Welcome! The door is open, come on inside!
Come on in and pick a comfy spot:
This Saving our Sanity Saturday Open Thread is VERY OPEN – a place for everybody to post whatever they feel they would like to tell the White Hats, and the rest of the MAGA world.
Free Speech is practiced here at the Q Tree. In fact, our host Wolfmoon encourages us to use it…and Enjoy it. “Use it or lose it”, he tells us.
But please keep it civil. Discussion of Q is not only allowed but encouraged. Imagine that! We can talk about Q here and not get banned.
Please also consider the Important Guidelines, outlined here in the January 1st open thread. Let’s not give the odious Internet Censors a reason to shut down this precious haven that Wolf has created for us.
Remember – your greatest gift to President Trump is FIVE WORDS:
Wheatie’s Rules:
- No food fights.
- No running with scissors.
- If you bring snacks, bring enough for everyone.
For your listening enjoyment, I offer this composition from Cesc Vilà of Epic Soul Factory, titled ‘Everdream’:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCMXO9sBIcU&w=640&h=360]
In searching for tree pictures, sometimes I run across trees engaging in rude gestures…and this one seems fitting for the message I’d like to send to the lawless Dems:
I would like to add this as a Tribute To Testosterone:
Now that’s my kind of tree, screw you dems!
Heheh…I thought it seemed to express our sentiment quite well.
Perfect, Wheatie 😊
I find all sorts of interesting characters, human blemishes and interesting ‘stuff’ when I ponder trees (a favorite pasttime). One I see on my nearby trail is a gnarly old soul bent like a rodeo-worn, bowlegged & busted cowboy. The bark even looks like he’s wearing chaps.
Thanks for another pleasing venue for savoring Saturday 💖💖
Thanks, Alison…and you’re very welcome.
I am so glad to know you like it.
And yeah, it’s amazing how many interesting aberrations there are out there, in trees.
I stumbled across one collection of ‘tree porn’ that slipped through my Safe Settings.
Woah, mama!
The things that those trees were doing!
I’ll bet those trees are never board….
Great trees, and Great QTreehouse!
And to all the ladies and those “mothering”, in advance, A Happy and Blessed Mothers’ Day!!!
Thank you, Cuppa!
Love you and glad you’re here with us!
Love you too! As I see all the old and new friends coming over from “the other plaice” as they used to say on El Reg, I get the feeling that we’re not just a Tree House anymore; we’re a Tree Home. Somehow now that bakocarl is here, a chapter has closed, and a new one has opened.
God Bless Wolfm00n and everyone here; it truly is a refuge and a place of repose, refreshment, reflection, and, in many senses, redemption…
There’s a German word for it, “Gemütlichkeit”. The english word “comfy” or (British) “homely” comes close.
Think of Dolce Domum from “Wind In The Willows”…
LOL who thinks of these things? That’s just WRONG!!!!
Another fabulous tree inviting me in and some lovely music to listen as I read. Thank you Wheatie!
You’re very welcome, Syl.
I’m so glad you like it…and like the music too!
Heheh, and yeah, the ‘tree porn’ is really something.
I have thought about posting some of it…because it’s just tree growth that ‘looks like’ human body parts, etc.
Some of it is really funny!
But um…it might be offensive to some people.
So I haven’t.
why do you think they call it “woodies”?
love the window seat and if no one called it– DIBBS!!!!
Haaaa. 😁🤣👍
People of N. European ancestry are unique in the world in that the earliest creation stories have us coming from trees. We are tree people, it’s natural that we would see human gestures and attributes in trees.
I like the interior of this one. Does it have a deck or patio?
And it has a treetop firepit!
And Butterflies 🦋🦋🦋 in the Heavenly Purple Foliage!! TY, Miss Wheatie!😍🤗😍
Cool. I’ll bring Louisiana Hots, Bratwurst(le), Salsicca Fresca, cavapcici, and various skewers (Ka-Bobs, like they used to have at Ships on La Cienaga in LA)… virtually, of course 🙂 (Though I wish it could be for real!!!)…
Oh, and some Habanero and Serrano Salsa, and Guaco…
(Y’all can tell it’s dinner time over here, but the weather is saying NO BBQ TODAY!!!) (too bad, too, as Thor’s thunder we just had could probably light a big fire 🙂 )…
Hmmm. Every time my arthritis flares up, I’m Thor… 🙂
Sounds yummy, Cuppa!
Wheatie!! You’ve outdone yourself again..–Wait–before anyone else picks–I want that spot in the middle with the windows all around–willing to share!!!
Thank you, sweet Marica.
I’m so glad you like it!
And no worries…there are lots of comfy spots to choose from, enough for everyone.
ohh Marica, may I sit with you? lovely view, good friend, and …
wheatie’s right, there’s room for lots of folks…
phoenix!! Your spot is saved!!!! I would LOVE to cuddle up and hear you stories!!! And we would giggle so hard sharing stories–cuz we have the same one!!! LOL!
crap! I should have read farther down (I was just so excited to be posting again…LOL)…
sigh, someone already called dibbs…now I will sit on the floor, looking up at you with soulful, sad eyes and waiting for you to go to the bathroom so I can steal your seat…lol…may I refresh your drink?
Pat!!! You a so Funny!!! The soulful eye part–Yup!! got to me– Now I need to get more covefe cuz I just spit it out on my keyboard!!!😂😂😂😂
Quick! Better get a move on while Marica’s getting some more covfefe! 🙂
Driller Is ON DA TREE!!! LOL!!!🤣🤣🤣
Lol! Well I was looking forward to browsing and posting a lil last night but then drillerwife came out the bathroom…
Beautiful morning though 😁
And wow…what a view!
Well I used to know how to post from imgur 🙄, that’s the view from the dog/smoking area, sure I could get a better pic from Estes 😆
Try adding “.jpg” to the end of it.
That has worked for me, Driller.
I’ll have to remember that, thanks!
From Ravencrest,
Well guess that didn’t work, take 2,
Let’s try this:
Whoa! Can I borrow some of that air? 🙂
(PS. Does Drillerdog smoke? 🙂 )
Of course not 🙄, … drillerdog is still a minor 😄
Let’s see it it’s bigger over here:
Thanks! Drillerdog is loving life this weekend if you can’t tell 😄
Yes! He looks like he’s having a great time.
Driller, I cursor’d over the picture at the Imgur site and noticed that there was a different url that displayed for it…one with a “.jpg” on it.
So I just did a right-click and clicked on “Copy link” for that one.
And that’s the one that opened up here.
Ah, ok 👍
And this seems to be drillerdog’s favorite dog park
Love your tribute to Testosterone !
But most of all love the fire in the tree… and the purple surrounding the door… just gorgeous and warm and comfy as always on Sat a.m
wheatie, you’re the best at finding treehouses… just the very best
Thank you so much, PhoenixR.
I am so glad to know that you like it.
It’s a labor of love…and I’m honored to help out our Commander Wolfie.
And Commander Wolfie is THANKFUL ALL WEEK LONG FOR WHEATIE! (Note just on Saturday!!!) 😀
Aww shucks…thanks, boss.
I’m happy to be of help!
So Wheatie– THis is one of my favorite Trees— I see the tiny people– still up!- Like the Authors on this Wolfie tree meeting up after all have gone to sleep!- and the houses all closed up for the nite! I see the Bright light behind the branches and the “lantern lights” sprinkled throughout the treehouse!! And the vague cross between the branches.. That little area with the cross almost looks like a little church service…
Exquisite MUSIC–as always!!!
KUDOS for the testosterone PIC!! Love STRONG CARING MEN!! This Tree is chock full of them!!!
I’m so glad you like this one, Marica!
It seemed appropriate as a Q Tree.
We’re keeping the home fires lit for Freedom…even when there are clouds overhead.
And yes…I thank God for our strong, caring Men and their ‘toxic’ masculinity.
We are blessed to have them!
Killing me Wolfie!!! LOL!!🤣🤣 FYI– Batman Movie is playing in my background.. Coincidence?
BATMAN is here to save America and show up coincidentally – and he’s ALL OUT OF COINCIDENCES! 😉
“ALL OUT OF COINCIDENCES”!!! laughing too hard to type…
But he is NOT out of Q-INCIDENCES!
AMEN! or yay for men!
I want to share this with you all…
Personal family matter needed resolution… I have been praying for almost two years now. This past week, it came, in an overwhelming, totally unexpected way… in abundance, like the sky opening and love flowing down. Such a blessing… it permeates my entire Being and as a result, I feel so confident about our Country.
The photos of the people in Philly today… the coverage the gathering received filled my heart with hope. Americans are awake ! They are seeing the corruption and evil and standing against it. The mother who was harassed by the PA State Rep spoke so beautifully of the feeling she had today of a turning… of the fruition of the many who have fought so hard for decades for the unborn and now the just-born.
There is an energy afoot, a positive energy of love and goodness. Why, Ms Warren thought she’d hop a shuttle today and mix with the common folk, and they didn’t even acknowledge her. (That must have been a huge wake-up call – or NOT!)
I’m so grateful for all of you here… the months ahead won’t be easy, but if we stand together and behind our POTUS we will win this fight/war. We can’t lose, God is on our side. Sweet dreams. God bless.
Glad you had a good resolution to the family matter, PhoenixR.
I’m so glad you’re here too!
God Bless…and sweet dreams.
Here is what some of the people at the Philly Pro-Life rally had to say about that particular PA State Rep…
Harry! That was riveting. I could not stop watching!! I have been those pro life people in front of the clinic so Many times!! Those “yellow vest” people were exactly the same–maybe even more vile…THANK YOU for this eye-opening video!!
It was riveting. The difference between conservatives who protest and what the communist left calls protesting (masks, violence, cursing, burning, looting, screaming) could not be more clearly demonstrated than by what has occurred over the last several years, especially the last two and a half. Every single person she interviewed said that they would pray for that State Rep.
Of course, to the left, somebody saying they will pray for you probably is an act of violence in their twisted minds.
Exactly Harry!! We–The Patriots– are God Loving and peaceful!! And we love EVERYBODY!! (until you F us..😜 ) then WE FIGHT!!!
Harry, it shocks me how far apart the two sides are. The yellow vest people are literally filled with raging hate – for what? So that they can murder another human being?
Think about that – they’re not just adhering to a pro-abortionist viewpoint, they’re adhering to a belief system that discards all pretense of caring about humanity. Yet, these people call themselves Social Justice Warriors.
Where’s the justice for our children – the unborn and the born. The pathology is deep.
…about as far apart as it gets. And typical that PA Rep Brian Sims didn’t have the courage to show up and argue for his favorite cause.
Yep. Another thing that really grinds my grits is their use of the yellow vests for a Satanic libturd cause.
The yellow vests are a conservative, patriotic, Populist (in the GOOD sense, not the MCM one) movement. As with everything else, the DEMONcRATs and their master, the father of lies, Satan, has taken something good, and corrupted it.
May GOD work wonders, and impress HIS Perfect Will upon these people, and the world, and show that we must worship, adore, and follow The CREATOR, and not the creatures.
Because with the DEMONcRATs, all we get are Creature Features (apologies to Bob Wilkins)… To them, we are all ciphers, digits on a ledger, “resources” to be used and discarded as needs be. Yet they, legends in their own minds, make themselves gods in order to preserve themselves and their evil ways.
Better watch out, DEMONcRATS. As it was in the days of Noah……. like you DEMONcRATs, they mocked Noah; but in the end, they were consumed by the flood. And all of your swimming expertise and diving equipment won’t save you (or flameproof suits this time around…).
What’s scary about those pro-abortionists is that they’re the people who really are Nazis and would have participated in Hitler’s Third Reich. They’d be shocked to know that’s the category they fall into. It’s a point that we need to make when dealing with the rabid abortionists.
Slight disagree. IMO they would PRETEND to be shocked. They know. No way they don’t know; otherwise they would not know to use ‘Hitler’ as a pejorative.
They are slime. Praying for them is only an effort to get them to walk away from death worshipping. I entertain no illusions that they are suddenly going to throw their arms around the Messiah. He might make that happen but nothing we can do would reasonably cause such a severe result. In order to understand my message here, re-read Judges 7:2 and understand that God makes certain that the glory of a act’s result goes to Him alone.
Addendum to my comment: Lila Rose is a good example of the Hand of God causing a result that cannot be attributed to human effort.
pR, I’m so glad your family thing worked out. The joy in your words is a wonder to behold. Thanks for sharing that with us.
