Dear MAGA: 20190427 Open Topic

Welcome! The door is open, come on inside!

We get a Rally today!

This Rally Day Saturday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.

Come on in and get comfy:


Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. In fact, our host Wolfmoon encourages us to use it…and Enjoy it. “Use it or lose it”, he tells us.
But please keep it civil. Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.

Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:



Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition from the talents of BrunuhVille, titled: ‘The Wolf and the Moon’.


He had just been sworn in as President…I wonder what our VSG said to him at that moment.


Visual Descriptions for our dear Zoe, and for anyone else who may find them helpful:
Top Image: It is the base of a huge majestic Tree, with a lovely carved door. The door is arched at the top with a carved frame around it. There is a wide path of stone steps leading up to the doorway. Lush green growth surrounds the Tree, with mounds of different flowers growing up from around the Tree’s massive, exposed roots. Round lanterns are hanging from a few of the Tree’s branches, giving off a soft light. Butterflies are visiting the flowers…and a long-tailed pheasant is flying up from a mound of flowers.
Second Image: Is a cozy, soft lit room with a large tree trunk in the center. There are comfy-looking couches and a coffee table with a wooden chess set. Beside them is a bent-wood rocker with shearling throw on it. In the background, there is a table and chairs.
Third Image: Is President Trump sitting at his desk in the Oval Office. He is on the phone, saying something, and has a serious look on his face. The desktop is covered with stacks of folders and papers. Between the stacks sits a glass of what is probably Diet Coke.
Video Image: Is a white wolf standing on a precipice, looking out over a fantasy scene of a valley with a winding lake at the bottom. There is what looks like a giant moon in the night sky…but it is not our moon because it has a ring in orbit around it. In the distance are snow-covered mountains. The giant moon has sections that look to be breaking off of it.
Bottom Image: Is from Inauguration Day. President Trump is standing face to face with HusseinO and has his hand on the usurper’s shoulder. Our President has a curious look on his face that looks like a mixture of resolve and disdain.


Did I mention we get a Rally today?


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Wheatie’s Tree Day!
Things are starting to get really interesting…comment image

Sylvia Avery

I am really hoping that Barr turns out to be all I am hoping he is. Please God let him be straight, and true, and brave.

Jan Phillips

Amen, Sylvia!!! My prayer, too!


Hope and pray so, too, Sylvia. Good morning to you and Wheatie and all. Also Marica.


Good Morning ZOE!!! Happy to see you this morning!! (smiley face with smoochy lips!)


Dear Marica.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

AMEN!!! <3


Please God.

Plain Jane

He’s such a cutie.

Sylvia Avery

I think so, too. It’s not so much his appearance as it is his personality.

Plain Jane

Yes. He sure seems to have a wry sense of humor, and I bet he’s funny as all get out when he’s not being grilled by jackasses in congress. Plus he is hopefully a straight shooter.

Sylvia Avery

LOL, I think he’s funny as all get out when he IS being grilled by the jackasses in Congress!!!!! Or the press, come to that.

Plain Jane

Yes, you are correct. He is funny then also. I like that in a man. Plus, he knowa he is an alpha. That comes through loud and clear.

Sylvia Avery

Exactly! He’s got that aura of being very secure in himself. No one owns him. It gives me confidence in him and his integrity.

Pat Frederick

I think when he smiles, he’s (blush) cuddly!

Plain Jane

Lol. Yes.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

“Corrupt Democrats shall not just fear The Smirk – they shall fear The Nuclear Shrug.”


This gender insanity is on purpose. #WAR

Sylvia Avery

What astonishes me is how much the left has ratcheted up the volume and the pressure and the insanity since PDJT was elected.
Things went from bad to worse. The left has just focused like a laser, despite everything, on destroying Western civilization. It looks very much like they are winning, but I take hope from what appears to be a turn in the tide vis a vis abortion.

Sylvia Avery

That is true. And to look at if from a little different perspective, it’s fair to say they have moved so far so fast into total crazyland that they surely are repelling more people than just little old me.
During the 90s I worked with a number of gay people. I have close friends who are gay. I accepted them. Being mostly tolerant and fair, I came to accept the idea of civil unions.
But that wasn’t good enough. The hard push came for gay marriage and then the fascistic push that you weren’t allowed to think differently–that marriage was a sacred bond between a man and a woman.
And then just like that it was you must bake them a cake, arrange their flowers, and never ever even THINK that it was wrong. And before that could be absorbed, it’s having trannies in your bathroom, locker room, etc.
Complete crazytown and we aren’t allowed to even betray our feelings by so much as an eye roll. I don’t like being pushed. It generally makes me go in the opposite direction.
Kind of like SD saying we could never talk about Q. All of a sudden, it very much made me want to talk about Q when the day before it wasn’t terribly important to me.


This x1000!

Pat Frederick

I may accept that behavior, but they want me to EMBRACE it…not gonna happen.


Hate to say this, but it’s one thing to be kind and polite to everyone because pagans do what pagans do, but once you stop believing it is sin and then that civil unions are fine, you’ve lost the battle. It’s over. Sylvia, not meaning to aim my comment at you at all–it’s meant to be a general comment for all who succumb to this kind of thinking. I lost someone who became a dear friend to AIDS long ago. He had been in the church before he got caught up in this life. I did not know him until he was dying. I never said what he had done was okay–I never did much except let him talk and show I cared and ask him questions to lead him back to the truth. He knew it. He saw it, and he repented. I believe he is with the Lord now, which gives me comfort.

Deplorable Patriot

Being in classical music, I work with homosexuals all the time. For the most part on a safety level, the only ones I worry about are the bull dykes. The guys are not man cave kind of men, but they tend to be masculine, and present themselves as men.
What’s going on now is a free for all. This is just ridiculous, and if these pretenders actually knew what it takes to groom as a lady, they might think twice about it.
Speaking of which, I need to do my nails.


And yet, they ignore the punishment for homosexuality within Islam!!!! They ignore the complete lack of women’s rights within Islam!!! They ignore the complete lack of children’s rights within Islam!!!! What part of this makes ANY sense whatsoever??!!?? IT DOESN’T!!!! That, right there, tells you – THIS IS ALL KABUKI THEATER! Designed to bring the US to it’s knees once and for all.


Exactly right! Hear hear SA!

JW in Germany

Every time I think about the statues being torn down—images of the Taliban destroying ancient relics flash through my mind.

Sylvia Avery

I know, same here. And I am shocked all over again at how the US of A came to this place and it seems like it happened over night.

JW in Germany

But you and I both, and all of the QTreepers know it did not happen over night.
Sometimes, as a Nation, it is time for us all to look into a collective mirror and recognize our ignorance and mistakes. We the People have a lot of work to do to unravel several decades of damage to Our Country.
Like with President Trump—not only is quitting not an option—I say “BRING IT ON!”


Sylvia Avery
“What astonishes me is how much the left has ratcheted up the volume and the pressure and the insanity since PDJT was elected.
Things went from bad to worse. The left has just focused like a laser, despite everything, on destroying Western civilization. It looks very much like they are winning, but I take hope from what appears to be a turn in the tide vis a vis abortion.”
Western Civilization will never be destroyed. All during history in Europe there were wars and invaders and religious wars and persecutions but Western Civilization was not eradicated. Books were saved in Monasteries and homes. Artworks were saved and music lived on and stories were past on from generation to generation.
My father in law was a great story teller.
We need to embrace our stories and pass them on to counter TV and all other distractions that young people are exposed too.
They can never cut the Western Civilization and our faith out of or harts.


People need to stop complying. I refuse to call a “he” a “she” or vice versa. If they want to throw me in jail for it, so be it. This is the height of fascism to force people to spout a falsehood or be taken to court or have a museum trashed or to have your life turned upside down in all the nasty ways the left reacts.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Agreed. It is social psychosis – we MUST rebel against it.

Deplorable Patriot

I’m not even sure of where to start with this insanity.


No they wouldn’t be wrong at all. There is something totally demonic about what is going on right now.



Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Say it and believe it:
FUUUUUUUCK the Nazis of Nice.
Stop being “nice”. They’re NUTS.
And if they take the White House, or RE-TAKE the House of Representatives, America is HEADED FOR WAR.
Keep social psychosis OUT of the White House.
Get social psychosis OUT of the House.

Cuppa Covfefe

The “NIZ-EIS”…
(NEIZ-IES phonetically for folks over here)…


I cannot imagine a 14 year old be concerned about her gender? This is insanity for the father be accused of family violence.
I believe this insanity stems from to early to sexualize children. What do I mean by that? To early speaking about sex in an adult way. Giving a child more information then they can handle.
I was the one in my home who gave the sex talk to my kids and I bought books age appropriate and we read together and spoke about it age appropriate.
I feel introducing kids to early confuses them.


Not all is lost… Rally tonight!
Things are looking up.comment image


Well, that was larger than I meant it to be.comment image

Sylvia Avery

Just gorgeous!

Pat Frederick

love your pictures T*3!!!!!


T3!– Comey’s view from his forest hikes? How did you get his pic? Oh yeah–It’s on Hillary’s server…Everybody can access that!!!😏🤣


Ha ha ha!

Pat Frederick

good one!!

Plain Jane

Love that photoT3. Wish I still had the gumption to do a huge watercolor of it.


Okay, not sure if you did that on purpose but, somehow I see a Q up there… 🙃


ackkk! Didn’t know I’d be down here.. tree’s… in the spaces … way back there…👆

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I think I see it, too!!!


We are “Q” pattern recognizers! And no, I didn’t do it on purpose.


thinkthinkthink your posted picture of trees reminds me of Coney looking up at trees 🙂
I wonder if he was reflecting on the evil he had done looking up at the sky through the trees ?
By the way I love the picture of the trees good for meditation.


Wheatie!!! I really couldn’t wait to see you tree tonight!! As I am typing.. I am listening to your music! Both visuals and audio Never fail to bring a smile to my face and a deep happy sigh within my heart!❤💕 We are living in the MOST AMAZING TIMES!! As JW in Germany (James) said–“I feel so honored to be alive in this particular time in history”!! We are cyber friends and Patriots–joined together to fight for our Freedom and for our Amazing President–Donald J. Trump– God’s Chosen ( my belief)– a combination of “P.T. Barnum, George Washington and Ronald Reagan” Rolled up into one Fabulous Leader!!!
Hugs my friend!!!🤗🤗 Proud to know you and all our fellow Q peeps!! You are a gem, Wheatie!! 😘


Wheatie!! This Tree of Patriots WILL MEET UP ONE DAY!! I feel certain!! Whether it be in January of 2021 at Trumps 2nd Inauguration or at a centrally located site we can all get to…
Somehow–God will bring us all together!!!😍😍😀😀


As long as it’s at Daughn’s B&B and she’s in charge of food I’ll be there!


I feel pretty certain Daughn is up for anything!!!


Bet your a$$. It’s RALLY DAY!!!!

Sylvia Avery

Sounds good! Calling dibs on the kitchen stool.


Sylvia– there’s gotta be at least 2!! Dibs on the other one!!😂😉😎

Sylvia Avery

Close enough we can clink our glasses!


For Sure Dear Syl!!!🥂


Sylvia, I don’t know what you look like, but I can almost see you sitting on my kitchen stool.

Sylvia Avery



How hard can it be for you to “see” that she’s as gorgeous as you are?
Sheeesh. 🙂


My favorite thing in the whole wide world = When someone says something nice about me, unprompted, when I’m not in the room.
Thank you, Michael.
It’s so easy for us to focus on the negative and a kind word goes so much further.
Fresh raspberries and real whipped cream for you this morning!

Sylvia Avery

Raspberries…..whipped cream…YUMMY


1C heavy cream, about a scant 1/4c sugar, and scant 1/2tsp of Almond Extract. The secret is the almond extract.

Deplorable Patriot

Almond rather than vanilla…hmmm…..


The 4th of July parade?


Hey, there’s a good idea, SallyAl

Pat Frederick

I look forward to Wheatie’s trees Saturdays too!
this one is sooo pretty…inviting…and the interior? gosh I love it–glad I don’t have to keep that trunk clean!

