The shooting at the synagogue in Poway has interesting details
that we might want to keep discussing as we ponder
the aims, successes, and yes, failures of the puppet masters
behind these despicable attacks.
Combat Vet Who Stopped The Synagogue Shooter: ‘I Scared The Hell Out Of Him’
Rachel Stoltzfoos | Staff Reporter at
The man who fired a semi-automatic weapon inside the Chabad of Poway synagogue in San Diego on Saturday froze, dropped his gun and sprinted to his car when he saw Oscar Stewart come barreling toward him, yelling so loud the priest at a neighboring church could hear.
“Get down!” Stewart yelled, according to his wife and others who were at the scene. “You motherfucker! I’m going to kill you!”
Others who were there later told him it sounded like four or five people were shouting. He thinks maybe an angel was standing behind him and speaking through his voice. When the shooter ran, he immediately gave chase.
Stewart, 51, told The Daily Caller on Sunday he doesn’t remember any conscious thought from the moment he heard the gun shots until it was all over — he just acted on instinct to stop the shooter and prevent him from leaving so he couldn’t hurt more people somewhere else. The Iraq combat veteran said his military training kicked in.
“I knew I had to be within five feet of this guy so his rifle couldn’t get to me,” Stewart said. “So I ran immediately toward him, and I yelled as loud as I could. And he was scared. I scared the hell out of him.”
Stewart served in the Navy in explosive ordnance disposal from 1990 to 1994, then enlisted in the Army in 2001 because of the Sept. 11 terror attacks.
“Looking back, it was kind of a crazy idea to do, but I did it.” He was deployed to Iraq in 2003 and left the military in 2004, as a staff sergeant. He’s now in construction work.
When the gunman opened fire, he was in the back of the synagogue. By the time he got to the lobby, the shooter had killed one woman, blown the finger off of a rabbi, and injured two others.
“I heard gunshots,” Stewart said. “And everybody got up and started trying to get out the back door, so I — for whatever reason — I didn’t do that. I ran the other way. I ran towards the gun shots.”
“When I came around the corner into the lobby area, I saw the individual with a gun, and he fired two rounds. And I yelled at him and I must have yelled very loud, and he looked at me, and I must have had a really mean look on my face or something, because he immediately dropped his weapon and turned and ran. And then I gave chase.”
Stewart said he chased him all the way out to his car and began pounding on it — the shooter had managed to lock himself in. When Stewart saw him reach for a rifle, he punched the side of the car as hard as he could, intending to figure out a way to drag him out of the car. That’s when a Border Patrol agent who attends the synagogue came running out to the parking lot, yelling for Stewart to get down because he had a gun.
Stewart says this man may have saved his life and pointed to his use of a civilian’s gun as evidence that gun control isn’t the answer to these kinds of tragedies. Stewart was off-duty and was apparently handed the weapon by someone else on the scene.
“It takes a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun,” he told the Caller.
The agent fired several rounds into the lower part of the vehicle, intending to disable it, but the shooter managed to drive away. The two of them then grabbed a phone from someone and called the police to report his license plate. The shooter later turned himself in.
After he sped off, Stewart ran back into the synagogue and found a woman he knew, 60-year-old Lori Gilbert Kaye, unresponsive on the floor in the lobby. He began CPR and continued trying to bring her back to life as a couple of doctors arrived and began to assist him. She didn’t make it. The two had talked occasionally, and he remembers her as a passionate and kind woman.
“She had different political views, so we had interesting discussions when we talked,” he said. “We didn’t just talk about the weather. It was kind of cool. She was a very loving woman.”
Stewart considers her the real hero. Eyewitnesses said she jumped in front of the rabbi to save his life.
“People in the aftermath here have been saying it’s important to be strong and defend ourselves. I also think it’s important to know that being strong and defending ourselves requires a lot of sacrifice too.”
“I don’t know if I consciously made the choice to potentially sacrifice myself,” he added. “But I did. And this lady, she stood and she jumped in front of the shooter and she saved the rabbi’s life. When somebody said I was a hero, I’m like, she was a hero. I just did it instinctively, like an animal. There was no conscious decision. I just did it.”
He may not call himself a hero, but Stewart believes his actions effectively stopped the shooter. He doesn’t think reports of the shooter’s gun jamming as the reason he fled are likely to be true, because he was using a semi-automatic rifle. “Full automatic weapons will jam,” he said. “Semi-automatic weapons do not jam.” He thinks maybe the shooter had emptied his magazine. Whatever the case, the shooter let the slung weapon drop and fled.
“He was in the act of shooting when I saw him,” Stewart said. “When I yelled at him he turned and looked at me, and he like froze. And then the look on his face was one of amazement at first, and then one of fear. He saw me coming, and I was ready to do whatever I had to do to stop him.”
For his part, Stewart doesn’t attribute the shooter’s actions to a larger agenda and was reluctant to connect him to a larger political context. He doesn’t blame President Donald Trump and expressed hope that people don’t try to blame anyone else for the man’s actions. “He was an individual acting alone,” he said.
“If you’re ignorant and you don’t know what people are like, you don’t know that I’m a person just like you. I go to work every day in a manual labor job. I’m not some, you know – supposedly he said in his manifesto that the Jews control this and that — I don’t control anything. I go to work just like you every day. He didn’t know that.”
“If he had gotten to know me, he would know that I’m a great person, that I’m a nice guy, that I’m a very caring person,” he continued. “My apprentices — they all love me. They say that I’m the best teacher in the world, you know, that I care, that I try to teach them, and if he had known any of these people, like the lady Lori who died. She would go give Easter baskets to kids and that’s not even a Jewish thing, you know. … She was just a warm person.”
If anything’s to blame, he says it’s social media and the increasingly disconnected world we find ourselves in. “The whole media thing — people don’t get to know people, and they get to sit in a cocoon, and sit and make opinions on what somebody writes. It’s not good. We need to interact more.”
“The most important thing I want to share is that we need to know each other,” he said. “If you make an opinion on anyone, you need to know what they’re about, and who they are. You can’t generalize and say every blue person is evil because they’re blue. That’s ridiculous.”
The funeral service for Kaye is on Monday. He expects the synagogue will be totally packed.
Wow! #Poway Chabad Rabbi had asked border patrol agent who took down the Synagogue shooter to pray armed – just in case. In doing so, they averted an even greater catastrophe! The agent only recently discovered his Jewish roots.
— Arsen Ostrovsky (@Ostrov_A) April 29, 2019
Poway Chabad rabbi had asked border patrol agent to pray armed – just in case
By Debra Kamin at
The 19-year-old gunman killed Lori Gilbert-Kaye, 60, and wounded three people: Rabbi Yisroel Goldstein, 8-year-old Noya Dahan and her uncle, Almog Peretz.
