open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody
to post whatever they feel they would like
to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.
Say what you want, comment on what other people said,
comment on people’s comments.
Keep it civil. Treehouse rules, but expect lots of QAnon.
See the January 1st daily thread for the rules of the road,
which are few but important.
Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:
He Is Risen!
Orthodoxy and Calendars
We are here to rejoice in solidarity with our Orthodox brothers and sisters as they celebrate the resurrection of our Savior today. But first, let’s spend a moment thinking about why calendars were so important that two of the oldest sects of Christianity are unable to pick the same date for Easter?
While the issue is somewhat complicated, it may be summarized in the two factors at work that cause this conflict in dates:
1) The issue of the calendar; and
2) the adherence by the Orthodox to the early practices of the Christian Church.— Why is Orthodox Christian Easter later than the Catholic one?
For the last week I’ve been pondering this. I’m not an expert on anything, but it seems that it has to do with the character of each stream of the faith. I’m thinking about that in the context of the God’s gifts to the Church.
And he gave some as apostles, others as prophets, others as evangelists, others as pastors and teachers, to equip the holy ones for the work of ministry, or building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of faith and knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood,to the extent of the full stature of Christ… Ephesians 4:11-13
The early Fathers of the Church that stood their ground against every heresy. Those following in their footsteps would be expected to default to standing their ground against suggested changes to the traditions. This is a good thing. It could be seen as the role of the Prophet in the Church. I’m seeing the Orthodox church as more strongly inclined to resist change. (Of course, there could be geopolitical reasons too.)
But consider if they have been gifted to stand like the prophets of old. Those who were willing to stand by the truth–from God–against every attempt to change it no matter what. If this is true, it would not surprise us that traditional methods for determining where Resurrection Sunday falls on the Calendar each year continue to be strictly followed in the Orthodox tradition. Also, the reasoning makes a lot of sense. The resurrection necessarily follows AFTER the Passover which is the foreshadowing of the sacrifice of God’s own Son to redeem us all from sin and death.
Most divisions between Orthodox and Roman Catholic are not emphasized in our day, but the calendar issues are the ones that seem to create the most visible separation.
While I might be understanding of how the Gregorian calendar came about, I also have a great deal of respect for the Orthodox Christian’s devotion to tradition and honor for the early practices of the Christian Church.
What Is Eastern Orthodox Easter?
Customs, greetings, and foods by from
Easter season is the most significant and sacred time of the Orthodox Church calendar. Orthodox Easter consists of a series of celebrations or movable feasts commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Observances of Eastern Orthodox Easter
In Eastern Orthodox Christianity, the spiritual preparations begin with Great Lent, 40 days of self-examination and fasting (including Sundays), which starts on Clean Monday and culminates on Lazarus Saturday.
After the Eucharist service, the fast is broken, and the feasting begins.
Orthodox Easter Traditions and Greetings
It is customary among Orthodox Christians to greet one another during the Easter season with the Paschal greeting. The salutation begins with the phrase, “Christ is Risen!” The response is “Truly; He is Risen!” The phrase “Christos Anesti” (Greek for “Christ is Risen”) is also the title of a traditional Orthodox Easter hymn sung during Easter services in celebration of Jesus Christ’s resurrection.
In the Orthodox tradition, eggs are a symbol of new life. Early Christians used eggs to symbolize the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the regeneration of believers. At Easter, eggs are dyed red to represent the blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross for the redemption of all men.
Eastern Orthodox Easter Foods
Greek Orthodox Christians traditionally break the Lenten fast after the midnight Resurrection Service. Customary foods are a lamb and Tsoureki Paschalino, a sweet Easter dessert bread.
Holy Saturday is a day of strict fasting for Russian Orthodox Christians, while families stay busy making preparations for the Easter meal. Usually, the Lenten fast is broken after the midnight mass with traditional Paskha Easter bread cake.
Flep’s news roundup is just fresh off the press!!!!
You can’t read the Felice Report and not feel GREAT about AMERICA!!!
Thanks for posting.
Thank you T3 for the information about the spiritual preparation of our fellow believers.
That pic of the beautiful eggs is a winner.
You’re welcome.
Praying for the families affected by the Passover shooting yesterday. (see below)
Those eggs were just gorgeous! I’ve never seen anything like them!
Me either. Wonder how they are done.
I found this for the coloring, but it doesn’t say anything about how to do the botanical designs on the eggs.
Oops, the link:
So pretty!
The article on the Poway, CA shooting has been updated. The one person killed reportedly died because she jumped between the shooter and the Rabbi and to protect him. According to the article she was 60 years old.
Note that they are continuing to call the shooter’s AR-15 an “assault-type” gun.
So tragic.
I think the chans are going to be a target as a result of this shooting. I’m even wondering if they were an intended target, so to speak. From this article:
Earnest posted a 4,000-word anti-Semitic, Islamophobic and white supremacist manifesto he wrote and published online before the shooting and said in a post on 8chan that he would be live streaming the attack, but no video of the shooting has emerged. A Facebook page he linked to in the post has been deactivated.
John Earnest posted a link his manifesto on 8chan, an imageboard-style forum, and his “open letter” is filled with references to the far right and other dark corners of the Internet. He also referenced 4Chan’s /pol/ message board.
He wrote that he had “only been lurking” on the message boards for a year and a half. After his post on 8chan, users there cheered him on, expressing hope he would get a “high score.”
The Qresearch board has already been a target for the past year…or more, since Q started gaining a large number of readers.
The shills post vile racist and anti-semitic screeds.
And because of the wide open free speech policy there, those horrible posts remain.
This makes it easy for Enemedia to point to and declare that the whole site is racist and anti-semitic.
It is so obvious what ‘they’ are doing.
‘They’ have been trying to drive the innocent Anons away and keep them from doing their digs together…and also stop them from making their brilliant memes.
‘They’ are also trying to make people afraid to visit the site and even lurk there, for fear that they will get tarred with the same smear tactics.
It won’t work.
‘They’ are being too obvious…and the courageous Anons are not being driven away.
Yep. They want to take down the chans, and they want to make the Moslems just as much “victims” of hate as the Jews are.
The thing is, the Moslems are the ones fomenting hate, which is being fired up and channeled by the deep state.
They’re probably going to try to use this as an “example of how gun control would have stopped this, yada, yada, yada”… Of course, Kalifornistan has gun control ordinances, so how do they reconcile that. And the off-duty Border Patrol agent who prevented it from being MUCH worse had CC and was able to stop the shooter. If he’d not had a gun, it would have been a very different picture indeed. Again, the left will have a hard time countering this. But they’ll try.
They have this nasty habit of believing opposite, indeed antipodal things as true, at the same time. One only has to look at Chiquita Khruschev to see how that works out…
Funny how all these medicated nutcakes have a manifesto at hand, probably professionally written, by someone with a Rhodes Collar, as it were…
These shills may be “free” to vomit their filth on the chans, but when they do, they also expose themselves to the common tactic, “The hunters become the hunted.” In other words, if they show up, they become a target of those hunting the puppet masters behind these puppets.
Right now it looks like they are succeeding in smearing the chans, but I fully expect that each one that posts vileness has just invited a very close and detailed look into not only who they are, but who is up the chain from them.
I agree. The chans are targets.
ttt, thanks for including here the stories of the victims and the heroes of the attack. They are the important faces and lives to remember.
May God bless their souls.
Amen. And may the truth behind these slaughters be shouted from the rooftops.
MCM intentionally reports AR-15 assault weapon to increase clicks, anti 2A Rights hysteria, and of course clicks…$$$.
Further validates MCM lack of integrity.
Mind Control Media WANTS you to call the AR-15 rifle an “assault weapon” when that is not in fact what an AR-15 is. I wonder why they are so afraid of this basic weapon?
Control, power & money.
Here is the lady who stepped in the line of fire to save her Rabbi
I pray that she encountered her Creator as she breathed her last in this world.
I saw Judge Nap at a live event years ago, and he was a titan back then.
Something really went wrong for him to go off the rails like he has.
GCHQ went wrong for him … and his employer … just sayin’ … 😉
Faux News guidelines keeps Nap within Faux news guidelines.
NJ State judge experience further minimizes Naps value.
Like many on Faux News, Nap isn’t worth listening to. Too busy giggling and making statements that are simply BS.
Right on.
Well, that’s it for me…
Now the Lord is the Spirit,
and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
2 Corinthians 3:17
Ni Ni, T3! Butterfly too🦋🦋 😴 💤 🛌 🦋🦋
Thank you for a really interesting opening post. Sleep well!
As some of you may remember, I am a very big fan of the erudite and entertaining Conrad Black. Here is his latest, which I repost in full for it’s perspective. Few pundits in this day and age are as willing to make predictions as Black does, and fewer still are consistently accurate, as Black is.
The thing I like most about Mr. Black is that he sells confidence, whereas people like Sundance sell fear and uncertainty. Read this, the convince me Black is wrong.
Democrats Court Electoral Disaster With Trump Hearings
By Conrad Black | April 25th, 2019
The Democrats should be changing the subject, and running away from President Trump’s legal issues as fast as they can.
It is illustrative of how completely invested they were in the hare-brained fraud of Russian collusion, that they are having such a crisis of separation from the subject. They are not the only losers in this fiasco, though they are the biggest losers.
They are left trying to pretend that they have an invitation to impeach from special counsel Robert Mueller, but that is not correct. In his and his Trump-hating investigative staff’s desperation to attack the president, Mueller engaged in the wholly unprofessional practice of acknowledging that he could not claim there was adequate evidence to prosecute or impeach the president, but could not exonerate him, either. It was up to the House of Representatives to determine if there were grounds to impeach.
Ahead of last week’s release of the redacted Mueller report, Attorney General William Barr in his summary explained the criteria for a charge of obstruction. Those criteria include evidence of a corrupt act with corrupt intent in contemplation of a legal proceeding. The attorney general, the deputy attorney general, Rod Rosenstein, a favorite of congressional Democrats who was supposedly considering recording Trump two years ago to canvass the cabinet to see if he was mentally unfit to be president, and the special counsel all agreed that none of the necessary ingredients for the president to be guilty of obstruction was present.
