We haven’t talked about this but the red warning lights are pinging.
Take a look at Ben Sasse during the Barr testimony.
None of this makes sense to me.
Ben Sasse references page 129-144 of the Mueller Report and how it speaks to Deripaska. Remember, if the Mueller team can escape their inquiry by finding Trump innocent, but leave the impression of overwhelming Russian GUILT, then the inquiry is deemed valuable and the Dems are left with the conclusion “Hillary only lost because of Russia = Trump is illegitimate”
It appears imperative to the intel community to paint Russia’s involvement in the 2016 election as a big deal, something for which we need to form committees, spend vast sums of taxpayer dollars, and guard against for 2020. Also, if Russian involvement is legitimate, then previous actions by FBI/DOJ/CIA – spying on the Trump campaign – would be deemed legitimate = we did it to protect you.
At the Barr hearing on Mueller’s Report, Sasse comes out of the box with questions disparaging Oleg Deripaska. Barr says he would rather not give his opinion in an open setting. Not to be deterred, Sasse goes on to quote a publicly available document from US Treasury. Sasse lists a litany of Deripaska’s “crimes and allegations” and presumes “he’s a bad guy”. Yet, Sasse goes on to call Deripaska a “bottom-feeding scum-sucker”. Ouch! “And he has absolutely no alignment with the interests of the US people”, Sasse finishes.
Well, we know that’s not…. quite….. true. Deripaska’s interests definitely aligned with John McCain, Mueller, and the CIA on several occasions.
- We know Mueller offered Deripaska 25 million dollars to help get Levinson out of Iran. Levinson was McCabe’s mentor and old boss to both McCabe and Ohr in SDNY, remember?
- Oleg also wanted a VISA to the USA and Hillary denied it, which is, perhaps, why Levinson is still in Iran.
- We also know, according to John Solomon of The Hill, McCabe approached Deripaska in NYC, for information about Trump colluding with Russia, and Oleg laughed.
- We know about Senator Warner and his conversations with Adam Waldman, the lawyer for both Chris Steele and Oleg Deripaska. Adam Waldman stopped representing Deripaska the day before Deripaska was sanctioned by our Treasury.
- And then…….. there’s that little matter of John McCain’s 70th birthday, on board Oleg Deripaska’s super-yacht….. which was docked in Montenegro.
- And McCain’s push for Montenegro to be added to the NATO list of countries, so we are defending Montenegro, which is largely considered a Russian playground on the Mediterranean. Background see here: Link
- Oh, let’s not forget the old Soviet Naval base in Montenegro, bought for a pittance by Rothschild and Deripaska, who turned it into a super yacht marina…… where John McCain had his 70th birthday party.
- And the subsequent fundraisers for John McCain, hosted by Rothschild, in London, prior to the election of 2008.
- And who could forget Nastya, the Belarus model, mistress to Deripaska, who gave classes on “how to seduce a billionaire”, but was arrested in Thailand. She claimed to have been arrested because she had information about Donald Trump. Link
What a tangled web. Deripaska has been involved in US Politics for quite a while but let’s get back to Ben Sasse. Ben continues giving his speech during the Barr hearing and claims “Manafort was on Deripaska’s payroll”, and Sasse tries to imply a nefarious reason (Deripaska loyalty) as to why Manafort would volunteer to work for Candidate Trump. Well, that’s not an entirely accurate picture either. Deripaska and Manafort tried to put the deal together for Black Sea Cable, but the deal never went through. Although much has been made of this failed deal, Deripaska did not lose the entire 18 million (only about 2 million). This incident has been painted as the source of contention between Manafort and Deripaska, but it does not pass the smell test.
Then, at about 3:30 in the video, Sasse sums up his ‘speech’ and pivots. Sasse’s mission of establishing Deripaska as a bad man was completed. Sasse pivots to FINALLY ask a question to Barr, in essence, “what can we do to avoid this problem in the future.”
The setup is glaringly odd.
If Sasse is worried about foreign intel agencies in our elections, he did not need a long-winded prerequisite about Deripaska and Manafort. See what I mean? Why the over the top language about Deripaska, “bottom-feeding scum-sucker” when we know our intel agencies AND the hero of Ben Sasse (John McCain) seemed to like Deripaska. Did I mention…. none of us have ever seen any proof of GRU involvement in influencing our elections….. we just have the word of CrowdStrike….. and the Mueller team.
We’re left with Senators and media, nodding in agreement about Russian interference, but what do we actually have as proof? From Mueller/CrowdStrike we have three main areas.
1. We have the Mueller indictment of military members of the GRU, which Russia denies and we know will never be brought to trial – even though Putin offered Mueller to trade info at the Helsinki Summit.
2. We have a few companies and individuals who worked for an alleged Russian troll farm indicted. The case is being defended by American lawyers, in a DC court, and the Mueller case is in trouble. It’s not going well for Mueller. Don’t be surprised to see this case fade away.