“Morales recently discovered his Jewish roots. He would travel three and a half hours from [the California town of] El Centro to pray with us at our shul,” Goldstein told media at a Sunday press conference outside the synagogue. “He felt this was his house of worship. And many times I said, ‘Jonathan, you work for the border patrol. Please arm yourself when you are here; we never know when we will need it.’”
US President Donald Trump spoke with Goldstein on Sunday and took to Twitter to praise the rabbi and Morales, writing: “He may have been off duty but his talents for Law Enforcement weren’t!”
Sincerest THANK YOU to our great Border Patrol Agent who stopped the shooter at the Synagogue in Poway, California. He may have been off duty but his talents for Law Enforcement weren’t!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 27, 2019
As for why there weren’t any active duty guards at the synagogue, in an earlier interview with CNN Goldstein said, “Unfortunately, we couldn’t afford to have an armed security officer at every service, so whenever we had extra help, we were grateful for it.”
In a moment that Goldstein referred to as “miraculous,” Earnest’s gun jammed, and congregant Oscar Stewart, a 51-year-old Army veteran, and Morales attempted to subdue the gunman. Morales was also able to open fire and give pursuit.
After Earnest fled the building, Morales followed in his own vehicle and shot and hit Earnest’s car. Earnest soon turned himself in to law enforcement.
On Sunday, Goldstein, his two hands in fresh blue bandages, gave a detailed recounting of Saturday’s harrowing shooting in Poway, a suburban town just north of San Diego.
“I was preparing for my sermon, I walked out of the sanctuary and into the lobby and I saw my dear friend Lori Kaye,” said Goldstein. “I walked into the banquet hall to wash my hands, walked two or three footsteps and I heard a loud bang.”
That bang was the sound of the first shots fired by Earnest, a college student who entered the Chabad House undetected amid a flow of mourners who were gathering for Yizkor, the traditional memorial service held on the final day of Passover.
“I turned around and saw something indescribable,” Goldstein continued. “Here is a young man standing with a rifle pointing right at me. He had sunglasses on. I couldn’t see his eyes, I couldn’t see his soul.”
The rabbi said that when he saw the shooter he initially froze, then raised his hands to cover his face. Two of his fingers were blown off; one was reattached by surgeons at Palomar Medical Center in San Diego late Saturday.
Gilbert-Kaye, whom relatives and friends on Saturday described as a woman of unconditional love and unbounded generosity, was the only fatality of Earnest’s mass shooting.
Goldstein took several minutes to thank San Diego County law enforcement and to praise the wellspring of warmth and support that the local community has offered in light of the tragedy.
A chain of miracles
In a remarkable series of events, the rabbi and a handful of congregants were able to save a group of children playing in the adjacent banquet hall, preventing a full-fledged massacre.
“I ran [to gather the children],” Goldstein says. “My granddaughter, who is four and a half years old, saw her grandpa with a bleeding hand. She saw me shouting, ‘Get out! Get out!’ She didn’t deserve to see her grandfather like that.”
Aided by Peretz, an Israeli war veteran who was also at Chabad of Poway with his family Sunday, Goldstein was able to usher the children out of the banquet hall with the shooter in pursuit.
But in what Goldstein referred to as a “miracle,” Earnest’s gun jammed. Even while Morales was still on Earnest’s trail, congregants — who had been gathered in the sanctuary and would have made easy targets for Earnest had his gun not jammed — fled to Chabad’s front entrance.
Goldstein’s hand was bleeding badly and his two fingers were dangling by cartilage. “I grabbed a prayer shawl,” he said, wrapped his wounds, and stood on a chair to address his congregation.
“I said, ‘I gotta do something,’” he said. “I said to our congregation: ‘Am Yisrael chai [The People of Israel live]. We are a Jewish nation that will stand tall and we will not let anyone or anything take us down.’”
Farewell to an ‘angel’
“Lori took the bullet for all of us. She died to protect all of us. She didn’t deserve to die,” Goldstein said.
Gilbert-Kaye was one of the congregation’s oldest and most devoted members, the rabbi told media. A former employee of Wells Fargo, she was instrumental in helping Chabad secure the loan for the building in the early 1990s. She and her husband Howard were so close with the rabbi and his wife that two weeks ago they flew to New York City for Goldstein’s youngest daughter’s wedding, and danced together with the bride.
Roneet Lev, friend of Chabad of Poway
shooting victim Lori Gilbert-Kaye,
April 28, 2019. (Debra Kamin/Times of Israel)
Her generosity and kindness was lauded on Sunday by Roneet Lev, who was at the Chabad of Poway to mourn. Lev described herself as Kaye’s best friend.
“Lori Kaye is an angel on this planet,” Lev said. “She’s touched many lives in her own life. Not just in this community but throughout the entire world.”
Describing a woman who always carried gifts cards and greeting cards to offer as presents and who would regularly purchase extra coffees and donuts for homeless people on the street, Lev explained that Kaye was at Chabad of Poway to say the first Kaddish mourner’s prayer for her mother, who had recently died.
Kaye’s daughter Hannah lives in Los Angeles and had driven down to be with her mother for the service.
Lev offered hope and optimism as she spoke of her friend.
“Even in this horrible, painful event, we know good will come out of it,” Lev said. “Lori is known for bringing out the good in people. And look at these flowers. Look at this law enforcement. Look at the good people of San Diego. Lori is now bringing them together.”
p.s., another article about the shooting from a local paper was originally posted with some odd wording that cast some shadows on the synagogue’s use of DHS funds to strengthen security. The second and third versions fixed this gaff and added a quote from the local ADL spokesperson.
RELATED: Trump Praises Off-Duty Border Patrol Agent Who Engaged Synagogue Shooter
RELATED: Democrats Use San Diego Synagogue Shooting To Push Gun Control
The “AR” in AR-15 stands for ArmaLite, NOT assault rifle. This is a point we need to be making with everyone that we talk about such things with.
No you don’t – Gillum!!!
You won’t/can’t turn Americans against each other with your divisiveness and race cards.
We are disgusted with Sharpton and Obama constantly yammering lies and trying to cause violence and hatred among Americans.
Amen ….
Good response!
BTW, based on your advise for visibility I added loads of tags and categories to it.
NICE!!! Thank you! Good news for me, and for the site! <3
And posted to a conservative group on Gab.
Conservatives are coming out of their shells. Every time one of these tools speaks up for his masters the replies to these tweets are just like they were Q’d. Oh happy days!
Love your reply GM Texas!!!! Excellent!!!
T3 – Thank you for putting together this beautiful tribute to American heroism, love and faith.
This Scripture came to mind:
“The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion.” (P)roverbs 28:1
Note: The Parentheses are a new code to beat WP. I have found I can even post (D)irector (B)lue links using this method.
This sounds like an excellent trick – will watch for you using it!
I second that T*3…
This has to stop…
Cynic here… shooter fits profile of MK patsy.
The children… how traumatized they must be… Rabbi is correct, his granddaughter should never have had to see her grandfather as she did.