I am amazed and grateful at how the pro-life movement seems to have been the tipping point or the touchstone or something where you can actually see and hear and feel the world shifting under our feet. I believe it will grow and spread to other areas of our culture and reclaim them. I hope so, anyway. But all of a sudden, we have momentum on our side. Thank God. This evil has to be overcome.
Aww Phoenix!! There truly is a positive energy afoot–of love and goodness!! Thank you for sharing!! So very grateful for you and your wonderful insights!!! You got it!! You Get it!! And YOU KNOW IT!! Exactly RIGHT!! We can’t lose! WE WON”T LOSE!! God IS definitely on our side!! See ya soon at Wheaties tree or Daughns B&B!! Sweet dreams back atcha!!! Love you!!!
Car shopping for the first time has been a very eye-opening experience, and IMO, a massively overlooked component of cabal social engineering in America. It’s hard to get my thoughts out about this, so here’s the general gist of it:
1) Obama-era regulations now require new vehicles to have a bunch of “safety features” like tire pressure monitors. Although it’s convenient to be able to check tire pressure from your driver dashboard, one must ask how much this feature adds to the total price. How much will it cost to fix if it breaks? Because of required “safety features” like this, it’s near impossible for car manufacturers to offer a basic budget vehicle anymore.
2) Auto manufacturers barely seem interested in selling sedans in America. For example, the 2019 Ford Focus has rave reviews around the world, but Americans can’t buy it because Ford no longer sells sedans here. It’s all about pushing people into buying more expensive SUVs and trucks.
3) Dealerships are more interested in selling debt than they are cars. Everything is constantly about “the monthly payment” rather than the total price, the loan interest rate, and even the vehicle itself. Now I’ve got nothing against people who take out sensible auto loans (I have a mortgage so I’m in no position to judge), but it’s obvious that car sellers heavily push debt as a means of pressuring people into buying more than they can afford or need.
4) “But Sadie, people can buy used cars to avoid these traps.” Have you looked at used car prices lately? Prices for used vehicles in good condition aren’t that far behind the prices on brand new vehicles. Kelley Blue Book claims that my ancient 15+ year Ford Focus is still worth over $1000. I love my old car, but nobody should be paying over four digits for it. There appears to be massive price inflation in the used car industry. And I suspect the Obama-era Cash for Clunkers program may tie into this, but need to do more research.
Do you see the larger picture here? The cabal cronies in the Obama Administration and car industry colluded to make vehicles more expensive via regulations and reducing vehicle selection, then push car-dependent Americans into taking on debt. It’s yet another way of trying to make everyone poorer.
I think you’re right, Sadie.
Hussein did anything and everything that he could, to weaken us and destroy us.
The Cash for Clunkers program was a dastardly plan to eliminate good used cars…and push new car sales.
It was a gift to the UAW union.
I think that the Hussein-Hillary plan was to get people loaded down with as much debt as possible, during O’s 8 yrs…then have the Fed start raising rates, when Hillary took over.
Hillary would have preyed on the resulting recession to push a socialist takeover…of everything.
People who are bogged down with debt are far less likely to do things that would put their income at risk, i.e. saying something on Facebook that goes against the official DNC party line, joining an organized protest against the ruling regime, etc. Debt makes it easier to control us. I didn’t even consider the Fed’s role in this, but you nailed it. Jack the rates up, then offer a “solution.” Few would protest because they wouldn’t want to risk losing their income in the unforgiving “say one wrong thing on social and you’re unemployed for life” totalitarian environment.
Yep, exactly.
Hussein wanted us broke and on our knees.
Primed for the takeover that was to happen under Hillary.
It was Hussein’s lawsuit against Citibank…on behalf of ACORN…back in 1995, that started what turned into the Banking Crisis.
He sued Citibank to *force them* to make subprime loans.
Subprime loans = loans to people who cannot afford to pay them back.
That lawsuit sent shockwaves throughout the banking industry.
My husband was a banker then…and he predicted what was going to happen.
He quit the banking industry because he didn’t want any part of what was going on.
And yeah, the Fed facilitated Hussein’s reign by keeping interest rates low and printing money to him up.
They’ve been pulling a lot of that money back in, since Pres Trump was elected.
The Fed is a part of the Globalist Cabal that wants to enslave us.
Ack…*printing money to prop him up.
Hey Wheatie, while you’re at it, could you print me some € 500.00 notes before they go away 🙂 ?
Not too many, say, 2000 or so 🙂
There’s another aspect to this whole debt picture that I’ve been thinking about a bit since yesterday.
I was in getting my hair done and just listening to the women chatter around me. One of the hairdressers was talking about her upcoming trip to Barcelona, but she wasn’t very excited because she had been there before but her two college aged kids hadn’t and they were looking forward to it.
Another hairdresser was talking about her upcoming two week vacation. She’s taking her little kids to Disneyland.
This got me wondering a bit if in the grand scheme of things is it worth it to have that second income so you can afford trips to Barcelona or Disney Land or wherever, or so you can afford the house payment and two car payments? I don’t know all the details of these women’s lives by any means and I’m not trying judge them but I couldn’t help but wonder.
We are so used to saying we have to have two incomes to get by in this world. Is that really true, or have we just bought into globalist propaganda? Stick the kids in day care and public schools where they can be molded and trained to serve the state and make the parents wage slaves who are so busy working and trying to keep a household running when they are home that the kids aren’t supervised maybe as close as they should be.
There often are a lot of expenses associated with being in the work place. Child care. Work clothing. Dry cleaning for work clothing. Lunch out. And there’s the element of keeping up with the girls so keeping up with the latest expensive hair styles/colors/treatments, manicures and nails, lash treatments, etc.
I don’t know. I just wonder, that’s all. Now that I’m older and looking back and I think about how hard we were sold that we had to get out there and work and be independent and make our mark. It all sounded so good, and so right. But I look at what occurred to our culture after 40 years of this stuff and I wonder.
You’re not alone, Sylvia.
My wife and I made the commitment to raise our own kids. We lived on a farm, she gave up work, so it was pretty easy for us. Boy, have we reaped the benefits in terms of our children and our relationship with them. I would do it all the same again – don’t regret it for a moment. My wife feels exactly the same. For a women to choose to be a mother is sneered at by ever increasing sectors of society.
The pressure to “keep up” with everyone else is enormous. So much of our worth as people has been monetised – I’m not sure if this is the road that we are supposed to be on.
So I’m wondering as well …..
Good for you. It says something about our culture when raising your own kids is looked down on. For a woman to choose to stay home and be a mother is now seen as somehow “less than.” They have succeeded in brainwashing us to that extent. What a shame.
Being a “stay-at-home” mom is the best decision I ever made. It was also the hardest financially, and the effects continue to this day. But I would do it again in a heartbeat.
I have a very close relationship with my kids who are all grown-ups. And they are smart, independent, and happy.
My now-ex husband and I figured out early on how much I would actually “bring home” if I worked, and it was next to nothing after all the associated expenses, like the ones you list.
In the midst of my child-raising years, husband lost his job and we had to “start over,” so to speak. Ended up in Chapter 13 bankruptcy, but we paid off all our debt. I shopped for clothes at Goodwill and yard sales, but I RAISED MY KIDS, not some daycare. It was worth it.
I have preached for years to young mothers that it isn’t worth what you actually “earn” to give up those years with your kids. Most of them don’t believe me.
“I have preached for years to young mothers that it isn’t worth what you actually “earn” to give up those years with your kids. Most of them don’t believe me.”
Pretty strong cultural programming to overcome, isn’t it? They have done quite a number on us.
I now think it was a deliberate choice to change our culture. Parents working, kids in the hands of the state for most of the day, when kids and parents are together the parents are exhausted and possibly choose more than is healthy for their kids to be entertained by TV, video games, internet.
It provides more wage slaves to feed the corporate machine and loosens parental grip and influence on the kids so that future generations would be more malleable.
Anyway, good for you for choosing your own path.
I have to say, when moms work, they’re paid by man/civilization/deep state/etc.
But when they stay at home, to raise the family, they are paid by GOD.
Now I know not everyone is in a position to do that (including some of my relatives), but, if at all possible, the benefits FAR outweigh the costs.
There are a number of books written by Vance Packard, in the late 1950s, about this and related topics, keeping up with the Joneses, etc. TItles such as “The Wastemakers”, “The Naked Society”, “The Hidden Persuaders”, “The Status Seekers”,”The People Shapers”, “Our Endangered Children”, and others.
He saw all of these trends long before anyone else of us did (except, perhaps, for skeptics like my Dad, who could spot BS from a million miles away, it seemed). Ever since the days immediately after WWII, the idea of women working outside the home (as opposed to raising the family) was promoted by the left, and relentlessly harped upon by the DEMONcRATs as the proper thing to do.
Let Dr. Spock (not the Star Trek one) decide how children should be raised…..
Seems none of them bothered to read the book of Proverbs (although I imagine Leonard Nimoy did!).
Growing up in the 1950s and 1960s, my Father and Mother raised us as a single-income family. Sometimes it was hard (indeed, probably a lot harder than we younguns knew), but the rewards were enormous. But even back then, single-earner familes were the exception rather than the rule. Nowhere neaer as bad as now, where my little family is in the 1 percent of single-earners. But we, and my parents, wouldn’t have it any other way. What good is a house, two (or more) cars, a boat, geesh, even a plane, and a host of other things, when the parents are always at work, and no time is given to the children?????
Time, and love from devoted parents is something that NO amount of MONEY can buy. And be assured, GOD sees that too.
Mandy Patinkin did a version of Cats in The Cradle that’s memorable (I think it’s a rehearsal, but a very good one nonetheless. A lot of the MCM smear him as being difficult (OK, part of the performance territory), but he’s a Lionel trains fan, so he can’t be all bad… plus he did a great Che Guervera in Evita…
I have to say as a father, this REALLY makes me look at myself and ask GOD and my family for forgiveness for the times I could/should/would have spent more time with them instead of fighting computers, etc……
This song really makes you think: at least it did me, as a father… very busy, and often on the road for business… RIP Harry Chapin – your songs and legacy live on… Interesting prelude song, pentatonic mode, wish I had the charts (and I’m too lazy/tired, I admit, to take the notes down ).
The song is well worth a listen or two or few. Think of the Kodak song “Turn Around” or the Abba Song “Slipping Through My Fingers”. Once the time is gone, it’s gone forever. We only have one chance to be good parents to our children. May GOD Help, Bless, Keep, Strengthen, Guide, and provide us Wisdom in our efforts, duty, and rewards of being parents…
Just a little addendum (sorry that it will probably show up as one character wide…), Just a note about Mandy Patinkin:
Dot McFarlane
12 years ago
My friends and I had the pleasure of meeting Mandy in November of 1995, in Toronto. To cut a very long story short, he treated us to a show when he found out that we couldn’t afford the tickets. My friend Michelle is disabled and he asked me to lift her onto the stage after his curtain call. He sang “Children will Listen” and then gave her a big hug and kiss. That was an experience we’ll NEVER forget. What a lovely guy he is!! :o)
I saw him as Che Guevera in “Evita” about a million years ago. Brilliant performance. He WAS Che… And that musical makes you think about South America. “The Art of the Possible” especially…..
Sylvia, being redpilled for most of my life I never bought into the 2 income nonsense ,seeing it for what it was ,a way to separate families by appealing to our desires for more things,more stuff more,more,more .I was a stay at home mother and living a simple life raising children on my husband’s income was sufficient. We didn’t go on expensive vacations or have junkets to other countries. We were happy and content..I enjoyed raising my children and keeping the home a place of comfort and security .people miss out on important things in life chasing after material things and that’s just sad,life is good ,as I tell my children at times if you just stop and look around .We don’t usually need all the things we think we do.i ask myself is this something I need or something I want..it makes a difference when I do that..an indulgence now and then is fun but not when it begins to jade you. We bought a new car last year,our first new car ever because it was needed not wanted lol.we looked at used cars to but decided against that as how did we know what were getting for the price. And the prices on a used car are outrageous. I think it’s all about perspective .Don’t follow the world the bible says,it’s good advice for peaceful living☺thank you for letting me ramble lol
I love your story! Thanks for sharing it with us.
This is actually what a society based around selling “stuff” devolves to. Capitalism was always going to evolve this way – up the complexity chain.
The Boeing Max 8 fiasco trumpets this. We have reached the point of diminishing returns.
And yes, they NEED you to be indebted – that keeps you enslaved …
America’s success has been its undoing, so to speak. The efficiency of capitalism means that our essentials are readily catered for – so now what? Will MOAR stuff give your life meaning? Any kid that craved that “must have” toy, only to cast it aside in boredom 2 days late should know the answer. Life is not about stuff – it is about meaningful relationships – all the way to the Top. The left are on a rampage because they do not know what to DO with the time gifted to them – they are LOST.