3. We have the charge of Russians buying approximately $164,000 worth of Facebook Ads. I looked at this one myself. From Congressional testimony of Facebook execs, we know the ads disparaged BOTH Hillary and Trump. We know the ads were placed for several months before and AFTER the election “to sow discord in the USA”. Well, I took a look at Facebook ad revenue at the end of Q1 of 2017. Facebook reported more than 9 billion dollars in ad revenue for a single quarter. Thus, if we do the math $164K/9 billion = .0000182222. Huh? That’s not even 2 thousandths of 1% of Facebook ads. AND the actual occurrence would be even less, since we know the ads were purchased over several quarters.
This is why we spent 3yrs of our time investigating interference by Russians? Think of the billions of dollars in media time spent on this subject. Think of the relatives not invited to Thanksgiving dinner because of the controversy. Think of the damage to our foreign policy. Wow, we could have teamed up with Russia in the Middle East against Islamic extremism or with Russia as an ally against China.
Yet, for some reason, our intel community, the press, and power brokers don’t want the USA and Russia to be friends. Wonder why that is………?
We have been way ahead of the curve on the Ukraine intrigue. I see Ben Sasse on the horizon. His reaction makes no sense to me, whatsoever, and we need to know why.
He is a RINO through-and-through! I will say this again: most of us in the town where he was born despise this man! I did not vote for him in the Primary.
And he collected a crap-load of $$$ from out-of-state actors!
Interesting stuff, NF!
and those of us in Metropolitan Omaha loathe this character as do most of the R major power brokers!
We closely watched the Nebraska State GOP Convention during 2016. I recall Sasse was admonished/censured/reprimanded formally, by a vote of 400 to 8.
Speaks volumes of how the rank and file of the GOP felt about Sasse.
Don’t y’all just LOVE Ernie Chambers??!!?? Talk about a scumbag…..
“… I see Ben Sasse on the horizon. His reaction makes no sense to me, whatsoever, and we need to know why.”
Sasse has just SET-UP AG Barr and President Trump.
He has put a name and a face to ‘MUH Russia’ It does not matter if there is no evidence, all that matters is the Russian boogyman has a FACE and that face is CONNECTED to the two year long Mueller Investigation.
Now if AG Barr (and President Trump) go after the REAL FOREIGN INTERFERENCE (Ukraine and UK) the Fake News can haul out Oleg Deripaska and point fingers at him instead with a BUT…BUT… But …but… AND ACCUSE President Trump & AG Barr of COVERING for our enemies.
It is the opening of ‘MUH Russia’ Act III. BY A REPUBLICAN!
As Wolfie says, once you ‘see it’ you can not unsee it.
OH, and you have to wonder just what amount of dollars from the Drug and child sex trafficking make it into Sasse’s pocket. (Remember the highway 80 from CA to NJ runs through NE.) Creighton University researchers who analyzed postings on a Craigslist-like website used to sell sex found advertisements for every community along Interstate 80 in the state of Nebraska.
I wonder who Ben Sasse’s handler is …
Ooooooo, burnnnnnn.
The miserable little pud may not have two functioning brain cells to rub together …
Sasse is a Never Trumper – wouldn’t be surprised if his name shows up as the threads to the spying on POTUS is revealed.
I’m sure his name will come up. If not that, then all his old anti-Trump comments will come back to haunt. He cannot escape his past. I hope he doesn’t try. Better to just admit that he was mistaken on some things, like…..
The Greatness of ***TRUMP***!!!
“Ben Sasse references page 129-144 of the Mueller Report and how it speaks to Deripaska. Remember, if the Mueller team can escape their inquiry by finding Trump innocent, but leave the impression of overwhelming Russian GUILT, then the inquiry is deemed valuable and the Dems are left with the conclusion “Hillary only lost because of Russia = Trump is illegitimate”
That was the forgone conclusion anyway, wasn’t it?
And all the rest is just back-fill in order to shore up the bogus narrative?
I suspect it’s all a misdirection play, that it was (and continues to be) the Chinese who are majorly meddling in American politics, along with Soros and the other wannabe Goldfingers and Lex Luthors of the world. So long as attention is improperly focused on Russia, nobody looks at China — or anyone else.
And China (and the Mexican drug cartels, and the Muslim Brotherhood) likely own as many or more of the political-class on both sides of the Uni-Party aisle as the Chamber Commerce does (a.k.a. Tommy Donohue’s Political Bribery Machine).
And those are just SOME of the ‘carrots’, we haven’t even talked about the ‘sticks’ (blackmail dirt collected or manufactured by the completely lawless so-called “17 agency” Blackmail Community).
They prefer to be called “Intel Community”, but they’re plainly a “Blackmail Community”.
That’s what they do best, and almost exclusively.
It appears to be their entire raison d’être. Which is hardly surprising considering their roots are in the OSS (from WWII, which then became the CIA circa 1947) and J. Edgar ‘Blackmail’ Hoover’s FIB.
Most of these criminals have spent their entire careers doing ‘wrong’, it’s all they know, and it has always paid off handsomely for them. Expecting them to quit or give up is like expecting Tom Brady to give up in the Super Bowl when he’s down by 14 points with under 5 minutes to go. Not only is he NOT going to give up, he’s probably going to pull it off, and he has a long history of doing exactly that.