Do congregants need to conceal carry when they go to worship/pray ?
Agreed on the MK – and they got him alive. Sadly, he’s in California – blue zone – easier to cover up the very ephemeral trails of the influencers and manipulators.
“Do congregants need to conceal carry when they go to worship/pray ?”
At the very least, have one or two people who are designated to carry concealed.
Have someone at the door as a greeter or usher, to keep an eye on who is approaching the building, and lock the doors during worship services once they begin. Usher can let latecomers in, or leave the door locked if someone approaching looks like he’s there to cause trouble.
Bullet-proof glass on the door would be a nice touch.
Agree. We lock all side and back entrances. We leave the front lobby doors open as we have a highly trained retired police officer who is a member located there. Located throughout the sanctuary are a half dozen members in the congregation who are concealed carry licensed. The head usher is also concealed carry.
I know lots of people who conceal carry in churches and movie theaters nowadays. Smart.
I think everyone should carry if they can. Back in the mists of time,( when dinosaurs roamed the earth), I qualified for a gliders pilot licence. The mantra was always have a plan as a tow rope could snap. Part of qualifying was having the instructor randomly releasing prematurely so you had to refocus on how to get down safely and where. We all need that mental preparedness now. Like Matt is- be polite, be professional and have a plan to kill everyone you meet.
“Do congregants need to conceal carry when they go to worship/pray?”
It’s a best practice, especially if they are Jewish. Or if the surrounding populace has a significant Mohammad quotient.
Full article from
NRA Blog | Why the AR-15 is America’s Most Popular Rifle
There are many misconceptions to the AR-15. Two of the most notable are: AR stands for “Assault-Rifle” and they are the same as fully-automatic military firearms. We’re going to debunk these misconceptions, and we’re going to show you why AR-15s are America’s Most Popular Rifles.
A brief history…
The AR in AR-15 actually stands for ArmaLite Rifle, the company which designed and developed the first AR. In 1959, ArmaLite sold the rights to Colt, which continued to carry on the “AR” name. Colt modified the rifle, most notably by relocating the charging handle from under the carrying handle to the rear of the receiver. This redesigned rifle was marketed and adopted by the United States military as the fully automatic M16 rifle. Finding success in all of the ways the platform could be used, Colt developed a semi-automatic civilian version, better known as the AR-15. While the AR-15 and M16 are nearly identical in external appearance, they are internally different. The hammer and trigger mechanisms are designed differently, and the bolt carrier and internal lower receiver of the semi-automatic versions are milled differently, so that the firing mechanisms are not interchangeable. The AR-15 can only switch between safe and fire functions.
There is a vast difference between fully automatic and semi-automatic firearms. In order to fire a semi-automatic firearm, you must pull and release the trigger after each shot. You cannot hold the trigger for rapid fire. Semi-automatic firearms are functionally no different on any platform, whether it be a pistol, rifle or shotgun. Manufacturing of automatic firearms for the general public has been tightly regulated for 80 years and fully-automatic firearms have not been manufactured for the general public at all since the Hughes Amendment to the Firearms Owners Protection Act became law in 1986.
Today, the AR-15 has soared in popularity amongst gun owners, due to a wide-range of factors. It is customizable, adaptable, reliable and accurate that can be used in sport shooting, hunting and self-defense situations. Civilians can also modify and personalize their AR-15 from carbine-length, stocks, optics, barrels, etc. The AR-15s ability to be modified to your own personal taste is one of the things that makes it so unique.
Check out the AR-15s below, and spread the word on what AR really stands for, America’s Rifle.
So, calling this gun an assault rifle is a pejorative slander on the intentions of the owner.
Great thinking! You’re really seeing how their memes work! Very impressed – I never caught that.
Excellent info, thank you.
Great info! Thank you.
AIMS … what do you see as the multi-dimensional purposes of these types of “events”?
Gun Control, Anti-white narrative, Anti-nationalism narrative, Terror/Fear/Control of the sheep, Copy-cat repeats…
What else?
These incidents are not just multi-dimensional – they EXERT FORCES between those dimensions to FRAGMENT the Trump coalition. In particular, synagogue attacks are CALCULATED to keep Jews supporting Democrats in 2020. I’m afraid there will be more of them. The LEFT will push mental patients who can be successfully labeled as “far right” to act.
These incidents serve as a WEDGE between Trump’s support groups.
Jews VERSUS Free Speech VERSUS Guns.
It’s a VERY cynical ploy to force Trump to make a choice – EVEN if only for the moment of when he is FORCED to talk about one thing and not the other.
Manipulation of Jews by the left is at an all-time high, IMO. The left is desperate to keep one of their most GENEROUS identity groups in line, and that is very difficult as the Democrat tilt against Israel is being increasingly exposed by Trump.
Most mind control is open, group, and by public memes. EVENTS like this serve that purpose. Much of the psychological success – the PAYLOAD of the events – is not openly talked about, but it’s there all the same.
The fact is, getting ONE PERSON to behave a certain way is not hard with experienced people operating in well-known ways. Even if we can deconvolute this guy’s life and find out who pushed his buttons, it will be very hard to prove to the public. The people behind these incidents are PROFESSIONALS.
We need to BREAK UP the PRIVATE, SUPER-SECRET “Creamer-type” operatives, mafia, Russian agents and gangsters, AND other Democrat corruption support operations that are used to push these memes through sketchy events using mental patients.
If we have to get Putin’s hands a bit bloody with this stuff, TOUGH. He is the one who sent Krylova and Bogacheva on their gun violence tour. Make him answer for THEIR deeds as HIS DEEDS. Now that “Russian Collusion” is looking for some place to settle, it’s time for it to settle on the shocking truth.
The Communist Party is alive and well in Russia. Maybe it’s not just sitting there getting drunk.
The puppet masters.
Wolfie, I’m so grateful to you for showing me “what lies beneath” so much of what has been going on. I’ve learned so much, and continue to learn so much, by your explanations.
That might be their plan (and you make it fairly compelling) but … you have made a foundational assumption with which I disagree.
You assume (and build upon) the assumption that it is possible to fracture Trump’s coalition. I do not accept that external forces exist that could accomplish that. My view is that only DJT himself can fracture his group of Trumpians.
Strong corroborative evidence to support this is his continued popularity rating which incrementally increases but NEVER has a sudden drop NO MATTER WHAT THE MSM SAYS OR DOES.
As DJT himself has repeatedly told us, it’s not about me; it’s about you the people.
note: do not mistake disagreement as loss of affection.
You have the answer right there, in one paragraph:

“You assume (and build upon) the assumption that it is possible to fracture Trump’s coalition. I do not accept that external forces exist that could accomplish that. My view is that only DJT himself can fracture his group of Trumpians.”
The reason the left tries all sorts of FAILING methods is that they want to BE THERE in case something meets them half-way from the Trump side. Doesn’t even have to be intentional. It could be something that the public simply is unable to understand, and DEMS are ready to POUNCE on.
