Mother Of All Bomb's Day Presents


We will add them as fast as possible!

New: Title TBD
Q!!mG7VJxZNCI12 May 2019 – 8:10:40 PM
Treason doesn’t pay well in the end.

Q Post 3332

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Q!!mG7VJxZNCI12 May 2019 – 8:13:07 PM📁
Eyes on.

Q Post 3333

New: Title TBD
Q!!mG7VJxZNCI12 May 2019 – 8:26:01 PM
Attempts by Dems, FAKE NEWS, and those ‘guilty of TREASON’ to shape the public narrative [prior to] by providing FALSEHOODS will FAIL.

Q Post 3334

New: Title TBD
Q!!mG7VJxZNCI12 May 2019 – 8:27:00 PM
Anonymous12 May 2019 – 8:26:09 PM

Boom time baker


Q Post 3335

Looks like a BIG WEEK COMING.



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FG&C!!! Cracking me up!!! ANNNNNNNNNND Friday is the 17th!!! a Q Day!!! Gonna be lit up like da 4th of July!!!!💥💥💥💥

Sylvia Avery

That meme of Comey is just about perfect, isn’t it? Unless of course someone has one of him laying there flat as a pancake after he’s been runover… J/K. I want the pleasure of watching him go slowly through the process of being arrested, going to court (or a tribunal), shuffling around in an orange jumpsuit.
Perhaps it speaks ill of my character, but I want to see him go down. I want to watch his defeat and his humiliation. I’d watch him 24/7 in his cell if they put up a Comey Cam. I don’t want to miss a minute of it.
Anyway. We’ve heard from Joe Digenova that justice was coming for Comey, and soon.
Q seems to be saying it’s time.
Suddenly my palms are sweaty. I don’t have near enough popcorn on hand.


Here you go… M&M’s and a glass of wine…

Sylvia Avery

Who needs popcorn! M&Ms are magic!!!!


They go together perfectly. M&M’s and popcorn, the perfect movie snack in my book

Sylvia Avery

LOL, that pretty well sums it up!!

Sylvia Avery

I can’t see why he would. You’d think he’d throw her under the bus so fast her shoes would fly off. I’d want to make a deal!
Good grief, I need to get a grip. I’m quite excited.


He may not be able to GET a deal. None on offer. Plus his harmless photos,as above, were using steganography to embed messages in them. This is sophisticated spyware that needs the key to Uncode. But q says they have it all. He hasn’t been on holiday,he’s been digging a deeper hole for himself and cancles. I vote they get to cell share. It’d be a cage fight

Sylvia Avery

You may very well be correct! No deal for you, Jimbo!

Sue Mcdonald

There will be no deals per Q many posts ago. And nor should there be. In order for us to be free of the treachery there must be justice. I was 5 when JFK was murdered in Dallas and I remember my mother crying as the tv showed the funeral, that was the day our national life changed forever and the music died .We must have justice for that day and 911 and many other no deals for any of them.


My parents certainly didn’t cry – die-hard R no matter what – but I remember watching the funeral on TV and seeing little John-John salute. Very sad day – I was 10 years old. I also remember being very impressed by the caisson and the horses. In 1977, when I was stationed at Ft. Meyer, I had the pleasure of seeing the horses first hand.


Sue…”that was the day our national life changed forever…”. I’ve thought this many, many times. We were so (seemingly) innocent as a culture and it was a punch in the gut from which we really never recovered.
BTW, I was in the Peace Corps at the time…Sargent Shriver actually pinned me at our graduation from training, so you can imagine how emotional we were.

Sue Mcdonald

I agree with you. I was stunned at evil had creeped into our nation and we were all none the wiser,then the Lord sent POTUS to pull the veil back ,I have prayed for national repentance and cleansing since then. Very nice on receiving your pin!

Plain Jane

But he’s not a rational being.

Deplorable Patriot

And if the real traitor turns out to be James Baker?

Sue Mcdonald

Than death is the only answer. It can be the only answer for the poison we have all endured these many years.

Deplorable Patriot

I honestly think that was REALLY happened and is happening we haven’t seen yet. Too many things don’t add up.
I saw a video of Baker talking about all this, and he is showing all the classic signs of lying. The problem with that is that he is a trained lawyer. They know what to look for and how to hide it.
Seriously, what we’ve seen so far is a show. What we don’t know is who is playing what parts.