The extravagant, knife-edge judgment call the House of Representatives Democrats have been pretending to be considering about whether to impeach or not is bunk—self-improvised therapy to cushion their psychological plunge from confidence they could take down the president, to the grim awakening to the legal vulnerabilities of the Obama Administration and the Clinton campaign in confecting this monstrous fraud of Trump-Russian collusion. It is like a retreating army, led by House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) insisting that impeachment won’t succeed, then a less defeatist Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) saying of the president that “he’s not worth it,” (as if there were a chance of impeaching him), followed by Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D.-Calif.) intoning that impeachment can’t be done without some Republican support.
Straggling at the back of the dejected column of retreating Democrats is Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), the dog that barks as the caravan passes on. He purports to believe every word of the Steele dossier, which even James Comey effectively dismissed as rubbish as he assured its public circulation, and before it was publicly known to have been commissioned and paid for by the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee.
Even as the Democrats, visibly grief-stricken, were forced off the battlements of impeachment by their failed ally Mueller, they are wavering at the false temptation he dangled before them: of trying to aggregate a bunch of acts that do not singly or together constitute an indictable case of obstruction, that the two top law officers in the country and the Justice Department’s counselor have declared do not meet any of the criteria for indictable obstruction, may yet be actionable as obstruction—of justice, as opposed to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler’s sanity.
Clearly. Only the front of the retreating Democratic column has departed the impeachment fantasy-land. The interim strategy of the itinerant Democrats as they plod backwards is the revenge of endless hearings and subpoenas. This will compound the fiasco from which they are already reeling.
They still do not grasp the point: There was no illegal, or any, collusion with Russia, by Trump, or anyone else.
The notion that there is any possibility of convincing any serious person that the president obstructed justice doesn’t exist. If it did, Mueller would have thankfully seized and alleged it. Instead, he got himself and his rabid bloodhounds off the hook by the thoroughly unprofessional tactic of criticizing someone there is not evidence to charge, as Comey did with Hillary Clinton (though there was plenty of grounds to charge her). But in this case, Mueller salvaged a tiny laurel for himself by describing the president very unflatteringly, and passing the buck. And the Democratic militants in the House, instead of seeing what Mueller’s game is, have taken the bait, and will go down with all hands in absurd hearings that bore the public, where no damaging evidence will be adduced from witnesses who have already been around the track with Mueller; while the headlines and news bulletins are taken over by the investigators of the investigators.
Donald Trump stunned the political class into collective paralysis, disbelief, and snarling lawlessness when he won the presidential election in 2016. They have thrown at him what the attorney general rightfully called an “unprecedented” campaign of (he did not use this expression) dirty tricks and defamation. The defeat he has inflicted on them, furnished by investigators committed to the cause of destroying Trump, is not one that can be cushioned, as the election loss was cushioned by the immense distraction about illegitimacy.
The Democratic guerrilla war has not been conducted without betrayals from the Republican side. The NeverTrumpers, especially former House Speaker Paul Ryan and now departed Senators Bob Corker, Jeff Flake, and John McCain, and a few of the other senators, including Ben Sasse and Lisa Murkowski, gave some aid and comfort to the enemy for the first two years. But at this late stage, only Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) signaled that if the Democrats used their House majority to send articles of impeachment to the Senate, they would have one Republican vote. Romney was pleased that no American had illegally cooperated with Russian election-meddling, but was “sickened” by Mueller’s nasty portrayal of the president’s foibles.
President Trump is what was called in Victorian times “an acquired taste.” Many like him as a public personality and many do not. But the Congress should recall that the American people were not electing someone to lead a cotillion; and in this call for hearings it is in the final stages of confirming his legitimacy, either by letting go of the malicious foolishness about illegal collusion with Russia, or by sending it to the Senate, where it has no chance of being approved, and would probably not even attract the votes of all the Democrats.
Everyone understands that the president and Romney have had their differences. Romney attacked Trump savagely in the primaries, but was happy to be considered as secretary of state. (He never struck me as much of a diplomat—he went to Europe as presumptive Republican nominee in 2012 and told the British they weren’t up to holding the Olympic Games in London, just before one of the most successful Olympiads of all time). Just before he was sworn into the Senate, Romney wrote an op-ed for the Washington Post denouncing Trump. And his “sickened” desertion was a lone voice of Republican treachery masquerading as the moral high ground. There is no shortage of people sickened by Romney as—in the words of his predecessor in the Senate, Orrin Hatch—“a well-oiled weather-vane,” who has faced in all four directions on every issue, and blew a presidential campaign he had largely won in 2012.
Whatever new tedium of partisan muck-raking Nadler and Schiff may yet produce, they will lose their audience to Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) and others grilling the justice and intelligence and campaign worthies of Obama and Hillary Clinton, including Mueller himself, on the obvious offenses they committed to influence and undo the last presidential election.
It is not the president whose legitimacy is now in any question; it is those who attacked his legitimacy illegally, who will now experience the wheels of justice. The game has turned; the hunted are the hunters. Even Representative Swalwell will figure it out eventually.
“They still do not grasp the point: There was no illegal, or any, collusion with Russia, by Trump, or anyone else.”
I disagree with Conrad Black’s statement here, FG&C…but the rest of the article is really good.
We don’t know for sure yet if Putin/Russia colluded with the Dems to try to get HRC elected.
It would make sense though, that Putin would have preferred to have Crooked Hillary to deal with, rather than a President Trump.
Agreed. And there is MUCH cunning psychological advantage to the REVERSO of accusing Trump of what THEY themselves were doing.
Russia is smart. All their old American assets are still “Soviet at heart”. Why not keep them running using the “I” in MICE?
When the LION is at bay, the MICE get PLAY.
MICE: Money, Ideology, Compromise or Coercion (depending on source), and Ego or Extortion (depending on source).
Thanks for the pointer!
….and Ukrainians
***** BOOM!!! *****
Most important two words YET. AND UKRAINIANS.
This is where it’s very important to understand several points. This is why I trust NEITHER Russia nor Ukraine. My motto:
1. Don’t expect simplicity in anything to do with Ukraine and Russia
2. The BINARY ideas Ukraine Bad / Russia Good and Ukraine Good / Russia Bad are always a TRICK
3. The Soviets actually had a PLAN against the West that looked a lot like what we are in now. It involved dragging the US into a Ukrainian civil war. HMMMMMM. So just because the Soviet Union magically disappeared, that means the plan won’t work – RIIIIIIIIGHT? 😉
4. Ukraine is most useful for OBFUSCATION of anything Russian.
5. John Podesta and his old COLLEAGUE Manafort were both neck deep in Ukraine. Interesting.
6. John Podesta was involved with an ALLEGEDLY PRO-RUSSIAN GROUP in Ukraine, and yet he, Cankles and Victoria Nuland helped engineer a COUP that put “anti-Russian” SOROS-BACKED people into power, who used neo-Nazis with tiki torches to gain cultural power (because Ukraine rebelling against Russia is a long-embedded theme in the culture, and they even embraced the Nazis as liberators from Stalin).
7. This is where Q’s attempts to get us to understand that national socialism and international socialism are really just variations on a THEME comes back into play. One cannot look at a fully DECEITFUL ideology and expect that it has not fooled you at one more turn in one way or another.
8. Look at the decades-long, orbital-camera view at the Europe chessboard. SOCIALISM took down Germany with both the KPD and Hitler. Look at the BIG PICTURE. Look at how SOCIALISM forced BAD GOVERNMENT on Germany, one way or another, to conquer it.
9. Consider this “maximum deception” scenario:
American commies featuring Cankles pretending not to be in Russia’s crypto-Soviet, Obama-emplacement thrall (look at the timelines of all leaders to see how they all worked around the elevation of Obama) are helping a long-term Soviet plan to denuclearize America, which includes both the exfiltration of uranium and construction of some nasty sum-of-all-fears plot to turn Americans against nukes, to create political cover for military denuclearization as the final step. They have TWO CIA-CNN-supported (carefully) Vietnam-style bait wars in Syria and Ukraine, with M.K. McCain hustling for both, because a Vietnam/Iraq cultural “bump” is required for their left-pushed denuking (note how this worked in the civilian sector in the 60s/70s). Cankles as SoS is in the perfect position to help construct the Ukraine trap, and that is one of her first tasks. Obama lets it happen, as he works on manipulating the Arab Spring to serve KGB-CIA / Soviet / socialist interests, rather than Western. Watch Obama’s and ValJar’s hands on SAVING IRAN and creating the Syria trap (war supported by Robert Creamer), after they order PSD-11 to “learn the lay of the tinder”.
The key to larger understanding is that the Soviets never do anything militarily without MASSIVE, prior, decades-long softening of the enemy through SUBVERSION, using the China foil the whole way along. They use every possible kind of deception, too. They have forced us to be short-term thinkers, and the Americommie-inflicted FAKE NEWS keeps us stupid and short-term on their long-term intent.
Those who are not timelining Russia and China over DECADES miss the entire game.
Those who understand the PLAN know that it’s actually not a game, but it plays a lot like one, with LONG-TERM STRATEGY.
The reason Trump sounds the same as he did decades ago is that he understands the long game, and is playing it. The FAKE NEWS are useful idiots for the most part – they cannot follow the long game – most of them don’t even know there is one. Obama’s attacks on Trump were always somebody who understood both the long-term game, AND that Trump understood the long-term game, too.
Finally, ask this. Why would Q CLEARANCE (nuclear) see this, but others not? Because DENUCLEARIZATION of AMERICA is an intent – a pattern – they would see before everybody else, having both insider and public information, as well as strong military analysis of all adversaries.
Accepting the “sum of all fears” strategy as a reality from Q is critical to THEN seeing WHY it would be employed by somebody – and we can then look at whose hands are dirty on it, and WHERE THEY WERE HEADED.
The 16-year plan. It just keeps coming BACK to it. And THAT is a SHORT-TERM PLAN.
The socialists needed a REALLY BIG ALINSKY FEAR.
And FAKE NEWS used its primary power to help us not see it – the power of LOOK HERE, NOT THERE.
Nicely written essay FG&C!
I appreciate your sharing the text here.
I haven’t had enough time to “click through” on many links recently.
Thank you for the wonderful new thread, TTT!
This has been a blessed Easter season this year, and thank you for enriching our knowledge of it with your thoughtful and inspirational posts.
Yes! All of the posts here really enhanced my holy season.
VDH – Eloquent, as usual ….