All of which means that DJT has no other choice (ultimately) except to crush them utterly — because they won’t accept anything less. They wouldn’t even know how, they have no background experience besides getting their way.
Regarding the ‘narrative’, it ALL goes up in smoke, the moment DECLAS happens.
But until then, the ‘narrative’ continues full steam ahead, and will remain so. It will not stop, until DJT stops it, by diverting their railroad track over a cliff.
Until that happens, the ‘narrative’ is entrenched, and will not change. The bogus ‘narrative’ IS their ‘reality’, so actual ‘reality’ doesn’t matter until it can no longer be avoided.
And that means physical force.
That means pre-dawn raids by U.S. Marshals at their houses, taking them into custody.
THAT is when their bogus ‘narrative’ will end.
And not before.
It was never going to, not before physical force was used. Physical force is the game-changer. It’s the only “real” game changer, and always has been. If that wasn’t so, we wouldn’t have a police force or a military. They (and the HUGE expense to maintain them) wouldn’t be necessary.
Until physical force is deployed, it’s just word games — and the bad guys can play word games forever.
And they will play word games forever if allowed to do so, because word games are infinitely preferable to what comes after physical force is used to stop them.
Love it. You see that this is NOT A GAME.
“… Physical force is the game-changer. It’s the only “real” game changer, and always has been…..”

Mao Zedong had it correct, Mr Nice Guy gets your head blown off.
This is why the CommieDemonRats WANT OUR GUNS!
Yup. The purpose of the 2nd Amendment is LIGHT INFANTRY ARMS in the hands of THE PEOPLE as a guarantee of liberty. PERIOD. The SECURITY OF A FREE STATE is self-evidently that such a state remain both an intact state (a “Country” as POTUS says) and that it remain FREE.
DELUDED UTOPIAN MAO TYPES cannot become our TYRANTS if the PEOPLE have the POWER.
Thus, the AR-15 is BENEATH the INTENT of the Second Amendment. It is merely a century-plus-old design with a big magazine. Civil War veterans bought semi-automatic rifles.
We are entitled to selective fire weaponry. However, I believe this can be remedied by allowing us to own such weapons with proper training and storage requirements.
Until then, semi-auto REPLICAS – what are basically PRETEND “assault rifles” – what are actually FAKE military arms – will have to do.
“We are entitled to selective fire weaponry. However, I believe this can be remedied by allowing us to own such weapons with proper training and storage requirements.”
I know what you mean (and I agree with you and what you mean), it’s just that word ‘allow’ (or any derivative thereof) which always gets me — like fingernails made of flint on a black-powder chalkboard.
I understand what people mean to say, but we are often ‘habituated’ (by practical life experience) into expressing ourselves as if we are the ‘slaves’ and ‘they’ are the rulers who can choose to ‘allow’ or ‘disallow’.
‘They’ are not in any position to ‘allow’ US to do ANYTHING — not lawfully. Which is why ‘they’ do everything by deceit and by utilizing ‘force’ through statute and code, knowing the vast majority cannot afford to defend themselves (or even know how) in the courts, and so ‘compliance’ is the path of least resistance.
The Constitution is to protect US from THEM.
They ACT (and govern) like the Constitution is to protect THEM from US.
Until or unless that is fixed, until the People have real control over the political-class again, the abuse of power will never (ever) end.
By law and by right, ‘they’ are in no position to ‘allow’ or ‘disallow’ US anything. ‘They’ are civil “servants” who work for US, and their JOB is to protect and defend the Constitution.
And the job of the Constitution is to protect and defend US from THEM.
But none of it works that way in practice, and hasn’t for a very long time, because everything is corrupt and corrupted.
And that is what, I believe (and hope), DJT is attempting to fix.
And if he succeeds, if he fixes it, then WE are going to be like lifetime prisoners, people who have been ‘institutionalized’ our entire lives, set free for the first time.
It will be scary for a lot of people, and a lot of people will want to go back to the way it used to be.
Just like we heard about Russians longing for the old Communist government after the Soviet Union crumbled.
It made no sense to me at the time, until I understood that for many people, control by the STATE was all they knew or had ever known. When that control was suddenly gone, a lot of people didn’t know what to do.
If we are set free from our OWN police-state, we will face similar issues.
And some former slaves will invariably want to go back to the security of the plantation.
And the plantation owners will welcome them with open arms.
And the plantation owners will continually advocate for ‘democracy’, the Pirate ideology, ‘mob rule’, to accumulate power unto themselves, because what ‘democracy’ really means is two predators and a sheep voting on what’s for dinner.
The predators are always after the same thing, and the sheep always want to be guarded from the predators.
So the predators always want to become the guards.
That’s how we always end up with abusive government, the very thing our Constitution was designed and written to prevent.
Great post, and SO, SO TRUE. It will be a bit scary, like going to your FIRST GUN SHOW.
And then you realize that the GUN SHOW is the safest place on Earth!
Yes like that. Always thought the most dangerous place while I was in the military was living in the states on the economy as we would say, instead of jumping out of plane with 500 other guys in the dead of night lock and loaded for bear (safest place).
