This FUNTASTIC FRIDAY WRAP UP open thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.
You can say what you want, comment on what other people said, and so on. Free Speech is practiced here.
Use it or lose it. Keep it SOMEWHAT civil. They tried to FORCE fake Orwellian civility on us. In response, we CHOOSE true civility to defend our precious 1ST AMENDMENT FREEDOM from THEM.
Our rules began with the civility of the Old Treehouse, later to become the Wolverinian Empire, and one might say that we have RESTORED THE OLD REPUBLIC – the early high-interaction model of the Treehouse – except of course that Q discussion is not only allowed but encouraged, and speech is considerably freer in other ways. Please feel free to argue and disagree with the board owner, as nicely as possible.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious and vile Internet Censors any REASONABLE reason to shut down this precious haven.

Our movement
Is about replacing
A failed
Political establishment
With a new government controlled
By you, the American People.
Candidate Donald J. Trump
Also consider Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
CAUTION: This week’s Wrap Up contains some adult language.
Hey….regardless of whether you have a job or not, you can get high all kinds of different ways other than smoking pot or doing drugs. Amen?? I digress…
Hello again all you wonderful , deplorable Wolf den-izens! Welcome to another Friday edition of the weekly wrap-up. We’ve got a LOT in store for your review, rememberance, and bookmarking from the week that was, so let’s jump right in.
This is…..

Kicking us off this week is a truth reveal so good, so tasty, so “that is just AhhhhhMAZINGLY COOL AND RIGHT AND RIGHTEOUS” that Deadpool inhaling/exhaling gun smoke comes to mind….

I didn’t know what is in this next video. No one in this Tree knew this. If they did, they never said it. If I only showed this and this alone it would make for an incredible Open Thread!
Listen to this hero talk about HIS BEST FRIEND IN LIFE…this tweet is EVERYTHING…
Oh my!

But wait…LISTEN to them speak in this next video…
This is who WE are….who YOU are….WATCH…..
Gen. Mike Flynn

Fellow patriots, it now becomes clear that we know who is behind Q….who is behind the devastating military precision of POTUS’s war against the global DS….who is behind the genius of POTUS’s informational warfare against their paid-for mouthpieces in the corporate MSM…
…lifelong, childhood besties….Adm. Mike Rogers AND Gen. Mike Flynn!!
And check out this follow up tweet, referencing a Joe Flynn tweet…
This is just so…

For the past several years, the Wolf and I, among others, have been in agreement that…given all we have witnessed and learned since DJT became POTUS…what was happening could not be coincidence or mere happenstance. It HAD to be planned. In fact, planned for so long, so carefully, so well, that there is every reason to believe that someone…or someones…went to PDJT and RECRUITED him to run for POTUS…convincing him they had an indefeatable plan to take down the global Deep State and return America to WE, THE PEOPLE.
What they needed was another genius…and a true patriot…who had a household name…to be the FACE of their plan and adroitly wield the power of the WH.
At the same time, Jim Jordan has spent a lot of time in the past week talking about Chuck Schumer‘s interview on TV, where he said…

Well, that might be true…UNLESS you had the Director of the NSA…Mike Rogers…and his best friend…Mike Flynn, former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency….covering your butt and helping you anticipate and counter those “6 ways to Sunday” the intelligence community has at getting back at you. Rogers and Flynn had the playbook!
There are two other things to point out from that 1st video.
- Rogers talks about Flynn being the guy who “pushed” Rogers to believe in himself throughout his career, and
- Rogers talks about how Flynn is never about himself but “ALL about the people he partners with and that he serves with”
Folks, if you think Mike Rogers is a great hero, ask yourself….now….what you think HE would say about Mike Flynn and who the REAL hero and wizard behind the great Trump revolution is! But back to the main point…
Here is Mike Flynn and Mike Rogers…childhood besties…who each went on to rise to the very peak as Intel agency heads in separate branches of our military. How many conversations did they have over 40 YEARS…40 YEARS….about what they could do to right the wrongs, how they might go about it…if they could rise high enough…learn enough…knew where all the bodies were buried and who put them there….were in a position to recruit the right people…pull the right strings…put all the right pieces into place….and knew through decades of experience how best to use our enemies weaknesses against them??
The lifelong personal, close relationship between Rogers and Flynn brings it all together. And it really adds some UMPF! to this instant classic…

Seriously….I don’t know whether to laugh hysterically, cry in joy, or crap in my pants….much less the order I should do it in!
Thank you, Lord, for the two Mikes…Rogers and Flynn. Childhood besties, men of singular focus and determination, true loyalty and preternatural vision, incredible ability and achievement, fierce patriotism and goodness!
And now…. a brief pause so you can go clean up and collect yourself….or maybe it’s just for me….
Next up…in the wake of the synagogue shooting last week….a brief word of timeless wisdom from Chuck…
….no, not Norris….the badass (and former NRA president) who preceded him…

Speaking of bad people….remember this hilarious tweet from last week….?
….as usual Mel Brooks was WAYY ahead of them in exposing what the clowns are up to….
Heh heh.
As Mel points out above, here is what is really happening….
Amidst the dim’s panic, our new AG is demonstrating he is a master of understatement and is altogether unimpressed with the leftist drama queens…

It’s all gotten so bad that doctors are now prescribing this treatment for leftist sheeple everywhere…

But wait….it gets better.
House Judiciary Chair Jerry Fatman Nadler was contemplating trying to hold AG Barr in Contempt of Congress because the AG refuses to break the law and give democrats the full and unredacted Mueller Report to include protected Grand Jury evidence!
Well, the DOJ had a nice response to him…..
This, friends, is the legal equivalent of…

Note to our readers:
Apparently Fatman Nadler WILL try to hold the AG in contempt later this week, but we will be out doing our Airbus driving thing chauffeuring people around the globe. Of course, we’ll follow events closely and report on what takes place in next week’s Wrap Up.
Moving right along, please take a moment to watch and (re?)enjoy this short clip…
This week’s Wily E. Coyote Super Genius award goes to the DSCC, who put out this twitter poll on Saturday…and immediately regretted it…(read carefully)….
Guess what? Rita was right. Less than 8 hours later….just like that…

….it was gone! Disappeared faster than Keyser Soze…or Vince Foster in a Clinton White House.
Hey, remember how some dims have been calling for reparations?
We saw this and immediately seconded this idea…after all, what is good for the goose is yadda yadda. I propose this as the go-to response to any idiot on the left who wants to talk about “reparations”…
Now wait just a second.
Are you reading these things carefully? Did you ALSO note that the NY Slimes ADMITTED that the Obama administration SPIED on the Trump campaign (AND that the economy is soaring, as we noted last week)?
Here is their laughable headline as they attempt to head off justice and AG Barr, US Atty Huber, and OIG Howorwitz at the proverbial pass…
The Truth About ‘Spying’ on the Trump Campaign
“The counterintelligence methods used by the F.B.I. are common — and were a legitimate response to reports of Russian interference.”
According to the lying leftist shills at the NY Slimes it is “COMMON and LEGITIMATE practice” to have the FBI plant spies inside the campaign of a democrat presidential candidate’s republican opponent!
^^^^Reread that!^^^^

Common and legitimate?? They ACTUALLY published that!

But hey…we suppose we should all take this as a sign of progress…after all, things have gotten so bad for the dims that in their pathetic desperation they are now having to tell SOME of the truth IF ONLY to propagate new lies (ie. it’s common practice and it was a legit thing to do). Not that it will help them any (see: Gen. Flynn & Sessions meme above).
Ari Fletcher asks a question that scares the bejeebus out of the left that is raised by this ridiculous article, and America’s Mayor responded…
Of course, we already know the answer to that, thanks to Peter Strzok and Lisa Page….

Folks, you can’t make this Schiff up. Not even Hollyweird could do it.
No wonder they are scared, and now that Mueller’s SC has been neutered, they are going after AG Barr! They’ve got to protect their phony-baloney jobs!!
Meanwhile, some GREAT news from the Trump administration…it is contemplating striking at the root of much cause of ILLEGAL immigration into the US…
Americans have a message for ILLEGAL parasites….
Is that awesome or what? We can only agree with Gil, who said….and I quote…

Speaking of, how about this surprise good news?!
Folks, in football this is the equivalent of making a great half-time adjustment, then scoring an easy touchdown immediately followed by a defensive pick six! In other words…

We’d be remiss not to mention leading dim hopeful Gropey Joe McCreeperton, who just might get a new nickname thanks to the hilarious Gov. Huckabee…

Hey…remember last week’s blowout economic releases, touting an unexpected 3.2% GDP, big job gains, and low inflation…the trifecta of great economic news??
I KNOW you remember this…

Well, now Ozero is…once again…attempting to claim “you didn’t build that”….HE DID….and his sycophantic media worshippers are doing likewise…
Economic Boom: Media Rewrite History To Credit Obama Instead Of Trump
“Now that the economy is outperforming everyone’s expectations, Trump’s critics want to pretend that the current boom was already baked in the cake. A recent New York Times story says it all: “An Economic Upturn Begun Under Obama Is Now Trump’s To Tout.”
Apparently, WP doesn’t like this link but here it is……..

You know, it’s been a minute since we heard anything about Canadian PM Justin “Wandering Eyebrow” Twinklesocks, and we saw this in the daily threads…an instant classic if there ever was one…

Last Sunday, we tuned in hoping to watch one of our favorite Trump cabinet members, Sec. of State Pompeo, take the always-smarmy and insufferable Chrissy “Lil’ bitch” Wallace to the rhetorical woodshed. Pompeo didn’t disappoint….
Was that satisfying or what?
It was so entertaining it reminded us of this classic Dave Chappell/Charlie Murphy skit….
Well girls and boys, that just about wraps up the week that was. Wait…no, that’s actually not true! Seriously, so much is happening we’d be remiss not to point you to Fleporblog’s daily news wraps. But this is all the time we have for this week.
But before we go…and as we like to do…we will leave you with another classic tune to take you rocking and rolling into the weekend.
Last week we dedicated a Led Zeppelin song to our amazing, incredible, fun, and kickass President…(and theirs too! )…Donald J. Trump and his administration. Well, don’t ya know the precious little snowflake’s would whine like the crybabies they are if we didn’t dedicate one to them as well. So, without further ado, we dedicate this week’s tune to the easily offended children of the corn…and, in particular…
…to the corrupt, evil, vile members of the Obama administration who weaponized our gov’t against their political opposition…the “small cabal” of disgusting gov’t officials who willingly went along with it….like those scumbags JimComey, John Brennan, Clapper, Rice, Jarrett, Lynch, Holder, and all their democrat enablers inside the communist demorat party…and the Clintons, plus all the Clintonistas….who tried to overturn the will of the American people and pretend that our gov’t belonged to them. This song is ESPECIALLY FOR them.
This week’s song comes from the band’s self-titled debut album…the front cover of which, like the song itself, is perfect for today’s demorat party.

From SongFacts:
“Jimmy Page and John Paul Jones wrote this song, which is about an unfaithful girl who will pay the price for her deceitful ways. Page played a Fender 10-string steel guitar on this, and Jones played a church-style organ, using a pedal to generate the bass. Page told Guitar Player magazine: “I had never played steel before, but I just picked it up. It sounds like a slide or something. It’s more out of tune on the first album because I hadn’t got a kit to put it together.”
The band performed this on their Scandinavian tour in 1968, prior to releasing their debut album, but then for some reason never played it live again. Which seems a pity to me, as it has always been one of my personal favs in part because we love John Paul Jones’ church-style organ starting this one off and we would’ve liked to have offered you a live version as we did last week.
We also GREATLY appreciate the celebratory tone of this song, delivered with such certainty, and the context in which today’s dedication is made!
Finally, IMHO the mighty Zeppelin…as good as its individual members were…would NOT have been the band it was without the genius of Jones. And no, we don’t care what anyone else says about that…if only because in all fairness it’s an inarguable point that could be made about any one of those guys. So there!

That all said…and as always… we now invite you to kick back, relax, and enjoy today’s flight. Please take care, God bless, have a MAGAtastic weekend, and see you again next week!

Saw a draft of this, so nobody can accuse me of commenting without reading. And SOY HELL made the final cut!!! HOORAY!!!
In keeping with the Admiral Rogers theme and the impending doom of the weasel known as Comey…I offer this meme, which I stole from the Anons at Qresearch some time back and have been wondering if it was okay to post here:

Since the day we learned Admiral Rogers let President Elect Trump know about the spying, whenever I see a picture of Admiral Rogers or General Flynn with one of, weasel Comey, lying McCabe, traitor Clapper or traitor Brennan, I wonder if one of these four fools knows, their days of freedom are numbered.
Admiral Rogers and General Flynn have them in the cross hairs of justice.
My guess, Comey still hasn’t a clue. McCabe is scared sh!tless. Brennan and Clapper incorrectly think they are too damn smart.
Looking forward to Justice, and revenge for what these four and others have done.
Oh Wheatie. Giggling and snorting like mad over here.
Love it, love it, love it!
Inspired Choice on the Zeppelin song, FG&C!