Apologies if this has already been posted
Sorry Jason…I love you, but I’m not clicking on National Review.
That site is still a platform for the nevertrumpers who are trying to destroy our President.
I like VDH, but not enough to click on National Review.
Fair enough Wheatie!
My take is – by clicking on VDH and maybe McCarthy, one is sending a message. By supporting VDH over there one is giving the finger to French, Goldberg and the like. Mutliple wins with one click 😉
An Anon posted this, with the following caption:
“And just like that, Easter Worshipers become Christians.”
The NYSlimes doesn’t even try to hide their anti-Christian bias.
To think the NYT was started by a devout Presbyterian!
A PressBiteTerrier I can believe!
Mark Levin’s radio show from Friday evening, the 26th, with a call-in interview with Pres Trump:
The portion with Pres Trump begins at about the 33:50 mark.
When not speaking with PTrump, talks about how proud he is of our President…proud of how he fights and the proud of the things he is doing and has accomplished.
He is all in for Pres Trump now.
Nice to see but I sure wish Levin would get his head straight on the natural born citizen subject and acknowledge that Lyin’ Canadian Ted is NOT Constitutionally eligible (and no, PDJT’s kids, with the exception of Tiffany, are also NOT Constitutionally eligible)!!!! We saw what happened when the MIC was elected – he was not Constitutionally eligible – do we want to see it happen again? I don’t think so!!!
Yes, yes, Yes!
Not just enjoyable – very informative! <3
So, I watched the first two seasons of True Detective…
Pedophilia, prostitution, sex parties, sexual deviancy, drugs, infidelity, bribery, murder, gangs, greed, gambling, governmental corruption…and Russians too!
I can’t for the life of me imagine where Hollywood gets its ideas from.
Pedophilia, prostitution, sex parties, sexual deviancy, drugs, infidelity, bribery, murder, gangs, greed, gambling, governmental corruption…and Russians too!
I can’t for the life of me imagine where Hollywood gets its ideas from.
Hollywierd has unlimited material to create shows based on their life styles based on…”Pedophilia, prostitution, sex parties, sexual deviancy, drugs, infidelity, bribery, murder, gangs, greed, gambling…”
Is this FBI Wray working undercover? 😉
So I came across this in the twitterverse… a very interesting summary of Ben Rhodes and spygate.
Here is the thread reader version, if you are interested..
Warrantless Surveillance aka Spying was the #1 Obama administration modus operandi.
There was a dramatic rise in warrantless surveillance during the O years – so much that it alarmed even the leftist ACLU:
Obama changed the law twice (2013 & 2017) to make it easier to conduct warrantless data gathering:
85% of Obama’s warrantless surveillance searches were illegal: P 82 –
As you recall – Obama got the social media moguls to join him in spying….Twitter, Facebook, and the rest…all began covert compilation and commercialization of customer data during Obama years.
Big tech = Big Brother –
Facebook got in big trouble for recording/tracking people’s cell phones calls and other invasions.
Amazon employs people to listen to you through your Alexa device.
Apple planned to monitor and rate iPhone users:
Just imagine how much he used to blackmail people. Grrrrrrrr
Orthodox Psanki eggs are amazing:

Ukrainian eggs are often red:
But I’ve never seen any with natural botanical motifs!
Where did you find those gorgeous eggs, T3? Do you have the directions?
Please tell us!
Here is how to do it:
Very cool.
T3 love the opening photo.
Reminds me of the scene from ‘My big fat greek wedding’
PDJT enjoyed the rally:
Also this:
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez held a 5k in Queens Saturday that she billed as “a Family Fun Run supporting U.S. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal on the Saturday following Earth Day.”
But many of the 400 runners didn’t realize their $30 registration fees were going directly into the lawmaker’s campaign coffers.Even kids as young as 3 became unknowing political donors — ponying up $20 fees to join a kids’ 1k.
But by fudging the fact that those fees were actually campaign contributions, AOC may have enticed constituents into inadvertently breaking federal election laws.
Parents, for example, can’t contribute their own funds in a child’s name.
NY Post was on the case, too.
She’s a sly one:
‘… But many of the 400 runners didn’t realize their $30 registration fees were going directly into the lawmaker’s campaign coffers.
‘“We’re getting together for our own health, for our planet’s health … and to fight for the Green New Deal together,” the freshman Democrat told the participants before they set off.
‘Environmentally conscious supporters — who jogged through Astoria Park alongside a beaming, strolling AOC — believed their money was going to help save the planet.
‘“It’s going to help raise awareness and educate people,” a female runner told The Post.
‘“I think it’s really for this particular New Green Deal,” said Brian Schwartz of Long Island. “No question.”
‘“It’s to help the environment. To support the Green New Deal,” another woman said. “It’s a good cause.”
‘A vaguely worded notices on AOC’s Facebook page — saying that the run would support “U.S. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez & the Green New Deal” — worsened the confusion.
‘But the fine print on a third event-related website revealed the truth.
‘“Registration fees are contributions to AOC for Congress,” reads the legal disclosure on, which lists the Federal Election Commission rules that donors must follow.
‘“It was a campaign fundraiser,” Ocasio-Cortez spokesman Corbin Trent said confirmed.
‘The participants paid more than $11,000 all told.’
Hmm. Melania’s birthday.
A strange choice of photo and not much of a greeting:
‘First Lady Melania Trump turned 49 on Friday, but the wishes sent to her on the official White House Twitter account seemed less than celebratory …
‘President Trump and Czech Prime Minister Andrej Babis were sitting out of the shot, and all of the press was focused on the two leaders.
‘Many questioned what they considered a strange image choice …
‘President Trump tweeted nine times Friday about various issues, but did not mention his wife’s birthday among them. A day earlier, he sent out a mass email to supporters asking for 1 million signatures on her birthday card.’
This photo is a testament of her beauty and grace while having to put up with the boorishness of the media.
I think the photo was used as a tribute to her.
This photo makes the press weasels look bad…which is probably why the press don’t like it.
That’s an interesting take, Wheatie.
I thought of her in the lovely floral dress in Palm Beach on Easter. She posed for a photo op alone. That would have made a beautiful, seasonal birthday photo.
NY Post is largely on the Trumps’ side, by the way.
When I saw the ‘birthday greeting’ — I use the term advisedly — I wondered if an Obama holdover had put that together.
PDJT on Judge Nap:
That is strange.
Too bad there’s not an intellectual biography of Napolitano that would tell us the story about what went wrong.
The Supreme Court? Really? I would have never thought he was the type to get too big for his britches.
There’s is a cautionary tale here, sometimes. Wish I knew what it was.
He got schooled by Fox and has now caved and given up any intellectual and legal integrity he may have once enjoyed.
I had read about him wanting a Supreme Court appointment months ago but disregarded it.
It must have been true.
^^^ Two great tweets:-) ^^^
Aren’t they just. 🙂
PDJT’s advice for Bernie:
Was looking to see if anyone had answered the question on why Eastern Churches celebrate Pascha, as it is properly known, when they do. It is because the East uses the Julian calendar rather than the Gregorian. The Jews use their own that more frequently lines up with the Gregorian which is why Passover and Pascha in the west are usually in the same week.
It was decided, as I read at some point recently, at the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. ish that the Solemnity would be on the first Sunday following the Vernal Equinox. Hence, the difference.
As for the eggs, my friends who are Russian and Ukranian who made and collect them tell me it’s a REALLY bad idea to break one in the first year unless the contents are blown out before starting with the lacquer.
Thank you, DP!! I was reading the comments to see if Churchmouse had the answer, and you had it!!
Also, can’t tell you how much I appreciated all the music during Holy Week. I woke up in the middle of the night and came in the living room to listen with my headphones. Just so beautiful!!!!
Sooooooooo, I’m thinking this morning, which can be dangerous……
Follow the numbers with me, cuz the numbers never lie.
I’ve noticed all the Dem pundits are touting Biden’s fundraising ability – Biden raised slightly more than Bernie and more than Beto. This is a TALKING POINT, which makes me cynical, like the Dems are hiding something.
Then, I found it.
I saw a blurb from someone who analyzed the numbers. You know me, I’m the numbers freak. If Biden had 113K contributions for an average of $41 – then we’re only a at 4.6 million. Where’s the rest?
Second point
Biden has not been in front of a crowd.
His announcement was a video, and then he rushed to the table at The View
Where is Biden’s support? Where are people who are ecstatic and giddy for his campaign?
Where are his voters?
Bernie was in Houston and only had a few hundred people show up. One whole section of stands was blocked off to force people into a crowded photograph. We saw the aerial shot. That’s nothing compared to his prior campaign in 2016.
And the Unions in Vegas are having a huge conference this weekend, all the candidates are there, but Beto only had 35 people show up to his event.
President Trump, with 18 months to go before an election, on a Saturday night, with what looked like a late snowstorm coming in, is still breaking Elton John’s records for MUCH larger venues.
As we say in the South…
“They ain’t got no winning policies.”
“Heck, they ain’t got no working policies. They got no that would work at all.”
All they have been touting are policies that would bring poverty and ruination – Detroit type death and California type bankruptcy to America and its citizens!!!
They act like AOC and their other their crazy new freshmen radicals, are so wise and sacrosanct, no criticism allowed. That they are pandering to this little socialist and her Green New Deal is a farce in itself.
The Democrats are their own parody.
And another thing…..
Thoughts please, you guys are smarter than I am….
How does this make sense….
We all think Obama/ValJar etc., were far more radical than they let on, more like Marxist/Communist. Well, then why do they have such a hard time supporting Bernie? Why are they so opposed to Bernie? Working against Bernie?
What happened between the Obama/Hillary wings of the party, as opposed to Bernie? Where is the bad blood?
Is it Bernie’s wife’s embezzlement of her college that they are afraid will be exposed and bring their own similar crimes to light?
President Trump took the gloves off with Warren last night – saying she scammed the universities with her pretend native american status.
Two things: To answer your question about no support for Bernie- Bernie is Jewish which would be a hard pill for those two to swallow. Also interesting, with regard to the Democrat party, is why would the party allow an Independent to represent them in a Presidential race? One might logically surmise that there has to be some economic interest in permitting this oddity.