I think that MAGA is the opportunity for people to find out WHAT this is all about – Freedom valued is a beautiful thing – but it must be wisely used. Only then will it be possible to KAG. The West lost its way BIGLY, and America played no small part in this – so it is to America that we look to change course, and find the “West” again ..
The final techno problem to solve is energy – we have lots of options on the table, with another to be revealed soon.
What will we do with this free’d up time? Now that is the question. Time is in fact the measure of all things …
(Just some of the things to blog about 🙂 )
Great post, Jason. Please let us know when you get that blog up and running.
“This is actually what a society based around selling “stuff” devolves to. Capitalism was always going to evolve this way – up the complexity chain.”
Sorry, Jason…that is just not true.
Infants want what they want, when they want it.
It is not the fault of Capitalism that people have been indoctrinated into ‘getting in touch with their inner child’…and encouraged to engage in “I want that now!” consumerism.
Capitalism, itself, is not to blame here.
The permissiveness that began in the 60’s, morphed into the “I want it now” form of consumerism…and of course businesses are happy to accommodate in this trend.
Businesses are in the business of selling things, so it is not their fault either.
People *used to* be encouraged to Save some of their money.
And people used to save up until they had enough to buy the things that they wanted.
It was the systematic destruction of Personal Responsibility that has led to problems in pretty much every area.
Capitalism is not to blame for this.
I’m about as pro-capitalist as one can get but there are legitimate conversations that could be had about Capitalism’s weaknesses. Capitalism is by far the greatest economic system ever created and I wouldn’t trade it for any other…but no economic system is perfect. As you stated above in the conversation with Sadie, Capitalism can also be twisted and changed (mostly by our own government’s regulations) over time and most of the time we barely notice what has actually changed.
So, Capitalism that is abused by government is not really the Capitalism we all know and love. This is true. But, it’s not just government that has it’s claws dug in. What some people call “progress” (I’ll just refer to it as “change”) also plays a huge role.
There are much deeper conversations that could be explored about the Industrial Revolution, Post Industrial Age, and now the Information/Technological Age, and looking forward to the Artificial Intelligence Age…and how all of these have effected and changed what capitalism is, was, and will be.
People used to craft “things” and the products they created were little pieces of art that lasted a lifetime. Now, just about everything is plastic and disposable. Human beings are becoming increasingly replaceable. Do we really need forty different types of mouthwash? “Stuff” is more accessible than ever before and in many ways this is a good thing…but in other ways it has been devastating. The Mom and Pop shops almost disappeared forever and are still hanging on by a thread.
I don’t think this can be entirely blamed on consumers being irresponsible, although that has played a part. Economic systems have so many moving cogs and wheels that it is almost inevitable that it gets twisted out of shape in a world that now changes so rapidly and so drastically. And socialist/globalist politicians and fake economists (I’m looking at you Paul Krugman) and the puppet media have certainly done us no favors.
President Trump has been the one bright light in many decades, more than decades, actually. Lower taxes, less regulation, business friendly, job and wage growth, better trade deals…etc. (hat-tip to Fleps Daily News Roundups). But even with these common sense (to us) policies, Capitalism will have to continue to adapt to all of the changes that an ever-changing world continues to throw at us.
Technology is a beast and it’s going to continue to have massive positive and negative effects on how our economy functions. And I have to keep in the back of my mind that President Trump can unfortunately only serve two terms.
“Do we really need forty different types of mouthwash?”
One of the main things that brought down the Soviet Union…was when the people there saw what our grocery stores were like.
Rows and rows of choices, of the same type of goods.
The Russian people had never seen anything like it.
To answer your question…No, we don’t really ‘need’ forty different types of mouthwash.
But Who gets to decide which ones that we ‘need’?
Capitalism is pro-consumer.
In Capitalism…the consumer gets to decide which goods or services are best for them.
Competition is good for the consumer.
When businesses compete…the consumer wins.
You are right, Harry, that some govt regulation has become necessary.
Such as Anti-Trust laws.
The big Monopolies destroyed their competition.
The spirit of those Anti-Trust laws…was to break up those big Monopolies and thus restore competition.
I think that the ‘Big Box’ chains like Walmart have violated the spirit of Anti-Trust laws…in the way that they have used their ‘buying power’ to demand discounts on wholesale pricing.
The small Mom & Pop Stores do not have that advantage.
The smaller stores, even the small regional chains, cannot compete with Big Box stores like Walmart.
For example…Walmart bullies manufacturers into giving them big discounts on their bulk-buying of merchandise.
Yes, Walmart does pass some of that discount on to consumers.
But not that much.
Walmart pockets the most of it and profits bigtime.
That is how they have grown so big and have a fleet of private aircraft.
The result of this…is that many manufacturers have been creating Smaller Portions of their products, but still charge the same amount.
We’ve all noticed it.
Smaller jars…fewer crackers in a box…smaller tubes of toothpaste, etc.
Bringing in Cheap Imported Goods has also destroyed a lot of our domestic businesses, too.
We all love to buy things at a ‘discount’ price.
We all love to save money.
But is that discount so important that we sacrifice Quality in the process?
And sacrifice US Jobs?
I agree that Capitalism must adapt to the ever-changing world.
But I maintain that those changes must always be Pro-Consumer.
This applies to the new world of Technology as well.
One thing that I have discovered with Walmart, is that SOME namebrand items they carry, like luggage, is what has been discontinued by the manufacturers.
I agree with everything you have said here, Wheatie. Choice and accessibility are good things…but, to a certain point, imo. And it’s kind of a moot point I’m making because I can’t imagine an economic policy to address this, now, that I would find even remotely palatable. I think I’m viewing it from more of a philosophical standpoint and even an artistic one to some degree. But, as you stated, I would much rather have too much choice than too little…I don’t think that’s debatable. I think that’s why it’s the one sentence in my post that I phrased as a question.
Wheatie, capitalism per se is not to “blame” – people are.
Capitalism is an idea, dreamt up / developed by people for people. We got the idea by mimicking nature.
Competition is a natural law of living systems. Survival of the fittest through natural selection. Capitalism is based on this law of nature – that is THE reason it outperforms communism. “Consumers” select the best, the capital flows to that, those that can’t compete, die. Someone else develops something better, and Voila, Kodak goes extinct. A human economy follows NATURAL laws – everything does, by definition.
Enter advertising – to “inform” the consumer of the next big thing. Before you know it, we consumers are are camped out for days to get “it” asap. We are LOST. We do not know why we do this schiff. But most of us are on the materialist treadmill, enslaved to our desires and wants. We are fallen creatures that ought to know better by now. But survival of the fittest means that it is an arms race to survive. The advertisers are getting better, so they can “survive”. The “widget”makers are making sparklier widgets, etc.
This is us these days, sadly.
The only way to change is to change ourselves – this is what the battle of ideas is about. What are we going to get out of bed for tomorrow, if it is not to work for the next shiny object. America promoted this life style – can it change itself?
THIS is what we should be talking about, as soon as your republic is protected – till the next election. Time is of the essence.
If MAGA is just about the consumer economy and the pursuit of happiness, we will end up back on the cliff edge in the blink of an eye. We are suffering a crisis of MEANING.
Freedom is vital – but only if it serves us, so that we are free to THINK about what this is all about, then live that ideal out. Capitalism is brilliant, because it is so efficient that it provides for our essential needs. We need to capitalise on that freed up TIME. So the consumer needs to be buried, and the citizen resurrected. Let the economy serve the citizen.
The citizen then decides what country he/she wants, and works to attain it.
We *used to* have Truth In Advertising Laws.
Those laws are probably still on the books.
But they certainly are not enforced!
They probably got tossed out the window…to allow for Political Ads.
If they applied those Truth In Advertising laws to the Democrats’ political ads…then there would be No Democrat ads on tv!
Or in print…since the laws applied to print ads, as well.
We are not so far apart here, Jason.
I just don’t think that “the consumer has to be buried” as you say.
We all have to consume things.
And consumerism is not a bad thing, of and in itself.
But I agree about being a good citizen.
And that Personal Responsibility thing is a big part of being a good citizen.
Having the wisdom to be a better consumer and a better citizen…is crucial.
And it’s like Wisdom has been banned from our school systems and our marketplace.
I think this was by design.
Well, if you are for Big government, who claims to know what is “best” for you, then one cannot have wise citizens – they would see through the scam in no time.
So, yes – that was by design.
The move to re-label citizens as consumers was a conscious MK move. Look at the girth of the average westerner – “we” have in general become what we willingly call ourselves. Which means that we agreed to become “consumers”.
By calling ourselves “consumers”, that means that is our primary identifier. Is the fact that we consume stuff the MOST important thing about us? Think about WHY they re-labelled us. There was a purpose behind the move.
I reject this label – I think it is insidious. That is just me. Won’t add up to anything unless others agree …
I only use the word “consumer” when talking about shopping and purchasing goods & services.
Most people would reject the idea that they have been “re-labeled” as mere consumers, instead of other more meaningful descriptors.
Perhaps I should use the word ‘customer’, because I see/hear that word used more often…especially in the business shows that I watch.
The two words, ‘customer’ and ‘consumer’, are used interchangeably here.
It’s the exploitation of envy and selling “keeping up with the Joneses” on a mass scale.
Is there a preview for…”The final techno problem to solve is energy – we have lots of options on the table, with another to be revealed soon.”
Capitalism is the greatest system, IMHO. Folks values, morals, ethics are the issue.
I think you will find we are in near full (if not total 🙂 ) agreement. I said as much, in many moar words, to Wheatie a bit higher up.
In my opinion, we should use the free time that capitalism gives us through its incredible efficiency, to pursue the big questions, the ones you listed, plus what their true Source is. We (the West) are suffering from a crisis of meaning – the freedom that we had was squandered on materialist consumption.
So, again IMHO, we need to wake up and get on it – an Awakening of Purpose, so that freedom can be secured long term.
As to the energy tech – the reveal is part of a long story. To reveal now would greatly detract from the rest – because the rest deals with the bigger picture. It is all connected, strangely.
I can say that the tech works as a standalone or as a retro-fit to any existing thermal power stations, improving their efficiency. It can also deliver fresh water, through either condensate from the air, or through freezing sea water into ice, which is then obviously a supply of fresh water on melting.
That’s probably as much as I’m going to offer at this stage. 😉
Yes, in sync, we are. I’m just a bit slower. An example…
“It can also deliver fresh water, through either condensate from the air, or through freezing sea water into ice, which is then obviously a supply of fresh water on melting.”
Incredibly enlightening for the likes of me. Your posts and this site is a daily education for me.
As am I. This site is an amazing collection of people, each bringing their own special insights. One minute one could be opining on something, the next you are learning something awesome. 🙂
Sadie, I know what you mean about the auto industry and I think you have pretty well described the whole experience.
It seems impossible to find a bare bones basic budget car. You have to get all this stuff that I for one don’t want or need. I grew up with the guys in my family all being pretty good “shade tree mechanics” who could fix anything, and did. But the cars became so complex (and computerized) that no one can really fix their cars any more or even maintain them without a lot of specialized stuff.
Most cars don’t even have keys anymore. Instead you get an expensive-to-replace electronic doohickey that comes with a disclaimer that it may not operate “near cellular phones” or when “multiple wireless keys are in the vicinity” (I guess you’re screwed if you’re in a mall parking lot). Those are actual word-for-word warnings I’ve read–I’m not exaggerating. How is this “progress” over a plain old metal key?
I could go on and on. It’s quite the shock going from a 15+ year old car to all of this expensive stuff that I’ve never once needed in my entire life. If car manufacturers could offer a barebones car at a super cheap price, they’d make a killing.
Amen to that, Sadie.
It has gotten ridiculous!
That is why we’re hanging onto our older vehicles for a while longer.
And…Yes! It would be great if the auto-makers would start building some barebones, no-nonsense cars, at cheaper prices.
Chip Foose designed a retro car that is a thing of beauty:
I’ll bet he could come up with some barebones cars that would be beautiful and yet, simple & cheap.
The magnetic keys are an anti-theft device. And believe me, it works.
Thieves have already figured out how to spoof the transmitter signals needed to unlock and start cars. Authorities now recommend keeping your key fobs in a faraday cage. Again, I fail to understand how this is “progress” over a simple metal key.
