Are you ready? It’s RALLY DAY!
President will be at the Resch Center, Green Bay, WI, at 7:00pm for a MAGA RALLY.
I will be in Green Bay, Wisconsin this Saturday, April 27th at the Resch Center — 7:00pm (CDT). Big crowd expected! #MAGA
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 23, 2019
The President has been quite busy the past 24 hours. He held a presser yesterday morning, and gave a rousing speech to the NRA in Indianapolis. Check out our QTree thread for moment-by-moment comments. This morning, President is playing golf with Shinzo Abe of Japan. Shinzo and the Mrs., are in town to talk trade and celebrate FLOTUS Melania’s birthday last night.
While the Trumps and the Abes were having dinner, the Trump Supporters grew restless. No longer content to have a party ONLY on Rally Day, the Trump supporters have started a new tradition — the Pregame Warm Up Rally, the day before a MAGA Rally. On warm up day, Trump Supporters camp out, share food, sing, play, party, and enjoy fellowship with like-minded patriots.
Well, the RNC has taken notice of Pregame Warm Up Day and sent Kayleigh McEnany, Spox for the RNC, who visited with Trump Supporters last night and broadcast, live, during the Hannity Show.
Touching down soon for President @realDonaldTrump’s rally tomorrow in Green Bay, Wisconsin!
Heading straight to the rally venue at the Resch Center to join @seanhannity, @FoxNews in the 9 pm hour w/ @HeyTammyBruce guest hosting!
Tune in to Hannity tonight & the rally tomorrow!
— Kayleigh McEnany (@kayleighmcenany) April 27, 2019
Kayleigh found this man, a veteran who needed help, and shared his story. He’s better and made it to the Pregame Warm Up Rally.
WATCH: He called the White House VA hotline needing help.
President @realDonaldTrump & @LaraLeaTrump heard his call and now he’s camping out before the @TeamTrump rally in Green Bay!
Amazing story of a veteran who got the help he needed…
— Kayleigh McEnany (@kayleighmcenany) April 27, 2019
It was 40 degrees last night, but Trump Supporters did not care. Hey, my Wisconsin relatives wore shorts at Christmas and drank beer for breakfast. People from Wisconsin are tough!
WATCH: Why these @realDonaldTrump supporters are sleeping out in the cold and the wind the night before the @TeamTrump rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin!
— Kayleigh McEnany (@kayleighmcenany) April 27, 2019
Here’s another report from Kayleigh.
Night BEFORE the @realDonaldTrump rally in Green Bay, Wisconsin & all these patriots are literally camping out in 40 degree weather!
— Kayleigh McEnany (@kayleighmcenany) April 27, 2019
Here’s the line at 5:45AM. Their group is growing.
And all over the land, Trumpers wake up this morning in anticipation of Rally Day. Even CatTurd is excited and looking forward to this evening.
Good morning. Anyone else pumped up for the Trump rally tonight like me?
— Catturd ™ (@catturd2) April 27, 2019
Gay Republicans are ready for the Rally tonight!
The local media breaks out the remote trucks to cover the rally this evening.
President Trump Rallies Supporters Saturday Night in Green Bay Area.
— 940 WFAW (@940WFAW) April 27, 2019
This guy was on the road, to get to the rally a 3:55am this morning!
Local stations are covering Trump Supporters as dawn breaks over Green Bay.
Oh, that’s right, we forgot. Tonight is the White House Correspndent’s Dinner. With no guest of honor? A prom with no king? Where would you rather be – in Wisconsin with the President or eating rubber chicken with angry fake reporters?
When Trump Supporters can’t make it all the way to the Rally, they often plan special meals for the evening and settle in to watch the speech. Tonight, we will make grilled chicken, roasted potato wedges and a marinated asparagus.
What’s cooking at your house tonight?
Here is the RSBN Link
RSBN Pregame tailgate coverage.
Tailgate…I’m assuming brats and burgers, not pheasant and brioche?
Hey daughnworks247, to answer your question directly: We. Were. Born. Ready!
Just sayin’ …
Hehe, I’m with you, Redleg!
#QAnon is alive and well in Wisconsin.
Qewl! I love it!
8:18am – 300 people thus far.
Here’s the full picture that got cut off in that tweet:
Golden State Times will also be streaming the rally:
GST has better sound and does not drop stream like RSBN often does. GST plays patriotic music too and not that shrill metal guitar stuff.
RSBN really aggravated me during the inauguration when they split-screen their coverage to cover the protests – during the Inauguration! I had NO interest in watching the protestors and had to switch to CSPAN to watch the inauguration. I had been a generous RSBN supporter – but quit supporting them after that.
NEW group – MAGA NEWS NETWORK – will also be streaming the rally:
I like to have several alternates lined up in case of interference from MSM or YouTube/Google.
One year, the MSM messed with/sabotaged RSBN equipment at a rally – and likely some of the frequent RSBN sound and streaming problems are due to YouTube sabotage.
Sorry about the double video post….that’s what I get for racing to make a comment.
I have a feeling yesterday’s epic NRA speech is President Trump just getting pumped up for tonight!
When President Trump invited April up on stage (@41min45sec) to let her tell her story about how she used her God given right to defend herself and her family—about a minute or so in, President Trump, noticing how nervous April was with her voice quivering, reached forward putting reassuring hands on her shoulders and (if my lip-reading serves me) leans forward and says, “You are doing good.”
WOW! I could not love a fellow American more…a very special Man we Deplorables have as President.
Immediately, you could hear April’s voice begin to steady.
Yup. You saw it, too! He KNOWS how to MAGA!!!
America’s Dad!
I was glad that he brought on Mark Vaughn, the fellow from Oklahoma.

That really shook us here, when that happened.
The killer beheaded the first victim and the woman who had tried to stop him, was the one he was trying to behead when Vaughn shot him.
The killer had become a muslim while in prison!
He had been drawn to the rhetoric about how our “laws are not valid” because they were not sharia law.
He also claimed that women are better ‘controlled’ under islam and had been constantly going off on the female employees there.
It’s a shame that Vaughn didn’t take the rotten sob out.
But we have the death penalty here and Nolen will be executed soon.
The poor woman that he beheaded, had just lost her home in a big tornado strike.
It was very sad.
And there we have it – an open admission that Islam is NOT a religion by one of its filthiest jihadis.
At a certain point, some attorney is going to have to grow a pair and put the religion issue right before the courts and take it up to the Supremes. Wouldn’t it be a hoot to have all of Jefferson’s writings admitted into evidence? He was pretty sure that Islam was incompatible with America.
And he didn’t even have to sniff her hair or nuzzle her neck to encourage her!
President Trump is always busy MAGAing.
Last night he shows the American people an appropriate way to touch and speak contrasted to Biden’s perverted slimy tentacles groping and sniffing his prey.
Public speaking is not for everyone. My guess is April had never spoke before thousands.
Clearly President Trump’s gentle touch and words was both reassuring and calming for April.
Amazing how President Trump can relate to us commoners.
Neither have I spoken before thousands! I sometimes teach a safe-driving course—I remember the first time feeling my heart beating like a drum—there were only 5 students. LOL!
At the rally!
MOAR rally!
Flags and Banners flying!
Live Band!
Redneck Italian!
Hi Everyone!!! Had quite the morning and early afternoon–attended a funeral and worked 2 contracts for a house–got it accepted and now I have just a just a small amount of time before I have to go to a birthday party for a friend (SHEESH–don’t they know there’s a Trump Rally tonite!!!!!!!) So darn it…I will miss you guys–But I will be here in Spirit!!!!