Now – will such a thing happen? Perhaps once in a hundred years. So what is the probability that it happens in 8 years? SMALL. Nevertheless…..
“Chance favors only the prepared mind.” – Louis Pasteur
Even if that mind is a criminal communist Democrat mind!
However, bear in mind that our VSG knows this. Has he prepared for it?
He’s prepared for everything. Even the unknown unknowns. Also he’s quick to assess and respond logically, not emotionally. Won’t be driven by someone else’s narrative
Shifting the narrative. What were we talking about a few days ago? The barn burning GDP report, the flame being turned up on the origin of Spygate and who is behind it. Oops, gotta distract people from THAT!
FAILURES … in what ways did this favorite from their playbook fail on them this time?
Don Jr for the assist…
Not to mention, the Rabbi requested that the border patrol agent carry in synagogue. Thank God for some common sense.
Applause for DJTJr. Perfect point to make!!
Our internet warriors are giving it right back to them.
Arthur Schwartz wins Twitter for the week or month with that one!
We can hope. But plan for the opposite.
Yes! And much of it will be SHAPED to look like it’s coming from the right, or from Trump supporters. BEWARE!!!
Remember, I believe strongly that communists were ultimately behind the killing of MLKJ. They needed to decapitate that movement to swing the racial pendulum to where communism wanted it to go, far beyond what MLKJ thought was legitimate.
God bless Arthur Schwartz for his Lion boldness.
May his tribe increase!
The Jewish people get our Lion is on their side. This shooting failed to change that.
First, I want to say how happy I am that you are part of this QTree. You add so much to the experience at least for me.
Second, I haven’t done any deep thinking about this event I just have a whole lot of emotional reactions and I’m still in that phase. I’m gulping back tears after reading your open, and I’m still pretty emotional from watching the rabbi speaking this morning as covered by FOX & Friends.
Failure? Oh, big time! What struck me is this is a classic boomerang. Everything this guy tried to do and everything his handlers were hoping for it seems to me has achieved the opposite. Here’s why:
Boomerang #1. The individual stories of heroism and selflessness and courage and decency seem to me to be an incredible example of American exceptionalism. I’m so proud of my country for breeding people like this. Surely this event has made people feel like shouting hurray for America as well as grief at the loss and pain.
Boomerang #2. Who could fail to be inspired by the congregants and the rabbi and what they have said and what they did? INSPIRED, not dispirited or helpless which is how I normally react to one of these mass killings.
Boomerang #3. I feel united, not divided, by this tragedy. Especially listening to the rabbi speak about this. I don’t quite know why, yet, I’m still operating on EMOTION not intellect.
Boomerang #4. Surely as always part of the goal is to make PDJT look bad. But wait–listen to the rabbi talking from his heart about the phone call from PDJT and how he was so comforting and caring. The rabbi’s reaction to PDJT’s call just made PDJT look more human and compassionate.
Boomerang #5. I’m certain that this was to be used to develop and build on the gun control narrative, and yet that failed, too. Instead, guns in the hands of good people is the theme of this act.
T3, thank you for this wonderful thread.
Thank you for sharing how your emotions have been taken for a ride with this. I can only imagine how many others have felt the same way. Courage. Breaking the power of dis-courage-ment and building up hearts with en-courage-ment!
AMEN! It is because our Authors here are free to bring great material like this to our attention with absolutely ZERO “gatekeeping” that we are truly a bastion of free speech the way the FOUNDERS intended it. <3
You have made an awfully nice forum for us. Every day I am reminded how grateful I am for this.
Hear Hear !!!
Boomerang #6. Good guy with gun was off-duty Border Patrol.
Oh yes, definitely!! This is an important point! With all the garbage thrown at the CBP over the last couple of years it is important that it was a Border Patrol officer who stepped up. It cuts against the MCM narrative.
The point came from the VSG and his son, via Twit, as you probably saw.
But since you were so nice to compile the Boomerang list, I didn’t want it to get left off by an oversight.
I appreciate it.
T3 – this is a great report and certainly won’t be broadcast elsewhere. Fighting back is our only viable action, whether it is physical attack, psy ops or verbal falsehoods.
I can appreciate that a military vet’s training would kick in, and thank Our Lord it did.
Coincidentally, I have been actively preparing myself mentally – when I go into church or any public place – to think about reacting offensively like this man did. Instead of hiding, to go AT the threat just as this guy did – yelling on instinct; thinking about what objects are available to throw; having gun accessible to shoot or hand off to a CBP hero (!); anything to distract or slow down the shooter. I don’t want to cower; I want to fight.
I’m not a martyr or a hero, (running/hiding is an instinct that is hard to overcome) and I’m far from physically fit or a good shot. I might have to submit to the ineffective, intrusive, insulting indignity of the TSA lines at airports, but I’ll be damned if I will cower in the face of true evil.
Amen Alison.
Mental toughness is something we all can think about and develop. The forms of martial arts that I’ve had exposure to all start from situational awareness. That ability to really look at people and sense when something is “OFF.” Then knowing how to assess when it’s right to run and when it’s right to fight and how.
The man to ran towards the threat was well equipped for the task by training, by mental toughness, by phsical work in the trades. The man who scooped up the children to move them away from the threat was also mentally quick to make the assessment of what was needed. From the one photo I saw of him he was also very physically fit. The woman that jumped in front of the Rabbi was mentally quick and used whatever level of fitness to protect that which was most dear to her.
YES! Most preparation is MENTAL!!!
Always be prepared!
BoW is saying something important here.
We much understand the STRUCTURE of our Republic, is we are to RESTORE it.
Ironically, we can use the patterns of WHAT THEY SAW FIT TO DESTROY as a roadmap to discover WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO REPAIR, PRESERVE, AND DEFEND.
It seems like the current cabal plan is to try to encourage religious terrorism around the world.
3/15 – New Zealand mosque attack
3/18 – Muslim man commits mass shooting in Netherlands
3/20 – African migrant attempts to set an Italian school bus on fire
4/5 – Black man intentionally runs over two white children with car in Colorado
4/12 – White child thrown from Mall of America balcony by a black man (Somali?)
4/15 – Notre Dame fire
4/15 – Al-Aqsa Mosque fire
4/17 – Man brings gasoline to St. Patrick’s Cathedral in NYC
4/17 – Woman obsessed with Columbine is hunted down by FBI (Related???)
4/18 – Journalist killed in North Ireland riot
4/18 – Winnipeg Restaurant fakes anti-Semitic hate crime
4/21 – Sri Lanka Church Attack
4/21 – Woman attempts a church shooting in San Diego.
4/21 – Somali man attacks German church with stones during Easter service
4/27 – California synagogue shooting
Excellent list – THANK YOU for that.
This gives me an idea. There is ENOUGH of these things to SOLVE THE PROBLEM. We have ENOUGH EQUATIONS to solve for “X the unknown”.