Look up “the Rule of 78s” loans (if they’re still legal over there). Talk about a financial noose around one’s neck. My second car loan (after I learned) was a simple interest loan from a small bank, who I later used when we bought our house. Total change, and a much friendlier experience, to boot…
As for the tires, etc., we have that same leftist control mania going on over here, even more so. The EU want to have emergency stop/collision avoidance systems, possibly satellite tracking as well, and a lot of big-brother type monitoring (“black boxes”, interior camceras, etc.). Nanny state. The goal is self-driving cars (because the monitoring “has shown we’re not competent to drive ourselves” (hmmm, now what about all those Teslas and self-driving wrecks?). To err is human; to really foul things up requires a computer…
And finally, checking the air manually is a good thing, because you automatically do a walkthrough, and see if the tires are physically OK, as well as the rest of the car. An idiot gauge can’t do that, nor can a lockout mechanism (which they can then use in combination with other big-brother stuff to keep you from going anywhere).
In the end, with self-driving cars, the Internet-of-Things, etc., they are controlling our mobility, enforcing the lack thereof, and controlling our whole lives. Welcome to the Ant Farm…
Look at “The Once and Future King” (or “The Sword and the Stone”) by T.H. White, the basis for the Camelot saga… (and musical). Seems the ants have been programmed as a fascist “society” (“Everything not compulsory is forbidden”…then, “Everything not forbidden is compulsory”)… Gives one pause…
Self-driving cars sound like an amazing idea up until the totalitarian government turns your car off for engaging in too much wrongthink. Pretty sure the intelligence agencies are already illegally doing this (RIP Michael Hastings). As you said, it’s all about controlling mobility.
Also, I suspect the end goal of the terrorist truck attacks was to ultimately push the public into accepting government control over self-driving cars. “Everyone will be safer if we can remotely stop these terrorist vehicles before they cause damage.” Thankfully, that plan seems to have dwindled with HRC’s defeat.
Self-driving cars.
Self-driving vehicles should be outlawed!
There are supposed to be Licensed Drivers behind vehicles on the roads.
Did these self-driving vehicles get a License?
And where are the Insurance Companies in all this?
Every auto insurance policy that I have ever had…has had “Licensed Driver(s)” listed on the policy.
Are Ins Companies issuing policies to robot cars now?
That would be a big slap in the face, to all of us humans who have to be on the road with these self-driving abominations.
There are some big unanswered questions on this whole thing.
when I bought my Jeep 13 years ago, I told the salesman I had 3 needs…air conditioning, fog lamps and it had to be automatic. He tried selling me one with the heated seats and electric windows (fairly new back then) but I wasn’t having any of it…then he tried telling me i could get by with a more “feminine” SUV…I asked about ground clearance. He looked at me puzzled–I said, the property we just bought, requires daily passage thru a small stream–I know what I what damn it, either show me something like that or I walk.
Properly motivated, he said he could access the data base for the northeast so let’s talk color…lol…
Jeeps can remove their doors (on the wrangler models) so they still offer keys and manual windows…my next one will be a four door though…
Sadie, did you find one you liked?
Pat, I chuckled when I read about the electric windows because it brought back memories of years ago when I had a spiffy, sexy yellow sports car. Trouble is….I lived in an area of bridge and road tolls! Lots of them. After having to crank my window up and down countless times a day…I swore I would never have anything BUT a car with electric windows!
And, of course, the spiffy, sexy yellow sports car had stick shift! I lived on an off-shore island with stop signs at every street…no lights. So, that meant stopping and shifting every single block…to get to the bridge to crank down the window to toss the quarter into the toll basket to end up at the parkway where I cranked down the window to pay the road toll.
My spiffy, sexy yellow little sports car morphed into a bronze 4-door Acura before I knew it.
My mother didn’t realize how convenient having her phone synced to the car was before she had that feature. Just push a button on the steering wheel, and she can talk hands free.
LOL…drive a mile in some else’s car…
“Sadie, did you find one you liked?”
I’m strongly considering a Toyota Tacoma with manual transmission. The main reason (among many) I have interest in it is because of its reputation for being dependable and durable. I wanted to buy a sedan, but nothing currently available grabbed me the same way the Tacoma did.
Having car sales people in the family, I can tell you a few things about what you’re asking.
The cash for clunkers program took A LOT of used cars off the market. I mean, a lot. To the point that we got a call from the dealership asking if one of the car owners would consider trading in one of the Escapes for something new. No. Just no. Not yet anyway. The mileage isn’t high enough.
The American market right now will not support sedans, I’ve been told. I think it’s a mistake as cars now go a number of years more than they used to. But the market research is telling the corporate people small SUVs is the way to go. Honestly, I prefer being higher off the ground as I can see better than I could in my old Focus, and one of my parents needs the height for getting in and out of the car due to arthritis.
As for debt, just say no, and when they press you, tell them, I said no, and I can take my business elsewhere. I did that when I got a phone call from the dealer, “You were looking for an Escape, we have in a Mazda-” “No, I want an Escape” “But, it’s the same car” “I don’t want that and if you don’t stop, I’m going to call [my cousin]” I realize not everyone has the option of being related to management and being family friends of the business owner, though.
That being said, Ford does sell what are known as program cars. These are the ones that were rentals, loaners, test drivers, etc. They’re usually about a year old and have had dealer service. That’s what gets bought in this house, with the home equity check book. They used to max out the credit cards for the frequent flier mileage and then pay them off with that check book for the tax deduction, but that’s no longer allowed. Not sure if that’s an Obama thing or not.
That being said, my 2007 has tire pressure indicators, so it’s been a feature for a while. I just wish they still had the glass opening on the back gates. I hear the new ones don’t have that.
Thanks for the insight. I’ve heard the same thing about sedans and can’t help but wonder if it’s a chicken and egg situation. Did the American market stop supporting sedans because the sedan options from car manufacturers were deliberately underwhelming? Did it stop because there’s pressure on several fronts to buy SUVs or trucks? I question how much it is organic. I’ve got some very blue-pilled “mainstream” in-laws who railed against SUVs for years, then ended up buying one (probably because that’s what everyone else was doing).
And I’m not against the idea of maintenance indicators. I’m against them being legally required by the government along with other “safety features” (in quotes because I’m skeptical how much “safety” some of these new features actually provide). If people demand them, that’s fine. Let the market decide, not the government.
Actually, now that I think about it, my Focus, and the old Aerostars, too, had maintenance indicators. This was back in the 90s. It was the stuff that had to be fixed to pass inspection, though.
Did you discover the “feature” on FORDS that turns the car OFF at idle?? You must hit a button to restart car before you can go when the light turns green!! It’s absofrikkinlutely ridiculous and beyond annoying!!!
I’ve read that the ridiculous engine stop feature on some cars now was also motivated by Obama-era regulations regarding fuel mileage. Anyways, my father had a rental car last year with the engine shutoff feature and ended up in a dangerous situation because of it.
It’s horrible!! And dangerous too!!
After watching the recent movie Unplanned, I fully understand the silence of these ‘volunteers’. Not only are they sadly brainwashed, but they would lose their jobs immediately for saying (or thinking) anything that isn’t the ‘party line’.
We think the censoring of conservative voices is awful (and it is), but at least it is blatently obvious that we are being shut down. Can you imagine being a lefty who begins to awaken, but has nowhere to turn? Only then do they realize how trapped they are in their repressive environment.
As much as I despise the Left, I try to remember Jesus came seeking the sick & the lost. If we follow Him, we should remain open to welcoming anyone we see wavering on the Left. Easier said than done!
Whoa, that comment was supposed to be up with the pro-life video 🙄🙄
I didn’t see the movie yet, Alison..But your words are truly special!! Exactly right!! Watching Harry’s video..EVERY SINGLE person agreed to pray for Brian Sims…that is truly a great testament! We are on the right side!! (even tho I screamed at @ Jack with huge F bombs after that wicked pic) …CAN”T EVEN!
The point is to work at “loving” them – it sure ain’t easy!! We pretty much all fail at this, to varying degrees.
When you attack people, they go into defensive mode, and are not open to change. They self justify. The purpose of “loving” (I believe the Greek word here was akin to benevolence) your enemy is to open them up to the possibility of change.
The VSG used this art of persuasion on Lil Rocketman – it may not ultimately work, but it sure was better than all the previous strategies …
” love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven.” Yup. “it sure ain’t easy!!” . . . but trying is highly encouraged.
Yup – that is what we are called to do, amongst other things!! Not always well received when one is in the midst of battle.
The time for this is coming “soonish”, if we are to get through this as functional nations ..
I stumbled on this hilarious (only in hindsight) news item from way back in 2011. It’s only a couple of minutes long. The homeowner certainly took it in stride and found the whole thing a bit funny but obviously this had the potential to turn out much worse. I post it here because of the reason that the burglar called 911 himself. And the Dems want to confiscate our guns? (warning: Megyn Kelly)
Of course this happened in Oregon…where else?
So, a home invader self-reports to the cops …
And, now I hear that some illegals are self-deporting.
There is indeed hope if this becomes a trend. Pretty funny clip 🙂 🙂 🙂
I should clarify…I said that the homeowner found the whole thing a bit funny…but that isn’t apparent from this clip. I listened to the entire six minute version on yt and after the owner calls in to 911 she is laughing at the situation and even has to be talked out of going back into the house before police arrive by the 911 dispatcher.
Rudy Giuliani was on FNC last night, and reported that he’s Not Going to Ukraine.
He said that he learned that he was going to be “set up” by the people he was going there to see.
So he has cancelled the whole trip.
I thought that was…notable.
It sure is hard to know what is happening when “disinfo is necessary”. I wonder if Rudy ever was actually going to Ukraine, or if the fake story was released to get some people to expose themselves of more corruption.
All I know is I no longer take anything at face value anymore. There’s always a 2nd or 3rd possibility.
This is going to make a great book/movie when the full story is told.
The Hodge Twins weigh in on the Pro-Life Demonstrator getting attacked:
Have you seen this?
I think the statement is this tweet is probably right…
“This is why Trump chose William Barr.”
The sad part is that he had to state the bleeding obvious, way back in the day. The disease has been spreading for ever so long.
Total opposite of Holder, Lynch and Øbominable DOJ.
A lot of Q-peeps are pondering this Q-drop from last year…in relation to the appointment of Ed O’Callaghan as Deputy AG yesterday:
Swampy tweeted about it…and seems to think that it means DECLAS is finally eminent:
I’ve been reading back through the Q-drops from May 2018…and wow, there was a lot of stuff that is making more sense now.
I looked at O’Callaghan’s work history. He worked on No Name’s presidential campaign and was on Sarah Palin’s Truth Squad before going into private practice in white collar crime defense. Interesting in the larger scheme of things.
A lot of people worked in McStain’s campaign…because they didn’t want Hussein to win.
So I can’t really hold that against him.
I’m wondering about this Rosen guy, who is awaiting confirmation.
Hope he’s a good guy.
Yikes, that’s big. Sorry about that.
Oh dear…these are naughty…but funny. Haaaa.

I denounce myself, in advance, for posting these:
Shame on you, wheatie.
Bad wheatie!
OH YEAH…isn’t that what the koolaid guy says? snicker snicker…
Wheatie, Those are simply awesome! Thanks for the laughs.
As in Maxwell Smart and the spy agency “Control”?
Makes you wonder…
actually on my computer, it comes across as a small square that i have to click on to open…so worries here,
I’ve taken a bit of license here with familiarity, since I am new to The Q Tree. But, since I have known many (most?) of you for years through your posts, I think that the characterization is not far from the mark.
Hurry on to The Q Tree,
Come on home to family.
Perch here in the sun and breeze
And let your mind run free.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
There’s a place that I just found,
Full of folks on common ground.
Love of neighbor, flag and God;
But not perfect, we’re all flawed.
Complaint is not the way we roll,
Nor are there cherries in every bowl.
Life’s a mixture, good and bad;
Some days joyful, others sad.
We seek truth and what is good;
Not merely could, but what should.
We get together every day
To talk, discuss and often pray.
So if you need a place to perch,
Here’s where you can end your search.
We talk about the news du jour
And other topics more obscure.
How to make America great,
How to deal with those who hate,
How to get that big swamp drained,
And all about the coup explained.
And, perhaps, the best of all
Learn from others and recall
That your voice, too, is good to hear
In our friendly atmosphere.
So pick a branch in our tree,
Relax and let your mind run free.
We’ll enjoy the time you spend,
Chatting with you as our friend.
This is wonderful, Bakocarl!
So true.
And Thank You!
I’m so glad you found your way here!
“I’m so glad you found your way here!.” I really do feel like I just found my way back home!
