This SEVEN DAYS IN MAY TUESDAY open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.
You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on.
Free Speech is practiced here. ENJOY IT. Use it or lose it.
Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious FREEDOM from THEM.
Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven.
Gonna be frank with people.
I literally thanked G_d today for President Trump.
I also THANKED G_D for our deliverance from evil in general, at the level of the universe itself. I sounded like I was straight out of the Old Testament! Psalms of thanks and gratefulness! JOY at our deliverance from evil!
I was thinking about just how CUNNING our adversaries have been – how much they’ve FOOLED AMERICA for the last century – and I just had to THANK GOD for our President, and for the PROTECTION of God. Despite all the trickery, we’re still hanging on to our freedoms, and we’re still not suffering like we COULD BE SUFFERING, at the hands of TYRANTS.
So take a moment and SAY THANKS and PRAY!

Always keep our movement’s larger purpose in mind – RESTORATION!!!
That is why there MUST BE cleaning of the SWAMP!!!

Our movement
Is about replacing
A failed
Political establishment
With a new government controlled
By you, the American People.
Candidate Donald J. Trump
Also remember Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
The LAST ONE always gets me! *wink*
I’m working on a great new post that will raise a lot of concern and likely stir up a hornet’s nest. It really needs to get done, too. You’ll see why.
Been having some computer issues – hopefully they will be gone soon.
Based on this new post, it looks like the other side is going all out with the deceptions. Even if we keep the White House, this will not be easy sledding. They are doing everything they can at the state and local levels to undermine President Trump – even in the RED districts. In fact, THAT is where they are trying to STEAL THE MONEY NOW.
Buckle up!

Buckle up! …?

Okay boss, will do!
That pic should make the girls happy – men in tights.
For some of us, uh….
There’s even a blog for kilt beefcake –
May have to follow.
Great ‘scenery’….
When it comes to communication with a number of liberal women, this is common ground.
From what I’ve seen, a large number don’t appreciate males of any kind, young or old.
Not a soy boy in sight! Hallelujah, it’s raining alpha men!
Do you watch Outlander?
Scottish men are so hot!
No, don’t watch much on TV. And yes, Scots are hot. So are some Irish, Italian, Swedes (the curling team), etc.
Dated a guy named THOR for a while, just because I wanted to. 6’6″ blond, blue-eyed. Grandma Della loved that boy. “Let me introduce you to my boyfriend, Thor……..”, it was awesome.
For the record we do not wear anything under our kilts that would be just wrong, my ancestors were the men way before Fruit of Loom
God wins. God wins. God wins.
I love the title. Will have to listen tomorrow. Sleepy time now. God bless all and PDJT.
AND thank you God for PT.
Me too.
thinkthinkthink wonderful music to wake up too this morning. Thank you in many in ways!
I need to share this, the other day 3T shared wisdom paraphrased “to take God into all we do.”
I am aware to this fact but have not gone mentally said to say to God “I invite you to be with me in this or that situation.”
Yesterday I had to have my injection into my eye again and as I was sitting at the eye doctor waiting for the numbing med to kick in I mentally invited God to be with me in my situation.
The injections always go smooth but yesterday they were even smoother than other times. To my surprise the doctor said “we got your vision where I wanted it to be and I see you in 10 weeks instead of 6 and after that 3 months.”
The other surprise was normally I feel for couple of hours a little uncomfortable after the shot but not yesterday.
Wow I have been doing this between laser and injections for 15 years.
The lesson I learned even though I was aware of God in my life I did not invite Him to be in my situations.
Now I am wondering if I am like that with people? I have a hard time inviting people into my life ?
Overflowing gratefulness today. Thanks be to God.
Beautiful story SS!!! A fantastic reminder to Invite Our Lord into everything we do!! Living up to your name SS!!!!


“Beautiful story SS!!! A fantastic reminder to Invite Our Lord into everything we do!! Living up to your name SS!!!!
Thank you Marica. My real name is even more interesting
Praise the Lord, SS!!! Thank you for that awesome story! I rejoice with you!!
Beautiful story. Excellent follow-up questions!
We were created to continually open our hearts in awe for His goodness!
“Beautiful story. Excellent follow-up questions!
We were created to continually open our hearts in awe for His goodness!”
I guess the continually open heart to God’s goodness living in mindfulness?. God’s goodness is everlasting and alway available to us and we just have to ask.
T3 you spoke the right words to me that I needed just did not know it. I thank you!
Beautiful photo.
There are so many good God fearing people on the Q Tree
Image from above link… (sigh)
Life is good … and then there’s Q tree.
So life is exquisite.
Howl on!
We got snacks!
Lemon bars too:
Oh Wheatie. Lemon bars. Yum! The drool is pooling in my mouth. I can just taste them!!!
Me too, Syl…I love lemon bars!

So does mr. wheatie; lemon bars aren’t safe at my house.
Love lemon bars, and the more lemony the better. Yum.
“Love lemon bars, and the more lemony the better. Yum.”
You would like the Lemmon Pie served at Shaker Village in KY
I like lemons in water and salats but not in desert .
Ahhhhh, my left arm for a lemon square….. Love it when you guys bring snacks.
You’re torturing the diabetics and the chubbies.
Yeah, I’m fat. So what? Pass those brownies!
Uh oh…how’s this:

Perfect, Wheatie!! Yummm!!!
Sorry you’re having computer issues, Wolfie.

That always sux.
I’ve noticed WP has been kind of twitchy lately too.
Comments disappearing…then I find them in the trash bin.
Other stuff too, like clicking on sidebar notifications and getting hurled into the inner workings of ‘Changing Your Settings’.
So I dunno what that’s all about…it’s just some weirdness.
Not to mention both Brave and Firefox recently having update issues…..Brave because their signing certificate expired and Firefox when their add-ons stopped working because of an expired signing certificate.
The Chrome (don’t get you home) engine is behind that cert problem. They’re having some sort of snit with TPTB (not sure if it’s about TLS versions, or what, I forget), but Gargle are being twits about it.
I’ve seen a number of sites with “issues”. The Brave blog has infos on it IIRC…
And Gargle, et. al. are doing all in their power to track, and to cripple ad blockers…
Yep.somthings sus
Shartacus is back to trying to take our guns away:
After seeing how that has turned out for the people of Venezuela…I can’t believe he’s even bringing it up.
But then, Booker is an idiot who is counting on the DNC media to cover for him.
Here’s a good video from Colin Noir of NRAtv, who takes on Booker:
Hat tip: Citizens Free Press
Who said:
“It is shameful that so cowardly a candidate tries to identify himself with a hero like Spartacus.”
And I couldn’t agree more!
Our socialists like Shartacus are getting very brazen and cocky!
Umm “when he’s president of the United States”
That $#!+ should be on the Comedy Central.
“….Cory Booker won’t say whether he’ll jail Americans who refuse to surrender firearms….”

Corey Booker has no intention of JAILING Conservatives that defy him. He plans to KILL THEM just like every other totalitarian dictator!
“Political Power grows out of the barrel of a gun” – Mao Zedong
1911 Turkey Gun control — from 1915 to 1917 – 1.5 million Arminans killed
1935 China gun control — from 1948 to 1952 – 20 million killed
1938 Germany Gun control — from 1935 to 1945 – 20,946,000 murdered.
1956 Cambodia gun control — from 1975 to 1977 – 1 to 2 million educated people murdered.
1964 Guatamala Gun Control — from 1964 to 1981 – 100,000 Mayan Indians killed.
1970 Uganda gun control in — from 1971 to 1979 – 300,000 Christians killed, a total of 2 to 3 million murdered.
Statistics of DEMOCIDE – DEATH BY GOVERNMENT (Genocide and Mass Murder) By Dr Rummel
An individual no matter how hard he tries can not come close to the amount of death a government can visit on its own people. Guns give people a fighting chance against government madness.
Why do the elite want to disarm the public? Because they wish to do something which they cannot do if citizens are armed. A government determined to remove a citizens right to own guns is planning to do things it citizens will violently object to.
“Why do the elite want to disarm the public? Because they wish to do something which they cannot do if citizens are armed. A government determined to remove a citizens right to own guns is planning to do things it citizens will violently object to.”
“I’m working on a great new post that will raise a lot of concern and likely stir up a hornet’s nest. It really needs to get done, too. You’ll see why.”
Ok…now you have my attention…patiently awaiting the hornet’s nest…paws are ready…
Thanks! It will probably be sometime late tomorrow. But it is definitely coming!!!
Take your time…I’m sure it will be spectacular.
And there’s this
Awwww poor kitty did a bee sting his nose or is that normal for kitty … looks like Jimmy Durante’ lol
Got up a little too close and personal with a bee
If anyone is on twitter, or other platforms, this is a thread that should be sent round. Serious stuff going on with suppression and permanent suspensions by the Social Media giants. Now we’re talking Civil Rights violations. I’d be sure to tag all relevant POTUS campaign aids as well.
Oh NO! The AOC Parody account was HILARIOUS.
That stinks.
No humor allowed with the communists.
Exactly. I read several threads last night discussing who has been banned on the platforms, The names are adding up. POTUS, Don Jr. Parscale, and others are talking about it, but they need to do something.
In the meantime, vile Leftist remarks saturate social media – including the despicable State Dem guy who harassed a praying elderly woman at a PP clinic, and called for the doxxing of 3 teenage girls praying at the clinic. He filmed himself doing it.
Aren’t there laws protecting us from psycho politicians? Apparently not.
Can’t escape the feeling that the “silencing” was planned assuming a Hillary win – and they went ahead with it anyway.
Good point, and because Hillary lost, they’re desperate to take not only POTUS out, but all of us – so that we never “rise” again.
Scary, isn’t it? We have to make sure we’re the ones who end up being up on the horses. That’s how these wars go.
Nobody else up? Ok, well in my middle-of-the-night insomnia bout here’s a couple more:
I have a feeling POTUS is going to be driving the anti-American haters (Demoncrats) in the coming days and weeks.
For a laugh… Did you know that Larry Schweikart, renown historian, author, great patriot, etc, was once a rock ‘n roll drummer when he was “young”?
He posted one of his memories/experiences.
Haaaa…that’s a great story! Thanks, LadyP!

There’s no Thread Reader for it, though.
Here’s the band that Larry was in:
He didn’t say which one he is…but he posted this pic of himself:
Funny story!
(I had a crush on Joe Walsh. Maybe still do a teensy tiny little bit.)
Life’s been good to me so far!
I live in hotels tear out the walls
I have accountants pay for it all
Laura Ingraham on her Fox show did a terrific special tonight on the Texas border.
Learned how organized the modern cartels are to create crisis in one spot with “families” plunging into the Rio Grande with their (or only with “their”) babies and children in one spot, to stretch the Border Patrol thin.
Then spotters at high points on the Mexican side see where there are no agents, and send in drugs and criminals there.
Even folks like me who’ve been following this situation a long time will get something from watching this show.
Yes, I agree…it was a really good show!

I went looking for a video of it and will post it below.
Thanks, Wheatie.
I saw it on air, so don’t have the link.
It was an extraordinary show by Ingraham.
Here you go!
Laura Ingraham at the Border – Del Rio TX
Seattle, an incredibly beautiful city surrounded by water and mountains and forests has become a socialist sh!t hole. It has always been socialist, really, but it wasn’t always a sh!t hole. But socialists can’t seem to help themselves. They MUST destroy all that is good.
This is what this town has become.
“The Wrong Narrative
Seattle elites show little sympathy for a woman raped by a homeless man.
A year ago, in Seattle, a man living in a city-funded homeless encampment raped a woman in the bathroom of a Volkswagen dealership in the city’s Ballard neighborhood. Christopher Teel had arrived from Texas as a transient and was evading multiple warrants, but the city-sanctioned encampment welcomed him without conducting a criminal-background check.
The story caused a sensation, with wide media coverage and public demands for increased security measures, but the crime victim remained silent and her identity was kept secret. Nearly a year later, the victim, Lindsey, contacted me. After being raped, she had approached city leaders and met with the sitting councilman for nearly an hour but was received, she says, with dismissiveness. Teel’s crime against her did not fit the preferred narrative of compassion for the homeless, so the political class downplayed it. By the time Lindsey reached out to me, she was ready to speak out.
Lindsey asked me to create a short documentary so that she could tell her story…
Then came the backlash. Progressive activists launched a counterattack against Lindsey on social media. Local journalist Erica Barnett claimed that the story drew attention because Lindsey is an “attractive blonde woman” and dismissed the victim’s “many tears” as theatrics serving a false narrative that the homeless represent a danger to the community. She demanded that the media temper its reporting and be mindful that “graphic descriptions of violent rape may be triggering for survivors.” Barnett’s message was amplified on left-wing Twitter; Councilwoman Lorena Gonzalez claimed that Lindsey’s story would create fear and cause harm to communities “that may already be triggered.”
The reality: city-sanctioned encampments in Seattle have become magnets for crime and violence…
Seattle’s activist class seems, then, to have more compassion for transient criminals than for the victims of their crimes. Lindsey’s story should be a clarion call for everyone who cares about violence against women. But in the tortured logic of intersectionality, the story of a homeless rapist demands “context,” while the white, blonde, middle-class target of his assault is an unsympathetic victim…”
I’m glad her story at least got some coverage.
There are probably a lot more stories like that…that have been covered up.
Truth is…socialists don’t care about people.
They claim that they do, but it is a Lie.
They care more about covering up the bad effects of their socialist policies, and spend more and more time on covering it up, the longer their bad policies are in effect.
The homeless problem is largely because of the high property taxes that socialists love so much.
This causes rents to go through the roof…and prices a lot of people out of a place to live.
Add to that, the insane ‘Sanctuary City’ program that lures in illegals…and you’ve got a recipe for crime and decay.
They don’t care at all. It’s all a lie.
We call what they do “virtue signalling” and “liberal hypocrisy” but it is all self-promoting lies.
Conservatives generally have a pietistic impulse to give others the benefit of the doubt. Generally this is a good practice because when there are problems and misunderstandings it is better not to attribute malicious motives to others until all the facts are in.
But the leftists have shown their true colors over and over so many times.
They claim to care but for decades the outcomes of their policies are the opposite of what they say.
They keep the unthinking people emoting about caring but never have a substantive policy plan.
Meanwhile they DO NOT engage conservatives in a constructive discussion about policy.
They demonize and smear conservatives rather than try to problem solve.
They lie that conservatives do not care – and masses believe it.
The left has exploited this “let us get our word in” for too long while trying to drive conservatives out and silence them. They lie that they want to be heard when really the just want to preemptively shut down any and all possible opposition without any fair consideration.
It’s well past time to stop playing the leftists “We only” game, and shove their rules back down their throat.
“…Truth is…
socialistsPsychopaths and Sociopaths don’t care about people…..” They only care about POWER!I think it is becoming more and more clear the FOLLOWERS of the DemonRat Party are often SOCIOPATHS…..
The LEADERS of the DemonRat Party are often PSYCHOPATHS..
Key traits that sociopaths and psychopaths share include:
I think it is becoming more and more clear that our ‘leaders’ with the exception of President Trump and a few others are a pack of psychopathic predators. The great thing is President Trump is MAKING THEM REVEAL THEIR TRUE NATURE!
What you said explains why I’ve long thought that the Democrat party was the “home” for sociopaths/psychopaths of our society. It’s a natural fit, because except for a portion of their base, who obviously must be ignorant about their party, the rest are part and parcel of the same mindset. It also is analogous to why Hitler succeeded for some time with his Third Reich. Enough people with significant pathology took over running the country.
Regarding Germany, the sad part, is Hitler was successful because the cultural norms of their history lent itself to his agenda. Same for Western Europe. Same for most countries in the world. America’s cultural fabric has been radically different – it’s why we’re always saving other countries.
I think it would be good to start pointing out these characteristics whenever the (mostly) Left displays them.
This happened a year or two ago somewhere else down south. Can’t recall where…Florida? Alabama? Afghan pilots came here to train with the military and then just like that they disappeared and were never heard from again (as far as I know). I haven’t even heard an update on the story now for ages. In fact, I forgot about it until I saw this:
“These Afghan pilots came to Fort Worth for training. Then they disappeared
A program to train Afghan pilots at Fort Worth’s Meacham Field has ended after many of the participants went absent without leave — or AWOL — according to the Air Force Times.
The report didn’t specify how many pilots are still unaccounted for, but indicated that it’s not uncommon for foreign pilots to go missing while in the United States for training — and, in many cases, resurface later and request asylum.
The Air Force Times cited a report by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction showing that, between 2005 and 2017, 152 of the 320 foreign pilots who went AWOL while training in the United States were from Afghanistan….”
Read more here:
Recipe for trouble. Trained pilots from a fundamentalist Islamic country on the loose
my recipe for trouble?
ADD: Democrats
instant stupidity!!
Laura Ingraham’s show Monday night, from the border:
We simply have to shut off all the Free Stuff for immigrants and illegal aliens.
People who come here legally shouldn’t be eligible for free stuff until they’ve lived here a while…like 10 yrs or more.
My husband is a legal immigrant and he heartily agrees.
Our country is operating with a huge Debt…so it is insane for us to be creating this draw for illegals to come here and prey on our assistance programs that were intended for citizens who are in need.
There’s push pull factors. We can’t do much about the shitholes people are coming from but we, Yanks and aussies, canand must address the pull factors. The endless largest in welfare beyond anything they can imagine at home. But not only is there welfare there are scams on a gargantuan scale including the halal tax.
Yes…call it the “pull factor” or the draw, it’s basically putting out a free banquet for the needy and then letting in a horde of party-crashers.
There is a sense of entitlement from the invaders here, that come from shitholes in Central/South America.
Their corrupt dictators have told them that We, the US, are/is the ‘reason’ that they are poor!
These people have been told that the US has “stolen their wealth”…so they feel entitled to come here and take whatever they can.
The islamists think that we are stupid fools for letting them take advantage of us…so we ‘deserve’ to be preyed upon.
It is long past time to put a stop to all the Free Stuff that these invaders are coming here for.
i thought one “requirement” for LEGAL immigration was you couldn’t be a burden to society–you had to be able to support yourself…what the heck happened to that?
When my husband went through the process of immigrating here…he had to sign an affidavit, raise his right hand and Swear that he had financial means to take care of himself!
And I don’t think that immigrants were eligible for welfare…or any of the freebees…back then.
For him, it was a matter of pride.
He didn’t want to ever be “on the dole” as he puts it.
i think that attitude has changed sadly and even the refugees are demanding and arrogant now. it’s really off-putting!
but i digress, society itself is less pull yourself up by your bootstraps and more what can i get for free?
Correct. One had to have a sponsor, a job, and not become a burden on society. When did it change?
Likely when the government discovered that their early “Relief” efforts during the Great Depression could be maintained by a welfare system subsidizes by borrowed money, and then they had not “grateful” voters, but Dependent voters who would keep voting for the politicians who would give them “free stuff.”
It was insidious – people had pride back in the day – getting Relief (and it was only supposed to be short-term) was shameful – men wanted a job. Then Lyndon Johnson’s “Great Society” came along and we’ve been living affluent enough lifestyles that the public consciousness of gratitude and self-reliance disappeared.
We went from Roosevelt’s chicken in every pot, to – here’s the money to buy steak and shrimp, soda, and get your nails done because we’ll give you housing and medical care.
Government largesse actually causes the skyrocketing cost of many essentials. It extinguishes the need for businesses to be competitive, and it keeps people from striving to improve their circumstances. Takes away their pride and motivation. Nowadays, children aren’t even taught the value of those innate entities – they’re taught that the government will provide, and if there is a lack, then it’s the government’s fault.
The bizarre costs of college today compared to just 10 years ago is because the government took over the student loan program – and colleges don’t have to worry about how much they milk students for – the feds will keep handing over the money – for worthless degrees.
Medicaid, and yes, Medicare too, force healthcare providers into providing a lower standard of care, and/or limited access, restricted diagnostic tests, labs, etc. simply because the costs are so excessive – people need help to pay the bills – but it was insurance companies (and now federal running of health care) which cause huge inflationary rates. It’s also why healthcare providers are fighting against their charges being publicly known so the people could “shop” for a better price or service.
It will get worse.
All of our federal “rescue the programs” actually cause more harm than good. The Great Society broke up the nuclear family, and has created generations of unhappy people. We’re seeing the effects of 50 years of so-called government largesse. America’s debt is in the trillions, and the politicians don’t care. Who owns our debt? China? Makes one think…
Actually, China has been quietly selling off some of their Treasury Bonds.