Great example! Yes – funny how that works!
P.S. I know you already know ALL of that… it’s that word ‘allow‘… it just really sticks in my craw!
And thank your for providing an opportunity to use the word ‘craw’, which may be the first time I have ever dusted off that particular tool (word) and used it!
As far as I am concerned WE the People should be able to own TANKS and B 52 bombers too.
I certainly trust myself more with nuclear weapons than I do CANKLES.
I hate it, too. It’s just very hard to communicate past the semantic trickery of the left, which has tried to invert the Constitution’s basic ideas in every possible way.
Maybe we need to phrase it as this: they HAVE TO allow the expression of our natural rights enumerated in the Constitution, including those GUARANTEED by the Second Amendment.
“Have to allow” states the truth in a language they will HATE, but which they are guaranteed to understand. They don’t understand freedom – they understand slavery – and they WILL understand the SLAVE REVOLT that is our beautiful Constitution!
“Maybe we need to phrase it as this: they HAVE TO allow the expression of our natural rights enumerated in the Constitution, including those GUARANTEED by the Second Amendment.”
Or, maybe something like this:
The civil servants of the United States shall, without restriction, be compelled, by whatever means required, to include physical force by citizen arrest, NOT to INFRINGE, in any way conceivable — now or in the future — our natural Rights, as they were defined by our Founding Fathers in their own words, and as enumerated in the Constitution.
Furthermore, the primary purpose of the 2nd Amendment is further and specifically defined as being for the People to keep and maintain the capacity to overthrow a tyrannical government, secondarily for self defense, hunting, sporting or just for the pure joy of shooting things.
The 2nd Amendment is further defined such that individual citizens or groups of citizens who assemble of their own accord, shall never be prevented or hindered, in any way, from possessing, owning and carrying arms, that is, weapons, to include but in no way be limited to firearms, of all kinds, on or about his body — and the penalty for attempted obstruction of that Right being the forfeiture of freedom, for a period of not less than five years, for any man or woman who would even SEEK to obstruct.
Let it never be said among our People that any politician or officer of the government made it so far as to ACTUALLY obstruct or infringe on our RIGHTS ever again.
And furthermore, Lawyers are expressly prohibited from holding political office, as originally intended by the Constitution.
Now THAT is interesting!
“Now THAT is interesting!”
Lawyers are supposed to be SERVANTS, AIDS, ASSISTANTS.
Allowing Lawyers to hold political office is like letting the inmates run the asylum. They will only EVER construct a Byzantine Rube-Goldberg system which only THEY (by training) could ever hope to understand.
And that is exactly what they have done.
The COMMON LAW was pretty simple, pretty much everyone understood the basics.
NOBODY can keep up with, much less understand, the hundreds of thousands of statutes and codes and legislation passed every day, all over the country.
And that’s exactly how they want it.
Because if you do NOT “understand” the RULES, what is ALLOWED and what is NOT allowed, then you are effectively helpless, like a blind person needing a guide — a LAWYER.
Amazing how that works out…
Yes, Mao’s observation was essentially correct, though I would not have limited the expression to the word ‘gun’ — as our Founding Fathers did not limit We the People by using the word ‘gun’ in the 2nd Amendment, for the same reason, i.e., allowing for the likelihood that something better than the gun will eventually come along.
To further distinguish my remarks from Mao, I would amend my previously quoted sentence this way:
“… (the Lawful use of) Physical force is the game-changer. It’s the only “real” game changer, and always has been…..”
Great synopsis Scott. I’m seeing raw fear with a desperate veneer of misdirection. These bottom dwelling slime suckers-projection .
edit: “They wouldn’t even know how, they have no
background experienceframe of reference besides getting their way.”.
If I had an editor, he or she would have fixed that before I posted.
But then, if I had an editor, almost all of my posts would be shorter (and tighter).
I know it. I’m trying!
Mine would be better spelt and the language cleaned up.
If you all can live with my fast typing during a live thread, I’m willing to excuse anyone else.
No harm; no foul.
It was actually the foul that I was referring to. Though there is cultural relativity there too. An Aussie pm called an old age pensioner a silly old bastard once and was completely bemused by international reprobation. As he said in Australia, bastard is virtually a term of endearment
On Wednesday on the Barr testimony thread, I posted this. It’s the beginning of a thread:
Oops. This is the second twink in that thread.
Ooooo, delicious little tidbit, Dep.
Sasse is a possible for implication in either composition or dissemination of the dossier. He’s nervous as he should be.
Nervous? He’s shitting bricks
I waded through it somewhat. It made my head hurt and eyes glazed over.
I see this differently. I’m very pleased to see Sasse somewhat red-pilled on Trump (without saying so) – now AWARE of the fact that NeverTrump was both RIGHT and WRONG. They were right on Russia is trouble – they were WRONG on the idea that TRUMP was the one who was colluding with Russia. (“HI, CANKLES!”)
Things are STARTING to make sense to Sasse.
I see Sasse as a #NeverTrump controlled opposition who is WAKING UP to the actual complexity of the situation, and I half-suspect it is because he got briefed on HIS OWN BLACKMAIL by Russia and/or China.
