Dear MAGA: 20190503 Open Topic

This FANTASTIC FRIDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world. 

You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on. Free Speech is practiced here. 


Use it or lose it. Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.

Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.

Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.



U.S. President Donald Trump prays during the National Prayer Breakfast event in Washington, D.C., on Feb. 2, 2017. Photo courtesy of Retuers/Carlos Barria

Our movement

Is about replacing

A failed


Political establishment

With a new government controlled

By you, the American People.

Candidate Donald J. Trump

Also consider Wheatie’s Rules:

  1. No food fights.
  2. No running with scissors.
  3. If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.


Hello again, Wolf pack, and welcome to another end of the work week! I don’t know about you, but that cabin PA above is an immediate classic. Oh how we wish we could improvise those boring PA’s and veer off-script! Hey, we can all dream, can’t we?

If only! Ah well. Onward and upward, as we say. This week’s Friday wrap up begins with this MAGAtastic news….

And then Monday the BEA came out with consumer spending results for the first quarter that defy expectations.  Consumer spending on goods increases 1.7%. Overall spending +.09 in March, reaches highest gain in ten years. Meanwhile core inflation drops to 1.6%. 

Guess what? The pundits are shocked. SHOCKED, I say!

Now, leftists are scared….truly scared….because nothing spells S-E-C-O-N-D T-E-R-M like a roaring economy. Hey, even CNN agrees…check this out…

Now, if you talk with them (and I do) the precious snowflakes love to describe this economy…and it’s attendant stock market….as a “sugar high” that is quickly going to sour. To which I say…Ha! Kinda like all their other failed predictions, right? Remember how the stock market was supposed to crash right after the election because OrangeManBad? And let’s not forget that, according to them, the polar caps should have melted by now and we’re all supposed to be under water!

Speaking of…did you hear? Click on this link…

18 Spectacularly Wrong Predictions Made Around the Time of First Earth Day in 1970, Expect More This Year

In other news, on the very same day that an unhinged leftist wacko shot up a synagogue in Poway, California, the good folks that run that flagship of liberal propaganda…the NY Slimes…decided that this week would be a great time to inform the world that not only do they hate PDJT, but also Jewish people, too. And nothing says a thousand words like a picture, which the nitwits at the Slimes decided to publish. Check it out…

Faced with massive condemnation and backlash, the NYSlimes was forced to retract the picture and then subsequently issue an apology for having published it. After all….

But they weren’t done…oh no…not by a long-shot. Following quickly on the heels of that faux pas the anti-Semitic Jew haters at the Old Grey Lady published this…

You can read all about it in this Breitbart summary piece linked here…

And lest we forget history…


All of which simply proves this truth…


Naturally, the best way to counter such vile hate is with ridicule and mockery, and very few do it better than the masterful Mel Brooks…


Moving along…

The excellent watchdogs at Judicial Watch released over 300 pages of emails from Nellie Ohr, proving she was far more involved with the creation of the “Muh Russia” coup attempt than anyone thought. These emails also prove she purjured herself giving Congressional testimony, so guess what??

Read more here…

You already know the story…

Wednesday was also a YUGELY interesting day as AG Barr testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee chaired by Sen. Lindsey Graham. This was his first appearance before Congress since the release of the Mueller Report and the AG’s summary of it. For an excellent play-by-play recap, here is the link back to the QTree Barr Testimony thread…by our very own daughnworks247…

During the AG’s 5 hour testimony, the democrats established their new narrative post-Mueller report…to wit, that AG Barr is corrupt, is acting as POTUS’ personal lawyer, and is a liar…..the messaging of which was inarguably closely coordinated with their media allies. This is a gross hypocrisy that Brit Hume quickly pointed out…

Of course, the Commie bastards now know the AG is coming after the democrat-led cabal inside the DOJ/FBI/C_A, and they are rightfully terrified. So they seek to discredit the AG in advance of the political and legal harm heading their way.

How terrified are they?

A: They NOW want to block Bob Mueller from testifying before Congress. SERIOUSLY! Watch this action on Wednesday in the House Judiciary Committee, now chaired by the odious Jerry Nadler, as the AG was testifying just a few doors down…changing the rules of the committee in order to prevent Mueller from being called to testify….check this out…

Folks, if this surprises you…at this point…you’re doing it wrong.

Anyway, after the democrats’ performance in both the Senate and House Judiciary Committees on Wed., exposing their plot to discredit the AG while preventing Mueller from appearing and getting questioned by Republicans, AG Barr decided that he wasn’t going to play along with the clowns and refused to appear at Thursday’s HJC meeting…

The clowns reacted to this news poorly….listen…

At this point, you should be able to smell the left’s fear like a burrito fart in a closed elevator. Believe me when I say the left is well aware of all that we already know re: the Obama administration’s corruption and Spygate. They know their party is now very close to being electorally obliterated for a generation or more. This is why they be all like…

So we gotta ask….how is this all playing out with the public? Hmmmm??