They need the money!
And a big Amen to all of that, LadyP!
The changes were done very sneakily and gradually, so that we didn’t notice.
Really? Chinese selling bonds, and now being forced out of the Long Beach Port (see my post below).
Methinks there’s a lot more to this than anyone knows just yet.
They were talking about it on FBN…about a month ago.
I think Gordon Chang was part of the discussion…talking about how China was quietly divesting itself of some things.
Because they need the cash.
They need the cash because the cow is no longer providing milk. She’s currently gestating the next generation, so they’ve been taken off the teet.
I seriously wonder how big China is/was in the overall cabal scheme. They’ve obviously been cut off to an extent.
Yes…but a lot of their cash is going into their current military buildup and their space program.
When the Piper calls for payment the entire Ponzi scheme is going to collapse.
I meant that to say, “Rescue the people” programs.
Your husband is just the sort we want to be citizens of our country, Wheatie.
Thank you, Zoe.
*big smile*
He is a wonderful guy and I love him dearly.
I love to see happy couples! Best thing ever is a good marriage. It makes everything else bearable.
“you couldn’t be a burden to society… what the heck happened to that?”
In a word, Democrats.
That actually *is* the law. If you emigrate to the US, you cannot access welfare, Medicaid, or Social Security until you have worked for 10 years. With an important exception: refugees claiming asylum. For them, they can access all of these from day one. THIS is the problem. We need to take away REFUGEES’ ability to access these services, along with the illegals who shouldn’t be able to access it anyway, and the problem will, essentially, go away.
Interesting factoid.

Hmm…3.5 million more registered voters than there are adults in the US.
Didn’t Hillary win the popular vote by about that much?
funny how that worked out, huh?
How many registered voters actually have a ballot cast in their name (either by themselves, legitimately, or not legitimately)?
Isn’t turnout only about 60 percent of registered voters, typically?
I am NOT claiming there’s no fraud, not at all. But you can’t use this statistic by itself to make any inferences on precisely how much fraud there is.
But the rolls need to be purged. That’s true, even if the level of fraud were insignificant.
Steve is in the house!
Now for something really important…
I looked up “Bob Baffert’s son” in a search and found zero, even in his Wiki bio. I could have sworn Baffert’s son was kicked in the head as in the video above and suffered devastating, permanent brain injury, essentially leaving him helpless. Or is it a false memory?
Anyway, the trainer in the Sherlock Holme’s story “Silver Blaze” was “murdered” by massive blunt force trauma. Holmes discovered that the murderer was Silver Blaze, the champion horse, who had kicked the trainer in the head.
Having nothing to accomplish with them, I stay well away from these powerful creatures if the occasion arises.
first off…that was some scary mouse? rat? and then that bird eating ALL those fish? oh my!
thanks for sharing these Wheatie!!!
i love these little tidbits
The shoplifter cracked me up.
I loved the way the rat chased the cat
I have had cats like that but I have one cat a rescue she would have no problem going after a fifty rat 
All the animal videos are funny.
Sara Carter talks about what many of us have been saying…that HusseinO was illegally spying on people for years, for personal political reasons:
Don’t laugh at me. I think about stuff like this.
The game of geopolitics – wholesale version.
Years ago, I came up with an idea to ‘purchase’ about 25-30% of the western half of Cuba, and thought it would take about 6 billion dollars. The timing was perfect to take out the Castros, retire them to Switzerland, and stabilize our hemisphere.
At the time, Cuba was spiraling out of control, and they stopped their subsidies to Venezuela because they could not afford it any longer – which pushed Venez. over the edge.
At the same time, the Saudis had ramped up oil production for a little over a year leaving Iran and Russia in serious trouble.
At the last minute, Obama stepped in, dropping sanctions on Cuba, reopening our embassy. Money flowed to Cuba. Then, miracle of miracles, the Obama admin released the Iranian ‘frozen assets’ from 1979, with interest, back to Iran = the 150 billion.
As a result, Cuba went back into Venezuela, Iran re-emerged as a regional power and went after Yemen, and the Russians put an iron fist around Syria. Assad survived with Russian help.
I’ll admit, as soon as we learned of President Trump’s plans to talk to North Korea, I hooked up the big screen TV to Google Earth and zoomed in on DPRK. I took a close look at where to put the ports, airports, rail facilities……. and beach condos on the western shore.
So, now I’m thinking about El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala. If everyone is leaving, or wants to leave, that means what remains in the country is ON SALE.
Well, what is on sale?
Every crisis creates an opportunity.
Chances are, this crisis is manufactured.
Which means, SOMEONE is buying in Guat/ElSal/Nic. If I can see it from my little computer in rural flyover, then the guys with the billions are shopping for deals. Who is buying? What resources?
It’s time to take a look.
The problem that I see, in buying property in another country…is that since I am not a citizen, I would have no rights there.
And in a lot of those countries, even if you *are* a citizen, you have no property rights.
Not like we have here, at any rate.
Any property that I might buy there, could be taken away from me by the govt…on a whim.
Other countries aren’t the USA. Here, we go the legal route for property rights. Other place, have enough fire power you create your own rights of all sorts.
Not advocating that system, just pointing out that American senses of justice and fairness get laughed at in other parts of the globe.
Think bigger. No rules when it comes to “buying countries”, which is what’s happening.
Btw, totally agree with you. Guarantee no school in Russia/Brazil/China has an anti-bullying campaign.
Nope, and even in places like Italy, money under the table talks…which is why the Milan airport is in one of the worst spots. Seriously, the views of the alps are stunning, but you take off into a mountain.
I’m not talking about buying a vacation home.
Think bigger.
Think about the mines, forrests, ports, fishing rights, etc.
I wasn’t talking about vacation property either, Daughn.

I was thinking business venture…developing the property into something profitable…making capital expenditures on it.
Doesn’t matter what size, though.
Same problem exists.
Not my country…they make the rules.
Look at what’s happening in South Africa.
People aren’t just getting their property taken…they are getting murdered too.
And those people have lived there for generations.
Have not the Chinese and Saudis bought up farmland in the uS? I remember reading this. Many small farmers sold their land or could not make it and now we have these big farms instead?
I do not understand how foreign countries can buy up so much farm land. I will never complain when government helps US farmers but foreign farmers should not benefit.
Yes, it’s true…and I don’t like it at all!
“Which means, SOMEONE is buying in Guat/ElSal/Nic.”
China’s Belt and Road initiative would be a good bet !
These people would not be leaving, traveling to USA, without encouragement from Ortega, etc.
Need more information.
China. Over the years China has reportedly shopped precious minerals around the globe in developing countries. Very long term contracts to lock in mineral flows to China for manufacturing.
Along those lines, rather sure lines rather sure, China government owned businesses are buying up large tracts of land.
Parallel thought. Visit the Philippines annually for 30 days or so. The little town I visit, Infanta, Pangasinan, Philippines. Sort of a fishing village of fisherman making a living catching what they can. Infanta is roughly 200 miles north, northwest of Manila.
Crappy roads makes it a seven hour van ride. Dozens of small towns and a few larger cities.
The entire drive from Manila to Infanta is littered with a couple flavors of China banks.
Passing through Subic Bay area, what used to be the largest deep water US Naval complex (ships, repair, air station, Naval Magazine, supply depot, fuel storage, hospital… is to a large extend occupied by China companies.
Mines along the coastal highway are under contract to Chinese companies. Convoys of very large dump trucks travel from the mines mini ports where the minerals are loaded on small freighters. Rather short transit across the China Sea to Chinese ports.
China is confiscating large swaths of fishing areas west of Luzon (main island of Philippines) claiming as their territory. Stripping away plentiful fishing areas.
Anyway, I diverged a bit From Daughn’s thoughts. Rather sure China is behind huge land and commercial grabs around the globe. All probably part of their 2025 Road…
And surely other billionaires, and Global companies are scooping of huge tracts of prime real estate and minerals.
You’re right where I was heading. Philippines in danger now. NEVER should have given up Subic Bay.
Subic Bay Naval complex was a National treasure…an irreplaceable DoD asset. We didn’t own it, but had unfettered access and use. Incredibly strategic location.
Station there twice. The second time we arrived last few days of November 1991. Two or three weeks later, US Ambassador to the Philippines, Wisner announced we would leave Subic Bay within one year.
A stunningly sad day. Dampened Christmas and New Year is an understatement.
June 22, 1992, my Command departed on a Navy (707 variant) to Singapore, for three years:-).
As great as Singapore was, really wish the US had kept the Subic Bay Naval Complex… Irreplaceable. It’s a “readiness” thing!
Amen. Sad about clark Airfield too – the volcano that buried it in 6′ of ash.
You mention ash…lahar in local speak. Maybe geologist speak. Anyway. Very, very gritty. Mount Pinatubo blew in June 1991, IIRC.
Five months later, when we arrived at our base house, adjacent to the jungle, we had 2-3 feet of lahar around the house.
Access to our front and back doors, and car port were “shoveled”…sort of like snow shoveling. Except, lahar is quite heavy.
Lahar to this day, 28 years later has an effect on rivers during the monsoon season.
Interesting tidbit, Kalbo. Fascinated by this region. We helped a marble mine, about 150 miles north of Manilla, about 10yrs ago. Cool place.
Daughn sharp thinking and who is buying?
I heard yesterday on the radio while driving that Maduro is possibly visiting Russia in the next couple of weeks.
I am thinking to myself what dictator leaves his country when an uprising happens?
Who is buying in Venezuela? Oil companies? Who else and who created the mess encouraging Maduro
in the first place to establish himself as dictator?
You are so right normally the Clintons had their fingers in the pie or bushes. Who else Soros?
My husband said something interesting when I told him about Maduro leaving to visit Russia he said ” why would he care if he never can go back to Venezuela since he already took all the gold out of the country.”
OMGosh, we said same thing this morning.
Maduro can sit on the Caspian Sea forevermore. A dictator in trouble would never leave the country.
Strange that Trump had hour long phone call with Putin, got off the phone, and then talked about more TRADE with Russia.
Repubs learning to troll from the Boss…lol
Walden’s options to rename the bill include: “This Bill Actually Has Nothing to do with Protecting Americans with Preexisting Conditions Act,” “This Bill Limits Health Care Choices Act” and the “Nothing in This Bill Would Eliminate Pre-Existing Conditions Protections Act.”
Rep. George Holding (R-N.C.) also attempted to use humor while taking aim at the bill, submitting two amendments that would change the title of H.R. 986 to either “Nothing in This Bill Would Protect Individuals With Pre-Existing Conditions Act” or the “Insert Politically Punchy Title That Doesn’t Reflect the Bill Substance Act.”
“The part that is interesting… this bill makes no structural changes to improve access to or delivery of care. It limits health care choices and state innovations that are currently working to lower premiums,” a senior GOP aide told The Hill, arguing that several states used the waivers to create their own programs to bring down premiums.”
Is this something?

I think it might be…something.
Something notable.
Ran across this tweet about a Supreme Court Case concerning ‘social media’ and a citizen’s right to Free Speech.
Amy is wrong about it being “just ruled”, though…the case was ruled on in June 2017.
But nonetheless, it looks important to me.
———- From the article: …[emphasis mine]
Public space in the digital age has no shape and no physical place. But the US Supreme Court is now sorting out what that means for free-speech rights. Today (June 19), the justices unanimously held that states can’t broadly limit access to social media because cyberspace “is one of the most important places to exchange views.”
In Packingham v. North Carolina, the justices were asked to review a North Carolina statute that bars sex offenders from accessing social media altogether and makes it a felony if they post on any platform. The case has implications for all members of American society, however, not just sex offenders, and the court appears to be extremely conscious of the broader effect.
“A fundamental First Amendment principle is that all persons have access to places where they can speak and listen, and then, after reflection, speak and listen once more,” Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote. Given the fact that social-media platforms in particular allow for this kind of free communication, and that the constitution protects the right to exchange, the justices recognized this case was widely societally important, with Kennedy writing:
“Here, in one of the first cases the Court has taken to address the relationship between the First Amendment and the modern Internet, the Court must exercise extreme caution before suggesting that the First Amendment provides scant protection for access to vast networks in that medium.”
North Carolina convicted over 1,000 sex offenders based on its statute barring access to all social platforms. That, according to the high court, simply isn’t acceptable in light of the role Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and others play in current public communication.
Acknowledging that every advance in technology leads to new abuses by criminals, the notion that states can bar access altogether is anathema to the high court. The opinion noted that convicted criminals, perhaps more than others, would benefit from joining the societal conversation. The justices write:
“Social media allows users to gain access to information and communicate with one another on any subject that might come to mind. With one broad stroke, North Carolina bars access to what for many are the principal sources for knowing current events, checking ads for employment, speaking and listening in the modern public square, and otherwise exploring the vast realms of human thought and knowledge.”
The opinion issued today reflects the sentiments justices expressed during oral arguments in March. They noted then, during a comically postmodern session, that social media is where civic life takes place today. As justice Elena Kagan put it then, “Everybody is on Twitter.”
Today, they decided that “foreclosing access to social media altogether thus prevents users from engaging in the legitimate exercise of First Amendment rights. Even convicted criminals—and in some instances especially convicted criminals—might receive legitimate benefits from these means for access to the world of ideas, particularly if they seek to reform and to pursue lawful and rewarding lives.”
——————————– End
So…in this Supreme Court Case, they established two things:
— That the Internet Media platforms are ‘the modern public square’.
— That First Amendment rights apply to these communication platforms.
Uh, Jack…
Would like to see a series of Class Actions suits against the likes or FB, Twitter, YT… Goal would be to allow free exchange of ideas where conservatives are clearly targeted. Also seek large financial rewards as folks livelihood are destroyed by random rules that shutdown sites that generate income for folks, or is severely restricted.
Also, the thought of declaring FB, Twitter, YT… utilities may be the best fix.
Yes, yes…and yes.

Totally agree, Kalbo!
I think this really is a big deal.
I have reservations about Prager, but he does a lot of good stuff. I found this link at Free Republic. It just takes a couple minutes to read, but is a wonderful summary of contrasting world-views:
Yes…that’s a good read.