Either that or somebody who understands my posts has been explaining them to Sasse.
Sasse is getting and is very worried about some of the stuff *I* worry about.
Now – on the subject of “Dirty Pasta”…..
One has to REMOVE ALL ALINSKY FEARS (“OMG – Russia is a friend of Trump because the media says so – anti-Russian NeverTrump wants war with Russia – war is bad – Putin is a nationalist – Trump is a nationalist – HEEELLLPPP!”) to see without ANY fear of the truth that Deripaska is nasty, dangerous, and never doing anything without three levels of deceit. There is only one great truth about Deripaska – he helps PUTIN. At that level, he hides behind the inscrutability of K.G.B. Putin. Beyond that, Deripaska’s motive is also inscrutable. Deripaska is doing things against you because he’s really for you because he’s really against you because maybe he’s for you. Which is it? Who knows?
When Deripaska LAUGHED at the idea of dirt on Trump, trust that the lightbulb went off in his head about giving the Democrats FAKE DIRT so that Putin wins EITHER WAY, whether or not it’s caught. And now ask – is he doing it because he’s an ENEMY of the Dems? No – he’s doing it because as long as the Dems keep CHUMPING OUT to Russia for ideological reason, they’re FRIENDS. FAKE DIRT beats NO DIRT because RUSSIA WINS. Even under the current conditions, Russia profited on the massive interference of feeding the Dems garbage. It almost worked to save Cankles. But in the end, it weakens America, so it’s ALL GOOD FOR THEM.
Sasse is clearly (IMO) starting to GET the extraordinarily bad situation. He’s hearing the same rumors of investigations and grand juries, I’m thinking.
Don’t think short-term on this. Sasse is starting to GET the long-term – THE PLAN. He realizes that he was a a special kind of DUPE – an ANTI-DUPE.
It’s in Russia’s nature to cheat you if they can. ACCEPT IT.
Makes sense mostly, but I am unable to attribute anything exculpatory or altruistic to the NeverTrumpers.
They believed what they wanted to believe, and what they wanted to believe always aligned with their own personal self-interest which they put so far above the interest of the country and We the People that “we” weren’t even an afterthought.
Their vicious animosity — not only toward DJT but toward We the People, an animosity that rightfully should have been directed at fellow members of their own political-class, if not directed at themselves — says it all.
Even in a best case scenario for Sasse, he and the other NeverTrump Traitors have forfeited all trust and confidence.
They believed what they wanted to believe, and they wanted to believe whatever would enrich them most.
Agreed. NeverTrump CANNOT be trusted.
In my opinion, trustworthiness is directly proportional to HOW EARLY people who questioned Trump moved into his camp. I came in shortly after Sundance did. There are people who came in shortly before the election who I trust, and a FEW afterwards, but not many.
I have NEVER seen a “reformed” NeverTrumper who cannot be made to backtrack to NeverTruimpism, given enough media pressure.
“I have NEVER seen a “reformed” NeverTrumper who cannot be made to backtrack to NeverTruimpism, given enough media pressure.”
Which means they were never actually ‘reformed’ at all, they don’t have any courage of the convictions, because they don’t have any real conviction at all — they just adopted whatever position would be serve their own interests at any given moment.
Which is why they were NeverTrump in the first place. They have no foundational principles or core values or beliefs, so going back to being NeverTrump if/when the political winds change would seem completely natural to them.
Like a ship without a rudder or a captain, sailing whatever way the wind blows — and when the wind doesn’t blow, drifting with the current until the wind blows again.
“It appears imperative to the intel community to paint Russia’s involvement in the 2016 election as a big deal, something for which we need to form committees, spend vast sums of taxpayer dollars, and guard against for 2020.”
More of the same.
Just playing for time. Like musical chairs, anything to keep the music going. So long as the music keeps playing, there are opportunities, possibilities, avenues of escape or time to create avenues of escape. Once the music stops, you got what you got, and there are a lot of bad guys who don’t got nuthin’ if the music stops.
So the music MUST continue, the GAME must continue, the CARNIVAL must continue, the SHOW must go on.
And it will, until it is STOPPED by someone outside their circle.
“Also, if Russian involvement is legitimate, then previous actions by FBI/DOJ/CIA – spying on the Trump campaign – would be deemed legitimate = we did it to protect you.”
It won’t matter, because it would be like a Doctor claiming he had to kill the patient in order to save him — and if that wasn’t bad enough, the Doctor has a lifelong history of animosity toward the patient and threatened to murder the patient repeatedly before, during and after the operation began. And if that wasn’t bad enough, the Doctor just took out a multi-million dollar life insurance policy on the patient before the operation.
Their primary duty is to the Constitution for the united States of America and the Law of the Land.
Everything they have done is contradictory to both.
So even if their motives and intents were pure, they are not relevant.
And everyone knows there motives and intents were as far from ‘pure’ as far gets.
edit / correction: “And everyone knows
theretheir motives and intents were as far from ‘pure’ as far gets.”My response to this:
“Also, if Russian involvement is legitimate, then previous actions by FBI/DOJ/CIA – spying on the Trump campaign – would be deemed legitimate = we did it to protect you.”
is that we must NEVER be afraid to admit the facts in evidence. HOWEVER, we can use them to clarify and to show that OUR interpretation of them is SUPERIOR.