Welcome Home, Bakocarl!
very nice!
bakocarl good to see you on the Q Tree 🙂
Wonderful poem as always Thank You!
Nice! You remind me of some of our local cowboy poets here in Montana.
Love it!
Aubergine – that is SO true! Cowboy poets are the best! We never miss the Poetry Week when they come to Golden CO. Bako would definitely be at home on that stage 💖
We lived in Evergreen, CO (actually, more toward Aspen Park – 8.200 ft) for about 8 years.
Dang. You guys could actually suck all the oxygen out of the room (as they say). Not much to begin with.
Ahhhh Bako 💖💖💖 I am so grateful you found us, and decided to snag a branch. You describe us perfectly – flawed, seeking truth and always, always dedicated to MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸
I can’t help but think you are the poet equivalent of Jon McNaughton’s beautiful patriotic paintings. We are indeed blessed by the artists among us.
I don’t know how you do it, Bakocarl – you keep getting better and more profound!
You definitely have a gift.
Awesome Sauce, BC!!!!!! You are so gifted, Welcome 🏡!! 🦋🦋😍🦋🦋
Welcome aboard; bakocarl!
Good to see you over here. Saw Wolfmoons post about it (tough for me to keep up/ catch up!)
Day late and a dollar short-story of my life (bet you’ve got a poem about that!)!
Ahhh. A Nor’easter. Born and raised in NE Massachusetts on the coast, north of Cape Ann.
Miss those softshell clams, lobsters and fresh seafood!!!
“bet you’ve got a poem about that!” Not yet, but I’ll post one tomorrow.
Now for something really important…
thanks for the morning giggles—Paul is gifted!
Cats Rule!
Love animal life, bako, and cats are cool. I help with TNR efforts. 🙂
About a month ago, we took a black Highland Fold queen off the streets and got her spayed. She was super affectionate before she was spayed, but is kinda testy right now. She’s coming around, though.
Have had several shelter rescues, and we saved a starving feral kitten about 3 yrs. ago. A calico, she’s sweet when she’s not hungry! We’d been trying to trap a neighborhood Mama (feral) cat who kept adding kittens to the neighborhood. We’ve TNR’d several of kittens from her litters over the past couple of years, but she is just too wily and we have yet to get her! We lost two wonderful shelter cats to FIP a few years ago, and I’m down to just Sophie now. Been making noise about wanting to another cat – black – one of those we lost to FIP, George, was a treasure. Soon…
They’re calling “feral” cats now, “community cats.” Some areas are more supportive of TNR than others. My city isn’t helpful, and guess what, the SPCA doesn’t like TNR either. At least in this city. PETA is headquartered here and that’s likely one factor. They never met an animal they didn’t want to euthanize. Grrrrr.
About a year ago, a feral male, about 1 year old and pitifully hungry, hopped over our 6’ wood fence and eventually decided to adopt us. Took all summer to be able to touch him but now he’s an door cat about 95% of the time and could not be more affectionate and talks up a storm. After many attempts to get him into a carrier with comic results…we finally bit the $$$ bullet and had a mobile vet come to the house with a customized surgical/lab van to test, vaccinate and neuter him. It was many times more than what it would have been at SPCA but worth every dollar because of the joy he has added to our daily lives.
We made the decision not to get another cat after our last one died several years ago, but some Force evidently over ruled and knew hubby really did need a furry critter to watch the baseball games and late night action movies cuddled next to him. (I gave up the pleasure years ago, LOL)
Sounds like a wonderful rescue story. We’ve found one helpful method to get a cat into a carrier – wrap him/her quick in a towel, and then plop into a toploading carrier vs the side-door. Been our best approach yet. 🙂
Love your pictures, Wheatie. They make one think that it would be so nice to live in a village of such homey trees; like the hobbits enjoyed such warm, cozy abodes.
The hobbits had the “right” of understanding how to live. So Deplorable, 🙂
Thank you, LadyP.
I’m so glad you like them!
WINNING: Pentagon Approves Funds for Another 80 Miles of Trump’s Wall
I hope this is the first of many, many more indictments.
Hussein took in lots of foreign money…in both elections.
But “no scandals” during the Obama Era, right? Obama himself was a scandal.
Bad Boys, Bad Boys, Bad Boys, whatchu gonna’ do when they come for you???
Terrence is still recovering from his injury…but he is doing a little bit of tweeting again:
Yep! Bidoon’s rally was very, erm, TOUCHING… 🙂
You could just FEEL the excitement… Creepy crawling EXCITEMENT…
Even Alberto V05 and Breck were there… Head and Shoulders above the rest…
And the rally song was (H/T Anthony Newley) “The Roar of the Greasepaint, The Smell of the Crowd”…
(Mark Steyn has a wonderful column about Anthony Newley, his musicals, and that song)…
Meanwhile, dirt and poop eating Beto sides with communist Cuba….
PDJT’s tariffs are bringing growth and opportunity to US businesses:
Notice how the scumsucking MSNBC chyron says…”costing consumers”, at the bottom.
That interview didn’t turn out the way that they planned, did it.
AP, Reuter’s, Bloomberg, etc., have all been running nothing but negative articles on tariffs. ITS SOOO OBVIOUS!!! They tried to tank the market this week but POTUS’ well timed and spread out tweets helped do damage control. Love 💕 our VSG!!! 💕
Well people would rather have Jobs than cheap imported stuff.
That’s what it boils down to.
If you don’t have a Job…you can’t even afford to buy the cheap imported stuff!
I believe this guy is correct. Because of the internet, and its widespread pervasive reach, they’re brainwashing, and their insidious propaganda is greater than any “major” newspaper today.
Simply by loading the positive stories for the Dems, and loading negative stories about the GOP/Conservatives at the top of Google searches is a major way to influence what people think when they look up the different parties. Because of how they’re manipulating the algorithms they’re interfering with elections.
Election Tampering!
There is actual evidence there.
Evidence of criminal wrongdoing.
Unlike what they went after PDJT for….there is actual Evidence in this case.
If that’s the case, then maybe, given the control Q claims the current administration has, it was anticipated and allowed to happen to be able to collect the evidence.
That election was barely 6 months ago, and already there’s a study on it. Interesting.
Twitter suspensions continue…
MOAR suspensions:
My only problem with this proposed new site is their initials – PC
We already have Gab and Wictor’s twitter alternate, Quod Verum forum.
for Gail…
Wheatie, meant to mention that the picture of the National Guard soldier carrying the mother and her baby is one of my favorite of all time. It embodies the same spirit of caring that was present in our military who fought in WWll It’s something that I think America has, unmatched by almost any other country – though Australia comes close.
My other fav picture? The one of the President caressing the solider who had lost both arms in our war in the Middle-East. Those are the pictures the malignant MSM won’t show…
Can someone post the actual picture? I haven’t figured out how to post pictures!
Let’s try this:
this is the true nature of POTUS…connecting to people on THEIR level not his…
This one makes me tear up every time.
…. ❤️ … I feel like God touched President Trump’s heart and lead him on this path … he’s our King Cyrus …. from the ot … God has a purpose for his life and I’m thankful for it .. 🙂❤️
Something I wrote a while back, and still believe, even more so now (or as Homer Price would say, Eversomuchmoreso):
He is one of us; a blue-collar billionaire, and yet serves others.
Matthew 23:12: “And whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted.”
President Trump is ONE OF US! In a sense, a blue-collar billionaire. Nothing fake about him. And he’s a Christian: flawed (as are we ALL), but a Christian, nonetheless, and GOD is using him for HIS good will and our good.
And THAT is why the Satanic left hate him so. And they hate US too.
And, sad to say, they hate Jesus (their ONLY hope and Saviour) most of all…
H/T Scott467 and Gunny66 (both OT then)
scott467 says: April 30, 2018 at 5:38 pm
[Via Gunny66] Our President:
He’s a builder at heart. He speaks to people so that they understand. You can’t speak to construction workers like you are in a tea room / meeting room, with platitudes and statements where they are left with a blank look saying and thinking…..Huh….?
And not just construction workers. His business required him to speak to the truck drivers, the cooks, the designers, the maids, taxi cab drivers, golfers…the entire gamut of individuals who were involved in building his empire. He had to understand their problems and their needs in order to “build” quality hotels and golf courses. And he had to talk to them in the way they understood…talk like us…Americans..
And, he was from Queens….where there is a language all it’s own…Queens…and even from where I’m from…where you gave everyone a name…everyone…you wore glasses you were “four eyes”, you were overweight, you were “Wimpy”, you were smart you were Professor” if you were Polish you were Ski….and if you lied your were Lyin, or Crooked, or Lazy, you were Lazy, or whatever….it comes natural to him..it is were he is from.
And he did not only learn from speaking with other people but by doing himself. His father taught him to get down with them, get down with the workers, and do it himself. As he has stated. His father had him counting nails, driving fork lifts, cooking meals.
And then as he grew to be a billionaire, he was in the meetings, the parties, the society of the high minded and powerful. He heard their conversations…their plans for the world…in the back rooms…he heard the names of the powerful who controled everything. all he had to do was listen…
And he did not like what he heard…
So here we are …with a President who is one of us…did you see any of the video today of him speaking with the Olympians who won medals? Just touched your heart…he gave almost everyone one of them a chance to speak and say whatever they wanted. Joked with them like one of the guys and made them all feel special…from Bronze to Gold.
You can truly say he is one of us. The left hates him because he is just one of us…and…
He saved us…..he saved us all…….We should thank God every moment….
And to be quite honest, he is now also saving the world one country at a time….
God Bless our President and his family.
And everyone said, AMEN!
Amen‼️‼️ 😉👍❤️‼️
Okay, cool…that worked.
All I did was add “.jpg” at the end of that url, LadyP.
Thank you, Wheatie. Penguin scribbles another note to self at the computer of “how to do” this techi stuff. Hubby says, how do you find anything in all your little scrapes of paper? 😍
That’s one of my favorite pictures too, LadyP!
Every time I see the “testosterone” picture above, I pause for a few minutes and reflect on that infant boy’s sense of security in his Mom’s loving arms. Mom’s sense of relief, this unknown guy is providing by carrying her to dry land and increased safety for baby and Mom.
The guy may be National Guard. I was thinking a Texan or Cajun Navy…ball cap doesn’t look military. In any case, this guy provided an immense sense of safety and security, during an incredibly stressful time for mom and son.
The same goes for President Trump gently touching the Vets face. Wonderful!
Those pictures are a joy every time I see them:-)
Yes, that flood picture gets me every time too, Kalbo.
He probably didn’t know them…but they needed his help and he gave it without their asking.
That’s what the look on his face says to me.
That quiet look of strength.
And resolve…to do whatever he can to help out, for as long as he is needed.
He had probably already carried others to safety, before that photo was taken.
I’ve seen that look before…on the men who jump in their trucks and come running to help out, after tornadoes hit here.
Such Men are amazing…and we would be lost without them.
And we know, when this guy arrived on dry, stable land, he set the gal down gently so as to not disturb the infants slumber.
As it should be. Thankful for this!
The rescue was here in Houston during Harvey. Neighbors helping neighbors. TG for the Coast Guard and Cajun Navy too!!!
Remainers are angry with the BBC for featuring Nigel Farage on their news shows, but the truth is that the BBC is BIASED towards REMAIN:
Nigel’s Brexit Party gets huge donation from Conservative donor:
Liberal Democrats have refashioned themselves as THE Remain party for EU elections:
From a staunch Lib Dem, Mike Smithson (Cambridge graduate and founder of PoliticalBetting.com):
‘Lots of talk over the past 24 hours about the Lib Dem slogan on one of its leaflets for the European parliament election campaign. Clearly the word “bollocks” is one that is on the very margins of what is acceptable in polite society but it does get home the message well.
‘Also “Bollocks to Brexit” has the added advantage of alliteration and it is very clear where the party stands. This in sharp contrast to Corbyn’s LAB which is hamstrung in this election by not being able to be unequivocal. Is it for Brexit or against?
‘When like the LDs you’re not one of the big two parties, or Nigel Farage, it is very hard to command the attention of the media. This is still the case even after last week’s local elections which saw enormous gains for the LDs against both Labour and the Conservatives.