Cuppa Covfefe

Wheatie’s Breakfast With Trumpians!!!
I have to say the QTree(house) is not just a house; it’s a home. GOD Bless you all, and Wolfm00n for finding and building on this tree!
Most of my family back in the States are SJW Snowflake liberals, and some of my extended family over here are, too (considering the Agit-Prop of the Merde-Kun-Kontrolled Media, that’s not surprise), but my wife and son are AfD’lers, and Trumpians, wanting MGGA as well.
My wife has been working on red-pilling her women’s group at church, with some success (again, slowly due to the media), but folks ARE seeing that the media are liars, which helps over here, too. The AfD are being painted as rightwing extremists, when they are simply in the spot the CDU/CSU was for decades, until Merde-Kuh jerked them to the left…
So thanks to everyone; it’s a privilege and a blessing to virtually know you!
And Wheatie, your posts are tree-mendous 🙂


I love your post CC–from over the pond–We really are in this Altogether!! Love that you are here and make me and us ALL laugh –Belly laugh –regularly!!!
What is AfD’lers? Please enlighten…


Just to let folks know I made it back home a few hours ago. Out of town for work again and was working ten hour days while I was on site.
I got to the airport terminal this afternoon and finally had some time just to sit and wait, and there was Felice posting the EPIC Good News of the Day! imagecomment image
Golly Felice – 2.7%?! Way off bro! Stop being so pessimistic! 😛🤣😂😅🤣


Right, Michael!!! Flep– Such a “downer”!!! I LOVE when GOOD News even Surprises MR. GOOD NEWS!!!!
His wife and family and pig –Baba– must be celebrating in a BIG WAY TONITE!!! 🎈🎉

Sylvia Avery

What a perfect way to return–reading Felice’s News RoundUp!!!


Yep, sitting in an airport…
After a long day working, a long week working…settle into Flep’s honest news report!
Now that is relaxing and refreshing!!!


Welcome home, Sweet Pea!

Sylvia Avery

Wowzers!!!! Thanks for the report. I’m tickled!!!


WOW!! Cavuto is like a Bill Kristol–so…to change him?!!!😳😳😱 Good catch!!! ( Maybe Charles Payne and Varney are rubbing off?)

This is kinda big–Carpe fan or not…

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Yes, they really nailed the AXIS of LYIN’ JOE and the LYING PRESS.

Sylvia Avery

Wheatie, another perfect tree house with those welcoming steps and lanterns and flowers! And the interior is once again so cozy. Thank you for creating such a happy place for us. XOXO

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

For this Wolf, taking REST in the Wheatie Tree is a big part of keeping the Sabbath HOLY!!! <3


His superpower is that he makes people CRAZY!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

With the TRUTH!!! And it’s GLORIOUS!!!


LOVE!!! Thanks Wheatie and Sylvia!!! Lavender pumps!! WOW!!!

Sylvia Avery

Did you see the metallic red ones she wore with her white lace dress? Those were amazing. But oh these lavender pumps are so spring like and so feminine.


Red and white…echoing the Japanese flag.
This woman is so good, it’s incredible.
And the fashion magazines, fading out by the day, won’t cover her.
Leftists are morons.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

WOW – I did not catch that! Good eye! 😀


She wouldn’t go on them now if they begged. As it should be


I’m sort of shocked. There is no way I would have allowed my wife to wear what Mrs. Abe was wearing. At least not without telling her that the pattern was mismatched along the seam.
It’s one of my annoyances – purported tailoring that is just some doofuss running a sewing machine. Same way I feel about men’s pinstriped suits that don’t match at the seams. No high end clothing store would buy such crap to sell to a customer, at least not while I was growing up.

Gail Combs

You are correct. I am more or less a ‘hack’ sewer but even I take the time to match the patterns at the seams.
Heck I was taught to buy extra matterial depending on the inches per repeat so I had enough to make sure the seams matched…. Of course Mom’s good friend was a tailor (not seamstress) and she would have had my head on a platter if I did not match seams. 😉


Guys– I have been thinking about this.. If someone told me that one day you will make friends on the internet…that you will want to meet and actually feel like they truly ARE your friends…I would have laughed in their faces…But then…Wolfie’s Tree. I honestly feel like you guys are MY TRUE Friends!! Don’t get me wrong..I am not a weirdo with no friends–But in real life–Most of my dear friends–just Don’t Get IT. THey kinda get President Trump (but his tweets!!! oh noes) Q? ( Huh???) Deep State and Drain the Swamp (Yawn)..The coup against the President (WTF are you talking about)…
Thank you God and thank you Wolfie and thank you Alison for finding me! and thank you ALL!! I would be a lost puppy just hanging out on goofy twitter ( my guilty pleasure) . I will say it Again!! God’s Plan brought this group of people together here on Wolfie’s site for a reason!! Certainly–WWG1WGA!! But also– I love you guys..😍

Sylvia Avery

Marica, I know what you mean. It’s like that for me, too. At this time, I don’t have any friends or relatives IRL who are anywhere near as interested in politics as I am. And what is happening is so epic I’d die not having anyone to share this with who feels as strongly as I do.
And it is really weird to feel like you all are my friends, but that’s how it is. And I absolutely agree that for some reason I don’t understand God brought us all together here in Wolfie’s QTree. It is kind of a miracle.


Sylvia!! SD did us all a favor!! by banning us– we became smaller and more powerful!! We are truly a little miracle!!– Darlin– As GOD is my witness–I will get to meet you ALL in my lifetime!

Sylvia Avery

<3 <3 <3

Sylvia Avery

And Wolfie has done an incredible job creating an environment that just works. I’ll be forever grateful to him for that.

Pat Frederick

no one in my family feels as strongly about politics as I do–my children are (sigh) liberals and my hubby is pro POTUS, but in a quiet way. I am loud and proud…lol.
I sent a birthday card to FLOTUS a few days ago and when hubby saw it, he merely raised his eyebrows and shook his head…so I am over the moon happy to have connected with people who feel as strongly as I do!
there was a thick heavy pessimism over the country the 8 years Obama held the reins. but now, the future’s so bright, I gotta wear shades!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Birthday card! Now THAT is sweet! Good show!!!
Yes, the internet has done some very good things, and letting us connect is one of them!

Sylvia Avery

LOL, I am all too familiar with the raised eyebrow/head shake reaction. I don’t FEEL like an extremist, but I take a certain amount of ribbing over my frequent emails to the President and because I watch every rally and speech.
But I do think part of it was the gloom in the country was thick and heavy during the BO years it just feels good to have REAL hope and change!!!!


It is a God thing.
Maybe I can explain more later, so much has happened in the last year. A lot of struggle. I needed some community and to find a tribe that spoke my same language. OT never completely developed that. But Wolf did develop and invest in community.
WQTH is amazing, many reasons, but one key one: It’s not overrun with trolls and shills!
Say more later, need sleeps now…

Sylvia Avery

I agree, michaelh. Sleep well.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I know exactly what you’re saying, and agree totally.
Those who can see the true convergence will sail happily on the surface of the hurricane/tsunami.


Those who can see the true convergence will sail happily on the surface of the hurricane/tsunami.

Now that’s a picture I totally get.comment image


Hugs hugs your way, Marica.
Remember when we all thought we were alone? Before Trump?
Good job, Wolfie!


Remember when we all thought we were alone? Before Trump?
^^^ Yes, I do. ^^^
Things never seemed right in Clinton years and quite frankly much of Baby Bush years. Figured hussein was a disaster from its very concept. Sadly for America, hussein years lived up to the disaster billing, I figured it would be.
After President Trump was elected, I was so euphoric with hope for America.
Some I know, generally agreed with me, but without the zeal. There were incessant MCM hammering away without basis, tweets bugged people (still don’t get the “problem” with honest tweets), accusations against President Trump that made no sense…
Literally stopped watching MCM news… Had always been a news junkie of sorts. Shock to my system:-)
An outsider wondering the Internet. Believing in President Trump and his message. Yet, where were like minded folks. 63 million or so voted for President Trump.
Stumbled on CTH and slowly, very slowly integrated a bit. Slow study at times, I am. Just when I was getting comfortable…the constant articles of “the sky is falling”…Eeyore posts…”old timers” bashing anyone not following the SD party line so to speak…
And, one of my mainstays, OT, disappeared… Flep…where are you…don’t think I am a whack job, but I literally sought out Flep. My luck was working, Flep replied. Invited me to WQTH, Wolf’s welcoming home on the Internet.
Not trying to be “odd”, but getting to know each of you has been refreshing. Warm personalities, and funny too boot! Americans at hearts. So, very, very, thankful for each of you:-)

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Amen! Me too! <3


Flep is certainly a Positive Magnet!!! So I totally get you, Kalbo!!! So happy you found your way here!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks, Daughn! And thank you BIGLY for making this place one big B&B on internet, where people can’t wait to see who’s coming down for breakfast! <3 😀


Me too. But it might be too late for me to develop a filter


No filters needed here!!! That’s the beauty of Wolfie!!!


You have seen what I post?


LOL Ozzy!!!🤣🤣


Love y’all right back, Marica and my branch mates 😊 You are so right about this friendship being centered around our deep love for our country, and wanting to participate in the history being made thanks to VSGDJT.
There is no one in my non-virtual world who ‘gets it’ like you all do, and even though we aren’t the movers & shakers running the show, we most certainly are the wind beneath our President’s mighty wings. It is vitally important to our mutual success that he knows we always have his back.


“Guys– I have been thinking about this.. If someone told me that one day you will make friends on the internet…that you will want to meet and actually feel like they truly ARE your friends…I would have laughed in their faces…But then…Wolfie’s Tree. I honestly feel like you guys are MY TRUE Friends!! Don’t get me wrong..I am not a weirdo with no friends–But in real life–Most of my dear friends–just Don’t Get IT. THey kinda get President Trump (but his tweets!!! oh noes) Q? ( Huh???) Deep State and Drain the Swamp (Yawn)..The coup against the President (WTF are you talking about)…
Thank you God and thank you Wolfie and thank you Alison for finding me! and thank you ALL!! I would be a lost puppy just hanging out on goofy twitter ( my guilty pleasure) . I will say it Again!! God’s Plan brought this group of people together here on Wolfie’s site for a reason!! Certainly–WWG1WGA!! But also– I love you guys.”
Sweet lady I love the way you express yourself and so true.:)
Friendship on Internet is very possible specially with this group of people and President Trump is the catalist.!
Many years ago I was involved with a Susan Boyle fan-site that split from a larger one. In the smaller one I made friends we all who were in US met when she came to the US and did a concert tour.
The Europeans met in London when Susan gave a concert.
With one friend i met at the fan site together we visited another fan friend in SA. I met several in Washington with my dog. One friend came to visit me with her dog. I made friends around the world.
Yes friendships can be forged on the internet and it is very apparent on this Q Tree that it has.
Feel sad for some familiar posters on OT that they are missing out. About a week ago all your names came up at OT people were missing you and ask where you all are?
In the morning I am always happy to see all of you when I log in 🙂 I am not a night Owl and often do not make it past 11 PM.
Where is Drillerguy..? Do I have the get name?


Singingsoul! Thank you so much for the kind words!😘 great Story–LOVED Susan Boyle!!! How fortunate and interesting to have forged friendships all across the globe! I agree that it is sad many people OT are missing out on all the fun here!
I hope Driller and drillerwife are just taking a break–I do miss them! Maybe they will show up tonight for the Rally!!
Hugs SS!!!🤗🤗😍😍

Plain Jane

DH and son #2 went to the NRA convention today. No they didn’t get to see our President speak, but Dh got to shake hands with Tig, thank him, and get his autograph at the Brownell display.

Sylvia Avery

Plain Jane, how absolutely cool!!!!


Good that they went together! Great trip!

Plain Jane

They enjoy it.


That is Super cool Jane!! TIg–Benghazi TIG? or am off?


Wheatie, you have music that you made? And you are the art editor for this story as well as discussion leader?
Wow. The things that go on when I’m out of the loop … Very cool. TY


Speaking of editors, where is KSwiss?????


The workaround is VPN. Norton has VPN for $3 per month. If privacy while tripping around the internet is important to you, VPN is your friend.


I know what you mean – – if Wheatie made an inspirational video this is EXACTLY how it would look! Music and art are very Wheatie-like!


Wheatie!! I Love this video!! We have the same interests!! Thanks Sista!!!


There is a Q watch in the video, ya know!


Amazing. Wish they’d make a movie for us non-gamers! 🙂

Elizabeth Carter

Wheatie, Thanks. Good tears are running down my face.
I found Lyrics in the comment section and thought some of you might like to see them.
Two Steps From Hell – Victory Lyrics
From far away
In mountains deep
The night of blood
In twilight sleep
The armies fight
For king and queen
There will be no
No victory
The swords collide
With power and force
As mighty men
Show no remorse
It is the time
The snow is melting
It is the time
Of reckoning

Sylvia Avery

Cool, thanks Wheatie!!!


I feel a rally thread coming on!
God Bless ’em, those Packer fans are tough!

JW in Germany

Good morning from Hessen, Germany—Grimm Brothers City of Hanau! (Come on Sunshine—my ghost-peppers need you! 🌶🌶🌶🔥🔥🔥)
Just a random thought as I sip my first brew (<<<ask yourself does he mean coffee or beer—it is Germany?😎). Hint: I probably would not 'sip' my first beer…
I am sitting here catching up with President Trump's NRA speech watching him walk out on stage—brainstorming—caffeine beginning to fire up the synapses. Started thinking about the last almost 4 years…
My first thoughts were as the President first steps on stage and listening to the Love from the crowd and watching Our President's face and particularly the eyes—they tells us everything we need to know…
President Trump loves America❤—and he loves his Deplorables❤!<<<that is how he does it—that is President Trump's secret. His rocket-fuel!🚀
I could feel the cheezy grin come across my face as I take another sip of my brew thinking—those poor ol' dilapidated pair of Biden and Sanders have not a Snowflake's chance in Hell! 😁
That brew is really good this morning…….