Thanks, Tona!
Just a random thought/speculation:
What is wrong about cursing/swearing? My father and his father (my beloved grandfather, God rest his soul) were both daily users of swear words, and it is a despicable habit I have to fight even now.
An entire thoughtful essay could be written on the various aspects of the practice (and probably has been), but just two have been on my mind lately (IOW, I am not ignoring the many other aspects, I am just not addressing them).
1) I am going to totally guess that the practice of swearing has strong family roots. Swearing “runs” in families, it seems. Yes, during the 60’s a very determined communist effort was started (continuing to this day) to destroy the English language, and part of the effort is/was to normalize swear words. But the practice has strong family connections, and goes back to the dawn of man.
The family connection makes me wonder if the practice within families goes back to family history where the use of such words was normalized by events, and not communist effort. War, economic dislocation, familial stress and dislocation. The sense of swearing as a social disruption suggests that the willingness to swear might be “natural” when the swearer literally does not give a damn (or does) because of circumstances where there is nothing to lose.
2) As to the wrongness of swearing, IMO the perpetuation of anger seems to be a very valid concern. Anger is a habit of mind, the chemical association of emotions and thoughts. As someone who has dealt with anger, I see anger very much as a habit which needs an extremely self-conscious effort to change, especially if the anger was “instilled” in childhood, and seems like the “natural” way to deal with things.
Swearing is closely associated with anger IMO. So, swearing is the opposite of breaking the bad habit of anger, it is the perpetuation of anger. The swear word is both the expression of anger and the further imprinting of anger in the brain.
Our better selves are not angry selves. Anger clouds our judgment, and can lead us to be unfair, unjust, and vengeful. There is nothing wrong with righteous anger, but as for me purported righteousness is too easily used as an excuse.
It’s a biblical thing, actually. I’ll have to go back and look closely, but I think it’s in Sirach, among other books that talks about foul words connecting to sinfulness. I take to reading the Greek books when I get ticked off, and I think that’s where I saw it. Wisdom maybe? It was in what one should look for in a mate, so that’s why I’m thinking Sirach.
That being said, the person in my family who could swear like a sailor was one of the daily Mass goers and never left home without her Rosary.
Found some passages in Chapter 23 of Sirach. I know it’s one of the Greek books, but it’s still from the original Old Testament.
[11] For as a slave daily put to the question, is never without a blue mark: so every one that sweareth, and nameth, shall not be wholly pure from sin. [12] A man that sweareth much, shall be filled with iniquity, and a scourge shall not depart from his house. [13] And if he make it void, his sin shall be upon him: and if he dissemble it, he offendeth double: [14] And if he swear in vain, he shall not be justified: for his house shall be filled with his punishment. [15] There is also another speech opposite to death, let it not be found in the inheritance of Jacob.
[16] For from the merciful all these things shall be taken away, and they shall not wallow in sins. [17] Let not thy mouth be accustomed to indiscreet speech: for therein is the word of sin. [18] Remember thy father and thy mother, for thou sittest is the midst of great men: [19] Lest God forget thee in their sight, and thou, by thy daily custom, be infatuated and suffer reproach: and wish that thou hadst not been born, and curse the day of thy nativity. [20] The man that is accustomed to opprobrious words, will never be corrected all the days of his life.
[21] Two sorts of men multiply sins, and the third bringeth wrath and destruction. [22] A hot soul is a burning fire, it will never be quenched, till it devour some thing. [23] And a man that is wicked in the mouth of his flesh, will not leave off till he hath kindled a fire.
Great passage!
Side note, not invalidating the value of what is said: Sirach is considered apocryphal by Protestants.
Yes, I know that as Sirach is part of the Septuagint that Martin Luther switched out for the Masoretic Text that the Jerusalem Jews fashioned for themselves after Christ walked on earth. The latter has no Greek canon, parts of Daniel and Esther are missing, and all references to how the Messiah was to come into the world from the prophets were removed.
Sts. Augustine of Hippo and Jerome got into a big fight about which version of the Old Testament to use at the Council of Carthage when the Canon was closed. St. Augustine wanted the ancient, St. Jerome the new and “improved”. St. Augustine won, hence why Catholics and Orthodox Christians use the Septuagint. It’s the one Christ would have known.
For Catholics, the Apocrypha is the 22 books that did not make the New Testament.
I figured you’d know that, my post was for the benefit of others.
Yes, well, in recent weeks, this group has gone to separate corners re that topic. We know who follows what and tend to respect the boundary.
In this case, though, it’s a matter of simple history so a complete explanation is in order to avoid food fights.
And I wanted to thank you for bringing to my attention the Catholic meaning of the word “Apocrypha” (I was only familiar with its use for books that are/aren’t part of the OT depending on who is talking). So on investigating a bit (five minutes or so before coming back here) I found a list with a LOT more than 22 listed–many of them much more recent (19th, 20th century) discoveries so clearly they wouldn’t be part of the Catholic Apocrypha.
One is the Didache, also the Gospel According to St. James, I think. One of the priests at my high school had a book with all of them called The Other Bible, and I’m not sure who the compiler was, so I don’t quite know where to direct you other than that.
Here’s another explanation:
And when in doubt, go to New Advent:
This article is far more extensive and includes a lot of books that were not considered because they did not make the 100 year mark of being written following Christ’s death.
Don’t know if swearing is a family thing, as much as a, probably ones surroundings (where one lives, works, socializes…). Family I was raised in, probably lower end of middle class. Catholic faith, until I walked away from it about fifteen years old. Not much, if any swearing in our home.
Twenty two years Active Navy had an effect on my vocabulary beyond nautical terms:-). “Swear like a sailor” was a matter of daily life. Thought nothing of swearing…be it at work or social settings:-) But not with children in earshot. Quite proud of those years, the swearing does not detract from it, at all. We accomplished honorable things for our Navy and Country. The camaraderie was absolutely priceless!
The words of Jesus in Matt 12:34 and 15:11 do not reference swearing specifically but in context it appears that Jesus is implying that a person’s speech is an indicator of their moral condition.
I’m still mad as all get out about this:
President Trump cooperated fully with the Mueller investigation (of no crime) and even let it run out to its nefarious, partisan political (2016 and 2018 election interfering) purpose, with a disgraceful 450 page report full of opinion and innuendo.
Yes, he objected to it, called it (rightfully) a witch hunt and called out the 19 or so ‘angry democrats’, but he did not interfere as he rightfully might have.
Moreover, President Trump did not obstruct the Mueller investigation with his tweets or his comments. There was no court trial in place and no jury or Grand Jury to influence. Just the court of public opinion – and perhaps that’s what the Mueller investigation and these 400 partisan lawyers feel was affected by the President’s tweets and comments objecting to the ‘Mueller Special Counsel aka ‘Unemployed Democrat Lawyer Enrichment Program’.
PS – The peeps at the Daily Mail are not having it – they are largely defending OUR PRESIDENT!!!
Another leftist backfire!
Remember the Democrat poll where over 70 percent preferred another Justice like Kavanaugh over Ginsberg?
kind of misleading about WHO those almost 400 really are!
Before you believe any of it, you should know who these people are. They are the Protect Democracy Project. The members are leftists and never Trumpers.
Protect Democracy Project is headed by Ian Bassin, former associate counsel for the Obama White House. Its legal director, Justice Florence, was senior counsel to the Democratic wing of the Senate Judiciary Committee under Sen. Whitehouse. It even counts a former Weekly Standard staffer, Chris Deaton, in its ranks.
Its board of directors is well-connected to the professional Left. Ex-Obama administration official Cecilia Muñoz, for example, was senior vice president of UnidosUS (formerly the National Council of La Raza); last year she was appointed to the board of the U.S. programs division of George Soros’s Open Society Foundations.
Another board member, Ricki Seidman, was called in to advise Christine Blasey Ford, the California professor used by Democrats in their attempt to derail the confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh last October.
Board member Emily Loeb is a practicing attorney who also served as associate counsel in the Obama White House. Sabeel Rahman is president of Demos, which championed the passage of Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) and opposed the confirmation of Justice Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. And Sen. Chuck Schumer’s former chief counsel, Jeff Berman, is a Protect Democracy Project board member.
BRAVO, PAT! Thank you so much!
The entire premise of these prosecutors is based on bad logic.
The President was acting AS a President of the USA.
They assume they magically know he would have acted the same way if he was not President. How can they predict such a thing?
A President had the right to challenge Mueller for conflict of interest.
A President had the right to fire them all.
A President has the superiority over the Exec Branch.
AND – A President does not have to put up with a false investigation which would hurt his presidency – note that the investigation did harm his presidency and he still let the investigation continue.
Oh, and I can find 400 atty’s who will tell me the sky is red.
Not buying it.
The theory is an unwarranted extrapolation and classic propaganda.
It’s like saying, “If that policeman wasn’t a policeman, he would have been on trial for entering a criminal’s house, illegally.” Well, the policeman had probable cause and was acting AS A POLICEMAN.
The whole premise is silly and designed to mislead the public.
Brilliant, DW!!!
There YOU go again!
Using that LOGIC stuff
Mueller’s legacy is stained forever. When the criminality of the Cabal players is revealed, it’s certainly possible, though not likely, that he could be named in “obstruction of Justice.”
The fact that Mueller chose 19 rabid, partisan lawyers to work for him, is of itself, a miscarriage of Justice.
Let Mueller’s name go down in infamy.
Amen, LP!
Fox News just announced that the baby born to Harry and the yacht lady has the right to be both King and President of the United States. The casual ignorance and unwitting Fake News is staggering.
BOTH parents must be US citizens at the time of the birth on US soil – exceptions are being abroad for military and diplomatic service.
Øbominable was NOT eligible – because his alleged father was not ever a US citizen. Only a few know who the real babydaddy was….I’m betting both the Mossad and a certain golden haired US President are among those.
Did not Megan Markel had to become a UK citizen when marrying Prince Harry..?
Yes, but apparently that can take a long time.
“…As the finaceé of Prince Harry, 36-year-old American actress Markle‘s citizenship status has become a topic of intrigue, even though a royal official confirmed last year that Markle will undergo the process of becoming a U.K. citizen. Prince Harry’s communication’s secretary, Jason Knauf, told the BBC that Markle would be “compliant with immigration requirements at all times. I can also say she intends to become a U.K. citizen and will go through the process of that, which some of you may know takes a number of years…”
according to the left, it also has the right to be a Queen and a unicorn…LOL
Oh that made me laugh! So true!
(1) This sounds like part of an actual Fabian plan to control the US – pushing the breakdown of the naturally born citizen clause, to enable sneakers at the top. Rhodes To Hell Scholars are not enough – now they have to put actual BRITS in charge of us.
(2) We need an AMENDMENT that fully (re)states the NBC requirements so there are NO QUESTIONS and people like Ozero are ruled out.
(3) Note that Fox News is serving its purpose of setting a RIGHT POSITION that agrees with the LEFT and closes out the Overton Window where the PROGS want it closed out.
“…. now they have to put actual BRITS in charge of us…..”
ERRrrr Wolfie THEY ALREADY DID! Obama Senior WAS a Brit and Obama JR was born on British Soil!
The Colony and Protectorate of Kenya was established on 11 June 1920. Kenya gained independence in 1963. OH!Bummer was supposedly born August 4, 1961… IN A BRITISH PROTECTORATE!!!
Ted Cruz BORN in Canada of a foreign father anda Brit/Canadian mother is another British Trojan horse. (His mother was in Britian and had a child there before moving to Canada.)
Canada did not recognize dual citizenship between 1947 and 1977. His mother is listed on the Canadian voter rolls and actually voted in the Canadian National Election of 1972. So she had to have given up her US citizenship at that time other wise Canada would have never let her vote. That may why Cruz has had all his families records in Canada sealed. Much like Obama did.
Elisa Sluijs, said
“….even by the American Immigration Laws he [Cruz] gave up being American when he turned 22 and had not denounced his Canadian status before then. By the Laws of immigration you must choose by the 21st birthday there is no holding duel citizenship in the US beyond 21 years of age. notarized copies of all these records are now filed with the Court of Queens bench in safe keeping so that no one can make them disappear as well as having been turned over to American Authorities whom we did not trust to investigate this matter as well, so we also sent to England copies of these notarized documents so they can not be destroyed or gotten rid of….”
I shall await the production of the actual documents described before I accept the conclusion. In any event, he is a US senator because 1) he won the election, and 2) he was sworn in. That makes him a genuine senator. Just like it made Jugears a bona fide president (much to my dismay & disgust).
sneaky Chinese buggers…
A lawsuit between two tech companies in the United States highlighted an unlikely way for China to steal intellectual property: through an American company.
According to court documents, ASML filed a lawsuit against XTAL on Nov. 5, 2016, alleging intellectual property theft.
After 30 months of litigation, the California court ruled that XTAL should pay ASML $845 million in compensation. As XTAL is filing for bankruptcy, ASML cannot collect the monetary reward, but will make a settlement agreement in which it seeks to own all of XTAL’s intellectual property (IP). The agreement is still pending.
The jury found that XTAL’s actions were malicious in nature, aiding and abetting six former ASML employees to steal trade secrets from ASML, according to the court judgment.
XTAL filed for bankruptcy on Dec. 17, 2018, according to court documents.
XTAL has sought to sell its IP after going bankrupt. The court issued an injunction, ordering XTAL not to conduct any software development activities on the products that ASML alleged are contaminated with ASML’s IP; granting ASML explicit permission to reach out to actual or potential XTAL customers informing them about the results of the lawsuit; and banning XTAL from the same field of business for a certain period of time.
This happens A LOT.
Nigel Farage / Brexit Party news.
1/ The Brexit Party held its first news conference today (31 minutes). Nigel is clearly gearing up to participate in the next General Election (2022, unless the rules change and it’s earlier).
But, first, there are the EU Elections on May 23. They are in the process of canvassing for one more candidate, for Peterborough (pop. 300k, approx.):
First item today on .
2/ The Left are out to smear Nigel, as the Brexit Party is likely to get quite a lot of votes.
Yesterday, The Guardian grasped for straws as it regurgitated a story that originally appeared in the London Evening Standard in 2018 about Nigel’s interviews over the years with Alex Jones.
Evening Standard version — April 2018:
‘… “They want to replace it with the globalist project and the European Union is the prototype for the ‘New World Order’…
‘”We may sit here and be a bit critical of Trump but, on many other things, he’s got things right.”
‘ … When approached for comment, an LBC spokesman told the Standard: “We can confirm we did not authorise the use of the LBC studio for this broadcast by Nigel Farage.”
‘The Standard approached Mr Farage for comment.’
Guardian version — May 2019:
To summarise, the Jewish Board of Deputies accuses Nigel of anti-Semitism, but it is hard to see that given that he told Alex Jones (caps mine). The Guardian was upset because he uttered the words ‘new world order’:
‘… they hate Christianity. They deny, absolutely, our JUDEO-Christian culture, which if you think about it actually are the roots, completely, of our nations and our civilisation. They deny that. They also want to abolish the nation state – they want to get rid of it. They want to replace it with the globalist project, and the European Union is the prototype for the new world order.’
Five more quotes at the link. The Guardian makes it sound as if Nigel talks to Alex every day. He hasn’t given an interview to him since last year. Half the quotes in the article are around 10 years old.
Oh noes:
I guess they have to go after Farage because of the Brexit debacle.
How does that make him antisemitic who he speaks too..?
People are so easily labeled in todays political climate.
The Board of Deputies also censured a young MP, Suella Braverman, whose parents came to England from Kenya and Mauritius. Suella’s husband is Jewish. She is a Cambridge graduate.
Her word crime was giving a talk with the term ‘c u l t u r a l M a r x i s m’ in it. The Board of Deputies said that everyone knows it is an anti-Semitic term.
Well, I, for one, did not know that until I read their complaint, which appeared in the newspapers. Nor did a lot of well-educated conservative news columnists who had been using the term in print since the 1980s at university and professionally after that.
Suella Braverman and Nigel Farage have one thing in common: they support Brexit.
From that, one might conclude — rightly or wrongly — that the Board of Deputies do not support Brexit and are out to denigrate prominent politicians who want to leave the EU.
Claiming that other people have committed word crimes is an unpleasant and potentially dangerous tactic. I wish the Board would stop doing this.
It’s…the ‘Wrap Up Smear’.
In action.
They’re doing a textbook example of it.
They are using it against Nigel.
Yes, indeed.
Another Brexit Party rally drew a good crowd. Glad they had better weather:
I starting reading this and got really hopeful …
Nadine Dorries is a Conservative MP/Leaver.
This is interesting…especially that the source is not headline news. I’ll go back and look, but I think there were Q drops about this.
May 7, 2019
Trump administration forces China to sell the Port of Long Beach
By Chriss Street
The Trump Administration’s Department of Homeland Security has forced China’s state-owned Costco to sell the Port of Long Beach over security concerns.
China’s Costco Shipping Holdings, which bought out its 75 percent-owned Hong Kong-based Orient Overseas International (OOCL), was forced to sell its Port of Long Beach Container Terminal ownership to Macquarie Infrastructure Partners for $1.78 billion.
The Obama administration had no problems with OOCL signing a 40-year lease with the City of Long Beach in 2012 for control of America’s second largest and most automated container handling operation. The sweetheart deal was part of the “Middle Harbor Redevelopment Program” to fund a $1.5 billion expansion through 2020.
But one of the first major actions of the Trump administration’s Department of Homeland Security in March 2017 was issuing a ‘Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S.’ national-security hold on Costco’s acquisition of a former U.S. Navy port facility.
China operates six of the world’s 10 busiest container ports. The Chinese government has also funded the construction and operations of 43 ports in 35 countries under its ‘One Belt and One Road’ (OBOR) initiative launched five years ago, according to China’s Ministry of Transport.
Is there any connection to Costco – the buyer membership stores?
No. It’s actually COSCO. The writer had a typo, But, still, this is BIG.
If one is near a “container port” or Interstate, one may notice semis hauling lots and lots “COSCO” containers…
Rail yards, too.
More info:
I’m really glad that they forced this sale…not at all comfortable with China owning ports…
Yep, Q 3313. Looks like mission accomplished.
I love our President!

This is great!
Mnuchin puts CFIUS to work for America
“…China’s state-owned Costco….”
Actually China owns China Ocean Shipping Company, known as COSCO or COSCO Group.
Costco is an American company founded in Seattle WA in 1983 by Jeffrey Brotman and James Sinegal.
I wondered where this took place. Turns out it’s Canada. Charming story:
Very nice!
Oh my goodness …

… the tears just shot into my eyes, how beautiful is that 

More EU election news from the UK.
There is a new tiny breakaway party of Remainer Cons. and Lab. MPs called Change UK, or — I kid you not — CUK, for short.
Former BBC newsman Gavin Esler is running as one of their candidates on May 23. He, like the rest of CUK, is pretty elitist. Oh, well, at least he’s honest about it. Glad he’s getting some heat for it, too:
Evidently, his god is his you know what….not the GOD of the Bible which did not affirm/approve, but rather forbade Buttigieg’s behaviors/lifestyle choice.
Straight up progressive “Christian” talking points.
Not Christian at all. A totally different religion – a totally different class of religion altogether.
They complain about others marrying religion and politics. They accuse others of the sins which they are guilt of.
…. are his eyebrows plucked/waxed .. 