We can also ADD to those facts. Such additions can and often WILL reverse the implications.
AND logic.
Russia interfered on BOTH SIDES to maximize the YIELD for ONE NATION and ONE NATION ONLY.
Don’t minimize Russian interference. Make it so big that the HELP that Russia gave to the Socialist DEMOCRATS looms GIANT. The mote in Trump’s eye – the BEAM in theirs.
Think how Russia almost gave the Dems enough to get rid of Trump. How they gave HILLARY enough to get rid of Trump.
Time to NUKE the Democrats with the FAR MORE SIGNIFICANT
interference that came from giving the American Communist-Media Complex exactly what they needed for ANOTHER Watergate, which the SOVIET DEMS used once before to take out an anti-SOVIET president.
See this in the STARK terms of who still supports, coddles, and advances CUBAN SOCIALISM.
Remember that one of the first things SoS Hillary Clinton did, quietly, while nobody was looking, was to UNDO every restraint that we had on Cuba, while getting NOTHING but hatred in return. ASK WHY.
We have to BREAK the conditioning of
Democrats and their media
because they
Putin and his people LIE LIKE A RUG about chemical weapons. OVER and OVER.
These are the most basic of FACTS. This is SCIENCE. Putin lies his ASS OFF about the science of chemical weapons. What ELSE will he lie about?
Sorry. Lying about chemical weapons burned up any capital he had with me. That really took off the blinders. He LIES about anything he can get away with. JUST LIKE A SOCIALIST.
“We have to BREAK the conditioning of
Sounds like we need to re-engage the war on Communism that McCarthy started all those years ago.
And this time, take out the MSM that took out McCarthy.
This time, don’t just shrug our shoulders and turn a blind eye for another 70 years.
This time, WIN.
And that begins with EXPOSURE.
The War against Communism cannot even be engaged until the People recognize it, and see the damage it has already done.
And as a bonus benefit, any war on Communism will also repel the Communist co-conspirator, islam.
YUP!!! the RED-GREEN AXIS must be called out! Love that POTUS is thinking about helping put down the MB!!!
After many consultations with my pet rock, I think I’m starting to begin, to get this And Logic thing…
Needed to become devious, to recognize deviousness…
It looks like they are desperately scrambling for a New Narrative™ to bring down President Trump and combat MAGA policies which are WINNING big time!!!
Yup – the Dems will throw everything against the wall to see what sticks.
No matter whether you speak TRUTH or LIES, the Dems will weaponize what is said. Best to be FEARLESS WITH TRUTH, because THAT is optimal!!!
“Best to be FEARLESS WITH TRUTH, because THAT is optimal!!!”
Agreed times infinity!
This is why I get so frustrated with the talking heads on ‘our’ side, because they relentlessly play the ‘game’, they almost NEVER take a stand for truth.
Conversely, it’s one of the reasons I LOVE DJT so much, because he will just blurt out the truth like it’s something everybody already knows anyway — which everyone DOES!
The PROBLEM is that the political-class are the only people who never SAY it.
They are absolutely paralyzed, their tongues are WORTHLESS for speaking plain truth, because they are SLAVES to the fear of blowback from the P.C. Police.
And a P.C. Slave who is “on your side” is worse than an open enemy, because the P.C. Slave will do the enemy’s bidding just like the enemy would do, but the P.C. Slave will DEMORALIZE you in the process, instill you with hopelessness, because even if we manage to get ‘our guy’ onto the field of play, all he does is give the ball to the other team.
THAT is the RINO professional political-class in a nutshell.
Don’t think Potus blurts out anything. He’s too clever and in control. He’s not afraid to tell the truth and the horror of the politically correct talking heads actually amplifys his comments which resonate with the sane and expose the illogical pretzels the fools are twisting themselves into
“Don’t think Potus blurts out anything. He’s too clever and in control.”
Very much agreed. But he plays it like he’s just blurting it out. It often seems off the cuff, until we find out later (weeks or months later) that it wasn’t off-the-cuff at all, it was very purposely said.
Sort of an “I’ll just leave this here” (and wait for it to detonate later) kind of thing
Wait for the msn to have fake fainting fits over it while it burrows into people’s subconscious. Inception
Daughn, “glaringly odd” indeed.
If a cartoonist drew me while watching Sasse during the hearings, he’d draw me with big ol’ question marks in a cloud around my head.
I was so puzzled. Sasse seemed really, really nervous and he was speaking so quickly and about things that seemed a wee bit unrelated and it all seemed very peculiar.
It definitely seemed one big red flag.
Thanks for pulling together all that information so we could haul it out and examine it and look at this from every angle because something is definitely afoot here.
I almost felt like Sasse was signaling to Barr “This xxxx is going to happen again. Isn’t it?” knowing damn well that it will. Sasse going “apple-polisher” on Schoolmaster Barr.
Some of this is Sasse covering his being a CHUMP on collusion.