Leading up to 2016, the Dems were hiding their true level of socialism while Bernie was upfront about it, so no doubt they knew Bernie could not win a national election. They thought they needed a more establishment candidate (one who lied more effectively and seemed more mainstream). Plus, it was Hillary’s “turn.” Maybe she had even been promised.
Now, the Dems are trying to out-socialist each other, but I think Bernie’s admissions that he is socialist, not Democrat, are still too much for them — even though they are heading in the same direction. Maybe Bernie has too much baggage. At any rate, they don’t want him to be the face of the Dem Party.
Maybe they object to Bernie because he’s an older white male, but then there’s Biden…
Identity politics decrees that they must get behind a transgender person of color (preferably born female, but maybe identifying as something else), LOL. Butt-g is the new shiny object, though male.
I don’t know, and I don’t think Dems do either. I think they are in chaos with no real leader because they have no principles.
Hero of the Synagogue wounded while shooting saved children.
A 60 year old woman died trying to save the Rabbi!
Her physician husband fainted when he discovered the person he was trying to revive with CPR was his own wife.
Amazing grace shown by heroic membership in their trial by fire!
Correction: Hero of the Synagogue wounded *during* shooting – He saved several children.
Not sure if I shared this yesterday, but I believe there is something in what the guy says. Comey’s tweets are a little too bizarre to take at face value – so what’s hidden in them?
This guy does not know his history. Read up on Jim Comey, and he was a Republican appointee in everything except the FBI. Reagan and Bush. It was under GWB that he was in the Justice Department. How does that make him a Clinton fixer? That doesn’t reconcile.
I agree that his tweets are in code, but to whom and what they say is a matter of conjecture across the board. All sorts of people are reading the tea leaves on that. Yes, he could be up to no good. At the same time, there could be something else in the background we don’t know. Trey Gowdy said history would be kind to Comey. And Gowdy, we know, was put in Congress to do a job that is now over.
I’m going to wait and see on this. Too many strange targetings have happened to take any of it at face value.
Both my copy of Petersen’s Field Guide to Birds of North America and Diana West make the point that a Cardinal is a bird of a Red feather.
A cardinal is a bird of a red feather, yes. For the entire year, they populate my backyard.
Princes of the Church, cardinals, wear scarlett.
Men who have the designation Cardinal with a capital C which is not a title, play baseball at Busch. They won yesterday, BTW.
Can’t articulate well on this one, or much of anything for that matter. But a few thoughts.
Bernie has always seemed like a square peg for D-Rats. Bernie, a straight out Socialist. Not even a member of the D-Rat club. Bernie caucuses with D-Rats, but not a D-Rat. Has publicly embraced Soviet and Cuban communism.
IMHO, Bernie looks and rants like a unhinged “nut”. The very definition of unpolished quack. America will never “buy” into Bernie with sufficient votes to gain the Presidency.
D-Rats have nothing to run on that is based on American values. D-Rats have open borders, abolish ICE, free everything, free medical (medicare?) for all, abolish private health insurance for 180 million Americans, Global Warming hoax, Green New Deal which will literally destroy the American economy AND way of life.
President Trump owns virtually everything that America values. Economy, jobs including re-surging manufacturing, lowest unemployment including niche groups, highest employment including niche groups, expanding energy sector, worlds largest energy producer, more pipelines, streamlining permit process for building roads and buildings, obama mandate gone, prescription costs down, VA choice, VA health care more accessible, TPP trashed, Iran Nuke deal trashed, Paris Climate Accord trashed, trade deals being created such as USMCA, South Korea, China in work, EU in work, 140 or so Judges and Justices confirmed, Military modernization, support Law Enforcement…
No doubt many more. But that is what comes to mind at the moment…
D-Rats have nothing. D-Rats know they have nothing. ~20 candidates for president and the know each of them has zero chance of being elected.
Miserable outlook for D-Rats.
FANTASTIC OUTLOOK FOR AMERICA! Estatic beyond words, I am:-)
(Yet I pecked away endlessly above:-))
It is a beautiful Sunday for Americans!!!
Kalbo!! Excellent Outlook Summary! I truly think you nailed it. They only way for even one of those D rats to make a dent in POTUS support is to CHEAT! They have ZERO winning Strategy…
Beautiful Sunday Indeed!!!
Thank you to those of you who left kind comments for me on Friday’s Open Thread. It was a great treat to read them after a long day at work.
Wishing all a peaceful and rejuvenative Sunday.
Police officer takes a balloon from a snowflake.
Result is an epic snowflake meltdown.
*CAN NOT* make this up…
WTH – Screams like a little 1-year old.
To be fair, when the balloon popped it looked like a piece might have snapped into her eye/face and that was what she was reacting to.
It’s her own darned fault – she should wear safety glasses when playing with balloons that could pop.
I don’t think it popped at all – he just knocked it out of her hand. SMH
It did pop. You can see it on the ground in part of the video. IMO – she got her just desserts.
Maria B on Sunday Morning Futures is on the border in El Paso. Aliens are illegally crossing the border where the river is dry and surrendering to Border Patrol in a constant stream. They all have stories, mostly about being held captive by whoknows. One woman had a baby and said the baby is hungry because she can’t nurse it due to her having no food for two days. And then DJT called in, live on tape or some shit.
I have just watched a half an hour of outrageous bullshit. These people are dressed better than I am, they are clean like they are just going out the door to a social event, and they are NOT hungry. The woman with the infant was not malnourished (my son was nursed and the class we attended said that the body will cannibalize itself to provide milk). The baby looked very healthy and even started to smile before the editing cut it off by switching to the BP officer. He was smiling broadly looking at the baby so I know the baby was smiling as well.
They are giving the stories but I cannot accept that the BP actually believes the bullshit they hear from these criminals. But they don’t have the authority to make those assessments or more precisely are not authorized to use those assessments as an enforcement tool.
These aliens are willing members of a scam; co-conspirators. NOT VICTIMS. NOT REFUGEES.
p.s. there is no reason I can think of that explains why there isn’t troops and razor-ribbon wire in the area where Maria was. No law prevents it so I am wondering what stops the feds from doing it. Also, DJT (on the phone call) said that we know where they go and who they are. He spun on a dime and switched subjects like he is prone to doing but I got the distinct impression that he was okay with letting them be released instead of detained in tent cities or military bases (intending to pick them up later and deport them).
I feel like he’s willing to have them flood in to aggravate a crisis in the hope that Congress will be shamed into changing the laws. Not only do I think this is not possible but I think whoever is advising him on this subject is a neverTrumper covert agent.
People who illegally enter the country do not have a constitutional right to an attorney. They could deny all these ‘do-gooder attorneys access, along with their scouts who solicit for the attorneys. Without an attorney, none of these illegals would have access to the court system.
And who says they are always telling the truth about where they came from? How do we know these aren’t the ones granted temporary admittance by Mexico and those have expired. Instead of going south, they came north.
It’s all bullshit.
I have no empathy for parents who put their children through such an ordeal. They are responsible — not their native government, not the government of the U.S., not Pres. Trump, not we the people. Each parent is responsible for their own children’s well being. If they didn’t start the journey with enough food or a guaranteed means to obtain what they need, it’s their own fault. If conditions are horrible in their home country, surely help could be found somewhere without having to put infants and children through a long, arduous trip with no guarantees of what would happen upon reaching the U.S. It’s a dangerous journey.
This is from a Twitter posted at OT
Pope Francis is sending $500,000 dollars to help migrants in Mexico who are trying to reach the United States. …
I have no words.
Check this out!!!
Powerline releases the best memes of the week on Saturday night.
This week, they did the Biden memes.
I’m laughing so hard, I’m crying, snot running out of my nose.
You guys have to see it.
Those are great…thanks for the link!
Daughn! thanks for sharing–The one where Tru Dope was watering tree in the rain while someone holds umbrellas over them…Good Night!!! Is there no common sense in Canada anymore?!!!🤣🤣🤣
Gosh – President Trump is really mincing words today. Must be cause it’s Sunday.
What did nap do to win a rebuke today?
…and what does Shlepp Smith need a pardon for?
“I’m not an expert on anything, but it seems that it has to do with the character of each stream of the faith.”
I’m not an expert either, but over the last several years I’ve read a bunch of books exploring late Roman/early Medieval cultural, political, demographic, and religious history from a variety of viewpoints.
The fundamental difference between the Orthodox and Roman streams of Catholicism came about from the pressure the Saracens exerted on civilization. Their piracy and slave raids turned the Mediterranean into a threat, where previously it had been a highway.
Remember the context that, after the great die-off caused by the virgin-soil bubonic plague event that began during Emperor Justinian’s reign, people spent centuries just trying to rebuild civilization, with a much lower population density than before. And before the bubonic plagues started, Mediterranean populations were already much smaller than they had been during Roman Republican times, several centuries earlier.
A period when the great hillside terrace farms of the Mediterranean coast were not maintained, combined with roaming Saracenic herdsmen grazing their goats and sheep on tilled farmland, led to ecological devastation. The fertile topsoil husbanded for thousands of years, since Carthaginian times, washed away, causing the big cities that lay near river mouths (which was most of them) to be buried under layers of topsoil runoff.
Constant slave raids forced the survivors to flee to higher ground, away from the sea, and to the architectural change that the Italians call encastelmiento, the building of stone castle walls around all large settlements, leading to walled hilltop population centers, each ruled, for the sake of military efficiency, by a lord.
The maritime commerce that had united the Mediterranean world economically was largely wiped out, leaving the East cut off from the West.
Attempts to fit modern archaeological findings, and the contents of newly-discovered contemporaneous documents, into the traditional histories found in academic textbooks don’t work very well. The academics are going by doctored court histories preserved by rulers who ordered fake news to be written, in order to preserve their own positions after the embarrassment of being defeated by the Saracens, The academics are behind the times, unable to throw away their false paradigms in the light of the new data.
The man to read is Emmet Scott.
Like the Chinese Communists today, spreading their tentacles everywhere, the Persians were the masters of pre-Islamic intrigue, subversion, and coöption. The Arabs seized control of the Persian Empire, apparently by the faithless trick by Arab mercenaries kidnapping the Shah, at a time when he was religiously estranged from the Persian nobility, according to Scott’s hypothesis. These Arabs became the new masters of subversion.