It’s one of my favorites!
Most excellent job of curating and scooping up highlights of the week!
I love it.
Thanks, FG&C!
And may the good Lord watch over you in your travels…and may all your takeoffs and landings match up in your PFL.
Yes, this was a great review.
It’s a lot easier to see the BIG MAGA over the course of a week. Each day (FLEP) there is much MAGA, and it’s good we’re seeing THAT, to prevent EEYORE SYNDROME, but over a week, the BIGGER WINNING starts to become apparent, and THAT allows strategic thinking.
IKR? So much stuff happens that I can believe it but I actually forget because something new and big has just happened. Can’t catch my breath!
You really out did yourself on this one!
Now I have to go kick Hubby off his computer so I can watch the Vids.
And remember how STEVE PIECZENIK during the election said he was approached to help. that ‘They’ were working on preventing Election Fraud in 2016? Remember the US government TRIED to hack state elections and failed?
Silent Coup and Counter Coup Revealed by Dr Steve Pieczenik
Scott Adams makes some great observations in this periscope:
One of the things (around 15 minutes in) is where Scott talks about a new EXTRACTIVE desalinization process. Daughn pointed that one out to me, and it is very interesting, because the new process makes osmotic desalinization more feasible because it allows the “hypersaline brines” normally produced along with the fresh water to be REMOVED as a waste stream, and it’s more efficient than simply evaporating them to completion as salt.
Before that are a couple of other things I want to mention.
Scott has noticed that the DEMS are not trying to sabotage the VSG’s negotiations with China. Scott seems to think that “they’re finally getting on the team” with really important stuff.
NOT ME. I think top Dems – who are also under extreme pressure on “SOCIALISM” and (COUGH) COMMUNISM (thank you for being LEADERS on this, amigos!) – I think these Dems know that they are extremely vulnerable on COLLUSION with both CHINA and RUSSIA, and that they will need to make that go away very soon. So best not to feed that “pro-China” meme right now.
NICE! Couldn’t have happened to more RADICAL DEMOCRATS than the ones we got.
NOW – one more thing in this periscope.
NUCLEAR. Scott is starting to see that there is all this stuff published about Climate Change, and nothing about nuclear, which is the obvious solution. Scott is seeing a BLIND SPOT on it. The Moonbats actually have a BLIND SPOT on nuclear. It’s like it’s NOT THERE.
Scott – that is CONDITIONING. And now you are about to figure out WHO DID THE CONDITIONING.
America is being ENERGY-SUPPRESSED by Russia and China using our COLLABORATOR FAKE NEWS, who are basically useful idiots. Accept the FACT that we are under a constant force of subversion and suppression that is VERY sophisticated.
Control of the American communist fake news media is almost complete. People who don’t give it up are hooked on the most powerful form of brainwashing of all….
When you look HERE, you don’t look THERE. This creates FALSE WEIGHTING by subconscious mental processes. It’s quite ingenious. Not mentioning nuclear IS the conditioning. It IS the suppression. It works the same way as keeping strongly persuasive conservatives off Twitter, and DELETING THEIR HISTORY AND FOLLOWERS. This is very important, and demonstrates that Jack Dorsey is using the same methods that benefit Russia and China in the media.
THE CENSORSHIP NEEDS TO BE INTEGRATED OVER TIME. DO THE MATH. See how they can get significant reductions of a few percent that keep “conservative change” beneath critical levels.
Everything Scott Adams is talking about “nuclear neglect” is INTENTIONAL.
This matches up with FRESH CHERNOBYL VIDEO that CBS is putting out. Very subtle and timely.
The KGB are geniuses on this stuff. Don’t think for a second they REALLY went away.
“C’mon man!”
Seriously, the KGB disinformation operations were GOLDEN and they are STILL WORKING.
Scott – you are starting to see it! MISDIRECTION is what they do!
“Don’t look at the URANIUM BEING REMOVED. You didn’t see that!”
Wolf…what do you think about Helium3 and the prospect of using it for our future energy needs?
They say that He3 is the key to cold fusion and would provide a new, clean source of energy.
Those Moon Rocks that we brought back…and gave out as gifts to other countries…revealed that He3 is abundant on the surface of the Moon.
This is one of the Main Motivations for the current race-to-the-moon, that is going on between the ChiComs and Russia.
So it is great that Pres Trump has put us back in that race!
The He3/Deuterium reaction is considered to be a likely second-generation fusion solution.
And we haven’t got the first generation working yet.
Both have enormous practical difficulties, like generating a lot of free neutrons either in the main reaction or a side reaction.
Although I’d love to see practical fusion power generation, it’s at least 30 years away…and has been for the last 50 years.
“Scott seems to think that “they’re finally getting on the team” with really important stuff.
NOT ME. I think top Dems – who are also under extreme pressure on “SOCIALISM” and (COUGH) COMMUNISM (thank you for being LEADERS on this, amigos!) – I think these Dems know that they are extremely vulnerable on COLLUSION with both CHINA and RUSSIA, and that they will need to make that go away very soon. So best not to feed that “pro-China” meme right now.”
Exactly. Scott’s thought seems awfully naive to me. You are undoubtedly correct on this, Wolfie. I’d bet on it.
Watch out! Wolf is the news now!
Very much conditioning.
But again. It’s not about the environment. It’s about KOM economics.
“Environment” is only the cover story. “Destroy economy” is the targeted and intended policy outcome.
In the plainest language:
“Environmentalism” is about destroying Capitalism
-> Making it inoperable
-> In order to replace it with Communism/Socialism.
So the conditioning is far deeper than a blind spot toward a true alternative energy in various nuclear sources.
There is a deep conditioning against all human activity.
All human activity means all human economy.
Economy isn’t just about money moving around. It’s also about your house, how your family eats, the garden you grow, how you act as an individual producer building things beyond yourself.
Their goal is to literally drain and destroy all productive human capacity. Even your sewing machine or outdoor grill is not beyond their desire – destroy and control all capital means of production.
Southern California was talking, back in the late 80s or 90s, about banning lawn mowers and barbecues because of air pollution concerns.
Glad your back Steve.
Remember how severe the pollution was in CA and many US cities back then? What changed? New technology in cars, catalytic converters?
I’m guessing both.
My old Toyota Tercel would routinely barely register on a smog test. It was a 1982. In the late 80s there were a lot of much older cars that had NO pollution control in their makeup, most of those are long gone now.
I think the ban talk in California was more recent than that unless there was a resurgence of it. Wood burning stoves, too.
The OBAMA EPA put major restrictions on wood burning stoves and even lawn mowers. That is why trying to replace the engine on my old mower would cost ~ $2000!!! (I got a NEW V-8 engine for my pickup with a carborator for $800)
The cost of Wood burning stoves skyrocketed too. In some towns they are completely banned along with fireplaces.
Yeah, nothing is banned here other than Illinois soft coal. A of us have fire pits in the back yard, too.
This is a memory from during the couple of years when I was there, so they were definitely talking about this back then. And yes, wood burning stoves and fireplaces too. I forgot about those until you reminded me.
So the blather continued, unchanged, after I left.
After I posted about the fire pits around here, it occurred to me that leaves and trash may not be burned in the county. Funny, in my neighborhood, a lot of houses were built before the depression and several still have the old fire pits for trash in the back yard. Our next door neighbor had one (my dad took it out for them) that was made with fire resistant ceramic brick. It was quite nice, actually. Now it is fill under our patio.
Yeah – don’t, I dunno, maybe fix the problem… just knee-jerk ban everything! If these idiots had been around in the 1800s we would never have made it to the industrial era.
Ironically, environment used to be defined as the conditions for optimal human flourishing. Progress was measured in terms of clean water, sewer systems, improved sanitation, elimination of vermin, public safety. Even getting the horses off the city streets meant that manure was less of a problem on human streets. Exhaust from automobiles was extremely minor compared to the daily ash of wood and coal fired stoves – one of the biggest environmental problems of any city being indoor air pollution.
But now environment is defined as the natural world distinct from human activity, and we’re off to the races with STUPID… changes to environmental codes that are BY INTENT not meant to improve human outcomes! Defended by their romanticized and fact-impervious notions of protecting “mother nature”…
Hey Steve, I sent you a msg on Gab btw
Gas engines are regulated in CA, just as cars are. Many times when shopping for a lawn mower, weed eater, generator, etc., California compliant is on the box. Or shopping online, some items are labeled CA compliant, other versions of same item may not be.
Sadly CA tree hugging crap effects the other states…increased costs.
Lead in was supposed to be… Small gas engines are also regulated in CA,….
There you are! I was wondering where you were – welcome back, my friend!
Thanks…Started posting again Tuesday (I think)
Are you planning to post more soon to flesh out why the puppet masters are Russia and China? Sure it could be but I’d like to see the connections.
Scott Adams is on a kick about Gen IV nuclear, which has no risk of meltdown and eats nuclear waste as fuel. It literally solves any energy problem.
Canada has already started building and our country is a little behind but Trump admin supports the idea. Which means, “Trump solves climate change” is a possible headline and hilarious to think about.
Adam’s has been on this kick for months, trying to flush out the problems, vet the issue.
He’s also been on a deep dive about “climate change” analyzing critically, both sides.
Gen IV nuclear. That is what Scott Adams is supporting… in a big way.
I have a few questions on the KGB tactics, and how much they utilize the way the human brain seems to operate, specifically on long and short term memory, confirmation bias, and the tendency for those with an emotional investment in a “truth” to refuse to entertain the idea that maybe the “truth” was a planted false narrative even in the face of overwhelming evidence that all is not what was reported.
How much research into all of this, and how visual images can be used to cement a “truth” happened long before moving pictures came into being let alone television. How fast do narratives need to be planted once the hackles are raised to get it to set in, ’cause once some narratives are implanted, they just will not go away.
Does telling people what they want to hear in relation to a narrative yield specific biases?
Do the tactics include Satan’s favorite, which is don’t mention him and people will forget he exists?
How does abstract thought, and the ability or not to actually be able to do this, play into the tactics.
I’m interested in this on a whole lot of levels with narratives that go back centuries. And I’m seeing it on chat boards everywhere despite constant reminders that we’re watching a production that may or may not be real, the emotional investment that does not allow for cold analysis or looking into the past.
Honestly, people are being played on all sides, IMO. And if these are KGB tactics, they are using human emotion against us.
“….And if these are KGB tactics, they are using human emotion against us…..”
As I said below the REAL Enemy is the Banksters (and Euopean Royals) They want their SERFS BACK! Marxism is nothing more that feudal serfdom dressed-up in new clothes so it is appealing to the ‘masses’
Now with that understanding AND OPERATION PAPERCLIP that brought in the NAZI scientists, you can see that MK Ultra is just the continuation of the NAZI’s experiments on humans.
Once you switch your point of view from Russia/Soviet Union/China vs the USA to
the Globalist Elite vs their would be serfs,
you can see the past recent history as nothing more than the Banksters and Euopean Royals aka the Globalist Elite trying different methods to destroy Human Freedom and institute slavery/serfdom again.
Try #1 was Communism and the Soviet Union.
Try #2 is the European Union.
French socialist and former WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy is quite blunt in stating national sovereignty is passe.
Lamy indicates that an European Union like super state is the goal.
This is what CAGW — Global warming is really all about. We have all seen the political message morph from Global Warming to Climate Change to Weather Weirding.
As H.L. Mencken said:
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed — and hence clamorous to be led to safety — by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.”
Original translation from Tygodnik TVP, a weekly magazine by Polish national TV:
A “masked” plan for Europe?
The *comments* to the article linked above are stellar.
For example:
Back to Pascal Lamy:
First Franklin D. Roosevelt was president from 1933 to 1945.
Second the Bretton Woods system was established in 1944. It was written by Communist spy, Harry Dexter White and Fabian Socialist John Maynard Keynes.
It set up the much hated IMF and and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Bank. IBRD is the original World Bank institution. Currencies were pegged to gold. The investment bank, NM Rothschild ‘chaired’ the meeting setting those gold prices daily for the last 200 years source
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) ===> World Trade Agreement the EU’s big brother.
“approach to international relations that questioned the Westphalian, sacrosanct principle of sovereignty” is in plain language, nations are sovereign and NOT vassal states of the United Nations.
The UK for example IS a vassal state of the EU. “Thanks to the primacy of EU law over national law. Thanks to the work of the European Court of Justice in ensuring enforcement and respect for the rule of law. And thanks to a clear articulation between the Commission, the Parliament, and the European Court of Justice.” — Pascal Lamy (He should know as he was high up in the EU before moving to the WTO.) *
For the purposes of this conversation, I am more interested in HOW it is being done, than who is doing it since in the end it is the same people at the top of the pyramid.
“…HOW it is being done…”
It is done by grabbing the children at a very early age. Here is a history of how it is done that I put together:
1894 — Dumbing Down America — John Dewey the Father of Modern Progressive Education (funded by John D.)
1920 — The Hand that Rocked the Cradle: A Critical Analysis of Rockefeller Philanthropic Funding, 1920-1960 The ‘New Progressive’ Child rearing practices taught mothers by doctors.
Feminism was a creation of the Rockefellers.
How The Rockefellers Re-Engineered Women
The Rockefeller Foundation Funded ‘Womens Lib’ For The Same Reason The CIA Funded ‘MS Magazine’
Not only was it about getting to tax the labor of women. Remember the Grace Commission report to Reagan noted that 100% of personal income tax goes to pay interest on the national debt, the lion’s share of which goes to the banking cartel that we know as the Federal Reserve. –(wwwDOT) Women’s Lib was about the government getting control and indoctrinating children FROM A VERY EARLY AGE!.
The next step was government control of DAYCARES!
That was what all the trumped up charges against Daycares was all about.
Problem -Reaction – Solution — Got to create the problem to get people to hand over more control of their lives. In this case control of your toddlers.
A Socialist’s point of view The History of Child Care in the U.S. by Sonya Michel, Ph.D., University of Maryland
“… When it comes to public provisions for children and families, the United States compares poorly with other advanced industrial nations such as France, Sweden, and Denmark….”
7 CFR 226.17 – Child care center provisions. | US Law |
(1) Child care centers must have Federal, State, or local licensing or approval to provide day care services to children…..
Scotland has taken it to the logical conclusion:
Every Child in Scotland to Be Supervised by State-Appointed Busybody
“…Scotland wants to treat all families as potentially abusive and appoint a “named person” (that is, a guardian) as soon as the child is born and up through age 18 to oversee the parenting. This “shadow parent” would be empowered by the government under the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act, which will take effect in 2016….”
References for the trumped up charges against Daycares
The Fells Acres Nightmare from Mark Pendergrast, Victims of Memory: Sex Abuse Accusations and Shattered Lives (2nd edition)
The “Little Rascals” ritual abuse case in Edenton, NC
“In the Little Rascals day-care-abuse case in North Carolina, one mother told reporters that it took 10 months before her child was able to “reveal” the molestation. No one at the time considered the idea that the child might have been remarkably courageous to persist in telling the truth for so long.” Carol Tavris
The Cases:
My interest is not on raising children, it is on how tactics work on otherwise rational adults when emotions are evoked. Kids are a different kettle of fish.
“…it is on how tactics work on otherwise rational adults when emotions are evoked.”
Then I suggest listening to Amazing Polly’s broadcast on the Unibomber. How the CIA Broke America:
She explains how they crippled this BRILLIANT kid @ Harvard… along with others.
I want to know how it is that very smart people who look at evidence based everything are STILL convinced that two planes flew into the World Trade Center and because of that the buildings fell. It has to be the emotional shock. THAT’s the level I’m after. It was mass psyops not on people who were in any special program.
Because I see it everywhere, even on this board.
If you want to know WHERE the ideas came from…
READ Ancient Spartan Communism | Mises Institute
Marx mentor, Ludwig von Westphalen, and therefore Marx would be very familiar with these ideas.
Ludwig, was the youngest son of Baron Christian Philip Heinrich von Westphalen the de facto “chief of staff” to Duke Ferdinand during the Seven Years’ War. His mother was the descendant of many Scottish and European noble families. So Ludwig (later Baron) was well connected to the European aristocracy.
The French Revolution lasted from 1789 until 1799. The Holy Roman Empire, after existing for a thousand years, was dissolved on 6 August 1806, after its defeat by Napoleon at the Battle of Austerlitz. The Napoleonic Wars involving most of Europe was from 1803 to 1815. Defeating Napoleon, the European aristocracy managed to hold onto their way of life by the skin of their teeth.
A year later in 1816 Ludwig von Westphalen was transferred to Trier where he met and befriended Heinrich Marx, the father of Karl Marx. Now why would a well connected nobleman befriend a Jewish businessman/lawyer?
Perhaps because Heinrich Marx, wife’s first cousin married Nathan Rothschild, founder of the British branch of the Rothschild banking dynasty?
It was Ludwig who first introduced Marx to socialist teachings.. Marx’s dissertation was dedicated to Ludwig. Remember Ludwig would have been familiar with the Classics and Plutarch’s account of Ancient Spartan Communism.
This is why I say ‘Communism’ is a YUGE scam designed by the European Royals and the European Banksters.
When The Russian Tzar prevented France and England from regaining their American colonies (the USA) after the Civil War, the European Royals decided to use Russia as their communist experiment and WIPE OUT HIS ENTIRE FAMILY into the bargain!
A bit about U.S. Civil War: The US-Russian Alliance that Saved the Union
“…How does abstract thought, and the ability or not to actually be able to do this, play into the tactics.
I’m interested in this on a whole lot of levels with narratives that go back centuries…..”
The ability to THINK was DELIBERATELY supressed by ‘Progressive Education’ The Father of Progressive Education, John Dewey was FUNDED BY J.D. Rockefeller IN 1892!!! So you can not blame the KGB since they did not EXIST in the 1890s.
Of Course the KGB then got into the act. (BTW Stalin tried John Dewey’s method of education, found it sucked
and killed it.
Here is a passage from the book, Willing Accomplices: How KGB Covert Influence Agents Created Political Correctness and Destroyed America by Kent Clizbe. He explains who and how the KGB influenced US education:
(I would send you to a URL but I do not think the book is on line.)
Remember that at the time Counts book were being read by Americans, The New York Times Urinalist Walter Duranty, a Liverpool-born Anglo-American, was covering for Stalin and denying the reports of the Uktainian genocide. His stories in NYT even played a central role in pressuring Franklin D. Roosevelt to acknowledge the Soviet Union government as Legit.
Mean while the one reporter who WAS reporting the true state of affairs in Russia was murdered…
See the playbook??
LIE published in the New York Times
LIE then used to bolster the ‘decision’ made by Bought and Paid for Politician FDR.
“Play on envy. Arouse jealousy.”
This is what I am after: the tactics.
Believe it or not, I have a degree in communications with an emphasis in marketing and public relations. I was taught how to influence public opinion in college, BUT we did not get into using memory or lack of it for or against any one message. Emotion, yes. But not memory.
As a cold thinker on things that don’t really directly effect me, I find it fascinating that emotional walls block out logic. I am interested in knowing how that is used.
You might want to look at how the brain works then.
In college I inadvertently did an experiment that may help.
I am both a scientist and and artist. In college I tried to take classes in both. My art teacher noted that it took AT LEAST AN HOUR before my brain flipped from the analytical side (needed for the science classes) to the creative side of my brain. I had a three hour Chemistry lab followed directly by a 3 hour life drawing class. I really had to struggle to ‘loosen-up’ before my drawing became ‘fluid.’
So I would say, once the emotions are engaged it is going to take a while (an hour) before the analytical side of the brain kicks in. This is why the Left uses School Shooting to push their anti-second amendment agenda. People are FEELING and not THINKING so their propaganda is not looked at critically.
On a different note, I hated history in school and took very little. I think this helps me see real history more clearly since I am not invested in the ideas most learn in school.
I liked history too much to take it in school, because I understood the same thing you do.
Funtastic is an understatement. Great review of the week, with laughs at every turn.
Thanks so much!
Agreed, Kalbo – I thoroughly enjoyed the week in review as well. Thanks, FG&C – brilliant!
Mr you put a crap ton of work into these…but dey is suh-weet!
I didnt see that on flynn/rogers…..whatttttt!!!!
And a musical interlude to boot.
Ive got a soundtrack in my head if we ever do get the 100s of arrests.
Ive had this song in my head a while now….its very WWG1WGA for 2020. Going home….back to our founding principles, to the heart of what makes our country great, but forward with the leader we need for the times we are in.
The Countdown Has Begun
9 Feb 2019 – 9:54:04 PM
-Blockade removal [‘Scaramucci’ model]
-[RR] removal [Goodbye #2 [#1 _ oversight of Mueller]
-[Ohr] removal
-[1-4] removal
-Barr install
-Barr (w/ Whitaker) review [RR] notes re: strong reservations to DECLAS due to sources & methods + Foreign CLAS (irreparable harm) > OIG review prior to executing order
-Barr (w/ Whitaker) pull DECLAS review assignment from OIG [cite: executive order from POTUS does not require special oversight – DOJ/FBI (Wray) fully capable in reviewing and commenting re: OP integrity (sources & methods) etc.]
-Barr executes order to DECLAS + provide members of H committee long requested supplemental documentation in C setting [scope memo + CLAS] as required by US Law.
-Whitaker remain DOJ senior staff
-Barr meeting Huber & OIG
-OIG report
-House D’s threaten subpoena of Barr/Whitaker re: DECLAS, SC report, Huber, etc….
-House D’s use subpoena power to ……………………Acts 1, 2, and 3. [spill +30]
-Meeting w/ NK > DENUC plan/process > sanctions lift meets subj A, B food for people (aid)
UK/AUS narrative shift re: in_country spy campaign v. POTUS (hops 1 to 2; 2 to 3; 3 to 4; 4 to target)
-D sky is falling push to public (scare to control)(projection)
-Public Awakening
-Narrative damage control
-Placeholders active
-Wall discussion end (public awareness of D’s)
-Red/Green Castle per orig plan
Dark to Light.
05/10/2019 [-90]
Wow…it’s like that Q guy is some sort of prophet, or something.

