I spent two days working on this post, and just trashed the prior, many-page version.

Simple. Because I was beating around the bush. I was not getting to the POINT.
THE POINT: A town full of Trump-supporting Republicans in MAGA country was TRICKED into funding the GREEN NEW DEAL.
I don’t want to RAT OUT all the players here – but I do want the M.O. to be known to all of MAGA and the White Hats. Thus, I’m leaving things somewhat anonymous. But I am figuring that the White Hats and Trump administration will quickly figure out who I’m talking about.
A CASE STUDY by the GOP should prevent it from happening again.
It is probably too late for the Republican town in question. Residents of that city have THREE WEEKS LEFT to “opt out” of their aggregation scam. Most will not. The SCAM was successfully pulled off. A Republican city in the Trump-supporting rust belt is now going to pay for Soros-backed “green energy” with their (ultimately) higher energy bills. They will THWART the Trump agenda, HELP China, and very likely fall for the NEXT scam from the Democrats.
The great IRONY is that people voted for exactly the opposite. They wanted LOWER ENERGY BILLS, with some incidental support for “clean energy”. That is what it LOOKED LIKE when they were VOTING FOR IT.
What they GOT – revealed in the FINE PRINT on the LAST PAGE of the FINAL NOTIFICATION – was 100% WIND energy, endorsed by a TIDES-FOUNDATION-APPROVED NGO in San Francisco, and – oh – it’s going to be somewhat cheaper because the whole city was forced into it.
THAT is your “aggregation” savings. The same savings that the Soviet Union got when they “aggregated” to a single version of every consumer product.
That is the REALITY of “aggregation” when the SOURCE (100% green energy) is LOCKED IN at the beginning of the equation (my guess), unbeknownst to voters. And the energy company – which obviously makes more money on people paying extra for “boutique energy” – is ALL IN on the scam.
How do I know that 100% Green New Deal energy was locked in from BEFORE THE INITIATIVE was ever sleazily (mis)represented to voters? FOLLOW THE CANDIDATES. This GND-supporting scam was planned LONG BEFORE IT HAPPENED, in my opinion.
See how that works? Technically, it’s ALMOST the same thing as what people THOUGHT they voted for, but there is a CATCH. It’s just a matter of PRIORITIES which were not spelled out clearly during the SALE. People ASSUMED that “cheaper” might have some chance against “greener”. But by letting people ASSUME that wrong idea, there was BAIT and SWITCH and here we are.
The voters of the city were SOLD on wording, repeated OVER and OVER, in a very particular weaponized order: cheap first and clean second. People ASSUMED that this meant something – that “cheap first and clean second” is what they were getting. That CHEAPER wasn’t necessarily subordinate to GREENER.
Never ASS U ME.
Sorry. Read the fine print. On the last page. Of the final notification. A month before people are automatically opted in. THEN – if you’re sufficiently suspicious of SOCIALISM – you might “do the math” and realize that it doesn’t add up for “cheap first and clean second”, which was merely implied and not STATED CLEARLY. No. It adds up for “CLEAN” FIRST and cheap maybe, which FITS THE WORDING LEGALLY.
It is “green energy” and then there is some savings because the whole city got roped into it.
Trust me – this initiative could have NEVER passed if the people behind it had been completely honest and transparent about their intentions with the ENTIRE ELECTORATE.
The beauty of the scam is that people were TOLD what they were going to get, but careful wording and sneaky psychology were weaponized to let people imply things that were not actually true, and were never contradicted clearly. Cynically, there is likely no recourse, because I will bet the lawyers made sure it is all within the letter of the law. “By the book”, as OBAMA would say.
Socialists. I know we’re not supposed to hate them, but Lord, it is hard not to do it.
There is some possibility that a sufficiently smart CLASS ACTION SUIT might succeed in striking this down, but I’m not counting on it. Better to just WARN the Trump administration that THIS is how the Democrats are now fighting at the local level.
Of course, maybe the DOJ has something to say about this, too.
Yeah. SNEAKY DEMOCRATS. This is WHY scams work – because the MARK is afraid to go to the COPS on it. They all wanted SOMETHING FOR NOTHING – cheaper energy bills simply for a VOTE – and they got TAKEN.
Better, in my opinion, to LEARN from it – and make certain that Republicans realize a sad new truth:
Energy aggregation which is SECONDARY TO SOURCE is a TRICK to sell you on SOCIALIZED GREEN NEW DEAL ENERGY.
Now – I could go into the specifics of WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN and WHY. But rather than do that openly, I have decided that it’s better to let the WHITE HATS – and particularly the WHITE HAT LAWYERS and WHITE HAT POLS – take care of this one.
Let me give people a HINT.
The problem is RADICAL RINGERS in CITY COUNCILS. I watched this one from the beginning, and it is CLOWNSVILLE, in my humble opinion. Something is very NOT RIGHT with how this happened.
There. Under 1000 words. Let’s hope that the RIGHT PEOPLE see this.

And if this one works by the time the next election rolls around, primary time, will this pop up all over the US?
I think these scams are likely in the works EVERYWHERE. This one passed in last year’s general, and it is now being implemented. That level of success has to have the Dems chomping at the bit to deploy it everywhere as a workaround for Trump energy.

I’m surprised I’m the first person to call it out for what it is, but I think that part of the psychology is for those GOP who were close in and got burned, to just self-loathe on it and pretend they didn’t get chumped.
This instance was planned LONG AGO. The candidate who pushed it was a real RINGER, IMO.