I suspect they were the hidden hand behind the many failed attempts of the Church to reunite. Plus, the seats of three Patriarchs (Antioch, Alexandria, and Jerusalem) were seized by the Saracens. Circa 1452, the final humiliation of the Eastern Church occurred, the capture of the 4th Patriarchate, Constantinople, by the Turk. All the Patriarchs were then subject to dhimmi status, with all that entailed.
Shari’a law specifically prohibits dhimmis from appealing for aid to their free coreligionists abroad, on penalty of the dhimma being revoked for the entire community, and mass slaughter ensuing. It also prohibits dhimmis from keeping or bearing arms, from raising a hand against a Muslim, and from speaking truthfully about what their life is like under Islamic rule (i.e. hell on earth.)
How can a Patriarch be a faithful shepherd to his flock, when he can’t even mention their agonies honestly? And please look up above for the comments regarding Judge Napolitano and the GCHQ on this page, and consider what political subterfuges must have been used by the Muslim rulers over the centuries with respect to the selection of new patriarchs and other Eastern Christian leaders.
I think that paints the picture.
Italics should have ended after the first word, encastelmiento. Auto spell check messed up the closing angle brackets, and I fixed them, but it must have attacked again. Sorry.
WP would not allow this to be posted earlier on the RoundUp thread.
(D) links are also censored.
Look for this to pick up as the 2020 Election season gets into full swing.
You and me both Brad!!!!
TIME is useless as teats on a boar hog!
“Tweeting congratulations to an athlete during the biggest week of their career, is normally not a controversial thing. That is, unless the one writing the tweet happens to be the most powerful man in the world and a major mainstream media organization takes it upon itself to make a mountain out of a molehill.
Then, things can get truly and profoundly stupid.”
“Of course, President Trump was among the first to congratulate Tiger Woods after his thrilling victory at the Masters a few weeks ago. So, while the president may be more inclined to congratulate supporters and friends, insinuating that race plays any role in that decision making process is baseless.
One would think TIME would recall the president’s congratulatory tweet to Woods, who is of both black and Asian descent. But hey, that was a whole three weeks ago.”
Ben has a MOST interesting THREAD – click on either tweet
ISIS were the Nazis on steroids. They delighted in turning Christian churches into abbatoirs and sold their victims’ organs and tissue.
I shall always H8 Islam and Communism…and abortionism.
And anything else that raises itself against God 😉
Sally Yates goes on the defense on MTP today:
Sally must be feeling the heat. Desperation is kicking in big time.
There’s a lot of people deserving jail time – but I’m particularly looking forward to hers. She must be proud of herself for out-viling the most vile parts of the Obama administration.
And Jeff is right – that statement better come back to haunt her as her history of weaponized prosecution is exposed.
Justice will be served. I’m so glad that VSG is President. These wicked enterprises are all crashing down.
AMEN, Michael!
I’m gunning for Brennan myself, but Yates is one I would like to see publicly do the walk of shame.
I agree but Brennan may need more severe punishment than prison…
Drawing and quartering might be illegal.
But did she win?
Very good point! She’s a political pawn and she knows it.
I have yet to see/read anything that says she won her cases. She only says she prosecuted them. In the words of the late, great Paul Harvey, I want to know the rest of the story.
This guy is believed to be a Qanon… he is recommending we view
this guy’s videos… I am listening now to the most recent one. The guy
really knows his stuff… give him a look, see what you think
Don’t have time to listen now…But hope to catch up this evening…
Of course he does…..
Pope Francis Sends Money to Support Migrant Caravans Trying to Enter U.S.
How convenient that the Peter’s Pence collection was last week.
That makes the POPE a Criminal Co-conspirator!!!
Issue a warrant and seize his US assets!!!
What, the Vatican City embassy? That might well be all the Vatican actually owns. No pope has U.S. assets outside of bank accounts, maybe, and this pope is a Jesuit, so his aren’t going to be plush. Until the Scandal, all diocesan Church property was held in the name of the bishop of that diocese. Now, it is all in trust, at least in this archdiocese, to protect it. That which is owned by the orders is different yet.
What’s annoying is that the big collection for the Vatican and related activities was last week. Timing is everything.
He’s funding an invasion – for his own profit…. stop funding US federal grants to Catholic organizations that resettle refugees. Then file suit against them and SHUT THEM THE HECK DOWN!!!!!!!
I don’t have a problem not taking federal grants, but a lot of times the organizations in question have Catholic in the name and no official affiliation to the diocese where they reside. The Church is not a top down organization, or all that organized, actually. It’s more of a confederation.
And lawsuits won’t do much good. Better to be selective about where the money goes. Peter’s Pence is the collection for Vatican activity, and, like I said, it was last week. Most other money stays close to home for things like staff salaries, electric bills, new roofs on the church, and, in my parish, getting the walls replastered which is going to require taking down the organ and while that is going on, the lighting is all going to be replaced….
It’s not all cut and dried.
True – and some of the ‘Baptist’ groups taking money to settle ‘refugees’ are not really church related.
Just like the Westboro Baptist Church isn’t Baptist or even really a church, just a bunch of lefty activists using the name.
And they’re not Baptists or Christians, either…
TY for explaining that. I wouldn’t have had a clue, otherwise.
It’s not all that well known, but bishops are autonomous. There is no interfering in the governance of other dioceses. One big named conservative American cardinal got shipped out of the country for doing that.
Transparency is lacking from top to bottom of clerical hierarchy.
Parishioners need to be informed when an accused predator priest is assigned to their area.
Parishioners need access to the psychological profiles and any legal/criminal records of their priests.
The problems of homosexuality and sexual misbehavior among priests is extremely wide-spread, judging from our state.
Believe me, anymore, people know when the credibly accused are reassigned. It’s the ones that have been cleared for never having known the “victim” that are generally kept quiet.
The homosexuality issue has been traced to a 1920s insertion by the KGB to subvert the priest hood. Bella Dodd admitted it in a book she wrote in the 1950s. Pope Saint John Paul II was the one to work on cleaning it up beginning with replacing bishops with men who would do right by the seminaries. That all came out after the Scandal and the MSM didn’t bother to pick up on it.
And not only was the Peter’s Pence collection last week, but Francis’s groupies are all on the American committee for fundraising.
Folks, when giving to the church, use the memo line to designate where you want your donation to go. I.e., music program, school, gas bill, etc. Do NOT let it go into unrestricted funds.
If true, this explains a lot.
Comments to tweets are interesting
It’s not quite 3+ hours. Business is done on the back nine, by the etiquette of golf. However, given that this president is selective about who he takes out on the course, one can assume that he and Lindsey need to have some sort of private chat for which a SCIF is not available.
or – vice versa – Graham is having to focus his undivided attention…
WRONG – EVERY last one of the signs said TRUMP-PENCE 2008
Check it out.
2020 – not 2008
I’m taking Joe M off of my links list – again.
I watched the Rally GA/FL
I commented on the numerous placards with TRUMP’s name only on them… most of those seated behind POTUS had them…
churchmouse replied to my comment that Pascale must have been working…
Who is this putting out this stuff? There is no real basis for it. Reminds me of the fiction created from the envelopes at the funeral.
The last occupier of the White House seemed to do everything possible to create disdain for the highest office in the land. From interior decoration to weak foreign policy to police state tactics.
Thank God our Lion PDJT has cleansed the office of President and restored it to the dignity and honor George Washington helped to start it with.
How would Just In Canada be any different? Soviet mole ASSIGNED to destroy credibility of their leadership.
It will take a whole heck of a lot more evidence to convince me Pence is a leftist or globalist tool out to undermine Trump and his MAGA policies.
This comment was meant to be a reply to a post about Justin T. of Canada. How it got here, I have no idea!
Attorney General to skip Nadler’s Barrfitsuh
Anti semantic
Ha, ha! Even better. Neat. Subtle yet eloquent.
Mystery scansion…
Patrick! “Barrfitsuh” HAHAHAHAH!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Excellent word! Stealing…
The phc, Merry ‘M Webstir dictionary is free.
Thank you, ty, ty!! Man–Please let there really be a phc, Merry M Webstir dictionary… 😍😍 I bet if Judy was around…She could create one!!!! I miss Judy!
Internet Archives are forever.
Been writing that dictionary for many years………
Yes you have!!!😘🤗
O.M.G. I love it!
I find it curious to say the least, that the same time we learn Pitcock is being investigated, POTUS is having a Rally in WISCONSIN…
Scott Walker was present and praised – but NOT Paul Ryan!
I find that extremely interesting.
Paul Disgrace Ryan’s name was not even mentioned.
Bet some “interesting” is coming very soon on that boy. That BOY.
Trump ran lil Paulie, the Chamber Of Coerced shill; out of the game.
Yes, he did. Just one of MANY wonderful things PDJT has done for use.
Thumbs up for Chamber of Coerced!
In the summer of 2016, Robert Hannigan, head of Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) traveled to Washington D.C. to meet with then-CIA Head John Brennan regarding alleged communications between the Trump Campaign and Moscow.
That summer, GCHQ’s then head, Robert Hannigan, flew to the US to personally brief CIA chief John Brennan. The matter was deemed so important that it was handled at “director level”, face-to-face between the two agency chiefs.
The meeting between Hannigan and Brennan appears somewhat…unusual.
The US and the UK are two of the so-called Five Eyes — along with Canada, Australia and New Zealand — that share a broad range of intelligence through a formalized alliance.
The GCHQ is responsible for Britain’s Signals Intelligence.
The NSA is responsible for the United States’ Signals Intelligence.
Hannigan’s U.S. counterpart was not CIA Director Brennan.
Hannigan’s U.S. counterpart was NSA Director Mike Rogers.
PR – please post this on Wolfie’s new thread – covering this very topic!
Thanks for the h/up ……..
Quite the coincidence!
Part of the UK, make America muslim plan……………………
Exactly Patrick………..
So true. So grim. SO pisses me off.
Ay-Hab the Ay-Rab…
Thanks pR!
‘Muh Russia?’
Podesta got phished surfing Russian porn.
And all the Deep State bullshit will never put the democrat perverts back together again.
Paprika (replied)
“And there we are! The onion layers have finally all been peeled back with many tears and much angst expended. And what do we have? ‘Possesseda” went fishing for Russian little girl anchovy porn and got caught up in a political caviar phishing net! “Surfing USA…political style…with stinky fish and fool’s gold for all ! No red herrings here–no sir–we'[re just Bobbing for Mueller horse apples!”