Perhaps we need an FBI task force that can find the BRANCHES OF CONTROL that reach out to these events. There are surely many for each event. They will not be able to get back to the unifying point – I suspect that will be implied but untouchable. However, I believe that the “lone perp” MK types will have multiple forces acting on them, many of which are shared between incidents, and all of which link back to coordination. Likewise, the terrorists will have things that link them. TIMING is a particular vulnerability of the forces behind these things. The SHARPER the timing for political and geopolitical gain, the more they will be exposed.
The trick is, ultimately, for the WORLD to know as much of this as possible, so that BLAME FALLS upon the forces behind the USE OF THE EVENTS to manipulate us. We have to create so much downside, and FUTURE DOWNSIDE, that it becomes unprofitable to keep trying to manipulate us with directed violence.
I do think there are white hats (at least in America) quietly working behind the scenes to keep this latest cabal campaign from turning into something much worse. Like recent Denver manhunt or catching the NYC man with gasoline before anything was set on the fire—seems like law enforcement was given a head’s up on some of these patsies. And this is only the stuff that made it into the news. Not saying we shouldn’t be vigilant or stop doing our own digging, though.
I know exactly what you’re saying. Totally agreed.
And YES – we need to be prepared, as random citizens, to act PROPERLY when events happen, when and where we can respond.
That said, I need to caution all Patriots who believe they have been identified by the Cabal, and even those who MIGHT have been identified (there is always a FIRST ATTACK), that it is best to retain at least a minimally necessary level of RANDOMNESS and UNPREDICTABILITY in your responses to provocations.
Beware of LAWFARE scripts designed to entrap, discredit, or worse.
Situational awareness should include the ability to discern (1) actors and players, (2) informants and other low-grade spies, and (3) MK pawns in “bot mode”.
The latter will appear like simple crazy, confused, mistaken, angry, or overly emotional people whose appearance in a time and place is “too lucky” to be coincidence. You KNOW there is sketchy on the situation. In many ways, this is like dealing with a regular crazy person, but NOT in all ways, if their purpose has something to do with YOU. An urge to HELP them may be the WRONG MOVE.
You can break their script in a variety of ways. One way was what Oscar Stewart did – unexpected attack. But if violence has not yet happened, TRIGGER DENIAL is a general strategy. This is EXACTLY like inserting a BUG into a program. If their purpose is to find YOU, and YOU are the trigger, then DENIAL ends the script. (Note that this is exactly the same as dealing with a simple, normal, crazy person. Ask WHY. Lots of amazing science there.)
Remember – these people are PROGRAMMED. You have to get them outside their programming to break the script. Unexpected responses BREAK the approach to the event.
I would look very closely at staffers in the traveling group of the big names. Pelosi, Pedosta, etc.
OMG – that is very likely true. That makes so much sense. It’s like that Feinstein aide who keeps showing up in all those plots, and was undoubtedly involved with the Two-Door Ford plot. YES – aides to all those top Dems are likely where stuff farms out.
Mary Jacoby, decades-long right hand of Cankles? BOOM!!!
I think this concept of ROTTEN ASSISTANTS goes further. Pence’s old CoS, too. THAT level – the people who DO STUFF FOR THE BOSS – is where people can sneak in to get sign-off on nasty (Pelosi case), OR to get access to super-sensitive information (Pence case). That is where deniable plots can originate. And those people inevitably get compromised by such actions, so they have to get involved in more of them.
I’m looking at Pence in two ways now, other than the “Pence is a bad apple” theory, which I believe is too simplistic for a real spy drama.
One is that Pence was being approached by the Cabal, but was “wired” for the job after the Ryno Coup, which would have tipped off the White Hats that Pence was being targeted to switch sides.
In the other theory, I think Pence was the desired but “kept clean” FULCRUM on which the Cabal wanted to get rid of Trump. THEREFORE, conspiring with a #NeverTrump Pence aide or CoS to GET THEIR BOSS INTO POTUS while doing so DENIABLY (meaning Pence didn’t know) makes loads of sense.
Lots of “popcorn ore” if LE starts mining at that level!!!
That…”4/17 – Woman obsessed with Columbine” event, is especially interesting.
It’s like the MK programming short-circuited and she was fighting it, or something.
She drove cross-country, bought a shotgun…but then ran off to a place where she could be by herself.
They ‘say’ that she committed suicide.
But…with a shotgun?!
Did she have really long arms?
Think about how unwieldy a shotgun would be, in shooting yourself.
It could be done…but…in this case it just seems very unlikely.
I think she was ‘disposed of’ because she would have been a threat to revealing whomever programmed her.
Having known somebody who killed themself with a shotgun in my youth, I can believe even a long bird gun as a method. The way it is done is far too easy, for a person who is SERIOUS about suicide. I won’t describe it, but it’s sound and effective. Not awkward at all.
In the case I know, the cops reported it as a gun-cleaning accident, but I’ve come to believe it may have been suicide and they erred on the side of the letting the parents believe the best. The victim may also have created the evidence which allowed it to be classed as an accident on purpose, to spare the parents. That was a different time – people who killed themselves typically cared about those they left behind – not trying to create body count to take with them. Cultural Marxism not only created evil – it destroyed good, which was seen even in an act as terrible as suicide.
NOW – I do believe that the MK victim killing themself is a common ending for the programming. I believe that this is very efficiently programmed in those who are not HIGHLY RESISTANT to suicide programming through religion, morality, or some other TRAINING that makes suicide a NON-STARTER.
This is why catching these people alive and debugging them is CRITICAL.
I also think you are right about the person FIGHTING IT. I believe that many people who have been MKed in ways that conflict with their basic prior moral training FIGHT BACK, but it seems to be surprisingly difficult.
I go back to the one guy who warned me about somebody during the attempts by the global Deep State to close out the CA3 loose ends. I am positive that he had been MKed, and it really messed up his mind. But his weird warning panned out and saved both of us.
When the untrusted person and UK sidekick tried to maneuver me into what was clearly a set-up, I was totally ready and threw the unexpected response at them. But the KICKER was that years later, I figured it out – HE was not supposed to make it out, either. He had been tasked in the CA3 clean-up – he knew WAY too much. Closing BOTH of us out was surely the plan, with GUNS being the only one left to blame.
Remember when Trump was knicknamed the CHAOS CANDIDATE? He uses chaos to perfection. I’m happy to be enrolled in Trump University.
Good thinking Wheatie. May her soul rest in peace.
I do think, though, that this is part of the concerted effort to portray all religions as equal. All get attacked, all are the same is the message.
If they are all the same, why are all the shills on Gab rabid Jew haters?
I’m not quite sure, although have a pretty good idea that it has to do with Zionism, not the day to day Jew, especially not those who are menchen, or the good guys. There are many that are.