Friends, I can’t speak for you, but I just L-O-V-E heaping even more bad news for liberals on top of them, ESPECIALLY when it comes from their own crooked and corrupt media. So you just know I truly enjoy throwing this giant can of high octane avgas on an already raging democrat dumpster fire…(credit to Fleporblog)…

From the article linked above (emphasis Fle’s….):

More than two-thirds of Americans want an investigation into the Justice Department’s handling of the Russia Collusion Hoax.T

According to a April 25-28 poll of 1,007 random adults taken for CNN (a far-left fake news outlet), a full 69 percent “think Congress ought to investigate the origins of the Justice Department’s inquiry into Russian interference in the 2016 election, including 76% of Democrats, 69% of independents and 62% of Republicans.”


Two liberals and a conservative react….

Of course, there was much more than happened during the week, and discerning readers will be sure to visit Fleporblog’s daily news roundup threads. The news is coming fast & furious these days and it’s getting harder and harder to keep up. In fact…

Whew! What a week. The winnamins, eh??

Lastly, but not leastly, we’ll leave you with a tayyyyystie nugget of timeless music to take you gently, but gloriously, into the weekend.

In a nod to liberal’s deepening despair and our own delicious, ever-increasing schadenfreude and joy post-Obummer, I present to you one of Led Zeppelin’s very best songs along with some interesting song notes….which we dedicate today to President Trump and his administration.

First, it is one of the very few in which all four members of the band received writing credit. Second, Robert Plant himself ranks his vocal performance on the original track as his personal all-time best. Third, the song was inspired by George Harrison of The Beetles, who was a big fan and friend of the band. And fourth, from Wikipedia…

George Harrison was reportedly the inspiration for it when he made a comment to Led Zeppelin drummer John Bonham, about the fact that the group never wrote any ballads.[4] In Light and Shade: Conversations with Jimmy Page, biographer Brad Tolinski quotes Page:

George [Harrison] was talking to Bonzo one evening and said, ‘The problem with you guys is that you never do ballads.’ I said, ‘I’ll give him a ballad,’ and so I wrote ‘Rain Song,’ which appears on House of the Holy. In fact, you’ll notice I even quote (Beatles’ song) ‘Something’ in the song’s first two chords.

Record producer Rick Rubin said of the song, “I don’t even know what kind of music this is. It defies classification. There’s such tasteful, beautiful detail in the guitar, and a triumphant feel when the drums come in — it’s sad and moody and strong, all at the same time. I could listen to this song all day. That would be a good day.”

Ok then.

So with that all said, friends, we invite you to kick back, relax, enjoy today’s flight, and if there is anything we can do for you just let us know.

The FASTEN YOUR SEAT BELT sign is now “on”!

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Thank you very much FGC.
Better late than never 🙂

Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy


Wolf Moon | Threat to Demonocracy

Thanks for posting it – I DID enjoy it! And thanks to Wheatie for stepping in with an “emergency” post – we TESTED the system and it worked!
(Note that I have no problems with “doubles” on daily threads – they’re like points of interest to me – almost like historical references.)
I was going to be present around the nightly transition and was dropped out by technical issues. I decided to let it be a test of our resilience. We had resilience!
I enjoy the weekly wrap-up very much! Please leave this “second” daily thread up! 😀


This was a lot of work! Thanks for posting anyways. Theres nothing wrong with extra things to read!comment image


Y’all could do this every day – just label the first one “the overnite open thread” and the second “the big kahuna open thread”.




Thanks for posting.
Obviously lots of work.
Appreciate the entire article.
Great stuff!

Cuppa Covfefe

It shows that you put a lot of work in it! Very well done. And with a week like this, there’s a TON of stuff to cover. What a lot of talent and great patriots we have here!
That pic of the ship stuck in the ice reminds me of that “expedition” that got stuck down in Antarctica (Mawson?). And then, the icebreaker that got sent down to free it, got stuck itself.
Yep. Gorebull warming (not).
I think it was probably the Penguins (tux?) colluding with the Russkies… Pittsburgh Penguins?
But the DEMONcRATs are still down there looking for polar bears 🙂

Rodney Short

So glad you posted, Rain Song wow one of the best ever recorded followed by Seasons Of Wither by Aerosmith and cant forget Fire It Up by Black Label Society.Have the surround sound cranked up to 11.


Really great FG&C!



Plain Jane

Oh my goodness, the visuals you put up have me laughing. Great post FG&C. Glad you put it up. TY.


GWP posted the Nadler chicken story yesterday and I tried to post the ]o[ parody piece in the comments because sometimes they let you post links when you post them as plain text. Alas, it wasn’t so this time as it went into moderation right away and never came out. Their loss.
Apparently they are getting more skilled at being scared. I can’t believe its their lack of humor. They were once, before this last mid term election, a go to place because they let you post memes and links but no more. Now they only have red meat left which is fair. Meanwhile, there’s plenty of red meat here and it’s not confined to one subject, and more importantly though we can post links which puts Q tree head and shoulders above places like that, that and our folksy charm from having a smaller community of course. The only lament about WP sites, common I’m doubly sure, is you can’t edit, but that just makes the posts stronger because you know you have to get it right the first time, thus the extra efforts.
Now comes the real test. If it was me posting an Open Topic, I’d miss the scheduling thing two or three times before I’d give it up. Good open btw. Looks forward to more.
Now to more important things more germane to the open topic: ***The Democrats have entered the wilderness and are just beginning to figure out they are wondering about lost. I believe there is a biblical forty year duration to that which is freaking awesome!