Here’s a bunch of exclamation points for ya’ll to use !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and emojis
See–If my friends were more like you all…They would say–“Hey–It’s Heidi’s birthday, but there’s a Trump rally tonite. So lets all meet up and bring hot wings and finger foods and diet cokes and some adult beverages and watch our POTUS ROAR !!!!” Nobody gets me…
There we go party in my old home town! Will be here for the watch party. Will be a great weekend, rally tonight and first in person no glass visit with son tomorrow!
That’s awesome kalbren!! Enjoy your weekend!!!
I’m glad for you, kalbren.
Screen mirror the rally from your cell phone to the largest tv you can find. LOL!
Hey…who put that up there? Well, since it is already on……
James! Now there’s an idea!!! Wonder if I can add earbuds and instead of dancing to music–I could dance to President Trumps words!!! Woohee!!

Oh Marica, WE get you totally!
If for some reason I can’t be here in real time, I LOVE being able to come to one of daughn’s threads and be able to read everyone’s coverage.
I was reading through the “pre game show” stuff and thinking wistfully how much fun it would be to be there with all those MAGA people. But then I remembered we have daughn’s thread which is our own version of a tail gate party!
I’ll miss you Marica, but have fun at your party and congrats on your contracts!
Thanks Syl!!! It WILL be fun to read later tonite!! And YES!! Thank the good Lord You guys really do get me!!!

Miss you, Marica!!!!

Thanks Jan!!! You guys have fun tonite!!!
Thank you!! We have company coming tonight, but they’re Trump supporters, so hopefully we’ll see most of it!!
Wow! You have Real Live Trump Supporter friends!!! Lucky you!!! You should have a great ground report for us tomorrow!!!
Lordy! A rally tonight, and Q drops to savor before hand. O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
President Trump beat them with POLICIES, People and Perseverance!
Remember all the nasty names they called us?
But we laughed and ignored them and we VOTED to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!!
COMPARE/CONTRAST with Democrat Playbook:
Democrat Policies Are Ruination – literally!
Some MOAR Q Peeps in Wisconsin!!!
Q peeps
Hey twitter peeps–Be sure to follow Catturd tonite–His timeline should be a hoot!! and of course Shem and k_ovefe…
Ohhhh! Hotdogs! I haven’t had a hotdog in ages and it sounds so good! Just a yummy hotdog in a horribly unhealthy white bread bun and tons of mustard. Oh, maybe a little relish. Oh, and potato salad! Darn that sounds delish.
That does sound delish!! And a few tiny chopped onions and butter and toast the buns…I’m in!!!

I don’t eat onions much so you can have mine, but just mentioning the buttered and toasted buns is making my saliva flow. I forgot how much that enhances the hotdog experience!
Not a rookie to hotdogs at Marica’s house…
We don’t eat often–But we do it right!! And then eat salads for a week
Video from inside
Just fired up the grill!!!!!!!
what’s for dinner?
Ask Daughn to throw a few hotdogs on for you!!!!

Oh yeah, baby! Grilled dawgs!
Grilling chicken – made enough for COMPANY!!!! – pull up a patio chair.
Roasted potato wedges (paprika, garlic, rosemary, salt, and pepper)
Marinated Chilled Asparagus, tarragon vinaigrette, mustard and honey.
Can’t believe it is snowing in Chicago.
“Grilling chicken – made enough for COMPANY!!!! – pull up a patio chair.
Roasted potato wedges (paprika, garlic, rosemary, salt, and pepper)
Marinated Chilled Asparagus, tarragon vinaigrette, mustard and honey.
Can’t believe it is snowing in Chicago.”
We had also roasted chicken breast, roasted potato wedges and arugula salad. I served the chicken on the arugula salat. I used blood orange olive oil in the arugula salat a little see salt and lemon. I first ad salt to the salat let it sit for a little while then add the oil last the lemon. A simple meal but good !
Ha ha the dogs had each half a chicken breast added for their dinner they want more
Daghn I love asparagus mostly the white but my husband likes the green.
I have a wild story about White Asparagus.
So good. Could eat it every day.
Arugula is such a good word –
Arroz con pollo (chicken and rice) in the oven. I sang vigil Mass, so it was thrown together fast. I’m lucky I found the saffron.
My eyes well up when I see that. He loves us.
Mine do too Syl.. The President of the PEOPLE!!
Marica have a good time tonight, I know you will
My thoughts are with you and you will be missed.
Good morning SS!! I did have a good time!! Lotsa dancing and laughing…But sure did miss you guys and the Rally!!
Giggle Snort!!!
Marica !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congrats on securing the contract
Just slip into the bathroom every few minutes tonight at the party for a peek at the Rally Thread. That’s what I’m gonna do
High Five Alison!! I feel an active bladder coming on… See you in the ladies room!!!!

I cannot wait for the rally to begin. You guys do such a good job with your commentary that it is more enjoyable to be in the mitts of good people. I am happy Wolf let me into this Q Tree sanctuary .
I might not be able to post as much as you all but I read everything. I cannot like but all posts are quality and from the hart here on this Tree.
I cooked early and now am waiting with a glass of Charteuse a Herb liquor made from an agent secret recipe by Monks in the mountains of France and dark chocolate.
Singing Soul, I’ve got you right here, in my “mitt”. Don’t ever worry about that one.
“Singing Soul, I’ve got you right here, in my “mitt”. Don’t ever worry about that one.”
Awww thank you !
Chartreuse is great. Monks made the best liqueurs. Medicinal!
The boss is on his way!
Diamond and Silk are already there!
Hey guys. There was a synagogue shooting here in CA. The suspect is antimuslim, antijew who gets his info off 8chan.
Trying to bump the cycle from POTUS?
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Manifesto connected to Poway, California synagogue shooting suspect was anti-Semitic screed
Ellen Cranley
Screenshot via Google Maps
Authorities gave identifying details about a suspect in the shooting at a California synagogue that left one dead and three injured after a gunman opened fire during services Saturday.Mayor Steve Voss of Poway said the attack was a “hate crime” because of statements the shooter made while at the scene.Authorities identified the suspect as a 19-year-old male who was taken into custody on Saturday.A manifesto posted online before the attack outlines the shooter’s hatred for Jewish and others he identifies as non-white people. In the manifesto, the author identifies themselves as a 19-year-old male.The San Diego Sherriff connected the letter to the suspect in a press conference, telling reporters, “we have copies of his social media posts and his open letter.”
A manifesto that was linked to the shooter who killed one and left three injured at a San Diego-area synagogue espoused a hatred for Jewish and Muslim people and an intent to attack people of faith.
In a post on fringe messageboard 8chan, a user linking to the manifesto and a now-locked Facebook profile wrote, “It’s been real dudes. From the bottom of my heart thank you for everything.”
Authorities identified the suspect who opened fire during services Saturday as a 19-year-old male after Mayor Steve Voss of Poway said in a press conference Saturday the attack was a “hate crime” because of what the suspect said while he was at the scene.
In the manifesto posted online, the author identified themselves as a 19-year-old student.
At a press conference Saturday afternoon, San Diego County Sheriff William Gore said “we have copies of his social media posts and his open letter,” seemingly referring to the manifesto that was circulating online.
The eight-page manifesto outlines the author’s hatred for Jewish people and intent to defend what he describes as his European lineage.
The manifesto also mentions Brenton Tarrant as the author’s inspiration for the attack. Tarrant was identified as the gunman who killed 50 people at a New Zealand mosque last month while livestreaming on Facebook.
INSIDER could not independently verify the author of the manifesto
“Hey guys. There was a synagogue shooting here in CA. The suspect is antimuslim, antijew who gets his info off 8chan.
Trying to bump the cycle from POTUS?”
Gil I sense it to be a set up. 8chan would not shoot a synagog or any house of worship. This I think is a set up tying to blame Trump supporters and POTUS. Yes, divert POTUS success with the economy , his speech in Indiana and now his rally.
Prayers to the worshippers in the Synegog.
Tell me, trying to figure this out.
What idiot burns a mosque, kills jews on Passover, hates Trump because Trump supports Jews?
He’s a liberal who hates everyone.
What a mess.
The resist faction plants anti-jew stuff on the 8chan and then blames it on the patriots. Yesterday was NRA meeting. The shooter’s characteristics tells you what the opposition wants to shut down. 8chan + AR-15 were in their sighhts.
I think the delay in the President’s speech was because he wanted a briefing on what happened.
He opened with this news item and said that America would stand firmly against anti-Semitism. He also said an off-duty ICE officer prevented the shooting from going further. Massive applause.
Sorry, I’m listening whilst typing.
BIG CROWD – Long line!!!
Local news coverage:
Folks are even waiting at the airport to see AF1 and greet the President!!!
Waiting to cheer the motorcade!
Trump – 40,000
Bernie – hundreds
Beto – a couple dozen
By the way my husband told me he is seeing many Trump 2020 stickers on cars herein S-OHIO. POTUS turned us red
I am so happy because this is Strickland country . The economic boom is not here and still people are excited about POTUS. These people here are Patriots and also the young serve in the military .
Ohio represents everything wonderful about American ingenuity.
Strong state!
This is how I see our movement. God Bless President Trump. MAGA
In 1982, I had a boss who got furious with me one day and said,” That is your problem, you think you are the center of the universe.” I said, ” I am the center of my universe, aren’t you the center of your universe?”
This video takes about 1 hour, but it sums up my meaning entirely. I had never watched it until today, but it expresses what I meant quite clearly.
No doubt about it!
Understatement of the year!
UUUUUGHHHH! Once AGAIN YouTube sabotaging RSBN feed!!! The black and white flashing screen of death! No, it is NOT a coincidence—it ONLY happens when I watch rallies on RSBN.