I think one of the answers is to challenge it with COAL and NUCLEAR aggregation! Much cheaper and better! Fund FUSION faster with NUCLEAR AGGREGATION!
Wolfie we got SCREWED here in North Carolina by Duke Energy.
The installed SMART Meters with LOTS OF HYPE about how great they were. I refused. So they sent aroud a sales team to TALK US INTO IT! I handed them a notebook showing them what SMART Meters REALLY WERE. So now we PAY $30 a month to NOT have our electric turned off when ever Duke Energy feels like it.
“Duke Energy, an investor-owned utility, is one of the largest electric power companies in the United States. “ This means profits head to the pockets of the investors.
“Duke Energy extended a $10 million loan to Obama’s re-election convention committee.
That loan paid back handsomely although the ‘loan’ WAS NEVER REPAID.
Duke Energy Receives $22 Million Federal Grant for Wind Power Storage
Duke Energy intends to match a $22 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy to design, build and install large-scale batteries to store wind energy at one of its wind farms in Texas.
” Duke Energy Corp. has received a stimulus award of $200 million for “smart-grid” improvements in Ohio and Indiana. It’s part of a package of $3.4 billion in stimulus allocations announced Tuesday by the Obama administration.
Duke was among 100 entities to receive Smart Grid Investment Grants…”
Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act),
“the U.S. Department of Energy and the electricity industry have jointly invested over $7.9 billion in cost- shared Smart Grid Investment Grant projects to modernize the electric grid, strengthen cybersecurity, improve interoperability, and collect an unprecedented level of data on smart grid and customer operations. “
Under the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Smart Grid Investment Grant (SGIG) program, six utilities evaluated operations and customer charging behaviors for in-home and public electric vehicle charging stations: [What an utter waste of money]
Burbank Water and Power (BWP)
Duke Energy (Duke)
Indianapolis Power & Light Company (IPL)
Madison Gas and Electric (MGE)
Progress Energy (now part of Duke Energy as a result of a merger in 2012)
Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD)
Duke Energy, headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina, provides electric service to 7.2 million electric customers……
Duke’s SGIG project has a total budget of almost $556 million, including DOE funding of $200 million. The project includes Duke deployment of advanced metering infrastructure, communications networks, and systems for meter data management; more than 1 million smart meters; customer systems such as in-home displays, web portals, and time-based rate programs; distribution automation equipment such as automated feeder switches, capacitors, and line monitors; and residential and commercial electric vehicle charging stations in North and South Carolina and Indiana.
Customers took advantage of time-based rates to save on overnight residential charging. Participants generally prefer charging their cars overnight at home. Time-based rates encouraged off-peak charging and provided savings for overnight chargers. The rates were especially convenient when customers could pre-program charging sessions to start when off- peak rates came into effect. …
Key potential adverse impacts on the grid include overloading circuits by excessive demand on any particular circuit, at any particular time. This can be mitigated by tracking the number and location of Level 2 AC chargers on residential customers. Smart grid technologies enable utilities to more easily monitor this potential overload problem. In addition, deployment of DC fast chargers could easily overload most residential neighborhood circuits, so their installations should be and commonly are managed by utilities. Properly designed and installed chargers of any size can be safely installed in suitable locations on the grid.
Secondly, with increased volumes of car charging, there is a cost and reliability impact if an excessive number of charging sessions occur during the peak hours of the day. Time-of-use rates may be used to encourage customers to charge their vehicles during off-peak periods.
I had written this in a comment elsewhere at the time of the SOVIET STYLE DOWN GRADE.
…. the local coop just showed up to force us to ‘up-grade’ to a SMART METER’
We HAVE TO get a new meter. If we ‘Opt-out’ we pay an instillation fee plus $30 a month.
The coop is lying through their teeth about the whole mess. First they say the $30 is because they have to drive out to read the meter. That is a complete lie. NC is allowing Duke to charge people an installation charge PLUS $360 a year to force us to comply with the move towards Sustainability aka Agenda 21.
When we ask “Why do we need a new meter?” Again all we are offered are LIES. They say the reason is so the electric company can detect power outages more easily. That is total BS. It is so the Duke can turn off the electric of the peons while leaving on the electric of the IMPORTANT customers.
Although the information has since been disappeared from the internet. The following is the real reasons:
#1. The smart meter allows the Energy company to charge a much much higher rate during peak use time. This is to herd people into a “More Sustainable Life Style”
#2. “With smart meters, CenterPoint Energy is proposing to add a process prior to shutting down whole circuits to conduct a mass turn off of individual meters with 200 amps or less (i.e. residential and small commercial consumers) for 15 or 30 minutes, rotating consumers impacted during that outage as well as possible future outages.”
Instead of telling us the truth we get: “You’ve probably heard this updated grid called “the smart grid” or “grid modernization” – but no matter what it’s called, what matters most is how it will serve you better…..Many customers will have more insight on their energy usage, and tools that will help them curb their energy use and save costs on their monthly bill.” (Barf, Gag, I REALLY HATE LIARS!)
And just to underline WHY they need this made in Hades ‘Smart Grid’
GREENVILLE NC — Duke asks customers to reduce energy use
Now Duke Energy is spreading its propaganda to our class rooms:
Energy Revolution: Our Energy Efficiency in Schools Program Educating our youth about energy conservation
And just in case you think Duke was JUST supporting Democrats…
Duke did not leave the Republicans out. North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory worked for Duke Energy for almost 30 years. Analysis by Democracy North Carolina, shows McCrory received over $300,000 in direct campaign contributions from Duke-Energy related donors during his 2008 and 2012 gubernatorial races. The Republican Governors Association, which spent over $10 million supporting McCrory’s bid, also received around $760,000 from Duke.