JW in Germany

….then came a more serious thought.
I hope Deplorables are putting all of these historic moments on hard-copy somewhere very safe—remembering how the enemies of America have been rewriting our history for a very long time.
Right under our noses they have already begun to write Fake History—portraying President Trump as a mentally ill racist. Disgusting.comment image
We must get and stay on top of this—they will erase Trump in real-time if We the People allow it!

JW in Germany

EMP safe copies!


Don’t burn ’em – shred and recycle!
But first – discredit the lies completely and publicly on video and in writing.
These are the same ‘textbooks’ that ignore Islam’s violence against Christians, women and children!

JW in Germany

I had a very similar thought the first time I heard the story.
I think they should be displayed highlighted and open in the Smithsonian for historical purposes with historically correct clarifications as evidence of the sedition and treason.


Good morning, JW!

JW in Germany

Good morning, Daughn!
Waiting for the doorbell to ring. Haven’t seen my Granddaughter in several months!


JW, as I read your opening words, a picture formed of POTUS from your description of him walking out on stage to give the NRA speech. Have seen a few clips.
Today, Wheatie posted a picture of POTUS with taken immediately after the Inauguration – POTUS looks younger today than he did that day over 2 yrs ago! I mean it. He’s the first president in my lifetime where I don’t see the “aging” the Office brings.
In fact, these days Obama looks like a ghost of his former self – and I thought he was ill from his earliest days of his first term!


I have this annoying habit of editing a sentence, but forgetting to add back in what I originally said – grrrr. Anyway, this: “Wheatie posted a picture today of POTUS taken with Obama immediately after the Inauguration…”

JW in Germany

Can we consider this as scientific evidence that LOVE keeps us young?! ❤❤❤

JW in Germany

Btw…Thank You LadyPenguin!
I was hoping to create an image in the readers’ minds with my words.


I love Wheatie’s trees

JW in Germany

I cannot stay on long—my Granddaughter 💗 will arrive any minute.
So I wish all QTreepers a very MAGA-morning!

JW in Germany

Thank you, Wheatitoo!
She’ll be here any minute!


It’s gonna be a LOVELY DAY!


Don’t forget Obama’s EPA polluted the Animas River.comment image

Deplorable Patriot

Eventually all the heavy metals that caused the discoloration will settle, but there was no excuse for how that was done. They knew the mine was full of water, and didn’t pump it out before disturbing the plug.


Incompetence. Like Obamacare and its website.


The heavy metals will remain to pollute and poison.

Deplorable Patriot

“HusseinO gave the bird-slaughtering Wind Farms a 30-yr waiver so they could murder our eagles and hawks!”
And now said birds have moved into my neighborhood where the trees are plenty tall, and they can hunt squirrels to their heart’s content.

Deplorable Patriot

🙂 In the last five years, we’ve had an influx of hawks and larger owls. All the big, green parks in this metro region seem to be the draw, and every now and then a hawk ends up in our back yard feasting on local wildlife.
Nature can be quite graphic.

JW in Germany

I do not know if you are old enough to remember Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom? You’re living it! LOL!


Off topic. I’ve been thinking about the war were in and there has to be black operatives on our side. So many flagrant murders and perversions of justice by the enemy. We have to have our own team out there doing really dirty work and completely unaknowledgeable. Information extraction, infiltration, killing. They are taking desperate risks for us and can never be recognised in the public sphere. For those who pray send one up for these faceless men and women. They have to be taking casualties who’s sacrifice will never be spoken of. In Australia we have just had Anzac Day which is a day of remembrance for our troops lost and maimed in war. Maybe in years to come there could be some sort of remembrance service to thank these unknowns.


Seriously, this is a death match.

Sue Mcdonald

From 8 chan yesterday a anon posted a vid of Black Sabbath’s War Pigs, with lyrics. now I have heard this song many times over the years but never read the lyrics I was taken aback! wow it was so spot on with what we are living through right now. Ozzy might have understood way more than I realized. here is a link to the vid I like but you can look up the vid with lyrics also .


At CIA hq in Langley VA, there’s a polished memorial wall for the covert agents who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom. No names – just a single gold star in its own small area on the wall.
Whether any of them died while on genuinely necessary missions is unknown but it is certain each one of them believed their missions were just.


Yes, I am aware of the wall. Just thinking of them now whilst still in danger and being brave and no safety net


Yes but no matter how smart you are and how well prepared and how well trained sometimes the other the other team scores.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

YUP…..sometimes they land one….comment image
…..and sometimes there’s a BAD RICOCHET! 😉comment image
…..or TWO!! 😀comment image


Wolfie!!! I LOVE THIS! Ricochet or 2!!!! LOL!!


Yesterday, DHS issued land regulation waivers in order to expedite construction on the 53 miles in Yuma, AZ and El Paso, TX.
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced Friday that it two issued waivers to expedite replacement of a wall at the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona and Texas.


Hope Wisconsin Trump supporters will show up and beat the record crowd for the Resch Center: 10,414 for Elton John!


When I first saw that pic of the guy in the three cornered hat, I thought that there’s no way Mitch would wear one. That isn’t Mitch, right?

Deplorable Patriot

Totally random thought, but since there are two videos on this thread illustrating the question I’ll put it here.
For some time now, I’ve been wondering why it is that fantasy based entertainment in various forms has a tendency to be put against a backdrop of early Medieval sorts of times that are reflective of pre-Crusades England. I mean, all the knights on horses with heavy armor, dragons, leather, and music scores featuring low strings and brass with way too much percussion. It’s dark, it’s gray, it’s always raining….
It just curious, IMO, that Dungeons & Dragons morphed into Game of Thrones and all that.
Any thoughts?


A time when men where unambiguously …. men?
Roles seemed clearer cut …
Young men tend to be the target market.

Deplorable Patriot

I agree that young men are the target market, but there is a romanticization of the time period and way of living. In some aspects of living, like plumbing, ancient Rome was far more advanced. It was also prior to the explosion in knowledge that came out of post-Charlemagne Europe, thus being “Dark Ages”.
Is the object to get people used to the loss of civilized amenities? Just a thought.


I’m not sure if it is consciously being done by the creative types – but it seems pretty clear that the Watermelon Greens are aiming directly at such a future, unashamedly.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Tavistock. 😉 Except I’m serious.
Psychology is the biggest play possible for a crafty smaller power.


Messing around with gimp… Happy Saturday everyone…comment image

Pat Frederick

I love this! well done!

Jan Phillips

Wheatie, what an inspirational post!! A picture of a “Wolfie,” and our great POTUS, and an upcoming rally!!!!!

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

#MeToo!!! <3


RALLY Thread is UP and going!
Press is already there. Kayleigh McEnany arrived last night for the RNC and broadcast, live, on Hannity. Looks like they took the hint from RSBN – the Pregame Warm Up Rally is half the fun of a Trump Rally.
We’re cookin’ tonight!!!!!!!


annnnnnnnnnnnnd from the twitterverse!comment image

Pat Frederick

oh my! that’s funny!


How much did Gropin’ Joe know about Spygate?
From the article:
‘“[Joe Biden] was vice president and presided over the biggest political scandal in history,” Jason Meister, an advisory board member for Trump’s 2020 campaign, told The Epoch Times …
‘“What did [Biden] know? He was vice president, did he know anything of what was going on?” Meister asked. “That is a big cloud over candidate Joe Biden.”’

Gail Combs

With all the current Socialist/Commie craziness going on this seems to apply:
⚡️⚖️ ⚡️⚖️ ⚡️⚖️ ⚡️⚖️ ⚡️⚖️ ⚡️⚖️ ⚡️⚖️ ⚡️⚖️ ⚡️⚖️ ⚡️⚖️ ⚡️⚖️
“Those whom God wishes to destroy, he first makes mad.”
⚡️⚖️ ⚡️⚖️ ⚡️⚖️ ⚡️⚖️ ⚡️⚖️ ⚡️⚖️ ⚡️⚖️ ⚡️⚖️ ⚡️⚖️ ⚡️⚖️ ⚡️⚖️
The Sheeple may sit there silent because very few are leaders or have the guts to stand up to Political Correctness in public and say ENOUGH! However that does not mean they are not starting to think to them selves, this is BULL SCHIFF!
Also there are the Independents who have seen through the DemonRat-Rhino Uniparty structure and quit voting.
Look at this old December 2009 Rasmussen Reports: Tea Party Tops GOP on Three-Way Generic Ballot
Remember this is BEFORE PC/SJW ===> In Your FACE Thought Police.
“Suppose the Tea Party organized itself as a political party. When thinking about the next election for Congress, would you vote for the Republican candidate from your district, the Democratic candidate from your district or the Tea Party candidate from your district?
Democratic — 36%
Tea Party — 23%
Republican — 18%
Not sure — 22% “
So a decade ago you had:
23+18 =
41% Conservative
36% DemonRat many of who were blind followers
22% Not awake, I ain’t telling you, or Independents.
Cato says “11% of Americans are libertarians”
Cato’s polling director Emily Ekins says as many as one in five voters [20%] are libertarians. 29 percent are populist (conservative on economics and liberal on social issues) and you will get about 11% or so who will self identify as libertarian on a survey. —
My Husband follows an Ayn Rand/Objectivist/Libertarian group. In general they do not vote because… UNIPARTY. Most did not bother to vote in 2018. Most did not LIKE President Trump two years ago.
The good news is THAT group is WAKING UP!!!
They LIKE most of what President Trump is doing. More important they are HORRIFIED by what the Commie-DemonRats are doing. As Atheists they may support abortion but they DO NOT SUPPORT INFANTICIDE! They may support the civil union of man-man and woman-woman but they DO NOT SUPPORT FORCING SERVICE! They do not support destroying history or men in the girls room and a lot of the other Over the Top schiff the DemonRats are now pushing. They think GoreBull warming is schiff and do not support a controled economy.
If this group is typical of the 20% libertarian voter, then we are in better shape than I thought heading into 2020. President Trump, by FORCING the DemonRats to show their True Face are turning off a lot of voters who would vote Democrat or not vote at all.

Gail Combs

Also President Trump has now made politics a GAME of THRONES, something that engages the minds of people who would otherwise not pay attention to politics most of the time.


The LAST thing a Libertarian wants is communism/socialism. It might work to our favor.


I don’t really like labels, but I guess, if anything, I would say I am more libertarian. But I have been on the Trump train since the beginning.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Gail – this really helps me, because it EXPLAINS something I’ve noticed, that the GOP brass needs to deal with properly. That is the DEM STRATEGY TO MANIPULATE LIBERTARIANS in 2020 and (even more) 2024. The Democrats and media will, I believe, push Trump in ways that will cause the libertarian and antiwar wings of the MAGA coalition to defect. This may be an acceptable or unavoidable loss, but I don’t believe Trump will accept ANYTHING but a win on the issue, so that means we need to understand it and defeat it.
AOC was originally something of a libertarian in her younger days, before she became a mind control icon of the Democratic Socialists. I was wondering WHY the CIA chose that background, but recent tweets by AOC tell me that she is very handy with subtextual code which has fundamental appeal to many libertarians, and even if they don’t VOTE for her, she is very effective in sabotaging the MAGA message with some of her memes that we are not countering properly, IMO.
Stephen Miller and those folks who stay ahead of the curve on memery will know what I’m saying.
I believe AOC was strongly shmoozed and converted into her role precisely because she has some core libertarian values in subtle places that appeal to youth, even extending into true libertarians.
Watching the Clintons, and particularly their “third party schtick”, I have learned how MASTERFUL the Clinton crypto-socialists are at manipulating people who identify as libertarians. Sometimes they manipulate them TOWARD themselves – sometimes they manipulate them AWAY from their main opponent. Democrats lassoed libertarian youth very effectively with BERNIE in the last election. Trump’s COUNTER to this was very effective, too (“He’s a communist.”). Note that Trump’s 2019 SOTU was already preparing the ground to keep libertarians with us, but it WILL be a fight. Evidence of their ability here is showcased by the McAuliffe governorship, which Democrats used Libertarian Sarvis very handily to win, thanks to UniParty RINO fecklessness. Notice also that Democrats have strongly pushed the DOPER WING of the Libertarians to make them useless and ineffective WHEN THEY NEED THAT.
WATCH OUT on the “votes for felons” issue and similar things which involve the LOSS OF CIVIL RIGHTS. Dems are notorious for taking civil rights during moral panics where they can goad Republicans into being their false front, and then BLAMING REPUBLICANS later. Remember – WE are the side that values the vote above money. The left wants to grab the “civil rights” championship belt BACK from us, after we won it fair and square, following the PEACEFUL EXAMPLE of MLKJ on all parts of the Bill of Rights. We need to DEFINE OURSELVES STRONGLY as the true civil rights party. This will help us KEEP the libertarians the Dems want to steal.
We can’t just call the other side communists – we need to BE the party that appeals to libertarians because of our ACTIONS, which speak LOUDER than our words. This will prevent the greatest danger that the Dems are trying to sneak back into the GOP and use to tarnish Trump – hypocrisy.