His brain certainly is…and maybe his nether parts also.
… ewwwwwwww .. ick .. ick ..

I’m sure they are.
Buttgieg is projecting on others that is so arrogant what he said..
I remember an Elder of a church telling me when angry “we have God in our church.” I said ” God is everywhere not only in your church.”
So I say to Buttgieg ” God is not political and He does not take sides therefore I am not sure to what god you refer too.”
While that is undoubtedly true, that does not make God a Democrat. As I recall Jesus had a hard time with politicians as well.
How long before we hit the magic 31 in terms of Dem candidates?
I think they’re trying to Cloward-Piven the Secret Service for some reason – possibly to STRESS IT, or to GAIN INFORMATION.
“STRESS IT” – these people are sick.
But I think they don’t get SS protection until they are the nominee. I may be wrong.
I have a hard time believing that this many people think they can get elected. There has got to be a plan having all these maroon run. But I haven’t figured it out yet.
AH – that makes sense! In that case, it is probably some kind of LEGAL PROTECTION from prosecution.
Now THERE’S an angle. Wow!
Thank you, Wolf, for the insight.
Remember this?
It’s good to see that it hasn’t been scrubbed from the internet:
yeah I wish they could subpoena HER big mouth and asked what she knew about the spying on Repub candidates…that might shut her up!
good one!
This might end up being another artisian cheese situation. Don’t mess with the arts, De Blasio. The people who fund it have a lot more money than you do. They WILL get their way, and diversity does not matter when it comes to the quality of the product.
De Blasio considers cutting funds from museums if they don’t diversify
The heads of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Lincoln Center and Carnegie Hall are among dozens of cultural institution leaders quaking in their boots as Mayor Bill de Blasio considers slashing their funds if they fail to meet his staff diversity criteria, The Post has learned.
“We are not treating diversity as a bonus,” said Ryan Max, a spokesman for the Department of Cultural Affairs.
“These institutions won’t receive their full funding without demonstrating their commitment to equity and inclusion.”
Cultural Affairs officials are reviewing the plans that the mayor ordered drawn up by the landmark attractions — with potentially millions of dollars at stake if they don’t pass muster.
Late last night – news broke that President Trump had pardoned Lt. Michael Behenna.
More details here:
Thank you, Mr. President!
This is very good.
Behenna should never have been prosecuted in the first place!
NOT satire
Ocasio-Cortez blown away by first experience with a garbage disposal
Garbage disposals are actually illegal in NYC thanks to the human condition and the people not heeding warnings of what NOT to put down them causing massive clogs. Our plumber told us all about it after someone in this house – not me – said, Oh, sure, we can throw the shrimp in and just grind it up.
So, this story is plausible, but still….
I bet they have a garbage disposal or two in Westchester.
“I am told this is a garbage disposal….”
Please, Dear Lord, do not let this insane JV Stalinist gain more power, except by your righteous plan to deliver us from her! We Trust in your wisdom and love!
There are people out there who have no idea what an attic fan is used for, or that sleeping porches really should not be closed in (just in case the power goes out). Not everyone has the same life experience.
In Jesus name amen ….

Words simply fail me.
She thinks garbage disposals are bourgeois? Does she think we’re going to believe that she grew up in a migrant camp or a cold water flat? As Biden Snifter might say, c’mon man.
Now, what I would believe is she was such a spoiled brat she never once had to clean the kitchen or wash dishes so was unfamiliar with the process.
Just wait till she discovers she has a kitchen stove and doesn’t have to stir her lentils over a wood fire! Wow, that will be gripping video.
America’s Trophy Team in more ways than one!
Imagine that!
Did you see Pres Trump’s twitter account?
Yesterday, he changed the Header Photo…to a big group picture of himself with the Army Black Knights team!
Very cool.
Navy is going to win it back next year.

Love them too!
Illegals must be removed – national security is the primary reason!!!
We must deport the scum, burn the compounds to the ground and salt the earth .. use salt trucks ..
Don’t destroy the land – plant liberty trees!

Anyone else find this to be a mildly frightening photo?
*raises hand*
I do!
That’s a disgusting group that seeks to destroy our President and our country.
5 demons in human skin in a room together ,what evil they plan in secret shall be exposed and there time is running out.
Gotta hide Blubber-Belly behind a table…so gross!
Now, now. He is an old man who has been sitting on his backside in government for decades.
I hide behind things when I am getting a picture taken. Mostly I try to avoid being photographed.
I lost my waistline decades ago. I get it. The difference is we’re not evil people like that creep is, so he deserves no respect.
BarbTrumpArmy retweeted this great video….that Twitter hates:
I was afraid it had been scrubbed from the internet.
To me, this is just bizarre that this was censored! What possible excuse for censoring do they have for this?
The reason is they’re scared sh*tless and if not they better be ..

I just love watching President Donald J Trump walk. Such a confident stride…
Command Authority!
I love that video.
DP, I am literally crying. I have prayed so long about this. They started selling our country out to China in 1972 under Nixon. President Ford and George HW Bush picked up the ball and ran with it.
I had lost hope that we could ever get it back.
Q Drop 3313 Is probably what you are thinking about.
What a blessed relief.
God Bless America
God Bless President Trump
That was exactly what I was remembering when the anons went nuts trying to identify the coastline in the photo.
DP, The one I liked identified it as the Long Beach Port and the barge setting out in the ocean was identified as belonging to GITMO.
That is seems to fit now.
Pat Frederick says:
“i thought one “requirement” for LEGAL immigration was you couldn’t be a burden to society–you had to be able to support yourself…what the heck happened to that?”
In a word TED KENNEDY the Soviet Agent, the murderer….
Ted Kennedy’s Immigration Legacy
Ted Kennedy’s Real Legacy: 50 Years of Mass Immigration
ISIS: 0; Ted Kennedy: Too Many To Count
“… without Teddy Kennedy’s 1965 immigration act, combined with Justice William Brennan’s 1982 anchor baby invention, the “Mexican mafia” would not be living in America, much less be “citizens.” ….”
And all the ILLEGALS including the so called Anchor babies need the BOOT!!!
Babies Don’t Provide Anchors!
Anchor babies, birthright citizenship, and the 14th Amendment
it’s always a Democrat, isn’t it?
that’s why we can’t have nice things…
Heard about it this morning and thought, “hmmm, wonder why?”
Now, extremely curious.
Secret mission?
“Trust Kansas”
And Pres Trump hasn’t tweeted out anything since yesterday afternoon.
The money in our house is placing bets on three options.
1. The Mullahs are ready to leave Iran.
3. Something to do with Venezuela.
What else could it be? Thinking.
[insert evil, maniacal laugh here]
Serves them right.
from the What-the-HELLl-is-WRONG-with-people section of the news…
There’s got to be better ways to support a cause that won’t make patrons want to throw up. Maybe a donation jar or tabletop signs promoting the shelter? Just a thought that isn’t so “visceral.”
From Fox News: For a bar in Ohio, it’s always that time of the month, and not everybody is happy about it.
A restaurant/bar in Lakewood, OH, caused controversy online when they unveiled their new berry margarita that comes garnished with a tampon. According to the bar’s Facebook post, one dollar from every purchase will be donated to a nearby women’s shelter.
Yuzu, an izakaya (casual Japanese pub) inspired bar, promoted the new drink on Facebook by posting “it’s that time of the month, time for a new menu that is…” The drink, called the Even Can’t Literally, is a berry margarita that comes garnished with a tampon. According to one of the restaurant’s bartenders, however, the tampon is optional.
Fox 8 in Cleveland reports that Sarah Krueger, the drink’s creator, told them “we also decided if someone doesn’t want the actual tampon in their drink, they can donate that tampon as well. They can get the drink and say ‘donate the tampon, we just want the drink’ and we’ll still donate the dollar to the woman’s shelter.”
Ewwww…that is so gross!

who PUTS a tampon in a drink and then wants you to donate $$ for a shelter? can’t you just donate the tampons to the shelter?
Well … that should shock and awe you sober …. it’s disgusting … I hope the woman who came up with that mess gets severe cramps and no meds for it .. yuk ..
I was rather hoping she’d need a “feminine item” and when she got to the ladies room, she’d find out the last one was put in someone’s drink…giggle snort….
Yeah that’d work

“A writer has released new information saying that former president Barack Pajama — or Bahama — or O’Rama — it’s hard to remember his name now that Donald Trump has particalized his legacy into indiscernible grainlets of historical dust blown into obscurity by the winds of time — but anyway, Barack Yormama is apparently angry that Donald Trump has particalized his legacy into indiscernible grainlets of historical dust blown into obscurity by the winds of time.
The new information is included in the latest edition of a book by Peter Baker, the chief White House correspondent for The New York Times, a former newspaper. In the Baker book, former President O’Hara says that he took the 2016 defeat of Hillary Clinton as a “personal insult,” especially after voters emerged from the voting booth shouting, “Hey Obama, you’re a corrupt incompetent so I voted for Donald Trump and would have voted for him even if he were a slab of roast beef, so take that, you buffoon.”
Andrew Klavan
“President Yormama”…roflmao…
he forgot…magic wands make jobs appear…and HIM disappear!
Haaaa…that’s excellent, Patrick!

Great names PHC … you’re good

Hillrotten is still whining and blaming….
Same with Big Stacy Abrams who is too entitled to concede the Georgia race.
Kamala Harris says Abrams and Gillum were robbed of their due elections:
Harris will probably blame racism if she doesn’t get the DNC nomination and then if she doesn’t win the election. They are sore losers and sore spots in America’s history.
These Loserfarians are getting all tangled up in their lies.
Hillary was the one who blasted PDJT, repeatedly, about “accepting the results of the election.”
She even went on about how it would “divide the country” and “be harmful to our election process and our democracy”…if he didn’t “accept the results of the election”!
Of course, that was when she was confident that she would win.
Signal to the people behind the election sites to beef up the number of extra votes needed?
That’s “rich”, coming from Heels-Up Horizontal Harris, who STOLE WilliBrown™ from his wife, thereby starting her, erm, sleepy path to the top…
Could explain her “mattress of fact” attitude…
She’s an accomplished lie-er….can lay down a lie.
Must be stopped before 2020!!!
New Potus tweet:
Wonder what our VSG PDJT is thinking about doing?
There is a systematic purpose and agenda to the Twitter purges of Trump supporters.
So far 4-5 straight-up Trump News sites have been banned/suspended/silenced by Twitter:
Here are a couple of them:
The Trump Page aka Trump24/7 –
More recently:
There have been others.
Another example:
“Pretty simple what’s happening:
Facebook and Twitter are picking off pro-Trump influencers ahead of the 2020 election.
This should be seen as a form of voter suppression.”
It should be, and it certainly would be, if the shoe was on the other cloven hoof.
But since our side is the side of complaining but never actually doing anything about anything, why should we expect a different result from doing the same thing we always do?
If there is one thing I hate more than the blatant double standard, it’s talking about it without ever doing anything about it.
We could roll these dirtbags like Sherman through Georgia, if only we weren’t afraid of our own shadow.
Seriously, what’s wrong with this picture?
DJT is in the WH, presumably his people are at long last in positions of leadership, so what is he waiting for?
The Left doesn’t ‘wait’.
They “do”.
And it has been incredibly successful for them. Beyond anyone’s (including their own) wildest imaginations and expectations.
If Republicans were doing even 1/100th of what the Left is doing, they would use it for an excuse to go nuclear — and they would do it.
The entire Civil Rights Division of the DOJ would relocate to Google, Facebook and Twitter headquarters. The CEO’s would be arrested on made up charges, and they would be convicted — for certain.
Then hand-picked apparatchiks would be inserted into leadership, and any major shareholder who complained would be targeted by the IRS or the FIB or the CIA, and shut them down immediately.
So what’s different?
Well, since the Left is actually breaking the law — and not just one law, but so many laws that you can’t even hope to keep track of all the lawlessness without a program — there wouldn’t be any made-up charges. A real, legitimate, genuine DOJ and FIB would arrest these criminals and roll up their entire network, all the way to the top.
“Oh, but the MSM would complain!”
Who cares?
And why aren’t most of them behind bars right now, with most of the tech oligarchs and most of the Congress?
There’s never an answer to that question.
“Oh, but Soros would call out the shock Anti-fa troops and riot all over the country!”
Who cares?
I could give a flyin’ &^$#, if the only other choice is to keep going the way we have been going.
Go ahead and riot. And if you try to bring that crap to my house, I hope you have a lot of body armor.
And why isn’t Soros in prison, along with everyone else who is financing the Left’s 50+ year ongoing Revolution?
There’s never an answer to that question.
“Oh, but we would be unpopular with celebrity types!”
No comment, on the grounds that I might swear myself to death.
Our side always has excuses, always ‘caution!’, always “just wait a little longer”.
49 reasons, all in a line,
All of them good ones,
All of them lies.
I could be wrong of course, it could be that our side’s ‘rope a dope’ strategy is finally reaching the point where we release the Kraken… if we can remember which retirement home he’s in now.
I wouldn’t know. I have no way of knowing, because my entire life experience, from the time I became politically aware, has been LOSING.
And I can’t see how that is ever going to change, if we won’t even TRY.
WE are the 800Lb. gorilla.
The nerds and the metrosexuals and the freaks kick sand in our faces all day long.
We could destroy them, just by rolling over on top of them in our sleep. They’re BUGS.
But we’re like an elephant, afraid of a mouse.
Our side is the good side.
Our side knows what is right and what is good.
But we just won’t DO it.
And it tears me apart.
Every day.
You’ve given me an idea. BARR can task civil rights division with protecting the first amendment at these social media companies. Give them a STIFF DEADLINE.
THEY WILL FAIL. They will foot-drag. They will slow-walk. They will evade. They will say it can’t be done.
Then FIRE THE LEFTIST SLACKERS, EN MASSE, and replace with defenders of the Constitution.
The Snowflakes are all just pissed because we turned their own weapons on them—-and we Deplorables use their weapons better than they do—being armed with the Truth has its benefits!
“You’ve given me an idea. BARR can task civil rights division with protecting the first amendment at these social media companies. Give them a STIFF DEADLINE.”
Why hasn’t it already happened?!?
Why should anyone even HAVE to ask the AG to enforce the Constitution and protect our &^%$ RIGHTS?!?
WTH is he THERE for?
Nobody had to ask Eric Holder to show up at the False Flag de jour. He would helicopter in on a moment’s notice.
What’s wrong with OUR guys?
Why would there be a ‘deadline’ of any kind?
If I’m robbing a bank, every day of the week — the same bank, year after year, the police aren’t going to give ME a deadline and say “If you don’t stop robbing that bank in the next 90 days, you’re gonna be in some kinda trouble, mister!”
They don’t do that.
They throw the cuffs on the FIRST time. There’s no ‘warning’, there’s no ‘deadline’… unless you mean that chalk outline around my dead body, where it lay, after they shot me dead leaving the bank…
The OTHER side is so good at this that they don’t even wait for a crisis in order to take action — they don’t have TIME to sit around and wait.
They CREATE situations to justify their pre-planned actions.
They coined the expression “never let a crisis go to waste”!
We have ALL of their examples to go by, we should be able to do this in our sleep, we don’t HAVE to reinvent the wheel.
When George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin in self-defense, because Trayvon was trying to kill the whitest Hispanic who ever lived, the entire Hussein DOJ relocated to Florida and took over.
They ran that entire sh!tshow like a war room.
And they took the opportunity to ‘reorganize’ the police departments, and implement all kinds of new regulations and procedures, all in the furtherance of their political objectives.
It didn’t matter that the shooter was innocent, and it didn’t matter what Trayvon was a thug who nearly killed the shooter.
Just like it didn’t matter that Michael Brown had just robbed a convenience store before he tried to take the police officer’s GUN and was shot. Truth was irrelevant. All they needed was a few basic facts to twist and their Propaganda Arm (MSM) would do the rest, on command.
Rinse and repeat. One town at a time. All across America.
The Left has this down pat.
We don’t have to reinvent the wheel, and unlike the Left, we don’t have to commit Treason or abuse power or any other kind of lawlessness… we just have to follow the LAW and take ACTION.
The Left is all about ACTION in contradiction to Law.
The Right is all about support for rule of Law without EVER taking any ACTION.
Either way, the Law is the Law — whether the Law is enforced or flouted.
The Left takes ACTION.
The Right never does.
And if the Right accidentally backs into taking some sort of half-measure action, they immediately apologize all over themselves, backtrack, grovel, seek acceptance from their enemies who mock and humiliate them, and leave the situation worse then when they started, making sure all witnesses on the Right are properly cucked and emasculated, to make sure they never make the mistake of taking action again.
This is the kind of thing Gatling Guns were invented for.
edit / correction: “…and leave the situation worse
thenthan when they started,”Here is WHY the Republitards NEVER do ANYTHING………
Not scared or timid…… COMPLICIT!
‘Black is the New Red’ also keeps getting blocked.
My kind of women!!!
Oh yea!
I’ve been 29 for a couple decades, but name the place! I have female assets and I am not afraid to use them!
Heck I will be celebrating the 4th decade of celebrating my 29th this year but I have pitchforks and the muscles built up using them!!
Yeah, I just have opera singing abs. And lower back, and quads. It all has to be stretched regularly.
wondering… will his name come up within the next six weeks of the trial?
Or, useful chump. Simply, chump:-)
Nah, that chump is an idiot!
I can’t help thinking about his eyebrow now, every time I see him:
Love it wheatie…… !!!!!!!!!!!!
Had not seen it before… thanks for posting…
I LOVE THIS TREE and my branch ………… going to be a great week!
LOL this is the best one yet!!!!!!!!!!
OMG…imagine if “The Eyebrow” were an American Democrat candidate for POTUS—running against President Trump. I can already hear the rally speeches—there is so much material there.
Why isn’t this trial bigger than the O.J. Simpson debacle?
Why doesn’t every American know the name of the Judge (e.g., Lance Ito), the name of the Prosecturos (Marcia Clark and Christopher Darden… who very professionally had an affair during the trial).
Why don’t all Americans know the names of the defense Attorneys (Johnnie Cochran, Shapiro, et al)?
Why don’t all Americans know the witnesses (e.g., boy wonder Kato Kaelin?).
We even know O.J.’s getaway driver’s name (Al Cowlings).
The O.J. Simpson trail was a national farce — albeit a tragic farce for Ron Goldman and Nicole Simpson and their families.
The Nxivm sex-trafficking cult — and their connections to the rich and powerful — is more important than the Simpson trial by so many orders of magnitude the Chinese haven’t even stolen the technology to make a calculator to count that high yet.
And why is it euphemistically called ‘trafficking’, when it is SLAVERY?
Calling Slavery ‘trafficking’ is like calling orgasmically hyperviolent islam a ‘religion of peace’.
Calling SLAVERY ‘trafficking’ sanitizes it, makes it ‘safe’ to talk about in ‘polite’ company, makes it possible for the MSM to even obliquely reference what’s actually going on.
Because if they ever called it what it was, that these MONSTERS are taking little children and RAPING THEM TO DEATH, people might wake up and actually put a STOP to it.
Start calling it SLAVERY, what the Mexican cartels and wealthy ‘elites’ are doing, and we might actually awaken the American public.
That’s why it never happens.
But why doesn’t OUR SIDE take the initiative?
What doesn’t DJT call it “SEX SLAVERY” at every opportunity, and explain in the most graphic terms permissible, what these animals do to little kids?
Talk about a galvanizing emotional Hammer of THOR to beat your opponents over the head with in perpetuity, they don’t GET any bigger or better than that!
Put the Leftists and the RINOs and the Chamber of Commerce in the position of having to DEFEND the sexual abuse, rape and torture of CHILDREN!
Let ’em try that ‘narrative’ on for size.
All you have to do is tell the TRUTH, and you can destroy these people.
ALL of them.
Like sunlight to a Vampire.
But you have to actually DO IT.
edit / correction: “Why doesn’t every American know the name of the Judge (e.g., Lance Ito), the name of the Prosecturos…”
Really, man?
“They” are COMPLICIT!
AMEN, Marica…
Article is from 2016.
The crimes still apply. And it is a reiteration to the public re Hillary’s record in Libya.
No doubt but I thought it was something new – that’s all.
Completely agree.
Bucket, my lovable pound pup, stirs when she hears the mailman.
I have a mailman who brings pepperoni treats to my dog.
Gotta love flyover country.
My dogs would love to go after the mailman’s legs. Maybe pepperoni treads are the answer.
He has a times and know what day daddy goes to the bank.

