Dear MAGA: 20190425 Open Topic

This Thunberg Threatler Youth (a.k.a. SHILLDREN) Thursday open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.


You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.

Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.

Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.

Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.



U.S. President Donald Trump prays during the National Prayer Breakfast event in Washington, D.C., on Feb. 2, 2017. Photo courtesy of Retuers/Carlos Barria

Our movement

Is about replacing

A failed


Political establishment

With a new government controlled

By you, the American People.

Candidate Donald J. Trump

Also consider Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.

Now – back to our story….

….about the….


Where have we seen these kids before…….?


…..which reminded me of MY YOUTH….

….and a bit more recently….

….which seems to be linked to this….

….who is also linked to this….

….and this….

….so if THIS GUY….

….can be arrested as being “in some ways like a state actor”, then why not THIS GUY….



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Save the Planet!
Re-elect Donald Trump in 2020!

Thought you might like this, Wolfie!!


Excellent Post, Wolfie! ARREST SOROS!!!

Rodney Short

Water board him for about 3 months for his confession of all crimes on our lady America.
Forgive me lord.

Sylvia Avery

I’ll pour if you hold.


I will make snacks and plan the parade.

Sylvia Avery

🙂 🙂 🙂 It’s a deal!


I’ll be waving my flag and shouting and cheering …. 🤨👍❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️‼️‼️


“Save the planet” don’t waste water – bring the shovel : )
Thought crossed – Soros want to be the next Mao, Hitler? The one who destroys countries with currency instead of violence? To be written about in school books, studied by radicals?

Pat Frederick

to be dissected by medical students?


The miserable …. 😑 … pud has more life behind him then in front of him and he will spend eternity somewhere … according to how he lived his life on earth … ……………………….


The al quida dude who planned a major attack lasted about 2 mins before he shat himself and gave up. And, sadly, waterboarding does no lasting harm. As I noted previously where’s Ramsay Bolton when you need him?

Plain Jane

And his spawn.


I don’t understand why Soros hasn’t been arrested for crimes against humanity, destabilizing countries (currency) and basically working to overthrow governments.

Rodney Short

We need Soros and all his puppets together and send a drone with a Screaming Eagle on the nose cone

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

Q drops, and he/she/they is/are being quite specific, and so were Giuliani and DiGenova. Another tick upward in intensity…

Sylvia Avery

I can’t wait.


“SHILLDREN” <– Hah! 👍
That's exactly what they are.


Did not Mao use children in his revolution..? He also used them against their parents.
In the former DDR the regime used children against their families as spies and they had to tell teachers what parents thought about the regime.
Children facilitated parents to go to jail.
In every oppressive regime children and youth are used against the population.
They are pitting our children against us it is a silent revolution.
God Help us!


Some early Q posts indicate that Soros will eventually get his:
We have a special place picked out for GS.
Really special.
PS, Soros is targeted.
(that’s just the relevant part)

Sylvia Avery

Russia would be good. I bet Vlad remembers some great interrogation techniques from back in the day.


Vlad wants him “dead or alive”…doesn’t he?


Maybe put some of those cartel dudes(who’ll be looking for work as the border closes), touse some of their talents


Swap Soros for Snowden

Deplorable Patriot

Hungary maybe. They’ve been after him for a while.


I believe Russia has a warrant out on him?

Sylvia Avery

Thanks Linda. I always really appreciate it when people go back and revisit Q drops so we can see the future proving the past.


He has spawn … must include them in the round up …. clean sweep


This is awesome:
For years, there have been sightings of triangular shaped aircraft…even a few photos of them.
People called them UFOs and figured they were from another world, since we didn’t have aircraft that advanced.
But…did we?
Were those sightings of our own triangular shaped aircraft?
Or were those the aircraft of visitors?
And did we get this design from them?


Since that first tweet got truncated, here it is again:


Long time ago, I thought the easiest way to travel throughout space would be, first, develop ‘something’ which canceled our gravity (or any gravity) —- to focus on the specific gravity of an object and use it like a tractor beam.
By focusing on various objects ‘specific gravity’ it would then be easy to guide through space.
Instead of propulsion – magnetism.
The only problem we would have would be when we approached the edge of space, because there would be no distant point on which to focus.


Have you seen the interviews with Bob Lazar?


Gravity is just a warp of our three dimensions. Einstein stuff. The more mass that the object has, the more it bends space.
An excellent simple demonstration of this is here:

In order to “cancel” this thing we call gravity, we would need the ability to manipulate the dimensions. Once we can manipulate space, there would be no need to build a “gravity free” ship. All locations within the universe would then be as accessible as stepping into your living room…
And about your thoughts that magnetism may be a good force to use for moving a ship through space: The force resulting from magnetic attraction or repulsion is reduced with the cube of the distance. That is, it dies off quickly as the two objects separate. Not ideal for moving across vast spaces.


Think about a vacuum, that is gravity free. Any two objects would be drawn together, whether they were the size of ships or mere molecules. The key is ignoring the force of other objects and only focusing on the specific gravity of one object.
I was only 9-10yrs old at the time. Made perfect sense to me, in my little mind, when I saw Star Trek’s Tractor Beam.


I am not following you on your logic in the first paragraph.
Also, your first sentence is incorrect. There is absolutely gravity in a vacuum. The gravitational force is independent from the medium surrounding the object(s).
I am guessing that you have the impression that rockets and astronauts in space “float” as a result of “no gravity”. If so, this is not correct.
Floating astronauts still are affected by the Earth’s gravitational pull. In fact, the force that they are experiencing is nearly identical to the force you and I are feeling right now.
If this is the case, then why does an astronaut float and we are stuck to our chairs?
The answer has to do with the fact that the astronaut (and ship that they are in) is in orbit. An “orbit” is just free fall while moving forward at a high velocity. If it wasn’t for that high velocity that is parallel to the surface of the Earth below, the ship would fall towards the Earth, just like a sky diver. A simple way of thinking about “orbit” is that an Eastward orbiting space ship is falling to the Earth, but keeps missing to the East due to its east-ward velocity.
Should the spaceship slow down, it would spiral to a lower orbit and eventually dive into a free fall and hit the Earth. If it speeds up, it spirals into a larger orbit and eventually travels away from the planet once “escape velocity” is reached.
So, in short, astronauts float as they are in free fall, just like people in a diving airplane or plunging roller coaster feel. But due the high lateral velocity, they never hit the Earth. In all of these examples, gravity is most definitely present. The only variables that affect this force are the masses of the bodies involved ( Earth being the dominant contributor in these cases) and the distance from the center of each mass.
Hope this makes sense. Sorry for the lecture if you weren’t interested…


I know there is gravity in a vacuum. Pretend there isn’t. Pretend the word “vacuum” is a metaphor, as I intended, to isolate molecules/mass, which all have specific gravity. The bigger idea, instead of the minutiae, is to use gravity to draw an object toward another object = no propulsion.
Of course, we would need a magic machine to ignore all the other ‘gravity’ naturally occurring in all other objects.
I know there is “less” gravity in space.
You missed the bigger point.
But that’s okay.


Let’s say that pool balls are lined up from 1-8 in numeric succession. I want to get to the black 8 ball but I’m at the 1 ball.
If I had a magic machine which could focus on the 2 ball, then the 3 ball, then the 4 ball, I could “navigate” my way through space, pulling myself to another location, instead of burning rocket fuel to propel me.
Just an idea I thought of as a very young girl. Made sense to me. I have no magic machine……… yet.


Anyone who has read Richard Feynman is automatically someone that I enjoy talking to! (I am also a grad from MIT, though I was Mech Eng and he was physics) -Ken/Chimpy


I cannot respond to either Daughn or Wolf’s posts below, but wanted to state that I understand both of your concepts.
Agreed that if we can figure out how to simulate a massive object and move it just ahead of a real object, we could get that object to move forward. I believe that scientists have been able to bend space within particle accelerator experiments over the past decades, but I am far from expert on this stuff, so don’t recall details. But maybe this is what is feeding the patent?…
Great thread, by the way. IMO.


I am surprised that the Navy made this public “US Navy patents anti-gravity aircraft”
My husband worked for 26 years in the Air craft defense Industry and he was sworn to secrecy and many years later even though the place was in the papers he still could not talk about it.
Maybe things have changed?


Hmm…I hadn’t thought of that.
🤔 Could be.
I’m hoping that this means they are moving forward with the Space Force.


…and, unfortunately, if it was on her server, then our buds in the PRC have it as well. Just sayin’ … remember the Loreal Space deal Bubba made …


Not only the Chinese, but Huma’s and the Awans’ people as well.


This is an example of one of the sightings:


Yes. This footage does actually look real, doesn’t it.

Sue Mcdonald

I lived across from site 34 in Palmdale in the 80’s ,I saw triangular craft flying around the desert all the time while horse back riding. family members who worked for skunkworks have told me that when the aliens make there appearance they will all be wearing Rockwell badges. one ex inlaw had some interesting things he would tell but since they all sign NDA they still to this day wont talk about things they have seen except to say its out of this world crazy. I have seen a few strange aircraft coming out of that site and also watched some of the space shuttles being assembled there.saw a couple of pretty scary aircraft crashes too.


My husband claimed he saw a UFO about 40 years ago in the evening. With his background and professional experience it was hard to doubt him.
I never shared it because I thought people would think he was nuts. He is a very stable person and worked for 26 years in the defense Industry and was involved with top secret work that took him to the California dessert. He saw many top secret things he never spoke with anyone about not even me.
That is why when he was approached by a Chinese e met in the University to come to China after retirement to work with them Internationally China and Europe. He turned it down. He could have made lots of money but he would have never been happy with himself. What also helped he speaks fluent several languages.
My husband is very loyal to his country and is first generation American.

Sue Mcdonald

My ex brother in law wouldn’t tell us things either nor my mother in law,she worked on mahogany row ,Skunkworks division for over 20 years shes in her 80’s now and still will not talk about what she knows. my ex brother in law went to work was put on an airplane with blacked out windows and flew every day to a site he never knew where it was to work on what he later knew was the stealth plane. he did tell me that all work on projects were done compartmentalized so no one knew what piece or part they were putting together.

Sue Mcdonald

I have seen what are called ufo’s myself, I just dont happen to think they are other worldly. as I have watched various sifi shows over the years I realize these are not just flights of fancy by a book writer these are real things that higher ups are telling us are real but through movies and shows. the outer limits is a good one for projecting truth by means of fantasy if that makes sense. so is stargate sg1. watch it with newly opened eyes and you will see what I mean.


When my husband was in the military he and some fellow soldiers saw a UFO. They reported it in detail. Nothing came of it. It was an object that hovered at will and had strange lights, made not a sound. I will ask him about it again.

Plain Jane

Bland scenery reminds me of the test/practice scenery in Washington that we happened upon about twenty years ago. Pilots were making touch ground and up again type landings in a very secluded area. I cannot remember what type of plane though, but we were very close, stopped our rental car and watched for a half hour. It was amazing to watch.


The Chinese will have the specs and will be doing cheap knockoffs in 5 minutes


A friend of mine was a Navy intelligence officer in the 1960’s. He still will not get into specifics, but he says he saw technology then which is just now making its way to the public, 50 years later.

Deplorable Patriot

Technology taking its time getting to the public is nothing new. The first cell phone transmissions were done in the 1940s. Email, GUIs, and that sort of stuff came out of the Xerox labs in the 70s. Coming up with the technology itself is not the issue. It’s how to make it practical for the open market.


“A friend of mine was a Navy intelligence officer in the 1960’s. He still will not get into specifics, but he says he saw technology then which is just now making its way to the public, 50 years later.”
My husband tells me the same specially when he sees it in a magazine or Internet.

Plain Jane

Grin…for your last three questions Wheatietoo.


PAIR Anti-Gravity TECHNOLOGY with TESLA Unlimited Batteries and you have VERY long range aircraft, missiles, drones, submarines, etc.


Somebody needs to send this to Tucker!😃 He periodically has a guest on at the end of his program with video and they sit and pontificate the existence of UFO’s,🤔

Harry Lime

More Shilldren…comment image


And don’t forget Balloon Boy.

Harry Lime

Ha, I forgot about that hoax…poor little Balloon Boy…that story was inflated from the beginning…


After this from Q tonight, I am hoping that the party is going to get started:
“Listen very carefully to statements made by Joe D.
It’s happening.”
……………………comment imagecomment image
h/t to the Anons.


comment imagecomment image


Every time I see Mike Rogers, my eyes well up. Same thing happens when I hear the National Anthem.
I really love this man.


And the woman in the back, totally fearful, is about to lose her lunch after recognizing Rogers sitting ten feet from her.


Wheatie, when one stops to think about the moment when Admiral Rogers realized what his compliance officer was telling him… It would be so earth shattering, so mind-boggling, almost overwhelming as he would have realized immediately the implications of this surveillance. Then, after catching his breath and assessing what was done, it must have shook him to his patriotic core.
Can you imagine the burden on his shoulders? Think about that folks!