‘There’s another battle that’s taking place on May 23rd and that is which is the strongest voice for Remain. These are elections when normal party loyalties tend to be abandoned and it is all about simple positioning …’
Absentee London ballot paper for EU elections is too long to fit into return envelope:
Probably would fit on a roll 🙂
At least there it would be put to good use 🙂
(Same result either way)…
[Funny thing: here at “Penny Markt” they have a brand called “Happy End”. I don’t think they understand the implicit pun at all… may should send a bunch of those rolls to Brussels… and Ms. Mayn’t…]…
Change UK (CUK) doesn’t have a chance, but these are surprisingly good polling results for the Brexit Party in London. Hope this is true on May 23. Votes are not first past the post, but are a form of proportional representation according to a European mathematician’s formula — D’Hondt. So, Brexit Party should win an MEP or two for London if all goes well:
Here is a national view. Labour are scared (Lord Adonis is a party member):
Oh, that’s rich…
I have to say, as Labour is SO Anti-Semitic, that I fear GOD’S Judgement should Labour gain control of any sort…
Corbyn could well be the fellow in “The Bricklayer’s Lament”… except he’s probably never worked a day in his life…
I do not understand how Jewish voters can flock to them.
Unelected EU official, Guy Verhofstadt, invited to join the Lib Dems (‘Bollocks to Brexit’) on the campaign trail:
Not many people were interested:
Good 🤨👍‼️‼️‼️ … and thank God 🤨❤️‼️‼️‼️
I am hoping that Cuppa Covfefe chimes in on Guy Verhofstadt, who is Belgian, by the way.
I did not see it, but last week there was a documentary about him on BBC4. On one British website I read, two people who were lukewarm on Brexit and who saw the programme said Verhofstadt was so outrageous that they now supported NO DEAL. Imagine that. As it stands, by now, little can change a Briton’s perspective on Brexit. Yet, two more people decided against May’s deal and Remain.
Apparently, Verhofstadt, for all his eccentric trappings, can make or break a Belgian politician and has been doing so for decades.
Oh, yes, I forgot to mention that a former Miss Belgium was in the entourage. She’s in the Eurostar photos in Verhofstadt’s tweet.
Ouch. I just saw that name and wanted to hurl…..
I have to go back through my notes, but he is a leftist slime beyone belief. As are most politicians in Belgium, an artificial country with a “tower-of-Babel” edifice purporting to spew “governance” over all of Europe. Europa, the Beast of Babylon which the woman (or perdition) rides…
(OK, so why in the heck did I move over here… sometimes I wonder that, too) (but my wife doesn’t let me wonder too long 🙂 [JUST KIDDING, HONEY] )…
On another thread I put up some quotes from Drunkard, erm, Juncker. They pretty much show the cavalier attitude the “über Euros” have about the EU. Outside of the twin (yes, there’s TWO identical buildings, both replicas of the unfinished, Satanic Tower of Babel) administrative buildings of the EU (long story there about Strasbourg vs. Brussels) there are plaques spewing homage to the wonderful, eternal GOVERNANCE of the EU over its PEOPLES…..
Sounds like a dictatorship to me. From the middle ages (think of the refauxgees).
Resistance is feudal… Gotta watch out for those bad Manors…..
Sometimes I look back at how Europe was carved up after the old maonarchies and city-states were put down, and I have to ask: are we really any better off? A good, benevolent, BELIEVING monarch could do immense good.
A malevolent, Malthusian, misanthropic, math-challenged, malignant, murderous, midchievous, monster would wreak the same disaster as today’s DEMONcRATs…
The media here are totally controlled (Merde-Kuh and her minions), so the sheeple are being led in the “remain” direction. Fortunately, we “on the continent” (barf) don’t have any say in the matter.
I can only repeat what my Pop (GOD rest his soul) said to me in 1964:
1) the common market will NEVER be good for England
2) the Pakis will take over England unless something is done
3) the Chinese will take over the WORLD, if they ever get organized…
He’s close to being right on all three. Funny how some people cut through the BS and see things how they really are (and we didn’t get on too well at first, as I liked to experiment with the 250v power sockets, etc. 🙂 ) Looking back, though, I can see how his great engineer’s mind sliced and diced all the available information. I rather suspect he’d call BS on the GoreBull warming scam too…
Like I said, that name makes me want to retch, so I must have infos on it somewhere… Benelux are VERY left, which is sad considering their contributions to the underground in WWII, which I know from borh sides: families running it, and Jews escaping Germany through it…
P.S. What’s your take on the Brexit party on the upcoming elections? (I’m praying for Nigel &co.)
Thank you VERY MUCH, CC, for your considered analysis — GREATLY APPRECIATED.
Nigel’s Brexit Party will establish big MEP inroads. It was UKIP’s big showing in the last EU elections that persuaded David Cameron to give us the referendum. 🙂
I will put the latest polls and Brexit Party news in Sunday’s thread.
Clearly, Nigel is positioning the BP for the next General Election (2022, if not before): ‘Politics isn’t working’.
oh what a tangled web we weave…who were the paid investigators, hmmmm????
Obviously, Mueller would never have to worry about any Democrat member of the committee asking him to answer questions under oath about an inconvenient subject like that, but guess what? There are Republicans on that committee, too! Go figure.
Those GOP members include such Witch Hunt hawks as Ohio’s Jim Jordan, Texas’s Louie Gohmert, Florida’s Matt Gaetz, and Texas’s John Ratcliffe. You can be certain sure that each and every one of those men would force Mueller to offer an unqualified yea or nay on that specific question. An answer of ‘yea’ would destroy what little credibility Mueller and his evil minions have left and possibly subject them all to criminal inquiry. An answer of ‘nay’ could subject Mueller to future criminal prosecution should this allegation ultimately be proved to be true.
And here’s the thing: Somewhere among the still-classified records of the Mueller Witch Hunt are accounting records, including a full accounting of how that $732,000 was spent. At least, there had better be. If such an accounting does not exist, then Mueller and his minions have committed a fraud on the public and the federal government.
But assuming such a full and complete accounting does exist, then Mueller would answer this question falsely under dire personal jeopardy.
The financial details are in the “data base / computer” and available. This is an easy one.
It will all come out.
BORDER Patrol Budget Details:
More on Border Patrol Budget:
Customs and Border Protection CBP adversaries include our own Congress:
Mandatory E-Verify
*wheatie’s eye begins to twitch*
Sports Illustrated has gone to the dogs.
Romans 1:28* – Furthermore, just as they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, so God gave them over to a depraved mind, so that they do what ought not to be done.
Think about it – the Dirty Dossier, the crazy rumors cast at Brett Kavanaugh….products of reprobate/depraved minds of the left.
The Left DEMAND we approve their depravity and decadence, believe their deceptions – or else!
*See Romans 1:16-32 – the Road to Perdition.
Here, let me help you…or maybe just me after that piece of news. Jeez. Women can’t even show off what makes us women without being upstaged. I need a pick me up.
Oh thank you, DePat!
Thank you.
Thank you!
Yes, that’s just what the doctor ordered.
I love kilts…kilts are hot.
And hot guys in kilts are double the hotness!
I bought a kilt for mr. wheatie, years ago.
It has become a form of currency with him…
Him: “I’m not wearing that skirt.”
Me: “Oh please. You’ll look great in it!”
Him: “If I wear it…can I order that new driver I’ve been wanting?”
[driver = golf club]
Me: “Sure honey!”
Him: “But I’m not wearing it outside the house.”
Me: “Okay, sweetie. That’s cool. I don’t want other women swooning over you anyway.”
So now…whenever he wants something…
He wears the kilt.
Uh-huh. If the good Lord ever blesses me with a husband [make the Sign of the Cross in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit] my dream wedding includes the gentlemen in kilts. My dad will balk, but I bet my brothers will join in. Well, two of them anyway. One takes himself too seriously since he’s been with the state sanctioned friend with benefits.
That sounds like the perfect dream-wedding to me!
And with the white ties, too:
The ruffled shirts are cool…but most guys would balk at wearing those:
And I suppose SI will have some highly publicized issues out celebrating how wonderful it is that a number of gender confused “males” are beating the crap out of the women in certain women’s athletic events.
I’m with the Church Lady on that one.
Seems the SBC have that, erm, covered: 😉
NEW YORK, NY—In a controversial move, Sports Illustrated has unveiled photos of its first ever Baptist swimsuit model, pictured in a floor-length denim skirt, modest collared blouse, and no makeup or jewelry whatsoever, other than her purity ring.
The “hot” photoshoot includes pictures of the woman lying on the beach, rolling around in the water, and reading Passion and Purity on the beach in sexy poses, all while completely covered up.
Christians quickly praised the decision.
“We are glad SI finally sees the value of modesty,” one leading evangelical said. “A woman mostly covered from head to toe is a great precedent to set, and we hope more models going forward will be dressed this modestly.”
The woman, Becky Grace-Charity-Faith Benson, said she’s proud to represent her Baptist religious heritage. “It’s important for young Christian girls to see that beauty isn’t just being skinny or wearing b*kinis—it’s wearing a comfy pair of sneaks, a long, denim skirt you made at home, or a modest one-piece bathing suit under a swim shirt and long, flowy swim skirt.”
The goodwill the magazine earned among Christians evaporated, however, when the magazine also included a modestly dressed Muslim woman in the issue, and evangelical leaders quickly called on the magazine to feature a less modestly dressed woman in her place.
Mental Illness!!
BORDER PATROL – State of Emergency
CNN: How dare the Border Patrol deport people courts ordered deported!
I really don’t understand this one!
Why “is considering”? Why not just do it . . . en masse . . . all over the country?
Can anyone enlighten me on this ?
To expose the traitors?
Or, it may end up that VSGPDJT boxes them in, and forces them to demand that the refauxgees are sent back…
It wouldn’t be the first time that the DEMONcRATs didn’t see this coming… (and that’s a good thing)…
For Wheatie’s Saturday thread:
Heheh, that’s cool, isn’t it.
Here’s the tweet that’s at that link:
FANTASTIC…above video only 37 seconds…100% worth viewing!!!!
M A G A ! ! !
LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
… 😮🤚 … ❤️ … I want that … imagine rush hour and the first car at the traffic light doesn’t move due to texting …. ☺️ … 😈👍
Yeah. And think, if you can’t find a parking space…….. 🙂
😈👍 …. it’s ok to be a little bit bad right? 😶
BEHOLD the Democrat Buzzwords (and last resort) for 2020 – it’s Voter Suppression™ and Secure Our Democracy™!!!
“Voter Suppression” . . . to conceal their vote harvesting schemes
Secure Our Democracy” . . . to conceal their inbred fascist ideology
Exactementé BakoCarl! You have their number.
At least with “Secure Our Democracy” you can tell them to SOD off…
You rule, Cuppa!!! LOLOLOL!!!
There they are…back when the Dems all wanted Comey to be fired:
We need a new word for this level of hypocrisy.
What I want to know is why they wanted him out. That kind of coordination doesn’t just happen.
That was back during the 2016 election…the countdown days…when Comey came out, again, and said that Hillary had screwed up.
But again…he didn’t do anything.
They were all just pissed that he spoke ill of the Hildebeast.
That’s the surface. What iceberg and/or rock formation is under it that we don’t know about.
Fear of Hillary’s wrath, maybe?
She might have a ‘dirty dossier’ on each of them.
“She might have a ‘dirty dossier’ on each of them.”
But I bet the rest ARE VERIFIABLE!
4AM talking points.
politicos in sync as reported by Mind Control Media.
Trying to salvage hildabeast’s candidacy.
One of the problems Comey and his Cabal gang have is the revelation that they colluded with the Dems to protect Hillary. That’s obstruction of Justice big time.
I also think somewhere in those text messages between Page and Strozac might be discussion of causing physical harm to POTUS.
Yes…and yes.
I agree, LadyP, on both of those.
Comey began to run scared right before the election – being an insider, maybe he was seeing the REAL polls showing DJT ahead, and not Hillary. By saying they were reopening the investigation – within a wee or two of the election – it did create a little bit of a dark shadow over Hillary.
I don’t think it caused her to lose, but it made the Dems fearful that Hillary would be outed before the election. If FBI had been doing its job – she would have been referred for criminal charges – of course, Obama’s DOJ might have squashed them – but it would have roiled the Dem party.
He couldn’t expose her without exposing Obama…
AND himself !!!!!!!!!!
That’s the rock and a hard place he was in… still is.
They thought it harmed Hillary’s chances… some still blame him.
I’m working on a new term. As you know, I’m struggling with the call to “love your enemy”. We all cheering for Blexit – that is an easy “love your enemy”. Anyway, the new term applies to what looks like the lost souls of our enemies – the DiFi’s, Nancy P’s, Nadler, Wasserman, etc
So I suspect that some of their souls have shrunken to “black hole” proportions, and that when they speak, we are observing a new phenomenon, which I am thinking of naming Hawking Radiation Chunder. I should go with vomit, but chunder means the same, and starts with a “C”.