“Bucket, my lovable pound pup, stirs when she hears the mailman.
I have a mailman who brings pepperoni treats to my dog.
Gotta love flyover country.”
That is so cute
Woodford los to go with daddy to the bank because he gets double treats
Daughn our dogs can be bribed who would ever thought that?
My dogs are tired today and snoring away . They spend yesterday a day in daycare. Woodford played in the pool and got his energy out. Peri loves to roll in the grass no pool for her.
SS–is Woodford named after Bourbon? Cute name!!
“SS–is Woodford named after Bourbon? Cute name!!”
Yes it is my husbands favored beverage in limits
SS…Mine too!!! I have 2 aussies one is named Booker (after the bourbon) and 1 is named Basil Hayden…
Ying and Yang (not their real names) save us from the mail carrier daily. Between them, they don’t weigh 45 pounds, but…..
Yup I would go to a farm and mine always knew where to get the treats!!!
Anyone seen Steve in CO lately?
He said he was gonna be gone for awhile…..
Missing him BIGLY!
Having to do all the counting lately. Whew!
Was planning to post a like thought. Miss Steve’s posts…perspective, logic…
Kalbo–he’s gonna be mad you called him “Miss Steve”–LOL!!!
Uh, uh, …out of context, I plead…Lol;-)
Miss Steve…OK, don’t fire again.
Nice to see ya back.
I miss Steve in CO!
Big Mistake!! YUGE!!!
GITMO to await trial?
LOL Pat!! Hope Acosta is on this trip!

that would be soooooo convenient!
I want the others in the press pool to get photos of him peeing his pants!
Think how much time he would have to post in his diary while sitting in Gitmo!!!

nope…no sharp objects for him!! no pens, no pencils, no shoelaces, no belt…no phone, no stylist, no sympathy either!!
Crayons then?
aren’t you the sweet one!
Acosta is not the sharpest crayon in the box tho…LOL
When they get to their destination, leave Acosta on the plane. He’s not house broken.
Holy Crap! Is P0mpe0 headed to p3R$i@?!?!
I heard this on the radio this am. New tarriffs on tomatoes. We can grow them here. Btw, avocados are up even more. The costco avocado bag of 5 was about $8 yesterday.
U.S. to impose tariffs on Mexican tomatoes as new pact remains elusive
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – The United States will impose a 17.5 percent tariff on Mexican tomato imports starting on Tuesday, as the two countries were unable to renew a 2013 agreement that suspended a U.S. anti-dumping investigation, a Mexican official said on Monday
The U.S. Commerce Department said in early February that the United States would resume an anti-dumping investigation into Mexican tomatoes, withdrawing from a so-called suspension agreement that halted the anti-dumping case as long as Mexican producers sold their tomatoes above a pre-determined price. U.S. growers and lawmakers say that deal has failed.
At the time, Commerce said it was giving the required 90-day notice before terminating the six-year-old agreement.
“As of tomorrow a tariff of 17.5 percent will be applied on the value of the product … Mexican exporters will be affected, it’s going to affect their financial flows but that is going to be directly transferred to U.S. consumers,” said Mexican Deputy Economy Minister Luz Maria de la Mora.
I’ll eat homegrown or do without…No skin off my teeth!!

My seedlings are doing fine. Strawberries growing, a yellow pepper fighting off slugs too. Carrots died. Beans look like theyre starting too. Hoping I can get apple trees by next year.
we have 3 apples trees–2 given to us by a neighbor and 1 we bought ourselves. Some trees need a pollinator tree to grow fruit–a fact we didin’t know while the neighbor was alive and now we have no idea if our trees require cross pollinators or whatever. We’ve only ever had 1 apple on 1 tree so far…lol…so something works for that one tree. lol
on the bright side, we went to our pond last evening and threw in some fish food to see if the fish survived the winter and we have several different kinds still in there!
You need some bees if you have enough space. Glad for your pond!
there are bee hives on a neighbor’s property–he has 20 hives and rents them out around the county. Our cherry trees (we have 3 of those too–a bing, a sweet and a tart) and they produce loads of cherries! We have to put netting over them to prevent the birds and the animals from raiding them! and the grape vines produced grapes first time last season, so i think the bees are sufficient (I think…lol)
My tomatoes are 12″” tall and I saw two blossoms. I veriety of peppers , Auberine, mixed lettuce, Italian arugula and variety of herbs.
Maybe next year I grow more. I have no luck with zucchini .
YUP! I am about to plant some tomatoes. I HATE store bought anyway and if I can not grow them I buy local.
Avocados were 10 for $10 here this week.
Something is a bit wacko with this, like selective distribution price setting.
And in about two months, we’ll be up to our ears in local tomatoes so long as heat and humidity blanket the place.
Christopher Wray is parsing words. He’s a lawyer and that’s what lawyers do. Remember this? “Depends on what your definition of IS is.”
WASHINGTON — FBI Director Chris Wray said Tuesday that he does not consider court-approved FBI surveillance to be “spying” and said he has no evidence the FBI illegally monitored President Donald Trump’s campaign during the 2016 election.
His comments at a Senate Appropriations subcommittee hearing broke from Attorney General William Barr, who said last month that he believed the Trump campaign had been spied on during an investigation into potential collusion with Russia. Trump seized on that comment as part of his allegation that the investigation was tainted by law enforcement bias.
Asked by Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, a New Hampshire Democrat, if he would say the FBI is “spying” when it investigates suspected terrorists and mobsters, Wray replied, “Well, that’s not the term I would use.”
He added: “I believe that the FBI is engaged in investigative activity, and part of investigative activity includes surveillance activity of different shapes and sizes. And to me, the key question is making sure that’s done by the book, consistent with our lawful authorities. That’s the key question. Different people use different colloquial phrases.”
Wray declined to discuss in detail the FBI’s investigation into the Trump campaign because of an ongoing Justice Department inspector general investigation into the origins of the Russia probe. Barr has said he expects the watchdog report to be done in May or June.
But asked whether he was aware of evidence that the FBI had illegally spied on the Trump campaign, Wray said, “I don’t think I personally have any evidence of that sort.”
Barr is also investigating whether there was a proper basis for the FBI to open a counterintelligence investigation into ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.
“We’re working to help him get that understanding,” Wray said. “I think that’s part of his job and part of mine.”
Wray has to answer that way UNTIL somebody is convicted. He understands innocent until proven guilty.
Wray will not tip a hand – EVER – IMO.
He’s a million $$$ per year white collar crime lawyer, won the highest DOJ award. Is very competent and is married to a woman from one of Atlanta’s aristocratic old families. Howell Mill Road Howells. Her grandfather or father once owned the Atlanta Journal/Constitution.
Love button Wolfie!!! Agree!!
Wray said, “I don’t think I personally have any evidence of that sort.”
Some twitter peeps answers…
Jeff has a great little thread as wel…
Jeff Carlson Thread on this:
WRAY is “airtight” on what is going on. THAT is why he got the job. UNTOUCHABLE in the most modern sense possible.
Like Wm. Barr, he’s not intimidated in the least by the likes of Booker and Harris, nor is he cowed by Mueller or Weissman.
Disinformation is necessary…..
I need a nap.
That’s the MSM spin, leaving out the context of Wray’s answer so they can run with “Wray said there was no evidence of spying” – which isn’t at all what he said.
Yup. MCM is gonna MC.
LP, thanks for the reality check. When I read what Wray actually said, I thought so what???? What’s so bad about that? I definitely didn’t read into it what was heavily implied by the reporting. Then I start to doubt myself and wonder if I’m wrong. Thanks for setting me straight again.
will the poll results deter Dems?
A Hill-HarrisX poll unveiled last week showed that fully three-quarters (75 percent) of registered voters surveyed do not want to allow 17-year-olds to vote. And when it came to 16-year-olds, the figure against rose to 84 percent, according to The Hill.
Now…ask people over 25 if 18 year olds should have been given the vote.
Wray has to GO….. should have been fired before now.
Remember how Wray had to be dragged to see evidence against McCabe ?
If this report is accurate, Wray is flat-out LYING !
Based on video showing actual exchange between Wray and Sheehan… the report linked above is clickbait…
the headline itself is disinformation… Wray NEVER said that
As for my over-all opinion of Wray, it remains…
Agree I think Wray’s a bad one, someone should tell him opinions are divided……….
‘I’d Call That Spying’: CIA’s Ex-Counterintel Chief Says FBI Conducted Espionage On Trump Campaign
President George HW Bush signed EO 12803 and sold America. That is why we can’t repair our infrastructure.
Was America Sold?
By Nancy Levant
In 1992, George H.W. Bush signed Executive Order 12803, which gave D.C. the authority to sell America’s infrastructure. They called this authority “Infrastructure Privatization.” E.O. 12803 tells us this power cleared the way for the “disposition or transfer of an infrastructure “asset” such as by sale or by long-term lease from a State or local government to a private party.”
E.O. 12803 also lists examples of America’s saleable and/or lease-able infrastructure:
· Roads
· Tunnels
· Bridges
· Electricity supply facilities
· Mass transit
· Rail transportation
· Airports
· Ports
· Waterways
· Recycling/wastewater treatment facilities
· Solid waste disposal facilities
· Hospitals
· Prisons
· Schools
· Housing
E.O. 12803 tells us that this list represents infrastructure “examples.” Let us, therefore, assume that this is not the complete list of America’s saleable infrastructure. However, this list is a stunning confession.
Notice that all items listed in 12803 are the very same infrastructure items listed in all Martial Law Executive Orders (see here). Martial Law kicks in to power during declared states of emergency and with the single signature of the president. Strangely (and ignorantly), we currently have multiple declared states of emergency:
· Act of March 9, 1933, a declared state of emergency at the request of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. This state of emergency was never lifted.
· Global pandemic – Level 6
· Mortgage/housing crisis
· Banking/lending crisis
· Automobile industry crisis
· Insurance industry crisis
· Healthcare crisis
· Southwestern border crisis
· Black market drug crisis
· National education crisis
· Nature/global warming crisis
· Jobs/unemployment crisis
· On-going weather and forest fire crises
· Extreme and unread congressional legislation crisis due to on-going crises
What are the odds of complete and total social and “natural” crisis in every single facet of our lives and all at the same time? I will tell you how it was accomplished with simple math:
Federal Reserve System + Politicians + Tell-A-Vision = Assembly Line Crises. It is called the Hegelian Dialectic Show.
Everything in the country, including the current planet-sized medical emergency, is in crisis. So enters Martial Law.
Think of our president’s promises to “change” the country and to fix the economy (which the Federal Reserve and Congress destroyed) by rebuilding America’s infrastructure, including “21st Century schools” and by greening-up our living standards and conditions (International Code Council, Carbon Credits, Waxman-Markey Climate Bill, etc.) – minus, of course, privately owned land and homes (Agenda 21). In the last six months, consider the massive growth of the Federal Government, the national debt, and the powers of the Federal Reserve Central Banking System – all with stated intentions of fixing the economy that they single-handedly destroyed – and fixing it with “infrastructure” projects.
As Martial Law militarily guards all of E.O. 12803’s infrastructure as listed in the Order, and with homeland paramilitary armies holding practice drills with foreign armies, local law enforcement, and emergency responders all across the nation (and with a big drill planned July 27th through July 31st in FEMA Region 6),
And with all public schools, private schools, and universities forced to have “lock-down policies” and to be forced-used as quarantine holding tanks, and with all Americans having been repeatedly told to prepare for an emergency (meaning an emergency that will bring Martial Law into the full light of day, which the “drills” have clearly done),
AND the very same infrastructures listed in Executive Order 12803 are also listed in all Martial Law Executive Orders, and all these infrastructures having been for sale, lease-able, or having been sold during the last 17 years- including our children’s schools, our hospitals, and our homes – I suggest to you that you are witnessing Central Banking Debt Magic at its finest moment. Wouldn’t you love to know how much money has been made by selling our nation to the highest bidders?
Let us review:
1. The country’s infrastructure has been for sale for 17 years. Roads, tunnels, bridges, electricity supply facilities, mass transit, rail transportation, airports, ports, waterways, water supply facilities, recycling/wastewater facilities, solid waste facilities, prisons, hospitals, schools, and housing — this being of “examples” of saleable infrastructure and not the entire list of saleable items according to E.O. 12803–so the question begs: What exactly has been sold to “private parties in our nation? We would like to see the complete list. We know that many highway systems have been sold to foreign countries, but what of the other listed items? Have they been sold as well?
If so, who owns them, and more to the question, which D.C. department sold them and for how much? Did the Federal Reserve and Congress sell our nation? Where is the paperwork? Did they repay any of America’s debt that they purposefully created with their pyramid fiat money lending schemes? And why are they still raising our taxes if America is no longer America but belongs to foreign nations or “private parties?” Since the Federal Reserve is a “private” corporation, did the Fed buy any of America’s infrastructure “assets?”
As American “housing” is on 12803’s list, and since D.C. recently took over the mortgage industry, has the housing market been sold and/or leased to a “private party” like a foreign nation or the Federal Reserve Corporation? Are the American people tenants to unknown parties? Are American children occupying foreign-owned schools, and are our loved ones lying in foreign hospitals that are clearly chock-full of foreign doctors? Equally, who, exactly, is financing the building of 21st Century schools and classrooms complete with foreign curricula? The questions beg: who are the foreigners….the foreigners or the American people?
More to the point, who is dissolving, partitioning, and/or divvying up our nation? Is it Obama? Geithner? Bernacke? Bushes? Clintons? FDR? Wilson? American morons?
It would seem that we are preparing for the Big Transfer – the transfer of our nation to and beneath a new authority or several new authorities. It now makes a great deal of sense why foreign troops have been cross-training with our new paramilitary systems, and yes, there are foreign troops on American soil, which I fear may not be American soil at all. Equally, multiculturalism suddenly makes a great deal of sense. I believe we can call it “behavior modification” so that we the stupid people will behave and be obedient under the new rules of new and foreign leaders.
I ask you, has our nation been sold out from under us, and without our knowledge? Could there be any other possible explanation for selling the most critical components of our country, while at the same time creating new, multicultural and cross-trained armies; permanently bankrupting the nation and selling its debt to foreign countries, and having Martial Law orders written specifically to protect the sold “assets” of our nation–including our schools and homes? Are America’s new owners to be protected by new Martial Law armies, cross-trained with foreign armies, while our “traditional” military is spread all over the planet – except here with its nation’s people? Are we being transferred to new ownership as we speak?
Washington D.C. debts were sold to foreign nations.
· Washington D.C. = politicians
· Debts = Federal Reserve Central (Fiat) Banking
· Sold = Wall Street
Is it not realistic to think that big league politicians, bankers, and CEOs are loyal to no nation when they were massively enriched by internationalized banking, internationalized trade, absurd and illegal taxation, and by interest rates forced upon the people of this nation, while at the same time selling our nation to other central banks around the world and “private parties” – and for personal profit? Truth is, they sold the infrastructure first, and then they sold we the people as tax generators and life-long human resources to their global banking and business partners in crime.
What is the crime, you ask? The Federal Reserve, which is a piece of a global banking cartel, and their politicians and CEO partners who made counterfeiting and Ponzi/pyramid schemes legalized theft on continental scales. Your country is 1) not your country and, 2) not what you thought it was for at least 100 years. You are going to have to seek God’s grace to be relieved from the bitterness of that truth. Today, we don’t know under whose authority we live, but Washington, D.C. and the Federal Reserve do know.
Big, big changes are on the horizon. All I can tell you is to remember that freedom, granted to all by God, is first and foremost a state of mind. Pray for guidance. Prepare yourselves because Obama spoke the truth. It is all about “infrastructure.” The promised change has arrived. The question is this: who owns America? Who have the American people been committed to serving and beneath what form of government?
We can pretty much assume that Asia owns a very large chunk of America, as does Great Britain, India, Middle Eastern countries, and perhaps Mexico and Canada, as well. We can also assume that Martial Law armies will be guarding all the sold “assets” during what could be an extraordinary and massively tyrannical transfer of power. The love of money is the root of all evil. No truer words were ever spoken.
This was entirely illegal and why the Swamp is so afraid. They really should all hang as Hillary said.
We, the American People, were sold many years ago – we are nothing but collateral against the US of A, Inc.’s international debts. This happened in 1871.
“1. The country’s infrastructure has been for sale for 17 years. ”
Love you.
PSST: 27 years if this law went into effect in 1992.
DP The article was written in 2009.
That’s sort of what I figured when I saw it was from Rense after I hit send.
Obama was inaugurated in Jan 2009 and Hillary became Secretary of State. The article was written 7-3-2009. President Trump pulled us out of this mess and has been working to turn it around.
Bush signed the EO 4-30-1992. The DS always has someone you trust a little more sign and then the next in line pulls the noose tight. They did a big show about stealing our money in 2008 and had all the past President’s and Obama stand together to sell us out. As near as I can tell they stole around 20 Trillion dollars and spread it all over the world. They left us with a debt that we received no benefit from.
When I pulled up EO 12803, EO 13803 came up also. I went looking for it. President Trump loves to keep them all chasing shiny objects while he makes a major move.
This was Executive Order 13803: Reviving the National Space Council. I thought that was sort of odd when he did it. Look at the title though:
Presidential Executive Order on Reviving the National Space Council
Infrastructure & Technology
Issued on: June 30, 2017
I don’t know exactly what he did with this EO but it must have changed what Bush/Obama/Clinton did to us with EO 12803.
EO 13803 says “The Council was never formally disestablished, but it effectively ceased operation in 1993. This order revives the Council and provides additional details regarding its duties and responsibilities.”
I have glanced through it but I am sure there is a MOAB in EO 13803. He loves dates and numbers. 12803 and 13803 are not a coincidence.
At the time, I was not really excited about it. Now I am really curious about it.
Thanks for helping me find it. Now help me figure out where the MOAB is hiding.
Brooklyn Bridge and Monopoly Money come to mind. They may of sold of it and some one may of bought it but possession is nine tenths of the law and none of it is worth the paper it’s written on without the law.
2.Motion to invoke cloture on Exec. Cal. #89 Spencer Bachus III to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Export-Import Bank of the U.S.
3.Motion to invoke cloture on Exec. Cal. #94 Judith Pryor to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Export-Import Bank of the U.S.
3. Confirmation of Executive Calendar #89 Spencer Bachus III to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Export-Import Bank of the U.S.
4. Confirmation of Executive Calendar #94 Judith Pryor to be a Member of the Board of Directors of the Export-Import Bank of the U.S.
5. Motion to invoke cloture on Executive Calendar #100 Janet Dhillon to be a Member of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission for a term expiring July 1, 2022
wow…they won’t put our fabulous FLOTUS on the cover, but they praise some of these losers…not a good look among them imo
My eyes my eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seems someone invited Zaphod Beeblebrox (the guy with an extra head in Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy).
Some of those “best dressed” remind me of this:
From a 1972 party of the Rothschilds (of course)
and a ball that was eerily similar, just last year.
(notice they have a girl there with a “spare” head – what is it with these people? Always have to be ahead or what?)
McConnell really positioned well with this thing. TRIBUNALS are going to echo off it very nicely. He has warned the Dems against digging their pit deeper, and those who listen to him will be glad they did.
Wolfie–your post today leading off with “Seven days in May”!! Very Prescient!!!
It took him a long time to get there. I guess he had to balance the power of we the people and the constitution on the one hand vs a strange and motley panoply of interests on the other.
B-52s make sense. Awesome payload. But they are slow. Electronic jamming…gives them some cover. DGAR or UK based. UK brings over flight issues with various countries. IIRC, France has been a pain in the @ss for over flight approval. Either way, long flights. Don’t believe we base the bombers in the Middle East.
Largely depends on where the B-52 targets are located. Not thinking they’d be used on Iran. Probably closer to Israel. My, uninformed thinking.
Ø and the Traitors (Kerry and McCain) fingerprints are all over this.