YouTube is trying to choke them out! RSBN survives through our donations. Who wants to donate to a channel where the live stream on constantly sabotaged!!!
I will post a video of it tomorrow.
I am on Rite Side on YouTube.
Don jr is speaking. I wish someone else would introduce POTUS. I need to turn him off he grades me. I do not know what happened to him?
Maybe its me
I went off Don Jr since he and his wife split.
Then he started dating Kim Guilfoyle, Gavin Newsom’s ex? Hmm.
Check the other two feeds posted above.
Oh I know GA/FL, it’s just RSBN is trying so hard and they have been there since the very beginning.
JW – I am with you on continuing to support RSBN. They were one of the KEY elements of the Candidate Trump rallies, and they never gave up, no matter how difficult the issues they faced. For some reason their tenacity and growing pains resonated emotionally with me, and gave me a reason to keep hope alive.
It is incredibly hard to compete as a startup, especially in the political/corporate media world. I want them to be at the rallies, and I will contribute to their efforts to make that happen.
Alison, I have watched literally HUNDREDS of rallies with RSBN—from the VERY beginning. They were my go to in 2015—let me for a couple of hours feel like I was stateside and part of the action. One of the places I try to donate to as often as I can. I wish I could do more.
We adore the kids from Auburn and RSBN!
Could it be because you are in Germany?
I’m elsewhere in Europe, and, so far, my RSBN feed is fine.
I have OFTEN though the same exact thing. Merkel up to her tricks!
Maybe try through a VPN?
Was it you who said here that lots of YouTube vids are being blocked in Germany? If not, then, I read it on a UK site in the comments.
Definitely, Berlin has their iron grip on all social media platforms.
Remember, Merde-Kuh was ministerin of AgitProp in the old DDR…
(can’t be the Germans, because they don’t even get off the ground, thanks to von der Leyen)…
If you’re using the Brave Browser, they have an option for a TOR window, which (usually) works for me with geoblocking, etc. There are a lot of newspapers who block access from Europe (LA Times, for instance), and this is how I look at some articles (don’t want to waste too much time on leftist rags, but if its an article of interest…).
One thing I’ve noticed is that a blank Brave window opens up quite quickly; the QTH window (via shortcut) takes longer, and occasionally closes back down.
Hmmm. Wait… Are those black helicopters
Google’s headed for a world of hurt over here anyway; I think a 1.1 Billion Euro fine has been levied on them, IIRC. Somehow I think we the people will never see any of that money…. gotta pay for the ARD/ZDF’s Intendants’ pensions, I s’pose…
Yep. Remember that meeting between Zuck and Merde-Kuh?
Merdecul is in fact very stinky.
I can’t get any of the three feeds to give uninterrupted coverage… really blurry screen
And you’re not in EUrope!
Seriously, commiserations. Have you tried F O X ?
GST has been great so far…Thx GA/FL
2AM in Central Europe. Signal coming in 5:5!!! Presidential seal being placed on the podium!!!

You give devoted a new meaning!
MAGA BABY! Hahahaha!
I brought some snacks
I also brought donuts
Sorry it’s taking me a while to get all the food unloaded. I brought some brownies too.
I do love you, Michael!
Munch, munch, munch…
Thanks, mh – Didn’t even bother with fixing dinner!
Also some bacon×754.jpg
Excellent Michael!! RULE#3, OH YEAH!!!

Also the cheese table is ready
OMG – that cheese table is divine!!!
Oh yeah, I meant to say -> Let me know if you guys are hungry too, I can get more
RSBN has been working perfectly for me for the whole afternoon!
Dear God keep our beloved President safe.
Here we go!
Here we go!
Dad’s in the house!!!
ALPHA MALE just announced he will leave in six years’ time with America being the strongest country ever.
Crowd shouts, ‘USA! USA!’
“From the Lakes of Minnesota to the hills of Tennessee across the plains of TEXAS from sea to shining sea…”

Oh, they are wired for tonight.
Love that impish look in his eyes.
And I gladly stand up! God Bless the U.S.A!!!!!!!!!!
Go Packers!
No one I’d rather be with than you……… in the heartland
OANN can’t get its sound together, had to switch to CSPAN1
They fixed it now!!!
America’s heart is with the victims of the synagogue shooting, prayers for the wounded. Stand in solidarity with the Jewish community, Condemn the hate, must be defeated.
Grateful for law enforcement response,, incredible response.
Off duty border patrol agent.
Border patrol!!!!!!!!
He called the mayor and the Governor.
You can see the love and admiration in the eyes of the people at the rally. Awesome.
Get to the bottom of a lot of things in our country
we’re gonna get to the bottom of it
we’re gonna get to the bottom of a lot of things in this country
Yeah baby.
Music to our ears, eh?
We’re gonna get to the bottom of a lotta things happening in our country.
All citizens entitled to live in prosperity and peace, exciting times for our country.
Just yesterday, GDP —– here we go.
Border Patrol on the scene saving lives!!!
3.2 1st Quarter- WHEW WHEW!!
Prime Minister Abe – renegotiating trade deals.
Listen – we gotta do something – 68 billion in trade losses. PER YEAR
He’s putting 40 BILLIONNNNNNNNNNNNN dollars into the USA for car factories.
BILLION – with a B
Toyota’s coming back with 14 billion dollars!!!!