Out with nike and sure as heck out with any cuck taylors. Crap shoes anyways!
I feel so sorry for these people, especially that little kid. They are sick and are being used. Very sad stuff. Shame on Converse for pandering to the LGBTQ community.
This is despicable.
I hope it bites them in the A$$.
Is anybody else having trouble with the internet? Suddenly I can barely load pages and downloading podcasts is at dialup speeds or less.
I’m baffled.
I had a lot of issues last week but mine are long term. Couldnt get wifi to stay connected and i have 2 extenders. Two! Seems better. Radio reception in my house is fairly poor also but has improved in the car where it was barely connected. Fluctuations among all the tech sites right? Lots of wonkiness seems par.
I use extenders in Myrtle Beach cottage… seems to drop out for no known reason… *sighs
Here at the cabin my lounge chair is almost on top of the router..
Others have been complaining about various internet and WP problems, too. Don’t know if there’s any connection or not.
Lost wifi and internet for 5 hours yesterday, error said I was connected to the system but no internet..texted my son at work and he said there systems were down and customers were saying they were down also.this is the 2nd outage in the past couple of months.Q did warn that outages would happen. I also noticed that we now have a new 5g connection added to our list in settings ,it’s also active and connected.
pgroup – I had trouble connecting this afternoon – kept telling me I had no connection, when everything seemed fine with the equipment, etc. Things up and running this evening however. Matrix???
I fought with my wi-fi all morning yesterday. I couldn’t connect, or it would drop out, I had to keep resetting it.
Same here….western SC location….and not can’t get my wireless printer to work because of lost connection. Grrr
Hi there Teagan!! Great to see you!! I heard you were here!!! Welcome Welcome!!
I’ve had a LOT of trouble with YouTube – esp. preceding the Rally on Wednesday. I thought it was my older computer.
I haven’t had trouble with this site, or three different routers and systems this week other than high traffic hours. The issues might be local, especially if there is wet weather involved. My techie friends tell me that makes a big difference. That and high winds.
FG&C wow, what an exhilarating ride!!! You put a ton of work into that and it was so much fun I feel like I just got off a roller coaster! Thanks, great way to start the weekend.
“deplorable Wolf den-izens” heh, heh, heh
Goodness, FGandC! What a wrap-up!
Going to take me all day to savor the juicy tidbits, and it’s only Friday, early, early AM. Who knows what will happen today?
For everyone’s reading pleasure – I’m working my way through it now, Jeff Carlson did an analysis of Rosenstein’s farewell ceremony. Lot of support for some of Q-Treepers own observations yesterday. Wanted to make note of the fact that his ceremony was held in the “Great Hall” – as Barr said, not usually done for a Deputy AG.
Here is the thread. Lots of sage observations by Jeff.
Then there is this particular notation, and I know we all have POTUS’ Inaugural address imprinted in our hearts and minds. Rosenstein referenced it specifically in his resignation letter to our dear President. Oh, and of course, their shared laughter in their “private conversations.”
Thread roll:
Although a minority opinion on QTH, RR appears to have been a straight shooter, which means he was objectively pro-Trump because the facts were pro-Trump.
# 28 from Carlson is interesting, regarding RR’s signing of the FISA application. Many people watched RR’s testimony on the issue and concluded he was lying or was guilty of something. These types of opinions are mostly subjective, but it looked to me like RR was behaving like an innocent man who was genuinely angry at being falsely (if implicitly) accused of wrong-doing.
RR got a LOT of effusive praise from Trump/Barr (as well as Sessions), and his going-away ceremony was specifically intended to single him out for favorable recognition.
This is a very interesting article from a suspect source. It addresses VSG’s comment that RR was from Maryland (implying a Demokkkrat bias). A fellow prosecutor is quoted (FWIW) as saying that RR is a “rock-ribbed Republican.”
There are several intriguing aspects to the article, circumstances which are ambiguous, where there might be and apparently is more factual background which would change the way they are interpreted.
But I keep coming back to RR’s brilliantly written and 100% ironical memo in support of firing Comey, about Comey’s indisputable ethical violation in publicly revealing details of the Hillary investigation.
ONLY a straight-shooting, legally brilliant and singularly dedicated prosecutor could have written the memo. Prosecutors traditionally have violated the rule for self-serving reasons (fame and political gain), but in the modern symbiotic/parasitic relationship between prosecutors and the media, such ethical violations have become part of our daily entertainment expectations.
The facts were pro-Trump, and RR followed the facts.
The “favor” and “high” ceremony we witnessed regarding Rosenstein’s farewell reminds me of when a Knight of old acted with valor and did something extraordinary for the King – that Knight would be singled out for “favor” and praise by the Royal.
Funny, for all RR’s solemn expressions – deadpan – he has a very warm smile and lights up when he isn’t being deadpan. Cute how Barr was able to take everyone’s critique of RR (Barr’s press conference) and make a good joke about it. Nothing got past those guys. Note also RR’s reference to the same AG Robert Jackson, ie. regarding the responsibility and integrity of the highest law office of the land.
We should be reassured by what we witnessed.
Think you’re right Lady P.
Hoping we were all wrong about RR.
Important to note, can’t make assumptions on what we do not know.
Right. But I’ve been taking what I do see, and the interactions between people we believe in… and RR comes up as a “good” guy – or at least one who played some important part. POTUS has gotten rid of anyone who was injurious to himself – and I believe RR would have been gone long ago.
Mueller being as “dirty” as he appears to be – now that’s a disappointment. Not because of DC, but that he could have been so corrupted to throw away all sense of ethics and adherence to the Law. He started with a premise and was hell bent on proving it – despite the fact that it was knowingly false. Dirty prosecutors should be prosecuted. Herr Mueller, and his gang.
Thanks Tonawanda, yes I’m one of the minority (?) RR has performed a duty here. May not be recognised for a while but I see him as a good guy. Could you imagine the pressure? A lot of what I’ve seen shows him to be a good person with humour and integrity…I choose not to believe the hype created about the wire wearing (context is everything) and the FISA signing has proven to be either 1. something that is supposed to be vetted before his level and no need to question or 2. Part of the set up to catch the FISA applicants been dodgy.
Barr obviously thinks highly and I really like Barr.
That photo joking with Sessions, another snapshot of a genuine moment sharing a joke (private joke?)
I’ve never swayed from Sessions and RR being part of the sting and plan.
Forever the optimist, Q, the plan, the players…I’m enjoying the show!
RR admitted to suggesting he tape Trump, but said his suggestion was a “joke”.
The same day RR made that suggestion, VSG sent out his famous tweet that Comey better hope that VSG did not tape their conversations.
I speculate that this was not a coincidence, that both RR and VSG were on the same page and having a “joke” between them, whatever the specific facts were. Either RR’s “tape” remark was planned, or he told VSG about it.
Either way, VSG with his wry sense of humor knew Comey and the others would be aware of RR’s offer and was making fun of them about it.
Personally, I think that was said with more sarcasm than humor – as if to say “are you REALLY that stupid?”. JMO
The day I order up a fresh platter of crow, may be nearing.
Perfectly OK with it.
I really want these guys DOJ, FBI, IC to be honest Americans serving the Constitution. We know so many are not.
We’ll know soon. Just wish I knew the definition of “Soon”, in this story line.
Kalbo, I don’t know the day for when “Soon” arrives, but be of good cheer – the pictures showing incredible warmth between several of our players affirms, for me, that these guys are on the same page. Remember RR at the Easter Egg roll with his daughter – Kellyanne Conway was chatting with her, and RR was the beaming proud father. Remember Rudy G and his laughing interaction with RR (last year) at some WH event. Then we see how Barr treated Rosenstein.
Barr doesn’t suffer fools. Period.
Notice no one is shaking Mueller’s hand. In fact, it’s come out, waiting for full confirmation, but Mueller used Fusion and Christopher Steel as sources in his “investigation.” Not only that cvonsider that Mueller used 19 anti-Trump prosecutors – who, ethically and morally does something like that – and then has the nerve to think we won’t believe Mueller’s work product, the Mueller Report, is tainted.
Mueller’s name can live in infamy.
I have not changed my opinion of RR since the beginning. I think he is an actual by-the-book honest man.
I think he may have been “used” very early on, by people who were dishonest. And when he caught on, he was pissed.
“True believers” in an institution or organization are sometimes not suspicious enough of others in the group. They hold the organization in such high regard that they can’t believe others would not.
It happened to me years ago, with the Boy Scouts, and I got burned, bigly. But in the end, I won.
I think, in the eyes of history, RR will be judged as a good man. But that’s just me, being my optimistic Q-self.
I think Carlson’s thread is a must read today.
In fact, Treepers will find several revealing and helpful tidbits, including discussion about RR’s wife. Here is one about Uranium 1. This is going to be a good day folks…
Holy Kamoly, FG&C – you just surpassed the esteemed JoeDan and his Frogleg Productions in your ability to compile a rabble-rousing, extremely entertaining lallapalooza of this week’s (mis)adventures, exposes & all ’round hilarity. I LOVE this Friday addition/edition to the amazing talent Wolf has cultivated here in the Den of Query, Quotables and all things Q.