If you have a strong stomach:
Sustainability Report:
Includes underground CO2 sequestering:
Chairman’s Letter to Stakeholders
“….At Duke Energy, we have two aspirations that guide our planning and serve as a bridge to the future: (1) Modernize and decarbonize our generation fleet, and (2) Help make the communities we serve the most energy efficient in the world. …”
Notice that Duke Is not giving the CUSTOMERS any say about becoming ” the most energy efficient in the world” they are going to MAKE them “the most energy efficient in the world. …”
The proposed Lee Nuclear plant on the other hand has been placed on the back burner and now Duke plans to go with Natural Gas (Shell Oil anyone?)
Duke Energy Receives $22 Million Federal Grant for Wind Power Storage
So Us taxpayers forked over $22 million for these batteries and another $204 Million in 2010 for the smart grid.
Duke Energy Reaches Agreement with DOE to Accept $204 Million in Stimulus Funds to Support Grid Modernization — May 13, 2010
There is an earlier 2009 $200 Million in Stimulus Funds for the smart grid but I am not sure if it is a total of $404 million or the same $200 Million mentioned twice.
The proposed Lee Nuclear plant on the other hand has been placed on the back burner and now Duke plans to go with Natural Gas (Shell Oil anyone?)
Here is more info from my notes:
And yes I am correct that “time-based rates programs, including time-of-use, critical peak pricing, and peak-time rebate programs.“ will eventually be implemented to shape consumer behavior.
Integrated Smart Grid Provides Wide Range of Benefits in Ohio and the Carolinas
The US government bluntly states they want CONTROL OF YOUR HOUSE!
This is even more revealing and nasty — Visions of Bastiat’s Broken Window Fallacy anyone? How long before we will be forced to buy new ‘Smart’ appliances or retrofits?
Smart Meters, an attractive opportunity for Investors
Here are MOAR goodies from Duke Energy reports:
Duke Energy 2007 summary Annual Report
(Sorry I did not save the URLs to these reports.)
SInce this is ALL part of the Green New Deal, I am going to post the stuff I handed the Duke Energy Reps. (They hated an INFORMED customer.)
we identified a report to government recording that, “No longer is it considered viable for electricity to be provided ‘on demand’ in response to the requirements of end-users”.
When everyone switches their kettles on for their breakfast tea or coffee, you might find that your battery’s been drained!
Smart Meters, an attractive opportunity for Investors This theoretically allows residential electricity to be turned off so the system can be balanced as wind and solar power surges and declines. Of course with renewables bankrupting, smart meters not installed and coal plants closing at three time the rate expected, this put a real big kink in that plan. OOPS, I guess the government miscalculated AGAIN so we are looking at rolling blackouts. Heck they have already started.
non-critical accounts = THE SERFS. This is straight out of the Soviet Union where electricity was RATIONED.
Gail Document Dump!
Post them! Post them all! Sunlight to the vampires!
This is the post where they’re gonna get seen!!!
Sorry if my notes may have gotten a bit jumbled folks.
I originally posted a lot of this over at Tony Heller’s Blog HERE. They are in a slightly better order… but not much because I was steaming!
Aggregated health care, “Medicare for all” is really “Medicare Onlyism”. No one would vote for it if socialists were honest.
I love the term “onlyism” – GREAT counter to the propaganda!
You get Medicare!
You get Medicare!
You get Medicare!
Well…..not EVERYBODY……..
CONgress will still have Cadillac plans and PRIVATE Doctors.
You Know…….
It’s for THEE (US)…….
Not for ME (CONgress) type of “laws”.
dam itz gud 2 B a gangsta…
Do you expect your car insurance to pay for oil changes? Do you expect your car insurance to pay for regular maintenance? Do you pay expect your car insurance to pay for repairs that were not caused by an accident? I would surmise that you do not, because most people do not expect that of their car insurance. Yet we have an entire nation of people who expect those exact same things from their health insurance.
What we need are two things: we need one, a health savings account that is tax free and can roll over and accumulate in definitely; and two, we need a catastrophic insurance. Those two things are the only two things anyone should ever need. I work in healthcare and I can assure you that healthcare costs would be significantly lower if people did not expect that their health insurance would cover every stupid little thing and act like pills or a magic bullet so they don’t have to change their behavior and actually take responsibility for their health.
I also think that a health care savings account should be able to be passed on to other family members when one dies.
Was at the alderman meeting today.
Wild radical ringers.
Once you see it, you cannot unsee it. Start participating in your local governments! School Boards! Ask questions! And yes, always read the fine print……… because they are NOT.
They’re screwing up all the local towns in North Texas. I’ve been aware of it for years but there’s only so much I can do.
Curtis Culwell Center in Garland, Texas on May 3, 2015
That happened just miles from my old home.
We still don’t know the full story (FIB) on this mess. But it was the Garland ISD superintendent who set the events in motion for it to happen.
The same one that pushed the bond to voters to hand him the $80 million credit card.
They said Garland would build a natatorium with the money.
Funny, after the bond passed, they “re-prioritized” the money. No natatorium for you. (SUCKERS!)
A year later, residents were asking “Why did my property taxes go up this year?”
“You voted for the bond issue last year, remember?”
“What? They never said anything about the property taxes going up!”
“Yeah, no $#17!!!”
Property taxes keep going up and up and up with no end in sight.