Fantastic post. A day’s reading all in one!


FGC … AWESOME post‼️ Just chock full of MAGA delights … you did indeed put a lot of works into it .. and it’s wonderful ‼️‼️‼️
Love all the pictures .. good job 🤨👍❤️🇺🇸❤️‼️‼️‼️❤️❤️❤️❤️


🧐 .. 🤭 .. 😏 … ahem .. work into it .. 😃👍


All your typos are belong to us.


Awwwwwww ☺️ you’re so sweet ❤️ pgroup
Just think if I work at a law firm or dr.s office typing important stuff … 😖🤚 ….😛

Cuppa Covfefe

Ahhh. A blast from the past 🙂

Can’t wait for Computex and Ryzen2!
(on *cough* Windows7 – let the flames begin .) )…




Absolutely fantastic wrapup, FG&C. Posts like this take a lot of thought & ‘back office’ time on WP, and I greatly appreciate your efforts.
Thanks, also to Wheatie for stepping in at o’dark hundred to fill the gap.
You guys are ALL the best!
Our QTree rocks with patriotism, talent, smarts and yuks. Ain’t NO turbulence here ‘cuz we take our Winnamins 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Jan Phillips

Yes, Alison!!! I agree!!! 👏👍🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Great post FG&C!!!! The two airline pilots gave me a smile.
And the one with spygate. The simple version was great. 🙂


‘Two wrongs dont make a right, but two Wrights make an airplane….’ 😀 😉
And yes I have that tshirt and I’ve had people who have not gotten it….


OMGosh, this is the greatest post EVER!
Felt like I was on a roller coaster ride…… and ending with Zeppelin was a master stroke!

Harry Lime

Excellent post FG&C!
Well done, sir!

Sylvia Avery

FG&C thanks for putting so much thought and effort into creating a post for us.
I’ve never heard this LZ song before. It’s great!!

Cuppa Covfefe

First thing that came to mind when I saw LZ was LZ (Lempel-Zic) oompression…
I REALLY need to get out more 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Oh goodness. The comments on that are hilarious…
SpeedyPrius said, “Get this girl a fresh bag of oats!”…
and another commenter said:
“Awww, come on guys, let’s cut her some slack. Shes learning, for example, she just learned that vegetables grow from dirt. Let’s not confuse her about hydroponics just yet.”


comment image


Good one,…………………. ‘went to the bin.’


Maybe it will show up, later


As Bongino’s sidekick, Joe Armacost exclaimed (in AOC’s words) “OMG! Plants can swim?!!!”


VERY fun and enjoyable read FG&C! Much appreciated!

Jan Phillips

FG&C, great post!!! Here is a link to our own Chuchmouse’s intriguing post about the Notre Dame fire.
It has a link to a “#For God And Country!!”

Cuppa Covfefe

This comment, sadly, rings true:
“Usually the first thing they say it ISN’T, usually ends up being the cause. It’s a cheap form of reverse psychology. Only problem is that kind of psychology stopped working a few centuries ago…”

Jan Phillips

Ironic, isn’t it, Cuppa!


Thanks very much, Jan!


FG&C, I’m late to the party, but I love your open thread. I’ll try to let your experience be a cautionary tale and make sure to hit that second [Schedule] link when I set up the Sunday Open’s!


H/t Ilcon

Cuppa Covfefe

She’s probably just growing choom, and sending them to the next town over when they get the munchies…
(Just like that famous old song, “Hey Hey, we’re the Munchies”…)…


Hey guys, thot I’d pop in to say hi. Been so busy I can barely keep up with comments let alone posts but I’m trying. What a week and dare I say, “the big ugly” is starting to finally appear. I think someone finally pushed the first domino.
Excellent work tonight FG&C and everyone else who’ve been stepping up, appreciate ya’ll. Mel Brooks and Led Zeppelin?, hell yeah! 🤘


*can barely keep up with posts, let alone comments*… jeez. See? , can’t even monitor my own comments these days 🙄


Think I found a new business opportunity,comment image


Yes, it is…there were two this time.
This one was held up and didn’t post till later…so I stepped in a threw one up in the wee hours.


Ahhhhhh, thanks Wheati!comment image


This is a great thread, FG&C!
I can appreciate all the work you did on it…and Nice Job!
Love all the visuals…the pics, gifs and memes are great.
Noice choice of videos too!
You are so good at picking out visuals, I look forward to when you decide to pick one for the ‘Featured Image’ at the top.