Did anyone catch Lara Trump on Hannity? Congratulations are in order, baby Luke is going to be a big brother!! 😃 👶 🍼 👏👏💕


Yes! I saw that, Butterfly.
Very happy news!
But then, Eric had also announced it a couple of weeks ago, too:


Baby Luke is getting sooo big!


Others are talking about the Navy’s triangular aircraft patent:


It makes me sick to think about it…because, yeah, it could be true.
And instead of calling it ‘leaked’, it was probably Sold.
I’d like to see all their accounts frozen and seized!

Sylvia Avery

It really gives me a sinking feeling in my stomach. Obviously I can’t prove it but sometimes your intuition takes you places you don’t want to go. I tend to believe Wolfie’s notion that this stuff was on the server for the Chicoms to retrieve, and when did the Clinton’s EVER do anything unless they were getting paid? So sickening.


Absolutely, there has been stunning news over the past few years of China and Russia making quantum leaps developing hyper sonic missiles and torpedoes.
If hildabeast had this information on her server, then, IMHO, 100% of it is in the hands of Russia, China, Iran, NK, and any half ass hacker aware of hildabeast server.
My guess, this type of information would NOT normally be available to DoS. Yea, hildabeast was head wench, but still. DoS, including hildabeast had zero “need to know”. It is information unique to DoD…DARPA…Skunk Works (if Lockheed hand hands in it)…
IMHO, even Five Eyes would not have access to this information. Strictly NOFORN (no foreign dissemination), SCI working spaces, SAP code word… Guarded to the hilt.
So, I am wondering who in DoD provided it to hildabeast?


This was another Q proof:
Joe DiGenova mentions “4 contractors” who were basically allowed to ‘mine’ NSA data for dirt on political opponents…and who knows what else.
Which is both illegal and an abuse of power.
And Q had told us about those “4 contractors” back in Jan 2018:
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b9f8c7 No.6304470
Apr 24 2019 22:58:06 (EST)comment image
This is why we are here.
Good find, Anons.
[4] Contractors?
Joe D. stated tonight?
Nothing to see here.


Then in the next drop, Q acknowledges that it is another ‘proof’ by posting this and saying “Stay tuned.”
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: b9f8c7 No.6304666
Apr 24 2019 23:07:10 (EST)comment image
Stay tuned.


This. This right here: 👇👇

Pat Frederick

maybe it’s the shoes or the maybe the pose, but that woman on the right doesn’t wear that dress nearly as well as FLOTUS does…FLOTUS looks elegant and stylish…the one on the right looks dumpy…
maybe it’s me…


The one on the right has sleeves and a self-fabric belt. I hate it.
The one on our gorgeous First Lady has been altered and styled, maybe to her own specs. She looks incredible, as usual.


Model on the right has it too long, and wrong shoes. 🙂

Pat Frederick

love the morning giggles Wheatie…thanks for posting!
the Patrick one wouldn’t open tho…
i personally loved the “non-political” one the best…lol


Tucker talks about how Peter Buttgig has been attacking VP Pence:

Pat Frederick

Pat Frederick

quick giggle this morning…

Gail Combs

scott467 was writing about the Prime Minister’s oath to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth on the Ukraine meddled thread.
Here is some information people are unaware of that is very important given the Green New Deal crap. (It is a bit garbled and URLs are missing since it is from my old notes.)
Richard Courtney in a wattsupwiththatDOTcom comment once mentioned that the Queen meets with the Prime Minister at the being of each year to go over the laws/bills purposed for that year. Any she does not like get NIXED and never come up for a vote. Unfortunately I did not keep a link to his actual comment and it was several years ago. It stuck in my mind because I had always though the Queen was just a figure head but she is NOT, she actually DOES RULE the UK.
Also the Queen OWNS the land, and not the people occupying it.
Who owns the world?

The world’s primary feudal landowner is Queen Elizabeth II. She is Queen of 32 countries, head of a Commonwealth of 54 countries in which a quarter of the world’s population lives, and legal owner of about 6.6 billion acres of land, one-sixth of the earth’s land surface.

This was reflected in a comment made by someone from Canada during the ‘Farm Wars’ and a discussion on Premises ID. She said Canadians do not actually own the land the Queen does.
Premises ID is a VERY SNEAKY method to transfer ownership of US land to the government BTW so LISTEN UP people!

Is it ok to register your premises and is doing so harmless?
Note the wording used in the NAIS documents about registering your premises. They put many of us on guard against NAIS. So the government data mined and signed up many farmers without their knowledge or permission and now refuses to delete them.
Words have meaning and contracts use certain words to avoid confusion. The USDA wants you to register your premises because you have livestock (even one).You effectively become a sharecropper, with a clouded title to property. Substituting “premises” for “property” effectively renders property rights null and void. This use of a term (and its meaning, which is often not publicized) is no accident. Property is by far the most powerful legal term, but you can lose your property rights — your ability to admit or deny access, utilize your property, sell or mortgage it, etc., if you do not know the three meanings and the context in which they are employed. Calling the owner a stakeholder and the property a premises, leaves a gray area in property rights.
According to the US Department of Agriculture, “The first step in implementing a national animal identification system (NAIS) is identifying and registering premises that are associated with the animal agriculture industry. In terms of the NAIS, a premise is any geographically unique location in which agricultural animals are raised, held, or boarded. Under this definition, farms, ranches, feed-yards, auction barns and livestock exhibitions and fair sites are all examples of premises.”
That may be the definition some government bureaucrat will give you, but the word “premises” under the “international Criminal Court Act 2002- Sect 4, states: The word “premises” includes a place and a “conveyance.” Why check with the International Criminal Court Act? Because on June 8, 2007 under Secy. of Ag. Bruce Knight, speaking at the World Pork Expo in Des Moines, is quoted as saying, “We have to live by the same international rules we’re expecting other people to do.”
Stakeholder…..Stakeholders are NOT the owners of the property, legally they are those who hold the property until the owner is determined. The USDA is in effect “branding” or “marking” its property with its number beginning in 840 (the international code designating financial instruments belonging to the USA)
Property – a.Something that is owned or possessed. Property may be real (land), personal, tangible (touchable), or intangible (such as the interest in a play or other creative work). – U.S. Treasury OTS (Office of Thrift Supervision, in charge of banks, savings and loan associations, etc.) b. the exclusive right to possess, enjoy, and dispose of a thing: ownership c. something to which a person has legal title
Land – Real property or any interest therein.
Premise is a synonym for the word tenement. A definition of the word tenement in law is: Property, such as land, held by one person “leasing” it to another.
Webster’s New World Dictionary 1960 College Edition defines “Premises” as the part of a deed or “lease” that states its reason, the parties involved and the property in “conveyance.”
Webster then defines “conveyance” as the transfer of ownership of real property from one person to another. It is quite obvious that the bureaucrats in Washington had a very good reason to use the term “premises” and never mention “PROPERTY.”
The effects of a permanently assigned federal number to your land and the usage of the word ‘premise’ instead of property is cause for serious alarm. Property always has the exclusive rights of the owner tied to it and Property Rights are protected by the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution.
Premise signifies a formal part of a deed, and is made to designate an estate; to designate is to name or entitle. Therefore a premises has no protection under the constitution and has no exclusive rights of the owner tied to it.
Would this property once it has a premise number, even be legal to sell? According to the NAIS document, the premises number stays with the land forever even if there are no animals on it. The inference does not matter if it is land with or without buildings.
The term premises as defined by Webster states: the preliminary and explanatory part of a deed or of a bill of equity [its being identified in the premises of a deed] a. a tract of land with the buildings thereon, a building or part of a building with its appurtenances.
Appurtenances – an incidental right (as in a right of way) attached to a principle property right and passing in possession with it. A subordinate part or adjunct. Accessory objects.
With all the above defined, you can see why premises is the legal word of choice for the USDA. Premises in the legal sense defines a deed or bill of equity where there is more then one person that has legal access over the items. In this case real estate and a “deed” is given to the USDA. On the other hand, if property is used, it is defined as a sole ownership, no one else has legal claim to it but the person that owns it. Another key word in the definition of premises is appurtenances. As you can see it allows a legal right of way onto land by the parties entering into the contract.
The 4th and 14th amendment protect our property rights under the constitution. Premises is a term used in contract you enter into to allow others ownership, much like a lease to an apartment or other real estate you may rent or occupy. Premises are NOT protected. The USDA knew exactly what they where doing. This is why Greg Newindorf in Michigan stood his ground, but had no say over what the USDA did in coming on his property/premises (ownership lost) or what they did in tagging and testing the cows (national herd) for TB.

Congress in the past introduced bills that sought to authorize the “National Animal Identification System” (for example H.R.3691 on 3-11-2004; S.2070 on 2-12-2004; H.R.1254 on 3-10-2005, among others), all these bills stated “… and for other purposes.” Though these bills never became law, the USDA went ahead with the development of the NAIS, and made its 1st phase – Premises Registration – operational in June, 2005.
“Perhaps the following quote from the United States Code, Title 31, Section 6305, regarding Federal/State “Cooperative Agreements” (such as Premise ID and NAIS’ implementation), will shed some light on this:

(1) the principal purpose of the relationship is to transfer a thing of value to the State, local government, or other recipient to carry out a public purpose of support or stimulation authorized by a law of the United States instead of acquiring (by purchase, lease, or barter) property or services for the direct benefit or use of the United States Government; …

The 25x’25 Initiative is sponsored by the Energy Future Coalition, a project of the UN Foundation
“House Concurrent Resolution 25

“The official title of the resolution [H. Con. Res. 25] as introduced is: “Expressing the sense of Congress that it is the goal of the United States that, not later than January 1, 2025, the agricultural, forestry, and working land of the United States should provide from renewable resources not less than 25 percent of the total energy consumed in the United States and continue to produce safe, abundant, and affordable food, feed, and fiber.”


“American’s farms, ranches and forests – our working lands – are well positioned to make significant contributions to the development and implementation of new energy solutions. Long known and respected for their contributions to providing the nation’s food and fiber, an emerging opportunity exists for crop, livestock and grass and horticultural producers, as well as forest land owners, to become major producers of another essential commodity – energy.”

There you have it: the “working land” of the United States is Development, in fact what we commonly refer to as our privately owned and operated farms, ranches and forests – it is YOUR LAND. Except for private treaty obligations or local laws governing real property, your land is beholden to nobody else. In light of the above resolution, is that about to change, though, especially in those situations where the land was “voluntarily” registered with and identified by the United States government?
Do you agree with and support Congress’ missive that the working land of the United States (which includes YOUR land) “… should provide from renewable resources not less than 25 percent of the total energy consumed in the United States [by the year 2025] ” without having studied the facts and understanding the consequences or effects this may have on YOUR land? Did you have a chance at all to express your thoughts on the proclamation that “…our working lands are well positioned to make significant contributions to the development and implementation of new energy solutions …”. Are YOU ready to make such significant contributions? Or are there some other questions of the operative principle involved here – that need to be asked and answered, questions such as:
 Who sets the priorities, and quotas, over food, feed, fiber and fuel production? How much of the above production will be allocated to “voluntary” participation by way of registering your land,… Will farmers’ and property owners’ participation be policies the agency may enforce in the future.voluntary or mandatory?
 Is the goal of “25x’25” even realistic in light of Americans’ ever-increasing demands for energy, what is the source of the remaining 75% that needs to be produced? What are the long-term consequences of transgenic crops (i.e. ethanol-corn and biodiesel-soy) on the working land, soil conditions, conventional and organic crops? If 25% of our land is going to produce energy then “luxuries like pet horses must be done away with. The land must not be “wasted” producing food for a non food animal like horses. That also provides the reason for getting rid of pet cats and dogs.
Why does the USDA want Premises ID

Originally written to prevent government from trespassing on the people’s right to contract, the Constitution states in Article I, Section 10, Clause 1, that … “No state shall … pass any … law impairing the obligation of contracts, …” It is this constitutional provision that allows the Federal government to implement Federal programs by using so-called “Cooperative Agreements” (basically, a certain type of contract) in lieu of legislation. Commencing in the late-1950s, the Federal government began to contract with other jurisdictions to implement Federal programs where Congress does not have legislative authority.

Also a H/T to all the people who worked to kill Animal ID and Premises ID, some of whom I quoted above.