Property values keep going up and up and up with all the transplants from other states with no end in sight.
They’ve been pulling this type of crap in western Washington state for a loooong time. They got Washington voters snookered into alternate energy sources in order to send energy to CA. They snookered the voters into an almost one party system like is in CA. Locally, they snookered people in Snohomish county to almost fully fund a sewage treatment plant that services mostly the neighboring King county. They have snookered people into more taxes for a light rail system that has no accountability, no actual cost, finish date or actual plans. You HAVE to read ALL of the fine print!!! They excel at marketing and publishing slick flyers. (“They” being politicians of either stripe, at least here.) It’s always about $$$$ going into politicians hand at the expense of us, the taxpayers.
Wish that DOJ would just rain down on these jokers.
In Texas we have better than the DOJ any day of the week!
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton!
I’m so glad Trump found Bill Barr – Felice kept trying to nominate Paxton for U.S. Attorney General! But we need him in Texas!
Skagit County is Sylvia’s stomping grounds and Pierce County is mine. Just FYI.
Clark County is mine
Tides Foundation hmmmm there have been a few stories here in Cali on lostcoastoutpost dot com it is a local liberal rag.Soros all over this one.
The Tides Foundation is sort of a money laundering operation. It is used to break the money traceability so you have ZERO idea of WHO is really supporting groups like ANTIFA.
I really think Tides should be BANNED or prosecuted or stomped into the ground.
OH – now THAT is interesting.
You were not aware of that Wolfie?
That is the ENTIRE reason Tides was created. This is how I figured it out. I was chasing Acorn.
March 26, 2011 – “ACORN is defunct, but ACORN International, a separate organization, is thriving, according to a message to supporters from Wade Rathke, founder of ACORN and chief organizer for ACORN International…. “
I then went for the good stuff, WHO is funding/funded ACORN because that is who actually calls the tune. It is some VERY interesting reading:
Remember the Fabian Society/Carnegie/Rockefeller/Morgan/Ford connections:
The Tides Foundation is the “mixer” used so we do not know who donated to what.
WHAT THE HECK is the departments of the US Gov. doing giving to a “mixer” foundation?????
Then we come to the good stuff. I selected some interesting “groups” the Tides Foundation gives to as well. One of the biggest grantees is Catalist???
If you are wondering who Catalist is And note they are one of the few groups WITHOUT an website listed…
Helping Non-Profits maximize precious resources, mobilize supporters and influence policy debates…
Giving organizations the tools and data to reach voters, build advocacy campaigns and creatively reach new supporters….
Serving the Progressive Community
Clean and current data for 265 million individuals
Cutting-edge software tools that enable you to query, analyze, visualize and export lists
Data-mining and analytics products to pinpoint the individuals that you need to reach
Expert staff from diverse technical, civic and political backgrounds
NO WONDER Tides Foundation gives them so much money and hides who they are!!!!
Interesting FOLLOW THE MONEY from over a decade ago.
Stomped into the ground works for me.
Results of May 4, 2019, local elections in Dallas County.
By Erin Anderson | May 5, 2019
$1 BILLION: Liberals Win Mega-Cash Bond Lotto!
Keep trying crazy bond issues: If you lose no big deal, but sometimes you hit the jackpot!
Billion-Dollar Debt on Dallas County Ballot
Dallas County Community College District is asking for another $1.1 billion in property tax-backed spending and debt in the May election.
By Erin Anderson | April 16, 2019
Gee, it sounds like a local school district here that asked for funds for a new school, but the actual language didn’t specify THAT. The administrators got a new building instead. People were ticked.
What is Agenda 21? Who are the I.C.L.E.I.?
Agenda 21 – In one easy lesson:
What is Sustainable Development?
According to its authors, the objective of sustainable development is to integrate economic, social and environmental policies in order to achieve reduced consumption, social equity, and the preservation and restoration of biodiversity. Sustainablists insist that every societal decision be based on environmental impact, focusing on three components; global land use, global education, and global population control and reduction. Social Equity (Social Justice) Social justice is described as the right and opportunity of all people “to benefit equally from the resources fforded us by society and the environment.” Redistribution of wealth. Private property is a social injustice since not everyone can build wealth from it. National sovereignty is a social injustice. Universal health care is a social justice. All part of Agenda 21 policy.
Economic Prosperity?
Public Private Partnerships (PPP). Special dealings between government and certain, chosen corporations which get tax breaks, grants and the government’s power of Eminent Domain to implement sustainable policy. Government-sanctioned monopolies.
Local Sustainable Development policies Smart Growth, Wildlands Project, Resilient Cities, Regional Visioning Projects, STAR Sustainable Communities, Green jobs, Green Building Codes, “Going Green,” Alternative Energy, Local Visioning, facilitators, regional planning, historic preservation, conservation easements, development rights, sustainable farming, comprehensive planning, growth management, consensus.
Who is behind it?
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (formally, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives). Communities pay ICLEI dues to provide “local” community plans, software, training, etc. Addition groups include American Planning Council, The Renaissance Planning Group, International City/ County Management Group, aided by US Mayors Conference, National Governors Association, National League of Cities, National Association of County Administrators and many more private organizations and official government agencies. Foundation and government grants drive the process.
Where did it originate?
The term Sustainable Development was first introduced to the world in the pages a 1987 report (Our Common Future) produced by the United Nations World Commission on Environmental and Development, authored by Gro Harlem Brundtland, VP of the World Socialist Party. The term was first offered as official UN policy in 1992, in a document called UN Sustainable Development Agenda 21, issued at the UN’s Earth Summit, today referred to simply as Agenda 21.