Sylvia Avery

I think I lack the intellectual heft to comprehend libertarians. All I have ever been able to grasp is OMG don’t take my weed and oh by the way let’s legalize all drugs and prostitution, too, and throw open those borders and don’t even think about defending our country. Military bad. More weed and hookers and immigrants, good.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

#MeeTwo 😉

Sylvia Avery

I started out 10-15 years ago determined to learn about libertarians and what they believed. I finally gave up because it was such a mish mash of things. I ended up puzzled and abandoned my search for understanding.
I’m a pretty practical person and it all seemed very idealistic and black and white with no room for middle ground. It just bewildered me.
But to the extent that I tried, it was because of the “Ron Paul Syndrome” where they would have some really great ideas but they were offset by a lot of really terrible ones.


“What is a Leppo?”

Sylvia Avery

THAT was a classic. The look on his face as he asked that. Wow.


I honestly cannot fathom anyone giving him even 1 vote after that gaff!


Wow. Maria Butina gets 18 month sentence.
From the article:
‘A federal judge in Washington sentenced admitted Russian agent Maria Butina to 18 months in prison on Friday, April 26.
‘The Russian citizen expressed remorse for failing to register as a foreign agent and conspiring with a foreign official to influence American political organizations. Maria Butina pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to act as a Russian agent in the U.S. without registering with the Justice Department, facing up to 5 years in prison …
‘Butina admitted to conspiring with a Russian official, Alexander Torshin, who was a deputy governor of Russia’s central bank as well as two Americans from 2015 until her arrest in 2018. She worked with the individuals to attempt to infiltrate the National Rifle Association, an organization strongly aligned with American conservatives and Republican politicians including President Donald Trump. In fact, Trump addressed an NRA conference about an hour after Butina was sentenced today …
‘The criminal case against Maria Butina is separate from Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s 22-month investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election, which detailed a series of contacts between Trump’s campaign and Russian officials.’

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

OMG – it’s almost like these people were Russian spies. Quite a bit of AWKWARD and CRINGE on this stuff, I must say.


Imagine how much PDJT knows and how he must have been raring to go on this earlier but couldn’t.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

I sometimes suspect that the VSG actually IS “Sophisticated Trump”, some James Bond who sounds like a cabbie all day long, and in secret, raises his pinky as he drinks tea in fine china and talks to “Melania, my dear” like he’s on BBC. 😀
“Oh, I had a smashing good time today. ‘Crooked Hillary’, I said. Oh, how I love saying ‘Crooked Hillary’. The crowd ADORES it.”

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Let the [MAHER] positioning on Barbara Olson begin.
No further elaboration will be made, but I quote:
Do you believe in coincidences?
People need to do the research to see the big picture.


‘Let the [MAHER] positioning on Barbara Olson begin.’ I’ll be stocking up on popcorn when that happens.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Picked up a big box! 😉

Cuppa Covfefe

Pencil just got sharpened a bit…
Too bad it’s a 6B lead… and cracked…


CARTELS control US border on the Mexican side – and – no one crosses without paying CARTEL fees.


Morrell is the one who wrote the Benghazi, “it was the video” talking points.


Well remembered. Thanks, Daughn!

Deplorable Patriot

Morrell is going to come back up, but he left the company when Brennan was named director. I’m not sure this is all cut and dried.


“…Benghazi, “it was the video” talking points.”
^^^ Such an obvious fraud and out right lie from its inception. ^^^
And MCM wonders why they are called fake news. MCM should have vehemently pushed back directly in the face of all the lying politicos…hussein, hildabeast, rice…such blatant liars they are.
Complicit MCM played their corrupt role…support corrupt hussein, hildabeast and deep state.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Love that you keep calling them MCM. I keep slipping back to the less accurate MSM! Carry on!!! <3


What does “MCM” mean? I have always wondered. I just assume it was in reference to main stream media….. ?


This guy might be good for early stuff, but not for 2015-2016. He left the CIA in 2013.


Good point.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Have bookmarked.

Brave and Free

Good morning to y’all!
I’ve got to agree with everyone about finding this treehouse, it truly is a blessing. When I talk about politics or what’s going on with the effort to take down PDJT most everyone has that believe that that could never happen these people aren’t like that. It takes effort and thought to believe what you can’t see. The majority of people who keep watching the msm aren’t with us yet. With the efforts from PDJT and others to reveal what actually took place over the 8 years of O This Q movement ( or the awakening) is gaining more and more followers I believe. Went to the beach yesterday for a relaxing morning of surf fishing, stopped at the restroom and what’s written on the wall?
Thanks again to everyone here for this site and all you do. God will prevail in the end.


Puerto Rico pipeline?
Sounds like the leftist/corrupt bunch that runs PR.


They had a case like this in France. It took years to come to trial. Sentencing was only handed down a few weeks ago.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

comment imagecomment image


Environmentalist protest held at the flagship store of the UK’s upmarket supermarket chain, Waitrose.
I cannot think of a more ethically responsible supermarket chain than Waitrose. These people are stupid.
This took place in Oxford Street, London:


Think the people who want to shop would have to step on a few of them. Where’s that wheelchair cart when we need one? No patience for this kind of disobedience. Get the hell out of my store.


If I were the manager, I would have called the cops.
Waitrose probably would have received so much adverse publicity, they likely figured it wasn’t worth the trouble.


I would have RAILED on these people.
Grocery shopping is a a high art form for me. Spend a LOT of money at the grocery for the B&B and time is precious.
Get OUT of the damn way!!!!!!!!!!


In principle, I agree, but you don’t mess with environmentalists here.
In the 1980s, a bunch of them went around England painting ‘MEAT IS DEATH’ in front of butcher shops. It took years for the paint to come off the pavement.


They NEED to be messed with. This is insane.
If my 3yr old acted this way, they would have been spanked.
Pressure washers work wonders.


I’m not so sure. Besides, water cannon is largely illegal in the UK.
These people are Extinction Rebellion. They were all over London this week:
I am pretty sure that if Waitrose had messed with them, including calling the police, the protesters probably would have done something awful. See video for the lake of urine outdoors:

Cuppa Covfefe

Right now, probably because of Asparagus season, Hollandaise sauce is really, REALLY cheap.
A few gallons of that could come in handy. On the veggie-occupied-aisle… Nice and clumpy, with too much flour, and burnt because it was prepped too quickly… mind the gas, now…
And, if they’re in front of the fruits and veggies, the last of the mo-Vegans will be having hissy fits, while all the Beefeaters™ and meat-eaters will be unimpeded…
What’s not to like? 🙂
OK, OK, produce and fruit are needed for a balanced diet, but the libtards are shooting themselves in the foot…
Odd innit, how all these DEMONstrations (occupy, Fridays, etc., etc.) are basically passive-aggressive whinging???


I would turn into an eco-fascist if you mess with my grocery aisle.

Cuppa Covfefe

And don’t forget the Millibrains, who’ve destroyed the energy stability of the UK…




comment image

Sylvia Avery

Haaaa! Excellent!


Here’s a Joe Biden vid we haven’t seen 🙂 and Hillary’s the star:


Ewe. You could “almost” feel sorry for her.




I really didn’t say “ewe”. I said “eew”.

Cuppa Covfefe

Ahhh. Don’t be sheepish about it 🙂
(There’ll never be another ewe…)…


Baa, baahaahaa


WOW. Remember this woman from our days OT?


William F Buckley Jr was not wrong when he said he’d prefer to be governed by the first 400 people listed in the Boston phone book.
Further proof:

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Good grief – it’s the most important question on the whole bloody census.


Agree 110%!


M McCain need to learn to dress herself she looks like a sl(…)t.
Does she eve look in a mirror..?


I fully agree.
She needs to go on a diet, too.

Cuppa Covfefe

The McCain mutiny…


Oh, yes.

Deplorable Patriot

This one still reeks to cover-up.


“Billy Vaughn, father of slain Navy SEAL Aaron Vaughn, recently told Freedom Outpost that the family wants to see Vice President Joe Biden and former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta held accountable for national security breaches when they outed the SEALs.
Not only were the SEAL team members furious and shocked over the big mouths of the Obama administration beating its chest with pride over the success of killing bin Laden, but the families were equally enraged. The message compromised the safety of the unit, as well as their families.”


This is too cute
The migration to Green Bay has begun!


Long but fascinating thread about Biden, Ukraine, Manafort, Spygate, etc. YUGE:
Last two tweets:
32) FARA documents filed by lobbyist Doug Schoen showed that he was paid $40,000 a month by Victor Pinchuk in part to arrange meetings for Ukrainian Parliamentarian Olga Bielkov. Schoen also helped Pinchuk establish ties with the Clinton Foundation.
33) Reports filed by the Clinton Foundation indicate that Pinchuk donated between $10 to $25 million to the Clinton organization. Pinchuk also has ties to Serhiy Leshchenko, the Ukrainian member of parliament who leaked the information on Manafort. /End


That is YUGE!!!


I reckon PDJT knows all about it, too.


Most assuredly.


GA/FL yes it is but where does McCain come in and Graham..?
They were cavorting around Ukraine also ?
Just shows what a web people weaved in order to deceive.
Manafort was the sacrificial lamb Mueller cannot be proud of himself and neither Rosenstein who wants to appear a white hat.


First they went after Donald Trump…..
Now, National Review author has declared Franklin Graham is a bad Christian.
Author is David French and his test for what makes a ‘good Christian’ is approving homosex/gay marriage, etc.


Thanks for the info, GA/FL.
I do not know how anyone can read that rag.

Sylvia Avery

You have to take it article by article. There are good ones and bad ones. VDH contributes often and he’s always worth the read. David French is a waste of space and time just as this article reveals.
But I admit I lost just about all my regard for them after the Never Trump stunt which even now, seeing that cover, makes me see red.


NR is against a substantial portion of the American populace.
The last thing I read there was Kevin Williamson’s diatribe against whites in rural America. That was in 2016.
I don’t care who writes for them.
Sorry, Sylvia, but no thanks.

Sylvia Avery

I quit reading anything by Kevin Williamson several years ago no matter what publication prints his “work.” Same with David French. Wasn’t he someone that fool Bill Kristol was trying to push to run for President?


Yes, he was.


It’s because Franklin Graham said Buttigieg is not an obedient Christian if he’s living the ‘gay’ lifestyle/identity.


Ah, and the true bedrock of these troublemakers begins to reveal itself.

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

There are so many levels of deception here, there’s a 50-50 chance they pin him on Russia or the CIA, meaning a 100% chance they pin it on COMMUNISTS.


Sounds like a win-win situation. Thanks, Wolf!


Springtime in FL – Gators restless and on the move – and I don’t mean football!

Cuppa Covfefe

Copycat gator. Thinks he’s a Landshark 😉


This is the key tweet. Sorry, thought it would show in the previous comment:


IIRC, in the run up to the Primaries and General Election, Priebus was never really onboard the Trump Train. Rather Candidate Trump had to seemingly force or shame Priebus / RNC to cooperate with Candidate Trump.
At some point Priebus seemingly capitulated and boarded the Trump train. Seemingly. Priebus’ allegience is with the cabal of RepubliCONs…Uniparty…CoC… Almost as bad, Priebus looks and acts like a “Flake” (Pun intended)
Early on it was slim pickings for President Elect Trump to fill in his senior staff. Priebus received a plum position.
Not surprised if Priebus proves out to be a traitor to President Trump…MAGA.
My guess is VP Pence will be a one term VP. Why, one may inquire. The total screw up with General Flynn being fired based on BS accusations. Now with the VP Chief of Staff seeming to be a mole.
So many leaks in the early days of President Trumps administration. Information leaked had to be available to precious few in the most Senior positions.
VP Pence, terrible “gut instincts”.
Sometime early 2020 we’ll learn VP Pence “requested” President Trump select another VP candidate run with President Trump in 2020. VP Pence will vigorously support President Trump’s second term.
Next VP candidate… DeSantis? Nikki Haley? Dunno. But I would bet against VP Pence for the second term.
Pehaps VP will be offered a plum politico position. Ambassador to whatever he may choose. A step down, for sure. But there will be leverage of sorts in the background we’ll never see.
All, IMHO.


