milk this for all its “victimhood” worth, whilst glossing right over their own barbarity ..
But the fact remains – it is going to get messy, and there are very few clean hands here ..