What gives Agenda 21 Ruling Authority?
More than 178 nations adopted Agenda 21 as official policy during a signing ceremony at the Earth Summit. US president George H.W. Bush signed the document for the US. In signing, each nation pledge to adopt the goals of Agenda 21. In 1995, President Bill Clinton, in compliance with Agenda 21, signed Executive Order #12858 to create the President’s Council on Sustainable Development in order to “harmonize” US environmental policy with UN directives as outlined in Agenda 21. The EO directed all agencies of the Federal Government to work with state and local community governments in a joint effort “reinvent” government using the guidelines outlined in Agenda 21. As a result, with the assistance of groups like ICLEI, Sustainable Development is now emerging as government policy in every town, county and state in the nation.
Revealing Quotes From the Planners
“Agenda 21 proposes an array of actions which are intended to be implemented by EVERY person on Earth…it calls for specific changes in the activities of ALL people… Effective execution of Agenda 21 will REQUIRE a profound reorientation of ALL humans, unlike anything the world has ever experienced ” Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet (Earthpress, 1993). Emphases – DR
Urgent to implement – but we don’t know what it is!
“The realities of life on our planet dictate that continued economic development as we know it cannot be sustained…Sustainable development, therefore is a program of action for local and global economic reform – a program that has yet to be fully defined.” The Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide, published by ICLEI, 1996.
“No one fully understands how or even, if, sustainable development can be achieved; however, there is growing consensus that it must be accomplished at the local level if it is ever to be achieved on a global basis.” The Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide, published by ICLEI, 1996.
Agenda 21 and Private Property:
“Land…cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principle instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore contributes to social injustice.”From the report from the 1976 UN’s Habitat I Conference.
“Private land use decisions are often driven by strong economic incentives that result in several ecological and aesthetic consequences…The key to overcoming it is through public policy…”Report from the President’s Council on Sustainable Development, page 112.
“Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work air conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable.” Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN’s Earth Summit, 1992.
Reinvention of Government:
“We need a new collaborative decision process that leads to better decisions, more rapid change, and more sensible use of human, natural and financial resources in achieving our goals.” Report from the President’s Council on Sustainable Development
“Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective.” Harvey Ruvin, Vice Chairman, ICLEI. The Wildlands Project
“We must make this place an insecure and inhospitable place for Capitalists and their projects – we must reclaim the roads and plowed lands, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to wilderness millions of tens of millions of acres or presently settled land.” Dave Foreman, Earth First.
What is not sustainable?
Ski runs, grazing of livestock, plowing of soil, building fences, industry, single family homes, paves and tarred roads, logging activities, dams and reservoirs, power line construction, and economic systems that fail to set proper value on the environment.” UN’s Biodiversity Assessment Report.
Hide Agenda 21’s UN roots from the people!
“Participating in a UN advocated planning process would very likely bring out many of the conspiracy- fixated groups and individuals in our society… This segment of our society who fear ‘one-world government’ and a UN invasion of the United States through which our individual freedom would be stripped away would actively work to defeat any elected official who joined ‘the conspiracy’ by undertaking LA21. So we call our process something else, such as comprehensive planning, growth management or smart growth.” J. Gary Lawrence, advisor to President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development.
Tom Deweese the publisher/editor of The DeWeese Report and is the President of the American Policy Center, a grassroots, activist think tank headquartered in Warrenton, Virginia.
MOAR Agenda 21…
Mitigation Options in Agriculture
Maurice Strong at the opening session of the Rio Conference (Earth Summit II) in 1992,
In 1976, the U.S. government signed a UN document that declared:
Meat has been a staple of human diet since the time of the Patriarchs. Owning livestock was the sign of wealth, used for all commerce and trade.
God created animal life for the benefit of humans, with the special intent that humans would help the natural world reach its maximum life-bearing and flourishing potential, so that the earth literally teems with life and productivity. Humanity has been granted the great role of being the stewards of this creation to bring about this great flourishing.
But a lie got in the way.
That same lie continues to tell humans that humanity itself is the problem. That humanity is “unsustainable” and “unnatural”, not a legitimate part of the world’s order. That humanity is ravenously consumption – not the creational producers that our God created us to be in His divine image, sub-creators in his divine created order, an order that was created “good” in its material glory.
The lie is that the meat God created to support mankind in this divine purpose is accursed. Never mind that much of the land in the world is not sustainable for any other agriculture other than livestock. These people know NOTHING of basic agriculture or sustainability. Livestock are necessary producers of fertilizer in the form of manure, a valuable commodity regardless of the greenhouse gasses that are produced. Manure, organic fertilizer, exists no where else in the entire known universe, and a single sample of it contains phosphates that are so rare in the cosmos that the richest known source in all the universe is topsoil. But there are those people who continue the lie that the things God created to be a blessing and produce wealth for humans are evil and accursed – they hate livestock. They hate that we can go to any neighborhood store and buy cheese, milk, and beef that is already butchered and wrapped in sanitary plastic, miracles of modern science and industry. They make up huge lies, Time covers with a plastic wrapped ground beef dripping with blood to look as unsanitary as possible, or a huge propaganda campaign against “pink slime” that ends up costing ABC $BILLIONS from litigation, but only have a multi-year protracted legal battle. The lie is ancient, with many Hindu as well as religious mystics for millennia, as well as the transcendentalists and religious cults in the U.S. espousing the virtues of “vegetarian” diets.
Why I Am Not A Vegetarian, William T. Jarvis, Ph.D.