Thanks, Kalbo, for the excellent analysis.
I remember these topics from our time OT.
I certainly hope he does not choose Nikki Haley. I do not believe she is truly MAGA, rather an opportunist. Also, is she a natural born citizen?


Agree. Dunno status of citizenship. Just tossed her name out there. DeSantis a rising star, it seems. In any case, I’d guess, President Trump has his eyes on one or two great choices for VP.


I’m curious why you would be so critical of Pence but not Haley?
She was never in the bag for Trump until he got elected, at which point she could sniff the ambassadorship.


President Trump knows where he wants the US to go this four years and the next four years. IMHO, President Trump may be considering who will follow his lead in 2024 election…
VP Pence has been a trooper supporting President Trump. Toes the line well. But, his roots are RepubliCON. VP Pence seems to be more of a follower, supporter, cheerleader, compliant… Not much for long term vision, coordinating a synchronized strategy at levels. President Trump excels at this. A successor, difficult to identify.
Haley has issues for sure. Early going, not fully MAGA. But is willing to shake things up. Go toe-to-toe with any one. UN comes to mind. And, no, I don’t think Haley has the vision, leadership…for the Presidency. Again tossed her name out there.
Biggest issues with VP Pence is, does NOT come across as a “leader”, lacks judgement in real time scenarios, poor “gut instincts”…
I suppose quite critical of VP Pence. Maybe too critical. But the General Flynn firing was BS and now the Chief of Staff mole. IMHO, those are huge. IF Chief of Staff was a mole, very detrimental to President Trump in the early months.


Re Haley: what we don’t know (I tend to doubt it) is if she is a natural born citizen and not in the Obama or Cruz sense.
Re Pence: another weird thing was how his physician (forget her name) was responsible for preventing the Admiral (the one who did Trump’s first physical) from being promoted.
How is it that he has had two suspicious people around him in nearly as many years? Maybe DS just thinks he is a dumb hayseed from the Hoosier State and dumped them on him? I don’t know.


Thanks, I had forgotten about VP Pence physician, (Jen Pena?) trashing Admiral Ronny Jackson nomination to head the VA.


Yes. Thank you for both names.
Admiral Jackson is a national treasure. I’m very sorry about what happened to him.


Don’t trust haley


I think pence is a loyal wingman type. He may have been a little naive about the level of infiltration and covert ops he was up against. I think only Pres Trump and the q team knew the whole score. To follow a rock star you need another rock star with charisma. Desantis seems good

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Very interesting analysis, and I don’t dismiss it, because it is the true flip side to my alternate theory of “Pence played the straight guy, was not under the bogus investigation as a designed part of the BHO/DOJ/FBI criminal plot, and attracted criminal manipulation by McCabe and Yates in their attempt to FRAME Trump using the second-in-command as a fulcrum”.
The final story is going to be very nuanced. I know that the MEDIA helped position Pence with LAWYER-CONSTRUCTED (in my opinion) questions about “Russians”. Based on that level of nastiness, I am not ready to blame Pence for answering one way or the other. Trick questions should be blamed on those who ask them, not the victim. Responses to FAKE 302s should not be judged against the person faked, but the person who posed them. I believe we will see that Pence was confronted with FAKE 302s. What happened after that – a good question.
I will trust Pence until proven otherwise, but I will look at proofs that it really is otherwise.


Kalbo I hope VP Pence rightens a wrong concerning Flynn. He carries responsibility for his firering.
I remember Pence also was the one who got rid of Flynn’s son from the transition team.
Kelly Ann Conway also worked for Pence before. Her husband bothers me . Maybe they are playing good cop bad cop..?
I could not stay married to a man who disrespects me that much.
What are they teaching their kids..?


My guess is Flynn will be exonerated when the truth comes out…declas FISA, 302s released, text messages released, and as President Trump has said, more information released…
As I think, Wolf pointed out, 302s shown to VP Pence are believed to be bogus. Have read that a number of times. Notably, in testimony, one or more FBI Agents said Flynn did nothing wrong.
Also, IMHO, VP Pence was “managed”, by the DOJ when they provided a briefing on Flynn. After all, the goal was to get rid of Flynn.
Perhaps a contributing issue was the extreme turbulence of the days and weeks at that time, which contributed to VP Pence position on General Flynn. Plus, politicos and MCM working over drive to damage and stop Trump…get rid of General Flynn as knows so much about the criminal acts. I do wonder if VP Pence pushed back at all, or pursued additional information.
Once upon a time, I believed whatever the Feds would say. Those days are history.
Did not know about Flynn’s son being run off the transition team. Smells bigly.
Don’t have a problem with Kelly Ann. Have read a few articles casting issues with her. Have not bought into any of them.
Now, charitably, Mr. Kelly Ann Conway is a certified POS. There is zero excuse for his behavior towards Kelly Ann. Nor Mr. Kelly Ann Conway’s behavior towards President Trump for that matter. Feel bad for the children. Three of them are old enough to understand the conflicting views of their Mom and Dad, and it is quite public.
Looking forward to rally in a few minutes:-)


Confusion. Theyteaching the kids the meaning of confusion

JW in Germany

I know there are a lot of people out there that believe Anthony Scaramucci was a jerk—I am not one of those people. I believe he was brought in to do a job and then leave again. I think he was very efficient in 11 days.


I don’t know what to think about him, but those 11 days are some of the most fascinating in recent modern history.


I just can’t like him (A.S.).


I hope putting his marriage in jeopardy was worth it. 🙄
Deirdre Ball, his wife, decided to drop the divorce, but they did split around that time, just when she was about to give birth to their second child. It took them until September 2018 to get back together:


“I believe he was brought in to do a job”
Ah, yes. There were leaks in the Administration that had to be dealt with urgently, and that the VSG determined could only be sealed by the use of a fandango. So the VSG thought over who could do the necessary Great Fandango swiftly, surely, and at acceptable cost, and Scaramucci’s name immediately came to mind.

JW in Germany

About a year ago or so, I tweeted similar comments about The Mooch’s job at the WH—I said that his were the most efficient 11 days in the history of the White House—or something to that extent.
Although I only have 500 followers, by some miracle The Mooch saw my tweet and responded by following me! So, I take that as a confirmation that I was on the right trail.


Wow. That’s awesome!

JW in Germany

I thought so too! Hahaha!


Grats. Over target


Has anyone else been wondering about this? Irritating:


Just so. Hillary is predictable, just what Putin would have loved.


Hillary is FOR SALE – that’s exactly what Putin would want.


‘More uranium, Vlad?’


And Putin had already “signed” the payments to the C[C]FF, as Wolf Moon’s research showed.
Rights to mine 20% of US uranium, which is mostly what? U238, the heavy, long-lived, almost stable isotope, which composes the great majority of natural uranium..
238 = atomic mass of U238 = total number of protons plus neutrons in a U238 atom.
92 = atomic number of U, total number of protons in any atom of uranium.
238 – 92 = 146 = the number of neutrons in a U238 atom.
Total amount Russians paid to Clintons and Clinton lackeys = Wolf’s magic $146 million.
Russia possessing proof of SecState Clinton’s selling out of our country, after she reached the White House? Priceless.


Well stated, Covadonga. Many thanks.


hildabeast was already “bought and paid for” by Putin and Russia.
hildabeast would have had to play nice with Russia and not piss off the bear.

JW in Germany

I should retweet that to the entire damned cabal!!!


Trump supporters and Brexit supporters are more open-minded than their opponents. A poll recently showed that Leavers are happy to have Remainer friends but Remainers are less likely to have Leaver friends (details in the article):
‘Remainers, who routinely present themselves as the vanguard of liberalism, tolerance and moderation, sometimes don’t seem that liberal at all. Ever since the political shocks of 2016 much of our (liberal) media has latched on to an incredibly simplistic ‘open versus closed’ framework; Remainers, we are told, are open, while Leavers are closed. Yet, if anything, it appears that the former can be more closed off to alternative views than the latter …
‘We are not the first to point to this. Recently, the academic Noah Carl brought together a whole body of research to show how people who hold Left-wing and liberal views are almost always more likely than people who hold Right-wing and conservative views to block or un-friend their ideological counterparts on social media (this was also happening before Trump, by the way). Others have similarly found that Left-leaning voters in the US are more likely than Right-leaning voters to stop following people who they disagree with. Summarising other research, a journalist in the US recently concluded that while the political Left might consider itself more open-minded than the Right, “research shows that liberals are just as prejudiced against conservatives as conservatives are against liberals”.
‘Back in Britain, many on the Left and those in the Remain camp do not engage with this evidence because it undermines the concerted effort to portray the vote for Brexit as a proxy for Right-wing extremism on the march, or an indicator for their belief that the country is sliding into the same conditions that gave rise to Adolf Hitler. I suspect that their stronger desire to disassociate from the other camp helps to explain why many so Remainers have been so quick to ‘catastrophise’ about voters with whom they probably have very little interaction with …
‘We need to think far more seriously about ways of building far more stable and resilient bridges across these different communities. Remainers, in particular, might consider how they are responding to our post-referendum environment – and should certainly stop harping on about Nazis, extremists and intolerance.’

Deplorable Patriot

One to bookmark. This is the original 1989 article about climate change predicting Earth’s doom in 10 years’ time. Now it’s ’12 years’, but this is what started it all:
‘Coastal flooding and crop failures would create an exodus of ″eco-refugees,′ ′ threatening political chaos, said Noel Brown, director of the New York office of the U.N. Environment Program, or UNEP.
‘He said governments have a 10-year window of opportunity to solve the greenhouse effect before it goes beyond human control.
‘As the warming melts polar icecaps, ocean levels will rise by up to three feet, enough to cover the Maldives and other flat island nations, Brown told The Associated Press in an interview on Wednesday.
‘Coastal regions will be inundated; one-sixth of Bangladesh could be flooded, displacing a fourth of its 90 million people. A fifth of Egypt’s arable land in the Nile Delta would be flooded, cutting off its food supply, according to a joint UNEP and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency study …’
This claim stood out:
‘Shifting climate patterns would bring back 1930s Dust Bowl conditions to Canadian and U.S. wheatlands, while the Soviet Union could reap bumper crops if it adapts its agriculture in time, according to a study by UNEP and the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis.’


This needs to be thrown in AOC’s face at every opportunity. Teach her the math!


Teach her the history of it!

Cuppa Covfefe

Pierre Gosselin (also an ex-pat over here in Germany) has a climate and science site, which has LOADS of HONEST weather and climate articles (hence no tricks), some translated from German as well. Kenneth Richard also contributes very well researched and documented articles, which show that, yes, the climate changes as it always has, but it’s been FAR warmer in the past, with less CO², and at times there was less ice in the Arctic and Antarctic than now; indeed we are heading into a MUCH COLDER era.
The Climastrologists (the Manniac, et. al.) are busy rewriting the historical temperature and climate record (sound familiar?), making the warm periods colder, and the recent decades warmer (e.g. the fabled “hockey stick). The 1930s were the warmest period in hundreds of years, yet Mann &co. have revised them to be cooler than now.
The Medieval Warm Period (way warmer than now) has been “flattened”, as has the “Roman Optimum”. Again, in pursuit of the “Greenmail” agenda of the left. But, interestingly enough, the warmer periods coincide with periods of societal and scientific progress; the colder periods (including the Maunder and Dalton minima), on the other hand, were times of disease and famine…
Well worth considering the next time some warmunazi tells you that we’re all gonna burn up, and that nice warm weather kills…


Thanks for the website info and for Pierre Gosselin’s home page. Much appreciated!
I feel sorry for the doom and gloomers saying the world will end. The good Lord will decide that. We just need to be prepared — spiritually.


As if!
Well, Reich is a dab hand with a flip chart, I must admit.


Seriously can’t see how this will come in handy. Obama’s out of office and its unlikely another Democrat will be elected to the presidency in our life time. If one is elected by fraud (only way) and survives to inauguration they’d work quickly to undo the Constitution, so then these ten steps would be meaningless.


‘Seriously can’t see how this will come in handy.’ Which is why I prefaced my comment with ‘As if!’
‘… its unlikely another Democrat will be elected to the presidency in our life time.’ I certainly hope you are correct.
But Reich is a dab hand with a flip chart, wouldn’t you agree? 🙂


Piers Corbyn is the brother of Jeremy Corbyn, Labour leader.
Whilst not terrorist-loving like Jeremy, Piers is deffo left-wing. He also does not believe in manmade climate change, although he acknowledges the climate is changing because of solar activity. He is also very good at predicting the weather and makes his money by offering a subscription weather newsletter.
Here’s what Piers thinks about Greta:


Another difference between Jeremy (on left) and Piers (on the right): Jeremy likes Greta —


James Woods is in Twitter Time Out again – why?
For quoting Ralph Waldo Emerson.