Poverty rate has reached lowest rate in Wisc in 22yrs
Unemployment rate is lowest in hsitory in Wisc
I’m gonna need more CHEESE!!!
A full cheese drawer makes me feel rich
Come on Wisconsin!
We’re #1 BABY ———— He’s done it. Wow.
“The no 1 economy in the world and its not even close!”
Historic lows for unemployment in Wisconsin!! Crowd: USA USA USA

Wisconsin poverty rate lowest in 22 years, unemployment historic low

#1 Economy, no one else even close
It was determined I had more Indian blood and I had none.
Saturday night, is there any place that’s more fun than a Trump rally?
Imagine Sleepy Joe, Crazy bernie
I think Pocahontas is out.
Determined I had more Indian blood – end of her 30yrs scam on colleges.
Pocahontas, She’s finished, She’s done
Our VSG just wiped her out of the race
Bad weather – might have to cancel – can you imagine?
Boooooooooooo from the crowd.
People who get it wrong the most are weather forecasters and political analysts.
ROARRRRRRR from the crowd
Oh VSG is ON!
Booooooooo from the crowd
“They’re so angry
Meanwhile those nasties at the whcd are shut out again!
And no one’s watching!
Lock her up
Lock her up
Historic low unemployment in Wisconsin! Yet another Historic mark!
“Lock her up!!! Lock her up!!”
We just set the record for this facility!!!!!!!
Makes the media nuts
See his flash of a grin at the end of the Lock Her Up! chant?
I saw that grin.
He grinned!!!!!!!!!!!
Attendance set the record!
He beat Elton John’s record!!!
Elton who?
Record attendance!!!
And it’s not me – it’s a movement
It’s you
It’s a movement!!!
collusion delusion
it’s not about just me – it’s about stopping YOU
about stopping the millions of people who rose up on that cold November day, who rose up and demanded a government that puts America first
And we’re doing it
Japan… USMCA
“Like the song YMCA”
POTUS is reading WQTH!!!
“Witch-hunt wasn’t about me…about millions and millions of people who voted for better government!!!!”
Put pressure on your Congressmen and senators, cuz maybe they would rather we have a loss – than do what’s right
I don’t like when companies leave
Pressure on Congress!!!!!!
Manufacturers, farmers, no firing and moving to other countries.
People aren’t going to be firing people and moving to other countrys
RECORD CROWD TONIGHT! Beat Elton John’s 10,414 crowd for this arena.
In 2106 – Trump had record crowds – set attendance records in venue after venue.
Trump set a record for number of primary votes in history of Republican party – even with a record number of GOP candidates.
Trump set a record for Republican election donation dollars.
Trump has set record Social Media numbers for a political non-Hollywood figure.
Trump has just set the GOP record for number most individual donors in Republican history – mostly small contributions from 2.6 million Americans
And he’s going to do the same again this time around!
Wowwww – we’re in good company!
Can you believe I am a politician
Remember that “spell” we went through before I became a politician
when companies moved away
example of canada milk tariff
Those kids behind the Pres are great!
Put a lot of pressure on these geniuses over here – pointing to Congressmen in the room
China – 500 billion in CASH
As Prime Minister Abe said, “No one no President has ever talked to me this way”
He’s a friend of mine but no one has ever talked to him this way
We want to sell the agriculture
They sell the cars
We want to sell the agriculture and other stuff
Don’t forget, we have all the cards
We’re the piggy bank
No matter how they try to stop us – they can’t
We’re the piggy bank
that everybody is robbing, stealing from, taking advantage of.
to the media
I promise I will leave in 6yrs, but YOU will be left with the strongest country you’ve eveer had
President for Life!!!

he gets my vote!
Of, by, and for the people
Ooooooooo the scum, who are leaving the very top of government
They are leaving, 21 of them, got caught, like nobody ever got caught
We’re draining the swamp
21 of em are now gone, more to come
We’re draining the swamp but are we having a good time or WHAT
Look at all those red hats, white, black
We need to make a decision
you want to make it tonight?
MAGA COUNTRY!!!! Third rate actor!
“That 3rd rate actor…”
Ooooh he’s tearing into Smollett!
MAGA Country
Didn’t hear that term until that 3rd rate actor (Smollett)
MAGA Country
Hate crime
That case in Chicago is a disgrace to our nation
MAGA Country!!!
3rd rate actor in Chicago, total lie, case is disgrace to our nation
So we have a decision to make……..
Hi Marica – in case you r checking in.

Just made it to ladies room!! Lol!! Hi Alison!!!
Girl! You Bad! Hahaha!
100% of caliphate gone
Kek, indeed.
Have you ever seen so many cameras?
This is like the Academy Awards used to be, before they started hating us
Reference to McCain on healthcare
We gotta take back the house
we got rid of the individual mandate
Nod to Sarah Huckabee
WILD Cheers for Sarah!!!!!!!!!!
And a HUGE boo for McCain….
“Did you ever see so many cameras?”

Points to the media.
“It’s like the Academy Awards used to be…before they started hitting us.”
Here comes SARAH!!!!!!!!!!
The great Sarah Huckabee Sanders! Crowd goes WILD!!!
That gave me goosebumps. Such a deserving reaction and ovation. Sarah MAGA hero!
She did deserve it.
That cheer of sheer appreciation will keep her warm in the deep freeze of the press room
Sarah Sanders gets a really nice long cheer. Much better than her reception at the WH Correspondents dinner.
Sarah, Sarah, Sarah!!! How cool! She richly deserves it. In a sense she has taken a lot of crap for us.
‘We’re going to take back the House, win the Senate and win the Presidency!’
Goes on to introduce ‘the great’ Sarah Huckabee Sanders to rapturous applause.
Sarah – Obviously I thought it was going to be a little warmer in Wisc, but it’s pretty hot in this room
Sarah is kicking A$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Makes a joke about Sarah being fired – we love the group
He’s moving on to Ron Johnson, Senator
Ron Johnson is really good.
Okay. I have yet to see evidence of it, but oh! Wait! “He’s working on some things right now that are very important” Wow wow wow!!!!
Wonder what that could be? Hmmmmm………
Chairman of Homeland Security Committee…and just wrote that letter with Grassley to AG Barr… Something’s up
How wonderful! He deliberately brought Sara out on this the anniversary date of that nasty debacle of the WHCD. The vermin were so hateful toward her… and now he gave her great recognition and honor.

Remember people, our POTUS NEVER FORGETS.
That was just awesome. I admit I got a little misty.
Ahem…me too.
That was very touching. President Trump is so gracious & genuine about sharing credit with his team. Sarah is an exceptional Press Secretary.
How in the world were you able to watch and comment from the bathroom Alison? Dang!! You da Queen!! I was lucky to pull up this site and make one comment!!! People not happy in my bathroom if you take too long!! LOL!!!

Love Senator Ron Johnson, the releaser of depositions!
I love that kid behind him who keeps nodding his head, agreeing with the Pres.