Help me rauncha, help help me rauncha….
Hey, ghou’ld lookin’, whatcha got (spirit) cookin’,
How ’bout cooking somethin’ up for me…
(and, as the morning sun rises on Southwest England, wherever Maddie disappeared, to the tune from Oliver),
Who will buy,
These fresh young pizzas,
Two-ooo blooms for a penny….
Any pizza today, mi-es-tress….
(in the distance) Ripe, hot dogs and hens,
Ripe, hot dogs and hens…
Who wil buy, this horrid debacle,
Such a crime, I never did see…
(apologies to Lionel Bart, Dickens, and everyone else)…
“In the Orthodox tradition, eggs are a symbol of new life.”
This seems like an inherent contradiction, since I am not aware of any Scripture that either teaches this symbolism for eggs, or any example or command in Scripture that it should be observed… so how can it possibly be ‘orthodox’?
1. of, relating to, or conforming to the approved form of any doctrine, philosophy, ideology, etc.
[my note: and the only approved form of doctrine is revealed in Scripture; anything else is of men, by definition]
2. of, relating to, or conforming to beliefs, attitudes, or modes of conduct that are generally approved.
[my note: again, the *only* approved form of doctrine is revealed in Scripture; anything else is of men, by definition]
3. customary or conventional, as a means or method; established.
[my note: in other words, traditions of men, which is, by definition, the opposite of ‘orthodox’]
4. sound or correct in opinion or doctrine, especially theological or religious doctrine.
[my note: sound doctrine can only be based on God’s Word; where is the teaching in Scripture about eggs and the observance of same?]
5. conforming to the Christian faith as represented in the creeds of the early church.
[my note: but Christian faith is not represented by the early church, or any other church, it is represented by the teaching which is found in the inspired Word of God.
We are not to conform ourselves or our practices to the example of early churches — do we forget that most of them were engaged in some kind of error, which many of the books of the New Testament (at least in part) specifically addressed?
Revelation was written in the mid to late 90s AD. That’s ‘early church’ era, and FIVE of the seven churches addressed directly by Christ in Revelation were in such grievous error that they were in danger of the Lord removing their candlesticks (see Revelation chapters 2 and 3). So what early churches did is not our Authority or example for sound doctrine — God’s Word is. What people in churches do unfortunately changes all the time, but God’s Word does not change.
As for ‘creeds’, where is the Authority in God’s Word for such a thing as a ‘creed’? The word ‘creed’ is not found anywhere in the entire Bible. Check for yourself:
If a ‘creed’ says more than what God has said in His Word, does it not go beyond what God has said, without Authority?
If a ‘creed’ says less than what God’s Word says, does it not subtract from what God has said, without Authority?
And if a ‘creed’ says the same as God’s Word, is it not redundant and unnecessary, presuming to say better or to improve upon what God has already said?]
6. ( initial capital letter ) of, relating to, or designating the Eastern Church, especially the Greek Orthodox Church.
I think in this case Orthodox is modifer for word Church, which is omitted.
In the Orthodox (Church) tradition, eggs are ……….
“Early Christians used eggs to symbolize the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the regeneration of believers.”
By what Authority?
In other words, suppose we were in the early Christian times, and someone brought eggs and said ‘Look, these eggs represent and symbolize the resurrection of Christ and the regeneration of believers. Let’s start doing this every year!”
And then I simply asked “By what Authority are you making this connection, establishing this tradition, adding this symbolism to Christian belief and practice? Is it by your own Authority, or by someone else’s Authority, or is it by the Authority of God’s Word?”
What would that person say?
What COULD he or she say?
A) it came to me in a dream last night (the church of ‘mysticism’ ?)
B) I just like eggs and so I thought this would be a good idea (the church of ‘I thought’ ?)
C) it would be fun for the kids (the church of ‘entertainment’ ?)
D) I saw pagans down the street using eggs to symbolize a fertility goddess… and rabbits too!
He or she could come up with all sorts of possible answers.
But “It says so right here in God’s Word, have a look” would not be one of them.
“At Easter, eggs are dyed red to represent the blood of Jesus that was shed on the cross for the redemption of all men.”
I never knew that. My grandparents, and then my Mom, used to dye eggs that same deep red-brown as in the photos above, using onion skins, if I remember correctly. Either before or after Easter, I don’t remember which.
Nobody ever explained why, and nobody asked.
It was just ‘tradition’…
Edit / correction: “D) I saw pagans down the street using eggs to symbolize a fertility goddess… and
rabbitsbunnies too!They called them ‘pagan bunnies’, but I thought, you know… maybe ‘Easter bunny‘ would be better, you know… for us?
Is that so wrong?
(let me count the ways… 😁 )
Tell us how you really feel Scott. 😉
I wasn’t trying to be callous!
I just fight this fight (and ones like it) so often, that adding a little humor and creativity helps to keep it interesting 😉
The Christians of, say the first century, did not have the Bible as we think of it today. Teachings were handed down by the apostles according to what they had been taught. There was no book to go to to see if eggs could be used to represent life, and such a tradition is not dogma.
2 Thessalonians 2 King James Version (KJV)
15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.
“The Christians of, say the first century, did not have the Bible as we think of it today. Teachings were handed down by the apostles according to what they had been taught.”
Not collected together into one bound volume, but they certainly had the individual letters and manuscripts, all of them, by the end of the 1st century, when at least John (who wrote down Revelation, by inspiration of God) was still alive to confirm them.
I know the teaching by some that (apparently) Christians were without God’s Word until some council of men in the 4th century gave their Imprimatur to what was ‘canon’, and what wasn’t. What I don’t know is how to square that with common sense.
Did no one obey the Gospel of Christ, and no one was saved, until the 4th century?
How did anyone know about Christ with any assurance, or Who He was, or what He taught, without access to the Scriptures?
What do YOU (or I) know about Christ, that we could know, WITHOUT access to the Scriptures?
What can ANYONE actually know about Christ today, besides what God has revealed in His Word?
Why should we think it was any different back then, whether a hundred years ago, or a thousand years ago, or 1,900+ years ago?
I know it’s easy to think early Christians were just backward people, or unsophisticated, or whatever, but that’s just a natural tendency people have toward anyone from earlier generations.
Paul, who wrote Colossians (by inspiration of God), is thought to have been martyred between 64AD and 68AD, so that is definitely the time of the early church.
Were the early church members not instructed to copy and share the letters and epistles with one another? Do we not have an example of this very activity preserved for us in God’s Word?
“And when this epistle is read among you, cause that it be read also in the church of the Laodiceans; and that ye likewise read the epistle from Laodicea.” (Colossians 4:16, KJV)
The word ‘Scripture’ is used 32 times in the New Testament, and “Scriptures” is used another 21 times, and that doesn’t include other ways of referring to the same thing, e.g., ‘Word of God’.
Jesus asks people what the Scriptures (the OT, obviously the NT had not yet been written) say, or what they think it means, e.g., ‘What is written in the Law? how readest thou?’ (Luke 10:26).
And Paul does the same: “For what saith the scripture? Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness.” (Romans 4:3, Galatians 4:30, etc.).
It is said that surviving letters by members of the early church quote the Scriptures so thoroughly, that nearly the entire New Testament can be pieced together from their writings alone. SOMEBODY was reading and quoting Scripture like mad… a LOT of somebodies…
What did Paul say about the Scriptures?
“All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:” (2 Timothy 3:16, KJV, boldface emphasis mine)
Not some, not most, but all.
The Scriptures are clear and emphatic, that it is not the words or wisdom of men, but the Word of God.
“Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. [13] Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. ” (1 Corinthians 2:12-13, boldface emphasis mine)
“And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: [5] That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.” (1 Cor 2:4-5, boldface emphasis mine)
And again:
“But I certify you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man. [12] For I neither received it of man, neither was I taught it, but by the revelation of Jesus Christ.” (Galatians 1:11-12, boldface emphasis mine)
And here:
“For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.” (1 Thessalonians 2:13, boldface emphasis mine)
“For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.” (1 Cor 1:17, boldface emphasis mine)
And again here, this time John:
“But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.” (John 14:26)
And now Peter:
“Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. [21] For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” (2 Peter 1:20-21, boldface emphasis mine)
I am NOT saying that:
— Christians were without God’s word until the 4th century
— No one obeyed the Gospel or was saved until the 4th century
— Early Christians were backward people
“How did anyone know about Christ with any assurance, or Who He was, or what He taught, without access to the Scriptures?”
The very first Christians, the Apostles, knew about Christ because they knew Him personally. Other people besides the Apostles did, too. The people they taught knew about Christ because they were taught by people who knew Him personally. Estimates for when the four Gospels were written are in the 41-70-ish A.D. period. If Christ ascended in 33 A.D., how did people learn about him before the Gospels were written and distributed? By word of mouth and tradition.
People also studied Old Testament Scriptures, which are full of prophecy. Then, as the Gospels and epistles were written and became available, people had those Scriptures. But they did not have the Bible as we know it today in the first century. That doesn’t negate the Scripture they did have; it is merely a fact.
There is no contradiction in the verse I presented because I am not claiming that there were no Scriptures. And the verse does talk about traditions being taught by word of mouth, which you don’t address at all.
2 Thessalonians 2 King James Version (KJV)
15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.
What do you think is meant by “hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word…”?
“The very first Christians, the Apostles, knew about Christ because they knew Him personally.”
“Other people besides the Apostles did, too. The people they taught knew about Christ because they were taught by people who knew Him personally.”
Agreed. but that only goes so far, because without some kind of written account or speaking by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, can you imagine how convoluted and contradicting the the teaching would very rapidly become?
You can try an experiment for yourself. At a large gathering, whisper something short, maybe three sentences long, so someone, and tell them to pass it on. After it gets to the 20th or 30th person, ask that person to tell you what the original message was.
I think you will be surprised how corrupted your original message has become, unless you have already played this game before.
And the Gospel accounts, all of the teachings of Christ, are a whole lot more involved than just two or three sentences to keep straight.
We have the Scriptures today, and people can barely get through a chapter without finding something to dispute… can you imagine how it would be if we only had dueling oral raconteurs?
“Estimates for when the four Gospels were written are in the 41-70-ish A.D. period. If Christ ascended in 33 A.D., how did people learn about him before the Gospels were written and distributed? By word of mouth and tradition.”