Refresh – I added more….Iran was going to use proxies to target US troops in Iraq, Syria and Yemen.
Iran is going to get a some MAJOR MOABS!!!!
They say B2s can’t tote MOABs – only C130s.
Gotcha-Ga…So “carpet bombings” it is!!!
Who says C130s aren’t already handy?
The last MOAB was pre-positioned in advance. Maybe they have some extras hanging out around Afghanistan just waiting for a worthy cause?? After all, Military is all about planning.

Yep, yep, yep!
Anybody wanna take bets on what’s up here? Meaning: watch these shiny things (B-52s, etc) over here; all the while, Mossad+their snake eaters are wiring up the next virus on all Iran’s new thingies. Does anyone really, really believe that Bibi’s Team isn’t on this?
I’ve been thinking along those lines….the US puts on a big muscle show while the Mossad and Gulf folks covertly go in and do something that maybe takes out the Mullahs.
Would anyone be surprised by an “earthquake” in Iran? Rods of God anyone?
Heyyy, stop reading my mind
(not much to read there, but…)
Distract and destroy. And they do get earthquakes from time to time in Iran and thereabouts… what’s not to like with another one?
Cuppa!! It’s fun playing inside your mind!! I LOL ALOT!!!

Time to publicly go after Russia and China for helping Obama PROTECT THIS NAZI SHIT-SHOW.
That’s right Iran is Aryans in turbans.
Hitler would have absolutely loved the ayatollahs!
And Omar, AOC and Tliab are true little Hitler girls.
Carrier group sent, USNS Comfort to Venezuela, now bombers to Middle East, Long Beach Port back in American hands….
Q did say it was time to go on offense. 4th and inches on the 25?
Excellent quick news roundup DP!!
No wonder POTUS isn’t tweeting…
Yeah, something’s going on. VSGPDJT was not completely on his game in the Rose Garden last night despite being as gracious as he was. Something was on his mind.
Wondering just what is up.
Trump hates war. Iran knows it and thinks it can push him. They are pulling the Lion’s tail and thinking they can actually drag him around a bit.
The popcorn needs a LID and the popcorn eater needs a SEATBELT.
Trump may hate war, but he understands that when you commit to an attack, you go all out and don’t string the thing out like a siege that just spends resources.
Love, Joy, Peace, Kindness….that is our First Lady!
Bet that’s where Pompeo and the press are headed.
It’s Iraq:
Iran plans/planned to target US forces in Iraq
That may not be final Dest…
I was thinking that too…However, the B52’s… could be Pompeo is heading to Middle east?
Democrats Look To A New Century Of Complaining About Every Little Thing (Satire)
“While that idiot Donald Trump wastes America’s time by improving the economy, eliminating joblessness and realigning our foreign relations for the 21st Century, Democrats are bravely fighting the truly important battles of our day.
Freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Occasional-Cortex, for instance, is striving to keep the climate from changing, a battle she says is to our generation what World War II was to real people. As in World War II 18-year-old boys charged off troop ships into withering machine gun fire, so today, 18-year-old boys wearing skirts and sporting man-buns scream hysterically at old men in coffee shops for wearing MAGA hats. As in World War II movie stars and directors left their careers to fly bombing raids over Germany, so today movie stars and directors sit around the Chateau Marmont in West Hollywood and talk about how stupid Republicans are not to see the looming threat when everyone who’s anyone knows that if things get any worse, they’ll all have to take their private jets to Geneva just to escape this dreadful, dreadful heat. And, as in World War II, politicians risked their reputations to stand against an evil philosophy, so today activists shake their fists at the sun for being so bright you can hardly stand it.”
Andrew Klavan
A fine bit of writing, and a nice biting wit. Love it!
Glad I’m not a young woman. If I had to look at boys in skirts with man buns and murses for a potential mate, I’d probably enter a convent.
wait…what’s a “murse”?
Man + purse
Sort of like George Costanza’s dad and Kramer’s project, “the mansierre” (man + brassiere) for men with boobs.
I’ve heard them called “fag bags”…
Criminy. Most pants have four or five pockets, and if that’s not enough, spring for a briefcase…
wow…what in the flippin’ hell do they need a purse for?
wallet? back pocket or front pocket…same with phone.
dude, if you’re carrying more than that, you just might be a girl. in which case, tuck it in your bra.
LOL, the men I know would carry a wallet or money clip, keys, phone.
I shudder to think what a soy boy would feel is essential to carry in his murse.
Just thinking about that is going to give me nightmares. Eewww.
Man bun = Dork Knot
Oh, I like that! I’m stealing it!
Thank you kindly!
They’d be more like a pet, than a mate.
And pre neutered,
Start of, IMHO of course, a MUST READ primer thread on tariffs.
Sounds like a new game of snooker is about to break out.
More on China fallout of sorts.
What I would like to know is who is going to authorize the prosecution of the Attorney General on this matter when he’s the one who has to sign off on it.
No one is going to arrest or prosecute AG Barr.
Anothe example of the hysterically inept D-Rats with MCM cheer leading them every day. ALl day.
Does MCM stand for Main Cesspool Media?
It could. MCM is a cesspool.
In my vernacular, MCM is Mind Control Media. A play off of MSM. The unstated goal of MSM supporting D-Rat talking points…Mind Control. Plays directly into Nitwit Nancy’s “wrap up smear”. Link in an earlier post and available on You Tube. <2 minute video.
Read MCM here on the Q Tree a few months back. Thought it fit reality and started using it in place of MSM.
Good word, Kalbo – thanks.
Yea. I can’t remember who on the Q Tree used it, when I first consciously latched onto MCM. Probably one of Wolf’s articles. If not Wolf, one of the other authors, me thinks. I do learn much from folks here.
Let ‘em.
DAY 3 – and the new young owners of Human Events still have NOT retracted/corrected their repeat of Coulter’s lie that President Trump has not built one mile of wall by 4/30/19.
“Frankly, if Trump built just one mile of new border wall before the next election, he’d probably win. But at the time of publication, he hasn’t, which has drawn much ire from the likes of Ann Coulter, formerly a regular on Human Events. In many respects, much of the Trump 2016 base is beginning to feel like this was always the plan — especially given the inability for the President to get this done under a Republican controlled House and Senate.” published – 4/30/19
In fact, by that date, President Trump
– had built 40 miles of wall,
– had another 172 miles under contract and under construction (115 miles contracted 2017-18, 57 more miles so far in 2019)
– had assurance of Army Corps of Engineers that another 450 miles of wall would be completed by the end of 2020.
– had the Army Corps of Engineers pre-qualifying another 33 contracts for 8 BILLION in wall construction to complete the 450 mile goal.
Chamberlain and Kassam need to retract this lie/error – or their site is just another fake news site.
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Rally in Panama City Beach, FL:



Tomorrow Night, May 8, 7pm CDT
Miss Daughn, we need a thread. Michael, get your snacks ready, MOAR BUTTER
I’m too excited to sleep!!
Thanks NF!
I don’t recall this case…. but well done
President Trump Pardons Army Ranger 1st Lt. Michael Behenna – Sentenced to Prison for Killing Al-Qaeda Operative
Anyone else hear about this? I want to know who else is going….
’20 prosecutors examining European systems’
St. Louis County prosecutor Wesley Bell is among 20 U.S. prosecuting attorneys visiting Germany and Portugal
over the next two weeks to learn about what the trip’s organizers call “pioneering criminal justice models in Europe.”
The trip is funded by an organization called Fair and just Prosecution, which says it promotes a “justice system grounded in fairness, equity, compassion and fiscal responsibility.”
The organization said Monday that the prosecutors will, among other things, examine efforts to reduce incarceration in Germany, as well as Portugal’s approach to decriminalize drug abuse.
That’s NOT good. Our “justice” system here is a JOKE. The perps (mostly our refauxgees, aka Kulturelle Bereicherung, but in fact Moslems stuck in the sixth Century) are often released on their own recognizance, or sent to psychiatric institutions where they promptly break out and do it all over again.
There is NOTHING worth studying here, unless it’s about what NOT to do…
a “justice system grounded in fairness, equity, compassion and fiscal responsibility.” That REEKS of Satan Soros and his various “open” foundations and institutes, etc.
Don’t know about the trip so much, but I can give you an earful on Wesley Bell and the campaign to unseat the most honest man in STL politics after the Michael Brown affair. Door to door, grass roots campaign to vote Bob McCullough out. Frankly, the Democrats got complacent, and now we’re stuck with this guy until he does something to get himself disbarred.
First day Bell was in office the prosecutors who handled the Brown case were released from their duties.
Did not know that. Wasn’t Bell part of BLM?
I do know that since Steve Stenger got that Federal Indictment that ‘Better Together STL’ had to drop that city/county money grab!!!! LOL
“Trump and his family are hunters. Think like one'”—–I love
these 2 sentences…
How do you catch a “Unique” animal?
Unique up on it
Love it Razor!!!

is a fascinating twitter thread writer.
Okay, I know I just make the muffins, BUT……..
THREE tests of the Emergency Broadcast System in one day?
Taking the safety off.
IIRC, my Grandad used to say something like “always keep the gun powder separate from the baking powder so you won’t be shooting your mouth off…”
guess he made the muffins too…
Those are the best muffins. Locked and loaded
(Just curious, does your oven have a safety on it? Must be some powerful (good) muffins
(or powderful…). (reminds me of an A-Team episode…or a few).
Such a good show.
No safety on the oven. Let’s just say my oven is well protected.
My kind of woman.
Do you have an unmarried sister?
Welcome back, Steve. Our beloved Colorado has elections today in Denver. What fresh hell will we wake up to tomorrow?
Same as the old rotten hell, probably!
Welcome Back Steve!!!! Lots pf peeps asking about you today!! Ears must have been burnin!!
We have missed you so much!!!!!!!
When hot-air meets reality…
“It is such a dystopian 1984 world view and yet we’re living through it right now…”
PM has a THREAD —
Comey should be put under Arkancide watch protection. I have a hunch he could become useful.
James! I’m pretty sure he has a piece on his nightstand…

Bill Whittle uses an analogy to describe President Trump sending a carrier to say ‘hello’ to the mullahs If someone punches you on the shoulder and you do not return the punch with more force—it becomes an irresistible invitation to punch you again. Weakness is an invitation to violence.
Expanding that same analogy to the American Left and their Globalist puppet-masters. If We the People do not use this opportunity that President Trump has afforded us, and we do not punch them harder than they just punched us over the last several decades AND drop-kicked us with an attempted coup—America’s enemies WORLD WIDE will be emboldened to strike us again. They are not only paying close attention to what is happening in America—they are trying to influence outcomes.
Recent example: SpyGate with UK, Italian, Australian influence. We should be worried about Russians?
We MUST have Justice if we wish to avoid course correction by a much more bloody route. No hyperbole intended—just logical thought.
Pay close attention to how media, the DNC, the assorted Leftist groups nation wide and GLOBALLY too—how lock-step coordinated they are. Every single Lefty talking-head in media KNOWS damned well that they are lying by simply repeating talking points day after day, year after year—ALWAYS remember that the ideology that drives these people is relentless. Look how they flow from one narrative to another without missing a beat!
We the People have allowed this Evil to punch us and kick us for decades to the point that they thought they could get away with taking out a duly elected President of the United States of America. Allowing further aggression towards Our Constitutional Republic will guarantee war—as war historian Bill Whittle points out.
There are often hidden assets (submarines) within a Carrier Strike Group! ALL of the components of the CSG are DEADLY and can do severe damage!!!
Great post JW!
Condon Report V2.0…
New shiny objects…
Not a peep locally. Not one. Thats big but i will have to find out who owns the ither company. I suppose if dhs and POTUS forced the sale, they must know who it was sold to.
Yeah, I found that this morning and the original source is a shipping trade journal.
Matches Q post
Yes, we talked about that upthread.
Sorry, sometimes these threads get so long!
This was this morning………
HAITI NEWS: This is some good stuff right here. Brace yourself…
(Remember this name) cocaine/heroine packaged in MEGA Rice bags.
Part 1:
A key witness in a bungled U.S. narco-trafficking case that prompted the Justice Department to investigate has been extradited to Ft. Lauderdale this past Friday.…
Gregory George, described as a lieutenant in a ‘smuggling ring’ that operated out of a private shipping Port in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. [Terminal Varreux]
Long THREAD that ties into Goldman Sachs to Hollywood back to Haiti
“Millions of able-bodied, working-age adults continue to collect food stamps without working or even looking for work. Our goal is to move these Americans from dependence to independence.”
How about just LEAVING the ENTIRE White House Press Pool IN what ever shiffhole country they are visiting and telling them to WALK HOME!
Perhaps after the LOOoooong walk they might actually appreciate the USA…. NAH, they are CommieDonkeys…–47680.jpg
Why are they flying anyway? The environment…the carbon footprint…the melting glaciers…the 12 years we have left…
Some of you have noticed already.
Made it back. Anti-malarials called for!
To clarify, anti-malarials are to prevent malaria, not cure it. I’m not ill.
I was wondering, but I didn’t like to pry….
Wise decision. My father caught malaria in Sicily during WW II and had several more episodes he re-lapsed into the general symptoms of the disease many years later after exposure.
Bad stuff from a simple mosquito bite.
welcome back Steve… you were missed…
folks been askin’ about you…
And a mosquito coil?????
Nice to see you.
Welcome back! Your fans have been clamoring for you all day! Hope all is well in Steve’s World.
All is well, indeed. Just gotta get caught up, and take care of stuff I had put on hold.
Ok, this is driving me nuts and I hope someone has decoded this and I missed it.
What are the letters/words in the center of the wave on Gen Flynn’s twit banner???? Anyone?
F O F ???????
Field of Flight ?????????????
Phoenix–Isnt that the name of his book? Good eyes sweetheart!!!
Aw, crap. I didn’t know it was going to embed his whole account. Sorry!
Wolf, sent you a bat signal. So sorry!
Harold Finch’s Library!!!! Should be interesting!!
Can someone explain what this is?? Little words, please?
I think Telegram is an alternative to Twitter and Gab.
Mastodon is something like that… Quod Verum set up a site there, but Saul got mad at me.. it was not pretty… He is a nut job… really and truly.
It’s probably that ‘hot spanard’ blood, (macho/male chauvinism) as an old southern lady once called it when she cautioned us from dating such men. He’s probably got ‘issues’. Wictor can be scathing too, like Levin. I’m not interested in interacting with either of them.
Never enjoyed reading hyphen Bradley’s stuff very much. Wictor is great on warfare and weapons. His list of Øbama’s criminal acts was stellar, but sometimes he really gets off base too.
Exactly.. but their mastodon thing keeps growing… After Saul attacked my, a complete surprise, I kinda lost interest in their little room.
I think it’s where people can store important threads so Twitter can’t delete…But havn’t explored it yet…
I will try later tonite (I hope) and let ya know…
So, it is like an archive??? hmmmmmm
I don’t have an ‘app’ on my older computer to open this new-fangled Telegram site. I’ll try it later on my newer laptop.
Worthwhile read if you haven’t seen it yet, via Jeff Carlson:
Awesome thread! I’m sure the ‘sting’ was the product of several remarkable VSG minds – Trump, Flynn and Rogers….and some we don’t yet know.
So, because I am tenacious, I decided to ride my new mini bike right up the side of a mountain. There is a dirt road, just across the street from the cabin’s driveway, that leads to a neighborhood that was started but pretty much abandoned. Easy peasy I said,,, I have 6.5 hp to ride up, just like a champion… My plan was to go just fast enough for balance…
I stopped halfway,,, turned around.. and headed home… Here I am, alive to tell about it… My neighbor was tagging along behind me on an ATV… When we stopped he said that we had put up either a bear or a wild hog…Life in the mountains…
When I get a chance I am going to the church parking lot for some more basic practice…
Anyone that rides a real motor cycle has my utmost respect…
Ha! My motorcycle riding days consisted of squeezing my eyes shut and keeping a death grip on DH. I hated every living breathing moment of it.
But I’m really happy you’re living the dream! I hope you enjoy yourself thoroughly!
It is a strong little thing… but it does not go fast, that is on purpose. I am going to do a brake job… and replace the pads because they squeak a bit. My husband thinks this is insanity.
LOL!!! Amwick, you go for it and enjoy the heck out of it! Good for you!
Amwick!! Every word you type makes me giggle!!!! You are now among the many superheroes on this site!!! Hugs!!!