He’s leaning forward…very stoked…wearing a MAGA hat.
Big smile.
Parscale’s people really did a good job screening the background crowd this time!
This x1000! I was pleasantly surprised.
Senator Ron Johnson — PDJT describes him as ‘Wisconsin tough’.
My former boss from the Bronx referred often — and admirably — to ‘cornfed Midwesterners’, same thing.
Sean Duffy working on reciprocal taxes, YES!!
Various politicians…….. intro
Since the election – 6 million new jobs
Remember before the election
2 1/2yrs
Standing in my bedroom in the White House, – I should say OUR bedroom
no admin has done as much as we have
Chants – 4 more years
yesterday was FLOTUS birthday
we’re about the same age – laughter
6 million jobs
600K manuf jobs
magic wand – remember Obama
We found the magic wand
He and FLOTUS are about the same age, LOL

‘No administration has done as much as ours has in the first two years — ever.’
23K manuf and construction jobs in Wisconsin – a record
wages are rising – first time in 21yrs
“We’re about the same age”
so funny!
*waving* Hi Tonawanda, glad to see you tonight
Always a pleasure to see you, Sylvia Avery!
Wha I love is that wages are rising fastest for lowest income americans
#4MoreYears will be a great hashtag & bumper sticker!
AMEN, Alison!
Wages Rising

Love the black guy in the background doing the Tomahawk chop
I know, right?
But CNN [based in the home of the Tomahawk Chop] no doubt thinks he’s a raciss like the Covington kids.
Says that not so long ago you couldn’t find a job. Now you can ‘with seven different alternatives’.
CNN Sucks CNN Sucks

You know what sucks, their ratings suck
Chants of CNN sucks
Trump: You know what sucks? Their ratings suck.
Some here might not like their children. “Im not going to leave him the damned farm.”
Ha. He really has a great sense of humor.
Tax cuts
Estate tax cuts to kids
“I don’t like the kid, I’m not leaving him my damn farm”
Estate Tax was my wheelhouse, professionally. It’s what I did.
Estate tax is devastating to small biz and farms
It’s GREAT policy
Talks about eliminating estate tax on farms: huge cheers. ‘Zero! Zero!’, says PDJT.
Companies coming back to our nation
The era of economic surrender is OVER
“The era of economic surrender is over!”

What a great line!
It’s really quite unbelievable – our leaders were surrendering our country, our wealth, our resources, and innovation
‘Those companies are all coming back!’
Talks about an award he received from Michigan, Econ Council, Man of the Year.
Used to wonder why the heck all the car companies were leaving?
Now tariffs on dumped goods and subsidized goods.
TPP was the greatest threat to America, would’ve gutted the auto industry
Also Paris Accord, hows Paris doing?? It was a ripoff, would’ve stolen our jobs
“We would’ve lost our ass on that.”
I was glad to take the heat, but there’s been no heat, maybe Bernie will give some
Paris Accord: ‘I ended that one too. Saved a lot of money, a lot of jobs … A rip-off.’
‘We would have lost our ass on that deal.’
What’s so wrong with losing our Donkeys to the Paris Accord?
Please take them!!
Paris Accord – thought I would take heat – nothing
Hey Bernie – take a look at Paris on a Saturday afternoon – not so good.
TPP – What a mess
America will not be taken advantage of any longer
for year, we gave foreign nations unfettered access to our nation – they shut us down
“America will not be taken advantage of any longer!!!”
Wisconsin paper companies
China, India, Vietnam, massive tariffs when we wanted to sell in their country
Harley Davidson
“Reciprocal Trade Act!!”
When you think about it, VSG is making it very, very hard for the globalist/leftists to do these rip-off deals in the future.
India has a 100% tariff on Harley’s
Trump called Prime Minister Modi, he cut it to 50%, not good enough.
We’re working it out.
I Don’t want to embarrass anybody…but we spend $4.5Billion defending a rich country, they pay us only $500million. One phone call they paid $500million more.
Saudi is very rich. I called the King, we’re losing our ass defending you and you have a lot of money!

We’re negotiating. It’s like collecting rent from a tenant, only easier, and safer!
It’s easier collecting $137.00 for rent in a poor part of town.
That was awesome!
Saudi Arabia: ‘King, we’re losing our ass defending you. And you have a lot of money.’
Good example
Rich country
We spend 5 billion defending them, they spend 500 million
cost us 4.5 billion
No one ever talked to me like this – it’s not fair
He agreed to pay 500 million more, budget was set, up in one month
Trump got more than 500 million more in ONE PHONE CALL – no one ever called them
NOW, it’s next year, we want more
We subsidize Saudi Arabia
they buy a lot – they have nothing but cash
they bought 450 BILLION dollars so I don’t want to lose them
I called the king, I like the king
“We’re losing our ass defending you”
King – why are you calling me, no one has ever called me before
It’s like collecting rents bad locations in NYC – and safer too
You could hear a pin drop, the crowd gets so quiet, listening to him.

It’s like a bunch of kids listening to ‘Dad’ telling a story.
I love it!
It’s Alpha Male time: why the Dems are so ‘triggered’.
IKR, it’s wonderful, isn’t it?
Incredibly difficult to do that as a speaker.
There are very few people who can captivate a huge crowd like that…by just Talking To Them.
So-called ‘entertainers’ in Hollywood can only *wish* that they had that ability.
Because I cannot think of a single one who can do that!
And he was talking about…Politics!
This used to be a boring subject for people.
But that was Before Trump!
USMCA – expects Wisc dairy to Canada to surge 30%
Gotta get the deal done.
Radical Left Democrat Party
and they will take your guns away, by the way
‘We will live by two simple rules: buy American and hire American.’
“Buy American, hire American right here In Wisconsin.” Crowd roars!!!

“Build that walll!!!!!!!!”
‘The Radical Left Democrat Party … And they will take your guns, too, by the way.’
Noticing the signs behind POTUS and across the room…
Many with TRUMP (ONLY) 2020
Fewer TRUMP Pence 2020
Parscale at work?
“Nothing more dangerous that the Democrats crazy immigration policy.”
Crazy immigration policies
We’re building the wall by the way – 400 miles of wall by end of next year
They will give me money for ANYTHING i wnt
nothing for the wall
We are building the wall
their entire party has been taken over by radicals by people who want open borders.
They want open borders BOO
(Except Cher
Even she’s changed her mind this past week.
Nooooooooooo , we don’t like unchecked immigration
Paid for by US taxpayer
Needs of American families first
They have to come in legally and they have to come in through MERIT
We will always support the people of ICE and Border Patrol
100K a month, strain on resources
sending them to sanctuary cities
That was my idea
“Now we’re sending many of them to Sanctuary Cities. Thank you very much.”

Crowd goes wild!
“That was actually my sicko idea.”
Americans first…merit..Support ICE …sending many of them to sanctuary cities, my sick idea

Wealthy liberals live behind walls, go to the best doctors, and send their kids to private schools. They preach open borders but it puts a strain on community resources.