It is fascinating to see Flep’s daily news and your weekly roundup. Rarely do you touch on similar selections, yet both offer a wealth of events and interests that provoke thought, generate laughs, and keep us upbeat about the incredible patriots fighting to save our country.
How can anyone ( *cough* SD *cough*) see these videos of The Two Mikes and deny that Q not only exists, but is a top tier patriot who has successfully engaged the interest of so many youthful KEKS who are vital to our future?
After watching today’s ceremony for Rosenstein, seeing these Two Mikes videos, and knowing AG Barr is a White Hat, I am uplifted, indeed.
Letting Trump be Trump (and praying for him daily) is the best decision we could have made. He has proven time & again that his legacy will be Promises Made; Promises Kept
Thank you FG&C for being part of the A-Team
The Friday thread is a joy to read. Thank you, FG&C, well done!
Thought I would put this here,very interesting article on the high rate of suicides within the DOD .there are no longer psychological tests done to make sure there are no mental issues.really dumb here’s the link .
Awesome job, FG&C!!!
What a revelation listening to Gen. Flynn’s speech as a possible reference to citizen crowdsourcing and/or citizen intel agents (?!) Q Anon. Are some of us ‘deputized’ and official? What a thought!
Your Week’s Wrap covered it all and you made it entertaining and funny.
Reminds me of perhaps the first TV show to make fun of politics and the news in 1962-3 – “That Was The Week That Was.” – a British show starring David Frost.
They tried an American version, but it wasn’t as good, even with big name stars.
It was a precursor to Saturday Night Live, but even SNL didn’t have the sophistication and finesse of TW3.
There is something about British wit and language mastery that can’t be duplicated in the US. But, the Brits can’t be free-wheeling as Americans, especially now that they are under Sharia Blasphemy Laws.
We will be looking forward to your Funtastic Friday Weekly Wraps!
There was a US version of TW3. My parents used to watch it regularly:
‘An American version was on NBC, initially as a pilot episode on 10 November 1963, then as a series from 10 January 1964 to May 1965.[15] The pilot featured Henry Fonda and Henry Morgan, guests Mike Nichols and Elaine May, and supporting performers including Gene Hackman. The recurring cast included Frost, Morgan, Buck Henry and Alan Alda, with Nancy Ames singing the opening song and Stanley Grover and Ames performing solos and duets; regular contributors included Gloria Steinem, William F. Brown, Tom Lehrer and Calvin Trillin.[16] The announcer was Jerry Damon. Also a guest was Woody Allen, performing stand-up comedy; the guest star on the final broadcast was Steve Allen. A running gag was a mock feud with Jack Paar, whose own programme followed TW3 on the NBC Friday schedule; Paar repeatedly referred to TW3 as “Henry Morgan’s Amateur Hour”.’
Tom Lehrer ( the math professor/satirical songwriter ) wrote many songs, for both versions of TW³ IIRC… “National Brotherhood Week” should be required listening… and his “Sociology” (to the tune of “Choreography” from “White Christmas”) is a brilliant jab at the “soft sciences” (from a hard scientist and mathematician). Climastrology, anyone?
Indeed. Thank you very much.
I know many centrist and leftist engineers — along with their wives — who greatly appreciate vintage Tom Lehrer.
He has a YouTube channel, because of the resurgence of folks watching his stuff, and eventually compiled a DVD/CD combo “album” with a lot of his greatest hits. His intros are as funny as the songs. And to think society (and the Overton window) has moved so far to the left that Lehrer (“teacher” in German) is relatively conservative now…
) computer engineer/musician who likes Tom Lehrer, both musically and lyrically, even though some of his views are to the libtard side…]
“Once the rockets go up, who cares where they come down? That’s not my department,” says Wernher von Braun… Good to know that von Braun became a Christian, as well as helping the USA…
[And here’s a rightist (I guess here I’m a radical right-wing
‘He has a YouTube channel’. Good for him.
Thank you, CC, for the info.
Apparently, the UK had a part to play in Lehrer’s popularity. Your mileage might differ
‘Lehrer had a breakthrough in the United Kingdom on 4 December 1957, when the University of London awarded a doctor of music degree honoris causa to Princess Margaret, and the public orator, Professor J. R. Sutherland, said it was “in the full knowledge that the Princess is a connoisseur of music and a performer of skill and distinction, her taste being catholic, ranging from Mozart to the calypso and from opera to the songs of Miss Beatrice Lillie and Tom Lehrer.”[26] This prompted significant interest in Lehrer’s works and helped to secure distributors for his material in Britain. It was there that his music achieved real popularity, as a result of the proliferation of university newspapers referring to the material, and the willingness of the BBC to play his songs on the radio, something that was a rarity in the United States. By the end of the 1950s, Lehrer had sold 370,000 records.[2]’
Not forgetting “Tomfoolery”, “An Evening Wasted With Tom Lehrer”, “Another Evening Wasted With Tom Lehrer”, and “That Was The Year That Was”
Now I’ve got TW3’s tune going through my head…
TW3 is renting real estate in your brain.
DACA should be gone…and hopefully WILL BE gone when SCOTUS gets to it…then what happens Dems?
A bill that would allow so-called ‘Dreamers’ to work as staffers or interns in Congress has been advanced through a party-line vote by the House Appropriations Committee.
The legislative branch appropriations bill will now advance to the House floor in June. It overrides current provisions, added within annual appropriations bills, barring non-citizens from working in the federal government.
Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA), a co-sponsor of the bill, celebrated its passage as a means to allow Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients to “contribute to our great democracy.”
You know, something they could already be doing if they took the time to become legal immigrants.
Remember it is the STAFFERS who really run congress. Once in place they go from Congress critter to congress critter as different
puppetspoliticians are elected so THEY are the true face of our legislative branch of government. Remember SD keeps saying Congress does not write laws. So WHO TELLS the congress critters what is in the laws and how to vote? STAFFERS!!! This is why AG Barr was to be questioned by STAFFERS and not thepuppetspoliticians.Therefore this bill WILL TURN OVER THE USA GOVERNMENT TO ILLEGALS!!!
since this is still during our “free time” according to our data plan (satellite internet) I can read and enjoy all your awesome efforts, but all the gifs continuously running on the page eat up the data otherwise…so I will be back tomorrow!
Yes, I’m also on satellite with small amount of data during day and massive amount during the hours most people are sleep….fortunately I am an early riser and take advantage of the 4am-7am period when I can…or when I wake up for that 1am walk to the out house with torch which has me up and thinking by the time I get back…what’s going on over there in Trump land?
After CNN’s ridiculous memorialization of the anniversary of Comey’s firing, President Trump immediately slapped him/them down.
I love a President who punches back….ten times as hard.
Then, before signing off, the President sent a warning to House Republicans….and Congress: “I’m not signing a bad bill!”
President Trump did not bother to refute Comey’s repeat of the Democrat propaganda line.
QTreepers – I have a feeling today is going to be a DOOZY!
Just a random thought after following this link on Drudge which pans Diane Keaton’s latest movie:
To me the Godfather movies are ALMOST perfect. The one glaring blot is Diane Keaton, who is a very bad actress generally, but was especially bad in Godfather.
“Oh, Michael. Michael, you are blind. It wasn’t a miscarriage. It was an abortion. An abortion, Michael. Just like our marriage is an abortion. Something that’s unholy and evil. I didn’t want your son, Michael! I wouldn’t bring another one of your sons into this world! It was an abortion, Michael! It was a son! A son! And I had it killed because this must all end!” Keaton’s delivery here was LOL bad, but just an example.
The Godfather Epic, where Coppola edited the movies in chronological sequence and included many GREAT out-takes, was just as good or better than the originals, yet Coppola refuses to permit this version to be put on DVD. I used to watch all nine hours on Labor Day, and wore out my VHS tapes.
The movies are a LOT better than the books, but capture the books beautifully. The books are not well written, and are made worse by pointless sex scenes, yet they DO tell the essence of a great story, which the movies did wonderful justice to.
Godfather is one of my top favorite movies, probably number 1, and then Shawshank Redemption, and An Affair to Remember.
Sorry, I don’t know how to do this correctly but look at what President Trump just tweeted!!!
Donald J. Trump TWEETS Verified account
@realDonaldTrump 11m 11 minutes ago
Tariffs will bring in FAR MORE wealth to our Country than even a phenomenal deal of the traditional kind. Also, much easier & quicker to do. Our Farmers will do better, faster, and starving nations can now be helped. Waivers on some products will be granted, or go to new source!
….If we bought 15 Billion Dollars of Agriculture from our Farmers, far more than China buys now, we would have more than 85 Billion Dollars left over for new Infrastructure, Healthcare, or anything else. China would greatly slow down, and we would automatically speed up!
7:22 AM – 10 May 2019
OMGoodness! What does this tell you? Comey PROJECTING blatantly, and hate-casting on RR:
This will boomerang on Comey – big time!
And the unsealing of the indictments begins. I get the idea we’re going to see a lot of this in the coming weeks. A lot of names we do not know, and a lot of stories the legacy media will refuse to pick up.
Department of Justice
Office of Public Affairs
Thursday, May 9, 2019
Former Intelligence Analyst Charged with Disclosing Classified Information
An indictment was unsealed today charging a former intelligence analyst with illegally obtaining classified national defense information and disclosing it to a reporter. Daniel Everette Hale, 31, of Nashville, Tennessee, was arrested this morning and will make his initial appearance today at the federal courthouse in Nashville. Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers, U.S. Attorney G. Zachary Terwilliger for the Eastern District of Virginia and Acting Special Agent in Charge Jennifer L. Moore of the FBI’s Baltimore Field Office made the announcement after the charges were unsealed.
According to the indictment, Hale was enlisted in the U.S. Air Force from July 2009 to July 2013, during which time he received language and intelligence training. While serving on active duty, Hale was assigned to work at the National Security Agency (NSA) and deployed to Afghanistan as an intelligence analyst. After leaving the U.S. Air Force, Hale was employed by a defense contractor and assigned to the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), where he worked as a political geography analyst between December 2013 and August 2014. In connection with his active duty service and work for the NSA, and during his time at NGA, Hale held a Top Secret//Sensitive Compartmented Information (TS//SCI) security clearance and was entrusted with access to classified national defense information.
According to allegations in the indictment, beginning in April 2013, while enlisted in the U.S. Air Force and assigned to the NSA, Hale began communicating with a reporter. Hale met with the reporter in person on multiple occasions, and, at times, communicated with the reporter via an encrypted messaging platform. Then, in February 2014, while working as a cleared defense contractor at NGA, Hale printed six classified documents unrelated to his work at NGA and soon after exchanged a series of messages with the reporter. Each of the six documents printed were later published by the reporter’s news outlet.
According to allegations in the indictment, while employed as a cleared defense contractor for NGA, Hale printed from his Top Secret computer 36 documents, including 23 documents unrelated to his work at NGA. Of the 23 documents unrelated to his work at NGA, Hale provided at least 17 to the reporter and/or the reporter’s online news outlet, which published the documents in whole or in part. Eleven of the published documents were classified as Top Secret or Secret and marked as such.
Here is what I want to know: WHICH contractor? “….was employed by a defense contractor….” – we see that throughout and yet, no ID on the contractor? Really?
OK – found it: “…working for defense contractor Leidos at the NGA…”
I disagree here. Unless these bills are actually voted down somewhere in the Senate, if by some chance the Dems were to retake the upper chamber, they can be resurrected at a later date. It’s a long term strategy, actually, that is risky, but the Dems don’t have much of a choice if their backs are really against a wall with predators closing in.
They’re weeds planting seeds …