That is very kind… I am excited about doing little mechanical things.. I like fixing things,, maybe I was a mechanic in another universe.. The mini bike is just my size… and there are tons of videos, how to videos, for those of us who are new to the oil and wrench world… and I love shoppins,, so now I have to buy a metric socket wrench set, and oil funnel, all kinds of neat stuff…
True story. My husband had Guillian-Barre. Long story short is that he needed one of these mobility scooters (he’s better now).. We had one second hand, and when he was in the hospital, I was left to install the new batteries etc… I put them in, turned it on, and it flew backward, right into a bookshelf. The control was broken.. stuck in “R”. With some glue and wire I got it working.. but it was pretty funny at the time…
I am sharing this find from OT, because I have been curious about the origin of FLOTUS’ “Be Best”:
1h ago
For any who would doubt Melania Trump’s depth.
“Always to be best and far to excel the others,”
A line taken from Homer’s Iliad.”
I have not yet been able to independently verify it. “Far to excel the others”? I don’t know. I read the Iliad a long time ago and, well, it wasn’t my cup of tea. Doesn’t ring a bell, but no reason it should either.
The Iliad Book 6. Always to be best, and to be distinguished above the rest.
pR, thank you so much! That is really quite lovely. It sounds so much better than the kind of clunky language of the other translation. Very graceful. Like Melania.
You’re welcome Sylvia…
Pompeo was in Baghdad.
How come?
Direct message due to iranian threats i think. He met with iraqi pm.
Head Fake?
Pompeo in Iraq?
Carrier group on the way to Persian Gulf?
B52 Bombers to Mid East?
Gaza Rockets firing at Israel?
Big Brother Cover for Israel about to SMASH Hamas/Hezbolah?
USA to cover Iran (Puppeteer) while Israel takes out Puppet(s)?
At the same time china trade biz has come to a head. Venezuela
Activity, caravans, etc. Seems like many things are at make it or break it points.
What do you think, Rayzorback? Something is definitely going on. Been thinking about it all day long.
The Globalist/ChineseCommunist/Jihadist Cabal are tossing everything but the kitchen sink at President Trump now that the impeachment trap failed.
They are trying to overwhelm him and get him to make a WRONG MOVE that the Media Arm of the Cabal can used to make sure he DOES NOT WIN in 2020.
I forgot to add they are trying to save their own necks.
The LAST thing the DemonRat Commie Party needs is to have DEMOCRATS and Obummer admin people in the news NOW because of Sedition/Treason indictments. They want it to be in the heat of the election season so they can claim IT IS POLITICS.
I go with the:
Watch Iran as Israel takes care of Hamas
I rather like this theory. Hoping for the best.
I’ll push on that bet.
JW in Germany posted an excellent video up thread by Bill Whittle you might check out.
Sorry – bad link. try this:
Thank you, TrumpisMine.
Whatever the threat is, Iran is the underlying supporter (finance, weapons…). Hamas, Hezbolah, Iranian thugs in another country.
Israel related was my going assumption. Threat to US forces in Yemen, If anyone is left in Syria…
As Razor suggests, cover for Israel to obliterate Hamas/Hezbolah leadership and infrastructure makes sense. I really, really, like this scenario.
An understatement, Pompeo in Iraq surprised me.
A couple thoughts. Perhaps it is an absolute “in your face” to Iranian thugs we know about a Iranian inspired and supported threat in Iraq. And, Pompeo talking directly to Iraq Prez to convey limited insights of intel and rally his focus against the threat.
Otherwise, yes, a head fake. Supporting Israel is the focus.
Here’s a piece of really good news:
Given the choice, I would absolutely hire a veteran – first!
Great news!
I’m so glad to hear that. It is not easy for vets to come home and try to reintegrate into the work force, and so many employers have been brainwashed to believe our vets are all basket cases or else too rigid to ever show any creativity. God bless them all: the vets and those who hire them.
My last hire when in the work force was a Vet. He was great!
Also we always give active duty military 10% discount for our children’s entertainment. We do a lot of work for Fort Brag NC families.
I just found this on 8 chan
Q Post#1604
27 Jun 2018 – 10:17:45 AM
We stand w/ the good people of IRAN who are currently battling their ‘installed’ regime for FREEDOM.
At some point military generals will act w/ the will of the people simply because their soldiers ARE THOSE SAME PEOPLE and have no choice.
We stand with you.
We are monitoring the situation closely.
Stay safe.
God bless.
The part I find interesting in this last Q post is the, “INSTALLED,’ regime part.
I think the “installed’ refers to
“… the replacement of his (the Shah) government with an Islamic republic under the Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, a leader of one of the …”
And this was with it.
Q Post#2793
18 Feb 2019 – 12:50:20 PM
Chatter uptick re: how to effectively prevent cross-talk re: anti-narrative across all social media/online platforms.
Ability to prevent cross-talk narrows comms only to FAKE NEWS which provides for more control over what is released to inform the public.
A series of scenarios is currently being conducted [‘game the sys’] to test response, risk, and calc results.
‘Censorship’ [added] layers of inserted code ‘through keyword targeting’ in bio, history, and comments + indiv platform mods has failed to curtail the problem.
‘China-Russia-Iran’ ‘fake’ take-down hacks of select platforms (for maintenance) is one scenario being game-played.
Countermeasures in place.
Think Emergency Alert System.
Think WH controlled *new* RT ‘news’ website
Think WH controlled *new* video stream platform
Think Here.
Should this occur, immediate steps will be taken to classify each as ‘Public Utility’ (essential public services) to gain appropriate gov regulation (control).
Why do we make things public?
Again Elizabeth,
Thanks for this… ‘Public Utility’ sounds great to me…
From 8 Chan
Kek. Thats a felony.
(a) Returns and return information
(1) Federal employees and other persons
It shall be unlawful for any officer or employee of the United States or any person described in section 6103(n) (or an officer or employee of any such person), or any former officer or employee, willfully to disclose to any person, except as authorized in this title, any return or return information (as defined in section 6103(b)). Any violation of this paragraph shall be a felony punishable upon conviction by a fine in any amount not exceeding $5,000, or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution, and if such offense is committed by any officer or employee of the United States, he shall, in addition to any other punishment, be dismissed from office or discharged from employment upon conviction for such offense.
(2) State and other employees
It shall be unlawful for any person (not described in paragraph (1)) willfully to disclose to any person, except as authorized in this title, any return or return information (as defined in section 6103(b)) acquired by him or another person under subsection (d), (i)(1)(C), (3)(B)(i), or (7)(A)(ii), (k)(10), (l)(6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (12), (15), (16), (19), (20), or (21) or (m)(2), (4), (5), (6), or (7) of section 6103 or under section 6104(c). Any violation of this paragraph shall be a felony punishable by a fine in any amount not exceeding $5,000, or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution.
(3) Other persons
It shall be unlawful for any person to whom any return or return information (as defined in section 6103(b)) is disclosed in a manner unauthorized by this title thereafter willfully to print or publish in any manner not provided by law any such return or return information. Any violation of this paragraph shall be a felony punishable by a fine in any amount not exceeding $5,000, or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution.
(4) Solicitation
It shall be unlawful for any person willfully to offer any item of material value in exchange for any return or return information (as defined in section 6103(b)) and to receive as a result of such solicitation any such return or return information. Any violation of this paragraph shall be a felony punishable by a fine in any amount not exceeding $5,000, or imprisonment of not more than 5 years, or both, together with the costs of prosecution.
Thanks for that Elizabeth…
I thought it was a crime… problem is NYT will say they can’t reveal their source
Someone needs to go to jail…
DIMs will make a big deal about $1 b loss, but Trump has said he has made money, he has lost money.
The Reporter GOES TO JAIL!
Read this again:
NO ONE is going to risk going to jail for five years to just GIVE this information to the NYT. The NYT PAID for the info.
Didn’t the NYT do this in 2016? Yes:
There are also two other links on this subject from October 2016 which are now dead:
Oct 10 Leaked 2013 Trump Tax Return Shows He Payed Over 40 Million In Taxes | EndingFed News Network
For Everyone Asking About Donald Trump’s Tax Returns Here Is Your Answer! – YouTube
Those were bad years. Politicians bad decisions at fault. Of. Course. As. Always.
Remember DJT was called to testify before Congress during that time.
Absolutely, one or more folks need to go to jail. Rather sure IRS can track who accesses President Trump’s returns. And that is a finite number of folks. Don’t know this, but I would bet on it.
Make money, lose money…don’t care. It’s business. President Trump’s businesses have had ups, downs, bankruptcies… Hell he could have been making money, lots of it. Don’t care. I do wish him well. He seems like a genuinely caring person. Can’t say that about nearly ALL politicians and many business folks.
Nor do I care about anyone else’s tax returns. Politician, business, or personal. That folks file and pay the taxes that may be due is all I care about. It is 100% between IRS and the individual or business.
Robby, Not long ago, this would be considered child abuse. These people need to be locked up.
They are teaching kids to use sex toys as soon as they want bc its “better” than getting diseases and they are “exploring their sexuality”. Theres no better way to get them to do everything than groom them young. And its sanctioned by public schools.

My neighbor across the street was horrified to find his 13 year old was having sex with his girl friend.
WHAT IN HADES is a 13 year old boy doing with a GIRL FRIEND
You are just ASKING for a teen pregnancy.
I think it is time for SEGREGATION from JR High on. Boys in one school girls in another. If the leftys scream, switch teachers from school to school so the classes are exactly the same taught by the same teacher.
SHOULD be teaching self-control and abstinence!!!
Tuckers saying nyt somehow obtained POTUS’ tax info from multiple years.
That is a felony. See my comment above.
Barnes Law Agrees dear Elizabeth!!
I hope they can figure out who did this and then prosecute them.
Like they did for the Treasury Dept employees who revealed that other information earlier.
I think its this article. I skimmed it. Nauseating intent to destroy him throughout.
It won’t work, though…We could car less….
Rosie’s Pissed!!
Just a smidge.
BREAKING: New York Times Obtains Trump’s Tax Docs From 1985 to 1994
The Times did not obtain Trump’s actual tax returns, rather they obtained printouts from his IRS transcripts with numbers from his tax form, 1040, from an individual who had legal access to them.
Of course they did….
No kidding. What, are they trying to “impeach” his business acumen now? Too late. He has our economy scorching hot, so who cares? It is no longer relevant, except to embittered haters seething with rage and resisting with all their might.
Exactly Syl!!! “Embittered haters seething with rage..” NAILED IT!!!
Gil, I bet the NYT is making a fortune with their continuous Trash Trump Narrative. They must be hiring thousands of new reporters. LOL
Someone on GP pointed out: I’d almost believe Trump leaked it himself. These tax docs make him like the ultimate businessman. He took $1.17 in losses and it didn’t even slow him down. He kept his business empire running and regularly turned debt into profit.
I remember seeing OT or maybe reading in one of his books a passage where President Trump pointed to a beggar outside his building and remarked to a friend, ‘He has more money than I do!'</b
It was during a time when President Trump was scrambling to save his businesses.
(Come to think of it, I think it was in the “Art of the Deal”)
So the fact President Trump was bankrupt and fought his way back IS NOT NEWS to those of us who follow him.
Theyre just shutting everyone down. The control must be taken from these people.
Power to the people, we are the news.
Faster Please…
Marica, you’ll appreciate this. I went OT for a bit today rummaging around in the Daily Thread.
Oh the gloom, the doom, “this isn’t my idea of MAGA” and PDJT will lose the election because of social media censorship. All is lost. Wah, wah, wah. Drama Queens.
Who on EARTH do they think we elected, anyway? Do they seriously think PDJT will let this go unanswered?
I’m like everyone else. It sticks in my craw, and I hate having to sit here and take it. But no way he let’s this pass. Nope, no way on earth.
But I’m with you, FASTER PLEASE!!!
Thanks for OT report!! How is it that people on the same team can look at things so completely opposite? Q tree is half-full people…OT is half empty?

Thank you for taking one for the Team.
Once I escaped the Eeyore Pity Party I have not been back despite the fact Some Dude sometines has good articles. (Took me a while to catch on to Some Dude = SD the other day….
cracked me up Gail!!!!

did you post him Gail ? If so, thanks… I’ve added him to my favs.
here is some news from him you might like.
That was the smoothest put-down I’ve ever read…
No I just read his twitter after someone posted him. Upon rereading it and seeing the context the Light Dawned over Marblehead.
I usually check over the headlines. Some Dude (ha ha!) as you know has lots of posts about Spy Gate which I still follow closely.
I seldom venture into the comments. The entire experience isn’t anywhere near what it used to be because of the pervasive tone from SD and followers that PDJT is just not smart enough or capable enough to navigate the pitfalls. The default setting is PDJT will fail. At least that’s how it comes across to me.
I vigorously disagree. Sure, sometimes I am discouraged and sometimes I doubt, but most of the time I’m a believer. We’re going to win this.
Okay, not sure where I should jump in here, but have joyfully just discovered this site early this morning….seeing so many familiar, much missed names!
I jumped off The Tree after being put down every time I mentioned Q, being informed that posters were not allowed to mention other sources such as Q or Praying Medic, etc. The same 5-6 names couldn’t wait 1 minute to tell the rest of us what a scam it was and how utterly naive and stupid we were to think otherwise. They were using the same behavior and tactics the other side they so decried used…and, like the other side were too caught up in their own bias they couldn’t (or refused to) see it. Sadly, I started feeling very unwelcome in what was becoming a little clique.
Still like, appreciate and share the research at the top of the tree as well as enjoy some of the light-hearted offerings, but dropped out of the contribution side because it was useless.
Will have to spend some time getting familiar with the format here but just wanted to write that I feel as though i’ve just come to a reunion.
Hi Teagan, and welcome!
Without getting into the whole, dreary mess, in a nutshell my experience was quite similar to yours except it happened in November after the infamous “NO Q” Command came down Over There. I wasn’t even that into Q at the time, just curious. But it unleashed horrible bullying attacks on others and watching it go on made me very unhappy.
I found myself here with many familiar names who had either become unhappy with the gloom and doom and the “no way PDJT will be able to win this” attitude, the Q Prohibition, or they had been banned.
After posting here, I was banned from OT. Most of us have been. There are a few who have managed to fly under the radar and can post both places, but most of us get banned OT when we start posting here so be prepared for that.
I’m so glad you found us!! We have one daily thread and usually fleporeblog does a daily news round up thread and then we have various threads at times.
Pick out a branch and settle in!
Twitter seems to be particularly targeting Jewish people….and influential Trump supporters.
Jack is a strange character who has never married and taken up Vipassanā Buddhism.
Jack. Spit.
This whole NXIVM thing is so bizarre it blows my mind. I watched an interview of one of the women who got branded and who is now out of the cult. I forget her name. An actress. It was quite interesting to hear how she got sucked into it.
It had nothing to do with sex, at first. It was all about self-improvement and stuff, and you paid for classes. Kind of like Scientology. And then once you are in, you’re kind of caught.
And this is really awful but the branding? In my mind I assumed it would be like a branding iron. Hot iron on bare flesh for a few seconds and then done. NOT that I would want that, mind you. But the brand was done with a hot knife-like instrument and it took about 45 minutes to do it. I just cannot imagine.
This is appalling, and the links to all these connected people in this web. Wow. Who knows what will come out of this mess?
MK-type stuff. Mind-altering.
There’s a couple of articles on that cult, and even more on MK, at .
The elite are into all sorts of weird and perverse things, and they fund a lot of it with money they’ve scammed off of us. Wonder where all that CO² tax money is going…
I didn’t even think about MK in connection with this. Interesting. That could explain it.
Remember the “deprogrammers” who would get people out of cults? Program them in. REprogram them out.
Everything is MK. Even basic Judeo-Christian ethics – an allegience to Truth even when nobody is watching – a belief in a higher intelligence to which we hold duty – that may be something which the universe itself teaches, but it’s still MK.
NXIVM taught people to see the world differently, and it actually WORKS (creates a new, working worldview), just like Scientology works for many people. It’s MK. Nothing super-special like using drugs and hypnosis, but it IS MK.
NXIVM did use sleep deprivation, repetitive tasks, “duties”, “collateral”, confessions, and other cheap forms of MK assists. So it is total MK, IMO.
Sounds like the defense pulled a (DEMONcRAT-like) dirty trick.
That’s my read also Cuppa…
The judge’s order regarding non-use of surnames is sealed. I assume it was intended to protect victims.
Don’t see how it could possibly be applied to the person named by the witness. Hope the judge sees through their dirty trick.
PM has a THREAD on
Sorry, pR–what can I say except great minds think alike? I should’ve refreshed….
No problem…