When you live around Jews…there’s things you just can’t put in print. Sometime look up the history of Bohemia in the western part of the Czech Republic during the later 19th century. That’s the pattern that repeats century after century.
Could be, but the spirit I feel behind these posts is pure evil. “I need to get spiritually clean after viewing that,” kind of slimy evil.
It’s probably a carry over from the conspiracy world. Zion is a concept that a lot gets blamed on.
The conspiracy “literature” is filled with centuries of pre-made pablum on Jews, just waiting for redeployment. I tell you, the first time I saw shills using the old Nazi-era caricatures, I was shocked to my core. Those were simply GONE from 1945-2010 – at least in my world.
I used to keep my eye on the antisemitic posting on Gab, because a good portion of it – especially at the beginning – seemed shill, fake, wrong, and provocative. That was very useful to me in learning about REAL political conspiracy. It was clearly part of some plan, and I’m glad I watched it. Nevertheless, it’s just toxic, and after a while, I simply could not take it. I had to start muting those posters almost completely.
Same here. Felt wrong to censor them, but life is too short to spend all of it having to take a bath after getting online.
Thanks for this tip. My knowledge of European Jewish history is mostly from people of German, Polish and Russian ancestry, so this was really eye-opening.
Here are two links that I found very helpful:
The second is really detailed.
The whole “problem” of Zionism is profound, and is – IN MY OPINION – NATURE/TRUTH trying to fix the errors of globalism – first Roman and then German. Meanwhile, modern globalism spawns a whole new set of problems that will one day result in new “returnist” movements if we’re not careful.
The people who WANT globalist control inevitably want to move people around like pawns on a board to “solve” problems, and end up creating multiple new problems.
The VSG is absolutely right that countries are a stabilizing force for good, and we need to help them do it better – not get rid of them.
The joke in our house about the Red Sea Pedestrians is that they have soft hands. White collar jobs and all that. Not all of them, but….
“I’m not quite sure, although have a pretty good idea that it has to do with Zionism, not the day to day Jew, especially not those who are menchen, or the good guys.”
This comment is interesting, but I fundamentally disagree with it.
There have been many studies of anti-Semitism over the years. In all of them, it turns out to have nothing to do with whether particular Jews are good or bad.
It is similar to TDS. That has nothing to do with particular positive or negative characteristics of Mr. Trump. Some people hate Trump, and some people (in many cases, the same ones) hate Jews. Facts, reason, logic, evidence have nothing to do with it. Zionism and the color orange are only triggering factors for the bad guys, not underlying causes of their condition.
The first anti-Semitic pogrom on the continent of Europe took place in Cordoba in the year 1011, when the city and most of Spain was under Muslim Arab control. If the Christians and Jews had united, they could have expelled the invaders, whom they greatly outnumbered. So the ruling invaders worked very hard to keep the Christians and Jews at each other’s throats.
The hatred of Jews spread from there. The first pogrom against Jews in Christian Europe took place in Germany, where a group of German knights started a violent attack on the Jews in a local ghetto. The knights had just returned from a tour of Iberia, where they had been helping the free Christians of northern Spain to liberate more of their land from the Muslims. Unfortunately, they also picked up the Iberians’ attitude to the Jews, which had been successfully inculcated by the Muslim enemy.
Throughout Medieval Christian Europe, Christians were banned from loaning money at interest (except the Church, of course.) Jews, by contrast, were prohibited from owning land, carrying weapons, proselytizing, or practicing most professions. Left with no choice but to be bankers, that’s what most of them did. Christian rulers expanded their own domains by borrowing money from the Jews to finance wars of conquest. If they came up short, they spread Jew-hatred, and sponsored pogroms against their creditors, so as to wipe out the need to repay the debt.
The Tsars used their secret police to write, publish, and distribute the salacious and unverified Russian dossier of their day, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. This notorious fake news document has bounced from Moscow to Berlin to Tokyo to Riyadh, endlessly translated and retranslated into whatever is the language of the local yokels, and responsible for irresponsible conspiracy theories and unreasoning hatred everywhere.
In 1930s and 1940s Europe, it was the wealthiest and most Westernized Jews who were the most likely to be bankers, the most likely to hold academic positions, the most likely to own the means of production, the most likely to practice the most desirable professions, the most likely to bring in Jazz and other music of African American origin from abroad, the most likely to be in show business, the most likely to be Communists, the most likely to marry non-Jews and to have mixed families. In short, it was the wealthiest and most Westernized Jews who were the most likely to be and to do all the things that the Nazis most hated the Jews for being and doing.
Fortunately for them, they were also the Jews who were the most likely to have the money and connections to get out of Nazi Europe, and make it to the West. And overwhelmingly they did get out.
And, overwhelmingly, it was the other Jews, the least wealthy and least Westernized, that is to say, the Jews of the shtetls (small Jewish farming villages) and ghettos of Poland and the rest of the Pale of Settlement, who did nothing but till their fields, milk their cows, engage in small business transactions with their fellow Jews, and study the Bible.
And, when the Nazis came, it was overwhelmingly these other Jews who did most of the dying.
The first Muslim Arab bombing, (financed by the House of Saud,) of a Jewish market in Israel took place in about 1912, a full generation before Israel became an independent state. It was the fact that the Jews were Jewish that attracted the hatred of the Muslims, not that some Jewish government had done this or that hated action. In 1912, there was no Jewish government.
Very helpful. Thank you. If only there were enough time in the day to start a new post and begin a discuss this more fully. THIS IS A KEY PIECE IN THE ENGINES OF EVIL in our world.
Have you considered joining as an occasional author on Wolf’s site?
Yes, I would like that.
Thank you. I see your hand raised to volunteer and I’ve posted an alert to Wolf in the Author Logistics thread (book marked in the side bar, if you’d like to add anything).
Thank you. Looking forward to it.
Big Sister Communism to the rescue, to settle the squabblers.
Wow, that’s breathtaking when you see all these recent attacks added up. Just a little over a month and we have all of these? A lot of dots to connect. Without your list, I wouldn’t even have seen there were more than a couple of dots.
It’s Ramadan. There’s always a lot of attacks on other religions then by Muslims.i think someone’s blowing smoke to obscure the predominantly Islamic nature of the attacks
Is it Ramadan? I thought it has not started.
I believe the entrails of a goat have been consulted and it is on again
It always starts with a new moon. In this case, I believe Saturday, May 4.
Just checked. Looks like you are close. The calendar on this site says May 6th.
I bet Monday is the 1st full day. The New Moon is Saturday, then the month starts at sundown the next day, Sunday. In Islam, days always begin and end at sunset, like in Judaism.
Please see for current count of all fatal Islamic terror attacks since 9/11.
At the time of writing, it’s up to 34,929
Yikes! Thanks for the link.
Adding another to the list:
“Army Veteran Who Converted to Islam, Busted Plotting Terror Attack in Retaliation For New Zealand Mosque Massacre”
HUNDREDS have now died as the result of an incident where I’m fairly certain NOBODY died.