I sure hope the good guys are paying attention ..
“… the dems passing bills…”
Those bills DIE on January 1st of the next year. THEY ARE FOR SHOW ONLY.
So something came up OT and it has left me feeling really ambivalent… It may not seem a huge issue,, but it sure left me thinking… School lunches. Some schools have apparently implemented programs to give all students free lunch… to avoid lunch shaming poor students… There were also programs set up where poor students were able to have a cold sandwich, but that wasn’t good enough… Kids need food, but isn’t this just another step towards a nanny state? What is wrong with taking a sandwich to school? Like a pb and J? Where are the parents that they cannot get their kids a lunch? I guess I am jaded because I have read and seen abuses of the snap program.
On the other hand, I do feel bad for kids that have family issues… it isn’t their fault…. *sighs… MIni rant over.
The school districts wants to be able to dip into federal money and that’s the bottom line. Both of my kids have free lunch at school but they want me to fill out the free lunch application. The money for the programs is paid for by Texas Agriculture Department, but if the person qualifies for free lunches they get federal money too. The application is part of the required documents for the child to attend school.
And what about parents who don’t want their kids eating what the schools are serving?
When I was little, we brought lunch from home. Nothing at all wrong with that, school lunch was rare.
The nun who ran the school where we went didn’t allow that. And what they served was AWFUL. We had to take lunches later in life, and to this day I will not eat a ham sandwich ever again.
I went to a regular public school.. You could have “hot lunch” which cost a little bit, or most kids just bought a milk carton and had a sandwich. We bought hot lunch the day they served hamburgers, it was a great treat.
Surely varies across school districts and states.
Local school district Lyon County, NV which Grandsons attend. As best I can tell, no stigma on kids receiving subsidized or free lunches. They enter the PIN or have cash in the lunch line and they are OK’d to eat. Kids with subsidized or free lunches are not singled out. Parents financially able, either send the kids to school with cash or pay in advance the office (cash, check, credit card) or pay online with CC/debit.
Also understand there are PB&J or something simple for kids without the above. In this case, shame on the parents for not looking out for their kids…either have the money for lunch or arrange subsidized/free meals. 100% not rocket science.
FG&C, love your “monologue.” You have me thinking and giggling even though I off to have another nasty diagnostic test today.
I just love wqth.
Be brave, PJ! We will be with you, prayers and best wishes – that everyone who cares for you will be loving, kind, careful, exact. Blessings and peace!
we love you back Jane…
Praying all goes well for you today…
Thank youbunches GA/FL. I truly appreciate it.
So many things have have been brewing with me and then manifested nearly all at once, I feel like I’m on a horror merry-go-round in HC’s mind. Yikes. I never went to doctors except to get my prescription for blood test and NSAID scripts.
God bless you Plain Jane ….
TY. And you also Nikkichico.

…. seriously AWESOME 

… great post, thank you I enjoyed all the memes …. 

5/9/19 – 2 year military border mission –
5/9/19 – Arizona Native Americans resist wall – chief says: over my dead body –
5/9/19 – CHP surveys public re: 78 miles of wall contracts –
5/9/19 – Wall contract rescinded – Fisher Industries files complaint – some contractors wrongly excluded – possiblility other contracts to be rescinded –
5/5/19 – 5/5/19 – Funding in place for 256 miles of wall – wall is currently being built at rate of 1/2 mile per day and that will increase says Defense Secretary Pat Shanahan told Congress
Day 6 – Will Chamberlain and Raheem Kassam, the young owners of newly-resurrected Human Events have not retracted their false statement that President Trump had not built one mile of new border wall by 4/30/19 (based on Coulter’s lie) I have received no response so far.
These guys are talented writers and thinkers, but associating with Mike Cernovich (on Chamberlain’s twitter) and collaborating with Ann Coulter are IMO unwise choices for their credibility and longterm success.
Email: *
Twitter: *, *
Tweets by RaheemKassam
Correction – That’s Day 5 since I wrote Human Events and Day 10 since their 4/30/19 false statement was published in their inaugural article.
thank you so much for tracking the construction and bringing updates to us… such uplifting information…
much needed with all the news of record numbers crossing…
appreciate all that you do…
There is some interesting information on contracts for surveillance towers on the border in the article about the Native Americans – contractor is an American company offshoot of Israeli company – so it’s Israeli technology.
here’s excerpt on Towers contractor …
The towers could be installed as soon as October, Hernandez said. The Border Patrol has a $145-million contract with Elbit Systems of America, the Fort Worth-based subsidiary of an Israeli company that manufacture towers used in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. Juan and other tribal activists traveled to Israel two years ago to see the Elbit towers; they heard Palestinians’ concerns and still worry about their effect, even though the Border Patrol’s study said that “any adverse effects on human health would be negligible.”
Comment from yours truly: Mexico does not recognize the tribal nation’s boundaries within Mexico. That is not the fault of the US Gov’t. One can negotiate all day with Mexico, but bottom line is the Drug Cartels OWN the Mexican Gov’t… (and probably own a good many in the US Congress! !). Native Americans cannot reasonably blame the US Gov’t if a physical barrier (i.e. a wall) would cut off part of their nation.
And here’s a article dated back in 2014, quoting NO NAME… amazing that the contract was awarded back then and NOTHING’S been done before now. I recognize there has been resistance from Native Americans, but come on… FIVE YEARS ????? Maybe there’s another problem here ? (Bare with me… there is… perhaps the contractor Elbit Towers ?)
Now we go to the Comment Section, and first comment suggests damage to Saguaro:
There are between 25,000 and 34,000 Tohono O’odham. About 10,000 live on Tohono O’odham national land. Of that 10,000 between 1800 and 2000 live in Mexico. Tohono O’odham have built a wall in Mexico around their land that is constantly torn down by both the cartels and the Mexican govt. Verlon Jose is a reasonable man who is charged by his people to keep the land sacred. This also means keeping smugglers, drug runners and cartels off the land. Border Patrol, today, ride with tribal police (and vise versa). All gates are locked for car traffic but Tohono O’odham peoples have id badges that can open the gates or that they can show authorities. Oh, and the Saguaro are sacred to all of us Arizonans. Under the Native Plants Act it is illegal to cut down or damage a Saguaro; the charge is criminal damage to private property (all land in Az belongs to some entity–an individual, a city, county, state or nation). And although that sounds like a small fine it can be the cost of replacement (at $2500/ft it adds up quickly) and it can be jail time. Saguaro are so valued people who move from their property sometimes take them with them…$250-500/ft to move and you must get permission from the state. Skeletal (dead cactus) remains are not removed because it affects the fragile environment so even dead saguaro have purpose (they are homes to lizards and birds both when dead and alive). So the contractor mentioned in the article actual was in big trouble with both governments.
Found this article on Elbit Systems…
Snip… “Elbit Systems of America has operated dozens of towers along the border in Arizona since 2015 under a $145 million contract with U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reported. The Texas company is a U.S. subsidiary of Israeli defense contractor Elbit Systems.
The 80- to 120-foot (24- to 37-meter) towers are equipped with radar sensors and cameras to detect motion along 200 miles (320 kilometers) of the Arizona border. The monitoring is used as an early warning system so that a Border Patrol agent can be dispatched, if needed.
“They’re able to determine, are individuals carrying backpacks, which might be an indication of drug loads, or are they carrying weapons, which might indicate a higher level of threat,” said Gordon Kesting, the Texas contractor’s vice president of homeland security.”
As the article says “Towers can’t interdict or make arrests.”
My first thought, being the suspicious sort, was to wonder if the tribes or their leaders profit in any way from cartel smuggling on their land???
Of course they do. The Cartels paid for people to look the other way and that would INCLUDE TRIBAL POLICE.
FG&C shifted Friday’s thread into overdrive and is having way too much fun. Holy Moses what a week!

, or cocktails and QTree
. Hopefully both.
My lil update: I’ve been so busy so I’m mainly in lurk mode now. It’s all I can do to scan through and half-ass keep up but I still love this tree.
Driller-son has finished a year at Ravencrest bible school in Estes Park so we’re headed up there for the weekend to see that and have a getaway. His grandmother (aka Honorable Mother) flew in from Spokane so that’s cool and he met a girl so drillerwife is all excited to meet her and everything
Plan on some good coffee and QTree time this weekend
Congrats to Driller-son………
have a wonderful getaway and we’ll keep a light on for you here at the treehouse…
Congrats to all the Driller family!! Thanks for popping in! We all have been missing you! Be sure to give Drillerwife a great big ole Hug from me!!!