Human beings are PRODUCERS, not consumers!
We were created without the ability to create energy from light like the plants, but we were granted God-given abilities to transform the environment for economic production.
We consume in order to produce. That is the order God put in place, toward abundance.
KOM has it exactly backward. They believe the lie that humans produce in order to consume. They have scarcity at every turn.
We even get caught talking in KOM terms about the “American Consumer” as if consumption were the key driver of the economy.
TRUMP is putting America back in the business of PRODUCTION!
The unleashed American Producer cannot be surpassed anywhere in the world!
Tim Eyman has been very active in sponsoring initiatives in Washington State, about half of which were passed by voters. However, he has been put under the microscope by the government since he has been very effective. Eyman has gotten into some trouble for mis-understanding or mis-handling of some funds at one time. Other people doing the same thing apparently have done similarly, but not been charged. (I am not saying what he did was right, it’s just the same double standard that we see in lots of places.)
My point here, is if one is able to write and successfully sponsor initiatives, it would be well worth while to study Eyman’s strategy, and pay attention to his errors. The courts have been very nit-picky with some of his initiatives that passed, and then were over turned.
INTERESTING!!! Thanks for that. I will bet that this sucker I’m talking about could be overturned on deceptive wording. It might just be possible.
I certainly hope so Wolfie.
That is why JUDGES are so very very important.
I was just thinking as I posted a small part of my Agenda 21 file, that the Elite have TOLD US EXACTLY what they plan for us. Lives that are NASTY, BRUTAL AND SHORT as their SLAVES. Unfortunately PROGRESSIVES have been winning. Inch by inch they steal another part of our G-D given rights and build another part of the cage they will entrap us in.
President Trump is the FIRST president in over ONE HUNDRED YEARS that did not push the Globalists agenda forward a few more feet. Even Reagan helped their agenda along but allowing Hostile Takeovers via Leveraged Buyouts. Those takeovers swapped worthless Bank Script for REAL PHYSICAL ASSETS saddling American companies, that had been without debt, with crippling BOGUS DEBT.
Agreed – good judges are the bedrock of civilization! Trump is such a genius. We didn’t deserve him! But AMERICA DID!!!
Wolfie, I have been grinning ever since President Trump has been elected.
It always puzzles me why more people do not appreciate him. It also makes me want to do ….. to the Fake News.
“Socialists. I know we’re not supposed to hate them, but Lord, it is hard not to do it.”
It’s the LIES. No one wants to be lied to, ever. God is a God of Truth, and the enemy works by telling lies. There are only two systems in this world: The world of Truth and the system of lies. The fact that it SEEMS like there are so many systems at play only shows how well The Lie cloaks itself, always morphing and transforming, disguising and camouflaging itself.
I have ZERO problem with hating Pschopaths and Sociopaths.
If you wish to get religious you could say the Psychopaths are without a soul or have been over taken by demons or are demons made flesh, while Sociopaths have very sick twisted souls. Unfortunately Psychopaths are VERY GOOD at climbing the ladder in industry or politics because they have zero problem sticking someone in the back.
I think it was Quigley who mentioned the Elite have ZERO feelings of compassion towards the ‘Unwashed’ they do not even see us as human. We saw that in Peter Strzok. It is not the exception, it is the rule.
We got an election on Saturday and the labor party are running on the same shit. Green cheaper power. 100% green and cheaper. Tax the rich to pay for everything free for the loafers . The liberals,(your republic) just got us back in budget after a disastrous laborgovt. But there enough with their hands out and envious of what others have got who’ll vote for them. Conservative polices have been egged inc the pm.i
My prayers for a good outcome! May WISDOM prevail!!!
I’m thinking this is going to hinge on avarice
Gail said “This is straight out of the Soviet Union where electricity was RATIONED.”
BUT WHY do the KOM want to limit energy and promote the Green New Deal and other phony pseudo-environmental policies?
Hint: It isn’t about the “environment”. That is the big lie.
ENERGY is the KEY to all modern industry and commerce. Raw materials, human labor, and energy are combined to PRODUCE, the drivers of economics.
The KOMs could not get the human labor to cooperate with their program. The workers of the world stubbornly refused to unite.
If they can get ENERGY, they can (in Ayn Rand’s terms) shut down the engine of the world.
Why do they want to do that?
Simple. It’s economics. Communism and socialism failed. Free markets won. But the KOM are sore losers.
Undermine the economy, they can destroy “capitalism” as a failure. They are then free to propose socialism and communism as the solution.
NOTE: It isn’t about the “environment”. That’s the cover story, the red herring lie. It’s about destroying all human economy in the service of their own ego needs.
From the May 1st open thread:
I just wanted to point out this observation. Sometimes the obvious really needs to be said before it becomes, well, obvious.
The question is why did all these KOM/socialists latch on to environmentalism?
Could be lots of answers but let’s not get lost in the weeds. A simple answer can clarify the whole enterprise.
* Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, wanted the socialist worker’s paradise once they saw it in action. The socialists totally discredited themselves in the 20th century.
* Socialism was originally popular because it was perceived to have moral authority: The dream that we’re going to create a utopia free of disease, hunger, want, and need for all humanity. A few million deaths later the “humanitarian” project is exposed as one giant lie.
* They need a new Grand Vision that connects with the masses. They need some big idealistic lie, something that provides the sense of a moral purpose behind their intent.
* The idea that “capitalism is destroying the earth” is the perfect lie. Nevermind that only in free market economies where ownership is valued does the human relationship with the natural world find harmony and flourishing – what matters is the lie.