Thus, Podesta – and his master CANKLES – have quite a bit of blood on their hands.
Kevin Shipp is right. This is going to get much worse. Denied their NUKE, these conspirators are going to get thousands killed by conventional means, to stay in the power game.
Did we ever get even one biography — hell, even one name. — of somebody who is alleged to have died, or even to have been present in the congregation, of a New Zealand mosque?
I didn’t read everything, but I read several things that came out over the course of a couple of days, and I watched televised news reports from several countries around the world, in three languages, and nada on individual victims.
The youth of this country are FUBAR, we as a society got lazy and failed our youth.
These indoctrination camps (schools) seriously need to be nuked.
In a free economy, the way to remove poor providers is to offer something better that dominates the market share. The issue with “public” schools is that the regulations have removed the “free” (as in liberty) side of the equation. Focus on creating better options and the parents will be waiting overnight in line to get their children enrolled.
We have alot of work to do in 6 years.I think we need to bring God back into schools, now that the gloves have come off maybe President might tackle this.
I really appreciated Daughn’s son exploring outside the box.
Schools today have moved past imparting knowledge, past babysitting, to full blown indoctrination.
There MUST be a MOVEMENT to do something better OUTSIDE the concentration camps we allow them to lock our children into.
What about putting SCHOOLS BACK IN GOD?
What I mean is, having CHURCHES make primary and secondary (K-12) church / home schooling a requisite part of their mission – so that kids NEVER have to set foot in public schools.
What a Grand idea, public school teachers are simply parrots reciting the shit their fed.
26 yr old college professors now teach the teachers lol I just dont get it.
Mosques here in the US are already doing this with their madrassas.
But that won’t stop the muslims from insisting that ‘Allah’ must be taught in public schools too…if we bring back God to the classrooms.
Our culture is upside down. The natural order is kids are at home, learning trades, learning to self-teach on topics they have a real interest in, learning responsibility and how to work hard ALONGSIDE their families.
Not exactly true the younger gen, school and school leavers is the most conservative since ww2. They actively reject the sjw bullshit
Respect for this man.
He was magnificent in the little presser he gave. Every word he spoke was like a gemstone. Nothing fancy, nothing florid, just very grounded and heartfelt. I can see why the one guy drove 3.5 hours to attend his services.
Rabbi Goldstein looks like a very kind soul. Look at his eyes he would not hurt anyone.
No wonder the woman threw herself in front of this kind man. She was a special lady to sacrifices her life for her Faith.
I do not understand the hate people carry in their hart that they shoot at people in worship .
I have to believe there are more good people than not .
Someone did a thread on the Roof Koreans today (can’t find it again, hmmm).
Consider the pot stirred.
What is a Roof Korean?
Here’s the Thread Reader for that thread, TTT:
It’s a great thread!
And the comments and replies to it are good too…so here is the original post of it, so that people can read the comments, too:
Anonymous conservative this am on the shooting and warning to be the arrests start expect m15, bloods, crops etc to up the ante plus mk windups. Ted kazenitch was subjected to 200 hours of experimentation in Harvard by former intelligence dude. Gitmo commander relieved of command.
The shooting itself failed because
1 an exmarine didn’t run and hide. He charged a unarmed and this scared the shit out of the shooter. This guy says it was a semi auto gun which can’t jam. Chased the perp to his car, joined by armed border patrol who shot at car.
2 the perp called 911 to be saved.
Just to be clear, not argumentative, semi autos do jam occasionally. Whether it is a pistol or long gun, they can jam.
Don’t know if this bad guys gun jammed, magazine was empty, or he was simply a coward…scared sh!tless, when literally charged at by a screaming good guy.
Glad it wasn’t worse.
Church or not, the folks that legally carry, the better for all.
Church or not, the more folks that legally carry, the better for all.
Mea culpa. Not knowledgeable about guns
“This guy says it was a semi auto gun which can’t jam.”
I don’t know what he was talking about there. AR15s jam, and a combat veteran knows that better than anyone, unless he means something different by “jam”, which he very well may.
In common parlance, ‘jam’ is a general term for any type of failure to fire or failure to eject.
Any gun can jam.
Even a revolver can fail.
Countless videos are available on how to clear the many different types of ‘jams’ (failures) you can expect to experience with an AR15:
“In common parlance, ‘jam’ is a general term for any type of failure to fire or failure to eject.”
Or failure to feed.
scott467 I do not own a gun neither my husband.
I imagine when carrying a gun one has to be prepared mentally and physically to use it if lives are in danger.
Second thought I also imagine that when uses the gun in a situation to defend one self or others that one has to be prepared take a life or even loose once life..
I noticed most people who carry guns are ex military or like my son’s wife who grew up in rural West Virginia.
Her father is a vet and he taught his daughters to shoot and they are not fearful to use if needed.
“scott467 I do not own a gun neither my husband.”
My hand-eye coordination has always been very good, but I was a little surprised that it seemed so easy, just the same. I remember my brother-in-law was surprised too 
I didn’t either, until Hussein. Hussein was the best gun salesman in the history of America. It used to be a ‘common figure’ to quote that there were at least 350 million firearms in the hands of individual Americans.
Hussein’s obvious corruption, relentless threats, brazen lawlessness and general thuggery, and the same of his henchmen, pushed the number of firearms owned by individual Americans to over half a Billion.
And a large number of that new 150+ million purchases were first-time buyers.
THAT is what Hussein did to people.
In the midst of a terrible economy and job market which he purposely created in every way possible, many people spent money they couldn’t really afford to spend, or went without other things the needed, in order to arm themselves.
That is what Zero’s criminally insane administration did to Americans. He literally drove somewhere near 100 million Americans (allowing for some people buying 2 or more firearms and previous gun owners adding to their collection) who had never owned a gun before, to buy a gun in order to defend themselves against HIM and the literal thugocracy he created.
Hussein weaponized the government against We the People and made the government Public Enemy #1, and the Public knew it full well.
“I imagine when carrying a gun one has to be prepared mentally and physically to use it if lives are in danger.”
There are some good books that are helpful, some of the more popular are by a former Police officer named Massad Ayoob, who has been writing about firearms and training people for decades.
Looks like he has about 27 books, since 1979:
“Second thought I also imagine that when uses the gun in a situation to defend one self or others that one has to be prepared take a life or even loose once life..”
Well, you don’t have much choice about the second part, that’s somebody else’s doing. In the event that you would ever need your firearm (and hopefully you never do), your life is already in danger.
The difference a firearm makes is that if you don’t have one, then you are in danger of losing your life. If you do have a firearm, you are still in danger of losing your life, but your chance to survive is higher by many orders of magnitude, e.g., from hovering around 0% chance, to as much as 100% chance of saving your life or the life of others, depending on the situation.