Sending illegals to sanctuary cities.
I’m proud to tell you that was my sick idea
Love that man!!!
“That was my sick idea”.
Re sanctuary cities, crime, etc. ‘They don’t mind crime, if you can believe it.’
Brings drugs – 80, 90, 100K dead a year
To confront the border crisis I declared a national emergency
I told Mexico – we’ll close the damn border
Flood of immigrants is a direct result of bad Dem immigration policy
congress has to fix it
To Mexico, if you let those people come to our country, we’re going to close the Border!
Beautiful sentence about immigration
Ron johnson – stand up – get it done
Kisses Michael

100 TRILLION dollar take over for the Green New Deal
He’s giggling.
abolish private health care for 180 million
extreme late term abortion
Just this week, your Dem Governor Booooooooooo
Scott Walker is here
I have a theory…this green new deal wanting to replace buildings in Manhattan and Mayor DeBlowhard stating that all steel and glass buildings are a threat to climate change….They are out to destroy Tump’s physical properties Not just his reputation and presidency! What do you think?
Yep. I was thinking that too. DePastyO, Chuckles Schumer, and that idiot Nadler all seem to have scores to settle. Scores where THEY were doing dirty deeds and got caught…
I just read VSGPDJT book Art of the Deal. Nadler has been after him since the ’80’s all about Trump’s style of development in Manhattan.
$100Trillion Green New Deal
He was laugh talking for a minute there on redoing all the buildings.
He’s having fun, isn’t he. Look at him…he looks invigorated and younger today than he did two years ago.
Just amazing.
I love our President!
Good. Had a go at late term abortion: ‘ripping children from their mother’s womb’.
“Scott Walker is here!!!” Crowd goes wild!!!
Dem Governor will not protect Wisc babies born alive
oh boy
Called on Congress to pass late term abortion
We’re the party of the American worker, the American family and the American dream
chants of USA
Promises made; Promises kept.
Where is Charlie – he’s 25yrs old
Look at what Charlie (Turning Point) has done.
Nice tribute to Charlie Kirk.
The kids all knew who he was…nodding and clapping.
Very cool!
Free Speech on College Campuses!!
Oh boy, here’s the Ohio State player, MAGA guy.
Trump was watching the NFL draft
Signed the order to defend free speech on college campuses
Lose billions
Prescription drugs
Last year, Prescription drug prices went down for the first time in 51YRS
Needs more down
Prescription Drugs, it’s a rigged system, it’s a web.
I have a theory…this green new deal wanting to replace buildings in Manhattan and Mayor DeBlowhard stating that all steel and glass buildings are a threat to climate change….They are out to destroy Tump’s physical properties Not just his reputation and presidency! What do you think?
Collateral damage.
Agree 110%.
Might be able to work with the Dems on Prescription Drugs
Web of confusion
Need a 193IQ to untangle it.
Interesting note as to why it is so complicated.
Big Pharmaceutical CEO arrested last week. The web being picked apart?
‘Prescription drugs, look, it’s a rigged system.’
“Always going to protect Pre-existing Conditions.”
Crowd goes wild.
“The Republicans will always support patients with pre-existing conditions!!”
Always protect pre existing conditions.
Get people off the back of people who enjoy the outdoors hunters, fisherman
SuLocks – big program for Wisconsin
First Great Lakes Freighter in 35yrs building in Sturgeon Bay
$300million for Great Lakes initiative. And Sioux Locks, what’s that?
Soo Locks (I made the same spelling mistake, BTW):
Thanks CM!
You’re welcome!
Mentioned the new Sioux locks!
First Great Lakes freighter to be built in 35 years — in Sturgeon Bay.
Sorry, should be Soo Locks.
A freighter named Soo…
Makes me think of the Soo Line (train fan here) (from a C&O heritage)…
Yes, I remember the Soo Line, too. It ran along that same part of the Midwest and was a subsidiary of Canadian Pacific:,_St._Paul_and_Sault_Ste._Marie_Railroad
I was sorry that so many American/Canadian railway lines went out of business or were consolidated.
Somewhere, I probably still have a pack of Rio Grande playing cards from the early 1960s.
And who can forget the Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe jingle?
And Chessie, the C&O cat? (hey, it’s caturday here)…
Somehow CSX just doesn’t have the same ring…
And AT&SF merging with Burlington Northern to become BNSF… yuck… MRGA (Make Railroading Great Again)….
BTW, the “Big Boy” 4014 which had been “resting and rusting” down in SoCal, has been restored at the UP shops (I think in Cheyenne) and is slated to be running again this May. They converted it to oil (sniff), but that might make it easier to go places it couldn’t before (since they’re just using it as a show engine, but who knows? There was a case where a steam engine being moved ended up saving the day for some underpowered diesels…).
Oh, yes, Chessie — thanks for the reminder! Liked her, too.
BNSF was exactly what I was thinking of in my earlier comment.
Agree about MRGA. That would be a great environmental move without being environmentalist, so to speak.
Thanks for the update on ‘Big Boy’ 4014. Please update when he starts running again.
Here’s some info from the UP page about the restoration. They are also restoring the 3985 Challenger, which had for years been the largest excursion loco out there, a 4-6-6-4 as opposed to Big Boy’s 4-8-8-4. As they share a lot of parts, they were able to make extras for the Challenger, as well as some spares. Good to see that they’re doing it right!
And from, who have a huge list of articles and links:
And Trains Magazine, who have been following the whole process:
Sounds like 12th May is their first public excursion. Wish I could be there…
There’s a trip on May 4th to celebrate the 150th Anniversary of the Golden Spike commemorating the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad in Promontory Point, Utah. Hmmm. May the 4th be with you…
Also, Trains Magazine will be livestreaming the excursion.
Thanks a bunch, CC!
Have bookmarked them all.
Do you know that, offline, I am the only person who remembers Promontory Point, Utah, for the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad?
It was hammered into our heads in US History for two or three years between elementary and high school, yet, I’m the only one who remembers. That was, as the President would say, YUGE!
Thank you again for your time. I will enjoy reading — and rereading — about Big Boy and America’s golden age of railways.
Here’s an article about the “Golden Spike” (although there were four of them, and not all golden):
An excerpt from that article reads:
“Arduously verbose” – some things never change…
Remember the other speaker at the Gettysburg Address? Who spoke for over an hour? Most people don’t, even though he was one of the most accomplished and interesting orators of his day…
Here’s a pic of Chessie, from an advertising poster. “Sleep like a kitten”… There were three other cats, “Peak” (Chessie’s “husband”), and their kittens, “Nip” and “Tuck”… One of the most successful ad campaigns ever. Another fallen flag, but a great memory nonetheless…
That is simply sublime, CC.
Thank you kindly for the advert. Have bookmarked.
Oh, for the golden age of railway travel!
“I admit it. I was hooked.” Sir Michael Palin, “Confessions of a Train Spotter”… I guess he’s probably another of the few people who actually like to stop at rail crossings to see the cars go by
Thank you very much.
Most British men of his vintage are into trains.
It is a pity that the authorities discouraged ‘trainspotting’, as we call it, nearly 20 years ago, maybe after 9/11. ‘It might present a terror threat’.
That said, I saw a documentary on model trains and a whole new generation of boys is getting interested thanks to their dads and other men in the family.
We’re UNSIGNING the UN small arms treaty
No foreign bureaucrat to impose on our sovereignty
Withdraw from Iran Deal What an impact that’s had.
“We’re never going to allow foreign bureaucrats to trample on America’s freedoms.”
“We’re not going to allow others to trample on America’s freedom!!!!”
Unsigning UN Arms Trade Treaty.
We’ll never allow foreign bureaucrats to trample on America’s freedom.
Iran was in 14 different conflict zones
All over the place.
Hostages – BTW I got 22 hostages out. Trump is the best.
Trump made the claim – press screamed it was not true. When Press found out it was true, instead of reporting it, they stopped talking about it
Story of the Israeli embassy in Jerusalem
POTUS is the greatest orator in the history of orators!
*waving* hi Curry!!! Good to see you.
He really *is*, isn’t he.
Just amazing!
Actually, I’ve sold Jerusalem stone. He’s right about that.
Trump announces USA will recognize Israel ruling over the Golan Heights.
Studied for 52yrs.
I did it.
Golan heights…BeBe going to name an area after Trump!
You KNOW that made the liberals go “Splodey head”
The Golan Heights!!!!
Discussing the Jerusalem Embassy: ahead of time, well under budget.
‘The US will recognise Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.’
I have never seen a President do this…talk, unscripted, to large crowds like this…for over an hour.
This is just amazing.
What an exciting time to be alive.
And like he’s talking to one person.
Have to be comfortable in your own skin.
Naturally confident, and Trump oozes it.
America will never be a Socialist country, never!