Maybe I just don’t understand what the word ‘tradition’ means, or the way it’s being used in this context.
To my thinking, ‘tradition’ is always going to run afoul of the written word, because most people don’t have the auditory equivalent of photographic memory. If a cop interviews a witness three times, there will almost always be small details that differ from each interview.
Some may be additional details that were forgotten before. Some may be imagined additions which didn’t actually happen. Some things will be accidental omissions. The witness strongly believes he is telling the whole truth each time, but each time, he tells it a little different, leaving out this, and embellishing (a little) that.
So for one example, take baptism. There are at least 9 accounts in the book of Acts along of Christian conversion, and every one of them ends in the waters of baptism:
[continued from last post, I accidentally hit a combination of keys and it posted before I was finished.]
So for one example, take baptism. There are at least 9 accounts in the book of Acts along of Christian conversion, and every one of them ends in the waters of baptism:
So for one example, take baptism. There are at least 9 accounts in the book of Acts along of Christian conversion, and every one of them ends in the waters of baptism:
Acts 2:38-41,
Acts 8:12-13,
Acts 8:35-38,
Acts 10:47-48,
Acts 16:14-15,
Acts 16:30-34,
Acts 18:8,
Acts 19:1-7,
Acts 22:16
There are many other accounts explaining that we are ‘buried in baptism’ (cf. Romans 6:4, Colossians 2:12), etc.
So how does that doctrine, that ‘tradition’ go from being immersed (buried) in water (‘baptizo’ means ‘immersed’) to pouring some water on someone’s head?
And how did that corruption then devolve to sprinkling some drops of water on someone?
By whose Authority?
I mean, it seems important, that if God is going to provide a way of salvation, should we not accept His terms and conditions, i.e., do it His way, instead of our own way?
I have seen how this works first hand, with someone who was terminally ill, in the hospital, and wanted to obey the gospel, to be baptized for the remission of sins, to be saved.
The hospital ‘chaplain’ said no problem, we’ll get a blanket, soak it in water, and lay it over him.
I kid you not.
I asked him why would you do that?
He said because we can’t dunk him in a baptistry pool.
I said we don’t need a baptistry pool, tub large enough to immerse someone will do, and certainly a Hospital has such a device…
But where did you get the idea to get a blanket, make it wet, and lay it on top of someone as a way of baptizing them?
I appreciated his candor. He told me that he and the other ministers / pastors on the hospital rotation got together and decided it would just be easier that way…
I just looked at him, like ‘you’ve gotta be kidding me’. I’m getting a flashback to an old Keystone Kops scene where four police cars all crash into each other in the middle of a four-way intersection.
Where is the Authority for that, who said you could do that, who put you in charge, died and made you God? It was breathtaking, and yet at the same time, I could tell that he only meant well, he was only trying to help.
And that’s how it usually happens.
People think they know better, they’ll just do a little of this, or a little of that, God won’t mind, right?
We moved from the Hospital to Hospice.
At Hospice, they had a large therapeutic whirlpool that was big enough to immerse someone. The pastor on duty was a woman (not a good sign, there is no Authority in God’s Word for women to be pastors, or to have any Authority over men).
She was a kind woman, and I was confident she meant well, and I told her about the possibility that there might be a baptism, and if so, there might not be a lot of time. A person needs to be lucid, to understand what they’re doing, to confess Christ (which is why, in part, that there is no example or Authority for infant baptism in Scripture, because an infant can’t understand what’s going on, much less confess Christ, and besides all that, an infant is innocent, no understanding of right or wrong, so no sin — infant baptism is yet ANOTHER addition of doctrine without any Authority from God).
In order to be lucid, you have to be off (or at least between) your palliative-care pain medication. But you don’t want to go for several hours without that pain medication, because the pain is excruciating.
So I was trying to make arrangements to use the therapeutic whirlpool on short notice, if the opportunity presented itself, and the patient was willing to try.
She said there’s no need to do all that, I’ll just get a bucket and put some water in it, and he can sit on the side of the bed and put his feet in the bucket.
I started wondering if I was on Candid Camera, like Alan Fundt was going to jump out from behind a potted plant in the corner.
Where are people getting these ideas, taking it upon themselves to jury-rig God’s plan of salvation according to whatever seems right in their own eyes?
I wondered for a moment how many people she had done that to, thinking (believing) she was doing them a service. I sure hope God sees it that way, it’s His call, but I sure wouldn’t want to go around telling people things on my own Authority when it comes to matters of baptism or any other thing related to salvation.
The female pastor resisted the use of whirlpool. She thought it was a bad idea (she wasn’t a doctor, in truth, she wasn’t even Authorized to be a pastor).
I didn’t know if it would even be necessary, if the opportunity would present itself, so I ended the discussion politely and kept my powder dry.
A few days later, that man was lucid, he was a couple hours overdue for his next dose, but the pain wasn’t bad yet. He said he wanted to be baptized, if he could, if it was possible.
I’ll tell you what, I didn’t go looking around for that pastor lady, or to get anyone else’s permission. I called my pastor, and he said he would be there in 10 minutes. His presence wasn’t necessary, but I had never baptized anyone before, and there wasn’t going to be a second opportunity.
He arrived, we went to the whirlpool room, and my pastor filled the whirlpool tub while I went back to the patient’s room. The tub would need about 10 minutes to fill up enough for an adult to be submerged, and I was watching for that pastor lady to try to stop us at any moment.
My brother-in-law and I wheeled that man in his bed down to the whirlpool room, and we carefully lifted him out of the bed and into the whirlpool. The water was warm, it felt good to him, and he was completely alert.
My pastor took over, and when it was time, the man took a breath and held it as we lowered him under the water, and brought him right back up out of it again.
I wish you all could have seen the smile on that poor man’s face, when he came up out of the water.
We wrapped him in towels, and wheeled him back to his room, and changed him into some dry bedclothes. He was more alert than he had been in weeks. His speech aphasia was gone, his voice was back, speaking clearly and strongly, like there was nothing wrong with him at all. He didn’t want his pain medication. He had an hour with his family where he seemed like himself again, maybe for the last time, and he was happy, and he wanted them to be happy.
I’m getting a little carried away here with the good part, the point is, that man did it God’s way, according to His Word. And if he could do it, in his condition, then most people can.
So don’t listen to people who try to talk you into doing things that are not according to God’s Word. They usually (hopefully) mean well, but that doesn’t mean they’re right.
God is right.
If we do things His way, then we’ll be right, too.
“Maybe I just don’t understand what the word ‘tradition’ means, or the way it’s being used in this context.”
A tradition is not an essential tenet of the Church. If someone does not have boiled eggs at Easter, it is no big deal because it is just a tradition that is not essential for salvation. Instead, it is something, as thinkthinkthink said, to help people grow in understanding of their faith.
“There are at least 9 accounts in the book of Acts along of Christian conversion, and every one of them ends in the waters of baptism…So how does that doctrine, that ‘tradition’ go from being immersed (buried) in water (‘baptizo’ means ‘immersed’) to pouring some water on someone’s head?”
I consider baptism to be more than a tradition since it is something we are commanded to do. And you are correct that it means to be immersed. As you know, many Protestant churches do practice immersion. So does the Orthodox Church.
The terminally ill man you mention was blessed to have you to help him. There are situations, however, where a person is too ill or infirm to be moved at all. They could not be immersed in anything, even a makeshift tub. In that case, God knows the intent of their heart and the intent of the clergyman to baptize the person, and the concept of “economia,” or a leniency, applies. The same could be said of the thief on the cross who was not baptized. It would also apply to a soldier on a battlefield and in other situations, though it is rare.
“Where is the Authority for that, who said you could do that, who put you in charge, died and made you God?”
Here is where the concept of Church tradition applies. One either believes that there were, and are, traditions that were passed down, or one believes that nothing can be done outside of what is written in Scripture (Sola Scriptura). It is clear where you’re coming from, and I do understand your position. Having said that, there are countless interpretations of Scripture, and that is why there are so many different denominations.
I know from experience the great skepticism and even animosity that some Protestants have toward the Catholic Church, and I do understand. Having said that, the Orthodox Church, highlighted in this article, is not the Catholic Church. The two split in 1054 over essential doctrines. I have found that a great deal of church history is ignored by some Protestants.
I’m not here to try to convince you of anything. Your faith is admirable. I am grateful that God has mercy on us and knows the intent of our hearts, and that faith in Him is paramount.
BTW, in the most recently published Catechism of the Catholic Church it states that anyone can baptize a new convert if circumstances dictate that a priest would not be able to do so in a timely manner. And a long standing doctrine is that martyr’s are counted as baptized in blood. I suppose some could argue this applies to the thief on the cross.
Scott, remember Paul’s (and others’) admonitions about legalism.
“Scott, remember Paul’s (and others’) admonitions about legalism.”
I remember, but what about my posts is legalistic?
I’m just applying basic logic and reason to what appear to be somewhat common misconceptions.
“There was no book to go to to see if eggs could be used to represent life, and such a tradition is not dogma.
2 Thessalonians 2 King James Version (KJV)
15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.”
Does the verse you quoted not contradict your own position?
“whether taught by word, or our epistle.” ?
What is an ‘epistle’?
1. a letter, especially a formal or didactic one; written communication.
2. (usually initial capital letter ) one of the apostolic letters in the New Testament.
Of course the apostles taught verbally, what should they have done, gone from town to town with tape over their mouths, and do pantomime or charades, while pointing to books?
Is God not perfect?
The Scriptures say He is.
Does God contradict Himself?
Did the Apostles contradict God, or the inspired Word of God?
Which is the higher Authority — an Apostle, or the Word of God?
We know, for just one example, that Peter was wrong (cf. Galatians 2:11).
Where in all of God’s Word is it revealed that God — or by extension, His Word — was wrong?
If ever there was a man who had ‘the mind of Christ’ (1 Cor 2:16) in teaching it was Paul. So if there was ever a time when you could sit back, relax, not bother to check, but just take a mortal man’s word for something in matters of God, it would have been when listening to Paul, yes?
And yet we know, for another example, that the Bereans did not simply take Paul’s word, but they checked what Paul taught, against what?
WHAT did they use, to verify that what Paul taught them was true?
“These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” (Acts 17:11)
No doubt Christian doctrine was taught orally, and always has been — but how do you verify that what is being taught orally by MEN is actually true and so?