In other words, your life is in danger either way. Having a firearm gives you a fighting chance, a pretty good chance really, and in the real world, many times just having a firearm is enough to cause a perpetrator to walk away, without even needing to fire the weapon.
But you do have to be prepared to use it, because not all perpetrators will walk away.
“I noticed most people who carry guns are ex military or like my son’s wife who grew up in rural West Virginia. Her father is a vet and he taught his daughters to shoot and they are not fearful to use if needed.”
Those are both ideal situations as far as learning how to properly handle firearms goes, but even if every military veteran and retired police officer carried concealed, they would be vastly outnumbered by the number of civilians in the general population who carry concealed.
As for noticing, a big part of carrying concealed is trying very hard to make sure people DON’T notice
For me, it was surprisingly easy, but I expected it would be. The first time I used a real gun was about 25 years ago, in a rural area where there was no ordinance against using firearms. Shooting a pistol felt as natural as could be, and without any training, I shot just like I did when I was a kid with all of my toy guns, after the manner I learned from watching Gunsmoke, Wild, Wild West and Clint Eastwood movies. One-handed, with what would normally be the ‘support hand’ hanging down by my side.
We shot at empty 2-Liter plastic pop bottles about 30 feet away (not very far). Every time I hit it, it flew up in the air or bounced a little further out. I hit it with 12 out of 15 shots, first time ever firing a real gun, shooting one-handed without support, like they do in the old movies
I credit that to having carried (and shot) toy guns for THOUSANDS of hours as a child. Back when toy guns were surprisingly authentic by today’s standards, made of metal and colored appropriately, because the whole point (back then) was to make a toy gun look and feel as close to a real gun as possible.
And even though they were toys, many of them shot projectiles of one kind or another, so the aiming and hand-eye coordination was instilled a long time ago, when I was a child.
So it was a lot like riding a bicycle, I guess. It felt completely natural.
And firing a 12 gauge pump-action shotgun was exactly as I thought it would be (well, even more fun than I expected, actually). That pop bottle didn’t stand a chance…
Thanks scot. Don’t know enough about guns to dispute
We don’t dispute on this site! We gently persuade with colorful adjectives and adverbs.

Not disputing. Just correcting me. Accepted as I’m no gun expert. Just what the dude said.
Dispute from me involves colourful words and phrases frowned apron by wordunimpressed
That’s why I call her the WordPriss.
President Trump NEVER fails to remind us that we must stand up to evil. He’s our role model.
He has said many times that armed citizens could have stopped the (insert expletives) Islamist killings in the Paris Nightclub, the Gay bar in Orlando, and in San Bernardino. Also the MSD school shooting in Broward County and others.
Our President wants us to get and stay prepared to defend our families and neighbors.
Our President wants us to get and stay prepared to defend our families and neighbors.
^^^ Lots of wisdom in being prepared to defend ourselves, our family, neighbors. ^^^
100% believe it is our personal responsibility to be prepared…
– Prepared if a disaster occurs. Food, water, basic medical, shelter.
– Prepared to defend against bad guy(s). Bad guys armed or not.
– – Own a gun.
– – Train on the safe and effective use of your gun(s).
– – AND, as Wolf posted a a few weeks back, know when it is legal to use your gun…apply deadly force!
IMHO, it is not the Government job to ensure my safety 100% of the time. I am responsible for my safety, my families safety. To the extend reasonable, neighbors and those around me.
Readiness. Training. Situational awareness.
Here’s your Roof Korean thread – found it because of the phrase ‘like beef on bulgogi’
AIMS … destabilization of established groups in order to take control of leadership. We choose alignments based on identity … but the group leadership gets subverted … can these “directed violence events” help towards that objective? … most certainly, but only if the optics can be managed.
Read this and see if you can catch where the insanity begins…
And they said it with a straight face… “plotted a bombing as revenge for New Zealand “
“Read this and see if you can catch where the insanity begins…”
I’d say right here:
“The suspect is a U.S. Army vet who converted to Islam…”
That’s like a member of Custer’s cavalry converting to some American Indian religion. Or Patty Hearst joining the Symbionese Liberation Army (Stockholm syndrome).
That veteran has some serious mental issues, if he converted to islam after seeing first hand what islam looks like in the wild.
Unless he had large debts, or finds female livestock remarkably attractive!
Twitter just suspended this (I think official) Trump feed:
This one is unofficial, but still up: *
Glad I don’t watch any of those gaslighting propaganda bobble-heads anymore!
Tried to watch the video, but the instant Juan Williams starts to talk, I had to switch it off (house rules — same rules apply to Shep, Geraldo, etc.).
Good rule. Makes my blood boil, so I choose not to give them my attention.
After Poway rabbi thanks Trump, can we now dispense with the canard that Trump is anti-Semitic?
By Monica Showalter
For years, President Trump’s opponents on the Left have attempted to pin the label of anti-Semitism on him. In the wake of the vile attack on the Poway synagogue, the response from Rabbi Yishoel Goldstein, who was wounded in the attack, tells a different story:
Rabbi Goldstein on Trump calling him following the shooting: “He spoke about his love of peace and Judaism and Israel and he was just so comforting that I’m really grateful to our president for taking the time and making that effort to share with us his comfort and consolation”
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) April 29, 2019
As I was in my house, I received a personal phone call from our president, Donald Trump. I was amazed to answer the phone, and, say, the secretary of the White House is calling, and he spent close to ten, 15 minutes with me on the phone. And, it’s the first time I’ve ever spoken to a president of the United States of America. He shared with the condolences on behalf of the United States of America. And we spoke about the moment of silence. And he spoke about his love of peace and Judaism and Israel and he was just so comforting that I’m really grateful to our president for taking the time and making that effort to share with us his comfort and consolation.
Does that sound like the kind of phone call that comes from an anti-Semite? The sort of person who would run a sick ‘Der Sturmer’–style Jews-are-dogs cartoon in a newspaper? The sort of phone call that Rep. Ilhan Omar would be capable of making?
This is just the first couple of paragraphs. Link has the full article.
“Does that sound like the kind of phone call that comes from an anti-Semite?”
Hussein would have invited the Rabbi to a beer summit, traded the shooter to StanStanistan in exchange for an empty promise, flown another $100 billion in cash to Iran, and capped it all off by giving away the Internet.
Feedback for thinkthinkthink:
I personally enjoyed the sort of guided discussion aspect of this thread.
It sometimes feels like herding cats, I tell ya.

Well it’s a great thread, TTT…thanks for doing it and encouraging an in-depth look at that event.
And also the similar events that we are seeing.
I especially like the title…”Be Like Lions Not Lambs”.
And herding cats is a helluva lot harder than herding sheep, that’s for sure:
Ah, we are an independent group. Still, I kind of liked the focused discussion. It was different. It wasn’t too confining but it gave the commentary some shape. Best of both worlds.
We are following the pattern of life as we are growing more understanding of the edge conditions.
Nice follow-up Interview!