Story of Venezuela – America will never be a socialist country
America will never be a socialist country, ever!
‘America will never be a socialist country. Never,’
We’re having a good time because we’re talking about a subject we love, The United States of America.

Noo….he’s starting his wrap up.
Already???? Time flies by when he speaks.
I hope the Trump campaign is filming at least one of these rallies with a camera on a wire zooming over the crowd like the NFL Draft.
So cool looking!
Me too, Curry…let’s hope Parscale is on that!
He could be getting lots of great footage at these rallies.
I’ve seen some professional-looking cameramen at some of these…look like they are probably with the Campaign because of their close-in access.
So I *hope* they’re getting some of this!
Curry, what a great idea!!!!!!!!!
Boy this crowd has a lot of enthusiam
Helluva crowd
Saturday night
And you know why we’re having a good time, because we’re talking about important issues……… goes on a rift that is magical ending on Respect Our American Flag
In God We trust.
“We believe in religious liberty, and in the right to bear arms!!!!”
Glad you got that one Jan.
“We believe in our national motto, In GOD we trust!!!!!”
VSG is wonderfully asserting a beautiful American cultural message.
Yes. SO important. I love this guy.
DAMN!!!!!!!! that was powerful
We need to rewind
YOU took back YOUR country rift – bookmark that one
Chants of 4 MOAR YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!
You were betrayed by dishonest people, you were betrayed by stupid peoples.
You recaptured your country 2yrs ago.
As Prime 17 patriot states “these people are stupid!”
It all began with: we will be saying Merry Christmas again. Everything VSG says is consistent with that glorious aspiration.
4 MORE years!! Then Don Jr. ! A President who is loyal to you!
Ivana was not a US citizen when he was born.
I like Eric. Would that work?
Who is his mother?
Tiffany is the only possibility.
I haven’t heard a president talk like this since Reagan.
Reagan was good…but he was different, had a different style.
I used to say that Reagan could make the dead rise from their graves and wave a flag.
He was that good.
But Pres Trump is taking it to a different level.
Reagan never did what he’s doing…didn’t do rallies like this.
Pres Trump is the man for this This time…at this crucial point in our history.
We are so blessed to have him!
You’re right, Wheatie. We are so lucky and blessed.
Yes, Reagan was fantastic on the patriotic front, and you’re right as well, DJT is taking this to a different level, a necessary one. Reagan’s time was easier than where the country ended up at the end of Obama. Back then we didn’t fear that our country was lost, but these days – that’s not the case.
Reagan was pre mass internet, pre search engines, pre social media, pre Rush Limbaugh, pre Fox News, pre most cable TV. His first election was 28 years before the Tea Party was founded.
Desktop publishing started when he was president, leading to a plethora of specialized magazines and newsletters, Meaning, in his first term, only the wealthy could get their opinions into mass publications.
Pre-Rush meant few if any influential AM radio shows. Almost no political call-in shows, in most parts of the country.
The rot had already put down roots in DC, Hollywood, Ivy League, other universities, (but not yet Silicon Valley, so much,) but it had not yet dropped its mask.
Reagan accomplished a tremendous amount, but aimed at far more. He kept getting snookered by his own party. RepubliCONs in control, legislatively, whenever “we” had a majority in a chamber of Congress.
None of this was nearly as well understood then as it is now, maybe not even among professionals in the field. And certainly not by members of the general public, without Q, Wolf, Flep, Sundance, Trump, Rush, Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin, Michelle Malkin, Candace Owens, etc. to explain it to us. No #WalkAway, no #BLEXIT, no # of any kind. Sending mail to the editor meant using a typewriter, and waiting in line at the post office to buy stamps, if you were out.
The script was “Sink the Deep State”, take 1, with no one to show us the script, no one to tell us what time the shoot started, no one to tell us we were making a movie. And none of us knew we had a Deep State, or would have believed it, if told.
So I would say Reagan had it tougher. Watching Trump and his team, I see how much they (and we) have learned from Reagan’s go at it. Most importantly, they realize this is for all the marbles, so they are careful to wargame everything out, and not to make important mistakes.
Good points and analysis.
BTW, Thank You Miss Wheatie for My Beautiful Flower Tree today. I love it!

Aww…you are so very welcome, Butterfly!

I am thrilled that you like it!
Exactly so, Wheatie.I loved Reagan and longed so much for another Reagan. What I finally realized was things had changed so much another Reagan wouldn’t cut it in this day and age. We needed a dragonslayer for these times. And thank God we got one.
Please see my reply to ladypenquin, above.
Cometh the hour – cometh the man. What a MAN!!
You have always been loyal to this nation and now you have a President who is finally loyal to YOU.
Winning, keep on winning,
every leader who comes to the USA tells me, without fail
we’ve created 12 TRILLION in value since the election
our primary competitor has lost 17 trillion
they’re not catching us now
We’re way out in front
POTUS with the “loyalty oath” again!
Liberty justice freedom and we’re going to stand for justice given to us by the hand of almighty God, one union one ………
I esp. loved this one
We’ve added $12Trillion to the economy. They’re not catching us now, we are way out in front.
Thank you Wisconsin!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did y’all say out loud with him and clap at the end like me??

You betcha!
OH NOES!!!!!

The greatest close in political history!
Impossible to love or respect this man more.
Until the next time Tona

Hey folks, MAJOR BURN
C-Span 1 carried the President’s speech and NOT the WH Correspondents Dinner
it’s ok, CNN will carry the hilites
And no one will watch.
Bacon was delicious Michael…

Watch, They’ll replay him fake firing Sarah. Over and Over and Over….
Because they have such a great appreciation of POTUS’ sense of humor!
And that’s why they’re FAKE NEWS!
WH splodeyhead dinner.
It’s gotten so vulgar, vile, vituperative, and vengeful – that it isn’t for G and even R rated audiences any more.
They switched when rally was over, that was my cue to switch. At least POTUS cut out their 1st hour of broadcast
One hour and 29 minutes, by my calculations.
PDJT’s hair and skin tone are perfect, BTW.
Amazing – all those decades, Donald Trump was so quiet, soft-spoken.
Who would have ever thought he could rile up a crowd like this!!!!
If you try real hard, you get what you need America!
Whew!!!! What a GREAT rally!!!
That was simply great. Thanks for the thread DNW.
The stands emptied out in record time. Crikey.
I’m such a goof. Every time I hear You Can’t Always Get What You Want my eyes start to sting. First time I realized he was using it after every speech and I wondered WTH? Why would he use that–not a very positive message. And then I got it. It was honest. He knew he wasn’t everyone’s first choice or even second choice–but he was what we needed.
He’s so smart, so perceptive. And so funny.
Its deeper than that Sylvia. This is one of God’s “indirect” messages – the “fallen one” temps you with your “wants” – God gives you what you need.
Also Socialism vs Capitalism:
You can’t always get what you want [handouts], but if you try [work] real hard, you get what you need.
Yup, if something is true on multiple levels – THAT you can put in the bank.
I never thought of it like that before, but yeah that message resonates. You’re right.
POTUS brought back that great song – better than ever before!
It’s 35 years old but now it’s synonymous with him.
Heheh…there are probably kids who think of this song as the “Trump rally song”.