I thought you were simply bringing more attention to PM’s THREAD…
I’ve said before Syl, I’m a drive-by poster
See something I think others will like – I dump it and run find something else.
Some things can’t get enough attention… this port apparently is a huge human trafficking site… in addition to being USA territory sold to the Chinese. Can’t possibly get too much attention.
I didn’t know it was a human trafficking site, but that shouldn’t surprise me.
And I agree completely. I think it is a HUGE story, and it has unfolded so quietly while we wait and complain that nothing’s happening.
I’m personally thrilled at the news.
I have been railing on this for years. That they forced the sale this quickly and its done with almost zero public knowledge is unbelievable. Can you believe no one pays attention to this? A deep strategic port that the chinee were in control of is now out of their control.
If only Clinton hadnt given away control of the panama canal.
Or ozero the internet.
Gil, I am sure the politicians lined their own pockets. They sell things they don’t own to people who don’t pay the real owners.
Praying Medic covers all the elements of the Long Beach Port story, including the Q drops regarding it. This story fascinates me. I think most of us have been quite concerned since we heard the port was sold to the ChiComs, and yet there was no media coverage about it to speak of and certainly I hadn’t heard anything was cooking regarding the Port until the story broke. It is an example of things being done/undone quietly behind the scenes, no drama. Go, PDJT!!!
Excerpt from American Shipper:
“Orient Overseas (International) Limited (OOIL) said it had sold 100 percent of Long Beach Container Terminal (LBCT) for $1.billion to a consortium led by Macquarie Infrastructure Partners.
OOIL was required to sell the terminal, one of the largest and most automated in the country, pursuant to the National Security Agreement with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Department of Justice.
The federal government demanded the sale of the terminal after a review last year of the purchase of OOIL by COSCO Shipping Holdings by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS)…”
Not new but still good!
No need for me to express my respect for you….I am confident you know. But I feel compelled to write to you…in response to what I saw above in your OP.
When we live in an age where anyone writes that they thanked God for something, but feel it necessary to spell God as “G_d” for ANY reason whatsoever, in this the greatest, most free country on earth, well…
Anyone reading this can infer whatever they care to as my thoughts on that. Rest assured they are quite negative towards those creating that fear or sense of need. Strong language need not defile this post.
“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”
Matthew 5:10-12…..directly quoting the Light of the World, the Living Word, Son of the Most High, Ancient of Days, the I Am
I will praise him and glorify God unashamedly and openly, my fortress and refuge…him in who I have my highest hopes and greatest delight….him who loved me before I loved him! He who died for me that I might receive his gift of eternal life when I did not deserve it nor could ever hope to earn such a gift of love!
Who is any man of flesh to make me fear speaking the name GOD openly? Or any spirit of evil? Do I value my flesh more than my soul? The very thought is unspeakably vile to me.
My flesh is from dust, and to dust it will return. But my soul is the living breath of God, given to me out of love to be free and live in joy.
The Lord God Almighty is his name!!
I will NEVER truncate the spelling of it out of fear of any man or consequence!!! Any such person is the one to be afraid, for they damn themselves and surrender their soul…God’s gift….for a fool’s errand.
Blessed is any person who is persecuted for His sake, and exceedingly glad should be anyone who suffers on His account… be judged worthy of suffering for him in any way.
Because there is no higher proof of being an enemy to the Great Deceiver….Satan….and thus a loyal friend and ally to the Most High.
If history is any guide….and it is….it is proven fact that those who seek to silence the voices of those he has called his own only MAGNIFY those voices and cause them to reverberate through time! Let us, then, DARE them to silence our voices in praise of GOD!
I am FOREVER and UNSHAKABLY…however wounded and broken mortally…
Then you don’t understand the reverence that Jews hold for God. And they refer to HIM as G_D.
Climb down from your high horse and read a bit of A.W. Tozer, or perhaps some works by Jewish authors. Writing God as G_D is done out of respect, not out of fear, except of the Most Holy One HImself.
The ancient Jews referred to G_D as YHWH, not spelling out the individual words (I Am Who Am). You can see why the Pharisees were so inflamed when Jesus said, “Before Abraham was, I AM”.
Not intended as a high horse, and if I misunderstood why Wolf wrote it that way then it is my mistake.
Thanks for pointing out that possibility. I had not considered it, obviously. In these moments of censorship and fear of same, I was of a one track thinking.
No problem at all – I am glad you brought it up! And I like that you are passionate about proclaiming GOD!!!
Yes, I am a bit of a sinner that way. But for sure, my greatest weaknesses are black coffee and cappuccino. So I tell people that whoever the hijackers single out, that’s what I am! 

I actually use a variety of spellings, God, GOD, G_d, and G_D. I have dealt with this topic many times, both for myself and seeing the topic with other posters (both Christians and Jews), so I’m happy to talk about it.
I totally get what you’re saying about shouting out GOD, and when I’m doing that, then ABSOLUTELY, I’m gonna say GOD in three big bold letters. And while I consider myself a totally devoted follower of Christ, my perspective on Christ is very Jewish and very “Old Testament”, so I totally get why Jews do the G_d / G-d / G*d thing – which is more of a way of saying “I’m not worthy”. I also do this when I’m saying anything where I might be wrong, or should not be speaking FOR God – things like “my interpretation” but stated strongly – perhaps too strongly. So it’s kind of like the difference between IMO and IMHO.
I have avoided getting into my background and history too much for a variety of reasons – partly not to doxx myself, and partly out of the fact that I’m actually of a somewhat ambiguous background anyway. I’m also a bit of a syncretist, but within all of that, I’m a committed follower of Christ, or more specifically (the way I see it), Christ’s sect of Judaism.
To me, Judaism is like black coffee – it’s pure God. It’s a beautiful perspective on God, and I find it so intellectually compelling, I can’t stop loving it. Yes, I love the perfect cappuccino in the plaza in Rome on a summer evening that is Christ, but I simply cannot give up that first cup of black coffee in the morning. People say “you can only have one – you have to pick”, but I’m weak and can’t! And then there’s espresso, black tea, green tea, and all the rest, but let’s not get into that!
Btw….I guess you missed where I wrote “however wounded and broken mortally”…in a nod to my weaknesses and shortcomings. If Wolf is Jewish, that is news to me.
Some of us use G_D as a sign of respect for the Jewish people (and for G_D) ESPECIALLY given the recent targeting. It does not mean we are Jewish or even Christian. It only means we are respectful.
I mentioned on the next daily thread that our local synagogue just installed security on their door, which used to be always open. And I mean REAL security. The kind that’s going to stop almost any attack.
Personally, I’m glad they did. It would be horrifying if it was attacked. I think they did the smart thing. I’m just going to have to get used to it. I was shocked when the door didn’t open.
I’ve missed a few days here and there lately so I don’t know if this has been addressed. I don’t recall seeing Drillerelite lately. Did I miss something?
Nope. You have not.
Drilled checked in just yesterday, I believe, if not the day before. Like SteveInCO, Driller has been busy of late.
Thanks FG&C. Yes I saw Steve but missed Drillerelite. Must have been reading while drugged.
Driller posted like once or maybe twice. It was easy to miss, drugs or no.
FG&C… I was talking to him on twitter…He’s been very busy…Told him we missed them both!!
I could be getting busier in the upcoming summer months. Happens nearly every year. I’m holding onto hope that I can manage to plunk together the Sunday Opens through it all even if I’m scarce in the comments section. If I have to take a week off, I’ll be looking for a back up. Will post in Author’s logistics thread if that happens.
I’ve shared with you all that I haven’t watched TV since … Hector was a pup… so I’m not surprised I don’t know who
christine Quinn is. DDG is my friend, so I looked her up, thought she is a reporter. Nope, just a DIM… a shreaking, hysterical, feminazi DIM. [rhetorical question: why is she on TV screaming her screed? Does her opinion matter more than someone else’s?]
Well, apparently her statement is true for when her mother was pregnant with her… she’s walkin’ talkin’ proof
Marica and Sylvia were caught at the C_A today.
Daughn!!! LOLOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They should get a medal… they discovered what was already known by most of us here…
There’s no (Agent) Penis to be found at the C_A…
Phoenix!! Now I have to clean off my keyboard!!!!

The minute I hit the post button, I knew I shouldn’t have… Just don’t have any respect for C_A anymore (if I ever did)
My apologies if I offended.
Well–I LOVED it and If C_A are lurking…They probably LOLed Too!!!

No wonder Page had to go to the FBI to get her Strzok…
Phoenix!! I need to steal your comment and put on twitter…Hope ya don’t mind!!!

Of course I dn’t mind…
Here’s a meme I found you might like…
Awww! Lil Bandit is SO cute!!!!
Post of the Day Right HERE! Whoo hooo pR!
It might have been the eyeglasses with the false nose disguise that gave me away. I thought it was pretty good, but….
Very funny, Daughn!!!
Winning in the 9th Circus?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Winnamins needed!!!
Cher called the judge…
Guess they don’t want them in their backyard… in sanctuary cities
Nothing like sending the buses into the neighborhoods where the Judges have their homes and dropping off the ILLEGALS.
Gail Combs, my very first thought when I saw the photo of these women …. sure, they look as though they have a lot to contribute to our country. Not! If “placed” here, they will be parasites the rest of their (and their children’s ) lives…at our expense. My own father plus parents of my husband were legal immigrants, worked incredibly hard and produced 2 doctors, 2 Ph.d degrees and a CEO of a medical business so I understand the value of immigration, if done the correct way with standards, expectations and extreme medical vetting.
Mic drop.
I’ll bet the term “man up” triggered a TON of snowflakes… as probably did the mention of anything with triggers…
Gee, I got to give a thumbs up for our President and his policies in a Rasmussen poll tonight! Now off to read Wolfmoon’s post.
Hope you enjoy it! I kept it SHORT this time!!!
Good for you BAM !!!!!!!!!!
Can barely contain my excitement.
Lookie here!!!!!!!
An imam has had his citizenship revoked and is being sent back to Somalia, from Portland.
Guess why……..?
He lied on his citizenship and naturalization application.
Remind you of anyone we know? In Congress?
Terrific news Daughn… here’s hoping that policy spreads.
Oh, do we dare to dream????? Wow!

The Long Beach Port – COSCO sale story has me wondering about the Gulftainer — Cape Canaveral Cargo Terminal “The company recently [2014] signed a 35-year concession with the Canaveral Port Authority in Florida marking Gulftainer’s first venture in the United States.”
Gulftainer is a privately owned United Arab Emirates (UAE) enterprise.
The answer should scare you!
Mar 26, 2018 – “Gulftainer, a firm co-owned by a UAE emir and the [brother of the] former head of Saddam Hussein’s nuclear weapons program, is making a bid for control of strategic port in US northeast. Dr. Jafar is the scientific mastermind who directed Saddam’s nuclear weapons program…”
Saddam with nuclear weapons boss Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar in the early days. Jafar’s brother runs a cargo container company that has acquired a 35-year lease at Port Canaveral, Florida.
The Canaveral Port in Florida is NOT THE ONLY PORT
March 23, 2018 Arab firm Gulftainer in line to operate Delaware port
Sep 18, 2018 — Gulftainer, the UAE-based port operator, on Wednesday said it won a 50-year concession to operate and develop the Wilmington port in Delaware, USA, with a $600 million investment.
“On July 29, 2014, Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Lew requesting a full review of the deal by the Committee for Foreign Investment in the United States, or CFIUS. That review never occurred, and Gulftainer was given permission to open its new terminal one year later in June 2015.” (WND)
US Rep. Duncan D. Hunter, R-Calif., has asked the Trump administration to block Gulftainer from acquiring the 50-year concession. Hopefully there will be a better review this time around.
Well heck. I was so excited to get back the Long Beach Port. I didn’t think about others. But I was talking to a friend about this tonight and he said he thought he remembered GWB talking about selling ports to the Saudis.
And now to read this and discover Duncan Hunter asked for a CFIUS review on the Saudi’s leasing the Delaware Port and it didn’t happen.
I’m just sick. These SOBs have been selling us out for decades.
Speaking of a honeypot – I could watch Duncan Hunter all day.
POTUS has another new policy for our Southern Border
Please include use of medicaid, schooling financial assistance, section 8, free lunch or breakfast programs, etc.
Obama phones, energy vouchers, job training, day care….
One of the things I really like about this community is that people check up on one another. Two examples of folks people have missed recently were SteveInCO and DrillerElite.
Going forward, if you see someone is missing and hasn’t been heard from in a bit, please try to bring it to my attention so I can put a “please check in” call-out to them in my Friday Open Thread. Every person here is and important to our community, our cause(s) and it’s important you know that you are valued by us and missed when you are absent for whatever reason.
Conversely, if you know you will be out of touch for a period of time, please also let us know so I can add your name to a “Out to lunch” space as well as the time of your expected return so we can start looking for you if/when you don’t return as scheduled.
Thanks for your proactive help in strengthening our group and watching out for each other.
Thats a nice addition although we have many who are lurkers and others who arent daily posters but “around”. As long as youre cool with it then

Hey FG&C, please put Emeraldstar on your list!
I miss her.
And we LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your last Friday post! Great job!
I believe EmeraldStar is a he and I know I saw posts in the last day or so. Another busy one.
A Trump hater, anti Christian, gay maybe, an actor, and a killer.
Authorities have identified one of the two suspects in a shooting Tuesday at a public charter school in Colorado just eight miles from Columbine High School.
Devon Erickson, 18, has been held in the attack at STEM School Highlands Ranch in which seven students were injured and one killed, reported 9News, the Denver NBC news outlet.
Kevin Vaughan
BREAKING: #9WantsToKnow has confirmed from multiple law enforcement sources that one suspect in today’s shooting at STEM School Highlands Ranch is Devon Erickson, 18. #9NEWS
5:30 PM – May 7, 2019
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85 people are talking about this
Kevin Vaughan, an investigative reporter at 9News, said the identity had been confirmed by “multiple law enforcement sources.” Other Denver media outlets later reported similarly.
Both Mr. Erickson and the other suspect were students at STEM School.
“We do not have any other suspects, we have all the people who were involved,” Douglas County Sheriff Tony Spurlock told reporters earlier in the day.
Neither Mr. Erickson nor his purported accomplice had previous criminal records or contact with the police as, for example, Parkland, Florida, shooter Nikolas Cruz did.
“We did not have them on any radar that we know of,” Sheriff Spurlock said.
According to News9, Mr. Erickson got a ticket for careless driving last year in Douglas County, but has no other criminal record.
The TV station reported that a home owned by James and Stephanie Erickson was being cordoned off with yellow police tape and searched Tuesday evening.
Mr. Erickson had said on social media, according to a report in, that he hated Christians for their teaching on homosexuality and his accounts suggested suggested he was not a fan of President Trump.
“You know what I hate? All these Christians who hate gays, yet in the bible, it says in Deuteronomy 17:12-13, if someone doesn’t do what their priest tells them to do, they are supposed to die. It has plenty of crazy stuff like that. But all they get out of it is ‘ewwwwww gays,’” he wrote on Facebook a couple years ago.
In 2016, his account shared a video of Seth Meyers attacking President Trump, and in 2015, “he shared an Occupy Democrats post praising then President Barack Obama,” according to Heavy.
On his Instagram page, Heavy reported, he frequently used hashtags such as #grunge #darkaesthetic #darkgrunge #softgrunge and #pastelgrunge and #alternative.
With one post, he wrote, “I’m covered in ink and addicted to pain.”
According to dispatch audio, one of the two suspects was wearing a Nirvana hoodie when taken into custody and the other was in a white hoodie with writing “all over it.”
He apparently was also a youth actor in local theater productions, Heavy reported.
In addition to the one reported fatality, an 18-year-old male, at least two victims were hospitalized in serious condition Tuesday evening. All the victims were students of high-school age; no staff or teachers were injured.
“We know that 2 individuals walked into the STEM School, got deep inside the school, and engaged students in two separate locations,” Sheriff Spurlock said, crediting the swift response of law enforcement for avoiding even worse carnage.
The Highlands Ranch school district put the charter school on lockdown and all its other schools under lockout.
According to the district, STEM SchoolHighlands Ranch has 1,850 students at all K-12 grade levels — 550 elementary-aged, 700 at middle school age and 600 high schoolers.
Thanks. This explains a LOT.
It sure does.
My apologies to Dallas, but STL natives RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LGB! even if Ben Bishop made 48 straight saves tonight.