Thanks Marica! We made it up here. Dropped Honorable Mother off for a massage, took drillerdog to the dog park for a much needed energy burn and just about to have lunch with son and new gf. Its nice up here
Hope y’all are having a great time! (good to see you back here).

Was it this dog park?
yep, that one
So glad you made it safe and sound!!! Tell you son the Q tree is very proud of him!!!

Chicago Cubs fan banned for making OK sign behind sportscaster’s back:
I saw this link on a British site. People there were bemused: ‘Since when is the OK sign racist?’
It is bemusing, especially when one reads the end of the article:
‘It is unclear how the inverted ‘OK’ gesture became associated with “white power”.
‘The symbol apparently began as an online hoax before it was adopted by far-right sympathisers and even some Trump supporters to goad liberals.
‘In September, a US Coast Guard employee was removed from duty after he was seen apparently making the sign while his colleague was on air with MSNBC News.’
It was okay, then it was the Illuminati sign. Then It was a gang sign, then basketball players started using it for 3 point shots. I’m confused of when it became a white power thing but I’m sure the MSM has it all figured out. lol
Thank you, Zoo.
I remember the ‘racist’ hoax appeared on one of the two chans first.
They were trying to shape a fake narrative as a joke. Well, they certainly succeeded, hoisted by their own petard.
My message to the chans is — yeah, as if they will ever see this comment — beware of the consequences of your ‘hoaxes’. You create them. We live with the consequences.
A heretofore harmless hand sign that is probably two millenia old is now gone thanks to their warped sense of humour.
I read that Patrick ‘The Prisoner’ McGoohan researched the OK hand sign and found it was used as a secret signal among persecuted Christians to signal their brotherhood (and sisterhood). It is rumoured he used the sign on The Prisoner for that very reason. He was a devout Catholic.
Good grief.
Then again there is this.
In 1981, there was a Trumps Hamburgers restaurant in Oxford Street.
***No relation***, but still interesting (see at 1:07 mark):
The fellow in the top picture, on the left, reminds me of Pat Paulson from the Smothers Brothers Comedy show…
Pat Paulsen. Now we’re going back …
Yet another unsuccessful Dem presidential candidate for the primary in New Hampster (sic, my mother’s term for the state) off and on between 1968 and 1996.
Schiffy’s wishful thinking was on MSNBC last night. Get a load of this:
REP. ADAM SCHIFF (D-CA): You know, the remedies that we have are the same as the Judiciary Committee and the same as the Ways And Means Committee. They’re violating the statute, we can enforce it in court but that takes time.
That really doesn’t necessarily change in an impeachment proceeding where they can fight us likewise but there is another remedy that I think we really need to consider that maybe even quicker than an impeachment proceeding or the court proceeding and that is reviving Congress’ inherent power of contempt, something we utilize up until the 1930s where we in effect do our own judicial proceeding in the Congress, have a little mini-trial in the Congress and hold people in contempt and responsible and compel their production without even going to court. Now, it used to be we imprisoned people but we could also fine them $25,000 a day until they comply or some other number. That may be an even swifter remedy if we need to embark on it and we may have to.
“Congress’ inherent power of contempt, something we utilize up until the 1930s where we in effect do our own judicial proceeding in the Congress, have a little mini-trial in the Congress and hold people in contempt and responsible and compel their production without even going to court. ….That may be an even swifter remedy if we need to embark on it and we may have to.”
Double dog dare you.
Sylvia, we’re gonna need a bigger shovel
Maybe this one? …

When I read the news of Democrats targeting Donald Trump Jr’s kids for their financial records, I got to wondering how far down into their bag of dirty tricks Democrats might dig in their sick and desperate obsession with taking down President Trump.
I started thinking about how State child protective services can be used as a political weapon.
I remembered reading in “This Present Darknesss” by Frank Peretti of State child protective services taking custody of the children in a Christian family by using false allegations of abuse. It was a central part of the books plot. The State CPS rained terror onto the family.
Basically, the way a majority of child welfare/child protective services are set up makes them wide open for misuse.
It would seem like a far-fetched scenario for this to happen to Conservative leaders were it not for the recent track record of Democrats taking the ‘by any means necessary’ approach. What happened during the Bret Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation process is a prime example of their abuse of power.
Chinese company sells Hamley’s to India’s richest man:
Now if he’d just buy that ceramic barbecue company, we’d have
(wait for it
Green Eggs and Hamleys…
(gets me coat…).
WordPress seems to have swallowed up my first attemp at posting this:
When I read the news of Democrats targeting Donald Trump Jr’s kids for their financial records, I got to wondering how far down into their bag of dirty tricks Democrats might dig in their sick obsession with taking down President Trump.
I started thinking about how State child protective services can be used as a political weapon.
I remembered reading in “This Present Darknesss” by Frank Peretti of State child protective services taking custody of the children in a Christian family by using false allegations of abuse. It was a central part of the books plot. The State CPS rained terror onto the family.
Basically, the way a majority of child welfare/child protective services are set up makes them wide open for misuse.
It would seem like a far-fetched scenario for this to happen to Conservative leaders were it not for the recent track record of Democrats taking the ‘by any means necessary’ approach. What happened during the Bret Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation process is a prime example of their abuse of power.
Yes it’s a problem
One would think, “mailing white powder” to the wife and kids might be a red line crossed.
Good point. I had forgotten about how bad that was.
It likely added a major stress that pushed Laura and Donald T. Jr further along in the breakup of their marriage.
“…Laura and Donald T. Jr …”
Vanessa, not Laura.
Theatre conduct from early 20th century:
Independent Remainers party — Change UK (CUK) — hypocrisy. UGH:
Despite Brexit process, UK economy grows at fastest quarterly rate since 1980s:
‘UK economic growth accelerated in the first quarter of this year, driven by the highest quarterly pick-up in manufacturing since the 1980s as the original Brexit deadline loomed.
‘Gross domestic product (GDP) growth rose to 0.5% between January and March, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) …’
Actually it’s plausible.
The process has been so mucked up by May and Co. that no one knows what the hell is going on, and that creates uncertainty, which is bad for the economy.
It’s not Exiting that’s the issue, it’s the “are we going to actually exit and if so when and how?” that is the issue.
This x 1000.
Wolfie says:
Warming and how thorium is the answer to the problem. (I do not know if Sorensen belives the Bull
or is just making good use of a LIBERAL selling point.)
“….NUCLEAR. Scott is starting to see that there is all this stuff published about Climate Change, and nothing about nuclear, which is the obvious solution. Scott is seeing a BLIND SPOT on it. The Moonbats actually have a BLIND SPOT on nuclear. It’s like it’s NOT THERE…..”
The nuclear blindspot was CREATED by the Rockefellers who did not want competition for petroleum as a fuel source. Note the strategic time of the Three Mile Island SABOTAGE in the following video.
I am a fan of thorium nuclear too and saw this Utube a couple days ago. (SUPRISE – UTUBE OFFERED IT!!!)
This is a google tech talk by Kirk Sorensen.
He does a superb job on the Political history of Nuclear Power. Pay close attention to what he says about Jimmy Carter. Carter wanted to divert the funds from nuclear development to SOLAR development!!!
Kirk then goes into GoreBull
Brexit Party news — weekend rallies:
Doggone it. That was a reply.
Here’s the rally tweet:
Jacob Rees-Mogg’s sister is on the right in this picture. She left the Conservatives for the Brexit Party and will run as an MEP candidate:
In the meantime, away from the distraction of the MSM bread and circuses….. This one flew under the radar, that’s for sure.
Judicial Watch: Top Hillary Clinton Aide Admits Under Oath that He and Clinton Used Unsecure Personal Email for Official State Department Business
Judicial Watch today released the transcript of a court-ordered deposition of Jacob “Jake” Sullivan, Hillary Clinton’s senior advisor and deputy chief of staff when she was secretary of state, in which the top staffer admits that both he and Clinton used her unsecure non-government email system to conduct official State Department business. A full transcript of the deposition is available here.
Judicial Watch’s court-ordered discovery centered upon whether Clinton intentionally attempted to evade the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) by using a non-government email system and whether the State Department adequately searched for records responsive to Judicial Watch’s FOIA request.
In the questioning, Sullivan admitted that he had used his personal Gmail account at times for State Department business but denied that he had sent classified information to Secretary Clinton’s unsecured personal system.
After Judicial Watch pointed out that on January 26, 2010, Sullivan sent a classified email with the subject line “call sheet,” Sullivan testified: “When I sent this email, my best judgment was that none of the material in it was classified, and I felt comfortable sending the email on an unclassified system. The material has subsequently been upclassified but at the time that I sent it, I did not believe that it was classified.”
Sullivan said in the deposition that he had not been concerned about Clinton’s use of a non-government email account, because it was not part of his job:
Like Secretary Clinton has said herself, I wish she had used a State Department account. It wasn’t really part of my job to be thinking about Secretary Clinton’s emails so I don’t think I sort of fell down directly in my job, but do I wish I had thought of it during the time we were at State. Of course. I mean, what human being at this point wouldn’t have thought of that?
Brexit Party — Nigel appeared on BBC’s Question Time last night (panel packed with Remainers, tho I did not watch it):
Brexit Party news continued:
1/ MEP candidate appears in Glasgow:
2/ A by-election takes place for a new ***MP*** on June 6 in Peterborough. Candidate local millionaire is Mike Greene, who grew up on a council estate in the city. Cathedral trustee as well:
Bio here:
‘… As an experienced company chairman, CEO and strategic thinker, I know about how to run big companies and also appreciate the importance of small and local businesses. I am the author of Failure Breeds Success. I have supported more than 40 charities in the Peterborough area.
‘Now I am determined to use what I have learned about leadership and making things happen to support the Brexit Party’s campaign to change politics for good.
‘I grew up on council estates and appreciate everything that I have been able to achieve through hard work and tenacity. My passion for the retail business began aged seven – working paper rounds and Saturday jobs when and where I could …’
wp won’t allow me to “like” …
just want to let you know how much we appreciate all the news and analyses you gather and bring to us from across the Pond…
Thank you very much about problems with ‘likes’, pR!!
I greatly appreciate your letting me know and also that you like the ‘across the Pond’ posts.
Fresh hot troll from PDJT!
Then it’s back to business:
I’m wondering what rock Carly crawled out from under and who is paying her this time.
Exactly – she’s just another ‘Rent-A-Mouth’ nowadays. Failed as a CEO and Failed as a POTUS candidate.
Seriously in 2015, I wanted to ask her, so how would you lead if you didn’t have a Rolodex since that was all she could talk about.
Yep. Especially since when she took over the reins at HP, she put two or three white papers on the company intranet about BRICS and how important and wonderful they are, and how we should learn about them. The “C” of course being China…
As a devotee of Hegel, one of her favorite expressions is “Perception is Reality”.
Nope, Carly, REALITY is reality. Perception (in her marketing universe) is projection… She killed The HP Way, and 20 years later I’m still angry about it… ( /rant )…
So are a lot of us and I never worked for the company, I just bought HP equipment for my labs!
She demolished the labs (and Agilent, where the T&M ended up did the same thing). And to drive home the point, she took away Bill and Dave’s name from the company sign (leaving only HP) and added “Invent” at the bottom. As if we could invent with no labs doing basic science anymore… grrrr…
But they used to make really great (and durable) kit. Growing up, it was a dream to be able to use or obtain HP equipment. Getting hired and working there was a dream come true. Then came Carly. I have a copy of “Measure” (internal mag) where she’s leading Lew Platt (RIP) around like a whipped dog. And he was at least a head taller than her…
I love that our POTUS is now more inclusive, SleepyCREEPY is MOST appropriate!
I’m glad he’s bringing the “Creepy” back. Don’t know what the “Sleepy” is about (I’m sure we’ll learn soon) but the CREEP FACTOR with women and children is off the charts.
Those Were the Days
(Hellery’s Lament)
Once upon a time there was a campaign
Where I couldn’t lose, I just knew.
I remember how I fooled all the voters,
Lying about the great things that I’d do.
Those were the days my friend,
I thought they’d never end.
I’d be with Ellen and Oprah every day.
I’d live the life I choose,
I’d fight and never lose,
For I made plans that ensured I’d have my way.
Then the busy weeks went rushing by me;
My successes grew along the way.
My spies and the press made up the stories,
But I won’t be caught or ever pay.
Those were the days my friend,
I thought they’d never end.
I’d drink and party forever and a day.
I’d live the life I choose,
I’d fight and never lose,
For I made plans and all was going my way.
Just tonight I stood before my mirror,
Looking at a crone that couldn’t be me.
For somehow I lost in that election,
And my crimes are exposed for all to see.
In these dark days my friend,
I can now see the end.
The truth came out to my great dismay.
They didn’t believe my ruse,
And now it seems I’ll lose.
My plans have failed and all has gone astray.
In my future now there’s retribution
Once the hunter, but now I’m the prey.
How can I be much older but no wiser,
For crimes committed then, now I must pay.
These are the days my friend,
I know they’ll never end,
Locked in my cell, day after day.
I’ve nothing left to choose,
I now must pay my dues.
These are the days, oh no, these are the days.
(. . . if only!)
Perfect poem,
perfect choice of songs for Herself.
Bravo to our Poet Laureate, BakoCarl!
ahhh terrific bakocarl…..
about the (…if only!)
it’s comin’ my friend, it’s comin’
May it be ! ! !
Thank you Carl!!! Lovely song that will be playing thru my head all day!!!! You are such a special pick-me-up here!! HUGS!!!

And, ironically…it was originally a Russian song.
Ahhh. So you’ve been colluding with the Russians
I was afraid you’d gone off stamp collecting or something equally dangerous…
Good that you didn’t, because, of course, Philately will get you nowhere…
(ducks flying Elmers and Lepages…)…
Speaking of colluding, and Russians, here is a performance with Anna Netrebko and Dmitri Hvorostovsky, singing Moscow Nights. With the crowd singing along, it has the feeling of the end of a concert/performance that “cooked” (as the jazzers say)…
Now to slam a shot of Vodka and throw the glass into the fireplace
[Kinda ticks me that the Chicoms (and DEMONcRATs) are painting the Russians as the bad guys all the time. A great culture and a great people, taken down by a bunch of crooks. Hmmm. Now where has that happened before…]
Na Zdorovie!
За здоровье! (if I’ve got it right)
Wolfie says “…The KGB are geniuses on this stuff. Don’t think for a second they REALLY went away. …”
To KILL Communism in this country you have to ID WHO is spreading it and it is NOT the RUSSIAN KGB. They just delivered the initial payload. It was the TRAITORS , the ELITE GLOBALIST BANKSTERS within this country who made sure it spread and they had the power and money and influence to spread the lies and supress the truth.
Two things show this Wolfie.
It is NOT RUSSIA who is our true enemy it is the INTERNATIONAL BANKSTERS who have OWNED the FED, the MEDIA and our Politicians since 1913!
Stalin — Rothschild connections
Congressman McFadden’s Speech before the Attempts on His Life, Part 1
For speaking this truth, Congressman McFadden was called a lynitic, lost his seat in Congress and had three attempts on his life. the third was successful and killed him via poison.
Second, the KGB’s plans were aimed at influencing “Innocents,” which is the term Soviet covert operatives used to describe Westerners who could be manipulated into doing the Communists’ bidding.
From the book Willing Accomplices: How KGB Covert Influence Agents Created Political Correctness and Destroyed America by Kent Clizbe former CIA analyst.
Good Friday morning to all…delighted to see more and more familiar names as I read here! Plan to savor the fun Friday offering later today.
Wanted to share an event happening and invite your participation. A survivor of the Pearl Harbor attack is celebrating his 100th birthday on May 31…the family requests cards from anyone who would like to honor this career Navy man. Actually, both he and his older brother survived the attack but it was hours before they knew each other’s fate. At age 100, still very alert, well-read person but also continues to be low profile who has never sought the limelight.
Arthur Hendrickson
Prestige Assisted Living at Sierra Vista
4400 Avenida Cochise #128
Sierra Vista, AZ 85635
Thanks for posting.
He probably has great stories to share.
Later will pick up a card and send it by mail… Rarely mail anything. LOL.
Will do, Teagen! I enjoy participating in these loving occasions.

Thanks, Teagan. I’ve got a card for him and will get it in the mail tomorrow.
Card sent. Special place in my heart for Veterans. Increases for World War II Veterans. Then some more for Pearl Harbor Veterans. If reasonable, please let us know about Mr. Hendrickson’s 100th birthday.
May 31st is Mr. Hendrickson’s birthday…the traditional Memorial Day!!!
Thank you.
Little under the weather today, who knew that the Shingles vaccine would knock one for a loop…
Looking forward to working through the great wrap up stories FGandC labored over for the Q-Treepers.
I mentioned the other day that I love animals, cats, birdies, dogs, – domestic and wild. An Osprey wildlife cam I’ve followed for years, Hellgate, Montana, has an interesting story going on. Iris, is the oldest living osprey in North America, maybe the world, I think around 24 years or so. Amazing. She lost her mate a few years ago, and a young fellow, Louis, has been with her the past 3 years.
Problem this year – he seems to be supporting TWO nests, and that’s not adequate for a successful nesting pair. Poor Iris is incubating eggs, but has had no relief, and has had to leave the eggs unattended to fish – to stay alive. This is “rare” in osprey land, but that’s why the cams offer a look into their lives – learning new things every day and year.
Anyway. Hellgate tweeted this today, and it seems so applicable to #MAGA, as well as for the strong, indomitable spirit of Iris.
There is a settlement offer out there for those who got Shingles after getting the vaccine – my Mom went through it as well but she doesn’t qualify due to the time-frame involved. You should check it out:
Dangerous vaccine, IMO.
I’ve read on hearing blogs that it can be highly ototoxic (can cause deafness). Not sure if it’s because of genetic susceptibility, or combination issues (like Furosemid [a loop diuretic] and the Aminoglycoside family of antibiotics), but it has caused deafness in some cases.
Hobson’s choice, that one…
LPenguin – I had a mild reaction to the new shingles shot (second dose) as well. However, after watching my 92-year-old Dad suffer a bout with shingles (even tho’ he received the older vaccine years ago), I know this short reaction period is nothing compared to the alternative.

Hope you are doing better tomorrow. Sleep and a massage were all it took to get me back to normal
Thank you, Alison. Yes, it is the new one, with a dead virus instead of the old one. I think it’s the only one their using now. Just got up from a long nap, feel a little better. You’re right about the elderly and shingles, pretty rough if they get it. I don’t like vaccines, but decided to go with this one.
Wyatt has more on the Judge who was confirmed by Senate yesterday…….
POTUS has filled the two vacancies and the political make-up at present if (R) 7 (D)7
The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit’s territory comprises the states of Connecticut, New York, and Vermont. The court has appellate jurisdiction over the United States district courts in the following federal judicial districts:
District of Connecticut
Eastern District of New York
Northern District of New York
Southern District of New York
Western District of New York
District of Vermont
Wow. That’s great, and crucial, as New York is a liberal cesspool (apologies to the REAL PATRIOTS in New York).
Now if they can just get rid of Cuomo, et. al. (Schumer, Nadler, und, und, und)…
News Roundup is posted if interested.
“News Roundup is posted … cuz we’re always interested.” (no if about it).
Fixed it for you, flep!
BIG News
Good catch Phoenix……. Thanks

Gov. Huckabee – Katie is ON IT!

Marica, do you think Huckabee would go “there…..” if he didn’t think things were cooking on the stove?
His choice of words are enlightening – strong and direct.
You know LP, Huckabee’s language struck me as well. I personally think it is strategic.
It is illuminating to listen to people who are kind of tangential to the WH say the most interesting things, or use the most interesting language.
Take this tweet of Huckabee’s. He’s not part of the administration. He’s just a pundit and TV personality. He’s free as a bird to say what he wants.
Except of course he is Sarah’s dad. As skilled a politician as he is, as clever in the use of language as he is, as a father proud of his daughter’s position in the WH, there’s no way he would be careless in his speech, right?
I think this was a message delivered. The same way that Hannity delivers messages. The same way that General Flynn’s family does in their tweets, and I believe even General Flynn does through his choice of images for his twitter banner. I don’t think this is crazed conspiratorial thinking. I think it is message delivery with lots of plausible deniability.
What? I was just making a joke about Comey Island….wink, wink.
Yes, Sylvia! I thought there was quite a bit of messaging in that tweet – Huckabee isn’t just cracking jokes – he is communicating. He does not use inappropriate words or context.
Huckabee is mocking the mockingbirds.
Comey is especially loathsome. You can smell his fear. To think he was the Director of the FBI. He tried to throw dirt on Rosenstein last night – that’s not a good move.
Øbominable needed a patsy to do his dirty work. Comey was it.
I bet the good guys in law and intel are mad as all get out about Ø’s abuses and crimes.
Comey’s goose is COOKED …. just waiting for the sauce …

Excellent observations by LP and Sylvia!

To use a couple of the Left’s favorite lines that they used against President Trump—The walls are closing in on Comey and Co.. It is the beginning of the end!
Yes, Lady P!! He wouldn’t dare go there is things were not “cooking on the stove”! Especially considering His daughter’s position…It’s coming…

Huckabee rocks. Just like James Woods (who I miss on twitter)
FYI I finally got to see James Woods show ‘Shark’….season 1 is very well done.
This pic says it all!!! TOUCHDOWN TEAM TRUMP!
We don’t know what we don’t know…and that includes who is a white hat pretending to be a doofus and/or a black hat.
I don’t know if anyone posted this earlier, but Paul Serran has a long (75 long!) twitter thread about Admiral Rogers. Here is the link, although you’ll need to remove the underline in twit_ter to link to it. It’s dated May 4.
I didn’t want to risk the WHOLE thread showing up here, it’s so long. I didn’t see a thread unroll link for it either. I haven’t had a chance to read all of it yet, found it while I was on the tablet, but I prefer looking at it on the computer, where I am now.
Unrolled thread:
Bless you, NF!
Sometimes it hasn’t been unrolled yet, sometimes one has to go WAAAAAYYYY down the thread to find it! LOL
You’re a peach for finding it and posting it.
Forgive me, but would you call that unrolled thread a Serran Wrap?
(dodges rolling pins and cartons of hefty bags…hey, I need some aluminum foil, why not that?
#53 says it all for me.
(keeping most for herself, as we are catching on to), so this is the best I could do…. ! ! !

If you’re lurking, please know that we are thinking of you, praying for you… missing your wonderful wit.
Hope you are moving gently through the day, and look forward to more of your raunchy comments, when you are feeling up to it.
Lots of hugs and love from us all………
p.s. Marica is still rationing out the ! and smiley faces
Dittoes. Miss you.
Paging, Missing, Praying for PHC… Wherefore art thou?

Thank you Phoenix for the shout out to Patrick!! I’ve been missing him and sending up prayers!! Here’s a bunch of emojis…

Praying for him every time he takes a few days off and am delighted when he returns, prizing the fact that we get to enjoy his company and his wit for a little longer while praying we have him with us a lot longer.
Knowing he is ill makes me value him all the more but his occasional absences and delight when he returns reminds me that we all have a limited time and to value each day that we spend with each other and our family. We need to intentionally enjoy each and every day with our family with gratefulness, appreciate our country and President and be thankful for our online “friends”. We can’t take our, our family or our friends (online and in “real” life) for granted!
PCH – I hope you are comfortable and content. I know you have said that its sometimes between the meds and being more alert. So thankful each day that you are able to spend with us but understand when you are busy or when you need the meds. Take care of yourself.
Amen. God Bless you, PHC.
I agree PHC … miss you … take care and God bless you …

I’m going to post this in Flep’s round up thread today as well. But it goes with something that was said earlier by one of our conservatives – Rosenstein referencing POTUS’ Inaugural Address in his resignation letter.
I remember that speech, right then and there, it hit me that POTUS knows many things and is going to fix this!
Shem has done a great thread on it. Via Jeff Carlson. 13 tweets. When a thread roll is available, I’ll bring it if it doesn’t arrive sooner.
LP….. Awesome reporting! This is a BIG one!
Awesome thread and awesome replies!
Graduation Weekend, lots of guests.
One of the girl grads is from Hawaii.
Her aunt sent her a Hawaiian lei – gorgeous purple dendrobium orchids.
It’s sooooooooooo pretty.
Carefully perched in my frig.
Fat Chance.
How many times does Mnuchin have to say NO before they understand that he means NO?
Babies throwing tantrums don’t accept no, nor do they listen or apply logic.
FG&C!! Friday are crazy for me so I haven’t had a chance to savor your post, but from all reactionos it’s a DOOZY!! It obviously was a tremendous lift so I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the work going into it.. Hope I Get a chance to savor soon!!