“I was right on Russia! (but wrong on Trump)”
I don’t accept the premise the Russians interfered in any great way.
Just not seeing it and have a high degree of suspicion about the motives of those who are telling us Russia is the GREATEST “interferer” ever to grace the earth.
PLUS – if Sasse actually thought there was an inordinate amount of interference, then why didn’t he simply start off that way with Barr?
Why the agitation? Rustling in his seat like he was sitting on a pinecone? Rapid speech? The pivot?
Why the urgency to get into the record “Deripaska Bad = Manafort Bad”?
That Sasse was in Halifax with Kramer and Wood, would be a good place to start.
The most interference was from illegals voting that have been registered through motor voter etc. Russia, Ukraine, China is all smoke and mirrors.
Illegals voting
Censorship from big tech
Bias in media
All are bigger problems than any foreign entity.
…and dead people voting, and people up north who have a vacation home in Florida and vote in both places.
It’s not just the Snowbirds; there are a lot of students who vote twice, too…
Nor not just as your implying. I’m convinced that if you monitor local hotels where tight elections are being held, you’ll find that students and union members from out of state are filling up those hotels with express purpose of being led in to vote under someone else’s name.
Don’t forget that Soros (et al) are almost certainly ‘pushing’ the ‘mass migrations’ (financing them, paying off whoever needs to be paid off to make them happen), and Soros owns the company (Diebold, IIRC) who makes the electronic
cheatingvoting machines.It’s so in our faces that it very much reminds me of this section of the Declaration of Independence:
“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.”
Satan Soros either owns or has a controlling stake in all of the voting-machine companies.
And the unfettered, illegal, invasion (termed “migartion” by the globalists) is the Coudenhove-Kalergi plan, hatched in the early 1900s by a couple of globalists named Coudenhove and Kalergi. Kind of like Dr. Caligari’s cabinet, but with no artistic or human value whatsoever…
Merde-kuh got an award from them for living up to and forwarding their “values” around 2015 or so.
Not coincidentally, the same time she opened the gates for unlimited refauxgees into Europe, in particular, Germany. And our crime (especially rapes and murders) rate has been going up ever since… grrrr…
I am not one to wish ill on anyone; but Satan Soros is a servant of Satan. I hope and pray that GOD dispenses with Soros and his minions (and “spawn”) in short order.
An “all-expenses-paid” trip for Satan Soros and his equally-malfeasant-misanthropic progeny to “Vlad’s Bed and Breakfast and Boulder-Crushing Spa” would be especially fitting…..
Thanks, sausage-squisher…
I get so annoyed when I get weeds in migration.
Dammit autocorrect! Quit changing my words! Migartion.
Yep. I think they ought to call it “auto-cowrong”…
Now I see ads showing up and I’ve got my adblocker turned on… turn off scripts, and nothing works. Guess I’ll have to spend some time with my firewall… sigh… but it is still cold here…
Yes, I think there is a lot of covering for CHINA by all this “RUSSIA! RUSSIA RUSSIA!” stuff – but listen to Sasse – he really segues HARD to China. Why? Because HE KNOWS.
Now, as far as Russia not doing much – well – I would call subjecting Trump to an almost-Watergate scandal for the last two years “interfering in a great way”. ASYMMETRIC. Do something TINY. Get a HUGE YIELD. The Steele dossier was BRILLIANT. All they had to do was give the Dems what they wanted. AMAZING interference.
It’s not the interference the MEDIA and the DEMS tried to paint. It was the interference of GIVING THE DEMOCRAT-MEDIA COMPLEX AMMO against “Mr. Clean” Trump. Fake ammo, but it ALMOST WORKED. And giving it at the Steele level is almost untraceable – unblameable – unaccountable.
But it it STILL interfering in a HUGE way. The Russians are SO GOOD at disinformation. SO good.
You have to GET OUT OF THE MEDIA NARRATIVE to see it. The media has done a real psych job on us. They cornered both Russia and Trump to create psychological alliance. Very cunning.
This is like arson. It’s just a match. Just a lighter. Just a SKYSCRAPER ON FIRE.
We are woefully behind on this stuff. Yes, Sasse is trying to justify his “Muh Russia” wrongness, but beneath his EXCUSING HIS WRONGNESS on Trump collusion, is his rightness that Russia and China are interfering like crazy in the goings on here. And if most Republicans aren’t seeing it, then I have to be a bit of an Eeyore and say that the arsonists are WINNING.
I’m starting to think that Skripal was TALKING a bit too much about THINGS that were giving away Putin’s game. The Russians tried to do a sub-lethal neurological attack on him, screwed up, and here we are.
To clarify, everybody is looking for DIRECT INTERFERENCE on the election because the socialist-media complex is MISDIRECTING US to look for only THAT. They are saying LOOK HERE! on direct interference, and absolutely ignoring the question of the FAKE SCANDAL AGAINST TRUMP – using FAKE INTELLIGENCE FROM RUSSIA – very likely from that sleazy FRIEND (Dirty Pasta) of the SSCI Corruption Twins – that is about to open up under Barr’s investigation. THAT is interference, in my opinion. Russia HELPED the Democrats create an entire part of HISTORY. It’s SO BIG, we’re neglecting it. We can’t see the SKY for the FOREST OF LIES.