* But even the second-order lie that “capitalism is destroying the earth” is too blatant and obvious. It’s important to introduce a third-order lie to gain some distance from the fact that they are intent on destroying “capitalism”. So we need to substitute “human activity” for “capitalism” to disguise the underpinning of economics on an otherwise weak environmental narrative.
* This radical (KOM) environmentalism (including its Deep Ecology and spiritualist versions) is now positioned to be in complete opposition to ALL human activity (and economic activity) unless it passes the moral tests that the betters propose.
* Those who control the grand narrative (the environmental story in this case) and act as the moral gatekeepers of society are the PRIEST-CLASS.
* Consider the Lawfare bozos as Greenpeace activists in charge of the entire economy, who act as priest-kings, where nothing the plebs do is ever good or right, and nothing their class does is ever wrong.
* Complete socialism is achieved KOMrade! Glorious! Here, have some green kool-aid.
michaelh, you are very much correct.
The plan, straight from Fabian co-founder George Bernard Shaw
Two DEMANDS from two powerful Globalists.
In 1992, As Chairman Strong told the UN conference at Kyoto…
The same propaganda was repeated by WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy.
In March of 2015 Up for comment was the New Dietary Guidelines that was to be used to direct the activities of FDA, USDA, dept of Education and other government departments as well as Obummercare.
So why are Americans suddenly about to be forced into a change in eating habits via these new guidelines?
A year ago the chair of DGAC told us why and it has NOTHING what so ever to do with health and everything to do with Agenda 21 aka Sustainability.
That statement certainly sounds like the DGAC is more concerned with Sustainability than with the health of Americans. The Chair goes on to say:
HMMmm where have we heard that before RECENTLY?
On top of that is this article: Hospitals to begin monitoring your credit card purchases to flag ‘unhealthy’ habits
And just to give you the warm fuzzies, Why Is the USDA Buying Submachine Guns with 30-Round Magazines? Are those bullets for our livestock or for US independent farmers?
The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) after comming up with the recommendation that America Should Adopt a ‘Plant-Based’ Diet, recommends taxes on dessert, trained obesity “interventionists” at schools and worksites, and electronic monitoring of how long Americans sit in front of the television or computer. Medical groups are already data mining the internet for information on individual eating habits. The new Food Safety Modernization Act and Obamacare were to be used as the weapons to transform American dietary habits to a more ‘sustainable’ pattern of eating.
This load of Bovine Feces is straight out of the mouth of Maurice Strong, a guy who never finished high school!
Rosa Koire, a liberal has an even nastier look at the new dietary guidelines:
That is the stinking mess hiding under Agenda 21 and Smart Growth and Smart Meters.
As I have said before the Elite view the Great Unwashed as nothing more than cattle.
More from Rosa on food and Agenda 21 including original Agenda 21 pdfs
Great post, Wolf!

Thank you for this! Great work!
After reading the comments, I am wondering if there are More Than One town that have been tricked into this Scheme.
The idea of getting these things nullified on the basis of “the wording was intentionally misleading”…is encouraging.
I’m thinking this would work.
We’re finally getting some Good Judges on the bench, across the country.
And good Judges do not like ‘intentionally misleading wording being used to dupe and coerce people into doing things that they would otherwise not do’.
We’ve also got a couple of new Supreme Court Justices who do not like ‘intentionally misleading wording’.
I think Justice Kavanaugh would take a very dim view of that.
Yes! There is hope!!! <3 THANKS!!!
More than one? Yeah try HUNDREDS.
Wind farms all over the Texas prairies trapping the residents with all the headaches they create, all the way down to South Texas border.
Some of the best birding sites in the entire lower 48 near South Padre Island and these money grubbing jackboots put windmills everywhere. Unique, beautiful and rare species of birds, right next to windmills!
Same here in OK, Michael.

The wind farms were pushed on communities…all located up and down the Avian North-South Flyway.
The carnage is horrible!
Thing is…those prop-swinger type wind generators are an old design that requires lots of maintenance to keep them operational.
Which makes them Costly to Operate!
There are better designs for wind generators…like the Helix Design generators.
These do not kill birds, because the birds see them as a ‘solid’ and avoid them.
Helix designs are omni-directional too.
They can take wind from all directions.
So they don’t explode in high winds like the prop-swingers do.
But big corporations like GE and Siemens were heavily invested in the old prop-swinger designs.
So that’s why they got the contracts to build those wind farms!
The Helix Design wind generators can be put on roof tops…which frees up valuable farm land:
They are also beautiful!
Yes, I think so too!

They are like a work of art…and are beautiful in motion.
2008 — Paul Quinlan of the North Carolina Sustainable Energy Association
The North Carolina Wind Working Group (NCWWG) has created its own Model Wind Ordinance for Wind Energy Facilities in North Carolina.
Here is some of the things he has posted at Jo Nova’s (I am not going to put in ittalics since it is well past time for bed… DARN IT the best discussions are at night!)
Very good on wind EROEI (Energy Returned On Energy Invested — the real measure that wind fails.)
This is TonyfromOz using numbers from the USA. NO WONDER they don’t want the economist Bjørn Lomborg at a uni in Australia! Any economist who wanted to live in a civilized country would be horrified at the numbers… If they bothered to look.
“I went to the actual article about this new Obama plan, because I was intrigued that it mentions that it would only cost around $8.4 Billion.