If there is any OTHER way to do it, except to compare what (fallible) men say to what God has said in His Word, what way would that be?
Is the written Word of God not always the superior Authority to any words man might say — unless that man is claiming (and can prove, with signs and wonders, as the Apostles did!) that he is speaking orally by inspiration of God?
““There was no book to go to to see if eggs could be used to represent life, and such a tradition is not dogma.”
Suppose, for sake of argument, that there was no book they could go to.
Then WHY would anyone accept this new doctrine or agree to it?
Just because?
If that’s the standard, then why don’t they agree to and accept wearing ass-less chaps after the fashion and tradition of San Fransisco gay pride parades — or any OTHER thing?
There has to be an Authority, someone or some thing which has determined what is acceptable and what is not acceptable, yes?
Is that Someone not God?
Is His Word not that Authority?
If the Scriptures are silent on some subject, does that give permission or mean it is acceptable?
I can’t find any prohibition (or even any mention) of ass-less chaps in God’s Word… so does the silence of the Scriptures on that subject mean it’s fine for a Christian to dress that way for worship services… or ANYWHERE else?
In other words, the question still remains: “By what Authority do you DO this thing?”
And if it is without Authority, then why does one do it?
It could hardly be a more basic question.
What is the answer?
“Then WHY would anyone accept this new doctrine or agree to it?”
We are not talking about a doctrine, but a tradition.
I’ll try an idea here Scott. What if traditions are simply habits developed by leaders in order to help their people grow in their understanding of their faith.
Interesting article and videos about the US Navy’s change in protocol in handling of UFO sightings…with a focus on the USS Nimitz Carrier Battle Group’s encounter in 2004 with a large object just under the surface of the Pacific ocean and a fleet of physics defying “Tic Tac” shaped flying objects in the same location.
Is bringing back the possibility of extraterrestrial UFO’s just a cover for masking our own advanced technology? And if so, where did we acquire such advanced technology? Interesting analysis…
Personally? I think there needs to be disclosure… the Cabal has lied about so much. Watch the Cabal try to us this topic as a way to change the narrative when (big) arrests start.
It could well be that the Klintoons sold ultra-advance tech to various other parties (read: Chicoms and Russkies), and now we have to watch out and see if the bad guys have actually made it to production…
Tru Dope at it again!!! Did you all see this?!!!
Perhaps if he uncrossed his legs, his brain would work (a little better)
This blog sends the multiple + signs to spam.
But I send them anyway.
Thank you Patrick…
A multiple + sign reply from you means a lot !!!
You deserve them pR.
You put the Gem, in Gemini.
I posted this earlier in reply to this tweet, but somehow it got mixed in with the trash Pence conversation. A most unfortunate and unintended mistake.
So here is my comment on the Blundering of Canada’s PM again …
The last occupier of the White House seemed to do everything possible to create disdain for the highest office in the land. From interior decoration to weak foreign policy to police state tactics.
Thank God our Lion PDJT has cleansed the office of President and restored it to the dignity and honor George Washington helped to start it with.
How would Just In Canada be any different? Soviet mole ASSIGNED to destroy credibility of their leadership.
Great comment T3!!! (and beautiful post BTW) It’s funny you Just In Tru Dope to Obummer… I was discussing this with my sister today (h/t to Marica’s sister who told me about this article at GW) I said “what is wrong with Canada?–Wait–We elected Obummer TWICE!”
Soviet mole ASSIGNED–is an excellent answer!
Me likey very much!
Estimated completion date for the El Paso and Yuma sections of wall – October 2020
President Trump said last night they will finish over 400 miles of wall by the end of 2020!
Currently – the Army Corps is prequalifying contractors for 8 billion in contracts.
“Around Dec. 2020, the total amount of money we will have put in the ground in the last couple of years will be about 450 miles. That’s probably about $8 billion, in total about 33 projects.”
Hear that – Ms. Coulter?
Yeeeaaaayyyy !
I found this in comments to The Epoch Times tweet I posted above.
GA/FL do you know anything about this stretch of border he is talking about ?
I don’t know anything about O’Rourke and his family.
There is a decades old law that says nothing can be built within a certain distance of the border. That was to make sure a wall could be built someday if needed.
That’s good to know……..
wrt O’Rourke’s father-in-law, William D. Sanders, aka the Warren Buffet of real estate, Sanders’s portfolio is valued at about $20 billion.
According to the brochure, “Borderplex has been obtaining positions in central El Paso real estate primarily through William D. Sanders, Chris Kleberg and Meyer Marcus.”
Sanders runs Verde Realty, which among other services develops and operates corporate facilities along the U.S.-Mexico border. Sanders, widely hailed as an expert in the use of real estate investment trusts, is the founding force behind the Borderplex Trust and serves as a director.
Interesting point about our feisty new Attorney General saying he may not answer a subpoena due to the process/rules currently in place.
Why DOES Nadler want to interview/interrogate Barr and not Mueller?
Content of testimony is irrelevant…
#1 Barr was just messin’ w/ Jerry when he said he would appear.
#2 If Eric Holder can blow off a subpoena to testify then he has set the standard.
#3 House subpoenas mean nothing, ultimate enforcement is up to the DoJ.
#4 Nadler probably realized, with help from someone with a brain, that Mueller would be at risk of perjury
I could go on, but I don’t find it interesting – just more kabuki theatre from Nadler… who really wants POTUS’ documents he thinks might be involved.
As we have seen since Benghazi and the IRS scandals, Congressional investigations/subpoenas/testimony don’t amount to a hill of beans.
And during this Administration… McCabe blew off a subpoena TWICE I think, before finally appearing.
Lying to Congress doesn’t matter a hill of beans either. Holder did it. Hillary did it. So did Blasey-Ford.
Ramses Goat a/k/a Harold Finch has an interesting thread.
Looks like the odious Ben Rhodes may need one of those thousand dollar an hour Washington lawyers when his number comes up. Add him to the perp walk list.
85% of Obama’s warrantless surveillance searches were illegal: P 82 –
I’m speechless…
I remember reading about this. TY….
We can’t move forward with someone we have no confidence in…
Glad this is happening now…
Currently, the facility has only 40 prisoners, but in the past held as many as 600 prisoners.
Interestingly, President Trump has been building and enlarging Gitmo facilities to the tune of 200 Million $$$ – despite the reduced number of detainees.
Make that 500 million:
Must have a plan.
Our POTUS is so compassionate…
Charlie Kirk is on top of things… and he’s only 25…
Lustige Blätter, i.e. funny pages or comics…
They’re gonna find out that the joke’s on them…
Trump pulled down the covers and showed everybody who’s sleeping together in the dirty deep state bed.
Excellent analogy Patrick…
Would make a great meme !!!
Give it a day or two.
Cartoonists sometimes this way come……………..
There were 150 in the bed and the little one said,
“Roll over, roll over”,
There were 149 in the bed and the little one said……….
Ooh. Sleeping together…. Some of those swamp creatures shouldn’t be sleeping with anyone else.
What’s this?
13th Letter of the alphabet.
Halfway point………………………..?
Excellent and quick Patrick!! I was just counting on my fingers the 13th letter…
Halfway Point is a great thought!!!
You have thirteen fingers?
The letter M – symbolism. It is believed that the letter M is the most sacred: masculine and feminine agree in it, it represents the symbol of water. The letter gives the origin to all times, creates the beginning of the natural and the natural forms of existence.
🤣🤣🤣 My secret weapon!🙃
Water… told you it was an upside down W 😉
“But let justice roll on like many waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing river.”
Amos 5:24
Justice is comin’ – says Rudy
I like it!!
tweet is gone. maybe M for mistake?
First letter of your name? 😉
An upside down W ?
Phoenix!!! Rudy was sending me a coded message!! Activate Marica? Aw hell…🤣🤣🤣
Yeah. Put down the whiskey sour, swig some Covfefe, and GO!!! 🙂
Cuppa!! But where do I go?!!!🤣
“M is a fictional character in Ian Fleming’s James Bond book and film series; the character is the Head of the Secret Intelligence Service—also known as MI6—and is Bond’s superior.”
Mayor G might be referencing…
Robert Hannigan, head of Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) 2014-2017
OH FG&C— That’s an excellent speculation!!! Most Excellent!
phoenixRising wrote:
April 28, 2019 at 16:18
In the summer of 2016, Robert Hannigan, head of Britain’s Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) traveled to Washington D.C. to meet with then-CIA Head John Brennan regarding alleged communications between the Trump Campaign and Moscow.
That summer, GCHQ’s then head, Robert Hannigan, flew to the US to personally brief CIA chief John Brennan. The matter was deemed so important that it was handled at “director level”, face-to-face between the two agency chiefs.
The meeting between Hannigan and Brennan appears somewhat…unusual.
The US and the UK are two of the so-called Five Eyes — along with Canada, Australia and New Zealand — that share a broad range of intelligence through a formalized alliance.
The GCHQ is responsible for Britain’s Signals Intelligence.
The NSA is responsible for the United States’ Signals Intelligence.
Hannigan’s U.S. counterpart was not CIA Director Brennan.
Hannigan’s U.S. counterpart was NSA Director Mike Rogers.
THis is making Wolfies Post today extremely relevant!!!!
Love it G&C !!!!!!!!!!!
In Roman Numerals…
M = 1000
I dunno what Rudy meant there…just throwing that in.
Interesting tweet by a known swamp dweller and CoC eunuch.
Trying to get on the “white hat side” with one tweet?…
Kinda like Lindsey Graham, who is part of the same corrupt bunch?
Ms Lyndsey was/is corrupt–but somehow is going to play solidly in to helping–ties were cut when McStain was died…😳
I wish that were true, but….
Graham is dirty, just like his bbf McCain.
careful who you quote FG&C…😏🤔
Lindsey wants to get reelected next year.
Any help we get from him…will have to happen before that, because after he gets reelected he may very well go back to his old tricks.
I have a hard time holding grudge with Lyndsey after his Kavanaugh courage… But he is in the same boat as McTurtle—Mitch is great on Judges…and shaky on Trump…
Marine One landing with Washington Memorial in background brings cold chills and watery eyes!
It carries Precious Cargo.
Yes Wheatie!! SO very Precious!! 🙏🙏🙏