In a balanced, proper, American media, somebody would raise their hand and say “What if we considered the entire last two years of Fake News about Trump a kind of interference? And if we did, would it not have been RUSSIAN interference, to provide the bogus intelligence to the Democrats?”
OMG – I have a new FAKE for my list….
and now….
So you think the Russians were involved in developing the dossier —- not Steele/Nellie/CIA/Sid Blumenthal, etc.
AND LOGIC. It’s NOT either/or.
They ALL did it.
Steele is basically the center of stuff bubbling up from America and dripping down from Russia. He was the PERFECT PLACE to insert disinformation.
Lies work by somebody telling them and somebody listening. Make them as REAL as possible – as ORGANIC as possible. Actors. Influencers. Pretenders. DROP lies into people’s laps grudgingly – with a bit of difficulty – so the victims feel like they worked for it and discovered truth, and those victims will believe the lies under pain of death.
Why hand somebody a LIST that can be attributed to you, when you can SEED BULLSHIT into somebody’s world, and they suck it up like a thirsty beggar, OWNING every bit of it?
I think Steele doesn’t want to talk because he realizes that he’s the worst possible thing that a spy can be.
Nope. You have to MAN UP when you’ve been a CHUMP and TURN IT AROUND. BURN the people who fooled you with TRUTH until they scream and crawl away in flames.
The KGB is/was only 10% about espionage, and 90% about DISINFORMATION. They perfected disinformation. They are STILL using it like champs.
Tony Shaeffer talked about why people don’t trust somebody else’s intelligence work. Top of the list is EXACTLY what happened here. DISINFORMATION.
Some Dems surely realized the Steele stuff was BS. Some may have COUNTED on Russia to provide BS. Some probably thought it was real. Some Dems who knew it was bullshit lied to the ones who believed it. Others just lied to themselves that it was real.
Remember – half or more of the people involved are spies, intelligence, counterintelligence, and “retired” intelligence. The LIES were already THICK in this bunch. Then throw in all the outsider communists and socialists in UK and America, and it get really messy. THAT is reality.
Russia would have calculated that the sum of all historical paths (meaning whatever happened downstream of providing the fake intel) would favor them, so they did it. Lots of futures, but the SUM OF ALL FUTURES worked for them.
Give the Dems what they wanted – what they needed. Sweet lies.
The Russians know how to live with uncertainty, and still ACT within it.
Russia first. That’s just the way it is with Russia first. They do it the Russian way.
Very much agree about Russian interference.
Another great analysis daughter. You ,and possibly DH have cut to the chase with your acute observation and analysis of Sasse’ behaviour. They are being chased through the house by a monster and they’re throwing furniture and ornaments in their path.
In general, guys are terrific when it comes to tracking/excising the enemy, so much better than women. It’s true.
Women, in general, are better at reading an individual. It’s probably the kid factor. We can tell when they are lying.
First time John Edwards was ever interviewed, DH and I were standing in the same room. Husband wanted to “take him out” of the race, because he was a trial lawyer – his reaction was instant.
I thought he was far too pretty to have a wife dying of cancer and I said, “That man is cheating on his wife.”
Different perspective from watching the same interview at the same time = both right.
Weird, eh?
You both picked up different wrongs. Good team. This is why women and men are different. They are meant to compliment each other’s strengths and weaknesses as life partners. Disclaimer. Women maybe better lie detectors but kids read their parents from birth. They know who to approach about problems r who is the soft touch
Good point. The girls could start crying and husband opened his wallet. I was blind to the boys.
Has to be a team effort!
And don’t forget, Moms have eyes in the back of their heads….

] ) everywhere!!!
You. Can’t. Get. Away. With. ANYTHING!!!
GOD Bless Moms (and Dads [who also can’t get away with anything, having been sons before
(hope I got my parens and brackets matched – it’s been a while
Sasse is nervous because he has seen this:
The numbers are inexcusable.
Unless we are in the midst of an invasion……….
“The numbers are inexcusable.
Unless we are in the midst of an invasion……….”
The ‘invasion’ has likely been going on since the end of WWII (which by all accounts appears to have never actually ended, just transformed).
But the people at the linked Twitter above appear to be surmising that the increased numbers are a good thing, because it means DJT is using the FISA court to ensnare all of the traitors (certainly including those who abused the FISA court).
We shall see…
Exactly. To CLOSE OUT the FISA abuse will – weirdly – require a lot of FISA.
Good money is about to CHASE OUT BAD.
You dig like a backhoe. (This is a compliment)
Amen, babe!
Thanks for doing this great thread on Sasse, Daughn!

Nice work!
Sassehole deserves all the scrutiny we can give him.
I don’t think he can ever be trusted!
LIttle late to this, but finds the amazing thing in all this was only a week ago all this talk was just coming from the right and was considered conspiracy theory not worth the time of day. Now the left is finally having to respond and in doing so they are looking more desperate than ever as they try to toss sand.