THis is an awesome call by VP Pence!!
Gallactic Red Pill has a FUNTASTIC thread!!!
Just how convoluted and messed up is it gonna get?
Link to daily mail article.
Groan. Where to start with this case?????
Maybe here. Would you date (much less marry) an illegal alien? Seriously? Especially after he beat you up and threatened you with a gun. I mean nothing says I’ll Love You Forever Marry Me like a gun and a beating.
Hey Sylvia, I dated a Greek guy, and then Thor from Iceland.
I might have thought about it with them.
Nothing like a Thor loser…
(ducks lightning bolts and flying hammers…
LOL. Would it have taken both threatening you with a gun and a beating to help you see this was the guy for you, or would just the beating have been enough?
I’m not good at math but I’m still plodding away trying to calculate just how hot a guy would have to be to make me think it was worth it to offset his criminality and his abusiveness. Still calculating….!
Nah, we always took our pick of the litter.
I had been wondering about the parents. This is the father of the student who is switching genders. What a messed-up home life that kid has. And dad was here illegally.
I know this story doesn’t fit the narrative of our media, but why do we have to go to the Daily Mail for the full story? They always have the most detailed accounts, with the most photos, of any site.
Absolutely true!
Daily Mail loves salacious stories about savage and violent yanks – and they love those stories MORE than they love holding to globalist PC narrative guidelines about what to publish and what not to publish. They do have globo-left feminazi writers who will handle the narrative stuff, but they have a large crew of scandal-mongers who will expose whatever makes a story even more outrageous.
Thankfully for us, a LOT of it violates American leftist and globalist narrative.
I think Daily Mail also just likes human interest stories in general (some of which are salacious). They will post pics of Melania that our media will not, for example. I think they are somewhere between a tabloid and actual news (that they can slant however they wish). But people generally like photos, and the DM posts tons of them.
Yes, good call. Their Melania coverage is actually almost NORMAL. Thank God for British tabloids in that respect. They’re more NORMAL than our communist fake news.
From The Epoch Times
Looking good!
OUTSTANDING, pR!!!! Great find!
“Here’s Roger Stone’s motion to suppress evidence in his case: … He’s arguing the search warrants were based on claims that Russians were involved in hacking the DNC, and he’s questioning the legitimacy of the info offered by prosecutors in support of that…”
How does Q know? Because Q knows the two even whole numbers that when multiplied equal 17 (or 19 if you’re Louis Farrakhan).
I give up. How DID Q know?????
First thing, you’ve got to go back to the Fox News article and see there was a meeting. And Q asks, who wasn’t at the meeting? And then Q posits [RR] and then “Who is Ed O’Callaghan?” And then “acting”.
So, before anyone jumps on the Nostradamus wagon, we’ve got to ask “What is Q saying a year ago?” That O’Callaghan was going to go into an “acting” position a year ago? Maybe it would be better if Q wrote in quatrains in French!
Sylvia, this guy was noticed at Barr’s hearing. Interesting. AlmostJingo wrote a thread may 1, the replies are a hoot. Someone makes note of the beards being a “tell.” Remember Don Jr. has one too.
didn’t intend to post as a reply here… apologize.
Notice that Sidney Powell – who is THE authority on DOJ corruption and malfeasance, and particularly the crimes of WEISSMANN – is sitting right behind Ed.
If my theory is correct, that RR was set up by McCabe lies, then [Ed] may well have known about it once [RR] was informed of things which clued him in – likely by the OIG.
RR would have gone before a grand jury. Rumors probably got out among the players, and the New York Slimes and McCabe hit him.
Q would have known that RR would be leaving once BARR was installed. Q would have known that Ed would be acting by normal DOJ succession (re-done by Trump administration, remember), which means that Q simply knew RR would be leaving.
Q is just simply proving his own deep insider status, or access to that level of information, by dropping hints and breadcrumbs which turn out to be seeds of truth, and flower much later.
Once again, Wolfie…You explain the ins and outs of the CRAZY SPYGATE mini series as if you were one of the Authors of the Great AWAKENING!!!

Just trying my best to keep up with the mind-blowing plot of
during this season, and some kind of massive BS in Season 5. That’s my current prediction, unless DECLAS utterly upends the entire playing field, which it might.
Hoping there are no minor subplots in flyover land in this episode, but sadly I think that’s not the case. I don’t see dead people, but I do see preparations for 2020. So there will be ominous little “woo-woo” troubles featuring
GoT holds NO CANDLE to BATMAN vs DEEP STATE KABUKI!!! I’m good no matter how many twists and turns…Got my branch on the Q Tree, a Big bag of
with plenty of Ice Qubes!!!
(Cue the Bill Barr water bottle GIF)!!

Definitely hoping that Q posts up a storm at some point. WE NEED DROPS!!!
Right?!!!! I Keep hoping to see Phoenix’s little screaming girl!! “We Got Q DROPS!!!!!!

Creepy joe…in a galaxy far away.
Gotta hand it to Stealth Jeff – this is BRILLIANT thinking. Yup. Good call!
Notice how Comey is “normalising” spying on campaigns?
Wanna bet that he’s right? We know it has been happening since at least Jimmy Carter (Halper). What are the odds that it has been done to every non preferred candidate since …. ?
Excellent call. They HAVE to normalize it. Get the SHEEP to bleat that it’s “normal” and “OK” before they run into the fact that it’s ILLEGAL.
Course, 5 minutes ago they were denying it – they REALLY believe people are stupid.
Problem is, 50% ARE of below average intelligence – which is itself a pretty low bar.
So they KNOW that their supporters are stupid – they count on it. Their whole pitch is “Vote for us, being smarter than you, we know better than you how to run your life”
Their whole game is this half truth …
Half truths are their “Stock in Trade”
What Trumps “Half Truths”? – Not a trick question
And here is whacky Ronna McDaniel doing her best to support ISLAM.

You couldn’t even make this up, it’s so insane, and yet she lives in such an alternate reality that she was probably drinking literal purple Kool-Aid while saying it. This is what happens to people who are so detached from reality, so insulated in a bubble of their politically-correct peers, that they don’t even realize what they have become a party to anymore:
Ronna McDaniel
We wish everyone observing #Ramadan a blessed period of prayer, reflection & spiritual discipline.
We are inspired by our friends in the Muslim-American community as they begin this time of fasting & contemplation.
May all Americans adopt the same spirit of charity & prayer.
It’s like wishing Charles Manson and his Family a blessed killing spree before the Tate-LaBianca murders.
It’s like wishing the Turks a happy Armenian genocide.
Ronna McDaniel is insane.
Ramadan is the most violent period of the year in islam, and that’s really saying something, considering that EVERY day is soaked with the blood of innocents in islam.
Let’s break it down, shall we?
Ronna McRomney: “We wish everyone observing #Ramadan a blessed period of prayer, reflection & spiritual discipline.”
Who is ‘we’?
Is it ‘blessed’ if their “prayers and reflection and spiritual discipline” is expressly for the downfall of America? Did you even hesitate to consider?
Ronna McRomney: “We are inspired by our friends in the Muslim-American community as they begin this time of fasting & contemplation.”
Considering that islam is by far the leading cause of death for Christians all over the world, how is it that are you inspired… and why?
Isn’t that like saying you are inspired by your Demokrat friends in the KKK community as they begin a time of racial violence and lynching in the deep south in the early 1900s?
What exactly do you suppose islamists are ‘contemplating’ during the annual Ramadan Bomb-a-thon? Did you ever even stop to ask yourself, or were you just blithering mindless platitudes?
Ronna McRomney: “May all Americans adopt the same spirit of charity & prayer.”
Slap your mouth, Ronna.
Have you truly lost your mind?
islam seeks the death, destruction and overthrow of EVERYTHING that is NOT islam. That is the beginning, the middle and the end of islam. The alpha and the omega.
And that’s the ‘spirit of charity and prayer’ you want all Americans to adopt?
I don’t know what planet you’re from Ronna, just like I don’t know what planet ANY of the political-class is from.
The only thing I know for sure, is that none of you are from THIS planet.
You’re not even HUMAN.
You can’t possibly be.
Forgot to post the source link:
While RNC Chair Calls For Americans To Adopt Spirit of Ramadan, Democrat House Invites AntiChrist Imam To Give Invocation
Tim Brown / May 10, 2019
GOP Chair Wolf Moon would send a slightly different message…..
“We wish America and American Muslims a happy and peaceful Ramadan. We wish our allies, friends, and even our adversaries a happy and peaceful Ramadan. Our great American military, law enforcement, and intelligence community stand ready to make sure everybody has a happy and peaceful Ramadan.”
I hereby nominate Wolf Moon to be 2020 GOP Chairman!!! (I need a 2nd…)
I love Ronna, but I’m always ready to provide TESTOSTERONE-INFUSED BACKBONE when it’s needed!
It’s NEEDED…!!!! Take my word for it..
The Soy Infested GOP Needs MOAR Testosterone!!!
POTUS has the ONLY set of Titanium Ball in DC! An extra pair would be much appreciated!!!

HA!!! Yes – the only thing stealthier than sneaky socialism and creeping sharia is OOZING SOY!!!
Speaking of OOZING SOY– Every.Single.Time I see Comey (way too often lately) I see the COMEY Giant X!!!

…and there it is….The human Shadow ban X!!

Dear diary (and God)– Thank you that this is not my life partner… Love, Marica
LOL! What a great spoof horror movie that would be….
Total Giggle Snort!!! HE Really IS!!! Dear Lord–He has children!! They must be mortified!! Just by his tweets!!!

Key word … PEACEFUL …
.. you know what I mean ….
… nudge .. nudge ..
It’s ALL about WHAT is gonna be peaceful!
“GOP Chair Wolf Moon would send a slightly different message…..”
Mine would be slightly different too!
We encourage any American who has been indoctrinated into the death cult of islam to reject the violent observance of Ramadan.
Ramadan is a time of heightened islamic violence, which is really saying something, considering that islam is a religion of violence, hate, oppression, rape and murder. That list is far from exhaustive.
Ramadan, like islam itself, is antithetical to freedom — which means it is literally anti-American — and it is orgiastically anti-Christian. Like every observance of Ramadan, Christian men, women and children all over the world will be murdered by adherents of this unspeakably evil ideology of conquest presented as a ‘religion’, called islam.
No matter how you found your way into this death cult — whether by birth, by forced submission, or by willful ignorance and idiocy — we encourage any adherent who is of good will and sound mind to reject the anti-human religion of hatred called islam.
Withdraw yourselves from this cult and culture of murder and subversion and oppression. Embrace the freedom which is the birthright of all Americans, and find hope and salvation in Christ Jesus, the Son of God.
Or…just reject Jihad.
I think the old farts of Islam came up with the idea of ‘Jihad’ to get rid of their Surplus of Young Males.
That ‘surplus of young males’ is a problem in all societies that practice Polygamy.
The older richer guys get first pick of all the young women.
Multiple wives…giving birth to lots of ‘second sons’…sons that have no hope of inheriting the family power and wealth.
It’s true.
Every society that practices Polygamy has the problem of surplus young males.
So…what to do with them?
Hey, let’s send them out on suicide missions!
Wait…why would they go?
We tell them that “Allah commands it.”
That’s it!
I have never thought of it that way Wheatie!!! Mind.Blown.

You just brought it all together!!!!
Yep. Similar syndrome with that rogue polygamous Mormon bunch that lives on the border of Arizona and Utah. The Warren Jeff’s cult.
They had to push out most of the boys when they got around 14. The old men didn’t want the competition when it comes to divvying up the wimmin folk for wives. They kicked them out of the nest for various reasons. I think they call them the lost boys. It is horribly sad.
Ronna can stuff it ..

Sorry, been lurking only – working on some “stuff”.

Sorry to have missed out on all the RR stuff – my portion of crow has been in the freezer for some time, and is unlikely ever to have be be consumed – IMHO
How do you upgrade from RR …………… ?
To a Bad Ass RR – meaning BARR
Missing you Jason!!! Hope your “stuff” gets all worked out!!! I have crow in my freezer as well… I truly have no idea if it’s edible at this point…
As this Movie plays out…I am very proficient with my son’s I will take down fresh crow and eat it with Klobachars comb!

My “stuff” is blog related – trying to get mine up and running sometime this century
Unfortunately got to move to a bigger pad in Sydney next weekend – so that will slow me down some moar!!
That’s awesome!! on both counts!!!–Not the slowing down..but the bigger pad!! Things are heating up here.. Get up and running at your new pad and blog no LATER that 6/1…If not sooner–

–Can’t find fan emoji… So that means “poop explodes out of squirt gun?

PS – I miss chatting to all of you BIGTIME!!
We miss you just as much!!
–There’s always a Jason branch here… so No Worries!!!
Not Worried
– I feel pretty valued in the Q-house!!!
Verrrry Valued!!!
Kinda takes your breath away huh?
I tend to agree with Dinesh – how does one enforce freedom in an environment where a big chunk hates it.
I think secession talk is going to increase, bigly. Hatred – ugh!!!
I’m more optimistic!!!!! LOVE TRUMPS (great word/great name/great POTUS) HATE!!!
Well, not only does he hold the Trump cards, he has an ACE (Army Corps of Engineers) up his sleeve to boot – and who knows what else?
The only way the DS cabal can counter is to attempt to upend the card table. Well, POTUS is obviously expecting that …
The ACE!!! excellent!!! Did not pick that up til now!!! I always thought HE WAS THE ACE!! He must be ACE OF SPADES!!!
No, that’s Sylvia……….
So RIGHT Phoenix!! So POTUS is The ACE of HEARTS!!!
He Loves us so much!!!
I Knew you would find an Ace for POTUS… !!!!!!
You’re just about the sharpest tool in the box girlfriend…
Ha, ha!!!!