So when Jerry Nadler speaks, he can be said to be projecting HRC – a new kind of “projectile vomit” 😉
PS, in case anyone is unsure – Hawking radiation is a theoretical emission from a black hole – everything else is kinda lost …
I thought a good moniker for these lost souls would be “Dante’s children.” It does summarize their condition and their destiny.
HRC ….. ohhhhhhh that’s the miserable harridans initials …. 😂👍‼️‼️‼️‼️👍
Bwahahahahahah … righteous 🤨👍‼️ …. bwahahahahahah .. ☺️❤️
Mad Magazine a bunch of boys, I am guessing, 10, 11, 12…folding the Mad Magazine cover twice to see the hidden cartoon / picture. And the guys bust up laughing…
Yep, those were the days….LOL!
. . . and it was really funny . . . back then.
Matteo Salvini is the one who is sending the ‘refugees’ back to where they came from.
And the Italian people love him for it!
You guys might have been covering some of the recent school shooting in Colorado and wish I had time to post more about it. Hope you got to see the students walking out on the gun grabbing groups and politicians at that so called vigil then taking it back over, that was a thing of beauty. God bless and be with Gen Z 👍
Somethings wrong – I’m about to agree with Jerry Nadler, in fact, I suspect I agree with Adam Schiff as well. They are calling for Barr and other Trump people to be held in contempt of Congress. Seriously agree with this. I suspect the VSG agrees as well, including everyone here.
To be honest, do any of us know ANYONE who does not hold this Congress in contempt? This feels like a “basket of deplorables” moment.
Surely T-shirts are being printed with “I stand with AG Barr – I also find myself to be in contempt of Congress”. A bit clunky – but no doubt someone here will tighten it up and make a small fortune on this one ….
That PP clinic in PA may not like all the attention it is getting now…
That dark, demonic den of horrors, has failed quite a few Inspections.
And they were never fined or shut down, either.
A good listen!
I like the analogy.
Just like Satan, the Left, desire to usurp God. The Leftists, not God, knows what’s best for us.
I’m amazed this guy hasn’t gotten kicked off twatter for this.
Unfortunately, it probably wont be long.
It will be a shame too…because I like him!
His name is Graham Allen…here is more from him.
**Warning** –> he uses some salty language.
Oh, and in case you haven’t heard…Alyssa Milano is trying to get all the pro-choice women to go on a ‘sex strike’ until their “right” to kill babies is no longer under attack.
Or something.
“Alyssa Milano is trying to get all the pro-choice women to go on a ‘sex strike’”
Such a deep thinker this moron(o) is; she doesn’t even realize that a sex strike, especially by pro-choice women, is in effect an abortion ban; no sex, no unwanted pregnancy; no abortion required!
I know! It’s hilarious!
Ha,ha…her sex strike was probably suggested by her husband.
I was out shopping and got a birthday card for Mr Hendrickson which someone posted yesterday as a Veteran turning 100…
I also sent an email telling POTUS about it–he probably already knows, but it doesn’t hurt!
(I forget who posted but THANKS! for telling us!)
Saturday funnies!
With all the things that we know are proven false in the Steele Dossier, plus the negative assessment of the dossier by State Department official Kathleen Kavalec, there should be zero doubt left that the FBI knowingly took a false report and used it fraudulently to promote an investigation and spying into PTrump and his staff, before and after the election.
Alas, it is all based on bovine excrement! False info fed to “intelligence” to intelligence agencies or the conspiring press to make a basis for “intelligence gathering” SPeyeing! Clutch your pearls and faint! Dem Dims are in trouble and grasping at straws and trying to dig up how much VSGPDJT has on them! Let’s look at the demonrats’ and rhions’ travel records, passports, FEC reports, and their tax returns as they become stinking rich while in office!
Pres Trump has posted one tweet this morning:
But he has done a lot of re-tweeting:
And 28 more re-tweets. (!!)
Some Dem voters, like their political representatives, think the ends justify the means. They have been brainwashed to think Pres. Trump is evil and colluded with Russia, so any means necessary to get him out is fine — including lying and cheating and ruining people’s lives. Others don’t care about Mueller; they just don’t want someone in office who stands for life and America first. Some people don’t think for themselves, so whatever the Party says must be correct in their opinion. I hope there are some Dem voters who have some sense. I’ve read of a few who have awakened over the past few years.
Haven’t read all of his retweets yet, but I’d say he doesn’t retweet anything that doesn’t have a message or a target.
Byron York;s: If she was part of Russia 2016 campaign operation, odd that Mueller wasn’t interested…
RT @texan_21c: @ByronYork She was an unregistered agent of Russia infiltrating powerful GOP organizations. This was very much a part of Russia’s influence campaign. Why do you downplay this? and this one:
Love how Comey and Baker trying to get out there ahead of FISA report. But sorry, boys. Barr doesn’t give a rip about public opinion. If you broke the law, and I’m pretty sure you did, prison is a real possibility.
Those in particular stand out for what they’re messaging. 😃
I copied this link of it posts … it’s creepy joe talking about border walls … lol .. 🤞😐 …
🧐 ….
This is good .. 🙂
The tweets to Alyssa Milano are pretty funny:
So I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that a sex strike by all those pro-choice, pink puzzy-hat wearing women in that pic ain’t gonna make one bit of difference.
Btw, I looked for others pics of that event and look who showed up !
Heheh…good one.
Let’s see if this works:
This is funny, and Comey sure fits right in there. I admit, I laughed.
But then I felt sad looking at this picture. Sometimes, I am ashamed to be a woman.
Then I remember looking at Women for Trump pictures and everyone looks happy and not foolish and angry like this crowd and then I feel better.
Much better ! Thanks !
HA 😂👍 …. what a bunch of miserable old burn-outs …… well honey’s you’ll always have Woodstock …. bwahahahahahah bwahahahahahah
Move to the 22 second mark … 😃🤚❤️
Oh 😱 …. I missed Ms. Comey ‼️‼️‼️❤️ LOL 😂👍‼️‼️‼️‼️
This idea had to have been suggested by her husband…
She has a husband? Yikes… Poor kids….
GP says it all: Liberal darling and washed up actress
At the end of her tweet she says to Pass It On. I’m sure she has many times…while putting a strain on our supply of certain medications…
Something about “coyote ugly” comes to mind …
Milano has gotten the reputation of being a diva on a set.
Actually…worse, she is toxic on a set.
People don’t want to work with her.
Her husband is one of the biggest Agents in Hollywood, and even he can’t get her work.
Ahhh yes I remember we talked about this last time. She was in ‘Charmed’ and she and shannen doherty did not get along at all.
Truth be told name me one big movie she was in? ***crickets****
She did one when she was a little girl…in the 80’s, starring Schwarzenegger.
She played his daughter.
That’s the only movie I can think of.
Ahhhh yes… and we all know what Schwarzenegger thinks of Trump.
I only recall two tv shows ‘who’s the boss’… (well its not her that’s for sure) and ‘Charmed’.
FYI she does have a clothing line called ‘touched’ by alyssa… LOL
She could get Sleepy Creepy Joe to be a spokes-droid/sponsor for it then 🙂
Touched…she’s touched alright… not 20 shillings to the pound, she is…
Abortion is legal. So are contraceptives, so what’s the problem? Is it that she wants the right to kill a newborn baby? She has two kids. It’s amazing that she can’t connect the dots and realize that one of them might not be here because of a decision she might have (legally) made.
You know, I seem to be at a point in my life where I find myself questioning everything I ever thought I knew or believed. This has been the impact, for me, of the unraveling of the story of the slow rolling coup.
Anyway, with all the discussion about abortion recently I have found myself thinking a lot about the fathers of these aborted babies. We have been so thoroughly brainwashed that the men have no rights in this, that it is strictly a woman’s choice because it is her body. No one questions that, do they? Never in any of the discussions does the subject of the father ever come up.
It has made me wonder if that shouldn’t be challenged. It is NOT just about the woman’s body, it is about ending the life of a baby who has two parents. Shouldn’t the father have some say in this?
I guess I’m just saying I think that aspect of this needs to be revisited. I’m no longer comfortable with the notion that it is or should be SOLELY the woman’s choice.
I agree. I have thought for a long time that the rights and opinions of the fathers are ignored altogether. Women will scream that it’s THEIR body, but it’s also the MAN’s child.
Yeah, it’s not like the woman is deciding about having a nose job or whether the pain in her knee warrants going ahead with surgery. It is NOT just her body because it is NOT just a clump of cells. It seems really wrong to me that the man has absolutely no voice in this situation.
Sylvia I think of this all the time! I think a father should have the right to say no to an abortion! But hey, what do I know!
Or, alternatively:
If abortion remains legal, he should have the right to renounce fatherhood if HE doesn’t want the child. Let her raise it on her own. Right now we’re in an asymmetric situation where a woman can escape the (possible) consequences of sex, but the man cannot. When someone complains about this the feminazis say, “well don’t have sex then” but seem unable to recognize that that’s exactly the same thing they can’t stand hearing.
“questioning everything I ever thought I knew or believed” . . . just from a secular point of view, I hope . . .
Oh yes, should have made that clear!
Frankly, I had no doubt!
<3 <3
There was a time when I was young we did not give our bodies willy nilly to any Joh that came allong and sweet talked us into having sex.
Some of us took care of or bodies and said No! That is where taking responsibility of our bodies as women begins. Just my humble opinion.
Maybe this seems unkind but in a society of instant gratification being pregnant is a possibility.
Also what about birth control for those who do not want to wait until Mr right comes along? Yes I am old fashion. What about that the man takes also responsibility for protection?
The reproductive system is something to protect and value and as a woman I always thought of as a myrtle that life could grow within me.
Secondly I do not judge those who are taken in and become pregnant and the guy skips out of responsibility or to late one discovers he was just the wrong man. Responsibility includes carrying the baby full term keep it or give it up for adoption .
I hope those of us who believe in life to help make it easier for a woman to carry the baby full term because they need our support and love.
“I hope those of us who believe in life to help make it easier for a woman to carry the baby full term because they need our support and love.”
Yes, yes, yes–a thousand times yes!!! You are so right.
Parkland principal to resign at end of school year
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School principal Ty Thompson cited his health and family as reasons for leaving.
Author:The Associated Press
Published:11:33 PM EDT May 10, 2019
Updated:11:33 PM EDT May 10, 2019
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — The principal of a Florida school where 17 people were fatally shot last year is resigning.
The Sun Sentinel reports that Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School principal Ty Thompson announced Friday that he will step down at the end of the school year. He cited his health and family as reasons for leaving.
Thompson was principal in February 2018 when authorities say a former student opened fire at the school. He was added to a school district investigation in March, when his responsibilities were reassigned to other administrators. Three assistant principals were transferred to other jobs in November while the district investigated their roles in the shooting.
Thompson was not on campus when the shooting happened. A state panel investigating the shooting criticized Thompson in December for not being informed on how his administration handled student threats.
Great short story for you today. We have guests, who live on the southern coast of MS, via Hawaii.
Military family.
Wife worked at a large dry cleaner in Hawaii, did Senator Inouye all the way up to Maizi Hirono.
According to her, Maizi is an absolute “$itch” and treats staff horribly.
Husband is just as bad.
Tulsi Gabbard just wants to be pretty.
Inouye smelled bad.
Here’s the kicker
Her little brother is one of less than a 100 Master Gunnery Sergeants. His job was flying Marine One for Dick Cheney. Said he was a blast, very comfortable, played lot of cribbage.
Of course, she loves President Trump, “he’s the best we’ve ever had”.
Great story, Daughn!
That fits about Hirono, doesn’t it.
And Tulsi Gabbard too. Heheh.
Its amazing when you see behind the curtain, or the dirty laundry!
Ha, ha!!!
Thanks Daughn, interesting tidbits!
Great story … love it 😉🤚❤️
Paul Joseph Watson has a new video…about Comrade Zuckerberg.
Did you know that he had to use a booster seat when he testified before congress?
Good one, Harry!
Some people think he’s a robot…I can’t imagine where they got that idea.
Uh oh…forgot this:
Well that’s odd… wasn’t there a drinking water one as well?
I haven’t seen that one. 🤔
I think paul joseph watson had it in one of his videos….
Oh I found it
at the :55 min mark
There it is.
I haven’t seen that video yet.