Peggy Noonan is at it again, covering for the Deep State over at the WSJ. She wrote an op-ed all about how “crazy” Trump had made people in D.C. I think the entire editorial was written around this one part:
“It was all this—the president’s disdain, his well-fed resentments—that not only left Washington thinking Mr. Trump was crazy. It made Washington itself a fertile field for crazy. It was in this atmosphere that the Steele dossier, with its whacked out third-rate spy fiction, became believable, that sober-minded officials reportedly wondered if they should wear wires when they met with the president.”
This is how the “rank-and-file” Democrats are going to justify themselves when all the shit hits the fan. “We believed it all because Trump made us crazy.”
I can’t believe how far I’ve come in the last two years, thanks to all of the great writers and commenters here. This kind of crap used to slip right past me. Now it is so obvious to me what they are doing.


Tacit admission of Trump Derangement Syndrome is all they have at the moment. Pathetic.


As old Fred Sanford used to say … “The devil made me do it.”

Steve in Lewes

Me thinks she ‘protests too much’ ! Perhaps a member of the Coup Party.
Yep, that’s it Peggy, PDJT made you all crazy because you are so intellectually superior to him and us deplorables. Hell, Washington was crazy way before PDJT got there you dumbazz!
BTW – IIRC, there is a way to read these ‘subscribe’ articles without actually signing up; if true can anyone enlighten me as to how; or am I dreaming again ?


I read somewhere you go the site in an anonymous browser and start a new free 10 article thing. If that was ever true I don’t think it’s true anymore. Tried it and it didn’t work. But I didn’t try it everywhere!


If there is an ‘X’ anywhere on the pop up box, click it. Sometimes they go away. If not, try copying the URL and pasting it into a private window. That works sometimes. You can delete cookies and try again. If they give you a certain number of “free” articles, this will reset it. You can also copy and paste the headline into Google, and this will work sometimes.


oops, Downer pic got cut at bottom… click tweet url for full pic…
Melania is not only one who likes stilettos
Today is Take Back Day !!!!!!!!!!!!
What is coming… leading up to rally????????????


The stilletos were for a charity event. Why doesn’t EyeTheSpy present the truth?
“…Downer, known privately for his sense of humour, became best known for agreeing to pose for a photo wearing a pair of fishnet stockings and high heels for a charity promotion in 1996.”
My prediction: Nothing of significance is going to happen on a Saturday before a rally.


eye the spy did not post the pic…
as you can see, the tweet came from ‘Bluebird’
my apologies for not knowing/checking the background of the pic……


No apology needed! But EyeTheSpy retweeted the pic. He is the one spreading innuendo and saying “You know what to do,” meaning, I guess, to spread the pic and innuendo without a word from ETS about what was really going on and without encouraging people to find the truth. If ETS knows something about Downer, he needs to just say it rather than trying to sound like Q and, worse, making people believe falsehoods and spread them — making our side look bad. He is playing on people’s love of mystery and anticipation.
We would be screaming “Fake news!” if CNN had posted a pic of Pres. Trump or Giulianni or some other conservative out of context and implied there was something sinister about it.
Sorry, I have to try to hold back; my BS meter goes off the charts with ETS. Q communicates as he does for national security reasons and because the plan can’t be revealed all at once, as well as to let us know that things are happening. There is no reason for anyone else to be communicating like that unless Q has directed them to do so. Q has never given ETS any credit or even mentioned him, and disingenuous posts by ETS do not credit him. We’ll see if anything big happens within his 48-hour time frame.
If this sounds harsh, I apologize; it’s not directed at you. 😀


Maybe I’m reading those tweets wrong and ETS didn’t retweet that pic, But I’m still highly skeptical about the cryptic, Q-imitative tweets that Q does not endorse.


Well, Mayor Rudy G once attended a party in drag. Pics are all over the net. As I remember he looked better than most drag queens. Now if there’s anything nefarious about that, I’d say that it’s fair warning that Rudy will do anything to make a case against a crime ring. Including playing Tootsie to wiseguys.


you’re so welcome wheatie…
Thank you for another wonderful tree ! It is sooo inviting… love it.


Phoenix!!!! Great grand is here!!! Congratulations!!!!!! I must have missed it…So so happy for you!!!!😘😘😘😍😍😍

JW in Germany

I was suspended for 30 days from Facebook in late 2015 for repeatedly posting a very similar Youtube video depicting the massive influx of ‘refugees’ into Europe. Facebook would delete—I would repost—after the 3rd or 4th time a window popped up claiming I was violating their cockamamie rules.


Don’t forget – the original objective for raping the women of a conquered land was to impregnate. The fact that the act was enjoyable to some of the rapists was collateral. Since the rules haven’t changed for the goat-phuckers for 1600 years, I’d say the rape epidemic in Europe is strong evidence of war.
American fathered children in Vietnam are shunned at best. Most escaped to America for at least a chance at a decent life.


Reposting from above – deserves a repeat:
Hope Brennan is sweating blood and shi++ing bricks.

JW in Germany

PapaD dropping NUKES on Brennan! 💥💥💥


Great-grandson born this a.m. weighing in at 9 lbs. 7 oz, 21 1/2″ long (Texas boy, big of course!)
named for my late husband… mother and child doing fine…
did I mention he has a head full of hair… ?
Thank you Lord for all your many blessings… esp. this one !!!!!!!!!


Grats. Big baby. Is there a book on who’ll walk first? Mum or Bub?


Yes… his Dad is 6’4″ !!
it will be August (gr/granddaughter’s birthday) before I see him…


Congratulations, Phoenix. Happy for you.


Thank you Zoe…


Texas pride! Congrats to you and the great Lone Star State.


Thanks G&C…. another conservative voter (hopefully!)

Pat Frederick

hope mother and son are doing well!!!


Congratulations PR! Babies are a special blessing. Enjoy him.

Sylvia Avery

Congratulations pR! Such happy news! Thanks for letting us share in your joy.


Such GREAT news! Congrats to all:-)

JW in Germany



phoenixRising Congratulations it is a Blessing indeed 🙂


WOW!!! Big Ole Boy!! Such a wonderful and Joyous Blessing!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The truck driver who caused the horrible wreck in Colorado was a Cuban immigrant.
For decades, Cubans have come legally and illegally to US by the thousands.
DRUDGE HEADLINE 1/26/15 – THOUSANDS of Cubans crossing border.


Cubans retire to Florida – with help from U.S. taxpayers
U.S. welfare money flows to Cuba supporting Castro’s failed socialist state – “They’re taking benefits from the American taxpayer to subsidize their life in another country.”
Special treatment – Under U.S. law, Cuban refugees don’t have to be from Cuba


Deal paves way for Cuban immigrants heading to U.S.
The Spanish version of Obama’s last State of the Union was delivered by a US Congressman who is a *relative of Castro!*
Cruz and Rubio have consistently worked for Cuban immigrants and their interests.


Many Cuban citizens live part time in US, part time in Cuba – while taking benefits from US government/taxpayer.
Thus, American taxpayers are supporting the failed Cuban economy, just as we support the Mexican economy through workers money wires to Mexico.


Many countries are bleeding the US through our welfare/benefits programs and other means.
Look at the food stamp fraud perpetuated through foreign-owned convenience stores. Some of these same people are also funding terrorists.

“Somebody kept this black ledger secret for two years and then showed it to the public and the U.S. media. It was extremely suspicious.”

Elizabeth Carter

I just found this on youtube while I was looking for something else. It is very important to remember the past.
Where are they now? The biggest players in the Jeffrey Epstein case
Miami Herald Published on Nov 29, 2018
A look at Jeffrey Epstein’s inner circle, plus the lawyers and police involved in his case, including Alexander Acosta, Alan Dershowitz, Prince Andrew, Ghislaine Maxwell, Nadia Marcinko and Kenneth Starr.

Elizabeth Carter

The trial was supposed to begin 12/4/2018. Can anyone tell if it did?


Ben has cleaned up Jacko… given him a trim of the beard, etc.
He actually looks better as a ‘toon than IRL !

Deplorable Patriot

I think Jack is on more than soy.


Well, dang! This story has been up for a couple of days but I just now read it. This is sad….
“Rolling Thunder, Inc. organizes a motorcycle ride every year to honor those who were held prisoner and missing from the Vietnam War. This year’s ride will reportedly be the organization’s last.”


I find that unpossible. “Rolling Thunder” is a tradition and way of life for tens of thousands.

Sylvia Avery

“The tradition is ending because of escalating costs and a lack of cooperation from the Pentagon and metropolitan police departments, said Artie Muller, a Vietnam veteran and founder of Rolling Thunder, Inc.”
What a shame.


DIMs in House replaced all POW-MIA flags outside their office doors with ….
Transgender flags… Kamela Harris calling for a THIRD gender option on Driver’s licenses.
Maybe we should call for Sectioned/non-Sectioned or Mentally Capable of Knowing Who I Am, or not ?


If my eyes rolled any farther at Heels High’s antics, my optic nerves would snap.


Shades of Mr. Trump not getting his military parade in similar venue, while facing similar obstruction?
TDS snarkily manifesting itself?

Sylvia Avery

Excellent point. I do see the similarity now that you have pointed it out, and it really makes you wonder, doesn’t it?


You have to enjoy Muslim children while they’re young because, before you know it, they’re all blown up.
H/t Clivus Multrum (@ClivusM)

Pat Frederick

giggle snort…

Sylvia Avery

What is WRONG with me? I feel so guilty but I couldn’t help but laugh.


Honey, I blew up the kids

Pat Frederick


Cuppa Covfefe

Turn around and they’re two,
Turn around and they’re four,
Turn around and they’re jihadis
Killing hundreds and more…


Oh, dear God! The descent continues…..
“If you are like me, you are asking, how is this even legal and how did they acquire the information they are going to be teaching? Yet, the University of North Texas is actually teaching a lesson on “sexual pleasure and response in infants.”
The report comes by way of Big League Politics’ Patrick Howley, who reports that the lesson was taught by Terry E. Davis.
During the course, students will be immersed in such topics as, “gender issues,” “sexual arousal and response,” “sexual behaviors,” “sexual orientations,” and three presentations on “sexuality during childhood and adolescence.” Oh, and just before finals, it’s three lessons on “sex for sale.”
Does anyone see the sexualizing of your kids and young people going on here? I certainly do.
Howley provided a photograph from a “campus tipster.”


NEBR., the people teaching this should be fired and arrested.


“An Arkansas government youth program coordinator and Democrat Party official who oversaw ticket sales for a fundraiser featuring Hillary Clinton has been arrested for allegedly participating in child porn video chat room sessions.
Harold “H.L.” Moody was arrested back in November 2018. Yet, virtually nothing of the story, considering his work with Hillary Clinton and being photographed with both Mrs. Clinton and her husband Bill, has reached the national media. Or more than likely it has, they’ve just buried it to give you what the state and corporations want you to hear about, and probably because it happened in Arkansas.”


Approximately 800,000 children go missing in the United States every year, and many of them end up in the hands of sex traffickers. After you read what I have to share with you, I guarantee that you will start watching your children much more carefully when they are in public. Earlier today I received an email from one of my readers encouraging me to check out John W. Whitehead’s latest article. So I did, and I was absolutely horrified by what I learned. In America today, authorities believe that the number of under-age sex workers is somewhere between 100,000 and 150,000. Those children are purchased millions of times a year, and it has become a 9.5 billion dollar industry. Every major city in the U.S. has a problem with child slavery, but there are certain areas (such as Washington D.C.) that have become central hubs. This is a major national crisis, and yet for some reason, very few members of Congress are making this issue a priority.
Lately, I have been writing a lot about how America has become a completely lawless nation, and this is a perfect example. According to Whitehead, some of the children being bought and sold are as young as 9 years old…”


Nebraska Filly,
zerohedge has article this a.m., over 700+ comments in less than 1 1/2 hrs…


Good – it needs to be viewed by as many people as possible!

Pat Frederick
Pat Frederick

thanks Wheatie!
thought Patrick might enjoy these!

Sylvia Avery

I thought they were great! Although that meme about finding a man that looks at you like Biden spotting an unattended child may give me nightmares.
He looks like a serial killer.

Deplorable Patriot

Is this Jeff Head, or has someone out there really gotten into the spirit of things?

JW in Germany

Oh hope Biden does not drop out too soon!!! These memes are Deplorably devastating! 🤣😂🤣

Elizabeth Carter

Wheatie, The last one really gets to the root of the problem. LOL

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. They get all carrot away about it, indeed they can beet downright parsnippety…


“The man is amazing.
He’s like the Energizer Bunny.”
I got plumb tired just from reading that list! Gotta get me some rest…comment image


I’ve said it before and it’s proving out faster than I expected: 5G is a scam by the TELCOs.

Comment We thought the hype over next-generation mobile broadband networks couldn’t get much thicker, but we were wrong. So let’s just jump into the five biggest lies about 5G.
1. China is using the tech to spy on God-fearing Western nations
No, it’s not. 5G is upcoming technology, and China – because it is resurgent – is making a big push for it. Its engineers are world-class and its companies can produce equivalent or better quality products than Western gear at lower prices.
Why not buy products from the good ol’ USA which has never used its technological prowess and ubiquitous foundational technology to spy on people?
2. There is a “race to 5G”
There is no race to 5G. It is instead a clever marketing slogan dreamed up by American telecoms companies who surprised themselves at how effective it was.
Every person in the US Congress that has ever spoken about 5G has mentioned this fabled “race” and often used it to explain why something has to be rushed through, or normal practices have to be skirted. We admit it, it sounds exciting – like the Space Race but with phones.
But it’s bollocks: how can there be a race when any country or company will, soon enough, be able to buy the equipment needed at any time and install it wherever and whenever they want? It’s an open market and 5G is an evolving standard.
If there’s a race to 5G, there’s also a race to internet, and a race to bridges and buildings, and a race to rice and pasta. Here’s broadband industry expert Doug Dawson hitting the nail on the head:
Next time you hear someone mention the “race to 5G” ask them what exactly they mean, and then tell them to stop being so stupid.
3. 5G is ready to go now
It’s not. In fact, even the most advanced 5G installations – in South Korea – have been accused of over-hyping themselves. Verizon’s 5G launch in Chicago this month? No one could find it.
AT&T just settled a lawsuit with competitor Spring over its use of the term “5GE” – which AT&T argued with a straight face would never be misunderstood as referring to “5G.” Well of course it wouldn’t, why would anyone imagine that 5GE means anything other than 4G+?
The fact is that the 5G standard isn’t even finished. A first part of it is there and companies are wildly rushing toward it but there still isn’t a single functional public 5G network. The telcos are excited about getting even a single handset working right now.
4. 5G is the answer to all our broadband / fast internet needs
It absolutely, definitively is not. Despite constant claims that 5G is the internet of the future – including by people who should know better, such as commissioners on America’s comms watchdog, the FCC – the fact is 5G, while wonderful, is not in any way a replacement for wired connections.
5G signals cannot magically travel vast distances. In fact, they can only go relatively short distances and struggles to penetrate into buildings and through walls – which is why one big battle is about how to install tens of millions of new micro-base-stations to make sure people can get a reliable signal.
The 5G network will rely 100 per cent on fast, wired connections for backhaul. Without those lines (hopefully fiber), it is basically useless because the one big plus to 5G is speed.
Also, you are unlikely to get 5G unless you are in a big, built-in city. And even then, there will be dead spots when you go around a corner or close to an overpass.
Literally this week, Verizon’s CEO said in an investor call that 5G is “not a coverage spectrum” – which is code for “won’t be available outside cities.” T-Mobile has been blunter. Its CTO said – again, this week – that 5G will “never reach rural America.
5. Spectrum auctions will solve all the issues
The FCC is auctioning off the wrong kind of spectrum for 5G …
Will the money made from auctions lead to $20bn in investment in rural broadband, like the president and the head of the FCC have claimed? No, it won’t. Until there are some major policy changes, significant political pressure in the opposite direction, and a willingness to take on the all-powerful telcos and make them install faster internet connections across the US, then the rural American is going to continue to be screwed over.
And please, for the love of God, don’t buy a new phone just because it’s branded “5G” or “5GE” or “5G$$.” And don’t pay more for a 5G service from your mobile operator. Phones and services are going to be far ahead of any 5G realities.
Just keep doing what you do and in five years – if you live in a big city – you’ll find that you can watch videos on your upgraded phone much faster.
The rest of it is nonsense. ®


What people in rural America will experience in the next 5 years will have nothing to do with this new communications protocol with a sexy name of “5G.” What I expect they will actually get is more 3G and 4G cellular antennas distributed ever more closely together. And they won’t make them pretty like they do in the big cities.
What people in the big cities can expect is more dug up roads, more traffic snarls and potholes while the fiber cables are laid underground to connect industrial areas to the networks BY FIBER CABLE up to the manufacturing plants that will use the new protocol IN THEIR FACTORIES.
As for your nice neighborhood that had it’s roads ravaged to lay that cable, THEY WILL NOT PROVIDE FIBER TO YOU. The fiber cables with run right past your house, but odds are, they see you as a hassle and don’t want your business.

Deplorable Patriot

“What people in the big cities can expect is more dug up roads, more traffic snarls and potholes while the fiber cables are laid underground to connect industrial areas to the networks BY FIBER CABLE up to the manufacturing plants that will use the new protocol IN THEIR FACTORIES.”
We’re getting all new water mains and gas lines. This is taking YEARS. Fiber cable too?


I know it’s happening in the largest cities now.


The more closely the frequency of an energy signal is to your length, or the length of an organ, etc., the better the absorption.comment image


If you’re in a boat or ship, the ocean waves you need to worry about are the ones whose wavelength is about the same as the length of your vessel, and the larger the amplitude (height,) the worse.


Excellent illustration!

Elizabeth Carter

t 3 Thank you for explaining all this. When President Trump said that we would lead with 5g or even 6 g, I somehow interpreted that to mean that we have something better than 5g or that this gives the USA a way out of the EU because they filed for the divorce…
I could never explain it the way you just did, but I really appreciate the way you break it down so we all can understand it.
There is something coming that is so far beyond what we can even think or imagine, that I am just waiting to see what that will be.
We live in exciting times.


Glad that was helpful. The article quoted did cover some important points well enough.
Their liberal bias wasn’t dripping from every sentence, which was nice.

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep, for El Reg, that’s really surprising…
I’ve made positive comments about VSGPDJT over there and been flamed beyond belief. But their orientation might well be explained by the fact that Mike Magee, who founded them (and left to found the Inquirer, and then left there) is, sad to say, a Satanist. I didn’t know that early on, but there are articles about “the early days” and they go into more detail. Sad.
They have quite a lot of articles about tech, and the tech industry. But as soon as they get political, they become agenda-driven. Their skepticism is useful, though, and more often than not, it’s justified. 5G is an expensive solution (especially the bandwidth auctions) in search of a problem. And I don’t want one of those towers anywhere near my house. I’ll pass on the “self-cooking food”, thanks…
Why can’t they run fibre along with the roads, the railroads, and other utillities? We have so much fibre over here it’s crazy, but a lot of it is still dark. Indeed, a division of HP/Agilent basically died because the various Telcos over here didn’t want to light up their fibre. And, dark fibre doesn’t need testing (according to the beancounters)…
And if South Korea, the “internut capital of the world” 🙂 can’t get all Biden about 5G (wrapping their arms around it), I doubt that anyone else can…

I don’t think POTUS is really going to the UK in June… truly a vipers’ nest


It would be great if someone could crack the steganography code and reveal what super-spy Comey has been communicating, and to whom.


I’ve already discerned the more important message sent by James WashedUp Comey…


Phoenix!! Awesome read!! I bet someone at 8 chan will crack the codes….
Interesting Thread!! Thanks!!


comment image

Sylvia Avery

I know I say this every time, but I can’t help myself. That meme always takes me to the happy spectrum and earns anything from a smile to a belly laugh, depending on my underlying mood.

Sylvia Avery

I can be naive. I finally realized they aren’t clueless, they are deliberately pushing this crap out there and only retreat if they get significant push back.

Cuppa Covfefe

That’s how the globalist left operates.
Here in the cesspool known as the EU, Drunkard, erm, Juncker has been quoted as saying “we just implement whatever we want, pushing limits, even a bit outrageous, and wait and see how the public reacts. If they don’t complain, we continue in our desired path”…
Gerhard Schröder was pretty much the same. And I think the reason Billions of Euros showed up so quickly for the restoration of Notre Dame Cathedral was that the illumis knew what was up (indeed, what was GOING TO BE UP), and this presents them with an opportunity to erect a monument to THEIR god.
Remember the pyramid at The Louvre, not that far away, comprises 666 tiles…


I cannot believe the NYTimes could be so stupid.

Deplorable Patriot

New Q
Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: ffa98c No.6334889 📁
Apr 27 2019 13:19:55 (EST)
Truth, Transparency, and Equal Justice Under the Law.
United We Stand.
We, The People.

Deplorable Patriot

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: ffa98c No.6334984 📁
Apr 27 2019 13:25:06 (EST)
Soon To Be A HouseHold Name.


Covered in Dr. Quigley’s THREAD below !!!!!!!!!!

Deplorable Patriot

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: ffa98c No.6335075 📁
Apr 27 2019 13:29:33 (EST)
Anonymous ID: 8ccf72 No.6335030 📁
Apr 27 2019 13:27:08 (EST)comment image
Declass is coming!
DECLAS pre or post IG report?
[Comey] pre or post IG report?
C comes before D.


“C comes before D,” so Comey before DECLAS. I was looking for Q posts about the timing of the IG report and found this one:
Important to Remember:
POTUS already ordered the DECLAS (per Q-proof Sep 17).
He’s awaiting the DOJ IG (now Barr + OIG) to proceed w/ the order.
Optics are important.
Delay by design post order to DECLAS?
From that, it seems that the IG report comes before DECLAS. So Comey, then IG report, then DECLAS? I’m not sure.
Q2928 is interesting:
DECLAS will destroy their last stand [SCHUMER, PELOSI].
FISA will be the start and prepare public for ]HUBER[.

JW in Germany


Sylvia Avery

That would fit what we know at this point, wouldn’t it? Sounds right to me.


“THE WARRIOR” posted by Q reminded me of this song from the 1990s. It was recorded live in concert.


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 661e55 No.6335313
Apr 27 2019 13:44:56 (EST)
Fast Forward 1 Year.
Rewind 1 Year.
Bigger story yet to be discovered.
Leak investigations go both ways [R + D].
A House needs to be constantly cleaned.


hmmm….what repubs are in danger of being exposed…lets star a list


McCain would have been in danger of being exposed. I’m wondering about Sen. Richard Burr, anyone named Bush, and some who have retired like Flake and Corker. I don’t have direct evidence, but they are RINOs. I’d love to see something on Romney.


Lets throw Rubeo into the mix too

JW in Germany

Rubio. He slithers. 🐍

Cuppa Covfefe

I can just see him running along, pointing upwards and yelling “DE CLAS, DE CLAS”…


And ex-Hisser of the House Ryno.

Sylvia Avery

A House needs to be constantly cleaned.
So, are we talking the Commie House only??? House members who leak would of course mean Schiff and I would so love to see the last of his smug face as he’s perp walked off into the sunset. House Republican leakers–nothing comes to mind right now.
But I may being too literal here.


Sylvia–Remember the bucket in the window of the White House–When they were Cleaning out the bugs? Right before POTUS made that “Tippy Top” comment?…
Not sure if this ties in… but I just remember it…

Sylvia Avery

Oh, good point Marica! House=WH, cleaning, leaks… Especially after the report of the WH Comms and USSS ordering a thorough sweeping for bugs the other day.


There is a reason why 40 House Repubs did not stand for re-election in 2018. Some may be looking for property in New Zealand even now.


comment image

Sylvia Avery

I like that a LOT.

Elizabeth Carter

Oh well, never mind. The 12/4/18 trial was settled. Jeffry Epstein got a pass


Maybe Epstein will face justice through other means, like upcoming reveals.

Sylvia Avery

Same here. I hope she rots in The Big House for a good long time.


It’s probably good-bye to her entire career, so no wonder she’s crying. But judges are supposed to uphold the law, not circumvent it.


She broke the law… and probably not the first time.
These SJWs think they can determine the law… overrule it. I don’t understand how she got on the bench.
Understand Gov. (a DIM) made the nomination… since when does Trump Admin follow DIM recommendation?
Well, POTUS gets a second chance with another nomination… and I bet someone gets “fired”


I’m pretty sure she’s just a MA state judge, not a federal judge.

JW in Germany

You beat me to it! I was just getting ready to post this:


The first of many indictments to come, I believe. She is a small fry in the big scheme of things. This is what we’ve been waiting for — not vengeance, but justice, which includes perp walks.

JW in Germany

I agree. Without question the tide has turned.


I agree she is ‘small fry’ but you and I both know that it is the ‘small fry’ that carry out the agenda of the big fish…
Justice is happening… all around us. Soon to be tidal wave upon tidal wave.


“it is the ‘small fry’ that carry out the agenda of the big fish”


Twinsing is common here James!!!




Great minds!!! 😀


Well, yes, we want a peaceful transition from insanity to rule of law.
Whatever it takes though.


I’ve got outdoor projects, a thread for tomorrow, family connections, and a MAGA rally today. Whew! Give me some of that Lion energy PDJT!
See you on the rally thread…

Sylvia Avery

No kidding. I may have to return to drinking Diet Coke. Look what it does for our President!


Good thread to read. Did you all know Rush missed the start of his show this past Monday – to take a phone call from POTUS. 🙂

Sylvia Avery

Yes indeed.
Very significant, I think.



Sylvia Avery

Wow, LP!!!! Good find!!!


Ollie North stepping down as President of NRA…
Infighting being reported by msm… between North and LaPierre
Anyone know anything about this bruha ????


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 661e55 No.6335740
Apr 27 2019 14:13:33 (EST)
Chain of Command
Chain of Custody
PENCE’ CoS + Wife
FBI 302’s
FISA (spy) > Flynn
Will newly discovered evidence (AG Barr – SDNY) FREE FLYNN?


comment image


Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Gen Flynn was at Rally tonight ?comment image


Oh Phoenix!! Ya think I can pretend I’m sick so I can stay home?🤔🤔🤔

JW in Germany

Tell them you have Rally Fever and your temperature is very high! LOL!


James!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣…However…It’s not a Lie!!! I do! I Rally do!!!

JW in Germany

Trust me Marica! I know EXACTLY how you feel!
Earlier today, I was counting the hours until the Rally thinking to myself that I might need to go to TRA meetings—Trump Rallies Anonymous!!!🙃😜😲


Sign me UP!!! TRA for sure!! I GOT THE FEVER!!!!!🤩🤩😎🤒🤒🤭

JW in Germany

Am I a bad influence? 😇😇😇


Yes! I believe you are…But in a good way!!!😘😍


More like a badass influence. A Trumpian badass.

Sylvia Avery

Keep sneaking off to the bathroom with your phone…


Definitely!!! I will do my best to keep up!!!


And carry a bottle of Pepto-Bismol so it can be seen that you’re not faking.


Chain of Command
Chain of Custody
PENCE’ CoS + Wife
FBI 302’s
FISA (spy) > Flynn
Will newly discovered evidence (AG Barr – SDNY) FREE FLYNN?
There’s NO ‘s’ following PENCE’ …………………………..
Didn’t one of POTUS’ tweets have a random apostrophe in it?


Yes. I’d say yes.

Sylvia Avery

Seeing General Flynn’s vindication will be such a joy.


It’s Passover!


From the article…
“The congregation was holding a Passover Holiday Celebration that began at 11 a.m. and was supposed to end at 7 p.m. with a meal.”


If that’s the Seder, iirc, that’s the most important meal of the year for Jews.


Man detained: com/us/california-authorities-say-man-detained-in-relation-to-synagogue-shooting-incident-injuries-reported

Sylvia Avery

So. Is the suspect a Muslim or some lefty antifa nutter inspired by the NYT?
My money’s on Muslim.


The suspect behind the shooting is said to live with his parents. Police are currently preparing to raid his home, reports say.

Sylvia Avery

Ah. Another of our standard “troubled young man with a gun, who heard voices telling him to go kill” I suppose.


spot-on Sylvia, NYT’s cartoon was horrible… Don Jr tweeted about it

Cuppa Covfefe

IIRC, Poway’s had Moslem Problems (hmmm, they rhyme) before…


Four victims have been take to the Palomar Medical Center to be treated for their injuries. One of them reportedly the synagogue’s Rabbi, Yisorel Goldstein
Steve Vaus, the mayor of Poway, said there has been ‘one fatality’ so far
The other three are said to include an unidentified adult and two minors
Eyewitnesses say the gunman was wearing a helmet and tactical vest

Sylvia Avery

So sad. And at Passover.

Cuppa Covfefe

All so the Kalifornistanicators can bring in total gun control…
G_D Bless and help the victims and their family.
No accident that this was on Passover.
Also worth noting is April 30 into May 1 is “Walpurgisnacht”, a very high (un)holiday for Satanists. It’s not that common for all three of these days (Easter being the third) to occur in such a short time. Sounds like not just the DEMONcRATs are fearful of running out of time.
Ephesians 6:10-18… Put on the Armour of GOD…


Warm up for Sniffer’s ‘white supremacists’ rants.

Sylvia Avery

I just heard the strangest noise and I went outside to investigate. I discovered it was hail coming hard and fast. The hail stones are the size of blueberries. Those are the biggest I’ve ever seen in person. (We don’t have very extreme weather here).
I’m trying to explain to the dog that Mama is NOT NOT NOT taking her for a walk in the hail, and Mama is NOT NOT NOT missing the rally to take her a walk. (Stay strong, Mama. Don’t look into those big brown eyes…)


In bad weather, late husband used to open back door, point and shout to our Lab “Go Pee”!
Cocoa hated the rain, but she knew this was going to be her ‘only’ option…
worked every time… (not with me though 😉

Sylvia Avery

LOL, so my first time reading it I thought you meant you refused to outside to pee when your DH ordered, but then I realized what you meant!!!
Smart doggie. Mine would just pee on the floor. Heavy sigh. So walk it is. It is darned cold out but the hail has quit so I’d better get this done so I can be home in time.

Deplorable Patriot

Yeah, I won’t send ours out in the hail. At least not out the back. The front is flat.

Cuppa Covfefe

All you need to do is put on your best Southern Belle accent, and say to your Dawg, “Hail no”… 🙂

Sylvia Avery

LOL, I try. Boy oh boy do I try!

Sylvia Avery

Sigh. I’m SURE he’s a self-avowed “white nationalist” which just *happens* to coincide with Biden bringing up Charlottesville in his dumb azz video.
Have I become too cynical?


Nope – you’ve just got their number.


Article linked above said rifle was “assault type” AR-15.
Bet he was under care of a psychologist and on meds. MK

Deplorable Patriot

That was my first thought as well. One of the lectors at Mass this evening mentioned it to me in the Sacristy, and I had to keep my mouth shut. Those people actually believe the alphabet soup networks.


Wow you guys were busy today. Can’t BELIEVE I missed Q drops!

Sylvia Avery

Interesting, pR. These seem to support what I THINK SD has been writing about as “The Outrage Trap.” Frankly, I found his articles about this a little hard to follow but I think he has been saying what Paul Sperry says he is hearing.
I haven’t been too worried about it because it sounds very much like a last ditch attempt to keep out of jail, and it seems improbable to me that anyone other than Joe and Mika and their ilk would believe it.


Sylvia, if it was truly what they say was their motivation they would have made a contemporaneous record somewhere. Not a last minute email-to-self.
So the first question to ask after hearing their whining defense (with their arrogant smug mugs) is …
“Where are the contemporaneous records documenting this investigation that can corroborate what you say? No, you don’t have to get them, just tell us where they are and WE’LL get them.”


Excellent point, pgroup. And well stated.


I’ve been thinking on this – the defense route they’ll take ever since SD’s post the other day, and follow up articles.
Don’t think it will fly because the origination of the Steele Dossier is going to come out, the leak path to the MSM, their reporting of it,, and then the DOJ/FBI using media reports to “open” the investigation(s).
The Cabal has several problems.
1) It’s going to be revealed that spying has been going on for several years against Trump, and other GOP candidates, not just 2015-2016.
2) The source of the information is going to get exposed, ie. the manufacturing of the “evidence.”
3) AG Barr has stated he is pulling all the investigation data together to determine the “predicate” – I bet he already knows the answer to that – there was no predicate – not even an “inadequate” predicate.
4) All the laws in place were intended for just such a reason – to protect against unlawful surveillance. Opening a counter-intelligence investigation based on fake evidence isn’t going to stand up to scrutiny.
5) I also bet (jelly donut) that in the thousands of Strozac-Page text messages, emails and texts between all the cabal players are going to be found the seeds that germinated the entire criminal enterprise.
6) The Mueller report has already indicated that there was no there there in any of their collusion investigation – knowing that means the AG already knows this was all done to take down, and take out a candidate, and then a sitting POTUS.
It’s always amazed me, how, when there is a food borne illness in the country, the USDA/CDC is able to track back to the original ranch/farm where the contaminated food originated. I see this as being dealt with the same way.
They know everything, and POTUS and his few close confidants likely knew it at least two years ago, if not further back.

Sylvia Avery

LP, I think you’re right.


“nat’l security interests justified bending investigative & surveillance laws”
Absolutely chilling if they want us to let them skate for that reason. By those rules, they can do whatever they please to anyone they please and count it as “national security.” And it’s already been going on for a long time. It has to stop and people have to be held accountable.
In addition, if they thought Russians had penetrated the Trump campaign organization, they should have informed Trump so he and they could do something. Trump would have been their ally. This defense is too stupid and unlawful to be considered. If that’s all they’ve got, stick a fork in ’em; they’re done.

Well, Bolton, a known Neocon… should have never been made a part of the Administration. Rumors are he blew the NoKo deal……..


That’s just Iranian bluster. They are still upset about the Iran deal.
If anyone blew the NK deal, it was the NKs.


President Xi, call your office.



Sylvia Avery

I suspect that’s why a bunch of NK senior level government got executed.


Given the description of the Rabbi’s injuries, I wonder if he grabbed the shooter’s gun.

Sylvia Avery

So brave!


More from the article…

Cantor Caitlin Bromberg of the Ner Tamid synagogue in Poway said, “We’re feeling fear. It could have just as easily been our service. It hits close to home.”
The shooting came on the last day of Passover, one of the most sacred holidays in the Jewish faith. The eight-day festival commemorates the freedom of the Israelites from slavery in ancient Egypt and is typically observed with a number of rituals, including Seder meals, the removal of leavened products from the home, and the sharing of the exodus story.
“Targeting them seems pretty intentional to me,” Bromberg said. “I don’t know what we’re going to learn about the shooter, but it seems (he) knew something about Judaism.”
It also came six months to the day after a gunman killed 11 people and wounded seven others during Saturday morning Shabbat services at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh, PA.
“This is not Poway,” Mayor Steve Vaus said at the press conference. “We always walk with our arms around each other, and we will walk through this tragedy with our arms around each other.”
Founded in 1986 by Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, Chabad of Poway is affiliated with Lubavitch, a branch within Orthodox Judaism’s Hasidic movement. It bills itself as a place where “Traditional Jewish values are brought to life in a joyous, non-judgmental atmosphere.”
It grew quickly, attracting families to a congregation modeled on the bustling Jewish enclaves that existed in New York City and Eastern Europe. Dozens moved within walking distance so they could follow the requirement to not operate machinery on the Sabbath. The campus underwent a $1.7 million expansion project in the mid-1990s, building a 13,000 square-foot facility with a sanctuary, a meeting hall, and offices.
In 2015, in an effort to “start fresh again with new and young energy,” the Chabad brought in Rabbi Mendel and Shterna Goldstein from Brooklyn, and they’ve introduced a variety of programs, including a lecture series featuring Holocaust survivors.
Article is behind a paywall, but my browser’s Reader View showed the text.


Multiple law enforcement sources confirm to NBC News that the suspect in the Poway synagogue shooting is 19-year-old John T. Earnest.


Sounds like a sociopath – devoid of humanity and empathy.

Sylvia Avery

Thanks for all the reporting on this, Patrick.


Profile fits MK activation for opposition’s goals of striking back after NRA meeting, smearing 8chan, and vilifying AR-15 rifles.


Agree t*3


Supposed to be him.comment image?resize=696%2C384


comment image


His dad is a science teacher at mt. Carmel h.s., the shirt he has on. He was a nursing student for a bsn program, so prob freshman lower level. What I read that his manifesto says is he did this to fight for his race. A messed up 19 yr old. Nursing student but wants to commit mass murder? His history as a kid will help.
Suspicious yes.

Sylvia Avery

Smells that way, doesn’t it? So far, anyway.


By now you have all seen the awful cartoon published in the international NYTimes.. well, I fixed it.. grrrrrrrcomment image




Tres excellente!


Thanks amwick…

Sylvia Avery

Love it!!!




Comey is a one weird dude, and to think he was head of the FBI. Sicko, psycho.


5. FBI Director, FIRED


Not to mention all your corporate law jobs, and those with the government.





Sylvia Avery

Nicely done.
Showboat. That still cracks me up.


Draw and strike-all those photos of nothing that he’s been posting. Messages embedded in them . Readable with the right key. Or the nsa could use some of those expensive computers they have to break them. An anon posted the key but I have no idea how to work it. But all his communications, which he thought safe, are comped. I’ve said it before. He’s fucked and he’s just pulling more down with him.
Steganographic is the word -sounds like a dinosaur. Hansen, the traitor used this method too.

Mary Morse

4. admitted scab


It was great hearing the roaring crowd chant, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah…




If the spiel about DJT endangering journalists was really believed, why would they all gather together to make it easier to get them?


Red Francis should mind his own business.


Explains a lot.

Sylvia Avery

WOW! TY rf121. Very interesting!


Who is the friend for whom he requested a partdon?


A genius in social media. Running rings round zuc and jack


Happy Easter all over again! Looks like a quiet new day around here.
I’d like to stick around, but it will be daylight soon enough.
And there’s a news roundup fresh off the presses too!