Deplorable Patriot

I agree. When Daughn said that her husband watched JoeD over and over and his comment was that this is what JoeD is allowed to say…JoeD was sent out to say what he did. IIRC, he didn’t finger anyone specifically. Conclusions were made that may or may not be right.
That being said, I wonder if the reports are going to indicate Baker lied under oath and there’s proof of it. Or, did someone or someones throw him under the bus. Or did he throw someone under the bus.
So many possibilities.

Sue Mcdonald

Agreed. I keep thinking how were watching the biggest movie in history being played out in real time. Death is required for the crimes commited.if I don’t personally view it fine as long as there is proof that punishment was carried out.i do think the public needs to see though as a deterrent to anyone thinking they could try this again.


It all depends on whether Comey is more afraid of mobster Hillrotten or the US DOJ.


I’m more interested in bringing down Ø and H> than Comey and Mueller as bad as they are.


Agree on that one for sure. They were just the dirty tools used by the MIC and the Clinton Mafia.

Gail Combs

I want to want MULTIPLE FBI SWAT TEAMS RAID Comey’s home at 4:00 AM with FULL COVERAGE by OANN and Fox News.
I also want those FBI teams to be composed of ONLY those people who were peed all over by Comey & McCabe…

Sylvia Avery

Oh Gail, I am right there with you!
Helicopters! Canine Units! Robots! Automatic Weapons! FLIR! Leg Irons! Waist Shackle! I want to see Comey with severe bed head, blood shot eyes, baggy in the behind jammies. I want to hear that he was crying and trying to hide in his panic room and they had to blow the door off to get him out. I want him to resist so they have to taze him. And he wets his pants.
And I don’t want any stupid Shemp Smith covering the news, or Leland Vittert, or Juan Williams pontificating.
I want it all. I want it now.

Gail Combs

And I thought I was a vindictive beotch!
OK, Slyvia you wack him with your shovel and I’ll stab him in the Tush with my pitch fork. Nebraska can use her knee on his privates. THEN we will let the FBI have him. 😋

Sylvia Avery

That would work, too, and save the cost of the big spectacle of the SWAT action. And how FUN would that be?

Gail Combs

LOTS!!! 😉 😂


Can I video you 3 ladies with my iPhone for playback on WQTH?? 📱 🎥 😍 🦋🦋🤸‍♀️🦋🦋😍

Sylvia Avery

Maybe live stream????


I’ll invite RSBN!!

Sylvia Avery

Ha, ha!!!!!


On 2nd thought, no live stream for you ladies. We need to be able to blur your faces, plausible deniability. 😉 Video only. Maybe we can give you AOC, Omar, and Tlaib faces, just like the memes do? 🤪

Sylvia Avery

Oh, what a great meme that would make!


I’m not sure that’s what Q meant when he said you are the news now!

Cuppa Covfefe

And at the same time, SteveInCO, PHC, bakocarl and I can read bad (and worse, and worst) puns and out-of-meter (and false rhyme) poetry at him, mocking and PUNishing his evil egregious effusions…

Gail Combs

You can even sing it off key in falsetto voice while AG Barr plays the bagpipes!


“A knave; a rascal; an eater of broken meats; a
base, proud, shallow, beggarly, three-suited,
hundred-pound, filthy, worsted-stocking knave; a
lily-livered, action-taking knave, a whoreson,
glass-gazing, super-serviceable finical rogue;
one-trunk-inheriting slave; one that wouldst be a
bawd, in way of good service, and art nothing but
the composition of a knave, beggar, coward, pandar,
and the son and heir of a mongrel bitch: one whom I
will beat into clamorous whining, if thou deniest
the least syllable of thy addition.”
― William Shakespeare, King Lear

Cuppa Covfefe

As in Princess of Sparkley-Socks 🙂
Funny how some of those expressions live on today, despite being hundreds of years old…
Then again, Scalawags have been with us forever…

Plain Jane

Don’t forget my cane. It is almost invisable…clear acrylic. It can magically trip undesirables and bring them to their knees.


I’ll bring my hay hook to back up my knee!


The new Ginsburg blade weapon. Slice and dice him before he hits the ground

Cuppa Covfefe

As sold on TV. Not sold in stores 🙂
And you can buy more, for no money down…


I meant ginsu. After the knives. Stupid autocorrect

Sue Mcdonald

Oh Sylvia and Gail I will be standing with you watching from across the street in my bathrobe ,coffee and maple bar in hand! My hair will be done though😊

Sylvia Avery

🙂 🙂 🙂

Plain Jane

A maple bar huh! That sounds very, very yummy right now.

Sue Mcdonald

I adore maple bars lol since throat surgery it’s one of the few foods I can taste and thoroughly enjoy😊

Plain Jane

I never tasted them. Do you have a recipe Sue?


And I want him to be perp walked like this, outraging CNN et al. and guaranteeing national coverage….comment image

Sylvia Avery

Seems perfectly appropriate to me!


The only good thing is see in the meme about Comey (other he’s about to be turned into droplets of goo), is that he’s wearing American made New Balance sneakers.


Comey also needs shackles…hands and legs. Bullet proof vest.


No Vest, No Coat for him!!


Shoes without laces so he can’t hurt himself when alone in his cell…:-)


Hard to hang yourself when you’re that tall


ozzy!! I spit!!! LOL!! especially in a 6 x 6 cell!!! LOL!!! Hidey hole Comey!!!🐁🐁🐁 THe RAT!


Wolfie–I gotta quit taking a sip of my adult beverage before I scoll…Marica gonna need a new keyboard…🤣🤣🤣


Bout the only time kneecapping could come in handy


Comey Cam. 😂


But seriously, I don’t get my hopes up anymore. It drains the soul to try to remain confident and maintain this level of anticipation. Until something happens to someone prominent on the other side, the death by 1000 cuts will continue.


I posted this on Daily… worth a repost as some may not realize Comey is guilty of Treason


“The Horowitz report is coming out in May or early June. There’s another report that everyone has forgotten about involving James Comey alone. That will be out in two weeks. That report is going to be a bombshell. It is going to open up the investigation on a very high note and there are going to be criminal referrals in it.”
– Joe DiGenova

Sylvia Avery

“It is going to open up the investigation on a very high note”
I’ve wondered about the use of high note. High as in way up the food chain? Don’t know.

Gail Combs

Remember Comey is WHY the Special Counsel on President Trump & Muh Russia was opened (according to the Fake News) so he should be the FIRST to take the pert walk.


And remember, the accused and his lawyers get 2 weeks to review the indictment prior to action. That’s what all this talk show shit is about


Perhaps the two weeks is up this Monday. Joe D, Rudy and others have been saying it’s coming soon. Baker and Comey out trying to plead their cases to the irrelevant Mind Control Media last week.
Arrests imminent…like Tomorrow morning, I hope.
Way too funny, and about durn time.
Arrests will also preempt the the Nad-less show. Schitt for brains pontificating. Mad Max whining… And if anyone watches the View, four or five wenches absolutely melting down!!!
CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC and all their talking heads wailing…they can call in Clappeer and Brennan to get their phony perspective.

Gail Combs

Pert Walk FIRST!! We want a PERT WALK just like they did to Roger Stone! Then toss him into solitary like they did to Manafort.


“Perp” walk….. as in: perpetrator”?
Or “pert”… as in perty Damn Stupid Traitor?

Deplorable Patriot

JoeD didn’t say who the criminal referrals were for. I’m holding fire on this, because I have an idea there’s more here than just Jim Comey playing dumb for the cameras. No lawyer with his resume before July 2013 is that stupid.

Elizabeth Carter

Q Drops are a nice way to end Mother’s Day. I figured Q would wait until after the celebrations. Q is considerate that way.
I will happily stay up all night to see what is going on now.


Isn’t it tho, Elizabeth!! So appropriate! Mothers Day is Da Bomb!!! ❤💥

Gail Combs

I think NADLER’S PLANS are going to be to get the best team of lawyers together FAST before everyone else grabs them.

Cuppa Covfefe

I was at ALDI yesterday, shopping, and I saw a package of NADLER potato salad. I almost bought it, just so I could throw it away… waste of good money, though. Nadler is overpriced and under-qualitied (to coin a phrase)…


Also, judging from the guy, it would probably make you instantly morbidly obese.


He’s already postponed the contempt charge and walked back Mueller testifying. 😆😆


Burr’s subpoena of Don Jr. will fade without fanfare.

Sylvia Avery

Thanks Wolf!!!!! XOXOXO
BTW, I just noticed in #3334 it says “Truth to Light.”
Doesn’t he usually say Dark to Light? Is this new? I don’t recall seeing Truth to Light before.

Sylvia Avery

When you’re ready to share, I’m all ears and eyeballs!


👂👂 👀 👀


How about….they know who are on the dark list, the dark has come into the light, are now known. They have been given chances. Now… NOW… truth is to light, being brought into the open. Clock is moving, movie is winding down, football analogies abound.

Gail Combs

“Truth to Light.” ?=? A light will be shining on the truth…. FINALLY!


Bringing Truth into the Light. Meaning the People are to learn what really happened.

Gail Combs

Your English is much better than mine ladypenquin. (The reason for having secretaries who can translate tech nerd into actual English.)


Whoa is right!!!

Sylvia Avery

Wow! Possibly just a taste of things to come.


New Potus retweet…

Like Wolfie says–BUCKLE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Excellent Point. His Dear Diary tweet entries…Seem EXACTLY that! He was saying “his Long Goodbye”…. Well–Bye, Felicia!

Cuppa Covfefe

Yep. Instead of “Bedtime for Bonzo”, we’re going to be watching “Curtains for Comey”…


I absolutely have thought that. He also has a family and is probably looking for a place they can hide. And, hes been messaging for clintoons and others .


Corey’s secret coded message here: our necks are gonna stretch.


Oops. Comey’s


T-9 Comey
Lie,cheat, conspire,the globalist way,
But evidence is amounting,
Enjoy your freedom while you may,
It’s minus nine and counting.

Sylvia Avery

Gee Marica, do you suppose PDJTs tweetstorm and the Q Drops are coordinated? 🙂 🙂 🙂 Oh this is the best!!!


And especially his retweet of Lisa Mei!!! So I had a little “Q-feeling…”😃😃😍

Sylvia Avery

I did, too. Just a little itch.


We were due a Q drop!!! Oh Sylvia—It’s happening!!! ANd I have another little feeling–the beginning needed to start on Mother’s Day–TO honor Q’s mother, and/or Q+ mother…and maybe even…Mary, the mother of Jesus….😍


I was going down for the count. Up and at ‘ em now!!!!!


RIght!!! EYES Wide OPEN!!! Happy Mothers Day Grandma!!!


Ohh Grandma….
never give up, never !!
Have some M&Ms … popcorn, glass of wine, or gatorade…
You remember that big 4th of July POTUS promised, with a parade ?
POTUS keeps his promises… what’s the point of a parade if there’s nothing to celebrate (in addition to the 4th)


Oh I won’t! I had my gin and tonic early today and was falling asleep! 😄


Only restin’ up a little on the mat until the count of 9 . . . sort of a Texas rope-a-dope.




Roseanne posted this video 2 hours ago. “I Am Q”


Katie!! Thanks for posting this!!!! EVERYBODY WATCH THIS!
This is why she was kicked off the show!
This is why they kicked James Woods off of Twitter!!!
GREAT AWAKENING BABY!!!! WWG1WGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


YES! But the funniest thing —The Biggest Rock Star on the Planet–PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP–CAN’T BE “GONED” Soooooo….ROFLMAO🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Oh WOW!! Great Pics!!!!😍😍😂😂😂😍

Cuppa Covfefe

Somehow the tune “Juke Box Hero” is going through my head…
(wish I’d bought the CD instead of the cassette… ) (beats 8-track, though)…




Yes Phoenix!!!!mmLOL!!!🤭🤭🤭


If some things just could be true. Remember that New York Post article that talked about the ashes being in Tiffany Blue boxes? Remember the box with the frame?

Cuppa Covfefe

So did the Aussies win again? 🙂
(In the land of Krikkit )…


That’s the one.

Deplorable Patriot

And with all those people dead….
All we have is a report that it happened.


But if you try sometime you find
You get what you need.
Seemingly that subtle message, we get what we need, has been with us, I guess about four years. Literally took me awhile, a year or more, to really grasp President Trump’s message with that song.
But as we commonly say, once we see it, we can’t un-see it. Or in this case, once I (we?) got that message, we’ll never let it go.


I’ve never quite understood why POTUS had that choice of song, but if one reverses who it’s intended for maybe it makes more sense.
The Cabal wanted to stop, overthrow, destroy his legitimate presidency – the song says “you can’t get what you want” – but then you get what “you need.” Is that a message to the bad guys?



Rodney Short

She stole JFK JRs senate seat. My fiancee believes JR is alive.

Rodney Short

I agree 100% it was a hit job and I believe President Trump wants justice for his best friend.
Have a great night Wolf,this place is the best.


Brave, courageous truth-seeker…


We are Q.

Sylvia Avery

I posted this on the Daily Thread just before coming to this thread, and I’m reposting this snippet because it is germane to our discussion here.
Rep. Ratcliffe was interviewed by Maria Bartiromo this morning, and he said this about Comey:
“..the inspector general found him insubordinate, and many of us believe that he either is or should be under investigation for violating the espionage act; for recording his conversations with President Trump in the oval office, and then intentionally leaking classified information to start this investigation…”
There’s a thread up OT about this interview.


Many of us believe he “is, or should be” under investigation.

Sylvia Avery

Comey’s got a whole lot of PROJECTION going on…

Gail Combs

It just occurred to me that POTUS has done nothing about Twatter or Farcebook for a reason…
Rmember the meeting with OH!Bummer and Hillary and their HELP trying to get Hillary elected? (And that’s not counting the meetings with China.)
Want to bet Twatter and Farcebook are neck deep in the TREASON and sinking fast…?


Agree Gail…


Suckerberg is gonna need all that protection. In fact I’ll bet his parents had used”protection “

Cuppa Covfefe

Nah, like a stale loaf(er)… No preservatives…


“It just occurred to me that POTUS has done nothing about Twatter or Farcebook for a reason…”
Actually, POTUS had Jack Dorsey to the WH just a week or two ago for a face-to-face.comment image

Gail Combs

Sounds about right Wolfie, That is why the meeting was closed doors and nothing has leaked from either side.

Cuppa Covfefe

I rather suspect this tool may have been used. It also can (will) remove Burrs…comment image

Sylvia Avery

Wow, Gail, that would be awesome!


I’m thinking Wray maybe on borrowed time.



I figure it will depend how the next few weeks play out and how Wray responds to any charges against FBI folks. If he does not go all in with supporting prosecution and purging then PT will have to toss him.


They frikkin classified the State Dept doc saying Steele was a political hack and liar THIS APRIL, 2019!!! Wray did this!!! HE NEEDS TO GO!!! That bias training obviously didn’t work. Plus he doesn’t personally know the definition of spying!! 🕵️‍♂️ 🕵️‍♂️


AND they hid the document from Nunes for 2 years!! That little weasel better be resigning here pretty soon. He better not make someone have to fire him!!


Chill folks. When President Trumps yelling at someone it’s often disinformation. Think Jeff and rr.
Laser therapy


You mean this? Maybe, but I still think he’s a Weasel. 😉

Cuppa Covfefe

I think when all is said and done, VSGPDJT will be getting the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval among all the other honors… because cleaning up the swamp is a HUGE, indeed YUGE effort!!!comment image


Hope so. Wray is charitably a worm leaching off swamp creatures. Gotta go. IMHO.


Deplorable Patriot

Notice whose names are NOT on that list.


Dang it. Still out mothers daying on the left coast….I ‘ll catch up in a bit!


Hey Gil! Happy Mother’s Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are gonna LOVE catching up!!!

Sylvia Avery

It will add a little extra to your day, Gil! No worries, this will be here. Meanwhile, enjoy the heck out of your family!!! Each moment with them is precious.


IIRC, Some Dude yammers about D-Rats do everything pre-planned, synchronized to the Nth degree. Maybe so. Probably so. Dunno. Except they are corrupt as hell and pure commie bastards, each and everyone of them.
It also occurs to, with great satisfaction we have been watching a choreographed effort by White Hats…ICW Q… Interviews indicating what is coming, Tweets highlighting everything, Q drops…ALL seemingly coincide with AG Barr’s statements, IG reports coming, declas…hopefully latter also coincides to boost BREXIT.
G R E A T events we are witnessing:-)
Also thankful for a COSTCO run today…lots of popcorn, coffee and tea for ALL!!!

Cuppa Covfefe

Wow. Could you send me a huge pack of Mesquite Chicken (frozen), japapeno swiss, Peppered Beef Jerkey, and a ton of frozen beef/bean burritos? 🙂
Oh, and a couple of sets of tires, and a starter (car) battery? And maybe a set or two of hearing aids? 🙂
Gosh, I miss Costco…


Well, literally picked up the hearing aids with extra batteries Wednesday. 🙂

Cuppa Covfefe

Wow. With what HA’s cost over here, we could probably take a trip to Kalifornistan (yep, I’ve got fambly there) and get a few (or even three) pair, and the savings would pay for the trip. My son’s HA’s cost €2000 per ear over and above what the health insurance pays… talk about a racket…
(Have to say, I’m talking about Widex Evoke 400s here, with the SHP receivers)…
Wish we had an outfit here like Costco to add some competition to the mix! Hope your HA’s are doing (and will do) well!


LOL…Wife, son and Grandsons are quite pleased to not hear me constantly say, what did you say, speak up please…

Cuppa Covfefe

My sister lived with our grandparents for a while when she was in University. She noticed that they never got into huge fights or disagreements.
So, she asked about it one time, “Grammy, you and Pawpaw have been married over 50 years, but you never seem to fight. What’s your secret, to avoid conflicts?”
Grammy replied, “HUH???

Deplorable Patriot

Can you put a pug in my parents’ ears please. It’s driving us insane.


I realized today that Some Dude is STUCK on the old model. WE HAVE TRUMP. He is not of the Swamp, he don’t play Swamp games. He chews em up and spits em out before his 1st Diet Coke of the day. WE HAVE TRUMP AND IT’S GLORIOUS!!! Things are about to change!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🤗🤗🦋🦋🦋🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🦋🦋🦋🇺🇸🇺🇸


Yes Mam! Butterfly!!! WE HAVE TRUMP!! …SO WE WIN!!!!! Are we having fun yet?🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️


This week is gonna be YUGE!!! POTUS telling us ALL DAY LONG, then Q DROPS!!! Oh my Goodness, I’m too excited to sleep!! 🦋🦋🦋🤸‍♀️🤸‍♀️🦋🦋🦋🥳🤩🥳

Sylvia Avery

I know. My heart is racing.


Am trying to post a twitter pic, but haven’t figured it out yet. Tonight, Mayor Briley of Nashville met with Mo’chelle. I am just trying to document this visit, as every time a ff has happened, someone from the previous administration has been skulking around. If this doesn’t link correctly, can someone please post the twit pic? When I try to link, it times out.

Cuppa Covfefe

Liked the barf, not the pic. Thanks! Was at the Ryman Auditorium, also known as the Mother Church.

Cuppa Covfefe

Juan Mo Time…comment image

Plain Jane

Looks like he needs a booster seat. Or is Mo just a 6’5” hunk of solid beta male.


Michael looks hideous as always. Dead ringer for tranny of the year, me thinks:-)


Ohhhh, careful! Joan Rivers comes to mind…… bet that dress ends up on the cover of Vogue (blech!)


Gazza the girly beta boy. The Wookiee is a hemale. Makes Bruce Jenner look feminine.
He’ll makes Arnold swartzenegger look womanly


if you delete the word “mobile.” from the url it should post
it is a true labor of love that I post this tweet, as I despise this person 😉


Thank you so much PR! I owe you Godiva and Trump wine 🙂


Nah… you don’t owe me a thing sweet lady… (Although Godiva and Trump wine is divine!)


And Twit won’t let me open his page. I can open other pages, but that one times out.


Use this, just be sure to remove the * before you paste




I will say it again- watch out for Big Mike throwing it’s hat in the ring!


And I have no doubt she would win, sadly. First black “woman” President? Oh, yeah…..


She’d have more of a shot than the others.
Possibly this could be Black Hats’ counter move to BLEXIT/Walkaway.
But I don’t think even it would work. Too many people remember her partner and his abysmal economy.


His Soebysmal economy!


Now, or is DNC planning to save that for 2024? The book tour, etc., sure looks like 2020.


Anybody verify this????


It’s a part of a THREAD… click on tweet for rest
He’s definitely from POTUS


Thank you dear Phoenix!!! Happy Mothers DAY!! BOOM BOOM BOOM!!! THe best ending to a wonderful day!!!!


YW,,, hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day…


I did sweetie!! and I trust you did as well!!! HUGS!!!😘😍🤗

Cuppa Covfefe



Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho! Excellent Cuppa!!! Love it!! I am jamming!!!