So true.
Played for Reagan at the 1994 convention and of course, very popular in ’90-91 gulf war.
1984 convention!
I take great satisfaction in knowing that these rallies drive the Globalist Uniparty and their toadies in the MSM and Hollywood absolutely nuts. Imagine that…an American President who is pro-America. The nerve!
Thank you, President Trump…thank you from the bottom of my heart!
What a crowd! …Record-breaking!
Did our Deplorable Patriots beat the Elton John record?? Please!!!
Yes! Yes they did…they broke the record, bigtime!
thanks Wheatie!!!! Winning!! I’m not tired!!! Never will be!!!
Sarah was great!
Yes she was…
Remember how utterly nasty the White House Correspondents Dinner speaker treated Sarah Sanders last year???
Yes! That was horrible.
I was so glad that Pres Trump did this…brought her out and gave her some positive attention.
The crowd loved her!
It was pretty stunning, actually. As if people wanted to make it up to her for all the crap she has had to take from the evil media, for being harassed at that restaurant, last years WHC dinner, all of it. Because she has taken all of that for PDJT and for us. God bless her, I loved seeing her face so lit up. I think she got the message she is loved and appreciated.
When they abuse her, they are abusing us by proxy.
Sylvia – absolutely! Sarah is a jewel!!! No one even remembers the name of that “comedian” that was so vulgar towards her last year. Sarah is going to go down in history as one of the finest press secretaries ever.
She has taken the slings and arrows as strongly as has our POTUS! with class and style…and HUMOR!! She truly is the PERFECT Press Sec to our President Trump!!! He certainly Knows how to pick them!!
I think she has her Father’s wit and humor. The Huckster is funny!!!
NF!! I agree!! And Her Dad is such a Stand Up MAN!! Truly a Patriot!! She definitely takes after him…
And, directed White House Staff to not attend WHCD.
HJope the nasty MCM had a miserable evening. They’ve earned.
Kalbo – deep down inside they are furious and sickened with humiliation that they have been dismissed as the gnats that they are by this President and his administration. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving group.
Heheh…I just posted that on the Open Thread a few minutes ago.

SuperHero Sarah Sanders!!! I adore her!!!

Thanks for the THREAD Daughn,
and kudos to everyone for the running commentary
and to Michael for all the food… I am too stuffed to sleep !!!!!!!
Michael needs to add Pepto and Tums to the menu, my tummy hurts

Hey, who ate all my BACON??
The funny part is if I really DID bring that to the rally there wouldn’t be enough for everybody!
This is miles better than any of the rally threads OT.
We are the news, both online and off!
Group does a terrific job with these threads
Thank you, daughn, for setting them up for us and for being such an absolute queen of transcribing! Very fast and very good!!! XOXO
Many thanks to Wolf, Daughn and all commenters.
Splendid work by all!
Yes. I really enjoy reading everyone’s posts! It’s fun to see what hits other people!
This x1000!
Thanks, Sylvia!
Happy to watch it with you, CM!
WH Correspondents Dinner came on after the rally
OMG – it’s like a wake
Ed Henry won an award for an interview with Scott Pruitt – the interview that got him fired.
An Atlantic reporter got an award for “Shithole countries”
This is a hate fest
Thanks for reporting.
Wonder if they get to charge this fete to the government since POTUS wasn’t there ?
Pres. Trump would rather be with us than them.
“You are the elite.”
Truth!! TT!!!
“This is a hate fest”
Anyone know how many requests for tickets to the rally went out? Last time, it was 180,000!
Meanwhile, here’s Bernie on the campaign trail!
Apparently just a couple 100, and o’dork had a couple dozen. Lets see how pedo joe does.
Candidate Trump would have quit the race.
Gil – “O’Dork” and “Pedo Joe” – gotta love those names. Bwhahahahah! I also love “backwards Biden”. Seems appropriate.
Bwaahaa haha!
Should we count voters or votes by rally attendance? VSGPDJT wins hands down!
Oh, hahahahah! Thanks for the pic. That is just too funny!
Wow – what a crowd!
Sarah Sanders posted earlier today….
Gary Cohn is at Correspondents dinner
Stelter is there
No comedian this year
Historical biographer gave a speech
Can’t tell you a single thing he said.
Wow, I’m looking at the crowd – what a bunch of unattractive people
White House Codependent’s Dinner.
“Codependency is a behavioral condition in a relationship where one person enables another person’s ADDICTION, POOR MENTAL HEALTH, IMMATURITY, IRRESPONSIBILITY, or UNDERACHIEVEMENT. Among the core characteristics of codependency is an excessive reliance on other people for approval and a sense of identity.” [Emphasis added]
Good point, Curry.
They all look washed out.
No one has good skin.
Being unhappy, dissatisfied, angry at the world will do that to a person. The Democrat party attracts the malcontents of society; along with the decadent, depraved, sickos/psychos.
If you look at the people who attend their campaign stops you see the same time of unhappiness.
Well done thread, QTreepers!
Great job!
Thank you to Michael for all the great snacks!
Next time I’ll bring some healthy stuff like Kale wraps.
Thanks for the great thread, Daughn!

And also for the great job you did on transcribing the President’s words…and so fast!
You have mad typing skills, m’lady.
Very impressive!
Me too!
thanks Daughn for the great thread and all who contributed…I wasn’t able to watch it, but thru you guys, I could feel and the love and excitement!
Ya’ know, Pat, we didn’t realize it until we did one of these threads, but the spontaneous response from regular people is the best way to gauge what was said.
That way, we don’t get the filter from the media. It’s clearer and more honest.
We didn’t plan it that way, but it was a lucky discovery.
Cancel the rally for snow in wisconsin?
You gotta love the guy who said- my family wears shorts in dec & drinks beer for breakfast. We are tough!
Maga kaga
That was me.
Cousin Bobby used to be the Service Manager for the largest Harley Dealer in Kenosha, Wisconsin. His wife’s name was George – she was the tough one.
Funny story.
Our B&B is a fine and graceful mansion. This illusion of southern aristocracy, right? Well, Cousin Bobby always traveled to Daytona for Bike Week.
One the way home, he would take the long road back to Wisconsin and stop here for a few days. We had the bikers and the travel trailers, with the race bikes, parked all over the grounds or spilled over to the school next door.
Of course, all they wore was black leather.
I would make gorgeous breakfasts — and yes, they drank beer with breakfast, at 8:30AM.
If its less than a 12 inch snowfall the kids prob still have school in your neck of the woods.
I grew up in Chicago burbs. Not ONCE did we miss school cuz of snow.
First husband’s crew was from Wisconsin.
BTW, I’m noticing your name…..
My grandparents were Iowa Hawkeye Boosters for 50 yrs (Davenport/Bettendorf).
Thats great i live just west of dav & will be working in bettendorf today. & the rivers rising!