Let’s actually pretend for a minute that the cost of renewable power will come down, and this is totally contrary to what is actually happening as each new wind plant sees a rise in costs, but for the sake of the argument, let’s pretend they can construct these wind plants for around half of what they are currently costing.
So then, $8.4 Billion would see, under this cheaper costing, eight new huge scale wind plants.
That’s 8 plants of 200 towers, each topped by a 3MW generator nacelle, so, a 600MW wind plant, and eight of them in all.
Sounds reasonable.
So, that gives us a Nameplate of 8 X 600MW, so 4800MW Nameplate.
Total yearly power generated is:
4800 X 24 X 365.25 X 0.3 giving us a yearly power delivery of 12,623GWH
Now keep in mind that this will be the ultimate cost to replace 32% of the coal fired power fleet.
So, the current delivery from that coal fired power fleet is 1,585,697GWH.
Then, 32% of that is 476,000GWH, and that’s the power he’s cutting, with this 32% reduction in the coal fired fleet.
So, we are replacing 476,000GWH of existing power delivery with 12,623GWH of new power delivery.
What the!
That’s getting rid of a whole lot, and replacing it with what is only 2.65% of what they have gotten rid of.
That’ll work!
Incidentally, that cutback of 476,000GWH is 12% of the total generation for U.S. power.
Somebody, somewhere, is Maths challenged.
$8.4 Billion.
Just who are they trying to kid?”
I have 25 pages….
Well….wheatietoo….I hope you are well….
Was wondering where all my friends had gone.
So I sent out my Recon squad….
I hope you and your family are well and in good spirits…
Hey….wolfmoon ..nice to see you also
Hi Gunny!
Nice to see you!
Hey, good to see you! Welcome to FIREBASE Q!
I’m fading fast so I’ll be brief. Also, I don’t have much detail so that ensures I’ll be brief!
I saw a clip on FOX & Friends a couple months ago about a town in Texas that had been, they felt, deceived by an energy deal. They went whole hog into an alternative energy scheme of some kind only to find out (pardon me but DUH!) that windmills don’t always turn and then there isn’t any electricity. They spent beaucoup bucks on the system and are now facing reality. Screwed, blued, and tattooed.
I believe that TEXAS and ILLINOIS are among the origin states for the out-of-state wind energy in the scheme that was sold to the people of this particular TRUMPTOWN.
Wolf, the quick bit I saw about the Texas town was awful and very sad. I never even dreamed that it was a scam being run at multiple jurisdictions. I hope Rick Perry is on to this and puts a stop to it, some how.
Great point. DOE and DOJ both need to be all over these ENERGY MISREPRESENTATIONS.
And what is the MOTIVE? $$$$$$$$$$$
Democrats have invested BILLIONS in scammy green energy, to make US POOR and THEM RICH. They have to LIE to make us BUY.
New York is working on passing the New York State Climate and Community Protection Act.
Climate change teamed up with social justice.
“We cannot allow disproportionate environmental burdens on the most disadvantaged communities to continue – and we have to protect vulnerable populations from increasingly frequent extreme weather events caused by climate change. This bill is our statewide coalition’s first big push toward creating an equitable renewable energy economy.”
They are going to force QUIXOTECH on us, whether we like it or not.
1) A major propagandist for the scam is Zach Shahan. Search his name and you will find many, many examples of his airily written propaganda. He hates Trump, and loves AOC and the Demokkkrats. Look at the man’s face and you can see the whole story.
Tweets by zshahan3
2) Speaking of repulsive faces, Jonah Goldberg’s face is immediately repulsive to me, as is Ben Shapiro’s, and Bill Kristol’s. I literally cannot stand looking at their slimy faces.
3) George Bush pulled off a “cheap and clean” scam in a brilliantly deceptive political lie by using “compassionate conservative” as a motto. 100% of the controversy was over the word “compassionate” and the word “conservative” was repeated as if it were a given. The scam was to get people to think beyond the sale, as if Bush were a conservative and everyone knew it.
4) Communist driven capitalism is perfect for the plutocrat leftists who prefer a life of gated luxury while they direct and manipulate the lives of the lower people. Caviar and contempt is the communists’ spirit!
Yeah, Goldberg is a stopped clock. Momentarily correct, occasionally.
Anyone paying attention to Colorado? Red Flag Bill? Bill 300? Colorado has become a liberal cesspool. Headed by Boulder/Denver democrats. Would’t be surprised if little town was in Colorado.
I found this video over at Qresearch a while back, and saved it.
It is an amazing clip of a prop-swinger Wind Generator…exploding in high winds.
One of the best ones I have ever seen captured on video.
[video src="https://media.8ch.net/file_store/f9dd51021d3ad4ba53412f9cd4a7def52b06ac397c7f6e6c50cbcf5025bd0636.mp4" /]
It is unfortunately on an MP4 format, so it won’t play here, I don’t think.
But hopefully you can click on the link and watch it.
Try to click HERE
Thanks…yeah, it’s weird how WP adds all that extra stuff around an MP4 link when it’s posted here.
The link I posted started with “https” and ended with “mp4”.
I found the same footage in a Youtube video.
It’s got some music added, though…so you may want to mute that.
But the clip is the same:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l52tuQKkXG0&w=640&h=360%5D
Found a better one…this one with the original sound.
Yootube sure doesn’t make it easy to find things these days, if it’s something they don’t want people to see.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VeP93iidkJQ&w=640&h=360%5D
[…] The Aggregation Scam: How a Trump Town was Tricked into Paying for the Green New Deal […]
[…] The Aggregation Scam: How a Trump Town was Tricked into Paying for the Green New Deal […]