I remember Earth Day in school very well. It was made to be very, very special, with colorful buttons and an assembly. It did not occur to me how pointless it all was. There was (as they say) no “objective correlative.” Littering? Clean air? Clean water?
But it was made to seem as if this was highly significant and important.
Here are two related aspects.
1) From my sophomore through my senior year and right up until leaving for college, I sold shoes after school (and yes, even as a teenager I was a shoe salesman; what I thought of then as “old ladies” loved to have me wait on them!).
In my shoe store we sold Earth Shoes. When they were introduced they seemed very weird looking, and appealed to “hippie” types (leftist poseurs). According to Wikipedia, these shoes were introduced in NYC three weeks BEFORE Earth Day. And we sold them in the summer of 1970 at the store. IOW there was corporate/leftist coordination on a major communist initiative back in 1970. That is quite brilliant, and that model has worked beautifully for the communists, as it allows them to live the gated life of luxury they prefer, and it perfectly hides the intended communist goal.
2) My SATs and GPA were the same as many who went to my school and I won a National Merit scholarship. Every single person I knew got into every single New York State university they applied to (back in 1970 the competition for those schools was not intense; a state resident with my qualifications was a shoo in). Yet I was rejected by the three state schools I applied to (Buffalo, Albany, Binghamton). It was quite bizarre, but who do you complain to?
I cannot prove the following, but I do believe it: my school had a large % of leftist faculty. In various ways I made my minority “conservative” views known, I was quite outspoken. In my high school year book there is a picture of me sitting next to my William F. Buckley poster (he was considered part of the “radical right” at the time). I vocally supported and wore a button supporting the anti-busing mayoral candidate, a good woman who was viciously, falsely attacked and maligned. The hatred of her was so bad, no one else dared voice support of her in school, despite the fact that they DID support her. And much more.
I am convinced that I was rejected at the state schools because of my political beliefs, that the leftist network who controls the state school system made sure to punish me for holding the wrong opinions.
So, all the current leftist malignancy is not new. The stalinist tactics were refined and gamed long ago to appeal tto “normal” Americans, to introduce marxist control gradually, and make people not only like it, but to think it was their moral duty to accept it.

Gail Combs

My Hubby just found this.
Rauschenbusch is the guy who links the Fabian Society (UK) to the Protestant Churches ‘Progressivism’ and MLK here in the USA.
You will find his connections to the Fabians.
MLK was influenced by him and his ideas of Social Gospel.
Rauschenbusch’s great-grandson follows in the family tradition and
is married to some queer gentleman. They “have two children”.

OH, and ” Yet I was rejected by the three state schools I applied to (Buffalo, Albany, Binghamton). It was quite bizarre, but who do you complain to?” Your State and Federal Representative! That is if you really wanted to go to those schools. A neighbor, who was the Dean of Electrical Engineering at Rockester University, told me to go to a midwest state school instead of RU for chemical engineering. He agreed with my Dad’s Boss on the school I finally picked. Unfortunately, just like all the rest it has become very Marxist although it was conservative at the time I went there.


there are several reasons why my posting here has become almost non-existent, and i have contemplated making a statement about it here and there but cannot really get all the thoughts straight in a way that everyone would be able to see where i am coming from – and also because i do not want to offend anyone. you see, i can simply walk away from sites, from posting, etc, and not think twice. (i know some will say “but why are you posting this! you can’t walk away because you posted this!”) i am not going to explain further in this post my reasons for turning into a mostly full time lurker, but i may in the future…
but it is posts like this one gail combs has made that draw me out of my better judgement zone to post again…
many that were here when this blog first started might remember that i was sort of a different kind of person interested in some different things and i had vibes about stuff that i could not explain. jason and i discussed it early on, elizabeth carter joined in several times, a few others. beyond “conspiracy” right down to the very core of our beings there was something going on.
i want to say that the research and notes that gail has are extremely interesting and more people should follow her lead and research extensively. daughn does this. wolf does. several others too… but there are so many distractions that many people who are just on the “awakening” pathway since they learned of things since trump and “q” and all that – it’s hard for all to keep up with the massive amount of information and interconnected ties and webs that lead back to the real issues at hand.
so let me just say – this post by gail caught my eye because it hints at something that is very important. that very important thing involves “religion”. it involves “god”. it leads to where these two things intersect which is a place that controls people all over the globe far greater than any “government” could.
it leads to the great deception. the beast. the ultimate ‘good’ or ‘evil’ depending on how you want to view it.
there will come a time when everyone will see this kind of stuff and you’ll make a choice how you will proceed. government and religion will unite. the greater good and all that. the muslim “issue” right now is part of it. it is all a ploy in my estimation to get to the end goal and that is of the one world government and one world religion.
there is an obvious leader of this movement and i will not discuss that, but i think with some research you can figure out what i mean.
Fabianism and Ecumenism go hand in hand.
here’s another link for you gail, you probably already have it in your notes, but i had a bookmark:
you can google the terms and their various forms (ecumenism, ecumenical, etc) and you will soon see the connection. you could quickly say “oh, it’s the CoExist stickers… it’s far deeper than that. and i would challenge anyone here that CLAIMS to believe the BIBLE – that CLAIMS to believe that they are going to Heaven – that CLAIMS they believe in ANY of the following (rapture, tribulation, antichrist, hell) to do some soul searching and some research and some CRITICAL THINKING.
i am going to go out on a limb and say this: you can cheer all you want for your “side”. you can cheer all you want for those you think have your best interests in mind. you can also just as much make fun of or laugh off the “other side”. you are doing yourself a disservice. you are not looking forward at all. you are letting yourself stay comfy in the system you’ve been taught. people here talk about MKUltra like it’s some kind of thing only certain people are involved in – we are ALL MKUltra’d from birth.
we will continue to cruise down the path of no return, the path of our collective destruction when things stay the same as they are. frankly, i believe we have no say in it.


Hey Andrew, was just going to post a question if anyone knew where you’d disappeared to. Good to know you’re still lurking.
Hang in there – some interesting stuff coming in the next month or so …
We will only change when we understand ourselves fully. I agree that the path we are on is not good. We do have a say – but you have to WANT it. First comes self understanding, then self control, then …


As a National Merit Scholar, there had to be someone sabotaging you. Admissions counselors FIGHT for such students.
Proud of you, Tonawanda.




Interesting. The University of Buffalo was right down the street from my high school and was a highly radicalized/SDS campus, with strong ties to people at my high school. But at the time it was inconceivable that political subversion would actually operate the way you describe, but now it seems obvious.


Earth Shoes really were kind to the feet. I had my first pair shortly after they came out, but they were made by a mainstream shoe brand that did a knock-off version for much less.
My other favourites were Desert Boots (ankle-high, suede, rubber soled).
Both were the most comfortable shoes I’ve ever worn. If someone made Earth Shoes today, I would definitely buy a pair.

Deplorable Patriot

I had not heard of “Earth Day” until the 90s. And even then, thought it was just a fad. Yes, we recycled newspapers, and when the aluminum can recycling started did that, but I don’t remember an “Earth Day” even here in the land of proud greenies.


It has been a red/green plan since 1970, and probably before.


Thank you, Wolf, for a particularly SPLENDID POST starring GRETA.
My classmates and I participated in the first Earth Day in the US, picking up litter around the neighbourhood near our school. We were thrilled to participate and felt we were making a difference. My parents were sceptical, but other parents were more supportive of the movement.
There was a huge turnout of pupils.
I don’t remember we were forced into it. It was presented as a morning of fun and friendship whilst doing something worthwhile. Everyone wanted to take part. I went to a sleep-over the night before. Plenty of pizza until late into the night. Plenty of donuts and cream buns the next morning. Then we were off to school and surrounds until 1 p.m.
It was a beautiful Spring day, sunny and relatively warm. There was a lot of litter, but smaller items like gum wrappers mostly.
My chums and I had a great time.
Had no idea it was Lenin’s birthday. I am not sure if the teachers did, either. Maybe a few of the nuns did. They were pretty savvy (as well as holy) back then. Now they’re coven-like.
Anyway, many thanks for the post and for giving us this refuge from what was supposed to be the Refuge!


A good point on Greta and a girl from London (surname Begum) who ran away at age 15 to join ISIS and now, aged 19, wants to return to the UK. (The Home Secretary revoked Ms Begum’s passport but she is fighting it through the British courts. Taxpayers are paying for her legal aid.)

Pat Frederick

good point–they’re also too young to buy cigarettes now, no booze either, but these “geniuses” should be allowed to vote here?
take away their phones and they know nothing, can get no where, can’t even do basic math. wanna stump them? write in cursive…oh yeah, they know EVERYTHING! LOL


Cursive will become the new subversive ‘conservative’ code. 🙂
Agree with your other points on these notional geniuses.


WHOO-HOO ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️❤️❤️🤨👍‼️‼️‼️‼️
Awesome post Woolf …. yeah‼️ … dadgum right about the soros shill, …. get that miserable evil Petrie dish out of US affairs, and prosecute hard and often till the scum is a greazy spot in time ….
Great post 😃👍‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️


…. oh and the “children” shills? ….. they’re the new improved HITLER YOUTH and Children of the Corn, … forgive me but if the suckers step off the curb …. game on. They’re tools … misguided but indoctrinated tools trained to hate … be very careful …


Leave his darn coat 🧥‼️ …… take … the … MONEY ..
….. away from him 😖🤚


More on GRETA. This comes from Julia Hartley-Brewer, a centrist Brexit supporter who hosts a radio talk show.
See the abuse she gets from a professor:


It’s a darn shame adults twist these children/kids this way, terrorizing them for their own evil purpose …


Agree 110%.


You only need to look at the graph, which “Prof” Steinberger uses as here twitter background image, to see that all she is doing, is propaganda.
The graph is a splice of various temperature curves, derived from various proxies, supposedly showing the temperature of the last 20+ million years going up and down, with a generally downward trend.
Near the end she shows the temperature nearly constant during the agricultural civilisation up to todays temperature (highlighted as 2005). It shows that todays temperature is more or less the same, as during the rest of the agricultural age, with a barely recognizable uptrend, not dissimilar to any of the fluctuations during the rest of this period.
After 2005 she splices a made-up projection of temperature (probably using the various scenarios from the climate reports, which are using the barely recognizable uptrend above as a basis and very opaque math) to the rest of the curve.
This splice is then more dramatized with the different error margins of the projections, which lets you believe that the projected temperature will go back to the temperature 20+ million years, where there was no ice at Antarctica (as if this is actually only a bad thing).


Thank you, Eilert, for investigating.
Yes, having now looked at her graph out of interest, thanks to you 😉 , the projection into the future makes up a larger part of the graph than it should.
I didn’t even bother to click on her Twitter account earlier today. ‘FightFascism’ turned me off right away.
Now that I have looked at her feed, she has retweeted AOC:

Pat Frederick

so Biden is entering the race for “cover”? I mean is he so un-self-aware that he doesn’t recognize all the cringe worthy photos there are of him? and his record? and his family’s shady dealings?
he can’t possibly believe he has a chance…can you say OLD WHITE MAN? i thought they were the scurge according to the left…
or is this what Obama et al have been doing overseas…trying to garner support for Biden (and hopefully hide behind his candidacy), encouraging (read bribe, blackmail) foreign leaders to encourage Biden to run?
or is his ego just that big?

Pat Frederick




“Intelligence, long in doubt” “see you at the Starting Gate” – POTUS is too funny. Insults and compliments at the same time in his tweets.


I think they know NO ONE can win against Trump in 2020. If they run the moderate “old white man” this time, it’s because they want an old white man to lose.
That way, in 2024, when they may have a shot (provided we don’t change the law so Trump can have a third term 😉 ), they can run another radical minority, possibly a woman, on the premise that “moderate old white men” can’t win.


Here is an encouraging analysis on PDJT’s upcoming state visit to the UK from a commenter at the British political blog Guido Fawkes:
‘Mrs Windsor has been very clever indeed here.
Treason May (a globalist) dislikes Donald Trump (not a globalist).
Treason hates Brexit and is trying to stop it. Trump likes free trade so is pro Brexit.
Mrs Windsor is very pro Brexit (it brings our sovereignty back) and very anti globalist (she doesn’t want the UK becoming China).
So Mrs Windsor likes Donald Trump a whole lot more than she likes Treason.
Inviting Trump here for a state visit is effectively giving Treason a sharp kick in the shin.
Then there is the juicy fact that Treason tried to prevent Trump becoming POTUS. She used MI5/MI6/GCHQ and FCO to support the globalist Clinton and harm the anti globalist Trump.
Trump has known about this for a long time but was fighting off the globalists Russian collusion conspiracy lies. Now he has done this he is starting to act more strongly against the globalists who attacked him.
So Treason is in big trouble and Mrs Windsor invited Trump over so that she could have a ringside seat.
‘If only the UK could find a great leader like Donald Trump.’
He concluded with this image:comment image


Tweets on Brexit.
Remainers are projecting onto Leavers — my better half and I have been on the receiving end of this tosh, too. Infuriating. Remainers are the ones who don’t know what they want.


Good news story. Update on Laden.
Strange part of this story is in it’s presentation. Bing search for “5yr old thrown from balcony at Mall of Americas”, gives three updates to this story that are one day old in it’s search results with the one above be among them. All other updates: 1 is 3 days old, 1 is 4 days old and all others 11 days old.
Of the other two links 1 day old:
USA Today puts a very large banner type Star Bucks Coffee add on top of the story for “Kenyan Coffee”. My computer freezes. Tried twice and only stopped trying because I saw the ad and figured there’s likely bad script in that add.
Fox news runs the story but it’s a twisted story. Head line reads:
“Family of boy thrown from Mall of America balcony won’t comment on child’s injuries despite ‘miracle’ claim”. The story continues in that vein as if the important thing they want to convey is to dissuade you about the pastor’s claim.
Yeah I should run ad blockers but I have lots of RAM and power through most all sites with ease.
By the way Landen’s family has raised over a million in their go fund me. 🙂


I can’t blame them for wanting their privacy.
His recovery could make them targets of sick people trying to harm the boy.

Gail Combs

Animal Rights, (not welfare) Earth Day, GoreBull Warming, Islam are ALL about brainwashing the young into ACCEPTING their SLAVE CHAINS
Please notice how the CONCEPT of Premises ID and “House Concurrent Resolution 25′ are all a PART OF The 25x’25 Initiative sponsored by the Energy Future Coalition, a project of the UN Foundation
As I said in my comment above, Premise ID transfers ‘ownership’ of your farm to the STATE!
In 1976, the U.S. government signed a UN document that declared:

Land … cannot be treated as an ordinary asset controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice;
D-1. Government must control the use of land to achieve equitable distribution of resources;
D-2. Control land use through zoning and land-use planning;
D-3. Excessive profits from land use must be recaptured by government;
D-4. Public ownership of land should be used to exercise urban and rural land reform;
D-5. Owner rights should be separated from development rights, which should be held by a public authority.
This document was signed on behalf of the U.S. by Carla A. Hills, then secretary of housing and urban development, and William K. Reilly, then head of the Conservation Fund, who later became the administrator of the EPA.
Land-use controls found their way into the 1987 report of the World Commission on Environment and Development, “Our Common Future,” which first defined the term “sustainable development.” The meaning of sustainable development here defined was codified in another U.N. document called “Agenda 21,” which was signed by President George H.W. Bush in 1992. This document recommended that every nation create a national sustainable development initiative.

Agenda 21, the UN blueprint for global transformation
Millinium Project:

The Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) was launched in May 1998 and adopted in June and November 2001 by ESA and the EU Councils, respectively. It is an initiative to promote sustainable development and global governance through the supporting of environmental and security policies…
In addition, FAO provides support to the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the World Food Programme (WFP) for their field project activities as well as to the World Bank concerning guidelines on harmonization and standardization…


…. In a huge document released last Friday, the EPA lays out the thousands of carbon controls with which they’d like to shackle the whole economy…. The mess began in 2007, when the Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in Mass. v. EPA that greenhouse gases are “air pollutants” under current environmental laws… The EPA was ordered to regulate..The 588-page “advance notice of proposed rulemaking” lays out how the EPA would like it to work in practice.
A farm with over 25 cows would exceed the EPA’s proposed carbon limits. So would 500 acres of crops, due to harvesting and processing machinery... The EPA would regulate “farm tractors” too, plus “lawn and garden equipment.” …The limits are so low that they would apply to “hundreds of thousands” of sources, as the EPA itself notes. “We expect that the entire country would be in nonattainment.”

Mitigation Options in Agriculture

The three major greenhouse gases emitted by agriculture are carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. U.S. agriculture represents a small source of carbon emissions, but emits nearly three-quarters of U.S. nitrous oxide emissions and about a third of methane emissions….
The international community is developing a system of commitments toward emission reductions, linked with a series of flexibility instruments to allow trades among parties….

Maurice Strong at the opening session of the Rio Conference (Earth Summit II) in 1992,

The US “…developed and benefited from the unsustainable patterns of production and consumption which have produced our present dilemma. It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class — involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work-place air-conditioning, and suburban housing — are not sustainable. A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmentally damaging consumption patterns.”
“…The 2021 diet is in line not only with the Future Studies green food consumption scenario but also with the most common recommendations in literature ….On average meat requires more energy to be produced than any other food product . Measured in calories output, meat requires almost 14 times more energy input than vegetables….”\

At last week’s Washington International Renewable Energy Conference (WIREC) 2008, Agriculture Secretary Ed Schafer announced that USDA will accept almost $221 million in loan and grant applications within USDA’s Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Improvements Program.

As demand for energy rises, these renewable energy loans and grants help farms and rural small businesses increase their investment in renewable energy initiatives,” said Schafer.
Eligible applicants may seek loan guarantees to cover up to 50 percent of a project’s cost up $10 million and grants are available for up to 25 percent of a project’s cost, not to exceed $250,000 for energy efficiency improvements and $500,000 for renewable energy systems. USDA Rural Development has invested $674 million in more than 1,763 renewable energy and energy efficiency projects since 2001 including ethanol, bio diesel, wind, solar, geothermal, methane gas recovery systems and biomass.
Schafer also announced the award of $4 million to help 17 small businesses and community groups find more innovative uses of woody biomass from national forests in new products and renewable energy.


The subject of GRETA really sets people off — one way or the other. Not surprisingly, the subject turns to BREXIT.
Here’s another heated exchange that the aforementioned Julia Hartley-Brewer had on Twitter. I’ll get to the article mentioned in another comment. F-word alert:


Here’s the Quillette article on GRETA to which Julia Hartley-Brewer referred. (Quillette is an Australian site with good articles and analyses.)
Excerpts follow, emph. mine:
‘Self-Harm Versus the Greater Good: Greta Thunberg and Child Activism
Greta is eleven years old and has gone two months without eating. Her heart rate and blood pressure show clear signs of starvation. She has stopped speaking to anyone but her parents and younger sister, Beata.
‘After years of depression, eating disorders, and anxiety attacks, she finally receives a medical diagnosis: Asperger’s syndrome, high-functioning autism, and OCD. She also suffers from selective mutism—which explains why she sometimes can’t speak to anyone outside her closest family. When she wants to tell a climate researcher that she plans a school strike on behalf of the environment, she speaks through her father.
‘The book Scenes from the Heart (“Scener från Hjärtat,” 2018) recounts the events that led to Greta Thunberg’s now-famous “school strike for climate,” in which hundreds of thousands of children have refused to attend school to protest about government inaction over climate change. Greta herself strikes every Friday and spent three weeks sitting outside the Swedish Parliament at the beginning of the school year. Written by her family—mother, father, Greta, and Beata—the story is told in the voice of Greta’s mother, the opera soprano Malena Ernman, who was a celebrity in Europe long before her daughter’s fame. Although the book is only available in Swedish for the time being, it is already being translated into numerous languages—a development that reflects the global fascination with Thunberg’s campaign …
‘Greta is not alone in her mental suffering. Her sister Beata, who was 12 when the book was written, lives with ADHD, Asperger’s syndrome, and OCD. She is prone to sudden outbursts of anger, during which she screams obscenities at her mother. What would normally be a 10-minute walk to dance class takes almost an hour, because Beata insists on walking with her left foot in front, refuses to step on certain parts of the sidewalk, and demands that her mother walk the same way. She also insists that her mother wait outside during class—she isn’t allowed to move, even to go to the bathroom. The child still ends up weeping in her mother’s arms.
‘Like many parents of children with similar diagnoses, Greta and Beata’s parents fight hard for their daughters to receive the right care and assistance in school. When Greta refuses to eat they do everything they can to save her from starving herself. Her father begs their doctor to save Beata from whatever it is that plagues her. To read the story is heart-wrenching, many times over.
‘And yet as someone who does not share the family’s political views—that the girls’ problems are inextricable from the climate crisis, and that the cure is to “change the system”—I wonder whether the world needs to know the intimate details about the lives of these two anguished young girls
‘It has been less than a year since Scenes from the Heart was published and, during that time, Greta has become a global celebrity. This week, she was named one of the world’s 100 most influential people by Time Magazine. She has briefly met the Pope, who encouraged her to “Keep doing what you’re doing.” She has received numerous awards, including, most recently, the German Golden Camera award. She has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. She has been featured and interviewed in most of the world’s leading media. She has appeared on a panel with the UN Secretary General António Guterres, addressed the European Parliament, and lunched with the Financial Times …
‘A workplace strike shows company owners and management that workers are able to harm them economically. A school strike, on the other hand, constitutes a form of self-harm, undertaken to attract adult attention. And the global school strike for climate is led by a girl with a long and tragic history of self-harm to her own body.
‘In Scenes from the Heart, when Greta eventually starts eating again, she only allows herself certain foods. Her mother has to prepare the same food every day for Greta to bring to school and keep in the school refrigerator: pancakes filled with rice. Greta will eat them only if there is no sticker with her name on the container: stickers, paper and newspapers trigger Greta’s OCD against eating
Greta Thunberg does not skip classes from just any school, but one for children with special needs. Many other Swedish families fight hard to get their children into such schools, because places are rare. According to Scenes from the Heart, however, resources will be ample for such families once we change the system—including, according to Greta’s mother Malena Ernman, “patriarchal structures,” which apparently favor boys with neuro-psychiatric disorders over girls …
‘I do not wish to suggest that Greta Thunberg is too young to understand the consequences of her actions, nor that the challenges she faces make her unsuitable to take a stand on political issues, or even to lead a global movement. No one who has heard her address world leaders in impeccable English can doubt that she is very intelligent …
‘I am also not questioning Greta’s role as a public speaker, nor the power of hundreds of thousands of protesting school children, nor that climate change is an existential threat to humankind.
‘But adults have a moral obligation to remain adults in relation to children and not be carried away by emotions, icons, selfies, images of mass protests, or messianic or revolutionary dreams.
Greta was recently named ”Woman of the Year” by a Swedish newspaper. But she is not a woman, she is a child. It is time we stopped to ask if we are using her, failing her, and even sacrificing her, for what we perceive to be a greater good.’
Seriously? This stuff never happened in our day. Autistic children were very rare. Now they are ten to a penny.
This is because of lax parenting, as mandated by the State.
The comments following the article are excellent and well worth reading.
Here is a brief sample exchange:
‘If patriarchy is the problem (of course), then this is a glaring example of it: Mr Thunberg failed spectacularly as a husband and a father.
‘…good point Barney. But in Sweden, any exhibition of masculinity in parenting, is likely to be a felony.’


This is just sad from top to bottom, … it’s so wrong for adults (?) to manipulate children, they bend and warp them and rob them of their innocence … 😞💔


I agree wholeheartedly.
What happens if this misguided publicity campaign goes wrong in a year or two? How will Greta feel then?


Yes, she’s at the mercy of the people closest to her and who should be protecting her, being strong or her, loving/adoring her .. guiding her along the right path … darn it 😞


This is just flat-out child abuse! SMH


Agree 110%, NF.
The adults around her are shameless.


I apologize in advance if my comments offend anyone. I am a very literal, logical, and straightforward, which sometimes comes off as lacking compassion. It’s the opposite, really, but I can see how it can appear otherwise.
This child has an INCREDIBLE range of problems. In addition to autism, Asperger’s, and OCD, she looks vaguely Down’s Syndrome. Maybe not, but… All of this makes her easy to manipulate, a sympathetic figure, and off-limits to real criticism. How dare I not respect the efforts of this child? Well, I don’t. My tendency on the whole is to follow and support those who are not damaged, while sympathizing with but not following those who are not. Do we really want “leaders” with serious psychological and emotional problems?
WHY on earth are people encouraging this? She is a CHILD being USED by adults. It is pathetic and offensive. A child of this age has NO IDEA of the real-world consequences of their actions, much less the consequences of the types of things this one is proposing. This girl is a train wreck waiting to happen. She refuses to eat? Good grief, this child needs help, not celebrity.
Our culture no longer celebrates wisdom. It celebrates flash-in-the-pan Twitter stars, unstable and broken children, and perversity. The truly bright and exceptional are discouraged, especially if they are “normal,” which generally means “raised by Conservatives, without the influence of the State,” AKA home-schooled or church-raised.
Rant over.


Greta definitely does have Down’s syndrome facial features.

Gail Combs

You are milder than I.
Those childern should have been TAKEN FROM THEIR PARENTS placed in a hospital TUBE FED AS NEEDED and gotten decent mental health care!
Another Obnoxious Communist is what you get if you do not slap these people upside the head WITH REALITY! So it is TIME to MAKE these Commies LIVE THEIR GREEN NEW DEAL.
About 5 years ago. Berny Sanders did a major survey of Vermont voters. The vast majority (>90% ) wanted ZERO CO2 emissions and the rest of the Global/Commie B.S.
AHHhhh found my notes!!

In Industry we go from lab bench to a pilot plant to do a proof of concept before a company commits to a full scale plant. We have the examples of the failure of renewables in the EU in front of us. (see References) Therefore it only makes sense to run a proof of concept here in the USA before committing the entire country to the untried dream of 83% carbon dioxide reduction.
Berny Saunder’s poll on global warming
In Bernie Sanders Lays Down the Gauntlet
He states:

5. “The United States must lead the world in reversing climate change and make certain that this planet is habitable for our children and grandchildren.”
We must transform our energy system away from fossil fuels and into energy efficiency and sustainable energies. Transforming our energy system will not only protect the environment, it will create good paying jobs.
Republicans, notoriously, are largely deniers of climate change, scorning green initiatives of any sort….

Saunders then had a poll early this year where 95 to 97% of the people were for Solar and Wind and Against Coal and Natural gas.
Earlier under Clinton we had the in 06/07/2006 Congress introduced a Bi-Partisan 25x’25 Resolutions

A bipartisan group of Senators and Representatives introduced a Congressional resolution today calling for a new national renewable energy goal: 25% of the nation’s energy supply from renewable sources by 2025. The resolution builds on a broad and politically influential coalition including agriculture, industry, and environmental leaders, as well as several governors and state legislatures.
…. the 25x’25 initiative, which would tap renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, biogas and biofuels.

So Let Bernie and the democrats put their money where their mouth is. It has been 15 years since that 25 X 25 resolution MAKE Vermont use ONLY renewables for 50% of their energy needs INCLUDING energy for fueling autos, trucks and industry.
Make all wood stove conform to EPA standards (Or no wood stoves allowed)
ET Solar to Build 70 MWp Solar Power Plant in the Philippines

Thursday, Apr 16, 2015
….The construction is expected to be started in the last quarter of this year and the commercial operation is expected to be achieved inMarch 2016…..

Therefore the time to build a solar plant is less than one year (about 6 months)
Vermont Takes Breather From Wind Power, Focuses on Solar Power

Wind projects take longer to develop than solar, and they can face stiff opposition from the public. And experts say the federal tax credits that are keeping the solar industry on track have been uncertain for wind developers for some time.
“Wind is not dead. It’s just taking a little hibernation here as federal policy gets the tax credits right,” said David Blittersdorf, the president of All Earth Renewables and the developer of the four-turbine Georgia Mountain wind project just north of Burlington.
Vermont has four industrial-scale wind projects in operation: the 21-turbine, 63-megawatt Lowell Mountain wind farm and a 10-megawatt Georgia Mountain project, both launched in late 2012; the 40-megawatt, 16-turbine project in Sheffield launched in fall 2011; and a smaller 6-megawatt wind project, in Searsburg, which has been online since 1997.
Gov. Peter Shumlin has committed the state to get 90 percent of its energy from renewable resources by 2050. To reach that goal Vermont will need more wind, solar and other sources of electricity, including finding ways to be more efficient, Blittersdorf said.
Published On: 4/22/2015

It looks like wind turbines can be put in operation in two years.


Well said!


This x1000!
Thank you, Aubergine.


There is an interesting article about countries where parents reject vaccines for their children. The US is in top place, with France 2nd and the UK in 3rd. Interestingly, Argentina is in 4th place.
The British health minister deplores the scare stories online.
If they want children to get their vaccines, why not go back to the individual vaccines rather than MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)?
This might take a while to load, but there’s a worthwhile chart to see:


Apparently California is not satisfied with their progress in devolution, because apparently school discipline is racist.
Actually thought Brown had signed something like this back in 2014, though it was limited geographically. There must of been some back tracking since.
The push back comes in the comments.
One of the comments had this site: Nothing to see here, just more citizen journalists making Cal look real scary. Oh my! 😣


Speaking of Macedonia……
“During his testimony, Ukshini admitted the US Embassy in Macedonia, OSCE officials, top US and British commanders at the NATO base in Kosovo knew of the planned attack in Kumanovo.
Ukshini stated the US Embassy and OSCE guaranteed their ‘safety’ prior to the terrorist operation, adding he was surprised that Macedonian police refused orders by US Ambassador Jess Baily and later by OSCE to halt the assault on the terrorist group. Shefket Kalach had direct line of communication with the US Embassy and OSCE, admitted Ukshini. The obvious question is why would a terrorist have a direct line of communication with a foreign Embassy and an OSCE official?
This is precisely what the US Ambassador in Macedonia was trying to prevent, this sort of information getting out. Ironically, literally everyone in Macedona has knowledge of this, but it’s different when this is stated in a Court testimony, makes the US Ambassador and essentially his old bosses at the State Department complicit in a terrorist act.”
“Month goes by, Ambassador Baily Still Hasn’t Responded Why USAid funds the Left, Soros, Protests..”
Saturday, 18 February 2017

Deplorable Patriot

OK, I think I have seen it all now! Good grief – this woman is claimed to be a DOCTOR!!!!


It appears they chose the perfect avenue for the cure.


😖🤚 .. NO … skip the lab rat trials …her first 😈👍‼️


I just….. nah, not talking.


You all think this was too strong? 🙂


And Ukraine! We MUST not forget Ukraine! ROFLMAO


Nope. If anything, it was too weak.

Deplorable Patriot

His loose lips also gave away nuclear defense secrets.


His loose lips got a BUNCH of Seals murdered!!!


Euthanasia in all it’s glory! The UN’s “sustainability” Agenda 2030!
“The French Council of State upheld Wednesday the decision of a Reims hospital to remove food and water from Vincent Lambert, a 42-year-old man in a vegetative state for ten years.
The Council, which functions as France’s supreme administrative court, decided that the April 9 decision made by the University Hospital of Reims to suspend treatment was legal. Immediately after the Council made its ruling public, Vincent Lambert’s parents announced their intention to file an appeal before the European Court of Human Rights.”

Deplorable Patriot


He admits there is a big problem and wants a wall, but what, according to him, is “the immigration that we need”?


I’d like to see a halt to ALL immigration for about 10 years. Let those that are here first show they can assimilate before we add any more.

Gail Combs

Make that SIXTY YEARS! That is two generations and those here should be ‘Americans’ by then.
Also get rid of the ETHNIC GHETTOs and make Englsh the ONLY language in the USA. If you do not speek English TAKE A COURSE! No one helped me when I was in a foreign country.


His gardener, his maid, and his pool guy.


Miss Ronna takes no prisoners!



comment image


Dirty …. OLD …. REPROBATE 😡‼️‼️‼️‼️

Sylvia Avery

Oh dear heaven. I hadn’t seen that one before. That is way, way worse than hair sniffing. This should sink him (but it won’t).


Is a picture can say a thousand words, this one might double that….look at it carefully….


He looks like that Louisiana sheriff in the James Bond movie with Roger Moore.


Sheriff JW Pepper


Norman Rockwell would have loved this photo.


He’s doing that on purpose, he’s showing his contempt .. 🙄 .. what a pud .. 😂👍

Deplorable Patriot

Results of an unforced error on the part of a Republican. My friends and relatives who are nurses, regardless of political affiliation, were livid over her crack.
Poker, anyone? Washington state lawmaker who belittled nurses gets 1,700 decks of playing cards in mail
A Washington state lawmaker has received about 1,700 decks of playing cards in the mail as of Wednesday after commenting that nurses in rural hospitals “probably play cards” for much of their day.
Republican Sen. Maureen Walsh said she plans to donate the cards to nursing homes and veterans’ centers.
“I like poker as much as anyone, but I think I’m pretty well stocked up right now,” Walsh said in a statement released Wednesday.


Sad to say but Sylvia and I are pretty much used to effluent like this here in WA state.

Deplorable Patriot

Still one of our greatest achievements in the skies.
Air Force wants to buy 80 Boeing F-15’s built in North County
ST. LOUIS COUNTY, Mo. – Boeing may have a big order coming in from the US Air Force for the latest version of the F-15.
“I always like to say, ‘It’s not your father’s F-15,’” said Matthew Geise, chief test pilot for the Boeing F-15. “It is a brand-new product and although it looks similar to the airplane that first flew in the 70s from the outer mold line perspective, everything packaged on the inside is brand-new leading-edge technology.”
According to reports, the Air Force is seeking approval to spend nearly $8 billion for eight F-15s for next year and 72 aircraft in the four years after that, so Boeing is getting prepared.
“This is an airplane that the Air Force needs today and I think that’s a really good thing for us here in St. Louis, not just to keep the factory open, not just to provide jobs, but it’s a really good product to the warfighter,” Geise said. “With the mission computer that it has, which is the most powerful mission computer on the market today, and you add in the advanced electronics warfare suite, it makes the entire package and fore-structure better.”
According to Scott Finn, an F-15 flight operations mechanic, it takes approximately a month to get one aircraft on the line.


Hey FG&C, I hear you asking, how come the AF is buying more F-15s? I thought the F-35 and F-22 were the next gen fighters.
The answer is rather long, but being as succinct as possible…
The F-15 is a pure air-to-air platform….meaning it was purpose built for air superiority (ie. shooting down the enemy’s airplanes).
So how good is it?
Here is it’s all-time record….
F-15 Eagle 102-0-0
Yep, you read that right.
In 102 air-to-air engagements, from 1979 to present, it has a PERFECT, flawless record….and this includes ALL engagements regardless of nationality who was flying it. No other air-superiority fighter OF ANY NATIONALITY comes even remotely close to this record.
Gulf War (USA) 32-0-0
Gulf War (Saudi Arabia) 2-0-0
Northern Watch, Southern Watch, Desert Fox (USA) 2-0-0
Bosnia (USA) 0-0-0
Kosovo (USA) 4-0-0
Afghanistan (USA) 0-0-0
Iraq (USA) 0-0-0
Syrian border clashes 1979-1981 (Israel) 19-0-0
Operation Opera (Israel) 0-0-0
Lebanon War (1982) (Israel) 38-0-0
Lebanon War 1982-2000 (Israel) 4-0-0
Lebanon War (2006) (Israel) 0-0-0
Iran Gulf Clash 1984 (Saudi Arabia) 1-0-0
There is so much to say about the F-15… how it can accelerate through the sound barrier in a perfect, vertical climb because of it’s jaw-dropping thrust-to-weight ratio…
Often imitated, never duplicated.
When you absolutely, positively need to own the airspace over a conflict zone, accept no substitute.
.comment image

Deplorable Patriot

As a MAC brat who had a parent on the team, yeah, I know this. I know the stats on the F-18, AV-8, too. I also know that the Superhornet is one of the only fighter aircraft prototypes to ever fly ahead of schedule, under budget and on spec. (Thanks to the Navy for not changing anything.)
BTW, the F-22 and F-35 projects are Lockheed. Their stuff hasn’t outperformed McDonnell’s, oops, Boeing’s, in the last 30 years, but we’re not supposed to notice that.


The F-15 is so well designed it can fly with only one wing!comment image

Deplorable Patriot

I’ve seen them do the 360 circles, all but stop in mid-air…you know, all the air show stuff. You live in STL and it’s unavoidable.


Hmmmm…..electro-shock making a come-back now? And “…’s not clear how this affects hyperactivity….”
“Now for the first time, a battery powered device offers a non-drug treatment.
Monarch eTNS is a small electrode patch worn on the forehead, usually overnight, that stimulates branches of the sensory trigeminal nerve.
It seems that those low-level electrical impulses travel along the nerves, deep into the brain where they’re thought to interact with nearby brain structures – which affect hyperactivity.
Dr. Borenstein says while it’s not clear how this affects hyperactivity, since the behavioral brain circuits are complex.”

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah…no. My cousin with severe ADHD outgrew the HD part of it. No need to zap the brain.


TODAY IN 1976!






They raided her home and office?????????????
Happy, happy, joy, joy.
Horrible leader. Take her out, keep her coat.


But of course – Pearson Publishing!
“A new edition of a high school textbook entitled By The People that is scheduled to be published for classroom use includes some questionable conclusions about conservative politics. An early edition of the book has been sent to teachers around the country. One Twitter user, who got her hands on an early copy of the book, tweeted out photos of some of the book’s more controversial sections.
In one section of the book, author James Fraser argues that Americans are concerned about racist conservative voters and President Trump’s declining mental health.
“Clinton’s supporters feared that the election had been determined by people who were afraid of a rapidly developing ethnic diversity of the country … They also worried about the mental instability of the president-elect and the anger that he and his supporters brought the nation,” one passage from the book reads.
In a statement provided to Todd Starnes, a Pearson spokesperson defended the textbook. The spokesperson claimed that the book, including the section in question, had been reviewed by academic experts before it was sent out to teachers.”


I’m fairly certain that the operations manual for Auschwitz was reviewed by policy experts before being put into action. Just saying.


Pearson Publishes Putrid Propaganda.
Pearson is owned/operated in the Islamic Republic of Britain.


… ie; …. rabid communists …


From 2015:
“Many groups helped create these standards (chief among them, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the United Nations) but Pearson Education, an NGA donor and CCSSO’s listed business and industry partner, is integral to Common Core.
Pearson Education designs “education products and services to institutions, governments and direct to individual learners.” Listed on the London and New York Stock Exchange, of its numerous investors, the Libyan Investment Authority is its largest financial contributor, holding 26 million shares.
According to the Financial Times, the Libyan Investment Authority was founded by Muammar Gaddafi’s son, Seif al-Islam; more than five Gaddafi family members own shares. The Council on Islamic Relations (CAIR, a recently designated terrorist organization by the United Arab Emirates), Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and the Muslim Brotherhood invested in Pearson Education through the Libyan Investment Authority.
Despite this connection, according to the Guardian, Pearson Education claims as a public company operating in a free market it has no control over its shareholders’ terrorist-related activities.”


This is obscene … someone needs to be held accountable for this crap …

Deplorable Patriot

Don’t know if this has been posted yet.


“The Free Thought Project is reporting on this incident, not to promote ‘antivaxxer information’ but because it highlights the fact that even when vaccination rates are at 100%, we can still see outbreaks.
This should raise concern over the fact that New York is forcing families against their will to receive this very same vaccine. Currently, families who are refusing the forced MMR vaccinations in New York are being hit with fines totaling thousands of dollars.
The hysteria over this measles outbreak borderlines on insanity as measles is not even on the list of federally quarantinable diseases. Yet quarantines are already happening.
Furthermore, though 90,000 people die around the world from measles every year, according to the World Health Organization, malnutrition, especially vitamin A deficiency is the primary cause of death in those cases. In fact, 75-92% of measles hospitalizations in the United States are also due to vitamin A deficiency.”


“Even the CDC admits that before the measles mass vaccination program was introduced, nearly everyone contracted measles and obtained lifetime immunity by age 15.
According to Physicians for Informed Consent, in the modern era, it is rare to suffer permanent disability or death from measles in the United States. Between 1900 and 1963, the mortality rate of measles dropped from 13.3 per 100,000 to 0.2 per 100,000 in the population, due to advancements in living conditions, nutrition, and health care—a 98% decline—not the vaccine. This is illustrated in the figure below.
According to the CDC, since October, there have only been 329 cases of measles in the New York area. There have only been 25 hospitalizations and zero deaths. In fact, in the entire country, there have only been three measles-related deaths — in the last 20 years.
Yet still, government is tracking down those who haven’t received the measles vaccine and forcing them to take it, threatening their very freedom if they refuse.
To be clear, no one here is advocating “antivaxxer” information. TFTP is simply questioning the government forcing medical procedures on citizens without their consent.”


Pedo Joe Biden will not be President. Lara Trump said he appears to be the most sane. Appearances are deceivi g, esp when he has had a lifetime of handlers and protection. He and his surviving son are uber criminals. POTUS is right, the primary will be FUGLY and brutal.
Let them destroy each other. Root beer floats and snacks for everyone!comment imagecomment image

Deplorable Patriot

I think he still has that tie.


Absolutely Perfect response from Franklin Graham!!
1 – “Mayor Buttigieg says he is a gay Christian, and he wants to unite people behind him, [and] I’m sure there will be many people who will want to follow,” the 66-year-old son of the late Rev. Billy Graham posted on Facebook. “But as a Christian, I believe what the Bible says: God’s Word defines homosexuality as sin – something to be repentant of, not something to be flaunted, praised or politicized.”
2 – “The Bible defines marriage as between a man and a woman – not two men, not two women,” the president and CEO of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) and Samaritan’s Purse explained.
3 – “Presidential candidate and South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg is right – God doesn’t have a political party, [b]ut God does have commandments, laws and standards He gives us to live by,” the preacher from North Carolina stressed on Facebook. “God is God – He doesn’t change. His Word is the same yesterday, today and forever.”
4 – “Mayor Buttigieg also said that to him, ‘the core of faith is regard for one another,’” Graham recounted in his post.
“We are definitely to support and help each other – no question, [b]ut that does not come above believing and being obedient to what God says is truth. Without that foundation, we really can’t help anyone in a way that impacts their eternity.”
He then restated the fundamental calling of Christians – as expressed through the Bible.
“The core of the Christian faith is believing and following Jesus Christ, who God sent to be the Savior of the world – to save us from sin, to save us from hell, to save us from eternal damnation,” Graham concluded.
5 – An Episcopalian, Buttigieg targeted Pence’s beliefs in [this] speech for the LGBTQ Victory Fund,” WND noted. “Graham said in response to Buttigieg’s criticism of Pence’s stance on marriage that the Indiana mayor doesn’t have the authority to redefine sin.”
Wasting little time after hearing Buttigieg’s contentious words, Graham took to social media to straighten out the mayor’s confusion over Scripture.
“To set the record straight, Mr. Mayor, the issue isn’t whether somebody has a problem with who you are – the issue is that we all have a problem with God because of our sin – and it applies to every single human being,” Graham posted on his Facebook page earlier this month. “God loves us, and the Bible says we are all sinners who need God’s forgiveness, which He offers if we repent and turn from our sin and put our faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.”
6 – Then he exposed the false “social gospel” Buttigieg was selling his supporters in the guise of God’s Word.
“We don’t define sin – God does in His Word, the Bible,” Graham impressed to the Indiana mayor via Facebook at the time. “Using new terms like ‘Progressive Christianity’ and the ‘Christian Left’ may sound appealing to some, but God’s laws and standards do not change. He says, ‘For I am the Lord, I change not.’ I believe what the Bible says is truth.”


I’ll be very happy when the Supreme Court determines that Islam is NOT a religion nor is it compatible with our constitution.


I think it’s still illegal on the books from the Barbary piracy days


Circumcision was the covenant sign of the agreement to bring the whole self – progeny, prosperity, pleasure – under GOD’s will and control.
Circumcision, plus obedience to the Commandments made the Children of Israel different in appearance and behavior from the followers of Baal, Molech and all the other pagan nations.
We are to be living sacrifices, whole being submitted to GOD.


Baptism is the Christian circumcision.
There’s an excellent scriptural explanation here from the Revd Dr R Scott Clark, professor at Westminster Seminary California (Presbyterian/Reformed). I have been reading his ‘Heidelblog’ for years. If he says something about the Church, it is true:
Excerpt, emph. mine:
‘Because circumcision pointed forward to Christ’s death and baptism looks back to Christ’s death, they are closely linked in Paul’s mind and almost interchangeable. Paul’s point here is to teach us about our union with Christ, but along the way we see how he thinks about baptism and circumcision and his thinking should inform ours.
One of the reasons that Paul so strongly opposed the imposition of circumcision upon Christians by the Judaizers is that, by faith, we have already been circumcised in Christ, of which baptism is the sign and seal. We were already identified as belonging to God and we have undergone the curse in Christ. So actual physical circumcision is, in the new covenant, unnecessary. Paul tells those who wish to circumcise themselves, to go the whole way and emasculate themselves.’


In a certain sense, the Holy Spirit performs the circumcision of the heart, causing conviction of sin, that leads to repentance and conversion.


Circumcision is still advisable…from a medical point of view.


More in the US than in Europe.


Most parents in US have their baby boy circumcised while in hospital.


Hence my comment.


Excerpt from article:
“… Yes, you read that right. The mayor of Baltimore has been accused of using her position to secure contracts worth hundreds of thousands of dollars from the University of Maryland Medical System and managed-care consortium KaiserPermanente. The contracts were agreements to buy thousands of copies of Pugh’s “Healthy Holly” books, a series written by Pugh.
Pugh was sitting on the organization’s board when she received the contract from the University of Maryland system. And shortly after she received a payment from KaiserPermanente, the company received a $48 million contract from the city. Though we’re sure that’s just a coincidence. Furthermore, some of the “Healthy Holly” copies that Pugh sold to the University of Maryland Medical System remain unaccounted for, and some suspect they may never have been printed.”


As a Md resident, watching local news I can add,
The Mayor went into the hospital several weeks ago, for “pneumonia” remained there MUCH longer than normal..then took a leave of absence couple weeks ago. This story has had a rotten fish odor for at least, 4-6 weeks now,
So ,locals, paying attention knew something was about to drop.
Baltimore is thoroughly corrupt, Pelosi’s father was a former city mayor , apples don’t fall far from the tree.


Biden opens campaign with foot fetish
‘Battling For Sole Of Nation’


H/t sunnyflower5
Endorsement from the highest of heels.


Hi wolfie…
Thanks for this article… the world’s children are being used for every evil imaginable …
read most of the posts on Greta, but can’t remember… was this mentioned anywhere?


Yes, I posted it yesterday.
Things are often better the second time around. 🙂


That sounds very fishy to me.

Cuppa Covfefe

And his campaign song:
O’ Sole Me-O…
(putting his best foot forward, as it were…).



Deplorable Patriot

The letter exchanges are starting to remind me of the restrained civility frustrated bishops have with each other. Unfortunately, hell no and eff off are not acceptable answers. It takes pontificating BS.


Disagree. Those are acceptable responses since our POTUS said bullshit in a public speech. They are, however, reserved for the final letter to the tormentors.
We should have a contest for when DJT publicly uses a profanity to describe his abusers.


This is fun. I read Treasury Sec. Mnuchin’s entire five-page letter to the Ways and Means Committee stating that the WH will make a decision soon about allowing the IRS to release Pres. Trump’s tax records to the committee, after legal consultation. But the letter itself screamed NO. It was very entertaining. Mnuchin pointed out that Congress has limited oversight duties, and that manufacturing a “legislative” reason to see the President’s taxes is obvious and an untenable position — especially since multiple examples exist of their saying they want to expose him and that they want the American people to see his taxes. There is an appendix with examples of their non-legislative reasons over the past couple of years. It is an epic smackdown.


Mnuchin is extremely smart…like Wilbur Ross, much smarter than our congress critters by many miles.


Smart and as mean as a …….wolverine


More than 200 victims have come forward in last two weeks:

Gail Combs

THANKS Rex Tillerson.



Pat Frederick

I’m so sorry that you (or any other child) is subjected to that kind of behavior. Makes my blood boil…and if I’d have known or been in a position to discover any behavior like that, that rooster would be a hen today. just sayin’

Sylvia Avery

Eeek, Wolfie, how creepy.
Things were so very different back in the day. Pedophilia was never mentioned, I never even heard of such a thing until the mid 70s.
Funny how later, through adult eyes, you can go back and revisit strange happenings from childhood that at the time seemed peculiar and unsettling but you didn’t know why at the time.
I had my own escape. I was about 5 years old and a neighbor boy who was about 15 at the time and his sister lured me into a tent they had in their back yard. He was lying on a cot under a sheet but I could see he was naked. I knew something was wrong, I could sense something was wrong but I couldn’t for the life of me understand what it was.
Fortunately, I could hear my mom calling for me and it was a great excuse to duck out and run home. But I still remember that sense of menace. Horrible, even if “nothing happened.”


Your Mom called …………
See Sylvia, I view that as what psychology calls “serendipity” and
religious call “Guardian Angel” watching over you…
So glad you dodged that bullet…

Sylvia Avery

Me, too. The kids in question were known bad apples in the neighborhood and so much older. I couldn’t understand why the girl was suddenly being SO NICE to me and offering me a cookie to go inside the tent which I really didn’t want to do but didn’t know how to refuse especially since she was so very insistent. Creepiest darned thing. Still creeps me out.
I vote for “guardian angel” watching over me.


Wanna bet she lost her virginity to her brother?
Nah, bad bet.


Wouldn’t surprise me if she watched her brother lose his, and vice-versa. Sick.


I and my sister were not so fortunate. Our Next door neigh or, a 14 year old boy, molested both of us for awhile. He was finally caught and sent away. I was around four, my sister eight. This was the 60s. We never spoke of it again after it ended.

Sylvia Avery

I am so sorry, grandma. I have never talked about my experience, either, until just now. Reading Wolfie’s story brought it all back. I have never, ever forgotten it but I never told my parents or brother.
And of course, as I said, nothing actually happened to me. But if I still remember and still see what I saw and feel what I felt all these years later my heart aches for all the others (like yourself) who weren’t as lucky.


Thank you, Sylvia. I am fortunate as I never felt any guilt or shame. I think I was too little. I didn’t even know it was wrong, but now the memories occasionally haunt me. I can’t see his face, but I can remember his voice like it was yesterday.
I share it because the more we can talk about these things the less power they have.

Sylvia Avery

Exactly. And there is a certain comfort in knowing you’re not alone.


So sorry that happened to you…
But happy that you were able to protect yourself.


Ahhh. I am deeply sorry that happened. Pedos are everywhere.


Unfortunately, pedophiles are everywhere…
My niece sent her three boys to summer camp… used to be a safe thing to do, right?
Not safe for these three.
My 3 grandchildren are grown now… they spent summers with us. We were against any sleep over kind of camp. I drove them to swimming lessons, etc. Sheltered? Yes.


PC degrades and destroys everything.


Lots of stuff in article:


Note: Dr. Quigley highly recommends Chris Blackburn –
“No one, I mean no one, knows more about Mifsud and GCHQ. No one”


comment image?zoom=2
H/t Zippy


G’Day Patrick…
Thanks for the laughs… helps wake up the endorphins 😉


Good to see you, pR


Mittens and Horseface!!! HA!!!!🤣🤣

Cuppa Covfefe

Mittens for kittens…

Gail Combs

“…Lacks Votes For Trump Impeachment….”
GEE, Sounds like a bunch of representatives FINALLY figured out that Conservatives have had ENOUGH and if they actually tried to impeach OUR PRESIDENT….
Well all thouse LIES the Commie Trojan Horse Media tells about Conservatives just might come true…. And it wouldn’t be pretty.


President Trump was talking about these people:


Do ya’ll think the nickname Sleepy is because it rhymes with Creepy? askin for a friend…


Hillary is coming out with so many statements that apply to her lately. Either she’s the most unself-aware person on the planet, or this is some kind of strategy to try to blunt the effect of what’s coming. It’s not going to work.


UN meddling at border.


We make a huge mistake if we do not see the ‘invasion’ at the
Southern Border as a parallel movement to the ‘invasion’ of Europe.
Of course the UN is involved… the Cabal is directing the production.
All part of their agenda. The destruction of Western Civilization is their goal.
We’re all watching this happen across the globe… like frogs in water that is
approaching the boiling point.


Amen wolfie…
Perhaps we could condemn the building and force them to move out of the USA…
Then withdraw our participation, esp. our $$$$$$$$$$

Pat Frederick

it’s infested with rats and cockroaches…needs to be tented and fumigated…


Remember when Citizen Trump wanted to make the building into condos?

Gail Combs

“UN is past its expiration date….”comment image

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

I had a friend who thought we should stay in.
But not give them any more money.
He wanted to put a pair of Groucho Marx glasses in front of our seat at the security council on top of a card that said “NO!” but otherwise do nothing for or at the UN.

JW in Germany

YES YES YES! I have been saying this since the manufactured refugee crisis started here in Germany! Thank you.
ALL by design. Cloward and Piven Strategy to usher in a One World Government by destroying the strong countries from overburdening the systems that make them strong from the INSIDE. They already have the white knight organizations in place to come to the ‘rescue’…UN, WTO, WHO, World Bank……….

Cuppa Covfefe

Have a look at this:
This is what Merde-Kuh and her, erm, Kuh-den-hof-Kalergi buddies are up to. Gotta make everything grey… Or, more likely, gay and grey…

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmm. Why do I think of the “Monolith” from “2001” when I see that building…
Satanic evil, enshrined in a building… (with an altar to the Devil in the basement)…

Pat Frederick

that’s fitting, so is the candidate!

SteveInCO · Thermonuclear MAGA

(From below:)

that’s cuz Sylvia and I are like breast friends…lol

Bosom buddies, you might say.


Get a room you two


His campaign is going to be booby-trapped at every stop.


Titties and Beer worked pretty well for AOC.
And Biden is famous for plagiarizing


“And Biden is famous for plagiarizing” ~ phc
I give you A+ for remembering that 😉


someone commented at DailyMail that his slogan is
I Feel For You America


Reach Out And Touch…………..EVERYONE


Joe is going to wish he had stayed home…
Campaigning for president is NOT GOING to
protect him from his involvement in Ukraine…
oops, there I go getting serious again…
Sylvia or Pat could have squeezed out a few more laughs 😉


“squeezed out”

Pat Frederick

that’s cuz Sylvia and I are like breast friends…lol
wherever he is, I betcha Joe is smilin…lol


Let’s stay in touch…

Cuppa Covfefe

For Joltin’ Joe it’d more likely be “Kibbles and Bits”…
One of the comments had a pic of Dunkin’ Donuts’ “Box O’ Joe”…
Maybe could have a jail cell for him so labelled… Instead of bread and water, give him crappy coffee and stale donuts… sort of a riff on “let them eat cake (donuts)”…






Well, that went southcomment image


Gail Combs

“…Nearly $125 Million….”
Cato Org says “… the proposed border wall is built for about the estimated $24.3 million per mile….”
So that buys five miles of wall…
Jeff Sessions got a LOT of others for FRAUD too.
2017 (539)
2018 (670)
2019 (187)
Here are a couple of headlines under fraud Fine search:
December 18, 2018
IAV GmbH to Pay $35 Million Criminal Fine in Guilty Plea for Its Role in Volkswagen AG Emissions Fraud
December 22, 2017
Keppel Offshore & Marine Ltd. and U.S. Based Subsidiary Agree to Pay $422 Million in Global Penalties to Resolve Foreign Bribery Case
“…a criminal penalty due to the United States of $105,554,245…”
January 13, 2017
Chilean Chemicals and Mining Company Agrees to Pay More Than $15 Million to Resolve Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Charges
January 19, 2017
Las Vegas Sands Corporation Agrees to Pay Nearly $7 Million Penalty to Resolve FCPA Charges Related to China and Macao
July 6, 2018
Court Imposes Maximum Fine on Sinovel Wind Group for Theft of Trade Secrets
“… and imposed the maximum statutory fine in the amount of $1.5 million on Sinovel Wind Group LLC…”
A million here 7 million there, 15 million over here and 422 milion over there and pretty soon your talking BIG Money!
Daughn would know better than I, but I think since fines are NOT EARMARKED by Congress, President Trump can use them as he and Mick Mulvaney see fit.


Not that I know any better, but i DO REMEMBER our silent killer Sessions!
One of the first things he did was STOP the DOJ settlement money from flowing to “community organizations” favored by the Obama clan

JW in Germany

Gail, perhaps I am one of the few ‘crazies’ that still believe Sessions is one of Our beloved Deplorables playing a very important ROLE<<<if you catch my drift……

Pat Frederick

one down…


I remember when this happened ! Qtreepers were outraged that she could get away with this.
Well thank goodness she won’t get away with it…
Thanks for posting Pat…
Yes, things are happening all over…………………………….

Pat Frederick

like a fat lady in a wet suit…things are busting out all over!!


you’re a hoot !
check Ms Kathryn’s TL … her recent tweet is interesting.

JW in Germany

The Deep State does not have enough fingers and toes to keep that dam from breaking! Flash flood of liberal tears on its way….AGAIN! LOL!


Hopefully some in WA bite the dust too!

Pat Frederick

getting the general public used to the word treason…
“Candace Marie Claiborne is a U.S. State Department employee who possesses a Top Secret security clearance and allegedly failed to report her contacts with Chinese foreign intelligence agents who provided her with thousands of dollars of gifts and benefits. Claiborne used her position and her access to sensitive diplomatic data for personal profit. Pursuing those who imperil our national security for personal gain will remain a key priority of the National Security Division.”


I’m disappointed she only got 5 years…….
The indictment references co-conspirators…
Perhaps she flipped on them, thus reducing her sentence ?

Pat Frederick

dunno…for treason she should get a much much worse sentence imo


They indicted her 2 YEARS ago!,,,, what’s she been doing to earn that lesser charge and sentence.

Pat Frederick

we shall see…


I really trust Paul’s info… he doesn’t tweet ’til he digs.
On another topic:comment image


Comey will be thrown under the bus when the heat gets put on Lynch.


Thrown into a wood chipper. Feet first
“Ffs jimmy, you had one job”


Michael Gaeta – Misfud’s handler in Rome.
That’s right – Gaeta was the guy in Rome.

Pat Frederick

drip, drip, drip…
it’s got to be torture for the plotters…wondering when the dam’s gonna break…DELICIOUS!

JW in Germany

drip, drip, drip? Pat, I think it has turned into a steady stream. I cannot stop smiling! 😀😁😃😆😄😋


On the Qresearch board, just found this…. I am in tears. Too frequently
I find myself apologizing for sometime my native state has done
NOT TODAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
South Carolina House passes fetal heartbeat abortion bill
The feminazis never expected that trying to pass legislation that makes it legal to abort full-term BABIES would result in TOUGHER LEGISLATION…


If I mention the name, Ann Coulter, you guys will start throwing stones, but hang on and hear me out.
She has a point, here.
The FBI/DOJ strangely left Hillary off the hook because “intent” could not be established – even though “intent” was not required per statute.
Flip-side was true for Mueller Special Counsel when they examined Trump. Mueller team thought they had a right to examine the “frame of mind” or “motives” of the President, when he fired Comey, even though motive did not matter.
And here is where Coulter presents a brilliant comparison.
How is it possible to examine the motives of a President, and whether or not his decisions would benefit him personally.
How about Mark Rich’s pardon, by Bill Clinton?
How about when Bill clinton pardoned the Puerto Rican activist who killed so many — right before Hillary ran for Senate in NY?
Are we really saying the President could be called for impeachment if we presume to analyze his/her motives for dropping a bomb?
It’s insane, when we think about the presumption of the Mueller team.
Terrific legal reasoning by Ann Coulter in this piece. You can resume throwing stones at her…. tomorrow.


The statute in the HRC investigation,for “gross negligence” in the handling of classified information DID NOT REQUIRE “INTENT” (although all the bad actors tried to convince us otherwise AND there definitely WAS intent!).
“Obstruction of justice” REQUIRES “intent”; hence, the attempts (Weissman) to determine actions that MIGHT be construed as obstruction, IF, AND ONLY IF, “INTENT” COULD BE PROVEN (which it can NOT be, in PDJTs case; as opposed to the others!).



Gail Combs

GOOD I hope they tackle her and she does a face skid across some REALLY ROUGH pavement.
(I did mention I was vindictive….)


Oh no! she’ll panic the other jack-asses.
Meanwhile isn’t it shocking that her lawyer’s offices were raided too. 😁


What goes around comes around.


She probably already under wet cement





No sauce for her accusation…
wacompost … FAKE NEWS continues

Pat Frederick



I guess Trump had better just roll over and play McCain/Romney now.

Pat Frederick

Momma always said, “creepy is as creepy does…”


Very Well Done!!! Meme make did a very serious video..Take a look!


Ya got all the Wide eyed lefty crazy people, now we have beady eyed Biden…..
….those are text book, dictionary definitions of beady eyes


Is IS beedy eyed Biden! Good point realsauce!😶


1st Carpe and now Scott Adams debunking the BIDEN LIE!!! Is this our own Grandmaintexas?


That’s me. 😄


Fun to find you on twitter!!! LOL!! Especially when I bring ya here and didn’t know it was you!!!🤣🤣😍😘🤗


I should probably reconcile the pictures. 😄 I was off Twitter for Lent. I’m now searching for any Qtreepers on there. Glad I found ya the other day!


The dreaded red boxes!!!! Scott has been going over this again and again and again.. He was at it again today….


LOL. I know. I need my glasses.


Carpe’s video is OUTSTANDING !


Gotta give him credit! He does love our POTUS!!!


Biden’s campaign: Orange man bad; it’s all about love.
I don’t think this is going to excite people. If they support him, it might be because he appears saner (and maybe more electable) than some others — and that’s saying a lot.


Biden’s withdrawal from race in 1987.



“Less than truthful” YUP!!! All.The.Damn.Time.


This looks promising…Michigan, you say…


Gerrymandered to include relatives houses as primary residences even…..

JW in Germany

Marica…everywhere you look we have BREAKING NEWS…but most of it seems to be REAL this time! I am so honored to be alive at this point in history!


James!!! Me TOO!!! It’s coming in faster and faster!! Load up on Winnamins!!!! I have a feeling we gonna need all we can get!! 💊💊💊

JW in Germany

JoeDG has been simply ROCKIN’ it lately too! Hard to sleep and it is getting late here. I cannot stop reading, watching and listening!
But I have to hit the sack…the 6 hour time difference to the East coast sucks!
Take care Marica and all of my Qtreepers!


you too James!!! So great to see you here!!! We’ll hold the fort down!😍😍🤗


Hope you have a good night JW
It’s our turn at bat now… I see nothing but homeruns !!!

JW in Germany

Bottom of the ninth with two outs an the bases are loaded—Batter #1 President Trump walks up to plate and points to the seats in center field.
⚾⚾⚾⚾💥💥💥💥GRAND SLAM BABY!!!

JW in Germany

You just keep your beak shut! Hahahaha!


“Polly want a plea deal!”


Prolly wants power of attorney

Deplorable Patriot

Love it.


Mike Huckabee drove Sarah Sanders and grandkids to White House for take your kids to work day!
VP Pence also came to briefing room.


Someone not get their Ovaltine before bedtime?


Remember the guy who didn’t keep up with KJU when he got off the train? He had to run to catch him. Dang, that’s harsh!!!


LOL of course BLM shows up….who cares if they were stealing. ‘Black Lives Matter demonstrators gathered at the Ladue Crossing Shopping Center early Wednesday evening to protest the shooting of a suspected shoplifter by a Ladue police officer.’
Suspected shoplifter struck employee before police shooting






Hard to grasp straws that aren’t there.
Leftists have moved from fantasy into hallucinations.

Cuppa Covfefe

Especially since they’ve banned straws…


Rothchilds liquidating assets….DANG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!🤭🤭

Cuppa Covfefe

Hmmm. That sentence would sound so nice in the opposite order…

JW in Germany

One more before I check out for the clock strikes midnight…
It’s about roosters….you can’t make this stuff up! 😂🤣😂


Reposting from Daugnsworks Ukraine thread…..because I posted it a day late 😉
We should make shirts like that….its a twofer.
Harkens back to 90’s Clinton slogan (Its the economy stupid) as apposed to “Muh Russia” and plays off the stupid way to refer to that former Soviet state



comment image


Husband is almost squealing with glee over the story on Shelley Richmond Joseph. He’s been in her courtroom.
Widely thought she “tapped” her way into a judgeship and husband refers to her as “the original miserable bitch”.
He loves the idea that she and court officer are being charged, “best way to stop activist judges on immigration”.

Sylvia Avery

Please go give your DH a hug from me. He has made my day twice today.


Steve Robinson tweeted out copy of Indictment… they have her cold…
She’s going to prison.
THREAD – click on either tweet


I bet that Oakland mayor is shaking in her boots. She could be next! (And I hope she is).


She thought Ice was had mis identified this guy, or something. That really wan’t her call to make.


The article i read said peopke were so shocked they would go after a sitting judge. Because the laws dont apply to judges? Get out of town….



Yep. Street address:
#1 Hypocrite Lane
Big Mouth, NY 06660


I’m disappointed. She has both shoes. It’s a game to find her shoe in his cartoons.


My bad. It’s Ben Garrison cartoons that do that.


On the tree with her “devil daddy”.


This one is not a good story. Apparently it’s been bubbling up here and there for a while and now is overflowing. Sad actually.


I found this post on OT.
What is wrong with Kelly Ann Conway’s husband…? He is doing much damage because KAC is the adviser for POTUS. He is getting credibility through is wife and her position.
Am I overreacting..????.
Preet Bharara
Please RT #DerangedDonald. Thank you.
Kyle Griffin
It seems that George Conway wants to get the hashtag #DerangedDonald trending.
5:49 PM – Apr 25, 2019
Twitter Ads info and privacy
10.6K people are talking about this


Trish Regan just led off her show with talking about “China’s new missile technology”.
Woah…will keep watching and report.


Gail Combs


A poster somewhere else commented:
“John Solomon
Coitus Intreuptus?”
I replied:
“The other ‘r’ pulled out”
Comments disappeared…………….


Appropriately wicked!


Am I reading to much into this…..?
A judge is indicted on a felony count of inhibiting an ICE agent from doing his duty (possible 2-20 years)
The major of Baltimore (democrat) is indicted for financial fraud
The mayor of a TX border town ( democrat) is indicted for vote fraud
A longtime Chicago Alderman (a Democrat) is indicted for financial fraud (wife is state SCOTUS judge)
Is this all just coincidence, or are these cases chosen to begin “normalizing” something much bigger coming?
Tell me what you think.


Every time one of these “lesser” cases comes up, people complain that so-and-so got away with much worse. I’m hoping this is a sign that law and order are back and that yes, it’s a precursor of much more to come, involving bigger fish to fry.


These Truths,
God & Country,
I think you’re both on point !


And 5he series of p edi arrests and vote fraud for registrations by states, etc and I think thats the right pattern of thought.


There are no coincidences .


Elizabeth Carter

Amazing Polly is interesting today.


Thanks for posting this Elizabeth,
Lots of interesting information in her videos … always


Elisabeth this is interesting .. My so is a scientist in a large University and some scientist was arrested for child porn. The scientist was German and had two small children.
I believe he was involved in an international pedo group. All I know my son told me it was bad and more than porn.. My son did not know the guy well but was quite shocked.

Harry Lime

Polly has become such an excellent researcher, digging deep into connections and angles that others have overlooked, that I try not to miss any of her videos. Many of these independent journalists/commentators put the MSM to shame. I would be embarrassed to admit that I worked for one of the “big” news organisations…CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, WaPo, NYT…etc….


This. Is. Awesome.comment image
The original…from the movie “Aliens”….


FG&C, if you were going for gross and disturbing you nailed it. I truly appreciate you AND we are in a free speech area, but I would like you to know that simple moving GIFs trigger problems for my injured brain. Gross & disturbing, well, just know if there was some text by you, it wasn’t read by me. 🙂


Exactly. 😉


BREAKING: FBI Texts Show Agents Discussed Recruiting White House Sources To Spy For Bureau
 Sara Carter
April 26, 2019
Senior Republican chairmen submitted a letter Thursday to Department of Justice Attorney General William Barr revealing new texts from former FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok to his paramour FBI Attorney Lisa Page showing the pair had discussed attempts to recruit sources within the White House to allegedly spy on the Trump administration.
Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Charles Grassley and Senate Homeland Security Committee Chairman Ron Johnson revealed the information in a three page letter. The texts had been obtained by Tuesday and information regarding the possible attempt to recruit White House sources had been divulged by several sources to this news site last week.
The texts and sources reveal that Strzok had one significant contact within the White House – Vice President Mike Pence’s Chief of Staff Joshua Pitcock, whose wife was working as an analyst for Strzok on the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server. A senior White House official told this news site that Pitcock’s wife recused herself from the Clinton investigation as soon as Pence and Trump became the Republican nominees in July 2016. A senior law enforcement official also told that Pitcock’s wife no longer worked under Strzok after she recused herself from the Clinton investigation.
However, the text messages uncovered from November, 2016 and have left questions lingering about the relationship between Strzok, Pitcock and his wife among congressional investigators and lawmakers.
“The course of our oversight work we have reviewed certain text messages that may show potential attempts by the FBI to conduct surveillance of President-elect Trump’s transition team,” the letter states. “In text messages exchanged between former FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok and former FBI Attorney Lisa Page, the two discussed the possibility of developing “potential relationships” at a November 2016 FBI briefing for presidential transition team staff. Specifically, it appears they discussed sending “the CI guy” to assess an unnamed person ‘demeanor’ but were concerned because it might be unusual for him to attend.”
The Senators are investigating if any “of these communications, and the precise purpose of any attempts to ‘develop relationships’ with Trump or VP Mike Pence transition team staff are not immediately clear.”


POTUS on now. Thinks we should look into Ukraine. On new Page/Strzok texts about infiltrating Trump team and WH, calls the “lovers” “2 beauties”. Keeps saying how good Barr is. Comparing Saucier (sailer) to Comey leaking, Hillary server. Double standard will hopefully be changing, “that will be changing”. Proud of the economy. Trump would have let Hillary go, but they came after him with the Insurance Policy. What’s on the DNC server??😂. Dirty cops, this was a coupe, an attempted overthrow of the US government. Far bigger than Watergate, biggest political scandal in our country, maybe beyond political. Sick,sick people. Goes higher up.


13 angry Democrats, turned into 18,19…bad bad People. One sided witch hunt. Turned Mueller down for FBI, he and Comey are best friends, had Nasty transaction with Mueller, he was conflicted. $35million, NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION!! The tables have turned, everything going in opposite direction. We need to find how it started, POTUS thinks it started when he & Melania came down escalator. Impressed with NYT article, will they report on attempted coupe. Thinks Horowitz is honorable & will be a blockbuster report. Devin deserves a medal. Meadows, Jordan, and Biggs worked hard. Mueller report didn’t mention Strzok, Page, all the stuff from the other side. Tremendous problems on the other side, Fake dossier, not mentioned. Now it’s time to look at the other side.


People who signed FISA “could all be in a very big pile of trouble”. They’re denying it. Using Page and PapaD to spy on Trump campaign. FISAs, 302s, Everything and much more will be Declassified, glad they waited, Dems would’ve claimed obstruction. Joe not the “brightest light bulb in the group”. 😂 POTUS brags on economy and military. Greatest Economy in the World. Tremendous dissention in O military. America is respected again!! NGD, NYC concrete buildings, CRAZY. Has to be a joke, they gotta be kidding, Senators agreeing, are they desperate for votes? Hirono nasty to Kavanaugh, train to Hawaii?


The Wall. POTUS confirms we are dealing with Fisher, they haven’t been meeting the bid, I hoped they would. Dealing with many companies, building in sections. In 2-3 weeks giving out more sections. On collusion, Does media owe apology, POTUS says Yes to him and names Fox anchors too. Generally speaking, corrupt reporting, Fake News. Oh no, Janine’s Mom died today. I think NBC more corrupt than CNN. Mitch doing great, passion for courts. We have to retake House for Healthcare. He said no name twice, disgraceful that he told WH he was a yes all day long, then thumbs down. Had they known they would’ve tried to get votes from 1-2 people that voted no.


No more cooperation, fighting all subpoenas, “Enough is Enough”. Thought Comey would have been a Bi-Partisan firing😃 They interviewed 500 people!!! (Can you capitalize numbers, how do you make 500 scream, LOL). Sleepy Joe can’t deal with Xi, different level of intelligence required. Sanders talks a lot, doesn’t get it done. Robert Francis is a fluke, fading fast. Pete not gonna make it. Kamala, Nasty wit.
LOVE OUR POTUS!! 💕😍😍🦋🦋🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🦋🦋


Thank you, thank you for bringing the interview here !!!
Love your commentary………..


POTUS UNPLUGGED. No commercials, my foot fell asleep and had to pee, 🤪😂. Apologies for TMI.


You’re the best, bfly!


🥰 Thanks Miss D, you are a great inspiration! 🥰


I was watching it too, but I was too stunned to move. Can you BELIEVE IT?
After we spent all day long on the subject, on and off?
I’m putting my cellphone in another room tonight. No one listening in on my dreams.


Thanks so much butterfly!!! Awesome citizen journaling!!!! 🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🦋🦋🦋💖💖✝✝


Correction: lots of dissention and division in O’s administration.


Thanks for doing such a Great Report on the Potus interview, Butterfly!
You rock!


THANK YOU, BFlyJesusGirl!!!


After the article on the Ukraine……..
my jaw was on the floor.




Big night!




comment image

Sylvia Avery

pR, I just adore that meme!!!!


I do too Sylvia…
She really tugs at my heart… 😉


3324 Obama and Ukraine, 3325 Obama handle “Renegade”. Can someone please post?


I’m On It !!!
(won’t last long-fadin’ fast-past my bedtime! ;))

Harry Lime


Harry Lime

comment image


This place is sooo much fun!

Sylvia Avery

No kidding!!!!


Love it Harry 😉

Sylvia Avery

Cool meme, Harry!


Apr 25 2019 20:11:38 (EST) !!mG7VJxZNCI Q ID: e95d4a


Apr 25 2019 20:20:28 (EST) !!mG7VJxZNCI Q ID: 78db02
Why would a President of the United States [HUSSEIN] assign ‘RENEGADE’ as his USSS codename?
Define ‘Renegade’.
1. a person who deserts and betrays an organization, country, or set of principles.
synonyms: traitor, defector, deserter, turncoat, betrayer;
adjective: renegade
1. having treacherously changed allegiance.


there are 2 more…
3322 and 3323
Sorry, I don’t know how to bring them over… too low-tech


nevermind Nor’easter…
I see we got those two last night, must be past my bedtime


Been searching for a clip of Trish Regan’s segment with Gordon Chang about China’s super-sonic missile technology.
It was a good segment, what I saw of it…but hubby came in and interrupted my watching of it.
I didn’t want to be rude and say “Shut up, I’m trying to watch this.”
So I missed a lot of it.
I did hear the part where Trish asked Chang if it was a “mistake when Nixon opened up China” to the West.
And Chang said “Yes”…and that doing that saved the ChiComs at that time, since their people were becoming disillusioned with communism.
Chang went on to say that China is funding their military buildup with Trade with the US.
He said that there are “senior military leaders” in China, who have been talking about killing thousands of Americans.
Trish has tweeted out clips of other segments of her show, which were pretty good too:

I will keep searching for a clip of the Gordon Chang segment…hopefully someone will post it on Youtube.


Peru signed up for China’s OBOR today. Not good, they need to stay out of our hemisphere!😡

Sylvia Avery

It is being rerun in about a half an hour on FBN. Thanks for the heads up, I scheduled it to record.


What an adorable little boy. He is not shy at all.


So much stuff happening!
Potus interview on Hannity…Oh Em Gee.comment image
Are we seeing some of those ‘Sealed Indictments’ finally being opened up and used?
Sessions left a long list for Barr to choose from…so let’s hope that’s what’s going on!


It’s going all the way to the top – Ø, Biden, Hillary, Holder/Lynch – all of them are going down.


….Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Yates….all going down.


I know, right?! Isn’t it great!
Here’s Karli Bonne’s tweet, since that embed won’t play here:

Sylvia Avery

Of ALL nights for some reason Hannity didn’t record as scheduled. Grrr… But it will be rerun later tonight so I set it to record. Can’t wait!!!
Frankly, I’m not even close to being tired of winning although my head feels like it may explode. (Unless it is my sinuses…horrible allergy season.)


Oh yeah, Syl…this allergy season has been brutal for me too.
Been having to take way more stuff for it than I usually do…even having to double up, when regular dose isn’t enough.
The mold count has been high too, which hits me hard since I’m more allergic to that than anything else.

Sylvia Avery

I have NEVER had to take so much allergy meds before as I have this year. Also, it has lasted much longer. Usually it is just for a couple of weeks. Thank heavens for the meds!


Bad part of taking so much stuff…is dry eyes/mouth.
I can drink lots of water…
But having dry, gravelly eyes is really messing with my ability to look at a lighted screen for very long.

Sylvia Avery

I know what you mean. There’s so much I want to read, but I’ve had to really limit my screen time the last couple of days.


Me too, Syl…it sux doesn’t it.

Sylvia Avery

I love the puppy gif, BTW


Look at this tweet from Michael Caputo, referenced him this afternoon.
LOOK what he said about “contractors”




Not a very packed room, is it.


He’s that 50/50 guy….Half the people think he’s bad–so they didn’t show up!😂😂

Sylvia Avery

Ah. He has a sense of humor. Very dry. I like it.


Rod going to get nominated for a “beesting” award. Jeff going to win best possum …


Clinton’s list is awfully long…


Sylvia Avery

Oh yes, I think they are!!! The volume keeps going up, up, up! You KNOW he wouldn’t be talking like this just randomly.


Right. I don’t think Pres. Trump ever says things randomly, especially about really important issues. People who don’t understand this continue to underestimate him, but no doubt some are catching on to the jeopardy they’re in. I’d love to hear some of the conversations going on.