Plain Jane

Love him.

Brave and Free

Haha love that movie! I watch it when ever I see it on. Funny thing is I don’t think I’ve ever seen it from start to finish LOL 🤷🏼‍♂️


Deplorable Patriot

So, does this mean that the coup plotters are still in the FBI?


Daily lurker here, thought I’d add some night time music to go along with todays Q drops.


Thanks ever!!! Fun music! Love that “lurker” posted!!! Join in !! We don’t bite!! We just have FUN!!!


Welcome, Evereleutheros!
It’s good to see you here!


POTUS has been teaching us, informing us… from the get-go
through his Rallies, tweets, pressers, etc.
Trade Talks? He explains (over and over again) why we tariffs…
He plants a seed… and nurtures and waters it…

Sylvia Avery

Pretty wonderful, isn’t it? I never thought I’d learn so much about trade and tariffs, or that I’d care.



Enquiring minds want to know: Is it legal for Mr. Law and Order By-the-Book FBI guy, “St. Jim,” to stand in the middle of a road?


The scene from “Cast Away” of Tom Hanks standing at a crossroad. Meant to imply a ‘crossroad in life’.comment image
In the Comey photo you’ll notice tire tracks going across the pavement. Looks like he may be standing at a crossroad.


Really! I was thinking that the other day. We actually had an FBI Director who was nothing more than a drama queen – fits more in Hollywood than in the highest levels of law enforcement. He ought to be embarrassed!

Sylvia Avery

Gail Combs


Deplorable Patriot

Okay, now I’m interested. This adds new dimensions to who is getting ahead of the narratives.

Sylvia Avery

How DELICIOUS, bflyjesusgrl! Maybe Comey and his reporter friends can go to The Big House together!


👏👏👏. Chain ⛓⛓ em Up. They can all hammer ⛏ rocks 🧱 together! 🤩🤩

Sylvia Avery

Perfect!!! <3


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What a great way to end Mother’s day! Qtree and Q drops all in one. Now over to Flep’s news roundup, I got way laid here when I was going to the news. Enjoy the show!

Sylvia Avery

Takes a lot of hutzpa for a former FBI Director to call a current Attorney General, a “liar who has been corrupted by POTUS.” Somehow I think it’s going to give Barr a little bit of extra satisfaction when Comey is indicted…
Comey sounds desperate.


“Barr was the person who would know the lay of the land BEFORE Beelzebubba laid the groundwork for the Obama DOJ.
BARR was kicked out so that BAD STUFF using COMMIE ASSETS could take over DOJ.”
This is really good to know, and wouldn’t it be nice that’s Barr’s return manages to destroy and punish the Commies who thought they had succeeded. Barr could turn out to be another one of those:

Sylvia Avery

Great post, Wolf. Thanks for looking into the details. Holy cow, I think you’ve got it!

Sylvia Avery

I really think you are right. I saw enough snippets of what was going on when Clinton was President to make me wonder what the heck was going on, and to feel slightly ill and alarmed. But that was before the internet, and I didn’t know what to do, you know?
I had read about Holder’s commie self and that he right away appointed a bunch of commies and fellow travelers into the DOJ, but I wondered how on earth he managed to accomplish a take over so quickly?
Well, you answered just that question. He was in place at DOJ and knew what was what and what the key positions were that he needed to take control of, and by then undoubtedly already had loads of “his kind” in place and ready to march as soon as he was appointed AG.
He scares me, Wolf. I think that man is dangerous. Much more so than Comey, or Clapper, or perhaps even Brennan. All they can do is flap their yaps on TV. Holder is still out there doing his commie lawfare stuff running mostly under the radar.

Gail Combs

Holder is MUCH more dangerous than OH! Bummer or Lynch or possibly even Hitlery because he is in my opinion a COLD BLOOD Psychopath with BRAINS. Hitlery doesn’t have the cold bloodedness to control her temper like Holder does.
I am hoping there is a BIG TREASONOUS skeleton in his closet that OH! Bummer DID NOT PARDON and that the White Hats know about.

Sylvia Avery

Me, too. I won’t rest easy until he is six feet under or at least in Gitmo forevermore.

Deplorable Patriot

Why does this always happen when my sister insists we eat at the dining room table.