Its one of my favs. LOL
Forgive me …. but on a scale of 1 to 10 on the punch in the kisser meter the butt wipe is a freakin’ 10 ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ 😑🤚🤬
… and pocawhatever is right up there with the fb pud …. 😖👍‼️‼️‼️‼️
Ho ho Ho ….. is he creepy or what …. if he gave that shitty grin to me my combat booted foot would send the smarmy weasel to another galaxy …. 🤨‼️
He’s thoroughly MK’d …… wonder what horrific dirt they have on the petrie dish 🧫 …. 😖🤚
Nothing to see here…move along.
It’s not even close. The folks on our side have the best sense of humor that I’ve ever seen. Very creative and funny.
Their side has late night talk shows and planned parenthood.
This is so funny!!!! Hilarious!
LOL 🤨👍‼️‼️‼️
It’s seriously creepy …
Unsettling thought, isn’t it? But he’s right.
I recall some of us talking about this a few days ago:
16-Year-Old Girl Accuses Utah Man of Sexual Abuse – Brother Beats Him Dead – CCTV Proves It Was All a Lie
Oh man…what a terrible thing.
Just awful. Hopefully the girl will be charged also.
Blasey-Ford must be so proud. And in the age of Ford and Smollett, who knows if this girl will even be punished. Does she have any high-powered Democrats to step in on her behalf? Tragic.
It’s outrageous 😡‼️‼️‼️‼️ I hope the authorities hold both the sister and brother responsible ‼️‼️
It’s murder … better yet, deport their miserable butts to Venezuela ….. let Madura have at them ….
Very good overview of the issue! Thanks.
Thanks bako…
I have from the beginning thought Brennan the chief operator… C_A is tool of Deep State… so, someone at Soros level was telling Brennan to instigate… and of course empty suit zero did as he was told… he doesn’t have the resources to run a coup. Brennan does though…
phoenix, I’d actually name Brennan as Tool, Jr. with Hussein as the head tool (if you’ll forgive the language.) Although, Michael … ugh … Michelle is probably some type of tool as well.
Just sayin’ … 😉
AGREED! Democrats know a dozen ways from Sunday how to cheat in elections.
Southerners have long known that Democrat votes do not equal live, valid voters. Never have, never will.
We need photo-voter-ID keyed to eye scan, DNA or fingerprints.
NO illegal, Prisoner, Dead, Fictitious, Surrogate, Stolen Votes or Voters.
This hideous evil that has been unleashed upon us has got to be stopped somehow.
I’ve been so angered and sickened by parents who seem to go along with this crap that I have failed to comprehend that for most parents they have no choice; their options to fight back have been eliminated.
“No one will help us.”
This refrain is echoed in story after story of parents whose child has suddenly announced that they are transgender.
The parent of a teen with Asperger’s grieves that she cannot find “a professional that would consider her diagnosis of ASD” as possibly contributing to her gender dysphoria.
When her daughter declared herself to be a boy, an anonymous parent writing at The Federalist looked for a “therapist who could help her sort out what her gender dysphoria meant.” What was going on in her daughter’s life that might be making her feel disassociated from her body? This mother “quickly discovered that it is nearly impossible to find therapists who do this kind of work.”
Another parent at The Kelsey Coalition laments that “due to the laws prohibiting any exploration of alternative causes of bodily distress … we were unable to find a US-based therapist who can work with our daughter to explore how her OCD, ADHD, same-sex attraction, and peer pressure may be contributing to her sudden desire for a medical transition.”
If Conversion Therapy Bans continue to pass in state after state it will soon be impossible for any parent to find a legal therapist who can help their children learn to love and accept their own bodies…”
Read it here:
More from the article:
“…What is considered standard high-quality care in any other situation is now deemed destructive and harmful abuse if applied to someone who thinks they might be transgender.
Many anti-conversion therapy laws, including HF12, label as fraud any “services or products” that hold open the idea that a client’s sexual orientation or gender identity can change. This means that if HF12 passes the state senate, Minnesota parents and teens will not be able to buy books, videos, or other education materials supporting the idea that sexual desires or gender identity can be brought into harmony with one’s biology.
Somehow seeking psycho-physical alignment in our children is now considered a fraud.
It is not only parents who are alarmed by the government enforcement of transgender ideology; teens and young adults lament how their therapists and doctors completely ignored the mental health issues which they now believe underlie their experience of gender dysphoria….”
This is so sad, and cruel ☹
It really is. It is just tragic.
Gender theory, ‘sexual identity’ ‘sexual orientation’ etc are all a buncha crap cooked up for propaganda purposes by the pansexual lobby.
This is a travesty – cultural insanity – just like telling your kid they can be a frog, a dragon or a dinosaur.
Yes, unfortunately they have sold it thoroughly in all the right places.
I think it might have been you who posted this link the other day, and heaven help me but I clicked on it and read.
The brutal honesty of this guy kind of got to me and one of the things he wrote was they would have us believe that your sexual “orientation” is fixed and unchanging, but your gender is fluid and changes at the drop of a hat. Of course none of this makes any sense when you stop and think about it.
He went on to write an article where he was glad his time came before the current belief that you are (thanks, Lady Gaga) “born this way.” Period. End of discussion.
I’m so glad to be here with you all, where we can seek, find, learn, share, tell and believe the truth, Miss Sylvia… Your razor sharp silver shovel is a treasure and comfort to all of us…it symbolizes your super sharp, refined silver mind.
Thanks GA/FL.
Seems there’s more than a little light shining on the Bruha between Ollie North and LePierre
Comments to tweets are interesting
As much good as Wayne LaPierre has done with the NRA, and it is very, very substantial, if that spending report is correct, it’s well past time to clean out some old, dead, corrupt wood from the NRA. Certainly, with a little searching, they can find an honest person to replace him.
Sounds like la pierre needs to retire or be removed. Doesnt need to be replaced w ollie north, but someone who hasnt forgotten that this isnt a personal piggy bank.
They do get used to The Good Life quickly, don’t they? Unfortunately, they often sell their souls to obtain it.
PDJT’s one liner comparing Butt Plug to Alfred E. Neuman may have been the kill shot. It perfectly pigeon holes him as a callow youth who should never have his hands on the levers of world power, I think anyway.
Pete’s snarky reply that he had to google it, it must be a generational thing, seemed like a weak response to me. But this I thought was brilliant:
…. 🧐 …. 😐 …. 😌 … 🙂 … 😊 …. 🤣🤚 ….. bwahahahahahah bwahahahahahah bwahahahahahah
… 😈👍 ….
🧐 …. 🙂
Thank you very much for the link — good reading, esp. on Gramsci.
See what you think about this…
Rudy made a bit of ‘Breaking News’ last night, with this appearance on Shannon Bream’s show.
I had this on in the background while doing other things.
After watching it again…I dunno, Rudy’s making me cringe a bit here.
Now, Shannon Bream tries to act like she plays it straight down the middle.
I don’t watch her that much.
But I find myself giving her the side eye sometimes, when I do watch her.
And her production people are definitely Leftists.
Look at the way they word things on the chyron at the bottom.
This clip was posted by Fox News, itself.
And the full title on this video is…
“Giuliani: I didn’t go to Ukraine to start an investigation, there already was one.”
I liked Shannon when her show 1st began. She would push back on the idiocy. Then she stopped. So I stopped watching her.
Have never really been a Shannon Bream fan. I don’t know about her show never having watched it, but filling in for Bret Baier on more than one occasion it was obvious she didn’t do her homework, she was so wrong about a few things.
But I really like her hair!! ( I know–shallow) But its so cute!!😜😜
Sheesh! Same guy who they caught in NM has terrorist camp in AL too!!
Thanks for posting. Beautiful dress, wonderful ceremony.
beautiful… Thanks butterfly…
“Rep. Maxine Waters (D., Calif.) paid $50,000 from her campaign’s coffers to her daughter in recent months to chip away at six figures of accrued debt for an operation that pulls in large sums of money for the congresswoman’s campaign committee, Federal Election Commission filings show….”
ØBOMINABLE had better put that K4Lorama house on the market.
wheatie, looks like I used my name again,
comment is in moderation ……….
Yep, it is.
I don’t have the same level of super-editing powers that Wolfie has…so I can’t change the name.
So that one will just stay in the bin.
This is AWESOME … 🤨👍‼️ … good, lock her up!
A hold over from the hussein years. Posted to Ukraine 2016.
HUD proposed a new rule Friday that would bring HUD’s policies into alignment with THE LAW. In short, people who want to live in public housing have to prove they are here legally. As Ben Carson explains it we have a shortage of affordable housing and we need to be sure that the people who are getting housing are our own needy citizens.
Sheesh, ya think????? Well, good for Dr. Carson! One wonders why on earth this hasn’t always been the case….
I did not know about the Linda Sarsour connection.
Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that Rep. Omar was buddies with them, too. Said only partly in jest.
Just think, this is the same guy from New Mexico. And that was all set to just go away wasn’t it? At the eleventh hour there was some kind of miraculous intervention by the DOJ and they didn’t get off scot free like the state was working towards.
Whew. Close call.
Reason #999 to home school your children.
“Most people understand that kids just want to be kids. While adults run around squabbling over politics and careers, the childhood years are a time to develop and grow free of the complexities of adulthood.
But at an elementary school in Oregon, a teacher is being accused of trying to push her sexual views and politics onto a student, all hidden from parents. To make matters worse, the student was only eight years old at the time.
“Parents in Woodburn said their 8-year-old son was held back from recess multiple times for one-on-one conversations about his gender identity,” reported KPTV News in Oregon.
What began as conversations quickly changed into full-on lessons about trangenderism, according to the lawsuit. The Nellie Muir Elementary School teacher allegedly held the boy back from second-grade recess multiple times to have inappropriate conversations about his sexual identity in April 2018.
“The parents said the teacher asked their son if he thought he was a girl multiple times,” KPTV explained. “They say the teacher held the boy back from recess several times to watch videos and read books about being transgender.”
Remember, this wasn’t part of any school curriculum. The parents say the teacher singled out the boy for “lessons” after he had a bathroom issue, and pushed transgender material such as non-explicit videos onto him after assuming he questioned his gender.
As you might imagine, elementary school can be a confusing enough place for young kids to navigate. So when the boy — whose name is being protected — was singled out by a teacher and essentially told that he should question who he was, he was impacted…”
Full story here:
I think loving parents always engage with their kids re schooling to check the direction that their education is heading in. My folks, especially my Dad, certainly did that. I followed his example.
So homeschooling can always be an option for loving parents, if the local school starts to push an agenda. It is the kids of non loving parents who suffer, again ….
We did end up homeschooling our daughter so she could manage her time to focus more on ballet. We are still paying for that – she is now going into second year at English National Ballet School, with no end in sight to our financial deprivation. Could not be prouder of her 🙂
” It is the kids of non loving parents who suffer, again ….”
Sad, and true.
But wonderful about your daughter!
POTUS didn’t like McGahn.
God Bless, Keep, and Comfort Judge Janine. At the end of her show she was talking about celebrating Mother’s Day and broke down crying at the thought of not celebrating with her own Mom. It was just heart breaking.
I saw that, and my heart hurts for her. I still miss my parents, painfully, and it has been years now. But she just lost her mom so the grief is still so fresh. So sad. Made me wish I could hug her.
Yes, that broke my heart for her😭
Wheatie, Your trees and treehouse interiors get more wonderful every Saturday. This week’s tree is fascinating. It is huge – looks like it could be the mother of all trees. I love the cozy interiors, they look like refuges from the world and its troubles. Where you can curl up and cry, read, think, grieve, remember…all needed healing can take place. Thanks so much for hunting and posting all these great trees.
Oh, beautifully said! That’s just how I feel!
Me too 🙂❤️‼️
Aww…thanks, GA/FL
You’re very welcome…and I am so glad you like them!
Interesting and puzzling…
The Epoch Times, The Untold Story of Rod Rosenstein
Video. ~30 minutes. Covers numerous aspects of RR over the past dozen or so years. Much we have recently heard, but not all.
– The last three or four minutes talks about his wife, Lisa Barsoomian…. 25.30 mark…
– Something to the effect Lisa Barsoomian and her boss, R Craig Lawrence were Acting as Assistant US Attorney’s for the DoJ…when they defended Mueller, Comey, hussein, Sebellius, slick willy and hildabest between 1991 and 2017. – Yep worked for DoJ, per this report.
– So DoJ contracts out Acting as Assistant US Attorney, when they need to?
– Puzzling after what I had understood from OT, maybe Q, and various other sources.
Rarely play videos this long. Had it play in the background. For me, was worth listening to. In particular the last few minutes…RR wife, Lisa Barsoomian…. 25.30 mark…
C J Pearson is getting older…and getting even more eloquent that he already was.
Ack…*than he already was.
Sunday Open is up. 🙂
testing something: