Welcome! The doors are open, come on inside!
This Sanctuary Saturday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.
Come on in and get comfy:
Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. In fact, our host Wolfmoon encourages us to use it…and Enjoy it. “Use it or lose it”, he tells us.
But please keep it civil. Be kind to each other and help one another if you can. We all want the same thing…to see our beloved country safe, secure and strong again.
We can argue points and disagree with each other…even with our host, Commander Wolf…but please do so as nicely as possible. Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged.
Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.
Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:
Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition Mix from the artist known as Fearless Motivation, from the songs titled ‘Lion Attitude’ and ‘The Captain’:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_RpgnTdB_s&w=640&h=360]
With a 5G here, and a 5G there…
Here a G, there a G…
Everywhere a 5G…
OMG, we’re gonna have 5G…Eeyai Eeyai Yo!
Visual Descriptions for our dear Zoe, and for anyone else who may find them helpful:
Top Image: Is a view of a gigantic Tree that dwarfs everything around it. Even though it is in the distance, it still looks huge. There are outcroppings of it’s bark that form ledges and there appear to be tiny figures on one of the ledges, headed for an opening in the massive trunk. A few gnarled outgrowths that may be roots are growing out of the trunk, with a large one growing down into the ground, perhaps serving as a support.
There is a stream running beside the Tree and in the far distance is a lake. Beyond that, are mountains with light coming up from behind them, casting a golden glow on everything. The sky is kind of hazy with a few windblown loosely formed clouds overhead.
Second Image: Is an interior view of a large open room, with wicker armchairs filled with cushions and throw pillows. Between the armchairs is a table made from a cross-section of a large tree. There is a bar in the center of the room with support-backed barstools. The bar surrounds some huge tree branches that look like they are supporting the ceiling. The room is well lit from lanterns hanging from the ceiling.
Video Image: In the foreground is the back side of a figure balancing on the apex of a roof, and he appears to be walking down the length of it. There is a cityscape of rooftops and tall buildings around him, signifying that this roof is very high up.
Next Three Images: Are pictures of Farmers with cell phones, an I-pad and a laptop. The first farmer is standing in a field with storage silos in the distance. The next farmer is in a pasture with cows. The third farmer has his laptop opened up on the hood of a small tractor, with a bushel of tomatoes sitting nearby on top of the tractor.
Seems Nancy Pelosi and Gov Gav jumped on the phone with the 9th circus, Trump made em blink.
Yeah he did, didn’t he.

The Dems and their media thralls are having a meltdown over this idea of sending illegals to their Sanctuary Cities.
I thought it was going to be a very awesome weekend until the 9th circus steped in.The media would of been eating each other had the 9th not intervened.
I misunderstood…I thought you were referring to this:
I was, but I was hoping the msm would atleast have the weekend to fester.
Beautiful picture Wheatietoo. Thanks.
May I beg some prayers for one of my SiLs please. She needs a new heart valve and is struggling to have the TAVR method but Medicare pushes the old open heart option because of some rules, including her age.
Thank you all.
Glad you like the picture, Jane.

And of course, prayers up for your SiL…sorry she is going through that.
Thank you.
Jane!! For SURE!! Prayers up!! We are going into HOLY WEEK!!! A Perfect time to Offer up extra prayers..What’s her name?
Thank you, it’s Jean.
Infant of Prague Novena Prayer–!!! It has Never FAILED!!! I will pray it every day for Jean!!! Hang in there sweet Jane!!! God has this!!!
Thank you Marica
p.s. Wish I could send you some emojis Our Merica.
Sweet Jane-you just made me .. gulp.. I am blessed beyond measure–Jean will be lifted up! Wolfies site is the strongest praying site!! We got you and Jean!! (praying hands) Hugs!!!
Missed seeing you yesterday, Marica! Something about making sure Marica weighs in brightens the Q-Tree threads, and our lives.

Aww Lady P…Hugs and (smilely face with 2 heart eyes) Thank you….
I am praying for Jean. Sending you a hug, Plain Jane.
Thank you Sylvia.
Thank you.
Bless your SIL!
Thank goodness my MIL was approved for TAVR and it is happening soon. She has advanced CHF and the suffering is terrible. We have a baby monitor in her room and my wonderful wife is exhausted these days from getting up during the night.
PJ, I will keep your SIL in prayer.
Thank you Tonawanda. I will pray for your MIL, your wife and you. Caretaking is hard, I know.
Usually one is well-advised to avoid the denizens of the legal system but in this case I think an attorney that specializes in Medicare would be a good thing. Short consultations are almost always free and I’ve never heard of an attorney charging if they go longer than half an hour (they almost all do).
If in an HMO, there are almost always methods by which the treating docs can override the protocols. They are a pain and so are avoided as a first choice by doctors. Keep in mind that Medicare reimbursement is based on fee-for-service (capped dollars + less-than-full payment) so more services the doc can squeeze into a day = more money in his/her pocket.
Unlike God (Who values each human infinitely), fed govt has long ago priced your value across the statistical spectrum in fiat dollars no matter what your name or station in life.
Pricing our value was the ultimate goal of Obamacare. Its primary benefit was as a mechanism to diminish the end-of-life-care costs associated with the Baby Boomers.
Thank you for that info pgroup. Out of pocket the TVAR runs 2-3 hundred thousand. An impossible sum even if family pooled $$$.
prayers that everything works out!
Thank you Pat.
I’m sorry your sister in law is going through that, but it’s not as bad as it sounds even if it needs to be done. A close family member, younger than me, had open heart surgery to replace a valve a couple years ago. In this person’s case, it was to correct a defect there from fetal development. The recovery is not fun, but it’s the best option. While they’re in there, other things can be addressed if they pop up as happened with my relative.
Thank you DP. She is almost 72.
Not knowing the protocols on age factors, I don’t know what difference there is, but my relative was not given a choice in what surgery was done. Of course, being younger and an athlete helped it all, but it also contributed to the valve needing to be replaced years before it should have had to be.
Three cardiologists have to specify the TVAR protocal to be used before Medicare will consider based on age, physical condition and assumed the body to be able to heal from cracking the chest open.
Just told my hubby that I would like to stay at a Trump Hotel (DC) – top of my bucket list. Only other thing on my bucket list? Would like to ride trains across USA.

Doesn’t take much to make me happy.
My parents did the train thing. They loved it.
The most affordable of the Trump properties is the one in Vegas. It’s under $200/night. Even I could justify that to myself, once.
Oooooh. We’ve never been to Vegas, and that’s a possible, but we’re in Virginia, and I just got shocked by my hubby’s 401K – Thank You, President Trump – and I’m thinking DC might happen for us…
You can shoot machine guns in Vegas.
Just saying.
Re-posting the following that I just posted at yesterday’s thread …
Now don’t take this the wrong way – I am offering up this perspective in the search for honest self assessment.
Preamble – there is NOTHING about the moslem “religion” that I find remotely decent. This may be prejudicial – it may speak to my ignorance, but I find “it” to be wholly antithetical to my value system.
That said – there appears to be some agreement here and with radical jihadis that 911 was a con perpetrated by elements of the US state (my take is that the C_A was in cahoots with Bin Laden) – let us call it the current agreed term, the Deep State.
In the movie Patriots Day during the scene in the hijacked Asian dude’s car, the Tsarnaev brothers (via Hollywood scriptwriters) offer up this view. It is pretty widespread, from what I have heard.
Ilhan Omar has certainly heard it. This will explain her “Some people did some stuff” and her face as she said it ..
Now, how would you feel if you believe that 911 was a hoax pretext to launch a never ending war on peoples of your “faith”? …
Remember that many here think that Bush / Clinton et al, in concert with the C_A MAY WELL HAVE DONE THIS.
Put yourself in their shoes and imagine the injustice being felt … They are human, and feel injustice just like the rest of us.
If Lawyers and Architects for 911 Truth is correct – the world is going to SHAKE. And the Middle East is gonna ????
Jason!! WOW! Just WOW!
This Post of yours is (dang I need an emoji–BIG EYES) Seriously…The 3 stooges of The Democrat Congress could VERY WELL be Judas GOATS indeed…
POTUS is bringing (more emoji eyeballs) to this freshman Congress critter–WHY? WOW!! You may seriously are on to something!!!
(emoji face with the little kiss) and (the thinking face)…!!!
Marica, your description of emoji’s appears to be MOAR effective than the actual emoji’s. Don’t know how you do that, but you have a GIFT!!!
Re your comment – we are going to be riding the wildest roller coaster we can imagine – ON STEROIDS!!
Love You Jason!! I have very weird gifts.. But I embrace them!! God just shakes his head with me most times…(face crying/laughing 1000 x) plus (pray hands) …plus (the oh shit face) LOL!!
Don’t EVAH LEAVE us Marica – you would leave us BEREFT!!!
The REAL smiles you bring out of us is PRICELESS!!!
Jason!! I Will Neveh Leave!! But I have No emoji for the word “BEREFT”.. (is there a flag– says–AOC)
Well, that experiment didn’t work.
Lol (laughing emoji) x 3
Marica, I copy and paste from here:
copy = Ctrl C
Paste = Ctrl V
Let’s see if this works….

Let’s see what happens.

Marica, I finally figured out how folks were posting emojis. Found this site. Scroll over the one you want, and up comes the word copy. Click and wait until it goes to, “Copied” and then you have it in the Mouse. I know, I know, the techi folks are cringing – but I have trouble not thinking things are in the mouse.
I thought you did emojis. Your system broken?
Smileys & People
Animals & Nature
Food & Drink
Travel & Places
Simple emoji copy and paste by JoyPixels™
Smileys & People
Animals & Nature
Food & Drink
Travel & Places
Marica, have you tried using the on screen keyboard?
I think you said you had a new Surface.
THanks Curry!!

YOU WERE RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think that our VSG President had some very good reasons for making Saudi Arabia the first country that he paid a state visit to.
KSA is basically the ‘capitol’ of Islam…and the Saudi King is the keeper of the two holy mosques at Mecca and Medina.
So paying King Salman the honor of his First State Visit as President, was a huge show of respect and friendship.
Having a strong alliance with King Salman and Crown Prince MBS is very important, going forward.
Israel, SA and the USA have an alliance, and worked together to defeat ISIS, according to Thomas Wictor, who studies war footage minutely to see what is really going on.
I replied to you on the other thread, Jason.
Islamists were well aware. The next morning a bunch of the Islamists students at the university near here were packed and waiting to be picked up. My friend’s daughter saw them waiting curbside.
Sorry Jason, I will not put myself in Ilhan Omar’s shoes.
You’re saying she, and other Muslims, think 9-11 was a ruse to launch a war on their faith? And somehow I should understand why she might believe that? This from the faith whose primary goal is wiping out infidels?
Ilhan Omar believes I am the enemy for being Christian. If 9-11 had never occurred, she would still hate me and want to annihilate me. She wanted to kill me as an infidel on 9/9, 9/10, 9/11 and every day before and after.
Let’s not conflate the egregious post-WWII treatment, treaties and broken promises the UK and its allies, including us, foisted on the Middle East – all for oil – with an ideological religion that is based on annihilation of infidels.
We assume much responsibility for regional unrest in the Middle East. But we have NEVER purported or acted to launch a war on her faith.
Yup, but that is how it is going to be SOLD.
And that view will receive a lot of TRACTION from the enemies of freedom.
The point is to demonstrate as clearly as possible what twisted ideology contrived this. The problem is – will people listen?
The moslem victim card is going to be HUGE – and it will require fortitude and exceptional clarity to counter it.
I don’t know. Partly because I’m not convinced it was a hoax. I believe US officials knew something was coming, but I don’t know if they were integral to colluding or were passive facilitators.
First, we are a long way from confirming/proving “if” a hoax occurred. Second, if it was a hoax, the Saudi leadership was complicit in the hoax. Seems Saudis would be first in line for wrath from their masses. Third if it is a hoax – we – all the masses Christian and Islam – were duped. In some ways we would share a sense of wrath & injustice.
There will be hell to pay here in US against hoaxing instigators, if any are proven. Muslims will see that demand for justice. It’s up to them – the indoctrinated Islamic masses – to choose what they believe about complicity.
But the bottom line is irrefutable … 9-11 is a blip in the centuries old hatred of Muslims for Jews & Christians. If contact war doesn’t annihilate us, their infiltration-stepped plan is well-documented and has been successfully integrated into several countries.
I believe Omar, Ocasio & Talib were strategically selected as “progressive women of color who embrace controversial socialist/Islamic ideology” ; who are seen as less threatening than Muslim men in Congressional seats; are more difficult – PC wise – than male Muslims to attack for outrageous political stunts; and therefore were the first choices to infiltrate our government. It won’t be long before Sharia-loving Muslim men will run for office, and the way will have been paved by these ‘innoculous” female scorpions.
Can’t disagree with anything you said.
I am certainly getting ahead of my ski’s on the 9-11 stuff- but the presence of thermite (and the other equally damning stuff), and total lack of interest in same by Shrub’s admin is kinda telling …
9-11 may be a blip, but it is our blip. So interesting times …
Just a thought or two –
After almost two decades, how would anybody verify the veracity of any offered evidence (“presence of thermite”)? Test results by whom? Are any of us qualified to substantively critique either the testing techniques or the data gathering itself? I could go on with a lot more queries that challenge the conclusions. (I cannot tell you how sick I am over hearing repeated claims that certain things cannot happen and everyone knows it) As far as I can tell, this event (9/11) was a first time event, which means there are NO default positions to use as guideposts. Until that happened, nobody had ever war-gamed such a scenario so we didn’t even have a computer simulation to use as a baseline (which the climate hoxers DO have).
Mind you, I’m not saying any particular point of view is correct or even close to correct. I am saying that ANY & ALL statements of certainty about what happened and who was responsible are statements that none of us would allow to be used to convict us if we were charged with a crime (which 9/11 certainly was).
So agree about statements of certainty. Some of the facts as I understand them …
Trump appointee for US ATTY for SDNY, Geoffrey Berman has accepted a brief containing 57 lines of evidence (57 different lines of evidence) form a 9-11 truth org. Can’t remember if it is Lawyers & Architects for 9-11 Truth. or Architects & Engineers for 9-11 Truth who drove the process. Here is one link, posted on last page of yesterdays thread
Berman has agreed in writing that the evidence is credible enough to seat a secret grand jury …
The forensic evidence for thermite and molten steel was contained in the OFFICIAL 9-11 Report – it was left as “unexplained”. So the evidence is apparently NOT IN DISPUTE …
This SHOULD have been big news in the MSM last year – NOT A PEEP. The dog that did not bark is very telling.
Now, as to getting to WHO planted the thermite – that is a much tougher question. Here we are speculating. Interesting fact – Bob Mueller assumed Dir of FBI on 4 Sep 2001 – 1 week before …
Q says Mueller is working to”save himself” …
Trump has had some things to say about 9-11, and how the buildings came down …
Washington DC are ALL SCHIFFING THEMSELVES for something other than muh Trump – they are eviscerating themselves in any/all efforts to get rid of Trump – why?
Q has said that Beverley Eckert will get justice (I am paraphrasing)
Outside of the physical evidence – which was strong enough to seat a secret grand jury late last year – the rest is speculation. But it adds up to something….
And the C_A have been doing everything to “Get Trump” ….. hmmmmm
If this pill was not enough to rouse the sceptical cat in you, I don’t have a stronger one.
Alison, I’m going to steal that, “female scorpions.” Perfect description of those 3 festering boils. It’s possible we can stir up enough backlash against them to get them thrown out of Congress in 2020. Ilhan is the dangerous one as regards the Muslims, AOC is stupid, but dangerously so.
I tend to see 9/11 as a MOVE in a much larger script. In many ways, it was “let’s you and him fight” (LYAHF) which FORCED the Bush administration – an unexpected respite from Clinton’s stealth communism – to behave in certain ways. Same thing they did with collusiongate, BTW – FORCE the other side to behave in certain ways. It’s all about CONTROL.
Most of all, I now see 9/11 as PSYCHOLOGICAL. Once I saw it that way, the MOTIVE for an “assured double building collapse” plus “hit on the Pentagon” comes straight out of it. The FOURTH STRIKE would have been HIGHLY DEMORALIZING. The fact that we stopped it was a LOSS for the planners.
My initial gut reaction was CHINA. Now that I’ve pinned it on the Clintons, I see that as at least PARTLY TRUE.
Think about this. What happens if the planes strike, but they just create two big GOUGES and the buildings are still standing? The OPPOSITE psychology of what is intended. AMERICA STANDS TALL against the Muslim world. Yes, we seek justice, but it does not DEMORALIZE Americans. Trump goes on TV and chuckles at the end of the segment – “Yup, this was evil, but look at what American steel did.”
Demoralization is purely communist – it is CENTRALLY communist. Straight out of Bezmenov, and it points the finger to the true authors.
People often look for GRANULAR motives, but I think the way to get ahead of 9/11 is to look at it from a bigger picture. It was a SPARK – a kind of LIT TINDER – an IGNITION – which controlled the PSYCHOLOGY of both America and the Muslim world.
CUI BONO? In the BIG PICTURE, it was the commies.
I should have added…
An direct analogy may well be how many “African Americans” believe that it is Republicans who are the racists, and then proceed to vote for the very ideology that is predicated on keeping them victims …
While 9/11/01 seems to have been the result of a some kind of ‘scheme’ involving US persons, most certainly Islamists were involved.
Ms. Omar is having a hard time not showing her glee and delight in Islam’s victory over ‘bad America’
Now Islamists like her believe (and act as though) the USA, as well as UK and EU belong to them.
That’s the reason for the strutting, smugness and nastiness from the likes of her, Obama and the rest of them… the reason for the car burnings, rapes, slaughter of Christians across the Middle East.
The b4$tards think their time has come. They are ushering in their evil reign upon the earth.
Unless Christians repent of sodomy, adultery, abortion, etc. – they will continue their conquest unimpeded.
That is the reason for President Trump has arisen to his office (with the help of White Hats) for this day in America and in the Western World.
Correction/Addendum –
That’s the reason for the strutting, smugness and nastiness from the likes of her, Obama and the rest of them…
That’s the reason for the car burnings, rapes *in Europe*, slaughter of Christians across the Middle East.
That’s the reason why they are establishing their strongholds around the country, moving their soldiers freely across open borders, running for office.
That’s the reason the likes of Omar are brazenly boasting, acting with such superior attitudes.
That’s the reason why there are thousands, if not millions of these monsters living in our country.
That’s the reason why we had an enemy agent as President.
I agree with EVERYTHING you said …
My first post was poorly worded – it becomes a bit clearer when you read some of my responses. They are human, and as such look at the world through their own specific filters, like we all do.
Their filters tell them that USA is the big satan – and when you look at the West through their eyes it would be tough to disagree. They think woman who are not fully covered are harlots, then come to the west and refer to western woman as “uncovered meat” – they just confirmed a negative belief. They see flag burning being defended, and think WTF? etc
They are unable to see the West as we do – we stand condemned by their value system, and they have NO DOUBTS ABOUT IT!!! They are CERTAIN that we are doomed!!!
In that context, having elements of America’s OWN GOVERNING ELITE perpetrate an attack on its own people in order create a pretext to attack them – how are they not going to have this confirm every belief about America’s status?? They will HOWL IN TRIUMPH!!! Their own biases will not concern them in the least, and “we” will have to point to a significant percentage of our own populace and condemn them for this act, as both active participants (a very small group), and a lot of useful IDIOTS – the West will be shaken to its core, justifiably.
So we will have our work cut out – whilst we figure out “How did we go so far of the straight road?”, they will triple down on their smugness and self righteousness. Their ARROGANCE will grow, which will be their undoing. In the meantime, the self flagellation of the west will be gag inducing …
I sincerely hope that I am wrong in my suspicions …
I generally agree with your prescriptions – they will be a tough sell in this secular age, so creative solutions will be critical.
Truth will eventually prevail – just as in Nehemiah 8-9 – the Eternal Truth, the Eternal Law that forever rules the Universe.
The efficacy and sweetness of the Law of the Lord will speak, convince, convict hearts through the power of the Holy Spirit.
And HE shall reign forever and ever….Amen
Psalm 119 will come to be the song in everyone’s heart.
PS – if you refresh, you will see my corrections/addendums to the original.
You are the most prescient person I have read re: all that is going on in the US, Western World. How do you know so much about our US conflicts? Wishing and your family the best in all this.
PS – I have read a great Aussie’s blog for years – Bill Muehlenberg – http://billmuehlenberg.com Not as much lately since I’ve gotten bogged down in US politics. But he’s a straight arrow, for sure.
Thanks for the kind words and well wishes.
The USA has fascinated me since I can remember. Firstly, I loved westerns as a child, young teen. Then read Herman Wouk, and James Michener as a proper teen – just loved it all.
As I got older, I got into the ideas – and of course America has been attracting the best and brightest from all over the world.
This is why I was so shocked initially at the rot, and the “apparent” rapid disintegration on display. I have been on a bit of a crash course on philosophical ideas (not my strong suit) generally and Christianity specifically in the last couple of years to try to understand what the h@ck is going on – learning new stuff daily.
I cannot help but visit here daily and interact with the great people here – wish I had more time
We are equally blessed by you and your observations, etc. Keep it coming!
That is exactly why they should not be serving in our government, making our policy and laws.
From your comment below:
‘This is why I was so shocked initially at the rot, and the “apparent” rapid disintegration on display. I have been on a bit of a crash course on philosophical ideas…’
I can’t remember if it was you who recently stated here that you like Ayn Rand’s work.
But, anyway, if you are not familiar with the title essay of her book For the New Intellectual, or with Leonard Peikoff’s book The Ominous Parallels, there are no other works I could recommend for a better quick overview of the philosophical problems encountered by American culture, and the cause of the rot.
The FNI essay is only about 50 pages long, iirc, and presents a bird’s-eye view of the philosophical history of Western civilization.
Peikoff’s book compares and contrasts the founding philosophy of the United States with that of Nazi Germany, and details the causes and effects of German philosophy encroaching on the culture of 20th century America, leading to the rot, as you so aptly call it. The book was written under Rand’s aegis, when she was Dr. Peikoff’s mentor, though published shortly after her death in 1982.
Certainly not a Christian perspective, as they were both (anti-Communist) atheists of Jewish descent, but one that many Christians have found much knowledge and intellectual inspiration in reading.
Most of what they wrote regarding America also applies, though sometimes a little less directly, to Australia, Britain, Western Europe, and so forth, as well.
Thanks Covadonga. Yes I like Rand – will check it out.
Interesting handle. In South Africa, a “donga” means a “dry gulch”, and a “cove” is well, not dry …
I must say that the avatars make it difficult to engage fully online. Are you talking to a man / woman? What age person, etc. Many of those social queue’s are missing.
Kind of why we struggle with the “trans” dysphoria and deeply resist “gender” pronoun fakery …
It does improve online over time as you get a sense of the personality you are interacting with. A meetup one day, however impossible, of Qtreeps would be really cool – many mental pictures would be chuckled about …
Yes, I’m sure a lot of mental pictures of each other will have to be abandoned.
I should qualify my earlier recommendation to say those are the best nonfiction explanations of the rot.
The single best study of the philosophical rot is Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged.
You mention James Michener below. Rand initially planned AS to have the same multi-generational format as a Michener book, each chapter displaying the influence of the German philosophy on America growing by one more logical step.
Then she realized it would work more tightly as a novel if she did it all in just one generation, with a single set of characters.
The only thing she gave up by listening to her literary instincts and writing it as she did is that she had to throw away any realistic timescale of how fast philosophical influence of that kind operates. So the rot grows overwhelmingly fast, making it easier for the layman like you or me to see the logical connections. And it is psychologically realistic, if not historically realistic.
I have read Atlas Shrugged 3 times, last about 10 years ago, and have found her characters portraying the “villains” to be rather well represented IRL today …
Her heroes are NOT equally represented. Outside of the VSG, whose mastery / knowledge of himself is obvious, there is a dearth of “pure” characters. They are hopefully there, but are not “visible” – largely because we observe them through the media’s filtering …
I believe that Jeff Sessions is one such character, who I think will emerge fully vindicated, but that is based on my own subjective interpretation – I don’t KNOW this in a provable sense.
There appears to be no captains of industry equivalent to Rand’s heroes – all the high profile players in the field today appear to be corrupted to some degree.
I use “belief” in climate change as my primary yardstick for measuring the major players – very few past the first test.
JasonD ,
Thought provoking concept.
IMHO worth the repost,
..knowing what we know today…
Any SANE intellectually curious, honest , fair-minded thinking person, would have to leave the possibilities you suggest open .
Wheatie!! That looks like…Bilbo’s Barr? PERFECT FOR THIS WEEK!!! Did you see the meme about “Mueller Time is over…It’s time to Pay the BARR tab” ? I died!! …But so did my laptop yesterday.. New one today is making me a bit crazy… But Hopefully I will be more productive a week from now!
I Adore! Your music!!! makes me wanna continue to stand side by side with all PATRIOTS in this fight for our country!! It gives me strength and renewed confidence!! Thank you for Your continued posts!!!
I was so excited when I realized YOUR post pops up tonite!! Always always special!! Wolfie is brilliant as he added you!!! –But We All Know that!!! Hugs Wheatie!! (So missing emojis) I WILL find them… but DANG!!!!!
Hugs back, sweet Marica!
I replied to you a few minutes ago…but it dropped down below.
The curse of the last comment got me!
Marica, I see your new computer does exclamation points just fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, I couldn’t resust
And Wheatie, that wicker chair is perfect for me right now
Hey Alison!! I am so happy I do NOT have to close my laptop down every 5 minutes and put a glass of ice over the back of it to be able to post… It has been driving me a bit “Shifty” or “Comey”.. LOL!!
I still need my damned Emojis!!! LOL!!
Thank you so much, Marica!

Hugs back!
Sorry to hear about your laptop…that sux.
Hope the new one works out to your liking, though.
You’ll get your emojis back, I’m sure.
I WILL get my emojis back!!! As God Is My witness!!! LOL!!!!!! (Just don’t take my exclamation points away..)
LOL I shoulda scrolled down before I used up all my exclamation points up above

This new Spying T-Shirt is just hilarious!

It’s on the official Trump-gear site:
“Wiretapping not included.”
Wups…those pics showed up really tiny.
Sorry about that, not sure why that happened.
Wheatie!! I LOVE living in the ERA of TRUMP!!! AMERICA is SUPER FUNNY AGAIN!!! MIC DROP!
Yes it is! Dontcha love it!

And this is why they can’t ABIDE free speech – they fully understand its power since they MISUSE it every day, lying out of both sides of their mouth to achieve their dead ends …
Drillerwife and I just got back from our date night and seeing “Unplanned”. It was an amazing movie, better than i even expected. I know many who see this will be convicted to leave, this is great news!
This is essential viewing, IMO. This is the director of the film nailing social media (Twitter, Google specifically) to the wall for censorship.
The censorship of this movie is frightening. If they can do this with abortion, they can do it with religious freedom, self defense, essentially ALL our RIGHTS. On this issue alone they try to kill the right to life and the right to free speech.
They must be stopped.
Yes, I saw the movie even though I was emotionally a wreck beforehand. I didn’t WANT to see it, but knew I HAD to. It should be required viewing before anyone has an abortion.
Abby is forever haunted knowing she indirectly was involved in over 22,000 abortions.
With the story of her own #WalkAway through this powerful movie, she’s going to indirectly save far more lives. A living example of how one person can change the world.
Has the VSG labelled the MSM directly as TRAITORS / TREASONOUS yet?
Not yet, no…I don’t think so.
But he has been calling them the Enemy of the People.
Yup, that is my recollection. I kinda think it is a matter of when, and not if, he labels them with the big T word – that is going to be one h!ll of a day …
Remember how Holly handled Dick the media slime in Die Hard 2 !
Yeah, a real “feel good” moment
Another canary trap?
NBC said it was a “one-on-one” conversation between POTUS and McAleenan.
NBC said they had several sources.
So, McAleenan would have to have blabbed this story to person(s) who told NBC.
Exactly. I have no doubt that POTUS uttered those words but I also have no doubt that they were part of a script AND that McAleenan was briefed ahead of time regarding the purpose.
Once a year Tacoma Water & Power pumps harmless smoke into the sewer system. If you see the smoke, that’s where the leak is. Seems like a simple but effective method of finding problems. No reason DJT isn’t doing the exact same thing.
should read: I have almost no doubt … Darn Chinese keyboard.
Australia going to have to navigate some choppy waters when we are dependant on selling raw material to the ChiComms but our culture is not yet ready to kowtow to them …
As the VSG escalates the face off with the Dragon that requires pandering (panda’ing?) from little old us, we are going to be flotsam in the wakes ..
And yet “we” had to go and choose meddle on the side of the ChiComm’s US agents (deep state) against the VSG – sucks to be us right now. I fully support offering Alexander Downers head on a platter, if it would work
China draggin’ down you down under.
Get out Jason, while you still can!
Would gladly do so, if I could.
My old home in South Africa is turning into a Schiffhole, and my current one, where I don’t really fit in, is well – shall we say, making some poor choices.
I hear that I can walk over your southern border
Just bring a child with you.
You might end up in San Francisco.
Cannot like that “suggestion”
I believe the place is overflowing with Schiff of all kinds …
Thinks I’ll take my chances that America will come save us again – the people you send out to liberate poor souls like us tend to be of better stock than your “elites” in San Fran and elsewhere. In contrast to Mexico not sending you their best, you send out your best to help the schmucks who can’t help themselves …
To quote POTUS, they are the elite!
While I personally would welcome you to our land, you would be immediately turned back. You’re the wrong color; if the picture is indeed you, you obviously have lighter skin and possibly blue eyes. You’re not brown and you’re not black therefore the lefties who are so very pro-open borders would bar you from entry, even with a child at your side. I’m deeply grateful that Russia just welcomed many S. African farmers to emigrate to their country. I would have rather had them here but again, wrong color. Plus great work ethic so there’s little possibility they would be on welfare and voting for Dems.
Yeah, kind of ironic that only those who kinda despise your values are actively “welcomed” by the “elites”. They are seriously sick …
David J Harris was on Trish Regan’s Friday night show:
He did great…it was a good segment.
Those are two more black voices that the Dims are going to hate, along with the rock star that Candace ..
They claim to love diversity, but only the outward kind. Diversity of THOUGHT scares the Schiff out of them
Love that clip – the laughter.
I really believe the whole house of race cards is coming down soon.
Being free is a wonderful thing. Sadly so many people of all stripes do not realise that they keep themselves in Democrat chains …
I remember reading the name “Congress of Racial Equality” in a history book in the late 1970s and thinking that was an organization whose name, at least, was inclusive. The NAACP, for instance, is *explicitly* an organization designed to advance the interests of one group of people, but anyone believing in racial equality could belong to a group named CORE. Mental images of a round table.
Of course, it has done nothing since the Civil Rights era, and of course the name could mean nothing, it could have been the most radical “hate Whitey” group out there for all I know.
However, five minutes of research on Wikipoo leaves me unsurprised that what little there is remaining of CORE would be willing to buck the Democrats.
Im going to snuggle up on my branch. G’nite you night owls!
Nigel Farage launches his Brexit Party’s European Parliament campaign
Fly up Bar, now you’re cooking Miss Wheatie!!

The opening of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s national speaking tour reportedly included a front-row heckler who labeled the proceedings as “boring” before being hauled off by security.
The New York Post’s Maureen Callahan, who paid $210 to attend the 90-minute talk, wrote about her experience watching “longtime Clinton lackey Paul Begala” launch “softballs” at the Clintons in what, in her opinion, turned out to be a “snoozefest.”
At least until “the most exciting moment of the night,” when “a man in the front row stood up and interrupted.”
“Bill, this is boring!” he yelled. As he tried asking his question — “Why don’t you talk about — ” Hillary immediately began talking over him, saying that the “important political conversations” they were trying to have could be difficult, especially when interrupted by such “agent provocateurs.”
“Jeffrey Epstein!” shouted the man.
Oh, the irony.
The heckler was, of course, swiftly hauled away, and the conversation returned to Bill talking about the good old days when he was president …
Avenatti 2020 Campaign Bus
Avenatti 20 to life.
I’ll vote for that.
Imagine a MAGA supporter getting on THAT jury …

I wonder if the lounge pictured might be the Bayman Bay Club, on the island of Guanaja, Honduras. We actually stayed there and had a lot of fun back a (long) ways, but it got thoroughly stomped by Hurricane Mitch (1998 — killed > 7,000 people in Honduras) shortly thereafter. The main building was a multi-story “treehouse” where we ate all our meals and socialized before retiring to individual cabins. The only way in or out was by boat — there were two docks, the main dock (for arriving and departing guests and diving) and the utility dock. Our cabin overlooked the utility dock and, one morning, we looked down to see all eight posts for the dock occupied by vultures.
I don’t know, Cooth…it might be.
It turned up in an image search that I did, for ‘tree house interiors’ and it really didn’t say where it was.
If you try to find pictures or information on the internet the other way, you’re flooded with post-Mitch damage and scandal. After all, it wouldn’t be the internet if it had an attention-span longer than three seconds.
One day we were there, a guest had discovered a baby boa constrictor on his doorstep, so that was brought to the main clubhouse for people to say “hi”. Another day, a bat decided to take refuge next to the dartboard in the darts nook (nobody threw darts that day). The place was continually overrun with iguanas, and someone had brought peacocks to the area [for those who have never lived near peacocks, they scream like infants impaled by pitchforks at dusk]. They had a deal where you’d hang your dive masks from ceiling hooks at the dock, because if you left them on a shelf then the local cockroaches would eat the face-contact silicone.
One of the dives we did from from BBC was the Jado Trader — a freighter intentionally sunk to become an artificial reef. This is probably the deepest dive we ever did. Each cabin had a mosquito net on the bed (being that the closest mainland was literally “The Mosquito Coast”, and a full complement of nocturnal geckos.
Great story!
Wow. Im not sure there was much need for a housing structure with that many critters. I dont like peacocks either. The geckos wouldve been fun. I refer to iguanas as aggressive jungle chickens. Those things love people food.
Wow Cooth! Your peacock description was near perfection! Dark Humor giggle… What a great story!! TY
Tree House Hideaway, Madhya Pradesh, India
Overlooking the Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve, this exclusive and peaceful treetop retreat is the ideal place to hole up and spot tigers, birds, spotted dear, and jackals.
Rosey attended a press conference the day after Barr made his spying comment. He was asked about Mueller report and gave a non-controversial answer. Wonder why they did not ask HIM about the spying???
Perhaps they were scared of the answer, not being sure WHO he serves …
I saw at Breitbart that it was a WSJ interview, published day after “Spying” comment – so the interview MAY have preceded the comment …
Exceptional program on Tucker last night…
Enjoy with a nice cup of hot coffee.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XManYUmjNL4&w=560&h=315%5D
Tucker was excellent!
Empathetic Americans should propose a tax break for any homeowner that voluntarily removes the wall around their property …
Call it the “Walls Divide Democrats From The People Bill” …
Then troll them on that every day until they cry “Uncle”
This came to mind:
Love Babylonian Bee!
Liberals don’t like that VSGPDJT is calling their bluff on their bull$#!+. No response to a challenge was drafted in the talking points, and they’re scrambling.
TY. Really worth the time spent listening.
Not sure if this was posted yet.
Thanks Harry!!
Best one ever. I also liked that he “calmed down” the speed and sound variations. Old ears appreciate this.
Very interesting revelation from Christie after listening to Barr/Graham exchange @ 5:10
Christie had top secret clearance and “interacted with Clapper on intelligence briefings” while chairman of the transition team.
Why didn’t Clapper inform HIM of Page/Papa suspicions?
Boom indeed. Lindsey, and others, have being belabouring this point – goes to intent. If they were only concerned about the Russians, and determined to protect the election – they would have warned the campaign.
They elected to NOT inform the campaign, and proceeded to spy on them. NOW their defence is that they were doing Trump a favour … LOL!!!
They are up Schiff Creek without a paddle.
Looks like they are paddling with a PENCIL …
Trying to twist and turn out of the trap that they have RUN HEADLONG into – VERY FUNNY to watch.
This must be like shooting fish in a barrel for a VSG …
Up Schiff Creek In a canoe that leaks with a pencil neck paddler without a paddle.
Someone’s gotta be producing pencils with Schiff “bobbleheads” – cannot this be supplied free with the census forms that will be distributed soon?
Candace rocks!
JasonD says
Starting with Grover Norquist arrang[ing] for George W. Bush to meet with fifteen Islamic supremacists at the White House on September 26, 2001 — to show how Muslims rejected terrorism. So if muslims are ‘Peaceful’ then WHY did Bush sign the Patriot Act a month later AND go to WAR????
ESPECIALLY when the country is AT WAR
“…I am certainly getting ahead of my ski’s on the 9-11 stuff- but the presence of thermite (and the other equally damning stuff), and total lack of interest in same by Shrub’s admin is kinda telling.”
Actually Jason I see it as the Saudis and Bush colluding. Remember SAMUEL Bush got his start to great wealth by working for John D. Rockefeller’s brother. The Rockefellers and the Saudi’s have been in each others pockets since ARAMCO. OPAC has put $$$ into the pockets of the Rockefeller’s as well as the Saudis (Do not forget Shell Oil is pretty much owned by The Dutch and British Royals plus the Rothschilds & Rockefellers)
First I have no reason NOT to believe, as WIKI said:
“The hijackers in the September 11 attacks were 19 men affiliated with al-Qaeda. 15 of the 19 were citizens of Saudi Arabia, two were from the United Arab Emirates, one was from Egypt, and one was from Lebanon….” Also Gator @ The Deplorable Climate Science Blog had a brother AT the Pentagon who witnessed that plane strike…. (Notice that building DID NOT COLLAPSE!)
The plane strikes do not mean that thermite wasn’t used to cause the actually collapse the buildings. We certainly have seen Jihadists kill themselves in attacks. So I would say BOTH happened.
Where stuff goes unbelievable is:
#1. The stand-down order to Air Defense. [Sound familiar? Benghazi?]
I have seen Jets scrambled out of Rome NY Airforce base to go after a UFO. It took less than 10 minutes between the UFO showing up and the Jets taking after it. We also heard the sonic booms. So do not tell me that a plane from NYC off course and headed to the Pentagon could not have been intercepted!
#2. While all flights were grounded SAUDIS were ALLOWED to fly out of the country.
#3. 15 of the 19 were citizens of Saudi Arabia, Yet we DID NOT GO TO WAR WITH SAUDI ARABIA!!! Instead we went to war with their Ideological enemy! WTF
#4. While US citizens got saddled with the Patriot Act, the US government DOUBLED the number of immigrants from Muslim trouble spots! LINK
#5. While US citizens had to put up with Grope ‘N Fly, Saudis got a ‘Royal Pass’
#6. Worse TSA Allows 73 Terrorists To Work For Them (June 9, 2015)
#7. DESPITE the repeated ATTACKS by muslims, Americans and Europeans are fed the Bovine Feces that muslims are ‘Peaceful’
In her response to a Muslim student (Saba Ahmed), Brigitte Gabriel has stated: Multiple intelligence services estimated that 15-25% of the Muslim population are “radical”
The Myth of the Tiny Radical Muslim Minority: https://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2014/09/04/myth-tiny-radical-minority/
DHS Whistleblower Philip Haney: P.C. Killed Investigation That Might Have Stopped San Bernardino Attack
“…Once the Advanced Targeting Team at the NTC became involved, the initiative broadened until it encompassed over 1,200 law-enforcement actions related to the case – including revocations of visas and visa waivers, preventing individuals from entering the country, and deportations….
…because his initiative was deemed politically incorrect… [it was] shut down by the Department of Homeland Security’s Civil Rights and Civil Liberties division.
“They came into the National Targeting Center, either physically or through emails and correspondence, and said that we could not develop cases based on association with Tablighi Jamaat, and/or any Islamic group,” Haney revealed.
He charged this decision, which runs counter to the very purpose of the Department of Homeland Security and its charter to demolish the wall of separation between law enforcement agencies, was made because “this Administration [Obama’s] is more concerned about the civil rights and civil liberties of foreign Islamic groups and foreign nationals than securing the freedom and security of the American public.”…”
The US government RESPONSE to 9/11 is CONSISTENT with a False Flag staged for political reasons AND NOT with a major attack against our country.
WHY if we were attacked, aren’t our borders SHUT TIGHT
Gail, I agree. I am not buying into the hologram theory – way to complicated AND risky. I opt to believe my own eyes. Just think of the consequences to modern history if NOTHING on screen is to be believed. The first thing to be erased would be the moon landings …
The C_A already had links to Bin Laden from the Afghan mujahideen jihad against the Soviets. Secondly, there would be no shortage of extremist (agree re Saudi’s) volunteers for such a suicide mission – way more virgins on offer for such a big attack …
Add to this Dwight’s warning about the military industrial complex – with a sprinkle of psychopathic C_A added – plus the end of the Cold War – and voila …
So I think we’re reading roughly the same script
Agreed Jason. The planes hiting the buildings were real but the damage would not accomplish the
SHOCK value
needed. So the Thermite to take down a building IN IT’S OWN FOOT PRINT was added and taking out Building #7 was an additional benefit since it housed records that needed to be destroyed.
As I said the Government actions AFTER the attack were the complete OPPOSITE of what a reasonable person would expect. The reaction SHOULD HAVE BEEN:
1. STOP ALL IMMIGRATION INCLUDING H1B visas and Foreign Students
2. REMOVE ALL Non-US Citizen muslims
3. CLOSE the Mexican border and if needed Closed it as the Soviets would!
However the Patriot Act did nothing of the kind. It was really really WIERD!
how the Patriot Act DOES NOT SECURE the Southern border, notice the Canadian border is mentioned but NOT the Mexican Border.
The REAL SOLID data shouts FALSE FLAG! You do not have to go to any type of ‘Conspiracy’ to see that.
Note that, as far as I am aware, NONE OF THE MSM reported on the seating of a secret grand jury to re-look at the evidence.
The dog that did not bark is extremely telling. They are scared Schiffless.
And never forget that it was Brennan who approved the visas for the Saudis. Also that the Shrub was in the oil business with Osama’s brother.
pgroup says
A Wild @rse Guess…
Rudy the Mayor and his good friend the builder now President Trump….
It was Rudy’s city and HIS people would have been the first to respond. Rudy is a very savvy politician and lawyer. He KNOWS about the rules of evidence and he KNOWS just how dirty our politicians are. When the FIBs took over and the commission laid all blame on the planes, I think that maybe when The White Hats, Rudy and their good friend Donald J. Trump started laying their plans. President Trump had already written “The America We Deserve” in 2000.
The 9/11 Commission, was set up on November 27, 2002. The first hearings were held from March 31 to April 1, 2003, in New York City and the commission issued its final report on July 22, 2004. [WIKI]
The first season of The Apprentice aired on NBC in the winter and spring of 2004.
See also my response to pgroup …
Somebody call me?
I appreciate the conversation. Since suicide bombers have been mentioned, has anyone considered that the thermite (if it was present) didn’t arrive INSIDE the planes? After all, we have seen multiple news reports over the years about truck killers also wearing explosives. And all counter-terror teams assume that explosives are present BEFORE they start handling the evidence whether it is a dead terrorist or an apartment he left hours earlier.
I am personal friends with Phil and I can assure you that he has emphasized the layers of bureaucracy in the govt. Essentially that prevents any possibility that there would be no leaks over 18 years (plus the time prepping such a plan).
Again, thanQ for the conversation.
That does not explain the near free-falling failure in their foot prints of all three buildings – especially Bldg 7 which was not hit by aircraft.
I don’t think secret grand juries get convened for idle theories …
As Q mention with Seth Rich, MS13 or the likes are good at taking out first hand witnesses and who cares if a low-life turns up dead of an overdose the next day.
A heck of a lot of people died AFTER 9-11 mostly first responders.
All I know is the solid evidence shows the US government (BUSH) did not react as one would expect. Also there are a lot of builder-architects who find how those building fell FISHY AS HELL!
Thanks Gail, Jason and pgroup for the discussion. I could never figure out why the govt would respond pretty much opposite of what makes sense. You guys brought together in one thread a lot of things that have just puzzled me over the years and brought some things I hadn’t heard before. Of course now I’m probably puzzled even more.
Remember when the FIB’s human rights division or whatever had to use guidelines written by CAIR? WTF?? I assume that’s changed and I really hope we get some truth shed on all of this soon. IMHO, the rise of the “hate sisters” (Omar, Tlaib, AOC) should help bring this to a head sooner rather than later.
I’ll be back later to enjoy Wheaties’ so inviting Tree hospitality, and peruse the wonderful comments. For now, here’s something to brighten our day – makes one want to visit a shelter – best place and rescue some little dog or cat. Animals brighten our lives…
From the book/video I mentioned yesterday Methodical Illusion, the author claims that Saudi Arabia actually filed suit against the FBI because 6 of the 9/11 “terrorists” were pilots with Saudi Air and were still alive and were not on those flights. Also, one of the others pictured turned out out to be an FAA employee (who was working that day) and he presented himself to the FBI and he also pointed to another photo and said this guy is my brother–and he’s been dead for a year. (I haven’t verified these facts, just repeating them.)
As for the discussion on the phone conversations, Ms Roth says there were 2 calls made per plane–each one described the hijackers as “middle eastern” men–because, she believes, we needed to KNOW WHO TO BLAME…no calls out–no one knows who to blame. She also mentions strange things with the calls: on the same plane, one stewardess says a man was stabbed but there’s no medical persons on board to help him, while a second stewardess claims a man was stabbed but was being tended to by a nurse and doctor on board. they all mention “they are in the air” –odd statement to make– one said the hijacker sprayed mace–(apparently in a pressurized cabin everyone would feel that? dunno)
anyway…she researched, she got documents, she talked to tons of people, and her video was called in to the interviewer because she fears for her safety…so just throwing her theories out there…
I haven’t been able to figure out how aluminum airplanes cut through the steel girders framing the exterior walls of the WTC towers like butter.
I’ve also seen a video of a fully fueled plane of the same model/size and realize that isn’t such a huge fire/explosion. Jet fuel isn’t all that explosive, as the Las Vegas shooter (allegedly) discovered.
Strangely, the VSG agrees with you. He is on tape saying as much shortly after the attacks.
Jet fuel is just really nice DIESEL fuel. I used to run my VW diesel pick-up on it. My boy friend was a air craft mechanic and they would take the fuel out of the tanks and toss it. So we put it in our tanks instead.
Diesel is not as flammable as gas but it WILL explode given the correct air/fuel mix.
Correct – jet fuel has a lower lubricity / viscosity than diesel, so it is wise to check if the fuel filter is fine enough to prevent scouring of injector pumps.
I did the same in South Africa. If you don’t want to worry about the fuel filter – just blend 2/3’rds jet fuel to 1/3’rd diesel.
Note to others – we are talking jet fuel (Jet A1) and NOT Avgas. Avgas is basically very high octane gasoline.
We mixed it in with regular diesel and did not use that much of it.
After having two diesel mechanics tinkering with my VW plus that jet fuel, that pick-up sure did beat feet. We just could not leave it that way or as you said it would wear out the engine fast.
My Dodge pick-up with a Cummins now has a 1/2 million miles and is still going strong after over 27 years of hauling trailers. I really do like diesels even if they are slow on the acceleration.
The VW go 50 MPG and the Dodge gets 22 MPG.
Yup – great for country life. The soot they emit don’t make them strictly suitable for the cities – Europe only just working that one out. But, as we now know – the Europeans are not very bright any more ..
Jet A1 is very similar to kerosene; it’s often classed as kerosene.
Avgas is also known as 100 LL (low lead). 100 octane and it’s not “unleaded” and still has some tetraethyl lead in it, which can get deposited on the spark plugs if you’re not careful how to shut down your aircraft engine. Some small aircraft are actually certified to take regular car gasoline (mogas) but it’s not considered a good idea.
Because the exterior walls of the towers WERE like butter. The structural strength of the design was a steel box/tube standing in the center from which the floors were hung like the shelves in refrigerators (think of how a pegboard works). All of the exterior walls (structurally speaking) only kept the floors apart. Each floor was mostly supported by the center tube.
The WTC towers were likely the finest design ever. Nobody ever thought they could be brought down. In discussions about this horrible day, always remember that the primary reason (IMO) that the towers came down was the environmental whackos – they sued to prevent using asbestos in the construction. Normally, all steel structural beams would be coated with asbestos paste (sprayed on). This is a fire prevention technique and was critical to making the buildings fire-safe since the elevator shafts would form multiple giant chimneys providing fresh air to any fire. Essentially the green loonies made sure that the buildings were not fire-safe ever. What surprises me is that the insurance companies didn’t go on strike about it before the towers were finished.
One more thing – the more energy we expend on this quest about the past, the less energy we can bring to the immediate war we are in. A choice has to be made on the basis of what benefit can be derived from “solving” the 9/11 mysteries. I can sure tell anybody what benefit can come from any of DJT’s acts being taken today.
Still love all of you. And thanQ again for talking.
Here is a photo of the exterior steel framework of the WTC towers.
That logic works …
The Dems will just go Nahnahnahnaaaaaaaa!
But some voters will flip ….
Just imagine if Kim Jong Un turns out to be more reasonable than the Dems …
I think the prospect of this being realised is preeeetty good
Now that would be THE cherry on top!!!
Thank you for the POTUS’ tweets this AM, patriot. They point us in the right direction.
Was that the VSG telling the Dims to E(velyn)F(arkas) off?
Seems so.
He seems to be thinking about baring his teeth??
The Dims & DS cabal should be booking one way flights to NZ around about yesterday …
He’s toying with them.
Baiting them into making public pronouncements that he knows are untrue, and will be disproven when Barr releases the ‘Hoax Files.’
I think the FUN that he will be having from now on will be off the charts. I am expecting to see bigger smiles from the VSG …
Perhaps he will get bored with “shooting fish in a barrel”? Someone’s gotta do it
I 100% agree!
I understand he never gets bored of winning.
Extra bonus is that the Dims become ever MOAR entertaining as their state of discombobulation increases.
For sad people like me, living vicariously of another’s achievement – I get to use funny words …
Jason don’t let them in. NZ will be too small for them. They will want the land of Aus too.
Tell them the Trump team was ALREADY TRIED once.
“The Double Jeopardy Clause in the Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution prohibits anyone from being prosecuted twice for substantially the same crime.” — Double Jeopardy — Overview
I guess the stickler would rebut by stating that he has not been TRIED yet.
What the Dims are doing is perhaps worse – because a blatantly biased (against DJT) team has found no evidence – they are opening another investigation without probable cause – legal harassment? Not sure what Law that violates, but it would seem to be unlawful to investigate without probable cause
Jason, it was ILLEGAL the FIRST TIME and violated the Special Council law.
This idea of INVESTIGATING WITHOUT CAUSE is completely unConstitutional and I hope they get slapped HARD by the Supreme Court.
Oh, very much agreed. I just think that the Special Counsel was a massive sting to distract whilst the VSG’s team nailed down the traitors – I can’t prove this and will likely have to wait YEARS before this is ever clarified.
So XFire Hurricane was the crime, and the SC (I contend, along with others) was the sting fooling the perps into thinking they were getting off Scott Free, so to speak.
I think RR is a whitish hat, Mueller likely in on it (to save himself, although this could be interpreted another way), with the Angry Democrats trying their darndest to nail the VSG with no evidence available on planet Earth …
I agree that people are going to jail …
Plus, don’t forget that they tried (and failed) to get a FISA on DJT – which makes a mockery of their claims to “doing him a favour – just spying on Russians” crap.
May your days be filled with communion with the Lord throughout Holy Week as we remember what He has done for all of us. If you get an opportunity, share with somebody who really doesn’t know Christ and invite them to attend church services with you this week.
Dear Lord, we ask you to cover the dark stains of our people and of our government’s misdeeds. We solemnly request for you to take over the minds and hearts of those who are leading our nation so that we may be a bright light for your Kingdom that will stand firm against evil in this world.
Rev: 22:20 (NASB) He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming quickly.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.
Amen and Amen!
This is what I call POLITISCRIPT
Not a sincere thought in her head, or word out of her mouth.
Her eyes are blinking like CRAZY! LYING!!!

And shaking her head ‘no,’ while giving a ‘yes’ answer.
I have learned a lot watching body-language videos on YouTube! LOL!

Hey—Art of War! Use the enemies own weapons against THEM!
Doesn’t Libby look kind of, erm, sheepish ?
I did not like that …
Good afternoon from Central Europe!
I was just drinking a dark roast coffee and watching a very interesting episode of YourVoice America (11 April 2019). I found the second half to be especially thought-provoking.
Starting from about 41min30sec—InTheMatrixx makes a fantastic point about how the media portrays Julian Assange vs Edward Snowden.
Think about the Hollywood Snowden films—Snowden is a hero.
Julian Assange? Hillary would like to “drone him”! Many Democrats wanted him delivered to THEM long ago!
I believe Julian needs our protection—Our Prayers.
Looks like another kind of ‘infrastructure’ – military housing – needs to be addressed by President Trump:
Actually, there’s huge lawsuits filed regarding Camp Lejeune and contaminated drinking water. I mean HUGE. I write for a guy whose name is in the lawsuit class. It is a massive problem that is getting attention just under the radar. Other bases, I don’t know about. but the problem at Lejeune from 1953-1987 was the drinking water.
Funny, when we lived close to a base, anyone who could afford it lived off the base. Most of the base housing was in decent shape, and only those high up in command HAD to live there at the time, but there was one neighborhood that was LOADED with test pilot families.
It’s the kind of problem our builder President would love to solve.
We had a similar problem with the wells in the Westchester area I was in. Three of the kids I knew died of leukemia and there were only fifteen of us. I do not know what happened to ten of the fifteen so that is one kid out of each family I kept up with died. My family was not there very long and my brother was at college the entire time.
What was the chemical that caused these kids to die?
Have ZERO idea.
I thought I also heard something about land at Ft. McClellan, AL that was contaminated. Caught my interest because I went there for basic training but I never heard any more about it. Then again, I didn’t do any active research either.
Ah – here it is:
“Fort McClellan groundwater contamination veterans benefits available to sick veterans.
Fort McClellan, commonly known as “Fort Mac,” was home to the U.S. Army Chemical Center and School. For decades mustard gas, VX nerve gas, Agent Orange, Agent Blue, and depleted uranium leaked into the groundwater.
During this time, tens of thousands of veterans and their families drank, bathed, and cooked with this ground water. What these veterans and their families did not know is that the groundwater was poisoned. Today many veterans suffer from cancer and other ailments due to exposure from contaminated groundwater.
Many veterans think there is nothing they can do from their exposure to contaminated groundwater. That’s simply not true! There are benefits available to veterans who were exposed at Fort McClellen. There are also benefits available to widows whose spouse died from an illness related to the contaminated groundwater.”
Thats very sad. You cant live in homes with mold and termite damage like that. In CA, most of it would be torn down. Sounds like military housing and those involved are typical slumlords.
It depends on the era when the housing was built, and to an extent if it is officers or enlisted. Officers housing was always nicer, bigger, etc. At the base where we were close, new enlisted housing was built in the 80s that was really nice. Two of the enlisted complexes should have been torn down at that point, but weren’t for whatever reason.
Breitbart’s John Binder is a big fan of First Lady Melania Trump. His reviews of her fashion triumphs makes up for the leftist industry’s snubs and sneers.
GM – that got a big taxpayer-funded bailout – has no sense of loyalty to American taxpayers and workers:
i’m off to split more firewood…but Wheatie this tree is really nice…like the stream…I can hear the soothing sound as it babbles along…kind like me…babblin’ babblin’ babblin’…lol
can’t wait to watch the new froglegs when we come back in!!
New legs up!
Intellectual frog legs.
Thinks just like chicken.
With a mention of Kameltoe Harris, by cousin Dan.
One hump or two?
Inquiring mounds want to know………….
SO – where are Wolfie, Flep and Count Steve today? Sleeping in or into mischief or on a dark covert ops reconnoitering mission into enemy territory?
Well in an hour I am off to make some more kids happy. Two birthday party gigs this afternoon so I get to see smiling happy children.
“…on a dark covert ops reconnoitering mission into enemy territory.”
I think that’s where they are. And they’ll never talk…
Missed work on Wednesday thanks to that utter nothingburger of a storm (well it was nothingburger here, though not elesewhere) so I’ll be going in today.
Glad you all are OK! We count on you!
I gather the storm was worse in Denver, but even so nothing like the Bomb Cyclone. I stayed home–like a potted plant–for nothing. So today I can’t run errands.
Mornin’ all …
What would we do without JW ?
I could say “You did not BREAK that” – the satanic forces lurking in self-loathing hearts did it – you were just the Schiff on the bottom of the jack boot whose stench still lingers …
Mornin’ pR
Mornin’ Patrick…
Hope all is bright and sunny in your part of the world…
I wish!
Saturday forecast is for 8 hours of severe thunderstorms with 12 hours of high wind advisory.
Seems determined to blow my house down.
oops… that doesn’t sound good. Here’s praying you and your Angel stay safe and dry… no more leaks in the roof ……….
Apologize if my comment sounded smartass… I don’t keep up with weather… just look out my window
we’re overcast, expecting rain… nothing like your forecast.
Thanks, pR
Part of deal here in the wind tunnel.
This, too, shall pass, Patrick! We are through our latest blizzard/hail/sleet storm and the sun is shining brightly, snow is melting – looking forward to spring! Just got notice that my tree lily bulbs have shipped. Hoorah! Ready to start digging in some dirt here! Wish Gail could send me some rich, black aged horse manure for my garden beds! *sigh*
Comes with the territory, here.
You take the good with the bad.
Nebraskafilly, I have a nice combo of horse, sheep and goat manure. Now if I could just get it moved to the garden!
Last weekend’s trip was absolutely gorgeous with the trees just starting to leaf and a lot of trees misted with tiny blosoms in reds, yellows, pinks and whites with the flamboyant red buds a burst of flaming dark pink all against a back drop of dark green pines.
Today was just plain Wisterious. Kudzo may have eaten the south but the Wisteria around here has given it a run for its money.
A lot of the road sides looked like this today. I let Hubby drive so I could gawk.
Oh, my – how gorgeous!
You mentioned last night
“The liberal/progressives are only about 20% of actual voting democrats.
And yet they run the show.”
House of Commies is the gift that keeps on giving.
“There’s your future under Democrats, America. Do you want it? Do you REALLY want it?”
So Mexico is doing nothing. We are going to have to fully militarize the border. There is no doubt.
Mexican authorities said a group of about 350 migrants broke the locks on a gate at the Guatemalan border Friday and forced their way into southern Mexico to join a larger group of migrants trying to make their way toward the United States.
The National Immigration Institute did not identify the nationalities of the migrants, but they are usually from Central America.
A similar confrontation occurred on the same border bridge between Mexico and Guatemala last year.
The institute said the migrants were acting in a “hostile” and “aggressive” way, and accused them of also attacking local police in Metapa, a Mexican village that lies between the border and the nearby city of Tapachula.
The group of 350 pushed past police guarding the bridge and joined a larger group of about 2,000 migrants who are walking toward Tapachula in the latest caravan to enter Mexico.
Claudia Jaqueline Sandoval, 43, from El Progreso, Honduras, was walking toward Tapachula with her 6-year-old daughter. Another son and a daughter are already in the United States.
“I have been HIV positive for 16 years,” said Sandoval, but her reason for going north was not just medical treatment. “It has been two years since I heard from my son” in the United States, and money is scarce, she said.
There are already several groups of migrants in the southern border state of Chiapas who have expressed frustration at Mexico’s policy of slowing or stopping the process of handing out humanitarian and exit visas at the border.
A group of several hundred Cuban, African and Central American migrants have been waiting at the immigration offices in Tapachula for documents that would allow them to travel to the U.S. border, where most plan to request asylum.
Some members of that group have scuffled with immigration authorities and broken windows at the offices in recent days, accusing officials of making them wait too long for papers.
And another group of an estimated 2,500 Central American and Cuban migrants have been stuck for at least a week further west in the Chiapas town of Mapastepec, also waiting for papers.
Must see Joe Dan’s new video!
At least the link works!
“Banfield reported on one parent’s comments regarding the essay question:
“Notice how the question is couched. It’s sort of like asking, ‘Explain why Hillary Clinton isn’t President even though she deserved to win.’ It’s an opinion framed as a fact.
The problem isn’t that they included a speech from a political candidate. The problem is that they presented opinion as fact. It’s called a ‘mind virus.’”
The College Board’s SAT college admissions tests and the Advanced Placement (AP) program have been the subject of significant controversy in recent years.
David Coleman, College Board president, was a chief “architect” of the Common Core State Standards. Once he became president of the College Board, he set out to align the SAT with Common Core, as he also welcomed members of former President Barack Obama’s reelection campaign — Organizing for America (OFA) — to his student data-collection team.
At a conference of the Bill Gates Foundation-supported Strategic Data Project in May 2013, Coleman admitted the Common Core standards were not “state-led.”
“When I was involved in convincing governors and others around this country to adopt these standards,” Coleman said during his keynote, “it was not ‘Obama likes them’ — do you think that would have gone well with the Republican crowd?”
At the conference, Coleman also announced his social justice data collection project, aimed at profiling students he referred to as “low-hanging fruit,” mainly black and Latino K–12 students.”
“The College Board also revised its AP U.S. History (APUSH) program with a left-leaning ideological framework, Banfield noted.
In April 2018, a planned updated edition of an APUSH textbook taught students that white Christian Americans are finding it “difficult to adjust” to becoming a minority. The textbook suggested that President Donald Trump’s election occurred because his apparent “racism connected with a significant number of primary voters.”
“This move resulted in calls to break the College Board’s testing monopoly,” Banfield wrote. Politicizing U.S. History was not going to happen without controversy or a fight.”
That “politicization” led to more colleges abandoning the SAT as their admissions test of choice.
“Though a massive publicity campaign about the ‘redesigned’ SAT encouraged more students to take that exam, it failed to stem the rapidly growing movement toward test-optional admissions policies, in which neither the SAT or rival ACT are required of most applicants,” said Robert Schaeffer, public education director of the National Center for Fair & Open Testing (FairTest).”
Education today………….Keep them stupid, and eliminate the possibility of their being future competition.
The Witless Projection Program
More than stupid – brainwashed robots.
For a truly great education may I suggest….
A Space Safe, From The Real World.
The whole system is set up now to collect huge amounts of tuition from the government granted student loans. The colleges and universities get paid huge sums of money and are not required to produce any results. The students leave with huge debt and no education. The Government is going to have to write off the student loan debt eventually. It is the Communist way.
College is now a branding process.
Funny that some of us don’t advertised where we were branded because we’re embarrassed.
[sad chuckle]
No matter how much lipstick you put on a terrorist,………………it’s still a terrorist.
hee hee –
Yeah, no camera angle tightening can fix the optics on that.
Just put it on a three minute delay and feed it through the video-editing room. Then, on to the airwaves!
I do sodomly promise to go where no man should have gone before
P Buttplug
LOL…you have him pegged…lol
http://www.thelibertydaily.com calls him Mayor Buttplug, which always makes me snicker when I see it.
Just put up the News Roundup.
Some most excellent news….
Actor Geoffrey Rush Wins Initial $600,000 In Defamation Case Against Media
QUOTE (excerpts):
“Oscar-winner Geoffrey Rush won a major judgment that could eventually be worth millions against an Australian newspaper.
In 2017, at the height of the #MeToo moral panic, Australia’s Daily Telegraph published two articles accusing Rush of various #MeToo crimes against rising Australian stage actress Eryn Jean Norvill.
The Sydney tabloid daily described Rush as a “pervert” and “sexual predator”…
Rush immediately denied the charges and filed suit against the paper and its reporter, Jonathon Moran, for defamation and damages.
In his scathing judgment, Judge Michael Wigney came out swinging against the newspaper, Moran, and Norvill.
Wigney initially awarded Rush A$850,000 (about US$600,000) in damages and said the actor is entitled to more. That amount, which will likely be based on lost wages and reputational damage, will be decided at a later date.
Rush’s suit is for $25 million.
….let’s hope it portends good things for Nick Sandmann, the 16-year-old boy smeared as a racist by the American media.
Sandmann is currently suing CNN and the Washington Post for around $250 million each and deserves every cent of it.“
I sure wish Justice Kavanaugh would sue, too.
The democrat candidate feild side show wasn’t freakish enough with just You’re In Good Hands Biden and the Psycho Soy Boy, so they added a Sword Swallower.
I’m waiting impatiently for the Dims to get some good oppo research completed on “Mayor Pete” the (snicker) Sword Swallower. Now that he is doing well enough in the polls to look like a contender they’ll be swarming his life and back trail, and I look forward to finding out about the skeletons in his closet.
Other than being white, he’s pretty well insulated from scrutiny/critique by the party that lauds his species (Homo Infectus).
Homo Infectus
Just being gay means he is well on his way to sainthood by their standards. And the fact that he is attacking Mike Pence for being a Christian is the icing on the cake.
I hope to learn he traveled with his husband in a dog carrier on top of the car or something.
In a poodle skirt.
the husband or the dog?
Soon to be fleeing the collars, so to speak…
Ha, now THERE’s a visual!!!
Well you know the wife; whichever one that is; would have to out maven Big Mike in the fashion catastrophe department.
Eeeek! There goes the eyeballs in my mind. I am cursed with a vivid imagination. I can just see it now and wishing I could unsee it. Emphasis on it.
Something to sing along with Pete
I am rendered (almost) speechless.
Some fun from the phc eclectic collection.
He’ll never replace Ray Stevens!
Or barrack …………….
Oh, but they’re such Patriots….
I’m a cranky poodle’s dandy,
A cranky poodle, do-do I;
A real live problem for my twinkly Man
I wish that he’d dress like a guy…
I’ve got a cranky poodle sweetheart,
He’s my cranky poodle boy.
Yankee Doodle came to London, just to ride with Comey;
I am the cranky poodle boy…
Okay, that may be the belly laugh of the day right there! Thank you, Cuppa!
Okay … I had to look up “maven” ….
And no, I won’t be posting any photos of Big Mike…!!
skeletons in his closet.
Sylvia, I think Sword Swallower brought them all out of the closet…
Ha, well, we know what ISN’T in the closet any more, anyway!
Can you believe how stupid these judges think WE ARE? How in the h!ll did they get on the bench? They know what the law is, they know they must UPHOLD the law, but they are so partisan they cannot resist the opportunity to smear Donald Trump…
Here’s link for list of judges… date appointed and by which president. Chief Judge is Clinton appointment… so latest tweet probably came from him.
You might want to bookmark the link and read at a future date. The Court is TOO BIG… 29 seats, four vacant at present. In 2007 Associate Justices Anthony Kennedy and Clarence Thomas testified before a House Appropriations subcommittee that the consensus among the justices of the Supreme Court of the United States was that the Ninth Circuit was too large and unwieldy and should be split.[13]
If you look at the history of the Court, you will note that it more than doubled in size between 1960 and 1980.
President Trump has made four appointments… four vacancies remain at present, with nominees for three of those sitting in the Senate.
Political make-up, with 4 vacancies, is R9… D16
I really want to feel sorry for this man, but I am out of give-a-damns at the moment…
Justice comes in many forms
and Karma is a bitch with a long memory
Yeah, she is just about done filing her nails and only has a swallow of
left….she’ll be right with you!
Yes. Take karma, for instance.
Saturday funnies
Pat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have bookmarked this… funny as heck.
They’ll be just as funny next time I look
I love Chick-fil-A and their ads… this one is hilarious ! Esp. as NYC hates their restaurants.
Let’s see if this works:
Thanks wheatie… you’re a sweetheart…
I tried to stay awake last night ’til your tree went up… didn’t make it.
But it was the first thing I looked for this a.m., before coffee even …
Beautiful as always. Love the stream… and the inside looks so inviting I want to crawl in …
thank you you for providing such lovely visuals for us, and with commentary !!!
psst… is there word on t3 ? Is he still working on his project? Miss him.
Thanks, PhoenixR!

I am so glad you like it.
And no…I haven’t seen anything from our T*3 yet…not since around Tuesday.
Hope everything is going well for him.
it’s a weekly thing for the site…some are hilarious!
Bookmarked √ !
Pretty interesting thread
I’d give it all up to avoid jail time and get in the Witness Protection Program. Have to worry about Arkancide.
Looks like the deep state is starting to get hit on multiple fronts,

Papadop is awesome! To make sure he’s going to NAIL these suckers, he nails down their employed reality as American assets. Once that is secured, questions of where their loyalties REALLY ARE can emerge as Round 2.
Papa Deeeeee!!
Wheatie, thanks for another great thread with wonderful tree house pictures. I love love love that bar!
Thanks, Syl!

I’m so glad you like it.
Your trees make me feel happy and comfy.
You’ll want to bookmark this THREAD… excellent for bringing low-info friends and family up to speed.
I am so tired of these people. They never, ever let go. They never quit. They just keep getting more money and they just keep going. They obviously have nothing in their lives that brings them joy or fulfillment; all they have is hatred, apparently.
‘Ex-Clinton official leads ‘dark money’ effort to boot Kavanaugh from teaching gig
A top aide to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign — now leading a liberal “dark money” group — is backing a student effort at George Mason University to get Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh fired from teaching a summer course over misconduct allegations.
A student group calling itself “Mason For Survivors” began circulating a petition last month, so far attracting nearly 5,000 signatures, urging to “terminate AND void ALL contracts and affiliation with Brett Kavanaugh at George Mason University” on the grounds that the justice was accused of misconduct.
But the campaign is being given a partisan boost thanks to Brian Fallon, former press secretary for Clinton’s 2016 campaign, who’s now in charge of Demand Justice, a liberal advocacy group that doesn’t disclose its funding.
Fallon and his group are paying for Facebook ads that target anyone linked with George Mason University, urging them to sign the petition, in addition to signing a separate petition that calls upon the Democrats in Congress to investigate Kavanaugh, the HuffPost reported…”
You can read the rest here:
Feel exactly the same way. Very tired of these people. They do nothing but destroy.
We spoke of karma upthread.
Try to think about karma and what it is doing to the democrat party ever since 2010…
….then take a deep breath and smile.
Some of us spoke of karma upthread.
Try to think about karma and what it is doing to the democrat party ever since 2010…
….then take a deep breath and smile.
psychopaths and sociopaths……… NO EMPATHY
There is an extra element, though. With your garden variety psychopath or sociopath you hope you don’t stumble across one or get in their cross hairs, you know?
These guys are out actively hunting down and acquiring targets and relentlessly pursuing them. Like Kavanaugh. He’s yesterday’s news. You’d think they’d be on to the next new thing to create havoc.
There’s just an extra level of vindictiveness in going after people like Kavanaugh when the world has moved on. Or pursuing Krisjen Nielsen now that she is gone to make sure she doesn’t get hired anywhere ever by anyone or even gets to go out in public.
It is so evil I find it hard to grasp.
The people show their hands who they are communists. Now that they are exposed what they are what are we going to do about it and how can we counter..?
We are not psychopaths or as crude as these people and that is why we are in danger that these people will take over. Their behavior is going to be the norm if and when they get back into power.
Skynet has become self-aware. All they are is artificial psuedo-intelligence so of course they have to justify their facade as mere wings of humanity’s life branch. They are nothing but a different species.
George Mason University – mighty prog pond. Justice Kavanaugh had a broad comfort zone BEFORE.
I’d like to add this little boy for our prayer warriors. Will drop it in our Sunday Open Thread tomorrow as well. I guess in Omar ILhan’s words, “someone did something” – yes, a savage human being, a Muslim, did this:
Lord Jesus, King of all kings,
It is impossible to express how great an honor it is of being granted the privilege of coming before your throne, at any time, to express our gratitude to you as well as our need for you and your blessings. We cannot do this among the kings of the earth, but we can with you. Thank you, Lord, for wanting to hear from us and granting us leave to do so whenever we desire.
Lord, in this moment we lift this little boy up to you for your blessings of healing and restoration. You know what happened to him better than any of us, and you know this boy’s needs…and those of his family…in the same way. We know that the little ones are especially cherished by you, just as they are by all people of good and loving hearts. Lord, we beg you bless this child and his family. We ask he be completely healed and restored in a work of miracle such that even non-believers might look upon him in the times to come and believe in you and your Truth. We plead that you undo the work of evil that brought harm to this child and turn it to a work of grace, just as you turned water into wine and thus multiplied a celebration of love.
We ask this in your name, Savior, for the sake of this little boy, for the sake of his parents and family, for the sake of brothers and sisters who presently don’t believe in you but may yet come to do so, for the reassurance of your servants here on earth….and all for your everlasting honor, for your eternal glory, and for your kingdom, now and forever.
Thy Will be done. Amen.
FGandC, Thank you, brought tears to my eyes as I read your prayer offering. Indeed, may the little boy be healed, a miracle the Lord can surely bring – His Will be done, and it is all to His Glory. The little boy’s mother was crying for prayer for her son at the Mall. Heartrending.
More below, didn’t see this when I posted. Ty, would of missed this for sure.
So if 5G is a health hazard as some claim, then might this story make for good cover?
It’s not the first type story that proclaims recent unexplained rises in cancer.
Meanwhile I’ll feel better if they set up 5G in the Hamptons before they set it up anywhere else.
Noticed someone had a story the other day about how Brussels / Netherlands was being forced to delay their roll out for 5G. Is that a ‘okay, were going to be late, you guys get started on yours first and we’ll join you later kind of thing’ ? They’re claiming delays because of contract problems for the auctioning off of the band width required to roll out the 5G.
Here’s one story, there are others: https://www.sdxcentral.com/articles/news/belgian-carriers-grapple-with-5g-spectrum-auction-delay-and-radiation-concerns/2019/04/ Actually a good story, recent and speaks some to health/cancer concerns.
Oh and then there was this Nov 2018 story from Healthnut news.com: https://www.healthnutnews.com/hundreds-of-birds-dead-during-5g-experiment-in-the-hague-the-netherlands/
No I don’t read the site. It just came up in the search results for why the Netherlands might be delaying 5G.
Yeah, I’m not convinced that 5G is safe.
But the ChiComs have been working furiously to get it up and running in their own country…which means they think it will provide them with a huge technological advantage towards their goal of world domination.
Would they be doing that if 5G was dangerous to their health?
The ChiCom hierarchy would be putting themselves at risk, right along with their general population.
The ChiComs are also good at putting out disinformation and propaganda.
Is all this concern about ‘5G health risks’ being put out by the ChiComs…to discourage other countries from establishing 5G too?
I can’t help but wonder about all the different angles in this.
Agreed. Tough spot for everyone as they certainly are not concerned with pollution and do have global ambitions.
“Would they be doing that if 5G was dangerous to their health?
The ChiCom hierarchy would be putting themselves at risk, right along with their general population.”
I don’t know, Wheatie. They don’t seem to be too concerned about health dangers, do they? Look at their smog and pollution problems.
But I think you make excellent points. I don’t know anything about 5G and I don’t know what or who to believe. But we are right to wonder and consider all aspects of this carefully. Look before we leap.
True…but all other types of environmental pollution can be avoided by the ChiCom elites…except this type.
The radiation, if it exists, would be everywhere and penetrate buildings.
If it destroys plant life…then it destroys the food supply.
So unless the ChiComs have abandoned any thoughts of self-preservation…I cannot imagine that they would be racing forward with this, if there were really health risks.
Slight correction: FYI – one of the main “problems” with 5G is that its range is much less than 4G LTE and its inability to substantially penetrate buildings. The main delay in the rollout seems to be this “building barrier” issue.
5G is basically “line-of-sight” (like the old infrared and MW relays back in the datacomm dark ages), so there need to be lots and LOTS of towers. Which means lots of radiation, reflections, and the power needed is anywhere from 10 to 100 times more than with 4G and previous.
The EU has declared that at least one city in each member state must do a trial of 5G. Ironically, Brussels, the “capital” of both Belgium and the EU has cancelled any more test of 5G based on health and environmental concerns. The same is true of a canton in Switzerland, a country not in the EU, but in this case “going along for the ride”. Considering their geography, the propagation (or lack thereof) of 5G wavelengths could be a problem.
Who in their right mind needs 10 Gbits/sec for a phone or tablet? And, at least in Europe, most areas have either cable, satellite, fiber, or copper, or a combination of them. Granted, in the USA, there are many, many areas with wide open spaces. But it’s just as easy to lay fiber as put up a repeater. And, again, there will be TONS of them needed. If the railroads there are anything like here, they have their own fiber. And probably most of the interstates have at least fiber or copper along their routes. I can remember driving across the USA almost every year from 1960 to 1972 and seeing telephone poles everywhere, sticking up on hills, out the side of hills, and pretty much everywhere the engineers could manage to put them.
The problem with the ChiComs is that they are sticking comms infrastructure in in every country where they’re trading “aid” for resources (minerals, etc.) And by being the sole, exclusive vendor of said infrastructure, they have control, and also spying capability over their now captive victim, erm, market.
I think THAT’S why President Trump wants to move quickly on 5G, and in a big way. I don’t like the tech and the radiation at all, but I can understand the strategy. I just wish there was another way to head the ChiComs off at the pass, as it were…
“Death threats” – I’m supposed to be horrified?
Click on any of her followers, read what passes for dialogue in that set.
On a serious note, has the democrat party considered what effect a buttplug presidency would have on relations with the camel humping countries?
oh you’re nailing the visuals today Patrick!
Thrown off buildings in 57 countries…………..
Pat, yer killing me!
lol I have my moments…
You sure do. I am still giggling over you and your DH and Candyland…
You’re lucky my keyboard is still dry after reading that.
I know what you mean, DP.
I wonder if Muslims have that intersectionality thingy like our woke SJW’s do? Such as, on the Sharia Scale, is a woman more despised than a gay man? Is an infidel worse than an apostate? Who deserves killing more? Do they illustrate the hierarchy of their hatred by the viciousness of their killing?
So many things to ponder.
Maybe the differentiation is hated women are stoned.
Butt plugs tossed off buildings.
There you go. Cut straight to the chase! Dead is dead, after all.
Maybe it’s just who is in front of me when my rage erupts
And how come no one ever asks the Jihad Sisters, Omar and Tlaib, if they could support a gay candidate for president?
No one ever even asks them about the issue of islam-killing-gays, either…at all.
they would lie, giggle and then get defensive…
Of course they would.
That’s why they should be asked about it…repeatedly…so that people will see their hypocrisy.
And their dishonesty.
The two issues cannot be reconciled.
Islam mandates that homosexuality is punishable by…death.
The Jihad Sisters advocate sharia law.
That means they advocate death for gay people.
They should be asked about this repeatedly.
i totally agree, but they are also allowed to lie to us infidels…
Goats would get a day off when multi tasking butt plug the sword swallower visits.
Probably something like this
Ben has a short THREAD………
What a world. Apparently there is a trend. I don’t know, maybe it can all just be chalked up to Cultural Marxism or something.
Just as we are being pushed to accept that transgenderism is normal and righteous and anyone who opposes it or discusses how, after the fact, they wished they hadn’t had surgery and hormone treatment is wrong, evil, and a tool of right wingers…there is another arena for this type of warfare.
George Soros heavily funded the legal weed lobby. My personal prejudice tells me whatever Soros is involved in CAN’T be good, but that’s just me. Anyway. Almost overnight legal weed was pushed hard, everywhere. If you aren’t fully on board, you can be sure you’ll get brickbats flung at your head, just like those who are cautious about or opposed to the most extreme trans stuff.
It turns out that even though we have been told aggressively that weed is good for us, harmless, and everyone should dive in the bong water’s fine, there are some adverse health affects to consider.
But apart from finding the health aspect interesting, what fascinated me is the reaction of weed people to those who discussed cannabis making them ill. It is just as irrational and heavy handed as the trans people’s reaction to those who try to step back from or reverse their embrace of trans life. Or like running afoul of the Climate Changers.
Right now I’m just puzzled by the reactions, noting the similarity, and wondering what is going on. It is not rational.
“The scientific method is an empirical method of acquiring knowledge that has characterized the development of science since at least the 17th century. It involves careful observation, applying rigorous skepticism about what is observed, given that cognitive assumptions can distort how one interprets the observation.”–Wikipedia
We seem to have thrown out the Scientific Method. Like many of the other ideas that underpin Western Civ it is gone with the wind. Climate Change, transgenderism, and now cannabis and who knows what else. Replace science with some mish mash of New Age emotionalism and then attack and deny anyone who disagrees with your opinion. WTH?
I live in Oregon a legal weed state, theres a pot shop on every corner of the small town I live in and as a cancer survivor and patient I have a medical card for marijuana , I use cbd oils and tintures,also use some edibles, that being said people getting sick from weed I can understand as the strains of weed along with the dab thats produced have very high amounts of thc in them, the levels of thc could knock a cow out.
if a person is not accustomed to such high levels of thc it could make them very sick. I have seen it happen. it can also create terrible anxiety and send you to the ER.
I dont use products with thc in them as I dont need that but the cbd oils work very well for my pain. I dont take any prescribed pain meds any longer as cbd has done the trick. and it took me quite awhile to go to the medical products as I am not a consumer of marijuana. I dont advocate for rec weed only for the medical use of it.
Also it wouldn’t surprise me in the least to discover Soros behind the weed legalization push. its a billion dollar industry just here in Oregon. its like the lottery dollars that never seem to go where they say its going. I do not understand why this man is still walking around free after all the damage he has done to this country and other countries. but then there seems to be a lot of evil doers and criminals walking around running there yaps and giving all of us serfs the finger at every turn. the truth is these people one and only desire is get rid of all of us, they despise our Walmart smell and everything else about us. Makes me ill. I loathe them all for what they have done to our country and people.
Okay one more. Hasn’t seen this covered.
This story had potential to be spread far and wide but seems it is not getting traction for some reason. Perhaps there is something they don’t want us to know? Anyway, while shopping at the Mall of Americas a woman’s (you’ll notice she’s the small white woman being consoled in the vid, it’s the closest any story gets to identifying her or the victim) five year old son was tossed over the third story rail by a stranger.
Latest update on the boy: “As of today, 5-year-old boy who was thrown from a third-floor balcony at the Mall of America near Minneapolis remains hospitalized with serious injuries, authorities said Saturday.”
The stranger had previous run in’s with the law and had been banned from the Mall. Seem’s he once busted up five computers at the library because he read something on face book he didn’t like and in another incident he started tossing glasses at patrons of a eatery in the Mall because the woman there wouldn’t buy him dinner or some such. Supposedly he has drug and psychiatric problems and was recently released from where ever he was being kept.
Given the lack of information on the story I’m assuming Emmanual Deshawn Aranda has serious hate problems. Perhaps more people should be listening to what Candace Owens is saying about the Dems and MSM poisining people’s minds.
The last vid did not show his face. This one does.
Could he also be a Somalian? Don’t know but this from Wikipedia: “Somalis are an ethnic group in the Minneapolis–Saint Paul (Twin Cities) urban area and makes up one of the largest Somali diasporas in the US. As of 2016, there were around 80,000 Somalis in Minnesota” and apparently they started to arrive in early 80’s.
Lastly from Ann Richards a recent story about how all these type stories are being buried in certain areas.
(Note Ann has moved and renamed her old WP blog “Refugee Resettlement Watch” to “Frauds Crooks and Criminals”. so if you used to follow her you might want to re-bookmark.)
Is it just me, or does this guy have The Crazy Eyes? They may not be huge and bulging like that Farkas broad or AOC, but he’s got that slack jawed thousand yard stare down pat, doesn’t he? Gives me the willies.
Le Figaro is reporting 31,000 Yellow Jackets protesting nationwide in France today, 10,000 MOAR than last week.
I made the argument here a few weeks ago that you must follow the calendar to see how this plays out.
All the Yellow Jacket protests so far have taken place during the dead season, as far as tourism goes. This is the middle of April. Next month is May, which, in normal years, is SHOWTIME!
As the days get longer and the weather becomes magical, the Yellow Jacket revolution will, ironically, face it’s winter in Valley Forge moment, from an economic perspective.
Whether the movement has generated good plans for handling the May-September situation regarding the tourist economy , and can stick to them, hanging tight in the face of personal financial privation, are, IMO, the key questions to answer in predicting whether the Yellow Jackets can bring about lasting structural change towards republican, pro-French government in France.
The mainstays of the movement are i.) rural people, including farmers, fishermen, and so forth; ii.) owners of Mom-and-Pop businesses; and iii.) those dependent on them, including non-industrial makers of artisanal products such as wine and cheese.
If the protests continue week after week, and foreign tourists therefore stay away in droves, and the farmers’ spring planting season advances, the pressure on the Yellow Jackets individually, and on their families, will be horrendous.
But, conversely, the pressure on the national government and its tax revenue base will be a multiple of what it is currently.
If there are too many of what Thomas Paine called “fair-weather patriots” among their number, the movement will likely collapse, or at least go on hiatus until cold weather returns in the autumn.
OTOH, continued protests in this crucial period could present French patriots with an opportunity to achieve the political equivalent of a Battle of Trenton, shucking off the banking cartel shill, Macron, or Maquereaun, as I call him, and moving towards responsive, MFGA governance.
“Last week, the Justice Department revived a proposed regulation originally initiated during the George W. Bush administration to allow the 21-judge appeals court system that hears immigration cases more latitude to issue cursory opinions without explanation. It would also allow the court to set precedents with only a small minority of appeals judges participating, which could sharply accelerate the administration’s ability to make changes to immigration law that wouldn’t require congressional action.
The proposed regulation has been sent to the White House for review before being made final, according to a government database. The Justice Department declined to comment other than to confirm that it hopes to finalize the rule this year.”
“The proposed Justice Department regulation change has two main parts. First, it would allow the immigration courts’ appellate arm, the Board of Immigration Appeals, to more easily issue “affirmances without opinion.” Those affirmances are when a single appeals judge, rather than a three-judge panel, upholds a lower court’s deportation decision without issuing an explanation.
The appeals board would be allowed to consider limited resources — such as a shortage of staff or a crush of cases — to issue such cursory affirmances, something it cannot do now.
Second, the regulation would change the way the appeals board can make its decisions public — the step that gives those decisions the force of binding precedent for all 400 immigration judges and the appeals court itself. In the past, those decisions have dictated what types of gang violence or domestic violence cases qualify for asylum, for example, or what constitutes a vulnerable population in need of protection.”
Thanks for this information, NF. Sounds like a good thing! Hoping for the best…
I once ran a bird sancuary.
birds were welcome.
Bees were welcome.
this made sense.
birds need trees, ( or some form of forna or flora to propogate)
Let me tell u ’bout the birds and the bees, the flowers and the trees, and a crazy little thing called God’s Love…
TY. bookmarked. Will watch when i have more time
Found these in the replies:

terrific wheatie… !!!!!!!!!
Those were all awesome, thanks for posting!
hmmm article says “most” were booked in Ilhan’s district…
h/t nwtex
TY, pR, I really enjoyed watching that. I’m so glad PDJT has that wonderful place. It is so imaginative and gorgeous.
It will now be forever known as the ‘Southern White House’.

Although in contrast, the DC White House is like ‘camping out’ in comparison to MarALago.
Boy, no kidding. I love our White House, but I bet the residential area is rather “down scale” from Mar A Lago, or Trump Tower for that matter.
You’re most welcome Sylvia…
I purloined it from OT
Well done!!
Gen Flynn has changed the banner on his twitter feed:
Interesting, indeed!!!!
‘Waves’ are a good image in several ways…
“No one can stop what is coming”
Can’t stop the waves from coming in…can’t stop the tide.
Waves of Justice coming, one after another?
Hope so!
Waves of clean water washing into the Swamp to clean it out.
That’s lovely wheatie…
hopin’ for your visions to manifest.
Yes, all good prospects. I like cleansing waves and can’t stop the tide from coming in.
Wave good bye Biotches!!

Something is about to break?
Watch the water?
Hadn’t thought of that. Good one. Breaking waves. News going to come in waves. Washed up.
Did ya’ll see this? 17 FISAS!! Hmmm 17 seems appropriate

Nebraska Filly shared upthread an article about a rule change in the immigration business that would impact how the immigration courts/judges work. It was proposed during the Bush years but not implemented.
DOJ dusted it off, tweaked it a bit, and has sent it to the WH for consideration. It would streamline and allow greater flexibility for the immigration courts to move cases along.
This made me think of a segment on Lou Dobb’s show with Kris Kobach last night. I made a quick look for video of it but didn’t locate it. It was a bit annoying because Lou, although I love him, kept interrupting Kris. But bottom line Kris was describing an Obama era DHS policy called “parole” that allows for illegals to become immediately eligible to get food stamps and other benefits we so generously provide. Kris was proposing to stop that policy (not a law) which would send a message to those planning to come here.
These are the things that make my head hurt. PDJT has been pretty clear, wouldn’t you say? Where are the worker bees in these federal agencies? Why haven’t they been lining up with suggestions such as these for consideration to help PDJT control immigration? How many more of these dumb azz policies are there out there that could be fixed or eliminated that would help curb the flood?
Now you realize why Stephen Miller is cleaning house at DHS…
Why POTUS was LIVID when he discovered Nielsen was on way to Europe when HE was planning to close the border. How many folks do we KNOW about that got their walking papers? Maybe five TOP officials ? Bet
20/30 more handed in their resume.
Jared Kushner is part of the problem… he may have had some success with Second Step, but he is/was too SOFT on immigration. Imagine being Stephen and having to butt heads with POTUS’ son-in-law. In the head butting department, Stephen appears to be winning… may it continue to be so.
All I can say is GO STEPHEN!
I saw that too!
Lou was so upset he wasn’t even making sense…and to his credit, Kobach did his best to try and answer Lou’s questions and calm him down.
When we do finally cut off the free stuff to the illegals…it will cause crime to skyrocket.
I’ve seen little blurbs about how they are quietly hiring more ICE agents.
Perhaps this is why PDJT hasn’t cut off the free stuff yet…he was getting more ICE agents in place first?
It would make sense.
Getting more JUDGES in place…
Most of these things, free college tuition, food stamps, etc. are POLICIES. So is DACA. Remember all the bruha about that, DIMs treat it as a law… Judge Seeborg would be banging his gavel, saying POTUS can’t CHANGE….
Mitch needs to get the judicial nominees confirmed. Filling the 4 vacancies (three nominees are in the Senate) on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals would bring us to R13, D16 … and within the next year there could be more vacancies. OR, better yet, SCOTUS could split the 9th… it’s TOO BIG… and in 2007 the consensus on SCOTUS was to split it up.
DIMs have zero respect for the law… policies are meant to be changed, by the dept/agency head. Now that SC is closed, we may see that happening. As for changes in policy at DHS, they would NEVER have happened under Nielsen. She was totally out of her depth.
Yes. Amen to all of that, PhoenixR.
Completely agree.
I could kind of interpret Lou, LOL! This was clearly the first time he had heard of this parole thing, and as I’m sure you know he has been all over illegal immigration for years.
He was clearly shocked and angry about it and that’s why he kept interrupting…he wanted to be sure he understood what was going on.
Kris did a really good job of stopping and restarting, stopping and restarting, and explaining.
Yes, there is a danger to cutting off the free stuff. We’d better have a good plan in place for locating and bouncing the illegals outta here quickly. I look forward to it.
It sickens me how so many interests have taken positions on an immigration policy destined to destroy this country. Starting with those Commies running the United Methodist Church in Chicago and all the related Commie NGOs, and certainly not excluding employers wanting cheap labor, the Business Roundtable, CoC, the Koch Bros and Paul Ryan (I recite this right along with Lou Dobbs…!)
Found the clip — yes, I know crooks and liars is progressive site… but clip is not tainted
That’s an older clip…the one where Kobach was wearing the loud purple tie.

I found a video of the whole show and will post it below so it will post full size.
Thank you for cleaning up after me wheatie…
Oh, cool pR!!!! Thank you!
I think there are actually A Lot of geeks & gamers who are Trump supporters.
A lot of the Anons are gamers.
The actor, Adam Baldwin, is a bigtime gamer who is also an avid Trump supporter.
Courage is contagious.
The more people who speak out…the more it will encourage others to do the same.
Not to be confused with Alec Baldwin.
Adam Baldwin, if memory serves, played Jayne Cobb on Firefly, and had bit roles in Stargate SG1
Adam Baldwin is a good guy…and he’s been in a lot of things.
He had supporting roles in the original ‘Independence Day’ and also in ‘The Patriot’.
It’s hard for him to get decent roles, because of the way that Hollywood discriminates against conservatives.
He can take comfort in the fact that one out of every three hollywood conservatives goes on to become POTUS.
Thank you for sharing. Being a gamer/comic book geek, this gives me hope that the gamer and comic book worlds are not completely infested by progressives.
There are two youtube channels I like to follow:
Geeks + Gamers found at:
The other
ComicArtistPro Secrets found at:
I’ll check them out! Thanks
Neil Gorsuch really seems to be stepping up to the plate. I am so darned relieved, and pleased, with his positions and influences thus far.
I hope that Kavanaugh will be as strong.
I hope the Chief Justice decides to retire and spend more time with his family.
I hope RBG decides to step down and get right with her Creator.

“The Post’s front page had the infamous shots of the terror attacks that left nearly 3,000 Americans dead with the headline “here’s your something.” It was a brutal haymaker. It was righteous. And Ocasio-Cortez is triggered…
“Printing on the front page to circulate all around New York City an image that is incredibly upsetting and triggering for New Yorkers that were actually there and were actually in the radius, that woke up one morning or were in their schools and didn’t and didn’t know if they were going to see their parents at the end of the day,” Ocasio-Cortez began, “to elicit such an image, for such a transparently and politically motivated attack on Ilhan, we are getting to the level where this is an incitement of violence against progressive women of color. If they can’t figure out how to get it back to policy, we need to call it out for what it is. Because this is not normal, and this not a normal level of political debate or rhetoric.”
Speaking of Gen. Petraeus…….
Sic semper tyrannis…”thus always to tyrants”.
They are desperate to shut down the Truth.
During the Hussein years, they used “that’s racist” to shut down any criticism of him or his policies.
They wore out the race card…so now they’re trying out new false allegations to try to shut people up.
The Left always accuse others of what they themselves have been doing.
The only people who have been “inciting violence”…are the Dems and their media nozzles.
The truth is, the vile and disgusting political left has engaged in this kind of rhetoric for DECADES…. only recently have we on the right decided enough is enough.
The truth is, having played every “XYZ-ist” card in their deck….in an effort to dehumanize conservatives and shut down criticisms of their politics and their leadership….liberals are out of options and have no cards left to play.
The truth is, THEY taught us:
1) there is no benefit to playing nice with them
2) Hit them hard and fast
Plus, it’s become well known that the left can’t meme….and it really pizzes them awf sumtin’ BAD.
Remember Patreaus. Remember the Comey Memos.
Maybe they can’t meme because they are devoid of a sense of humor.
Exactly wheatie…
They spew this faux rage wrt POTUS’ suggestion that DHS place illegals in sanctuary cities…
well zero’s administration did that…
they also placed large groups of Muslims in areas that would ensure a Muslim representative in Congress.
The situation we see now with Ilhan is a result of just such a manipulation.
So, will Ilhan be re-elected in 2020 ? She represents a district heavily populated by Muslims. What say y’all? Will we be stuck with her? and the other two domestic terrorists?
Refugees can be sent back to their home countries…when the ‘crisis’ has subsided that caused them to flee.
Ilhan came here as a ‘refugee’.
Most all of those muslims in her district are probably ‘refugees’ too.
Did they vote?
They should all be sent back home!
I think that a lot of scrutiny should be brought to bear on that district that elected her.
AMEN, Sister!
Now they say white nationalist, like that’s a bad thing. I don’t get it. Why is a white nationalist bad? It isn’t the same thing as a white supremacist.
Unless I’m just stoooopid, a white nationalist is someone who is white and believes in nationalism. Although, TBH, why would someone stick “white” in front of nationalist? That’s immaterial. Like, gee, I’m a Woman Nationalist. Who cares?
The critical part is nationalist. And that is NOT a bad thing. They can yell Hitler all they want, he does not equate to nationalism.
They link the two words, ‘white nationalist’ together to create the False Narrative that “white people are nationalists because they want an all-white nation”.
Which is like I said…False.
The globalist masters have put out the word:
‘Nationalism must be shut down. Vilify it. Kill it. It must be stopped by any means necessary.’
So all the little globalist toadies are trying hard to demonize the concept and the word, ‘Nationalism’.
Re-purposed words, NewSpeak.
It’s all a one-way street: we’ll always we going the WRONG way, as they see it.
This is the Lou Dobbs show that Sylvia was talking about, it opens with the segment with Chis Kobach:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaMt4ya0ZAQ&w=640&h=360%5D
Thanks, Wheatie!!! You’re a peach!
Something’s brewing, I think. At least down the road.
PDJT is now using the word corrupt in conjunction with the media/news. He’s done it several times. Corrupt. That is different than Fake. Whole new layers of meaning.
Hmm… I wonder if there are some criminal charges in the works for some media people?
Well…they tried to Interfere with a Presidential Election.
They also conspired with the coup-plotters to try to take down a duly-elected President.
So yeah, I hope there *are* some criminal charges in the works!
Gosh, I hope so too. I suspect there is a LOT to work with if DOJ is so inclined….
“Knowingly”. Interesting choice of word. Hi, Q!
The VSG is the master of lobbing the petards back from whence they came, just in time for beautiful “hoisting”
‘Kittens in Hats’
The one at top center…is she/he wearing a Pepe hat? Priceless!
Yes! …I love that one, the little Pepe hat!
Oh My!!! KEK!

para59r says
This has been known for awhile. The poles are also moving at an accelerated speed. Some thing we maybe looking at the beginning of a possible magnetic reversal.
ANd just for YUCKS, my usual notes: (Emphysis on possible links to Climate)
Earth main magnetic field
Earth’s Diminishing Magnetic Dipole Moment is Driving Global Carbon Dioxide Levels and Global Warming
The Author then links to a large number of papers.
Magnetic effect on CO2 solubility in seawater: A possible link between geomagnetic field variations and climate
Secular variation of the Earth’s magnetic field: induced by the ocean flow?
August 2015 Earth’s Diminishing Magnetic Dipole Moment is Driving Global Carbon Dioxide Levels and Global Warming
A doubling of the Sun’s coronal magnetic field during the past 100 years
Solar variability and climate change: Geomagnetic aa index and global surface temperature
And the rest of the papers:
Vukcevic, BTW has done a lot of work looking at the climate — Magnetic field link
Geomagnetic moment variation and paleomagnetic excursions since 400 kyr BP: a stacked record from sedimentary sequences of the Portuguese margin
RPI = “a series of relative paleointensity lows”
And what does the series tell us?
The RPI record is characterized by a periodicity of ∼100 kyr, paleointensity lows often coinciding with the end of interglacial stages.”
If you did not you can read this Climatic and oceanographic changes in the Northeast Atlantic reflected by magnetic properties of sediments deposited on the Portuguese Margin during the last 340 ka
Paleoclimatic context of geomagnetic dipole lows and excursions in the Brunhes, clue for an orbital influence on the geodynamo?
Correlations between Ocean Water Temperature and Related Parameters from the Victoria Experimental Network under the Sea (VENUS) and Geomagnetic Activity: Implications for Climate Change
Are there connections between the Earth’s magnetic field and climate?
But .. but the science is “muh …settled” – 97% of “scientists” say so – we all AGREE damn it!!
Don’t give us “denying” science – that’s clearly fake science, which hurts my feelings and is only used to OPPRESS me
Note to self – set up a Gofundme for some payola to lobby AOC to draft a “law” to criminalise “hurt feelings” …
Good information and here I was thinking not to disturb our very own geo physicist (actually contemplated asking for your input when I wrote but I refrained
Oh wait, some people are already mating with machines… just not the way I mean… ackkk! patooie!
Anyway, the way the Zero Hedge article was written was to suggest that the shifting of the poles would create a weakening of the magnetic field that would result in an increase of harmful effects of the sun’s radiation getting through the intonation fields if I understood that and such would happen rather quickly in the span of 5 plus years where the effects of such would begin to noticeably manifest themselves after which it would get increasingly worse in succeeding years. Thus that authors doomsday scenario. Any thoughts on that before we all decide to mate with machines to survive
Now having said that, I might realize if the shifting of the poles does result in the doomsday scenario perhaps 5G could actually be some sort of a godsend as it would allow us to become cyborgs much quicker to survive it. However I’m getting ahead of your answer.
Meanwhile I’d go back to my original conspiracy theory in that this shifting of the poles talk is going to be used to mask the harmful effects of 5G.
Any thoughts, anyone? (realizing I’m definitely not the smartest around here while also realizing as boomers most of us can shrug this stuff off. Asking for the kids in general as I don’t have any but it be nice to know how things are left when we are gone.)
I loved this line:
“This powerful association has been reported by other researchers. Why it has been ignored by the scientific community is not clear.”
Because there’s NO MONEY and NO POWER in it.
He knows, but it would be “impolite” to say so.
I used to write euphemisms, too, when I was a part of FAKE SCIENCE.
Earlier today in San Antonio, TX.
It’s just hail, my first post of the day, must be a Saturday.
Woah…those are big hail stones…the size of tennis balls.

That can cause a lot of damage.
I hate hail storms.
I was out walking the dog in the %$* rain and it turned to hail on us. Brrr….
Needless to say, we cut it short. But thankfully our hail stones were teeny little bits of ice and not those big bruisers.
We missed out on the mean stuff, We got rain and high winds and thought I’d lose a huge sycamore tree but it’s okay this time.
Let’s see if this works:
Another good thread and yeah, these people trying to shame us into forgetting about 9/11 can shove it, ain’t gonna happen
Clinton commies are very worried about 9/11.
Sure seems they are
As I said yesterday, it appears that no MSM “purveyor” has deigned to report on the seating of a federal grand jury to examine pertinent evidence ..
The “Dog that did not bark” is a HUGE tell. Media are supposed to report big news. They did not in this instance – ergo the are E(velyn)F(arkas)fing scared ..
Relevant commentary …
Great article! Yeah, I feel it, too. Clowns are getting desperate on this.
Not good enough – Never enough…
…till they reach for Flep’s gun on the nightstand.
al-Q and 9/11 ?
And Monday’s the _Boston Marathon_.
• • Make a bomb in the basement of your Mom!
• • • —al-Qaeda, Inspire Magazine, how-to: pressure-cooker bombs
Timing, anyone?
Though turned out, the Tsarnaev Bros. used a different mechanism than the one described in the terrorist magazine. Maybe just INSPIRED by al-Q.
Off topic from politics so please forgive. There are a lot of very intelligent folks here who I trust a heck of a lot more than my buddies college age socialist kids when it comes to internet advice.
I’m looking for some technical/privacy advice if you have any to share.
I’m going to be starting a project in the very near future and I want to use a new and separate email to attach it to. I’ve only ever had my one email that they gave me when I first set up my internet connection so many years ago. Unfortunately it is one that is permanently attached to Yahoo who I hate with unbounded passion.
Any advice on which email service to use that respects privacy and is not a hassle to use?
Thanks in advance if I don’t get back to this right away!
They all have privacy concerns. Your main choice is what flavor of intrusive or pathological you want to work with. Getting off Yahoo seems like a brilliant plan in any case. I avoid Goolag, Micro$oft, and other big names. think Apple has a different flavor of intrusive that might be preferable for some, but you probably need an AppleID and one of their devices to get started.
ProtonMail is an interesting option if you want a browser-based mail solution. They have apps for phones too.
Here’s a quick article for you:
welcome back t3…
we have missed you…
Thank you TTT! I’m going to look into all of these suggestions.
Thanks, Wolf! This one looks promising. I think I’m leaning toward going with this.
What Are the World’s Most Secure Email Providers in 2019?
Thanks for that list, ZNT! I’m doing my research now.
For Nasty Nan…
POTUS has “six ways from Sunday to deal with you.
You don’t want to mess with” POTUS…
Deal with it DIMs…
Tornado warnings in Mississippi…hope Daughn stays safe!
…..and yet….
Big mouth snowflake Alyssa Milano opens her hypocritical mouth and it gets closed with an audible click of her teeth…
The Hodge Twins weigh in on the Sanctuary City thing:
Hodge Twins always make me smile… laugh.
This vid is a keeper… thanks wheatie !!!!!!!!!!!
I love the Hodge Twins!
They’re great aren’t they.
Can we get these two together with Diamond and Silk?
Asking for Trump 2020.
Lori Laughlin says that “any mom” would have done what she did?
Wow…and there I thought she was such a goody two-shoes.
She really had me fooled!
Why are these PRETENDERS (actors) our icons? NO GOOD REASON.
Thankfully, I had no idea who this woman is! PROOF that my rejection of FAKE ENTERTAINMENT is working!
Her career goes back about twenty years, I think. She’s been around a long while.
The poor girl maybe her lawyers can find out who to bribe next.
That goody two-shoes persona was only on screen. These people have enormous heads and feel entitled to special treatment. Of course, unfortunately most of the time they get it.
I have to admit that, while not seeing a lot of her work, she always came across to me as a warm and decent person…playing the concerned good mom character. Now we know….FAKE!…and rotten to the core.
I had the same impression, Wheatie. Boy, were we wrong. I guess she’s a better actress than I suspected.
Look at this guy…remember him?
Yeah, he needs to get thousands of illegals shipped to him.
I love this so much:
Tornado on the ground…right now…near MS State Campus in Starkville, MS.
A couple hrs from daughn. Thats too close. Hope shes ok.
[Chick-fil-A doesn’t open their restaurants on Sundays.]
Took me a while to figure that out! LOL!!!